| THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE )BINSON LOCKE, ESQUIRE _ PRESIDENT OF THE “TOLEDO BLADE”’ CO. OF TOLEDO, OHIO Ns ESF |s «ZN Z \ OP” « eS ess ~ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23RD STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE | THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE ROBINSON LOCKE, ESQUIRE PRESIDENT OF THE “*TOLEDO BLADE’’ Co. OF TOLEDO, OHIO Nas i TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF HIS WIDOW, MRS. MABEL D. LOCKE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, AND THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER QTH AND IOTH,1921 AT 2:30 IN THE AFTERNOON AND 8:1 5 IN THE EVENINGS mob or EE’ AMERICAN ART GALLERIES "1 me og Es eyes ' : . ind . oe ord CATALOGUE OF THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE ROBINSON LOCKE, ESQUIRE PRESIDENT OF THE “*TOLEDO BLADE’ CO. OF TOLEDO, OHIO TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF HIS WIDOW, MRS. MABEL D. LOCKE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, AND THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER OTH AND LOTH, I Q2 I AT 2:30 IN THE AFTERNOON AND 8: I5 IN THE EVENINGS THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE The late Mr. Robinson Locke, son of David Ross Locke—“Petroleum V. Nasby,” was born at Plymouth, Ohio, in 1856. He received his academic education in Ziirich, Switzerland and Paris. He engaged in newspaper work since 1873, except five years abroad; United States Consul at Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, 1883- 1885; President of the “Toledo Blade” Company since 1888; Director of the Northern National Bank; 33° Mason: Member of the Bibliophile Society, the National Institute of Social Science, Rowfant Club, and various clubs in Toledo, Ohio. RESUME OF CONTENTS Mr. Locke’s Collection comprises, STANDARD LIBRARY SETS of English, Americanand French Authors, including Autograph Editions, Large Paper Copies, Editions de Luxe, and Limited Issues; First Epitions of American and English Authors; AMERICANA; ILLUMINATED Manuscripts of the Fifteenth Century; EARLY PRINTED Books; Fo.io Epitions of Elizabethan and Later English Authors; SIXTEENTH CENTURY Criassics; ILLUSTRATED Art Books; Books on FREEMASONRY; SHAKESPEAREAN and Dramatic Literature; Illustrated JAPANESE Booxs; Publications of the BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY, ROWFANT CLUB, RIVERSIDE PRESS, and ELSTON PREss; Various Editions of OMAR KHAYYAM; BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Works, and Books on PRINTING, ENGRAVING and other allied subjects. Many of the volumes are in fine full or. half morocco or calf bindings by Zaehns- dorf, Riviére, Gruel, Root, Blackwell, Croscup and Sterling, and other binders. Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for resale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Part Payment by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and resold. eee 4. Risk After Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases. may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours‘of nine a. m. and one p. m. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of nine a. m. and five p. m. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. Deliveries at the Storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of nine and five. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. 6. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. Note: The limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above require- ments necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its pa- trons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. 7. Shipping. Boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 8. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. “ Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 9. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that in the event of purchases consisting of one or more books for one who has not himself or through his agent been personally at the exhibition or sale, any book may be re- turned within ten days of the date of sale and will be refunded the purchase money therefore, if the book in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or ~ reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION American Art Galleries Madison Square South New York City AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE ROBINSON LOCKE, OF TOLEDO, OHIO BY ORDER OF HIS WIDOW, MRS. MABEL D. LOCKE First Session, Numbers 1 to 296, inclusive WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 9th, AT 2:30 O’CLOCK 1. ABELARD AND ELorsA. Letters of Abelard and Eloisa. With a particular Account of their Lives, Amours, and Misfortunes. By John Hughes. To which are added, several Poems by Mr. Pope, and other Authors. Copperplate engravings by Vdr. Gucht and others. 12mo, full brown morocco, Janseneste, gilt inside border, gilt edges, By CANAPE. London, 1788 2. ADVENTURER (THE). A Periodical Paper, Published Every Tuesday and Saturday, commencing November 7, 1752, to March 9, 1754. Nos. I to 140 (lacks Nos. 87 and 98). Wath vignette portrait engraved on title-pages. 2 vols. small folio, calf, rubbed, a few small pin holes in margins of several leaves. London: Printed for J. Payne, 1753-1754 ORIGINAL EDITION. With title-pages and contents to both volumes. This periodi- cal was conducted by Dr. John Hawkesworth, with the assistance of Drs. Richard Bathurst, Sam. Johnson, and Jos. Warton. Has engraved armorial book-plate of Joseph Goodall in one volume. 3. Afsop’s AND GAy’s FABLES. The Fables of Asop, with a Life of the Author. Embellished with 112 plates, by Grainger, Leney, Chapman, Audinet, Land- seer, and others, after Blake, Stothard and other artists. 2 vols.; Fables. By John Gay. With a Life of the Author. Embellished with seventy plates by Blake, Grainger, Skelton, Wilson and others. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, triple fillet gilt border on covers, gilt backs, gilt edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: John Stockdale, 1793 Tall and exceptionally fine copies of the original issue of Stockdale’s Grand Edi- tion, with brilliant impressions of the plates. 4. AINSWORTH (WILLIAM Harrison). The Writings of W. H. Ainsworth. With illustrations by George Crutkshank, Hablot K. Browne and others. 16 vols. half green polished calf, decorative gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, BY J. M. DENT. ~~ London: George Routledge and Sons, 1889 Best ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF AINSWORTH’S WORKS. CONTENTS Rookwood; Crichton; Jack Sheppard; Tower of London; Guy Fawkes; Old St. Paul's; Miser’s Daughter; Windsor Castle; Auriol; Lancashire Witches; Star Chamber; Flitch of Bacon; The Spendthrift; Mervyn Clitheroe; Ovingdean Grange; Boscobel. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 5. ALLEN (J. A.). The American Bisons, Living and Extinct. Wath 12 plates anda map. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge: University Press, 1876 Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. Vol. IV. No. 10. 6. Atvers (C. W.). Capri. With 62 full-page reproductions, some 7m colors. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. Munchen: Franz Hanfstaengl, 1892 7, ALPHABETS. Fry (Edmund). Pantographia, containing Accurate Copies of all the known Alphabets in the World, together with an English Explana- tion of the Peculiar Force or Power of each Letter, to which are added, specimens of all Well-Authenticated Oral Languages, forming a compre- hensive Digest of Phonology. 8vo, half calf, name on title. London, 1799 First Epition. A highly interesting work, containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world. 8. AMERICAN AcToR SERIES. Edited by Laurence Hutton. Wath full-page por- traits and illustrations. 6 vols. royal 4to, cloth backs, board sides, uncut, partly unopened. Boston, 1882 LARGE Papsr, limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. 77. CONTENTS The Jeffersons, by W. Winter; Charlotte Cushman, by C. E. Clement; Mrs. Duff, by J. N. Ireland; Edwin Forrest, by L. Barrett; Charles Albert Fechter, by Kate Field; The Elder and the Younger Booth, by A. B. Clarke. f g. AMERICAN AuTHORS. First Epitions. Harte (Bret). Openings in the Old Trail. 1902; WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). The Panorama and other Poems. 1856; The Tent on the Beach and other Poems. 1867; Home Ballads and Poems. 1860; Simms (WILLIAM GILMORE). Poems. 2 vols. 1853; ELDERKIN (JOHN) and BrouGHaM (JOoHN).—Editors. Lotus Leaves. 1875; Dana (RICHARD HENRY, JR.). To Cuba and Back. 1859; No NaME Series. A Masque of Poets. Contributions by Lowell and others. 1878; JaMES (HENRY). The Real Thing. 1893; AusTIN (ALFRED). The Season. 1861; [LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL).] A Fable for Critics. 1856; AvtpricH (THomas B.). Friar Jerome’s Beautiful Book. 1896; SMITH (F. Hopkinson). Colonel Carter of Cartersville. 1891; HowELLs (W. D.). My Literary Passions. 1895; Impressions and Experiences. 1896; Letters Home. 1903; [MircHELL (DonaLp GranT).] Fudge Doings. 2 vols. 1855; Fresh Gleanings. 1851; BURROUGHS (JOHN). Literary Values and other Papers. 1902; LonGrELLoOw (HENRY W.). The Divine Tragedy. 1871; SILL (EDWARD R.). Poems. [1887;] BUCHANAN (ROBERT). The Fleshly School of Poetry and other Phenomena of the Day. 1872; BoYESEN (H. H.). Literary and Social Silhouettes. 1894; MircHevi (S. W.). A Madeira Party. 1895; HotmEs (OLIVER WENDELL). The Holmes Birthday Book. [1889.] Many with portrait frontispiece. Together, 27 vols. 8vo and 12mo cloth. Various places, various dates 10. AMERICAN IMMORTALS (THE). The Record of Men who by their achievements in Statecraft, War, Science, Literature, Art, Law and Commerce have created the American Republic and whose names are inscribed in the Hall of Fame. By George Cary Eggleston. With numerous full-page [Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 10. AMERICAN IMMORTALS.—Continued] portraits on India paper, after Peale, Duplessis, Stuart, Johnson, Inman, and other noted artists. Imperial 8vo, vellum, ornamental center and border design in gilt on front cover, gilt back and top, uncut, binding soiled. New York [1901] Of this Special Limited Edition, with proofs of the plates on India paper, there have been printed 150 copies, of which this is, No. 54. 11. AMERICAN NeEwspaPers. Bucyrus Journal, Bucyrus, Ohio. D. R. Locke, publisher. 1853, January 6th to December 15th; 1856, March 2oth to December 27th; 1857, January 8th to December 31st; 1858, January Ist to December 24th; 1859, January Ist to December 31st; 1850, January 7th to December 28th; 1861, January 3rd to November 16th. A consecutive run from 1856 to 1861 (with the exception of 30 numbers which are lacking) of this newspaper; the volume for 1853 lacks 2 numbers. Bound in 4 vols. large folio, half sheep, binding worn. 12. AMERICAN NEwspaPERS. Daily Toledo Blade, Toledo, Ohio. D. R. Locke and J. P. Jones, publishers. 1866, July 2nd to December 31st; 1868, Janu- ary Ist to December 24th; 1869, January Ist to December 31st; 1870, January 3rd to December 31st; 1871, January 3rd to December 30th; 1872, January 2nd to December 31st; 1873, July 1st to December 31st; 1874, January 2nd to June 30th. A consecutive run from 1868 to 1873 (with the exception of 19 numbers which are lacking) of this newspaper. The volume for 1855 lacks 2 numbers. Bound in 13 vols. large folio, half sheep, bindings worn. . 13. AMERICAN NEwsPaAPERS. Hancock Jeffersonian, Findlay, Ohio. D. R. Locke, publisher. December 13, 1861 to July 4, 1862; July 11, 1862 to June 26, 1863; July 3, 1863 to May 20, 1864; May 27, 1864 to September 16, 1864. A consecutive run (with the exception of four numbers which are lacking) of this weekly newspaper; BELLEFONTAINE REPUBLICAN, Bellefontaine, Ohio. D. R. Locke, publisher. September 16, 1864 to January 20, 1865 (consecutive run); MANSFIELD HERALD, Mansfield, Ohio. Brinkerhoff & Co. publishers. October 31st to November 28th, 1855. Two numbers; FOUNTAIN OF TEMPERANCE, Corning, New York. David R. Locke & Co., ublishers. November 15th and December Ist, 1850. Two numbers. ound in 2 vols. large folio, half sheep, bindings worn. 14. AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. Plymouth Advertiser, Plymouth, Ohio. Robinson and Locke, publishers. October 22, 1853 to October 5, 1855. A consecutive run (with the exception of four numbers, which are lacking) of this news- paper. Bound in 2 vols. large folio, half sheep, bindings worn. 15. AMERICANA. ANDRE’S JOURNAL: an Authentic Record of the Movements and Engagements of the British Army in America from June, 1777, to Novem- ber, 1778, as recorded from day to day, by Major John André. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Wuth 2 portraits of André, one etched by Bicknell, proof on India paper, the other engraved on wood by Hopson, proof on Japanese paper, both signed; title 1n two states, one in vellum, the other on India paper, and 44 facsimile reproductions of original maps, and plans drawn by Major André. 2 vols. royal 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1903 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 487 copies. Specimen pages laid in. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 16. a7: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. at. AMERICANA. ARNOLD’s TREASON. The Varick Court Inquiry to Investigate the Implication of Colonel Varick (Arnold’s Private Secretary) in the Arnold Treason. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart. Hiéched portrait on Japanese paper, by Bicknell, and facsimiles of autographs. Royal 8vo, pig skin, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1907 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 470 copies. Contains the entire proceedings of a Court of Inquiry appointed by General Washington, and copies of letters from Colonel Varick and General Arnold to Major André, Washing- ton and others. AMERICANA. BARNES (JAMES). Naval Actions of the War of 1812. 1896; SuTRo (THEODORE). Thirteen Chapters of American History. Represented by the Edward Moran Series of Thirteen Historical Marine Paintings. 1905. Both illustrated. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Various places, 1896-1905 AMERICANA. Byrp (WILLIAM). The Writings of “Colonel William Byrd of Westover in Virginia Esqr.” Edited by John Spencer Bassett. With full- page portrait and illustrations. Royal 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. New York, 1901 Edition limited to 500 copies on specially made paper, printed at the De Vinne Press, of which this is, No. 115. AMERICANA. CALIFORNIA. Faulkner (T. A.). From the Ball-Room to Hell. Square 12mo, printed wrapper, front wrapper loose and part of same missing. Los Angeles, California: 1893 Relates to the under-world of Los Angeles. AMERICANA, CALIFORNIA. The “Heathen Chinee” at Home and Abroad Who He is, What He Looks Like, How He Works and Lives, His Virtues Vices and Crimes. A Complete Panorama of the Chinese in America By an Old Californian. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 83, half midnight-blue morocco gilt top, BY F. P. HATHAWAY. New York [1882] RARE ITEM ON THE CHINESE OF CALIFORNIA, with notices of the “Highbinders,” opium dens, criminals, etc. Nearly 70 pages are devoted to California. AMERICANA. CHENEY (JoHN VANCE—Editor). Travels of John Davis in the United States of America 1798 to 1802. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, vellum backs, uncut and unopened. Boston: Printed Privately and offered for Subscription only to Members of the Bibliophile Society, 1910 Printed on Van Gelder paper. AmErICANA. COOK (JoEL). America, Picturesque and Descriptive. Numer- ous views, all on India paper. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, partly unopened, with cloth protecting wrappers. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates & Co., 1900 LARGE PapPEr, limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 16. AMERICANA. Coxe (DANIEL). A Description of the English Province of Caralana [sic]. By the Spaniards call’d F lorida, and by the French, La Louisiane [sic]. With a large and curious Preface, demonstrating the Right of the English to that Country, and the unjust Manner of the [Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 23. AMERICANA.—Continued] 24. 25, 26. 27, 28. French usurping of it; their prodigious Increase there, &c., and the inevi- table Danger our other Colonies on the Continent will be exposed to, if not timely prevented; interspersed with many useful Hints, in Regard to our Plantations in General. Facsimile of folding map (lacks the original map) 8vo, three-quarters red crushed morocco, gilt fillet border of covers, gilt back, gilt edges, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. , [London:] Oliver Payne, 1741 AMERICANA. THE CHRONICLES OF AMERICA SERIES. Allen Johnson, Editor. Gerhard R. Lomer, and Charles W. Jefferys, Assistant Editors. J/lustrated with maps and numerous wood engravings. Together, 50 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919 ABRAHAM LINCOLN EDITION. CONTENTS The Red Man’s Continent, by Huntington; Spanish Conquerors, by Richman; Elizabethan Sea-Dogs, by Wood; Crusaders of New France, by Munro; Pioneers of the Old South, by Johnston; Fathers of New England, by Andrews; Dutch and English on-the Hudson, by Goodwin; Quaker Colonies, by Fisher; Colonial Folkways, by Andrews; Conquest of New France, by Wrong; Eve of the Revolution, by Becker; Washington and his Colleagues, by Ford; Hispanic Nations of the New World, by Shepherd; and others. AMERICANA. Forp (PAuL LEICESTER—Editor). Monographs of the Ameri- can Revolution: Thomas Jefferson. Etched portrait of Jefferson by W. HH. W. Bicknell, signed by the etcher; also photogravure of Jefferson, after the portrait by Gilbert Stuart; accompanying each ts a proof of the defaced plate. Folio, vellum wrappers, uncut, top edge unopened. Boston: Published for Subscribers only [1904] PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM. AMERICANA. [FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN).] An Historical Review of the Consti- tution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its Origin. Founded on authentic Documents. 8vo, old calf, binding broken. London: Printed for R. Griffiths, 1759 RARE First EDITION. On the fly-leaf is written in ink in contemporary hand,—From the Author [Mr. Franklin] to Dr. Robertson. AMERICANA. GRANT (Mrs. ANNE). Memoirs of an American Lady. With Sketches of Manners and Scenes in America as they existed previous to the Revolution. With Unpublished Letters and a Memoir of Mrs. Grant by James Grant Wilson. 2 portraits of Anne Grant, on India paper, and other full-page illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum, gilt center ornament on front covers, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., I901 LARGE PAPER. No. 60 of 350 copies printed. AMERICANA. HaxiuytT (RicHARD). The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Natiion, Made by Sea or Over- land to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any time Within the compasse of these 1600 Years. Facsimules of portraits, maps, charts, etc. 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1903-1905 SCARCE AND OUT OF PRINT. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 20. 30. Rae 33. AMERICANA. HANGER (Cot. GEORGE). The Life, Adventures, and Opinions of Col. George Hanger. Written by Himself. With engraved portratt of Col. Hanger, with cocked hat and sword, suspended on a gibbet. 2 vols. 8vo, con- temporary tree calf, leather labels. London, 1801 CHOICE Copy OF THE ORIGINAL EpiTI0n. Colonel Hanger, who was a boon com- panion of George IV, served throughout the American Revolution. His work con- tains particulars relative to his adventures in America during the War, and a singu- larly accurate prophecy regarding the Northern and Southern States, “who will one of these days fight as vigorously against each other as they both have united to do against Great Britain.” AMERICANA. HANGER (Cot. GEorGE). Life, Adventures, and Opinions. Written by Himself. Portrait of Hanger with cocked hat and sword, sus- pended on a gibbet. 2 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides; gilt panelled backs with ornamental designs in gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE AND SON. London, 1801 A CHOICE Copy. ‘ Compiled from Captain Hanger’s papers, by William Combe, and contains Hang- er’s accurate prophecy relative to the Civil War in America. AMERICANA. HECKEWELDER (JOHN). A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethern Among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its commencement in the year 1740 to the close of the year 1808. Edited by William Elsey Connelly. Portraits, facsimiles of MSS., and maps. 4to, half pig-skin, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: Burroughs Brothers Co., 1907 LARGE PapER, limited to 160 copies, of which this is, No. 44. _ AMERICANA. HENNEPIN (FATHER Louis). A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. Reprinted from the second London issue of 1698, and the addition of Introduction, Notes, and Index, by Reuben Gold Thwaites. With facsimiles of original title-pages, maps, and illustrations on Japan paper. 2 vols. square 8vo, half vellum, gilt lettering on backs, uncut and unopened. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1903 LARGE PAPER, edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 12. AmerIcANA. Hinton (JoHn H.). The History and Topography of the United States by John Howard Hinton. Engraved portrait of Washington, and engraved views, map, and engraved titles. 2 vols. 4to, calf, bindings worn, one leaf torn. Boston, no date The views are illustrations of many of the principal places in the United States. _ AMERICANA. INDIANS OF NortH AMERICA. The North American Indian. Being a series of volumes picturing and describing the Indians of the United States and Alaska. Written, illustrated, and published by Edward S. Curtis. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. Foreword by Theodore Roosevelt. Field research conducted under the Patronage of J. Pierpont Morgan. Each volume extensively illustrated with full-page photogravure plates on Japanese tissue paper, and accompanied by its SEPARATE PorT- FOLIO OF PLATES consisting of enlarged photogravure plates (400 in all) on Japanese tissue paper. Volumes I to 11. 11 vols. 4to, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt fillet sides, gilt tops, uncut; and 11 half levant portfolios to match the bound volumes of text. Together, 22 vols. New York, [Printed at the University Press, Cambridge,] 1907-1916 NOTICE: It 1s AssuMED THAT THE PURCHASER OF THIS SET AGREES TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REMAINING UNPUBLISHED VOLUMES. A SumptTuous PUBLICATION. Limited to 500 sets, of which this is, No. 361. [ Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 34. AMERICANA.—Continued] The following is an outline of the work as it will be when completed, taken from the “prospectus” sent to subscribers of the same. “The publication will consist of twenty volumes of text, and bound with the text of each volume will be seventy-five of the same pictures, each one of these being a full page photogravure. Several of these photogravures in each volume will be hand- colored plates of ceremonial subjects. “The volume in size is a page 914x 1244; 350 or more pages in each volume. The best quality of imported hand-made paper is used; one selected particularly for its lasting qualities. “As a supplement to the twenty volumes there will be twenty portfolios, each con- taining thirty-six of the large pictures, 12x16, or in the complete set there will be seven hundred and twenty of the large pictures and fifteen hundred of the small, making a grand total of twenty-two hundred and twenty, these also to be the very pete peeteerewure work. Every care has been taken to make the book as good as can e made. “It is understood that the total edition printed from these plates will be limited to five hundred, this number covering both the United States and Europe.” The total subscription price for the complete set is $3,850.00, “payable in install- ments of One Hundred Ninety-two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($192.50) for each volume of text with supplement folios as same may be delivered.” The following excerpts are taken from the Introduction to the work: “The task of recording the descriptive material embodied in these volumes, and of preparing the photographs which accompany them, had its inception in 1898. Since that time, during each year, months of arduous labor have been spent in accumulating the data necessary to form a comprehensive and permanent record of all the impor- tant tribes of the United States and Alaska that still retain to a considerable degree their primitive customs and traditions. . . “It has been the aim to picture all features of the Indian life and environment— types of the young and the old, with their habitations, industries, ceremonies, games and everyday customs. Rather than being designed for mere embellishment the photographs are each an illustration of an Indian character or of some vital phase in his existence. Yet the fact that the Indian and his surroundings lend themselves to artistic treatment has not been lost sight of. . . Therefore, being directly from nature, the accompanying pictures show what actually exists or has recently existed : not what the artist in his studio may presume the Indian and his surround- ings to be. “The task has not been an easy one, for, although lightened at times by the readi- - ness of the Indians to impart their knowledge, it more often required days and weeks of patient endeavor before my assistants and I succeeded in overcoming the deep- ona superstition, conservatism, and secretiveness so characteristic of primitive people. 2 “In treating the various tribes it has been deemed advisable that a geographical rather than an ethnological grouping be presented, but without losing sight of tribal relationships, however remote the cognate tribes may be one from another. “In the spelling of the native terms throughout the text, as well as in the brief vocabularies appended to each volume, the simplest form possible, consistent with approximate accuracy, has been adopted. . .” Of the many reviews relative to this work, the following excerpts are taken from an article by Wm. Curtis Farabee, appearing in the “American Anthropologist,” Vol. 13, No. 4, October-December, IQII: “Mr. Curtis has been well known for a number of years as a photographer of Indian life. His exhibitions held in many of our large cities have been a surprise and a delight to photographers and artists alike. His pictures appeal to the artist and lay- man because they represent the side of the Indian which is close to nature. “Mr. Curtis has been very successful in reaching the mind of the Indian and in presenting it to his readers. No doubt much of the charm of his stories comes from the fact that they have been written in tent, cabin, and camp, in the very atmosphere of the simple primitive life they describe. . . “The greatest value of the work is in its wealth of illustrations. . . No praise could well be an exaggeration of these photographs; they are admirable in every particular and must be seen to be appreciated. The portraits are particularly notable. ee Every photograph is an illustration of an Indian character or some phase of his existance. . . The importance of the work cannot be overestimated, because the Indian is fast losing his typical character. . . “The author is succeeding admirably in his endeavor to ‘make the work one which in fact cannot be questioned by the specialist, but at the same time will be of greatest interest to the historian, the sculptor, the painter, the dramatist and the fiction wri- ter, as well as to the ethnologist.’ ” [ Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 34. AMERICANA.—Continued] 35 37 38 Among the many complimentary letters received by the author from persons of note, the following is an excerpt from one by the late Theodore Roosevelt: “THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, December 16, 1905. “My Dear Mr. Curtis: : “I regard the work you have done as one of the most valuable works any American could now do. Your photographs stand by themselves, both in their wonderful artis- tic merit and in their value as historical documents. I know of no others which begin to approach them in either respect. You are now making a record of the lives of the Indians of our country, which in another decade cannot be made at all, and which it would be the greatest misfortune, from the standpoint alike of the ethnologist and the historian, to leave unmade. . . The publication of the proposed volumes and folios, dealing with every phase of Indian life among the tribes yet in a primitive condition, would be a monument to American constructive scholarship and research of a value unparalleled.” The volume now offered comprise all that have as yet been published, and include the following, each with its folio volume of plates: Volume 1—Apache, Jicarillas, Navaho. Volume 2—Pima Papago, Oahatika Mohave, Yuma Maricopa, Walapai Hava- supai, Apache-Mohave. Volume 3—Teton Sious, Yanktonai, Assiniboin. Volume 4—Epsaroke, Hidatsa. . Volume 5—Mandan, Arikara, Atsina. Volume 6—Piegan, Cheyenne, Arapaho. Volume 7—Yakima, Klickitat, Interior Salish, Kutenai. Volume 8—Nez Percés, Wallawalla, Umatilla, Cayuse, Chinookan Tribes. Volume 9—Salishan Tribes of the Coast, Chimakum, Quilliute, Willapa. Volume 1ro—The Kwakiuti. Volume 11—Nootka Haida. : . AMERICANA. JEFFERSON (THOMAS) AND DuNnBAR (WILLIAM). Documents Relating to the Purchase and Exploration of Louisiana. Printed from the ~ original manuscripts in the Library of the American Philosophical Society and by Direction of the Society’s Committee on Historical Documents. 1904. Only 550 copies printed; SAILORS NARRATIVES of Voyages along the New England Coast, 1524-1624. With Notes by George Parker Winship of the John Carter Brown Library. 1905. Only 440 copies printed. To- gether, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston and New York, 1904-1905 . AMERICANA. JONES (JOHN PavL). Letters of John Paul Jones. Printed from the unpublished originals. With Introductory remarks by General Horace Porter and Franklin B. Sanborn. Portrait and facsimile of an autograph letter by Jones. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Boston, 1905 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited, printed on Japanese paper. ._ AMERICANA. JUAN (DON GEORGE) AND ULLOA (DON ANTOINE DE). Voyage Historique de l’Amérique Meridionale fait par Ordre du Roi d’Espagne. — Ouvrage orné de figures, plans et cartes necessaires. Et qui contient une Histoire des Yncas du Perou. Engraved frontispieces, and 54 full-page maps and plates; also vignettes on title-pages and head-pieces. 2 vols. 4to, full mottled calf, gilt. A Amsterdam et a Leipzig, chez Arkstee et Merkus, 1752 _ AMERICANA. LEE (Guy CARLETON—Editor). T he History of North America. By Alfred Brittain, in Conference with George Edward Reed. Profusely illustrated, some on Japan paper, and include portraits, maps, facsimile title-pages, facsimile MSS..,etc., some of the portraits and maps colored. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed for Subscribers only by George Barrie & Sons [1903] EDITORIAL EDITION. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 39. AMERICANA. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Lincoln Letters [from the originals in the collection of William K. Bixby]. Facsimiles. 4to, half vellum, on leaf mis- : placed. [Boston, 1913] BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited, printed on Japanese paper. 40. AMERICANA. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Laughlin (Clara E.). The Death of Lincoln. 1909; CARR (CLARK E.). Lincoln at Gettysburg, an Address. 1906; GREELEY (HORACE) AND CLEVELAND (JOHN F.). A Political Text- Book for 1860. 1860; CUSHMAN (CHARLES R.). Memorial Addresses De- livered Before the Two Houses of Congress on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley. 1903; DRINK- WATER (JoHN). Abraham Lincoln, a Play. [1919]; ANDREWS (Mary R.S.), The Perfect Tribute. 1907; ABRAHAM LINCOLN, His Book. A Facsimile Reproduction of the Original with an Explanatory Notes by J. McCan Davis. 1901. Together, 7 vols. royal 4to, and 8vo, cloth and calf. Various places, various dates 41. AMERICANA. LossING (BENSON J.). The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revo- lution. 2 vols. New York, 1860. The Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812. New York, 1869; Washington and the American Republic. 3 vols. Philadelphia, undated. Extensively illustrated with full-page engravings and text tllustrations. Together, 6 vols. royal 8vo, half dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York and Philadelphia, 1860, 1869, undated FINE Copies of these important historical works. 42. AMERICANA. MCKENNEY (THomAs L.) AND HALL (JAMEs). History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Embellished with 120 portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Depariment of War, at Washington, beautifully printed in colors, by J. T. Bowen. 3 vols. royal 8vo, full brown embossed morocco, ) gilt backs, gilt edges, bindings slightly rubbed. Philadelphia: Rice and Hart, 1854 Plates and text in good condition, a copy above the average. 43. AMERICANA. MATHER (Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Ec- clesiastical History of New-England, from Its First Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In Seven Books. . . Folding map (not the original). Small folio, old calf, gilt and blind tooled, breaking at joints, new gilt-lettered labels on back, upper margin of main title-page restored. London: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst. . .1702 First Epition. The original map is lacking, and inserted in its place is,—“A Map of New England, New York, New Jersey and Pensilvania By H. Moll Geographer . . . 1790.” The lower portion of the figure “9” has been erased, so that the date appears as “1700.” This map is from Bowles’s Atlas Minor, London [1790?]. This copy contains the two leaves of, —“Books Printed for Tho Parkhurst . ; the leaf beginning,—“Richard Baxter’s Catholick Theology. ” being placed after the Altestation, at beginning of volume, the other leaf, beginning,—“Discourses and Sermons. . .” at the end of the volume. The two leaves of Mather’s Errata are not present. With bookplate of Thomas Westwood. » 44. Americana. [Montanus (ARNoLDuS).] Die Unbekante Neue Welt, oder Beschreibung des Weltteils Amerika, und des Sud-Landes. . . Wie auch [ Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 44. AMERICANA.—Continued] 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. von derselben Festen Landern, Inseln, Stadten, Festungen, Darfern, Durch Dr. O. D{apper.] With engraved and printed titles, and 115 (should be 124) folded views, maps, and numerous large plates, including a view of New Amsterdam. Thick small folio, vellum, binding rubbed. Amsterdam: Jacob von Meurs, 1673 First EDITION OF THE GERMAN TRANSLATION. Devoted mainly to Mexico, Peru, and Brazil, though with chapters on New York, Virginia, California, etc. There are many fine plates of Indian life, and maps of North and South America, and Mexico. AMERICANA. NARRATIVES OF THE DISCOVERERS OF AMERICA. Facsimile Re- prints, with English Translations, of the Original Editions of, —[COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER).] The Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America. Second Edition. New York, 1893; The Spanish Letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant’ Angel, dated 15 February, 1493; The Latin Letter of Colum- bus printed in 1493 and announcing the Discovery of America; VESPUCCI (A.). The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. With map and fac- simile of drawing by Stradanus; Hariot (THomAS).. Narrative of the First English Plantation of Virginia. First printed in London in 1588, now re- produced after De Bry’s illustrated edition printed at Frankfort in 1590, the illustrations having been designed in Virginia in 1585 by John White. Together, 5 vols. 12mo and small 4to, wrappers, mainly uncut. New York and London, 1893 AMERICANA. OnI0. The Biographical Cyclopaedia and Portrait Gallery with an Historical Sketch of the State of Ohio. Extensively illustrated with numerous fine full-page steel engraved portraits. 6 vols. 4to, embossed leather, gilt lettering on backs and sides, gilt edges. Cincinnati, 1894-1895 AMERICANA. OuntI0. The Book of Ohio, and its Centennial, or One Hundred Years of the Buckeye State. An Art and Historical Work of Ohio, illus- trating the Development of her Resources, Institutions and Industries. With nearly 2,000 illustrations mainly in the text, some full-page plates in colors. 4 vols. folio, full midnight-blue morocco, gilt, gilt edges, name “Robinson Locke” in gilt on front covers. Toledo [1901] EDITION DE LUXE of the CENTENNIAL EDITION, limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. 1, alloted to Robinson Locke. AMERICANA. OHIO. The Book 6f Ohio. Another copy of the preceding in parts. With nearly 2,000 illustrations mainly m the text, some full page plates in colors. 24 parts, wrappers. Toledo [1901] CENTENNIAL EDITION. AMERICANA. OHIO. The Constitution of the State of Ohio, Passed in Con- vention, March 1oth, 1851; Adopted by the Vote of the People, June 17, Took Effect, September 1, 1851. 8vo, cloth, roan back. Columbus, 1852 Interleaved copy, with 44 autograph signatures and addresses of representatives of the Counties of Ohio, including those of, —R. Wood, Governor of Ohio; cand W. Me- dill, Lt.-Governor of Ohio. AmerICANA. [PAINE (THoMAS).] The American Crisis. By the Author of Common Sense. Number r. pp. 8. N.p.n.d.; Number II. pp. 9 to 24, dated Philadelphia, January 13, 1777. Addressed to Lord Howe. 12mo, unbound, each leaf inlaid to 8vo size. [Philadelphia, 1777] ORIGINAL ISSUE OF THIS CELEBRATED WORK. 51. 52. 53: 3S: First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th AMERICANA. PAULLIN (CHARLES O.—Editor). The Battle of Lake Erie. A Collection of Documents, chiefly by Commodore Perry, including the Court-Martial of Commander Barclay and the Court of Enquiry on Cap- tain Elliott. Edited, with Introduction, Annotations, Bibliography and Analytical Index by Charles Oscar Paullin. Portraits, map, and facsimile broadside. 8vo, half cloth, uncut, paper label. Cleveland: Rowfant Club, 1918 One of 150 copies printed. AMERICANA. RANDALL (E. O.) AND RYAN (D. J.). History of Ohio, the Rise and Progress of an American State. Profusely illustrated with portraits, maps and views, some on Japanese paper. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half leather, with State coat-of-arms in gilt on front covers, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Century History Company, 1912 AMERICANA. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). The Winning of the West. Exten- sively illustrated with portraits and views, most of the portraits being on Japan- ese paper, rubricated title-pages. 4 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900 ALLEGHANY EDITION. CONVENTION Copy, commemorating the Republican Na- tional Convention held in Philadelphia, June, 1900, expressly prepared for Hon. Robinson Locke, Delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1900. AMERICANA. WALTON (WILLIAM). The Army and Navy of the United States from the Period of the Revolution to the Present Day. A Record of the Formation, Organization, and General Equipment of the Land and Naval Forces of the Republic. By William Walton, Colonel Asa Bird Gardiner and Commander H. C. Taylor, Assistant Editors. With the Official Ap- proval of the War, Navy and State Departments. Extensively illustrated with full-page plates reproduced in the exact colors of the original paintings, and many hundred illustrations throughout text, all on Japanese paper. 2 vols. folio, morocco, front covers with gilt corner ornaments and monogram RL, white morocco labels in center with floral design and title in gilt letters, gilt backs, wide inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: George Barrie [1889-1896] - ae DE Luxe, of which this is, No. 870. Subscribed for by Mr. Robinson ockKe. 56. AMERICANA. WILEY (EDWIN) AND RINEs (IRVING E.). The United States. Its Beginnings, Progress and Modern Development. With Index. Wath numer- ous portraits, maps, and other illustrations, many plates, tncluding the frontis- pieces, being in colors. 11 vols. royal 8vo, undressed calf, sides with blind- tooled panel borders and large center ornaments in gilt, the front covers having the Great Seal of the United States, and the back covers a sheaf of grain; doublures and end-leaves of dark red paper covered with the seals of the different States, in gilt; gilt edges. Washington, D. C.: American Educational Alliance [1912-1913] SprcIAL OHIO EDITON OF THE DE LUXE SERIES of this work, of which this is set No. 52, issued to Robinson Locke. 57. AMERICANA. Toledo, Ohio. Art Work of Toledo. 1895; Toledo Illustrated. 1888; Art Work of Toledo. 9 parts in wrappers, enclosed in cloth portfolio. 1901. Together, 3 vols. royal 4to, cloth and half morocco. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 58. AMERICANA. CopMAN (JOHN). Arnold's Expedition to Quebec. 1902; KNAPP 59: 60. 61. 62. 63. (H.S.). History of the Maumee Valley Commencing with its Occupations by the French in 1680. 1877; MCAFREE (ROBERT B.). History of the Late War in the Western Country. [1919]; DEWARVILLE (J. P. B.). New Travels in the United States of America. [1919]; SLocum (C. E.). History of the Maumee River Basin. [1905.] Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth and sheep. AMERICANA. GRANT (W.L—Editor). Voyages of Samuel de Champlain 1604-1618. 1907; Davis (W. T—Editor). Bradford’s History of Plymouth Plantation 1606-1646. 1908; TyLER (L. G—Editor). Narratives of Early Virginia. 1907; LEwIs AND CLARK (CapraINs). History of the Expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark 1804-5-6. With Introduction and Index by James K. Hosmer. Reprinted from the Edition of 1814. 2 vols. 1902; JAMES (GEORGE W.). In and Out of the Old Missions of California. 1905. All illustrated. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. AMERICANA. DAvIs (JEFFERSON). The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Gov- ernment. 2 vols, 1881; SHERMAN (JOHN). Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 2 vols. 1895; JOHNSTON (JOSEPH E..}, Narrative of Military Operations. 1874; LoGaN (Mrs. JOHN A.). Reminis- cences of a Soldier’s Wife, an Autobiography. 1913; JOHNSON (W. F.). Life of Wm T. Sherman. 1891; McELroy (Joun). Andersonville, a Story of Rebel Military Prisons. 1879; and others. Some illustrated. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth and sheep. AMERICANA. SCRIBNER (HARVEY—Editor in Chief). Memoirs of Lucas County and the City of Toledo. 2 vols. 1910; Portrait and Biographical Record of City of Toledo and Lucas and Wood Counties, Ohio. 1895; ILLUSTRATED HistoricaL AtLAs of Lucas County and Part of Wood, Ohio. 1875; WAGGONER (CLARK—Editor). History of the City of Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio. 1888; DoyLE (Joun H.). A Story of Early Toledo- [1919]; SoLDIERS’ MEMORIAL BUILDING, Toledo, Ohio. 1886. Some illustrated. 4 vols. half morocco, 1 vol. full morocco, 2 vols. cloth. Together, 7 vols. folio and 4to. AMERICANA. MATTHEWS (BRANDER). Vignettes of Manhattan. 1894; HASWELL (CHARLES H.). Reminiscences of an Octogenarian of the City of New York. 1896; CAMPBELL (Mrs. H.). Darkness and Daylight, or Lights and Sha- dows of New York Life. 1891; Brown (HENRY CoLtins). New York of Today. 1917; ELDERKIN (JoHN). A Brief History of the Lotus Club. [1895]; Onro SocreTy or New York. Constitution and By-Laws. 1918, 1919; KNICKERBOCKER GALLERY (THE). Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine from its Contributors. 1855. All illustrated. To- gether, 8 vols. 12mo. and 8vo, cloth and leather. AMERICANA. FISKE (FRANK S.—Editor). The Mississippi Bubble, a Memoir of John Law. 1864; Nicotini (G. B.). History of the Jesuits. 1853; Knapp (H.S.). History of the Maumee Valley. 1877; REMINGTON (FREDERIC). Men with the Bark On. 1900; McCaves (W. F.). The Aaron Burr Conspiracy. 1903; WoopworTH (FRANcIs C.). The Young Ameri- can’s Life of Fremont. 1856; DoyLE (Joun H.). A Story of Early Toledo. [Continued & First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 63. AMERICANA.—Continued] Twocopies. [1919]; THEATRICAL APPRENTICESHIP (THE) and Anecdotical Recollections of Sol. Smith. Philadelphia, 1846. Together, 9 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth andl calf. 64. AMERICANA. SMITH (JOHN). The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith. 2 vols. 1819; MATHER (INCREASE). The Won- ders of the Invisible World. 1862; McCa.Les (W. F.). The Aaron Burr Conspiracy. 1903; PENN (WILLIAM). Some Fruits of Solitude in Reflec- tions and Maxims. With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse. 1911; BAR- BER (J. W.). History and Antiquities of New Haven (Conn.). 1831; Con- QUERORS OF THE NEW WoRLD (THE) and their Bondsmen, being a Narrative of the Principal Events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and eer 2 vols. 1848; and others. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and calf. 65. AMERICANA. MUNSTERBERG (HuGo). The Americans. 1904; SEMMES (JOHN E.). John H. B. Latrobe and his Times, 1803-1891. 1918; PoND (Major J. P.). Eccentricities of Genius. [1900]; KiTrTREDGE (H. E.). Ingersoll, a Biographical Appreciation. 1916; FARNHAM (C.H.). A Life of Francis Parkman. 1900; HARRISON (GABRIEL). John Howard Payne. 1885; ScCHOULER (JAMES). Thomas Jefferson. 1893; TUCKERMAN (BAYARD). Peter Stuyvesant. 1893; and others. Some illustrated. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, cloth. 66. AMERICANA. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). The True Travels, Adventures and Ob- servations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Full-page and folding plates. 2 vols. in one. Richmond, 1819; CLARKSON (Tuomas). A Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 vols. 1806; Carson (H. L.). The Supreme Court. 1891; Botta (CHARLES). History of the War of the Independence of the United Statesof America. Iilustrated. 2 vols. No date; Moore (J. B.). American Diplomacy. 1905; DovyLE (J.H.). A Story of Early Toledo. 2 copies. No date; CooLmpGE (CaALvin). Have Faith in Massachusetts. [1919;] GuITTEAU (WriLLIAM R.). Our United States. [1919.] Author's autographed presentation copy, with inscription; MENCKEN (H. L.) and Natuan (G.J.). The American Credo. 1920; and others. Together, 18 vols. 8vo and 4to, cloth and old calf. 67. AMERICANA. BowMaN (IsataH). The Andes of Southern Peru. 1916; FLATEY Book (THE), and Recently Discovered Vatican Manuscripts Concerning America as Early as the Tenth Century. 1908; HuGHEs (GEorRGE M.— Editor). The Industries of Toledo. 1888; FREMONT (CHARLES). Memoirs of My Life. With a Sketch of the Life of Senator Benton. By Jessie B. Fre- mont. 9 parts (should be 10, lacks Part 3). Accompanying this item are 14 proof illustrations. [18863] and some pamphlets. 2 vols. cloth, 1 vol. morocco, 18 pamphlets. Together, 21 pieces. Bindings worn. 68. AMERICANA. SKINNER (CHARLES M.). Myths and Legends of Our Own Land. 2 vols. 1896; BERNARD (JOHN). Retrospections of America, 1797-1811. 1887; WINTER (WiLL1AM—Editor). Life, Stories and Poems of John Brougham. 1881; RoosEvELT (THEODORE). African and European Ad- dressed. 1910; PRENTICE (GEORGE D.). Biography of Henry Clay. 1831; Ritey (James). An Authentic Narrative of the Loss of the American Brig [ Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 68. AMERICANA.—Continued| Commerce. 1843; PatngE (THomAs). A Letter to George Washington on the Subject of the late Treaty. 1797; UNDERWoop (FRANCIs H.). The Poet and the Man. Recollections and Appreciations of James Russell Lowell. 1893; HAWTHORNE (JULIAN). Hawthorne Reading. 1902. Only 140 copies printed; Dartinc (Mrs. F. A.). Memories of Virginia. [1907]; and others. Together, 23 vols. 8vo and 12mo, various bindings. 69. ANATOMICAL PLATES. CowPER (WILLIAM). The Anatomy of Humane Bodies. With engraved title-page and vignette on regular title, and 111 full-page copper- plate engravings (should be 114). First Eprtion. Folio, old sheep, worn. Oxford, 1698 70, ANCIENT MytTHoLocy. Bryant (JAcos). A New System, or, An Analysis of Ancient Mythology. [Including a History of the most Ancient Nations.] Second Edition. With many full-page engraved plates, including the Marl- borough Gem, engraved by Sherwin. 3 vols. 4to, calf, leather labels, weak at hinges. ; London, 1775-1776 With bookplate of Charles Henry Cox in each volume. : 71. ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND. STRUTT (JosEPpH). The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England: containing the Representations of All the English Monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth; and of Many Persons that were Eminent under their Several Reigns. On Sixty Copper — Plates, engraved by the author, with a Supplement containing Twelve Plates. 72 plates in colors. The Whole carefully Collected from Ancient Illuminated Manuscripts. A New and Improved Edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by J. R. Planché. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, binding slightly rubbed. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1842 72. APPLETON SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY: Comprising,—The Evolution of Man, by Haeckel. 2 vols.; Evolution, by Le Conte; Education as a Science, by Bain; Man and the Glacial Period, by Wright; History of Education, by Painter; The Ancient Life-History of the Earth, by Nicholson; Life and Growth of Language, by Whitney; Religion and Science, by Draper; The Microscope, by Gosse; Other Worlds than Ours, by Proctor; Responsibility in Mental Disease, by Maudsley; The Sun, by Young; Educational Re- formers, by Quick; and, Descent and Darwinism, by Schmidt. Some dllustra- tions. Together, 15 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1895-1896 73. Aquatint Views. DANIELL (THOMAS AND WILLIAM). Oriental Scenery. Six Parts. Containing (144) views of the Architecture, Antiquities, and Landscape Scenery of Hindoostan. 144 aquatint views and plans, and en- graved titles. The six parts in 3 vols. small folio, half roan, some edges uncut, bindings slightly rubbed. London: Printed for-Thomas and William Daniell, 1812-1816 FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, which are reduced from their folio size and carefully copied under direction of the authors. With inscription on engraved titles of Parts 3 and 5,—“Major General Welsh. 1840. To his dear niece Fanny Shaw.” Welsh, an English general served in India. 74. ARABIAN Nicuts. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original [ Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 74. ARABIAN NiGHTS.—Continued]| Arabic, by John Payne. 9 vols.; Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night not occurring in the other Printed Texts of the Work, now First Done into English by John Payne. 3 vols.; Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein Ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done into English from the recently discovered Arabic Text by John Payne. Together, 13 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, backs slightly faded. London: Printed for Subscribers Only, 1884-1889 Limited edition. 744. ARCHITECTURE. STURGIS (RUSSELL) AND FROTHINGHAM (A.L.). History of 75: 76. 77: 78. Architecture. Extensively illustrated. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York and Garden City, 1906-1915 Ariosto (Lopovico). Harington (John—Translator). Orlando Fvrioso In English Heroical Verse. Now thirdly revised and amended with the Addition of the Authors Epigrams. 1634; [Second Title.] The Most Ele- gant and Wittie Epigrams of Sir Iohn Harington, Knight, Digested into Foure Bookes. 1633. With engraved title-page, with Ariosto’s portrait at the top, and Harington’s portrait at the bottom, by Cockson; and 46 copper-plates preceding the several books; also engraved vignette on second title-page. Small folio, old calf, binding worn, one leaf torn into. London, 1634-1633 Artosto (Lopovico). The Orlando Furioso. Translated into English Verse from the Italian of Lodovico Ariosto, with Notes, by William Stewart Rose. 8 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut, one side missing. London: John Murray, 1823-1831 THE TRANSLATOR’S OWN INTERLEAVED Copy, corrected and revised by him, in his own autograph. The work has been entirely revised, numerous passages through- out having been crossed out and new passages written out in pen and ink on the blank leaves bound in with the text; also, thousands of corrections and cancellations, en- tirely in the author’s autograph, have been made in the 8 vols. of printed text. ARISTOPHANES. Comedies. Edited by Benjamin B. Rogers. London, 1902: FLAMMARION (CAMILLE). Mysterious Psychic Forces. Boston, 1907; FINCK (Henry T.). Romantic Love and Personal Beauty. New York, 1902; TALMEY (B. S.). Love. New York [1916]; St. LEon (Count DE). Love and its Hidden History. Boston, 1869; SANGER (W. W.). The History of Pros- titution. New York, 1899. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. ARNOLD (MATTHEW). The Works of Matthew Arnold. Portrait on Japanese vellum. 15 vols. 8vo, blue silk, monogram MA in gilt circular design in center of front covers, gilt backs, contents lettered, uncut and mainly unopened. London, 1903. COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 775 copies. Entirely out of print. CONTENTS Poems. 2 vols.; Essays in Criticism. First and Second Series. 2 vols.; Celtic Literature; Culture and Anarchy; Literature and Dogma; God and the Bible; St. Paul and Protestantism; Mixed Essays; Irish Essays; A French Eton; Letters. 3 vols. 79. ARNOULD (SOPHIE), Actress and Wit. By Robert B. Douglas. With copper plate engravings by Adolphe Lalauze. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Paris, 1898 Edition printed throughout on Japan paper, strictly limited to 500 copies. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 80. Art. Cote (Trmotuy). Old Italian Masters Engraved by Timothy Cole. With Historical Notes by W. J. Stillman and Brief Comments by the Engraver. 1892; Old English Masters Engraved by Timothy Cole. With Historical Notes by John C. Van Dyke and Comments by the Engraver. 1902. Both extensively illustrated with full-page plates. Together, 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Century Company, 1892-1902 81. Art. The Great Masters in the Louvre Gallery. Extensively illustrated with 120 full-page photogravures and typogravures, 24 water-color facsimiles, each mounted and numerous photogravures in text, all reproductions from the works of the great masters, including Clouet, J. L. David, Fromentin, Greuze, Poussin, Regnault, Watteau, Boucher, Corot, Delacroix, Fragonard, Ingres, Millet, Botti- celli, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Rubens, Velasquez, da Vinci, Bellini, Canaletto, Correggio, Van Ostade, Raphael, Teniers, Veronese and many other noted artists. 2 vols. in 12 parts, royal 4to, wrappers, uncut. Enclosed in 2 leather portfolios. New York: D. Appleton & Co., Paris: Goupil & Co., 1898-1900 EDITION DE GRAND Luxs, with Text in English, limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. 37. 8>. Art. World’s Masterpieces of Modern Painting, Selected from the Great Art Exhibitions of All Nations. Edited by Chevalier John Sartain. Exten- sively illustrated with roo full-page illustrations on Japan paper, and numer- ous text illustrations, including photogravures, mezzotints, etchings, and half- tone copper-plate reproductions, from the works of E. H. Blashfield, Frank Dicksee, Jules Breton, Chocarne-Moreau, F. A. Delobbe, E. Detaille, J. L. Gerome, Paul Jamin, Lhermitte, de Neuville, and many other noted artists; also 8 full-page colored reproductions, mounted on inset mats (should be 10). In ro parts, folio, wrappers. Enclosed in cloth portfolios. Philadelphia: William Finley & Co. undated EDITION DE LUXE limited to 1000 numbered copies. Japan proofs. 83. ART. VAN DYKE (Joun C.). Modern French Masters, a series of Biographical 84. and Critical Reviews by American Artists. 1896; BRowNELL (W. C French Art, Classic and Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. 1901; Tart (Lorapo). The History of American Sculpture. 1903; BLACK (CHaRLEs C.). Michael Angelo Buonarroti, Sculptor, Painter, Architect. The Story of his Life and Labours. 1875. All illustrated. Together, 4 vols. cloth, and boards with cloth back, 1 vol. gilt edges, 3 vols. gilt tops, uncut. New York and London, 1875-1903 Arr. Tuscan Songs. Die Kunst Unserer Zeit, eine Chronik des Modernen Kunstlebens. 10 Jahrgang. Parts 1 to 12 inclusive. Miinchen [1898]. Edition de Luxe; SMEDLEY (W. T.). Life and Character. Drawings by W. T. Smedley. With accompanying text by A. V. S. Anthony. New York, 1899; Mrixars (JOHN E.). Millais’s Illustrations. No text. London, 1866; MEREDITH (OWEN). The Earl’s Return. With drawings by W. L. Taylor. Boston, 1886; ALLERS (C. W.). Club Eintracht. Portfoho containing 41. illustrations, mounted on boards. Hamburg, undated; ALBUM containing photographs of famous paintings and views in Rome. No place, no date. Together, 6 vols. small folio and 4to, cloth and half morocco. 85. ArT. Von Reser (Dr. Franz). History of Medieval Art. Translated by Joseph T. Clarke. 1887; KEPPEL (FREDERICK). Christmas in Art. 1909; ; [Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 85. ARrT.—Continued| 86. 87. 88. 89. go. SCHUYLER (MONTGOMERY). American Architecture. 1892; STURGIS (RussELL). The Appreciation of Sculpture. [1904;] GUNSAULUS (FRANK W.). Josef Israels, an Address delivered at the Opening of the Exhibition of Joseph Israels’ Paintings, Toledo Museum of Art. 1912; BELL (Sir Tuomas). The Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression as Connected with the Fine Arts. 1847; TOLEDO-MusEum oF ArT. Catalogue of the Inaugural Exhibition, January 17th to February 12th, 1912. 1912. All Iiustrated. Together, 7 vols. 4to, royal 8vo and 8vo, cloth, boards with cloth back, unfinished calf and half morocco. ArT. CaRMAN (BLIss). The Friendship of Art. 1904; CAFFIN (CHARLES H.). American Masters of Painting, being Brief Appreciations of Some American Painters. 1902; TYTLER (S.). The Old Masters and their Pictures. 1905; LARNED (WALTER C.). Rembrandt, a Romance of Holland. 1898; VANn Dyke (JoHNC.). Principles of Art. 1887; ADELINE’s Art Dictionary. Trans- lated from the French and Enlarged. With nearly 2000 illustrations. New York, 1891; ADDISON (JULIA DE WOLF). Classic Myths in Art. 1905; The Art of the Pitti Palace. 1904; ARMITAGE (E.). Lectures on Painting. 1883; CLEMENT (C. E.). Saints in Art. 1899; STEARNS (FRANK P.). Four Great Venetians. 1901; Downes (WiLiIAM H.). Twelve Great Artists. 1900; Utricr (Dr. HERMANN). Shakespeare’s Dramatic Art. Translated by L. Dora Schmitz. 2 vols. 1876; and others. Many illustrated. Together, 30 vols. 8vo and I2mo, cloth and wrappers. ART OF GERMANY. ALLEN (FRED. H.). Modern German Masters, from original matter furnished by the Artists. Over 200 etchings, photogravures and en- gravings, from original sketches, on Japan, India and Plain papers. 10 sec- tions, folio, sheets, enclosed in silk portfolio. Boston: Boston Fine Art Publishing Co., 1886 EDITION DE GRAND LUXE, limited to 250 copies. ART OF THE WorRLD. Chefs d’CEuvre of the Exposition Universelle. By W. Walton, A. Saglio and V. Champier. Numerous reproductions of paintings. qvortes, architecture, furniture, enamels, etc., on India paper, and matted, and text tllustrations, many in colors. 10 vols. folio, green morocco backs, sides of unfinished calf, with center ornaments in gilt, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son [1901] EDITION ON WHATMAN DRAWING PAPER, limited to 100 copies for sale, of which this is, No. 13, printed for Mr. Robinson Locke. ART OF THE WorLD. The Art of the World illustrated in the Paintings, Statu- ary, and Architecture of the World’s Columbian Exposition. Numerous plates, some colored. 30 parts, folio, printed wrappers. New York: D. Appleton and Company [1893] ART OF THE WorLD. Mr. Vanderbilt’s House and Collection. Described by Edward Strahan. Illustrated with engravings, etchings, colored plates, litho- graphs, photogravures, etc., many on India paper. 2 vols. large thick folio, full maroon morocco, fillets and decorative gilt border on sides, gilt backs, doublures and fly-leaves of blue watered silk, gilt edges. Boston, New York and Philadelphia: George Barrie [1883-1884] HOLLAND EDITION, limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 824. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th QI. 92. 93. 94. 95: 96. ART OF THE WORLD, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY ZORN AND OTHERS. World’s Columbian Exposition. Walton (William). Art and Architecture. Full- page etchings, photogravures colored after the originals, colored plates, and numerous text illustrations, many of which are in colors. 5 vols. folio, full midnight blue morocco, gilt fillets on covers, gilt backs with onlays of red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie [1893] EDITION OF THE REPUBLIC, limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. 86, printed for Mr. Robinson Locke. The plates include many fine examples after paintings by O. Mesday, John Pettie, C. Green, Joseph Nash, Sandham, and others, etched by Maurice Deville, Adolphe Laulauze, Anders L. Zorn, E. M. Salmon, G. L. Rodriquez, A. A. Champollion, C. Bernard de Billy, E. Decisy, and others, all of the etched plates are on Japan paper, those in black and white being all remarque proofs. There are also a number of fine etchings in colors in Japan paper. THis WorK CONTAINS THREE ILLUSTRATIONS BY ANDERS L. ZORN, one being a portrait of Renan from the plate etched in one sitting in Renan’s Studio directly from life, another being a text illustration in black and white My Grandmother, and the third, a colored photogravure in text of The Omnibus. AutocraPus. Smith (Charles John). Historical and Literary Curosities, consisting of Fac-similes of Original Documents, Scenes of remarkable Events and interesting Localities, and the Birth-Places, and Residences of Literary Characters. Portraits, and Monuments of eminent Laterary Characters. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1847 Contains one hundred plates, including fac-similes of the autographs of William Penn, T. Smollett, S. Richardson, Miles Coverdale, John Gay, Robert Burns, and many others. Bacon (FRANCIS). The Historie of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh. [Second Edition.] Title in an elaborate woodcut border and woodcut tath pieces. Small folio, old calf, somewhat worn. | London: Printed by I. H. and R. Y., 1629 BACON (FRANCIS). The Second Part of the Resuscitatio or a Collection of several pieces of the Works of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon. Now collected and put into Folio, with some of his other Pieces, which never yet was published. Collected by William Rawley. 2 engraved por- traits of Francis Bacon. Small folio, old calf, cracked at hinges. London, 1670 BACON (FRANCIS). Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Naturall Historie. In Ten Centv- ries. Written by the Right Honourable Francis Lo: Verulam, Viscount St. Albans. Published after the Authors death, by William Rawley. Here- unto is now added an Alphabeticall Table of the principall things con- tained in the whole Worke. The fifth Edition. With engraved portratt and title-page, the latter by Tho. Cecill, dated 1631. 1639; [ALso] New Atlantis. A Worke unfinished. Undated [1639]. Bound in one volume small folio, old calf, rebacked, both title and portrait are cut down, and some cut close. London: John Haviland, 1639 Batzac (Honoré DE). The Works of Honoré de Balzac. Now for the First Time Completely Translated into English by G. Burnham Ives, and | others. Beautifully illustrated with hundreds of etchings by Los Rios, Du- bouchet, De Billy, and others, on Japanese paper, with a duplicate set of all [Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 96. BaLzac.—Continued] 97. 98. 99. ‘ IOO. Iol. 102. the plates on India paper. 53 vols. 8vo, three-quarters red morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son [1899] COMPLETE SET OF THE LIMITED EDITION DEFINITIVE, printed throughout on Japan paper. CONTENTS Scenes of Provincial Life, 10 vols.; Repertory, 2 vols.; Philosophic and Analytic Studies, 9 vols.; Scenes of Parisian Life, 11 vols.; Scenes of Private Life, 11 vols.; Scenes of Military and Political Life, 5 vols.; Scenes of Country Life, 3 vols.; Contes Drolatiques, 2 vols. BANDELLO (MatrEo—Bishop of Agen). Novels. Now first done into English prose and verse by John Payne. 6 vols. square small 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, no date No. 190 of a limited issue printed for the Villon Society by private subscription and for private circulation only. BANNING (KENDALL). Bypaths in Arcady, a Book of Love Songs. A Note of Comment by John W. Alexander. With photogravures, full page and head- pieces. Small folio, boards, vellum back, uncut. Chicago: Brothers of the Book, 1915 LIMITED EDITION, only 540 copies printed on Fabriano handmade paper, this being, No. 109. BARCLAY (ALEXANDER—Translator). The Ship of Fools. [With Prefatory Note by T. H. Jamieson, Life and Writings of Alexander Barclay, and a Bibliographical Catalogue of Barclay’s Works.] Illustrated with facsimile of early woodcuts. 2 vols. small 4to, half red straight-grain russia, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Edinburgh: William Patterson, 1874 The design of this curious and amusing work was to ridicule the prevailing follies and vices of every rank and profession, under the allegory of a ship freighted with fools; and in this metrical translation Barclay has given a variety of characters drawn expressly from his own countrymen, and added his advice to the various fools, which possess at least the merit of good sense and morality. From the library of Edward O. Wolcott, with bookplate. BARCLAY (JOHN). His Argenis, Translated ovt of Latine into English: the Prose vpon His Maiesties Command: By Sir Robert Le Grys, Knight: And the Verses by Thomas May, Esquire . . . and published by his Maiesties Command. Small 4to, calf, binding rubbed. London, 1629 A political allegory, pronounced by the poet Cowper, the most amusing romance ever written. BARCLAY (JOHN). Evphormionis Lusmini sive Ioannis Barclaii Satyri- con. . . Engraved title. 12mo, full red morocco, janseneste, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt over marbled edges, in board case, BY GRUEL, binding slightly rubbed at corners, name on title, a few marginal notes in an old hand. Amstelodami, Ex officina Elizei Weyerstraeten, 1664 Nice Copy. BouND BY MADAME GRUEL, the well-known French binder of the first half of the 19th century. The volume is identical with the Elzevir Edition of 1658, except for the change of imprint. [BaRHAM (Rev. RicHARD Harris).] The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. First, Second, and Third Series. [ Continued First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th [No. 102. BARHAM.—Continued] d With full-page illustrations by Leech, George Cruikshank, and others; ttle- pages printed in red and black within engraved pictorial borders. 3 vols. small 8vo, Robin’s-egg blue polished calf, small corner floral sprays on sides onlaid with red morocco, same design repeated on backs, leather labels inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. | London: Richard Bentley, 1846-1842-1855 103. BARRETT (J. O.). “Old Abe:” The Live War-Eagle of Wisconsin. Illustra- tions. Madison, Wis., 1876; WELLS’ National Hand-book: embracing Numerous Invaluable Documents connected with the Political History of America. Illustrations. New York, 1856. Together, 2 vols. I2mo, un- bound, leaves inlaid to 8vo. Accompanying the above are 94 plates for extra-illustrating purposes, containing several portraits of Lincoln, and prominent men of the Civil War period; also, 6 leaves of text, with illustrations relative to the Great Seal of the United States. 104. BARRIE (JAMES MatTHEW). The Little Minister. With full-page etched por- trait and illustrations in three states, one plain, another in sepia on Japan paper, and a third on India. paper Signed by the Artist in pencil: woodcuts in text; fancy initials in red; also, title-pages printed in red and black on Japan paper. 2 vols. royal 8vo, boards, cloth backs with paper labels, uncut. New York and Boston: H. M. Caldwell Company, 1902 EDITION DES ARTISTES. LARGE PAPER, limited to 250 sets, of which this is, No. 22. 105. BaRRIE (J. M.). The Novels, Tales and Sketches of J. M. Barrie. Portratt and other illustrations. 12 vols. 8vo, half vellum and boards, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1896-1911 AuTHoR’S EDITION, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE PAPER. The only author- ized American edition. Limited to 150 copies for America and England, of which this is, No. 117, signed in the autograph of the author. : CONTENTS Auld Licht Idylls, and Better Dead; When a Man’s Single; The Little Minister, 2 vols.; Sentimental Tommy, 2 vols.; A Window in Thrums, and An Edinburgh Eleven; My Lady Nicotine, and Margaret Ogilvy; Tommy and Grizel, 2 vols.; The'Little White Bird; Peter and Wendy.. 106. BARTHELEMY (J. J.). Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece. By the 107. Abbe Barthelemy. Fourth Edition. With volume containing maps, plans, views, and coins. 7 vols. 8vo, russia, one vol. 4to half russia, gilt sides and backs, cracked at hinges. London, 1806 With bookplate of Fergusson of Isle, in all but one volume. BayARD (CHEVALIER). The Righ Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard [Pierre du Terrail), the Good Knight without Fear and without Reproach. Translated by The Loyal Servant [Sara Coleridge.] 2 vols. 12mo, full maroon calf, gilt fillet border, with gilt festoons, gilt backs, gilt edges. London, 1825 ScARCE EpiTion of this curious and interesting Famous Romance—Chronicle of the 16th century, translated by Sara Coleridge, and a Frrst Epition of the same. Inserted in Vol. 1 is an inlaid portrait of Chevalier Bayard. From the library of John Fremlyn Streatfield, with bookplate in each volume. 108. 09. IIo. If2, 113, 114. 15. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th BAYLE (PETER). The Dictionary Historical and Critical of Mr. Peter Bayle. The Second Edition. Carefully collated with the several Editions of the Original. To which is prefixed, the Life of the Author, Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged, by Mr. des Maizeaux. Portrait of the author, engraved by James Smith, 1733. 5 vols. small folio, old mottled calf, rebacked. London, 1734-1738 BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Savoy. [A Periodical of an Exclusively Literary and Artistic Kind.] No. 1. January, 1896. With illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley, and F, Sandys. Small 4to, pictorial boards, uncut, binding worn. London, 1896 Tue Rare First NUMBER: containing original contributions by,— Bernard Shaw, Frederick Wedmore, Arthur Symons, Max Beerbohm, Ernest Dowson, Aubrey ~ Beardsley, W. B. Yeats, Joseph Pennell, and others. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (JOHN). The Tragedy of Thierry, King of France and his Brother Theodoret. Small 4to, half calf, cracked at hinges. London, 1649 Interleaved copy, margins cut close shaving some of the letters. . BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (Joun). The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. Revised and ‘corrected, with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Authors. Copperplate engravings, and portrait by Vertue. 7 vols. 8vo, old cals, rebacked. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1711 First COLLECTED OcTAvo EDITION, including both the Comedies and Tragedies. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (JOHN). The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Henry Weber. Portraits of both dramatists. 14 vols. 8vo, full contemporary calf, gilt fillet borders and blind tooling on covers, gilt backs, marbled edges, backs faded. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne, 1812 Brecon (THomas). A pleasante newe Nosegay, full of many godly & swete floures, lately gathered; The Polecy of Warre. With engraved titles and woodcut initials. Black letter. Together, 2 pieces bound in one vol., small folio, half calf slightly rubbed, margins of leaves stained. [London, 1 543] Two treatises evidently extracted from the Author’s Works. Brun (Mrs. ApHrA). The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With Life and Memoirs. Plates. 6 vols. 12mo, boards, paper labels, uncut. London, 1871 Reprint of the 1774 edition. BEHN (Mrs. ApHRA). Poems upon Several Occasions. London, 1697; BER- ANGER. Songs. London, Pickering, 1837; COLLECTION of Songs. Edin- burgh, 1767; [FENTON] Poems on Several Occasions. Plate. London, 1717; [Moore (Tom).] The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little. London, 1806; MarTIAL. Select Epigrams. Translated by William Hay. London, 1755; and two others. Together, 8 vols, 12mo and 8vo, old calf and half calf, few bindings worn. First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, November 9th 116. BewickK (THomAS). Thomas Bewick’s Works. Profusely tllustrated. 5 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, leather backs, gilt tops, uncut, edges of binding slightly rubbed. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bernard Quaritch, 1885-1887 MEMORIAL EDITION, limited to 750 copies. CONTENTS History of British Birds, 2 vols; History of Quadrupeds; ZEsop’s Fables; Memoir. 117. BEwicK (THOMAS AND JOHN). Select Fables. Together with a Memoir, and a Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Messrs. Bewick. With 5 portratts of Bewick, and numerous fine woodcuts executed by Thomas and John Bewick and others. 8vo, full green crushed French levant morocco, with border of flowers and sprays, onlaid in green, red and white morocco, on front cover; back cover with gilt fillet borders, corner ornaments of three-leaf clover; gilt panelled back with floral sprays; broad inside border of green crushed French levant morocco, with gilt fillet borders; doublures and fly-leaves of Japanese vellum, uncut, gilt top. Lisle. Representative Poems of the Nineteenth Century rendered into English Verse in accordance with the Original Forms. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt sides and backs, gilt tops, uncut, slightly soiled. London: Printed for the Villon Society, by Private Subscription, 1906 LARGE PapEr, Limited Edition, of which this copy is, No. 39. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 584. PAYNE (JoHN Howarp). The Early Life of John Howard Payne. With Contemporary Letters heretofore unpublished. By Willis T. Hanson, Jr. Etched portrait on Japanese paper. Royal 8vo, half English calf, uncut. Boston, 1913 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 483 copies. 585. PEACOCK (THoMAs Love). Letters to Edward Hookham and Percy B. Shelley. With fragments of Unpublished Manuscripts. Edited by Richard Garnett. Etched portrait by Bicknell. 8vo, vellum back, buckram sides, uncut. Boston, 1910 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 483 copies. 586. PEcK (FRANCIS). Desiderata Curiosa: or, A Collection of Divers Scarce and Curious Pieces relating chiefly to Matters of English History. Adorned with Cuts. A New Edition, greatly Corrected, with some Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. Peck. [With Notes and Index.] 2 vols. in one, royal 4to, diamond calf, gilt back, rebacked, upper margin of leaf cut away. . London, 1779 A curious and valuable collection of material relating chiefly to the 16th and 17th centuries. Among the subjects are,—a narrative of the arrest and murder of Dr. Hud- son, Chaplain of Charles I; the order of the court suppressing the Earl of Leicester’s ‘Commonwealth;’ Donne’s letter to Izaak Walton; contemporary narratives of the entertainments of Queen Elizabeth at Cambridge in 1564, and Oxford, 1566; Lord Burghley’s Life with extracts from his Diary; a curious account of the curse attached to the ownership of Shireburne Castle, and how Sir Walter Raleigh suffered in conse- quence; and much other extraordinary matter. With armorial bookplate of Henry Bower. 587. PEcK (FRANCIS). New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton. Aquatint portrait by Faber, and medal of Milton by Hulett. 1740; Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Cromwell, as delivered in Three Panegyrics of Him, Written in Latin. . . . With an English Version of each. Mezzotint portraits, by Faber and Hulett. 1740. Together, 2 vols. Ato, full old sprinkled calf, bindings weak at joints. London, 1740 588. Pepys (SAMUEL). The Diary of Samuel Pepys. For the first time fully trans- cribed from the Shorthand Manuscript in.the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, by the Rev. Mynors Bright, with Lord Braybrooke’s Notes. Edited with Additions by Henry B. Wheatley. With a portrait of Pepys etched in colors; numerous portraits and illustrations, also title-pages, all on Japan paper. 9 vols. in 18, 12mo, half crimson crushed morocco, gilt panelled backs with contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Croscup and Sterling Company, 1898-1900 EDITION DE LUXE limited to 50 numbered copies, of which this is, No, 50. 589. Percy (Sir THomas). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Edited, with a General Introduction, Additional Prefaces, Notes, Glossary, etc. by Henry B. Wheatley. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt backs, London, 1891 590. PERSIAN TaLEs. The Thousand and One Days: Persian Tales. Translated from the French. By Ambrose Philips. Seventh Edition. Frontispiece (torn). 2 vols. 16mo, half calf, few pages spotted. London, 1765 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 591. PETRARCH (FRANCESCO). The Triumphs of Francesco Petrarch, Florentine Poet Laureate. Translated by Henry Boyd. With an Introduction by Doctor Guido Biagi. [With Notes upon the engravings in this work by Mr. Colvin.] Illustrated with reproductions of Florentine fifteenth-century engrav- ings showing the triumphs of Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time, and the Four Evangelists. 4to, full terra-cotta crushed levant morocco, sides stamped with an elaborate panel design, uncut. _ : Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1906 Edition limited to 100 copies for sale in America and 100 copies for sale in England, of which this is, No. 26. Printed by the University Press, Cambridge, in Humanistic Type, on paper water-marked with portrait of the poet. 592. Puities (Mrs. KATHERINE—The Matchless Orinda.). Poems. . . To Which is added Monsieur Corneille’s Pompey and Horace, Tragedies. With several other Translations out of the French. First Epition. Wath engraved portrait by Faithorne. Small folio, contemporary calf, panel in gilt on sides, gilt edges, rebacked, binding worn, tear in lower margin of title, three names in ink on title, two being blurred with ink. London, 1669 Mrs. Phillips was daughter of John Fowler, merchant, of Bucklersbury; born in London. She married James Philips, of Cardigan, and divided her time between London and her husband’s home in Cardigan. She gathered about her a society of friendship, the members of which were distinguished by various fanciful names, her husband appearing as Antenor, Sir Edward Dering as Salvander, and Jeremy Taylor as Palaemon. She adopted herself the pseudonym of Orinda, by which, with the addition of the epithet “Matchless” she became widely known to her contemporaries. From early life of studious habits, she devoted herself to the composition of verses. At the height of her popularity Mrs. Philips was seized with small-pox, and died in Fleet Street on June 22, 1664. 593. PorE (ALEXANDER). The Iliad of Homer. First Epirion. Bust portrait by Vertue, map of Greece and Phrygia by John Senex, plan of Troy and environs by L. Harris. 6 vols. small folio, half green levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, a few leaves slightly foxed, margin of title and a few leaves in Vol. I. have a small worm hole. London, 1715-1720 594. Picart (BERNARD). Impostures Innocentes, ou Recueil d’Estampes d’aprés divers Peintres Illustres, tels que Rafaél, Le Guide, Carlo Maratti, Le Pous- sin, Rembrandt, etc. Gravées a leur imitation, et selon le gout particulier de chacun d’eux, et accompagnées d’un Discours sur les Préjugés de certains Curieux touchant la Gravure. ORIGINAL Epition. Engraved portrait and 78 plates. Folio, half roan, margins of several plates torn into. Amsterdam, 1734. 595. PLurarcn’s Lives and Writings. Edited by A. H. Clough and Prof. William W. Goodwin. With an Introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Com- prising,—Lives. 5 vols.; Essays and Miscellanies. 5 vols. Idlustrated with photogravure reproductions of paintings and sculptures, all in two states, one on Japan paper, frontispiece in colors. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarters green crushed levant morocco, full gilt backs with floral sprays onlaid with red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly faded. New York: The Colonial Company, 1905 CONNOISSEUR’S EDITION, limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. 64. 596. Por (EDGAR ALLAN). The Literati. With a Sketch of the Author, by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. First EpITION. 12mo, three-quarters brown crushed morocco, gilt back, gilt top. New York, 1850 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 597. Por (EpGar ALLAN). The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. With Bio- graphical Essay by John H. Ingram. Illustrated with 20 original etchings, 5 photogravures, and a new etched portrait, all in duplicate, one set on Japan paper. 6 vols. small 4to, green crushed levant morocco, gilt floral design on backs onlaid with orange morocco, brown and orange morocco labels, con- tents lettered; wide inside morocco and gilt dentelle borders; doublures and endleaves of Nile-green watered silk; gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly faded; [aLso] The Murders in the Rue Morgue. Facsimile of the MS. in the Drexel Institute. Folio, cloth. [1895.] Together, 7 vols. ) Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son, undated LARGE PAPER, LIBRARY EDITION, limited to 250 copies printed throughout on IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER, of which this is, No. 103. 598. PorTry. Watts (H. M.). The Wife of Potiphar with other Poems. I9I1. With signed autograph presentation inscription by the author; STEVENS (GrorGE W.). The King and the Harper, together with other Poems. 1901. With signed autograph inscription by the author; MacManus AeGe Verses. No place, no date. Privately printed, limited to 300 copies. Laid in are two A.L.S. from the author relating to his poetical works; VERSES. Written in Paris by various members of a group of “Intellectuals.” 1901. Privately Printed. Limited to 99 copies; BRONTE (CHARLOTTE, EMILY, AND ANNE). Poems. Now for the first time printed. 1902. One of 80 copies on Van Gelder paper; Book oF JADE (THE). [1901.] Limited to 600 copies; Mac- mANus (THEODORE F.). For Thee My Friend. No place, no date. Pri- vately printed, and limited to 50 copies, with autograph signature of author on portrait; ARNOLD (Str Epwin). The Light of the World or the Great Consummation. 1891; WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass. [1900;] WARD (ApotpHus W.). The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. 2 vols. [1896;] Warp (T. H.). The English Poets. 4 vols. 1881; WHARTON (HENRY THORNDON). Sappho. 1887; CARMAN (BLIss). Pipes of Pan. 1906; SALTUS (F. S.). The Bayadere and other Sonnets. 1894; BRAITHWAITE (W. S.— Editor). The Book of Elizabethan Verse. With an introduction by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 1907; AinswortH (WILLIAM H.). Ballads. 1855; and others. Many illustrated. Together, 60 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and wrappers. 599. PooLe (Josua). The English Parnassus: Or a Help to English Poesie. Con- taining a Collection of all the Rhythming Monosyllables, the choicest Epithets and Phrases . . . Together with a short Institution to English Poesie, by way of Preface. Engraved frontispiece. Small 8vo, old calf, rebacked, corners worn. London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1677 600. Pope (ALEXANDER). The Rape of the Lock, an Heroi-Comical Poem. Fn- gravings by Bartolozzi, Neagle, Smith, and Bromley. 8vo, full lavender crinkled calf, decorative gilt borders on covers, binding faded. London, 1798 601. PorpE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Alexander Pope. Folding portrait by Vertue, vignettes and tail-pieces. 3 vols. 4to, old calf, bindings worn. London, 1717-1737 First COLLECTED EDITION. Contains first appearance of “Eloisa to Abelard” and “Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady.” Vol. 3 comprises “Letters of Mr. Alexander Pope.” Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. Prescott (WiLtiAM H.). The Writings of William H. Prescott. Portraits, views, maps and other illustrations, some on India paper. 12 vols. 8vo, ma- roon straight-grain leather backs, cloth sides, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut, leather at top or bottom on five of the backs thumbed. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1893 LARGE PAPER ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EpITION. Limited to 250 copies. CONTENTS Conquest of Peru, 2 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 2 vols.; Philip the Second, 3 vols.; Ferdinand and Isabella, 2 vols.; Robertson’s Charles the Fifth, 2 vols.; Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Prevost (ABB&). History of Manon Lescaut and of the Chevalier des Grieux. With a Preface by Guy de Maupassant. Illustrated by Maurice Lelotr, with full-page reproductions; text printed within pictorial borders, vignettes and ornaments engraved on wood. 4to, morocco, stamped borders on sides, illustrations and title in gilt on front cover, gilt back, gilt edges. ‘Paris, 1895 GRAND EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. II. PRINTING. A Bibliography of Printing. With Notes and Illustrations. Compiled by E. C. Bigmore and C. W. H. Wyman. TIilustrations. 3 vols. small 4to, cloth, morocco backs, uncut, rubbed. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1880 RARE AND IMPORTANT BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORK. PRINTING. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Pentateuch of Printing, with a Chapter on Judges. With a Memoir of the Author, and List of his Works, by Talbot B. Reed. Numerous reproductions of woodcuts, impressions of type, MSS., etc. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago: McClurg and Company, 1891 PRINTING. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). Typographical Antiquities, or, The History of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland, containing Memoirs of our Ancient Prints, and a Register of the Books Printed by Them. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, considerably Augment by William Herbert. And now greatly enlarged, with Copious Notes, Comprehending the History of English Literature, and a View of the Progress of the Art of Engraving, in Great Britain. First Epirion. Mezzotint portraits, printer’ s devices, and woodcuts.: 4, vols. royal 4to, half straight-grain morocco, gilt backs, few margins slightly soiled. London, 1810-1819 PRINTING. DicKSON (ROBERT) AND EDMOND (JOHN Puiip). Annals of Scottish Printing, from the Introduction of the Art in 1507 to the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century. Wuzth reproductions of woodcuts, and facsimiles of title-pages. 4to, cloth, uncut. Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes, 1890 LIMITED EDITION, only 500 copies printed, of which this is, No. 323, and signed in ink by John Philip Edmond. PRINTING. Hawkins (RusH C.) AND POLLARD (ALFRED W.). Catalogue of Books Mostly from the Presses of the First Printers Showing the Progress of Printing with Movable Metal Types through the Second Half of the [ Continued 609. 610. 61l. 612. 613. 614. 615. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th . 608. PRINTING.—Continued] Fifteenth Century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, Catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard, deposited in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Island. With reproduction of a binding by John of Westphaha. 4to, cloth, uncut. Oxford: University Press, 1910 A valuable bibliographical work. PRINTING. JAcoBI (CHARLES T.). Gesta Typographica or a Medley for Printers and Others. 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Elkin Mathews, 1897 LIMITED ISSUE, only 51 copies printed on Japanese vellum, this being, No. 37, signed by the author. PRINTING. JOHNSON (J.). Typographia, or The Printers’ Instructor, includ- ing an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century. First Epirton. 2 vols. thick 24mo, cloth, paper labels, uncut and un- opened. London, 1824 PRINTING. LucKoMBE (P.). The History and Art of Printing. In Two Parts. Frontispiece, called a portrait of Gutenberg, but is one of the supposed portraits of Koster. 8vo, old calf, binding worn, and a few leaves soiled. London, 1771 PRINTING. MartrarrE (Micuag). Annales Typographici ab Artis Invent Origine ad Annum MD. Frontispiece containing the portraits of Gutenberg, Faustus, Costerus, Manutius, and Frobenius, and engraved vignette on title- page. 4to, calf, rubbed. Hagze-Comitum: Apud Isaacum Vaillant, 1719 A work indispensable in every bibliographical library. Printinc. Moxon (JoserH). Moxon’s Mechanick Exercises or the Doctrine of Handy-Works Applied to the Art of Printing. A Literal reprint in two volumes of the First Edition published in the year 1683. With Preface and Notes by Theo. L. De Vinne. Portraits and other illustrations, 2 vols. royal 8vo, boards, morocco backs, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Typothetae of the City of New York, 1896 — Limitep Epit1on, only 450 copies printed, on handmade Holland paper, of which this is, No. 156. PrintING. [ONGANIA (FERD.).] Early Venetian Printing Illustrated. [With an Introduction by the Venetian Publisher (Ferd. Ongania).] Extensively illustrated with reproductions of printers’ marks, bindings, woodcuts, initial letters, title-pages, etc. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Venice, London and New York, 1895 PRINTING. OTTLEY (W1LLIAM YounG). An Inquiry Concerning the Invention of Printing, in which the Systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Koning are Reviewed, including also Notices of the early use of wood- engraving in Europe, the block-books, etc. With an Introduction by J. P. Berjeau. Double and full-page plates. 4to, cloth, leather back, gilt, uncut. London, 1863 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 616. PRINTING. RODEN (ROBERT F.). Famous Presses. The Cambridge Press, . 1638-1692. A History of the First Printing Press Established in English America, together with a Bibliographical List of the issues of the Press. Illustrations on Japan paper. 12mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. New York, 1905 Edition limited to 750 copies. 617. PRINTING. TIMPERLEY (C. H.). A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, with the Progress of Literature, Ancient and Modern. First Epition. With 9 plates (should be 10), including portraits, printing press, etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1839 618. PRINTING. DE VINNE (THEODORE L.). The Practice of Typography, a Treatise on Title-Pages. 1902; Morris (WILLIAM) and WALKER (EMERY). Printing, an Essay. 1903. Limited to 231 copies; PRIDEAUX (S. T.). Book- binders and their Craft. 1903; Du Bots (HENRI P.). American Bookbind- ings in the Library of Henry W. Poor. 1903. All, except one, wlustrated. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth and boards. New York and Park Ridge, 1902-1903 619. PRIOR (MATTHEW). Poems on Several Occasions. Engraved frontispiece and vigneltes, one on title, by Baron after Cheron; also ornamental initials. Folio, old calf, binding worn. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson and John Barber, 1718 INTERIORLY A FINE Copy ON LARGEST PAPER, of which size Lowndes mentions but three copies. A superb specimen of typography, printed in large type; the pictorial initials being gems of the engraver’s art. The list of Subscribers contains no less than 200 names of Royalty, some of them subscribing for as many as 5 copies. 620. Prior (MATTHEW). Poems on Several Occasions. Engraved portraits and plates. 3 vols. 12mo, sheep, cracked at hinges. London, 1733-1727 621. PRIVATELY ILLUSTRATED Books. TREDWELL (DaniEL M.). A Monography on Privately Illustrated Books. A Plea for Bibliomania. Royal 8vo, vellum wrappers, uncut. Long Island, Flatbush: Privately Printed, 1892 LARGE PAPER, only 25 copies printed on Whatman paper, of which this is, No. 21. Printed at the De Vinne Press. 622. PRYNNE (WILLIAM). Histrio-Mastix. The Players Scovrge, or Actors Tragedie, : . That popular Stage-Playes (the very Pompes of the Divell which we renounce in Baptisme, are sinfull, heathenish, lewde, ungodly Spectacles, and most pernicious Corruptions; condemned in all ages, . . . And that the Professions of Play-poets, of Stage players; together with the penning, acting and frequenting of Stage-plays, are unlawfull, infamous and misbe- seeming Christians. Portrait inserted. Thick small 4to, calf, rebacked. London: Printed by E. A. and W. I. and Michael Sparke, 1633 First EDITION. The allusions to Shakespeare appear on the back of folio 1 of the address “To the Christian Reader.” It is as follows: “Ben Johnsons, Shackespeere and others,”— “Shackspeers Plays are printed in the best Crowne paper far better than most Bibles.” This is also interesting: “Above forty thousand Play bookes have beene printed and vended within these two years.” . [Continued [No. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 622. PRYNNE.—Continued]| The present copy contains the leaf respecting persons of quality acting on the stage (p. 708), which the Privy Council ordered to be cancelled before publication. As a book containing a world of allusions to the stage, it stands without a rival. Plays and players were both heartily hated by Prynne, and while every sentence is tinged with the hatred of his class, much curious information, nevertheless, can be gleaned from its pages. ; Quack’s MIscELLANY (THE): In Prose and Verse. With 2 curious woodcuts. 12mo, calf, rebacked. London: Printed for S. Slow, 1730 Contains,—The Author’s Birth, Parentage and Education; His Cure of a Book- seller’s Son near Temple-Bar, with his Love-verses to Dulcinea; A Letter from a Lady, with her Case at large; His Wonderful Cure perform’d on Her, etc. QUEEN VICTORIA. By Richard R. Holmes. Extensively illustrated with full- page portraits of Victoria at different ages, and various scenes in her life, including a colored frontispiece, after paintings by noted artists, vignettes, and facsimiles. Royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. New York: The Century Co., 1897 QUEVEDO-VILLEGES (FRANCISCO DE). Pablo de Segovia. The Spanish Sharper, translated from the Original of Francisco de Quevedo-Villegas. Together with Comments on Them by Joseph Pennell and an Essay on the Life and Writings of Quevedo by Henry Edward Watts. 170 illustrations after drawings by Daniel Vierge, and a photogravure portrait of the author. Royal Ato, vellum, gilt back, slightly soiled. London, 1892 RABELAIS (FRANCIS). Master Francis Rabelais Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel. Trans- lated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux. With an Introduction by Anatole de Montaiglon. Jllustrations by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1892 JAPAN VELLUM EDITION. No. 31 of 210 copies printed. RABELAIS (FRANCIS). Works of Rabelais. Illustrations by Doré; BAuzac. Droll Stories. Illustrations by Doré; RoussEau (J. J.).. Confessions. Etchings by Ed. Hedouin. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, one binding shaken. London and New York, no date RALEIGH (SiR WALTER). Edwards (Edard). The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, Based on Contemporary Documents Preserved in the Rolls House, the Privy Council Office, Hatfield House, the British Museum, and other Manuscript Repositories, British and Foreign. Together with his letters, now first Collected. First Epirion. Portrait, genealogical table, armorial bearings and facsimile letters. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, leather labels, sprinkled edges. [London:] Macmillan and Co., 1868 RAPHAEL. Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti a Raphaele Sanctio Urbinate in Vaticani Palatii Xystis Mira Pictvrae Elegantia Expressae. Jo. Jacobi de Rubeis cura, ac sumptibus, delineatae, incisae, ac typis editae. 55 copper- plate engravings by Caes. Fantettus, of Biblical scenes, from the works of Ra- phael done for the Vatican; |ALSo] 8 copper-plate engravings of festive scenes [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 629. RAPHAEL.—Continued] held in Turin on the occasion of the visit of the Princess of Piedmont, by Heris- set, Aveline, Maisonneuve, and others; Dianae Fabvlas Olim a Dominico Zamperio Pictore Vvlgo Domenichino in Palatio Bassani Principis Ivstiniani depictas. 16 cobperplate engravings from the paintings of Zamper, by Ioan. Hieronymus Frerra; Imagines Farnesiani Cvbicvli cum Ipsarum Monocro- matibvs et Ornamentis Romae in Aedibus Sereniss. Dvcis Parmensis ab Annibale Carraccio Aeternitati Pictae. A Petro Aqvila Delineatae Incisae. 12 copper-plate engravings by Aquila after Carraccius. Bound in oblong folio, vellum. [Rome] 1674 With armorial bookplate of Sr. Robt. Throckmorton Bart. 630. READE (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Reade. Illustrations. 17 vols. 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt top, uncut. London: Chatto & Windus, 1895-1915 COMPLETE SET OF THE AUTHOR'S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION. CONTENTS Hard Cash; Readiana, and Bible Characters; Foul Play; Peg Woffington, and Christie Johnstone; A Simpleton; The Cloister and the Hearth; The Jilt and other Stories; The Course of True Love, and Singleheart and Doubleface; The Double Marriage; A Terrible Temptation; Put Yourself in his Place; It is Never too Late to Mend; Autobiography of a Thief, Etc.; A Perilous Secret; A Woman Hater; Love Me Little, Love me Long; and Griffith Gaunt. 631. REYNARD THE Fox. A Renowned Apologue of the Middle Age, reproduced in Rhyme. [By N. Naylor.] Full-page etchings. London, 1845; LE GALLI- ENNE (RicHARD). An Old Country House. First Epirion. Ii/ustrated. New York, 1902; GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Deserted Village. Illustrated. New York, 1902; WISTER (OWEN). The Dragon of Wantley. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1892; Nast (THomAs). Christmas Drawings for the Human Race. New York, 1890; PyLE (Howarp). Pepper and Salt.. I//ustrations by Pyle. New York, 1886; SCENES From the Winter's Tale. Full-page plates, illuminated by Owen Jones and Henry Warren. London, no date; and others. Together, 10 vols. 12mo, 8vo and royal 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 632. REYNOLDS (GEORGE W. M.). Robert Macaire in England. First Eprrion. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 3 vols. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges, titles and a few leaves slightly foxed. London, 1840 633. REYNOLDS (GEORGE W. M.). The Mysteries of the Court of London. New Edition. Jllustrated., 8 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt backs, uncut. London: John Dick, no date 634. [RICHARDSON (SAMUEL).] The History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a Series of Letters Published from the Originals, by the Editor of Pamela and Clarissa. 6 vols. 8vo, diamond calf, slightly rubbed. London, 1754 FINE Copy OF THE First EpITION. Inserted are 28 engraved plates by Stothard, dated 1782 and 1783. ‘ With bookplate of John Carrick Moore. 635. 636. 637% 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th Ritter (Dr. Hetnricu). The History of Ancient Philosophy. Translated from the German by Alexander J. W. Morrison. 4 vols. 8vo, half brown calf, red edges, bindings rubbed. Oxford: D. A. Talboys, 1888 RIVERSIDE Press. Butter (IsaBEL—Translator). The Song of Roland. Illuminated page-heading and several medallions in the text. Folio, boards, uncut. . Cambridge, 1906 One of 220 copies printed on heavy hand-made paper. This is considered the most beautiful of the Riverside publications, and is printed in old French type. Edition exhausted. ; ‘RIVERSIDE Press. CARLYLE (THomaAs). The Diamond Necklace. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1913 One of 400 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Parlement of Fouls. I//wmzn- ated initials. Thin 8vo, vellum, uncut. Boston, 1904 One of 325 copies printed, with the leaf “Note” laid in. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE Press. Cortissoz (RoyAL). John La Farge, a Memoir and a Study. Portrait and other illustrations. 8vo, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1911 RIVERSIDE Press. DAVENDISH (GEORGE). The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey. Portraits. Imperial 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1905 One of 1030 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. DE SENANCOUR (ETIENNE PIVERT). Obermann: selec- tions from Letters to a Friend. Chosen and translated with an Intro- ductory Essays and Notes by Jessie Peabody Frothingham. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut, paper labels, few margins foxed. Boston, 1901 One of 300 copies. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE Press. FIELDING (HENRY). The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. Portrait. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut, paper label. Boston, 1902 One of 300 copies printed. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE Press. HamiLton (ALEXANDER). A Collection of the Facts and Documents, relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton. With Comments, together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulo- gies, that have been Published or Written on his Life and Character. By the Editor of the Eyening Post [1804]. Tall 8vo, cloth, uncut, paper label. Boston: Reprinted, 1904 One of 430 copies printed. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE Press. Howe (M. A. DEWoLFE). The Boston Symphony Orches- tra, an Historical Sketch. Portraits: Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, leather label, uncut. Boston, 1914 One of 535 copies printed. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 655. RIVERSIDE Press. HowE.t (JAMES). The Familiar Letters of James Howell. With an Introduction by Agnes Repplier. Frontispieces. 4 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut. Boston, 1907 Edition limited to 220 copies of which this is, No. 60. RIVERSIDE Press. Macxait (J. W.). Georgics of Virgil. Translated from the Latin into English. 8vo, boards, sheep back, uncut. Boston, 1904 One of 330 copies printed. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE Press. MAISTRE (XAVIER DE). Voyage Autour de ma Chambre. Portrait. 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. Boston, 1901 One of 500 copies printed. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE PRESS. PALMER (GEORGE HERBERT—Editor). The English Works of George Herbert. Frontispieces. 6 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, leather labels, uncut. ree Boston, 1905 LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 44. RIVERSIDE PRESS. PENNELL (ELIZABETH Ropins). My Cookery Books. Illustrations including many interesting old facsimiles on India paper. Square royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1903 One of 330 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. PLutarcu. A Consolatorie Letter or Discourse sent by Plutarch of Chaeronea unto his owne Wife as touching the Death of her and his Daughter. Tall thin 8vo, boards, cloth back. Boston, 1905 One of 375 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. RALEIGH (SIR WALTER). A’ Report of the Truth con- cerning the Last Sea Fight of The Revenge. Woodcut title by Howard Pyle. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1902 One of 300 copies printed. Edition exhausted. . RIVERSIDE PRESS. SAINT-PIERRE (BERNARDIN DE). Paul et Virginie. Proofs on China paper after Moreau. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1906 One of 280 copies printed. Publisher’s announcement leaf laid in. RIVERSIDE Press. SILL (EDwARD ROWLAND). Poems. Tall 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1902 One of 500 copies printed. Edition exhausted. \ _ RIVERSIDE PRESS. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). Journal of a Tour in the Netherlands in the Autumn of 1915. [From a hitherto unpublished manuscript.] 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut, paper label. — Boston, 1902 One of 500 copies printed. Ediiton exhausted. * RIVERSIDE PRESS. STERNE (LAURENCE). A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. Tall 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1905 One of 335 copies printed. Edition exhausted. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th RIVERSIDE Press. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Mr. Brown’s Letters to Young Men About Town. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Cambridge, 1901* One of 500 copies printed. Edition exhausted. RIVERSIDE Press. THEOcRITUS. The Idylls of Theocritus. Translated by Charles Stuart Calverley. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1906 One of 330 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. Tory (GrEorroy). Geofroy Tory, Painter and Engraver, First Royal Printer, Reformer of Orthography and Typography under - Francois I. An Account of his Life and Works, by Auguste Bernard, Translated by George B. Ives. Facsimiles of border, initial letters, mono- grams, illustrations from books of Hours, etc. Imperial 8vo, boards, with design in gilt on covers from a binding in the British Museum, uncut. Cambridge, 1909 One of 377 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. WHIPPLE (EDWIN Percy). Charles Dickens, the Man and his Work. With an Introduction by Arlo Bates. 2 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1912 One of 550 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. WiLson (Wooprow). Mere Literature. Tall 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1913 One of 550 copies printed. With the leaf “Publishers’ Note” laid in. RIVERSIDE Press. WorbDsWoRTH (WILLIAM). LX XV Sonnets. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1910 LARGE PAPER, only 440 copies printed. RIVERSIDE Press. Hay (JOHN). The Complete Poetical Works of John Hay. Including many Poems now first collected with an Introduction by Clarence L. Hay. Portrait. 1916; One of 1000 copies printed; TICKNOR (CAROLINE— Editor). A Poet in Exile, Early Letters of John Hay. Etched portrait by Sidney L. Smith. 1910. One of 440 copies printed. Edition exhausted. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. | Boston, 1910-1916 RIVERSIDE Press. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WapsworTH). The Sonnets of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Arranged with an Introduction by Ferris Greenslet. 1907. One of 275 copies printed; NORTON (CHARLES ELIOT). Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a Sketch of his Life. Together, with Long- fellow’s Chief Autobiographical Poems. Portraits. 1907. One of 400 copies printed. Together, 2 vols. 12mo and 8vo, boards and cloth. Boston, 1907 RIVERSIDE PRESS. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Sions Sonets Sung by Solomon the King, and Periphras’d by Francis Quarles. Cambridge, 1905. One of 430 copies printed; DE RONSARD (PIERRE). Songs and Sonnets. Selected and translated into English Verse by Curtis H. Page, with an Introductory Essay and Notes. Boston, 1903. One of 425 copies printed. Edition ex- hausted. Together, 2 vols. 12mo and tall 12mo, boards, uncut. Cambridge and Boston, 1905-1903 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 665. os 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. RIVERSIDE Press. NAuUDEUS (GABRIEL). Instructions Concerning Erecting of a Library, Presented to My Lord the President de Mesme. And Now Interpreted by Jo. Evelyn. 1903. One of 419 copies printed. Edition exhausted; ECCLESIASTES: or the Preacher. 1911. One of 330 copies printed; SHELLEY (PERCY ByssHE—Translator). The Banquet of Plato. Trans- lated from the Greek. 1908. One of 440 copies printed. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1903-1911 RIVERSIDE Press. Norton (CHARLES E.—Editor). The Love Poems of John Donne. 1905. One of 535 copies printed; SipNEY (StR Putttp). Cer- taine Sonets. [1904.] One of 430 copies printed; WENTWORTH (THOMAS— Translator). Fifteen Sonnets of Petrarch. 1903. One of 430 copies printed. Together, 3 vols. tall 12mo, boards, vellum backs, uncut. Boston, 1903-1905 The edition of the last two mentioned above is exhausted. Rosin Hoop, a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now extant relative to that celebrated English Outlaw, to which are pre- fixed Historical Anecdotes of his life. By Joseph Ritson. Second Edition. Woodcut headpieces by Bewick. 2 vols. small 8vo, original cloth, uncut, backs worn. London: William Pickering, 1832 Laid in is a four-page Autograph Letter Signed by Albert Way, the English anti- quarian. [ROERGAS DE SERVIEZ (JACQUES).] The Roman Empresses, or, The History of the Lives and Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve Cesars, with Historical and Critical Notes. Titles in red and black. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. | London: The Walpole Press, Printed for Subscribers only, 1899 FINE LIBRARY EDITION, strictly limited to 1000 copies only. “This remarkable work, which was originally written in French, is from the pen of Jacques Roergas de Serviez. . . In 1752 a complete translation of the work was issued, . . . translated by the Hon Bysse Moleworth. This work is an extremely rare one, and it is upon it that the present translation is based; considerable alter- ations (and it is to be hoped) improvements have been made.” - RomAN ANTIQUITIES. Bartolo (Petro Sancti). Admiranda Romanarum Antiguitatum ac Veteris Sculpture Vestigia Anaglyphico Opere Elaborata. With engraved title and 82 engraved plates. Text engraved at bottom of each plate. Oblong folio, full old calf, binding slightly worn. Library stamp, in ink on obverse and reverse of title. Rome, 1693 Roman Circus. Bianconi (Gio. Lodovico). Descrizione dei Circhi parti- colarmente di Quello di Caracalla e dei Giuochi in Essi Celebrati Opera Postuma del Consigliere Gio. Lodovico Bianconi. Ordinata e Publicata con Note e Versione Francese dall’ Avvocato Carlo Fea. . . Iilustrated with engraved vignettes on titles, and 20 full-page engravings, many folding- plates. Folio, half sheep, uncut, binding worn. In Roma: Pagliarini, 1789 FINE LARGE PAPER Copy OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION, with the text in Latin and French. . An account of the circus of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius A. B. Caracalla. Roman History. Dio (Cassius). Dio’s Rome. An Historical Narrative originally composed in Greek, and now presented in English form, by Her- bert Baldwin Foster. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Troy, New York, 1905 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th Roman Missav. Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII. Pont. Max. Ivssv Restitvtvm atque Editvm. Engraved title-page with title printed in red and black; and 156 fine copper-plate vignettes throughout text illustrative of the various ceremonies; with many capital letters filled in with scroll work and pictorial design; chants in black notation on red lines. Text printed in red and black in double columns. Folio, dark blue morocco, blind-tooled borders on sides and back, gilt edges, three or four margins soiled. Romae, M. D. XCV (1595) RosE GARDEN OF Persia (THE). By Louisa S. Costello. Boston, 1902, Francois Rabelais. By Arthur Tilley. Philadelphia, 1907; The Gulistan. ' Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold. New York, 1899; Hours with Famous Parisians. By Stuart Henry. Chicago, 1897; The Thousand and One Days, Persian Tales. Edited by Justin H. McCarthy. 2 vols. London, 1892. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth and half vellum. Rossetti (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. First EDITION. 1870. Cover designed by Rossetti. With bookplate of William Crampton; Ballads and Sonnets. First EDITION. 1881. Cover designed by Rossetti; The New Life (La Vita Nuova) of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Frontis- piece. 1889; The Same. Translation and full-page illustrations by Rossetti. New York, 1901; Rossetti. By Arthur C. Benson. 1904. Together, 5 vols., 12mo, small 8vo and 4to, cloth and boards. London and New York, 1870-1904 RoussEau (JEAN JACQUES). Eloisa: A Series of Original Letters. Translated from the French of J. J. Rousseau. To which are added, The Adventures of Lord B— at Rome; being the Sequel of Eloisa. (Found among the Author’s Papers after his Decease). 3 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, BY TOUT AND SONS. London, I810 First English Translation. RoussEau (JEAN JAcquEs). Confessions. Now for the first time completely translated into English without Expurgation. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. [London] 1896 LIBRARY EpiT10n. Privately printed issue. Rowe (NicHotas). The Works of Nicholas Rowe. Engraved portrait by Vertue, after Kneller. Vols. 1 and 2, 2 vols. 12mo, new polished calf, gilt fillet bands on sides, gilt backs. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1766 RowFant CLuB PuBLicaTION. CasE (EcksTEIN). Notes on the Origin and History of the “Ark.” Facsimile A. L. S., and two views, on Japan paper. Royal 4to, half morocco, uncut. Cleveland, 1902 One of 130 copies printed at the Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New York. Rowrant CLuB PUBLICATION. Fine Bookbinding. A Paper read before the Rowfant Club at an exhibition of bindings executed by the Rowfant Bindery, December Fourth, Nineteen Hundred and Nine, by Thomas J. Holmes, Manager of the Bindery. Illustrated. 12mo, full brown crushed morocco, design in gilt on front cover, gilt top, uncut, BY ROWFANT BINDERY. | Cleveland, 1912 Only 100 copies printed on French hand-made paper, of which this is, No. 77. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 680. RowFANT CLuB PuBLicaTion. A Memorial of William Henry Gaylord. Portraits and other illustrations. Square 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet border on sides, centre ornament on front cover in gilt, gilt back. Cleveland, 1906 PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, limited to 150 copies of which this is, No. 58. 681. ROWFANT CLUB PUBLICATIONS. The Rowfant Club Year Books, 1899 to 1914 inclusive, and 1918. Portraits. Together, 17 vols. 16mo, boards and cloth. Cleveland: The Rowfant Club, 1899-1919 ALL LIMITED ISSUES. 682. RowFANT CLuB PuBLICATIONS. Dobell (Bertram). A Lover’s Mood. 1914. One of 200 copies printed; KEIGHTLEY (THomAsS). The Life and Writings of Henry Fielding, Esq. Taken from the pages of Fraser’s Magazine, and edited by Frederick S. Dickson. Portraits, facsimiles of title-pages and facsimile of bookplate. 1907. One of Ito copies printed; AUCTION PRICES of American Book-Club Publications, 1857-1901. 1904. One of 125 copies printed. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, half morocco, and boards. Cleveland, 1904-1914 683. ROWFANT CLUB PUBLICATIONS. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Rare and Choice Books . . . October 26-30, 1907. Two copies, one large paper; ROWFANTIA, an Occasional Publication of the Rowfant Club. Numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, January 1911 to December 1911; AN EXHIBITION of Fine Bindings, April 1909; THE RowranT Books. A Selection of One Hundred Titles from the Collection of Frederick Locker-Lampson, offered for sale by Dodd, Mead and Company. No date; THE RowFANT AUTOGRAPHS. Frederick Locker’s Great Album, containing his choicest specimens of the very rarest autographs, among them many of the world’s most famous names. Now Offered for sale as a collection by Dodd, Mead and Company. No date. Together, 10 vols, 12mo and 8vo, wrappers. Cleveland and New York, 1907-1911 684. ROWFANT CLUB PUBLICATION. The Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Phil- osophy, and Religion. To be continued Quarterly. Numbers I to 16, July 1840 to April 1844. Boston, 1840-1844: Reprinted for the Club by the Kirkgate Press, 1901-1902. Limited to 125 sets; [ALso] An Historical and Biographical Introduction to accompany: The Dial, as Reprinted in Num- bers for The Rowfant Club, by George Willis Cooke. 2 vols. Cleveland: Rowfant Club, 1902. Limited to 127 copies. Together, 18 vols. 8vo, wrap- pers and half cloth and vellum. Cleveland, 1901-1902 A complete set of the four volumes of the Rowfant Club reissue of the celebrated New England magazine edited by R. W. Emerson and contributed to noted Ameri- can authors of the period. 685. ROWLANDSON (THOMAS). COLORED AQUATINTsS. [Papworth (J. B.). Wrang- ham (Francis), and Combe (William).] Poetical Sketches of Scarborough. Illustrated by 21 engravings of humorous subjects, coloured from the original designs, made upon the spot by J. Green, and etched by T. Rowlandson. Royal 8vo, dark blue polished calf, gilt fillet bands on sides, gilt panelled back, leather labels with contents lettered, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, some leaves uncut. London: R. Ackerman; 1813 RARE EARLY ISSUE, with same collation as that of the first edition, but with title- page and plates dated 1813. The regular second edition which appeared in 1813 had [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 685. ROWLANDSON.—Continued] an additional contents leaf. CHorce Copy. With all the plates, including the “Warm Bath,” and the “Shower Bath,” both of which are generally missing, having been suppressed. The following quotation from the “Advertisement” explains the work,—“The originals of the plates . . . were made as Souvenirs of the place during a visit to Scarborough in the Season of 1812. They were not intended for publication, but being found to interest many persons of taste. . . the present form of publica- tion has been adopted.” “Though etched by Rowlandson [most of] the plates are signed by Q. Bluck and J. C. Sadler, after Green, so that it may be presumed that they passed through the hands of these artists to receive the aquatint and colour.”—HarbDIE in English Coloured Books. : 686. ROXBURGHE REVELS, and other Relative Papers; including Answers to the Attack on the Memory of the late Joseph Haselwood. With Specimens of his Literary Productions. 4to, cloth, cloth back, uncut, somewhat shaken. Edinburgh: Printed for Private Circulation, 1837 687. Royat Court Memoirs ofr Europe. McCarthy (Justin). The Reign oI Queen Anne. 2 vols. 1902; Portraits of the Sixties. 1903; WALISZEWSKf (K.). The Story of a Throne (Catherine II. of Russia). 2 vols. 1895; Nicouttaup (M. C.—Editor). Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne 1781-1814. 1907; Davis (Mrs. J. W.—Translator). Memoirs of the Duch- esse de Gontaut. 2 vols. 1894; STRACHEY (LIONEL—Translator). Memoirs of a Contemporary. 1902; Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun. 1903; pE Martros (A. TEIxerrA). The Souvenirs of Léonard, Hairdresser to Queen Marie-Antoinette, now first Rendered into English with a Preface and Annotations. 2 vols. 1897. Privately Printed, only 250 copies issued; Nevitt (RaLpH—Translator). Memoirs of Monsieur d’Artagnan. 3 vols. 1898; DuRLAND (KELLOGG). Royal Romances of Today. 1911; FiscHer (H. W.). Private Lives of William II. and his Consort and Secret History of the Court of Berlin. 2 vols. [1898]; CAMPBELL (HucH). The Case of Mary Queen of Scots, and of Elizabeth Queen of England. 1825; TARBELL (IDA M.). Madame Roland. 1896; WATKINS (JOHN). Memoirs of her most Excellent Majesty Sophia-Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain. 1819; Ropinson (J. R.). The Princely Chandos, a Memoir of James Brydges. 1893; Mottoy (J. F.). Royalty Restored or London Under Charles II. 1897; PuLitzeR (ALBERT). The Romance of Prince Eugene. Translated by Mrs. B. M. Sherman. 2 vols. 1895; VACARESCO (HELENE). Kings and Queens I Have Known. 1904; BANVARD (JoHN). The Private Life of a King, embodying the Suppressed Memoirs of the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. of England. 1875; Lone (W. H.—Editor). Memoirs of Emma Lady Hamilton. 1892; SOVEREIGNS and Courts of Europe. By “Politikos.” 1891; CARY (ALICE AND PHOEBE). The Josephine Gallery. 1859; Duruy (GEoRGE—Editor). Memoirs of Barras. 4 vols. 1895. All illustrated. Together, 35 vols. 8vo, cloth and half morocco. 688. RovAL MarriaGE (THE). By Mr. Dykes. Plate. 1722; BENTLEY (R.). A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. 1699; FREE THOUGHTS on Seduction, Adultery and Divorce. 1771; FABLE of Cupid and Psyche. 1795; PYLADES AND CorRINNA, or Memoirs of Richard Gwinnett (1731); ° Letters of Wit, Politicks and Morality. 1701 HOWELL (JAMES). Epistolze Ho-Eliane. 1787. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, old calf, bindings worn. London, 1699-1795 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 689. RusKIN (JoHN). The Works of John Ruskin. Title pages with vigneties, full page photogravures, and other illustrations, some in colors, all on Japan paper. 26 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt backs and tops, uncut, backs on few slightly thumbed at top. New York, 1894 COMPLETE SET OF 1HE EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 750 numbered copies. CONTENTS Stones of Venice, 3 vols.; Poetry of Architecture; Proserpina; Seven Lamps of Architecture; Sesame and Lilies; St. Mark’s Rest; Fors Clavigera, 4 vols.; Two Paths; Mornings in Florence; The Crown of Wild Olive; Ethics of the Dust; Deucalion; Modern Painters, 5 vols.; Arrows of the Chace; Laws of Fésole; Hortus Inclusus; Praeterita. ‘ 690. SACRED Books AND EarLy LITERATURE OF THE East. Translations by Morris 691. 692. 693. 694. Jastrow, Rev. A. H. Sayce, R. W. Rogers, L. W. King, and others. With an Historical Survey and Descriptions by Prof. Charles E. Horne. Pro- fusely illustrated. 14 vols. royal 8vo, full leatherette, with reproductions of religious subjects on cloth set in front covers, gilt backs, contents let- tered, gilt tops, uncut. , New York and London: Parke, Austin and Lipscomb, [1917] MemBeErs EpiTI0Nn, limited to 2000 numbered and registered copies of which this is No. 2. This edition was printed for members of “The Oriental Foundation” Society. This set is one issued by the American branch, and has the certificate of issue to Mr. Robinson Locke. CONTENTS Babylonia, Assyria; Ancient Hebrew; Medieval Hebrew; Ancient Arabia; Medieval Arabia; Ancient Persia; Medieval Persia; India Brahmanism; India Buddhism; Ancient China; Medieval China; Japan; The Great Rejected. SaGA Lrprary (THE). Done into English out of the Icelandic. By William Morris and Eirikr Magnisson: Comprising,—The Story of Howard the Halt, the Banded Men, and Hen Thorir; The Story of the Erie Dwellers; Heimskringla. With a large map of Norway. 3 vols. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, half roan, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1891-1893 Sr. AUGUSTINE. Stanhope (George—Translator). Pious Breathings. Being the Meditations of St. Augustine. To which are added, Select Contem- plations from St. Anselm and St. Bernard. The Sixth Edition. Engravings. 8vo, old English red morocco, gilt sides and back, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, slightly cracked at hinges. London, 1728 With armorial bookplate of Langley St. Albyn. ; Sr. Ursuta. La Chasse de Sainte Ursule. Gravée au Trait par Charles Onghena d’aprés Jean Memling, avec Texte par Octave Delepierre et Auguste Voisin. With full-page engravings. Half morocco, Bruxelles, 1841; [ALso] The Legend of Saint Ursula and the Virgin Martyrs of Co- logne. Colored frontispiece, and text printed within engraved borders of scenes in the life of St. Ursula. Cloth, London, 1869. Together, 2 vols., imperial 8vo and 4to. SAINTSBURY (GEORGE). A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe from the Earliest Texts to the Present Day. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1902 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th | 695. SAND (GEORGE). The Masterpieces of George Sand. Now for the first time completely translated into English by G. Burnham Ives. Wzth illustra- tions in two states, on Japan paper and India paper mounted on Japan paper, the Japan paper state of each frontispiece colored by hand. 20 vols. 8vo, full fawn-color crushed levant morocco, with conventional design of fillets in gilt on covers; gilt backs with lily of the valley sprays and onlays of white leather; broad inside border, with designs in gilt; doublures and fly-leaves of brown watered-silk; gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Printed only for Subscribers [1900-1902] COMPLETE SET OF THIS JAPAN VELLUM PAPER EDITION, limited to 1000 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 29, printed for Mr. Robinson Locke. CONTENTS Indiana; Consuelo, 3 vols.; The Piccinino and Last of the Aldinis, 2 vols.; Sin of Monsieur Antoine and Leone Leoni, 2 vols.; The Snow Man, 2 vols.; Les Beaux Messieurs de Bois-Doré, 2 vols.; Nanon; Antonia; Mauprat; A Rolling Stone, 2 vols.; The Marquis de Villemer; Valentine; Memoir, She and He, and Lavina. 696. SAND (GEORGE). Fadette. 1893; Francois the Waif. 1804; The Devil’s Pool. 1894; The Master Mosaic-Workers. 1895. Translated from the French by Jane Minot Sedgwick, Ellery Sedgwick, and Charlotte C. Johnston. Etched frontispieces by E. Abot, some on Japan paper; BEYLE (MariE-HEnrI—“De Stendhal”). La Chartreuse de’ Parme. With 30 dlustrations by V. Foulquier, etched by G. Mercier. Translated from the French by E. P. Robins. 3 vols. 1895. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth, calf backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and New York, 1893-1895 Editions limited to 250 copies on Dickinson hand-made and Holland paper, re- spectively. 697. SCARRON (PAUL). The Comical Romance, and other Tales. Done into English by Tom Brown, John Savage and others. With an Introduction by J. J. Jusserand. Illustrated from designs by Oudry. 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1892 No. 85 of an edition of 150 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 698. Scott (SIR WALTER). The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Edited with Memoir by John Dennis. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, three-quarter red crushed morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Bell & Sons, 1892 COMPLETE SET OF THE ALDINE EDITION, only 150 copies printed, of which 25 copies are for America. This is No. 20 of the American edition. 699. ScoTT (SIR WALTER). Walter Scott’s Works. With a General Introduction by Sir Walter Scott. Numerous portraits and views, many steel engravings, on Japan, India and plain paper, all the frontispieces and some of the plates in colors, title-pages on Japanese paper. 33 vols. thick 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco; sides with gilt thistle sprays with purple morocco down; gilt backs with similar design, contents lettered; doublures of canary morocco, with green morocco border, decorated with gilt fillets and thistle sprays, with thistle ornamentation in centre in gilt and onlays of green and purple morocco; canary morocco fly-leaves; gilt tops, uncut, a few bindings of lighter shade. London: Merrill & Baker, no date EDITION DES BIBLIOPHILES, limited to 26 lettered and registered copies, this being letter “L. [Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 699. Scotr.—Continued] CONTENTS Waverley; Guy Mannering; The Antiquary; Rob Roy; Old Mortality; Heart of Mid-Lothian, 2 vols.; Poems, 2 vols.; Black Dwarf; Surgeon’s Daughter; The Bride of Lammermoor; Ivanhoe; The Abbot; Kenilworth; The Monastery; The Pirate; The Talisman; The Fortunes of Nigel; Peveril of the Peak, 2 vols.; Quentin Durward; St. Ronan’s Well; Redgauntlet; The Betrothed; Woodstock; Fair Maid of Perth; Anne of Geierstein; Count Robert of Paris; Life. By J. G. Lockhart, 4 vols. 700. SECRET Court Memorrs. Numerous illustrations, including etchings by Lalauze, Delaroche, Mercier, Bichard and Schoff. 10 vols. square 8vo, full blue morocco, Janseneste, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. , Paris and Boston: Grolier Society, no date EDITION DES AMATEURS, limited to 100 copies, the plates in two states, oné being on Japan paper. CONTENTS Empress Josephine, 3 vols.; Court of St. Cloud, 2 vols.; Louis XIV; Louis XV and XVI, 2 vols.; Court of Berlin, 2 vols. 701. SECRET MEMOIRS OF THE Courts OF EurRoPE, from the 16th to the 19th Century. With numerous portraits, many from rare and contemporary sources, historical and other scenes, in two states, on Japanese paper and India paper, some colored. 24 vols. 8vo, full green crushed morocco; decora- tive gilt backs with onlays of red morocco shields, contents lettered; gilt coat-of-arms on front covers; gilt inside decorative borders; doublures of nile-green watered-silk, silk fly-leaves, gilt tops, uncut, a few bindings of darker shade. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Sons, no date PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, limited to 1000 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 116, printed for Mr. Robinson Locke, Toledo, Ohio. MAGNIFICENT SET of these highly entertaining Court Memoirs. CONTENTS Courts of Sweden and Denmark, 2 vols.; Berlin, 2 vols.; Austria, 2 vols.; St. Petersburg; Margaret de Valois; Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century, 2 vols.; William II. and Francis Joseph, 2 vols.; Marie Antoinette, 2 vols.; Madame de Montespan, 2 vols.; Royal Family of France, 2 vols.; Napoleon’s Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud, 2 vols.; Empress Josephine, 2 vols.; Louis XIV.; Louis XV. 702. SILVESTRE (ARMAND). Le Conte de l’Archer. With colored illustration in text by A. Poirson, engraved by Gillot. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet bands on sides, gilt panelled back, gilt top, uncut, BY E. ROUSSELLE. Original pictorial wrappers bound in. Paris: A. Lahure, 1883 Limited Edition. 703. SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PrEssEs. A Collection of Books, mainly Theological, printed during the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, including publications from the following presses,—Basileae, ex officina Hervagiana, 1573; Coloniae, apud Haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni, 1567; Geneva, Eusthathius Vignon, 1573; Salmanticae, Mathias Gastius, 1570; Lovanni, Antonii Maria Bergagne Bibliop. lurat, 1558; Madriti, Typo- graphia Regia, 1599; Francofvrti, Andreae Wecheli, 1583; and others. Together, 36 vols. 12mo to folio, mainly calf, bindings worn. Basilez, apud Frobenium, 1559; Norimberge, Mauritii, 1682; Antverpie, J. Withagii, 1565; Frankfurtam Meyn, Erben, 1564; not returnable. 704. 795. 700. 707. 708. 709. 710. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. Portrait by Vroeshout. Folio, half russia, uncut. London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623 The rare 1809 Wright reprint of the First FoL1o. With armorial bookplate of John Boyd. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Mr. William Shakespeare. Revised and Corrected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the author, by N. Rowe. Engraved portrait of Shakespeare by Vander Gucht, each play contains an engraved frontispiece. 6 vols. London: Jacob Tonson, 1709 [atso] The Works of Shakespeare. Volume the Seventh. With Critical Remarks on his Plays. London: E. Curll, 1710. 7 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt backs, leather labels, some leaves slightly foxed, corner of one leaf mended, stamp in ink on verso of title of Vol. 7. London, 1709-1710 Tue FirST OCTAVO AND THE FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION. The Seventh Volume, which contains the Spurious Poems of the edition of 1640, isa piratical production by Edmund Curll, and the Critical Remarks on the Plays and Poems printed in this volume are by Charles Gildon. At the beginning of the same volume, is an Essay on Art, Rise and Progress of the Stage, followed by a Glossary of Shakespearean words; elsewhere in this volume is a list of References to Classic Authors, which is the first attempt in any edition of Shakespeare to trace parallels between his writings and those of others. The copperplates are of great interest as showing the manner of dressing the stage prior to 1740. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakspear. In Six Volumes. Col- lated and Corrected by the Former Editions, by Mr. Pope. Portrait by Vertue. 6 vols. 4to, board sides, sheep backs, bindings rubbed. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1725-1723 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Collated with the ‘Oldest Copies, and Corrected, with Notes, Explanatory and Critical, by Lewis Theobald. Portrait of Shakespeare by Duchange. 7 vols. 8vo, full contemporary calf, joints of four volumes broken. London, 1733 First EpItIon, dedicated to John Earl of Orrery. With the Cork and Orrery bookplate in Vol. 1. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespear in Eight Volumes. The Genuine Text (collated with all the former Editions, and then corrected and emended) is here settled. With a Comment, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Mr. Pope and Mr. Warburton. Portrait engraved by Vertue. 8 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, rebacked. London, 1747 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, set out by himself in quarto, or by the Players his fellows in folio, and now faithfully republished from those editions, with an Introduction. [Edited by Edward Capell.] With portrait of Shakespeare by Muller as taal-prece in Vol. I. 10 vols., small 8vo, full contemporary calf, leather labels, joint of one volume broken. London: J. and R. Tonson [1767-1768 Frrst Epit1on. Edited by Capell, who was a careful and industrious editor. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of William Shakespeare. [Edited by Sir Thomas Hanmer.] Second Edition. Portrait of Shakespeare, and full- page plates, engraved by Gravelot after designs by Hayman. 6 vols. royal 4to, half calf, gilt backs, contents lettered, marbled edges, bindings rubbed and weak at joints. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1770-1771 7 be 712. 713. 714. 715, 716. 717. 718. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works; with Explanatory Notes. To which is now added, a Copious Index to the Remarkable Pas- sages and Words. By the Rev. Samuel Ayscough. Embellished with a strik- ing likeness of Shakspeare, from the original folio edition, and another from the collection of His Grace the Duke of Chandos. A New Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, tree calf, cracked at hinges. Dublin: Printed for William Jones, 1791 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. Wath frontispieces, title pages, and num- erous full-page plates engraved on copper. 8 vols. 8vo, full contemporary mottled calf, bindings worn. [London:] Bellamy & Roberts [1791] Engraved bookplate of John Stackhouse in each volume. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The Second Edi- tion, Revised and Augmented. 10 vols. London, 1778; Supplement. 2 vols. London, 1780. Portraits of Shakespeare and Earl of Southampton, view of Shakespeare's birthplace, facsimile autograph. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, full contemporary calf, rebacked. London, 1778-1780 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare, accurately printed from the Text of the corrected Copy left by the late George Steevens . and a Selection of Explanatory and Historical Notes, from the most eminent Commentators; A History of the Stage, a Life of Shakspeare, &c. by Alexander Chalmers. With full-page plates after the designs of Fuseli. 10 vols. 8vo, full contemporary russia, bindings worn. London, 1805 THICK PAPER Copy. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays.and Poems of William Shakspeare with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators: comprehend- ing a Life of the Poet, and an enlarged History of the Stage, by the late Edmond Malone. With a New Glossarial Index. [Preface by James Bos- well.] Facsimile. 21 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt backs, leather labels, contents lettered, gilt tops, lacks portrait. London, 1821 Malone having at his death in 1812 bequeathed the extensive and valuable collec- tions which he had prepared for a new edition to his friend James Boswell, the present edition has the advantage of them.—LOWNDEs. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, with a Life, and Glossarial Notes. Edited by A. J. Valpy. With 170 illustrations from the plates in Boydell’s edition. 15 vols. 16mo, half blue calf, contents lettered, marbled edges, binding rubbed. London: A. J. Valpy, 1832-1834 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staunton. With numerous illustrations.on India paper by Sir John Gilbert. 15 vols. in 40, royal 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1881 EDITION DE Luxe. Illustrations on India paper. ; SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Furness (Horace Howard,—Editor). A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. 11 vols. thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company [1895-1905] [Continued [No. 718. SHAKESPEARE.—Continued] Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th CONTENTS A Midsummer Nights Dreame; Julius Caesar; Anthony and Cleopatra; Much Ado About Nothing; The Winter’s Tale; Macbeth; The Tempest; As You Like It; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet, 2 vols. 719. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The New Century Shakespeare. The Cambridge Text from the latest edition of William Aldis Wright. With Introductions, Notes and Glossaries to each play by Israel Gollancz. The Complete Notes, with Variorum Readings and General Glossary of Alexander Dyce. A General Introduction, and Life of the Poet by W. J. Rolfe, and a History of the Drama, and General Criticism by Henry N. Hudson and others. Frontispieces and other illustrations in three states, on Japanese vellum, India paper mounted on plain paper, and plain paper, and include many etchings by W. H. W. Bicknell. Titles in red and black. 24 vols. 8vo, full blue crushed French levant morocco, gilt ornamental tooling on sides; gilt backs, contents lettered; doublures of red crushed levant morocco, with broad blue morocco borders, with scroll designs in gilt, and owner’s name “Robinson Locke” in gilt in centre of front doublure; gilt tops, uncut, BY MACDONALD & ALLEN. Backs of four volumes slightly rubbed. Boston: Dana Estes and Company, 1900-1901 EDITION MAGNIFIQUE, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM. Limited to 25 copies, of which this is, No. II. 720. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Elizabethan Shakspere. The Tragedie of Macbeth [and] The Tempest. A New Edition of Shakspere’s Works with Critical Text in Elizabethan English and Brief Notes Illustrative of Eliza- bethan Life, Thought and Idiom. By Mark Harvey Liddell. 2 vols. small folio, vellum, paper labels, uncut and unopened, with green ties. Enclosed - in cloth cases. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1903 No. 2 of the first 10 copies printed at the De Vinne Press. Signed by printers and publishers. 721. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Collotype facsimiles of the First Edition of Venus. eee and Adonis, 1593; Pericles, 1609; Lucrece, 1594; The Passionate Pil- grime, 1599; and Sonnets, 1609. Each with an Introduction and Bib- liography by Sidney Lee. Illustrative title-pages. Together, 5 vols. 4to, full limp vellum, uncut, leather ties. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905 LIMITED IssuE, only 1000 copies printed of which this is, No. 306. These volumes are edited, with introduction by Sidney Lee; the first mentioned has his autograph signature. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare. Edited and Annotated by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. Illustrated by H. C. Se- lous, with 35 full-page wood engravings after Frank Dicksee, H. M. Paget, A. Hopkins, and others, and 35 photogravure plates. 6 vols. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, slightly rubbed. London, Paris and Melbourne: Cassell & Company, undated SPECIAL EDITION. The photogravure plates include the portraits of the following actors and actresses in various characters,—Henry Irving, Mary Anderson, Mrs. Stirling, Richard Mansfield, Miss Eames, Mr. Alexander, Ellen Terry, Mrs. Langtry, Wilson Barrett, and others. 723. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere Edited by Charles Knight. Numerous illustrations. 8 vols. in 16, royal 8vo. [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 723. SHAKESPEARE.—Continued] 724. 725. 726. 727. three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, full gilt backs, contents let- tered, gilt tops, uncut. London: Charles Knight and Co., undated ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 845 plates illustrative of scenes and other subjects. Comedies, 4 vols.; Tragedies, 4 vols.; Histories, 4 vols.; Doubtful Plays, 2 vols.; Biography, 2 vols. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Tales from Shakspeare, including those by Charles and Mary Lamb. With a continuation by Harrison S. Morris. Frontispieces on India paper, and many photogravure tlustrations. 4 vols. small 8vo, half morocco, marbled board sides, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut.” Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1893 LARGE PAPER, limited to 150 copies. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare’s Library, a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories Employed by Shakespeare in the Composition of his Works. With Introductions and Notes [By J. Payne Collier and W. C. Hazlitt.] Second Edition. 6 vols. 1875 [ALso] Ritson (JosEPH). Fairy Tales and Legends and Romances I!lustrating Shakespeare and other Early English Writers. 1875. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in boards, cloth backs, paper labels, uncut, some backs faded. London, 1875 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). As You Like It. Wath full-page illustrations by Emile Bayard. Introduction by Edward Dowden. 1887; King Henry IV. Parts I.and II. Full-page illustrations by Eduard Crutzner. Introduction by Edward Dowden. 1887; Romeo and Juliet. Full-page illustrations by F. Dicksee. Introduction by Edward Dowden. 1884. Together, 3 vols. folio, cloth London, 1884-1887 SHAKESPEAREANA. A Collection of Prints, from Pictures Painted for the Pur- pose of Illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. With 08 full-page plates and one large vignette engraving on each title-page. 2 vols. atlas folio, full black morocco, doublures of blue watered silk, gilt backs, gilt edges. London: Published by John and Josiah Boydell, 1803-[1805] ORIGINAL ISSUE, WITH BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF ALL THE EXCEEDINGLY FINE PLATES, which include full-length portraits of King George III. and Queen Caroline and 96 full-page plates illustrative of the various plays of Shakespeare, engraved in the beautiful line engraving of the period, by R. Thew, B. Smith, Caroline Watson, L. Schiavonetti, R. Earlom, and other noted engravers. 728. SHAKESPEAREANA. Ireland (Samuel William Henry). Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare: Including the Tragedy of King Lear and a Small Fragment of Hamlet, from the Original MSS. in the Possession of Samuel Ireland. Numerous facsimile autograph illustrations, and portraits, some in colors. Folio, boards, new morocco back, rubbed and corners scratched, partly foxed. London: Cooper and Graham, 1796 These forgeries by W. H. Ireland, postdated 1796, were issued on Christmas Eve, 1795: Of the 368 copies printed only 138 survived, including 122 to subscribers, some half- dozen as gifts, and the remainder to the State libraries. The forger’s youngest sister [Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 728. SHAKESPEAREANA.— Continued] 729. 730. 731. 732. 733: 734: Jane supervised the destruction of the copper-plates and the rending into waste paper of the other 230 copies. On the verso of a fly-leaf following text is an autograph note written and signed by R. S. White Junr reading as follows,—“Saty. Sth Augt. 1807. Mr. Smith, surgeon, & Cline’s chief Assistant, informed me, that he had lived with Mrs. Ireland, the mother of the supposed (and self-acknowledged) forger of these papers—& that she always said that notwithstanding her Son's Confession, the papers were origls. & not forged by him— he having she believed made that Confession solely to prevent the threatened destruction of his father’s character with the World; he certainly not having had anything to do with the deceit, if the Papers actually are forgeries. Mrs. I. is since dead. R. S. White Junr.” With engraved armorial bookplate of Richard Samuel White Esqr. SHAKESPEAREANA. Halliwell (James O.). An Historical Acéount of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the Last Residence of Shakespeare. Illus- trations. Small folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 The only work giving an account of Gastrell the iconoclast. Printed at the author’s expense. SHAKESPEAREANA. Lanier (Sidney). Shakspere and his Forerunners. Stud- ies in Elizabethan Poetry and its Development from Early English. Jd/us- trated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, boards, uncut, paper labels. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902 LimitEep EpITIon, only 102 printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper, of which this is, No. 29. SHAKESPEAREANA. Six Old Plays, on which Shakespeare founded His ‘Meas- ure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming of the Shrew, King John, K. Henry IV and K. Henry V, King Lear.’ 2 vols. 12mo, calf, slightly rubbed. London, 1779 With bookplate of Roberti Gul. Lowe in each volume. SHAKESPEAREANA. Ingleby (C.M.). Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse, 1591-1693. Second Edition. Revised, with many Additions by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 1879; FURNIVALL (FREDK. J.—Editor). Some 300 Fresh Allusions to Shakspere from 1594 to 1694 A. D. Gathered by Members of the New Shakspere Society as a Supplement to Shakespeare’s “Centurie of Prayse” 1886. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, half red polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: The New Shakspere Society, 1879-1886 SHAKESPEAREANA. Knight (Charles). Works of Shakespeare. With Notes. Imperial Edition. Illustrations on steel. 2 vols. half morocco. New York, no date; Works of Shakespeare (including Biography of Shakespeare). Complete in 56 parts. New York, no date; WiLLIAMs (J. L.). The Home and Haunts of Shakespeare. Stratford Edition. Numerous illustrations, some colored. New York [1894]; also, A collection of 35 steel engravings, on India paper, of Scenes from the Plays of Shakespeare. Together, 5 vols. folio. SHAKESPEAREANA. Yeatman (John P.). The Shakspere, a Vindication. 1904; CowpEN-CLARKE (Mrs.). The Complete Concordance to Shakespeare, being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. 1894; LEE (Srpney). A Life of Shakespeare. Illustrated Library Edition. 1899; Fox (Henry J.). The Student's Topical Shakespeare. 1884; Bos- WELL-STONE (W.G.). Shakspere’s Holinshed. The Chronicle and the Historical Plays Compared. 1896. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 735. SHAKESPEAREANA. Drake (Nathan). Shakspeare and his Times. 2 vols. 1817: SHAKESPEARE SCENES AND CuHarActTers. A series of Illustrations, designed by Adamo, Hofman, Markart and others, and engraved by Bankel, Raab, Schmidt, and others. With explanatory text selected and arranged by Professor E. Dowden. 1876. Embossed stamp on title,—“With the Publishers Compliments;” SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Complete Works. [In German.] Illustrated by John Gilbert. 4 vols. No date; WALTER (J AMES). Shakespeare’s True Life. I/lustrated by Moore. 1890. 6 vols. half morocco, 1 vol. cloth, 1 vol. Japanese vellum. Together, 8 vols. imperial 8vo. 736. SHAKESPEAREANA. Jaggard (William). Shakespeare Bibliography. JiJus- ; trations on Japan paper. 1911. Handmade Edition, specially woven and : watermarked and limited to 500 copies of private distribution of which this is, No. 36, initialed by the author “W. J.”; HALLIWELL-PHILLIPs (J. O.). A Catalogue of the Shakespeare-Study Books in the Immediate Library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. Privately Printed, 1876. Presentation copy to J. W. Jarvis from the compiler, with inscription in ink on fly-leaf; A Cata- logue of The Warehouse Library of J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. Privately Printed, 1876. Presentation copy to Chas. Edmonds from the compiler, with inscription in ink on fiy-leaf; HALLIWELL (JAMES ORCHARD). A Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare’s Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications Illustrative of his.Works. 1841; CATALOGUE of the Books, Manuscripts, Works of Art, Antiquities, and Relics, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and of the History of Stratford-upon- Avon, which are Preserved in the Shakespeare Library and Museum. 1868; British MusEuM. Catalogue of Printed Books. William Shakespeare. 1897. One vol. small folio, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. Together, 6 vols. 737. SHAKESPEAREANA. Shakespeare (William). Hamlet. JiJustrated. No date; JERvVIs (SWNYFEN). A Dictionary of the Language of Shakspeare. 1868; GeRvVIS (FRANCIS P.). Shakespeare, not Bacon. Some Arguments from Shakespeare’s Copy of Florio’s Montaigne in the British Museum. Folding plates. 1901; Portraits of Eminent Actors in Shakspearian Characters. 96 plates. In portfolio. No date; THE SEVEN AGEs of Shakespeare. Jilus- trations. 1840; THE FLOWERS of Shakespeare. Numerous lithographs, in colors, of flowers, each page with an initial letter and several words handcolored. No date. Together, 6 vols. 4to, cloth. 738. SHAKESPEAREANA. Brandes (George). William Shakespeare, a Critical Study. 2 vols. London, 1898; DRAKE (NATHAN). Shakspeare and his Time. Plates. Paris, 1838. Extra-tllustrated by the insertion at end of volume of 63 plates of the Boydell’s Illustrations; |[WiILLtaMs (R. F.).] The Youth of Shakspeare. Shakespeare and his Friends. The Secret Passion. 3 vols. in one. 1848; JAcKsoN (Z.). Shakspeare’s Genius Justified. 1819; Faucir (HELENA). On Some of Shakespeare’s Female Characters. Frontispiece. 1887; RIcH- ARDSON (WILLIAM). Essays on Shakespeare’s Dramatic Characters. 1812; SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Winter’s Tale. The Viola Allen Acting Version. 1905. With author's signed inscription on frontispiece. 6 vols. half morocco, I vol. half calf, 1 vol. calf. Together, 10 vols. in 8 vols. 8vo. 739. SHAKESPEAREANA. Douce (Francis). Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of Ancient Manners. Engravings on wood. 2 vols. London, 1897; [WILLIAMS (R. F.).] The Youth of Shakspeare. 3 vols. London, 1846; Hazzirr (W. [Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 739. SHAKESPEAREANA.—Continued] CarEw—FEditor). Shakespeare Jest-Books. 3 vols. London, 1864; Huco (Victor). William Shakespeare. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. Chicago, 1899; FARMER (RICHARD). An Essay on the Learning of Shakes- peare, addressed to Joseph Cradock. Cambridge, 1767. 9 vols. half mo- rocco, I vol. full morocco. Together, 10 vols. 12mo and 8vo. 740. SHAKESPEAREANA. Harris (Frank). The Man Shakespeare and his Tragic Life-Story. 1909; Gray (JosEpH W.). Shakespeare’s Marriage, his De- parture from Stratford and other incidents in his Life. 1905; LOUNSBURY (Tuomas R.). Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. 1901; LEE (SIDNEY). Shakespeare and the Modern Stage. 1906; BurGEss (WILLIAM). The Bible in Shakspeare. [1903;] CREIGHTON (C). Shakespeare’s Story of his Life. 1904; Brooke (StoprorD A.). On Ten Plays of Shakespeare. 1905; SHAKESPEARE’S ENGLAND. 2 vols. 1916; STopEs (Mrs. C. C.). Shakes- peare’s Family. 1901. Some volumes illustrated. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. : 741. SHAKESPEAREANA. Heraud (John A.). Shakspere, his Inner Life, as Inti- mated in his Works. 1865; BRASSINGTON (W. S.). Shakespeare’s Home- land. 1903; Jacox (FRANCIS). Shakspeare Diversions, a Medley of Motley Wear. 1875; HALLIWELL (James O.). The Life of William Shakespeare. 1848; Guizot (M.). Shakspeare and his Times. 1852; WILSON (DANIEL). Caliban; the Missing Link. 1873; SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY’S PaPER. Vol. 1.; 1844; WILKES (GEORGE). Shakespeare, from an American Point of View. 1877; HartinG (James E.). The Ornithology of Shakespeare. 1871; Hawesins (C. H.). Noctes Shaksperiane. 1887. Some illustrated. 9 vols. cloth, 1 vol. boards. Together, 10 vols. 8vo. 742. SHAKESPEAREANA. Jusserand (J. J.). Shakespear in France. 1898; DYER (T. F. T.). Folk Lore of Shakespeare. No date; INGLEBy (C. M.—Com- piler). The Shakspere Allusion-Book. _ Re-edited, Revised, and Re- Arranged, with an Introduction, by John Munro. 2 vols. 1909; BRADLEY (A. C.). Shakespearean Tragedy. 1905; NarEs (RoBERT). A Glossary. A New Edition. 2 vols. 1901; MappEN (Hon. D. H.). The Diary of Master William Silence. 1897; GILMORE (WiLL1aM—Editor). A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakespeare. First American Edition. 1848; GreEN (Henry). Shakespeare, and the Emblem Writers. 1870. Some illustrated. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. 743. SHAKESPEAREANA. Pott (Mrs. Henry). The Promus of Formularies and Elegancies. By Francis Bacon. With Preface by E. A. Abbott. 1883, THEOBELD (ROBERT M.). Shakespeare Studies in Baconian Light. 1901; Prior (Sir JAmEs). Life of Edmond Malone. 1860; CLARKE (CHARLES AND Mary C.). The Shakespeare Key. 1879; WiLsTACH (PAUL). Richard Mansfield, the Man and the Actor. 1909; SMyTH (ALBERT H.). Shake- speare’s Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre. 1898; KEMBLE (FRANCES ANNE). Notes upon some of Shakespeare’s Plays. 1882; MABIE (HAMILTON W.). William Shakespeare, Poet, Dramatist, and Man. 1901; MASSEY (GERALD). Shakspeare’s Sonnets. 1866; HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPs (J. O.). Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. 1882. Some with portraits. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth, some bindings slightly worn. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 744. SHAKESPEAREANA. Shakespeare’s Library. A Collection of the Ancient Novels, Romances, Legends, Poems, and Histories used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas. With Introductory Notes by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. 1850; Douce (FRANCIS). Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners. 1839; Bacon (DELtA). The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded. With a Preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1857; TyLER (THomAs—KEditor). Shakespeare’s Sonnets. 1890; ARNOLD (CECIL). ~ An Index to Shakespearian Thought. 1880; KENNY (THomAS). The Life and Genius of Shakespeare. 1864. Corner of title-page cut away, not injuring text; BoRMANN (Epwrn). The Shakespeare-Secret. Translated from the German by Harry Brett. 1895; Wicston (W. F. C.). Hermes Stella, or, Notes and Jottings upon the Bacon Cipher. 1890. Together, 10 vols. cloth. ; 745. SHAKESPEAREANA. Shakspere’s Predecessors in the English Drama. 1884; Hanpuist of the Drawings and Engravings Illustrative of the Life of Shakespeare, Preserved at Hollingbury Copse, near Brighton. For Private Circulation, 1884; FRENCH (GEORGE R.). Shakspeareana Genealogica. 1869; OWEN (ORVILLE W.). Sir Francis Bacon’s Cipher Story. Vol. 1. 1893; Futtom (S. W.). History of William Shakespeare. 1862; HAzLitT (W. C.). Shakespear. 1902; GeRvinus (Dr. G. G.). Shakespeare Com- mentaries. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. 1875; Port (Mrs. Henry). The Promus of Formularies and Elegancies by Francis Bacon. With Preface by E. A. Abbott. 1883. With embossed stamp “Presented by the Publishers” on title; HATCHER (O. L.). A Book for Shakespeare Plays and Pageants. 1916; RyE (WiLL1AM B.). England as Seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James the First. 1865; Two volumes illustrated. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. 746. SHAKESPEAREANA. Winter (William). The Shakespearean Plays of Edwin Booth. 3 vols. 1908; LouNspury (THomAs R.). The Text of Shakespeare. 1906; Mackay (CHARLES). A Glossary of Obscure Words and Phrases. 1887; HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS (J. O.). Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. 1883; WEBB (JUDGE). The Mystery of William Shakespeare. 1902; FLEAY (F. G.). A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare. 1886; STERLING (S. H.). Shakespeare’s Sweetheart. 1905; STOTSENBURG (Joun H.). An Impartial Study of the Shakespeare Title. 1904. Some illustrated. Together, 10 vols. cloth. 747. SHAKESPEAREANA. Collier (J. Payne). Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. 1846; BECKET (ANDREW). Shakspeare’s Him- self Again. 2 vols. 1815; M’Dermor (M.). A Philosophical Inquiry into the Source of the Pleasures Derived from Tragic Representation. 1824; CHALMERS (GEORGE). A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare-Papers. 1799; FLETCHER (GEORGE). Studies of Shakespeare. 1847; MorGANN (Maurice). An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff. 1825. [IRELAND (W. H.).] Scribbleomania. 1815; SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Hamlet. The E. H. Sothern Acting Version. 1901; TIME AND TRUTH reconciling the Moral and Religious World to Shakespeare, the greatest Poet and Dramatist. 1854; KEMBLE (J. P.). Macbeth, and King Richard the Third. 1817. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and boards. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 748. SHAKESPEAREANA. Dyce (A.). A Glossary to the Works of William Shake- speare. 1902; Uxrici (Dr. H.). Shakspeare’s Dramatic Art. 1846; Haz- Litt (WILLIAM). Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays. 1818; [BOYDELL (Joun).] A Catalogue of the Pictures, &c. in the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall- Mall. 1793; [Epwarbs (THomas).] The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton’s Edition of Shakespeare. By the other Gentleman of Lincoln’s Inn. 1750; SKOTTOWE (A.). The Life of Shakspeare. 2 vols. 1824; Montacu (Mrs.). An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare. 1810; RICHARDSON (W.). Essays on Some of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Characters. 1797; AyscouGH (S.). An Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakespeare. 1791. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, half calf, some bindings worn. 749. SHAKESPEAREANA. Evans (H. A.). Life of King Henry the Fifth. Indian- apolis, no date; Humpureys (H. N.). Sentiments and Similes of William Shakespeare. London, 1857; SHAKESPEARIAN TABLEAUX. Published by Paul Jerrard. With colored plates. London, no date; COLLECTION of 110 reproductions on Japanese vellum of portraits of Shakespeare and others; DONNELLY (I.). The Great Cryptogram. Chicago, 1888; MARSH Plats: The Reference Shakespeare. London, 1864; NARES (R.). A Glossary, or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs. London, 1822; and others. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, various bindings, some worn. 750. SHAKESPEAREANA. Massey (Gerald). The Secret Drama of Shakspeare’s Tels Sonnets. 1888. Only 100 copies printed; INGLEBY (C. M.). Shakespeare Hermeneutics. 1875; QuiLLER-CoucH (A. T.). The Warwickshire Avon. 1892; Wicston (W.F.C.). The Columbus of Literature, or, Bacon’s New World of Sciences. [1892;] Hamitton (N. E. S. A.). An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspere, folio, 1632, and of Certain Shaksperian Documents Likewise Published by Mr. Collier. 1860; LarHam (R. G.). Two Disserta- tions on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespear. 1872; LAw (ERNEST). Shakespeare as a Groom of the Chamber. 1910; INGLEBY (C. M.). Shakespeare’s Bones. 1883; SHAKESPERE, Some Notes on his Character and Writings. By a Student. 1867; CorBIN (JOHN). The Eliza- bethan Hamlet. 1895; HEARD (FRANKLIN F.). Shakespeare as a Lawyer. 1883; SHAKESPEARE'’S SONNETS. Reprinted from the Edition of 1609. London: Ballantyne Press, 1899. Some illustrated. 6 vols. cloth, 4 vols. boards, 2 vols. half calf. Together, 12 vols. 8vo and I2mo. SHAKESPEAREANA. White (Richard G.). Shakespeare’s Scholar. 1854; [BECKEL (ANDREW).] A Concordance to Shakespeare. 1787; [BALLANTYNE (J. R.).] Shakspere’s Play of Macbeth with an Explanatory Paraphrase. 1848; DEVONSHIRE HAMLETS (THE). Hamlet. 1603, and Hamlet, 1604. 1860; RELIGIOUS AND MORAL SENTENCES Culled from the Works of Shake- speare. 1843; COLLIER (J. PAYNE). Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. 1846; LEIGHTON (Witi1AM). A Sketch of Shake- speare. 1879; HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS (J. O.). The Stratford Records and the Shakespeare Autotypes. 1884-1885; BELLAMY (G. S.). The New Shaksperian Dictionary of Quotations. 1875; SINGER (S. W.). The Text of Shakespeare Vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions Advocated by John Payne Collier in his Notes and Emendations. 1853; [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 751. SHAKESPEAREANA.—Continued] CatpEcoTt (THOMAS). Hamlet, and As You Like It. 1832; DRAKE (NATHAN). Memorials of Shakspeare. Now First Collected. 1828. To- gether, 12 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 752. SHAKESPEAREANA. Seymour (E. H.). Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakspeare. 2 vols. 1805; GRIFFITH (MRs.). The Morality of Shakespeare’s Drama Illustrated. 1775; [EDWARDS (THomAs).] The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary Being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton’s Edition of Shakespeare. 1765; UPTON-(JOHN). Critical - Observations on Shakespeare. 1746. KNIGHT (CHARLES). Studies of Shakspere. 1849; [WHITER (WALTER).] A Specimen of Commentary on Shakspeare. 1794; MALONE (EpmMonpb). A Letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer Relative to the edition of Shakspeare published in MDCCXC. 1792; WIVELL (A.). A Supplement to an Inquiry into the History, Authen- ticity and Characteristics of the Shakspeare Portraits. 1827, and others. Together, 13 vols. 12mo, calf, some bindings worn. 753. SHAKESPEAREANA. Seagar (H. W.). Natural History in Shakespeare’s Time. 1896; DycE (ALEXANDER). Remarks on Mr. J. P. Collier’s and Mr. C. Knight's Editions of Shakespeare. 1844; BRowN (HENRY). The Sonnets of Shakespeare Solved. 1870; BuCKNILL (JOHN CHARLES). The Medical Knowledge of Shakespeare. 1860; SHAKESPEARE’S SONNETS, and a Lover’s Complaint. Reprinted in the Orthography, and Punctuation of the original edition of 1609. 1870; JEREMIAH (JOHN). Notes on Shakespeare, and Memorials of The Urban Club. 1876; HAMLET; or, Shakespeare’s Philosophy of History. By Mercade. 1875; BRown (HENRy). The Son- nets of Shakespeare Solved. 1870; CATALOGUE of the Books, Manuscripts, Works of Art, Antiquities, and Relics, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and of the History of Stratford-upon-Avon, which are Preserved in the Shakespeare Library and Museum in Henley Street. 1868; FRISWELL (J. H.). Life Portraits of William Shakspeare. 1864; HucGues (C. E.—Compiler). The Praise of Shakespeare. With a Preface by Sidney Lee. 1904; ELZE (KarL). Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet. 1882; INGLEBY (C. M.). Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. 1886; DycE (ALEx- ANDER). Strictures on Mr. Collier’s New Edition of Shakespeare, 1858. 1859. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, cloth. 754. SHAKESPEAREANA. Boas (Frederick S.). Shakspere and his Predecessors. 1899; [LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL).] Richard the Third, and The Primrose Criticism. 1887; SNIDER (DENTON J.). The Shakespearian Drama. 2 vols. 1887; WINGATE (CHARLES E. L.). Shakespeare’s Heroes on the Stage: No date; Gites (HENRY). Human Life in Shakespeare. 1868; TEN BRINK (BERNHARD). Five Lectures on Shakespeare. Translated by Julia Franklin. 1895; WENDELL (BARRETT). William Shakspere. 1894; FEIS (JacoB). Shakspere and Montaigne. 1884; BRowN (CHARLES A.). Shake- speare’s Autobiographical Poems. 1838; DuNNiING (E. J.). The Genesis of Shakespeare’s Art. 1897; WyNpHAM (GEORGE—Editor). The Poems of Shakespeare. New York, no date; SHARP (FRANK C.), Shakespeare’s Portrayal of the Moral Life. 1902; TowNEsEND (M.S.). Stories from Shakspeare. 1899; HAMLEY (SIR Epwarp). Shakespeare’s Funeral, and other Papers. 1889. Together, 15 vols. 12mo, cloth. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 755. SHAKESPEAREANA. Coleridge (S. T.). Shakespeare, Ben Jon, Beaumont and Fletcher. 1881; JOHNSTON (WILLIAM P.). The Prototype of Hamlet. No date; GIvEN (WELKER). A Further Study of Othello. 1899; Porr (Mrs. Henry). Francis Bacon and his Secret Society. 1891; LounsBury (T. R.). Shakespeare and Voltaire. 1902; DOwDEN (EDWARD). Shakspere. 1879; Sr. CLarrR (GEoRGE—Editor). Shakespeare and other Lectures. 1888; Hazuitr (WILLIAM). Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 1854; Davis (L. C.). The Story of the Memorial Fountain to Shakspeare at Stratford-Upon-Avon. 1890; COLBERT (E.). Scorie. 1883; WEIss (JoHN). Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare. 1876; GILMAN (ARTHUR). Shakespeare’s Morals. 1880; SirsBy (MAry R.). Tributes to Shakespeare. 1893; CAMPBELL (JOHN LorpD). Shakespeare’s Legal Acquirements Con- sidered. 1859; MouLron (RICHARD G.). Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. 1901. Together, 15 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. | 756. SHAKESPEAREANA. Langton (Clare). The Light of Shakespeare. 1897; CoLBeErt (S. M. AND E.). Washington, Shakespeare and St. George. 1893; WEBB (J. S.). The Shakespeare Reference-Book. 1898; BEISLY (SIDNEY). Shakespeare’s Garden. 1864; Puirpson (Emma). The Animal-Lore of Shakspear’s Time. 1883; BAcon (FRANCIS). The Tale of the Shakspere Epitaph. Translated by Edward Gordon Clark. No date; WERDER (Kart). The Heart of Hamlet’s Mystery. Translated by Elizabeth Wilder. 1907; Hazuitr (W. CarEw—FEditor). Shakespeare Jest-Books. Reprints of the Early and very rare Jest-Books Supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. 1881; GopwIN (PARKE). A New Study of the Sonnets of Shakespeare. 1900; SIMPSON (RICHARD). The School of Shakspere. 2 vols. 1878; WHITE (Tuomas W.). Our English Homer, or, Shakespeare Historical Considered. 1892; Forp (HAROLD). Shakespeare’s Hamlet, a New Theory, or, What was the Poet’s Intention in the Play. 1900; HormEs (NATHANIEL). The _ Authorship of Shakespeare. 1866. Together, 15 vols. 12mo, cloth. 757. SHAKESPEAREANA. Moulton (R. G.). The Moral System of Shakespeare. 1903; ACHESON (ARTHUR). Mistress Davenant, the Dark Lady of Shakes- peare’s Sonnets. 1913; KELLoGG (A. O.). Shakespeare's Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide. 1866; JUssERAND (J. J.). The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Translated by Elizabeth Lee. 1899; Wincate (C. E. L.). Shakespeare’s Heroines on the Stage. [1895;] SIMPSON (RICHARD). The School of Shakspere. 2 vols. 1878; PHELPS (CHARLES E.). Falstaff and Equity. 1901; DowpEN (Epwarp). Introduction to Shakes- peare. 1893; KINNEAR (BENJAMIN G.). Cruces Shakespearianz, Difficult Passages in the Works of Shakespeare. 1883; LATIMER (ELIZABETH W.). Familiar Talks on some of Shakspeare’s Comedies. 1886; BARTLETT (JOHN). The Shakespeare Phrase Book. 1881; TEGG (WILLIAM). Shakspeare and his Contemporaries. 1879; NOBLE (ESTHER G.). Macbeth, a Warning Against Superstition. 1905; SmirH (WiLLIAM H.). Bacon Shakespeare. To which is Appended an Abstract of a MS. respecting Tobie Matthew. 1857. Together, 15 vols. 12mo, cloth. 758, SHAKESPEAREANA. Quiller-Couch (A. T.). Historical Tales from Shakespeare. 1900; HackETT (JAMES H.). Notes, Criticism, and Correspondence upon Shakespeare’s Plays and Actors. 1863; Waters (RopeErt). William Shakespeare, Portrayed by Himself. [1888;] WILDER (D. W.). The Life of Shakespeare. No date; Hazuitr (WitLiam). Lectures on the English [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 758. SHAKESPEAREANA.—Continued] Comic Writers. 1841; DA Porto (Luicr). The Original Story of Romeo and Juliet. 1868; SPRAGUE (HoMER B.—Editor). Shakespeare’s Comedy of The Tempest. 1896; ToLMAN (ALBERT H.). The Views About Hamlet and other Essays. 1904; WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). Memoirs of the Life of William Shakespeare, with an Essay Toward the Expression of His Genius. 1865; SHERLOCK (FREDK.). Shakspeare on Temperance. BEECH- ING (H.C.). The Sonnets of Shakespeare. 1904. Laid in 1s a 4-page A.L.S. of the author relating to the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy, also 2 A.L.S., each 2-pages, from R. M. Theobald to Mr. Begley, one relating to a work by Mrs. Potts on the Bacon ciphers and the other to a document relating to Shakes- peare; WORDSWORTH (CHARLES). Shakespeare’s Knowledge and Use of the: Bible. 1892; MANGINN (WILLIAM). The Shakespeare Papers. Annotated by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. 1856; Craik (GEORGE L.). The English of Shakespeare. Edited, from Third Revised London Edition, by W. J. Rolfe. 1870; BAYLEY (HAROLD). The Tragedy of Sir Francis Bacon. 1902. To- gether, 15 vols. 8vo and 12m, cloth. 759. SHAKESPEAREANA. Stephenson (H. T.). Shakespeare’s London. 1905; Morey (GEORGE). Shakespeare’s Greenwood. 1900; PRICE (THOMAS). The Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare. 1839; StMONDs (WILLIAM Day). Sermons from Shakespeare. 1898; ACHESON (ARTHUR). Shakespeare and the Rival Poet. 1903; WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). Studies in Shakespeare. 1886; STAPFER (PAUL). Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity. Translated by Emily J. Carey. 1880; KILBOURNE (FREDERICK W.). Alterations and Adaptions of Shakespeare. 1906. Bircu (W. J.). An Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere. 1848; RoLFE (WILLIAM J.). Shake- speare the Boy. 1896; DaLt (Mrs.C.H.). What we Really Know. 1886; Pun (JouN). The Shakespeare Cyclopaedia and New Glossary. 1902; MorcGan (APPLETON). Shakespeare in Fact and Criticism. 1888; ELLA- coMBE (H. N.). The Plant-Lore & Garden-Craft. No date; RALEIGH (WALTER). Shakespeare. 1907. Some illustrated. Together, 15 vols. 12mo, cloth. 760. SHAKESPEAREANA. Swinburne (Charles Algernon), A Study of Shakespere. 1880; Etson (L. C.). Shakespeare in Music. 1901; ELLIS (CHARLES). The Christ in Shakespeare. 1897. From the library of Sir Henry Irving, with his bookplate; GRINDON (L. H.). The Shakspere Flora. 1883; HurForD (L. G.). Shakespeare in Tale and Verse. 1902; MABiE (Hami_ton W.). William Shakespeare, Poet, Dramatist and Man. 1904; Bompas (GEORGE C.). The Problem of the Shakespeare Plays. 1902; Boas (Mrs. FREDERICK). In Shakspere’s England. 1903; BuCKNILL (JoHN C.). The Mad Folk of Shakespeare. 1867; BELLEw (J. C. M.). Shakespere’s Home at New Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon. 1863; JAMESON (ANNA). Shakspeare’s Heroines. 1897; CoLLins (J. C.). Studies in Shakespeare. 1904; Torstoy (LEO). A Critical Essay on Shakespeare. Followed by Shakespeare’s Attitude to the Working Classes by Ernest Crosby, and a Letter from G. Bernard Shaw. 1906; McSpappEN (J. W.). Shakesperian Synopses. No date; SHAKESPEARE ALMANACK and Companion. 1876. Some with frontispieces. Together, 15 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. 761. SHAKESPEAREANA. Rimbault (E. F.). Who was “Jack Wilson” the singer of Shakespeare’s Stage? 1846. Large Paper, one of 6 copies printed on thick [Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 761. SHAKESPEAREANA.— Continued] paper; TayLor (Joun E.). The Moor of Venice. 1855; FreLp (B. R.). Medical Thoughts of Shakespeare. 1884; CHAMBERS JOURNAL SHAKE- SPEARE. Tercentenary Number. 1864; STEARNS (C. W.). Shakespeare’s Medical Knowledge. 1865; Mackay (C.). New Light on Some Obscure Words and Phrases in the Works of Shakespeare. 1884; HALLIWELL (J. O.). Curiosities of Modern Shaksperian Criticism. 1853; Pacer (A. eas Shakespeare’s Plays. 1875; BRACEBRIDGE (C. H.). Shakespeare no deer- stealer. 1862; GRIMALDI (JOSEPH). Notes and Emendations on the Plays of Shakspere. 1853; Hatt (H. T.). Shaksperean Fly-Leaves. 1869; FLowER (C. E.). Shakespeare on Horseback. Paper read at the Union Club, Stratford-on-Avon, March 3, 1887, by C. E. Flower. For Private Circulation. No date; WHATLEY (R.—Editor). Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakespeare. 1839; CATALOGUE. List of Shakespeare Rari- ties in the Rustic Wigwam at Hollingbury Copse, near Brighton. 1885; SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Life of Henry the Fifth. Text from the folio of 1623. 1863; CATALOGUE, Part I, of the Crosby Library. No place, no date; Hamtet. An Attempt to Ascertain whether the Queen Were an Accessory, Before the Fact, in the Murder of her first husband. 1856. 10 vols. in 8 vols. half calf, 6 vols. half calf, 1 vol. cloth with calf back. Together, 17 vols. 8vo and 12mo. 762. SHAKESPEAREANA. Stearns (Charles W.). The Shakespedre Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge. 1869 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Citation and Examination of William Shakespeare. . . Touching Deer-Stealing. 1834; GRONANS (THE), of Great Britain. 1753; WHELER (R. B.). History and Antiquities of Stratford-Upon-Avon. [1806;] Dossy (THomaAs). The Shakespearian Dictionary. 1832; Dopp (WittrAM). The Beauties of Shakespeare. 3 vols. 1780; [HEMINGE (JoHN) and ConDELL (HENRIE).| Prolegomena to the Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere. 1786; DA Porto (Luict). Juliet and Romeo. [1893;] DRAMATIC WRITING of Will. Shakspere, with the Notes of all the various Commentators. 1786; BYSSHE (EpwarpD). The Art of English Poetry. 2 vols. 1762; RICHARDSON (MR.). Essays on Shakespeare’s Dramatic Characters of Richard [Ird., King Lear and Timon of Athens. 1784; SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATED, or the Novels and Histories on which the Plays of Shakespeare are Founded. By the author of the “Female Quixote.” 2 vols. 1753; CURSORY REMARKS on Tragedy, on Shakespeare, and on Certain French and Italian Poets. 1774; Sonnets. No date. Together, 18 vols. 12mo and 16mo, half calf, some bindings worn. 763. SHAKESPEAREANA. Collier (J. P.). Notes and Emendations to the text of Shakespeare’s Plays. New York, 1853; SmitH (FRANCIS A.). The Critics Versus Shakspere. New York, 1907; HUDSON (H. N.). Lectures on Shakes- peare. 2 vols. New York, 1848; Assott (E. A.). A Shakespearian Gram- mar. London, 1870; ASHE (T). Lectures and Notes on Shakspere. London, 1885; Nev (S.). Shakespere, a Critical Biography. London, 1861; and others. Together, 22 vols. 12mo, cloth. 764. SHAKESPEAREANA. Thornbury (G.W.). Shakspere’s England. 2 vols. London, 1856; Kenny (T.). The Life and Genius of Shakespeare. London, 1864; Macinn (W.). Shakspeare Paper. London, 1859; Morcan (A. A.)._ Mind of Shakspeare. London, 1861; LANGTON (CLARE). The Light of Shake- [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 764. SHAKESPEAREANA.—Continued] speare. London, 1897; Warp (C. S.). Wit, Wisdom, and Beauties of Shakespeare. Boston, no date; CATTELL (C. C.). Great Men’s Views on Shakespeare. Birmingham, 1879; and others. Together, 23 vols. 12mo. cloth. 765. SHAKESPEAREANA. Lamb (Charles & Mary). Tales from Shakespeare. NewYork, no date; EvANs (JoHN). The Progress of Human Life; Shake- speare’s Seven Ages of Man. Chiswick, 1823; Bacon (SiR FRANCIS). The Bi-literal Cypher of Sir Francis Bacon discovered in his works, and deciphered by Mrs. Elizabeth W. Gallup. Detroit, no date; Dyck (Rv. A.). A Few Notes on Shakespeare. London, 1853; BAGEHoT (W.). Shakespeare the Man. New York, 1901; LEIGHTON (WILLIAM). Shakespeare’s Dream and other Poems. Philadelphia, 1881. 34 vols. wrappers, 6 vols. cloth, 1 vol. boards. Together, 41 vols. I12mo and 16mo. | 766. SHAKESPEAREANA. A series of 21 photogravures of characters in Shakespeare’s Plays, after paintings by Perugini, Leighton, Leslie, Calderon, Yeames, Fildes, Tadema, Poynter, Macbeth, Dicksee, Woods, and others. Pub- lished July 16, 1886, by Sampson, Low, Marston Searle and Rivington. All on Japan paper and matted, each inserted in folder with text. [ALSO] duplicates of three of the plates, each matted. Printed im colors on plain paper. Together, 24 pieces, folio. 767. SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Gossons School of Abuse, and An Apology for Actors (2 copies); Patient Grissil; Pride and Lowliness (2 copies); Extracts from Accounts of the Revels at Court; Johnson and Drummond; The Merry Wives of Windsor (2 copies); Timon (2 copies); Nash’s Pierce Penilesse (2 copies); Heywood’s King Edward the Fourth; Armin’s Nest of Ninnies; The Second and Third Parts of Henry VIth; Oberon’s Vision (2 copies); The Chester Plays; Tracts by John Forde; Tarlton’s Jests; The Ghost of Richard IIIrd.; Lives of the Actors; Riche, his Farewell; Shakespeare Society Papers. Vol. III; Karl Simrock; Hey- wood’s Fair Maid of the West; Riche, his Farewell. 1 vol. half calf, 26 vols. original cloth. Together, 27 vols. 8vo, uncut. London: Shakespeare Society, 1841-1850 768. SHAKESPEARE Society. The New Shakspere Society’s Transactions, 1874— 1892. 7 vols. 8vo. London, no date; PuBLIcATIONS. [Edited by P. A. Daniel, Frederick J. Furnivall, H. Littledale, W. G. Stone and others.]} 15 vols. royal 8vo. London, 1874-1885. Together, 22 vols, royal 8vo and 8vo, half black polished calf, gilt backs, contents lettered, sprinkled edges. London, 1874-1892 769. SHELLEY (MARy WOLLSTONECRAFT). Marshall (Mrs. Julian). The Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Portraits and facsimile. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter polished calf, gilt backs and tops, BY ROOT & SON. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1889 770. SHELLEY (PERCY ByssHE). The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait of Shelley by Finden. 3 vols. 12mo, full brown calf, gilt backs, gilt edges, leather labels. London: Edward Moxon, 1857 771, ties 773: 7/4: 775: 776. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th SHELLEY (PERcy ByssHE). The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited with a Memoir by H. Buxton Forman. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, three-quarter peacock-blue morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Bell & Sons, 1892 COMPLETE SET OF THE ALDINE EDITION, only 150 copies printed, of which 25 are for America. This is, No. 20 of the American edition. SHELLEY (PERCY ByssHE). Note-Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley, from the Originals, deciphered, transcribed and edited, with a full Commentary by H. Buxton Forman. Portrait and facsimiles. 3 vols. 8vo, half vellum, uncut, and unopened. Boston, I9QII BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 465 copies. SHELLEY LETTERS. Letters of Mary W. Shelley (Mostly Unpublished). With Introduction and Notes by Henry H. Harper. 1918; Payne-Shelley Letters. The Romance of Mary W. Shelley, John Howard Payne, and Washington Irving. Wzth 2 etched portraits, both on Japanese paper. 1907. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf and half vellum. Boston, 1907-1918 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Limited Editions, issued to members only. SHENSTONE (WILLIAM). The Works in Verse and Prose, of William Shenstone, Esq.: Most of which were never before printed. With two engraved frontis- pieces, two title-pages with engraved vignettes, and folding map. 3 vols. 8vo, moftled calf, gilt backs, leather labels, hinges cracked on one volume. | London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1764-1769 First EpiTion. With autograph signature of J. Lambert on title of Vol. III, and the following autograph inscription on fly-leaf of each volume,—“James Lambert Fell. Coll. Trin. Camb. 1767 (and 1769).” James Lambert became a Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, in 1765, and from 1771-1780 was a Greek Professor there. SKINNER (Oris). Otis Skinner Presenting George H. Boker’s Tragedy Francesca da Rimini. With an Appreciation by Lyman B. Glover. Wa1th photogravure portrait of Otis Skinner, and characters and scenes 1n the play. Narrow folio, full seal-brown crushed levant morocco, Janseneste, gilt lettering on back, inside borders of morocco and gilt fillet bands, with corner floral sprays, gilt top, uncut, original wrapper bound in, BY STIKE- MAN. Chicago, I90I PRESENTATION Copy, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf by Otis Skinner,— “To Mr. Locke a true lover of good books and a loyal friend, with the appreciation of Otis Skinner, 1902.” ; Inserted is a 2pp. Autograph Letter, Signed, by Otis Skinner, dated Detroit, Octo. 2sth. To Mr. Locke, relative to the work and the production of the play. With original addressed envelope. SmoLtetr (Toptas). The Works of Tobias Smollett. Edited by George Saintsbury. Numerous illustrations, on Japan paper. 12 vols. 8vo, half pearl-gray morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London: Gibbings & Company, 1895 COMPLETE SET OF THE LARGE PAPER EDITION, on handmade paper, 150 copies printed for England and America, of which this is, No. 54. CONTENTS Roderick Random, 3 vols.; Peregrine Pickle, 4 vols.; Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 vols.; Sir Launcelot Greaves; Humphry Clinker. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 777. SOCIETY OF FRENCH AQUARELLIsTS. Text by the Best French Critics. Jius- trated with plates in photogravure, in inset mats, printed im tint and with de- signs in facsimile, including reproductions from the works of Louis Leloir, Edouard Détaille, Gustave Doré, Ernest Duez, Lows Frangats, Maurice Leloir, Roger Jourdain, Henri Baron, Eugene Isabey, Jules Jacquemart, James Tissot, and other artists. American Edition, Edited by Edward Strahan. 4 vols. folio, blue levant morocco, contents lettered in gilt on front covers, gilt backs, wide inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, backs slightly faded. Paris: Goupil & Co., 1883 778. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). Metrical Tales and other Poems. First EDITION. 1905 Joan of Arc. Fourth Edition. Portrait. 2 vols. 1812. Together, 3 vols. 16mo, mottled calf. . London, 1805-1812 779. SPANISH RoGcuE. The Life and Adventures of Guzman d’Alfarache, or The Spanish Rosgue. Translated from the excellent French Edition of Mons. Le Sage. By John Henry Brady. 2 vols. 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt fillet borders, gilt backs, edges of bindings slightly rubbed. London, 1821 780. SPECIAL Presses. Burton (Charles P.). The Bashful Man and Others. Chicago: The Sky Press [1902]. One of 500 copies printed; CHAFFEE (FRANK). Smoke Rings and Roses. Illustrations by R. H. Perdue. Cleyeland: Pri- vately Printed by Jos. Leon Gobeille, 1904. One of 107 copies printed; Morris (WILLIAM). The Ideal Book, an Address. With headings and initials in red. New York: Printed for George H. Broughton, Jr., at the Calumet Press, 1899. One of 50 copies on Japan vellum; HORNE (HERBERT P.—Translator). Life of Michaelangelo Buonarroti. by Ascanio Condivi. Ornamental initials. Boston: Merrymount Press [1904;] BANNING (KEN- DALL). Songs of the Love Unending. Frontispiece. Chicago: Brothers of the Book, printed at the Village Press in New York, 1912. One of 775 copies printed; Book or EcctesiasTEs. The Journal of Koheleth. With an Essay by Elbert Hubbard. With ornamental borders and initials, the borders printed in red. East Aurora, New York: Roycroft Printing Shop, 1896. One of 700 copies printed, signed in ink by Elbert Hubbard. Together, 6 vols. boards, cloth backs. 781. SPECIAL PRESSES. Shaw (George Bernard). On Going to Church. East Aurora: Roycroft Press, 1896 CRANE (STEPHEN). War is Kind. Jllus- trations by Will Bradley. Cambridge and New York: University Press, 1899; FIELD (ROSWELL). Madeline. Title-page designed by Fletcher Seymour. Chicago: Prairie Press, 1906. One of 250 copies on Van Gelder paper; SPEN- SER (EDMUNDE). Amoretti. With illuminated initial letters, and a design, by Ruth Adams Turner. New York: Laurel Press, 1901. One of 450 copies; DE HerepiA (Jos&-Marfa). The Trophies, Sonnets. Translated by Frank Sewall. With ornamental borders and initials designed by Bertram G. Goodhue, illuminated by Ruth Adams Turner. Boston: Cambridge, University Press, 1900. One of 750 copies on English hand made paper; KENARD (JosEPH S.). The Fallen God, and other Essays in Literature and Art. Illustrations, ornamental borders and initials. Philadelphia: Jacobs and Company, 1901. One of 1200 copies. Together, 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo, full English calf, half unfinished calf and boards. 782. Secs se 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th SPENCE (JOSEPH). Polymetis. Wath engraved portrait of the author, and 4o full-page engravings (should be 41) on mythological subjects, and a few text illustrations, including a satirical vignette of Dr. Cooke, Provost of Eton, and his pupils at the end of the 17th Decalogue. Folio, calf, broken at hinges. London, 1747 First Epitron. With autograph signature of Joseph Trapp 1747, pamphleteer, first professor of poetry at Oxford. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Works of that Famous English Poet, Mr. Edmund Spenser. Viz. The Faery Queen, The Shepherds Calendar, The History of Ireland, &c. Whereunto is added, An Account of his Life: With other new Additions Never before in Print. Licensed, October 24th 1678. Robert L’Estrange. Frontispiece, Spenser's tomb, engraved by White. Folio, con- temporary calf, rebacked. London: Henry Hills for Jonathan Edwin, 1679 The Frrst COMPLETE EDITION, containing “Brittains Ida.” Dr. Furniss thinks that Gabriel Harvey’s letter, first printed here, gives an account of the earthquake men- tioned in Romeo and Juliet. This edition, also known as the third folio edition, is believed to have been partly edited by Dryden. On fly-leaf is written, in contemporary autograph, “Lord H auconberg, His Booke, 1863.” Sports AND PASTIMES OF Lonpon. Boulton (William B.). The Amusements of Old London, being a Survey of the Sports and Pastimes. . . of the People of London from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century. With 12 illustrations from contemporary sources, all coloured by hand. 2 vols. small 4to, half seal-brown morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN & CO. London, 1901 STEELE (StR RicHaRD). The Dramatick Works of the late Sir Richard Steele. Containing I. The Conscious Lover. II. The Funeral. III. The Tender Husband. IV. The Lying Lover. Engraved portrait of the author by G. Vertue after G. Kneller. 12mo, contemporary red morocco binding, gilt, gilt edges, rubbed. London, 1734 STERNE (LAURENCE). The Works of Laurence Sterne. With a Life of the Author, written by Himself. Portrait by W. T. Fry, and other illustrations. 4 vols. full mottled calf, gilt scroll border on sides, decorative gilt backs, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1819 STEVENSON (ROBERT Louts). Poems. Hitherto Unpublished. With Introduc- tion and Notes, by George S. Hellman. Efched portraits and facsimile of manuscripts. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Boston, 1916 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 484 copies. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis). Catalogue of a Collection of the Books of Robert Louis Stevenson in the Library of George M. Williamson. Etched portrait of Stevenson, proof, signed by the etcher. Royal 8vo, cloth. Jamaica, New York: 1901 Liurtrep EpItton, only 125 copies printed on plate paper, of which this is, No. 140. [STEVENSON (ROBERT Louts).] Hamilton (Clayton). On the Trail of Steven- son. Numerous full-page illustrations from drawings by Walter Hale, Member of the Society of Illustrators. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened. Garden City, New York, 1916 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 790. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis). The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to his Family and Friends. Selected and Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Sidney Colvin. 2 vols. 1899 The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. By Graham Balfour. 2 vols. 1901. With portraits and illustrations. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1899-1901 791. STOTHARD (THomAS). Life of Thomas Stothard. With Personal Reminis- cences by Mrs. [Anna Eliza] Bray. Wzth allustrations from his works, in the text. mabe 4to, full red morocco, gilt edges. London: John Murray, 1851 First EDITION ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a lithograph portrait. of Stothard on India paper, and 135 engravings, mostly inlaid to size, some full- page, all fine original impressions of designs by Stothard for his various works, and engraved by Bartolozzi, Heath, Fittler, Finden, Sharp, Medland, Cromek, Smith, and others. 792. STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER). The Writings of Mrs. Stowe. With Biographical Introductions. Portraits and scenes on India paper, titles in red and black, and general titles with vignettes on India paper. 17 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1896-1899 COMPLETE SET OF THE LARGE PAPER. AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH WRITTEN SPECIALLY FOR THIS EDITION A FEw MONTHS BEFORE HER DEATH, in Vol. I. THE Best EDITION OF Mrs. STOWE’S WORKS EVER PUBLISHED. CONTENTS Poganuc People and Pink and White Tyranny; Agnes of Sorrento; Stories, Sketches and Studies; Household Papers and Stories; Oldtown Folks and Sam Lawson, 2 vols.; My Wife and I; We and Our Neighbors; The Pearl of Orr’s Island; The Minister's Wooing; Dred, and other Anti-Slavery Tales and Papers, 2 vols.; Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Key, 2 vols.; Life and Letters; Stories and Sketches for the Young; Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems. 793. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England. A New Edition Revised and greatly Augmented. Engraved title-pages and portraits of every Queen. 8vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt panelled backs, leather ae inside dentelle borders, gilt tops, BY TOUT. London, 1851-1852 794. SUCKLING (SIR JOHN). The Works of Sir John Suckling. Containing his Poems, Letters and Plays. Engraved portrait of the 1755 edition inserted. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt back. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709. 795. SUE (EUGENE). The Mysteries of Paris. Numerous text illustrations. 3 vols royal 8vo, half calf, marbled edges, leather labels, backs rubbed. London: Chapman and Hall, 1845-1846 First Authorized English Edition. 796. SUE (EUGENE). Paula Monti: or, The Hétel Lambert. Wzth 20 full-page engravings on wood, from designs by Jules David. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, back faded, original cloth covers bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Chapman and Hall, 1845 First AND Best ENGLISH EDITION. 797- 798. 799. 800. Sol. 802 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th SUE (EUGENE). The Works of Eugene Sue. Jllustrated with etchings in two states, one on Japan paper, by Merzier, Poiteau, Adrian Marcel, and other artists. Tutle-pages on Japan paper. 20 vols. 8vo, seal brown crushed levant morocco, Janseneste, contents lettered in gilt on backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Printed for Francis A. Nicolls & Co. [1899-1900] COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITON DES AMATEURS, limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 15. CONTENTS The Wandering Jew, 6 vols.; The Mysteries of Paris, 6 vols.; Arthur, Indolence, 2 vols.; Pride, 2 vols.; Envy; Luxury, Gluttony; Avarice, Anger; The Knight of Malta. [SwirFT (JONATHAN).] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. With copious notes, a Life of the Author, and an Essay on Satrical Fiction, by W. C. Taylor. Illustrated with more than 400 woodcuts, from designs by Grandville. 8vo, full blue polished calf, double gilt fillet border on sides, gilt back, gilt top, leather label, uncut, By ZAEHNSDORF. London [1840] FINE Copy. Swift (JONATHAN). The Works of Jonathan Swift: containing Additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems not hitherto Published. With Notes and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait. 19 vols. 8vo, cloth, con- tents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London: Bickers and Son, 1883-1884 COMPLETE SET OF BICKERS’ FINELY PRINTED SECOND EDITION. Only 750 copies of this Edition have been printed for sale, 250 of which are reserved for America. E CONTENTS Memoirs; Journal to Stella, 2 vols.; Correspondence, 4 vols.; Tracts Historical and Political, 2 vols.; Miscellaneous Essays; Sermons; Tale of a Tub; Tracts Relative to Ireland, 2 vols.; Historical Tracts; Gulliver’s Travels; Miscellaneous Poems; Poetry, Riddles, etc.; Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards. A Tragedy. First EpITIon. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, with double gilt fillet border, sprays of lillies and gilt dots forming a panale, on covers; gilt back, gilt top, uncut, BY BICKERS AND SON. London: Chatto and Windus, 1899 SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Chastelard. A Tragedy. New York, 1866. Author’s Edition; Poems and Ballads [First Series.] 1866; Second Series, 1878; Third Series. 1889. First Epit1ons. Together, 4 vols. 12mo. and small 8vo, original cloth. New York, and London, 1866-1889 . SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Ode to Mazzini. Unpublished MSS. dis- covered among the author’s effects after his death. [With preface by Ed- mund Gosse.] Facsimiles. Boston, 1913; Border Ballads. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Facsimile MSS. Boston, 1913; Essay “Mr. Whistler’s Lecture on Art.” Facsimile of the Original MSS. printed on 13 pages of blue paper. In portfolio. [Boston, undated.] This essay is said to have caused the estrangement between Whistler and Swinburne. Together, 3 vols. small folio and 8vo, half vellum and cloth portfolio. Boston, various dates Limited to members only. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 803. Tacitus (CoRNELIUS). Cornelii Taciti Opera Minora. De Vita et Moribvs Ivlii Agricolae Liber; De Origine sitv Moribvs ac Popvlis Germanorym Liber; De Oratoribvs Dialogvs. Folio, boards, morocco back, uncut. Boston: D, B. Updike, 1904 Beautifully printed in large type. 804. TAINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. Title-pages and numerous engraved portraits on Japan paper. 4 vols. in 8, 8vo, dark blue crushed levant morocco, single and triple gilt fillet bands on sides; gilt panelled backs, contents lettered; inside gilt dentelle borders; doublures and end-leaves of crimson watered-silk; gilt . tops, uncut. Philadelphia: The Gebbie Publishing Co., 1895 _ EDITION DE GRAND LUXE, limited to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 16. 805. TALES, Original and Translated from the Spanish. By a Lady. Woodcuts. London; Oropiwa (A.). Le Portefeuille d’un trés Vieux Garcon. Colored illustrations. Paris; HERvEY (THoMAsS). Letter, to Sir Thomas Hanmer. (Also) A Proper Reply (to the same) by a Lady. London, 1742; LirE of Mrs. Robertson . . . Grand-Daughter of Charles Il. Derby, no date CasE of Mrs. Mary Catharine Cadiere. London, 1732; MEMOIRS of a Certain Island Adjacent to the Kingdom of Utopia. 2 vols. London, 1726; RosE GARDEN of Hindoostan. Persian text. Calcutta, 1802 (One volume worm eaten); SILVESTRE (A.). Le Nu au Champ de Mars. Iilus- trations. Paris, 1891. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, calf, half calf and paper. 806. TATLER (THE). A Corrected Edition; with Prefaces Historical and Bio- graphical. By Alexander Chalmers. Engraved vignette on each tille-page. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, title-pages slightly foxed. London: Nichols and Son, 1806 ORIGINAL EDITION of Chalmer’s issue. FINE Copy. 807. [TAYLOR (JEREMY).] Christ’s Yoke an Easy Yoke, and yet the Gate to Heaven a Strait Gate. In two excellent Sermons. First EDITION. En- graved portrait by F. A. Van Houe; [ALSO] HERBERT (GEORGE). A Priest to the Temple. Or, The Country Parson, His Character and Rule of Holy Life. The Third Impression. Bound in one vol., 16mo, new calf. London, 1675 With autograph signature of John Denne, Archdeacon of Rochester, on title-page. 808. TAYLOR (JEREMY). Ductor Dubitantium: or, The Rule of Conscience in all her General Measures. Fourth Edition. Engraved portrait and large vig- nette on title-page both by Lombart. Folio, old panelled calf, rebacked, rubbed. London: 1696 809. [TAyLor (THomAs).] A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. 8vo, half calf, name on title. ; Amsterdam [1791] First Epirion, and fuller in text than later issues. RARE. 810. TELEMACHUS. The Adventures of Telemachus. From the French of Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon. By John Hawkesworth. Portrait and a fine series of engravings by Scott. 2 vols. 16 mo, old calf, cracked at hinges. London: C. Whittingham, 1800 Se See ee a ee et ee ee Sil. ST2. 813. 814 815 816 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th TENNYSON (ALFRED, LorpD). The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate. Edited by William J. Rolfe. Eiched vignettes on title-pages, and numerous full-page etchings on Japan paper. 12 vols; [Atso] Alfred, Lord Tennyson. A Memoir by his Son. Etched vignettes on title-pages, on Japan paper, and full-page illustrations on plain paper. 3 vols. Together, 16 vols. 8vo, olive green crushed levant morocco, Janseneste, gilt lettering on backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat [1895-1898] EDITION DES AMATEURS, limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. 36. The works are printed throughout on Japan paper, the “Life” on Ruisdall paper. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). The Princess. 1847; Enoch Arden. 1864; Gareth and Lynette. 1872; Demeter and other Poems. 1889; The Death of CEnone, Akbar’s Dream, and other Poems. 1892. ALL First EDITIONS; [Atso] A Tennyson Primer. With a Critical Essay. By William Macneile Dixon. New York, 1896. Together, 6 vols. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. London and New York, 1847-1896 TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). Maud, and Other Poems. 1855; Idylls of the King. 1859; The Holy Grail and Other Poems. 1870; Queen Mary. A Drama. 1875; Harold. A Drama. 1877; The Lover’s Tale. 1879; The Cup and the Falcon. 1884; Becket. 1884; Tiresias and Other Poems. 1885; Locksley Hall, Sixty Years After. 1886; The Foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. 1892. ALL First Epitions. Together, 11 vols. 12mo, green morocco, gilt lettering on sides and backs, gilt tops, BY MUDIE. London, 1855-1892 ._ TENNYSON ILLUSTRATIONS. Etched portrait of Tennyson, and 99 photo- gravure illustrations to the works of Alfred Tennyson, on India paper, each mounted on stiff paper. Enclosed in cloth portfolio, with flaps. No place, no date ‘ THACKERAY (WiLtL1AM MAKEPEACE). The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. With portrait, numerous full-page illustrations, vignettes, and illustrated title-pages, by the author, George Cruikshank, J. P. Atkinson, and other artists, all on India paper. 26 vols. bound in 52, royal 8vo, half dark green morocco, gilt panelled backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1878-1886 COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITION DE LUXE. CONTENTS Critical Reviews; Miscellaneous Essays, Sketches and Reviews; Catherine; Yellowplush Memoirs; Samuel Titmarsh; Fitz-boodle; Vanity Fair, 4 vols.; Pendennis, 4 vols.; Newcomes, 4 vols.; Henry Esmond, 2 vols.; Virginians, 4 vols.; Burlesques, 2 vols.; Adventures of Philip, 4 vols.; Christmas Books, 2 vols.; Book of Snobs and Sketches and Travels in London, 2 vols.; Paris Sketch Book, 2 vols.; Irish Sketch Book, 2 vols.; Barry Lyndon [and] The Fatal Boots, 2 vols.; Four Georges; Ballads, and the Rose in the Ring, 2 vols.; Roundabout Papers, 2 vols.; Lovel the Widower; Contributions to Punch, 2 vols.; Denis Duval; Little Dinner at Timmin’s; Men’s Wives; English Humourists. _ Turocritus. The Idylls and Epigrams of Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. Edited by H. A. Metcalf. Introduction by W. C. Lawton. Engraved titles [ Continued Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th [No. 816. THEOCRITUS.—Continued] on Japanese paper by J. A. Wilcox, photogravures and other illustrations. 3 vols. royal 8vo, boards, uncut, unopened Boston, 1905 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 477 copies. Contains the Greek text, with the English translation on opposite pages. 817. THOREAU (HENRY D.). Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Portrait etched by Bicknell, proof on Japanese paper, title-pages etched by W. F. Hopson, in two states, one a proof on vellum, photogravure illustrations, and facsimiles. 2 vols. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. . - Boston, 1909 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Edition limited to 483 copies. 818. THoREAU (HENRY Davip). Sir Walter Raleigh. By H. D. Thoreau. Lately discovered among his Unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Introduc- tion by Franklin B. Sanborn. Edited by Henry A. Metcalf. Portrait. 1905. Sir Walter Raleigh was Thoreau’s favorite character in English his- tory. The work is here published for the first time; The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau, lately discovered among unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Edited by Franklin B. Sanborn. Portraits and facsimiles. 2 vols. 1905. These volumes contain an account of Thoreau’s Journey to the West. They are here first published by courtesy of the owner of the original manuscripts. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, uncut. Boston, 1905 BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY PUBLICATION. Editions limited to 489 copies. Issued to members only. 819. TimBs (JOHN). Clubs and Club Life in London, with Anecdotes of its Famous Coffee-Houses, Hostelries, and Taverns, from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Time. Jllustrated. No date; LARwoop (JACOB) AND HOTTEN (JouNn CAMDEN). The History of Signboards, from the Earliest Times to the Present-Day. With hundreds of facsimiles. No date. Together, 2 vols. thick 12mo, cloth. London: Chatto and Windus, no dates 820. TORELLI (Giacomo). Feste Theatrali per la Finta Pazza drama del Sigr. Giv- lio Strozzi. Rappresentate nel piccolo Borbone in Parigi quest anno MDC. XLV. Et de Giacomo Torelli da Fano Inuentore. . . Engraved title and 5 folding plates showing the stage settings for “Le Petit Bourbon” Theatre designed and drawn by Torelli, engraved by Nicolas Cochin. Folio. ‘{Paris, 1645;] [ALso] ExPLICATION DES DECORATIONS DU THEATRE, et les Argumens de la Piece. . .4to, uncut. Paris, 1645. Bound together in one small folio volume, original sprinked calf, corner of binding torn, en- graved title cut down and mounted. Paris, 1645 VeERY RARE. VALUABLE IN THE HISTORY OF THE THEATER, containing the text of Strozzi’s Drama, La Finta Pazza, and Torelli’s descriptions of his stage settings for the same, with finely engraved plates showing the scenes on the stage. From the library of William J. Florence, the noted actor, with an amusing note in his autograph. 821. Tory (GEOFFROY). Jovius (Paulus). Pavli Iovii Novocomensis Vite dvo- decim vicecomitvm mediolani principym . . . 10 woodcut portraits by Geofroy Tory, printer’s device on title. 4to, old calf, worn, hinges cracking. Lvtetiae (Paris): Ex officina Rob. Stephani. . . 1549 The woodcut portraits are supposed to be by Geoffroy Tory, and each cut bears ' his mark. NicE Copy WITH AMPLE MARGINS. . Trinity College Dublin Library duplicate, with Library stamp. ee ee ee en ee ee, ee ee ee ee a aA ‘ - ee E =) io Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 822. TROLLOPE (Mrs. FRANCES). The Barnabys in America, or, Adventures of the Widow Wedded. First Epition. Illustrations by Leech. 3 vols. small 8vo, original, cloth, uncut, plates foxed. London, 1843 823. Tupor LisrARyY: Comprising,—Daphnis and Chloe. By Angel Day. Re- printed from the Unique Original and Edited by Joseph Jacobs, 1890; The Strife of Love ina Dream . . . of Francesco Colonna. A New Edition by Andrew Lang, 1890; Narcissus. A Twelfe Night Merriment played by Youths of the Parish at the College of St. John the Baptist in Oxford, A. D. 1602. With Appendix. Now First Edited from a Bodleian MS. by Mar- garet L. Lee, 1893; Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. His Life by his Nephew Giovanni Francesco Pico. . . translated from the Latin by Sir Thomas More. Edited with Introduction and Notes by J. M. Rigg. 1890 Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy. Translated from the Latin by George Colville, 1556. Edited with an Introduction by Ernest Belfort Bax. 1897. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, boards, uncut and partly unopened. London: David Nutt, 1890-1897 Edition limited to 250 and 500 copies respectively. 824. Tuscan Sones. Collected, Translated and Illustrated by Francesca Alex- ander. 108 photogravures on Japan paper from the original designs. Royal 4to, vellum, sides and back covered with fleur-de-lys design in gilt, gilt edges. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1897° Edition limited to 50 copies, printed throughout on Japan paper, of which this is, No. 28. With a one-line poetical inscription on fly-leaf in the autograph of, and signed by the Editor,—“Singing and making melody with your hearts unto the Lord. Francesca Alexander.” 825. UNIVERSITY OF LITERATURE (THE), a Cyclopedia of Universal Literature. Editor-in-Chief W. H. DePuy. Frontispieces. 20 vols. 8vo, half leather. New York, 1896 826. VALE Press. Blake (William). The Book of Thel, Songs of Innocence, and Songs of Experience. London, 1897. Limited to 210 copies; DRAYTON (MicHAEL). Nymphidia and the Muses Elizium. Edited from the Earliest Editions by John Gray. London, 1896. Each with woodcut frontispiece and woodcut border by Charles Ricketts. Together, 2 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards, paper labels. London, 1896-1897 827. VAN DykE (HENRY). Essays in Application. 1905; The Blue Flower. 1902: The Ruling Passion. 1901: The First Christmas Tree. 1897. ALL FIRST Epitions The Lost Word. 1898; Ships and Havens. [1898]; VAN DYKE (Joun C.). The Meaning of Pictures. First EDITION. 1903; Nature for Its Own Sake. Second Edition. 1898. Some allustrations. Together, 8 vols. I2mo and 8vo, cloth, mainly uncut. New York, 1897-1905 828. VEDDER (ELinu). The Digressions of Elihu Vedder, written for his own fun, and that of his friends . . . being a Portrait of Himself from Youth to Age. With many illustrations by the author on Japan paper. 2 vols. 4to, vellum boards, with ornamental design and title on front covers done in blue and gold, gilt backs and tops, uncut, binding slightly soiled. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910 AUTOGRAPH EDITION, No. 44, Signed by the Author. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 829. VICTIM OF Passion (THE) or, Memoirs of the Conte de Saint Julien. 3 vols. 12mo, calf, former owner’s name cut from top margins of title. London, 1794 830. VirGIL. Ogilby (John). Publii Virgilli Maronis Opera. Per Johannem Ogil- vium. Engraved portrait and 102 full-page engravings by Faithorne, Hollar, and Lombart, and numerous head-pieces. Folio, panelled calf, rubbed, corner of two leaves repaired. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1658 First EpITION OF VirRGIL EpITED BY JOHN OGILBy. FINE Copy WITH LARGE MARGINS, 831. VIZETELLY (HENRY). The Story of the Diamond Necklace, told in Detail for the First Time. Frontispieces. First EpITIon. 2 vols. small 8vo, cloth. Ex-library copy, bindings worn. London, 1867 832. VIZETELLY IssuEs OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED Books. Daphnis and Chloe. A Pastoral Romance. Translated from the Greek of Longus. Illustrated with copper-plate engravings after designs by Prudhon, Baron Gerard and Philippe d’Orleans: FAVRE (ABBE DE). Beauty’s Day. Trans- lated by H. G. Keene, C. I. E., and M. A. (Oxon), and alustrated with the copperplate engravings, from designs by Leclerc, contained in the original 1ssue of the work: De PEzay (MaRQuts) AND Dorat (CLAUDE J.). Delia Bathing. Celia’s Doves. Translated by H. G. Keene, C. I. E., and M. A. (Oxon), and illustrated with the original copperplate engravings after the designs of C. Eisen; ~Dorat (CLAUDE J.). The Kisses. Preceded by The Month of May. Translated by H. G. Keene, C. E. I., and M. A. (Oxon), and illustrated with the original copper-plate engravings after the designs of C. Eisen and C. P. Marillier; DusEJouR (Mux. Dionis). The Origin of the Graces. Illus- trated with the original copperplate engravings after the designs of C. N. Cochin. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. London: Vizetelly & Co., undated All limited Editions on hand-made paper. Reprints. 833. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. Arovert DE). Romances, Tales, and Smaller Pieces. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf, marbled edges, bindings rubbed. London: Printed for P. Dodsley, 1794 First ENcLisH Epition. Autograph of Marshall Carritt, 1855, in each volume. 834. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. Arovet DE). Candide or All for the Best. A New Trans- lation from the French. With Introduction by Walter Jerrold. Wauth frontispiece, and vignettes by Adrien Moreau, with an extra set of ‘en-tetes’ in color. Large 8vo, yellow shot-silk, gilt top, uncut. London, 1898 LARGE PAPER EDITION of 100 copies. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VEL- LuM, of which this is, No. 19. 835. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. Arovet De). La Pucelle, the Maid of Orleans. New and complete translation into English verse, revised, corrected and augmented from the earlier translation of W. H. Ireland, and the one attributed to Lady Charleville, with variants now for the first time translated by Ernest Dowson. 2 vols. small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1899 No. 28 of 500 copies printed for the Lutetian Society. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 836. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. Arovet DE). The Works of Voltaire. A Contemporary ae ee 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. Version, with Notes, by Tobias Smollett, Revised and Modernized. New Translations by William F. Fleming, and an Introduction by Oliver H. G. Leigh. A Critique and Biography by the Rt. Hon. John Morley. Profusely illustrated, comprising reproductions of rare old engravings, steel plates, photogravures, and curious facsimiles, frontispieces colored by hand. 42 vols. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, sides of blue unfinished calf, gilt backs, contents lettered, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, London, New York, Chicago: E. R. Dumont [1901] Tey aia Set oF Les DELICES EDITION, limited to 110 copies, of which this is, o. 65. i CONTENTS Dramatic Works, 5 vols.; Charles XII, 2 vols.; Maid of Orleans, 2 vols.; Ancient and Modern History, 7 vols.; Romances, 3 vols.; Henriade; Age of Louis XIV, 2 vols.; Russian Empire, 2 vols.; War of 1741; Essays; Annals of the Empire, 2 vols.; Philosophical Dictionary, 10 vols.; Biographical Critique; Lisbon Earthquake and other Poems; Introductory and Biographical; Short Studies in English. WAGNER (RicHaARD). Ein Bildercyklus von Ferdinand Leeke. Begleite der text von Franz Muncker. Full-page photogravures, on India paper, of Scenes from Wagner’s plays. 2 vols. folio, cloth, gilt edges. Miinchen: Franz Hanfstaengl, no date WALKER (ALEXANDER). Beauty, illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman. Second Edition, Revised. Illustrated by drawings from life by Henry Howard, drawn on stone by M. Gauci and R. J. Lane, on India paper. 8vo, cloth, uncut, binding worn. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1846 WALLACE (LEW). The Fair God. A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico. Ex- tensively illustrated with full-page tinted photogravures and text illustrations, by Eric Pape, the frontispiece in each volume having the illustrator’ s autograph signature; also, illuminated title-pages. 2 vols. royal 8vo, embossed un- dressed calf, with gilt labels on sides and backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Company, 1899 Autuor’s AUTOGRAPH Copy, No. 105. With the Author’s Autograph Inscription —“Very respectfully, Lew Wallace Nov. 7, 1898.” Wa.pote (Horace). Wisdom of Horace Walpole. With a Foreword [by Lewis Buddy III.]. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Cambridge: Privately Printed, 1905 KIRKGATE Press EDITION. One of 75 copies printed on Italian hand-made paper in the Bodoni type, especially cast for the University Press, and signed by Lewis Buddy III. WALTON (WILLIAM). Paris, Known and Unknown. Many full-page plates, and illustrations in the text, many being colored. 10 sections, Japanese vellum, uncut. Each section enclosed within a half-blue morocco folder. Philadelphia: George Barrie and Son [1898] Japan EDITION, printed throughout on Japanese vellum, limited to 450 copies, this being No. 69, printed for Mr. Robinson Locke. WarREN (SAMUEL). Works of Samuel Warren: Comprising,—Dairy of a late Physician Ten Thousand a Year. 2 vols. Now and Then Miscellanies. Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs and tops. Edinburgh and London, 1854-1855 Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 843. WeEsTwoop (J. O.). Palzographia Sacra Pictoria, being a Series of Illustra- tions of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Hluminated Manu- scripts, executed between the Fourth and Sixteenth Centuries. Numerous plates, beautifully executed in colors. 4to, half morocco, uncut, binding rubbed. London: Henry G. Bohn, no date 844. [WHISTLER (JAMES McNEILL).] Du MaAurrer (Grorce). Trilby. “The Whistler Trilby.” The Complete Original Issue as it appeared in Harper’s “New Monthly Magazine,” for January to August, 1894. Numerous illus- trations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top. [New York, 1894] A Choice Whistler Item, with all the SuppRESSED MATTER. The illustration, “The Two Apprentices,” p. 579, was entirely pre and does not appear in the book. In the illustration, “All as it used to be,” p. 575, the portrait of Whistler has been changed and made unrecognizable in the ents by the addition of a beard (see the slender figure against the wall in the right background). The suppressed reading matter referring to Joe Sibley (Whistler) is on pp. 577-578. Bound in with the above work, are numerous newspaper clippings and magazine articles referring to the play and its author; also, Two Play-Bills announcing the Performance of the Play at the Park Theatre (New York) for the weeks of March 11, and April 1, 1895. 845. WHISTLER (JAMES MCNEILL). The Works of James McNeill Whistler, a Study by Elisabeth Luther Cary. With a tentative list of the artist’s works. Full-page reproductions. 8vo, boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1913 846. WHITE HousE GALLERY (THE) of Official Portraits of the Presidents. With full-page photogravure reproductions, of the Presidents from Washington to Roosevelt, done from paintings by noted artists including Stuart, Healy, An- drews, and others. Folio, leather, front cover with gilt corner designs and large center gilt metallic embossed ornament of the Great Seal of the United States, watered-silk doublures, with outer borders of leather and gilt hands, gilt top, uncut. : New York and Washington: Gravure Company of America, 1906 EXECUTIVE EDITION, each copy numbered and registered. 847. WHITMAN (WALT). The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman. Issued under the Editorial Supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Buck, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel. With additional bibliographi- cal and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs. With etched and photogravure portraits and decorative title-pages on Japan paper. 10 vols. royal 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, double fillet gilt border en- closing a decorative gilt panel; wide inside border with double fillet border in gilt; decorative gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, backs and sides of four vols. faded. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1902 CONNOISSEUR’S CAMDEN EDITION, eae to 200, signed and numbered sets, of which this is, No. 150. 848. WILDE (Oscar). The Picture of Dorian Gray. London, 1891. RARE First LARGE PAPER EpiTIon, limited to 250 copies, of which this is, No. 197. Signed in the Autograph of the Author; Salome. A Tragedy in One Act. Translated from the French of Oscar Wilde. With 16 drawings by Aubrey Beardsley. London, 1907; De Profundis. First Eprtion. London [1905]; The Duchess of Padua, and Salome. New York, 1906; Poems. 2 vols. New York, 1906, Together, 6 vols. 4to and small 8vo, cloth and boards, uncut. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 849. Wrncop (THomAS). Scanderbeg: or Love and Liberty, a Tragedy. To which are added A List of all the Dramatic Authors. . . to the year 1747. Copperplates and vignette portraits. 8vo, old calf. London, 1747 850. WINsoR (JusTtiIN—Editor). Narrative and Critical History of America. Illustrated with numerous portraits, views, maps, plans and facsimile auto- graphs, etc. 8 vols. in 16, small folio, boards, uncut. ‘Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. [1889] LARGE Paper, limited to 550 copies, of which this is, No. 324. One of the most complete and valuable works, relating to the history of America. FINE SET. 851. WINTER (WILLIAM). Collected Works of William Winter. Wath numerous portraits and other illustrations. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, cloth (different), gilt lettering on backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1908-1918 ALL ARE PRESENTATION Copies, Signed and Autographed by the Author on fly- leaves, excepting two volumes, one of which is unsigned, the other with signature inserted. CONTENTS Other Days; Vagrant Memories; Life and Art of Richard Mansfield, 2 vols.; Shakespeare on the Stage. [First] Second, and Third Series, 3 vols.; Shakespeare’s England; Gray Days and Old; Over the Border; Wallet of Time, 2 vols.; Life of David Belasco, 2 vols. 852. WINTER (WILLIAM). Poems. Boston, 1855. Author's first work; Henry Irving. Portraits. New York, 1885; Brief Chronicles. Parts 1, 2, 3. Por- trait. 3 vols. New York: Dunlap Society, 1889-1890. Limited to 190 coptes; A Wreath of Laurel, Being Speeches on Dramatic and Kindred Occasions. Portrait. New York: Dunlap Society, 1898. Limited to 265 copies; Old Shrines and Ivy. New York and London, 1892; Shadows of the Stage. First and Third Series. New York and London, 1892-1895. ALL First EDITIONS. Also, the following not First Editions,—Shakespeare’s England. New Edi- tion. New York and London, 1892; Shadows of the Stage First and Sec- ond Series. Boston [1893]; HowEtis (W. D.). Criticism and Fiction. First Epition. New York, 1891; WARNER (CHARLES DuDLEy). As We Were Saying. Jilustrated. First Epition. New York, 1891; CuRTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM). From the Easy Chair. First Series. Illustrated. FIRST Epition. New York, 1892. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, 12mo and 24mo, cloth, wrappers and limp morocco. - Various places, various dates 853. WOFFINGTON (MARGARET). Woffington. A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman. By Augustin Daly. With full-page portraits and illustrations. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Printed for the Author, 1888 ’ LARGE Paper. This edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is, No. 99, signed by the author. 854. WotsEy (CarpINnaL). Fiddes (Richard). The Life of Cardinal Wolsey. W2th several copper plate portraits by Vertue, and plates. Small folio, mottled calf, gilt back, leather label, repaired at hinges. . London: Printed for John Barber, 1724 First Epition. “The noticeable features of this work are that it attempted to vindicate Wolsey’s memory from the Obloquy which had persistently pursued it, and also that it took a view of the Reformation less unfavourable to the medieval church than that of most protestant writers." DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. With 2 bookplates of the Earls of Orrery. Third Session, Thursday Evening, November 10th 855. WOLSEY (CARDINAL). [Grove (Joseph).] The History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey, Prime Minister to King Henry VIII. . . In which are interspersed the Lives and memorable Actions of the most eminent Persons. Collected from ancient Records, Manuscripts, and Historians. Illustrated with 4o full-page engraved portraits by Parr of notable personages of this period, and folding views. 4 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, cracked at hinges. London, 1742-1744 First EpITIon. Perfect copy, with all the plates. Seldom found perfect. With armorial bookplate of Gvll. Edv. Layton in each volume. 856. Woman. Goodrich (F. B.). Women of Beauty and Heroism. New York, 1859; APPLETON’S Portrait Gallery of Women. 2 vols. New York, 1875; ELLis ‘((HAVELOCK). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Sexual Inversion. Philadelphia, 1902; DororHEa (SopHiA). Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, Consort of George I. 2 vols. London, 1845; Corsin (C. F.). A Woman's Philosophy of Love. Boston, 1893; TwitcHELL (H.—Translator). Beau- tiful Women in Art. Translated from the French of Armand Dayot. 2 vols. 1902; Apams (W.H.D.). Famous Beauties and Historic Women. 2 vols. London, 1865; PrEAcocK (V. T.). Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century. Philadelphia, 1901; and others. Some illustrated. Together, 18 vols. 4to and 12mo, various bindings. 857. WorpDsworTH (WILLIAM). The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. Edited with Memoir by Edward Dowden. Portrait. 7 vols. 12mo, three- quarters brown morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Bell & Sons, 1892-1893 COMPLETE SET OF THE ALDINE EDITION, only 150 copies printed, of which 25 copies are for America. This is No. 20 of the American Edition. 858. WorLD WAR (THE). The Great War, Edited by George H. Allen, and others. With an Introduction by The Honorable William Howard Taft. Numerous portraits, maps, views and war scenes. 5 vols. thick 8vo, half leather, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie’s Sons, 1915-1921 859. ZOLA (EMILE). The Writings of Zola. Now first completely translated into English. 12 vols. 8vo, dark blue buckram, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for the Lutetian Society, for private distribution, 1893-1895 One of 300 copies printed on Arnold’s hand-made paper, of which this is, No. 74. “No further copies of this book will ever be printed by the Lutetian Society.” CONTENTS Nana. Translated by Victor Plaar; Pot-Bouille. Translated by Percy Pinkerton; Germinal. Translated by Havelock Ellis; L’Assommoir. Translated by Arthur Symmons; La Terre. Translated by Ernest Dowson; La Curée (The Hounds’Fee). Translated by A. Teixeira de Mattos. 860. MISCELLANEOUS Books, including,—Bunsen (C. C. J.). Hippolytus and his Age. 4 vols. 1852; EcLEcTIC MAGazINngE. A number of old volumes, lacking the plates. New York, various dates; and others. Together, 220 volumes, various sizes, various bindings. Various places, various dates THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E, KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS | FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES ‘THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3340 GRAMERCY H | ce Bo Le 1921 Nov. 9 NeAmL c.1 American /Private library of the WI nua af 3 3125 | SeaSe SACHS Shae aus : —— Ph, ede AY Oe ae Cit P ay THE AMERICAN pen ss¢