~ @ ~=FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FirtH AVENUE, NEAR 34TH STREET. Berer EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING. CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF AMERICAN PAINTINGS FORMED BY THE LATE oe. IHOMAS MCKIE, WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Thursday and Friday Evenings, MARCH 19TH AND 20TH, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer. BY SORT GIES -& CO: 1891. —S Bat. (SBe,3 Conrue wew yoRK. eu AAT INDEX OF ARTISTS Represented in this Collection and Numbers of the Paintings. ABBEY, E. A., 12. ALEXANDER, HENRY, 75. BLAKELOCK, R. A., 6, 26, 44, 72, 90, 97, 101, 113. BoGart, GEORGE H., 30. BAKER, WILLIAM BLIss (dec’d), 55, 74. Buu, ROBERT, 71. BRICHER, A. T., 78. BIRNEY, WM. VERPLANCK, 81. BLACKMAN, WALTER, 88. Boaecs, F. M., 108. Carr, S.S., 5. COLMAN, SAMUEL, Io. CASILEAR, J. W., 50. Cor, THEODORE D., 68. Crark, F. H., 80. DurAnD, A. B. (dec’d), 2, 77. DECKER, JosEPH H., 20, 27, 45, 63, 73, 83, 109. Davis, CHARLES H., 31, 54, 85, 103. Dixon, M. R., 64. DE HAVEN, F., 87. DEARTH, HENRY, I12. De Luce, PERCIVAL, I, 67. ELWELL, D. JEROME, 105. FosTER, C. 29. FREER, F. W., 46. Ox. eRe AG, O02, GREATOREX, ELEANOR, 24. GRANT, C. R., 47. GIFFORD, SANFORD R. (dec’d), 48. HopGKINS, J., 3. HALE, PHILIP, 13. How ann, A. C., 21. Homer, WINSLOW, 38. Harnett, W. M., 39. HOVENDEN, THOMAS, 43, 93, 114. Hicks, THomMAS (dec’d), 61. Hart, WILLIAM, 65. HART, JAMES M., 76. Harris, CHARLES X., 86. Hunt, WILLIAM Morris (dec’d), 91. INNESS, GEORGE, 58, 100, 118. Jones, H, BOLTON, 35. JoHNSON, EASTMAN, 32. JonES, FRANCIS C., 94. JouHNsON, DAVID, 95. KENSETT, J. F. (dec’d), 69. Kappes, ALFRED, 36. Lippincotr, W. H., 116. Morruy, A. C., 4. MARTIN, HOMER, 7, 110. MiGnor (dec’d), 9. Murpny, J. FRANCIS, 10, 40. Minor, Rop’r C.,, 14. Moore, HUMPHREY, 15. MOELLER, LOUIS, 23, 52. MOosLER, HENRY, 41. McENTEE, JERVIS, 42, 51, 92. MorAN, THOMAS, 53. Mowsray, H. SIDDONS, 99. Macy, W.S., 107. NicuHo.is, H. Burr, 16. RHE DAN GC... 22270: PICKNELL, W. L., 59, 96. PAULI, RICHARD, 84. Poors, HENRY, II5. IRSIADIBIRG Irv iens 5a Ryper, A. P., 28. SATTERLEE, WALTER, 8, 34. SMITH, HENRY P., 56. SONNTAG, W. A., 66. SMITH, T, L. (dec’d), 82. SUVA; A. (dec2d)), 166; SHIELDS, THOMAS A., III. APIOMS = |e Cyl, RATT AN. oH g=1 O00; THOMPSON, WORDSWORTH, 57, 98. TWACHTMAN, J. H., 33. ULRICH, CHARLES F., 70, VoLK, DOUGLAS, 37. VAN BosKERCK, R. W., 89. Woon, T. W., 102. WorES, THEODORE, 49. WARD, EDGAR M., 104, WALTER, HORATIO, 117. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase money ¢/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be inimediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the re- mainder of the Purchase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of.the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any errér in the description... All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in. any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above Conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AvctTIonEErR, By Orteies & Co. CATALOGUE Tuurspay Evenines Sar i) \\ q y | 4 ae fC (Percival), : : 3 New York Beatrice 7 A : DURAND (A‘B.), x. a., deceased, . New York Summer Landscape 3 HODGKINS *(.), : : ; New York Marine h 4 MURPHY (ae G.), . ; New York Garden Flowers (5) { \ f\_' i \ CARRS) 9) ee Waiting for Father ) : a 2 BEAK ELOCK (ka), : ; New York Landscape \ \ v \ Y MARTIN. (Homer D.), n. a, New York Lake Placid 8 Sad TE Rae a Walter)-a. NA, New York Cupid’s Darts a oe MIGNOT (LU. R.), nea, deceased, New York An October Landscape (6) 10) MURPHY (J. Francis), N.. A, : New York A June Landscape , Ve } eee Sees | ijt a | y \ THOM (Js G.), HEIs New York a Trying the Ice tN gS! % yi f Ajeloidy oe Merete p : : : ; London Hollanders Water Color a 13 oey, HALE (Philip), : : . Boston The Young Housekeeper Ts ry } . es ee A) | MUNOR (Robert C,), aN. A.,. =. . « -New York Near Evening (7) i Aeoy We Zan ) 15 MOORE (Humphrey), A New fork On the Beach 16 NICHOLS (H. Burr}, i . New York Paddy's Inn 17 SALT (ASPMAN..A., ‘ : New York Dog 18 TAT (AL Fo; ms A, : New York Companion A COLMAN (Sam’l), n. a., ‘ New York Near Greenwich, Conn. a Water Color (8) Seem er eee > - - — a =a =a DECKER (Joseph H.), Still bite Vies 21 HOWLAND (A. C), ». A, The Dinner Horn PHELAN (C.T.), Landscape and Sheep \ \ \\ \ } J MOELLER (Louis), a.n 23 ss Investigation 4 7 ») * | i | 24 GREATOREX (Eleanor), Winter Roses (9) New York New York New York New York New York 25 RYDER (P. P.) a... A, ca. | s Left Alone 26 BLAKELOCK (R. A)), 2 eS eB ae ee | DECKER (Joseph H.), Hung on the Line A RYDER, (A. P.), Great Oaks 27 28 Guinevere New York New York New York New York New York 30 BOGART (George H.), New York ag ree , d 2 | 31 DAVIS (Charles El : E Boston Altera Heavy Dew t \ Moonlight 32 JOTINSON (Eastman), N-A., -. ; New York ~. In Kind Hands 33 TWACHTMAN (J. H.), : New York Ice-bound Vessels \ jae SATTERLEE (Walter), a. N. A., «5 New -¥ ork : Out of Reach (11) VU | ‘ JONES (H. Bolton), Nn. a., New York Summer Landscape ecg ‘ roe a6 Pe) , K\KAPPES (Alfred), New York Mending His Ways rae 37 D VOLK (Douglas), Chicago In the Orchard 38 HOMER (Winslow), Nn. 4., : : New York Bringing in the Nets Water Color / Le 39 HARNETT (W. M.), : : ; New York Stull Lite bon) 3 £; .Y 40 MURPELY (J, Francis), N.A,, New York Light in the Sky 4I MOSLER (Henry), ~.. . . New York Gretchen 0 42 McENTEE (Jervis), .N. a., dec’d, ; New York November's Falling Leaves eee HOVENDEN (Thomas), N.A., Plymouth Meet’g, Pa. Old Friends YN AA 44 BLAKELOCK (R. A.), New York Moonrise (13) lyQ ! by 45 DECKER(Joseph H.), .2 7. ; New York A Repast in the Woods 4, g YY 46 FREER (F. W.),a.n-4, 9. ..« New York The Last:Glance | / 47 GRANT (C. R.), : : : . New York , The New Recipe e] } 48 GIFFORD (Sanford R.), n.a., dec'd,. New York Autumn Sunlight @ \ ; 49 WORES (Theodore), ; 2New York Garden in the Nikko, Japan . (14) 5c CA SUZEAR {)-W),.Ne A; : -New York A Summer Evening ¥ | i f \ ¢ 51 : McENTEE (Jervis), n.a., deceased, .. New York Christmas Eve ee 52 MORE IER (Louis), a. N.A., ; . New York Short Measure é \ 53 MORAN (Thomas), wn. A., : . New-York Lost in the Glen \ \s4 DAVIS (Charles H.), : d : Boston y Sunset, The last Gleam (15) \ Neues 55 BAKER (William Bliss), deceased, New York Trout Brook in the Woods 56 SMITH (Henry P.), : ; New York Along the River ; ’ Yt) Uy ir THOMPSON Re re Noa ot New Vouk Wayfarers \ L \ 58 INNES (George), N.A., : ‘ New York Catskill Valley View \ y- 59 PICKNELL (W. L,), Bee Boston Getting under Way (16) 60 WAVE LACT .), NA, ; New York =| A Water Spaniel 61 HICKS (Thomas), N. 4., deceased, . New York Normandy Gil 62 FOX (8.°A.), : ; New York Cattle 63 DECKER (Joseph H.), : ; New York A Patient Fisherman (17) 64 DIXON (M. R.), ; : : ~ New York Alice 65 HART (William), w. a:, : : - New York Landscape 66 SONNTAG CWI aN As, i : New York A Scene in the Adirondacks 67 de LUCE (Percival) New York Ideal Head 68 COE (Theddore D,), ; New York Returning from Pasture (18) i \f “ae 69 KENSETT (John F.), n. a., deceased, New York White Mountain Scenery 70 ULRICH (Charles F.), a. n.a., : New-York The Head of a Flemish Woman 71 BLUM (Robert), a.n. a., : New York ) A Connoisseur Water Color 72 Peni lOCK (RR. A;), . ; New York Evening, Cloverdale, California DECKER (Joseph H.), —. ; New York Flowers (19) 74 BAKER (Wm. Bliss) deceased, é New York Summer Landscape 75 ALEXANDER (Henry), ; New York The Evening of Life 76 HART (James M.), wn. a, New York Landscape and Cattle 77 DER AND (A. °B.).N. a. deceased, New York A Quiet Stream 78 ei MOF CGAY Th nes 2 nes New York The Beaches Water Color (20) 79 er EbaING( CP ea June 80 Ciani< (P..H.), In Twilight Time 81 BIRNEY (William Verplanck), A Little Student 82 SMITH (T. L.), a..n. a., deceased, First Snow 83 DECKER (Joseph H.) ) Plums (21) New York New York New York New York New York 84 PAULI (Richard), New York Midsummer Foliage | 4 | 85 7 DAV IS