busi ness. EE f Pie Auctioneers : i Baer 2 LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. |; 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK sm CATALOGUE of the Entire Valuable Stock and Fixtures of JAMES S. EARLE & SONS Retiring from Business CONSISTING OF Proof Engravings Proof Etchings Plain and Colored Engravings Photogravures Photographs Miniatures Beautiful Miniature and Photograph Frames Picture Frames, Etc. To be Sold on the Premises No. 816 Chestnut Street ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE Commencing, Wednesday, April 16, 1902 PSNR al SASL MTS and following days : Each Morning, 10.30 o’clock Each Afternoon, 2.30 o’clock DAVIS & HARVEY, Auctioneers 1112 Walnut Street NOTE.—The Valuable Collection of Oil Paintings and Water Colors will be sold Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons, April 23d and 24th, at 3 o’clock. See special catalogue. Terms and Conditions of Sale Bills payable in CASH before delivery. Every article embraced in the Catalogue will be sold to the highest bidder without limit. If any disputes arise between two or more bidders, the lot soin dispute shall immediately be put up again and re-sold. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any inaccuracies of description in the Catalogue; all articles are exposed for public exhibition, and are sold just AS THEY ARE, without recourse. To prevent errors in delivery, no lot can on any account be removed without presentation of the bill, and nothing will be delivered during the sale. All bills must be paid, and purchases removed at the expense of the buyer, within twenty-four hours after the conclusion of the sale. No article will be EXCHANGED or taken back under any circumstances whatever. We will not be responsible for goods dam- aged in delivering. | Goods carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their orders for buying executed by us without any extra charge. DAVIS & HARVEY Auctioneers April 2, 1902 MESSRS. DAVIS & HARVEY Gentlemen :—As we have concluded to retire from business, we place our entire stock in your hands for disposal at public auction. It consists of Fine Oil Paintings by noted American and foreign artists, Choice Proof and Print Engravings, Etchings, Photogravures, Photographs, Miniatures, Colored Engravings, Photograph, Miniature and Portrait Frames, Mirrors, Mouldings, Machinery, etc. Our instructions are to sell eberything to the highest bidder, absolutely Without reserve and to impress upon the public the fact that the sale is peremptory. We are Very truly yours JAMES S. EARLE & SONS CATALOGUE FRAMED ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. The “ Ruined Sanctuary,’ photograph and frame. “Previous Tenants,” Gibson picture. “A Carol,’ photograph and frame. Madonna and Child, photograph and frame. ‘Winter,’ photogravure (Kaemmerer) and frame. Colored Engraving, “Summer Time,’ photograph and frame. “Cherub ” (Champney), photograph and frame. Small Venetian Toilet Mirror. Large Venetian Engraved Toilet Mirror, at and silver. Large Venetian Engraved Toilet Mirror, blue and silver. Burne-Jones’ “ Vestal,’ and frame. “Blossoms” (Ryland), and frame. “ Music,” photograph and frame. “Lady Jordan,” signed proof in color after Gains- borough, and frame. Fancy Head, in Paris decorated frame. “Tennis Girl,’ passe-partout, colored. “ Golf Girl,” passe-partout, colored. “The Struggle” (Bouguereau), colored engraving and frame. Yacht “Columbia,” in colors, special frame. Yacht “ Genesta,” in colors, special frame. “Springtime,” Potazza, colored engraving and frame. Raphael Mengs’ Cherub, colored photograph and frame. 6 “ Chrysanthemums,” colored engraving and frame. “ Autumn,’ photogravure (Kaemmerer), and frame. “Reading from Homer” (Tadema), photograph and frame. “Old Memories,” framed. “In the Breakers,” photograph from nature, framed. “Countess Potocka,” on glass. “Holy Night,” (Muller), and frame. “Clear the Track,” rare engraving. Head, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, and frame. Six “ Fra Angelico Angels,” in frame. \ Madonna of Chair, in elaborate frame, colored. Madonna (Holbein), colored photograph, Floren- tine frame. Bodenhausen Madonna, in rich frame. Sarah Bernhardt, as ‘‘ Gismonda,” carbon photo- / graph in rich frame. “A Merry Group,” carbon photograph in frame. “Lord Faulkland”’ (Van Dyck), in frame. 9 “Santa Barbara,” carbon photograph in frame. Triptych, Holy Family and St. John. “Virgin and Child” (Carlo Dolci), oval frame. “The Vision,” from Abbey’s “ Holy Grail.” Triptych, “Adoring Angels ”’ and Christ, etc. “Nora,” platinum photograph in frame. Triptych, “ Dangerfield’s Madonna,” etc. Gibson picture, “A Message from the World.” Portrait, Rembrandt’s Mother, rich frame. Colored photograph, “ Springtime.” Colored photograph, “ Summertime.” Rare old engraving and frame, ““Tilbury Fort.” Portrait, Young Woman, French School, Eigh- teenth Century. “ Madonna,” Barrabino. “Young Napoleon.” companions. 7 Carlo Dolci’s “ Virgin and Child,” and frame. Proof etching, ““ Music Among Fairies.” Bronze relief, ““ The Doge’s Daughter.” Bronze relief, “ The Court Beauty.” Pastel, ‘‘ Game,” by Frérot. Pastel, “ Ducks,” by Frerot. Fac-simile, “ Springtime,’ oval frame. Colored photograph, “‘ Holy Family,” Tojetti, oval frame. Small Rococo Mirror, beveled edge. Oval Mirror, beveled edge. Wrought Iron Mirror, beveled edge. Wrought Iron Mirror, beveled edge. Carbon photograph, “ Alhambra,” and frame. Engraving, “ Milton in His Study,” in oval frame. Signed artist’s proof, “ Lieut. Napoleon.” Doge’s Palace, Venice, Moonlight. “Tord Wharton,” after Van Dyck. “Story Telling,” rich frame. “ Cupid Sharpening His Arrow,” Bouguereau. Triptych, “ Playing Golf.” ‘Pheasant Shooting,” engraving. “ Love Punished.” “Christ and the Rich Young Man.” Landscape, after Corot. “Two Roses,” rich oval frame. “The Love Merchant.” Frans Hal’s Portrait of a Man. SCapris’ Triptych, Dangerfield’s “Madonna and Angels.” “The Ardent Musician,” and frame. “ A School of Vestals,” and frame. Horns of Rocky Mountain Sheep, made into a bracket. Head of Old Man, Rembrandt. Bronze, Leaves from Nature. “Holy Family,” Tojetti, handsome frame. “Mme. Récamier,” rich frame. 8 “ Countess Potocka,”’ rich frame. “St. Sebastian.” Plaster cast, “ Cupids with Wreaths.” ‘“ Singing Cherub,” plaster. Bust of Liszt, plaster. Bust of Schubert, plaster. ‘“ Mendelssohn.” Bust of Tennyson, plaster. “ Winged Victory,” plaster. Mendelssohn Bust, plaster. Clytie Bust, plaster. “ St. Helena’s Vision,” plaster. “The Forum and Coliseum.” Hoffman’s “‘ Head of Christ.” “ Doubting Thomas.” Pandara.” “A Gilded Cage,” fac-simile in color. “Lady with Columbine.” -“ Roses,” fac-simile. “ Ezekiel,” after Sargent, “ Fallowfield Hunt.” Forli’s “ Angel with Mandolin.” “Lady Hamilton When Young,” colored. “ Moods of Music.” “ Love’s Whispers,” colored photograph. Parchment proof, “In the Hayfield,” and frame. Artist’s proof, ‘ Divine Inspiration,” and frame. Oliver Wendell Holmes. “A Saintly Vision,” rich frame. “ Drawn Blank.” “Peg Woffington’s Visit to Triplet.” “ Viscount Hamilton,” colored engraving. Colored photograph, oval frame, “ Promenade. Fancy Head, oval frame, photograph. “Queen Wilhelmina.” Brush’s ‘ Mother and Child.” “ Princess Amelia,” after Lawrence. “ Ariadne.” b 39 127 128 129 130 Hai 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Lg 145 146 147 148 149 150 I51 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 “Two Roses.” “On the Step Ladder,” fac-simile color. “ Madame Le Brun,” rich frame. “Portrait of Hartmansz,’ Rembrandt. “ Madonna of Chair,’ colored. “ Good Samaritan.” “Portrait Spanish Admiral,” Velasquez. “In Autumn,” beautiful painted frame. “Innocence,” Greuze. Tiger's Head. Murillo’s “Holy Family.” “Dies Domini,’ Burne-Jones. “In the Breakers,” photograph, from nature. joa ue, bavorite;”” The Restless''Sea;”’ “ Edelweiss,’ colored photograph. “Lady Hamilton as Ariadne,” colored engraving. “ Pallade,” after Botticelli. “siomer.’ “Holy Family” (Botticelli), circle frame. “St. Cecilia,’ colored photograph, white and gold frame. “Little Red Riding Hood.” “Milton in His Study,” oval frame. “ Margarette,’ colored engraving. “Dante’s Dream” (Rosetti), engraving. “The Acropolis.” “In Winter Time,” fac-simile, oval frame. “ Dance of Cupids” (Albani), rich oval frame. ‘Countess Potocka,” rich frame. ierione, rich: frame. “Holy Family” (Raphael). “Capri Girl With Mandolin.” “Mrs. Siddons.” “ Mystic Marriage of St. Catharine” (Van Dyck). “The Sign of the Cross,” engraving. Artist’s proof, “ Trilby.” “ Luther’s Wedding.” 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 IQI 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 10 ‘“ Morning, Ready for the Moors,” engraving. “ The Three Graces.” “Mont St. Michel.” “ Durham Cathedral,” rich oval frame. “The Golfers,” St. Antrim’s? (inks? rare Spl engraving. ““ Laocoon.” “ Blessed Damozel’”’ (Rosetti). Large Brush’s “‘ Mother and Child,” circle frame. Etching, “ Lion’s Head.” “Tigress,” etching. “Christ Blessing Little Children.” Raised picture, “ Fish.” Portrait, “ Velasquez,” by himself. Engraving, “ Queen Louise,” oval frame. “Little Milliner,”’ fac-simile in color. ‘Dante in the Boboli Gardens,” artist’s proof, steel engraving, printed in colors. “In the Boudoir,” colored steel engraving. “A Difficult Lesson” (Bouguereau), fac-simile. ‘Youth’ “ Cherry Earrings”’ “Innocence” (Sir Joshua Reynolds), artist’s proof in colors. “Mrs. Whatman,” artist’s proof. ‘“ Joyous Spring,” colored engraving, rich frame. “ Felicia,” rich oval frame. “ Duchess of Orleans.” “Czarina Marie Feodorowna.” Donatello’s Singing Boys and Girls. “The Consoling Christ.” Aeus - “Virgin and Child” (Botticelli). “‘ Amphitrite.” “Portrait Rembrandt.” COL yrane “ Handel and George ITI.” Proof Portrait of “Lincoln.” 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 2iI 212 213 214 a5 216 ar. 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 225a 226a 226 227 228 229 230 II “Flight Into Egypt,” large. “King of the Forest” (Landseer), engraving. “Franklin at the Court of France,” colored engrav- ing. “Kissing Bridge,” artist’s proof. Colored engraving, “And Then the Fairies Went to Bed.” “ Happy as the Day is Long. “The Ladies Waldegrave.” Artist’s proof, “ Valley of the Luugwy.” Artist’s proof, “ Clytie” (Sir F. Leighton). “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.” “An August Afternoon With Farragut.” Engraving, Stuart’s ‘“ Washington.” “Waiting for Papa.” ““ Marguerite.” Portrait of “ Raphael,” by himself. Engraving, “ Flirtation” (De Blaas). “ Champigny,” colored, after De Neuville. Schreyer’s “Cavalry Engagement.” “Sense of Smell.” Oval, fac-simile, “ Crossing the Moor.” Papier, maché “Hebe.” Engraving, “The First Blow for Liberty.” Signed proof, Doré’s “Christ Leaving the Prae- torium.” Proof, “ Inventors of America.” Signed artist’s proof, “ First Love Letter.” ‘Arrest of Bearer of Despatches” (De Neuville). “The Flagellants.” Artist’s proof, “ Olive,” rich frame. “ Sylvia,” signed artist’s proof, rich frame. “ Christ before Pilate,’ Doré. Carbon “Coliseum.” Fountains Abbey. Triptych, French Beauties, with mirror. “ And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.” ) 231 232 233 2020 234 mete 2 3.4. 235 2360 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 255b 256 257 258 12 Signed artist’s proof, “Sherman’s March to the Sea.’ The “ Borghese Warrior.” Signed artist’s proof, “ Enid.” “ A Souvenir” (Cabanel), framed. Sargent’s “ Prophets,” in the Boston Library. Parchment proof, “By Mead and Stream,” rich frame. ‘“ Nuneham-Courtney on the Thames.” “The Cavalier and His Bride,” in colors. “The Introduction,” in colors. “Promise to be Good,” in colors. “The Prima Donna,” in colors. “ The Maiden’s Prayer,” colored engraving. Triptych, Madonna, and Hoffman’s “I am the Way.” “ Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem.” “T Love You, Mamma,” in colors. “ The Evening Prayer,” in colors. Signed artist’s proof, “On the Bay.” Signed artist’s proof, “ Trinity,” Stratford (5 re- marques). The Coliseum. Castle St. Angelo and the River Tiber, Rome. “ Pomona,” and ‘‘ The Rose,” two in one frame. Raphael’s Holy Family, carbon. The Cherub Choir, Sir Joshua Reynolds. “ Flora,” carbon. “The Vestal Tuccia,” original in Corcoran Gallery. Plaster group, ‘“ The Kiss.” A. P., “ Make Haste!” “ Gabrielle,” artist’s proof, rich frame. “ Innocence,” colored engraving (Reynolds), Flor- entine frame. Remarqué proof, Dendy Sadler’s “Home, Sweet Home.” Remarqué proof, Dendy Sadler’s “ From London to York. 259 260 201 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 280a 280b 281 282 283 13 Parchment artist’s proof, Millais’ “ Walter Ra- leigh.” Amiéns, interior, artist’s proof (Haig). Antique engraving, “The Fern Gatherers,” in colors. Companion, “ Waiting to Change.” Framed etching, “ Roused.” Framed proof, “ Innocence,” printed in colors. “Tumbling Waves,” platinum photograph. Alc Leash.” Artist proof, “ Flora.” Frame of portraits, Celebrated Artists. “ Aurora,” photograph of original. Large bronzed panel of “ Sylph.” Smaller bronzed panel of “ Sylph.” Rare old engraving, printed in colors, “ The Cup Found in Benjamin’s Sack.” Rare old engraving, printed in colors, “ Judah Addressing Joseph in Behalf of Benjamin.” “ Venice,” from the original, by Turner. “Triumph of Christianity over Paganism.” “The Serapis and Bonhomme Richard,” artist’s proof. pe Lclis Son.’ “The Pope Pius VII.,” fine proof (Cousins). Fac-simile, ‘ Falls of Reichenbach.” “ Bishop Clark of Rhode Island.” Four carbons, Della Robbia’s “ Singing Boys.” Fac-simile, in colors, Chialiva’s “ Happy Ride.” “Charles V. and Francis I.” Signed artist’s proof, “ Every Rose Has Its Thorn.” “Fog Warning” (Winslow Homer). 14 ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC., IN SHEET. “ Madonna,” by Plockhorst, carbon photograph. ‘“ Adoration of the Shepherds.” ‘“ Virgin and Child,” Botticelli. “Supper at Emmaus,” by L’Hermitte. ‘“ Hosea,” after Sargent. “ Easter Morning.” “ Adoration.” “ Christ and Rich Young Man.” Ot eel ae “ Magnificat.” ‘“ Mary at the Foot of the Cross.” “Come Unto Me.” . “ The Young Luther in the Home of Frau Cotta, E “Tam the Way.” “ Faith,” “ Mater Dolorosa.” “ Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest.” “Temperance” (Burne-Jones). “ Fiameta” (Rosetti). ‘ Neptune’s Horses.” “Wheel of Fortune.” “The Mill.” “ Found” (Rosetti). “The Question.” “ The Ponies.” “ Boats of Gloucester.” “ A Hundred Years Ago.” “ Evening Bells.” “The Shepherd’s Lane.” “ Her Future.” “ Summer in Holland.” “ Narragansett Beach.” “ Spring,” by Jackman. “ At Eventide,” Burgel. “The Moonrise.” 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 Ba5 334 335 336 336a Bos, 338 339 340 341 34la 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 352a 353 15 Signed proof, ‘The Trout Stream.” “Morning by the Lake.” Pa. idyite.” “The Great Fall Niagara,’ by Church. “ Return of the Fisherman.” “Their Native Heath.” “ Highland Pasture.” Proof, “ Along the Cohasset Beach.” Proof, “ September Wayside.” “A Stream in the Wood.” Signed artist’s proof, “ Country Road.” “ Awakening Day.” “Lusty Winter.” “The Captain of the Eleven.” “Salmon Fishing.” “The End of Golf.” “The Beginning of Golf,” colored engraving. “ Golf,” with portraits (2). “ Partridge Shooting.” “The Parson’s Holiday,” signed artist’s proof. “ Gone to Ground.” “End of Golf,” colored engraving. “The Stymie” (2). “The Harvard Gate,” artist’s proof. “The Harvard Gate,” print. “His Lucky Day!” proof. “ Beat That!” “The Drive.” “A Difficult Lie.” Princeton College Buildings, in colors, proof. Dr. W. G. Grace. Signed artist’s proof, “ The Gentle Art.” Signed artist’s proof, “ Trout Fishing.” “ Rats!” colored. “Rats!” plain. “ Hark, Holloa!’ colored. 354 355 350 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 16 “The Trencher-Fed Pack.” ‘In Hys Master’s Steppys He Trodde,” colored. “ Little Polly Flinders Sat Among the Cinders.” “ The Old Style,” colored. “ The New Style,” colored. “ Exercising Cart,” colored. ‘“ Meadow-Brook Cart,” colored. “A Roadside Meet,” colored. “Ten Miles from Kennels,” colored. “A View Halloo,” colored. “ Killed in the Open,” colored. Signed artist’s proof, “ Approach to Venice,” etch- ing. Signed artist’s proof, “ September Afternoon.” Signed artist’s proof, “ A Roadside Chat.” Signed artist’s proof, on vellum, “A Quiet After- noon.” Remarqué proof, “ Hero’s Targe.’ Signed artist’s proof, “ Kirk Alloway.” “Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon.” Remarqué proof, “ Somersby Church.” Remarqué proof, “The Brook.” Artist’s proof, “ Connecticut River.” Remarqué proof, “ Childhood’s Happy Days.” “ Hungry as a Hunter.” “ The Heiress.” “ Grandma’s Birthday.” “The Toper.” “The Pied Piper of Hamelin.” “ February Fill Dyke.” “Prince Charles Edward’s Last Look at Scot- land.” “ A Joyless Winter’s Day.” “ The High Street, Oxford.” Etching, “ The Waning of the Year.” “ The Sergeant’s Portrait” (Meissonier). Etching, “Advancing Broad, or Wheeling Round the Field.” 388 389 399 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 400 407 408 409 410 4II 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 17 “The Village of Chalfant, St. Giles.” “ Stratford Church.” “Gad’s Hill,” home of Charles Dickens. “ Ellen’s Isle.” “The Shambles,” York. “Bolton Abbey.” “Anne Hathaway’s Cottage.” “ Afric Water,” looking down. “ Afric Water,” looking up. “His Favorite Bin.” “The Butler’s Glass.” “ Home Brewed.” “A Breach of Promise.” “ Long, Long Ago!” “ Past and Present Generations” (Tadema). “ The Baby’s Bath.” “The Challenge.” /aeairy Tales.” “Charles I. on Way to Execution.” “To Bring the Roses Back!’ “Manon Lescaut and Chevalier Descrieux.” “Rooks and Pigeons.” “Sea Maidens.” “Fishermen Returning Home.” “ Madame le General.” “The Wounded Child.” fot y alentine’s Day.” “A Morning Call.” “ Invocation.” “Day Dreams.” Mithe Zodiac.” India proof, “ Phyllis.” “The Queen and Grandchildren.” “An Unwilling Accomplice.” “And Every Soul Was Saved!” Fac-simile, “ The Princess.” Fac-simile, “ Marguerite.” “ Fac-simile, “ Sweet Dreams.” 18 426 Fac-simile, “ Cherry Ear-rings.” 427 Fac-simile, “ Chloe.” 428 “ De Courtin,” colored photograph. 429 “Angling,” fac-simile. 430 “ Caught,” fac-simile. 431 “ Minding the Flock.” 432 “Her Future,” colored photograph. 433° DheCoguette 434 “ Which Hand!’ 435 ‘“ The Book-Worm,” colored engraving. 436 “The Pond” (Allongé), fac-simile. 437 “ Evening Hymn,” colored engraving. 438 ‘“ Conquering Love,” colored engraving. 439 “‘Hero”’ (Alma Tadema), printed in color. 440 “ Morning,” colored engraving. 441 “ A Hampshire Homestead.” 441a Evening. 442 “The Sear and Yellow Leaf.” 443 “ Mile. Nitouche.” 444 “ The Forum,” Rome. 445 Durham Cathedral. 446 Gloucester Cathedral. 447 St. Paul’s School, Concord. 448 Bristol Cathedral. 449 Wadham, Oxford. 450 Worcester Cathedral. 451 Monk, Illuminating. 452 Rome. 453 Chapel of Lourdes. 454 The Grotto of Lourdes. 455 Hereford. 456 Chester Cathedral. 457 Winchester Cathedral. 458 Exeter Cathedral. 459 Ripon Cathedral. 460 Canterbury Cathedral. 461 Entrance to Lower Church of St. Franciscus Assizi, Italy, fac-simile. | 4062 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 19 “Street in Tangiers,” fac-simile. “Grand Canal,” Venice, fac-simile. General View of Venice. Grand Canal, Venice. The Ducal Palace, Venice. Interior of St Mark’s. Bridge of Sighs. Haig, artist’s proof, “Baptistry, St. Mark’s, wenice.’? Dry point artist’s proof, “ Penniless Porch, Wells Cathedral.” Haig, artist’s proof, “St. Clement, St. Mark’s, Venice.” Remarqué proof, ‘ Hereford Cathedral.” Artist’s proof, “ Rouen Cathedral.” Henry VII. Chapel, Westminster. Rheims Cathedral. Amiens Cathedral. Chartres Cathedral. Remarqué proof, “ On the French Coast.” Remarque proof, “ The Solo,” after Meissonier. Remarqué parchment proof, “ The Doubtful Strad- ivarius.” Artist’s proof, “ Contemplation” (Greuze). Remarqué artist’s proof, “Musical Story by Chopin.” Remarqué, “ Happy Moments.” Remarqué, ‘Chess Players” (Meissonier). “The Day of Reckoning,” artist’s proof. “ Introduction.” “A Foregone Conclusion,” Remarqué proof “ Baby Stuart, James II.,” Remarqué proof “ The Postman,” Remarqué proof (Sadler). “The Awakening,” artist’s proof (Sadler). “Uninvited Guests,” artist’s proof (Sadler). “ Home, Sweet Home,” artist’s proof (Sadler). “Sylvan Solitude,” artist’s proof. “The Trout Stream,’ artist’s proof. 20 “The Knoll,” artist’s proof. “Last Leaves,” Remarqué proof. “ Pilot Boats,” Remarqué proof, parchment. “The Village Pond,’ Remarqué proof, parchment. “In the Hay Field,’ Remarqué proof, parchment. “The Swallows’ Haunt,” Remarqué proof, parch- ment. Rare Arundel Print, “St. Catherine Finding Body of St. Agnes.” Colored engraving, ‘“ Abandoned,” after Schreyer. “Return of Reconnaissance,” colored engraving. “French Attack at Hougomont,” colored engrav- ing. “Saving the Colors—the Guards at Inkerman.” “Napoleon and Pope Pius VII.,” colored photo- graph. “Napoleon at Fontainbleau,” colored engraving. “Napoleon at Tilsit,” colored photograph. “Napoleon, 1814,” colored etching. “Napoleon” (called “ Napoleon with the snuff- box’’), colored engraving. “Napoleon Captive,” colored engraving. “It is the Emperor!” colored engraving. “Napoleon at St. Helena,” rare colored lithograph. “Harvest Moon,” etching (Macbeth). “ Girondist on the Way to the Scaffold,” photo- graph. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Antwerp. “A Hampshire Village, Eventide, “On the River Dart,” etching. “ Bringing Home the Stag.” “The Lands of Rocks and Heather.” “The Land of Hills and Glens.” Artist’s proof, etching, “I Stood on the Bridge at Midnight.” Etching, “ Half Afraid.” Remarqué proof, parchment, “Home, Sweet Home.” 9) etching. 21 “Moonlight, the Pier at Ostend.” “The Village Church.” “The Wayside Inn.” “ At Low Tide.” “At Evening Time it Shall be Light,” etching. “The Corn Field” (Constable). “Volunteers for a Boat’s Crew.” “Noontide Brings Toil to Men.” “A Royal Fishing Party” (Isabey). Signed remarqué proof, “The Wayside Inn.” Signed remarqué proof, “ Gathering Lilies.” “Whale Fishing.” “ Artist’s proof, “The Woodland Stream.” “ Remarqué proof on parchment, “ The Sirens.” Signed artist proof, “ Blossom Time.” Peiey irs Love Letter, etching. “Cautious Steps,” Remarqué proof, etching. Remarqué proof on parchment, “ When Sunset Gilds the Western Hills” (Peter Moran). ‘Rosa Bonheur’s, “ On the Alert,” etching. 39 Landseer’s “ Pointer,” engraving. “So Tired!” engraving. Proof engraving, ‘“‘ The Retriever” (Landseer). “The Way to the Sanctuary.” “The Little Shepherdesses.” “The Princess’ Ponies.” “Charity” (Briton Riviere). Rosa Bonheur’s “ Foraging Party,” etching. Landseer’s “Event in the Forest,” engraving. Landseer’s “Lost in the Snow,” companion engraving. Landseer’s “ Spaniel and Pheasant.” Landseer’s “ Sick Monkey.” Landseer’s “ Cat’s Paw.” Landseer’s “ Chillingham Cattle.” Proof, Landseer’s “ Bolton Abbey.” Proof, Verboeckhoven’s “ Mothers.” Landseer’s “ Red Deer at Chillingham.” b] 22 “ Morning in the Highlands.” “ Their First Chance.” Landseer’s “ Hunter and Cob.” “The Death of the Wild Bull.” “ The Little Turkey Herders.” Landseer’s “ King of the Forest.” “The Death of the Stag and Hounds.” “Departure for the Tournament.” “A Féte in Rubens’ Studio.” “ Hospitality.” “Turn Again, Whittington!” “ Faust.” “ Marguerite.” “A Day’s Pleasure.” “A Difference in Politics.” “Isabella,” the second capitulation of Granada, 1491. “The Origin of the Stocking Loom.” “Cromwell’s Daughter Interceding for Life of Charles be “ Burns and Highland Mary.” “ Justice of Charles V.” “Mrs, Siddons,” after Lawrence, carbon. “The Little Gnome,” carbon photograph. Rembrandt’s “Syndics,” carbon photograph. Portrait by Simeon Chardin, carbon photograph. Portrait of Velasquez, by himself, carbon photo- graph. “The Day after the Storm.” Portrait of Elisabeth Jacobsdochter Bas, photo- graph. “A Portrait,” by Velasquez. “William Burggraf,” by Rembrandt, photograph. “ Portrait of Rembrandt,” by himself, photograph. “To the Rescue!” photograph. “Waiting,” photograph. “ Springtime,” photograph. “Flowers of Autumn,” photograph. 23 “Tn 1889,” photograph. “Industry,” from Ducal Palace, Venice Veronese). “ Simplicity.” “ St. George and the Dragon.” “Coliseum at Rome,” carbon. “The Great Sphinx,” carbon. “The Great Pyramids,” carbon. “The Isle of Philae,’ carbon. “Full of Sorrow,” carbon. “ Bringing Home the Bride, “A Good View,” carbon. 9 carbon. “The Village Witch,” after Knaus, carbon. “Lawn Tennis,” printed in color. “ Base Ball,” printed in color. “ Bicycling,” printed in color. “ Toboganning,” printed in color. “ Rabbit Hunting.” “Salmon Poaching.” “Salmon Fishing.” “A Lie,” printed in color. “Preparation,” printed in color. “ Admiration,” printed in color. ‘“ Coaching,” printed in color. “ Coaching,” printed in cvlor. “The First Flight,” printed in color. “The Master,” printed in color. (Paul ‘“ Flying Fox,” and his owner, printed in color. “ Flying a Brook,” printed in color. “Returning from the Derby,” printed in color. “The Young Master,” printed in color. “The Start,” fox hunting, printed in color. “The Run,” fox hunting, printed in color. “Lady Hampton,” printed in color. “An Awkward Customer,” printed in color. “ Bellows to Mend,” printed in color. “ Going Well,” printed in color. “ Sylvia,” printed in color. 632 633 034 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 045 646 047 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 650 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 24 “ Sainfoin,” printed in color. “Vincennes,” printed in color. “ Education of the Filly,’ First Leap. “A Military Steeple Chase.” ‘Stopped by the Hounds.” “ Drawn Blank.” “ Restive at the Post.” eR aa tne “ Patrician and Plebeian.” i daha the Gorse.” “* Firenze.” “ Calling Together.” “A Meet of Lord Rothschild’s Stag Hounds.” “ A Kill with the Whaddon Chase Fox Hounds.” “A Yearling Sale at New Market.” teGecian: Proof engraving, “ Healing at the Temple Gate.” Proof engraving, “Elymas the Sorcerer Stricken Blind,” Proof engraving, “Preaching in the Tyke . Engraving, “ L’Allegro.” Engraving, “ The Great Shepherd.” Engraving, “ Il Penseroso.” “Let Not Thy Left Hand Know.” “ The Deluge,” colored engraving. “ Homeward.” Proof engraving, ‘‘ At the Cross on Calvary.” The King’s Daughters, I. H. N. Line engraving, Rubens’ ‘ Descent from Cross.” “ Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me.” “ Rebecca at the Well.” “ Tower of Babel” (Kaulbach), line engraving. “ Battle of the Huns ” (Kaulbach), line engraving. “ Daniel Before Balthazar.” “With All My Soul.” “ Margarette,” engraving after Sir T. Lawrence. “ Duchess of Devonshire,” after Gainsborough. “ Hon. Mrs. Graham,” after Gainsborough. 25 669 “ Roses,” etching. 670 “ Elizabeth, Countess Grosvenor,’ after Lawrence. 671 “The Bracelet,” engraving after Sir F. Leighton. 672 “Infant Children of Abercorn,’ engraving after Landseer. 637 “Little Miss Muffet.” 674 ‘‘ Little Miss Primrose.” 675 “ Good-Bye!” 676 ‘‘ Awakened Memories.” 677. “ Accompanied.” 678 ‘ Unaccompanied.” 679 “Gathering Ferns.” 680 Reception at Johann Strauss’s. 681 ‘‘ Wedded,” after Leighton. 682 “ Sunshine.” 683 “ Young Mother Hubbard.” 684 “ Glee.” 685 “The Farewell.” 686 ‘The Cobbler Shop.” 687 “A Bad Billet.” 688 ‘Little Red Riding Hood.” 689 First Lesson in Navigation. 690 “The Tales of the Nymphs.” 691 “Solitude,” after Leighton. Gaz) War’ (Dore). 693 “Anal fresco Toilet,’ proof. 694 Artist’s proof, “ How Many More?” 695 Artist’s proof, “ Like This, Grandma!” 696 Artist’s proof, “ Cromwell at Dunbar.” 697 Artist’s proof, “ Corner of the Lake.” 698 Artist’s proof, ‘ Nancy.” 699 Artist’s proof, “ Gabrielle.” 700 ©Artist’s proof, “ A Labor of Love.” 7o1 Artist’s proof, “ Which Hand.” 702 Artist’s proof, “ Calling the Flock.” 703 Artist’s proof, “ Olivia.” 704 Artist’s proof, “The Month of May.” 705 Artist’s proof, ‘“ Sylvia.” 706 707 708 709 710 711 vale 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 728 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 26 Artist’s proof, “ Little Curious.” Artist’s proof, ‘“‘ Queen Louise.” Proof line engraving, “ Flora.” Artist’s proof, “ Waiting for the Coach.” Artist’s proof, “ Her Guardian.” Proof line engraving, “ Love Athirst.” Artist’s proof, “ A Sultry Noon.” Artist’s proof line engraving, “ Peaceful Evening.” Artist’s proof, “ The First Furrow.” Artist’s proof, Landseer’s “Pray, Let Me Out.” Artist’s proof, Landseer’s “ Hawk.” Proof, “ Perigrine Falcon.” Rare proof, “ The Shepherd Boy.” Artist’s proof of Watt’s “ Bacchante.” Rare proof, Landseer’s Triptych, “Some of the Best Harts in the Forest.” Rare proof, Landseer’s “ Poachers” (Bothy). Proof, Landseer’s “ Feeding the Rabbits.” Proof, Landseer’s “The Mountain ‘Lop, Rare proof, Landseer’s “ Suspense.” Artist’s proof, Landseer’s “ Leading the Calf.” Rare proof, Landseer’s “ Highland Shepherd’s Home.” Artist’s proof, line engraving, “ Thisbe.” Proof, engraving, “ The Maiden’s Prayer.” Artist’s proof, “A Féte Day.” Artist’s proof, “ A Summer Shower” (Leighton). Artist’s proof, Defregger’s “ Zither Player.” Proof, ‘Come for a Walk.” | Artist’s proof, Luke Fildes’ “ Shepherdess.” Proof, “ Erin Farewell.” Remarqué, “ Ione.” “ Artist’s proof, “ Olive.” Artist’s proof, “‘ Countess of Mexborough.” Artist’s proof, “ Wooing.” Artist’s proof, ‘‘ Return of the Lover.” Artist’s proof, “ The Rose Queen.” Artist’s proof, “ Sweet Silence.” 27 Artist’s proof, Boughton’s “ Evangeline.” Proof, “‘ Babes in the Woods.” Artist’s proof, “ Sappho.” Artist’s proof, “ Good-Bye.” Artist’s proof, “ Tolling the Bell.” Artist’s proof, “ The Proposal.” Remarqué proof etching, “ The Lowlands.” Proof etching, “ The Marsh,” after Corot. Remarqué proof etching, “ The River.” (Daubigny). Artist’s proof etching, “ Totteridge.” Remarqué proof etchings, “ Moonrise.” Remarqué proof etchings, “Morning on the Marne.” Artist’s proof etching, “ Ellen’s Isle.” Artist’s proof etching, ‘“ Cow-tending.” Remarqué proof etching, “ September Evening.” Remarqué proof etching, “ Harvesting.” Artist’s proof etching, ‘‘ Sale of Old Dobbin.” Artist’s proof etching, “ The Pool.” Artist’s proof etching, “ Farmer’s Daughter.” Remarqué proof etching, “Henry VII Chapel, Westminster.” Remarqué proof etching, “Rouen Cathedral.” Artist’s proof etching, ‘“ Durham Cathedral.” Remarqué proof etching, “ Amiens Cathedral.” Artist’s proof etching, “In the Hay Field” (Leader). Remarqué proof on parchment, “ Marriageable Daughters.” Remarqué proof on parchment, “ Good-Bye to Holidays.” Remarqué proof on parchment, “A Case of The Tdeart:”’ Artist’s proof, ‘ A Close Call.” Artist’s proof, “‘ The Gypsy Girl.” Remarqué proof on parchment, “The Dream.” 7/2 473 774 7795 770 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 /92 793 794 795 _ 796 797 798 799 Soo Sol S02 803 804 805 28 Remarqué proof on parchment, Hovenden’s “In the Hands of the Enemy.” Remarqué proof, “ The Road to the Farm.” Remarqué proof, “ Baiting the Hook.” Artist’s etching, “ On the Connecticut River.” Parchment proof, Leader’s “ When Morning Gilds the sky.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ The Old Water Mill.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Where Shakespeare Sleepa. Artist’s proof, etching, “ Maid of the Mill.” Parchment proof, etching, “ Parting Day.” Remarqué proof on vellum, “The White Squad- ron’s Farewell Salute.” Artist’s proof, “ Britain’s Bulwarks.” India proof, “ The Judgment of Paris.” “ Black-Eyed Susan.” “The Anchor’s Weighed.” “The Complot.” “ Flown.” ‘Lhe Carnival.’ Rare lithograph, “ The Willis. Fairies of Lake.” “ Embarked.” “Old Sweethearts.” “ Expectation.” “ The King’s Courtship.” “ Consulting the Oracle.” “ The King of the Castle.” Proof, “ Sunday Morning.” “ When She Got There the Cupboard was Bare.” “The Two Farewells.” “ Atone,”? “ A Stern Chase is a Long Chase.” “The Princes in the Tower.” “The Betrothal.” ’ S¥Mipatinye “Catch Hold.” “ Heavy, Heavy, What Hangs Over?” 816 818 820 821 822 824 826 827 828 29 Ot Duty.) “ Magnanimity of Scipio Africanus.” “Unexpected Meeting.” Pa Gigale.” “Duchess of Tallyrand-Perigord,” proof. Proof, “ Master Lambton,” after Lawrence. “Garden Gate.” Valuable lithograph, ‘“‘ Forgetfulness of Pain in Sorrow.” “ Mozart at Vienna.”, ‘Parting is sad.. “The Little Royalist.” “The Trysting Place.” “ An Unwilling Accomplice.” “Under Knightly Protection.” “ After the Baptism.” “Here’s Father.” S liumesand Tide.” “When the Trees Begin to Bud.” “ Evading Arrest.” Be LOTIC.. 9) “ Making Friends.” “The Reunion.” “ Thoroughbred.” Colored engraving, “ Disputed Rights.” Fac-simile, ‘‘ Beauties of the Empire.” Colored engraving, “ Departure for the Fishing Grounds.” “Wild Roses,” colored engraving. Colored engraving, “ The Cardinal’s Portrait.” “ At Naples,” colored engraving. “The Potboilers,” colored engraving. “ Corot Painting His Pictures,” colored engraving. “Love’s Tribute.” “ Art Wins the Heart,” printed in color. “The Golden Wedding,” printed in color. “ Guess,” colored engraving. “ A Touch of Nature,” colored photograph. 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 30 “ Afternoon in Pompeii,” colored photograph. “The Elopement,” printed in color. “ Fishing Boats at Naples,” printed in color. “ Off Boulogne.” “ Along the Cohasset Shore,” colored engraving. “ The Prize Shot,” photograph. “ Evening in November,” photograph. “ My Sweetest Treasure,” photograph. “ Beatrice Cenci.” “ The Sense of Hearne “The Courier’s Reward.” “The Woman or the Vase’? “ Under the Sharpest Criticism.” “Sunday Pleasures.” “ Caricature.” “In the Chimney Corner.” “ Full of Joy, Full of Sorrow, Yet Thankful.” “A Timid Wooer.” “ The Love Secret.” “ Music.” “ Meditation,” photograph on satin. “A Sweet Burden.” “At the Rubicon.” “ Margaret at Church.” “The Racing Yachts.” “The Winning Yachts.” “The Valkyrie.” “ Forgetting His Duty.” “Anna Katarina Emmerich.” “A Faithful Escort.” | “ Expectation.” “ Valley of Chamounix.” “ Valley of Chamounix.” “Valley of Chamounix.” “Mer de Glace.” “From Over the Sea.” “ Music by the Choir Boys.” “Honeymoon.” 31 “ At the Bourse.” “ Orphee and Eurydice” (Corot), carbon. “ Seed Time,” carbon. “On the River Loire,” after Harpignies, carbon. “The Country Road,” after Constable, carbon. ‘“‘ Child with a Kid,” after Lawrence, carbon. “On the River Oise,” after Daubigny, carbon. “Miranda,” after Hoppner, carbon photograph. “A Clear Night,” after Chaigneau, carbon photo- graph. Pastorale, ‘Souvenir of Italy” (Corot), carbon photograph. “Russian Team in Winter,” after Schreyer, car- bon photograph. “A Stream in France” (Daubigny), carbon pho- tograph. “ Landscape,” after Diaz, carbon photograph. “Tandscape,” after Dupré, carbon photograph. Bartolozzi engraving, published in 1785, “ Cupids Warming Themselves.” Old colored engraving, ‘‘Boys Robbing an Orchard.” “A Young Wife,” engraving in colors, on satin. “Tn the Country,” engraving in colors, on satin. “Marie Antoinette,” artist’s proof in colors. “ Lady Scott,” artist’s proof in colors. “Countess Potocca,” artist’s proof in colors, by Arlent Edwards. “Rembrandt’s Mother Plucking a Fowl,” artist’s proof in colors, by Arlent Edwards. “Tsaac Walton,” artist’s proof in colors, by Arlent Edwards. “Lady Wallscourt,” valuable old engraving. “ Countess of Wilton,” valuable old engraving. “Lady Peel,” valuable old engraving. “ Miss Macdonald,” valuable old engraving. “ Lady Dover,” valuable old engraving. 908 909 gIo QII QI2 913 914 915 g16 917 g18 919 920 Q21 g22 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 32 “ Where Surges Roll,” parchment remarqué proof, etching. “ Towing up the Waal,” artist’s proof etching. Gorinchem” (on the Merwede), artist’s proof, etching. “Sheep Follow the Shepherd,” artist’s proof, etch- ing. “ The Little Bridge,” peimarque proof, etching. “ The First Blossoms,” remarqué proof, etching. “ The Field of the Cloth of Gold,” remarqueé proof, etching. “ Little River,” proof, etching. “ At Dusk,” proof etching. “ The Connoisseur” (Meissonier), remarqueé proof, etching. “The Chaplain’s Daughter,” artist’s proof, etch- ing. 3 “ Rosalie” (Rajon). “ The Favored One’’ (Sanchez), artist’s proof. “Ophelia,” Reular as proof, etching. “ Black and White,” remarqué proof, etching. “The Philosopher,’ Rembrandt etching. * Morning Walk,” remarqué proof, etching. “ A Bygone Highway,” artist’s proof, etching. “ Here She is!” remarqué proof, etching. Etching of J. M. W. Turner, by himself. Remarqué proof, etching, after Millet, “The Washerwoman.” “ Clear the Track,” rare old engraving. “The Mitre Tavern,” proof engraving (Goldsmith, Boswell, Dr. Johnson). “ The Hunting Party.” “ Louis XVI. in His Workshop.” “ Light and Darkness,” rare engraving. “ Falstaff Mustering His Recruits.” ‘“ Luther and Melancthon,” proof engraving. “Mass During the Reign of Terror.” “ Guttenberg Showing His First Work.” 33 “The Forced March.” mc rarity,’: “ Washington” (Stuart), rare, signed artist’s proof. “ Washington” (Stuart), proof. “ Washington” (Stuart), print. “The Two Henrys,” rare line engraving. Waltner’s remarqué etching portrait of “Dr. Harvey.” “John Hunter,” portrait of, rare old line engrav- ing. “Dr. Henri Sainte-Claire Deville” (in his labora- tory). “Dr. Charcot,” lecturing. “Lecture by Dr. Velpeau.” “Dr. Pasteur,” vaccinating. “Dr. Billroth,” lecturing. “Dr. Peau,” at the Hospital Saint-Louis. “The Good Samaritan.” “The Doctor.” Rubens’ Painting, the portrait of a woman with the straw hat. “The Wedding Eve.” “Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. in Prison.” “The Victory of Legnano,” near Milan, 1176. “ Christ Led to Crucifixion,’ engraving from bas relief. Toschi engraving, “ Madonna della Tenda.” “Ta Bella di Tiziano,” line engraving. “ Hoffman’s “ Christ Blessing Little Children.” Raphael Morghen’s “ Parce Somnum.” Correggio’s “ Holy Family,” line engraving. Guido-Reni, “ Hope,” line engraving. Correggio’s “ Adoring Virgin,” line engraving. Raphael’s “ Madonna of the Candelabras,” line engraving. “The Good Shepherd,” line engraving. “ Raphael’s “ Three Graces,” engraving (Forster). 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 g8o g81 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 99 I 992 aS 34 Guido-Reni, “ Mater Dei,” engraving (Martinet and Forster). Correggio’s “ Madonna della Scala,” engraving (Toschi). Hans Holbein, “ Lais Corinthiaca,” engraving (Weber). Raphael’s “ Virgin and Infant Saviour,” engraving (Dupont). Simon Vouet’s “The Holy Family,” engraving (Laugier). Guercino’s ‘ Sibilla Persica,” pau aia (Per- fetti). Raphael’s “Virgin with the Birds,” engraving (Martanett). Line engraving, “Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus,” engraving (Mandel). Delaroche, “Head of Christ.” Sassoferatos’ “Mater Amabilis,” engraving (Anderloni). Proof, “ Mater Dolorosa’”’ (Carlo-Dolci—Mandel). Print, ales Dolorosa” (Carlo-Dolci—Mandel). Raphael? s ‘“ Holy Family,” engraving (Dieu). Raphael’s ‘Madonna Donataire,” engraving (St. Eve). Raphael’s “Maison d’Albe,” engraving (Metz- macher). Raphael’s “ St. Marguerite,” engraving hati Palmer’s “ Faith.” Palmer’s “ Hope.” “ Head of Charles I.,” by Van Dyck, engraving (Mandel). “ Last Supper” (from the Louvre). Rubens’ “ Flight of Lot” (from the Louvre). Proof of Palma Vecchios’ “Holy Family.” “Mary with the Infant Saviour,” engraving (Lutz). Raphael’s proof line engraving, “ Violin Player.” “ Cumaean Sybil,” engraving by Della Bruna. 994 995 996 997 998 999 IOOO IOOI 1002 1003 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1067 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 55 Artist’s proof, “ Hermit” (Salvator Konieux). Plain impression, “ Hermit” (Salvator Konieux). Ittenbach’s ‘“ Holy Family,” line engraving. Proof of Sant’s “ Little Samuel.” “Cumaean Sybil,” engraving by Perfetti. “We Praise Thee, O Lord.” Correggio’s “Holy Family,” proof engraving. (Knolle). “ Christ Walking on the Sea” (Delaroche). Titian’s ‘‘ Tribute Money,” engraving by Knolle. to 1052 Invoice of 50 beautiful Card and Cabinet miniature frames. Colored engraving, “ Drawn Blank.” Colored engraving, “ Going to the Drive.” Colored engraving, artist’s proof, “ Returning from the Drive.” Etching, “ Salmon Fishing.” Engraving, “ Mark Over.” Engraving “ Out of the Valley of Death.” Engraving, “ Rabbit Shooting.” Engraving, ‘“‘ Foot-Ball Match.” Engraving, “ A Pegged Down Fishing Match.” Engraving, “ Foot-Ball Match” (fight for Associa- tion Championship). to 1066 Road Coach “ Comet,” and mates. to 1070 ‘Meadow Brook Hunt,” and mates. Lithograph, “ Terrier and Rabbit.” Lithograph, ‘“‘ Newfoundland and Woodcock.” Landseer proof, “‘ Retriever.” Engraving, “ Rabbit Shooting.” Engraving, “ Snipe Shooting.” Colored Lithograph, ‘“ Hark Holloa.” Colored engraving, “ Hunting Appointments.” Colored engraving, ‘“‘ Rats!” Colored Lithograph, “In Hys Master’s Steppys He Trodde.” Colored engraving, “ Tally Ho! Away!” IOSI 1085 1086 1089 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 IIOO IIOI T1002 1103 I104 T105 1106 1107 1108 110g IIIO IIII IIlI2 11T% IIlI4 IIIS Tr16 Ole, 36 to 1084 Set of colored engravings, “ Early Deliv- ery,’ and mates Colored engraving, “ Lady Hampton.” to 1888 Set of colored engravings, “ The Favor- ite” (before the race). to I0ogt Set of colored engravings, “The First Hurdle,” and mates. Colored engraving, “ Rotten Row.” Large colored engraving, “ The Wagonette.” Large colored engraving, “ Four-in-Hand.” Large colored engraving, “Our N orth Country Jockeys.” Large colored engraving, “ Our Leading Jockeys of the Day.” Engraving, “ The Way to the Sanctuary.” Colored engraving, after Landseer, “ Windsor Castle.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Lion and the Lamb.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Highland Nurses.” Engraving, Landseer’s “Chevy.” Engraving, Landseer’s “The Font.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Browsing Amongst the Hazel.” Engraving, “Alderneys.” Engraving (after Herring), “ Society of Friends.” Engraving, “ The First Lesson.” Engraving, “ Full Practice.” Engraving, “ Evangeline.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Otter Hunt.” Engraving, “ Highland Nurses.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Night.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Morning.” Engraving, “ The Little Turkey Herders.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Monarch of the Glen.” Engraving, “ The Sheep Fold.” Engraving, “ Leaving the Hills.” Engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “Lion Family at Home.” 1118 1119 1120 Ii2I 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 II3I 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 37 Artist’s proof, engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “The Duel? Engraving, “ Sark.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Deer Family.” Artist’s proof, etching, Rosa Bonheur’s “Foraging Barty: Rosa Bonheur’s “Changing Pasture,’ engraving. Briton-Riviere, ‘“‘ Night Watch,” engraving. Engraving of the great iron works, “ Le Creusot,” (France). Engraving, “ The Ford.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ At the Foot of the Lane.” Engraving, “ The House of Commons.” Artist’s proof, Landseer’s “ Odin,” etching. Engraving, “ The Queen and Her Grandchildren.” Photograph from painting, “Appius Claudius Entering the Roman Senate.” Carbon, ‘“ Amiens Cathedral.” Carbon, “ Temple of the Neptune at Paestum.” Carbon, “ The Alcazar Courtyard, Alhambra.” Carbon, “ The Temple of Karnak.” Carbon, “‘ Mount Vernon.” Carbon, “ A Skye Crofter’s Home.” Carbon, “ A Launch at Cramps’.” Artist’s proof, ‘‘ The Favorite Slave,” engraving. Artist’s proof, “ Miss Rich.” Artist’s proof, “ Engaged.” Artist’s proof, “ Summer Time.” Artist’s proof, “ The Man of Her Choice.” Artist’s proof, Tojetti, “ Summer.” Remarqué proof, Detaille’s “‘ Martyrs to Duty.” Artist’s proof, “ Judgment of Paris.” Remarqué proof, “ Thoroughbred.” Artist’s proof, “ Little Bo-Peep.” Artist’s proof, “ One at a Time.” Artist’s proof, “ A Dead Heat.” 5 38 1150 Proof, Millais’ “ Huguenot Lovers.” 1151 Artist’s proof, “ To be, or not to be!” 1152 Artist’s proof, “ Gabrielle.” 1153 Proof, Landseer’s “ High Life.” 1154 Proof, Landseer’s “ Low Life.” 1155 Artist’s proof, “Some of the Best Harts in the Forest.” rhe 1156 Artist’s proof, Morland, “ Bird Nesting.” 1157 Artist’s proof, “The Singing Lesson.” 1158 Artist’s proof, Boughton’s “ Age of Gallantry.” 1159 Rare artist’s proof, “ Elizabeth Fry.” 1160 Proof, Landseer’s ‘“ Wood Cutter.” 1161 Artist’s proof, “ Poetry.” 1162 India proof, “ The Judgment of Paris.” 1163 Artist’s proof, “ Good Luck!” 1164 Artist’s proof, “The Last Load.” 1165 Artist’s proof, “ Friends of the Chase.” 1166 Artist’s proof, “ Running Wild.” 1167 Artist’s proof, “ Who Speaks First ?” 1168 India proof, Tracy’s “ Farmer’s Daughter.” 1169 Artist’s proof, “ Under the Greenwood Tree.” 1170 Engraving, “ Road to the Farm.” 1171 Sadler’s etching, “ Returning Thanks.” 1172 Etching of Millais’ “ Walter Raleigh” (boyhood of). 1173 Etching, Sadler’s “ Plaintiff and Defendant.” 1174 “ The Charming Model,” printed in colors. 1175 “The Timid Maid,” printed in colors. 1176 “ Two at a Cast,” printed in colors. 1177. “ The Skaters,” fac-simile, in colors. 1178 “ My Neighbors’ Flowers,” printed in colors. 1179“ My Neighbors’ Apples,” printed in colors. 1180 “The Tennis Court,” printed in colors. 1181‘ The Skaters,” printed in colors. 1182 “The Exercising Cart,” printed in colors. 1183 Series of 6 pictures, “ Nap.” 1184 Colored lithograph, “ Coaching in New York.” - 1185 Colored lithograph, ‘The Master.” - 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1IQI 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 P2i7 1218 1219 39 Colored lithograph, ‘‘ The Brush.” Colored lithograph, “ The Old Style.” Colored lithograph, ““ The New Style.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ Trying the New Team.” Colored engraving, “ Bringing up a Skirter.” Colored engraving, “ The Brighton Coach.” Colored engraving, “Amateur and Professional.” Colored engraving, ‘ A Check.” Colored engraving, “ The Run In.” Colored engraving, “ Starting from the Kennels.” Colored engraving, “ After a Good Run.” Colored engraving, “ Hannah.” Colored engraving, “ Touchstone and Emma.” Colored engraving, “ Camel and Banter.” “The Danish Horse,” printed in colors. “The Pinzgan Horse,” printed in colors. “Famous Runners and Jockeys of America.” Colored engraving, ‘“‘ The Young Master.” Colored engraving, “ Run to Earth.” Colored engraving, “ The Oversight.” Fac-simile, printed in colors, “ The Bloodhounds.” “ Summer Showers,” printed in colors. “ French Boats,” printed in colors. ‘The Pasture Brook,” colored photograph. ‘For Father’s Birthday,” colored engraving. “Home Brewed,” colored etching. “ Captain of the Eleven,” colored engraving. “ Evading Arrest,” colored engraving. “ Rooks and Pigeons,” colored engraving. Rare old colored engraving, “The Farmer’s Stable,” after Morland. Rare old colored engraving, “ Fox Hunting.” Rare old colored engraving, “ Road Riders or Funkers.” Rare old colored engraving, “ Horses Going to a Bair’ “Hunting Recollections.” 1220 to 1224 5 rare old engravings, colored. 40 1225, 1226, 1227 Colored engravings, “ Coaches.” 1228 Old colored engraving, “ Streaky Breasted Red Dun.” 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232 Rare old colored engravings, “The Moor,” “ The Wood,” etc. rete) 1233, 1234, 1235 Rare old lithographs, “ The Passions of the Horse.” 1236, 1237 Colored engraving, “The Derby Pets,” and mate. 1238 Rare old colored engraving, “Bull Dog and Badger.” | 1239 Carbon photograph, “ Helda.” 1240 Carbon photograph, “ Brother Jonathan.” 1241 Carbon photograph, ‘“ Marshmallows.” 1242 Carbon photograph, “ Honey Bees.” 1243 Carbon photograph, “ Ideal Head.” 1244 Colored photograph, “ Sweet Reflections.” 1245 Carbon photograph, “The Singing School.” 1246 Carbon photograph, “ The Cock Horse.” 1247 Carbon photograph on satin, “Cupid’s Coun- sellor.” | | | 1248 Carbon photograph on satin, “ Playmates.” 1249 Colored photograph, “ Waiting.” 1250 Colored photograph, “The Lute Player.” 1251 Carbon photograph, “ Going to Church,” 1252 Carbon photograph, “ Blind Man’s Buff.” 1253 Carbon photograph, “ Dancing Lesson.” 1254 Carbon photograph, “ Sunday Morning Riders.” 1255 Carbon photograph, “ Where is the Hunt?” 1256 Carbon photograph, “ Love’s Greeting.” 1257 Carbon photograph, “ An Idyl of the Brook.” 1258 Carbon photograph, “ The Gloria.” 1259 Carbon photograph, “ Studying His Part.” 1260 Carbon photograph, “ A Christian in Prayer,” 1261 Engraving, “ Ruth.” 1262 Etching, “ Romeo and Juliet.” 1263 Engraving, “ Mona Lisa” (Jacquemart). 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1330 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 4I Etching, “A Joyless Winter’s Day.” Etching, Millais’ “ Clarissa.” Etching, “ Birds of a Feather.” Etching, “ An Afternoon Call.” Etching, “ Au Revoir.” Etching, “ Venice.” Engraving by Focillon, “A Shady Corner in Capri.” Etching, “ The Sunshine of Love.” Etching, Slocombe’s “‘ Silver Birches.” Etching, Waltner’s “ Harmony.” Engraving, “ Chioggia” (the market boat). Etching, “ The Birthday Offering.” Etching, ‘““ Naming the Day.” Artist’s proof, “ First Sight of Moscow.” Engraving, ‘“ Napoleon Captive.” Engraving, “ L’Aiglon.” Engraving, “‘ Eve of Austerlitz.” to 1330 Invoice of 50 beautiful card and cabinet miniature frames. Engraving, “ Emperor William.” Engraving, “ Shakespeare and His Contempora- ries.” Engraving, “ Schiller at the Court of Weimar.” Engraving, “ Hogarth at Calais.” Engraving, “ The Savage Club,” London, Eng. Colored engraving, “The Death of Emperor William.” Etching, “ Beethoven.” - Rare colored lithograph, “ Marie Antoinette.” Rare lithograph, ‘‘ Marie Antoinette.” Etching by Flameng, “ Shakespeare.” Rare proof engraving, “ Sir Walter Scott in His Study.” Old engraving of “ Columbus” (propounding his theory). Photograph, Whistler’s “‘ Portrait of Carlyle” (at Glasgow). 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356, 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 42 Rare old engraving, in colors, of Philadelphia. Artist’s proof, engraving of the late “ Bishop Brooks.” Engraving, “ The Authors of the United States.” Engraving, “ Signing the Compact on the May- flower.” Engraving, “ The Embarkation of the Pilgrims.” Proof engraving, “ House of Commons.” Engraving, “Sir Walter Scott and Literary Friends.” Engraving, “ American Inventors.” Rare engraving, “ Stump Speaking.” Engraving, “ United States Senate, 1850.” Engraving, “ Hierarchy of the Catholic Church.” Engraving, “ Deathbed of Wesley.” 1357, 1358, 1359 “The Seasons,” line engravings (Alma Tadema). Proof engraving, “ Judgment of Paris.” Engraving, “ How the Old Squire Caught the Big Jack.” Artist’s proof, “ Invocation” (Jacquet). Artist’s proof, “ Sacrifice” (Jacquet). Line engraving, “The Love Letter,” after Toul- mouche. Line engraving, after Palmeroli, “The Fair Angler.” Proof engraving, “ Marguerite.” Line engraving, “ Venus de Milo.” Line engraving, Merle’s “ Spring.” Line engraving, Bertrand’s “ Ophelia.” Line engraving, Correggio’s “ Ganymede.” Falero’s “ Butterfly.” Line engraving, “ Spring Concert.” Engraving, “ Miss Chippendale.” Engraving, “ Little Miss Dainty.” Engraving, “ Paddy.” Rare engraving, Stuart’s “ Washington,” artist’s proof. 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 _ 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 _ 1407 43 Proof, engraving, Stuart’s ‘‘ Washington.” Print, engraving, Stuart’s “ Washington.” Carbon photograph, “ Columns of the Temple of Jupiter.” Piranesi etching, “ Tomb of Cecilia Metella.” Piranesi etching, “The Old Roman Aqueduct.” Etching, by Holloway, “ Abingdon,” England. Remarqué proof, etching, “ Return of the Fishing Smack.” Line engraving, “ A Winning Yacht.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Dover.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Dido and Aeneas.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Mercury and Hersé.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Crossing a Brook.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Caligula’s Bridge.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Modern Italy.” Line engraving, Turner’s “ Tivoli.” Line engraving, Turner’s “The Fighting Teme- raire.” Proof etching, Brunet-Debaines’ Corot “ Pas- torale.” Proof engraving, “ On the Coast of Brittany.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ A Mountain Stream.” Remarqué proof, etching, ‘““The Siren.” Engraving, ‘ An Exile from Erin.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ Stony Brook.” Remarqué proof, etching, “A bend in the River.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Winter in the Cats- kill.” Trial proof, etching (unique), “ Corner of Old England.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ A Bit of Cape Cod.” Remarqué proof, etching, “‘Sea Weed Gatherers.” Artist’s proof, etching, by Harlow, “ Road to the Barm:” Autograph proof, “ Milton in His Study.” Autograph proof, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Colored impressions, “ Milton in His Study.” 1408 1409 1410 I4II 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 44 Colored impression, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Print, “ Milton in His Study.” Print, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Rare engraving, “ Clear the Track.” Line engraving, “ Faust and Marguerite.” Line engraving, ‘‘ Marguerite.” Engraving, ‘‘ The Palm Offering.” Etching, Kaulbach’s “ Maternal Affection.” Line engraving, Raphael’s “ St. Cecilia.” Triptych engraving, “The Angelic Visitation.” Engraving, “ Judith.” | Cole’s “‘ Voyage of Life—Childhood.” Cole’s “ Voyage of Life—Manhood.” Cole’s “ Voyage of Life—Old Age.” Engraving, Benjamin West’s “ Christ Rejected.” Line Engraving, “ The Dead Christ.” Guilio Romano’s “ Holy Family with the Pitcher.” Etching of Hoffman’s “ Come Unto Me.” Line engraving, Raphael’s “Madonna of the Chair.” Proof engraving, Raphael’s “ Madonna Foligno.” Engraving, Raphael’s “ Madonna di Loretto.” Proof engraving, by Buckel, ‘Presentation of Christ,” Keller’s engraving, “ The Guardian Angel.” Line engraving, Raphael’s “Transfiguration.” Print impression, Raphael’s “ Madonna Foligno.” Domenicho’s “ Cumaean Sybil.” Strange’s engraying, ““Parce Sonnum.” Line engraving, Schrader’s “ Jephtha’s Daughter.” Engraving, by Desnoyer’s, Raphael’s “La Belle Jardiniere.” Line engraving, “ Mark and Paul.” Remarqué proof, line engraving, Raphael’s “ Draught of Fishes.” Remarqué proof, line engraving, “St. Paul in Prison.” 1440 1441 1442 1443 bt 1445 1446 1447 1448 T449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1450 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 45 Remarqueé proof, line engraving, “ Ananias and Sapphira.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “The King’s Daughter.” Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Out of the Depths.” Da Vinci's “ Last Supper.” Engraving, “ Gossip by the Riverside.” Engraving, “ Glen Dochart” (Perthshire). Etching, by Brunet-Debaines, “ When Morning Gilds the Sky.” Line Engraving, “ Sheep Shearing.” Engraving, “ Full Practice.” Engraving, “ L’Antechambre.” Proof engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “ Chalk Wag- goner.”’ Etching, “ The Wayside Inn.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ High Life.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Low Life.” Etching, “ Three of Us.” Proof engraving, “ Winter Quarters.” Engraving, “ Cheer Up.” Engraving, “ Thinking It Over.” Etching, “Oh! for the Touch of a Vanished Hand.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Morning.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ An Event in the Forest.” Rare engraving, after Frith, “The Keeper’s Daughter.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ The Twins.” Companion engraving, “ The Mothers.” Engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “ Norman Sire.” Engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “ Noble Charger.” Colored engraving, ‘A Good Run.” Colored engraving, “ A Close Finish.” Carbon photograph, “ St. John.” Carbon photograph, “ Cupid Shooting Arrow.” Carbon photograph, “ St. Sebastian.” Four Baryto photographs, Miiller’s “ Holy Family,” and mates. 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 I4QI 1492 1493 1494 1495 46 Four Baryto photographs, Miller’s “ Holy Family,” and mates. Four Baryto photographs, Miiller’s ‘ Holy Family,” and mates. Four Baryto photographs, Miiller’s ‘“‘ Holy Family,” and mates. Four Baryto photographs, ‘Queen Louise,” and mates. Four Baryto photographs, ‘Queen Louise,’ and mates. Four Baryto photographs, “Queen Louise,” and vo mates: | Four Baryto photographs, “ Queen Louise,’ and mates. Two carbons, Rembrandt’s portraits of himself. Two carbons, Rembrandt’s portraits of himself. Carbon photograph, “ A Saint Spinning.” Carbon photograph, “ The Prodigal Son.” Carbon photograph, “Holy. Women at Tomb of Christ.” | Carbon photograph, “ David the Shepherd.” Carbon photograph, ‘The Mission of the Apos- tles.” Carbon photograph, Raibolini’s “ Virgin and Ador- ing Child.” Carbon photograph, “ The Loving Mother.” Carbon photograph, Bellini’s “ Holy Magdalen.” Carbon photograph, “ Bouguereau’s “ Notre-Dame des Anges.” Carbon photograph, Bronzino’s “ Madonna of the Pitti Palace.” Carbon photograph, ‘“‘ Baby Stuart.” Carbon photograph, Raphael’s portrait of himself. Carbon photograph, Velasquez’s “ Spanish Admi- ral, Carbon photograph, Van Dyck’s “ Charles I.” Carbon photograph, Rembrandt’s “ Portrait of a Man.” 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 I511 I512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 47 Carbon photograph, “ The Wood Fairy.” Carbon photograph, Lorenzo Lotto’s “Three Ages of Life.” Carbon photograph, Millet’s “ Sower.” Carbon photograph, Giotto’s ‘‘ Portrait of Dante.” Carbon photograph, ‘“‘ Portrait of the Princesse de Conti.” Carbon photograph, Van Dyck’s “ Portrait of Him- self” (London). Carbon photograph, Portrait of Munkazsy. Carbon photograph, “ At the Helm.” Carbon photograph, “‘ Before the Wind.” Carbon photograph, ‘“‘ The Poor Cabin Boy.” Carbon photograph, “ Who Will Tell, Sir.?” Carbon photograph, “ On the Cliff.” Carbon photograph, “ Convalescence.” Carbon photograph, Bouguereau’s “ Border of the Stream.” Carbon photograph, “To the Old Masters.” Colored photograph, “ Feeding the Chickens.” Colored photograph, ‘“ The Pilot Boat.” Fac-simile, “ The Vigilant.” Colored photograph, “‘ Homer and His Guide.” Fac-simile, “ The Skating Party.” Colored photograph, “ Gone to Ground.” Colored photograph, “ Here They Come.” Colored photograph, “ There They Go.” Colored photograph, “ The Drag.” Colored photograph, “ First at the Fence.” Colored photograph, “A Bold Stroke for a Lady.” Colored photograph, “ Crossing the Brook.” Colored photograph, ‘ The Fence.” Colored photograph, “ The Lead.” Four carbons, “‘ Spring Time,” and mates. Four carbons, “ Spring Time,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ Spring Time,” and mates. Four carbons, “ Spring Time,” and mates. Four carbons, ‘“ Stratford,” and mates. bd 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 15360 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 I551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 48 Four carbons, “ Stratford,” and mates. Four carbons, “ Stratford,” and mates. Four carbons, “ Stratford,” and mates. Four carbons, “Sheep Going to Pasture,’ and mates. Four carbons, “Sheep Going to Pasture,’ and mates. Four carbons, “Sheep Going to Pasture,” and mates. Four carbons, “Sheep Going to Pasture,” and mates. Four carbons, “‘ Mozart and Sister,’ and mates. Four carbons, ‘‘ Mozart and Sister,” and mates. Four carbons, “‘ Mozart and Sister,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ Mozart and Sister,” and mates. Four carbons, “ Bouquet for Miss Louise,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ Bouquet for Miss Louise,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ Bouquet for Miss Louise,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ Bouquet for Miss Louise,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ The Orderly,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ The Orderly,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ The Orderly,’ and mates. Four carbons, “ The Orderly,” and mates. Engraving, “ The Crest of the Field.” Engraving, “The Love Letter.” Engraving, “ The Twins.” Line engraving, “ The Little Bride.” Line engraving, “ Eternal Romance.’ Proof, Boughton’s “ Belated Traveler.” Engraving, “ Information from the Guide.” Engraving, “ En Reconnaissance.” Line engraving, “ The Broken Thread.” Engraving, “‘ The Stork’s Nest.” Engraving, “ The Titmouse Trap.” 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 49 Engraving, “ The Duo.” Engraving, “ The Reader.” Engraving, “ The Little Brother.” Engraving, “ Grandmamma.” Engraving, “ The Hot Hand.” Engraving, ‘“ Dante and Beatrice.” Engraving, “ Ash Wednesday.” Engraving, ‘“ Wedding Party atthe Photogra- pher’s.” Rare lithograph, ‘‘ Stradivarius.” Engraving, “ The Heiress.” Engraving, Gerome’s famous “ Pollice Verso.” Engraving, “ The Curate’s Nephew.” Engraving, “ Plucking the Goose.” Line engraving, “ A Good Kiss.” Line engraving, ‘‘ Fellah Woman.” Line engraving, “ The Brother and Sister.” Line engraving, “ The Temptation.” Line engraving, Bouguereau’s “ The Storm.” Engraving, Sir Joshua Reynolds’ “ Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick.” Engraving, ‘‘ The Dead Robin.” "Line engraving, “ The Birth of Venus.” Line engraving, ‘“ The Tales of Olden Times.” Etching by Waltner, “ The Gambler’s Wife.” Line engraving, “ The Celestial Voice.” 1584 to 1633—An invoice of fifty beautiful card and cabi- 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 net miniature frames. Colored engraving, “ The Spring.” Colored engraving, “ The Love Letter.” Colored engraving, “ An Unwilling Accomplice.” Colored engraving, ‘“ The Little Royalist.” Colored engraving, “ Roses.” Fac-simile, “ The Elopement.” Old colored engraving, “ The Farm Yard,” after Morland. Proof etching (remarqué), “ Spoiling Sport.” Very scarce proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ High: land Breakfast.” 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1053 1054 1655 1656 1657 1658 1059 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 50 Engraving, Landseer’s “ Jack in Office.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Fireside Party.” Engraving, “ Artful Dodgers.” Engraving, “ For the Safety of the Public.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Children with Rabbits.” Engraving, “ A Group of Favorites.” Proof engraving, ‘“ Bolted.” Engraving, “ An Absent-Minded Beggar.” Engraving, “ Milking Time.” Engraving, “ The Pot Boilers.” Engraving, “ Bringing Home the Stag.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “A Thorn Amidst the Roses.” Remarqué etching, by Lander, “A Quiet Knoll.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Gypsy Drovers.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Clytie.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Millais’ “ Caller Herrin’.” Etching, Delaney’s “ Notre Dame.” Etching, Slocombe’s “ The Shambles ” (York). Etching, Murray’s “ Durham Cathedral.” Artist’s proof, etching, Brunet-Debaine’s “ West- minister and Houses of Parliament.” : Remarqué proof, etching, “ The Mill Pool.” _Remarqué proof, etching, Slocombe’s “Sweet Evening.” Remarqué proof (vellum), “ Trout Stream.” Artist’s proof, etching (dry point), “A Richfield Pasture.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Over. the Common ” (Slocombe). Artist proof, engraving, “ Marcia.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Paddy.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “The Favorite Hound.” Engraving, Landseer’s “The Pensioner.” Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Odin.” Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Hafed.” 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 51 Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “‘ Waiting for ‘Master.” Rare artist’s proof, Landseer’s “ Reaper.” Superb impression, Landseer’s “Beauty’s Bath.” Fine proof, Landseer’s “ Lion.” Artist’s proof, engraving, ““ Make Haste.” Superb proof, engraving, Landseer’s “Sleeping Bloodhound.” Superb proof, line engraving, Landseer’s “ High- land Bothy.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Waiting for Master.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Ready for Duty.” Artist’s proof, engraving (famous picture), “ Nana.” Artist’s proof, line engraving, “ Woodland Ram- ple! Artist’s proof, engraving, Dicksee’s ‘‘ Sylvia.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Schmaltz’s “ Gabrielle.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Maud Goodman’s “’Gin a Body, Kiss a Body.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “Sweet Silence.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “Olive” (Schmaltz). Artist’s proof, engraving, “ A Divine Inspiration.” Line engraving, “Last Supper” (damaged and repaired). Line engraving, Kaulbach’s “ Tower of Babel.” Rare lithograph, after Gallait, “ Forgetfulness of Sorrow.” Artist’s proof, Maud Goodman’s “Like This Grandma!” Line engraving, Dobson’s “‘ Good Shepherd.” Etching, ‘‘ The Flight Into Egypt.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ Maid of the Mill.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ The Introduction.” Parchment, artist’s proof, etching (Laguillermie)) of Greuze’s “ Contemplation.” > 52 Artist’s proof, engraving, Appleton’s “ Countess of Mexborough.” Remarqué proof, etching, Flameng’s “ Grolier and Aldus,” private plate. Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ A Little Mort- gage.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “A Breach of Promise.” Parchment proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Morning Gossip.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Uninvited Guests.’ Artist’s proof, etching, Leader’s “In the Hayfield.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Evening in Septem- bent | Remarqué proof, etching, “ The River,” after Dau- bigny. Remarqué proof, etching, Heffner’s “ Ostia.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Schmaltz’s “ The King’s Daughters.” ; Artist’s proof, engraving, Luke Filde’s “ Venetian Flower Girl.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “‘ Launched in Life.” Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Found in the Snow.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Adams’ “ Startled.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Evening.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Breton-Riviere’s “ Sweethearts.” Rare proof impression, engraving, Landseer’s “ Hawk Trainer.” Most rare artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “St. Bernard Dog.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Marcus Stone’s “ First Love Letter.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Mrs. Anderson’s ‘ * Chor- ister Boys.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Andreotti’s “ Rivals.” 4922 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 53 Remarqué proof, engraving, “ Four Kings and a Knave.” Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Beauty and the Arts.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “The Bribe” (com- panion to “ The Doctor”’). Remarqué proof, engraving, Constant Mayer’s Perilby?’ Artist’s proof, engraving, “‘ Wooing.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Invoca- tion,” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Lay Thy Sweet Hand in Mine.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Deer Fam- ily.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ King of the Forest.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s ‘‘ Creeping Up on the Deer.” Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Defeat of Comus.” Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Hawking.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Stuart’s “Land of Rocks and Heather.” Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘ Farquharson’s “ Lusty Winter.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Sark.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, “ Alderneys.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, “ Jerseys.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leader’s “‘ Carting Tim- ber.” Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Love’s Stratagem.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ The First Parting.” Rare proof of the celebrated painting, “ The Doc- tor.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Tojetti’s “ Oriental Dream.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “ The Duel.” 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 T770 54 Rare proof, engraving, Bachelder’s “Battle of Gettysburg.” Print impression, Bachelder’s “ Battle of Gettys- burg.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “On Dangerous Ground.” Proof, engraving, ‘‘ Saving the Colors.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Nelson’s Last Signal at Trafalgar.” Print impression, “ Nelson’s Last Signal at Tra- falgar.” Superb engraving, Frith’s “ English Railway Station.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, “ Sherman’s March to the Sea.” : Etching, “ The Battle of Trafalgar.” Engraving, ‘‘ The French Attack at Hougoumont.” Engraving, “ Scotland Forever.” Engraving, “‘ Quatre Bras.” Engraving, De Neuville’s “ The Deserter.” Engraving, Remington’s “ Shriek of the ‘Shrap- ely. Engraving, Julian Scott’s “The Recall.” Old engraving, “The Flight to Emaus.” Largest size photograph, Miiller’s “ Mary and Elizabeth.” Photograph, Richter’s “ Expectation.” Large carbon photograph, Vautier’s “Return of the Bride.” Large carbon photograph, “ Queen Louise’s Jour- ney to Memel, 1807.” Large carbon, Bouguereau’s “ Song of Spring.” Large carbon, “ Christ Entering Jerusalem.” Photograph, “ Madonna San Sisto.” Carbon photograph, Bodenhausen’s “ Madonna.” Carbon photograph, Defregger’s ‘“‘ Madonna.” Carbon photograph, “The Prodigal Son.” 1771 1392 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 17908 1799 1800 1801 55 Engraving, “Journey of the Wise Men to Beth- lehem.”’ Engraving, Martin’s “ Deluge.” Line engraving, by Francois, “ Crowning of the Virgin.” Engraving, “ The Repose in Egypt.” Engraving, “ Christ Walking on the Sea.” Remarqué proof, engraving, “The Transfigura- tion.” Remarqué proof, engraving, “The Risen Christ.” Remarqué proof, engraving, “ The Adoration of the Wise Men.” Carbon photograph, ‘‘ The Good Samaritan.” Carbon photograph, ‘“ The Cherub Choir.” Carbon photograph, “ A Cool Morning.” Carbon photograph, “ Contemplation.” Carbon photograph, “ Little Friend.” Carbon photograph, “ The Knitter.” Carbon photograph, “ Crossing the Bridge.” Carbon photograph, “ Caught in a Squall.’ Carbon photograph, “‘ Youth.” Carbon photograph, “In the Garden.” Carbon photograph, Rembrandt’s “ Portrait of Himself.” Carbon photograph, “ The Gleaner.” Carbon photograph, “ Three Ages of Life.” Carbon photograph, “ Madam Raymonde.” Carbon photograph, Van Dyck’s “ Portrait of Mar- monPepyn.” Engraving, “ Safe in Port.” Proof etching, ‘‘ Connecticut River.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ On the Sound.” Proof, etching, Sword’s “ Game Birds.” Engraving, “ A Plaintive Duet.” Lithograph, ‘‘ Calypso.” Lithograph, “ Barbara.” Rare telescope engravings by Landseer, “ Blood,” “ Found,” “ Watch-tower.” 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 18Io I81I 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817, 18109, 1821, 1825, 1829, 1833, 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 56 Rare telescope engravings by Landseer, ‘“ Doomed,” “ Suspicion,” “ Missed.” Proof, engraving, “ Milking Time.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Low Life.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Constant Mayer’s A ee bie? Rare engraving, after Sir Thos. Lawrence, “ The Three Graces.” Rare engraving, by Cousins, “The Early Dawn.” Unique engraving, “ Facing the Enemy.” Engraving, “ A Long Journey.” Line engraving, Bouguereau’s “ Pastorale.” Rare engraving, “ Clear the Track.” Line engraving, Bouguereau’s “ The Storm.” Engraving, ‘‘ Old Souvenirs.” Old engraving, “ Road to Emaus.” Line engraving, Cabanel’s “ Aglae?? Engraving, “ Your Health.” 1818 Carbon photograph, Bellini’s “ Madonna,” and mate. 1820 Carbon photograph, Rembrandt’s “ Portrait,” and mate. 1822, 1823, 1824 Carbon photographs from nature, “ The Sea.” 1826, 1827, 1828 Carbon photograph, “To Bring the Roses Back,” and mates. 1830, 1831, 1832 Baryto photographs, ‘“ Sappho,” and mates. 1834, 1835, 1836 Baryto photographs, “Love Let- ters,’ and mates. Engraving, ‘“ Psyche.” Engraving, “The Decameron.” Line engraving, “ Sister is Not at Home.” Engraving, “ One at a Time.” Engraving, “ The Minuet.” India engraving, Sir Joshua Reynolds’ “ Pick-a- Back.” Engraving, “ Jessamine,” 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851, 1855 1856 1857 em | d Line engraving, “ Enid, a Saxon Maiden.” Engraving, Dickee’s “ Sylvia.” Rare lithograph, “ The Maid of Mt. Blanc.” Engraving, “ Blanche.” Line engraving, “‘ Music.” Line engraving, Greuze’s “ Young Widow.” Engraving, “ Viscount Hamilton,” by Lawrence. 1852, 1853, 1854 “Education of Mr. Pipp” and mates. Proof engraving, “ And Every Soul was Saved.” Engraving, “ At the Gate.” Proof engraving, “ Retaliation.” 1858 to 1888 31 sterling silver card and cabinet frames. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 IQOI 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 IgIO IQII Engraving, “ Grandfather’s Birthday.” Engraving, “It Was Not I.” Engraving, “ The Prawn Gatherers.” Engraving, “The First Lesson in Navigation.” Engraving, “ Who Speaks First.” Engraving, “ The Holy Water.” Engraving, Faed’s “ Happy as the Day’s Long.” Engraving, Faed’s “ A Wee Bit Fractious.” Engraving, “ Taking a Mean Advantage.” Engraving, “ The Ruined Sanctuary.” Line engraving, “ The Pot of Basil.” Engraving, Boughton’s “ Two Farewells.” Engraving, “ Thinking It Over.” Etching, Herkomer’s “ Roses.” Engraving, Ridgway Knight’s “ First Sorrow.” Engraving, Herkomer’s “ Daphne.” Engraving, Sir Thomas Lawrence’s “ Mar- garette.” | Engraving, ‘ Nearest Way Home.” Engraving, Lord Leighton’s “ Clytie.” Engraving, Leader’s “ Silent Evening Hour.” Engraving, J. G. Brown’s “ Lost Child.” Etching, “ Prince Charlie’s Last Look at Scot- land.” Etching, “ Afric Waters” (looking up). 1gi2 TOl3 IQI4 1915 I916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 7933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 58 Etching, “ Afric Waters ” (looking down). Etching, Slocombe’s “ Twilight.” Etching, “ Dickens’ Home, Gad’s Hill.” Etching, Murray’s “ High Street, Oxford.” Etching, Leader’s “ Stratford Lock.” Etching, proof Millet’s “ Angelus.” j Artist’s proof, etching, Herkomer’s “ hy,” Artist’s proof, etching, David Law’s “ Kirk Allo- way.” Proof, etching, Bellows’ “ Path to the River.” Artist’s proof, etching, Bromley’s “ Barnes’ Com- mon.” | Artist’s proof, etching, Charles A. Platt’s “ East- ern Point.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Niantic River.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ Where Surges Roll.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ November Evening.” Parchment remarqué proof, “ Where Surges Roll.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Scheveningen Beach.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “On Guard.” Exquisite parchment remarque proof, etching numbered 7, “ At the Louvre.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sir Thomas Lawrence’s “ Duke of Wellington.” Parchment proof, etching, “ The Countess Gower.” Remarqué proof, etching, Meissonier’s “Guitar Player.” Remarqué proof, etching, Meissonier’s “Man Drinking.” Remarqué proof, etching, Meissonier’s “ Cavalier.” Remarqué proof, etching, Leloir’s “ Playmates.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Soldier’s Farewell.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Mind Doggie.” Proof, Rajon’s “ Anita.” Remarqué proof, etching, Bellows’ “ A Romance.” Colored engraving, “ The Road vs. The Rail.” Colored lithograph, “ Hyde Park.” Colored lithograph, “ Exercising Cart.” 59 1943 Colored lithograph, ‘“ Meadowbrook Cart.” 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947 Set four ‘“ Coachings” and “ Leap- ing.” 1948 Colored lithograph, ‘“ The Master.” 1949 Colored lithograph, “In Hys Master’s Steppes He Trodde.” 1950 Colored lithograph, “Hark! MHalloa!” 1951 Colored lithograph, “ The Trencher-fed Pack.” 1952 Colored engraving, “A Spicy Team.” 1953 Fac-simile “ Russian Stud Horse.” 1954 Fac-simile “ Hungarian Steppes Horse.” 1955 Fac-simile “ Clydesdale Horse.” 1956 Colored engraving, “ Get Away Forward.” 1957 Colored engraving, “ Arab Horses.” 1958 Colored engraving, “ Left at the Post.” 1959 Colored engraving, “ Well Up.” 1960 Colored engraving, “ The Pet of the Stables.” 1961 Colored engraving, “ Hold Hard.” 1962 Colored engraving, “ Killed in the Open.” 1963 Colored engraving, “ On Time.” 1964 Colored engraving, “ Behind Time.” 1965 Colored engraving, “ The Unicorn Leads.” 1966 Exquisite colored engraving, “ The Hounds.” 1967 Colored engraving, “ Flying It Cleverly.” 1968 Group of three colored engravings, “ The Way We Should Go,” and mates. 1969 Old colored engraving, ‘ Hyde Park Corner.” 1970 Old colored engraving, “ Summer.” 1971 Old colored engraving, “ Winter.” 1972 Old colored engraving, “ Partridge Shooting.” 1973 Old colored engraving, “ Woodcock Shooting.” 1974 Old colored engraving, ‘“ Pheasant Shooting.” 1975 Old colored engraving, “ The Red Rover.” 1976 Old colored engraving, “ Hare Hunting.” 1977. Old colored engraving, “ The New London Royal Mail.” 1978 Old colored engraving, “ View on the High Bridge Road.” 60 1979 Quaint old colored engraving, “ Bottom Fishing.” 1980, 1981, 1982 3 old colored engravings, “ Passions of the Horse.” 1983 Old colored engraving, “ Bull Broke Loose.” 1984, 1985, 1986 3 colored engravings, “ Coaches.” 1987 Old colored engraving, “ Edinboro’ Express.” 1988 Old colored engraving, “ In Good Style.” 1989 Old colored engraving, “A Lively Team.” 1990 Old colored engraving, “A Sporting Tandem.” 1991 English colored photograph from nature, “ The Cottage Porch.” 1992 English colored photograph from nature, “ Man Traps; Beware!” 1993 Fac-simile after Birket Foster, “In the Swing.” 1994 Fac-simile, “ Interior St. Paul’s Church, Antwerp.” 1995 Colored photograph, “ Leaving the Hills.” 1996 Fac-simile, “ Madonna and Child” (Veith). 1997 Fac-simile, “ The Angel’s Lullaby.” 1998 Rare colored lithograph, “ The Willis.” 1999 _ Rare colored lithograph, “ Orpheus.” 2000 Colored engraving, “The Betrothal.” 2001 Fac-simile in oil, “ Bull Attacked by Dogs.” 2002 Colored engraving, “ How Many More?” 2003 Colored engraving, companion, “One At a Time.” 2004 Colored proof, engraving, “ From Pasture Home- wards.” 2005 Colored engraving, “ A Tale of a Fox.” 2006 Fac-simile in oil, “ Two at a Cast.” 2007 Fac-simile of “ Horse’s Head,” in color. 2008 Fac-simile of “ Horse’s Head,” companion. 2009 Colored photograph, “ Salvator.” 2010 Fac-simile in oil, “The Fence.” 2011 Fac-simile in oil, “ Crossing the Moor.” — 2012, 2013, 2014 Fac-similes in oil, “ Sheridan’s Final Charge at Winchester,” and mates. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 4 pictures in monotone, United States battleship ‘“Maine,” and mates. 2019 Colored photograph, “ Jenny.” 61 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Set of 4 fac-similes in oil, “ Cali- fornia Quail,’ and mates. 2024 Fac-simile in colors, “ Bluebeard’s Wives.” 2025, 2026 Set of 2 fac-similes in oil, “Steeple Chas- ing,” and mates. 2027, 2028 Set of 2 fac-similes in oil, “ Duchess Roses and Jonquils.” 2029 Fac-simile, “ Sheridan’s Ride.” 2030 Engraving, Remington’s “ Bucker.” 2031 Carbon photograph, Detaille’s “ Conquerors.” + 2032 Photograph, “ Napoleon’s Review.” 2033 Etching, “ Conquered, but Not Subdued.” 2034. Etching, “ God Bless You, Tommy Atkins.” 2035 Rare engraving, “ The Trapper’s Last Shot.” 2036 Engraving, “ The Flag of Truce.” 2037. Etching, ‘‘ The Spanish Armada.” 2038 Etching, “ The Battle of Trafalgar.” 2039 Engraving, Rothermel’s “ Battle of Gettysburg.” 2040 Engraving, after De Neuville, “Battle at the Limekiln.” 2041 Platinum photograph, “ Court of Honor,’ Phila- delphia. 2042 Remarqué proot in colors, “ Princeton Grounds.” 2043 Colored engraving, “ Where Are They?” after Grolleron. 2044 Colored engraving, “There They Are!” after Grolleron. 2045 Colored engraving, “The Thin Red Line.” 2046 Colored engraving, “To the Memory of Brave Men.” 2047 Photograph after Ulman, “With God, for the King and the Country.” 2048 Photograph after Meissonier, “ 1814.” 2049 Photograph after Detaille, “ Bonaparte in Egypt.” 2050 Lithograph, “ Napoleon at Fontainbleau.” 2051 Engraving, “ Forty Centuries Look Down Upon Him.” 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 cs Line engraving, after Delaroche, “ Napoleon With Snuff-box.” Engraving, “ Napoleon’s Retreat, November gth, 1812.” Proof engraving, “ Napoleon at Wagram.” Engraving, “ Napoleon Parting with His Son.” Colored engraving, “ Eve of the Battle of Auster- litz 7 Engraving, “ Somo-Scerra, 30 Nov., 1808.” Engraving, “ Napoleon with His Son.” Engraving, after Delaroche, “ Napoleon Crossing Alps.” | Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Napoleon’s Last Great Attack at Waterloo.” Engraving, “ Napoleon at Wagram, 6 July, 1809.” Engraving, “ Napoleon Receiving the Portrait of His Son.” Engraving, “ Captain of the Eleven.” Rare old engraving, after Cousins’ “ Early Dawn.” Etching, Herkomer’s “ Ivy.” Engraving, Sir Thomas Lawrence, “Countess. Grosvenor.” Proof engraving, Sir Joshua Reynolds’ “ Ladies. Waldegrave.” Engraving, “ Mischief.” Engraving, “ Strawberry Time.” Engraving, “ Columbus Sneered at in the Council of Salamanca.” Engraving, “ Trilby.” Engraving, after Luke Filde’s “ Phyllida.” Engraving, “ The First Love Letter.” Engraving, “ The Barber Shop of Lincinius.” Rare old engraving, “Stump Speaking.” Line engraving, “ Dawn” (After the Ball). Engraving, Landseer’s “The Infant Hamilton Children.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ All’s Well That Ends Well 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2004 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2i01 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 63 Artist’s proof, engraving, “Arrival at Gretna Green” (companion). : Steel engraving, “ Repose.” Steel engraving, “ Success.” Steel engraving, “ Rats!’ Engraving, “ The Pot Boilers.” Steel engraving, “ A Check.” Steel engraving, “ A Question of Compensation.” Artist’s proof, poerane SE ae. Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘ Tenny.” Artist’s proof, engraving, after aos “Plished: ee Steel engraving, after Osthaus, “A Thrilling Moment.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Sick Monkey.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ An Event in the Forest.” Engraving, Landseer’s (companion), “ The Lost mneep., Engraving, “ The Little Shepherdesses.” Engraving, “ An Afternoon in Hyde Park.” Engraving, “ Bringing Home the Stag.” Engraving, “ Lusty Winter.” Engraving, “ The Gate.” Engraving, “ Gone.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “‘ Bringing Home the mig Engraving, Landseer’s “ Distinguished Member of the Humane Society.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Bolton Abbey.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Highland Collies.” Most brilliant proof, Landseer’s “Lassie Herding Sheep,” Fine engraving, Landseer’s “Children of the Mist.” Brilliant proof, Landseer’s “ Chevy.” Artist’s proof, “ Beauty and the Arts.” Remarqué proof, Marcus Stone’s “ First Love preter,” 2108 2109 2110 ITT 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2717 2118 2119 2120 2I21 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 atey 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 64 Artist’s proof, etching, “ Maid of the Mill.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Trim.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Trust Me.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “Eos” (one of Prince Albert’s dogs). Presentation plate, Landseer’s “ Queen Victoria.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ Daybreak Brae-Mar.” Superb proof, Landseer’s “The Stone Breaker’s Daughter.” Superb proof, Landseer’s “ Piper and Nutcracker.” Fine proof, Landseer’s ‘A Random Shot.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “A Special Pleader.” Artist’s proof, Boughton’s ‘‘ Two Farewells.” Remarqué proof, Murillo’s ‘“ Divine Shepherd.” Remarqué proof, etching, ‘“‘ Venice, the Rialto.” Remarqué proof on parchment, “ Ring-a-Rosie.” Parchment proof, etching, Leader’s “In the Hay Field.” Parchment proof, etching, “ Departing Day.” Parchment remarqué proof, etching, “ Where Shakespeare Sleeps.” | Parchment proof, etching, Leader’s “ Cambria’s Coast.” Parchment remarqué proof, etching, ‘“ Luther’s Hymn.” Parchment proof, etching, “The Way to Market.” Japan proof, etching, “ Columbus.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ First Steps.” India proof, engraving, “ Saving the Colors.” Parchment remarqué proof, Hovenden’s “In the Hands of the Enemy.” Parchment proof, Millais’ “ Boyhood of Raleigh.” Rare trial proof, Haig’s ‘“ Durham Cathedral.” Artist’s proof, etching, ‘Amiens Cathedral” (Haig). Etching, Leader’s “ Worcester Cathedral.” Etching, Murray’s “ Ely Cathedral.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Vainvited Guests.” 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 65 Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s ‘“ Breach of Promise.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “A _ Little Mortgage.” Parchment proof, etching, Sadler’s “‘ Morning Gos- sip.” Remarqué proof, Sadler’s “ For Weal or Woe.” Japan artist’s proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Christen- ne Artist’s proof, engraving, Henry’s “ The Country Lawyer.” , Artist’s proof, engraving, “How Many More?” Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s ‘Chapel of St. Clements” (St. Mark’s, Venice). Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “The Baptistry” (St. Mark’s, Venice). Remarqué proof, etching, “ One too Many.” Remarqué proof, etching, Meissonier’s “ Parting Grip.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ A Quiet Scene.” 2150 to 2199 Invoice of 50 beautiful card and cabinet 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 miniature frames. Remarqué proof, etching, parchment, “ Sultry Noon.” Remarqué proof, etching, ‘ Venice.” Remarqueé proof, etching, J. G. Brown’s “ Sidewalk Dance.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Where Lofty Elms Abound.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ Corner of Old England.” Parchment proof, etching, “In the Merrie Month of May.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leader’s “ Carting Tim- er: Largest carbon photograph, Muller’s “ Mary and Elizabeth.” Steel engraving, “ Too Late.” Engraving, “ Autumn.” 2210 2211 2212 2212 2214 ‘2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2227 2238 2239 66 Engraving, “ Check.” Engraving, “ One and Twenty.” Engraving, “ Nelson’s Birthday at Naples.” Engraving, Rossetti’s “ Blessed Damozel.” Engraving, Alma Tadema’s “ Colosseum.” Etching, “ The Victor’s Return.” Engraving, Vibert’s “ Missionary’s Story.” Engraving, Boughton’s “Return of the May- flower.”’ Rare artist’s proof, Stuart’s ‘ Washington.” Proof impression (same plate), Stuart’s “ Wash- ington.” , Print impression (same plate), Stuart’s “ Wash- ington.” First state artist’s proof, “ Milton in His Study.” First state artist’s proof, “Shakespere in His Study.” Autograph artist’s proof, “ Milton in His Study.” Autograph artist’s proof, “Shakespere in His Study.” Colored impression, “ Milton in His Study.” Colored impression, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Plain print, “ Milton in His Study.” Plain print, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Rare engraving, “ William Penn.” Etching, “ Flight into Egypt.” Engraving, “ Voyage of Life—Childhood.” Line engraving, Raphael’s “St. Cecilia.” Engraving, Raphael’s ‘“ Madonna with the Pitcher.” Engraving, “ Rape of Dejanira.” Line engraving, Guercino’s “ Sybilla Samia.” Engraving, “ Whittington, Turn Again.” Engraving, Ary Scheffer’s “ Christ in the Garden of Olives.” Engraving, Raphael’s “ St. Cecilia.” Engraving, Bouguereau’s “ Adoration of the Shep- herds.” 67 Artist’s proof engraving, “‘ Peace, be Still.” Engraving, “ Towards a Better World.” Line engraving, Titian’s “ Flora.’ Remarqué proof, engraving, ‘“‘ Nativity of Christ.” Remarqué proof, engraving, “The Sacrifice at Lystra.” Engraving, Cimabue’s ‘“ Madonna Carried Through Piorence.” Fine line engraving, “Last Supper” (torn and finely mended). Engraving, Raphael’s ‘ ce bepeicuibin crine Ciaite Tosci’s line engraving, “ Descent from the Cross.” Large engraving, Hoffman’s “ Christ Child in the Temple,” Line engraving, Raphael’s “ La Belle Jardiniere.” Line engraving, “ Christ the Good Shepherd.” Line engraving, “ The Lost Piece of Money.” Line engraving, Guido-Renis’ “ Assumption of the Virgin.” Line engraving, Kaulbach’s “ Destruction of Jeru- salem.” Line engraving, Kaulbach’s “ Crusaders.” Line engraving, Kaulbach’s “ Reformation.” Engraving, “ Awake My Soul.” Engraving, Steinla’s “ Madonna San Sisto.” Engraving, “ Daniel’s Angel.” Engraving, “ Daniel in the Lion’s Den.” Engraving, “ Queen of Sheba’s Visit to King Solo- mon.” Engraving, “ Joseph Sold by His Brethren.” Engraving, “ Christ Driving the Money agi Out of the Temple.” Rare old engraving (1804), Rubens’ ‘“ Descent from the Cross.” Engraving, “ Sign of the Cross.” Rare old engraving, Raphael Morghen’s “Last Supper” (superb and valuable impression). Fine old engraving, “ Night” (after Guercino). 2268 22609 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2204 2295 22096 68 Remarqueé proof, engraving, “ The Divine Shep herd” (Murillo). Rare artist’s proof, engraving, Gustave Doré’s “ Dream of Pilate’s Wife.” | Rare artist’s proof, engraving, Gustave Doré’s “ Christ Leaving the Praetorium.” Choice etching, Dagnan-Bouveret’s “Last Sup- pers. Fine engraving by Luini, ‘“ Madonna Lugano.” Line engraving, Perfetti’s “ Sibilla Persica.” Superb line engraving, “ Maria Mancini.” Artist’s proof, by Knolle, “ Madonna in Sodin.” Line engraving, Raphael’s “ St. Marguerite.” Line engraving, Raphael’s “Madonna of the Fish.” Line engraving, Guido’s “ Hope.” Line engraving, by Forster, of Raphael’s “ Three Graces.” Carbon photograph, “ No Fool Like an Old Fool.” Carbon photograph, “‘ Mozart’s First Love.” Carbon photograph, “ Allegro.” Carbon photograph, “‘ Romeo and Juliet.” Carbon photograph, ‘‘ In Honor of His Eminence.” Carbon photograph, “A Trio in the Convent.” Carbon photograph, “ Telling an Old Story.” Carbon photograph, “ The Minuet.” Carbon photograph, Gerome’s, “ Ave Cesar Imper- ator.” Carbon photograph, Gerome’s “ Death of Cesar.” Carbon photograph, “ The Village Witch.” Carbon photograph, “ Prayer of Thanks.” Carbon photograph, Gabriel Max’s “ Magdalen.” Carbon photograph, “ A Sheltered Corner.” Carbon photograph, “ A Caricature.” Carbon photograph, “‘ Between two Fires.” Carbon photograph, Grutzner’s ‘How Much Money Have I?” 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 69 Carbon photograph Grutzner’s ‘‘ Unwelcome Guests.” Carbon photograph, “In the Convent Bowling Alley.” Carbon photograph, “ Return from the War.” Carbon photograph, De Blaas’ “ Margaretta.” Carbon photograph, ‘“‘ Deserted.” , Carbon photograph, ‘“‘ Undergoing Sharp Criti- cism.”’ Carbon photograph, ‘‘ Reconciled.” : Carbon photograph, Defregger’s “Sunday Hunter.” Carbon photograph, “ His Picture.” Carbon photograph, “ The Wooing Overheard.” Carbon photograph, “ Return of the Conquerors.” Carbon photograph, “ Morning,” after Mesdag. Carbon photograph, “ Fairy Tales.” Carbon photograph, “ Galeide” (Gabriel Max). Carbon photograph, “ Flora” (Andreotti). Carbon photograph (champion bull dog), “ Benja- min.” Carbon photograph (champion bull dog), “ Boom- erang.”’ Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Kmperor William ue Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Emperor Frederick Ten? Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Emperor William is Carbon photograph, portrait, ““ Emperor Frederick ori’ Carbon photograph, portrait, “‘ Emperor William.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Emperor William je Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Bismark.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “Emperor William Ty Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Queen Luise.” 2423 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 ap 2352 £350 70 Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Emperor William.” Carbon photograph, Sir Henry Irving as “ a’ Becket.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Emperor William.” Carbon photograph, portrait, ‘‘ Mendelssohn.” Carbon photograph, portrait, ‘‘ Brahms.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Schiller.” Carbon photograph, “ Recompense,” (Tilsit- Sedan). Carbon photograph, “ Queen Luise on the Journey to Memel, 1807.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Handel.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Mendelssohn.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Liszt.” Carbon photograph, portrait, ‘“Bach.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Haydn.” Carbon photograph, portrait, “ Handel.” Carbon photograph, “ Gathering Flowers.” Carbon photograph, “ St. Cecilia.” | Carbon photograph, Miiller’s “ Holy Family.” Carbon photograph, Miiller’s “ Holy Night.” Carbon photograph, “ Cherubs, from the Madonna San Sisto.” Carbon photograph, “Judas Iscariot.” Carbon photograph, “ St. Cecilia.” Carbon photograph, “ Christ and the Rich Ruler.” Carbon photograph, “Christ in the Temple.” Carbon photograph, “ Faith.” Carbon photograph, “ Consoling Saviour.” Carbon photograph, “ Christ the Good Shepherd.” Carbon photograph, Defregger’s “ Holy Family.” Carbon photograph, Defregger’s “ Holy Family ” (half length). Carbon photograph, Bodenhausen’s “ Holy Fam- ilyey Carbon photograph, “ Raising of Jairus’ Daugh- ter? Platinum photograph, “One Hundred Years Ago.” 71 2354 Platinum photograph, “‘ Departure of the Knights ” | (Holy Grail). 2355 Platinum photograph, “ Neptune’s Horses.” 2356 Platinum photograph, “ The Story of a Day.” 2357 Photograph, “The Golden Stairs” (E. Burne- Jones). 2358 Platinum photograph, “ Melpomene’’ (Congress- ional Library). 2359 Platinum photograph, ‘‘ Horses Startled by SOrmy : 2360 Platinum photograph, “ Apollo and the Muses.” 2361 Platinum photograph, “Shepherd Returning Home.” 2362 Platinum photograph, “ Country Doctor’s Visit.” 2363 Platinum photograph, “Indian Summer” (In the Pasture). 2364 Platinum photograph, “ Departure of the Knights.” (Holy Grail). 2365 Platinum photograph, Abbey’s “A Quiet Con- science.” 2366 Platinum photograph, Sargent’s ““ Spanish Dancer.” 2367 Photograph, Rossetti’s ““ Roman Widow.” 2368 Photograph, Rossetti’s “ Veronica Veronese.” 2369 Photograph, Watts’ “ Garden of Zeus.” 2370, 2371 Two platinum photographs, “ Melpomene,” “ Religion.” 2372, 2373, 2374 Three photographs, “ Christ Church, Independence Hall and Pennsylvania Hos- pital.” » 2375, 2376, 2377 Three platinum photographs, aiterc Daubigny and after Mauve. 2378, 2379, 2380 Three platinum photographs, “ Grand- pa Found Us,’ “Indian Ghost Dance,” “Sheep” (from nature). 2381 Carbon photograph, “ A Royal Family.” 2382 Carbon photograph, ‘“ Morning and Evening of Bite.’ 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409, 2411, J 2 Carbon photograph, “ Colombine.” | Carbon photograph, “ Rembrandt’s “ Portrait of Himself.” Carbon photograph, “ Flora.” Carbon photograph, “The Arrival of Spring.” Carbon photograph, Wattier’s “Duchess of Orleans.” Carbon photograph Wattier’s “ Madam Victoire.” Carbon photograph, Drouais’ “ Madam, The Dau- phin.” Carbon photograph, Wattier’s “ Lady of the French Court.” | Carbon photograph, portrait of the painter Sey- bold’s “ Daughter.” Carbon photograph, “The Butterfly,” Carbon photograph, “ Between Two Victories.” Carbon photograph, “ Winter in Paris.” Carbon photograph, “A Quail Fight.” Carbon photograph, “ The Zephyr.” Carbon photograph, “ Lying in Wait.” Colored photograph, “ The Singing School.” Photograph, “ Ideal Head.” Photograph, ‘‘ Marshmallows.” Photograph, “ Springtime of Love.” Photograph, ‘ Condemned.” Photograph, “ Were I a Bird.” Photograph, ‘‘ The Army of Peace.” Photograph, “ Telling an Old Story.” Photograph, “ Raising of Jairus’ Daughter.” Photograph, “ Good and Bad Luck.” Photograph, “ Resting.” 2410 T'wo platinum photographs, “The Cake Walk,” ‘The Key-Hole.” 2412 Two platinum photographs, “The Bugler” (Hunt), “The Cake Walk.” 2413, 2414 ‘Two platinum photographs, “ Psyche,” “ The Cake Walk.” 2415, 2417, 73 2416 Two platinum photographs, “ Winged Vic- tory,’ “ Venus de Milo.” 2418 Two platinum photographs, “ Brother and Sister” (Abbott Thayer), “A Pair of Blue Eyes.” 2419, 2420 Two platinum photographs, “ Singing Boys” axZt, ADR, 2425, 2428, 2431, 2433, 2435, 2437, 2441, 2445, 2449 (Della Robbia), Vedder’s “Soul Between Faith and Doubt.” 2422 Two platinum photographs, “The Rose” (Louise Cox), “ Mother and Child” (Abbott Thayer). 2424 Two platinum photographs, “Bad Heart” (Remington), “Fog Warning” (Winslow Homer). 2426, 2427 Three platinum photographs, Exterior and “In Wayside Inn.” 2429, 2430 Three platinum photographs, “ Origi- nal Gibson Girl,’ “Touch” (Champney), ‘‘ Aurora” (Burne-Jones). , 2432 Two platinum photographs, “ Minerva” (Vedder), “ Mozart”” (Champney). 2434 Two platinum photographs, “Justice” (New York Law Courts), “ Little Dorothy.” 2436 Two platinum photographs, “Sheep on the Coast” (Monks), “The Shaw Monument.” 2438, 2439, 2440 Four platinums, “ Southern Dark- ies.” 2442, 2443, 2444 Four photogravures, “ The pes Boat,” and mates. 2446, 2447, 2448 Four photogravures, “ Bachelor's at Home,” and mates. — Proof, engraving, “ Order of the Garter.” 2450 to 2499 Invoice of fifty beautiful card and cabinet 2500, 2503 2504 miniature frames. 2501, 2502. Three photogravures, “ Notice to Quit” and mates. Engraving, ‘‘ The Solo.” Rare old engraving, “ Early Dawn.” 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2t2n 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 74 Engraving, Landseer’s “ Dash.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Spaniel and Pheas- ant.” Print impression, Landseer’s “ Spaniel and Pheas- ant?, Engraving, Rosa Bonheur’s “ Chalk Waggoner.” Engraving, “A Plaintive Duet.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Moran’s “ Safe in Port.” Photogravure, Champion “Barnum.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Kray’s “ Dawn.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “‘ Waiting for the Coach.” , Artist’s proof, engravure, Leighton’s “ Forget Me Not.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Looking Back.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “Just by Chance.” Japan artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Just by Chance.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Devotion.” Artist’s proof, Maud Goodman’s ‘“‘’Gin a Body Kiss a Body.” Exquisite artist’s proof, engraving, “ Mrs. What- man” (Romney). Line engraving, artist’s proof, “In the Hay Loft.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Cousins’ “ Golden Pip- pins ( Fac-simile in color, “A British Capture.” Fac-simile in color, “ Late Comers.” Fac-simile in color, “ Colombine’s Kiss.” Fac-simile in color, “ Sweet Sixteen.” Colored steel engraving, “A Silent Councellor.” Colored print on satin, ““ Madam Recamier.” Fac-simile in color, “‘ Temptation.” Fac-simile in color, “ Comparisons.” Fac-simile in color, “ Lizette.” 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544, 2540 — 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 75 Artist’s proof, etching in colors, “‘ The Dancing’ Girl.” Fac-simile in color, ‘‘ Madam Le Bruu.” Colored engraving, “ A Southern Belle.” Fac-simile in colors, “ The Broken Carriage.” Fac-simile in colors, ‘‘ Summer Time.” Artist’s proof, engraving, in colors, “ Dante in the Boboli Gardens.” Artist’s proof, engraving, in colors, Sir Joshua Reynolds’ “ Innocence.” Fac-simile in colors, “ At Dinner.” Colored engraving, “ Fancy Free.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ The Love Letter.” . Fac-simile in colors, “ Look!” Colored engraving, ‘“ Royal Gardens at Seville.” 2545 Fac-simile in colors, “ Departure of Love,’ “Return of Love.” Photograph, colored in water-color, ‘‘ The Latest Acquisition.” Photograph, colored in water-colors, “ Arranging the Marriage.” Fac-simile in colors, ‘‘ The Honeymoon Trip.” Fac-simile in colors, “ All Hail!” Fac-simile in colors, ‘‘ The Toreador.” Fac-simile in colors, ‘‘ The Soubrette.” Fac-simile in colors, “ Steeple Chase.” Colored photograph, “Too much of a Good Thing.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ The Paddock.” Colored engraving, “ A Neat Cover Hack.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ The Right and Wrong Sort.” Colored engraving, “ The Unicorn Leads.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ Behind Time.” Colored engraving, “ On Time.” Colored engraving, ‘“ Good Company.” Colored lithograph, “ Drawn Blank.” 2562, 2563 Two colored prints, “ Pony Race,” and com- panion. 2564 2505 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577) 2580, 2583, 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2501 2592 2593, 2596 2597 2508 76 Lithograph in colors, “ Coaching.” Lithograph in colors, “ Every Dog Has His Day.’ Lithograph in colors, “ The Master.” Printed in colors, “ Exercising Cart.” Printed in colors, “ Meadowbrook Cart.” Colored engraving, ‘“‘ Lost Him.” Colored engraving, “ Got Him.” Lithograph in colors, “In Hys Master’s Steppes He Trodde.” Printed in colors, “ Beatrice Cenci.” Printed in colors, “ The Birthday Gift.” Brilliant poster, “ Thistles and Sunset.” Brilliant poster, “ Fleur de Lys.” Photograph in colors (from nature), “ The Cot- tage Porch.” 2578, 2579 Set 3 etchings, colored, “ Golfing.” 2581, 2582 Set 3 etchings, uncolored, “ Golfing.” 2584, 2585 Three Gibson proofs, “ Love Will Die” and mates. Photograph from nature, “ The Dairy Farm.” Photograph from mature, “The Road, Isle of Wight.” Instantaneous photograph, colored, “ Breaking Waves.” Printed in colors, ‘On the Scheldt.” Printed in colors, “The Market Cart.” Printed in colors, “ Bringing Home the Calf.” Printed in colors, “ Retriever and Pheasant.” 2594, 2595 Flowers, printed in colors. Printed in colors, “ Autumn Evening.” Printed in colors, “ On the Lagoon.” Colored engraving, “ An Anxious Moment.” Colored photograph, “ Here They Come.” Old colored engraving, “ Road Riders or Funkers.” 2602, 2603 Old colored engravings, “Hunting Recollections.” . Old colored engraving, “ Cock Fighting.” 77 2605, 2006 ‘Two old colored engravings, “ Preparing to Start,” and companions. 2607, 2608, 2609, 2610 4 colored engravings, “ Coaches.” 2611 Old colored engraving, “ Snipe Shooting.” 2612, 2613, 2614 3 old colored engravings, “ Hunting Incidents.” 2615 Old colored engraving, “ The Death of the Fox.” 2616 Old colored engraving, “ Mail Coach.” 2617, 2618 2 old colored engravings, “ Consequences of Being Driven by a Gentleman,’ and com- panions. ; 2619, 2620 2 old colored engravings, “An Awkward Corner,” “ Going Well.” 2621 Old colored engraving, “ Quicksilver Royal Mail.” 2622, 2623, 2624 3 old lithographs, “ Passions of the Horse.” 2625 Old colored engraving, “‘ Horses Watering.” 2626 Old colored engraving, “The Cambridge Tele- graph.” 2627 Old colored engraving, “ High Gate Tunnel.” 2628, 2629 2 old colored engravings, “ Partridge Shoot- ing,” ‘‘ Woodcock Shooting.” 2630 Etching, Slocombe’s “ Where Many Branches Meet.” 2631 Etching, Slocombe’s “ Road to Bolton.” 2632 Engraving, “ Forty Centuries Look Down Upon Him.” 2633 Line engraving, Meissonier’s “1814.” 2634 Line engraving, Delaroche’s “ Napoleon Crossing the Alps.” 2635 Colored engraving, ‘‘ Rehearsal for the Corona- tion.” 2636 Plain engraving, “ Rehearsal for the Coronation.” 2637 Engraving, “ Parting of Napoleon from His Son.” 2638 Engraving, “ Return from Island of Elba.” 2639 Engraving, ‘“ Farewell to Fontainbleau.” 2640 Etching, “ The Boyhood of Raleigh.” 2641 Etching, Moran’s “ Woodland Pool.” 2642 2643 2644 2645 2645a 2646 2047 20648 2649 2650 26051 2652 2653 2054 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 Etching, Van Dyck’s “ Children of Charles I.” Engraving, “ The Good Samaritan.” Etching, Hovenden’s “In the Hands of the Enemy.” Line engraving, Frith’s “ English Railway Sta- tion.” India print, “ An English Railway Station.” Engraving, Alma Tadema’s “ Baths of Caracalla.” Line engraving, Alma Tadema’s “ Vintage Festi- val.” Engraving, “ The First Love Letter.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Tojetti’s “ Spring.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “ Invoca- tion.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Leighton’s “To Bring the Roses Back.” Etching, “ The Flight into Egypt.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Gabrielle.” India proof engraving, “ Sylvia.” Rare impression engraving, Landseer’s “ Re- triever.” Rare impression engraving, Landseer’s “ My Wife’s Horse.” Rare proof engraving, Landseer’s “ The Cavalier’s Pets.’ Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Naughty Boy.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Little Strollers.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Schmaltz’s “Olive.” Artist’s proof, ‘‘ Make Haste.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ A Divine Inspiration.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Andreotti’s “ Wooing.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Constant Mayer’s SLA bya: Rare proof engraving, Landseer’s “ Lost in the Snow.” 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2072 2673 2673 2074. 2675 2076 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2085 2686 2087 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 79 Rare proof engraving, Landseer’s “An Event in the Forest.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, “ Elizabeth Fry.” India proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Shoeing the Brown Mare.” Artist’s proof, engraving, by Cousins, of Land- seer’s “ The Maid and the Magpie.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ The Twins.” India proof, engraving, “The Mothers” (com- panion). Fine artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Lion and the Lamb.” Artist’s proof engraving, “ Beauty and the Arts.” a,b /2~ Beauty and the Arts,” artist’s proots. Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ War.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Night.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Morning.” Rare proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Alexander and Diogenes.” First state artist’s proof, engraving, “ Shakespeare im His Study.” First state artist’s proof, engraving, “ Milton in His Study.” Fac-simile, in colors, “‘ St. Paul’s, Antwerp.” Carbon photograph, Van Dyck’s “ Count Spencer.” Carbon photograph, Rembrandt’s “ Old Jew.” Carbon photograph, Dupré’s “ White Cow.” Carbon photograph, “ Convent of St. Jaques.” Carbon photograph, Dagnan-Bouveret’s “ Bre- tonnes au Pardon.” Carbon photograph, “ The Promised Land.” Carbon photograph, “ The Quail Fight.” Carbon photograph, Titian’s “ Donna Isabella.” Carbon photograph, “ At the Abattoir.” Carbon photograph, Rosa Bonheur’s “ Dog Head.” Carbon photograph, “ Rubens’ Portrait of Him- self.” Carbon photograph, “ Head of a Girl” (Greuze). 2093 2094 2695 2696 2097 2698 2099 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704. 2705 2700 (2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 272% 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 80 Carbon photograph, “ Study of a Lion” (Land-. Seer), Photograph from Nature, “ Returning Home.” Carbon photograph, “ The Fates.” Carbon photograph, “ The Minuet.” i Carbon photograph, Defregger’s “ Madonna.” Carbon photograph, “ The Pyramids.” Carbon photograph, “ Returning to the Fold.” Photograph, Thorwaldsen’s “ Night.” Photograph, Thorwaldsen’s “ Spring.” Photograph, Thorwaldsen’s “ Autumn.” Carbon photograph, “ The Duet.” Carbon photograph, “ The Beggar.” Carbon photograph, “ Morning—Holland.” Carbon photograph, “ Childhood Pleasures.” Carbon photograph, “ Cock Fight.” Carbon photograph, Bouguereau’s “ Venus.” Carbon photograph, “ Profane Music.” Carbon photograph, “ Sacred Music.” | Carbon photograph, “The Victim” (Ducks and Drakes). Carbon photograph, Raphael’s “ Fornarina.” Carbon photograph, “ Mignon.” Carbon photograph, Gabriel Max’s “Our Ances- tors.” Carbon photograph, “ Flowers Fade.” | Carbon photograph, “A Spring Symphony.” Carbon photograph, “ The Sculptor’s Studio.” Carbon photograph, “ After the Storm.” Carbon photograph, “ A Mountain Torrent.” Carbon photograph, “ Rosie.” | Carbon photograph, Millet’s “ Gleaners.” Carbon photograph, “ Sheep in the Highlands.” Photograph, “ Niagara.” Photograph, ‘‘ Niagara.” Photograph, “ Yosemite.” to 2727 Two photographs in color, “ Engadine,” and mate. 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2804, 2810 2811, 2814 SI Photograph in color, “ Mt. Blanc.” Photograph in color, “ The Grands Mulets.” Photograph in color, ‘‘ Chamounix.” Photograph in color, “Mountain of the Holy Cross. Photograph in color, “ Berchtesgaden.” Photograph in color, “The Eiger and The Monk.” Photograph in color, ‘ Glacier of Morteratsch, Engadine.” Engraving, “And Every Soul Was Saved.” Engraving of “ Dr. Henri Sainte Claire Deville in His Laboratory.” Fine portrait of Gladstone, from life. Dr. Robert Koch. Artist’s proof portrait of “ Paderewski.” Portrait of “ Father Damien.” Portrait of “ General Joubert.” Artist’s proof portrait of “ Columbus.” Rare engraving, “ Lord Byron.” Artist’s proof, etching, Jubilee portrait, “ Queen Victoria.” Engraved portrait, “ William Penn.” Portrait of “ Froebel” (Kindergarten). Artist’s proof, engraving, portrait, the late “ Bishop Brooks.” Portrait of Dr. Pasteur. Fine engraved portrait of Dr. Abernethy. Fine engraved portrait of Dr. Hunter. Engraving, “ La Lithotritie.” Portrait of Dr. Koch. Engraving, “ Lesson in Anatomy.” to 2803 An invoice of beautiful card and minia- ture frames. 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809 Six engravings, — * Choclataire,” and others. Engraving, “ Beatrice Cenci.” 2812, 2813 Three engravings, “ vt. Cecilia,” and others. Proof engraving, Raphael’s “ Madonna.” $2 2815 Engraving, “ The First Christmas Morn.” Rare engraving, ‘‘ Head of the Saviour.” 2816 2817 2822, 2826, 2829, Engraving, “ Only a Little Brook.” 2818, 2819, 2820, 2821 Four engravings, “ Beatrice,” and others. 2823, #24, 2825 Four engravings, “ Rubens’ Son,” and others. 2827, sate Three Gibson proofs, “ This Can Hap- pen,” and others. 2830, 2831 Three proofs, engravings, ‘“ The Hound,” and mates. 2832, 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 285 5 2856 2857 2858 2859 2833, 2834, 2835 Four proofs, engravings, “ High- mettled Racer,’ and mates. Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, “The Feast of Dominique.” “Good Samaritan.” ““ Galileo Before the Gotan A “Holy Family.” “ Knitting the Stocking.” “Florentine Poet.” ““ Edmenegarda.” “ Madonna of the Star.” “The Bird Seller.” “Conference of Two Philosophers Over Natural History.” Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, “ Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, Engraving, “ The Goddess of Italy.” “The Fortune Teller.” “ Domestic Happiness.” The Engagement Ring.” ‘ The Fugitive and His Family.” “ Dante and Beatrice.” “The Song of the Padrone.” ““Jeptha’s Daughter.” “The Declaration of Love.” “ The Flight of Bianca Cappello.” “Sti Pank’ “ Florentine Lovers.” “Dante Presenting Giotto to Guido.” ‘“ Hagar in the Wilderness.” 2860 2861 2862 83 Engraving, “ The Farewell of Hugo and Parisina.” Engraving, “Italian Peasant Girls on the Cam- pagna.”’ Engraving, “ Ophelia.” 2863, 2864 Two engravings, “ Adelheid” and “ Iphi- 2865, 2867, 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 genia.”’ 2866 Two engravings, ‘“ Eugenia” and “ Mignon.” 2868, 2869 Three engravings, “ Dorothea,” “‘ Hel- ena,’ “ Leonora.” Folio of etching of old masters, Rembrandt’s Set No. 1, “ Dtirer,”’ and others. | Folio of etching of old masters, Rembrandt’s Set No. 1, “ Dtirer,’ and others. Folio of etching of old masters, Rembrandt’s Set No. 1, “ Durer,” and others. Folio of etchings of old masters, Rembrandt’s Set No. 2. Folio of etchings of old masters, Rembrandt’s pet No. 2. Fac-simile in colors, “Tomb of William the Con- queror.” i Colored photograph, “ Canal in Venice.” Colored artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Mrs. Farren.” Colored artist’s proof, engraving, “ Cecilia Had- field.” Old colored engraving, “ The Angry Farmer.” Old colored engraving, “ The Truants.” Old colored engraving, “ Gathering Fruit.” Old colored engraving, ‘“ Gathering Wood.” Old colored engraving, “ St. James’ Park.” Proof, engraving, printed in colors, “ Innocence.” Old colored engraving, “The Sportsman’s Re- turn.” | Old colored engraving, “ Saturday Evening.” Colored artist’s proof, engraving, “ Duchess of Devonshire and Child.” Valuable engraving, printed in colors, “ A Visit to the Boarding School,” artist’s proof. 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895, 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903; 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921, 2923, 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931, 84 Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Starting Out.” + °: Artist’s proof, engraving “ Run to Earth.” | Engraving, “ Good Company.” Engraving, “ The Meet.” Engraving, “ Stolen Away.” Engraving, “ hae) Kae 2890, 2897 Set 3, “ Driving and Practicing Carts: ‘i Lithograph in colors, “The Master.” Engraving, “ Snipe Shooting.” Engraving, “ Beginning of Golf.” Engraving, “ Dr. W. G. Grace.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “In the Golden Days.” 2904, 2905, 2906, 2907. Set 5 portraits of “ Mam- brino Patchen,” and others. Engraving, “ Whirlwind Trio.” Engraving, “ The Meet.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ After the Hunt.” Proof, engraving, “ Setter with Bird.” Sword’s “ Game Birds.” Proof engraving, “ Snipe Shooting.” Proof engraving, “ Woodcock Shooting.” _Etching, “ Gone Away.” Etching, “ The Finish” (companions). Engraving, “ Full Cry.” Engraving, “ The Death.” Engraving, “ The Finish of the Run.” Engraving, ‘“‘ Homewards.” 2922 2 etchings, “ Ancient Coaching,” “ Modern Coaching.” 2924 2 artist’s proof etchings, “ Ancient neato ing,” “ Modern Coaching.” Engraving, “ Going Well.” Engraving, “ A Good ’un to Follow.” Engraving, “ From Covert to Covert.” Engraving, “ Hunting on Wheels.” Etching, / "In Full Gry Etching, “ Over Hill and Dale.” 2932, 2933, 2034 Set 4 “Honorable Artillery Co. of London at Headquarters, and mates. 85 2935, 2936, 2937, 2938 Set 4 “ Halt of the London Scot- tish Volunteers,” and mates. 2939, 2940, 2941, 2942, 2943, 2944 Set 6 American “ Vic- tories of the Navy.” 2945, 2946, 2947, 2948, 2949, 2950 Set 6 “Birds and Plants,” printed in colors. - 2951, 2952, 29053, 2954 4 engravings of “ Reconnais- 2955 2956 2957 2958 sance,” by Detaille and Meissonier. Platinum photograph, Schreyvogel’s “ Last Drop.” Platinum photograph, Schreyvogel’s “ A Friend in Need.” Platinum photograph, Schreyvogel’s “Stage Coach.” Platinum photograph, Schreyvogel’s “ Unexpected Enemy.” 2959, 2960 2 platinum photographs, “ United States Vol- 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 unteers.” Fac-simile, in colors, Detaille’s “Sergeant’s Re- port.” Fac-simile, in colors, Detaille’s “ Staff of General Division.” Etching, “ God Bless You, Tommy Atkins.” Etching (companion), “ Conquered, but Not Sub- dued.”’ Engraving, De Neuville’s “ Communication of the Advance Posts.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, Stuart’s “ Wash- ington.” Proof impression, Stuart’s “ Washington.” Print impression, Stuart’s “ Washington.” Autograph proof, engraving, “Milton in His Study.” Autograph proof, engraving, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Colored impression, “ Milton in His Study.” Colored impression, “ Shakespere in His Study.” Plain impression, “ Milton in His Study.” Plain impression, ‘“‘ Shakespere in His Study.” 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2081 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 86 Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Countess of Mexbor- ough,” Line engraving, Bierstadt’s “ Rocky Mountains.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ First Love Letter.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer, “ In the Larder.” Choice impression, engraving, Landseer, “ Re- triever.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Rosa Bonheur, “The Duel.” Photograph, from nature, “ F alling Leaves.” Bieta oa from painting by Theodore Robin- “In the Sun.” Pron Sargent’s ‘ Hosea.” Photograph, Douglass Volks’ “Voice of the Pines.” Photograph, after Greuze, “ Head of Girl.” Photograph, Henner’s “ Prayer.” 2087, 2988, 2989 Three Gibson proofs, “ No Respector of 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2095 2996 29097 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3903 a Widow’s Grief,” and others. Photograph, “ An Emblem of Mercy.” Photograph, “ De Profundis.” | Photograph, Whistler’s “Lady with the Et Buskin.” Photograph, Blashfield’s “Angel with Flaming Sword.” Photograph, E. Burne-Jones’ “ Venus’ Mirror.” Photograph, E. Burne-Jones’ “ Pilgrim at. the (rate, '” Photograph, Watts’ “ Ganymede.” Photograph, Raphael Mengs’ “ Cupid.” Photograph, Raphael’s “ St. Cecilia.” Photograph, Ghirlando’s “ Adoration of the Shep- herds.” Photograph, Del Sarto’s “ Four Saints.” Photograph, Merson’s “ Arrival at Bethlehem.” Colored photograph, Battoni’s “ Reclining Ps ¢ dalen.” Photograph, Battoni’s “ Reclining Magdalen.” 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010, 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023, 3025, 3027, 3029 - 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 87 Photograph, Rubens’ “ Visitation.” Photograph, Van Dyke’s “ Marriage of St. Catha- rine.” Photograph, Raphael’s “ Madonna Grand Duke.” Photograph, Carpaccio’s “ Angel Musician.” Photograph, Carpaccio’s “ Angel Musician” (com- ‘panion). Luini’s ‘ Virgin and Child.” 3011, 3012, 3013 Set 4 “ Birds and Flowers,” in color. | Photograph, “ The Doge’s Palace, Venice.” Photograph, “ Venice from the Grand Canal.” Colored photograph, “ Bridge of Sighs, Venice.” Colored photograph, “ Interior St. Mark’s, Venice.” Colored photograph, “ Milan Cathedral.” Folio 9 proof etchings, by St. Aubin, and others. Fac-simile, in color, Miss Bridge’s “ Birds and Flowers.” Fac-simile, in color, “ Graziosa.” Fac-simile, in color, “ Black and Tan.” 3024 Two colored photographs, “ Zenobia” and “Maidenhood.” 3026 Two colored photographs, “ Peace” and e Uhastity.” 3028 Two colored photographs, “ Columbia” and F tlotq. Colored photograph, ‘“‘ Spinning Flax.” Colored photograph, ‘ Standing: for His’ Carte.” Artist’s proof, etching, colored, “ Tamborine Girl. of Fac-simile, in color, “ Late Comets.” Fac-simile, in colors, “ A British Capture.” Artist’s prot, engraving, printed in colors, “ Inno- cence.’ : Colored photograph, © “Tog . Nuch OL 7a. Good Thing.” Fac-simile, in colors, “ Off and Away.” Lithograph, printed in colors, “ The Master.” Lithograph, printed in colors, “Drawn Blank.” 3939 3040 | 3041 3042 3943 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 §8 Colored engraving, “ Touchstone and Emma.” Colored engraving, “ Crucifix and Lanercost.” Colored engraving, “ Favonius.” Colored engraving, “Too Fast!” Colored engraving, “ Well Done.” Colored engraving, ‘“ Macheath.” Colored engraving, “ West Australian.” Colored engraving, “ Firenze.” Colored engraving, “ Hunting on Wheels.” Colored engraving, “ Summer.” Colored engraving, “ Winter.” 3050 to 3099 An invoice of 50 beautiful card and cabinet 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3173 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 miniature frames.” Platinum photograph, Sargent’s “ Haggai.” Platinum photograph, Sargent’s “ Zephaniah.” Platinum photograph, “ Magdalen.” Platinum photograph, L’Hermitte’s “ Christ at Supper at Emaus.” Platinum phates Botticelli’s “ Virgin and Child.” Photograph, “ Our Father Who Art in Heaven.” Photograph, Plockhorst’s “ He Whom You Seek is Not Here.” Photograph, “ St. Cecilia.” Photograph, “ Head of Joseph.” Photograph, “ Queen of Heaven.” Photograph, “ Virgin of Consolation,” Photograph, “ Christ at the Home of Mary and Martha.” Photograph, “ The Annunciation.” Photograph, “ Exquisite Pleasure.” Photograph, ‘“ The Dancing Lesson.” Photograph, “ Head of Girl,” after Greuze. Photograph, “ Adeline” (Seiffert). Photograph, Alma Tadema’s “ Paderewski.” Photograph, “ Elektra” (Seiffert). Photograph, “ Blood!” Photograph, “ A Capri Girl.” 3121 3122 89 Photograph, Gerome’s “ Death of Caesar.” Carbon photograph, “ Portrait of Gladstone.” 3123, 3124, 3125, 3120 4 colored “ Seasons.” 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 Fac-simile, in colors, “ Horse’s Head.” Photograph, Schreyvogel’s “ Dispatch Bearers.” Photograph, Schreyvogel’s “ Defending the Stock- nae, Engraving, “ The Requisition.” Engraving, “ Emperor William II. and Staff.” Engraving, “ Flight.” | Engraving, De Neuville’s “ Hunting a Trail.” Engraving, “ The French Attack at Hougoumont.” Engraving, “ Up Guards and at Them.” Engraving, “ And Every Soul was Saved.” Etching, “ Boyhood of Raleigh.” Etching, Millet’s ‘ Labor.” Etching, Millet’s “ Spinner.” Etching, Millet’s “ Gleaners.” Rare old engraving, by Cousins, “ Early Dawn.” Artist’s proof, Constant-Mayer’s “ Trilby.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Young Mother Hub- bard.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Sylvia.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Sweet Silence.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Schmaltz’s “ Olive.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Piot’s “ Divine Inspira- tion” Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘“ Make Haste.” Exquisite proof, engraving, “ Paddy.” Parchment proof, etching, Laguillermie’s “ Head” by Greuze. Artist’s proof, engraving, “‘ Invocation.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “Thorn Among the Roses.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Chillingham Cat- tle.” Proof engraving, “ Chillingham Deer.” 3155 3156 3157 3158 | 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 AIGZI. 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 go Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Marcus Storie’s First Love Letter.”’ Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Beauty and the Arts.” Rare artist’s proof, engraving, “ Elizabeth Fry.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Waiting for Master.” Artist’s proof, engraving Landseer’s “ Her Majes- ty’s Pets.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s ‘‘ Highland Nurses.” Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Cover Hack.” Proof, engraving, Landseér’s “ Princess Beatrice on Donald.” } Proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Hunter and Cob.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s ‘‘ Windsor Castle.” Remarqué proof, engraving, Marcus Stone’s Peacemaker,” Artist’s proof, engraving, Millais’ “ Effie Deans.” Artist’s proof, engraving (companion), “ Lucy of Lammermoor.” ! Artist’s proof, engraving, “One and Twenty.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “Twilight, Coming Home.” | Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Age of Gallantry.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ Luther’s Hymn.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Uninvited Guests.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “A Little Mort- gage.” ee iat proof, etching, Sadler’s ‘““ Morning Gos- sip.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler's: “ Christmas Time.’ Parchment proof, etching, Leader’s “In the Hay- field.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ Parting Day.” Artist’s proof, etching, Leader’s “ ‘ Glimmering Lights.” 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 32004 3201 3202 gl Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “Amiens Cathe- dral.” Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “Baptistry, St. Marks, Venice.” Parchment, artist’s proof, Burne-Jones’ “ Venus’ Mirror.” Remarqué proof, etching, ‘ September Evening.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Holman Hunt’s “ Sha- dow of the Cross.” | Fine line engraving, Steinla’s “ Madonna San Sisto.” Etching, Leader’s “ Sabrina’s Stream.” Etching, Leader’s “ Parting Day.” Remarqué proof, etching, “ Innocence.” Trial proof, etching, “ Wheedling.” Artist’s proof, etching, “ On the Scheldt.” Parchment remarqué, etching, ‘“ Where Surges Roll.” Parchment remarqué proof, etching, F ortuny’s “ Mandolin Player.” Rare old Mezzotint engraving, “ Lady Peer Rare old Mezzotint engraving, ‘ Lady Walls- court.” Rare old Mezzo-tint engraving, “ Lady Dover.” Rare old Mezzo-tint engraving, “ The Countess of Wilton.” Rare old Mezzo-tint engraving, “ Master Locke.” Rare old Mezzo-tint engraving, “ Miss Macdon- od. Rare old Mezzo-tint engraving, “Lady Harriet Clive.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Arlent Edwards’ Duch- ess of Devonshire and Child.” Rare old engraving, ‘The Three Graces.” Engraving, “ Sylvia.” Old colored engraving, “ Gathering Fruit.” Old colored engraving, “ Gathering Wood.” 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3231a 3232 3-33 3234 3235 G2 Colored engraving, ‘Lady Hamilton When Young.” | Colored engraving, “ Margarette.” Colored engraving, “ Awake My Soul.” Colored engraving, “ Grandfather’s Birthday.” Colored photograph, “ St. Marks,” Venice. Colored engraving, ‘“ Vanquished.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ Winter Evening.” Rare old colored engraving, “The County Elec- tion.” | Colored engraving, “ Consulting the Oracle.” Colored engraving, ‘‘ Not Caught Yet.” Colored engraving, “ The Old Inn Yard.” Colored engraving, “ We Shall Do It Easily.” Colored engraving, “ A Drive in the Bois.” Engraving, “ At His Wit’s End.” Engraving, “ Rats!” Engraving, “ The Ladies’ Pilot.” Engraving, “The Blue Ribbon.” Engraving, “ His First Appearance.” Engraving, “ Prawn Catchers.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ King of the Forest.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ The Lost Sheep.” Engraving, Landseer’s “ The Sick Monkey.” Engraving, “ Waiting for the Guns.” Engraving, “ Breaking Covert.” Engraving, “Any Port in a Storm.” Engraving, Herkomer’s “ The Old Guard’s Cheer.” Artist’s proof, engraving, De Neuville’s “ Bearer of Dispatches.” | Artist’s proof, engraving, “A Pell Mell Charge.” Fine line engraving, Frith’s “ Railway Station.” “An English Railway Station.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Charging eee Engraving, Detaille’s “ Autumn Manoeuvres.” Engraving, Landseer’s “‘ Laying Down the Law.” Parchment proof, etching, Millais’ “ Boyhood of Raleigh.” — ; 93 3235 a,b 2“ Boyhood of Raleigh,” parchment proofs. 3236 3237; 3239; 3242, 3245 3246, 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 32601 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 Parchment proof, etching, “In the Merrie Month of May.” 3238 Two rare old colored engravings, “ Shoot- ing,” “ Returning Home.” 3240, 3241 Set 3 old colored engravings, “ Half- Way,” “ Opposition Coaches,” “ French Dili- perice.”’ 3243, 3244 Set 3 old colored engravings, “ The Passions of the Horse.” Rare old colored engraving, “ Unicorn Norwitt Coach.” 3247, 3248 Three colored engravings, “The Coach.” Etching, Whymper’s “ Duck Shooting.” Etching, Whymper’s “Woodcock Shooting.” Etching, Whymper’s “ Partridge Shooting.” Etching, Slocombe’s “ Charlcote.” Etching, Slocombe’s “ Where Many Branches Meet:” Etching, “ Cauld Blows the Wind Frae East to West.” Etching, Farquharson’s “ Twilight.” Etching Sadler’s “‘ Christmas Time.” Etching, Sadler’s “ A Little Mortgage.” Etching, Sadler’s “ Sweethearts.” Etching, Sadler’s “ Widow at Home.” .Carbon photograph, Van Dyck’s “ Charles Caven- dish.” Carbon pastoer ape “Varnishing Day at the Salon.” Carbon photograph, “ The Wreck.” Carbon photograph, “Watching for the Absent Ones.” Carbon photograph, Carpaccio’s “ Angel Gabriel.” Carbon shoe AS Bouguereau’s “ Palm Sun- day.” Carbon photograph, Prud Hon’s “ Young Man.” 3207 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281, 3284, 3287, 3299, 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 94 Carbon photograph, Botticelli’s “Spring Time.” Carbon photograph, Lorenzo’s “‘ Holy Family.” Carbon photograph, Raphael’s “ Madonna Folig- nio.”’ Carbon photograph, Botticelli’s “ Virgin and Child and Angels.” Lippi’s “ John the Baptist.” ‘ Carbon photograph, Perugino’s “Christ in the Garden of Olives.” Carbon photograph, Fra Bartolommeo’s “St. Catharine and St. Vincent.” Carbon photograph, Benvenuto’s Annunciation.” Carbon photograph, Paul Veronese’s “ Annuncia- tion.” Carbon photograph, Miiller’s “ Holy Family.” Carbon photograph, Murillo’s “ Magdalen.” Carbon photograph, Gabriel Max’s “‘ Magdalen.” Photograph, “ Ideal Head.” | Photograph, “‘ Marshmallows.” 3282, 3283 Three Fac-simile in colors, Raphael’s “ Hours of Night.” 3285, 3286 Three fac-simile in colors, Raphael’s “ Hours of Night.” 3288, 3289 Three fac-simile in colors, Raphael's “ Hours of Day.” 3291 Two fac-simile in colors, Raphael’s “ Hours of Day.” Carbon photograph, Botticelli’s “ Virgin Infant Christ and St. John.” Carbon photograph, “ Murillo’s “ Holy Family.” Carbon photograph, Botticelli’s ‘‘ Virgin, Infant and St. John.” Carbon photograph, Raphael Mengs’ “ Cupids.” Carbon photograph, Carlo Dolci’s “ Mater Dolo- rosa.” Carbon photograph, Guido-Reni’s .“ Cumaean Sybil.” Carbon photograph, Raphael’s “ St. Cecilia.” 95 3299 Carbon photograph, Solimena’s “ Mater Dolorosa.” 3300 Carbon photograph, Perugino’s “ St. Sebastian.” 3301 Carbon photograph, Murillo’s “ Immaculate Con- ception.” 3302 Carbon photograph, Lorenzo’s “ Adoration of the Shepherds.” 3303 Carbon photograph, Raphael’s ‘ Crowning of the Virgin.” 3304 Carbon photograph, Del Sarto’s, “ Two Angels.” 3305 Carbon photograph, Titian’s “ Assumption.” ' 3306 Carbon photograph, Luini’s ““ Holy Family and St. John.” 3307 Rare old engraving, “ Early Dawn.” 3307a Another. 3308 Engraving, “ Rough Grouse Shooting.” 3309 Fac-simile in color, “ Retriever with Pheasant.” 3310 Quaint photograph of all the characters in Irving’s works. 3311, 3312 Two colored photographs, “ Getting in Line,” and mate. 3313 Colored photograph, “ Top Weight.” 3314, 3315 Two colored photographs, “The Lead” and porerice, | 3316 Colored photograph, “ A Bold Stroke for a Lady.” 3317. Colored photograph, “ Here They Come.” 3318 Colored photograph, “Too Much of a Good . Thing.” 3319, 3320 Two colored photographs, “ Steeple Chase” and “ Second Mile.” 3321 Colored photograph, ‘“‘ At the Gate.” 3322 Colored photograph, “ The Last Brook.” 3323 Colored photograph, “ Kind Inquiries.” 3324 Group of three colored photographs, “ The Berk- ley Hunt,’ and mates. 3325 Fac-simile in colors, “The Arrival.” 3326 Photograph colored, “ A Walk in the Mall.” 3327 Fac-simile in colors, “ Perlette and Her Goat.” 96 3328 Exquisite artist’s proof, engraving, printed in col- ors, “ Innocence.” 3329 Fac-simile in colors, “ Look!” 3330 ac-simile in colors, “‘ Playmates.” 3331 Fac-simile in colors, ‘“ A British Captoce:? 3332 Fac-simile in colors, “ Late Comers.” 3333 Fac-simile in colors, “ The Awakening.” 3334 Colored photograph, “ Peasant’s Flower Garden.” 3335 Colored photograph, after Meyer Von Bremen, MRest* 3336 Colored photograph, after Meyer Von Hremiie “The Listener,’ 3337 Fac-simile, Bouguereau’s “ Difficult Lessson.” 3338 Colored photograph, Meissonier’s ‘ The Letter.” 3339 Colored photograph, ‘‘ Cleopatra.” 3340 Colored photograph, Miller’s “ Holy Family.” 3341 Colored photograph, Rotario’s “ Magdalen.” 3342 Colored photograph, Coreggio’s “ St. Marguerite.” 3343 Colored photograph, Angelico Kauffman’s “ Vestal Virgin.” | 3344 Set of fac-simile in color, Raphael’s “ Hours.” 3345, 3346 Pair colored photographs, “ Maidenhood ” and “ Chastity.” 3347 Etching Slocombe’s “ Silver Birches.” 3348 Etching, MacWhirter’s “ Three Graces.” 3348a Etching, MacWhirter’s “ Three Graces.” 3349 Etching, MacWhirter’s “Silver Sea and Silver. Birches.” 3350 to 3399 An invoice of fifty beautiful easy and cabi- net miniature frames. 3400 Etching, Whymper’s “ Duck Shooting.” 3401 Etching, Slocombe’s “ Pleasant Shady Lane.” 3401a Etching, Slocombe’s “ Pleasant Shady Lane.” 3402 Etching, Slocombe’s ‘‘ Where Many Branches Meet.” 3403 Etching, Slocombe’s “ Rookery.” 3404. Etching, Slocombe’s “ Yorkshire Lane.” 3405, 3406 Two engravings, eee ve Chintey and mate. 97 3407. Etching, “ Two’s Company, Three None.” 3408 Proof, etching, Vibert’s “ A Schism.” 3409 Etching, Herkomer’s “ Gretchen.” 3410 Etching, “ As Dry as a Lime-Kiln.” 3411 Etching, “Schrimp Alley ” (Gravesend). 3412 Etching, “ Canal at Nantes.” 3413. Etching, “ Under the Directory.” 3414 Rare Mezzotint engraving, ‘‘ The Dew Branch.” 3415 Rare Mezzotint engraving, “ Lady Wallscourt.” 3416 Rare Mezzotint engraving, “ Lady Dover.” 3417 Rare Mezzotint, engraving, “ Lady Peel.” 3418 Engraving, “ Sylvia.” 3419 Artist’s proof, engraving, Constant Mayer’s Pe rilby, 3420 Artist’s proof, “ A Divine Inspiration.” 3420a “ Divine Inspiration,” artist’s proof. 3421 Artist’s proof, engraving, Schmaltz’s “ Olive.” 3422 Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘‘ Make Haste.” 3423 Artist’s proof, engraving, ‘ Beauty and the Arts.” 3423 a,b,c 3“ Beauty and the Arts,” artist’s proofs. 3424 Artist’s proof, engraving, Farquharson’s “ Home Through the Woods.” 3425 Artist’s proof, etching, Slocombe’s “ Where the Poplars Kiss the Skies.” | 3426 Remarqué parchment proof, etching, Brunet- | Debaines’ “ A Turn in the Road.” 3427 Japan proof, etching, Leader’s “Fast Falls the Eventide.” 3428 Japan artist’s proof, etching, “A Corner of Old England.” 3429 Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “Amiens Cathe- | dral.” 3429a Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “Amiens Cathe- dral.” 3430 Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “ Notre Dame.” 3431 Artist’s proof, etching, Haig’s “ Baptistry, St. Marks.” 3432 Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Home, Sweet Home.” | 98 ~Remarqué proof, etching, Sadicre “London to York.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ Plaintiff and Defendant.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler's “ Christmas Time.” Remarqué proof, etching, Sadler’s “ For Weal or Woe.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “There’s Life in the Old Dog Yet.” Proof, line engraving, Landseer’s “ Departure for the Highlands.” Fine Buon engraving, Landseer’s “The Sanctu- ary.” Fine oy engraving, Landseer’s “ “The pcg lenge.” Fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Pde Hill.” ‘Very fine proof, engraving, Landseer’s “ Otter Hunt.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “The Field of Waterloo.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s ‘“ Combat Between Eagles and Swans.” Artist’s proof, engraving, Landseer’s “A Mid- summer Night’s Dream.” -Artist’s proof, engraving, “ Diana and Calisto.” ‘Remarqué proof, etching, “ Parting Day.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “One and Twenty.” Artist’s proof, engraving, “ The First Love Let- ter.” Artist’s proof, etching, PlameMee “Vive ’Empereur.” Remarqué ee engraving, “ Charge of the cs ch Brigade.” : . Another of the same. Remarqué proof, engraving, “ Sheridan’s Chaitge.” Fine impression engraving, “ The Roll Call.” 3254 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 . 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 - 3468 3469 3470 34704 3471 3472 3473 34738 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480. 99 Rare artist’s proof, engraving, “ Sherman’s March to the Sea.” Colored engraving, “ Charge of the Light Bri- gade.” Colored engraving, “The Storming of Badojoz, 1812.” | Colored engraving, “To the Memory of Brave Men.” Colored engraving, “A Son of the Empire.”, Colored engraving, “ Catch Hold!” Colored engraving, “The King of the Castle,” companion. Colored engraving, ‘‘ Mother’s Birthday.” Colored engraving, ‘“ Music.” Colored engraving, “ Psyche Before the Throne of Venus.” Colored etching, ‘‘ For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” Fac-simile in colors, ‘ Meditation.” Fac-simile in colors, “A Venetian Brunette.” Fac-simile in colors, “ Meetings at the Stile.” Fac-simile in colors, “ The Rival Beauties.” ‘Colored engraving, “The Charge of the Gordon Highlanders.” Rare old engraving, “ The Leading Road Coaches Leaving the White Horse Cellars.” The same. Colored engraving, “ At His Wit’s Ends.” Colored engraving, “The Run of the Season.” Fac-simile engraving in colors, ‘“‘ The Lunch.” Lithograph, colors, “ Drawn Blank.” Engraving of Schreyer’s “ Imperial Courier.” Etching, Flameng’s “ Vive l’Empereur.” Engraving, Herkomer’s “ The Old Guards’ Cheer.” Fine engraving, “ The Turkey Herder.” — Engraving of Landseer’s “ Font.” Engraving of Landseer’s “ Sick Monkey.” Engraving of Landseer’s “ Event in the Forest.” 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3490 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502, 3504, 3506, 3508, 3510, 3512, 3514, 3516, 100 Engraving of Landseer’s “ Red Deer at Chilling- ham.” Engraving, “ Where’s He Gone?” Engraving, “ Breaking Cover.” Engraving, “A Real Good Story.” Engraving, “ Home by the Ferry.” Engraving, “ Unity.” Engraving, “ The Thistle.” | Engraving, De Neuville, “ Hunting For a Path.” Engraving, “ Not Caught Yet.” Enpravitig, ‘Ina Pin’ Engraving, “‘ The Run of the Season.” Three carbons on one mount, “Fra Angelica’s Angels.” Carbon photograph, Raphael’s “ Madonna, della petlinu Carbon photograph, head of “ Virgin” by Botti- celli. Carbon photograph, Salimena’s “ Mater Dolorosa.” Carbon photograph, “ Madonna Surrounded by Angels ” (Botticelli). Carbon photograph, Fra Bartolomeo’s “ Angel with Liste.’ Carbon photograph, Fabriano’s “ Adoration of the Magi.” Carbon photograph, Angelica’s “ Last Judgment.” Ghirlandajo’s “ Virgin with Child and Saints.” Murillo’s “ Holy Family,” carbon. 3503 2 Bouguereau’s “ Virgin of Pity,’ and an- other. 3505 “St. Anthony of Padua,” and another. 3507 Correggio’s “ St. Margaret,” and another. 3509 “Child Christ in the Temple” (companion). 3511 Murillo’s “ Immaculate Conception,” and an- other. 3513 “ The Breadth of My Love,” and another. - 3515 “St, Agnes” and “ The Infant Saviour.” 3517. Miiller’s “ Holy Family” and “ St. Anthony.” 3518, 3519 “ The Guardian Angel,” and another. Io! 3520, 3521 Fac-simile, in colors, “ British Capture,” and another. 3522 Beautifully colored, “ Magdalen” (Rotario). 3523 Beautifully colored, “Vestal Virgin” (Angelica Kauffman). 3524 Beautifully colored, Battoni’s “ Magdalen.” 3525, 3520 2 fac-similes, “ Winter in the Country.” 3527, 3528, 3529, 3530 “ Lingering Rays,’ and mates. 3531, 3532 2 fac-similes, in color, “ Coaching in Summer and Winter.” 3533 Colored photograph, “ Top Weight.” 3534, 3534a, b, c Four photographs of St. Mark’s and Venice. 3535, 35352, b Set of 3 “ Roses and Geraniums,” in color. 35360 “ Easter Lilies,” in colors. 3537, 3538, 3539, 3540, 3541 Old colored engravings, “ Rendezvous of the Quorn Hounds.” 3542, 3543, 3544, 3545 Set of rare old engravings, “ The Discovery.” 3546, 3547 Old colored engraving and mate, “ So Much for Your Pepper.” 3548 Set of rare old colored engravings, “ One Day’s Sport,” 6 of them. 3549 Three old colored engravings, “Car Traveling in the South of Ireland.” 3550 Rare old colored engraving, “Jumping in Sacks.” 3551 Two old colored engravings, “ Four in Hand,” and mate. 3552 13 old colored engravings, “ Sporting Anecdotes,” and mates. 3553 anda “Spree at Melton Mowbray.” | 3554, a and b Three old colored engravings, “ The NGL Sportsman Preparing,” and mates. 3555, a, b,c 4 old colored engravings, “ All Right,” and companions. 3556 Fine line engraving, “ Galileo before the Inquisi- tion.” ee 3557. Fine line engraving, “ Ophelia.” 3558 3559 3560 3501 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3507 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3570 Oba: 3578 3579 3580 3581 102 Fine line engraving, “ Italian Peasant Girls.on the Campania.” Fine line engraving, “ Farewell of Hugo and Par- isana.”’ Fine line engraving, “Hagar in the Wilderness.” Fine line engraving, ‘“‘ Dante presenting Giotto to Guido.” Fine line engraving, “ Two Florentine Lovers.” Fine line engraving, “Song of the Donkey. Driver.” Fine line engraving, “St Rauks Fine line engraving, “ The Flight of Bianca Cap- pelo.” Fine line engraving, “ A Declaration of Love.” Fine line engraving, “ Jephtha’s Daughter.” Fine line engraving, “ Dante and Beatrice.” Fine line engraving, “ The Exile and His Family.” Fine line engraving, “ The Engagement Ring.” Fine line engraving, “ Madonna of the Star.” Fine line engraving, ‘‘ Domestic Happiness.” Fine line engraving, “The Fortune Teller.” Fine line engraving, “ Italy.” | Fine line engraving, “ Students of Nature.” Fine line engraving, “ Bird Dealer.” Fine line engraving, “ Edmenegarda.” Fine line engraving, “ Florentine Story Teller.” — Fine line engraving, “ The Sympathetic Thread.” Fine line engraving, “ The Holy Family.” ! Sadler print, “ Returning Thanks.” ee ae ate a hs es: a