(OF BOSTON) ihe POE ECTION ya OF —206-9 ©.600— ning, sbpril 30, 1877, Ales SHE | KURTZ GALLERY, ist Twenty-third Street, ‘ ON MADISON SQUARE. S. W. Green, Printer, 16 & 18 Jacob St., New York LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK i b . yn ¥ , “ 2 Re ; ‘ 5 : “ f \ ! bs a Fy ee RY i vee 1 iy (817 CATALOGUE aie atlnable Paintings, COLLECTED. BY Mir. NATHAN 4MATTHEWS, OF BOSTON, — Comprising Fine Examples of Modern Art, by Masters of the PeeNWCn PELGIAN, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ART. Now ON AXBIBITION PRER, Rurle Gallery, § EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, ON MADISON SQUARE, . TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON Monday Kvening, April 30 18. ——+—— o > ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER, ei Dees The sale will be under the direction of Messrs. M. KNOEDLER & CO., Successors to Goupil & Co., 170 Fifth Avenue, New York, who will answer all communications relating to this sale, supply Catalogues, etc. ’ Se te tt by La fae Bee , wy et b hars Loe cries : erry et Sy eo eee ib a in A eee Oe Joe, an we ae pa ee IN THE —sS}sie0— Achenbach, Andr’s, Grotefelt, Arnz, Becher, Geo. Bruneri, Burgers, Barucei, Boutibonne, Bakkerkorff, bor FL A., Corot, etl D., Cattaneo, Champney, Corrodi, Daubigny, Diaz, Dieffenbach, De Cock, Xavier, De Jonghe, Erdmann, Gérome, Guillemer, Herzog, H., Hinckley, Hubner, Carl, Hove, P. Van, Kauffmann, Hugo, Kluyver, Inness, Tsabey, Jacque, Chas., Joris, Lambinet, Langerocek, Lommon, Leclair, Lassalle, Leys, Baron H., Marchal, Merle, H., Munsch, Metzelaas, f iatthews W ollection. Pasini, Preyer, Paul, Pelouse, Rousseau, Theo., Robbe, Romako, Reinherz, Rasinelli, Rozier, Schreyer, Sinkel, Stevens, Stroebel, Tissot, Verschuur, Vernier, Vernon, Verboeckhoven, Vibert, Wyngaerdt, ZI€EMe - SATALOCUS = SN ANY WS wo WO e —_—»>— Sale Monday Evening, April 30, 187%. 1 Y O07“ VERNON, PAUL, Rats ce Landscape. Quay s “s ; , AORIS, PAOLO, Rome. -— The Studio. ne ™ : bs 3 | 4 “PREYER, PAUL, Diisseldorf, ' The Volunteer. — 4. uae STEVENS, AGAPIT, Bee v The Violets MUL | , | 5 m7OG, H., Disseldorf. Dutch Coast. OKX. a. s q ” ma KEL, E., _ Diisseldorf. WK” . Poetry. 7 7h Kancae HINCKLEY, ne: (deceased), ~ Boston. \ (Mr Fox. g ie Apo ERDMANN, OTTO, “*< > Diisseldorf yet. Arguing the Question. ef” Go" SS VERSCHUUR, 2, we ene a me » Flemish Hora 10 ae COL, DAVID, Antwerp. be The Wine-Taster. it \ 5 ee \KKERKORFF, Ne Brussels. Vie i Sat Gossip: WV 4 e MWe ML 15 KAUFFMANN, HUGO, Munich. War Stories. — Ls 0 p tax HOVE, nae Brussels. Sunday in Holland. - , 14 | id “ ROMAKO2A., e Rome. Spring Flowers. —— ‘“ 15, | ys VAN WYNGAERDT,C, ’ Brussels. Courtship; =f — yo ~ 4 16 oe. 1, J. B. C. (deceased), . - Paris. Peandseape.c6 2 aby } 3557 MUNSCH, JOSEPH, Munich. ox*% Good Kisters LOK qo bert JV VYINNESS, Woke - New York. wer: Roman re Meat 10, 5, dh %0- » INNESS, GEORGE, New York. vZ%. In the Woods. 20 Y 00: ACHENBACH, ANDREAS: _Diisseldorf et Evening. dv *? 21 YY” “HUBNER, Pror. CARL, Diisseldortf. See, Coaxing. gue 22 yf 7 LAMBINET, EMILE, Paris. (From the Salon of 1875.) Morning, View on the Seine. Yr 6 2 23 : ry eee iets = Paris. o4 “Tending Flowers. ” . P | ty 24. | “VI BERT, lS G., / | Paris. of’” The Mofintebank Fad Gg 25 ; y oar ak ) Brussels, oc Cattle. sir | 2 26 | 40° PASINI, A., $f bans pee ocd ving the Sheik. Je 0 Mr | , Q y { A) 9 Mapes MERLE, HU S Sart Paris % ° ° —.- Vintage Time. gers | 28 id DAUBIGNY, KARL, Paris, v= The River-Side. : 7 29 i ISABEY, EUGENE, Paris. ao Meee. The Duelusy a ) 30 ‘BURGERS, H..J., : -, (Paris, Ds gs uw The Nurse. — > 31 CATTANEO, A, oo | Rome. | wer Lake Nemi, Italy. 32 Vy “KLUYVER, P. J., - Holland, ve*Landscape in Holland. ae, 33 / ()STROEBEL, J, , Brussels, S4k*~ The Auction. 34 oo” / 00 LECLAIRE, VICTOR, - Parié 'v~ Apple-Blossoms. 35 v0 LECLAIRE, VICTOR Paris: ki) . y-Peach-Blossoms. 08 - 36 M4 | _ZIEM, Pe IXx, | Paris. . Y uo “The Sweet “Waters, Asia. “* 37 - BECKER, CEORGESS- Pane one ho pte - Mooris Lady. 38 An 79° VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE, Brussels, ) jotk Landscape; with Sheep. ”“**~ } Se B39 | | J cor, P. A, _ Paris. 2¢> _ Spring Flowers. — 9 PeeLOUSE, C., Paris. - G*_ French Farm-Yard. | Al JONGHE, GUS. | Paris. . Meditation. . | Ag } 1x VERNIER, E,, 1th eRe Ve Marseilles. 43 | 46 CoFERRARL G, Rome. Tunisian Merchants. 4A _— JACQUE, CHAS, » Paris. pw Brittany 5S epherdess, —yet Spring-time. 45 LEYS, BARON H. (deceased), Antwerp. oo ( ) P (ola Preparing ke Meal. (7 x ' A6 ROUSSEAU, THEO. (deceased), Paris. at or ere ‘rare Spring. wy" cate a 50 METZELAAS, G., @ The Hague. vt \ - View in olland. o” “ AA y!) VV Fi a 938 48 LOMMON, W., + $1 Diisseldorf. AY Environs of Dusseldorf. : | A9 ] ik wrist ER, D., Paris. ., \ ra e LE Objects of Art. 50 () KEINHERZ, CONRAD, Munich, , * ; oyveeThe Approaching Storm. re ae Sap! Ub BOUTIBONNE, E. ge Paris. $x os eri LD the Library. D2 ae * “In the Woods. sy 05 DIEFFENBACH, H. A. Paris. a The H rin Le e Hunting Story. haa 5 re LANGEROCK, Paris’ ay ae poe nae x Near Barbizon. owt? 55 5D “GUILLEMER, E, Paris. ee os Landscape. yw * 2 56 O LASSALLE, LOUIS, Paris. < SF AAS Pee: S i @S_----°The Luncheon. © H 6 57 Diisseldorf. ‘| f-UxCHENBACH, ANDREAS, : boo Off Ostend. — 58 DAUBIGNY, CHAS. FRANCOIS, Paris. la | ee a exicteae (The Artist’s Masterwork.) “ee 59.0. : A el ae oe Ae ek ~~. Bay of Naples: - a ; 60 YS easier oe ee tI eA IR GUE ees Italian Landscape. “<~ A L g/ $ ; ok a : ! | ae f) ARNZ, ALBERT, . Diisseldorf. Bay of Naples. goes 62 ipo GROTEFELT, P. J. VAN, Brussels. Flemish Interior. SK 63 | QS PAM NEY, J. Nooo t e+ FS OStOn, | Mending: a Chair. ie ope mee BRUNERI, F, a ae it — ~The Surprise. = | 65 P—— TISSOT, JAMES, 4 (oo egnton. ‘The Evening Promenade. : | 0 DE COCK, XAVIER, Paris. WT In the Woods. : fl 7 None * 39 67 SCHREYER, A., ~Prankfort. ; no* The Arab. Scout. SA | fa 95 4 GEROME, J. Ly gp Paris. va Dante. ste x é so 69 | WA A. GUILLEMIN, A,, Paris. — The Pet Bird. - pes 70 5 ®) CORRODIL H, . Howe View on the Oise. JV -MARCHAL, CHAS, (deceased), Paris. : “ i : it ates " ‘ —<—— sa Discontonteds , SR % me . 3 vg