~ . « a i il > ex ai “ ~ si ez 3 . ~ - See 2. ~ a a) Tae ‘ WE * 4 a ht : sw 7 : 4 n » fo tpl * ye ale: te . < “ ® $ * 3 e ne ane - Ran 6 . ~ - . e { % open: LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co 14 East 57th St. New York » bedus ca ae STE ye he. P, AVERY respectfully announces that he has been | entrusted with the disposal at auction of the well-known | lection of Modern Oil Paintings (Foreign and | American) ford by Mr. ICHARD Fl: Hatstep of | New=York City. i These works of art have an extended reputation, for Mr. ‘Hatsrep has been noted as a most liberal lender as tray well ; as a generous buyer. The, 65 pictures represent the choice of many years ba purchasing —of culling and re-culling—and includes all _ paintings now owned by Mr. Hatsrep, and to those who _know him it is not necessary to say that the sale will be absolute. Attention is called to the index of the 60 artists whose productions comprise this collection, to the excellence of the examples, the popularity of the subjects, and the perfect | condition of pictures and frames. » *,* Catalogues forwarded, orders received to purchase, and any information given by | Samugt P, Avery, 86 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. List or ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS CATALOGURB. Alvarez, 49. Breton, 56. Bouguereau, 65. Becker, Carl, 35. Bellecour, 25. Braith, 17. Brandt, 4, 59. Becker, Q. 12. Brown, J. G., 8. Baker-Bliss, 54. Clays, 38. Casanova, 20. Constant, 52. Cazin, 9. Crane, 63. De Cuvillon, 16. Daubigny, 44. Dupre, 46. Delort, 1. De Penne, 7. Demont, 37. De Thoren, 53. De Chirico, 14. Edelfelt, 33. Girard, 42. Henner, 39. Hagborg, 57. Haquette, 15. Hereau, 61. Tnnes, 28. Jacque, 10. Jiminez, 21. Jacquet, 22. Jones, 47. Jacomin, 43. Kaemmerer, 23. Kowalski, 40, 51, 62. Kutchenreiter, 3. Knight, 11. Nicol, Erskine, 24. Neubert, 2, 5. Perrault, 64. Perrier-Sanchez, 27. Piot, Adolphe, 19. Quartley, 48. Rico, 29. Rudell, 30. Reutlinger, 55. Schreyer, 36. Sadler, 60. Spring, 31. Santoro, 18. Smillie, G. H., 32. Tamburini, 13. Vibert, 58. Van Marcke, 45. Van Boskerck, 26. Wyant, 41, 50. Wahlberg, 6. Weber, 34. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lotso in dispute shali be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put wp again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk on the morning following each session of the Sale be- tween 9and 2 o’clock, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise setiled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself re- sponsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the setilement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ac- count, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon faiiure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in pari payment shall be forfeited ; all Lets uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by pub- lic or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) aitending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Oondition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he think fit. R. SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NOTICE. Admission to Chickering Hall on night of Sale will be free, and as there will be No Reserved Seats, persons desir- ing to atiend should be promptly on hand. —@— Persons unable to be present at the auction sale can have their orders attended to (free of charge) by Messrs. Knoedler & Oo., Wm. Schaus & Co., Reichard & Co., L. OC. Delmonico, and Thos. E. Kirby (of the American Ari Association), who have kindly volunteered their services. — a Y Pupil of Géréme. Medals, 1875-82. 14x10. 2. REUBERT ce Wind Clouds. aa 13x6. Half Seas Over. 8, KUTCHENREITER,G. ZF O Cabbies Resting. 9x16. 4. BRANDT, @ARL i. Rew-Yor if r) ; fy SOS i E Academician, National Academy of Design, — hy ‘ 1872. spose eee * The Bather. 15x11. 5. AEUBERT, kb. if “PRnich. | _ Clearing Off. TUG 7 39° 13x6%. Pa Le ee! ee =’ eeshek 3 * ere Pupil of Corot.” { - Medals, 1870-72-78, Wis of Honor, 1874. eer, Legion of Honor, 1878. A The ¢ Approaching Storm. 16x10. Paris. v ITP Medals, 1873-83. Dogs. 14x18. aeaiite Pupil of Royal Scottish Academy. ikasociate of the National Academy of Design, 1862. IQ i Member of same, 1863. cmp of the American Water-Color Society. Bric-a-Brac. 12x18. “ys GAZIN, a} % aaa ‘ * = a ee £ ete ‘ a . 7 q he Sra: ae ee LP eam Sag) Bh ® r bhi tn - Going to Mass. — 32 x48. D7, HAGBORG aueusr. Fe is. Leceo be ‘Medal, 1375, ee < . The Lover's Departure. 50 x 37. 53. YIBERT, je 3 ee a Pupil of Barrias. : Medals, 1864-67-68. Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal Exposition Universal, 1878 Lr Papa's rel 39x 28. ca ze ‘ 569. BRANDT, Garl &. Rew- Yay Wo Cao wi bacenitne National Barges yt a of Design, 1872. Fe : 4 ; ye x The Gemmi Pass. Switzerland. — 64x38, ° BR, W. DENBY, ee - a “Call to Account. ay 60x 39. o HEREAU. JULES (dec d), Paris. i ‘Medals, 1865-68. CLT Lar @ Died, 1880. Ee Fishing BF tion. ienct Coast. 58x 38. 5 IT LTR I NR IN a I ae Sey oe lt ag ei ARETE eae — . Tene 28 a eh ee ; ce hi 4 ev WEY ois = 4 ie ec ‘on cd tes we, Sie ‘ ~ i ~ ® < ¥, * ~ oe : Hogat 2 ie, fi : Sy : oe Say ~ r & ye yen n> We i. . ei, bee 7 * { N 4 re : Ry a..sx W. ©. ha cs 3 post Pupil of Brandt. ae 2. a Christmas Visitors. Wl tg bee Coe ae ee ee ane OO ene rap / 68. GRANB, BRUGE. Rew-York. yo BA, oe Pupil of Wyant. 4 Member, Society of American Artists. The Waning Year. 72x 42. mY 64 PERRAULT, [GON . Paris R boo pp smseaae Meditation. 62x36. 65. BEUGUEREAU, W Sas sat Y] i —_ae Pupil of Picot. «> Prize of Rome, 1850. (6 Medals, 1855 (E. U.), Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. . Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. edal of Honor, Exposition Universal, 1878. ; Beat Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. ¢ -. be Medal of Honor, 1885. Commander Legion of Honor, 1885. ) After the Storm. €; Lf SD 0 40x63. 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