CATALOGUE OF THE SMALL COLLECTION OF CAPITAL DUTCH PUG AU BAS | SIR WILLIAM CURTIS, Barr., Decrasep, And removed from the Mansion in Portland Place ; ALSO, THE RESERVED PORTION OF FINE ITALIAN PICTURES, From the celebrated Gallery of THE LATE W. G, COESVELT, Esq. ; AND THE ‘ otal ee, Ses SMALL COLLECTION OF PICTURES, OF Mrs. MAIR, Dsczaszp, : And removed from Colby House, Kensington ; r Bi a AND OF THE LATE JUDGE GORTON, OF BENARES. - a C ALSO, : F A CAPITAL WORK OF MORLAND, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Mrs. FRANCES WINTER, of St. John’s Wood ; ee wll be Sold by Syhtea it bp ~ Messrs. CHRISTIE and MANSON, AT THEIR CREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, ‘ On SATURDAY, JUNE the 19th, 1847, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. —CU— A Sage ie ie May be viewed Three days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. CuristTig & Ma ‘ Offices, 8, King Street, St. James’s Square. ¥ From the library of Frank Simpson CONDITIONS OF SALE. —=i I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than 1s.—above Five Pounds, 5s.—and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put Br up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults and Errors of Description, at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk, within ‘Two Days from the Sale ; Messrs. CuristrzE and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the correct description or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder . of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be te-sold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. os fg. CATALOGUE. oii On SATURDAY, JUNE the 19th, 1847, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. aig ie. The Collection of the late SIR WILLIAM CURTIS, Bart. Claude . . F. Hals . R. di Tivoli Backhuyzen . F. Bol Blanckhoff Prins Ditto . P. Neefs . Poelemberg . G. Poussin Ditto . A. Kauffmann . 6 -@ Rubens 1 oO #2 cw bb NN & A classical landscape—a drawing in pen A boy blowing bubbles Goats and sheep—a pair of admirably painted cabinet specimens Dutch boats in a breeze—small Portrait of a man in a black dress and hat—very powerfully painted Dutch vessels and boats in a breeze, with figures on a jetty The old church at Amsterdam, with figures on the bank of the canal The Wester Kirche at Amsterdam—the companion Interior of Antwerp Cathedral, with numerous figures, by Francks A river god and nymphs reclining near some water, in a classical landscape _ A classical landscape, with buildings and figures A landscape, with a waterfall—the companion A shepherdess weaving a chaplet of flowers; and Una and the lion—a pair—ovals—very elegant Meleager and Atalanta hunting the boar—a beautiful finished sketch O Storck y Teniers “2 Rembrandt 7) Denner ~~) Backhuyzen . Ji. 2 Bassano 6.6 Ditto pa Van Dyck 2. a Van Hagen ?, © Backhuyzen . > 4 . bj Rembrandt “-O Man Dyck y? DvuBBELS De VLIEGER . A MURILLO . 15 16 17 28 29 W. VAN DE VELDE 30 4 A yacht, with other vessels and boats, in a breeze in the Y A woody landscape, intersected by a stream of water, with figures in the foreground—effect of afternoon sun—coloured in the glowing tone of Rubens Portrait of a young lady raising her right hand to her cheek, a book in her left Head of an old woman in a ruff A river scene, with the yacht in which William III. sailed to England; and other vessels in a breeze Mary washing the feet of Christ, in the house of Simon The vintage Charles I. on horseback, under the archway, .with the Duc d’Espernon bearing his helmet A grand wood scene, intersected by a road, on which is a group of horsemen; a distant landscape seen between the stems o the trees A grand storm off a rocky coast, with figures in a fishing boat endeavouring to take in sail, and the surrounding country A bird’s-eye view of Scheveling, looking towards the sea, with figures in the foreground Portrait of a nobleman A calm, with numerous vessels assembled near a yacht, which is saluting, and figures in boats—an important and capital example tea Dutch men-of-war lying to in a breeze in a river, and figures landing from boats at a wooden jetty, and vessels under sail in a clear distance—the companion cleen Le Christ and the woman of Samaria—a fine design, painted with great breadth of effect 13 A GRAND STORM; in the centre, a man-of-war has struck on a rock; the main mast is falling over board, and figures are leaving the wreck in a boat: another large ship is working off the coast, and a third seen near the shore; a finely clouded sky gives grand effect to the scene—capztal ap ly Seafirte Tern —— C0 Bassano . Orizonti . = 2 Cazenove 4-0 Maes. om Van Huysum /_@ Wan der Neer Rembrandt Berghem . 2.2 G. Poussin 4-2 W. Vande Velde Cuyp. Peter Wouvermans Ditto J. Wilson Moore S. del Piombo Bolognese Murillo A. Durer. Raffaelle . J. Ward . Murillo F. Granacci . Snyders 5 The PROPERTY of a GENTLEMAN. 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 53 54 The reposo of the Holy Family—of cabinet size A classical landscape, with buildings and figures A cavalier on horseback Portrait of a gentleman in a silk dress—cagitally painted— dated 1675 A rocky landscape, with a waterfall and figures A Dutch canal, with buiidings—moonlight. Head of a man in oriental costume—oval Peasants with cattle and sheep at a fountain, in a landscape A view in the Apennines, with buildings and figures A calm, with a man-of-war and numerous vessels, and figures in boats A landscape, with two attendants holding a horse, near a building, and a cavalier on a bay horse ; a river in the back- ground A meleé of cavalry, near the walls of a town—capitally painted The halt of an army near a Dutch village, with numerous figures —the companion St. Andrew’s Castle Venus binding the eyes of Cupid—a beautiful copy from Titian Cleopatra An Italian landscape Portrait of a Spanish nobleman—whole length The Holy Family ~ La Madonna di Tenda—from Sir T. Strange’s collection The concert—a capital copy from the Georgione in the Louvre The angel delivering St. Peter from prison—a beautiful finished sketch for Marshal Soult’s picture The annunciation—a beautiful example of this early master A boar hunt ee ” L ee” 6 The two following were the Property of Mrs. F. WINTER, deceased. English MORLAND Solimeni . Schellinks Camphuyzen Teniers Zurberan . Pourbus . 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 A rustic scene, with figures before the door of a cottage A storm and shipwreck off a rocky coast, with figures occupied on ledges of rocks in the foreground—a capital work, of the highest quality ny Sie The assumption of the Virgin A cattle fair in an Italian town, with a group of figures collected round a charlatan An interior, with a woman seated ata spindle, and a man keeping cattle—painted with admirable effect St. Peter praying in a cavern, with beautiful landscape background The assumption of the Virgin, with a group of angels—6rilliantly coloured Head of an old woman in a ruff The reserved PICTURES from the Gallery of the late W.G. COESVELT, P. Veronese *. Pordenone F. Penni . G. Romano ., S. Rosa Luini Valentini . Coreggio . RAFFAELLE . 63 Eisq. Cybele, with her attributes, in a landscape: this formed one of the doors of a jewel case The marriage of St. Catharine The Holy Family Venus, surrounded by cupids, receiving the arrows brought by Vulcan—a duplicate is in the Paris Museum The woman taken in adultery The Virgin and Child, with St. John and an angel A fortune teller, and other figures La Zingarella: the reposo in Egypt. This picture differs materially in subject from that at Naples St. Cecilia: a finished study for the celebrated work at Bologna, with many variations—from the cell of the Prior of the Escurial—engraved by M. Antonio PURI Ge hate es oF Meee Ditto. . . . . 73 W Wig MeO RIE BOt 24t, 74 pr A FRA BARTOLOMEO 75 y St PPAUDE:. *. => 76 pepe ema! 77 J Ye li ee ae £:) 7 The rape of Europa Salmacis and Hermaphroditus THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN: the young Virgin encompassed in clouds is supported by a group of seraphs—from the palace of the Count Altamira, in Madrid The Virgin, with the Infant Christ sitting on a throne, encircied by St. Jerome, St. Anthony, and St. Stephen on one side; and St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. John on the other side. It was painted for the refectory of the convent of St. Mark. This fine work was removed from Florence in the first revolutionary invasion by the French A grand Italian landscape with a river and fishing boats in the middle ground, and a hill surrounded by a fort beyond— brilliant effect of evening ‘sun—from the gallery of the Constable, Colonna THE MURDER OF THE INNOCENTS. It is tra- ditionally known that the monks of St. Domenic refused this picture in consequence of its not being of the precise dimension ordered, and the painter was obliged to paint a second for their— church; there are several variations in this picture from that as Bologna THE CELEBRATED LANDSCAPE, being the largest work known of the master; it is composed of magnificent rocks, scathed trees, and a river, with figures of Tobit and the angel, with woody backgrouud. The ees are the Property of Mrs. MAIR, deceased, and removed from ay frets cu. Ce OD pe Hogarth . Gel MAD Soe 0 eee ot LY . Y° renew? ue BS Valckenberg . . . 83 _Woodeock .. . 84 Colby House, Kensington. A man’s head Portrait of a boy Portrait of the Empress Catharine of Russia Lewis XVI. and the Dauphin—a pair A dead hare and birds A calm, with a man-of-war saluting, and numerous vessels, and sailors in boats hisses . 8d . Van Bloemen . . 86 Fein ae... dt) | 187 ey Fito wae owen, 1. 198 Vireroor’ 7.6 ) 689 VanBloemen . . 90 Snayers. Bs oy cay Dd Gate... «92 Terburg EE ee eS DE KONINCK .. 94 8 Elymas struck with blindness, after Raffaelle Horses feeding, in a landscape A rocky landscape, with peasants keeping goats and sheep near a river A landscape, with Roman ruins and figures—the companion The departure of the prodigal son, in an ornamental border— painted with rich effect The march of an army, and a melée of cavalry—a pair A grand battle piece The Magdalen of the Barbarini Palace—a capital copy, the size of the original A servant girl pouring water over the hands of a lady in white satin, who stands near a table covered with a ‘Turkey carpet An extensive view in Holland, with cottages on the bank of a canal, and other buildings in the distance; a coach drawn by six horses, and attended by a horseman, is advancing on a road in the foreground. A capital work by this great master are ae SALtetKEW . Bee The following are the Property of the late JUDGE GORTON, of Benares. 1 EA ys Sea a) Schweickhardt . . 96 ee es a OF ion sy fle 8 Hughtenborg . . 99 P. Neefs. . . . 100 Van Goyen . . . 101 Guercino. . . . 102 Raffaelle School. ~. 103 C/pOUwE . . . 104 A man, with a donkey and a dog—small A landscape, with peasants, and cattle and sheep on a road A landscape, with cattle—the companion A sketch of willows, and a figure driving sheep Cavaliers and ladies at the gate of a chateau, after the chase Interior of a cathedral, with figures A Dutch village, with figures driving cattle ona road St. Catherine, her arm resting on the wheel The Holy Family—a beautiful small replica MATER DOLOROSA. This exquisite work was purchased by the father of Judge Gorton, from the. Duke of Marlborough FINIS.