: NeAnR SALE NUMBER 1668 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, MAY TWENTY-NINTH COMPLETE FURNISHINGS FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE ROSA ROSSBACH OF NEW YORK CITY FURNITURE, DRAPERIES, RUGS SILVER, INCLUDING FINE TABLEWARE PORCELAIN, POTTERY, GLASS SCULPTURES AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART BPG er LC TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR OF HER ESTATE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JUNE SECOND, THIRD AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1922 ‘CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LoT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in defauit of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The’ Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. ; 7. TERMS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. ye 8. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9.. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated : PARK AVENUE AND Firty-NINTH STREET, New York Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY { ORDER OF SALE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE SECOND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 1- 36 TEXTILES, DRAPERIES, CUSHIONS 37- 56 SILVER-PLATED OBJECTS 57- 77 GLASS 78- 96 POTTERY AND PORCELAIN 97-129 SILVER 130-157 FURNITURE 158-198 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE THIRD MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART 199-238 GLASS TABLEWARE 239-267 PORCELAIN GROUPS AND VASES 268-283 PORCELAIN TABLEWARE 284-305 SILVER, INCLUDING FINE TABLEWARE 306-352 RUGS 353-363 SCULPTURES 364-377 FURNITURE 378-401 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE SECOND, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-198 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS LOTS 1-36 HAMMERED BRASS JARDINIERE Height, 10 inches EMPIRE STYLE ORMOLU BOUDOIR LAMP Tripod shape. Green silk shade. One electric light. Height, 18 inches SET OF ENGRAVED BONBON DISH AND EIGHT NUT DISHES PAIR OF WROUGHT-IRON STANDING CANDLE BRACKETS Five flower branch shaped brackets for candles. Height, 27 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD FLOWER-POT STAND Decorated with rose festoons. Container for flowers. Height, 1034 inches MINIATURE SCREEN WITH LARGE NUMBER OF SMALL ENGRAVINGS The majority by Chodowiecki. Mahogany frame. Height, 24 inches PAIR OF OPENWORK GILT LAMP SHADES SET OF EIGHT OPENWORK SILVER-PLATED LAMP SHADES EIGHT SILK LAMP SHADES Two with filet lace, two plain silk, four green and white with silver fringe. 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MAJOLICA RELIEF JARDINIERE AND PAINTED DOOR STOP PAIR OF JAPANESE REPOUSSE BRONZE JAR- DINIERES Dragon decoration. Height, 12 inches MAJOLICA UMBRELLA STAND: WITH CALLA DEC- ORATION Height, 2414 inches JAPANESE POTTERY JARDINIERE ON GERMAN WROUGHT-IRON STAND Height, 21 inches LOT OF SIX WASTE-PAPER BASKETS PAIR OF DUTCH SILVER MATCH-HOLDERS Man riding on tricycle. JAPANESE CLOISONNE JAR WITH COVER AND CHINESE SOAPSTONE FIGURE (Vase sold as is) Height, 4 and 614 inches EUROPEAN CARVED IVORY FIGURE ON PEDESTAL Gentleman in 18th century costume holding monocle. Height, 814 inches TWO EUROPEAN IVORY CARVINGS Gnome and child with stocking. Both on round pedestals. Height, 31% and 41% inches GILT METAL FLOWER BASKET WITH DETACHABLE GLASS HOLDER Height, 4 inches THREE SMALL MODERN BRONZE BUSTS Two by Von der Straaten, one marked A. C., Vienna. Height, 914 inches TWO GERMAN IVORY STATUETTES | The goose herder, after the famous bronze statue in Nurem- berg, and carving of chamois. Height, 614 inches FOUR MINIATURE FIGURINES In bronze, etc. Ballet dancer and three amorini. 6 = er 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 MINIATURE ORMOLU AND VIENNESE ENAMEL SCREEN Surmounted by small clock. FOUR BRONZE OBJECTS OF ART ‘Two miniature busts, ete. Height not over 4 inches FOUR DESK FITTINGS Glass and metal cigarette case; bronze pad holder, bronze tray and green onyx book ends. FOUR ORMOLU PICTURE FRAMES LOT OF FIVE ORMOLU PICTURE FRAMES BRONZE WATCH STAND AND COMPOSITION METAL TRAY WITH FEMALE FIGURE BRASS INKSTAND AND PAIR OF CANDLESTICKS BRASS WRITING DESK OUTFIT Consisting of pad, inkstand, pen cup, calendar holder, two pad holders, paper clasp, stamp box, jewel case, letter opener, knife, and twine holder. HAMMERED COPPER SMOKING TRAY WITH FIT- TINGS AND TORTOISE-SHELL CIGARETTE BOX The tray with candlestand, ash tray and cigar holder. TRAVELLING MEDICINE CASE AND LEATHER CASE FOR BRIDGE LEATHER TRAVELLING MEDICINE CASE AND PER- FUME BOTTLES IN LEATHER CASE TWO FRAMED PICTURES, ENGRAVING AND LITHO- GRAPH One Rhine landscape by Weyreuber, the other lithographic portrait of Francis Drake, dated 1817; lithographed by Susenbeth. 39 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 PAIR OF OIL PAINTINGS, BAVARIAN PEASANT SCENES Gold frames. PAIR OF FRAMED WATER-COLORS BY PETER KREMER, MUNICH TEXTILES, DRAPERIES, CUSHIONS LOTS 37-56 THREE BROCADE-COVERED SOFA CUSHIONS Two down-filled. THREE EMBROIDERED DOWN-FILLED SOFA CUSH- IONS THREE EMBROIDERED DOWN-FILLED SOFA CUSH- IONS THREE EMBROIDERED SOFA CUSHIONS Two down-filled. FOUR RENAISSANCE STYLE DOWN-FILLED PIL- LOWS One red velvet, with Italian coat of arms, the other appliqué embroidery on green. TWO ITALIAN SOFA CUSHIONS Down-filled. One gilt cordovan leather, the other drawn work. PAIR OF LONG ROSE-COLORED SILK DAMASK CUR- TAINS With fringe, tassels, lining and interlining. PAIR OF LONG ROSE-COLORED SILK DAMASK CUR- TAINS Same as the preceding. PAIR OF LONG ROSE-COLORED SILK DAMASK CUR- TAINS Same as the preceding. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 50 56 LOT OF FLANNEL-PADDED ROSE-SILK DAMASK WALL PANELLINGS, ETC. Size of two, 7 feet 3 inches x 4 feet 9 inches; others 7 feet 3 inches x 4 feet 1 inch; 6 feet 8 inches x 1 foot 3 inches; 7 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 9 inches; 7 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 8 inches; 7 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 7 inches, and 7 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 8 inches; two minor strips. Ten pieces in all. (Sold as is) PAIR OF RED MOHAIR VELVET CURTAINS Appliqué edge. Lined and interlined. With blue rep lining. Size, 7 feet 8 inches x 4 feet 1 inch PAIR OF GREEN VELVET CURTAINS With appliqué Renaissance style edging. Lined and inter- lined with red rep. PAIR OF GREEN SILK DRAPED AND RUFFLED WIN- DOW CURTAINS WITH RODS Size, 6 feet 4 inches x 3 feet ROUND GREEN VELVET TABLE COVER WITH. AP- PLIQUE EDGE Diameter, 4 feet 10 inches RED AND WHITE WOOLEN BLANKET Size, 6 feet 4 inches x 7 feet 3 inches PAIR OF BROWN WOOLEN REP CURTAINS Size, 8 feet 2 inches x 4 feet 3 inches EIGHT PIECES OF MODERN UPHOLSTERY GOODS Made up as table covers, ete. CHINESE EMBROIDERED SILK SKIRT AND SMALL PILLOW FIVE HOUSEHOLD TEXTILES Two linen and Battenberg lace curtains (3 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 4 inches) ; two pieces of chintz (2 feet 5 inches). Scrim curtain. THREE OBLONG SOFA CUSHIONS Two with antique Italian embroidery and appliqué work; one with fine embroidery in white on green silk rep. 9 oT 08 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 SILVER-PLATED OBJECTS LOTS 57-77 ONE DOZEN CHRISTOFLE-PLATED TABLE FORKS SET OF TWELVE MOTHER-OF-PEARL FRUIT KNIVES . ONE DOZEN STEEL TABLE KNIVES WITH SILVER- PLATED HANDLES PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE CHASED COASTERS Wooden bottoms. Diameter, 414 inches PAIR OF SILVER-PLATED GOBLETS With monogram. Height, 4 inches SET OF FOUR FRENCH SILVER-PLATED SMALL TRAYS PAIR OF SILVER-PLATED CUPS Monogram. Height, 3 inches PAIR OF SILVER-PLATED OVAL ENTREE DISHES WITH GLASS TRAYS SILVER-PLATED CAKE TRAY AND CASSEROLE DISH (Sold as is) EIGHT OBJECTS IN SILVER PLATE Two ash trays, bell, mustard pot, knife holder, ete. SILVER-PLATED TEA KETTLE WITH STAND AND ALCOHOL LAMP Rich repoussé decoration. Height, 1314 inches THREE SILVER-PLATED TABLE FITTINGS Tea pot, sauce tureen and ice-water pitcher. PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS Mounted for electricity. With shades. Height, 1614 inches 10 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 17 (fs) 79 80 81 SET OF FOUR SILVER-PLATED ICE CREAM GOBLETS WITH GLASS FITTINGS SIX OBJECTS IN SILVER PLATE Four stoppers, two lamp shades. - HORS D’GUVRE DISH Glass with silver-plated mounting. LOT OF THIRTEEN MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS IN SILVER, ETC. Skewer, asparagus holders, small tray, two forks and seven salt spoons. SET OF TEN SILVER-PLATED FRUIT KNIVES SILVER-PLATED SALAD KNIFE AND SPOON OVAL CASSEROLE DISH IN PERFORATED SILVER- PLATED MOUNTING Length, 13 inches SILVER-PLATED TEA POT AND SUGAR BOWL Hammered all-over decoration. Fluted covers. Height, 514 and 7 inches GLASS LOTS 78-96 TIFFANY GLASS FLOWER VASE IN GILT METAL MOUNTING Calyx-shaped. Height, 1414 inches PAIR OF SILVER-MOUNTED GLASS BOTTLES WITH STOPPERS Monograms. Height, 1214 inches PAIR OF CUT GLASS DISHES IN SILVER-PLATED HOLDERS Diameter, 6 inches. SIX PIECES OF CUT GLASS : Soap box with cover, flower vase, tray and three saltcellars. 11 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 FIVE PIECES OF TABLE GLASS WARE Honey and mustard pot (both damaged), metal mounted pitcher, two engraved glasses. TWO GLASS VASES AND GLASS TRAY Tray and one glass enamelled; the second vase Murano glass. THREE OPALESCENT GLASS FLOWER VASES Height not over 12 inches TWO GLASS FLOWER VASES One cut glass with gilding, the other painted with portrait of Emperor Maximilian. Height, 914 and 1414 inches THREE GLASS FLOWER VASES Height not over 1014 inches THREE CUT GLASS BOWLS AND DISHES THREE CUT GLASS DISHES Bowl with scalloped rim and pair of rectangular trays. GREENISH GLASS BOWL ON WROUGHT-IRON STAND Height, 1714 inches CUT GLASS TOILET WATER BOTTLE AND SILVER- MOUNTED GREEN GLASS VASE The bottle with silver stopper. Height, 444 and 8 inches CUT GLASS BOWL AND BONBON DISH Rosace and star cutting. Diameter, 544 and 814 inches TWO CRYSTAL GLASS TRAYS IN SILVER MOUNT- INGS Diameter, 714 and 914 inches SET OF FIVE GLASS FLOWER VASES Tall central vase and four smaller ones to match. Height, 644 and 101% inches SET OF EIGHT GREEN GLASS WINE GOBLETS The bowls with floral decoration in gilt. Tall, cut stems. 12 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 TIFFANY GLASS FLOWER VASE Black and blue bands in peacock-feather effect. Height, 714 inches TIFFANY GLASS FLOWER VASE Flower-shaped mouth. Height, 1414 inches POTTERY AND PORCELAIN " LOTS 97-129 FOUR PIECES OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN Pair of covered boxes, ash tray and bust of Juno. THREE MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUPS Boy with rooster, boy and girl feeding chicken. (Sold as is) FOUR PIECES OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN Basket-shaped tray, bottle, peasant boy and girl with bouquets. (Sold as is) GERMAN RELIEF STONEWARE PITCHER AND 18TH CENTURY FAIENCE AND PEWTER MUG (The mug damaged) Height, 1414 and 11 inches TWO OLD GERMAN MAJOLICA AND PEWTER MUGS 18TH CENTURY Height, 1014 inches THREE-PIECE JAPANESE POTTERY TEA SET AND SILVER-MOUNTED COFFEE POT The Japanese set green with silver lustre, the coffee pot brown. PORCELAIN COMPOTE DISH AND THREE PLATTERS Limoges, ete. THREE PIECES OF POTTERY Delft pitcher, French cabbage leaf tray with lizard (slightly damaged) ; English Doulton pitcher with sprigged decora- tion. 13 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 FIVE MISCELLANEOUS PIECES OF PORCELAIN One Sévres blue, bronze mounting; Vienna porcelain bottle and urn, one gilt urn, one porcelain flower basket, Stafford- shire. (Sold as is) TWO SILVER-MOUNTED PORCELAIN VASES Flambé porcelain. Monograms. Height, 434 and 514 inches TWO SILVER MOUNTED VASES One black porcelain, the other reddish cameo glass. Height, 534 and 31% inches SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS PIECES OF PORCELAIN Two pairs of figures, two covered boxes, one vase. (Sold as is) THREE PIECES OF POTTERY | Heart-shaped Wedgwood tray; two Staffordshire blue and white plates of famous musicians and American poets. SMALL SATSUMA POTTERY VASE Figural and landscape motives on gold diapered ground. Height, 714 inches SMALL VIENNA PORCELAIN PAINTED URN Blue and gold, the body with painted decoration showing Alexander and Roxanna and The Triumph of Amor. ; Height, 9 inches ORMOLU BASKET WITH PAINTED PORCELAIN PLAQUE Basketry sides; rectangular porcelain plaque, with portrait after Gainsborough on bottom. Length, 814 inches SPANISH LUSTRE PLATTER Arabic inscription. (Repaired) Diameter, 1814 inches LARGE SPANISH LUSTRE PLAQUE Raised leaf decoration. Moorish style. Diameter, 20 inches LARGE SPANISH LUSTRE PLATTER Moorish style, eagle and stag. Diameter, 1914 inches SPANISH LUSTRE PLAQUE, MOORISH STYLE Diameter, 15 inches 14 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 TWO SPANISH LUSTRE VASES Moresque style. (One damaged) Height, 1114 and 10 inches SPANISH LUSTRE VASE Decorated with floral motives in Moorish style. Height, 1034 inches SPANISH LUSTRE VASE With elaborate Moorish style all-over decoration. : Height, 1114 inches TWO SPANISH LUSTRE VASES One with stopper. Moorish style decoration of flowers. Height not over 13 inches SPANISH LUSTRE POTTERY URN Spanish Moorish style. Brass stand. Height, 1214 inches SPANISH MAJOLICA VASE Blue and yellow vine leaf decoration in Moorish style. Height, 1714 inches TWO SPANISH LUSTRE PLATES. Diameter, 11 inches TWO MAJOLICA PLATES One Savona style blue and white, the other with relief dec- oration. . Diameter, 834 and 111% inches PAIR OF ITALIAN MAJOLICA PLAQUES Portrait medallions in centre. Diameter, 1534 inches LARGE SPANISH LUSTRE PLAQUE Panels outlined in relief and scalloped; gold and cobalt. Diameter, 1714 inches LARGE SPANISH LUSTRE DISH Radiant panel decoration in cobalt and gold lustre. Diameter, 1814 inches SPANISH LUSTRE VASE Copy of Hispano-Moresque model. Bands of inscription and conventionalized floral decoration. Gold lustre, accented with cobalt. Height, 11 inches ; 15 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 PAIR OF LARGE SPANISH LUSTRE VASES Copies of the famous Alhambra vases. Cobalt-blue and gold lustre. Body decorated with animal motives, friezes of Arabic inscription, ete. (One chipped) Height, 21 inches SILVER LOTS 130-157 STERLING SILVER BONBON PLATE AND TRAVEL- LING GOBLET IN LEATHER CASE PAIR OF DUTCH SILVER BONBON BASKETS Louis XV rocaille shape with flower and scroll repoussé dee- oration. Handle at each end with figure of amorino. _ Length, 7 inches SILVER-MOUNTED CUT GLASS BONBON DISH AND PAIR OF COLLAPSIBLE STERLING SILVER TRAV- ELLING DRINKING CUPS The drinking cups initialled. PAIR OF STERLING SILVER FLOWER VASES Elaborate openwork flower and scroll pattern. Height, 10 inches STERLING SILVER PERFUME BOTTLE CASE WITH ENAMELLED MINIATURE Inside with glass container. SET OF FOUR STERLING SILVER ROUND SALT DISHES Perforated sides; four ball feet. SILVER TOAST RACK AND SUGAR TONGS PAIR OF SILVER BONBON HOLDERS WITH ETCHED CRYSTAL CONTAINERS GERMAN, ABOUT 1850 Diamond-shaped, with decoration of rocaille motives. Length, 814 inches FIVE GERMAN AND DUTCH SILVER ORNAMENTS Sleigh, amorino playing tennis, lamp lighter, egg-shaped con- tainer and swan. 16 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 FOUR DUTCH AND GERMAN SILVER GROUPS Chariots and sleighs with amorini, ete. OLD GERMAN REPOUSSE SILVER TRAY Flower basket decoration. Length, 484 inches THREE DUTCH AND GERMAN SILVER GROUPS Amorini painting, farmer’s boy and deg; amorini signalling. FOUR SMALL DUTCH AND GERMAN SILVER ORNA- MENTS Shoe, fish on grill, zither and screen. THREE SMALL DUTCH AND GERMAN SILVER ORNAMENTS ’Cello, bird’s house and coffee grinder. OLD GERMAN SILVER CARVING KNIFE AND FORK Knife with steel blade. Monograms. SILVER-MOUNTED CUT GLASS BOWL AND WATER PITCHER Height, 12 inches; diameter, 8 inches STERLING SILVER BUD VASE Lily of the valley design; made by Tiffany. Height, 7 inches DUTCH MINIATURE SILVER SAILING BOAT Height, 414 inches CRYSTAL VASE IN SILVER STAND Modern Austrian. Height, 714 inches TWO STERLING SILVER PICTURE FRAMES One oval, the other rectangular. STERLING SILVER SUGAR DISH WITH TONGS AND SPOON Height, 6 inches SET OF THREE STERLING SILVER GOBLETS Repoussé decoration. Monograms. Height, 3 inches REPOUSSE SILVER TRAY German, 17th century style. With dedication. Length, 1514 inches 17 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 ELEVEN-PIECE MINIATURE SILVER FILIGREE DRAWING ROOM SUITE Chairs, tables, piano, ete. FIVE SILVER FILIGREE ORNAMENTS Mirror, automobile, tray, spoon and sugar tongs. TWO SILVER GOBLETS Height, 344 and 3 inches TWO SILVER GOBLETS One barrel-shaped, the other on standard. PAIR OF SILVER BONBONNIERES ON DOLPHIN FEET Height, 234 inches FURNITURE : ‘ LOTS 157-198 TWO HAT RACKS AND CROSS-STITCH EMBROID- ERED FOOT STOOL THREE WOODEN HAT RACKS SMALL MAHOGANY SEWING CABINET _ Rectangular, with four square legs. Drop top, enclosing compartment. Drawer for spools. Height, 26 inches LOUIS XVI STYLE LACQUERED WOOD HANGING CABINET Pearl-gray lacquer. Fluted columns; top ornamented with carved roses. Height, 36 inches; length, 49 inches BROCADE-COVERED SEWING TABLE AND WICKER, GLASS AND CRETONNE SERVING TRAY Size of sewing table, 17 x 2214 inches PLUSH AND NEEDLEWORK THREE-FOLD SCREEN Central panel with figural needlework composition; the end panels with landscape compositions in needlework. Height, 68 inches 18 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 aug 172 173 174 175 LOUIS XVI STYLE CARVED AND GILT WOOD PAR- LOR CABINET Fluted side pillars. Laurel and acanthus ornamentation. Mirror back. Front and sides enclosed in glass. Height, 64 inches; length, 38 inches MAHOGANY FLOWER STAND Rectangular box supported by four slender cabriole legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 31 inches MAPLE COMMODE WITH SWINGING MIRROR Swell front; four drawers. Length, 42 inches MAPLE COMMODE WITH SWINGING MIRROR Four drawers. Length, 51 inches PAIR OF UPHOLSTERED MAPLE SIDE CHAIRS AND OVAL MAPLE CENTRE TABLE Size of table, 3214 x 2234 inches CURLY MAPLE CENTRE TABLE WITH DRAWER AND UNDERSHELF Size of top, 24 x 32 inches PAIR OF MAPLEWOOD TWIN BEDS With spring boxes and mattresses. SET OF FIVE BIRCHWOOD SPINDLE-BACK CHAIRS Four side chairs, one rocker. LOUIS XIV STYLE UPHOLSTERED ARMCHAIR Profusely carved oak. NEST OF FOUR INLAID MAHOGANY TABLES UPHOLSTERED BENCH Gray lacquered wood. Upholstery fabric imitating tapestry. Length, 5614 inches PAINTED HALL MIRROR AND HAT RACK WITH UM- BRELLA STAND TO MATCH - (Sold as is) Height, 36 inches 19 176 aT. 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 NEST OF FOUR TABLES Painted in bronze color. MAHOGANY MAGAZINE OR BOOK STAND Twelve shelves. Might be used for Encyclopedia Britannica. Height, 48 inches PAIR OF GERMAN CARVED AND INLAID SIDE CHAIRS Chamois and mountain-goat decoration. One with musical box in seat. PAIR OF CHINESE CARVED TEAKWOOD STANDS Marble top. Height, 15 inches INLAID MAHOGANY RACK Height, 30 inches; length, 2514 inches ORMOLU LOUIS XVI STYLE FLOOR LAMP Wired for three lights. Fine bronze. Elaborate filet lace and silk shade. PAIR OF OCTAGONAL FUMED OAK STOOLS ROUND OAK FOLDING TABLE FOR CARD PLAYING Covered with green cloth. Diameter, 41 inches PAIR OF RICHLY CARVED OAK DANTE CHAIRS With removable red mohair seats. BROCADE UPHOLSTERED ARMCHAIR CHINESE CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND Openwork carving; cabriole legs. Reddish marble top. Height, 2314 inches MOROCCO IVORY-INLAID OCTAGONAL TABOURBT Fine floral inlay. Diameter, 24 inches GREEN VELOUR UPHOLSTERED EASY ARMCHAIR (Sold as is) 20 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 PAIR OF MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE STYLE SIDE CHAIRS Elaborate carving; green velvet upholstery. BROCADE UPHOLSTERED CHAISE LONGUE INLAID PLAYING TABLE Checker board top. Inside with chess figures, dominoes, play- ing cards, ete. Backgammon outfit included. (Sold as is) PAIR OF MAPLE CHAIRS AND CONSOLE TABLE The chairs with baluster splats. The table with kidney- shaped top. CARVED AND GILT WOOD FLOWER STAND Louis XVI style. Wicker sides. Detachable flower holder. FUMED OAK TELEPHONE STAND With top shelf, reading shelf and hinged door. Height, 91 inches MAHOGANY SEWING TABLE Square top with two drawers. Carved baluster base, sup- ported by undershelf with four claw feet. FIVE-LIGHT ELECTRIC CHANDELIER Central bowl with five arms. Glass shades. SMALL LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT WOOD AND BRO- CADE FOOTSTOOL PAIR OF CHERRYWOOD AND GREEN VELOUR STOOLS 21 SALE 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE THIRD, AT 2:30 SECOND SESSION LOTS 199-401 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART LOTS 199-238 ORMOLU TABATIERE WITH MINIATURE PAINTING, WATTEAU SCENE TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS One after Rubens, portrait of the artist, the other lady in early 17th century costume. MINIATURE PAINTING, ‘‘MRS. SHERIDAN’’ Ormolu frame. THREE MINIATURE PIECES OF FURNITURE Two tables, one chair. IVORY STATUETTE OF A BISHOP Holding martyr’s palm and sword. On stand. Height, 10 inches THIRTEEN MISCELLANEOUS SOUVENIR SPOONS Enamelled, gilt, ete. CHINESE OPENWORK IVORY FAN Length, 714 inches MINIATURE PAINTING IN ELABORATE ORMOLU FRAME Young lady in Louis XVI costume. Oval. Height, 10 inches TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS Queen Elizabeth and Madame de Maintenon. THREE MINIATURE PAINTINGS OF FEMALE BEAUTIES 22 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 a : 219 220 221 TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS ON PORCELAIN Queen Louisa of Prussia and female head. THREE GERMAN PEWTER PLATES With fine floral decoration. Diameter not over 11 inches PAIR OF BRONZE CANDLESTICKS A cobra supporting the bobéche. Height, 7 inches PAIR OF PAINTED ENAMEL PLAQUES Mythological subjects. 16th century Limoges style. Ormolu frames. Height, 14 inches MINIATURE PAINTING GERMAN, ABOUT 1840 Portrait of young woman. TWO MINIATURE PAINTINGS ON IVORY Portraits of young women. Ormolu frame. TWELVE MISCELLANEOUS ENAMELLED SOUVENIR SPOONS TWO OBJECTS OF ART Enamelled souvenir of the coronation of Nicholas II of Rus- sia, 1896, and round lacquer box with female head. JAPANESE SATSUMA SWEETMEAT SET IN LACQUER BOX Seven trays. Diameter, 1234 inches TWO JAPANESE CLOISONNE VASES Wistaria decoration, one on black, the other on translucent light green ground. (Sold as is) Height, 4 and 5 inches THREE MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART French porcelain and enamel tabatiére, enamelled vase, minia- ture mirror, with miniature painting. CIGAR TRAY WITH ALCOHOL LAMP IN SILVER- PLATED FRAME SIX MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, SOME SILVER Knife, candle snuffer, brush, etc. 23 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 TWO SMALL PLAQUES One bronze by Coudray, the other silver with stags in land- scape. SIX MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART Vienna porcelain snuff bottle, silver lustre goblet, tortoise-shell miniature mandolin, enamelled glass vase, souvenir of Ant- werp and filigree brooch. SIX EASTERN OBJECTS OF ART Japanese miniature sword, ivory carving, pottery vase, bronze Foo lion, Indian brass tray and Chinese glass snuff bottle. TWO SILVER FILIGREE CARD CASES One Chinese, with enamel, the other Near Hastern. SILVER PURSE AND MINIATURE BOX The purse shell-shaped, the box Louis XV style, German. THREE SILVER BOXES, ETC. Cigarette case, snuff box, and antique smelling-salts container. SILVER-GILT BOX AND TRAY Tray triangular, box with amorini relief decoration. - Both German. TWO GERMAN PEWTER ORNAMENTS Tray and female figure. MINIATURE SILVER TUREEN WITH COVER Adam design. Height, 3 inches THREE SILVER UTENSILS Heart-shaped box, tea strainer and match stand. RUSSIAN ENAMEL SILVER-GILT CUP AND TWO SPOONS One spoon matching the cup, the other Turkish. FIVE MISCELLANEOUS DAGGERS AND SHORT SWORDS Spanish, Japanese, Filipino, ete. 24 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 FOUR IVORY CARVINGS, ETC. A gnome, German carving; two sewing utensils and Japanese carved section of ivory tusk. Height not over 5 inches TWO JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS Lady with fan and legendary subject of fisherman, who sees a tortoise coming out of his basket. Height, 434 and 534 inches JAPANESE IVORY CARVING One of the Buddhist Arhats, seated. Height, 414 inches FRAMED ENAMEL PLAQUE OF QUEEN LOUISE OF PRUSSIA Size, 514 x 414 inches ORMOLU FRAME WITH THREE PAINTED MINIA- TURES AFTER LEBRUN Comte de Provence, Louis XVI and Comte d’Artois. Size, 10 x 514 inches GLASS TABLEWARE LOTS 239-267 FIVE GLASS MUGS Two with views of Marienbad and Neuburg. The others en- graved. SET OF TEN ENGRAVED GLASSES WITH HANDLES SET OF TWELVE GILT BEER GLASSES Floral decoration. SET OF NINETEEN LIQUEUR GLASSES Gilt decoration. SET OF ELEVEN SHERRY GLASSES Gilt rims. Height, 3% inches SET OF TWENTY-THREE GILDED GLASS FINGER _ BOWLS (Some damaged) 25 245 246 247 248 250 251 252 253 204 255 256 257 SET OF SIXTEEN GILDED GLASS PLATES (Some damaged) Diameter, 614 inches SMALL SILVER-MOUNTED DECANTER AND SET OF TWELVE SILVER-MOUNTED ENGRAVED GLASSES SET OF TWELVE CUT GLASS TUMBLERS Floral decoration. SET OF NINE GLASS WATER GOBLETS Floral decoration. (One nicked) TWELVE LIQUEUR GLASSES Cut with floral motives. FIVE BEER GLASSES, TOOTH PICK HOLDER AND MUSTARD POT All with perforated silver mountings. SET OF SILVER-MOUNTED DECANTER AND THREE GLASSES All silver-mounted. TWO GLASS BUTTER DISHES WITH SILVER MOUNT- INGS AND COVERS SET OF FOUR ENAMELLED BEER GLASSES With inscriptions in praise of the city of Frankfort. CUT CRYSTAL WATER AND CREAM PITCHER Height, 5 and 8 inches CUT GLASS DECANTER AND ICE-WATER PITCHER WITH SILVER-PLATED MOUNTING Height not over 1214 inches SEVEN LIQUEUR GLASSES One set of four, green stems; one set of three, all gilt. SET OF TWENTY-ONE LARGE GILT GLASS WATER GOBLETS Height, 634 inches 26 258 209 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 FOUR CUT GLASS NUT AND BONBON DISHES Diverse shapes and cuttings. FOURTEEN CUT GLASS FINGER BOWLS One dozen of the same pattern. (Sold as is) MAHOGANY LIQUEUR STAND WITH THREE BOT- TLES AND GLASSES The decanters with silver labels. Three of the 16 glasses missing. TWO CUT GLASS DECANTERS With stoppers. (One damaged) PAIR OF CRYSTAL CELERY GLASSES SET OF FIVE FROSTED GLASS FLOWER VASES FORMING CENTRE PIECE One of the connecting links missing. SET OF NINETEEN LIQUEUR GLASSES WITH GILT - DECORATION SET OF NINETEEN WINE GLASSES WITH GILT DECORATION SET OF TWENTY-FIVE GILT CHAMPAGNE GLASSES SET OF TWELVE WHISKEY TUMBLERS WITH GILT RIMS ; PORCELAIN GROUPS AND VASES LOTS 268-283 MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUP Gallant and lady in 18th century costume, the lady holding mask and mirror. (Chipped) Height, 734 inches MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUP Pair of amorini gazing at swans. Height, 914 inches MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUP Two classical figures. Height, 1134 inches 27 271 MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUP Boy and girl with pet spaniel and basket of fruit. (Chipped) Height, 6 inches 272 MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUP, ‘“‘APOLLO AND DAPHNE’”’ Height, 15 inches 273 MEISSEN PORCELAIN GROUP, ‘‘EUROPA AND THE BULL”’ (Sold as is) Height, 9 inches 274 PAIR OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN FIGURINES Two nude amorini, mocking one another. (Sold as is) Height, 814 inches 275 PAIR OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN FIGURINES Victorious Love and Love as Beggar. (Sold as is) Height, 9 inches 276 LARGE MEISSEN PORCELAIN URN WITH COVER Goat-head handles. Cover surmounted by roses. Painted ~ decorations of battle scene and cavalier horsemen. (Repaired) , Height, 2634 inches 277 PAIR OF SEVRES PORCELAIN URNS IN ORMOLU MOUNTING Painted figural medallions on turquoise-blue ground. Height, 1614 inches 278 BISQUE GROUP, ‘‘VENUS ENTHRONED”’ | Venus above in chariot, below her harpist, amorini, dancing youths, ete. Round ormolu mounting at base. Height, 1714 inches 279 PAIR OF SEVRES ORMOLU-MOUNTED PORCELAIN VASES Painted with quaint floral sprays and with medallions of fig- ural and landscape motives. (Repaired) , Height, 1914 inches 2830 OPENWORK MEISSEN PORCELIAN FRUIT BASKET Decorated with plastic and painted floral motives. Length, 1414 inches 28 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 © 288 — 289 PAIR OF LARGE SEVRES PORCELAIN COVERED JARS Pale green and gold, the body with painted panels of flower baskets and garlands. Height, 2134 inches SEVRES PAINTED PORCELAIN URN IN ORMOLU MOUNTING Gold and blue, the:body with painted figural and floral dec- orations. Height, 15 inches PAIR OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN BLUE AND GOLD URNS | Snake handles. Classical shape. (Slight repair) Height, 1014 inches PORCELAIN TABLEWARE LOTS 284-305 THREE-PIECE PORCELAIN COFFEE SET Deep blue glaze; silver-mounted. With monogram. Coffee pot, creamer and sugar bowl. THREE-PIECE TEA SET Black porcelain, silver-mounted, with monogram. Tea pot, creamer and sugar bowl. INDIVIDUAL COFFEE SET Small size; five pieces. TWELVE CAULDON PORCELAIN AFTER-DINNER CUPS AND SAUCERS Delicate floral decoration. SET OF TWELVE LENOX PORCELAIN TEA CUPS Made in Chinese style without handles. Banded floral dec- oration in turquoise and gold. SET OF EIGHTEEN ENGLISH AYNSLEY PORCELAIN DESSERT PLATES Deeply scalloped rims. Richly decorated with floral motives in gold. 29 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 SET OF TWELVE GOLD AND WHITE ENGLISH PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS Heavy gold banding and floral festoon decoration. SET OF TWELVE ENGLISH PORCELAIN GOLD- DECORATED LUNCHEON PLATES Same pattern as preceding cups and saucers. SET OF ELEVEN WEDGWOOD PORCELAIN BOUIL- LON CUPS AND SAUCERS Charming decoration of floral motives in green and gold. One extra saucer. SET OF TWELVE AUSTRIAN PORCELAIN AFTER- DINNER COFFEE CUPS AND SAUCERS Cups Empire shape. Conventionalized floral decoration in red, blue and gold. SET OF ELEVEN LIMOGES PORCELAIN HAND- PAINTED FISH PLATES With decoration of diverse swimming fish. (One chipped) SET OF TWENTY DRESDEN PORCELAIN HAND- PAINTED DESSERT PLATES AND SMALL COM- POTE DISH Perforated rims; quaint painted floral spray decoration. ELEVEN LIMOGES HAND-DECORATED PORCELAIN GAME PLATES Painted with diverse game in landscape. FIVE LIMOGES HAND-DECORATED PORCELAIN GAME PLATES Decoration of diverse game in landscape. FORTY-FIVE PIECE SERVICE OF LIMOGES GOLD AND WHITE PORCELAIN PLATES IN FIVE SIZES Consisting of six soup plates, seven luncheon plates, nine plates slightly smaller, fourteen bread and butter plates and nine small saucers. (Four pieces chipped) SET OF SIX GOLD AND WHITE FRENCH PORCE- LAIN PLATES Sealloped rim with floral decoration. 30 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 SET OF EIGHTEEN ROYAL DOULTON GOLD AND WHITE PORCELAIN DINNER PLATES Conventionalized fioral pattern. SET OF EIGHTEEN ROYAL DOULTON GOLD-DEC- ORATED PORCELAIN DESSERT PLATES Same pattern as the preceding. SET OF EIGHTEEN ROYAL DOULTON GOLD-DEC- ORATED PORCELAIN SOUP PLATES Same pattern as the preceding. SET OF EIGHTEEN ROYAL DOULTON GOLD-DEC- ORATED PORCELAIN DINNER PLATES Same pattern as the preceding. SET OF EIGHTEEN ROYAL DOULTON GOLD-DEC- ORATED LUNCHEON PLATES Rims with flower wreath and fleur-de-lys pattern. SET OF TWELVE LIMOGES GOLD-BANDED PORCE- LAIN DINNER PLATES Diameter, 934 inches SILVER, INCLUDING FINE TABLEWARE LOTS 306-352 SOLID SILVER OVAL DISH GERMAN, ABOUT 1860 The body engraved with floral motives. The rim and handles in repoussé. Four bracket feet. Length, 1414 inches STERLING SILVER CALYX-SHAPED FLOWER VASE Made by Tiffany & Co. Perforated pattern. Height, 10 inches PAIR OF SILVER BONBON DISHES WITH ETCHED CRYSTAL CONTAINERS MODERN GERMAN Diamond-shaped. The glass dishes with floral motives, the silver dishes with leaf decoration. Length, 9 inches OLD SILVER SALTCELLAR GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Round bowl on tripod base. | 31 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 SMALL REPOUSSE SILVER URN English hall marks. Height, 314 inches STERLING SILVER BONBON BASKET Length, 514 inches STERLING SILVER ROUND REPOUSSE BOWL Diameter, 814 inches SILVER GOBLET ON BALL FEET GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Diagonal fluting. Height, 4 inches PAIR OF SILVER BOAT-SHAPED SALTCELLARS Inside gilt. Height, 214 inches DUTCH MINIATURE SILVER COFFER Relief decoration of amorini, ete. SET OF SIX STERLING SILVER SALTCELLARS Hexagonal, inside gilt. Monogram. CUT CRYSTAL FRUIT DISH ON SILVER STAND GERMAN, ABOUT 1880 Height, 12 inches PAIR OF REPOUSSE SILVER BREAD TRAYS Floral design. Made in Germany. Length, 141% inches LARGE STERLING SILVER FRUIT AND NUT DISH In the form of a large, deeply indented leaf. Length, 15 inches PAIR OF STERLING SILVER FLOWER VASES WITH GREEN GLASS CONTAINERS Finely wrought openwork pattern of roses, lilies and other flowers on the calyx-shaped bodies. Round base engraved with initials and date. Height, 1614 inches PAIR OF STERLING SILVER THREE-LIGHT CANDEL- ABRA Fine Adam design. Fluted and festoon-decorated columns. Three reeded branches; bobéches with beaded rims. Mono- gram. Height, 1714 inches 32 322 323 324 325 326 5227 328 329 330 331 SET OF THREE STERLING SILVER COMPOTE DISHES Wide curved and pierced rims with acanthus scroll and floral ornamentation. The bowls supported on high foot, similarly decorated. One large compote dish and pair of smaller dishes. Diameter, 914 and 14 inches SET OF TWELVE STERLING SILVER SMALL SAL- VERS Repoussé decorated edge. Monogram. Diameter, 514 inches STERLING SILVER WATER PITCHER Fluted body; rims with flower and scroll motives. Height, 934 inches SET OF FIFTEEN STERLING SILVER SALVERS Rims with scroll decoration in high relief; centre with mono- gram. Diameter, 6 inches SET OF EIGHT SILVER BASKET-SHAPED SALT- CELLARS Monogram. Diameter, 234 inches SET OF TWELVE SILVER CUP HOLDERS With handles. Openwork pattern with rich decoration. SET OF TWELVE STERLING SILVER INDIVIDUAL CASSEROLES WITH COVERS Chased border and handles. SET OF TWELVE TURKISH MOCHA CUPS IN STER- LING SILVER MOUNTING AND WITH SILVER SAUCERS The saucers with monograms. Charming set. SILVER FISH SERVING KNIFE GERMAN, ABOUT 1880 Repoussé decoration. Length, 1214 inches SET OF EIGHTEEN DESSERT KNIVES WITH CHASED STERLING SILVER HANDLES Monograms. 33 332 333 334 330 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 SET OF EIGHTEEN TABLE KNIVES WITH CHASED STERLING SILVER HANDLES Monogram. FOUR PIECES OF TABLE SILVER Two forks, one spoon and silver salt container. SILVER DESSERT SPOON AND FORK German 800/1000 silver. PAIR OF SILVER SERVING SPOONS With twisted stems. German make. SET OF TWELVE SILVER-HANDLED DESSERT FORKS Gilt prongs. Monogram. SET OF TWELVE SILVER DESSERT KNIVES Gilt blades. Monogram. SET OF EIGHTEEN STERLING SILVER GILT DES- SERT FORKS Amorini decoration. Monogram. EIGHTEEN STERLING SILVER GILT DESSERT SPOONS . Amorini decoration ; monogram. TWELVE STERLING SILVER CHASED BUTTER KNIVES Monogram. SET OF TWELVE STERLING SILVER OYSTER FORKS Chased decoration. Monogram. TWELVE STERLING SILVER CHASED TEA SPOONS Mouogram. SET OF EIGHTEEN STERLING SILVER CHASED TABLE FORKS Mouogram. 34 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 SET OF SEVENTEEN STERLING SILVER DESSERT FORKS Chased decoration; monogram. SET OF EIGHTEEN STERLING SILVER FISH KNIVES | Monogrammed. Chased decoration. SET OF NINETEEN STERLING SILVER FISH FORKS Chased decoration; monograms, SET OF EIGHTEEN STERLING SILVER DESSERT SPOONS . Chased decoration. Monograms. SIX-PIECE SILVER SERVICE MODERN GERMAN 800/'1000 silver mark. Consisting of round tray, two oval platters, pair of sauce boats, each with ladle, openwork and repoussé decoration, with portrait medallions in 18th cen- tury style. Length of trays not over 2214 inches DUTCH SILVER SPOON Repoussé decoration of fisherwomen. | SILVER SPOON WITH FLORAL REPOUSSE DECORA- TION Inside of bow] gilt. STERLING SILVER FOUR-PIECE TEA SET Consisting of richly chased tea pot, coffee pot, creamer and sugar bowl with cover. Monograms. LARGE SILVER-PLATED TRAY Richly chased border; engraved centre. Monograms. Size, 25 x 18 inches RUGS LOTS 353-363 LEOPARD SKIN RUG Edged with bear skin. Head stuffed. 35 395 306 307 358 309 360 361 362 POLAR BEAR RUG With stuffed head and claws. Length, 124 inches SMALL ANATOLIAN WOOLEN MAT Border on pale yellow ground; centre field on red ground. Size, 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 2 inches SUMAK RUNNER Triple border of diverse geometrical motives. Centre field with all-over pattern of hexagons with geometrical flowers on black. (Slightly worn) Size, 9 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 11 inches WOOLEN RUG SHIRAZ, PERSIA Elaborate triple border with undulated stems. Centre field of narrow stripes, red and white with undulated small floral pattern. Size, 8 feet 4 inches x 3 feet 11 inches WOOLEN RUG KABISTAN, CAUCASUS Main border white with geometrical motives. Centre field rey low with geometrical decoration. Size, 4 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 7 inches WOOLEN RUG KABISTAN, CAUCASUS Borders with geometrical motives on mulberry ground. Cen- tre field yellow with conventionalized Cashmere palmettoes. Size, 4 feet 6 inches x 3 feet SERABEND WOOLEN RUNNER Main border with undulated red and black stems on white. Centre field red with all-over palmetto pattern. Size, 20 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 3 inches LARGE INDIAN WOOLEN RUG Border with cartouche and floral design on green. Centre field plain green with corner motives and centre medallion showing floral repeat pattern on light tan. Size, 16 feet 8 inches x 13 feet 11 inches LARGE BRUSSELS WOOLEN RUG Borders with laurél and twisted ribbon motives. Large plain red centre field. Size, 15 feet 11 inches x 14 feet 10 inches 36 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 LARGE INDIAN WOOLEN RUG Pale green and lavender flower pattern border. Triangular corner motives in the same tones. Cream-colored centre field with flower spray motives in all-over pattern. Size, 15 feet 4 inches x 7 feet 2 inches SCULPTURES LOTS 364-377 MARBLE BUST OF NAPOLEON I Height, 26 inches COLUMNAR ALABASTER STAND Height, 40 inches BRONZE BUST OF A SIBYL BY E. VILLANIS Height of bust, 2714 inches VERDE ANTICO MARBLE FIGURE OF THE DYING GLADIATOR After the antique. With verde antico marble pedestal and oval top. Total height, 60 inches VERDE ANTICO MARBLE PEDESTAL Twisted column. Square revolving top. Height, 4314 inches VERDE ANTICO MARBLE COLUMN PEDESTAL With revolvable top. Height, 4314 inches BRONZE STATUE OF A HARPER FROM SAVOY Barbedienne cast. Height, 28 inches WHITE MARBLE GROUP, ‘‘ARIADNE AND THE LION”’ Rectangular base. Height, 1534 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF STANDING BACCHUS After the antique. Height, 11 inches BRONZE GROUP, ‘‘THE TRIUMPH OF LIGHT OVER DARKNESS” With green marble pedestal. Height of group, 45 inches; of pedestal, about 45 inches 37 374 375 376. 377 378 379 380 381 MARBLE FIGURE OF VENUS BY PROFESSOR EMIL * CAUER Sioned by the artist. Venus kneeling with shell, same as the bronze (Lot 376). This statue was purchased directly from the artist. It was damaged in transit and the artist sent as compensation the bronze replica catalogued under Number 376. Height, 2334 inches SQUARE DARK-GREENISH MARBLE PEDESTAL Acanthus decoration. Square revolving top. Height, 44 inches BRONZE FIGURE BY PROFESSOR EMIL CAUER Venus kneeling with shell in hand. Square white marble base. This bronze is the only one existing of this subject by the well-known German artist. Height, 3414 inches ONYX AND ORMOLU COLUMNAR PEDESTAL Height, 38 inches FURNITURE LOTS 378-401 TRIANGULAR CARVED AND GILT WOOD CONSOLE TABLE WITH MARBLE TOP Louis XV style. LARGE GOLDEN OAK BOOKCASE Four compartments with latticed glass doors. Height, 60 inches; length, 84 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD MANTEL CLOCK Rectangular case, with gilt rococo acanthus scrolls. On top, Louis XV style female figure holding flower garland. (Sold as is) Height, 31144 inches LOUIS XV STYLE ORMOLU AND BRONZE FIRE- PLACE SET Consisting of andirons, amorini seated on rocaille brackets and fire screen in sumptuous ormolu mounting. 38 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 THREE-PIECE MARBLE AND ORMOLU MANTEL SET Consisting of pair of electric candelabra and clock with alle- gorical bronze figure. The candelabra with fluted green marble bodies holding at.the top five ormolu rose branches, bearing electric candles. Clock marked ‘‘Susse Fréres, Paris’’. Rectangular, ormolu-decorated base with round inset dial. Base supports allegorical female figure, signed ‘‘D. Puech’’. Height, 2514 and 3014 inches MARQUETRY GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK Mahogany with rich floral inlay in satinwood, ete. Broken arch top with finials. Elaborate dial and works by Tiffany & Co. Height about 90 inches LOUIS XV STYLE ROSEWOOD MARQUETRY ROUND TABLE Ormolu mountings and ornaments. Shaped apron; slender legs. Height, 2514 inches; diameter, 2934 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SETTEE Straight, simple Hepplewhite lines. Upholstered in green velvet. Length, 64 inches RICH MARQUETRY AND ORMOLU CABINET Louis XVI style, inlaid with Sévres panels. LOUIS XVI STYLE CARVED AND GILT WOOD CEN- TRE TABLE White marble top. Size, 42 x 2714 inches LOUIS XVI CARVED AND GILT WOOD BROCADE UP- HOLSTERED ARMCHAIR Slip seat. LOUIS XVI STYLE CARVED AND GILT WOOD SIDE CHAIR Upholstered brocade seat and back. ROUND CARVED AND GILT WOOD MARBLE TOP TABLE Louis XVI style. Diameter, 19 inches 39 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 PAIR OF CARVED AND GILT WOOD SIDE CHAIRS Louis XVI style. Brocade upholstery. Caned and with bro- cade cushions. SET OF THREE CARVED AND GILT WOOD LOUIS XVI STYLE SEATS One tabouret, one corner seat, one armchair. Upholstered in cerise velvet. FOUR-PIECE CARVED AND GILT WOOD LOUIS XVI DRAWING ROOM SET One settee, two side chairs, one armchair. LACQUERED LOUIS XVI STYLE BEDROOM SET Consisting of twin beds, caned tops and ends, two side chairs, one armehair, one dressing table with mirror, one chiffoniére with nine drawers. Gray parchment shade, outlined with red. Carved rose decoration. LOUIS XVI STYLE LADY’S MAHOGANY WRITING DESK Top with mirror and six drawers, all with satinwood and brass inlay. (Slght defects) Length, 3414 inches LOUIS XVI STYLE LADY’S MAHOGANY WRITING DESK Top with mirror and numerous drawers, all with brass pip- ings. Length, 31 inches MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE STYLE GENTLEMAN’S WRITING DESK Carved cabriole legs with ball and claw feet. Knee hole; four drawers. Slight defects. Top, 36 x 60 inches THREE-PIECE RENAISSANCE DRAWING ROOM SUITE Settee and two armchairs, upholstered in red velvet, with finials, arm rests and openwork-cearving apron in partly gilt wood, Spanish Renaissance style. OAK CENTRE TABLE Carved and gilt wood legs and stretchers, matching preceding drawing room set. Top, 2914 x 48 inches 40 400 401 CIRCASSIAN WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Pair of twin beds with spring box and mattress; bureau with two large and three small drawers, swinging mirror; chif- foniére with swinging mirror and five drawers, cabinet with boudoir safe; small cabinet with compartment and one drawer, side chair and dressing table stool. Louis XV design with panels outlined in gilt wood. Louis XV brass handles. CIRCASSIAN WALNUT ARMCHAIR AND PAIR OF SIDE CHAIRS Matching the preceding bedroom suite. One chair with cane, the other two with brocade seats. i - ss ’ * <= - ao, : - : 3 - af Py > ’ . . . GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3125 01000 7819 ay