en italiana aa BESS “$18,429 aes Auction. An unusual circumstance connected with the picture auction last night in the Anderson Galleries was the dispersal of a group of paintings that had been acquired by the United States Govern- ‘ment under the alien property act. Most of these works of art had been handed over by well known ‘firms to whom the pictures had been consigned before the war by German owners. ‘The Alien Property Custodian had the right to exclude from the bidding any agent who might bid for an alien client, and in fact all the bids were to be sub- ject to strict official scrutiny. Most of the works were comparatively unimpor- tant and only two brought good prices, John Levy, the well known dealer, get- ting both of them, He gave $2 ,100 for No. 92, ‘Santa Lucia,” an early. Italian work by an unknown artist of the Sien- | nese school, and $650 for No. 93, “Two | Saints,” by an early Florentine painter. | he other paintings sold had belonged | to the late Frederic R. Halsey. | Robbins led the list of buyers, raying | bee .750 for No. 62,, Franz von Lenbach’s “Portrait Study of an Old Man,” and ‘$925 for No. 63, the same artist’s ““Peas- ‘ant Girl.” A. Starks paid $1,700 for No. "Bs, a “Spanish Scene,” by J. Benliure y | Gil; McDonough Galleries got No. 51, | “Interior of a Stable.” by Rosa Bonheur, | for $325, and Knoedler & Co, paid $650 | for No. 41, Charles Jacques’s ‘Sheep and | Lamb.” R. A. Reader paid $400 for No. 65, a miniature portrait by Andrew Plimer; pv, A. Isler gave $260 for No. 36, John | Downman’ s “Portrait of a Lady”; Henry |Schultheis paid $150 for No. 31, “The | Inn, ” by Sorolla, and Clapp & Graham \gave $230 for No. 16, the “Dragoon,” by |Wdward Detaille. The total for the en- tire sale was $13;429. GERMAN PAINTINGS os i wo portraits. by Franz von-Leaba ‘of the German school that fismened jmear the end of the last century, I! brought $2,675 last night at a sale in the Anderson Galleries for the account lof A. Mitchell Palmer, Alien i-roperty. ; Custodian. L. Ma Robbins ‘bought both. i ‘John Levy pai $2,100 for a Santa | Lueia of the. Sienese school and $650 for a picture of St. Benedict and a female saint. Ry A. Reader gave $400 for a miniature of Miss Anna Overand by An- drew Plimer, eighteenth century Eng- lish. Paintings from the colleation of the late Frederic R. Halsey were alzo “sold, M,. Knoedler'& Co. :aying $650 for ‘The Wine Cellar” by Iduard , Grutzner, German, of the last century. and the McDonough Galleries paying $325 for “Interior of a Stable” by Rosa Bonheur, - household furnishings, paying $625 f. ENBACH PAINTING, $1, 1750, | rene: Study. of af nea ed. ds. Moderns in Halsey ‘Collection. ne ‘the sale of paintings and miniatures | of the collection of the late Frederic R. Halsey at, the Anderson. Galleries Jast evening an unusual ‘ Portrait Study of. & )Man,”’ the. half length figure, of a. Bavarian peasant in relief .against a background of rough gray boards, by the German artist Lenbach, brought. the highest price for a modern picture, g0- ing to lL. M. Robbins for $1, 750. An-! ether Lenbach, ‘‘ Portrait of a Peasant Girl,’ a life-size study, an early work | of the artist, went to the same buyer for | $925. The returns for the evening were. bi 420. FF. A. Awe wlor was one of the biggest buyers at the afternoon saleyof art and bronze group, ,the \' Four Seasons,’ four pieces; $200 for a pen of. pies bronze amphoras, French; $1 for an Empire candelabraum, and $100 for figures, Anthony Van Dyké and Rubens he returns for the afternoon we x $15. The sale will be conti fternoon, Pa aallital eT 40 ee keds er Some 63 oils and 28 miniatures, owned b the late Frederic R. Halsey, and two old oils, formerly owned by Bohler and Stein- meyer, and six modern oils, formerly owned by the now interned dealer, Lodevic, the last eight sold by order of A. Mitchell Palmer, alien property custodian, were dis- persed at auction at the Anderson Galleries Wed. eve. last for a total of $13,329. This total included some $1,101, paid for 28 Halsey miniatures, which brought an aver- age of about $40 each, the highest price, $400, having been paid by Mr. R. A. Reader trait of Miss Overland. The pictures sold with artists’ |titles, buyers and prices follow: No. Artist Title Buyer 1. Simone, G., “Market at Resittey near Naples,” 21x15%, H. Behr ....... Ze Davics (Ge bhe Print Seller,” 13x10 JAS AMAW ate nsteys fos aS Su asda eee 3. Av Siy elite tthe «Onehard; 275x101, WMP stall. siatecs stale safer! le vornkar ete 4, Brissot, F., “Sheep in Pasture,” 9%4- SUS beh. Meaitl ages stats shu waa slgieins 5. Langlin, “The Masquerader,” 1614x11, ING Are Walters tas tet e eleritele stee-relsl=colale 6. Dixon, C., “Below Greenwich,” 11x- SON es lites etal Cel a ee Se ee cee See 7. Dixon, C., “Limehouse Reach,” 10%- 2994 IC. NS WICC. F's +'s cia sine eis 8.. Pearson, W. H., ‘“Trawlers near Boul- ogne,’ 10%x23%, G. A. Baker & (COE Sisson oe ebUor nuestra sbors4 9. Rossi ATS “Tn the Garden,” 141%4x10Y%, IM Tat tat ates een eaten tases 10, .Gemmer, O. de, ‘“‘Waiting for the Mas- ter,” 111%4x16%4, Knoedler & Co... 11, Dixon, C., “The Lower Hope,” 11x- 3034, Cy Me Tice. 4.0. wn00s > «csi ey, Lemaire, M., “The Quiet Smoke,” 17x- TEAS A Waters HED oe Rae COTOEE 11635 Greenwood, P., “An Ocean Liner,” 16x- 25%, Ww. F. Ripper .. 14, Unknown, “Boquet of Flowe » N, LE... Landatt.g cect ece nce ins 15. Leloir, L., “The Inn,” 91%x13, A. A. WV Ate rSty eles stitaarie merece efolevareVausioo= 16. Detaille, E., “The Dragoon,” 13x9¥%, Clapp & Graham See eee iacretee ices 17. Gavarni, ‘Sketch,’ Rief- stahl 18. Kirschner,.. F “Bavarian Village Scene,” 14, F. Fleitman ...2.. 19, Cortazzo, “Making Himself Useful,” 1734014, AY A. Waters) 22. -i5.< 20. Unknown, “The Proposal,” 14%4x12 R= Ederheimer 05.2%... 552-2 - sale pit, eZutz, Cy ..Ducks and Hens (Pair),” Ys Nala INS, Sia) Sn asecdSaees 22a Neanicn int “Watering the Horses,” 10% inches square, J. S. ,Porter. 23. Munsch, Jos., “Inn Scene,’ 1534x12, HESchulihcis wee hee ese ee 24, Max, G., “The Last Token,” 14%4x10¥%, AONUMA eee aah eek ee eee ees 25. Desgoffes,~B:, “Still Life,”~24x10%4, MBN Tita ICSE esate co a coteristas vhs Gi gierecaesl-o! laze 26. Hemsley, W., “coh Bird Trap,” 7%- Begemita Nin StEVeNS) 6. .c0s 3 o:0s. see 27. Seitz, A., “The Conno ur Model,” esis $xo%, Wy Bohr... ese cee 28. Gués, A., “The Game of Chance,” 634x914, Arlington Galleries...... 29, Unknown, “Portrait of a Scientist,” ie 94x74, Washo bolaventure \. 2... 30. Jutz, Carl, “Watchful Hen and Duck- lings,” 51%4x7%, H. Schultheis Raa 31, Sorolla, J:, ‘The Inn,” 8%4x12, H. = Schultheis MEL cra eae Sa weiss cae 32. Vautier, oes ‘The Clergyman’s Visit,” x8, GC MILOWeENStEIN % ceive => ss Soy Kauibeoh 'F., “Pair of Ideal Heads,” 3 74x54, (GA RENIRAE Gl es RRO ICIS . 34. Philips, A... “The Mirror,” 6YAxS¥, ; LL.M. Robbins’ i 6... <. 35. Huet, C., “Visit to the Invalid, ie 11%- xi5%, (Cy iio he eee 36. Downman, J., “Portrait of a Lady,” 10x834, Paul A. Isler /for the example of Andrew Plimer, a por- names, Price $15.00 | 35.00 10.00 12.50 12.50 22.50 20.00 15.00 47.50 27.50 20.00 15.00 20.00 7.00 j H j ! { 37. Raupp, Carl, “The Betrothed” 1114: x94, L. Mi Robbins ’.csmsc. ts © 50.00 38. Leray, P., “Unpleasant News,” 14x- i 1034, CAs mBlattai |... ete ee 27.50 39. Marc, W., “The Sees Lesson,” 16x- : 1a EDIC En. 3s Re oe 87.50 40. Velten, W., “Hungry Friends,” 27x22, L obbins 3st...) Sete eee 150.00 41. Jacque, C., “Sheep aad Lamb,” 13x- ; 16, Knoedler & Co. . see 650.00 42. Grutzner, ES Dhe Wie Cellar,” 1914. : x1l5¥y, H. Coynilran, Agt: s+... see 200.00 43. Eberle, A., “In the Sheepfold, ” 17Y- ; x21%, C. M.' Tice . 3. See - 250.00 44. Beyschlag, K, “The Reflection,” 26%4- : algae les "M. Robbins ©. lamas 80.00 pee See eae Bes Eel | 45. Schmid, M., “Tyrolese Interior,” 25%4- one McDonough allertesie sce 105.00 46. Quadrone, G. B., “The Challenge, lixi5, B._ Devine)... nee 65.00 47. SE F., “The Village Store,” j 144x154, McDonough Galleries. . 47.50 | 48. Reanealy “Landscape,” 9x12%, D. | vine oie ete ofeieiie: «16 0s0%e tele eee 7.00 , 49, Hofney “Stable Interior,” 2814x2514, \ H... Schultheis © .....; . 1 sneieeeeaeeae 170.00 50. Beyschlag, R., ‘The Proposal,’ 28x- 21%, L. M. Robbins |. 72 eeemeee 80.00 ) 51. Bonheur, R., “Interior of a Stable,” | 22x28%, McDonough Galleries.. 325.00 | 52, Rosenthal, T. E., “Between Two \ Evils, % 2734x1434, W. R. Hearst.. 300.00 RG} ‘Corradini, C., “A Lesson in Geogra- _ phy?” 1173423, Olivotti nee 130.00 54. Filosa, G., ““The Park,’ 15x20;;Ap=r: +i | FP cS 30.00 55. Marchetti, L., ‘The Boast Warrior,” 21x2914, A. A. Waters? seem 42.50) 56. Marianof, ‘‘The Odalisk,” 26%4x39¥Y, Rie Heyman® ; 3... 20 a 27.50 57. Bossuet, F., “Market Scene,” 3614x29, McDonough Galleries ............ 77.50 58. Benlliure, J., ‘‘Spanish Scene,” 22x43, onan ao tce oie's ove,. 6 taint en a 1,100.00 59. Keller, F .» ‘The Hunter’s Tale,” 3214- x24%, L. M. Robbins .2. cee 210.00 60. Bossuet, F., “Old Spanish Town, 22%4x47, Hl. Behr ..... 44: gnegeee 210.00 61. Haagen, H., ‘Alpine Landscape,” 51x- 41y4, OSS. .«).. 6.0.2 se cce seein oe 0 eeOOsOO 62. Lenbach, F., ‘Portrait Study of a : Man,” 2714x21, L. M. Robbins.... 1,750.00 63.. Lenbach, F. “Portrait of a Peasant ; Girl,” 36x28, L. M. Robbins...... 925.00 Alien Enemy Pictures \ 92, Siennese School, “Santa Lucia,” 36x30, John Leyy «.i 02.1... eee 2,100.00 93. Early Florentine School, ‘Two Saints” / (Two panels), 15x7%4, John Levy.. 650.00 94. Jacquet, “Ideal Head,” 27x22; ° Cun- i framed), A. Flattau: ...\-uen ae 40.00 95. Munthe, L., “Winter Scene,” 12x20 I ali Ripperger, tid aie oe-e0 610 6 ooo ee 20.00 | 96. Poittevan, E., “Sea Shore Scene,’ 13x- | 16, A. L. Rauch os iste ee 6.00 | 97. Roseland, H., “Portrait Study of a Tramp,” 30x16, Calo Galleries... 22.50 98. German Contemporary, “Landscape } Portrait Study,” 22%x33%, R | Ederheimer Se)... ace ee 10.00 | Curtis, S. V., “An Inn Courtyard,” 24x39, R. Heyman toi is + sae ea 65.00 | 100. Manner of Ziem, “Venetian Scene,” | 16%4x26, R. Heyman PER ad Su. 0 37.50 1101. Sully, Thos., “Portrait Study,’”’ 24x20, _ Ehrich Galleries, oS ee 35.00 102. Liebl, W., ‘The Young Housewife,” 32x24, R. Heyman... .:...). 00 gpm 22.50: 103. Bruestle, G. M., ‘Winter Landseape | 22x30, Calo Galleries ..?......... 50.00 ; 104. Keith, W., “Landscape with Sheep,’ | 24x20, Calo Galleries; /.32,. 0; 920% 65.00 | Dotaligiss asters NEED ABS riine oc. $13,329.00 YALUABLE PAINTINGS AND MINIATURES THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE FREDERIC R. HALSEY WITH ADDITIONAL ITEMS SOLD FOR THE ACCOUNT OF A. MITCHELL PALMER ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY NINTH STREET NEW YORK [9¢ NaaWwan | [99 AaaitaN | ; [$9 Maawan | NVWNMOd NHOf UdILSHA ANIOLNV UAWITTId MAYAUNV SALE NUMBER 1392 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM JANUARY SIXTEENTH ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS AND MINIATURES THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE FREDERIC. R.. HAESEY WITH ADDITIONAL ITEMS [NUMBERS 92 TO 103 INCLUSIVE] SOLD FOR THE ACCOUNT OF Aer MAP CHELE PALMER ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN TO BE SOLD WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY TWENTY~-SECOND AT 8:15 O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK 1919 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk im- mediately after the conclusion of the sale, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, and they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. No lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, In- corporated, will not be responsible except as hereafter noted, for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. Periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold not subject to return. 8. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 9. Terms casH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale with- out notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. 10. Bios. We make no charge for executing orders and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 11. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF SALE The attention of bidders is called to the following special and additional conditions of sale, subject to which lots 92 to 103 inclusive in this catalogue are to be sold: Sale of said lots will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress known as the Trading with the Enemy Act, as Amended; and the attention of bidders is called to the provisions of said Act, and to the penalties provided for violations thereof. The property advertised will be sold only to American citizens, or to corporations in- corporated within and under the Laws of any State or Territory of the United States, or of any of its insular possessions; but the Alien Prop- erty Custodian shall have the right to exclude from bidding, at any such sale, and/or from purchasing or otherwise acquiring said property, any corporation which he shall, after investigation, determine to be controlled, managed or operated wholly or mainly by or for the account or benefit of a person or persons not citizens. Any person purchasing for an undisclosed principal, or for resale to a person not a citizen of the United States, will subject himself to the penalties of the said law. All bids made shall be subject to acceptance or rejection by the Alien Property Custodian at any time within fifteen days from the date of sale. Est OE SAR Tisis BENLLIURE Y GIL, J. BEYSCHLAG, R. BONHEUR, ROSA BOSSUET, F. BRISSOT, F. BRUESTLE, G. M. CARLSEN, E. COLSON, J. B. G. CORRADINI, C. CORTAZZO COSWAY (AFTER) CURTIS, S. V. DAVID, G. DE GEMMER, 0. DESGOFFES, B. PAINTING NUMBER 58 44, 50 5 57, 60 4 103 105 64 9 19 67 99 DETAILLE, E. 16 DIXON, C. , 7 ill DOWNMAN, J. 36 EARLY FLORENTINE SCHOOL 93 EBERLE, A. 43 FILOSA, G. 54 FRANCAIS 48 FRENCH ScHooL 80, 81, 87, 88 GAVARNI 17 GERMAN CONTEMPORARY SCHOOL 98 GREENWOOD, P. 3 GRUTZNER, E. 42 GUES, A. 28 HAAGEN, H. 61 HARMOIS, L. 82 HELMSLEY, W. 26 HOFNER 49 HONE (AFTER) TG HUE, C. 35 ISABEY (SCHOOL OF) 71 JACQUE, C. JACQUET yUIy, ©, KAULBACH, F. A. KEITH, wW. KELLER, F. PAINTING NUMBER KIRSCHNER, F. 18 LANG, H. 22, LANGLIN 5 LEGOUX 69 LELOIR, L. 15 LEMAIRE, M. 17 LERAY, P. 38 LIEBL, W. 102 MARC, W. 39 MARCHETTI, L. 55 MARIANOF 56 MAX, G. 24 MUNSCH, J. 23 MUNTHE, L. 95 PATOUT, E. IOs 72,739 ER, 7 PEARSON, W. H. 8 PHILIPS, H. 34 PLIMER, A. 63 POITTEVAN, E. 06 QUADRONE, G. B. 46 RAUPP, C. on ROSELAND, IH. 97 ROSENTHAL, TOBY E. Sy, ROSSI, LUCIUS 9 Soy Ac iS) SCHLESINGER, 47 SCHMID, M. 45 SEITZ, A. Dy SIENNESE SCHOOL 92 SIMONE, G. 1 SOROLLA Y BASTIDA, J. 31 SUILIENS, 101 ee A, 20), 7a Tbr. 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90 UNKNOWN VARIOUS SCHOOLS 91 VAUTIER, R. Se, VELTEN, W. 40 VESTIER, A. 66 VON LENBACH, F. OZ, O38 WHEATLEY, F. 68 ZIEM (MANNER OF) 100 ONE, (6. 2 G. SIMONE ITALIAN MARKET AT RESINA NEAR NAPLES A throng of fruit and vegetable pedlers in one of the narrow pic- turesque passages characteristic of the Neapolitan district. Water color. Signed and inscribed Resina presso, Napoli, at lower right. Height, 21 inches; width, 15% inches. Ge DAVID FRENCH (MSU, IPIRIUNIE SIEIUILIEIR The haunt of the print collector and bibliophile near the quai in Paris; eighteenth century setting. Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 13 inches; width, Io inches. NS) ENGLISH IN THE ORCHARD A maiden gathering fallen apples. Water color. Signed with initials at lower right. Height, 5 inches; width, 10% inches. Po BRIiSSsOm FRENCH SIGUHIEIP JUN IPAS IT UIRue: Several sheep and a lamb in the foreground, a clump of bushes in the middle ground and a glimpse of distant meadow land on the “left. Blue and cloudy sky effect. Fine example. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 9% inches; width, I) inches. LANGLIN ITALIAN THE MASQUERADER A youngish man has attired himself in jester’s costume; back- ground composed of studio effects. Water color. Signed and dated 1873 near lower right. Height, 1614 inches; width, rr inches. 7. CHARE ES. PINON ENGLISH 6. BELOW GREENWICH An array of various craft on the river Thames, with the silhouette of Greenwich in the distance. y Water color. Signed, inscribed “Below Greenwich” and dated ’03 at lower left. Height, 11 inches; width, 30% mches. GCHAREES, DIXON ENGLISH LIMEHOUSE REACH View on the river Thames near Limehouse with barges, sailing vessels, tugs, etc. Water color. Signed and inscribed “Limehouse Reach’ at lower left. Height, 10% inches; width, 2034 inches. W. H. PEARSON ENGLISH TRAWLERS NEAR BOULOGNE View of the English Channel near the French coast. Water color. Signed and inscribed “Trawlers near Boulogne” at Jower left. Height, 10% inches; width, 23% inches. /2 LUCIUS ROSSI ITALIAN IN THE GARDEN Two women are seated on the grass listening to a youth between them reading a book. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 1414 inches; width, 10% inches. vy Le O. p—E GEMMER MW ee FRENCH 107 WAITING FOR THE MASTER In a forest nook a group of pointers are leashed to a tree while a hunting horn hangs nearby on a branch. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 11% inches; width, 16% inches. CHARLES DIXON ENGLISH THE LOWER HORE A number of trawlers, various sailing vessels and a tug in the English Channel. Water color. Signed, inscribed “The Lower Hope’ and dated ’02 at lower right. Height, 11 inches; width, 30% inches. f2 MADELEINE LEMAIRE | FRENCH WZ, Wiel QUWIUEI SMOKE cay Having divested himself of his coat and plumed hat a young man } a /_"is puffing at his long clay pipe while a paper novel lies at his feet. if” Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 17 inches; andth, rr oh inches. SS 8 y P. GREENWOOD A ENGLISH ~. AN OCEAN LINER An ocean greyhound beset by a heavy sea; gray stormy sky. tp, Canvas. Signed and dated 1886 at lower left. Height, 16 inches; yt") width, 25% inches. - Ay Oo, { ae UNKNOWN | 14. BOUQUET OF FLOWERS Cardboard; gouache. Height, 16 inches; width, 14 inches. cOUIS” LEO FRENCH > <7 Mes ILE, IINTIN| v ‘e a e . . ie A couple of cavaliers seated, one of whom clamors for wine while ~ the other impatiently plunges his fork into a roast chicken, which the , servant is about to place on the table. a Water color. Height, 9% inches; width, 13 inches. — IDO UNIRIDY IDIETUAIUL ILE, an FRENCH 1848— } 6. THE DRAGOON 4 An advance guard seated on a white horse, his gun held firmly a ready for action; gray autumnal effect. Water color. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches. At GAVARNI FRENCH AW, SIE i0CisI ~ A simpleton standing at the roadside with a stick. Probably an - illustration for a novel. Inscribed “Michel attend Christophe.” /) 0 Pen and ink with water color. Signed at right. Height, 12% inches; zidth, § inches. 9 4 dn It “be = FA KIRSCHNER GERMAN BAVARIAN VILLAGE SCENE Group of characteristic structures built up beside an old tower with winding road and dwellings in the distance. Water color. Signed and dated Muiinchen, 1866, at lower left. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. CORTAZZ® ITALIAN MAKING HIMSELF USEFUL A cavalier, seated, is winding the yarn for a fashionably attired lady who leans back in a sculptured stall. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 1714 inches; width, I4 inches. UNKNOWN Wish, IPINQIROS VAIL A courtier on his bended knee declaring himself to the lady of his choice, who shyly looks away. Gouache. Height, 141% inches; width, 12 inches. GR ae le GERMAN DUCKS AND HENS (Pair) Exquisitely rendered fowl subjects. Water colors. Both signed at lower left. Height, 7 inches; width, 9% inches. lee H. LANG GERMAN WATERING THE HORSES A couple of travellers stop at a way-side trough to refresh their animals; in the left distance an oncoming caravan. Panel. Signed and dated ’74 at lower left. 10% inches square. JOS: MUNSCH. GERMAN INN SCENE A handsome young man has fallen asleep to the amusement of his companions, a young damsel who tries to arouse him, an elderly man smoking his pipe, and an officer about to refill his glass. Panel. Signed and inscribed Miinchen at lower left. Height, 15% inches; width, 12 inches. 10 24. GABRIEL MAX GERMAN 1840— WEE, ILAST WOIIEIN) A dark-haired young woman surrounded by beasts of prey, looks up from the amphitheatre to meet the eyes of a friend who has thrown a rose at her feet. The large painting of the same title is in the Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 1414 inches; width, 10% imches. Ut BUAISE DESGOFPEES FRENCH 1830— SMMOLIL, ICING TE A porcelain tureen, a long stem glass of red wine and other ob- jects on a table, spread with gold and silk embroidered cloth, with sumptuous background of drapery and carved mantelpiece. Fine example. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at the left. Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches. 12 “26: 2 719). 30. 8. WILLIAM -HELMSLEY ENGLISH TWislle, JBIURID) IPIRUAIE Group of children about to open a bird trap, with a cage ready to receive the prisoner. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 7% inches; width, 6 inches. fee ANTON:-SEITZ GERMAN THE CONNOISSEUR MODEL During the artist’s absence the model is interested in the progress of the painting. Panel. Signed and dated ’72 at lower left. Height, 8 inches; width, 3y inches. A, 2GUiis FRENCH THE GAME OF CHANCE A couple of soldiers are throwing dice in a corner of the guard room. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 6% inches; width, 914 inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH PORTRAIT OF A: SCIENTIST Canvas, Height, 9% inches; width, 714 inches. CARL. fUGZ GERMAN WATCHFUL HEN AND DUCKLINGS Panel. Signed and dated ’75 at the left. Height, 5% inches; width, 714 mcehes. I SOROLEA ipod HDX SPANISII THE INN Interior of an inn in provincial Spain with various groups drink- ing and making merry while several musicians furnish entertain- ment. Panel. Signed and dated Enero (January), 1888, at lower left. Height, 81% inches; width, 12 inches. 13 34. SS ad 29 \/ 36. a “_ an > 37 ° ly ail £4 — —_ ro Re VAUTIER GERMAN WSU, (CIIINGAIMEAINGS WIESIME A family gathering paying homage to the pastor. Cardboard on panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; width, § inches. FREZ AUGUST WAU BACH GERMAN PAIR ©F IDEAL HEADS Oval panel signed at the right. Height, 7% inches; width, 514 inches. Ee PEenes FRENCH THE MIRROR The chambermaid pauses while dusting to admire herself in the glass. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 6% inches; width 514 inches. Ce iw FRENCH Wishe, WIEST INO) Wiel INA UB) In a fashionably appointed room a young woman is reclining in a large canopied bed while receiving the greetings of a friend; the mother sits by and the servant offers a chair. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 1114 inches; width, 15% inches. JOHN DOWNMAN, R.A. ENGLISH 1750-1824 POIRITRUAIT Oi GAY INDY Characteristic example of a lady in profile looking to the right. Crayon drawing, oval. Signed and dated 1795 to the right. Height, ro inches; width, 834 inches. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | CA ace Wilew? GERMAN Tishs IB MROWMSHEID A young officer carefully shields his fair companion with an umbrella against the falling snow. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 1114 inches; width, 9% inches. 14 38. = 39. {| A\ ¥ 40. as [5° oe e Ay Pe AS EREALY: FRENCH UNPLEASANT NEWS An old woman sitting at her spinning wheel, whispers to the young woman at her side, who does not seem pleased by the in- formation. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches. W. MARC GERMAN THE KNITTING LESSON A middle-aged woman sitting at her sewing table has a fair- haired, bare-footed child on her knee who is learning to knit. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 1214 mches. W. VELTEN GERMAN HUNGRY FRIENDS A terrier and a cat beg the saucy little blond girl for a share of her lunch. Canvas. Signed and dated Miinchen, 1874, at lower left. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. i on \ _@AARLES JACQUE —— FRENCH 1813-1894 Oo a es é \ ae SHEEP AND LAMB Sheep and lamb in wooded landscape. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 13 inches; width, 16 inches. 16 42 = 43. f hi 44 — 45. yi 1D ASR GUE ZN ais: GERMAN 1846-1878 THE WINE CELLAR A monk in black frock, satin knee breeches and buckle shoes with black skull cap is sleepily reclining in a commodious arm-chair pondering over the merits of a Rhine wine of which he holds a half- emptied glass. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at lower right. Height, 192 inches ; width, 15% inches. ADOLE -EBERLE GERMAN AGUS, SIVAN EIKO, A child sitting on the floor is offering her bread to a black sheep while a girl with her knitting is standing by; various other sheep and a lamb are seen. Canvas. Signed at lower right. inches. IN Height, 1714 inches; width, 21% ROBERT ‘BEYSGCHLAG GERMAN THE REFLECTION Mounted on a footstool a young girl roguishly holds a black cat to the mirror. Canvas. Signed and dated 1870 at lower left. Height, 26% inches; width, 15% inches. MATHIAS SCHMED GERMAN TYROLESE INTERIOR A young woman sits knitting while a lad blows lazily on a toy flute. Canvas. Signed and inscribed Miinchen at lower left. Height, 251% inches; width, 20% imches. Go Ba Ome DIONE ITALIAN THE CHALLENGE A number of courtiers, a monk and a jester assembled in the vault of a castle are making merry over the cowardice of the chal- lenged. Panel. Signed and dated 1877 at lower right. Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches. 17 PS GEE ESINGWR 4 5 & GERMAN i} 47. THE VILLAGE STORE Me Doter~¢ A number of peasants, some idling, others buying at the counter served by a typical elderly woman in bonnet and shawl. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 144% inches; width, 15% inches. FRANCAIS. FRENCH y) 48. LANDSCAPE Late afternoon effect over a marshy lowland with several figures. , Ave Water color, Signed at lower left. Height, 9 inches; width, 124 inches. HOFNER GERMAN 7p 49. STABLE INTERIOR / A couple of sheep are seen in a low hay bin while several rabbits are nibbling carrots on the stable floor. : Canvas. Signed and dated 1873 at lower right. Height, 28% inches; width, 25% inches. ROR TIRL 2 Bit VS Crue AG. GERMAN éf — 50. THE PROPOSAL St oss A young lady in flowered Watteau costume is standing toying ty. bette with the leaves of a bush; with back turned to her swain, who, sitting at her side is pouring forth a fervid declaration. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 28 inches; width, 21% inches. ROS’ BONTEUR FRENCH 1822-1899 pr Si, IUNINEINIOIR Qi A SIVAIBICIS, Swe. A donkey is munching his greens at the right, a couple of hens ; crouch at his feet, while several calves are on the left and cows in the Ot - Gauer background. Bes Canvas. Signed and dated 1850 at lower left. Height, 22 inches; attr 4 width, 284% inches. 18 LOBY “Ee ROSEN TEA AMERICAN 1848— BETWEEN TWO EVILS A red-haired urchin in great dismay is hanging to a wall by his hands; his bag slung over his shoulder bulges with stolen apples, while the gardener grabs his hands from the other side, a dog prom- ises a warm reception on the near side. Canvas. Signed and inscribed Miinchen at lower left. Height, 27% inches; width, 14% inches. 19 ; ; 53. i aa : 1 37> 54. ht t 55 hg 56. 57. Ca CORKR DENT ITALIAN A IES SON ION GIOGIRAIPIE DY An elderly cavalier is comfortably seated beside a huge terrestial globe, indicating a point of interest to a couple of ladies standing by, one of whom is tracing the location on the sphere. Sumptuously furnished interior. Canvas. Signed and dated Roma, 1879, at lower right. Height, 174 inches; width, 23 inches. Ge EIL@s” ITALIAN TUTSUS, JPOAIRUC A number of ladies are amusing themselves with a couple of pheasants. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 20 mches. L. MARCHETTI ITALIAN : THE BOASTFUL WARRIOR A gayly caparisoned courtier with halbard comes walking into a vaulted space holding up a dead hen, to the amusement of a jester sitting at a small table, who is about to be served by a maid with his repast. Water color. Signed and dated Roma, 1877, at lower right. Height, 21 inches; width, 20% inches, MARIANOF RUSSIAN Ws0s, QIWAILIESIKS The harem favorite is lazily reclining amid a wealth of cushions, strumming on a small instrument while an incense burner perfumes the air. Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 26% inches; width, 30% inches. Fa bessule FRENCH MARKET SCENE A huge church in semi-Moorish style towers aloft beside which the farmers and gardeners display their produce. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 3614 inches; width, 20 inches. 20 Te BEM IOR 4 Gale SPANISH 1858— 298. SPANISH SCENE A series of openings separated by vaulted doorways disclose the tenor of daily life in an old Spanish town. An antique dealer in the left foreground, a barber on the right, with the usual balconies and doorways all enlivened by moving humanity. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 43 inches. Zi Y as a iM sae eee Me he yee a EERDINAND KELLER GERMAN THE HUNTERS: TALE In a corner of the inn the kellnerin is holding up a duck about which the hunter is waxing eloquent, before quaffng from the foam- ing beaker in his hand; while a second bird lies on the table, all to the amusement of the butcher and schoolmaster sitting by; the usual dogs are also interested. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at lower left. Height, 3214 inches; width, 24% inches. By bOSsSUicK FRENCH OLD SPANISH. TOWN An ancient church and viaduct are seen on the right bank of a river while the village women are washing their linen on the banks of numerous islets. Canvas. Signed and dated 1867 at the lower right. Height, 221% mches; width, 47 inches. Ee - EL AAG Ee GERMAN ALPINE LANDSCAPE Mountainous view, with snow-capped peaks and glaciers; a stream < swiftly courses from center to left and a hunter and dog are seen on the winding road on the right. Canvas. Signed and dated 1869 at lower left. Height, 51 inches; width, 4114 inches. Va 22 eget Pe a FRANZ von LENBACH Lm. {tthluix GERMAN 1836-1904 62. PORTRAIT STUDY OF A MAN Life-size, half-length figure of a Bavarian peasant, in strong relief against a background of rough gray boards, head at three- quarters, looking at the spectator. Very rare, early work. Canvas. Signed and dated 1859 at upper left. Height, 27% inches; width, 2 inches. 23 64. 66. 67. a 7) . FRANZ von LENBACH ee GERMAN 1836-1904 IROUR INRA QU AN IPREVASVAINID GIURIL, Life-size study of a Bavarian peasant girl, seated, with hands folded in her lap; face turned to the spectator, Rare early work. Canvas. Signed and dated 1860 at lower right. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. LOTS, 64 TO 91 MINIATURES i986, COLSON FRENCH 1680-1762 BUSD PORTRAIT Om SAMUEL FOOTE Ivory, oval. Height, 25% inches; width, 2 inches. ANDREW PLIMER ENGLISH 1763-1837 HALF-LENGTH PORTRAIT OF MISS ANNA OVERAND Ivory, oval. Signed with monogram A. P. and dated 1705 at left. Height, 334 inches; width, 3 inches. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | ANTOUN Fo VES ETER FRENCH 1740-1824 LA MARQUISE DE POMPADOUR Full-length, seated portrait, in blue costume. Ivory, oval. Signed and dated 1753 at lower center. Height, 43% inches; width, 3% inches. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | Auris “COS WAN ENGLISH 18TH CENTURY HALF-LENGTH PORTRAIT OF LADY MANNERS An engraving by Gaujean after Cosway accompanies this lot. Ivory, oval. Height, 3 inches; width, 2% mches. FRANCIS WHEATLEY: RA ENGLISH 1747-1801 IDEAL FEMALE HEAD Oil on copper oval. Signed and dated 1787 at left. Height, 35% inches; width, 3 inches. 24 Te 74. 76. LEGOUX FRENCH 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A STATESMAN Half-length, seated at a table. Paper. Signed at lower right. Height, 6% inches; width, 5 inches. Bp EEN PI CAUME FRENCH DUCHESSE DE LAMBALLE Ivory, oval. Signed at lower left. Height, 3 inches. 1% imches; width, 25% Ui SCHOOL OF TS ABE yY FRENCH IGVAILIESIUIBINGANSL IO IRSIMRYAIIE Ou? ZA ILYAIDE Paper, oval. Height, 5% inches; width, 4 inches. EK. PATOET FRENCH RENDEZVOUS IN A PARK Ivory, circular. Signed at right. 334 inches in diameter. Opal- studded frame, with leather case. E. PATOUT arrer E. SIMMS FRENCH THE DUO Young lady at a piano and cavalier standing, holding a violin. width, 334 inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH BIVSIT IPOUINRONIE Ol A YEOUWING ILAIDSZ Ivory. Signed and inscribed near lower right. Height, 5 inches; | Ivory, oval. Height, 25% inches; width, 2 inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH 18TH CENTURY COLORED CHALK DRAWING OF A FEMALE HEAD Represented as a bust on a pedestal with accessories. Paper. Height, 7% imches; width, 4% inches. 25 AP TER “AN “2NAWEE IC ENGLISH BUST ORIN Ol WOR, IBKOULIMLAIN With engraving after the enamel on the back. Ivory, oval. Height, 25% inches; width, 2 inches. io ON Ea PaALoul FRENCH HALF-LENGTH SITTING FIGURE OF A YOUNG LADY Ivory, oval. Signed at the right. Height, 4 inches; width, 27% inches. In leather case. ey eeu OleMe FRENCH 9, LADY AND TWO GENTLEMEN ON A TERRACE Si (oe) eon Ivory. Signed near lower right. Height, 2% inches; width, 3 inches. In leather case. FRENCH SCHOOL HALE-LENGIH PORTRAIT OF A LADY Ivory, oval. Height, 334 inches; width, 234 inches. BIN NGH.ssCEHOOL 1 @) co hl aU i eas @) hava G JU 5a Op ON fn on ON Gn 2 LOA) Deny aA oy [vory, circular. 23% inches in diameter. 1 Jee ONS FRENCH BUST PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Ivory, oval. Signed at the right. Height, 2 inches; width, 13 inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH % IBIUSID IOIRIRUMIIP Ole AL ILANIDY. Ivory, oval. Height, 17% inches; width, 15% inches. 26 UNKNOWN FRENCH 84. HALE-LENGDED RORTRAIT OF AS EADY IN LARGE FEATHERED HAT Ivory, oval. Height, 4% inches; width, 3% inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH BUST IRMORTRAII Ol J LANDY Ivory, oval. Height, 258 inches; width, 24% inches. (Sal UNKNOWN FRENCH So, JSVAILIFSILISING NEL IPOURTIRVAITIE Que A ILZAID Ivory, oval. Height, 3% inches; width, 234 inches. FRENCH: SCHOOL 87. MARQUISE DE MONTESSORI Ivor oval. Height, 33% inches; width, 234 inches, PRENCH. SCHOOL 88. THREE-OUARTER FIGURE OF A MAIDEN Carrying on her head a panier of roses from which Cupid is emerging. Ivory, oval. Height, 33% inches; width, 25% inches. 89. BUST PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY AND TWO OTHERS Ivory, oval. Height, 23% inches; width, 134 inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH 90. BUST PORTRAM OF ALITTLE BOY AND THREES OTHERS Ivory, oval. Height, 234 inches; width, 134 inches. VARIOUS SCHOOLS ol. BUST PORTRAIDY OF THE DUKE OF MAREBORGUGH AND THREE OTHERS Enamel, oval. Height, 134 inches; width, 1% inches. 2 94. UP 96. Of the following lots, numbers 92 to 103 inclusive are sold for the account of A. Mitchell Palmer, Alien Property Custodian, and under the special conditions as announced at the beginning of the catalogue. SIENNE SE SCHOOL SVAINTIMA ILIUCIVA The Saint is seated on a throne, posed on a small pedestal, holding a dagger in her right hand; in her left is a dish in which her eyes are supposed to float. Six angels attend her, three disposed on each side, the lower two playing musical instruments; gold background, with finely tooled nimbi, cloth of honor and border. Panel. Height, 36 inches; width, 30 inches. EARLY PLORENTINE SCHOOL TWO SAINTS St. Benedict holding an open book on the left and a female saint with the host in outstretched hand on the right. Separate panels. Height, 15 inches; width, 7% inches, each. 2 Each panel is framed and encased in a green plush-lined case. JACQUET IDEAL HEAD Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches (unframed). L. MUNTHE NORWEGIAN WINTER SCENE A cabin and clump of trees on a rising hill to the left, a frozen pond and woodman’s sledge driving up the snow-covered road on the right; sunset sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. Ee BORE rE VAN FRENCH SEA SHORE SCENE A number of fishermen’s huts and boats are seen on a slope at the seaside. Cardboard. Signed with monogram at lower right. Height, 13 inches; width, 16 inches. 28 4) OF. 98. 100. HARRY ROSELAND AMERICAN PORTRAIT STUDY OF A TRAMP A vagrant with unshaven face, a battered top hat and coat but- toned to his chin. Canvas. Signed and dated at lower left—86. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. GERMAN CONTEMPORARY ILANNIDSICAURID, IROIRINRAIME SaPUjlb 7 A landscape in early autumn tints with a life-size portrait in profile of a young woman on the right. (Unframed.) Panel. Signed with monogram R. R. at lower left. Height, 2214 inches; width, 33% inches. Se Ve CURIS ENGLISH AN INN COURTYARD The newly arrived guests, a man and woman, are seen walking in the middle foreground ; the horses and stage-coach are on the left, and the host stands at the doorway on the right ; other figures enliven the scene. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 24 inches; width, 39 inches. MANNER OF ZIEM VENETIAN SCENE Gondola on the left, sailing vessel on the right, and palaces in the distances. Height, 16% inches; width, 26 inches. 29 THOMAS SULIEN. AMERICAN 1783-1872 HOI, JAOURAITIRUAI IS Sar ODN A dark-haired young woman, with smiling countenance, holding branches of holly over her left arm and tucking a red shawl flaked with snow close under her chin. Canvas. Inscribed on back, “Under relining (monogram) T. S. 1850.’ Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 30 We bIEBE at \ GERMAN 102. THE YOUNG HOUSEWIFE Pausing at her household duties to take a puff at her spouse’s clay pipe. Canvas. Signed and dated 1843 at lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches. GEO Mo -BRUBSTRILE 4 AMERICAN 103. WINTER LANDSCAPE A\ group of shacks on the left, with sparsely timbered trees toward the middle distance; snow-clad hills at the horizon and an expanse of water on the right. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 30-inches. - OF WILLIAM KEITH Yr: AMERICAN 1839-1911 104. LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP Beaten path through a woody interior, with a glimpse of sky at the horizon in the center, arched in by the thick foliage of gigantic tuff, elms on the right and left. A flock of sheep and two figures enliven the scene. Canvas. Signed and dated 1881 at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. EVEN CARAGS Ne NCAt AMERICAN OS, SIMULIL, IL Jee A large bowl of pink and yellow roses near the center with mandolin; a pair of vases on the left and a jug on the right, varior roses strewn about. v/ Canvas. Signed Emil Carlsen and dated 1887 on the left. Height, 2514 inches; width, 48Y% inches. a AS 31 LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York ee Buyers Bans Od BeVoss «M.Robbins © te 1 O AN FW ONO PAN HO wo AM O w nw ® oO e HeN.Steve J.S.Porter 5 Bhrich Henry we ithei 3 { Calo A.Flatteau ” C.M.Tice rent mms Ve LLG LM. Re p> 47.50 2606 Bs Ove 2750 4 | * 2 fe >] & 2 S & > & 2 5 “& 2 Le 4 3 A 4 v ™ v &, 3 3 eo i § Im e M.Tice M.Knoedler & Co. HeCoynihan, Agte C*M. Tice LeM.Robbins MeDonough Galleries B. Devine McDonough Galleries Henry Schultheis L.M.Robbins McDonough Galleries WeR. Hearst WE@ doe 42 A Olivotti > if Osan 1 # 2 Pp PP 2H C or GF G1 th tn OF GH & Pe Dan OP A O ol Cc H. Behr : =