Nov.15 NeAn A ie w2oe ie e 7 ‘ : - 2 / 7 - 3 i { 4 4 ° , 2 $ ; , j i ty , 4 | in f is 5 Pa i be a Fi 5 i f ' i : ¢ , , , ros ARES} Fine ihe 5, i ; ' ; i Let 244 4 } 4 t i Ge ; 4 7 yy ar) ] : ‘ ‘ ’ ia $ j ‘ ’ hd i J j WAT Rae 7 : re ge ’ ’ ; H nis piped pit nae , i HP 57 y dit ih 4 ited rf sig ; easata rae B's ; ; Te Waning ri ; j Vyaay i i , 1 } J La f i ; , ? ' i ‘ ' (ants i | ASA Let oe | Fei ra pase ' AeA ! PE IIMS jp ade i } Ly Wea it , af hl a ft MRO OLGA Da A 4 yg , Olin ps guess Reif nisi j } ; | 4 Ee ' hd +f 7 yea to , { i] f n t j ; ABER i 1G ie 4 i feAy pT at “AS td » a) ha MPS a Me gape j } } C ' ee i baba j 1 ' ii / f j 1 Pw Pt ie) Pat eee ba ela TA eT 4 Hoe eabeasy, ly \ ; ie tj 4 Zt VEQE AAS ‘ VA end BA, od its BELA tT ) , ; | VLA AR nie he Yn i) Ait PS aes pales ; J Noa tial y aia aday et hala u ‘ / gtd Bing pe } , j Fille pei, (a ‘ j ‘4 ’ i i \ 4 j i } 14 / / ; y ee 4 i ay i HES) j j +t! : ni (PESO | a : a he} ! ‘| ry ; i } i j \ \ | A AN aid t at Pt) ) ) \ , j j be det | iti } 4 ‘ t Ul i if p Ni Ww ‘ 4 ; } i ee, ii cfs \ nat sat Want igh \ { i ite NANOS ISN AE th ‘ yh | ‘ RO AMY tp i h ee ele 1 14 dele tes iN phapotie SALE NUMBER 1773 ae on ae PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, NOVEMBER FIFTH SIXTY-THREE VERY FINE ROWLANDSON 4 DRAWINGS AND WATER COLORS WATER COLORS __ BY THE CELEBRATED ARTISTS OF THE ENGLISH, DUTCH, FRENCH & SWISS 2 SCHOOLS OF THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY A. FEW VERY FINE FRENCH COLOR PRINTS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY THE COLLECTION OF “MR. SIDNEY LOVELL PHIPSON [M. A. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND] BARRISTER-AT-LAW INNER TEMPLE, LONDON TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER FIFTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE & FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 CoLreecTioN — : oe: | SALE NUMBER 1773 _ ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, NOVEMBER FIFTH SIXTY-THREE VERY FINE ROWLANDSON DRAWINGS AND WATER COLORS WATER COLORS BY THE CELEBRATED ARTISTS OF THE ENGLISH, DUTCH, FRENCH & SWISS SCHOOLS OF THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY A FEW VERY FINE FRENCH COLOR PRINTS rete PIGHTEENTH CENTURY: HE COLLECTION OF MR.SIDNEY LOVELL PHIPSON [M. A. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND] BARRISTER-ATLAW INNER TEMPLE, LONDON TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER FIFTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE & FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be Per Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authen- ticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wirHoUT RECOURSE. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain un- cleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prej- udice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE 126-136 65, 66, 67 : < aaaene Bel | _ DEMARTEAU, G. | 140 2 _ DESCOURTIS, C. M. 141, 142, 148 ” - DUNKER, BBO A: 120 _ FARINGTON, a 70,71, 72 | _FERG, F. 3 ee 102 a” - FREUDENBERG, S. 121, 144 | Se_GARTIN, T. 78, 74, 75,76 GUYOT, L. L. | 145, 146 HARLOW, G. H. 77, 78, 79, 80 HARRINGTON, C. . 81 HARTMAN 93 ~~ HENDERSON, C. | 82, 83 _ HOWITT, S. . 84 HUET, J.B. ae JANINET, F. | 147 JANTSCHA, L. 124, 125 | KOBELL, W. 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 : ' KONIG, F. N. 122 ot LA FARGUE, P. C. ates LA FOND, D. 123 ty LE GRAND, A. 148 LE PRINCE, J. B. (ATT. TO) 113 PILLEMENT, J. 114,115,116, 117 PRINS, J. H. | 103, 104 PRONK, C. , 105 PROUT, S. 85 RADEMAKER, G. 106 PP. 7 4 ¢ es, pe aa ae j [LANDSON, 4 is ‘STANFIELD, Gs: | ‘TENKATE, H. G. - VAN GOYEN, SCHOOL OF VAN RUYSDAEL, J. - VARLEY, J. _ WHEATLEY, F. 1 > SALE THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER’ FIFTEENTH, AT © 8:15 NUMBERS 1-148 THOMAS ROWLANDSON 1756-1827 NUMBERS 1-63 CAULKING THE BOAT Fine shipping view. Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 534 x 914 inches. THE GAMING HOUSE Title and description in the artist’s hand: “Gaming House— where a Parcell of Sharks meet to bite one anothers Hands off.” Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 614 x 934 inches. LATE ARRIVALS A. humorous scene at an inn after midnight. Pen and water-color. Size, 714 x 1014 inches. MONMOUTH Pen and water-color. With the title in the artist’s hand. Size, 1144 x 17 inches. HITCHIN MARKET, HERTFORDSHIRE Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 1084 x 17 inches. THE PATERNAL EYE One of the most amusing ‘social’ subjects. Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1792. Size, 94 x 124% anches. TINTERN ABBEY, SOUTH WALES An uncommon subject for Rowlandson. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 1114 x 1744 inches. 1 THE RECEPTION Tea being served in a dignified English drawing-room. Pen and water-color. Size, 9Y% x 15 inches. OLD PUTNEY BRIDGE Showing the famous old bridge with sails and punts on the river and a group of natives drinking and sparking on the near shore. Pen and water-color. Size, 101% x 17 inches. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND COTTAGE Pen and water-color. Size, 434 x 714 inches. LANDSCAPE WITH BRIDGE Pen and water-color. Size, 54/5 x 7% inches. A CONVERSATION UPON TYTHES Companion to the preceding. Pen and water-color. Size, 584 x 814 inches. THE PROPERTY TAX Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 584, x 814 inches. WAGON WITH RUSTICS Pen and water-color. Size, 5% x 9 inches. OX-CART CROSSING A BROOK Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1779. Size, 584 x 9 inches. SMOCK FATR One of the ‘Country Fair’ caricatures for which Rowlandson was famous. Pen and water-color. Size, 9 x 15 inches. RIVER SCENE WITH FISHERMEN A landscape of the finest quality. Water-color with very little pen work. Signed. Size, 12 x 19 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 2 [NUMBER SEVEN EEN | 18 20 Jor 21 al yy 22 0 4, D 23 fi 24, 25 26 CHEYNE WALK, CHELSEA, WITH REGATTA — A drawing of this same subject, but without the view of the — regatta is illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. _ Pen and water-color. Size, 11 x 17 inches. CAPTAIN BARCLAY’S WALK, 1,000 MILES IN 1,000 HOURS | An interesting drawing of a famous sporting event. Illus- trated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 1084. x 1744 inches. RIVERSIDE INN, WITH RUSTICS CAROUSING A charming drawing, lovely in quality. ? Pen and water-color. Size, 9 x 181% inches. WALTHAM CROSS, WITH THE YORK COACH A fine example. Pen and water-color. Size, 1084 x 1534 inches. THE BIRD-FANCIER Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1807. Size, 8 x 11 — inches. LOVE IN A VILLAGE | A. charming subject beautifully executed. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1800, and with the tatle in the artist’s hand. Size, 8 x 101% inches. BARNET FAIR Fine grouping and perspective. Pen and water-color. Size, 12 x 1714 inches. HOTEL DE FLANDRE, BRUSSELS Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Red and brown ink and water-color. Signed. Size, 734 x 10 aches. THE ROAD THROUGH THE WOOD Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 914 x 143% inches. 4 27 THE ASSEMBLY ROOM, BATH a One of the finest of Rowlandson’s ‘social’ subjects. Illustrated ay - in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 11 x 16% inche: [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ; 9) NAS 28 30 31 32 33 34 RICHMOND TERRACE, SURREY > Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 894 x 14, inches. FAIFLOP FAIR, ESSEX Rowlandson at his best. A long procession of codes and walking figures seen travelling along a curving country road. Beautiful in color and execution. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1816. Size, 10x 1445 ches. RICHMOND MARKET, YORKS A remarkable scene of animation executed with simple dashing _ line. Pen and wash. Size, 91% x 15 inches. PAULSTON BRIDGE, DEVON Landscape in pure water-color with only the figures outlined in ink. Signed and dated 1789, with a long description in the artist’s hand. Size, 1844 x 19 inches. CARDIFF MARKET PLACE A remarkable scene of animation and activity. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1804. Size, 1084 x 17 wnches. bree ILLUSTRATION | AN ESTUARY WITH SHIPPING A very fine and unusual example. Pen and water-color. Size, 9 x 13°4 inches. NAVAL VETERANS A most interesting subject showing a group of maimed naval veterans wheeling about the streets one of the famous full- rigged models of a British Man-o’-War. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 684 x 81% inches. 6 -TWO | fhe HIR H a om oS a 2) A eae 35. 36 37 38 39 40 4] THE DECLARATION. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 744, x 914 inches. GREENWICH, KENT: A COACHING SCENE Pen and water-color. Size, 794 x 1144 inches. RIVER SCENE, TWICKENHAM A charming landscape. Pen and water-color. Size, 94 x 1484 inches. RAISING THE WIND The Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV, in the hands of the Money-lenders. An important drawing. - Water-color drawing. Size, 914 x 138 inches. THE AMOROUS TURK A subject similar to this has been engraved, entitled “A Ma- homedan Paradise.” Pen and water-color. Size, 1144 x 12 inches. COAST SCENE WITH TRAVELLERS LANDING Pen and water-color. Size, 11 x 161% inches. TRAVELLING IN GERMANY From the Earl of Warwick’s Collection, with the stamp. _Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1789. Size, 9% x 15 mches. 42 AS A — J/o~- SPORTSMEN REFRESHING One of the artist’s most characteristic caricature subjects. Pen and water-color. Size, 914 x 1114 inches. COAST SCENE WITH RUSTICS DANCING Pen and water-color. Size, 91% x 15 inches. THE FLUTE PLAYER Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 884 x 634 inches. FISHERMEN’S DWELLINGS AT THE NORE Pen and water-color. Signed and dated, and with the title in the artist’s hand. Size, 1014 x 1684 inches. FISHERMEN’S DWELLINGS AT THE NORE The detail in part is the same as in the preceding drawing. 'The background, however, shows an entirely different view. Pen and water-color. Size, 1034 x 161% inches. COUNTRY INN WITH FIGURES Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1827. Size, 6144 x 91% inches. NAVAL SHIPYARD, PORTSMOUTH Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 1014 x 16% inches. A ROUND DANCE Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 7Y2 x 12% inches. 9 50 WOODLAND LANDSCAPE IN CORNWALL, WITH COTTAGE AND FIGURES An exceptionally fine landscape, showing Rowlandson at his best. Brown ink and water-color. Size, 14 x 181% inches. 4 [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 10 AMSTERDAM WITH SHIPPING A. drawing of splendid vigor. Pen and water-color drawing. Signed and dated 1791. Size, 1414 x 2114 inches. SOLDIERS PICKNICKING Landscape with a jolly party lunching under the trees. Pen and water-color. Size, 91% x 1484, inches. THE PURSUIT Engraved in 1791. Illustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Row- ~ Jandson. Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1790. Size, 1244 x 1734 inches. MENDING NETS Pen and water-color. Size, 6 x 814 inches. COTTAGE WITH COACH AND TRAVELLERS Pen and water-color. Size, 5°/4 x 81% inches. GEORGE WILSON THE PEDESTRIAN An interesting sporting event. Pen and water-color. Size, 584. x 91/4 inches. DOWNLANDS, SUSSEX A bright, sunny landscape. Llustrated in A. P. Oppe’s work on Rowlandson. Pen and water-color. Size, 684. x 1014 inches. A JO — = i CROSSING THE FORD A beautiful little drawing. Pen and water-color. Size, 74% x 10 inches. ESTUARY WITH SHIPPING Pen and water-color. Signed. Size, 6 x 914 inches. TPE 60 62 63 20 64 THE SAW-SETTER ac The caption in the artist’s hand reads: “Saw-Setter or Har- monic Scarecrow—Music hath charms to sett the teeth on eres 4 Pen and water-color. Size, 814 x 9% inches. THE COMFORTS OF BATH A Series of Seven. Six of these drawings are the originals, varying in details more or less, for “The Comforts of Bath” published in 1798. One of the drawings here, “‘The Sweating Room,” remained unpub- lished. (7) | Pen and water-color caricatures. All signed. Average size, 5 x 716 inches. GOING OUT IN THE MORNING: THE CHASE | A pair. Etched by W. P. Carey. Finely colored. With good margins showing the plate mark. Published in Dublin by Allen. (2) . Rare. FEYGE DAM WITH PART OF THE FISH MARKET AT AMSTERDAM Colored aquatint. [Engraved by Wright and Schultz.] Fine impression with the title. The publisher’s line erased. The ar- chitectural background in this plate represents one of the finest examples of this phase of Rowlandson’s work. ENGLISH SCHOOL NUMBERS 64-91 W.E. ATKINS THE “DUKE OF WELLINGTON” AT PORTS- MOUTH The gallant frigate is seen leaving the harbor before brisk wind and a choppy sea. A marine view of superb quality. Water-color. Signed. Size, 15 x 22 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 12 | NUMBER SIXTY-FOUR | 65 ee 66 67 je 68 /00 7 69 THOMAS S. BOYS 1803-1874 ISSY NEAR PARIS From the Collection of Sir Edward Poynter. Water-color. Size, 13 x 8° inches. THOMAS 8. BOYS 1803-1874 CATHEDRAL OF BAYEUX IN NORMANDY A splendid architectural drawing. From the Collection of Sir Kdward Poynter. Water-color and pencil. Signed and dated 1832. Size, 1034, x 734 inches. | THOMAS 8S. BOYS 1803-1874 PLACE DE GREVE, PARIS - From the Collection of Sir Kdward Poynter. Water-color. Size, 544 x 9%4 inches. ROBERT CLEVELEY 1747-1809 THE DUKE OF CLARENCE LANDING AT STADE, PRUSSIA, 1785 A. magnificent marine view. Water-color. Size, 18 x 2214 inches. EDWARD DAYES 1763-1804 ON THE WYE, HEREFORD A fine view beautifully executed. ~ Water-color. Signed and dated 1791. Size, 1234 x 1634 inches. 14 oe pee eT we Ws J. FARINGTON 1747-1821 70 SOUTHAMPTON WATER A fine decorative landscape. A 022- Water-color. Size, 934 x 1414 inches. J. FARRINGTON 1747-1821 71 NORTH VIEW OF LYNTON AND LYNMOUTH Pencil and wash. Signed in ink. Size, 934, x 1484 inches. J. FARINGTON 1747-1821 72 LYNMOUTH IN DEVONSHIRE Companion to the preceding. 5 Vo Pencil and wash. Signed in ink. Size, 994 x 1484 inches. fo THOMAS GIRTIN 1775-1802 73 BROUGHAM CASTLE Water-color. Size, 6144 x 1014 inches. Vo oo THOMAS GIRTIN 1775-1802 74 WARWICK CASTLE A fine example. 9 0 _Water-color. Signed on back in pencil. Size, 1334 x 181% inches. THOMAS GIRTIN 1775-1802 75 VIEW OF HEREFORD Very fine. 7 ie 7 Ve Water-color. Signed on back in pencil. Size, 12x 17 1% inches. | 15 THOMAS GIRTIN 1775-1802 76 VIEW OF PUTNEY Companion to the View of Hereford. | y iZ Water-color. Size, 1834, x 181% inches. G. H. HARLOW 1787-1819 77 PORTRAIT OF MRS. SIDDONS A fine portrait of this beautiful and talented actress. Pencil, heightened with red chalk. Signed with imtials and Ih a dated Nov. 30, 1813. Size, 884 x 7 inches. G. H. HARLOW ~ 1787-1819 78 LADY MARY HAMILTON Pencil and charcoal heightened with red chalk. Size, 81% x 7 a inches. / oe G. H. HARLOW 1787-1819 79 GIRLS DANCING A group of young girls in a graceful dancing tableau. Pencil drawing heightened with red chalk. Size, 11 x 9 inches. ia G. H. HARLOW 1787-1819 80 SIR ROBERT HALL, K.C.B. Pencil heightened with red chalk. Signed with initials and dated Feb. 1816. Size, 1084 x 8 inches. 16 86 CHARLES HARRINGTON CONTEMPORARY ASHDOWN FOREST, SUSSEX Water-color. Signed and dated. Size, 11 x 15 inches. COOPER HENDERSON FRENCH DILIGENCE A brilliant drawing. Pen and water-color. Signed with initials. Size, 1084 x 15 anches. | COOPER HENDERSON A FRENCH POSTING COACH Water-color. Signed with initials. Size, 8 x 1014 inches. SAMUEL HOWITT 1765-1822 RAMSGATE HARBOUR Water-color. Signed and dated 1791. Size, 9 x 1284 inches. SAMUEL PROUT 1783-1852 ROUEN Market scene, fine architectural background, cathedral in the distance. Water-color. Size, 17 x 11% inches. CLARKSON STANFIELD 1793-1867 SUMMER Sepia wash. Size, 12 x 17% mches. 17 JOHN VARLEY 1778-1842 87 VILLAGE SCENE e Pr vy Water-color. Size, 11 x 16 inches. 0 JOHN VARLEY 1778-1842 88 ROCHESTER CASTLE Water-color. Size, 1114 x 19 inches. JOHN VARLEY 1778-1842 89 RIVER SCENE Water-color. Size, 94% x 1884 inches. JOHN VARLEY 1778-1842 90 BOIL'TON BRIDGE, HEREFORDSHIRE > 4 Water-color. Size, 8 x 1244 inches. FRANCIS WHEATLEY 1747-1801 91 RUSTIC COURTSHIP An interior view of an English cottage. A young farm-hand, with his food suspended ’twixt mouth and bowl, casting an ad- Sass miring glance at the farmer’s daughter who is seen demurely ih sewing at the kitchen window. | A. charming and most characteristic example. Unusually soft and delicate in coloring. Water-color. Size, 15% x 121% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ]| 18 -ONE | cL a's [ NUMBER NINE wl ee ve ieee aE ws el r Ke ‘ 7 : i" e? j < > > DUTCH SCHOOL NUMBERS 92-110 ANTHONIS ANDRIESSEN 1746-1813 92 FOREST SCENE WITH FIGURES Water-color drawing. Size, 10°4, x 1314 inches. HARTMAN 93 VILLAGE SCENE WITH PERFORMING BEARS Water-color. Signed. Size, 74 x 1034 inches. JAN DE BEYER or DE BELWJER 1705- 94 ROTTERDAM A fine architectural view. Fi L Water-color. Signed with initials and dated 1752. Size, Ws L 1144 x 161 inches. JAN DE BEYER or DE BEIJER 1705- 95 LEYDEN A view of the water-front at Leyden, showing the entrance to a canal, church and buildings. (acW ea Water-color. Signed with initials and dated 1755. Size, ine 1084 x 15 inches. | 20 WILHELM KOBELL 1766-1855 96 SOLDIERS FORAGING WHILE ON THE MARCH . An army on the march is seen seizing sheep, fowl, and other oe) Z 2 provisions from the rich farmland through which they are passing. Water-color. Signed in full. Size, 138 x 18 inches. WILHELM KOBELL 1766-1855 97 FRONTIER GUARDS A finely painted landscape with a group of soldiers examining a Fo — the papers of a migrating peasant family. Water-color. Signed “Wilhelm K.” and dated 1796. Size, 1314 x 1634 inches. WILHELM KOBELL 1766-1855 98 HORSEMEN REFRESHING | We io — Water-color. Signed “Wilhelm K.” Size, 13 x 16 inches. 21 99 [NUMBER NINETY-NINE | WILHELM KOBELL 1766-1855 PREPARING FOR THE HUNT This and the following number form a magnificent pair. In draftsmanship and color they equal if not surpass anything done by the great English sporting artists of the nineteenth century. Water-color. Signed and dated 1794. Size, 1444 x 1844 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ‘a ssh [NUMBER ONE HUNDRED | 2 aT * WILHELM KOBELL. 1766-1855 100 RETURNED FROM THE HUNT Companion to the preceding. Th ‘Z — Water-color. Signed and dated 1794. inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 2 23 e, 1484 x 1814 101 ie 102 103 PAUL CONSTANTIN LA FARGUE -1782 SCENE AT THE HAGUE Scene of one of the principal squares of the cine with a view a | of the public buildings, etc. Fie attention to architectural — detail. Pen and sepia wash. Signed. Size, 10% x 18 inches. FRANZ FERG 1689-1740 LANDSCAPE WITH HORSEMEN AND FIGURES AT A FORD Sepia wash. Signed and dated 1720. Size, 1114 x VW nohoee J. H. PRINS 1766-1806 BRIDGE OVER A CANAL A splendid example of this famous artist’s work. Most char- acteristic, as it illustrates his great attention to architectural detail, for which he was noted. Water-color. Signed and dated 1797. Size, 124% x 15 inches. J. H. PRINS 1766-1806 CANAL SCENE IN HOLLAND Water-color. Size, 914 x 784 inches. CORNELIS PRONK 1691-1759 THE VEGETABLE MARKET AT ALKMAAR A most interesting drawing, finished with great attention to detail. Water-color. Signed with initials and dated 1729. Size, 614 x 1014 inches. 24 | NUMBER 106] | JAKOB VAN RUYSDAEL e. 1630-1682 pe 106 COTTAGE IN THE WOODS : A superb example of the work of one of the greatest Dutch 27o0- landscape painters. Drawing in bistre and green tints. Signed and dated 1675. | Size, 914 x 1034 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION :; 25 107 108 GERARD RADEMAKER 1672-1711 DUTCH CANAL cies Sepia wash. Size, 8°4 x 13 inches. HENDRIK GERRIT TENKATE 1803-1856 COTTAGE INTERIOR WITH AN ARTIST SKETCHING Water-color. Signed and dated 1845. Size, 6 x 8 inches. SCHOOL OF VAN GOYEN LANDSCAPE WITH DUTCH WINDMILL A delightful picture, beautifully painted and finished to the ~. minutest detail. 110 111 Water-color. Size, 984 x 1834 inches. SCHOOL OF VAN GOYEN RIVER SCENE WITH FERRY A. companion to the preceding, and equally charming in quality. Water-color. Size, 984 x 1384 inches. FRENCH SCHOOL NUMBERS 111-118 P. A. BAUDOUIN 1723-1769 LES COLOMBES In all probability the original gouache for Choffard’s engraving “Les Amours Champétres.” A young peasant girl seated at the door of a rustic cottage observing a pair of billing doves on the ground before her. An older woman in the doorway cautions her to silence; a youth gazes down from a window above the door. Gouache. Size, 9 x 12 inches. 26 : 112 to- NUMBER 112] JEAN BAPTISTE HUET PASTORALE 1745-1811 A group of cattle, sheep and goats are resting and grazing ina typical Huet landscape. The shepherd and shepherdess are seen in the background. Pen and water-color. Signed and dated 1780. Size, 1254 x 16 enches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 27 113 vA Al 114 115 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPE 116 LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER dere 117 LANDSCAPE WITH WATER-MILL ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN BAPTISTE LE PRINCE a 1733-1781 | PEASANTS DANCING Pen and sepia wash. Size, 734 x 101% inches. JEAN PILLEMENT 1727-1808 A FOREST GLADE Black crayon. Signed. Size, 11 x 734 inches. JEAN PILLEMENT 1727-1808 Companion to the preceding. Fagot gatherers at work in the — 4 foreground. A winding road leads to the -top of a cliff in the background upon which appears a cottage. Black crayon. Signed. Size, 11 x 13% inches. JEAN PILLEMENT 1727-1808 Fagot gatherers approaching in the foreground, which forms the near shore of a river.