} ACC. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & 60. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York 4 t “PANS AT PAINTING SALE American Art Association Disperses a Miscellaneous Collection of Eighty- three Pictures for Total of $93,940 Low prices prevailed at the American Art Association’s sale of foreign and paintings from various estates and private col- lectors on the evening of February 16 at the | Plaza Hotel, where eighty-three pictures brought $93,940. The highest price was $9,000 paid by M. Knoedler & Co. for Corot’s “Paturage: Bord’de Saules,” and the next high- est $8,000 for Largilliere’s “Portrait of a Gentleman.” Mr. Thomas E. Kirby knocked down for $900 Corot’s “La Tour de Crecy,” which the Ander- son Galleries once sold at auction for $7,485. He let the hammer fall on Zamacois’ “Check- mated” at $1,225, a picture he sold at the Stewart sale for $10,700. Bouguereau’s “The Nut Gatherers,” that brought ” $2 950 at the Brady sale, went for $750. SPonitaite onc Lady” and “Portrait of a Gentleman,’ which Mr. Kirby announced had cost the owner $14,000 each each, were sold for $1,500 and $1,000, respectively. 2 complete report of the sale is as follows — “On the Beach,” by Vincente Palmaroli; Heb eeeatbee 2—“Fishing at the Mill,” by Lambinet; P. Thompson 3—“The Finishing Touches,” by Escosura; J. Chien 4—“Arabian Fountain,” W. Taylor 5—“‘Donkey and_Cart,’’ by Anton Mauve; Mrs. B. Von Gerbig 6—‘“‘A Game of Cards,” by Viber 2 W. Taylor 4 Fh. 85,1942, American 7—“Young Woman,” by G. C. von Max; Helen G. Rebe 2.065050. sesemececcnnes 150 8—“‘Feeding Time” by A. T. Ribot; Seaman, AVENE. Sade vewuesscoerincrerccienssescrc? 520 9—“At Poissy: ‘Your Health,’ ” by Ridgway Knight; J. J. Campbell .......-+.-++-+- 525 10—‘Street Scene,” by Emile Carlsen; Mrs. J. PP a Balers sa veleveceistlahesrsuorsiey er adele togener siezenene 110 11—“L’Arive des Invites,” by Isabey; M Knoedler & Co. wc. ececeeee cr teeesreteee 450 12—“The Trumpeter,” by Roybet; Seaman, AGENT Seas esis clelure sie elolniclo ee sinjoleionls csslaie iat 375 —_“Checkmated” by Zamacois; Seaman, agent 1225 —The Turkey Girl,’ by F. P. Michetti; Seaman, agent ......e.eee cece ener eteee 650 15—“‘A Lord of the Forest,’ by Rosa Bonheur; Mrs. M. H. Dodge ...---+eseeeeereescee 425 16—“The Treasure Cabinet,” by Franz Verhas; Wo Fy CAMB ee eo eains eters ance wlevele's orsiarojevsierelsine 180 17—“Lovers,” by Gaston la Touche; P. W. French & Co. ...-ecccscctrccscccsceees 210 18—“In the Studio,” by Antonio Casanova Y Estorach; Seaman, agent ...+---+-++--+> 525 19—“On the Terrace,” by Alfred Stevens; C. Kraushaar Galleries ea seer dciernste clea 1200 20—“Young Girl in Directoire Costume,” by Raimundo de Madrazo; Bernard S. Deutsche | Be, TR resto ass Pe teeac erin av ads pelo egsay = 150 } 21—“‘Venice,” by Ziem; E. 1050 22—“The Gateway, Segovia,’ son; W. Taylor .....-::.ceeeeeeeeeers 310 23—" Venice,” by Martin Rico; Seaman, agent 2400 24—“Landscape: Sunset,” by Harpignies; N. Golemaniehcture seiieemice leer 650 25—“The Bridge,” (GASES “Goacdueageoun gens 675 26—*The Luxembourg Gardens,”’ by Jacob and | Matthys Maris; Mr. B. Von Gerbig...... 410 27—“La Halte,’ by J. B. J. Pater; Jacques Seligman ....c.ceecre eee cet e se sete ate 4100 28—Horse and Sheep in Pasture,’ by Jacque INN sig tsiebhallsm a guenboobcoDgoe tepUbedG 375) 29—*Duck Shooting: by Decamps; Seaman, Eile peor de abuUn sun. somo oce Jano Unonee 190 30—‘‘Landscape,” by Theodore Rousseau; M Knoedler & Co. ....2.-2 reser ee etecees 1000 31—“La Chatelaine,” by Diaz; Durand-Ruel. 725 32—“‘Landscape and Stream: The _ W. asher- woman,” by Daubigny; Scott & Fowles. . 2000 Poo“ Iia Tour de’ Crecy, Pres Esbly,” by (Coroteusn Chien Fae stents lens 4 ease, Foe ee 34—"The Pa goda,” by Diaz; Scott & Fowles.. 35—*‘ ‘Landscape: Farm by the River,” by Daubigny; Mirinoedlen 1a On teenies 36—“The Sheepfold,” by Jacque; Mrs, M. H. IDLY eg sheen Bee ntn Gees Sonar utd pemeire ae 37—“ The Normany Ox,” by Troyon; Jacques Seligman Hamioanuenase souuactn-soegccs 38—“‘Etang de Gillieu, Dauphine: Solitude,” by Daubigny; Richard D. Bripey ............ 39—‘The Pool, ” by Corot; Mrs. J. D. Baker. 40—“La Visite aux Pauvres,’ * by: Diaz; Scott * PERN COD CHOON SOLD On eban Cuan adnoe —‘‘Paysage”’’ by Corot; O. Bernet, agent. 42—“Marine: Fishing Boats,” b 1 Wik. Hage vou Se 43—“In the Forest,” by Diaz; Mrs. M. H Od wei Siley seepaieysts soaps miarsceeare see cnees 44— ieee Bord de Saules,” by Corot; M. Knoedler & Co. Sr are eee 46— poe Landscape,” by Boudin; D. Al- ELL: axayate cagais Rie ons apoie stavovetorstets eyes. tale eretohare es 47—“Holland Landscape,” by Jougking; Ber- MLC Lym AR CHL oferaletstaleteiercs aie isteletetela alavelsinie'e ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH 4 Spaniso: 1847—1896 18—IN THE STUDIO Height, 21% inches; length, 32 inches / Ny eee uve THE scene is a sumptuously furnished studio with tapestries on the walls and arious “properties,” including a collection of costumes heaped in disorder on a carved chest. On the right the artist is seated at his easel with two visitors beside~him, and at left is another group composed of two ladies and a friendly friar. Signed at the lower left, A. Casanova, and dated, Panis, 1878. Property of a Private Owner. ALFRED STEVENS - Bexician: 1828—1906 [ | AA | 19—ON THE TERRACE @.W, kraut | 1a ot, Height, 3934 inches; width, 26 inches A zapy whose dress of white tinged with pink is of the mode of the eighties and whose black hat is ornamented by a single blossom, stands on a terrace in the foreground with her left hand resting on the low enclosing wall. Her face is comely and her attitude is full of grace. Occupying the central portion of the composition is a view from the terrace of the sea, with boardwalk, and promenaders at left and, at right, cliffs and green hills; overhead, a sky of warm gray-blue. Signed at the lower left, A. Svevens, and dated 1882. Property of the Estate of the late KxizanerH Mitpank ANDERSON. RAIMUNDO, DE MADRAZO “BL A ALAA A S: pe ented, 1841—1920 / 20—YOUNG GIRL IN DIRECTOIRE COSTUME Height, 421% inches; width, 23 inches A THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, life-size, standing figure of a young girl of brunette type, the head in full face and the hands lightly clasped, wearing a directoire costume with black bodice faced with pink, white skirt, blue sash and wide-brimmed black hat with pink bow and white feathers. Signed at the upper right, R. Maprazo. Property of the Estate of the late Kiizanrru Mirpanx ANnpERSON. FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 1 | - a 21—_V ENICE = (Panel) g a Qf { 6, | Height, 141% inches; length, 25 inches 1] (050. : ‘ Ar right the gray Priggione comes to view, above the crowded crim- son, orange and brown sails of boats massed before it, and beyond it the Doge’s Palace presents its rose fagade, with the Campanile towering above, before a sky of dense blue. Beyond the Molo the city buildings recede indefinitely, as the spectator looks up the Grand Canal, and well in the distance the Dogana and the Salute appear on the left. Forward on the left are seen the masts of sailing craft, and in the foreground a gondola is crossing the water. Signed at lower left, Zrem. Property of the Estate of the late Exiwaneru R. Spracur, Boston, Massachusetts. \ 1 ' ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. oa AMERICAN: 1873 22 THE GATEWAY, SEGOVIA lecectiref bay bot ( DDL Height, 1814 inches; length, 2134 inches Near the central middle-distance the gray arch of the gateway and its creamy quadrangular tower with red-brown roof stand out in bright sunshine, under a brilliant sky. To right, before them, a high wall, full of many colors, to left the buildings of the city atop a hillside which is as colorful as the opposite wall, and in the foreground between these highly chromatic masses a roadway, creamy yellow and buff, and in it some leisurely figures in the broad sunlight. Signed at the lower left, HE. Lawson. Property of a Private Owner. MARTIN RICO SpanisH: Before 1850—1908 23—V HNICE soit, 20 nehes: ae Qe an a cg, Leight, 0 inches; length, 27 inches A CHARMING spot in Venice where a street leads into a small square in the centre of which stands the famous equestrian statue of Colleoni by Verrocchio, and is bordered in the foreground by a canal. On the left are the walls and dome of a church and, at right, houses and shops along the street and the green foliage of a few trees. Above, with the statue on its pedestal in bold relief, is a sky of tempered blue. This example of Rico, while embodying his well known qualities of pic- turesque treatment, is notable for a certain severity of style that makes of it a work of exceptional charm. Signed on the wall at right, Rico. Property of the Estate of the late ExizanerH Mitpanx ANDERSON. HENRI JOSEPH HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 il aoe 24—_LANDSCAPE: SUNSET Height, 191% inches; length, 2484 inches bs oO: | Caltirua A LANDSCAPE of great dignity as well as charm in which the rich foliage ee of large trees, on the right, is balanced by similar masses at left. | Beyond a sloping foreground of herbage and boulders, between the eroups of trees, over a stretch of country, appears the lower part of ts bs © is gradated with the same subtle warmth into modified blue. | the sky with tempered tints of pink and yellow. Higher up the sky Signed at the lower left, H. Harpicnies, and dated 98. From Boussod, Valadon & Co. Collection of John W. Simpson, New York. Property of Eugene GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. JACOB MARIS Durcu: 1837—1899 Gat, 25—THE BRIDGE crareckact ir (Water Color) 15 f Height, 9 inches; length, 11 inches A scynn in the docks of a Dutch port with a man propelling a barge in foreground; walls on left and right enclosing basin which is crossed by a bridge near middle of picture; early evening sky of fine grays accented by pale warm tints. Signed at the lower left, J. Maris. Property of Eucenrn Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, mm liquidation. J. anp M. MARIS Jacop Maris Marruys Maris ; Dutrcu: 1838—1899 Dutcu: 1839—1917 v4 26—THE LUXEMBOURG GARDENS an (ID. Height, 7 inches; length, 94 inches In the foreground/a corner of a terrace with marble balustrade, and statues on pedestals guarding steps to a lower level, one supporting a jardinitre of flowers in bloom. Brown and green branches of a tree overspread the stairs, and with the nearer statue throw mto shadow a small figure seated on a coping ledge, while sunshine lights the terrace and brings into relief a young woman and a child with a toy balloon standing opposite at the balustrade. Below in the middle-ground the green lawns of the Gardens, brilliant in sunshine, and a fountain play- ing, and in the distance buildings of the city grayish in shadow and with sunshine flashing from their roofs. Signed at lower right, J. Manis. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracur, Boston, Massachusetts. JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH PATER Frencu: 1695—1736 2 HALTE = KA AL SEL Lyd G Height, 91% inches; length, 12% tnches A composition of many figures, men, women and children, and others arriving in a covered wagon, observed in a clearing with ancient woods at either side, where tents are pitched. The principal figures include a horseman, men in ancient dress with swords and carrying guns, and a lady with an infant im arms and another child standing by her side. At right and left others are variously engaged or idling. The costumes of all are in varied soft tones. In the distance a tower. From the collection of Sir William Throckmorton, and a companion picture to the one which at the famous Doucet sale sold at 110,000 francs. Property of Evcenre GuAENzER & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE 4 Frencu: 1813—1894 - f Brew url 283—HORSE AND SHEEP IN PASTURE (Panel) Height, 614, inches; length, 81% inches Aw excellent small example distinguished by the presence of a white horse near the middle of the picture cropping grass. At left, in the shade of trees, a shepherd and sheep; a pool in foreground; windmill in distance; fine sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, Cu. J. Collection Galerie Georges Petit, Paris. Property of Evcene Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1860 Qe ai a qT 29 DUCK SHOOTING |Go (Water Color) — Height, 121% inches; length, 18 inches / Go. TureE men and two dogs in a swampy country with reeds, water and water gate, flats beyond and sky of gray clouds. High up one duck is seen fallimg and others are flying away. Signed at the lower left, DecAmps. From Boussod, Valadon & Co. Property of Evcrne GiaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. PIERRE ETIENNE THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 30—LANDSCAPE (Panel) 4A Vn.Ww.¢ & Height, 71 inches; length, 91% inches Autumn browns, varying from reddish iron-rust to deep seal and al- most to black, and relieved by an occasional note of red, make up the colors of earth and herbage in a more or less level stretch of wild land. A straggling path, worn and hardened to a lighter note, wanders along the edge of a short but dense wood which stands on the right, green as to its higher leafage, and brown in the lower brush. At a certain distance the land declines and falls away, leaving a corner of the woods on the right of the path and detached trees on the left of it strong in silhouette before a sky of creamy, white and gray clouds, with a bluish suggestion back of them. In the left middle-ground the suggestion of a kneeling fagot gatherer. Signed at the lower right, Tu. Rovssrav. Collection of the late Royal Crocker, Boston. Purchased from Frank W. Bayley & Son, Copley Gallery, Boston. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracur, Boston, Massachusetts. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 31—_LA CHATELAINE (Panel) f ( ged. KE ol Height, 161% inches; width, 1284 inches A croup painting of five figures, accompanied by two dogs, assembled in the foreground beside a gnarled tree of mahogany- thou trunk and a modicum of fused green foliage, which stands at the left, while high at right in the background the gray towers of a castle appear Above a green hill. The lady, in a décolleté gown of blue and white, with silver trimmings on the blue, is supported by a youth in topaz and sil- ver-gray on her left, and by an older, bearded man in scarlet on her right, and the plumed chapeaux of the three are respectively white, mauve and red. The lady has a creamy complexion and rich Titian hair. At her side are a girl in pink and a boy in bluish-gray. Signed at the lower right, N. Draz, ?64. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracve, Boston, Massachusetts. pie eS 3 a ee ae eae CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 32—LANDSCAPE AND STREAM: THE WASHERWOMAN (Panel) Sindee. Se Ut ew) ) Height, 91% inches; length, 191% inches Tx the foreground, the shallow waters of a quiet stream with some women, in left centre, on the bank washing clothes; groups of trees at right and in middle distance; wooded hills beyond and sky of tempered blue-gray with one or two white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Davnreny. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Collection of Benjamin Perkins. /899 7. ho 22.00. Mtiy rs Z, Collection of E. S. Burke, Jr. Property of Evcene Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 ie AA (a CA_L 33—LA TOUR DE CRECY, PRES ESBLY Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches One of the “silvery Corots,” engaging in surface quality as in charm of composition—a landscape at once pastoral and sylvan, with a delicately analyzed play of sunlight on the greens of lawn and rough field and willowy foliage. At left in the foreground a bend of a stream, and a peasant in a punt there, drawn up at the foot of a group of pollards, with rugged trunks and feathery leafage. Beyond stream and trees the quadrangular tower of a gray church, which the foliage largely obscures. To right other pollards and a level sunny green, under the lightly clouded sky of a fair day. Signed at the lower left, Conor; at lower right, stamp of the Vente Corot; on stretcher, seal of the Vente Corot. From the Estate of Mrs. Saran B. Conxutnxe, Sale of Valuable Modern Paintings, New York, February, 1905; No. 146. 8 //00 4 Property of a Private Owner. rohit tedlbey > be 4 hialis G. doe ual 19/6 X69, $7560 ak the Mudra Fells pov colt aed nates yes gee CU NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 | 34—THE PAGODA Soath + pei Height, 17 inches; length, 2134 inches Wiru its white walls shinmg in sunlight and trees bending over its roofs a pagoda stands on the edge of a pool, in the foreground, the water reflecting the white surfaces and some of the bright tints of the draperies of a group of women of the Orient on the porch. In the distance a stretch of country with hills ; blue sky with some white clouds. Signed at the lower right, N. Draz. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Property of EvceNE GuaENzER & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. 4 f CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 35—LANDSCAPE: FARM BY THE RIVER (Panel ) Height, 1114, inches; length, 21 inches A stretcu of the French countryside bordering a river, its rich ver- dure gilded by sunshine and softened in shadow, the stream pale blue under a turquoise sky and green with the reflections of its surroundings. At left gray, creamy and reddish cottages with thatch roofs, and on the sloping bank before them a woman, a cow and some ducks. Another woman washes linen at the water’s edge, and farther off a man in a boat. Bushy trees are in the distance, and two tall poplars point to the zenith from among the cottages. Signed at the lower left, Daustexy, 1869. Property of Evcene Giarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 Twa. Mi Ke, . dee. Height, 18% inches; length, 261 inches 36—_THE SHEEPFOLD Aw excellent and characteristic example depicting a flock of sheep, twenty or more in number, in the fold, most of them eating at the racks while others are reposing in the straw. Water tubs and a white hen at left, a doorway in the gray walls above the racks. Notable throughout for masterly rendering. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacaur. From Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Property of Evcrnr Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. CONSTANT TROYON Frencu: 1810—1865 ( 37—THE NORMANDY OX lat 1 » Seth: Height, 171% inches; length, 231% ‘inches A Fine, well-fed ox, dark red with white points, seen in side view in the foreground, is passing to left through a ravine which probably leads to a watering place. Over his back we see an orchard and pasture with a peasant farmer. a stick in his hand, coming forward and some cows pasturing. Signed at the lower left, C. Troyon, and dated 1855. From the collection of the late Oliver Ames, Boston. Property of Evcene Guannzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 38—ETANG DE GILLIEU, DAUPHINE: SOLITUDE Grass and water plants give a narrow foreground border to a shallow pool on the by-water of a stream, and several crane appear among them at the evening feeding hour. At the further side of the water green hills slope to its edge on the right and left, while from a central hollow between the hills rise green trees whose reflections are mirrored in the stream. Beyond hills of the distance, a sky of darkening gray, with rose and mauve tinges lingering at the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Davureny, 1876. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracun, Boston, Massachusetts. J (Panel) ¢ v. Dp, ia Af Height, 16 inches; length, 261% inches t JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 39—THE POOL g A Height, 16 inches; length, 211% inches Busny willows in the middle distance, in a receding line from the left, flank a cottage which is but obscurely seen between them, and connect with a line of trees on the right rising out of the picture. The sun is high, and its light infiltrates the fluffy green foliage and silvers the grass, where a red cow and a black one with a white face are grazing, and it glints from wildflowers, red, yellow and white, dotting the grass in the foreground. Between the tree lines a pond is gray and silver, and at its nearer end a pollarded willow stands, detached, and by the water’s edge beneath it a woman in scarlet and rose and with a yellow cap is seated on the ground. Signed at the lower left, Conor. Collection Ottoz, Paris (Corot’s colorman and an intimate friend). Collection of Shepherd Brooks, Boston. Purchased from R. C. Vose, Boston. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracur, Boston, Massachusetts. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA | Frencu: 1807—1876 ‘(| ae RENCH (0 Wore +! ACN 40—LA VISITE AUX PAUVRES Height, 29 inches; width, 231% inches A composition of sixteen figures depicting a lady wearing a gown of light blue with her son, richly dressed, beside her, accompanied by ladies and gentlemen of her suite, descending a slope and about to pass between two women, in the foreground on either side and both seated. The landscape setting comprises a peaked hill and trees with a sky of clouds and blue. Many tints—pink, blue, brown, red, white —in the costumes are harmonized in a brilliant ensemble. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz, and dated 1862. Property of Eugene Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 ft 41—PAY SAGE ott Bernd Height, 22 inches; width, 1814 inches Ar right and left are tree-crowned knolls, marking edges of a wood, the foliage at either side dense, while the clearing of a slight hollow between the knolls opens a vista to a far horizon and to white and creamy clouds banked and billowing in a sky of pale turquoise-blue. To left of the hollow and midway of the gentle slope of the mound a 5S birch sapling, standing detached, relieves by the silvery-white of its bark the soft depths of green of the neighboring dense leafage. In | the cleared, rough and uneven foreground the tones of earth and herb- age are soft brown and yellow and green, and a sylvan quiet and the balmy atmosphere of summer, or of early autumn, pervades the clear- ing. Here, at left, a peasant woman stands holding an infant to her shoulder, and a woman beside her kneels to gather something from the ground. Signed at the lower right, Coror. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracve, Boston, Massachusetts. ho barF P= Waa Are 1c | JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1812—1889 42—M ARINE: FISHING BOATS Height, 231% inches; length, 27 inches, 2 Own a tossing, white-capped sea two fishing boats are seen in the lower center of the picture making headway with sails well filled by a snapping breeze. On the horizon, a white sail makes a telling accent against the dark clouds which fill the sky on the left, and other cloud masses of varied grays and spaces of strong blue above them form an impressive ensemble. Signed at the lower left, Jutus Dupre. Purchased from the late Gustave Reichard, New York. Property of Eucenr GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. . th da A ws or, NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 [a AU, M: ¥, L¢ £ les 483—IN THE FOREST Height, 211% inches; length, 29 inc Turee female figures, with draperies of blue, yellow, pink and white covering the lower part of their bodies, are seen in the foreground beside a placid stream in a forest. A spaniel, on the grass in the cen- tral foreground, has accompanied them to the bathing place and the landscape environment includes trees in early autumn foliage on either side of the group of figures, a vista of distance beyond the stream and a sky of clouds. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz, and dated °67. Property of the Estate of the late Etizanern Mitpanx ANDERSON. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT 1875 Frencu: 1796 44—PATURAGE: BORD DE SAULES,, )) y 0p AM Me i Height, 221% inches; length, 271% inches Av right, on the bank of a river where a roadway passes and a few figures are seen, willow trees lift their branches covered with silvery leaves to the upper part of the picture. Some cows are in the shal- lows of the stream in the middle distance and the summer sky is flecked with white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Conor. Described and illustrated in Robaut’s “L’Giweore de Corot,” No. 1118. Exposition Centenaire Corot, 1895. (No. 54.) Purchased from Messrs. Goupil & Co., Paris. Property of the Estate of the late Kiizannpru Mrrpanx ANDERSON. vit: palit 4 ble q lhe eight, 20 inches; length, 2414 inches "f EUGENE BOUDIN Frencu: 1825—1898 46—SUMMER LANDSCAPE ‘ At ky tt G A RARE example of the favorite painter of harbors and ships. A broad and level open way appears in an informal park land, its spaciousness extending over the entire foreground, its surface gray and broadly patched with fresh green grass. Extending back along cither side, great trees in the rich greens of full summer leafage, meeting in distant perspective. At right and left and in the distant centre, women and children, strolling. Signed at lower left, E. Bounry. Collection of J. Mancini. Purchased from R. C. Vose, Boston, Massachusetts. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracukr, Boston, Massachusetts. 1os© JOHAN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Durcu: 1819—1891 4 F + ph ; 47—HOLLAND LANDSCAPE (3 Lr041f Xf, Height, 1284 inches; length, 181% inches A cana leads from the right foreground into the distance where sev- eral windmills are seen; at left, on the bank, the towpath and trees; in the waters of the canal a sloop with sails hauled down, and on the bank, at right, trees and buildings with red-tiled roofs. The sky is composed of clouds of subtle grays and in the upper part is some at- mospheric blue. Signed at the lower right, Joncxixv, and dated 1866. From the John Levy Galleries, New York. Property of a Private Collector. FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 184+7—1906 48—A RIVERSIDE VILLAGE (On Canvas) A) Law U4 l Aa Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches & | A groan rippling river flows from distant left to breadth of the fore- ground; at right, several red-tiled and blue slate-roofed cottages, standing amid ancient trees not yet in leaf and interspersed with apple- trees in blossom, cast their many reflections on the limpid stream. Overhead is a robin’s-egg blue sky modulated toward the centre with flaky white clouds. Signed on the lower right, Frivs THaunow. Property of a Private Owner. FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 49—GRAND CANAL, VENICE Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches ; Bett dye Bive-cRreen water, ruffled lightly and full of polychromatic Bas occupies the foreground and sweeps far away to right and a distant horizon, which is pinkish beneath a zenith of deep blue. To right in the foreground, a gondola in motion, and boats with crimson sails. To left in middle distance, a great church in rose and buff and cream and blue, adding its color notes to the waters, and other buildings, and sailboats in front of them, their line receding to the horizon. Signed at lower right, Zim. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracve, Boston, Massachusetts. AR pO: aS ,— acy , AL WK ARYQS lo ORD IN 2) PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR Frencu: 1841—1819 50—VIEW OF ARGENTEUIL Height, 211% inches; length, 2514 inches 10 Cu thek ICL A sprinc landscape of Argenteuil depicting a river flowing around a bend near the centre of the canvas and a tower and buildings on the farther shore. The foreground consists of grass, herbage and bushes and there is a group of trees beyond at right. On the left a group of trees with red foliage and overhead a sky of tempered blue. En- semble of varied tints harmoniously combined. Signed at the lower right, Renoir, and dated °88. Exhibited May—September, 1921, in Metropolitan Museum, New York. Property of a Private Collector. ALFRED SISLEY xc 4 Frencnu: 1840—1899 5I—IN THE GARDEN OF THE CLOISTER OF MORET a Du AA ud Re 19 po: Height, 29 inches; width, 211% inches i A wipe, gravelled pathway occupies the foreground and is bordered by masses of bushes, which cross the canvas, all in full sunlight. At left, a paling barrier and, rising above it, the spreading branches of a tree. Over the tops of the shrubbery are seen the upper walls of a church and the red tile roofs of neighboring houses. Over all is a sky of tempered blue. The wife of the painter occupies the centre part of the picture. She is seated on a garden-chair, reading, and a parasol is protecting her from the bright sunshine. Signed at the lower right, Sisuxy, and dated ’83. Reproduced in Theodore Duret’s “The Impressionists.” Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. g Property of a Private Collector. CAMILLE PISSARRO Frencu: 1830—1903 52—ENVIRONS OF PONTOISE Height, 29 inches; width, 2314 inches 4 BJ i) ; a, ) MLL | Leapine from the right foreground is a roadway bordered by trees in summer foliage and on it are two peasants, a man and a woman. In the middle distance are the houses of a village. The sky is composed of broken gray clouds, distinguished throughout by quict harmonies of color. Signed at the lower right, C. Prssarro. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. Property of a Prwate Collector. [ree ALBERTO PASINI Irauian: 1826—1899 58-WAITING FOR THE CHInEe.LW. Kurd Height, 82 inches; width, 26 inches Berore the arched doorway of a marble building in the East stands an attendant holding the bridle reins of a fine chestnut saddle horse while grouped together on the right of the picture is a company of mounted men, some of them with lances held upright and including one who is seen in back view and who wears a white turban and a red cloak. Signed at the lower left, A. Pastxr, and dated 1883. Property of a Private Owner. FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 ) 54—ON THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE (Panel) } Lo. Height, 22°, inches; length, 3114 inches Tue Palace of the Doges, St. Mark’s, the Campanile and other struc- tures are seen in the middle distance on the borders of the canal, the waters filling the foreground. On the right are houses and a landing place, vessels and gondolas, the whole in gentle sunlight under a sky of modified blue. A picture of stately charm. Signed at the lower right, ZimM. From Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Property of Kucenrn Guaenzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. ADOLPHE JOURDAN Pr a Frencu: 1825—1866 and 5S —AN INTERESTING CHAPTER Height, 32 inches: width, 26 inches g > Se AtCte ser a s Hatr-tenern, seated figure of a young girl with blond hair, in side view to left and with head inclined, wearing gray dress with white fichu. On her lap is a large open book and in her hands, resting on the farther page, are her knitting needles and the work she has been busy with up to the moment depicted when as shown by the direction of her eyes she has stopped to read. Signed at the lower left, A. Jourpan. Property of a Private Owner. LUDVIG MUNTHE Norwecran: 1841—1896 56—WINTER IN THE FOREST Vy. ky Wy h Och Height, 21 inches: length, 35 inches Larecr beech trees, with their bare branches in the upper part of the canvas, stand in the snow-covered foreground and the wood extends beyond to where it meets an evening sky suffused with yellow light and varied by clouds of gray. In the central foreground a little dachshund is picking his way through the snow. Signed at the lower right, L. Munrnn. From the Henry T. Cox Sale, January, 1902; Catalogue No. 538/980 Ad dudbree, Property of the Estate of the late Exizanern Minpanx ANDERSON. (See illustration on opposite page) | = aD, one. Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches » cay ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— 57—THE LAKE A row foreground shore, its green herbage spotted with yellow and brown, supports a fringe of slender saplings, whose light leafage only enhances the spectacle and the charm of the lake lyig beyond them —-its ruffed waters a maze of reflections in the verdant notes of the background hills. On the hill slopes and alongshore at their foot, old houses and other farm buildings, in a softened sunlight under a color- ful and breezy sky. In a cove in the foreground an anchored boat. Signed at the lower left, KE. Lawson. Property of a Private Owner. \ | ' \ GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 58—PASSING SHOWER Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches \ é 0 WL Le V Broap pasture lands are gray-green and yellowish, and almost level. over the greater area of the picture, extending far away on the left and in the central distance. In the foreground and rising gently as it recedes toward the right the earth and most of its herbage is brown. with patches of rich green. Here a large flock of sheep is watched by its shepherd, in a blue coat, who is seated on a hillock. In the sky but a corner of blue appears, the rest a mass of gray and white clouds and of black shower clouds, drifting away. Signed at the lower right, G. Innxss, 1875. Property of the Estate of the late Exizaperu R. Spracver, Boston, Massachusetts. EDWIN AUSTIN ABBEY, N.A., R.A. American: 1852—1911 59—A FLORENTINE LADY RE oe oe ae Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches FuLn-Lencru, seated figure of a blond young woman wearing an ample gown of red with wide, hanging sleeves; her head in contemplative attitude resting on her left hand and her right hand on a lute which she holds beside her chair. Background of pale blue curtain. Signed at the lower left, E. A. Anpry. Property of the Estate of the late Kiizannern Minpanx ANDERSON. = ——— Sr Sig ee ee — Be = : Se a at ne ————— = == { JOHN SINGER SARGENT, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 60—A GIRL OF CAPRI doatt y t , ry Height, 301% inches; width, 25 1, inches / hs 4, g) 2 A youne peasant girl of Capri, wearing dark blue bodice, white blouse and pink skirt, is seen standing in back view as she leans against the bent trunk of an olive tree. Her head is turned to the right so that her face appears in profile. The setting for this graceful figure com- prises a stone wall, enclosing the orchar , and foliage beyond. Marked by the skilful treatment of the celebrated artist. This painting was exhibited by Mr. Sargent at the Second Annual Exhibition of the Society of American Artists, New York, 1879, and was purchased by the late Daniel Cottier, At the time the above picture was exhibited in the Ichabod T. W illiams Collec- tion the late Carroll Beckwith, N.A., stated that “the model w as the famous beauty ‘Rosina of Capri, who afterward married very brilliantly a distinguished artist.” In 1878, when Mr. Carroll Beckwith came home to America to begin his artistic career, Sargent went to Capri and painted the above picture and wrote to Mr. Beckwith de seribing the beautiful model and mentioned this particular picture. Signed at the lower right, JoHn S. Sarcent, and dated Capri, 1878. From the Ichabod T. Williams Sale, February 3 and +, 1915; Cata- logue No. 101— BL950.I:- Lnocdla)» *@O Cae ZQ Liuderrgn Property of the Estate of the late Exizannrn Mitsanx ANpERSON. JOHN WHITE ALEXANDER, P.N.A. American: 1856—1915 ¢ ) Height, 48 inches; width, 3614 inches ,/ A PLEASING composition of decorative effect in its combination of green and black in the gown of a young woman and the pink of a bunch of peonies over which she is leaning as she lifts from the floor the glass bowl in which the blossoms repose. The head of the figure with its dark hair is seen in profile and graceful movement is indicated by the flowing lines of the gown. Signed at the lower left, J. W. ALEXANvER, and dated ’96. Exhibited at the Carnegie Institute International Exhibition, Pitts- burgh. Property of the Estate of the late KxizaserH Mitpanx Anprrson. Se EMILE CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858 JY 62—NATURE MORTE pee et Height, 26 inches; length, 44 inches Ow a table of golden notes and before a wall still richer in its hues, a large brass dish filled with great yellow-white roses in the full richness of their bloom, and relieved by clusters of their green leaves which cling to the stems. Before the dish a mandolin with strings down, and near by opalescent glasses and a greenish-amber glass ewer and even more of the fascinating roses, scattered over the table. Signed at the lower left, Emit Cartsen, Parts, ’84. Property of the Estate of the late Exizazeru R. SpracuE, Boston, Massachusetts. GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON American-BritisH: 1884—1905 63 COLDER THAN SNOW DOLsaure ( Height, 30 inches; length, 60 inches “The winter wind is not more chill Than the cold smile they fain would win.” Own the snow-covered terrace of a castle, proceeding from the great doorway on the right, where stands an armored sentinel, is a young chatelaine escorted by two gentlemen, walking on cither side of her, the one on her right with brown fur-bordered cloak being of mature age and the other a young gallant in vestments of blue and gold. A page follows holding up the lady’s train, with another walking beside him bearing her books of hours on a cushion. Descending a stairway at left are brown monks leading the way to the city which hes below, its roofs and towers mantled with snow. The lady’s face is comely but wears no sympathetic expression and the propos of her escorts as they take their way to mass seem to be wasted. Signed at the lower right, G. H. Boucuron, and dated 1871. Property of the Estate of the late E1izanerH Mitpanxk ANDERSON. Sere AEE SS EER WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825—1905 eee tel 64—THE NUT GATHERERS Height, 631% inches; width, 45 inches Two young cherry-faced sisters, one dark and one fair, are at the edge of a wood, gathering pecan nuts. Both are barefoot, and the older, in gray and blue and white and plum-brown, is standing plucking the nuts from a slender branch, and dropping them into the already well-filled basket held by her kneeling sister, who is in gray, white and mahogany brown. They are in a soft, sifted light, and the background of foliage varies from dimly lighted leafage to the deep, dark shadows of woodland recesses. Ylg3 = Signed at the lower right, W. Boucurrrav. Soll From the sale of Judge Samuel L. Bronson, 1907, Catalogue No. 35, P2000 - and the James B. Brady Sale, 1918, Catalogue No. 13. CLS, 4 Property of a Private Owner. ( Yltew bh gli J Wire Sanat Ire bald Nerden yoo #2 X86 - A. Tooth » Sore “198A penecqrron fhm IX Manon, tahuiig One. WR KKK 0867 - Cordlih, Jp g MK ) Mee’ 1966 - BRUM ee LO i PASE Leb-sifigol «fo Kuxx FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 65—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN (Drawing) OL hA*AtAc- - fh. Height, 1014 inches; width, 714 inches THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH portrait of a gentleman with curled wig, richly dressed and wearing body armor under cloak and various noble orders; body in side view, head three-quarters to left, right hand on head of cane. A carefully executed drawing of superior quality. Purchased from P. Vigna, Paris. Property of Eugene Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. RICHARD COSWAY, R.A. Bririsu: 1742—1821 Pa z} RE. Obst, 66—PORTRAIT OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES (Pencil drawing tinted with water color) Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches Sranpine figure of a young lady in side view with head in three- quarters to left; white gown and high white hat, powdered hair; land- scape background. Inscription in pencil on margin at bottom, gvving title and signature, RicHarp Cosway, R.A., Fecir 1775. Purchased from P. Vigna, Paris. Property of Eucrenr GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. JOHANNES LINGELBACH Si . German: 1625—1687 o) / ie | 67—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES, We. FRANK af GOATS AND SHEEP i Qe ot, Height, 18 inches; width, 151 inches lj Iw a pasture, on a plateau high up in the Swiss Mountains, a peasant maiden is depicted in the centre foreground milking a white nanny goat while a young shepherd with red cap standing beside her pro- i vides a musical diversion by playing the flute. Near the milkmaid, at right, some goats, awaiting their turn, are lying down with a few ti) sheep. On the left stands a dead tree and in the distance mountain Hh tops rise before a sky of gray-blue with a floating mass of cloud. 1] Hi ! Property of EucENE GuaEnzeR & Company, of Paris and New York, i in liquidation. J VAN DE CAPELLE Frencu: 1625—1679 eY 68 NETHERLANDS LANDSCAPE / Cie + Gi = Height, 131% inches; length, 16% inches i 50-0. Iw the foreground a neck of the sea with sailboats of diverse riggings ; wooded opposite shores with church and windmill; in immediate fore- ground, on a strip of shore, two figures ; high sky of clouds and blue. Signed at the lower right, V. CAPELLE. Purchased from Wertheimer, Paris. Property of EvucENE GLAENZER & Company, of Paris and New York, | in liquidation. | | SSR ae RE ws Nc RS NR Rew me ale ee DAVID TENIERS, THE YOUNGER Friemisuo: 1610—1690 69—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES ; (Panel) CAL 4 Leo oe Oe 4 Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches CO, : Two peasants and a dog on a road, at right, which leads into the distance, where a church and other buildings are seen. In fore- ground a high bank with trees and the roofs of a chateau. Sky of gray clouds agreeably diversified in form. Purchased from J. Bohler, Munich. Property of Evcenr Guaenzer & Company, of Paris and New York, an liquidation. Hi Hi li j | | i val | dl GEORGE MORLAND » 9 D, | AM | EncuisH: 1763—1804 a | 70—THE FORD | (Panel) | AMA. a ‘ hk (Ask on_ | } oY) Bs ae nas | Q bt : Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches Ar left in the middle distance of a green countryside, on a summer day, / a white and cream colored cottage with gables and thatched roof. In it the midst of rolling, uncultivated brownish land before it, a shallow blue | 1 stream, and a rough and wandering road crossing it and mounting to Ii slightly higher and bush-grown land on the right. An old man on a | brown horse has paused in the stream to let his horse drink, while his | two dogs having slaked their thirst run gaily ahead of him to catch up iW with a covered wagon housing gypsies or other travelers, and drawn by three horses tandem. | Signed on a felled tree trunk at lower right, G. M. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracur, Boston, | Massachusetts. | a RES RE REE NL RE Sm JAKOB RUYSDAEL DutcHu: 1625—1682 71—_LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES ; (Panel) : Md: : MW, % ‘ YA = Height, 11 inches; length, 16%4 inches w) s Ar left the bend of a stream, and off a point of land in the middle dis- tance a fisherman in a boat. Short trees with dense foliage and thickly grouped mark the land, which reaches to the right, and the principal group, at the centre of the composition, is dominated by a veteran of rugged trunk, the top of one branch blasted. Two figures recline on the grass in a hollow, and a red-coated man on a white horse is ap- proaching around a knoll. Purchased from Asher Werthewmer, London. Property of Hucene Guannzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. SS FRANS VAN MIERIS Durcu: 1635—1681 (AQ VY 72 THE VIOLINIST ayt y Bos, (Panel) OL ALUL.ALL } 4 0, Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches A youne man with long, curling hair, wearing loose upper garments of dull red and flat brown velvet cap, seated beside a table on which are a music book and a lighted candle, and tuning up a violin. Property of Eucenr Guannzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. GERMAN SCHOOL FirrrentH CENTURY a lars 73—MARRIAGEHE OF THE VIRGIN (Panel) | er | g : front, head three-quarters to right ; brown closely cropped hair, blond mustache and beard; black costume, white ruff at neck and the same at wrists; right hand resting on balustrade and left holding gloves. Purchased from J. Bohler, Munich. Property of Kucene Guarnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. Peels SS ES AN RR Ke Se emi NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu: 1656—1746 78—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN aa Height, 531% inches; width, 41 inches 'THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, seated, portrait of a gentleman, about thirty-five, head in three-quarters to left; high, white curled wig, blue and gold embroidered cloak over right shoulder, lace neck ruffles and cuffs; right hand at hip, left arm resting on pedestal. Originally purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. From the collection of Benjamin Perkins. From the collection of S. E. Burke, Jr., Cleveland. Property of KuceNr GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. 33 A. LOUIS VALLEE Dutcu: 1700— 79—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height, 58 inches; width, 44 inches I. THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, seated, portrait of a gentleman about forty, dressed in black, large black hat, head to left in nearly full face, slight, blond mustache and goatee; white collar with cord and tassel, white ruffs at wrists; left hand on table, right hand at hip holding gloves; architectural background. Indistinct signature and a date on the watnscot to the right. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. Described and illustrated in “Les Arts,” April, 1911. Property of Evcenn Guarnzur & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. AN UNKNOWN ARTIST Louis VALLE “To-day, a name which was unheard of yesterday, suddenly appears in the history of Dutch art, and at once demands our homage with particular authority. This artist becomes known to us through a painting which for many years was hidden away in England, then returned to its native land for a brief instant, after which it passed through the hands of a Parisian expert, and finally emigrated to America. On the opposite page is a reproduction of the painting. It represents a male figure, of natural height, admirable in psychological penetration, and beauty of composition, and in every way worthy of our richest museums. An inscription appears in the corner of the painting which we take to be Vallé (or Vallée), the title of this article. “Who is this new-comer? “No dictionary mentions his name; Wurzbach’s ‘Niederlaendisches Kiinstler- Lexicon, which publication is in course of completion, and which is at the present moment the best and most complete source of information available regarding Dutch artists, does not mention him. It seems (but there is no authority to support this) that a certain Louis Vallé was a pupil of Rembrandt, and that besides his painting, he worked as a carpenter for his livelihood; just as Jan Steen was an inn-keeper, and that he was a ‘sergeant’ on board a sail-boat bound for India. And that is all. If, perchance, some erudite has in his possession documents containing information on this artist, may these few words help bring them to light, and so complete the reparation due to this great artist, this mysterious Vallé. [Continued es ee Sa Ea CELT AE PSS TE [ No. 78—Continued | “For—our readers cannot deny it—we are concerned indeed with a great painter, one who is not an imitator of Rembrandt merely, as so many of his pupils were, but an original creator, anxious above all for the truth, and who is the equal, at least, of his fellow-artists, Ferdinand Bol (whom he excels in penetration), or Fictoor. It is true that there is lacking here that magic atmosphere in which Rembrandt seems to bathe his subjects, and about which, to use Fromentin’s expression,—there is an indefinable something of the other world which makes the present one seem cold and grow pale beside it: but the keenness of observation, the intensity of life, the sweeping strokes, the beauty of the composition, which one feels is soft and rich, all the characteristics of a great artist, where can one find them more completely, more in abundance, if not here? We are concerned with an artist, who is not only accustomed to the difficulties to be met with in his work, for he is complete master of his brush, but and this is no less essential for a portraitist—with one who is a keen observer, well trained, taught to scrutinize and search for the inmost, hidden truth, from external appearances. Less skilled, indeed, than Frans Hals, but in his order and simplicity, his deep and touching manner, consider and admire how he has made the features, lacking in beauty, express bright intelligence, and made us see, in this Dutch bourgeois, a man of means, but without vain display or self- conceit, a pleasant looking man, mentally alert, prudent in judgment, probably the founder or ‘regent’ of some hospital: the high vaulted gallery and building resem- bling a chapel which can be seen through the bay window of the room where he is standing, would warrant this supposition. Notice, too, the sombre distinction in the arrangement of the picture, in the pose and dress of the figure, where the broad and delicate strokes of white showing the lingerie collar and cuffs just relieve the severity of the dark garments, which are a rich and soft black, according to those who have seen the original. The excellent photographic reproduction which we see here enables us to guess at the harmony in values, the richness of the composition, and must afford an unusually fine treat to amateurs in good painting. The more one studies the picture, the more it grows on one. Since this striking figure was revealed to us, and we study it trying to fathom the provoking enigma there concealed, we discover deeper beauty in it day by day. And so we appreciate the thought of the dealer who had the painting in his possession for a short time: although he was used to parting with treasures, the thought of this painting still haunts him, and he admits he regrets having let it go. “All this but arouses our curiosity the more, and the question we asked our- selves, a little while ago, returns more insistently, and we write: Who is Louis Vallé? and who will give us the information which we have a right to desire con- cerning so great an artist.” (Translated from the French of Avet E Marcuiirirr.) Les Arts, April, 1911. American Edition. NATTIER (SCHOOL OF) AO? 80—ALLEGORY Leight, 22 inches; length, 48 inches RAO, lh’ (2 it and (Companion to No. 81) A DECORATIVE composition of four figures, the principal group formed by a young woman, at the foot of a tree, a cupid nearby and a young man prone in the foreground. Their attitudes are expressive of grief. At left, in clouds, a martial god with shield and sword, and in centre two flying swans. Color notes of pink, blue, white and green. Property of Eucenr Gua‘nzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. NATTIER (SCHOOL OF) Oo * 81—_ALLEGORY Height, 22 inches; length, 48 inches 4 pe accra | | = DP i LW. Ie W tata 7s Companion to No. 80 ie t I ) A DECORATIVE composition with two principal figures, a young woman seated and a young man on bended knee beside her and five cupids. At left, a winged figure in flight, with shining star, at whom one ef the i} cupids is shooting an arrow. Property of Evernr GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, Hy | in liquidation. u Oi BOUCHER (SCHOOL OF) Francois BOUCHER Frencu: 17083—1770 82—LES PETITS OISEAUX Height, 311% inches; length, 5114, inches (4 companion to No. 83) au A We At at” Decorative panel depicting an amorous youth beside a maiden fair and beguiling, to whom he has brought some nestlings which she holds somewhat diffidently as she regards them. The youthful pair are seated, he on the ground, under the boughs of leaning trees; their costumes are variants of rose and green relieved by white, and the foliage back of them is of soft greenish tones. At their feet a goat and sheep, beside a stream. Property of Evcene Guarnzer & Company of Paris and New York, in liquidation. BOUCHER (SCHOOL OF) Francois BoucHER Frencu: 17083—1770 88—_LA JEUNESSE Height, 314% imches; length, 5114 inches (4 companion to No. 82) 1A), e ; \ Ca tot. Decorative panel portraying a smiling maiden in a décolleté costume of old-gold, rose and white, with flowers in her hair and in a basket beside her, reclining beneath a tree, and a plump curly-haired boy whom she is beguiling. In the background a stream and viaduct, and a pair of doves, in low and soft tones. Property of Eucrnr GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, in liquidation. JAN WEENIX Durcu: 1640—1719 4~ oO CO: , { 7p Ty, Fi ow { Zi nae 84 STILL LIFE 4 rtateA a a aa) Height, 581% inches; length, 70 inches —————— A FINE group of trophies of the chase, suspended from the lower branches of a tree, includ‘ng a white swan with one wing extended, a hare, pheasant and grouse. At right, a black and white setter and, on the rim of a large vase, a magpie. In left foreground, a gun and hunter’s trappings. Purchased from W. J. Abraham, London. Property of Evcenr GuaEnzer & Company, of Paris and New York, im liquidation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MaAnacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. Ee a aa LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ABBEY, Enwin Austin, N.A., R.A. A Florentine Lady ALEXANDER, Jonun Wuitt, P.N.A. Peonies BONHEUR, Rosa A Lord of the Forest BOUCHER (School of) Les Petits Oiseaux La Jeunesse BOUDIN, EucEnr Summer Landscape BOUGHTON, Grorcrt Henry Colder than Snow BOUGUEREAU, Wuiuu1am AnoLPHE The Nut Gatherers CARLSEN, Emus, N.A. Street Scene Nature morte CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Awnrontio In the Studio CATALOGUE NUMBER 59 61 46 63 64 10 62 18 COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE La Tour de Crécy, pres Esbly The Pool Paysage Paturage: Bord de Saules COSWAY, Ricuarp, R.A. Portrait of the Princess of Wales DAUBIGNY, Cuarrrs Francois Landscape and Stream: The Washerwoman Landscape: Farm by the River Ktang de Gillieu, Dauphiné: Solitude DECAMPS, Arexannre GABRIEL Duck Shooting DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcissr Vircine La Chatelaine The Pagoda La Visite aux Pauvres In the Forest DUPRE, Jurxs Marine: Fishing Boats FRENCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Gentleman GERMAN SCHOOL Marriage of the Virgin canary 33 39 4] 44 66 32 B85 38 29 HARPIGNIES, Henri Josrru Landscape: Sunset HUGUET, Vicror Pierre Arabian Fountain INNESS, Georcr, N.A. Passing Shower ISABEY, Lovuts Gaprien EuGENE L’ Arrivée des Invités JACQUE, CHar.is EMILE Horse and Sheep in Pasture The Sheepfold JONGKIND, Jonan BarrHoip Holland Landscape JOURDAN, AnoLtrHE An Interesting Chapter KNIGHT, Daniet Ringway At Poissy: Your Health LAMBINET, Eun CHaries Fishing at the Mill LARGILLIERE, Niconas vE Portrait of a Gentleman LA TOUCHE, Gaston Lovers CATALOGUE NUMBER 24 11 Ke) 78 LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. The Gateway, Segovia The Lake LEON Y ESCOSURA The Finishing Touches LINGELBACH, Jonannes Landscape with Figures, Goats and Sheep MADRAZO, Ratmunpo pr Young Girl in Directoire Costume MARIS, Jacon The Bridge MARIS, J. ann M. The Luxembourg Gardens MAUVE, Anton Donkey and Cart MAX, GasrieL CorNnELIus von Young Woman MICHETTI, Francesco Paoro The Turkey Girl MOR, Antonis Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Gentleman CATALOGUE NUMBER 67 25 26 14 bes s CATALOGUE NUMBER MOR, Antonis (School of) Portrait of a Gentleman 74, MORLAND, Grorcr The Tord 70 MUNTHE, Lupvie Winter in the Forest 56 NATTIER (School of) Allegory 80 Allegory 81 PALMAROLI, Vicente On the Beach 1 PASINI, Arserro Waiting for the Chief 53 PATER, Jean Baptiste Josery La Halte 27 PISSARRO, Camitye Environs of Pontoise 52 RENOIR, Pierre Avucuste View of Argenteuil 50 RIBOT, Avceustin THropuLE Feeding 'Time 8 RICO, Marri Venice ROUSSEAU, Prmerere Evienni THrtopvore Landscape ROYBET, Frerpinann Vicror Lron The ‘Trumpeter RUYSDAEL, Jaxos Landscape with Figures SANCHEZ-COELLO, Atonzo Portrait of a Prince SARGENT, Joun Srncer, N.A., R.A. A Girl of Capri SISLEY, Arrep In the Garden of the Cloister of Moret STEVENS, ALrrep On the Terrace TENIERS, Davin (tHE YouNGER) Landscape and Figures THAULOW, Frits A Riverside Village TROYON, Constant The Normandy Ox CATALOGUE NUMBER 23 30 71 ~ Or 60 19 69 CATALOGUE D NUMBER VALLEE, Lovuts Portrait of a Gentleman 79 VAN DE CAPELLE Netherlands Landscape 68 VAN MIERIS, Frans The Violinist 72 VERHAS, Franz The Treasure Cabinet 16 VIBERT, Jenan Grorcers A Game of Cards 6 WEENIX, Jan Still Life 84 ZAMACOIS, Enuarno Checkmated 13 ZIEM, Fru Venice 21 Grand Canal, Venice 49 On the Grand Canal, Venice 54 INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY RNS Chay, KN 4s SIR { \ i { i ee Se ee ee RAS RP AN inne rey RIS HAS: resi" ia rvs s i N eRe At ng PR sm Peis a ne NPE, FS a &. & re e ‘ < bated ea eee Vie tek ar ty PHATE SETAE ee PRR PP ieah 2 ee Sessa