os : f ’ ~ iy ~ rf oe is Gs ne oie . £ is + « fo “a . = zB . 4 = we y ~ 1A or a ol 6 F s : ; ; : i > fe avery “ fs y = ° ¢ x > : . . : a ah 4 t = 4 % = 4 hi f a ; * 7 * F J a : " : : 5 ; 5 ; ~ ee eS “ : 2 Se z = 5 F Pres = 2 j 2a $f j a ere . ; it r ‘ '- + a i : : ~ os x 4 xe F _ oot ¥ my % , * ? . / * ¥ ‘ ify jn edgy nant 4 if j be 4, tL i 4 ‘ OF THE ii 736 m EXCEEDINGLY SELECT CABINET SAXON & ENGLISH COINS, JOSEPH MAYDWELL, ESQ. In the formation of this very choice Series of the Gold and Silver Coinage of England, the proprietor has devoted much attention to the dates of the coins, thereby presenting in a regular and interesting series, the several places of mintage from the earliest to the present time. The Collection is also very rich in choice Patterns and Proofs, both in Gold and Silver, having been selected from the most valuable collections that have been sold by auction. A FEW NUMISMATIC BOOKS, _ Se THREE MAHOGANY CABINETS BY ROBERTS. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ; BY MESSRS. : . Rider ‘S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO. /,/° 1% AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS — | AT THEIR HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On WEDNESDAY, 15th of MARCH, 1848, and three teu wine Days, at One o'Clock. ‘To be Viewed on Monday and Tuesday preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had. J. Davy & Sons, Printers, 137, Long Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders; the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again. [I. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds 2s, 64d. ; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s, in the Pound, if required, in part of payment of the Purchase-money ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. V. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expence, immediately after the Conclusion of the Sale; in default of which, S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser, If at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expence, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they : were bought. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any netice being given to the defaulter. VI Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. ~ Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. CATALOGUE OF THE - VALUABLE COLLECTION oF ENGLISH COINS OF JOSEPH MAYDWELL, ESQ. FIRST DAY’S SALE. ROMAN LARGE BRASS. LOT . b ‘1 Julius Cesar, O his Head, crowned with laurel, the Head of ) Augustus, CAESAR. DIVI.F.; another, O DIvos.IVLIVs. within eo a wreath of laurel, i Head of Augustus, DIvI. F. Tieton 2/2 pel ei O the Emperor seated, CIVITATIBVS. ASIAE. RESTITVTISi;—~ ~~ & s.c. within an inscription. Drusus senior, O his Head, NERO. CLAVDIVS. DRVSVS. GERMANICVS. IMP. J Drusus seated on shields and other spoils of war; all in good preser- vation 4 yh if, 12 Agrippina sen. O her Head, R s. c. within a rele Caligula, O damaged, & a Temple, in front a sacrifice, DIVO. AVG. /7/)_ Pr wid fine. Claudius, O his Head, % a Triumphal Arch; another, . ® SPES. AvavsTA. Agrippina jun. O her Portrait, I the | Carpentum, s. P.Q. R. MEMORIAE AGRIPPINAE,, fine oe / (b ‘3 Nero, © his Portrait, looking to the right, R the Temple Pe hs of Janus; another, looking to the left, with same kh; ae another, Rome seated. Galba, & Victory ce ‘all shee preserved Ui +4 Nero, R Rome seated, vines two others, DECVRSIO., one ee 0 only one horseman, rare. Galba, Rome seated ; ae | oe SPQR. OB. CIV. SER., well preserved ; y J 5 Galba, % Rome standing; another, LIBERTAS. PVBLICA. ASH oe 7, — Ys os sian, % Rome standing; another, Mars. victor. all fine 4 4 W ' 6 Vespasian, B IVDEA. CAPTA. ; another, Rome standing ; another, the Emperor in a car, drawn by four horses. ‘Titus, PAX. AvavstT. Domitian, I Victory crowning the Emperor ; another, ) the Emperor and four soldiers standing at the altar, sacrificing. A Contorniate of Trajan, O his Head, RR three Figures; all well preserved 4 7 / he ‘7 Titus, O his Portrait, looking to the right, 2) ANNONA. AVG.; another, FELICIT. PVBLIC. fine. Domitian, his Portrait, look- 4 ing to the left, KR pax. AVGYsT.; another, 2 GERMANIA./ CAPTA., rare; Domitilla, O a Carpentum drawn by two mules, R s. c. in the centre, well preserved 5 Up ‘8 Nerva, © his Portrait to the left, K FroRTVNA. AVGVST. . Trajan, a Bridge; another, Victory holding a shield, as inscribed VIC. DAC.; another, s. P. Q. R. OPTIMO. ea: : VA Hadrian, fine bust, P.M. TR. COS. I11.; all fine Te ‘9 Trajan, RK FORTRED. in exergue; another, s.P.Q. R. creme PRINCIPI. within a wreath; and one other. Hadrian, 6, ee Ul a different, and well preserved , ' Vy ‘10 Hadrian, 6, RK the Emperor on horseback; 2 Rome seated ; “uk R Galley; KR wi,aritvs.; R satvs.; Ih ADVENTVS. AVG.; all well preserved : ‘ 6 /# ‘l] Hadrian, 8, RB rFortvna.; 2 provipEnTIA.; K Neptune, 2 il je vy I MONETA. AVGVSTI.; pe three others; all well preserved Vd ‘12 Commodus, 2 tovi.vicrori. Verus, CONCORD. AVGVSTORIA.; ‘Wb another, different. Crispina, RB SALVs., and two of ane all well preserved . 7 Wj '13 Commodus, RK Lipertas. Crispina, 2. Lucilla, R VENVS. ; another, FECVNDITAS. Maximus, 2 the Emperor standing, ‘ald with two standards; all well preserved : 6 *,," The above coins are from the Stewart, Abdy, and Boyne Collections. vA y ROMAN SILVER. ' Consular, Julia, Junia, Licinia, Servilia, and others, add fine 14 9 J3 15 The Twelve Casars, formerly Sir Mark Sykes’s, fine A il SAXON AND ENGLISH COINS, IN GOLD SILVER, AND COPPER. *,.* The references are to the works of Snelling, Ruding, and Hawkins. ANCIENT BRITISH COINS. po Kh ‘16 British, similar to Rd. p. 3, n. 44, 49, 51; one has on O an Ear bhi of Barley, a Man on horseback; two others, small; and one in base silver, very rude work : 7 5 a ee — J LONDON. in monogram, very rare, another, without head, i) EADVVALD. 2 he coe , Yolen a” 7 a 0 hike ANGLO-SAXON COINS IN SILVER. Sceatta, 2, A. p.1, n.5,7. Offa, King of Mercia, type as R p.4,n.21, but moneyer’s name different, from the Devonshire «fa wade Collection, well preserved, and rare Burgred, King of Mercia, Hvssa. moneyer. ee King ; Pcp _ the East Angles, FR, p. 9, n. 4, very fine and rare oe St. Peter, O and R similar to FR. p. 12, n. 11, fine and rare; and three Stycas of Vigmund, /Zthelred, and Eanred, the j-? last two were Kings of Northumberland - 4 Ceolnoth, Archbishop of Canterbury, #. p.13, n.1, but the moneyer’s name TOGGA., this coin is a little broken on ile & edge, otherwise very fine Ethelwlf, O his Portrait, I% a Cross, similar to , R. p. 14, n. MANINC. MONETA.; another, without Rec exact eo 0 me f. p. 15, n. 6, fine and rare fRthelberht, OQ and Ik same as H. p. 13, n. 169, but mdf ans moneyer’s name DEGLAI., fine fEthelred I, © Portrait to the Rit IK DVDDA. MONETA,, ¢ tremely fine Alfred, O his Portrait, but not well struck ; moneyer, fine Alfred, struck at Canterbury and Oxford, Jine deg rare Ethelstan, REX. TO. BRIT... JK REGNALD. MON. EFORPIC. another, with REx. only, K VVILEBALD. Mo. Eamon REX.. VVLFSTA.M.; all fine Eadred, REx., RK EVDMAND.M. Eadgar, REx., R FARDENI. mo. Etheldred II, O his Head helmeted, IK ornamented Cross, H. p. 16, n. 203, BRVNSTAN. MO. PINT.; all fine 3 Eadweard, the Martyr, O his Head, Ik aDELAVERN. Mo. a very fine and scarce : Ethelred II, looking to the right, Ik crvx. in a Cross; nee looking to the left, the Hand of Providence, coined at / Canterbury; another, a Cross, and coined at London ; ay Sine Harold I, O his Head, i BR similar to &. p. 24, n. 1, BS ON. LVND., extremely fine, found at Lewes, Sussex Cnut, coined at Winchester. Eadward, the Confessor, 3, eg rent types, coined at York and London. Harold II, © his Portrait to the left, with sceptre, IX ELFPINE. ON. CANT. 6 PAX, across the field of the coin, all fine en ea a i i Pe ae 6 ENGLISH SILVER COINS. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Penny, Bust to the right, R Lorroxp. ON. PINC., Jine loser H. p. 18 n. 233. Penny, O and RB same as above, DVNNIC. ON ESTI., fine 1) Penny, © side face to the left, coined at Canterbury, well pre- 0h served, and scarce : H. pl. 18, n. 239. 1 Penny, full face under a canopy, coined at Wallingford, a small piece has been broken out on one side, otherwise a nice coin; another, full face, with sword in the right hand, KR H. p. 19, n. 246, well preserved 2 Penny, full face, of the bonnet type, Gand R H, p. 18, n. 29h: i another, full face, with two sceptres, n. 237 2 Pennies of the pax. type, coined at London, Wilton, Winchester, Chichester, Leicester, Lincoln, Shaftesbury, and Norwich 8 Pennies of the pax. type, coined at Oxford, Winchester, Ipswich, Thetford, Southwark, Exeter, Hastings, and Colchester 8 WILLIAM II. Penny, O full face, with two stars, same as HZ. p. 19, n. 250, ‘ well preserved ‘ : HENRY I. Penny, © full face, having the sceptre in the right hand, bdobal KR moneyer’s name, ROGIER. S. pl. 1,7. 24. 1 : STEPHEN. Penny, side face to the left, having the sceptre in his right hand, xo O and h S. p. 1, . 26; another, nearly similar, well pre- served 7 : 2 HENRY II, ann RICHARD I. Henry II, O full face, crowned, having the sceptre in his right kinele hand, 2 a Cross, with small crosses in the quarters, coined at London; and a Penny of Richard I, coined at Poitou, Jine ‘ . 2 JOHN, Iris, anp HENRY III. Penny, and Halfpenny, coined at: Dublin ; and the Farthing, w NORM,, rare; all well preserved Halfpennies, 2, full face, one in a triangle; a Farthing, re; and a fine imitation of the supposed English Peay Fp, | z Henry III, rex. TERCI.; and one coined at Dublin ‘ | 7 EDWARD I, anpv I. , MS 4s Pennies, full face, coined at Durham, Lincoln, and Kingston ; . and Farthing, struck at London. Irish Pennies, Head in a triangle, coined at Dublin, and Waterford; Halfpenny, bh Dublin, and Farthing, Waterford, scarce; the Aquitaine wad Halfpenny, O the Lion, a Cross, scarce. Edward II, London Penny, having the Saxon n instead of the Roman, very rare; and one struck at Canterbury; all well presereed 11 . EDWARD III. et SILVER. | P 3 ‘46 Groat, Half Groat, Penny, and Halfpenny, all struck at London; | / and a fine imitation of the Aquitaine Half Groat of Edward polrr | the Black Prince : 5 Yi, ‘47 Anglo Gallic. Aquitaine Penny, O three-quarter face, I a Cross, with crowns in the quarters. Edward the Black Prince, A Penny, O the Prince standing under a canopy, KR a Cross, Ve and lions in the quarters; Half Groat, and Penny, having the bust looking to the left, holding the sword in the right hand, all fine and rare 4 *,* The two last coins are from the Duke of fact s Collection, GOLD. / / : 48 Noble, O the King standing in a ship, and having a flag at the ey, stern, 2 in the centre of the Cross is the letter c, fine and Vin 7 scarce 1 / 49 Half Noble, O same as above, but ee the flag, RB has the y letter = in centre of cross; and the Quarter Noble, O the Royal Arms on a shield, I} ornamented Cross, fine 2 fp: 50 sit ile Gallic.—The Ecu, or Chaise, well preserved and scarce 1 RICHARD II. SILVER. | / a 1 Groat, O full face, m.m. cross, London, well eae rari plo rare, : : Moy 2 Half Groat, O and B as above, very rare e- 8 Penny, coined at York ; and two Halfpennies, struck at mae, Osc Sine : . : AO " GOLD. , Vs ‘54 The Half Noble, O the King seated in a ship, } the letter r in the centre of a cross ; the Quarter Noble, O the Royal Arms Y wy is on a shield, J ornamented Cross, with lions in the quarters, the last piece fine : . 2 8 HENRY IV, V, or VI. 3 SILVER. : /] °55 Groats of the London and Calais mints, one having a Star on the neck, another with Annulet at the side of the neck, and one plain; three Half Groats, all of the Calais mint; one Penny of the same mint; four Halfpennies of London and Calais mints; and a Farthing, Calais, all nearly fine 12 I). ‘56 Anglo Gallic of Henry IV, the Hardit, rare; and the Gros Blan | © Shield with the Royal Arms, the lis m.m., the centre of a cross, fine . . EDWARD IV. SILVER. ! i /) ‘57 Groat, O full face, with small rose on each side of the neck, RK London; Half Groat, with a wreath on the breast, coined HA at Canterbury ; a Penny, and a Halfpenny ; and a Groat, and Penny, having the three Crowns, coined in Ireland 5 : , GOLD. He A. ‘58 Noble, O the King standing in a ship, the letter £ on the "SOY Aas K the Sun, with a rose in centre, fine : I vA Y ‘59 Half Noble, O same as the above, but having the letter = under VEIL the ship, for York, i same as the above, fine and scarce 1 | vA A ‘60 Angel, m. m. cinquefoil,; Zt. p.3, n. 12, very fine; and the Quarter Noble, O Shield with the Royal Arms, having the letter E Cg over them, m.m.the sun, Ib the Crown, m.m., well pre- served p RICHARD III. ye SILVER. | vA :61 Penny, © his portrait, having the letter s. on the breast for Le Sherwood, coined at Durham, well preserved, and very rare ZL 7 ‘62 Groats, O his Portrait, one having the rose m.m., the other ‘hoph ; boar’s head, coined at London, rare : HENRY VII. SILVER. : WZ ‘63 Groat, full face, coined at London, fine; Half Groat, and Halfpenny, full face, all with the arched crown; Groats, 2, side face; Half Groat, side face, having the keys bon (Dl the arms; anda Penny, O the King seated on his throne, K the Keys below the arms, well preserved é 7 Ws 164 Vr 465. + 66 4 : 7 68 ) 69 : P70 fon t +73 i | 475 Jf) -w 9 Rh, the Royal Arms on a Cross, in @ fair state of preserva- tion, very rare A fine Imitation of the Septim nea and another of the a (Gs fh WM ale Shilling, O the Bust of the King, m. m. lis, having the numerals, Gout De hat kin Warbeck Groat GOLD. Sovereign, or Double Ryal, having the dragon’s head m.m., g Wor. very rare, and in fuir preservation R.p.6, 0.5. Were” Angel, of the usual type, very fine : : Vege ews ej] HENRY VIIL : SILVER. Groat, Portrait as Henry VII, portcullis m.m.; Half Groats of Bishop Lee, and Cardinal Wolsey, coined at York ; oe (writer fa coined at Durham; and the Tournay Groat, very scarce Groat, full face, lis m.m., of fine silver, rare ; Half Groat, a Penny, full face, coined at Canterbury; Halfpenny, full face, n London, rare; and three Irish Groats, O the Royal Arms ue ; on a shield, the Harp, with the letters H.1., H.A., H.K. on the sides, all well preserved - 7 Shilling, of fine silver, O his Bust, Prsndievns lis m.m., Be a full- Ais blown Rose between uo. R., also crowned, posvi., &c., Mh dt nearly fine 1 Shilling, full face of his ‘87th year, O ai Kh same as ne ins coined at Bristol, in fair preservation A fine Imitation of the Crown. From the Bentham collection inp lw GOLD. Sovereign, O the King seated on his throne, and a full-blown Rose at his feet, the Arms, crowned, supported by a lign , ao Ft 2 and dragon, lis m.m. on both sides, S. p. 2, n. 20, < we q' preserved Half Sovereign, O and i nearly statis to above, m. m. vas fe d y20lo the Angel, m.m. castle, fine . . Crown, and Half Crown, m.m. the bolt, O full-blown Rose . crowned, having the letters u.1., } the Royal Arms, crane lo having the letters m.1. at the side, very fine EDWARD VI. SILVER. Crown, m.m. y., © the King on horseback, date 1551, R the Yolrum 1 Royal Arms, posvi., &c., well preserved xh Aba 4:89 Whe 4 vA ie 91 Quarter Sovereign, O and R the same, very rare, and tn fair ef 10 Crown, m.m. tun, date 1552, O and R the same, fine gfe Crown, m. m. tun, date 1553, well preserved i 1 Mo : Half Crown, m.m. y, O the King on horseback, the horse’s head % | decorated with feathers, the date 1551 under, R same as mnolsedgre crowns, fine. rom the Thomas collection ; Shillings, with the full face, m.m. y. and tun, fine ofaoce- Shilling, side face, m. m. Y, TIMOR. DOMINI. FONS. VITE. and the date 1549, IR the Arms in an oval shield, fine steno ddd rare; another, m.m. the bow, O 1n1mtcos., &ec., the Ar { in an oval shield, rave. From the Thomas collection 2 | Shilling, O the Portrait, crowned, EDWARD. vI., &c., TIMOR. _ DOMINI., &¢., date 1549, in good silver; another, same O (wrolog and R, extremely base, but fine and rare. From the Thomas collection ; 2 Sixpences, 2, and a Threepence, i having the full face, and the He tun m.m., well preserved : ; 3 Half Groat, O side face to the left, crowned, & the Royal Arms, CANTOR; this piece has unfortunately a small hole in nie upper part, otherwise well preserved, and rare page Imitations of the Groat and Penny, fine 4 2 (wf GOLD. Sovereign of his 8rd year, O the King seated on a chair of staté, ‘ m.m. ¥, J the Royal Arms, supported by a lion and dragon huh fine, and very rare : R. p.7, nie V Sovereign, O three-quarter length, with the sword in his right hand, and the orb in the left, m.m. tun, same as the above, he Jine and rare fh. p.8, n.6. 1 Half Sovereign, G@ same as re k the Royal Arms in a shield, crowned, between letters £. R., fine and scarce R. p.8,n.7. | Half Sovereign, O bare-headed Bust, scvrvM., &e., & oval Shield of Arms, and the letters E.R., well preserved, and scarce 1 Half Sovereign, O Bust, crowned, m.m. y, 2 same as the last, well preserved : 1 to k4 preservation . : . 1 MARY, ann PHILIP AND MARY. SILVER. 92 A beautiful Imitation of a Philip and Mary Half Crown, oO the Portrait of Mary, date 1555, RB the Portrait of Philip, under Moule the bust, date 1555, fine. From the Bentham collection 1 1] q. 93 Shillings, 2, O their Portraits, face to face, one has the date 1554, Ug 94 Sixpences, 2, O same as the Shillings, one is English, dated 1554, the other is without; and two Groats, one of them with tie iy Oe name of Mary only, all well preserved ‘ 4 the other Irish, dated 1557, a wakes well preserved oe Me —- scarce Ih 95 Mary’s Irish Shilling, 0 her Portrait, pear. R the ea | crowned, with the letters m.R., each is also crowned, 7 eee f '96 Sovereign, date mp1i111, O the Queen scated on a chair of state, preservation, and very rare GOLD. holding the sceptre and orb, and the portcullis at her feet, the Royal Arms within a full-blown rose, extremely ae From the Spurrier Collection R. p.9, nol. Cielo Wp 91 Angel, no m.m., of the usual type, well preserved, and rare. From the collection of Rev. F. Blick ; J rt %.08 Ryal, false, O the Queen seated in a ship, % the full-blown Rose f-¢ in the centre of the sun ae ELIZABETH. th Crown, m. m. 2, rare “2 i is A 106 Up. 107 104 105 SILVER. l hlok. Wee 9 Crown, m. m. 1, well preserved gas Half Crown, m. m. 1, fine. From the Brockett Collection 1 Half Crown, m. m. 1, well preserved ] y Portcullis Crown, m. m. 0. ft. p. 15, n. 5, O the Royal Arms,— * crowned, between gE. Rk. also crowned, Ik Portcullis, crownfd, 2/4 fine Formerly in the Edmonds and Durrant Collections 1 Me Portcullis Half Crown, type same as the Crown, very jine if Shilling, m. m. key, the portrait has been slightly tooled, Ir te aaa pa garnished Shield, well preserved, and rare Shilling, m.m. the crescent; Groat; them Irish, having three harps on a shield, date 1561 ; Half a Groat; two Three Halfpenny pieces, 1572; Penny, nae penny, and two Three Farthing Pieces, 1561 and 1574, scarce, and well preserved 13 Shillings, milled, 2, m. m. mullet, the Cust a: KR Royal y} Arms, one larger siruck, both well preserved Sixpences, milled, 5, m. m. mullet, all different in type or dates, yf a having ornamented, and one plain, armour, all very fine 3 y= C Threepences, 4, one of 12 lbs ' 109 Sixpence, milled, G the Bust extending to the edge of the coin, - m.m. lis, I Royal Arms, and date 1570, S. p. 7, n. 14, fine and very rare; Groat, and Threepence, milled, scarce 3 | /9 ‘110 A complete Set of hammered Sixpences for dates from 1568 to 1602, except 1595 and 1597 . 34 *,* From the Honble. Mr. Butler’s Collection. GOLD. Af ‘1]] Sovereign, m.m. lis, O the Queen seated on a throne, the Royal Arms in the centre of a full brown rose, extr ee S. p. 4, n. 11 . fine Me ee ‘112 Pound Sovereign, m. m. 3 O the Bust crowned, B the Royal Arms on a shield, crowned, with the letters E. R., fine S. p.4,n. 16. 1 My '113 Half Sovereign, O and J} same as the above, but having the woolpack m. m., very fine i %G 1 +114 Half Sovereign, same type, m.m. 0.; ces same O and A with the key m.m.; both fine a Jas Half Sovereign, milled, m. m. lis, with ona edge, extremely i, ( J fine and scarce : f Y, ‘116 Half Crowns, 2, O the Bust crowned, m.m. cross eed, gf tun, Royal Arms, crowned, one fine, rare ys ae ‘117 Angel, m.m. 2, very fine; and the Half Angel, m. m. gs well preserved . : Lil JAMES I SILVER. Wk -118 Crown, m.m. thistle, O the King on horseback, the thistle on ” the housing being crowned, Royal Arms, in a fine state WU of preservation . : 1 | WA, ‘119 Crown, same type as the fous but having the lis m. m. and thal é rose crowned on the housing of the horse | Ti f ‘120 Crown, same type, but having the feathers over the arms on the reverse : Sig. Bim 27. 1 ae ‘+121 Half Crown, m. m. lis, OG King on horseback, 2 EXvRGAT., well preserved, and very rare, but has been slighily gilt bik. HA. p. 37,n.1. 1 fo 122 Half Crowns, 2, one with feathers over the arms, scarce, both a; ” 2, in good preservation — \ fp »+123 Shillings of the first and second coinage, one nefina the other si \ 7 preserved 13 Va +124 Shillings, 2, one of them Irish, having the harp crowned on the reverse; Sixpences, 3, one the first coinage, 1603, 4, and 21; Half Groat, and Penny, with his portrait; Half Groats, 2 ha with the Rose Crown on ©, and the Thistle Crown on BR, one of these is, very rare, having the same inscription on both enny, and Halfpenny; some well preserved SECOND DAY’S SALE. JAMES I. ' GOLD. LOT ‘Op “125 Sovereign of his first coinage, m. m. thistle, and with the title of ANG. sco. in the legend, Ji Arms crowned, EXVRGAT., bs Lee fine and scarce - ; 1 of 1126 Sovereign, m. m. the rose, I} the Arms crowned, and the letters | Ceece lon I. R. at the sides, well preserved 2127 Thirty Shilling piece, © the King seated in a mae of state, m. m. mullet, Royal Arms, surrounded by a garter com- fe . posed of roses, lions, and lis; over the arms xxx., very fine, and very rare S. p. 5, n. 15, | 23 1128 Half Sovereign, shell m. m., well preserved 144 we ol CHARLES I. SILVER. | 129 London Mint. Crown, O the King on Hiskietigeds the horse ler. with plume on head and crupper, ) curisto. &e., Royal J Arms, a garnished shield, m. m. lis, fine 1 ‘130 Crown, © same as last, but m. m. castle, Ib with pies over the tte arms, very scarce and fine ] | 181 Crown, © King on horseback, the bell m.m., I% the Royal 7 Arms in an oval shield, very fine : 1 | it 1132 Crown, O the King on horseback (but small horse), ova bg pnt Shield with arms, m. m. the sun, very finé | & 133 Crown, © and } the same as last, but the King and horse muc : Westen larger, fine work, sun m. m., fine ! y, ‘140 t 4 +141 Wy +142 J Bn [ [hs Wi ALL way i Te hs _ 1147 148 ‘151 14 Crown, © horse’s head with plume, m. m. feathers, long fy oval Shield, at top c. R. surmounted with feathers, fine ee, ie Crown, star m. m., well preserved Leer Crown, anchor m. m., fine : 1 Crown, © similar to lot 182, eye m. m., well preserved 1 Crown, O the King on horseback, m.m. crown, B® oval e CUUUE nished Shield with plume H. p. 89, . 475. 1 Crowns, 2, one having the rR m. m., from the Walpole Collec- tion; another, the harpm.m. Hi. p. 38, n. 474, in fair preservation ae Half Crowns, O King on hoesabe a the head ea crupper ornamented with plumes, m.m. lis, % the Arms on a Shield, ornamented, rare, well preserved , l Half Crown, O same as last, but m. m. long cross, I a square rel Shield with the arms, rare type : 1 Half Crown, O Feathers on the head of the horse, m. m. heart, ' B® square Shield surmounted with the plume, well preserved, fo and scarce : l Half Crowns, 2, O same as aa. m.m. harp, and portcullis, » LO RB Arms in long oval Shields Shillings of the first coinage, O the Bust of oe King fox: m. m. lis, and the long cross, the last with feathers over fo PUA Arms on a square Shield, both fine and rare 5 Shillings, 2, differing from the last lot on the © in the por- trait of the King, m.m. the anchor, and heart, Arms on a (oe square Shield having the plume at top, Hl. pl. 46, n. 512,\ rare, and well preserved ; Half Groat, and Penny 4 Briot’s Mint. Crown, m. m. anemone, O King on horseback | J curistTo. &c., Arms in an oval Shield, with c. Rr. on Zhe | side, crowned, very fine RR. p. 21, n. fd Half Crown, O and R the same, very fine é i] Et Half Crown, © and Jb the same, but having the anchor m. m., /7 extremely fine R. p. 22; n. 7. 71 C = . *,* From the Bentham Collection. Shilling and Sixpence, with anchor m. m., fine 2 Exeter Mint. Crown, m. m. castle, OQ King on horseback, ® Royal Arms, and date 1645; another, having the rose m.m., well preserved ; 2 Shilling, with anemone m.m.; Sixpence, same as last, fine fe. 26m 25 1 A?) » 155 Oxford Mint. Twenty Shilling Piece, O the King on horse- 4 back, plume behind, J% inscription in two lines, date per, ye / y well preserved : : 0 VA «+ 156 Ten Shilling Piece, O and IR the same, well preserved iF / ne ' 157 Ten Shilling Piece, O and Ik the same, but having no ont: / } under the horse, rare S.p. 12,713. 1 : - 158 Ten Shilling Piece, O and & the same, but the horse is tramp- ling on armour, and there is no plume behind it; this nell fla is very rare : - Wy + 159 Crown, O the King on horseback, with plume behind, R hese ir SE: tion in two lines, with v. over, and 1642 beneath, well pre- (we served and scarce ; | are Wi 1 160 Crown, O and R the same, but ye 1643, very fine and rare 1 Yo ** From the Bentham Collection. Wi -161 Crown, a beautiful chasing, having the city of Oxford under ’ y the horse, ]% inscription in two lines, date 1644, and oxon. : beneath : ; 1 | [3 (162 Half Crowns, 1642 and 3; Shillings, 1643 and 4 4 Ne o, / \ ‘163 Groats, 3, very similar to Hl. p. 47, n. 535, 7, and8, the last has a small r. under the bust, for Rawlings; two Three- - Cure pences, 1644 and 46; all well preserved, and rare / jh. 164 York Mint. Half Crowns, 2, O m.m. lion, and under ie horse, EBOR, i the Royal Arms, crowned, and c.R. on the side, one of the shields is supported by the paws of a lion Shilling, O the King’s Head, crowned, m.m. lion, I% nae 1 (hog Shield, zBor. at the top, fine; Sixpence, m. m. Pe h med ys oval Shield, crowned; and a Threepence, R square Usha With EBOR. over )) © (1165 Aberysiwith Mint. Half Crown, m.m. a book, O ie King on lpr horseback, with plume behind, J& an oval Shield, with pl be neds above, very rare, and well preserved Bristol Mint. Half Crown, O the King on horseback, and : plume behind, and under the horse B, R of the Oxford pa date 1644, and B, a very round and fine coin Half Crown, © same as the last, the date 1645, with B, vey fine. From the Rich collection Half Crown, O and ® same as above; Sixpence, Group dt Las Half Groat, all of the Oxford type, all well preserved Chester Mint. © the King on horseback, and cust. beneath, bol KR the Royal Arms in a garnished oval shield, fine, and vers shh rare : Worcester Miut. m.m. the three pears, shield, a very nice coin, and very rare RB the Arms in oval if f The Blacksmith Half Crown, m.m. a cross, 0 aiid i like H. p. 42, n. 499, very rare : : fb Half Crown, O the King on horseback, RB the Royal Arms in an oval shield, having the garter crowned, and supported vs(utilpe a lion and unicorn, the date 1645 beneath, very rare Hf. p. 48, n. 508. 1 GOLD. Three Pound Piece, struck at Oxford, O the King crowned, with the sword upright, and the plume at his back, m. m. eather OLoyal > inscription in three lines under the numerals IiI, and date 1642, fine and scarce . ; 1 Pound Viece, O similar to the above, but having xx at the back be of the bust, and holding a branch of laurel in his left hand, } same as the last, but date 1648, very fine ; it Pound Piece, GO and R same as the above, but date 1644, and fo under ox, very fine and scarce : : 1 Ten Shilling Piece, O the Bust, crowned, extending to the edge of the coin, I inscription in three scrolls, and date 1643, very fine and rare ; : if .T Briot’s Twenty Shilling Piece, O Bust crowned, and xx. behind, m.m. anemone, Ji FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGNA., square Shield crowned, with c. R., very fine and rare; and a Quar- ter Sovereign, of the usual type, m. m. heart : 2 COMMONWEALTH. SILVER. Wh elon Crown, © THE. COMMONWEALTH. OF. ENGLAND., St. George’s Cross between a palm and laurel branch, sun m. m., KR Gop. witu. vs, 1649, two Shields, the St. George’s Cross, and the Irish Harp, this date is very rare, well preserved 1 Crown, type same as the above, O and i, date 1652, oe preserved Crown, type the same, ae 1653, ‘ile Crown, type as preceding, date 1654, see collection Crown, type as before, tite 1656, ith : | Half Crown, type same as the Crown, date 1651; Shilling, and Sixpence, 1651, fine : 3 Half Crown, and Shilling, date 1654 ; and two Shillings, We (le 1652 and 1655, all well preserved : : Half Crown, date 1656 (nearly as fine work as a tai a 1 a and a Shilling, date 1652, fine Half Crown, as fine as the last, and same date es From ts Ti eke Half Crown, date 1660, and the anchor m.m., very rare; Shilling, 1656; Half Groat, yiae and Cae all ee preserved - GOLD. Twenty Shilling Piece, type same as the silver coinage, date of. 1651, very fine ; ‘ 1 lgle— Ten Shilling Piece, 1653 ‘ J ly Five Shilling Piece, date 1650, amis Fr om Dr. Goodall’s Taylor collection 2 ° lk OLIVER CROMWELL. SILVER. Crown, © laureated Bust, 2 a Shield with arms, crowned, date dele 1658, a beautiful specimen ; Crown, called the Tanner Crown, type same as the ove, oe fine. From Sir John Twisden’s collection | Cleelare l Half Crown, of the date 1656, well preserved and rare From Baron nat y 18 Half Crown, date 1658, very fine. collection Half Crown, and Shilling, fixe GOLD. The Broad, or Twenty Shilling Piece, type the same as the sil- ver coinage, but date 1656, very fine ; J CHARLES II. HAMMERED SILVER. Half Crown, O his Head crowned, 1% Royal Arms in a ie ibela shield, m.m. crown, without numerals or inner circle, a good preservation, and very rare Half Crown, O and % the same, but having the Pratt ue no inner circle, well preserved and rare : l “ Half crown, O and J% the same, but having the numerals and inner circle, well Rey and another, of extremely rude eh? work, very rare Shilling, and Sixpence, ath the same as the baie von yf yy numerals or inner circle, well preserved and rare Shilling, and Sixpence, with numerals and inner cirele; and a Set of Simon’s Small Money, all well preserved 6 | GOLD. rene Shilling Piece, © Bust laureated, m.m. crown, } Shield with the Royal Arms, crowned, without numerals, extremely Sine Ayers Ten Shilling pa O and & the same type wre Five Shilling Piece, O and i the same, fine and rare ee Twenty Shilling Piece, O and % the same, but with the lhe rals, very fine and scarce Ten Shilling Piece, O and % the same, with the Gibco ae. : “2 preserved and scarce CHARLES II. MILLED SILVER COINS. *,* Collectors, making Collections for dates and types, will find the following Lots of Milled Money, in Silver and Gold, well worthy their attention. For information on this subject, see the Work by George Marshall, on the ‘*¢ Milled Silver Coins,’ 1837. . Jb 1209 Crowns, 2, one with the rose under the bust, the other without, but with 11. placed behind the head instead of before, both dated 1662, well preserved ‘ : 2 J / 2 ffi 2u Vi, . 212 y) 4 \* 218 BG) ae ; Wi «915 WA 1216 1 G a7 vw . 218 J))_- 219 ) 5 1 220 ) f>s22 ) 0) 222 19 Crowns, 1663, 4, the first nearly fine, the other well ad eehg 03 served Crowns, one with the elephant dtider the bust, 1666, poor another without, 1668, /ine (hn ee Crowns, 1670, and two of 1671, the portraits eae differing \two are well preserved : : a Mbyileh Crowns, 1672, 1673, and 1676, the last fine Crowns, 1677, without the flaw; 1678, and two of 1679, heads satin different, all well preserved : : Crown, 1681, with the elephant and castle under the bust, poor, fo but very rare . 1 Crowns, 1681, 1682, and 1684, all with the large busts, and well preserved ; g hi Ae Half Crowns, 16638, scarce; 1664, ata 1666, with the elephant — under the bust, rare : 3 Half Crowns, 1670 and 1671, sal heads; 1673 and 1676, 2, Ae Hae large heads, all well preserved ° d Half Crowns, 1677, 1679, 1680, and 1683, all fine oot Shillings, 1663, two; 1666, two, with the elephant under th . bust, different heads, scarce; and 1668; the two a st i aw, ib) the last are fine Shillings, 1671, feathers ee the bust, and in the centre of ne RK; 1678, plain; 1674, three, all with feathers under the el (hie bust and in centre of the R, some fine Shillings, 1676, feathers under bust and in the sated of RB 1676, plain; 1679, feathers under the bust, and star in off tre of R, (this type ts not mentioned in Marshall's work ) hg lo 1683 and 1684, with the large bust; all very well pre- 5 GOLD. Five Guinea Piece, 1669, with elephant under the bust, an he Of Da most beautiful state : ; , lephant and castl der th Five Guinea Piece, 1678, with elephant and castle under the ie Ap bust, fine 1 z Two Guinea Piece, 1664, elephant andes the bust, small head ; Zs another, 1682, plain, with the large bust, both fine > Guineas, three, 1664, 66, and 79, all well preserved 3 Gi D served Sixpences, 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, “1678, 1679, “ib fies Sixpences, 1681, two; 1682, 1683, and 1684, all fine S& \ AQ Se 2s i) ive) co ‘240 241 a - SaQ a SHA —_ = y » 246 HSS 20 Guineas, three, 1679, with elephant ane castle under the bust ; {wel 1683 and 4, all well preserved : Half Guineas, three, 1671, 72, and 76, scarce, at oe oy As preserved ; JAMES II. SILVER. Crown, 1686, very fine : 1 Crowns, 1687 and 88, both wool renee : 2 VY) Half Crowns, 1685 and 86, both fine. : 2¢4, Half Crowns, two, 1686, one has on the edge SECVNDO., the 11 hdl other TERTIO.; another, 1687, all fine ; 3 Shillings, 1685, 86, 87, 88, some fine : ee, Sixpences, two, 1686, fine; and two others, 1687, 88 GOLD. big Five Guinea Piece, 1686, well preserved : Two Guinea Piece, 1688, well preserved, and rare Guinea, 1685, with elephant and castle under the bust, oe preserved, and scarce ° : | Guineas, 1686 and 87, fine — i : ong Half Guineas, 1686, elephant and onthe under the bust, pees f 4 but very rare ; another, plain, 1688, well preserved WILLIAM AND MARY. SILVER. Crown, 1691, edge TERTIO., very fine. From the Collection of Dr. Goodall : : 1 Crowns, 1692, edges QvARTO., and QVINTO., in good pre- a servation che Half Crowns, two, eae in a plain shield, and dotted ground under the crown, 1689; another, plain under the crown, same date, all well preserved : : 3 Half Crowns of 1690, edges sEcVNDO., and TERTIO.; ance 1691, Arms in square shield; and two others, Arms in ie ft ters, and w M. between, 1691 and 98, all well preserved Shillings, 1692 and 93; aN 1693 and 94, well pre- og ser ved ; 4 Lut, iu ( Y Find of Second Day’s Sale. THIRD DAY’S SALE. WILLIAM AND MARY. GOLD. LOT ‘ Sa: JO ‘247 Five Guinea Piece, 1692, fine : ea A ie: 2 | “oe Two Guinea Piece, 1693, very fine 9 Guineas, 1689, plain; 1691, having the sate and mS wat under the bust; 1694, plain, aJl fine ] > 250 Half Guineas, 1689; 1694, plain, and 1692, ith elephant and ei: Whe Ms castle under their portraits ; all well preserved pea WILLIAM III. SILVER. 4 /3 +251 Crown, 1695, szpTimo. on the edge; another, same date, Yes ge: D ocTAvo.; both very fine . ' hy. 252 Crowns, 1696, ocTAvo. on edge; fabshers with the Werte: : Caled rather different; both fine : \ / .253 Crowns, 1700, DvopEcIMo. on edge; another, same 7 4 . DECIMO. TERTIO,, very fine Kee 7) a ‘954 Half Crowns, 1696, with zs. under bust, for Bristol, I the | | Arms large, very fine; another, with c. for Chester, but the ef O J } arms small; another, 1697, plain, very fine © . 955 Half Crowns, 1697, coined at Bristol, Chester, Exeter, seo dal, (A | / and York, well preserved We J .256 Half Crowns, 1698, 1699, and two 1700. phe and fine 4 Vs, ‘957 Half Crowns, 1701, plain; 1701, J feathers, rave; and on Jit | ) with the elephant and castle under the bust, extremely rafe, WH : . but poor : ae vs 1258 Shillings, 1696, with B, C, y, y, and one plain, all in good cE €- . servation A 1259 Shillings, 1697, B,c, E, N, y, and one plain, ad/ snaltiaer ee veg 6 ate Ge ’ 44 +260 Shillings, 1698, curious portrait; and one, 1700, having the ge plume under the bust, very rare, but poor a Coes y, | 1261 Shillings, 1698, all feathers; 1699, plain, and one all feathe shaw rare; and all very well preserved 22 f /4 ‘262 Shillings, 1699, roses, rare; 1700, plain; 1701, Mernory 1701, plain; all nearly fine 3 3 ‘263 Sixpences, 1696, E, N, y, y, and two plain, some fine 7(tv | 4 A ‘264 Sixpences, 1697, one with curious portrait ; others, with B, rs at’ $e E, N, y. and two plain, all well preserved | y /) ‘265 Sixpences, 1698, plain; another, feathers; 1699, feathers ; another, all roses, rare; 1700, 1701, plain; all well pre- ‘fe served - : 6 GOLD. 4, Dh 266 Five Guinea Piece, 1701, very fine : roe ‘ 267 Two Guinea Piece, same date, fine and very scarce one Guinea, 1695, with elephant and castle under the bust, ae l,. rare; another, 1700; both fine ‘269 Guinea, 1701, with the large bust, rare, baa well preserved ; 5 Cuetln y another, with small bust, Jine : 2 s ‘270 Half Guinea, 1696, elephant and castle under the bust, well coo ms preserved and rare / J3\ 271 Half Guineas, 1698, and 1701, both fine and scarce 9Curcel?? ll a atte ill ANNE. SILVER. ; ‘272 Crowns, vico. under the bust, 1703, one gilt, both beauti Hilyof ab, preserved , ‘273 Crown, feathers, before the Taig 1705, rare; aire ro and feathers, 1706, well preserved (x HW. Waa ‘274 Crown, rose and feathers, before the Union, 1707; another, ‘. : plain, after the Union, 1707, having x. under the bust ; another, plain ; all well preserved : 3 | y/ ‘275 Crowns, 1708, with and without x. under the tee well pre- SIE served 2 \ I ‘276 Crown, 1708, all fantnéte ; another, 1713, rose and feathers, ) \ the latter fine, the other well preserved 2 ae / ‘277 Half Crown, plain, before the Union, 1703, very rare ; another, Heo 3 viao. 1708; all feathers, 1704, 1705 4 uh /\ ‘278 Half Crowns, 1706 and 7, rose and feathers, before the Union; two others, after the Union, 1707, one plain, the other with / | E. under the bust; all well preserved 4 ! Vis ‘279 Half Crowns, 1708, two with x, » poor; one ie and one with Ve all feathers, fine; another 1709 . 3 7. - ' +280 Half Crowns, 1710, rose and feathers; 1712, one; 1713, two, . one roses and feathers, the other plain; some fine 5 Y \ Vie 281 Shillings, plain, Fei, the Union, 1702, rave; vico. 1702, 3; Gules. all feathers, 1702, 4, 5, all fine : aA 282 Shillings, rose and feathers, before the Union, 1705, 7; after the Union, 1707, plain, all feathers, and with £. and E*. bs oD 5 1708, E«., some fine WV 983 Shillings, 1708, plain, 1; all ear pea ; rose and feathers, 1; 1709, one with £., and one plain; 1710, rose and feathers ; es all in good preservation é 284 Shillings, 1711, plain, three; 1712, 13, ane 14, with rose of awh Lash ge | feathers : f, VA 1285 Sixpences, vico. 1703; Folate before the Union, 1705, rare ; | eed all feathers, and rose and feathers, 1705; and rose and 7 feathers, 1707; all well preserved - 5 { pe 286 Sixpences, after the Union, £., 2; all feathers, aia plain, 1707; WES | Ex and all feathers, 1708; rose and feathers, 1710; and ee a, ae plain, 1711; all well preserved . 8 Se GOLD. Y ! 19287 Five Guinea Piece, vico. 1703, in the very finest state of pre Tp, / servation, and extremely rare *.* From the Duke of Devonshire’s bousettin. 4 (2, +988 Five Guinea Piece, after the Union, 1709, in the finest state of ; fe preservation : 1 ge ha Fe :289 Two Guinea Piece, 1711, Pre 1 Cities Vie 290 Guineas, before the Union, 1702 and 6, et rose in the centre is : of the reverse, fine and rare 2+ c é +291 Guineas, 1709, one with elephant and castle willbe the bust, ia other plain, fine, the former well preserved x ; ‘1 . 992 Guineas, 1710 and 14, both very fine y, ah 993 Half Guinea, before the Union, 1702, having the rose in she ae y) centre of reverse, rare, and well preserved 17 - Ws A 294 Half Guineas, 1707 and 8, very fine . a 4 | 295 Half Guineas, 1710 and 18, well preserved 2 Alar | GEORGE I. SILVER. hate Jp. 296 Crowns, 1716 and 1718, rose and feathers, jine 2 4! / | 297 Crowns, 1720, rose and feathers; 1723, 8. 8. C.5 and 1726, nates A GO and feathers; all fine vu WAR 298 Half Crowns, 1715, 17, 20, all with rose and deaiisentt and one | 0 & 1723, s. s. c.; all well pr reserved ‘ 4 bre of JA» 800 / 4 yl ee Af? 306 A/C ‘307 az ' 301 ' 308 ‘ 309 ‘310 ‘dll " i) a ‘312 24 Shillings, 1715, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, the last plain between t ! quarters, the others all rose and feathers ; all Jine (so Lay Shillings, 1720, 22, rose and feathers; 1728, two, Ss. Ss. C.; and 1723, having w.c.c. under the bust, the last poor, the others jo Jjine. Sixpences, 1720, 26, rose and feathers; 1723, s. s. c. GOLD. all fine 8 Shillings, 1728, 24, rose it feathers; 1724, 25, W.C.C.; one Guinea, 1714, with p.r.e. 4. at end of ge Jine an “Leal: scarce (2 ely 1725, rose and feathers; another, 1726, w.c.c., all well served : ; Guineas, 1715 and 16, both fine Guineas, 1717 and 19, both fine - Guinea, 1725; Half Guineas, 1719 and 25; Quarter Guinea, 1718; all fine . . eve GEORGE II. SILVER. Crowns, young head, 1732, 84, and 35, all with rose feathers, and well preserved (Aaiths Crowns, young head, 1736, rose and ethers fine; 1739 ae 41, all roses, the last fine igs old head, 1743, roses; and 1746, tima., both TY Oe l, Pe! old head, 1750 and 51, plain on the reverse, scarce, bcvelon and very fine 2 Half Crowns, young head, 1781, 34, 35, and 36, all with ro , and feathers, all fine ‘ (# Half Crowns, young head, 1789 and 41, with roses; old head 1748 and 46, roses, fine , sTagler Half Crowns, old head, 1745 and 46 ; ; LIMA. 1750 and 51, plain, scarce, all fine : : 4 ‘Uebel Shillings, young head, 1727, all feathers, and rose and feathers : 313 1728, plain, va7e, and one, rose and feathers; 1729 an rose and feathers, the four first fine 6 314 Shillings, young head, 1732, 34, 35, 36, 37, rose and coat Ct 1739 and 41, all roses, all well preserved Z 7 315 Shillings, old head, 17438, 45, all roses ; 1745, 46, LiMA.; 1747, X roses; and 1750, 58, plain, ad/ fine : 4 Can KC) 16 * Af BL. Ip : 320 ' 321 o 322 / : 328 / we - 324 Mi 325 LQ). 326 CEES “i [Jr 20 : : 25 Sixpences, young head, 1728, plain, all feathers, and rose hl UT, | 6 = >) P] feathers, all scarce and fine ; rose and feathers, GOLD. Guinea, 1745, Lima, fine and rare Half Guinea, young head, 1729, poor; 1788 and 39, Pion 3 Half Guineas, old head, 1740, plain ; very fine Crowns, 1818, on the edges, Lvi1I., and Lix.; 1819, on the ; and another, 1820, edge, Lx., all fine : edges, LIX., and LX. SILVER. - 318 Guineas, young head, 1731 and 33, fine A. 319 Guineas, old head, 1739 and 1760, fine Half Crowns, from 1816 to 1820, all fine Shillings, 1763, the Northumberland, fine ; three of 17 87, 0 without the dot over the head, vare; others, 1816, 17, 1 and 20, all fine 17381, 32, 35, and 36, all wi some very fine 317 Sixpences, young head, 1789 and 41, all roses ; old Pere 174 roses; 1745 and 46, tim, and 1757, 58, plain, all very fine Sixpences, 1787, 1816, 17, 18, 19, and 20; two sae eee Tokens, 1811, 12; Bank Dollar, 1804; is very rare, all well preeerved GOLD. Guineas, 1766, 72, and 73, all very fine Guineas, 1775, 83, and 85, all very fine Half Guineas, 1764, 84, and 86, all fine Half Guinea, 1813; Seven Shilling Pieces, 1797, 1808, an 10; the Quarter oe George III, 1762; anda sre 1820, from the Bolland collection ; G EORGE IV. SILVER. all fine and the Dollar, Half, Quarter, and Eighth, stamped with rat head, the che Crowns, three, 1821 and 22, on the edge of one TERTIO., all in the very finest state J oh + 332 Half Crowns, 1820, 21, 23, 24, 25, and 26, all eanehiis (Lege 3, Neue bs and 1745, Lima, mad GEORGE III. fh «sgl Gvolon tt anf | 26 ’ /} +888 Shillings, 1821, 23, 24, 25, two types, 26, 27, and 29, off : Sine ; : : 9 ) 7 ' 334 Sixpences, 1821, 24, 25, 26, 28, and 29, fine 9 GOLD. A ‘335 Half Sovereigns of his first coinage, 1821, very fine a j scarce 4 . 2 WILLIAM IV. anp VICTORIA. SILVER. ; / va ' ‘336 Half Crowns, 1884 and 86; Sixpences, various dates, 7; ° Groats, 1836, 7; twelve Groats and a Sixpence of Victoria, different dates, all fine : ‘ 27 MAUNDY MONEY. | 4 vA _ ee A complete Set of the dates, from Charles II. to 1847, with the exception of about ten pieces, including a set of the Wire Money of George III; a most desirable collection, the forma tion of which occupied many years; and two Three Half- penny Pieces of William IV, and one of Victoria in all 364 | PROVINCIAL AND COLONIAL COINS IN COPPER. v/4 '338 Public Buildings in Birmingham, published by Kempson, fine 38 hh vf ‘339 Set of Proofs of the Coventry Buildings 19K ¢ | 7, ‘340 Set of Proofs, bronzed, of the Gloucester Buildings i Be | a WA, *341 Set of Proofs of the Bath Buildings, bronzed, and the Hackney | Token, by Milton; the Penny of Scotland, with portrait of biteler Adam Smith, 1791, by Kempson; and the Commercial Penny and Farthing Token; all very fine 16 : ) V7, ‘342 Colonial. George I, American Penny, and Halfpenny, R the : | full blown rose, crowned; Barbadoes Pennies, 2, and ey Ye Halfpenny; Virginia Halfpenny; Baliamas Halfpenny ; fous | various of the Isle of Man, and a Set of the Ionian Isles 15 ; // ‘343 St. Helena Halfpenny; Island of Sumatra ; George IV, Proof | Colonial 35th part of a Dollar, 1828, Jine; George IV, A yy Nova Scotia Penny and Halfpenny; three various of Guern- . sey, 1830 and 34; Jersey Token, 1844; Set of Victoria Isle of Man, 1839; and two early Tokens; all well pre- served | , : 14 eee — a , 27 ENGLISH COPPER COINS. I : 344 Charles I, Royal Token; two casts in tin of the Commonwealth in tin, 1684 on edge, rare; James II, 2, in tin, rare; bea 25 p and Mary, copper, some well preserved Farthings; Charles II, Copper Farthings, 1672, 3, 4,5; one / »« 345 Farthi f{G I, 1719, 20, 28, 24; G II, 17380, 3 arthings of George corge 22a 34, 36, 44, 54; George III, 1771, 3, 5 Z ‘346 Halfpence, William and Mary, 1694, two; William III, 1696; George I, three 1718, one 1724; George II, young head, 1729; two 1730, one the error, rare; 1731, 33, 38; old head, 1740, 3, 5, 6, and from 1748 to 54; George III, 1774 and 5, many fine 26 1347 George III, Halfpence, and Bicchins 1799 ; Barling: 1806 ; Penny, 1807; George IV, Farthing, 1821; Penny, Halfpenny, y) baile and Farthing, 1826 ; Halfpenny, Farthing, and Two-thirds of a Farthing, 1827; Half Farthing, 1828, very rare; oe Farthing, 1829; nearly all fine : V4 +348 William IV, Penny, and Halfpenny, 1831; the same of hee Farthing, and Third of a Farthing, 1835; Farthing, 1836 ; two Halfpence, 1837, (the Copper Coins of William IV. are scarce) all well preserved; Victoria, from the Penny to the Quarter Farthing d 99 IRISH COPPER COINS. ; 4) 1349 Elizabeth, two, 1601,.2; James I, and Charles I, 3, and St. Patrick Halfpence and Farthings, 4; Charles II, Halfpence, 1680, 1, 2,3; James II, Halfpence, 1686 ; Gun Money, Crowns, 1690; Shilling, 1689; James II, Halfpence, Hibernia seated, 1691; William and Mary, 1692; all well preserved 23 +350 William and Mary, Palfrenot 1693 ; ‘William III, 1696; George I, Halfpenny, and Farthing, Hibernia, with the harp in front, 1722, scarce; Halfpence, and Farthings, 1728, the harp behind Hibernia; another, 1724; George II, Half- penny, 1786; Farthing, 1738; two VOCE. POPVLI. 1760, one having p. in front of the head; George III, Halfpenny, and Farthing, 1805, 6; George IV, Penny, and gasses 1822; many well preserved : ] 1 abdler wee A 28 SIEGE PIECES. ' 851 Inchinquin Crown, O and stamped 19 duwts. 8 27s., well pre- 1) Lyf served and rare I a 352 Inchinquin Half ‘Crown, © and RB ctarnbied 9 dwis. 16 grs., *Guen preserved and rare ‘ 353 Inchinquin Shilling, © and R stamped 8 duns 21 grs, ee preserved, and very rare ‘ ©3854 Inchinquin Crown, and Half Crown, 0 a h stamped with Vo JO and 11. vi., well preserved and rare : 2 a ‘355 Ormond ‘Crown, Shilling, Sixpence, Groat, Threepence, and Wdlen Twopence, all well preserved . 6 Us y, ‘856 Ormond Crown, very fine, and rare in this state Lichale yw Vf ‘357 Ormond Half Crown, extremely fine ‘ 1 ae ) Ws ‘398 Cork Sixpence, O cork. 1647, R vi. rare ni ML ' ‘859 Rebel Half Crown, O a Cross, B 1. vt. + poor, but very rare 1 sy * +860 Dublin Half Crown of Charles Il, wedl spiel ee and very YO rare = ike the Devonshire Collection. ae U, ‘361 Carlisle Shilling, 1645, well preserved and very rare 1, Lo oe ' 362 Newark Half Crown, Shilling, Ninepence, and Bg all "bon Se > well preserved DZ bh ‘363 Pontefract ‘Castle Shilling, fine init rare S.p. 15, n, 18. 1 I. We ‘364 Pontefract Castle Shillings, 2, rare, and well preserved S. p. 15, n. 19, 20. 1 yy, ' * 8695 Pontefract Castle Shilling, very rare and fine S. p.15, n.21. 1 ; 7. +366 Scarborough Castle Crown, Two Shilling Piece, Shilling, and a Sevenpence ; and a ities made out of plate, but not dove . the time : 4 SCOTCH COINS IN SILVER. | "x" The references are to Lindsey’s work, 1845, t tee Mary, Shilling, O m. crowned, having the thistle at the sides also crowned, 1555, Arms ona shield, Z. p- 8, n. 183 ; 7 another, 1558, n. 185, countermarked with the ie “S preserved He * .-368 Francis and Mary, Shilling, 1560, p. 8, m. 190, fers sat coin, p. 16, n. 380; with her portrait, p- 17, n. 88; another, with m. on the O, and the lion crowned on R, n. 42; and one of Francis and Mary, n. 44, well preserved 29 ) LY ' 369 Mary, Shilling, O her portrait, and 156] under, RK the Arms ioaed of France and Scotland, crowned, well preserved, and very rare EL. p.9, n. 193. 1 Hf \s 370 James VI, Thirty Shilling Piece, O the Sword, 1571, p. 9, f—* m. 201; Ten Shilling Piece, p. 10, n. 203, 1567, omni acy gen oe marked with the thistle, fine : //2 ‘371 James VI, Thirty Shilling Piece, as before,; a Thistle Mark, 1598, p. 11, n. 215; and James I. Half Crown, O the King fff, on horseback, m. m. thistle, RB square Shield with the sil lion in the first quarter, Sine >) * 372 Charles I, Briot’s Crown and Half Crown, ob preserved 2 24a Wh ‘373 Charles I, Shillings, 2, O King’s Head, crowned, and the legend all round the bust, m. m. thistle, R the Arms, crowned ; Me: Shilling, and Sixpence, the bust extending to the edge of 2) sh coin, very fine [4 374 Charles If, Four Mark eee 1674; Two Mark Pieces, a 1673, 5; and five various, some well preserved 8 Wy, ‘375 James I, Forty Shilling Piece, 1687, and Sixty Shilling a re 1688, both fine : 2 ay ‘376 William and Mary, Sixty Shilling Piece, 1692, well preserved ; fC and a Pattern for a Crown of James VIII, 1716, very fine 2 A (Ife ‘377 Charles I, Sovereign, O the Bust, crowned, holding the orb and Wipe sceptre, IK Arms, crowned, very fine "Wh ieee FOURTH DAY’S SALE. COLONIAL SILVER. LOT / ' 378 Massachusets Shillings, three, 1652, and Twopence, 1662 ; é tu 4 ff New England Shilling, On. &. BR xi. rare; all fine ? Jf ' 379 Lord Baltimore, Shilling, and Sixpence, O his Portrait, Ik his Wy Gc Le ies Arms, the latter fine, the other poor £3 | - 880 Sierra Leone Dollar, and Parts ; three pieces for St. Lucia, ms : ee r Ee for New South Wales, and the Irish Half Crown and Five- nee a pence : ; ——— 30 nf yA 5+ 881 Guernsey Five Shilling Token, 1809, very scarce; and Jersey Ye, 4 Three Shilling and Eighteen-penny Tokens, 1813 / Jf + 882 George III, the Ackey, and Half Ackey, 1818, fines George IV, Ceylon Rix Dollar, 1821; the Half, Quarter, Eighth, and Sixteenth of a Dollar, 1822 ; the Rupee, Half, and Quarter, turf of William IV; the Half Anna of the East India Company ; and two small : : 14 FOREIGN SILVER. #h, , / y v4 ‘383 Six Dollar Piece of Philip III, of Spain, 1620, fine and scarce 1 ‘384 Hanoverian Coins, George I, and II, Dollars, 2; George II, fp Two-thirds of a Dollar, very fine; George III, One-third othe a Dollar vt 385 Beautiful Crown, by pian of Louis XVI, 0 his Head, Lvp. : * XVI. D. G. F. R. ET. NAV. REX., and the edge composed of a lf border of lis, RB L. L. crowned, 1786; Frederic II, Duke of Wirtemburgh, Dollar, 1798, very fine 2 ' /4 ‘386 Five France Piece of Louis XVIII, 1814; Two Franc Piece of y Napoleon, 1815, rare; France of Henry V, rare; Two Hun- : dred Reis Piece of Maria of Portugal, aS W. Wyon; anda Rupee 5 Z ‘387 Gold. A Ducat, ene a Turkish, and two small Indian fh pieces . ati. 7 Ky * 888 Hanoverian of George I, 1768 ; and a platina coin of Russia, Ke 1828, fine : 4 po 2 PROOFS IN COPPER ' We ‘ 389 James II, Halfpence, 2, in tin, O his Head, RB Britannia, dates Ul, Mf te on the edge, 1685, 6, very fine and rare ip Jy ‘390 Anne, Farthings, 1713, 14, both ~— the broad ON @ ; ole jine; and a Cast of 1714 / y, ‘391 Anne, Farthing, O her Bust, anna. REGINA., well preserved, * Mh 7, and very rare. From the Bentham Collection Bb - 892 Anne, Farthing, 1714, fine; George I, Farthing, and the Oe penny, 1717, very fine. From the Durrant Collection 3 ‘ V4 ‘893 George I, Farthings, one of the dump shape, 1717; one with broad rim and milled edge, 1720, very rare; and another, 2-0 with broad rim, 1719, all very fine 3 ts J ‘394 George II, Halfpenny, young head, 1729; Gootes Ill, young head, 1770; another, Irish, 1775; and one, the portrait look- ing to the right instead of the left, with long hair, 1796; all jine — ; : 4 Sl A i +895 Soho Mint, a Set of Gilt Proofs of the Twopence, Penny, Lee y Halfpenny, and Farthing, broad rim, 1797, a beautiful set 4 ye, jj ‘396 Another Set, bronzed, in the best state : 6 : a - 897 Another Set, bright, in the best state 4 —O / } i/\: - 898 Penny, and Halfpenny, 1797, broad rim ; Padithogs 3, with 1798 under the bust instead of the RB, all with broad rim, rare ; fJ— L Halfpenny, gilt, 1797 ; Halfpennies, and Farthing, 1799, #4 bronzed, very fine 4 7 399 Sets of the Gilt, Bronze, and Bright Racial ate Halfpennies, and ve D Farthings, 1806, very fine / . 7 + 400 Sets of the Gilt and Bright Pennies, ETalfperiinted, and Farthings, » f— a 1806, very fine / K - 401 Set of the Irish Penny, pislteenty: and Farthing, bright, 1805 ; Gilt, Bronze, and Bright Halfpennies and Farthings, 1805 VA We Farthings, 1806; GeorgeIV, Bronze Halfpenny, and Farthing ; Old: another, bright, all 1826; and two Bronze Farthings of William IV, 1831; all in the finest state > 14 * * Most of the above are from the Collection of Mr. H. Robson, PROOFS IN SILVER. IK » 402 Charles II, Farthings, 2, with the long and short hair, 1669; ff | another, larger, perhaps for a Halfpenny, 1675; and the a (4 ML Patrick’s Halfpenny, all well preserved / ‘ /, 403 Charles II, similar to the above, but the large piece dated 1676; : fh ae Shilling and Sixpence from the Gun Money dies, 1689 ; i ee Farthing of William ITI. } ff +404 James II, Crown, from the Gun Money dies, @ © the King on lier | horseback, the Arms in four shields, crowned, and a crown in the centre, 1690, very rare / A . 405 James II, Half Crowns, two sizes, 1689 and 1690; silo fda. 248 1690; and Sixpence, 1689, the last fine bt ' 406 William III, Crown, plain edge, 1696, very fine, “nt very Tare. From the Devonshire collection 1 ‘ : y Hi +407 Anne, Farthing, 1713, broad rim, well preserved, ‘ila rare WwW : 408 Anne, Farthing, 1714; and George I, 1718, both well pre- served 2 oT ui y/ .» 409 George II, meee, young head, ‘lait edge, Ii Rose aul feathers, je 1782, very fine and rare : eds 1 32 Bs ' + 410 George II, Half Crown, young head, B plain between the quar- Geir o ters, 1731, fine and rare 1 . J ' + 411 George II, Crown, old head; Half Crown, Shilling, and Six- fo 2 pence, all very fine : 4 7 ‘ 412 George III, Shilling and Sixpence, 1787; Bank Tokens for Three Shillings, 1811, 12; Irish Bank Dollar ; and ren Zeyh | penny Token, all very beautiful ‘ 6 | i, /] ‘ 413 George III, Half Crown, 1816 ; Shilling and Sixpence of 1) bls the two last have plain edges, all very rare : | f / ' 414 George III. and George IV, Ceylon Rix Dollars, 1815, and 1821; Shilling, B Lion and crown, 1829. Victoria, Set of yh the Maundy Money, 1888; and the Rupee, 1840, all very 8 Sine . ‘ A , ‘415 George IV, a Set, from the Crown to the Sixpence, of 1821, Mohd Sine i . J ws /, 4 *416 Victoria, Crowns of 1839, one of her last coinage, with the bust pO : crowned, both with plain edge, very fine 2 PROOFS IN GOLD. ‘417 Anne, Farthing, 1714, well preserved, and very rare 1 abo ys ‘ 418 George II, Guinea, young head, 1729, plain edge, very fine and WL rare. From the Devonshire collection : 1 ' * 419 George III, Guinea, 1761, well preserved and rare 1 7 Ly 7 »420 George III, Guinea, 1768, fine and rare, Srom the Devonshire f/4 : Z collection; and another, 1774, Sine i 2 yy ‘421 George III, Guinea, 1774 ; and Half Guinea, 1775, rare 2 he . ‘422 George III, Guinea, and Half Guinea, 1787, Jine 2 wo ‘423 George III, Half Guinea, 1775, rare; Half Guinea, 1811; fe and Sovereign of George IV, 1829, ail very fine 3 vA ‘| ‘424 A fine Imitation of the Gold Penny of Henry III; three small Medalets of George IV, and Dukes of York and Wellington ; and a very small antique coin of Philip of Macedon, all fine 5 wT V/ ‘425 Mint Set of the Proofs of George IV, from the Five Pound Ah, | Piece to the Farthing, in a case, complete Va ip 4 A ‘426 Mint Set of William IV, from the Double Sovereign to the “Mh Farthing, in a case, complete ° 4 1 V, _# +427 Mint Set of Victoria, from the Five Pound Piece to the Far- i, pf, thingy very fine and complete, in a case : 1/ ; 33 ae PATTERNS IN COPPER. j ‘ 1428 Commonwealth, Farthing, O St. George’s Cross, with a wreath , ; of laurel over, ENGLANDS. FARDIN., i Shield with the harp, 5 a wreath of laurel over, FOR. NECESSARY.CHA., very om / bs and well preserved S. p.6, n. 4. ‘429 Commonwealth, Farthing, © Ship, AND. GOD. DIRECT. OVR. Mol, covrs., % Three Pillars, with the cross, harp and thistle on Leth 2+ the top, THVS. VNITED. INVINCIBLE. S. p. 6. n. 7, i without the r under the pillars, fine , Wi ‘ 430 Oliver Cromwell, O his Bust, m.m. star, R Wi raick on a gar lesion nished shield, CHARITIE. AND. CHANGE., well preserved, and, very rare . . S. p.6, n.10. y ‘431 Charles II, O Rose, thistle, lis, and harp, all crowned, cAROLVS. A.CAROLO., m.m. lion, Ship, QVATVOR.MARIA.VINDICO., ; 4, the edge engraved; another, same in every respect, but struck on a thinner piece, fine : S. p.6, 18. 2 /} * 432 Charles II, Halfpennies, struck in different metals, O Ship in full sail, cAR.11., &c., St. Michael, soxi. DEO. GLORIA,, 4; another, © his Portrait, ]} Britannia seated, Q@vVATVOR. 4 MARIA. VINDICO., very fine, the others well preserved ; a | three various of William and Mary / J 433 Anne, Halfpenny, O her Bust, Rose and thistle, crowned, v4 1) very fine and rare swt | 434 Anne, Halfpenny, O same as Hae, R Rose and thistle, not vs crowned, very fine and rare ° ) WD) 435 Anne, Halfpenny, O Rose and thistle, not crowned, R pare : seated, with crown over her head, fine and rare / ' +436 Anne, Halfpenny, O her Bust, R Britannia holding a rose, over Lc her head, a crown, fine and rare 1 YB 437 Anne, Halfpenny, O and 2 same as last, but Bittaimaia holding fh a branch of laurel, fine 1 *.* The above five Lots are from the Robson aired y a ‘438 Anne, Hittteniy, OQ and J} her Bust, plain edge, well pre- Lt served, and very rare. From the Twisden collection 1 / veal ‘439 George III, Halfpenny, and Farthing, O his Bust, RB Britannia Bee standing, with olive branch in her right hand, 1788, by Pingo, fine and very rare 2 Ps a0 George III, Halfpennies, by Bivcin with inseHtbed edges ; ‘fe Bermuda Halfpenny, 1793, by Droz; another, © his Head, R vivat,, inscribed edge, all fine , : 4 34 George III, Penny of the Soho Mint, broad rim, and under eZ bust two laurel branches, 2 Britannia seated on the ae hal 1797, a fine and rare pattern : George III, Pennies of the Soho Mint, 3, bronze, gilt, ae | plain, O the King’s Head, with long hair and naked bust, thea? head larger than the usual broad rimmed Penny, the usual figure of Britannia, 1797, all fine and rare 4 3 George III, for a Guinea, by Milton, O Bust, and under it 1798, the Royal Arms, crowned; another, by Mills, 2 the - Arms on a square shield, and two laurel branches; two othery) _ from the Bolton Mint, gi/é, O Bust, the inscription sunk fe d a broad rim, 2 Arms on a shield, crowned, all fine scarce 6 George III, Haiveiny: O his Head crowned, RB Britannia, Af Kj 1799, very fine, and very rare : : 1 *,* The above six Lots are from the Robson collection. PATTERNS IN SILVER. Elizabeth, for a Penny, and Twopence, © full face Portrait of the Queen, J her monogram, crowned, 1601; and a Patte 7 for a Sovereign of Charles I, R Arms in a shield, FLOR/NT om CONCORDIA. REGNA., m.m. lis, well preserved wp Charles I, for a Half Crown, O the King on horseback, R o. REX. DA. FACILEM.CVRSVM., beneath the horse, Briot, Arms crowned, 1628 at the sides, well preserved, very rare 1 Charles I, Briot's Twopences, 3, all different; and Penny, WZ hoy all fine Commonwealth, Half Crown, by Risideedes on the sdas TRVTH. AND. PEACE. 1651. PETRVS.BLONDEAV.INVENTOR.FECIT., in i most beautiful preservation, and very rare. From the late Mr. Long’s sale 1 Commonwealth, Shilling, ss Sixpence, by Bigndangs (ee 1651, fine and rare es Oliver Cromwell, for a Ninepence, O his Héad, R Arms 1 crowned, 1658, very fine and rare : 14 Charles II, for a Farthing, O his Bust crowned, J three Pillars, THVS. VNITED. INVINCIBLE., S. p.6, ”.18; another, O TRVTH.AND.-PEACE., in centre, a rose crowned, with the let- eve ters c.R. also crowned, 1661, R as above, this ptece has a small hole, otherwise well preserved and rare } 2 35 7 *452 Charles II, Crown, by Simon, © his Bust, with the name of | Simon under, 2 Arms quartered, in the centre, St. George twrelorre and Dragon, 1663, on the edge, REDDITE., very rare, and = very poor ; 5 P 1 }/ ‘453 Charles II, Pattern Piece, by Simon, MAGNA. OPERA. DOMIN.; y another, MAGNALIA.DEI., both 1660, in Suir state spore theca servation, and rave 7 S. p.6, n.15 and 16. 2 3 » 454 James II, for Farthings, (Irish), 2, © the King’s Head, I the Harp crowned, 1690; Farthings of William and Mary, 2/0 aie - all different and fine ‘ ‘ s) : 4, *455 Anne, Farthing, O her Bust, B Britannia under a portal, 1718, very fine and rare. From the Bentham collection { Getebler 41 '456 Anne, Farthing, O as above, R PAX. MISSA. PER.ORBEM,, 1713, Ze i very fine. From the Bentham collection : I = | ‘457 George III, Shilling, 1764, very rave and fine ; ee ge * +458 George III, Shilling, 1778, fine - 1 O ‘459 George III, Penny, 1797, the bust larger than the usual type, Jine and rare : iA? Vi ‘460 Bank Dollar, RB the Royal Arms within the garter, 1804; and | aa the Bank Ninepenny Token, both very rare and fine 7 if ‘461 Mudie’s Pattern for a Crown, engraved by Mills, the Arms beef — ‘ ‘in quarters, in the centre, St. George within the garter, Sine : ’ ] * +462 W. Wyon’s Crown, RB three Female Figures, representing Licht Ee England, Ireland, and Scotland, 1817, Jine and scarce ] ‘463 Another, by W. Wyon, 1817, the Arms, crowned, in a f—. ; _ square shield, fine, and very rare ; eee lon bo WA ‘464 George IV, by Mills, O large Bust filling the field of the coin, | and 1820 under the neck, }} the Royal Arms inclosed in the Ye : “garter, supported by the lion and unicorn, fine and very : rare : ; I VA George IV, by W. Wyon, 1826, R the Arms in a garnished «shield, fine; Col. Fullerton’s Half Crown, O Bust of the Prince of Wales, 1799, R the Arms, quartered, and having lah the plumes between; George III, Pattern for a Farthing, a O Gc. R. crowned, R Britannia seated, 1790; James VIII, of Scotland, Pattern for a Guinea, I% Royal Arms, quartered, and thistle in the centre; all very fine 4 F | PATTERNS IN GOLD. / Vas . 466 Charles II, for a Sovereign, by Simon, © his Bust, % Royal Arms, crowned, 1662, FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGNA, ; George III, Pattern for a Seven Shilling Piece, i& Cr and Lion, 1776, fine : 2 |b. 16) . 467 Anne, Guinea, © her Bust, bare neck, having a lock of hair f brought over it, }} the Arms, quartered, and the letters A. R in the centre, very fine, and extremely rare, S. p.6,n. 19. *,* From the Duke of Devonshire’s Collection. ae : +468 George III, Two Guinea Piece, by Tanner, Fo Royal Arms, : crowned, 1768, in the very finest state, and very rare 4 SEY 469 George III, Five Guinea Piece, O and I same type, ay : engraved by Yeo, 1777, fine and very rare a eel | 470 George III, Double Sovereign, 1820, I» George and Dragon very fine and rare . ] VA / /471 Victoria, for a Sovereign, the bust is smaller than usual, with two small roses on each side the date, 1837, fine and rare 1 MEDALS, IN SILVER. y i . 472. Henry VIII, © the King, looking to the left, inclosed within ee an inscription forming two circles, having his usual boyhet and collar of gems, J two Inscriptions, one in Hebrevf a Greek, a beautiful chasing by Stewart, very fine 3 eG + (473 Edward VI, © his Portrait to the left, holding the sword in his right hand, and the orb in his left, inclosed within three circles / of inscriptions, two inscriptions, one in Hebrew and Greek, ~ ‘ “4 beautifully chased, by Stewart . phe | b /474 Queen of James I, and his Son Henry, Prince of Wales, both fine, the latter gilt; Charles I, 0 his Portrait, bare headed, Ys Te Royal Arms, engraved; two Scotch Coronation Medals o Charles I, by Briot; and one of Charles II, the Scotch — Lion, holding the thistle , 6 32 if .475 Oliver Cromwell, O his Head, kh the House of Commpfs, : struck on the Battle of Dunbar, fine and rare | {ann y fy. .476 William IV, a splendid Medallion, O his Head, ADELAIDE. CVDI. JVSSIT. MDCCCXXX. inclosed within two branches of , oak, very fine ; : 1 Oo” 5 a '477 Victoria, O her Portrait, J Guildhall, struck in honour of he Visit to the City, Nov. 9, 1837, in a case; and a small ofjas 2O/2. on the Opening of the Royal Exchange, both by W. Who and of his best work, very fine ) he ‘478 A complete Set of the Coronation Medals from James I, w ff iia Victoria, including the Queens, all fine oe MEDALS, IN COPPER. wa +479 Charles I, 2, O his Portrait to the left, with a nS arn of laurel, BR the Laurel and Sword crossed, and the letters c. R. crowned, 1643, one in copper, the other in brass ; small oval Medal of as ad Oliver, 2 plain; another, oval, of Mrs. Claypole; a small one of the Pretender James; one of Admiral Keppel, a one of John Wilkes, the two last gilt , y ‘480 Martin Folkes, by Dassier; Snelling, by Pingo; Lord nee by Stodart, a fine medallion; and the Evesham Bisse 2 Medal; all very fine “4 »481 G. ee a fine medallion by Vivier ; Napaiehis TVTELA. RO PRAESENS., by Galle; another, the Fine Arts at Rome; all 3 + 482 as Franklin, < Dupré; a Medallion of Card. Fleury, 2 by Roettiers ; another of Antonius Magliabechius, R oust (044 BVS. OMNIA.; all fine : 3 COIN CABINETS. 7 Vd :483 A handsome, solid, well-seasoned Mahogany Cabinet, containin of all sizes, made by Roberts, and of his best work, p lock and key, complete 164 in. high, 144 in. wide, 13 in. deep. 1 a // 484 Another, solid, well made Cabinet, containing sixteen slides, also pp adapted for English Coins, and made by Roberts, with four additional boards, pierced 9 in. high, 13 in. wide, 12 in. deep. 1 4 i ‘485 A similar Cabinet, containing eighteen slides in a double row, fe bi he ; adapted for English Coins, with lock and key complete 6 in. high, 154 in. wide, 94 in. deep. 1 9 General Ainslie, Anglo-F rench Coins; Sir Robert Abdy, Eng- inf . 38 NUMISMATIC CATALOGUES. lish, Greek, and Roman; J. Broad, Greek and Roman ; and Baron Bolland, English, all with prices and names 4 Rev. William Chase, Coins and Medals; Col. Gordon, Greek Coins; Rev. Dr. Goodall, Coins and Medals; Rev. Dr. Jamieson, Coins; Hollis, Library and Coins, scarce; and ‘Leybourn, Library and Coins, all with the prices and names 7 8 M. Young, Gurarsouns of his Coins, 7; and one of we Library, fo all with the prices and names : : 8* Steuart, Greek and Roman, 3; Earl of Morton, Mr. Long, Spurrier, and five others, many with prices and names 11 Samuel Tyssen, and Sir John Twisden, both with prices and ‘Lo names ; : 2 Samuel Tyssen, his Library and Prints, complete, with the prices printed, scarce; and Marmaduke Trattle, Coins and Me. (0 dals, with the prices and names ; 3 2 NUMISMATIC WORKS. QUARTO. Pinkerton (J.) Essay on Medals, 2 vols. half bound is09/Cearn Snelling, Gold, Silver, and Copper Coinage ; Scotch Silver and Gold; Counterfeits; Sterlings; Coins struck by the East India Company; those for the West India Colonies; Isle of | Man; the Pattern Pieces in Gold and Silver, and the Gold Wh /; Nobles struck abroad; also containing 32 plates of English Medals, a very fine copy, plates, calf ee 1763 Se The British and Saxon Plates to Ruding’s Work, half bound 1 Simon, Coins, Medals, and Great Seals, by G. Vertue, second, ‘ edition, fine plates, calf al Ruding, Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, in 3 a cloth boards : ‘ «-'184 Smyth (Captain W. H.) Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Im- ; perial Large Brass Medals, cloth boards Geile PRIVATELY PRINTED Bedford, 1834 39 ! / 1498 Marshall (George) View of the Silver Coins and Coinage of oe Great Britain, from the year 1662 to 1837, cloth boards ; Sato be and the Supplement to Ruding, 1819 ‘499 Specimens of Ancient Coins of Magna Grecia, ae Ce f- la selected from the Cabinet of the Right Hon. the Lord North- wick, engraved by Henry Moses, 1826, yey foes copy, half bound, folio ° ] an 2 THE END. Wp 7 hn i + rhs i» ey rae ru ay a i S