hee es Pee ee aye on FREE VIEW DAY AND EVENING yl AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES“ MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK phe. x5 FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 47, 1905 UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL | ON THE EVENINGS OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9TH AND 10TH aces a Aare Att) bee, ye ogi) bk . CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE PAINTINGS BY DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS OF THE MODERN SCHOOLS BELONGING TO SEVERAL ESTATES, A PROMINENT DEALER DECLINING BUSINESS, AND A PRIVATE COLLECTOR TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE a | EVENINGS HEREIN STATED AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS NEW YORK: 1905 Press of Ja]. Little & Co, Astor Place, New Vork Thin 2 \ SPECIAL NOTICE | THE SALE IS MADE FOR ACCOUNT OF THE FOLLOWING ESTATES AND INDIVIDUALS: ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. SARAH B. CONKLING (Whose pictures were mostly selected by the late Dante. Corrrer) TO BE SOLD BY ORDER NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Executor ESTATE OF THE LATE SAMUEL B. SEXTON (Comprising important examples purchased at the sale of the Mary J. Morean Corection) wW. NELSON CROMWELL, Ese., ann FRANCIS L. NOBLE, Esa. Trusrers Unper THE WILL AND ALSO A NUMBER OF PAINTINGS BELONGING TO ae ESTATE OF THE LATE MARK HOYT a ee a ee } (MOSTLY FROM THE GEORGE I, SENEY SALE OF 1804)" _ THE ENTIRE STOCK OF L. CRIST. DELMONICO.... RETIRING FROM BUSINESS “Pe an, 1. AND THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MR. ARTHUR A. CROSBY OF THIS CITY NOTE A Collection of Delft, Sevres Porcelain, Hispano - Moresque Plaques, Bronzes, Antique Persian, Damascus and European Arms and Weapons, and Etchings by RemBraNpT, WHISTLER and Sir FRANCIS _ Seymour Haven, collected by the ate Mrs. SARAH B, CONKLING, will be sold at Top AMERICAN ART GALLERIES on the AFTERNOON OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, at 2.30 o’clock. pr4 ie - - Ph5] fat @ a CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immedi- ately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judg- ment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned mill not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they mill be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. Z 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply mith the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together mith all charges attending the same. This Condition is mithout prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected mith the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tur AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. seth , ‘a a ie L* CATALOGUE ay, FIRST EVENING’S SALE - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 97n, 1905 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 O'CLOCK No. EL Aref; DAVID COL 1822— LA NOTE A PAYER A srurpy citizen of middle age has been taking a repast in a modest hostelry, and while he is smoking his church- warden after his cup of coffee the waitress brings him his bill, which he examines with anxious care to the amuse- ment of the girl. The costumes are of the time of the French Revolution, and the accessories place the scene somewhere in Flanders. Signed at the lower left, D. Cot. Height, 8% inches; width, 6% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. CXQ2 = te No. 2 inet pe “4 LEON VICTOR DUPRE d) fD | 1816—1879 THE LONE COTTAGE A WHITEWASHED cottage with a lofty roof of heavy thatch stands in full sunlight on a slight elevation above a pool of water, which is nearly overgrown with weeds and rushes. On the left is a vista across a wide plain to a low horizon. Heavy clouds fill the lower part of the sky, their upper surfaces strongly illuminated by sunlight. » Signed at the lower right, Vicror Dupre. Height, 8 inches; length, 10% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. No. 3 Ge / Arua 4 JAMES LITTLE O ; Contemporary }{ SCHEVENINGEN AL DIAGONAL line from the left of the foreground divides the sea from the shore. On the edge of it is a group of women in white caps, looking out toward a couple of fish- ing vessels, that lie on the pale blue water, their tawny sails hanging loose against the sooty gray sky. On the right of the foreground a woman in white cap, drab cloak, and black skirt stands near four others, who are sitting round a pile of fish. Signed at the lower right, J. Larrie, ’02. Height, 10 inches; length, 13% inches. Owner, ArTHUR A, CrosBy. No. 4 Vk OT ie ge: HERMANUS ADRIANUS VAN OOSTERZEE A 1863— CO ' " < pris ON THE BANKS OF THE CANAL Water Color From the left of the foreground the grayish white water stretches diagonally, until it makes a turn to the left, round a point of land on which are seen red-roofed buildings and six small trees. At the turn of the canal appears a black boat, in which a man in blue coat stands working an oar. Across the background extends a cliff- like hill, topped with a line of dark woods. Signed at the lower left, VAN OosrerzEr, ’92. Height, 6% inches; length, 12 inches. wos Le bheabacy AUGUST VON PETTENKOFEN 1821—1889 | Owner, ArtHurR A, Crospy. f), HUNGARIAN VILLAGE i : “Water Color In the centre of the sandy street a hog is routing, and three more stand near a man, who is sitting on the right. Farther back behind him is a cottage with pigeons clus- tering on its roof, that projects beyond the walls, so as to form a veranda supported upon posts. Between two of them some linen is floating from a line. On the left of the foreground stands a saw-horse, with a cloth over it, in front of a thatched rickety wooden shed. Signed at the lower right, PerrenKoreNn, ’85. Height, 91% inches; length, 14% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. 2 sy, Na | Vi No. 6 ° We we MAURICE V{NCLES | FLOWERS In the midst of the bunch of flowers are some roses, with pale petals enclosing a rosy centre, around which are grouped bluish white asters and other flowers of purplish and reddish brown color, interspersed with leaves. Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. EK. ALLEN SCHMIDT Contemporary * THE STUDIO THE easel is on the right of the composition, below a high window draped with a green velvet curtain. The painter sits in the centre, holding brush and palette, dressed in plum-red trunks and a jacket which opens over a full white shirt, the latter also showing through the slash of the sleeve. Against the wall at the back stands a high carved bureau, while a paint-box lies upon a stool in front of the easel. | Signed at the lower left, EK. Atte~n Scumipr. Height, 6% inches; width, 5 inches. Owner, L. Crist DetmMonico. No. 8 a4 Mota? GERKE HENKES 1844— CARPENTER’S SHOP | Q THE light streams into the shop from the left, through 10 ~ two high circular-topped windows, the nearer of which is swung open on central pins. Below them stretches the bench, at which the carpenter, facing us, is planing. Be- hind his back stands a tall cupboard against the wall, which, like the timbered roof overhead, is a study of vari- ous tones of brown, gilded in parts by the light. Height, 9% inches; width, 7 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx1ine. No, 9 aw UYlebethe A. D. PEPPERCORN ae Contemporary RETURNING HOME In the centre appears the gabled end and chimney of a white, thatched cottage, with a lean-to projecting from its end. Round the corner of this a woman and child are ad- vancing toward the front of the cottage on the right, where, beyond two trees, a latticed window is visible. On the left of the figures stand three little scraggy saplings, at the back of which is a mass of bluish green foliage. Signed on the lower right, PEPPERCORN. Height, 9% inches; width; 6 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs, Saran B. ConKLIne. No. 10 JAMES DAVID ILLIK, N.A. 1833— . ty 4 ag A BIT OF BERKSHIRE HILLS Water Color A paTtHway leads back through the forest, and where it dips from view, an artist is seated with his drawing block upon his knee. He is looking out over a lake that lies at the foot of distant mountains. On the right of the foreground lies a tree trunk. Signed at the lower left, J. D. Smituire, June, ’75. . Height, 91% inches; width, 71% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConKuine. No. 11 KL. ie A. HAGUE | COWS IN A BROOK OQ A BRown cow and a lighter-colored one are standing, 9, drinking, in a pool of water, from which a bank slopes up on each side. On the left stands a tree, whose delicate branches and soft foliage show against the pale evening sky. 3 Signed at the lower left, A. Hacue. \ Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConxKuina. ALBERT P. RYDER, A.N.A. S34. — *) : STAG HUNT fs 3 At the back of a sward, which slopes down from the right, the trunks and darkly bunched foliage of a row of oaks stand out against the warm amber light of an evening sky, streaked with purple. On the left of the foreground a white stag in flight throws up his head, as a hound, racing beside him, strives to seize his flank. They have just crossed a brook in the centre, beyond which to the right appear two horsemen galloping, with spears in their hands. In the distance on the crest of a hill, to the right, is visible a house. | Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxktine. Mo 1 a, ANTONIO MANCINI About 1850— STUDY OF A CHILD h | {). A LITTLE boy sits crouching with his left side against a - wall, so that his black curly hair rises Just above the dark olive-green dado into the greenish-gray of the upper part. He is dressed in a white shirt, black trousers and clumsy boots. Signed at the lower right, Manctnt. Height, 11% inches; width, 7 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conk tina. No. 14 6 V3 f a CLAUDE MONET 1840— he 4 O's PASTEL Tue foreground is a stretch of pinkish dove-gray ground with a black oblong mass upon its right. Beyond extends a sheet of smooth water, pearl-gray in color, streaked with light blue and lavender, over the horizon hangs a mass of purplish vapor, slashed with rose, while the upper sky has layers of chrome-yellow cloud passing up to blue. Signed at the lower right, CLtaupbE Monet. Height, 5 inches; length, 9 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMOoNICco. an Ch EMILE VAN MARCKE 1827—1891 O 4 HORSE AND CATTLE 3S In the foreground is a white horse facing to the left, his head being turned toward the front. Behind him, rising above his back, is a red bull, while farther back on the left appears a dun cow. In the same plane, on the right, a woman in a blue jacket over a red waist approaches, cutee Ing buckets. Signed at the lower right, Em. van Mancxe. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches. Owner, L.. Crist DELMONICO. wf te Baader LEON BO 1834—1866 ‘A HAUNT OF BUTTERFLIES Aon . Water Color Tue foreground is filled with dark green growth, a bush cutting sharp against the sky, and the tangle of shorter plants being sprinkled with red poppies and one or two butterflies. In the distance upon the left a man is stand- ing, and on the edge of the open space a house and trees’ _ are faintly visible. Signed at the lower right, L¥on Bonvin, 1864. 5 Height, 9% inches; width, 7 inches. a EA endl CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Owner, L. Crist DELMONICcO. 1813—1894 Ke ef * THE TURKEY-DRIVER ul? Water Color A GIRL, with a pale pink kerchief wound round her head, wearing a tawny-colored apron over her blue skirt, and carrying a basket on her right arm, in her other hand holds a stick, with which she directs the progress of some tur- keys. They are streaming across to the right; four black ones, headed by a white. Beyond them stands a clump of pine-trees, between the stems and foliage of which appears a hill that slopes down to some water in the distance. A dark blue ridge of hills lies low across the horizon. Signed at the lower left, Cu. JAacave. ~ Height, 9 inches; width, 4% inches. Owner, Artuur A, Crossy. No. 18 Sy 4 /5 a FELIX ZIEM ts 1s2i1-— SUNSET—STAMBOUL From the right of the composition the narrow edging of foreshore gradually broadens as it crosses the picture, and then curves round in a loop, recrossing the picture in the distance. Here some sails are faintly visible against the rosy horizon, and the dove-gray forms of domes and mina- rets, one of the latter soaring through the primrose of the middle sky toward the clear blue above. In the forepart of the expanse of blue water are two boats, in one of which three men stoop, as if paying out a net, while in the other a man stands, plying an oar. Signed at the lower left, Ziem. Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches. . No. onto t aa Owner, ArtHuR A. Crossy. & CHARLES EMILE JACQUE O 1813—1894 POUTALRA: In the corner of a straw-yard, bounded on the left by a wall, is a group of four hens and a cock with black and gold plumage. A black hen steps quickly across the fore- ground, and of the birds behind her two are white and the third yellow. In the distance lies a strip of pale blue water backed by a range of green hills. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacaur. Height, 4% inches; length, 8 inches. Owner, ArtHur A. Crossy. No. 20 ee age ALBERT P. RYDER, A.N.A. 1847— Se fe () a IN FAIRYLAND THROUGH a glade in a forest of yellowing leaves canters a cavalcade. In advance rides a knight on a brown horse with spear carried high; at some distance behind him, toward the right, caracoles a white horse with a lady on its back; another spearman follows closely, with a group at a farther distance. In the front upon the right is a pond. Signed at the lower right, A. P. Ryper. Height, 4 inches; length, 7 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConK ine. ] No. 21 bance bd NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1807—1876 / A NUDE Pen AaGatnst a background of dark golden brown foliage the Y nude figure of a woman leans against a bank, with the left arm raised. Her right hand, drooping at her side, encircles a round object, and to the left are bunches of rosy drapery. The chief light of the picture is concentrated on the flesh parts. Signed at the lower left, N. Draz. Height, 11% inches; width, 61% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxkuine. tr Sy OS Saas | | ee Lo. : : Pea a No. 214 Yh "4 ANTOINE VOLLON 1833—1900 STILL LIFE A Brass kettle, a copper Jug, a green-glazed jar, a tub, a bunch of onions, a few mussels, and a plate with eggs and a ladle are arranged together in a group in a strong light so as to bring out the local color and the textures of the different materials in the most effective manner. Signed at the lower right, A. Votton. Height, 10% inches; length, 13% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. A. PECQUEREAU RIVER AND LANDSCAPE Water Color THE blue water extends in a broad stream from the front of the picture, separated by a tongue of land from an- other sheet of water on the left. Half-way back in the main stream is a boat with a figure in it. Beyond this, where a dark range of hills stretches across the horizon, the water makes a turn to the right, disappearing behind the projection of the right shore. At the back of this are slaty-colored mountains, but the shore itself is a grassy slope, descending abruptly in the foreground, as if quar- ried out, and in the hollow at the foot stands a house. Signed at the lower left, A. PecqurerEav. Height, 4 inches; length, 7% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConkKuine. | 4 q No. 22 Verne Wlactele SR No. 28 JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET 1814—1875 MAN RESTING ON a bank, which stretches across the picture, a laborer has sat down, and then laid his body along the grassy top. His arms are folded, and his head looks up over them, facing to the right. He is dressed in a shirt of dull pinkish color and green-gray trousers, his feet being bare. Height, 7% inches; length, 11 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxiine. a oy Mee ee JOSEF ISRAELS 1824— VA AN INN PARLOR Water Color ON the left is a fireplace, in front of which sits a woman, with her left elbow on the arm of the chair, supporting her white-capped head with her hand, as she warms her feet. Some distance back on the right, two men sit opposite to us, apparently playing cards, at a table on which rests a bottle. Behind the man on the left stands another watch- ing the game. The picture is executed in sepia, with touches of pale blue. Signed at the lower left, J. ISRAELS. Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConKLING. C oe 76 hate (Or No. 25 AG JEAN CHARLES CAZIN 1841—1902 CAZIN’S STUDIO, BOULOGNE—DAY \ “): Tue foreground consists of scrubby yellow grass, inter- \ 0 spersed with olive-green, beyond which is a knoll of sand, Ly succeeded by another rolling stretch of grass. The sky above is filled with gray clouds, opening out on the right ~ to a slaty-colored clearing, streaked with clouds of fainter oray. | Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazin. Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. an £4 JEAN CHARLES CAZIN 1841—1902 CAZIN’S STUDIO, BOULOGNE—NIGHT _ Tue sky is slaty purple, pricked with stars, and against bi O it is dimly silhouetted the roof of Cazin’s house. ‘Through \A the doorway shines a reddish-yellow light, and in the dis-_ at tance to the right is a spot of paler illumination. On the right of the sandy road which leads up to the cottage is a ) mass of greenery. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazin. Height, 5% inches; length, 6% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. GUSTAVE JEAN JACQUET 1846— BIONDETTA THE head and bust of a lady are shown facing three-quar- | _ ters to the right against a dark olive-green background. t Her hair is brownish yellow, worn in a chignon above the < neck, and in soft curls on each side of the centre parting. | _ Her features are delicately refined; the nose and chin i rather pointed. Her gown is of dark blue velvet, with a ruche of white lace round the neck. Signed at the left, G. Jacavurr. . | Height, 13 inches; width, 914 inches. it and on the lower part a fisherman, standing outside, leans | his right elbow, while he holds his hands round his pipe in | the act of lighting it. Inside the door, her body shown in | profile facing to the left, sits a girl knitting. She wears a dainty white cap, a pink and white tippet tucked into an olive-gren bodice, and a blue apron turned up over a brown skirt. Beyond the man’s figure is a view of masts and sails Owner, L. Crist DELMOoNICo. k ; | & , genes it a NO 98 "ete PO. Uleettile # 1 F oll PAUL HOECKER | : | . Contemporary | P, | A FISHERMAN’S COURTSHIP é ae |i .s ®, | THE top half of the green-painted cottage door is open, | } seen against the gray sky. Signed at the lower left, P. Horcxerr, 1887. Height, 14 inches; width, 9% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. i f m/f; K Abuelee - 46:? ii tl Th Hi i Hil iH il oe eT e 4 sens NT 29 te J ULES DUPRE 1812—1889 a LOW TIDE aim O° A risurve-noat has been left high and dry by the falling \\\ tide, and the fisher folk are unloading the catch. The ex- panse of water, which stretches away to a mysterious hori- zon, is lighted by a burst of sunlight, which also strikes the great cumuli which cover the sky. A few sail are seen in the extreme distance. Signed at the lower right, Jurrs Dupre. Height, 7% inches; length, 9% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. No. 30 Ate H. CASSIERS Contemporary COURTYARD: NEWPORT: ISLE OF WIGHT THE paved court is surrounded by buildings, whose white walls, gray in the shadows, have a dark dado running round them. The roofs are covered with red fluted tiles and interspersed with chimneys. A woman in black dress and gray apron is approaching a door on the right, beside which stands a pump. Signed at the lower right, H. Cassters. Height, 10% inches; length, 15 inches. Owner, ArtHuUR A. Crosby. PT ae ee = eee i. Se : : an” . Ps +. ; aT bs ‘rer a ! a. } : | ‘ : q by 5 rf 5 io é No. 81 J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 7 1853— IN THE FIELD A ponp fills the front of the picture, and beyond it stretches a level meadow streaked with yellow. There is a white stump near the water, and to the right of it some pale yellow flowers. On the left of the meadow rises a tall dark stem, topped with cold green foliage. Farther back, to the right of it, appears another slender tree with soft masses of yellow leaves; and in the distance is a belt of faint olive-green wood. Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpuy. Height, 9 inches; length, 114 inches. No. 22 2Y/, ep G. VALLES Owner, ArtTHuR A. CrosBy. WANDERING MUSICIANS ALONG a street, bordered by a high stone wall, approaches a man with a violin under his arm, accompanied by a girl with a guitar and a little boy with a triangle. Toward the right end of the wall, where the second story and roof of a house show above the coping, is a gateway, at which a figure is standing. The street is in shadow, the light being concentrated in the sky, where blue patches are visible be- tween the white clouds. Against the latter five tree-stems stand up above the wall. Signed at the lower right, VAavuss. Height, 7% inches; length, 12 inches. Owner, ArtHur A. Crosby. Cie ee Le f)* A Zs Ww No. 33 (hed JAMES LITTLE Contemporary CANAL AND WINDMILL Water Color On the left of the water, which runs back from the fore- ground, a causeway leads up to the windmill, past a cot- tage with drab walls and red roof, in front of which walks a woman, carrying pails on a yoke. The structure of the mill, towering up into the whitish blue sky, is of a drab color; its sails white. To the right of it are low buildings with red roofs. Signed at the lower right, J, Livre, ’03. Height, 10 inches; length, 13% inches, No. 34 . SAMUEL COLMAN 1833— Owner, ArtHur A. CrosBy. ff. S (JWOODS NEAR IRVINGTON Tue foreground, sloping down from the left and rising again on the right, is carpeted with brownish-yellow, inter- spersed with a few drab boulders. On each knoll is a clus- ter of slim trees with golden-yellow foliage, and beyond the dip the woods continue to a distant line of hills. The blue sky is streaked with diagonal bars of white cloud. Signed at the lower left, Sam CoteMan. Height, 9 inches; length, 17 inches. Owner, ArTHUR A. CrosBy. aah Aa aa th | iv ie Fa i e - te 5 Se Ae ys + es .4 —— No. 35 269 esi J. H. L. DE HAAS 1830—1895 COWS ON THE DUNES In one of the hollows of the dunes that stretch across the foreground a white cow with black face and chest is moving toward the left, followed by a reddish dun, with white on the forelegs and shoulder, which feeds as she ad- vances. Farther back, across the scrubby grass, four cows are passing in single file, the herdswoman being some dis- tance in the rear. Beyond her figure the sandy edge of the dunes shows against the purplish sky, and a single tree rears up its bushy foliage. Signed at the lower left, J. H. L. De Haas. Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches. Owner, ArtHurR A. Crosby. Be / ee A. BONNEMAISON ON THE SHORE On the left of the sandy foreground are two fish baskets. A third lies near the centre, behind which kneels a woman in white cap and apron, while at her back stands another. In the distance near the water’s edge appear six more fig- ures, and to the right of them a man on horseback. 'I'wo sails dot the whitish sea, which catches the light from a pale greenish sky overspread with layers of white cloud. Signed at the lower right, A. BoNNEMAISON. Height, 10% inches; length, 13% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B, ConKLIne. 404 4° jl No. 37 whe, A. BULLARD THE BONFIRE THE scene is a bit of village street, leading between two gray-plastered cottages with high-pitched roofs of thatch. In front of the building on the left is a thatched shed, and in the centre of the picture a woman in black skirt stands beside a low wall. The background is filled in with russet- brown trees that show against a darkening blue sky. All is in shade except the wall of the house on the left, which is illumined by the glare of a little fire, over which bend two figures, one in a red and one in a white cap. Signed at the lower left, A. B. Height, 10144 inches; length, 15% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B, ConKLING. vo 0 , ANTOINE VOLLON 1833—1900 >‘ spuDY OF FOWLS AMONG the russet leaves in a spot bordered with trees is a : group of poultry. The chief light falls upon a black and white cock that stands facing to the right, where three hens, respectively brown, whitish, and black, are pecking at the ground. Some others are grouped round a pan on the left of the foreground. Signed at the lower right, A. Vorion. Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConxKLine. ‘a WILLEM MARIS I eA eee eo ae MILKING TIME On the right bank of a stream that stretches back from the front of the picture, a woman is milking a black cow. Be- yond her is a white cow and a brownish-red one, turned in the opposite direction toward the birch trees that form a clump on the right. Farther back of these, where the stream winds round out of sight, is a thick row of willows. The lofty sky is of creamy white, showing some touches of blue. Signed at the lower right, Wittrm Maris. Height, 16% inches; width, 91% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxuine. HENRI HARPIGNIES 1819— a [52 BOURBON LPARCHAMBAULT | Water Color Bryonpd the foreground of sandy ground, which slopes down from the right and is dotted with shrubs and figures, is the entrance gateway of the town, whose old walls ex- tend to the left. Above the trees which crown them appear the walls and roofs and, noticeably, a slender tower sur- mounted by a cupola. The sky is grayish-blue with rolling clouds. Signed at the lower left, H. Harvicnies. Inscription at lower right, Bourson-L’ ARCHAMBAULT. Height, 9% inches; length, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConK ine. No. 39 oie et f Ye " t ‘was a en i OO a LO eee No. . en 7) JOHANNES BOSBOOM 1817—-1891 CHURCH INTERIOR On the left of the foreground a woman in black, with » white cap and tippet, sits upon a red seat at the base of a pillar. The latter is one of the supports of a pointed arch, beneath which, filling the space between the pillars, is a wooden screen of columnar construction. From the far- ther pillar, near the base of which stands a man in a short red cloak, springs another arch at right angles, spanning the background of the picture, and revealing a vista of vaulted roof and part of an end window. The space be- tween the pillars is bridged by a wooden gallery, and enclosed below by a screen. Signed at the lower left, J. BosBoom. Height, 161% inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs Saran B. ConK Line. . No. 42 & Se ADOLPHE ARTZ 1837— HUMBLE INDUSTRY In a simple room, evidently the kitchen of a well-to-do Dutch burgher, an old woman in lace cap, black kerchief, gray jacket and black petticoat is seated near a table, busily knitting a brown woollen stocking; two or three bowls and a glazed jug stand on the table, and in the background are part of a hooded fireplace and a green door. Signed at the lower right, Arrz. MUX Nogf Height, 19% inches; width, 12 inches. From THE Georce I. Sentry Satz, 1894. Woy « Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. No. 48 HENRI BUREAU THE SANDY ROAD A MAN in a blue shirt is moving away from us along the | 0 pale yellow road, which leads up between banks of sand. Beyond him to the left a haystack stands upon the brink of the rise, and next to it is a clump of trees of rich brown foliage. On the opposite side of the road rises another mass of foliage, dark olive green. The sky is deep blue, with volumes of grayish and white cloud rolling across it down to the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Henri Bureau. Height, 10% inches; length, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxkiine. Cc. tb No. 44 putt ®. once FULLER, A.N.A. 1822—1884 SHEARING THE DONKEY | \ y V A MAN is engaged in cutting the long hair from a patient Ww , donkey, which is hitched to the post of a rude hovel that is apparently the stable for the animal. Near by a flock of hens gather the food scattered by a woman, and _ be- yond, on the right, tall trees with sparse foliage nearly cover the small area of sky. Signed at the lower left, G. F. Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches. From tHe Gerorce I. Senry Sars, 1894. [Av mL Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. penne ' Sa hae ee No. 43 ro bib PLATT P. RYDER, A.N.A. 1821—1896 INDUSTRY ( ) * Tue full-length figure of a young woman seated on a \ \ rush-bottomed chair in the strong light from a window, part of which is visible on the right. She is engaged in sewing on a white garment. A rag carpet covers the floor, — and a vase of flowers stands on the window sill. Signed at the lower right, P. P. Ryprr. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. No. 46 Pundit H GC DEE x THE SAND BARGE A BROAD river curves away from the left foreground to the distance, where it follows the line of a range of culti- — O° vated hills. Near the grassy bank is moored a sand barge | vy with a plank leading to the shore. A man and a woman are loading into a cart the sand which has been discharged from the boat. 'The sky is full of summer clouds, and the landscape is in the broad light of midday. Signed at the lower left, H. C. Depry, ’87. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyv. TO Miata No. 47 LOUIS DESCHAMPS hae g3S- to ; pp! WILD FLOWERS \P A young, fair-haired peasant girl dressed in a blue jacket, short in the sleeves and open at the neck, and a lavender gray petticoat stands facing the spectator, holding in her left arm a bunch of field flowers, from one of which, a daisy, she is plucking the petals, probably as an accom- paniment to the familiar words, “ He loves me, loves me not.” Signed at the lower right, Lovis Descuamps. Height, 22 inches; width, 15% inches. From rue Grorce I. Senry Sarz, 1894. & ow X Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. eae M. COULAND Contemporary / THE DRINKING PLACE | os In charge of a man in a blue blouse, the sheep are crowd- ai ing to the right margin of a stream that, from the left corner of the foreground, stretches back diagonally, its course marked by a row of pollard willows. Between their boughs a two-arched bridge is visible, spanning the middle distance, and leading to a group of red-roofed cottages on the right. Signed at the lower right, M. Covutanp, 1902. Height, 16% inches; length, 25 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ‘A WOODED SWAMP No. 49 RENE BILLOTTE 1846— IN THE ENVIRONS OF THE Cie Upon the sandy bank which stretches across the lower left corner of the picture, four figures in blue blouses are drawing water from the river. Beyond them, floating on the water, is a brown wash-house, with laundry hanging on a line. Near it is a large flat barge, lying under the op- posite bank. Here appears a stockade, enclosing some buildings, and farther back tall smoke-stacks rise up against the sky. Vis-a-vis with them on the left of the pic- ture are two slender trees overtopping a house. Signed at the lower left, René Bitiorve. . Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches. No. 50 TA aAeg ys /, A GUSTAVE COURBET | 1819—1878 Owner, L. Crist DELMONICo. - THE picture is a beautiful study of various tones of green, enclosed in a carved oak frame, ungilded. The greenish- gray tree-stems rise out of the water or the lush green grass, silhouetted against and overtopped with a profu- sion of green foliage, through gaps in which appears the sky, green in tone above, but bluer below with patches of white. These hues are reflected in the water. Signed at the lower left, Gusrave CourBet. Height, 22% inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. No. 51 FRITZ THAULOW 1847— A CHRISTMAS VISIT A. SNOW-COVERED road slopes up from the front, and a little distance back stands a white horse, with part of a sleigh visible behind him. The driver has alighted and is opening a gate in the fence, which borders the road on the right. Inside it are a bunch of snow-laden evergreen trees and a low cottage. A fir tree overhangs it on its left, and another fir stands opposite on the extreme left of the pic- ture. Between them is a distant view of delicately green and yellow foliage, illumined by the clear light. Signed at the lower right, Frirz Tuavtow. Height, 17% inches; length, 21 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. 6.78 Act No. 52 M. COULAND Contemporary W. BEGINNING OF ANOTHER DAY A rFiock of sheep approaches, their backs silvered with the early morning light. The shepherd follows, and be- hind him are two haystacks, the nearer one having stakes protruding from its side and top. In the distance upon the right a horse amid trees is faintly visible in the haze. Signed at the lower left, M. CouLann. Height, 17% inches; length, 24% inches. Owner, L. Crist. DELMONICO. kK Me = = eS ek a pa ee ek EEE ee ee ee , i A ' uy Rap pe P OY , eter Y. 10 EN Oe e5 Ss M. COULAND Contemporary THE EVENING DRINK A FLOCK of sheep, in the foreground, crowds to the edge of a brook, a pinkish creamy light reflected from their backs. The shepherd, in blue blouse, stands behind them under a willow tree, beyond which to the left appears a stone-arched bridge. Over the top of it red roofs are visible, nestling among trees; and on the right of the picture are a cottage and two haystacks. Signed at the lower left, M. Coutann. Height, 16% inches; length, 25 inches. No. 54 4h = GEORGE MOORLAND 1763—1804 Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. A BAD SPILL A wuItet horse has fallen on its knees in a lane, throwing its rider forward in the mud, his hat and wig flung ahead of him. On the left a woman, carrying milk pails on a yoke, is hastening out of the way, while to the right a man in a light blue coat has his arm round a woman in a white dress, drawing her away from the horse’s heels. At the back of the lane rises a bank, on the top of which, behind a fence and stile, appear the gable and roof of a building, on each side of which is a tree with twisted branches, bare of leaves. Signed at the lower right, G. Mortanpn, 1791. Height, 19% inches; length, 23% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS 1803—1860 AN ITALIAN STREET THE street ascends by steps on the left of the composition to an arch, through which appears a patch of the blue sky that overhangs the buildings. The latter are in shadow, except the upper part of the house upon the right. At the foot of the street is a fountain with a circular basin, from which a woman in a white head-dress, white chemisette and blue skirt striped with red is drawing water. She is stand- ing on a level below the street; and to the right of her is a court in shadow, with an arched entrance at the back of it. Signed at the lower left, D. C. Height, 23 inches; width, 1% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMoNICcO. Ba y No. 56 SILVIO ROTTA (DI ANTONIO) 1853— LE DEJEUNER DE M. LE CURE on the wall at his back. Signed at the lower right, Strvio Rorra pr Anton10, VENEZIA, 1872. Owner, ArtHurR A, Crospy. Tue curé in black cassock and skull-cap sits with his hands folded upon the right side of a table, on which are dis- played a decanter of wine, a tumbler, plate and serviette. His profile, which is framed round by a mirror on the wall behind him, leans forward in eager anticipation of the fowl, which a woman, who has come from the kitchen on the left of the picture, is leaning forward to place before the priest. The latter’s big blue umbrella hangs from a peg Height, 20% inches; length, 24 inches. nye No. 57 : i ne MARTIN RICO "| Contemporary ON THE CORNICHE ROAD From the left of the composition a broad sheet of water narrows to an angle, as the distant bank converges toward the one which leads back from the right of the foreground. Here is a tall white stem, and beyond it, stretching away to a cottage, runs a line of sycamores, under the shadow of which a woman approaches with a child and a donkey. The farther bank slopes up to a road, where a horse and wagon are passing along beside a white wall that encloses a handsome chateau. Its gables, chimneys and tall tower, surmounted by a spire, show above the profuse greenery, which extends to the left, revealing peeps of a turret and | two red roofs. At the back a hill rises against the pale gray- — blue sky. Signed at the lower right, Rico. Height, 16 inches; length, 28 inches. No. 58 Mino Mf, F. GIORDANO Owner, ArtuuR A. CrossBy. Q)*STILL LIFE AGarnst a dark background are massed bunches of purple reddish and green grapes and vine leaves. A little below the centre are two green figs and a purple, ripe one. Above and to the right of these hovers a white butterfly, striped with black. Signed at the lower left, F. Giorpano. Height, 23% inches; width, 18% inches. Owner, Arruur A, Crossy. Sa , » te re eee en Br Contemporary ISLAND DELAITIE: PONT DE L’ARCHE THE river extends diagonally from the left corner of the picture, and across the water a building peeps out from amid masses of brown, green and yellow foliage. To the right, in the distance, the view of water terminates in a strip of very green ground, beyond which a house with red chimneys is visible among trees. Still farther back rises a line of steep cliffs. On the right of the middle distance stands a single poplar, and from it along the right bank of the river leads forward a path by which a figure is ad- vancing. In the foreground a woman is seated upon the bank near another who is stooping over the water. Signed at the lower right, H. C. Derry, ’98. Height, 161% inches; length, 27 inches... Owner, ArtuHur A. Crossy. / ce : sel ie a. No. 60 yA pe LE es JULIEN LE BLANT es THE GAMEKEEPER In a tangle of wood, where birch stems show amid the foliage, a man with a gun under his arm has halted, while he thrusts his right hand into a bag which he is holding in the left. He wears a gray felt hat, brown velveteen coat and slate-colored breeches tucked into tan gaiters. His fig- ure is shown in profile facing to the left. Signed at the lower right, J. Le Brant. Height, 28% inches; width, 22% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConKLIne. ae #8 S ¥ ? ¢ Pt geile / 7 ‘om, ¢ | j Ni wy \ | hidden by a promontory of land jutting out, in the middle which is a small piece of sky partly hidden by foliage. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. NARCISSE BERCHERE 1822— SUNSET ON THE NILE THE rosy light, low down in the pale blue sky, is concen- trated upon the dome, minaret and towers of a city which, upon the left of the picture, terminates the vista of river that stretches back from the foreground. Palm trees and the crossed sails of feluccas are also conspicuous accom- paniments of the buildings. The wind of the river is partly distance, from the right. It is carved dark against the sky and water, and upon its ridge is an Egyptian herdsman, driving his black cattle down the slope to drink. Signed at the lower left, Bercurre, 1853. 7 Height, 14% inches; length, 24 inches. — Owner, Estate of the late Mus. Saran B. ConKLINe. - ae % No. 62 4 O. Word F. ECKENFELDER - F THE VILLAGE SMITHY A country blacksmith with the assistance of a farmer’s lad is shoeing a black cart-horse in front of the smithy, where the fire is glowing at the forge. ‘Two white horses patiently await their turn, and a dog near by watches the process of shoeing with eager interest. On the left the road winds around in front.of a low whitewashed cottage, above mt. f =. h ’ x ; a : ; ABS i , 4 0aAX Signed at the lower right, F. Ecxenretper, MUNCHEN, 1882. Height, 17 inches; length, 27 inches. rom tHe Georce I. Senry Sat, 1894. QQ No. 63 epapea m OX EDMUND HARBURGER. 4 1846— THE WIDOW AN old woman is seated in a large easy-chair, her head bowed down, one thin hand held to her brow and the other holding a handkerchief. The interior is simple with plain but picturesque furniture, and it is lighted by a small latticed window on the left, near which stands a high table with a white cloth. A large cat, the sole companion of the old lady, sleeps in a chair near the table, and a few flowers stand in the window. Signed at the lower left, E. Harnurcer, 1886. Height, 16 inches; length, 24% inches. Feom tur Georce I. Sexry Sarz, 1894. WAX Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. a S UX ANTONIO TAMBURINI 1843— JUST ANOTHER DROP Two Capuchin monks who have been on an expedition after the custom of their order, have been invited to re- fresh themselves in the cellar of an inn, and they are ap- parently enjoying the hospitality of the place under the care of a young peasant woman, who is drawing wine from a large cask. A man-servant watches the scene from an open doorway on the right. Signed at the lower right, A. TampBurini, FLORENCE. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches, From tue Grorce I. Srnry Saxe, 1894. © Ar Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. ~ TTeight, 10% inches; width, 8 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMonIco. \ L/S 00 O JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT rs , : 1796—1875 / j~ STUDY OF ROCKS THE whole picture is piled high with slabs and boulders of slaty gray rock. In the upper right corner is a glimpse of dark drab sky, and the foreground is sprinkled with yellow and red flowers amid the grass and weeds. Stamped at the lower right, Vente Corovt. Height, 10% inches; length, 12% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx ine. MOONLIGHT ON the left of the foreground is a piece of stony ground, out of which rise two slender tree-stems, topped with a mass of brown foliage. Beyond them stretches a smooth sheet of water, on the right of which glides a pleasure barge, with a decorated canopy over its stern. Its wing- shaped sail cuts across the triangular promontory of red- dish hue which juts out from the left into the water. In the greenish creamy sky hangs a full moon, from which project two horn-like purple-red clouds; another ragged cloud floats above it, and a mass also appears to the right, both of a similarly purplish color. Height, 11 inches; width, 11 inches. Owner, Esiate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx ine. Ale: we ee oe =n 7 fi * < a i ev = J ‘s 1 a ee . es * Ce Aw NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1807—1876 FOREST BOULDERS TueE foreground is piled up with gray boulders, from the top of which protrude four tree-trunks with overhanging foliage. Between the two on the left is the vista of a glade, overhung upon the right with trees. Signed at the lower right, N. D1az. Height, 8% inches; length, 12% iches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx1ine. No. 100 SL elle J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 1853— SUNSET A LITTLE pool of water in the foreground catches a glare of light. The grass around it is bright green, but farther back stretches across the picture in a band of golden yel- low, reddish on the left as it reaches a group of farm buildings. These are of a slaty-drab color, relieved with touches of red. To the right of them three trees stand close together, topped with red and green foliage, and farther to the right is a single tree. Across the back of the picture is a row of trees feathered against a creamy golden sky with tufts of rose, very luminous. Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpny, 799. Height, 7% inches; length, 11% inches. Owner, ArrHur A. Crossy. pie > ie i er b - No. 101 HERMANUS ADRIANUS VAN OOSTERZEE 7 1863— ON THE BANKS OF THE RIVER Water Color | THe smoky-white water extends back along the left of the composition, disappearing at a point marked by. a bunch of feathery trees. To the right of these ‘stretches a hedge, out of which grow at intervals three beech trees, succeeded by two larger ones, all bare of foliage. The meadow which reaches from them to the front is a drabbish gray, changing to a pale green along the river side. Signed at the lower right, Van Oosterzer. Height, 8% inches; length, 13 inches. Parca He No. 102 Owner, Artuur A. CrospBy. EK. SANCHEZ-PERRIER 7 Contemporary GUILLENA THE water, which fills the front, is darkened on the right by the shadowed reflections of festooned masses of weep- ing willows on the opposite bank. To the left of them rises a single poplar, and farther across the picture stretches very green high ground, which descends in terraces to the edge of the river. Here in a gray glare of light is a dark boat, in which a man stands as he plies the oars. Signed at the lower right, E. SancHEz PERRIER, GUILLENA. Height, 10 inches; length, 13% inches. Owner, ArtHuR A. CrosBy. Merre Ml Albedon, JOSE JIMINEZ ARANDA ©) ee 1832— THE APOTHECARY ALONG two sides of the room are handsome cabinets of brown wood, ornamented with gilt, reaching from the floor to the ceiling, except where an arched entrance intervenes at the back. At the end of the table in the centre of the room stands an old man, leaning over one of the gray Jars, as he holds it in his left hand. His costume is a greenish- gray silk coat with high rolled collar and tails reaching nearly to the ankles, an embroidered waistcoat of the same material, black breeches and stockings. Signed at the lower left, Jimz ARrAnpDaA, SEVILLA, 1878. Height, 12% inches; width, 9 inches. Owner, AntHur A. Crossy. —aemmeniePamnimtan, :t 2 No. 104 V. CHEVILLARD | () AT PLAY \"| Water Color | A cHoRISTER boy in scarlet cap and lace cotta over a scar- let cassock, short enough to show his trousers below, leans forward with his left leg bent. He is in the act of flirting || a marble at some folded-paper objects, most of which he | has already knocked down. At the back of him is a Gothic | doorway of a building, from the right of which extends a pierced wall. Signed at the lower left, V. CHEVILLARD. | : Height, 8 inches; length, 11 inches Owner, L. Crist DeELMOoNIco. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1808—1876 pe Fa oe | | | #$MARGUERITE | AT the back is the dark structure of a cathedral with an arched entrance on the left. Marguerite is moving forward from it, with her left hand lifted, in partial concealment of her face. Her robe is of white satin, gathered up in front so as to show the black underskirt, while the full sleeves are drawn up over the tight-fitting ones of the bodice. Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz, ’69. Height, 14 inches; width, 101% inches. Mie No. 106 | R / f- —y | ; A \, | “7 = ED ener, L. Crist DeLmontico. HUGO KAUFFMANN Ye 1844— BAVARIAN GIRL SHE is sitting with folded arms; her figure, shown as far as the knees, inclined toward the right, while her face is looking in the opposite direction. A black felt hat sur- mounts her ruddy features, and she wears over her brown- ish plum-colored dress a rosy shaw] and slaty-blue apron. Signed at the lower right, Hueco Kaurrmann, 90. Height, 5% inches; width, 4 inches, Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. iy ea ail eS. I bis Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. pe Se eS oe = Gray No. 107 ROSSANO LANDSCAPE A WOMAN is standing beside a cow in the grassy fore- ground, on the left of which, running straight back from the front, is a brook bordered by willows. At the point where it disappears rises a tall, slender tree. Farther back in the meadow are two haycocks; and on the left a wagon, piled with hay, is coming toward us along a road which leads back to a village nestling amid trees. Signed at the lower right, Rossano. Fleight, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. No. 108 Fe FELIX ZIEM 1821— FLOWERS In a dull brown bow] with yellowish reflections is massed a bunch of flowers that almost fills the canvas. On the left of the arrangement a white and rose aster is conspicuous, around which is a profusion of blossoms, hanging in fes- toons, like wistaria, of various tones of lavender, running from pale gray to brownish crimson. Signed at the lower right, Ziem. Height, 141% inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ALFRED WEBER THE CONNOISSEUR A CARDINAL, in scarlet cassock and biretta, seated on a Louis Quinze chair, is sipping from a wineglass. On the table to his right, which is covered with a white cloth that _ has a deep lace border, stand, among other objects, a cooler with a champagne bottle in it, an épergne of fruit, a de- canter and silver coffee pot. On the angle of the wall behind him hang two pieces of tapestry, pewter and brass platters and a picture. On the right of the same is a bureau, on the left a console table, each with a vase upon it. Signed at the lower right, Arr. WEBER. | Height, 13 inches; width, 91% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. — No. 110 GEORGE WHITAKER Died at Dartmouth, 1874 ROCKS AND SHOALS Water Color TuE foreground of sand is dappled with water, and lying toward the right is an oar with a red tip to the blade and a band of green round the loom. On the left of the middle distance projects a spur of rocks, near the end of which is a pole with a circular beacon top. Through the right of the picture the sea stretches back, with three sails in the dis- tance, to the horizon below a gray, cloudy sky. Signed at the lower right, Georce Wurraxer, 1870. Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConKLine, Carn fplele y = a ae ae) ee on a yy a QR a eee ee eee eee ee 0 al A oe ie all ee nog) bs SAR, Pik an iy No. 111 GEORGE WHITAKER Died at Dartmouth, 1874 ON THE SAND Water Color BEsIDE a fishing-smack, which lies on the sand with its bow toward us and its two masts keeling over to the right, stand a horse and cart. In the distance beyond it the shore con- tinues in successive formations of rocky cliffs. In the fore- ground it runs into the sea, on the left of the picture, in smooth spits of sand, against which the water laps in curv- ing eddies. Signed at the lower right, Grorce WurraxEr, 1869. Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxiine. No. 112 Hoven ALBERT F. BELLOWS 1829—1883 MILL POND Water Color THE mill-race runs back from the front, bordered on the left by a paling with trees beyond. At the end of it is a group of drab clap-board cottages with red roofs of fluted tiles. Beyond them stands the brown mill and its wheel, in front of which a little foot-bridge crosses the water, lead- ing to a cottage on the right of the picture. Sitting on the floor of the bridge appears the body of a man, above whom in the distance a church spire is visible among trees. Signed at the lower left, A. F. Bex.ows. Height, 8 inches; length, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxkiine. New Wohl No. 113 CONSTANT TROYON on 5 OM, 1810—1865 CONFIDENCES Ad fi SEATED on a bank to the right of the composition, a young man, holding his can of food upon the palm of his left hand and poising his spoon in his right, looks up at a shep- herd girl who stands in front of him. She is dresed in a white cap, cream-colored woollen tippet and a blue apron turned up over a red skirt. As she talks she is spinning, the distaff being fixed under her left arm, while the spindle hangs suspended from her right hand. The meadow is bounded by distant trees, that lie under a dark, lowering sky. Stamped at the lower right, Venve Troyon. Height, 144% inches; width, 14 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxuine. No. 114 GMb 0, WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. REVERIE Pastel ON a rose-colored sofa, with two old-gold cushions piled upon the left, reclines a young woman, holding an open portfolio of Japanese prints. She is dressed in a lavender kimono, woven over with delicate flower forms, which is fastened around the waist with a rose-colored sash. Signed at the upper right, Wm. M. Cuase. Height, 10 inches; length, 15% inches. Owner, L. Crisr DELMONICo. fb eh is ts noe %, i g at ae + ’ tt : a 7 ees Tee eee Cae are ae . } bel dy r * A Pe Pa ‘ ae a res. : : +e ; ; m ae ] ; ; i <3 No. 115 WW. ab J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 1853— OCTOBER On the left of the meadow of greenish-yellow grass that extends across the foreground is a little pool of water, catching a white reflection from the sky. Beyond it in the middle distance stands a group of feathery trees, to the right of which appear two buildings with dark drab roofs. — a The right of the picture is filled in with a mass of soft yellow foliage, relieved with touches of gold and orange, under which, among the tree trunks, three white ones are conspicuous. One of them is seen against a wall of rocks. Signed at the lower left, J. Francis Murrry, 1903. Height, 12 inches; length, 15% inches. HUGO CHARLEMONT 1850— Owner, AntTHUR A. CrosBy. STILL LIFE Tue corner of the table is spread with a French-gray cloth, on which lies a branch of magnolia blossoms. To the left of it are a Japanese fan and two portfolios. Against the drab wall at the back rests a brass bowl and a bunch of peacock feathers. At the back of the table on the right is a tall plant with white blossoms, beside which stands a } slender glass vase containing some red flowers. aa Signed at the lower left, Huco CuHartemont, 1879. Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. | Owner, L. Crist DELMOoNICO. b ba. : No. 117 HUGO CHARLEMONT eyateee | | STILL LIFE Bs: _ Tue table is spread with a crimson and cream rug, over _ which is an old-gold velvet drapery. A folio volume les open upon it, with an engraved portrait and lettering on the right page. To the left of it rests a mandolin, and be- hind it a blue vase, filled with rosy and white asters and grasses. At the back of all is a tall plant, with irregularly shaped stem and long, large, pendulous leaves. an ‘ eee ee ee ee 7 Signed at the lower right, Huco Cuartemont, 1879. | Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. - Owner, L. Crist Detmonico. -ANTOINE VOLLON 1833—1900 STILL LIFE STRETCHED across the picture against a dark background is a scarlet lobster, by the side of which lie three opened oysters. Signed at the lower left, A. VoLuon. Height, 11 inches; length, 17% inches. Owner, L. Crist Detmonico, eee -— ions ie ¥. ; : /} No. 119 EMILE AUGUSTE PINCHART Contemporary. IDYL In a spot of greenery, sprinkled with flowers, a girl in white chemisette body and old-gold skirt drawn up over a white and lavender striped petticoat, holds a basket ‘of: flowers in her left hand, while the other is extended toward a spray of roses. This is being pulled toward her by a nude. cupid, with wings, who stands on a stone beside a tiny pool of water. Signed at the lower right, PINcHART. Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches. No. 120 - ye J:. H. DOLPH Ns 1835—1904 Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. KITTENS AT PLAY A soory-coLorED kitten is crouching on the top of a hamper, loking down at a black and white one that is rolled over on its back with its paws in the air. To the left of it, and watching it intently, lies a gray and white one, while beside it sits a white one, whose black head is bent down as it watches the other two. Signed at the lower left, J. H. Doren. _ Height, 11% inches; length, 18 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONTICO, x + | a | et | > 1 tei. 1 eg eS +4 wey 7 ey > = | - q i ee | o \} mm 7 - = . ca ’ . a 4 i a | a: *a | ~S . | { AB. Bat 4 7 ‘ i 4 = se > i : t ¥ « | mes ‘peer . be ow eer « ae) ae pa m x No. 121 FRIEDRICH VOLTZ te 1817—1886 7 | f 7 3s ‘1A a. 5 ; Osa ot oe A RED AND WHITE COW Across the picture, facing to the right, stands a red cow with white markings on its body and head. At the back of _ the latter is a mass of foliage, to the left of which appears an expanse of blue sky with slaty clouds. Signed at the lower right, F. V. Height, 12% inches; length, 18 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ae | | No. 122 — FRIEDRICH VOLTZ ‘- 1817—1886 : A BLACK COW . STANDING across the picture, facing to the right but . turned slightly toward the front, is a dun cow with black 4 ~ markings on the head, chest and legs. She is in shadow ex- q cept for a streak of light along the ridge of the back and iS on the ears. The background is filled in with greenery. Signed at the lower right, F. V. Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches. Owner, L. Crist DeLaronico. 4 Pr ee. Sa " = te Pedic: Wi aie fot Oy oy Aah De Reet aa om tant A PE he ESR Se CTS Se eae ha ee , Ee { ig Cee a ee ao sO pe ee ae ay oh My “4 . . ” “# = heen oie nw, ( 0° | | No. 188 = "i f, | ‘ RUBENS SANTORO Contemporary VENICE THE water of the canal, dappled with gray and blue and slate color, extends across the front. On the right another canal crosses it nearly at a right angle, bordered with houses that catch the light on their creamy masonry. Near the intersection of the two water-courses is a gondola with a man standing in the stern. It is alongside the quay, in front of a building, constructed of brown woodwork upon a ground floor of stone, the open spaces of which are shut in by palings. | Signed at the lower right, RuBeNs SANTORO. Height, 9 inches; length, 14% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ee No. MH 7 O. BORRANI A CAVALIER Water Color A CAVALIER stands facing three-quarters to the right, holding his rapier by the blade, just beyond the guard, as he lowers it into the scabbard, which he steadies with his left hand. His costume consists of a white flapping hat, with brim turned up, white jerkin and crimson sash, dark blue plush breeches with bows of yellow ribbon at the knees, white stockings and tan-colored shoes. He stands in front of a gray wall. Signed at the lower right, O. Borrant, *77. Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxuine. MOLLY ate ac Lee. mS olb§ ee ILA ; NGr 125000! 4 os. WILLEM ROELOFS | 40 1822— im i MILKING TIME A creat herd of Holstein cattle have been assembled near | a narrow canal, and one peasant is milking while another | is unloading fodder from a rude skiff. Beyond is an ex- ___ panse of level meadow characteristic of the Netherlands, with a fringe of trees in the haze of the horizon. | Signed at the lower left, W. Rorxors. Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches. I Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyr. if t y io by ! ¢ i q a ie i = d, i] ie No. 126 JULES DUPRE _ 1812—1889 A FOREST GLADE i Ly the left foreground a path leads across a grassy hillock, and winds away and disappears in a dense growth of trees. On the right is a pond in the deep shadow of the surround- ing trees, where two cows cool themselves in the water. The sunlight strikes vividly on the cattle, the rocks and grass in the foreground, and on the trunk and branches of a towering pine, which rises high against a simple blue sky. Signed at the lower left, Jurms Dupre. Rod Chom! Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. : eS From tur Grorce I. Srnry Satz, 1894.2 fu S N- 245 Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. ING! 227 J. H. WUSMULLER Rites ep SANDY ROAD TO THE MILL Water Color A WOMAN in white cap, drab cloak and slate-colored skirt appears on the road which stretches straight back from the ~ foreground to the windmill. The approach is bordered on each side by a wooden fence and pale green bushes. Pro- jecting above a red-roofed building, the mill’s dull biue structure and brownish creamy sails stand up against the large volumes of white cloud that show here and there the _ blue beyond. To the right of the mill is the large yellowish- brown roof of a cottage, and a little of its white wall appearing above the greenery. Signed at the lower right, J. H. WusmMvuttier. Height, 17% inches; width, 13 inches. Woh No. 128 Ye A con NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 4 1808—1876 Owner, ArtHurR A. Crossy. EDGE OF THE FOREST On the right of a sandy path appear three white trunks, the front one being particularly large, interspersed with dark stems, and uniting above in a mass of green and brown foliage. A woman is approaching along the path, dressed in a red skirt and black jacket, against which shines a white bundle; some white clouds hang in the pale gray- blue sky. Signed at the lower left, N. D. Height, 4% inches; width, 4 inches. Owner, ArtHurR A. CrosBy. a oS ef me. We alban No. 129 ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. , ao 1836—1892 soa. A RIVERSIDE—EVENING THE water, refiecting a white glare, passes from the right of the foreground diagonally back. Its banks are covered with yellowish-brown grass, on the right one appearing the - trunk and branches of a dead beech, and a little behind it a white stone, while on the opposite side a dark-gray beech shows against a mass of yellow foliage. Across the back- « ground stretches a hill, above which are sharp white layers Za of cloud, while the sky above passes from hues of slaty green to greenish blue. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyant. Height, 11% inches; length, 154% inches. ‘ Owner, ArtHur A. CrosBy. ‘ . ; (A i “ ‘ 7 Z ; JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 ha BORD. DE L’OISE | \ Tue river stretches back from the front, reflecting the color and luminosity of the sky, whose darkening blue is crossed by rolling layers of white cloud. On the left of the water runs the towing path, disappearing toward a low, wooded hill, while on the right is a mass of dark greenery, out of which rise some trees. Under the bank, in the shadow of the foliage, lies a punt, in which stands a man in a white shirt and cap. A ne {4 ee * Signed at the lower left, J. Dupre. wy, ez 547 Height, 11 inches; ii 16 inches. Owner, Artuur A. Crospy, 1 H) i) i | { SSS SS Ee SS SSS ee Se a a ee ities pay D FRANCOIS FLAMENG 1856— GAME OF BALL—TOLEDO, SPAIN A STREET stretches back from the front, bordered on the left by a low wall, on which a string of men is lounging, while a little way back on the right stands a battlemented archway of reddish masonry. In the shadow of it on the road are two figures, one of whom has hit up a ball into the air, which his opponent in the foreground is preparing to hit back. On his right is a bench, where some spectators — are sitting, one in his interest in the game having risen to — his feet. Signed at the lower right, F. F., ’89. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. arcu No. 182 Owner, L. Crist DELMONICo. WALTER BLACKMAN Ue nae ODALISQUE Tur head, facing to the right, is seen in profile against a light bluish lavender background, but the figure is turned so as to reveal the back of the neck and right shoulder. A black gauze veil, fastened to the brown hair by a crescent, descends over her neck, and is festooned round the right elbow. The flesh is of a brownish ivory tint. Signed at the upper right, W. BuackmMan, Height, 17% inches; width, 1414 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. Owner, ArtHurR A. Crossy. , ? On AY - \ 4 é = X y ay att as No. 134 ¢ ave No. 183 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE y 9 7 f 1813—1894 SHEEP IN STABLE Tue light, concentrated on three sheep in the centre of the foreground, two of which are lying in the golden-colored straw, the other standing beside them, falls also on the gray wall at the back, below a hanging lantern. Under- neath is a rack, partially supported by a rope, at which two sheep are nosing for food. On the right of the background another wall recedes at right angles, and here a ladder, with a white hen on one of the steps, leads up to a small doorway. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. Height, 18 inches; width, 14% inches. $ « f . i i Phe dt Jase, | YOY r m4 M. COULAND GRAY AUTUMN DAY Tue flock is approaching in a compact mass, the shep- herdess knitting as she follows, while a brown dog to the left of her watches alertly. Behind the group on the right stand three beech trees, uniting their yellow foliage, and on the left the stretch of meadow is interrupted by a plough, and terminates in a collection of red-roofed build- ings backed by lavender-colored trees. The sky is a quiet gray. Signed at the lower left, M. Counanp. Height, 17 inches; width, 154% inches. Owner, L. Crist Detmontico. , ve : lee ee 4 i as yon a Pee ae ia lew ae s ae fs ahh j “4 a5 ee oe % - u ; (are No. 185 yy | O. LOUIS J. M. PERREY 1856— JUDITH THE picture represents the head and bust of a girl, f acing to the front and gazing full at the spectator with her = brown eyes. Masses of wavy black hair descend freely on t each side of the face, adorned with a deep crimson rose . a | above her left ear and another below the right. The laven- i der-brown drapery of her robe is connected across the bosom by a broad band, terminating at each end in ovals, made of old-gold velvet embroidered with blue and green. Signed at the upper right, L. Prrrey. | Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. . - No. 186 GL tte I GUSTAVE COURBET = 1819—1878 THHK PUMP Black Crayon Drawing At the right of the drawing is a wooden pump, on the top of which a girl rests her right arm while her two-handled pitcher is being filled. Behind her is a bank surmounted by trees. In the level field on the left of the composition a i man is hoeing, farther back another guides a plough and ! at the end of the level stretch a train is crossing. In the distance are wooded hills, amid which a tower is visible. Signed at the lower right, G. Courser. | Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, L. Crist DeLMontico. Pe ee mee ere oe ie J ' x ta s No. 187 jae. Jos DR HAAS /2.00- 1830—1895 COWS IN A MEADOW Iw the immediate foreground three cows stand in full sun- _ light, facing the spectator. Beyond them the eye ranges over a broad, rich meadow, with a prominent group of pol- lard willows and cattle feeding on the luxurious growth of grass, far away to the distance, where a range of well- wooded hills meets the sky. The soft, warm haze of mid- summer is over the whole landscape. Signed at the lower right, J. H. L. pz Haas. Height, 1844 inches; width, 12% inches. Owner, Estate of the le Mark Hoyt. No. 138 eS LUDWIG ees 1841— A WINTER SUNSET From the right foreground a road leads away to the mid- _ dle distance, where it makes a turn to the right near a cot- tage. The ground is covered with partly thawed snow, and in the level places and in the ruts and foot-tracks on the road pools of snow-water reflect the glow of the winter sunset. Two peasants are stolidly tramping through the slush, fluttering crows are about to settle on the trees, and high in the heavens is the crescent of the new moon. Signed at the lower left, L. Muntue. Height, 21 inches; width, 17% inches. From rue Grorce I. Senry Satz, 1894. WM WX Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. See ee Adon eer ed 5 ara 5 Ss Bie SR a Se ea ae ‘ we vines < + % t 4 | of, 4, No. 139 / ; ALEXIS HARLAMOFF 1849— HEAD OF A YOUNG RUSSIAN GIRL Tue life-sized head and shoulders of a young girl in full face, the eyes looking out of the picture. Her dark hair falls in wavy ringlets on either side of her face, and on her neck is a chain with a small silver crucifix. The background is a broken tone of warm gray. Signed at the right, HARLAMOFF. Height, 18 inches; width, 131% inches. a From tie Grorce I. Senry Satz, 1894. OO X WNW ar A6 * Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. | No. 140 Ge lrg he pe ; S| ALBERT NEUHUYS 1844— ; THE READING LESSON ye A. PEASANT woman in Dutch costume sits near a small table reading from a small book, which is propped against a workbox. Beside her stands a little girl who has dropped her doll on the floor, and is deeply absorbed in the tale which her mother is reading to her. Against a simple wall which forms the background hangs the weight of a Dutch clock. — Signed at the lower right, Ars, Nevuvys, 774. Height, 18 inches; width, 18 inches. From tHe Mary J. Morcan Correction, Caratocue No. 28. @ ws Owner, Estate of the late Samurt. B. Sexton. No. 141 aay 3 (50, PIERRE M. BEYLE Sa Sa ee GATHERING MUSSELS i A youne fisherwoman in white cap, rough garments and t rude slippers stands on the sodden flat from which the tide has receded and empties into a hamper a basket of mussels she has just gathered. In the middle distance the shore line is marked by seaweed-covered rocks, and the level horizon meets a sky full of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, Bryte. Height, 21 inches; width, 144% inches. From tHe Mary J. Morcan Cottecrion, Catratocue No. 138. @S X Owner, Estate of the late Samurt B. Sexton. No. 142 4 Sachorfy ot FRANCOIS SAINT-BONVIN 1817—1887 THE HOUSEWIFE Factne us on the right of the foreground, a woman in white cap and apron sits, with one foot raised upon a stool, engaged in marking a towel which has a red stripe at each end. On the dresser table beside her lie a pile of folded towels and her work-basket, and upon the shelves above are bright copper stew-pans and a brass bowl. At the back of the kitchen a pot hangs over the fire; on the right of the mantelpiece is a tall clock, and on the left, by a brightly lighted window, another woman is washing plates in a yellow earthenware crock. Signed on the left of the mantel shelf, F. Bonvin, 1880. Height, 21 inches; width, 174% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. “No. 13 M. COULAND FEEDING TIME THE scene is viewed from the inside of a stable, on the ~ right of which eight sheep and a lamb are pressing up to a railing that encloses the lower part of a large square en- trance. Here a girl, in blue bodice over a short-sleeved . white chemisette, is standing with an armful of grass in a which some poppies are scattered. Behind her head appear 7 in the distance some faint green trees, to the right of which i is a building with pinkish roof and walls of lavender color. | The light shines on her head and shoulder, and settles in a patch upon the wall to her left. Pee Signed at the lower left, M. Coutanp. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. Owner, L. Crist DeELMontIco. No. 144 JULES ADOLPHE GRIS THE PRIZE AN old musician, his grizzled head decorated with a wreath of gold laurel leaves, is seated in an easy-chair with a warm rug thrown over his knees. A young girl leans upon his lap and gazes at him with emotion while he clasps both her small hands in one of his. A lady in black leans over the back of the chair. Musical accessories, including a violin and a pane suggest mie the incident takes place in the © musician’s study. | Signed at the lower left, Grison. c. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. I Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. 1776—1837 LANDSCAPE _ Bryonp a pond in the foreground is a rising tract of meadow dotted with stunted oaks. A particularly large one - occupies the centre of the picture, while another of curious growth appears on the left. The lower sky is light and _ skeined with gray-blue, above which are layers of olive- colored cloud. Height, 15 inches; length, 214% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxrtnc. | | No. 146 bee ee JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT 1796—1875 ta LA TOUR D’ESBLY i On the left of the foreground, standing in a boat, is a ee man in red cap, white shirt and blue trousers. The canal ¥ stretches from this point diagonally across the picture, ' bordered with willows, above the profuse foliage of which 1 rises in the centre of the sky a church tower. Signed at the lower left, Coror; and stamped on the lower right, Ventre Corot. Fa ita i Height, 19% inches; length, 24 inches. Owner, Esiate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx1ine. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY \L~ 1817--187 : At her hs NEAR THE SEA Tue foreground consists of shallow water nd marsh in- terspersed with rushes. On the right bank stand three tall, scraggy trees, and where it dips down in the distance to the water two dun cows appear. Across the back of the : scene stretches a band of dull green sea, on which five | sail show against the rosy-cream horizon. The sky above ~ is pale blue streaked and scattered over with volumes of dove-gray cloud. pea RE Height, 154% inches; length, 24 inches. ) , : ; ae i Signed at the lower right, Dausicny, 1857. ia a | Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx.irna. | No. us {f. Hl Hace GEORGES MICHEL 1763—1843 MONTMARTRE Tuer foreground is composed of undulations of russet- green turf stretching across the picture. In the middle dis- tance a belt of dark trees, with two tall projections near the left, divides the foreground from the level plain be- yond, which shows pale yellow beneath the creamy-white horizon. On the right of the sky are gathering volumes of slaty-colored cloud, from which layers of vapor roll ; across to the left. q Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches. . ; Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conx tine. | og str Sof ~~ oe i i. £ eo) o | | A | 1 ¥ | | : TE ee a : } . , “aa Fs 4 YP to f . 4 i “ae ‘caustorm,.. MARIS Mt ¢ p 0 ® Rw V K ‘al % | aw CHILD WITH HOOP an AGAINST a creamy background a child, with short-cropped brown hair, stands holding a hoop in its left hand and a stick in the other. It wears a tawny-white blouse, belted at the waist, full black knickerbockers, gray and white striped stockings and buff leather slippers. Signed half-way up on the right, M. M., 63. cosinisnaasanaee” Height, 18% inches; width, 121% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Con xine. Li. fb. No. 150 LAURA WOODWARD > SUMMER LANDSCAPE A RED cow and a white one are standing a little way back from the front in the shallow brook which fills the fore- ground. On its left is a group of elms, and on the opposite bank a mass of foliage, behind which the water disappears. Seen through the frame of trees is a vista of meadow with hay cart, a village and spire among trees, and in the dis- tance a ridge of blue hills. Signed at the lower right, Laura Woopwarp, 1875. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B, Conxk1ine. WALTER SATTERLEE, A.N.A. 1844— g AT THE WINDOW is Water Color 3 “ian Av the open window, high up in the gable of a timber and = plaster house, a girl is tending a rose-tree in a pot. A climb- ing rose straggles upon the right, and a bird has built her nest in it. A swallow’s nest also clings under the eave of the roof above the window, and swallows are flying round. In — the distance on the left the top of a spire is visible. Signed at the lower right, W. Sarrerter, 1874. Height, 15 inches; width, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Saran B. Conxiina. ‘ re v y Y Ze No. 462 7 Ve LEON VICTOR DUPRE 18161879 Gy {/ LANDSCAPE WITH BROOK : THE sheet of water in the foreground, strewn with large stones, passes between two of them and narrows to a stream that winds back past two seated figures, one of whom has a fishing rod, and round behind a large oak in the centre of the scene. The left bank slopes up to a wood in front of which are four cows, while on the right of the water the fields are bare, stretching back to a cottage. The lower sky is blue with large white clouds, but higher up is filled with greenish slaty-colored vapor. : Signed at the lower left, Vicror Dupre, 1852. Height, 16 inches; width, 1514 inches. a an a a i A Owner, L. Crist DELMONTCO. P. EK. L. PERBOYRE / / : 10 THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO In a semicircle on the right of the picture a number of staff officers approach at a gallop, headed by two on bay horses. A little distance upon the left a battery of artillery is going into action. | Signed at the lower right, PERBOYRE. Height, 14 inches; width, 174% inches, Owner, L. Crist Detmonico. rU eS oe oe L F. H. KAEMMERER Vi is Died 1901 \f A SLEIGH RIDE | ie A young lady in a dress of salmon-pink, enlivened by the ti contrast of a black ruff, belt, gloves and hat, is stepping 4 into a chair-sleigh, behind which stands a gentleman in a i three-cornered hat, drab surtout lined with lavender and black knee-breeches. The sleigh is like a winged arm-chair : upon runners, its panels being decorated with painted de- : signs and set off with gilded ornamentation. The ground [Va is covered with snow, and at the back of the scene is a row | of handsome Dutch houses. Signed at the lower left, F. H. KaemMenrer. Height, 20% inches; width, 134% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMoNIco. No. 155 4, 4. LOUIS ASTON KNIGHT bie Wile fs Ang ) | yy. MOULIN DE BEAUMONT DE ROGER ON the right of the foreground a girl in brown dress and blue apron sits among the flowers on the bank, fishing. Across the pond stands the mill, its wheel occupying the centre of the composition, as it hangs idle under a dilapi- dated pent-roof which projects below a large gable. To — the right are the sluices, through one of which water is escaping. At the back of the mill slopes up a meadow bor- dered at the top with trees. Signed at the lower right, Aston Kynicut, Paris. Height, 1744 inches; length, 21% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO, nt & | ve Mie 6 Dates A | \ / M. COULAND Contemporary GOING HOME Dark, angry-looking clouds fill the sky, except for a break of cold light on the right. A flock of sheep moves away from us, following the blue-coated shepherd, whose black dog trots along on the right of the group. Beyond it, across Ae the stretch of gray grass, appear two haystacks. < Signed at the lower right, M. CouLanp. Height, 15% inches; length, 25 inches. Owner, L. Crist DeLMontco. nee he 3 ah ney i — — ————- Z EVERETT SHINN 2 by 1873— FROM PARK ROW Pastel In the front of the crowded scene are two push-carts _ spread with bananas and apples. To the right of them stands a man in a long overcoat, with his back to the spec- tator, partly concealing a lamp-post, to which a red alarm- box is attached. On the left of the carts a rough-looking man with one hand tucked into his coat stands between a little boy and girl. The street beyond this front line is packed with people and vehicles, over the top of which show the bare trees of City Hall Park and some buildings. Signed at the lower right, EK. Sutnn. Height, 17 inches; length, 23% inches. Owner, ArntHur A. Crospy. JULES DE CLERMONT OLD FARM: MORNING } A LEVEL gray-green meadow extends across the ford ee ground. It is bounded by a gray fence backed by soft greenery, above which appear the pink roofs, the gable, and tall chimney of the farmhouse. To the left of it three tree-trunks, standing on the line of the fence, catch the light, and unite their foliage in a mass of olive green, in- terrupted by a patch of orange. The French-gray sky is tinged with rosy purple toward the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Dr CLrermont. Height, 14% inches; length, 21 inches. Owner, ArruHur A. Crospy. No. 159 WILLEM ROELOFS 1822—1897 WINDMILL: HOLLAND Water Color | On the right of the foreground is a stretch of long green | grass, over which a girl in blue skirt is approaching with | a basket. Along the left runs diagonally the gray-whitish | water of a canal, which reflects the brown shadows of a | house and mill on the opposite bank. Farther along ap- | pears another mill, and, at the vanishing point of the water, a house. In the distance is a line of bluish-gray woods, lying under the large volumes of white cloud that fill the sky, which at the zenith shows blue. Signed at the lower left, W. Roetors. Height, 18 inches; length, 25% inches. No, feo Oe Yb. Elam api. HENRI VALKENBURG | 0 1826—1896 \ HOUSEHOLD DUTIES Water Color THE greenery of trees shows above the soft blind of a window, in front of which a woman sits, peeling potatoes. Her figure, with its white cap, red kerchief, slaty-colored gown and gray apron, shows in shadow against the light. By her side is a basket, and on the right of the gray- boarded interior is a cheap brown bureau, on which lie a coffee-grinder, a pot and white cups and saucers. Owner, ArtTHUR A. CrosBy. Signed at the lower right, H. VALKENBURG. Height, 19 inches; length, 14 inches. Owner, Artuur A. Crospy. No. 161 JULES DUPRE 1812—1889 THE FARM YARD On the left of the yard is a drab-walled house with olive- colored thatched roof. A woman is coming forward from the doorway, in a black jacket and white skirt, with a red handkerchief round her neck. A path leads round the right of the building to a garden, in which stand a few fruit-trees. On the right is a large gabled barn of yellowish plaster. There is a window in it, from which two posts slope to the ground, where stands a barrel with a hen upon it, while to the right is the ruin of a wall, near which are a rea, SI Kg eho OCLtL— — brown cock and a white hen. Large volumes of white cloud fi- fill the lower part of the blue sk pe : p y: ¥ a (fhe a YN ‘ag oF a) } 6 Signed at the lower right, J. Durre. ae yo RS eight, 22 inches; width ae yl. ©. M. COULAND Contemporary Owner, ArtHuR A. CrosBy. No. 162 EARLY MORNING Tue light is mounting above the faint gray clouds, glis- tening on the white cap of a girl and the backs of the sheep which are bunched in front of her. They are mov- ing toward us along a grassy lane bounded by bushes, out of which on the left of the group rise two slender elms. Signed at the lower right, M. Coutanp. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. Owner, L. Crist Detmonico. "9 ‘ay, v Sy es \ mesial Oh 2 ep eee ee aN eee be RT ene ee oe ag vs i= J Pl. teres 5) Oe wes j ; ~No. 163 FRANK M. BOGGS 1855— A FISHING PORT In the foreground fishermen are lounging along the rail that follows the curve of the wharf. On the right it pro- jects back in the direction of another breakwater that, separated by the narrow entrance into the inner harbor, juts out from the opposite shore. Here rises a steep hill, its lower part covered with irregular tiers of red-roofed houses, its summit crowned by a large building, from the tower of which flies a flag. The basin of the outer harbor is half in shadow. Signed at the lower left, Bocas. Owner, L. Crist DELMoNICco. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. 1827— NATURAL BRIDGE OF VIRGINIA In the dry bed of the torrent, strewn with stones, which extends from the front, a man and woman stand looking up at the huge arch of natural masonry. Bastion-shaped rocks of reddish color tower up on its left; its top is fringed with shrubbery, and trees small and big flank its sides. ‘Through the arch are visible the rocky walls of the gorge, above which is a glint of blue sky. On the right of the entrance of the archway a man is standing by the seated figure of a woman. 3 Signed at the lower right, D. Jounson, 1860. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMoNICco. Height, 19% inches; length, 2514 inches. No. 164 Ante 3 _ | ot a Ee ye: ete ee No. 165 sees ‘ a HC) DELPY V4 ) | 0 Contemporary THE RIVERSIDE Tue water in front is bordered with rushes and streaked with the growth of water-weeds. On the bank, at the right, sit two figures, one in red, and behind them the ground rises, covered with bushy foliage, out of which a single if poplar soars. The shore here juts into the river with a tri- ! angular spit, near the extremity of which are two bare z tree-stems. Water shows beyond them, the view being i terminated by a horizontal band of hills, the green of 4 which is lined and patched with the darker green of trees. | ! Signed at the lower right, H. C. Derry. Height, 124% inches; length, 22% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. 7 No. 166 we $ klete | | WILLIAM ETTY, R.A. vs fC | 1787—1849 2. ARIADNE SEATED on a crimson drapery, spread over a rock, the nude | | figure of a woman is fronting the sea, while her head is a turned to the left, so that the face is in profile. Her left , hand hangs by her side, but the right is raised somewhat 1 in a gesture of listening. The sea is dark green, being in ‘ shadow, as the sun has sunk below the horizon, leaving a. burst of crimson light. Otherwise the sky is blue. Some shells are strewn in the foreground. Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches. Owner, L. Crist Detmontico. / _ ff //) ee Lttarr Ltt MUA "4 i“ aa | » No. 167 FRANK M. BOGGS a HOMEWARD BOUND ig A. SQUARE-RIGGED vessel with jibs and topsails set and the =—s_— other sails furled is wallowing along in a rough sea with | a half a gale blowing on the starboard quarter. The sky is | completely covered by clouds, with a jagged rift of light . near the dark line of tossing waves which form the horizon. | | 3 : | < Signed at the lower left, Boaes. a | i | Height, 25% inches; width, 19% inches, =| Owner, Estate of the late Manx Hoyt. “i 2 | ae ye i nv ¢ No. 168 cd a Q oy fetes) RICHARD PAULI | i} ie ‘ | 1855—1892 : = | Ue ' - rs 'y } CO 1 SPRINGTIME: APPLE-BLOSSOMS | Be ; 2 ° e e e is * i A LITTLE triangle of water interrupts the rich, juicy grass a i in the foreground. The meadow, growing yellower as it a | i 5 ee cat i! ite recedes and having two bunches of young apple trees in — = Hl : ; S | blossom on the right, mounts up to a hedge, above which S| ' appears a row of drab roofs sprinkled across the sky line. | } At the back two clumps of trees, and, on the right, three — + | separate ones, show against the gray-blue sky, in the © = upper part of which hang creamy fleecy clouds. =. | Signed at the lower right, Ricwarp Pavtt. "ie x Height, 17% inches; length, 2914 inches. / | Owner, AntuHur A. Crossy. 4 | Bl | \) pha lig eka ————————————————— Sn oe were ay Set Pape has _ 7 Th A — : 92 i daa ve ~ , ~~ Y. ws a Py 2 Ata + rd ast ey te ee : RUDOLF EPP ; J 1834— ‘ TYROLEAN GIRL Tue picture shows the head and bust of a girl, facing to- ward the right, while her body is turned in the opposite _ direction. A drab felt hat with a cockade, formed of a red flower and a white feather, rests over her dark brown hair, the ends of which are gathered into a plait over her left shoulder. Over a dress of brownish plum-colored material she wears a fringed shawl, with rosy stripes on a cream ground, arranged as a tippet, the ends passed over each other in a single knot. | Signed at the lower right, R. Evpr. Height, 26 inches; width, 24 inches. Ce Ub. GEORGES MICHEL 1763—1843 Owner, L. Crist DELMoNICco. No. 170 RIVER VIEW A PLACID river sweeps away from the left foreground diagonally to the right, and then turns again and is lost behind a low point which is covered with a dense growth of trees. In the immediate foreground on the right are two fishing boats with a number of figures, and beyond the ex- panse of water is a line of low hills. The broad sky is partly covered with luminous summer clouds. Height, 20% inches; length, 28 inches. ‘ 9 From tue Georce J. Senry Sate, 1894. U S > N aa f. Sh. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. & FELIX ZIEM | am ae 1821— { he A x THE BAYOU Vink le 4 - A BROAD waterway extends diagonally across the picture ! ‘from the lower left, and is bordered on the farther side } : by an irregular line of tall straggling trees. In the im- mediate foreground a flamingo is seen in the shallows at I the edge of the low shore. The expanse of sky above the i : __ trees is almost cloudless, and suggests tropical atmosphere © and heat. Signed at the lower left, Zien. ; | _ Height, 17 inches ; length, 29% inches. From ne Grorcr I. Szeney Sate, 1894, cm \& SY- 2G it Owner, Hstate of the late Marx Hoyr. 7 \ edhe tbe if Nowy a i 4 ar ALFRED STEVENS py | 1828— 4) THE DEPARTURE a A youne lady in summer costume stands on the sand, with one hand resting on a red parasol and the other raised to ie shade her eyes as she eagerly watches something in the i distance. Two other young ladies are seated on a beach- i stay beyond, and bathers are enjoying the surf still far- / ther away. A cloud of black smoke drifting into the pic- H ture from the left suggests the cause of the young lady’s | preoccupation and interest. The sea is rough, and the hori- 2 ZON 1s busy with various craft. Signed at the lower left, Avrrep Srevens, ’84. Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. From rrr Grorce I. Senry Sate, 1894. & ( « We 2-44 : . a) | Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. ten ed j nS ‘ >? et Lae 3 ey Ee eek ae ¢ : ‘is Spe aantety as 7 c Fira? ee se ee Oo es Oren of a eS Pe eat hes eye pres a Ue, * adele WT oe ; - eae 3 i in n y ale rt y 7 ~ " No. 173 a M. COULAND | AT TWILIGHT Past a group of trees with yellowish-brown foliage, which stand on the left of the scrubby pasture, a shepherd in black hat and cloak, attended by a black dog, is leading his flock. The backs of the sheep reflect the misty light _ from a creamy, drowsy sky, rosier above and overtopped - faint violet. On the right of the middle distance stands a -haycock, and across the horizon extends a belt of purple woods. Signed at the lower left, M. Coutann. Height, 1614 inches; length, 251% inches. Owner, L. Crist DeELMontico. No. 174 FELIX DE VUILLEFRO Le41-— A COW PASTURE In the foreground of scrubby yellowish grass stands a red and white cow, facing across the picture to the left. Farther back, on the left, is a white one with dark brown head and neck, and many others appear in the distance at | the foot of a hill, the lower slopes of which are coyered s with fruit orchards. Signed at the lower left, V v1LtEFRoy. | Height, 20% inches; length, 28 inches. q Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ar luset. “ih Lite ou ; eet ar A eals Sree : ee Sa ar No. 175 M. COULAND END OF THE DAY Tue flock, superintended by a black dog, is following the shepherdess, who is passing a hay-stack, from behind the edge of which looms a full moon. Another stack appears a short distance farther on upon the right, while more remote, upon the left, is a stable roof silvered with the light, beyond which lies a mass of trees faintly silhouetted against the purple horizon, above which the sky changes from pink to pale blue gray. | Signed at the lower left, M. Cou.tanp. Height, 17 inches; length, 25% inches. Owner, L. Crist DELMoNICco. No. 176 Uf. 7A. | ALBERT ANKER Contemporary DANTE In Faience THE figure is shown to a little below the waist, fronting the spectator, the head turned slightly to the left, the hands clasped at arm’s length. Standing against a yellow background, decorated with arabesques of scrolls and dragons, its own color scheme is a variety of purplish- brown tones. The tight-fitting Florentine cap is the dark- est note, the flesh tints the lightest, while the cassock-lke garment, buttoned up the front, is slightly paler than the cap. The collar on the right of the neck is turned over, so as to show the white lining. Signed at the lower right, ANKER. Height, 37 inches; width, 19% inches. Owner, ArtHurR A. CrosBy. No. 177 IN THE HARVEST FIELD A eiru in the foreground is raking up the barley, a bunch _of which a man to her left, who has his back to us, is lift- ing upon a pitchfork, while a youth faces him with a sheaf in his arms. The girl wears a red, white-spotted kerchief over her head, a black bodice over a white chemisette, a dull plum-colored skirt and light blue apron. Fastened round the front of the man’s blue trousers are leather leg- gings. At the back of the group the barley is still standing, and farther off on the right is a clump of willows. | Signed at the lower right, Jutren Dupre, 1881. Height, 25 inches; length, 314% inches. barbed No. 178 Owner, ArtHur A. Crospy. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. HIGHLAND CATTLE—SCOTLAND A NuMBER of shaggy cattle have been driven from the upland pasture to drink in a narrow loch among the hills, and they eagerly seek the refreshment of the cool water. Across the loch is a range of rugged mountains draped in thin clouds of drifting mist, which roll along the glen from a cloudbank in the distance. Signed at the lower right, Arrnur Parton, MA. Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Marx Hoyt. JULIEN DUPRE | | ‘LY | 1851— Lb | A (Xo. 179 GUSTAVE PAUL DORE 1839-1888 SCOTCH HIGHLANDS — In the centre of the foreground is a narrow path, along — which a shepherd and two lambs approach. It disappears — in a clump of dark green trees, and on each side of it are = ah aoe a rolling slopes covered with the green bushes and lavender — a blossoms of heather. Beyond the knoll on the left is a rising ridge of paler green turf, covered on its lower part with trees, that dip down and meet the wooded slope on the right of the picture. In front of their point of meeting is a small stretch of blue water, streaked with white; and beyond it mount the yellowish-green ridges of a POE whose top is veiled with slaty clouds. Signed at the lower left, Gv. Dorn, 1875. Height, 14% inches; length, 70 inches. No. 180 4 Keveleard. ea Owner, Artuur A. Crossy. EMILE VAN MARCKE 1827—1891 ON THE CLIFFS A NuMBER of horses and cows of different colors and re- posing in various attitudes occupy the foreground near a large open boat, which has been drawn up on the meadow. Beyond the group is a large barge, and the masts and sails of several craft are seen against a summer sky. In the dis- tance on the right is a chalk headland. Signed at the lower left, Emirs vaw Mancxe. Height, 28 inches; length, 38 inches. From tHE Mary J. Morcan Correction, Caratoaur No. 195. n KS & Owner, Estate of the late Samurr B. Sexton. No. 181 JACOB MARIS / (o | v 1837—1899 SAND CARTS ALMost in the centre of the sandy foreground, coming toward us, three-quarters in view, is a white horse, draw- ing a two-wheeled cart, in which a boy sits. Farther back on the left is another cart with a brown horse, beside which a boy walks. The sea beyond is curling up in long olive- green waves, whitened upon the top. On the right four gulls are flying low above the water. Signed at the lower right, J. Maris, 1876. “amemmamie FT eight, 18 inches; length, 44 inches. Owner, Hstate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxtiina. No. 182 nae ; ) \ JULIETTE PEYROL-BONHEUR VA ies 1830— A HILL. PASTURE Tux hillside slopes down from the left, with a view be- yond on the right of a blue valley. About half-way down its descent a rocky formation crops up upon the brink, and on the grass near it lies a shepherd, around whom his charges are dotted. One sheep is alone toward the right of the foreground; two others lie nearer the centre. On the left a red cow with white legs and throat and face stands facing toward the right with her head held high, and be- hind her a red one is lying down, with her white face stretched along the grass. Signed at the lower left, J. Pevrot-BonuyeEvr. Height, 28% inches; length, 39 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Conxtiine. ‘s ~hccion , ADOLF ARTZ 1$37-— SAYING GRACE Av a round table, supported on three legs, a man and a woman are seated, with their heads slightly inclined in prayer. He is seated on the left, holding a black cap on his knees, his figure, seen in profile, being clad in a blue shirt and yellowish-brown trousers. The old lady, in black cap and gown, with a little white lawn showing at her neck and down the body of her dress, faces us on the farther side of the table. A plate lies before each, and in the centre of the table is a white bowl filled with steaming potatoes. On the floor to the right of the fireplace, which forms the background, is a pair of sabots. Signed at the lower right, Arrz. . Height, 31 inches; length, 35 inches. — “i Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConK Line. : + No. 184 2) ADOLPHE MONTICELLI 1824—1886 LAWN AND FIGURES We Tue forms of women and children are sprinkled over the wide expanse of grass which fills the foreground. It is bounded at the back by brown and golden oaks, touched with rosy glow. Between and above them spreads a golden creamy sky. Height, 17 inches; length, 31% inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConxKuine. PONG 18h : ANTON MAUVE 1838—1888 ‘ A SHEEP PASTURE Tux sheep are grouped tothe right of three birch trunks, which occupy the centre of the grassy spot. Between them appears the figure of the shepherdess leaning upon her staff. She is dressed in slate-colored clothes, with blue apron fastened up on one side. Behind her a slat-fence extends across the picture, willow trees growing beside it, and a view appearing beyond it of a sandy hill. The pale gray-blue sky is veiled with white vapor. : Signed at the lower right, A. Mavve. Height, 40 inches; width, 26 inches, Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. ConxKLIne. No. 186 — | BERNARDUS JOHANNES ,B bps 1845— [ Oe BESIDE THE BABY CARRIAGE In the centre of the foreground of scrubby grass and sand a girl sits knitting beside the front wheel of a baby carriage. The group is seen in profile; the girl facing to the right, clad in a white cap, lavender body and a black and white striped skirt, with a black apron. The baby, in a white cap and lavender shawl, leans forward to play with some flowers in a basket, which is visible between the rails of the carriage. Over the sea beyond a few gulls are flying. Signed at the lower left, Brommers. Height, 31 inches; length, 44 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Mrs. Saran B. Con KLING. ie = SETS ST ni “ea Se a er ¥ . = Ppa Se owes ag s pee ey i ; No. 187. HENRI VALKENBURG 1826—1896 PREPARING BREAKITAST Sort light illumines the trees and brick church out of doors, but penetrates feebly the window, under which a man and a woman are seated on opposite sides of an octagonal table. The former, on the left, in a white cap, red kerchief and dull blue apron, is working a coffee- grinder which she steadies on her lap. Her figure fronts us, while the man is seen in profile, holding a pipe in his mouth and resting the other hand on his knee. A brass kettle stands on the table, and from the ceiling above it hangs a modern oil lamp. Signed at the lower right, HENR1 VaLKENBURG, 84. Rees 36 pattie eng 4 inches. Owner, ArtHurR A. Crospy. ee A;Oeg # And = i | {\ \ x ; ‘ ’ : Ww . ft A ve! No. 188 a WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU MADONNA, INFANT SAVIOUR AND ST. JOHN Tue Virgin Mother in a full mantle of blue over a robe of deep red sits enthroned on a sumptuously carved marble seat. On her lap she holds the Infant, who, with out- stretched arms, looks down with a sweet expression to the. infant St. John, who, standing at the Virgin’s knee, clasps his hands with a gesture of adoration. The Virgin’s head is draped in thin white material, and is in relief against a panel of rich mosaic in gold and rich colors. Signed at the right, W. BoucurreEau, 1882. Height, 74 inches; width, 43 inches. From tHe Mary J. Morcan Cortection, Caratocue No. 238. Ju x & Ae Owner, Estate of the late Samue. B. Sexton. No. 189 HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG 1831— SUNRISE ON THE NORTH SEA In the foreground are two drab spits of sand; an old anchor on one, a buoy float on the other. Beyond these stretches the gray-greenish water, lined with white, and lying some distance out are two fishing vessels. Their hulls are almost black, and the nearer one has a single brownish drab sail, hanging loose, the farther all its canvas. spread, including a square topsail. ‘wo distant sails appear on the horizon. Here a streak of crimson separates the water and sky, the latter filled with gray clouds, that are split in the centre, where the light is strongest. Signed at the lower right, H. W. Mrspae. Height, 54 inches; length, 70 inches. Owner, ArtHurR A. Crossy. ES i No. 190 F al JOSEF CHELMINSKI if »' 1851— MORNING AFTER TIE SOIREE A. ONE-sToRY house stretches back from the left, and at right angles to its end is a row of vehicles, black against the cold, slaty-gray sky. Its struggling light sharpens the. patches of snow, which are scattered over the foreground. Tnside the open door is a warm light, shining upon a woman’s figure and various comestibles displayed upon a sideboard, while on the threshold stands a cook in white costume, gesticulating. Upon the benches that flank the doorway sit some officers, and other persons are lying on the ground. Signed at the lower left, Joser CHELMINSKI, Parts, 1877. Height, 21 inches; length, 55% inches. Owner, ArtHur A. Crossy. =“ | | eee TRUMAN H. BARTLETT “CARRY ME AND ’LL DRUM IT THROUGH” y _ Bronze Group _A DRUMMER boy, with a bandage bound round his left > leg close above the ankle, is seated astride the left shoulder I, of an infantry-soldier. He faces away from the direction ( ee ng in which the latter is running, his body thrown back and Ait his arms raised to beat the drum. 'The man holds him steady i by setting his right hand against the boy’s body, and with : the other se Ls his right ankle. ( i Signed, Barrierr. cx if Height of group, 47 inches; height of pedestal, 44 inches. — i i Owner, L. Crist DELMONICO. ae AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ai Manacers. i THOMAS E. KIRBY, Hi tHe AUCTIONEER. \ i Li } HI i | | SS eee = " 7 = See 2 nce ee = eo 4 7 fue ACL) le a. + < Aang 14 o C ce; | ae WHE 1! | a a ae | aaa a Bebe to Nareket, 1G 122 f lstayisted_| = oa > ie Bra™ Ns —— —— Ne = a ee EE I TT — a a a a Te A RP A et NT a TEAM ee ‘e = we ol yee —f) 2 : ar ~ we —. “i PY