| SALE NUMBER 1879 1 p ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER SIXTEENTH HKARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES & OBJECTS THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE THOMAS QUIMBY LONDON, ENGLAND TOGETHER WITH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS NOVEMBER NINETEENTH, TWENTIETH AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presivenr] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 ; é } ; ; Ten — \ . . od ae BNE - c SALE NUMBER 1879 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER SIXTEENTH EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES & OBJECTS THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE THOMAS QUIMBY LONDON, ENGLAND TOGETHER WITH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE IN MAHOGANY, WALNUT & OAK WITH FURTHER HOUSEHOLD EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE PERIOD FINE GLASS IN COLORS, SHEFFIELD PLATE, NEEDLEWORK SAMPLERS, &c. TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS nS sg NOVEMBER NINETEENTH, TWENTIETH AT TWO-THIRTY 0’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. ; The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. ? All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wrrHouT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES, GROUPS AND LUSTRE JUGS 1- 58 18TH CENTURY SHEFFIELD PLATE, NEEDLEWORK AND SAMPLERS 59- 79 FINE EARLY ENGLISH, BOHEMIAN AND OTHER CUT GLASS IN AMBER, AMETHYST, GREEN AND RUBY COLORS 80-101 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE PERIOD _ 102-150 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER TWENTIETH EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES, GROUPS. LUSTRE BOWLS AND JUGS 151-210 FINE EARLY ENGLISH CUT GLASS IN AMBER, GREEN, ROYAL BLUE AND RUBY COLORS 211-235 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE PERIOD — 236-300 te SALE bo WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-150 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES, GROUPS AND LUSTRE JUGS NUMBERS 1-58 HARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The milkmaid with her lover. Two figures in finely colored costumes, keeping a tryst, at the foot of a tree. The tree in shape of a spill vase. Height, 81/4, inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Seated poodle, splashed with russet, with black collar, padlock and chain. Height, 12 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE, “ROB ROY” This old Scotch warrior is pictured with battle-axe and shield. He is clad in chain mail, with the Scotch plaid of his clan, and wears a plumed Scotch ‘Stam’. Height, 12 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE, “DICK TURPIN” Gaily clothed figure mounted on coal-black steed. The whole resting on lustred base. - Height, 101% inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE, “TOM KING” This famous man of olden times is pictured mounted on snow-white prancing horse. He is gaily dressed and holds pistol in his hand. It was Tom King who captured the outlaw Dick Turpin. Height, 111% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE John Gilpin. Equestrian figure of Gilpin, making his escape. Finely colored, with deep blue coat and red mantle. Height, 7 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Falstaff. Full standing figure with green coat and red waistcoat, set on green mottled oval base. Height, 7 inches 10 11 12 13 14 15 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Royal Family. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. He standing with the queen seated holding the young prince in her arms. Set on oval base. Height, 8 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Persian noblewoman mounted on a zebra. Set on oval rusticated base. Height, 71% wmches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Farmer’s Children. Full standing figures of boy and girl returning from a day in the woods. The little lad has a nest of young birds, wihle the girl has an apron full of fruit and flowers. Height, 7% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Return of the Sportsman. The Scottish Highlander returning after a day’s shooting, tired but triumphant, with a full bag. Beautifully colored, the blue in the coat and the plaid kilt standing out attractively. On wooded oval base. Height, 10 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE EQUESTRIENNE FIGURE An old English gypsy mounted on a beautiful white horse, holding aloft a tambourine, without which these wanderers were seldom if ever seen. Height, 1114 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Lady Bountiful and Child. Lady dressed in early printed calico and plumed hat, with a basket of fruit at her side. Child with bird to right. Height, 121% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Full standing figure of a whippet with rabbit in mouth. Covered with black splashings, on oval base. Height, 71% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Figure of a bird, evidently startled by some unseen cause which has caused it to assume a defiant yet defensive attitude. Color scheme deli- cately handled, body of bird in rich canary while the wings, which are spread, and the tail are a clever graduation of blacks, blues and gold. Set on woodland base. Height, 8 inches An early and Rare figure. bo 16 ined 18 i 20 21 22 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Shepherdess. Appealing, full standing figure of a shepherdess in the quaint costume of the times, holding crook in left hand. Dress is of the old printed calico, with laced bodice. ‘The scarf blowing in the wind forms an unusu- ally graceful background. Standing figure of lamb to right. On rustic base. Delicately colored in greens and browns. Height, 91% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Heenan and Sayers. The men are shown in prize-fighting costume ex- changing blows. A clear portrayal of England’s most famous early pugilistic battle. Height, 914 wmches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Boy and His Pets. Graceful group consisting of boy with dog posed in affectionate attitude on either side. The boy’s toys have been laid aside and he is shown eat- ing from a dish with spoon. On clock base, enriched with flower and leaf design. Height, 10 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Off for A Day’s Shooting. Full standing figure of man in tastefully colored hunting costume, gun at his side and dog at his feet. Both figures against background of tree done in green and brown tints, which opens at top to form spill vase lined with conventional orange. On oval base. Height, 114% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Maid at The Spring. Full standing figure of girl bearing water jar on shoulder. To the right is the spring with its ever-flowing water. The girl wears the costume of the period. An unusually graceful figure. Height, 914 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Scotch Drummer Boy. This figure is portrayed resting on a cannon, with his drum under his arm, and two standards at the left. The plaid of his clan is red and green, and he wears the small Scotch toque with plumes. | Height, 1014 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Scotch lad standing on tree stump. He is gaily dressed in dark blue with plaid scarf and socks, and plumed tam-o’-shanter. ‘The tree stump is lustred and at the base are two lambs at rest. Height, 11 inches 3 23 24 OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES [NuMBER 23] [NuMBER 25 | [NUMBER 24] OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Man and maid with their dog. The man is seated and is attired in early costume, with ruffed knee breeches, surcoat and cape. ‘The maid is also appropriately dressed and has a musical instrument slung on her arm, Both figures wear plumed hats. The man is fondling his hunting dog. Height, 13 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Scotch Huntsman, with hares and bird. He is returning from the hunt and carries his gun in his right hand while the left holds aloft a duck that he has shot, and two hares are slung over his shoulder; his dog is at his side. Colored in soft tone of green, brown, and yellow, with black ornamentation. Standing on lustred base. Height, 15 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Male figure attired in Cavalier costume, holding spear. ‘This figure 1s very nicely portrayed, and apparently represents an early English Prince, since the hat bears the three plumes of the Royal line. A hunting dog is sitting at his master’s feet. On scrolled base, with tree to the right; this tree forms a vase. In white, black and gold. Height, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Highland Chieftain. A Chief evidently returning from the hunt, with a stag over the saddle horn. Dressed in Scottish costume, which is enriched with splashes of gold and silver lustre. Height, 15 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE, “WILLIAM PALMER” This is a splendid likeness, and is an exceptionally fine example of Staffordshire. Height, 111% inches PAIR OF EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE SPANIELS Seated King Charles Spaniels, facing right and left, enriched with gold lustre splashings. (2) Height, 10 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP, “THE FORTUNE TELLER” Dark-haired bride seated under a grape-entwined arbor, with a gypsy standing reading her palm. A small child is carried in the gypsy’s cape. Height, 12 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE POODLE Seated poodle with russet splashes and black feet. Gold collar and chain. Height, 9 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Shepherd and Shepherdess. She seated with a lamb in her arms, he standing with flute in hand, while between them the faithful shepherd dog keeps watch. The centre in form of an arbor with opening for clock. Height, 121% inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE SYMBOLIC FIGURE “Water and Gin’. Double-faced figure, one side presenting a well-dressed lad with natty green coat, flowered waistcoat and striped trousers, holding a bag of gold in his hand; the reverse is a dilapidated individual in torn coat and trousers, holding a gin bottle in his hand. Height, 81% inches 5 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Burro with baskets of vegetables. Gray burro with orange saddle, on lustred base. 3 Height, 834 inches TWO EARLY COPPER LUSTRE CREAM JUGS Both with flaring spout and loop handle. One enriched with deep blue banding and basket of flowers, the other with banding of lighter blue and flowers. (2) Height, 34% and 4& inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The Rival. Two lovers are shown seated in an arbor, while from behind a tree the rival appears with drawn dagger. ‘The tree is in the shape of a spill vase. The entire group is well carried out. Height, 12 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Maid at Well ! Young girl in quaint costume with bodice of dark blue, kirtle of green, and striped underskirt. Long black curls hang to the shoulders, and the hat is fastened by a ribbon attached to her waist. She carries an old-fashioned urn on her shoulder. Figure leans against well and is mounted on oval base. Height, 914 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GOLD LUSTRE TEAPOT Bulbous body with curved spout and shaped handle, mounting eagle. All-over gold lustre, enriched with blue bandings. Height, 5 inches OLD SPILL VASE Stag in tones of reddish-brown, with fawn beneath, mounted on lustred base, with flower-decorated vase at back. Height, 914 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Going to Market. The farmer and his wife on the way to market, he carrying the basket. Set on oval base. Height, 1344 inches EARLY COPPER LUSTRE JUG Classic urn shape, with flaring spout and strap handle. Deep blue band- ing at centre. Height, 51% inches 41 42 43 44, EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Babes in the Wood. The children asleep in the grass, watched over by their guardian angel and guarded by the birds. The figures are at rest at the base of a tree on a grass-green base, the tree forming a spill vase. The entire group in red, green, pinks and blues. Height, 81/4, inches EARLY COPPER LUSTRE JUG Pear-shaped body with indented rings. Shaped dragon handle. Centre panel of birds and flowers in colors which are raised on coffee-colored ground. Height, 5 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES [NuMBER 44] _ [NUMBER 43] [NuMBER 44] TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Carrier Pigeons. Full figures of the birds, decorated in yellows and greens set on tall rustic bases. One faces right, the other left. (2) Height, 10 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES OF WHIPPETS Standing figures of the whippet, one facing right, the other left. Tan and white on rustic bases, with hare at feet. (2) Height, 7 inches; length, 714, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | fi 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 STAFFORDSHIRE INKWELL An unusual group, showing gay-plumaged bird on one branch of tree, with its mate lying dead at the foot of the tree, and a snake robbing the nest of the eggs. The group is brilliantly colored. Height, 814, inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Boy mounted on a ram. Ram highly colored. Boy with red hat and belt and blue tie. Height, 1214 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE EQUESTRIAN FIGURE T. King, the man who captured Dick ‘Turpin. , Mounted figure on old brown horse, man dressed in costume of the time with white coat edged with green, yellow waistcoat, pink breeches and black boots, pistol in one hand. Height, 9 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Garabaldi at Home. Full seated figure of Garibaldi with spade in hand and pointed hat on ground. Set on rustic base. Height, 10 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Full standing figure of Louis Napoleon in military costume, blue coat, white breeches, white boots. Height, 16 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The Lovers. A lad with his lassie, clothed in early English costume, sitting within an arbored and floreated bower. Height, 914 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE SILVER LUSTRE JUG Bulbous body with strap handle. Finely decorated in silver lustre and in panels in sepia, “Farr anp Hope” on cream ground. Height, 41% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The Highlander and his Lass. Both are clothed in soft blues and greens of the period, and are resting on a wall with a jug between them. Height, 11 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE PURPLE LUSTRE JUG Bulbous body with loop handle. Decorated in mulberry color, “THE TravELunc Rurats’, banded with purple lustre. Height, 4% inches 54 PAIR OF EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE SPANIELS 539) Seated King Charles Spaniels facing right and left, enriched with gold lustre splashings. (2) Height, 9 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TITLED WASHINGTON [NuMBER 55 | EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Benjamin Franklin. Full standing figure after the Houdon model. Titled in gilt, “Washington”. Height, 15 inches One of the rare Anglo-American statuettes made in the Staffordshire fac- tory and labelled in error in both the Franklin and Washington figures. VERY RARE. 56 a7 58 D9 RARE PURPLE AND GOLD 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH LUSTRE STAFFORDSHIRE LUSTRE JUG TEA SERVICE—-FOURTEEN. PIECES [NuMBER 56] [NuMBER 57 | RARE PURPLE AND GOLD STAFFORDSHIRE LUSTRE JUG Flat pear-shaped body with strap handle; cream ground from which are raised in relief, panels on either side, rabbit shooting scenes with whippets and huntsmen. The relief decorated in delicate pink, gold and purple lustre. Around the top grapevine pattern in similar manner. Height, 614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LUSTRE TEA SERVICE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of five cups and saucers, teapot, creamer, bowl and sucrier. The body with copper lustre, and broad bandings of flower and leaf motifs in brilliant colors. (14 pieces ) A VERY RARE SERVICE. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF OLD STAFFORDSHIRE WHIPPET INKWELLS The tan-colored whippets are resting on dark blue base which forms ink- well, .(2) Height, 41% inches; length, 61% inches 18TH CENTURY SHEFFIELD PLATE OE Te FS Sa ee NEEDLEWORK AND SAMPLERS NUMBERS 59-79 PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Straight columnar shaft set on circular base and decorated in fluted design wa(2 yb. = Height, 514 inches 10 60 61 63 64 65 66 PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Straight columnar shaft, set on oval domed base. (2) Height, 6 inches EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CAKE BASKET Circular deep dish with gadrooned border ; hinged strap handle. Diameter, 12 inches FOUR SHEFFIELD PLATE SALTS Oblong concave body on short standard. Enriched at corners with shell motif. Lined with blue Bristol glass containers. (4) NEEDLEWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Large square needlework picture worked in many-colored silks, the sub- ject a Falcon feeding her four young in the nest; set on a tall tree. Finely worked and an excellent example of the needlework of this period. Height, 23 inches; width, 2214 inches NEEDLEWORK PICTURE ; ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Jardiniére of wild roses, foxglove, and other summer flowers. Worked in many-colored silks, on tan linen ground. Framed. Height, 23 inches; width, 2214, inches NEEDLEWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shepherd and Shepherdess. The shepherd proposing to the shepherdess. Distant pasture land with many sheep grazing. Worked in many-colored silks on silk ground. Framed. Height, 23 inches ; width, 18 inches NEEDLEWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY “The Storm” after Morland’s famous painting. A young shepherd boy with his mother and sister, gathered under the tree. Worked in many- colored silks on a silk ground. Framed. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches TWO NEEDLEWORK PICTURES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The dancing girl and boy. Both finely worked in many-colored silks. Small ovals. Framed in black glass mats and gilt frames. (2) Height, 74% inches; width, 6 inches Td 68 HISTORIC NEEDLEWORK PICTURE | sy Francis cHapwick, 1790 69 70 71 V2 73 74 Sir William Handsacre, slain by Sir Robert Mauvesyn 1403. Worked in soft tans and yellows on cream ground. Framed. Height, 11 inches; width, 1614 inches The two knights divided by their loyalty to Henry IV and the rebel “Hotspur” engaged in battle in 1403. An interesting document relating to the engagement is affixed to the back of this picture. Signed and dated. NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Alphabet with various vignettes of jardiniére of flowers. Winged cupi- dons. Adam and Eve under the apple tree. Initialed “L.R.” and dated 1800. Worked in many-colored silks on cream linen ground. Height, 14 inches; width, 1314 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, DATED 1831 Top divided into rows of classic borders. Alphabet and numerals below. Centre medallion, initialed “T.H.” and dated 1831, and further enriched with cupidons and blossoming trees. Worked in many-colored silks on cream-colored ground. Height, 19 inches; width, 16 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Various panels enriched with flowering trees and jardiniéres of blossoms, animated with birds in color. Worked in many-colored silks on cream linen ground. Height, 151% inches; width, 13 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, DATED 1711 Elongated panel of handspun linen enriched with diversified motifs of various classic flowering jardiniéres, and grapevines laden with fruit. Initialed “A.C.I.” and dated 1711. Height, 42 inches; width, 9 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Top with circular medallion, flowering trees, and recumbent stag. Below many lines of alphabet and numerals. Worked in many-colored silks on cream ground. Height, 121% inches; width, 15 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The top with blossoming trees, birds and figures. Centre medallion with initial and date 1828. Below alphabet and numerals, worked in many- colored silks on cream ground. Height, 2514 inches; width, 11 inches 12 75 T7 78 ae 80 81 NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 1804 Long panel of ivory linen enriched in many colors with stitching of stag, trees, parrots, etc., and with alphabet and numerals below. Initialed J.O.M. and dated 1804. Height, 40 inches; width, 8 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong panel worked in crimson and green silks on old homespun linen, in medallions of many birds and blossoms and trees. Below, Queen in arbor with many waiting maids. Height, 17 inches; width, 19. inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Elongated panel of homespun linen on which is worked in many-colored silks large parrot at top. Below, flowering trees, jardiniéres of flowers and letters and numerals. Height, 31 inches; width, 9 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 1800 Elongated panel of homespun linen, on which are worked in many colors, at top alphabet and numerals, crowned medallion with initials M.C.L. and dated 1800; below, bird-house, trees and large figure of parrot. Height, 39 inches; width, 9 inches FINE EARLY ENGLISH, BOHEMIAN AND OTHER CUT GLASS IN AMBER, AMETHYST, GREEN AND RUBY COLORS NUMBERS 80-101 NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 1821 Petit point needlework on cream linen ground, consisting of five Jars of flowers, several fruiting trees, two rabbits at ease, and a recumbent stag. Initialed B. E. and dated 1821. | Height, 19 inches; width, 191% inches TWO AMBER GLASS JAM POTS BOHEMIAN, 19TH CENTURY Straight-sided circular pots, fitted with cover, terminating in knobbed handle. Cut to the clear, with medallion and hunting scene. (2) Height, 5 inches TWELVE TALL CRYSTAL GLASS CHAMPAGNES FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Tall cup with flaring rim, with base in cross diamond cutting and set on square foot. (12) Height, 8 inches 13 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 PAIR OF AMETHYST GLASS AND GILT SILHOUETTE MAN- TEL URNS ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Slab-sided cut cup. A rounded base and shaped standard. Heightened in gilt with silhouette of man and maid in rustic atmosphere. Fitted with knobbed cover. (2) Height, 914 inches PAIR OF CUT GLASS AMBER FLOWER VASES ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Flaring body, to bulbous base with rounded standard. Finely cut in medallions to the clear with Sure, Wirypmity and Licuruouse. (2) Height, 111% inches ELEVEN EMERALD-GREEN GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Barrel-shaped with facetted base, the body cut with cross diamond pat- tern: ech) Height, 31% inches TWO TALL RUBY MANTEL VASES ; ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The body in stemmed cup shape, the cup with straight-sided panel de- sign, terminating in fitted cover, with shaped spiked handle. (2) Height, 1614 inches CRYSTAL GLASS TWO-LIGHT CANDELABRA ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Centre shaft with two shaped arms, fitted with cusped bobéche, and en- riched with aquamarine-blue glass drops. Height, 121% inches TWO ROSE-COLORED GLASS-COVERED COMPOTES ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Cup-shaped body in translucent rose color, set on square pedestal base. Domed cover with acorn finial above. The whole cut in large diamond facets and slab cutting. (2) Height, 1214 inches ROYAL BLUE GLASS FRUIT COMPOTE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The shallow dish supported on centre ball pedestal of clear glass punc- tuated with tear drops, and set on domed base. Diameter, 11 inches AMBER GLASS JEWEL BOX FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Oblong box with metal hinged cover and banded with metal to lock, en- riched with enamel figures of children at play. Length, 4% inches 14 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ti 98 CRYSTAL GLASS LUSTRED CANDLESTICK . ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular bulbous shaft with turn-over bobéche and dome base. Cut in leaf, diamond and slab cuttings. ‘Trimmed with spear-shaped amethyst lustres. Height, 1214 inches TWELVE ORCHID-COLORED GLASS FINGERBOWLS ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Circular bowl, enriched with slab cutting to the clear, and encircled with grape and vine motif. (12) Diameter, 5 inches SIX ORCHID-COLORED GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, MID-I19TH CENTURY Matching the preceding number. (6) Height, 4 inches ORCHID-COLORED GLASS BOWL BoHEmtaAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Fine large generous bowl, cut to the clear with oval cuttings and en- riched with finely cut stag and deer design. Diameter, 12 inches ORCHID-COLORED GLASS BOWL BoHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Matching the preceding number. Diameter, 91% inches ORCHID-COLORED GLASS FRUIT COMPOTE BOHEMIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Fine generous bowl] cut to the clear, with oval cuttings and enriched with finely cut stag and deer design. Set on flaring stem and base of clear glass. Height, 101% inches; diameter, 12 inches TWELVE SMOKED-BLUE GLASS TUMBLERS FRENCH, MID-19TH CENTURY Flaring thistle-shaped cup on rounded base. Cut to the clear with bull’s- eye and slab cutting. (12) Height, 5 inches PAIR OF AMBER GLASS CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pear-shaped shaft, with spiral cutting and flaring cusped bobéches. On square base. (2) Height, 9 inches TWENTY-THREE CRYSTAL GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Barrel-shaped body, with faceted base and encircled with cuttings in hobnail and bull’s-eye pattern. (23) Height, 314 inches 15 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 ROYAL BLUE GLASS MANTEL GARNITURE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Consisting of three covered urn-shaped vases, and two straight-sided flaring spill vases. Cut to clear with straight panel medallions, and en- riched with medallions of the Huntsman, and crossed horn and whip. Height, 9 and 101% inches NINE AMETHYST GLASS WINES — ENGLIsH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Tulip-shaped body, cut to the clear with bull’s-eve motif, set on clear stem and foot. (9) Height, 51 inches TWELVE DEEP AMBER GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Barrel-shaped, with ringed and fluted motifs. (12) Height, 314 inches 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE PERIOD NUMBERS 102-150 FRAMED TINSEL WORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A knight in full armor mounted on a plumed horse. Worked in colors and heightened with tinsel. Height, 184% inches; width, 1114 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT Elizabeth of Austria. Bust portrait, printed in colors. Framed. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches EARLY SILHOUETTE PORTRAIT ENGLISH, 1830 Full figure of an English student dressed in Eton jacket, ascot and high collar. Heightened with gilt. Framed. EARLY SILHOUETTE PORTRAIT ENGLISH, 1830 Full figure of a man in long coat and high collar. Heightened with gilt. Framed. SET OF FOUR COLORED PRINTS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Painting—Heraldr y—Chemistr y—Architecture. Engraved by J. Chapman after the paintings by R. Corbould. Framed. (4) Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches A Rake set. 16 107 108 109 110 hal 112 113 114 PAIR OF COLORED FRENCH PRINTS Two prints of the French Lady of the 18th Century, one in street attire, the other in evening dress. Engravings by Voysard and Dupin after the paintings by Watteau and Desrais. Framed. (2) Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches MAHOGANY DRESSING GLASS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped oblong base containing two drawers on which is set architectural and columnar support containing swivel mirror. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches INLAID MAHOGANY KNIFE URN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Classic urn-shaped body, with canted corners, set on square pedestaled base. Top fitted with sliding dome lifting top, terminating in acorn finial. Interior compartmented. Height, 25 inches CARVED MAHOGANY BAROMETER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Banjo shape, with pediment of swan-neck design, and centre urn motif. Fitted with large centre decorated silvered dial, bull’s-eye mirror panel, thermometer and level dial. Height, 3814 inches PAIR OF LIBRARY WORLD GLOBES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The globes supported by metal bands set in circular basket holders and with pedestaled tripod bases. ‘These terminate in curved snake feet. The globes by H. Jones, London, dated 1800. (2) Height, 24 inches CARVED SHERATON MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong open back, with reeded and medallioned centre splat. Upholstered seat and curved armrests. Set on straight tapering fluted legs, terminat- ing in spade feet. SHERATON MAHOGANY DRESSING GLASS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Arched mirror frame containing oblong swivel mirror, set on oblong base containing two drawers. Short bracketed feet. : Height, 31 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with finely carved rim in acanthus-leaf motif. Front fitted with four long drawers. All enriched with original brass bail handles. Set on carved bracketed base. Height, 30 inches; width, 834 inches A iy 116 118 119 121 CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CORNER CUPBOARD ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Moulded overhanging top. Front fitted with finely panelled door enclos- ing shelved interior. Returns in fluted pattern. Set on base with frieze and square tapering legs. Height, 69 inches; width, 35 inches LADY’S INLAID MAHOGANY SHERATON DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with broad banding of tulip and satinwood. Apron contain- ing one drawer fitted with writing slide. ‘Trimmed with original brasses, on straight tapering legs. ‘The whole finely inlaid with satinwood. ‘The rear is fitted with adjustable fire screen. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches NEST OF FOUR MAHOGANY COFFEE TABLES — ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with scalloped border. Set on daintily spooled legs and shaped standards. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Oblong lifting top with inset corners; apron fitting contour of top, on finely tapering legs. ‘The whole finely inlaid with broad bandings of burled walnut and circular fan motif at centre. Height, 301% inches; width, 33 inches PAINTED ADAM NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Arched open back, with oval and cross splats. Flaring armrests in same design. Deep seat in gros point needlework with star design and diamond field. On straight legs with stretcher. INLAID MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep molded oblong top with reeded edge and bow front. Apron fitted with two drawers following outline of top. Drawers fitted with original brass ring handles. Set on turned balustered legs. Inlaid with teakwood. Height, 291% inches; width, 40 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE WING CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY High rounded back with armrests. Deep seat with loose cushion, covered in old green silk. Set on finely carved ball and claw feet enriched at knee with full acanthus-leaf design. 18 123 124 125 126 127 128 MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top, two drop leaves with rounded corners. Beneath deep frieze containing two drawers. Set on end pedestals. Outcurving legs, ter- minating in brass claw castored feet. Pedestals jomed by flat shaped stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 60 inches NEST OF FOUR MAHOGANY COFFEE TABLES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with finely turned legs, terminating in arched standard. Height, 29 inches; width, 19 inches CARVED INLAID MAHOGANY WINDOW SEAT ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Upholstered seat in old silk. Side arms in outcurving twist rail and centre carved splat. Set on X-shaped base joined by turned stretcher. LADY’S CARVED MAHOGANY PEDESTAL DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with folding drop leaves, disclosing covered writing surface. Deep frieze containing two fitted drawers enriched with brass escutcheons and drop handles. Set on centre carved pedestal with tripod legs, ter- minating in finely finished snake feet. Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep panelled top, inlaid with motif of jardiniére of flowers. Oblong mirror below with beaded frame, below which is panel with elongated star motif. Height, 42 inches; width, 17 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE KNEEHOLE DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong writing surface, with carved acanthus-leaf border, fitted with one long drawer on either side flanking centre compartment enclosed with panel door. Original brass bail handles. Set on finely carved bracketed feet. Height, 3314 inches; width, 3814 inches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror frame enriched with large inner beading and with corner blocks heightened with masked medallions. Pediment, finely carved scrol- ling in wheat husk and leaf design. Height, 48 inches; width, 21 inches 19 130 131 154 CARVED CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY OVERSTUFFED WING CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep side wings and seat with roll-over arms, covered in old peach- colored brocade. Mahogany frame with cabriole legs, carved at knee with shell and terminating in claw and ball feet. MAHOGANY FIRESIDE BENCH ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Long oblong seat with round corners, and fitted with shaped apron. Set on turned and tapering legs, and joined with double H_ stretcher. Height, 17 inches; length, 6 feet CARVED CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY TWO CHAIR-BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The back with double scroll vase-shaped centre splat. Finely turned arms and broad overstuffed seats, the same covered in old damask. Set on cabriole legs, with knees carved in acanthus-leaf design terminating in pad feet. Length, 45 inches WALNUT AND MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Slant front hinged writing surface, disclosing finely compartmented in- terior. Beneath, two long drawers fitted with original brass bail handles. Set on square legs with carved joining brackets. Height, 41 inches; width, 324% inches SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY TAMBOUR DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top, with tambour slide, disclosing writing surface and fitted in- terior. Apron containing two drawers and enriched with original brasses. Set on square tapering legs, terminating in brass castored feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 44 inches CARVED AND GILT-DECORATED MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Architectural frame with crowned top and two side columns. Top di- vided into mirror panels. Below, oval mirror set in square blue glass decorated field heightened in grapevine motif. Height, 44 inches; width, 25 inches 20 CARVED MAHOGANY LOWBOY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY [NuMBER 135] 135 CARVED MAHOGANY LOWBOY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with carved border in egg and dart motif. Finely shaped apron containing two deep drawers flanking small centre drawer, trimmed in original brass bail handles. Set on shaped legs with carved leaf scrolled knee and terminating in circular pad feet. Height, 2714 inches; width, 29 inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | Zi 136 137 138 139 140 CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEPOINT POLE SCREEN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tall centre shaft supported on finely turned tripod base. Carved snake feet, enriched at knee and foot with floral and leaf carved motif. The shaft supports an oval carved frame enclosing needlework panel with centre bouquet of roses. The top of pole terminates in an acorn finial. Height, 53 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Folding top, disclosing baize-covered playing surface, indented with guinea pockets. Rim finely carved in acanthus-leaf design. Deep frieze containing long drawer, enriched with brass bail handle. Set on shaped, turned, tapering legs, terminating in pad feet. Height, 28 inches; width, 31 inches SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror with arched top, with deep panel at top. Inlaid and panelled apron, the inlay of satinwood. Height, 40 inches; width, 10 inches INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY SEWING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Octagonal inlaid top with banding and circular fan in satinwood. Front fitted with compartmented interior and trimmed with brass handle. Set on outcurving tapering legs. Height, 39 inches; width, 23 inches CARVED AND INLAID MAHOGANY TAMBOUR DESK 3 SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top fitted with tambour slide. Compartmented interior and with- drawn writing tablet. Below two drawers, set on straight tapering m- laid legs with H stretcher. Height, 42 inches; width, 461% inches 22 141 SET OF EIGHT PAINTED ADAM CHAIRS [NuMBER 141] SET OF EIGHT PAINTED ADAM CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of six side chairs and two armchairs; broad shaped top rail, with turned sides and centre lyre, and scrolled back. Overstuffed seats in old tan silk. Outcurving legs, terminating in brass castored feet. Painted in light tan ground, heightened with delicate motifs in apple- green and other colors. (8) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE TILT TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular tilting top with inlaid carved outer rim in floral and leaf motif. Set on spiral centre baluster, terminating in tripod snake base, enriched with acanthus leaf at knee and at terminals. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 271% inches 23 143 FOUR-PART SHERATON MAHOGANY DINING TABLE [NuMBER 143 | FOUR-PART SHERATON MAHOGANY DINING TABLE Consisting of two oblong centre sections and two semicircular end sec- tions. Each section on centre turned pedestal, and terminating in four outcurving legs. Height, 28 inches; length, 8 feet 4 inches A remarkably fine old dining table, with two centre sections that can be used for breakfast table or dinner en famille, while the ends act as con- soles. The whole table can be quickly assembled for formal affairs. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 24 144 SET OF EIGHT CARVED MAHOGANY SHERATON DINING CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY [NuMBER 144 | SET OF EIGHT CARVED MAHOGANY SHERATON DINING CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of six side chairs and two armchairs. Shaped open back, draped with medallion and husks of flowers. Centre splat, classic cluster of fluted design. Broad saddle seat with loose cushion covered in old silk. Straight tapering fluted legs, enriched with medallion and design matching the top. Joined by H stretcher. (8) . | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 25 146 147 148 149 INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Oblong top with inset corners and shaped frontal. Deep apron following same outline as top and fitted with one long centre drawer flanked on either side by smaller curved frontal drawer. Set on six square tapering legs. The whole finely inlaid with satinwood and kingwood. In unusu- ally fine condition. _ Height, 3614 inches; length, 67 inches CARVED CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deeply moulded oblong top, with rim finely carved in acanthus-leaf de- sign. Deep shaped frieze and set on cabriole legs, knees of which are enriched with full leaf pattern terminating in pad feet enriched with shell motif. | Height, 32 inches; length, 48 inches PAIR OF CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CONSOLE TABLES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top with round frontal corners. Handsomely carved border in acanthus-leaf motif. Deep frieze with centre medallion carved in urn relief from which is repeated draped motif. On square tapering legs, terminating in shaped acanthus-leaf feet. (2) Height, 30 inches; width, 45 inches CIRCULAR INLAID MAHOGANY LIBRARY TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular top, enriched with several bandings of inlay of feather and rib- band motif. Centre with ivory disk. Deep frieze, set on circular fluted legs. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 34 inches INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY SEWING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong inlaid top with broad bandings of burled walnut, and centre shell motif. Front fitted with two finely compartmented drawers, and beneath shaped sliding work cupboard. Set on square tapering legs, terminating in spade feet. 26 150 CARVED AND GILT CONVEX MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY [wumpBer 150] CARVED AND GILT CONVEX MIRROR american, 18TH CENTURY Circular deeply moulded frame, enriched with ball drops and fitted with convex glass. Carved pediment of double leaf scroll, above which is a carved spread eagle on a rock-like base. Below grouped acanthus-leaf bouquet. Sides with scrolled brackets, each terminating in glass cusped cut bobéches and drop lustres. Height, 48 inches; width, 29 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Ag SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER TWENTIETH, AT 2:30 151 153 154 155 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 151-300 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES, GROUPS ae LUSTRE BOWLS AND JUGS NUMBERS 151-210 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Lord Byron, full figure, resting on pedestal, dressed in blue coat, yellow breeches, crimson robe over shoulder. Set-on shaped base. Height, 74% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE 3 Full standing figure of Shakespeare, resting on colorful pedestal with manuscript in his left hand. Blue coat, crimson breeches, and cloaked with tan robe. Set on shaped base. Height, 714 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Equestrian figure of the great Scot Campbell. Dressed in full officer’s uniform. Height, 91% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Water Girl. Small girl with pail set on head, leaving the brook. Upright latticed arbor to right. Height, 8 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Scotch Lad and Lassie. Full standing figures dressed in the costume of the period, the two en- wrapped in light green scarf. Set on oval mottled base. 156 Height, 1214 inches TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE POODLE DOG FIGURES Facing right and left. (2) Height, 514 inches PAIR OF EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Male and female standing figures of Russian nobleman and wife. Clothed in flowing cloaks obviously meant for a cold climate and hats trimmed with fur. (2) Height, 51% inches 28 158 159 160 161 162 163 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Old Dame. Full standing figure of an old dame returning from market. Her basket is full and she is able to manage it only with the aid of the rod which she carries in her right hand. Exquisite coloring from the red herchiet at her neck to the old printed calico skirt. Rustic base. An interesting figure. Height, 8 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE HIGURE Mother Goose. “Mother” is portrayed sitting in state on the back of a large goose, with wings spread. The “bessom” without which she is never shown is carried over her right shoulder. he coloring is very good and the entire figure gives evidence of being’an unusually early one. Mottled base. Height, 7 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Farm Maid. Full standing figure of the maid in the quaint dress of the period, evi- dently doing her share of the’ farm work by tending to the chickens. She is shown with the old chicken house to her right, about which are grouped several charming birds. Height, 11 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Quaint old clock castle, the parapets of which are joined by a graceful floral arch. Fronted with old clock supported by cupidons. Height, 11 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP A Drink of Cold Water. A maid and a mendicant shown posed on es side of a well. The maid bears a -water jug, while the mendicant has his pack str apped to his - shoulder. Background formed by tree enriched by climbing vine and flowers, opening at top to form spill vase. Entire group in blue, pink, green and orange tints. Height, 1114 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Fruit Harvest in the Highlands. A Highland lass in gala attire, with plumed hat, and the plaid of her clan draped over her left shoulder. In her hand and at her feet are baskets of fruit. Figure posed against background of tree done in deli- cate tints and opening at top to form spill vase. Height, 91 inches 29 164 166 167 168 169 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Highland Lassie With Bird. Figure of young girl dressed in the brilliant hues of the Highland cos- tume, with her pet bird. The bird is sitting on top of a cage, which is resting on a columnar pedestal and supported by the left arm of the young girl. On oval rustic base. Height, 81% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Happy Blackamoor. Dancing figure of Negro in tattered raiment, which is nevertheless in the vivid hues so dear to the heart of the race. The attitude is one of happy abandon and clearly illustrates the early Staffordshire workers’ idea of the blackamoor. Height, 6 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Happy Blackamoor. Dancing figure of Negro in tattered raiment, which is nevertheless in the vivid hues so dear to the heart of the race. The attitude is one of happy abandon and clearly illustrates the early Staffordshire workers’ idea of the blackamoor. Height, 614 imches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Playmates. Group consists of two sisters and their pony. One of the sisters is mounted, while the other is posed in front of the beautiful animal in an attitude clearly denoting affection. On oval base. Height, 1214 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Ophelia. Full standing figure in bodiced dress, wrapped in a heavy cloak. Height, 914 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Hamlet. Full-length standing figure with plumed hat and wrapped in ermined cape. Set on shaped base. Attitude—‘‘Alas poor Yorick” Height, 10 mches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Little Red Riding Hood. Seated figure wrapped in red cloak, alongside tree trunk, and wolf. ‘Tree trunk in shape of spill vase. Height, 10 inches 30 Lit 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Persian Fruit Vender. Standing figure in Persian costume, with basket of fruit under his arm. Small child is standing at his right. Height, 121% wches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Drummer boy with drum on one arm, and standard in the other, is crouched on a reclining stag. The group is splashed with gold lustre. Height, 1034, inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Royal couple of 16th Century. The king standing clothed in blue robe while the queen is seated and playing a musical instrument. On shaped base. Height, 714 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE “J. S. Duncombe” (Irish patriot). Full standing figure, with shaped blue coat, green waistcoat and striped pants. Left hand supported on pedestal. Height, 91% inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Hamlet. Full standing figure with plumed hat, blue coat and crimson breeches. Cloaked with heavy ermined robe. Height, 814 mches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Returning from the Field. A youth and maid returning from the wheatfield, after the day’s work. Full standing figures, enriched with husks of wheat. Height, 814, inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Country Lad and Lassie. Bringing home a nest of eggs, with the mother bird perched on the gitl’s arm. Full standing figures. Height, 744 imches PAIR OF EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE SPANIELS Seated King Charles Spaniels facing right and left, enriched with green- gold lustre splashings. (2) Height, 6 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Seated poodle, splashed with gold lustre, with gold collar and chain. Height, 10 inches 31 180 18] 185 184 186 187 188 OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE, “TOM KING” Mounted figure in blue coat, green striped waistcoat and orange scarf, mounted on snowwhite horse. The group resting on lustred base. Im- pressed “Tom King”’. Height, 9 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Lovers in quaint old costumes, seated on lounge. A bright bird is rest- ing on the lady’s arm. ‘The entire group is gaily colored. Height, 10 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The Sailor’s Return. Figures of a sailor and his lass, looking out to sea. The group is done in bright blue, orange, green and pink. Height, 8 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE, “RED RIDING HOOD” Showing Red Riding Hood patting the wolf. Colored in soft old tints. Height, 8 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP French poodle with puppies. Whole group resting on blue base. Height, 6 inches STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Lovers in brilliant costumes of the day, with plumed hats, riding in a swan boat. The whole group is gaily colored. Height, 9 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Lad with a Flute. Young lad dressed in bright blue coat, green waistcoat, and pink breeches, with flute and wreath of flowers. Figure resting on lustred base and leaning against tree base, on which is resting his pet spaniel. Height, 9 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE Figure of an Irishman dressed in the costume of the period, in bright orange, blue, and green, with black boots and scarf; resting on white base. Height, 7 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Rustic scene. Two gaily dressed young folks, the girl in old blue bodice and orange kirtle, with yellow underskirt; the lad in plaid skirt, blue waist and plumed hat. Both figures standing on branches of tree, on which is also resting a fawn. At the base of tree is a pond with a swan in the water. Height, 734, inches 32 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GOLD LUSTRE JUG Bulbous body with loop handle. Panelled in colors on either side of “Fairn’. Enriched with banding of pink lustre. Height, 444 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE SPILL VASE “The early bird catches the worm” Rooster and hen striped with black and red, rooster picking worm from the ground. Background of bush and fence, in yellow, green and white, with orange lined spill vase. Height, 6 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP “Going to Market”. Quaint boy and girl mounted on cream-colored horse. Figures are dressed in gala attire, the girl’s bright bodice making a bright touch of color. Base enriched with leaves and flowers. Height, 81 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE SPILL VASES Lad and lassie with canine playmates, at base of tree that forms spill vase. Boy and girl dressed in bright blue jackets, with three dogs on lustred base. (2) Height, 9 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE SILVER LUSTRE JUG Bulbous body with strap handle, finely decorated in silver lustre clusters of flowers and bandings at neck on cream ground. Height, 414 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE TOBY JUG The Innkeeper taking snuff. Full figure, with looped handle, showing the innkeeper in crimson coat, striped waistcoat and yellow shorts. Height, 8 mches PAIR OF OLD SPILL VASES Quaint group of boy and girl in fine green, orange and pink tints, in rustic setting with lambs lying at their feet. Tree trunk forms the vase. (2) Height, 434 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE SILVER JUG Bulbous body with loop handle. Decorated with bouquet of flowers in silver lustre on cream ground. Height, 5 inches OLD STAFFORDSHIRE POODLE Seated poodle, splashed with black and gray, with pink nose. Yellow collar and chain. Height, 9 inches 33 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUPS BURNS AND “HIGHLAND MARY” THE SCOTCH FALCONER [NUMBER 198] [NuMBER 199] 198 KARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP Burns and Highland Mary. Robert Burns embracing Mary on rock-formed seat, above which is a thistle and floriated bower. Height, 124% inches | SEE ILLUSTRATION | 199 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The Scotch Falconer. Highland lad and lassie in quaint colored costumes of the period, with clasped hands, holding the falcon above them. Beneath is the whippet. Height, 12 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 34 200 201 202 203 204 205 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE GROUP The Lion Slayer. The patriot Wallace with the conquered lion in his grasp. Height, 16 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Fruit Vender. The youth in deep blue coat with white waistcoat and striped breeches. Holding a basket of fruit in his arm, with another resting or pase. Set on rusticated oval standard. Height, 9 inches EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE The Village Beau Brummel. The young man in gala attire, carrying a stick in the right hand; to the left is his favorite hound. On rusticated base. Height, 91% wches TWO PIERCED LOWESTOFT BASKETS AND TRAYS Oval pierced baskets, decorated with small blossoms and fitted with end loop handles, and set on trays to match. (2) Length, 8 and 10 inches CHINESE LOWESTOFT BOWL Circular deep bow! with bandings in sepia, and with clustered Chinese chrysanthemums. Diameter, 121% inches EARLY PINK LUSTRE SUNDERLAND BOWL Circular deep bowl enriched on the inner surface with Mariner’s CoMPass AND SHIps, SAILoR’s FarEwELL, and verses. Outer surface the Gar- dener’s Arms, Iron Bridge and Compass. Bandings of pink lustre. Diameter, 81% inches 35 EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE VERY RARE ANGLO- EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE OF A WHIPPET AMERICAN PINK FIGURE OF A WHIPPET LUSTRE BOWL [NUMBER 206] [NUMBER 207 | [| NUMBER 206 | 206 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES OF WHIPPETS Graceful whippets seated with rabbits at feet. Colored in light tans and set on oval green mottled base. (2) Height, 81% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 207 EXCEEDINGLY RARE ANGLO-AMERICAN PINK LUSTRE BOWL Deep circular bowl with splashings of pink lustre, both on the inner and outer surface. In the centre of the bowl is a print of the Shipwright’s Arms, while encircling the bowl are oval medallion portraits of Washing- ton, Lafayette and Franklin, and the American spread eagle and shield and “Republicans Are Not Always Ungrateful”. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 814 inches A UNIQUE piece in proof condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 36 208 PAIR OF RARE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLACK LUSTRE SPANIELS [NUMBER 208 | PAIR OF RARE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE BLACK LUSTRE SPANIELS King Charles Spaniels covered in black lustre and heightened with mark- ings in gilt. (2) Height, 9 inches Only pair recorded. VERY RARE. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | OLD DUTCH BLUE AND WHITE POTTERY SNUFF JAR 18TH CENTURY Generous pear-shaped body of old Delft pottery, enriched at front by the Dutch blueprint of an Indian smoking a pipe and sitting alongside a pedestal, with tobacco jar and barrel of tobacco leaf. Distant sailing ships to the right. Fitted with original brass cover. Height, 12 inches OLD DUTCH BLUE AND WHITE POTTERY SNUFF JAR 18TH CENTURY Generous pear-shaped body of old Delft pottery, enriched at front by Dutch blueprint of an Indian smoking a pipe and sitting alongside a pedestal, with tobacco jar and barrel of tobacco leaf. Distant sailing ships to the right. Fitted with original brass cover. Height, 12 inches 37 bo i bo 215 217 FINE EARLY ENGLISH CUT GLASS IN AMBER, GREEN, ROYAL BLUE AND RUBY COLORS NuMBERS 211-235 TWELVE GREEN GLASS GOBLETS ENcLIsH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Tulip-shaped cup, set on clear glass stem and circular base. Cup is cut in leaf pattern to clear. (12) Height, 6 inches TWO GREEN AND CRYSTAL GLASS FRUIT BOWLS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Circular bowl with faceted base on turned standard and clear square base. The bowl cut to the clear in oval medallions representing Surps, Sunrise at Sra, A Licuruouse anp Fisuine Boat. (2) Height, 7 inches PAIR OF AMBER GLASS CANDLESTICKS Enc.isn, 18TH CENTURY Turned balustered shaft with flaring bobéche on large saucer base. Cut with Bowknot and Pan medallions. (2) Height, 7 inches PAIR OF ROYAL BLUE GLASS COVERED JARS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Cup-like body, set on clear glass pedestal base. Fitted with domed cover with spike finial. Cut to the clear in Stag and Deer motif. (2) Height, 12 inches PAIR OF EMERALD-GREEN GLASS COVERED URNS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Beaker-shaped body on bulbous standard and broad base. Fitted with domed cover and acorn finial. Cut to the clear with Stag and Deer motif. (2) Height, 11 inches PAIR OF BRISTOL GLASS COMPOTES MID-19TH CENTURY Clear glass shallow flaring bowl, set on pear-shaped stem. The stem of clear glass encloses plaid spiral of milk-white and red glass, and is set on small circular milk-white base, which rests on large circular clear glass base. (2) DEEP RUBY GLASS COVERED JAR ~— ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Barrel-shaped body fitted with cover, terminating in knob handle. The whole enriched with disk and geometric cutting to the clear. Height, 7 inches 38 218 220 bo bo bo 223 bo bo = 225 ROSE GLASS BOWL AND TRAY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Charming light rose colored bowl, with flaring body terminating in finely cut rosette leaf motif. Set on plate tray to match. The whole finely cut in draped medallions and cross diamond cutting. Diameter, 9 inches WINE-COLORED GLASS DESSERT SERVICE BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Consisting of seventeen tall stemmed goblets, and six stemmed sherbets. (23 pieces ) SET OF FOUR DEEP GREEN GLASS CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Tall, shaped shaft, with flaring cusped bobéche and set on circular base. Cut with deer and wooded scene. (4) Height, 814 inches IMPORTANT EMERALD-GREEN GLASS WINE SERVICE BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Consisting of eleven generous goblets, twelve stemmed wines, twelve stemmed liqueurs, twelve tumblers, twelve plates, and fingerbowls. Pear- shaped body enriched with slab cutting and encircled with grapevine and leaf motif, and set on clear standard. (71 pieces) FOUR EMERALD-GREEN GLASS CANDLESTICKS BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Tall balustered shaft with cuttings to match the preceding service. (4) Height, 124% inches PAIR OF RARE WATERFORD GLASS CANDLESTICKS IRISH, 18TH CENTURY Straight bulbous-shaped shafts, terminating in wide square foot. Deep candle socket with scalloped bobéche, the whole finely cut with cross diamond and sunburst design. (2) Height, 914 inches SIX RARE WATERFORD GLASS WINES IRISH, 18TH CENTURY Flaring cup set on pedestaled standard and circular base. Cut with small pearl cutting and straight slab design. (6) Height, 4 inches RARE WATERFORD GLASS COVERED CHEESE DISH AND TRAY IRISH, 18TH CENTURY Conical-shaped body on circular standard, and fitted cover with knob handle. Set on plate-shaped tray. ‘The whole in cross diamond cutting and encircled with ringed design. Height, 7 inches 39 226 bo bo ~ 230 232 233 234 iS) wy Or TWO CRYSTAL GLASS WATER PITCHERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Squat bulbous body, fitted with loop handles. Faceted and cut, and with cross diamond design. (2) Height, 5 inches CRYSTAL GLASS LUSTRED VASE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Trumpet-shaped, with flaring lip and scalloped edge. Set on shaped dish pedestal. Trimmed with light red spike-shaped drops. Height, 10 inches CRYSTAL GLASS LUSTRED VASE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Straight-sided shaft with broad flaring lp and dome base. ‘Trimmed with blue spike lustres. Height, 914 inches TWELVE AMBER GLASS FINGER BOWLS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Deep circular bowl, faceted at base and with cuttings to the clear en- circling the body, stag and deer cutting. (12) Height, 5 inches TWELVE AMBER GLASS DESSERT PLATES BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Matching the preceding number. (12) Diameter, 8 imches TWELVE AMBER BRISTOL GLASS GOBLETS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Generous cup on turned standard and square base. Cut to clear in stemmed leaf design encircling cup. (12) Height, 644 imches TWELVE AMBER AND CRYSTAL GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Circular straight-sided body with alternating panels of amber and crys- tal, decorated with slab cuttings. (12) PAIR OF CRYSTAL GLASS LUSTRES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Straight fluted shaft, with flaring cup-shaped top, hung with dainty blue glass spike drops. (2) Height, 9 inches PAIR OF CRYSTAL GLASS LUSTRES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Straight bulbous shaft, with slab cutting on star-shaped base. Flaring top hung with green spike glass lustres. (2) Height, 9 inches PAIR OF TALL CRYSTAL GLASS LUSTRES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Flaring trumpet-shaped body, hung with amber glass drops and spike lustres. (Sold asis) (2) Height, 14 inches 4.0 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 18TH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE AND OTHER —————— HOUSEHOLD EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE PERIOD NUMBERS 236-300 PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Oval shaft with flaring bobéche, on oval domed base enriched with fluting. (2) Height, 7 inches PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Circular turned shaft with floral cusped bobéches, set on circular domed base. (2) Height, 8 inches SET OF FOUR EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tall tapering centre shaft enriched with gadrooning at top and base. Set on circular domed base. (4) Height, 10 inches PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Columnar shaft, enriched at top and base with beaded motif. Set on square base. (2) Height, 10 inches PAIR OF EARLY SHEFFIELD PLATE COVERED URNS Classic urn-shaped body of wire guard, interior fitted with crystal lining. Two end lion-heads with ring handles. Set on square pedestaled base. Cover with leaf and ivory carved pineapple finials. (2) Height, 1114 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER AMERICAN, 1825 Alphabet at top, with jardinitre of flowers below. Four lines of verse and signed “Ann Margaret Fizell—age 10 years—1825”. Scroll and blossom border, worked in many-colored silks on cream linen ground. Framed. Height, 151% inches; width, 17% inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, 1817 Finely stitched petit point on homespun linen in many-colored silks. Centre jar of flowers, with many flowering trees and plants surrounding plumed birds. The whole encircled by fine border. Initialed and dated 1817. Framed. Height, 19 inches; width, 18 inches SILK BELL PULL ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Crimson silk ground, worked with centre vine motif in golden-yellow. Fitted at top with metal hanger and at end with milk-white Bristol glass handle. Length, 64 inches A] 245 NEEDLEWORK BELL PULL ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Medallion of floral motif repeated in many colors and worked on cream net ground. Beaded handle. Length, 72 inches FRAMED TINSEL WORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Mr. Ellar as Harlequin. Worked in colors and heightened with tinsel. Framed. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches FRAMED COLORED PRINT Mary Stuart after the miniature by Jame. Framed. Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches ENGLISH COLORED PRINT Girl with a dove. Framed. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches INLAID MAHOGANY DRESSING CASE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong box with hinged cover, interior fitted with mirror. Length, 111% inches INLAID MAHOGANY TEA BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong box with hinged cover. Interior compartmented. Length, 1214 inches MAHOGANY DRESSING GLASS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bow-front base fitted with two drawers. Above, oblong swivel glass. Height, 25 inches; width, 16 inches CARVED MAHOGANY BOOTJACK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shallow lyre shape, with hand grips at top. Centre spiralled rod. and with heel clamp at foot. Height, 35 inches CHILD’S MAHOGANY CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bucket seat covered in red leather. Set on tall outcurving legs. Front with food tray and basketed guard. SILK NEEDLEWORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval panel worked in many-colored silks. Subject: Triumph At Shake- speares’ Tomb. Black glass mat and ornamental gilt frame. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches CARVED OAK FIRESIDE BENCH ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Long narrow carved seat with frieze beneath and set on four short turned legs. Length, 55 inches 42 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 CARVED OAK FIRESIDE BENCH ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deeply moulded long oblong seat with carved frieze. Set on six carved and balustered legs joined by box stretcher. Height, 21 inches; length, 6 feet CARVED OAK HALL CHEST ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deeply moulded oblong hinged top. Front divided into three panels, each carved in floral, shell and geometric design. Ends fitted with origi- nal wrought iron carrying handles. Height, 25 inches; length, 50 inches CARVED OAK TABLE ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oblong top, with deep frieze containing long drawer and enriched with drop handles. Set on balustered turned legs with box stretchers. Height, 29 inches; length, 31 inches TWO HICKORY AND MAPLE WINDSOR ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Loop back with straight spindles and finely shaped centre splat. Wide armrests and saddle seats. On turned legs with stretchers. (2) CARVED OAK GATED TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top with two drop leaves, set on spiralled carved legs to rail stretch- ers. Both ends double gated to hold drop leaves. Height, 31 inches; length, 52 inches SET OF SIX HICKORY WHEEL-BACK WINDSOR CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of five side chairs and one armchair. Looped back with six turned spindles and centre broad splat, carved in wheel motif. Fitted with two back braces. Broad shaped saddle seats; on balustered turned legs with H stretcher. (6) CHILD’S HICKORY WINDSOR ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Loop back with five circular splats. Saddle seat and flaring armrests. Turned balustered legs. OAK TRESTLE TABLE ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Deep moulded oblong top, set on end pedestals and connected with trestle stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 58 inches A Rare table used in the English taverns. 43 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 TWO HICKORY AND MAPLE WINDSOR ROCKING ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Loop back with straight spindles and finely shaped centre splat. Wide armrests and saddle seats. On turned legs with stretchers. (2) CARVED OAK CENTRE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep oblong moulded top with finely carved valance, set on bulbous legs carved with acanthus-leaf design, and terminating in ball feet. Connected with turned and carved rare H stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 43 inches PAIR OF CARVED OAK HALL CHAIRS © EncuisuH, 18TH cENTURY Low circular back, pierced with geometric design in oval medallion. Short side arms. Shaped legs and broad oak seats. (2) WALNUT AND MAHOGANY GATED TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oval top with two deep hinged leaves. Deep shaped frieze and finely cabrioled legs, terminating in pad feet. Alternating legs gated to hold drop leaves. Height, 28 inches; width, 44 inches INLAID BURLED WALNUT CHARLES II CABINET ON STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with reeded edge. Front fitted with two finely inlaid doors enclosing compartmented interior of large and small drawers in centre cupboard. Set in bulbous turned stand, connected with H stretcher. Height, 42 inches; width, 25 inches QUEEN ANNE BURLED WALNUT HANGING CABINET ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Deeply moulded arched top, beneath which are two finely arched glazed doors, and glazed arched returns. Interior fitted with three shaped shelves. Fitted with small ball standing supports. Height, 38 inches; width, 46 inches MAHOGANY CORNER CUPBOARD DESK. Enecuisu, 18TH cENTURY Upper portion enclosing shelved interior by two panelled doors with two small drawers beneath. Base, slant-front writing slab disclosing com- partmented interior. Cupboard below, enclosed by two panelled doors. Set on low bracketed feet. Height, 79 inches; width, 40 inches MAHOGANY NEST OF FOUR TABLES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top set on end pedestals, delicately turned legs on spread feet. Four tables of graduated size forming the nest. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches AA 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 SHERATON MAHOGANY CARD TABLE — ENcuIsH, 18TH CENTURY Circular folding top. Deep frieze containing small drawer. On straight tapering legs with spade feet. Height, 28 inches; width, 34 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Broad oblong top with deeply moulded rim. Carved in scroll motif, with handsomely carved pagoda motif back rail. Deep apron enriched with centre medallion and corner ‘floral carvings, joined by repeated lattice design. Set on clustered columnar feet. Height, 49 inches; length, 54 inches SHERATON MAHOGANY CORNER CUPBOARD ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Rounded frontal with swan-neck pediment. Fitted with bow-shaped door hung with green material. Interior shelved. Below, two small doors, enclosing compartment. On base with fluted tapering legs, terminating in spade feet. Height, 73 inches; width, 29 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SHERATON SEWING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top enriched with wide banding of tulipwood. Deep frieze, con- taining two drawers which are compartmented and fitted with original brasses. Set on straight tapering legs, slightly outcurving at the feet. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror frame with inner moulding of egg and dart beading. Top, a pediment of carved urn, from which are draped leaf and flower sprays. The apron with garlands from centre. Height, 39 inches; width, 18 inches CARVED CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY WING CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY High arched overstuffed back with armrests and deep seat, the whole covered in old green silk. Set on straight square legs carved with acanthus-leaf motif. SHERATON MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE ~— ENGLIsH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top, with two end drop leaves. Deep frieze containing drawer. Set on octagonal end pedestals terminating in outcurving feet, joined by shaped stretcher. Height, 81 inches; length, 67 inches 45 278 279 280 281 283 284 INLAID MAHOGANY ROLLTOP DESK circa 1820 Oblong top, beneath which is fitted rolling frontal lid; disclosing finely fitted interior and inlaid withdrawing writing tablet. Beneath, three long drawers, set on short tapering legs. Entire desk finely inlaid with bandings of satinwood and fitted with original fire-gilt brasses. Height, 48 inches; width, 45 inches SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror, with deep top and lower panel inlaid with shell motif. _ Height, 46 inches; width, 20 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deeply moulded oblong folding top, with deep frieze and set on square tapering legs joined by finely carved corner brackets and ball and dart carving at frieze. Height, 29 inches; width, 32 inches INLAID MAHOGANY WORK TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Octagonal inlaid hinged top with deep apron containing compartmented interior. On centre shaped pedestal, with outcurving feet. Height, 28 inches; width, 16 inches BURLED WALNUT DRESSING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep moulded oblong top with rounded corners. Finely shaped apron containing small centre drawer, flanked on either side by deep drawer. Set on rounded tapering legs, terminating in pad feet. Enriched with original bail handles. Height, 29 inches; width, 28 inches CARVED MAHOGANY LIBRARY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with carved border in acanthus-leaf and shell motif. Shaped apron contains two drawers fitted with original brass bail handles. Set on cabriole legs, enriched at knee with carved floral and spray motif and terminating in pad feet. Height, 30 inches; width, 40 inches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR © crorcran PERIOD, 18TH CENTURY Finely carved frame with floral-wreath design, punctuated with blossom motifs. In original gilt, heightened with light shades of green, and with crimson. Height, 48 inches; width, 33 inches 46 285 286 287 289 CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE TILT TABLE: ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular top with deeply moulded rim carved in scroll motif. Set on centre carved pedestal and tripod base. Snake legs and feet with latticed carved motif and blossom design. Height, 271% inches; diameter, 32 inches CARVED MAHOGANY BAROMETER — ENctisH, 18rH century Banjo shape, with pediment of swan-neck design and centre urn motif. Fitted with large centre decorated silvered dial, bull’s-eye mirror panel, thermometer and level dial. Height, 381% inches MAHOGANY AND KINGWOOD SOFA TABLE | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top, with end drop leaves with rounded corners. Frieze con- taining two drawers; set on end vase-shaped pedestals, terminating in outcurving legs with brass claw castored feet. The whole finely inlaid with wide bandings of mahogany. Height, 271% inches; length, open, 59 inches TERRESTRIAL AND CELESTIAL GLOBES SHERATON, ENGLISH, 1818 Large decorated swivel globes, with inscribed metal rims, supported on carved and inlaid mahogany stands of three reeded tapering legs, and castored feet. Tripod stretcher and compass centre. (2) Height, 44 inches Inscribed “Cary’s . . . Globe . . . exhibiting the tracks . made by Captain Cook in the Northwest Cast of America.” Dated 1816 and 1818. SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY CELLARET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deeply moulded square top, with incurving frontal, inlaid with large rosette and bandings in satinwood. Front with hinged doors, fitted with original brasses. On straight legs with spade feet. Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches 47 90 CHILD’S CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE KNEEHOLE DESK © ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY [NuMBER 290] CHILD’S CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE KNEEHOLE DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with inset corners. Carved rim with ribbon and blossom motif. Front fitted with long drop drawer, which when withdrawn drops and makes a writing surface. Three drawers at each side flanking centre enclosed book cupboard. On carved and bracketed base. The drawers are fitted with finely latticed brasses. Height, 3114 inches; width, 32 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 48 FOUR MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY [NuMBER 291 | 291 FOUR MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of three side chairs and one armchair. Wide deep seat resting on straight legs joined by H stretcher. Back with diamond and scroll vase-shaped splat, flaring back with ribboned corners. (4) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 49 292 CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEPOINT POLE SCREEN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY [NUMBER 292] CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEPOINT POLE SCREEN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tall centre shaft supported on finely turned balustered tripod base. Carved snake feet, enriched at knee and foot with floral and leaf-carved motif. The shaft supports rectangular carved frame enclosing petit point panel in many hues, showing parrot and floral design. Height, 50 inches 50 293 CARVED SHERATON MAHOGANY WINDOW SEAT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong overstuffed seat covered in old tan flowered brocade. Finely carved outcurving ends with panelled top rail and double oval shaped splats. On circular turned legs. Length, 51 inches 294 CARVED MAHOGANY LOWBOY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with bead trim and inset corners. Shaped apron containing one large drawer, with two smaller drawers above. ‘Trimmed with original finely latticed brasses. On shaped tapering legs terminating in pad feet. Height, 27 inches; width, 30 inches Ca | ce | Ga a, EES . aaa eS CARVED MAHOGANY HEPPLEWHITE SETTEE ENGLISH, 1STH CENTURY [| NUMBER 295 | 295 CARVED MAHOGANY HEPPLEWHITE SETTEE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped carved open back, divided into three chair backs, each section with domed top and five splats. Loose padded seat covered in maroon denim. Set on tapering legs with triple H stretcher. Length, 56 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 51 296 297 298 MAHOGANY FIRESIDE CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY High rounded overstuffed back with armrests and loose cushion seat, the whole covered in old green silk. Set on straight tapering legs enriched with carvings of husked motifs and terminating in brass castored feet. CARVED AND GILT PAINTED OVER-MANTEL MIRROR [NUMBER 297] CARVED AND GILT PAINTED OVER-MANTEL MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror frame carved in blossom and ribband design, enclosing lower mirror glass. Above, painted historical canvas of an English Frigate engaging a Spanish fortress. Height, 40 inches; width, 36 inches A charming old painting picturing the fortress with the red and yellow flag of old Spain, returning the fire of the English Frigate and several other armed ships. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED ADAM MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Semicircular top of finely inlaid marble in many colors. Classic urn at centre and with draping of garlands of flowers to centre. Set on stand with carved and fluted frieze and straight tapering legs, enriched with blossom motifs and terminating in spade feet. Height, 32 wmches; width, 48 inches 52 299 300 INLAID MAHOGANY SHERATON BOOKCASE DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Top in deep moulded crown with inset centre portion which is fitted with shelves. At either side small compartments for bric-a-brac. Enclosed with glazed doors made up of small glasses. The base contains a slide-out folding drawer containing writing tablet and compartments. Below, two glazed doors and shelved compartment. On shaped bracketed feet. Inlaid in satinwood and kingwood. Height, 84 inches; width, 42 inches SET OF SIX CARVED MAHOGANY SHERATON SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular open reeded back with four vertical carved reeded splats. Broad flaring seats, on tapering legs, with H stretcher. Seats covered in old crimson haircloth. (6) 53