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asserted itself in spite of all laws of nature, and we
behold a culture which, notwithstanding unspeakable
hostility against its exponents, has nevertheless pro-
foundly modified the organism of nations.
It is the heartfelt aspiration of the author that this
historical work, in its English garb, may attain its
object by putting an end to the hostile bearing against
the Jewish race, so that it may no longer be be-
grudged the peculiar sphere whereto it has been
predestined through the events and sorrows of thous-
ands of years, and that it may be permitted to fulfil
its appointed mission without molestation.
This translation, in five volumes, is not a mere
excerpt of my “Geschichte der Juden” (like my
“ Volksthiimliche Geschichte der Juden”), but a con-
densed reproduction of the entire eleven volumes.
But the foot-notes have been omitted, so as to render
the present work less voluminous for the general
reader. Historical students are usually acquainted
with the German language, and can read the notes
in the original.
{n this English edition the “ History of the Present
Day” is brought down to 1870, whilst the original
only goes as far as the memorable events of 1348.
The last volume will contain a survey of the entire
history of the Jewish nation, together with a compre-
hensive index of names and events,
In conclusion, I cannot refrain from expressing my
gratitude to one whose life-task it is to further with
rare generosity all humane and intellectual interests,
and who has caused this translation to be made and
published. At the risk of wounding his modesty, |
must mention, as the Mecenas of this work, Mr.
Frederick D. Mocatta, whose name is a household
word in every Jewish circle.
To the foregoing words of the author I merely
wish to add, that while the first volume, as far as
the period of the Hasmonzans, has been translated
by me, the other volumes have for the greater part
“ been done into English by various hands,” and have
afterwards been revised and edited by me.
My cordial thanks are due to Mr. Israel Abrahams,
whose scholarly co-operation has enabled me to cope
with the difficulties presented by Hebrew and Jewish
names and technicalities.
The Original Inhabitants of Canaan—Gigantic Anakim and
Rephaim—The Phoenicians—Israel’s Claim to Canaan
—The Patriarchs—Hereditary Law—Emigration to Egypt
—Tribal Union—Bright and Dark Sides of the Egyptians
—Moses, Aaron and Miriam—The Prophetic Sage —Call of
Moses as Deliverer—Opposition—Exodus from Egypt—
Passage of the Red Sea—Wandering in the Desert—Reve-
lation on Mount Sinai—The Decalogue— Relapse—Conces-
sions—C risis—Circuitous Wanderings— Victories over Popu-
lations of Canaan on Trans-Jordanic Side—Commencements
of Hebrew Poetry—Death of Moses . . . . . pagel
Joshua’s Succession—Passage of the Jordan—Conquest of
Jericho—The Gibeonites—Coalition of Canaanite Cities
against the Israelites—Settlement in the Land—Isolation of
the Tribes—Allotments—The Tribe of Levi—The Ark of
the Covenant at Shiloh—Condition of Canaan at the time of
the Conquest—Climate and Fertility—Intellectual Activity
—Poetry of Nature—Remnants of Canaanite Populations—
SeremeereGaeee ee ee ek page 32
The Pheenicians, Aramzans, Philistines, Idumazeans—Their Cus- _
toms and Mythology—The Moabites and Ammonites—
Intercourse of the Israelites with their Neighbours and
Adoption of their Manners—Disintegration of the Tribes—
Consequent Weakness—Temporary Deliverers . page 53
Animosity of the Idumzans— Othniel, a Deliverer—Eglon,
King of Moab—The Canaanite King, Jabin—Sisera, his
General—The Prophetess. and Poetess Deborah—Barak—
Victory near Tabor—Early Hebrew Poetry—Sufferings
through Nomads—The Hero Gideon Jerubbaal)—Victory
in the Plain of Jezreel—Commencement of Prosperity—
Abimelech—Feud with the Shechemites—Jair the Gileadite
—Hostilities of the Amalekites and the Philistines—Jephthah
—Samson—ZebuluniteJudges . . .... . page 6o
Importance of the Judges—Public Feeling— Sanctuary in Shiloh
—Eli and his Sons—Defeat by the Philistines—Capture of
the Ark — Destruction of Shiloh and the Sanctuary—Flight
of the Aaronites and Levites—Death of Eli—The Ark in
Philistia and in Kirjath Jearim—Prophecy re-awakened—
Samuel in Ramah —The Order of Prophets or Singers—
Popular revulsion—The tribe of Judah—Repeated attacks
of the Philistines—Meeting at Mizpah—Samuel’s activity—
Nob as a place of Worship —Increase in the power of the
Philistines and Ammonites—The Tribes desire to have.a
King—Samuel’s course ofaction . ... . . page6s
I100 ?—1067 B. C. E.
Establishment of a Kingdom—Saul—His Position and Charac-
ter—His secret Election at Mizpah—Humiliating Condition
of the Nation under the Philistines—Declaration of War—
Assemblage in Gilgal—Battle of Michmash— Defeat of the
Philistines—Severity of Saul—Victory over the Ammonites—
Saul’s Election as King confirmed—His Court and Attend-
ants—His Officers and Standing Army—Victory over the
Amalekites—Disputes between Saul and Samuel—Saul’s
Attacks on the neighbouring People—War with the Gibeon-
ites—Place of Worship in Gibeon—War against the Philis-
tines in the Valley of Tamarinths—Goliath and David—
Meeting of Saul and David—Saul’s Jealousy turns into
Madness—The Persecution of David—Saul’s last Battle
against the Philistines—Defeat and Death . . . page 82
1067—1055 B. C. E.
Burning of Ziklag—Defeat of the Amalekites—Judah elects
David as King—Abner and Ishbosheth—War between the
houses of Saul and David—Murder of Abner—Death of
Ishbosheth—David recognised as sole King—Capture of
Zion—Fortification of Jerusalem—War with the Philistines
—Victory of David—The Heroes—Alliance with Hiram —
Removal of the Ark of the Sanctuary to Jerusalem—The
High-Priest—Choral Services of the Temple—Internal
Government of Israel—The Gibeonites and Rizpah—Me-
phibosheth “ead Mlewuel. sire pugs 106
1055—1035 B.C. E.
War with the Moabites—Insult offered by. the King of the
Ammonites—War with the Ammonites—Their Defeat—
Battle of Helam—Attack of Hadadezer—Defeat of the
Aramzeans— Acquisition of Damascus—War with the Idu-
mzeans—Conquest of the town of Rabbah—Defeat of the
Idumzans—Conquered races obliged to pay tribute—Bath-
sheba—Death of Uriah the Hittite—Parable of Nathan—
Birth of Solomon (1033)—Misfortunes of David—Absalom
—Wise Woman of Tekoah—Reconciliation of David and
Absalom—Numbering of the Troops— Pestilence breaks out
in Israel—Absalom’s Rebellion—Murder of Amasa—Sheba’s
Insurrection—David and Nathan—Adonijah . . page 125
1035—I015 B. C. E.
The new King’s Rule—Solomon’s Choice—-Poetic Allegory—
Murder of Adonijah and Joab—The Court—Alliance with
Egypt—Tyre—Solomon’s Buildings—The Plan of the
Temple—The Workmen—The Materials—Description of
the Temple—The Ceremony of Consecration—Reorganisa-
tion of the Priesthood—The King’s Palace—The Throne
—Increase of National Wealth—The Fleet—The Seeds of
Disunion—Jeroboam—lIdolatry permitted — Estrangement
from Egypt—Growth of surrounding Kingdoms—Solomon’s
Fame—His Death chs : . page 156
IOI5—977 B.C. E.
Accession of Rehoboam—Jeroboam’s return—The King at
Shechem—The Secession of the Ten Tribes—Election of
Jeroboam—New Alliances—Rezon and Shishak—Fortifiea-
tion of Shechem—Jeroboam’s Idolatry—Ahijah s rebuke—
Religion in Jadah—Abijam—Asa—Nadab—Baasha— Wars
between Asa and Baasha—Defeat of Zerah—Benhadad—
Elah — Zimri— Omri— Civil war— Samaria built— Omri’s |
policy—Alliances with Ethbaal and Tyre—Ahab: his char-
acter—Jezebel—The Priests of Baal— Elijah—Naboth’s vine-
yard—Elijah at Carmel—War with Benhadad—Death of :
Ahab and Jehoshaphat—Ahaziah’s a oe
Elijah and Elisha—Jehu—Death of Jezebel . page 179
977——887 B. C. E.
Athaliah’s rule—Early years of Joash—Proclamation of Joash —
by Jehoiada—Athaliah em Revival—Elisha—
Repairing of the Temple—Death of Jehoiada and of his Son
—Invasion of Israel by Hazael—Jehoahaz—Murder of Joash,
King of Judah—Jehoash, King of Israel—Defeat of the
Aramzeans—A maziah—Conquest of Edom—Death of Elisha
—Amaziah defeated by Jehossh an I].—Death of
Amaziaho. 2.0% Sas . . pape 213
887—805 B. C. Es
Condition of Judah—The Earthquake and the Famine—Uzziah’s
Rule—Overthrow of Neighbouring Powers—Fortification of
Jerusalem—Navigation of the Red Sea—Jeroboam’s Pros-
perity—The Sons of the Prophets—Amos—Prophetic Elo-
quence—Joel’s Prophecies—Hosea. foretells Ultimate Peace
—Denunciation of Uzziah—Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem—
Last Years of Uzziah—Contest between the King and the
High Priest—Uzziah ie Ee ris Functions —
Uzziah’s Illness. . o> 9 ee . page 228
Sos ace B. C. E.
King Menahem—The Babylonians and the Assyrians—Pekah
—Jotham’s reign—Isaiah of Jerusalem—His style and influ-
ence—His first public address—Later speeches—Their im-
mediate and permanent effect—His disciples—Their charac-
teristics—Zechariah—His prophecies . page 246
758—740 B. C. E
The Reign of Ahaz—His Character—Alliance between Pekah
and Rezin—Tiglath-Pileser and Assyria—Ahaz seeks Assy-
rian Aid—Isaiah’s Opposition—Defeat of Pekah and Rezin
—Introduction of Assyrian Worship—Human Sacrifices—
The Second Micah—Samaria after Pekah’s Death—Assyria
and Egypt—Hoshea—Samaria taken by Shalmaneser— The
Exile—Hezekiah—His Early Measures—His Weakness of
Character—Isaiah’s Efforts to Restrain Hezekiah from War
with Assyria—Arrangements for the Defence—Change of
Policy—lIsaiah Predicts the Deliverance—Micah—Rabsha-
keh’s Embassy—Hezekiah’s Defiance—His Illness and Re-
covery—The Destruction of Sennacherib’s Army—Mero-
dach-baladan—Hezekiah’s Rule—The Psalmists—Death of
Beererer- e.g kw 8 8 +t PAE 257
739—606 B. C. E.
Manasseh—Fanatical Hatred of Hezekiah’s Policy—Assyrian
Worship Introduced—The Anavim—Persecution of the
Prophets — Esarhaddon —The Colonisation of Samaria—
Amon—Josiah—Huldah and Zephaniah—Affairs in As-
sj da—Regeneration of Judah under Josiah—Repairing of
the Temple—Jeremiah—The Book of Deuteronomy—Jo-
siah’s Passover—Battle at Megiddo . . . . page 281
695—608 B, C. E.
Effects of Josiah’s Foreign Policy—Jehoahaz—Jehoiakim—
Egyptian Idolatry introduced—The Prophets—Uriah the
Son of Shemaiah—Jeremiah’s renewed Labours—Fall of
Assyria—Nebuchadnezzar—Baruch reads Jeremiah’s Scroll
—Submission of Jehoiakim—His Rebellion and Death—
Jehoiachin—Zedekiah—Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchad-
nezzar—The Siege raised owing to the Intervention of
Egypt—Defeat of the Egyptians Renewal of the Siege—
Capture of Jerusalem—Zedekiah in Babylon—Destruction
of the Capital—Jeremiah’s Lamentations . . . page 298
608—586 B. C. E.
The National Decay—The Fugitives—Enmity of the Idu-
mzeans—Johanan, Son of Kareah—The Lamentation— Neb-
uchadnezzar appoints Gedaliah as Governor— Jeremiah
Encourages the People—Mizpah—Ishmael Murders Geda-
liah—The Flight to Egypt—Jeremiah’s Counsel Disre-
garded—Depopulation of Judah—The Idumzans make
Settlements in the Country—Obadiah—Condition of the
Judzeans in Egypt— Defeat of Hophra—Egypt under Amasis
—Jeremiah’s Last Days . . . . 2 bn. oppor 909
586—572 B. C. E.
Nebuchadnezzar’s treatment of the Exiles—The Exiles obtain
grants of land—Evil-Merodach favours Jehoiachin—Number
of the Judzean Exiles—Ezekiel’s captivity in the first period
of the Exile—Moral change of the People—Baruch collects
Jeremiah’s Prophecies and compiles the Histories—The
Mourners of Zion—-Proselytes—T he Pious and the Worldly
—The Poetry of the Time—-Psalms and Book of Job—
Nabonad’s Persecutions—The Martyrs and the Prophets
of the Exile—The Babylonian Isaiah—Cyrus captures
Babylon—The Return under Zerubbabel . . page 329
572—537 B. C. E.
The Journey to Jerusalem—The Samaritans—Commencement
of the Rebuilding of the Temple—Interruption of the
Work—Darius—Haggai and Zechariah—Completion of the
Temple—Contest between Zerubbabel and Joshua—Inter-
marriage with Heathens— The Judzans in Babylonia—Ezra
visits Jerusalem—Dissolution of the Heathen Marriages—
The Book of Ruth—Attacks by Sanballat—Nehemiah—His
Arrival in Jerusalem—Fortification of the Capital—Sanbal-
lat’s Intrigues against Nehemiah—Enslavement of the Poor
—Nehemiah’s Protest—Repopulation of the Capital—THe
GenealogiesThe Reading of the Law—The Feast of Tab-
ernacles—The Great Assembly—The Consectation—De-
parture of Nehemiah—Action of Eliashib— Withholding the
Tithes—Malachi, the Last of the Prophets—Nehemiah’s
Second Visit to Jerusalem—His measures . page 354
537-420 B. C. E.
Enmity of the Samaritans against the Judzans—The Temple
on Mount Gerizim—The High-Priest Manasseh—The mixed
language of the Samaritans—Their veneration for the Law
of Moses—Judaism loses its national meaning—'l he Jubilee
and Sabbatical Year—Almsgiving—1 he Council of Seventy
—The Assyrian Characters—T he Schools and the Sopherim
— Observance of the Ceremonies—!he Prayers—The Fu-
ture Life—The Judzeans under Artaxerxes IJ. and III.—
Their Banishment to the Caspian Sea—Jochanan and Joshua
contend for the office of High-Priest—Bagoas—The Writ-
ings of the Period—The Greeks and Macedonians—Alex-
ander the Great and the Judzans—Judza accounted a
Province of Ccelesyria—Struggles between Alexander’s
Successors—Capture of Jerusalem by Ptolemy—Judza
added to the Lagidean-Egyptian Kingdom—The Judzan
Colonies in Egypt and Syria and the Greek Colonies in
Peeteaiiic: ee eS . page 389
420—300 B.C. E.
Slint ER XAT,
Condition of the Judzans under the Ptolemies—Simon effects
Improvements—His Praises are sung by Sirach—His Doc-
trines—T he Chasidim and the Nazarites— Simon’s Children—
Onias II. and the Revolt against Egypt—Joseph, Son of
Tobias—His Embassy to Alexandria—He is appointed Tax-
collector—War between Antiochus the Great and Egypt—
Defeat of Antiochus—Spread of Greek Manners in Judza
—Hyrcanus—The Song of Songs—Simon IJ.—Scopas de-
spoils Jerusalem—The Contest between.Antiochus and Rome
—Continued Hellenisation of the Judz#ans—The Chasidim
and ‘the Hellenists—José ben Joezer and José, ben Johanan
—Onias II]. and Simon—Heliodorus—Sirach’s Book of
Proverbs against the Errors of his Time. . . page 420
300—175 B.C. E.
Antiochus Epiphanes— His Character—His Wars with Rome
— He appoints Jason to the High-Priesthood—Introdtiction
of the Greek Games—Jason sends Envoys to Tyre to take
yes nth ey
part in the Olympian Games—Affairs in Jerusalem—Anti-
ochus invades Egypt—Report of his Death in Jerusalem—
Antiochus attacks the City and defiles the 1 emple—His
Designs against Judaism— His Second Invasion of Egypt—
The Persecution of the Judeeans—The Martyrs—M attathias
and his five. Sons—Apelles appears in Modin—The Chasi-
dim—Death of Mattathias and Appointment of Judas Mac-
cabzeus as Leader—His Virtues—Battles against Apollonius
and Heron—Antiochus determines to Exterminate the Ju-
dzan People—Composition and Object of the Book of
Daniel—Victory of Judas over Lysias . . . . page 442
175—166 B. C. E.
Return of Judas to Jerusalem— Reconsecration of the Temple
—The Feast of Lights—Fortification of the Capital—'l he
Idumzeans and Ammonites defeated by Judas—11]-treatment
of the Galilean Judzeans—Measures against Timotheus—
Death of Antiochus—Embassy of the Hellenists to Anti-—
ochus V.—Battle at Bethzur—Retreat of Judas—Affairs in
Jerusalem—Alcimus—Intervention of the Romans—Nica-
nor’s Interview with Judas—Battle of Adarsa—Death of
Judas— Results of his Career— Condition of the People after
the Death of Judas—The Chasidim, the Hellenists, and the
Hasmonzans—Jonathan— His Guerilla Warfare against
Bacchides— Death of the High-Priest Alcimus— Truce
between Jonathan and Bacchides—Jonathan as High-Priest
— His far-sighted Policy—His Captivity and his Death.
page 471
165—143 B. C. E.
The Judzean Colonies in Egypt and Cyrene—Internal Affairs of
the Alexandrian Community— King Philometor favours the
Judzeans—Onias and Dositheus—The Temple of Onias—
Translation of the Pentateuch into Greek— Struggle between
the Judzans and Samaritans in Alexandria—Affairs in
Judzea—Independence of Judzea—Simon’s League with the
Romans—Overthrow of the Acra, and of the Hellenists—
Simon’s Coinage—Quarrel between Simon and the Syrian
King—Invasion by Cendebzeus—Assassination of Simon.
160—135 B.C. E,
The Original Inhabitants of Canaan—Gigantic Anakim and Rephaim
—The Phcenicians—Israel’s Claim to Canaan—The Patriarchs—
Hereditary Law—Emigration to Egypt—Tribal Union—Bright
and Dark Sides of the Egyptians—Moses, Aaron and Miriam
—The Prophetic Sage—Call of Moses as Deliverer—Oppo-
sition—Exodus from Egypt—Passage of the Red Sea—Wan-
derings in the Desert—Revelation on Mount Sinai— The
Decalogue—Relapse—Concessions—Crisis—Circuitous Wander-
a ee over Populations of Canaan, on Trans-Jordanic
Side—Commencements of Hebrew Poetry—Death of Moses.
Ir was on a spring day that some pastoral tribes
passed across the Jordan into a strip of land which
can only be regarded as an extended coast-line of
the Mediterranean. This was the land of Canaan,
subsequently called Padestene. ‘The crossing of the
Jordan and the entry into this territory were des-
tined to become of the utmost importance to man-
kind. ‘The land of which the shepherd tribes
possessed themselves became the arena of great
events, so enduring and important in their results,
that the country in which they took place became
known as the Holy Land. Distant nations had
no conception that the entry of the Hebrew or
Israelite tribes into the land of Canaan would
have such momentous consequences. Even the
inhabitants of Palestine were far from recognising
in this invasion an occurrence fraught with vita
significance to themselves.
At the time when the Hebrews occupied this
territory it was inhabited by tribes and peoples dis-
similar in descent and pursuits. The primary place
was held by the aborigines, the Axzakim and Re-
pharm, a powerful race of giants. Tradition repre-
sents them as the descendants of that unruly and
overbearing race which, in primeval times, at-
tempted to storm the heavens. For this rebellious
attempt they had been doomed to ignominious
Their reputed descendants, the powerful natives
of the country—who by some of the ancient nations
were called Amzm, “terrible men”—were unable
to maintain themselves; notwithstanding their im-
posing figures, they were destroyed by races of
inferior stature. The rest were obliged to migrate
to the East-Jordanic lands, to the south, and also
to the south-west of the West-Jordanic region.
This remnant of the Azakim filled the Israelite
spies with such abject terror that they made the
entire nation despair of ever obtaining possession of
the country. This gave rise to the proverb, ‘‘Who
can stand before the children of Anak?” “We
were, said the spies, “in our own eyes as grass-
hoppers, and so we appeared unto them.” These
giants were eventually overcome by the Israelite
dwarfs. |
Another group of inhabitants which had settled
in the land between the Mediterranean and the
Jordan was that of the Caxaanztes, whom the
Greeks called Phoenicians. These Phoenicians ap-
pear to have pursued the same employment in their
new country as they had followed on the banks of
the Red Sea or the Persian Gulf. ‘Their chief pur-
suits were navigation and commerce. The position
which they had selected was eminently favourable
to their daring expeditions. The great ocean,
forming a strait at the Pillars of Hercules, and
separating Europe from Africa, as the Mediterra
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(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward.)
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nean Sea, has here its extreme limit. At the foot of
the snow-topped Lebanon and its spurs, commodious
inlets formed natural harbours that required but little
improvement at the hand of man. On this seaboard
the Canaanites built the town of Sidon, situated ona
prominent crag which overhangs the sea. They
afterwards built, on a small rocky island, the port of
Tyre (Tor, which subsequently became celebrated);
they also built Aradus, to the north of Sidon, and
Akko (Acre) to the south of Tyre. The neighbouring
forests of the Lebanon and the Anti-Lebanon sup-
plied them with lofty cedars and strong cypresses
for ships. The Canaanites, who became the first
mercantile nation in the world, owed much of their
success to the advantage of finding on their coast
various species of the murex (Zo/aat shanz), from
the fluid of which was obtained a most brilliant
and widely celebrated purple dye. The beautiful
white sand of the river Belus, near Acre, supplied
fine glass, an article which was likewise in much
request in the Old World. The wealth of the
country lay in the sands of the sea-shore. The
Canaanites, on account of their extensive trade,
required and introduced at an early period a conve-
nient form of writing, and their alphabet, the Phoeni-
cian, became the model for the alphabets of ancient
and modern nations. Ina word, the narrow belt of
land between the Mediterranean and Mount Leb-
anon, with its spurs, became one of the most impor-
tant points on the face of the globe. Through the
peaceful pursuits of commerce the Canaanites were
brought into contact with remote nations, who
‘were gradually aroused from a state of inactivity.
They became subdivided into the small national-
ities of Amorites, Hittites, Hivites, and Perizzites.
The Jebusites, who inhabited this district, were of
minor importance ; they dwelt on the tract of land
which afterwards became the site for the city of
Jerusalem. Of still less account were the Girga-
shites, who had no fixed residence. All these names
would have remained unknown had not the Israelites
entered the land. :
But this people had not taken a footing in the
country with the mere object of finding pasture land
for their flocks; their pretensions were far greater.
Chief of all, they claimed as their patrimony the land
where the graves of their forefathers were situated.
The first patriarch, Abraham, who had emigrated
from Aram, on the borders of the Euphrates, had,
after many wanderings through the country, ac-
quired in Hebron, as an hereditary burial-place, the
Cave of Machpelah, or the “ Double Cave,” together
with the adjoining field and trees. ‘There his wife
Sarah had been interred, then he himself, and after
him his son, the patriarch Isaac. 3
The third patriarch, Jacob, after many vicissitudes
and wanderings, had purchased a plot of land near
Shechem, and had taken that important city “with
his sword and with his bow.” ‘The city was in the
very heart of the territory of the Hivites, and its cap-
ture had taken place in consequence of a breach of
peace, through the abduction and dishonour of Jacob’s
daughter. ‘The land was henceforth regarded as the
property of the patriarch, and he only reluctantly
quitted it at the outbreak of a famine, in order to
proceed to Egypt, where corn was plentiful. On his
death-bed, Jacob impressed upon his sons that they
should deposit his remains in the family tomb of the
“ Double Cave.” Not alone did Canaan contain the
graves of the three patriarchs, but also the altars
which they had erected and named in various places,
in honour of the Deity whom they worshipped. The
Israelites were therefore firmly convinced that they
had a right to the exclusive possession of the land.
These claims derived further strength from the
tradition left by the patriarchs to their. descendants
as a sacred bequest, that the Deity, whom they had
been the first to recognise, had repeatedly and indu-
bitably, though only in visions, promised them this
land as their possession, not merely for the sake
of showing them favour, but as the means of
attaining toa higher degree of culture. This culture
would pre-eminently consist in Abraham’s doctrine
of a purer belief in the Oxe God, whose nature
differed essentially from that of the gods whom the
various nations represented in the shape of idols
and by means of other senseless conceptions. The
higher recognition of the Deity was designed to lead
Abraham’s posterity to the practice of justice towards
all men, in contradistinction to the injustice univer-
sally prevailing in those days. It was affirmed that
this higher culture was ordained by the Almighty as
“the way of God,’ and that as such it should be
transmitted by the patriarchs to their families as a
bequest and as a subject of hereditary instruction.
They also received the promise that through their
posterity, as the faithful guardians of this teaching,
all nations of the earth should be blessed, and should
participate in this intellectual advancement of Israel ;
and that with this same object the land of Canaan
had been allotted to Israel, as especially adapted for
the purposes of the hereditary law. Hence it was
that the Israelites, while in a foreign country, felt an.
irrepressible yearning for their ancestral land. Their
forefathers had impressed them with the hope that,
though some of their generations would sojourn in a
land which was not their own, a time would surely
come when Israel should return to that land which
was the resting-place of their patriarchs, and where
the patriarchal altars had been erected and conse-
crated. This promise became identified with all
their positive expectations, and with their conviction
that the acquisition of Canaan was secured to them
on condition that they performed the duties of wor-
shipping the God of their fathers, and observed the
ways of justice and righteousness. The nature of
this worship and ‘‘the way of justice” was not
clearly defined, nor did they require such a definition.
The lives of the patriarchs, as commemorated by
posterity, served as a sufficient illustration of the
family law. Abraham was especially held up as a
model of human excellence. Differing from other
nations who worshzpped their primeval ancestors,
his descendants did not revere him as a performer
of marvellous deeds, nor as one exalted to the emi-
nent degree of a god or a demi-god. Not asa war-
rior and a conqueror did he live in the memory of
his descendants, but as a self-denying, God-fearing
man, who joined true simplicity and faith to noble-
ness in thought and in action. According to their
conception, Abraham the Hebrew, although born of
idolatrous parents in Aram, on the other side of the
Euphrates, and although brought up amidst idola-
trous associations, had obeyed the voice which
revealed to him a higher God, and had separated
himself from those around him. When disputés
arose, he did not obstinately insist upon his claims,
but renounced his rights for the sake of living at
peace with his fellow-men. So hospitable was he,
that he would go forth to invite the passing way-
farers, and delighted in entertaining them. He
interceded for the sinners of Sodom and the neigh-
bouring cities, when their cruel and inhuman acts
had brought on them the punishment of Heaven;
‘and he prayed that they might be spared for the
sake of any few righteous men amongst them.
These and other remembrances of his peace-loving
and generous disposition, of his self-abnegation, and
of his submission to God, were cherished by his
descendants, together with the conviction that such
a line of conduct was agreeable to the God of their
fathers; that for the sake of these virtues God had
protected Abraham, as well as his son and his
grandson, because the two latter had followed the
example of their predecessor. This belief that God
especially protects the virtuous, the just, and the
good, was fully confirmed in the life of the patriarch
Jacob, to whom the additional name IsraEL was
given. His life had been short and toilsome, but
the God of his fathers had delivered him from all
his sorrows. Such remembrances of ancestral piety
were retained by the sons of Israel, and such family
traditions served to supplement and illustrate their
hereditary law.
The growth of Israel as a distinct race commenced
amidst extraordinary circumstances. The beginning
of this people bore but very slight resemblance to the
origin of other nations. Israel as a people arose
amidst peculiar surroundings in the land of Goshen,
a territory situated in the extreme north of Egypt,
near the borders of Palestine. The Israelites were
not at once moulded into a nation, but consisted of
twelve loosely connected shepherd tribes.
These tribes led a simple life in the land of Goshen.
The elders (ZeXenzm) of the families, who acted as
their chiefs, were consulted on all important occa-
sions. hey had no supreme chieftain, nor did they
owe allegiance to the Egyptian kings; and thus they
habitually enjoyed the freedom of a republic, in
which each tribal section was enabled to preserve its
independence without falling into subjection or
serfdom. Although they did not become _inter-
mixed with the ancient Egyptians, who in fact had
an aversion to shepherds—perhaps on account of
the oppression they had in former ages endured
from such shepherds (the Hyksos)—yet opportu-
nities for contact and mutual communication could
not be wanting. Some families of Israel had aban-
doned their pastoral pursuits, and devoted them-
selves to agriculture or industrial occupations, and
were therefore brought into connection with the
inhabitants of towns. It seems that the members of |
the tribe of Ephraim stood in closer social contact
with the original inhabitants. This intercourse had
_a favourable influence upon the Israelites.
The Egyptians had already gone through a history
of a thousand years, and attained to a high degree
of culture. Their kings, or Pharaohs, had already
built populous cities, and erected colossal edifices,
temples, pyramids and mausoleums. Their priests
had acquired a certain degree of perfection in such
arts and technical accomplishments as were suited
to the requirements of the country, as for example,
architecture and hydraulic constructions, the kindred
science of geometry, the art of medicine, and the
mystery of embalming for the perpetual preservation
of the remains of the departed; also the artistic
working of objects in gold, silver and precious
stones, in Order to satisfy the luxurious demands of
the kings. They also knew the art of sculpture and
the use of pigments. They studied chronology,
together with astronomy, which was suggested by
the periodical overflow of the Nile. The all-impor-
tant art of writing had been invented and perfected
by the Egyptian priests. They first used stones and
metals to commemorate the renown of their mon-
archs; and they afterwards employed the fibre of
the papyrus shrub, which was originally marked with
clumsy figures and subsequently with ingeniously
drawn symbols. Of these several attainments the
Israelites seem to have acquired some notion. The
members of the destitute tribe of Levi in particular,
being unencumbered by pastoral service or by
landed possessions, appear to have learnt from the
Egyptian priests the art of writing. Owing to their
superior knowledge, they were treated by the other
tribes as the sacerdotal class, and hence they held,
even in Egypt, the privileged distinction of their
priestly position.
The residence of the Israelites in Egypt was of —
great advantage to them. It raised them, or at least
a portion of them, from a rude state of nature toa
higher grade of culture. But what they gained on
the one hand, they lost on the other; and in spite
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POPULAR DEITIES: (a) THOUERIS, ()) PATAIKOS, (c) BES, holding a lute.
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(After Erman.)
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of their arts and accomplishments, they would in time
have fallen into a more abject condition. Amongst
no people which had advanced beyond the first stage
of Fetish worship, had idolatry assumed such a
hideous development, or so mischievously tainted
the habits, as was the case with the Egyptians. By
combining and intermingling the gods of the various
districts, they had established a complete system of
polytheism. Asa matter of course they worshipped
goddesses as well as gods. What made the myth-
ology of the Egyptians especially repulsive, was the
fact that they placed the deified beings of their
_ adoration, from whom they expected help, far below
the level of human beings.
They endowed their gods with the shape of
animals, and worshipped the inferior creatures as
divine powers. Ammon, their chief god, was repre-
sented with ram’s horns, the goddess Pecht (Pacht)
with a cat’s head, and Hathor (Athyr), the goddess
of licentiousness, with a cow’s head. Osiris, who was
worshipped throughout Egypt, was represented ina.
most loathsome and revolting image, and the uni-
versally honoured Isis was often pictured with a
cows head. Animals being scarce in the Nile
region, great value was attached to their preserva-
tion, and they received divine homage. Such
honours were paid to the black bull Agzs (A dzr) in
Memphis, to the white bull JZzevzs in Heliopolis, to
the lustful goats, to dogs, and especially to cats;
also to birds, snakes, and even mice. The killing of
a sacred bull or cat was more severely punished than
the murder of a human being.
This abominable idolatry was daily witnessed by
the Israelites. “The consequences of such perver-
sions were sufficiently deplorable. Men who in-
vested their gods with the shape of animals sank
down to the level of beasts, and were treated as such
by the kings and by persons of the higher castes—
the priests and soldiers. Humanity was contemned ;
no regard was paid to the freedom of the subjects,
and still less to that of strangers. ‘The Pharaohs
claimed to be descended: from the gods, and were
worshipped as such even during their lifetime. The
entire land with its population was owned by them.
It was a mere act of grace on their part that they
granted a portion of the territory to cultivators of
the soil.
Egypt, in fact, was not peopled by an independent
nation, but by bondmen. Hundreds of thousands
were forced to take part in compulsory labour for
the erection of the colossal temples and pyramids.
The Egyptian priests were worthy of such kings and
gods. Cruelly as the Pharaohs harassed their
subjects with hard labour, the priests continued to
declare that the kings were demi-gods. Under the
weight of this oppression the people became devoid
of all human dignity, and submitted to the vilest
bondage without ever attempting to relieve them-
selves from the galling yoke. The repulsive idolatry
then prevailing in Egypt had yet further pernicious
consequences. The people lost the idea of chastity,
after they had placed the brute creation on an
equality with their deities. _ Unspeakable offences in
the use of animals had become of daily occurrence,
and entailed neither punishment nor disgrace. The
gods being depicted in unchaste positions, there
appeared to be no need for human beings to be
better than the gods. No example is more conta-
gious and seductive than folly and sin. The Israel-
ites, especially those who were brought into closer
contact with the Egyptians, gradually adopted
idolatrous perversions, and abandoned themselves
to unbridled license. This state of things was
aggravated by a new system of persecution.
During a long period, the Israelites residing in the
Land of Goshen had been left unmolested, they
having been looked upon as roving shepherds who
would not permanently settle in Egypt. But when
decades and even a century had passed by, and they
still remained in the land and continued to increase
in numbers, the council of the king begrudged them
‘the state of freedom which was denied to the
Egyptians themselves. The court now feared that
these shepherd tribes, which had become so numer-
ous in Goshen, might assume a warlike attitude
towards Egypt. ‘To avoid this danger, the Israelites
were declared to be bondmen, and were compelled
to perform forced labour. To effect a rapid decrease
in their numbers, the king commanded that the male
infants of the Israelites should be drowned in the
Nile or in some of the canals, and that only the
female infants should be spared. The Israelites,
formerly free in the land of Goshen, were now kept
“in a house of bondage,” “in an iron furnace”; here
it was to be proved whether they would conform to
their hereditary law, or follow strange goas.
The greater part of the tribes could not stand
this trial. They had a dim knowledge that the God
of their fathers was a being very different from the
Egyptian idols; but even this knowledge seemed to
decrease from day to day. Love of imitation, sore
oppression, and daily misery made them obtuse, and
obscured the faint light of their hereditary law. The
enslaved labourers did not know what to think of
an unseen God who only lived in their memories.
Like their masters, the Egyptians, they now lifted
their eyes to the visible gods who showed them-
selves so merciful and propitious to Israel’s tor-
mentors. They directed their prayers to the bovine
god Apis, whom they called Adzry} and they also
offered to the he-goats” The daughter of Israel,
_ growing up to womanhood, sacrificed her virtue,
1In Hebrew the word Adir means bull, mighty, and hence God.
It is connected with the Egyptian adr (a bull), from which AZzs is
derived. Conf. Jeremiah xlvi. 15.
*Levit. xvii. 7. The sending of the scape-goat to Azazel marked
the abomination in which this lascivious cult was held.
and abandoned herself to the Egyptians! It was
probably thought that, in the images of the grass-
eating animal, honour was paid to the god of the
patriarchs. When the intellect is on a wrong track,
where are the limits for its imaginings? The Israel-
ites would have succumbed to coarse sensual idolatry
and to Egyptian vice, like many other nations who
had come under the influence of the people of the
land of Ham, had not two brothers and their sister—
the instruments of a higher Spirit—aroused them
and drawn them out of their lethargy. These were
Moses, AARON and Miurtam2 In what did the
greatness of this triad consist? What intellectual
powers led them to undertake their work of redemp-
tion, the elevating and liberating effect of which was
intended to extend far beyond their own times?
Past ages have left but few characteristic traits of
Moses, and barely any of his brother and sister,
which could enable us to comprehend, from a human
point of view, how their vision rose step by step from
the faint dawn of primitive ideas to the bright sun-
light of prophetic foresight, and by what means they
rendered themselves worthy of their exalted mission.
The prophetic trio belonged to that tribe which,
through its superior knowledge, was regarded as
the sacerdotal tribe, namely, the tribe of Levi.
This tribe, or at least this one family, had doubtless
preserved the memory of the patriarchs and the
belief in the God of their fathers, and had accord-
ingly kept itself aloof from Egyptian idolatry and
its abominations.
Thus it was that Aaron, the elder brother, as
also Moses and Miriam, had grown up in an
atmosphere of greater moral and religious purity.
Of Moses the historical records relate that after his
birth his mother kept him concealed during three
months, to evade the royal command, and protect
'1Conf. Ezekiel xxiii. 7, 8.
* Micah vi. 4, mentions also Miriam, with her brothers, as a deliverer.
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CH. I. | MOSES. 13
him from death in the waters of the Nile. There
is no doubt that the youthful Moses was well ac-
quainted with Pharaoh’s court at Memphis or Tanis
(Zoan). Gifted with an active intellect, he had an
opportunity of acquiring the knowledge that was
to be learnt in Egypt, and by his personal and
intellectual qualities he won the affections of all
hearts. But even more than by these qualities, he
was distinguished by his gentleness and modesty.
“Moses was the meekest of men,” is the only
praise which the historical records have bestowed
upon him. He is not praised for heroism or war-
like deeds, but for unselfishness and self-abnega-
tion. :
Influenced by the ancient teaching, that the God
of Abraham loved righteousness, he must have been
repelled by the baseless idolatry of animal worship
and by the social and moral wrongs which then were
rife. Shameless vice, the bondage of a whole people
under kings and priests, the inequality of castes, the
treatment of human beings as though they were
beasts or inferior to beasts, the spirit of slavery,—all
these evils he recognised in their full destructive
force, and he perceived that the prevailing debase-
ment had defiled his brethren. Moses was the open
antagonist of injustice. It grieved him sorely that
Israel's sons were subjected to slavery, and were
daily exposed to ill-treatment by the lowest of the
Egyptians. One day when he saw an Egyptian
unjustly beating a Hebrew, his passion overcame his
self-control, and he punished the offender. Fearing
discovery, he fled from Egypt into the desert, and
halted at an oasis in the neighbourhood of Mount
Sinai, where the Kenites, an offshoot of the tribe of
Midianites, were dwelling. Here, as in Egypt, he
witnessed oppression and wrong-doing, and here
also he opposed it with zeal. He gave his aid to
feeble shepherdesses. By such action he came into
contact with their grateful father, the priest or
elder of the tribe of the Midianites, and he married
Zipporah, the daughter of that priest.
His employment in Midian was that of a shepherd.
He selected fertile grazing plots for the herds of
-Reuel, his father-in-law, between the Red Sea and
the mountain lands. In this solitude the prophetic
spirit came upon him.
What is the meaning of this prophetic spirit?
Even those who have searched the secrets of the
world, or the secrets of the soul in its grasp of the
universe, can give only a faint notion and no distinct
account of its nature. ‘The inner life of man has
depths which have remained inscrutable to the
keenest investigator. It is, however, undeniable
that the human mind can, without help from the
senses, cast a far-seeing glance into the enigmatic
concatenation of events and the complex play of
forces. By means of an undisclosed faculty of the
soul, man has discovered truths which are not within
the reach of the senses. The organs of the senses
can only confirm or rectify the truths already elicited.
They cannot discover them. By means of the truths
brought to light by that inexplicable power of the
soul, man has learned to know nature and to make
its forces subservient to his will. These facts attest
that the power of the soul owns properties which go
beyond the ken of the senses, and transcend the
skilled faculties of human reason. Such properties
lift the veil of the dim future, and lead to the dis-
covery of higher truths concerning the moral conduct
of man; they are even capable of beholding a some-
thing of that mysterious Being who has formed and
who maintains the universe and the combined action
of all its forces. A soul devoted to mundane matters
and to selfishness can never attain to this degree of
perfection. But should nota soul which is untouched
by selfishness, undisturbed by low desires and pas-
sions, unsoiled by profanity and the stains of every-
day life,—a soul which is completely merged in the
Deity and ina longing for moral superiority,— should
not such a soul be capable of beholding a revelation
of religious and moral truths?
During successive centuries of Israel’s history there
arose pure-minded men, who unquestionably could
look far into the future, and who received and im-
parted revelations concerning God and the holiness
of life. This is an historical fact which will stand
any test. A succession of prophets predicted the
future destiny of the Israelites and of other nations,
and these predictions have been verified by fulfil-
_ment. These prophets placed the son of Amram as
first on the list of men to whom a revelation was
vouchsafed, and high above themselves, because his
predictions were clearer and more positive. They
recognised in Moses not only the first, but also the
greatest of prophets; and they considered their own
prophetic spirit as a mere reflection of his mind. If
ever the soul of a mortal was endowed with luminous
prophetic foresight, this was the case with the pure,
unselfish, and sublime soul of Moses. In the desert
of Sinai, says the ancient record, at the foot of Horeb,
where the flock of his father-in-law was grazing, he
received the first divine revelation, which agitated
his whole being. Moved and elated—humble, yet
confident, Moses returned after this vision to his
flock and his home. He had been changed into
another being’; he felt himself impelled by the spirit
of God to redeem his tribal brethren from bondage,
and to educate them for a higher moral life.
Aaron, who had remained in Egypt, likewise had
a revelation to meet his brother on Mount Horeb,
and to prepare himself jointly with him for the work
of redemption. ‘The task of imbuing the servile
spirit of the people with a desire for liberty seemed
to them far more difficult than that of inducing |
Pharaoh to relax his rigor. Both brothers therefore
expected to encounter obstacles and stubborn oppo-
sition. Although both men were already advanced
In years, they did not shrink from the magnitude of
the ‘undertaking, but armed themselves with pro-
phetic courage, and relied on the support of the God
of their fathers. First they turned to the represen-
tatives of families and tribes, to the elders of the
people, and announced their message that God
would take pity on Israel’s misery, that He had
promised them freedom, and that He would lead
them back to the land of their fathers. The elders
lent a willing ear to the joyful news; but the masses,
who were accustomed to slavery, heard the words
with cold indifference. Heavy labour had made
them cowardly and distrustful. They did not even —
desire to abstain from worshipping the Egyptian
idols. Every argument fell unheeded on their obtuse
minds. “It is better for us to remain enthralled as
bondmen to the Egyptians than to die in the
desert.” Such was the apparently rational answer
of the people. ;
The brothers appeared courageously before the
Egyptian king, and demanded, in the name of the
God who had sent them, that their people should be
released from slavery, for they had come into the
country of their own free will, and had preserved
their inalienable right to liberty. If the Israelites
were at first unwilling to leave the country, and to
struggle with the uncertainties of the future, Pharaoh
was still less inclined to let them depart. The mere
demand that he should liberate hundreds of thou-
sands of slaves who worked in his fields and build-
ings, and that he should do so in the name of a God
whom he knew not, or for the sake of a cause which
he did not respect, induced him to double the labours
of the Hebrew slaves, in order to deprive them of
leisure for thoughts of freedom. Instead of meeting
with a joyful reception, Moses and Aaron found them-
selves overwhelmed with reproaches that through
their fault the misery of the unfortunate sufferers
had been increased. The King only determined to —
give way after he and his country had witnessed
many terrifying and extraordinary phenomena and
plagues, and when he could no longer free him-
self from the thought that the unknown God was
punishing him for his obstinacy. In consequence of
successive calamities, the Egyptian king urged the
Israelites to hasten and depart, fearing lest any
delay might bring destruction upon him and his
country. The Israelites had barely time to supply
themselves with the provisions necessary for their
long and wearisome journey. Memorable was the
daybreak of the fifteenth of Nisan (March), on which
the enslaved people regained their liberty without
shedding a drop of blood. They were the first to
whom the great value of liberty was made known,
and since then this priceless treasure, the foundation
of human dignity, has been guarded by them as the
apple of the eye.
Thousands of Israelites, their loins girded, their
Staves in their hands, their little ones riding on asses,
and their herds following them, left their villages
and tents, and assembled near the town of Rameses.
Strange tribes who had lived by their side, shepherd
tribes akin to them in race and language, joined
them in their migration. They all rallied round the
prophet Moses, obeying his words. He was their
king, although he was free from ambition, and he may
well be called the first promulgator of the doctrine of
equality amongst men. The duty devolving on him
during this exodus was more difficult to discharge
than his message to the king and to the people of
Israel. Only few amongst these thousands of newly
liberated slaves could comprehend the great mission
assigned to them. But the masses followed him
stolidly. Out of this horde of savages he had to
forma nation; for them he had to conquer a home, and
establish a code of laws, which rendered them capable
of leading a life of rectitude. In this difficult task,
he could reckon with certainty only on the tribe of
Levi, who shared his sentiments, and assisted him in
his arduous duties as a teacher.
Whilst the Egyptians were burying the dead
which the plague had suddenly stricken down,
the Israelites, the fourth generation of the first
immigrants, left Egypt, after a sojourn of several —
centuries. They journeyed towards the desert which
divides Egypt from Canaan, on the same way by
which the last patriarch had entered the Nile country.
But Moses would not permit them to go by this
short route, because he feared that the inhabitants of
Canaan, on the coast of the Mediterranean, would
oppose their entry with an armed force; he also
apprehended that the tribes, whom their long bondage
had made timorous, would take to flight on the first
approach of danger.
Their first destination was Mount Sinai, where
they were to receive those laws and precepts for the
practice of which they had been set free. Pharaoh
had, however, determined to recapture the slaves
who had been snatched from his grasp, when, in a
moment of weakness, he had allowed them to de-
part. When the Israelites saw the Egyptians ap-
proaching from afar, they gave way to despair, for
they found themselves cut off from every means of
escape. Before them was the sea, and behind them
the enemy, who would soon overtake them, and
undoubtedly reduce them again to bondage. Crying
and lamenting, some of them asked Moses, ‘Are
there no graves in Egypt that thou hast brought
us out to die in the desert?” However, a means
of escape unexpectedly presented itself, and could
only be regarded by them as a miracle. A hurri-
cane from the northeast had driven the water of
the sea southwards during the night, so that the bed
had for the greater part become dry. Their leader
quickly seized on this means of escape, and urged
the frightened people to hurry towards the opposite
shore. His prophetic spirit showed him that they
would never again see the Egyptians. They rapidly
traversed the short distance across the dry bed of the
sea, the deeper parts of the water, agitated by a storm,
forming two walls on the right and the left. During
this time, the Egyptians were in hot pursuit after the
Israelites, in the hope of leading them back to
slavery. At daybreak, they reached the west coast
of the sea, and, perceiving the Israelites on the other
side, they were hastening after them along the dry
pathway, when the tempest suddenly ceased. The
mountain-like waves, which had risen like walls on
both sides, now poured down upon the dry land, and
buried men, horses, and chariots in the watery deep.
The sea washed some corpses to the coast where the
Israelites were resting in safety. They here beheld
a marvellous deliverance. The most callous became
deeply impressed with this sight, and looked with
confidence to the future. On that day they put their
firm trust in God and in Moses, His messenger.
With a loud voice they sang praises for their won-
derful deliverance. In chorus they sang—
‘‘T will praise the Lord,
For He is ever glorious.
The horse and his rider He cast into the sea.”
The deliverance from Egypt, the passage through
the sea, and the sudden destruction of their resentful
enemy were three occurrences which the Israelites
had witnessed, and which never passed from their
memories. In times of the greatest danger and
distress, the recollection of this scene inspired
them with courage, and with the assurance that
the God who had redeemed them from Egypt, who
had turned the water into dry land, and had de-
stroyed their cruel enemy, would never desert them,
but would “ever reign over them.” Although the
multitude did not long retain this trustful and pious
disposition, but fell into despondency at every new
difficulty, the intelligent portion of the Israelites were,
in subsequent trials, sustained by their experiences at
the Red Sea.
The tribes, delivered from the bonds of slavery,
and from the terrors of long oppression, could
peaceably now pursue their way. They had yet
many days’ journey to Sinai, the temporary goal of
their wanderings. Although the country through
which they travelled was a sandy desert, it was not
wanting in water, and in pasture land for the shep-
herds. This territory was not unknown to Moses,
their leader, who had formerly pastured the flocks
of his father-in-law here. In the high mountains of
Sinai and its spurs, the water in the spring-time
gushes forth copiously from the rocks, forms into
rills, and rushes down the slopes towards the Red
Sea. Nor did the Israelites suffer through want of
bread, for°in its stead they partook of manna.
Finding this substance in large quantities, and living
on it during a long time, they came to consider its
presence asa miracle. It is only on this peninsula ~
that drops sweet as honey exude from the high
tamarisk trees, which abound in that region. ‘These
drops issue in the early morning, and take the
globular size of peas or of coriander seeds; but in
the heat of the sun they melt away. Elated by their
wonderful experiences, the tribes now seemed pre-
pared to receive their holiest treasure, for the
sake of which they had made the long circuitous
journey through the desert of Sinai. From Re-
phidim, which lies on a considerable altitude, they
were led upwards to the highest range of the moun-
tain, the summit of which appears to touch the
clouds! To this spot Moses led the Israelites in the
third month after the exodus from Egypt, and ap-
1 The situation of Sinai is not to be sought in the so-called Sinaitic
peninsula, but near the land of Edom, on the confines of which was
the desert of Paran. Neither Jebel Musa, with the adjacent peaks of
Jebel Catherine and Ras-es-Sufsafeh, nor Mount Jerbal, was the true
Sinai. See “ Monatsschrift,” by Frankel-Graetz, 1878, p. 337.
(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward.)
pointed their camping ground. He then prepared
them for an astounding phenomenon, which appealed
both to the eye and the ear. By prayer and absti-
nence they were bidden to render themselves fit
for lofty impressions, and worthy of their exalted
mission. With eager expectation and anxious hearts
they awaited the third day. A wall round the
nearest mountain summit prevented the people from
approaching too close. On the morning of the
third day a heavy cloud covered the mountain top;
lightning flashed, and enveloped the mountain in
a blaze of fire. Peals of thunder shook the sur-
rounding mountains, and awakened the echoes. All
nature was in uproar, and the world’s end seemed to
be at hand. With trembling and shaking, the old
and the young beheld this terrifying spectacle. But
its terror did not surpass the awfulness of the words
heard by the affrighted people. The clouds of
smoke, the lightning, the flames and the peals of
thunder had only served asa prelude to these por-
tentous words. |
Mightily impressed by the sight of the flaming
mountain, the people clearly heard the command-
ments which, simple in their import, and intelligible
to every human being, form the elements of all cul-
ture. Ten words rang forth from the mountain
top. The people became firmly convinced that the
words were revealed by God. Theft and bearing
false witness were stigmatised as crimes. The voice
of Sinai condemned evil thoughts no less than evil
acts; hence the prohibition, “Thou shalt not covet
thy neighbour’s wife . . . nor any possession of thy
neighbour.” The Indians, the Egyptians, and other
nations famous for their colossal structures, had,
during more than two thousand years, gone through
many historical experiences, which shrink into utter
insignificance, when compared with this one mo-
mentous event.
The work accomplished at Sinai by an instan-
taneous act remained applicable to all times by
asserting the supremacy of ethical life and the
dignity of man. This promulgation of the Law
marked the natal hour of the ‘distinct people,”
like unto which none had ever existed. The sublime
and eternal laws of Sinai—coming from a Deity
whom the senses cannot perceive, from a Redeemer
who releases the enthralled and the oppressed—
were revealed truths treating of filial duty, of spotless
chastity, of the inviolable safety of human life and
property, of social integrity, and of the purity of
The Israelites had been led to Mount Sinai as
trembling bondmen; now they came back to their
tents as God’s people of priests, as a righteous
nation (¥eshurun). By practically showing that the
Ten Commandments are applicable to all the con-
cerns of life, the Israelites were constituted the
teachers of the human race, and through them all
the families of the earth were to be blessed. None
of the others could then have surmised that even
for its own well-being an isolated and: insignificantly
small nation had been charged with the arduous
task of the preceptive office.
The Sinaitic teachings were not of an ephemeral
nature, even in regard to their form. Being en-
graven on tables of stone, they could be easily
remembered by successive generations. During a
long period these inscribed slabs remained in the
custody of the Israelites, and were called “the
Tables of the Testimony,” or “the Tables of the
Law.” Being placed in an ark, which became a
rallying centre, round which Moses used to assemble
the elders of the families, these tables served as a
sign of the Sinaitic Covenant. They formed a link
between God and the people who had formerly been
trodden under foot, and who were now bidden to
own no other Lord save the One from whom the Law
had gone forth. It was for this reason that the ark,
a. “soa pe) oe 7
a 7 a
CH. 1. THE LAW.” a3
as the repository of the tables, was designated “ the
Ark of the Covenant.” The ethical truths of Sinai
became henceforth the basis for a new system of
morality, and for the national constitution of the
Israelites. ‘hese truths were further developed in
special laws which had a practical bearing upon the
public and private affairs of the people. Slave-
holders and slaves were no longer to be found
amongst the Israelites. The selling of Israelites as
slaves, and perpetual servitude of an Israelite became
unlawful. A man who forfeited his liberty was liable
to be held in service during six years, but in the
seventh year he regained his freedom. Wilful murder
and disrespect to parents were punishable with death.
The sanctuary could give no protection to criminals
condemned to die. The murder of a non-Israelitish
slave involved condign punishment. A gentile slave
ill-treated by his master recovered his liberty. A man
committing an offence on the virtue of a maiden was
bound to make her his wife, and to pay a fine to the
father of the injured woman. Equitable and humane
treatment of the widow and the orphan was en-
forced; a similar provision was ordained for the
benefit of strangers who had joined one of the tribes.
The Israelites, in fact, were bidden remember their
former sojourn in a foreign land, and to refrain from
inflicting upon strangers the inhuman treatment
which they themselves had formerly endured.
This spirit of equity and brotherly love, pervading
the ancient code of laws, could not at once change the
habits of the people. ‘The duties involved in these
laws were too spiritual and too elevated to have such
an effect. Moses having temporarily absented him-
self to make preparations for the reception of the
Sinaitic law, the dull-witted portion of the people
imagined that thetr God was abandoning them in
the desert, and they clamoured for the rule ofa visible
Godhead. Aaron, who had taken the lead in the
absence of Moses, timorously yielded to this impe-
tuous demand, and countenanced the production of
a golden idol. “This image of Apis or Mnevis received
divine homage from the senseless multitude who
danced around it. Moses, on descending from
Mount Sinai, ordered the Levites to put to death
some thousands of the people. Nothing but the
exercise of extreme rigour could have repressed
this worship of idols. |
With the object of protecting the people from a
relapse into idolatry, and of supporting them during
their state of transition from barbarism, they were
allowed to form a conception of the Deity—though
not by means of an image—through some material
aid which would appeal to the senses. On Sinai
they had beheld flashes of lightning with flames of
fire, and from the midst of a burning cloud they had
heard the Ten Commandments. An emblem of this
phenomenon was now introduced to remind the
people of the presence of the Deity as revealed at
Sinai. It was ordained that a perpetual fire should
be kept alight on a portable altar, and be carried
before the tribes during their migrations. Not the
Deity Himself, but the revelation of the Deity at
Sinai, should thereby be made perceptible to the
sense of vision. The performance of sacrificial rites
was a further concession to the crude perceptions of
the people.
The spiritual religion promulgated at Sinai did
not intend sacrifices as the expression of divine ador-
ation, but was meant to inculcate a moral and holy
life; the people, however, had not yet risen to this
conception, and could only be advanced by means of
education and culture. The other ancient nations
having found in sacrifices the means of propitiating
their deities, the Israelites were permitted to retain
the same mode of divine service; but its form was
simplified. ‘The altar became an integral part of the
sanctuary, in which no image was tolerated. The
only objects contained therein were a candelabrum,
a table with twelve loaves, symbolising the twelve
tribes; and there was also a recess for the Ark of the
Covenant. Altar, sanctuary and _ sacrificial rites
required a priesthood, ‘This primeval institution, too,
was retained. The Levites, as the most devoted
and best informed tribe, were charged with sacerdotal
functions, as during the sojourn in Egypt. The
priests of Israel, unlike those of the Egyptians,
were precluded from holding landed property, as
such possessions might have tempted them to misuse
their prerogatives and neglect their sacred duties.
For this reason it was prescribed that their subsist-
ence should be derived from the offerings made by
thepeople. Collaterally there existedacustom, dating
from remote patriarchal ages, which demanded that
the first-born son of every family should attend to
the performance of sacrificial rites. This preroga-
tive could not be abruptly abolished, and continued
for some time alongside of the Levitical priest-
hood, though both of them stood in the way of
the pure Sinaitic teachings. The materialism of the
age demanded indulgent concessions, combined with
provisions tending to the refinement of popular
habits. Only through the aid ofthe spiritually gifted
could the understanding of the subordinate nature of
sacrifices be preserved in the consciousness of the
During the forty years of their wandering in the
desert, the Israelites sought pastures for their flocks
within the mountain region and its neighborhood.
During these migrations Moses instructed the
people. The older generation gradually passed
away. Their descendants, obedient to the teachings
of the lawgiver and his disciples, formed a docile,
pious, and valiant community, and became proficient
in the knowledge of their laws. |
Moses now surrounded himself with councillors,
who were the chiefs of seventy families. This
system became a model for later forms of adminis-
tration. The Council of Elders participated in
important deliberations, and assisted in the manage-
ment of public business. On the advice of Jethro, his
father-in-law, Moses appointed inferior and higher
judges, who respectively had under their jurisdiction
ten, a hundred, and a thousand families. The people
had the right of electing their own judges, whose
appointment they then recommended to Moses.
These judges were charged to maintain strict im-
partiality in cases of litigation between members of
the tribes of Israel, or between Israelites and
strangers. Nor was it within the discretion of the
judges to make distinctions between persons of
high and low degree. They were also commanded
to keep their hands clean from bribes, and to give
their verdicts according to the principles of equity,
“for justice belongs unto God,” and has its source in
God himself. Brotherly love, community of interests,
equality before the law, equity and mercy were the
high ideals which he held before the generations
which he had trained. The inculcation of these laws
and teachings marked an eventful era in the nation’s
history. Assuch it was characterised by the prophets,
who called it “the bridal time of the daughter of
Israel,” and the season of “her espousals, when she
went after her God in the land which was not sown.”
Israel’s wanderings had nearly come to a con-
clusion and the younger generation was well fitted
for the attainment of the object of its settlement.
A further sojourn in the desert would have inured
the people to habits of restlessness, and might have
reduced them. for ever to the nomadic condition of
the Midianites and the Amalekites. They appear to
have made an unsuccessful raid in a northern direc-
tion, along the old caravan roads. Inasecond defeat
some of them were captured by their enemies, But
this discomfiture was apparently avenged by com-
batants belonging to the tribe of Judah, who were
aided by men of the tribe of Simeon, and by Kenites,
with whose assistance they seized several cities. _
¥ *
The other tribes were prepared to effect an
entrance into the country by following a circuitous
route on the eastern side. This expedition might
have been shortened if the Idumeans, who dwelt on
the mountain ranges of Seir, had permitted the
Israelites to pass through their territory. Appa-
rently the Idumeans were afraid that the invading
Israelites would dispossess them of the land, and
they therefore sallied forth to obstruct the direct
road. Their opposition forced the tribes of Israel to
make a long detour round the country of Idumea,
and to turn to the east of the mountain ranges of
Seir in order to approach Canaan from the opposite
side. Not being permitted to attack the Idumeans
and the kindred tribes of the Ammonites, the Israel-
ites had to traverse the border of the eastern desert
in order to reach the inhabited regions at the source
of the Arnon, which flows into the Dead Sea.
Moses now sent conciliatory messages to Sihon,
to request that the people might pass through his
territory on their way to the Jordan. Sihon refused
his consent, and marched an army to the borders of
the desert to oppose the advance of the invaders.
The Israelites of the new generation, animated with
youthful prowess, put themselves in battle array, and
routed the hostile troops, whose king they slew at
This victory was of incalculable importance to the
Israelites; it strengthened their position and in-
spired them with self-reliance. They at once took
possession of the conquered district, and henceforth
abandoned their nomadic life. Whilst the Israelites
felt confident of success in conquering the Land
of Promise, the Canaanites, on the other hand,
were terror-stricken at the defeat of the mighty
Sihon. The Israelites could now move about
freely, being no longer incommoded by the narrow
belt of the desert, nor by the suspicions of un-
friendly tribes. Dangers having given way to a
state of security, this sudden change of circum-
stances aroused in their bosoms virtuous emotions,
together with ignoble passions. |
The people of Moab now perceived that their
feeble existence was threatened by their new
neighbours. Balak, their king, felt that he could
not cope with the Israelites in the open field of battle,
and he preferred to employ the arts of Balaam, the
Idumean or Midianite magician, whose maledic-
tions were supposed to have the power of calling
down distress and destruction on an entire people
or on a single individual. Balaam having been struck
with amazement at the sight of Israel’s encamp-
ment, the intended maledictions were changed on
his lips into blessings. He averred that no “en-
chantment avails against Jacob, and no divination
against Israel,” a glorious future having been assured
to that people. But he advised the king to have
recourse to a different charm, which might have a
pernicious effect upon the Israelites, namely, to
beguile them to the vice of. profligacy by means
of depraved temple maidens. 3
Balak accepted this advice. The Israelites, during
their migrations, had lived on friendly terms with
the wandering Midianites, and entertained no sus-
picions when admitting the latter into their encamp-
ments and tents. Counselled by Balaam and insti-
gated by Balak, many Midianites brought their
wives and daughters into the tents of the Israelites,
who were then invited to join the idolatrous festiv-
ities at the shrine of Baal-Peor. On such occasions
it was the custom for women to sacrifice their
virtue in the tents, and the guerdon of dishonour
was then presented as an oblation to the idols.
Many an Israelite was led into profligacy by these
allurements, and partook of the sacrificial feasts,
two sins which tended to sap the foundation of the
doctrine revealed on Sinai. Unhappily no one in
Israel seemed willing to obey the command of Moses ©
by checking this outbreak of vice. Phineas, Aaron’s
grandson, was the only man whose heart revolted
against these excesses. Seeing that a Midianite
woman entered a tent with a chief of the tribe of
Simeon, he stabbed both of them to death; and thus
was the raging plague turned away from the people.
On the other hand, there was now witnessed a
significant change in Israel. The unexpected and
eventful victories had aroused amongst them the
melodious power of song, the first indication of that
talent, without which no nation can attain to a
superior degree of culture. The first songs of the
Hebrew muse were those of war and victory. The
authors (#oshel¢m) of warlike hymns rose at once in
public estimation, and their productions were pre-
served in special collections, as for example, in the
Book of the Wars of God. |
Hebrew poetry, in its early stages, was deficient in
depth and elegance, but it had two characteristics
which in the course of time were developed to the
highest stage of refinement. With regard to form, it
exhibited a symmetry in the component parts of
each verse (favallelismus membrorum). lhe same
train of thought was repeated with appropriate vari-
ations in two or even three divisions of the verse.
In the treatment of a theme, the muse of early
Hebrew poetry displayed a tendency to irony, this
being the result of a twofold conception, namely,
that of the ideal aspect by the side of antithetic
The Israelites, seeking to arrive at the goal of
their wishes and to gain possession of the Land of
Promise, could not tarry in the fertile region between
the Arnon and the Jabbok. They had to prepare
for crossing the Jordan. But now the evil conse-
quences of having triumphed over Sihon and Og.
became manifest. The tribes of Reuben and Gad
announced that they wished to remain in the con-
quered land, because its verdant pastures were well
adapted for their numerous flocks and their herds of
cattle and camels. In making such a demand it
appeared that these tribes desired to sever their lot
from that of their brethren, and to live as inde-
pendent: nomads. Oppressed with this cause of
anxiety, Moses reproached them bitterly for their
defection, but felt constrained to grant them the
conquered land under the condition that a contingent
of their combatants should assist the warriors of the
brother-tribes, and follow them across the Jordan.
This allotment of land to the two tribes caused an
unexpected territorial division. The land possessed
by these tribes became known as the Trans-Jordanic
territory (Eder ha-Farden or Peraea). In the process
of time this concession proved more injurious than
The rest of the tribes were on the eve of crossing —
the Jordan, when their great leader Moses was re-
moved by death. The thirty days which the Israel-
ites spent in mourning were not an excessive sacrifice.
His loss was irreparable, and they felt themselves
utterly bereft. Amongst all lawgivers, founders of
states, and teachers of mankind, none has equalled
Moses. Not only did he, under the most inauspicious
circumstances, transform a horde of slaves into a
nation, but he imprinted on it the seal of everlasting
existence: he breathed into the national body au
immortal soul. He held before his people ideals, the
acceptance of which was indispensable, since all
their weal and woe depended upon the realisation
or non-realisation of those ideals. Moses could
well declare that he had carried the people as a
father carries his child. His patience and his
courage had rarely deserted him; his unselfishness,
and his meekness of disposition were two promi-
nent qualities, which, together with his clear proph-
etic vision, eminently fitted him to be the instrument
of the Deity. Free from jealousy, he wished that all
Israelites might be prophets like himself, and that
God would endue them with His spirit. Moses be-
came ata subsequent epoch the unattainable ideal
of a prophet. Succeeding generations were elated
by the thought that this brilliant example of humanity
_had watched the infant state of the people of Israel.
Even the death of Moses served as an enduring
lesson. In the land of Moab, in the valley facing
Mount Peor—which was held sacred by the popula-
tion of that district—he was quietly entombed, and
to this day no one has known the spot where he was
buried. It was designed that the Israelites should
not deify him, but should be kept from following the
idolatrous practice of other nations, who deified their
kings, and their men of real or presumed greatness,
as also the founders of their religions.
Sad at heart on account of the death of their
beloved leader, who was not permitted to conduct
them into the Land of Promise, but comforted by the
lofty recollections of the redemption from Egyptian
bondage, the passage through the sea, and the reve-
lation on Sinai, encouraged also by the victories
over Sihon, Og, and the Midianites—the tribes of
Israel crossed the Jordan, on a day in the bright
spring-time, and were conducted on their journey
by Joshua, the faithful disciple of Moses.
Joshua’s Succession—Passage of the Jordan—Conquest of Jericho—
The Gibeonites—Coalition of Canaanite Cities against the Israelites
—Settlement in the Land—Isolation of the Tribes—Allotments—
The Tribe of Levi—The Ark of the Covenant at Shiloh—Condition
of Canaan at the time of the Conquest—Climate and Fertility—
Intellectual Activity—Poetry of Nature—Remnants of Canaanite
Populations—Death of Joshua.
On crossing the Jordan and entering Canaan, the
Israelites met with no resistance. Terror had
paralysed the tribes and populations who then held
the land. Nor were they united by any tie which
might have enabled them to oppose the invaders.
Although mention is made of thirty-one kings,
besides those who ruled near the coast-line of the
Mediterranean, these rulers were petty chiefs, who
were independent of each other, and each of them
governed only a single township with the adjoining
district. They remained passive, whilst the Israelites
were encamping near Gilgal, between the Jordan
and Jericho. The fortress of Jericho, exposed
to the first brunt of an attack from the Israelites,
could expect no help from elsewhere, and was
left entirely to its own resources. The tribes of
Israel, on the other hand, were headed by a well-
tried leader; they were united, skilled in warfare,
and eager for conquest.
Joshua, the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim,
was accepted as the rightful successor of the great
Prophet. Moses, having laid his hands upon the
disciple, had endowed him with his spirit. Yet
Joshua was far from being a prophet. Practical in
his aspirations, he was more concerned in affairs of
immediate necessity and utility, than in ideals of the
future. In his early years, when overthrowing the
Amalekites near Rephidim, he had given proof
of courage and good generalship. His connection
with the tribe of Ephraim, the most distinguished
amongst the tribes, was likewise of advantage to his
position as a commander. The Ephraimites, with
their pride and obstinacy, might otherwise have
withheld their allegiance. This tribe having yielded
obedience to him, the other tribes readily followed
the example.
The first place to be attacked was Jericho. This
city was situated in an exceedingly fertile mountain
district. Here throve the lofty palm tree and the
precious balsam shrub. Owing to the proximity of
the Dead Sea, the climate of Jericho has, during the
greater part of the year, a high temperature, and the
fruits of the field ripen earlier there than in the
interior of the country. The conquest of Jericho was,
therefore, of primary importance; this city was
strongly fortified, and its inhabitants, timid under
open attack, felt secure only within the precincts of
their defences. The walls of Jericho, according to
the scriptural narrative, crumbled to pieces at the
mighty and far-sounding shouts of Israel’s warriors.
They entered the city, and, meeting with little
resistance, they slew the population, which was
enfeebled by depraved habits. After this easy
victory the warriors of Israel became impetuous, and
they imagined that a small portion of their force was
sufficient to reduce Ai, a scantily populated fortress,
which lay at a distance of two or three hours’ journey
to the north. Joshua therefore sent a small detach-
ment of his men against Ai, but at the first onslaught
they were repulsed, and many of them were slain on
the field of battle. This defeat spread terror among
the Israelites, who feared that they were forsaken by
God, whilst it gave new courage to the Canaanites.
It was only by theentirearmy’s drawing up andemploy-
ing a stratagem that Joshua succeeded in taking Al.
Bethel, situated in the vicinity, likewise fell by a ruse
into the hands of the Ephraimites. These two moun-
tain fastnesses having been captured, the inhabi-
tants of the adjoining towns and villages became
even more faint-hearted. Without awaiting an
attack, they abandoned their homes, and fled to the
north, the west and the south. ‘The country, being
more or less denuded of its inhabitants, was now
occupied by the conquerors. The Gibeonites, or
Hivites, in the tract of land called Gibeon, freely
submitted to Joshua and his people. They agreed
that the Israelites should share with them the
possession of their territory on the condition that
their lives should be spared. Joshua and the elders
having agreed to these terms, the compact, according
to the practice of that age, was ratified by an oath.
In this way the Israelites acquired possession of the
whole mountain district from the borders of the great
plain to the vicinity of Jerusalem, the subsequent
metropolis of Palestine. The borderland of the
plain separated the original inhabitants of the north
from those of the south, and neither of these popu-
lations was willing to render help to the other. The
southern Canaanites now became more closely
allied. The apprehension that their land might fall
an easy prey to the invaders overcame their mutual
jealousies and their love of feud; being thus brought
into closer union with each other, they ventured to
engage in aggressive warfare. Five kings, or rather
chiefs of townships, those of Jebus (Jerusalem),
Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon, joined together
to punish the Gibeonites for submitting to the
invaders, for whom they had opened the road, and
whom they had helped to new conquests. lhe
Gibeonites, in face of this danger, implored the pro--
tection of Joshua, who forthwith led his victorious
warriors against the allied troops of the five towns,
and inflicted on them a crushing defeat near Gibeon.
The beaten army fled many miles towards the west
_(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
CPiemMpoom “q ‘ff Aq SsuImMvip e uI01,7)
and the south, and in their flight they were struck
down by a hailstorm. ‘This day of battle appears to
have been regarded as one of signal triumph, its
achievements were remembered even five hundred
years later, and were commemorated in a martial
song :—
‘Joshua spake:
‘O Sun, stand thou still near Gibeon,
And thou, O Moon, near the valley of Ajalon!’
And the sun stood still,
And the moon remained at rest,
Until the people had chastised the foes,”?
The passage of the Jordan, auspicious beyond
expectation, and the rapid succession of victories
were new wonders which could fitly be associated
with those of former days. They afforded rich
themes for praise, which was not dedicated to the
great deeds of the people, but to the marvellous
working of the Deity.
The victory at Gibeon opened access to the south,
and the Israelites could now freely move their forces
in that direction; but there were still some strong-
holds in the south which they were unable either to
capture or to keep in subjection.
The principal work—the subjection of the cen-
tral portion of Canaan—being now accomplished,
the tribes of Israel ceased to form one combined
army, and in this severance they were probably
influenced by the example of the children of
Joseph. The latter, who were divided into the
tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, claimed to have
precedence in the ranks of Israel. This claim may
be traced back, as has already been shown, to
their sojourn in Egypt, and also to the fact that
Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, was descended
from Ephraim. Hence it was that the children of
Joseph sought to obtain possession of the central
mountain range, which abounded in springs and had
1 Joshua x. 12, 13.
a very rich soil. Shechem, the ancient town of the
Hivites, being situated between Mount Gerizim and
Mount Ebal, had a good supply of water on every
side, and became the principal city of the land,
But the two divisions, Ephraim and Manasseh, were
unwilling to content themselves with this desirable
district (which was named “ Mount Ephraim”). As
Joshua was one of their own tribe, they expected
from him the favours of a partisan, and that he
would yield to all their demands. They alleged,
therefore, that the territory allotted to them was
insufficient for their numerous families. They de-
sired to possess not only the fine and fertile plain
which extended many miles to the north, but also
the land, lying beyond, round Mount Tabor; but
they did not find Joshua so yielding as they had
anticipated. With a touch of irony he told them
that, since they were so numerous, they ought to be
able to conquer Mount Tabor, in the land of the
Perizzites and the Rephaites, and clear away the
forest. Disappointed by this reply, they withdrew
from the expeditions of the combined tribes, and
contented themselves with the extent of territory
which had originally been allotted tothem. Owing to
this withdrawal from the common. cause, the other
tribes were induced to follow a similar course, and to —
acquire, independently of each other, the land neces-
sary for their respective settlements. Four tribes
fixed their attention upon the north, and four upon
the south and the west. The expedition, from which |
the sons of Joseph had retired, was hazarded by the
four tribes of Issachar, Zebulon, Asher, and Naphtali.
They descended into the plain of Jezreel, where they
left a portion of their settlers. Another portion
pushed on to the northern hill regions, which touched
the base of the lofty mountain range. These tribes
were even less prepared than the children of Joseph
for engaging in warfare with the inhabitants of the
plain, to whose rapidly moving war-chariots they
could have offered no resistance. The children of
Issachar were satisfied with the pasture land in the
great plain, and they had no desire to throw them-
selves into fortified cities. The men of this tribe
appear to have placed themselves under the su-
premacy of the Canaanites, for they loved a peaceful
life, and, as they found the land fertile, they readily
bore the imposition of tribute. Zebulon, the twin
tribe of Issachar, was more active, and appears to
have conquered for itself a safe settlement in the
north of Mount Tabor. The remaining two tribes,
Asher and Naphtali, seem to have met with greater
difficulties in gaining a firm footing among the
neighbouring Canaanite population, who were more
combative and also more closely united. These
warriors concentrated themselves at Hazor, where
Jabin, the local king, ruled over several districts.
This king summoned the inhabitants of the allied
cities to take up arms and destroy the invading
Israelites. The tribes of Asher and Naphtali, unable
to cope with the enemy, hastened to invoke Joshua’s
assistance. At that time mutual sympathy was still
keen among the tribes, and Joshua found them ready
to bring speedy relief to their brethren in the north.
With these auxiliaries, and with the men of Asher
and Naphtali, Joshua surprised the Canaanites, who
were allied under King Jabin, near Lake Merom,
defeated them, and put the remainder to flight.
This was the second great victory he gained over
the allied enemies. Through.the battle of Merom,
the two tribes succeeded in firmly establishing them-
selves in the region situated on the west side of the
upper course of the Jordan and the east side of the
_ Mediterranean Sea. Asher and Naphtali, being
settled at the extreme north, occupied the position
of outposts, the former being placed at the west,
and the other at the east, of the plateau.
At the same time four other tribes acquired their
settlements in the south; and they relied upon their
own efforts unaided by the entire army of the people.
The small tribe of Benjamin, more closely connected
with the children of Joseph, was probably assisted
by the latter in obtaining a narrow and not very
fertile strip of land.near the southern frontier line.
This was the district of the Gibeonites, with some
additions on the east and the west.
The Canaanites, who dwelt in the western plain
towards the seaboard, also had iron chariots, on —
which account the Israelites did not venture to attack
them soon after their invasion. Still there was
no alternative for the rest of the tribes, but to seek
their homes in the western region. Judah was the
most numerous and the mightiest of these tribes,
and was joined by the children of Simeon, who sub-
ordinated themselves like vassals to a ruling tribe.
At the southern extremity, near the desert, the
Kenites, kinsmen and allies of the Israelites, had
been domiciled since the days of Israel’s wandering
through the wilderness. By the friendly aid of this
people the Judeans hoped to succeed more easily in
gaining new dwelling-places. They avoided a war
with the Jebusites, with whom possibly they had
made a compact of peace, and spared the terri-
tory in which Jerusalem, the subsequent capital, was
The first place they captured was the ancient town
of Hebron, where Caleb distinguished himself by his
bravery. Hebron became the chief city of the tribe
of Judah. Kirjath-Sepher, or Debir, was taken by
Othniel, Caleb’s half-brother. Other leaders of this
tribe continued the conquest of various other cities.
In the earlier days, the tribe of Judah seems to have
lived on friendly terms with the original inhabitants
of the land and to have dwelt peaceably by their
side. The extensive settlement of Judah was better
suited for pasture than for agriculture. The new
settlers and the old inhabitants had therefore no
inducements for displacing each other, or for in-
dulging in a deadly strife. The large tract of land
was parcelled out into small plots, and the Canaanites
and the Amalekites retained their homesteads.
The tribe of Simeon had no independent posses-
sions, not even a single town which it could claim as
its own, and was altogether merged in the tribe of
Judah. The Simeonites dwelt in towns of Judah,
without, however, having a voice in the deliberations
of the tribe. The scantiest provision seems to have
been made for the tribe of Dan, the number of fam-
ilies belonging to this tribe being apparently very
small. Nor does it appear to have received such
aid from a brother tribe as was given to Issachar and
to Simeon. The Danites seem to have been fol-
lowers of the tribe of Ephraim. This tribe selfishly
allowed the Danites to acquire an insecure portion
in the south-west of its own territory, or, rather, a
small portion in the land of the Benjamites. It now
devolved upon the Danites to conquer for them-
selves the land on the plain of Saron, which extends
towards the sea, and to establish themselves there.
The Amorites, however, prevented them from ac-
complishing this design, and forced them to retreat
into the mountains; but here the sons of Ephraim
and the Benjamites refused them the possession of
permanent dwelling-places. The Danites were
therefore during a long time compelled to lead a
camp-life, and at last one section of this tribe had to
_ go in search of a settlement far away to the north.
The conquest of Canaan had proceeded with such
rapidity as to impress the contemporaries and the
posterity of the people with the opinion that this
success was the work of a miracle. Not quite half
a century before the Israelites had been scared
away from the borders of Palestine, after the spies
had spread the report that the inhabitants of the
land were too strong to be vanquished. The same
inhabitants were now in such dread of the Israelites
as to abandon their possessions without attempting
to make any resistance, or if they did take up a
defensive position they were easily routed. On this
account the conviction gained ground amongst the
Israelites that the Deity Himself had led the warriors,
and had scattered their opponents in utter confusion.
This great conquest became, therefore, the natural
theme of spirited poetry.
Although insufficient portions had been allotted
to a few of the tribes, such as the Simeonites and
the Danites, they still owned some lands which
might afford a partial subsistence, and become the
nucleus for a further extension of property. The
Levites alone had been left altogether unprovided
with landed possessions. This was done in strict
conformity with the injunctions of Moses, lest the
tribe of priests, by misusing its rights of birth,
should become affluent agriculturists, and be drawn
away from their holy avocations by the desire of
enriching themselves—like the Egyptian priests,
who, under the pretext of defending the interest of
religion, despoiled the people of its propery: and
formed a plutocratic caste.
The Levites were to remain poor and content
themselves with the grants made to them by the
owners of lands and herds, they being required to
devote all their attention to the sanctuary and the
divine law.
During Joshua’s rule the camp of Gilgal, hemmecd
the Jordan and Jericho, was the centre of divine
worship and of the Levitical encampment; here
also the tabernacle of the covenant had been
erected, and sacrifices were offered up. But Gilgal
could not permanently serve as the place for
assembling the people, for it lay in an unproductive
and unfrecuented district. As soon as the affairs
of the people were more consolidated, and after
the Trans-Jordanic warriors had returned to their
homes, another locality had to be selected for the
sanctuary. Asa matter of course, it was expedient
(From a drawing by H. A. Harper.)
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward.)
(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
(From a drawing by H. A. Harper.)
that the sacred place should be situated within the
confines of Ephraim. Joshua likewise had his seat
amongst the Ephraimites, namely at Timnath-
Serah, a town which that tribe had gratefully allotted
to him.
Shiloh (Salem) was chosen as the spot for the
establishment of the sanctuary. When the ark of
the covenant arrived there, an altar was, as a
matter of course, erected by its side. Here the
public assemblies were held, if not by all the tribes,
certainly by those of Ephraim, Manasseh and
Benjamin. Phineas, the high priest of the house
of Aaron, and the priests who succeeded him in
office, took up their abode in Shiloh. It is highly
probable that many of the Levites resided in that
town whilst others were dispersed throughout the
towns of the several tribes; but on the whole they
led a wandering life.
Through the immigration of the Israelites, the
land of Canaan not only received a new name, but
assumed a different character. It became a ‘‘ Holy
Land,” “ the Heritage of God,” and was regarded as
favourable to the people’s destination of leading a
holy life.
Foreign countries, contrasted with Palestine, ap-
peared to them to be profane, and utterly unadapted
for perpetuating the devout worship of the One
Spiritual God, or for enforcing the observance of His
law. The Holy Land was imagined to be sensible of
the pious or of the wicked conduct of its inhabitants.
There were three iniquities which the land was sup-
posed to spurn as the most heinous. These were
murder, licentiousness, and idolatry. The conviction
was general that on account of such misdeeds the
land had cast out its former inhabitants, and that it
would not retain the Israelites if they- indulged
in similar crimes. These ideas took deep root
amongst the people of Israel, and they regarded
Palestine as surpassing, in its precious qualities,
every other country. It was, indeed, an undeniable
fact that the Land of Israel (so it was named from
the time when this people took possession of it)
had striking distinctions, which were unequalled
in any other portion of the globe. Within the small
expanse of territory, one hundred and fifty miles by
sixty, if the Trans-Jordanic region be included, con-
trasting peculiarities are crowded together, which
give a marvellous character to that country. The
perpetual snow-tops of Lebanon and Hermon in
the north overlook the ranges of mountains and
valleys far away to the sandy desert in the south,
where scorching heat, like that of tropical Africa,
burns up all vegetation. In close proximity to each
other, trees of various kinds are found to thrive,
which elsewhere are separated by great distances.
Here is the slender palm tree, which shoots up
only under a high temperature, and there grows
-the oak tree, which cannot endure such heat.
If the heat of the south fires the blood, and fills
man with violent passions, the wind sweeping over
northern snow-fields, on the other hand, renders
him calm, thoughtful, and deliberate.
On two sides Palestine is bordered by water. The
Mediterranean Sea, extending along the western
margin of the land, forms inlets for ships. Along
the eastern boundary flows the Jordan, which takes
its rise in the slopes of Mount Hermon, and runs in
nearly a straight line from north to south. In the
north the Jordan flows through the “ Lake of the
Harp” (Kzxnereth, Genesareth, or Lake of Tiberias),
and in the south this river is lost in the wonderful
“Salt Sea.” These two basins form likewise a
strange contrast. The “Lake of the Harp” (also
“Lake of Galilee”) contains sweet water. In its
depths fishes of various kinds disport themselves.
On its fertile banks, the vine, the palm, the fig-tree,
and other fruit-bearing trees are found to thrive.
In the high temperature of this region, fruits arrive
at their maturity a month earlier than on the
mountain land. The Salt Sea or “The Sea of the
Deep Basin” (araéah) produces a contrary effect,
and has rightly been called the Dead Sea. In its
waters no vertebrate animals can exist. The exces-
sive quantities of salt, together with magnesia,
and masses of asphalt contained in that sea, kill
every living object. The atmosphere of this region
is likewise impregnated with salt, and, as the adjacent
land is covered with lime-pits, it forms a dreary
desert, The oval-shaped border of the Dead Sea
rises, in some parts, to a height of more than 1,300
feet above the water level, and being totally bare
and barren, the entire district presents a most dismal
Between the water-line and the mountain walls
there are, however, some oases in which the balsam
shrub thrives, and which, in regard to fertility,
are not inferior to any spot on earth. Being
situated near the centre of the western seaboard,
this strip of land is exceedingly fruitful. But
luxuriant as the vegetation of this place is, it is
even surpassed by that of the oasis on the south-
east corner of the Dead Sea. Here stood at one time
the town of Zoar, which was noted as the city
of palm-trees ([Tamarah). This locality likewise
favoured in former ages the growth of the balsam
shrub. At a distance of five miles to the north-
east, near the town of Beth-Haran, the famous balm
of Gilead was found; but by the side of the Dead
Sea miasmatic salt-marshes extend for a length of
several miles. The shores of this sea and also of the
sea of Galilee send forth thermal springs impreg-
nated with sulphur, and these serve to cure various
The essentially mountainous configuration of Pal-
estine was of great benefit to the Israelites. ‘I'wo
long and imposing mountain ranges, separated by a
deep valley, raise their heads in the north, like two
snow-capped giants. One of them is Mount Leb-
anon, the tallest peak of which has a height of more
than 10,000 feet, and is named Dior el-Khedzb. The
other mountain is Hermon (the Anti-Lebanon), the
highest point of which, ¢#e Shezkh, has an elevation
of 9,300 feet. The Lebanon was never included in
the land of Israel; it remained in the possession of
the Phcenicians, the Aramzeans, and the people who
succeeded the latter. ‘This mountain range was of
practical utility to the Israelites, who derived from its
celebrated cedar forests the material for their edifices.
Besides this, its lofty and odoriferous crests formed
a favourite theme in the imagery of the Hebrew
poets. Mount Hermon, with its snow-covered head,
touches the north side of the ancient territory of
Israel. This mountain, if not hidden by intervening
hills, forms a charming object of admiration even at
a distance of a hundred miles.
The spurs of these two ranges were continued in
the northern mountains of Israel (Mount Naphtali,
subsequently named the mountains of Galilee), the
highest peak of which rises to 4,000 feet. These
heights have a gradual slope towards the great and
fertile plain of Jezreel, which is only 500 feet above
the level of the sea. Several mountain ranges inter-
sect this plain and divide it into smaller plains.
Mount Tabor (1,865 feet high) is not so much dis-
tinguished for its height as for its cupola shape.
Mount Moreh (1,830 feet), now called a-Duhy,
seems to lean against Mount Tabor. Not far from
there, somewhat towards the east, run the hill-tops of
Gilboa (2,000 feet). On the west side-of the great
plain lies the extensive tree-crested range of Carmel,
which forms a wall close to the sea, The great
plain of Jezreel has the shape of an irregular triangle,
with a length of twenty miles from north to south,
and a breadth of from six to fifteen miles from east
to west, having the mountain border of Carmel on the
one side and that of Gilboa on the other. This plain
divides the land into two unequal parts. The northern
half, which is the smaller, received at a later time the
name of Galilee. On the south of this plain, the
ground gradually rises, and, at one point, attains an
elevation of 2,000 feet. This district was called
Mount Ephraim. From Jerusalem, southwards to
Hebron, the land again ascends to a height of 3,000
feet, forming the land of Judah. Here there is a
gradual descent, and at-the old frontier town of
Beersheba the level does not rise above 700 feet.
At this point begins the table-land of Mount Paran.
This district was not included in the actual territory
of Israel. Both Mount Ephraim and Mount Judah
have a slope from east to west. Between the moun-
tain-side and the Mediterranean Sea, from north to
south, that is, from Carmel to the southern steppe,
extends a plain of increasing breadth, which is called
“the Plain of Sharon,” or the “low country” (she-
felah). In the east the mountain declines towards
the Jordan. Some peaks of this mountain acquired
a special significance. Such were the two hills by
the side of Shechem, Gevzzzm, “the mountain of the
blessing” (2,650 feet), and éa/,“the mountain of
the curse” (2,700 feet); Bethel, in the east (2,400
feet); Mzzpeh, some hours’ journey from the subse-
quent capital; Mount Zion (2,610 feet); and the
Mount of Olives (2,700 feet). This peculiar and
greatly varied configuration of the land had its effect
not only upon the productions of the soil, but also
upon the character of the people. From north to
south, Palestine is divided into three belts. The
broad mountainous tract occupies the centre; the
low land (shefelah) extends from the west to the sea,
- and the meadows (£zkkar, araboth) from the east to
the Jordan. In the lowland the climate is mild; in
the mountains, it is severe during the rainy season,
but temperate in the summer. In the district of the
Jordan the heat continues during the greater part of
the year.
With the exception of the Jordan, the land has
no rivers which retain their waters throughout the
year; but even this river, owing to its precipitous
course, is not navigable. The Jordan rises from
three sources in the slopes of Hermon. At first it
runs sluggishly, and before entering the Lake of
Merom it divides into small streams. On emerging
from the lake, its waters are united in a narrow
basalt bed, and flow into the Lake of Galilee. On
issuing thence, the Jordan widens, rushes over
rocks, and, after forming many rapids in its swift
course, empties itself and disappears in the Dead
Sea. During spring-time, when the melting snow
of Hermon swells the waters, this river fertilises
the adjoining low-lying plains, especially those on its
eastern bank.
The other streams, including the Jarmuk and
Jabbok, become dry in the hot summer season.
Such winter streams (xechalm), nevertheless, en-
hance the productiveness of the district through
which they flow, and the cultivated lands are situated
on the banks of these intermittent streams. The
fertility of the soil is also favoured by the small
springs which flow down the hills without being
collected into rivulets. The districts devoid of
springs are supplied with drinking-water by the rain,
which is gathered in cisterns excavated in the rocks.
The greater portion of Palestine is blessed with an
abundant yield of produce. ‘Thisis due to the nature
of the soil, and to the copious drainage from the high-
lands of Lebanon, Hermon (Anti-Lebanon), with
their spurs, as well as to the rain which falls twice a
year. The land flowed “ with milk and honey,” and
has retained this characteristic even to the present
day, wherever the industry of man is active. It is
decidedly a beautiful land “of brooks of water, of
fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and
hills; a land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig-
trees, and pomegranates; a land of the oil-olive, and
of honey; aland wherein thou shalt eat bread without
scarceness, thou shalt not want anything in it; a
land whose’ stones are iron, and out of whose hills
thou mayest dig brass.” The plains are especially
fruitful, and yield to the laborious cultivator two
crops a year. But also the land lying to the
north of the plain of Jezreel is by no means sterile.
In olden times it had such an abundance of olive
trees as to give rise to the saying that the husband-
man “ dips his foot in oil.”
The central district to the south of the great plain,
which belonged to Ephraim and Manasseh, rewarded
its toilers with rich harvests. On all sides springs
gush forth from the rocky fissures; and as their
waters gather together, they attain sufficient force to
drive the mills, besides supplying the soil with
ample moisture. The land of the sons of Joseph
was blessed,
‘“« With the fruit of the heavens above,
And of the deep that coucheth beneath ;
And with precious fruit brought forth by the sun,
And with the precious things put forth by the moon.”
The hill-sides were adorned with blooming gardens,
and with vineyards exuberantly laden with grapes.
The mountains, overshadowed by forests of tere-
binths, oaks and yew trees, favoured the fertility of
the valleys.
In favourable situations the palm-tree produced a
superabundance of sweet fruit, the juicy contents of
which sometimes even trickled to the ground.
There was less fruitfulness in the southern tracts,
owing to the numerous chalk hills and the small
number of valleys. But even here good pastures
were found for the herds. Below Hebron the
extreme south, with its barren rocks and strips of.
sand, presents a dreary aspect. The burning wind,
in its passage over the desert, dries the atmosphere,
1 Deut. vili. 7-9. ? Deut. xxxili. 13, 14.
and impoverishes the soil. This district was there-
fore rightly termed Veged, “the arid land.” A few
oases, which are found here and there, owed their
verdure to the presence of water, which counteracted
the effect of the scorching heat. In such humid
places the vegetation became exceedingly luxuriant
under the care of diligent cultivators. To the idler
this land yielded no produce.
The climate was made salubrious by the sea
breezes and the free currents of mountain air, the
inhabitants being, therefore, of a sturdy frame. Here
were no miasmatic swamps to poison the atmosphere.
Diseases and the ravages of plagues are to this day
of rare occurrence, and only caused by infections
imported from elsewhere. Compared with the vast
dominions of the ancient world, Palestine is extremely
small. From some lofty central points one can, at the
same time, survey the eastern and the western fron-
tiers, the waves of the Mediterranean and the surface
of the Dead Sea, together with the Jordan, and the
opposite mountains of Gilead. A view from Mount
Hermon is still more commanding, and presents
beautiful and extremely diversified landscapes.
Throughout the greater part of the year the air is
so exceedingly pure and transparent as to afford a
delusive conception of the distance between the eye
and the surrounding scenery. Even remote objects
appear to be placed within close proximity.
Sensitive hearts and reflecting minds may well be
said to perceive “the finger of God” in this region,
where “Tabor and Hermon praise His name.”
Lofty peaks and undulating crests of mountains are
seen in alternation with verdant plains, and their
images are reflected upon the. glittering surface of
many waters. These towering heights, far from
overburdening and depressing the mind, draw it
away from the din of the noisy world, and call forth
cheering and elevating emotions.
If the beholder be endowed with the slightest
spark of poetic sentiment, it is brought into life and
action by the attractive sight of this panorama.
From the varied charms of scenic beauty the most
gifted men of this land drew their inspiration for
their pensive poetry. Neither the Greeks nor the
Romans had a conception of this species of poesy,
which has its root in a deep consciousness of the
greatness of the Creator. Nations of a later epoch
became adepts in this poetry only by being the
disciples of Israel. Whilst the eye surveyed, from
a prominent standpoint, the objects encircled by an
extensive horizon, the soul was impressed with the
sublime idea of infinitude—an idea which, without
such aid, could only be indirectly and artificially con-_
veyed to the intellectual faculties. Single-hearted
and single-minded men, in the midst of such sur-
roundings, became imbued with a perception of the
grandeur and infinity of the Godhead, whose guid-
ing power the people of Israel acknowledged in the
early stages of their history. They recognised the
existence of the same power in the ceaseless agita-
tion of the apparently boundless ocean; in the
periodical return and withdrawal of fertilising
showers; in the dew which descended from the
heights into the valleys; in the daily wonders of
nature hidden from human sight where the horizon
is narrow, but inviting admiration and devotion
where the range of view is wide and open.
‘‘He that formeth the mountains and createth the winds,
He who turneth the morning into darkness,
Who treadeth upon the high places of the earth,
The Lord, the God of hosts is his name.”?
At a later period the religious conviction gained
ground that God’s omnipotence is equally manifested
in ordaining the events of history as in regulating
the succession of physical phenomena; that the same
God who ordained the unchanging laws of nature,
1Amos iv. 13.
SESE ae Rae See
et 4 a.
reveals himself in the rise and fall of nations. This
conviction is a specific product of the Israelitish
mind. Historical vicissitudes and natural surround-
ings conspired to sharpen its faculties for everything
extraordinary and marvellous within the sphere of
existing things.
The land of Gilead had the same characteristics
that appertained to the region on the other side of
the Jordan. This district, originally owned by the
Amorites, and by the kings of Sihon and Og, was
now held by the sons of Reuben and Gad. From
the summits of this territory also immense tracts of
land were visible at a single view; but nothing
beyond a mere blue streak could be seen of the
distant ocean. This side of the Jordan was, there-
fore, less than the opposite side, endowed with poetic
suggestiveness. The land of Gilead gave birth to
no poet, it was the home of only one prophet, and
his disposition was marked by a fierceness which
accorded well with the rude and rough character of
the territory in which he was born. The Jordan
formed both a geographical and an intellectual land-
At the time of Israel’s conquests, Canaan was
dotted with cities and fortified places, in which the .
invaders found some rudiments of civic culture.
Gilead, on the other hand, contained but few towns,
and these lay far apart from each other.
The territories to the west of the Jordan had only
partially been subjected and allotted. Large and
important tracts of land were still in possession of
the original inhabitants, but it can no longer be
determined whether it was through the remissness
of Joshua that the land of Canaan was not com-
pletely conquered. In his advanced years, Joshua
did not display such vigour of action as was shown
by his teacher, Moses. Gradually he appears to
have lost the energy that is necessary in a comman-
der. His followers of the tribes of Ephraim and
Manasseh had already obtained the most productive
part of the land; they were now resting on their
laurels, and damped the warlike impetus of their
brethren. The excitements of the early warfare
having subsided, each of the tribes, or groups of
tribes was concerned only with its individual affairs.
This isolation prevented the several tribes from
rounding off their territories by conquests from the
original inhabitants of Canaan.
The Canaanites had, even before the invasion by
the Israelites, been in possession of sacrificial altars
and places for pilgrimage, with which myths calcu-
lated to satisfy the uncultured mind were connected.
The high mountains, bordered by pleasant valleys,
had been invested with sacred attributes. Mount
Carmel had long been looked upon as.a holy spot,
whence the heathen priests announced their oracles.
Mount labor was likewise regarded as holy. At the
foot of Hermon, in a fine fertile valley, there stood
a sanctuary dedicated to Baal Gad or Baal Hermon.
After the conquest, these shrines were probably, in
the first instance, visited only by the strangers who
had cast their lot with the Israelites; but their
example was soon followed by the ignorant portion
of their Hebrew companions. In the interior of the
country, where the people could not discriminate
between paganism and the divine law of Israel, and
still remembered the Egyptian superstitions, they
were prone to join in the sacrificial rites of the pagan
idolaters. The north, beyond Mount Tabor, like-
wise contained groups of the Canaanite population.
The Danites, whose neglected treatment has already
been noticed, were stationed in the centre of the
Amorites. Their tenure of land was insignificant in
extent. The tribes of Judah and Simeon were com-
pletely cut off from the other tribes. They were
placed among pagans, whose occupations were
divided between those of the shepherd and the free-
booter. lhe Jebusites formed a barrier between the
two southern tribes and their northern brethren.
This division between the tribes was only removed
after the conquest of Jebus (the city subsequently
named Jerusalem). If Joshua in his declining years
beheld with satisfaction the realisation of the Patri-
archal promises, this satisfaction was not without its
alloy. As in the lives of individuals, so in the lives
of nations, the practical turn of events is liable to
disappoint all anticipations. It is true the land of
Canaan now belonged to the Israelites; but their
conquests were of a precarious nature, and might
again be wrested from them by a combined attack
on the part of the dispossessed natives. ‘The closing
days of Joshua’s life were therefore troubled by the
consideration of this dangerous contingency, and by
the fact that he had no successor whom the several
tribes, especially the tribe of Ephraim, might be
willing to follow. His death left the people ina state
of utter bereavement, but, it seems, it failed even to
understand the gravity of the national loss. No such
grief took hold of them as was evinced at the death of
their first leader. Yet there remained one ideal which
Joshua bequeathed to the people, the prospect and —
the expectation that at some future time the entire
land would become their undivided property. Hopes,
to which a people clings persistently, carry within
themselves the chances of fulfilment. Severe trials
continued, however, to await them before the ideal
of an undivided possession of Canaan could be fully
The Pheenicians, Aramzans, Philistines, Idumzans—Their Customs
and Mythology—The Moabites and Ammonites— Intercourse of
the Israelites with their Neighbours and Adoption of their
Manners—Disintegration of the Tribes—Consequent Weakness—
Temporary Deliverers.
Tue sons of Israel, who had been severely tried
in Egypt, seemed destined to undergo trials still
more severe. Their new scene of activity was sur-
rounded by various nations, and they could have
escaped the influences of their surroundings only
by either destroying the homes of the bordering
populations, or by being proof against the strongest
temptations. The neighbouring Phcenicians, Canaan-
ites, Aramzeans, Philistines, [dumzans, Moabites,
Ammonites, Amalekites, Arabs and half-castes of
Arabs, had their own peculiar customs, manners,
and religious observances. The tribes came into
more or less close contact with their neighbours,
and were soon dominated by the same law of
attraction and assimilation that is felt even in
more cultured spheres. Hence arose the strange
phenomenon, during a prolonged period of Israel’s
history, of a nation’s forfeiting every species of self-
dependence, regaining it, again relapsing, and thus
passing from change to change.
But these changes eventually gave shape and tena-
city to the character of the people. In the interim,
however, Israel became intimately united with the
Pheenicians; the northern tribes of Asher, Zebulon
and Issachar stood in especially close connection
with them. This people had already, particularly in
Sidon, attained a high degree of culture, when the
Israelites entered Canaan. But, from an ethical and
a religious point of view, they were as backward as
the most uncultured races of men, with the excep-
tion, perhaps, of the Egyptians, than whom they were
on a higher level. !
The Canaanites worshipped the male and female
divinities, Baal and Astarte, who, in some cities, were
designated by the names of Adonis and Baaltis.
Baal was intended to be a personification of the
sun, and Astarte of the moon; they did not, how-
ever, figure as luminous beings within the celestial
space, but as the procreative powers of nature.
The Canaanites also worshipped the then known
seven planets termed Cadzrz,z. e. the Mighty; as
an eighth god they adored Ashmun, the restorer
of health, who was depicted as a serpent. The
rites, by which men and women dedicated them-
selves to the male and female deities, were of a
loathsome description. The degraded priestesses
of the temple were termed “consecrated women”
(Kedeshoth). |
In honour of Astarte, half-frantic youths and
men mutilated themselves, and wore female attire.
They then wandered about as beggars, collecting
aid for their sanctuary, or rather for their priests,
and were called “holy men” (Kedeshzm). Such
proceedings formed a main part of the religious
discipline among the Pheenicians, and their abomina-
tions were constantly displayed before the Israelites.
The southern tribes, on the other hand, main-
tained friendly relations with the Philistines. This
people had emigrated from Caphtor (Cydonia), a
town on the island of Crete, and their territory had
three ports—Gaza in the south, Ashdod (Azotus)in the
north, and Ascalon, midway between these two towns.
In the interior, the Philistines occupied the cities of
Gath and Ekron. This group of five cities (Penta-
polis) formed a small district, extending as far as the
Egyptian frontier, and its population acquired much
power and influence. On this account, the Greeks
and the Egyptians designated the entire country by
the name of Palestine (z. ¢., land of the Philistines).
Most probably the Philistines were seafarers and
merchants like the Phoenicians. With these occupa-
tions, however, they combined the lust of conquest,
whilst the Phoenicians, on the contrary, confined
themselves to peaceful pursuits.
The Philistines, having a narrow seaboard, were
induced to seek territorial extension on the eastern
side. The religious system of this people was
essentially similar to that of the other Canaanites,
and agreed, in fact, with that of the different nations
ofantiquity. They reverenced the procreative power
of nature under the name of Dagon. ‘This deity
was depicted in a form half human, half piscine.
The Philistines had numerous soothsayers, wiz-
ards, and cloud-seers (Meonenzm), who predicted
future events from various auguries,
With the Idumzans, the Israelites had less inter-
course. The territory of the former extended from
Mount Seir to the Gulf of the Red Sea. It is
thought that at a remote time they navigated this
sea, and traded with Arabia. Their mountains
contained metals, including gold. The Idumzans
had the reputation of being sagacious and prac-
tical. In early ages they were governed by kings,
who apparently were elective. On the north side
of the Idumzans, to the east of the Dead Sea, the
Moabites and the Ammonites were neighbours of
the tribes of Reuben and Gad. Their lascivious
idolatry was also dedicated to a Baal on Mount Peor.
Among the Ammonites, Baal was called Milcom or
Malcom. Besides this deity, the god Chemosh was
worshipped by these two nations. Amidst such
surroundings, the Israelites could not well preserve
their own political independence, and much less their
spiritual peculiarity; nor could they keep midway
between isolation and social intercourse among popu-
lations akin to them in language and descent.
From the first, the Israelites had as many antago-
nists as neighbours. ‘These, it is true, had no con-
ception that Israel’s doctrines tended to effect the
destruction of their gods, altars, and sacred groves
—the abolition, in fact, of senseless idolatry. Nor
were they able to discriminate between their own
gross materialism and the lofty, hidden aims of
the invading Israelites. The old inhabitants simply
abhorred the new-comers, who had entered with
drawn swords to deprive them of their territories.
In dealing with overt or secret enemies, the Israelites
had only the choice between resorting to exterminat-
ing warfare or making amicable concessions. War-
fare on a large scale was not even practicable; since
Joshua’s death, they had no accredited leader, and no
plan for concerted action. They certainly did not seem
to desire more than to live on neighbourly terms
with the adjoining populations. This temporary
truce might easily satisfy the Canaanites and Pheent-
cians, who were mainly concerned in keeping the
high-roads open for ccmmercial dealings. The
Idumzans, the Philistines, and the Moabites were
the only nations who sought to do injury-to the
Israelites. Every recollection of the troubles en-
dured in the desert made the Israelites more
desirous of living in undisturbed tranquillity. For
this reason they took but:a slight interest in the
affairs of their fellow-tribesmen, and they allowed
their sons and daughters to intermarry with non-
Israelites. These alliances were most frequent
among the border tribes, who found a strong
element of security in this intimate union with their
neighbours, the more so as in the early days of their
history such intermarriages were not yet placed
under the ban of interdiction. The tribes in the ©
interior—for instance, those of Ephraim, Manasseh
and Benjamin—were less in favour of intermar-
riages; least of all did the exclusive Levites approve
of a union with non-Israelites. From an intermar-
riage with the heathen to a participation in their
idolatrous rites there was but one step.
In rural districts the Israelites could easily be led
to join the pagan rites, as their memories were still
attached to Egyptian superstitions, and they were
unable to discriminate between pagan discipline and
the divine doctrine of Sinai. By degrees this idola-
trous worship gained ground among the majority of
the Israelites, who were fascinated by the arts and
accomplishments of the Phoenicians.
The Sanctuary at Shiloh, where the sons of Aaron,
together with the Levites, conducted the sacerdotal
rites, was not situated in a sufficiently central posi-
tion for tribes settled at great distances, nor was it
in high favour among those living within easier
reach. The neighbouring tribes were displeased
with the arrogance and the egotism of the sons of
Ephraim. In the early stages of Israel’s history, the
performance of sacrifices was held to be an essential
part of divine worship, and of communion with the
Deity. Persons clinging to the observance of sacri-
ficial rites either erected domestic altars, or con-
nected themselves with a temple in their vicinity.
This tendency remained unchecked, as there was no
chief or leader to inculcate a proper adoration of the
Godhead. The Levites, who were intended to be
the teachers of the people, had been widely dispersed
among the different tribes, and dwelt chiefly in the
smaller towns. As they owned no lands, and were
generally destitute, they exerted no great influence
upon the people.
One poor Levite, a grandson of the great Law-
giver, took priestly service at the shrine of a newly
manufactured idol, in order to obtain food and
raiment. The further spread of such worship was
favoured among the Israelites by the force of sensu-
ality, by habit, and by the love of imitation.
At this time the marvellous occurrences in Egypt
and in the desert were still vividly remembered by
the several tribes, and formed a link of fellowship
among them, notwithstanding the disintegrating
effect of idolatry. The ancestral history continued
to be handed down from father to son, and nursed
the sentiment of a common nationality. An _ indi-
vidual or an entire family immersed in affliction
would then ask, “Where are all his miracles of
which our fathers told ts, saying, Did not the Lord —
bring us up from Egypt?”
The events witnessed on Mount Sinai remained
engraven upon the hearts of thoughtful men; nor
were warning voices wanting to recall the olden days
of divine mercy, and to rebuke the people on account
of their idolatry. It appears that the utterances of
reproof came from the Levites. ‘They, as custodians
of the tables of the covenant, and as servants in the
Sanctuary of Shiloh, stood up in days of national
misfortune, and on other occasions, to expose the
corruption of their people. Sometimes they may have
succeeded in making a deep impression, when they
described past glories or present sorrows; but the
effect of such addresses was only evanescent. The
people were always predisposed to fraternise with
strangers and to imitate their practices. One
adverse condition produced another. The selfish-
ness of the men of Ephraim induced their brother
tribes to care only for self-preservation. The chances
of uniting the Israelites under one commander were
neglected. This again drove the divided tribes to
confederacies with the pagans, and they became
more closely united with them through the ties of
family and of superstitious worship; hence came
internal disunion and national degeneracy. The
indigenous population of Palestine no sooner dis-
covered the influence they were able to exercise, than
they began to treat the Israelites as intruders, who
should be humbled, if not crushed altogether.
1Judges vi. 13.
CH, 111. THE JUDGES. 59
Sorrowful days befell the Israelites after Joshua
had closed his eyes. One tribe after another was
reduced to servitude. At length, when the suf-
ferings of the people became unendurable, public-
spirited men came to the rescue, and performed
deeds of remarkable valour. ‘These heroic deliverers
were commonly known as “judges” (Shofetzm). In
an emergency they would lead one tribe, or several
tribes to battle; but they were incapable of uniting
the entire people of Israel, or of keeping the col-
lected tribes under permanent control. It was alto-
gether beyond the ability of these deliverers to bring
order into this national disorganisation, or to abolish
the abuse of idolatry, and enforce a strict observance
of religion, They, in fact, shared the failings of
their age, and had only a faint comprehension of the
Sinaitic doctrines. |
Animosity of the Idumzeans—Othniel, a Deliverer—Eglon, King of
Moab—The Canaanite King, Jabin—Sisera, his General—The
Prophetess and Poetess Deborah—Barak—Victory near Tabor—
Early Hebrew Poetry—Sufferings through Nomads—The Hero
Gideon (Jerubbaal)—Victory in the Plain of Jezreel—Commence-
ment of Prosperity—Abimelech—Feud with the Shechemites—
Jair the Gileadite—Hostilities of the Amalekites and the Philis-
tines—Jephthah—Samson—Zebulunite Judges.
OTHNIEL, the son of Kenaz, a brother, and at the same
time the son-in-law of Caleb, was the first warrior-
judge. Having collected a brave band of combatants,
he advanced against an Idumzean! king, and deliv-
ered the southern tribes of Judah and Simeon. But
his enterprise did not bring the least advantage to
the rest of the tribes, and remained almost unknown
on the other side of Mount Ephraim. The daring
act of the Benjamite, Ehud, the son of Gera, was of
greater significance. lhe Israelites being oppressed
by the Moabites, Ehud did not immediately invite
his injured companions to make an open attack upon
the foe. He first sought to put the hostile king,
Eglon, out of the way. One day he. presented him-
self before the king under the pretext that he was
the bearer. of a gift from his people in token of their
submission. Being alone with Eglon, he thrust a
double-edged sword into the body of his victim, and
fled after having locked the door of the audience
chamber. He then summoned the men of Ephraim
and Benjamin, and occupied the fords of the Jordan
so as to cut off the retreat of the Moabites, who had
established themselves on the west side of that river.
1 Judges iii. 8 and 10 must be read ‘“‘king of Edom” (H\") instead
of Aram (By).
The Moabites were then totally routed. After this
victory, the western tribes of Israel remained fora
long time unmolested by the people of Moab.
From another quarter, the Israelites were harassed
by the Philistines. Shamgar, the son of Anath, prob-
ably of the tribe of Benjamin, chastised the assailants
with a weapon extemporised out of an ox-goad.
Such sporadic acts of bravery, inadequate to improve
the situation of the Israelites, tended only to aggra-
vate their troubles. Jabin, a Canaanite king, joined
by some of the neighbouring rulers, seemed bent
upon exterminating the Israelites. ‘The high-roads
became insecure, and wayfarers had to seek devious
by-ways. At that juncture, Israel was without a
leader, or a man of tried courage. A woman, a
poetess and prophetess, Deborah, the wife of Lapi-
doth, then came forward as “a mother in Israel.”
With her inspiriting speech she animated the timo-
rous people, and changed them from cowards into
heroes. Urged by Deborah, Barak, the son of Abi-
noam, reluctantly undertook to lead the Israelites
against the enemy; and, at her bidding, the most
valiant men in Israel joined the national army.
Meeting near Mount labor, they discomfited the
Canaanites, who were commanded by Jabin’s gen-
eral, the hitherto unvanquished Sisera. ‘The power
of Jabin was henceforth broken. The commander
himself now had to flee for his life, and was
slain by Jael, the wife of Heber,a member of the
Kenite tribe, which maintained an amicable alliance
with the Israelites. In ahymn knownas “ The Song
of Deborah,” the praises were sung of this unex-
‘pected victory, and of the mercy which God had
bestowed upon His people. But these hostilities
had not yet reached their end. The restless nations
of the neighbourhood continued to inflict heavy blows
upon the Israelites, who either were too weak or
too disunited to resist such attacks. The roving
Midianites periodically ravaged Palestine. At har-
vest time, they would cross the Jordan with their
irresistible hordes, bringing with them their tents,
their camels, and their herds. They came “like a
flight of locusts,” emptied the barns, led off the flocks,
the herds and the asses, and then quitted the impov-
erished and despoiled land. The rich and fertile
plain of Jezreel, with the adjacent northern and
southern territory, was especially exposed to these
incursions. lo save their scanty means of sub-
sistence, the owners of the land concealed their pro-
visions in caverns and other hiding places. The
insignificant gleanings of wheat had to be threshed
in caves intended for wine-presses. In their severe
trials the tribes prayed unto the God of their fathers,
and assembled at Shiloh, where they were reproved
for their sinfulness by “a man of God”—probably a
Levite—who reminded them that their misfortunes
were the consequence of their iniquities. Exhorta-
tions of this kind seem to have made a deep impres-
sion upon at least one man of note. This man was
Jerubbaal, also named Gideon, of the tribe of
Manasseh. In Ophrah, his native place, in a grove
consecrated to Baal or to Astarte, there was an altar,
which Jerubbaal destroyed, and he then raised
another in honour of the God of Israel. The men of
Ophrah, enraged at this sacrilege, were about to
stone Jerubbaal, but he gathered round him tribes- —
men of Manasseh, Asher, Zebulun and Naphtali, and
encamped at Endor to the north of Mount Moreh;
there he dismissed the timid and faint-hearted, re-
taining only a picked force of 300 warriors. In the
dead of night he fell upon the sleeping enemy,
whom he terrified with the shrill blast of horns,
the brandishing of burning torches, and the war-
cry, ‘‘For God and for Gideon.” The unprepared
Midianites were utterly routed, and were forced to
retreat across the Jordan. During many ages “the
day of Midian” was remembered as a triumph which
a handful of brave Israelites had accomplished.
a ee
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward.)
(‘uusy “H 4q Burmeip e wo1q)
Gideon then pursued the two fugitive Midianite
kings, Zebah and Zalmunna, on the other side of
the Jordan, chastised those Israelites who refused
him and his famishing warriors the needful provi-
sions, and inflicted a crushing defeat upon the Mid-
ianites, from which they never recovered. ‘lhe people
thus delivered offered to make him their king, an
honour which he declined, both for himself and his
descendants. It appears that he made Ophrah a
centre for pilgrims, to the detriment of the less con-
veniently situated sanctuary of Shiloh. This aroused
the jealousy of the men of Ephraim, who, after the
death of the hero, were involved in violent conflicts
with the men of the tribe of Manasseh. Gideon had,
after his great victories, carried the rich treasures of
the vanquished enemies into the land. The towns of
Israel became seats of wealth and luxury. Phoenician
caravans could henceforth safely journey through the
land. Covenants were concluded with the trafficking
strangers, who were placed under the protection of
the tutelar Baal-Berith (Baal of the Covenant). The
jealous men of Ephraim, who sought to foment dis-
sension among the seventy sons and grandsons of
Gideon, found in Abimelech, one of his sons, an
unscrupulous ally. This Abimelech, being the son
of a woman of Shechem, was elected by the Shech-
emites to be their leader. His first act was to put
his brothers to death. Only Jotham, the youngest
of them, escaped. On Mount Gerizim, Jotham pro-
nounced his trenchant parable of the trees, who, in
their search of a ruler, met with refusals from the
fruitful olive, fig,and vinetrees. The prickly bramble
(Atad) was the only one who would accept the gov-
ernment; but he warned the trees that if they
refused to acknowledge him as ruler, he would send
forth a fire to consume all the trees of the Lebanon.
The parable found its application in the subsequent
hostilities between the men of Shechem and Abim-
elech, whose cruelty ended in his death at the hand
of his own armour-bearer. }
After the fall of Abimelech the cis-Jordanic tribes
seem to have retrograded, while the men of Ma-
nasseh or Gilead, on the other side of the Jordan,
invaded the high land of the Hauran, and took pos-
session of sixty rock-built cities. This district then
received the name Havvoth Jair. At that time the
Israelites suffered a shock from two sides, which
caused further disintegration among them. On the
one hand they were attacked by the Ammonites, and
on the other, by the Philistines. These attacks dis-
tracted them, and rendered them incapable of resist-
ance. Ihe Ammonites appear to have driven the
Israelites from their open places, after which they
attacked the strongholds. ‘These incursions were
successful against the tribes of Ephraim and Judah.
On the opposite side, the Philistines assailed the
neighbouring tribes of Israel, and sought to subdue
them. They first attacked the tribe of Dan; nor did
they spare the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. Even
these disasters did not arouse the tribes to make a
combined resistance. The trans-Jordanic tribes had
turned to the Ephraimites for help; but the latter
took no part in the contest, either from selfishness or
because the inhabitants of Shechem and other
Ephraimite towns had been enfeebled by Abimelech.
In those troubled times there arose two deliverers,
who drove off the enemy, and procured temporary
relief. Jephthah and Samson, two adventurers,
disregarding order and discipline, brought their
powers to bear, as much for evil as for good. They
both displayed extraordinary activity; but while
Jephthah was a warrior who conquered his ene-
mies by warlike measures, Samson, though endowed
with great strength and daring, appears to have
overcome his enemies by stratagems and unexpected
Jephthah, the Gileadite, of the tribe of Manasseh,
having been banished by his tribesmen, began to
lead the life of a highwayman. Daring associates,
who thought little of law and order, joined him and
appointed him their leader. When attacked by the
Ammonites, the men of Gilead remembered their
outlawed kinsman, whose bold deeds had come to
their knowledge. Some of the elders of his tribe
went to him, and urged him to aid them with his
troops, and help them to expel the enemy from their
territories. Full of proud indignation, Jepi.thah
rebuked them with the words, “ You hated me, and
drove me from my father’s house; wherefore do you
come to me now when it goes ill with you?”! The
Gileadite elders, however, entreated him more
urgently, and promised, if he should vanquish the
enemy, that they would recognise him as chief in
Gilead. Upon this Jephthah determined to return
with them. He then sent a formal message to the
Ammonites, demanding that they should desist from
their incursions into the territory of the Israelites;
and when they refused on the pretext of ancient
rights, he traversed the districts of Gilead and
Manasseh in order to enlist warriors. Jephthah
knew well how to gather many brave youths round
him, and with these he proceeded against the
Ammonites, defeated them, and wrested twenty cities
out of their hands. After Jephthah had gained these
decisive victories, the Ephraimites began a quarrel
with him; and as previously, in the case of the
heroic Gideon, they were displeased that he had
obtained victories without their aid.
This. led to a civil war, for Jephthah was not sc
_ submissive to the proud Ephraimites as the judge of
Ophrah had been. The men of Ephraim crossed
the Jordan, near the town of Zaphon, and assumed
a warlike attitude; but Jephthah punished them for
their presumption, defeated them, and blocked their
road of retreat on the banks of the Jordan. Jeph-
thah might have strengthened the tribes beyond the
1 Judges xi. 7.
Jordan, but his rule lasted only six years, and he left
no son to succeed him. He had only one daughter,
and about her a deeply touching story has been pre-
served, which describes how she became the victim
of her father’s rash vow.
Whilst the hero of Gilead was subduing the
Ammonites by force of arms, Samson was fighting
the Philistines, who claimed from the tribe to which
Samson belonged the coast-line of Joppa, formerly a
part of their possessions. The tribe of Dan smarted
under their yoke, but had not the power to effect
a change. Samson was not supported in his enter-
prises by the various tribes, as Jephthah had been,
They greatly feared the Philistines; thus Samson
was compelled to have recourse to stratagems, and
could harm the enemy only by unexpected onslaughts.
This mode of warfare was censured in the words, ©
“ Dan shall judge his people like one of the tribes of
Israel. Dan shall be as a serpent by the way, and
as an adder in the path, that biteth the horse’s heels,
so that his rider shall fall backwards.” !
Samson is supposed to have fought during twenty
years for Israel, without, however, improving the
state of affairs. Long after his death, the Philistines
kept the upper hand over the tribes of Dan and
Benjamin, and also over Judah and Ephraim. The
rule of the Philistines pressed with increasing weight
upon Israel. After Samson there arose successively
three other deliverers, two in the tribe of Zebulun,
and one in the tribe of Ephraim; but their deeds were
of so insignificant a character that they have not been
deemed worthy of mention. Of the two hero-judges
in Zebulun, only the names and the territory or
town in which they were buried have been pre-
served: Ibzan, of Bethlehem in Zebulun, and Elon,
of the town of Ajalon. Also of the. Ephraimite
judge, Abdon, son of Hillel, the Pirathonite, little is
1Genesis xlix. 16, 17.
known. Itis not even stated against what enemies
they waged war; but the fact that the men of
Zebulun, who at first lived far away from the sea,
afterwards extended their dwelling-places to the shore,
leads us to suppose that they supplanted the Canaan
ite inhabitants.
Importance of the Judges—Public Feeling—Sanctuary in Shiloh—
Eli and his Sons—Defeat by the Philistines—Capture of the
Ark — Destruction of Shiloh and the Sanctuary—Flight of
the Aaronites and Levites—Death of Eli—The Ark in Philistia
and in Kirjath Jearim—Prophecy re-awakened—Samuel in
Ramah—The Order of Prophets or Singers—Popular revulsion—
The tribe of Judah—Repeated attacks of the Philistines—Meet-
ing at Mizpah—Samuel’s activity—Nob as a place of worship—
Increase in the power of the Philistines and Ammonites—The
tribes desire to have a King—Samtel’s course of action.
1100 ?—1067 B.C. E.
Tue twelve or thirteen warrior-judges had been
incapable of keeping off the hostile neighbours of
Israel for any length of time, much less had they
ensured the permanent safety of the country. Even
the celebrated Barak, with all his enthusiasm, and
Gideon and Jephthah with their warlike courage
could succeed only in uniting a few of the tribes, but
were unable to secure or restore the union of the
entire people. The warrior-judges were, in fact,
of importance only so long as they repulsed the
enemy, averted danger, and ensured safety in daily
life. They wielded no real power, not even over
the tribes to which their prowess brought help and
freedom; nor did they possess any rights by which
they could enforce obedience. ‘The isolation of each
tribe, and the division amongst the several tribes con-
tinued, in spite of temporary victories; the actual weak-
ness of the country increased rather than diminished.
Samson’s “serpent-like attacks and adder’s bites” did
not deter the Philistines from considering the tribes
within reach as their’ subjects, or more correctly
speaking as their slaves, nor did it prevent them from
ill-treating the Israelites. Jephthah’s victories over
the Ammonites did not cause the enemy to relinquish
his claims over the eastern tribes of Reuben, Gad,
and the half of Manasseh.
After the deaths of Jephthah and Samson, the
state of affairs became still more dismal. It was,
however, precisely this sense of extreme weakness
which led to a gradual recovery of strength. Several
tribal leaders must have come to the conclusion that
this connection with neighbouring populations, and
the adoption of idolatrous customs had brought
the people to the verge of ruin. ‘The remembrance
of the God of their fathers no doubt once more
revived in their hearts, and awakened their sleeping
consciences to a sense of duty. The men who had
been thus aroused called to mind the Sanctuary
dedicated to their God at Shiloh, and they repaired
thither. ,
Towards the close of the judges’ period, Shiloh
once more became a general rallying point. Here
the Levites, the guardians of the Law, still resided,
and they used their opportunities to urge, at the
meetings held in times of distress, that a denial of
Israel’s God and the worship of Baal had brought
all this misery upon the people. ‘There also lived
in Shiloh a priest who was worthy of his ancestors
Aaron and Phineas. He was the first Aaronite,
after a considerable time, whose name has been
recorded for posterity. He was simply called Eh,
without the addition of his father’s name, and the
only title of honour he bore was that of the priest
~ at Shiloh. Eli is described as a venerable old man,
on whose lips were words of gentleness, and who
was incapable of giving utterance to severe censure,
even of his unworthy sons.
This aged man could not fail to exercise a bene-
ficial influence, and win warm adherents to the Law
which he represented, if only by the example of his
moral worth, and by the holy life he led. When
Shiloh was visited, in ever-increasing numbers, by
desponding worshippers from the tribes of Ephraim
and Benjamin, as also from the tribes on the trans-
Jordanic side, some were murmuring at the suffer-
ings imposed upon them, and others complaining of
the hard treatment they endured at the hands of the
Ammonites; but Eli would exhort them to rely on
the ever ready help of the God of Israel, and to give
up the worship of strange gods.
By such exhortations he might have brought about
a better state of mind among his hearers, if the |
respect felt for him had been likewise enjoyed by his
two sons, Hophni and Phineas. They, however, did
not walk in the ways of their father; and when the
people and Eli were overtaken by severe misfor-
tunes, these were supposed to be a punishment of
heaven for the. sins of Eli’s sons, and for the weak
indulgence displayed by the High Priest.
The Philistines still held sway over the tribes in
their vicinity, and made repeated attacks and raids
on Israel’s lands. The tribes attacked became so far
skilled in warfare that they no longer sought to
oppose the enemy in irregular skirmishes, but' met
them in open battle. The Israelites encamped on
the hill Eben-ha-Ezer, and the Philistines in the plain
near Aphek. As the latter possessed iron war-
chariots they proved superior to the Israelites, of
whom four thousand are supposed to have fallen in
battle. The Israelite warriors, however, did not take
to flight, but kept to their posts.
In accordance with the counsel of the elders, the
Ark of the Covenant was brought from Shiloh, it
being believed that its presence would ensure
victory. Eli's sons were appointed to escort it.
Nevertheless, the second battle was even more
disastrous than the first. The Israelite troops
fled in utter confusion; tne Ark of the Covenant
was captured by the Philistines, and Hophni and
Phineas, who attended it, were killed. The Philis-
tines pursued the fleeing troops, and spread terror in
every direction. Breathless with fear,a messenger
of evil tidings arrived in Shiloh, and brought the sad
news to the anxious people, and to the high priest
Eli, who was sitting at the gate.
The news that the Ark of the Covenant had been
captured affected the aged priest even more than that
of the death of his sons; he dropped down dead from
his seat. It now seemed that all glory had departed
from the house of Israel. The victorious Philistines,
no longer content to make foraging expeditions
through the country, forced their way from west to
east until they reached the district of Shiloh. They
destroyed that town, together with the Tabernacle,
which had been a witness to the blissful days of
Moses. A later poet describes this time of trial with
a heavy heart.!
The strength and courage of the people were
entirely overcome by this defeat. Those tribes which
until now had been foremost in every encounter
were crushed. The tribe of Ephraim suffered—
though not undeservedly—most severely by the
overthrow of the Sanctuary, which, in Eli’s time, had
been recognised as a place for popular meetings.
Every chance of union, especially amongst the
northern tribes, who, however, had not been con-
cerned in the disastrous strife, seemed to be cut off.
The Philistines were impressed with the idea that
by capturing the Ark of the Covenant—which they
supposed to be the safeguard of the Israelites—and
by destroying the Sanctuary, they had vanquished
- the Israelite people. But they were painfully unde-
ceived. As soon as they had carried off the Ark of
the Covenant to the neighbouring town of Ashdod,
the country was visited by various plagues. In their
terror, the Philistine princes determined to follow the »
advice of their priests and magicians, and send back
1See Psalm Ixxviii. 60-64; Jeremiah vii, 12.
the Ark, accompanied by expiatory offerings, after it
had been in their possession for seven months. It
was accordingly sent over the boundaries, and taken
to the town of ‘‘ Kirjath Jearim” (Forest Town), situ-
ated on a hill, where it was guarded by the Levites
of the district; but it was so little missed by the
people that decades passed before they even remem-
bered their loss, In the eyes of the untutored
Israelites, neither the contents nor the great age of
the tablets of the Law preserved in the Ark were of
great importance. Meanwhile these misfortunes—
the destruction and loss of the Sanctuary at Shiloh—
had aroused a desire for a better state of things.
Those who were not utterly indifferent could per-
ceive that the true cause of the evil lay in the
religious and political dissensions. The Levites, who
had escaped during the destruction of Shiloh, and
had settled in other towns, probably prepared the
public mind for a return to the belief in God. Per-
haps also the return of the Ark of the Covenant
from the land of the Philistines exercised an ant-
mating influence, and raised hopes of better days.
The longing for the God of Israel became daily
more widely diffused, and the want of a steadfast
and energetic leader was keenly felt—a leader who
would bring the misguided people into the right
path, and raise up those who were bowed down with
sorrow. And just at the right moment a man ap-
peared who brought about a crisis in Israel’s history.
Samuel, the son of Elkanah, was the man who
reunited the long-sundered bonds of communal life
amongst the Israelites, and thereby, averted the
threatening decay and internal corruption. His
greatness is illustrated by the circumstance that he
is placed second to Moses not only in chronological
sequence, but also-in prophetic importance. }
Samuel was an elevated character. He displayed
the same unbending conscientiousness towards him-
1 Jeremiah xv. 1; Psalms xcix, 6.
self as towards others. Living amidst the people,
coming into daily contact with them, he surpassed
the men of his time in love of God, purity of heart,
and unselfishness. In addition to these qualities he
was distinguished by the gift of prophecy. His
Spiritual eye pierced the clouds which hid the future.
He proclaimed his prophetic visions, and they came
to pass. Samuel was descended from one of the
most distinguished Levitical families, from the same
Korah who had incited the rebellion against Moses
in days of old. Samuel inherited intensity of feeling
from his mother Hannah, whose fervent though
inaudible prayer has formed a model for all ages.
At a tender age his mother secured a place for him
as one of the attendant. Levites in the Sanctuary at
Shiloh. He had daily to open its gates; he took
partin the sacrificial service, and he passed his nights
within the precincts of the tabernacle,
At an early age the gift of prophecy, unknown to
himself, was awakened within him. Whilst wrapped
in deep sleep he heard himself called from the
inner recess of the Sanctuary where the Ark of
the Covenant reposed. This was Samuel’s first
vision, and happened previous to the defeat of the
Israelites by the Philistines, the capture of the Ark
of the Covenant, the death of Eli and his two sons,
and the destruction of the Sanctuary. Samuel’s
services ceased with the last-named event, and he
returned to his father’s house at Ramah in deep
_ The misfortunes which had befallen his people,
and especially the ruin of Shiloh made an over-
powering impression on Samuel, whose youthful
mind was filled with the highest aspirations. In the
Levitical circle, in which he had grown up, it wasa
fixed belief that the trials undergone by the people
resulted from their denial of the God of Israel. To
have no Sanctuary was considered equivalent to
being without God.
The sacred writings enshrined in the Ark enjoined
righteousness, justice, mercy, and the equality of all
Israelites without distinction of class, as commanded
by God; but little or nothing was said of sacrifices.
Samuel, who was nearer by many centuries to the
origin of the Israelitish nation than were the later
prophets, was, like them, convinced of the fact that
God had not ordained the deliverance of His people
solely in order that they might sacrifice to Him
only, but that they might carry His laws into effect.
The contents of these records of the Law represented
the will of God which the Israelites were to follow
with implicit obedience. This Law wasa living force
in Samuel’s heart, and he grew to be the medium by
which it became indelibly impressed on the people;
to give effect to its teaching was the task of his life.
The fact of having no Sanctuary was, as has been
shown, deemed equivalent to being abandoned by
God. Gradually, however, Samuel seems to have
taken up a different train of thought—/Vo Sanctuary,
no burnt-offerings. “Is sacrifice absolutely neces-
sary for a pure worship of God, and for a holy life
in His ways?” This thought became matured within
him; and later, on a fitting occasion, he preached on
this theme thus: The sacrifices are of little impor-
tance; the fat of rams cannot win God’s approba- -
tion; in what, then, should the service of God consist ?
“In strict obedience to all that He has com-
manded.” During his sojourn in Shiloh, Samuel had
not only made himself acquainted with the contents
of the stone tablets which were kept in the Ark of
the Sanctuary, but he became versed also in the
book of the Law emanating from Moses, and he
was entirely filled with their spirit. The living word
was the means which he employed to attain his end,
for he was endowed with impressive eloquence.
From time to time he had prophetic dreams and
visions. ‘These revealed to him that his convictions
were not the mere suggestions of his own mind or
heart, but were sanctioned or inspired by a higher
Being. Ihe prophetic inspirations consisted of
teachings or commands; they were combined with
an unveiling of the near future, and bore the char-
acter of revelations. Animated by his prophetic
visions, Samuel communicated them to his hearers,
probably at his native place, Ramah, where his repu-
tation had preceded him. These communications,
which foreshadowed extraordinary events beyond
the limits of common foresight, he seems to have
expressed in orations and in rhythmic utterances,
abounding in poetic metaphors and similes,
Whilst in Shiloh, he had been repeatedly vouch-
safed prophetic visions, and these .had been con.
firmed. Itsoon went forth in the environs of Ramah,
and in ever-widening circles that a prophet had
arisen in Israel, and that the spirit of God, which
had rested on Moses and had led him to deliver the
children of Israel from Egypt, had now descended on
the son of Elkanah. In the interval, during a long
succession of centuries, no prophet, in the full sense
of the word, had arisen. The fact that God had
raised up a second Moses encouraged the hope
that better times were at hand. Samuel’s first en-
deavour was to reclaim the nation from the idola-
trous worship of Baal and Astarte, and from a
superstitious belief in the oracular powers of the
The desire of a portion of the people to abandon
their evil ways materially assisted Samuel in his
efforts. His irresistible eloquence was concentrated
in the one theme that the gods of the heathen were
nonentities who could neither help nor save. He
declared that it was folly and sinful to consult the
lying oracles and the jugglery of the soothsayers,
and that God would never desert the nation whom
He had chosen. These words found a powerful
response in the hearts of those who heard them.
Samuel did not wait for the people to come to him
in order that he might address them, but he went
forth to them. He travelled through the whole land,
appointed public meetings, and announced to the
multitudes the lessons revealed to him by the spirit
of God; and the people, stirred by his prophetic
utterances, and roused from the lethargy into which
they had been plunged ever since their misfortunes
had commenced, now began to revive. The right
man had come, whose words could be followed in
days of care and trouble. The eyes of the nation
naturally turned towards him. 7
Had Samuel stood alone, he would scarcely have
been enabled to effect so desirable a transformation.
But he had a number of assistants on whom he could
rely. The Levites, whose home was in Shiloh, had
fled when the town and the Sanctuary were de-
stroyed. They had been accustomed to surround
the altar and to serve in the Sanctuary. They knew
no other occupation. What were they to do now in
their dispersion? Another place of worship had not
yet been founded to which they might have turned. |
Several Levites therefore joined Samuel. His great-
ness had impressed them when he lived in Shiloh,
and he now employed them to execute his plans,
Gradually their numbers increased until they formed
a band of associates (Chedel), or Levitical guild
(Kehzllah). These disciples of prophecy, headed by
Samuel, contributed materially to the change of
views and manners among the people.
Another circumstance served at that time to rouse
the nation from itsapathy. During the entire period
of the Judges’ rule, the men of Judah had not taken
the slightest share in public events. Dwelling far
away in their pasture-fields and deserts, they seemed
to have no part in the life of the other tribes. They
called themselves by the name of Jacob. Utterly
secluded, they led a separate existence, untouched by
the sorrows and joys, the battles and conquests, of
the tribes living on both sides of the Jordan. The
Jebusites, who possessed the district between the
mountains of Ephraim and Judah, formed a barrier
between these tribes and the Israelites dwelling in
the north.
It was only the repeated incursions of the Philis-
tines on Israel’s territory which seem to have
aroused the tribe of Judah, and forced it out of its
retirement. It was probably to strengthen them-
selves against the attacks of their enemy, who
sought to lay the yoke of serfdom on their necks,
that the men of Judah stretched out a helping hand
to the neighbouring tribes. Whatever circumstarice
may have influenced them, it is certain that in
Samuel’s days, the tribe of Judah with its depen-
dency, the tribe of Simeon, took part in the com-
mon cause. Jacob and Israel, divided during all
the centuries since they first entered Canaan, were
now at length united. It was, without doubt,
Samuel who brought about this union.
Judah’s or Jacob’s entry into history marks the
accession of a new, vigorous and rejuvenating ele-
ment. The tribe of Judah had found but few towns,
and by no means a developed town life in the terri-
tories t hadacquired. ‘The only city worthy of note
was Hebron; the other places were villages for
cattle-breeders. Both the refinement and the de-
pravity resulting from the influence of the Philistines
had remained unknown to the tribes of Judah and
Simeon. lhe worship of Baal and Astarte, with its
coarse and sensual rites, had not established itself
among them. They remained, for the most part,
what they had been on their entry into the land—
simple shepherds, loving peace and upholding their
liberty, without any desire for warlike fame or for
making new conquests. The simple customs of patri-
archal life seem to have endured longer in Judah than
elsewhere. This accession of strength and religious
activity could certainly not have been rendered pos-
sible without Samuel’s commanding and energetic
intervention. The son of Elkanah, though no war-
rior, was looked upon as a firm supporter on whom
both houses could lean. For many years Samuel,
assisted by the prophetic order of Levites, pursued
his active course with zeal and energy; the people
regarded him as a leader, and he, in fact, by his
inspired zeal, led them on to conquest. A victory
gained near Eben-ha-Ezer, where, many years before,
the Philistines had overcome the Israelite troops and
had carried off much booty, now produced a mighty
effect: it revived the courage of the Israelites and
humbled the Philistines..
During the next decade the people once more
enjoyed the comforts of peace, and Samuel took
measures that prosperity should not efface the good
results of previous misfortunes. It was his earnest
endeavour to consolidate the union between the
tribes, which was the true foundation of their
strength. Year after year he called together the
elders of the people, explained to them their duties,
and reminded them of the evil days which had
befallen the Israelites through their godlessness,
their intermarriage with strange nations, and, their
idolatrous excesses; he also warned them against a
return to these errors. Such assemblies Samuel held
by turns in the three towns which came into notice
after the destruction of Shiloh—namely, in Bethel, in
Gilgal, and in Mizpah where prayers for victory over
the Philistines had been offered up in the former
campaign. At Ramah, the place of his residence,
frequent meetings of the various tribes took place ;
and here the elders sought his advice in all im-
portant matters. At divine services Samuel not
only caused sacrifices to be offered up, but with the
aid of the Levites he introduced the use of stringed
instruments in order to arouse the devout feelings of
the people.
Through him a new element was introduced into
the divine service of the Israelites—viz., songs of
praise. Samuel, the ancestor of the celebrated
psalmists, the sons of Korah, was the first who com-
posed songs of praise for divine service. His grand- |
son, Heman, was considered the chief psalmist and
musician, and he ranked in fame with Asaph and
Jeduthun, who flourished in the subsequent genera-
tion. The charms of poetry and music were by
Samuel brought to bear upon the religious service,
and they left a lasting and ennobling impression on
the minds of the people. The employment of choirs
of Levites and singers rendered the sacrificial rite of
minor importance.
The priests, the sons of Aaron, took up a less
respected position, and were, to a certain extent,
neglected by Samuel. Achitub, a grandson of Eli,
had saved himself after the destruction of Shiloh by
taking refuge in the small town of Nob, near Jeru-
salem. He had earried away with him the high
priest's garments; and various members of the
house of Aaron having assembled there, Nob be-
came a sacerdotal town. Here, it seems, Achitub
had erected an altar, and also a tabernacle on the
model of the one which had been destroyed in
Shiloh. He even appears to have made an Ark
of the Covenant in Nob, instead of the one carried
off by the Philistines. ‘The Israelites apparently
disregarded the fact that the new ark was wanting
in the essential contents,—the stone tablets of the
Notwithstanding the eventful changes effected by
Samuel through his great gifts and untiring energy,
the condition of the people was anything but satis-
factory. He had given special attention to the cen-
tral and southern districts, and had appointed his two
sons, Joel and Abiah, to act as judges—the one in
_ Beer-sheba, the other in Bethel—but the. north was
left unrepresented.
With increasing years Samuel could not display
the same activity as in his youth and riper man-
hood. His sons were disliked, being accused of
misusing their power and of accepting bribes.
‘There were no men of energy amongst Samuel’s
followers, and thus the ties which held the people
together gradually slackened. In addition it must
be noted that just at this period the country of
Israel’s greatest enemies was transformed into a
kingdom. The Philistines had either of their own
free will chosen a king, or had been forced to do so
by one of the rulers of their five cities. The town of
Gath became the capital. The ambition of the Phil-
istine king now turned in the direction of fresh con-
quests; he seems to have made successful attacks on
the Phoenicians, and to have laid waste the town of
Sidon. In consequence of their defeat the Sidonians
took refuge in their ships, and on a rock which pro-
jected far out into the sea they built a town which they
called Zor (Tyre), the city of the rock. Meanwhile
the Philistines became possessors of the entire terri-
tory between Gaza and Sidon, and it seemed easy to’
them, with their increased power, to subjugate Israel;
hence a fierce warfare ensued between them and the
Israelites. The Ammonites also, who had been
humiliated by Jephthah, now rose again under their
warlike king Nahash, and began to invade the pos-
sessions of the tribe of Gad and the half of Manasseh.
Powerless to defend themselves, these tribes sent
messengers to Samuel, entreating him to supply
efficient aid. They at the same time expressed a
wish which, though entertained by the entire people,
was deeply painful to the prophet. They demanded
that a king should be placed at the head of the
Israelite community, who could compel the various
tribes to unite in joint action, and might lead them
to battle and to victory. There was now to be a
king in Israel. Samuel was amazed when he heard
these demands. A whole people was to be de-
pendent on the whims or the will of a single indi-
vidual! Equality of all members of the nation before
God dnd the law, the entire independence of each
family group under its patriarchal head, had become
so identified with their mode of life, that any change
in their condition seemed incomprehensible and
fraught with the heaviest. misfortunes.
It was now necessary to give a new direction to
the destinies of the people. Samuel’s clear intellect
disapproved of the radical change; yet his inherent
prophetic gift compelled him to accede. The king-
dom of Israel was brought forth in pain: it was not
the offspring of affection. Therefore it never could
find a natural place in the system of Israel’s organisa-
tion, but was at all times considered by more djs-
cerning minds as a foreign element.
Establishment of a Kingdom—Saul--His Position and Character—
His secret Election at Mizpah—Humiliating Condition of the
Nation under the Philistines—Declaration of War—Assemblage
in Gilgal—Battle of Michmash—Defeat of the Philistines—
Severity of Saul—Victory over the Ammonites—Saul’s Election
as King confirmed—His Court and Attendants—His Officers
and Standing Army—Victory over the Amalekites—Disputes
between Saul and Samue'—Saul’s Attacks on the neighbouring
People—War with tle Gibeonites—Place of Worship in Gibeon—
War against the Philistines in the Valley of Tamarinths—Goliath
and David—Meeting of Saul and David—Saul’s Jealousy turns
into Madness—The Persecution of David—Saul’s last Battle
against the Philistines—Defeat and Death.
1067—1055 B. C. E.
THe king who was placed at the head of the people
through their own eager insistence, and with the
unwilling consent of the prophet proved, more
effectually than any objections could do, how little a
monarchical constitution was fitted to realise the
expectations founded on it; for the king, until his
accession a simple and excellent man, with no
thoughts of ambition or arbitrary power, did not
shrink from cruelty and inhumanity in order to
assert his dignity.
By the aid of prophetic guidance, care was taken
that he should not resemble the repulsive prototype
drawn by Samuel, or become so independent as to
place himself above all laws and rules, but that he
should ever remain mindful of his lowly origin.
Samuel did not select a king from the haughty tribe
of Ephraim, lest he should act like Abimelech, who,
in his presumption and ambition, had killed his own
brothers, and laid waste whole districts; but the king
was chosen from the smallest of the tribes, the tribe
CH. VI. SAUL. 83
of Benjamin. His family, that of Matri, was one of
the lowliest in Benjamin. His father, Kish, was not
in any way distinguished ; he was a simple country-
man; and nothing could be said in his praise, except
that he was an upright man. Saul was chosen
because he was content to work at his plough, and
watch the increase of his father’s flocks. He had no
thought beyond the village in which'he was born,
and barely an idea that there were human beings to
whom the possession of power was an _ attraction.
In his shyness he displayed the ways of a true
peasant; these circumstances, and the personal qual-
ities of Saul seemed to be a security against any
presumption or pride on the part of the first king of
The circumstances attending the choice of a king
left a deep and pleasing impression. ‘ See,” said
Samuel, “ this is the man whom God has chosen as
king; his like is not to be found in all Israel.” Most
of the bystanders, carried away by the solemn pro-
ceeding and by Saul’s appearance, shouted, “ Long
live the king!” Samuel then anointed the newly
elected king with holy oil, by which he was believed
to be rendered inviolable. The elders rejoiced
that their heartfelt wish of having a king to rule
over them was at length realised. They looked
forward to happy days. This choice of a king
was an important epoch in the history of the Jewish
people; it determined their entire future. Yet during
the joyful and solemn proceedings, discord had
already arisen. Some discontented people, prob-
ably Ephraimites, who had hoped to have a king
chosen from their own ranks, loudly expressed their
disappointment. “How can this man help us!”
Whilst all the other elders, according to universal
custom, brought the king gifts of homage, and a few |
of the most courageous followed him to Gibeah to
assist him against the enemies of Israel, the malcon-
tents kept apart and refused their allegiance.
Saul’s courage, after his elevation to the throne,
must have increased greatly, or he must have felt him-
self guided by God after hisunexpected elevation. He
now boldly confronted the task of opposing his mighty
enemies, and of settling the disorganised affairs of
the commonwealth. The position of the people at
his accession was very sad and humiliating, almost
worse than in the days of the Judges. Their arms,
such as bows and arrows, swords, etc., had been
carried off by the victorious Philistines, who left no
smith in the land to make new weapons. The
newly elected king lacked a sword,—that symbol of
royalty among all nations and at all times. His
election was probably conducted so secretly that the
Philistines knew nothing of it. The Philistine tax-
gatherers exhausted the strength of the country, and
at the same time repressed every attempt at revolt.
So greatly were the Israelites humbled that some of
them had to accompany the Philistines on expedi-
tions against their own brethren. Nought but a
miraculous event could have saved them, and such
an event was brought about by Saul with his son and
Saul’s eldest son, Jonathan, was perhaps worthier
of the kingly dignity than his father. Modest and
unselfish perhaps to a greater extent even than his
father, courageous in the very face of death, he com-
bined with these qualities an almost excessive kind-
liness and gentleness,—a feature which endeared
him to all, but which would have been a serious
failing in a ruler who had to display a certain
amount of firmness and severity. Jonathan was,
besides, endowed with an enthusiastic nature which
appealed to every heart. He was truthful, and an
enemy to all deceit; he uttered his opinions freely,
at the risk of displeasing, or of losing his position
and even his life, all of which qualities made him
a favourite with the people. Abner, the cousin of
Saul, was of an entirely different disposition; he was
a warrior of unbending firmness, and possessed a
considerable degree of artfulness. To the inexperi-
enced king and the people he, too, rendered important
service in their distress. Surrounded by these and
other faithful adherents of his family, and by the tribe
of Benjamin in general, who were proud to gain
importance through him, Saul set forth on the unequal
contest with the Philistines. Jonathan commenced
hostilities. In the town of Geba, or Gibeah of
Benjamin, lived the Philistine tax-gatherers, sur.
rounded by a host of warriors. Jonathan attacked
this post and killed the garrison. This was the first
‘declaration of war; it was made at Saul’s command
and with his full approval. The king now ordered
that the trumpet-blast, announcing that the war
with the Philistines had commenced, should sound
throughout the land of Benjamin. Many heard the
news with joy, others with sadness and dismay.
All who had courage assembled in order to
stand by their king, determined to aid him in
casting off the disgrace of Israel, or to perish in the
attempt. Those who were cowards escaped to the
opposite side of the Jordan, or hid in caverns, in
clefts of the rocks, or in subterranean passages.
A feeling of intense anxiety filled all minds as
to the result of the contest. The meeting-place of
the Israelites was then in Gilgal, the town most
remote from the land of the Philistines. This place
of meeting had been appointed by the prophet
Samuel. He had directed Saul to repair thither,
and tay there seven days to await his arrival and
further instructions. Gilgal probably contained the
choir of musicians and prophets, whose psalms and
songs were to inspire the Israelite warriors with mar-
tial courage and with trust in the deliverance of
their fatherland. Meanwhile the Philistines prepared
themselves for a war of extermination against the
Israelites. The news of Jonathan’s attack on their
outposts had exasperated them; they were, how-
ever, more surprised than terrified. How could the
cowardly, weaponless, unarmed Israelites dare to
attack the Philistines, their masters? A numerous
band of warriors, supported by -cavalry, passed
through the valleys of the southern mountain-range
of Ephraim, and through the entire breadth of the
land as far as Michmash; from this camping-place -
they spread their marauding bands in three direc-
tions, the most humiliating circumstance being that
many Israelites were compelled to assist the Philistines
in subduing their own tribesmen.
This was a critical time for the people of Israel.
Whilst the Philistines were gradually pushing for-
ward to Michmash, Saul, surrounded by the brave
men of his tribe, awaited in Gilgal the prophet who
was to give the warriors his inspired directions, and
thus endow them with courage. But day after day
passed and Samuel did not appear. Every hour
spent in idleness seemed to destroy the chance of a
successful issue. Saul feared that the enemy would
descend from the mountains into the valley, attack
Gilgal, and destroy or put to flight the small body of
Israelites. Not a few of his soldiers had already
deserted, looking on Samuel’s absence as an inaus-
picious omen. Saul, becoming impatient, determined
on the seventh day to attack the enemy on his own
responsibility. According to ancient practice, he made
a sacrifice in order to propitiate the Deity, and to
ensure his success in the battle. Just as he was prepar-
ing the burnt-offering, Samuel suddenly appeared,
and upbraided the king severely for being carried
away by impatience. He resented this error with
great austerity, departed from Gilgal, and left Saul to
his own resources—a hard blow for him, as he had
reckoned confidently on the prophet’s assistance at
this dangerous juncture. After Samuel had departed
from Gilgal, Saul found it useless to remain there.
He therefore repaired with the remnant of his troops
to Gibeah. On reviewing his soldiers here, he found
FE ee a ee — = SS ee <
them to amount to not more than six hundred. It
is not surprising that Saul and Jonathan became
dispirited at the sight of this slight force, which was
unarmed and had to fight the well-appointed armies
of the enemy. Saul and Jonathan alone possessed
swords. It was indeed a sad honey-moon for the
young kingdom. The most painful blow for Saul
was that, through Samuel’s absence, he was deprived
of the means by which the people might ascertain .
the will of God. |
Jonathan, however, made a good beginning at
Gibeah, where Saul and his troops lay encamped,
at scarce an hour’s distance from Michmash, the site
of the Philistine camp. Between the two armies lay
a valley, but the road which led from one place to the
other was impracticable, the valley being bordered
by steep, almost perpendicular walls of rocks and
precipices, which closed it up on the east till it
became a mere gorge of about ten feet in width.
On the west side, where the valley formed a wide
pass, the Philistines had stationed their outposts.
Thus the Philistines and Israelites could only come
to an encounter in the narrow path. At last Jonathan
determined to ascend the steepest part of the pass,
and, accompanied by his sword-bearer, he climbed,
on hands and feet, up the steep sharp points of the
rock on the side of Michmash. One false step
would have precipitated him into the depth, but
happily he and his man arrived safely at the highest
point. When the Philistines beheld them, they were
not a little surprised that, on this rocky road, a path
had been found to their camp. Decefved by this
ruse, and fearing that other Israelites would follow,
they called out scornfully, “Look at the Hebrews,
they are crawling out of their hiding-places; come
higher up, we wish to become better acquainted
with you.” It had been previously agreed between
17 Samuel xiv. 12:
Jonathan and his sword-bearer that, should they receive
such a challenge, they would press on and bravely
commence the attack. The Philistines who first
beheld the daring climbers, soon left off scoffing, for
twenty men were killed at the first attack with pieces
of rock and sling-stones. The Benjamites were
very skilful in the use of the sling, and Jonathan and
his sword-bearer advanced further, and continued
hurling masses of rock at the Philistines. Terror-
stricken by this sudden. attack from a side where
approach had seemed impossible, they could only
imagine themselves attacked by supernatural beings,
and, seized with fear, they fought each other, or broke
the ranks in the wildest confusion. Saul, who was
watching from a high eminence, no sooner perceived
the enemy beginning to flee than he hurried to the
scene of action, followed by his six hundred warriors,
and completed the defeat of the Philistines. Those
Israelites who had until then been compelled by the
Philistines to fight against their own brethren turned
their arms against their oppressors. Others who had
hidden themselves in the clefts and grottoes of the
mountains of Ephraim took courage, when they
witnessed the flight of the Philistines, and swelled —
the ranks of the aggressors. Saul’s troops, thus
increased, numbered ten thousand. In every town
of Mount Ephraim through which the Philistines
passed in their flight, they were attacked by the
inhabitants, and.cut down one by one. Though tired
and exhausted, Saul’s troops pursued the retreating
foe for eight hours. |
An occurrence of apparently slight consequence,
but which proved to be of great importance, put a
stop to further pursuit. Saul had impressed on his
soldiers that the destruction of their enemy was not
to be interrupted even for food or refreshment, and
he pronounced a curse on him who should take the
slightest nourishment. Jonathan, who was always
foremost, had heard nothing of this curse. Exhausted
by the long fight and pursuit he could not restrain
himself, and tasted wild honey into which he had
dipped his staff. When his attention was drawn to
his father’s peremptory command, he openly avowed
his act. Saul, however, made a serious matter of it,
and determined to condemn Jonathan to death. But
the people protested vehemently. “What!” cried
the warriors, “shall Jonathan, to whom the people
owes its great victory, be killed? No, not a hair of
his head shall be touched.”! The people offered a
sin-offering for Jonathan, and thus released him from
death. Through this episode, the pursuit of the
Philistines to the west of Ajalon was suspended.
Great was the joy of the Israelites at the victory they
had so unexpectedly obtained. The battle of Mich-
mash fully restored their reputation. They also had
regained their weapons, and felt strong enough to
fight under a king whose firmness of resolve they
had experienced. But Saul returned humbly and
modestly to his dwelling place in Gibeah, and
ploughed, as heretofore, his father’s fields. He
was not yet blinded by his new dignity. Mean-
while the hostilities of the Ammonites against the
tribes on the other side of the Jordan had increased.
Nahash, king of the Ammonites, besieged the fort-
ress of Jabesh-Gilead. The inhabitants were unable
to hold out for long, and negotiated with Nahash
about a capitulation. He offered a hard, inhuman
condition to the Gileadites of Jahesh. As a disgrace
to Israel, all men should consent to lose their right
eye. What were the Gileadites to do? They treated
for a delay of seven days in order to send messages
to their fellow-tribesmen. When Saul was one day
returning home with his yoke of bullocks from the
field, he met the inhabitants of Gibeah in great
excitement and bathed in tears. Astonished at this,
he asked the cause of their grief, and the messengers
17 Samuel xiv. 45.
from Jabesh-Gilead related what would befall their
town if speedy assistance were not at hand. Incensed
at the disgraceful condition imposed by the king of
the Ammonites, Saul immediately determined to
bring aid to the Gileadites of Jabesh. For the first
time he exercised his royal prerogative by sum-
moning all Israel to take part in the campaign
against the Ammonites. |
Samuel supported this summons by declaring that
he too would join in the expedition. By Saul’s com-
mand all the warriors assembled at the meeting-place.
The anarchy of the era of the Judges was now at an
end, and a stern will ruled. A large body of Israel-
ites crossed the Jordan; the Ammonites, attacked on
the south, north, and west, fled in all directions, and
no two of them remained together. The people of
Jabesh were saved, and ever after displayed the
deepest gratitude to Saul and his house for the help
‘so quickly and energetically rendered to them. On
his recrossing the Jordan, after his second victory
over the enemy, Saul was greeted with tumultuous
joy. Samuel, who was a witness to these expres-
sions of delight, thought it wise to remind the king
and his people that their triumph should not turn into
pride, and that they should not consider the kingly
dignity as an end, but only as a means. He there-
fore summoned a large gathering of the Israelites,
and determined to call the king’s and the people’s
attention to their duties. Samuel again anointed
Saul as king ; the people renewed their homage, and
made joyful offerings.
In the midst of these rejoicings Samuel delivered
an address, which bears testimony to the powers of
his mind and to his greatness as a prophet.
Saul’s two important victories, and the assemblage
at Gilgal, where homage had been rendered to him
by nearly all the tribes, confirmed his power, and
the royal dominion was placed on a permanent
basis. Although Samuel praised and extolled the
days of the Judges, yet the people felt that it could
better appreciate a king than a hero-judge. The
nation willingly exchanged its republican liberty for
the prize of unity and the power obtained thereby.
The kingly estate led to various changes. Saul had
to employ responsible men for the execution of his
commands; he required a number of officers and
servants. Officers of war were appointed to rule
over hundreds and thousands respectively, and coun-
cillors, who were admitted to the king’s table. A
special band of men served as runners (vazzm), an
armed force who became the obedient instruments of
the king’s will. These and their chief formed the
king’s court. Saul’s leader of the guard was named
Doag, an Idumzan by birth. Owing to the pres-
ence of the standing army and attendants, Gibeah,
till then only a small town, now became the capital.
Towards Samuel, Saul at first showed submission.
When the prophet, in the name of God, com-
manded him to declare war to the death with the
Amalekites, Saul immediately made preparations, and
summoned his warriors. The Amalekites were the
implacable and hereditary enemies of the Israelites,
and had displayed the greatest cruelty towards them
during their wanderings in the desert, and on their
entry into the Holy Land. These enemies often
joined other nations in order to crush the Israelites.
The Amalekite king Agag appears to have caused
great trouble to the tribe of Judah in the days of
Saul. 3
It was, however, no light task to undertake hostil-
ities against the Amalekites. Agag was considered
a great hero, and inspired all around him with fear;
but although the Amalekites were renowned for their
courage and power, Saul did not hesitate to prepare
for this hazardous campaign. He appears to have
carried on the strife with skill and courage, and to
have drawn the enemy into an ambush, by which he
was enabled to obtain a complete victory. He took
the capital (possibly Kadesh), killed the men, women
and children, and captured the dreaded king Agag.
Only a few of the people who escaped with their
lives took refuge in the great neighbouring desert
which leads to Egypt. ‘The Israelite warriors carried
off rich booty, including flocks of sheep, herds of
cattle, and camels. According to Samuel’s com-
mand, this spoil was to be destroyed, so that every
trace of the memory of Amalek might be lost. The
soldiers, however, did not wish this rich spoil to be
given up to destruction. Saul, ordinarily so rigid in
his discipline, permitted the preservation of the booty,
and thus transgressed the prophet’s directions. Saul
was very proud of his victory over the dreaded
Amalekites, and he caused the king Agag to be led
in chains as a living sign of triumph. His success
in battle. intoxicated him, and caused him to forget
his former humility. On his return he erected a
monument of his victory in the oasis of Carmel.
Meanwhile, Samuel, in a prophetic vision, had learned
that the king had not fulfilled the instructions given
him, and was therefore to be punished.
Samuel had to announce this to the victorious
king; but the task was difficult, and he struggled
and prayed a whole night. At last he determined
to proceed to meet Saul. But hearing on the way
that Saul was so dominated by pride as to cause a
monument to be raised, he turned back and repaired
to Gilgal. When Saul heard of this journey, he fol-
lowed him thither. The elders of Benjamin and the
neighbouring tribes also proceeded to Gilgal to
salute the victorious king. Here they were wit-
nesses to a strife which foreboded evil times.
As though nothing had occurred, the king met the
prophet with these words, “I have fulfilled God’s
commands,” On which Samuel sternly replied to
him, “ What is the meaning of the bleating of the
sheep which I hear?” “It was the people,” answered
Saul, “who spared the best of the sheep and the
oxen, in order to sacrifice them on the altar at Gilgal.”
At these words the prophet Samuel could no longer
repress his anger, and he replied in winged words:
« Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt-offerings
and sacrifices, as in obeying His voice? Behold, to
obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken, than the
fat of rams. For the sin of witchcraft comes from
rebellion, and the iniquity of Teraphim from stubborn-
ness. Because thou hast rejected the word of the
Lord, He hath also rejected thee from being king.”
Saul was so deeply humiliated by these words and
by the stern and austere attitude which the prophet
adopted that he confessed his fault and, in the
effort to prevent him from going away, he seized
Samuel’s robe so firmly that it was torn. Samuel
then said, “ This is a sign: God will tear thy kingly
dignity from thee and will give it to a better man,
even though Israel be torn asunder in the act.” Once
more Saul entreated the prophet. “At least honour
me now before the elders of my tribe and of Israel,
and return with me.”!
In consideration of this entreaty, Samuel accom-
panied him to the altar, where the king humbled
himself before God.. Samuel then ordered that the
fettered king Agag should be led forth. The Amale-
kite king exclaimed in his fear, “Oh! how bitter,
how bitter is death!"! To this exclamation Samuel
replied, “As thy sword hath made women childless,
so shall thy mother be childless among women,” and
Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the king in
Gilgal.? » |
After this scene in Gilgal, the king and the
prophet avoided each other. The victory which
Saul obtained over Amalek was a defeat for him—
his pride was crushed. The announcement that
God had abandoned him threw a dark shadow
over his soul. His gloom; which later on developed
'] Samuel xv. 12 to 33. In the 32d verse read mar mar hammaveth,
into madness, owed its rise to the threatening words
of Samuel,“ God will give the kingdom of Israel to
a better man.”! These terrible words were ever
ringing in Saul’s ears. Just as he had at first hesi-
tated to accept the reins of government, so he
was now unwilling to let them pass ‘from his hands.
At the same time he felt himself helpless. What
could he do against the severity of the prophet? In
order to divert himself, he plunged into warfare.
There were many enemies on the borders of Istael
whom he wished to subdue. He also pursued another
course in order to impress the people with a sense of
his importance.
There still lived amongst the Israelites a few
Canaanite families and small clans who had not been
expelled when the country was conquered, and could
not be ejected now. These had led the Israelites to
honour false gods, and to indulge in idolatrous errors.
Saul therefore thought that he would greatly benefit
the nation, and serve the law of Israel, if he removed
these idolatrous neighbours, and everything that was
foreign. Among the strangers who had been suffered
to remain were the men of Gibeon, they having volun-
tarily submitted to the conquering Israelites. Saul
did not respect the oath given to the Gibeonites, but
ordered a wholesale massacre amongst them, from
which but few escaped.
Together with the foreign Canaanite nations he
also persecuted the sorcerers who took part in
idolatrous practices. Whilst Saul, on the one hand,
endeavoured to acquire the good will of his people,
and showed himself the severe champion of the laws
given by God, he tried, on the other hand, to impress
the nation with submissive dread of the kingly power.
He’ wore a golden crown on his head, as a sign of
greatness and exaltation above the masses. His
contemporaries, who had known him as a plough-
1] Samuel xv. 28.
(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
The old bridge proves that the waters of Megiddo were
formidable in ancient times.
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward.)
man, and might have been inclined to treat him as their
equal, were to forget his past and become accus-
tomed to gaze at him with awe as the anointed
wearer of the holy crown. Saul also indulged in the
royal luxury of polygamy. He took wives in addi-
tion to his first wife Ahinoam, whom he had married
when he was still a peasant. Among them was the
beautiful and courageous Rizpah.
Saul showed much energy in his raids against the
enemy and, no doubt in order to dissipate the fears
aroused by the prophet’s harsh words, displayed
great pomp and ostentation, until then foreign to his
nature. But sooner than he had anticipated, the evil
spirit of his imagination took form in the shape of a
youth that charmed him despite himself.
It happened during one of the frequent fights with
the enemy that Saul’s troops were drawn up in martial
array against the Philistines, and the two armies stood
face to face, separated from each other only by a deep
ravine. Both were fearful of taking the first decisive
step. At length the Philistines made the proposal
that the battle should be settled by single combat,
and they sent forth as their champion the gigantic
warrior Goliath. King Saul would gladly have seen
one of his army go forth to the duel, and he prom-
ised the victor rich presents, exemption from taxes,
freedom from compulsory service, and the hand of
one of his daughters. But not even at such a price
did any one of the Israelite. army dare to oppose
himself to Goliath. Then, as if by chance, a shep-
herd boy of Bethlehem, a town near to the field
of battle, presented himself, and brought about a
decisive issue.
This shepherd of Bethlehem, directly or indirectly,
was the cause of a revolution in the history of Israel,
and in the history of the human race. David, then |
known only to the inhabitants of the village or
town of Bethlehem, has since become a celebrated
name throughout the world. After his disagreement
with Saul, Samuel had received the prophetic mission
to repair to Bethlehem in order to anoint the future
king of Israel from amongst the eight sons of the
aged Jesse as successor to Saul. Samuel set out in
secret, lest he should be pursued by the king. The
prophet selected David as the future king chosen by
God, and anointed him as king of Israel in the pres-
ence of his brothers. This simple but important act
was naturally performed in privacy, and was kept
secret by David’s father and brothers.
Jesse, the father of David, was not descended
from a distinguished house of Judah, but, like all the
inhabitants of Bethlehem, belonged to a very humble
family. David was about eighteen years old when
he was anointed, and was not distinguished either
by his experience or by any deed. The beautiful
pasture-land round about Bethlehem had till then
composed his world. But faculties lay dormant in
him which only needed to be aroused to make him
excel his contemporaries intellectually as Saul sur-
passed them physically. David was pre-eminently
gifted with poetic and musical talent, and whilst he
-yet.tended his flock, his harp awakened the echoes ~
of the mountains. A single circumstance, however,
sufficed to change this youth into a man.
Samuel returned to Ramah as secretly as he had
left; but he kept an eye on the youth whom he had
anointed, and drew him into the circle of his disciples.
Here David’s poetic talents were developed. Here
he was able to perfect himself in the use of musical
instruments. But he learnt something more in
Samuel’s surroundings; he learnt “to know God.”
His spirit was pervaded with the Divine presence,
and became instinct with that piety which refers
all things to God, and submits in all things to
Divine guidance. This reliance on God had been
awakened and strengthened in him by the influence
of Samuel. David frequently journeyed from Beth-
lehem to Ramah, and from Samuel’s house to the
flocks of his father. The noble courage, with which
his anointment and the influence of Samuel inspired
him, did not desert him when he tended his
flocks in the meadows of Bethlehem. When war
with the Philistines broke out, in the neighbour-
hood of Bethlehem, David could no longer remain
a shepherd of his flocks, and he gladly under-
took to deliver a message to his brothers who were
serving in the army, so as to have an excuse for
entering the camp. On his arrival there, he timidly
told the bystanders that he was willing to risk an
encounter with the blaspheming Philistine that
reviled the army of the living God. The news soon
reached the king’s ears that a youth had offered him-
self for the combat. Half convinced, half in scorn,
Saul gave him permission to engage in the duel, and
offered him his own armour. The first stone, cast
with his skilled hand from the sling, struck the
heavily-armed giant from afar; he fell to the ground.
David threw himself upon Goliath, drew the sword
out of the scabbard, and cut off the giant’s head.
The Philistines, from the hilltops, had witnessed the
fall of their champion, whom they had thought invin-
cible; they declared themselves conquered, and no
longer sought to prolong the war, but fled to their
fastnesses. ‘The troops of Israel, on the other hand,
carried away by David’s victory, followed their enemy
in hot pursuit.
Holding the bleeding head in his hand, the youth-
ful victor was led before Saul, to whom he had till
then been unknown. He had not the remotest sus-
picion that this youth, from whom he could not with-
hold his admiration, might become a dreaded rival.
He felt great joy at the signal victory. His son
Jonathan, who had an open, tender and unselfish
heart, was enchanted with the young victor. His:
love and attachment for David became stronger than
man’s love for woman. The fame of David’s name
and the victory he had obtained in Ephes-Damim
soon resounded throughout the valley of Terebinths,
and in the territories of all the tribes. David, how-
ever, returned to his father’s house as though nothing
had happened, and merely took Goliath’s shield and
armour with him as memorials. But he did not
long remain at home. The destiny of Saul had
begun to be fulfilled, and David was its chosen
instrument. The gloom of dejection, which had
obscured the soul of the king since his breach with
the prophet, became still darker. His ill-humour
deepened into sadness and melancholy, and some-
times paroxysms of wild madness took hold of
him. “An evil spirit hath entered the king,” his ser-
vants whispered to each other. Instrumental music
alone was capable of rousing him; his faithful ser-
vants therefore proposed that a skilled musician and
poet should come to the court, and they advised him
to select the son of Jesse, who was handsome, brave,
eloquent, anda harpist. David came, and his mus-
ical talent, as well as his general bearing, delighted
the king. Whenever Saul fell into melancholy, David
touched the harp,and the king was relieved from his
depression. Saul felt himself enchained by David.
He began to consider him as a son, and at length
entreated David's father to leave him permanently at
court. Saul appointed him his armour-bearer, thus
securing to himself the cheering influence of his pres-
ence. This was the first step towards David’s rise.
But not only was the king attracted by him, David
exercised an influence over the entire court, and all
hearts turned towards him. Jonathan, however, loved
him best of all. Saul’s second daughter, Michal,
was also secretly devoted tohim. At the court, David
learnt the use of weapons, and exchanged the harp
for the sword. Ashe was full of courage, he soon
distinguished himself in the small frays in which he
took part, and came off victorious and successful.
On one occasion, when David had inflicted a signal
defeat on the Philistines, and when there were great
rejoicings throughout the Israelite territory, the
women and maidens of the various cities which he
traversed on his return came forth to meet him with
songs, timbrels and cymbals, dancing around him,
and joyfully proclaiming him victor, saying: “Saul
has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thou-
_ sands.” These honours, unanimously and enthusi-
astically offered to the youthful hero, at length opened
Saul’s eyes. This was “the better man,” the one
whom God had chosen as king over Israel; the rival
with whom Samuel had threatened him, whom he
dreaded so greatly, but who had hitherto only ap-
peared to him as a visionary being, was now actually
before him in the person of his own favourite and
that of his people.
It was a terrible disillusion for Saul. “To me they
give but thousands, and to him tens of thousands—
they place him above me. What is yet wanting to
make him king?” The joyous shouts of the singing
and dancing choruses of women rang in his ears from
that time, and brought to mind the words of the
prophet: “ Thou art deserted of God.” Saul’s love
for David now changed to bitter hate, which soon
turned to madness.
On the very day succeeding David’s return from
his triumphal procession, Saul was seized with frenzy,
and twice hurled a spear at David, who skilfully
avoided the thrust. When the mad fit had left Saul,
the failure of this attempt seemed to him a proof
that God was protecting his enemy. From that
time he sought to destroy his rival by stratagem.
He pretended to honour David; made him the
leader of the picked detachment of a thousand men,
ordered him to direct attacks of great importance
and danger, and offered him his eldest daughter,
Merab, as a wife. Saul hoped to bring the man
whom he hated to ruin by these apparent marks of
favour. David, however, avoided the danger by
refusing to marry Merab, and, on the other hand, he
had the good fortune to defeat the Philistines. He
was to have the king’s second daughter in marriage,
if he brought proofs of having killed one hundred
Philistines. He brought evidence of having slain
double the number, and Saul was obliged to keep
his promise, and give him his daughter Michal.
She and Jonathan sided with David against their
father, thus incensing Saul still more. He sought
to take David’s life, at first secretly, and then
openly by leading his forces against him. David
was proclaimed an outlaw, and became utterly
desperate. He was now joined by youths and
men as forlorn as himself, and anxious for war.
Chief amongst these was his kinsman, Joab, who,
with his two brothers, formed the nucleus of the body
of herozc warriors (Gzbborim), by whose assistance
David was to rise step by step to the throne. A
prophet, named Gad, belonging to the school of
Samuel, also joined him. The last representatives
of the sacerdotal family of Eli, the high-priest, were
driven by Saul into the arms of his supposed enemy.
Saul, hearing that the priests of Nob, the relations
and descendants of Eli, had been aiding David,
caused them to be cruelly murdered, and the priestly
city to be destroyed. One family alone, that of Abi-
athar, escaped death, and fled to David, who received
the fugitives with open arms. Hatred of his rival
made Saul cruel and bloodthirsty. All attempts on
the part of Jonathan, who desired to mediate between
his father and his friend, proved fruitless, and only
served to widen the breach. Saul being clearly in
the wrong, a part of the nation sided with David;
but unable to assist him openly, they gave him secret
help, by which he was enabled to escape from
repeated persecutions. It is to be deplored that
David, in his wanderings and privations, was obliged
to form friendly relations with the enemies of his
country—with the king of Moab, with the Ammonite
king, Nahash, and with the king of the Philistines,
Achish. He thus incurred the suspicion of having
become a traitor to his country, and apparently justi-
fied Saul’s enmity towardshim. The terms of David’s
alliance with Achish, by whom he had been at first
refused protection, but with whom he had, on the
second occasion, found refuge, seemed especially apt
to implicate him. Achish granted him protection on
the condition that he would break entirely with Saul
and his country, so that, in case of war, he and
his troops, amounting to six hundred men, might
join the Philistines against his own tribe, and, in
times of peace, make incursions on the remote
portions of Judah, and deliver up a part of the
booty to his liege lord. David, it is true, appears to
have determined to evade these conditions, and event-
ually even to join his own people against his allies.
But thus he was compelled to enter upon crooked
ways, and to give up the honesty of purpose which
had hitherto distinguished him. It is probable that.
the wild appearance of David's troops did not make a
very pleasant impression on the inhabitants of Phi-
listia. Ihe Philistine chiefs were displeased that
their sovereign should ally himself with a leader who
owed his glory to victories over their own people.
King Achish, however, expected so much from this
alliance that he paid no heed to the warning of his
counsellors. But David himself felt the discomfort
of living amongst the Philistine population. He
therefore begged Achish to assign to him and his
followers a dwelling-place in one of his citadels.
This proposition being agreeable to the Philistine
king, he gave David the town of Ziklag. No sooner
had the news spread that a special city had been
appointed for David’s occupation, than warlike men,
both strangers and natives, joined him, many of
whom distinguished themselves by their heroism
later on. Achish believed that, in David, he had
secured a faithful ally, who was employing his mili-
tary knowledge and courage against members of his
own tribe, and who, consequently, could never again
make peace with his own people.
Thus adroitly deluded by David, Achish thought
himself secure in undertaking a decisive war against
the Israelites. Saul was sunk in melancholy, and
since his quarrel with his son-in-law had lost his
former energy in warfare. The strong arm which
had fought for him, and the quick brain which had
planned for him, were now turned against him. The
bravest youths and men in Israel had placed them-
selves under David’s command. Achish summoned
all his troops, in order to inflict a decisive blow on
Israel. Marching through the plain along the coast
of the Mediterranean (which belonged to the Philis-
tines since their victory over the Phoenicians), he
led his army right into the valley of jezreel. This
territory, apart from political considerations, offered
a better field than the mountain regions for employ-
ing the cavalry and chariots. In consequence of their
treaty, Achish demanded that David should aid
him in this great war against Saul, and unite his
troops with the Philistine army. David’s heart
must indeed have been heavy when he joined the
army, but he had no choice; he had sold himself to
the enemies of his nation. ‘Lhe Philistine nobles,
however, delivered him from his equivocal position.
They loudly and vehemently demanded that the
king should send away David and his soldiers, whose
fidelity they mistrusted. The Philistine king was
forced, by their almost rebellious demand, to dismiss
David. After giving him the assurance of his un-
shaken confidence in his fidelity, he sent him back to
Ziklag. This was fortunate for David, as he was
thus saved from the dilemma of either becoming a
traitor to his own people, or breaking faith with his
ally Achish. |
The Philistines meanwhile went forth to the number
of thousands, and encamped near the town of Shunem.
Saul, who had received news of the preparations of
the Philistines, and of their final expedition, called
together the Israelitish troops, advanced in forced
marches to meet the enemy, and encamped at first at
the foot of Mount Gilboa. He then marched around
the opposite heights, and, having proceeded north-
ward, encamped at the northwest base of the moun-
tain range near Endor.
Saul lost heart at the sight of the great number
of Philistines, especially when he beheld their cav-
alry; the evil days which he had brought on him-
self had deprived him of his former courage. He
felt himself deserted by Goa, since neither priest
nor prophet gave an answer to his inquiry as to
the result of the war. Having waited in vain for an
inspiration to come to him in a dream, he finally, in
despair, went to a ventriloquist in Endor, who had
escaped persecution, and practised her witchcraft in
secret. It was peculiar that Saul had to have
recourse to the arts of jugglery, which formerly he
had desired to banish from his dominions, Discour-
aged by the ominous predictions of the witch, Saul
went into battle with a heavy heart, and as though
his fears had infected his troops, the result proved
disastrous. The Israelites, indeed, fought bravely,
and the battle lasted the whole day, but they could
not contend with the cavalry and war chariots on
the plain. They fled to the mountains of Gilboa,
but they were pursued, and routed by the Philis-
tines. Saul’s three sons, the amiable Jonathan, Abin-
adab and Malchishua, all fell, and the father found
himself suddenly alone, attended only by his armour-
bearer, whilst the Philistine bowmen pressed on him.
He did not wish to flee, nor to be taken prisoner,
and exposed to the scorn of the Philistines. He,
therefore, entreated his servant to give him the
death-blow, and when the latter refused to lay hands
on the king, Saul had no alternative but to fall on
his own sword, and die a death worthy of a king.
The destruction was fearful. The flower of the
Israelite troops lay strewn on Mount Gilboa and the
plain of Jezreel.
After resting during the night from their hard day’s
work, the Philistines revisited the battle-field, and
stripped the slain of their clothing and ornaments.
Here they found the corpses of Saul and his three
sons. The king’s head and his weapons they sent
as trophies to Philistia; the skull they preserved in
the temple of Dagon, and the weapons, in a temple
of Astarte to commemorate the great victory over
Israel. They then forced their way into the towns
in the plain of Jezreel, and into those in the north-
eastern territory near the Jordan and occupied them.
The inhabitants, on hearing of the defeat at Gilboa,
had fled to the opposite side of the Jordan. The
Philistines, as an insult to the Israelites, hung the
headless bodies of Saul and his son Jonathan on the
walls of Bethshan. It appears that the Philistines,
following up their victory, turned to the south of
Mount Gilboa and Bethshan, and occupied every
town of importance. Saul’s capital, Gibeah-Saul,
was filled with terror at the approach of the Philis-
tines. The inhabitants fled to the mountains, and
while attempting to save Jonathan’s son, Mephi-
bosheth, then five years old, his nurse dropped him,
and he was lamed for life.
At his death, Saul left the country in a deplorable
position, for things were even worse than they had
been at his accession. The defeat was so thor-
ough and unexpected that, at the moment, there
was no thought of resistance, all courage having
vanished. It was even considered an act of daring
that some men of Jabesh-Gilead (from the opposite
side of the Jordan), ventured, out of gratitude to
Saul who had brought aid to their town, to rescue
the king’s body from its disgraceful exposure. Thev
crossed the Jordan, at Bethshan, by night, took Saul’s
and Jonathan’s bodies.from the walls, buried them
under a terebinth, and mourned for them during
SES a eee eae
seven days. The tribes on this side of the Jordan
were not equally courageous, or perhaps felt no
gratitude to Saul, who had brought misery on the
land by his persecution of David. Such was the
end of a king whose election the nation had hailed
with so much hope and joy.
Burning of Ziklag—Defeat of the Amalekites—Judah elects David as
King—Abner and Ishbosheth— War between the houses of Saul
and David—Murder of Abner—Death of Ishbosheth—David
recognised as sole King—Capture of Zion—Fortification of Jeru-
salem—War with the Philistines—Victory of David—The Heroes
—Alliance with Hiram—Removal of the Ark of the Sanctuary to
Jerusalem—The High-Priest—Choral Services of. the Temple—
Internal Government of Israel—The Gibeonites and Rizpah—
1055—I035 B. C. E.
Davip, too, in whom the people had once set high
hopes, seemed to be forgotten by them. What
had he done while his fatherland was bleeding?
Whether or not his expedition with the Philis-
tines was known, it must have appeared strange
to all that, in this sad crisis, he was keeping himself
aloof from every danger, only caring for his own
safety, and that, instead of hastening to the aid of his
oppressed people, he was holding to his treaty with
the Philistines. It is true, he was himself at that time
in distress, but the events which concerned him
became known only later on. Meanwhile it must
have been mortifying to those who cared for
the weal of the kingdom that David was allied
with the enemy, and that, during the absence
of king Achish, in the war against Israel, David
seemed ina measure to guard the enemy’s fron-
tiers. When David was sent back from his in-
tended expedition with the Philistines on account of
the suspicions of the nobles, he found that his town
of Ziklag had been burnt down, and the women and
children and all those who had joined him had dis-
appeared. The Amalekites, who had suffered from
David’s incursions, had made use of his absence
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to undertake a raid against him. The grief of the
troops was so great when they found that their
belongings had disappeared and their town had
been destroyed that they turned on David in their
anger, and threatened him with death. However,
they were encouraged by the oracular words of
Abiathar, the priest, and permitted themselves to be
appeased. Hurriedly David and his men then fol-
lowed in pursuit. They discovered the camp of the
Amalekites by the aid of an Egyptian slave whom
they had foundill and deserted by the wayside. They
pursued the Amalekites, and David’s angry soldiers
routed them so completely that most of them were
left dead on the field of battle, and only a few could
escape on camels. David and his troops returned to
Ziklag, buoyed up by victory. They commenced to
rebuild their town, and to settle down. Parts of the
booty taken from the Amalekites David sent as gifts
to the elders of the people and to his friends in
many towns from Beersheba to Hebron, so as to
spread the news of his victory, and, at the same time,
gain partisans for himself. Hardly had he regained
a firm footing in Ziklag, when he heard the evil
tidings of the defeat and death of Saul.
The chief men of the tribe of Judah, at the instiga-
tion of those friends whose interest he had won by his
attention, chose David as king. He then entered into
communication with the tribes on the other side of the
Jordan, in order towinalso their affection. Tothe tribes
on this side of the river he could not appeal, as they
were still under the yoke of the Philistines. To the
inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead, he expressed his con-
tentment and his thanks for having shown their fidelity
towards Saul even after his death, and for having res-
cued the corpse of the king from ill usage. He also
informed them of the fact that the tribe of Judah had
elected him as Saul’s successor.
His unhappy fate, however, still kept him in alli-
ance with the Philistines, and his prudence was strug-
gling with his patriotism. he latter incited him to
risk everything, in order to release himself from the
fetters which bound him, whilst the former, on the
other hand, warned him not to arouse the anger of his
powerful neighbour. Achish gave David full per-
mission to consider himself king of Judah, and to
make incursions on the border lands of the desert, on
condition that he received his share of the booty. But
beyond this David was not permitted to advance a
step. lhe deliverance of the land from the Philis-
tines, which David, whose hands were bound, was
unable to carry out, was effected by Abner, Saul’s
general. He had succeeded in escaping in the great ©
defeat at Gilboa,and he did not lose courage, but
saved what he could from the ruin which befell the
house of Saul. Attended by some fugitives, he took
refuge on the other side of the Jordan (beyond the
reach of the Philistines), where many hearts were
still faithful to Saul and his house. Abner con-
ducted the surviving son of Saul, Ishbosheth, and
the remaining members of the helpless royal family
to Mahanaim, and induced the tribes residing on
that side of the river to acknowledge Ishbosheth as
Saul’s successor. Having collected a powerful force
from among the tribes and the Benjamites who
joined him, he commenced his contest with the
Philistines. Abner was successful in ousting the
Philistines from the neighbouring border towns, but
it was only after a struggle of four or five years that
he was enabled to free the whole country (1055-1051),
so arduous was the contest. The tribe of Benjamin
was the most difficult to reconquer, as the Philistines
could most easily march their troops into its. territory.
Every tribe which Abner delivered was eager to pay
homage to the son of Saul. Abner achieved great re-
sults: he not only regained independence, but even
induced tribes, which had shown themselves unruly
under Saul’s government, to join the commonwealth,
He was the actual founder of the kingdom of the Ten
a ee a aS aD eae
Tribes or Israel, and he firmly welded the links which
bound them to one another. But, notwithstanding his
victory and his exertions, the nation was suddenly
divided into two kingdoms— that of Israel and that
of Judah—and two kings ruled them. The tribe of »
Judah, which the energy of Samuel and of Saul had
drawn from its seclusion, and reunited with the other
tribes, was thus again separated from the whole.
Abner’s victories aroused no feelings of joy because
they led to disunion. The historian’s pen hurries
over his deeds, and touches but. lightly on the
hero’s achievements. The state of affairs made an
amalgamation of the houses of Judah and Israel
impossible. Not only were the two kings, David
and Ishbosheth, averse to the reunion of the several
tribes (as in this case one of the two would have to
resign his kingly dignity), but their adherents, and
especially their respective generals, Joab and Abner,
displayed a great degreeof mutual jealousy. The scales
were turned by the fact that the house of Judah was
led by a brave and martial king, who had been con-
secrated by Samuel, and whose person was therefore
considered holy, whilst Ishbosheth, a king only in
name, had not been confirmed in_ his dignity by the
voice of God, and besides, it seems, was by no means
of a warlike disposition. The whole power rested
in the hands of his general Abner, while Ishbosheth
_ remained in some remote corner of his possessions,
whereas David had his dwelling-place in the midst of
his tribe, and thus could direct everything from his
residence in Hebron.
After Abner had won or reconquered all the tribes,
with the exception of Judah, a civil war broke out
between the houses of Israel and Judah, or, more
correctly speaking, between the houses of Saul and
David. This war lasted two years (1051-1049), and
raged very fiercely. At length Abner called upon
Joab to put an end to the slaughter of the masses.
He cried, “ Must the sword slay for ever; dost thou
not know that only misfortune can arise from this
warfare? Why dost thou not command thy people
to hold off from their brethren?” At length Joab
also found it advisable to put aside his weapons, and
to proclaim an armistice. He and his people bore
the corpse of his brother Asahel, whom Abner had
slain against his will, to Bethlehem, in order that it
might be interred in the ancestral tomb, and thence
they repaired to Hebron. Abner and his followers
crossed the Jordan, and went to Mahanaim. But a
tragical destiny threatened the house of Saul. Abner
had cast covetous glances at Rizpah, the beautiful
slave of Saul, who dwelt in Mahanaim with her
two sons. Although Ishbosheth allowed his general
many liberties, he could not permit him to maintain
intimate relations with his father’s widow, which im-
plied the intention of laying claim to the throne.
Abner, feeling himself slighted by the rebuke he
received, reproached this mock-king with ingrati-
‘tude, and turning away from him, entered into
secret negotiations with David, offering to secure
to him the homage of all the tribes. In return for
this service, he probably stipulated that he should
retain his office of commander-in-chief of the Israelitish
tribes. David gladly entertained his proposition,
but demanded, as a preliminary concession, that his
favourite wife Michal, who had been torn from him by
Saul, and married to a Benjamite, should be restored
to him. Ishbosheth himself no doubt saw the justice
of this demand, and did not perceive in it any evil
intention towards himself. Thereupon Abner, leaving
the king under the pretext of bringing about Michal’s
separation from her husband, entered the Benjamite
territory, compelled Phaltiel, Michal’s husband, to
give up his wife, whom he followed, with many tears,
till Abner’s angry threats compelled him to turn back
in sorrow, and David recovered the beloved wife of
his youth. Abner then wandered about amongst
the tribes trying to obtain secret adherents for David.
Many Israelites no doubt privately wished that the
luckless civil war would end with submission to the
king of Judah; even some of the Benjamites were
not averse to a union. Attended by twenty trusty
followers whom he had secured for David, Abner
secretly entered Hebron; David had succeeded in
sending away Joab and his brothers (the distrustful
and jealous sons of Zeruiah) on a predatory expedi-
tion. During their absence, David personally ar-
ranged with Abner and his twenty followers the
‘manner in which the elders of the tribes should be
won over to his side, and how the dethronement of
Ishbosheth should then be effected. Abner had
already left Hebron in order to call upon ‘the elders
of the tribes to follow his example, and do homage
to the king of Judah. When Joab returned from
his expedition, he heard the astonishing intelli-
gence that Abner, the enemy of David’s house, had
been received, and permitted to depart in full favour,
and that the king had made a secret treaty behind
his back. As it seemed to him inevitable that he
must be the victim of such a compact, he quickly
decided on his course, and sent messengers after
Abner, who induced him to return. Joab and Abi-
shai lay in wait for him at the gates of Hebron, and
Abner, unaware and unwarned, was felled to the
earth bytheir swords. David felt the death of Abner
acutely. The man who alone was able and willing
to obtain for him the adherence of all the tribes. by
peaceful measures was thus foully murdered, on the
very eve of the realisation of his plan. David was
placed in an awkward position. In order to destroy
any suspicion which might arise against him, David
gave solemn expression to his sincere grief at Abner’s
loss. He commanded a grand, imposing funeral in
Hebron for Israel’s fallen hero, ordered all his fol-
lowers to attend the funeral procession, and accom-
panied it himself. He breathed forth his tearful
grief in an elegiac poem, the beginning of which
has been preserved, and which made a powerful
impression on all hearers. All burst into tears, and
were convinced of the sincerity of his sorrow by the
manner in which he recited his threnode. On the
other hand, David feared to take the sons of Zeruiah
to account, or even to reproach them for their con-
duct; he could not spare their assistance. In the
circle of his intimates only, uttering bitter complaints
of them, he said, “ Know that a great prince in Israel
has fallen to-day.”
The news of Abner’s murder made a deep impres-
sion on Ishbosheth. He had no knowledge of his
fallen general’s treacherous league with David, and
he therefore deeply mourned the death of a hero
whom he supposed to be faithful, and whose loss
seemed to be irreparable, for he considered Abner as
the chief support of his throne. .
After Ishbosheth’s death the kingdom of the ten
tribes naturally fell to David. Among them, too, he
had adherents of long standing, who remembered his
warlike deeds against the Philistines in Saul’s time,
and who honoured him as the chosen one of God
through his prophet Samuel. Others had been won
over to his side by Abner. Even those who took
offence at David’s league with the enemies of Israel,
could not hide from themselves the consideration that
no choice was left them but todo himhomage. The
Benjamites also acknowledged him, but with a
secret grudge, which they could hardly conceal.
David’s dearest wish was now realised; from having
been the ruler of a little, insignificant tribe he
had become, after many obstacles and troubles, the
king of all Israel. The breach between the houses
of Judah and Israel was healed apparently, and every-
thing seemed favourable to him. The priesthood and
the prophets did not take a hostile attitude towards
him, as they had done towards Saul, but joined with
heart and soul in his cause. A descendant of the
house of Eli, named Abiathar, who had shared David’s
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troubles, belonged to his court; and the prophets
welcomed in him the man who had been anointed by
Samuel, and had belonged to that great man’s circle
of disciples. The prophet Gad was also a member of
the court; and another prophet of the time, named
Nathan, was to a certain extent the keeper of David's
conscience. Thus encouraged in all his undertak-
ings by his spiritual advisers, everything tended to
level the way for him, as far as the internal govern-
ment was concerned. But his foreign relations
occasioned him great difficulties, which had to be
overcome before he could rule as an independent
In the first place, David was forced to break with
the Philistines, if he wished to be independent, and
to win back the love of his people. He had to pre-
pare himself for fierce warfare with his former auxil-
iaries. But he did not immediately commence hos-
tilities with them; they were too powerful for him.
He wished first to free himself from other bonds.
In the midst of the Benjamite territory was an
enclosure, which had remained in the possession of
the Jebusites, because the Israelites, on their entry
into the land, had not conquered it. ‘The high hill of
ZION was rendered inaccessible on three sides by
narrow valleys and artificial fortifications. The most
impregnable point was the south side, where the
rocky wall of the hill rose almost in a vertical line
from an abyss below. From this mountain fortress,
the Jebusites ruled the entire surrounding territory,
and felt themselves secure from all intruders. They
appear to have lived in a state of peace with the sur-
rounding Benjamites and Judzans, as even Saul did
not disturb them in the possession of their territory.
David, however, considered it conducive to his interest
to obtain possession of this citadel of Zion before com-
mencing hostilities with the Philistines. He there-
fore resolved to storm the citadel, and subdue its
defenders. As soon as the Jebusites found all oppo-
sition useless they sued for peace, which was granted
them by David. They were allowed to remain in
their city, but not in the fortress; he permitted them
to settle in the east of the town, on Mount Moriah.
This victory, which had appeared so difficult, and
had, in fact, been easily obtained, had been preceded
by the boast of the Jebusites about the blind and the
lame, which gave rise to a proverb.
After its conquest, David removed his capital
from Hebron to Mount Zion, and it was hence-
forth known as the town of David. The city itself
lost its old name of Jebus, and received the new
name Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), the meaning of
which is not known. Hither David removed with
his warriors and their families, and his courtiers.
The spot where the bravest soldiers had their dwell-
ings was called after them the house of the brave ©
(Beth-ha-Gtbborim). Such was the beginning of the
place which since then, and for centuries, was to be
known as the “ Holy City.” The choice of this spot
as a capital was a happy stroke, as circumstances
soon proved. It is true, Shechem would have made
a better metropolis, on account of its position in the
midst of the tribes, and the fruitful territory around it.
But David found it impossible to move his dwelling
to the town of the Ephraimites. The inhabitants
were not especially well disposed towards him, and
rather unwilling that the half-savage. king, who
sprang from Judah, should _prescribe laws to them.
Besides, he needed the support of his own tribe, and
this he could have in Jerusalem, which was situated
on the boundaries of Benjamin and Judah, and which
would serve as a protection in the event of unruliness
_ onthe part of the other tribes. The territory on which
the new capital was erected was not sterile, though it
could bear no comparison with the part of the country
in which Shechem lay. In the valleys flow everlasting _
springs, the springsof Siloah and En-Rogelinthesouth,
the Gihon in the west; so that in the dry season the
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town and fields can always be supplied with water.
On three sides Jerusalem is surrounded by a range
of hills which protect and embellish it. On the east
is a high watershed (2724 feet), Mount Olivet, so
named from the olive trees which cover it. In the
south the hills are not so lofty, and the valley dividing
them from the city is narrower. The valley is that
of Henna (Ge-henna), which was thus named afier
an individual or a family, and which was destined to
acquire a sad renown, and to supply another appella-
tion for hell (Gesexnza). On the west the summits are »
also low, and can hardly be called hills. On the north,
the hills gently slope down to the plain. By these hills
and valleys, which form natural walls and ditches, Jeru-
salem is sheltered on three sides. Within Jerusalem,
on the high plateau and between the three-valleys on
the east, south, and west, there are three ranges of
hills rising above the plain. On the west is Zion, the
loftiest summit. On the north is a hill of no great
height; and opposite the third is Mount Moriah,
which has an offshoot towards the south, called
“Ophel.” Moriah, though much less lofty than Zion,
was destined to eclipse it and the greatest heights
on earth in importance.
The Philistines could not ignore the fact that the
choice of David as king of the entire Israelite nation
had not only greatly loosened the bond which united
him to them, but that it must in the future force him
to take up a hostile attitude towards themselves.
They did not, however, wish to break with him. But
when the conquest of Jebus (Jerusalem) took place,
they considered the fact of his removing his dwelling
thither as a premonitory sign. They hastened to
join with him in battle, before he had time to arm the
available troops of the various tribes. A Philistine
band pressed forward across the plain into the»
mountains, and approached Jerusalem. Whether
David was surprised by their attack, or whether
he wished to avoid an action near his capital, is
unknown, but he left it with his troops, and moved
southwards to Adullam. Encouraged by this retreat,
the Philistines pressed on to Bethlehem, David’s birth-
place, where they encamped, and whence they sent
out predatory expeditions to ravage the land of
Judah. David delayed attacking the Philistines; his
army was probably too weak, and he expected rein-
forcements from the tribes. In order to stimulate
his warriors to trials of strength during the pause
before the decisive contest, David expressed a wish
to drink water from a well in Bethlehem, which was
in the possession of the Philistines. Three of the
chief warriors, Jesheboam, Eleazar, and Shammah,
immediately set out against the Philistines, daringly
drew water from the well, and brought it to David
at Adullam. David, however, would not drink the
water for which his warriors had risked their
lives. He had only put them to the test. At
length the Israelite troops went forth to meet the
Philistines, and utterly routed them at Mount Baal-
Perazim. This victory was so decisive that it was
compared with Joshua’s at Gibeon. In their hurried
flight, the Philistines left behind them their idols,
which were burnt by the Israelites. The enemy did
not, however, relinquish their intention of subduing
David and his people. They made repeated attacks,
once in the valley of Rephaim, another time near
Ephes-dammim in Terebinthea; David’s troops
and warriors performed miracles of bravery, they
defeated their enemies, and pursued them as far as
Gaza. David did not content himself with mere
defence, but he determined on attacking the Philis-
tines. If he wished to protect his people, it was
necessary either constantly to harass, or to subdue
the small but powerful nation which depended on
incursions and warfare for its maintenance. He
therefore proceeded with his soldiers as far as Gath,
the former capital of the Philistines, which was
situated nearest to the land of Judea. The Phil-
istines made a very obstinate resistance, and violent
conflicts arose, in which David’s heroes had ample
opportunity for distinguishing themselves. It ap-
pears that the Philistines suggested, according to
their custom, that there should be combats with the
remnant of their Rephaitic giants. Times had
changed, however, and whilst in David’s youth the
Israelitish troops had not had among them a single
soldier who would accept Goliath’s challenge, there
were now more than thirty who burned with eagerness
to take part in the duels. On this occasion the warriors
entreated the king not to expose himself in battle,
and, in fact, not to go to war himself, in order that
“the light of Israel” might not be extinguished.
At length the Israelites succeeded in utterly rout-
ing the Philistines, so that they were obliged to sur-
render their capital Gath, and its villages and the
surrounding territory. The town in which the son
of Jesse had first appeared, entreating help in the
guise. of an imbecile, thus fell before him. One
of the thirty warriors, Sibbechai of Hushah, killed
the giant Sippai of Gath; another man_ from
Bethlehem named Elhanan, killed the brother of
Goliath, named Lahmi, who had sallied forth to the
contest like Goliath, laden with armour. David’s
nephew Jonathan killed a giant who had an additional
finger on each hand, and an. additional toe on each
foot. David himself was once, when exhausted from
the long struggle, in imminent danger of being over-
come by the giant Ishbi of Gath; Abishai, however,
Joab’s brother, hurried to his aid, defeated the giant,
and killed three hundred Philistines with his spear.
The overthrow of the Philistines was an event of the
greatest importance; it ensured lasting peace and
freedom of action to the people, for none of the other
enemies of Israel harassed it so persistently. David
did not push his victory further ; he left the important
cities of Gaza, Askelon, Ashdod and Ekron undis-
turbed, and even the town of Gath he appears later
on to have restored to its king. No doubt he had
reasons for not using extreme measures with the
Philistines. It appeared to him better to rule them
as a tributary power than to drive them to a war of
desperation. |
By his victory over the Philistines, David attained
great importance and respect in the eyes of the
neighbouring peoples. Hiram, the king who had
transferred the Phoenician power from Zidon to
Tyre, despatched ambassadors to David, offering to
make an alliance with him. He also offered to
send supplies of cedar wood and building materials
for adorning the new capital of Jerusalem in a fitting
manner. He rejoiced at the subjection of the Philis-
tines, probably because they would no longer be able
to cast covetous glances at the Phoenician coast-lands.
It was a matter of great interest to the king of Tyre
to secure an alliance with David,in order that the
Pheenician caravans might have free passage, and find
protection for their goods when they passed backwards
and forwards between Phcenicia and Egypt. David
willingly accepted his advances, and thus a sort of
friendship arose between him and Hiram. He
accepted Hiram’s offer in order to fortify the
capital which had been founded by him, and _.to
obtain materials for adorning it with architectural
works, so that Jerusalem might vie in outward ap-
pearance with the other capitals of those times. In
the first place Jerusalem was fortified, especially
on the north, where it was most liable to be
attacked. ‘he hill of Zion, or City of David, was,
in fact, not sufficiently extensive to contain all the
inhabitants who had already settled there, and it had
become necessary to take measures to provide
for the increasing population. For this reason,
the hill which lay to the north of the town was included
in its boundaries. Between Zion and this hillock
lay a narrow valley. The northern elevation of the
town was called AZz/é) (border); it was considered
the newer quarter of the town, in comparison with
the more ancient city of David. Mount Moriah and
its offshoot Ophel remained outside the circuit of
the city, and in those days was not considered as
belonging to Jerusalem, but was inhabited by the
surviving remnant of the Jebusites. David also built
a palace of cedar, the wood for which was procured
from Lebanon. Jo Joab and the other important
personages of David’s court were assigned roomy
and well-built houses, which were not constructed of
cedar wood, but of cypress.
David further sought to make Jerusalem the
centre of religious life, in order that the eyes of
the whole nation might be turned towardsit. He
therefore took measures to remove the ark of the
sanctuary from the house of Abinadab at Kirjath-
Jearim, where it had remained since its recovery
from the hands of the Philistines. A splendid tent
was built for its reception in the city of David.
David had vowed not to remain in his house, nor to
rest on his bed, nor to close his eyes in sleep until
he had found a resting-place for the ark of the
covenant. Accompanied by a great concourse, the
king repaired to Kirjath-Jearim (which lay at about an
hour’s journey to the north-west of Jerusalem), and
many Levites followed in the king’s train. The ark of
the sanctuary was placed on a new carriage drawn by
bullocks, which were led by two sons of Abinadab.
Choirs of Levites sang hymns, and accompanied
themselves on stringed instruments, and David also
assisted them with all his might. An accident, how-
ever, occurred on the road. Uzzah, who walked next
‘to the chariot, suddenly fell down dead. David was so
shocked at this catastrophe that he hesitated to carry
_ the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem. He feared
that it might bring down misfortune on the people,
as it had done in the case of the Philistines, It was
therefore placed in a house for three months, and,
seeing that no evil came of it, David determined on
making a second attempt at bringing it to Mount
Zion. On this occasion, however, it was not placed
on a chariot, but was carried by Levites. Followed
by a mass of people, and amidst shouts of joy, blasts
of trumpets, and dancing, the ark was conveyed to
the tent appointed forit. The king himself, oblivious
of his dignity, sang and danced in exultation before
the ark. His conduct called forth a rebuke from his
wife Michal, who scoffingly charged him with be-
having like a public clown.
As it had done in the case of Shiloh, the arrival of
the Ark raised Jerusalem to the dignity of a holy
city. In such a place of public worship, it was neces
Sary to maintain a priest, or rather a priesthood.
Abiathar, David’s faithful followerin all his wanderings,
was, as a matter of course, raised to the office of High
Priest to the sanctuary in Zion. There was, however,
another high priestin Gibeon, whom Saul had placed
there after the destruction of Eli’s family in Nob.
David could not entirely displace him, for such a
course would have led to dissensions. He therefore
confirmed his predecessor’s appointment, and thus
retained two high priests in office at the same time—
Abiathar in Jerusalem, and Zadok in Gibeon. A
former pupil of the Levitical choirs, himself a poet
and a musician, David naturally followed Samuel’s
example and introduced choral singing into the
solemn religious services. He also composed hymns
of praise at times, when a victory over the enemy, or
some other success filled his heart with thankfulness,
and animated him with poetical fervour. It may be
said that his songs have become the prototypes of this
lofty and inspiring style of verse. Besides the royal
psalmist there were other poets and musicians, such
as Asaph, Heman, a grandson of Samuel, and Jedu-
thun. Their descendants were the Asaphites and
Korachites (Bene Korach), who are named with
David as the most famous composers of psalms.
David arranged that Asaph and his choir should lead
the choral service in the sanctuary at Jerusalem, whilst
his fellow-musicians, Heman and Jeduthun, performed
the same functions at the altarin Gibeon. Samuel’s
creation of a spiritual divine service was thus
firmly established by David; and though he was an
upholder of sacrificial rites, he valued the elevating
and refining influence of psalmody too highly not to
make it an integral element of the public cult. Ata
time when poetry as an art had hardly awakened
amongst the other nations, it already occupied a
prominent place in the divine service of Israel.
As David was the actual founder of a sanctifying
divine worship, he was also the creator of a system of
government which was based on justice. He presided
at the tribunal, listened untiringly to the disputes of
individuals or of tribes, and administered justice with
Strict impartiality. His throne was not only the high
seat of government and power, it was also that of
order and justice. Succeeding generations pro-
nounced David the ideal king. His throne was
looked upon as the prop of justice, and his sceptre
as the standard of civic peace. Jerusalem was by
him made an ideal city, where a pure worship of God
had been established, and justice, in its most exalted
form, had found its earthly resting-place. i oo ee ae te
No ee
Having perpetrated the murder, he took possession
of the throne and kingdom (954-933). He con-
tinued Tirzah as the capital, on account of its central
position. It lay in the very heart of the kingdom, and
possessed the additional advantage of being fortified.
Had Baasha abolished the worship of the bull, he
might have drawn to his side the worthier portion of
the people of Judah. ‘The latter were indignant at
the idolatrous innovations of Maachah, which were
more reprehensible than the bull-worship, as with them
were connected the depraved habits of the temple
priestesses. In Jerusalem the fear of eventual sym-
pathy with Israel appears to have arisen; but Asa
hastened to avert the calamity. Either on his own
impulse, or urged thereto by one of the prophets, he
snatched the reins of government from the hands of
the queen-mother, forbade the worship of Astarte,
removed the priestesses, and burnt the disgusting
image which had been erected for worship in the
valley of Kedron. ‘Through these resolute acts Asa
secured for himself the good-will of the well-disposed
among his people. :
The old inconclusive feuds between the two king-
doms were continued between Asa and Baasha,
The former is said to have acquired several cities of
Ephraim, and to have incorporated them in his own
kingdom. In order to secure himself from the attacks
of Judah, Baasha seems to have entered into a league
with the king of Egypt, and to have urged him to
carry war into the lands of his own foe. An Egyptian
general named Zerah (Osorkon) sallied forth with a
numerous body of Ethiopians, and pressed forwards
as far as Mareshah, about ten leagues south-west of
Jerusalem. Asa, however, marched against him
with the combined forces of Judah and Benjamin,
defeated the Ethiopian army north of Mareshah,
pursued it as far as Gerar,and brought back enormous
booty to Jerusalem.
Baasha was disconcerted by these proceedings
and endeavoured to bring about an alliance with the
Aramean king, Ben-hadad I. of Damascus, who,
hitherto friendly to the kingdom of Judah, had pre-
vented all inimical attacks, Ben-hadad, the son of
Tabrimon, now cancelled his treaty with Asa, and
went over to Baasha’s side. The latter conquered
Ramah, the birth-place and residence of the prophet
Samuel, which belonged to the Benjamites, and
fortified it so that it served as a base whence to
make raids on the neighbouring districts. Alarmed
at these doings, Asa endeavoured to revive the
treaty with the king of Damascus, and sent am bas-
sadors to him, with quantities of treasure in silver
and gold, which he took both from the Temple and
from his palaces. Ben-hadad allowed himself to be
won over; it flattered him to be thus sought after
by both realms, to which his people had formerly
been obliged to pay tribute. He resolved to utilise
the weakness of both sides, and he commanded an
army to effect an entrance into the north of the
kingdom of Israel; he subjugated ljon, Dan, and the
contiguous region of Abel-Bethmaachah; and also
reduced the district around the lake of Tiberias, and
the mountainous lands of the tribe of Naphtali. Asa
was thus saved at the expense of Judah’s sister
nation; and Baasha was forced to abandon his desire
for conquest, and to relinquish Ramah, _
Asa now summoned all the men capable of bearing
arms to assist in the destruction of the fortifications
of Ramah. The death of Baasha, which occurred soon
after this (in 933), and a revolution which ensued
in Tirzah, left Asa free from menace on that side.
Mizpah, a town having a very high and favourable
situation, was made an important citadel by Asa.
He also built a deep and roomy cistern in the rocks,
in order to have stores of water in case ofa siege. |
Meanwhile, in the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, ter-
rible events were happening, which were productive
of changes in both kingdoms. Baasha was succeeded
by his son Elah (933-932), who was addicted to idle-
ness and drunkenness. Whilst his warriors were
engaged in battle with the Philistines, and were attack-
ing Gibbethon, he passed his days in drinking-bouts.
This circumstance was taken advantage of by his
servant Simri (Zimri), the commander of one-half of
the war-chariots, which had remained’ behind in
Tirzah. Whilst Elah was dissipating in the house of
the captain of his palace, Zimri killed him (in 932),
at the same time destroying the entire house of
Baasha, and not even sparing its friends. He then,
asa matter of course, ascended the throne, but his
reign was of short duration; it lasted only one week.
No sooner had the news of the king’s murder reached
the army, then besieging Gibbethon, than they elected
the Israelitish general Omri, as king. He repaired
to the capital, but finding the gates closed against
him, he laid siege to the city and effected a breach
in the wall. When Zimri discovered that he was
lost, he anticipated a disgraceful end by setting fire to
the palace and perishing in the flames. He was the
third of five kings of Israel who died an unnatural
death, and only two of them were buried in the
mausoleum for the kings, erected by Jeroboam.: A
fourth king was soon to be added to the list. Omni,
a warrior, expected to obtain the vacant throne forth-
with, but he met with opposition. One part of the
population of the capital had chosen another king, —
Tibni, the son of Ginath; he was probably a native
of the city. Thus two parties were formed in the
capital, and the streets were no doubt deluged with
blood. A civil war was the one thing wanting in
the domains of Ephraim to make the measure of
misery full to overflowing. For three years the
partisan conflict raged (932-928); at length the party
of Omri gained the upper hand. Tibni was killed,
and Omri remained sole ruler (928). He, however,
felt ili at ease in Tirzah; the palace was in ashes
since the death of Zimri, and other depredations had
no doubt taken place during the protracted civil war.
CH. Xe —_OMRI. 193
The conquered party was hostile to him, and Omri,
therefore, determined to transfer the seat of the
empire. He could not select Shechem, where the
restless and rebellious spirit of the inhabitants would
not permit him to live in safety, and there was no other
important town situated in the heart of the country.
Omri therefore conceived the idea of building a new
capital. A high plateau, at a few hours’ distance north-
west of Shechem, seemed to him the fittest spot. He
bought it of its owner, Shemer, erected buildings, a
palace and other houses, fortified it, and called it
Shomron (Samaria). Whence did he obtain inhabi-
tants for the newly founded city? He _ probably
adopted a course similar to David’s in the case of
Jerusalem, and caused the warriors attached to his
cause to settle there. A year after his victory over
the rival king, Omri left Tirzah, and removed
to Samaria, which was destined to be the rival of
Jerusalem for a period of two hundred years, and
then, after two centuries of desertion, to revive, and
once more wage war against Judah and Jerusalem.
Samaria inherited the hatred of Shechem against Je-
rusalem, and increased it tenfold. The new city gave
its name to the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, and the
land was thence called the land of Samaria.
Omri, the first king of Samaria, was neither a
strong nor a warlike leader, but he was a wise man.
The crown which he had acquired, rather by the
favour of circumstances than his own force of will, did
not satisfy him. He wished to make his court and
his people great, respected and wealthy, and he
hoped that the prosperity of the days of Solomon
might be restored to Israel. It is true that the nation
was divided, and thereby weakened. But was it
necessary for war always to be carried on between
tne two portions, and for the sword to destroy them?
Connected as they were by reason of tribal relations
and common interests, could they not henceforth
pursue'their course in friendly alliance?
Omri endeavoured, in the first place, to make
peace with the representative of the royal house of
David, and toimpress upon him the advantages, to.
both of them, of pursuing an amicable policy. They
might in that way obtain their former sway over the
countries which had once been tributary to them. For
a long time friendly relations were actually estab-
lished between the two kingdoms; and they sup-
ported, instead of opposing, each other. Omri also
cherished to a great, perhaps even to a too great de-
gree, the hope of a friendly alliancé with Phoenicia.
He desired that a part of the riches which their ex-
tensive maritime expeditions and trade introduced
into that country, might also flow into his own king-
dom. At this time various kings had waded to the
throne in Tyre through the blood of their prede-
cessors, until at length Ethbaal (Ithobal), a priest of
Astarte, ascended the throne, after the murder of his
predecessor, Phalles. The disastrous occurrences in
Phoenicia had greatly weakened the land. The
great families had been compelled to emigrate, and
had founded colonies on the north coast of Africa.
The kingdom of Damascus, which had acquired
‘ great power, sought to obtain possession of the
productive coast-line of Phoenicia; Ethbaal, therefore, ..
had to strengthen himself by means of alliances.
The kingdom of the Ten Tribes was nearest to him.
Omri and Ethbaal therefore had common interests,
and formed an offensive and defensive treaty. The
league, desired by both powers, was confirmed by an
intermarriage. Omri’s son Ahab married Ethbaal’s
daughter Jezebel (Jezabel or Izebel)—a marriage
which was fraught with disastrous consequences.
Omri, fortified by this alliance, could now venture
to think of undertaking warlike expeditions. He
captured several towns of Moab, which had emanci-
pated itself under Jeroboam’s rule, and compelled it
to become once more tributary. He forced the
Moabites to send herds of oxen and rams every year
ee ee es ee
— J
CH. xX. OMRI. 195
as tribute. As, however, a sort of alliance existed
between Moab and Aram, and an increase of Israel’s
power was watched by Aram with a Jealous eye, the
Aramezan king of Damascus, Ben-hadad I., declared
war against Omri, and recovered some of the cities
he had taken. Omri was forced to accept peace
with Ben-hadad on hard terms, and bound himself
to open the caravan-roads through the kingdom of
Israel, and to allow free passage through the land.
Omri thereupon entered into a closer alliance with
the kingdom of Tyre, and pursued the plan of as-
similating his people to their Canaanite neighbours.
Why should he endeavour to keep Israel separate
from the surrounding peoples? Would it not be
wiser and better to permit the kingdom of the Ten
Tribes to assume a Pheenician or ‘l'yrian character ?
United as they were in language and customs, might
not the two races become more closely welded to-
gether, if the Phoenician form of worship were intro-
duced into the kingdom of Israel? Omri led the
way to this union. He introduced the service of
Baal and Astarte as the official mode of worship;
he built a temple for Baal in his capital of Sama-
ria, ordained priests, and commanded that sacri-
fices should be universally made to the Phoenician
idols. He desired.to see the worship of the bull,
as observed in Bethel and Dan, abolished. It
seemed to him too distinctly Israelitish in charac-
ter, and to be likely to maintain the division between
the Israelites and Pheenicians. Jehovah, adored with
or without a visible image, was too striking a con-
trast to the Tyrian Baal or Adonis for Omri to per:
mit His worship to remain. Omri’s innovations
were of far greater import than those of Jeroboam;
or, to speak in the language of the Bible, he acted
yet more sinfully than his predecessors. He desired
to rob the nation of its God and of its origin; he de-
sired it to forget that it hada Special nationality in
contradistinction to that of the idolaters. History
has not recorded how these changes were received.
His son Ahab (922-901) was destined to continue
the work,—his father’s bequest, as it were. In further-
ance of the latter’s projects he naturally kept up the
close connection with Tyre and with the king of
But the execution of a charge involving the sever-
est attacks on the inner convictions of man is, in spite
of all one may do, dependent on circumstances or
contingencies beyond the calculations of the wisest
mind. ‘lwo kinds of obstacles intervened to prevent
the Canaanisation of the ‘len Tribes. The one was
Ahab’s disposition, and the other arose from an un-
expected cause which weakened, if it did not entirely
destroy, the effect of the terrible blow aimed at reli-
gion. In order to accomplish this transformation of
the nation into a mere appendage of Phoenicia, and
the consequent loss of its own identity, the successor
of Omri needed a powerful mind, an unbending will,
and unyielding severity to crush all opposition with
a strong hand, Ahab was, however, of an entirely
different nature—weak, mild, loving peace and com-
fort, rather disposed to avoid disturbances and
obstacles than to seek or remove them. Had it
rested with him alone, he would have abandoned his
father’s system and given himself up to such enjoy-
ments as the royal power granted him, regardless of
what the future might bring. Ahab was not even
warlike; he permitted the neighbouring kings to
treat him in a manner which would have excited the
indignation and roused the most determined opposi-
tion of any king not altogether destitute of the feel-
ing of honour. But as he was forced against his de-
sire and inclination to enter into a contest with an
ambitious neighbour, so he was also compelled to
enter upon a conflict with the Israelitish nation. His
father had given him a wife in every way his oppo-
site, with a strong manly will, who was determined
to gain her ends by severity and cruelty, if necessary.
Jezebel, the Phoenician princess, whose father had
filled the post of priest to Astarte before he obtained
the throne, was filled with enthusiastic eagerness to
carry out the plan of Canaanising the people of
Israel. Either from a perverted idea or from polit-
ical considerations, she desired to amalgamate the
Israelitish people with her own, and make Tyrians
and Israelites one nation. She continued the work
commenced by Omri, with energy and mercilessness,
and led her weak-minded husband into all kinds
of oppressive and unrighteous actions. Jezebel’s
gloomy and obstinate character, with her uncontroll-
able energy, was the cause of a ferment and commo-
tion in the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, which led to
disastrous results, but which, like a destroying storm,
performed the beneficent service of clearing the
atmosphere. Jezebel’s first step was to build a great
temple to Baal in the capital of Samaria. In sucha
temple there were three altars, images and pillars,
which were dedicated to a sort of holy trinity:
Baal, his consort Astarte, and the god of fire or de-
struction (Moloch Chammon). For this worship,
Jezebel introduced into the country a host of priests
and prophets (450 for Baal and 400 for Astarte),
who were supported at the expense of the royal
house, and dined at the queen’s table. Some of these
priests attended to the sacrifices in Samaria, while
others rushed madly through the country, celebrating
their scandalous rites in the cities and villages. The
Phoenician priests or prophets attired themselves in
women’s apparel, painted their faces and eyes, as
women were in the habit of doing, their arms bared
to the shoulders, and carried swords and axes,
scourges, castanets, pipes, cymbals and drums. Danc-
ing and wailing, they whirled round ina circle, by
turns bowed their heads to the ground, and dragged
their hair through the mud. They also bit their arms
and cut their bodies with swords and knives till the
blood ran, providing an offering for their blood-
thirsty goddess. Doubtless they were accompanied
by temple priestesses (Kedeshdth), who followed
their shameful pursuit in honour of Astarte, and for
the benefit of the priests. By means of this troop of
‘priests of Baal and the ecstatic followers of Astarte,
Jezebel hoped to wean the Israelitish people from the
God of its fathers, and to carry into effect the plan of
entirely transforming the national character. At the
head of the Phcenician priesthood there was a high
priest, who probably gave instructions and commands
as to how they were to proceed. In the first place,
the altars dedicated to .God were destroyed, and
others erected in the Canaanite fashion, with pointed
pillars, the symbols of an obscene cult. The altars
in Bethel and Dan were, no doubt, transformed in a
similar manner. It was intended that the sacrifice-
loving nation, for want of altars of its own, should
bring its offerings to the temples of Baal and of As-
tarte, and thus become accustomed to this mode of
worship. How easy it is to force a nation to give up
its usages and peculiarities, and to accept those of
strangers, if the rulers act with subtlety and force
combined! The Israelites in the kingdom of the
Ten Tribes had already been demoralised, owing to
their half-century’s separation from Jerusalem (the
centre of intellectual activity), and to the bull-worship
which they had long been practising. The cities had
acquired a taste for luxury, and a love of dissipation,
which the impure worship of Baal and Astarte only
served to foster. The towns doubtless, for the
most part, yielded to the new state of things, or, in
any case, offered no opposition to it. Seven thou-
sand individuals alone remained firm, and would
not pay homage to Baal, nor adore him with ‘their
lips. A part of the nation, amongst them the vil-
lagers, meanwhile wavered in their ideas and actions,
and not knowing whether God or Baal was the
mightier divinity, they worshipped the one publicly
and the other secretly.. It was a period of uncer-
enex. ELIJAH. 199
tainty and confusion, such as usually precedes an
historical crisis. It remained to be seen whether the
ancient belief in the God of Israel, and the demands
of holiness had taken sufficiently deep root, and had
acquired enough vitality and power to conquer an
opposing force and eradicate what was foreign. In
such times a man of striking personality, in whom
lives a pure faith, and who is entirely ruled by it,
naturally assumes leadership, and by firmness, enthu-
siasm and heroic self-sacrifice convinces the waverers,
strengthens the weak, incites the indifferent, and thus
collects an army of defenders to rescue from immi-
nent destruction their own national, peculiar endow-
ments. When such an individual is roused by the
very opposition of the enemy, and spurred on to ac-
tion, he becomes a vivifying principle, and brings
about a new state of things, a mingling of both old
and new elements. Such an individual arose during
this crisis in the person of the prophet Elijah (g20-
Whence came this energetic, all-subduing prophet?
In which tribe was his cradle? Who was his father?
This is not known. He was simply known as Eliahu
(shortened into Elijah). He was not a citizen o
Transjordanic Gilead, but belonged to that class of
tolerated half-citizens called Toshabim (dwellers).
He was of a tempestuous nature, and was guided by
no considerations of expediency; he would not have
hesitated to offer his life for his creed. He was con-
sidered by his successors as the incarnation of moral
and religious zeal (Lanna). Like a tempest he made
his entry, like a tempest he thundered forth his exe-
crations against the weak, woman-led Ahab; like a
‘tempest he rushed away, so that no one could seize
him; and ina tempest he finally disappeared from
his earthly scene of action. Elijah was imbued with
the one thought, to save the belief in the God of
Israel, which was passing away from the minds
of the people. To this God he dedicated himself,
and to His service did his life belong solely and exclu-
sively. Elijah was outwardly distinguishable by his
peculiar dress. In contradistinction to the effeminate,
luxurious dress of the worshippers of Baal and
Astarte, his undergarment was confined by a leather ~
belt, and over it he wore a black hairy cloak. He
wore his hair long, and touched no wine, and thus
gave rise to the institution of Nazarites, who were
not permitted to drink wine or to shave the hair of
the head. In this costume and with these habits he
appeared first in Gilead, and there announced the
all-embracing creed, “ Jehovah alone is God.” Here,
where the Jordan offered a barrier against the swarms
of the priests of Baal, and where the fear of Ahab and
Jezebel could not paralyze the conscience, there were
yet faithful adherents of the God of Israel. Amongst
these Elijah probably found his first auditors and
disciples, who were carried away by his enthusiastic
manner, and became his helpers.
In a short time a body of prophets or disciples
Gis Nebiim) had arisen, who were ready to give
their lives for their ancestral tenets. They also
followed Elijah’s way of living, and became Nazarites.
The principles of this newly formed circle were to
lead a simple life, not to dwell in cities where luxury
and effeminacy ruled, but in village tents, not to drink
wine, not to till vineyards, to avoid agriculture gener-
ally, but, like the patriarchs and the tribes in earlier
times, to live by tending flocks. Jonadab, the son of
Rechab, who doubtless was one of the followers of
Elijah, was the first to establish these rules for him-
self and his household. He impressed on his
descendants the necessity of abstaining from wine,
from building fixed residences, from sowing seed,
and especially from planting vineyards. In this
way Elijah not only aroused and inspired a band
of defenders of the ancient law for his own time,
but opened the path to a new future. He set
simplicity and self-restraint against degeneracy and
love of pleasure. With his body of disciples he
eagerly commenced action against the priests and
prophets of Baal. He probably passed rapidly from
place to place, called the populace together, and
inspired them with his storm-like eloquence, the point
of which was “ Jehovah alone is God, and Baal and
Astarte are dumb, lifeless idols.” He may even have
incited attacks on those priests of Baal whom he
encountered. Jezebel could not long endure the
doings of the energetic Tishbite, which interfered
with her plans; she sent her soldiers against Elijah’s
troop, and those who fell into their hands were
mercilessly slaughtered. They were the first martyrs
who died for Israel’s ancient law. Jezebel, the
daughter of Ethbaal, the priest of Astarte, was the
first persecutor for religion’s sake. Elijah himself,
however, on whom Jezebel was specially anxious to
wreak her vengeance, could never be reached, but
always eluded his pursuers. His zeal had already
produced an important effect. Obadiah, the super-
intendent of Ahab’s palace, was secretly attached to
the ancient law. He who, perhaps, had the task of
persecuting the disciples of the prophet, hid one
hundred of them in two caves of Mount Carmel, fifty
in each cave, and supplied them with bread and water.
Obadiah was not alone—he had in his employ men
of his own faith, who executed his secret commissions.
How could Jezebel combat an invisible enemy that
found assistance in her own house?
One day, Elijah, though deprived of his followers,
ventured into the vicinity of King Ahab, whose
weak, pliable disposition he knew, in order to reproach
him for the misdeeds which he permitted. Ahab had
a passion for building and fortifying towns. It was
at his instance that Jericho, which had been deprived
of its walls since the entry of the Israelites, was forti-
fied by Hiel of Bethel. Ahab also founded a new
capital in the beautiful table-land of Jezreel, where he
was desirous of passing the winter months, for
Samaria served only as a summer residence. This
new town of Jezreel, which was destined to become
the scene of tragic encounters, was built with great
splendour, The royal couple had a palace of ivory
erected there, which was to be surrounded by exten-
sive gardens. For this purpose Ahab wished to havea
beautiful vineyard which belonged to Naboth, oneof the
most respected citizens of Jezreel. Ahab offered him
a compensation, either in money or land, but Naboth
did not wish to part with the heritage of his fathers.
Disappointed at his inability to surround his palace
with park-like grounds, Ahab would not even take
food. Finding him in this state, Jezebel contemptu-
ously upbraided him for his childish vexation and his
cowardly helplessness, but promised him that he
should nevertheless possess the desired vineyard.
She sent out letters in the king’s name to those of the
elders of Israel of whose slavish obedience she was cer-
tain,and commanded them to produce two witnesses
who would testify to having heard Naboth revile the
gods and the king. When the council of judges had
assembled at one of the gates of Jezreel, and Naboth,
who was the eldest among them, had placed himself
at their head, two degraded men appeared, and testi-
fied against Naboth, under oath, as they had been
instructed. Naboth was condemned to death by the
elders, and the sentence was carried out not only
on him, but also on his sons. The property of the
executed fell by law to the king. Jezebel triumph-
antly announced to her husband, “ Now take Naboth’s
vineyard, for he is dead.” When Eljah heard of this
crime, he could no longer contain himself. He
repaired to Jezreel and met the king just as he was
inspecting Naboth’s vineyard. Behind him rode two
men, of whom one was fated to become the avenger
of Naboth. The prophet thundered out to -him,
‘ Hast thou murdered, and dost now take posses-
sion?” “In the place where dogs licked the blood
of Naboth, shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine.”
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward.)
(1 Kings xxi. 19; see 2 Kings ix.25). This denuncia-
tion hadan overwhelming effecton Ahab. He reflected
and meekly did penance, but ruthless Jezebel’s power
over her weak-minded husband was too strong for
this change of mind to last.
Elijah, who had suddenly disappeared, now returned
a second time to Ahab, and announced that a famine
of several years’ duration would befall the land. He
then departed and dwelt in the Phoenician: town of
Zarephath (Sarepta), at the house of a widow, and
later in a cave of Mount Carmel. Meanwhile a fam-
ine devastated the land, and there was not fodder
even for the king’s horses. One day, Elijah ap-
proached Obadiah, the superintendent of the palace,
and said to him, “ Go, tell thy master, Elijah is here.”
On his entrance, Ahab said to him,“ Isit thou, disturber
of Israel?” Then the prophet replied,“ Not I have
troubled Israel, but thou and thy father’s house
As though he had the right to give orders, he
bade the king command the priests of Baal to assem-
ble on Mount Carmel, where it would be revealed
who was the true, and who the false prophet.
What occurred on Mount Carmel, where the con-
test took place, must have produced an extraordi-
nary impression. Ahab, we are told, summoned all
the prophets of Baal to the mountain, whither many
of the people repaired, anxious to witness the result
of the contest between the prophet and the king,
and to see whether the prevailing drought would in
consequence come to an end. The hundred pro-
phets who had hidden in the caves of Carmel, and
were maintained there by Obadiah, were probably also
present. Elijah presided at the assembly, which he
addressed, saying (1 Kings xviii. 21): “How long
halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God,
follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” He then
ordered the priests of Baal to erect an altar, offer
sacrifices, and call on their god for a miracle. The
priests did so, and according to their custom, they
wounded themselves with knives and lances till the
blood gushed forth over their bodies. They cried
from morning till midday, “ O Baal, hear us!” When
they at length ceased in confusion, Elijah erected an
altar of twelve stones, performed his sacrifice, and
prayed in alow voice. Then a miracle followed so
suddenly that all present fell on their faces and cried,
“ Jehovah alone is God!” A flash of lightning burnt
the sacrifice and everything on the altar, even the
water in the trench was dried up. Elijah determined
to avenge himself on the priests of Baal, and com-
manded the multitude to kill them and throw their ~-_
bodies into the river Kishon, which flowed hard by. :
Ahab, who was present, was so amazed and terror-
stricken that he permitted this act of violence. |
Jezebel, however, who was made of sterner stuff,
did not look with equal unconcern on this scene. On :
receiving information of what had occurred, she :
threatened Elijah with a similar fate, if he should ever
fallintoherhands. He was, therefore, obliged to flee 7
in order to save himself. In the desert near Mount
Horeb he had a vision, in which it was revealed to
him that the kingdom would pass away from the
house of Ahab, whose descendants would be utterly
destroyed, and that Jehu was to be anointed as king
over Israel. Elijah himself was instructed to return
on his way to the wilderness of Damascus, appoint a
successor, and retire from the scene of action. The
intemperate zeal which had led him to direct the
slaughter of the priests of Baal was severely con-
demned on Horeb,
During Elijah’s long absence there appears to have
been a sort of truce between the royal house of Omri
and the followers of the Tishbite. Ahab, who had
been an eye-witness of the events at Carmel, had
probably become more indifferent towards the wor-
ship of Baal, and as far as lay in his power had put a
stop to the persecution of the prophets of the bard
The latter, on their part, also seem to have become
less aggressive. Associations of prophets were
formed in Jericho, Bethel and Gilgal, in which places
they were permitted to dwell unmolested.
One prophet or disciple, however, remained inimi-
cal to Ahab—namely, Michaiah, son of Imlah. As
often as the king sought out Michaiah to learn
his prospects of success in some enterprise, the
prophet foretold evil. Ahab, however, did not at-
tempt his life, but merely imprisoned him. The
ruler of the kingdom of the Ten Tribes had misfor-
tunes enough to serve him as forewarnings. The
king of Aram, Ben-hadad II., became daily more pow-
erful, more presuming, and more eager for conquest.
Besides his own horsemen and chariots, he had in his
train thirty-two conquered vassal kings. With their
assistance he attacked Ahab—doubtless in the hope
of profiting by the famine and the discord which
were weakening his kingdom. Ben-hadad subdued
entire districts of the kingdom of the Ten Tribes,
and besieged Samaria (904). In his distress, Ahab
sued for peace, but Ben-hadad imposed such hard
and disgraceful conditions that Ahab was forced to
continue the contest. Finally, Ahab was victorious,
and the Aramzan king, forced to surrender, was
ready to promise anything in order to secure peace.
The former enemies became friends, made a treaty
and ratified it by many oaths, soon to be forgotten.
This hastily-formed alliance was rightly condemned
by one of the prophets, who predicted that Ahab had
thereby created a fresh source of danger.
Ben-hadad, in fact, had no desire to fulfil the con-
ditions and promises of the treaty. He restored, it is
true, the captured town of Naphtali, but the Trans-
jordanic cities, especially the important town of
Ramoth-Gilead, he refused to cede, and Ahab was
too indifferent to press the matter. The longer he
delayed, the more difficult it became for him to insist
on his claim, as Ben-hadad meanwhile was recovering
his strength. Perhaps it would have been impossi-
ble for Ahab alone to regain possession of Ramoth-
Gilead by force of arms. Just at this time he formed
an alliance with King Jehoshaphat of Judah(g18-905),
and together with this king, he ventured to proceed
against Ben-hadad. This alliance was a surprising
one, seeing that Jehoshaphat detested the idolatrous
perversions of Ahab and Jezebel, and could not
approve of the forcible introduction of the Baal-
worship into Samaria, nor of the cruel persecution of
the prophets. Nevertheless, he formed an intimate
connection with the house of Omri, and, guided by
political reasons, even permitted his son Jehoram to
marry Athaliah, the idolatrous daughter of Ahab.
When Jehoshaphat paid his visit to Samaria, in
order to strengthen himself by an alliance with its
king, Ahab probably solicited his royal guest to aid
him in recovering Ramoth-Gilead; and the king of
Judah promised the help of his nation and soldiery.
Thus, after a long separation, the kings of Israel and
Judah fought side by side. After crossing the
Jordan with Jehoshaphat, Ahab was mortally wounded
by an arrow as he stood in his war-chariot, but he
possessed sufficient presence of mind to order his
charioteer to drive him out of the turmoil of the battle.
The soldiers were not informed of the king’s condi-
tion, and fought until evening. Not until after the
king had bled to death did the herald announce “Let
each return to his own country and to his own town.”
The Israelitish and Judzean armies then recrossed the
Jordan, and the Aramzans remained in possession of
the mountain city of Ramoth-Gilead. Ahab’s corpse
was brought to Samaria and interred. But his blood,
which had filled the chariot, was washed out at a pool
and licked up by dogs.
Ahaziah, his son, succeeded Ahab, this being the
first occasion on which the kingdom of the Ten
‘Tribes descended in a direct line to a grandson. He
reigned only a short time (901-900). and but little is
known of his character. In spite of all warnings, he
followed in the evil waysofhis parents. Falling from
the window ofhis room,he took to bed, and sent to Ek-
ronto consult the oracleof the reputed idol] Baal-Zebub
(Bel-Zebul). By this time Elijah had returned from his
sojourn on Mount Horeb, but in accordance with the
commands laid upon him, he had remained in seclu-
sion, probably on Mount Carmel. He no longer
interfered with the course of events, but had chosen
as his successor Elisha, son of Shaphat, who lived
near the Jordan. The manner of choice was charac-
teristic of Elijah. While Elisha was ploughing a field
with a yoke of oxen, Elijah approached, threw over
him his dusky mantle (the distinctive garb of the
prophets), and went away. If Elisha was indeed
worthy to succeed him, he would understand the
sign. Elisha ran after him and begged him to wait
until he had taken leave of his parents. “Go!
return!” said Elijah curtly. Elisha understood that
a faithful prophet of God must leave father and
mother, and sacrifice the wishes of his heart and the
habits of his life. Without returning to his father’s
house, he followed Elijah at once, and became his
attendant, or, inthe language of the time, “ poured
water on his hands.” Only once again did Elijah
take part in public affairs. He accosted the messen-
ger whom Ahaziah had sent to Baal-Zebub, and said
to him, “ Say to the king who sent thee, Is there no
God in Israel, that thou sendest to Ekron in order to
consult Baal-Zebub concerning thine illness?” The
messenger returned to Samaria and related what he
had heard of the extraordinary man. From the
description Ahaziah recognised Elijah, and dispatched
messengers for him. After along delay, Elijah went
fearlessly to Samaria, and announced to Ahaziah that
he would not again leave his sick bed. As the king
died without leaving any children, he was succeeded
by his brother Jehoram (Joram, 899-887). Elijah also
disappeared from the scene at about the same time.
His disciples and followers could not believe that the
mortal frame of so fiery a soul could crumble into
dust, and the belief arose that he had ascended to
heaveninastorm-wind. His constant follower, Elisha,
seeing that his master desired to avoid him, followed
him the more closely. Elijah visited Gilgal, Bethel and |
Jericho, followed by Elisha, who didnot venture to ask
him whither he wasgoing. At length they crossed the
Jordan on dry ground, and then the teacher was with-
drawn from his disciple’s vision in a fiery chariot with
fiery horses, which conveyed the prophet to heaven.
The untiring activityof Elijah in preserving the ancient
law under the most unfavorable circumstances, amidst
ceaseless strife and persecution, surrounded by the
idolatry and wickedness of the Baal and Astarte
worship, could only be explained as the result of
miracles. lhe greatest marvel, however, which Elijah
accomplished, consisted in founding a circle of dis-
ciples who succeeded in keeping alive the teachings
_ of the ancient law, and whoraised their voices against
the perversions of the mighty ones of the land. The
members of the prophetic school founded by the
prophet lived by the work of their own hands. After
Elijah’s disappearance, the disciples being without a
leader, Elisha placed himself at their head. In the
beginning of his career he followed closely in the
footsteps of his master, keeping aloof from all men,
and living chiefly on Mount Carmel. Gradually,
however, he accustomed himself to mix with the
people, especially after he had succeeded in rousing
an energetic man to destroy the house of Omri, and
put an end to the worship of Baal.
Jehoram, the third of the Omris, was not as fa-
natical in his desire to spread idolatry as his mother
Jezebel, but nevertheless Elisha felt so profound an
aversion for him that he could not bear to meet him
face to face. After his brother’s death, Jehoram un-
dertook a war against King Mesa (Mesha) in order
to punish him for his secession, and to reduce him to
Pa) oe ee NS ee ee ee ee
subjection. Together with his brother-in-law, Je-
hoshaphat, he determined to proceed through Idumea,
whose king was also to supply auxiliary forces, and
south of the Dead Sea, towards Moab. By taking
this route Jehoram passed Jerusalem, where the heads
of the houses of Israel and Jacob met in a friendly
way. But it was merely an alliance of the chiefs.
By the advice of Jehoshaphat, Elisha, as the successor
of Elijah, was summoned to foretell the issue of the
war. On seeing Jehoram, the prophet said to him,
« Were it not out of consideration for King Jehosha-
phat, I would not look at thee. Go thou to the pro-
phets of thy father and thy mother.” He neverthe-
less prophesied a favorable result. Mesa, king of
Moab, who was awaiting the attack of the allies on
the southern border of his kingdom, was overcome
by force of numbers, and fled to the mountain fort-
ress of Kir-Haraseth (Kir-Moab, Kerek). The land
of Moab was laid waste, although Mesa was not sub-
jugated. Not long after, on the death of Jehosha-
phat, Edom also fell away from Judah. Edom had
not acted quite fairly in the combined attack on
Moab, and appears to have come to a friendly un-
derstanding with Mesa after the withdrawal of the
allies. It seemed as if the close friendship and inter-
marriage with the house of Omri was destined to
bring nothing but misfortune on the house of David.
Joram (Jehoram), the son of Jehoshaphat, the name-
sake of his royal brother-in-law of Israel (894-888),
was so intimately connected with the royal house of
Israel that he introduced idolatrous practices into his
own country. There can be no question but that his
wife Athaliah was the cause of this, for she, like her
mother Jezebel, was fanatically attached to the dis-
graceful rites connected with the worship of Baal.
At length the fate impending over the house of
Omri was to be fulfilled, and the house of David was
destined to be entangled in its meshes, woven by
Elisha. A change of dynasty had occurred in Da-
mascus, where Ben-hadad II., the same king who had
warred with Ahab, had been suffocated by his confi-
dentialservant Hazael, who seized thethrone. Hazael
was desirous of regaining the conquered portions of
the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, which had been lost
by Ben-hadad. He first directed his attacks against
the tribes on the other side of the Jordan. Jehoram
of Israel repaired with his army to Ramoth-Gilead, in
order to defend that important fortress. The contest
for the citadel seems to have been a severe one, and
Jehoram was wounded by an arrow. In consequence
he went to Jezreel to have his wound attended to,
and left one of his captains, named Jehu, as com-
mander of the defence. One day a disciple of the
prophets came to Jehu as a messenger from Elisha,
and after leading him from the council of warriors to
a distant room, where he appointed him the executor
of divine justice on the house of Omri, he disap-
peared as suddenly as he had come. When Jehu
returned to the council, they observed a change in
his manner, and eagerly asked him what the disciple
of the prophets had announced to him. Jehu at first
did not wish to reply, but at last he disclosed to
them that at Elisha’s instance he had been anointed
king over the Ten Tribes. The chiefs of the army
did him homage. Improvising a throne by spreading
their purple garments on the highest steps of the
palace, amid trumpet blasts they shouted, “ Long
live King Jehu.” Having been acknowledged king
by the army, Jehu proceeded without delay to carry
out his design. He blockaded all the roads leading
from Ramoth-Gilead to Jezreel, so that the news
might not spread. He then led forth a part of the
army, crossed the Jordan, and rode in haste to Jez-
reel, where Jehoram still lay ill from the effects of his
wound. The king recognised Jehu from afar, by his
rapid driving, and as the messenger whom he had
sent out to meet him failed to return, he foreboded
evil. Jehoram therefore ordered his chariot that he
CH. X. JEHU. 211
might see what had brought Jehu to Jezreel in
such hot haste. Ahaziah, the king of Judah (who
had shortly before this succeeded to the throne
of his father Joram, 888), accompanied his uncle.
They met Jehu in the field of Naboth, the victim of
the judicial murder which Jezebel had brought about.
When Jehoram saw that Jehu had come with hostile
intentions, he turned to flee, but an arrow from Jehu’s
hand struck him, and he sank down lifeless in his
chariot. Jehu ordered his follower Bidkar to cast
the body into the field of Naboth, reminding him how
they had been’ witnesses of the prophetic threat
which Elijah had uttered against Ahab in that very
field, and of the execution of which he was now the
instrument. Ahaziah fell on the same day at the
hands of Jehu’s followers.
The destruction of the house of Ahab was immi-
nent, and no one arose in its defence. Jehu entered
Jezreel unmolested ; the queen-mother, Jezebel, richly
decked out, came to the palace window, and called,
“How goes it, thou regicide, thou Zimri?”’ Jehu
commanded the eunuchs of the palace to throw her
into the street, and they obeyed. The body of the
queen who had done so much harm was trampled
down by the horses, and her blood spurted on the wal]
of the palace and over the horses. Naboth was not
yet, however, fully avenged by the death of the son and
the grandmother. ‘There were still sons, grandsons,
and relations of Jehoram, about seventy in number,
who lived in Samaria, where they were trained and
educated by the most respected men. To these men
Jehu sent a message that they should appoint one of
the royal family as king. They, however, knew that
this charge was not to be taken seriously, and pre-
ferred to submit to the man who had already killed
two kings. Jehu then ordered them to come with the
“heads” to Jezreel, and thereupon they came with
the heads of Ahab’s descendants. Jehu placed the
heads in two rows on the city gates, and the next
morning he explained to the inhabitants of the city
that, while he had only conspired against Jehoram,
destiny had fulfilled the words of Elijah concerning
the house of Ahab, Jehu combined cunning with
determination; he had all the officers who had
brought him his victims executed as murderers.
There being now nosurvivor of the royal house, Jehu
took possession of the throne, and the inhabitants of
Jezreel paid him homage.
In order to gain the hearts of the nation, he made
preparations to exterminate the worship of Baal in
Samaria. On his road thither he met with Jonadab,
who had adopted the Nazarite mode of life as intro-
duced by Elijah. Together with Jonadab, Jehu went
to Samaria, where he. assembled the priestsof Baal on
a certain day. While pretending to join in their
rites, he placed armed men inside and outside the
temple of Baal, and went there accompanied by
Jonadab. Hardly had the sacrifice been offered, when
all the priests fell as victims, The soldiers killed
all those inside the temple, and those who fled were
cut down by the men stationed outside. The soldiers
then rushed in, burnt the images, destroyed the altar,
the columns, and also the temple, and converted the
whole into a dunghill. Throughout the country Jehu
destroyed the public monuments of the hideous idol-
worship, for he professed to be a follower of Elijah,
and zealous in the cause of Jehovah. In Jerusalem
alone the worship of Baal continued, or rather it was
fanatically upheld there by Athaliah, who was in every
way the worthy daughter of her mother.
Athaliah’s rule—Early years of Joash—Proclamation of Joash by
Jehoiada—Athaliah slain+Religious Revival—Elisha—Repairing
of the Temple—Death of Jehoiada and of his Son—Invasion of
Israel by Hazael—Jehoahaz—Murder of Joash, King of Judah—
Jehoash, King of Israel—Defeat of the Aramzans—Amaziah—
Conquest of Edom--Death of Elisha—Amaziah defeated by
Jehoash—Jeroboam Il.—Death of Amaziah.
887—805 B. C. E.
It is a striking fact that Israelitish women, the
appointed priestesses of chastity and morality, dis-
played a special inclination for the immoral worship
of Baal and Astarte. Maachah, the queen-mother in
Judah, established an altar in Jerusalem for the wor-
ship of idols; Jezebel had erected one in Samaria,
and now Athaliah followed the same course in Jeru-
salem. Yet,.this was not Athaliah’s sole nor her
greatest sin. The daughter of Jezebel greatly sur-
passed her mother in cruelty. The victims of Jeze-
bel had been prophets, staunch adherents of the
ancestral law,—at all events, persons whom she con-
sidered as her enemies. Athaliah, however, shed the
blood of her own relations, and did not hesitate to
destroy the family of her husband and her son. No
sooner had she received tidings of the death of her
son Ahaziah, than she ordered the soldiers devoted
to her cause to execute all the surviving members of
the house of David in Jerusalem. Only the young-
est of the princes, Joash, who was not quite one year
old, was saved from sharing the fate of his brothers
by the special intervention of Jehoshebah. What did
Jezebel’s bloodthirsty daughter expect to accomplish
by this massacre? Was her wickedness the outcome
of an ambitious scheme to gain possession of the
throne, to the exclusion of all rivals? Or did Atha-
liah, herself a firm believer in the worship of Baal,
desire to establish and diffuse this worship through-
out Jerusalem and Judah, and was it in pursuance
of that design that she destroyed the remnant of the
house of David,in order to have her hands unfet-
tered? Did she hope to succeed where her mother
had failed, and by establishing idolatrous practices in
Jerusalem, to give new fervour to the Phoenician wor-
Whatever motive actuated the worthy daughter of
Ahab and Jezebel, Athaliah reduced the Judzeans to
so complete a subservience to her will that no one
dared oppose her evil courses. The nation and
the priests bowed before her. Even the high priest,
Jehoiada, who was connected with the royal house,
kept silence. At the very time when Jehu was de-
stroying those emblems of idolatry in Samaria, there
was erected in Jerusalem an image of Baal, with
altars and pointed pillars, and a high priest, named
Mattan, with a number of subordinate priests, was
appointed and installed. Did Athaliah leave the
temple on Mount Moriah untouched and undese-
crated? It appears that she, less consistent in her
daring and more timid than later sovereigns, did not
venture to introduce an image of Baal into the sanc-
tuary which Solomon had erected, but merely inhib-
ited its use for divine services. The Carians, mercen-
ary troops employed by Athaliah, and the old royal
body-guard were placed at the entrance of the Tem-
ple, to keep off the people. For this purpose, they
were divided into three bodies, which by turns
guarded the Temple from Sabbath to Sabbath. For
six years (887-881) Athaliah governed the political
and religious affairs of the nation, the more aristo-
cratic of the Jewish families probably being of her
party. Only the nearest relative of the royal family,
the high priest Jehoiada, remained true to the an-
cient teachings and to the house of David. His
wife, Jehoshebah, was a daughter of King Jehoram
of Judah, and the sister of the king Ahaziah who had
been slain by Jehu.
When Athaliah was ruthlessly killing the last rem-
nants of the house of David, Jehoshebah rescued the
youngest child of her brother from the massacre, and
brought him and his nurse into the chamber in the
Temple where the Levites slept. Here she secreted
the royal infant for a considerable time, and reared
him for his country. Athaliah troubled herself but
little as to what was happening in the deserted Tem-
ple, and the Aaronites and Levites, who remained
faithful to Jehoiada, betrayed nothing. His very
youth aroused their interest in the last descendant of
the house of David. During the six years while
Athaliah was ruling with absolute power in Jerusa-
lem, Jehoiada did not remain idle, but entered into
friendly relations with the chiefs of the Carians and
the guards, gradually revealing the fact that a youth-
ful prince was still in existence, to whom the throne
of Judah by right belonged. He found them well
disposed towards the royal house, and opposed to
the usurper Athaliah. When he had convinced him-
self of their sympathy with his views, he led them to
the Temple, and showed them Joash, who was then
seven years of age. The soldiers having recognised
in him the rightful heir to the throne, probably by
his resemblance to the family of David, Jehoiada de-
manded that the chiefs take the oath of fealty to the
child. With their assistance he could hope to effect
a revolution, and to restore the royal line. The
chiefs could reckon on the blind obedience of their
followers, and, accordingly, the plan of action was
decided on, as well as the date for its execution. One
Sabbath a division of the Carians then on guard.
went to their posts, whilst two-thirds occupied the
entrance of the Temple. They had all received
strict orders to kill any one who should cross the
boundaries of the Temple courts with hostile inten-
tions. As the prince was now secure from all attacks,
Jehoiada also permitted the populace to enter the
Temple courts. At a thrilling moment, when the
Carians and guards stood with drawn. swords, and
whilst the chiefs held the weapons used by David,
the high priest led the child Joash from the room in
which he had been concealed, put the crown on his
head, anointed him as king, and made him mount
the pillar-like throne which had been brought into the
courts of the Temple for the king’s use. Amid
trumpet blasts and clashing of arms, the people
clapped their hands, and cried “Long live King
Joash,” , 7
Not until the noise from the Temple reached
Athaliah’s* palace was she roused from the indiffer-
ence and security which a belief in the fidelity of her
paid troops had encouraged in her. She hurriedly
repaired to the Temple, accompanied by a few atten-
dants. There, to her terror, she beheld a young
child with a crown on his head, surrounded by her
troops, who were protecting him, and by a crowd of
people shouting with delight. She found herself
betrayed, rent her clothes, and cried, ‘ Conspiracy,
- conspiracy!” Some of her captains immediately
seized her, led her by a circuitous path out of the
Temple courts to the eastern gates of the palace,and —
there killed her. Thus the last grandchild of the house
of Omri perished as disgracefully as her mother had
done. The close connection of Israel with Tyre had
brought no happiness to either kingdom. The
mother and the daughter, Jezebel and Athaliah,
resembled their goddess Astarte—‘ the authoress of
destruction, death, and ruin.” Ahab’s daughter does
not appear to have had many adherents in Jerusalem
—in the hour of death she found no partisans. Her
priests of Baal were powerless to help her, for they
themselves perished, the victims of the nation’s
wrath. Jehoiada, having planned and effected the
great revolution, now endeavoured to. take precau-
tions against a repetition of similar misfortunes in
Jerusalem. He utilised the joyous and enthusiastic
sentiments of the youthful king and the nation to
remove all traces of the worship of Baal, and to
arouse in all minds a faithful dependence on the God
of their ancestors. He demanded of the king and
the whole assembly a solemn promise to remain
henceforth a people of God, to serve Him faithfully,
and to worship no idol. The promise, which was
uttered aloud by the king and the nation, was sealed
byacovenant. The inhabitants of Jerusalem poured
into the temple of Baal, which had been erected by
Athaliah, destroyed the altars, trampled on the im-
ages and all objects connected with idol-worship.
The nation itself undertook to protect its own rell-
gion. It was not till after the covenant had been
ratified both by the young king and the nation, that
Joash, triumphantly escorted by the guards, the sol-
diers, and the multitude, was led from the Temple
Mount into the palace, where he was placed on the
throne of his fathers. Jerusalem was in a state of
joyful excitement. The adherents of the late queen
kept quiet, and did not dare damp the general
enthusiasm. :
It is remarkable that in the political and religious
revolutions which followed each other in quick succes-
sion in Samaria and Jerusalem, Elisha’s helping hand
was not felt. He had commissioned one of his dis-
ciples to anoint Jehu as the avenger of the crimes of
Omri’s house, but he himself remained in the back-
ground, not even presenting himself at the overthrow
of Baal. “He does not appear to have had any inter-
course with King Jehu, and still less did Elijah’s chief
disciple take any’ part in the fall of Athaliah and the
overthrow of idolatry in Jerusalem. He seems to
have occupied himself chiefly with the instruction ot
prophetic disciples, in order to keep alive the reli-
gious ardour which Elijah had kindled. Elisha, how-
ever. was not, like his teacher, universally recognised
as leader. He was reproached for not wearing long
flowing hair, and thus creating the impression that he
laid less stress on the Nazarite mode of life. Sons of
prophetic disciples at Bethel jeered at him, and called
him “Bald-head.” Elisha also differed from his
master in associating with his fellow-men, instead of
passing his life in solitude as Elijah had done. It 1s
true, that as long as the Omrides were in power, he
remained on Mount Carmel, whence he came, accom-
panied by his disciple Gehazi, to visit the prophetic
schools in the Jordanic territories. But later on, he
made Samaria his dwelling-place, and was known
under the title of the “ Prophet of Samaria.” Through
his friendly intercourse with men, he exercised a
lasting influence on them, and imbued them with his
beliefs. Men of note sought him to obtain his advice,
and the people generally visited him on Sabbaths and
New Moons. It was only in the kingdom of Judah
and in Jerusalem that Elisha did not appear. Why
did he avoid this territory? Or, why have no records
of his relations with it been preserved? Was he not
of the same disposition as the high priest Jehoiada,
and had they not both the same end in view? It
seems that the violent prophetic measures of Elijah
and Elisha were not much appreciated in Jerusalem.
Elijah had built an altar on Carmel, and had there
offered up sacrifices; but though he did so in the
name of the same God whose temple was in Jeru-
salem, his conduct was doubtless not countenanced
by the priesthood; it was contrary to the law. And
Elisha would hardly have been a welcome guest in
There, attention was concentrated on the sanctuary
and the law from the moment when Jehoiada had
shown himself their strict guardian. The Temple had
suffered injury under Athaliah. Not only had the
golden covering of the cedar wood been in part
destroyed, but entire blocks had been violently pulled
out of the walls. It was therefore an important mat-
ter for the young king Joash, at the beginning of his
reign, to repair these damages, and Jehoiada impressed
on him the necessity of this undertaking. The means,
however, were wanting. Whatever treasure might
have been in the Temple—the accumulated offer-
ings of former kings or of pious donors—had, with-
out doubt, been transferred by Athaliah to the house
of Baal. The king therefore commanded the priests
to collect money for effecting the necessary repairs,
and bade them engage in this work with as much
energy as though it were their own affair. Every
Aaronite was to obtain contributions from his ac-
quaintances, and out of the sums thus collected the
expenses of repairing the Temple were to be defrayed.
Whether it was that the moneys received were insuff-
cient, or that the priests used them for their own pur-
poses, the repairs were for along time not attempted.
At length the king ordered the high priest Jehoiada
(864) to enlist the interest of the nation in the work
on hand. A chest with a slit in it was placed in the
courtyard of the Temple, and into that chest all whom
piety or generosity influenced might place a free-will
offering, each according to his means, or he might
give his contribution to the priests, who would deposit
itin the chest. The gifts were liberal, and proved
sufficient to procure materials, and to pay the masons
and carpenters. Jehoiada raised the position of the
high priest, which until then, even under the best
kings, had been a subordinate one, to an equality with
that of royalty. Had not the high priest, through his
wisdom and energy, saved the kingdom? Would not
the last descendant of the house of David have been
destroyed, if Jehoiada had not rescued him from the
bloodthirsty Athaliah? He could justly claim that the
high priest should henceforth have an important voice
in all matters of state. Jehoiada used his influence
to secure due respect for the law, and to avoid a re-
currence of the deplorable period of apostasy. But
strife between the royal power and that of the priests
was inevitable, for the former, from its very nature,
was dependent on personal disposition, whilst the
latter was based on established laws. During the
lifetime of Jehoiada, to whom Joash-owed everything,
the contest did not break out. Joash may have been
prompted by gratitude and respect to submit to the
orders of the high priest, and when Jehoiada died, he
paid him the honour of burial in the royal mausoleum
in the city of David.
After Jehoiada’s death, however, a contest arose
between his son and successor Zachariah and the
king, which cost the former his life. ‘The details have
not reached us; it has only been stated that at Joash’s
command some princes of Judah stoned the son of
Jehoiada in the Temple courts, and that the young
high priest, in his dying moments, exclaimed, “ May
God take account of this and avenge it!”
In every other respect, the overthrow of the house
of Omri, which had caused so many differences and
quarrels in Samaria and Jerusalem, had resulted in
the internal peace of both kingdoms. ‘The present
condition was tolerable, except that private altars still
existed in the kingdom of Judah, and that the God of
Israel was still worshipped under the form of a bullin
the kingdom of the Ten Tribes. The worship of
Baal was, however, banished from both kingdoms.
From without, both lands were harassed by ene-
mies. Jehu, the bold chief of horsemen, who had
destroyed the house of Omri in Jezreel and Samaria,
did not display the same energy against powerful for-
eign enemies. Hazael, the Aramzan. regicide, who
was daring in warlike undertakings and eager for
conquest, attacked the land of Israel with his troops,
took the citadels by storm, burnt the houses, and
spared neither children nor women. He also con-
quered the towns on the other side of the Jordan.
The entire district of Manasseh, Gad, and Reuben,
from the mountains of Bashan to the Arnon, was
snatched from the kingdom of the Ten Tribes. Many
of the inhabitants were crushed to death under iron
ploughshares; the survivors were reduced to a state
of semi-bondage. Jehu was not in a position to hold
his ground against Hazael, perhaps because he also
met with opposition from the king of Tyre, whose
relatives and allies he had slain.
Matters fared still worse under his son Jehoahaz
(859-845). The land had been so hard pressed by
Hazael and his son Ben-hadad, and the Israelites had
been so reduced in strength, that their available
forces consisted of but 10,000 infantry, fifty horse-
soldiers, and ten war-chariots. From time to time
the Aramzans made inroads, carried off booty and
captured prisoners, whom they treated and sold as
slaves. Jehoahaz appears to have concluded a dis-
graceful peace with the conqueror, to whose troops
he granted free passage through his lands. There-
upon Hazael overran the land of the Philistines with
his warriors, and besieged and conquered the town
of Gath. He then intended to advance against Jeru-
salem, but Joash submitted without a stroke and
bought peace. Either popular discontent was aroused
by his cowardice, or he had in other ways caused
disaffection; at all events, several nobles of Judah
conspired against him, and two of them, Jozachar
and Jehozabad, killed him in a house where he
chanced to be staying.
Joash, king of Israel] (845-830), at last succeeded
in gradually reducing the preponderance of the Ara-
mzean kingdom. Probably this was owing to the fact
that the neighbouring kings of the Hittites (who
dwelt on the Euphrates), as well as the king of
Egypt, envious of the power of Damascus, took
hostile positions towards Ben-hadad III. The latter,
in order to weaken or destroy the kingdom of the
Ten Tribes, laid close siege to the capital, Samaria,
until all food was consumed, and the distress was so
great that the head of an ass was sold for eighty
shekels, and a load of dung, for fuel, for five shekels.
Few of the war-horses survived, and these were so
emaciated that they were incapacitated for service.
The famine drove two women to such extremities
that they determined to kill and eat their children.
The Aramzans, however, unexpectedly raised the
siege and hurried away, leaving their tents, horses,
asses, valuables and provisions behind them. The
king, to whom this discovery was communicated by
some half-starved lepers, was once more encouraged.
He gave battle to Ben-hadad on three occasions, and
defeated him in each combat. The king of Damascus
saw himself compelled to make peace with the king
of Israel, and to restore the towns which his father
Hazael had taken from the territory of the Ten
‘Tribes on the east side of the Jordan.
The weakening of Syria of Damascus had a favour-
able effect on the fortunes of Judah under king
Amaziah (843-816). Damascus had accorded its
protection to the petty commonwealths of Moab,
Ammon, and Edom, which stood in hostile relations
to Israel and Judah. Ben-hadad’s humiliation set
free Amaziah’s hands, and enabled him to reconquer
the former possessions of the house of David. The
small territory of Edom had freed itself from vassal-
age about half a century before. One of the Edomite
kings had built a new capital on an eminence of
Mount Seir. On chalk and porphyry rocks, it rose
at a height of 4o0o feet above the sea-level. A
pathway led up to it from the valley below. In this
mountain city (Petra), fifteen miles south of the Dead
Sea, the Idumzeans hoped to remain secure from all
attacks. Edom said proudly, “ Who shall bring me
down to the ground?” Amaziah had the courage
to attack the Idumzans in their mountain fastnesses.
A battle was fought in the salt valley, not far from
the Dead Sea, where Amaziah caused great destruc-
tion among the enemy, the survivors taking to flight,
and leaving their fortress at his mercy. Having cap-
CH. XI. AMAZIAH. were)
tured it, he, for some unknown reason, changed its
name to that of a Judzan city, ‘‘Jokthel.” Doubt-
less rich booty followed the successful campaign, for
Edom was a country rich not only in flocks, but also
in metals. Amaziah was not a little proud of his
victory. But his pride led to his own ruin, and to
the misfortune of his people.
A peaceable understanding existed between Jehu
and his successors, and the kingdom of Judah. Al-
though no such formal alliance as between the Om-
rides and Jehoshaphat had been concluded between
them, yet they had a common interest in keeping
down the adherents of the Baal-worship.
Both kings, Jehoash (Joash) of Israel and Amaziah
of Judah, were devoted to the ancient law. When
executing judgment against the murderers of his
father, Amaziah, contrary to the barbarous customs
of his time, spared their sons—an act of leniency
which must not be underestimated. Most probably
the high priest, or some other representative of the
Law, had impressed on him that the religion of Israel
forbids the infliction of suffering upon children for the
sins of their fathers, or upon fathers for the sins of
their children.
In Israel, Jehoash evinced deep respect for the pro-
phet Elisha, and followed his counsel in all important
matters. When, after more than fifty years of activity
(900-840), Elisha lay on his death-bed, the king vis-
ited the prophet, lamented his approaching end, and
called him the father and guardian of Israel. After
Elisha’s death, the king ordered Gehazi (Elisha’s con-
stant follower) to recount all the important deeds
which the prophet had performed; and when the
Shunamite woman, whom Gehazi mentioned in con-
nection with the prophet’s work, appeared before the
king, accusing a man who, during her absence, had
taken unlawful possession of her house and field:
the mere fact that Elisha had once been interested in
her, sufficed to induce the king to order her imme-
diate reinstatement. Great, indeed, must have been
the prophet’s personal sway over his contemporaries,
since the king submitted to his guidance. Elisha also
gained a great triumph for the Law of God, though
without any effort on his part. A prominent Gen-
tile, the Syrian general Naaman, who was the inferior
only of the king in the Aramzean country, voluntarily
renounced the impious worship of Baal and Astarte,
and acknowledged the God of Israel, because Elisha’s
ministry produced in him the conviction that only in
Israel the true God was worshipped. He even car-
ried with him earth from, the land of Israel to Da-
mascus, in order to erect his private altar, as it were,
on holy ground.
Meanwhile, although the desire existed in both
kingdoms to free themselves from foreign influences,
and to remain true to themselves, internal differences
had already taken such deep root that it was impos-
sible for them to pursue the same road. After the
return of Amaziah from his conquest of the Edom-
ites, he conceived the bold idea of proceeding with
his army against the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, in
order to re-conquer it. Asa pretext, he appears to
have demanded the daughter of the king of Israel
as a bride for his son, intending to regard a refusal
as a justification for war. Jehoash satirically replied,
“ The thorn-bush once said to the cedar of Lebanon,
‘Give thy daughter as a wife to my son’; thereupon
the wild beasts of the Lebanon came forth, and trod
down the thorn-bush. Because thou hast conquered
Edom, thy heart grows proud. Guard thine honour,
and remain at home. Why wilt thou plunge thyself
into misfortune, that Judah may fall with thee?” But
Amaziah refused to yield, and sent his army to the
borders of the kingdom of Israel. Jehoash, encour-
aged by the victory he had just obtained over the
Aramezans, went forth to meet him. ‘A battle was —
fought on the frontier at Beth-Shemesh, where the
men of Judah sustained a considerable defeat, and
fled. Amaziah himself was taken prisoner by the
king of Israel.
One must consider it an unusual act of leniency
that Jehoash did not abuse his brilliant victory, and
that he did not even actively follow it up. Could he
not dethrone the captive Amaziah, declare the house
of David to be extinct,and merge the kingdom of
Judah into his own realm? This, however, he did
not do, but contented himself with.destroying the
walls of Jerusalem, and ransacking the town, the
palace, and the Temple. Jerusalem, which since then
has been the scene of repeated devastations, was,
for the first time since its foundation, captured and
partly destroyed by a king of Israel. Jehoash mag-
nanimously set the captured monarch at liberty, but
demanded hostages. The moderation displayed by
Jehoash was no doubt due to the influence of the
prophet Elisha or his disciples. After the death of
Jehoash (830), Amaziah reigned for fifteen years, but
was not very successful in his undertakings. The
power and extent of the Ephraimite kingdom, on the
other hand, increased so rapidly that it seemed as
though the times of David were about to return.
Jeroboam II. possessed greater military abilities than
any of those who had preceded him since the division
of the kingdom, and fortune befriended him. He
enjoyed a very long reign (830-769), during which
he was enabled to fight many battles, and achieve
various conquests. He appears first of all to have
turned his arms against the Arameans. They were
the worst enemies of the kingdom of the Ten Tribes,
and had kept up continuous attacks against it since
the time of Ahab. The boundary of the kingdom of
Israel extended from the road which led to Hamath,
as far as the southeast river, which empties itself into
the Red Sea. A prophet of this time, Jonah, the son
of Amittai, from the town of Gath-Hepher, had encour-
aged Jeroboam to make war against the Aramzeans.
The king also seems to have conquered the district
of Moab, and to have annexed it to the kingdom of
the Ten Tribes.
Amaziah’s efforts, meanwhile, were impeded by the
humiliation he had had to undergo. Jerusalem hav-
ing been deprived of its fortifications, Amaziah could
not undertake any war, and was well content to be
left unmolested. He had promised not to repair the
walls, and he had been obliged to leave hostages in
the Israelitish capital as pledges of his good faith.
The nobles and the nation in general had ample
reason for discontent. Amaziah had injured the
country by his presumption. It was through his
rashness that Jerusalem was left defenceless against
every hostile attack. The hostages, these vouchers
for the continuance of his humiliation, doubtless
belonged to the most respected families, and their
forced exile helped to nourish the discontent of the
nobles, which finally culminated in a conspiracy. A
violent conflict arose in Jerusalem, the people either
siding with the conspirators, or taking no part in the
contest. Amaziah was helpless, and.sought safety
in flight. The conspirators, however, followed him
to Lachish (about fifteen hours’ journey southwest of
Jerusalem, where he had taken refuge), and there
killed him. He was the third king of the house of
David who had fallen by the sword, and the second
who had fallen at the hands of conspirators.
After the death of Amaziah, Jerusalem and the
kingdom of Judah experienced still greater misfor-
tunes. The princes of Judah, who had dethroned
and killed the king, do not appear to have resigned
the reins of government which they had seized.
Amaziah’s only surviving son, Azariah (called also
Uzziah), was a child of four or five years of age, and
‘the land was surrounded by enemies. Advantage was
taken of this helpless condition of the country by the
Idumzans, who had been beaten and disgraced by
Amaziah. They commenced an attack on the king-
dom of Judah, and Egypt again espoused their cause,
as it had done in the times of Rehoboam. Sangui-
nary battles ensued, and the Idumzans took many
prisoners. ‘They pressed on to Jerusalem, where the
breaches in the walls had not yet been repaired, and
carried off numbers of captives. There are no further
particulars known of the attack of the Idumzans.
Some domains seem to have been separated from
Judah,and annexed to Edom and Egypt respectively.
The rude warriors exchanged Judzan boys and girls
for wine and prostitutes, and their new masters, chiefly
Philistines, in turn sold them to the Ionians, who at
that time vied with the Phcenicians in the pursuit of
slave-trading. The Tyrians, forgetful of their long-
standing alliance with the house of David, behaved
in no friendlier manner. This was the first dispersion
of Judzans to distant lands, whither the Ionians
had sold them as slaves. It was probably these
Jewish slaves who brought the first germs of higher
morals and culture to the Western nations. Amongst
the prisoners were many noble youths and beautiful
maidens of Jerusalem, who, owing to their home
influences, and their knowledge of the eventful history
of their nation, carried with them a store of ideas,
which they came to appreciate more now than they
ever had done at home.
Condition of Judah—The Earthquake and the Famine—Uzziah’s Rule
—Overthrow of Neighbouring Powers—Fortification of Jerusa-
lem—Navigation of the Red Sea—Jeroboam’s Prosperity—The
Sons of the Prophets—A mos—Prophetic Eloquence—Joel’s Pro-
phecies—Hosea foretells Ultimate Peace—Denunciation of Uz-
ziah—Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem—Last Years of Uzziah—
Contest between the King and the High Priest—Uzziah usurps
the Priestly Functions—Uzziah’s Illness.
805—758 B. C. E,
AFTER the violent death of Amaziah, the kingdom of
Judah or house of Jacob had become so excessively
weakened, partly through internal dissensions and
partly through foreign warfare, that it was a by-word
among the nations. A contemporary prophet called
it “the crumbling house of David,” and oftentimes
repeated, “ Who will raise Jacob, seeing that he is so
small?” And yet from out of this weakness and
abasement Judah once more rose to such power that
it inspired the neighbouring peoples with fear. First
the internal dissensions had to be set at rest. The
entire nation of Judah rose up against the nobles
that had committed regicide a second time and cre-
ated confusion. The young prince Azariah, or Uz-
ziah, was made king. This king—who was only
seventeen years old, and who, like his contemporary,
King Jeroboam, enjoyed a long reign—possessed
energy, determination and caution, which enabled
him to restore the crumbling house of David. His
first care was to transport the corpse of his father
from Lachish, where it had been buried, to Jerusa-
lem, where it was interred with the remains of the
other kings of the house of David. Whether Uzziah
punished the murderers of his father cannot be ascer-
tained. He then proceeded to heal the wounds of
his country, but the task was a difficult one, for he
not only had to contend with enemies within the state
itself and among the neighbouring nations, but also
against untoward circumstances. The very forces of
nature seemed to have conspired against the land,
which was devastated by a succession of calamities
calculated to reduce the staunchest heart to despair
and apathy. In the first place, an earthquake oc-
curred in Uzziah’s time, which terrified the inhabi-
tants of Palestine, who were unused to such occur.
rences. The people took to flight, shrieking with
terror, expecting every moment to be engulfed in an
abyss beneath the quivering earth. he phenomena
accompanying the earthquake increased their terror.
The sun was hidden by a sudden, thick fog, which
wrapped everything in darkness, and the lightning
flashes which, from time time, illuminated it, added to
the prevailing terror. The moon and stars appeared
to have lost their light. The sea, stirred up in its
depths, roared and thundered, and its deafening
sound was heard far off. The terrors of the earth-
quake were intensified when the people recalled the
fact that a prophet, belonging to the kingdom of the
Ten Tribes, had predicted the event two years before.
The fulfilment of this awful prophecy filled all hearts
with consternation; the end of the world seemed at
hand. .
Hardly had this terror subsided when a fresh mis-
fortune broke upon them. ‘The periodical falls of rain
failed, no dew quickened the fields, a prolonged
drought parched all vegetation, the springs dried up, a
scorching sun transformed the meadows and pasture
lands into a desert, man and cattle thirsted for refresh-
ment and food, whilst wild beasts wandered panting
about in the forest thickets. Inhabitants of cities in
which the water-supply was exhausted set out for the
nearest place, hoping to find a supply there, but were
unable to satisfy their thirst. The drought, affecting
extended areas of land, reached also the lava districts
of Hauran in northeastern Palestine, which are not
unfrequently infested with swarms of locusts. In
search of nourishment, these locusts now flew across
the Jordan to the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, and
devoured all that had not been withered by the dry
rot. In heavy swarms which obscured the sun, they
flew onward, and suddenly the vines, fig and pome-
granate trees, the palms and the apple-trees were laid
bare. These devastations by the locusts continued
throughout several years.
In the land of Judah, which had been brought to
the verge of destruction by the reverses of war, the
consternation was deep. It seemed as though God
had deserted His heritage, people, country and lem-
ple, and had given them over to degradation and
ruin. Public mourning and pilgrimages were insti-
tuted in order to avert the evil. The prophet Joel,
the son of Pethuel, exhorted the people publicly in
these days of trouble, and was largely instrumental
in raising their sinking courage. His stirring exhor-
tations could not help leaving a deep impression.
Their effect was especially felt when the destruction
caused by the drought and the locusts ceased. Once
more field and garden began to burst into blossom,
the brooks and cisterns were filled, and scarcity was
at an end. The young king immediately availed
himself of this auspicious change, in order to chas-
tise the enemies of Judah. He first turned his arms
against the Idumzans, who had laid his land waste.
He defeated them, possibly because they were no
longer aided by the Egyptians, and reduced Edom
to subjection. The town of Elath, on the shore of
the Red Sea, he re-annexed to Judah, and the mari-
time trade with Arabia and Ophir (Ind#a) could thus
be renewed. The Maonites or Minites, who occupied
a small territory in Idumza, around the city of Maon
(Maan), were subjugated by Uzziah, and compelled
to pay tribute. He punished the Philistines for their
hostile attitude towards Judea during his minority,
when they had delivered over the Judean refugees
and emigrants to the Idumzans. He conquered the
towns of Gath, Ashdod, Jabneh, which lay nearest to
the land of Judah, and razed their walls. In other
portions of Philistia, which he annexed to his own
territory, he erected fortified cities.
He especially devoted himself to the task of forti-
fying Jerusalem, which, owing to the destruction of
400 yards of the northern wall at the time of the war
between his father and Jehoash of Israel, could offer
no resistance to an invading enemy. Uzziah, there-
fore, had the northern wall rebuilt,,and undoubtedly
rendered it safer than before against attacks. He must
have established friendly relations with Jeroboam IL,
or he would not have been able to commence the
fortifications without risking a war. Uzziah had three
towers built, each 150 yards in height, at the corner
gate in the north, at the gate leading to the valley of
Hinnom in the south, and at the gate Hananel; on
the gates and on the parapets of the walls were
placed machines (Hishbonoth), by means of which
heavy stones could be hurled to great distances.
Uzziah, in general, displayed great energy in making
warlike preparations, the warriors being provided
with shields, armour and spears. He also employed
cavalry and war-chariots, like those brought from
Egypt in Solomon’s time.
Uzziah appears, in all respects, to have taken
Solomon’s kingdom as his model. The navigation
of the Red Sea, from the harbour of Ailat, which
Solomon had obtained from the Idumzans, wasagain
resumed, and great vessels (ships of Tarshish) were
fitted out for the purpose. Altogether, Uzziah
attained a position of predominance over the neigh-
bouring nations.
The kingdom of the Ten Tribes, at the same time,
became possessed of great power under Jeroboam
II., who was as warlike as Uzziah. In the latter
part of his long reign he was engaged in con-
tinual warfare with the Syrians. He conquered the
capital, Damascus, and pressed victoriously to the
city of Hamath, which also fell before him. The nation-
alities which inhabited the district from Lebanon to
the Euphrates, and which till then had paid allegi-
ance to the kingdom of Damascus, became tributary
to the king of Israel in consequence of these victories.
Jeroboam had no longer any rival in his vicinity to
contest the supreme power with him. The Pheeni-
cians had become considerably weakened through
dissensions between the city of Tyre and the descen-
dants of King Ethbaal. During Jeroboam’s govern-
ment a civil war appears to have broken outin Tyre,
in consequence of which the whole of Phcenicia lost the
_ influential position which it had been occupying for
a considerable time. The rich booty of war, and,
perhaps, the renewed impulse to trade, brought
wealth to the entire country of Samaria. Not only
the king, but even the nobles and the wealthy classes,
lived in luxury surpassing that of Solomon’s time.
King Jeroboam possessed a winter and a summer
palace. Houses of broad-stone, adorned with ivory
and furnished with ivory seats, became very common.
In contemplating the increase of power in the two
kingdoms, one might have been tempted to believe
that the times of Solomon were not yet over, and
that no change had occurred, except that two kings
were ruling instead of one—that no breach had ever
taken place, or that the wounds once inflicted had
been healed. Jeroboam and Uzziah appear to have
lived on terms of perfect peace with one another.
Israelites were permitted to make pilgrimages to
Beersheba. No doubt some of them also visited the
Temple in Jerusalem. But it was only the last
glimmer of a politically happy period. The corrup-
tion which prosperity helped to develop in the
kingdom of Judah, and still more conspicuously in the
SS ee ee ee.
kingdom of the Ten Tribes, soon put an end to these
happy days, and hastened the decadence of both
In the latter, the bull-worship was not only con-
tinued in Bethel and Dan, but even assumed greater
proportions, when additional images of the bull were
erected in Samaria and in Gilgal. Jeroboam appears to
have elevated Bethel to the rank of a capital. Here
the chief sanctuary was established. A sort of high
priest, named Amaziah, ministered there, and appears
to have been very jealous of his office. Unlike the
Aaronites in Judah, he enjoyed a rich prebend in the
possession of fields around Bethel. Either this per-
verted form of worship was not yet low enough to sat-
isfy the cravings of its devotees, or the voluptuousness
consequent upon the accession of wealth may have
demanded new departures; at all events, the hideous
worship of Baal and the immoral cult of Astarte
were again introduced. It is extraordinary that
this idolatry, which had been extirpated with so
much energy by Jehu, was again promoted, and re-
ceived fresh encouragement under his grandson.
The idolatry thus newly re-introduced brought in its
train every species of wickedness and corruption. In
order to gratify the senses, all thoughts were bent on
acquiring riches. The wealthy made usury their
business, and pursued their debtors with such severity
as to make slaves of their impoverished debtors or
their children. Usurious trade in corn was especially
prevalent, In years of famine the rich opened their
granaries, and sold the necessaries of life on credit,
not always without employing false weights and
measures; and when the poor were unable to return
what had been lent to them, they heartlessly took
their clothes or even their persons in pledge. When
these unfortunates uttered their complaint against
such injustice in the national assemblies, they found no
ear to listen; for the judges were either themselves
among the evil-doers, or had been bribed and made
deaf to the voice of justice. The treasures thus ex-
torted were wasted by their owners in daily revelry.
The contemporary prophet Amos pictures in gloomy
colours the debauched life of the rich and noble
Israelites residing in the capitals in Jeroboam’s time.}
The wives of the nobles followed the bad examples
of their husbands, and urged them to be hard-hearted
to the poor, demanding of them, “Bring, bring, and
let us drink.”
The people itself could not, however, be so much
influenced by the moral depravity of the nobles as to
allow it to obtain full sway. Morality, justice and
pure worship of God still had followers, who pro-
tested more and more strongly against the vices
practised by the great, and who, though in humble
positions, knew how to obtain a hearing. Although
almost a century had passed since the prophet Elijah,
with flowing hair, declaimed against the sins of Ahab
and Jezebel, the prophetic societies which he had ©
founded still existed, and acted according to his
spirit and with his energy. The young, who are gen- ©
erally readier. to receive ideal impressions, felt a
disgust at the increasing moral ruin which came on
them, and assembled round the prophetic disciples
in Bethel, Gilgal and Jericho. ‘Lhe generation which
Elisha had reared and taught adopted the external
symbols of prophecy, pursuing the same abstentious
mode of life, and wearing long-flowing hair; but
they did not stop at such outward signs, but raised
their voices against the religious errors, against lux-
ury and immorality. Sons became the moral judges
of their fathers. Youths gave up drinking wine,
whilst the men revelled in the drinking places. The
youthful troop of prophets took the place of the warn-
ing voice of conscience. In the presence of king and
nobles, they preached in the public assemblies against
the worship of Baal, against immorality and the
1Amos vi. 4-6.
CH. X11. AMOS OF TEKOA. 23 '5
heartlessness of the great. Did their numbers shield
them from persecution, or were there amongst the
ranks of the prophets sons of the great, against whom
it was impossible to proceed with severity? Or was
King Jeroboam more patient than the accursed Jeze-
bel, who had slaughtered the prophets’ disciples by
hundreds? Or did he disregard and ignore their
words? In any case, it is noteworthy that the zealous
youths remained unharmed. The revellers merely
compelled them to drink wine and forbade them to
preach; they derided the moral reformers who ex-
posed their wrongdoings, but they did not persecute
One of the prophets in the kingdom of the Ten
Tribes made use of this freedom of speech; he was
the first of a succession of prophets who combined
great and poetic thought with evenly flowing rhythm
of diction, and made-kings and grandees as well as
the people wince under their incisive words of truth.
It was Amos of Tekoa. Amos did not belong to the
prophetic guild, he was no prophetic disciple, and
probably neither wore a garment of haircloth, like
Elijah, nor let his hair grow long, but was a simple
herdsman and planter of sycamores. Whilst tending
his herds, the prophetic spirit came mightily upon
him, and he could not refrain from appearing in
public. “God spake to him, and in him, how should
he not prophesy?” The prophetic spirit urged him
to repair to Bethel, and there, in the temporary capi-
tal of King Jeroboam II., he declaimed against the
perversions and vices of the nobles, and opened
their eyes to the consequences of their evil deeds.
That a countryman, clad in shepherd’s garb, dared
speak publicly, could not help creating sensation in
Bethel. A high degree of culture must have pre-
vailed in those days in Samaria, when a shepherd was
able to speak in beautiful, rhythmic utterances, and
was understood, or at least expected to be under-
stood, by the people. The speeches of Amos and
those of his successors combine the eloquence and
comprehensibility of prose with the metre and the
rhythm of poetry. Metaphors and imagery lend ad-
ditional solemnity to their diction. It is therefore ~
difficult to decide whether these utterances should be
classed as prose oras poetry. In place ofa more suit-
able description, they may be designated as beauti-
fully formed poetic eloquence. The orations of
Amos, however, did not fail to betray his station.
He used similes taken from his shepherd life. They
showed that, while tending his flocks, he often
listened to the roaring of the'lion, and studied the
stars in his night-watches. But these peculiarities
only lent a special charm to his speeches. Amos
came to Bethel before the earthquake occurred,
and he predicted the event in words of prophetic
foresight. The earthquake thereupon followed,
with all its accompanying terrors, and carried deso-
lation everywhere. lhe subsequent plagues of
drought, sterility, and locusts afflicted the kingdom
of the Ten Tribes equally with the kingdom of Judah.
Amos, and with him all right-minded people, expected
that these visitations would effect a reform, putting
an end to the hideous excesses of the wealihy and
their cruel oppression and persecution of the poor. —
But no improvement took place, and Amos inveighed
against the impenitent sinners in the severest terms.
He reproved the men who ridiculed his prophetic
utterances. He denounced those who, relying on
their power or their piety or their nobility of descent,
felt themselves unassailable. (Amosv. 4-15, vi. 1-8.)
Against such daring speeches, directed even
against the royal house, the high priest of Bethel,
cmaziah, felt it his duty to take measures. Either
from indifference or out of respect for the prophet,
King Jeroboam seems hitherto to have allowed him
unlimited sway; but even now, when Amaziah called
his attention to the prophet’s dangerous upbraidings,
he appears to have remained unmoved. At all
le a 7
i q
events, the prophet was not interfered with, except
that the high priest, probably in the king’s name,
said to him, “ Go thou, haste to Judah; eat thy bread
and prophesy there, but in Bethel thou mayest not
remain, for it is the sanctuary of the king, and the
capital of the kingdom.” Amos did not permit him-
self to be interrupted in his preaching further than to
say, “I am no prophet and no prophetic disciple, buc
only a shepherd and planter; but the Lord spake
unto me, ‘Go, prophesy unto my people Israel.’”
In the strongest language, he concluded with a
threat of punishment. It is noteworthy that he did
not protest against the evil deeds in Judah with the
same energy, but rather displayed a certain leniency
towards the kingdom governed by the house of
David. He entered into no particulars concerning
ithe sins which were rife there, but only spoke of
them in general terms. He predicted a happy future
for the kingdom of Judah, while predicting woe to
‘Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom,
and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth ; saving that I will
not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord.”
When contemplating in his prophetic vision the new. _
plagues which would descend upon the land, he in-
terceded with prayer in behalf of Judah, exclaiming .
“ Lord God, cease, I beseech thee; how shall Jacob
rise, since ne is so small?” (Amos vii. 2, 5.
The state of weakness into which Judah had fallen
since the death of Amaziah, and from which it had
not yet recovered in the first years of Uzziah’s reign,
filled the prophet Amos with compassion. He did
not wish to discourage the nation and the court still
further, but prophesied the future reunion of the tribes
under the house of David.
At this time another prophet arose in Jerusalem,
named Joel, the son of Pethuel. Most of the prophets
were of obscure origin, and returned to obscurity
without leaving a trace of their individuality, which
was entirely merged in their deeds or works. Joel
appeared at a time when all minds had been terrified
and driven into a condition of despair bordering on
stupor, by the repeated attacks of the Idumzans and
neighbouring nations, and the subsequent plagues
of earthquake, drought and locusts. The inhabitants
of Jerusalem and the country were wearing them-
selves away in long fasts and lamentations ; they tore
their garments as a sign of mourning, and assembled
around the Temple with cries and supplications to
avert Divine anger, and the priests were equally des-
pondent. Joel, therefore, had a different task from
that of Amos; not to censure and blame the people
was his mission, but to raise and cheer up the des-
pondent, and to arouse those whom despair had
stupefied. He did not openly denounce, but merely
hinted at the sins and errors of the nation, alluding
to the drunkards now left without wine, pointing to
the external repentance which contented itself with
torn garments and left the heart untouched, and
scorning the popular notion that the Deity could not
be appeased without sacrifices. Joel had to exert the
whole power of his eloquence in order to convince the
nation that God’s mercy had not departed from them,
that Zion was yet His holy mountain; that He would
not deliver up His people to disgrace ; that He was
long-suffering and full of mercy, and would relieve
them from their misfortunes without their burnt-offer-
ings and fasts.
Joel’s oratorical power was, perhaps, even greater
than that of Amos. His highly coloured description ~
of the ravages of the locusts and the accompanying
calamities is a stirring picture; the reader feels him-
self to be an eye-witness. The extant production of
Joel’s prophetic eloquence, with its rhythm and metre ©
and even a certain strophic structure, also occupies
the middle between poetry and prose. The only
speech of his which has been preserved is divided
(oie x11. JOEL'S PROPHECIES. 239
into two halves; in the one half he describes the mis-
fortunes of the nation, blames their perverted ideas,
and points out wherein their conversion must consist;
and in the other, he seeks to fill their hearts with a
joyous hope for the future. Joel endeavoured to
carry his trembling, wailing and despondent hearers,
who had collected on the Temple Mount, beyond the
narrow boundaries of their present sorrow to a higher
view of life. He told them that God had sent the
plagues as forerunners of a time full of earnestness
and awe, of a day great and fearful, destined to
purify them and lead to a higher moral order. The
sorrows of the present would pass away and be for-
gotten. Then the great day of the Lord would dawn.
Joel also predicted political changes, when the
enslaved Jews of Judah and Jerusalem, whom
Philistines and Tyrians had sold to the slave-trading
lonians, who again on their part had scattered them far
and wide, should again return. The peoples who had
committed acts of cruelty would be severely punished
in the Valley of Justice (Emek Jehoshaphat), where
God would pronounce judgment on all nations,
Then Egypt and Idumza would become deserts,
because they had shed the innocent blood of the
Judzeans; but Judah and Jerusalem would be inhab-
ited throughout all generations. Then a_ higher
moral order would begin, and all creatures would be
filled with the divine spirit of prophecy.
«And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my
spirit upon all flesh; and yoursons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shali dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids_in those days
will I pour out my spirit.” (JOEL iii. I-2.)
The wish which has been attributed to Moses
(Numbers xi. 29) will, according to Joel’s prophecy,
be realized at some future time. Not only Israelites
born in the land, but also the strangers, who lived as
slaves in their families, would have a share in this
kingdom of God, and would become worthy of the
gift of prophecy. Thus the prophetic vision began
to roam beyond the national barriers.
Hosea, son of Beeri, the third prophet of Jero-
boam’s and Uzziah’s times, spoke yet more decidedly
against the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, and in favour
of the house of Jacob. Nothing is known of his life
and actions; we are not even told in which kingdom
he delivered his speeches. It is, however, probable
that the scene of his activity was Bethel or Samaria.
~ Whilst Amos made moral corruption the main object
of his rebuke and scorn, Hosea declaimed against
the religious defection of the kingdom of the Ten
Tribes, which had returned to the worship of Baal.
He did not possess the wealth of expression nor the
metrical evenness of his two contemporaries. His
eloquence comes nearer the form of common prose;
it is more amplified, more fluent, but also more arti-
ficial; it likes the interweaving of allegorical names,
in which Hosea probably followed the style of the
prophetic school from which he appears to have come.
He started from one simile, which he applied ina
twofold manner. He represented the introduction of
the Baal worship in the Ten Tribes as the conduct
of a faithless wife, and compared the future return of
the people to God, which he predicted, to the return
to the path of duty of a repentant and abashed adul-
teress. This his theme he premised with an intro-
duction. In a prophetic vision, he said, he received
the command to take to himself an adulterous wife.
Following this command, he married a woman of evil
repute, who bore him three children—a son, Jezreel,
a daughter, whom he called “ Unloved” (Lo-Rucha-
mah), and a second son, named “ Not-My-Nation”
(Lo-Ammi).. The prophet explained these meta-
phorical names; thus, Jezreel meant two things—in
the first place, that God would visit on the house of
Jehu the blood that their forefather had shed in
Jezreel; and further, Jezreel denoted that God would |
destroy the armies of Israel in the Valley of Jezreel.
The name of the daughter meant that God would
no longer care for the house of Israel; and, lastly,
the name of the second son denoted that the God of
Israel had deserted the nation, and would no longer
be its God. After this introduction and its interpre-
tation, the prophet began his address:
‘“‘Contend with your mother, contend,
For she is not my wife,
And [ am not her husband ;
Let her put away her prostitution from her face,
And her adulteries from her bosom.” (HOSEA ii. 4-6.)
Then the prophet depicts the entire extent of the
faithlessness of the house of Israel,—that adulteress
who pursues her lover (Baal), in the belief that her
riches and her plenty had come from him, forget-
ting that God had endowed her with the corn and
wine, the silver and gold which she was wasting on
the idol Baal; God would therefore deprive her of
everything, and not leave her even sufficient clothes
to cover her body. In her need she would be over-
come by repentance, and say, “I will return to my
first love, for then it was better with me than now.”
The prophet then pictures the return of the faithless
wife, who would remorsefully recognise the whole
extent of her past wickedness, and, turning to her
husband. would call him “My husband,” for the
name “lord ”(Baal) would have become hateful to
her. (Hosea il.)
Reconciled with his betrothed (the nation), the Lord
would again show mercy to her, as in the days of the
exodus from Egypt; from the desert he would again
lead her to her land, and she would once more sing
psalms of praise as in the time of her youth, and in
the days when she went forth from Egypt. The
renewed covenant between her God and her would
shield her from the wild beasts, and bow and sword
and war would be no more. Jezreel,the ominous name,
would receive an auspicious meaning (planted cx the
land); the “Unloved” would be once more the
“Beloved,” and “ Not-My-Nation ” would again be-
come “ My-Nation” and would acknowledge his God.
In unrolling a glowing picture of the future of the
Ten Tribes, Hosea did not desire to mislead his
hearers into the belief that such a time was close at
hand. In a second oration, which has probably
not been fully preserved, he predicts that many
unhappy days would intervene before the return of
the Ten Tribes and their expiation. This speech
he also introduced with the account of a vision.
God had commanded him again to take a much-
beloved, yet faithless wife. She was not to bear
him children, but he was to keep himself apart from
her, nor permit her to associate with other men.
This vision denoted that, though God loved the
Israelitish nation, she had, forgetting all ties of
honour and duty, given her love to other gods. And
it denoted further, that the sons of Israel would re-
main long without a king or a prince, without an
altar or columns, without an ephod, as well as without
house-gods (Teraphim); till at last, purified by severe
trials, she would return to her God—in the latter days.
Hosea prophesied the total destruction of the kingdom
of the Ten ‘Tribes. On the other hand, he laid even
more stress than his contemporaries on the continu:
ance of the house of David and the kingdom of
Judah, at the same time reproaching King Uzziah
for the importance which he attached to his warlike
Corruption in the one kingdom and misfortunes in
the other brought from the hidden depths the pre-
cious ore of prophetic eloquence, which was destined
to obtain wide-reaching influence. The sins of Ahab
and Jezebel aroused Elijah; the evil deeds of Jero-
boam II. and his nobles drew Amos away from
his flocks, and brought Hosea out of his quiet life
into publicity, to communicate in a fascinating form
the thoughts which possessed their souls. Their
fears and hopes, their thoughts and convictions,
became thenceforth the common property of the
many whom they inspired and ennobled. Anxiously
listening disciples of the prophet imprinted these
prophetic lessons on their memories or recorded
them in writing. They formed the first pages of
that prophetic literature, which was destined to stir
up the indolent nations of the earth. By picturing,
though only in dim outlines, the prospect of a better
future, the prophetic wizards, Amos, Hosea and Joel,
have insured the permanence of the nation from
which they sprung; for a nation which looks confi-
dently forward to a happy future is safe against
destruction, and does not permit itself, to be crushed
by the most terrible trials of the present. One of
these prophets—Joel or Hosea—pictured an ideal of
the future, to which the noblest minds have clung,
and to which they still hold fast. (Isaiah 11. 2-4.)
That grand picture of everlasting peace—to be
founded on the teachings of Israel—which will trans-
form the deadly instruments of war into implements
of life-giving labour, excels all works of art that will
ever charm the eyes and hearts of mankind. The
Israelitish prophets have predicted that this high
morality of the nations of the earth will be the out-
come of the law which will go forth tothem from Zion.
The hostile attitude which the two prophets of the
kingdom of Israel assumed towards the house of
Jehu was not without effect. Just as Elisha and his
disciples raised up an enemy against the Omris, so
were the attempts against the last of the Jehuides
probably the outcome of Amos’s and Hosea’s fiery
Opposition. |
Jeroboam II. died in peace, at an advanced age
and after a long and happy reign, but no sooner had
his son Zechariah ascended the throne (769), than a
conspiracy was formed against him. The ringleader
was Shallum, son of Jabesh, who killed the fourth
descendant of Jehu in Ibleam. Zechariah reigned
only a few months. His murderer, following the
example set by Jehu in dealing with the house of
Ahab, destroyed the house of Jeroboam II., sparing
neither women nor children. Shallum then went to
Samaria in order to take possession of the throne
and kingdom, but he maintained his position only
one month. A conspiracy was also instituted against
him by Menahem, the son of Gadi, a former inhab-
itant of the capital Tirzah. He proceeded towards
Samaria, and was admitted into the capital without
difficulty. He killed Shallum (768), but no doubt
met with greater opposition than he expected.
Although the capital opened its gates to him, other
towns did not immediately submit. The town of
Tiphsah (Tapuach) shut its doors against him.
Menahem, however, was more daring than his pre-
decessor, and united with his courage the utmost
hardness of heart. He laid siege to the rebellious
city, and, having compelled it to surrender, he exe-
cuted the entire population—men, women, and chil-
dren, not even sparing pregnant women. After this
massacre he proceeded to Samaria, where he seized
upon the throne of the Jehuides. A chief who dis-
played cruelty such as this could hardly expect to
win all hearts. Menahem appears to have abolished
the worship of Baal. The worship of the bull, how-
ever, was still continued. During his reign the fate
of the Ten Tribes was influenced by a powerful
kingdom which was destined to put an end to the
house of Israel.
If the better elements of that house might have felt
inclined to follow the intimations of the prophet, and
turn to the house of Judah for remedy, they met here
with conditions equally, repulsive. Internal dissen-
sions broke out under Uzziah, which, it appears, were
purposely ignored. Uzziah’s aim was wholly and
solely directed to military affairs—the acquisition of
bows, shields, and spears. Spiritual interests were
far from his mind, or perhaps were even distasteful
Chex, UZZIAH. 245
to him. To the Aaronides he undoubtedly gave fre-
quent offence, the former harmony between royalty
-and priesthood having received a severe shock in the
latter days of his grandfather Joash. Any endeavour
on the part of the king to extend his sway over the
Temple would have met with the opposition of the
anointed high priests, whose authority rested on
claims equal to those of the descendants of David.
It is certain that in the latter years of Uzziah’s
government conflicts arose between him and the
high priest Azariah, similar to those between King
Joash and Zechariah. In order to deprive the high
priest of his prestige, Uzziah took a bold step.
He entered the sanctuary and began to light the
incense-burner on the golden altar, an act which was
the especial privilege and duty of the high priest.
The indignation of the Aaronides ran high. The
high priest, Azariah, who together with eighty priests
hastened after the king into the sanctuary, angrily
reproved him, saying, “It is not for thee, O Uzziah,
to bring incense, but only for the anointed priest of
Aaron’s family. Leave the sanctuary: thou art
guilty of desecration, and it will not be for thy honour
from the Lord.”
What followed is wrapt in obscurity. Uzziah in
the latter years of his reign was attacked by leprosy,
and had to be kept in a special house for the rest of
his days. The nation considered this illness as a
divine punishment for his daring to perform the rites
of the priesthood.
In this contest between the sacerdotal and royal
houses the former was triumphant, for it possessed
the law as its weapon, and this was of greater avail
than the sword. But another spiritual power was
soon to enter the contest against the priesthood.
King Menahem—The Babylonians and the Assyrians—Pekah—
Jotham’s reign—Isaiah of Jerusalem—His style and influence—
His first public address—Later speeches—Their immediate and
permanent effect—His disciples—Their characteristics—Zecha-
riah—His prophecies.
758—740 B. C. E.
Wuite Uzziah was compelled by his disease to pass
his last years in solitude, his youthful son Jotham
managed the affairs of the kingdom. In the king-
dom of the Ten Tribes, Menahem, the cruel usurper
(768-758), was probably ruling with an iron hand.
Both kingdoms continued in the same grooves, uncon-
scious of the fact that in the distant horizon storm-
laden clouds were gathering which would discharge
themselves on them with fearful effect. From the
north, from the districts of the Euphrates and Tigris,
heavy trials were approaching for the people of both
No sooner had the Assyrians extended their terri-
tory in the north, east and west, than they turned
their attention to the south. They intended, in the
first place, to gain possession of the sea-coast of the
Phoenicians, and thus obtain control over the wealth
of that commercial nation. The next point in view
was Egypt, the wealth and renown of which attracted
their ambition. For the first time an Assyrian army
appeared on Israelitish ground, when King Pul
invaded Samaria. King Menahem did not dare
summon his forces against the mighty Assyrian hosts.
The internal confusion must have crippled his powers
to such an extent that he could not think of resist-
Bich ser tea)
aos Lh) aE
ance. The curse of the regicide rested heavily on
his head, but it pressed with equal, if not greater,
severity on his nation. Menahem was hated by his
people, for the cruel means by which he had obtained
possession of the throne were ever fresh in their
memories, and the friends of the murdered king
nursed this hostile feeling. When Pul arrived on
Israelitish ground, it appears that the enemies of
Menahem suggested to the invader the advisability of
dethroning the king. Menahem, meanwhile, betook
himself to the Assyrian conqueror, and promised him
a large sum of money on condition that his govern-
ment was left secure. Pul accepted the money and
retired from the country, carrying his booty and pris-
oners with him. Menahem did not draw the money
from his own treasury, but forced wealthy individuals
to provide it. Each one had to pay what was at that
time a heavy sum, viz., 50 shekels.
Thus came the beginning of the end, and the fate
which Amos had clearly predicted half a century
before, appeared to be in process of realisation. He
had said that a distant nation would carry off the
Israelites to.a foreign land beyond Damascus, The
Israelites were in fact carried off to the region of the
Tigris, or to some other division of the large Assyrian
kingdom. The power of the kingdom of the Ten
Tribes, however, remained to all appearance un-
broken. It still numbered 60,000 wealthy men, who
could pay large sums of tribute money. Menahem
still had his cavalry, his war materials, and the fort-
resses on which he thought he could place depend-
ence. But, unknown to him, old age (as one of the
prophets had rightly designated the national deca-
dence) had now crept over the people. Menahem
probably introduced the Assyrian mode of worship.
One characteristic feature of this consisted in the —
adoration of Mylitta, the goddess of love, and the
duties of her creed included the renunciation of virtue
and the adoption of an immoral life. This innova-
tion, added to the already existing internal dissen-
sions, gradually sapped the foundations of the state.
When the cruel Menahem died, and his son Pekahiah
succeeded (757), the latter was able to retain the
throne for scarcely two years. His own charioteer,
Pekah, the son of Remaliah, headed a conspiracy
against him, killed him in his palace in Samaria (756),
and placed himself on the vacant throne. The mode
of this regicide, the seventh which had occurred since
the commencement of the kingdom of the Ten Tribes,
is wrapped in darkness; 1t seems, however, that Pekah
had to remove two other.competitors before he could.
himself ascend the throne of Samaria.
‘The son of Remaliah, the last king but one in
Israel (755-736), was an inconsiderate and ruthless
man, who oppressed the country to an even greater
extent than his predecessors. He was characterised
as a faithless shepherd, “ who deserted his flock, who
sought not the missing ones, who healed not the
wounded, who tended not the sick, and who even
devoured the flesh of the healthy.” In order to pro-
tect himself against the attacks of the Assyrians, he
joined an alliance which the neighbouring princes had
_ formed in order to resist the encroachments of the
Assyrians. The plan probably originated in Da-
mascus, which now once more owned a king, named
Rezin, and which would be the first to suffer from
the Assyrian conqueror. Judah was also drawn in.
Uzziah, the king, having died in the leper’s house,
his son Jotham, who had ruled for many years as
viceroy, assumed the title of king (754-740). Jotham
had no very striking qualities. He was neither am-
bitious nor statesmanlike, but he keptin the grooves
in which his father had moved. Civic peace seems
to have remained undisturbed; there is at least no
account of any conflict between him and the high
priest. The material condition of the country also
remained the same as under Uzziah. There were
the squadrons of cavalry, the war chariots, the ships
of Tarshish which navigated the Red Sea, and wealth
and splendour. Jotham also strengthened the fortifi-
cations of Jerusalem. He maintained friendly rela-
tions with the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, or rather
with their king, Pekah, and there seems to have been
a very intimate connection between the two sover-
eigns. This friendship, however, as well as the rise
ofan ambitious nobility in Judah, exerted an injurious
influence on the morals of the people, the evil being
especially strong in the capital. Through circum-
stances which cannot now be traced, some of the
noble families had attained a height of power that
exalted them almost to equality with the king. ‘The
princes of Judah led the councils, decided the most
important affairs of state, usurped the powers of
justice, and so thoroughly obscured the dignity of
the house of David, that but a mere shadow of its
authority remained. There existed a junior branch
of the royal family, the house of Nathan, from which
the superintendent of the palace seems always to
have been chosen. This high official ruled court and
attendants alike, and gradually attained to such power
and influence, that he was considered the actual
regent. He was known by the title of Manager of
the Court (Sochen).
Other evils arose out of these abuses. The
princes of Judah sought to enrich themselves by all
possible means, and to extend their territories by ob-
taining possession of the pasture lands, vineyards,
and meadows of the country people. Things seem
to have come to such a pass that the nobles and
elders employed slaves, or the poor whom they had
reduced to slavery, to cultivate their vast estates.
They did not hesitate to make serfs of the children
of those poor who were unable to pay their debts,
and force them to tread the mill. To this cruel injus-
tice, they soon added the vices of debauchery. _ They
arose early in the morning and had recourse to the
wine-cup, and till late at night they inflamed their
blood with wine. . At such entertainments they had
the noisy music of flutes, trumpets, harps, and lutes.
This was an innocent amusement compared with the
excesses resulting therefrom. But the severe morality
enjoined by the Sinaitic law was hostile to dissipation.
As long as this law held sway, the love of licentious
pleasures could not be fully gratified. But this re-
Striction disappeared, when Judah entered into con-
nection with the kingdom of the Ten Tribes. Here,
and especially in the capital Samaria, the greatest
excesses wore, SO to say, a sacred character, forming,
as they did, a constituent part of the Baal worship.
Here there were temple priestesses in numbers;
sacrifices were offered on the summits of the moun-
tains and hills, whilst vice held its orgies in the shade
of the oaks and terebinths. So great had been its
progress, that Israelitish daughters unblushingly fol
lowed the example of their fathers. Wine and de-
pravity had so vitiated the minds of the great, that
they consulted blocks of wood and sticks as oracles
concerning the future. From these nobles of the
kingdom of the Ten Tribes,—“«the drunkards of
Ephraim,”—the princes of Judah learnt how to follow
their evil desires without restraint. Divine service
in the Temple of Jerusalem was, it is true, officially
recognised; but this did not prevent the princes
from following their own mode of worship privately.
The brotherly fusion of Israel and Judah chiefly re-
sulted in making idolatry, dissipation, intoxication,
pride, and scorn of what was right, the common
character of both kingdoms.
However, depraved as the Israelitish and Judzean
nobles had become, there existed a safeguard which
prevented depravity from becoming an established
‘institution of law. In Israel, injustice could never
pass as public justice. Here there were men who
loudly declaimed against the mockery of justice, and
the degradation of the poor; men who defended jus-
tice and morality as the only right course; men who
supported the weak against the mighty. Just at this
period of degradation, while Jotham ruled in Judah
and Pekah in Israel, several God-inspired men arose,
who spoke with words of fire against the vices of the
nobility. These men were the third generation of
great prophets who succeeded Amos, Joel, and Hosea,
as these had followed Elijah and Elisha.
The most important amongst them was Isaiah, son
of Amoz, from Jerusalem. With his contemporary
prophets, Zechariah, Hosea IL., and Micah II., he
shared the courage which calls vice and crime by
their right names, and which mercilessly brands the
guilty. But he surpassed them and all his prede-
cessors in depth of thought, beauty of rhythm, exal-
tation of poetical expression, in the accuracy of his
similes, and in the clearness of his prophetic vision.
Isaiah’s eloquence combined simplicity with beauty of
speech, conciseness with intelligibility, biting irony
with an inspiring flow of language. Of his private
life but little is known. His wife wasalso gifted with
prophetic insight. He wore the usual prophet’s
dress—a garment of goat’s hair. Like Elijah, he
considered his prophetic task as the vocation of his
life. His energies were entirely directed to exposing
wickedness, to warning and exhorting the nation, and
to holding before it the ideal of a future, to attain
which it must strive with heart and soul. He gave
his sons symbolical names, indicative of future events,
to serve as signs and types. For more than forty
years (755-710) he pursued his prophetic ministration
with untiring zeal and unshaken courage. In critical
moments, when all—great and small, kings and
OC ee rasa his confidence never deserted
im, but aroused the hope and courage of his people.
Isaiah first appeared in the year of king Uzziah’s
death (755), when he was about thirty-three years of
age. He announced to the nation (probably on the
Temple Mount) the vision which he had been vouch-
safed, and his election as a prophet. Isaiah’s first
speech was a short, simple communication of this
vision, the deep meaning of which could not be mis-
understood. He related, that he had seen in a dream
Jehovah Zebaoth on a high and exalted throne, sur-
rounded by the winged seraphim. One seraph after
another cried, “ Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah Zebaoth,”
with such thrilling voices that the very supports of
the Temple trembled:
‘‘Then I said, Woe is me, for I am undone; I ama man of unclean
lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, for mine
eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.
“Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his
hand, which he had taken with the tongs off the altar, and he touched
therewith upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy tips ;
thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged.”
In his first speech, Isaiah had but lightly touched
on the sins of the nobles, only intimating that they
were not alive to pure influences. In another speech,
which has been preserved, he went into greater detail,
and more especially held up a mirror to the princes
of Judah wherein they might see their folly and sin.
He described the ideal destiny of the people of
Israel, of the Law which had been entrusted to it, and
of the Temple which was to be its visible representa-
tion, and he chose for his purpose the ever-memora-
ble words of an older prophet:
“For from Zion shall the law go forth, and the word of the Lord
from Jerusalem.”
In this speech Isaiah touched the root of the evil
which had produced that state of religious demorali-
sation and heartless injustice which he denounced.
It was pleasure-seeking and wantonness, encouraged
by the women, to satisfy whom the men were con-
tinually urged to commit depredations, and to pil-
lage and enslave their weaker neighbours. With
surprising force the prophet describes the love of
display of the daughters of Zion. Leaving for a
moment this sad picture, the speaker attunes a cheery,
hope-inspiring strain :—
“The Lord will create upon every dwelling-place of Mount Zion,
and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the bright-
ness of a flaming fire by night. For upon all the glory shall be a
covering. There shall be a tabernacle for a shade in the daytime
from the heat, and for refuge, and for a covert from tempest and from
It may be questioned whether this masterly speech,
perfect though it was in subject and form, made any
impression for the moment. At all events it led to
no lasting improvement, for Isaiah and contem-
porary prophets had still often to preach against the
same errors and the same sins. The nobles could
not easily be converted; they scorned and scoffed at
the threats of an awful future. But Isaiah’s pow-
erful words have not been spoken in vain; they have
influenced people to whom they were not addressed ;
they have been heard in distant lands, among distant
nations, and in remote days. Isaiah did not con-
tent himself with inveighing against sin; he depicted
a moral ideal, through the realisation of which men
would find happiness and contentment. “The king
shall rule with justice, and cause the princes to govern
according to right.” “The king shall not judge after
the sight of his eyes, and shall not decide after the
hearing of his ears.” Isaiah treated with great con-
tempt the hypocrisy which praises God with the lips
whilst the heart is far from Him. He scorned still more
the offering of sacrifices combined with baseness of
thought and wickedness of deed. (Isaiah xxix. 13;
i, TI-14.
Isaiah ae to have used other means besides
soul-stirr'ng sermons, in order to heal the moral
and religious ills of Judah. Adopting the measures
of Elijah and Samuel, he assembled around him-
self those who shared his principles, or instructed
young men and imbued them with his spirit. From
among those who had suffered from the injustice and
tyranny of the nobles of Judah, he drew into his circle
the thoughtful and susceptible, who became at once
his disciples and his children. He did not instil into
them impatient and impetuous zeal, but he impressed
on them the virtues of gentleness, patience, and entire
resignation to God. lhe members of the circle which
he had collected around him were called the “ gentle
ones,” or “the sufferers of the land” (Anavim,
Anve-Arez). They were mostly either of poor family,
or impoverished through the depredations of the
nobles. They called themselves or. were called “ the
poor” (Dallim, Ebionim). From Isaiah they learnt —
not to complain of poverty and spoliation, but to bear
suffering and wrong with faith in God and His dis-
pensations. These “gentle ones” formed a special
community, to which they devoted all their heart and
mind, and to which Isaiah and his successors looked
forward as the national core and substance. They
were expected to regenerate and purify the entire
people. These poor Anavim were to become the
popular models of virtue. The light shed by these
great prophets cast beneficent rays around; germs
of thought, which lay hidden in the teachings of Sinai,
came to light, and the spiritual rulership of the nation
became established through them. Isaiah, therefore,
forms a turning point in the national history of the
people of Israel, as Samuel and, in a lesser degree,
Elijah had done before him. Isaiah’s prophetic view
was not confined to his nation and country ; it passed
beyond these boundaries to the two great states of
Egypt and Assyria, which, like great cloud-masses,
were soon to cast their electric flashes over Israel
and Judah.
Another prophet, named Zechariah, son of Bere-
chiah, rose up against the continued perversions of —
the times. This prophet’s oratory could not compare
with the fiery and graceful eloquence of his contem-
porary, Isaiah. He is wanting in power and contin-
uity; he does not let thought follow thought in logical
sequence, but passes without any perspicuous con-
nection from one subject to another. The language
of Zechariah, too, is poetically tinted and not without
symmetry, but it lacks the scansion and other forms
of poetry.. Zechariah frequently employs the meta-
phor of shepherd and flock, which he applies to the ©
relation between king and people. He unrolls the
picture of a glorious future, in order to lift the people
up above the dispiriting present. He predicts that
the neighbouring nations, who were hostile to Israel, :
—the Aramzans, Tyrians, and even the Philistines—
would acknowledge the God of Israel, and would be
accepted as His children, when they have laid aside
their evil deeds and their false pride. He also
prophesies that God would make peace between the
house of Judah and the house of Ephraim, and that
He would bring back their exiles. Even though He
had dispersed them amongst the nations, they would
remember Him in their banishment, and return to
Him with their children. - The pride of Assyria would
be humbled, the Egyptian rod be stayed. This dec-
laration closed with the prospect that of the entire
nation only a third should survive; but even this
remnant would have to pass through the refining
crucible of trials in order to become worthy of its
mission as the people of God. Zechariah made
special allusions to Pekah, king of Israel, as the
“false shepherd,” who had treated his flock more
ruthlessly than his predecessors. He relates how
God appointed a shepherd over His people, and gave
him two staves—one named “ Mercy,” and the other
“Concord.” But the nation had rejected God, and
therefore it had been rejected by God, who broke
the staff of mercy, and annulled the covenant He had
made with all the tribes of Israel; and now He wore
break the second staff, the << staff of Concord,”
annul the friendship between the tribes of Israel Feel
Judah. God had placed over them a foolish shep-
herd. who did not seek for the lambs that are lost—
who did not heal the wounded, and who devoured
the flesh of the healthy ones. The nation, it is true,
deserved no better guide; nevertheless, the shepherd
who had thus deserted his flock would surely i incur
the chastisement ot God.
The Reign of Ahaz—His Character—Alliance between Pekah and
Rezin—Tiglath-Pileser and Assyria—Ahaz seeks Assyrian Aid—
Isaiah’s Opposition—Defeat of Pekah and Rezin—Introduction
of Assyrian Worship—Human Sacrifices—The Second Micah—
Samaria after Pekah’s Death—Assyria and Egypt—Hoshea—
Samaria taken by Shalmaneser—The Exile—Hezekiah—His
Early Measures—His Weakness of Character—Isaiah’s Efforts
to Restrain Hezekiah from War with Assyria—Arrangements for
the Defence—Change of Policy—Isaiah Predicts the Deliverance
—Micah—Rabshakeh’s Embassy—Hezekiah’s Defiance—His
Illness and Recovery—The Destruction of Sennacherib’s Army
—Merodach-baladan—Hezekiah’s Rule—The Psalmists—Death
of Hezekiah.
739—696 B. C. E.
Tue bond of union which connected Judah and Israel,
under Uzziah and Jotham, was snapped asunder on
the death of the latter, and dissensions filled all
minds. The cause of this can only be conjectured.
The new king of Judah, Ahaz (739-725), who
ascended the throne in his twenty-fifth year, was a
weakling, with confused ideas, and by no means
equal to his dangerous position. Important political
complications occurred during his reign, in the meshes
of which he became hopelessly entangled. Shortly
after his accession to the throne he had to decide a
question of great import, namely, whether or not to
join the alliance formed by Pekah of Israel, Rezin,
king of Damascus, and other less important con-
federates. This alliance was formed to meet a two-
fold danger. On the one side was Egypt, which
had become powerful under King Sabako, and on
the other side Assyria, which was also governed by
a king ambitious of conquest, whose strong hand had
reduced to subjection the refractory tributary states.
After the death of King Pul, the last descendant
of the royal house of the Derketades, an energetic
king ascended the throne of Assyria, who not only
reunited the crumbling kingdom, but gave it still
greater power and extent; this was Jiglath-Pileser.
After capturing and destroying the fortresses of
Mesopotamia, he turned towards the countries west-
ward from the Euphrates and in the neighbourhood of
Lebanon. He wished to complete the annexation
of the kingdoms which Pul had subjugated. In
order to oppose the Assyrian conqueror, Rezin, king
of Aram-Damascus, formed an offensive and defensive
alliance with Pekah, and. was desirous of securing the
co-operation of Ahaz. When the latter refused to
join them, the two kings, united, it appears, with the
Philistines and other neighbouring nations, prepared
an attack upon Judah.
The report of this plan occasioned great alarm in
the house of David, and Ahaz then had recourse to.
a fatal step. He sent secret messengers to the
Assyrian king, Tiglath-Pileser, and asked him for
help against his enemies. At the same time he
offered himself as a vassal, and his land as an Assy-
rian province. ‘This step might bring him momentary
help, but could only endanger the whole future.
Isaiah, with his prophetic insight, looked far into
the future, and warned the king against acting
rashly. Accompanied by his son Shear Jashub, he
went to Ahaz, to the spot near the lake where he
' was supervising the work of fortification. He first
tried to reassure the king in clear, yet eloquent
language (Isaiah vii. 3-9). He then pointed out the
evils which would result from an alliance with the
Assyrian king (Ib. 17-25). From the near future,
however, Isaiah’s prophetic vision turned to more
distant days. He sees the land, overrun by the
Assyrian army, turned into a field of thorns and
thistles, and dwells particularly on the devastation of
the mountains covered with noble vineyards, which had
(From Layard, ‘‘Monuments of Nineveh.’’)
(From Layard, ““Monuments of Nineveh.’’)
become the cause of revelry and dissipation. Only
the pasture lands were to remain, and every man
would have to content himself with a young bull and
two sheep; but the land would once more flow with
milk and honey, sufficient for the needs of the rem-
nant of the nation (Shear-Jashub).
Isaiah then reverted to the present time. He
related how instructions had come to him to write in
large letters in popular writ, “Quick booty, hasty
plunder” (Maher Shalal, Chash Baz). He was to
take the priest Uriah and the prophet Zechariah, the
son of Berachiah, as witnesses to confirm his prophecy.
Furthermore, when his wife, the prophetess, had
borne to him a son, he had, in prophetic inspiration,
bestowed on him the significant name of Maher-
Shalal-Chash-Baz, as a sign of the foreboding, “ Be-
fore the new-born son of the prophet shall have
knowledge to call Father and Mother, the land of
Damascus and the possessions of Samaria will be
carried off by the king of Assyria.” Isaiah then
declaimed against the traitorous party which was
secretly allied with the enemy (Ib. vill. 5-8).
Ahaz. however, remained deaf to all these predic-
tions. He had more confidence in Tiglath-Pileser
than in the God of Israel, and thus fate took its
course. No sooner did the news reach the Assyrian
king that various nations and princes had formed an
alliance against him, than he invaded their lands.
Rezin consequently had to raise the siege of Jeru-
salem, and hurry to the defence of his country.
Pekah also had to think of his own safety, and
Jerusalem was for the moment safe from both of the
hostile kings.
The latter could no longer avert the consequences
of the steps they had taken. Tiglath-Pileser first
besieged Damascus, captured it, took Rezin prisoner,
and slew him. From Damascus the victor proceeded
against the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, conquered
the fastnesses of the mountain lands and of the mari-
time as well as the Jordanic districts. Pekah does
not appear even to have attempted any opposition,
but to have submitted without resistance. ‘liglath-
Pileser therefore spared his life, but he carried off the
inhabitants of the northern cities and those of the
other side of the Jordan as prisoners (738). He dis-
tributed them in various districts of the great Assy-
rian empire. Thus the kingdom of Israel was de-
prived of half its land and half its inhabitants. Its
boundary on the north barely reached Mount Tabor,
and this remnant became an appendage to the Assy-
rian kingdom, bound to pay a yearly tribute and
gifts of allegiance. Great,no doubt, was the discon-
tent felt against Pekah, who had incurred these mis-
fortunes through his cowardice; he was the foolish
shepherd who had deserted his flock. ‘This discon-
tent ended in a conspiracy against him. Hoshea, the
son of Elah, headed the plot, and killed Pekah (736),
after he had ruled for two decades, and brought down
misfortunes on his country.
An important change also occurred at this period
in the kingdom of Judah. Ahaz, in his timidity, had
made himself the vassal of the king of Assyria, and
had, therefore, to pay homage to Tiglath-Pileser.
Instead of feeling humiliated, he was seized with
admiration for the Assyrian customs, and determined
to imitate them in his own country. He introduced
the worship of the sun and stars in Jerusalem. ‘The
image of the sun-god was erected probably at the
entrance of the Temple, and horses and chariots were
dedicated to him. Ahaz outvied the king of Israel
in idolatry. Other Assyrian influences made them-
selves felt in Judah. The Assyrian language, which
closely resembles that of the Aramzans, was spoken
by the courtiers to facilitate communication with their
sovereign lord. Ahaz went beyond all bounds in
his love of imitation. Once, when a misfortune befell
him, he determined to sacrifice his own soninhonour |
of Moloch, this cruel rite being part of the Assyrian
creed. In the beautiful vale of Hinnom, or Ben
Hinnom, at the southern extension of the valley of
Kidron, where the spring of Siloah and other brooklets
produce a magnificent vegetation, a fre-altar was
erected. There, Ahaz, regardless of the _heart-
rending lamentations of his son, sacrificed the inno-
cent child.
The example of Ahaz was, as a matter of course,
not without influence on others. The nobles of
Judah, who had a decided preference for all that was
foreign, because it allowed full sway to their passions,
gladly welcomed this adoption of Assyrian customs.
Favoured by the weakness of King Ahaz, they
could indulge in sensual pleasures, and continue
their acts of injustice towards the nation. The
priests were also infected by the bad example.
From motives either of selfishness or of fear, they
passed over with silence, and even favoured the evil
deeds of the king and the nobles. They preached for
hire according to the wishes of the mighty nobles.
One of these depraved priests appears to have
asserted that the sacrifice of the first-born was not
displeasing to the God of Israel, but that such offer- _
ings were acceptable to Him. The law of Moses
which commanded the first-born to be sanctified to
the Lord, was explained as an order to surrender
them to the fire. Happily, there yet remained rep-
resentatives of the ancient law in its purity, who
raised their voices in powerful and eloquent protest
against these crimes and depravities. A younger
prophet of that time laid his finger on the gaping
wound, and not only called the degeneracy by
the right name, but also pointed out the source
whence it had arisen. ‘The second Micah of More-
sheth, probably one of the disciples of Isaiah, shared
with him the arduous task of appealing to the hearts |
of the sinners, and of making clear to them the
indispensable results of their evil-doings. He prob-
ably took up his dwelling-place in Jerusalem, but
knowing the feelings prevalent in the country places
and villages, he paid more attention to them that
did the other prophets.
In a speech uttered in the time of King Ahaz,
Micah laid bare the prevalent religious and moral
evils, and especially declaimed against human sacri-
fices (Micah vi.). Notwithstanding all this, the evil
spread further, and also attacked the healthy por-
tions of the nation. False prophets, speaking in the
name of the Lord, arose, who advocated crimes and
vices in order to flatter the men in power. These
false prophets spoke with eloquence—they pretended
to have had visions; they employed the prophetic
mode of speech, and by these means brought about
a terrible confusion of ideas. ‘The nation was bewil-
dered, and knew not which to believe—its critics
and censors, or its adulators and encomiasts. ‘These
evil days under King Ahaz were even more baneful
than the six years of Athalia’s government; they
witnessed a king trampling the ancient law under
foot, and introducing idolatry with its concomitant
immorality and contempt of justice, nobles allow-
ing their passions untrammelled license, and false
prophets daring to speak in defence of those mis-
deeds, while the prophets of truth and justice were
But in the meantime political events took their
course and gave rise to fresh complications. In
the kingdom of Samaria, which since its separation
from the eastern and northern districts, could no
longer be called the kingdom of the Ten Tribes,
wrongdoing and short-sightedness continued to pre-
vail. The wounds inflicted by the Assyrians had not
crushed the pride and selfishness of those in power.
Defying the misery of the present, they said: « Dwell-
ings of brick have fallen in; we will erect buildings
of stone. Sycamores have been hewn down; well,
let us plant cedars instead.” In_ their drunken
carousals the Ephraimitish nobles failed to perceive
that the defeats which their country had suffered,
unless followed by a manly revival of energies,
were only the prelude to their complete destruction.
In addition to this short-sightedness, or perhaps in
consequence of it, anarchy set in. After Pekah’s
death at the hands of Hoshea, the ringleader of the
conspirators, nine years elapsed,during which no king
could maintain himself in power. Hoshea appears at
first to have refused the crown of thorns, and there
was no one else who could lay claim to sovereignty.
From the time of Pul’s interference with the Lebanon
affairs and the destruction of the Aramzan kingdom
by Tiglath-Pileser, war between Egypt and Assyria
had become inevitable. The two empires, on the
Nile and on the Tigris, watched each other suspic-
iously, and prepared themselves for the final contest,
through diplomatic movements and counter-move-
ments, in which each endeavoured to strengthen itself
and weaken the enemy by the acquisition of allies.
Meanwhile the doom of Samaria was ripe for
fulfilment. Was it from a knowledge of their
weakness, or-only a thoughtless whim, that her
nobles finally recognised Hoshea the son of Elah,
the murderer of King Pekah, as their king? This
last king of Samaria (727-719) was better, or rather
less bad than his predecessors. He was also war-
like; yet he was unable to avert the impending
destruction, He appears to have secretly entered
into connections with Egypt, which continually duped
him with false promises. At this time a warrior-
king of Assyria, Shalmaneser, proceeded against
Elulai, king of Tyre and Pheenicia, and subdued him.
The Tyrian kingdom was not able to offer any re-
sistance. On this occasion Shalmaneser directed his
plans also against Samaria. Hoshea did not await
his coming, but went to meet him, offering surrender
and gifts of allegiance. But no sooner had the
Assyrian king withdrawn than conspiracies were or-
ganised against him. Hoshea commenced the se-
cession by withdrawing the yearly tribute, and Phe-
nicia followed suit. |
Shalmaneser thereupon collected his troops, and
crossing the Euphrates and Lebanon, proceeded first
against the Phoenicians. At his approach, the na-
tions lost all hope of liberty. ‘he Phoenician towns
of Zidon, Acre, and even the ancient capital of Tyre,
surrendered, probably without attempting resistance.
From Acre, Shalmaneser advanced to the Samaritan
kingdom by way of the plain of Jezreel. The in-
habitants of the Israelitish towns either submitted to
the mighty king or fled to the capital. Hoshea, un-
daunted by all these defections, continued his oppo-
sition, though, as it appears, the expeeted or promised
help from Egypt was withheld. The capital, Samaria,
which lay on a hill-top, could, if properly in-
trenched, hold out for some time. Meanwhile, Hoshea
and the inhabitants of Samaria hoped for some un-
looked-for event which might compel Shalmaneser
to retreat. The walls, towers, and battlements of
Samaria were therefore fortified, and rendered capa-
ble of defence; provisions and water supplies were
also collected, and all the preparations needed for
the defence of a besieged city were made. But the
Assyrians were masters in the art of attacking and
capturing fortified cities. ‘The attack and the defence
must have been carried on with great energy and
endurance, for the siege of Samaria lasted nearly three "
years (from the summer of 721 till the summer of 719).
But all the exertions, the courage and the patience
of the besieged proved fruitless. The capital of the
kingdom of the Ten Tribes, after an existence of
two hundred years, was taken by storm. The last
king of that state, Hoshea, though he was probably
caught fighting, was mercifully treated by his con-
queror. He was stripped of his dignities, and kept
in prison for the rest of his life. No pen has noted
how many thousands perished in this last contest of
the kingdom of Israel, or how many were carried off
into banishment. So estranged was that kingdom
from those who recorded the memorials of the Is-
raelitish nation, that they devoted but few words to
its decline. No lament resounded, as though the
sad fate of the nation was a matter of indifference to
the poets. The prediction of the prophets had been
fulfilled. Ephraim was no more; the idols of Dan,
Samaria, and other cities, wandered away to Nine-
veh, and prisoners in thousands were carried off and
dispersed. They were sent to colonise the thinly-
populated territories—the position of which is not
precisely known—in Halah and Habor, on the river
Gozan, and in the towns of mountainous Media.
The kingdom of the Ten Tribes, or Israel, had ex-
isted for two centuries and a half; twenty kings had
ruled over it; but in one day it disappeared, leaving
no trace behind. Alienated from the source of
its existence through the obstinacy of Ephraim,
which disregarded the Law and its influences on
national morality, liberty and political strength, it had
fallen into idolatry and its attendant vices. The
country vomited out the Ten Tribes, as it had
vomited out the Canaanitish tribes. What has be-
come of them? They have been looked for and be-
lieved to have been discovered in the distant East
as well as the far West. Cheats and dreamers have
claimed to be descended from them. But there can
be no doubt that the Ten Tribes have been irretriev-
ably lost among the nations. A few of them, such
as agriculturists, vine-dressers, and shepherds may
have remained in the country, and some, especially
such as lived near the borders of Judah, may have
taken refuge in that country. |
Thus the diseased lirnb, which had infected and
paralyzed the entire body of the nation, was cut off
and rendered harmless. The tribe of Ephraim,
which on its first entry into the country had caused
national disintegration through its selfishness, and
which later on, owing to its haughtiness and self-
seeking, brought on the weakening and final destruc-
tion of a kingdom once occupying the position of an
empire, was now lamenting in exile. “ Thou hast
chastised me, and I was chastised as an untamed
calf. I was ashamed, yea, I am confounded, be-
cause I bear the disgrace of my youth.” (Jeremiah
xxxi. 17, 18.) The body of the nation seemed to
be healthier and more at ease after the removal
of its unruly member. The tribes of Judah and
Benjamin, with their dependencies of Simeon and —
Levi, which, since the downfall of the Ten Tribes,
formed the people of Israel, or the “remnant of
Israel,” now rose to new power and developed
fresh splendour. The destruction of Samaria, stun-
ning as it was in its immediate effect on the remnant
of the nation, served also a salutary purpose, inas-
much as, for the moment at least, it induced the
people to put aside the follies and sins which had
contributed also to their degeneration and weak-
ness. lhe people and the nobles were now no
longer deaf to the exhortations. of the prophets;
Isaiah’s prediction to erring Samaria—that “the
crown of pride on the head of the fat valley of the
drunkards of Ephraim would be as an early ripe
fig which is hastily devoured,” (Isaiah xxviii. 1-4)—
being fulfilled, they could no longer refuse him a
hearing. How little was wanting, and Jerusalem
had shared the fate of Samaria! Its existence
depended on a whim of the Assyrian conqueror.
In Jerusalem the fear of national overthrow begot hu-
mility, and a desire to listen to the words of those
who would lead them in the right path.
Fortunately a king now occupied the throne, the
like of whom had not been known since the time of
David. Hezekiah (724-696), the son of Ahaz, was
the very opposite of his father. His gentle, poetical
soul was filled with an ideal, which hé beheld in his
people’s own law, in its ancient statutes and traditions.
With the same eagerness with which his father had
paid homage to foreign usages, Hezekiah was intent
on the restoration of pristine Judzean morals, and the
purification of religious conceptions and institutions.
He accepted the Torah as the guide of his own life
and of that of his nation. His were not only the vir-
tues of justice, generosity and high-mindedness, but
also those distinctions of character, which as a rule
are foreign to crowned heads, gentleness, modesty,
and humility, adorned him. He possessed that deep
piety and pure fear of God which are as rarely met
with as artistic perfection or military genius.
Did the prophets early recognise this nobility of
‘soul and heart in the young prince? Or did their
power of vision enable them to foresee the accession
of a king on David’s throne who would adorn it?
Or was it through their early teaching and guidance
that he grew up to become the ideal king that he
was? Nevertheless it is a fact that two prophets
predicted great and promising things of Hezekiah
while he was still in his boyhood.
During Ahaz’s misrule, the prophets and that circle
of «the Gentle” who composed the kernel and heart
of the nation of Israel, turned their attention to the
young prince, from whom they expected the restora-
tion of the golden age enjoyed during the glorious
days of David. Hezekiah had witnessed the sins of
his father with pain, and bore testimony to the aver-
sion he felt for them immediately after his father's
death, inasmuch as he did not bury him in the hered-
itary sepulchre of the house of David, butin a specially
prepared tomb. Hezekiah expressed his convictions
in a psalm composed on his accession to the throne,
which may be considered a manifesto. (Ps. ci.)
Hezekiah’s reign, rich as it was in the manifestation
of great virtues, in events of great import and in
poetical creations, might have become a golden age
had it not been that his wishes and plans were
opposed by a barrier which he found it impossible
to break down. Royalty had long ceased to have
sole power in Judah. The overseer or superinten-
dent of the palace (Sochen) had full power over the
army and the officers of the court. He kept the
king like a prisoner in his own apartments. In
Hezekiah’s time, the superintendent Shebna behaved
as though he were the possessor of the throne and
of sovereign power. In the beginning of his reign,
however, the courtiers and those who were in office
as judges or otherwise, not knowing his character or
force of will, gave the young king free scope. During
this time Hezekiah could carry his good resolves
into effect, and in part introduce innovations, such
as removing the idols, restoring the unity of wor-
ship, and dismissing the most unworthy of the
courtiers from the palace and filling their places
with more deserving men.
But it was no slight task to remove the accumulated
evils of idolatry and long-continued immorality. The
Temple was deserted, and the country was filled with
idols and altars. Hezekiah reopened the sanctuary,
and restored it to its former dignity. In order to root
out the evils of idolatry, he ordained that altars should
be no longer erected on the mountains and heights,
not even for the worship of the God of Israel, but that
all who felt a desire to show Him honour should
repair to Jerusalem. This precaution appeared to
many as a hardship and an infringement on ancient
customs. But Hezekiah felt that he dared not
spare local predilections if he wished to ensure a
purification of the popular religion. When the
spring festival approached, he commanded that the
paschal lamb, which had hitherto been sacrificed on
private altars, should be offered in the sanctuary at
Jerusalem only. He, however, postponed the cele-
bration of the feast from the usual month to the one
following, probably because the season was not
sufficiently advanced. -Meanwhile the courtiers did
not mean to leave the king to his own devices in his
government. The inspector of the palace—Shebna— .
appears to have gradually wrested all power from
him. Hezekiah was a poet, an idealist, weak and
yielding, and possessed of but little firmness of will.
Men with such a disposition can easily be led, and
even kings will submit to a strong mind, Shal-
maneser’s invasion of Tyre and Samaria, which
occurred in the first year of Hezekiah’s reign, natur-
ally aroused great alarm and fear at Jerusalem and
at the court. It was necessary to take a firm
decision—either to join the allies, or to offer the
Assyrian monarch pledges of loyalty. Hezekiah,
from his peculiar character and mode of thought,
was wavering as to the course he should take. Was
it honourable to desert his fellow-tribesmen, who
were bleeding to death under the three years’ inva-
sion of Samaria, and: who, if conquered, could only
have a most dismal fate? On the other hand, was it
prudent to expose himself to the anger of the great
monarch? Hezekiah was perhaps glad that Shebna
and his ministers relieved him of the trouble of
In consequence of this want of harmony amongst
the highest authorities of the country, Hezekiah’s gov-
ernment appears full of contrasts—high-mindedness
and meanness, moral improvement and degradation,
pure faith in God and dependence on foreign aid;
the king an ideal of justice, and his capital full of
murderers. Not even in effecting the banishment
of idolatry was Hezekiah successful. lhe nobles
retained their silver and golden idols, and worshipped
the handiwork of man; in their gardens remained the
statues of Astarte under the thickly-laden terebinth
trees, planted for idolatrous purposes. ‘This internal
double policy, due to the powerlessness of the king
and the obstinacy of the palace inspector and the
nobles, exercised a bad influence on the foreign
relations of the government. The Judzan states-
men, after the fall of Samaria, followed a course of
politics which would have been more wise and more
honourable if it had been resolved upon earlier. They
adopted the plan of breaking with Assyria and uniting
themselves with Egypt. [hey took the same measures
that Samaria had pursued a decadeago. [hey courted
the aid of Egypt in order to obtain, if not an army,
yet a sufficient number of horses to resist Assyria.
The plan of rebelling against the sovereign power
of Assyria was naturally developed in secret, for the
premature report of their intentions might have led
to great misfortunes. But, however secret their
undertakings, the Judzean statesmen could not keep
them concealed from public notice. ‘They could not
escape Isaiah’s prophetic vision, and he exerted all his
eloquence, in order, if possible, to prevent their rash
proceedings. His most glorious, most thrilling
speeches were made. at this time of public anxiety.
All the weapons of prophetic oratory—description of
the threatening evils, scorn of the blindness of the
leaders, and exhortations and cheering prospects for
the future—all these he employed in order to win
his obstinate countrymen from their undertakings.
The most beautiful figures and most striking meta-
phors, the most touching thoughts dropped: from
his lips in powerful eloquence. Isaiah’s advice was
that Judah should remain neutral in the hot con-
test which was about to break out between Assyria
and Egypt.
Meanwhile matters took their course regardless of
Isaiah’s exhortations and advice. King Hezekiah
(for all steps were taken in his name) gave up his
allegiance to the Assyrians; at least, he no longer
sent tributary offerings to Nineveh, and the only result
which could be expected followed. King Sennacherib
collected a large army, with the intention of making
an onslaught upon Judah as well as upon Egypt.
Having subdued the intermediate lands of Aram,
Phoenicia, Samaria and Philistia, the road to Egypt
' was paved and the obstacles in the way of direct at-
tack removed. Judah prepared for defence. Her
generals, feeling themselves too weak for open
warfare, determined to. occupy the mountain fast-
nesses, and hoped to check the progress of the As-
syrian troops until the arrival of their Egyptian
allies. Jerusalem was fortified with especial care.
The weak parts of the wall were repaired, the wall
itself raised, and those houses which had been built
too near the wall in consequence of the extension of
the city, were pulled down. Around the old fortifica-
tions of the town of David (Zion) and the lower
town (Millo) a new outer wall, strengthened by
towers, was erected. The upper lake, which was fed
by the spring of Gihon, was closed up, and its water
was conducted into the town by means of a subter-
ranean canal. The aqueduct was also pulled down,
in order to cut off the water supply of the enemy,
and thus to make a protracted siege infeasible. The
armoury, “the House of the Forest of Lebanon,”
was provided with instruments of warfare.
Shebna, the lieutenant and inspector of the palace,
appears to have been the moving spirit in all these
arrangements. Both he and the princes of Judah,
with their adherents, were of good courage, and
without fear expected the advance of the Assyrians.
In fact, excessive wantonness ruled in Jerusalem;
the evenings were spent in feasting; people ate and.
drank and made merry. As though impatient of
the arrival of the enemy, they ascended the roofs of
the houses in order to espy them. Isaiah could not
allow such folly and daring to pass unreproved. In
an exhortation, every word of which was of crush-
ing force, he portrayed to the nation, or rather to
the nobles, their thoughtless confidence (Isaiah xxii.
1-14).—Turning towards Shebna, he exclaimed,
*« What hast thou here? and whom hast thou here
that thou hast hewn out for thyself a sepulchre?
. . - Behold, the Lord will thrust thee about with a
mighty throw,O man!... thou, disgrace of the
house of thy lord!” (Ib. 16-25).
This speech of Isaiah’s, directed .as it was against
the most powerful man in Jerusalem, could not but
have created a great sensation. It surely roused King
Hezekiah from his contemplative and passive atti-
tude, for soon after this we find Eliakim, son of Hil-
kiah, occupying the post which Shebna had so long
maintained. ‘This new superintendent of the palace
acted according to the advice of Isaiah, and Heze-
kiah, through his means, appears to have been
drawn into an active interest in public affairs. Sheb-
na’s fall initiated a change for the better. What had
been done could not, however, be undone. The As-
syrian monarch Sennacherib, filled with anger at
Hezekiah’s rebellion, was already on his way to
Judah in order to devastate it. A part of his army,
having crossed the Jordan, proceeded to the in-
terior of the country. All fortified ‘towns that lay
on the way were taken by storm and destroyed, and
the inhabitants fled weeping to the capital. ‘The
roads were laid desolate, no traveller could cross the
country, for the enemy respected: no man. The
bravest lost courage whilst the enemy came ever
nearer to the capital; their daring was changed to
despair. Every thought of resistance was aban-
doned. But when all despaired, the prophet Isaiah re-
mained steadfast, and inspired the faint-hearted with
courage. In one of the open places of Jerusalem he
delivered another of those orations, sublime in
thought and perfect in form, such as have never
flowed from other lips than his (Isaiah x. 5—xi. 10).
He predicted to Assyria the frustration of her plans,
and unrolled before Israel a glorious future which
was to follow their deliverance from the threatening
enemy. ‘The scattered would return from the lands
of their dispersion; the exiles of the Ten Tribes
would be re-united with Judah; jealousy and enmity
would appear no more; the miracles of the time of
the Exodus from Egypt would be repeated, and the
nation once more raise its voice in inspired hymns,
What marvellous strength of mind, what all-con-
quering faith in God, in the ultimate victory of
justice and the realisation of the ideal of everlasting
peace, amidst the terror, devastation, and despair,
and the deathlike gloom of the present!
Sennacherib had marched his troops (then pro-
ceeding to the attack on Egypt) through the Philis-
tine lowland southward without turning towards Jeru-
salem, while he himself put up his headquarters at
Lachish, which was one of the most important of the
provincial cities of Judah. He had no reason to be-
siege the town of Jerusalem, fortified as it was by
nature and human art. When the country was com-
pletely conquered, the capital would be forced to
surrender of itself. If this plan had succeeded, Jeru-
salem would have suffered a fate similar to that of
Samaria, and the few remaining tribes would have
been carried off into captivity and scattered abroad,
to be irretrievably lost amongst the various national-
ities. In spite of this hopeless prospect, Isaiah held
firm to the prediction that Judah would not fall. It
would suffer under the dominion of Sennacherib, but
these very sufferings would tend to the reformation
of a part of the nation, if not of the whole of it.
Isaiah was not the only prophet who, at this day
of oppression and imminent destruction, held aloft
the banner of hope, and predicted a glorious future
for Israel, in which all the nations of the earth
would take part. Micah spoke in a similar strain,
though his speeches were not so artistic or striking.
But amidst the din of battle he spoke yet more
decidedly than Isaiah of the everlasting peace of the
world, and thus endeavoured to raise the fallen
hopes of Jerusalem (Micah iv.—v.).
The actual present, however, formed a striking
contrast to Isaiah’s and Micah’s high-soaring predic-
tions of a most brilliant and noble future. King
Hezekiah, seeing the distress of Jerusalem resulting
from the subjection and devastation of the country,
sent messengers to Sennacherib in Lachish, to ask
pardon for his rebellion and give assurances of his
submission. The Assyrian king demanded in the
first place the immense sum of 300 khikars (talents)
of silver, and 30 khikars of gold. Hezekiah suc-
ceeded in collecting this sum, but he did it with a
heavy heart, for he found himself obliged to remove
the golden ornaments which adorned the temple.
When Sennacherib had received this sum, he de-
manded more—unconditional surrender. In ordér
to add weight to his demand, he sent a division
of his army to Jerusalem. This detachment was
stationed to the north-east of the city on the way
to the upper lake, and made preparations for a
siege. Before beginning it, however, the Assyrians
summoned King Hezekiah to an interview. Rab-
shakeh, one of the Assyrian officials, representing
Sennacherib, spoke with as much disdain as if the
conquest of Jerusalem were as easy as robbing a
bird’s nest. The Judzean warriors stationed on the
outer wall waited with great anxiety for the result of
the interview. In order to daunt their courage,
Rab-shakeh uttered his bold and daring speech in
the Hebrew or Judzan tongue, in order that the
listeners might understand him. When Hezekiah’s
officers requested Rab-shakeh to address them rather
in the Aramzean language, he replied that he desired to
speak in their own language, so that the warriors on
the outer wall might understand him, and be disabused
of Hezekiah’s delusion. In order to win them to his
side, Rab-shakeh called aloud to them that they should
not be persuaded by Hezekiah into the belief that
God would save them. Were the gods of those
countries subdued by the Assyrians able to save their
people? Nor had the God of Israel been able even
to rescue Samaria from the king of Assyria. Rab-
shakeh openly demanded of the Judzean warriors
that they should desert their king and acknowledge
Sennacherib, and he would then lead them into a
land as fruitful as that of Judah. The people and the
warriors silently listened to those words. But when
they became known in Jerusalem, they spread fear
and consternation amongst all classés of the inhab-
itants. Hezekiah, therefore, appointed a fast anda
penitent procession to the Temple, to which he him-
self repaired in mourning garments. Isaiah made use
of this opportunity in order to appeal to the blinded
princes of Judah, whose danger could not wean
them from sin, and to impress on them that mere
outward piety, such as sacrifices and fasts, was of
no avail (Isaiah i.). The address he gave could
not but have a crushing effect. Safety and rescue,
said the prophet, could only be brought about by
a thorough moral regeneration; but how could
this be effected in a moment? Rab-shakeh insisted
on a decision, and the troops as well as the na-
tion were disheartened. What if, in order to save
their lives they opened the gates and admitted the
enemy? All eyes were, therefore, turned on the
prophet Isaiah. The king sent the highest digni-
taries and the elders of the priests to him, that he
might pray in behalf of the unworthy nation, and
speak a word of comfort to the remnant of the people
that was crowded together in Jerusalem. Isaiah's
message was brief but reassuring. He exhorted the
king to throw off his terror of the scornful victor, and
predicted that Sennacherib, scared by some report,
would raise the siege and return to his own country.
This announcement appears to have pacified not
only the king, but also the terror-stricken nation.
Hezekiah then sent to Rab-shakeh a reply for which
the latter was unprepared. He refused to surrender.
How exasperated the great sovereign must have
been when Rab-shakeh reported to him the decision
‘of Hezekiah! A petty prince, who had nothing left
to him but his capital, had dared defy him! He
immediately sent a messenger with a letter to Heze-
kiah, in which he gave utterance to his contempt for
the little state and for the God in whom Hezekiah
trusted. He enumerated therein the fortresses which
had been subdued by the Assyrians: “ Have their
gods been able to save them, and dost thou hope that
confidence in thy God will save thee ?”
The reply to this blasphemous epistle was dictated
by Isaiah. In it he predicted that Sennacherib would
return to his country in abject defeat, for God was
not willing to give up the city. Before Rab-shakeh
could bring the answer to Sennacherib, a change
had already taken place. Tirhakah, the Ethiopian
king of Egypt, who desired to prevent the advance
of the Assyrians, went to meet them with a large
army. Hearing of the advance of the Egyptian and
Ethiopian troops, Sennacherib left his encampment
in Lachish, collected his scattered forces, and pro-
ceeded southward as far as the Egyptian frontier
town, Pelusium, which he besieged.
Hezekiah’s despair at Sennacherib’s blasphemous
letter was calmed by Isaiah’s prediction that the
land would indeed suffer want in this and in the
coming year, but after this it would once more regain
its fertility; ‘yea, the remnant of Judah would again
strike its root downward, and bear fruit upward, and
this revival would proceed from Jerusalem; but
Sennacherib would not be permitted to direct even
an arrow against Jerusalem.’ Whilst the king and
the nobles who believed in Isaiah’s prophecy, gave
themselves up to hope, looking upon the departure
of the besieging troops from before Jerusalem as the
beginning of the realisation of the prophetic predic-
tion, an event occurred which roused fresh terror in
Jerusalem. Hezekiah was afflicted with a virulent
tumour, and was in such imminent danger that even
Isaiah advised him to put his house in order and
arrange for the succession, as he would not recover
from his sickness. The death of the king, without
heirs, in this stormy time, would have been a signal
for disunion among the princes of Judah, and would
have occasioned a civil-war in the distressed capital.
The nation was strongly attached to its gentle and
noble king He was the very breath of its life ; and
the prospect of losing him made him doubly dear to
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. At this sorrowful pre-
diction, Hezekiah, lying on his sick bed, turned his
face to the wall, and tearfully prayed to God. Then
Isaiah announced to him that his prayers had been
heard, that God would send him health, and that on
the third day he would repair to the Temple. By
the application of soft figs the ulcer disappeared, and
he became well again. On his recovery the king
composed a heartfelt psalm of praise, which was
probably sung inthe Temple. (Isaiah xxxvili. 10-20.)
The recovery of the king caused great rejoicing in
Jerusalem; but it was not unmixed. Doubt and
anxiety were still felt in the capital so long as Sen-
nacherib’s contest with Egypt remained unended.
If he were victorious, the thrones of Judah and David
would be lost. How long this war and the siege of
Pelusium lasted is not certain. Suddenly the joyful
news reached Jerusalem that Sennacherib with the
remainder of his army was returning in hot haste to
his country (711). What had happened to the
numerous host? Nothing definite was known, and
the scene of action lay far away. In Jerusalem it
was related that a devouring pestilence or the Angel
of Death had destroyed the entire Assyrian host,
185,000 men. In Egypt, the priests related that a
numberless swarm of field-mice had gnawed to pieces
the quivers, bows, and trappings of the army till they
were useless, and that the soldiers, deprived of their
weapons, were obliged to take to flight. Whatever
-may have caused the destruction of the mighty host
of Sennacherib, his contemporaries appear to have
considered it as a miracle, and as a punishment sent
to the Assyrian king for his pride and blasphemy.
In Jerusalem the joy following on anxiety was in-
creased by the fact that the prophet had repeatedly
and, from the very commencement of the attack,
predicted that the Assyrians would not cast one
arrow against Jerusalem, and that Sennacherib would
return on the way by which he had come without
having effected his intentions.
The exultation over their deliverance found vent
in the hymns—beautiful in form and thought—
which were composed by the Korahite Levites, and
sung in the Temple. (Psalms xlvi. and Ixxvi.)
Thus Jerusalem was delivered from the Assyrians.
Isaiah’s prediction that*Assur’s yoke shall be removed
from the shoulder of Judah” was fulfilled to the letter.
The inhabitants of the country, part of whom had been
shut up in the capital, and part of whom had fled for
refuge to the neighbouring hollows and caves, now
returned to their homes, and tilled the land in safety.
All fear of the frowning eye of the Assyrian king
having passed away, the Judzeans, whose territory was
but small, could now seek out other dwelling places
where they could settle down and spread. Heze-
kiah’s thoughts were not directed towards war; his
was the mission of a prince of peace. It appears that
the neighbouring people, indeed, called on him as an
arbiter in their disputes, and that fugitives and per-
secuted men sought protection with him. Although >
Judah could not be said to boast of victories under
Hezekiah, it yet attained to an important position
amongst the nations.
After the defeat of Sennacherib, a king from dis-
tant parts endeavoured to form an alliance with
Judah. The king of Babylon, Merodach-baladan
(Mardo-kempad), son of Baladan (721-710), sent
an embassy with letters and presents to Hezekiah,
ostensibly under the pretext of congratulating him
on his recovery, but doubtless in order to form
an alliance with him against their eqmmon foe.
Hezekiah being naturally gratified at this sign of
respect from a distant land, received the Baby-
lonian embassy with the customary honours, and
showed them his treasures. This manifestation of
joy and pride displeased Isaiah, who prophesied injury
to Judah from the land with which it was forming a
treaty. he king received the reproof of the prophet
with humility.
The fifteen years of Hezekiah’s reign after the
downfall of the Assyrian kingdom was a golden age
for the inner development of the remnant of Israel.
They could dwell without disturbance under their
~ vines and fig-trees. As in the days of David and
Solomon, strangers immigrated into the happy region
of Judah, where they were kindly received, and where
they attached themselves to the people of Israel.
The poor and the sorrow-stricken, the mourner and
the outcast were the objects of the king’ s special care.
He could now put into execution his heartfelt desire
‘to have the faithful of the land, the God-fearing and the
true, to dwell with him in his palace.’ The disciples of
Isaiah, imbued as they were with their master’s spirit,
were the friends and advisers of Hezekiah, and were
called “ Hezekiah’s people.”
The second part of Hezekiah’s reign was altogether
atime of happy inspiration for the poet. The fairest
blossoms of psalmody flourished at this period. Be-
sides songs of thanksgiving and holy hymns which
flowed from the lips of the Levites, probably written
for use in the Temple, half-secular songs were dedi-
cated in love and praise to King Hezekiah. On the
occasion of his marriage with a beautiful maiden,
whose charms had touched the king’s heart, one
of the Korahites composed a love-song. The two
kinds of poetry, the peculiar property of the Hebrew
people, which the literature of no other nation has
paralleled, the poetical and rhythmical expression of
prophetic eloquence and the psalm, reached their
culmination under Hezekiah. The Proverbs, . that
third branch of Hebrew poetry, were not only
collected, but also amplified by the poets of Hezekiah’s
Hezekiah ruled in quiet and peace until the end of
his days. ‘The defeat of Sennacherib had been so
complete that he could not think of undertaking
another expedition against Judah. Great joy was
felt when Sennacherib, who had hurled such proud
and blasphemous utterances at Israel’s God and
nation, was murdered by his own sons, Adrammelech
and (Nergal-) Sharezer, in the temple of one of the
Assyrian gods. Nothing is known of the last days
of Hezekiah (696). He was the last king whose
remains were interred in the royal mausoleum. ‘The
people, who were strongly attached to him, gave him
a magnificent burial. It appears that he left an only
son named Manasseh, whom his wife, Hephzi-bah,
had borne to him after the close of the Assyrian war.
Manasseh—Fanatical Hatred of Hezekiah’s Policy.—Assyrian Wor-
ship Introduced—The Anavim—Persecution of the Prophets—
Esarhaddon—The Colonisation of Samaria—Amon—Josiah—
Huldah and Zephaniah—Affairs in Assyria—Regeneration of
Judah under Josiah—Repairing of the Temple—Jeremiah—The
Book of Deuteronomy—Josiah’s Passover—Battle at Megiddo.
695—608 B. C. E.
Ir was not destined that the Judzan nation should
enjoy uninterrupted happiness for even a few
generations. Its strength was tried by rapid changes
from prosperity to misfortune. Close upon the
power and unity of the second half of Hezekiah’s
reign came weakness and disintegration; quiet and
peace were followed by wild disturbances, and the
spring-time of mental culture by a destructive drought.
It is true that no disasters of a political nature dis-
turbed the country under the rule of Hezekiah’s suc-
cessor, and what perils threatened the land from
abroad, soon passed over. But at home, unfortunate
circumstances arose which brought about a schism,
and thus led to lasting weakness. What can be worse
for a commonwealth than jealousy and hatred among
its members, and the antipathy of the rural popula-
tion to the capital? Such feelings arose under the
government of Hezekiah’s son, who, to the injury of
the land, reigned for more than half a century (695-
641). Manasseh’s youth was in part the cause of
this disaffection.
Under the sway of a boy of twelve, whose gov-
ernment lies in the hands of his servants, ambition,
avarice, and even worse passions are apt to rule, un-
less those in power are men of great moral worth,
whose patriotism surpasses their self-love. The
princes of the house of Judah had not, however, at-
tained to this moral height. They were, in fact, filled
with resentment at the neglect which they had suf-
fered during Hezekiah’s reign, and only anxious to
regain their former position, by removing the in-
truders and satisfying their vengeance. Courtiers
and officers now came into power who seemed to
find their chief occupation in reversing everything
which had been introduced under Hezekiah. he
order of things established by this king, whether it
be defined as a restoration or an innovation, rested
on the ancient Israelitish doctrines of the unity of
God, of His incorporeality, of a rejection of all
idolatry, and on a centralised worshtp.
It was the aim of the fanatics who stood at the
head of the government to overturn this system.
An idolatrous faction was formed, which was not
only influenced by force of habit, love of imitation,
or misdirected religious feeling, but also by passion-
ate hatred of all that appertained to. the ancient Is-
raelitish customs, and love for all that was foreign.
At the head of this party were the princes, under
whose influence and care the young king was placed.
Not long after Manasseh’s accession to the throne,
the nobles, who acted in the king’s name, proceeded
with the innovations which they had planned. Their
first step was to proclaim lawful the use of high
altars, which Hezekiah had so strongly reprobated.
They then introduced the wild orgies of idolatry
into Jerusalem and the Temple. Not only the
ancient Canaanitish, but also the Assyrian and Baby-
lonian modes of worship became customary at the
Temple, as if in scorn of the God of Israel. In the
courts of the Temple, altars were erected to Baal and
Astarte, and smaller altars on the roofs of houses
in honour of the five planets. In the. court of the
Temple, a large image (Ssemel), probably of the
Assyrian goddess Mylitta, was erected, as if to give
offence to the God ot Israel.
More pernicious even than this wild medley of
idolatry in itself, were its influences on morality.
The profligate temple-servants and_ priestesses
(IXedeshoth) of Astarte were provided with cells,
where they led a wild and dissolute life. The pyre
(Topheth) was once more raised in the beautiful vale
of Ben-Hinnom, where tender children were cast into
the fire as offerings to Moloch to avert calamity.
Everything was done to cause the memory of the
God of Israel to fall into oblivion. The faction of
idolaters persuaded themselves and others that God
had become powerless, and that He could neither
bring them good nor bad fortune. The desire of
imitation had no mean share in this religious and
moral perversion. Habit and compulsion exercised
on the disaffected soon spread the evil, which pro-
ceeded from the court and the prince till it extended
over the whole land. ‘The priests of the family of
Aaron were probably at first unwilling to participate
in this secession from the God of Israel. Idolatrous
priests (Khemarim) were therefore brought into the
country, who, as in the days of Jezebel and Athaliah,
were permitted to take part in the service of the
Temple. Nor were false prophets wanting to lend
their voices to these abominations. What cause,
however bad, if enjoying the favour of the great, has
not found eloquent tongues to shield, justify, or even
recommend it as the only true.and good one? This
state of things, if unopposed, would have led to the
utter oblivion of all the past, and to the destruction
of the nation which was to bring blessings to the
entire human race.
Happily there existed in Jerusalem a strong party
who respected the law so despised and scoffed at by
the court faction. These formed a striking contrast
to the representatives of idolatry, and were deter-
mined to seal their convictions even with their blood.
These “disciples of the Lord,” whom Isaiah had
taught and educated as his own children, were the
1 hy Fe a ee
herd = oe
long-suffering Anavim, small in numbers and low in
rank, whose determination, however, rendered them
a strong power. They may be called the Anavites
or prophetic party; they called themselves “ the com-
munity of the upright” (Sod Fescharim w’ Edah).
This community was subjected to many hard trials
through the change under Manasseh. The least of
their troubles was that the men whom Hezekiah tad
placed as judges and officers of state were turned
out of their positions by the court party, and that
Aaronides, of the family of Zadok. the high-priest,
-who refused to take part in the idolatrous worship,
were dismissed from the Temple, and deprived of
their incomes from sacrifices and gifts. Prophets
raised their voices in denunciation of these crimes,
and other members of this community manifested
their horror at the daring of the court party; but
Manasseh and the princes of Judah did not stop short
of any crime, and, like the abhorred Jezebel, drowned
the voices of the prophets in blood. The prophetic
utterances of this period have not been preserved ;
the zealous men of God had no time to write them
down. A violent death overtook them before they
could seize the pencil, or they were obliged to ‘hide
their thoughts in veiled language. As though these.
sad times were doomed to be forgotten, the his-
torians have noted down but little of public interest.
An event of great import to Judzea occurred during
Manasseh’s reign, and the books of history have
given but slight or no account of it.
One of the sons of Sennacherib, whose parricidal
act destroyed the proud conqueror in the temple,
had placed himself on the tottering throne of Nineveh.
He also died a violent death at the hand of his
brother Esarhaddon. Esarhaddon (680-668) utilised
the confusion and civil war which had broken out
in Babylonia, to reduce that old mother-country to a
mere dependence on Assyria. Thus strengthened
Esarhaddon commenced a war with Egypt, the con
quest of which his father had been obliged to relin-
quish. Some of his generals appear to have landed
on the Judean coast, in order to effect Manasseh’s
subjection by means of threats. Manasseh went to
him to secure a fair peace, but, as is related, he was
made a captive, and led in chains to Babylon. It
was a bad omen for the house of David, which had
become faithless to its origin, and had shown a blind
love of the stranger. :
Sennacherib’s son is supposed to have sent the
prisoners of the countries he had subdued, such as
Babylon, Cuthah, Sepharvaim, and Hamath, to Samaria
in order to colonise it. This event, which, at the time,
seemed without significance to Judea, was destined to
be important in the future. hese exiles, who were
called Cuthzans, from their origin, and Samaritans,
from their dwelling-places, gradually adopted Israel-
itish customs, probably from the small remnant of
Israelites who remained after the destruction of the
kingdom of the Ten Tribes. The Cuthzeans made
pilgrimages to the holy places of Bethel, where
Israelitish priests performed the service. They, how-
ever, continued to worship idols, and some of them
sacrificed human beings.
Manasseh himself was delivered from captivity, and
sent back to his country by Esarhaddon or his suc-
cessor; but his character had not improved. Idola-
trous worship and the unfortunate conditions brought
about by immorality and cruel persecution lasted
until his death. When he died (641), he was not
buried in the city of David, as his predecessors had
been, but in the garden of Uzza, attached to the royal
palace in the suburb of Millo. He had himself
selected this spot for his tomb, and had thereby
tacitly acknowledged himself unworthy to rest in the
grave of his forefather David. ;
He was succeeded by his eldest son Amon (640—
639), who, although older than his father had been
at his accession, yet appears to have had no more
aptitude for reigning than his predecessor. The idola-
trous aberrations, which had brought with them con
sequences So injurious to morality in his father’s reign,
continued under his rule, but, unlike his father, he
does not appear to have persecuted the prophet
party. However, he reigned for so short a time that
but little is known of him, his deeds or sentiments.
His servants—that is to say, the captain of the palace
and the chief courtiers around him—conspired against
him, and killed him in his own palace (639). The
nation appears to have loved Amon, for the people
rose in rebellion against the conspirators, killed
them, and placed Amon’s son Josiah, who was eight
years of age, on the throne (638-608). ‘This change
of rule was not immediately felt. The nobles and
princes of Judah continued to govern in the name of
the king during his minority, and maintained the
innovations of Manasseh, which they sought to es-
tablish firmly.
But the number of ‘the sufferers of the land, who
clung to the precepts of the God of Israel, increased
daily, and these formed themselves into an active body.
From this circle various prophets arose under Josiah.
They lent their words of fire to the promulgation of
the pure doctrines of God, and opened their lips in the
cause of right, and endeavoured to bring about a
better state of things. A prophetess named Huldah
also arose at this time, and her counsel, like that
of Deborah, was much sought after. Zephaniah
was the eldest of the later prophets. He was de-
scended from a respected family in Jerusalem, whose
forefathers were known as far back as the fourth
generation. He openly declaimed against the weak-
ness, the moral degradation, and the idolatrous
ways of his contemporaries, particularly of the
nobles and princes, who took pride in the imitation
of all foreign customs. Like the older prophets,
Amos and Joel, he predicted the advent of “a terrible
day of the Lord,a day of darkness and obscurity.”
In his prophecies concerning other nations, he espec-
ially predicted the total destruction of the proud
city of Nineveh.
At this time commenced the gradual decadence of
Assyria’s power. ‘The nations which had remained
faithful to Assyria now separated themselves from
the last but one of the Assyrian kings (Samuges ?),
or were compelled by the Medes to renounce their
allegiance. The second king of Media, Phraortes
(Fravartch), subdued ‘nation after nation, including
the Persians, and in conjunction with these he under-
took a campaign against Nineveh. Ihe Assyrians,
though deserted by their allies, were yet sufficiently
strong and warlike to effect the defeat of the Median
host (635), when Phraortes was killed. But his son
Cyaxares, who was even more daring and adventurous
than his father, hastened to avenge the latter, col-
lected a large army, which he divided according to
the armour of the various bodies, attacked Assyria,
defeated its army, and advanced upon Nineveh (634).
But an invasion of Media by countless hordes of
Scythians forced him to raise the siege of the Assy-
rian capital. Unable to cope with them in battle, he
bought release at the price of an enormous tribute.
The Assyrians were compelled to follow a like course.
Turning westward, the Scythians reached Phecenicia,
and, advancing along the coast of Philistia, soon
stood threatening before the gates of Egypt. Here
King Psammetich met them with rich gifts, and
through earnest entreaties prevailed upon them to
desist from their intended invasion. Thereupon a
great number of them went to the north, while others
threw themselves on Asia Minor. A number of them
remained in Philistia, overran the country, and burnt
the temple of Mylitta, thé Assyrian goddess of de-
bauchery. The Scythians swarmed from Philistia into
the neighbouring country of Judzea, ravaged the land,
carried off the cattle, and burnt the cities and villages.
They appear, however, not to have entered Jeru-
salem. No doubt the youthful king Josiah, with the
steward of his palace, went to meet them, and
induced them by the surrender of treasures to spare
the capital. |
This time of terror, when reports of the destruction
of towns and the cruel murder of men were constantly
reaching the ears of the people, made a deep impres-
sion on the inhabitants of Judah. Where the pre-
dictions of the prophets had fallen upon deaf ears,
their actual fulfilment proved ‘the folly of idolatrous
worship. Had the gods of Assyria, Babylon, Phee-
nicia, or Philistia been able to save their people
from the violent attack of the Scythians? A change
of sentiment now came over the inhabitants of Jeru-
salem, and the soul of King Josiah was deeply
touched. He was gentle, pious, and susceptible by
nature; only from habit had he devoted himself to
the follies of idolatry, without entirely yielding to
the malpractices of the times. The significant
occurrences now taking place showed him that he
and his nation were wandering in crooked paths.
He did not venture, however, when he had come
to this conclusion, to cast out from the capital of
his kingdom the idol-worship which had been in-
troduced during his grandfather’s reign, half a cen-
tury before. He did not dare arouse the princes
of Judah, who held the reins of power, and who
were strongly attached to idolatry. This would
have required heroic decision, and Josiah could not
bring himself to act with the required strength of
purpose. It was, therefore, necessary for some one
to urge him to action, and to the assertion of his
royal power over those who surrounded him. The
prophetic party undertook the work of inducing
Josiah to return to the service of God, and to
put aside all foreign worship. However he only
took measures calculated to rescue the holy Temple
of the Lord from its deserted state and the decay into
which it was falling. The walls, halls and outbuild-
ings of the Temple were cracking, and threatened to
fall, and the decorations had been disfigured. Josiah
took measures to prevent at least this outward decay.
He recalled the exiled priests and Levites to the
service of the Temple (627), and commanded them
to collect contributions for the renovation o! the
Temple. At their head he placed the high-priest
Hilkiah, whose house had not been polluted by the
impurities of idol-worship. But whence were the
means to be derived? The love of the rich for their
Temple had grown so cold, or the nation had become
so impoverished through the pillage of ‘the Scythians
that it was impossible to reckon on freewill offerings
like those in the times of King Joash. Thus it became
necessary actually to go begging for gifts in order to
be able to repair the sanctuary. Levitic emissaries
went through the city and country, from house to
house, asking for contributions. Meanwhile, though
King Josiah was thus actively working for the
Temple, he was wanting in firmness in stamping out
the errors of idolatry. A number of the nobles, it is
true, had formally returned to their ancient creed, but
only inasmuch as they swore by Jehovah, while they
continued to worship idols. Other influences were
needed to impress Josiah before he could summon
heart to act. From two sides came the force which
induced him to take a final step. On the one hand
the impulse came from one of the prophets, who, from
early youth, had spoken in powerful and irresistible
language, and on the other, from a book which had
revealed to the king the unmanliness of indecision.
These two combined to bring about a better state of
things in an extended circle, and also to lend fresh
interest and a halo of poetry to the ancient law.
“The youth was the prophet Jeremiah, and the book
that of Deuteronomy. Jeremijahu (Jeremiah), son of
Hilkiah (born between 645 and 640, died between
580 and 570). came from the little town of Anathoth,
in the tribe of Benjamin. He was not poor, though
by no means enjoying great wealth. His uncle
Shallum and the latter’s son Hanameel (his mother’s
relations) possessed landed property in Anathoth.
Jeremiah’s soul was rich and pure, like a clear
mirror or a deep well-spring. Endowed with a
gentle disposition and inclined to melancholy, the
religious and moral condition of his surrox:ndings
had made °a sad impression on him, even in his
earliest youth. All that was false, perverse, and
unworthy was repulsive to him, and filled him with
sorrow. From the time that he began his work, his
countrymen, the priests of Anathoth, persecuted him
with such burning hate that it is impossible to think
that they could have determined the bent of his
mind. Undoubtedly, however, the writings of the
elder prophets exercised an influence over his dis-
position and ideas. His spirit became so imbued
with their teachings that he used their thoughts,
expressions, and words as his own. This study
of the written prophetic legacies gave his mind its
tendency, and filled him with exalted ideas of God,
of the moral order in the events of humanity, of the
importance of Israel’s past and its significance in the
future, and taught him to hate what was low. Follow-
ing the divine call, he entered upon his prophetic
mission, and afterwards initiated others, either inf
Anathoth or in Jerusalem. ‘The description of his
own initiation (Jer. ch. i.) can bear no comparison
with the simplicity and depth with which Isaiah intro-
duced himself asa prophet. ‘The times demanded a
different kind of eloquence. Moral degradation had
strongly affected the nation, and ruin was sure to
come, unless help were soon at hand. Nor did Jere-
miah, like former prophets, speak to a small cuitured
circle, but to great popular assemblages, to the princes
as well as to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the
people of Judah. On them figures of speech would
have been wasted ; it was necessary to speak clearly,
and to the purpose, in order that the words might
have effect, and so Jeremiah spoke chiefly in simple
prose, only occasionally weaving into his speech the
flowers of rhetoric. The threats of punishment and
announcements of salvation of his predecessors, with
the exception of Isaiah, were mostly vague and indefi-
nite, and on this account the scornful inhabitants of
Jerusalem had cast them to the winds. Jeremiah had
to counteract the effects of such scornful disregard
of prophetic announcements. He was endowed with
greater prophetic gifts than any of his predecessors—-
even than Isaiah. He prophesied in the first instance
from year to year; later on, when the tragic fate
neared its fulfilment, he predicted from month to
month occurrences that were to come to pass, and
his prophetic visions were realised with marvellous
accuracy. He did not see the future in the uncertain
light of dreams, but in broad daylight, with open
eyes, while in communion with the outer world.
Therefore he did not speak in enigmas, did not make
hidden allusions, but called things by their true
Upon this pure prophetic spirit had been put the
heavy task of rousing the perverse nation, which had
been going astray for nearly half a century, just at
the time when the king was rousing himself from the
lethargy into which he had drifted.
No sooner had Jeremiah received his call than his
diffidence and gentleness disappeared. He describes
the sensations which the prophetic spirit awoke in
him (Jeremiah xxii. 29):
“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord: and like ahammer
that shivereth the rock ?”
His first speech of burning eloquence was directed
against the nation’s falling away from its traditions,
against idolatry and its abominations. In it he not
only hurled his crushing words against the perverted
idol-worship, but also against the frequent recurrence
of bloodshed (Jeremiah 11,).
Words like these from so young a speaker could
not fail to make an impression. Some of the noble
families turned away from their immoral course,
and returned to the God worshipped by Jeremiah
and the other prophets. The family of Shaphan,
which occupied a high position, joined the prophet’s
party, and defended it with fervour. King Josiah
meanwhile devoted himself earnestly to the restora-
tion of the ruined Temple. He commissioned (621)
three of his chief officers—Shaphan, Maasseiah, the
governor of the city, and’ Joah, the chancellor—to
summon the high-priest:to surrender the funds col-
lected under his supervision, that they might be em-
ployed in the purchase of building materials and the
pay of the workingmen. When Hilkiah gave up the
sum, he also handed a large roll to Shaphan, saying,
“I have found the book of the law in the Temple.”
Shaphan read the roll, and was so struck by its
contents that he informed the king of the discovery
that had been made. This book exercised a wonder-
ful influence. The Book of the Law which the high-
priest Hilkiah gave to Shaphan to hand to the king
was the last testament of the prophet Moses, which,
before his death, he recommended to the earnest con-
sideration of his people. It has an historical introduc-
tion and an historical epilogue, leading the historical
record up to and beyond the death of Moses. Laws
are generally cold, stern, and hard, and with threat-
ening gesture they say, “ Thou shalt, or shalt not, or
heavy punishment will overtake thee.” The law-book
found in the time of Josiah is not couched in such
terms. It exhorts, warns, and actually entreats that
this or that may be done or left undone. It uses
the language of a loving father, whose son, standing
before a great goal, is warned not to lose the bright
future before him through his own fault, and thus
become an object of scorn and a disgrace. A pleasant
breeze is wafted from this book of Deuteronomy.
As though with a garland of flowers, the laws (Miz-
_voth), statutes (Chukkim), and ordinances (Mish-
patim) are surrounded with historical reminiscences
and heartfelt admonitions, couched in sublime and
poetic language.
The book also contains a peculiar hymn, said to have
been composed by Moses. In this hymn it is stated
that the nation, in consequence of its prosperity,
would turn away to false gods, and a depraved nation
would be called to punish it. Then it would see
that its chosen gods could not avail it, and that God
alone, who had so wonderfully guided it, could kill
and make alive, could wound and heal, and that
He would avenge it, and purify the stained land.
Terrible are the punishments inscribed in this roll
for disobeying the laws. The veil is snatched away
from the future, and the terrible disasters shown
which await the people and the king, if they con-
tinue in their present course. All the plagues
which could bring humanity to despair are vividly
described in this picture. On the one hand are
sterility, starvation, drought and pestilence; humil-
iation and persecution, oppressive slavery and dis-
grace on the other, till physical and spiritual sufferings
would end in heart-breaking, madness and idiocy.
This peculiar book of the law, with its convincing
exhortations and its gloomy prospect, which the
priest Hilkiah had found and read to Shaphan, was
carried by the latter in haste to King Josiah, to whom
he read passages out of it. Terrified and shaken by the
threats of punishment,and conscience-stricken for hav-
ing hitherto permitted trespasses so plainly depicted in
the newly-discovered book, the king in his grief tore
his garments. He sent for the high-priest Hilkiah
to counsel him. On his suggestion, King Josiah
sent him and some of his officers to the prophetess
Huldah, wife of Shallum, the overseer of the ward-
robe, one of the royal officers. She: announced to
the king that the impending misfortune should not
descend on him and his people in his own days, as
he had repented of his former ways.
Comforted as to the fate of his people during his
own reign, King Josiah pursued the task of regen-
eration with great energy. He took the newly-dis-
covered book of the law as his guiding principle, and
was far more severe and thorough than Hezekiah in
the uprooting of idolatry. He first summoned all
the elders of the people from the capital and the
country, as also the entire population of the capital,
the priests and prophets, and even the humble hewers
of wood and drawers of water of the Temple, and
had the contents of the law-book read to them. He
himself stood during the reading on a stand which
had been erected for the king in the Temple. For
the first time the entire nation of Judah was informed
of its duties, its expectations and prospects in obey-
ing or disobeying the laws. The king proposed to
form a covenant by which all present should bind
themselves to carry out with heart andsoul the lawsand
ordinances which had been read to them. Then the
words were loudly proclaimed, “May all those be
cursed who shall depart from this law,” and all present
said “Amen.” ‘The king commanded the high-priest
Hilkiah, the priests of the second order, who had to
watch over the Temple, and the Levitical guardians
of the Temple gates, to cleanse it from the various
forms of idol-worship. ‘Thus the disgraceful figure
of Astarte, the altars and cells of the prostitutes, also
all articles belonging to the worship of Baal and
Astarte, the sun-horses at the entrance of the Temple,
and lastly the altars for the worship of the stars were
all removed, crushed and burnt in the vale of Kidron,
and the ashes cast over the graves of the dead.
The altar in the vale of Hinnom, where children were
sacrificed, was desecrated by order of the king. All
the chief altars throughout the country were de-
stroyed. This purification extended as far as Bethel,
where the Cuthzans, who had settled tn the place,
and the remnant of Israel still had their sanctuaries,
and as far as those towns which had formerly be-
longed to Samaria. The priests of the idols and altars
were deposed, those of Levitical descent were obliged
to remain in Jerusalem, where they could be kept under
supervision, and where, though not allowed to offer
sacrifices, they received their share of the tithes of the
descendants of Aaron. ‘The foreign priests were
all removed, and probably sent out of the country.
Josiah made .a cruel exception of the Israelitish
priests in Bethel, who had continued the worship of
the bull, which had been introduced by Jeroboam,
and had caused the degradation of the nation.
These priests were killed on the altars, and the latter
were desecrated by human remains. The king de-
termined to make a striking example of Bethel, the
spot where the negation and neglect of God's anct-
ent law had originated. The less guilty descend-
ants had in this case, as in many others, to atone for
their more guilty forefathers. The king himself
commenced the desecration of the idolatrous altar at
Bethel. He cleared away the various idol-worships
which had taken root and flourished at different
times on Jewish ground, and he thus acted accord-
ing to the precepts contained in the Book of Deuter-
In the spring of the same year (621) Josiah sum-
moned the entire nation to celebrate the feast of
Passover in Jerusalem, according to the ordinances
of the Law, and the nation willingly obeyed his
mandate, having sworn to act according to the
Law. This festival—celebrated for the first time
by the mass of the nation—was rendered especi-
ally solemn by inspiring psalms, sung and accom-
panied by the Levites. One psalm, which was
apparently sung on that occasion, has been pre-
served. The choir of Levitical singers exhorted the
Aaronites to praise the God of Jacob, reminded
them of the persecutions they had undergone, of the
deliverance from Egypt, and of the revelation at
Sinai, and also admonished them to keep away from
strange gods. They alluded to the exile of a part
of the nation, and prophesied happy days for those
who observed the Sinaitic law. (Psalm Ixxxi.) Jo-
siah’s energetic action against idolatry appeared so
important an event to the faithful portion of the peo-
ple that the prophets dated a new epoch from that
time. The abominations of idolatry, with its terrible
effects, which had so demoralised the nation for
seven decades, had suddenly disappeared, owing to
the zeal of the king. Social conditions were also
improved. Josiah insisted on the enfranchisement of
Hebrew slaves who had been six years in slavery, in
accordance with the law which he had chosen as his
guide. He also appointed unbiassed judges, who
should secure justice to the poor and the helpless
against the powerful. Historical accounts assert of
Josiah that no king before him ever returned so
sincerely to God, and carried out the law of Moses
so strictly. In fact, Josiah appears also to have
exerted himself energetically in political matters;
he had the courage to assert his independence even
against Egypt.
At the outset of his prophetic career Jeremiah had
announced a period of universal ruin and devasta-
tion, to be followed by a new constitution of things.
This change began in the last years of Josiah’s
reign, The empire of Assyria, which had subjected ©
sO many nations to its yoke, was to be delivered over
to total destruction, and in its place new empires
were to arise. Media and Babylon, the nearest de-
pendencies of Nineveh, avenged the crimes of which
that city had been guilty in its proud treatment of
its adherents. The adventurous Nabopolassar, of
Babylon (625-605), had broken the last tie which
bound his country to Assyria, and had made himself
independent. Egypt also endeavoured to take ad-
vantage of the increasing weakness of Assyria.
Here a daring king named Necho (Nekos, Nekaii),
son of Psammetich, had ascended the throne, and
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(From the original by Jule Butensky, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
strove to restore Egypt’s former power. Necho
assembled a great army, with the intention of con-
quering the district of the Lebanon as far as the
Euphrates, and of humiliating Assyria. He took
the fortified Philistine city of Gaza by storm, and
advancing along the slope on the coast of the Medi-
terranean Sea, he purposed reaching the Jordan by
the plain of Jezreel. Josiah, however, opposed his
advance through this territory, which had formerly
been in the possession of the Israelites. - Hardly had
Necho and his army reached the middle of the
plain of Jezreel, than the army of Judah barred his
way at Megiddo. ‘he Egyptian king, it is said,
assured Josiah that his campaign was not directed
against the land of Judah, but against more distant
territories. Notwithstanding this, Josiah compelled
him to do battle. The result was disastrous to the
king of Judah, for his army was beaten, and he him-
self was dangerously wounded (608). His attend-
ants hastily brought their beloved king to Jerusalem,
and on his arrival there he breathed his last. When
he was interred in the new mausoleum, men and
women wept bitterly, and exclaimed, “ Oh, king! oh,
glory!” From year to year, on the anniversary of
the day on which this last excellent king of the house
of David had sunk pierced by arrows, a lamentation
was sung, composed by Jeremiah for the occasion.
No king was more sincerely mourned than Josiah.
The unfortunate battle of Megiddo in the plain of
Jezreel was the turning point in the history of Judah.
Effects of Josiah’s Foreign Policy—Jehoahaz—Jehoiakim—Egyptian
Idolatry introduced—The Prophets—Uriah the Son of She-
maiah—Jeremiah’s renewed Labours—Fall of Assyria—Nebu-
chadnezzar—Baruch reads Jeremiah’s Scroll—Submission of
Jehoiakim—His Rebellion and Death—Jehoiachin—Zedekiah—
Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar—The Siege raised owing
to the Intervention of Egypt—Defeat of the Egyptians—Renewal
of the Siege—Capture of Jerusalem—Zedekiah in Babylon—
Destruction of the Capital—Jeremiah’s Lamentations.
608-—586 B. C. E.
Jostau had expected to secure the independence of
Judah, by calling a halt to the interference of Egypt
in the affairs of other lands, but this policy led to the
subjection of his own people to Egypt. In Jeru-
salem, where the king’s death was bitterly mourned,
no further steps were taken till the election of a
new king had been decided on. Josiah had left
three sons; the first-born was Eliakim, and the
two younger sons, Shallum and Mattaniah. The
father appears to have named Shallum, the son of
his favourite wife, as his successor. In order to do
honour to their deeply-mourned king, the people
confirmed Josiah’s choice, though Shallum was two
years younger than Eliakim. On his accession he,
according to custom, took a different name—that of
Matters had, however, come to sucha pass that the
will of the nation could no longer establish their king
-firmly, nor could the holy oil render his person
sacred: the decisive word lay with another power.
The king of Egypt, to whom the country had become
subject by the victory at Megiddo, had decided other-
wise. Apparently, without troubling himself about
Judzea, Necho had reached the district of the Euph-
rates by forced marches; had obtained possession of
the territories of Aram or Syria, belonging to Assyria,
and had taken up his residencein Riblah. Jehoahaz
repaired thither to meet Necho, to have his election
confirmed by him, and at the same time to receive
the land of Judea from him as a tributary state.
But the newly-elected king found no favour in the
eyes of the Egyptian sovereign, who caused him to
be put into chains and carried off to Egypt. He then
named Eliakim king of Judah. Jehoahaz had only
reigned three months. |
Eliakim, or, as he was called after his accession,
Jehoiakim (607-596), had to perform an unpleasant
duty at the very commencement of his reign.
Necho had imposed on the land a heavy and humili-
ating tribute of 100 khikars of silver and one khikar
of gold, asa punishment to Josiah for having hin-
dered his march through the country. there was
no treasure at that time in the palace or the Temple.
Jehoiakim, therefore, taxed all the wealthy according
to their wealth, and caused these imposts to be
forcibly collected by his servants. Added to this
humiliation there arose another evil. The moral and
religious improvement brought about by Josiah was,
according to the predictions contained in the law
lately discovered, to bring happier times in its wake,
and now the people found themselves sorely disap-
pointed. The God-fearing king had fallen on the
battle-field, and had been brought back dying to the
capital; the flower of the Israelitish army had been
cut down, a royal prince lay in fetters, and the country
had fallen into disgraceful bondage.
This change occasioned a turn in the tide of
opinion; a relapse set in. The nation, including the
more enlightened amongst them, began to doubt the
power of God, who had not fulfilled, or could not
fulfil, the promises He had made to them. They
cherished the delusion that by resuming the foreign
idolatrous practices which had existed during so long
a period under Manasseh, they would better their for-
tunes. They therefore returned to their evil ways,
erected altars and high places on every hill and under
every greentree. In Judah there were as many gods as
there were towns, They paid special homage to the
Egyptian goddess Neith, the Queen of Heaven, who
was most zealously adored in Sais, the capital of
King Necho; for had not this goddess assisted the
Egyptian king in the victory he had obtained ? Images
of gold and silver, of wood and stone, were again
erected in the houses. The Temple itself was, as in
Manasseh’s time, once more desecrated by hideous
idols. The most disgraceful feature of the change
was that the sacrifice of children again prevailed, as
in the days of Ahaz and Manasseh. In the beautiful
Valley of Hinnom an altar was again erected, and
moaning children were ruthlessly offered up to
Moloch, the first-born especially being selected for
the sacrifice.
These idolatrous and immoral practices were ac-
companied by the vices and crimes of debauchery,
adultery, oppression of strangers, widows and or-
phans, by corruption of justice, untruth, dishonesty,
usury and cruelty towards impecunious debtors, and
murder. ‘There was certainly a class which upheld
the law, and which regretted the horrors of these
crimes. But amongst the masses who gave them-
selves up to the aberrations of idolatry and immorality,
it was difficult for those who desired better things to
give practical effect to their views. False prophets
advocated wrong-doing and crime. King Jehoiakim,
although he did not actually encourage the revival of
idolatry, permitted it, and either from weakness, or
from sympathy with them, did nothing to check
the moral decadence. The stern warnings of the
prophets were unheeded by the king, his monitors
being persecuted or slain.
The prophets of God had a heavy task in this
time of degeneracy; they had to be prepared for per-
secution and ill-treatment. But they paid little heed
to the dangers they incurred; they felt impelled to
oppose fearlessly the moral and religious ruin which
was impending. Atno period did there arise so manv
prophets as in the last two decades before ithe
destruction of the Jewish kingdom. ‘They addressed
the nation, the princes, and the king almost daily, at
every Opportunity; they warned, roused and threat-
ened them, and prophesied their destruction, if the
prevailing wickedness did not cease. The names of
only four of these prophets have been preserved:
Jeremiah, Uriah, Habakkuk, and Ezekiel. But the
prophecies of others, who fought the battle against
idolatry, have remained, though their names have not
been recorded.
Of Uriah, son of Shemaiah, from the Forest City
(Kirjath-Jearim), nothing is known, except his tragical
death. At the commencement of the reign of King
Jehoiakim (between 607-604) he had prophesied the
destruction of Jerusalem and of the whole land,
if the people did not give up their evil ways.
When Jehoiakim was informed of this prophecy of
evil, he dispatched messengers to seize and kill its
author. Meanwhile Uriah, having been secretly
warned of his danger, fled to Egypt. Jehoiakim,
however, was so enraged against him, that he sent
one of his nobles to Egypt to demand his sur-
render. He was brought back to Jerusalem and
beheaded, his body being cast on the burial-place
of the common people. This murder of the
prophet, instead of intimidating Jeremiah, seems to
have confirmed him in his energetic action. With
the accession of Jehoiakim and the relapse of the
nation into its former state of sin, he began anew
his work as a prophet, which had been in abey-
ance during the reign of Josiah. Jeremiah now,
for the first time, comprehended the meaning of
the words which had been addressed to him as a
disciple in the first hours of his prophetic calling.
“TI have made thee a fortified city, and an iron
pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land,
against the kings of. Judah, against the princes
thereof, against the priests thereof, and against
the people of the land.” He was to remain firm
and unmoved, and to meet fearlessly the impending
persecutions. Acting on this idea, he prepared
to announce the inevitable destruction, though his
tender heart bled, and he often had to seek fresh
courage in order that he might not grow faint in his task
of prophesying evil. Jeremiah, meanwhile, had grown
to man’s estate; but he took no wife. He could not
devote himself to household joys whilst the shadow
of approaching troubles darkened his soul. He
went forth alone and in sadness. He could take no
part in convivial pleasures, because the sins of the
nation crushed in him all feelings of gladness. —
Through one of his first addresses in Jehoiakim’s
reign he drew on himself the hatred of all zealous
idolaters, and especially of the priests and false
prophets. When the populace, at one of the fes-—
tivals, had assembled to offer up sacrifices, he called
to them,
“Thus saith the Lord God of Hosts: Amend your ways and your
doings, and I will cause you to dwell inthis place. . . . Is this
house, which is called by my name, to be a den of robbers? Behold
even I have seen it, saith the Lord. . . . And now, because ye
have done all these works, saith the Lord, and I spake unto you,
rising up early and speaking, but ye heard not, and I called you and
ye answered not, thérefore will I do unto this house, which is called
by my name, wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I gave to you
and your fathers, as I have done unto Shiloh.” (JEREM. ch. vii.)
Hardly had Jeremiah finished these words when
the priests and false prophets seized him, and said,
« Thou shalt die—as thou hast prophesied that this
Temple will become as that of Shiloh.” A tumult
arose in the courts of the Temple, and some of the
bystanders supported Jeremiah. This tumult induced
some of the princes to repair from the palace to the
Temple—amongst these was Ahikam, son of Sha-
phan—and others who belonged to the prophet’s
party. The princes immediately formed a court of
justice at one of the gates of the Temple, and heard the
accusation and the defence. ‘The priests.and the false
prophets said, “ This man deserves death, for he has
prophesied destruction to the city and the Temple.”
A few of the elders spoke in favour of Jeremiah.
Then the princes said to the angry priests and the false
prophets, ‘ This man does not deserve death, for he
has spoken to us in the name of our God.” ‘Through
the exertions of his friends, and especially of Ahikam,
Jeremiah was set free for the time. But the hatred
of the priests and the false prophets towards him
raged the more fiercely, and they watched for an
opportunity to attack him. ,
Meanwhile the doom of the Assyrian empire had
been fulfilled. It fell ignominiously, through the
united exertions of Cyaxares of Media and Nabo-
polassar of Babylon. Nineveh, the giant city, fell
after a long siege (605). The last king of Assyria,
Sardanapalus, burnt himself in his citadel. In con-
sequence of the downfall of Assyria, important
changes occurred on the central scene of passing
events. Media became the chief heir of the Assyrian
possessions—Cyaxares took the lion’s share, and
gave to his ally, Nabopolassar, Babylonia, Elymais, .
and the privilege of conquering the countries on the
western side of the Euphrates. King Nabopolassar
did not long survive his victory. He was succeeded
by Nebuchadnezzar—a great warrior (604 561), and
a wise, far-seeing statesman. He was by no means
cruel, and only punished his enemies as severely as
was necessary to render them harmless. Neb-
uchadnezzar strengthened his now enlarged king-
dom internally, erected gigantic buildings, and estab-
lished a system of navigation by means of canals.
He then undertook a more extensive expedition of
conquest. Aramzean Assyria, or Syria, which was
split up into small districts, was subdued without
much opposition. Next Phcenicia fell, and its king,
Ithobal (Ethbaal) II., also became Nebuchadnezzar's
The mighty conqueror then offered Jehoiakim the
alternative to pay him allegiance or to be crushed.
On the other hand, the king of Egypt counselled
him to resist firmly, and promised that he would send
help. Judah fell into a condition similar to that
in the days of Hezekiah, and became the battle-
field for the contest between two great powers. A
policy had to be resolved on, but whilst awaiting
aid from Egypt, or a miracle, Jehoiakim and his
counsellors delayed coming to a decision from day
to day.
Amidst the general alarm a fast was proclaimed ;
in the ninth month, in the winter of 600, the whole
nation was summoned to Jerusalem, and there it en-
treated the Lord to avert the impending evil from
the land. The nation, in great excitement and fear
as to what the future might bring on it, crowded
to the Temple as though it would find security
there. Jeremiah meanwhile commanded his faithful
disciple, Baruch, to write down the prophetic exhor-
tation which he had uttered some years before, and in
which he had predicted that Judah herself,as well as all
the nations around her, would be reduced to subjec-
tionto the young Chaldzanempire. After Baruchhad
inscribed this address on a roll, Jeremiah commanded
him to read it in front of the Temple, in the presence
of all the inhabitants of the capital and the entire
country. The prophet himself was from some cause
prevented from being present, and therefore Baruch
was to represent him. Baruch, though not without
hesitation, undertook this task. In an open hall, in
the upper court of the Temple, he read the contents
of the scroll to the whole nation. The address
made a deep impression on the people, confronted
as they were with the impending danger of an
attack from Nebuchadnezzar’s army, which now
lay but a short distance from Jerusalem. A young
man, Michaiah, son of Gemariah, hastened to the
princes who had assembled in one of the halls of the
palace, and there, agitated as he was, he communi-
cated to them what he had heard. The alarmed
princes invited Baruch to read again, in their presence,
Jeremiah’s scroll. Each word fell heavily on their
hearts, and they were seized with terror. They, there-
fore, determined to inform the king of what they had
heard, hoping that he, too, would be moved and
convinced that he must give up all opposition to
Nebuchadnezzar. For a moment they hoped for the
best, when Jehoiakim commanded that the scroll
be brought and read to him. But as each leaf was
read, it was, by the king’s order, handed to him, and
he threw it into the fire. The princes witnessed
this act of defiance with dismay, and entreated the
king not to draw down destruction on them. He,
however, paid no heed to them, and continued to
throw the pages into the fire until the whole scroll
was consumed. Jehoiakim then issued an order
that the prophet of evil and his disciple be sought,
in order that they might be killed as Uriah had been.
Happily, the anxious princes had previously made
arrangements to save Jeremiah and Baruch by hiding
them in a secure place.
It was, doubtless, a day of intense excitement for
Jerusalem. The entire nation that had assembled for
the fast departed without having gained its end.
The reading of the scroll had, however, one effect: it
brought about a division in the council of the princes.
Those who were convinced by Jeremiah’s prophecies,
and had been instrumental in saving him, were de-
termined to submit to Nebuchadnezzar. Amongst
them was the Keeper of the Lists (Sopher), Elishama,
who directed the war arrangements.- He and -
other men of note being opposed to war, Jehot-
akim could not undertake war, or his throne might
be endangered. He therefore made peace with
Nebuchadnezzar, paid the tribute imposed, promised
him military aid, and assumed all the duties which
in those days were imposed on a vassal. This was
the commencement. of the Chaldzan vassalage of
Judah (600). Jeremiah, it appears, could now leave
his hiding-place. Incensed as the king was against
him, he dared not touch a hair of his head, for the
princes who had saved him continued to protect him.
Jehoiakim, however, bore the Chaldzan yoke
with great reluctance; he could no longer give reins
to his passion. The king of Egypt, no doubt, con-
tinued to urge Jehoiakim to rebel against Nebuchad-
nezzar. When, therefore, Ethbaal II. of Phcenicia
withdrew his allegiance (598), Jehoiakim, with in- —
comprehensible blindness, likewise refused to pay
tribute, and allied himself with Egypt, and probably
also with Phoenicia. Nebuchadnezzar, consequently,
had to collect all his forces against Phoenicia. He
commenced the siege of ‘lyre, which lasted thirteen
years. He was, therefore, for the time being,
prevented from chastising the rebellious king of
Judah, and the latter might flatter himself with the
belief that he had lastingly secured his indepen-
dence. But though Nebuchadnezzar could not send
a great army out against him, he nevertheless dis-
tressed the country by predatory inroads. Idumzan,
Moabitish and Ammonitish hordes also overran the
land and devastated it. At this critical period, Jehoia-
kim died (697). His successor was his young son Jehoi-
achin (Jeconiah, shortened into Coniah), or rather
the reins of government were taken in hand by his
mother, Nehushta. Jehoiachin also cherished the
idea that he could oppose Nebuchadnezzar, and,
therefore, did not pay him homage. He also con-
tinued to practise the horrors of idolatry and im-
morality as his father had done. But this blindness
of Jehoiachin and his mother lasted only a short time.
Nebuchadnezzar at length was enabled to withdraw,
from the siege of Tyre, a great portion of his army,
with which he proceeded against Egypt. This Chal-
dzan army easily subdued the entire country south
of Phoenicia as far as the Egyptian river (Rhino-
kolura). The whole of Judah was also taken, with
the exception of a few fortified towns in the south.
Those who fell into the hands of the enemy were
made prisoners. Notwithstanding this, Jehoiachin
continued his opposition, thinking himself safe behind
the thick walls of Jerusalem, relying besides on the
‘support of Egypt in the event of a siege.
Nebuchadnezzar, therefore, sent some of his gen-
erals to besiege Jerusalem. Jehoiachin had no time
to think of repentance, for the besiegers were gain-
ing on him, and the distress in the city was great.
He therefore commenced to arrange conditions of
surrender with the generals, when Nebuchadnezzar
came to the camp, and was entreated by the king,
the queen-mother and her court, to be merciful.
The victor, however, showed no mercy, but imposed
hard conditions. Jehoiachin had to relinquish his
throne, and go, together with his mother, his wives,
his kindred, and eunuchs, into exile in Babylonia’ ' He
had occupied the throne of David for only one hun-
dred days. It was surprising that Nebuchadnezzar
spared his life, and indeed, that he refrained altogether
from bloodshed. He only banished ten thousand of
the warriors and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, taken
indiscriminately from the various families that lived
in the capital, and transplanted them to Babylonia.
Among them he also carried off a thousand me-
chanics who were skilled in forging arms and build-
ing fortifications. Of the Judzans who lived in
the country he also took three thousand and twenty-
three to Babylon as prisoners. That Nebuchad-
nezzar took possession of the treasures of the
palace and the Temple was not an act of especial
violence, but was justified by the military laws of
those days. But he left the commonwealth intact,
spared the city and its walls, and left the Temple
uninjured. The first foreign conqueror Jerusalem
had had after an existence of five hundred years
showed greater mercy than many of the conquerors
of later ages.
Nebuchadnezzar likewise refrained from disestab-
lishing David’s.throne, and placed on it the youngest
son of Josiah, Mattaniah, who called himself Zedekiah.
He was of a gentle, unwarlike and pliable character.
The Babylonian conqueror thought that these qualli-
ties would be guarantees of peace and submission.
In order, however, to make sure of Zedekiah’s loy-
alty, Nebuchadnezzar entered into a solemn treaty
with him, and bound him by an oath of fealty. The
land of Judah was of extreme importance to him as
a bulwark against Egypt, in the subjection of which
he was continually engaged. For this reason he had
sent into banishment the noble families and the
princes of Judah, thus removing the daring and fool-
hardy men who might urge the king to ambitious
schemes and rebellion. His object was to render
Judah a weak, insignificant and dependent state,
deriving its strength from him.
Judah might, in fact, have continued to exist as a
modest appendage of Babylon. It would soon have
recovered from the severe blows inflicted on it.
‘Though the banishment of so many noble families,
the flower of the army and of the nation, was a severe
blow; and though the capital and the country were
filled with sorrow in consequence of their subjection,
the remnant of the people nevertheless recovered
themselves with wonderful rapidity, and again at-
tained to a prosperous condition.
The nobles, however, were not satisfied with their
modest condition; they wished for wider spheres of
activity. It was the curse of the country during the
last century that the nobles of the capital not only
governed the people, but also the court. The kings
were but of little account, for, inimitation of the custom
of kings like Sardanapalus, they lived in the harem of
their palaces, and occupied their time with trifles.
These nobles could now the more easily assert them-
selves, as their king, Zedekiah, was swayed by a most
unkinglike weakness and indolence, and had not the
courage to withstand them. He was, however, per-
sonally well-disposed. He does not seem to have par-
ticularly favoured idolatry, but rather to have lamented
the national evils when they were brought under
his notice, and to have given ear to the prophets.
But he did not possess the power to oppose the
nobles and their actions. Zedekiah may have in-
tended to remain faithful to the oath of fealty which
he had taken to his liege lord Nebuchadnezzar; but
he had not the strength of will to adhere to his reso-
lution. Rebellious schemes were secretly formed,
which he, in the seclusion of his palace, did not find
out, or, if cognisant of them, was incapable of oppos-
ing. This weakness on the part of the king, and
foolhardiness on the part of the nobles, led to the fall
‘of Judah. The nobles appear to have been scized with
madness. Suggestions were made, in various quar-
ters,ofrebelling against Nebuchadnezzar. Egypt,ever
false and deceitful, was continually goading the Jud-
zeans on by making brilliant promises of alliance which
it seldom kept. On the other side, King Ethbaal of
Tyre urged upon Judah and the neighbouring
countries a war against Nebuchadnezzar. And by
a third party, Judah was urged to revolt against
Babylon, namely, by the banished Judzans, who
stood in constant communication with their native
land by letters and messengers. They clamoured
for war, because they cherished the vague hope that
Nebuchadnezzar’s army would be defeated, and they
would, in one way or another, regain their freedom
and return to their country In the fourth year of
Zedekiah’s reign (593), the ambassadors from the
countries which were simultaneously urging Zedekiah
. ?
to break his word and faith, arrived in Jerusalem:
from Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Zidon. They
employed all the artifices of eloquence, and made
promises and suggestions in order to bring the
wavering monarch to a decision. Judah might have
felt proud to be thus sought after and courted, to be
considered, indeed, as the centre of political events.
It is not known what reply Zedekiah sent through
the ambassadors. His weak character surely made
a definite decision an impossibility. Jeremiah op-
posed the universal frenzy, and it required no
little courage on his part to do so. His prophetic
spirit perceived that Nebuchadnezzar was destined
to hurry through a course of victories, and to sub-
jugate many nations to his sceptre. He, there-
fore, warned King Zedekiah, the nation and the
priests, not to give themselves up to flattering
hopes, but to submit to the Babylonian rule, or they
would be crushed by the mighty conqueror. Jere-
miah considered it as his prophetic calling to warn
the deluded exiles in Babylon. He directed a mes-
sage to them, telling them:
‘‘Build ye houses and dwell in them; and plant gardens and eat
the fruit of them; take ye wives and beget sons and daughters, and
take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that
they may bear sons and daughters ; and multiply ye there and be not
diminished. And seek ye the peace of the city whither I have caused
you to be carried away captive, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in
the peace thereof shall ye have peace. For thus saith the Lord of
Hosts, the God of Israel: Let not your prophets that be in the midst
of you, and your diviners deceive you, neither hearken ye to your
dreams which ye cause to be dreamed. For they prophesy falsely
to you in my name: I have not sent them, saith the Lord. For thus
saith the Lord, After seventy years be accomplished for Babylon, I
will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing
you to return to this place.” (JEREMIAH xxix. 4-8.)
But Zedekiah could not long resist the distracting
voices of the false prophets, the pressure from with-
out, from Egypt and the neighbouring countries, and
the impetuosity of Judah’s ambitious nobles. He per-
mitted himself to be carried along with the stream,
refused to pay the tribute to Nebuchadnezzar, and
thus, unmindful of his oath, renounced Judah’s allegi-
ance to Babylonia (591). hus the die was cast
which was to decide the future of the nation. Neb-
uchadnezzar, who for some time, however, remained
passive, proceeded with his army to chastise the
rebellious people like disobedient slaves. It appears
that the surrounding nations who had urged the
revolt were the first to submit. Judah was left en-
tirely dependent on the assistance of Egypt, but
even Egypt was afraid to deal an effective blow.
It was, therefore, easy for Nebuchadnezzar to sub-
due the land of Judah and even to occupy its
fortresses In the south-west only, Lachish and
Azeka offered opposition. The Chaldzan army,
however, left them unmolested, and proceeded
against Jerusalem on the 1oth day of the roth
month (at the end of 588, or the beginning of 587).
The capital of Judah had meanwhile been fortified,
and supplied with provisions and water for a long
siege, but the inhabitants of the country, having, at
the approach of the enemy, fled into the city with
their children and herds, had increased the number
of consumers. Zedekiah or his palace-officers, cour-
tiers, and nobles having refused to obey the sum-
mons to surrender, Nebuchadnezzar commenced a
regular siege. The men of Jerusalem must have
defended themselves bravely, for the siege lasted,
- with little interruption, for nearly a year and a half
_ (from January, 587, to June, 586). The leader of
the besieged party was a eunuch in the service of
King Zedekiah. The king himself played a passive
part. He was neither commander of the troops,
nor leader of the movement. His irresolution and
weakness were clearly shown in this time of trouble.
The siege of Jerusalem had made the task of
Jeremiah a painful one. Though prevented by his
advanced age from taking part in the defence and
the war, yet his patriotism and his sympathy with
the people impelled him to inspire the warriors with
courage. His prophetic calling and power of fore-
sight, on the other hand, compelled him to announce
that the contest was in vain, and that the destruction
of the city was decreed, on account of the blood
which had been shed and the sins which had been
committed. Freedom of speech could not at this
period be denied him, as his name as a true prophet
had been established by the events which had
occurred. The nations of the north had set up
their throne at the gates of Jerusalem, and had pre-
pared a great chastisement.
When the siege of Jerusalem had lasted nearly a
year, during which there had been many engage-
ments with varying success, a change suddenly took
place. King Apries (Hophra) of Egypt at length
determined to fulfil his oft-repeated promise, and
sent an army against Nebuchadnezzar. This Egyp-
tian army must have been a mighty one, for the Chal-
dzeans, hearing of its approach, raised the siege of
Jerusalem, and marched to oppose it (February or
March, 586). The joy in Jerusalem was unbounded;
as the gates were at length opened, after being so long
closed, the inhabitants hurried out to enjoy a sense of
freedom. Hardly had the terrors of the siege abated,
when many of the nobility and the opulent returned to
their former wickedness. The slaves who had been
recently released were, notwithstanding a solemn .
covenant and oath, compelled to return to their
former bondage and former degradation. Jeremiah
was deeply angered at this cruelty and selfishness;
he delivered a scathing address to the nobles and the
king, in which he reproached them with their perjury,
and announced that the Chaldzeans would return
and capture Jerusalem; and that fire, war, hunger,
and pestilence would rage amongst the people.
The princes of Judah had been greatly incensed
against Jeremiah for his former opposition ; but his
last address excited a deadly hatred against him. As
he was one day leaving the city to go to his birth-
place, Anathoth, he was seized by a sentinel under
the pretext that he was deserting to the Chaldzans.
In spite of his assurance that he had no thought of
flight, he was delivered up to the princes, Glad of
an opportunity to revenge themselves on him, they
treated him asa traitor and spy, beat him; and put
him into a cistern (Adar, 586) in the house of Jona-
than, the Keeper of the Lists (Sopher),a hard, heartless
man who was made his jailor. In this narrow, dirty,
unhealthy place Jeremiah remained for many days,
The frenzied joy did not last long in Jerusalem.
The Chaldzan army, which had marched against the
Egyptian forces, under Apries, utterly routed the
enemy and put them to flight. The power of Egypt
was broken, and Judah was now again left entirely to
its own resources. The Chaldzans returned to the
siege of Jerusalem, and surrounded it more closely
than before, so as to bring the siege to a speedy end.
The courage of those who were shut up in the capi-
tal now began to fail. Many, anxious for their own
safety, left the besieged city at unguarded places,
and went over to the Chaldzans, or fled to Egypt.
King Zedekiah himself was fearful about the result,
and saw too late that he had been guilty of folly in
attempting to cope with the Babylonian power, with-
out the support of a liberty-loving people.
Not alone had the war killed off many, but famine
and pestilence now increased the number of deaths.
The number of warriors continued to decrease, and
at last so few remained that they were unable to
defend the walls. At length the last hour of Jeru-
salem struck, of that city which even the heathen had
considered impregnable. On the oth of Tamuz (June,
586) there was no more bread in the city, and in con-
sequence of the utter exhaustion of the garrison, the
Chaldzeans succeeded in making a wide breach in
the wall, by which they penetrated into the city.
Nebuchadnezzar was not present; he was.at Riblah,
in Syria. His generals and the elders of the Magi pro-
ceeded to the very heart of Jerusalem unmolested, in
order to pass judgment on the inhabitants. The Chal-
dzean warriors probably met with no opposition, as the
inhabitants, enfeebled by famine, could scarcely drag
themselves along. ‘They overran all parts of the city,
killing youths and men who appeared capable of
resistance, making prisoners of others and loading
them with chains. ‘The barbarous soldiers, rendered
savage by the long siege, violated women and maidens
irrespective of age. They also entered the lemple
and massacred the Aaronides and prophets who had
sought safety in the Sanctuary, amidst cries of rage,
as if they wished to wage war with the God of Israel. -
The Chaldeans were accompanied by many of the
neighbouring nations, the Philistines, Idumzeans, and
Moabites, who had joined Nebuchadnezzar. ‘They
stole the treasures and desecrated the Sanctuary.
Zedekiah, with the remnant of the defenders,
meanwhile succeeded in escaping at night through
the royal gardens and by a subterranean passage in
the north-eastern part of the city. He sought in
haste to reach the Jordan, but Chaldzan horsemen
hurried after the fugitives, and blocked their way
in the narrow passes. Weakened as they were,
crawling along rather than walking, they could be
easily overtaken and made captive. In the city, the
only dignitaries whom the troops found were the
High Priest (Seraiah), the Captain of the Temple
(Zephaniah), the Eunuch who had conducted the
war, the Keeper of the Lists (Sopher), the confidants
of the king, the door-keepers, and about sixty others.
They were all taken to Riblah, and there beheaded
at Nebuchadnezzar’s command. Noone could remain
in Jerusalem or its neighbourhood, as the air was
rendered pestilential by the numerous corpses which
lay unburied. Amongst the prisoners was the pro-
phet Jeremiah. He was found in the court Mattara, in
the king’s palace, and the Chaldzan soldiers, believing
him to be a servant of the palace, made him prisoner.
His disciple Baruch no doubt shared his fate. The
generals appointed Gedaliah, a Judaean of noble
birth, son of Ahikam, of the family of Shaphan, as
overseer of the prisoners and fugitives.
The last hope left the unfortunate remnant of
the nation when the news reached them that the
king was captured. Zedekiah and his followers were
overtaken near Jericho by the Chaldzean horsemen,
The warriors who were with him scattered at the
approach of the enemy, and crossed the Jordan
or took refuge in some hiding-place, but Zedekiah, his
sons, and some of his nobles were taken prisoners by
the Chaldzeans, and led to Riblah, before Nebuchad-
nezzar. The latter poured out all his justified
anger on the king for his faithlessness and perjury,
and the punishment he decreed upon him was
terrible. Nebuchadnezzar caused all the sons and re-
lations of Zedekiah to be executed before his eyes, and
then had him blinded. Deprived of his sight and
loaded with chains, he was taken to Babylon. He
did not long survive his sufferings.
What was to be done with the city of Jerusalem ?
She had become a charnel-house, but was still
standing. The generals who had captured her had
no instructions as to her fate. Nebuchadnezzar him-
self appears at first to have been undecided about
it, but at last he sent Nebuzaradan, the chief of his
uard, with orders to destroy the city. The Idumzan
nobles, filled with hate, immediately sought to make
him complete the destruction without mercy (Psalm
cxxxvii 7). Nebuzaradan gave orders to raze the
walls, to burn the Temple, palace, and all the beau-
tiful houses, and this order was conscientiously
fulfilled (roth Ab—August, 586). The treasures
still remaining in the Temple, the artistically worked
brazen pillars, the molten sea, the lavers of brass, the
gold and silver bowls and the musical instruments,
were all broken to pieces or conveyed to Babylon.
Jerusalem had become a heap of ruins, the Temple-
mount a wilderness, but not one of the great capitals
which fell from the height of glory into the dust has
been so honoured in its destruction as Jerusalem.
Poetry recorded her mournful fate in lamentations,
psalms and prayers, in such touching tones that every
tender heart must feel compassion with her even at
this day. Poetry has wound about her head a
martyr’s crown, which has become transformed into a
Jeremiah and probably two or three other poets
composed four lamentations corresponding to the
four stages of the trouble which befell the city. he
first lamentation was written immediately after the
capture of Jerusalem. The city still stood, the walls,
palaces, and Temple were not yet destroyed, but
it was deprived of its inhabitants and its joys.
This lamentation chiefly deplores the friendlessness
of Jerusalem; her greatest sorrow lies in the faithless-
ness of her allies, who now delight in her fall. The
second lamentation deplores the destruction of the
city and its walls, and especially the fall of the Sanc-
tuary. The third lamentation bemoans the destruc-
tion of all that was noble by the lingering famine,
and the despair which fell upon the survivors on
the capture of the king. The fourth lamentation~
describes the utter desolation of Jerusalem after its
complete destruction by the enemy.
The National Decay—The Fugitives—Enmity of the Idumaans—
Johanan, Son of Kareah—The Lamentation—Nebuchadnezzar
appoints Gedaliah as Governor—Jeremiah Encourages the
People—Mizpah—Ishmael Murders Gedaliah—The Flight to
Egypt—Jeremiah’s Counsel Disregarded—Depopulation of Ju-
dah—The Idumzans make Settlements in the Country—Obadiah
—Condition of the Judeans in Egypt—Defeat of Hophra—
Egypt under Amasis—Jeremiah’s Last Days.
586—572 B.C. E.
AszoutT a thousand years had passed since the tribes
of Israel had so courageously and hopefully crossed
the Jordan under their brave leader, and half that
interval had elapsed since the first two kings of the
house of David had raised the nation to a com-
manding position. After such a career, what an
ending! The greater part of the Ten Tribes had
been scattered for more than a century in unknown
countries. Of the remaining tribes, composing the
kingdom of Judah, the greater part had been de-
stroyed by war, famine and pestilence; a small
number had been led away into captivity, and an
insignificant few had emigrated to Egypt or fled else-
where, or lived in their own country, in constant terror
of the fate which the victors might have reserved for
them. Manifold enemies, in fact, let loose their
anger against these few, in order to bring about their
destruction, as if not a single Israelite was to survive
in his own country.
The remainder of the soldiers, who had fled at
night with Zedekiah from the conquered capital, had
dispersed at the approach of the Chaldzean pursuers.
A handful, under the command of one of the princes —
of the blood royal, Ishmael, son of Nethaniah, had
escaped across the Jordan, and had found shelter with
Baalis, the king of the Ammonites. The rest had pre-
ferred to flee to Egypt, whither several families had
already emigrated, because they hoped to receive the
protection of Hophra, who was an ally of their country.
But in order to reach it they had to cross Idumzan
territory, and here a fierce, unrelenting enemy awaited
them. lhe Idumzans, mindful of their old hatred,
untouched by the brotherly kindliness of Judah, and
not contented with the fall of Jerusalem and with the
booty they had acquired, carried their enmity so far
as to post a guard on the borders of their land for
the purpose of killing the fugitive Israelites or deliv-
ering them up to the Chaldzans, with whom they
wished to ingratiate themselves. It was not only
dislike, but also policy which prompted Edom to
behave with cruelty to the miserable fugitives. They
hoped to obtain possession of the entire territory
which had so long been in the hands of the people of
Israel. ‘The Idumzans loudly exclaimed, “ Both the
nations and both the kingdoms will belong to us”
(Ezekiel xxxv. 10). The Philistines also, and al] the
neighbouring nations displayed hatred and malice,
and but few of the Israelitish fugitives found refuge
in the Phoenician cities. Phoenicia was too far from
Judzea, and before the fugitives could reach it they
were overtaken and made prisoners by the Chal-
The greater number of the chiefs and soldiers who
had fled from Jerusalem with Zedekiah preferred
to remain in their own counrty. ‘They clung to the
ground on which they had been born as though they
could not separate themselves from it. At cheir head
was Johanan, son of Kareah. But they had to seek
hiding-places in order to escape from the Chaldzans.
They hid in the clefts, grottoes and caves of the
mountains, or among the ruins of the fallen cities, and
doubtless made raids from their hiding-places in order
to obtain provisions,or to attack stragg cling Chaldzeans
and their adherents. These Judzans were often
obliged to seek the means for sustaining their miser-
able existence at the peril of their lives. If they were
caught they were condemned to an ignominious
death or subjected to disgraceful treatment. ‘The
nobles of advanced age were hanged; the young
were condemned to carry mills from one place to
another, and to do other slavish work. A _ psalmist,
who was one of the sufferers from the woes of
this desperate condition, composed a heart-rending
lamentation, the short verses of which sound like
sobs and tears (Lamentations, ch. v.). For a short
time it seemed as if this miserable condition of
the scattered people, this destructive war against
the fugitives, would come to an end. Nebuchad-
nezzar did not wish Judah to be annihilated; he
determined to let the insignificant community remain
in the land, though he did not wish a native or even
a foreign king to be at their head. He therefore
determined to appoint Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam,
as governor over them; his capital was to be at
Mizpah, which is an hour and a half’s journey to the
north-east of Jerusalem.
Nebuchadnezzar could not have made a better
choice. Gedaliah was a man in every way fitted for
the difficult post; he was gentle and peace-loving,
having been to a certain extent the disciple of the
prophet Jeremiah, of whom his father Ahikam had
been the friend and protector. In order to heal the
still bleeding wounds, a gentle hand was wanted,
that of a man capable of complete self-devotion and
abnegation. Gedaliah was, perhaps, too gentle, or he
relied too much on the grateful feelings of men. Ne- -
buzaradan entrusted to him the more harmless of the
prisoners, the daughters of King Zedekiah and many
women and children; he also placed under him the
husbandmen, in all, not much above a thousand per-
sons. Nebuchadnezzar also desired that the prophet
Jeremiah should assist Gedaliah; he therefore ordered
Nebuzaradan to behave considerately towards Jere-
miah, and to grant all his wishes.
Nebuzaradan proceeded from Jerusalem to Ramah
(in the vicinity of which was the tomb of Rachel), in
order to decide which of the prisoners and deserters
should remain in their country, and which should be
banished to Babylon. Here he released Jeremiah
from the chains with which he, like the other prisoners,
had been bound, and offered him the choice of
emigrating to Babylon, where he would be kindly
treated, or of selecting any other dwelling-place; but
-he advised him to go to Gedaliah, at Mizpah.
Jeremiah, who had justly bewailed the lot which
fell to him, of being selected to see the full measure
of misery, was now forced to behold the pitiful sight of
the captives at Ramah being led in fetters to Babylon.
Heart-rending were the cries of the unfortunate men,
women, and children, who were being dragged away.
from their fatherland; Jeremiah endeavoured to
comfort them (Jerem. xxxi. 14, seq.).
With a heavy heart Jeremiah, attended by his
disciple Baruch, prepared to visit Gedaliah in Mizpah.
He had not much hope of effecting good results
~ among the small remnant of the ignorant common
people, seeing that for forty years he had striven in
vain amongst the nobles and educated classes. How-
ever, he determined to cast his lot with theirs. Neb-
uchadnezzar thought so well of Jeremiah that he sent
him gifts and money. His presence in Gedaliah’s
immediate vicinity inspired those who had remained
in the country with greater confidence in the future.
The governor had announced that all those fugitives
who would collect around him would remain un-
molested and at peace in the cities, and be permitted
to cultivate their fields. Gradually the scattered tribes
from Moab and the neighbouring countries who did
not feel at ease in the places where they had settled,
joined Gedaliah, and made peace with him; that is
to say, they bound themselves to be faithful subjects
of the Chaldzan king. ;
They cultivated the land, and not only grew corn,
but also vines and figs; the soil yielded its fruits
again, and as the population was small, the farmers,
gardeners and vine-dressers received larger shares of
the land, and succeeded in obtaining rich harvests.
Several towns arose out of the ruins; in Mizpah,
Gedaliah erected a sanctuary, as Jerusalem and the
Temple on the Mount were destroyed and had be-
come haunts for jackals.
Mizpah thus became a centre of importance anda
holy place. The half-Israelitish, half-heathen colony
of the Cuthzans of Shechem, Shiloh and Samaria,
recognised this sanctuary, and made pilgrimages
thither, offering sacrifices and incense.
«The remnant of Judah” over whom Gedaliah had
been placed was reminded of its dependence on
a Chaldzean ruler by the presence of the Chaldzan
garrison. The latter not only kept watch over the
nation, but also over the governor, in order that they
might not engage in conspiracies. But considering
the circumstances and the fearful misfortunes which
had befallen the country, this state of things was
endurable, or at least more favourable than the people
could have expected ; they were, at any rate, in their
own country. Ihe military chiefs, who were weary
of their adventurous lives in the mountains and
deserts, and of their contests with the wild animals
that infested the land and the yet wilder Chaldzans, -
and who had relied on their swords and on delusive
hopes, now determined to submit to Gedaliah.
Johanan, son of Koreah, and his associates, laid down
their weapons, cultivated the fields, and built up
cities upon the ruins which until now had served
them as hiding-places.
The last to make peace was the leader Ishmael,
son of Nethaniah. Ishmael was a cunning and
unprincipled man, and an evil spirit seems to have
accompanied him to Mizpah, to disturb the compara-
tively favourable condition of the remnant of Judah.
It is true that he made peace with Gedaliah and the
Chaldzeans, and promised submission; but in his
heart he cherished anger and rage against both.
Baalis, the king of Ammon, who had been opposed
to the growth and development of a Judzean colony
under Chaldzan protection, now instigated Ishmael
to a crime which was to put an end to it. The
remaining captains, and especially Johanan, the son
of Koreah, received private intelligence of Ishmael’s
treacherous intentions towards Gedaliah. They
informed Gedaliah of the matter, placed themselves
at his disposal, and entreated permission to put an
end to the malefactor; but Gedaliah placed no faith
in their warning. This confidence, whether it owed
its cause to a feeling of power or of weakness, was
destined to prove fatal to him and to the newly-
organised community.
It was about four years after the destruction
of Jerusalem and the gathering of the scattered
Judzans around their governor, that Ishmael, with
ten followers, displaying great friendliness to Geda-
liah, arrived in Mizpah to celebrate a festival. Geda-
liah invited them to a banquet, and whilst the assem-
bly, perhaps under the influence of wine, anticipated
no evil, [Ishmael and his followers drew their swords
and killed the governor, the Chaldzeans and all men
present who were capable of bearing arms, The
remaining people in Mizpah, old men, women, chil-
dren, and eunuchs, he placed under the guard of his
people, in order that his crime might not become
known. Ishmael and his ten followers then carried
off into captivity the inhabitants of Mizpah, for the
most part women and children, among them the
daughters of King Zedekiah, as also the venerable
prophet Jeremiah and his disciple Baruch, taking
them across the Jordan to the Ammonites.
However, secretly though he had performed his evil
deeds, they could not long remain unknown. Joha-
nan and the other chiefs had received information of
what had happened, and were not a little indignant
at being deprived of their protector, and cast back
into the uncertainties of an adventurous existence.
They hurriedly armed themselves to punish the
crime as it deserved. The murderers were met at
their first halting-place, at the lake of Gibeon, by
Johanan and the others, who prepared to do battle
with them. At sight of the pursuers the prisoners
hurried to join them. It appears that a fray ensued, in
which two of Ishmael’s followers were killed. He,
however, escaped, with eight men, crossed the Jor-
dan, and returned to the land of Ammon. His
nefarious design, nevertheless, had succeeded; with
the death of Gedaliah the Jewish commonwealth was
broken up.
The survivors were at a loss how to act. They
feared to remain in their country, as it was easy to
foresee that Nebuchadnezzar would not leave the
death of the Chaldzeans unavenged, even if he over-
looked the murder of Gedaliah, and would punish
them as accessories. Even had this fear been
groundless, how could they remain in the country
without a leader to control the unruly elements?
Their first thought was to emigrate to Egypt. The
chiefs, with Johanan at their head, therefore directed
their steps southwards. As they gradually became
calmer, the question arose whether it might not be
more advisable to remain in the land of their fathers
than to travel, on .a venture, into a foreign country.
It appears that the idea first suggested itself to
Baruch, and that it was received with favour by
some of the chiefs, whilst others were opposed to
it. Owing to this difference of opinion concerning
the plan on which the weal and woe of so many
depended, the leaders determined to leave the de-
cision to Jeremiah. He was to pray to God, and
entreat Him for a prophetic direction as to the
course they should adopt, calling on God to witness
that they would abide by his word.
Ten days Jeremiah wrestled in prayer that his
spirit might be illumined by the true prophetic light.
During this time the feelings of the leaders had
changed, and they had all determined on emigra-
tion. When Jeremiah called together the chiefs
and all the people, and informed them that the
prophetic spirit had revealed to him that they should
remain in the land without fear, he saw from their
looks that they rejected this decision. He therefore
added the threat that, if they insisted on emigra-
tion, the sword which they feared would the more
surely reach them; that none of them would ever
again behold his fatherland, and that they would all
perish through manifold plagues, in Egypt. Hardly
had Jeremiah ended his address, when Jezaniah and
Johanan called to him, “Thou proclaimest lies in
the name of God; not He has inspired thee with
these words, but thy disciple Baruch.” Without
further consideration the leaders proceeded on the
way towards Egypt, and the entire multitude had
perforce to follow them.
Jeremiah and Baruch also had to join the rest, for
they could do nothing in their deserted country.
Thus they wandered as far as the Egyptian town_of
Taphnai (Tachpanches). They were kindly received
by King Hophra, who was sufficiently grateful to
show hospitality towards those whom his persua-
sions had brought to their present misery. There
they met with older Judzan emigrants. Thus,
more than a thousand years after the Exodus, the
sons of Jacob returned to Egypt, but under what
changed circumstances! At that time they had
been powerful shepherd tribes, narrow in their views
it is true, but unsullied and strong, with hearts
swelling with hope. Their descendants, on the con-
trary, with sore hearts and disturbed minds, were
too much estranged from their principles to find
solace and tranquillity in their God and their nation-
ality, yet not sufficiently changed to merge them-
selves into the other races and disappear amongst
them. Like all unwilling emigrants, they were
buoyed up by false hopes, and watched every polit-
ical movement which might bring them an oppor-
tunity to return to their country, there to live in their
former independence.
Meanwhile, Judzea was almost completely depopu-
lated. Nebuchadnezzar was not inclined to treat
the occurrences at Mizpah, the murder of Gedaliah
and the Chaldzans with him, with indifference. He
probably saw that it had been an error to permit a
weak Judzean community to exist, dependent solely
on one man. He, therefore, once more sent out the
leader of his guards, in order to take revenge on the
remaining Judzeans. Nebuzaradan, as a matter of
course, found none of the leaders, nor any man of
importance; none but the remaining agriculturists,
gardeners, and vine-dressers. These, with their
wives and children, being seven hundred and forty-
five persons in all, the last remnant of the population
of Judea, were led to Babylonia (582) into captivity.
This was the third banishment since Jehoiachin.
The innocent, on this occasion also, had to suffer for
the guilty. There is no historical record as to what
became of Ishmael and his fellow-conspirators. Geda-
liah’s name, on the other hand, remained in the mem-
ory of the survivors, on account of his violent death.
The anniversary of his murder was observed in Baby-
lonia asa fast day. Nebuchadnezzar, after Gedaliah’s
death, determined to leave no Judzan in the country,
and Judza remained depopulated and deserted. A
later prophet laments over its utter desertion: “ The
holy cities have become a waste, Zion a wilderness,
Jerusalem a desolation” (Isaiah Ixiv. 9).
Thus the punishment which the prophets had pre-
dicted was fulfilled. ‘The soil of Judah could now
rest, and celebrate the Sabbatical years which had
been neglected so long. In the south the Idumzans
had appropriated some stretches of Judzean territory
on their borders (with or without permission from
the Babylonian king), and had extended their pos-
sessions as far as the slope (Shephela) of the Medi-
terranean Sea. The exiles therefore felt a bitter
hatred against the Idumzans, who, in addition to
plundering Jerusalem, and giving up the fugitives,
had now seized on the land of their heritage. Two
prophets, who had escaped from the massacre and the
desolation, and lived amongst the exiles, gave vivid
expression to thisdeplorable feeling—Obadiah and an
anonymous prophet. Both prophesied evil against
Edom, as a retribution for its conduct towards the
kindred nation, the Jews, and towards Jerusalem.
Although the Judzans were everywhere coldly
received, and their own country had become, to a
certain extent, the property of their enemies, the
refugees in Egypt still nursed the hope that they
would soon return to their fatherland, and again
inhabit it. Warlike happenings strengthened this
hope, but the venerable prophet Jeremiah endeav-
oured to dispel their illusions. His heart prompted
him to speak severely to the Egyptian Judzans,
because, unchastened by misfortunes, they had once
more devoted themselves to the worship of the god-
dess Neith. Despite their infatuation with strange
gods, they yet, in their incomprehensible blindness,
clung to the name of Jehovah, and swore by
Him. Jeremiah, for the last time before descend-
ing to his grave, desired to tell them that, owing
to their unconquerable folly, they would never return
to their fatherland. He therefore summoned the
Judzans of Migdol, Taphnai, Memphis, and Sais (?)
to a general meeting at Taphnai. He still pos-
sessed sufficient influence to ensure their obeying
his summons. He put the case before them in plain
language. ‘Their idolatrous practices, however, were
so dear to their hearts that they openly boasted of
them, and told the prophet that they would not re-
linquish them. The women were particularly aggres-
sive: “The oath which we have taken, to offer up
incense and wine to the queen of heaven, shall be
kept, as we and our fathers were formerly accus-
tomed to do in the cities of Judaa and in the
streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had bread
in plenty, we were happy, and saw no evil. Since
we have left off making sacrifices to the queen of
heaven we have been in want, and our people have
perished by the sword or through hunger.” Jere-
miah thus answered their blasphemy: “Fulfil your
oaths; all the men of Judah will surely die in the
land of Egypt; only a few fugitives from the sword
shall return from Egypt into the land of Judah.
They shall learn whose word shall endure—mine or
theirs.” Asa sign, he predicted that King Hophra,
on whom they depended, would fall into the hands
of his enemy, as Zedekiah. had tallen into the hands
of Nebuchadnezzar. The announcement that Hophra
would meet with a disastrous end was fulfilled. In
a warlike expedition against Cyrene, his army was
defeated, and his warriors, jealous of the Carians
and Ionians, whom he favoured, rebelled against
him. An Egyptian of low caste, Amasis (Amosis),
placed himself at the head of the rebels, conquered
Hophra, dethroned him, and caused him to be
strangled (571-70). This new Pharaoh, who was
very careful to attract to himself the Egyptians and
also to win the Greeks over to his side, took no
interest in those Judzeans who had settled in Egypt.
They were neglected, and their dream of returning
to their fatherland through the help of Egypt was
dispelled. Jeremiah seems to have lived to see this -
change. |
His tender heart must have become still sadder
in his old age, as he had not succeeded in “ bringing
forth the precious from the vile.” The few Judaans
who were around him in Egypt remained firm in
their folly and hardness, of heart. But Jeremiah had
not toiled in vain. The seed which he had sown
grew up plentifully on another ground, where it was
carefully tended by his fellow-prophets. His orfice,
not only to destroy, but to rebuild and plant anew,
was carried on in another place. His disciple Baruch,
son of Neriah, appears to have left the exiles in
Egypt for those in Babylon, after the death of the
prophet of Anathoth.
Nebuchadnezzar’s treatment of the Exiles—The Exiles obtain grants
of land—Evil-Merodach favours Jehoiachin—Number of the
Judzean Exiles—Ezekiel’s captivity in the first period of the Exile
—Moral change of the People—Baruch collects Jeremiah’s Pro-
phecies and compiles the Histories—The Mourners of Zion—
Proselytes—The Pious and the Worldly—The Poetry of the
Time—Psalms and Book of Job—Nabonad’s Persecutions—The
Martyrs and the Prophets of the Exile—The Babylonian Isaiah
—Cyrus captures Babylon—The Return under Zerubbabel.
572-537 (Ba. Be
Was it chance, or was it a special design, that
the Judzans, who were banished to Babylonia, were
humanely and kindly treated by the conqueror Neb-
uchadnezzar? Is there, in fact, in the history of
nations, and in the chain of events, such a thing as
chance? Can-we affirm positively that the condition
and state of mankind would have been quite unlike
what they now are, if this or that circumstance had
accidentally not occurred?’ Can we believe that,
whilst firm and unalterable laws govern all things in
the kingdom of nature, the history of nations should
be the result of mere caprice? Nebuchadnezzar’s
clemency to the people of Judah was of great im-
portance in the historical development of that na-
tion. The preservation of the exiles, reduced by
much misery toa mere handful, was mainly due to
this kindness. Nebuchadnezzar was not like those
ruthless conquerors of earlier and later days, who
took pleasure in wanton destruction. The desire to
build up and to create was as dear to his heart
as conquest. He wished to make the newly
established Chaldzean kingdom great, populous
and rich. His capital, Babylon, was to surpass the
now ruined Nineveh. He built a wall round his
city, which was nine miles in circumference, and he
added a new town to the old one,on the eastern side
of the river Euphrates. The conquered people, taken
forcibly from their own homes, were transplanted
into this new city, whilst domiciles were given to
many Judzean captives in the capital itself, those in
particular being favoured who had freely accepted
Nebuchadnezzar’s rule. In fact, so generous was his
treatment that entire families and communities from
the cities of Judzea and Benjamin, with their kindred
and their slaves, had the privilege of remaining
together. They were free, and their rights and cus-
toms were respected. The families transplanted
from Jerusalem—such as the princes of the royal
house (the sons of David), the descendants of Joab
or the family of Pahath-Moab, the family of Parosh
and others, formed each a special league, and were
allowed to govern themselves after the manner of
their family traditions. Even the slaves of the Temple
(the Nethinim) and the slaves of the state, who had
followed their masters. into exile, lived grouped
together according to their own pleasure.
Most probably the exiles received land and dwell-
ing-places in return for those which they had for-
feited in their own country. Ihe land divided
amongst them was cultivated by themselves or by
their servants. They not only possessed slaves,
but also horses, mules, camels, and asses. As long
as they paid the tax on their lands and, perhaps,
also a poll-tax, and obeyed the laws of the king,
they were permitted to enjoy their independence.
They probably clung to each other and their common
national memories the more closely, as, like most
exiles, they fondly cherished the hope that their re-
turn to their own country would surely be brought
about by some unforeseen event. One other cir-
cumstance greatly helped them. In the Chaldzan
kingdom the Aramaic language predominated, and
as it was cognate with Hebrew, the exiles learnt it
easily, and soon made themselves understood by the
inhabitants. Even in those days the Judzans pos-
sessed peculiar facility for acquiring foreign lan-
guages. The position of the Judzans in Babylonia
after the death of Nebuchadnezzar (561) was still
more favourable.
Nebuchadnezzar’s son and successor, Evil-Mero-
dach (Illorodamos) was utterly unlike his father.
He was not courageous, nor did he love warfare,
and he paid little attention to the business of the
state. Judaan youths, from the royal house of
David, were to be found at his court as eunuchs.
How often have these guardians of the harem, these
servants of their master’s whims, become in turn
masters of their master. The king Evil-Merodach
appears to have been under the influence of a Judzean
favourite, who induced him to release the captive king
Jehoiachin, who had been imprisoned for thirty-seven
years. The Babylonian monarch clothed him in royal
garments, invited him to the royal table, and supplied
his wants most generously. When Evil-Merodach
held his court with unusual pomp, and assembled
all the great men of the kingdom about him, he
raised a throne for Jehoiachin higher than the thrones
of the other conquered kings. He wished all the
world to know that the former king of Judza was his
particular favourite.
This generosity of Evil-Merodach must have ex-
tended in some degree to Jehoiachin’s fellow-pris-
oners, for to many of them greater freedom was
given, whilst others, who had been kept in the strictest
captivity on account of their enmity to Nebuchad-
nezzar, were released. In fact, it is possible that
Evil-Merodach might have been persuaded to allow
the exiles to return home, with Jehoiachin as king
of Judzea, had not his own death intervened. After
a short reign of two years, he was murdered by his
brother-in-law, Neriglissar (560). Ihe dream of re-
turning to their own country, in which some Babylo-
nian Judzans had indulged, was thus dispelled.
They were soon to learn the hardships of captivity.
One of the many prophecies of the Hebrew seers
—namely, that only a small part of the people
should be saved—had been fulfilled. Insignificant
indeed was the remnant. Of the four millions of
souls which the children of Israel numbered in the
reign of King David, only about a hundred thousand
remained. Millions had fallen victims to the sword,
famine, and pestilence, or had disappeared and been
lost in foreign lands. But there was another side
to the prophecies, which had not yet been realised.
The greater number of the Judzean exiles, particularly
those belonging to the most distinguished families,
unchastened by the crushing blow which had befallen
their nation and their country, persisted in their obsti-
nacy and hardness of heart. The idolatrous practices
to which they had been addicted in their own country,
they continued in-Babylon. It was difficult indeed to
root out the passion for idolatry from the hearts of
the people. The heads of the families, or elders, who
laid claim to a kind of authority over all the other
exiles, were as cruel and as extortionate in BabyJonia
as they had been in Palestine. Regardless of those
beneath them, they did not try to better their condi-
tion. They chose the best and most fruitful portions
of the lands assigned to them, leaving the worst to
their subordinates.
Ezekiel, the son of Buzi, the first prophet of the
captivity (born about 620, died about 570) directed
his prophetic ardour against the folly and obstinacy
of the exiles. Gifted with simple, yet fiery and im-
pressive eloquence, with a sweet and impassioned
voice, and fully conscious of the highest ideal of
religion and morality that the Judzeans were capable
of attaining, he spoke with courage and energy to
his fellow-exiles. At first they treated him roughly
(actually fettering him upon one occasion), but at
last he gained their attention, and they would gather
round him when he prophesied.
The elders had often entreated him to foretell the
end of that terrible war whilst it was raging in and
about Jerusalem, but he had been silent. Why
should he repeat for the hundredth time that the
city, the nation, and the Temple were to be inevitably
destroyed? But when a fugitive announced to him
that the threatened misfortune had become a reality,
he broke silence. Ezekiel first addressed himself to
the conscienceless and heartless elders, who were
leading a comfortable existence in captivity, whilst
they were ill-treating their unfortunate brethren.
(Ezekiel, ch. xxxiv.) But also in another direction,
he had to combat a false idea prevailing amongst
the exiles. Like the rest of the prophets, Ezekiel
had foretold with absolute certainty the ultimate
return of the Judzans to Palestine, but also their
return to a purer state of morality. Many of the
captives, however, in consequence of their repeated
misfortunes, began to despair of the new birth of the
nation, and looked upon it asa mere dream. They
said, “ Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost:
we are quite cut off.” The greatest of all evils is for
a nation to despair of its future and to give up every
hope. Ezekiel considered it a most important duty
to banish this gloom from the hearts of his people.
In a beautiful simile—that of the dry bones restored
to life—he placed before them a picture of their new
But there was another group of exiles who de-
spaired of the restoration of the Judean people.
They felt themselves utterly crushed by their sins.
For centuries the nation had tempted the anger of
its God by idolatry and other misdeeds. These sins
could not be undone, but must meet with their inev-
itable result—the death of the sinner. ‘These unfor-
tunate people exclaimed, “If our transgressions and
our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how
then should we live?” But the prophet Ezekiel also
combated this gloomy belief, that sin and its punish-
ment were inseparably connected, and that crime
must necessarily lead to the death of the sinner. In
eloquent words, he laid before the people his con-
solatory doctrine of the efficacy of repentance.
Often and in varied terms Ezekiel spoke of the
future deliverance of the exiles, and painted it in
ideal colours. So deeply was this’ prophet of the
exile impressed with the certainty of a return to the
old order of things in his own country, that he actually
devised a plan for the building of a new Temple, and
for the ordering of divine service and of the priest-
hood. Ezekiel was far from thinking that such a
brilliant and glorious future was near at hand. The
ideas, the feelings, and the actions which he daily
observed in the exiles were not of a kind to justify
such a hope. But he and other holy men helped to
make a small beginning. Not Jong after the death
of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, an unexpected change for
the better commenced. The captivity which, not-
withstanding the kind treatment at the hands of
Nebuchadnezzar and his son, was attended with much
suffering, but more especially the influence of their
peculiar literature led to a change in the disposition
of the people. In the very midst of the idolatrous
abominations of the kingdoms of Ephraim and Judah,
the flowers of a higher morality had blossomed.
“The Spirit of God had dwelt amidst the uncleanli-
ness of the people.” The sublime thoughts of the
prophets and the psalmists, awakened during the
course of centuries, had not vanished into thin
air with speech and song, but had taken root in
some hearts, and had been preserved in writing.
‘Fhe priests of the sons of Zadok, who had never
been idolatrous, had brought with them into cap-
tivity the Torah (the Pentateuch); the disciples of
the prophets had brought the eloquent words of
their teachers; the Levites had brought the sublime
Psalms; the wise men, a treasure of excellent say-
ings; the learned had preserved the historical books.
Treasures, indeed, had been lost, but one treasure
remained which could not be stolen, and this the exiles
had taken with them into a strange land. A rich,
brilliant, and manifold literature had been carried into
exile with them, and it became a power that taught,
ennobled, and rejuvenated. ‘These writings were
replete with wonders. Had not the prophecy been
realised to the letter, that the land of Israel would
spew forth its people on account of their folly and
their crimes, just as it had thrust out the Canaan-
ites? Had not the menacing words of the prophets
come to passin a most fearful manner? Jeremiah
had prophesied daily, in unambiguous words, the
destruction of the nation, the city, and the Temple.
Ezekiel had foretold the terrible war and subse-
quent misery, and his words had been fulfilled ;
and earlier still, Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, and even
Moses had warned the people that exile and destruc-
tion would follow upon the transgression of the Law.
Yet in spite of all their terrible misery, the people
were not entirely annihilated. A remnant existed,
small indeed, and homeless, but this remnant had
found favour in the eyes of the conquerors. It was
clear that even in the land of their foes, God had not
entirely rejected them; He. did not “ utterly abhor
them, to destroy them and break His covenant with
Another miracle took place before their own eyes.
A part of the descendants of the Ten Tribes, scat-
tered for more than a century in the Assyrian prov-
inces, and looked upon as lost, had asserted their
nationality. Though long separated by jealousy and
artfully whetted hate, they approached their suffering
brethren with cordial affection. Those Israelites
who had dwelt in the capital of Nineveh had, with-
out doubt, left that doomed city at the destruction of
the Assyrian empire, and had fled to Babylonia, the
neighbouring kingdom. Thus the words of the
prophets were again fulfilled, “ Israel and Judah shall
dwell together in brotherly love.”
Those who were able to read eagerly studied the
rescued manuscripts, and anxiously sought instruc-
tion and consolation in their pages. The prophecies
and words of Jeremiah were especially studied, their
pathetic and elegiac tone being peculiarly adapted
to men living in exile. Jeremiah’s writings, which
had probably been brought by Baruch from Egypt,
became a popular book. The effect which the living
words, fresh from the prophet’s own lips, had failed
to produce was accomplished by the written letter.
The spirit of the prophets passed into the souls of
their readers, filled them with hopes and ideals, and
prepared them for a change of mind.
In order to make the conversion a lasting one,
the spiritual leaders of the people chose a new
method of instruction. One of them, probably Ba-
ruch, wrote (about 555) a comprehensive historical
work for his readers, relating the events from the
creation of the world and the commencement of Israel
as a nation down to the time when Jehoiachin was
released from his prison, and loaded with marks of
the royal favour. This collection embraced the Torah
(Law), the Book of Joshua, the histories of the Judges,
of Samuel, Saul and David. To these Baruch added
his own redaction of the history of the Kings from
Solomon to Jehoiachin, whose downfall he himself
had witnessed. He gave his own colouring to these
events, in order to demonstrate that the decline of the
kingdom, from the death of Solomon, was owing to
the apostasy of the king and the people.
_ The historical work that Baruch compiled has
no equal. It is simple, yet rich in matter and
instructive, unaffected yet artistic; but above all
things it is vivid and impressive. It was the second
national work of the Babylonian exiles, and they
not only read it with interest, but took it to heart,
and listened to its lessons. lLevitical scribes ap-
plied themselves to copying it. This literature gave
a new heart to the people, and breathed a new spirit
into them. What Ezekiel had commenced, Jere-
miah’s disciple, Baruch, continued.
Influenced by the study of these writings, the exiles
began to devote themselves to_ self-examination.
This was followed by contrition for their constant
disobedience and idolatry. Those who were moved
to penitence by the consciousness of their great sins
longed to wash away the bitter past in tears of re-
pentance, They acknowledged that all the misfor-
tunes that had befallen them were well deserved,
for just as “the Lord of Hosts had purposed to do
unto them according to their ways and according to
their doings, so had He dealt with them.” Many
atoned sincerely ; four days in the year were set apart, |
at first by a few, and later on by a large number of
exiles, as days of mourning. These occasions were
- the anniversaries of Nebuchadnezzar’s siege of Jeru-
salem in the tenth month, of the conquest of Jeru-
salem in the. fourth month, of the destruction of
Jerusalem in the fifth month, and of Gedaliah’s
assassination in the seventh month. At these times
it became customary for the people to fast and
lament, wear garments of mourning, sit in ashes and
bow their heads in deep contrition. These days of
mourning heralded the people’s awakening; they
were signs of repentance, and the first institution of
national anniversaries after the captivity. This keen
feeling of remorse gave birth to a new kind of psalm,
which we may call the Penitential Psalm. Those |
who had forsaken their evil ways in turn converted
others; former sinners showed other evil-doers the
way to God. The number of the faithful, “those
who were eager for God’s word,” those “ who sought
after God,” thus gradually increased. Naturally,
the Patient Sufferers (Anavim) formed the nucleus
of this new party. They mourned the destruction of
Jerusalem and its former glory; they were “ contrite
in heart,” and “ meek in spirit.” They bore outward
signs of mourning, and called themselves “the
mourners of Zion.” With them were associated
members of noble families, who held some office or
dignity at the Babylonian court. All their thoughts
dwelt upon Jerusalem. They loved the stones of
the Holy City,and longed to see its very ruins, lying
in the dust. (Psalm cxx. 14-15.) The Levite, who, in
the name of his companions in captivity, described
so poetically this faithful remembrance of Jerusalem,
gave utterance, in the 137th Psalm, to the sentiments
of “the mourners of Zion.”
While praying for deliverance or confessing
their sins, the mourners turned their faces towards
Jerusalem, as if the place where the Temple had
once stood were still holy, and as if only thence.
a merciful answer to their supplications were to
be expected. As those “eager for God’s word”
would not offer up sacrifices in a strange land, they
accustomed themselves to look upon prayer as a
substitute for sacrifice. Three times a day,a number
of persons forming a congregation met for this pur-
pose. The House of Prayer took the place of the
Temple. It was probably the penitential psalms and
the psalms of mourning that were sung in these
houses of prayer, and were composed for them.
The enthusiasm for Jerusalem, for the deliverance
from captivity, and for the Law, was fanned to a
brighter flame by the astounding fact that some of
the heathen population accepted the doctrines of the
exiles, and entered into their covenant. Only the
enthusiasm of the exiles could have effected this won-
derful phenomenon. Zeal of a self-sacrificing, self-
forgetting nature is a magic power which kindles
enthusiasm. It was comparatively easy, by contrast-
ing the Judzan doctrine of one sublime, spiritual God
with the childish image-worship of the Chaldzans, to
make the latter appear ridiculous. The Judzan, fully
conscious of the majesty of his God, could ill restrain
his derision, or withhold a smile of contempt at the
sight of a Babylonian workman carving an image out
of wood, praying to it for help in adversity, and then
kindling with the rest of the material a fire, at
which he warmed himself, or over which he baked
his bread and cooked his meat. In this way many
who heard of the great name of the God of Israel
forsook their own false belief, and associated them-
selves with a people that professed a totally different
religion. These newly-won proselytes, after their
conversion, kept the Sabbath, obeyed the statutes, and
even submitted to the rite of circumcision. This,
the first achievement of the exiles during the Cap-
tivity, exercised a reflex influence upon the Judzans.
They began to love their God and their Law with far
greater fervour, as soon as they discovered that
heathens had been won to their side. This regen-
eration was effected before two decades had elapsed
since the death of the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
The now accessible literature, the Torah and the
Prophets, was a rejuvenating fountain, refreshing
the spirit and softening the heart. However, this
new spirit, by which the nation was inspired, had to
be tried and tested, and the hour of probation was at
Some of the most distinguished families amongst the
Judzeans adhered to their old abominations, and in
addition adopted many of the errors of their heathen
neighbours. The giant capital Babylon and the vast
Chaldzean empire exercised a magical, charm over
those “ who stood highest” among the exiles, tempting
them into imitating the Chaldzan customs, opening
a wide horizon before them, and giving them the
opportunity of developing their talents. The products
of the soil and the artistic fabrics of Babylonia, which
were eagerly sought after and largely exported,
formed the staples of a flourishing commerce. Thus
the former merchants of Judah were able, not only to
continue their calling, but to follow it more actively.
They undertook frequent journeys for the purpose of ©
buying and selling, and began to accumulate great
riches. Ina luxurious country wealth produces luxury.
The rich Judzeans imitated the effeminate life of the
Babylonians, and even began to profess their idolatrous
beliefs. To ensure the success of their commercial
undertakings, they prepared a table with food for
the god of Good Fortune (Gad), and filled the
pitcher of wine for the goddess of Fate (Meni). So
completely did the wealthy exiles identify themselves
with the Babylonians, that they entirely forgot Judah
and Jerusalem, which until lately had been the goal
of their desires. They could not bear to think of
their return; they wished to be Babylonians, and
looked with contempt upon the fanatical lovers of
their own land. The two rival parties, which hated
each other, were represented, on the one hand, by
men of zeal and piety, and on the other, by men of
worldliness and self-indulgence. The earnest-minded
Judzans, who were full of fervour for their cause,
attempted to influence their brethren, whose religious
views and conduct were so widely opposed to their
own. To this effort we are indebted for a new
poetical literature which almost excelled the old.
‘The last twenty years of the Captivity were more pro-
ductive even than the times of Hezekiah. The men
of genius, disciples of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who had
so thoroughly absorbed the spirit of their literature
that their own souls were brought into harmony with
it, now produced fruitful thoughts of their own,
clothed in elegant forms. An apparently inexhaust-
ible fountain of poetry flowed once more ina strange
land, in the very midst of the sufferings of captivity.
The Hebrew language, so lovingly fostered by the
exiles in their Aramaic home, was the language of
their poetic works. New psalms, maxims of wisdom,
and prophetical discourses followed each other in rapid
succession. A poet of that time collected a number
of proverbs, written at a much earlier date, and in the
prefatory chapters which he affixed to them he gave
a true picture of the age. He was an acute observer
of human failings and their consequences, and his
work is an eloquent exposition of practical ethics.
If he could but bring the worldly-minded to listen
to his teaching, he argued, they might be induced
to abandon their evil ways. The leading idea of
this poet is that the beginning of wisdom is the fear
of God, and the fear of God, the safeguard against
corruption; sin is folly, and causes the death of the
sinner; even the prosperity of fools kills them, and
their happiness destroys them.—But what reward is
there in store for the pious or the wise who suffer?
To this question our poet, like the psalmists
of the exiled congregation, had no other answer
than that “The just will inhabit the land again,
and the pious shall dwell in it once more.” But if
this sufficed for the God-fearing people and the
mourners of Zion, it was not sufficient to comfort
and satisfy the weak in faith, still less could it
alter the feelings of those who had forgotten the Holy
Mountain, and whose hearts clave to Babylonia. For it
was evident that the sinners enjoyed prosperity, and
that those who feared God and remained true to their
ideals were often unhappy and unfortunate. This
discord in the moral order of the world demanded
a satisfactory explanation. Doubts arose as to the
justice of God, and as to the truth of the teachings
of the fathers, and these misgivings were bitterly felt
by the Babylonian Judzean community.
A poet undertook the solution of these distressing
questions, and he created a work of art which is
ranked among the most perfect ever conceived by a
human mind. This unknown author composed the
book of Job, a work which was to dispel the gloomy
thoughts of his contemporaries. Like the psalms
and the proverbs, it also was intended to convey
instruction, but its method was different. In a
solemn but most interesting conversation between
friends, the question that kept the Babylonian com-
munity in painful suspense was to be decided. This
dialogue is not carried on in a dry and pedantic way ;
the author has made it singularly attractive in form,
expression, and poetical diction. ‘he story of the
patient Job, fascinating from beginning to end, is the
groundwork of the dialogue. The arrangement of
the poem is artistic throughout; the ideas that the
author wished to make clear are allotted to different
speakers. Each person in the dialogue has a distinct
character and remains true to it. In this way the dia-
logue is lively, and the thoughts therein developed
command attention. 2
Meanwhile events took place in Babylonia and Asia
Minor that were to decide the fate of the exiles,
Neriglissar, the successor of their protector, Evil-
Merodach, was dead, and had left a minor to succeed
him. But this young prince was killed by the Baby-
lonian nobles, one of whom, named Nabonad, seized
the throne (555). A few years previous to that date,
a Persian warrior, the hero Cyrus, had dethroned the
Median king Astyages, taken possession of his king-
dom with its capital, Ecbatana, and subdued the prov-
inces belonging to it.
The pious and the enthusiasts among the Babylo-
nian Judzeans did not fail to recognise in these events
favourable signs for themselves. ‘They appear to
have entreated Nabonad to free them from captivity,
and permit thém to return to Judza. They must
have been encouraged to hope for the realisation of
their wishes by the fact that Merbal, a noble Phoenician
exile of the royal house, had been permitted by Nabo-
nad toreturn to and rule over his own country,and after
his death, his brother Hiram was allowed to succeed
him. It was not improbable, therefore, that Nabonad
would confer the same favour upon his Judzean sub-
jects. Shealtiel, the son of King Jehoiachin, prob-
ably urged this request upon the usurper, and doubt-
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less the Judzean favourites at the Babylonian court
warmly espoused his cause. But Nabonad was as
loth to let the exiles leave his country as Pharaoh had
been of old to dismiss the Israelites from Egypt.
This frustration of their hope, or rather this discrimi-
nation against them, enkindled in the patriotic exiles
a burning hatred of Babylonia and its monarch. The
old wounds burst open anew. Babylon was loathed
as Edom had been in former ages. Such violent
hatred was probably not controlled, but found ex-
pression in speech and action. The speedy downfall
of this sinful country, teeming with idolatry and im-
morality, seemed certain to the Judzans. They fol-
lowed with intense interest the warlike progress of
the hero Cyrus, because they foresaw that a conflict
was imminent between the Medo-Persian empire
and Babylonia. Cyrus had directed his weapons
against the Lydian kingdom of Croesus, who had
made an offensive and defensive alliance with Na-
bonad of Babylonia, and Amasis, king of Egypt.
Well aware that they, in turn, would be attacked,
these monarchs tried to gain strength by alliance.
But this served only to incite the Persian conqueror
to destroy the sooner the independence of Babylonia.
Did any of the Judzan favourites at the Babylonian
court, or any of the converted heathens open secret
negotiations with Cyrus? The kindness shown later
on to the Judzans by the Persian warrior, and their
persecution by Nabonad, lead to the supposition that
such was the case. |
Nabonad’s persecutions were first directed against
the patriotic and pious exiles; severe punishments
were decreed against them, which were cruelly put
into execution. It seemed asif the staunchest of the
nation were to be proved and tried, as Job had been,
by suffering. Upon some, heavy labour was im-
posed, from which even the aged were not exempt.
Others were shut up in dungeons, or were whipped,
beaten, and insulted. Those who dared speak of
their speedy deliverance through Cyrus were doomed
to a martyr’s death, to which they submitted fearlessly.
A contemporary prophet, who witnessed the per-
secution, or, perhaps, was one of its victims, described
it in harrowing words. Considering the sufferers as
the wards of the people, he speaks of their terrible
anguish as being that of the entire national body:
‘‘He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief..... He was oppressed, although he was
submissive, yet he opened not his mouth; he is brought as a lamb
to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he
openeth not his mouth. Through prison and through judicial pun-
ishment was he taken away.” (ISAIAH liii. 3, 7.)
The suffering of the Judzeans in Babylonia, at
that time, closely resembled the persecution of their
ancestors in Egypt. But there was this difference:
in Egypt all Israelites alike were subjected to slavery
and forced labour in the fields and on buildings,
whilst in Babylonia the dungeon and death awaited
those exiles only who refused to abjure their nation-
ality and their religion. Psalm cii., composed at this
time, pictures the sombre mood of one of these
victims of persecution, relieved, however, by the
hope of future deliverance. The Judzans who
were threatened with imprisonment and torture fol-
lowed the victories of Cyrus with anxious interest.
Several prophets now appeared, who announced, to
the consolation of -the sufferers, the downfall of
Babylon, and the speedy deliverance of the exiles.
Two of them have left us prophecies that are un-
surpassed; indeed, one of those writers manifested
so boundless a wealth of eloquence and poetry, that
his works rank among the most beautiful in litera-
ture. When Cyrus at length commenced the long-
planned siege of Babylon, and the anxious expecta-
tions of the exiles had grown harrowing, this prophet,
with his gift of glowing eloquence, uplifted and in-
structed his people.
If the perfection of a work of art consists in the
fact that the ideas and the language are in true
harmony with each other, and that the latter makes
the abstruse thought clear and intelligible, then the
speech or series of speeches of this prophet, whom,
in ignorance of his real name, we call the second, or
the Babylonian Isaiah, form an oratorical work of
art without a parallel. Here are combined richness
of thought, beauty of form, persuasive power and
touching softness, poetic fervour and true simplicity,
and all this is expressed in such noble language and
warm colouring that, although intended for the period
only in which they were composed, they will be
understood and appreciated in all time.
The Babylonian Isaiah wished to comfort his suffer-
ing Judzan brethren, and, at the same time, to give
them a high aim. The suffering Jewish tribe as
well as all those who have minds to comprehend
and hearts to feel, whatever their race and lan-
guage may be, can find in this prophet the solution
of a problem, the correctness of which history has
proven. He showed how a nation can be small
yet great, wretched and hunted to death yet im-
mortal, at one and the same moment a despised
slave and a noble exemplar. Who was this prophet,
at once a great thinker and a great poet? He says
not a word about himself, and there are no records
of his life. The collectors of the prophetical writ-
ings, finding that in eloquence and sublimity his
words resembled those of Isaiah, added them to the
prophecies of the older seer, and included them in
the same scroll.
No one could console the sorrowing Judzean com-
munity with such sympathy, or encourage it with
such ardour as the Prophet of the Captivity. His
words are like balm upon a burning wound, or like a
gentle breeze upon a fevered brow.
“Comfort ye,” he begins, ‘‘comfort ye, comfort ye my people,
saith your God. Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, and cry unto
her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned ;
for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.”
(ISAIAH xl.)
The exhausted and despairing. community was
described by this prophet as a wife and mother who
had been rejected, and robbed of her children on
account of her sins, but who still is dear to her
husband as the beloved of his youth, This deserted
one he calls “Jerusalem,” the emblem of all that
was tender to his soul. He exclaims to the forlorn
mother : |
“Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the
hand of the Lord the cup of his fury. Thou hast drunken the dregs
of the cup of trembling and wrung them out.
‘‘ There is none to guide her among all the sons whom she hath
brought forth, neither is there any that taketh her by the hand, of all
the sons that she has brought up.. . . . O thou afflicted, tossed with
tempest, and not comforted, behold I will lay thy stones with fair
colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires, and I will make thy
windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders
of precious stones, and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord,
and great shall be the peace of thy children. ....
‘‘ As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you, and
ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.”
But where is this consolation to be found? Not
in the hope of vain, worldly glory, not in might
and power, but in an all-embracing salvation. This
prophet of the Captivity was the first who clearly
grasped and demonstrated that a creed of general
salvation was promised through Abraham to future
generations. The past was to be forgotten and
forgiven; a new social order was to spring up;
heaven and earth were to be re-created. All people
from all the ends of the earth would be included
in this universal salvation, and every knee would
bend and every tongue swear homage to the God
adored by Israel. It was for this purpose that
Abraham had been called from a distant land, and
that his descendants had been choseri before their
-birth. God had created the people of Israel to be
His servant among nations, His messenger to all
people, His apostle from the beginning of the
The prophet describes this apostolic people in
SE ae ae ae aT Gee ts ae
poetry of such transcendental beauty that it becomes
an ideal. And is there any mission sublimer than
that of being the vanguard of the nations in the
path of righteousness and salvation? Was Israel
not to be proud of having been chosen for such a
duty? The prophet goes on to say how this ideal
nation was to realise its apostolic mission:
‘Behold my servant, whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul
delighteth ; I have put my spirit upon him, he shall bring forth judg-
ment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his.
voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break,
and the smoking flax shall he not quench; he shall bring forth judg-
ment into truth.” (ISAIAH xlii. 1-4.)
The Law of God was thus to be universally ac-
knowledged, and the messenger of God was to
bring about this: acknowledgment by his own ex-
ample, in spite of scorn, contempt, and persecution.
This, Israel’s recognised mission, the prophet of the
Captivity explained briefly, in words supposed to be
spoken .by the nation itself (Isaiah xlix. 1-6). He
taught that martyrdom, bravely encountered and
borne with gentle resignation, would ensure victory
to the law of righteousness, which Israel, if true to its
ideals, was to promulgate. The leading conception
that runs through Isaiah’s poetical monologue was
thus expressed by the prophet in the short but effec-
tive verse:
“For mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all
peoples.” (ISAIAH lvi. 7.)
The fall of the Babylonian empire, with its absurd
and immoral idolatry, and the deliverance of the
Judzean community were to be the first steps in this
- great work of universal salvation. The fall of Babylon
seemed indeed inevitable to the prophet, so that he
spoke of it as of an accomplished fact, and not as a
subject of prophetic vision.
He apostrophized Babylon in a satirical song of
masterly perfection (Is. xlvii.); he derided the astro-
logical science by which the Babylonian sages boasted
that they could raise the veil from the future; he
treated the coarse idolatry of the Chaldzans with more
bitter irony than any of his predecessors had done.
He foretold the siege of the city by Cyrus, and declared
that the Persian conqueror would give freedom to the
Judzean and Israelitish exiles; that they would return
to their country and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.
The prophet laid great stress upon these predic-
tions, declaring that in their realisation Divine Provi-
dence would be manifest. Cyrus was but an instru-
ment of God for furthering the deliverance of Judah
and the salvation of the world.
For the sake of the exiles, the wonders of the
exodus from Egypt would be renewed, every moun-
tain and hill would be made level, springs would
gush forth in the wilderness, and the desert
would become a blooming garden. The exiles would
raise Jerusalem from its ruins, and live in their
beloved city in peace and comfort. But in spite of
his reverence for Jerusalem, the prophet declared
that the Divine Being was too great to be pictured
as dwelling within a temple, however spacious it
might be, but that each human heart should be a
temple dedicated to God.
“Thus BAe the Lord: The heaven is my throne, and the earth is
my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me; and where
is the place of my rest? For all these things hath mine hand made,
saith he Lord ; but to this man will I look, to him that is poor and
of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word.” (ISAIAH lkxvi. 1.)
The exiles, purged and truly pious, adopted this
thought, and embodied it in Solomon’s prayer:
‘Behold, the heaven of heavens contain Thee not ; how much less
atemple.” (I KINGS viii. 27.)
Unfortunately, in spite of the beautiful words of
the prophet of the Captivity, the servant of God
declined to accept this apostolic work, and remained
blind and deaf. Instead of making the Law of God
beloved, he made it contemptible, and became con-
temptible himself.
The ideal and the real being thus at variance with
each other, the prophet felt that his mission was
to preach, to exhort, to denounce and to arouse. The
Judean community in the Captivity was now more
than ever divided into two camps: on the one side
were the pious and patriotic ; on the other, the worldly
and the callous. The former, who had become timid
and despondent from continued persecution and
suffering, dared not come forward at this anxious
time to oppose their persecutors ; they were oppressed
by the sorrowful thought that God had forsaken His
people and had forgotten them, whilst their enemies
called out mockingly, “ Let the Lord be glorified and
we will see your joy.” (Isaith Ixvi. 5.) Now the
aim of the great unknown prophet was to encourage
the one class to action, and to move the other to
penitence and improvement. He announced that
God’s salvation was at hand, and that if the worldly
and selfish persisted in their evil ways, they would
reap the punishment of their sins, whilst the pious
would be rewarded with undimmed happiness. He
finally depicted the coming deliverance and the return,
when all the scattered of Judah and Israel would
assemble on the holy mount of Jerusalem.
The king Nabonad and the Babylonian people
probably felt less anxiety about the result of the
war between Persia and Babylon than did the Judzan
exiles. For the Judzeans were alternating between
the highest hopes and the most desponding fears;
the preservation or the downfall of the Jewish race
hung upon the issue of this war. The Babylonians,
on the contrary, looked with indifference, it might be
said, upon all of Cyrus’s preparations. But one night,
when they were dancing and carousing at one of
their orgies, a large and powerful army appeared
before the bastions of the city. The Babylonians
were utterly unprepared for resistance, and when
day broke, Babylon was filled with the enemy. Thus,
as the prophet had foretold, the city of Babylon fell
(539),,but the king and the people escaped their pre-
dicted doom. Cyrus was a humane conqueror.
The disgusting idolatry of the Babylonians was up-
rooted when their city was taken. The religion of
the victorious Persians and Medes was pure in com-
parison with that of the Babylonians. They wor-
shipped only two or three gods, and abhorred the
image-worship of the Babylonians, and perhaps de-
stroyed their idols.
The fall of Babylon cured the Judean community
radically and for all time of idolatry. For the exiles
saw that those highly honoured images were now
lying in the dust, that Bel was on his knees, that
Nebo was humbled, and that Merodach had fallen.
The destruction of Babylon completed the regenera-
tion of the Judzean people, and their hard hearts be-
came softened. From that time all,even the worldly-
minded and the sinners, clung to their God. For, had
they not learned how His word, spoken by the mouth
of His prophets, had been fulfilled? The sufferers
and the mourners of Zion were no longer objects of
hatred and contempt, but were, on the contrary,
treated with veneration, and placed at the head of
the community.
No sooner had Babylon fallen than the pious and
patriotic party took steps: towards realising tie pre-
dicted deliverance and return of the exiles. Cyrus, hav-
ing taken possession of the throne and of the palace,
declared himself king of Babylonia and the successor
of her former monarchs, dating his reign from the
fall of Babylon (B.c. 538). The servants of the palace,
who had crouched and trembled before Nabonad, now
became servants of Cyrus. Amongst them were also
eunuchs of the royal family of Judzea, whohad remained
true to their faith. They as well as some converted
heathens, who had joined the Judean community,
tried to obtain from Cyrus the freedom of their fellow-
believers. In this they were probably aided by Zerub-
babel, the grandson of King Jehoiachin. lhose
Judzeans who had been imprisoned on account of the
devotion with which they clung to their faith were
set free at once. But Cyrus went still further, for
he permitted the Judzeans to return to their own
country, rebuild Jerusalem, and restore the [emple.
Together with Babylon, all the provinces conquered
by Nebuchadnezzar, westward from the Euphrates
to the Mediterranean sea, and southward from Leb-
anon and Phcenicia to the confines of Egypt, fell
beneath Cyrus’s sway. Judzea, therefore, belonged
to the Persian kingdom. But what reasons could
have been given to the mighty conqueror for the bold
request that he should allow the Judzans to have an
independent government? And what could have
induced Cyrus to grant this request so generously ?
Was it the gratification of a momentary caprice, or
indifference to a strip of land, of which he probably
knew not even the name, and of whose historical
importance he was certainly ignorant? Or had one
of the Judzan eunuchs, as was afterwards related,
described to the Persian conqueror how a Judzan
prophet had foretold his victories, and had _pro-
phesied that he would let a banished people return
to their home? Or was he so deeply impressed by
the faith of the Judzeans, for which they had borne so
much suffering, that he was induced to favour its
adherents? The true reason for his decision is un-
known, but Cyrus not only granted permission to the
Judzeans to return to their country, but he restored
to the exiles the sacred vessels belonging to the
Temple, which Nebuchadnezzar had seized and placed
as trophies of victory in the temple of Bel.
As soon as the permission for the return had been
granted, a group of men undertook the organisation
of the returning exiles. The leadership was entrusted
to two men of about the same age, and of distinguished
lineage, Zerubbabel, called in Babylon Sheshbazzar,
the son of Shealtiel, and grandson of king Jehoiachin,
hence a scion of David’s house, and Joshua, the son
of Jehozedek, and grandson of the last high-priest
Seraiah. ‘They were joined by ten men, so that they
formed a company of twelve, representing, to a cer-
tain extent, the twelve tribes. Cyrus invested Zerub-
babel with the office of governor or regent (Pechah)
of the province which the exiles were to re-occupy,
the appointment being in reality a stepping-stone to
royal honours. All the Judzans who were to return
to their own country addressed themselves to these
Compared with those who had once gone out of
Egypt, the number of those who now returned was
very small, but still there were more than might have
been expected, 42,360 men, women and children,
counting from the age of twelve. The greater
number belonged to the two tribes of Judah and
Benjamin; there were a few Aaronides and Levites.
Besides, the march was joined by some from the
other tribes and from other nations, who acknow-
ledged the God of Israel (Gerim, Proselytes).
The joy of those who were preparing for the exo-
dus from Babylon and the return to the Holy Land was
overpowering. To be permitted to tread the soil of
their own country, and to rebuild and restore the
sanctuary seemed a sweet dream to them. The
event caused great sensation amongst other nations;
it was discussed, and considered as a miracle, which
the God of Israel had wrought on behalf of His
people. A poem faithfully reproduces the sentt-
ments that inspired the exiles:
“When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like
them that dream.
“Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with
singing ; then said they among the nations, The Lord hath done
great things for them,
‘The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad.”
(Ps. cxxvi.)
As the patriots were preparing to make use of
their freedom to return to Jerusalem, one of their
poets, in Psalm xxiv., bade them reflect whether they
were worthy of this boon. For only the righteous
and those who sought the Lord were to assemble
upon God’s ground. But who would dare take on
himself the right to pronounce judgment?
The Journey to Jerusalem—The Samaritans—Commencement of the
Rebuilding of the Temple—Interruption of the Work—Darius
—Haggai and Zechariah—Completion of the Temple—Contest
between Zerubbabel and Joshua—Intermarriage with Heathens
—The Judzansin Babylonia—Ezra visits Jerusalem— Dissolution
-of the Heathen Marriages—The Book of Ruth—Attacks by San-
ballat—Nehemiah—His Arrivalin Jerusalem—Fortification of the
Capital—Sanballat’s Intrigues against Nehemiah—Enslavement
of the Poor—Nehemiah’s Protest—Repopulation of the Capital—
The Genealogies—The Reading of the Law—The Feast of
Tabernacles—The Great Assembly—The Consecration—Depar-
ture of Nehemiah—Action of Eliashib—Withholding the Tithes
Malachi, the Last of the Prophets—Nehemiah’s Second Visit
to Jerusalem—His measures.
537-420 Bn Re
Arter forty-nine years of exile, in the same month
(Nisan) in which their ancestors had departed from
Egypt some eight or nine centuries before. the
Judzans now left the land of Babylonia. It was the
spring of the year (537) when they marched forth
to take possession of their dearly-beloved home, of
the. much longed-for Jerusalem. It was a significant
moment, carrying thousands of years in its bosom.
Not like trembling slaves, just freed from their chains,
did they go forth, but full of gladness, their hearts
beating high with lofty hopes and swelling with en-
thusiasm. Singers, with stringed instruments and
cymbals, accompanied them on their way, and they
uttered new songs of praise, beginning and ending
with the words: ,
‘‘Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endur-
eth for ever.” ;
Those Judzeans who remained in Babylonia—and
they were not a few—rich merchants and landed
proprietors—evinced their sympathy for their breth-
ren by escorting them part of the way, and by pre-
senting them with rich gifts for the new buildings
in their own country. Cyrus sent an escort of a
thousand mounted soldiers to defend the Judzans
from the attacks of predatory tribes upon the way,
and also to ensure their being able to take posses-
sion of Judza. The prophecy but lately spoken was
now to be realised:
“In joy shall ye depart, and in peace shall ye be led home.”
(ISAIAH lv. 12.)
In. peace and in safety the travellers completed
the six hundred miles from Babylonia to Judea, pro-
tected by the Persian escort. The exodus from Baby-
lonia, unlike the one from Egypt, has left no remi-
niscences; it seemed needless to record the various
halting-places, as, in all probability, no noteworthy
incident occurred on the way.
“God led them by the right path, and brought them to the place
of their longing.” (PSALM cvii. 7, 30.)
When the travellers approached the land of their
passionate desire, after a march of four or five months,
their joy must have been overwhelming. The prophe-
cies that had been uttered, the hopes they had cher-
ished, the visions they.had indulged in were realised.
Meanwhile their happiness was not undimmed. The
Holy City, the chief object of their longing, was
desolate. A great part of the country was inhabited
by strangers; in the north were the Samaritans, or
Cuthzans, in the south, the Idumzans. But these
races were soon obliged to give place to the descen-
dants of Judah, who, with the tribe of Benjamin,
returned to their ancient dwelling-places. The begin-
ning of the new Judzan commonwealth was indeed
humble and small. The people could not occupy the
whole of the country which had once constituted the
kingdom of Judah. A population of 40,000 was not
numerous enough to settle a large territory. The
colony was thus compelled to group itself round the
capital at Jerusalem. This concentration of forces
was, in some respects, advantageous, inasmuch as
the whole population, being thus brought near to
the capital, could take part in all its affairs. But,
though the extremely confined territory of the new
colony, and the small number of members in the
community were calculated to depress the lofty hopes
that their prophets in Babylonia had awakened, and
fill the arrivals with gloom, unexpected circumstances
arose to reinspire them with energy. From many
countries to the east, west, south, and north, from
Egypt, Phoenicia, and even from the Greek coasts
and islands, whither they had gone of their own
free will or had been sold as slaves, Judzean exiles
streamed back to crowd like children around their
resurrected mother, Jerusalem. These new Jewish
arrivals were accompanied by large numbers of
strangers, both “great and small,” illustrious and
obscure, who collected round them. ‘They were re-
ceived with rejoicing, for they all acknowledged the
God of Israel, and were ready to follow His laws.
These new proselytes not only added strength to the
young community, but also inspired the settlers with
greater self-reliance, who, with their own eyes, saw
the words of the prophets fulfilled.
At the approach of the seventh month, in which,
according to law and custom, various festivals occur,
the elders of the families among all classes in Jeru-
salem assembled, and, marching under the command
of their two leaders, the governor Zerubbabel and
the high-priest Joshua, they proceeded to perform the -
first act of reconstruction—they erected an altar of
stone. This altar was to be the nucleus of the
Temple, the building of which was, for the present,
While the altar was dedicated with joyous and
solemn ceremonies, the leaders were making prepa-
rations for the erection of this great and important
edifice, which was to be the spiritual centre of the
new commonwealth. The rich gifts which they
had brought with them enabled them to hire labour-
ers and artisans, and, as in the days of King Solo-
mon, cedar trees were procured from Lebanon;
stone was brought from the mountains, and after
enough had been quarried and shaped, steps were
taken to lay the foundations of the Sanctuary. Not
only Zerubbabel and Joshua, but also the heads of
families, and a large number of the people were
present at this ceremony, which was performed with
great solemnity. The Aaronides again appeared in
their priestly garments, sounding their trumpets ;
the Levites of the house of Asaph chanted songs of
praise, thanking the Lord whose mercy endures for
ever; and the people burst forth into a loud trans-
port of joy. Yet there mingled with the jubilant
notes the voice of regret that the new lemple was
smaller and less magnificent than the old.
Jerusalem, so long mourned and wept over, began
to rise from her ruins. The joyful enthusiasm called
forth by the re-building of the city was, however, soon
to be damped; the honeymoon of the young com-
monwealth waned rapidly, and anxious cares began
to disturbits peace. Close to the boundaries of Judea
lived the mixed tribe of Samaritans or Cuthzans.
These people had in part accepted the doctrines taught
them by an Israelitish priest at Bethel, but they had
also retained many of their own idolatrous practices.
Quite unexpectedly, some of the Samaritan chiefs
came to Jerusalem, with the request that they might
be allowed to help in re-building the Temple, and also
that they be received into the Judean community. This
seemed so important a matter to the Judzans, that
a council was convoked to discuss the subject. The
decision was against the Samaritans. Zerubbabel
informed the Samaritan chiefs that their people
neither would nor could be permitted to join in the
re-building of the Temple. This decision was of
great import for the entire future of the new com-
monwealth. From that day the Samaritans began
to develop a hostile spirit against the Judzeans, which
seemed to show that they had been less anxious to
take part in the temple-service than to injure the
community and to obstruct the re-building of the
Temple. On the one hand, they tried to make those
Judzeans with whom they came in contact lukewarm
towards the project of building the Temple, and, on
the other, they persuaded Persian officials to interfere
with its execution, so that the work ceased for fully
fifteen years. Again the Jews found themselves
suffering evils similar to those which they had ex-
perienced after their first entry into Canaan. The
neighbouring tribes envied them their strip of land,
—on all sides they encountered hostility. “They were
powerless to defend themselves, for they lacked the
means for carrying on war.
In these untoward circumstances the members of
the community gave their first thought to themselves,
and not to the general welfare. The richest and most
distinguished persons built large and splendid houses,
using, it seems, the building materials designed for the
Temple. Bad harvests, drought, and hail disap-
pointed the hopes of the agriculturists, Much was
sown and little reaped; there was hardly sufficient
to satisfy the hunger of the people, and to clothe
them, and “whoever earned money put it into a purse
full of holes.” Still worse was the moral deteriora-
tion caused by this physical distress. The people
did not relapse into idolatry; they were radically
cured of that evil; but selfishness gained the upper
hand, and the members of the community often treated
one another most harshly. This state of things con-
trasted sadly with the new-born hopes of the people,
and damped the courage of some even of the nobler
The death of Cambyses (521) and the succession
$ of the Judges ;
ta ee on eae eee he
Se ee ee ee ee ae Ss eS a), ee ee
(From a drawing by J. D. Woodward )
(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
d to mark spot where Isaiah was sawn asunder, in the presence of King Manasseh.
is sai
The mulberry-tree
of Darius, the third Persian king (521-485), led
to a change favourable to Judea. Darius, differing
from his predecessor, was, like Cyrus, a mild and
generous ruler. An apocryphal tradition tells us
that Zerubbabel went to Persia and there found fa-
vour in the eyes of Darius on account of his wisdom.
As a proof of his favour, Darius sent Zerubbabel
back to Jerusalem with permission to rebuild the
Temple at the king’s expense. But, in reality, the
task was not so easily accomplished. When the death
of Cambyses put an end to the wars which had been
disturbing the peace of neighbouring provinces, Zer-
ubbabel and Joshua intended doubtless to proceed
with the building. But the people, that 1s to say,
the heads of families, exclaimed: ‘‘ The time has not
yet come to rebuild the Temple.” It required the
fiery enthusiasm of the prophets Haggai and Zecha-
riah to set the work in motion. These prophets
harangued the people frequently during several suc-
cessive months (from Elul to Kislev 520), encour-
aging and rebuking and, at the same time, prophesy-
ing a glorious future Att last they roused the people
to recommence their work. In four years (519-516)
the building was finished, and the Sanctuary was con-
secrated, amid great rejoicing, just before the Feast
of Passover.
Seventy years had passed since the destruction of
the Temple of Solomon by Nebuchadnezzar, when
the entire nation assembled at Jerusalem for the con-
secration of the second Temple, henceforth to be the
centre and loadstar of the community. Three weeks
later the Feast of Passover was celebrated by the
whole congregation of Israel, as well as by those
who had in sincerity joined its faith. However,
although the young community was imbued with the
spirit of the Law and of the prophets, and although
the people anxiously strove for unity, there arose dif-
ferences of opinion not easy to smooth over, and liable
to produce friction. The people had two leaders: Zer-
ubbabel, of the royal house of David, and Joshua, the
high-priest, of Aaronide descent. One was at the
head of the secular, the other, of the spiritual power.
It was impossible to prevent the one power from
occasionally encroaching upon the jurisdiction of
the other. A circumstance in Zerubbabel’s favour
was the people’s allegiance to the royal house of
David, and he was a living reminder of a glorious
past, and a pledge for an equally brilliant future, as
foretold by the prophets. The prophet Haggai had
called him the chosen favourite of God, His precious
Signet-ring. But this in itself was an obstacle. It
gave the enemies of the Judzeans the opportunity to
charge the community with the purpose of proclaim-
ing him as the successor of David to the throne. On
the other hand, the prophet Zechariah had proclaimed
that the high-priest Joshua should wear the crown,
ascend the throne, and effect the realisation of the
Messianic hopes. In this way he gave the preference
to the high-priest, producing tension and divisions.
Peace could only be restored by the withdrawal of one
of the two leaders: their joint rule couldnot fail to be
the occasion of excitement and irritation. A choice
had to be made between the two, and Zerubbabel
was obliged to give way, the high-priest being more
necessary than the king’s son. It is probable that
Zerubbabel left Jerusalem and returned to Babylon,
and thus the house of David retreated into the back-
ground. |
After Zerubbabel’s withdrawal, the leadership of
the community was put into the hands of the high-
priest Joshua, and after his death into those of his
son Jehoiakim. Was this change a desirable one?
True, no evil is réported of the first two high-
priests, nor do they seem to have done anything
specially praiseworthy towards uplifting and strength-
ening the community. The supreme command over
the people does not seem to have been given to the
high-priest, but to have been vested in a governor or
administrator (Pechah), appointed over Judza either
‘by the Persian kings or by the satraps of Syria and
Phoenicia. This official does not appear to have
lived in Jerusalem, but to have visited the city from
time to time, where, seated on a throne, he heard and
decided disputes, but not infrequently rather caused
dissensions and aggravated existing bad feelings, in
order to raise complaints against the Judzans. For,
as some Judzans nourished the hope, held out by the
prophets, that Judah might yet become a mighty
power, to whom kings and nations would bow, the sus-
picion that the people were plotting a defection from
Persia was not removed with the retirement of Zerub-
babel. Accusationson that groundcommenced directly
after the death of Darius, in the reign of his successor,
Xerxes (Ahasuerus, 485-464). ‘lhe enemies of the
Judzeans, particularly the Samaritans, did not fail to
draw the governor's attention to the disloyalty of the
Tudzez as, and thus caused unfavourable decrees to
. be issued against them at court. Added to this, the
successive governors tried to oppress the landowners
by excessive demands. ‘The position of the Judzans
in their own country, which they had entered with
such buoyant hope, grew worse and worse in the
second and third generations.
In order to free themselves, on the one side at
least, from these constant troubles, the most dis-
tinguished Judzan families took a step that led in
the end to mischievous complications. They ap-
proached the neighbouring peoples, or received the
advances of the latter, in a friendly spirit, and as a
proof of the sincerity of their feelings, they began
to form connections by marriage. As in the days
when the Israelites first occupied the land of Ca-
_naan, in the time of the Judges, the necessity for
friendly intercourse with neighbouring tribes led
to mixed marriages, so during the second occu-
pation of Palestine by the Israelites, similar rela-
tions led to similar results. But the circumstances
differed, inasmuch as the Canaanites, Hittites, and
other original dwellers in the land practised abomi-
nable idolatry, and infected the Israelites with their
vicious customs, while the new neighbours of the
Judzean commonwealth, particularly the Samaritans,
had given up idolatry, and were longing earnestly
and sincerely to take part in the divine service at Jeru-
salem. They were, in fact, proselytes to the religion
of Judea; and were they always to be sternly
repulsed? The principal Judzan families deter-
mined to admit the foreigners into the community,
and the high-priest, of that time, either Jehoiakim
or his son Eliashib, was ready to carry these wishes
into effect. Marriages were therefore contracted
with the Samaritans and other neighbouring people,
and even some members of the family of the high-
priest formed such connections.
The leader of the Samaritans at that time was
Sanballat, a man of undaunted strength of will and
energy of action, clever, cunning, audacious and per-
severing. He was an honest proselyte, who believed
in the God of Israel, and desired to worship in His
Temple; but he determined, as it were, to take by
storm the kingdom of Heaven. If he were not
allowed a part in it voluntarily, he would seize it by
force or by cunning.
But not only the Samaritans, also the Moabites
and the Ammonites were among the people anx-
ious to maintain friendly relations with the Judzans.
Tobiah, the leader of the Ammonites, was doubly
allied to Judzean families. He had married a daughter
of the noble family of Arach, and a distinguished
man, Meshullam, the son of Berechiah, had given his
daughter in marriage to Tobiah’s son. But mixed
marriages with Ammonites and Moabites were spe-
cifically prohibited by the Law, until the tenth genera-
tion after conversion.
The leaders of the Judzan community, the high-
priest and others, who were not quite prepared to —
violate the law, doubtless eased their consciences by
some mild interpretation of the text. But not all were
so pliable. A small number of the noblest families
had kept themselves pure from mixed marriages,
which they deplored as an infraction of the law and
as a cause of deterioration of the Judzan race.
More especially the singers, who were the cultivators
and preservers of the Hebrew language and of
its ancient, venerated literature, kept themselves
clear of mixed marriages. They may have raised
their voices against the pliability of their co-relig-
ionists, against this blending with the stranger, but,
as they were in the minority, their voices were not
heeded. But when a leading authority appeared in
Jerusalem from the land of exile, the minority cried
out loudly against what-had taken place, and a com-
plete reaction followed, from which disagreeable com-
plications necessarily ensued.
It is but rarely the case that historical reformations
are made with such suddenness that the contem-
porary witnesses of the change are themselves
affected by it, and are reminded at every turn that
old things have passed away, and that a new order
has arisen. In general the people who live during
an important historical crisis are not aware of the
changes occurring in themselves, in their opinions,
their customs, and even in their language. Sucha
change, imperceptible at first, but complete and
effectual, took place in the Judazans during the first
half of the fifth century. This transformation did not
proceed from the community of Judza, but from those
who remained in the land of exile; it soon, however,
penetrated to the mother-country, and impressed its
stamp upon her.
In Babylonia, the land of the captivity, there had
remained a considerable number of the descendants
of the exiles, either from material considerations, or
for other reasons. But they had been touched by
the unbounded enthusiasm of their co-religionists,
and they had shown their sympathy by rich gifts and
fervent wishes. lhe Babylonian Judzans laid great
stress upon maintaining their own peculiarities and
their own nationality. They kept themselves apart
from all their neighbours, married only members of
their own nation, and: were guided by the inherited
Law as their rule of life. [heir absence from the
mother-country served but to make them obey the
more strictly the behests of the Law, which thus
formed the bond of union that bound them together
as members of one community. They could not
offer sacrifices, nor keep the observances connected
with the Temple service, but all the more scrupu-
lously did they cling to those customs that were
independent of the sanctuary, such as the Sabbath,
the Holy Days, circumcision, and the dietary laws,
Without doubt they had houses of prayer, where they
assembled at stated times. Even the Hebrew tongue
they cultivated to such an extent at least that it could
not become a strange language to them, although
they employed the Aramaic or Chaidaic in their
intercourse with their neighbours and among them-
selves. They obtained a correct knowledge of the
Hebrew from the scriptures which they had brought
with them, and which they made the object of careful
study. They gave particular heed to that portion of
these scriptures to which, heretofore, little or only
occasional attention had been paid, namely the Penta-
teuch, with its code of laws and observances. Dur-
ing the time of the captivity, the writings of the
prophets had chiefly been read, because they pos-
sessed the greater power of consolation. But as
soon as it was necessary to give reality to the hopes
and sentiments which the prophets roused and nursed,
and to stamp life with a peculiar religious and moral
character, the Book of the Law was sought out and
consulted.. The Torah, or Law, so long neglected
in its own home, now received due honour and
attention on a foreign soil. The Sabbath, for in-
CH. XIX. EZRA. 365
stance, was kept far less strictly in Jerusalem than
in the Babylonian-Persian community. ‘This ardour
for the exact carrying out of the Law and its
observances found its embodiment in Ezra, who was
the cause of that momentous change in the history
of the nation which endowed it with a new character.
He did not stand alone, however, but found many
_who were in accord with him.
This man, who was the creator of the new religious
and social order of things, seemed, by reason of his
birth, specially called to kindle unwonted enthusiasm
for the lorah; for he was a descendant of high-
priests. It was his ancestor Hilkiah who had found
the book of Deuteronomy in the Temple, and, by
giving it to King Josiah, brought about great
changes. He was also the great-grandson of that
high-priest, Seraiah, who was slain by the command
of Nebuchadnezzar, and whose sons carried the Book
of the Law to Babylon. Ezra had, therefore, the
opportunity of occupying himself with the study of
this book. But he gave it more attention than either
his ancestors or his relativeshad done. After he had
read and studied it with care, he determined that it
Should not remain a mere dead letter, but that it
should be realised in the daily life of the people. He
began by applying it to himself, carefully obeying
the laws regarding dress, diet, and particularly those
bearing upon the festivals. Then he assumed the
post of teacher to his brethren; he expounded the
Law, brought it nearer to their understanding, and
urged them to follow it in every detail. The Law
was to him an emanation of the Deity, revealed to
Israel by Moses; he placed it higher, infinitely higher,
than the writings of the other prophets, for the first
prophet and law-giver was the greatest of all. Con-
vinced of the Divine inspiration of the Law of Moses,
and glowing with zeal to make its authority para-
mount, he found no difficulty in infusing his own
belief and his own zeal into the Judzans of Babylonia
and Persia. He soon acquired an honoured position
amongst them, his word gained authority, and he was
more eagerly listened to than the prophets had been.
Ezra may have known that the Law was but negli-
gently followed in Judza, and he thought that, by
visiting that country, he might awaken in his fellow-
believers a perception of its true worth. Or he may
have been impelled by a strong impulse to settle in’
Jerusalem, in order to comply with the religious duties
pertaining to the Temple and the sacrifices. As soon
as he had determined upon the journey, he invited
those members of his faith who might be willing to join
him. The number that responded was a considerable
one, including over 1,600 men, together with women
and children, of distinguished families, who had re-
mained in the land of captivity. Amongst them was
a great-grandson of Zerubbabel, a descendant of the
house of David. Those who could not take part in
the emigration gave Ezra rich gifts of gold, silver, and
precious vessels for the Temple. It is an astonishing
circumstance that King Artaxerxes. (Longimanus)
also sent presents for the sanctuary in Jerusalem,
and that many Persian nobles followed his example.
It is evident that at this time the God of Israel had
many earnest worshippers amongst the Persians and
other nations, and that from “sunrise to sunset His
name was glorified and reverenced among the peo-
ples.” Not only did Artaxerxes grant Ezra permission
to journey with his brethren to Jerusalem, but he
also gave him letters to the satraps of the countries
through which he passed, and to the authorities of
Palestine. He would also have sent an escort to
protect the travellers from hostile tribes, but Ezra
declined it, assuring the king that the God to whom
they prayed would protect them.
The arrival of Ezra with his numerous companions
must have caused much surprise in Jerusalem
(459-458). They came provided with letters from
the king, laden with gifts, and imbued with enthu-
siastic feelings. Without doubt, Ezra’s name as an
instructor and expounder of the Law had already
penetrated as far as Judza, and he was received
with every mark of consideration. No sooner had
he assumed the ecclesiastical function, than the men of
strong convictions who condemned intermarriages
with the surrounding peoples brought their com-
plaints before him. Ezra was dismayed when he
heard of these occurrences. The representatives of
the people and of the Temple had, in contempt of the
Law,connected themselveswith the heathen. Ezraheld
this tobe a terrible sin. For the Judzean or Israelitish
race was in his eyes a holy one, and suffered dese-
cration by mingling with foreign tribes, even though
they had abjured idolatry. According to Ezra’s read-
ing of the Law, heathens who had accepted the Law
might enter into the community; they were, however,
not to be put upon a footing of equality with Israelites
by birth, but were to live as a group apart. The
Gibeonites, in former days the slaves of the Temple,
who had accepted the Israelitish doctrines more
than a thousand years before, were still kept dis-
tinct, and were not permitted to intermarry with
the Israelites; and in Ezra’s opinion, the new pro-
selytes from the heathen nations were to be treated
inasimilarmanner. The connection with them ought
not to be of an intimate character; such was Ezra’s
opinion, based, not on ancestral pride, but on religious
and social grounds. Some dim presentiment warned
him that the reception of proselytes or half-proselytes
into the community—of such elements as had not been
tried and proved in the furnace of suffering, as the
seed of Abraham had been—would give undue pre-
ponderance to the foreign element, and would de-
stroy all the moral and religious advantages which
the Judzeans had acquired. This fear seized upon
his whole soul; he rent his clothes, plucked the hair
from his head and beard, and refusing all nourish-
ment, sat until the afternoon, sorrowing and desolate
because of this danger which threatened the life of
the nation. Then he entered the court of the
Temple, and throwing himself upon his knees, he
poured forth a confession full of deep contrition,
lamenting that the people had not improved by
their bitter experiences, but had relapsed into
their former evil ways. This keenly-felt peni-
tence, uttered amid sobs and tears, powerfully
affected the bystanders, men, women and children,
who had been attracted by the sight of the kneel-
ing sage. They burst into passionate weeping,
as if their tears could obliterate the dark pages in
their history. One of those present, Shechaniah,
touched by sympathy, uttered a weighty suggestion:
“Let us make a covenant to put away all the strange
wives, and such as are born of them.” Ezra seized
upon the idea at once; he rose and demanded that
the heads of the families, who were present on that
occasion, swear before the Sanctuary, and by their
God, that they would repudiate their foreign wives
and their children. That moment was to decide the
fate of the Judzan people. Ezra, and those who
thought as he did, raised a wall of separation be-
tween the Judzans and the rest of the world. But
this exclusiveness was not strictly in agreement
with the letter of the Law, for Ezra himself, with all
his knowledge, was not ablé to point out any passage
in the Torah, implying that mixed marriages were
forbidden when contracted with those who acknow-
ledged the God of Israel.
Such members of the community as, in a moment
of enthusiasm, had taken this vow, were now obliged
to keep it. With bleeding hearts they separated
themselves from their wives, the daughters of neigh-
bouring tribes, and repudiated their own children.
The sons and relations of the high-priest were forced
to set an example tothe rest. ‘Those of the elders of
the people who were the most ardent disciples of
the Law formed a kind of senate. They issued a
proclamation throughout Judah, commanding all
who had been guilty of contracting mixed marriages,
to appear within three days in Jerusalem, on pain of
excommunication. A special court of enquiry was
instituted for this one question. Ezra himself selected
the members who were to make the needful re-
searches to discover whether the Judzans had really
repudiated their wives. So thoroughly was the
work of this court of enquiry carried on, that all
those who were living in the towns of Judza sepa-
rated themselves from their wives and children, as
the inhabitants of Jerusalem had done. Still there
were some who, influenced by family feelings, made
some show of resistance. |
The severity with which this separation from all
neighbouring tribes, Samaritans and others, had been
effected led naturally to grave results. The raising
of this wall of separation by Ezra and his party
against those who were truly anxious to belong to
the community caused much bitterness. They were
to be separated for ever from the Deity they had
chosen, and excluded from the Sanctuary in Jerusa-
lem to which they had belonged. The decree of
separation sent to them changed their friendly rela-
tions towards the Judzans to enmity. Hatred which
arises from despised affection is always most bitter.
The grief of the wives deserted by their husbands,
and the sight of children disowned by their fathers
could not fail to awaken and to increase the animosity
of those who were closely related to them. Un-
fortunately for the Judzans, Sanballat and Tobiah,
two forceful and able men, were at the head of the
party excluded from the community. Tobiah, the
Ammonite, was related to several Judzan families.
They had both accepted the Judzean teaching, and
now they were both repulsed. Henceforth they as-
sumed a hostile position towards Judaa; they were
determined, by force or by intrigues, to maintain
- their right of worshipping in the Temple and sharing
in the faith of Israel. At first they probably took
steps to restore their peaceful intercourse with the
Judzans, and urged them to revoke their cruel de-
cision. In Jerusalem, as well as in the provinces,
there was a party which strongly disapproved of
Ezra’s stern action. The well-informed among these
differed with Ezra on the illegality of marriages with
women who had, at all events outwardly, accepted
the Law. Was Ezra’s severity justifiable? Did
not the historical records contain many instances of
Israelites having married foreign wives? Such ques-
tions must have been constantly put at that time.
A charming literary production, written probably
at that date, echoes the opinions of the gentler mem-
bers of the community.- The poetical author of the
Book of Ruth relates, apparently without a purpose,
the simple idyllic story of a distinguished family of
Bethlehem which had migrated to Moab, where
the two sons married Moabitish wives; but he
touches at the same time upon the burning ques-
tion of the day. Ruth, the Moabitess, the widow of
one of the sons, is described as saying to her mother-
in-law, “ Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return
from following after thee: for whither thou goest I
will go, and where thou lodgest I will lodge: thy
people shall be my people, and thy God, my God:
where thou diest will I die, and there will I be buried ;
the Lord do so to me, and more also, if aught but
death part thee and me.” And the Moabitess kept
her word faithfully. Upon her marriage with Boaz,
the people exclaim: “The Lord make the woman
that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah,
which two did build the house of Israel.” The son born
to Ruth was the ancestor of David, the great king of
Israel. The several incidents of this exquisite story are
most delicately and artistically developed. But the
author meant to place two facts before his readers,
namely, that the royal house of Israel sprang from a
Moabitess, and that the Moabitess, after having con-
nected herself closely with the people of Israel and
acknowledged their God, gave proof of such virtues as
grace a daughter of Israel: chastity, refinement of
feeling, and cheerful self-sacrifice. The reference in
this tale to the all-absorbing question of the day was
too pointed to be passed over unnoticed. Among
those unfortunate wives who had been, or who were
to be repudiated by their husbands, might there not be
some who resembled Ruth? And the children born
of foreign women, but having Judzean fathers,—were
they to be looked down upon as heathens? If so, then
not even the house of David, the royal family, whose
ancestor had married a Moabitess, belonged to the
Judean nation!
But none of these representations were of avail.
Ezra and the reigning senate in Jerusalem insisted
sternly upon the exclusion from the community of all
people who could not claim Judaic descent, and who
were, therefore, not of “the holy seed.” ‘The failure
of all conciliatory measures resulted in hostilities,
which lasted for several years (457-444). Ezra was,
unfortunately, not a man of action; he could only
pray and arouse the feelings of others, but he could
not prevent many Judzan families from secretly
abetting his opponents. On the other hand, San-
ballat and his followers were men of decided charac-
ter, full of virulent hatred towards their adversaries,
and they took every opportunity of harassing their
enemies. At last they even attacked Jerusalem.
What could have inspired them with such boldness,
knowing as they did that Ezra was favoured by the
Persian court, and that Judzean favourites possessed
great influence over Artaxerxes? Did they, perhaps,
count upon the fickleness of the Persian king? Or
were they emboldened by the revolt of Megabyzus,
satrap of Syria, to whom both Judaa and Samaria
were subordinate? And while the Syrians vanquished
one Persian army after another, were they encour-
aged to commence hostilities on their own account
and to aim at the heart of their enemy? But, no
matter what it was that induced Sanballat and his
followers to take warlike steps against Jerusalem,
they were entirely successful. They were able to
raise an army, whilst their opponents in Jerusalem
were mostly ignorant of the use of arms. The result
was that Sanballat and his followers made breaches
in the walls of the city, burned the wooden gates, and
destroyed many of the buildings, so that Jerusalem
again resembled a heap of ruins. They, however,
spared the Temple, for it was sacred in their eyes
also; but it was nevertheless abandoned, and most
of the inhabitants, having lost the protection of the
city walls, left Jerusalem, and established themselves
in other places, wherever they could find shelter. |
The Aaronides and Levites, deprived of their in-
come from gifts and tithes, left the Temple and
sought other means of subsistence. ‘The common-
wealth of Judzea, after barely a century’s existence,
was passing through sad times. Many noble families
made peace with their neighbours, took back their
repudiated wives, and contracted new connections
with the stranger. They pledged themselves by a
reciprocal vow of constancy to respect these new ties.
For a short time it seemed as if Ezra’s great work
were frustrated, and as if the life of the common-
wealth were endangered. How little was lacking to
effect a complete dissolution!
The religious zeal kindled by Ezra was, however,
too ardent to be so easily extinguished. Some of
the Judzeans, maddened by grief at the destruction
and desolation of Jerusalem, hurried to the Persian
court to seek aid. They counted upon the aid of
Nehemiah, the Judzan cup-bearer of Artaxerxes.
Hananiah, a kinsman of Nehemiah, and an eye-witness
of the sad occurrences, gave him a harrowing descrip-
tion of the sad state of the Judzeans and of the fall of
the Holy City. Nehemiah was struck with dismay at
these tidings. He belonged to the zealous party in
Persia, and was, if possible, more exacting than Ezra.
Jerusalem, the Holy City, had always presented itself
to his imagination as especially protected by God,
and surrounded by a fiery wall, which permitted no
enemy to approach with impunity. And now it had
been humbled and put to shame, like any earthly city.
But he did not allow his grief to master him; he was a
man of vigorous action and great ingenuity. Atcourt
he had learned the art of governing, and knew that a
firm will could control both men and circumstances.
He instantly determined upon going to Jerusalem, to
put an end to this miserable state of things. But
how could he leave Persia, seeing that he was bound
to the court by his office? The great favour that
Artaxerxes always showed him chained him to the
place, and removed all prospects of a journey to.
Full of tact, Nehemiah refrained from entreating
Artaxerxes to give him leave to start upon his journey,
until a favourable opportunity should occur, But
the grief that was gnawing at his heart soon showed
itself in his face, and clouded his usually cheerful
countenance. One day, when he was pouring out
wine for the king and queen, his sad expression at-
tracted their attention, and Artaxerxes questioned
him as to its cause. He instantly made use of the
Opportunity, and answered, “Why should not my
countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my
father’s sepulchre, lieth waste, and the gates thereof
are consumed with fire?” He then expressed his
earnest desire to the king. Artaxerxes at once granted
his every wish, permitting him to undertake the
journey, to rebuild the city walls, and to restore order
in the unsettled State. The king gave him letters to
the various royal officials, directing them to lay no
obstacles in his way, and to deliver to him timber for
building purposes. He even appointed an escort of
soldiers to accompany Nehemiah, and named him
governor of Judea, The king made but one condi-
tion, namely, that his stay in Jerusalem was not to be
permanent, but that he must return to the Persian
court at the expiration of a given time.
A new chapter in the history of the commonwealth
commences with Nehemiah’s journey to Jerusalem,
or rather this event completes the chapter begun by
Ezra. Nehemiah left the city of Susa with a large
retinue, accompanied by an armed escort. Ashe trav-
elled through the former dominion of the Ten Tribes, -
he presented his credentials to the various officials,
and thus Sanballat and Tobiah wére apprised of the
object of his journey, and naturally felt that they were
on the eve of a war. It was disappointing to them
to see that a Judzean, the favourite of Artaxerxes, one
who would devote himself to the protection of his
persecuted brethren, had been appointed governor
of the land. :
When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he secluded
himself for three days. He wished, first of all, to
become acquainted with the scene of his duties, and
with the people with whom he would come into con-
tact. Meanwhile, he devoted himself to the estab-
lishment of a kind of court, for he possessed a
princely fortune, and he made a princely display.
He kept the reason of his sojourn secret, and did not
even divulge it to the leaders of the community, for
he did not trust them. One night he rode forth
secretly to examine the extent of the injury sustained
by the walls, and to devise a plan for repairing them.
He then summoned the leading men of the com-
munity, and announced, to their amazement, that
King Artaxerxes had given him complete power,
not only to rebuild the walls, but to govern the
country, and that it was his intention to wipe out
the disgrace and misery that had fallen upon them.
He found the assembled Judzans ready, heart and
soul, to help him. Even those who had intermarried
with the strangers, and were on a friendly footing with
them, evinced their approbation. But Nehemiah had
imposed a heavy task upon himself. He was to
reorganise a disjointed commonwealth, whose mem-
bers, through fear, weakness, selfishness, and a variety
of motives, had not sufficient courage to face real
danger. Nehemiah’s first care was to fortify Jeru-
salem; he himself superintended the work of building
the fortifications, and made it less arduous by a care-
ful division of labour. But the task of rebuilding was
necessarily a tedious one. The repudiated prose-
lytes, headed by Sanballat and Tobiah, whose every
hope of alliance with the Judzans had been cut off
by Nehemiah’s words, “Ye shall have no portion,
no right, no memorial in Jerusalem,” manifested as
much zeal in disturbing the work, as he did in ac-
complishing it. They artfully tried to make the
Persians suspect Nehemiah of treason, and of having
conceived the ambitious scheme of making himself
king of Judza. Then they endeavoured to dis-
courage the workmen by deriding them, and by
declaring that the walls were weak enough for a
jackal to break through them. When the walls had
risen to half their destined height, the enemy sec-
retly determined upon an attack. Nehemiah, how-
ever, had armed some of his own people, as well as
some of the leading members of the community, and
placed them on guard. Every workman had a sword
girt upon his side; every carrier bore his burden in
one hand and his weapon in the other. In order to
hasten the completion of the walls, the work was car-
ried on continuously from dawn to sunset, while a
part of the force stood on guard, day and night,
within the city. Nehemiah himself was always on the
spot, accompanied by a trumpeter. At the blast of
his trumpet, the scattered workingmen were in-
structed to assemble around him.
But instead of resuming the attack upon the walls,
Sanballat busied himself with devising intrigues
against Nehemiah. He gave out that as soon as
Jerusalem was fortified, Nehemiah would cause
himself to be proclaimed king of the Judzans, and
would revolt against Persia. The more credulous
began to feel alarmed, and to think of withdrawing
from the work, so as not to be regarded by the Per-
sians in the light of accomplices. Furthermore, the -
heads of those families who were related to the enemy
were in active treasonable correspondence with
Tobiah. But all these intrigues were of no avail, and
Nehemiah completed the work with such energy as
to compel the unwilling admiration of the foe. From
that time Sanballat and his followers appear to have
given up their fruitless attempts to annoy Nehemiah,
or to hinder his work.
But within the community itself, Nehemiah had to
fight no less severe a battle. Many of the most dis-
tinguished families who were apparently loyal, not
only entertained secret communications with the
enemy, but also were oppressing the poor in a most
heartless manner. When, in the days of scarcity, the
poor borrowed money from the rich in order to pay
taxes to the king, or obtained grain for their own con-
sumption, they had given as security their fields, their
vineyards, their olive groves, their own houses, and
sometimes even their own children; and if the debts
were not repaid, the creditors would retain the land
as their own property, and keep the children as
slaves. As the complaints of those who had been
thus cruelly treated rose louder and more frequently
to the ears of Nehemiah, he determined to call these
heartless men to account. He summoned a great
assembly, and spoke severely against this form of.
heartlessness, which was specially condemned by the
“ We, the Judzans of Persia,” he exclaimed, “ have,
according to the best of our ability, redeemed our
brethren, the Judzeans that were sold unto the
heathen. And will ye even sell your brethren so that
they will be sold again unto us?” he added ironically.
So deep was the respect enjoyed by Nehemiah, so
weighty his opinion, and so ready were even the great
and the rich to. hearken to the admonitions of the
Law, that they promised forthwith not only to release
the enslaved persons, but also to restore the houses,
fields and gardens to their owners and to cancel their
debts. Nehemiah made use of this favourable mood
to administer an oath to the rich, binding them to
carry out their promises.
This was an important victory gained by the Law,
through its representative, Nehemiah, over selfishness.
He indeed excelled all others in the example of self-
denial which he set to them. Not only did he
refuse the revenues due to him, but he advanced money
and grain to the poor, and if they were unable to
repay it, he relinquished the loans. His relatives and
servants behaved in the same generous and unselfish
In this way Nehemiah overcame all difficulties, and
brought order into the community. The people hung
upon his words, and the leading men yielded him
obedience. But when the walls of the city were rebuilt
and the gates replaced, it appeared that the Levitical
gatekeepers, and in fact all the Levites were missing.
They had migrated after the destruction of the city,
into other parts of the country, because they received
no tithes. Altogether, the city was but thinly popu-
lated, and many houses were destroyed or deserted.
Jerusalem therefore had to be peopled again, and
the Temple furnished anew with attendants.
It seems that Nehemiah caused a proclamation to
be issued to all those who had deserted Jerusalem in
the time of its insecurity, and to those who had origi-
nally settled in the provincial towns, inviting them
to take up their permanent abode in the capital.
Many of the noble families at once offered to do this.
But as the number of these was too small to repeople
Jerusalem, it was determined that the tenth part
of the population of the rural districts be called
upon to migrate to the capital, and that they be
selected by lot. Nehemiah, however, did not think
every one worthy of becoming a citizen of the Holy
City, least of all those born of mixed marriages.
He carefully went through the register of Judzeans
who had returned from Babylonia, examining the
pedigree of each separate family. He conducted the
matter with great rigour. Three families, consisting
of six hundred and forty-two persons, who could not
prove that they were descended from Israelites, were
not admitted, and three Aaronide families, who were
unable to produce the record of their lineage, were
temporarily deprived of the dignity of the priesthood.
As soon as Nehemiah had fortified Jerusalem, and
found means to provide a population for it, giving
the community a centre and forming the people
into a compact body, he sought to breathe into this
body the living soul of the Law. But for this pur-
pose he required the aid of the scribes. Ezra, who
had been thrown into the background by the great
activity of Nehemiah, now re-appeared upon the
scene. On the festival celebrated on the first day of
the seventh month, Ezra assembled all the people,
even those who dwelt in the country. “ They gath-
ered themselves together as one man into the open
place which is before the Water-gate in Jerusalem.”
Here an elevated stand of wood was erected, upon
which Ezra stood to read the Law. Everything
was calculated to produce a solemn and imposing
effect. The assembly was a numerous one; it
consisted not only of men, but also of women, and
of children who were old enough to understand
what they heard. When Ezra unrolled the Book of
the Law, all the people arose, and when he opened
the services by reciting a blessing, they lifted up
their hands, responding, in a loud voice, Amen.
Then Ezra began to read a section of the Torah
with an impressive voice, and all present listened
intently. ‘There were some, indeed, unable to follow
the reading, but the Levites added a short and clear
explanation, so that even the most ignorant could
understand. The people were deeply moved by what
they heard, and burst into tears. Probably they
heard for the first time that portion of Deuteronomy
in which are- announced the fearful punishments
consequent upon disregard of the Law; and the con-
science-stricken people felt themselves unworthy of
the Divine love, and were overwhelmed with grief.
Some time elapsed before Ezra and the priests could
restore tranquillity to the excited multitude. But at
length they were quieted, and proceeded to cele-
brate the festival in an exalted mood. It was the
first time that the people had taken the Book of the
Law into their hearts, and that they had felt it to be
an integral part of their existence, and themselves
to be its guardians.
The change which had begun during the time
of the Babylonian exile was now completed. What
the prophets had commenced, the scribes ended.
It is remarkable that so important an assembly
should have met, not in the Temple itself, but in its
immediate vicinity, and that the high-priest should
have taken no part in it. The Sanctuary, with the
altar and the vessels for sacrifice, was, to a certain
extent, thrown into the background. Though a priest,
Ezraunconsciously led the way to a separation between
the Law and the Temple, that is to say, the subordina-
tion of the priesthood to the Scriptures. The people
became so enamoured of the Law, for which they had
cared but little previously, that they were anxious to
hear more of it. ‘he heads of the community, whose
ancestors had obstinately rejected the teaching of
the prophets, and had seemed utterly incapable of
reformation, repaired to Ezra, on the next day,
and begged of him to continue his reading of the
Pentateuch. Ezra thereupon read the portion con-
cerning the festivals that were to be celebrated during
the seventh month. In obedience to the injunctions
contained therein, the leading men caused heralds to
proclaim that all the people were to bring branches
of olive trees, myrtles, and palms from the neigh-
bouring mountains, for the erection of huts or booths.
The people executed this order with alacrity, and cele-
brated the Festival of Tabernaclesin a brighter mood
than they had ever done before. During the eight
days of this festival a portion of the Law was read
daily, and from that time the reading of the Law
became a permanent feature in the Divine service.
Ezra and Nehemiah were anxious to avail themselves
of this religious fervour in a way to influence those
who still lived’ with their foreign wives to repudiate
them of their own free will. For this purpose a peni-
tential day was appointed. All the people appeared
fasting, in mourning, and with ashes upon their heads.
‘The portion of the Law forbidding intermarriage with
Ammonites and Moabites was read and expounded.
Then a general acknowledgment of sin, in the name
of the people, was recited by the Levites. ‘The de-
sired effect was obtained; the Israelites separated
from their foreign wives, and sundered their connec-
tion with the Samaritans and all of doubtful descent.
Ezra and Nehemiah now induced them to make a
solemn covenant that they would in future respect the
teaching of the Law, and not relapse into their old
errors and shortcomings. From that day forward the
whole community was to live according to the Law of
Moses. Men, women, and children, the Temple ser-
vants, and even the proselytes, who clung faithfully to
the Judzeans, took the oath that was required of them. —
They swore not to give their daughters in marriage to
foreigners, and not to marry daughters of foreign
tribes. his matter was looked upon by Ezra and
Nehemiah as one of peculiar importance, and, there-
fore, the first place was given to it. Théy also swore to
observe the Sabbath and the holidays, to let the fields
lie fallow every seventh year, and, during that year,
to remit all debts. Furthermore, every individual
who had attained his majority was to pay annually
one-third of a shekel towards the maintenance of the
Temple, to bring the first produce of the fields and
the orchards to the Sanctuary, to provide wood for
the altar, and to contribute the tithes for the main-
tenance of the priests and the Levites.
The obligations assumed by the people were in-
scribed upon a scroll, which was signed by the heads
of the families, and sealed. Nehemiah’s name stood
first upon the list, followed by the signatures of
about eighty-five prominent men. According to one
account, one hundred and twenty names were sub-
scribed. This important gathering of Judzans was
called the Great Assembly (Keneseth ha-gedolah).
Nehemiah had indeed accomplished much in a short
time. He had not only restored the decayed com-
monwealth, and assured its stability by fortifying the
capital, but he had also endowed the people with
the Law, and had induced them to live in harmony
with its requirements.
Nehemiah appears designedly to have contrived
the gathering of large popular assemblies in order
to make a deep impression on those present. He
convened the people a second time, to consecrate
the walls of the city. As at the former ceremony,
women and children were in the congregation.
In order to impart a joyful character to these solem-
nities, he invited a number of Levites who were’
skilled in music and song to come to Jerusalem.
Iwo divisions of the people, starting from the same
point, marched, in opposite directions, round the
walls, and met in the Temple. At the head of each
division, a choir of Levites sang hymns of praise,
each being accompanied by a band of musicians,
Ezra followed one choir, and Nehemiah the other,
each of them heading an immense concourse of
people. In this way the two processions passed
slowly round the walls of the city. Far into the dis-
tance sounded the joyous notes of the cymbals, harps
and trumpets, whilst the songs bursting from the
lips of the Levites echoed again and again from the
mountains. After the day of mourning and atone-
ment followed a day of universal joy and gladness.
This festival of dedication, we are told, lasted eight
days, and took place two years and four months after
the commencement of Nehemiah s work (442).
In order to establish the community to whom he
had given new life, Nehemiah sought able, worthy
and conscientious officers. It seems that it was he
who divided the country into small districts (Pelech),
and placed over each an officer to manage its affairs
and to maintain order. To the north of the Temple,
Nehemiah built a citadel, which he fortified strongly,
so that in case of necessity it might prove a defence
for the Sanctuary; this fortress was called Birah.
He appointed a faithful and God-fearing man, Hana-
niah,as commander. His colleague in the work of
regeneration, the scribe Ezra, was made guardian of
the Temple. The chief thing he had in view was the
full restoration of the Temple-worship. If the sacri-
ficial services were not again to be interrupted, pro-
vision must be made for the maintenance of the
Aaronides and Levites. The landowners had, it is
true, bound themselves most solemnly to pay the
imposts to the former, and the tithes to the latter,
but Nehemiah, not content with the mere promise,
required the delivery of the supplies to be constantly
watched. The Levites were sent into the country
at harvest time, to collect their tithes, and to bring
them back to Jerusalem. In order to secure an
even distribution of the tithes, a tenth of which was
in turn due to the Aaronides, and of those gifts
which belonged to the latter exclusively, Nehemiah
built large granaries, where all contributions were to
be stored, and whither those entitled thereto were to
repair to have their due shares assigned to them by
special officials.
Not only did Nehemiah provide for the re-popula-
tion of the deserted city of Jerusalem, but he also
sought means to furnish the new inhabitants with
suitable dwellings. At his own cost he erected
houses for the poorest of the nation, and tried to
supply all wants in the same way. Thus he built
up a new state, upon which he laid but one obliga-
tion, that it should abide strictly by the Law. For
twelve years he was governor of Judah (from 444 to
432); he was then obliged to return to the court of
“Artaxerxes, where he still enjoyed great favour with
the king. He departed with the hope that the work
he had accomplished might be blessed with lasting
security and glory.
But no sooner had Nehemiah left than a counter-cur-
rent set in that could be traced to the influence of the
high-priest Eliashib. The first retrograde step was
taken when Eliashib held friendly communication
with the Samaritans and the offspring of mixed mar-
riages, in violation of the decision of the Great As-
sembly. As an earnest of this friendship, a member
of the priest’s household, named Manasseh, married
Nicaso, a daughter of Sanballat. Others, who had
been secretly dissatisfied with Nehemiah’s strict line
of separation, now followed the example of the
priestly house. An entire change took place. To-
biah, the second great enemy of Nehemiah, was
allowed to return unmolested to Jerusalem, and a
large court in the.outer Temple was actually assigned
to him. |
This sudden change, which allowed what had re-
cently been strictly forbidden, produced a general
disintegration. The people as a body was so out-
raged by the actions of the high-priest and his party
that it openly showed its contempt for them. The
landowners, moreover, left off paying tithes and
imposts for the support of the priesthood, and thus
the innocent Levites also lost their income. To
avoid starvation they were compelled to leave the
Temple and the city. The contributions for the sac-
rificial services ceased, and to prevent the altar from
being entirely neglected, the priests in charge offered
up diseased, lame, blind or unsightly animals. Many
Judzans were so utterly disgusted at the behaviour
of the priests that they turned their backs upon the
Sanctuary and the affairs of the community, pursuing
their own interests, and this not rarely at the expense
of justice, and of all that they had sworn to uphold.
When this class grew prosperous, the truly pious
people, who were struggling with poverty, became
ucterly confused in their ideas of right and wrong,
and exclaimed: “It is vain to serve God: and what
profit is it that we have kept His charge?” “Every
one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord,
and He delighteth in them.”
But worse than all else was the discord which pre-
vailed in the Judzan community, and which even
divided families. What could be pronounced right
and lawful? ‘The father did not agree with the son;
the one accepted the stern practice, the other the lax,
and thus disputes arose in each household. To coun-
teract these lamentable occurrences, the more pious,
who would not allow themselves to be shaken in
their convictions, met and discussed a plan of action.
They turned with hope and longing towards Nehe-
miah, who was still at the court of Artaxerxes. If he
would but return to Jerusalem, he could, with one
blow, put an end to this miserable state of confusion,
and restore peace, unity, and strength to the city.
At this auspicious moment a God-fearing man sud-
denly appeared on the scene. He belonged to
the party that was incensed at the behaviour of the
high-priest and his followers, and he undertook to
chastise the wicked, and to reanimate the waning
courage of the good. ‘This man, full of vigour, and
moved by the prophetic spirit, was Malachi, the last
of the prophets. Worthily did he close the long list
of godly men who had succeeded each other for
four centuries. Malachi announced to his dejected
and despairing brethren the speedy arrival of the
Messenger of the Covenant, whom many delighted
in, and who would bring better days with him. The
prophet counselled the people not to omit paying
the tithes on account of the evil-doing of some of the
priests, but to bring them all, as in former days, into
the store-houses.
Malachi, like the early prophets, proclaimed that
in the distant future a great and awful day would
dawn, when the difference between the pious and
the wicked would be made clear. Before the coming
of that last day God would send His prophet Eliyah,
and he would reconcile the father to the son. He
bade them remember and take to heart the Law
of Moses, with its statutes and its judgments, which
had been given to them on Mount Horeb. With
these words, the voice of prophecy was hushed.
The written Law, which had been made accessible
to many through the zeal of Ezra, and which had
found a body of exponents, rendered the continu-
ance of prophetic utterances unnecessary. The scribe
took the place of the seer, and the reading of the
Law, either to large assemblies or in houses of
prayer, was Substituted for prophetic revelation.
Did Nehemiah at the court of Persia have any
idea of the yearning for his presence that existed
at this very moment in Jerusalem? Had he any
knowledge that Malachi’s belief in better days rested
upon the hope of his return? It is impossible to
say, but, at all events, he suddenly re-appeared in
Jerusalem, between the years 430 and 424, having
again obtained the king’s permission to return to
his spiritual home, and soon after his arrival he
became, in the words of the prophet, “like a re-
finer’s fire, and like the fuller’s lye.” He cleansed
the community of its impure elements. He began
by expelling the Ammonite Tobiah from the place
which had been given to him by his priestly rela-
tive, Eliashib, and by dismissing the latter from his
office. He then assembled the heads of the commu.
nity, and reproached them bitterly with having caused
the Levites to desert the Temple, by neglecting to
collect the tithes. A summons from Nehemiah was
enough to induce the landed proprietors to perform
their neglected duties, and to cause the Levites to
return to their service in the Temple. ‘The charge
of the collected tithes and their just distribution he
placed under the care of four conscientious Judzans,
—some of his devoted followers. He restored the
divine service to its former solemnity, and dismissed
the unworthy priests. A most important work in the
eyes of Nehemiah was the dissolution of the mixed
marriages which had again been contracted. Here
he came in direct conflict with the high-priestly house.
Manasseh, a son or relation of the high-priest Joiada,
refused to separate himself from hts Samaritan wife,
Nicaso, Sanballat’s daughter, and Nehemiah pos-
sessed sufficient firmness to banish him from the coun-
try. Many other Aaronides and Judzans who would
not obey Nehemiah’s commands were also sent into
exile. After peace and order had been restored in
the capital, Nehemiah tried to abolish the abuses
which had found their way into the provinces.
Wherever Judzans lived in close proximity to foreign
tribes, such as the Ashdodites, Ammonites, Moabites,
or Samaritans, mixed marriages had led to almost
entire ignorance of the Hebrew tongue, for the chil-
dren of these marriages generally spoke the language
of their mothers. This aroused Nehemiah’s anger,
and stimulated his energy. He remonstrated with
the Judzean fathers, he even cursed them, and finally
caused the refractory to be punished. By such per-
sistent activity he was able to accomplish the disso-
lution of the mixed marriages, and the preservation
of the Hebrew tongue.
Nehemiah next introduced the strict observance of
the Sabbath, which had been but negligently observed
hitherto. The Law had certainly forbidden all labour
on that day, but it had not defined what really was
to be considered as labour. At all events, the Jude-
ans who lived in the provinces were ignorant on that
point, for on the Sabbath they pressed the wine, loaded
their beasts of burden with corn, grapes, figs, and
drove them to market into the city of Jerusalem. As
soon as Nehemiah discovered that the Sabbath was
treated like an ordinary week-day, he assembled the
country people, and explained that they were sinning
against God’s Law, and they listened to him, and
followed his injunctions. But he had a more diff-
cult task in abolishing an old-established custom.
Tyrian merehants were in the habit of appearing in
Jerusalem on the Sabbath-day, bringing fish fresh
from the sea, and they found ready customers. But
Nehemiah ordered that henceforth all the gates
should be closed on the Sabbath eve, so that no mer-
chant could enter the city. ‘These ordinances were
strictly enforced, and from that time the Sabbath was
pacrols'y observed.
‘he strict observance of the Law, enjoined by
Ezra, was insisted upon by Nehemiah; he built the
wall of separation between Judzans and Gentiles
so securely, that it was impossible to break through
it. The Judzans who were discontented with this
separation and the severity of the Law were obliged
to leave the Judzan community, and form a sect of
their own. Nehemiah himself probably lived to see
the formation of the first sect among Jews, and as
he himself might virtually be held responsible for it,
he thought it necessary to justify his proceedings, and
to set forth his own meritorious part in raising the
fallen community. He composed a kind of memoir,
in which he related what he had achieved in his first
and second visits to Jerusalem. At intervals he
inserted the: prayer that God would remember him
for what he had done for the people and for his
services in behalf of the Sanctuary and its preserva-
tion. It was a kind of self-justification written in his
old age, and his name has remained eternally in the
remembrance of a grateful people. To him and to
Ezra, the creators of that spiritual current which has
since attained an irresistible force in the Jewish world,
grateful posterity has attributed all beneficial institu-
tions wnose origin is unknown.
Enmity of the Samaritans against the Judzans—The Temple on Mount
Gerizim—The High-Priest Manasseh—The mixed language of
the Samaritans—Their veneration for the Law of Moses—
Judaism loses its national meaning—The Jubilee and Sabbatical
Year—Almsgiving—The Council of Seventy—The Assyrian
Characters—The Schools and the Sopherim—Observance o! the
Ceremonies—The Prayers—The Future Life—The Judzeins
under Artaxerxes II. and I1I.—Their Banishment to the Cas-
pian Sea—Johanan and Joshua contend for the office of High-
Priest—Bagoas—The Writings of the Period—The Greeks and
Macedonians—Alexander the Great and the Judawans—Judzea
accounted a Province of Ceelesyria—Struggles between Alex-
ander’s Successors—Capture of Jerusalem by Ptolemy—Judza
added to the Lagidean-Egyptian Kingdom—The Judzan Colo-
nies in Egypt and Syria and the Greek Colonies in Palestine.
420—300 B.C. E.
HatrepD which arises from rejected love is stronger
and more vehement than enmity resulting from
inexplicable antipathy, jealousy, or disagreement.
Sanballat, as well as his Samaritan followers and
companions, out of preference for the God of Israel,
had struggled to be received into the Judzean com-
munity. The virulence of their enmity against Neh-
emiah, who had raised the commonwealth from its
declining state, was in reality an impetuous offer of
love, by which they hoped to secure an intimate
connection with Judza. But as they were repulsed
again and again, this yearning love changed into
burning hatred. When Sanballat, who thought he
had attained his aim by his connection with the
high-priest’s family, learned of the insult shown him
in the banishment of his son-in-law Manasseh, be-
cause of that priest’s marriage with his daughter, the
measure of his wrath was full. He cunningly con-
ceived the plan of disorganising the Judaan com-
munity, by the help of its own members, What if
he were to raise a temple to the God of Israel,
to contest the supremacy of the one at Jerusalem?
There were among his followers priests of the
descendants of Aaron, who could legally conduct the
service, as prescribed in the Torah, in the projected
sanctuary. The dignity of high-priest could fitly be
assumed by his son-in-law Manasseh, and the other
Aaronides who had been expelled from the Temple
could officiate with him. Everything appeared
favourable to his design. Both his desire of wor-
shipping the God of Israel, and his ambition to be at
the head of a separate community, could easily be
satisfied at the same time. :
On the summit of the fruitful Mount Gerizim,
at the foot of the city of Shechem, in the very heart
of the land of Palestine, Sanballat built his Temple,
probably after the death of Artaxerxes (about 420).
The Aaronides who had been expelled from Jeru-
salem, and who were well versed in all the tenets of
the Law, had selected this site because they knew
that, according to the Book of Deuteronomy, the
blessings were to be pronounced upon the followers
of the Law of Moses from that mount. But the
Samaritans gave to the old words a new interpreta-
tion. They called, and still call to this day, Mount
Gerizim “the Mount of Blessings,” as if blessing and
salvation proceeded from the mount itself. Even
the town of Shechem they called “ Blessing ” (Ma-
brachta). Sanballat, or the priests of this temple of
Gerizim, declared that the mixed race of the Samari-
tans were not descendants of the exiles placed in
that country by an Assyrian king, but that, on the
contrary, they were true Israelites, a remnant of the
Ten Tribes, or of the tribes of Joseph and Ephraim.
There may indeed have been amongst them some
descendants of the families who, after the destruc-
tion of the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, clung to
Samaria; but that the numerous Cuthzans who
(uusy “YO Aq SuimMeip e& wos)
(From a drawing by H. Fenn.)
gathered round Sanballat, together with the Am-
monites and the Arabians, were descendants of
Joseph and Ephraim and Israelites, was one of those
ingenious and audacious fictions which, by their very
exaggeration, stagger even those who are thoroughly
convinced of their falsehood. ‘Their language, how-
ever, betrayed their mixed origin; it was a con-
glomeration of Aramaic and other foreign elements,
so that it is to this day impossible to define its origin
But the venture was a successful one. The Sa-
maritans had their temple, around which they
gathered; they had priests from the house of Aaron ;
they impudently opposed their Hargerizim, as they
called their holy mount, to Mount Moriah; they
interpreted the Book of the Law to suit themselves,
making it appear that God had designed Mount
Gerizim as a site for a sanctuary, and they proudly
called themselves Israelites. Sanballat and his fol-
lowers, intent upon attracting a great many Judzeans
to their community, tempted them with the offer of
houses and land, and in every way helped to support
them. Those who had been guilty of crime in Judzea
or Jerusalem, and feared punishment were received
with open arms by the Samaritans. Out of such
elements a new semi-Judzean community or sect was
formed. Their home was in the somewhat limited
district of Samaria, the centre of which was either the
city that gave its name to the province, or the town of
Shechem. The members of the new community be-
came an active, vigorous, intelligent people, as if
Sanballat, the founder, had infused his spirit into
them. In spite of its diminutive size, this sect has
continued until the present day. The existence of
the Samaritans, as a community, may really be con-
sidered a signal victory of the Judzan faith, for it
was their religion alone that kept so mixed a people
together; it became the loadstar of their lives, and to
it they remained faithful, in spite of adversity and
disaster. The Samaritans treated the Torah, brought
to them by exiled priests, with as much reverence as
the Judzans did, and regulated their religious and
social life according to its requirements. But, in
spite of this community of essential principles, the
Judzans were not delighted with this accession to
the ranks of their faith. This first Judzean sect
caused them as much sorrow as those which, at a
later period, grew up among them. ‘The Samaritans
were not only their most bitter foes, but actnally
denied to them the right of existence as a com-
munity. They declared’ that they alone were the
descendants of Israel, disputing the sanctity of Jeru-
salem and its Temple, and affirming that everything
established by the Judzean people was a mere coun-
terfeit of the old Israelitish customs. The Samari-
tans were ever on the alert to introduce into their
own country such improvements as were carried
into effect in Judzea, though, had it been in their
power, they would have destroyed the nation which
was their model. On the part of the Judzans,
the hatred against their Samaritan neighbours was
equally great. They spoke of them as “the foolish
people who lived in Shechem.” The enmity between
Jerusalem and Samaria that existed in the time of
the two kingdoms blazed up anew; it no longer bore
a political, but a religious character, and was therefore
the more violent and intense.
The existence of the Samaritan sect had, how-
ever, a stimulating effect upon the Judzeans: as the
latter continually came into collision with their oppo-
nents, and were obliged to listen to doctrines in the
highest degree distasteful to them, they were forced
to a careful study of the essence of their own belief.
The Samaritans helped them to acquire self-know-
ledge. What was it that distinguished them, not
only from the heathen world, but also from those
neighbours who worshipped the one God, and ac-
knowledged as authoritative the same Revelation?
GHeXX. “ JUDAISM.” 393
It was the thought that they possessed a peculiar
creed, and the conception of “Judaism” gained
clearness in their minds. Judaism no longer meant a
nationality, but a religious convictzon. The name
“ Judzean” lost its racial meaning, and was applied to
any adherent of the Jewish faith, be he a descendant
of Judah or Benjamin, an Aaronide or a Levite. The
two fundamental principles of this faith were the ac-
knowledgment of the one God, and of the Torah, in
which God reveals himself through the mediation of
The reverence and love with which the Sacred
Book came to be regarded after the days of Ezra
and Nehemiah were as deep as had been the general
indifference to it in earlier times. “A wise man
trusts the Law, and the Law is as true to him as
the words of the truth-giving Urim and Thummim.”
The Torah was looked upon as the quintessence of
all wisdom, and was honoured as such. Hebrew
poetry, still full of life, glorified it with enthusiastic
praise. It followed naturally that the Torah became
the fundamental law of the little state or common-
wealth of Judah. Before a Judzan undertook or
desisted. from any action, he would ask whether his
course was in conformity with the Law. Slavery
ceased to exist; even if a Judzan wished to sell
himself as a slave he could not find a buyer. ‘There-
fore the year of Jubilee, intended as a year of release
of slaves, became a superfluous institution. On the
other hand, the Sabbatical year was strictly kept.
The debts of the poor were then cancelled, and the
fields lay fallow. Probably the Judzaean favourites at
the Persian court had already demanded that, in the
Sabbatical year, the taxes upon the produce of the
fields be remitted. The poor were looked after with
great solicitude, for the Pentateuch demanded that
there should be no needy in the land. Alms-giving
was looked upon in this new order of things as
the exercise of the highest virtue. In every town,
members of the Judzan community were appointed
to devote themselves to the care of the poor. The
constant denunciations by the prophets and psalmists
of the hard-heartedness displayed towards the poor
and the helpless were no longer justified. Justice
was admirably administered, and so conscientiously
was the law executed that the Judzan law-officers ©
might have been held up as models to the rest of
the world. Twice a week, on Mondays and Thurs-
days, the market days, public courts of justice were
held in all large towns.
It was most natural that, as the life of the commu-
nity was regulated according to the commands of
the Torah, the spiritual leaders of the people should
devise a supreme court of justice, possessing the
power to make and interpret laws. They were
but carrying out the words of Deuteronomy, in
which was enjoined the establishment of a superior
court of justice, where a final decision in doubtful
cases could be given. ‘The question now arose as
to the number of members to constitute this, court.
Seventy elders had shared with Moses the great
burden of his duties, the representatives of the
seventy chief families of the children of Israel. It
was therefore decided that the supreme tribunal
and high court of justice should number seventy
elders. This peculiar institution, which lasted until
the destruction of the Judean commonwealth, which
became the strict guardian of the Law, and at times
rose to great political importance, was doubtless
called into life at this period. At no other time
could it have arisen., Thus the great assembly which
Nehemiah had originally summoned, merely for the
purpose of accepting the obligations of the Torah,
developed. into a permanent council for settling all
religious and social questions. The seventy members
of the supreme council were probably chosen from
various great families. The high-priest, whether
he was worthy of the dignity or not, was placed
at their head. The president was called « father
of the tribunal” (Ab Beth-din). As soon as the
council was formed, it proceeded to carry into effect
what Ezra and Nehemiah had begun, namely, the
application of Judaism or the Law to the life and cus.
toms of the people. This supreme council brought
about a complete revolution.
All the changes which we notice two hundred
years later in the Judwan commonwealth were its
work ; the new regulations which tradition assigns to
Ezra, and which were known under the name of So-
pheric regulations (Dibre Sopherim) were the crea-
tions of this body. It laid a sure foundation for the
edifice that was to last thousands of years. During
this period it was that regular readings from the
Law were instituted; on every Sabbath and on every
Holy Day a portion from the Pentateuch was to be
read to the assembled congregation. Twice a week,
when the country people came from the villages
to market in the neighbouring towns, or to appeal
at the courts of justice, some verses of the Penta-
_ teuch, however few, were to be read publicly. At first
only the learned did the public reading, but gradually
as it came to be looked upon as a great honour to
belong to the learned class, every one was anxious
to be called upon to do duty as a reader. But the
characters in which the Torah was written were an
obstacle in the way of overcoming illiteracy. The
text of the Torah was written in an antique script
with Phoenician or old Babylonian characters, which
could be deciphered only by practised scribes. For
the Judzeans in Persia, even more than for the
Judzeans in Palestine, the Torah was a book with
seven seals. It was therefore necessary to transform
the old-fashioned characters of the Hebrew Scriptures
(Khetab Ibrith) into others, which were familiar to
the inhabitants of the land between the Euphrates and
the Tigris, and which the Judzans of Palestine and
of the Persian provinces used also for the ordinary
purposes of every-day life. In order to distinguish
it from the old writing, the new style was called
the Assyrian (Khetab Ashurith), because it had arisen
in one of the Assyrian provinces. [he Samaritans,
animated by a spirit of contradiction, retained the
old Hebrew characters for their Pentateuch, only in
order to be able to reproach their opponents with
having introduced a forbidden innovation and falsified
the Torah. Until the present day, their holy writ
exists in these old-fashioned characters, and it is a
closed ‘book even to most of their priests.
Owing to the regular reading of the Law and to
its accessibility, there arose among the Judzeans an
intellectual activity which gradually gave a peculiar
character to the whole nation. The Torah became
their spiritual and intellectual property, and their own
inner sanctuary. At this time there sprang up an-
other important institution, namely, schools for young
men, where the text of the Law was taught, and love
for its teachings and principles cultivated. ‘The intel-
lectual leaders of the people continually enjoined on
the rising generation, “ Bring up a great many dis-
ciples.” And what they enjoined so strenuously on
others they themselves must have zealously laboured
to perform. One of these religious schools (Beth-
Waad) was established in Jerusalem. ‘The teachers
were called scribes (Sopherim) or wise men; the dis-
ciples, pupils of the wise (Talmide Chachamim). The
wise men or scribes had a twofold activity: on the
one hand, to explain the Torah, and on the other, to
make the laws applicable both to individual and
communal life. This supplementary interpretation
was called “ exposition-”” (Midrash); it was not arbi-
trary, but rested upon certain rules laid down for
the proper interpretation of the Law. The supreme
council and the houses of learning worked together,
and one completed the other.
The result was a most important mental develop-
ment, which impressed upon the descendants of the
patriarchs a new characteristic so strongly as to make
it seem second nature in them: the impulse to investi-
gate, to interpret, and to tax their ingenuity in order to
discover some new and hidden meaning either in the
word or the substance. The supreme council, the
source of these institutions and this new movement,
did not confine itself to the interpretation of the ex-
isting laws, and to their application to daily life, but
it also drew up its own code of laws, which were to
regulate, to stimulate and to strengthen the religious
and social life of the people. There was an old maxim
of great repute in Judaea: “Make a fence about the
Law.” By this maxim the teacher of the Law was
directed to forbid certain things in themselves per-
missible, which, however, touched too closely upon the
forbidden points, or might be confounded with them.
This method of guarding against any possible in-
fringement of the Law, by means of a “fence”
(Seyag) had its justification in the careless, unsettled
habits of those early days. It was absolutely neces-
sary that the mass of the people, who were wholly
uneducated, should accustom themselves to the per-
formance of the precepts and duties enjoined by the
Law. 3
An entire set of laws, made for the purpose of
reventing the violation of the commands of the
forah, belong to the Sopheric age. For instance,
the degrees of relationship considered unlawful for
matrimony were increased in number; to prevent
the violation of chastity, men were forbidden to hold
private interviews with married women in solitary
places. The loose way in which the Sabbath was
observed in Nehemiah’s age was replaced by an extra-
ordinarily rigid observance of the Sabbath. In order
to prevent any possible violation of the Sabbath or
of the festival days, all work was to cease before
sunset on the preceding evening, and an official was
appointed to proclaim, by the blast of a horn, the
proper hour for repose. But the Sabbath day and the
festivals were intended to create a feeling of both
devotion and exaltation in the observers of the Law,
and to banish from their memory the cares and the
troubles of the working days. It was partly to express
this that it became a custom in those days to drink
- a goblet of wine at the coming in and at the going
out of the festivals, and to pronounce a blessing upon
them, at their commencement declaring that these
days are holy, and sanctified by God (Kiddush), and
at their close, that they have a peculiar significance
in contradistinction to the working days (Habdalah).
By laws such as these, which were not permitted to
remain a dead letter, the Sabbath acquired a holy
- character.
The first evening of the Paschal feast, falling in
the spring time, was also invested with peculiar import- ©
ance. It was intended to arouse every year and to keep
alive a grateful remembrance of the deliverance from
Egypt, and the consciousness of being in possession
of precious freedom. It became either a law or a
eustom to drink four glasses of wine upon this festival
of rejoicing, and even the poorest managed to obtain
the draught “that rejoices the heart.” On the eve
of the Passover, the members of each family, with
their most intimate friends, gathered round the table,
not to indulge in a luxurious meal, but to thank
and praise the God of their fathers; they ate bitter
herbs, broke unleavened bread, tasted some of the
paschal lamb in commemcration of their freedom, and
drank the four goblets of wine to celebrate this bright
festival with a cheerful heart. Gradually the custom
arose for several families to celebrate the Paschal
eve in common, the whole assembly (Chaburah) to
partake of the lamb, amid the singing of psalms.
The Paschal eve became in time a delightful family
The prayers prescribed on Sopheric authority had
no hard and fast form, but the line of thought which
they were to contain was, in general, laid down. The
form of prayer used in the Temple became the
model of the services in all prayer-houses, or houses
of gathering (Beth-ha-Keneseth). Divine service
was performed at early morning in a court of the
Temple, and commenced with one or more specially
selected psalms of praise and thanksgiving. At the
conclusion of the psalms, the whole congregation
exclaimed: ‘‘Praise be to the God of Israel, who
alone doeth wonders, and praised be the glory of
His name for ever and ever, and may His glory fill
the whole earth”; upon which followed a prayer of
thanksgiving for the light of the sun, which God had
given to the whole world, and for the light of the
Law, which He had given to Israel. This was suc-
ceeded by the reading of several portions from the
Torah, the Ten Commandments and the Schema:
« Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one,”
to which the whole congtegation responded: “Blessed
be the name of the glory of His kingdom for ever
and ever.” ‘The principal prayer, the Tephillah, was
composed of six short parts: a thanksgiving that
God had chosen the children of Israel as His ser-
vants; an acknowledgment of the Divine Power, as
shown in nature, by the life-giving rain, and as
manifested in man, by the future resurrection of the
dead; an acknowledgment of the holiness of God;
a supplication for the accomplishment of all prayers
and for the acceptance of sacrifice; a thanksgiving for
the preservation of life, and finally a prayer for peace,
following the blessing of the priest. In the afternoon
and evening, the congregation assembled again for
prayer, but the service was short, as the Psalms and
chapters of the Law were omitted. —
On the Sabbath and festive days, the morning
service was not materially different, except that a
particular prayer was interpolated, in which special
mention was made of the sanctity of the day, anda
longer portion from the Torah was read at its close.
In time a portion from the prophets, especially a
chapter bearing upon the character of the day, was
read. [The opposition in which the Judzans stood
to the Samaritans prompted this reading from the
prophets. For the Samaritans who denied the sanc-
tity of the Temple and of Jerusalem, rejected the
prophetical writings, because they contained con-
stant allusions to the holy city and the chosen sanc-
tuary. So much the more necessary did it ap-
pear to the upholders of Judaism to publish these
writings. In consequence of this regulation, the
words of the prophets who had but rarely been
listened to while they lived, were now read in every
Judean house of prayer, and though they were
but partially understood by the greater number of
the congregation, nevertheless they became mighty
levers to arouse the enthusiasm of the nation. As
these readings ended the morning service, they were _
called “ the conclusion” (Haphtarah). It thus became
necessary to make an authoritative collection of the
prophetic writings, and to decide which of the books
were to be excluded, and which adopted. This
choice was probably made by the legislative body of
the Sopheric age. The collection embraced the four
historical books, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings,
which were called the Earlier Prophets; then came
three books, great in interest, bearing the names of
the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel; and lastly
the twelve minor prophets, Hosea, Amos, Joel, Oba-
diah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,
Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi, these twelve, in
conjunction with the three greater, being styled the
Later Prophets. These works were all recognised
as Holy Writ, but were placed next to the Torah, as
of secondary degree of holiness.
In this way the divine service of the Sopheric age
was constructed; it was simple and edifying; it con-
tained nothing superfluous, disturbing or wearying,
and it embodied the thought and spirit of those time-
honoured treasures, the writings of the prophets and
the psalmists. It contained only one foreign element,
the belief in the resurrection of the dead on the last
day. With this exception, everything was taken from
the pure spring of the earliest teachings.
The inhabitants of the country towns introduced
in their own congregations an exact copy of the
divine service as it was conducted in Jerusalem.
They needed no urging to this by mandatory enact-
ments. Thus in each town, houses of prayer (Syna-
gogues, Modde-El) were established, in which was
introduced the order of prayer which is the ground-
work of the divine service of the present day. Be-
sides the prayers, sacrifices were offered up accord-
ing to the letter of the Law. These two forms of
divine service were blended into one; they com-
pleted and helped one another. The spiritual service
adapted itself to the sacrificial ceremonies; three
times during the day, whilst the priests were offering
up their sacrifices, the congregations assembled in
the prayer-houses, whereas on the Sabbath and on
festivals, when special sacrifices were offered up in the
Temple (Korban Mussaph), the congregation assem-
bled four times for prayer (Tephillath Mussaph).
But even the sacrificial service could not shut out the
living word ; it had to grow, as it were, more spiritual,
and it became customary to sing the Psalms at inter-
vals between the offerings, because of the great
influence which this sublime poetry possessed.
There was, however, one very prominent feature
connected with the Temple and the sacrifices, which
was opposed to the essentially spiritual tendency of
the prophetic and psalmistic poetry. It was that
which related to the laws concerning purity and im-
purity. The law of the Torah had certainly given
very precise regulations on these matters; an unclean
person could not bring offerings, or approach the
sanctuary, or even taste consecrated food. There were
many degrees of uncleanness, and the Law prescribed
how unclean persons might be purified. The last
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act of purification’ always consisted in bathing in
fresh running water. These laws would never have
attained such far-reaching importance, involving every
station in life, had it not been for the sojourn of the
Judzeans, during so many centuries, among the Per-
sians, whose much more stringent purification laws
were rigorously observed. ‘The statutes concerning.
uncleanness, according to the Iranian Avesta of the
Persians, whose priests were the Magi, were extremely
strict, and the means adopted for purification revolt-
ing. Dwelling among the Magi,the Judzeansabsorbed
much from them. The striking resemblance of many
of their laws and customs to their own could not
escape their observation, and they yielded to Magian
influences. |
The fundamental conception of the Deity, as of one
incorporeal perfect God, was so firmly implanted in
the heart of every Judzan, that no one would allow
himself to be influenced by the conception of the
Persian god of light, Ahura-Mazda (Ormuzd), how-
ever spiritual that conception might be. Their seers,
full of penetration, speedily divined the error of the
Iranian doctrine of acknowledging two great rival
powers, the god of light and goodness, and the god
of darkness and sin, Angro-Mainyus (Ahriman). -
They contrasted that doctrine with their own belief,
that the God of Israel created light and darkness,
good and evil. They denied that the world and
mankind are being perpetually drawn in divergent
directions by two rival powers, but are destined to
live in peace and unity. The spiritual leaders of
the Judzans in the Sopheric age expressed this belief
in one of the morning prayers: “God is the Creator
of light and of darkness, He has created peace and
has made everything.” But although the Judzans re-
sisted any alteration in their conception of the Deity,
still they could not prevent many of the ideas and cus-
toms of the Persians from gaining ground among the
nation. They imagined that they were adding to the
glory of God if, in imitation of the Iranians, they sur-
rounded Him with myriads of obedient servants, The
‘“messengers of God,” whom we read of in the Bible
as executors of His will, became, after the pattern of
Persian beliefs, heavenly creatures, endowed with
peculiar characteristics and_ special individuality.
The people pictured to themselves the divine
throne, surrounded by a countless throng of heavenly
beings, or angels, awaiting a sign to do the bidding
of God. “Thousand times thousands served Him,
and myriad times myriads stood before Him.” Like
the Persians, the Judzeans called the angels “ the holy
watchers” (Irin-Kadishin). The angels received spe-
cial names: Michael, Gabriel, the strong, Raphael,
the healer, Uriel or Suriel, Matatoron, and others.
As fancy had changed the Yazatas into angels, and
given them a Hebrewcharacter and Hebrew names, so
also were the bad spirits, or Daevas, introduced among
the Judzans. Satan was a copy of Angro-Mainyus,
‘but he was not placed in juxtaposition to the God of
Israel, for this would have been a denial of the funda-
mental doctrine of the Judzans. He, the Holy One,
high and mighty and all-powerful, could not be
limited, or in any way interfered with by one of His
own creatures. Still the first step had been taken,
and, in the course of time, Satan grew to be as
. Strong and powerful as his Iranian prototype, and was
endowed with a kingdom of darkness of his own,
where he reigned as the supreme power of evil.
Once created in the image of Angro-Mainyus, Satan
had to be surrounded with a host of attendant demons
or evil spirits (Shedim, Mazikim, Malache Chabalah).
One demon, as an adaptation of the Iranian Daeva
names, was called Ashmodai; another, by the name
of Samael, was at the head of a troop of persecuting
spirits. The angel of death (Malach-ham Maveth),
lying in ambush, ready to seize upon men’s lives, was
endowed with a thousand eyes. These creatures of
the imagination soon took firm hold of the Jewish
soul, and with them many usages resembling those:
of the Magi invaded the Jewish religion; and espe-
cially the laws of purification became more and
more rigorous.
It was also at that time that a new doctrine of retri-
bution was developed in Judaism. According to the
Iranian doctrine, the universe was divided into two
great kingdoms; that of light and that of darkness;
the pure, or worshippers of Ahura-Mazda, were ad-
mitted into the region of light (Paradise), and the
wicked, the followers of Angro-Mainyus, into the king-
dom of darkness (Hell). After death, the soul re-
mained during three days near the body it had ten-
anted; then, according to its life upon earth, it was
taken by the Yazatas to Paradise, or was drawn down
by the Daevas into Hell. This idea of retribution
after death was adopted by the Judzans. The Gar-
den of Eden (Gan-Eden), where the story of the
Creation placed the first human beings whilst they
lived in a state of innocence, was transformed into
Paradise, and the Valley of Hinnom (Ge-Hinnom), in
which, since the days of Ahaz, sacrifices of children
had been offered up, gave the name to the newly-
created Hell. In what way could such new beliefs
have crept into the Judean faith? That is as little
capable of demonstration as is the way in which the
pores of the skin become impregnated with a disease
that has poisoned the atmosphere. However, these
views about angels and Satan with his attendant
spirits, about Paradise and Hell, never obtained the
dignity of fixed dogmas which it would be mortal
sin to doubt, but on the contrary, during that time,
and inall future time, their adoption or repudiation was
left to the discretion of the individual. Only one
belief emanating from the Iranian religion, that of
the resurrection of the dead, became part of the
spiritual life of the Judzeans, until it grew at last
to be a binding dogma. The ce taught
and insisted upon this doctrine. ey believed
that the re-awakening of the dead would take place
at a future day, when Ahura-Mazda will have con-
quered and destroyed his rival, when the god of
darkness will have to give up the bodies of the
‘pure men” which he has stolen. The Judaism of
the Sopheric age adopted this hopeful and inspiriting
doctrine all the more readily, as allusions to it existed
in the Judaic writings. The prophets had constantly
made references to the day of the last judgment, and
the scribes, inferring that the resurrection of the dead
was meant, made it an article of faith amongst their
people, and in the daily prayer, praise was rendered
to God for awakening the dead to life.
At a later day, when the Judzan nation was
struggling with death, a seer, comforting the suf-
ferers, said :-—
ae aay of those who are sleeping in dust will awake, some to
eternal life, and some to disgrace and everlasting abhorrence.”
(DANIEL xii. 2.)
In this manner a peculiar doctrine of retaliation,
with a brilliant picture of the future, or of the next
world (Olam ha-Ba), was evolved. A magical world
unfolded itself to the eye, intoxicating the believer.
He saw the time come when all discords of life
would change into harmony, when all disappoint-
ments would vanish, when the pious, the faithful,
and the just, who had suffered so much upon earth,
would rise from their graves and enter on eternal
life in innocence and purity. Even the sinners who
had erred only from frivolity and weakness would
be purified by penitence in Hell, and would enjoy the
pleasures of eternal life. But how was this resurrec-
tion to take place, and how was this beautiful new
world to be organised? Imagination could not find
an answer to such a question. Ferveni faith and
enthusiastic hope do not indulge in subtle inquiries;
they are contented with giving the pious the com-
forting assurance that a just recompense is in store
for them, in a future life, and thus assuaging the sor-
rows of an unhappy earthly existence. Although Ju-
daism received the essence of this teaching from
without, yet the power of enriching it, and of endow.
ing it with the faculty of working immeasurable good
came from within. The foreign origin of this belief
becoming finally obliterated, it was considered as an
original Judzean doctrine. Only the Samaritans ob-
jected, for a considerable time, to the belief in the
resurrection and to the idea of a future life. : -
During this long period of nearly two hundred
years, while the Judzan community established
itself, and Judaism developed by the enlargement of
its own doctrines and the adoption of foreign ele-
ments—from the death of Nehemiah to the destruc-
tion of the Persian kingdom—we do not find a
single personage mentioned who assisted in that
great work, which was to outlive and defy the
storms of ages. Was it from excess of modesty
that the spiritual leaders of the people, with whom
the new order of things had originated, veiled
themselves in obscurity, in order to eliminate from
their work every vestige of individualism? Or
is it the ingratitude of posterity that has effaced
these names? Or, again, were the members of
the Great Council not sufficiently gifted or re-
markable to merit any particular distinction, and was
the community indebted for its vigour, and Judaism
for its growth and development, entirely to the zeal
of a whole community, in which every individual will
was completely absorbed? Whatever was the cause,
the astonishing fact remains, that of these long stretches
of time but few details have become known to us.
Either no annals were kept of the events of those
years, or they have been lost. It is true there were
no very remarkable events to describe, the activity
of the Judzan community being entirely restricted
to its inward life; there was nothing which might
have appeared of sufficient importance to be chron-
\MEPAPT Estee t0\emrmcnteketf a: re 8 aint P ty. panei Meet it tes
Sete map raers pe sandman SPOOR NINE thtn dept ptnsees nninsntesenttestetnsnlrsese!
(From Flandin and Coste, ‘“Voyage en Perse Moderne.’’)
icled for posterity. There was indeed but little for
the historian to write about: a stranger might per-
haps have been struck by the changes which were
gradually unfolding themselves, but to those who
lived and worked in the community, what was there
of a peculiar or extraordinary nature which might
deserve to be perpetuated in history?
The Judzan people occupied themselves almost
entirely with peaceful avocations; they understood
but little of the use of arms; perhaps not even
enough to preserve their own territories against the
attacks of their neighbours. The prophet Ezekiel
had described what the condition of the Jews would
be after their return from captivity:
‘“‘In the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is turned
away from the sword and is gathered out of many people against the
mountains of Israel.” (EZEK. xxxviii. 8.)
A peaceful, quiet existence naturally withdraws
itself from curious observation. In the wars which
were often raging on their borders, the Judzan
people certainly took no part. Under Artaxerxes IL,
surnamed Mnemon (404-362), and under Artaxerxes
III., surnamed Ochus (361-338), leaders of the discon-
tented Egyptians, some of whom called themselves
kings, endeavoured to free their country from the
Persian yoke, and to restore it to its former inde-
pendence. In order to be enabled to offer effectual
resistance to the armies collected for the purpose of
putting down these insurrections, the ephemeral
kings of Egypt joined the Persian satraps of Phoenicia,
to whom Judzea had also been allotted. Persian
troops often passed along the Judzean coasts of the
Mediterranean towards Egypt, or Egyptians towards
Phoenicia, and Greek mercenaries, hired by either
power, marched to and fro, and all this warlike
array could be constantly observed by the Judzans
from their mountain-tops. They did not always
remain mere passive spectators; for, though they
a Se ee
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were not compelled to join the armies, they were
certainly not exempt from various charges and trib-
utes. The relations between. the Judzans and
the Persians was at the same time somewhat dis-.
turbed. The latter, influenced by foreign example,
began to practise idolatry. The goddess of love,
who, under the different names of Beltis, Mylitta,
or Aphrodite, was constantly brought under the
notice of the Persians, exercised a fascinating power
over them. The victories they had achieved and the
riches they-had acquired, inclined them to sensual
pleasures, and they were easily enthralled by the
goddess, and induced to serve and worship her. As
soon as they had adopted this new deity, they gave
her a Persian name, Anahita, Anaitis, and included
her in their mythology. Artaxerxes II. sanctioned
her worship, and had images of her placed every-
where in his great kingdom, in the three principal
cities, Babylon, Susa, and Ecbatana, as well as in
Damascus, Sardes, and in all the towns of Persia and
Bactria. Through this innovation the Persian re-
‘ligion sustained a double injury. 175-
Cherethites, 122.
' Choral services at the temple, 120,
Chromnlée: books of, 411.
Civil war between David and Absa:
lom, 138-145.
David and Ishbosheth, 109.
Tibni and Omri, 192.
Claims of Israe] to Canaan, 4.
Cleopatra, 506, 518.
Climate of Canaan, 42.
Ceelesyria, province of, 414,
conquered by Ptolemy, 416.
Coinage of Simon, 525, 528.
Colonies of the Greeks in’ Palestine,
of the Judzans in Egypt and
Syria, 418, 503.
Commencement of Hebrew poetry,
Coniah = Jeconiah, 306.
Conquest of Jericho and Ai, 33 f.
Consecration, days of, instituted by
Judas Maccabzus, 472.
of the new walls of Jerusalem, 381.
of the people to Jehovah, 380.
of Solomon’s temple, 166.
of the second temple, 359.
Council of seventy elders and Moses,
of the seventy, 394, 472.
Court of the king, 91.
of Solomon, 161,
Covenant, between the Judzans and
' Jehovah, 380.
of the people against proselytes ~ -
and inter-marriages, 368.
Customs of the nations surrounding
Israel, 53 ff.
Cuthzans. See Samaritans.
Cyaxares, king of Media, 287.
conquers Nineveh, 303.
Cyrene, Judzans settle in, 503.
Cyrus, conquers Babylon, 344~50.
defeats the Babylonians, 343.
king of Babylonia, 350. -
king of Medo-Persia, 342.
permits the Judzans to return
home, 351.
Damascus conquered by David, 127.
by Jeroboam II., 231 f.
by Rezon of Zobah, 177.
by Tiglath-Pileser, 259.
See Benhadad, Hazael and Rezin,
Dan, a place of worship for the ten
tribes, 186.
Daniel, book of, 465 ff.
xii. 2; xi. 21-243; 405, 443.
Danites, settlement of the, 39.
Darius, successor of Cambyses, 359 f.
David, of Bethlehem, 95-155.
Absalom rebels against, 138.
alliance with Hiram, 118.
and Ishbosheth, 104-24.
and Nathan, 150.
anointed by Samuel, 96.
apparent traitor of his country,100.
armour-bearer of Saul, 98.
_ boundaries of his kingdom, 129.
character of, 130.
defeats Moabites and Ammonites,
reacts the Philistines, 116,
deludes Achish, 102.
desires to build the temple, 150 ff.
great works of, 154.
king of Judah, 106.
king of the whole country, I12.
laments over Absalon.’s death, 145.
marries Michal, Ioo.
meets Goliath, 95.
meets Saul and Jonathan, 97.
misfortunes of, 131 ff.
persecuted by Saul, 99.
returns to Jerusalem, 146.
Uriah and Bathsheba, 131.
’s death, 155.
Death of Moses, 30.
Deborah, 61.
Decalogue, giving of the, 21,
importance and effect of the, 21-3.
Dedication of the new walls of
Jerusalem, 381.
of the temple under Judas Macca-
bzaus, 473-
Deity, how conceived among the
Judzans, 402.
Deliverer, Moses the, of Israel, 15.
Deliverers, temporary,called Judges,
Demetrius, son of Antigonus, 417.
Demetrius I., 481-525.
appoints Alcimus as high priest,
Demetrius II. and Alexander Balas,
494 ff.
Demetrius II., and Simon, 521, §25.
attempts bribing the Judzeans, 495.
Demetrius the librarian, and the Sep-
tuagint, 514.
Depopulation of Judza, 325.
Deportation of Israelites to Assyria,
260, 264=5.
of Judzans to Babylonia, 307, 325.
Desert, wanderings in the, 20.
Destruction of Jerusalem; its con-
sequences, 315 ff.
Deuteroncmy, book of, 289, 292.
viii. 7-9 5 xxxiii. 13-143 47.
Diodotus Tryphon, 497, 525, 528 ff.
captures Jonathan, 499.
Dionysian festivals in Alexandria
and Jerusalem, 428.
Disciples of Elijah, 200.
of Isaiah, 253.
of Samuel, 76.
Disintegration of the Judzans, 383,
of the kingdom of Judah, 281.
of the tribes, 57.
Dispersion of the Jews, first, 227.
Disputation between Judzans and
Samaritans in Alexandria, 516.
Disputes between Samuel and Saul,
Divine service, 401.
Doag, leader of Saul’s guard, 91.
Dositheus of Alexandria, 505.
Doubters among the Judzans, 429.
Earliest inhabitants of Canaan, 1 ff.
Earthquake in Uzziah’s time, 229.
predicted by Amos, 236.
Ebal, Mount of, 45.
Eben-ha-Ezer, Philistines defeat the
Israelites at, 70.
Israelites defeat the Philistines at,
Ecclesiasticus, book of, 439-41.
Ecclus. ix. 3; xxxii. 3, 4 and 6;
429, 439.
Edomites, subdued by Amaziah of
Judah, 222.
See Idumza.
Eglon, king of Moab, killed by Ehud,
Egypt and Assyria at war, 263.
emigration of Jacob to, 4.
emigration of Johanan, Jeremiah,
etc., to, 323
induces Judah to rebel against
Nebuchadnezzar, 306, 309.
invaded by Antiochus Epiphanes,
450, 452.
Egypt under Apries (Hophra) and
Nebuchadnezzar, 312.
under Necho, 296.
under Ptolemy I., Soter, 416.
See Ptolemy.
under Shishak inimical to Israel,
Egypt’s aid courted by Judah under
Hezekiah, 269.
alliance with Solomon, 161.
Egyptian idolatry,,9.
introduced in Judah, 300,
Egyptians, accomplishments and at-
tainments of, 8.
and Israelites, 7.
and Persians, 407.
bright and dark sides of, 8.
early history of, 8.
Egypto-Judzan community in Alex-
andria, 418.
Ehud, the judge, of Benjamin, 60.
Elah, king of Israel, killed by Zimri,
Elath and Eziongeber, important
seaports, 170, 176.
Elders= Zekenim, in early time, 7.
and Moses, 25.
Eleasa, defeat of the Judzans at,
Eleazar, brother of Judas Mac-
cabzeus, 470.
Eleazar, the high priest, and the
Septuagint, 514.
Election of Saul at Mizpah, 83.
Eli, the priest at Shiloh, 69-71.
Eliakim=Jehoiakim, king of Judah,
Eliakin, son of Hilkiah, Shebna’s
successor, 272.
Eliashib, the high priest, 362, 383.
deposed by Nehemiah, 385.
Elijah, the Tishbite, 199.
at Sarepta, 203.
meets Ahab, 202 f.
meets Ahaziah, 207.
pursued by Jezebel, 204.
’s return prophesied by Malachi,
Elisha, Elijah’s successor, 207.
activity and work of, 217.
highly respected by Joash of
Israel, 223.
his death, 228 f.
meets Jehoshaphat and Jehoram,
meets Naaman, 224.
Emendations of Judges iii. 8 and 10;
Emendations of I. Sam. xv. 32; 93.
Emigration of Jacob to Egypt, 4.
of Johanan, Jeremiah, etc., to
Egypt, 323 f.
Emim = Anakim and Refphain, 2.
Endor, Gideon’s encampment at, 62.
Saul ‘consults the witch at, 103.
Ephes Damim, Goliath and Philis.
tines slain at, 97 f.
Epiphanes of Egypt, 433 ff.
Ephraim and Manasseh, settlement
of, 354
Ephraimites displeased with Saul’s
election, 83.
sr the revolt against Rehoboam,
181 f.
punished by Jephthah, 65.
ruined with the other nine tribes,
side with Absalom against David,
Epicurus’s doctrines influencing Ju-
dzeans, 429.
Esarhaddon of Assyria, 284,
Ethbaal (Ithobel) of Tyre, ally of
Omri, 194.
Ethbaal II., vassal of Nebuchad-
nezzar, 304, 306,
Ethnarch at Alexandria, office of,
Evil-Merodach of Babylon, 331.
Exile, Babylonian, 329-53.
of the Israelites, 260, 264.
of the Judzans, 307, 317, 325.
prophets of the, 344-49.
Exiles, moral change of the, in Baby-
lonia, 333-5.
number of the Judzan, 332.
obtain grants of land, 330.
treated kindly by Nebuchadnez-
zar, 329.
Exiled priests settle in Samaria,
390 ff.
Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt,
of the Judzans from Babylonia,
Exec son of Buzi, the prophet
332 ff.
xxiii. 7, 8, and xxxviii. 8; 12, 407.
Ezra enforces the observance of the
law, 387-8.
guardian of the temple, 382.
insists upon dissolution of mixed
marriages, 367-9.
not a man of action, 371.
reads the law to the people, 378.
visits Jerusalem, 366,
Famine in Israel under Ahab, 203.
in Judah under Uzziah, 229 f.
Feast of Dedication, 473.
of Lights, 472.
of Tabernacles, 380.
Fertility of the land of Israel, 46 ff.
Fleet of Solomon, 170 f.
Future life, doctrine of, 404.
Gad and half Manasseh, attacked by
Nahash, desire a king, 80.
settles in the trans- -Jordanic terri-
tory, 29 f.
Gad, the prophet, joins David, 100,
Fi3; 430.
Galilee, land of, 45.
Gath conquered by David’s troops,
117 f.
Gaza, Ptolemy defeats Demetrius
at, 417.
taken by Alexander the Great, 412.
Gazara, a stronghold of the Hellen-
ists, 523.
Gedaliah appointed governor of
Judah, 319.
murdered by Ishmael, 322.
overseer of the Judzean prisoners,
ean Elisha’s disciple and ser-
vant, 218, 223.
Gehenna, valley of, 115.
Ge-Hinnon = Hell, 404.
Gelil Haggoyim = Galilee, 164.
Gen. xlix. 16 and 17; 66.
Geography of Jerusalem and neigh-
bourhood, 115 f.
of Palestine or Land of Israel,
Gerizim, 45.
Gibeah of Benjamin, taken by Jona-
than, 85.
residence of Saul, 89.
Gibeon, Joshua’s victory over the
Canaanites at, 34.
Gibeonites or Hivites and Rizpah,
in Ezra’s time, 367.
massacred by Saul, 94.
submit to Joshua, 34.
Gibborim = heroic warriors, 100.
Gideon-Jerubbaal routs the Midian-
ites, 62.
Gilboa, Mownt, 44.
Saul, his sons and army slain on
Mount, 103 f.
Gilead, 50.
faithful to Jehovah under Ahab,
Gilead, inhabitants of, aided by Ju-
das Maccabzus, 474.
Gileadites of Jabesh pressed by Na-
hash the Ammonite, 89 f.
Gilgal, annual meetings of the peo-
ple under Samuel at, 78.
first centre of worship under
Joshua, 40.
Saul and his army meet at, 8s.
school of prophets at, 205, 234.
tribes renew their oath of allegi-
ance to David, 146 ff.
God of Israel, the, 5, 283, 402.
of hosts, 130.
Gods of Egypt, 9.
Goliath and David, 95 ff.
Gorgias, the Syrian, defeated by
Judas Maccabeus, 465.
defeats Joseph and Azariah, 476.
Goshen, land of, 7.
Government of Israel under David,
121 f,
under Saul, 90 f.
under Solomon, 162, 172.
Governors of Ccelesyria, Andro-
machus, Memnon and Joseph,
son of Tobias, 414, 425.
Governors of Judza after the exile,
360 ff.
See Zerubbabel, Joshua, Nehe-
miah, etc.
Greece and Judza, 413.
Greek colonies in Palestine, 419.
customs spread in Judza, 427 f.
faction among the Judzans, 435.
games among the Judzans, 438.
translation of the Pentateuch,
510, 512.
Greeks and Macedonians, 411.
Hadad (Adad) of Idumza, fights
against Solomon, 176.
Hadadezer of Zobah, helps Hanun
against David, 126,
Haggai, the prophet, 359.
Hanukkah = days of consecration,
Hanun, the Ammonite, defeated by
David, 127.
insults David’s messengers, 126.
Haphtarah, 400.
Hasmonzans. See Maccabees.
connect themsélves with the Ro-
mans and Parthians against
Syrians, 490.
leaders of the nation, 490.
one of the three parties in Judza,
Hathor, the Egyptian goddess, 9.
Havvoth Jair, 64.
Hazael of Damascus, invades Israel
and Judah, 220 f.
’s war against Israel, 210,
Hebrew alphabet, Assyrian charac-
ters of the, 395 f.
literature taken along into the
captivity, 334 f.
poetry, commencement of, and
two characteristics of, 29.
tongue cultivated by the Judzans
in Babylonia, 364.
Hebron, Absalom rebels against
David at, 139.
inhabited by the Idumzans, 474.
residence of David, 109.
Helam, defeat of the Aramzans at,
Hell = Ge-Hinnon, 404.
Hellenism in Judza, 435, 439,442-71.
Hellenists, Acra occupied by the,
478, 488.
masters of the country, 488.
overthrow of, 523.
side with Alcimus, 483.
Heman, chief psalmist and musician
at Gibeon, 79, 121.
Hermon, Mount, 44.
Heron, a Syrian commander, de-
feated by Maccabeeus, 462.
Hezekiah, king of Judah, 268-80.
and Merodach-baladan, 278,
change of policy of, 272.
death of, 280.
defense against Sennacherib, 275.
early measures of, 268 f.
illness and recovery of, 276.
restores Jehovah’s worship, 266-7.
rule of, 278.
unites with Egypt against As-
syria, 269.
weakness of character, 268.
High-priestly office made equal to
that of royalty, 219.
Abiathar, 120.
Alcimus, 482.
Azariah, 167, 245,
Eliashib, 362.
Hilkiah, 289, 365.
Jason, 444, 480.
Jehoiada, 213 ff.
Jehoiakim, 360.
Joiada, 386, 409.
Jonathan, 495.
Joshua, 351 ff.
Judas Maccabzus, 481.
Onias, I., II., and III, 413, 423,
Onias IV., 505, 507, 522.
Onias Menelaus, 447-80.
Seraiah, 314, 365.
Simon I., and II., 420, 432.
Zachariah, 220,
Zadok, 120.
Highroads of the king, 171.
Hilkiah, high priest under Josiah,
289, 365.
Hiram of Tyre, 118.
friend of Solomon, 161-2.
receives for gold twenty Israelit-
ish towns, 164.
supplies Solomon with cedar and
cypress wood, 164.
Hiram, the artist, ‘building the tem-
ple, 165.
Historical books, from Genesis to
the end of Judah, compiled by
Baruch, 336.
Hittites = Hivites, <4
Hollow Syria = Ceelesyria, 414.
Holy City, 114 ff.
Land, I, 41.
Hosea, Beeri’s son, the prophet,
Hosea II., contemporary of Isaiah,
chapter fi ii, 4-6; 241.
’s speeches against idolatry, 240 f.
Hoshea, son of Elah, kills Pekah of
Israel, 260, 263.
king of Samaria 263.
prisoner of Shalmaneser, 264.
Huldah, the prophetess, 286, 293.
Human sacrifices under Ahab, 260 f.
Humane spirit of the Decalogue, 23.
Hushai of Erech, David’s friend,
141 f.
Hymn of Moses, 293.
Hyrcanus, 429, 431, 437) 444.
Idolaters severely treated by David,
lashes ee by Jehu of Israel,
abolished by Josiah, 294.
among the Persians, 408.
Assyrian, in Israel, 247.
Assyrian, in Judah, 260, 269, 282 ff.
Egyptian, in Judah, 300, 306.
introduced by Antiochus Epiph-
anes, 455-
introduced by Jehoram.of Judah,
oe atte 7 Se ee eee
ee we
Idolatry introduced by Jeroboam I.
‘and IL, 186, 233.
Israelites influenced by, 57.
of the nations surrounding Israel,
54 ff.
of the Phoenicians in Israel] under
Omri and Ahab, 195 ff.
of the wealthy exiles, 340.
permitted by Solomon, 175.
to be spurned, 41.
‘Idumzans, assisted by Egypt, defeat
Judah, 226 f.
defeated by Abishai, 128.
defeated by Uzziah (Azariah),
fight the Israelites, 27.
intercourse of the Israelites with,
kill fugitive Judzans, 318.
make settlements
Judza, 325.
remain enemies of Judza 435,
subdued by Amaziah, 222.
Impurity, laws concerning purity
and, 401.
Indian trade of Solomon, 169
renewed by Uzziah (Azariah), 130.
Inhabitants of Canaan, original, 1.
Intermarriages between Israelites
and their neighbours, 56.
between Judzans and their neigh-
bours, 361.
dissolved and forbidden by Ezra,
367-9, 386.
practised again, 383.
Internal affairs of the Alexandrian
community, 504.
conflicts in Judza after the death
of Maccabzus, 491.
government of Israel under David,
121, 154.
government of Israel ander Saul,
government of Israel under Solo-
mon, 162, 172.
Ipsus, battle at, 417.
i eye sea’’ of Solomon’s temple,
Isaiah, Amoz’s son, of Jerusalem,
disciples of, 253.
’s efforts to restrain Hezekiah
from war with Assyria, 270.
immediate and permanent effect
of the speeches of, 252-3.
opposes Ahaz’s seeking Assyrian
help, 258.
in Southern |
iah, predicts Jerusalem’s deliver-
ance, 272.
sons of, 251, 258~9.
Isaiah, the Babylonian, 344 ff.
Isaiah i. 11—14, 25335 lle 2=4, 243:
vi. and vii., 252, 258; viii, 5-8
2593 X. 5-xi. 10, 272; xxil. I-14.
16-25, 271; xxviil. 1-4, 2663; xxix.
13, 2533 xl., 3455 xlil. I-4, 3473_
lili, 3-7, 3443 lv. 12, 3553 lvi. 7,
347; Ixiv. 9, 3253 Ixvi. 1, 5, 348,
Ishbosheth and David, 106-124.
Ishmael, son of Nehemiah, 317, 321.
flees to Egypt, 323.
murders Gedaliah, 322.
Isolation of the tribes, 36.
Israel = Jacob, 7.
Israel and Judah, kingdoms of, 182 ff
at Goshen, 7.
claim of, to Canaan, 4.
distinctions of the land of, 42.
end of kingdom of, 265.
remnant of =kingdom of Judah,
266. ©
Israel under Eli and Samuel, 68-81.
under the judges, 60-67.
«© King David and Ishbosh-
eth, 106-24.
under David, 125-55.
“ Saul, 82-105.
«© Solomon, 156-78.
“Ahab, 196-206.
«© Ahaziah, 206.
«¢_Ba’asha, 189-91.
SE Elah, rol.
«~~ Hoshea, 263.
“ Jehoahaz, 221.
«© Jehoash, 221 f.
« Jehoram, 207.
«Jehu, 211.
« Jeroboam I., 182-9.
“© Jeroboam II., 225-4}
“Menahem, 244-7.
«¢ ~Nadab, 189.
‘6 Omri, 192-6.
“ Pekah, 248.
«| Pekahiah, 248.
“= Shallum, 244.
« — - Tibni, 192.
ss = Zechariah, 243
“ = =Zimri, 192.
Israelites and Egyptians, 7.
and the neighbouring nations, §3.
crossing the Jordan, 29.
exodus of, from Egypt, 17.
influenced by their pagan sur-
roundings, 51 f.
Israelites, occupying the land of Ca-
naan, 32 ff. |
victorious over Canaanites, 27.
wandering in the desert, 26 f.
Isis, 9.
Issachar, settlement of tribe of, 37.
Ittai, the Hittite, David’s general,
137, 141, 144.
Jabesh-Gilead, besieged by Nahash,
Jabesh-Gileadites, rescue Saul’s
body, 104.
Jabin, defeated by Joshua near Lake
Merom, 37.
Jabin, the Canaanite king, 61.
Jacob = Israel, 7.
Jael slays Sisera, 61.
Jakim. See Alcimus.
Jason appointed high priest by An-
tiochus Epiphanes, 444, 451.
son of a high priest, 435, 439.
Jebus, changed to Jerusalem, 114.
Jebusites, 3.
between Ephraim and Judah, 76 £.
made subject to David, 113.
Jeconiah = Jehoiachin, 306.
Jeduthun, choir-leader in Gibeon,
Jehoahaz, King of Israel, 221.
Jehoahaz, King of Judah, 2098.
Jehoash, King of Israel, 221.
defeats Amaziah of Judah, 224.
defeats Benhadad III. of Damas-
cus, 222.
Jehoiachin = Jeconiah = Coniah,
favored by Evil-Merodach, 331.
taken to Babylon by Nebuchad-
nezzar, 307.
Jehoiada, the high priest, 214.
Jehoiakim, the high priest, son of
Joshua, 360.
Jehoiakim, King of Judah, 299-306.
introduces Egyptian idolatry, 300.
persecutes the prophets, 301.
rebellion and death of, 306.
submits to Nebuchadnezzar, 306.
throws Jeremiah’s scroll into the
Gre, 305.
Jehoram, Ahaziah’s brother, King of
Israel, 207.
at war with Hazael of Damascus,
at war with Mesa of Moab, 208.
killed by Jehu, 211.
Jehoram, King of Judah and hus-
band of Athaliah, 206.
Jehoshaphat of Judah, allied with
Ahab of Israél, 206.
Jehu appointed successor to Ahab’s
house, 204.
captain of Jehoram of Israel, 210.
king of Israel, 211.
loses part of Israel, 220 f.
Jephthah, the Gileadite, defeats the
Ammonites, 64.
punishes the haughty Ephraim-
ites, 65.
Jeremiah of Anathoth, the prophet,
assists Gedaliah and encourages
the people, 319.
emigrates to Egypt, 324.
imprisoned by his enemies, 312.
imprisoned by Ishmael, 322.
imprisoned by Chaldzan soldiers,
warns Zedekiah against rebellion,
Jeremiah’s counsel disregarded by
Johanan, 323.
lamentations, 316.
last days, 327.
prophecies collected by Baruch,
scroll read by Baruch, 304.
Jeremiah, book of, vii., vii. 12, 302,
715 XVe 19725 Xxi1, 20, 208 paula.
4-8, 310; xxxi. 17-18, 266; xlvi.
ioe & 0
Jericho conquered, 33.
fortified by Ahab, 2o1,
school of prophets in, 205, 234.
Jeroboam I., the Ephraimite, 174.
aided by Shishak, 184.
and Ahijah, the prophet, 175.
flees to Egypt, 176.
introduces idolatry, 186.
king ofthe Ten Tribes, 180 ff.
resides at Shechem, 180,
Jeroboam II., King of Israel, 225-43.
Jerubbaal-Gideon routs the Midian-
ites, 62.
Jerusalem attacked by Antiochus |
Epiphanes, 451.
attacked and captured by San- -
ballat, 371.
besieged by Lysias, the Syrian
general, 479.
captured by Nebuchadnezzar, 307,
cantuend by Ptolemy I., 416.
captured by Scopas, the A£tolian,
captured by Shishak of Egypt, 184.
Jerusalem, centre of religious life,
David’s final residence, 114.
fortified by Azariah, 231.
fortified by David, 118.
fortified by Hezekiah, 270.
fortified by Nehemiah, 373.
new walls of, consecrated, 381.
ransacked by Jehoash of Israel,
re-populated, 377.
return of Judzans to, 354.
return of Judas Maccabeus, 471.
visited by Ezra, 366 ff.
visited by Nehemiah, 373, 385.
Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt by Simon
the Just, 421.
Jeshurun, Israel’s new name, 22.
Jesus Sirach, son of Eleazar, 421,
Jezebel, character of, 197.
death of, 211,
Ethbaal’s daughter, married to
Ahab, 194.
pursues Elijah, 201.
Jezreel, Hosea’s son, 240.
Jezreel, plain of, 44.
Saul and his army slain at, 103.
town of, Ahab’s summer resi-
dence, 201 f.
Joash of Judah, early years of, 213.
killed by two nobles of Judah,
proclaimed king by Jehoiada, 215.
_ Job, book of, 341.
Joab, son of Zeruiah, 100-160.
commander of the Gibborim, 100,
David’s general, 109.
defeats and kills Absalom, 144.
defeats the Aramzans and Am-
monites, 126.
defeats Sheba and the northern
tribes, 149.
favours Adonijah, 152.
killed by Solomon through Ben-
aiah, 160.
kills Amaza, 149.
kills Abner, 111
Joel, Samuel’s son, 80.
Joel, son of Pethuel, the prophet,
230,237. it.
book of, chapter iii. 1-2 ; 239.
Johanan, son of Joiada, the high
priest, 409.
Johanan, son of Kareah, 318, 321,
emigrates to Egypt, 324.
Johanan, son of Mattathias, 489.
Johanan, son of Simon, called Hyr-
canus, 529.
Joiada, a high priest, 386, 409.
Jokthel, name given to Petra by
Amaziah of Judah, 223.
Jonadab, son of Rechab,a Nazarite,
and Jehu exterminate Baal’s wor-
ship, 212.
Jonah, son of Ammittai, 2265.
Jonathan, eldest son of Saul, 84-103.
and David, 97 ff.
and his swordbearer attack the
Philistines at Gibeah, 87.
attacks Gibeah of Benjamin, 85.
killed by the Philistines, 103.
his remains brought to the family
tomb at Zelah, 124.
Jonathan, brother of Judas Macca-
beeus, 459, 475» 489, 493»
allies himself with Alexander
Balas, 496.
and Tryphon, 498, 501.
appointed high priest, 494.
buried at Modin, 501.
leader of the nation, 490 ff.
Jordan, Israelites crossing the, 29.
only large river in Palestine, 46.
José, son of Joézer, of Zereda, 436.
José, son of Johanan of Jerusalem,
Joseph, son of Tobias, 423-31.
ambassador to Alexandria, 425.
Joshua, son of Nun, successor of
Moses, 32.
death of, 52.
defeats Jabin near Lake Merom,
defeats the Canaanites at Gibeon,
less active in old age, 50.
Joshua, book of, x. 12 and 13, 35
Joshua, the high priest, son of
Jehozedek, 351.
successful against Zerubbabe,,
359- : :
Joshua, the high priest, son of
Joiada, 409.
Joshua (Jesus), Sirach sings Simon’s
praises, 421-2.
Josiah, King of Judah, 286-97.
defeated by Necho, 297.
Passover of, 295.
reformation of Judah under, 288.
repairing the temple, 288.
Jotham, and his parable, 63.
Jotham and Isaiah, the prophets,
544 INDEX.
Jotham, friendship with Pekah, 249.
king of Judah, 246.
regent of Judah, 246.
Jubilee year, 393.
Judza accounted a _ province of
Coelesyria, 413-4.
added to the Lagido-Egyptian
kingdom, 418.
and Greece, 413.
depopulated, 325.
independent under Simon, 5109.
invaded by the Syrians under
Cendebzus, 528.
part of the province of Greece,
Sete Jonathan, sor.
under the rule of the Seleucide,
Judza, new community in, 354.
spread of Greek customs in, 427.
~ three parties in, 489.
Judzan colonies in Egypt, Syriaand
Cyrene, 418, 503.
exiles, number of the, 332.
sect of Samaritans, 392.
Judzans adapt Hellenism, 435.
and Alexander the Great, 412-15.
and Samaritans, 389, 392.
and Samaritans in Alexandria, 515.
and Samaritans persecuted by
Ptolemy Physcon, 519.
at discord after Nehemiah’s de-
parture, 383-4.
banished to the Caspian sea, 408.
become doubters and sceptics,
deported to Babylonia, 307.
in Alexandria, 503 ff.
in Babylonia. See Exile.
in Babylonia begin the religious
reformation, 363.
in Egypt, 326.
in the Sopheric age, 389 ff.
intermarry with neighbouring peo-
ple, 361.
of Galilee illtreated by their neigh-
bours, 474.
permitted by Cyrus to return
home, 351.
persecuted by Antiochus .Epiph-
anes, 452, 464.
remaining in Babylonia support
their returning brethren, 354.
return from other countries, 356.
revolt against the Ptolemies, 423.
under Artaxerxes II. and III., 407.
under the Maccabees, 442 ff.
under the Ptolemies, 420.
Judah, tribe of, 38 f.
and Benjamin the last to invite
David to return, 146.
and Simeon assist their brethren
under Samuel, 76,
elects David as king, 107.
religion in, 188.
Simeon and Benjamin faithful to
Rehoboam, 182.
starts the revolt against David in
favor of Absalom, 139.
Judah, kingdom of,
and Egyptian idolatry, 300,
end of, 298-316.
subject to Egypt, 298.
under Abijam, 189,
Ahaz, 257-66.
« Amaziah, 222.
‘¢. Ahaziah, 211.
« Amon, 285.
“Asa, 189.
“« Athaliah, 213.
“ Azariah (Uzziah), 22648.
“David, 109.
“ Hezekiah, 266-80.
«“ Jehoahaz, 298.
« Jehoiachin, 306-8.
“ . Jehoiakim, 299-306.
« Jehoram, 209.
«© Jehoshaphat, 206 ff.
“« — Joash, oy
‘¢ Josiah, 2 re
“« Jotham, pra
“ Manasseh, 281-5., ,
“ Mattaniah-Zedekiah,308-1 5.
“« Rehoboam, 179-89.
“ Zedekiah-Mattaniah,308-1 5.
‘Judaism loses its national meaning,
Judas Maccabzus, 461-87.
accused by Alcimus before Deme-
trius II., 482.
appointed his father’s successor,
at war with the Idumzans, 474.
at war with the Syrians under
Lysias, 478.
defeats Apollonius and Heron,
defeats Gorgias the Syrian, 468.
defeats Lysias the Syrian, 469.
defeats Nicanor twice, 484-5.
falls ina battle against Bacchides,
makes overtures to Rome, 485.
punishes Timotheus and the Am-
monites, 475.
returns to Jerusalem, 471.
Judges appointed by Moses, 26.
name of the temporary deliverers
of Israel, 59-67.
Book of, iii. 8 and 10, 60; vi. 13,
583 xi. 7; 65.
importance of the, 68.
Justice administered among the
Judzans, 394.
supreme court of, 394.
Kanna = religious zeal, 199.
Kedeshim and Kedeshoth, 54, 198,
Kehillah, a Levitical guild, 76.
Kenites, allies of the Israelites, 38.
Kikkar = meadows, 45.
King desired by the tribes, 80.
Kingdom of Israel not an offspring
of affection, 81.
See Israel.
Kingdom of Judah. See Judah.
Kings, First book of the, viii. 27,
~ 3483 xviii, 215 xxi. 19, 203.
Second book of the, ix. 25, 203.
Kirjath-Jearim, ark of covenant at,
92, 119.
Lachish, Sennacherib’s encampment
at, 273.
Lake Merom, victory of Joshua
near, 37.
Lake of the Harp, or lake of Galilee,
Lamentations of Jeremiah, 316, 319.
Law of Moses and its influence, 385.
authority of, among the Judzans,
interpreted by Jesus Sirach, 440.
maligned by Menelaus, 449.
regularly read at Jerusalem, 395.
strict observance of, 387, 397.
translated into Greek, 510.
See Pentateuch and Septuagint.
Law books among the Judzans of
Babylonia, 364.
of Judah, 292.
strictly adhered to by the Samari-
tans, 392.
taught and enforced by Ezra-Ne-
hemiah, 365, 378.
Laws concerning purity and impu-
rity, 401.
Lebanon, Mount, 44.
Leontopolis the site of the temple
of Onias, 508.
Levites, and Egyptians, 8.
assist Samuel, 76.
destitute forsake the temple, 382.
Levites, emigrate to Judah from Is-
rael, 187.
explain the law, 379.
help to consecrate the walls, 381.
how to be supported, 382.
leave Jerusalem for want of sup-
port, 372, 377:
live in Shiloh, 69.
rebuke the people for idolatry, 58.
receive no lands in Canaan, 40.
re-instated by Judas Maccabzus,
Price to Jerusalem, 386.
scatter over the country after
Shiloh’s destruction, 72.
side with David against Absalom,
true to God, 12.
Leviticus, xvii. 7, II.
Licentiousness to be spurned, 41.
Lysias the Syrian, 463-82.
besieges Jerusalem, 479.
censured by the Romans, 481 f.
defeated by Judas Maccabzus, 469.
general of Antiochus Epiphanes,
463, 476.
guardian of Antiochus V., 477.
invades Judza victoriously, 478.
makes a truce with the Judzans,
put to death by Demetrius II., 482.
Lysimachus, 437, 448-9.
Maachah, Rehoboam’s mother, wor-
ships Astarte, 188,
Maccabeus. See Judas Maccabeus.
Maccabees, the, 458-531.
First book of, i. 26-28, 452.
Macedonia, Alexander of, 412.
Philip of, 411.
Macedonian kingdom dissolved, 416.
Macedonians, influence of, 411.
Mackpelah, 4.
Mahanaim, residence of Ishbosheth,
welcomes the fugitive David, 144.
Malachi, the last of the prophets,
Malcom or Milcom, god of the Am-
monites, 55, 128.
Manasseh, settlement of the tribe of,
Manasseh, king of Judah, 281-5.
Manasseh appointed high priest of
the temple at Gerizim, 390.
banished from Judah by Nehe-
miah, 386.
marries Sanballat’s daughter, 383.
Manetho’s libels on the Judzans,
Marriage, mixed. See Intermarri-
Martyrs executed by Antiochus Epi-
phanes, 456.
Maschal or allegorical poems, 158.
Mattaniah (Zedekiah), King of Ju-
dah, 308.
Mattathias and his five sons, 459.
Medes, 287, 303.
Media conquered by Cyrus, 342.
Megiddo, battle at, 297.
Memnon, governor of Ceelesyria,
Menahem, son of Gadi, King of Israel,
Menelaus. See Onias Menelaus.
Meonenim = cloud-seers among the
Philistines, 55.
Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son be-
comes lame for life, 104.
-spared by David, 123.
Merodach-Baladan of
Meron, battle at Lake, 37.
Mesa of Moab, defeated by Jehoram,
Messengers of God, 403.
Micah II, contemporary of Isaiah,
251, 261, 273.
Book of, chapter vi. 4, 12.
Michaiah, the prophet, inimical to
Ahab, 205.
Michal, Saul’s second daughter, 100-
married to David, 100.
rebukes him for dancing in front
of the ark, 120.
returned to David, IIo.
Michmash, Jonathan’s headquarters,
Saul defeats the Philistines at, 87.
Midianite maidens beguile the Isra-
elites, 28.
Midianites ravaging Palestine are
defeated by Gideon and 300 war-
riors, 62. -
Midrash, the, 396.
‘Millo’ = border, 118.
site of Solomon’s palace, 168.
Miriam, 12.
Mixed language of the Samaritans,
ee eh ‘
Mixed marriages.
Mizpah, annual meetings of the
people under Samuel at, 78.
See Intermarri-”
Mizpah, centre of importance and a
holy place, 321.
Gedaliah’s capital, 319.
Judas Maccabzus assembles the
army at, 467.
Saul elected at, 83.
Mnevis, the white bull, 9.
Moabites, after the exile, 362.
defeated and subdued by David,
defeated by Jehoram and Jehosha-
phat, 209.
influencing the worship of the Is-
raelites, 56.
made tributaries by Omri, 194.
routed by the Israelites under
Ehud, 60. ~
Moabitess, Ruth the, 370.
Modin, residence of Mattathias, 459,
Molen Ahab sacrifices his son to,.
sacrifices to, 283, 300.
Monotheism, 5, 402.
Moriah, Mount, 115.
a sacred place, 138.
site of Solomon’s Tepes 162.
Moses, 12-31.
and his councillors, 25.
called as deliverer, 15.
characteristic of, 30.
death of, 30.
grave of, not known, 31.
the great leader, 17.
song of, 293.
‘Mount Gerizim, temple on, 390.
Sinai, 20.
Mountains of Palestine, 44-45.
Mourners of Zion in the exile, 337.
Murder to be spurned, 41.
Mylitta, worship of, introduced in
Israel, 247, 282.
Mythology of the nations surround-
ing Israel, 53. ;
Naaman, the Syrian, 224.
Nabateans receive Jonathan and
his followers, 498.
Nalbonad, King of Babylonia, 342.
at war with Cyrus, 343.
persecutes the Judzeans, 342.
Nabopolassar of Babylon, 296, 303.
Naboth’s vineyard, 201,
Nadab succeeds Jeroboam, By
Nahash, King of Ammonites,
besieges Jabesh- Gilead, 89.
defeated by Saul, go.
supports David against Saul, 100.
Naphtali, settlement of the tribe of,
Nathan, house of, 249.
Nathan, the prophet, 113.
and David, 132, 150.
sides with Solomon
Adonijah, 153.
National decay, 317.
Nature in Palestine, poetry of, 48.
Nazarite order instituted by Elijah,
200, 422.
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon,
Set ae
and Jehoiachin, 306.
and Jehoiakim, 305-6.
and Zedekiah, 308.
appoints Gedaliah Governor of
Judah, 319.
defeats Hophra, King of Egypt,
vubdues Judah and _ conquers
Jerusalem, 307, 310 ff.
treats the exiles kindly, 329.
Nebuzaradan destroys Jerusalem,
315» 319, 325-
Nechalim — winter streams, 46.
Necho, son of Psammetich of Egypt,
defeats Josiah at Megiddo, 297.
deposes at Riblah Jehoahaz, and
appoints Eliakim king of Judah,
Negeb = the arid land, 48.
Nehemiah, Artaxerxes’ cup-bearer,
and the great assembly, 381.
examines the genealogies to re-
populate Jerusalem, 378.
fortifies Jerusalem, 374-5.
has Ezra read the law to the
people, 378.
intrigued against by Sanballat,
a of vigorous action, 373.
protests against enslaving the
poor, 376.
returns to Artaxerxes, 383.
Nehemiah’s arrival in Jerusalem,
memoirs, 387-8.
second visit to Jerusalem, 385.
Neighbouring nations and_ the
Israelites, 53-9.
Neriglissar, King of Babylon, 331-42.
Nicanor, general of Demetrius IL.,
defeated by Maccabeus, 484.
Nob, place of worship during
Samuel’s time, 79.
Nob, priests of, murdered by Saul,
Number of the Judzans in the exile,
Number of the returning Judzans,
Numbers, Book of, xi. 29, 239.
Obadiah, Ahab’s palace-superinten-
dent, 201.
the prophet, 326.
Officers appointed by Nehemiah, 382.
Olam-ha-ba= the next world, 405.
Olives, Mount of, 45-
Olympian games in Judza, 445.
Omri, King of Israel, 192.
allied with Ethbaal of Tyre, 194.
built Samaria, 193.
Onias I., the high priest, 413.
Onias IL., the high priest, 423.
Onias III., the high priest, 437.
murdered, 448.
Onias IV. in Alexandria, 505.
temple of, 508.
the first Ethnarch, 507, 522.
Onias Menelaus, 437, 447, 454, 506.
appointed high priest, 447.
combats Jason, 451.
hellenises the Judzans, 454.
maligns the law of Moses, 449.
sacrificed by Lysias, 480.
Onion in Egypt, Province of, 508,510.
Ophir, Land of, 171.
Ophrah, Gideon’s native place, 62.
Opposition of the Israelites against
Moses, I5.
Opposition of
Moses, 16.
Original inhabitants of Canaan, I.
Ornah, the Jebusite, 138.
Osiris, 9.
Othniel, the first warrior judge, 60.
Pharaoh against
Palace of Solomon, 168.
Palestine, Origin of the name of, 55.
Paradise = Eden, 404.
Parallelism in Hebrew poetry, 29.
Parties, the three, in Judza at the
death of Judas Maccabezeus, 489.
Passage of the Israelites through the
Red Sea, 18.
through the Jordan, 32.
Passover festival among the Judz-
ans, 398.
of Josiah, 295.
Patriarchs, the, 4.
Pecht, Egyptian goddess, 9.
Pekah, the last king of Israel, 248.
Pekah, murdered by Hoshea, son of
Elah, 260.
submits to Tiglath-Pileser, 260.
Pekahiah, King of Israel, murdered
by Pekah, 248.
Pelethites, 122.
Pelusium besieged by Sennacherib,
Penitential psalms, 337 f.
Pentapolis of the Philistines, 54f.
Pentateuch. See Law-Book.
Perizzites, 3.
Perpetual fire, an emblem of God’s
presence, 24.
Persecution of the Judzans by Ar-
taxerxes, 408. ~
Persecution of the prophets under
Manasseh, 284.
Persian doctrines influence Hebrew
religion, 403.
religion and Hebrew monothe-
ism, 402. .
Persians and Judzans, 407.
conquered by Alexander the
Great, 412.
Pestilence in Israel under David, 138.
Petra, capital of the Idumzans, 222.
Pharaoh, opposition of Moses
against, 16.
Philip of Macedon, 432.
of Macedonia, 411.
regent of Syria, 480.
Philistines, 54 ff.
and Goliath defeated in the valley
of Tamarinths, 95-7.
and Samson, 60.
arouse Judah and Simeon, 77.
at war with David, 115.
capture the ark of the cove-
nant, 71—2.
defeat Saul and his army on
Gilboah, 103-4.
defeat the Israelites at Aphek, 70.
defeated by Azariah, 230.
defeated by David at Mount Baal
Perazim, 116.
defeated by Saul at Michmash,
oppress Israel greatly, 66, 80, 84.
remain enemies of the Judz-
ans, 435, 467.
Philo, the elder, 517.
Philometor of Egypt, 504.
Philopator of Egypt, 429-32.
Phineas puts an end to the profligacy
of the people, 29.
Pheenicia, naturaél wealth and re-
sources of, 3.
Pheenicians—Canaanites, 2.
defeated by Shalmaneser, 263 f.
customs and mythology of, 54
influencing the Israelites, 53 f.
eres - (Fravarth), King of Media,
Pious, community of the, 436.
and worldly among the exiles, 339,
_ 349-
Plain of Sharon, or the low coun-
try, 45. .
Poetic, allegories (maschal) of Solo-
mon, 158
talents of David, 96.
- Poetry, beginning of Hebrew, 29.
of Nature in Palestine, 48 f.
of the Exile, 340.
Polygamy indulged in by David, 161.
Saul, 95.
Solomon, 161.
Popillius Lznas, Roman deputy,
Praise-songs in divine worship, 78.
Prayers prescribed among the Jude-
ans, 398.
Priests = Aaronides.
expelled from Jerusalem take
charge of the temple on Mount
Gerizim, 390.
faithless to their promises, 383-4.
idolatrous, under Manasseh, 283.
in Israel, 25.
‘leave Jerusalem for want of sup-
port, 372.
neglected by Samuel, 79.
of Baal and Astarte in Israel, 107,
provided for by Nehemiah, 382.
re-instated by Judas Maccabzus,
under Ahab, 261.
under Josiah, 294.
ag reorganized by Solomon,
Promises of God to David, 150 f.
Promises of God to the Patriarchs,
4 ff.
Prophecy re-awakened at Samuel’s —
time, 73-
Prophets, characteristics of the, 15.
followers of Isaiah, 253,
helping Samuel, 76, ;
in Bethel, Gilgal and Jericho, 205,
234+ .
of the Exile, 344.
persecuted by Jehoiakim, 300.
persecuted by Manasseh, 284.
trained by Elijah, 200.
Prophets under Josiah, 286, 288 f.
Prophets, Books of the, read in the
temple, 400.
Prophetess Deborah, 61.
Huldah, 286.
Prophetic spirit of God, its mean-
ing, 14.
writings, authoritative collection
of, 400.
Proselytes in Ezra’s opinion, 367.
made in the exile, 338, 352, 356.
Prosperity under Gideon, 63.
Jeroboam II, 231.
Solomon, 172.
Proverbs, book of, 340.
Psalmists, 120,279.
Penitential, 337.
in the exile, 340.
Psalms xxiv., 353.
Ixxviii. 60-64, 71.
cii., 344.
cvii. 7 and 30, 355.
cxxii. 3-5, 121.
CXXVI1., 352.
Ptolemies defeat
Great, 426.
Judzans under the, 420.
Ptolemy I., Soter, King of Egypt,
II. and the rebellious Judzans,423.
V., Philometor, 437, 504, 506.
VI., Philopator, 425-32.
VII., Physcon, 450, 452, 506, 518.
- Philadelphus and the Septuagint,
Antiochus the
Ptolemy ben Habub, kills his father-
in-law, Simon, at Dok, near
Jericho, 530.
Pul of Assyria invades Samaria,
Pulpit oratory, origin of, 514.
Purification laws, 4o1.
Pydna, battle of, 453.
Rabbath-Ammon conquered by Da-
vid-Joab, 128.
conquered by Judas Maccabzus,
Rab-shakeh, Sennacherib’s official
sent to Hezekiah, 274.
Kamah, conquered and fortified by
Baasha, Igt.
Samuel in, 75.
Kamoth-Gilead, conquered by Ben-
hadad II., 205.
Kazim = royal couriers, 91.
Red Sea, passage of the, 18.
Rebuilding of the temple, 356-9.
Regicides in Israel, 189, 192, 211,
243, 244, 245.
“Rehoboam succeeds his father Sol-
omon, 179.
ten tribes secede at Shechem
from, 180.
treaty with Tabrimon of Damas-
cus, 183.
Relapse into idolatry shortly after
giving the decalogue, 23.
Religion in the kingdom of Judah,
inthe kingdom of the ten tribes, 185
Religious reformation of the Jude-
~ ans in Babylonia, 363.
revival in Jerusalem under Joash,
schools among the Judzans, 396.
Repetition, a characteristic of He-
brew poetry, 29.
Rephaim, aborigines of Canaan, 2.
Repopulation of Jerusalem, 377.
Resurrection from the dead, 404.
Retribution, doctrine of, 404.
Return from the exile under Zerub-
babel, 351.
Reuben settles in the trans-Jordanic
territory (Gilead), 29.
Reuel, Moses’ father-in-law, 14.
Revelation on Mount Sinai, 20.
Revelations to Samuel, 74.
Rezin of Damascus, 248, 257.
slain by Tiglath-Pileser, 2§9.
‘Rezon of Zobah, 177.
Riblah, encampment of Nebuchad-
nezzar at, 313.
Riblah, Necho at, 299.
Rizpah and the Gibeonites, 110.
coveted by Abner, r1o.
Saul’s concubine, 95.
Romans and Antiochus Epiphanes,
443 ff.
and Judas Maccabzus, 485.
and Perseus at Pydna, 453.
and the Judzeans, 526.
defeat Antiochus the Great, 434.
support Simon, 5265.
support the Hasmonezans, 490.
Ruth, book of, written against Ezra’s
decision on the illegality of in-
termarriages, 370, 411.
Sabbath, strict observance of, under
Nehemiah, 386.
later observance of, 397.
Sabbatical year, 393
Sabia (Sheba), Queen of, visits
Solomon, 173.
24, 57+
among the Judzans, 401.
human, in Judah under Ahab, 261.
Sacrilege by Antiochus Epiphanes,
Antiochus the Great and his son,
Onias Menelaus, 448.
Salt sea or sea of the deep basin, 43.
Samael, the demon, 403,
Samaria, built, 193.
besieged by Benhadad IIL, 221 f.
capital of Coelesyria, 414.
taken by Shalmaneser, 263 f.
Samaria, Land of