POOP oy eae ee ei Cet Sten A AY ran he Pak De arts “ ; : No. 37—( Jean Baptiste) Camtlle Corot. BELONGING TO THE LATE a eG. WATMOUGH, Esq. OF PHILADELPHIA - ee: aig ERMBRACING 4 2 o Paintings Se ne. moBt noted Modern European and ‘ American Artists 2 ALSO ae Elegant Louis XV and Louis XVI Furniture : from the Watmough Residence , TO BE SOLD 3 wae aay i | Tuesday and ‘Wednesday Afternoons, Dec, 11 & 12, 3907 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK ‘EACH DAY. A ed STAN. V. HENKELS pe AUCTION. COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The only Auction House in the country where the Oil Paintings are catalogued by the person who cries the sale— an advantage not to be lightly overlooked. NO TEC. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. Terms OF SaLe—Casu., All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme- diately following the sale. STAN. V. HENKELS, Auction COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa, M. H. POWER, Printer 1116-1116 Sansom Street Philadelphia Philadelphia, November 12, 1917. I do hereby certify that every painting in this Catalogue belonged to the late John G. Watmough and were taken by me, from the walls of his late residence, 2114 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, to be sold at public Auction in my Art Gallery, 1304 Walnut Street, by order of Ferdinand Keller. Sworn and subscribed before me this 12th day of November, 1917. CHas. R. HEERMANN, Stan. V. HENKELS. [szaL] : Notary Public. Commission expires Jan. 7th, 1921. The paintings in this catalogue will have to speak for themselves. We have not a single record of any one picture. Nobody is more cognizant than myself of the difficulty I am laboring under in offering the works of the most noted masters of tle modern school without proof or guarantee. All I can say is that Mr. Wat- mough was a careful buyer; he investigated and procured the history of each painting before purchasing and when he did purchase, the data of their authenticity was satisfactory to him, and as he never collected with a view to selling, conse- quently kept no records of his paintings, as it mattered little to him what be- came of them after his death. He bought them for his own pleasure; he was satisfied, and that was sufficient. His papers have been closely scrutinized for the purpose of getting some information as to where and when purchased, but without avail. I am therefore obliged to offer the collection to the public under the general assumption that they are properly described. We can give no guarantee, and to overcome this obstacle is the reason I have made plates of so many of the subjects, hoping that my patrons will be able to identify a few of them at least. The collection is not an ordinary one, and should attract general attention with the art-loving public. Our personal opinion will avail nothing. They are described honestly and attributed accordingly to the signature on each subject. Our reason for accompanying the Catalogue with the above affidavit, is to avoid the suspicion that the sale has been padded from other sources. This seems to have been the custom with many auction houses, and one that we do not approve, consequently we wish to impress on all, that every painting in this sale was owned personally by Mr. Watmough. Of course with those who know us, our word is sufficient, but with those who have not dealt with us in the past, we hope it will invite their confidence. STAN. V. HENKELS. ARTISTS REPRESENTED Van Marcke Diaz Zeim Makovski Berne-Bellecour Corot Dell Herzog Saurfelt Rossi Kuwasseg, fils Dubert | De Byrandt Jacque Gonzalez Salmson Schreyer Dupre Daubigny Weber Coomans Merle Escosura De Haas Vernon Simon Rico Madrazo Haquette Detti Savery De Yonghe Souslacroix Burrell Severdonck Braith Geiger Frappa Gambert / 2 fe Jo. fo. B1. eo, CATALOGUE HERMAN HERZOG Born in Bremen, November 15th, 1832. Came to America in 1869 and soon rose to the distinction of being the leading landscape painter in the country of his adoption. I—Marine View. Size 9 inches x 15 inches. Canvas. Signed. 2—M arine View. Size 9 inches « 15 inches. Canvas. Signed. F. VAN SEVERDONCK Celebrated Belgian artist. 3—Sheep Resting. Size 5Y% inches x 5 inches. Panel Signed. T. MAESTOSI 4—The Picture Gallery. Sise 7 inches x« 10 inches. Panel. Signed. LUCIO ROSSI 5—The Mandolin Player (Female). Size 64% x 5 inches. Panel. Signed, 1871. IGNACIO LEON Y ESCOSURA Born at Orvideo, Spain. Pupil of Géréme. Orders of Isabella the Catholic and Charles III of Spain. 6—The Connoisseurs. Size 9 inches x 13 inches. Panel cradled. Signed, 1882. % 4 ‘ygwAg uojup—L “ONT ie at ie i oa ‘ONT [JIMA T uUoju py—g cig ) rt Bort n in Trieste, 1, 1861 and 18 3 oie 184 | 9—Italian Seascape. eee in Size 22 inches x 38 inches. SEE PLATE. on e ae es AL the distance. mn W - Z + * a we * > 4 F re E ; ~ ‘ - \ Oo Sy No. 9- ie \ y y 7" ) ‘ \ vi i LY) X Z \ i ‘ a Bi ie ORIOL f / sh moen rl Kuwasseg, fils. No. ro—Johannes H. L. De Haas. en a F. ; : = ete Os - oy ; 2 } ha ‘ " ger. é ~ No. 11—August ‘IYIADJY UDA INUIT —ET “ON | tS ner Medal Troy ur, 18 Hee 5 inches, No. 13——Charles Emile Jacque. oy No. ta4—M. Rico. “ +S ry Wa ie fa LS gee ee an ea inne : pl Spe a Bdge ) —s fadrid. Pupil of Frederico de Madrazo. Medal, third class, _ fas of - H i 4 : Peg) MS cota ees ae eget ® Be? bya oe 2 z bs nour, 1878. ye de: ce. a WU i x 10 es. anal inch d 14 ran ° ize we No. 15—M. Rico. tnd ~ Narcisco Dia . r6 lo NV i a ana. iy! Pupil of Pils and of ar enting the Bride. go. 17—Pres Size 214 inches x 29 inches. Canvas. Signed, 188 Bs 4 oes. . eo a oe | 74 + aa 4 I . A wes i ‘ et ee et Ri Beem . ig *3 + Se mere ee te Te oe Py os eee ~ On x Ue 4 pie: h be 4 \ Or ws ‘ t o No. 18—Don Raimundo De Madrazo. ’ ae it atts set "y } Fare = fs eS: * inh ® Pe aN a ia ig . Loe * . : ee ‘: . ‘ar ze July 24th, 1841. Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medal of — leap oe 1878. Legion of Honour, 1878 GME Sate ar stirs tenbacegetanr oy Gai yur t rer de hed Atle ae AE aha aaa ee a arg eS us pamling was executed in conjunction with Pritara, who eo ae if cape. MR ag te aN eee ee ae ies eee i a ae * f es. Canvas. Signed. — wy . - +. » 18 | Fim 40 19—The Minuet (Garden Party). — | Sige 714 x 9% inch _ SEE PLATE, — 0 20—Comparison. — SEE PLATE, Serene ~ 21—The Village Festival. 2.> -: ~ Size 7% inches + 9% inches. Canvas. J2S0 22—Companion. — areas * Nos. 19 and 20—/. J. Dubert. No. 23—Felix Liem. 3 1851 and y ’ . SNe 5 d class, ity th ~ Officer. ats Medals, 1857. ae n of Honou f arniva ; e, . r, igne y anel, S inches. me es : JF 0. foo. JOSEPH COOMANS Born at Brussels in 1816. Pupil of Antwerp Academy under N. de Keyser and Wappers. —24—Young Woman with a Distaff. Size 10% «x 8 inches. Panel. Signed, 1886. This painting was presented to the late Charles F. Haseltine, of Philadelphia, by the artist, who placed the following inscription on it: “Souvenw offer to Mr. C. F. Haseltine. Joseph Coomans, Paris, 1886.” HUGO FREDRIK SALMSON Born in Stockholm in 1843. Medal, third class, 1879. Legion of Honour, 1871. 25—At the Flower Vender’s. Size 36 inches x 53% inches. Canvas. Signed. Sree Pate. , . No. 25— Hugo Fredrik Salmson. te % — « ? Canvas. : Signe a hes. tHe za RGES HAQUETTE _ hes x 36 2 7 hes x 48 View. The Storm. osa , as 8 mec era Otte hes. inc Canvas. Signed. inc - 21 -HERMAN HERZOG Bors in Bremen; November 15, 1832. Came to ‘Awseion in 1869 and soon rose to the distinction of being the leading landscape painter in the country of his adoption. VALE 28—N orwegian Waterfall with Old Mill. (The Cee Storm. fe _ Size 60 inches x 84 inches. Bailar Signed. — SEE PLATE. 39 SH = 29—View in the Vosemite Valter showing the “Twin Sisters. Size 60 inches x. 84 inches. Canvas.. Signed. ot The above two paintings were executed by Mr. H. erzog Gader order from the late Mr. John G. Watmough especially for either side of his spacious dining-room. They have long been consid- ered the. masterpieces of the artist. 22 No. 28—Herman Herzog. ‘1ySQLOYDPY uUmuvssuoOy—OE ‘OAT rical Genr Phe ebar 4 5 ‘ -A . Size 3244 inches. Canv Schrever. dolph A No. 31— "Aahasayrs YPjopp—cE ‘ony ? 7) be ab 1 Bae GD yi a agen /ONVAaAS. — 3 pais oS é Ca eS. 1 i ! i Tee tiie Aye oH 5 N, Me, & H x wie hes r y j f ' 4 3 yt pay ; i ; < Aa sy ‘2. t + , ‘i Ti : 7 ) 5 : re ‘ ‘ - aos , . ‘ j ® 4 iy as | %, vee r , P ’ F ead 6 oy : oe ‘wale - . \ a ee est Yair | eo bg : race.) -'vay j Py eye 4 Te ahe, S ‘ 7 TA ri yu i ih ’ } iy fe vw - ; ead : ' pe pe ‘ t bd ha a we Ly \ eur y oy is vi PET eth ak ie wale: p t } y OE edt 8 eae t 1 ; ; fi md r } es ' 1; ‘ ’ LE a GS Boal eT eee RINT MEE PRET IT Pinky ig ten vay f ‘ ‘ males ae ‘mast we sare Dettt. ae ~y No. 34—Etienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour. OUR %, Peak LE P ¥ ef ~ Medal of the A 1cot. ° > il of as - Pupi 1838. un 27 Born « at N es Legion of Hosa 1849, = | 35—An A aoren Sa Storm i intl ee esis Magne i } ‘aadug™ sagnf{—SE *oxy No. jO—L SPN A rf elt. ry 5, 1840 an e Februa er dth rst clas ie . fi 796. D s 1796 SSE P inc h , 1867. rance. is, July 20¢ Born in Par of the % School. , fr hes x 29% pore izon - is 1846. Officer Trouville, F anc Barb 21% See Pratt ~Honou ? Fs —Near SS Size Ow Sat ‘Jo40) ayjuuny (asygog uvaf )—gE ony % ees ate ges 4; f ane ie Pe are, - te eg t : pi a #5 ete Lo. 39—H. Savery. ae ‘Marcellin, March 1823, Died in Paris in 1881. Medal, ee 861 and 1863. Legion of Honour, 1866. ore . - » Me inches x 18 inches. Canvas. Signed, 1878. RE: Bee . a . ¢ ‘ 7~ i ‘ = a ; i e- s Pe ; fe a: ; . ~ A oy ss - ‘ - * t e - mc * 3 Oa ye ~ * se hom : = . a = ‘ y ¢ VA \ i ¥ ; . > * a I ' * ? : 4 & A - 3 3 : f > — ‘ - ~ +. - , - < ° ~ GUSTAV DE YONGHE - Born at Courtray, February 4th, 1828. Gold Medal, Amsterdam, 1862. Paris, 1863. ees: e e FS. 41—Lady Playing with a Cat. Size 26 inches x 19 inches. Panel. Signed. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Born in Paris, February 15th, 1817. Died there February 20th, 1878. Studied under Delaroche. Exhibited at nearly every salon after 1838. Medal, second class, 1848. First class, 1853, 1857, 1859 and 1869. Legion of Honour, 1859. Officer, 1874. ATI. 42—River Scene, with Wooded Bank. (Woman Washing.) Size 9 inches x 144% inches. Panel. Signed. SEE PLATE. 34 thee Peete: RET } \ et ee pn \ if \ No. 42—Charles Francois Daubigny. 70. Lhe ‘7. ADOLPH DELL 43—The Valley of Partenkircher, Tyrol. Size 36 inches x 48 inches. Canvas. Signed. W. J. BWGAARD 44—Stable Interior. Size 23 inches x 29 inches. Canvas. Signed. M. WEBER 45—_Consolatton. Size 29 inches * 25 inches. Canvas. Signed. F. SOUSLACROIX 46—Gossip. Size 21 inches x 16 inches. Panel. Signed. AMEDEE ROZIER 47—Sea View, Constantinople. Size 17 inches x 28 inches. Canvas. Signed. 35 ss Phe Size 12 inches x 10 inches. Canvas. Sigr 49—Companion. oS Se eee Se eS PAUL VERNON 50—The Happy Mother. Size 16 inches x 12 inches. Panel. Signed. JOSE FRAPPA — 5]—In the Cardinal's Study, — : Size 18 inches x 12 inches. Canvas. Signed. A. DE BYRANDT 52—Driving Home the Herd. Size 27 inches x 37 inches. Canvas. Signed. GAMBERT — 53—The Cavalier. Size 11 inches x 8% inches. Panel. Signed. 48—Mountain Landscape, Autumn. as 2 Zo. HERMAN SIMON 54—Horses in Stable. Size 22 inches x 16 inches. Canvas. Signed, 1871. 55—True Friends. Size 20 inches x 30 inches. Canvas. Signed, 1876. JIEMEL 55%—Intaglio on hard composition of a reclining wood nymph, life size. Size 14 inches x 65 inches. A wonderful and beautiful work of art. The artist has exe- cuted the intaglio in a manner to deceive the eye and give it the ap- pearance of a bas relief. The deception is so well done that it takes the closest inspection to discover tt. The subject ts the full length figure of a young girl or wood nymph playing the pipes, entirely nude, lying flat on the ground, resting on the elbows. 37 SECOND SESSION ELEGANT FURNITURE FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE JOHN G. WATMOUGH, Esq. LOUIS XV PARLOR SUIT 56—A Handsomely Carved Louis XV Parlor Suit. Gold gilt. Upholstered back and seats in the finest French silk tapes- — try. Comprising: . Large Sofa. Small Conversational Sofa. Two Large Arm Chairs. Six Reception Chairs. Ottoman. LOUIS XVI ARM CHAIR 57—Louis XVI Arm Chair. Handsomely carved, gold gilt, upholstered back, seat and arms, in Gobelin tapestry. LOUIS XVI LADY’S CHAIR 58—Louis XVI Lady's Chatr, Handsomely carved, gold and enamel, tufted seat and back. LOUIS XVI RECEPTION CHAIR 59—Louis XVI Reception Chair. Gold and enamel, upholstered seat and back, in fine French silk damask. 39 60—Two Arm Chairs. Elaborately carved, gold gilt, es ae i _ French silk tapestry. : _ 61—Large This Chair, Le ery elaborately carved, gold gilt, upholstered b ; handsome hand-embroidered covering. Sate — 62—Italian Arm Chair. eaeneke Elaborately carved, with arms terminating holstered in red silk plush. 40 jae FLORENTINE SOFA 63—Floreniine Sofa. Three panels in back, elaborately inlaid with tvory on ebony. 64—Two Arm Chairs to Match. BRIC-A-BRAC CABINET 65—Gold Gilt Bric-a-Brac Cabinet. Mirror back, glass in door. INLAID DAMASCUS BENCH 66—Damascus Bench. : Walnut, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, upholstered with handsome em- broidered. seat. DAMASCUS TABLE Bee Paimasciis Table, Walnut, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. TWELVE DUTCH HIGH-BACK CHAIRS 68—Twelve Old Dutch Oak High-Back Chairs. Griffox design, very elaborately carved. upholstered seat. PEDESTALS | 69—Tr wo > Walnut Pedestals. Ree faerie tan nes 3 yrs , x -: PEDESTALS - i 0 Walnut Pedestal. Hengsomay coped eg ae | = Cost $7300 00. ROMAN CHAIR 72—Roman Chair. Gold gilt, carved eagles surmounting back Upholstered. SCREEN 73—A Three-Fold Screen. td three panels in water-color after Wditean: gold gilt. P LOWER STAND — So 74—Carved Wood Feed. | = me 42. JARDINIERE 75—Jardiniere and Stand. Carved wood in colored enamel. PEDESTAL 76—Carved Wood Pedestal. Gold gilt. FLORENTINE TABLE 7/—Florentine Table. Carved wood, gold gilt. FLORENTINE SHRINE 78—Floreniine Shrine, with the Relique Closet or Tabernacle im the Base. Surmounted with carved wood figures on wood, gold gilt, of the Madonna and Angels, very old. 43 ‘ica setts Snes, os - Ste ae se eat oh ais tier en garth Pors : e a tgety sine ee 4 ite , 5 ‘ Hit ites } a as * 5 i) ste Bi aheees nares crt 7 capaeieaiertit ety ieta sas - if * if : beret pret si aa oe a= ae Rea oak KOON CRESS 25% es = sie 5 a ery ets é +> ‘J 5 Prue At = eae VS ; Zi hes ro) ee AF "es ry Ty yr ra at, 30 fey = a ee aye Ee hoe - celtetersp itt CsOt yt Ys oi wane a 7 : soe oo Se peat oe EN Pee &