a (Lebar aati ‘| } Vale ok Sa eee 7 a frat | 4 FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, Near 34th Street. | re Free Exhibition °** pr unc ves008 theses Two Collections of OIL PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE. OF David [’. Buzby, Esgq., OF BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by Order of the Executors, and : Thos. . orth, OF BOSTON, MASS. Exhibition, Monday, March 26th, to and including Friday, March 30th, 1900. SALE BY AUCTION, FRIDAY © EVENING * * AT 8 Re JAMES P. SILO, a CONDITIONS 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise betw¢en two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put upagain and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and ad- dresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the, whole of the purchase-money, z/requztred, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the re- mainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auc- tioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which, the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and incon- venience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held lable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. LIST OF ARTISTS. Asti, A., 26 Aubert, J., 42 Brewerton, 1, 7 Boudin, E., 38 Bouguereau, W. A,, 68 Couture, T., 6 Corot: Cy. 34 pac ierion G.,-45 Carolus, T., 49 Cederstrém, T., 63 Cabanel, A., 67 Dargelas, ibEs 23 De Buel, F., 29, 41, 64 Des Goffe, B. A., 31 De Cock,)X.., 32 Daubigny, C. F., 36 Delobbe, F. A., 44 De Coninck: P., 47 Delacroix, E , 48 De Haas, M. F._H., 53 Dubufe, E., 62 Eroli, 15 Epp, Bes 37 Escosura, L., 43 Gaume, H., 9 Gotti, A., 11 Hitchcock, G., 10, 12 Inness, G., 55 Jacque,C., 8 Jourdan, A. J., 30 Jacquet, JG.,50 Klinkenberg, J. K., 28 Kuwasseg, C., 35 Koek-Koek, 39, 54 Lambdin, G. C., 3, 17 Langeman, J., 58 Murphy, J. F., 2, 24 Moorman, 13 Michel, G., 16, 40 Monticelli, A., 22 Merfe, Hi, 52 Moran, E., 56 Pearce, C. 8:, 4 Prot, A.,. 14 Pecrus, C., 19 Perrault, L., 46 Pitz ~erot, OF so Santoro, R., 18,20 Schlesinger, H. G., 33 Stoutenbecker, P., 51 Schreyer, A., 66 Troyon, C., 65 Vibert, J. G., 57 Van Bommell, E. P., 60 Van Marcke, E., 61 Way, Ao. H.5,; 22 Wyngaerdt, A. T., 25 Washington, G., 27 CATALOGUE. The lots marked with a Star, belong to the David T. Buzby collection, 7b: 00 *BREWERTON, dec’d .. New York Landscape and Take Pastel. 28x Ig O3 ID : MURPHY (J. Francis), N.A., New York Back from the highway 21 x 16 a Pe eapin (Geo. C.) . Philadelphia Roses PACK TI s 1 VO 4 : PEARCE (Charles Sprague) . Paris Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 188r. Also Philadelphia and Boston, 1881. Chevalier Legion of Honor, Peasant Girl 8% x 6% 7\ LDC 5 | “WAY (A. J. H.), decid Gis seers ‘Apricots 14 x 12 LOHBT0 6 - COUTURE (Thomas), decd) Paria / Pupilot Gros. Medals, 1844, ’47, 755. Legion of onor, 1848. Born, 1815. Died, 1879. Thirst for Gold 6%x4% io neta tal? : *BREWERTON, dec’d . New York Landscape and. Lake Pastel, 28 x 19 4°2 2 —<— by) Iie 'h, 8 JACQUE (Charles), deceased . Paris Medals, 1861, ’63, 64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Born, 1813. Died, 1894. Poultry i?) x. 16 Z2b6#D 9 *GAU ME (Henri) Paris Thougbts 11%~x7% 4 ear my, oF HITCHCOCK (George) Paris Honorable Mention, 1887. Gold Medal, 1889, Universal Exposition, Paris. Canal in hollandD—Summer 11% x15 6b40 11 eucria i (Anabale) .. Naples The Serenade 4x9 4 8, SO 12 HITCHCOCK (George) ; Paris Honorable Mention, 1887. Gold Medal, 1889, Universal Exposition, Paris. Canal in thollanoO—Spring 11% x 15 ¢ 3D 13 * MOORMAN , ; : Brussels Che Hmateur 12x 9 2ZIOD: FO 14 - Pron )- ; : Paris Pupil of Cogniet, Medal, r8go. "Reveryp 18 x 21% / ee a VO 5 TRO TL loeas Naples Interior Cabaret +) Ser Say ffi ty 16 ~ MICHEL (Georges), deceased . Paris Pupil of Leduc. Born, 1763. Died, 1843. Interior of forest 26 325 ZOVD 17 *LAMBDIN (George C.), deceased Philadelphia Roses 24x 11% oe DTD 18 SANTORO (Rubens) Naples Honorable Mention, 1896, Paris Salon. Cbhurcb of the Saluta 8x 14% 19 *PECRUS (oy Favorite Hutbor I2 x9 ‘Oa $6 20 | SANTORO (Rubens) Naples Asland St. George 8x14% D1 VC) 21 Deru. 1, He), dec’d, . Baltimore Prince Hibert Grapes 34 X 14 : LZLDiV0 22 _MONTICELLI (Adolphe), dec’d, Paris Pupil of Aubert, Born, 1824: Died, 1886. In the Park 15 X 25 qr 4 | Ss 23 / sy £ & D *DARGELAS (Henri) Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1828. Pupil of Picot. Medals, Paris, 1867—188r. Little School Mistress 19 x I5 ay ; Pe ) a8, 24 MURPHY (J.Francis), N.A., NewYork Woodland I0ox 114% *WYNGAERDT (A. Tee Cwiligbt I5°x 9 26 AS pie Oriental Woman 18 x I4 “ 27 *WASHINGTON (G.) Pupil of Picot. Medal, 1893. Flrabs 10 x 8 Li D7) / 28 KLINKENBERG (Johannes Karel) Bones Medal, 1889. Enisterdam Bridge 14%x17% Ui 29 *DE BUEL (Franz) Brussels Medals at The Hague, Brussels, etc. Honorable Mention last Paris Exposition. Blind Dan's Buff 26 x 20 a | F 3 Vim 0 Je POURDAN (A. J.), Heese Bo eranis Medals, 1864, 66, ’69. Motber and Child 50 X 37 > i) e: S2D ¢/ fi p ce 3 avis GOFFE (Blaise Diane, Paris Pupil of Flandrin. Medals, 1861, 1863. Member of the Legion of ener. 1878. ors Concours. Crystal Vase, fruit, &c. feb ee aa ors DE COCK (Xavier) Paris Cattle In Pasture 14% x 20 : Zz ) 33 *SCHLESINGER (Henri Guillaume) Dusseldorf Medals, Paris Salon, 1874, 1878. Chevalier Legion of Honor. Convalescent FO x52 F / ree i 0 34 COROT (J. B..C.), deceased 3 see aare Born in Paris. Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, 55, ’67- Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Expo- sition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. Landscape in italy 5 x Il fase fe! 35 | *KUWASSEG (Charles) © 92 Srieacrs Medal, Salon, 1892. Rotterdam — 13 x IO Ly i] C sree mB, 36 DAUBIGNY (C.. F.), decid: =e a Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1848, ’53, ’55, °57, 59) '67- Legion of Honor, r18so. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Born 1817. Died, 1878. Sunset 18 x 32 (Collection of Alexander Dumas.) 6 LIC 37 *E PP (Rudolph) : : Brussels Born at Eberbach, Baden. Pupil of Descondres. Girl’s Ibead I4 x 10 26 Or V OD Peru JIIN (Hugene), dec’d - ... Paris Medal, Third Class, 1881; Second Class, 1883. Gold, 1880. Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1892. fFfisbermen’s Village 20 X 29 ~ a] } fOr OD 39 _ *KOEK-KOEK (B. C.), deceased Rotterdam Pupil of his father. Medals, Paris, 1840, ’43. Medals at Amsterdam and the Hague. Member of the Rotterdam and St. Petersburg !Academies. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold and Lion of the : Netherlands. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Born, 1803. Died, 1862. Landscape, holland £o°x° 12 40 MICHEL (Georges), dec’d . Paris Pupil of Leduc. Born 1763. Died, 1843. Coast View 20 x 28 we VU. 41 *DE BEUL (Laurent) . Brussels Sbeep and Goats 25 x17 Cle we 2 4s AUBERT (Jean) Born at Paris, 1824. Pupil of Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1844. Medals, 1857, ’59, 61, ’78. Mysterious Music o/ I2'x 7% es . = is 3 ol 5, i ae) ae UZ20 470 43 *HSCOSURA’ (Leonia ae cs eeu Pupil of Géréme,. Chevalier of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Charles III of Spain and Christ of Portugal. fencing Lesson 17 x 13 VU U cue: : DELOBBE (Francois Alfred) . Paris Medal, Third Class, 1874 ; Second Class, 1875. Little Girl Bathing ther feet 42 X 27 “/) 45 “*CHIERCI (Gaetano)... ‘Naples Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, Girl and kittens, His famous picture, ‘‘ Fun and Fright,” is in the Cor- coran Gallery, Washington, D. C. 24 x 19 PERRAULT (L.). Paris Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1864, ’76, ’89. Legion of Honor, 1887, Mignon 21% X18 ZF 04 | 47 PDE CONINCK (Pierre) Paris Medals, 1866 and 1868; Third Class, 1873. Silver Medal, 1889. Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1889. Little Charmer Vv 28 x 20 J FVOWV 48 DpyUACKOIX (E ), decd, . Paris Pupil of Guerin. Medals, 1824, ’48. Medal of Honor, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1831. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Commander of same, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1857. Born, 1798. Died, 1863. torses in Combat Ltx- 23 a rd 77 ) Gov 49 ReeOLUS (Fr) . Antwerp Celebrated Flemish artist. Trio, Music fie S82 E y j é > q*) ey fb LS, PEEL (Brot GQttojees : Munich Interior of Workshop 31 X 37 51 " *STOUTENBECKER (P.) . Hague Cow—Earlp dorning 28 x 39 ~~ t L 52 La MERLE (Hugues), deceased Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861, ’63. Legion of Honor, 1866. Born, 1822. Died, 788r. The irtist’s Cemptation 37 X 23 Yel 53 *DE HAAS (M. F. H.), N.A., dee’d New York Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam, and of Louis Meyer, at The Hague, In 1857 appointed Artist to the Dutch Navy, Beach at Granville 30: 017 7 ey ak te an ee ee Tee eae lC 54 *KOEK-KOEK (B. C.), deceased, Rotterdam Pupil of his father. Medals, Paris, 1840, ’43. Medals at Amsterdam and The Hague. Member of the Rotterdam and St. Petersburg Acad- emies. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold and Lion of the Netherlands. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Born, 1803. Died, 1862. Landscape, tholland 18 x 12 55 INNESS baeo,), coc d -.- New York Pupil df Regis Gignou. Member of the National Academy of Design. Medal: Paris, 1889; Munich, 1892; Chicago, 1893. Born, 1825. Died, 1894. In the Campagna 30 x 44 [70> SEY a 56 *MORAN (Edward). New York eG (Minot Ledge Light) <1 Sin ona he : 57 VIBERT (J. G.) Pupil of Barrias. Medals, 1864, ’67, 68, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882. Birthday Flowers Interior of Vibert’s studio. 1 Uo pe era ;} } )/ b.dt 58 *LANGEMAN (Julius) . Antwerp Dake of the four Cantons, Switzerland 44 X 32 a 59 JACOU Eh G) ; { Paris | Pupil of Bouguereau, Medals, 1868, ’75, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1879. Luciane 9 x 6% © 60 *VAN BOMMEL (E. P.). . (| Hague Amsterdam 56 x 38 61 VAN MARCKE (E.), dec’'d . Paris Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867, ’69, 70, ’78. Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal, Universal Exhibition: apa Born, 1827. Died, 1891. Cows in Pasture From the Van Marcke Sale. 9% x 12% z, SOD. me, 62 *DUBUFE (Edouard) Pupil of Delaroche. Officer Legion of Honor. Meditation Girl and Dog, the latter painted by Rosa Bonheur, but not signed by her. a 55 x 38 JE00:00 633. CEDERSTROM (Theo.) . Munich Pupil of Baur. Medal, London, 1879. Game of Chess 224% x 28 64 BoeeeuUri(H.) . : Brussels Contemporary Belgian School, Landscape and Animal Painter. Sheep in Pasture toi ae NE 65 _#PROYON-(€>,; deceased Paris Pupil of Rivereux. Medals, 1838, 740, ’46, 48, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Born, r8z0. Died, 1865. Landscape and Cattle 39 x 28 *SCHREYER (Ad.), dec’d . Paris Pupil Stidel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, 1864, ’6s, ’67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam, Died, 1899. Che Hdvance v 33 X 24 aN a a 0 67 *CABANEL (Alexandre), dee’d, Paris Prix de Rome, 1845. Medals, Paris, 1852, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member Institute of France, 1863. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864. Medals of Honor, 1865, ’67. Medal of Honor, 1868. Engel, Hve Maria 29 x 22 \ ZJEOL 68 *BOUGUEREAU CW mie AG fae Paris Pupil of Piecot. Prize of Rome, 18s0. Medals, 1855, 757, 67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876, Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Medal of Honor, 1885. , Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Les Oranges Woman and Two Children. 25 x 20 James P. Sixo, Auctioneer ae ‘ ql ¥ r 3 a) ' 7 Tie 3 = * ; z 1 = | ; y ; a r rf es ; < j ’ ' ‘ ; cL - wt . . . Z 4 ‘ s ; ; Signage Ty Ag, ay - peeecaanaee ee ee ee Fae! Te : . fa, ? , 2 eect oat - a ae =e o =< 2. 5 a3 7 = % : ae GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE UNAM CUT 3 3125 01662 8089 bl if wnt 7 fs a4 hai} hes x tie! i, bt) a Ne ee Cae nA AM ¢ di 4 7 =. . Sma ae = ae =: ceanehe Pie — > a + ts a = —— ae a ee ae ae Saat Se 5 seater, Se