‘4 : ' - m Pd " Tae = we : onew Pen rae was Sapte pare TA Sree ae Be er kt ee ee Ce el Wee oS = GPa rg seg Te wheres A ai *: Sees Pees vEW YORK HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 |SEVENTY-ONE DEGAS PICTURES - - BRING $226,800 AT AUCTION Seg 83 U1: _ rence of New York, began yesterday at Portrait in White ; Fetches the American Art Galleries; The first: $17 000 the Highest Price session’s total was $17,782. The sale, ’ + * at Notable Auction. | -— continues this afternoon. and to-morrow. ' A sixteenth century Nuremberg brass , | dish: Was sold to W. R. Hearst for thé | highest price of the afternoon, $440. The’! game bidder paid $300 for another brass — dish of the same description and $280 | for another. French & Co. paid $290 for | a fourteenth century German bronze | aquamahile and the same price for an eighteenth century pair of Italian brass hanging lamps. ed The most important art auction sale of the winter, that of paintings and pastels by Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas, col- lected by Jacdues Seligmann of Paris, was held last night at fhe main ball- room of the Plaza under the auspices of the American Art Association, Mr. Thomas E. Kirby in the chair and brought a total of $226,800. ‘That it was an event of the highest interést in the art world, an occasion 6f historic interest in the annals of American col- lecting, was attested by the throng of dealers, connoisseurs, artists and mem- bers of society who crowded the atiction toom. Thete was the keenest interest in the bidding, and prices, aS was &x-. pected, ran high... : The seventy-one paintings, pastels and drawings of the Seligmann collection eattie directly from the sale held after the artist’s death in 191% of his studio effects, And were almost without excep- tion works of prime importance. The enthusiasm over the sale in this country and the high prices paid for objects in this collection indicate the change that hiS come over the public in recent years in regard to this great impressionist MmAsternn cnet eS ee The highést price of the sale “was ’ fetched by ‘Portrait in White,” which sold to Knoedler & Co for $17,000. “Mile. Fiocre Sans le Ballet de la Source” came next in price, bringing $13,000 frorm Durand-Ruel. i kde The sale was in many ways the inost important of any Degas sale ever held: According to Mr. Kirby, it was one of the principal Sales of his long career. Many 6f the pictures were bought up by Mesérs. Bernheitn and Vollatd, two of the miost important art dealers of Paris, who were present, as well as by Durand- Ruel of Paris and New York. Many of the works sold will thus tndoubtedly return to Paris. Friends of American art were pleased to note that among | other pictures botight for America were | | two acquired by the Brooklyh museum |the only museum disclosed in the bid- | ding. an ke The pictures sold, the buyer | and ‘the prices paid follow; “‘Cafe Apres le Bain,’’ drawing, Hoary: Reinhardt & Son........60- ohare ae i penemee of the Nude,”’ pastel, ‘Durand ue ere eeseeresteoseereoaee * '“‘La Toilette Apres le Bain,” * pastel, , Daratia. HUGl 474 -1..<6 oo of Dancets,”’ pastel, iv ue ‘Durand BE hap de Danseuses,’” pastel, Durand Vee Tae so be _ Berti-. Vie a6 ater ehebert- ‘ote Gerd. uel . wAteay ‘the’ Bath,” “pastel, J ‘aici bes Rae POOe LE Ewe BEERS pr Pe et “Le Bain: Femmé; ._ Durand Ruel. ,.+.. “Danseuses, les Cheveuxt en Tresses, pastel, Durand Ruel.. “Femme a 8a Toilette,’ " pastel, Vollard Beiedd PARITY SS bevavstiesons “The Pet,’’. pastel, Mts: W B. Force: pd de Femme; Mrs. sashrey renee le Batn,? pastel; C. Daniel... “Groupe de Dahséuses,’’ pastel,’ Du» Tand Ruelisa sake oF. ‘Groupe de Pe seer , * eon Dur op eee ee a eoresneereesersege ee lard eens TS SPS as ee cabeve cute aaa “Trois “Danseuses, -Ruél = heith Are ee ‘eeeEy Pere tees eRe adeev’. “Landscapé ard. Dancers,” pastels Henry Reinhardt & Son. sscassccseas “Gotsates Violettes,’’ Mr. Vellatds... “At the Theatfe,” O. “Déux Fethmes et pis Hoinmhe," é J: Bernheim ‘Portrait of ‘uae Ditahd Huet. i Mi ie the huliner'e,f Mrs... Lothrop . 4. — WE 0% b5.0/5 3% se mee ixk: 5 arate ef Sas cee Baliet;” pastel, apa “The Milliners;”’ J. Beftihetin. 134. -++- ‘Les Corsages. Vertss”” “Hemme 8’ epongéant 16, dos,’’. pastel, Durand Ruel. «2s. ¢..8 f weoer teeter ere *‘Quittanit: le CE ver ar, pastel, J. Bern= . heim, Se ee ee Per ee ce ee ee “Pemme au "Pub, is past 1, Durand Ruel ‘The Chat,” pastel, J; Bertihetr “Wemme ef Chapeau aarphed Dufand Ruel baad eee} “Portrait, of a, Man,”’ Muséum’ pastel : “Brookiyn eoeeevaen aes vee “At the Mascuniat om Ww }traushaar. F “The Mortilng Dinaees pastel, oe Vollard . ios Pee One trea “'Tefore Peers "pastel, Mr. WOU PAs Deas GIR heocbwnddse ce om ae at Dancers,” pastet, a 6. Rosen- fel Palea Fe eceeesteewisnbeossense aaes “Dancéers in_ the Greenroom,” Henry. Reinhardt & Son.. e@eeetere “ja Promenade des” ‘Ghevaux,” Miss ‘ {,orenz, agerit, baa osneed debt b bosses “At Her Tojlette,"’ Durand-Ruyel.isiss “Danseuses: Jupes Saumon,’’ pastel, Mr, Vollard. ohe ee bee berersece eeeetee | “Deux Hommes,” Durahd- Ruel. Ui Wee “portrait: of a Lady,” Scott ‘ Fowler © aoe peck oeve Fe dead eS eeed “Ovatre Dansewses’ en - Scene," Durand-Ruel ese esa cet ey ses ‘Three Danoots,’* pastel, Mr. Vo lara. ‘es Modistes et Chapeau de pastel, J. Bernheim, i. AER aan “The Ride,’ Berhet agent. ete ‘Portrait in White,'’ Knoedier Mrs. Lathrop. Brow Vollard “Dryin astel, Entree en Scene,’’ nrapet Mr. V edbeebeo tin Vol- eehawt dane Soeeverbevaae xt ra “Portrait de iFemine,”* har dt wate ’ ahwe “Scen6 dea Baiiet, eee seee baad YUE TETE anys 13. pastel, miro . pastel, Durand-Ruet:.....:+.++-.+¢- Fear Femmes Assiseé,' * Henry Reins 1ar ‘Dahseuses en aie rand-Rtiel Wades he egess dbase panrel,: Sees eee em wee sess ee eeeeseeereee ti bo hbk sed Foe Ha FSS 8 orgs “Drying Her | Hair)" cons J.. Berne: Ww. Kraushaar: + mi e pastel, Durand” Ruel Pewee dso deseo dsbd ber Soda deers see. Paille d’Italie,’’ Dudensing Gals Jeries Pewee e oe eee ee ‘“‘Remme "BS ‘epongeant ia * Poltrine,” 2. ‘“Danseuse: Decor a Arena pastel,- “Danseuse a la Barre,” peat Mrs : Her Hair Atter. ‘the “Bath? Brooklyn Museum... issssssee. ‘Henry Rein-. “4,550 Mi 1,000 630 1,650 1,350 B50 1,600 1,700 ~ 4,i00 2,260 6,500 7,100 2,300 * = * “Phe Chat,’ pastél, J. ry ve he Ten ek eae > pastel, “Madame Est Servie,’ Mrs. Dathrop Brown. 4.0%. i.+2 cc ehievebas “reo Dancers Practising at the. Bar,'’ pastel, Scott & Fowles........ “Le Peignoir Jatine,’’ pastel, Lathrop Brown ‘sssasasitesercsccecs “Children and Ponies in a Park,’’ Miss Lorenz, agent....... ‘Danseuses a la Barre,” “Miss Lo- _ | PONS, AGEN 2... see e sie neeivs enced pene da the Flowers,’ “Mr. Vol-. ee | “Young Spartans at Wrestling Exer- cisé,’’ Durand-Rtrél 2.1.5. ..8sbeue.. “Mile. Fiocre dans le Ballet “de ia Soures,’? Durand-Ruel “Les Corsages. Verts,"" pastel, Durand Ruel si sisacatadtvesegeddeubeledoa eens “Hemme S'epongeant ‘le * dos, i pastel, Durand Ruel. .riieissmcdee cacpecesces “Quittant le Cuveau,”* ‘pastel, ‘Y Berri= heim eee teree LPF MG ee Fae eee “Femme au Pub, pastel, Durand Ruel “Bernheim | “Wemme ef Chapeau Roge,”’ sastel, eikey as obs 3,050 eens de 1ét, te pastel, Bedtt Bhs “owles Ceemekdeus bitD fideo sind. Geog: ,000 “Le Petit Dejeutier Apres le Bain,” oe pastel, Jour nace Ruel: +53 a ieee "2,500 “Deux Femmes Assised,'* Henty ‘Re me up vised “en” Hey bg ee Be 8,800 ansetise n Repos; i “i Ves rand-Ruel © eeewere Ceeqpesdesepeess r $,500 “Madame Est Servie,"- pastel, arsed Brown. ebee tea oe aha 3,200 oy ancers Practising” at die Bar,” pastel, Scott & Fowles...-..+- 3,200 “De ‘Peignoir Jauné,’’ pastel, Mrs. Lathrop , Brown tv cdbepons ss dhecas Opeue “Children and Ponies in & Park,” «~ Miss Lorenz, @gent...cepssccceesages 9,200 -“Danseuses a la Barre,” Miss £ ‘ Arranging the’ Flowers, Mr. ¥ “0% 2,600! ‘Arranging the owers,” 2 oe nS Yok 3,600 | Durand ‘Riel edeeratre “Portrait, ef a Man,” "3 Museum’ ae eke Ke “At the Museum,” a es S468 pars SER ees ; . Brooklyn - og Bee dee e235, We. “Hralishaar igs “Phe Mornirig .Hour,’!:. pastel, . v olard see sosete : SVR TLS pPevk short Before “Breakfast,” Ay sgpecatels _M tf Vollard eee tf eeeter Vo vege vues - “Pwo Daricérs,’* “pastéi, cA. \B, oseri* bach rene oe ene Eide’ See pev eee “Dancers in the Greenreem,”’ Henry Reinhardt & aes sb eee’ tases deedes : “Ta Ag és, Chévaux,”” Miss Lorenz, agent. Eves Gas fobs Lh 6 Beaada a “Danseusés: Jupes Saumon,”’ Mr. Vollard. BREEN = ae “Deux Hotumes,” Durand; Ruel | iene Hi ‘'pPorttatt of . a Lady,” Scott ° owlert opts coe sve daa ert Pree * 6,500 “Quatre . Danseuses * eh Scene, 45) a ee Durand- tuel os teeta weed seeped sig Ete “Three Dancers,’ ' pastels ate, Vo 2,30 “Les Modistes le* apeat — Sigs Paille .a’Italie, ‘Dudensing - Ga | leries . eG Seas sib bagdess ia’ Botttine i “1.4501 “Femme _§' ‘epongeant . oltrine,” = | pastel, J. Bernheim. Fee ikea 3 800 | ‘The Ride,” Berhet,. agent. ,. hag * ‘theds (8,000 ‘Portrait in White,"’ Knoed 6.. 17,000 “Dansevse: Decor aarbres,”’ pastel, Mrs. Lathrop Brown. Vevtabecceseres “Danseuse @ la Barre,” pastel, Mrs Vollard PEELE a cae ede idees Pee we ae “Drying Her Hair After the Bath,” astel, Brooklyn Museum... .si0i-. ‘Entree ett Scene,” pastel, Mr. V ard Pere Oy © See wee OP yr a of nee hUReE Ff Bortbatt de ' Femthe,”’ ‘Henry Rein-. _terdt ” Peat LPUSRO TE LT dK oe , ws he voung yf Spartans at “at “wrestling nae tise,’’ Durand “Mile. Fiocre:® dave Source,"’ Durand- ope ‘ha Danseuse Aux Bouquets,” Mr. Vollar shacveacibese® OPP reae teri tL: “Aux > ‘Coutsct » Le Jockey Blessé,’’ - ‘Seaman, agent eevee eotobe epee ee “La mule de Jephte,’’ Baca- Of ceeds Oa te ? Bs at Gerd Ballét de Mrs, 11,800 “At Her Toilette,” Lurand-Ryel. ie 6, 100 dae ha rire in 8,00 fs eetbeab ened 18 15 GoD 7,600 | 1800 { a4 mW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, >) 23,0 JANUARY 790 PAINTINGS BY DEGAS AND NOTABLE GOTHIC ART SHOWN All of the museum authorities and752, jmost of the keen art enthusiasts of the | 4ity were early on hand yesterday morn- »jing to view the Degas paintings of | Jacques Seligmann and the Gothic art of the late Henry C. Lawrence, now being shown at the American Art Association. |The sale, a few days hence, will be pbe- yond question the most importar.t auc- || tion of the year. \| Of the Degas paintings collected by i Mr. Seligmann it appears the half has 4 not been told.. The photographs that had come across seas in advance did scant justice to them. Degas is one of the | great masters of drawing in the modern world, and drawing reproduces in pho- tography well enough, but not color. The color in these paintings and pastels will be a revelation to many. It is vibrant, distinguished, personal; an em- phatic accompaniment to the powerful drawing. In some of the later pastels the artist leaned more heavily upon color than upon drawing, so that groups of them provide regular feasts of color, comparable in pure color expression to the old Gothic glass in the Lawrence || collection. There | snap are over seventy works by period when Degas was still under the influence of Ingres to the time of com- plete emancipation, when even the fond- ness for more or less Japanese composi- tions had become personal to himself. | Degas and Renoir have exercised @ jlonger and more complete domination over their contemporaries than any | other artists, and it is chiefly due to the fact that, like Michelangelo, they re- mained students to the end of their days. They were never satisfied themselves with their productions. They never be- came stilted, they were always intense- ly after the quality of life. It is in- structive and fortifying to artists to watch the change that has come over the public attitude toward these works i from the days when the early believers in his genius were compelled to hide in | closets the Degas studies of ballet girls tas something not strictly proper. Now } these same ballet girls have the entree to the best museums in the world, and it is to be hoped that troups of them will -gain access to our various museums upon this occasion. In the case of so great &@ man as Degas every scrap by him is important, but the choice among them of a museum may be aided by a consensus. With that end in view the following list of particularly fine things a a ee Degas, ranging from the severity of the- Dancers. Decor d’Arbres; No. 58, | Portrait of a Woman; No. 59, Two) Women: No. 62, Two Dancers Practis- j ing at the Bar, and No. 66, Arranging | the Flowers. Certain large productions | not on this list belong, in strict ethics, | ie French museums, where the entire genesis of Degas’s art may be studied. The Henry C. Lawrence collection of | Gothic art is entirely worthy of this! high association. Indeed, Gothie experts will put the phrase the other way. Mr. | | Lawrence specialized in early stained | 'glass and hammered brass ware, and in the first of these to such an extent that | it became the most important private collection of stained glass in the coun-| try, but his entire residence was filled | with furniture and decorations from by- gone ages, chosen with the same high intelligence as was the glass. ~ | As it exists at present and arranged las it is with consummate taste by Miss Lorenz, it provides innumerable points for discussion. The wonderful Gothic 'tapestries, the vivid figures carved in lwood, the furniture, the damasks, the imetal work, all recall the “ages when Peapued art seemed to be so much easier | than at present. The fact that nowhere | in the collection is there a piece with- out significance will seem a miracle to other collectors, but this success is ex- |plained by the fact that Mr. Lawrence's father was himself a collector. The chief*astonisnment, naturally, is ‘over the stained glass, which recalls to travellers the glories of Chartres, of Milan and the Sainte Chapelle. The panels are all comparatively small tn size, but extraordinarily large in vigor of style.’ The leads are thick and the colors few. but the disposition of them is most telling. Capt. Maurice Drake of England, Emile Bares of Paris and Horace Townsend are authorities who unite in praise of this glass. The majority of the brass disheg come | originally from Nuremberg, but there | are some that come from I*rance, Italy ay Austria. They are as fine in work- imanship as they are decorative. One .of ithe late Gothic tapestries portrays the | story of the “Salvation.” It is only 2! fragment of the original hanging, but glorious as a specimen of, mediaeval art. There also is a rare “Millefleurs” tapestry and there are French Gothic cabinets of great interest. The Degas paintings will be sold on January 27 at the Hotel Plaza, while the Lawrence collection will be sold in the galleries on January 27, 28 and 29. ee oY is submitted, | though not in the order of their relative | merit: No. 2, Studies of the Nude; No. | feeuattem. tie > Bath; No. .27,2 Three! Jockeys; No, 40, Dancers in the Green |! Room: No. 41, The Promenade of f Horses; No. 51, Portrait in White; No. | | ESET OSES ORT | ST CR lg ee AOE AS ANE EEE TINS AINE ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE THE NOTABLE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS AND PASTELS BY THE GREAT FRENCH MASTER HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FORMED BY THE WIDELY KNOWN ANTIQUARIAN JACQUES SELIGMANN OF PARIS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58th to 59th STREET ON THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27th, 1921 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 O’CLOCK a ar ‘ ‘ / ‘ * . i - ' ~~ . . vad rT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE NOTABLE ERIVATE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS AND PASTELS BY THE GREAT FRENCH MASTER THE EATE HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FORMED BY THE WIDELY KNOWN ANTIQUARIAN JACQUES SELIGMANN OF PARIS TOs SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNER, JACQUES SELIGMANN IN THE. GRAND BALLROOM OF | THE HOTEL PLAZA ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MaAnacers MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 1921 ; er rk . ny ri a. if * . ' Lanne =)) ‘< : “A. ou) ; . s : ° é if 3 y 5 oe ae % ; = a va THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATI DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND D. ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATI TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY PREFATORY NOTE M. Jacques SeLicMann of Paris, in placing his private collection of the famous French master Degas in our hands for Unrestricted Public Sale,—and never before in this country has there been offered at Public Sale a collection of equal importance—does so because of the follow- ing reasons, as set forth in his letter of instruction to us: “The princi- pal reason is that I have been unable to carry out my plan of building a gallery in connection with my country house in which I could display modern pictures because of the scarcity of building materials and labor, and the almost prohibitive cost of such a building; furthermore, modern pictures do not fit in with the antiquities in my ‘Ancien Hétel Sagan.’ Consequently, I have decided to sell my collection of the works of the great master Degas in the United States and under your management. “IT enclose you certificates from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Bernheim and Vollard, because I know that they will be of great interest.” Paris, May 17, 1920. M. Jacques SELIGMANN, 57 rue Saint-Dominique, Paris: Dear Sir: We have again seen with pleasure the 71 paintings, pastels and drawings by Degas, which you intend to forward to Amer- ica, and which come from the sale of the Degas studio; it is likely that we shall never again see in France these beautiful art treasures by Degas; as a souvenir, we shall have only the reproductions, for they were all photographed for the printing of the catalogues. On this point, we can give you some information which may be of use to you later on; all the paintings, pastels, and drawings were appraised and photographed immediately (i.e. after the artist’s death) by com- mon consent between the Degas family and the experts, in order to prevent their being touched up later on; the works are just as they were done by Degas. Sincerely yours, (Signed ) Duranv-RveEt. Paris, May 28, 1920. To MonsteurR JACQUES SELIGMANN, Paris. Dear Sir: I hear that you intend holding a sale in America of the magnificent collection by Degas which come from the sale (held of his works) after the painter’s death. For those who know art and paintings only from reproductions made for catalogues, what a revelation this will be! [Pour ceux qui ne connaissent les arts & ceuvres que par la reproduction qui en a été fait au catalogue, quelle révélation ce va (¢tre)!] These (works) are among the finest works by Degas! | Sincerely, (Signed ) VOLLARD. We, the undersigned, affirm that we know the pastels, paintings, drawings of Degas belonging to M. Jacques Seligmann, that they were purchased, after decease, from the Degas studio in 1918, sales at which we were the experts, and we affirm that they are indeed the originals by Degas, painted by him and never retouched. (Signed ) BrerNHEIM JEUNE & Co., experts at the Court of Appeals. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which ~ it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. F ‘hee 4, es Oe ue Wt “Ns vi a4 ’ ’ ‘ } » s IN THE GRAND BALLR THE’ PLAZAS Firru Avenve, 58TH To 5s BEGINNING AT 8.30 0 \\ © ° a e ‘ ® e e @ > Fic @ ° @ fra a e @ e @ 1. .@. ® ay or e e @ e _) e e @ e @ e e ® e @ e a @ @ @ e ms @ eo (Ee; @ e 3 e @ : * DHE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Bo MANAGERS | SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL 7 Collection of MR. JACQUES SELIGMANN Evening of Thursday, January 27, 1921 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or pace Attendant on making the first Shee soot Piscine s Name— Gf re es in Full Amount of Deposit _— hb HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ~« 1—CAFE APRES LE BAIN ’ ‘ee (Drawing) s\\ BAW i Saute Height, 421% inches; width, 23% inches Drawine in black crayon touched with red, the subject a nude female. figure at three-quarters length, standing and in profile to left, at the head of a bath tub; in her hand a cup of coffee. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILATRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 18384—191%7 2—STU DIES OF THE NUDE (Pastel) Buran + hah 1 Soo, Height, 2344 inches; length, 29 inches ‘Deux femmes couchées et étude de jambes,” the women reclining as on draperies over a greensward, one in sinuous posture on her side, with face in profile toward the right, one resting on her back with knees flexed ; beside the latter a careful study of the nether limbs of a figure standing. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 -8—LA TOILETTE APRES LE BAIN | a (Pastel) Brcraed Tak Height, 221% inches; length, 25 inches Fuii-Leneru nude study of a slender young female figure, in full light against purple and golden-buff draperies and a cerulean-blue wall. Seated against the edge of the tub she has left, she bends horizontally to the left, her face being seen in profile looking downward, and is busily drying her knees. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ' 4—GROUP OF DANCERS: A STUDY ‘tdé ( Pastel) Brrond hud bs o.- Height, 271% inches; length, 2814 inches Four dancing women in their conventional costumes appear in an intri- cate study of a closely assembled group, vues a& mi-corps, their arms an orderly entanglement of posturings, their waists a greenish-blue, and warm coloring appearing in hair and headdress. Signed at the lower left, Ducas. © HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 5—EHTUDE DE DANSEUSES \ (Pastel) Sv0~ _. Height, 221% inches; length, 2744 inches Ficure study of a group of dancers, three of them conspicuous, with waists nude and in ballet skirts of blue, one erect and observed in back view with face in profile, the others in various attitudes of approach. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ‘ 6—AFTER THE BATH (Pastel) /} , Birmbenrers 1450. Height, 2134 inches; length, 2414, inches FuLi-Leneru figure study of a young woman seated and facing the left with back to the spectator, after emerging from the bath. She sits on a white covering thrown over a divan richly cushioned in orange, and as she leans far to the left is engaged in drying an arm. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 7—LE BAIN: FEMME, VUE DE DOS Height, 254 inches; length, 32 inches dura Lfia— , At her bath a young woman, nude, is observed reclining in abandon on white draperies beside the tub, her back to the spectator and arms and a knee raised in idle attitude. At right her maid in copper-colored waist and white skirt bends over her mistress, giving attention to her loosened yellow-blond hair. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 8 _DANSEUSES, LES CHEVEUX EN TRESSE Pastel isSb.- Ca PW re Height, 2534 inches; width, 201% inches Funu-Lencru standing figures of three plump women of the ballet, side by side, seen variously in front and back view, with faces in pro- file; each with her hair in a long braid and all with red waists, their skirts yellow and of mingled greens and violets. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 (9—FEMME A SA TOILETTE : le bland | (Pastel) Reeres Height, 23 inches; width, 181% mches Haur-Lencru figure, in the nude, of a young woman standing, taking a sponge bath, as she bends over a marbleized basin with a pitcher standing beside it. She has Titian hair, and her face, bent downward, is partly obscured within the shadow of her extended arm. e Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 *10—THE PET 650.- ( Pastel) Wr MW 3. Povek’ i Height, 2614 inches; width, 2014 inches Iw an interior of yellowish tones and lights a woman dressed for out- doors is seated facing the spectator, beside a circular table, holding on her lap a pet animal which adds another yellow note. The lady is in olive-brown and purple-black, with a blue veil over her hat. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 11—BUSTE DE FEMME Wa w Height, 181s inches; width, 15 inches Wve Lathiyh fagerre Busr portrait of a young woman of interesting features, facing front and slightly to the left; she leans slightly forward upon her elbows, with left forearm crossing in front of her, and her right hand toying idly with her left ear, as she looks downward dreamily. Arms bare, and wearing only intimate apparel, her black hair is confined within a pointed cap of dark red. Signed at the lower left, Deeas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834-—1917 | 12—APRES LE BAIN 1350. . (Pastel) ry VW Height, 324% inches; width, 24 aches BesivE a grayish marbleized tub before a green and yellow wall, a trim young woman with her golden-brown hair in Psyche dress is seated on white and golden-yellow draperies, as she has emerged from the bath, and she leans forward to the left, burying her face in toweling, while fascinating lights amid transparent shadows play in colorful brilliancy upon the supple flesh. Signed at the lower left, Dxcas. bac HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834—1917 \ 13—GROUPE DE DANSEUSES § (*9 ( Pastel) pba hurl $S0- : Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches Srupy of three ballet girls closely grouped and viewed at three-quarters length, the two in the rear seen only in figure, their faces obscured by the leader in front, who wears a dark crimson waist which is released from one shoulder; she raises an arm over her forehead, and her face is in profile to left. 7 Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 -14—GROUPE DE DANSEUSES (Pastel) , Lo ve rang? Qurancl Rusk Height, 223/, inches; width, 16 inches Acatnst a background of sunset lights, and with their skirts yielding the mingled golden and greenish hues of a ripening grain field, a group of dancing girls is presented, two of them facing the right, the fore- most of them seated and her companion standing and bending over her, the face of the latter seen a little more than in profile. Signed at the lower left, Deas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 + 15—GREENROOM REST 1700." (Pastel) x / f L VY Vollonr 6 Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches Two women of the ballet, one in red and one in a soft green, both cos- tumes spangled, are seated on a sofa before a wood scene, in careless attitudes of intimate embrace, a form of momentary rest between the exactions of their calling. One, with black hair, looks toward the spec- tator; one, with hair of reddish-brown, appears in profile. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 16—TROIS DANSEUSES {1 0-~ (Pastel) 3 Douro uk Height, 26 inches; width, 2014 inches In a stage setting of woodland scenery in a confusion of lights three ballet dancers stand in attitude of exit or of a re-entrance, on the right, looking to front and left, their arms and general postures gracefully eloquent, and their colorful costumes and the play of the lights upon their faces and busts making a chromatic ensemble of singular charm. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834-—1917 17—DRYING HER HAIR 2200s (Pastel) irvbar Height, 1914 inches; length, 281/, inches SratTep with back toward the spectator and turned toward the right, a young woman who has finished her bath is drying her long reddish- blond hair with a towel, beside the large yellow-green tub. The easily modeled flesh, in a soft light, is modified in its tone by the reflected hues of neighboring fabrics rich in color. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 -- 18--LANDSCAPE AND DANCERS * ('3) (Pastel) ye Yo Ue ait { Height, 2534 inches; width, 20 inches Ravoralt Ix the foreground two young women dancers in décolleté costumes of yellow, red and blue, observed at three-quarters length standing, one with her back.to the spectator and features seen in profile to the left over her shoulder, the other facing her and in close proximity. Back- ground a landscape of fields and seasoned trees. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 19—CORS AGES VIOLETTES, JUPES BLEUES ak i) hs Height, 2924 mches; width, 2414 inches Wer Vert loro In sprightly step and engaging postures in front of a green wood four ballet girls appear, passing before the spectator to right and forward, their fetching costumes violet waists garlanded with flowers, and gray- blue skirts picked out with delicate petal notes. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 \. 20—AT THE THEATRE ‘ L Height, 91% inches; length, 12% inches ( yt C ovab boda Porrrair of a young woman at the theatre, seated and leaning for- ward over a box or balcony railing, and looking down with a pleased smile. Her face is seen a little more than in profile, to right, and she wears a black waist trimmed with lace and a blue hat. Signed at the lower right, Ducas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 » 21—DEUX FEMMES ET UN HOMME VUS ps0, = EN BUSTE ET DE PROFIL ee ) Clrntiowe Height, 12°4 inches; length, 16 inches Porrrait studies of interesting type, at the centre an old woman observed with head bent and face in profile to the right, brought in close approximation to and partly overlapping the face of a younger woman looking toward the left who stands just beyond her, both women being seen head and shoulders and in outdoor apparel; at left, head of a moustached man in profile to the right. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 1:22 -PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height, 1384 inches; width, 81% inches Fuii-Lenctu figure of a bearded man in middle life, who stands with his back to an open door, against which he leans carelessly, one hand behind him, the other in his trousers pocket, apparently for alms for a clerical caller who appears in the doorway. : Signed at the lower right, Ducas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 '93 AT THE MILLINERS ‘5s 1950. < Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches » oe : 3 A Oo 4 3 din, atlivrek® Mame v¢ we y In a millinery shop a slender young woman in a dress of pale green is observed standing before a mirror, engaged in the pleasing work of trying on a hat, a hat of creamy white from beneath which projects a mass of her red-yellow hair. The milliner from the right hands toward her a hat of different hue. Signed at the lower right, Dxeas. 7 heovetissosilbiton aid - pit iz ‘ ; f ‘us Yortlord HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 . 24 FEMME SE COIFFANT , Xe , "be é) Pa Yv , ae Height, 181% inches; width, 1234 inches OnsERVED at three-quarters length standing and facing the observer a dark-haired young woman is portrayed at her dressing mirror, into which she looks down toward her right as with both hands she arranges her hair. Her light apparel leaves arms and breast exposed to an interesting play of light and shadow over the nude flesh. Signed at the lower right, Drcas. ¥ s Re NS: 2G ones so 4s “alee vite wasn ES aetet || fete HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 -»295—LOVERS OF MUSIC: THE VIOLINIST IIo Height, 181% inches; length, 2124 mehes ie Ss Bur oud Raul Ix a gray-walled room in which the light is of a softened quality a young woman seated with figure to the right and face turned forward is holding an opened music book, which she seems to have been search- ing. To right of her, his features in the faintest of shadow at the room corner, a man of middle age is seated facing the spectator, fondling affectionately his violin. He wears a red jacket and flowing tie; his companion is in gray trimmed with black. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 cn cc eee A Height, 1834 inches; length, 2414 inches iy 4 ol fx HW Baxet girls dancing, practising, diverting themselves, or making per- sonal adjustments, are depicted in a softly brilliant and diffused light at a wood’s edge. Half a dozen appear conspicuously, with others indicated, their skirts of crimson and harvest-yellow warm against the background greens. .. 26—SCENE DE BALLET s Signed at the lower right, Dxeas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1 917 >- 97-THREE JOCKEYS IG FO (Pastel) Yrtload Height, 191% inches; length, 251 inches THREE jockeys and their mounts are depicted at informal exercise in a green field tinged with purplish growths, the horses bays, their riders’ costumes scarlet and blue, white and buff. In the background, rolling hills before a golden and purplish sky. Signed at the lower left, Deas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 » 283 THE MILLINERS VA/ 00. - Height, 2314 inches; length, 2834 inches (thr vt joa ne In a shop not brilliantly lighted some hats in dark neutral tones are noted on their trees or standards, on a counter where lie brightly colored ribbons, golden-yellow, pink, red and blue-green. Behind the counter sit two tired milliners, one in a half-light and one seen against the light, working respectively at a hat and a ribbon. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 29 LES CORSAGES VERTS iA 0. (Pastel) | Quod Karl — Height, 29 inches; width, 23Y4 inches Crosr before the eye, three dancers of the stage in conventional ballet costume, the skirts rose shot with pale green, their waists a rich and dark blue-green edged with yellow, and the flesh tints rosy in a warm light. In group posturings, two in a smiling duo. Signed at the lower left, Deas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 ' 30—FEMME S’EPONGEANT LE DOS -- (Pastel) Raut Height, 2714 inches; width, 2334 inches Sranpine figure of a woman of sturdy build, draped from the waist, with back to the observer and leaning toward the left over a basin of water on a stand; she is taking a cooling sponge bath, and her red hair falls in free strands beyond the basin. Background in rich poly- chrome. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 31I—QUITTANT LE CUVEAU L600 .< (Pastel) Height, 341% inches; width, 2914 inches Nupe female figure at full length, studied in back view as the subject steps from the bath, body bent forward from the hips and supporting herself with left hand upon a neighboring armchair; the tub blue, the chair green and the walls in rose, their sundry reflections tempering the soft flesh tones. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencn: 1834—1917 . 82—FEMME AU TUB Uy oo (Pastel) Dart bRul Height, 2834 inches; width, 28 inches veo Xe , In a burst of warm morning light in a room of richly colored draperies and floor covering, a nude female figure with back to the observer, standing in a shallow circular tub and bending over, grasping a bath sponge. Amid all the richness of accessory color, interest centred upon the remarkable play of light on the flesh surfaces. Signed at the lower left, Deeas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917% : 383—THE CHAT ig ee (Pastel) pirelamme Height, 27 inches; width, 27 inches Srupy of three women in outdoor costume, bonneted and veiled, as they lean from either side upon a railing, chatting in a breeze. Observed nearly at full length, their apparel in soft neutral colors. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 1.34 FEMME EN CHAPEAU ROSE (06.~ (Pastel) Ls | 2 ¢ F797 CL, Bay ‘] j ® . ° é Yoreoue Ceet~ Height, 331, inches; width, 291% imches A In a room displaying accessories of rich color a stout and middle-aged woman of happy disposition is portrayed nearly at full length, seated and facing the right, three-quarters front, pleased with her appearance in a new pink bonnet, brown fur boa and pale green gown. Back of her a mirror reflects her colors and those of the room. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834—1917 -“° 35—PORTRAIT OF A MAN 2700. : Height, 3314 inches; width, 25Y2 inches rv) 2 ef ldurbbgw Whew — Ix an atelier interior a middle-aged man of large features, with wavy hair and a full beard, is seated facing the spectator and toward the right, in an armchair upholstered in dark red. In dark coat and light trousers, he is seen at full length, hands clasped between his knees and eye fixed upon the observer. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 -+-36—AT THE MUSEUM YGIO. - _ -Height, 3534 inches; width, 264 mches L 4] PUA MAAS Two women of humbler sort, soberly clad in gray and black, are on a visit to a museum of painting, and are examining the canvases with conscientious intentness and thoroughness, and the aid of a catalogue. One sits on a rest-bench, her companion standing at her shoulder, and both looking to right. Signed at the lower right, Dxcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 37—THE MORNING HOUR (900.- (Pastel) : Yel Height, 2914 inches; length, 3314 # hoes Searep at her dressing table with her back to the observer a young woman has begun the process of arranging her long hair, the brown tresses in large part turned to golden-orange by morning sunlight heightened by reflections from the dressing mirror. She is seated in a rose-upholstered armchair, over the back of which a darker haired comrade in négligée leans, reading, and facing the spectator. Signed at the lower left, Decas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 388—BEFORE BREAKFAST wi \¥d (Pastel) Way L/00-— vy, , Ae, Height, 3914 inches; width, 2314 mches Wiru a stout and middle-aged maid waiting to serve her morning coffee, a brown-haired young woman finishing her: bath is observed amid colorful surroundings, their reflections enhancing the fresh and glowing surface of her back. Signed at the lower left, Deaas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ..39—TWO DANCERS 5 (Pastel) Leo Height, 29 inches; width, 29 mches STANDING one behind the other, both with backs to the spectator, two trim young women of the ballet are portrayed at three-quarters length, the leader with one hand idly at her shoulder, the other readjusting her shoulder-strap and intently regarding the operation, her face seen in profile. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 .-40—DANCERS IN THE GREENROOM +s (0, SO. Height, 1614 inches; length, 34% inches Wa whroA el {~¥ J Numerovs women of the ballet are seen at their various professional and personal occupations in roomy dressing quarters and a somewhat obscure light. One seated bends forward to give attention to her heel, one standing beside her is giving a final tightening to her own waist, while a third in the foremost group carelessly uses the bass-viol as a footrest for adjusting her slipper. Signed at the lower right, Dxeas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—-1917 -41—LA PROMENADE DES CHEVAUX /, di / as Ah Gd. Height, 1584 wmches; length, 3514 inches Wwe Are ns a4: | In an overgrown grassy field, green and yellow, a marsh and stream lying at the left, six thoroughbred running-horses with their jockeys mounted appear in the foreground before a screen of slender tree trunks, in easy motion after exercise and ready for anything the future may hold. Signed at the lower left, Ducas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ~42—AT HER TOILETTE 7. - 4 ARAY © : . 5 6100 GAM” eight, 83214 inches; width, 30 inches ‘ firrk A youne French girl of delicate features, in the négligée of an incom- pleted morning toilette, is seen at three-quarters length, seated and facing the left and a mirror, dressing her long brownish-red hair. Her skirt is purplish-gray and her waist white, and the malachite-green ewer and bow! on the dressing-stand are reflected in her mirror. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ‘43—DANSEUSES: JUPES SAUMON 1900.- (Pastel) YOUHOCANG Height, 35 inches; width, 251% wches Four of the young dancing women in ballet costumes whose effective posturings the artist so much loved to study and depict appear on a sward in an open and treeless landscape, with theatrical sunset col- ors in the dense blue sky beyond the rolling background hills. All of the young women are costumed in green, with slanting sunshine whiten- ing their shoulders and shooting their skirts with reflections of salmon- colored light, and the heads of two of them are carried out in profile portraits, facing each other. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FRENCH: 1834—1 917 + 44 —DEUX HOMMES L500" = Height, 361, inches; width, 26% inches Bouraud Kael Porrrair group of a young man standing, seen at three-quarters length, and an old man seen at half-length seated, the former in full- face, the latter facing the left. The younger wears overcoat and a derby of a type the French call a “melon” hat and is drawing on his gloves. The elder is wearing a skull-cap tilted back. Green-yellow background. Signed at the lower right, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 -: 45—PORTRAIT OF A LADY a a . Height, 32 inches; width, 2514 wmches Jew rFortr Turee-quarters length figure of a young woman facing somewhat toward the left, seated before a background of blossoming chrysanthe- mums, golden-yellow and white. She is hatless, with rich dark chestnut hair, and is clad in autumn apparel of dark colors, above which her placid, thoughtful face appears in a soft and warm light, sharing it with the flowers. Signed at the lower right, Deas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 _46—QUATRE DANSEUSES EN SCENE 7100. = ; Height, 29 inches; length, 3614 inches whe if a bur bu a hawt Four young women of the ballet are pictured at a corner of a stage set for a woodland scene in autumn, the yellows, browns and greens of the setting adding harmony to the softly melodious notes of the rose and blue costumes. The dancers are in an active group, and in graceful gesture, one facing the spectator, one seen in back view and two in profile in opposite directions. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. Ege HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834-—1917 *47—THREE DANCERS 0 ay - (Pastel) Wr Yellow Height, 3714 inches; width, 3114 wches TurEr women of the ballet are in dancing step, one entering the picture from the left and seen in profile to the right, next her one bowing toward the right, and on the right a third who 1s observed in back view as she turns her head to left to regard her curtseying companion. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834—1917 . 48—LES MODISTES ET LE CHAPEAU DE PAILLE DITALIE Darclenanng bs Height, 30 inches; length, 32% inches Ar work on a Leghorn hat, two women are seated side by side, one facing the spectator, her companion at her right facing her, and both engaged at trying flowers, ribbons and feathers as trimming for the hat, and intently interested in their work. One is in red, one in brown, and each wears her small milliner’s white apron. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 . 49 FEMME S’EPONGEANT LA POITRINE y ). (Pastel) . (term Aaa Height, 25 inches; width, 23 inches Nupe half-length figure of a young woman performing her morning ablutions at a stand supporting a purple bowl and pitcher. With one arm raised high over her head and the other hand holding a sponge, she lowers her head, putting her face in transparent shadow while the light glints upon her breast. Signed at the lower left, Ducas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 -50-THE RIDE Saar ha ff) yf m P for » D aa a y hats : f é it AAs Ak ‘ Height, 28 inches; length, 351 inches SEVEN persons, men, women and a boy, are out for a cross-country ride on horseback, and are seen in a winding field road and on the turf at its sides, in a rolling green country at sunset. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. ® HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencuo: 1834—1917 sare, — (.51-PORTRAIT IN WHITE LT roe Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches WK +FO° Ow a white-covered couch against a wall-background creamy-pink and nebulous, a woman is seated facing the spectator, her head turned slightly to her right, hands folded across her lap, meditating. She wears a gown of thin white muslin dotted in black, its voluminous skirt widespread about her. | Signed at the lower right, Deaeas. he i Moai HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 .. 529-_DANSEUSES: DECOR D’ARBRES 1g v0 (Pastel) p oof w é x P. YVEUA pS st cate: (Denes 42 inches; width, 25 wches Acatnst a landscape background of trees, with a single trunk stand- ing well in the foreground at the left, three girls of the ballet are ob- served in activities of the dance, all in back view with heads in profile to the left, and hands raised high above them, their costumes merging in color with the woods. : Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 -583—DANSEUSE A LA BARRE (8) (670. (Pastel) } ut /, LALO Height, 431 inches; width, 231% wmches Ficure of a dancing girl in her ballet costume, standing at a waist- high bar to which she has raised her left ankle, as she stands with her back to the observer and face seen in profile to the left, her left arm brought across her back and left hand grasping the bar. Signed at the lower left, Dxcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 . +s 54--_DRYING HER HAIR AFTER THE BATH 12S0.- ( Pastel) yy e hel, ; Ue wuveight, 33 inches; length, 4114 inches ALY ONG HS € beth Nupe three-quarters length figure of a stout young woman in back view, seated and facing the left, engaged at drying her hair, of red- brown hue, with a towel, as she sits amid blue upholstery over which hangs a yellow drapery, beside a blue bath tub and before a green wall. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 55 -L7 ENTREE EN SCENE (OI 0- : (Pastel) 4/4 ply a YA Vr, de et . ‘ j (VOL 14 Height, 291% inches; length, 42% mches Baer girls at practice dancing are pictured in a group and singly, a group on the right making an entrance upon a stage, their. steps and attitudes varying, and at the centre a danseuse bending to adjust her slipper. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 . 56—PORTRAIT DE FEMME J 050, ts Height, 254 inches; width, 21 inches dd rrtribstl wre A srout, matronly woman, with blond hair dressed high and a small bonnet, is portrayed at three-quarters length, seated, before an aerial background-in which purple and white asters or chrysanthemums appear above her shoulder. She is in black, facing the spectator with her features mainly in transparent shadow, a high light from the right illumining one cheek only. Signed at the lower right, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 . 37—SCENE DE BALLET Sr v (Pastel) Le yf é 4; wh Height, 30 inches; length, 43% inches On a stage set with woodland scenery of diversified coloring the ballet is performing with grace, dexterity and abandon, three of the danseuses posturing singly near the centre, and three others appearing in a group at the right. Signed at the lower left, Ducas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 58--LE PETIT DEJEUNER APRES LE BAIN (3% (Pastel) wy é ue 0 @ joc sy : A Kf f : A . ‘ - : Suro tacky Height, 414% inches; width, 2714 inches Amip furniture luxuriously cushioned, a purplish-rose dressing robe overhanging in the foreground, a young woman whose Titian hair obscures her features bends to her knees, accomplishing the completion of her bath; her bonne, in rose, white and deep cerulean, approaches with the morning coffee. Signed at the lower left, Deas. — ” Dy oe) te ae ie Dicis Dent HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 59—DEUX FEMMES ASSISES Iho 0. aes 32 inches; length, 38 inches (a “a ye AY a v fon~ a Between a window lightly curtained on the right and a mantel in the background two French women, one with round and one with oval face, are seated comfortably in comfortable chairs, each wearing a bon- net decked with a flower and one wearing a shawl about her shoulders. She leans back with folded arms; the other leans forward resting elbows upon knees; and both look thoughtfully toward the spectator. Signed at the lower right, Deas. 4 HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 60—DANSEUSES EN REPOS < 25 00% (Pastel) 7 OY wu aw) Kuk Height, 301% inches; length, 4214 inches Two dancers in the full expansiveness of their ballet costumes are pic- tured at a pause in their diverting labors, both seated on a crimson- upholstered settee, one bending forward and reaching with both hands her ankles, the other extending one arm and hand to the instep of one foot she has raised to the settee. In fanciful and brilliant coloring. Signed at the lower left, Deas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834—1917 61—-MADAME EST SERVIE SLVO7 (Pastel) otend we AVP tin Lokhrth owe wes Sy Height, 47 inches; width, 41 inches Nuve figure of a young woman seated on white drapery and drying her hair after a bath, observed in back view and in transparent shadow in a confusion of lights, as her maid approaching from the right brings her coffee and also her salmon-colored dressing-robe. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 ~ 62—TWO DANCERS PRACTISING AT THE BAR jg ro-~ ; ( Pastel) | a » jp : Dns ' “A e e A “ YOU rl ver Height, 4345 mches; width, 38 inches Figures of two women in ballet costumes of blue, and each with red- dish hair, standing at a bar to which one has raised her right foot and one her left. They stand back to the spectator and to each other, their heads facing right and left. Signed at the lower left, Dreas. Ruadiadv des HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834—1917 | 683—LE PEIGNOIR JAUNE x ae (Pastel) ® Pui pine v ce Uv ane Mor Lili hello 431% inches; width, 40 inches Srearep facing the spectator, beside a dressing table on which stands a tall blue and white vase, a plump young woman in a dressing-gown of rich yellow is depicted at three-quarters length, combing her red- dish-yellow hair. At right her maid appears with coffee. Signed at the lower left, Drcas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 18384—1917 °64-CHILDREN AND PONIES IN A PARE , 3 AIO ns _ Height, 40 inches; width, 35 inches Vew dpm % Ks! Turee small girls out for enjoyment in a great park are seen at a lily bed bordering a formal walk, one on a sorrel pony which gaily jumps the flower bed, another on a bay pony which has plunged into the bed and is reluctant to proceed, while the third and smallest girl, standing on the ground, tugs at the rein of her black donkey which has lain down stolidly upon the grass. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencuo: 1834—1917 .65—DANSEUSES A LA BARRE $ Zbbt-- Height, 51 inches; width, 3814 inches Mis &. bol Two ballet dancers in skirts of robin’s-egg blue are portrayed side by side with backs to the spectator, and faces in profile respectively to left and right, looking away from one another. Each has an extended foot raised in practice exercise to a waist high bar, which crosses a wall background of rich orange-red. Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrenNcH: 1834—1917 ‘\° 66—ARRANGING THE FLOWERS -° He o.* Height, 39 inches; length, 54 inches Tr Vay, , } Vou (thane Portrair of a young woman in a dark bluish-gray gown with white lace at the low neck, standing at the end of a mahogany table arrang- ing some brilliant flowers in a pitcher and a tall jar.. She faces the right, nearly three-quarters front, and is seen almost at full length. i Gs HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 18384—1917 ‘* 67—YOUNG SPARTANS AT WRESTLING Ye vfUr *” EXERCISE is 24 pita $y Eu, Height, 43 inches; length, 61 mches w Ar right a group of nude youths and at left several maidens partially clothed, preparing for exercise at wrestling on a green sward, while a group of elders look on from the middle distance. In the background A OTuve Signed at the lower right, Deas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencuH: 1834—1917 -68—“M’LLE FIOCRE DANS LE BALLET 1D pry DE LA SOURCE” a A)titreacel Poof Teight, 51 inches; length, 57 inches OY UbUPU Cw fEALLA CioakeED in blue, with a crown and a tulle veil, and her hair braided, the dancer in sober and pensive mood is seated amid surroundings of a woodland spring, facing the spectator and leaning on her elbow which is supported on the deep cushions of a couch. She is barefoot, her feet dipping in the water and her dancing slippers lying behind her. At her right, the standing figure of a young woman in a pinkish-buff gown, holding a mandolin; and at her left a handsome sorrel horse, come to drink. Next the horse a woman in red, seated on the ground; she also is barefoot, and is gazing into the pool. Vv wy By 5 HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS FrencH: 1834—1917 “69—LA DANSEUSE AUX BOUQUETS /O09 sty ae Height, 701% inches; width, 59 inches / ly fi ( ‘7 ol FuLL-LenctH figure of a premiere danseuse at the centre of a stage set with a landscape of diversified aspect and rich coloring, against which the sombre note of her violet-gray costume makes a subdued con- trast, while the stage lights illumine her features and bared arms and breast. She is posturing in a graceful step, facing the right, three- quarters front, and about to kiss her hand toward a box (unseen) whence have come bouquets which lie at her feet. | Signed at the lower right, Dreas. HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 - 70—AUX COURSES: LE JOCKEY BLESSE J¢ cl a -F Height, 71 inches; width, 591%, inches — We ee ( b4 . Four brown race horses are running almost neck and neck, coursing to the left over green turf, two of them riderless and all four crowding together. On the farther two their jockeys are seated, while almost under the heels of the nearest horse a thrown jockey lies prone on the grass. In the background low trees and a late afternoon sky. Signed at the lower right, Drcas. UM HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS Frencu: 1834—1917 71—LA FILLE DE JEPHTE (700. 7) Height, 77 inches; length, 118 inches VA Atle lov Ar centre and most conspicuous of the elaborate composition, the semi-nude figure of Jephthah mounted on a bay horse, his head droop- ing upon his left shoulder and in his right hand his sword raised to his ‘right shoulder, his glorious home-coming saddened by the terms of his vow. His horse is led by a footman and followed by banner bear- ers, and at right in the lead a group of semi-nude and helmeted young warriors are acclaiming a group of young women in the middle dis- tance—Jephthah’s daughter and her comrades. Landscape back- ground with stream, mountains and woods. And she said unto her father, let this thing be done for me: let me alone for two months, that I may go up and down ee the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.—Judges XI, 37. li —* Re el | rie, Foo Sree Lili ca me. — INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS | AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH. NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY is i q x : “1A ; = > r, “a a , ix . As ug ta: “ae ‘ t 7 ¥ t we? " N i 1 i - ° ‘ . ry y ' Fe f i ‘ ‘ : : : ‘ ; ta » rf A: we ie ‘ ( er " } j Bs * : be * Me * » 10] a AYR YI i Le ae holes