. % Viodern Paintings Bee Clarke ge 8) "5 WEST 44th STREET, (Only Address) e ‘¥ a ik q 4 . La . i 4 Sy 4 nS f Meet : 7 ” > ; > a she ¢ fev & (oe , J ow y 4 > ve 2 va.4 4 ’ od 4 e + ' ‘ i 434] A 4 ‘4 A bid 7 £4 bY r 1 va ‘ % LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. | 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York | tig “y 3 ONLY ADDRESS + 107, RES. 5 west 44th STREET a OPPOSITE SHERRY’S | / CATALOGUE OF Modern Paintings ____ BY THE MOST GIFTED AND POPULAR «FRENCH AND AMERICAN ARTISTS ’ ; “6 THE COMBINED COLLECTIONS OF “STUART WHITE, ESQ., LL.D. Pee! (F ounder of the Berkeley School) — AND Each evening at 8.15 o'clock rs | _ THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY _ MR. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. There must be two bidders, or no sale; the highest bidder — to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or ae bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up acee : and resold. | 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit of not less than one-third, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which — the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. | 8. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and as within 24 hours from the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settle for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself re- sponsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but we WH i be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. ‘ape 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk; neither the owner nor A. W. Clarke being responsible for the correct description, genuiness or au thenticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and mae n warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuraey..in.delivery and ‘inconvenience i settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be remove: during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delive in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or mis- delivered, or Jost; the undersigned is not to be held liable in am greater amount cust the price bid by the purchaser. In case any lot, or lots, upon which there may be a reserve, the Auc- tioneer reserves ‘the right to make one bid on behalf of the owner. — | and 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots cleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by publi private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulte this sale, together with all charges attending the same. condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctione enforce the contract made at this sale, without such res he thinks fit. A. W. CLARKE is in no way responsible for the ae ; manner of delivery of goods purchased at this sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer. 5 West 44th Street, N. Y. pA URI gO a a a aR NTT TD SRT ene TUE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 WEST 27TH STREET. N. Y. CATALOGUE __ FIRST EVENING’S SALE _ TUESDAY, JANUARY 2ist, 1919 At 8.15. o’clock -UNKNOWN a’ By the Candlelight 19x 16 ‘MONKS (James) © American Bee). Driving Sheep, Winter | Mie 20280 - GOCEDA i) Pia ‘Spanish s fe Spanish Youth i a | ae STON gia ears American ; Rural Scene 15x11 NKNOWN | Winter Landscape, “Moonlight” | 24x 36 6 7 8 2 10 DODGE (WL) aes Orpheus and Extidien 4 rs 92x63 ti 12 BARDONI (J. Noble) _ Landscape with Trees 50 x 60 KUWASSEG \(€ bi apere In the Tyrol 52 x37 TOWNSEND (fF. B.) ihe Pet Collie | “lie. 5 PARTON (Arthur) . _ Ameri i alee ha of Highlands : oo | 20 x80 0 . WESTERBACH (cy ae ee Landscape with Sheep 25 x 44 rs KLAUBACH (W.) , 2 ae ‘The Winsome Wine Steward 3, be x 14 3 GROLLERON (P.) ei After the Battle’ Lo x lane -REYNA (A.) | a si On the Grand Canal Be kee 18 x 24 ADAM (L. Emile) ea Shon sp GPA wh Blossoms (Water Color) A charming example 21 x 16 UPRE (Julien) | | Milkmaids 26 x 32 At the Spring, Brittany French 1 00 French : AG ES: L490 ce pee, ae Oe 19 20 veh an 24 THOM (J.C) SIMONI (Scipione), 1895 Italian Courtyard (Water color) 2) ee FOUBERT (E.), 1896 The Village in the Valley 25x31 Landscape A very fine example — a 10x18 © VALMON (P.) Pansies 18x15 GOUBIE (R.) The Homecoming = 15x 18 Cy wer oe { LIPPINCOTT (William H.) ie A Young Girl Bet ive ny La HEN NER (J. J.), attributed French | Nude Figure 18 x25 2% JONES (Francis C.) . Arnerican ‘The Crossing 9x15 FOUBERT (E.) | | French Water Scene 1014 x 16 _ Landscape with Cattle 10x18 ‘CHAIGNEAU. Cn ’ « French _ Shepherd and Sheep 21x 8 ‘Village on the Seine 1014 x 16 ey | The Grand Canal, Venice 3 25x54 American OUBERT (E.) : | French WS hos = t r 2 ie a vm aot in ‘ hae yi ve mia a) ' j ia 33 34 35 36 37 Gare IoA VAN LEEMPUTTEN (C.) TYSON (Lowell Shut Americat River Scene 2 co 10 x14 ZAMACOIS In the Armory 3u4 x5 SMILLIE’(Geo. H.) > 7) ind Landscape near terns Conn, 19x ni BRISTOL (J. B.) “White -face,” ees Placid 13. x Z3 RIVOIRE | 4 ae Blossoms 23 x 19 “Sheep Returning to the Fold Ax 2” FOUBERT (E) a) a i Corot at Work 18x21 v6 Pea COROT (Ji B.C.) ae : ndscape 24x17 oa ae 40 HOOPER (J. Horace) © American ee Landscape, Evening a ee _ HERRMANN (Leo) ~The Cardinals iia Ea ee -GAISSER (Max) _ : Dutch a 7 | The Returned Hero ee 1914 x 23 HAQUETTE (Georges) io French one Fishermen : 17% x25 NGEE (Georges) French - -Haymaking wie 21% x18 French French 46. HOOPER (J. Horace) / Landscape 35x 27% 47 GAISSER (Max) The Miser 184 x 22 48 JAPY Landscape 29¥2 x 32 49 DELOBBA (A) Croosing the Foot Bridge 36 x 20% 50 PERRIER (E. Sanchez) Landscape 2242 x 33 — 51 FOUBERT(E.) 7 | Boat Scene — 13x16 2 SB KAUFMANN (Isidore) Head of a Man 6x aS din 2S tye y Seecmes _ 53 MORAN (Edward) Landscape | 10x12 Vers le Soir — 72% 32 Venetian Scene WY x24 THOM (J. C.), 1889 In the Autumn Woods 174 x 2476 ore F wt Picket 13% x 9% " ' ie _ Landscape : 1214 x 16 “Turkish Girl with’ Paroquet 314% x25Y% English i. oh (g French pay. French \ \ 0 | 4 American i \ 0 S s French ( eecach 0 | 4 | French O 0 60 FOUBERT (E.), 1872 Landscape One of Foubert’s best examples 234 x 28% Ol VAST). | bite A Type of Beauty 2372 x 18 62 ERNST (R.) Algerian Scene een 214x174 | a Bs) MENDER (M. G.) RH Pane Musical Instrument | , , iF 28 Ys x17 7y 64 DE HAAS (Hh Fon hee a Sunset at Sea | 2 xd 65 STULL (Henry), 1800. In the Paddock (14x18 66° WIESS (L. ML) 0) ae Sip Coast Seen] he ae Be Ca Wes Ra ‘ ae _RAVONNE (G.) Ww is Italian a8 Gg es e aa Fishing Boats. Naples ; 10x 13 68 DE HAVEN (Frank) American at ie On the Moors, Autumn 16x 19 American ve ) ‘Rural Scene “2 caamaailanta pea + A Parisian Belle PABA Gre -FOUBERT (A) ah - French py Pa Landscape _ 10x 16 YORE (G.) atin) oS ~ American | Ke {) Mountain Torrent A fascinating and important example by eet this great artist 48x72 o dette (on pane! 21xi5 74 FOUBERT (E.) Landscape , 124% x16, 75 WEBER (Theo.) Pupil of Isabey -_ Dutch Harbor Scene : i 2114 3e ; SECOND EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 22ND, 1919 | | At 8.15 o'clock \ Head of a Young Girl feat» Biase Gag i | HERRICK C K.) American ; Still Life : (Water color) 10x5% | PPGN KATE 6.4." Dutch o a . . Drinking Scene (Water color ) cag y Rix” pe ee, . ee Dutch 10x 16 eay (M.) pat American gett! Life—Fruit and Flowers | a | (Water color ) 76 LANE CHC. vol Shr American pole ae 81 CARAUD | -Le Bain 19x25 82 GRIGGS (S. W.) 27 x 22 83 WILLIAMS (C.) Landscape with Cattle | 30x42 Sy AS | 84 VAN ELTEN (Kruseman) wo with Harvesters Ns Of egene : 84a DE HAAS (M. F. H.) A Rocky Coast 12% 202) oe ‘SIMON u (Scipione) . The Venders (on panel) : 20%4x19% 86 CHAPLIN Scan ; : D0) Anes Reverie | 48: x 39 can Landscape with Nymphs IPAS a ae . 89° ‘KAUFMAN (Isidore) Dutch = Head of Old Man Y Y%x6 90 WALKER (Horatio) Americari : Landscape and Cows 114x9 ~~ St. JEHAN | Ss French i res Fruit and Flowers ii eras: -REHN(F.K.M) Agierican Coast Scene a ‘SEIFERT (Ay Nas : French The Old Hollander 17x 13% 87 _‘JAPY (L.) 0 French a | Landscape Ms | 2134 x 25 : 8 POUBERT (E) 0 9 14 Uirehicn \¥0 4 94. SMITH (Henry P.) The Lily Pond 8%4x15 95. FERRAIEG s,s) a The Armourer ie 8x 1d3; 96 FOUBERT (E.) | | Charity 1x7 97, FERNANDI(L.) (6s Boys at Play oe 10x 14 98 CLARIN (G.) | ‘Algerian Scene 13x9% 99 CREDDES, § > 4 | The Water Carrier . a PE 100 HARRISS (See | - Marine Scene i Mert) ‘Oat ) ae if - ty aa 4 Pee | vs Sy it + ie. = } Hy * ayes Y Mad ; Y wi f é ~m F $ : _ 101 BELLECOUR (E. Berne) French Waiting for a Light Ag 3 5 ee 102 GOUBERT (E.)- _ - French oa : Nude Figure aa tea 11 584 103 DIAZ (W.), attributed French - : Landscape 10x 14 104 MORAN (E.). English : -. Seascape es, HOURERT (£.) - French ; Age Shae _ The Student | 15x17. 106 TAMBOURINI QA.) Italian a” The Newé of the Day. An elderly, fylendlydoofing monk, half length in profile to Téft, with spectacles, read- ing a newspaper. x Be og ery _ From the George I. Seney collection 6% x 10% : af \SO 107. VAN HERR (Peter) Dusseldorf Born 1792. Died in Munich, 1871. Son <7 and pupil of K. E. C. Herr, one of the fore- most painters of Russian life. Russian Inn 9xlly 108 WANG ee Sunrise in Nikko, Japan | 7% © 254x204 ae oe "Japanese . Afternoon in Nikko, Japan i: — 251%4.x 20% ri Purchased at the Henrietta A. Webb sale a A series of pictures by Alex. Fournier, the Barbi zon painter. Wxhibited at the Shaus Gallery, Fifth Avenue, Salmagundi Club, New York. Represented in the Albright Gallery, Buffalo, Chicago Academy, 8. C., Pratt collection, Seaman collection, and other: “import: ant collections. : lO ee Venetian Sunset _ WAY x21 | ap 110 The Coming Storm ai 15x 20 a : a 111 The Garden oe the Tuilleries (Pari 3) ou we ioc 18 | ee 2 ais Sunset in Minnesota ° 20 x 16 oF 113 j Peaceful Summer Day i XO oe 1 x 24 : i a 14 | - Spring Morning in East Aurora ~S cas 18 x 23 BBO Early Morning in Venice ee A O eee 145 20 | aes ” 116 | th Moonlight | i, 0 o aa 18 x 24 | | ee pe . is 17 Sai : Landscape | ees \. ‘S ee x9 eae A series of pictures of Zuni Land, New Mexico, by the Indian painter, William Rollins, who is repre- ' _ sented in the Denver Museum and the Santa Fe Mu- _ seum and who exhibited last winter at the Braus Gal- 32 lery, New York. 118 eo The Sun Rireet a | | y uae $822 VLA : _ ‘The Rain Priest _ aie Ly: Ly RRO? 121 122 123 124 125 126 UNKNOWN, ‘CANALETTO CONSTALE (J.),RA. f t Summer Day Zuni Land 24 x 31 en A Street in Zuni Land © 25.x 19 CALIFANO (J.)_ ‘In the Italian Alps | 30 x 22 BROWN (C. F.) et Fall Day, Wood Interior 0G 2056) eae Marine Scene 1034x117 ya ‘The Grand Canal + ) 18 x2) 0 eee Pa eA, 4 FF “Tuandstape (oom (Water color) 9x14 , een “127 WILLEMS (Florent) Dutch of Mechlin ‘Academy. Medals: Paris, ird Class, 1844; Second Class, 1846; First Class, 1855; Legion of nour, 1853; 1864; Commander, 1878 ; rder of Leo- pold, 1851. The Valued Gift 13 x9 Purchased at the Henrietta A. Webb sale Pe KLUTH (Ry Norwegian A Norway Fiord iprurdl 629 “129 FOUBERT (E.) | French | Landscape 9Y%xi5 130. GROLLERON (P.) French French Zouave 124Ax7Y% ee 13l- DE VITA ; Italian 4a (Prof. at National Academy, Naples) Still Life 48x33 : ob) SATE Late oe 48x33 (@ 133 GAMBA The Mountain Ace (Water color) — Bye 134 ROBERTI The Serenade (Water color) IZ, 135 RANNEY | Grapes ae 20x15 136 BELLECOUR (E. Berne) French Soldier Mending His ‘14 Bre % 10 137 ‘FOUBERT (E _ Sgt he Wait 1 Va x 8 138. SMITH ene ey Spring Morning, East me, . Wx 25 i a Ea 143 140 141 WYANT (AH). 139 GAUL (Gilbert), N. A. ae) The Willow Walk 12x16 SCHMITZ (H.) Two F riends 18 x 26 FOUBERT (E.) Allegorical ROUSSEAU (Th.) ms) Randsespe me 12x17, “SMITH eke Ry I ~The Mill Pond Vax 25 The Brook. 6x5 Girl’s Head , American Dutch French French American , American 5 French : 146 FOUBERT (E.) Netonie 15% x10% 147. KNIGHT (Ridgeway) . Bretton Types 29 x 36 \ 148 TITO (Etore) ‘The Lagoon, Venice ~~ 7 ae ‘149 BOGERT (Geo. H.) ‘Sunset, Venice 28 x 38. 150 CRANE (Bruce) ce i ; i | Winter Sunset Pere tayo a is1_ UNKNOWN | Vet Pe Our: Pathe. iia 6 16" 152 PERRAULT (Leon) — 4 Little Girl and Her Dog: a: ’ - it { # Sek He ; ’ e “A + ¢ 4 : 4 P ’ ‘ 1 Pee os i Saat Chat tad ‘lbh ois iM i este 153 THAULOY °j » Dutch block of houses that projec nh the stream. The colors, the pin s in the West, the movement of the wavelets in front make this a notable example. 22X29 Purchased at the Blumenstiel sale. 154 WIGGINS (J. C.) American y () Landscape with Cows 39 x 27 ing pst fields, hand and with a 1¢ : fed Y whin around his neck. He has reobably just put horses in pas- ture through the gateway seen at the right. Barly evening sky of gray and pink. 3934 x 2534, 1 Winter Sunset 159 161 162 12x 16 GRUTZNER (E. J.) — Dutch In the Wine Cellar 16x13 KITCHELL (H. M.) Fishing Boats at Sunset 12 x 16 NIHOLLS (Burr H.) American By the Roadside 32 x 26 UNKNOWN Marine Scene 10% x 14 AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer. oe aaa a : 2 ctl t vy ae wt