S21 LIBRARY pee. M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ACC. NEW YORK FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, JAMES P. SILO, - - AUCTIONEER. CATALOGUE cco Beco Ore PAIN TINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF JANE MILLER BY ORDER OF CHAS. H. MILLER, N. A. AND : WILBUR LARREMORE, Excrecurorse ALSO TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK vz BARY AND BY ORDER OF A.R. ANGELL, ATTORNEY, 203 Broapway TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY PEBRUARY 137rH, 14TH aND 15TH, AT 8 O’CLOCK. AQOR. Pere hrs CONDITIONS. 1, The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- ute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in Pepate shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2, The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢/ required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and esold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remaint der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. ‘5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be remoyed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- thased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser, 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this ‘sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 14-16 Astor Place, N.Y. CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE, Thursday, February 13th, 1902, at 8 o'clock. _—— secs TSMR AA TITS AEST SE ——— UNKNOWN Old Dutch Landscape and Figures 18 x 25 UNKNOWN Head of Christ On Copper JOHNSON (E. K.) ; : New York Friends 18 x 27 4 VAN STARKENBURGH ; Munich Cattle 18 x 24 5 ADRIAN (M.)_. . Holland Marine 20x 12 6 SMITZ (L.) Holland Winter Scene in Holland 24 X 35 MULLER (M.) ; Berlin Deers Coming to Water 64%x1% 8 MULLER (M.) : eee Berlin Winter in the Woods 6% x1 _ WILLS (A.) ; es = Mathicl Interior of Tavern 17 x 24 Io UNKNOWN Flowers 14X 17% II LACHENWITZ (F. S.) : . Munich Trouble for Pussy 26 x 30 I2 BROWN (Wm. M.), deceased Fruit 20 x 16 13 CARTER (D. M.) ; : New York The Musician 22x 16 BODERMUTTER (F.) LANGE (J.) INGRAM NOBLE (J. S.) Signed C < Munich Bivouac 19 x 34 15 Munich Silz Village 33 X 49 16 New Vork Fruit 12x 14 17 New York The Musician II x 13 18 Italian Girl 13x18 19 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York Clearing After a Long Storm 13 x 24 20 SCHLESINGER (F.) —. . Munich In the Barn 16x24 21 AUVIDO (N.) ‘ : New York Marine 18 x 24 22 UNKNOWN Ideal Head 20 X 24 23 DONOHO (Rodger) ; : New York Marine 36 x 16 GRANILLI (C.) Monk’s Repast 10x 7 25 SELLMAYT : : b Munich The Zither Player 7x12 26 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York The Road Thro’ the Ridge 22 x 30 27 MERMANNSTHAL (Thos.) : Munich Boy and Dog 10% x 14 28 HOEBER (Arthur) : ; New York Evening 30 x 20 29 SMITH (F. Hopkinson) : New York Among the Pines 13 xX 24 Water Color 30 BONDOUX (Jules Georges) : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1890. Medal of the ‘Third Class, 1893. Bourse de Voyage, 1893. Medal. Bronze, 1900, Expositioa Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists A Meeting at the Inn 15 x 184% 31 LEEDS (L.) : : : New York The Close of Day 6x9 32 MILLER (Charles H.),N. A. . New York Wigwam Pond at Moonlight 17 x 26 33 FRANCIS (F. A.) New York The Interrupted Letter 16 x 20 34 EVEREY (A.) : 5 ; Holland Scene in Holland 16x 14 35 DONOHO (Rodger) ; F New York Marine 40 x 24 36 BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. ; New York Greenwood Lake 18 x 30 37 CARNOCICO (R ) Paris Venice i x122 38 LIPPINCOTE (Ww. FL.) . New York Pride of the Harem IO x 15 Water Color 39 INSLEY (Albert) : : New York Suffern Mountains 12x 19 40 KUINART (J.). . Munich Amusing the Baby 4I DONOHO (Rodger) : : New York The Cornfield 32x14 42 LARPENTEUR (J. D.) : . Paris The Deer Hunt 14x 18 CRAIG (T.) : : : New York Portrait of a Girl 20 x 24 44 BOETTGER (C. E.) Munich A Chance Shot 27 X35 45 MATHIEU (Gabriel) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1895. Member of the Society of French Artists On the Banks of the Marne at Campigny 21 x 28% 46 FIELD (E. Loyal) : : New York Road to the Village 12 x 16 47 MORTLEMANS (J.) 5 : Antwerp Roses 31% x 20 48 DONOHO (Rodger) : : New York Landscape 27x18 49 BURGUI (T.) Paris Feeding the Flock 18 x 21 50 RIVAS (A.) ; ‘ ; Rome The Favorite 20 x 13 51 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York Moonlight on the Hudson 25 x 30 52 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. —) New York Cornfield at Queens 16x 24 pa VANBRUGGE (Jan C.) : Holland Landscape 54 BLACK (0. P.) : : New York A Mill Stream in October 14 X 20 35 LARPENTEUR (J. D.) : Paris Halt in the Woods 14 x18 56 MICHEL 57 UNKNOWN Vulcan Forging the Armor of Achilles 58 PELLET (0O.) : : , Paris After the Bath 33 x 60 59 BRAUN (R.) Munich The Village Watering Trough 11x8% 60 HENISCH (C.) : ; : Munich A Day’s Outing 544 x 10 61 EPP CRs) : : é ; Berlin The Peasant Girl 14 x 18 62 DOLL (A.) : : : Holland Winter 13 x 19 63 BROMLEY (W.) : : Berlin Finding the Penny 17 X 21 64 PRADILLIA (F.) , Madrid Spanish Beauty Ir x 18 Water Color 65 EATON (C. W.) 3 : New York Landscape 18 x 39 66 BLACK (0. P.) ; ; New York Edge of the Village 67 MILLER (Charles H.), N.A. . New York The Millrace at Patchogue 16 x 24 68 VAN LEEMPUTTEN (Franz) Antwerp Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium Wayside Chat 19% X 27% 69 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. Mid-day at Springfield 22 X 34 7O TEN-KATE (Herman Frederick Car!) Holland Born at the Hague, February 16, 1822. Genre painter. Pupil in Amsterdam of Cornelis Kruseman, Wona medal at the Academy there when nineteen. Went to Paris for one year; returned to Amsterdam and settled at The Hague. Honorary member of the Rotterdam Acadeniy, 1856 Entertaining an Artist 23% x 31% 71 BENNETT (Rowland) : Philadelphia Landscape 12x 16 72 BROWN (W. Warren) ; New Vork In the Adirondacks 16 x 22 73 WEBBER (W.) New York Passing the Lighthouse 18 x 26 74 LESUR (Victor Henri) Paris Medals: Paris, 1887; Bourse de Voyage, 1887; Bronze Medal, 1889 Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours Indiscreet 213f x 26 75 CHAPMAN (Carlton T.) : New York Wet Weather IOx 14 76 PERBOYRE (Paul Emile Leon) : Paris Pupil of Bonnat, Tony Robert Fleury and Domingo Aide de Camp de Marechal et Officier d’Ordnance del Empereur 13xX9/% 77 GRIFFEN (T. B.) : : New York Sterling Mountains 16 x 24 78 HAQUETTE (Georges) : : Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Miller and Cabanel. Medals: Paris Salon, 1880: Boston, 1883; Nice, 1834. Member of the Society of Freich Artists. His painting, entitled ““The Departure,’’ was purchased by the French Gov- crnmeut and preseuted to the City of Dieppe A Good Haul "19% X 2534 INSLEY (Albert) , ‘ New York The Winding Stream 80 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York Moonlight at Sunset, Queen’s Park 30 x 40 81 MITLER (Charles H.), N..A. . New Vork Old Oaks and Waterwillows 36 x 54 82 TWENTY UNFRAMED PICTURES SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, Friday, February 14th, 1902, at 8 o’clock 33 LATON (G.) : ; ; New York Still iiile 30 x 20 84 UNKNOWN Stil “ene 30 x 20 85 BROWN (C. L.) : : New York Landscape 17% X 23% CRANCH (C. P.) Italian Scene 24 xX 34 87 MINCEN 3 London Ideal Head 17 X 21 88 UNKNOWN Winter on the Lake 31x 41 89 DONOHO (Rodger) New York Marine 30 x 16 89a HYNEMAN (H. N.) New York Ready for a Walk I2 x 16 90 LATON (G.) ; é New York First of the Season 30 x 16 OI UNKNOWN Moonlight 18 x 24 g2 VERNIER (E. L,.) _ _ Paris Landscape 20x 14 os UNKNOWN Flowers 30 x 28 94 LINDLOR (J. P.) : : Munich Mountain Water Falls PG Se 32) 95 UNKNOWN Fishing Through the Ice 20 xa) 96 UNKNOWN Landscape ~ ox 18 97 UNKNOWN Cattle 18 x 22 98 DONOHO (Rodger) ; : New York Autumn 46 x 24 99 UNKNOWN Landscape 10 x 18 100 VON POSCHINGER (R.) Munich Moonlight 20 x 16 101 UNKNOWN Italian Landscape 24 x 18 102 HENISCH C).. _ Munich At the Landing Place 5% x10 103 DONOHO (Rodger) : New York Summer 24X13 104 DODGE (W. L.) : New York Ideal Head 16x 13 105 ~ EATON (C. Warren) . . New York Along the Canal 16 x 30 106 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New Vork Corners at Queen’s Park Qx 12 107 BURTONI (A.) F j : Rome Italian Gir] 18 x 12 Water Color 108 COZZEN (F. S.) : : New York New York Bay 12 x 19 Water Color 109 MLE (Charles H.), N. A. --, — New Vork Sunset on Jamaica Bay Ba IIo CHASE (Wm. M.) : New York The Apprentice Bilex 23 Ill KREUTZER (B.) ; : New York A Winter Landscape 112 LE MARIE (2). = ears In the Garden 25 x 34 113 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York A Summer Pastoral 24. X 32 114 TYLER (James G.) : New York A Calm Day 13x17 115 BLACK (O. P.) : : New York Autumn 14 x 20 116 EATON (C. W.) : : New York Springtime 16 x 22 117 WITT (J. H.), deceased The Old Road to the Village 25 X 30 118 HILLARD (W. H.) 3 : New York Landscape 26 x 32 119 HALL (Geo. H.) : : New York El Cabrito 43 x 32 120 JIMENEZ (L.) : ; ; Rome Students of Beauty 28 x 24 [21 HUNSTEEN (Nils) : Holland Marine Scene I4xy 122 BRAUN (R.) : : Munich At the Smithery 1rx8% 123 DOLL (A.) . : : Holland The Performing Bear 12% x 19% 124 STOHRER Copy of King Thurisind and Sons 60 x 48 125 JUNGHEIM (C.) : : Berlin Swiss Landscape SE x 35 126 FAY (T.) Rome In the Garden 21 x 28 127 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. = New York A Grey Day, Springfield Millpond G2 eXe 212 128 BLACK (O. P.) : : - New York Spring 16 x 24 129 TORRES (Antonio) : : = Paris A Spanish Ideal 14 x 103 130 LEEDS (L.) : : E New York Sunset near Oldbridge, N. J. Wax 10 131 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York On the Meadows 17220 132 HALL (Geo. H.) ; ; New York Ideal Head 15 x 24 133 LANGE (J.) ; : : Munich Konigssee 30 x 40 134 QUAGLIO (Franze) : : Munich Ready for the Road 1344 x 10 135 LECHENWITZ(F.S.) —. . Munich Dog and Trainer 37 X 29 136 ROSIERSE (J.) 3 : Dordrecht Gold Medal: Amsterdam, 1857; Antwerp, 1876. Diploma d’honneur, New Orleans, 1880 Early Market Scene in Amsterdam 21 X15 137 JONES (Francis C.) : : New York Grecian Girls 20 X 27 138 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York Rainbow, after the Storm 16 x 27 139 HETZ (C.) : : : Munich Returning Market 10x 12% 140 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Autumn at Creedmoor Oaks 25 x 50 I4I DENMAN (Herbert) : : New York The Flower Girl 13 x 19 142 JONES (H. Bolton) é : New York Winter Landscape jf} (>. gd 7/ 143 ROTHERNOL (T. P.), deceased The etter i) Se TR 144 WILES (L. M.) ; 5 New York Pacific Coast—Sunset 18 x 39 145 LITSCHAUSER KC F.) ; : Munich The Pet Bird 114 x13% 146 HAMILTON (Hamilton) A.N. A. New Vork Afternoon, Lake Mehausic 20 x 24 147 BEWER (C.). . : : . Paris The Musician 58 x 46 148 PARTON (Arthur), N. A. New York Landscape 18 x 24 149 LAWRENZE (C.) : ; Munich Amusing the Children 10 x 14 150 BODOY (E. A.) : , F Paris A Morning Ride 24x 184% I5I SMITH (H. P.) : : . New York A Sultry Day in Midsummer 14 x 20 152 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York New York, from Long Island City 33 x 63 153 QUINTON (Clement) ; ; Paris Medals: Paris, 1888 and 1890 Hors Concours, Member of the Society of Freuch Artists Evening, Returning Home 19 x 25% 154 HEINLEIN (H.) : : . Munich Landscape 43 x 32 155 MILLAR (A. IT) : New York Close of Day Sry 156 SCHNEIDER (Fritz) Munich Offering 36 x 54 157 HACKER (Horst) : : Munich Alpine Lake Mountains 37 X 49 158 HAMILTON (Hamilton), A. N. A. New York Spring Blossoms 16 x 20 159 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York The Reformed Church at Queens 16 x 27 160 WITKOWSKI (K.) : : New Jersey Street Arabs 27x 18 161 PICARDET (L.) : : : Paris The Departure 1x13 162 NIEMEYER (Professor) . Yale University iota. 21 X 23 163 WAGNER (Salles) : : : Paris The Angel of Death 46 x 62 sas ATE THIRD NIGHT’S SALE, Saturday, February 15th, 1902, at 8 o'clock. 164 CAMPBELL (E. R.) ; : New York Lilys Water Color 165 BEER (W. A.) : ; : Munich Girl on Horseback 7X9 166 RICHARDS (W. T.) : : New York Rocky Mountains 21 X 27 167 ULRICH (Chas. F.) : : New York Happy Thoughts Io x14 168 LANGDON (kK. I.) : : New York Midsummer 18 x 32 169 DAVIS (C. Hy) : ‘ . New York Sunset 17 x 21 170 CANTWELL (James) : . New York Shore of Lake Ontario 14 x 24 WA HACKER (Horst) : : . Munich Winter Scene 49 x 37 172 NAUMAN (C.) ; : . New York In the Garden 20 X 24 173 BLAUVELT (C. F.) N. A. : New York Gypsies Co) 6 4 174 HAMILTON (Hamilton) A.N. A. New York i Harvest lf 16 x 20 175 i DEVIEUX (R.) ; Paris Venice 15 x 25 176 BLACKMAN (Walter) : . New York Ideal Head I5 x 18 177 LINDLER (J. W.) Munich The Mountain Road DG] eB 178 BALLAVOINE (T.) . . Paris Ideal Head L520 179 RELS{E) =. _ Munich Returning Artists 41 x 29 180 WITT (J. H.), deceased On the Terrace Black and White Oil 16 x 20 181 JONES (H. Bolton) , ; New Vork Landscape 23X13 182 BRUN (Leon) ; ; : ~ Pans On Guard 21x 25 183 PIC ARE dh) = Paris A Stroll Through the Village 18x 13% 184 BOMBLED (Louis Charles) eos Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885 Horses 18 x 20% 185 KNELL (W. C.) : ; - London Wreck in the Channel 24x 12 186 BROWN (W. Warren) : . New York Low Tide 16 x 26 187 GRIFFEN (T. B.) ; ; New York In the Catskills 16 x 24 188 BOURGOIN (A). . Paris Richelieu and Marie de Medecis 40 x 32 189 CHAPMAN (Carlton T.) : New York Surf, New England Coast ata —~~ 190 WEBBER (W.) Heading Out 18 x 24 IOI WEX (W.) Sunset 12 x 20 192 LAURENTY (L.) The Shrimpers 25 x 36 193 DEVIEUX (R.) In the Pasture 21x 12 194 JONES (H. Bolton) In the Springtime 24 x 36 New York Paris Paris Paris New York 195 CABIE (Louis Alexander) : xy Paris Mention Honorable. Paris, 1894. Medal, 1899, Mem- ber of the Society of French Artists. Pupil of Har- pignies On the Dordogne, at Baynae, France 1834 x 32% 196 CALIFANO (Prof. John) : New York Swiss Mountains 18 x 20 197 BAUMBARTNER (Ph.) Munich Alpine Travelers 48 x 60 198 BLASTFIELD (E. HE) : : Paris The Dancing Girls 18 x 24 199 DEBAT-PONSON (Edouard Bernard) Paris © Born at Toulcuse. Pupil of Cabanel. Wors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists At the Ford 19/4 X 25% 200 BLACK (O. P.) - d New York Near South Eyremont 16 x 24 201 HAGBORG (Auguste) ; : Paris Born in Sweden. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm and Palmaroli. Paris Medal, Paris, 1879 Waiting for the Boats 214% x 28% 202 HAMILTON (Hamilton), A.N. A New York Sunset Glow 20 X 24 203 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Pond Lilies and Wild-flowers, at Springfield, Millpond 16 x 24 204 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. . New York The Poet’s Mill at Sunset 12x 14 205 FIELD (E. Loyal) : : New York Arkville, N. Y. 12 x 16 206 HOEBER (Arthur) F : New York The Harvest Moon 14 X 22 207 GRUND (I.) : ; : Berlin Fainter to the Duke of Berlin German Peasant 12x15 208 RICHET (Leon) : : : Paris Born at Solesmes, Nord. Pupil of Diaz and Boulanger. Honorable Mention, 1885 Landscape at St. Cloud 18% x 24 209 JACQUE (Emile) : ; : Paris Pupil of his father. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Mention Honorable, 1889. Exposition Universelle Returning Home 103f x 14 210 DAMERON (Charles Emile) Paris Medals: Paris 1878, 1882 and 18$9, Exposition Univer- Selle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honecr, 1898. Hors Coucours. Member of the Society of French Artists Passing the Shrine 18 x 24 PHEA LARPENTEUR (J. D.) In the Sheep Fold iG oe DS ; Paris 212 BRICHER (A. a) : ; New York Off the New England Coast 20 x 40 213 MARIZOT (V.) : : : Paris A Normandie Landscape 25 x 36 214 MORAN (Leon) ; my New York The Lovers’ Quarrel 18 x 30 215 ' MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Oyster Houses of Freeport 24 X 32 216 DEVIEUX (R.) : Paris Venice 15 X 25 | 217 HOEBER (Arthur) : p New York | Twilight 14 x 22 218. BERRY (P. V.) New York Landscape and Cattle 16 x 24 219; MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New Vork The Road to the Village Mill 24x 32 220 BRAUN (R.) Munich Hay Wagon Entering Village 35 X 27 22t MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Rifle Range at Creedmoor 22x34 222 PIOT (Adolphe) Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. Member Perpetual de la Societe des Artiste Francais Flora 18 x 15 : 223 | DESVARREUX-LARPENTEUR Paris Landscape and Sheep 2314 X 28% 224 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Manhattan—From Queens Borough (St. George’s Church in the Distance) 30 x 54 ; 228 HOUBEN (H.) ‘ F Antwerp Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium Flemish Farm 29/4 * 45 226 JONES (Francis C) ; : New York The Little Wanderer 25 x32 227 KRAY (W.) : : Paris Water Nymphs 53 X37 228 WHIPPLE (C. A.) ae ..New York Dina 29 x 42 229 JACQUET (G.) : : : Paris | Ideal Head 9% Xx 13 230 ROBIE (J.) ; ‘ : Paris Roses 12% x 15% 231 . PERBOYRE (Paul Emile Leon) : Paris Pupil of Bonat, Tony Robert Fleury and Domingo Cuirassier’s Franco et Ahlaus Prussians 13 X97 | 232 MATHIEU (Gabriel) . . — . Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1895. Member of the Society of Krench Artists On the Marne, France 253/ x 36 233 SCHENCK (Auguste Frederick Albert) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of the Order of Isabella la Catolica. Medal: Centennial Exhibi.ion, 1876 j Sheep in Snow Storm 19% X 25% 234 WORMS (Jules) : : Paris Medals: Paris, 1867, 1868 and 1869. Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal: 1878, Exposition Univer- selle. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists At the Inn 19%4 X 25%4 235 RENARD (Mary) ; : : Paris The Edge of the Pond 60 x 40 236 SMITH (i... ; ; New York The Old Homestead in Midsummer 20 x 28 237 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York On the Road to the City—A Gray Day on Long Island Chicago Columbian Exhibition 36 x 66 238 HILLARD (W. H.) : : New York Isle of Jersey . 3 41 x 64 239 MilLLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York The Bouquet of Oaks (At Stuart’s Pond, near Jamaica, Long Island) Paris International Exposition 42 x 64 240 LEMAIRE (C.) ; : Paris Masquerade 42 x 29 241 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Lake Konigsee (The Royal Hunting Grounds, Bavaria) 245x321 242 BRIDGMAN (fF. A.) Paris Arabian Street Scene 32x 47 243 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York High Bridge—From Harlem Lane (Site of the Original, and the New Speedway) 40 x 65 244 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Lake Obersee (The Royal Hunting Grounds, Bavaria) 24x 31 245 MILLER (Charles H.), N. A. New York Autumn on Long Island—At Creedmoor Oaks since Sete. Paris International Exposition 36 x 66 246 MAYER (Constantine) . . New York Recognition 69 x 94 eee, ee a JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer.