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QU y oes 4 Baa Bat ae eye Settee a ‘ ro¥ rie sng BRILLIANT CLOSE OF 8 GREAT PICTURE SALE x “Seventy-five Works Fetch the Big Sam of $206,540, Which Makes for the 156 a Grand Total UF $77,000 FOR THE GREAT TROYON. “4¢ Passage du Bac,” Bought for Mr. C.2P. . Huntington, and Delacroix’s “Lion Hunt” at $18,000, by Mr. Potter Palmer, of __ Thieago, for Whom. Millet’s “Paysage d’Auvergne” Was i Bought, at $12,000. At **-*aring Hall last evening, with the sale of ‘Yao second Ralf) tha suction of the -petatin~- / and drawings owned by the American Art Associa | | tion came to a Drillisnt close, the total for, - bought himself, at $6,350, Delacroix’s “Arab Cavae | ‘lier Attacked by a Lion; this brought at the De | ‘gsyenty-five works reaching the large sum of | $206,540, which makes the grand total of the sale | ot that part of the collections for 156 works $270,540, | The bidding was remarkably spirited and the | prices im many cases were rather higher than had been expected. ‘That master work of Troyon, ‘Le Passage du | Bas,” brought the highest figure, $27,000. It | _ was bought by J. B. Randolph, for Mr, Collis P, } Frantington with Uttle doubt, Mr. Potter Palmor paid $13,000, the next highest figure for the great Delacroix, “The Lion Hunt,” and Mr, Roland Knoedler bought for him st $12,000 the large snd superb landscape and figures ‘hy Millet, “Paysage d'Auvergne Chev- yitre,” which reached $10,000, $11,000 and its sale figure to applause, Mr, Palmer also Tretaigne sale in 1872, in Paris, $3,400. For him Mr; Knoedler also secured, at $4,000, Van Maroke’s | “The brown Cow,” and at $2,800, Jacque’s ‘‘Poul- } try.” DIAZ’S “LE PARC AUX BEUFS.” _ Diaz's. ‘Le Paro au Bouts” was bought ‘by J. 3B, Randolph, presumably for Mr. Huntington, at $12,500, Rembrandt's “Man oat Arws,”’ starting at $5,000, was sold in a few San Donato sale in 1880 it brought $20,400, and at the Bécretin sale in 1880, coming immedi- ately. after the excitement “over the pur- chase of the great Peter de Hough for Mr, | HL O. Havemeyer, it sold curiously for but $4,600, For the huge a asaead: “Forestin Winter—Sunset, ¥ . the last work sold, Mr. P, A. B. Widener, of Phila: delphia, gave $9,000. ee ee ey, Housaeau's eeporaet of Compeigne, whioh prought at the Probasco sale in 1887 $7,400, when it was called “Forest of Fontainebleau,’’ was sold to Mr. Henry Graves for $7,700, Mr. J. Foxcroft Cole bought for Mrs, 8. D. Warren, of Boston, Rous- seau’s “A Plain in Berri—Sunset” at $7,400 and _ Corot’s “Paris Seen From St, Cloud” at $4,700 i ‘bids to Mr, Richard Mortimer for $9,000. At the | fF Mr. 8. N, Nickerson, of Chicago, Meissonie +, to Mr. Huntington and was Jknocked down tc. » Randolph at $6,000, as had® been on the night fore at $4,100, then the artist’s highest auction ure, his ‘‘The Home of thie Artist.” : To Mr. Graves went st $4,700 Dupré’s ‘Eve Twilight!’ and his “Hsrly Morning’ at $4,600, Widener paid $4,600 ote Dupré's ‘Tha Onan _ [and Mr."U. “ambert $4, s00-¢er De Neuvil ‘ prised at the Bridge.” ~ * Corot’s “A Village in Normandy, brought $4,100 grom Knoedler & Oo., is turn to Paris. Schaus & Co. paid for. Van Marcke’s “Landscape and Mr.. L, M. Palmer $3,100 tor Dupré’s ‘* tumn” and $2,300 for Diaz's “‘A Sunlit La _ and Mr. E, J. Berwind $2,800 for Jacque’ try” and $2,200 for Daubigny’s ‘Village of Ai » PICTURES, PRICES AND PURCHASERS, _.. The following is the list of paintings so “Bight, with the prices they brought and the; of the buyers :— Aes e ee beseeevccoes acomin, “The Woodcutter’s Cabin;” J. B. 90—Meissonier, “Sketeh;" H. O'Neill... 1.0, equet, ‘Petite Soubrette;” W. R. Martin... r, “Evening;” T. B. Clarke............6. \ ni, “The Return to the Harem;” H. RB, Children at a Fountain;” = [erm NW LA BM OF Gand oe ced Seaton cee hee naa Weee eee . 100—Damoye, “Pond in Sologne;” 8. H. Paine.,.. iOi—Mentlesi, “The Promenade;” L. Wert 103-Charo, “A Sunny Morning, “Shinnecock 104—Inness, “Corner of an Orchard; Samuel T. Stee eset neers a srsseeeerrsteresbesscons “A Strootin Algiers ...0.000001 eton, “The Orange Grove;” A. J. - _ — £ete 105—Bridgman .106—Demont-b An Aa 4 . eee e renee saree sestores ewsee ic Heads,” T. Bs, Clarke. se) le Fete eeeeeesaersee ‘oaltty; kJ. B eet 115— »Inundation;” Knoedlor & Co.,.. & 116—Van “Landscape and Cattle:” a. j _Sehaus.... Aeneas se eeseesesnnans baltig seers } Sa et “In the Park; L. Wertheimer... < li ‘we Dupré, “Karly | orning;! Henry Graves:.2. By 1)9—Claude, “Morning in the Kennel;” i, Bonner : 320-—Jobuson, “Churning;” Elkan Naumberg... 0. 12le=Dupre, ernie eRe i” Honry Graves... 122—Chase, “Castle Point, Hoboken; Schaus & eae sea meee Pere re rere re lie; W. Ss. | | Imer 23,000 | + 2,800 aeenee Panera meee eeeeaeenaeneeee Homme do BH. Widener. Oe Ata e anes asewesenesy . € , a 0 ap rN IG 2 “NOAOYL LNVLSNOD—OVE Nad 39VSSVd 371 Ry. IT ee re “ISI ‘ON PART FIRST CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION TO BE ABSOLUTELY SOLD BY AUCTION TO SETTLE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE R. AUSTIN ROBERTSON ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 7TH AND 8TH AT CHICKERING HALL AND CONTINUING Monpay, APRIL 11TH AND FOLLOWING Days AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 6 EAST 23D STREET, MADISON SQUARE WHERE THE COLLECTIONS ARE NOW ON EXHIBITION SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF JAMES F, SUTTON AND THOMAS E. KirBY, THE LATTER OFFICIATING AS AUCTIONEER NEW YORK * 1892 - ~ Press of J. J. Little & Co. Astor Place, New York “rs r . + : t . ate - y ys } } NOTE The death of Mr. R. Austin Robertson, our late associate, has made necessary such an adjustment of our affairs as can only be effected through the process of a sale at public auction. For this reason we shall offer upon the days and upon the conditions elsewhere set forth, the various objects of art which we have accumulated during the past ten years or more. Of the pur- chases made in China and Japan by Mr. Robertson, who for some years represented us in those countries, by far the greater part has never been shown in New York. Indeed, it is only in pre- paring for the present exhibition that we have ourselves had the opportunity to examine a majority of the Japanese works of art that he collected, all of which have, since their arrival, remained in storage in their original packages. We have never, until the present occasion, had an adequate opportunity to display our various collections, the Barye bronzes alone excepted. Our establishment has been given over to great publie sales and exhibitions which, one after another, have absorbed the seasons appropriate to such a purpose. It is only, therefore, the present obligation to determine. our relative interests which makes this complete exhibition practicable. It is probably the most comprehensive display in oriental art of the higher grades that has ever been made in New York or anywhere else, and, in other particulars, it will probably be con- ceded that we have been able to make an exhibition of unusual interest and importance. We have been at some pains to bring these objects of art to the public attention in such a manner that even a detailed and close study of them should prove neither tedious nor unremunerative, venturing, as we do, to believe that no previous exhibition here has been of equal instructive value. Our catalogue is as complete and as comprehensive as cir- cumstances permitted. We take pleasure in calling particular attention to the part devoted to the Japanese objects. It has been prepared by Mr. Louis Wertheimber and Mr. T. Takayanagi, the latter a most cultivated and accomplished scholar, who has devoted many years to the study of the ancient and modern art of Japan, and the former one of the first of connoisseurs and experts. The collection of Chinese porcelains has been cata- logued by Mr. John Getz, whose extended experience and long familiarity with the subject have exceptionally qualified him to deal with it. It will be found concise, accurate and instructive. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. JAMES F. SuTToON. THOMAS KE. KIRBY, ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL ith, at 8 o’clock, at CHICKERING HALL, corner of Fifth Avenue and Highteenth Street, MODERN PAINTINGS AND WATER-COLORS. Catalogue Nos. 1 to $1, inclusive. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8th, at 8 o’clock at CHICKERING HALL, PAINTINGS. Catalogue Nos. 82 to 155 inclusive. MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 11th, beginning at 2.30 o’clock, at THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, BARYE BRONZES, AN- TIQUE CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES AND ENAMELS. Catalogue Nos. 153 to 307 inclusive. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 12th, at 2.30 o’clock, at the above galleries, CHINESE PORCELAINS, ‘‘ BLUE AND WHITE” CABINET OBJECTS AND BOwLs. Catalogue Nos. 311 to 462 inclusive. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 13th, at 2.30 o’clock, CHINESE PORCELAINS, BOWwLs, ‘‘EGG-SHELL,” ‘‘ CELADON” AND ORIENTAL JADES. Catalogue Nos. 463 to 617 inclusive. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 14th, at 2.30 o’clock, CHINESE PORCELAIN, CABINET OBJECTS AND FLAMBE AND SOUFFLE SPECIMENS. Catalogue Nos. 621 to 784 inclusive. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 15th, at 2.30 o’clock, CHINESE POR- CELAIN DECORATED IN COLORS. Catalogue Nos. 785 to 944 inclusive. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 16th, at 2.30 o’clock, CHINESE PORCELAINS IN SINGLE Coors. Catalogue Nos. 945 to 1091 inclusive. MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 18th, at 2.80 o’clock, SATSUMA, CARVED PEKIN (CINNABAR) LACQUERS, JAPANESE POR- CELAINS AND MISCELLANEOUS. Catalogue Nos. 1092 to 1253 inclusive. TuESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 19th, at 2.30 o’clock, JAPANESE Sworps AND DAGGERS. Catalogue Nos. 1255 to 1408 inclusive. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 20th, at 2.30 o’clock, SwORD GUARDS (TSUBA). Catalogue Nos. 1411 to 1653 inclusive. viii ORDER OF SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIN 21st, at 2.30 o’clock, JAPANESE MeraLt-WorKS, KNIFE-HANDLES (KODZUKA), SWORD ORNAMENTS (FUCHI-KASHIRA) AND OTHER JAPANESE OBJECTS IN GOLD AND SILVER. Catalogue Nos, 1655 to 1826 inclusive. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 22d, at 2.30 o’clock, DAIMIO POU- CHES, GOLD AND SILVER PIPES AND IVORY PIPE-CASES. Catalogue Nos. 1827 to 2017 inclusive. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 23d, at 2.30 o’clock, IVORY CARVINGS AND NETSUKES. Catalogue Nos. 2019 to 2212 inclusive. MonDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 25th, at 2.30 o’clock, INROS AND JAPANESE LACQUERS. Catalogue Nos. 2213 to 2405 inclusive. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 26th, at 2.80 o’clock, JAPANESE LACQUERS. Catalogue Nos. 2406 to 2599 inclusive. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 27th, at 2.30 o’clock, EUROPEAN OBJECTS, OLD WATCHES, SNUFF BOXES, PORCELAINS, ANTIQUE EASTERN RuGs, ITALIAN CARVED AND CHIP- PENDALE FURNITURE, JAPANESE TAPESTRIES, ETC. Catalogue Nos. 2601 to 2736 inclusive. SPECIAL NOTICE Admission to this Sale will be by Card only. (No Reserved Seats.) These cards will be ready for distribution Monday, April 4th. Application for them, by mail or otherwise, should be made to the managers, 6 East 23d Street, (Madison Square, South). At the supplementary sale will be sold the balance of the Art and other property belonging to The American Art Association not described on this catalogue. The property remaining to be sold comprises American and Foreign Paintings, Chinese and Japanese Embroideries and Tapestries. old _patine. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 416 inches. vill: 160 Large Tripod Censer. Ornamented with archaic patterns, and fret borders in low relief, and finished in brown patine. The raised feet are decorated with circular ; character emblematical of longevity. The 159 cover has animals in raised and perforated design, topped by a winged dragon. Height, 124% inches; diameter, 8 inches. 161 Large Jar. Ovoid shape with small grotesque handles. Ornamented with raised borders in severe archaic design, studded with bead-knobs in relief, and in variegated and verdigris patine. Height, with carved stand, 12 inches; diameter, 114% inches. Early Ming. Fourteenth century. 162 Large Vase. Beaker form, with wide flaring neck, and handles. Variegated red patine. Ornamented with raised borders, and lines in archaic design, gilt handles. Mark of Seuen-te, 1426-1436. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 834 inches. 163 Large Tripod Censer. Ornamented with archaic patterns and fret borders in low relief, and finished in brown patine with gilding. The raised feet are ornamented with the circular char- acters emblematic of longevity. The cover has perforations in animal de- sign, and is topped by a bronze dragon. Height, with cover, 1244 inches; dia- meter, 8 inches. 163 164 Large Vase. Oviform, with narrow neck and handles; with chased ver- miculated diaper ground, broken by small plain parallei ANTIQUE CHINESE BRONZES 99 bands. Dark-brown patine surface. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 13 inches. 165 Large Temple Vase. Oval and balustra form, with spreading neck, and griffin-shaped handles. The orna- mentation is wrought in bold relief and is inlaid with silver and touches of gold, in archaic character, repre- senting grotesque heads, and curyed and waved lines. The surface is heavily covered with a patine of a variegated nature. Height, 2014 inches; diameter, 13 inches. 166 Ancient Patera. With archaic border, and handles with grotesque heads. The patine is in variegated tones and of rare quality. The in- terior bears an old inscription, testi- fying that it was highly prized and valued as an ancient treasure by some remote posses- sor. The break at one of the handles showsslight traces of gold. Height, without stand, 5 inches; diameter, 75% inches. The engraving on the stand is a passage of a well-known essay on the art of poetical composition. Following is a translation in English : “Upon reading it the thought must suggest itself or flash on one’s mind—whether it be that of white clouds at their first breaking up, or of birds chasing one another in the dusk, or of a man resting under the green shade with a lute beside him and a water-fall rushing down from sabove, or of the unheralded fall of a blossom, or of such freedom from human care as is shown by the chrysanthemum.” 167 Ancient Temple Wessel. Egg-shape, and raised on three feet. The side handles and those of the cover are the same shape as the feet, but in reverse form. The design of the decoration is in the Chinese ancient or classic order, consisting of inlaid malachite in triangular designs, with incrusted silver in archaic triangles, completing dovetailed band. The other borders are in archaic design in Niello. Both ends have a circular design inlaid with malachite, and 100 BARYE BRONZES with arabesque in Niello finish. The handles are incrusted with powdered malachite, and enamel arabesques. Nore.—Such vessels-as the above were used in very ancient times, on occasions of great national rejoicing, for fragrant wines; also vessels with three feet have an allusion, it is said, to the three Kung or three stars which are supposed to preside over the Prince, ministers and people. From the Comte de Semalle collection, and stated to have been among the objects looted from the great Sum- mer Palace in 1860. Height, 9144 inches; diameter, 74 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 168 Two Large Jardinéres. Form of antique Roman vases, bronze, executed in China from European designs. Mounted on three feet, with ornamental chased castings, including three rams’ heads and floral festoons in free relief. Height, 26 inches; diameter, 25 inches. From the Comte de Sematle collection. 1884, BARYE BRONZES 169 Roger and Angelica. Mounted on Hippogriff (1846), Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches, BARYE BRONZES 101 170 Candelabra (pair). Nine lights. Ornamented with 4 figures, mascarons and chimeras. (1846). Height, 37 inches. The originals of the above two numbers were made for the Duc de Montpensier. 171 Tiger Surprising an Antelope. Model. Height, 1344 inches; length, 24 inches. 172 Deer Attacked by two Scotch Hounds. (1833). Height, 1314 inches; length, 20 inches, 170 173 173 Theseus and Minotaur. (1851). Height, 18 inches; length, 10 inches. 174 Horse Surpriscd by a Lion. (1834). Height, 1544 inches; length, 15 inches. 175 Lapith and Centaur. (1846). Height, 1314 inches; length, 1444 inches. 176 Two Arabian Horsemen Killing a Lion. Height 15 inches; length, 14 inches, 102 BARYE BRONZES 177 General Bonaparte. Model. Height, 17 inches; length, 17% inches. 178 Charles VII. the Victorious. (1839). Height, 114% inches ; length, 10 inches. 17 179 Lion Seated (No.3), Height, 7 inches; length, 6 inches. 180 Lion and Serpent (No. 2). Height, 634 inches; length, 8 inches. 179 181 The Walking Lion. (1836). Height, 9 inches; length, 6 inches. 182 The Walking Tiger, (1836). Height, 844 inches; length, 1614 inches. BARYE BRONZES 108 183 Ocelot Carrying a Heron. Height, 614 inches; length, 11% inches. 184 An Elephant Crushing a Tiger. (1837). Height, 8% inches; length, 12 inches. 185 Lioness Standing. Height, 714 inches; length, 9 inches. 186 The Bullin Defence. (1841.) Height, 7 inches; length, 1134 inches. 187 The Eearing Bull. (1841). Height, 84 inches; length, 11 inches. 188 Horse, Turkish, Right Foot Raised. (No. 2). Height, 114% inches; length, 12 inches. 189 Horse, Turkish, Left Foot Raised (No. 3). Height, 74% inches; length, 714 inches. 190 Horse, Half Blood, Head Lowered. Reduction. Height, 434 inches; length, 7 inches. 104 BARYE BRONZES 191 Dromedary, Egyptian, Harnessed. Height, 10 inches; length, 91% inches. 192 Dromedary, Algerian. Height, 744 inches; length, 9 inches. 193 Dromedary, Algerian. Reduction. Height, 544 inches; length, 634 inches. 194 Greyhound and Hare. Model. Height, 8 inches; length, 13 inches. 195 Beagle Dog, Standing. Height, 644 inches; length, 12 inches. 196 Spanieland Duck. Height, 5% inches; length, 8 inches. 197 Spaniel and Rabbit. Height, 5 inches; length 84 inches. 198 Spaniel. Height, 34% inches; length, 6 inches. 199 Two Young Bears Fighting. (1833). Height, 8% inches; length 6 inches. 200 Stag Sharpening his Antlers. Height, 54 inches; length, 9 inches. 201 Hawk Killing a Heron. Height, 1i inches; length, 916 inches. 202 202 Pheasant. Numbered 5. Height, 5 inches; length, 8% inches. 203 Panther of Tunis. (1840). Reduction. Height, 334 inches; length, 74 inches. 204 Minerva. Height, 12 inches. 205 Juno. Height, 12 inches. 206 Elephant of Cochin China. Modern. Height, 6 inches; length, 10 inches. 206% Tartar Warrior Checking his Horse. Height, 134% inches; length, 13% inches. 207 Lion Seated (No.1). (1836). Height, 1444 inches; length, 12 inches. 208 Lion and Serpent (No.1). (1882). Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches, BARYE BRONZES 105 209 Lion and Serpent (No.3). Sketch. Height, 5% inches; length, 744 inches. 210 The Walking Lion. (1836). Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches. 211 Elephant Crushing a Tiger, (1837). Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. 212 Tartar Warrior Checking his Horse. With bronze stand. Height, 20 inches; length, 16 inches. 213 African Badger Robbing Nest. Height, 4 inches; length, 9 inches. 214 Arab Horseman Killing Boar. Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches. 215 Ape Riding a Gnu, (1842). Height, 9 inches; length, 10 inches. 216 The Walking Tiger. Height, $4 inches; length, 16% inches. 217 Bull Rearing, Attacked by a Tiger. (1837). Height, 9 inches; length, 11 inches. 106 BARYE BRONZES 217 218 Panther Seizing a Stag, Height, 15 inches; length, 10 inches. With ebonized high pedestal. 218 219 The Walking Tiger. (1836). Height, 814 inches; length, 1644 inches. OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 107 OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 220 Imcense Burner. Form of aball. Japanese bronze, in perforated floral design, with gold lotus flowers. The interior contains a bronze vessel, or hibachi, on a circu- lar axis. Diameter, 514 inches. Eighteenth century. 221 Two Incense Boxes. Connected and formed by the circular Buddhist symbol ‘t Tae-keih.”” Yellow and red Gorosa patine. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2% inches. 222 Jardiniére. Square, with flaring top. It isornamented with various dragons in relief, on a chased diaper ground, finished in brown patine. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 223 Jardiniére. Curved outlines, with handles, and raised feet. Dark brown patine. Ornamented with dragons, kylins, ete., in relief, on chased diaper pattern ground. The feet are finished with heads in grotesque design. Height, 84% inches ; diameter, 10 inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 224 Jardiniere. Curved with handles, and raised on high feet, with dragon corners. Transparent patine finish. Ornamented with a flying dragon and the sacred Ho-o bird, in high relief on a clouded field, with chased diaper background. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 634 inches. Signed, Siemin, maker. 225 Koro. Oblong shape. Ornamented with branches of a tree wrought in high relief, the stems of which form the handles, and the base resting upon a rocky formation with an interior cave filled with monkeys. The cover repre- sents a mountain peak, upon which is perched an eagle with outspreading wings, the feathers of which are chased and executed in careful detail. Height, 11 inches; length, 9144 inches; width, 744 inches. Signed, Hiakuse, Shige-mura. 108 OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 226 Jardiniére. Low oblong shape on raised fungi-form feet. Ornamented with a border in relief, designs of deer and flying bats, also in relief. Height, 4 inches by 6 inches by 444inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 227 Jardiniére. Has wide flaring and curved rim. Brown patine. It bears the imperial crests in slight relief, and is raised on a perforated stand. Height, 414 ” inches; diameter, 7 inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 228 Jardiniére. Square, with handles and raised feet: Dark gold patine. The panels have dragons in high relief upon a chased ground, and a fret border at the base and rim. Height, 734 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Signed, Dai Nippon, Tokio ; Somin, maker. 229 Jardiniére. Has wide flaring rim. Dark brown patine finish. A dragon showing partly in relief, through a cloudy surface, ornaments the projecting centre band. Has a stand in open design representing water spray. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 744 inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 230 Bronze Basket. Cast to imitate woven wicker work, with bamboo sprig handles, brown patine finish. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Signed, To-rin Sai. 231 HManging Vase, Form of a boat, with chains for sus- pension. It is ornamented at the sides to represent water- lines and waves, and is finished in dark brown patine. Height, at the bow, 5 inches; iength, 16 inches; width, 5inches. Signed, Somin Hoshiyama. 232 Pair of Vases. Tall cylindrical shape, with handles, ornamentation consisting of panels in high relief. In one of the principal panels is the figure of Episu, one of the seven gods of good fortune, riding upon a carp (Koi). The reverse panel contains two small figures of boys; one holds a fan and the other carries a fish dipper. Pine- cone relief ground. The companion vase is ornamented with the figure of Beuten, the goddess of beauty and art, holding a musical instrument and followed by a dragon. The reverse panel has pheasants in relief; the background is composed of trees in foliage, and mountain stream. OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 109 Around the neck is a diaper design band, chrysanthemum blossoms, ete. Signed, Hiakuse, Shige-mura. Height, 163 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. 233 Jardiniére, Lowcircular form, on raised stand, with pine cones forming tke feet. Brown patine surface. Height, 4inches ; diameter, 634 inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 234 Jardiniére. Has wide flaring rim and raised stand ; Brown patine finish. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 1014 inches. Signed, Sei-Min-iru. 235 Jardiniére. Has flaring rim and raised stand, formed by elephant tusks. Brown patine finish. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 10144 inches diameter. Signed, Siemin, maker. < 2X . . . . 236 Jardiniere. Low form, with flaring rim, raised arabesque borders and ornamented feet. Brown patine. Height, 2¥ inches; diameter, 844 inches. Signed, Toun, maker. 237 Jardiniére, Hexagonal shape. Has raised feet, formed by dragons in relief. Transparent patine finish. It is ornamented with conventionalized dragons, arranged in a erest-like form in relief, upon a diaper pattern ground. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Toun, maker. | 238 Group of Turtles. Skill- fully wrought and finished in a naturalistic manner, symbol of long life and hap- piness. Height, 234 inches by 6inches. Made by Seimin. 239 Jardiniere. Hexagonal shape, with flaring top, orna- mented in relief upon a waved diaper ground with various animals emblematic of longevity, is finished in brown patine. Signed, Seimin, maker; era, Bun-Sei, 1818. Height, 734 inches; diameter, 1034 inches, 240 Jardiniére. Cylindrical shape, with square rim, body studded with projecting spike-like points, finished in transparent patine. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 64% inches. Signed, Hoshiyama So-min, maker. 241 Jardiniére, Square shape, with feet formed by lily sprigs. It is ornamented by a fret border, and finished in olive brown patine. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Signed, Hoshiyama So-min, maker. 110 OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 242 Ancient Bell. With coiled dragon stand. The bell isin archaic character, with the holder formed by two dragons’ heads. The dragon, forming stand, holds a small crystal ball in one of his claws. Height, complete, 10 inches by 8 inches by 5% inches. Dragon is signed, Soko, maker. 243 Large Plaque. Iron, elab- orately inlaid and incrusted with gold. The centre panel has two figures wrought in relief, and showing a warrior sounding the alarm drum and a servant looking on with frightened expression. The inner border surrounding this panel contains a field of chrysanthemums and butterflies; the outer border is in various diaper patterns and crests, ete., and the rim border has grapevine leaves overlaid in gold. Signature on the back, Komai-kioto. Diameter, 17 inches. 244 Large Plaque. Jron. Elaborately inlaid with gold and silver. The centre panel represents figure of a man with beard. The face is wrought in iron with silver eyes and teeth. The robe is elaborately incrusted and inlaid with gold in fret design, and gold crests of the Daimio Simosa in gold. The background is also elaborately inlaid and incrusted with gold. This panel is surrounded by small gold inlaid fret border, and also with a lily-petaled flower, outlined in silver in fretted and floral inlaid designs. The outer field is in overlapping scallops, and is outlined in silver, with diaper designs in various details and crests in gold and silver incrustation. The rim border, or edge, has a grapevine with gold foliage. Signed, Komai. Diameter. 2144 inches. 245 Two Large Plaques, \ron. Elaborately ornamented and incrusted in gold. The centre panel is decorated in bold relief with bust of a warrior. The face and hands are in shibuichi and the hair is in shakudo. The garment, in iron, is inlaid with gold in arabesque and bird design. The background has a triangular fret pattern. The outer border is decorated with arabesques, chrysanthemum erest, Guikmon, the flower Kirimon and the Minamoto OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 111 crests in gold. The rim border is in conventional fungi form design, incrusted with gold. Diameter, 19 inches. The reverse side bears gold incrusted seal of Hokio (a title conferred upon artists). Have carved teakwood stands in open lozenge design. 246 Large Cireular Plaque. MTIron. Ornamented with three monkeys in shibuichi with red bronze faces. The smaller is clothed with a gold decorated jacket. The other two are holding and examining a Kakemono showing a demon and an imp with banner in red bronze, the mount- ing of which is in olive bronze inlaid with gold chrysan- themums and arabesques. The upper part of Kakemono is in shakudo, with olive inlaid ribbons. The under part is in silver, and the roll has an ivory tip. The monkeys are in high relief, in characteristic attitudes. One of them is looking through a pair of crystal eye-glasses. Signed, Tomo-nage, in gold relief, with seal, framed in teak-wood. 112 OLD JAPANESE BRONZES 247 Large Plaque. Iron. Ornamented, in relief, with a Kakemono, in red bronze, on which is carved the figure of Shoki. Before this Kakemono stands a vase of flowers in bold relief wrought in bronze, silver and gold. Inthe foreground are two demons (Nio and Oni); one is in red and the other in green bronze, with gold and silver inlaying and mounting. The portrait of Shoki appears life-like and realistic, and the demons show expressions of alarm. Artist’s seal, Icshiyosai, inlaid on the face with another signature on the back. Diameter, 24144 inches. 247 248 Samurai Helmet. Made in the form of a trumpet shell. Hammered iron. Orbamented and incrusted with silver and gold, bearing the crest of a Prince or Daimio in arab- esque, with small objects and butterflies dispersed. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 13inches, Fifteenth century. 249 Samurai Helmet. Conical shape and ribbed. Wrought iron, ornamented with a band of small gourds and feather scaled crown. Height, 13% inches; diameter, 1244 inches. Fifteenth century. JAPANESE MODERN BRONZES 1138 JAPANESE MODERN BRONZES. 250 Ornamental Piece. AAAS Z KIEN Z Z Z Z LONG, 3 4 Z Z Z RA The Imperial production and pen of Kien-long, SS y 4 Z y ZCHUNG { Z Z Z HAN. 4 Z QAI ANTIQUE CHINESE ENAMELS 123 THE EPIDENDRUM. How proudly the Epidendrum floats in the breeze, With its long, dark-green leaves, like tresses waving to and fro! I have a mind to pick the fower,—but to whom shall I give it? Back and forth I pace the hall, without coming to a decision. The stem is bedewed with many colored beads; The petals resemble the golden reflections of the setting sun. Fortunately neither the bee nor the butterfly knows how to pick it, As it quietly lies, a bright object in the shade. I take out a pair of golden scissors with one hand, While holding a green bamboo basket with the other. Not for a personal ornament I cut it, But merely for the love of its imperial fragrance. 4) SS “, CHOA | DUK. QArEEAMMM00s The name of a court official at the time of Kien-long. SSAA, CQO AY MAXON N ~ CHU Veta SAA AAA MMMMMOMMny, ADNAN 4 294 Shrine Garniture. Consisting of five pieces. Gilt bronze with rich champ-levé enameling in finely combined colors, and studded with semi-precious stones on a tur- quoise enamel ground. A Cemnser. Melon-shaped tripod with gilt bronze and enam- eled feet, upturned arms, perforated cover with key borders, and coiled dragon surmounting. Height, 1544 inches; width, 1344 inches. Carved stand. B Pair of Vases to match. Foliated and beaker shape. Height, 1014 inches; diameter, 54 inches. Carved stands. C Pair of Candlesticks to match, Height, 13 inches; diameter, 544 inches. Carved stands. 295 Jardiniére. Gilt bronze with champ-levé enamel borders, lapis-lazuli and turquoise ground. Upper border is in fretted design. Teakwood stand, inlaid with pearl. Complete height, 644 inches; length, 9 inches; width, 634 inches. 124 ANTIQUE CHINESE ENAMELS 296 Wase. Gourd shape. Gilt bronze repoussé, and chased work, richly studded with real stones, including lapis- lazuli, turquoise, malachite, jade, carnelian, amber, coral and oriental garnets. The design represents the gourd plant and foliage, and medallions with the character show on each side. Height, 104g inches by 9 inches by 334 inches. Stand with green ivory insertions. 297 Jardiniére, Foilated form. Flaring top and feet of gilt bronze, with champ-levé enamel. Ornamented with rea) stones, consisting of turquoise, carnelian, agate, etc., in archaic design, with the outline representing the head of ananimal. Height, without stand, 5144 inches; diameter, 934 inches. Carved stand. 298 Cemser. Tripod. Gilt bronze, elaborately chased and studded with jewels, including a fret border in sapphires and other borders with garnets, rubies, emeralds and rhinestones. Height, without stand, 844 inches; diameter, 5 inches by 4% inches. Carved stand. 299 Pair of Elephants. Gilt bronze; champ-levé enamel, studded with precious stones, including lapis-lazuli, tur- quoise, white jade, rubies, and beads of coral and pearl. Jade tusks. frappings curiously inlaid with fine peacock feathers. Vase, with emblems and naturalistic flowers wrought in jade, silk, ivory, ete. Height, over all, 20 inches; width, 9 inches by 5 inches. 300 Hanging Wall Wase. Flat, with ring handles. Repoussé and chased gilt bronze, studded with jewelled glass in red and various greens. Height, 8 inches; diame- ter, 414 inches. 301 Large Plaque. Copper covered with enamel and deco- rated at Pekin. Has a panel representing a landscape with water and fishermen in boats, besides other figures. This panel is surrounded by various borders; the first one is in a honeycomb fret design in rose tint interrupted by blue vignettes ; another one is in a floral design with medallion panel containing fruit and flowers in natural colors; and the outside one is in green with blossoms and crackled design. Diameter, 16 inches. JAPANESE MODERN ENAMELS 125 JAPANESE MODERN ENAMELS 302 Vase. Ovoid shape, with curved neck. Decoration repre- sents mandarin ducks, birds and flowers, with prunus blossoms on mazarin-blue ground; finished with arabesque border at base and neck in various colors. Height, 124 inches ; diameter, 64% inches. 303 Two Vases. Oval shape, with spreading neck. The background is covered with irregularly dispersed crests, foliage and birds, etc., in various colors; in blue panels are flying storks in white, the reverse panels show quails and foliage; at the neck is a blue vignette with insects. Height, 1244 inches; diameter, 8 inches by 434 inches. 304 Oviform Wase. Turquoise-blue panels, with birds and flowers in autumn coloring, and the reverse panel has white storks flying and in the water; the remaining surface is decorated with dragons and clouds in various colors on a slate-colored ground. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 8 inches, | 305 Large Vase. Oviform, with flaring neck. The ornamen- tation consists of various chrysanthemums in natural colors, with foliage and butterflies on mazarin-blue ground. A fretted border in red, with blue vignettes containing birds and dragons surrounded by arabesque and medallion decoration, finishes the shoulder and neck. The interior of neck and the foot are finished in cloisonné enamel. Height, 2344 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 306 Two Large Vases. Cylindrical, with curved neck. The decoration consists of chrysanthemums in various colors, and foliage, with butterflies on turquoise-enameiled ground; dragons in various colors on a black decorated ground encircle the neck; on the base are fish and sea plants in various colors. Height, 1744 inches; diameter, 934 inches. 307 Panel. Enamelled on a bronze, a white and gray crane on turquoise-blue ground. A superb specimen of modern enamel. Signed by the maker, Namikawa_ Sosuke. Height, 2544 inches; width, 17344 inches. Teakwood frame. 7 aac | a ‘Ae a rs aa a oo 5 ; 2 t b a oe , 4 cae . aad 1 J tT “y) 2 7 of; if - - ; ~. an S ' ee o- _ i 5 ' . i! + ~ is Gr « r 4 5 ’ i ’ r f ah P ye a at 7 ™ 7. ee ' i i ay eran’ =e D —_ ; 7 } M F f : 6 , co 2 ; m ji Ms = YO eS aH = 7 ’ - fe i ve) { _ : Sh -& Re ; , pee ! ‘ J 4 , aye ss Le ey ys © - { mat * Ss i * _ wake. . i —e 2 rated. = t ee ee tu ¥ eee : 12) Ae iis ATT let ae OR aRrginay \ , pret ri “ i al! Ee © : a se Kent rgk 201 a ee x ee A ame ey (tS ath aie ASE ip Gneyn ee ant TH Tieeldh la ea 9 Te So SE wie manage ot Ps rie Bis Os , " ; yt a Be ; x. - RR R= be ST Gt gig ee i a aed . i ae bee FD ee ik 4 2 PP hea SIS i - 4 alll : yen Y Fa fs ha = $ t oy tok ¥) 1 " “si uy 1 Sn ry ” aa) * ae gal : - 0 7 - $ fT a By ae | or ie - bd Pan: ' * ry ‘ ' 7 } ANTIQUE PORCELAINS SALE, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 12TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK CHINESE PORCELAINS CABINET OBJECTS 311 Small Coupe. Chinese porcelain. Covered with mustard- yellow crackled glaze. Green glazed interior. Height, 1% inches; diameter, 214 inches. 312 Snuff Bottle. Ovoid flat shape. Covered with green crackled glaze. Rose crystal stopper. Height, 34 inches ; diameter, 134 inches. Case. 313 Snuff Bottle. Ovoid shape. Covered with mustard- yellow crackle. Red glass stopper. Height, 314x134 inches. 314 Snuff Bottle. Ovoid and flat shape. Covered with car- nelian-red glaze. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 2 inches. 315 Snuff Bottle. Ovoid and flat shape. Decorated with an elephant; the reverse with flower-pot, stand, ete. Pink glass stopper. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Kien-long;, 1736-1796. 316 Snuff Bottle. Ovoid and flat. Floral decoration and cat watching birds. Glass stopper. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 317 > at Bottle. Oviform. Mustard-yellow crackled glaze. eight, 24% inches; diameter, 184 inches. Khang-he, 1661- 1722. Carved stand. 318 Snuff Bottle. Oviform. Mustard-yellow crackle in dull glaze. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 134 inches. Carved stand. 319 Snuff Bottle. Ruby-colored glass. Height, 244x134 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796, 130 CHINESE PORCELAINS 320 Snuff Bottle. Ovoidshape. Covered with mustard-yellow crackled glaze. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 114 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1786. Carved stand. 321 Cup. Decoration consists of a branch of the prunus tree with blossoms, on white crackled ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 3 inches. From the Comte de Semaile collection. 322 Perfume Coupe. Arabesque painting on fine diapered red ground. An exceedingly choice bit of decoration and detail. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 234 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. 323 Snuff Bottle. Form of two fishes. Taou-kwang, 1822- 1851. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 114 inches. Carved stand. $24 Snuff Bottle. Apple-green glaze, with minute crackle. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Carved stand. $325 Miniature Vase. Bright ruby glaze, with pale céladon neck. Taou-kwang, 1822-1851. Height, 3 inches; diam- eter, 144 inches. Stand. 326 Vase. Biberon shape. Flambé, shading from light céladon to magenta and red. Kea-king, 1796-1821. Height, 714 inches; diameter, 444 inches. With stand. 327 Small Oviform Bottle. Deep ruby and flambé. Khang- he, 1661-1722. Height, 34% inches: diameter, 214 inches. With stand. 328 Small Cup. Porcelain. The outer surface, of dull black glaze, is decorated with dragons in gold. Bears the mark of Yung-cheng, 1723-17386. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 234 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 329 Vase. Carved at base and neck. Decorated figures, in- cluding Hotei, the god of contentment and good-fortune. Mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 3144 inches; diam- eter, 134 inches. 330 Miniature Vase. Decorated with figure subject under the glaze. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 314 inches; diam- eter, 2 inches. From the Comte de Sematle collection, CHINESE PORCELAINS 131 331 Perfume Holder. Form of a lotus-blossom, with three petals forming the feet. Covered with dull rose soufflé. One foot is mended. Teak cover with white jade top. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 4144 inches. Carved stand. 332 Incense Burner. Elephant’s-tusk feet, with handles of grotesque design. Apple-green crackle in dull glaze. Perforated cover, with dog Foo surmounting. Height, 6144 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 333 Vase. Ovoid form, with broad neck. Flambé, with ribbed and crackled surface and purple lines. Height, 814 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. 334 Cabinet Vase. Square and balustre shape. Marbleized *claze. Height, 8144 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand. 335 Small Perfume Jar. Oblong shape. Gilt in imitation of a bronze, with panels beaded and covered with verdigris. Cover with figure of dog Foo in relief. Height, 444x3x2 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 336 Imeense Burner. Oval shape. Porcelain in imitation of an ancient bronze. Cover surmounted by dog Foo. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 644x5 inches. Carved stand. 337 Small Vase. Biberon shape. Red flambé. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Carved stand. 338 Small Vase. Ovoid shape, with flaring neck. Red flambé. Marked Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 24% inches. With stand. 339 Sacrificial Cup. Large size, with broad spout. Covered with chocolate glaze, and gold decoration consisting of borders and rosettes. Feet and handles in pale-blue and decorated. Interior of turquoise. Height, 3144x714 x44 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 340 Small Vase. Biberon shape. Copper-red flambé, shad- ing to purple at the base. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 3144 inches. Carved stand. 341 Small Vase. Brilliant ruby glaze. Height, 444 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand, 182 CHINESE PORCELALINS 342 Box, or Bonbonniére. Square shape. Raised gold design in archaic character on blue enameled ground, with plain rose-colored knob or mandarin button on cover. The interior is glazed ina most delicate blue. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Engraved seal- mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved teak stand. 342 343 Miniature Jar. With cover. Beautifully painted deco- ration of symbolical devices and other designs, in various colors, on a white ground. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 234 inches. Carved stand. 344 Small Cabinet Vase. Imperial porcelain. Red, marble- ized, square panels and raised borders in gold, upon vitreous blue and green glazed ground. Kien-long, with seal-mark, 1736-1796. Height, 544 inches by 242 inches by 134 inches. 345 Cabinet Vase. Ovoid body, with flaring neck. Covered with aheavy glaze, shading from a walnut brown and red into a céladon and showing slightly crackled surface. Height, 64 inches; diameter, 344 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. 346 Cup. Egeg-shell. Decorated on yellow ground, with small blossoms, in pink, and flying black-birds. Yung-cheng, 1723-1786. 347 Two Wine Cups. Figure decoration in various enamels over glaze, and inscriptions in black. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. 348 Sacrificial Cup. Peach form, with stem and foliage in relief, forming foot and handles. Rainbow soufflé; the leaves in green and the stem in brown; all in imita- tion of the natural fruit. The interior is glazed in pale turquoise. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Cloth stand. 349 Square Box. Decorated with archaic designs, geometri- cally arranged, engraved and slightly raised; pearl white glaze. The cover is ornamented with the mystic Yang- Yin. Height, 334 inches by 334 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Carved stand. CHINESE PORCELAINS 133 350 Flat Coupe. Outer edge is of floral design in relief. The outer surface is covered with a pale céladon, and the inner surface has raised transverse bars. Height, 1 inch by 34 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 351 Censer. Cylindrical form, with floral design modeled in low relief and covered with céladon; perforated silver cover of chrysanthemum design. Height, 5 inches; diam- eter, 54 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 352 Shallow Coupe. Broad, cylindrical form, raised on three feet. The outer surface ornamented in slight relief: with symbolical designs. Interior is in white. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 634 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 353 Cup. Square shape. Heavy olive glaze and deeply incised fret borders on verdigris ground, with gilt pointings in imitation of a bronze. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 3144 inches. Carved teak stand. 354 Small Vase. Biberon shape. Dark-green glaze, with minute crackles; small gilt rim at top. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 244 inches. 355 Small Vase. Square shape. Covered with fine mustard- yellow crackle glaze, with interior of neck in green. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. Carved stand. 356 Small Vase. Gourd shape. Covered with fine mustard- yellow crackle glaze. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 2% inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. Carved stand. 357 Small Jardiniére. Jar shaped. Marked Ching-hwa, 1465-1488. (Apocryphal.) Height, 3144 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Stand. 358 Wine Cup. Coral-red, with floral decoration in various enamels. Interior shows peaches and foliage. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 359 Small Vase. Squareshape. Has raised crest on each side, with the Pat-kwa or eight trigrams on the corners in gilt. Light pea-green arabesque ground. Height, 41% inches; diameter, 134 inches. Engraved seal, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 134 CHINESE PORCELAINS 360 Bottle. Cabinet specimen of robin’s-egg marbleized glaze. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 5% inches. Seal-mark, Yung- cheng, 1723-1786. Carved stand. 361 Small Incense Jar. Cylindrical shape, on three feet. Made in imitation of a gold bronze. Gilt seal-mark, Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 4inches. Has finely carved stand of teak, and a platform with glass case. BLUE AND WHITE. 362 Imecense Jar. Blueand white dec- oration in floral design, with grif- fin-headed handles, and dog Foo on the cover. Height, 74 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Carved stand. 363 Small Vase. Figure and flower decoration in blue and white. Sil- ver-mounted in the form of ewer. Height, 644 inches; diameter, 214 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 362 364 Four Small Cups. Shallow shape; egg-shell texture; blue medallions, dragons, etc. Diameter, 234 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 365 Two Wine Cups. Egg-shell porcelain; decorated at the rim with narrow blue borders. Marked, Ching-hwa, 1465- 1488. (Apocryphal.) Height, 144 inches ; diameter, 2 inches. 366 Wine Cup. Soft paste, with figure decoration under glaze, in two shades of blue. Marked, Seuen-te, 1426-1436. (Apocryphal). Height, 144 inches ; diameter, 134 inches. 367 Small Dish. Soft paste. Egg-shell; engraved dragon and fret border. (Apocryphal.) Diameter, 3 inches. Seuen-te, 1426-1436. 368 Tea-pot and Cover. ‘The entire surface is covered with arabesques and bats under glaze; a reserve on one side shows an interior with figures, and another is filled with a poem. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796, Height, 5 inches by 64% inches. 369 Tea-pot and Cover. Companion to the above. CHINESE PORCELAINS 135 370 Small Vase. Biberon shape. Soft white glaze; decorated in blue, with landscape, trees and rocks, moon, a bat and the dog Foo. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 314 inches. Carved stand. 371 Small Wase. Ovoid shape. Decoration a pine-tree with the dog Foo. Kea-tsing, 1522- 1567. Height, 644 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand. 372 Four Small Cups. Egg-shell. Decorated in blue, with dragons in medallions, etc. Height, 1 inch; diameter, 234 inches. Khang- he, 1661-1722. 373 Large Hawthorn Jar, with Cover. Decorated with branches of prune blossoms, ail in white reserve, on a deep-blue ground. The rim of the cover is mended with gold lacquer. Khang-he, 1661- 1722. Height, 1634 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Carved stand. 374 Hawthorn Ginger Jar. Decorated with branches of prune blossoms, in white reserve, on a brilliant blue clouded ground. The cover is of solid silver, oxydized, and carved with chrysanthemums and water lines in relief. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 814 inches. Carved stand. 375 Vase. Balustreshape,with handles. Decorated in brilliant deep blue around the neck and base, with four medallions, representing the Pa-kwa, and in the centre the mystic de- vice of the Yang-Yin. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 1544 inches; diameter, 714 inches. Carved teak stand. 376 Vase. Beaker shape. White paste. Modeled with floral and arabesque design in low relief, supporting eight circular medallions decorated with blue dragons. Khang-he, 1661- 1722. Height, 17 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 377 Large Wase. Cylindrical, with narrowneck. White, with orange-peel surface ; on one side three goats in blue of brilliant quality. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 7144 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 378 Hawthorn Ginger Jar. Decorated with leaf-shaped medallions in white reserve with symbolical emblems and objects. The field is decoratedwith prune blossoms in white reserve, on a brilliant blue clouded ground. Height, with cover, 9 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722, 136 CHINESE PORCELAINS 379 Large Vase. Ovoid body, with slender, flaring neck, and handles. Decorated with arabesque scroll design and floral rosettes. The base has scalloped borders in relief, and is decorated. The shoulder border consists of an archaic band in relief, besides a convex border in lattice design. The neck has palm-leaf band and hanging orna- mentation edged with key borders at the rim. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 1914 inches; diameter, 13 inches. Carved stand. 380 Vase. Balustre shape, with elephant’s-head handles, with beautiful decoration in deep blue. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 5inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. 381 Coupe, Ovoid shape. With a border design in blue, under the glaze. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 382 Vase. Bottle shape. Arabesque and floral decoration in deep blue under the glaze. Height, 84% inches; diameter, 444 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. 383 Hawthorn Jar,with Cover. Blossoms conventionally dispersed over a pale-blue and clouded ground. Khang- he, 1661-1722. Height, 13144 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Carved teak stand. 384 Plate. Deep. Soft paste. On center panel is a garden corner with peonies, daisies, etc., surrounded by six detached sprigs of flowers, and two narrow fret borders in pale blue, all painted under the glaze. Reverse border, decoration of three ornamental sprigs in a deeper shade of blue. Diameter, 7% inches. 385 Small Dish. Design is a vase on stand, with growing plants, decorated in two shades of blue under the glaze; broad inner border in fret design; narrow rim border in honey-comb pattern. Diameter, 6 inches. 386 Pair of Bottles. Small; squareshape. Each of the four panels shows four children at play. Yung-cheng, 1723- 1736. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 24% inches. Stands are carved, 387 Small Vase. Oviform. Semi-eggshell. Delicately en- graved dragon in blue on white ground. Height, 614 inches; diameter, 34 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. CHINESE PORCELAINS 137 388 Small Hawthorn Jar. The blossoms dispersed over the surface; clouded blue ground. Fine quality. Khang- he, 1661-1722. Height, 544 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved teakwood cover and stand. 389 Large Jar. Hawthorn pattern, with blossoms in white reserve on transparent and clouded blue ground. Khang- he, 1661-1722. Height, with cover, 1644 inches; diameter, 10% inches. Cover is mended. 390 Ginger Jar. Hawthorn pattern, with prune blossoms clus- tered in white reserve ona clouded blue ground in crackled design. Perforated teakwood cover and stand. Height, 814 inches; diameter, 8144 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 391 Two Vases. Diamond-shaped body, with spreading foot, cylindrical neck, and handles. Arabesque floral design, representing the convolyulus, in blue under glaze. Seal- mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 984 inches; diame- ter, 5inches. Carved stands. 392 Hawthorn Ginger Jar. Blue and white. Decoration in the form of branches with the prune blos- soms in white reserve upon a deep [> and brilliant blue clouded ground. Of supreme quality. Period of Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 84% inches. The silver cover was made in Japan, and has the prune blossom in relief. Carved teakwood stand. 393 Hawthorn Ginger Jar. Blue 392 and white. Decoration in form of branches with the blossoms in white reserve on a brilliant blue ground. Period of Khang-he, 1661-1722. The silver cover was made in Japan. Has gold birds forming a crest. Height, 9146 inches; diameter, 84 inches. Carved stand. 394 Tall Hawthorn Jar with Cover. Decoration of branches with the blossoms in white reserve on a deep blue ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, with cover, 17144 inches; diameter, 1014 inches. Cover ANIA slightly mended with gold lacquer. 394 From the Comte de Sematle collection. 1388 CHINESE PORCELAINS 395 Vall Hawthorn Jar. Similar to 394. 396 Vase. Square, with cylindrical neck and foot. Landscape design in blues of fine quality under the glaze. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 834 inches; diameter, 3% inches. Square carved stand. 397 Beaker. Decorated with horses in blue outline and dappled with russet and blue; pine-trees and rocks, ete. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 1744 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Stand. 398 Large Hawthorn Beaker. Decorated with branches of the prune blossom in white reserve on deep blue ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 7% inches. Mended in the center. Stand. 399 Bottle. Engraved dragons in blue outlines on soft white ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 174 inches; diam- eter, 8 inches. Stand.. 400 Beaker. Decorated with groupings of figures surrounded by tall screens, trees and flowers. Height, 1844 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Stand. 401 Vase. Pear shape. Blue decoration with parallel borders in arabesque design, including palm-leaf border at the ‘neck and conventional waves and spray borders at the base and rim. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 6144 inches. Stand. 402 Large Hawthorn Jar, with Cover. Decorated with branches of prune blossoms in white reserve on clouded blue ground. The cover is mended with gold lacquer. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 1634 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Stand. 403 Hawthorn Wase. Beaker shape. Decorated with branches of prune blossoms in white reserve on a clouded blue ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 16 inches; diameter, 8% inches. 404 Large Hawthorn Jar, with Cover. Decorated with white blossoms. The cover is mended with gold lacquer. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, with cover, 17 inches; diameter, 10144 inches. 405 Large Hawthorn Jar, with Cover. Decorated with the white prune blossom in reserve, arranged in vertical and horizontal order on a dark-blue ground in crackled design. Rim of cover is mended with gold lacquer. Height, with cover, 1914 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Stand. 406 407 408 409 411 412 413 414 415 CHINESE PORCELAINS 139 Hawthorn Ginger Jar with Cover. The blossoms are evenly dispersed over the surface in white reserve, ona clouded blue ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 934 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Carved teak stand. Hawthorn Ginger Jar. Blossoms regularly dispersed over the surface in white reserve, with blue clouded ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 94% inches ; diameter, 814 inches. Carved teakwood stand and cover. Large Pilgrim Bottle. Blue and white porcelain, with a handsome design, bearing Buddhistic symbols. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1733-1796. Height, 19 inches; diam- eter, 14 inches. Carved stand. Large Pilgrim Bottle. Handles in the form of fish and fungus plant. Decorated in blue under the glaze. The centre medallions with landscape contain agricultural scene, man plowing, ete. Height, 2344 inches; diameter, 19 inches. Design partly copied from European original. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1733-1796. Carved stand. BOWLS AND CUPS Bowl. Deep shape. Cream-colored engraved ~ glaze. Conventional waved, diaper design. Painted with five- clawed dragons and clouds, ete., in coral-red on white re- serve ground. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 17386-1796. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 43¢ inches. Two Bowls. Coral-red glaze, with bamboo sprigs and leaves in white reserve. Height, 244 inches; diameter, - 45g inches. Cloth stand. Two Bowls. Richly decorated with devices and em- blems, and figures in various colors on white ground. Interior has rose-colored rosette with gilt center. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 4% inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Cup and Saucer. Decorated in arabesque design in various enamels with gold outlines on turquoise ground, representing symbolical objects and the conventional lotus flower. The cup has two handles. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 234 inches; diameter of saucer, 4 inches. Two Bowls. Egg-shell. Coral-red glaze. Bamboo leaves and sprigs on white reserve. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 444 inches. 140 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 CHINESE PORCELAINS Tea Cup. Escaloped edge. Egg-shell. Decorated with foliage and lilies, with conventional waves at the base in various enamels, and two red bats. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 13g inches; diameter, 244 inches. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. Four Small Cups. Egg-shell. Each cup is decorated witha different blossom design in various colors. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 24% inches. Six marks. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Five Wine Cups. Egg-shell. Blue and white decora- tions in arabesque. Mark, Khang-he, 1661-1722, on the inside. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 214 inches. Two Cups. With gilt covers. Richly decorated with symbolical devices, figures, ete. The interior has a con- ventional rose-petaled flower, with gilt center. Height, with cover, 334 inches; diameter, 34% inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Four Wine Cups. Egg-shell. Narrow arabesque bor- der in blue at the base. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Two Miniature Cups. Semi egg-shell, with floral ornamentation in slight relief. White glaze. Height, 14 inches ; diameter, 15g inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Small Bowl. Clair de lune glaze on inner and outer surface, slightly crackled. Height, 244 inches; diam- eter, 444 inches. Kea-tsing, 1522-1567. Two Cups. Semi egg-shell. Decorated with emblemati- cal devices, consisting of different objects, fruit and the bat. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 14% inches; diameter, 256 inches. Cup. Similar. Two Cups. Deep shape. Egg-shell. Floral decoration in various colors and with a verse in blue under glaze. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 24 inches. Two Cups. Similar. Five Cups (Set of). Egg-shell. With floral decoration in blue under glaze of very delicate quality. Height, 114 inches; diameter, 234 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Cup. Decorated in blue and white floral design with diaper perforations. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. CHINESE PORCELAINS 141 429 Two Cups. Rice-grain perforation in white glaze. Exterior decorated with blue borders, and interior with two fishes. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 344 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 430 Small Bowl. Egg-shell. Mark, Ching-hwa, 1465-1488. (Apocryphal.) Height, 2 inches; diameter, 4144 inches. Mended. 431 Bowl. Decorated with eight symbolical devices in various enamels on white ground. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 544 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 432 Bowl. Blossom decoration on white ground. Mended. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 44 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1891. 433 Two Bowls. Yellow floral medallion on coral-red ground, with arabesque Cecorations in various enamels. Height, 23g inches ; diameter, 43g inches. Kwang-seu, 1875. 434 Bowl. Lavender glaze. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 4144 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. “ 435 Bowl. Decorated floral medallions on yellow enameled ground, with plants in various colors. The interior is decorated in blue floral design. Height, 244 inches; diam- eter, 534 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 436 Four Wine Cups. Egg-shell, with coral-red exterior. Height, 14% inches; diameter, 244 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 437 Bowl. Decorated with white medallions in which are ornaments and flowers, etc., on engraved rose enameled ground. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 534 inches. Taou- kwang, 1821-1851. 438 Two Bowls. Yellow enameled ground with blossom decoration in pink tones, and birds in black irregularly dispersed over the field. Height, 24g inches; diameter, 414 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 439 Rice-grain Bowl. Egg-shell, perforated in arabesques, and glazed over in white. Height 2 inches; diameter, 514 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Cloth stand. 440 Two Covered Bowls. Raised blue enamel decoration, and bats in red; on the base and top of cover con- ventional waves in green glaze, with white cappings, etc. Interior decorated with emblems of longevity. Height, 314 inches ; diameter, 444 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 142 441 442 443 444 447 448 449 450 453 CHINESE PORCELAINS Large Bowl]. Covered with violet glaze; engraved with a five-clawed dragon and the sacred bird of Paradise, with clouds, ete. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 614 inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Two Bowls. Coral-red ground, with yellow medallions and fioral arabesques in various colors. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Seal-mark, Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Bowl. Decorated with bats in rose color, with gilt out- lines, on yellow enameled ground. Height, 24 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Two Bowls. Yellow enameled ground. Decorated with butterflies in various colors. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Four Wine Cups. Deepshape. Egg-shell; exterior in coral-red glaze. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Wine Cup. Exteriorin red glaze. Height, 1% inches; diameter, 2 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Cup. Exterior in red glaze. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 2inches; diameter, 33¢ inches. Bowl. Coral-red ground, with yellow medallions and floral arabesque decoration in various colors. Seal-mark, Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 414 inches. Two Bowls. Yellow enameled ground, with butterflies in various colors. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Two Bowls. Decorated with bats in rose color, with gilt outlines, on yellow enameled ground, with metallic surface. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Taou- kwang, 1821-1851. Two Small Bowls. Yellow glazed ground. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Cup. Deep shape. Egg-shell; decorated with figures, a temple and a white stork in enamel, on engraved waved diaper ground. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 234 inches ; diameter, 3 inches. Bowl. Deep shape. Arabesque decoration in various colors on pea-green ground. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Height, 49g inches; diameter, 6% inches. Carved stand. CHINESE PORCELAINS 143 454 Wmperial Bowl. Symbolical devices incorporated in borders and at the base and rim. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Handsome carved stand. 455 Bowl. Companion to the above. 456 Small Covered Bowl. With symbolical devices in- corporated in borders at the base and rim. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 334 inches. 457 Small Bowl]. Companion to the above. 458 Wine Cup. Interior shows two red dragons; exterior is in pale-green glaze. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 344 inches. 459 Set of Four Cups. Blue and white porcelain, egg-shell. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3144 inches. Cloth stands. 460 Two Bowls. Yellow enameled ground, with symbolic decoration. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 434 inches. 461 Bowl. Decorated with bats, in rose color with gilt out- lines, on yellow enameled ground with metallic surface. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 462 Large Bowl. Egeg-shell of fine quality. Red-rose glaze. Height, 34% inches; diameter, 844 inches. Cloth stand. SALE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 13TH 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O°CLOCK CUPS AND BOWLS Three Wine Cups. Semi egg-shell. Yung-cheng, 1723- 1736. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Four Wine Cups. Egg-shell. Height, 144 inches; diam- eter, 23g inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Two Cups. With flaring and indented rims. Plain ~ céladon. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3144 inches. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Two Saucers. White, with citron-yellow interior glaze. Diameter, 44% inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Two Dishes. Escaloped edge, with floral medallion, containing a peony and a rose in various enamels over the glaze. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 644 inches. Three Wine Cups. Egeg-shell. Floral decoration, with borders in blue under glaze. Height, 13g inches; diameter, 254 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Two Cups. Floral decoration and verses in blue under glaze. Khang-he, 1661-1722. ‘Height, 2 inches; diameter, 26 inches. Three Cups. Egeg-shell. Floral decoration in various colors, and a verse in blue under glaze. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Sacrificial Cup. Covered with transparent white glaze. Height, 2 inches; length, 344 inches; width, 2 inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Four Cups. Egg-shell. Fine white glaze. Height, 14% inches; diameter, 244 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. CUPS AND BOWLS 145 473 Four Cups. Egg-shell. Floral design and verses in blue under glaze. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 24% inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 474 Two Cups. Egg-shell porcelain. Decorated with florai medallions and arabesques in various enamels on white ground. Yung-cheng, 1723-17386. Height, 15g inches; diameter, 234 inches. 475 Two Small Bowls. Yellow glazed ground. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 4inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 476 Bowl. Similar. 477 Two Bowls. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 4% inches. Signed, six marks, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. 478 Bowl. Yellow enameled ground. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 434 inches. 479 Cup. Semi egg-shell. Rose decoration in floral design. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 234 inches. 480 Rice-grain Bowl. Egg-shell. Perforated inarabesques. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Cloth stand. 481 Two Bowls. Semiegg-shell. Yellow enameled ground, with butterflies, in various colors, interspersed with show- marks in gold. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 482 Three Bowls. Semiegg-shell. Yellow enameled ground, with butterflies, in various colors, interspersed with show- marks in gold. Height, 24 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 483 WineCup. Citron-yellow glaze. Egg-shell. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 24% inches. 484 Cup. Floral decoration. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Slightly mended. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 234 inches. 485 Six Cups. Egg-shell. Coral-red ground, with white en- graved dragons and flowers. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 486 Two Small Bowls. Yellow-glazed ground. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821- 1851. 487 Two Bowls. Height, 24 inches; diameter, 4% inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736, 146 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 496 497 498 499 CUPS AND BOWLS Bowl. Yellow glaze, with blossom decoration, in pink tones, and with birds in black irregularly dispersed over the surface. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Saucer. To match above. Diameter, 54% inches. Dish. To match above. Diameter, 85 inches. Bowl. Yellow glaze. Decorated with symbols in gold and various enamels, including show-marks in circular medallions. Height, 23g inches; diameter, 434 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Dish. To match above. Diameter, 64% inches. Plate. To match above. Diameter, 834 inches. Bowl. With indented sides. Exterior is decorated in red and green floral design, upon a transparent céladon erackle ground, with dashes of ruby red. The interior shows the céladon transfused with a rich sang de boeuf ; the rim is decorated with purple chrysanthemums on sea- green glaze. Height, 3inches; diameter, 6 inches. This piece has a richly-carved stand. Two Cups. Egg-shell. Decorated with figure subject in yarious colors, and with verses. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Covered Bowl. Ege-shell. Exterior hasrichly enameled floral medallions, with mandarin ducks in black and gold. The interior double borders are in pink and green, with small medallions. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 5% inches. Bowl. Rose glaze. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. Carved stand. Large Bowl. Coral-red glaze. Blue seal-mark with chrysanthemums. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Bowl. Yellow ground, with arabesque decoration in vari- ous colors and white floral medallions. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 51g inches. Bowl. Dark-rose exterior. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 534 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. Bowl. Clair-de-lune with lavender-colored interior, Height, 25g inches; diameter, 44 inches, 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 CUPS AND BOWLS 147 * Two Bowls. Rose enamel and engraved ground, with floral arabesque decoration and white medallions con- taining ornaments and flowers in various glazes. The in- terior is decorated in blue. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 534 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Bowl. Semi egg-shell. Decorated in medallion design with blossoms, and arabesque borders. Height, 24 inches: diameter, 544 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Six Cups. Egg-shell. White glaze of fine quality. Height, 24% inches; diameter, 2% inches. Khang-he, 1661- 1722. Large Bowl. Flaring shape, with indented edge. Ege- shell, with transparent dragons, ornaments, clouds, etc., under the white glaze. The interior bears an inscription signifying happiness. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 7% inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Bowl. White enameled and engraved ground in waved diaper design. One of the immortals, Te-He-Kwae, with his staff and gourd, seated on a grotesque animal. Two white storks and a pagoda, surrounded by clouds, finish the decoration. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 644 inches. Wine Cup. Egg-shell. Yellow glaze, with metallic cloudings. Height, 144 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Two Wine Cups. Egg-shell. Canary-colored glaze. Height, 13g inches; diameter. 2 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723- 1736. Cup. Egeg-shell. Interior decorated in floral design in delicate colors. Height, 14% inches; diameter, 3 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. 510 Two Bowls. Yellow floral medallions on coral-red 511 512 ground, with arabesque decoration in various enamelings. Height, 23g inches; diameter, 444 inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Bowl. Semi egg-shell. Yellow enamel and engraved ground with white floral medallions decorated in various eolors and gilding. Blue decorated interior. Height, 24% inches; diameter, 534 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Two Bowls. Yellow ground. Arabesque decoration in various colors, and white medallions, containing flowers in which rose color predominates. Decorated interior. Kea-king, 1796-1821. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 634 inches, 148 513 514 515 516 517 518 520 521 522 523 CUPS AND BOWLS Cup. Red brown, with archaic border ornamentation in relief on a bronze-like surface. Large Bowl. Semi egg-shell. Decorated with four floral medallions in various colors, surrounded by arabesque ornamentation on white ground. The interior hasa single medallion with butterflies and blue lines. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 834 inches. Stand. Large Bowl. Egeg-shell. Flaring shape. Decorated with imperial coral-red dragons on white ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 7144 inches. Carved stand. Two Bowls. Semiegg-shell. Floral arabesque decora- tion in white reserve on coral-red ground. Blue seal- mark. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Bowl. Raised base. Clouded peach, with various shadings. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 48g inches; diameter, 7% inches. Two Cups. Egeg-shell porcelain. Floral decoration, with blueinsecriptions. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Two Cups. Deep shape. Decorated in various glazes, upon white engraved ground in waved diaper design ; each cup contains one of the eight immortals (or Pa-Sien), upon an animal’s back, with a flying stork and a pagoda sur- rounded by clouds. Seal-mark, Taou-Kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Sacrificial Cup. Has two lizards in green, yellow and lavender glaze, holding the handles. Height, 134 inches; length, 334 inches ; width, 244 inches. Sacrificial Cup. Has griffins supporting the handles and at the rim. Decorated with blossoms and butterflies in red on green stippled ground, in iridescent glaze. Height, 1% inches; length, 444 inches; width, 244 inches. Two Bowls. Yellow enamel ground, with decoration of flowers and ornaments. In three white medallions are landscapes, goats, etc. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 2% inches ; diameter, 6 inches. Bowl. Coral-red ground, with yellow medallions and floral arabesque decoration in various enamels. Taou- kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 444 inches. CUPS AND BOWLS -149 524 Bowl. Yellow ground, with symbolical devices in blue and gold. The base is decorated in various enamel color- ings to represent water. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Cracked. 525 Small Bowl. Yellow enameled ground, with butterflies in various colors, interspersed with show-marks in gold. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. 526 Two Cups. Egg-shell. Decoration consists of various objects in transparent enamel on white ground. Height, 2inches; diameter, 3144 inches. Khanghe, 1661-1722. 527 Bowl. Elaborate floral decoration in various enamels, on a citron-yellow ground. Interior shows bats. Seal-mark, Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 534 inches. 528 Large Bowl. Similar decoration and interior. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 7144 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. 529 Large Bowl. Semi egg-shell. Decorated with four floral medallions in various colors, surrounded by arabesque ornamentation on white ground, The interior contains a single medallion with butterflies and blue lines. Yung-cheng, 1723-17386. Diameter, 834 inches. Stand. 530 Large Bowl], with Cover. Semi egg-shell. Floral branches in various enamels with birds. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, with cover, 54 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 531 Bowl. Yellow engraved ground, with fruit and symboli- cal decoration in various colors, and four floral medallions on a white ground. Theinterior has floral and symbolical decoration in blue. Seal-mark, Kea-king, 1796-1821. Height, 216 inches; diameter, 534 inches. 532 Bowl. Rose-colored enamel. Engraved ground, with floral arabesque decoration and four medallions in white, with branches of fruit and flowers. Interior has blue decoration. Seal-mark, Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 216 inches ; diameter, 534 inches. 533 Bowl, with Cover. Semi egg-shell. Decorated with red dragons, clouds, etc., on white ground, engraved in wayed diaper design. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 4 inches, 150 WHITE PORCELAIN WHITE PORCELAIN 534 Figure of Kwan-Yin. With small scroll. The paste is of a fine ivory white. The modeling of the figure and the folds of the drapery are graceful. Height, 934 inches ; diameter, 5 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Teak-wood stand carved in lotus-flower design. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. 535 Two Small Cups. Rice-grain. Pierced design; covered with white glaze; blue border decoration. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 534 Height, 134 inches; diameter, 244 inches. 536 Incense Burner. Oblongshape. Archaic design, in low relief. Shakudo bronze cover in repoussé design to match, surmounted by dog Foo. Height, with cover, 10 inches, by 10 inches, by 8 inches. Incised mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. 537 Miniature Saucer. Soft paste. Cream-colored glaze. Diameter, 134 inches. 538 Dish. Floral and indented form, with engraved petals in white glaze. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Diameter, 6 inches. 539 Dish. Fluted and with escaloped edge. White glaze. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 7 inches. 540 Vase. Oviform, with handles. White glaze. Arabesque border in relief, at the base; six small crests at the shoulder. Height, 8144 inches; diameter, 54% inches. Seal- mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. 541 Vase. Ovoid top, with handles. White glaze, of fine quality. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 914 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Carved stand. 542 Vase. Bottle form. Floral arabesque designs carved in low relief. Covered with a soft white glaze. Silver mounting, with chased design around the top. Height, 12144 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 543 Square Color-Box. Fine white paste. Cover bears dog Foo, in slight relief ; edged borders in cream-white glaze crackled. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 544 Coupe. Ovoid shape. Egg-shell. Engraved borders. Height, 14% inches; diameter, 344 inches. Carved teak stand, WHITE PORCELAIN 151 545 Small Vase. Hexagonal shape. Vines and leaves carved in strong relief, hanging over the shoulder. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Carved stand. 546 Coupe. Soft paste; semi egg-shell. Engraved borders, and cream-white crackled glaze. Height, 1 inch; diameter, 214 inches. Carved stand. 547 Small Beaker. Trumpettop. Engraved palm-leaf and © fret border at foot and neck; archaic center-band. Engraved seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 9 inches; diameter at top, 7 inches. Carved stand. 548 Coupe. Soft paste; egg-shell. Engraved rim and base borders; cream-colored glaze. Height, 254 inches; diam- eter, 314 inches. Carved stand. 549 Small Wase. Cylindrical shape. Height, 64 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Carved stand. 550 Vase. Ovoid body; broad, flaring neck, with grotesque heads. Archaic and engraved border design, in low relief. Covered with pure white glaze. Engraved mark, Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 1214 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Carved stand. 551 Pair of Small Animals. The dog Foo in grotesque design, seated on his haunches and resting one of his fore-feet on a ball. Quadrangular base. Ivory-white porcelain. Height, 34% inches. 552 Cabinet Vase. White porcelain, egg-shell. Engraved floral designs and borders. Height, 64 inches; diameter, 34 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 553 Coupe. Soft paste; egg-shell. Height, 1144 inches; diam- eter, 544 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 554 Vase. Melon-shaped, with a flaring and scalloped neck. Arabesque ornamenta- tion delicately modeled in relief under the white glaze. Finished at the foot « with ornamental border and at the rim with small conventional bats. Kea- king, 1796-1821. Height, 944 inches; diameter, 6 inches. 554% Small Vase. Ovoid shape; narrow - neck and broad top. Engraved dragon in pale blue, and white glazed ground. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand, 554 152 WHITE PORCELAIN 555 Cabinet Vase. Oviform, with small neck. Engraved chrysanthemum design; covered with white glaze. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Carved stand. 556 Wide Coupe. Shallow form. Engraved dragon and clouds; covered with white glaze. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. With high carved stand. 557 Vase. Bottle shape. Lotus petals and leaves in relief, and encircling the body. Engraved seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 10144 inches; diameter, 644 inches. Carved stand. 558 Small Vase. Bottle shape; cylindrical neck, with two hollow cones for handles. Plain white-glazed porcelain. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 34 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Carved stand. 559 Cup. Shallowform. Egg-shell. Transparent arabesque and symbolical objects under white glaze. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 1144 inches; diameter, 34% inches. 560 Large Vase. Ovoid shape, with low neck, and two heads with fixed ring-handles. Semi egg-shell. The centre border is in raised archaic design; at base and neck are palm-leaf borders, and engraved around the shoulder is a key-pattern band. Height, 184% inches; diameter, 7 inches. Carved stand. 561 Figure of Kwan-Yin, White porcelain, decorated in blue. She is represented sitting on a base formed of lotus flowers. Height, 9144 inches; diameter, 534 inches. Veakwood stand. 562 Figure of Kwan-Yin. Seated, and with two small figures at her feet. Crackle texture, gray stone color glaze. Height, 84% inches; diameter, 4 inches. From the Comte de Sematle collection. 563 Vase. Biberon shape, with wide neck. White glaze. Engraved floral arabesque design covers the entire sur- face, and is finished with borders at the base and neck. Has on shoulder two raised butterflies in black, with enamel decoration. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Stand, WHITE PORCELAIN 153 564 Small Figure. Height, 534 inches; diameter, 134 inches. Carved stand. 565 Wine Bowl. Narrow base, flaring rim. Egg-shell. The interior is slightly engraved in floral design. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 734 inches. Slight crack. Has stand. 566 Two Cups. Flaring shape. White egg-shell porcelain. Height, 1% inches; diameter, 4 inches. Khang-he, 1661- 1722. 567 Incense Burner. Ontripod. Impressed fret border, be- neath white glaze. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 568 Vase. Cylindrical shape. White glaze; gilt dragon in relief. Height, 534 inches; diameter, 14 inches. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Stand. 569 Vase. Oviform. Engraved fret border. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 234 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Stand. 570 Vase. Cylindricalshape. White glaze. Perforated foliage and floraldesign. Height, 514 inches; diameter, 34 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Stand. 571 Wase. Ovoid body, with broad flaring neck. Floral and arabesque ornamentation modeled in low relief under the white glaze, with palm-leaf border at the neck. Kien- lone, 1736-1796. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 8144 inches. 571% Bowl. Archaic border in slight relief. Covered with white glaze. Seal-mark, Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 3 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. 572 Incense Burner. Cylindricalform. Landscape and fig- ures in strong relief. Silver cover, with geometrical perforations in latticed pattern. Height, 5 inches; diam- eter, 4inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 573 Vase. Balustre shape, with broad flaring neck. Delicately engraved dragon, beneath the glaze. Height, $8 inches ; diameter, 444 inches. Stand. 154 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 WHITE PORCELAIN Jardiniere. Globular shape. White glaze, with rose- colored dragons, in bold relief, as handles. Height, 5144 inches; diameter, 944 inches by 74% inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, with stand, 9 inches. Vase. Engraved dragon and palm-leaf border. White glaze. Height, 314 inches; diameter, 344 inches. Khang- he, 1661-1722. Stand. Small Beaker. Flaring top. Engraved palm-leaf bor- der; white glaze; Height, 434 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Stand. Perfume Censer. Octagonal shape; on eight high feet. White glaze; ornamental borders in relief. Cover is of a floral design, and is perforated. Height, 344 inches; diam- eter, 5inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Vase. Ovoid shape. Egeg-shell, with white glaze. En- graved ornamentation of dragon and the sacred bird. Height, 75g inches; diameter, 5144 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Bottle. Ovoid body, with cylindrical neck. Semi egg- shell, white glaze. Palm-leaf border, with a key-band around the neck and base. Height, 1314 inches; diameter, 7144 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Seated Figure of Hotei. Height, 54 inches by 6 inches. Stand. Figure of Kwan-Yin. Height, 1244 inches; width, 6 inches. Sacrificial Cup, Archaic form, with raised ornamenta- tion and handles. Whitetransparent paste. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 344 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Two Cups. Flaring shape. Egg-shell porcelain, with transparent engraving under the white glaze, and indented edge. Height, 13g inches; diameter, 344 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Tall Vase. Bottle-shaped, with raised dragon around the neck. Covered with pearl-white glaze. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Carved stand. Vase. Bottle shape. Archaic design, showing clouds in low relief on fret engraved ground. Height, 914 inches; diameter, 5 inches. CELADON 155 586 Large Vase. Bottle shape. Ornamentation modeled in relief. Sacred lily and arabesque foliage. Fluted band and palm-leaf border at the neck. Bordersat the base and rim are engraved. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 587 Large Figure of Kwan-Yin. White porcelain. The graceful folds of her robe are ornament- ed with garlands of beads and pearls modeled in full relief; her countenance bears an aspect of serenity and tranquillity. Height, 27 inches; width, 13 inches. From the Comte de Sematle col- lection. 588 Vase. Bottle shape; with small flat griffin handles. Finely modeled arabesques, in low relief. Covered with white glaze. Engraved seal- mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 744 inches. Stand, CELADON. 591 Small Jar, with Cover. Archaic design, in low relief. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 4% inches. Mended at neck. Carved stand. 592 Large Vase. Pear-shaped, with flaring neck, scalloped rim, and open ornamental handles. Light céladon glaze over surface modeled in low relief. Height, 1134 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. ‘ 593 Coupe. Octagonal shape, with handles. Pale céladon glaze. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Carved stand. 591 594 Wase. Ovoid shape, with small neck. Ornamented in relief with arabesques and lotus-flower. Céladon. Has silver- mounted top, in chased arabesque inlaid design. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Carved stand. 156 CELADON 595 Perfume Jar. Square shape, with small neck. Floral design, modeled in low relief, and covered with light transparent céladon. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 34 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 596 Vase, Globular body, with broad flaring neck. Arabesque design, with a lotus-flower modeled in low relief. En- graved, and covered with pale pearl céladon. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Carved stand. 597 Bottle. Cylindrical form, with bird’s-neck handles. Covered with plain pale céladon of even quality. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Kea-king, 1795-1821. 598 Vase. Cylindrical, bottle-shape, with handles and broad rim. Covered with pale céladon. Height, 8% inches: diameter, 4inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. 599 Tall Vase. Engraved lotus design; covered with deep céladon. Height, 1544 inches; diameter, 9inches. Prob- ably early Ming. 600 Large Vase. Engraved ascending dragons on each side, with cloudings and symbolical emblems. Covered with light céladon, of even quality. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 1714 inches; diameter, 74% inches. Carved stand. 600% Jardinieére, Shape of lotus-leat, with budsin reliet form- ing handles. Covered with céladon glaze. The modeled flowers are in purple-peach color. Height, 714 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Has riveted crack on one side. Stand. 601 Bottle. Flattened body, and long cylindrical neck, with dragon in relief. Gray céladon. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 914 inches. Seal-mark in blue, under glaze, Kien-long, 1736-1796. 602 Vase. Ovoid, with dog-handles. Arabesque design, witb conventional lotus-flower; covered with light céladon. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Carved stand. 603 Vase. Archaic design, modeled in low relief. Pale céladon. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 17386-1796. Height, 814 inches; diameter, 644 inches. Richly carved teak stand, with red ivory mounting. 604 Large Vase. Ovoid body, with receding neck. Raised borders in archaic design. Light céladon, of fine quality. Blue seal-mark, under glaze. Kien-long, 1736 - 1796, Height, 15144 inches; diameter, 13 inches. Carved stand. CELADON 157 605 Large Vase. Broad, ovoid body, with receding neck and tube-form handles. Has raised borders, in arabesque design, and is covered with pale céladon. Height, 2014 inches; diameter, 1644 inches. Seal-mark, under glaze, Kien-long, 1736-1796. With stand. 606 Vase. Tall, six-sided, with tube handles at neck. Light sea-green céladon, with ornamentation of archaic designs carved in low relief. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 12 inches. Carved stand. 607 Large Jar. Ovoid shape. Céladon crackle. An arabesque design in low relief covers the surface except at top, which is surrounded by a long, slender dragon. Inner surface is pearl- gray. Base unglazed. Height, 164% inches; diameter, 16 inches. 608 Square Box. Archaic geometrical design engraved and modeled in low relief. Covered with a delicate céladon. The cover bears the mystic Yang-Yin. Height, 334 inches by 334 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 609 Vase. Ovoid, with dog’s-head rudimentary handles. Ara- besque decoration, with conventional lotus-flower; cov- ered with light céladon. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 6 inches. (Apocryphal.) Signed, Ching-hwa, 1465-1488. Carved stand. G10 Shallow Coupe. Broad and cylindrical form, raised on three feet. The outer surface is in slight relief, with Buddhistic symbols, and is covered with crackled céladon. Interior is in white. Signed in blue under the glaze, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 244 inches by 634 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 611 Large Plaque. Scallop edge. Heavy céladon or Mar- tobani, with fruit design engraved in low relief. The outer border is divided into oblong medallions, with fruit design in low relief. The reverse has similar borders. Diameter, 2214 inches. Probably very early Ming. 158 CELADON 612 Large Jar. Fine white paste; modeled throughout, in low relief, with symbolical objects interspersed with arabesques, clouds, etc. The whole is covered with a pale céladon glaze of beautiful quality. Impressed seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 14144 inches; diameter, 15 inches. Teakwood stand carved to match. 61214 Large Plaque. Pale céladon. Centre medallion contains dragon and clouds in slight relief. The reverse side is bordered with lily petals in relief. Center bears, in blue under glaze, the seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 184% inches. Carved teakwood stand. 613 Large Vase. Ovoid, with flaring neck. Arabesque design, modeled in low relief. Covered with light, transparent céladon. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 15 inches. 614 Large Pilgrim Bottle. Covered with light céladon over an engraved surface, with lotus-flowers and ara- besque borders. Height, 20 inches; diameter, 15 inches. Seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Carved stand. 615 Tall Vase. Bottle-shaped, with perforated flat handles. Under the glaze is a decoration in low relief, consisting of the dog Foo, the sacred pearl, etc ,and borders. Theneck shows a bat holding a Buddhistic emblem. Height, 1434 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 615% Tall Vase. Balustreform, with broad neck. Arabesque design with dragons and clouds in low relief; covered with light céladon, of delicate and even quality. Height, 1334 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Seal- mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 616 Jar. Ovoid shape, with short neck. Sur- face is entirely covered with an arabesque design in low relief. Transparent céla- don of uniform quality. Seal-mark in blue, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 18 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. Stand. 617 Large Bottle. Large dragons mod- eled in bold relief encircle the surface, and conventional clouds, sea - waves, etc., are depicted. Céladon. A _ fine specimen of its class. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 21 inches; diameter, 14144 inches. Carved stand. SALE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 14TH AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.380 O’CLOCK CABINET OBJECTS CHINESE PORCELAINS 621 Miniature Vase. Oviform, withslender neck. Delicate transparent céladon ; decorated with gold blossoms, irreg- ularly dispersed over the surface, and finished with narrow fret and palm-leaf borders. Engraved seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 444 inches ; diameter, 1% inches. Red- stained ivory stand. 622 Snuff Bottle. Ovoid, with small neck. Rose souffle glaze. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Carved stand. 623 Miniature Vase. Lozenge shape, with raised archaic corners. Robin’s-eggs soufflé glaze. 621 Height, 24 inches; diameter, 144 inches by 144 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 624 Small Koro, Elaborately carved of rhinoceros horn,with perforated and archaic bands. Has four feet, and a cover of carved teakwood. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 544 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 625 Bottle. Cabinet size. Variegated or rainbow glaze of remarkable quality. The upper glaze is céladon ; around the neck the color is a russet, while the body is graded from blue to pearl-gray. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 626 Bottle. Narrow, cylindrical neck; tube-form handles attached. Clair-de-lune glaze, crackled surface. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Carved stand. 160 CHINESE PORCELAINS 627 Small Vase. Bibercnform. Copper-red, with metallic soufié glaze of even texture. Height, 5 inches; diam- eter, 3inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 628 Small Cabinet Vase. Bottleshape. Copper-red me- tallic soufié surface, of fine quality. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Height, 544 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand. 629 Small Vase. Beaker shape. Has engraved fret and diaper designs imitating cinnabar lacquer. Interior is in robin’s-egg glaze. Height, 6inches ; diameter, 244 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Stand. 630 Small Incense Burner. Square shape. Ornamented and gilded to imitate bronze. Cylindrical feet. Cover with dog Foo. Height, 4inches; width, 3inches. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Cloth stand. 631 Small Vase. Ovoid shape. Soft white paste, with floral design in relief. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 24% inches. Slight crack. 632 Saucer. Semi egg-shell. Decorated with flowers, in various enamels. The reverse is glazed in light-yellow soufié. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 4 inches. 633 Small Vase. Square. Decorated in imitation of cut stone; red and gray glaze. The innersurface is turquoise. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2 inches. Seal-mark, Kien- long, 1736-1796. 634 Small Saucer. Yellow glaze, with engraved dragon, and the mark “‘ show.” Exterior has waved lines repre- senting water, and foursymbols. Diameter, 414 inches. 635 Small Vase. Cylindrical. Leopard-skin decoration. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 244 inches. 636 Small Bottle. Clair-de-lune crackled glaze, with a dash of purple. The rim and base are repaired with gold lacquer. Height, 4% inches; diameter, 2 inches. Dynasty of the Soungs (eleventh century). Carved stand. 637 Cabinet Vase. Graceful ovoid shape, with slender neck. Lavender color of fine quality, with dragons in darker blue pencilling under the glaze. Height, 75g inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand. 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 CABINET OBJECTS 161 Bowl. Heavy dark Chinese ware. Covered with a thick, lustrous glaze, graded from deep black to brown, and in marking resembling the coat of the hare. Such examples are much esteemed in Japan, where, as in China, a great antiquity is ascribed to them. The rim is mounted with a band of black silver, and the color of the base resembles that ofiron. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 43g inches. Bottle. Cabinetsize. Straight neck and square shoulder. Cream glaze, with fine long crackJe; palm-leaf border at the base. Height,714 inches; diameter, 4inches. En- graved seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Small Vase. Balustre shape. Fine white porcelain; decorated with dragons and flames, in peach under the glaze. Mark apocryphal, period of Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 2inches. Carved stand. Coupe. Ovoidshape. Crysanthemum design, under the glaze; has a pointed border at the base. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 4inches. Teak stand. Coupe. Ovoid shape, with small lizard, in relief, at the rim. Grayish green crackle glaze. Exceptional quality. Yung-cheng, 1722-1736. Height, 3 inches; diam- eter, 2inches. Teakwood stand. Miniature Vase. Fluted lozenge shape. Lavender glaze, with yellow markings. Height, 3 inches; diam- eter, 2 inches. Coupe. Has three tapering feet. Rich flambé, with white crackle interior. Height, 244 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Stand. Cabinet Vase. Balustre shape. Semi egg-shell porce- lain. Engraved with palm-leaf borders, and decorated in gold. Height, 6144 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Carved stand. Small Vase. Ovoid body. Bright red glaze. Kang-he. Height, 44% inches; diameter, 244inches. Stand. Small Vase. Hexagonal shape. Ruby glaze, with white edges. Height, 4144 inches; diameter, 144 inches. Stand. 162 CHINESE PORCELAINS 648 Miniature Bottle. Red glaze. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 154inches. Stand. 648% Saucer. Interior isin white glaze. Exterior coral-red, of choice quality. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 514 inches. 649 Two Cups. Shallow shape. Semi egg-shell texture. Pale céladon glaze, with engraved bats. Diameter, 414 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 650 Coupe. Cylindrical, on three feet. Porcelain, glazed and decorated in imitation of bronze. Incised seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand. 651 Square Vase, Panels decorated with dragons and clouds in blue, under glaze; the outer bands contain four small red bats, painted over the glaze. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand. 652 Small Black Hawthorn Vase. Ovoid, with narrow neck. The prune blossoms are in white reserve, with green stems and a purple branch ; the body is in jet-black enamel glaze. Leaf-mark in blue. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 744 inches; diameter, 344 inches. Mended at the neck. Carved stand. 653 Small Vase. Oviftorm, with narrow neck. White body, with dragon in peach-blow tint under the glaze. Height, 534 inches; diam- eter, 24inches. Stand. 654 Cabinet Vase. Square, with cylindrical neck and foot. Richly decorated with ara- besques in opaque enamels, forming a ground on which are the eight trigrams, a combination of broken and unbroken lines, slightly raised in gold, and decorated with the mystical Yang-Yin (male and female elements in nature). Seal-mark of Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Carved teak stand. 655 Miniature Jar. Ovoidshape. Decorated ina brilliant blue under the glaze, with red, yellow and blue flowers enameled over the glaze. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 2 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. CABINET OBJECTS 163 656 Octagonal Vase and Cup; Set. White Chinese glass. The panels of the vase are painted in imitation of a Dresden original, very handsomely and carefully ex- ecuted ; the edge has an olive and gold border, with small rose arabesque panels. Mark of Kien-long, 1736-1796. The cup, of less opaque glass, has a dragon and bird de. sign,and bears an enamel seal of Kien-long. Richly carved platform stand for both pieces. 657 Small Vase. Ovoid shape; elephant’s-tusk handles. Rose and white souf—flé glaze. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 244 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematle collection. 658 Small Cabinet Vase. Square balustre form. Dec- orated with green floral design on a deep black ground. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 1144 inches. 659 Small Vase. Ovoid shape, with handles. Decorated in landscape design over the glaze on light céladon ground. Height, 54% inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematle collection. 660 Bowl. Heavy dark Chinese ware. Covered with a thick, lustrous glaze, graded from deep black to brown. and in marking resembling the coat of the hare. Such examplesare much esteemed in Japan, where, as in China, a great antiquity is ascribed tothem. Therim is mounted with a band of black silver, and the color of the base re- sembles that of iron. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 43g inches. 661 Coupe. Ovoid shape. Semi egg-shell. Conventional design and borders, painted with rose glaze on white ground. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Carved teak stand. 662 Small Vase. Biberon shape, with square shoulder and small neck. Peacock-blue glaze, with small crackle. Height, 44% inches; diameter, 234 inches. Carved stand. 663 Small Bottle. Long,slenderneck. Powder-blue glaze of even quality. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 73 inches ; diameter, 354 inches. Carved stand. 664 Small Beaker. Olive-brown glaze of brilliant quality, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 10 inches: diameter, 614 inches. 164 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 CHINESE PORCELAINS Vase. Oviform, with small neck. Iron-rust or metallic souffié. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand. Vase. Oviform, with cylindrical neck, and small handles. Iron-rust metallic souffiié. Height, 1034 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Small Vase. Ovoid shape. Red flambé. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Miniature Wase. Pear shape. Clair-de-lune glaze. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2144 inches. Carved stand. Miniature Vase. Pear shape. Copper-red glaze, with metallic souffle surface. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 2inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematle collection. Small Vase. Elephant’s-tusk handles. Covered with pink and white soufflé. Height, 5144 inches; diameter, 8inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematle collection. Coupe. With handles. Red earthenware; covered with a glaze imitating bronze. Height, 24 inches; diam- eter, 344 inches. Carved stand. Vase. Cabinet size. Oviform, with wide flaring neck. Metallic soufflé. Height, 834 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand. Small Coupe. Pomegranate-shaped, with a cover which is made to resemble the stem. Peach-blow glaze. Height, 13g inches by 234 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. Cabinet Vase. Biberon shape, with small flaring neck. Red earthenware. Thick glaze in lilac tone, turning purple at the base, and crackled; brown fire-spot. In- terior of neck has splashes of turquoise. The foot has a vitrified surface. Height, 544 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Carved stand. Teapot. Rose glaze. The cover has slight gilt decora- tion. Height, 44% inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. The spout is mended. Carved teak stand, EGG-SHELL PORCELAIN 165 676 Cup. Rose glaze, of delicate texture and quality of paste. Interior has a single flower, painted in pale green. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Stand inlaid with ivory. 677 Small Coupe. Peach form. Chinese porcelain. The stem and foliage form the handle and feet. Peach- blow and rose souf—lé glaze. Interior is in turquoise. Height, 134 inches; diameter, 244 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 678 Coupe. Peonyform. Foliage and stem form the foot, and are in natural colors. Interior isin turquoise glaze. Height, 134 inches ; diameter, 3 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. 679 Small Pilgrim Bottle. Octagonal shape, with square base and round neck. The centre hasaraised circular medallion in rose glaze, with the show- mark in gold; the rest of the surface is divided into eight panels, each of which contains a floral design and symbol paintedin various bright colors over a yellow glaze. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Height, 644 inches; diameter, 416 inches. EGG-SHELL PORCELAIN ROSE-BACK PLATES AND OTHER OBJECTS 680 Rice-grain Vase. Oviform, with flaring neck. Rice-grain arabesques pierced through the paste and filled in with white transparent glaze. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 914 inches. Diameter, 4% inches. Slightly chipped at the rim. 681 Plate. Transparent dragon and clouds. in the glaze. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Diameter, 844 inches. 166 EGG-SHELL. PORCELAIN 682 Cabinet Vase. Beautiful oviform, with small neck; relief heads and ring handles attached. White glaze of exquisite quality and evenness. Arabesque engraved design over the entire surface. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 814 inches ; diameter, 4144 inches. Carved stand. 683 Cabinet Vase. Ovoid shape. Of exceedingly fine quality. Decorated with a branch of prune-tree in full bloom, over the glaze. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 31g inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Has a crack. Stand of carved teakwood and silk. 684 Cup and Cover. Decorated with chrysanthemums and a grasshopper in various enamels. Seal-mark, Taou- kwang, 1821-1851. 685 Plate. The centre is decorated with three quails, a butterfly, and a flowering chrysanthemum. Three bor- ders. Diameter, 8inches. Slight crack. 686 Plate. Egg-shell porcelain. Decorated with five borders in delicate enamels and gilding, enclosing a fine white paste medallion with four figures, two ladies in rich attire and two children. The accessories are various, including a table with a vase of peonies and books, two rabbits at play and a large jar with the fruit ‘‘hand of Buddha.” The borders are elaborate and beautifully executed with delicate enamels of various colors. The back is rose enamel. Yung-cheng, 1722-1736. Diameter, 834 inches. 687 Rose-back Plate. The face of this plate is in white, with flowers carefully painted from nature. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 834 inches. G88 Ege-shell Plate. Of the finest and most delicate porcelain, bearing a decoration of figures in light trans- parent enamels. When examined in the sunlight, the body of the plate will be found to contain dragons and Buddhistic emblems exquisitely modeled in the paste and visible by their translucency only. There is reason to believe that such plates, originally intended to remain undecorated, are survivals of the Ming dynasty, and probably of the reign of Wan-li, 1573-1620. The decora- tion is undoubtedly more modern and might be ascribed to Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 754 inches. 689 Egg-shell Plate. Similar to the above, EGG-SHELL PORCELAIN 167 690 Lantern. Egg-shell porcelain of the finest quality, with hexagonal and ovoid body and flaring recti- linear perforated design at the neck. The panels are decorated in transparent enamels of great beauty, and in the drawing of the various figures and the accessories of landscape or interior illustrate the highest stage of this branch of Chinese art. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 114 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Carved giltstand. From the Bing collection, Paris, 1884, and the M. J. Morgan collection, New York, 1886. 691 Lantern. Companion. 692 Lantern. Globular shape. Very delicate porcelain. The entire surface is covered with a fine, transparent green glaze, over a ground of dispersed flower-olossoms and insects on a dotted field. Yung-cheng, 1722-1736 Height, 714 inches; diameter, 714 inches. 693 Lantern. Companion. 694 Lantern. Egg-shell. Melon shape. The six panels bear a_ beautifully- drawn decoration in transparent en- amels. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 614 inches. Slightly mended at upper band. 695 Lantern. Companion to the above. 696 Lantern. Egg-shell. With a beautiful decoration in transparent enamels. 694 The paste is of the utmost fineness and the drawing of great delicacy and refinement. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 934 inches; diameter, 7inches. Slight gold lacquer mending on rim. 697 Rose-back Plate. The centre is a group of children and a lady seated, between a tall stand, bearing artistic ornamentsand other objects, and a large jar in green and blue. Three borders: the main one rose, in fretted design, with white medallions and flowers; the inmost harrow one in pale yellow; and the rim in pale tur- quoise, of lattice pattern. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diam- eter, 814 inches. a) { 168 EGG-SHELL PORCELAIN 698 Piate. Egg-shell. The decoration consists of six borders in delicate enamels and gold, enclosing a reserve in fine white paste upon which is depicted a garden scene, with four figures, two ladiesin elegant attire and two children. The accessories are various and consist of porcelain- garden seats, a vase of peonies, a book, a cat astride a great peach, a porcelain tray filied with the fruit known as the “hand of Buddha,” peaches, etc. The borders are of the most elaborate and delicate workmanship, and the enamels of the greatest beauty and purity of color. The back is in rose enamel. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diam- eter, 83g inches. Has been repaired. 699 Plate. Semiegg-shell. Exquisitely drawn decoration of a pagoda, with groups of legendary figures floating upon waves. The reverse shows waves, red bats and clouds, blue rocks and pale-blue sky, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 814 inches. 700 Lantern. Cylindrical form, with receding base and top. Egg-shell. Decorated with various representations of the dog Foo in beautiful transparent enamels. The upper and lower bands have broad borders with designs in medallions. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736, Height, 9% inches ; diameter, 6144 inches. 701 Lantern. Ovoid in form, with cylindrical base. Egg- shell, with decoration of landscape and figures in trans- parent enamels. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 734 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. 702 Lantern. Companion. 703 Lantern. Ovoid. Fine egg-shell, soft paste porcelain; figure and gar- den subjects beautifully drawn in light transparent enamels on a white ground of exceeding fine- ness. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 9144 inches; diameter, 644 inches. Slight crack on side. 704 Lantern. Ovoid and hexagonal in shape, with reticulated panels, each containing a beautifully - painted medallion and enclosed by a superb floral border. Yung-cheng, 1723- 1786. Height, 1034 inches; diameter, 8 inches. JADE 169 705 Two Dishes. White glass, with transparent engraving. Diameter, 714 inches. 706 Egeg-shell Vase. Ovoid, with small neck, and silver rim. Decoration in fine red penciling and gold; interior of neck and base is green glaze. Height, 2 inches; diam- eter, 334 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved teak stand. JADE 707 Incense Coupe. Greenish-white jade. Carved in the form of a pomegranate, with stemsand leaves cut in free open-work. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 414 inches. Carved ivory stand, stained green. 7O8 Bowl, with Cover. Gray-white jade. Elaborate pierced work and cutting in floral design ; four chrysan- themums, cut in bold relief, form handles. Height, 414 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Carved teak stand. 709 Bowl. Companion. Double platform stand of jade. 710 Incense Burner. Dark-green jade, with carved open-work —> cover composed of LEE flowers and ara- aie 29 besques. Griffin-head handles. The body has a relief-carved border in archaic de- G . > Z A eee ~S aac easvlisn a, sign. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Carved teak stand. 710 711 Large Vase, and Cover. Square and flat shape, with ring handles. Dark- green jade. The body is carved in low relief with archaic borders. Height, with cover, 124 inches; width, 6 inches; depth, 3 inches. 170 JADE 712 Large Bowl. Dark-green jade, with ring handles, each held by a large butterfly cut from the solid mass. The outer border is composed of lotus flowers and leaves carved in low relief. Height, 34 inches; diameter, 1234 inches. Carved stand. 713 Bowl, with Cover. Greenish-white jade. Handsomely carved in open and pierced design, with fret borders and the show symbols interspersed with other forms. Mounted in silver gilt, Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand. 714 Bowl, with Cover. Companion. 715 Vase. Square with indented corners. Dark-green jade. Carved in deep undercutting, representing land- scape with temples and figures, etc. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 5% inches. With engraved and per- forated bronze stand and carved teakwood base enclosed in glass case with bronze mounting and platform. Height, 1644 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 716 Three-piece Garniture. Made of dark green jade. This consists of : (a) Large Incense Burner. Has projecting handles in the form of phoenixes. A coiled dragon crowns the cover; the rest of the carving is in low relief with archaic borders. Shows an imperfection. Height, 61 inches, or 9% inches to tip of handles. Carved light wood stand. (b) Vase. Flat, with ring handles. Archaic design in relief to match that of preceding piece. Height, 5% inches ; diameter, 24 inches. Carved stand. (c) Perfume Box. This piece is beautifully cut and carved with a floral medallion on cover and an archaic border on the body ; the base has a deeply cut four-petaled flower. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 3144 inches. Carved stand. There is a special stand for the garniture. CHINESE PORCELAINS 171 717 Wase. Form of flat pilgrim bottle. Dark-green jade. On either side is a circular medallion showing a coiled dragon in relief surrounded with flying bats and conventional clouds. Height, 814 inches; diam- eter, 74 inches. 918 Pair of Large Bowls and Covers. Crystal quartz, rose colored and of brilliant quality. Mounted on inlaid and carved tenkwood stands in the form of "W7 the lotus-flower, and resting upon separate stands with green-stained ivory ornaments. Large platform to match. Height of each bowl, 25% inches; diameter, 514 inches. 719 Crystal Ball. Pure color. Diameter, 2} inches. 720 Ornament or Stand for Crystal Ball. Carved from a solid tusk of ivory, in open-work consisting of pine- trees, branches and birds, the interior showing a turtle under a cluster of bushes. Height, 514 inches ; diameter, 414 inches. CHINESE PORCELAINS FLAMBE AND SOUFFLE SPECIMENS 722 Cabinet Wase. Pear-shaped, with small flaring neck. Stoneware. Covered with clair-de-lune glaze, with pur- ple markings. Height, 63g inches ; diameter, 3% inches. Carved stand. 7283 Large Wase. Pear-shaped. Covered with carnelian-red flambé, with purple cloudings ; brilliant quality. Height, 1014 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. Seal-mark incised. Yung cheng, 1723-1736. Carved stand. 172 FLAMBE 724 Vase. High, slender handles, with heads fastened at the rim. Covered with transparent violet glaze crackled ; and ruby markings at the base and neck. Height, 1124 inches; diameter, 54% inches. Stand. 725 Small Vase. Gourd shape. Covered with purplish flambé, pearl-gray at neck, shading to dark purple at base. Fine quality. Height,5 inches ; diameter, 3 inches. Stand. 726 Vase. Oviform, with elephant’s-head handles. Flambé, with pearl-gray crackle overrunning garnet ground. Height, 1244 inches ; diameter, 8inches. Carved stand. 727 Plaque. Rich flambé, with strawberry-like markings on olive and céladon ground, and regularly formed ruby splashes at the side. Base has crackled surface. Diameter, 1044 inches. Stand. 728 Vase. Balustre shape. Flambée, bright red with greenish gray and purple lines, and iridescent surface. Interior is of clair-de-lune glaze, finishing at the rim in olive. Height, 1044 inches; diameter, %44 inches. Carved stand. 729 Large Bottle. Flambé, deep crimson and purplish markings. Height, 1544 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Carved stand. 730 Vase. Form of tree-trunk. Covered with transparent flambé, with ashes-of-roses and strawberry shading. Height, 4inches; diameter, 34% inches. Carved stand. 2731 Cabinet Vase. Square shape, with narrow neck. Céladon Flambé. At each corner, raised trigram lines with a scalloped line encircling them. Unique quality. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Carved stand. 732 Cabinet Vase. Pear-shaped. Flambé of iridescent surface, shading from brilliant red to pearl-gray and purple. Interior in clair-de-lune glaze. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 514 inches. Carved stand. 733 Vase. Square balustre shape, with small handles in the form of butterflies. Covered with a brilliant red flambé, The edges and corners show the pale clay beneath the glaze. Height, 844 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 734 735 736 37 738 739 740 741 742 CHINESE PORCELAINS. 173 Vase. Melon shape, with flaring neck. Covered with a heavy red flambé showing blue-shaded lines between the ribs. The inner surface of neck is in clair-de-lune glaze. Engraved seal at foot. Height, 714 inches; diameter, 534 inches. Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Carved stand. Coupe. Globular shape. Covered with a heavy dark flambé, with purplish markings. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Carved stand, with ivory panels. Bottle. Cabinet size. A dragon in relief coiled around the neck. Covered with a deep red glaze, the paste left partly uncovered, and partly in purple souffié. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 534 inches. Carved stand. Small Vase. Ovoid, with neck receding from the shoulder, and with small handles. Red agate. Flambé, with purple and gray cloudings. Height, 8% inches; diameter, 4144 inches. Carved stand. Small Vase. Tree-trunk in shape. Flambé; olive, céla- don and purple markings. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 314 inches. Bottle. Purple and gray glaze upon dense body. Period of the Mings. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Carved stand. Square Vase. Balustre shape, with elephant’s-tusk handles. Brilliant garnet and purple flambé, except the edges, which are cream. Height, 11 inches; diameter. 644 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Tall Bottle. Flambé; purple and gray markings. Top rim shows the paste with small crackled surface in céladon. Height, 1534 inches ; diameter, 814 inches. Kea- king, 1796-1821. Carved stand. Tall Vase. Ovoid, with flaring neck. Red flambé, with purple shading. Height, 1614 inches; diameter, 8 inches, Kea-king, 1796-1821. Carved stand. Vase. Cabinet size. Bottle shape, with globular neck, and elementary handles of modeled heads and rings. Flambé, shading from clair-de-lunc to purple and garnet; heads and rim, brown and gray glaze. Engraved seal mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1786. Height, 834 inches; diam- eter, 64 inches. Carved stand. 174 FLAMBE. 744 Vase. Ovoid, with low, cylindrical neck. Covered in light purplish red and gray flambé. Interior of neck Clair-de-lune, and rim in céladon. Engraved seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 634 inches. Carved stand. 745 Vase. Lozenge shape. Covered with iridescent marble- ized glaze, with crackled surface, bearing the Pat-kwa tri- grams in relief. Height,9 inches by 5 inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Carved stand. 746 Bottle. Covered with flambé, shading from clair-de-lune to sapphire and garnet. Mounted with arabesque silver top. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Engraved seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Stand. 747 Bottle-shaped Vase. Four cylindrical projections atthe neck. Flambé. Height, 13 inches; diameter,9 inches. Stand. 748 Vase. Brilliant flambé, red with purple and gray splashes; the interior of neck and the handles of clair-de-lune. Height, 834 inches; diameter, 5inches. Seal-mark, Kien- long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 749 Vase. Balustre shape, with broad neck. Raised heads with rings. Heavy flambé, running from a bright red to green marked with gray ; interior, pearl-gray. Engraved seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 104% inches; diameter, 7 inches. Stand. 750 Hanging Vase. Ovoid, with three eyes or holders. Heavy russet mottled glaze, with lavender shading and clair-de-lune rim. Engraved seal, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 54% inches; diameter, 7 inches. Carved stand. 751 Large Bottle. Brilliant flambé, with shades of ruby, olive and céladon, over an originally blue and white piece of porcelain. Height, 1444 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 752 Large Wase. Lozenge shape. Flambé, in imitation of variegated marble. The Pat-kwa (set of eight trigrams) and the Yang-Yin circle are set in panels in slight relief. Height, 1234 inches by 8 inches by 534 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 753 Vase. Balustre shape, with handles. Flambé, with red carnelian, pearl-gray and purple markings. Height, 834 inches; diameter, 434 inches. CHINESE PORCELAINS 175 754 Ewer. Brilliant flambé. Scalloped border, and fluted lines around the body. Engraved seal-mark, Yung- cheng, 1728-1786. Height, 13 inches ; diameter, 73¢ inches. Carved teak stand. 755 Wase. Biberon shape. Heavy paste. Covered with lus- trous carnelian-red with purplish cloudings. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Carved stand. 756 Double Wase. Dragon’s-blood flambé of brilliant qual- ity. Height, 9 inches ; width,5¥ inches. Carved stand. 757 Vase. Ovoid and melon form, with broad neck and escal- oped rim. Covered with a vitreous crackled glaze, with large dashes of translucent dragon’s-blood and slight purplish markings. The foot is covered with blue, and is erackled. Height, 114 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Richly-carved stand. 758 Pilgrim Bottle. Red flambé of lustrous quality; handles at neck, in blue and gray glaze. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 84% inches. Carved stand. 759 Vase. Flambé, garnet red, with purplish cloudings. Height, 84% inches; diameter, 334 inches. Stand. 760 Bottle. Crackled flambé, with light céladon ground showing: through. Height, 1344 inches; diameter, 8% inches. Carved stand. 761 Vase. Cabinet size. Biberon shape. Covered with garnet and purplish flambé, of brilliant texture. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 44 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 762 Vase. Ovoid, with curved neck and handles. Covered with carnelian-red flambé, with pearl-blue cloudings; clair-de-lune interior. Brilliant quality. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 9144 inches; diameter, 9inches. Carved stand, inlaid with green ivory. 763 Vase. Cabinet size. Quadrilateral, with handles. Rich flambé, with céladon and peach mottlings. Height, 9% inches ; diameter, 444 inches. Carved stand. 764 Vase. Ovoid and melon form, with broad neck and scalloped rim. Covered with a vitreous crackled céladon, having large dashes of translucent dragon’s-blood and slight purplish markings. Height, 114% inches; diameter, 84 inches. 176 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 V7A4 V75 FLAMBE Vase, Melon shape, with scalloped and straight rim. Covered with a deep and brilliant red flambé, with clair- de-lune at neck and base. Height, 10 inches ; diameter, 44% inches. Kien-long, 1786-1796. Stand. Large Vase, Oviform, with flaring neck. Covered with ‘red flambé. Height, 16% inches; diameter, 12 inches. Seal mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Large Bottle. Covered witha heavy and deep dragon’s- blood flambé. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Carved stand. Large Jar. Of unusual form, with spout, Covered with a heavy pearl-gray glaze. Incised mark, Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 1044 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Carved stand. Tall Vase. Pear shape, with tubular hangers. Covered with a lustrous red. The interior is pearl-gray. Height, 134 inches ; diameter, 8inches. Seal, Yung-cheng, 1725- 1736. Carved stand. Tall Bottle. Covered with garnet flambé, having pur. plish cloudings; brilliant quality. Height, 1334 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Carved stand. Tall Vase. Biberon form, with slender and flaring neck. Covered with deep red flambé, having dark mottling and purplish cloudings. Interior of neck has clair-de- lune surface. Height, 1914 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Carved stand. Large Bottle. Covered with a heavy and deep dragon’s- blood flambé. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Carved stand. Large Jar. Globular form with spout. Covered witha heavy pearl-gray glaze. Incised mark of Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 1044 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Carved stand. Vase, Biberonshape. Garnet splashed glaze, with streaks in purple and pearl colors running down the neck. Brown crackled foot. Height, 16 inches; diameter, 914 inches. Stand. Large Vase. Bottle shape. Clair-de-lune flambé. Height, 20 inches; diameter, 15 inches. CHINESE PORCELAINS 177 776 Vase. Bottleshape. Rich flambé, with garnet and céla- don splashes on transparent crackle ground. Sterling silver rim and base. Height, 1244 inches; diameter, 64% inches. Stand. 7763, Small Beaker. Red flambé, with pearl-colored verti- cal markings; clair-de-lune interior. Seal-mark, Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 1044 inches; diameter, 8 inches by 834 inches. Stand. 777 Large Coupe. Brilliant flambé, with garnet and carne- lian shadings. Interior is in gray crackle. Diameter, 914 inches. Carved stand. 778 Bottle. Has tall neck and flattened body. Flambé, shad- ing from clair-de-lune to sapphire and garnet. Mounted with arabesque silver top. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Engraved seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Stand. SOUFFLE 779 Bottle. Metallic soufflé on copper-glazed ground, resem- bling iron-rust. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 834 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Stand. 780 Cabinet Vase. Biberon shape. TIron-rust souffié on brown olive ground. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 314 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 781 Large Vase. Balustre shape, with small handles. Iron- rust souflé. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Kien- long, 1786-1796. Carved stand. ¥82 Bottle. Biberonshape. Blue speckled robin’s-egg glaze, of uniform quality. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Carved stand. 783 Beaker. Trumpet-shaped top. Covered with copper- colored metallic souffié. Height, 1334 inches; diameter, 9 inches. 784 Large Jar, with Cover. Inform and glaze an imita- tion of an ancient bronze. The cover has a handle con- sisting of a large piece of carved rose-colored crystal. The interior and base are covered with a heavy brown glaze. Height, 1614 inches; diameter, 14 inches, Stand, Kien-long, 1736-1796, SALE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 15TH ‘ AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK CHINESE PORCELAINS DECORATED IN COLORS 785 Piteher. With silver mounting. Floral design in various enamels upon a white ground. Height, 834 inches to top of mounting. 786 Set of Confection Dishes. Va- rious shapes. Hawthorn blossoms in white, and dragon upon transparent green ground, 787 Two Dishes. Semi egg-shell. White glaze interior; coral-red back. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 514 inches. 785 788 Plaque. Floral centre upon white ground. Irregular border, with peonies, blossoms and foliage in various enamels. Diameter, 144% inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. 789 Platter. White interior. Exterior represents waves, in relief, in green glaze on a canary-yellow ground. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Diameter, 14 inches. Teakwood stand. 790 Vase. Tall ovoid, with small neck. Decorated with a large five-clawed dragon surrounded by clouds, all in peach color under the glaze, which is a delicate céladon on a fine white body. Height, 13144 inches; diameter, 7inches. Stand. 791 Incense Burner. Cylindrical shape. Fret design en- graved in relief in the paste; circular medallions in reserve, which are decorated in blue with figures and landscapes. Height, 334 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Per- forated silver cover. DECORATED 179 792 Jar. Ovoid shape. Dragon and carp on transparent yel- 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 low ground. Silver cover, engraved and inlaid with gold in floral design, and surmounted by dog Foo. Height, 834 inches; diameter, 744 inches. Miniature Tripod. Gilt porcelain, in imitation of a bronze. Perforated cover, with coral-colored top. Height, 23g inches; diameter, 244 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Vase. Marbleized giaze, with reticulated and sunken panels unglazed, and in relief. Partly in green and blue glaze. Height, 444 inches by 7 by 2% inches. Carved stand. Vase. Cylindrical. Represents a bundle of bamboo tied with yellow cord. Iridescent brown glaze. Height, 444 inches by 24 inches. Pear-wood stand, carved to imitate bamboo. Bardiniére. Square shape, with flaring top. Medallions | with landscape decorations. Height, with stand, 8 inches ; diameter, 744 inches. Temple Koro. Ancient shape. Olive glaze with gold soufflé, imitating bronze. The interior of vessel bears engraved mark of Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height,with cover, 11% inches; diameter, 8144 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Semalle collection. Small Perfume Burner. Tripod, with handles. Me- tallic and gilt porcelain, decorated to imitate a bronze. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Cover is of teakwood, and is mounted with small jade figure. Height, with cover, 444 inches; diameter, 344 inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Semattle collection. Miniature Perfume Burner. Tripod, with handles. Gilt metallic glaze, with archaic border in verdigris green and blue enamels. Top is perforated, and surmounted by the dog Foo. Height, 344 inches; diameter, 24% inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Porcelain Panel. Pear-shaped; decorated with figure subject and an interior, and framed in teak-wood. Height, 914 inches by 9 inches. Vase. Square. Wnite,sunken panels, with bird and flower decoration, edged with a yellow arabesque border. Seal- mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 34% inches. Diam- eter, 244 inches, Carved stand, 180 CHINESE PORCELAINS 802 Wase. Decorated with blue and white archaic borders. With eight sunken panels, each containing symbolical ob- jects in red, with floral arabesques in various colors upon a white ground. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 914 inches; diameter, 6 inches by 4 inches. Carved stand. 803 Vase. Tall ovoid shape. Gold arabesque and archaic medal- lion design in low relief. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 1034 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Carved stand. 804 Large Jar. Oviform. Decoration shows ascending dragons in dark-green and yellow glaze, outlined with blue, on white ground, and dispersed clouds in red and green. Height, without cover, 18 inches; diameter, 11 inches. 805 Large Jar, with Cover. Decoration, on white ground, represents an interior of a pavilion, with family seated at table, watching children in boats gathering water-lilies. Height, 1714 inches with cover; diameter, 11 inches. 806 Vase. Pure white porcelain, with rose-colored lizard in bold relief. Seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 634 inches; diameter, 5% inches. 807 Covered Box. Round shape. In white reserve on coral-red ground are geometrical designs, butterflies and conventional flowers. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Carved stand. 808 Wase, A tall, graceful biberon, with small neck. Has a bold design in crushed strawberry tint upon a pale céladon ground. Height, 1544 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Khang-he, 1661- 1722. 809 Covered Jar. Ovoid. Elaborate and beautifully drawn decoration, representing a garden scene and a view of the interior of a house, showing children at play and watched by ladies and attendants. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Raised stand. 810 Black Hawthorn Vase. Tall, square, with turned shoulders and narrow neck. Decorated upon a black enameled ground, with a lotus in full bloom, prune blos- soms, peonies, and chrysanthemums, in various trans- parent glazes. Height, 20 inches; diameter, 6 inches, Slightly mended at the lip. Carved stand, DECORATED 181 811 Jar, with Cover. Large. Decoration represents an interior with figures in various transparent enamels. Height, 174% inches; diameter, with the cover, 11 inches. 812 Large Plaque. Decoration represents a veranda with figures, in various transparent enamels on a white ground, with cloudings and the sacred bird Ho-o in red. Diameter, 1544 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 813 Dish. Interior is decorated with peonies, in rose glaze, yellow centre and green leaves. Diameter, 634 inches. Kien-long, 1786-1796. Mended. 814 Dish. Ornamented beneath with a border formed by show-marks and butterflies in relief, gilded in several tones. Bears an inscription signifying many good wishes. Diameter, 534 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 815 Figure. Stone ware. An old man with long’ beard; brilliant blue and red flambé. Height, 14 inches; diam- eter, ll inches. Carved stand. 816 Two Round Sectional Boxes. In four compart- ments; decorated in ‘enamel to imitate cloisonné. Show mark on the cover, surrounded by bats in red and yellow glaze with gilt outline. Height, 6144 inches ; diameter, 414 inches. 817 Plaque. Represents a lotus-leaf, decorated in various green enamels. Diameter, 11 inches. 818 Plaque. Similar. 819 Vase. Balustre shape, with ribbed body, and handles. Covered with yellow glaze. Has an engraved border surrounding shoulder, in green, blue, and white. White elephant’s-head handles. Height, 1314 inches; diameter, 74% inches. Carved stand. 820 Jardiniére. Elaborate decoration in arabesque design. Mounted on low feet. Height, without stand, 4 inches; diameter, 10 by 914 inches. 821 Jardiniére. Globular shape. Gourd-vine decoration in white, upon pale-blue ground. Height, without stand, 416 inches; diameter, 84% inches. High stand. 822 Low Vase. With narrow flaring neck. Covered with garnet flambé, and decorated with a dragon in green, yellow, and blue enamel over the glaze. Height, 614 inches; diameter, 54% inches. Carved stand. 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 CHINESE PORCELAINS Figure. Represented in court costume, and richly decor- ated. Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Teakwood stand. From the Comte de Sematle collection. Figure of a Warrior. Represented in rich court cos- tume; decorated in various colors and gold. Height, 73¢ inches; width, 544 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. From the Comte de Sematle collection. Two Wine Cups. Raised and emblematical crests in blue, on gold ground. Seal-mark, Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 15g inches ; diameter, 244 inches. Plate, Egg-shell. Floral decoration in rose color. Has rose back. Diameter, 8 inches. Mended. Two Plates. Decorated with floral designs, border, and medallions in various colors, upon a white engraved ground. The rim borders are also engraved, and contain four floral medallions. Diameter, 844 inches. Hanging Wall-Vase. Coral-red, decorated with gold arabesque designs. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 10% incbes; diameter, 6 inches. Teapot. Globular form. Red decoration, consisting of five-clawed dragon and the sacred bird of Paradise. Taou-kwang, 1822-1851. Height, with cover, 5 inches; diameter, 4 inches, Two Beakers. Decoration of blossoms interspersed with bamboo and fir-trees in natural colors on white ground. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 8% inches; diameter, 644 inches by 5 inches. Carved stand. Vase. Tall ovoid shape, with small neck. Decorated with a large five-clawed dragon, and clouded field in peach color under glaze. Height, 1344 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Stand. Cabinet Vase. Gourd shape. The two sides are decora- ted with dragons in different colors, surrounding the circular mark show which is in carnelian-red. Height, 634 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. Teapot. Decorated with floral and fruit design in various enamels. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 4144 inches, Yung- cheng, 1723-1736, DECORATED 183 834 Beaker. Hawthorn decoration in yellow on an impertect dark ground. Height, 138 inches; diameter, 754 inches Stand. 835 Covered Jar. Ovoid shape. Decoration represents a garden scene with house and an interior, children in various pastimes, also ladies and attendants. Painted in transparent colors. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 8 inches. High stand. 836 Low Jardinieére. Covered with glaze, with arabesque decoration in relief. Height, 2% inches; diameter, 8x64 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. 837 Cabinet Bottle. Gourd shape. Coral-red glaze, with leaf-shaped vignettes in reserve, in which are landscapes in black. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 334 inches. Khang- he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. 838 Hanging Wall-Vase. Globular, with flaring neck. Arabesque decoration in red, with gold outlines, on a white ‘ground. The base is in imitation of a wooden stand. Height, 75g inches; diameter, 7 inches. Kien-long, 1736- 1796. : 839 Two Plates. Open-work borders. Decorated with flow- ers, etc., on buff enameled surface. Diameter, 10 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 840 Large Vase. Heavy, sonorous porcelain. Made in imitation of the form, texture and color of asacred piece of bronze. Vases of this character were made in large numbers during the reign of Kien-long, by that emperor’s orders, and were accumulated in his pal- aces. They were used as presents to distinguished personages, and they were esteemed in the degree in which they resembled the ancient bronzes, enete yah of which they were copies. The first (ena ey examples of this kind bear the date of Yung-cheng, and it is possible that some were made in the preced- ing reign. The manufacture has 840 been continued in China until recent times. This is a spe- cimen of unusual size and importance, and is of the best period of Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 204 inches; diam- eter, 16 inches. 184 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 CHINESE PORCELAINS Vase. Decorated with two shades of gold in arabesques, including various devices, on a lapis-lazuli blue ground. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 6144 inches. Seal-mark, Kea- king, 1796-1821. Carved stand. Large Plaque. Decoration representing ladies on a ve- randa, and an interior view showing a lady playing on a musical instrument. Border of symbolical devices. Diameter, 14 inches. Dish. Semi egg-shell. Reverse shows floral design on a black ground, with arabesque scrolls in green under glaze. Diameter, 534 inches. Two Piates. Engraved dragon design, and centre medal- lion with inscription. The rim has a narrow red border of bats. Diameter, 75g inches. Saucer. Yellow glaze, with engraved five-clawed dragon, and decorated floral border. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736- 1796. Diameter, 414 inches. Plaque. Thecentre decoration consists of sprigs of chrys- anthemums and peonies, with butterflies, on white ground, surrounded by a floral border witb vignettes. Diameter, 1054 inches. Bottle. Iridescent coral glaze of even quality, with white leaf-shaped reserve containing finely penciled black landscape. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 8 inches; diam- eter, 44% inches. Carved stand. Dish. Deep. Medallion containing ladies embroidering. a. Wide border with enameled arabesques, () on engraved green ground. Kien-long, yi Ya An S Sees ain 1736-1796. Diameter, 6% inches. 849 Plate. Yellow enameled ground, with cherry-blossom and bird decoration. The reverse has conventional floral design. Diameter, 84% inches. 850 Two Dishes. Yellow ground, with symbolical devices, gilt medallions and show mark. On the reverse conven- tional floral design. Yung-cheng, 1723- 1736. Diameter, 64% inches. 851 Temple Jar. Archaic shape. Ground tea-leaf glaze, of even quality. Animals in relief form handles. The cover issur- 851 mounted byahawk. Height, 1834 inches; diameter, 94 by 7i4ins. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carvedstand. DECORATED 185 852 Large Vase. Bottle form. Chinese white porcelain. Covered with black lacquer, elaborately inlaid with mother-of-pearl representing a moonlight landscape, figures, water, ships, etc. Seal-mark of inlaid pearl. Ching-hwa, 1465-1488. Height, 2044 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Carved stand. A Ming piece, and probably of the reign indicated. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. 853 Large Vase. Similar to the above. Height, 21 inches; diameter, 10144 inches. 854 Large Jardiniére. Square. Carved teakwood, with four porcelain panels, decorated with flowers and birds. Height, 1244 inches, by 12 inches square. 855 Tall Vase. Oviform, with narrow cylindrical neck and rim. Covered with powder-blue glaze. Gilt decoration, landscape medallions on floral ground, with arabesque design around the neck. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 714 | inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. 856 Imperial Censer. Octagonal shape. Porcelain, made in imitation of an ancient bronze. The ornamentation is in gold in low relief upon a ground which simulates bronze eaten by verdigris and age. The principal panels have eight symbol- ical characters with arabesque orna- ments and borders. The upper edge has an ornamented border and bears, on one side, the engraved mark Kien-long, 1736-1799. The cover of carved teakwood has a finely carved large white jade top of superior workmanship. Height, in- cluding stand and cover, 15 inches ; diameter, 7 inches. 857 Large Jar. Ovoid. Has a reticulated outer wall com- posed of various designs, including the Pa-Sien, or eight Chinese immortals, modeled in relief upon the clay. A border surrounds the top, with peonies and leaves in pierced and open design. The enamels are mainly of turquoise and lapis-lazuli blue, with parts showing the biscuit, which is not wholly kaolinic in its nature. These vases are the product of an industry of undoubt- edly great antiquity. No one has yet indicated with any 186 CHINESE PORCELAINS certainty their actual origin, but the best authorities have been content to ascribe them to some southern province of China, in which the manufacture has long since become obsolete. None of them is more modern than the dynasty of the Mings, and there seems to be good reason for at- tributing many of them to a much more remote period. 858 Black WMawthorn Wase. Tall, square, with turned shoulder and narrow neck. Decorated with prune blos- soms, chrysanthemums and peonies, in white, purple, yellow and green enamels on a heavy black ground. Decorated around the neck in the same manner, and finished with finely wrought silver, gold and enameled top. Period of the Mings. Height, 1614 inches; diameter, 6inches. Carved stand. 859 Double Vase. Oviform, with cover. The surface is entirely covered with glaze in the manner of enameling on copper. Has a floral and arabesque design in various colors upon a yellow ground; rose border, neck and base; interior turquoise. A beautiful and choice example. Slight mend at upper rim. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 84 inches; diameter, 514 inches by 34 inches. Carved stand. 860 Vase. Balustre shape, with long neck. Coral-red, with gold arabesque design and borders over the glaze; tur- quoise interior and base. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 1134 inches; diameter, 444 inches. Carved stand. 861 Large Vase. Intricate and boldly-drawn decoration with transparent green enamels predominating, repre- senting gardens, a palatial interior, with ceremonial, etc. Height, 274% ins.; diameter, 12 ins. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 862 Vase. Imitation in color, form and texture, of an ancient bronze. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 6144 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Stand, 863 Large Imperial Jar. With cover. Porcelain, with olive souffié or bronze- colored glaze, and a series of parallel engraved borders in vitreous enamels. The cover has, as a handle, a large piece of rose rock-cerystal. Height, 1644 inches; diameter, 14 inches. Stand. 864 Figure. Represented in court dress and richly decorated. Height, 7% inches; width, 444 inches. Teakwood stand. Kien-long, 1736-1796. 863 From the Comte de Sematle collection. DECORATED 187 865 Figure. Represented in court dress. Finely decorated. Height, 744 inches; width, 444 inches. Teakwood stand. Kien-long, 1736-1796. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. 866 Figure. Represented in court dress. Finely decorated. Height, 7 inches; width, 6 inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Teakwood stand. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 867 Large Plaque. Decoration represents warriors and horsemen, with a woman kneeling before them, and two children. The border consists of blossoms on a stippled ground, interrupted by vignettes containing fish, lobsters and crabs. Diameter, 1514 inches. 868 Large Pilgrim Bottle. Circular form, with square base, narrow neck and small handles. The body of this piece represents a blossom, with each petal slightly raised, and contains a carefully-drawn floral design in various enamels, outlined with blue, over the white glaze. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 944 inches. Yung-cheng, 1722-1736. Stand. 869 Jar. Robin’s-egg glaze. Decorated with floral ornaments and butterflies in gold. A red and gold-leaf border in relief encircles the base. Height, with cover, 11 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 870 Teapot. Globular form. Medallion decoration, contain- ing verses. The remaining surface is covered with rich arabesque design upon a coral-red ground. Cover to match. Height, 6 inches. Kea-king, 1796-1821. 871 Two Deep Plates. Symbolical decoration. Five me- dallions, containing a symbol in gold upon clouded yellow ground. The reverse side has a floral arabesque decoration. Diameter, 834 inches. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. 872 Six Saucers. Fan-shaped. Floral decoration in various enamels on engraved grounds. Kea-king, 1796-1821. 873 Small Jar. Oviform. Decorated with dragons in yellow on a carnelian-red ground. Height, 54 inches; diameter, 514 inches. 874 Two Saucers. Deep shape. Butterfly decoration in various enamels on clouded yellow ground, with dis- persed show-marks in gold. Diameter, 4 inches. Yung- cheng, 1723-1736. 188 CHINESE PORCELAINS 875 Large Plaque. Semi egg-shell porcelain. Decorated with an interior and figure subject, in various transpar- ent glazes, green predominating. Diameter, 141 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. 876 Large Jar. Ovoid. Has decoration in medallions, formed by the curved wings of a bat, and containing figure subjects. The two smaller medallions have the outline of a peach with foliage, and contain floral designs. The ground is in red diaper, and the base has arabesques in various colors on a white surface. The neck is finished by a fret border with small medallion interruptions in floral form. Height, 1744 inches; diameter, 15 inches. This jar is cracked. 877 Large Jar, with Cover. Decoration, an interior with grouping of various figures. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, with cover, 1% inches; diameter, 104 inches. Carved stand. 878 Large Jar. Oviform. The decoration, modeled in slight relief in the paste, represents waves and clouds, with the eight legendary immortals in yellow, lilac, and tur- quoise, upon a deep and brilliant lapis-lazuli ground. The shoulder is encircled by an indented border with seven points, each containing a Buddhistic symbol. The interior is in green glaze. Height, 1244 inches ; diameter, 13% inches. Carved cover and stand. See note to No. 857. 879 Figure of Kwan-Yin. With a childon herarm holding asceptre. The lower drapery is richly decorated in rose- colored arabesque lines, with conventional lotus-flower ona pale-green and dotted ground ; the upper robe is in cream-colored enamel, with engraving in arabesque design, and bordered with olive gilt tracery showing green lining ; the headdress is in red, with gilding and yellow lining ; necklace with beads and coral pendants. Height, with cloth stand, 21 inches; width, 8 inches. 880 Vase. Cylindrical, with spreading base. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 54 inches. Carved stand. 881 Two Plates. Semi egg-shell porcelain. Decoration over white ground. Lady, with attendant and fawn. Border has butterflies and flowers irregularly interspersed. Diameter, 634 inches. 882 Two Plates. Similar. DECORATED 189 883 Large Pilgrim Bottle. Decoration of dragons, bats, fire emblems, etc., in the finest transparent enamels on the finest white paste ; conventional clouds in blue, yellow, and lilac glaze, with smaller dragon and flying bats in red. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 19 inches ; diameter, 141% inches. Carved stand. 884 Bottle. Squared gourd-shape. Made toimitate a piece of bronze. The surface is in dull gold, with arabesques and rose-colored bats. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 8¥4 inches; diameter, 434 inches. Carved stand. 885 Large Beaker. A deep black enamel ground, having a profuse and intricate decoration of flowers, birds and plants, in which brilliant greens predominate. A superb specimen of its class. Bears a Ming date, but is of the period of Khang- ) he, 1661-1722. Height, 2714 inches. Two | slight cracks. Carved teak stand. 886 Large Imperial Incense-Burner. Made to imitate gold-enameled bronze. The arabesque design is paintedin various colors, and embraces several symbolical ornaments. The blue enamel border on the rim includes the mark Kea-king, 1796-1821 ; the same border is also on the handles. This piece has an elabcrately- earved cover, with red-stained ivory blossoms and a jade button. Open-work stand to match. Height, 10 inches ; diameter, 934 inches. 887 Plaque. Semi egg-shell. Decorated in red with eight symbolical devices and show-marks interwoven with ara- besque ornaments in circular form, on white ground. The reverse has a similar treatment, also in red and gold and on white ground. Diameter, 114% inches. 888 Plaque. Semi egg-shell. As above. Diameter, 11% inches. 889 Wase. Cabinet s:ze. Covered with ground tea-leaf glaze, of even and beautiful green color. Height, 75g inches; diameter, 44 inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Carved stand. 190 CHINESE PORCELAINS 890 Vase. Tall cylindrical form, with curved shoulders and small flaring neck. The ground is black enamel; deco- rated with branches of magnolia, hydrangea and peony blossoms in white and yellow. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 2144 inches; diameter, 844 inches. Mended at the base. 891 Large Vase. A massive piece of the style of decora- tion known as ‘“‘the thousand flowers.” The entire ground of this superb piece is covered with a profusion of flowers, a green leaf here and there only breaking the surface to afford relief and variety. The drawing is of the utmost refinement and technical accuracy, the observation of form is most minute and rigorously correct, and the color of such purity and beauty as only such a subject can itself afford. It is the most beau- tiful of its class known to exist, a class of such rarity that the known pieces here or in Europe could be numbered upon one’s fingers. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 22 inches; diameter, 15 inches. Repoussé and chased gilt bronze stand. 892 Plate. Medallion, with garden scene, children and birds, surrounded by a painted and engraved border of floral arabesques in various enamels. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Diameter, 634 inches. Carved stand. 893 Large Vase. Ovoid, with broad flaring neck. Decoration of four ladies in rich attire, two of whom bear fruit in ves- sels, a third a fan, while the fourth holds a sceptre. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 274 inches; diameter, 18 inches. Carved stand. 894 Large Hexagonal Jardiniére. Elegant decoration in transparent enamels on light céladon glaze. Silver lin- ing. Height, 834 inches; height, with stand, 141% inches; length, 21 inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. From the Comte de Sematlle collection. 895 Jardiniére, Companion. DECORATED 191 896 Large Jar. Oviform, with aquatic plants, etc., in low relief; turquoise on a lapis-lazuli ground, and finished with a beaded ornament festooned about the shoulder. The interior is covered with green glaze. Height, 114% inches; diam- eter, 11 inches. Carved teak cover and stand. 897 Vase. Cylindrical. Form of a rolled Japanese book. Transparent white glaze. Landscape with figures and pagoda; the reverse has an inscrip- tion. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 434 inches. 898 Large Vase. Balustre shape. Deco- rated with dragons in various green, yellow and purple glazes, on a dull-black surface. Height, 1744 inches; diameter, 816 inches. 899 Incense Burner. A close imitation, in form, color and texture, of an ancient bronze. The cover is surmounted with the dog Foo. Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 814 ins.; diameter, 8 inches. Richly carved stand, open-work lotus-flower design. 900 Imcense Burner. Globular form. The cover is per- forated and surrounded by the ling-tchy, or sacred mush- room. Imperial Chinese porcelain, in imitation of an ancient gold bronze, with archaic borders in low relief. The interior is covered with a brown and bronze-colored, glaze, and contains the circular mark show. Kien-long 1736-1796. Height, with cover, 1244 inches ; diameter, 714 inches. Carved stand. 901 Flat Hanging Vase. In imitation of green bronze ; decoration is in gold and silver to represent inlaying, and contains medallion in white reserve, in which are three figures of children in European costume. Kien- long, 1736-1796. Height, 6 inches ; diameter, 5 inches. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 902 Large Hexagonal Vase. Covered with ground tea- leaf glaze, of fine, even texture. Affixed cylindrical handles. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 1042 inches by 8 inches. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1786-1796. Carved stand. 192 CHINESE PORCELAINS 903 Large Vase. Black Hawthorn. The ground color of this vase is a deep-black enamel with white reserves conforming to the design, which is of superb drawing and arrangement. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 11 inches. Slight gold mending in the upper rim. Has carved teakwood stand. 904 Vase. Cylindrical, with narrow neck. Coral-red decorated ground, with medal- lions of flowers, butterflies, birds, ete. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, 174% inches; diameter, 7144 inches. Mended. 905 Jar. Oviform. Powdered blue. Ara- besque design in gold over the glaze, including circular dragon, the Ho-o and TSS chrysanthemums. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Height, with teak cover, 17 inches; 903 diameter, 10 inches. Carved teakwood stand. 906 Vase. Oviform, with small red handles. Decorated in arabesque design, with various colors on pale turquoise ground, and gilt outlines imitating cloisonné. Gilt seal- mark, Taou-kwang, 1821-1851. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Carved stand. 907 Hanging Vase. Flat shape. Archaic design in low re- lief, imitating bronze. White enameled medallion with Chinese verse. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 44% inches. Kien-long, 1736-1796. From the Comte de Semalle collection. 908 Cabinet Vase. Oviform, with handles. The body is covered with a translucent yellow glaze, and is engrayed with dragons, clouds, ete. The neck and base are decora- ted in blue and white, with the conventional palm-leaf borders, and the handles haye curiously drawn eyes. A faultless example of the Kien-long period, 1736-1796. Seal- mark. Height, 8 inches; diameter,5 inches. Carved teak stand. 909 Tall Vase. Ovoid shape, with flaring neck. Powder- blue glaze. Gilt decoration in medallion design, including chrysanthemums and the dog Foo, ete., with the circular mark show around the neck. Height, 17 inches; diam- eter, 8inches. Khang-he, 1661-1722. Carved stand. DECORATED 1938 910 Large Wase. Pilgrim bottle. Robin’s-egg flambe. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 1444 inches. Seal-mark, Yung-cheng, 1723-17386. Carved stand. 911 Large Plaque. Domestic interior, showing woman at work spooling silk, and another woman looking on from a window ; also, exterior scene of women and child. Diam- eter, 15 inches. 912 Large Bowl. Crackled ware. Decoration consists of vases, flowers and other objects, on white ground with fine brown crackled lines. The interior contains six dis- persed blossoms with green centres. Height, 234 inches ; diameter, 6% inches. Carved teak stand. 913 Bottle. Biberon shape, with small neck. Decorated in black over a finely crackled turquoise ground. Two figures are represented in medallions, with borders at base andshoulder. Said by the Chinese to have been made in Anam, in the 16th century. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 5% inches. Carved stand. From the Comte de Sematle collection. 914 Vase. Bottle-shape, with raised and modeled dragon in blue souffié enamel on white orange- peel ground. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, 1134 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Stand. 915 Vase. Broad, flattened, and supported on three feet. Is an imitation of an antique bronze incense-burner. Height, 44 inches; diameter, 744 inches. Kien-long, 1756-1796. Carved plat- form stand. u 916 Wase. Biberon shape; reticulated. Two figures 914 and landscape, with floral borders and emblems, are modeled in the paste, and covered with turquoise and light violet glazes. Height, 1814 inches; diameter, 7144 inches. Carved stand. 917 Small Jar, with Cover. Porcelain, in imitation of gilt bronze. Seal-mark, Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 434 inches; diameter, 3 inches. Beautiful red ivory stand, with cloth base. 918 Vase. Ovoid shape, with wide neck. Fine, dense, white paste, with orange-peel surface; figure decoration in transparent enamels. Yung-cheng, 1723-1736. Height, . without stand, 15 inches. 919 Vase. Companion. Figure subject, with flying bat in rose color, Slight crack at base, Same mark and height. 194 CHINESE PORCELAINS 920 Vase. Cylindrical, with narrow neck. Decoration of fig- ures in enamels: of the period of Kien-long, 1736-1796. Height, 17 ins.; diameter, 7 ins. Grakudo, Signs of the Zodiac. 7. Shalmdo, Heron, Signed, Mori. 14. Ghakudg: Dame of plums and 8. Shibuichi. Millet. Signed, Ik- 15. Shakudo. Dragon in gold. kin, Signed, Terutsugu. 300 KNIFE-HANDLES 1660 A Cabinet Collection of Knife-Handles (Kodzuka) FIFTEEN SPECIMENS 1. Silver. Moon and duck. 10. Shibuichi. Falcon and pine. 2. Silver. Dried fish. By Shozui. Signed, Masaaki. 8. Shibuichi. An anointing priest. 11. Shakudo, Cherry and birds of 4. Shibuichi. Mask, drum, sticks Hasina Signed, Goto Mitsu- anda flute. Signed, Kumin. a. i ere 5 12, Shakudo. A daimio’s war junk. 5. Shibuichi. Fukube and vine. $j fant Signed, Kuansal. Signed, Goto Jinujo. 6. Shakudo. Vine flowers. Signed, 18. Shibuichi. Mount Fuji. Signed, . f Hokio Ichijo. Mitsuyoshi. ES; 7, Shakudo. Snow-covered boat. A. Shibatchl A bouquet of peo- 8. Shibuichi. Ziurojin and cow. 15. Shibuichi. Dogs at play. Signed, 9, Shakudo. Rising sun. Tomoyoshi. 1661 A Cabinet Collection of Knife-Handles (Kodzuka) TEN SPECIMENS 1, Shibuichi. Pine-tree and locust. 6. Shibuichi. Demonand wind-bag. Signed, Masayoshi. Signed, Masanaga. 2. Iron on gold back. Fudo, or god 7. Silver. Crab and reeds. Signed, of fire. Signed, Teiken. Michiyoshi. 5. Shakudo. Doves resting on a 8. Iron. Sea-shells and fish. By maple-branch. Signed, Goto Ichizio. Mitsuteru. . 9. Shakudo. A set of bow and 4, Shibuichi. Plum-branch. foes Signed, Goto Mitsu- 5. Shakudo. Roosters and temple 10. Red bronze. Rice measure and offerings. mouse. Signed, Toshiyoshi. 1662 A Cabinet Collection of Knife-Handles (Kodzuka) FOURTEEN SPECIMENS 1, Shibuichi. A female figure. By 8. Shakudo, Bouquet of peonies. Shumin. . 2. Red bronze. Mount Fuji, in 9. Iron. Travelers ina rain-storm. shakudo, By Tomonaga. 10. Shibuichi. Octopus and fish. 3. Bho acan eee in By Hirosada. BOAT ADEE LN EE sa pce 11. Silver. Turkey in chased gold 4. Shakudo. Tai fish strung on By Zinki, ib e bamboo-branch. 12. Shibuichi. Children on the 5 Cae: nee of the Zodiac. beach. By Kosetsu. - 6. Bronze, Chinese nuobephess at 18. Shibuichi. Plum-tree and reception. By Mitsnoki. nightingale. 7. Iron. Lotus and butterfly. 14. Red bronze. Quails and moon. KNIFE- HANDLES 301 1663 A Cabinet Collection of Knife-Handles (Kodzuka) FOURTEEN SPECIMENS 1, Shakudo. Fish. Signed, Yoshi- oka-Mabanosuke. 2. Shakudo. Fish. Signed, Moto- chika. 3. Iron. Fretwork decoration, in- laid with gold. 4, Shakudo. |Okame, with bunches of flowers. Signed, Haruaki- Hogan. . Shakudo and gold. daikon. 6. Shakudo. Sixteen famous poets. 7. Shibuichi. Mount Fugi. By Yeguchi Itcho. 14. Shibuichi. loom, Fish and or 8. Iron. Tokko and sacred tsurn-gi, or blade (Buddhist emblems). Signed, Minamota Yoichi. 9, Shakudo, in panel of red bronze. Raiden, or god of thunder. 10. Shakudo, in gold panel. Lob- ster in gold. By Nakamma Masatsugu. 11. Shibuichi, on gold back. The moon and diving ducks; on back, a Japanese poem carved in gold. Signed, Mitsuteru (Goto). 12. Red bronze. A priest pulling a skull, 13. Shibuichi. Heron on top of tree. By Masataka. An old-fashioned 1664 A Cabinet Collection of Knife-Handles (Kodzuka) | FOURTEEN SPECIMENS 1. Shakudo, in gold panel. Despatch box and fan. By Goto Yekijo. 9. Shakudo. Fighting personages. 38. Shakudo. Monkey carrying go- hei, or holy paper. 4, Shibuichi. Vines. By Nobu- yoshi. 5. Iron. Dragon. 6. Silver. Hotei and his treasure- bag. Signed, Hosendo, 7. Red bronze. Moon and crow. By Haruaki Hogan. 8, Shakudo. A branch of a tree. Signed, Goto Taijo. 1665 A Cabinet Collection 9. Shibuichi. Roosters. By Yasu- chika. 10. Silver. Dogs at play. By Mizuno Nobumasa. 11, Shakudo. Kiyo. 12, Shibuichi. A boy with flower basket. By oshiyoshi. Insects. By Naga 13. Shibuichi. Zinrojin anda turtle. By Hironao. 14. Shakudo, in panel. Bunches of flowers. Signed, Goto Mitzu- naga. of Knife-Handles (Kodzuka) SIXTY SPECIMENS 1. Yellow bronze. Monkey hunt- ing the moon. By Shuraku. 2. Shibuichi Bunches of peonies, 8. Silver. Hotei leaning on bag. By Kuzui. 4, Shakudo. Peonies. By Atsu- taka, 5. Gold. Moon and bats. 6. Shakudo. Vegetable leaves. By Morishige. 7. Red bronze. Farmers praying for rain. Signed, Nobuyoshi. 8. Shakudo. Mount Fuji and a dragon, 9, Bronze. Aneel. By Iwamoto Kuanri. 10, Shibuichi. Japanese warvior on horseback. 11, Shakudo, Falcon and pine-tree, Signed, Ishiguro Masayoshi. 802 KNIFE-HANDLES No. 1665. Continued | ; ee 36. Silver. Bamboo, with snail. 12. Red bronze. A fishing man. Signed, Auzui. Shakudo. Guards decoration. By Teijo. Silver. Pine and ducks. By Moto-naga. Shibuichi. A philosopher and stars. By Haruchika. Shibuichi. Women bleaching cloth. By Tomonao, Tron. Quails in raised iron. . Iron. Cat and peony. Signed, Nara Tashimitsu. Shakudo. God of longevity and the rising sun. Shakudo. Mount Fuji. Signed, Minamoto Nagakage. Iron. Daikoku on rice barrel. Shibuichi. Tai fish. Signed, Katsutomo, Red bronze. Symbols of precious things. By Haruaki. Shakudo. Beansand nuts. By Yoshioka Inabanosuke. Shibuichi. A fisher boy. By Nobukatsu, Silver. Whale and waves. By Naganobu. Shibuichi. Bird and flowers. By Yegawa Toshimasa, Shakudo. Storks. By Sada- naka, 29. Red bronze. Radish. By Tsunechika, . Iron, Bird and grass in raised iron. . Shibuichi. Bamboo shade maker at work. By Haruchika,. Shakudo. Yebisu and fish. Signed, Tobari Yoshihisa, . Shibuichi. Morning-glory. By Kiyotsugu. Shakudo and silver. Nasuno- Yoichi shooting an arrow at the target-fan. Shakudo. Shimenawa—an eae: for New Year’s decora- ion. By Tamagawa-Yoshikiyo. Shakudo. A lot of fish. Silver. Fish and rat. Shakudo. Tiger and bamboo. By Omori Terumitsu. . Shibuichi. Mount Fuji. By Goto Ichjo, and signed. Shibuichi. Stork. By Goto Ichjo. Gold. Cherry blossom and temple gate. . Shakudo and gold. Monkey, boar, and rooster. By Hamano Chokuzui. 7 44, Shibuichi. Hina or dolls. By Mototsugu. 45. Iron. Precious things or symbols of treasures. Shakudo. Zinrojin. Signed, Motosada. Shakudo. Fish and pole. . Red bronze and gold. Shoki, By Joi. Shakudo. A boy and tortoise. By Tozin. 50. Yellow bronze. A Chinese mystical personage. Signed Kato Kagemasu. ; 51, Shibuichi and gold. Sun god- dess on dragon. By Shetsuga. Shibuichi und_ gold. Monkey and vine. By Nobuyashi. 58, Shibuichi and gold. Saruma- washi or monkey piayer. By Nagaysohi. Shakudo. Ceremonial hats. By Goto Mitsuteru. Shakudo. Shells. Shakudo. Fish. Shibuichi and gold. A warrior on horseback, Signed, To-un. Red bronze. Shishi or lion. 59. Yellow bronze. A traveler in kago or cedan chair. The ett on back is near Asakoso, edo. Shibuichi. Kuanwa or famous Chinese warrior. SWORD ORNAMENTS 803 SWORD ORNAMENTS 1666 Sword Ornaments. (Fuchi and Kashira.) In shakudo. A procession of *“* Kuge” (court nobles) in the streets of Kioto. Groups of numerous personages exquisitely exe- cuted in details. By Kato Yoshi-naga, of Kioto; date, 1750-1800. 1667 Sword Ornaments. (Fuchi and Kashira.) In iron. Matsu and Tora (pine-tree and tiger in high relief). Made by Torin-ken Masa-yoshi at the age of seventy-three years ; date, 1800. 1668 Sword Ornaments, (Fuchi and Kashira.) Shakudo. Sparrows and wheat plants. By Ka-ju-kuan; date, about 1800. 1669 Sword Ornaments. (Fuchi and Kashira.) Shakudo. Gold-incrusted work of dragon. By Omori Yeishin; date, 1790. 1670 Sword Ornaments. (Fuchi and Kashira.) Shakudo. A boy with branch of chrysanthemum flowers. Not signed ; date, about 1820. 1671 Sword Ornaments. (Fuchiand Kashira.) In shibuichi and shakudo. A boatman on a raft. Kashira has a Chinese philosopher standing near rocks. By Yeizui; date, 1800-1850. 1672 Cabinet Collection of Sword Ornaments. Guards (Tsuba). Three Fuchis and Kashiras; two Menugis and one knife-handle (kodzuka). By Yoshida Nobukatsu. The date is sixth year of Kayei period (1853). The subject of decoration is the sixteen rakau, or holy men of Buddha. All are exquisitely chased and carved on shibuichi background, in gold, silver and shakudo. 1673 Collection of Sword Ornaments. Consisting of Sword guard (Tsuba), by Nobuyoshi, 18th century. Pair of Menugi, by Nobuyoshi, 18th century. Knife-handle (Kodzuka), by Nobukatsu, 1850. Fuchi, by Biboku Masayoshi, 18th century. Hashira, by Biboku Masayoshi, 18th century. The subject of decoration is Buddha’s sixteen disciples orrakau. Every piece is exquisitely chased and carved in shibuichi, 3804 SWORD ORNAMENTS 1674 Cabinet Collection of Ornaments for State Sword. Consisting of eleven pieces in all. Signed, Chinrinshi Masabumi; date, 18th century. The decora- tion is of various flowers and landscape, profusely chased on shakudo in gold and silver. 1675 Cabinet Collection of Sword Ornaments. Con- sisting of : 1. Guard. Solid gold ; chrysanthe- 8. Fuchi, or rin; Chased with dragon in ealidieola 4, Kashira; or cap. Solid gold, Kirin, or dog Foo, in solid gold. chased with Ho-o, or Phoenix, 5. Koziri, or end cap. Solid gold, chased with tiger and a pine-tree. - These are by Yoshiaki, and are signed, Shisoido Yoshiaki; dated, second year of Meiji period (1869), mum flower. 2. Menugi(2). Chased design of 1676 Kogai. Kodzuka,in shakudo on gold. Koi, or carps. By Iwamoto Konkuan ; date, 1743-1800. 1677 Kogai. Kodzuka and pair of Menugi, in gold onshakudo background. The decorations are symbols used on New Year’s and on Tanabata, or 7th of July festival. All are exquisitely carried out. Signed, Mitsuteru; 17th cen- tury. ae 1678 Kogai. Kodzuka, by Goto Kenjo; date, 16th century. The design is warriors on horseback fighting at sea; beautifully executed in shakudo and gold. 1679 Kogai. Kodzuka and pair of Menugi. Not signed; probably made by one of Goto’s pupils. The deer and grass-plants are finely chased and carved in shakudo and gold. 1680 Cabinet Collection of Six Kogais, One Pair of Menugi and One Kodzuka, 1. Kogai. Shakudo. Decorated 5. Kogai. Shakudo. Bamboo de- with midsuhiki, or cords used sign. By Omori Mitsutatsu; in putting up gifts. Made by 18th century. Goto Renjo; 17th century. 6. Kogai. Red bronze. Toshitoku, 2. Kogai. Shakudo. Decoration is or god of longevity; 18th cen- a lily. By Goto Renjo; 17th tury. GENO ac 7. Pair of Menugi. Gold, shakudo 8. Kogai. Shakudo, Two worthies and shibuichi. | Representing of bamboo groves. By Kikuchi midsuhiki, or cords for tinge Joji; 18th century, gifts. By Goto Renjo; ith 4. Kogai. Shakudo and gold. A century. falcon and a pine-tree. By Ishi- guro Masayoshi; 18th century. 8. Handle, Kodzuka. Same design. By Goto Renjo; 17th century, SWORD ORNAMENTS 805 1681 A Collection of Fuchi-Kashira, (The Cap Ornament and Lower Band of Sword Hilts) TWELVE SPECIMENS 1.Shakudo. Sarumawashi, or 7. Shakudo. Ducks and reeds. monkey-tamer. Signed, Chora- kudo. 8. Iron. Bats in gold and shibuichi. 2. Shibuichi. Squirrel and grapes. 9. Shibuichi. , i Shakujo, or priest’s Signed, Yasuchika. official hair-duster. By Iwa- 8. Shakudo. Fish and _ grasses. moto Soyei. Signed, Konkuan. ee ee 10. Shibuichi. Blossoms. By 4, Shibuichi. Doran, or gunpowder . H bag. By N omura Masayoshi. Ziakurinken. 5, Bronze (yellow). Children at 11. Shakudo. Pine-trees and cows. play. ot signed. By Ishiguro Masayohi. 6. Bronze. Kakemoro, or scroll eae design ; inlaid work. 12. Shibuichi. Beetles and reeds. 1682 A Collection of Fuchi-Kashira (Hilt Mountings) TWELVE SPECIMENS | 1, Shibuichi. Zinrojin and deer. 8. Shakudo. Wheat-plant. By Signed, Shoznui. Yuzui. 2. Shibuichi. Ducks. By Tomo- 9. Bronze. Takasago couple and mor monkey. By Motohiro 8. Shibuichi, Lotus. ; : 4. Iron. Pine and chesnuts. 10. acco: Masks. By Omori- ochi, 5, Shakudo. ;Peony. By Otsutaka. 6. Shakudo. Kuge and his ser- 11. Bronze. Bamboos. By Masa- vants. By Nobuyoshi. yoshi. 7. Silver. Kuannon and landscape. 12, Shibuichi. Moon and rabbits. By Nagayoshi, By Harnaki Hogan. 1683 A Collection of Fuchi-Kashira (Hilt Mountings) TWELVE SPECIMENS 1, Shakudo. A warrior and Bud- mos ; dhist priests, By Motosada. 7. Shakudo. Fudo on boar’s back. 2. Shibuichi, Mount Fuji. By -8- Shibuichi. A tiger and a sage. Harnaki Hogan. ; By Shoi. 8. Shakudo. Lion and peony. By 9. Shibuichi. A dragon anda Chi- Teruhide. nese professor. By Yeishin. 4, Bronze(red). Daruma or Japanese Shibuichi St, Nicholas. By Nara Masa- me trea he aed auihstorks. By naga, 5. Shibuichi. Fish. By Mitsu- 11. Shakudo. Monkeys. hiro. 12. Shakudo. Lion and peony. By 6. Bronze (red.) Dragon in high wWeruhide, relief, 306 GOLD ORNAMENTS 1684 A Collection ot Fuchi-Kashira (Hilt Mountings) TWELVE SPECIMENS 1. Shibuichi. Birds and rocks. By 7. Iron. Three wine-tasters; design Nobuyoshi. after Tanyu. 2. Shakudo. Peony. By Iwamoto 8. Shibuichi. Bat and fungus. By f eae i . Hogan Miurin. es b-£ Lele fel rego, and -a\CRI- 9. Shibuichi, Fish and waves. By 4, Shibuichi. Passengers in a boat, ES EAE and two Chinese warriors. By 10. Shakudo. Pine-tree and Benten. Nobuyoshi. By Iwamoto Kuanii. 5. Shibuichi, A court lady and 41. Shibuichi ; . Shibuichi. A war-drum, a HODGE aE ta cote cea rooster and a plum-ree. By wasa ® Yoshi-masa. 6. Shibuichi. A warrior and spear. pce x By Hironaga. 12. Shakudo. A sage writing. 1685 A Collection of Fuchi-Kashira (Hilt Mountings) TWELVE SPECIMENS 1. Shakudo, Book-cover decora- 7. Shibuichi. Mythological person- tion. ages and atiger. By Chokuzui. 2. Shakudo. Owlsona tree. 8. Shibuichi. Daikoku and rice . barrels. By Hamano Haru- 8. Shibuichi. Frog from which a chika. human being is forming. By 9, Shibuichi. A wild dog and the oma moon. By Nobuyoshi. 4, Shibuichi. Country scenery. By 410. Iron. A Jot of crabs. Iwamoto Konzu. . Shibuichi. Se in Kioto. 5. Shakudo. Chrysanthemum . Pe iehirers Mean RGerOaE pee uit sez cere 12. Shibuichi, Lantern; form and 6. Iron. Pine andeagle. By Katzu- decoration of Japanese um- yasu. brella. GOLD ORNAMENTS 1687 Gold Button. Boating scene, carved in relief by Shau-raku. 1688 Gold Pouch Ornament, Sitting figure, with chrysan- themum flower. Made to order by Masayasu, and aclasp ornament representing pomegranate and birds. Two pieces. 1689 Three Gold Ornaments. Birds and floral designs. 1690 Pair of Gold Figures. Kuan-wo and Cho-hi, cele- brated Chinese warriors ; after designs by Kano-isnnan- obn; Japan’s greatest artist of the 16th century. Signed by artist, Chitsuka Hisanori. Made at the request of Takeda, esq., of Mito, province of Hitachi, GOLD ORNAMENTS 307 1691 Pair of Gold Ornaments. By Iwamoto Koukuan, of Yedo, 1743-1800. Representing Fudo, god of fire. 1692 Three Gold Ornaments. Representing incense burner, as hung in Buddhistic temples. 1693 Tio Gold Ornaments. God of wisdom and fruit design. 1694 Elaborate Gold Pouch Ornament. The seven household gods. Signed Ritsmin. 1695 Gold Slide, for Pouch, Carved and relief ornamenta- tion. God of wisdom and his deer. Seal-mark of artist, Katsu-nori. 1696 Three Gold Ornaments. Two representing Fudo, god of fire, and the other Hotei. Signed, Ishiguro Mori-naga ; date, 18th century. 1697 Pair of Gold Ornaments. Cray-fish. 1698 Two Gold Ornaments. Representing rabbits in grass, etc. 1699 Two Gold Ornaments. One a group of figures representing a Japanese legend, three gods of good-luck offering jewels to Rius, dragon-king ; and the other in design of Temple Incense bell. 1700 Two Gold Buttons. The larger one carved in relief with an ancient procession, a group of figures in gro- tesque masques and costumes ; smaller one ornamented with figure of Kusakari (grass gatherer). 1701 Three Gold Ornaments. Two by Kuroba Katsubumi illustrate an old Chinese legend; the other represents figure of deity on sacred elephant, and is signed Masa. 1702 Four Gold Ornaments. Representing millet. Signed, Tomei and Tomei Issai. 1703 Two Gold Figures. Buddhistic, representing Rakau. 1704 Pair oft Gold Figures. Fudo in standing position, holding bow and arrow. 1705 Two Gold Ornaments. One represents a group of three famous Japanese poets, and the othera floral design. 308 JAPANESE METAL WORKS 1706 Pair of Gold Ornaments. Representing Fudo, god of fire, and Tensho, goddess of sun. 1707 Gold Figure. Representing god of war. Made at Shinobuga-oka, Shitaya Yedo. 1708 Cabinet of Ornaments. Comprising twenty-seven fine specimens in solid gold, and seventeen specimens in silver, shakudo and other metals. Sold, with ebony cabinet, as forty-four pieces. JAPANESE METAL WORKS OBJECTS IN GOLD, SILVER, SHIBUICHI AND OTHER METALS 1709 Silver Tea Jar. Ovoid shape. Finely carved with karakusa or vine pat- tern. Cover finely engraved and enam- eled ; 18th century. Height, 744inches; diameter, 4144 inches. 1710 Shibuichi Box. Gold lined; on top has panel of shakudo with decoration of peony, daisies and butterflies in high relief in gold and silver. 1711 Perfume Box. Of shibuichi, lined 1709 with gold. The sides are engraved with designs of karakusa. The top of the cover is carved and inlaid with gold and shakudo in high relief, showing pine, bamboo and plum blossoms, emblems of peace, happiness and prosperity. Issigned by artist, Nao-sada of Kishu. 1712 Ink Holder (Yatate). Plum branch, with bowl ex- quisitely carved with plum blossoms, gold inlaid. Signed by artist, Kiyotsuga. 1713 Silver Koro. Melon (Moko) shape, engraved with diaper arabesques and geometrical designs; open-work cover. By Homin, 1855. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 5 inches. JAPANESE METAL WORKS 309 1714 Silwer Incense Burner. (Tsurikowro). Globular shape, with beautifully carved and chased open-work design of crests and vines. Diameter, 6 inches. 1715 Silver Incense Burner. Sitting figure of dog Foo, repoussé and chased ornamentation. Height, 4% inches ; diameter, 514 inches. 1716 Silver Incense Burner. Similar to the above. 1717 Silver Incense Burner. Globular shape, on tripod. Has tall Grecian handles. Fine repoussé and engraved ornamentation of signs of the Zodiac; open-work cover, with figure of tiger surmounting. Height, 744 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 1718 Silver Teapot. Bamboo design, with relief orna- ments. 1719 Silver Sake Kettle. Fine repoussé and chased floral, designs and Tokugawa crests. 1720 Silver Match Safe. Made of Kashira-fuchi, finely carved in relief with figure of demon and grotesque masks. By Shozni. 1721 Silver Pocket Shrine. Repoussé and chased, with imperial crest and a coiled dragon in relief in gold. Fig- ure onivory throne, Omi-kami, the god of the sun. 1722 Pocket Shrine. Mulberry- wood. With finely wrought gold figure of Fudo, and his two retainers in shakudo and copper bronze. 1723 Silver Miniature Figure. Dog Foo, inlaid with gold and shakudo. 1724 Solid Silver Clasp. Finely wrought and carved, dragon holding sacred sword in bold relief. Has secret compartment or amulet holder. 1725 Silwer Koro. Handsomely en- graved with vine and floral designs and Tycoon’s crests in gold; dog Foo heads in relief for handles; open-work border and lid. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 844 inches. 1726 Silwer Censer. Jar shape, on three low feet. Repoussé chased with Greek patterns Inazuma- cover of open-work design in imi- 1725. tation of wicker-work, surmounted by a robin with plum branch. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 3/4 inches. 310 JAPANESE METAL WORKS 1727 Silwer Teapot. Hammered surface with engraved dragons and clouds. 1728 Silver Box. Octagonal shape. Shakudo panel in lid ornamented in relief with flowers and butterfly in gold and silver. Gold lined. 1729 Perfume Box. Shibuichi. | Finely engraved ornamen- tation of pine, cherry and bamboo branches in gold and shakudo. Gold borders and interior. Signed by the artist. 1730 Ornamental Piece. Symbolical of prosperity. Shibuichi. Represents a sheaf of rice straw, on which are perched a chicken, cock and hen, exquisitely wrought in solid gold. Signed by Tow-yekijio. 1731 Silver Incense Burner. (Tsuri-koro). Globular shape, and openwork peony design ; 18th century. 1732 Netsuke, for Inro. In silver. Shape of Bewa, a Japanese musical instrument; contains medicine knife with gold handle. Old specimen. 1733 Silver Perfume Box. Carved chrysanthemum de- sign, with enamel leaves. Fine old specimen. 1734 Silver Perfume Box. Shape of sacred wine vessel used in Buddhist temples. Repoussé engraved, and en- amel decoration. 1735 Silver Incense Box. Chrysanthemum design ; carved and engraved ornamentation. 1736 Incense Box. Moko shape. Finely carved with peony flowers and other designs in relief. Old specimen. 1737 Silver Paper Weight. Fan shape. Hasin reliefa turtle, symbol of long life. 1738 Small Vase, Silver. Hexagonal shape ; with fine open- work panels, in various designs; chased and engraved base and top. Height, 344inches. Old specimen. 1739 Antique Small Vase. Silver. Cylindrical shape; fine open-work design of plum blossoms, with chased and enamel decorations at the base andtop. Height, 3inches. 1740 Small Vase. Silver. Moko shape; open-work panels, design of plum blossoms, bamboo and pine branches, symbolical of peace. Height, 3 inches. Old specimen. 1741 Small Wase. Silver. Open-work panels of peony design; chased decoration. Height 3 inches. Old specimen. JAPANESE METAL WORKS 311 1742 Small Vase. Silver. Cylindrical shape. Finely carved ornamentation of plum blossoms and pine-tree branches in low relief. Height, 4 inches; 18th century. 1743 Tea Scoop. Solid silver. Finely carved with Chinese landscape scene, by Kand-natsud, professor of carving in the college of fine arts, Tokio. 1744 Paper Weight. In shakudo. Fan design, with orna- ments in gold and silver. 1745 Silver Tray. Bamboo design, with decoration of snails in shibuichi, silver and copper bronze. Length, 1044 inches; width, 5 inches. 1746 Silver Perfume Box. Double fan design, finely carved. Top of cover in shakudo and heiro finish, with Tokugawa’s crests and Ho-o and inscription carved and inlaid with gold. A presentation box, symbolical of prosperity, peace and happiness. Height, 4% inch; length, 4 inches. 1747 Silver Wine Pot. Tall form; fine old specimen. 1748 Incense Jar. Shibuichi. Finely carved and inlaid, with Ho-o bird, flowers and vines. On two silver panels, in carved and inlaid work, are figure of Daruma, crow on oak branch and full moonin gold, silver, shibuichi and shakudo. Gold seal of maker inlaid, Masa-yoshio. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 314 inches. 1749 Silver Tea Jar. Antique design, carved in relief with archaic patterns ; figure of deer, in copper bronze and gold, surmounting cover. Height, 544 inches; diameter, 4 inches. Old specimen. 1750 Silver Wine Pot. Tall form; fine specimen; 18th century. 1751 Solid Silver Vase. Double-cylinder shape. Grecian design of ornamentation, which is inlaid and in relief, in gold, silver, shakudo, copper bronze and enamels- Height, 6 inches ; width, 4 inches. 1752 Shibuichi Box. Lined with silver. Ornamentation of box in bold relief and inlaid, is composed of gold, silver, shakudo and copper bronze. Onthelid is a figure in rich attire performing the N6 dance, and around the sides are masks, musical instruments, symbols and foliage. The borders show intricate gold inlaying. This box is an unusually fine specimen of artistic metal- work of the 19th century. Seal of the artist inlaid, Sho- min. Height, 3 inches; length, 5 inches. 312 JAPANESE METAL WORKS 1753 Silver and Gold Box. Design of koban, a gold coin formerly used in Japan, on the lid. Skillfully wrought in high relief is a life-like stork in flight. An excellent — specimen of modern workmanship. Seal of maker inlaid, Hira-yama. Height, 14% inches; length, 6 inches; width, 4 inches. 1754 Censer. Shibuichi. Ornamented in relief and inlaid, with mask, show, flute, crests, maple-leaves and other designs in gold, silver, shakudo and copper bronze. Signed by the artist, Kats-shisa. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 614 inches. 1755 Silwer Perfume Box. Double fan-shape. Carved wave designs; top of lid in shakudo and copper bronze finish, and inlaid with dragons, Ho-o and vines, in gold and silver. Height, 144 inches; length, 314 inches. 1756 Gold Sectional Box. Oblong shape, with two com- partments. Very finely carved ornamentation of Gre- cian, geometrical and other designs. Top of cover is engraved with plum blossom, bamboo and _ pine branches, symbolical of peace, prosperity and happi- ness. Height, 244 inches ; length, 34% inches. 1757 Perfume Box. Shibuichi. Design of sword guard. Relief figures of cows and willow-tree in shakudo, silver and gold. The lid is a copper bronze sword guard, with a silver panel inlaid, on whichisan engraved view of Mount Fuji. 1758 Silver Incense Burner. Repoussé and carved orna- mentation; shakudo panels with inlaid ornamentation in silver and gold. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 34 inches. 1759 Silver Incense Burner. Similar to the above. 1760 Silver Perfume Burner. Design of plum blossom, finely wrought. 1761 Silver Box. Representing a bouquet of chrysanthemum flowers in repoussé and chased, some of them finished in gold and shakudo. Height, 2 inches; length, 7 inches. 1762 Gold Teapot. Hammered and repoussé ornamenta- tion ; old Chinese design. Excellent workmanship and unique. JAPANESE METAL WORKS 813 1763 Silver Jar. Basket design. Engraved and ornamented in relief, with butterflies and dragon-fly in enamels. The cover of chrysanthemum de- sign with leaves in enamel. Gold seal of maker inlaid, Ishinsai. Height, 9 inches; diameter, 944 inches. 1764 Silver Perfume Burner, | Design of Hatisa flower. ! Height, 244 inches; length, 414 inches. 1765 Perfume Burner. Similar to the above. 1766 Large Silver Vase. Globular body, with hexagonal flaring neck. The body is covered with chrysanthemum flowers and vines, carved in high relief. A number of the flowers are finished in shakudo, and a few of them in gold. The handles in relief at neck are of chrysanthe- mum design. The neck is highly polished and without : ornamentation; around its lower partis a band carved to represent waves. This vase, although not signed, is the work of a master. It shows refinement in design and perfection in workmanship. Height, 11 inches ; diam- eter, 744 inches. 1767 Perfume Box. Iron. Gold lined, and inlaid with gold and silver. Panel of lid is ornamented with figures of hermits carved in relief in gold, shakudo, shibuichi and copper bronze. Seal of maker inlaid, Yoshi-buni. Height, 14% inches; length, 344 inches. 1768 Silver Incense Burner. Hexagon shape, on tripod, with Grecian handles. The side border panels are of shibuichi, and are skillfully ornamented with figures of Kanwon and legendary subjects, symbols, etc., in gold, silver, shakudo and copper bronze. >—=aAaAGS graved with great perfec- TIMUR, tion. By Teiko-kei-min, and 1958 signed; 18th century. The gold button, or netsuke, is mounted on an ivory ring of dragon form, which ring is profusely carved, and has the image of Shakamuni or Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, chased and carved with marvelous skill. This netsuke is by Issho-sai; 18th century. The slide, or ojime, is of gold in a pierced design of dragon. The covering coral-ball is also an exquisite specimen of metal chasing. All the metal work ought to be examined with a magnifying glass. 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 JAPANESE PIPES 843 JAPANESE PIPES Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Has chrysanthemum flower designs, engraved or carved in relief. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Dragons and clouds carved in bold relief. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Carved and inlaid design of tigers, rocks and grasses, inlaid with gold and shakudo. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver, with bamboo center. Relief ornamentation, finely executed, of flying stork and turtles. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Carved with bold designs of tiger, monkey, etc. ; bamboo center-piece. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Finely carved archaic designs; bamboo center-piece. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Chrysanthemum flowers and fan, engraved and carved in relief. Bears the Tycoon’s crest. ; Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Engraved dragon design, and inlaid with shakudo. Pipe (Kiseru). Shibuichi, with gold mouth-piece and bowl, and ivory center ; neat ornamentation of floral design. Pipe (Kiseruw). Silver. With floral crests in gold. Pipe (Kiseru). Solid gold. Exquisitely carved orna- mentation, birds, animals and flowers; bamboo center- piece. Pipe (Kiseru), Silver and shakudo. Engraved and inlaid floral and crest designs, in gold, silver and copper. Pipe (Kiseru). Solid gold. Exquisite ornamentation of quail, grasses and flowers ; bamboo center-piece. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Elaborate design of monkeys, foliage, blossoms, wasp’s nest, etc., carved in bold relief; inlaying of gold, shakudo and copper. Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Boldly wrought design of drag- ons and water. Pipe (Kiseru). Shibuichi and silver. Engraved chrys- anthemum flower and garden birds; finely wrought in relief, in gold, silver and shakudo. Pipe (Kiseru). Solid gold. Artistically wrought; flowers and grasses beautifully carved in relief, 344 JAPANESE PIPES 1976 Pipe (Kiseru), Silver. Carved in high relief with dog Foo, peonies, and other designs; gold inlaid. Signed, Masa-fusa. 1977 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Inlaid in gold, shibuichi and enamel ; morning-glory, grasses and butterflies. 1978 Pipe (Kiseru). Nomikuchi (mouth-piece), and gankubi (tobacco bowl), made of gold, with flower and butterfly chased in high relief, in silver, shakudo and copper bronze. By Jitokusai, and signed. 1979 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver mounting. Bird and flower chased in high relief on silver. By Masa-hiro, and signed. 1980 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Has chased design repre- senting Japanese fairy-tales called Urashima (the Rip Van Winkle of Japan) riding on the tortoise and rowing to the Ringu (dragon) palace. By Masa-mitsu, and signed. 1981 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver mounting. Plum-tree with rising moon, snow-ball and lap-dogs in gold and silver; chased in high relief. By Mitsu-haro, and signed. 1982 Pipe (Kiseru), Silver. A Chinese sage holding a cup of sake under a pine-tree, a water-fall, and a boy earrying hiotau (gourd holding sake) ; chased in gold and silver. By Yasu-hiro, and signed. 1983 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver mounting. Dragon-fly and but- terfly, with lotus flowers chased in gold, silver and sha- kudo, in low relief. By Masantera, and signed. 1984 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver mounting. A kongara-doshi, with mask and bell, saying prayers, and Beukei (Yoshi- tsune’s famous henchman) holding up heavy bell, chased in gold. iron and silver, in high relief. Joint work by To-bu and Tsu-ten-Yeizui, and signed. 1985 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver. Chasing in low relief, of mai- dsuru (flying storks). By Masi-nori, and signed. 1986 Pipe (Kiseru). Shibuichi and silver. Chased and in- crusted in gold, silver and copper bronze; the design represents the seven wise men, called shichi-kenjin. Not signed. ; 1987 Pipe (Kiseru), Silver and bronze. With inlaid work of various mask designs in gold, silver and shakudo. By To-un-sai masi-haru, and signed. 1988 Pipe (Kiseru). Shibuichi. A Chinese sage and a tiger, chased in high relief. By Yoshi-naga, and signed. JAPANESE PIPES 345 1989 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver and shibuichi. Two figures, representing a monkey and a dog traveling through a mountain pathway; chased work of gold, silver and shakudo. By Ikkin, and signed. 1990 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver and shibuichi. Incrusted dec- oration of masks, in gold, silver and shakudo. By Ichajo, and signed. 1991 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold. Chased and inlaid design of storks and flowers in shakudo and silver on gold ground. By Ishiguro Masa-tsune, and signed. 1992 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold. Daikoku and Tositoku (two of the seven gods of good luck), inlaid in high relief on gold ground. Signed by Hide- aki. 1993 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver mounting. Nami-ni-koi (carp and waves) decoration. By Tsuchiya Masa-haru. 1994 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold mounting. Kiku and cho-kho (chrysanthemum and butterfly) design, inlaid and in- erusted in gold and shakudo, in high relief. By Haru- aki, and signed. 1995 Pipe (Kiseru). Silver and shibuichi. Chinese sages and a cow, chased and inlaid in gold and silver. By Hide-kuni, and signed. 1996 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold mounting. Quails and grass, in high relief, in gold and shibuichi. By Haru-skira. 1997 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold mounting. Quails and grass, in chased and inlaid finish of gold and shakudo. By Ishi- guro Masa-huro, and signed. 1998 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold mounting. Quails and flowers inerusted with gold and shakudo, in high relief. By Ishiguro Masa-tsune. 1999 Pipe (Kiseru). Silverand shakudo. Ho-wo (birds of omen) and grass and flower decoration in chased and inlaid work of gold and silver, in high relief. By Masa- haru. 2000 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold. An exquisite design of a Taka- sago couple, with tortoise and stork. This illustrates the ‘‘ Ballad of the Spirit of the Pine-tree of Takasago,” which symbolizes the perfect happiness in married life. A very choice piece. By Mitsu-taka. 2001 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold mounting. With butterflies dragon-flies and bees; chased and inlaid with gold and shakudo, in high relief. By Masa-—mitsu. 846 PIPE CASES 2002 Pipe (Kiseru). Goldmounting. Chrysanthemum and butterfly in shakudo and silver on gold ground; heavily inlaid. By Kuni-chiki. 2003 Pipe (Kiseru). Gold. An elaborate design of cherry- tree and flying birds, in gold and silver inlaid and chased workmanship. A very fine specimen. By Haru- akira. 2003% Pipe (Kiseru). Gold. Pheasant resting on rock, flying sparrow and plum-tree, in high relief; gold and shakudo. —— a +=) a rest eeceses + sa phe e eee or) poe. Ls aarp + iw: Po ‘ore stries amt: ae ee Bel ane a > piss weet e tet se e tet =e. pee res tt + sats peed ; i ¥: * o oe sess eects ——s Sess —+ pap ke bs beeen = ie. 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