| ed i ay ~~ IMPORTATION OF FOREIGN aie ES CHINA, &c. A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, AND A FEW PICTURES, By Direction of the Executors. ern is [Got ain. Smith | Mar, 2° : A CATALOGUE ¥ Bryant | . i a Sperigp ’ OF . > se rte 4 4 CCa pTAa m Urouwl es * AN IMPORTATION OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE, COMPRISING Beautifully Carved Chairs, NMarqueterie and Reisner Commodes with IWarble Tops, Garderobes, Pier Tables, PICTURE & GLASS FRAMES, PAIR OF BEAUTIFULLY INLAID LOO TABLES, A Pair of Bronze Urns, Piece of Tapestry, Indian Screens Gresven and Berlin China, Xe. A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS Among which are many by Wollett, Strange, and others, after celebrated Masters AND SOME MODERN FRENCH ENGRAVINGS ALSO A FEW PICTURES, Comprising a Series of Views in the East INDIES, by HopGes, DANIELS, &c. late the property of | : A GENTLEMAN, Deceased, and removed from the Country. aeIhich will be Ltn by Meititnte Messrs. E. FOSTER and SON, /t the Gallery, 54, PALL MALL, } On MONDAY, the 30th day of MARCH, 1835, at Twelve o’Clock. — y be Viewed Two Days before the Sale, and Catalogues had at Messrs, FOSTER’s Of . CONDITIONS OF SaLR. | ALQLRQOQ,, First... The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot: so tig ae shall be imme- diately put up again and resold, Second . No person to advance less than 1s—above five pounds 5s—and so onin proportion. Third ©. The purchasers to give in ruzin yaues AND PLACES Or'4 ABODE, and to pay down £25. per cent. if required, in part of payment of the purchase money. fourth- The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, without reference to the identity of subject or master at the purchaser’s expence, within one day after the sale. Fifth .. As this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the Ls remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery, Nigth...Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the ” money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, all lots — uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. | « Seventh .But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots and by any neglect. or evasion omit paying for the same, such pur- chaser or purchasers shall pay five per cent. interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale, until the amount of the | said bill shall be discharged, and also w4REHOUSE CHARGES OF ONE . \) SHILLING PER Week for. the occupation of ‘every such -lot as may not be cleared within the time aforesaid, or that may remain unsold. -Lastiy. , Every attention will be given to property entrusted for Sale, but, if any Lots remain unsold or uncleared more than one day after each Sale, Messrs. Foster will not be responsible for them; nor in ~ any case for damage by accident or fire. . - i { 4 > é - hehe en eS, Poe r Ja ON Re : 1 aa an bev 230 CWI Old. ate Ah Sho oe eaty Lat, 5 bo death 18 : ee ee eee ee es ee eT et Se a eee ee RS Te ee ante ae ee Ee EL eT ne Te ee ee ee eT a ee ee a LR OES OE OTS er abbr a eee eee : Danie at A Catalogue, &§c. MONDAY, the, 30th, Day, of MARCH, 1835, . AT TWELVE O'CLOCK... . The following Eighty-two Lots are just tmportel fe the Continent. Six carved oak drops Six ditto Six ditto | Three carved figures and 2 pelfSialed pieces of carving Twenty pieces, various A pair of carved tops for glass frames and a gilt Piece of carving A carved oak tray and 30 pieces, various A finely carved top for glass frame and a set of book shelves Two carved picture frames and 2 ditto glass frames" A ‘chimney glass, in carved frame, an antique carving in 3 compartments and 2 other pieces A pair of terra cotta figures, with tops and brackets A leaden figure of'a River God for fountain © A carved night table and soap stone ornament A carved hall seat A ditto A small walnut-tree table, with drawer and or-molu mounting — si i A Reisner ecritoire, with fall-down flap and divisions, and cupboard under, lock and key A handsome marquetaire commode, with 4 dr Sang foounted in ‘or-molu,, in excellent preservation | A carved and gilt French pier table, with ‘Florentine iatble top. A ditto ditto A ditto ditto Fas A French marquetaire commode, mounted in’ or- r-molu, with 3 drawers, and. curiously ‘veined marble’slab An inlaid ebony, tortoiseshell, and’ ivory” cabinet, ‘with 2 pair of folding. doors, 13 drawers and thipbdird under . A Reisner commode, mounted ‘in’ or-molu, with 2" drawers, and Flotentine. marble slab A pair of carved oak pier tables, with marble slabs : Si stosd sano ,otib are | Die ,olib 9910 ry o} ith OV & 54 4 An encoigneure, of fine old Reisner, with marble top A fine old carved oak garde robe, with 2 pair of folding doors, drawers, shelves, &Xc. A ditto ditto » A ditto — ditto A fine piece of Gobelin tapestry, 10 ft. 6 by 9 ft. 6, in excellent preservation — A pair of brass cannons, on carriages A beautifully worked satin fire screen, with carved mahogany frame A ditto , A painted and gilt leather six-leaf screen Two brass dishes A morocco case, containing pebbles and gems A set of 6 carved walnut-tree chairs, with cane backs One carved walnut-tree chair and 1 carved arm ditto Two carved walnut-tree elbow chairs, with cane backs and seats Two ditto Two ditto Two carved wood chairs A large and beautifully carved elbow chair, with solid back A ditto A ditto A ditto A ditto at A ditto | . A ditto , A ditto A ditto, mounted in pearl Six beautifully carved chairs, with cane backs and seats One ditto One arm ditto 54* Seventy-five silver trinkets for children ee 54**A carved fire screen, with painting of flowers by Mignon. . 5d 56 57 58 59 60) A carved and ebonized gothic chair _ . | One carved walnut-tree chair and 1 arm. ditto . A pair of finely carved high back chairs... ,, ! tO» 1988 Two ditto ly ofd Two ditto Three ditto, and 1 arm Rio. cane hs 5 Three ditto, with cane backs and seats Three ditto A pair of ditto, beautifully carved Two ditto Six finely carved ditto, cane backs Three ditto A Dresden tea and coffee service, painted in designs after Hondikoeter, consisting of coffee pot, tea pot and stand, milk hide t tea caddy, 6 coffee cups, 12 tea cups and 18 saucers Six engraved glasses Three Oriental china jars and covers, with enamelled flowers in compart- ments Three smaller ditto A dozen ditto cups and saucers An Oriental china jar and cover, ditto tea pot and 5 cane heads A soap stone group and four Dresden boys with flowers Six enamelled Oriental china plates with flowers, and 6 Dresden boys with flowers Six Oriental china plates and 6 cups and saucers _ Seven Oriental china jars and covers An Oriental china tea pot, 6 cups and saucers A china tea pot, 2 cups and a saucer Four toilette bottles and 2 butter boats Four carved female figures Sundry pieces of carving Ditto A two-leaf Dutch leather screen A pair of ornaments of old or-molu on pedestals Two 2 carved frames Five old ditto Six ditto A lady’s rose wood work table, with marble top, and 3 drawers An old Derby tea service A pair of spa pedestals with brown busts Ten red India table mats A handsome carved and gilt picture frame Ten red India table mats 94 95 An elegant carved and gilt clock, of, superior workmanship, 90* A buhl and tortoiseshell table with 9 drawers, on 4 legs * nuit ow 4 91* An ebonized settee, covered with velvet _ a 7 ; te " 92* Six chairs, en suite ary ! oh . em , we 93* A mahogany table with marble top _ 1 bas ss) allie: mae 94* A, pair of feather, fans | vs | : 95* A pair of ditto ° 96 saids latnehO ak 107 A mahogany top of cistern, beautifully Bohne » @ Joc nod anid A we 108 A lady’s work table, of different, coloured. wows, dé sttotiod ual Ot 109 A silk back two-leaf Dutch screen soi) slant bows ante ae 110 An ebony chiffonier anit o asnviq wba 12 111 Two old walnut-tree brackets onid $8 112 An ebony chiffonier with plate_giass. riick nie with buhl and mounted in or-molu tin Ynof-ows A BR 113 A pair of beautifully engraved sido yy A eed rio to ting A BS 114 An antique carved and gilt tripod with scroll sitters) onv'an Egyptian marble pedestal, bronze dish and cover onih blo off 8a 115 An antique Oriental chrystal Adrian’s cup with antique engravings of Baechanaliinss Oriental agate pillarand) stand, imamoroeceo: case! A Be 116 Six carved candlesticks siviea ast yd blo aA OB 117 A piece of coral with Head ef» iAtalasset vid b igi engravediscrolls ()) 118 A fine piece of Brazilian topaz stone, finely polishedie) sihal bor wT 10 119 A pair of bronze vases, 20 inshighriwishjhdndles» bovine seehaad A @ 120 A cornelian stone (for seal) with an exact intagliodikenesdof mga Ditto o of the late Duke of York ee ts ee 6. Gs A orbs : i? ed "Sh whb to ee i oF An agate snuff box, silver mounted, and a chased silver tweezer mae fittings hh oem co Le ee ee 7 122. ‘A blood stone ditto of the Duke of: Wellington 122* Ditto of Lord Brougham 123 Ditto of Napoleon 124 A guitar, by Clementi, in case | 125 A ladies French polished rose wood work box, lined with blue silk, and divisions | v 126 A gentleman’s mahogany dressing case with fittings complete 127 A ditto | 128 An oval plated plateau with silver edges, 1 large and 4 small stands and 4 cut glasses for ditto . 129 An old Sevre china cup and saucer, richly gilt and enamelled 130 ‘Three Dresden china cups and saucers, elaborately enamelled Forty Lots, the Property of a Gentleman, removed from the Country. ENGRAVINGS, Framep anp Guazep. $1 Six engravings after Le Brun, Dietrici, &c. not glazed 132 Holy Family after Correggio ; La Madona del Lago, after Da Vinci; the Marriage of St. Catharine, after Correggio; Raphael and Rosanne: 3 after S. del Piombo, and 1 other of the Holy Family 133 A Féte Champétre, after Lancret; Pastoral Scenes, after Boucher ; View of Tivoli, after R. de Tivoli, and Nymphs bathing, after Vernet 134 The Death of Dido, by Strange, after Guercino 135 Alexander in the Tent of Darius, by Picault, after Le Brun; Children of Karl Gower, by Smith, after Romney; Sir Balthazer Gerbier and his Family, by Walker, after Vandyck 136 Venus, Cupid and Satyr, by Bartolozzi, after Giordano ; by Presler, after Guido; the Woodman, after Gainsborough, and the - Studious Youth 137 A pair of Storm Scenes, after Vernet 138 The Fishery, by Woollett, after Wright, fine impression: » 139 A Moderate Gale, by Canot, after ace ayaa and a View on the Maese, by Elliott, after Cuyp 140 A pair,'the Farm Yard, and the Inn Yard, by Canot, after P, de‘Laer 141] A set of four engravings, by Byrne and others, after Claude . 142 A pair, Canute reproving his Courtiers, ‘and the S Surrender of Calais 143 A pair, Flemish Entertainments, after’ Van Harp © + Ooi 144 The Death of General Wolfe, by Woollett, after West, fine "pain TIBIiliig 145 146 147 148 149 150 8 St. John, by Raffaelle Morghen, after Carlo wines and Magdaten, oby Longhi, after Correggio a of 1G #94 Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour, by Vertue, after Hobo and Rupe Elizabeth’s Visit to Lord Hunsden_ , | ming A BS Diana and Calisto, by Walker, after Le Moine, and Diana and d Acteon, by Woollett, after P. Lauri i ifs Portrait of Lord Thurlow, and Portrait of Lord Barkha noo A (BSI Portrait of John Weyland, Esq.; Portrait of Col. Duff, shal Portrait of Viscount Sidmouth, proof tela avo wa. GBI Portrait of the Duke of York, by Doo, after eee Tit of the Duke of Wellington, by ‘Taylor, after dai and a, Portrait of Princess Charlotte zovth oil ORE 151 Portrait of a Lady, after Greuze, and five Portraits various 152 Portrait of Miss Fanny Kemble; a pair, Girl at her Studies ‘and Devotion, 7 Correggi0..ce+seeld9 by Newton, and a Portrait of Miss M. Tree after hep e nee | OUP 160 A Consecration : rglanneD ed 161 View of St. Helena, and View, na Sy tiie Harbour | 162 A pair of Shipping Pieces, Views,in-the East Indies; _ Modern ..+++«++++-163 A pair of Landscapes, Views 1 in oa Kast Horties Bee | Ditto «000. ~eens-l64 A pair of ditto te o <) stoisholh A «Gal Ditto... »see0¢+2165 A pair of ditto Ftd.’ ray] oilha yd Hodges... .+\+»+++-166 A Landscape and Figures, soning on na fale Ae Ont | Diilhecinisiss steph a ott. hiceses rivargds ok ied Ae ier Daniels... eovece 168 j View of a Town i in the ae Indie rau) » alan m Oni Ditto. Mee ehoe nee 100. Re companion. i As. fe Hone yess, MP. Pe on BL a a aes ea : : 153 Hennings’s casts from the Cartoons, maple wood frames; Canterbury Pilgrimage, and the Cavalcade to the Tournament _ iy 154 Eleven coloured etchings, Views in India, framed and glazed” sf wad 155 Twelve ditto, not glazed Be detec. ‘oS 156 ‘Two drawings and 3 engravings, various yids wd, 157 Portrait of Pitt, by Bromley, after Gainsborough ; ipbhedle of a a Lady, by} i Smith, after Reynolds, and pes es: of a ' Gentleman, by He after Gainsborough a Oe PICTURES, (ot Bee ~ Denner. ...+.5++00+108 Head of an Old Man ud -qawenk) Pale A pair, Holy Harpist and, a Mariage of St. Catherine, | caine macekineienemiiieaieaed II go a P f ry “— F H to Je) i ii nee rea ee re a Sarara nny: rere tees rar yer mC ws Paar Pam ep tener reer eer arta eres wr Leones etapa s8:chs Sam patie lacey haben dp pmamtina tA a AR nme ladon Beers rer as - - by ~ Pa Thos oe Hed as Ve _ 7s a. :