5 ; ‘ ° 5 ‘ ‘ Z j , z ning ! t A i ; ener H ; ¥ se A r ash tie f ; $iheg wit Rego Seat oy ‘ ‘ $ 2 ‘ i bea is . oat 3 : i eels Selrhaganedery H F sara 4 1 rntee ‘ SA Oa ‘ sult ~ f : : Syupatt ay i ’ baht sh baaugent f $ 43 ' ase poeay . i ‘ ; Pm epslgit se ' sires ees 5 : : ‘ . Pe Siokot eye ' ‘ ; ‘ : “ : ony t rere has . ‘ ; yas tl 4 fi trie Sgt ody ane ty Labeigatien } j , ‘ ‘ i ' ea Fd atoa pened Lede nie r 5 . PR awa sets nu : pears Caw itow rite , Vora ‘ ee are eit) a ' ‘ 4 ty / ; ‘ . . ! ‘ i ohishy Kee dnhvitds a4 : : é hs Getau i ; ‘ Lint ek Goal Keira ib sie 1 WERE tet ot i i hawks wits ba HEM ¢ ' . Perse i ¢ s ' Lye ey he ialetit ti ; ‘ ' “ F ied f a * : ‘ ' CF valeting git 4 i ycheney ; ; Nhe Pee ; i HME AR Sabre ube bap vatae ‘ ‘ ‘ > = tre 5 Fy ae ee ~~ ‘ Pe, Sate oe 2 ~ ~ ¥ = P RE ESS is pa ; f > \ tay Sel < ay i ) A. oo meld yaa Came Wha ¢ eats ‘Oia Gta +s iy : : x a % y W\E i ihe fe Sy re - ( t Sy AS ints i ‘ i Pi Gi e Y as hry Aa y 2 , oe, SALE NUMBER 1796 e rION FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY TWELFT HE ESTATE OF THE LATE _F. L. DE WILD ON PAINTINGS AND PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘INGS AND WATER COLORS BY BOSBOOM 3EF ISRAELS, THEOPHILE DE BOCK ING, JACOB MARIS, ANTON MAUVE . ROELOFS, H. W. MESDAG Y GAINSBOROUGH AND FRANCOIS BOUCHER ; BY FRANCESCO GUARDI, SELF-PORTRAIT _ OF PAUL GAUGUIN AND OL. PAINTING BY ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS _ FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS _ JANUARY EIGHTEENTH, NINETEENTH AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Py [MITCHELL KENNERLEY,’ Preswent] _ PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK ‘ 1924 Ss ee > ss cc = ca = a, ene = Hc i — oe = © = [—) > => a = fe ee ae i PAA Bid Say Le DES WILD CAREL ¥F SALE NUMBER 1796 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY TWELFTH HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IMPORTANT PAINTINGS & OBJECTS OF ART FROM THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CAREL F. L. DE WILD EXPERT ON PAINTINGS AND PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BY BOSBOOM BREITNER, JOSEF ISRAELS, THEOPHILE DE BOCK L. V. METTLING, JACOB MARIS, ANTON MAUVE W. ROELOFS, H. W. MESDAG DRAWINGS BY GAINSBOROUGH AND FRANCOIS BOUCHER A CANVAS BY FRANCESCO GUARDI, SELF-PORTRAIT OF PAUL GAUGUIN AND OIL PAINTING BY JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER INTERESTING DUTCH FURNITURE OF THE XVIIrx AND XVIlIrx CENTURIES, DELFT POTTERY, CHINESE PORCELAIN OLD DUTCH SILVER, BRASS AND COPPER WARE, LOUIS XV 3 STYLE DRAWING ROOM SUITE, ETC. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY EIGHTEENTH, NINETEENTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presivent]| PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1924 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the — lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3 ae 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. " ; } } 4, The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot — or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. : 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries” before the date of sale, for examination by intending poe and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. . 7. TERMS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bros. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated PaRkK AVENUE AND Firry-NInTH STREET, NEw York Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F, A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE CAREL F. L. DE WILD "THE present sale brings before the public the private col- lection and furnishings of the late Carel F. L. de Wild. S The paintings, as well as the furniture, reflect the personality of this great and modest connoisseur. Mr. de Wild was of Dutch origin. He was born on August 26, 1870 at Kessel, Holland. His paintings are mainly Dutch masters, such as _ would delight the eye of a man who likes to live with charm- __ ing and simple works as a relaxation from the day’s task of restoring and expertizing great and important works, so valu- able that they are almost as important as an investment of _ capital as they are as works of art. The furniture, partly Dutch, of the 17th and 18th centuries, creates that atmos- phere of solid ease so characteristic of Holland, and forms at _ the same time a perfect setting for the paintings. Mr. de Wild was a simple man who knew his business thoroughly. He studied first at The Hague; then, in 1894, he went to Vienna, where he continued his studies at the Imperial and Royal Museums. Later on, he worked under the well-known Professor Hauser of the Berlin Museum. But Mr. de Wild was not only an expert restorer of old masters who : knew all the fine points of the technique and the life of an old painting. He was alsoa creative artist of great merit. He won a gold medal for an exhibition of his work at the World’s Fair of St. Louis in 1904. One of these paintings was later purchased by the Museum in Dordrecht, Holland. From rgo05 to 1916, Mr. de Wild was associated with the firms of Goupil in Paris and Knoedler of New York. In 1916 he. left the firm of Knoedler and had his studio at 753 Fifth Avenue. Mr. de Wild built his reputation on knowledge and thoroughness, not on publicity. His name very rarely ap- peared in the papers when an important painting stirred the casual interest of the reporters or the public, but the ten great collectors who in this country built up collections of master- pieces equalling in quality those of the great museums of Europe, knew that he was their best counsellor. The late J. P. Morgan, the late H. C. Frick and Mr. Joseph E. Widener may be mentioned, among others. In 1921, Mr. de Wild was entrusted with a professor- ship at the University of Pennsylvania for instruction in the “Science of Painting and the Care, Preservation and Restora- tion of Paintings’. It was a tragic destiny that he was never able to enjoy this honor. After two lectures he had to give up his teaching, owing to the disease that had undermined his health and to which he finally succumbed in Larchmont, New York, on May 12, 1922. Those who came in contact with Mr. de Wild will not forget his simplicity, his integrity and thorough knowledge, and his personal grace and charm. R. M. Ruierstauyi, Px.D. i _ ORDER 0 oF SALE POTTERY | PORCELAIN AMPS, ETC. 1- 15 16— 24 25- 30 31- 43 44 49 50— 69 70— 76 77— 83 84— 92 93-101 102-129 130-145 146-158 159-185 186-190 191-201 202-224 225-241 242-247 248-250 251-265 266-272 273-283 284-290 291-320 321-335 336-348 349-377 _APTERNOON, JANUARY EIGHTEENTH, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-185 UTCH POTTERY FROM THE HAGUE 4 NUMBERS 1-15 1T IREE-PINCE DUTCH POTTERY TEA SET h | design in blue and yellow. Mark of the maker in The % ‘Teapot, hot ¥ water pot, and sugar bowl. (3) PIECES OF DUTCH POTTERY ’ Rozenburg in The Hague; three vases, two plates, : decoration. (Three vases damaged) (5) TCH POTTERY VASE | | _ Made by Rozenburg in The Hague. Decoration of lilies on back- age round of rich blue and yellow with mottlings of red. “i geghd Height, 10 inches 4 PAIR OF DUTCH POTTERY VASES ______-Made by Rozenburg in The Hague. Daffodil decoration. (One chipped) toe Height, 914 inches ras OTTERY FLOWER VASE Made by Rozenburg in The Hague. Decoration of cranes in a __- marsh, cloudy blue and gray. Height, 1014 inches _ 6 LARGE DUTCH POTTERY PLAQUE WITH CLOCK Made by Rozenburg in The Hague. Lily and leaf decoration. Diameter, 1714 inches ‘7 PAIR OF LARGE DUTCH POTTERY JARS WITH COVERS With maker’s mark W. G. in The Hague. Elaborately decorated in rich tones of blue, green, and yellow. (Slightly nicked) (2) : Height, 18 inches 8 DUTCH POTTERY EGG STAND WITH SIX CUPS Made by J. Rozenburg in The Hague. Floral decoration in Turkish style. 9 TWO DUTCH POTTERY OIL LAMPS WITH ‘FLORAL Lb | DECORATION a (2) | Height, 10% 3 inches io yA ta a ia 10 TWO DUTCH POTTERY OIL LAMPS Ae Made by J. J. Verburg in The Hague. One triangular with floral decoration; the other decorated in pastel blues and greens. iS (2) Height, 10 inches _ 11 FOUR DUTCH POTTERY PLATES oa Two by Rozenburg in The Hague, with floral decoration on rich a blue ground; one with monogram; one mottled blue and white. a (4) Diameter, 1014 inches 12 LARGE DUTCH POTTERY PLAQUE | Made in The Hague. Elaborate conventionalized design in a purplish-blue and golden-brown on white. (Repaired) ere 3). Diameter, 154% inches _ 18 DUTCH POTTERY VASE | Made by Rozenburg in The Hague. Butterfly and flower decora- tion in rich blues, greens, and browns. (Cracked) ii | Height, 101%4 inches 14 TWELVE PIECES OF DUTCH POTTERY, MINIATURE VASES, ETC. Majority with mark of J. Rozenburg in The srrdetia Boudoir candlestick included. (Sold as is) (12) 15 SET OF SIX DUTCH POTTERY CUPS AND SAUCERS Made in The Hague. Floral decoration on cream-white. Extra saucer added. (6) MISCELLANEOUS NUMBERS 16-24 16 ANTIQUE DUTCH JOINTED WOODEN ARTIST’S FIGURE — Height, 23 inches 17 SKULL (Sold as is) aa Uy FRENCH, ABOUT 1810 _ "SAE ci Height, 814 inches a jar; ‘damask covered hoe ete. (Sold , asis) (9) jon "(Sold as is) (14) Diameter of plate, 1014 inches ee musicians. ~ (One ciieped) (5) Height, 3 and 41% inches 93 DUTCH XVIII CENTURY MINIATURE GILT MIRROR ; AND SMALL CARVED BOX IN SHAPE OF LION oie mirror sold as is. (2) Size of mirror, 9 x 514 inches 24 PAIR OF ROMAN BRONZE BUCKLES AND ONE OLD _ BRASS RING (3) __ JAPANESE PORCELAINS AND OBJECTS OF ART ; NUMBERS 25-30 25 IMARI PORCELAIN SHAVING BOWL sapan, 18TH ceNTURY - Decoration in red and deep blue of flower jardiniere and panels with prunus blossoms. — Fe a Ae ve CF fe - 26 JAPANESE WOOD CARVING OF A FISH Signed. (Slight repair) Length, 17 inches ee - Ure 27 JAPANESE IMARI PORCELAIN THREE-PIECE TEA SET Teapot, small creamer and sugar bowl with cover. (Sold as is) (3) a, a ee —— Se eS a See , cnigedcSen PERS = = ral Yaar | ee 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 PAIR OF JAPANESE COPPER CANDLESTICKS __ In the shape of men, each carrying a large basket and a candle- holder in the form of a lotus flower. (2) Height, 10 inches MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF CHINESE AND JAPANESE OBJECTS OF ART One Imari plate; one Lowestoft plate; two green SauteRy ginger jars; pair of miniature Canton vases; Japanese ash tray ; and five miniature blue and white vases. ( Sold as is) (12) | FIVE CHINESE CARVED SOAPSTONE ORNAMENTS Consisting of three jardiniéres, and two figures mounted on mythical figures. Set on wooden base. (Sold asis) (5) MISCELLANEOUS DUTCH OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 31-43 CARVED WOODEN FOOT WARMER sotwAND, aBour 1800 Square shape. The four sides elaborately carved with medallion ornaments. Size, 9144 inches square CARVED WOODEN FOOT WARMER HOLLAND, ABouT 1800 Square shape. The four sides elaborately carved with rosettes and medallion ornaments. | Size, 914 inches square LARGE BROWN STONEWARE JUG FvuemisH, 17TH CENTURY Mottled glaze. Head of a bearded man below the spout. Height, 21 inches ETCHED WINEGLASS DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY With representation of Neptune, and mermaid on Rider side of a crest. (Base with slight chip) BROWN STONE JUG WITH COVER AND SALT-GLAZED STEIN WITH PEWTER COVER DUTCH, 1750 AND 1808 The brown jug with initials and date 1750 on the cover; the stein with sprig animal decoration on cobalt ground. (Both cracked) (2) Height, 734 and 2514 inches ETCHED GLASS URN WITH COVER pvurtca, 18TH cENTURY With quaint decoration of two men in 18th century costume standing before a house. Inscription: ‘‘T. wel vaaren van deesen Huyse.”’ Height, 15 inches ns pean iat very nite init carving ; ; one sur- with pair of doves and wate name Anna Crelis. (8) 3 oe bands and ee handle with inscription in 41 SI ANTIQUE DUTCH GREEN WINEGLASSES ie - Same pattern, but. different sizes. On spreading foot and with Vike aoe decoration of grapes on the band below the bowl. (One ae os 3 ‘The | purse black silk ornamented in leather. The bell pull with a ag composition of girls in a meadow. (2) WEAPONS NUMBERS 44-49 44 FLINTLOCK PISTOL DUTCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Plain wooden stock and butt. 45 FOUR MALAY WEAPONS Two large daggers; one with carved horn, the other with carved ivory hilt, wooden scabbards. One flame-shaped unmounted blade; one small knife with hilt in the shape of a man. (Sold as is) (4) Engraved sora decoration on oaks and but 47 SIAMESE WROUGHT BRASS GUN 48 SIAMESE Yee COPPER GUN a 49 DAYAK SWORD FROM BORNEO eee fc. | i. = e SILVER AND JEWELRY NUMBERS 50-69 50 GOLD RING SET WITH BAROQUE PEARLS A GARNETS | 51 BLOTTING PAD WITH DUTCH SILVER MOUNTINGS : MOUNTS | - HOLLAND, 180m MiMi * 53 ROUND SILVER PEASANT BUCKLE Pierced in filigree work and rosettes. 54 CRYSTAL CREAM PITCHER IN OLD DUTCH SILVER » MOUNTING ves 55 SILVER APOSTLE SPOON putcH, 18TH CENTURY ‘ The lower part of the handle chased with Renaissance motifs. Tae 56 SILVER - HANDLED KNIFE IN SILVER - MOUNTED — SHEATH | DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY _ e The handle with figural medallion, the sheath snake skin with 5 etched silver band at top and bottom. 57 SILVER HANDLE DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY 7 Engraved with acanthus seroll and floral motifs. | a. a 58 SILVER-BACKED CLOTHES-BRUSH pvurtcu, 18TH CENTURY Ship and house on shore. (Sold as is) 6 a PENCIL HOLDER pp kig horse head d; another with horse finial. (Sold as is) i en ee DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY d “wi Pay and carnation design. LVER SPOON | hee 3 - - DUTCH, DATED 1804 Twisted handle with angel finial. The broad bowl engraved with @ Z DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY + e The top with Fas stars, at the base rocaille scrolls and flowers. ee 66 SHORT-HANDLED SILVER SPOON _ purcx, 187TH ceNTURY ere The handle decorated with escutcheon and with figure finial. 67 PAIR OF OLD DUTCH SILVER-RIMMED SPECTACLES i, 68 abe ee SLED SILVER SPOONS puTCH, 18TH CENTURY One nut spoon with pierced bowl and parrot finial on handle; bi one with tulip on bowl and escutcheon on end of handle. (2) Se 69 SILVER SPOON DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY to The broad bowl engraved with crest. Handle with apostle finial, upper portion twisted, lower chased with Renaissance motifs. bead tg 7 ee CHINESE PORCELAIN _ NUMBERS 70-76 70 TWO BLUE AND WHITE BOWLS AND TWO SAUCERS CHINA, KANG HSI PERIOD AND LATER Landscape, figural and floral decorations. (Three piecescracked) (4) Diameter not over 634 inches 71 FOUR BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWLS ‘ CHINA, KANG HSI PERIOD AND LATER Two decorated with flowers, one with playing children, one with precious objects. Various marks. (One cracked) (4) | Diameter not over 734 inches 72 TWO SMALL FAMILLE-ROSE PORCELAIN BOWLS One with floral decoration ; the other decorated with pomegranates © and other fruit. (2) 73 PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN CUPS AND : TWO SAUCERS CHINA, KANG HSI PERIOD AND LATER Decoration of flowers and precious objects. (The cups slightly damaged) (4) 74 THREE CHINESE-LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN PLATES Floral border and rose sprays in centres in famille-rose colors. (Two slightly cracked, one nicked) (3) 75 THREE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN PLATES CHINA, KANG HSI PERIOD AND LATER Two with floral decoration, one with precious objects. One with Kang Hsi mark. (One cracked) (3) Diameter, 814 inches 76 BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL cutna, aBouT 1800 Outside with lotus and duck decoration, inside with Foo lion. (Cracked) Diameter, 10 inches SOFA CUSHIONS NUMBERS 77-83 77 TWO PATTERNED PLUSH SOFA CUSHIONS AND ONE YELLOW DAMASK SOFA CUSHION One of the plush cushions yellow, the other red and green. (Sold as is) (3) 3 | TERNEI ie CUSHIONS e other green. (Sold as es sah sROC ADE SOFA CUSHIONS | “FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY h flower Sora on pele pink ; the other gold brocade with a a 2 ve 811 ram ov YELLOW PA } ArT E ont ec silk with bold floral embroidery in silver ead. (Sold as is) ETCHINGS NUMBERS 84-92 pl 84 THE BRIDGE, BY JACOB MARIS “E abtehine. Gilt frame. “THE VISION, BY MARIANO FORTUNY Ce a ne oan and aquatint. Proof impression. (Foxed) Gilt frame. s 86 MOSQUE HASSAN, BY MARIUS A. J. BAUER i ee. Signed proof on Japan paper. Gilt frame. Pe 87 ARABE VEILLANT LE CORPS DE SON AMI, BY ; MARIANO FORTUNY | | } | ‘Etching and aquatint. Fine proof impression. Gilt frame. 88 ANCHORITE, BY MARIANO FORTUNY - Etching. Fine proof impression. Gilt frame. 89 MOSQUE EL AZHAR, BY MARIUS A. J. BAUER , _ Etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. Gilt frame. 9 90 re BY M OLD DELFT POTTERY ey NUMBERS 93-101 , i 93 PAIR OF DELFT BLUE AND WHITE FRUIT - PATR OF UNDERPLATES HOLLAND, 177TH. 3 The bottom pierced and with floral decoration. (Plat : (4) | a Diameter, aN Height Floral Gente. (One chipped; one pierced) (2) os ‘ Diameter, 614 and 8% inche WITH COVERS St Sealloped edge. Peony decoration in Chinese style. Ns (2) Diameter, 7 inche 97 PAIR OF DELFT POTTERY SALT BOXES Her: HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY Floral decoration in blue and pale green. (One repaired) (2) . Al Length, 6% inehes ae 4} 98 DELFT BLUE AND WHITE FOOTWARMER AND ‘TWO. | SALTCELLARS HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY q Landscape and fruit basket decoration. (3) be Size of footwarmer, 414 inches square 4 | 10 Bat Sie - HOLDAND, 17TH cENTURY f calion with dee and landseape. (Sold asis) (4) Bee) 3% (ee : | __- Diameter, 914 inches ae HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY | ecoration. “Bowl sold as is) ¥ if E- Ah Diameter, 181% and 1014 inches k ‘THREE uve AND WHITE DELFT POTTERY Standing figures of Diameter, 914 inches =f oY BS Height, 11 SEH OLD DUTCH PEWTER TANKARDS arger marked with initials and dated 1808. (2) | Height, 4144 and 9% inches RASS OIL LAMP ON TRAY 105 C0 PPER TEA KETTLE ec ae i ; eh ely 106 DUTCH BRASS MILK PAIL WITH COVER ’ | Height, 10 inches i. OLD DUTCH PIERCED BRASS FIREPLACE ORNAMENT AND SMALL BRASS GOBLET : a q (Sold as is) (2) 108 SET OF SIX OLD DUTCH BRASS HEART-SHAPED ORNA- ‘MENTS AND SMALL BRASS PAN (7) 11 109 110 IBGE 112 118 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Pearman! eve LL f Sai Os PR lets iy Ly Acre oe Aa yo JEWISH BRASS HANGING OIL LAMP | Shee Baluster-shaped saint with six-pointed star at bottom for ais Height, 1034 inches OLD DUTCH BRASS PAIL ON THREE COPPER FEET Copper handle. | Height, 9 inches; length, 15 inches ANTIQUE DUTCH BRASS TEA KETTLE The spout ending in bird’s head. Handle fastened sti copper. Height, 914 inches OLD DUTCH COPPER SKILLET : With heavy iron handle. Diameter, 13 inches OLD DUTCH COPPER SKILLET WITH COVER Heavy iron handles. Detachable brass inner dish. OLD DUTCH BRASS BOWL Diameter, 10 inches OLD DUTCH COPPER BASIN TWO OLD DUTCH BRASS BASINS (2) OLD DUTCH BRASS OIL CAN AND BRASS AND COPPER WATERING CAN (2) Height, 9 inches ANTIQUE DUTCH PIERCED BRASS BOWL ON THREE FEET | The border in floral design. Diameter, 714 inches OLD DUTCH HAMMERED BRASS CANDLESTICK The scalloped rim with relief decoration of flowers and fruit. OLD DUTCH IRON LADLE AND SHOVEL HOLLAND, DATED 1845 Engraved with tulips. The handles marked with initials. (2) OLD DUTCH PEWTER INKSTAND With compartments for sand and ink, the base fitted with drawer. — Length, 5 inches 12 (2) ; Guoeatcd with ‘Neskhi writing. | BOT ie. Diameter, 834 inches rn vs —. x : . ears ou uate : : | PIECES OF OLD DUTCH PEWTER ( mustard jar with cover; and small urn ~ Height, 6 inches if With inscription at top ‘‘Vivat de prins van oranye’’, and with : medallion portraits of the sovereign and his consort. nie Height, 614 inches TWO OLD DUTCH PEWTER GOBLETS Ine with representation of man on horseback; the other with soning decoration. (2) Height, 5 and 7 inches 9 TWO OLD DUTCH PEWTER GOBLETS 4 eet ptaoral decoration. (2) | Height, 534 inches PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS NUMBERS 130-145 _ THEOPHILE ALEXANDRE STEINLEN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH 180 THE CONCERT SINGER . Drawing in crayon and india ink washes. Signed with initials and dated 1896 at the lower left. Height, 1444 wches; width, 11 inches. 13 131 oe 132 3 H vl thy WILLEM J. TOOROP CONTEMPORARY DUTCH HEAD OF A PRETTY YOUNG WOMAN TREATED DEC- ns ORATIVELY Colored pencils. Height, 8 inches; width, 5Y% inches. (2) JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH, 1824-1911 A YOUNG WOMAN SEWING Half-length, seated. on Crayon sketch. Signed at the lower centre. Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches. , A MAN SMOKING A PIPE } Crayon sketch. Signed at the lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. | AN OLD WOMAN Bust sketch in pencil and crayon. Signed at the lower right. Height, 15% inches; width, 12% inches. (8) W. DE ZWARL DUTCH CONTEMPORARY PORTRAIT SKETCH A bearded man in cap and overcoat seated toward the left. Crayon. Signed at the lower right. Height, 13% inches; width, 814 wnches. A BOY Crayon sketch. Signed at the lower right. Height, 7 inches; width, 31% inches. A PEASANT SEATED | Crayon sketch. Signed at the lower right. Height, 141% esi width, 9 inches. A BOY LYING ON A COUCH Pencil sketch. Signed at the upper right. Height, 6 inches; width, 7 inches. (4) | as 14 A cs 5 iL é , ey. te left, figure about, hilly ntry: and wash dr awing. Height, 4 we. width, 51% , es : ae ei 8:. | AT OF ¢ CARICATURE SETS FOR PLAYING CARDS m etches als B - ink ; 201 in one frame and 18 in the W. DE ZWARL ‘CONTEMPORARY DUTCH A SHED width, 141% inches. (3) i ANTHONIS TERHIMPEL er 2 - DUTCH, 1634-9 "135 LANDSCAPE a. An old cottage with figures in the foreground, church in the dis- PS. tance. - oO India ink wash drawing. Oval. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 7 ae inches. : 15 Crayon sketch. Signed at the lower oes Height, 9 inches; 2S ere ea Sy ea, Beas wags, wk an es < a eed is s feeding, g his vl the right. atti " a Pen and ‘ink wash drawing. “Cirowlar. , “DUTCH SCHOOL oo Ae TH CENTURY oe -—s-:186 BIBLICAL SUBJECT : Nea) _ A shepherd with his erook, standing, a maiden seated a ( figures at the back. eS Pen and ink and sepia wash drawing. H eight, 6 3 inches; e 41, inches. BIBLICAL SCENE | Pen and ink and wash drawing. H Height, 7% inches; 3% : anches. (2) | HENDRIK JOHAN HAVERMAN CON TEMPORARY DUTCH 1837 MARKET PLACE IN ALGIERS 4 Sketch in crayon. H sh fg se ai ‘ width, 4% inches. poised W. DE ZWARL CONTEMPORARY DUTCH - THE TERRACE CAFE A man and woman are seated at a table, as two ladies accompanied by a dog pass in the foreground; sea with sails in the distance. Crayon drawing. Signed at the lower right. Height, “ ‘inches; 3 width, 914 inches. (2) Beat: A - ‘ AeA | 16 3 Bete oY. | ANTONY DE HAEN DUTCH, 91696 188 FALCONER ON HORSEBACK . _—— Penand ink and wash drawing. Signed with initials at the lower ) ye left centre. Circular. Diameter, 5 inches. | | DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY THE CELLAR | A figure at the left with the light streaming down the open stairway. Crayon and wash drawing. Height, 534, inches; width, 7 inches. (2) DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY 139 FLOWERS pon Nice arrangement in a vase, while a snail creeps along the table. yO Panel. Height, 13 inches; width, 91% inches. LOUIS VICTOR FELIX METTLING DUTCH, 1847-1904 140 STUDY A young man seated facing the spectator, dark background. L A Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 191% inches; width, | “10 inches. DUTCH SCHOOL 1880 SKETCH A town by a river, gray sky. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 27 inches. (2) 17 141 SCR 142 W. DE ZWARL CONTEMPORARY DUTCH GARDEN CAFE Ge Guests seated at tables partaking of refreshments, a waiter at i the left, glimpse of a building and creamy sky in the distance. . Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, — 20 inches. vay LANDSCAPE SKETCH Be Tree group at the left, remains of a fence at the centre, with as grassy meadows beyond; pale blue sky. Academy board on panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 1114 inches; width, 7 wnches. (2) H. J. VAN DER WEELE DUTCH SCHOOL, 1880 GOATS In a green meadow with bushes at a back; gray and peramy | | sky. 3 Os Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 101% wches; width, ae 143 LO 154 wnches. SHEEP Twilight scene, wooded distance. Canvas on panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 101% inches; width, 16 inches. (2) DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY STILL LIFE | A roasted chicken on a platter, half a loaf of bread, fruit and — two glasses of wine as well as a dish of pastry arranged on a table. Panel. Dated 1620 at the lower left. Height, 28 O pehens width, 20 wches. 18 VAN DER PUYL | DUTCH ai CENTURY rs © the right, attired in lace cap, blue omplementary background. ike 1 dated 1780 at the lower right. Height, idth, 24% inches. (2) _ JOSEF ISRAELS _ DUTCH, 1824-1911 a ar aketoh. Sinhed' at E the lower righ Height, 1334, inches; ro inches. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Be DUTCH, 1850-1904 ANDSCAPE yon sketch on gray paper. Height, 1314 inches; width, 10 RUGS NUMBERS 146-158 _ 146 LARGE GREEN DOMESTIC CARPET k s-0 (Sold as is) : Tar LARGE GREEN DOMESTIC CARPET UO, — (Sold as is) 50" LARGE TAN DOMESTIC FLOOR RUG : (Sold as is) 19 149 LARGE TAUPE MACHER EENE CARPET (Sold as is) 150 LARGE OLIVE-GREEN MACHINE-WOVEN CARPET — 151 BOKHARA WOOLEN TABLE MAT Design of lozenges on wine-red ground. Size, 13 x 28 inches 152 MOSSOUL WOOLEN RUNNER Geometrical borders. Narrow white centre with floral design. (Badly worn) Size, 9 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 10 inches 153 MOSSOUL WOOLEN RUG Three floral and geometrical borders. Centre with iatonal stripe design. (Sold asis) Size, 5 feet 11 inches x 3 feet 5 inches 154 MOSSOUL WOOLEN RUG Geometrical design. (Sold as is) Size, 5 feet 5 inches x 3 feet 8 inches 155 AFGHAN WOOLEN RUG Serrated leaf border. Centre field with three rows of parti- colored octagons in white and orange on red. (Sold as is) Size, 5 feet 3 inches x 3 feet 10 inches 156 BOKHARA WOOLEN MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Particolored octagons in white and red on wine-colored ground. Size, 31 x 44 inches 157 BOKHARA WOOLEN MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Particolored medallions in blue and white on wine-red. Size, 26 x 50 inches © 158 KAZAK WOOLEN MAT Main border white, with geometrical star design. Red centre. (Badly worn) Size, 2 feet 7 inches x 5 feet 4 inches FURNITURE NUMBERS 159-185 159 OAK CLOAK RACK Of scroll design with carved gadroon borders. Height, 25 inches 20 i : 4 - 1 q a : : es ee a a ee ee ee ae ee a) a ee 24 ple ae wore nag ge tah sales =! aieae Ee oe Be dee ae KS ; Ae a es ally turned legs and cross stretchers. Covered with piece Size of top, 24 x 13 inches Spirally ¢tqrned) legs and stretchers. Covered with piece of Size of top, 21 x 17 inches re PAIR OF MAHOGANY CANDLESTANDS — With shaped square tops and fluted spindle columns, on carved “eitod sn D DOSE, Aa): Height, 3 feet 64 GILT WALL MIRROR DUTCH, aBouT 1776 Frame elaborately pierced and carved with acanthus foliage, the top with a small oval mirror panel with husk frame surmounted with plumes, on dragons’-head feet. (With restorations) (Sold as is) Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches i 165 DUTCH WALL MIRROR MID-18TH CENTURY ___. Frame carved and gilt with foliage scrolls; with bevelled mirror of ' ay (frame chipped). Size, 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 10 inches 166 “WALNUT FIRE SCREEN DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY 4 _ Finely carved with flowers and foliage scrolls, and mounted with a panel of silk embroidery designed with flower branches. Height, 4 feet _ 167 SATINWOOD OVAL TRAY-TOP TABLE pvrtcu, asour 1790 ‘e The top, frieze and square tapered legs banded and inlaid with shells in medallions and borders of tulipwood. Length, 3 feet 1 inch 168 DUTCH GILT WALL MIRROR MID-18TH CENTURY The frame with arcaded top and elaborately pierced and carved with interlaced husk festoons and flowers. Height, 5 feet; width, 3 feet 169 MAHOGANY PIER GLASS Height, 6 feet 21 OVERSTUFFED SOFA JPHOL VELVET — Wau ha ae (Upholstery considerably worn) 172 178 Decorated in Ronuiacanens style with masks, fruit f acanthus leaves. (2) | - Height, 174 LARGE OAK EASEL 175 PAIR OF MARBLE PEDESTALS The tapering shaft of white marble with pink aaa in sunken centre front panel. Moulded base and capital in and white marble. (2) a: oat dm 176 LARGE DUTCH 17TH CENTURY STYLE OAK TABLE ball drop ornaments in the centre. Massive urn-shaped legs nected by square stretchers. Length, 84 inches; depth, 28 ine 177 OCTAGONAL FOLDING TEA TABLE OF TURKIS DESIGN Sr The top carved with niles star-shaped centre and burdae: er | flower sprays inlaid with brass; side panels pierced with similar decoration. Height, 24 inches; width of top, 23 inche 178 BUHL WALNUT COMMODE DUTCH, ABOUT tr Grained brown marble top. Very handsome piece. i Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 4 feet ¢ inches i‘ [em ILLUSTRATION | ae 179 GILT WALL MIRROR DUTCH, ABOUT 1850 The frame carved with swags of fruit, flowers, foliage and scrolls. _ (Sold as is) Size, 45 inches x 34 inches 22 BUHL WALNUT COMMODE—DUTCH, ABOUT 1'740 [178] 180 GILT WALL MIRROR DUTCH, ABOUT 1800 The frame pierced and carved with leaves and rosettes, bevelled mirror panel. Size, 29 x 25 inches 181 FLEMISH 17TH CENTURY STYLE OAK TABLE The moulded frieze inlaid with ebonized wood lines, also pierced and carved with scrolls; on bold baluster and block legs with moulded stretchers. Length, 6 feet ; width, 2 feet 6 inches 182 PAINTED CENTRE TABLE DUTCH, ABOUT 1780 The voluted top and frieze painted with landscapes with figures and buildings in panels with scroll outline; fitted with small drawer ; on square cabriole legs. (Sold as is) Length, 40 inches; width, 24 inches 183 SMALL SATINWOOD AND MAHOGANY CELLARET DUTCH, ABOUT 1790 - The square panels inlaid with borders of holly, fitted with small drawer, brass ring handles at the sides, on square tapered legs with brass feet; with brass liner. Height, 20 inches 184 DUTCH 18TH CENTURY STYLE SMALL BUREAU Of crotched walnut, the top inlaid with shell motif in medallion; block front with three drawers having brass escutcheons; cabriole legs with gilt metal corner mounts. Height, 30 inches; width, 27 inches; depth, 19 inches 185 DUTCH 18TH CENTURY STYLE BURLED WALNUT LOW- BOY Overlapping top with moulded border, one long and two short drawers in the shaped and carved front, with foliage brass handles. On cabriole legs with claw and ball feet; borders in- laid with satinwood lines. Height, 30 inches; width, 30 inches; depth, 21 inches 23 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY NINETEENTH, AT 2:30 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 186-377 MISCELLANEOUS NUMBERS 186-190 186 TWO KNIVES WITH CARVED WOODEN HANDLES DUTCH, 17TH-18TH CENTURY One carved with lion bearing escutcheon, the other with figures. (2) 187 GRAICO-LATIN LEXICON WITH APPENDIX _— swiss, 1604 Printed in Basel. 188 LARGE LIFE-SIZED JOINTED WOODEN ARTIST’S MODEL ve 189 CARVED WOOD MODEL OF ‘‘CLIPPER’’ SHIP In large glazed show case with seascape background. Height of case, 3 feet 8 inches; length, 4 feet 6 inches; depth, 21 inches 190 CAST IRON STOVE PLATE DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY The story of the Prodigal Son. Size, 2314 x 2414 inches OLD DELFT POTTERY NUMBERS 191-201 191 LARGE DELFT BLUE AND WHITE PLATE HOLLAND, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Flowering tree decoration in Chinese style. Diameter, 1314 inches 192 SET OF FIVE ANTIQUE DELFT FIVE-COLOR PLATES Bold floral decoration. (One chipped) (5) 24 WHITE. PLATES + HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY oem peonies. (Both Ea ane (2) : arene G, Diameter, 1334 inches | POTTERY FIVE-PIECE GARNITURE SET a jars and two vases. Cartouch decoration with sailing ship vo men in the foreground i in deep blue. The covers of the — 1 rmounted by parrots. (Vases repaired) (9) ; PEt, ee) es baer SE midi t | AND WHITE DELFT POTTERY JAR te bi HOLLAND, 17TH-18TH CENTURY eg ale HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY ‘iat Three j jars with covers, and pair of vases. Flower basket decora- 2 bad (Slight chips on the rims) (5) Height, 9 and 18 inches HOLLAND, 17TH-18TH CENTURY ee Medallion with flower basket in centre with five purple roses _ around the edge. (Rim slightly nicked) Diameter, 14 inches ta ee t is te att ; mr 198 TWO ae me AND WHITE PLATES | bee > HOLLAND, 17TH-18TH CENTURY gi ge aK large flower cluster in Chinese style; the other with con- ventionalized flower basket. (Both pieces chipped) (2) | : Diameter, 12 inches 199 SET OF SIX DELFT BLUE AND WHITE POTTERY a - PLATES HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY ee Flower basket design. Various delft marks. (Some chipped) (Gy) * Diameter, 9 inches | ~ 200 TWO ANTIQUE DELFT DISHES | One with Chinese style figural decoration; the other small, with floral decoration. (2) Diameter, 614 and 111% inches 25 Oo UGe 8 SES ge ee t AS ee A ‘ yr 201 PAIR OF LARGE BLUE AND WHITE DELFT PLATES ~ - HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY Peacock, flower, and rock design. (One chipped) (2) | Diameter, 14 inches OLD DUTCH BRASS, COPPER AND PEWTER NUMBERS 202-224 202 DUTCH HAMMERED COPPER AND BRASS JARDINIERE Standing on three brass lion-claw feet and with high brass handles. The copper body with floral decoration. tle Diameter, 13 inche 203 DUTCH BRASS AND COPPER JAR WITH COVER The lion-claw feet, acanthus handles, and domed cover of brass. The body copper. ‘Height, 17 inches 204 COPPER MORTAR HOLLAND, DATED 1634 With inscription: ‘‘Loft Godt van al.’’ Decorated with two friezes of acanthus motifs, and with two handles. Height, 434 inches 205 PAIR OF LARGE PERSIAN HAMMERED BRASS URNS WITH COVERS | Elaborate all-over design of figures, animals, and floral motifs intermingled with cartouches of Neskhi writing. The domed covers with crescent finials. (2) Height, 22 inches; diameter, 13 inches 206 ELABORATED DUTCH BIRD CAGE WITH REPOUSSE DECORATION The domed top richly decorated with flowers and leaves. Sus- pended by chain from crown-shaped finial. Height, 25 inches 207 OLD DUTCH BRASS WARMING PAN Pierced in floral design. 208 PAIR OF BRASS CANDLE PRICKETS purcu, 16TH cENTURY Round base and bowl. (Sold as is) (2) Height, 714 inches 26 ee ls _ ROTTERDAM, DATED 1650 iption : “Loft, Car van opine ’? above two friezes with birds and leaves. S DE SEhs Hy) inches ; eres 6 inches BRASS es BRACKETS d branch supporting two lights. (Sold as is) (2) OF BRASS CANDLE BRACKETS L branch sapbeeing two lights. (Sold as is) (2) aE LARGE ANTIQUE DUTCH PEWTER PLATES aaa shai sat eo Diameter, 14 inches 5 MORTAR WITH IRON PESTLE Ye ; HOLLAND, DATED 1742 Bepaca? ) «Soli deo gloria.’’ Height, 3 inches oe PEWTER PITCHER HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY SPE aie ees - -Height, 1014 inches g 5 ANTIQUE DUTCH HANGING BRASS LAMP | Pierced in acanthus-leaf design and suspended by long chains. eG . Height, 8 inches ESO DUTCH ENGRAVED STEEL LOCK Nhe front panel decorated with griffon and scrolls. ay in Size, 1214 x 4 inches pi ie if 217 PAIR lad ROUND PEWTER TEA CADDIES ay CHINA, ABOUT 1800 Re | Brgraved with floral motifs. (2) Height, 414 inches | a 3 PAIR OF ANTIQUE DUTCH BRASS CANDLESTICKS ,, HOLLAND, LATE 18TH CENTURY In shape of Renaissance altar candlesticks with angel-head orna- _ments on the triangular base. (2) Height, 1514 inches : é a 219 PEWTER TANKARD DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY ee, Height, 914 inches % a 220 PAIR OF OLD DUTCH BRASS WALL BRACKETS t a Elaborately scrolled. (Sold as is) (2) Height, 1414 inches 27 221 OLD DUTCH COPPER THEA KETTLE | Brass and wooden handle. (Handle slightly david -222 JEWISH BRASS HANGING OIL LAMP . Baluster-shaped column surmounted by double eagle) Six pointed star at base for oil. - Height, 1414 inches 223 OLD DUTCH BRASS TWELVE-LIGHT CANDELABRA Six large and six smaller scrolled candle branches attached to centre support, with two large ball ornaments. Height, 25 inches : | 224 PAIR OF OLD DUTCH SMALL BRASS CHANDELIERS ~ WITH FOUR CANDLE BRACKETS | Four scrolled branches on centre support. (2) Height, 11 inches SILVER AND JEWELRY NUMBERS 225-241 225 TWO SILVER RATTLES DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY | One shell-shaped with bone handle, the other canopy-shaped with whistle at end and long chain. (Sold. as is) (2) 226 KNIFE WITH HORN AND SILVER HANDLE DUTCH, 17TH-18TH CENTURY » The silver mounting quaintly engraved with figures and with the name ‘‘Egbertse Wouter.’’ Lion-head and ring finial. 227 SET OF SIX OLD DUTCH SILVER TABLE SPOONS HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY Plain handles with turned up ends. Hall marks. (6) 228 THREE SEWING IMPLEMENTS puro, 18TH CENTURY Silver-mounted pincushion with floral design; thimble with in- scription; and pair of scissors on chain. (3) 229 BEADED BAG WITH OLD DUTCH SILVER FRAME The frame quaintly chased with figural motifs and with chased belt hook. The beadwork with design of house and landscape. 230 SET OF SIX OLD DUTCH SILVER FORKS | HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY Turned up ends. Hall marks. (6) 28 WITE How 1 DUTCH SILVER MOUNTING IGAR BASKET es DUTCH, ABOUT 1820 drooned; standing on rectangular base with four ball (im damaged) ; DUTCH, ABOUT 1820 by eae Wooden handle. Four ball feet. DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY ee af atated with flower wreaths and Louis XV medallions, with ee - musical instruments and figures standing by altar with heart. | DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY | Jo ‘The athe handles finely carved with representations of dogs and 7 a game. (Handles slightly cracked) (6) g | 238 SMALL OVAL SILVER WALL MIRROR a f DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY Pierced with flower vines, two flower baskets and two oval figural @ medallions. _ 239 SILVER-MOUNTED HAND MIRROR vvrcs, 187TH cenTuRY - The scalloped frame pierced and with lion-head and rosette decoration. The handle with oval figural medallions and laurel festoons. | 29 240 PAIR OF OVAL SILVER BONBON DISHES DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY RCE RT CI eT Chased with bird, shell, flower and acanthus motifs. Pierced handles with amorini holding flower urns. One inscribed with date 1755, the other inscribed with name. Hall marks. (2) 241 DUTCH SILVER FERN DISH ) Lined with copper and set on wooden base. Louis XVI design of laurel festoons. Diameter, 734 inches MINIATURE PAINTINGS NUMBERS 242-247 | 242 MINIATURE PAINTING DUTCH, ABOUT 1830 Gentleman wearing the high stock and fitted coat of the period. Diameter, 24 inches 243 MINIATURE PAINTING DUTCH, ABOUT 1830 Woman with very elaborate coiffure, wearing a blue dress and long gold necklace. Height, 234 inches 244 MINIATURE PAINTING — DUTCH, ABOUT 1830 Young woman wearing black gown in Empire style gown, frill neckpiece and cap. Diameter, 234 inches 245 MINIATURE PAINTING DUTCH, ABOUT 1840 Woman wearing elaborately embroidered bonnet partly covering her reddish curls, and a sheer embroidered collar over her black dress. Diameter, 214 inches 246 MINIATURE PAINTING OF A MAN DUTCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Man with brown hair and of stern countenance, wearing red coat and lace-edged collar. (Slightly damaged) : 247 MINIATURE ON COPPER IN THE MANNER OF DE VOS DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY Nobleman with blond hair and wide collar edged with deep lace. 30 SRED VELVET PANEL ITALIAN, ABOUT 1800 nd border with heavy gold keto on lace. The floral embroidery on rose-colored velvet. | ara. Size, 23 x 42 inches B CHASUBLE WITH MANIPLES at meted FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY ign on ivory-white, Finished with galoon. (Sold as ‘SPREAD — ‘ee FRENCH, 177H-189TH CENTURY mi ei fower, agen in él colors on white. eseold as is) TRAYS AND BOXES a: NUMBERS 251-265 Length, 26 fiche DUTCH, ABOUT 1790 Cover inlaid with shell. (Sold as is) Size, 7 x 4 inches ? 258 puncH INLAID BURLED WALNUT TRAY _ Centre with elaborate star medallion; satinwood border. With ae glass. | Length, 2714 inches a 24 OVAL MAHOGANY TRAY BOUND IN BRASS a Length, 1944 inches 2 55 LOUIS XVI STYLE MARQUETRY BOX opvurTcH, aBouT 1800 Panels with striped inlay. (Sold as is) Size, 7 x 4 inches 56 MARQUETRY BOX puTCH, ABouT 1800 Allover » diamond-shaped inlay in mahogany and satinwood. (Soldasis) Size, 8 x 4 inches 31 257 MARQUETRY STATIONERY BOX purcn, 18TH cENTURY — Centre of cover with fan inlay in rectangular panel. Sides and front with mahogany panel framed in satinwood and ebony. , Size, 934 x 7 inches 258 OLD DUTCH MARQUETRY BOX ) Linear inlay in rosewood and ebony. (Slightly damaged) | Length, 714 inches 259 DUTCH TORTOISE-SHELL TEA CADDY | HOLLAND, ABOUT 1830 The inside with three compartments having silver tops. (Sold — , as is) 3 Size, 814 x 434 inches 260 WALNUT BOX DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY _ | The body octagonal and with brass handle and lock. (Sold as is) Length, 7 inches 261 PAINTED GAME BOX | DUTCH, aABouT 1820 Four boxes inside with mother-of-pearl counters. The lid of. box and small boxes with landscape decoration in Victorian style. (Sold as is) Size, 814 x 614 inches 262 PAINTED IRON BOX DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY Top with floral decoration. The front panels with cavalier and lady. Size, 10 x 514 inches 263 ANTIQUE VENETIAN LACQUERED WOODEN SEWING BOX : The cover with all-over flower and bird decoration. The inside fitted with numerous small trays and covered compartments. (Sold as is) Size, 16 x 11 iuches 264 INDIAN CARVED WOODEN TEA CADDY All-over carving of Indian flowers. Inside with two covered com- partments for tea. Size, 1014 x 514 inches 265 CARVED OAK BOX DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY _ The cover and front with carving of two angels holding a crown. Ends with crown of acanthus carving. Inside lined with old polychrome leather. Size, 18 x 7 inches 32 a | ; | j Iv, 1 : NUMBERS 266- 272 SE AN POTTERY TABS 2 a PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY al lecoration in cobalt-blue and manganese-purple on deep ; ) Height, TA inches ] ¥ POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 7TH CENTURY al “decoration in | blue ¢ on the deep cream eround. 2 : 2%, Height, 10% inches PERSIA, 17 TH CENTURY oF te Height, 1 inches Orr i PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Ww th 1 ora motifs in cobalt-blue on cream-white. pee Height, 1044 inches HAN : POTTERY BOWL -- PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY i ag | Diameter, 914 Eien i sn: POTTERY aoe PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Dihutster: 734 inches 4 2 RHODUS POTTERY PLATE TURKEY, 17TH CENTURY | Decoration of roses and tulips in bolus-red, green, and blue. Diameter, 10 inches 3 i ys a CHINESE PORCELAIN oe - - NUMBERS 273-283 e. 973 SANG- DE-B@UF PORCELAIN VASE i ‘ae CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD : ae Globular body tapering into long cylindrical neck. Height, 1734 inches Noe Le all _ 274 TWO LARGE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN PLATES a | CHINA, 17TH CENTURY One with sprays of peonies; the other divided into compartments, decorated with various flowers. (One cracked) (2) Diameter, 17 and 14 inches 33 sath 275 SET OF SIX CHINESE LOWESTOFT PORCELAIN PLATES The centre with varied flowers in rose enamel § in a ee Chinese A basket. (6) 276 CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN PLATE WITH DUTCH SILVER HANDLE Willow, lotus and rock decoration. The silver handle engraved: : Diameter, 1014 inches © 277 SET OF TWELVE CHINESE LOWESTOFT SMALL THA- — CUPS AND SAUCERS Ladies and playing children. (12) 278 LARGE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN DISH CHINA, MING PERIOD _ In the centre composition of lotus flowers and ducks. A wide border divided into compartments with flowers and precious ob- jects. (Cracked) Diameter, 1914 inches 279 SANG-DE-B@UF PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Pear-shaped body with short neck widened at the mouth. (Chipped ) Height, 1214 inches 280 TWO DEEP BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN DISHES CHINA, KANG HSI PERIOD Centre medallion with Chinese lady and child in a landscape. Side divided into alternating panels with floral and prunus decoration. (2) Diameter, 1014 and 10% inches 281 PAIR OF DEEP BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN DISHES CHINA, KANG HSI PERIOD With decorations of hunters in the large centre medallion, and in three panels on the sides, in which floral panels alternate. (2) Diameter, 11 inches 282 SET OF FOUR ANTIQUE CHINESE DEEP BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN DISHES Figural and prunus decoration. (4) Diameter, 914 inches 34 ee ee a ee a ee PP ne Serie hr. A A wd Nee nd E Aen ‘ Lomas LL gris ae } rie ee Bins A ct eres seule es Diameter, 1034 inches TABLE LAMPS, ETC. NUMBERS 284- 290 : —— seal decoration. Two lights. (4) 5 ie ies formed of strings of crystal beads. Ornaments of bead ay De festoons and rosettes. (Slightly Sanaa). Height, 15 inches 87 TWO-LIGHT ELECTRIC TABLE LAMP WITH CHINESE _ POTTERY FIGURE _ The goddess, Kwan Yin seated holding a child at the base, purple, oP am ies and yellow glaze. » Height, 2814 inches ry, j ? ne 88 PAIR OF CUT GLASS PRISM CANDELABRA Bi ENGLISH, ABOUT 1820 Bey i: The cut glass base supporting two ormolu branches with long - __—s—prism drops. (2) Height, 13 inches 289 LOUIS XVI STYLE WHITE MARBLE AND ORMOLU CLOCK The dial surmounted by flower urn, lyres above each of the sup- ports. Rich decoration of ormolu laurel appliqués. The dial marked ‘‘Détour a Paris.’ Height, 2014 inches 35 290 291 los, 292 30, 293 DIRECTOIRE STYLE CARVED AND LACQUERED wooD TWELVE-LIGHT CHANDELIER Twelve candle branches ending in winged horses bearing bo- | béches surround centre support, which is decorated in relief — with cornucopie and classical figures. In the middle a large — figure of Father Time. Suspended by chains. (Sold as is) cia Wa Height, 22 inches PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS NUMBERS 291-320 FRANCOIS PIETER TERMEULEN DUTCH, 1834-? LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE A white cow is in the foreground near a fence, deithge at the right, open vista at the left with cows and a body of water in the dis- tance; pale blue sky with slight cloud effect. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 17 inches; width, 131%, inches. | WILLEM ROPS DUTCH SCHOOL, 1880 MORNING ON THE MAAS AT ROTTERDAM Small houseboat beached in the foreground where two geese are seen, river at middle distance with ships, silhouette of town with the arms of various windmills and several towers looming over a gray and creamy sky. Canvas on panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 1014 inches ; 3 width, 161% inches. JAN ABRAHAM BODEL DUTCH, 1737-1795 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length, seated in red-backed armchair, attired in lace cap and blue gown, red curtain background, with glimpse of a land- scape at the left. Canvas. Height, 161% inches; width, 22 inches. 36 % “GEORG. HENDRIK BREITNER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH ss fo in Meiccblored gown Seated on a divan facing the spec- i tator, while a gentleman at the right is about to drink from a - cup i “Canvas. Signed at the tier right. Height, 144% inches; width, oe 25Y, inches. es ‘Label, “Breitner Exhibition, Nov. and Jan. 1901-2’’ on the tiacle’ MOUNTED SOLDIER _ Landscape background with gray sky. | Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 8% JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH, 1824-1911 * A man lying on the edge of a cliff, holding a pipe. Charcoal. Signed at the lower right. Height, 13% «ches; width, 18 inches. A GIRL SEATED AT x TABLE Pencil drawing. Signed at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; a width, 91% inches. (2) 37 F THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ‘so ENGLISH, 1727-1788 / 298 LANDSCAPE WITH COWS Mik) i Black chalk heightened with white on tinted paper. Height, 8 — “ 3 p, inches; width, 10 inches. YAR On the back, two sketches of cows in landscape. HENDRIK JOHAN HAVERMAN CONTEMPORARY DUTCH 299 PORTRAIT OF WILLEM ROYAARDS a Three-quarter length, seated facing the spectator, his sont hand : 20, supporting the chin and his left placed on the knee. a Pencil drawing. Signed and dated 1901 at the upper right centre. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 wches. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ENGLISH, 1727-1788 300 HILLY LANDSCAPE With cottages in the centre and a waterfall at the left foreground ”q tos and fine tree groups about. Black chalk heightened with white on tinted paper. Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. “3264 handed. wth Blitinge bold b.4. Mbdld bh 1917. aM (i anal A aah LVx- FRANCOIS BOUCHER FRENCH, 1703-1770 301 THE BATTLE OF THE DUNES Combat on horse and afoot. Pen and ink, red chalk and wash drawing. Height, 6 inches; Y 5 ; width, 11 inches. This would represent the master’s early manner when he designed tapestries at Beauvais. 38 A COUNTRY ROAD BY THEOPHILE DE BOCK 305, ii tie FRANCOIS BOUCHER FRENCH, 1703-1770 _ **And he cometh to Bethsaida and they bring a blind man unto E A him, and besought him to touch him’’. Mark: viii, 22. ‘ qd. Pen and ink wash drawing. Height, 7144 inches; width, 1034 This would represent the master’s “atts manner when he de- signed tapestries at Beauvais. FRANCOIS BOUCHER FRENCH, 1703-1770 303 THE ARCHDUKE AT ARRAS _.____ Paying homage to the King’s minister in the Episcopal Palace. , — Pen and ink wash drawing. Height, 54% inches; width, 9% of * anches. This would represent the master’s early manner when he de- signed tapestries at Beauvais. FRENCH, 1703-1770 304 ALEXANDER AMONG HIS LEGIONS ‘Soldier encampment. Pen and ink wash drawing. Height, 6 inches; width, 94% inches. ; Si This would represent the master’s early manner when he designed 3 tapestries at Beauvais. | FRANCOIS BOUCHER THEOPHILE DE BOCK DUTCH, 1850-1904 305 A COUNTRY ROAD 4g A peasant woman and two cows animate a broad sandy avenue, a lined with splendid birches rearing their crests over a blue sky | ay | D with gray and creamy cloud effects. . | Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 26 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 39 WILLEM MARIS - DUTOH, 1844-1910 pas A COW. hs a Standing in a DO in the fivedeotil brown, iy ee bank, gray 110, sky. | Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 51% are 3 width, a unches. LOUIS VICTOR FELIX METTLING DUTCH, 1847-1904 307 PORTRAIT OF A PEASANT Fine character study of an elderly man, bust, eet and shoulders — / b D to the front, cream-colored skull cap, brown coat and white shirt ; complementary background. Panel. Signed at the lower roght. Height, 2034 mches; width, 17 inches. ” /Mb,GG, (i tngbth Fh ‘le j. Orlticera Keridlerd Offer ruk / 9192 a Sth - oe Ly, Leak Bus cHrcerd rr, 4 anelbin for CES} | \\ JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER \ rae Y Wh AMERICAN, 1834-1903 308 THE SEA, POURVILLE Breaking into a beautiful surf, the green sea rolls in toward a brown beach; a bit of cliff is seen at the left distance and an effectively modelled mass of gray clouds becomes silvery at the horizon, where the masts of a vessel heave in sight. Panel. Signed with the ‘‘Butterfly’’ at the lower left. Height, | US we 5% wmehes; width, 9¥4 inches. We yele a Be 4 Y Mr, Pennell writes in his ‘‘Life of Whistler’’: ‘‘There is as a oe LA mauch of the bigness of the ocean in these little paintings, which LAA | ) show usually only the gray or blue or green, but ever-recurring » Ona prod swell of the wave, or a quiet sea with two or three sails on the fig ee “horizon, as in any big marines that ever were painted.”’ tye" From the Collection of Arnold Hannay, Esq., London. BipOe [SEE HACE RON er AB 28) of Lender Litt, the bbe deraork Lathe db-sragot it WE LAK My &. % Py; THE SEA, POURVILLE BY JAMES A. MCNEILL WHISTLER [308] ts ACS a SY Oe 310 SAYING GRACE bs, ’ on farscgnen ah Meonhunn ftunrdito - ur q1s dbs Aken ~ GSS. dd bd au Ibld, Lop gtb1 BAIX— PAUL GAUGUIN FRENCH, 1848-1903 309 SELF-PORTRAIT Bust, head and shoulders slightly to the right, wearing a black cap without a visor, white, standing collar, open at the front, black jacket; brown complementary background. Always represented to the writer by the owner, the late Pro- fessor de Wild, as an early self-portrait of the artist. Compare with self-portrait in ‘‘Paul Gauguin; His Life and Art’’, by John Gould Fletcher. Canvas. Height, 1734 inches; width, 141% inches. DAVID ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ DUTCH, 1837-1890 An old woman in white cap is seated at a table with a large bowl and a coffee pot, her head bowed in prayer while a little girl sits impatiently at the right; quaint interior with large hearth at the left. Canvas on panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 211% inches. FRANCESCO GUARDI ITALIAN, 1712-1793 311 VENETIAN SCENE Canal with gondolas and sailing craft in the foreground, palaces at the right bank in shadow while the sunlit towers and dome of ae D the Maria della Salute loom up in bright contrast in the middle ground; blue sky with slight cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 634 inches; width, 10% inches. JAN MEERHOUT DUTCH, ACTIVE 1660 TO 1677 312 TOWN BY A RIVER Up Street with quaint houses, some bordered with foliage at the left; a canal with a bridge and boats at the right, while several villas are seen at the right bank; figures about; cloudy sky with touches of blue. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 1414 inches; width, 20 anches. 41 7 313 ee iit bs 314 315 316 JACOB MARIS DUTCH, 1838-1899 STILL LIFE : A pail of brass, an earthenware dish, a wicker basket and a tijow in nice arrangement; dark background. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 1234 anaes: width, 221% winches. GEORG HENDRIK BREITNER CONTEMPORARY DUTCH STREET SCENE Several workingmen, children and women are approaching the spectator on a wide thoroughfare; horses and wagon at the middle ground; a high wall at the right, and glimpses of houses beyond. Water color. Signed and dated 1884 at the lower right. Height, 13 inches; width, 25 inches. ABRAHAM DIEPRAAM | DUTCH, 1622-1670 GOOD CHEER Half-length, of a rosy individual seated at a table with a pipe and holding a mug of beer, smiling broadly at the spectator; dark background. Panel. Signed with monogram at the lower centre. Height, 51, inches; width, 444 wches. THEOPHILE DE BOCK DUTCH, 1850-1904 BOUND FOR GREEN MEADOWS A flock of sheep and shepherd approach the spectator along a wide country road skirted by fine birch trees; blue sky laden with fleeting silvery and gray clouds. | Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 2114 inches; width, 151% wches. 42 WOODEN CARVING: THE PIETA FLEMISH, SIXTEENTH CENTURY ; [321] . Signed at the lower left. 534 s Me with masses of cumulus clouds. PE BA & lower right. Height, 534 inches; width, IK WILLEM MESDAG - DUTCH, 1834-1909 ar of fishing boats in a rough sea; blue Sky with cloud n vas “Signed at the oe right. Height, 6 inches; width, 11 (2) DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY pepeerter itll red i cloth, holding a flute, comes upon an prepherd in blue loin cloth eae as he leans on his staif, JACOB JORDAENS he FLEMISH, 1593-1678 320 THE INTRUDING SATYR oe Bee A. couple of nymphs and Silenus are grouped at the right among a thicket of canebrake and tall grasses, when a huge satyr ap- em at the left, to the great. dismay of one of the nymphs; thickly wooded background. Canvas. Height, 65 inches; width, 46 inches. , 4 43 _- $22 BRONZE GROUP AFTER THE B ANTI bS Height, ace ine ae 5823 CARVED AND POLYCHROME STATUR OF ‘A BISHOI | GERMAN, Represented wearing the mitre and a flowing re green patterned gown; with one hand upraised, ‘the | ing acrozier. (Slightly damaged) | Here 324 BRONZE HEAD OF “HYPNOS”, ARTER THE ANTI 9] 2 ge ~ Marble base. 325 BRONZE HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN —™S UO. Copy after a Greek bronze. The short hair loosely curled. Marble base. 326 BRONZE FIGURE OF A RECLINING. “WOMAN, 5 CALDER 2 st. Represented nude, one arm raised up above ‘the head, the 0 covering her eyes. Signed at the back. Length, 20 inches 327 BRONZE FIGURE OF BACCHUS AFTER THE aNTigU 2 Represented standing, with grapevines in his hair. 328 BRONZE BUST OF A ROMAN EMPEROR AFTER T Sige ANTIQUE hee ; Represented in draped toga. Height, 32 inches | 829 BRONZE STATUE AFTER THE ANTIQUE | / b. Nude woman standing by an urn covered with drapery, Height, 1314 inches 44 BRONZE BUST OF BISHOP LEONARDO SALUTATI [330] ie 7 eS - ~~ Pa! J eee es ue ” Height, 83, inches 7 i ik OF BOY WITH GOOSE ld igpepine a Bpoee by the neck. Rocky base. - E ae Height, 34 inches . SPANISH, 16TH CENTURY J raed standing, one hand clasping a book. The gown and poe bad mantle with leaf Beaver in green and gold. (Damaged) Height, at inches BRONZE FIGURE OF A HORSE, SCHOOL OF GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY On Bee buhl rectangular pedestal. vad Length of statue, 9 inches; height, 814 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TAPESTRY AND RUGS f Be NUMBERS 336-348 - 836 CHINESE WOOLEN RUG CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Apricot color, indigo, and light blue with touches of lemon. Two borders: one with lotus flowers on yellow, the other with meander pattern. The centre field with lotus corners.. Fret and floral centre medallion and graceful flower sprays scattered over the apricot ground. (Slightly worn) Size, 4 feet 2 inches x 6 feet 4 inches 45 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 CHINESE WOOLEN RUG ) CHIEN LUNG PERIOD Indigo and light blue on fawn-colored background. Border with diamond motifs. Dragon fretwork corners. Central lotus me- dallion. Flower sprays above and below. (Slightly worn) Size, 4 feet 5 inches x 6 feet 8 inches LARGE LAVEHR WOOLEN RUG | PERSIA Five borders, the main one with cypress trees and flowering vines on ivory-white. Centre field with repeated design of large cartouches, with cypress trees and flower vines on white. Size, 14 feet 8 inches x 10 feet 8 inches LARGE BOKHARA WOOLEN RUG WESTERN TURKESTAN Geometrical border on ivory. Centre with four rows of octagons, particolored, white and vermilion, on brownish-purple ground. Fine specimen. (Slight defects) Size, 8 feet 4 inches x 7 feet 1 inch BOKHARA WOOLEN MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN Lozenges on deep wine-red field. (Sold as is) 3 Size, 29 x 87 inches BOKHARA WOOLEN RUG WESTERN TURKESTAN Centre divided into four squares with geometrical motifs in blue and red. Three geometrical borders. Size, 5 feet 7 inches x 4 feet 6 inches SMALL BERGAMA WOOLEN RUG ASIA MINOR Border with serrated leaves on white. Centre field with diverse latechhook designs and square motifs in vermilion and apricot on pale tan. (Sold as is) Size, 6 feet 4 inches x 4 feet BOKHARA WOOLEN RUG Unusual arabesque design in the red centre field. (Sold as is) Size, 6 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 344 DAGHESTAN WOOLEN RUG CAUCASUS Five borders, the main one with rosettes on red. Narrow centre with diagonal stripes in blue and white. (Sold as is) Size, 8 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 9 inches 46 BRONZE FIGURE OF A HORSE ITALIAN, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [335] ’ Sine, 5 i 6 inches x 4 feet 3 biehies ‘OOLEN MAT WESTERN TURKESTAN h particolored octagons on vermilion. Centre field " | central tartouch. (Sold as is) , a 5 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 8 fables ae ts : 5 oi: ss NUMBERS 349-377 Be STAMPED LEATHER SCREEN DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY > with brass-studded border (slightly warped). . is Height, 4 feet; length, 6 feet 7 inches \ __ The shaped top painted with a landscape, with ladies and gallants Bs a in a panel of scroll design surrounded by flower sprays on green - ground with gilt borders; the shaped frieze and cabriole legs Pe oyith similar decoration. Size of top, 3 feet 4 inches x 3 feet 47 / (Sold as a) 353 SET OF SIX ITALIAN 17TH canta . ARM CHAIRS — | ne -serolls, on turned ie and stretchers, seats ered with figured velvet. 355 WALNUT ARMCHAIR . ‘BLEMISH, spr © covered with erimson silk damask. « “(Sold « as 5) on turned legs with carved front stretchers. The eee low voluted arms carved with acanthus. Seats covered in figured green velvet. (6) ) ae isthe 48 THREE WALNUT ELBOW CHAIRS DUTCH, ABOUT 1730 [363] ONE OF SIX LOUIS XV WALNUT ELBOW CHAIRS [362] OF FLEMISH: TH CENTURY Fe ral! 34: a t 3 af Fos Gee. " mt carved with amorini Pennporitie a flower ee rs with gadroon and acanthus ornament. On pe 3 and square stretchers. : ‘Height, 4 feet 6 inches; length, 4 feet | PAINTED LEATHER SCREEN 7 ss purer, EARLY 18TH CENTURY | lecor: ion ey landscape panels supported by a pair of ed mn 1 marble pedestals, and with rich acanthus and above. ; — (Sold as is) Height, 94 inches. ee J Z Width per panel, 27 inches" 3 a 2 Vv WALNUT ELBOW CHAIRS | es A FRENCH, ABOUT 1750 4 3, seats and pcre and voluted armrests (3) on knees and Cale Loose seats. ceagaias [SEE pee sees 0% arved and moulded borders. On pierced bracket feet. - Height, 4 feet 4 inches; length, 4 feet 8 inches a Dstt ; § OAK CHEST OF FLEMISH EARLY 17TH CENTURY = at the sides. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 21 inches 49 369 370 371 372 DUTCH WALNUT WARDROBE The upper part cing net wa a ag arcad design. (Sold as is) oe " Height, 7 feet 8 inches; length, 4 | I LARGE WALNUT LIBRARY TABLE brass and rosewood inlay; drawers and Pelle sie and pedestals. (Sold as is) © Length, 6 feet; wid CARVED OAK CHEST PAINTED OAK CABINET 1E The upper and lower body each with cupboards, with . middle section between. The top moulding and the fo enclosing the cupboards with quaint Dutch landscape and compositions flanked at either end by tulips. The narrow ¢ above the lower body with inscription. Ends painted wit a vines and flowers. Height, 661% inches; length, aoa 50 1 glass doors, shaped at the top. Three scalloped shelves ower body ‘with two rows of four short drawers and < tapering legs on ball feet, connected by peporetely stretcher. (Restorations) Height, 7 feet 8 inches; length about 5 feet 10 inches MISH LATE 16TH CENTURY WALNUT CHEST rectangular rising top and carved gadroon borders, the panel carved with a foliage cartouch and with female ides at the sides. Moulded base and paw feet, iron swing s at the ends. (Restorations) eight, 21 inches; length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 21 inches MISH 16TH CENTURY STYLE OAK CABINET wo sections. The upper part enclosed by two doors with sunken panels and moulded borders divided by fluted othian columns with carved bases and surmounted by a deep , carved with masks, foliage scrolls and small figures in the issance manner. A long drawer below, carved with lion- s and acanthus foliage. The lower part of similar design the top. (Sold as is) Height, 6 feet; length, 5 feet 377 F .EMISH LATE 16TH CENTURY STYLE WALNUT AND inclosed by four rectangular panel doors with raised centres; 1e top drawers divided by pilasters carved with amorini, lion- “abl masks and flower sprays depending from ribbon ties; a long PN r drawer in the centre. Doors and pilasters with ebonized gadroon ig borders. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; length, 5 feet 2 inches ae qf sere hey cao + Page ee a tee ne Pash * Ag Bc at pee a rales Yi *. 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