1925 Mar.19 NeAn SALE NUMBER 1938 JBLIC EXHIBITION FROM WEDNESDAY, MARCH ELEVENTH A COLLECTION OF CURRIER & IVES PRINTS GATHERED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING MARCH NINETEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PresipenT] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK i925 RR rer ns rer teaay Na FINE IMPRESSION IN THE ORIGINAL COLORS OF A RARE PRINT [NUMBER 164 | SALE NUMBER 1938 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM WEDNESDAY, MARCH ELEVENTH A COLLECTION OF CURRIER & IVES— PRINTS GATHERED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES AMERICAN VIEWS, RURAL AND FARM SCENES, INDIANS AND EARLY WEST, HISTORIC SUBJECTS AND EARLY SHIPS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING MARCH NINETEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES ~~) } [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be pzr Lor as numbered in the catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3- Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Txrms Casx. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or puolic sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bins. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. g. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts ef such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for One Dollar. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE, PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F, A, CHAPMAN AND MR. A, N. BADE SALE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH NINETEENTH, AT 8:15 NUMBERS 1-178 AMERICAN VIEWS NUMBERS 1-40 1 AMERICAN SCENERY, PALENVILLE, NEW YORK Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 2 CAMP CHAPIN, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 116th Regiment New York Volunteers, Col. E. P. Chapin. E. Sachse and Co. Dated 1862. Folio. Framed. 3 CAMP MILLINGTON, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 128th Regiment New York Volunteers, from Columbia and Dutchess Counties. Colored lithograph and printed by E. Sachse. Dated 1862. Medium folio. Framed. 4 CAMP OF THE MASSACHUSETTS SECOND COMPANY, LIGHT ARTILLERY At Stewart’s Place, Baltimore, Maryland. E. Sachse and Co. Dated 1861. Folio. Framed. 5 THE GREAT FIRE AT BOSTON November 9th and 10th, 1872. Two lines of descriptive matter beneath title. Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. 6 CHICAGO IN FLAMES Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 7 LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 8 VIEW ON LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK F, F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Undated. Large folio. Framed. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. MOOSEHEAD LAKE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. SUNNYSIDE, ON THE HUDSON Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. HUDSON RIVER, CROW NEST Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. THE HUDSON NEAR COLDSPRING Chapel of Our Lady. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. VIEW FROM FORT PUTNAM West Point, Hudson River, New York. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. THE HUDSON AT PEEKSKILL Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. THE SCENERY OF THE HUDSON View near ‘‘Anthony’s Nose’’. ¥’. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Undated. Large folio. SUNNY SIDE The Residence of the late Washington Irving near Tarrytown, New York. | Currier and Ives. Undated. Large folio. Framed. VIEW ON THE HUDSON AT WEST POINT Colored lithograph by Lyon and Read. Undated. Large folio. UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT From the opposite shore. F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Folio. A VILLA ON THE HUDSON Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Folio. 2 21 VIEW ON THE HUDSON F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Undated. Large folio. Framed. 22 FORT HAMILTON, NEW YORK Colored lithograph. Dated 1852. Published by Horace Waters, New York. Small folio. Framed. 23 PIERREPONT HOUSE Brooklyn Heights, New York. Colored lithograph music sheet by S. W. Chandler and Bro., Boston. Dated 1855. Small folio. Framed. 24 NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE For the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, ete. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. 25 NATIONAL GUARD, 7TH REGIMENT, N. Y. S. M. At Camp Worth, Kingston, July 1855, forming for review and inspection by Inspector General B. F. Bruce, N. Y. S. M. On stone by Th. Benecke. Lithograph by Otto Botticher. Dated 1856. Large folio. Framed. 26 THE HIGH BRIDGE AT HARLEM, NEW YORK This magnificent Bridge of Stone, ete. N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. Framed. 27 BLACKWELL’S ISLAND, EAST RIVER From EHighty-Sixth Street, New York. F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Medium folio. Framed. 28 LONG ISLAND SOUND Currier and Ives. Dated 1869. Medium folio. Framed. 29 CENTRAL PARK, WINTER The Skating Carnival. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 30 CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK The Bridge. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 3 31 32 33 34 39 36 37 38 39 40 VIEW ON THE POTOMAC Near Harper’s Ferry. F’. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. NORTH CHURCH, SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS J. Ropes del. On stone by W. Sharp. Colored lithograph by Browne and Sharp, Boston. Dated 1843. Small folio. Framed. TRENTON HIGH FALLS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF MT. VERNON The Home of Washington. G. and F. Bill. Dated 1859. Small folio. MOOSEHEAD LAKE 3 Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG Owl’s Head. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. SILVER CASCADE White Mountains. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. VIEW OF THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON Lithographed and published by H. R. Robinson, New York. Large folio. CAMP RANDALL, MADISON, WISCONSIN Taken from State University. Colored lithograph, drawn, lithographed and printed by Louis Kurz, Milwaukee. Dated 1864. Folio. THE LAKES OF KILLARNEY; DUBLIN BAY, IRELAND Currier and Ives. One dated 1868. Small folio. (2) 4 FAR WEST, INDIANS AND RAILROADS NUMBERS 41-52 41 AMONG THE PINES A First Settlement. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 42 GREAT SALT LAKE, UTAH Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 43 A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Framed. 44 LOOKING DOWN THE YO-SEMITE Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 45 ON THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 46 YO-SEMITE FALLS California. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 47 SAN-FRANCISCO (Californie). Designed and litho. by L. LeBreton. London, published by E. Gambart and Co., Paris by E. Savary and Co. Large folio. Framed. 48 THE LAST SHOT Painted by Louis Maurer. Process print. Large folio. The famous subject of Louis Maurer showing Col. John Freeman on the plains using his last shot against an Indian Chief. 49 THE PURSUIT Painted by A. F. Tait. On stone by L. Maurer. Currier and Ives. Dated 1856. Large folio. 5 50 o1 o2 o3 o4 55 56 oT 58 THE TRAPPER’S LAST SHOT Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Framed. INDIAN BALL PLAYERS Catlin, del. Folio. Framed. EARLY RAILROAD Philadelphia, Niagara & Western Route, communicating with Philadelphia and Chicago. Colored lithograph with vignette of early railroad train and a portion of the map of the United States. Published by Clapp Matthews, Buffalo, 1855. Large folio. Framed. AMERICAN FARM AND RURAL SCENES AND MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS NUMBERS 53-98 AMERICAN LANDSCAPES; GEMS OF AMERICAN SCENERY Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Each folio contains four exquisite little views. (2) COTTAGE LIFE—SUMMER Currier and Ives. Dated 1856. Small folio. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SUMMER Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. Framed. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. IN THE MOUNTAINS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. THE COTTAGE BY THE CLIFF Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 6 59 HARVEST Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 60 NOONTIDE—A SHADY SPOT Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 61 SUMMER AFTERNOON Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed, 62 THE WOODLANDS IN SUMMER Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 63 THE FARMER’S HOME—HARVEST F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. 64 MILL IN THE HIGHLANDS Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Framed. 65 THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH F., F’. Palmer del. Lith. by N. Currier. Undated. Medium folio. RARE. 66 THE SOLDIER’S ADIEU N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. 67 SOLDIER’S RETURN N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small upright folio. 68 A HOME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Framed. 69 AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SUMMER Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. 70 AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small folio. 7 71 THE STRAW-YARD—WINTER Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. 72 OCTOBER LANDSCAPE Currier and Ives. Undated. Folio. Framed. 73 AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE May Morning. F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Framed. 74 GRAY’S ELEGY In a Country Church Yard. Two stanzas of verse on either side of title. F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Framed. 75 HAYING TIME The Last Load. J. M. Ives del. Lith. by Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. Framed. 76 HAYING TIME The First Load. J. M. Ives del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. Framed. 77 HOME TO THANKSGIVING Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. ONE OF THE FINEST AND MOST IMPORTANT of these justly popular American lithographs. The subject, of course, so near and dear to the American heart, is reason sufficient for this. 78 THE FARMER’S HOME—AUTUMN F. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. 79 WINTER IN THE COUNTRY A Cold Morning. 3 Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Framed. 80 THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD IN WINTER Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Framed. 81 THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: CHILDHOOD The Season of Joy. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J. Cameron. J. M. Ives del. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. 82 THE FOUR SEASONS OF LIFE: MIDDLE AGE The Season of Strength Drawn by Parsons and Atwater. J. M. Ives del. Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. 88 WINTER MORNING Feeding the Chickens. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Currier and Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. Framed. 84 THE UNION VOLUNTEER Off for the War. Currier and Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. 85 THE UNION VOLUNTEER Home from the War. Currier and Ives. Dated 1863. Large folio. 86 THE FAIRY GROTTO Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. Small folio. 87 EVENING—OCTOBER The Village Inn. Printed by B. Hess. Currier and Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. 88 THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH Two verses of Longfellow’s poem on either side of title. F. F. Palmer del. Lith, by Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. 89 THE WAYSIDE INN Two verses of Longfellow’s poem on either side of title. F’. F. Palmer del. Lith. by Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Large folio. Framed. 90 GETTING IN N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. Framed. 91 PRODIGAL SON Receiving his Patrimony. N. Currier. Small upright folio. Framed. 92 THE FOUR CONTINENTS America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Medium folio. Framed. (4) 93 THE SOLDIER’S ADIEU | C. Currier’s. Undated. Small upright folio. 94 SOLDIER’S RETURN C. Currier’s. Undated. Small upright folio. 95 WILLIAM TELL Shooting the Apple on his Son’s Head. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. 96 THE PROGRESS OF INTEMPERANCE Plates II, IV, V and VI. Sick and Repentant; The Ruined Family; The Expectant Wife; The Robber. N. Currier. Dated 1841. Small folio. (4) 97 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS N. Currier. Undated. Upright folio. 98 THE FISHERMAN’S DOG J. Baillie. Undated. Small folio. 10 AMERICAN HISTORIC SUBJECTS ENE Mal, ak OR ae ak eatin a ian PORTRAITS AND BATTLES NUMBERS 99-146 99 BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA Fought February 23rd, 1847. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. Framed. 100 THE BATTLE OF MONTEREY The Americans Forcing Their Way to the Main Plaza. Septem- ber, 1846. J. Baillie. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 101 BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARKANSAS March 8th, 1862. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. 102 THE BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS, VIRGINIA May 3rd, 1862. ) Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. 103 FORT PICKENS | Pensacola Harbor, Florida. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 104 BOMBARDMENT OF ISLAND NUMBER TEN IN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Framed. 105 THE FALL OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA On the Night of April 2nd, 1865. Currier and Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. Framed. 106 BATTLE OF MALVERN HILL, VIRGINIA July 1st, 1862. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 11 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 DEATH OF GENERAL LYON At the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, 1861. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Framed. BOMBARDMENT OF FORT PULASKI Cockspur Island, Georgia; 10th and 11th of April, 1862. Two lines of descriptive matter beneath title. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, JULY 38RD, 18683; THE NIGHT AFTER THE BATTLE Currier and Ives. One dated 1862. Small folios. (2) SIEGE AND CAPTURE OF VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI July 4th, 1863. Several lines of descriptive matter beneath title. Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. DEATH OF MAJOR GENERAL JAMES B. McPHERSON ; THE BOMBARDMENT AND CAPTURE OF FORT FISHER, NORTH CAROLINA, JAN. 15TH, 1865; DEATH OF GEN- ERAL LYON Currier and Ives. One dated 1861. Small folios. (3) BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER, CHARLESTON HARBOR 12th and 18th of April, 1861. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. BOMBARDMENT AND CAPTURE OF THE FORTS AT HATTERAS INLET, NORTH CAROLINA By the U. S. Fleet under Commodore Stringham and the Forces under General Butler, Aug. 27th, 1861. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. With key to the names of battleships participating. INTERIOR OF FORT SUMTER During the Bombardment, April 12th, 1861. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 12 115 GLORIOUS CHARGE OF HANCOCK’S DIVISION (2ND) OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC; THE BATTLE AT CEDAR MOUNTAIN, AUG. 9TH, 1862 Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folios. (2) 116 THE LEXINGTON OF 1861 The Massachusetts Volunteers fighting their way through the Streets of Baltimore, on their march to the defence of the National Capitol, April 19th, 1861. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 117 THE TOCSIN OF LIBERTY Rung by the State House Bell, Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Medium folio. Framed. 118 WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE Evening previous to the Battle of Trenton, December 25th, 1776. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. 119 BATTLE OF BUNKER’S HILL June 17, 1775. With key in outline on title. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 120 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE July 4, 1776. N. Currier. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 121 WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION BY THE LADIES ON PASS- ING THE BRIDGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY April, 1789. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Framed. 122 AN ATTEMPT TO BURN JOHN HARRIS At the present site of Harrisburg, in the year 1720. Painted by Reeder. On stone by Ralph Trembly. Published by J. T. Bowen. Dated 1839. Large folio. Framed. VERY Rare. 13 123 THE LAST GUN OF THE ARCTIC Stewart Holland. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Small upright folio. 124 CUSTER’S LAST CHARGE Brevet Major George A. Custer, Lieut. Col. 7th U. 8. Cavalry, Killed in the Battle with the Sioux, June 25th, 1876. Currier and Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Framed. 125 GENERAL FRANZ SIGEL; MAJOR GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR Currier and Ives and E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. One dated 1862. Small upright folios. (2) 126 WASHINGTON AS A MASON Currier and Ives. Dated 1868. Small upright folio. Framed. ScaRcE, 127 THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER James Baillie. Undated. From a daguerrotype by Professor Glukman. Small upright folio. Framed. 128 GRAND NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC BANNER—McCLEL- LAN AND PENDLETON GRAND NATIONAL AMERICAN BANNER—FILLMORE AND DONELSON Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. N. Currier, dated 1856. Small upright folios. (2) 129 GRAND NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC BANNER Polk and Dallas. Pierce and King. N. Currier. Dated 1844 and 1852. Small upright folios. (2) 130 GRAND NATIONAL WHIG BANNER Henry Clay and T. Frelinghuysen. GRAND BANNER OF THE RADICAL DEMOCRACY Fremont and Cochrane. Currier and Ives. Dated 1864. Small upright folios. (2) 14 131 JAMES BUCHANAN Fifteenth President of the United States. N. Currier. Undated. Upright folio. 1382 ZACHARY TAYLOR; MILLARD FILLMORE N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. 133 GRAND NATIONAL WHIG BANNER N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small upright folio. 184 MILLARD FILLMORE Thirteenth President of the United States. Kellogg and Comstock. Undated. Small upright folio. 1385 GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON The Hero of New Orleans. N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. 1386 JOHN BROWN—THE MARTYR Meeting a slave mother and her child on the steps of the Charles- town Jail on his way to execution, ete. Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small upright folio. 187 GRAND NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC BANNER Lewis Cass. Wm. O. Butler. WHIG BANNER Winfield Scott. William A. Graham. James Baillie and E. C. Kellogg. The first dated 1848. Small upright folios. (2) 188 WILLIAM H. KING; WILLIAM F. JOHNSTON N. Currier. Dated 1848, 1852. Small upright folios. (2) 139 ANDREW JACKSON Seventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. 15 140 WINFIELD SCOTT N. Currier. Dated 1852. Small upright folio. 141 GEORGE WASHINGTON First President of the United States. N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. 142 WILLIAM A. GRAHAM; GEORGE M. DALLAS Vice Presidential Candidates. N. Currier. One dated 1852. Small upright folios. (2) 143 GEORGE WASHINGTON; MARTHA WASHINGTON Currier and Ives. Undated. Upright medium folios. (2) 144 JAMES K. POLK Eleventh President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small upright folio. 145 LADY WASHINGTON N. Currier. Undated. Small upright folio. Framed. 146 GEN’L GEORGE WASHINGTON Father of his Country. Colored lithograph by J. Baillie. Small upright folio. Framed. AMERICAN SPORTS HUNTING, SHOOTING AND CAMPING NUMBERS 147-164 147 A PAIR OF NUT CRACKERS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 148 WOODCOCK SHOOTING Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Framed. 149 WILD DUCK SHOOTING On the Wing. Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Framed. 16 150 PARTRIDGE SHOOTING Currier and Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. 151 BEAR HUNTING Close Quarters. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 152 LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Going Out. Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Framed. 153 THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Camping in the Woods. Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. 154 RABBITS IN THE WOODS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 155 THE RABBIT CHASE Colored lithograph by Kellogg. Small folio. Framed. RARE, SHOWING TWO WHIPPETS AFTER THE HARE. 156 AMERICAN FEATHERED GAME Woodcock and Snipe. Currier and Ives. Undated. Large upright folio. Framed. 157 THE HOME OF THE DEER Currier and Ives. Undated. Medium folio. Framed. 158 A PAIR OF NUTCRACKERS Currier and Ives. Undated. Small upright folio. 159 DEFIANCE! Moose and Deer. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. 160 PICKEREL Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Folio. Framed. 17 161 STRIPED BASS; AMERICAN BROOK TROUT Currier and Ives. Dated 1872. Small folios. (2) 162 LIFE IN THE WOODS Starting Out. Currier and Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. Framed. | 168 ARGUING THE POINT Painted by A. F. Tait. On stone by Louis Maurer. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. Framed. 164 QUAIL SHOOTING “ ‘“Setters the Property of S. Palmer, Esq., Brooklyn, L. I.”’ From nature and on stone by F. F. Palmer. Lith. by N. Currier. Dated 1852. Large folio. Framed. Fine impression in the original colors of a rare print. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | EARLY SAILING SHIPS AND MARINE SUBJECTS NUMBERS 165-178 165 THE YACHT ‘‘DAUNTLESS”’”’ OF NEW YORK, 268 TONS Owned and Commanded by Vice Commodore Jas. G. Bennett, Jr. Arriving at Queenstown, ete. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. 166 CUTTER YACHT ‘‘THISTLE’’ Designed by G. L. Watson, Built by D. W. Henderson and Co., Owned by James Bell, Glasgow. | Currier and Ives. Dated 1887. Medium folio. Framed. 167 SLOOP YACHT “‘VOLUNTEER’’? Currier and Ives. Dated 1887. Small folio. 168 CUTTER ‘‘GENESTA’’ Currier and Ives. Dated 1885. Folio. Framed. 169 LOSS OF THE STEAMBOAT ‘“‘SWALLOW’’ From Albany to New York, April 17, 1845. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Framed. 18 170 NEPTUNE 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 Introducing the Four Quarters of the World to Commerce. Mezzotint in color. Published March 1, 1803, by J. Hinton Son. Small folio. Showing American Indian with American Flag amongst the group of continents. TERRIFIC COMBAT BETWEEN THE ‘“‘MONITOR’’ (2 GUNS) AND THE ‘‘MERRIMAC’”’ (10 GUNS) Hampton Roads, March 9th, 1862. Currier and Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Framed. BURNING OF ‘‘THE OCEAN MONARCH’”’ OF BOSTON Several lines of descriptive matter beneath title. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. THE WRECK OF THE ‘‘ATLANTIC”’ Several lines of descriptive matter beneath title. Currier and Ives. Dated 1873. Small folio. BURNING OF THE STEAMSHIP ‘‘AUSTRIA’’, SEPTEM- BER 13, 1858. On her Voyage from Hamburg to New York. Currier and Ives. Undated. Small folio. Framed. BURNING OF THE ‘‘HENRY CLAY’’ NEAR YONKERS, JULY 28TH, 1852. N. Currier. Dated 1852. Small folio. YACHT ‘‘AMERICA”’ Modelled and built by Geo. Steers, Esq., New York. Litho. by Brown and Severin. Dated 1851. Large folio. Framed. CLIPPER SHIP ‘‘SWEEPSTAKES”’ F. F. Palmer lith. After the painting by Butterworth. N. Cur- rier. Dated 1853. Later impression. Large folio. CLIPPER SHIP ‘‘DREADNAUGHT’”’ Off Sandy Hook Light, Feb. 23, 1854, 19 days from Liverpool. C. Parsons del. After the painting by J. E. Butterworth. N. Currier. Dated 1854. Later impression. Large folio. i i | t i at \ j i fi } { j ti : he \ | } ’ \ i ¢ 1 ¢ 4 Pre {a ae i i . ani { Y i Vi og Ai 3 \ i ‘ ' } i ‘5 \ 8 4 os 4 y 1925 Mar. 19 NeAn c.1 P Anderson /Currier & Ives prints. 87-P 19309 ~ IMINO 3 3125 01163 9950 i | I