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} / eight, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Kf, rocks in tumbled form, gray, lichen-grown and moss-covered, and piled one upon another in ponderous mass, recede as they mount from the foreground almost or quite to the top limits of the picture. Amongst them pertinacious pine trees and brush have sprung up, and between rocks, slender trunks and foliage, are glimpses of gray-white sky -2 | Signed at lower right, J. ALDEN WEIR. To be sold by order of James W. RepMonp, Esquire, Attorney. ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 et CALF LL oe’ 23 NEAR WA TEREORD, CONNECTICUT Z Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches Tur Sound, greenish-blue under a robin’s-egg sky more or less filled with drifting creamy-edged and grayish-white clouds, extends along the right from a slanting sandy shore in the foreground to the far horizon where a white sail glistens. Beyond the foreground the shore at left rises in a grass and bush grown bluff, topped by a clump of taller bushes, and in the middle distance thrusts out a low point ito the sea. Signed at lower right, Minor. From the Minor (Evwecutor’s) Sale, New York, 1905. To be sold by order of James W. Repmonp, Esquire, Attorney. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1 892 | Keath Height, A2 inches; length, 26 inches LAS —— Unver a white and gray summer sky rain clouds are hanging low over green hills, which from a high skyline slope toward the left and for- ward, bordering a middleground bend of the river. In the low and marshy, partly overflowed foreground are a few cows, white, black, red or tawny, and high lights glint occasionally from ripples of the water or flowers in the grass. Signed at lower right, A. H. Wyant, 1868. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. To be sold by order of James W. Repmonp, Esquire, Attorney. EMILE VAN MARCKE Frencnw: 1827—1891 J : : AINE op ed (Lhe Water Mill) og ye Height, 2514 inches; width, 21 inches a na and straight rise slender trees above and about an old gray gabled water-power mill, which stands to left of centre in a green and sunny clearing, its water wheel athwart the view. On the grass in the foreground a woman from the mill cottage, in purple and blue and white and red, stands closely surrounded by many chickens who have rushed to her at the feeding call. Signed. at lower right, EM. Van Marcxe. From the I. Montaignac Collection, Paris. Property of Messrs. WinkeL & Macnussen of Copenhagen. ALFRED SISLEY Frencu: 1839—1899 26/— GEE Height, 2114 inches; length, 28°4 inches / ON fees some rough buildings and a straggling line of slender and leafless trees, on the flat, pale green bank of a river, where a cargo barge and some punts lie at the water’s edge. On the farther bank of the stream a bunch of trees retaining some leaves, and beyond them distant city buildings—the whole of wintry aspect under a brilliant sky slashed with sunset lights. Signed at lower right, Sisuey, ’89. Property of Messrs. Wixxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. 23 Ts icon . SET pels ste ALFRED SISLEY FrencuH: 1839—1899 LG ARAGE DE BATE. (The Barge Basin) ae Height, 2144 mches; length, 29 inches A BLUE river with its ruffled surface whitened by cloud reflections leads away before the eye, a green and sandy bank edging it on the right at the border of flat fields. In a basin formed by a slight bend a whole fleet of canal boats, or cargo barges, made fast together as in a tow, lie temporarily at rest, with figures noted on some of the nearest of them. In the distance are some houses, and, to left, a wooded hill, and to right some poplars. Signed at lower right, Sisury. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Maenussen of Copenhagen: CLAUDE MONET Frencu+.1840— oe ON : pe aid hee : ; LLE ISLE: EFFET DE SOLEIL (A Sunlight Effect at Belle Isle) is Height, 25°4 inches; width, 25°34 inches Ano wy Sat 0 co Strruttine cliffs and crags, survivals of the sea’s inroads, protrude in harsh irregular masses and to varying heights from an agitated sea. The jagged bulks glint in multicolor in sunshine or sound deeper notes in shadow, and the green choppy sea about them dances with white flashes, while in the distance the sea deepens in patches to indigo and reaches to the horizon. ‘‘A rich, sonorous, pure color effect, and a perfect composition.” | Signed at lower left, CLauDE Monet, ’86. Property of Messrs. Winxet & MacnussEen of Copenhagen. CLAUDE MONET FRENCH: (Flowery Meadows) rab e. eas Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches A BRIGHT, breezy summer day, with nebulous, wind-borne clouds cross- ing an azure sky. In thé distance the fresh green of a low and matted forest in early season foliage, screened by a transverse line of slender, tall and graceful poplars, their shimmering leafage brighter still. In front of them the meadows in flower, a delicate fusion of soft colors in the sunshine. Signed at lower left, CLauDE Monet. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. fie GUSTAVE COURBET 8717 ae Frencu: 1819 a E-BARRAG Ke Sag Ie ol pe CLL — (Phe Dam) aa ; Height, 2534 inches; length, 32 inches 30— From the left in middle distance a river curves into view, flowing for- ward and to right against a gorge wall of gray rock surmounted by a luxuriance of green brush. To left, at the bend, a mill-course is di- verted, and after passing the mill and its guard’s house, buildings of steep gables, the water rushes in white foam down over a long dam to the parent stream. In the background a green and sunny hill with houses in the shade of trees. ) Signed at lower right, G. CourBeEr. Property of Messrs. Wixxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. FELIX ZIEM a GY (eae Hu: 1821—1911 31—LE a 6) Reais. i Height, 2914 inches; width, 21144 mches Ax Ouwx ‘ A sir of sandy beach in the foreground at right; from the left come branches of trees thick with reddish foliage overarching blue water, and below them a gondola is under way. In-the distance are towers and domes of the city, and while daylight lingers a rising full moon gilds the rippled surface of the Lagoon. ae | Signed at lower right, ZieM. From the I. Montaignac Collection, Paris. Property of Messrs. WinkeEL & Macnussen of Copenhagen. ALFRED SISLEY FRENCH: 39—1899 gos PIE MIDI TIO SOLE BORD DU LOING, A MORET (Sunny Afternoon on the Loing River at Moret) | ae Height, 2184 inches; width, 1814 inches THE course of the Loing is directly across the line of vision, and its surface a liquid mirror of rosy reflections mingled with hues of ver- dure, from colorful buildings and a soft maze of vegetation glowing hazily in the still, warm sunshine of a summer afternoon, on the farther bank. The green and the rose there are delicately intermingled with soft yellowish tones, and the sky above is turquoise veiled in white. Signed at lower right, Sistry, 790. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. GUSTAVE COURBET Frencu: 1819—1877 (Winter) Cae Height, 26 inches; length, 821% imches On the right a cottage at the base of a cleft rock wall, and in front of it bushes and trees, at the edge of a mountain lake of the middle distance, from which an outlet passes beneath the arch of a low stone bridge, flowing rapidly to the foreground. Cottage, trees and shrub- bery and the bridge lie in a coating of freshly fallen snow, the lake is gray and cold and partly under fog, and the mountains of the background are partly snow-covered and partly in clouds which are dark, while the higher heavens are bright. Signed at lower left, G. CourBET, *74. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Maenussren of Copenhagen. ALFRED SISLEY 34—_ LA CRU Me MORET: TEMP DE NEIGE (The Loing in Flood, at Moret, in Snowy i eS. oe Weather) Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Tue river is high in winter flood and courses the length of the picture from the right foreground, vanishing in the distance at left. In the left foreground an edge of a green and brown shore, with snow fring- ing the grass. Here in a bight a canal boat lies listed, and from the right the bare limbs of a tree project into view. Beyond the whitened surface of the stream the Moret church and other buildings and some tall trees mount against the wintry sky. Signed at lower left, Sistry, ’89. Property of Messrs. Winkxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. ANTONIO CANALE (called CANALETTO) L Irauian: 1697—1768 Loxts Mtbonca ves Si Drees Height, 22 inches; length, 33%4 inches THE GREATER, VENICE Own the right, the Church of St. George, with sculptured front and people walking on the paved approach; back of the facade, the tower and dome. At left, in the waters of the Grand Canal, a fishing boat and a number of gondolas; in middle distance the buildings of Venice on the opposite shore; sky of gray clouds with spaces of blue. From the collection of Canon Barbier, Nancy, France. Purchased from Fernand Goossens, Professor of Fine Arts, University of Brussels. Property of a Private Owner. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. Ey pe 1857— 36-PEACE AT EVENING e, = Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches oad *- Tue flickering, dying sunset glows on a red-tinted watery roadway winding from the left foreground past several cottages, to the centre distance. Signed at the lower right, Bruck Crane. Property of a Private Owner. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842— | A. BLOSSO vig oe Beg: 16 inches; length, 25 inches Tree gnarled apple trees in variously tinted full blossom rise at top of a meadow, through which meanders a brook bearing flock of ducks. Rich blue sky overhead. ~ Signed at the lower left, ArrHuR Parton. # Property of a Private Owner. EK. [RVING COUSE, N.A. AMERI : 1866— DAUGHT | J3 Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches FuuLuL-LtenetH standing figure of a plump Indian maiden, facing the observer, as she leans with her right elbow resting upon an inclined tree trunk at the border of a stream. Her pottery jar with native decora- tions is at the water’s edge at her feet. She is in white, with a tur- quoise necklace, and a cape and trimmings that take a hue of green- ish old-gold. Autumn foliage overhead; sunny background. Signed at lower right, K. I. Couser. Purchased direct from the artist. To be sold by order of James W. Repmonp, Esquire, Attorney. LOUIS PAUL DESSAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1867— E wo Height, 273, ARLY MORNING length, 351% inches 7 are ian A yoKE of white-faced oxen stand looking straight at the observer, early morning light from background and the right illumining the red coats of their backs, the heavy cart behind them piled high with logs, and its loader still busy at his task, seen in half-figure above the farther side of the road, which trails from the left. The scene is the edge of a wood, in the soft light of a matutinal haze. } | Signed at lower right, Dessar, 1912. T’o be sold by order of James W. RepMonp, Esquire, Attorney. FREDERIC REMINGTON AmERIcAN: 1861—1909 40—FORDING: eh (AEF UTAH Height, 24 inches; length, 86V% inches 7 I0-- Comine toward the spectator, the leaders just about to step out of the water to a low sandy shore, a four-horse team of white-faced bay and black horses, drawing the first wagon of a long train, others trail- ing along both in the stream and seen coming on far back in the distant valley. The driver of the wagon has his whip raised, and his animals are being urged by a horseman at left, while another rides up from the right, both in the shallow and broad blue-green river which traverses the picture. Signed at lower left, FrepERic Remineton, Feb. 19, 793. To be sold by order of James W. Repmonp, Esauire, Attorney. THOMAS SULLY LE Lf MERICAN: 1783—1872 «Lair ph06o (Board) Ae Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches AC, EAD of a little girl with roses in her creamy cheeks, and golden hair which falls in ringlets to her shoulders. Her face appears almost full to the front, turned slightly toward the left. In front of her almost at the level of her chin her hands are folded one over the other, resting on a gray pedestal, and her lips are parted and her blue eyes directed upward, as if in prayer or song—or childhood reverie. Signed on the pedestal, TS (monogram) 1840. Property of a Private Owner. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 42-4 HARVEST RAIN oe oe _ Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches FIELD of partially standing wheat stretches across the foreground ; at right are a few stacks, and beyond, a low green hill, crested by a white cottage, gently rises to the distant horizon. An arc of a rain- bow appears in the lowering gray sky. Signed at the lower left, Bruce Crane, A.N.A. Property of a Private Owner. ENOCH WOOD PERRY, N.A. AMERICAN:_1831—1915 ratter ae. Height, 23 inches; length, 30 inches 40 ee Deep in shadow the valley in the foreground, with a stream traversing it, bushes defining themselves, and the tops of conifers living and dead projecting themselves above the shadows and standing out against the mauve lights in which the great bare cliffs of the mountains appear in the background. The peaks stand forth before a golden sky with mauve clouds, and a slant of sunshine gilds a foreground tree-top at the left. Property of a Private Owner. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 a a Vg @ ff 2 DD WT NT Lf , a ¥P 44] 2 OJIN NW ‘ ) DA Heights 2444 inches; length, 34 inches [OB Ge=- GREEN meadows with marshy courses visible in the foreground lead down to a blue stream which crosses them in the middle distance, with meadow land continuing on the farther side. In the meadows three figures are visible, and in the stream a schooner with sails partly raised for drying and a sloop in tow of a steaming tug. At right three trees near a gray fence. A shower cloud is passing, and a rainbow appears at the left. Signed at lower right, G. INNEss (with date, which appears to be 1871). From the Ball-White Sale, New York, March 14, 1919; previously the property of the late William T’.. Evans, who purchased the canvas at the Inness Sale. To be sold by order of James W. RepMonp, Esquire, Attorney. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE AmeERIcAN: 1860— ———— STURE ON THE HAILL Height, 2724 inches; length, 354 inches J/20-9 nt Unpver a turquoise and robin’s-egg sky in which gray and white clouds are rolling on a breezy day a broad hillside appears’in a soft light and partial cloud shadow. Sheep graze in the green grass of the foreground, and up the hill behind them are fields golden-yellow in the stubble of harvested grain. | Signed at the lower right, Cuas. P. Gruppe. Property of a Private Owner. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— Height, 2484 inches; length, 3434 Ube “eS ID LS. = Grass green in the soft richness of spring, in a level field bordering a sandy-brown road, and well in the foreground an old apple tree of gray and twisted branches, still putting forth blossoms amid its sparse leafage. Beyond it an orchard of younger trees, blossoming, and over their tops the gables of houses, and ake the road at left a back- ground of woods. Signed at lower left, Emin CaRrLsEn. Purchased direct from the artist. To be sold by order of James W. RepMmonp, Esquire, Attorney. ALBERT ANDRE ‘AMME OM ears , (Woman Eating Grapes) Height, 291% inches; length, 39% inches Unver the direct, matter-of-fact title, a composition of color and light, of diversity and inclusion, the figure and portraiture and a variety of still life. A young woman of blond type with dark eyebrows sits at the left and facing the spectator, at a white-covered oval table, holding in one raised hand a bunch of fine green grapes. She is in a mauve gown. In front of her the simple but abundant table displays a basket of grapes and pears, bread, cakes and other edibles in varied dishes, a carafe and a rich bouquet of flowers. Signed at lower left, ALBERT ANDRE, From the Ghent Exhibition, 19138. From the Viau Collection, Paris. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. JEAN BERAUD / Frencu: 1849— C es ¢ 48—LE C / 7 (At the Club) eee Height, 25°4 inches; length, 3314 inches A composition of more than a score of figures, in the palatial interior of a French club, with mural decorations picturing classical scenes in which many more figures appear, the figures in the decoration in delicate color, those of life in the clubroom for the most part in black. These latter include men of varied types and dispositions, most of them wearing silk hats, seated about a gaming table or standing looking on—occasional ones showing deep dejection. Signed at lower right, JEAN Beravp, 1912. Property of Messrs. Wixxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. GUSTAVE COURBET Frencu: 1819—1877 Cr (Ne AGE EA | LE KRIS Mae LEE D’ORNANS (The Valley Mill at Ornans) oki IO °- Height, 28% inches; length, 364 inches Aw imposing landscape of strong realism, with poetic expression and human relationship. The ancient mill with rambling lines and solid structure, in the gray of ages under a russet roof, stands in the middle distance, its wheel operated by the current of a sluice and the spill rejoining the stream of the tumbling millbrook in the foreground. In the valley back of it a mass of dense trees rich in their leafage, and to right in the foreground the valley wall of tall gray cliffs. Signed at lower right, G. CoursBeEt, ’69. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. CLAUDE MONET FRENCH: 0— (Giverny Prospect) La a Height, 25%4 inches; length, 32 inches Tue foreground a harvested field, with the warm tones of strewings and remnants of the ripened grain mingling with cooler and softer greens, and on it two rounded stacks. In strong contrast a great hill in the background, with fields of rich verdure and fields gray and brown in cultivation, banking high against a gray sky. At its foot along the middle distance, the varied walls and roofs of a hamlet, and amongst them some trees and bushes. Signed at lower right, CuaupE Monet. From the I. Montaignac Collection, Paris. Property of Messrs. Wixxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. CLAUDE MONET Frencu: 1840— (The Coastal Chalk Cliffs near Fécamp) Lhy | (Panel) | IO..- Height, 24 inches; length, 814% inches A uit of the French coast on one of the most brilliant of summer days, k the sky aloft an intense blue swept by passing tufts of nebulous vapor, a and far away alow screened by a mauve-gray haze. The sea on the left is green and blue and tranquil, in just motion enough to show — white ripples as it washes along the sandy border of a low rocky shore. _ Above this, to right, the huge chalk cliffs rise abruptly, their sheer — steeps scintillating, prismatic walls of iridescence. Beyond, in middle _ distance, another cliff more sober in hues, with suggestion on its crest — of lighthouse or church, and a dwelling. Signed at lower right, CLauDE Monet, 1881. From the Viau Collection, Paris. Property of Mrssrs. alee & Macnussen of Copenhagen. CAMILLE PISSARRO Fennon :19s0--1Oeem wo AH AGRE (The Moss Gatherer = Height, 28°4 inches; length,.36% imches i Trees of sturdy growth and much foliage extend in lines from the left foreground toward the middle distance, sunshine from the left outlining the shadows of their trunks on the grass of the sloping bank on which they grow. Here a peasant girl in mauve-gray and deep blue, with a red cap, bends at intent work in the grass. The fore- ground slope leads on the right up a high hill, whose broad side is a succession of fields under cultivation. Over its top a glimpse of sky. __ Signed at lower right, C. Pissarro, 1882. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. | (Ad Hazy Day) Height, 2184 inches; length, 3014 inches Me ar and wide the vision of marsh meadows and low embracing hills, of green herbage and gray earth, of shrubs, and of trees varying from pollards to poplars. The landscape with a marked aspect of literal- — ness yet is disclosed in poetic conception in the soft and diffused light — of a sunshiny day when the sun is more or less veiled by varying clouds. In the foreground, slowly trudging from the spectator, two peasant figures are seen, a woman in plum and rose and white, carrying a large brown basket, and a little girl she leads by the hand. | Signed at lower left, Corov. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. APTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencn: 1796—1875 Height, 20 inches; length, 32 inches Aw early evening sky is still brilliant, behind a thicket of trees and a— hillock on the left, which screen it from a rough foreground opel : where Hamlet and the diggers stand at an open grave. The country 3 seems otherwise a deserted place, an open reach of wild land of un- — even surface—to right some stunted trees and brush adding a little to the subtle colormg of the earth, and coming around the hillock a straggling brook which in its hastening course down the foreground — reflects silvery notes from the sky. The poetic quality of evening over _ the whole. And in the gloaming the Melancholy Dane. in traditional black, one clown in his shirtsleeves, and his mate contributing the Corot | . color mark in a dark red cap. At lower left, Ventre Corot; on stretcher, seal of the Vente Corot. | From the Vente Corot, 1875, No. 220. - Catalogue Robaut, No. 2375. From the Viaw Collection. Exhibited at the Exposition @Art Francais, Geneva, 1918, No. 9. Property of Mxessrs. WinkEL & MacnussEen of Copenhagen. Height, 2934 inches; length, 441 /, inches a fe rs) — = Hitts green and brown, traversed by winding roads and paths, and _ gray with buildings, are seen in broad view in partial shadow and in | sunlight, and a sky alight at the left and holding many grayish clouds. In the foreground at the right, buildings within an ancient walled enclosure, gray and partly vine-covered and dominated by a quadrangular tower. In front of it a man bearing a head-load of faggots, and another man attending the departure of laden pack animals. Signed at lower right, G. Lyness. a T'o be sold by order of JAMEs W. Repmonp, Esauire, Attorney. FELIX ZIEM ion (Panel) e: on Height, 25 inches; length, 32 inches DO0-— On a low foreground shore, rich in warm sanguine color, a boathouse - and people in barges, with other figures in rich apparel on a greenish — bluff at right, and a single tree prominent on a higher bank at left. Beyond the glistening sea richly mottled in turquoise- -blue, the cite and S$. Sophia in a soft sunset glow, and mountains in a chromatic haze in the far distance under a greening sky. — Signed at lower right, ZreM. — F | “\ : From the I. Montaignac Collection, Paris. Property of Messrs. WinkeL & Macnussen of Copenhagen. seer TA By Roe nares: Oe sara ise ; ee Sate Sree One looks into forest depths, and also upon spaces within a forest whose development is mor afternoon light is mellow in the sky, and gol autumn-turned patches among the surface gr silvery upon the trunks of beeches. At left. a an outstanding veteran rising above the pict before the eye an avenue of shade. In the close f with aquatic grasses, and dipping into it is the trunk. | Sijneas at the Property of a Private Owner. } ADOLF SCHREYER hn LZ German: 1828—1899 (EE Bs AD figs 58LE CHEF ARABE (The Arabian Chief) ek iy oe Height, 34 inches; length, 46 inches Rivrne with a fine, confident and firm yet easy seat his dappled gray mount, the chieftain moves toward the right in the foreground, in a high light, his mounted followers close after him in lesser luminosity. He looks keenly ahead and is abundantly armed, and he is clothed in : scarlet, white and blue. In a distant hollow three other horsemen are | riding away. Signed at lower left, Ap. SCHREYER. Property of Messrs. Winxet & Macnussen of Copenhagen. . JEAN GEORGES VIBERT NOH? 18402 1902m 8; length, 40 imehes ScENE a patio with an ornate architectural background. Before a — broad archway a cleric in black and two younger Spaniards, one in the _ resplendent costume of a toreador, are seated each with a glass in. a his hand, pondering their wine with expressions variously critical. a “3 dark-haired beauty with a Catalonian bottle still plenteously supplied © stands at left, and near her an assertive vintner, seated on a son almost belligerently awaits their judgment. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Viserv. Property of a Private Owner. | wy GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. are AMERICAN: 1864— 60 Lk d Height, 28 inches; leng OLLAND , 06 inches Caos a rain clouds lighted with creamy edges hang low over dune-like y hills and drift aloft in a veiled blue sky. In middle distance at right a hamlet of brown gables and red chimneys, and a few low trees, domi- nated by a windmill. ‘Traveling slowly toward it from the foreground — at left, in a winding road, a peasant in blue blouse mounted on a white horse. } Signed at lower right, Gtorce H. Bocerr. Property of a Private Owner. EK. IRVING COUSE, N.A. AMERICAN : 1866— ALEC hi, 46 inches; width, 35 inches Na rocky dell in a forest of slender, straight- growing and closely- placed trees, an American Indian squats at the foot of a boulder and with his hand dips up to his lips water from a brook pool. He wears — a red breech-clout and yellow belt, and autumn leaves garland his black hair. Signed at lower right, E. I. Cousr. (C.)_ Purchased direct from the artist. T'o be sold by order of James W. Repmonp, Esauire, Attorney. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ANDRE, Axzert Femme mangeant du Raisin (Woman Eating Grapes) AT BERAUD, Juan Le Cercle (At the Club) . 48 -BESNARD, Atuerr Sur le Lae (On the Lakey 16 BOGERT, Gerorce H., A.N.A. Cloudy Day: Katwyk, Holland 60 CANALE, Antonio (Called CANALETTO) Church of St. George the Greater, Venice 35 CARLSEN, Emu, N.A. Apple Orchard 46 CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES La Moisson sur les Coteaux du Nord (Harvest on the Northern Hills) 11 COROT, JEAN Baptiste CAMILLE Paysage britannique 2] Jour au Soleil nuageux (4d Hazy Day) 53 Hamlet 54. CATALOGUE NUMBER COURBET, GustTAvE Puits noirs, Ornans (Dark Pits at Ornans) 6 Lac de Geneve (Lake Geneva) 8 Paysage (Landscape) 19 Le Barrage (The Dam) 30 L’Hiver (Winter) 33 Le Moulin de la Vallée d’Ornans (The Valley Mill at Ornans) 49 COUSE, E. Irvine, N.A. The Chief’s Daughter 38 The Forest Pool 61 CRANE, Brucez, N.A. Peace at Evening 36 A Harvest Rainbow 4.2 DEGAS, Enpcar Danseuses (Dancers of the Ballet) 17 DESSAR, Louis Paut, N.A. The Wood Cart: Early Morning 39 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VircILe La Forét (The Forest) Or DUPRE, Juzs Le Chemin devant Auberge (The High Road at the Inn) 10 Forest Landscape 57 GRUPPE, CuHartres PAaur Pasture on the Hill 45 ae : CATALOGUE fs NUMBER ia HARPIGNIES, Henri Le grand Chéne (Great Oak) 12 -INNESS, Georce, N.A. Tarpon Springs, Florida | 44 Roman Campagna 55 J ACQUE, Crartes Eire Moutons dans un Paturage (Sheep at Pasture) 4 MAN ET, Epovarp : La Femme Toréador (The Woman Bull-fighter) 18 -MARTIN, Homer Donen, N.A. Hudson River Landscape | 9 MINOR, Rosert C., N.A. Near Waterford, Connecticut yh} MOLENAER, Jan MIENSE Motherly Love 1 MONET, CLAUDE Belle Isle: Effet de Soleil (A Sunlight Effect at Belle Isle) 28 Prés en Fleurs (Flowery Meadows) 29 Vue de Giverny (Giverny Prospect) 50 Falaise pres de Fécamp (The Costal Chalk Cliffs near F'écamp) 51 PARTON, Arruur, N.A. Apple Blossoms 37 PISSARRO, CamMiLie La Moisson: Une Charretée de Blé dans une Ferme (The Harvest: A Cartload of Grain on a Farm) La Moussiére (The Moss Gatherer) PERRY, Enocu Woop, N.A. Yosemite Valley REMINGTON, FREDERrICc Fording: En Route to Utah RENOIR, Pirrre AUGUSTE Baigneuse assise (Bather Sitting Down) SCHREY ER, Ano.r Le Chef arabe (The Arabian Chief) SISLEY, ALrrep Montereau Garage de Bateaux (The Barge Basin) Apres-midi au Soleil: Bord du Loing, a Moret (Sunny Afternoon on the Loing River at Moret) La Crue du Loing, 4 Moret: Temp de Neige (The Loing in Flood, at Moret, in Snowy W eather) SULLY, Tuomas Childhood TROYON, Constant Etude de Vache ; CATALOGUE NUMBER . 15 52 AS 40 14 58 26 27 32 34 Al CATALOGUE VAN MARCKE, Emite gt as Le Moulin a Kau (The Water Mill) 25 VAN RAVESTYN, Jan Portrait of a Woman 2 VIBERT, JEAN GEORGES The New Vintage 59 WEIR, Juuian Atpen, P.N.A. | Landscape 22 WYANT, ALEXANDER H., N.A. _ Scene on the Susquehanna 24 ZIEM, Frirx View of Constantinople 7 Le Jour du Grand Prix (The Day of the Grand | Priz | Great Prize |) 13 Les Sirenes (The Sirens) 20 Le Gondolier 31 Constantinople 56 INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS meer ERSOONAL EFFECTS OF PyeERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY re oon AND BINDING BY a q ¥, i fe: BY i a a GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE . 3125 me 1919 Be soe} a a Y fh !y ey dae Bo peas CaS ae Pe Hy Fi: bed Mb evr dite ined FUR PL ee FE (el aia ayant Oy Ay Mf Dp ayesi nists dew tird 3 bET SG NE TAM ay my ALAN HOR) 2¢ wary big Plas, HE AL Ge oe dey rok ard PE Hg! juiabaeey ie See E 4 8 vehi Beal) Ral a Reg VRS Sp well pasta Ne Ny All Cape play Bae rae AY, EDS his hy Side ay % Sh vh ag, : Ay saerUiede TL CLR, S Beh aw al Sb Ox aD ay Y mrp eyaty Seely emi F tere aye, B rate hy Fy Be, penta easheee NS Where at Th cea eS alta asa “ing Per eS, Fae SS EI IG ithl S a MA. 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