SA nee dnile i, # te gee “ 0) vp) 7) OQ eal oa m Zi os 2 : es eat ae. gia nis “ia . OEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. M. NEW YORK mitten erent ay Ta irae ~* Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, Jas. FP. SILO, = = + + - = - - AUCTIONEER. CoulALOGUE OF HIGH-CLASS fee ALN TINGS BY WELL-KNOWN EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS SOLD TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE fereny SHELDON, 124 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, BY ORDER OF MRS. CELIA E. SHELDON, Executrix, AND ALSO BY ORDER OF CHAS. C. KALBFLEISCH, ESQ., Attorney, WITH ADDITIONS AT ABSOLUTE SALE on ‘Thursday and Friday Evenings, April 23rd and 24th, 1903, everest at 8.15 o’clock. CONDITIONS. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, 7 required, in default of which the lot er lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lotsto be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain - der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any errorin the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are goid just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part paymeut shall be forfeited, ail lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the Paap gs made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer © The ALEXANDER PRESS, 14 & 16 Astor Place, N.Y. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Asti, A., 44 Achenbach, A., 118 Bouguereau, W., 131 Bonheur, Rosa, 112 Bonheur, F. A., 55 Bautigny, E., 110 Braith, A., 40 Brochart, C., 3 Bristol, J. B., 22, 70, 838, 98 Becker, C., 25 Bogert. G. H., 30 Beychlag, R., 62 Brown, J. G., 114 Brown, W. M., 72 Beranger, E., 78 Boutibonne, E., 79 Bloomers, J. B., 28 Berne-Bellecour, EH. P.,57, 101 Clays, P. J., 130 Caled. 97 Casanova, A., 188 Cole, V., 11 Caille, L., 18 Caballero, J. M., 31 Cropsey, J. F., 74, 146 Chartier, C., 141 Codero, F., 151 Didier-Pouget W., 50 Dupre, J., 52 Dieffenbach, A., 32 Duluard, H. F. L., 43 Deyrolle, T. L., 90 De Beul, F. 60 Fabres, A., 117 Faih, R., 10 Ferry, G., 4 Gerome, J. L., 125 _ Grutzner, E., 46~ 4-5 Grison, A., 82 Grolleron, P., 15, 87, 145 Gay, Ed., 9 Gilordi, P. G., 14 Hermann, L., 105 Hagborg, A., 35, 108 Homborg, A., 63 Haquette, G., 37, 104 Houben, H., 34 Hoeber, A., 71 Heking, 79 Hubbard, R., 84 Inness, G., 60, 111 Ialinay, G. de, 185 Irving, J. B., 144 Jacquet, G., 538, 118 Jacque, C., 42 Jacque, H., 7 Jos, J., 64 Japy, L., 115 Knight, D. R., 46 Keammerer, F. H., 89 Kreyder, A., 139 Lefebvre, J. J , 49 Laissement, H. A., 127 Lambinet, E., 36 Laugee, G., 26, 122 Lesur, Vs Hea i2 08 Lobrichon, T., 142 Meissonier, C.,-69— ® & Monchablon, J., 124 Max, G.. 94 Martin, H. D., 186 Moeller, L., 17 ARTISTS—COnNTINUED. Moran, Ed., 29, 102 Moran, Thos., 51 McCord, G. H., 86 Melrose, A., 77 Q Morgan, W., 10%, 150 Monticelli, A., 137 Marris, A. C., 1438 Opdenhoff, W. W. 88 Piot, A., 47, 119 Pasini, A., 128 Portielje, Ed., 67, 95 Portielje, Ger., 8, 838 Portielje, Jean, 5, 140 Pelez, F., 69, 149 - Robert-Fleury, T., 33 Ralli, T., 121 Renouf, E., 38 Rix, J., 39 Richet, L. 54 Rousseau, H. E., 24 Rousseau, Theo., 107 Schreyer, A., 129 Steinheil, A. C. E., 120 Schenck, A. F. A., 23, 97 Shattuck, A. D., 1 Schopen, H. F., 2 Schaan, P., 6, 134 Sontag, W. L., 19 Santoro, R., 27, 106 Seben, H., 68, 81 Simonetti, A., 73 Seignac, P., 91 Seignac, G., 123 Stammel, E., 147 Ten-Kate, M., 16, 133 Thompson, H., 20 Tamburini, A., 21, 103 Thaulow, Fritz, 56 Uchtervelt, J., 182 Verboeckhoven, E., 100 Van der Ouderaa, P., 48 Van Leemputten, F., 13 Van der Maaten, E., 66 Worms, J., 116 Weiss, G., 41, 93 Wintz, G., 59 Waller, F., 65 Weber, A., 85 ‘ Washington, 148 Ziem, F., 126 CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE Thursday, April 23rd, 1903, at 8.15 0’clock. ae I yf a SHATTUCK (A. D.), N. A. New Vork | HY NEW ENGLAND LANDSCAPE 2 * SCHOPIN (H. F.) fs 1 W DAVID RETURNING 22x37% 3 bp BROCHART (C.) ; Munich MAUD MULLER wh wo YL FERRY (Geo.) ; Paris ae, IN THE LIBRARY 13x17 or : 5 f ¢ ’ PORTIELJE (Jean) : ; Antwerp UY Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels, 1891; Amsterdam. 1891. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. MEMORIES 29% x 24 ) if, SCHAAN (P.) Paris [ } Vv Mention Honorable, Paris, 1892. Member of the Society sy of French Artists RELAXATION 10% x8¥% JACQUE (Emile) } ; Paris i Son and pupil of Ch. Jacque. Born at Epernay, France. Honorable Mention, 1889. Honorable Men- prs tion, Universal Exhibition, 1889 RESTING 14x11 | 8 PORTIELJE (Gerard) ; ; Antwerp | d Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium . 7 ae AN UNINTERESTING GAME Il x 14 9 GAY (Edward), N. A. ; New York i SUMMER LANDSCAPE IN THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY 20x30 ~ IO / FATH(ReneM.) . _ Paris é Gf rn Mention Honotable, Paris, 1887, Mention Honor- | ! able, 1889, Exposition Universelle. The Raigecourt- aes | Goyon prize, 1891. Medal, Third Class, 1894. Medal, Second Class, 1897. Medal, Bronze, 1990. Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours A WOODLAND LAKE 28Y x 384 et oe COLE (V.) R. A. : : London ( \ * Son and pupil of George Cole. Exhibited first pic- Aa ture at British Institution in 1851, and at Royal Academy in 1854. Elected an A. R. A. in 1870, and R. A. in 1880 LANDSCAPE 20% x 30 12 vA | \ LESUR (Victoria Henri) _ Europe iQ Tie Medals: Paris, 1887; Bourse de Voyage, 1887; Bronze Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours THE AMATEUR 12x9 13 VAN LEEMPUTTEN (Franz) Antwerp Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Honor- Vf, y) (} ary Member of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of o fad Spain. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and Rotterdam ay ‘ ON THE HOLLAND HEATH 26x 32 "si ry ifs GILORDI (P. G.) ; ; Florence | MONKS 94Xx7% 15 7 | GROLLERON (Paul), deceased wie Paris yy () Honorable Mention, 1882. Medals, 1886. 1889. Hors Pde if Concours Lie A VEDETTE OF THE FIRST EMPIRE 26x i9 16 1) MARI-TEN-KATE, deceased ’ Holland hed THE YOUNG ARTIST 20 x 28 17 ‘Gi d iA MOELLER (Louis), N. A. . New Vork fr ay \ Genre painter. Born in New York City, 1855. Stud- KA UY ied at the National Academy, New York, and spent sev- U ; etal years abroad studying under Duveneck and Profes- sor Dietz at Munich. First exhibited at the National Academy in 1883, and received the First Hallgarten Prize in the National Academy Exhibition of 1884. Elected Academician, 1895 OLD BACHELORS .- 18 x 14 18 ‘ “* CAILLE (Leon) Paris Ay A| 4 “ Born at Merville, 1836. Pupil of Cogniet. Won wide oputarity by his work in genre, characterized by care- ul execution and an attractive style and color. Member of the Society of French Artists A YOUNG MOTHER 13344x9% 19 SONNTAG (W. 1.), N. A. deceased New Vork Born in Western Pennyslvania, 1822, Member of the Artists’ Fund Society. Elected a full member of the Academy of Design. As an artist he is entirely self ere Or ; Lecenumin taught MORNING IN THE ADIRONDACKS 32 X 54 20 THOMPSON (H.), deceased ; Paris GOO sealer hedsi i833 Wepcsition Vatveteches HOS RETURN OF THE SHEPHERD 24 X 32 2i 40 TAMBURINI (A.) ; : Florence MONK PAINTING 12 x Lo 22 BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. New York p | ) IN THE BERKSHIRE HILLS, NEAR GREAT BARRINGTON, MASS. 18 x 30 23 SCHENCK (Auguste Frederick Albert) Paris 4) +n ae Deceased a ” VV, Medals: Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. ; / Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of iw the Order of Isabella la Catolica. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876 SHEEP IN A SNOW STORM 1534 X 194 ; 24 / ( ROUSSEAU (HeniE) . . Paris My hive vat Medal, Paris, 1900 A BAZAAR IN TUNIS 18 x 22 ai 25 SGCKER(C.)— . . Munich Pupil of Aug. von Klober in the Berlin Academy, and A. Hess at Munich HEAD OF WOMAN | 25% x 20 yo 26 Na pw LAUGEE (Georges) ; Paris Medals: Paris, 1881 and 1889, KE. U. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists THE GLEANER 21% x 18% 27 SANTORO (Rubens) : : Venice Born in Mongrassens, near Cosenza, Italy, in 1843. Medal, Paris, 1896 GRAND CANAL ZATTERE, VENICE 13 x 16 orn re ” | tS LOMMERS (B. J.) é . The Hague } | aaa PREPARING THE MEAL 25 X 22 / 29 h x) {; MORAN (Edward), deceased New York NJ ') , ui THE SANTA-MARIA AT SEA 20 X 30 / 30 h \ BOGERT (Geo. H.), A. N. A. New York J V AUTUMNAL SUNSET a 30 x 20 31 . By a val CABALLERO (J: M.) | ee UNG ; J ue THE ARTIST’S MODEL 24x 29 32 M) DIEFFENBACH (A.) A Dusseldorf | A MOTHER’S LOVE 33 ROBERT-FLEURY (Tony) Paris Medals, Paris, 1866, 1867 and 1870. Medal of Honor, . 1870. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Medal, First Class, 1878 (EK. U.) Officer of the Legion of Honor, ea 1884. Gold Medal, 1889 (K. U.) Member of the Jury. Hors Concours, t900 (KE. U.) Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists MEDIATION 1644 x 13% 34 HOUBEN (Henri) Antwerp h 190) Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium ft HOLLAND MAID’S NS, 28 x 32 35 HAGBORG (Auguste) Paris A \ dy _ Medal, Paris, 1879. Hors Concours, 1889, EH. U. : ak Cavalier of the Legion of Honor, 1893. Member of the | Vv Jury. Hors Concours, 1900, E.U. Officer of the Legion o/ of Honor, 1901 Hors Concours. FISHERMAN’S LOVE 36 Wetat a8 (E.), deceased Paris ) A Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1843, 1853, ee Legion of fn oF D Honor, 1867. Born, 1810. Died, 1878 vA LANDSCAPE 13 x19 HAQUETTE (Georges) : : Paris fy Born at Paris. Pupil of Millet and Cabanel. Medals yn Ut} Paris Salon, 1880; Boston, 1883; Nice, 1884. Member of } i OWN VV the Society’ of French Artists. His painting entitled i A Bits, ‘““The Departure’’ was purchased by the French Gov- ernment and presented to the City of Dieppe RETURN OF THE PILOT 22 x 29 | 38 RENOUF (E.) ; : , Paris = Pupil of Boulanger, Jules Lefebvre and Carolus- ) Duran. Medals: Paris, Second Class, 1880; Munich, a First Class, 1883 MAN AT WHEEL 39 RIX (Julien) : ; New York Oy. THE BROOK ae /) )V 14x17 ‘Bis 400 BRAITH (Anton) Munich yA ; * Pupilof Art School, Stuttgart, and from 1860 of Munich ' Academy. Gold medal, Munich, 1869 / bt LANDSCAPE AND COW dat 29 x 45 fe & 41 WEISS (George) ; ; : Paris ue | ag ’ Mention Honorable, Fes ee of the Society aan ALPINE TOURISTS 29 x 24 4e JACQUE (Chas.) : : ; Paris ( t\ Medals: 1861, 1863, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Gold y) \ \F Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 in Ue CORNER OF THE BARNYARD I2u%x9 43 DULUARD (H. F. L.) : : Paris frN THE REPORT OF THE STANDARD BEARER (29 X24 ) 44 / ASTI (Angelo) . : Paris We at REVERIE i 244% x 18% Pa 45 GRUTZNER (E.) : ; Munich Pupil of Munich Academy and of Piloty. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1872. Honorary Member of Munich Acad- emy, 1885 ag HEART’S DELIGHT 14x I! 46 KNIGHT (Daniel Ridgeway) ; Paris BMeri ia ehiladciphia, Pupil of the Heole des Beaux: . Arts, Paris. Pupilin 1872 of Gleyre and in 1876 of Meis- sonier. Honorable Mention, 1882. Medal, 1888. Medal Argent, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. Gold Medal, Munich, 1888. Gold Medal, Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 1893. Gold Medal, Antwerp, 1895. Decoration of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria, 1895 AT POISSY ON THE SEINE 22x 18% © 47 PIOT (Adolphe) d : Paris A} Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. Membre perpetual de Vo la Societe des Artistes Francais FRANKNESS 26 x 20 48 VAN DER OUDERAA (P.) Antwerp \: Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium \"V ‘ THE MEETING OF VENETIOUS AT THE HOUSE OF PETRONIOUS. (From Qua Vadis) (3572 45% 49 LEFEBVRE (Jules J.) : : Paris / Prix de Rome, 1861. Medals: Paris, 1865, 1868, 1870. L \ Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, First ) Class, 1878. KE. U. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal of Honor, 1886. Grand Prize, 1889. K. U. Member of the Institute of France, 1891. Commander of the | . Legion of Honor. 1896. Member of the Jury. Hors Con- ; cours, 1900. K. U. Hors Concours. Honorary Member WA of the Society of French Artists LA JEUNESSE 26 x 20 50 DIDIER-POUGET (W.) ; Paris F Honorable mention, Paris, 1890. Medals: Third / | Class, 1896. Legion of Honor, 1900. Bronze Medal, 1900, ¥ { Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists HEATHER IN BLOOM. (Morning effect in the Valley of the Correze) 36 x 29 51 MORAN (Thomas), N. A. : New York A SHOWERY DAY ON THE GRAND CANAL VENICE 20 x 30 LY 52 DUPRE (Julien) é Paris § : H f Medals, Paris, 1880 and 1881. Silver Medal, 1889, { Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Legion of . Honor, 1892. Hors Concours WATERING THE COWS 18 x 24 ; 53 Ue JACQUET (Gustave) ; : Paris Medals: Paris, 1868, 1875 and 1878, KE. U. Chevalier fi, iN of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Member of the Society of W\ Ae French Artists. Hors Concours , RLsY L WY es GIRLHOOD %x14% 54 RICHET (Leon) : : Paris [ f \ Born at Solesmes, Nord. Pupil of Diaz and Boulanger, \ Honorable Mention, 1885 \ \ \\ _ AN OLD FARM IN BARBIZON 31% x41¥% 55 BONHEUR (Francois Auguste), deceased Paris + Born, Bordeaux, November 4, 1824. Died February oy 22, 1884. Pupil of his father, Raymond Bonheur and ieee Vib Troyon. Medals, Third Class, 1852 and 1857. Medal, | i x V Second Class, 1859. Medals, First Class, 1861 and 1863. A \~ Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours CATTLE IN THE FORREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU 32 x 36 56 THAULOW (Fritz) : Paris Hors Concours, 1889. KE. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Grand Prix, 1900. E. U. Officer of the PS ( | ( Legion of Honor, 1901. Hors Concours A WATERFALL IN NORWAY ay BERNE-BELLECOUR (Etienne Prosper) Paris Born at Boulogne-sur-Mer (pas de Calais). Pupil of Picot Barrias. Medal, 1869. Medal, First Class, 1872. ( Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, 1878, Expo- sition Universelle. Hors Concours a CAVALRY SCOUTS 18°x 14 58 MEISSONIER (Chas.) Paris : ( fy Pupil of Ernest Meissonier. Medal, 1866 H\V THE SENTINEL Ye Lh 17 x 12% 59 WINTZ (G.) i Paris pills FARMYARD AND CATTLE ' a) 261% x 42 60 , DE BEUL (Franz) . ! Brussels Mea CATTLE AT THE POOL bi/ I~ if 20 x 28 . 61 INNESS (George), deceased ry AA NEAR MILTON mf \ ve 12% x15 62 / BEYSCHLAG (R.) Ra: Munich Re Pupil of Phillip Foltz. Studied afterwards in Paris and f LN Italy 4 IN THE MEADOW 21%x14 63 HUMBORG (A.) ‘ 4 . Munich Favorite pupil of Grutzner | 4) PEACEFUL SLUMBERS 12% x10 64 JOS (Julien) : Brussels HAYING TIME IN BELGIUM Yo 33 X 25 65 ALLER (F.) : New York ON THE NIL I2 x 26 66 VAN DER MAATEN (H.) ‘ “The Hague /] LANDSCAPE 34 X 45 eo} we 67 PORTIELJE (Edward) : : Antwerp , } ‘ Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels, 1890; Amsterdam, > } 1891. Member of Royal Academy of Belgium Pi THE CONFIDENT 18 x 15 68 SEBEN (H. Von) | ; Munich Wire? THE FIRST SNOW I, WA 3234 x 25% ff 69 , / PELEZ (F.) Paris } iy Pupil of Cabanel and Barrias. Medals: Third Class, WW 1876; Second Class, 1879; First Class, 1880 YJ “4 BAKER BOY 30x 16 70 BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. New York WHITE FACE ADIRONDACKS, FROM ( / WELLMINGTON 5 an 1434 x 23% 71 HOEBER (Arthur) 50 AUTUMN 19 x 24 72 BROWN (William M.), deceased ‘K FRUIT 16 x 20 73 SIMONETTI (A.) Pupil of Fortuny, (0 THE LISTENER ' New York New York Rome 74 yy (JF) NGA New York AUTUMN ON THE HUDSON IZ x 20 75 UNKNOWN LANDSCAPE 10% x 13 SER Ce, I, ee 76 } UNKNOWN. ; | MOONLIGHT 12x18 SECOND EVENING’S SALE Friday, April 24th, 1903, at 8.15 o’clock 77 MELROSE (A.) ; : London AMBLESIDE, WESTMORELAND | ‘ ENGLAND 3x7 78 BERANGER (E.) : ; Paris > O ’ Medals, Third Class, 1846; Second Class, 1848 WOMAN AT EASEL 79 BOUTIBONNE (E.) Paris f D Pupil of Winterhalter. Medal, Third Class * GIRL SKATING 80 HEKKING : ; Beus sels \ re) AUTUMN te 10 x 153% 81 SEBEN (H.. Von) 7 >— Munich | Or. CHILDREN AT PLAY a | | 19% x 14% 82 PORTIELJE (Gerard) ; ‘ Antwerp 4 Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium | Q@* THE MORNING NEWS 10x 8 83 BRISTOL (J. B.), N A. . New York WINCHOLS POND, BERKSHIRE CO., MASS Fay Y 0 nee 84 HUBBARD (R.), N. A., deceased New York LANDSCAPE SCENE IN WESTCHESTER COUNTY 4 26 x 36 85 WEBER (A.) : : ; Paris Mention Honorsble, Paris, 1887 THE, CARDINAL’S RECREATION — 86 McCORD (G. H.), A. N. A.) New Vork DARBEY AND JOHAN | 0. 20x30 - 05 WEISS (Georges) ; : : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1898. Member of the Society ae” of French Artists eS, rina REPOSE f bth 94X71 94 MAX (G.) : Munich Honorary Member of Munich Academy. Professor in o 1879-83. Gold Medals in Berlin and Munich tte) CHILD’S HEAD Boh I9 x 15 95 PORTIELJE (Edward) : Antwerp Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels, 1890; Amsterdam, 1891. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium ) p &* THE FISHERMAN’S WOOING sad 18 x 15 96 COL, (David), deceased Autwerp Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium fi | 4 + THE. EAVESDROPPER , 1744 x 13% 97 { SCHENCK (Auguste Frederick Albert) Paris Medals. Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of the Order of isabella la Catolica. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876 MOUNTAIN GOATS a fl, id 0 f 205/452 98 BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. New York a SCENE ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN | O° 18 x 30 99 LESUR (Victor Henri) ; ; Paris Medals: Paris, 1887; Bourse de Voyage, 1857; Bronze Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours §) oe?° THE TOILET iv 16 x 13% 100 VERBOECKHOVEN (E.) Brussels Member of Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and Amster- dam Academies. Legion of Honor. Commander of Order of Leopold and Francis Joseph ©, GOATS AND KIDS O 14 x 10 IOI BERNE-BELLECOUR (Etienne Prosper) Paris Born at Boulogne-sur-Mer (pas de Calais). Pupil of Picot Barrias. Medal, 1869. Medal, First Class, 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, 1878, Expo- sition Universelle. Hors Concours _ A TENDER STRAIN q} vl: IS x11 fl b 102 MORAN (Edward), deceased New York _ 4, NEARING PORT Lae o. ie a7 x22 ) 103 TAMBURINI (A.) : Florence a THE MUSIC LESSON j fs 20% x 16% 104 HAQUETTE (Georges) : ; Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Miller and Cabanel. Medals, Paris Salon, 1880; Boston, 1883; Nice, 1884. Member of QO the Society of French Artists. His painting entitled % “The Departue’’ was purchased by the French govern- ment and presented to the City of Dieppe RETURN OF THE FISHERMEN 22 x 29 105 vA HERMANN (Leo) , a Paris Pupil of J. G. Vibert. Medals, Third Class, 1873; Second Class, 1879. Hors Concours IN THE GARDEN : 10x 8 106 SANTORO (Rubens) we Naples { Medal, 1896. Medal, Chicago Exhibition, 1893 pe } (}. CANAL, GRECI, VENICE 19/4 x 14% 107 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) : Paris Born, 1812, Died 1867. Pupilof Letheire. Medals, 1834, 49,55. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory : of Deceased Artists, (\niversal Exhibition, 1867 8 7) \ SUNSET it 11%4x7% 108 HAGBORG (Auguste) ; ; Paris Medals: Paris, 1879; Hors Concours, 1889, F. U. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1893. Member of the Jury Hors Concours, 1900, E. U. Officer of the Legion of _ Honor, 1901. Hors Concours NORWAY FISHER FOLKS ’ : 90 32 x 27 LY { 109 MORGAN (William), A. N. A. New York Genre painter. Born in London, 1826. Studied at the National Academy Schools in New York. Associate Member of the National Academy. Heis widely known, and many of his works are in private collections in the United States (TY PSYCHE 25 x 30 rio BOUTIGNY (E.) . _ Paris Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1884; Sesond Class, 1889, Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Legion of Honor, 1898. Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Univer- selle. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours APOLEON AT BOULOGNE 3 O ; 24 x 20 ve F : 111 INNESS (George), deceased , ‘ i ()s EVENING GLOW spit 18 x 24 ; A wn 112 A ite J a BONHEUR (Rosa) Paris Medals: Paris, 1845, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1865; Officer, peat A GREY HORSE IN THE MEADOWS \5o 23 x 19 113 JACQUET (Gustave) : ; Paris Medals: Paris, 1868, 1875 and 1878, Exposition Uni- verselle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1879. Mem- ber of,she Society of French Artists. Hors Concours DF INNINOCENCE S at 18 x 14% 114 BROWN (J. G.), N. A. : New York Lo ‘ THE SPAT i At ile 2514 x 20 115 TaPY (.) 2 ; ‘ Paris Medals: Paris, 1870; Second Class, 1873; Silver Medal, 1889; Exposition Universelle, Silver Medal, 1900. Fe Exposition Universelle, Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists \ AFTER THE RAIN AUVERGNE Out or 26 x 34 ¢ T16 WORMS (Jules) : ; ; Paris Born at Paris, 1837. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals: Paris, 1867, 1868 and 1869. Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876, Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors ‘eae Member of the Society of French Artists 4 “aE , GIRLSOF SAVILLE ,~ 26 x 34 117 FABRES (Antoine) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1895. Silver Medal, 1903. Exposition Universelle le}, | THE FAVORITE 18 x 22 118 ACHENBACH (A.) ; Dusseldorf Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, Ba tk Medals: Paris Salon, Third Class, 1839; First Class, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1864 - MARINE D i a pe een a e F| 119 PIOT (Adolphe) : : ; Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 188. Membre perpetuel de la Societe des Artistes Franeais | 7 Or ADMIRATION 26 x 20 120 STEINHEIL (Adolph Charles Edouard) Paris Nephew and best pupil of Meéissonier. Medals, a Paris, 1882 and 1889. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists eee AMATEURS D’ESTAMPES - Pied 22 x 18 \ 12] RALLI (Theodore) : ye Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1885. Silver Medal,}1889, Member of the Jury, Hors Concours, EK. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1901. Hors Concours r’ A VOW. JERUALEM, 1898 ae: Mv ar fen From the Paris Salon of 1899, No. 1616 122 LAUGEE (Georges) ; Paris Jails: Paris, 1881 and 1889, E. U. Hors Concours. 4 Member of the Society of French Artists Mee iM ), THE GLEANER’S REST | 26 x 32 / / ad 123 SEIGNAC (Guillaume) : ; Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1900 LE MURMURE DE LA SOURSE 624 x 41 | fue’ 124 MONCHABLON (Jan.) ; : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Silver Medal, 1889. E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1895. Silver Medal, 1900, E. U. Hors Concours CHAMPS PRES CHATILLON, VOSGES 4 50: rane 6.2.18 “AB EET 125 GEROME(J.L.) Paris Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855. ” Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of the Institute of { France, 1865. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1874. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal for Sculpture, 1878, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Professor in the School of the Beaux Arts : / PRAYER IN THE BLUE MOSQUE 26 x 34 ( 126 ZEIM (Felix) : ; Paris Born at Beaume (Cote d’Or) 1822. Medals: 1851 and First Class, 1852, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1857 and 1878. Hors Concours GRAND CANAL, PORT DU RIALTO, ) VENICE ,, &%¥ | @) nG* 21% X 32 Gabe or. be 127 LAISSEMENT (Henri A.) Paris Mention Honorable, 1882. Mention Honorable, 1889, E.U. Medal of the Third Class, 1898. Medal, Bronze, Ig00, KE. U. Member of the Society of French Artists IN THE GARDEN OF THE VATICAN a | ‘. p ; 24% x 18% 128 PASINI (Alberto) : Italy Born in Busseto, Italy. Pupil of Ciceri. Medals, Paris, 1859, 1863, 1864. Grand Medal of Honor. Expo- sition Universelle, 1870. Chevalier of the Legion of. Honor, 1868. Officer of the same, 1878. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873 Knight of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin AN ALGERIAN GUARD ge 14xIt a s) lv y f 129 SCHREYER (Ad.), deceased : Paris a Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, 1864, ’6s, 647. Court painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leo- pold. Medalat Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876, Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam Died, I899. ARAB CHIEF AND HIS og ‘ ry 50. IQ X 32 trot a by | ore 130 CLAYS (Paul Jean) ; Brussels Medals: Paris, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1875; Officer of the Legion of ‘Honor, 1881. Medal, Brussels, 1851. Cavalier of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium A a OF BOATS ON THE ESCANT a 1634 x 24% 131 BOUGUEREAU (W.) ; ; Paris , & f}* Pupil of Picot, and from 1843 of Ecole des Beaux Arts. Won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1850. Medals: Second Class, 1855; First Class, 1857. Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer, 1876. Member of Institute, ar , TAMBOURINE GIRL | yt ‘| a ¥ 4 40 x 25 132 UCHTERVELT (J.) ; Rotterdam é Pupil of Frans van Mieris. the elder : AN IMPROMPTU CONCERT } 34 x 27 133 MARIH-TEN-KATE ; Holland THE INEXPERIENCED FISHERMAN 20 x 28 se 134 SCHAAN (P.) : : : Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1892. Member of the Society of French Artists ir THE DOMINIE’S PASTIME i? (age 10 x8 Lage ff, tel 135 @ ALINAY (G. de) Paris SUMMER BREEZE IN THE CHANNEL ISLANDS Oe bab 136 | MARTIN (Homer D.)_ . . New York OFF THE NORMANDY COAST Hf sx 0. 8x10 we i! FA MONTICELLI (Adolphe), deceased “7 J i 137 Of Italian parents, but born in Marseilles October 74, 1824, Monticelli received his early training in the art schools of that city, coming to Paris in the middle forties. He formed afriendship with Diaz, who intro- duced him to the dealers, and he sold his pictures rap- idly, although he was never obliged to depend on his art for a means of livelihood. He built himself a hand- some studio, dressed more like a Venetian painter of the olden times than as a dweller in modern Paris, and he found favor with the court. ‘fhe third Napoleon bought pictures from him, ard the whole artistic world agreed ? his rare ability as a colorist 4 124% x 224% x by PREPARING FOR THE FEAST gs 5 Paris oe 138 CASANOVA (A.) ; . Rome oe é Ws 4 os _@)\ THE LOVE LETTER yg i 139 (REYDER pa lexis), /: ‘ ia katis Medals, Paris, 1867, 1884 and 1889, Exposition Uni- erselle. Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1896. ai Mi Hors Concours. Member of the Soeiety of French 22 x 26 a 140 RTIELJ Pavey oat ? . Antwerp d Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels, 1891; Amsterdam, 1891. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium THE LESSON 29% X 24 141 CHARLIER (Chas.) Brussels SHEEP-—-IN TERIOR a oes 32 x 26 ‘ ar if 142 LOBRICHON (Timoleon) Paris Medal, Paris, 1886. Medal, Second Class, 1882. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1883. Hors Concours, Sre THE CARESS iD, y O- Ig x 14 ‘a 143 MARRIS (J. C.) . ; . New York SHEEP RESTINF g) 0 113{ x 13% ‘ 144 IRVING (J. Beaufain), N. A., deceased Born in Charleston, S. C., 1826. Died in New York, 1877. Elected Associate of the National Academy, 1869. Elected Academician in 1872 me TO THE RESCUE ; a 2144 x18 145 GRLOLERON (Paul) Paris Pupil of Leon Bonnat. Medal, Third Class, 1886 BRITTANY SOLDIER ON GUARD : 164% x 103% 146 erouy (J. F.), N. A., j New York AUTUMN ON THE DELAWARE 14% x11% yo 147 STAMMEL (E.) Dusseldorf Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy under Sohn 39% VISIT TO ART GALLERY 148 is WASHINGTON (Georges), deceased . , Mention Honorable, Paris. Meaal of Third Class, 1 gh SCENE IN ALGIERS 10 x 14 PELEZ(F.) .. ase Pupil of Cabanel and Barrias. Medals: Third Cla rat rer: Second Class, 1879; First Class, 1880 x » FLOWER BOY 40 é 30x16 150 MORGAN (Wm.), A.N. A... NATURE IMITATING ART ® 151 CORDERO (F.) ; LANDSCAPE 12% x 21% ‘ , j * 1 hats * i), r ; + hy A ‘ r ; ; ; ? : i ? i ; i " f Ay) mt y ’ A a : , ‘ 4 Ms } Lona i ‘ Aid , Oke , t . ; . san $Y g