| 4 i bY i j 5] j oes RENB REDE IC UEY INE RECA LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York SOLD FOR $58,310 he b~| JS 1 | iinbens? s “The Beeches” ering $10,000, the Top Price rot | “viamond Jim's” Collection. A BLOMMERS re $2,150 $1,700 Paid by Ex- Anibalaador Pen-! fleld for “Scene In Venice,” ‘The Five Senses’’ Mysterious. Pictures belonging to the estate of the late James Buchanan Brady (Diamond Jim) were sold under the auspices of ‘thé American Art Association at the Plaza last evening, Thomas &. Kirby at the auctioneer’s desk, the lot of sev- enty-three bringing $58,310. An inness brought the top price, ‘‘ The Beeches *’ going to the Holland Galleries for $10,- 600. The painting was signed and dated 1994. It was purchased at the Innéss sale in 1895, and was sold to Mr. Brady by the Holland Galleri he first bid was $5,000, and it quickly went up to the selling price. One of the bidders on the Blommers, “‘ Dutch Interior with Figures,’ which went to F. C. Ball for $2,150, -was a Juondon dealer, who wa». neéxt to the highest bidder. The purchases ot the Ziem, ‘‘Scewe in Venice,”’ which went fer $1,700, was the former Ambassaaor to Austria, Hrederic ©. Benfield. There were many littiie trick orna- ments in Mr. Brady’ s household ef when they were sold at the American Art Galleries, and while the pictures as a whole made a pleasing and normal egllection, there was one also which had mysterious qualities. It was ‘* The Five Senses,’’ by James Francis and went to F. \. Storrs ior 4 was formed of five siUare par wings like a triptych, a beautifui young woman in each panel. i'yder each pict- ure was a, button. Thesy pressed, one sent forth a spray of perfu.ne, one an alr from a. music box, anov.ner dis- closed a mirror, one a drawer of bon- bons, and the fifth a delicate lady's finger. ‘ The Pictures and Prices. Following is a list of the chief pictures gold, names oF artists, buyers, and prices: 8—Venetian Scene, (water color)— fam Gedney Bunce; John EH. Db. 160 6—Holiand Landscape, (water color)— ohannes Hendrik” Weissenbruc illiams. . : 290 6—Sewing. (v Hendrik K ; 110 7—By the Fireside, (water color)—ber- nardus Jehannes Blommers; John TOV. “Sues he eee See SORE 235 i tdeal Head, (pastel)—Carie J. Bl MOT AW BUD cas is chee ce ted aus 125 12—-A’ Drizzly Day, in the City, (water eolor)—Henry W. Ranger; A. Rei- os 100 : 800 hac tacaH PARRY Raha, Metrhitears 3 Kai nae : i6-Feniale Head, (panel,) . 4 . SLOrrs..... G vere) 1e-The Smoker, Eugene Del “Williams 100 W—Arab) Army . C1 (panel,) Decamips; & # (18-4 Tharkish Market, Alberto Pasini: « M. Knoedier & (CS aa een re a 19-Hvening, (panel,) Diaz; H. Will 0—Marine, Jules Dupre: Bernet, agent Headdres Angelo . Astl; H. MNS. sss ite eet ee 290 27—Market Scene’ at Constantinople— ie \ Albarto’ Pas Bernet, agent eee 1) 28Church of San Giacomo Dall Qrio, i | Venice—Martin Tico, A. Reimann. 725 | 20—A Lady Reading—Gusiave Jacquet; | AL Deutsch. et ines ne SA dgie Rese teres 220 30--Ideal lo Asti; Ralston Galleries... i 170 &i—Roses and “pale Emerald— Bisson; Aging ion Galleries.) me 200 | let and old-—Etienne 4£ dol ee ton Gal 120, 38 auburn Hair—Henri ] She ton Galleries -. 260 | S4—Portrait of « BE, L. Hauer 200 | 35—An Ttalian Beauty, aoueusroes Livingston . i 36—Venice, ( WwW Naniiet H. Mane F, C. Ball 88—Sunset in the Woods, George Inness; F. C. 332 88—In the Sheepfold, Bu ene “Ve rboec ~“hoven; i, C.. Ball. 40—Dutch Inter with mers; a Ball. . 41--liother am i < 44—The Five Senses, James Francis +“ Brown, FE. Vv.’ Storrs... 45—The’ Mectjng at the Fence, fel Ridgway Knight; Bernet, Agt. 700 48—Portrait of Man, Antoine Vollon; McD: Sonough Galleries vies ne 825 47—The “Cavalier, (pariel,) Ferdinand 5 Roybet; BH. lL. Hauer.......-+ . 3) 825 | 4%—Scene at Venice, Felix Ziem; BIG. Pentield ve. eye ee eerste ees {hoe Oe. 49-—Marine: Bordeaux, Boudin; He PNWAHAMS «Regge eee sete gee 525 | 50—-Roses’ and Thatch, “Louis Aston, | “night; A. H. Flint. 600 Bi-—Portrait of an Oriental—J mans;* H. Williams. ......+-.+-+eses 220 52-Pluvking Chrysanthemums—D. Ridg- | way Knight; Seaman, agents.....5- 850 58—-The Rapids—Louis. Aston Knight; Henry Schulthels .....+.0-6-.055 425 54—Oriental Toilet Scene, (rene )=Ru- | “éolph Ern: A Deutsch. %... 0. ie es 210 55—Her Crowning Glory—M. “Achilie- Fould Ralston Galleries 140 §6—Portrait of a Youn } luynch; Ralston Galle 250 | 5i—The Master of the er, (panel)— | Rudciph Hrnst; H. Williams ...-..-- 510 | 58—The Cowherd ani Her Charges— ' ustave Courbet; H. Williams....... 510 one In the Mosque—Gerome; iy C. Ball. 1,375 Prayer, (panel)—Theophile luy- REA MEGOh cc ok car eee ate +) 3200: b Cavairy in Battle—Alfred yon z-Kowalski; F.C. Ball..a.... 0 82: irl, (pastel)—Pierre Ca: PeS cuset AO BE MCT Giese scraseie 90 , 68—Switt-flowing Str , Water color— Louis Aston Knight J.- Ae Schnei- @5—Sortie du "Bal de Detti; A. Deutsch.... 66—Clhirysanthemums — Knight: W. C melden: Beery Pt reer 67—The Empty Purse son+Gordon; A. H. 68—At the Bal Masque—Georges "Jules Victor Clairin; A. W. Behr.....++-5: 280 69—Portia Receiving the Prince of oe tl aoe Jules Victor Clairia; C. Balt. P 70. “sheep in-a Snéw Storm — ¥Wriedrich Albrecht Schenck; B'S 111) ee cates rere iri rere oes 71 — Wallachian Schreyer—Bernet, 72—Homing Cattle—Marie Dieter . - @ 4 + Q oaks) pee 8 oot ’ t 5 rm) 5S 3 Lanes stew Jt ! q3—The Nut Gathe Raystierern; i Miss Eleanor Fitzgibbons...........- 2,850 There was a. goad- stay audience ; present. $10,000 Paid for “Beeches’— Highly Finished Canvases be Sell Well. nee [LONDON BUYER ATTENDS ‘Total Realized at Auction Is $58,310—Large Attendance at the Plaza. — | The sale.of the modern paintings col- ‘lected by the late James Buchanan (Dia- mond Jim) Brady attracted a full house to the ballroom of the Hotel Plaza where _the auction was held by the American Art Association. Boxes and stalls were {all oceupied and only the sight of an | occasional man in khaki reminded the "audience of the American history that |jhad been written since last year's Plaza’s auctions. The bidding was extremely lively at times. The Inness ‘Beeches’ lead the prices, as Innesses often do, and sold for $10,000. If the new buyers of art who were supposed to be in attendance showed any special preference among the pictures it was for the highly fin- ished ones, for the carefully detailed works ‘such as those of Gerome and Bougereau went well. That London is keeping an eye spon | ithe Ametican picture market was evi-! denced by the fact that a London buyer | was the second and unsuccessful lene for the Blommer’s ‘Dutch Interior,” which sold to F, C. Ball for $2,150. | The total for Mr. Brady’s collection | was $58,310. The list of principal sales, with titles and buyers, follows: | BJ. H. Weissenbruch, ‘Holland i; Landscape,” H. Williams Spa oie $290 | 7—8. J: Blommers, “By the Fire- | side,” John SF Pe E LN B! sf 235 | \13—-J. Henner, ‘Jeune Femme,” F. B. POTIE hiewie's cools ee wins dsreienw 300} | 16—t. Henner, “Wemale Head, eB) (30) 9 9: hee We aR ee TT5 | | 18—Alberto Pasini, “A Purkish Mar- ; ket,””. M. Knoédler & Co. espe 8 Eo Liege. Diaz, “Evening,” H. Williams. 1,550 |20—Jules Dupre, ‘‘Marine,” O. Ber- | Tet, AONE. . evr eeeceecrreeees 926 fei R. Blakelock, “In the Indian Country,” F.C. Ball.....-...+. 1,500 | 22--George Inness, “Early Autumn,” | By Or GAL oa ack ate esc gore etre 700 |24—J. Henner, “A Pensive Moment,” | As PACMAN. vies cece ener cede 2,000 '95-—J, Vibert, “The Last Triumph,” t H. Williams... .. ccs pe cneses 475 |26—Angelo Asti, “The “@ardinai j Headdress,” H. Williams... 290 | 2%—Alberto Pasini, “Market Scene at | Contra UNOD er! 0, SBernet, wie agent ..... ; Wet oanere glace | 28—-Martin Rico, “‘Ghurcn of /San Giacomo . Dall’Orlo, Venice,” — AS Riléman. si e.se tee cess sce ter TTS 31—Bdouard Bisson, ‘‘Roses and Pale ay Emerald,’ Arlington Galleries. 200 3 —Henri Rondel, “Auburn Hair,” ~ Arlington Galleriesis cise ee. 260 | 34—Angelo Asti, “Portrait of a Bru- nette? 8. tr, Hauer. si. ees 85—W. Bouguereau, “An Italian ~ Reautv.”” K. Livingstone..... ory 260 ; esp fold, Cy Ba Hier. ee ‘40-—Blommers, ‘“putch Interior with Figures,” F. C. Ball vette e eee 2,150 lkever. “Mother and Child,” H. WV ASE oie clip o gain ve whee Wo acs 5265 | 42—-Ter Meulen, “Watching the Sheep,” F. CG! Ball............ 1,150 43—Josef Ball, “The Cook’s “Helper, Ks er i etl ey eM eeE ois - 300 44—Brown, ‘The Five Senses,” FV. StOnrg Side witin wleltre tei e ieee 210 45--Ridgway Knight, “The ‘Meeting at the Fence,” O, Bernet agent 700) 46—-Antoine Vollon, “Portrait of a t Man,” McDonough Galleries. . 825) 47—-Ferdinand Roybet, “The Cava- ] lier,’ H. LL. Hauer. .......-. $25: 48-—Felix Ziem, “Scene in ee Ir, OC. Penfield........ SP ee ee | 49—-Eugene Boudin, ‘Marine: Bor- | deaux,’” H. Williams......-... 625 | 50-——~Aston Knight, “Roses and, Thatch,” A. H. Flint........- » 600 51—Joseph Coomans, “Portrait of an Oriental,” A. H, Williams. 220 §2—Ridgway Knight, “Plucking Chrysanthemums,” W. W. Sea- Man agent........--ses eee eees 850 53—Aston Knight, “The Rapids,’ Henry Schultheis ....... dL: eee «435 4 64—Rudolph Ernst, “Oriental Toilet - Scene,’ A. Deutsch........-.- 210 | 55—M. Achille-Fould, “Her Crowning Glory,” Ralston Galierles..... 140 56—Albert Lynch, “Portrait of a Young Lady,” Ralston Gal- } TOriGB 9.6 ceive wesw er cceerers <. 268 57—Rudoiph Ernst, “The Master “of the Tiger,” H. Williams...... 510 | 58—Gustave Courbet, ‘““The Cowherd | and Her Charges,” H. Williams 6575 b9—J. Leon Gerome, “In . the -Mosqueé,’? Fy Cl Ball........0: 1,375 | 6>-—Theophile Lybaert, “At Prayer,” Ay Deutsch) 260. vs esis wes 200 61—A. von Wierusz-Kowalskl, “Krab Cavalry in Battle.” F. C. Ball. 900) 68—L. Aston Knight, “Swift-flowing | Stream,” W. A. Schneider..... 350 | 1 64—George Inness, “The Beeches,” Holland Galleries ....-... ~~ 10,000 | 65—Cesare Detti, “Sortie du Bal de POpera,” A. Deutsch......... 66-—D. Ridgway Knight, ‘“Chrysan- themums,” W. A, Schneider... 1,500 | 67—Sir John Watson-Gordon, “The | Empty Purse,” A. H. Flint.... 350 68—Georges Clairin. “At. the Bal Masque,” A. W. Behri...s... «280 69——-Georges Clairin, “Portia Recelv- ing the Prince of Ae bea: BG. BOM a. oe eee ee o's v 625 YO—A, F. A.’ Schenck, “Sheep in| Snow Storm,” B. C, Ball..... 1,826 Ji~Adolf Schreyer, '“Wallachian Horsemen,” QO. Bernet agent.. 8,900 72+-Marie Dieterle, “Homing, Cat+ | ps ai cS = Pe ee re 2,950 | wehowrCAs Bageroreny:. The Nut: Gee ei Miss sera Fitz- BADHDDK okie tee ccee eens se 2» 2,850 At to- mnight’s Session in the Plaza Hotel ballroom the Hermann collection | will be sold. A Rembrandt painting is one of the chief features of it. STURE/ SALE ~t / aT A Ly By PRAPY, a te fomas E ERPS of the American Art Feegeetes opened the auc- ton sale Monday evening in the Plaza Hotel | ballroom, of the 73 modern foreign and American pictures owned by the late J. Buchanan Brady, better known as “Diamond Jim,” he faced an audience which filled every seat in the large room, curious to know how the pictures belonging to such a personage would sell. The fact also that it was the first large picture sale of the current season added to the curiosity as to itse result. { The works offered were, for the most part, bought by Nir. Brady from the Holland | Galleries—and included a number of so-| called popular pictures—those telling good stories, and of pretty women, while many were fair to good and superior examples of | the artists re epresented. | The collection had been appraised at some | $48,000, and the fact that it brought a total of $58,310 was good evidence that, despite the present conditions due to the war, there | are art buyers still in the market. The fact was also noticeable that, with few exceptions, the bttyers’ names were new—and few of the old time: collectors or even the dealers were purchasers, al- though well represented in the audience. | The same has been the case with art auc- tions in London, and Paris of late, proving that the war has brought out new art col- lectors. The highest figure, $10,000, was paid for. an American picture, alshiew eeches,” by George Inness; a “Dutch Intetior,” by the} latesBaer ee a Dutch artist, which | brought the figure of $2,150 was competed} for by a London art house. The following is a list of pictures sold, with number, artist’s name, title, size in | inches, height - first, width pest buyer’s name (when obtz inable) ‘and sale price: 3arene, Charles, ‘Female Figure—A Stu (wate 1014x7. Rosenbach C i $30 3lum, Iilustrative Figure; Fragment of a Magazine Cover,” 91%4x4% Seaman, agent. 80 3unce, W. G.,_ ‘Venetian cene”’ (water- color), 14x10. John Dp, AW) 100 Maris, ‘Wi Hem, “At the Brook” (watercolor) : 84x13. GME IDeVavn anon san souccconess 95 Weissenbruch, J. H., “Holland Le ape” (watercolor), } H. Williams........ 290 Kever, J 5 Sewing” (watercolor), 8x13 Livingstone ....-..-se+ee eee 110 Blommers “By the side” . color), John Levyg «os 35 Bouguton, G ~The Fruit Gatherer, colon) a19x3, Au W. Balin tog oe yom nas. 30 Simonetti, Cc. As “The Lovers” (watercolor), Mrs, A. H. Gor MAN, eevee eee se 60 eC). iherBridges (watercolor) - : ASELe Lint whi. socal a outscuspo caeieynrenas 45 rle J., “Ideal Head” (pastel), +, K22 Dee Weta valita stares Seubert at ieee a6 25 Ranger, H. w., “A Drizzly Day in the City” (oe a 2134x2914. Reimann 90 Tenner, J. J-, “Jeune I 5 PuSBE: Storrs aekarcte ares teetee 300 Piot, E. A., ‘Roses Pink,” 18x15. 10 Henn ie “Female Head” @asene 16Y OX 2u. SHO TES) te oreo edoteteloben enero tek Che Delac 4 111x144 H Williams as hora hemiwiers euimets 00 Jecamps, 5 y Crossing a ’ Stream” (panel), 10%4x16%4 F. C. Ball 4 00 Pasini, A.,, “A Purkish AL: irket,’- “123 oa Knoedler & Co.... 375 Jiaz, “Evening” (panel), Rev aiich melts Arie aaneee cin toes Oecoe OS Jupr i OF Peseta Indian Country,’ 18x2 BG, ‘Jacquet, G., “The Green Spray,” 2 Piast oe Se aeitecccertaiel since eieetcrens Sater: 180 Henner, J. Ju,“ I A. Reimann 2,000 Vibert, J.:G., “The Last Triumph,” Z Di ‘ [Se \WGuilieKenS: “sgn ance cts bo tau ane Bn 475 Asti; Avs other Ge | 8%. IL ANTUUb EIS one AS aemce Dali ate Nepean rarer 290 Pasini, A., “Market Scene at Constantinople,” 15x26. ©: Bernet, agent... 202.6: ic nseane 775 Rico, M., “Church of Sen Giacomo Dall ’Orio, Venice, BO Ok AN ermmic tale) sears) -ieuersNone re 775 Jacquet, G., “A Lady Reading,” 24x20. A. Deutsch . z : 220 Asti, A., “Id »? 24x18. Ralston Ga 170 Bisson, E., “Roses and Me ale Emerald, 21%. Arlington : 200 Piot, eb: “Scarlet and Gol ib ton» Galleries 120 Rondel, H, Galleries) 22% No. 1 CHARLES BARGUE Frencu: 1856—1883 FEMALE FIGURE—A STUDY (Water Color) Thee [Cove Co Ke SS. Height, 101%, inches; width, 7 inches FOSS Sranpine figure of a young woman leaning casually against a wall, with head turned forward over her left shoulder and one hand on hip, the other carrying a tambourine. Arms are bare, a pink garment clings to her upper body, and from her hips hangs a blue skirt spotted in golden-yellow. Stamp at lower right: Vente Barevur, 1883. No. 2 ROBERT FREDERIC BLUM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857—1904 | ILLUSTRATIVE FIGURE: FRAGMENT OF A | MAGAZINE COVER DRAWING | 3 g d I Le Cees QOeescece ey ie (Water Color) ! Z ot Height, 91, inches; width, 414 inches {| q i! A raur dark-skinned figure with gaunt face and serious, search- ing eyes, clad in a brick-red robe with folds wound about the head as a cowl, is seen approaching the spectator, arms laden with fagots. In the cold blue sky is a horn of the moon. Signed at the lower right, Brum. No. 3 WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1916 H VENETIAN SCENE i 4 (Water Color) Y | ms : * A | \ ' 5 a Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches \ a Venetian boats with red, yellow and white sails lie lazily at re anchor, in green-blue water silvered by the reflections of soft white clouds, and far in the background appear the Campanile and the dome of St. Mark’s. Vp Cao Cie eC 97. Signed at the lower left, W. Gepvney Bunce, VENIce. Purchased direct from the artist. PR a a ip Vy No. 4 \, ; [ 2 WILLEM MARI ") wt NV , Dutcu: 1844—191 . \ UTCH 44: 0 ( a \ 7 AT THE BROOK { "\ {7 se (Water Color) } oteee E. e Height, 1814 inches; width, 13 inches Unoer the pale sky of a gray day, the soft green banks of a brook are presented to view, one high and covered with bush, the other low, a pasture. Here, at the end of a fence, a white and red cow is descending to the stream to drink. Signed at the lower left, Wi11em Manis. No. 5 JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH DurcH: 1824—19038 HOLLAND LANDSCAPE (Water Color) Height, 11 inches; length, 191% inches J fos : On the left a white-plastered cottage with brown thatch roof, on low land near the border of a winding stream in which two men are working in a boat; in the distance, meadows, under a blue and white sky. Signed at the lower left, WrIssENBRUCK. Boe (2) Ve No. 6 i JOHAN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER 4 Durcn: 1854— | SEWING : | 7 I Zoe ‘ Water Color me eae a (Water Color) | My Height, 18 inches; width, 184, inches | Dee Ow the left the corner of a stone cottage comes into view, and Hl ; in its shade, seated on a bench, an old woman in white cap and | blue apron, and wearing sabots, works patiently at her sewing. | Beyond a fagot fence is green grass and foliage. Bil | | Signed at the lower right, Kuver. Hl {i i || No. 7 7 4 | 3 BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS a ed Durcu: 1845—1914 al | ~ BY THE FIRESIDE } (Water Color) Height, 14%, inches; length, 20 inches es In the gray interior of a Dutch cottage with an enormous fire- 4 place, near the close of day, an old woman in blue with a white ib cap, and two men in the garments of field labor, are seated about the fire, resting. Near them a black cat sits in a spot of the ? g waning sunlight coming through an unseen window. 5 fo} fo} Signed at the lower left, Brommers. Purchased from the artist by the Holland Galleries and sold by them to the late owner. PO se a No. 8 GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. Enerisu: 1834—1905 \ THE FRUIT GATHERER (Water Color) Abet.$Cy. ra2£z Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches BAO ae Iw a paved court bounded by a pink and gray park wall, a dainty maid in figured costume, with blue-ribboned white cap, stands facing the observer and holding a basket of golden fruits, one of which she smilingly extends on one hand. Signed at the lower left, G. H. Bovewton, 1906. No. 9 CAVALIERE ATTILIO SIMONETTI IrarraAn: ConTEMPORARY THE LOVERS (Water Color) PPC ~~. Go. Cre ee Height, 154, inches; length, 211 inches In a French garden of the courtly days, before a terrace wall, ‘a lady has caused her sedan chair to be set down, and leans forward to converse with a gallant in orange and white silk, while her bearers peep and listen from behind a corner of the wall. Signed at the right center, Arrizio Stmonett1, Roma, ’72. | | 7 | No. 10 HERMAN FREDERICK CARL TEN CATE Durcu: 1822—1891 THE BRIDGE (Water Color) \y A “_— c ie JV. fF Cat Height, 13% inches; length, 251, inches 20 One looks upon one of the broad working quais of the Cité, Vi piled high with sand, upon the Seine and the gray buildings on Ht its banks, and on across a gray bridge spanning the stream in HI the middle distance to the towers of Notre Dame. Signed at the lower left, rex Carr, °96, Pants. Purchased from the Holland Galleries, who acquired the drawing from the late Henry Ward Ranger, N.A. C No. 11 OV CARLE J. BLENNER ail | | a AMERICAN: 1864— . IDEAL HEAD Me Cy. (teh (Pastel) Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches | Wes Oe Busr portrait of a pensive young woman with a mass of reddish- | a = : 5 O = 5 5 p i brown hair which trails down over one shoulder, in a pink décol- | leté gown, her face in profile and figure three-quarters front. Signed at the upper left, Carre J. Brenner. RNR an a a ae Q 0° \ No. 12 HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 A DRIZZLY DAY IN THE CITY (Water Color) ee, Height, 21%, inches; length, 291, inches Tue sky is wholly covered by clouds of soft gray-white, and a broad city street lined by sombre red and greenish-gray houses is alive with busy people, afoot and in conveyances, the surface of sidewalk and roadway glistening in a light coating of snow from a storm that has changed to rain, and from which the pedestrians are sheltering themselves with umbrellas. Signed at the lower left, H. W. R. Purchased from the Holland Galleries, who acquired the drawing from the artist. 1 \ No. 13 i if ; il 7 JEAN JACQUES HENNER F ||) AY ; i NS Frencu: 1829—1905 ee SRL JEUNE FEMME | — ae os AEE peer zee Ax. ¢ O99 7 oS q 2 A stormy day, toward sunset, is represented, with naught before the eye but ocean and sky, and a few sailboats. It is a green, tossing, white-capped sea, with a slant of light crossing the foreground, and a French fishing-boat plowing along within the border of the transparent shadow beyond. Smaller boats are also within view, and in the distance on the left the waters are dark under low rain clouds. Expansive gray clouds in motion obscure most of the sky, with an occasional glimpse of blue appearing between them and showing edges tinged with cream. Signed at the lower left, Jures Durrs. From Cottier & Company. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. CMG , Ow. ae Irs bh Yauddle ee, bY 27 gis SXKY RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, IN THE INDIAN COUNTRY BY N.A. No. 21 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— IN THE INDIAN COUNTRY Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches AS BE 2°. Green lowlands, slightly rolling, cross the picture, bordering the head of a pond that comes into view at the center of the foreground, which is in transparent cloud shadow. The back- ground, cleared and overgrown again, lies in warm sunlight, filtered and reflected through the clouds of an imaginatively varied sky. Low green trees form a screen across the middle- ground, with a break at the center, along the border of the shadowed section of the landscape, and toward the left a tepee is erected in the arboreal shelter, and figures in scarlet and creamy white are observed there in comfort and repose. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLaKEtock. Purchased direct from the artist by I. Gruber, from whom it was obtained by the Holland Galleries and sold to the late Mr. Brady. ~~ Ra No. 22 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 EARLY AUTUMN A” Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches A Monvrcrair landscape, a rough and rolling green field sloping across the foreground from the left, picked out with occasional gray stones and larger boulders, the grass rich and velvety and touched with brownish patches. In the middleground and in the background are many trees, their foliage thinning and turned to autumn browns and reds, under a cool sky deep blue high on the left, veiled lightly below, and banked with thick rolling white clouds nearer the horizon. On the right a large house appears vaguely. Signed at the lower left, G. Inwness. From Inness Sale. 1904 1K KS P35 a Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Art Galleries. No. 23 GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 THE GREEN SPRAY ice Height, 22 inches; width, 181% inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a plump young lady with black hair and heayy black brows and lashes, seated in easy posture with head thrown back, her figure facing the front and slightly leftward, and head turned to the right with features seen three- quarters to the front, against a dark neutral background. She wears a gray silk décolleté gown, with a green spray tucked into the lace edging of the corsage. Signed at the right, above her shoulder, G. Jacaquer. Z No. 24 | JEAN JACQUES HENNER : | / iam Pe Mes ee ee Frencu: 1829—1905 Me ona. 22 A PENSIVE MOMENT af % Height, 241, inches; width, 1814 inches Heap and bust of a dark-haired young woman, in characteristic Henner pose, figure toward the right, three-quarters front, and face turned straight to the front, with dark eyes directed down- ward and straight nose full in a broad light from the left, which lightens further her cream-skinned shoulder and breast. Signed at the lower left, J. J. Henner. From the collection of Georges Lutz, Paris, 1902.-# 75. La 70beo« “3509 Bina Kaye < Sulh Cell, Moi’ qe5-E ne JASxs 7 gouenvh ; VUZE e Pe Ai Aihung Paes BAUXK - \ JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu: 1840—1902 THE LAST TRIUMPH FEB i Bie 8 Be HaNEt; We 8 ‘ Pe Height, 221% inches; width, y ', inches 47 £ eam A provup and happy French gardener in mahogany breeks and blue coat, deeper blue stockings and buckle shoes, standing with sleeves rolled up, is seen in a softened light against a background of dense and dark green foliage. He faces the left, and holds in one hand a blossom which he scents with pleasure while de- termining where to place it in a huge bridal bouquet, topped by an arrow-pierced heart. Signed at the lower left, J. G. Viserr. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries, who acquired it from M. Knoedler § Company. $229. butt form Wh. Ibe _ Mavenbv hgh MXXX | Sotd © Np. danentaun Yar dofod § MXK Ji TbK4 Crudin form Its Sanuntaun, earch S/1g12-« BASXX a Sold Wbollaud. Falbsy Mee F134 SEXX 4 eee OQ Cn | \ ) No. 26 Ker 3 ANGELO ASTI Travian: 1847 (?)—1903 ie THE CARDINAL HEADDRESS of ye eae Height, 24 inches; width, 181, inches Portrair of a tranquil, enticing young woman, her wealth of wavy tresses falling at length at either side of a central parting, and capped in rich cardinal silk. With studied innocence she turns a conscious and beautiful face directly upon the observer, from a dark conventional background neutral in tone, her face partly in shadow. Signed at the lower right, A. Asri. * ™ No. 27 Iranian: 1826— S \ \ ALBERTO PASINI oe f \ MARKET SCENE AT CONSTANTINOPLE © — yw Mi Height, 15 inches; length, 26 inches Weatru of color and brilliance of atmosphere, with Oriental re- pose even in action, are assembled in the picture of a leisurely EY SC INS at) market of the Golden Horn. The great gray-white mosque glows in the sunlight, mounting high against the sky and lifting the 22 spire of its nearest minaret out of the picture, and before its (7 walls are grouped figures in red, blue, yellow and green robes, standing and walking, and vendors seated on the ground. At one side are horsemen, at another is a coach. Low trees near the center soften the intensity of the light, and in the distance are red and yellow roofs. Signed at the lower right, A. Pasrnt, 1869. No. 28 = f eA . : ya | MARTIN RICO (yet, Spanisu: 1850—1898 : a ad ; CHURCH OF SAN GIACOMO DALLORIO, \T} . — VENICE WV, (Leer 3211 ~ Xs en’ Height, 181% inches; length, 29 inches \e 4 = Se gel Unper a brilliant Adriatic sky of azure, in which drifting patches it y y and masses of gray and gray-white cumuli are seen wafted toward the right, the beautiful church stands out in glowing sunshine, serene in her gray and soft rose walls; an open doorway reveals rich crimson draperies against the contrasting black shadows of the cool interior. To right a white and gray palace is lightly screened by green saplings, and in front of it gondolas lie at the fondamenta, where a boy is seen fishing. Signed at the left, on the church wall, Rico. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. Q | No. 29 GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 A LADY READING Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches A PETITE young lady is portrayed at three-quarter length, seated and facing the left, three-quarters front. She is in a silvery-gray silk or satin gown, décolleté, with a black velvet ribbon around her throat, and leans over a round table with rich purple coverlet, reading a small volume bound in red. Signed at the lower left, G. Jacquet. DO ee) | | (lL alaCon J alCenutew Cle lou att No. 30 ANGELO ASTI Trarian: 1847(?)—1903 IDEAL HEAD Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches Bust portrait of a young woman of large features, facing the spectator, her head turned slightly to her right and inclined toward the shoulder. Her skin is white, her lips are rouged, and her large gray eyes are dreamy. Nut-brown hair parted at the center flows in masses down her shoulders, which are draped in diaphanous robin’s-egg blue. Signed at the lower left, A. Asti. No. 31 EDOUARD BISSON Frencu: CONTEMPORARY ROSES AND PALE EMERALD Height, 251, inches; width, 211%, inches Ineat head of a beautiful young woman, shoulders nude, in a classic drapery of pale emerald-green ornamented in delicately toned figures, facing the front with head poised over her right shoulder and face turned toward her right, her blue eyes gazing far away and Cupid’s-bow lips drawn wistfully together. Her auburn-blond hair with golden lights flies at will about face and shoulders, framing her head against a sky-tinted back- ground. Signed at the lower right, Enouarn Bisson. \ L \ No. 32 pis ny ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT FrencH: CoNnTEMPORARY SCARLET AND GOLD U Cab Cou. Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches Sratep figure of a blond woman in youthful maturity, with dark and deep-set eyes, her light golden-blond hair set off in a brilliant light by a kerchief-headdress of brilliant red, against a black background. She is seen at a little more than half-length, in white and green-blue, holding stems of large pink roses, and look- ing full at the spectator. Signed at the right center, A. Pior. Q Af No. 33 F Be HENRI RONDEL FrencH: ConTEMPORARY AUBURN HAIR 2.2: ye fern, »« Coctt- Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Bust portrait of a rose-cheeked young girl with drooping eyelids and dark brows and lashes, and a rich abundance of thick, long and wavy, warm red hair, which curls down her back and for- ward over one shoulder, the opposite shoulder partly concealed under diaphanous white. She looks directly at the spectator, figure turned slightly to the right. Over one arm a purple drapery. Signed at the lower left, H. Ronvet. Zall. No. 384 ANGELO ASTI Irarran: 1847 (?)—1903 Wh PORTRAIT OF A BRUNETTE PH i Height, 23°, inches; width, 21 inches Acainst a conventional background of deep crimson, above, with a cerulean touch midway on the right, a handsome young woman is portrayed in head and bust, the bust nude in a soft, broad light, with drapery or garment of delicate green figured in brown drooping from her shoulders. Figure slightly to the left, her face is directly toward the front, with large dark eyes looking sightly upward, and her thick black hair falling over one shoul- der and down her back. Signed at the lower right, A. Astt. No. 35 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825—1905 AN ITALIAN BEAUTY Height, 251% inches; width, 211, inches Hatr-Lencru portrait of a young Italian girl with a wealth of rich and softly brilliant black hair, player of a tambourine, which she holds upright on her lap, as she sits facing the left, three- quarters front, before the dark, shadowed recesses of a wood. She looks shghtly downward, with an expression of the youthful -wisdom of the ages, and is clad in white and red. Signed on the tambourines, left center, W. Bouaurrnau, 1889. ad No. 36 VENICE BY FELIX ZIEM No. 36 FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 VENICE (Panel) Height, 221, inches; length, 284 inches Tur spectator looks down the Grand Canal and the Laguna, with the Libreria, Campanile and Ducal Palace holding the center of the view on the left, and in the foreground gondolas putting out from either side in the trail of the Bucentaur, whose crimson and gold rises from the green-blue and shimmering water in the middle distance. The left foreground only is in transparent and colorful shadow, the rest of the composition lying in full light under a blue sky lightly veiled in vapor. Signed at the lower left, Zrem. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. eA ce No. 37 7; ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. Ys” American: 1836—1892 y ve NEAR CONWAY, NORTH WALES Height, 21 inches; length, 274, inches Own the right are outcropping rock cliffs and fallen boulders, partly overgrown by vegetation, and surmounted at the extreme right by trees in their own shadow, which overtop the picture. Saplings in a fresh yellow-green, extending down the decline to the middle distance, appear in the sunlight beneath a vaguely curtained sky, and from a jutting eminence near the foot of the fall a ram and a sheep browse on the tender foliage of leaning branches. Slender shrubbery grows in the foreground. Signed at lower right center, A. H. Wyant, 1868. From the late Gustave Reichard. Purchased from the Holland Galleries. No. 38 American: 1825—1894 A GEORGE INNESS, N.A. \ SUNSET IN THE WOODS, MONTCLAIR Height, 17 inches; length, 30 inches A tANpscapPe in the artist’s later manner, in rich but low-toned color, picturing a stretch of his familiar Jersey woodland at the evening hour. To left a dense clump of trees furnishes a dark mass rising above the picture, the woods thence opening across the foreground and middle distance, with occasional tall trunks in silhouette against a darkening sky, which from the horizon throws forward a red sunset glow through a line of close-growing distant trees. In a gray sandy path of the foreground a girl in blue turns to look at a man whose figure is seen in silhouette in the gloaming of the middleground. Signed at the lower left, G. Ixnexss. From Inness Sale. /40R1X/51-« P10 Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. rs No. 389 2) K EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN \O (=e Bereran: 1799—1881 IN THE SHEEPFOLD ae. YB acta Height, 2114 inches; length, 29 inches A sHEEP rest is seen that is neither dark nor dimly lighted, but is Ti Owed: gre OME in a full, bold light, which casts shadows on the deep straw cover- ing of the floor and lightens the gray wall of the background. Against the wall is the feed rack, where one sheep is busy eating, while another near by turns toward the spectator, with her head held low over the backs of two recumbent lambs. To rear, a gray sheep with spotted face is lying down, and in the foreground a game rooster struts proudly in the company of two hens. Signed at the lower left, Kuci:ne VersorcKHoven, 1864. No. 40 BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Durcu: 1845—1914 DUTCH INTERIOR WITH FIGURES ib Height, 23%, inches; length, 28°, inches Ir is feeding time for the baby of the family, in a humble and comfortable Dutch cottage home, with gray walls and beamed ceiling, the baby being a sturdy youngster in traditional apparel of the Low Countries, with chubby bare feet, and seated in infant majesty on a square table before a window, appearing against it in profile. To the right the smiling young mother is seated, feed- ing the infant from a bowl, an older small boy. standing at her knee and duly interested in the proceeding. The window, in the center of the background wall, gives upon a green garden, with red-tile roofs in the distance, and is thinly curtained, yielding a pleasing light upon the affectionate family trio. Signed at the lower left, Brommers. Purchased from the artist by the Holland Galleries, who sold the picture to the late Mr. Brady. No. 41 MOTHER AND CHILD BY JOHAN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER I Le Ee No. 41 JOHAN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER Deurcu: 1854— MOTHER AND CHILD U Height, 281, inches; width, 23 inches Iw a humble home in the Low Countries a woman and child are observed in a corner of a room with red-tile floor and gray walls, both facing the spectator from the borders of a shadowed back- ground, while from the right the light strikes in before them from a garden window, through which a bit of green foliage is seen. The woman, in dark gown and white cap, is seated, leaning for- ward and fastening at the back the plum-colored short-sleeved frock of the golden-haired child, who stands in heavy sabots at the elder’s knee and is dangling a ball with which a small kitten is at play on the floor. Signed at the lower left, Krver. No. 42 FRANCOIS PIETER TER MEULEN DurcH: 1843 Pa Soe | C2. se ae In front of a screen of low trees in the left middle distance, a shepherdess in black, with a blue apron and white cap, stands leaning on a staff and looking over a flock of sheep and lambs grazing before her and headed toward the spectator. The trees dwindle to a line of leafless ones, and from them the land slopes slightly forward and toward the right, a wind-swept upland meadow of the Low Countries under a lively light blue sky with white clouds. WATCHING THE SHEEP Height, 20 inches; length, 34 inches US Of Signed at the lower right, Ter MEULEN. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. Le ae Gla JOO oO (ess No. 43 JOSEPH BAIL Frencu: 1862— THE COOK’S HELPER Height, 32 inches; width, 234% inches In a spacious crypt whose deep shadows are penetrated by a sub- dued light, a tall copper jar with dome cover and a brass spigot stands on the floor at the right, a glint of light brightening its shoulder, and illuminating, below, the interior of a brass basin which is tilted against it on the floor. Beside it, standing and looking dreamily at the spectator, a sober-faced boy, the cook’s helper, holds a large earthenware pitcher. He is in white coat and cap and cream apron. Signed at the lower left, Bai. Josrrn. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. No. 44 JAMES FRANCIS BROWN AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY THE FIVE SENSES ae Bales Height (each), 16% inches; width, 10 inches Five panels presenting half-length figures of young women, per- soniye the senses, mounted in a gilt architectural frame, three as a triptych on a single plane, the others as flanks or wings set at right angles to it. Under each is a button, one responding with a spray of perfume, one with an air on a musical box, one with the disclosure of a mirror, one opening a drawer of bonbons, and one bringing out a delicate lady’s-finger. An auburn-haired young woman in blue, décolletée, is scenting the fragrance of a red rose. A petite blonde demi-nue, with hand at ear, hearkens to the singing of a bird under spring blossoms. A dignified young woman in an evening gown glances at herself in a hand mirror, and a brunette with shoulders bare is eating freshly plucked grapes under a vine. Finally, a young woman with toilet incomplete feels with both hands her rich mahogany hair, which she is decking with blossoms. Signed (each), Jas. Francis Brown. No. 45 DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT | | | wats AMERICAN: 1845— Die. (Gevret, AGT THE MEETING AT THE FENCE Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches Two French girls of the peasantry, one with light hair, bare- | headed, the other with dark hair bound in a colored kerchief, | have met for a heart to heart talk across a dilapidated gray picket fence in a secluded recess of adjoining rear gardens, a tower of a chateau being visible above the green foliage in the | | background. Signed at the lower left, Riaeway Kyicur, Parts, 1886. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. No. 46 +4 0 (Ww } f J f ANTOINE VOLLON ff aw Frencu: 1833—1900 a PORTRAIT OF A MAN 77) © Dowowgle Fel Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches go (a A pARK-HAIRED man of olive complexion is portrayed at half- jength in a finely effective pose. The sitter’s figure is toward the left, and turned slightly from the spectator, while his face is turned three-quarters front and the glance of his large dark eyes is directed across his shoulder in the spectator’s direction. He is in black, and his face is in a soft warm light, under the dark shadow of his picturesque black broad-brimmed hat. Signed at the lower left, A. Vorton. From Cottier & Company. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. XS ar { V No. 47 > FERDINAND ROYBET ; Frencu: 1840— LINE THE CAVALIER Lua 8 (Panel) Pr ee Height, 311, inches; width, 251% inches Hatr-Lenetu standing portrait of a bold-featured man, figure to the left and head turned three-quarters toward the spectator, at whom he looks with a scowl of some impatience. He wears an enormous black hat with dark plumes, great white lace collar of numerous layers, golden-yellow coat and rich dark green robe. Signed at the upper right, F. Royser. No. 48 SCENE AT VENICE BY FELIX ZIEM No. 48 FELIX ZIEM Has TRENCH: 1821— hi |. \ F 1821—1911 | SCENE AT VENICE Ze) woe ot Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches On rHE right the palace of the Doges, rose and gold and white, brilliant under a brilliant azure sky, over which tenuous white nebule are sifted; and closer to the spectator, a personage in red with robe held up by a page, going to meet one who has just landed from a gondola. Also in the foreground, opposite, on the left, a part of the State barge comes into the view, with a mass of bright pennants. In the distance appear vaguely the build- ings along the Grand Canal. Signed at the lower left, Zim. From Messrs. Arthur Tooth § Sons, London. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. | \ | No. 49 MARINE: BORDEAUX BY LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN No. 49 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN N y Frencu: 1824—1898 MARINE: BORDEAUX Aho (BZA eC 22n9 Height, 21 inches; length, 35 inches eS O° Unper a pale turquoise sky almost wholly veiled by thin grayish- white clouds, there lies spread before the eye a broad harbor whose waters are lightly in motion under a gentle breeze. Square- rigged ships with sails wholly or partly furled lie at anchor in the stream or stand along the shoreline, where buildings of a city come into view. Smoke from an occasional steam craft drifts across the air, and near the foreground is a boatload of people. Signed at the lower right: Borpeaux, 1875; KE. Bounty. No. 50 LOUIS ASTON KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1873 ROSES AND THATCH CL Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches A Gray stuccoed thatch-roofed cottage, low and long, on the right, supports on its ancient walls two thriving rose bushes rambling far up the slope of the roof, in luxuriant yellow and red bloom. They take their rise in a flowery bed, before which two young women are standing, in an earthen path separating the house from a purling, silvery brook which comes from the distance. Signed at the lower right, Asvon Kynicut, Paris. No. 51 JOSEPH COOMANS Bercran: 1816—1891 PORTRAIT OF AN ORIENTAL Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of a young woman of sensuous expression, seated facing the left, three-quarters front, with face turned toward her left shoulder. She is in house robes of em- broidered silk, with conspicuous jewelry, and her reddish-chestnut hair is bound with gold spangles across her brow and hangs loosely below over her shoulders. One hand on her lap, the other is raised to clasp her heavy necklace, below her throat. Signed at the lower right, Josepu1 Coomans, Paris, 1880. \ C) No. 52 a aS. a => DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845— PLUCKING CHRYSANTHEMUMS : { ae Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. (LED (ae 5 pea SG /. A payLicHtr moon, partly obscured by the aerial vapor, appears Oa 8° above cream and violet horizon cloud banks, over a soft autumn countryside of France, by a winding river, and in the lunisolar light a peasant girl on a terrace in the foreground is plucking varicolored chrysanthemums. Signed at the lower right, Rimeway Kynicur, Parts. ] ed No. 53 e\ LOUIS ASTON KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1871— THE RAPIDS Je Height, 26 inches; length, 382 inches J Tue soft golden glow of after-sunset in a greenish-blue sky is tinged with mauve, and is seen above a distant dark ridge which turns and rounds forward along the right, its sides clothed in autumn brown, with occasional green. At the foot of the ridge follows a rapidly running river, broadening in the foreground, broken by huge outcropping boulders, and reflecting the soft light of the sky. Signed at the lower left, Aston Kwnicut, Paris. { ) No. 54 RUDOLPH ERNST German: 1854— ORIENTAL TOILET SCENE (Panel) ze ae | Height, 281, inches; length, 3614 inches Ty the corner of a marbled room, with light striking down from above and coming in softened tones through a broad stained-glass window of the background, a dark-haired beauty of the harem reclines in purple and crimson, white and gold, facing the specta- tor as she rests on one elbow. On a mat before her, her maid sits, staining her mistress’s finger nails, and in the foreground is the corner of a bathing pool, depressed in the tesselated floor. Signed at the lower right, R. Ernst. M. ACHILLE-FOULD FrencH: ConTEMPORARY HER CROWNING GLORY Height, 37%, inches; width, 274, inches "THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of a smiling, well-built young woman in a gown of old-gold, with tight bodice and low corsage, and a mass of waved and curling rich red hair. She stands in a full light before a background of dark emerald-green foliage, and with head coyly poised, looks at a fruit which she holds up. Signed at the upper right, Acut1.e-Four. No. 56 ALBERT LYNCH Peruvian: 1851— PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Height, 37 inches; width, 25 inches Vy ee Fate see 00 hace ‘ : ZS Oo —— Haxr-Leneru portrait of a young lady looking at the observer. She has sapphire eyes, and chestnut hair which is dressed in abun- dant waves over her forehead and hangs freely over both shoul- ders. Her great wavy Leghorn hat with black velvet streamers supports a trimming of brilliant white and pink flowers, and gorgeous deep-toned blossoms adorn her girdle. Signed at the lower right, Atperv Lyncn. RUDOLPH ERNST German: 1854— eee THE MASTER OF THE TIGER A. Gee a (Panel) Height, 391, inches; width, 311, inches 510 2 . ) Ix a Moorish palace, with statuary and tall brass lamps, and inlaid walls, a Moor in elaborate robes comes forward leading a tiger, a rich blue velvet curtain swinging to behind him. Signed at the lower left, R. Ernsr. THE COWHERD AND HER CHARGES BY GUSTAVE COURBET Hy i a= 57 $ 22 No. 58 GUSTAVE COURBET Frencu: 1819—1877 THE COWHERD AND HER CHARGES Height, 231% inches; length, 421, inches Iy sunlit open spaces or stretches of rough, rolling land covered with coarse grass and low brush, a few cows are grazing, spread well apart, in a far-flung wood of second growths and slender saplings. The sky beyond is sombre. Near the center of the composition, seated in meek resignation on the ground, with hands on knees, is an old woman with a red kerchief over her head, gazing vacantly at the earth. Signed at the lower right, G. Courner, 76. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. No. 59 IN THE MOSQUE BY JEAN LEON GEROME 1 No. 59 JEAN LEON GEROME Frencu: 1824—1904 IN THE MOSQUE LD Height, 27 inches; length, 41 inches Od 2Ee€ : ; , A Moorisu interior, suffused with a dim, soft light, has across the background a closely decorated wall in blue, pierced in the center by a large window through which the green foliage of a garden is seen, illumined from the farther side by golden sunshine. Within the broad interior space, turbaned figures in soft, rich colors are seated on the floor and standing, to the number of some thirty, listening with varied emotions to a reader in a high pulpit. On the floor are rich rugs in low tones, taking a delicate sheen from the filtering window light. Signed at base of pulpit, J. L. Giérome. L ht, V),, From the H. C. Hoskier Collection, New York, 1914, X67 + VIDS $a. Mle Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. No. 60 THEOPHILE LYBAERT Bercian: ConrEMPORARY AT PRAYER (Panel) eS Height, 40°34 inches; width, 22%, inches Two Mohammedans appear near a niche in a red-carpeted, stucco and tile walled mosque, each on his rug, facing the mihrab, at prayer. An aged bearded man, in green and brown, and tur- baned, squats with hands concealed in his sleeves and head bowed, and a younger man with black bushy hair and wearing a red fez, with arms at his girdle, stands erect with head inclined, hands raised and eyes closed. He is clad in crimson and gold over a white tunic, and stands an impressive figure, immovable in a relaxed abstraction. Signed at the lower left, Tutormie Lysarrr, Gann, 1898, and again on the back. From the Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. F 3 No. 61 ALFRED VON WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI Porisu: 1849— 1D a CR ARAB CAVALRY IN BATTLE Height, 281 inches; length, 424 inches Own a rough and treeless plain a spirited and savage action is going on, under a blue sky with clouds which seem to rise as battle smoke from the field. A host with white burnouses flying comes dashing from the left, and meets the enemy in shock not far from the center of the picture, the most conspicuous single figure a man with grim smile and sabre raised, swinging past on a white Arabian charger in the immediate foreground. Signed at the lower right, A. Wrervusz-Kowatsx1. Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries. No. 62 PIERRE CARRIER-BELLEUSE Frencu: 1851— BALLET GIRL ‘2 | (Pastel) Plt le eee : : ee, : >) Height, 451/, inches; width, 24 inches Ee a FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a cheery and graceful danseuse, with fluffy chestnut hair, leaning with both arms on a rail at her back and facing the observer with a quiet smile. In white with pink tights. Signed at the lower right, Pierre Carrier-Betrevuse, 1898. No. 63 LOUIS ASTON KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1873— SWIFT-FLOWING STREAM (Water Color) Le _ ec. oe haven . 6 Sennen ena . Height, 35 inches; length, 454%, inches , 9 6 4 Fon OF Our of a wood of deep autumn gold, in the distance, a rapid river A SQ) = taking a zigzag course comes forward, spreading to occupy the whole foreground at its exit from the view, its banks richly color- ful in deep green and browns of vegetation, and in gray, red and creamy country buildings. Signed at the lower left, Aston Knicur, Paris. No. 64 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 THE BEECHES Height, 42 inches; width, 382 inches ScENE, a spacious section of the interior of an open wood, car- peted with soft, deep grass, its rich green touched with bunches of yellowish note and relieved by occasional fallen and moss- covered logs. Of the trees the most conspicuous is a fine old beech of imposing dignity, standing near the foreground, its silvery bark reflecting the soft light that penetrates beneath the umbrageous canopy of its surroundings, through rare openings in which appear glimpses of a deep lapis sky. Signed at the lower right, G. Ixness, 1894. Purchased from Inness Sale, New York, 1895. X/3O BMS Mfc. bernisng oh Sold to the late Mr. Brady by the Holland Galleries. : SOL, SoA Kodlland Palliey peut 15/191 ~ PEEKKK 4 / Ow sevargnmnch fn Mle Stlash Sed 1913 Mahan Caize aru No. 65 CESARE DETTI Iranian: 1847— SORTIE DU BAL DE L’OPERA Height, 46%, inches; width, 34 inches A compvosrrion of many figures, much gaiety, and brilliance of color, picturing the merry hour of departure after the ball, with the grand staircase of the Paris Opéra filled with men and women in costume, flower bedecked, with masks and without them. Signed at the lower right, C. Derr. Purchased direct from the artist by the Holland Galleries and sold to the late Mr. Brady. iC yy Cte Za ee, a . 4 —S American: 1845— S CHRYSANTHEMUMS Height, 46 inches; width, 3514 inches KNIGHT ~ No. 66 Z DANIEL RIDGWAY fy OC oe A varr-HairRED and slender young French woman of the peasantry, in blue, white and gray, and a red kerchief about her hair, has paused in the foreground with a wheelbarrow loaded with chrys- anthemums, at the edge of a chrysanthemum garden above a wind- ing river. She turns her face toward the spectator. Signed at the lower right, Rmaway Knicut, Paris. | | | = nes No. 67 rs, SIR JOHN WATSON-GORDON, R.A. Eneuisuo: 1790—1864 THE EMPTY PURSE Height, 43 inches; width, 33 inches ise eye) iS er CA. Me A BAREFOOTED urchin in ragged clothes, but with a nowise spoiled face and a rosy color, is seated on the stones against the founda- tions of a city building, an empty pouch purse beside him. With one hand in his pocket, the other is raised and held at the back of his head, as he thinks, open-mouthed, of what is to be done. Signed at the lower left, J. Warvson-Gornon. ie, Cam. . No. 68 GEORGES JULES VICTOR CLAIRIN Frencu: 1843— AT THE BAL MASQUE 2 ols, Height, 59% inches; width, 36 inches Porrrair of a fair one with luscious lips lightly parted, seated LEO Oe sidewise against the crimson upholstered railing of a theatre box, ; and looking haughtily down with an interest not wholly detached, at the scene below, which is not in the spectator’s view. She has pale golden hair and dark brows, and hazel eyes deeply set, and is gowned in gray with much lace. At hand is her discarded mask. Signed at the lower left, G. Crater. Purchased by the late owner from Henry Reinhardt § Son, New York. 2 No. 69 K Vi GEORGES JULES VICTOR CLAIRIN > Frencu: 1843— PORTIA RECEIVING THE PRINCE OF ARRAGON ‘\ (“Merchant of Venice,” Act II, Scene 9) Height, 61 inches; width, 4114, inches i Vee ou bley, eos Portia in pink and gold, pale of complexion and with warm red : ap 0 hair, is seen at the foot of a marble stair in a garden, the Prince a bewing low at her side and supporting one of her hands. Ladies and gentlemen ‘and pages in brilliant apparel follow in her train and men-at-arms are seen in the rear. In the background, cypresses tower over masses of light green foliage, and a portion of a palace comes into view. Signed at the lower right, G. Cuiarrin. Purchased by the late owner from Henry Reinhardt § Son, New York. Oe act No. 70 . Vy kb \ ; AUGUST FRIEDRICH ALBRECHT SCHENCK German: 1828—1901 ee : SHEEP IN A SNOW STORM (Fo (Co 7G ae Height, 361%, inches; length, 58 inches / A On a rolling hillside bleak and deeply covered with snow, a ram and several ewes and two small lambs have grouped themselves together, with the lambs at the center, and are making outcry as they withstand the rigorous blasts of a snow-laden wind. Numerous birds circle around. Signed at the lower right, Scuencx. CY Dibo Gerul, y aod eg Oe / No. 71 ADOLF SCHREYER German: 1828—1899 WALLACHIAN HORSEMEN Height, 34 inches; length, 60 inches . A pack has just passed a stream, an edge of which is seen in the foreground, and is making its heavy way across a wild and snow-laden plain. The last four horses of the train, just clamber- ing out of the shallow water, are shown side by side across the picture, with an attendant walking beside the one at the left. They are hard upon the heels of their leaders, which are seen with packs or with riders just ahead, while still others of the force are indicated struggling through the steep field in the distance. The whole is seen under a dark, unfriendly sky. Signed at the lower left, Ap. ScureyEr. Purchased by the late George Crocker from Jules Ochme, New York. Purchased by Mr. Emerson McMillin from the estate of the late George Crocker. Hohn 2a, — Purchased by the Holland Galleries from the Public Sale of the Emerson McMillin Collection, New York, Catalogue No. 170. -BLS00 Z Sold by the Holland Galleries to the late owner. Sllore. HOMING CATTLE BY MARIE DIETERLE | # \I 1 \ ¥ ae | ty | OLA L \ a No. 72 al } MARIE DIETERLE oe ‘l Frencu: 1860— ‘ « | " i} HOMING CATTLE i GC ; Fat Height, 44 inches; length, 60 inches il © ; ae 6 2 | pve A sxy pale blue aloft is banked over the horizon with cloud strata 4 enn oa white and cream, rose and mauve, stretching over far meadows | (ae reaching to the distant sea. The sun, unseen, is sinking to the \ | left, its rays gleaming upon wild green border lands of the fore- | ground, where cows white, red and black, to the number of a | score, are approaching the spectator as they emerge from a defile | . d i : ss =A : | in thick green woods lying in the right middle distance, mn the care of a boy in blue mounted on a white horse. Signed at the lower right, Marr Diererte. Exhibited by the artist at the Paris Salon, 1907, where it was purchased by Messrs. Scott § Fowles. i i | | | Sold to the late Mr. Brady by the Holland Galleries. | THE NUT GATHERERS BY WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU A —_ A C No. 73 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU peers Frencu: 1825—1905 é glow ae THE NUT GATHERERS Height, 631, inches; width, 45 inches Two young cheery-faced sisters, one dark and one fair, are at the edge of a wood, gathering pecan nuts. Both are barefoot, and the elder, in gray and blue and white and plum-brown, is standing plucking the nuts from a slender branch, and dropping them into the already well-filled basket held by her kneeling sister, who is in gray, white and mahogany-brown. ‘They are in a soft, sifted light, and the background of foliage varies from dimly lighted leafage to the deep, dark shadows of woodland recesses. Signed at the lower right, W. Bovevensav. 76537 Purchased by the late owner from the Holland Galleries, who acquired the painting at the Public Sale of the Judge Samuel L. Bronson Collec- 4 tion, held by the American Art Association, New York, 1901 Xs 8.20004 Nollina Lal es Born fale Ht ble Louden 1900 KS fBb-0-0 be Toeth «bors (2o C3363 4 Ou crnes St Mbaaveen Cahing Cate RIK 4 od ie er gia ee ied LAE 1088] Uiredtch fm 1b. Hiply dee /9705-PRAXR e old fred. theme Clbrbftgol 2 BRXXK 4 LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS fi LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ACHILLE-FOULD, M. Her Crowning Glory 55 ASTI, AncELo The Cardinal Headdress 26 Ideal Head 30 Portrait of a Brunette 34 BAIL, JosrEpH The Cook’s Helper 43 BARGUE, CHaAr Les Female Figure—A Study 1 BISSON, Epovarp Roses and Pale Emerald 31 BLAKELOCK, Rarrn Arsert, N.A. In the Indian Country 21 BLENNER, Carte J. Ideal Head iil BLOMMERS, Brernarpus JOHANNES By the Fireside "a Dutch Interior with Figures 40 BLUM, Roserr Freperic, N.A. Tllustrative Figure: Fragment of a Magazine Cover to} fo) oO bo Drawing Eee CATALOGUE NUMBER BOUDIN, Louis Evctine Marine: Bordeaux 49 BOUGHTON, Gerorce Henry, N.A., R.A. The Fruit Gatherer 8 BOUGUEREAU, Wiuuam ApvoirHEe An Italian Beauty 35 The Nut Gatherers 73 BROWN, James Francis The Five Senses 44 BUNCE, Wiiutam Gepney, N.A. Venetian Scene 3 CARRIER-BELLEUSE, Pierre Ballet Girl 62 CLAIRIN, Grorces Junes Victor At the Bal Masqué 68 Portia Receiving the Prince of Arragon (“Merchant of Venice,” Act II, Scene 9) 69 COOMANS, Josrrx Portrait of an Oriental 51 COURBET, Gustave The Cowherd and Her Charges 58 DECAMPS, Arexanpre GapRrieL Arab Army Crossing a Stream Wy DELACROIX, Euctne The Smoker 16 CATALOGUE NUMBER DETTI, Cesare Sortie du Bal de l’Opéra 65 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VIrGILE Evening 19 DIETERLE, Marie Homing Cattle (2 DUPRE, JULES Marine 20 Ke ® ERNST, Rupo.tpxu Oriental Toilet Scene 5A The Master of the Tiger 57 GEROME, Jean Léon In the Mosque 59 HENNER, Jean JAcQuEs Jeune Femme 13 Female Head 15 A Pensive Moment 24 INNESS, Georcr, N.A. Early Autumn 22 Sunset in the Woods, Montclair 38 The Beeches 64 JACQUET, Gustave The Green Spray 23 A Lady Reading 29 KEVER, Jowan Srmwon Henprik Sewing Mother and Child KNIGHT, Danret Ripeway The Meeting at the Fence Plucking Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums KNIGHT, Lovis Astron Roses and Thatch The Rapids Swift-flowing Stream LYBAERT, TxHtorniie At Prayer LYNCH, Apert Portrait of a Young Lady MARIS, Wit1teM At the Brook PASINI, Arsertro A Turkish Market Market Scene at Constantinople PIOT, Erimxnxr Apoipre Roses Pink Scarlet and Gold RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. A Drizzly Day in the City CATALOGUE NUMBER 6 41 60 56 WwW} * OQ te CATALOGUE NUMBER RICO, Martin Church of San Giacomo Dall’Orio, Venice 28 RONDEL, Henrt Auburn Hair 33 ROYBET, Fererprnanp The Cavalier AT SCHENCK, Aveust Frreprich ALBRECHT Sheep in a Snow Storm 70 SCHREYER, Anour Wallachian Horsemen 71 SIMONETTI, Cavauirere Arritio The Lovers 9 TEN CATE, Herman Frepericx Carr The Bridge 10 TER MEULEN, Francors Pierer Watching the Sheep 42 VERBOECKHOVEN, Evcine In the Sheepfold 39 VIBERT, Jenan Grorces The Last Triumph 25 VOLLON, Anrorne Portrait of a Man 46 WATSON-GORDON, Sir Joun, R.A. The Empty Purse WEISSENBRUCH, Jonannes HENnprRIK Holland Landscape WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI, Atrrep von Arab Cavalry in Battle WYANT, Arexannver H., N.A. Near Conway, North Wales ZIEM, Ferix Venice Scene at Venice CATALOGUE NUMBER 67 or 61 FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY