CL. LIBRARY No. M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York | ACC. j CATALOGUE ¢ Valuable Paintings, THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF || Mr. Henry N. Smits OF FIFTH AVENUE, a 65 Comprising Choice Examples by the most Eminent Masters of Various Schools. ROSA BONHEUR, CHAS. BAUGNIET, BIERSTADT, JULES BRETON, COROT, COOMANS, . DIAZ, DAUBIGNY, GEROME, B. C, KOEKKOEK, — LAMBINET, MERLE, ROBIE, TOUMOUCHE, VERBOECKHOVEN, AND OTHERS. NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION AT THE | Kurtz Gallery, 6 Hast 23d Street, ON MADISON SQUARE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON Friday Rvening, February 23, 1877, | ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer. NEW-YORK: S. W. Green, PRINTER AND ELECTROTYPER, 16 & 18 Jacon St. 1877. gh ss represented in the (“ottecton OF Mr. HENRY N. SMITH. Bonheur, Rosa. Hamman, Edward. Bréton, Jules. Innocenti. Brion, Gus. Ittenbach. Baugniet, Chas. Koekkoek, B. C. Boutibonne, E. Lenoir. Brascassat. Lambinet. Bierstadt. Lesrel. Brown, J. G. Merle, Hugues. Compte-Calix, F. Moreau. Castan, E. Michel. Corot, Meyer von Bremen. Coomans, Jos. O’Kelly. Caraud. BOS Siw Frvet Diaz. 38 Daubigny. Duval. OSEPH), Panic: Damsehre D 48 ; at the Hague, 1859; Metz, 1860; Rouen, UVET R44 + Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Es a ea) Fichel. “Lydia. Fornari. Gérome. Gisbert. 4 vy on BREMEN (Prof J.G.), Berlin. Various Medals and Decorations. Departure. CATALOGUE. Sale Sridtay Cuening, FEBRUARY 23, 1877. ah ROBBE (Louis), Brussels. a GA Goats in Stable. 2 GOUPIE (ULES), Paris; Medals, 1873, 1874, 1875. “Christmas Time.” 3 COOMANS (JOSEPH), Paris. Medals at Brussels, 1848 ; at the Hague, 1859; Metz, 1860; Rouen, 1863 ; Sydenham, 1874; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. TAF: “Lydia.” 4. MEYER Von BREMEN (Prof. J.G.), Berlin. Various Medals and Decorations. Departure. BROWN (J. G, N.A,), New-York, |770 Why don’t he come? 6 DAMSCHROEDER (J. J. N.), Brussels. a The Jumping Jack. 26 7—-SICHEL (ERNEST), Pari | 4 é A Prix de Rome, 1860; Medal, 1870. W ) wD, The Babe. 8 TRUMAN Chfot), Weimar. 9 |) + (-*VERBOECKHOVEN (EUGENE).Brussels, ; J tf “Medals, 1824, 1841, 1855 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Sheep and Poultry. Ey at 10 os / 0 MEYERHEIM (F. E), Berlin, “Baby Awake!” 11 HUBNER (Prof Carl); Disseldorf. The Intercepted Letter. 12 LEON Y ESCOSURA (IGNAZ DE), Paris. Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic; Chevalier of the Orders of Charles III. of Spain, and of Christ, in Portugal. The Portrait. 13 ve BROWN (J. G,, N.A.), New-York. “The Belle.” 14 ‘ LENOIR (PAUL-MARIE), Paris, The Salutation. A y, 4 A Medals, 1857, 1861, 1869; Legion of Honor, 1870. The Correspondence. 16 | .¥— BRASCASSAT (E,, deceased). i The Combat. Sepia Drawing. As7 a OT O/ i —— VERBOECKHOVEN. (EUGENE), Cattle in Pasture. iy 18 The Wine Tasters. | 19 _FORNARI (E,), Ald. s The Proposal. Paris. Brussels. Medals, 1824, 1841, 1855; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. ZIMMERMANN (R. S.), Munich. Rome. of ~ 20 - LAMBINET (EMILE), Paris, an Medals, 1843, 1853, 1857; Legion of Honor, 1867. Near Bougival. 21 DUVAL (Madame ALIXE), Paris. A Visit to Grandma. 22 OK bis (ACOFS): Paris. Pupil of Geréme. The Hard Bargain. 23 HAMMANN (EDW.), Paris. Medals, 1853, 1855, 1859, and 1865; Legion of Honor, 1864. Afternoon, Venice. 24 SCHMIDT (EDW. ALLAN),.... Antwerp. The Sportsman. ~ COMPTE-CALIX (FRANCOIS), Paris. Medals, 1844, 1857, 1859, and 1865. 7 The Birds’ Nest. ee 26 ie ~ The Stilts. 27 | ae HERRING (J. F., deceased). London. iLO? / — ~ Mare and Colt. / 28 , KOEKKOEK (B. C.,, deceased). y Fork 1840, 1843, 1855; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, and @ of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, etc. Ly @ Landscape near the Rhine.~7— /6 29 er4 fy/ he wie ratasenye near Cleves. ZL § 00" as 30 HILDEBRANDT (Prof. Ed., dec’s’d), Berlin. Burmah Pagoda near Rangoon. 31 “ ROFFIAEN (PRANCOTS). »Medal, 1848 ; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Lake Wallenstadt, Switzerland. 32 Z BOUTIBONNE (E), Paris. Medal, 1847. # f G A? /2-the Skaters. 4 | 33 A. -Pifficult Shot. 4 34 ZALES CAEL EX), Paris. Medals, 1851, 1852, and 1855; Legion of Honor, 1857. Venice. 35 DUVERGER. (THEO. EMMANUEL), A # Paris. Medals, 1861, 1863, and 186s. The Truant Boy. AVES. ey 36 INNOGENTT/(G,), Rome. * Musical Entertainment. i Ay 37 | ) “BAVEGNIET (CHARLES), Paris. _—7F Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Isabel the Catholic, Christ of Portugal, and of the Grande Ernestine of Saxe. Medals, Paris, 1865; Vienna, 1873. The Necklace. 38 >) MOORE (H. HUMPHREY), New-York. - ¥ 7 a Pupil of Geréme and Fortuny. c ° ( Moorish Pastime. 39 STEINHEIL (A), Paris. | | ae : Pupil of Meissonier. Attending the Service. A0 MOREAU (ADRIEN), Paris. \ Tj Uf das In the Country. / a 41. ~~, IBERT (JEAN GEORGE), Paris, : = an Medals, 1864, 1867, and 1868; Legion of Honor, 1870. | The Bouquet. A2 ROSSI (LUCIO), Rome. Goihg to Promenade. Gao” Oy 1 fA a 43 SINKEL (- Disseldorf. Pupil of Carl Muller. ;Mpionns and Child. y, 44 “LESREL (ADOLPH), Paris, fxehe Serenade. Y, fii é A5 The Chest. A6 SPIRIDON: 4 }.); Rome. //—~ Sketching. A7 GISBE I :CA.), Paris. EG ay (,(~Y’% The Music Lesson. U Brussels. icin Spring Flowers. L, xX ¢ oy { ; A9 CASTAN (EDMUN D), Paris. The Chickens. 50 MERLE (HUGUES), Paris. | | Lif , Medals, 1861 nd 1863; Legion of Honor, 1866. Poetical Inspiration. | VERBOECKHOVEN (EUGENE), Brussels. Medals, 1824, 1841, and 1855; Chevalier of the _egion of Honor, 1845. Scotely Highland Sheep. 52 BIEL 5ST (ALBERT, N.A,), New-York. 1. ¥o Semite Valley. ae \ | 58 _. {. exUsSUSTE), Paris. Medals, 795" 859, and 1861 ; Legion of Honor, 1870. /\Injthe Library. 54 Paris. / BONHEUR (ROSA), Medals, 1845, 1848, and 1855 ; Legion of Honor, 1865; Second Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1867, St. Hubertus. Crayon Drawing. 55 BRETON, (JULES), / ff Medals), 3855, 1857, 18509, and 1861; /), (. fPirgt Class Medal, Univetass Exposition, 1867 ; / / payer “of Pp Legion of Honor, 1867 ; Medal of Honor, 1872. U/ Bri ttany Woman, with Paris. Legion of Honor, 1861; i | Distaff. b I —— 56 Paris; HEBERT (ANTOINE), Legion of Honor, 1853; Prix de Rome, 1839; Medal, 1851 First Class Medal, 1855 ; Second Class Universal Exposition, 1867 : #4 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 ie The Brigands. n } f y ? 57 CORGT (J. B.-C., deceased ) Medal, 1833; Legion gf Honor, 1846; First Class Medals, 1848 and 1855 ySeohndy {Class Medal Universal Exposition, 1867; \Offiéer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Paris, \, A Landscape. DIAZ (DE LA PENA: NARCISSE, deceased,) Paris. Medals, 1844, 1846, and 1848; Legion of Honor, 1851. A Landscape. 59 Venas and Cupid. f ny: vv ROUSSEAU; (EEFEO DORE, deceased), 60 Paris. French Village. NR GEROME (JEAN LEON), Paris. Medals, 1847, 1848, /arid 1855; Legion of Honor, 1855; Member of the Ingttutes 1855; Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition, .1867; {Vv of the Legion of Honor, 1867; Medal of Honor, 1875. } The Guitar Player. 62 ITTENBAGHI us EB), Disseldorf. sls U3 Holy Family. [} V 63 CARAUD (JOSEPH), Paris. Medals; 1859, 1861, and 1863 ; Legion of Honor, 1867. fe fe y 7” The Listener. 64 DAUBIGNY (CHAS. FRANCOIS), Paris. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, and 1859; Legion of Honor, 1859; First Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1867. (/// A Landscape. 65 BRION (GUSTAVE), Paris. Medals, 1853, 1859, 1861, and 1865; Legion of Honor, 1865; Second Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1867; y.Medai of Honor, 1868. qT buy Autumn. 66 ROBIE (JEAN), @ | ( {\. Brussels. ~~ Flowers and Objects of Art. SAINTIN CEMILE), Paris, ne a ike Medals, 1866 and 1870. A " pit: ~ Hal y | ener BLE E ha esse RRO Fv HEE Hs 50 SMR sa 8 HR i | “ =e f ae /-f\l*, The Flowers. ve 68 LAGYE (WICTOR), Antwerp. / A /The Squirrel. 69 The Publications of GOUPIL & CO. 21 Albums of Photographs from Celebrated Paintings. 70 LAWLOR: JOT, AAVR:A.), London. Artemisia.