a KC CCC ae WORKS “OF @AR FE Nea Hes COLVEGUEIONS: OF ENGLAND Only 500 copies printed. WORKS OF ART IN THE COLLECTIONS OF ENe@ eat DRAWN BY EDOUARD LIEVRE AUTHOR OF ; “ COLLECTIONS CELEBRES D°0EUVRES D’ART EN FRANCE ” AND ENGRAVED BY BRACQUEMOXNRD, COURTRY, FLAMENRG, GREUX, LEO RAT, LHERMITTE, J. LIEURE, MUZLELLE, RAJON, RANDALL AND VALENTIN. HOLLOWAY AND SON 25 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND — LONDON GETTY CENTER LIBRARY i i h LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. — Two copies. ALFRED MORRISON, ESQ. THE RIGHT HON : LORD OVERSTONE. BARON HEATH. SIR RICHARD WALLACE, BART. M. P. REY® J. J. HEYWOOD. F. SEYMOUR HADEN, ESQ. J. C. HARTER, ESQ. JAMES ANDERSON ROSE, ESQ. J. L. CLAGHORN, ESQ., PHILADELPHIA. SIGNOR CASTELLANI, ROME. J. W. LOCKWOOD, ESQ. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. EDINBURGH. . MESS** WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 0. C. WATERFIELD, ESQ. BARON EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD, PARIS. THOMAS SHEFFIELD, ESQ. REV® J. BURLEIGH JAMES. ESQ. MONS" EDOUARD AYNARD, LYONS. T. MORSON, JUN*, KIRKMAN D. HODGSON, ESQ. M. P. JOHN MURRAY, ESQ. SIR WILLIAM STIRLING MAXWELL, BART. SAMUEL ADDINGTON, ESQ JOHN MALCOLM, ESQ. OF POLTALLOCH. MONS* TH. BIAIS, PARIS. | THEODORE MARTIN, ESQ. AUGUSTUS W. FRANKS, ESQ. F. S. A. JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. THE EARL OF ROSEBERY. LEWIS LOYD, ESQ. J. STEWART HODGSON, ESQ. CHARLES BILL, ESQ. E. C. BARING, ESQ. M* J. W. BOUTON, NEW-YORK. — Two copies. W. D. FRESHFIELD, ESQ. MESS** NATTALI, AND BOND. — Two copies. MONS" L. CHATEL, LYONS. MESS": ASHER AND C». BERLIN. — Two copies. J. MORRIS, ESQ. J. G. SMITH, ESQ. E. W. WADESON, ESQ. — Two copies. WILLIAM JONES LOYD, ESQ. SIR JOHN MARJORIBANKS, BART. N. ROOKE LEY, ESQ. JOHN JONES, ESQ. J. T. RENTON, ESQ. SIR JAMES WEIR HOGG, BART. CHARLES T. HEBBERT, ESQ. COLIN MINTON CAMPBELL, ESQ. H. I. H. MARY, GRAND DUCHESS OF RUSSIA. ‘ ALEXANDER CASELLA, ESQ. LEWIS JARVIS, ESQ. MONS* T. KAESER, VIENNA. HENRY WEEKES, ESQ. R. A. ARTHUR J. LEWIS, ESQ. MONS* CHARLES EPHRUSSI, PARIS. MONS* MAX KANN. PARIS. EDMUND ROUND, ESQ. BARON FERDINAND DE ROTHSCHILD. MONS® SPITZER, PARIS. MONS* LE ROY LADURIE, PARIS. MESS** ASHER AND C°, LONDON. — Two copies. MESS** AMSLER AND RUTHARDT, BERLIN. — Two copies. A. F. HEARD, ESQ. LORD RONALD LEVESON GOWER. M. P. MONS* GEORGES SERVANT, PARIS. HIS EXCELLENCY SYLVAIN VAN DE WEYER. H. R. H. THE DUKE D’AUMALE. MONS* OCTAVE MATHEVON, LYONS. BARONESS ATHANIEL DE ROTHSCHILD, PARIS. BARON JAMES NATHANIEL DE ROTHSCHILD, PARIS. BARON ALPHONSE DE ROTHSCHILD, PARIS. BARON GUSTAVE DE ROTHSCHILD, PARIS. BARON ARTHUR DE ROTHSCHILD, PARIS. CHARLES MAGNIAC, ESQ. M. P. FREDERICK THOMPSON, ESQ. BARON DE REUTER. MONS* B. SUERMONDT, AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. MESS** GOUPIL AND Ce, PARIS. MONS* JULES VAN HAVRE, ANTWERP. THOMAS E. CRAWHALL, ESQ. MONS* CH. CHRISTOFLE, PARIS. M* FREDERICK DAVIS. MONS* ARTHUR PERIER, PARIS. MONS" A. WILLET, AMSTERDAM. WALTER HEMMING, ESQ. EDWARD ARNOLD, ESQ. HENRY R. FRESHFIELD, ESQ. MONS* ERNEST HOSCHEDE, PARIS. R. A. HEATH, ESQ. SIGNOR BENETTO MAGLIONE, NAPLES. MESS" SCHLOSSMACHER FRERES, PARIS. MESS** LEVY ET WORMS, PARIS. MINISTERE DES BEAUX-ARTS, FRANCE. MONS* LEON GAUCHEZ, PARIS. COMTE N. DE CAMONDO, PARIS. COMTE A. DE CAMONDO, PARIS. MONS* DE LIESVILLE, PARIS. MONS* HENRI DE SCHWABACHER, PARIS. MONS* JOHN WILSON, PARIS. COMTE ALEXANDRE DE BASILEWSKY, PARIS. MONS* E. L. MONTEFIORE, PARIS. MONS* FERDINAND BISCHOFFSHEIM, PARIS. MONS* EDOUARD ANDRE, PARIS. MONS® EDOUARD MARTELL, PARIS. MONS* LEOPOLD GOLDSCHMIDT, PARIS. MONS* ALFRED THABER, MONTPELLIER. COMTE SERGE CHEREMETEF, SAINT-PETERSBOURG, M* BERNARD QUARITCH. — Two copies. GEORGE BROWN, ESQ. MONS* ANDRE COTTIER, PARIS. MONS* MELLIER, PARIS. COMTE M. TYSZKIEMICZ, PARIS. * MONS* ULRICO HOEPLI, MILAN. MONS" FRANCIS PETIT, PARIS. MESS** AGNEW & SONS. MESS** ELLIS & WHITE. M* B.-J. STEVENS. MESS" SAMPSON, LOW & Ce. MESS" H. SOTHERAN & Co. PANIE, — 4, CLAY, INPRIMEUR, 7, RUX SAINT-BENOIT [606] CONTENTS THE CELLINI SHIELD. Collection of HER MAJESTY tux Quren....... I ROCK CRYSTAL CISTERN. Collection of Sin Duntzy Courts Mansonrimanxs, BARELY |=, ten alte is rb yas oats woolen eres AEC RRL ere ee eal ee ea Il CHINESE ENAMEL VASE. Collection of Joun Henverson, Esa......... Ul MAJOLICA EWER. Collection of Baron Lionez pz Roruscump........., IV COFFER AND STAND (Boule). Collection of Srx Ricuann Watiace, Banr. M. P. v CHINESE PORCELAIN VASE. Collection of Aurnep Morrtson, Eso... .... VI BRONZE BOWL. Collection of Jon Henperson, Eso.............. vu BRONZE VASE. Collection of Joun Hunpenson, Eso... +... ........ » JADE VASE. Collection of Samuzt Appincton, Es................ VIII JADE BOWL. Collection of Samurz Avpincton, Esa. .............. » IVORY CASKET. Collection of Joun Matcotm, Esoy Of Porwanrocks (0s cae IX LIMOGES ENAMEL EWER, Collection of Joun Matcoum, Ese. or Porrattocu. » ITALIAN RENAISSANCE NECKLACE. Collection of the Banonzss Lronzy px Roriscmmipn 1} 30). |), moh ee NE UR iets riot fe, eh) x OLD CHELSEA VASE. Collection of Sin Duptey Courrs Marsorimanxs, Bart. XI INCENSE BURNER. Collection of Atrrep Morrison, Esq. ........... XII PERSIAN BOTTLE. Collection of Joun Hunpenson, Ese... ....2....., XII IVORY TANKARD. Collection of Joun Jonzs, Ese. ............-... XIV CHINESE ENAMEL VASE. Collection of the Rev? Monracur, J. Taynor.... XV EMBOSSED STEEL CUIRASS. Collection of Cuanizs Macwtac, Ese. M. P.,. XVI CHINESE ENAMEL VASE, Collection of Joun Hunpenson, Esa......... XVI MAJOLICA PLATEAU. Collection of Banon Lionnt pz Roruscump........ XVIII INCENSE BURNER. Collection of the R* Hon™* Lonp Ovenstonn. . . . XIX LIMOGES ENAMEL EWER. Collection of Siz Dupizy Courts Maryonrpawxs, BASU R Sree ar are eis te eee oie Ae me aaa eae) Re ee a ae XX LIMOGES ENAMEL DISH. Collection of Six Dupizy Courts Maxsonipayxs, LS Gee Marne emma CO vce er ye Naud unta cae nieeeghca eatin lend A XXI ROCK CRYSTAL CUP. Collection of Baron Lionzx vz Rotuscump....... XXII he CORNER BUFFET (Boule). Collection of ALEXANDER Barker, Esga...... - XXIII CRYSTAL TANKARD. Collection of Baron ANTHONY DE RovHscHILD. .. . - XXIV BRASS AIGUIERE. Collection of Avexanper Casrita, Esq... -- ++ e+e XXV CHINESE PORCELAIN VASE. Collection of A. W. Franxs, Esa... . +. + XXVI LEONARDO DA VINCI (Head of the Madonna). Collection of R. S. Horrorn, AE Sve Ns poe ema eta wewepna ee vatremtetbearigetg a retry ict (oats Memtezibsus wine dadts ys onto XXVII ROCK CRYSTAL GOBLET. Collection of Baron Lionez pz Rotuscuirp, . XXVIII ENGRAVED BRASS. PAIL. Collection of Joun Hinperson, Esa... . - yo PORES COMMODE (Boule). Collection of Six Ricuarp Watracr, Bart. M. P.... . XXX LIMOGES ENAMEL PLATE. Collection of Sim Dupuzy Courts Mansonrpanxs, TEI ts Ses Ae eset JP Cit BOUIN reer aE Bly et COU XXXI GREEK VASE. Collection BritisH MuskuM...++ +++ + +e see terres XXXII GERMAN TABLE CLOCK. Collection of Lavy Frtrows.....-+-+-++++- XXXIII FRENCH CABINET. Collection of Banon Ferpinanp pg Roruscuttp. .. . . XXXIV ASSYRIAN BAS-RELIEF. Collection Buirish Musgum.....-+------- XXXV TURQUOISE VASE. Collection of R. S. Howrorn, Ese. M. P......- XXXVI INCENSE BURNER. Collection of R. $, Hotrorp, Esq. M. P.... +--+. » CHANFREIN OF STEEL. Collection of Cuantis Macnrac, Eso M. P.... XXXVII LIMOGES ENAMEL. Collection Sourn Kensincton Mustum.......--- XXXVIII JADE VASE. Collection of Samuer Appincton, Esa..+..--++-++:- XXXIX JADE BOWL. Collection of Samusz Appincton, Ese. ..---.+--+--> » LOUIS XVI, SECRETAIRE, Collection of Joun Jones, Ese... +++ XL ROCK CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN. Collection of Six Duptey Courts Marsonrsanxs, FRA ase a aga oy nc ling hone Png ill erase weet een alee BRS Beate XLI IVORY HUNTING HORN. Collection of Anprew Founrarnr, Esq. ..-. + XL ITALIAN ARM CHAIR. Collection of ALEXANDER BARKER, Bsa ete eats XLII JADE VASE. Collection of Axznep Morrison, Esa... +++ +s esses XLIV DOMESTIC FOUNTAIN. Collection Sourn Kenstneton Museum. . XLV CARVING IN SPECKSTEIN (Durer). Collection Brirish Museum... . ~~ - XLVI EWER (Henry I). Collection of Cwantes Macniac, Esa... ++. +++ ++ XLVI SILVER VASE. Collection of Sim Wittram Drake... +++ +--+ ++ -- XLVI ROCK CRYSTAL GALLEY. Collection of Six Duprey Courrs MaRsorrmanxs, BIRGNS Seip cha oe cea Ee ae Ae Rp Sea ae XLIX LORENZO DI CREDI (Saint-Quirinos). Collection of AvzxanpER Banxer, Esq. L PARIS, — 4 CLAYE, IMPRIMER, 7, RUE sAINT-aRNorT [605] PLATE I. FHE-GELDINI tS Hite be Diameter... ........... 2 inches. Depth...... sess. 8 inches. COLLECTION OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, FROM THE ARMOURY AT WINDSOR CASTLE. HIS exquisite specimen of Italian workmanship is said to have been given by Francis I. to Henry VIII. and has been attributed to Benvenuto Cellini. It represents in four compart- ments scenes from the life of Julius Caesar. The figures are in bas-relief and very highly finished. The substance is steel, and many of the details are damascened with gold and silver. Round the border are executed the following verses explaining the subjects AMBITVS HIC MINIMVS MAGNVM CAPIT AMBITIONEM QvV# REGNA EVERTIT DESTRVIT IMPERIA SvsTVLIT E MEDIO MAGNI VITAMQVE DECVSQVE PoMPEI! EVEXIT CHSARIS IMPERIVM CasaRiIs IN C@LYM MITIS CLEMENTIA FERTVR Qv# TAMEN HVIC TANDEM PERNICIOSA FVIT ANNVLVS EXCIT EI LACHRYMAS CERVIXQVE RESECTA PoMPEII HINC PATVIT QVAM PROBVS ILLE FORET IN SACRIS DOCVIT VESTIS CONSPERSA CRVORE Hvic PR&SAGA MALI TALIA FATA FORE Si VIRES IGITUR SPECTAVENS AMBITIONIS Non GRAVIVS VIDEAS AMBITIONE MALVM. Although Cellini excelled as a goldsmith, it is only in his youth that he practised the art of an armourer, and doubtless in that branch he was greatly surpassed by those who specially devoted themselves to the art, such as Filippo Negroli of Milan, Giorgio Ghisi of Mantua, the Piccininis and others. To some of these northern armourers it is probable that this elegant specimen should be attributed. ga EN EE = NF SY (AN EE = >) »)) PLATE II ROCK CRYSTAL CISTERN Height. 8 inches. Width... 13 inches. COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. ==q vis important specimen of a globular Cistern of the sixteenth (Oe AS century is finely engraved in twelve separate compartments REY with Arabesque Centaurs, winged Monsters and Cupids. It is mounted in silver gilt. SSS, PLATE Ill CHINE SERN SE IN BRONZE, WITH TWO HANDLES Heightwt Sento 12 inches. Width . RA sce egminchees COLLECTION OF JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. ue bands of ornament are enriched with silver and gold. Inside, is an ancient Chinese inscription, of poetical character. A similar vase, formerly in the possession‘of Mr. William Russell, has on it a Chinese date, belonging to the 12" century. ee ‘DDD Dy PLATE ly. MAJOLICA EWER, URBINO WARE. Height. .. tq inches, COLLECTION OF BARON LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD, wer of oviform shape, with scroll shaped handle, painted with grotesques on white ground : in front is a shield of Arms, surmounted by a Ducal Coronet, accompanied by the initials I.C. Italian sixteenth century. PLATE V. COFFER AND STAND ByNE JEKO)UNIL IE! Height + 3 feet, 9 1/2 inches. Width. .. a feet, 4 inches: COLLECTION OF SIR RICHARD WALLACE, BART. and encompassed by two brass bands, terminating at the front and back with raised brass masks of Satyrs and Animals. In the centre is a large female mask and at the sides two smaller, surrounded by scroll work of raised brass, to each of which is attached a handle; the corners are also massively mounted in brass. The projecting edge of the Stand is encircled by a brass band of laurel pattern, above which is a moulding inlaid with zinc : beneath at the front and sides, are panels ornamented with scroll work, and raised brass female masks, with handles attached. The whole is sup- ported by four square pillars elaborately inlaid with zine work, and the capitals are fluted with brass; the back panel and bottom slab are inlaid with brass scroll work of exquisite design. Seventeenth century. a PLATE YI. VASE (CSHIGNG E Seber, OLRGGebalenmien| Height 12 inches. Diameter. . . 6 inches COLLECTION OF ALFRED MORRISON, ESQ. urs vase is formed of two portions. The surface of plum colour is decorated with ornaments of beautiful design in various shades. Eighteenth century. ATE V PLATE VII. BRONZE BOWL Height... . 4 inches, Diameter... ... 6 inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. wo handled bowl of golden coloured bronze, the handles. feet and rims formed of Bamboos. On the bottom is ws) Chinese inscription in the Seal character. BRONZE VASE Height... ..... 4 3/4 inches. Diameter. . . 7 inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. RONZE vase with three projecting handles in the form of Buffalo Heads. The upper part of the bowl is inlaid with delicate lines of silyer and yellow metal, and the bottom with an inscription. et PLATE VIII. JADE VASE AND COVER Height... 0.2... 5 1/2 inches. Diameter. ...... 5 1/2 inches. COLLECTION OF SAMUEL ADDINGTON, ESQ. vase and ‘cover of dark green Jade ornamented with scrolls and foliage in relief, the body perforated, and the top formed ornamented. Chinese work. Height... .. 6. saves ees 3 14 inches, Diameter... ........... 6 3/8 inches. COLLECTION OF SAMUEL ADDINGTON, ESQ. uis elegant circular Bowl of greyish white Jade is spirally fluted inside and out, the handle finely carved with foliage, and al the rings cut from the solid. Chinese work. PLATE IX. SMALL ROUND CASKET OF IVORY Beightt..:1c7574, eorteasi oe neice, 6 inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN MALCOLM OF POLTALLOCH, ESQ. nis beautiful Casket is richly decorated all over with a running pattern of Flowers and Foliage. wa Round the lower part of the lid is an inscription in the old Cufic character, which has been translated to mean : ‘ I display the fairest of sights. I am more beautiful than if adorned with Gems. Behold in me a vessel for Musk, for Camphor and Ambergris,” Between the two hinges the maker’s name ‘“‘ Khalafs ” is engraved. Hispano-Moresco work of the beginning of the eleventh century, it was brought from Cordova in Spain. EWER OF LIMOGES PAINTED ENAMEL BY PIERRE RAYMOND Hogheepags ysis wes 8 1/8 inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN MALCOLM OF POLTALLOCH, ESQ. @ is fine specimen of Limoges is ornamented in Grisaille on a | black ground, and is divided into two bands of subjects. On the i upper, the story of Actzon changed into a Stag and killed by his own dogs. On the lower, a triumph of Bacchus; on the bar are the initials of the painter P. R. The Ewer is remarkable for the fineness of its painting and brilliant glaze. Middle of the sixteenth century. EE PLATE X. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE NECKLACE COLLECTION OF THE BARONESS LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD. us Necklace composed of Oriental onyx vases of fine classical MW) form linked alternately with gold beads, represents one of the finest specimens of Jewellery of the period of the Italian Renaissance. Se NY PLATE XI OLD CHELSEA. VASE Height, 13 1/2 inches. COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. Maroon Chelsea vase painted on one side with a Rubens ubject of Venus and Cupid, on the other with Poultry after Hondekoeter. — It is the smallest of a set of seven and came from the Duchess of Dorset’s and Lady Plymouth’s collection at Knole, and is of the finest quality of Chelsea, as to form, colour and painting. PLATE XII. VASE sO IE SI 1 RO IN 22 Height......... 13 inches. Diameter... .... 15 inches, COLLECTION OF ALFRED MORRISON, ESQ. ue surface highly chased with raised scroll work and orna- ments, the handles formed of Kylins. The cover perforated in exquisite design. On an elaborately carved wood stand. Seventeenth century. PLATE XIII PERSIAN BOTTLE OF FINE BRASS Height... . sss + 14 inches Diameter... 24.65 7 inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. HE surface of this elegant vase is covered with engraved work , of which the hatched ground was, probably, once filled with black mastic. Round the upper part of the body, is a band, containing lines of Persian poetry, appropriate to a banquet. Persian work, of the 16” century. PLATE XIy. IVORY TANKARD Height. ... 11 inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN JONES, ESQ. ANKARD caryed in high relief with the subject of Silenus after Rubens; the top of the cover is surmounted by a small seated figure of a boy. — Mounted in silver gilt. Flemish work of the seventeenth century. ; MASE CHINESE ENAMEL Height... . 4 inches. COLLECTION OF THE REV. MONTAGUE J. TAYLOR. uE body of the Vase is of Cloisonné Enamel work, exhibiting rosettes and scroll foliage in several colours on a light green ground; the Handles are of gilt metal and the Stand is of the ~ same material, perforated and chased. Eighteenth century. PLATE XVI. EMBOSSED STEEL CUIRASS COLLECTION OF CHARLES MAGNIAC, ESQ. M. P. His massive Cuirass, of oyal shape and very conyex, is signed by | Paul de Negroli, of Milan. The raised ornamental work, entirely repoussé, represents for the most part Flowers, Leaves and Tendrils, with a few Birds. A little below the centre are noticeable two Grotesque Monsters with human heads in profile, above is a boldly executed Female Figure with outspread wings resembling a Sphinx. The broad margin at the top is enriched with Tritons and Sea nymphs, either etched or engraved, and from each extremity of this, following the arm gussets, runs a narrow border of foliage similarly wrought. In the left side, towards the lower part, the plate has been perforated by a musket bullet, said to be the shot which slew the celebrated Elector Maurice of Saxony, who is reputed to have worn this Breastplate at the fatal battle of Sievershausen (1553). | | | | a | 1 | | f | | } | | PLATE XVII OCTAGONATS VASE OF CHINESE ENAMEL Height 13 inches. Width 7 inches COLLECTION OF JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. rt has four wide and four narrow sides. The former are ornamented with flowering plants, very effectively designed. |} These are displayed on a ground of turquoise with a fylgot pattern in metal forming a diaper. The narrow sides are ornamented with a zigzag pattern in lapis blue ona turquoise ground. Early part of the 18" century. PLATE XVIII. MAJOLICA PLATEAU URBINO WARE Greatest diameter . 18 inche COLLECTION OF BARON LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD. LaTEaU of irregular form, decorated both at the front and back. In the centre is a circular Medallion, painted with M the subject of a Roman sacrifice, surrounded by three other compartments, painted with Grotesques, on brilliant ‘‘ Sopra-bianco ’ ground; the border also painted with Grotesques, Cameo Medallions &c., on white. Sixteenth century. Ac celle Abe PLATE XVIII PLATE XIX. CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL Height 2 feet 6 inches Width. 2 feet 6 inches. COLLECTION OF THE RT, HON. LORD OVERSTONE us fine specimen of Oriental Enamel of ancient date is executed on a turquoise ground and coyered with an elaborate design beautifully harmonized in colour, — the upper portion is in part of richly chased and perforated metal work PLATE XX LIMOGES ENAMEL EWER BY J. COURTOIS Height... .. 1 1/2 inches, COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. is beautiful Enamel in colours is ornamented on the lower portion with a representation of the Sacrifice of Iphigenia, and on the upper part figures of Boys and a Goat with Musical and other Trophies. PLATE XXI. LIMOGES ENAMEL DISH Us GOW RIPOWS ax 1/2 inches. Length. COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. large dish of oval form, painted with the subject of the 3} Sacrifice of Iphigenia, executed with great spirit. The pedestal on which the sacrifice is offered is inscribed ‘‘ Iphi- genia. Roma. ” The back is very finely decorated, and the whole forms a most brilliant example of the Master; it is in a perfect state of preservation. Sixteenth century. PLATE XXII. ROCK CRYSTAL CUP Height. ... 12 inches. COLLECTION OF BARON LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD up of cylindrical form, with wide fluted base engraved with the subject of Diana and Actwon. — Mounted in silver gilt. Italian. — Sixteenth century. PLATE XXIII A CORNER BUPEFET BYSEB OME Heightqhseo ventas y- eater 6 3 fer. itl a 1 foot 11” COLLECTION OF ALEXANDER BARKER, ESQ. His charming piece of furniture is of the best period of Louis XIV. It is of the finest black shell after Berain. The PLATE XXIV. CRYSTAL TANKARD GERMAN RENAISSANCE Height. ...... 8 inches. COLLECTION OF SIR ANTHONY DE ROTHSCHILD, BART. Renaissance Tankard, of fine form and design. The body is of rock crystal, with ornamentations in silver gilt. On the lid stands a Lansquenet holding two Escutcheons. PLATE XXY. BRASS AIGUIERE Height. ......+ . 11 inches. Circumference... 5 16 1/2 inches. COLLECTION OF ALEXANDER CASELLA, ESQ. very fine brass Aiguitre, and coyer, of pure oval form, the surface entirely covered with the richest interlaced ornament of Venetian engraving in different designs, of Oriental cha- A short tubular spout projects from the upper portion, and racter. the handle is of a semicircular form, ornamented in like manner. Latter part of the sixteenth century. PLATE XXVI. VASE @ EIN ES Ee ORE iE eA TN Height, 2 feet 3 inches COLLECTION OF A. W. FRANKS, ESQ. HE surface is ornamented with branches of the wild Prunus, in Chinese Mer-hwa, the white flowers of which are brought out on a glossy black ground; the plants spring from rock work, with green foliage, and among them are yellow birds. Seventeenth century. PLATE XXVII. LEONARDO DA VINCI Sizeeee iene 8 inches square COLLECTION OF R, S. HOLFORD, ESQ. M. P. FINE head on panel in Grisaille. This head is mentioned in Waagen’s “‘ Treasures of art in Great Britain” (vol. 2, p. 194), and considered by him to be a study by Leonardo da Vinci of the head of the Madonna in the picture called “La Vierge aux Rochers,” in the Louvre at Paris. ~PLATE XXVIII. ROCK CRYSTAL EWER Height... + 44 inches. COLLECTION OF BARON LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD. silver mounted Ewer of uncommon size and form, beautifully engraved in subjects. A very rare and large specimen of Rock Crystal, and particularly fine. PLATE XXIX ENGRAVGE DIP ALE IN BRASS Height 6 1/2 inches. Diameter ir inches. COLLECTION OF JOHN HENDERSON, ESQ. rv is of fine Persian design, inlaid with silver. The pattern, on the bottom of the vessel, is seen in the plate. It was, an Oriental artist, in Venice, during the probably, made by early part of the 17 century. PLATE XXX COMMODE GP Was IPIRWO ID LOWS — XI BY BOULE Height. eae ++ 45 inches. Length 56 inches. COLLECTION OF SIR RICHARD WALLACE, BART. nis finely inlaid commode of the best period of Boule is of grand form and design and one of the best examples extant. | It is surmounted by a marble slab of Rosso Antico. PLATE XXXI LIMOGES ENAMEL PLATE BY JEAN PENICAUD Diameter 17 inches COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. fine large Limoges Enamel Plate of circular form, executed in grisaille and gold. — The subject representing the Rape of ries}! Helen; — on the back is a head of Pallas. — The flesh tints are especially fine and delicate PLATE XXXII. HYDRIA GREEK PAINTED POTTERY Height : 12 inches. IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM ormercy in the Durand collection. — The subject is Aphrodite weighing two Erotes (Cupids) in the presence of a young man who, according to Lenormant (Cat. Durand, p. 224), finds it hard to choose between two ladies of his love; the Cupids represent the claims of the rival ladies, whose heads are placed under the handles of the yase; some think this explanation too specific, believing rather that, like the pictures of sales of Cupids at Pompeii, the subject of this yase was intended to sympathize with any phase of love, difficulty which the spectator wishes, and not merely the difficulty of choosing a wife. The style of painting to which this vase belongs is of late date, showing marks of decadence, but the sentiment connected with the subject renders it interesting. , PLATE XXXIIL GERMAN TABLE CLOCK Height... .... 4 inches, Width... 2... 8 1/4 inches, COLLECTION OF LADY FELLOWS. Table Clock of gilt metal; the top square, and enclosing a large dial. The sides are partly pierced, to allow the sound of the bell to escape, and partly ornamented with very delicate arabesque work. Beneath are various dials, astronomical tables, etc. This is a good specimen of the metal work for which Augsburg became famous in the sixteenth century. PLATE XXXIV, FRENCH CABINET Height... . - oper 3 feet 6 inches. Diameter . - a feet. COLLECTION OF, BARON FERDINAND DE ROTHSCHILD. omposep of Purple and Satin wood with medallion in centre of Sevres bisquit, bronze gilt mountings and marble top, surroun- ded by an open work gallery in bronze gilt. On the top a Sevres china vase, gros bleu ground, the neck relieved by white. Round the body are male and female portraits on medallions, painted in grisaille. and gilt ornaments in relief. PLATE XXXYV. ASSYRIAN BAS-RELIEF Dimensions : 3 feet, by 2 feet. IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM His bas-relief in coarse alabaster was found in the ruins of a palace at Kowyunjik. It represents part of a hunting scene, in the presence of Asshurbanipal, King of Assyria, who was grandson of Sennacherib, and reigned in the seventh century before Christ. One of the lions, used by the Assyrian Monarchs in hunting, is being let out of its cage. It is a good specimen of the latest and most developed phase of Assyrian Art. BB) )) PLATE XXXYI. TURQUOISE VASE Height. ..... 15 1/4 inches. Width. ..... 8 inches. COLLECTION OF R. S. HOLFORD, ESQ., M. P. N egg shaped Turquoise Vase, ornamented in slight relief with the sacred eye; round the centre and rim are Etruscan borders, aan and the handles are formed in imitation of natural coral. Chinese work. INCENSE BURNER Height... ... 11 1/2 inches. Width ...... 10 1/2 inches, COLLECTION OF R. S. HOLFORD, ESQ., M. P. turquoise Cloisonné enamel Incense Burner ornamented with pale blue dragons on a clouded surface; the handles of gilt metal, are in the form of dragons. The top is of ornamented perforated metal, the design composed principally of the form of dragons. Chinese work. PLATE XXXVII CHANFREIN SEB COLLECTION OF CHARLES MAGNIAC, ESQ., M. P. manese Work. Ornamented with embossed birds, scrolls, ‘ figures, masks, etc.; and with two bands of flat arabesque nee etched, contrasting well with the bold relief of the repoussé. Sixteenth century. PLATE XXXYVIII. ENAMEL BY PIERRE RAYMOND Height (ate ayant 11 inches. Width. 2.42.65 7 inches. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. ne of the wings of an enamelled triptych, painted at Limoges by Pierre Raymond in 1543. It is a fine example of this prolific artist, and is executed in grisaille. The entire triptych consists of three portions, each composed of a central plaque surrounded by four smaller plaques forming a border. The portion which has been selected for engraving represents Our Lord bearing the cross; on the lower part of which are the initials P. R.; below is a man in a gown, kneeling at a desk, with four sons behind him, no doubt the person for whom the triptych was painted. On the companion wing is the Entombment, with the figures of a lady and her two daughters, kneeling. On the central portion is represented the Cru- cifixion. On the border panels below are coats of arms; a single coat on each wing, and the two coats impaled by dimidiation on the centre. From the position of the arms in the impaled coat it is evident that the coat now under the man belongs to his wife, the borders of the two wings having been probably transposed. The arms are az. a chevron and chief indented, or, in base a star of six points of the last, being the arms of De Brinon of Picardy, and or, three roses yert. PLATE XXXVI PLATE XXXIX. VASE AND GOWER Height .......... 4 inches, Diameter... ... . + 4 inches. COLLECTION OF SAMUEL ADDINGTON, ESQ. pine ornaments, enriched with gold round the top of the rim — set with Rubies and Emeralds. East Indian work. OVAL BOWL Height. 2 3/4 inches. Rength. sss esteres ye sees ss 7 1/2 inches. Width... . 5 +++ 5 3/8 inches COLLECTION OF SAMUEL ADDINGTON, ESQ. very thin pale green jade Bowl, carved with flowers and foliage in slight relief, handles formed of birds heads set with rubies, the foot is in the form of a leaf. East Indian work. PLATE XL. SECRET aR E UP WEL IPIEIRINGO) ILONWIES) Ni WITH SEVRES PLAQUES Height . 4 feet 8 inches, COLLECTION OF JOHN JONES, ESQ. urs beautiful Secretaire is a fine example of both Or-molu and Sevres. The plaques, representing Military Subjects, are tastefully mounted in Or-molu and inlaid with rosewood. The Vase surmounting this Secretaire is of Lapis-lazuli, finely mounted in Or-molu. PLATE XLI. ROCK CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN Height. 16 inches. Length 16 inches, COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. n Italian Fountain on wheels in Rock Crystal of extraordinary size surmounted by a grotesque bird (a Dodo). — The whole is finely mounted in gold enamel of the 16" century. The figure of Neptune is in gold and the crystal engraved with marine monsters, dolphins, etc. PLATE XLII. HUNTING HORN OU MNKOUR NE GR hele ee ah Bae hh .. = 15 inches. COLLECTION OF ANDREW FOUNTAINE, ESQ, AT NARFORD, NORFOLK n exceedingly elegant specimen of a hunting horn, probably carved in Italy at the commencement of the 16" century. The mountings are of silver gilt. The surface is decorated with ara- besques starting from Cupid’s heads, masks, etc., and nothing can exceed the delicacy and precision with which the design is executed. Nothing is known of the history of this object; it was probably obtained in Italy by Sir Andrew Fountaine, an eminent collector in the reign of Queen Anne. It must have been originally made for some person of rank, but bears no device by which its former owner can be iden- tified. PLATE XLIII. ITALIAN ARM-CHAIR EMBROIDERED IN COLOURS Height essere vay eas 66 inches. Wide, Gomes Aes sens . 30 inches. COLLECTION OF ALEXANDER BARKER, ESQ. very remarkable high-backed Italian Arm-chair. The seat and back covered with Silk, embroidered with Flowers of most brilliant colour and exquisite design. — This chair fully illustrates Italian art, in the style of the period Louis XV. PLATE XLIV. VASE CHINESE (GREEN JA DIE Height... ... veces 13 inches. Diameter . . ++ 40 inches. COLLECTION OF ALFRED MORRISON, ESQ. HE surface carved with scroll work in relief, handles sculp- tured out of the solid with moveable rings. Seventeenth century. PLATE XLV. DOMESTIC FOUNTAIN OF VENETIAN WORKMANSHIP Height. 11 feet 8 1/2 inches. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. domestic fountain or Jayello sculptured in Istrian stone and veined marble. The pilasters and cornices are ornamented with incised designs filled in with black mastic, a form of decora- tion frequently to be met with in Venice; it was from the interior of a house in that city that the present specimen was removed in 1858. The fountain is described by M" J. C. Robinson in his catalogue of the Italian sculptures in the South Kensington Museum, p. 115, n° 4887, by whom the date of workmanship is given as from 1500 to 1520. PLATE XLVI. CARVING IN SPECKSTEIN BY ALBERT DURER Height. . . . 7 1/2 inches, Width rule arse ear orae Pit ancapeeeee aie eesti inches. IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. EPRESENTING the Birth of St. John the Baptist. — The man near the bed is the Doctor. — The father Zacharias is writing on a tablet the name of the new-born son John, the writings in Hebrew are legible. A man entering at the door is supposed to be Durer himself whose Monogram and the date 1510 are cut on a tablet at the foot of the bed. This carving was acquired by Richard Payne Knight, Esq., in the Netherlands about the end of the last century, at a cost of £ 500, and by him bequeathed to the British Museum. The fingers of Elizabeth are broken, it is otherwise in-a wonderful state of preservation. - PLATE XLV PLATE XLYVIL EWER FAIENCE HENRY II Height, 14 3/4 inches COLLECTION OF CHARLES MAGNIAC, ESQ., M. P. HE body is ornamented in three designs with incrusted enamel tints, brown, yellow and blue; the masks are separately modelled and applied, as are also the heads, shells, scrolls, etc., on the base; the spout is formed like a shell, and the handle represents at the upper part two serpents, which uniting, resolve themselves, about midway, into the body of a Syren. Sixteenth century. PLATE XLYVIII, SP Wai Vea"S E OF THE ROMAN PERIOD Height... . 4 3/8 inches. IN THE COLLECTION OF SIR WILLIAM DRAKE, F.S.A., OF LONDON. HREE views of a silver vase in the form of a srtula or bucket ornamented with figures in repoussé work. In the centre of the scene is a terminal figure which, from the lion’s skin and club, must be intended for Hercules; it rests on an Ionic column and is pouring a libation with its right hand. Behind is a partially draped female figure, who appears to be adorning the term; in front is a small table with various vases and drinking cups. On the opposite sides of the central group are a satyr and a menad, both of whom are represented dancing under the influence of the orgias- tic frenzy which is usually associated with the Dionysiac rites in antiquity. These two figures balance each other in the composition with a very felicitous antithesis. They frequently recur in ancient art, and are proba- bly derived from prototypes in the sculptures of Scopas. The composition on this vase is most happily adapted to the surface to which it is applied; the figures are boldly conceived, and modelled with great knowledge. From the shapes of the vases on the table, as well as from the general style and treatment of the composition, it is probable that the date of this vase is not earlier than the Augustan age. It was found with a number of other votive objects in metal in a sacred sulphur spring, the ancient Aqua Apollinares, at Vicarello near Rome. An account of the vase was published by Otto Jahn, in Gerhard’s Denkmiiler und Forschungen, XIX, p. 78. PLATE XLIX ROCK CRYSTAL GALLEY Height. eee 10 inches. Length: - 35 inches, COLLECTION OF SIR DUDLEY COUTTS MARJORIBANKS, BART. large Rock Crystal Galley carved in the form of a Sea- monster, the interior divided into two parts. This is a large and important piece and finely engraved with events of the Siege of Troy. PLATE L, LORENZ OT DIRE DI COLLECTION OF ‘ALEXANDER BARKER, ESQ. AINT Quirinos, painted by Lorenzo di Credi, in oils on panel, in the original Italian carved Frame. This important example was procured at Florence. Fifteenth century. eile Oleg Meo MAW KIT ONT i S pce «