teak fe sferfeofe "* e i2€5- EXECUTORS’ SALE R aye RAR? Nhe ay Ne the ste ste ste terte tele se ete ste sleste ste tele ste steele sle le stesle ste tele seste plese ole sla sle ote ple sleske tele se rlaot ic ic Slide ii Sie Siac Se Se Se Se Se ic Sie ie i ee re a a ESO SSS SO SOS %, ¥ ye RAR le ste he okerke Ne steak at oie The Estate of Charles J. Harrah, deceased By order of Charles J. Harrah and The Philadelphia Trust, CAR? eo Ky es see o PN serteotek es 2 rhe. os es es ¥, Zs Ke ste she sherk Ko 3¥e ate-of rat at fe) % "* "* Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, Executors Ye sYe Neate fe ferferhe sl CARR ere st "a ¥, a The Estate of Mrs. Julia K. Heywood, Deceased (Late of Rome) she rherkestestertes 7 % feofe ofetferferk 2 "a ¥ "A es Me est orkestest Vo ste We Sotetos Me a Roe Ke sh ge ot i he she she nke The Estate of Charles B. Orme, Deceased CARA? Heheok Meat Mgt Mgt Mt Pt ke she ote nfo! ¥ Zs The Estate of Stella L. Samuels, Deceased By order of The Fidelity Trust Company, Executors a Whe she ste Ke stestestestestesleste teste stesteskerestest Sw iherge she nena rhe she rhe ne rhe ole nfe se ser le ere seats Selo eieeeicieisioleleioieiiiokiiok Me ok <>! 2 [eof , "a ¥, eSacs teak fe) * M. Thomas & Sons’ Galleries 1519-21 Chestnut St., Philadelphia %, 7 ‘ %, oS * foferferfotek ¥. fore 2 "Saopenteoteofeofentesfeoferfeafeofeestesfesfefesteofesfesfeoteseofstesteofesfeateofefesfeofeesfeafeofesfefeoteofesferfesteoe % Woh cL. (26 Salt _ LIBRARY NO: _| M. KNOEDLER & CO, 5X oO 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ACC. NEW YORK &8ir Se ee a De ee ee CATALOGUE Executors’ Sale Estate of Charles, J. Harrah, Deceased All the “valuable household effects removed from his late residence Broad and Poplar Streets By order of CHARLES J. HARRAH and the PHILADELPHIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE CO. Executors Also the Estates of Mrs. Julia K. Heywood, Deceased (Late of Rome) Chas. B. Orme, Deceased Stella? L. Samuels, Deceased D. W. Chandler, Deceased By order of THE [FIDELITY TRUST CO., Executors To BE SOLD Tuesday, November 26th and following days Per re a aealiael “Afternoons “at 3 o'clock NOW ON EXHIBITION M. Thomas & Sons’ Galleries 1519-1521 Chestnut Street SAMUEL S. ELLIS HARRY BARE Auctioneer Manager 1905 i Sn Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in CASH before delivery. In case of disputes between bidders the lot in dispute shall immediately be put up again and resold. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibi- tion one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. To prevent errors in delivery, goods cannot be removed without presentation of the bill, and nothing will be delivered during the sale. We will not be resgensible for goods damaged in delivering. Goods carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their buying orders executed by us without extra charge. M. THOMAS & SONS CATALOGUE First Session Sale Tuesday Afternoon, November 26th, at 3 o’clock ‘Ula paca Secs eesoed Two Bisque Figures Twelve Decorated Limoge Oyster Plates Ebony and Bronze Centre Table; marble top Wedgwood Tea Set ; 7 pieces Decorated Venetian Glass Bouquet Holder and Porce- lain Vase Two Chinese Gold Medallion Vases Case Waxed Flowers Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray Antique Tete-a-tete Set and Tray Two Bronze 2-light Candelebras Six Cut-glass Sherries Fourteen Cut-glass Clarets Seven Cut-glass Champagnes Fourteen Ruby Cut-glass Finger Twelve Ruby Cut-glass Ales Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray Two Carved Walnut Satin, Upholstered Armchairs Three Chairs to match Silk Upholstered Parlor Suit ; comprising 2 sofas and 4 chairs Two Silk Upholstered Armchairs Brass Bedstead Box Spring Mattress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Bolster and Pillows 89 4 Carved Walnut Dressing Bureau ; marble top Carved Walnut Mirror Door Wardrobe Decorated Flemish Tankard and 6 Steins Two Decorated Pitcher Vases White and Gold China Custard Set Decorated China Fruit Set ; 18 plates and 9 comports Two Coalport China Trays Cut-glass Dish Decorated Porcelain Smoker Set Antique Mahogany Bureau ; mirror back Carved Mahogany Parlor Suit ; 3 pieces, upholstered in Veronese velvet Carved Mahogany and Tapestry Upholstered Arm- chair Repousse Brass Wood Box Carved Antique Mahogany Serving Table; with drawers Decorated Porcelain Group Twelve Decorated Royal Worcester Plates Vienna Card Receiver Twelve Decorated Cups and Saucers Antique Mahogany Bureau Carved Solid Mahogany Rocker Carved Italian Marble Bust, “ Vietorie ” Green Marble Pedestal Gilt Bronze Regulator ; with jewelled dial and minia- ture pendant Panoply Bayonets Carved Oak Library Table Indian Blue Porcelain Soup Tureen and Twenty-one Plates Carved Oak and Embossed Crimson Velour Arm- chair Carved Mahogany Pedestal Table Carved Flemish Oak Hall Table Set Carved Oak and Leather Upholstered Dining- room Chairs; comprising 2 armchairs and 6 chairs 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 17 78 79 80 31 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 5 Burnt Wood Tabourette Decorated Glass Liquor Set and Tray Open-work Hungarian Ornament Marble Mantel Clock Two Heavy Glass Ink-wells Eleven Decorated Cups and Saucers Six Decorated Glass Romers Decorated Vienna Berry Set ; 7 pieces Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray Japanese Bronze Jardiniere Flemish Oak Tabourette Flemish Oak and Leather Upholstered Armchair Flemish Oak Library Table Pearl and Wood Inlaid Tabourette Carved Antique Mahogany Corner Cupboard Two Writing Portfolio Tapestry Covers Oak and Leather Upholstered Armchair Carved Solid Mahogany Parlor Suit; 3 pieces, uphol+ stered in embossed green velour Antique Mahogany Case Drawers Decorated Porcelain Punch Bowl Carved Italian Marble Bust Ebony Pedestal Set Handsomely Carved English Oak Dining-room Chairs ; upholstered in embossed leather, com pris- ing 2 armchairs and 6 side chairs Cut-glass Carafe Cut-glass Bowl Cut-glass Platteau Cut-glass Water Bottle Cut-glass Claret Pitcher Cut-glass Celery Dish Handsomely Cut-glass Punch Bowl Cut-glass Platteau Carved Antique Mahogany Dressing Table Mahogany Cheval Glass Tapestry and Plush Upholstered Wing Chair 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 6 Decorated Dresden Dinner Service ; about 200 pieces Handsomely Carved Oak Pedestal Extension Dining Table ; extends about 17 feet Set 13 Finely Carved Oak and Leather Upholstered Dining-room Chairs Carved Oak and Leather Upholstered Library Suit; 9 pieces Mahogany and Tapestry Upholstered Armchair Brass Bedstead Box Spring Mattress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows Carved Walnut and Ebony Dressing Bureau Large Carved Walnut Mirror Door Wardrobe Carved Solid Mahogany Parlor Suit; 3 pieces, up- holstered in Veronese velour Magnificent Aubosson Carpet 80.6 x 19.6 Magnificent Aubosson Carpet 30.6 x 19.6 ORIENTAL RUGS Mousoul Rug S10 x 3.7 Guenje Rug 6.6x 3.6 Persian Rug 8.0 x 3.4 Extra Persian Carpet 16.10 x 10.10 Bokhara Rug 3.9 x 38.6 Mousoul Rug 8.8 x 4.0 Shirvan Rug 5.38 x 3.9 Kilim 44x 2.2 Bergama Rug 6.6 x 5.10 Hall Rug TGs x 3.9 Afghan Carpet ex 0:10 Mousoul Rug 6.8 x 3.10 Anatolian Silk Rug 5.0x 41 Silk Rug 6.2x 4.6 Kerman Rug OQ se H, Ab 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 186 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Mousoul Rug 6.12x 3.10 Guenje Rug 6.5 x 3.8 Tabriz Rug 54x 319 Bergama Rug 8.8x 47 Mousoul Rug 6.9x 3.3 Kirmanshah Rug Persian Carpet 14.9 x 10.2 Persian Carpet 12.3x 9.3 Large and Handsome French Inlaid Cabinet ; with columns, elaborate brass mountings and Sevres panels Superb Bronze Figure, ‘The Dancing Girl,” by Raulei Two Carved Walnut Pedestal Nightstands Carved Walnut and Ebony Side Cabinet Decorated Saxon Glass Wine Set and Tray ; 8 pieces Fine*Mantle Chime ; clock strikes on 4 and 8 gongs Flemish Decorated Tankard Flemish Decorated Tankard Handsomely-carved French Walnut Chamber Suit ; comprising bedstead and canopy, bureau, dressing- case and mirror door wardrobe Box-spring Mattress Carved Mahogany and Satin Upholstered Armchair Carved Mahogany Armchair Two Decorated Porcelain Vases Bronze Bust Carved Antique Mahogany Highboy Panoply Bayonets Decorated Vienna Tete-a-tete Set and Tray, 12 pieces Gilt Bronze Regulator Two Chinese Medallion Vases Mahogany and Tapestry Upholstered Armehair Brass Bedstead Box-spring Mattress Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Set Feather Bolster and Pillows 150 151 152 158 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 8 Carved Walnut Dressing Bureau Carved Walnut Mirror-door Wardrobe Two Carved Oak and Leather Upholstered : Hall Chairs Two Handsomely Carved Oak Hall Mirrors; on stands supported by griffins Onyx Lamp Two Decorated French China Vases Mahogany Armchair ; upholstered in figured tapestry Two Chinese Gold Medallion}Vases Empire Mahogany Writing Desk Empire Mahogany Side Table Carved Flemish Oak Side Board. Second Session Sale Wednesday Afternoon, November 27th, at 3 o’clock: 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 1738 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 Decorated Saxon Decanter and 6 Glasses Decorated Austrian Berry Set; 7 pieces Royal Worcester Pitcher Royal Bonn Pitcher Vase Royal Worcester Pitcher Vase Decorated Carlsbad Pitcher Vase Decorated Flemish Tankard and 6 Steins; on tray Carved Mahogany and Green Velour Upholstered: Armchair Black Marble Mantel Clock Bayonet Hat Rack Kaiserzinn Flower Vase Repousse Brass Wood Box Handsomely Carved Mahogany Round Centre Table: Morris Chair Two Photograph Portfolios; tapestry covers Engraved Glass Pitcher Traveling Clock and Case Cut-glass Flower Holder Cut-glass Ice Cream Tray Cut-glass Cheese Dish Handsomely Cut-glass Punch Bowl; on pedestal Table Mirror Cut-glass Punch Ladle Handsomely Carved Mahogany Sideboard Set Eight Carved Mahogany and Leather Seat Dining- room Chairs Mahogany Cheval Glass Carved Mahogany and Green Upholstered Armchair Turkish Inlaid Tabourette 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 208 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 10 Two Flemish Oak’ Pedestals Flemish Oak Clothes Tree Carved Gilt Parlor Suit; 3 pieces, upholsteredjjin fig- ured satin damask Carved Gilt and Onyx Top Centre Table Carved Marble Bust, ‘‘Summer ”’ Carved Walnut Pedestal Carved and Inlaid Mahogany Rocker Carved and Inlaid Mahogany Rocker Chinese Gold Medallion Garden Seat Mahogany and Upholstered Armchair Bronze Group, ‘Science and Progress ’ Ebony Pedestal ; revolving top Mahogany Rush Seat Rocker Carved English Oak Hall Table Twelve Decorated Austrian Cups and Saucers; in satin lined case Carved Mahogany Sideboard Black Marble Mantel Clock Two Finely Decorated French China Vases Decorated Bisque Bust Thirty-one Pieces Decorated Clovis Dinner Ware Fifteen Pieces Decorated Chinese Porcelain Carved Antique Mahogany Bureau Two Walnut Pedestal Night Stands Black Marble Mantel Clock Two Fine French Cabinets; with porcelain panels and ormolu trimmings Carved Oak and Velour Upholstered Couch Carved Flemish Oak Work Table Carved Flemish Oak Pedestal Carved Flemish Oak Window Seat Two Carved East India Teakwood Pedestals ; marble top Carved Mahogany and Tapestry Upholstered Rocking Chair Vernis-Martin Table; with tray ’ 11 221 Gun Metal Vase 222 Carved Wood Pedestal 223 Bronze Figure, ‘“ Orphee ” 224 Carved Wood Griffin Pedestal 925 Carved Gilt Wood Parlor Suit ; 3 pieces, upholstered in figured silk damask 226 Fine Ormolu and Onyx Clock; set 3 pieces 227 Carved Mahogany Rocking Chair 228 Decorated Saxon Decanter and Six Glasses 229 Empire Decanter and Tray 230 Decorated Vienna Ewer Vase and Tray 231 Cut-glass and Empire Mounted Jug 232 Toilet Mirror Miniature Back 233 Twelve Decorated Patti Cups and Plates 234 Decorated Teapot; sugar and cream 235 Decorated German Beer Set and Tray ; 8 pieces 236 Twelve Decorated Dresden After Dinner Coffees 237 Twelve Austrian Plates; Indian decoration 238 Traveling Clock and Case 239 Two Gilt Bronze Candlesticks 240 Decorated Austrian Berry Set; 7 pieces ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 241 Anatolian Silk Rug De x O88 242 Cashmere Carpet Ont TD 243 Heriz Carpet 13.9 x 10.9 244 Kerman Rug 6.11 x 4.2 245 Mousoul Rug 7TAx 3.8 246 Guenje Rug 6.0 x 3.6 247 Afghan Carpet 6.1 x 5.1 248 Samarcand Carpet 9.8x 5.1 249 Mousoul Rug 11.0x 4.8 250 Shiraz Rug 10.6 x 5.4 251 Bergama Rug 6.6.x 5.8 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 28 4 285 286 287 Mousoul Rug 6.9 x. 3.9 Kerman Rug 6.10 x 4:8 Shirvan Rug 4.2.x 2.6 Hall Rug 17.0,x 3.6 Monsoul Rug 6.4.x, 3.8 Shirvan Rug 6.0x 3.9 Kerman Rug 6.7 x. 4.5 Bergama Rug 9.0:x, 45 Shirvan Rug 5.0.x 4.2 Mousoul Rug} 5.10 x 3.6 Afghan Carpet 10.0:x; 2 Hall Rug 17.3:x, 3.5 Kiz Kilim 10.3.x% 4.2 Shirvan Rug £5.6.x 4:0: Chinese Bronze Jardiniere Finely Decorated Austrian Vase on Pedestal Carved Flemish Oak China Cabinet Inlaid Turkish Tabourette Inlaid Mahogany Bureau Gilt Bronze Regulator Two Marble and Onyx Side Pieces ; electrical attagh- ments Kaiserzinn Jug Mahogany Specimen Cabinet Decorated French Porcelain Vase Two Decorated Porcelain Vases Inlaid Mahogany Bookcase Decorated Smoker Set Decorated Flemish Tankard Gilt Bronze Regulator Nest Vernis-Martin Tables Carved Oak China Cabinet Repousse Brass Plaque Barbotine Vase; bronze mounting Two Decorated French China Vases Carved Antique Mahogany Bureau Upholstered Wing Chair 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 800 18 Decorated Egyptian Glass Liquor Set and Tray; 8 pieces in satin-lined case Vienna Plaque Decorated Trinket ; in satin-lined ‘case Carved}Flemish Oak Case Drawers Decorated Imperial Austrian Game Set ; 15 pieces Ten Decorated Austrian Oyster Plates Handsomely Carved Flemish Oak Sideboard Decorated Glass Lemonade Set Kaiserzinn Platter Carved}Flemish Oak Hall Table Oak and Leather Upholstered Library Chair Carved Italian Marble Bust Ebony Pedestal 301 302 303 304 305 506 307 308 309 310 311 312 3138 314 815 316 317 318 319 820 321 322 323 824 325 326 327 328 829 14 Third Session Sale Friday Afternoon, November 2ogth, at 3 o’clock Cloisonne Enameled Card Receiver Black Marble and Cloisonne Clock Set ; 3 pieces Fine Bronze Bust—“ Reverie ” Fine Onyx and Bronze Revolving Pedestal Carved Mahogany and Inlaid Armchair Inlaid Mahogany Chair Vernis-Martin Table and Tray Carved Rosewood Centre Table; mosaic top Two Chinese Gold Medallion Vases ; on pedestal Two Flemish Oak Hall Chairs Brass and Onyx Bric-a-brac Table Fine French Inlaid Cabinet; marble top Fine French Inlaid Cabinet ; marble top Gilt Louis XV Chair ; upholstered in tapestry Inlaid Mahogany 3-fold Tapestry Screen Carved Mahogany Rocking Chair Antique Mahogany Empire Table Fine Black Marble and Bronze Clock Set; 3 pieces Vernis-Martin Centre Table Nest Vernis-Martin Tables Ebony and Elephant Tusk Table Decorated Porcelain Jardiniere and Stand Cut-glass and Bronze Extension Piano Lamp Lamp Shade Vernis-Martin Cabinet Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal ; marble top Carved Mahogany Armchair; upholstered in figured tapestry Bronze Bust Marmo Stone Pedestal 330 331 332 333 334 835 336 337 388 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 849 350 361 352 353 354 15 Buhl Mantel Clock Two Large Imari and Lacquered Vases; on pedestal Cut-glass Jug ; with lock Cut-glass Flagon Elaborately Cut-glass Punch Bowl and Cut-glass- Stand Punch Ladle; cut-glass handle Cut-glass Platieau Cut-glass Bowl Cut-glass Lemonade Pitcher Six Cut-glass Lemonades Cut-glass Tray ; silver mounted Cut-glass Dish Handsome Mercury Gilt}Bronze Clock ; with 2 7-light candelabras to match Two Handsomely Decorated Bisque figures, ‘“ Flirta- tion” Superb Roman Bronze Figure French Walnut Mantel Chime Clock Two Superb Sevres Vases, with handsome painted medallion panels, by A. De Ligny, fine mercury bronze mountings Fine Bronze Figure, “ Venus de Milo,” by F. Sauvage Superb Royal Vienna Vase; with beautiful panel decoration, heavily applied gold on light green. ground Fine Bronze Group, ‘‘ Hector and Andromeda,” by LL. Gregory, on revolving marble base Large Ebony , Pedestal Superb French and Bronze Cabinet ; with finely deco- rated Sevres porcelain panels Superb French and Bronze Cabinet ; with finely deco- rated Sevres porcelain panels Handsomely Carved Carrara Marble Bust, “ Art,” by Professor Gangeri Elaborately Carved Mahogany Parlor Suit ; 3]pieces,, upholstered in Veronese velour 366 367 368 869 370 871 372 373 374 375 376 377 878 16 Large Finely Decorated Satsuma Vase; with bronze and gold inlaid figures Superb Bronze Figure, “ Hebe ” Carved Italian Marble Pedestal Beautifully Decorated Sevres Vase; on revolving pedestal, by Ch. Fiechs Walnut Pedestal Bronze Figure, “La Fleur Des Glaciers” Revolving and Onyx Bronze Pedestal Gilt Table ; with Rogal Vienna plaque Carved Italian Bellows Hlaborately Carved Gilt Drawing-room Suit; uphol- stered in fine figured satin damask, comprising large divan sofa, 8 armchairs, 6 chairs Superbly Carved Carrara Marble Figure, “ The Foun- tain of Love;” with revolving marble pedestal Round Axminster Carpet 19x19 ; made expressly for rotunda, with opening in centre for above marble figure Handsomely Decorated Ginori Vase; with serpent handles Carved Walnut Pedestal Handsome Royal Vienna Vase; with profuse deco- rated figures, cupids, ete, by Wagner & Acker- man, revolving pedestal Fine Bronze Electrical Figure, “ Nuphar”’ Carved Ebony Dedestal Carved Flemish Oak and Tapestry Upholstered Library Suit; 8 pieces Finely Decorated Blue Porcelain Vase; with bronze mounting Japanese Carved Wood Settee Vernis-Martin Parlor Cabinet; with plate glass shelves Bronze Figure ; with electrical attachments Carved Mahogany High-case Clock ; tubular chimes Two Handsome Decorated Royal Vienna ‘Vases ; on revolving bases 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 889 390 391 392 393 394 39d 396 397 398 399 400 17 Two Onyx Pedestals Mahogany and Silk Tapestry Chair Black Marble and Malachite Clock; with bronze - equestrian figures Bronze Figure, “ L’ Aube ” Marble Pedestal Mahogany Upholstered and Embossed Velour Arm- chair Vernis-Martin Music Cabinet Fine Carrara Marble Figure, *‘ The Playful Kitten ; ” E. Bragas, of Milan Marble Pedestal ; revolving top Carrara Marble Group, “The Pet;” Ugo Zannoni, Milan Marble Pedestal; revolving top Polar Bear Rug Buffalo Head Carved Oak Clothes Tree Carved Japanese Mahogany Settee Carved Japanese Mahogany Corner Chair Two Carved English Oak Hall Chairs Carved Mahogany and Figured Satin Brocade Parlor Suit; comprising divan, sofa, 8 armchairs and 4 side chairs Large Japanese Blue Owari Vase; height 70 in. Oak Pedestal Handsomely Carved Mahogany Table Elaborately Carved Mahogany Davenport; with canopy upholstered in Veronese velour, has elec- trical attachments ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS 401 402 4038 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 Fereghan Carpet Persian Kurdistan Antique Shiraz Antique Tran Persian Rug Bokhara Rug Turkish Carpet Turkish Carpet Anatolian Silk Rug Kirmanshah Carpet Extra Persian Carpet Guenje Rug Bergama Rug Kiz Kilim Tabriz Carpet Khorassan Carpet Siné Rug Shirvan Rug Guenje Rug Mousoul Anatolian Silk Rug Ghoravan Carpet Extra Persian Carpet Kerman Rug Belonj Rug Upholstered Leather Couch 8.11 x 7.4 7.8 x 4.9 8.10 x 5.1 12.9x 65.10 99x 3.4 Go ds ahi 16.9 x 11.0 16.1 x 10.5 13.0 x 8.10 16.5-x 12.1 19.0 x 12.3 7.10x 4.7 Viligxon 429 99x 4.2 13.9 x 8&9 16.6 x 12.8 66x 4.3 5.8 x 3.7 63x 3.3 8.1x 3.4 5.4x 4.0 15.4 x 10.8 17.0 x 3.3 7.2x 4.4 6.7 x 3.7 Carved Mahogany Armchair; upholstered in silk velour Carved Mahogany Armchair; upholstered in silk velour Italian Marble Bust Prato Marble Pedestal Handsome Decorated Royal Vienna Vase; on revolv- ing pedestal, by F. Holzell 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 44] 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 19 Carved Gilt Wood Tete-a-tete ; upholstered in satin damask Mahogany Rocker Superbly Decorated Kevolving Vase; by A. Callot Fine Carved Carrara Marble Bust; by Professor Ovivi Prato Marble Pedestal Two Finely Chiseled Roman Bronze Ewer Vases Finely Decorated Sevres Vase; ormolu and enamel mountings Two Handsomely Cut Crystal Chandeliers Handsomely Cut Crystal Chandelier Handsomely Cut Crystal Chandelier Handsomely Cut Crystal Chandelier Handsomely Cut Crystal Chandelier Handsomely Cut Crystal Side Bracket Candelabra ; with mirror reflector Handsomely Cut Crystal Side Bracket Candelabra Handsomely Cut Crystal Side Bracket Candelabra Handsomely Cut Crystal Side Bracket Candelabra French-plate Gilt frame Mantel Mirror French-plate Gilt Frame Mantel Mirror French-plate Mahogany Frame Mantel Mirror French-plate Mahogany Frame Mantel Mirror French-plate Gilt Frame Mantel Mirror Bronze 6-Light Chandelier Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal; marble top Carved East India Teakwood Cabinet Large Majolica Jardiniere Large Oak Pedestal Jarved Italian Marble Bust Prato Marble Revolving Pedestal Leather Upholstered Rocking Chair Fourth Session Sale Saturday Afternoon, November joth, at 3 o'clock 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 4738 474 475 476 ATT 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 Mahogany Serving Tray Inlaid Mahogany Serving Tray Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray ; 8 pieces Large Decorated Dresden Dish Cut-glass Dish Cut-glass Dish Cut-glass Bow] Cut-glass Whiskey Jug Six Cut-glass Whiskies; to match Emerald Cut-glass Jug Cut-glass Carafe Bronze Bust, “ Cigale ”’ Carved Oak Side Table; with marble top Carved Oak Turn-over Card Table Carved Oak Turn-over Card Table Two gilt Cane Seat Chairs Antique Mahogany Bureau Flemish Oak Side Table Oak 3-Compartment Bookcase Antique Mahogany Bureau Wrought-iron Hanging Lantern Wrought-iron Hanging Lantern Bronze Group, “ The Lion Hunt ” Bronze Figure, “The Juggler ” Vernis-Martin Parlor Cabinet Plate Glass Shelves Inlaid Mahogany Bureau Flemish Oak China Cabinet Antique Carved Mahogany Bookcase Mahogany Side Table Antique Inlaid Mahogany Bureau | 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 5138 O14 515 516 o17 518 O19 520 521 522 523 524 525 21 SILVER AND PLATED-WARE Seventeen Forks Ten Spoons Ladle Pie Knife Large Spoon Fight Dessert Spoons Twelve Forks Ladle Pie Knife Plated Ice Bowl Beer Mug Vegetable Dish and Cover Laddle Meat Cover lated Tray Plated Tray Crumb Brush Twelve Soup Spoons Four Nut Crackers Castor Vegetable Dish and Cover Ice Water Pitcher; porcelain lined Seven Tablespoons Tray Tray Five Teaspoons Three Mustard Spoons Sugar Box Eleven Dinner Forks Sixteen Knives Twelve Game Knives; ivory handles Crumb Tray and Scraper Porcelain-lined Mustard Pot Six Oyster Forks Meat Cover Meat Cover (large) Twelve Dinner Knives Ten Soup Spoons Pudding Dish Coffe Urn Vegetable Dish and Cover Ten Vegetable Spoons Nine Dinner Knives Figure on Pedestal Sugar Dredge Water Pitcher and Goblet Tea Set ; 4 pieces Butter Dish Vegetable Dish and Cover Spoon Holder Sugar Box Four Meat Platters Castor Pickle Castor Cut-glass Bottles Butter Dish Tea Set; 5 pieces Large Serving Tray Fruit Epergne Set 12 Solid Silver After-dinner Coffee, Spoons and Sugar Tongs; in case Twelve Solid Oyster Forks; in case Sterling Silver Ice-cream Set ; 12 spoons and knife in case Twelve Decorated Austrian Patti Cups and Plates Six Decorated Vienna Cups and Saucers Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray Handsomely-decorated Vienna Tete-a-tete Set ‘and Tray Two Glass Ink-wells Traveling Clock and Case Two Decorated Glass Liquor Bottles Decorated Limoge Cracker Jar Decorated Limoge Chocolate Pot ORIENTAL RUGS 561 Mousoul Rug Tf lexono. 562 Anatolian Silk 3.7 x 2.6 563 Sarik Carpet 13.5x 8.7 564 Extra Persian Carpet 13.6 x 10.0 565 Kerman Rug 6.6x 4.7 566 Shirvan Rug 49x 3.6 567 Hamadan Rug 40x 2.10 568 Afghan Carpet 10.0x 7.6 569 Cashmere Carpet 9.0 x 6.8 570 Hall Rug 16.5 x 3.5 571 Kerman Carpet 15.1 x 10.4 572 Extra Persian Carpet 10.4x 9.0 573 Anatolian Silk Rug 5.10 x 4.3 574 Mousoul Rug 7.10 x 3.7 575 Kerman Rug 5.10x 4.4 576 Shirvan Rug 4.7 x 3.10 577 Kerman Carpet 14.10 x 10.2 578 xtra Persian Carpet 14.0 x 10.4 579 Mousoul Rug Qe ond 580 Mousoul Rug TB os Ball 581 Kerman Rug 6.9 x 46 582 Bergama Rug 9.6 x 4.3 583 Walnut Pedestal Nightstand 584 Carved Antique Mahogany Bureau 585 Antique Mahogany Case Drawers 586 Carved Flemish Oak Centre Table, griffin support 587 ‘Two Writing Portfolios ; tapestry covers 588 Decorated Glass Cordial Set and Tray 589 Set 3-glass Vases Medallion Decorated 590 Upholstered Mahogany Corner Chair 24 DRAPERIES, ETC. Eight Strips Blue Satin De Jene; with pink damask borders, all silk trimming ' Six Strips Blue'and Gold Satin Damask; with gold damask borders Four Strips of Striped Silk Tapestry One Double Strip Pink Silk Tapestry ; with wide guimpe trimming, 1 set of overdrapery to match Two Strips Fine Raw Silk Curtains Six Strips Red Worsted and Tinsel Tapestry Curtains Two Strips Silk Brocatelle Curtains ; 3 pieces drapery to match Six Strips Tapestry Curtains; 1 tapestry valance to match One Set of Red Silk Plush Drapery; 18 pieces Two Strips of Striped Pink Silk Tapestry Two Strips Double-faced Velour Door Curtains Four Strips Figured Tapestry ; 2 overdraperies to match Six Strips Red Satin De Jene Curtains: with figured mohair dado and metal trimming Twelve Pieces Silk Tapestry Drapery ; with cord drapery to match Two Strips Silk Tapestry Portieres Two Strips Blue Tapestry Curtains Four Strips Silk Brocatelle Curtains ; 6 pieces drapery to match 6 Strips Pink Silk Figured Tapestry Six Strips Satin Damask Curtains ; with cord over- drapery to match Two Strips Satin Damask Curtains; 13 pieces satin damask drapery to match with cord Four Strips Silk Tapestry Curtains White Bear Skin Rug Twelve Strips Fine Renaissance Lace 25 Fifth Session Sale . Monday Afternoon, December 2d, at 3 o’clock = PAINTINGS DreBUEL, H. - Antwerp 625 Chickens in Barnyard LAMBDIN, GEO. C. (deceased) 626 Roses on a Wall. GRAY, KATE London 627 Fisherman’s Return WITMAN, C. F. (deceased) 628 Horses in Stable HEINEFETTER, J. Munich 629 The First Ride HAUSHILD, W. London 630 Boys in the Stream HERZOG, G. Philadelphia 631 Fresh from the Garden FACCHINETTI, N. F. 63% Fortress St. Joao, on the Rio Janeiro WHITMAN, C. F. (deceased) 633 Christmas Eve UNTERBERGER, F. R. Paris 634 Amalfi, Golfe de Salerno TORRINI, P. Rome 635 The Friar’s Visit — ERNST, k. Paris 636 The Miser PILTZ, PROF. O. Dusseldorf Al 637 Springtime DESGOFFE, BLAISE Paria 638 Still Life—Objects of Art Hi ERNST, HILDA Paris i 639 Tigers in their Lair MUSIN,; FRANCOIS (deceased) Brussels 640 On the English Channel 27 FOURBERT, EMILE LOUIS Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1879. Medals: 1880, 1885 and 1889. Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. 641 Nymphs and Fawn BRISTOL, J. B. (N. A.) New York 642 Clouds on the Hill—Lake George ‘McCORD, GEO. H. (A. N. A.) New York 643 Sunset on the Isle of Wight DUFFAND, JEAN B. Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Medal of the Third Class, 1889. Mention Honorable, 1889. Exposition Uni- verselle. Medal of the Second Class, 1891, Marie Bash- kirtseff Prize, 1891. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1896. Member of the Society of French Artists, Hors Concours. 644 Love’s Awakening CLAYS, PAUL JEAN Brussels Medals: Paris, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Medal: Brussels, 1851. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. 645 A Calm on the Maas, Dordrecht, Holland JEANNIN, GEORGES Paris Medals: Paris, 1878, 1888, and 1889. Hors, Concours, 1895. Sre. 646 Choice Fruit 28 ATALAYA, ENRIQUE ‘Paris ' Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Medat of the Second Class, 1898. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1899 647 The Gamesters VAN LEEMPUTTEN, C. Brussels. 648 Landscape and Sheep WEBER, THEODORE Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1861. Medals: 1863 and 1889, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists 649 Strong Tide at Barfleur JACQUE, EMILE Paris Pupil of his father. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Mention Honorable, 1889. Exposition Universelle 650 Draft Horses DUPRE, JULES (deceased) Paris Born at Nantes, 1811. Died, 1889. Medals: 1833, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 #51 Landscape ROESTEL, A. Paris 652 Little Girl at Her Toilet DELOBBE, A. Paris 653 Little Girl Paddling in Brook (Salon picture) 29 THOMPSON, H. Paris 654 Driving Cattle PATTIEN, CASSAR Paris 655 Amongst the Buttercups PIOT, ADOLPHE Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. Membre Perpetuel de la Société des Artistes Frangais 656 Amiableness DAMERON, CHARLES EMILE - . Paris Medals: Paris, 1878, 1882 and 1889. Exposition Uni- verselle, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1898. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists 657 Departure for the Fields KAEMMERER, FREDERICK HENRY Paris Born at The Hague. Pupil of Géréme. Medals, Paris 1874. Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1889, Silver Medal, 1900, Exposi- tion Universelle. Hors Concours 658 The Flower Girl at Trouville DIAZ, NARCISSE DE LA PENA (deceased) Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Medals: 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Died, 1876. Diploma to the Mem- ory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878 659 In the Forest at Fontainbleau DESVARREUX-LARPENTEURB Paris 660 T.anseape and Sheep PUJOL, CLEMENTE Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889 661 The Favorite VAN MARCHE, EMILE Paris 662 Cattle in Pasture From the Van Marche Collection MONTICELLT, A. (deceased) 663 Figures DUPRE, JULES (deceased) 664 Landscape (Sketch) DELAUNAY, Al Paris 665 The Lovers From A. de Musset 666 The Lovers From Titian’s Son SANTORO, RUBENS Paris 667 Canal St. Marino, Venice DAUBIGNY, C. F. (deceased ) 668 Sunset From Collection Alex. Dumas, Paris MICHEL, GEORGES (deceased) 669 Landscape 31 MICHEL, GEORGES (deceased) 670 Landscape GIRARDET, EUGENE. Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Silver Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours 671 The Hour of Prayer DE HAAS, J. H. L. Brussels Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, and of the Order of Charles III of Spain, and of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Officer of the Order of the Couronne de Chenne, Holland. Officer of the Order of the Merit of St, Michael, Bavaria. Officer of the Couronne Italia, Chevalier of Francis Joseph of Austria. Chevalier of the Couronne de Prusse. Member of the Academy of St. Ferdinand of Spain. Member of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Antwerp and Rotterdam 672 Landscape and Cattle PICKNELL, WILLIAM L. (deceased) Pupil of Gerome. Honorable Mention, 1880. Medal: 1895. Silver Medal, Boston, 1881. Gold Medal, Boston, 1884. Member of the Society of British. Member of the Society of American Artists, N. Y. N. A. Born 1852. Died 1887 673 View of St. Raphael LESUR, VICTOR HENRI Paris Medals: Paris, 1887; Bourse de Voyage, 1887 ; Bronze Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours 674 Indiscreet DAUBIGNY, C. F. (deceased) Paris Pupil of his father and of Paul Delaroche. Medals: 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1858, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. 675 On the Seine TERNE, HENRY Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1891. Member of the So- ciety ot French Artists 676 An Afternoon on the Terrace SCHENCK, AUGUSTE FREDERICK ALBERT ; Paris Medals; Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of the Order of Isabella La Catolica. Medal: Centennial Ex- hibition, 1876 677 Sheep in Snowstorm DETTI, CESARE Paris Medals: Paris, 1888, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Medal of the Second Class. Hors Concours 678 The Cardinal’s Visit COROL, J.B. C Paris Born in Paris, 1809. Died, 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals: 1833; First Class, 1848, 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Medal, Universal Ex-——_ position, 1877. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Exposition Universelle 679 On the River Oise JACQUE, GUSTAVE Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1879.’ Hors Concours 680 Frankness JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE Paris First President of the French Society of Animal Painters. For Designs: Medals: 1851, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor; 1867. Medal: 1867, Exposition Univer- selle. For Paintings: Medals: 1861, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours 681 Sheep 33 SANTORO, RUBENS Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1896 682 Canal St. Marino, Venice SCHREYER, ADOLPHE Paris Born at Frankfort, 1828. Pupil of Stadel Institute. Medals: 1864, 1865, 1867. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862. Medal, Brussels, 1863. Che- \, valier of the Order of Leopold, 1866. Medal: Vienna, ‘ile 1873. Medal: Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of i i Antwerp and Rotterdam 683 Arabs in the Desert FLEURY, ROBERT TONY Paris Medals : 1866, 1867 and 1870, Medal of Honor, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1873. Medal, First Class, 1878. Officer of Honor, 1884. Gold Medal, 1888. Hors Concours 684 The Burning Homestead TROYON, CONSTANT (deceased) Pupil of Rivereaux. Bornat Sevres, 181o. Died, 1865. Medals: 1838, 1840, 1848, 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Exposi- tion Universelle 685 The Returning Flock DULUARD, H. F. L. Paris 686 The Dancing Lesson TEN-KATE, HERMAN FREDERICK CAREL Holland Born at The Hague, February 16, 1822. Genre painter. Pupil in Amsterdam of Cornelis Kruseman. Won a medal at the Academy there when nineteen. Went to Paris for one year; returned to Amsterdam and settled at The Hague. Honorary member of the Rotterdam Academy, 1856. 687 Need rebinding. . 1532 WARING, J. B. Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862. 300 beautiful plates in gold and colors, by W. R. Tymms, Warren and Macculloch. Letter- press in English and French. 3 large and thick vols., royal folio, red morocco, extra, full gilt. London, 18638. * This elaborate and beautiful work was issued at $150 without the binding. 16883 WORDWORTH’S POETICAL WORKS AND LIFE. By William Knight, LL.D. Beautiful portrait and etchings. By C. O. Murray, atter original drawings made for this edition by John M’Whirter, A.R.A. 11 vols., royal 8vo (pub. $40). 1882-89. ‘“ This edition has taken rank as the standard issue of an English classic.”’—S?¢. James’ Gazette. 15384. WEBSTER, DANIEL. Works of. Portrait. 6 vols., 8vo, half calf. Boston, 1857. 1535 WHITTIER, J. G. Poetical Works of. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Bsston, 1875. 1586 WILSON. The Wonderful Story of Old; the scenes, incidents and events recorded in the Holy Bible. Numerous illustrations. 2, vols., royal 8vo, morocco. New York, 1888, 1587 WISMANN. Equatorial Africa. Jilustrated. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891. 1540 1541 1542 80 WOMEN OF THE CENTURY. With 2400 portraits. Edited by F. E. Willard and Mary Livermore. Royal 8vo, cloth 1893 WORDSWORTH, WM. Prose Works of. Edited by Alex. B. Grosart. 38 vols., 8vo, cloth, Moxon, London, 1876. YOUNG, JOHN RUSSELL. Around the World with General Grant. Illustrated. 2 vols., 4to, half calf. New York. N. D. FOUR LOTS BOOKS, 10 each. LOT GUIDE BOOKS. ELEVEN ART BOOKS. Made by George h Buchanan and Company at the Sign of the Tvy Deat in Library Street Pbiladelpbia