LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK sm No. 44. A COURTIER. BY TITIAN VECELLI SALE No. 920 A COLLECTION OF - ENGLISH, DUTCH, FLEMISH | AND ; ITALIAN PAINTINGS Phe Property of the late William Balbach, ‘Esq. of New York To be sold without reserve to settle his estate On pay Evening, November 10, 1911 at 8.30 o'clock At The Anderson Auditorium Where the Pictures will be on Exhibition from November 2d to date of Sale The Anderson Auction Company 284 Madison Avenue, at Fortieth Street New York Telephone, Bryant 7990 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. - 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be - final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and _in- convenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition two or more days before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, 5 but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT , RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date. of . sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is notas represented, The Anderson Auction Company will” use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, “ and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for ais damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. _ : 7. TERMS CAsH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as — remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson — Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale — it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. — This condition shall be without prejudice to the | right of The Anderson Auction Company to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be re-— sponsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York NOTE When William Balbach died a year and a half ago, he left as a herit- age this interesting collection of Paint- ings which had long been known to certain discriminating art lovers of this city. It comprises works of various schools and while it includes pictures by some renowned masters, it also brings to our notice examples of some others whose achievements have long been highly valued in European collections but whose works are but little known to American pic- ture buyers. Such, for example, as Van Diepenbeeck, the pupil and friend of Rubens, here represented by his appealing “Charity”; or Van Kessel the gifted landscape artist; or Judith Leyster, the most talented Dutch woman painter; or those great painters of Still Life, Van Slingelandt, Heda, Kalff and Snyders. The Collection was not formed by Mr. Balbach, but was gathered years ago under expert advice by Count Arthur Berechthold, a_ cultivated amateur of Castle Maslanica, Hun- gary. The previous owners from 7 whom they were acquired by him are given in many cases. When the Col- lection of some forty odd pictures was acquired by Mr. Balbach a dozen years ago, it was under a guaranty from the art expert, Julius Leitner of Vienna and Budapest, as being free from any doubt or question of au-— thenticity of each individual work, and after the Collection had been sold, efforts were made by the former owner to secure its return to Europe. Though actively engaged in com- - mercial affairs, Mr. Balbach (who was the Vice-President of the S. P. Weth- erill Company, Paint and Color manu- facturers of New York and Philadel- phia), was deeply interested in art - matters, and a man of cultivated taste. His judgment, formed by long asso- ciation with works of art was sound and he demanded that a picture be large both in purpose and effect. ARTISTS Allori, A. (Bronzino) Berchem, N. Both, Jan . Brekelenkam, Q. . Brueghel, A. Brueghel, P Canaletto, A. De Vlieger, S. : De Ferg, Franz Paul . Diepenbeeck, A. van , Fabritius, K. : Heda, Willem K. Hoppner, John Jordaens, Jacob Kalff, Willem Kessel, J. van Lawrence, Sir Thomas Leyster, Judith ~~. Marieschi, J. Marieschi, J. Metsu, Gabriel . Mignard, Pierre Moro, Antonio Munkacsy, M Musscher, M. van Potter, Paul Reynolds, Sir Joshua . Romney, George . REPRESENTED 9 No. A Cardinal 29 Halt at the Inn . 40 Landscape and Figures . 42 Fish Dealer . 4 . Flowers 15 . Market Scene 46 Venice 28 Seascape . ur Bete 2c Bataseaper ot) 73°37 Charity (see illustration) 33 Young Girl . 27 Still Life . e459 Portrait of a Young Woman 31 Amorettes 13 Fruit 5 Landscape aI Portrait of a Lady 34 A Sleeping Boy . 24. St. Mark’s Square, Venice 16 Bridge of The Rialto 19 An Old Lady Es Anne of Austria 39 Portrait of aSpanish Princess 47 Girl Reading ; 20 A Lady and Her Dialiter 18 Out of Service 26 Girl Reading save dlivwere: tion) . cena Sketch of a Vine Girl 36 Ruisdael, Jacob van Ryckaert, David Slingelandt, Pieter van Steen, Jan . Stevaerts, Anthonie Palamedesz Snyders, F. ; Van der Lys, Jan . Van Everdingen Jan Van Mieris, Willem Vecelli, Titian Watteau, J. A. Unknown . Landscape. >... “1 ees In the Studio’. 5 20s anes Sell Life: 2) 25 Se eae A Dutch Tavern . . . 23 Portrait of a Young Women 6 Fruit), .o5 7 Sly) es ee Battle Scenes) (450i eee eee Winter Sport )). \ See tare Dianaand Nymph . . . 41 A Courtier (See illustration) 44 Summer Pleasures (See il- lustration) ss civ) eee een Portrait of an Old Lady . 22 Marie de Medicis . . . 14 Landscape with Figures. . 17 Portraitofa Man . .-. 32 A DutchiFair <<. 3 es IO CATALOGUE No. 1 Jan van der Lys Dutch, 1600-1657 A BATTLE SCENE So closely does the work of this painter resemble that of his master, Cornelis Poelemburg, that it is often ascribed to the latter. He painted battle scenes, landscapes, bathing nymphs and historical scenes, and his work may be found in the museums of Holland and Germany. Copper panel, signed with initial. Oval, height, 934 inches; width, 14% inches. No. 2 Jan van der Lys Dutch, 1600-1657 A BATTLE SCENE Companion work to the foregoing Copper panel, signed with initial. Oval, height, 934 inches; width, 14% inches. From the Collection of Lewetzow, Budapest II No. 3 Willem Klaasz Heda Dutch, 1594-1678 STILL LIFE A collection of brass and tin uten- sils with a chafing dish with a fire” burning underneath, all executed in the minute manner whieh marks this painter's work, examples of which may be found in the Dresden and Munich galleries and in the Louvre. Canvas. | Height, 8% inches; width, 10% inches. . No. 4 Quiryn Brekelenkam Dutch, XVII Century THE FISH DEALER Seated by a table on which is a large platter of fish, a man is engaged in cleaning one. He wears a red cap and smokes a clay pipe. The artist was a pupil of Gerard Dow, but did not adopt the minuteness of detail of that master. Panel. Signed at left. Height, 9% inches; width, 7 inches. I2 No. 5 Willem Kalff Dutch, 1622-1693 FRUIT An orange, alemon and two peaches in a silver dish with a glass goblet half filled with wine, and a piece of crim- son velvet across the table serves this able painter with an interesting theme. His work is to be found in most of the European museums. Canvas, relined. Height, 20 inches; width, 18 inches. No. 6 Anthonie Palamedesz Stevaerts Dutch, 1600-1673 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN Wearing a blue dress with a wide, lace trimmed collar and a Broad brimmed black hat, a young woman gazes directly at the spectator. Her hair falls in curls about her face. His pictures are in the galleries of Berlin, Vienna, Brussels and The Hague. Panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. 13 No. 7 Franz Paul de Ferg Ree Austrian, 1689-1740 LANDSCAPE In the rocky foreground two hore men are talking with some peasants. Beyond the towers of a medieval castle are seen, and still beyond a wide stretching mountainous country. © The artist lived for some years at Court in Dresden, then later spent __ twenty years in London where ‘his \ =v aa work met with much success. On copper. Height, 13 inches; width, 18 4 inches. ‘No. 8 David Ryckaert Flemish, 1612-1661 IN THE STUDIO Seated before his easel an artist is engaged in transferring to his canvas the likeness of a model seen posing at the left with pipe and j jug. At the right the studio assistant is poe , 4 grinding colors, and at the back another is seen at an easel. His work is sometimes confused with that of Adrien Brouwer; a canvas in the Amsterdam Museum was formerly attributed to Brouwer. Panel. ! Height, 24 inches ; width, 37 inches. No. 9 Willem Klaasz Heda Dutch, 1594-1679 STILL LIFE On a table covered with a white cloth stands a goblet half filled with wine, at the base of which is a fruit pie. A tall gilt cup and an overturned compot dish with a half peeled lemon, a silver spoon and a tankard form the interesting array of breakfast table objects, subjects which Heda always executed in a masterly manner. Panel. Height, 25 inches; width, 2614 inches. Stamped on the back with the Seal of the ienna Art Society 15 Franz Snyders © Dutch, 1579-1657 FRUIT stand filled with grapes and ae atc with some melons at the right. — Below a squirrel munches nuts, and at the left is a green jug; all the ob- jects are painted with the utmost | fidelity. Nee Sh Panel. mes Height, 19% inches; width, 25 inches 2 No. ll - Gabriel Metsu Dutch, 1630-1667 - PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY | Seated out of doors the old lady holds in her right hand a carnation upon which she gazes thoughtfully. She is dressed in black with a wide white collar and a black cap. Beside — her stands a flower pot with a tall carnation in bloom. | Panel. Signed at the right. . Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. 16 | No. 12 Jan van Everdingen Dutch, 1625-1656 WINTER SPORTS On thefrozen stream several figures are seen engaged in games. At the left rise some houses and a bridge crosses above, beyond which skaters are seen. Panel. Signed at left. Height, 15 inches; width, 10% inches. No. 13 Jacob Jordaens Flemish, 1593-1678 AMORETTES Seated on red drapery one young love embraces his curly-headed mate. It shows Jordaens’ talent in dealin with scenes from lifewhich led Rubens to attach him to his own studio. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. 17 | No. 14 ae Unknown Painter | French School This bust portrait of the beautiful — and ambitious queen of Henry IV. _ shows her in black dress with a broad _ ruff falling overthe shoulders. Across her bosom falls a double strand of ee pearls and the same jewels hang from her ears. Above her crimped blonde hair she wears a widow’s cap. Canvas, oval. | Height, 27 inches; width, 23 inches. 7 No. 15 : Abraham Brueghel Flemish, 1672-1720 | FLOWER PIECE From a large decorated urn springs — a mass of roses, tulips, lilies and other — flowers. Some shells lie at the base and a small white dog is curled up at the right. Panel. | Height, 46 inches: width, 31 inches. 18 No. 16 Jacopo Marieschi Italian, 1711-1794 VIEW OF THE PIAZZA SAN MARCO, VENICE The artist gives us one of those Venetian architectural subjects for _ which he is well known and which are to be found in many collections. Though some years younger he was contemporary with Canaletto, whose views of Venice gained such wide popularity. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches. No. 17 Unknown Painter Dutch School LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES ~A horseman halts in front of a house to talk with awoman. A man sits at the foot of a tree before her. Another horseman is seen beyond. A signature at the right was prob- ably added later. Panel. Height, 15 inches; width, 20 inches. 19 No. 18 i Michiel van Musscher — Dutch, 1645-1705 , PORTRAIT OF A LADY AND HER DAUGHTER In a blue silk dress cut low in ne neck the woman is seated beside a fountain, her left arm resting on the _ basin. Her powdered hair is dressed — high, and across her lap falls a brown ~ silk overdress. At her right stands — a young girl holding fruit for a paro- quet to peck at. Beyond a large urn a landscape background is seen. Canvas. Signed and dated 1695. Height, 30 inches; width, 26 inches. No. 19 Jacopo Marieschi Italian, 1711-1794 THE BRIDGE OF THE RIALTO, VENICE — Like its companion work in this _ collection, this subject shows the ab- solute architectural knowledge and training of the painter. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches. 20 No. 20 Michael Munkacsy Hungarian, 1844-1900 A GIRL READING Seen in profile a young woman wearing a blue jacket, sits reading from _a book held in front of her. The work was made as a study for one of the figures in the large work, “ Mil- ton Dictating-Paradise Lost,” now in the New York Public Library. Panel. Height, 24 inches; width, 19% inches. From the Munkacsy Sale, Paris, 1901 No. 21 Johannes van Kessel Dutch, 1648-1698 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Two horsemen halt on their way to speak to a young woman who rests on the roadside. Beyond stretches a wooded landscape under a moving sky, whose features strongly recall the work of the artist’s master Ruisdael. Panel. Height, 161% inches; width, 22% inches. 21 ied BS: Ss Ui ie No. 22. ‘S Unknown Painter Flemish, X VI Century ; PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY Dressed in black with ruff ane cap the old lady gazes intently at the © spectator. An inscription in the up- — per corner gives her age as sixty years. Oak panel, dated 1575. 3 Height, 19 inches; width, 1414 inches. é No. 23 vay Jan Steen Dutch, 1626-1679 - OUTSIDE A DUTCH TAVERN From the door of the tavern at the right a man is being led home by his wife; a small child lends assistance in getting the unwilling victim away from — his companions. Beyond a group of ~ villagers are playing at nine pins while : others recline about at ease. Canvas. Signed at left. | Height, 30 inches; width, 40 inches. From the Collection of Baron Beurnonville, Paris, 1884 22 No. 24 Judith Leyster Dutch, 1600-1660 A BOY-SLEEPING The artist was a pupil of Frans Hals, then in 1639 became the wife ~ of Jan Molenaar, a well-known Dutch figure painter of Amsterdam. A work | of hers in the Amsterdam Museum was formerly catalogued as a Frans -—-Hals. Panel. Height, 2334 inches; width, 15% inches. From the Collection of Baron Faviers, Paris, 1837 No. 25 Unknown Painter Dutch, Seventeenth Century A DUTCH FAIR On the river a number of boats are seen transporting people to the village beyond wherea number of booths have been set up around a church. Peas- ants and villagers throng the. scene. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 33 inches. 23 7 No. 26 © Paul Potter — Dutch, 1625-1654 OUT OF SERVICE | the path seeming to indicate he has come to theend. It shows that close study of nature to which Potter owed af his success. Ne Panel. : Height, 11 inches; width, to inches, van No. 27 © Karel Fabritius Dutch, 1624-1654 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL Dressed in white with a red apron, the young girl clasps the handle of her broom as she leans forward intently gazing at the spectator. Canvas. | Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. The Attribution is on the authority of Dr. Bode of the Berlin National Gallery From the collection of Baron von Kreh! of Meiningen 24 No. 28 Antonio Canal, called Canaletto Italian, 1697-1768 VIEW OF VENICE On the right is seen the stretch of buildings beginning with the church of Santa Maria della Salute and ter- minating with the Dogana, and San Giorgio in the distance. Gondolas, “market boats and freighters dot the surface of the canal at its widest stretch, under a broad expanse of summer sky. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. From the collection of the Marquise de Salza, Paris No. 29 Angiolo Allori, called Il Bronzino Italian, 1502-1572 PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL Above the brilliant robes of a car- dinal the blue eyes of the young man look directly toward the spectator, 25 his round face with the flush of health rising above the white collar folded over his hood. Formerly this por- — trait was called that of Cardinal de Medici who became, at 38 yea of age, Pope Leo X. | Panel. | Height, 26% inches; width, 20 0% inches. | From the Lewetzow Gitieotaes Budapest No. 30 Cue m ‘ Jean Antoine Watteau | French, 1684-1721 SUMMER PLEASURES Seated on the garden steps, near a plashing fountain, a youth is perform- ing on a lute for ‘the enjoyment of a maid at his side. Another couple walking away arm in arm look back with enjoyment. A third pair is seen © seated at the foot of a clump of tall trees, the girl holding a small dog in her lap. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. 26 No. 30. SUMMER PLEASURES No. 31 John Hoppner 1758-1810 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN Wearing a wide brimmed hat with a wreath of gay flowers, the young woman looks over her right shoulder. Her hair is elaborately dressed and falls in curls across her shoulders over which is folded a white kerchief, leaving her neck bare. A_ brown scarf rests on her right arm. Canvas, oval. | Height, 114% inches; width, 10% inches. No. 32 Unknown Painter Dutch School, 16th Century PORTRAIT OF A MAN This bust portrait shows a keenly intellectual man with blonde beard, He is dressed in black and wears a stiff ruff about his neck. At the upper left corner appears a coat of arms and his age as 43 years, with the date 1578. Panel. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. 27 No. 33 Abraham van Diepenbeeck Flemish, 1599-1675 CHARITY A woman semi-nude holds a nude fair-haired sleeping child on her lap, while a second leans on her shoulder and a third stands at her knee. A pupil of Rubens, Diepenbeeck showed inventive genius and rare facility of execution. In the church of the Carmelites at Antwerp is a fine pic- ture representing the “ Virgin in the Clouds with St. Ely,” and at the Recollets some of his pictures were said by Decamps to be equal to those of Van Dyck. Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches. (See I llustration ) No. 34 Sir Thomas Lawrence English, 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Dressed in a white gown with a wide flaring collar, the young woman 28 Sy . f Miss. CHARITY. BY ABRAHAM VAN DIEPENBEECK is seated in a red-cushioned chair against Lawrence’s usual pillar and curtain background. She wears a wide brimmed black hat beneath which is seen her blonde curling hair. A black scarf falls across her left arm and she holds a glove in her gloved left hand. Canvas. ipa Height, 45 inches; width, 37 inches. No. 35 Simon De Vlieger Dutch, 1600-1660 A SEA PIECE Over the choppy waters of the North Sea, fishing boats and other sea going craft are entering and leav- ing the harbor whose breakwater stretches out at the right. The whole picture shows the interesting features which characterize the work of this Master of William van de Velde. Panel. Height, 16% inches; width, 2734 inches. 29 No. 36 George Romney English, 1734-1802 SKETCH OF A YOUNG GIRL With upraised eyes the young face is turned toward us, the innocence of childish wonder caught in a_ hasty sketch. Her hair falls 1n curls about the face and she wears a blue dress. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. No. 37 Franz Paul de Ferg Austrian, 1689-1740 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES From an elevation where a number of peasants are gathered one obtains a view of a castle and a wide reaching landscape beyond. Says Bryan, “The landscapes of Ferg are of very agree- able scenery, enriched with architec- tural ruins in a very picturesque style.” On copper. Height, 13% inches; width, 1834 inches. 30 No. 38 Pieter Cornelisz van Slingelandt Dutch, 1640-1691 STILL LIFE On a table whose cloth is drawn to the right stands a silver flagon with raised lid, a wine bottle, a fruit pie _ with a silver spoon inserted. In front is a silver plate with overturned glass and a lemon pealed and cut in slices and a knife with ornamental handle, all painted with the knowledge and _ breadth to be Spesccd | in a pupil of Gerard Dou. Panel. Height, 29 inches; width, 22 inches. : No. 39 Pierre Mignard French, 1610-1695 PORTRAIT OF ANNE OF AUSTRIA Clothed in a crimson court dress with low neck and wide sleeves the queen sits in a carved arm chair, her right arm resting on a table. Her hair is dressed with a strand of pearls, 31 the same jewels encircling her neck and depending from her ears. This queen of France was the daughter of Philip III. of Spain. She married Louis XIII. and was the mother of Louis XIV. On the death of the King she became regent during the minority of her son and chose Mazarin as prime minister. Canvas. Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. From the Collection of Baron Faviers No. 40 Nicolaas Berchem Dutch, 1620-1683 THE HALT AT THE INN At the left on a bank stands the inn before which is drawn up a stage- coach whose travelers are gathered about atable. In the foreground are a number of horses being led to the watering place at the right. Beyond © stretches a pleasing landscape. Canvas. Signed at the left with monogram. Height, 25 inches; width, 31 inches. 32 Ly fe caren ti Ss eta ce (ae aie ae Dh, eee 2 See eS ee Sot 2 ie RA) eee eS a Oe ee ee Ps eae sr ee tae eo a Oy 2S a IA i ae oe we No. 41 Willem van Mieris Dutch, 1622-1747 DIANA AND ONE OF HER NYMPHS Seated at rest on a mossy bank Diana is attended by one of her nymphs. A dusky forest forms the background. Son and pupil of the illustrious Frans Van Muieris. Panel. Height, 1534 inches; width, 13 inches. No. 42 Jan Both Dutch, 1610-1662 LANDSCAPE At the right some herdsmen are resting in the shadow of a high bank clothed with trees and shrubbery from which tumbles a thin waterfall into a ravine below. In the center some goats are grazing and beyond stretches a peaceful sunny landscape. Canvas. Height, 45 inches; width, 53 inches. 33 No. 43 Sir Joshua Reynolds English, 1723-1792 A GIRL READING Seated in an arm chair, resting her head on her right arm,a young woman is seen reading from a book which she holds in her left hand. Over a white dress she wears a buff overdress with blue collar and bow and a blue girdle. Her brown hair is dressed high on her head. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. (See Illustration) No. 44 Titian Vecelli Italian, 1477-1576 PORTRAIT OF A COURTIER Seen at half length a young man stands looking directly at the specta- tor. He wears a low velvet hat and his right hand clasps the front of a loose black coat which falls away at the breast, showing a high-buttoned slashed buff jacket with a lace frill above the collar. Between 1516 and 34 No. 43. A GIRL READING. BY SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS wy 1523 Titian was made much of at the brilliant court of Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara, where he painted a number of portraits. An inscription on the back of the portrait designates this as “the 68th work of Titian Uccelo (sic) painter of Cadore, born in the Alps in the year 1480, who died when 96 years old in Venice in 1 Ber Antique oak panel. : Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches. From the Lewetzow Collection, Budapest (See. Frontispiece) No. 45 Jacob van Ruisdael Dutch, 1630-1682 LANDSCAPE WITH A RUINED CASTLE Through a summer landscape flows a placed river spanned by a high arched stone bridge, above which spread the branches of an old tree. On the left rises the ruined tower of a stone castle against a sky broken by dark cloud masses. Oak panel. Signed at left with mono- gram. Height, 19 inches; width, 25 % inches. From the Collection of Herr Dr. Schubarth, Munich 35 No. 46 Peeter Brueghel (the Elder) Dutch, 1530-1569 MARKET SCENE NEAR FORT BRIGGE A village feast and merry-making is shown, with a large number of characteristic figures marked by the humor and pleasantry of Brueghel, who was surnamed “the Droll,” and whose pictures are found in all the principal European museums. Panel. Height, 27 inches; width, 46 inches. From the Collection of Herr Von Schoenlauck No. 47 Antonio Moro 1512-1582 - PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH PRINCESS In a dress trimmed with red, with a ruff about the neck and an orna- mented head-dress, the child Princess sits holding a cluster of flowers in one hand and the long gold chain which hangs from her neck in the other. 36 the train of Car eee yi / many eee of | fefeewas sent to 9 A. t the court there, and t Queen Mary, \ > F ia re as i ; . ' oa : ; ‘ \ Pa aa ‘ Roe, 5 ate t ‘s Paani | ‘ ‘4 . bye Le} . ? > \ q i / A - 1 ? , j / j } : ‘ L , } , } Z i Pai oe : i. a i u re | e