H Berg ‘gave. $350, for ‘No, field, Mass.,” by George Innes: bode sige fae a No; 122, d $58 je taly,”* s; Mrs, B. oe he WA 0, Von Le pneeah Vv. Seaman, ag paid $925 for | 160, Geors Tnness's “Milton on] | erwason, ” and Robert. Hyman Be ve $700 | for No. 183, neiriean: / Dupre s “Harvest | |Gatherers.” i | The total. for the evening was $1734 | 867. 50, making a grand total of $24,- | | 737.50 for the two evenings, a In the afternoon sale a collection of | Buropean objects of art was dispo of, { Leo Elwin gave $1,170 for No. 28, a} gold mounted jewel coffer; E. ¥. Fisher paid $425 for a mammoth Silver mounted | ivory tankard: F. Baumeister. fh Now, 64, an’ Waey! tankard, for $5 aa Samuel Schepps paid $450 for No, an ivory and. gilt bronze inkstand ; ie Baumeister bought No. 71, a rock erys- tal coffer, for $1,225, and No, 77, a pair. of lapis-lazull and ename?.vases, went to Leo Elwin for $920. The total for | this i aimigies was $15,022.50, . AT THE. AMERICAN ART GALLERIES _ MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK GINNING SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, 1920 a | FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. 7 eo CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE _ AMERICAN AND FOREIGN | . PAINTINGS OF THE OLD AND MODERN SCHOOLS al TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE "i ‘ : THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES - MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK | ON THE EVENINGS OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 18th AND 19th | BEGINNING EACH EVENING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK _— So ail en ae ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF A LARGE COLLECTION OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN OIL PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM A. SLEICHER tie ATE OF THE LATE E. W. PAIGE THE PROPERTY OF EDWARD H. DREW oF Boston Se AND OTHER PRIVATE OWNERS AND ESTATES ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED poeta AMERICAN ART GALLERIES PWD DATE BE ABIWORD ANE ESE IG BNO HI CORE THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1920 DESIGNS ITS CATALO ALL DETAILS OF ILL TEXT AND TYPOG CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made. within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. | Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1920 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O'CLOCK UNKNOWN 1I—GRAY DAY Mbt Te. ee (Water Color) 7 ix 50 — Height, 6 inches; length, 934 inches Two trees in the middle distance, at left of a winding road, alone inter- rupt the general level and openness of cleared fields, green and brown, which extend to far hills, under a sky of gray clouds. Property of a Private Owner. A. BELLI NINETEENTH Gana y, 2IN CANDLE LIGHT (1277,. (Gouache) Height, 115% inches; width, 85% inches A 50 THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing figure of a boy of handsome features, facing the observer, before a dark background, holding in front of him a candle whose flame he shields from the spectator with his hand, its light illumining his rosy face. He wears a brown cap, and a dark green coat trimmed with red. Scene in a Bar Harbor cottage. Signed at the lower right, A. Bruit. From the Whitney Collection, New York, 1885. Property of a Private Owner. UNKNOWN ARTIST 3_THREE Musicians 4) hyve papas JO (Millboard) Height, 9 inches; width, 6 inches On a grassy slope and in the grateful shade of scattered trees, three young women in low-necked gowns of soft coloring are seated with a ’cello and other instruments, pleasing themselves with an afternoon of music. All face the spectator. Back of them, leafage shows autumn notes, and the upper hillside is dappled with sunshine. To be sold to close an Estate. PIERRE JUSTIN OUVRIE Frencu: 1806—1879 4 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE _( / VISE (Panel) i. : ; : Height, 614 inches; length, 81 inches A vitiace of gabled cottages and buildings of a modest commerce, their walls and roofs an assemblage of soft neutral colors, lies on the farther bank of a green river which crosses the foreground, where their chromatic hues shimmer in reflection. In midstream a rowboat with three figures. In the background huge and rugged mountains tower in green and mauve and white toward an azure sky. — Signed at the lower right, Justin Ouvrisz, 1871. Property of a Private Owner. UNKNOWN Clas 5—ANIMAL HEAD | Yer SS ey ape (Panel) JA 50 Height, 934 inches; width, 7 inches A Bovine of tawny-yellow coat, with short horns and a white face and forehead of thick curly hair, entering the picture with head turned forward is seen head and neck, in sunshine, against a background of neutral browns. Signed at the lower right, A. V. To be sold to close an Estate. UNKNOWN Uh, 7 6—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Ip cen A. (Copper ) A ees 0 Height, 734, inches; length, 1014 inches A BLveE stream winding forward and skirting precipitous mountains passes over a dam and a natural spillway in the foreground, and in a road across the dam a horse and cart and some people are advancing. Near by a man is fishing, and at right is a mass of formal architecture. Note: On the back of the plate are four etchings. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1am A. SLEICHER. LEON ESCOSURA (?) 7—THE ART CRITIC | Be, wUelheav : ( Panel) are Height, 814 imches; width, 6 inches In a high studio hung with large draperies in low tones are three men, before an easel whose picture they obscure, the artist and another man standing and the artist directing the attention of a visitor who is seated to a sculpture resting on a neighboring stand. The visitor is in scarlet and blue, with blue bows on his shoes, and studies the sculp- ture with an assured and consequential air. Signature at lower left undeciphered, with date ’69. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11am A. SLEICHER. UNKNOWN 8—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES 51m We a ef ee Height, 7%4 inches; length, 1014 inches In the middle distance the ruins of a castle, and in a transverse road in front of it, crossing a stream or perhaps an ancient moat, figures afoot and on horseback. In the foreground other figures at the edge of the stream, and in the distance a green meadow and rugged hills. Property of the Estate of the late Wituiam A. SLEICHER. JOSEPH VAN SEVERDONCK BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY 9 THE GAME COCK He hee J pee ee Granel)=” “ 7 geo Height, 7 inches; length, 91% inches In a far-reaching landscape with distant village details, there stands in the middle distance on the right a low thatched farmhouse, with a field of grass before it sloping to a foreground pond. On the grass a proud game cock stands, with hens, chickens and a pigeon around him, and a duck swims up in the pond. Signed at the lower left, J. Van SEVERDONCK, 1863; also authenticated by the artist on back of panel. Property of the Estate of the late Wit1i1am A. SLEICHER. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Beucian: 1799—1881 | 10—THE OLD WHITE MARE P pretty 4 ey Cie | (Panel) Height, 8 inches; width, 61% mches In front of a green hillock in the foreground which rises above far- reaching meadows where sheep are grazing, a solitary white mare turned out to pasture stands headed toward the left. She turns her head to look with friendly inquiry toward the spectator, casting a delicate shadow on her sun-glistening white coat. At her feet two chickens. ; Signed at the lower right, EucENE VERBOECKHOVEN, F. 1846, — Property of a Private Owner. P. JAZET FrencH: NINETEENTH CENTURY 11—PROFESSIONAL ETHICS A ihe Wo Veta ( Panel) Height, 924 inches; length, 13 inches In the skylight quarters of an individual circus performer and anima! trainer, two dogs sit on their haunches on a ragged green rug, wholly scornful of the efforts of an alcoholically affable caller in buff panta- loons and blue coat to induce them, by the bait of sugar, to perform their tricks and jump through a hoop, in the absence of their accus- tomed commander. The scene is beside a slumber couch above which hang brilliant and gauzy female costumery. Signed at the lower left, P. Jazer, 1873. Property of a Private Owner. DOMINGO FERNANDEZ Y GONZALEZ SPANISH: CoNTEMPORARY | ff EW a 12—-THE QUINTETTE JL (Panel) 6 5.— Height, 84% inches; length, 13 inches In a hospitable room with pictures and advertisements of the bull ring on the walls, a practitioner of the national Spanish sport is surrounded by four young women, the entire group joining in a drooning song to the accompaniment of a guitar played by one of the women, to whose aid he solicitously devotes himself. All are in brilliant colors, and wine in plenty is at hand. Signed at the lower right, Dominco FERNANDEZ y GONZALEZ. Property of the Estate of the late Wittiam A. SLEICHER. EDOUARD CASTRES Swiss: 1838—1892 13—THE HOSPITAL TRAIN Yu eee ( Panel) : ap Ke ih. ae | AO) O. — — Height, 91/4, inches; length, 121, inches Winter with a gray sky and the ground snow covered. ‘To right a plain reaching to an obscure late afternoon horizon, the plain bounded on the left by a road along which comes a train of two-wheeled covered carts, conveying wounded soldiers under the protection of the red Geneva cross. The first cart is drawn by an ass, the second by a horse. The first has paused and a peasant woman hands tobacco to a maimed man within. Other figures are near. A priest speaks to the man in charge of the following cart. Signed at the lower left, EK. Casrres. Property of a Private Owner. UNKNOWN 14—SUNSHINE AND SHADE a ME; oS 7 ee Height, 958 inches; length, 1234 inches Tre spectator looks out from within the edge of a wood, trees at either side throwing the foreground into partial shadow, and on a hillside bordering a green meadow beyond them smaller trees in autumn foliage are golden in sunshine. A brook courses through the wood and the meadow, and on its bank on the right are a man and a woman. To be sold to close an Estate. EMILE DE CAUWER Bertcian: 1828—1873 15—INTERIOR OF CATHEDRAL Mbob te tt 1 VA (Panel) ~ - Jb Height, 121% inches; width, 10 inches In the interior of a cathedral with both round and square pillars, and elaborate capitals, and ornate chandeliers, the sunlight throws into prominence a group of visitors who are being conducted through it, and elsewhere are worshippers and crippled beggars. Signed at the lower left, EMILE pE Cauwer, PpT., 1854; on the back is the artist’s seal. Property of Eywarp H. Drew. ATTRIBUTED TO JERVIS McENTEE, N.A. G Wy, : American: 1828—1891 ‘~ a oi Lrtecitald ye 16—WOODLAND INTERIOR , ¥4 Oe Height, 12 inches; width, 854 inches WITHIN an open wood a spring starts its blue brooklet among small boulders, in the foreground, and about it are saplings and brush with sparse brown leafage, and a leafless tree, seen in a fading light. Property of Enywarp H. Drew. UNKNOWN Moprern AMERICAN SCHOOL W7—VANITY INQUISITIVE 7 ve Litenrralel Vad * ae Height, 1484 wmches; width, 614 inches FuLL-LENGTH standing figure of an auburn-haired young woman in a creamy, greenish-white gown of filmy material, with broad lace collar and a pearl necklace of several strands, facing the right, three-quarters front, studying her face in a hand mirror in a dim light. With right hand on hip, she is observed vaguely. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Paice. HARRY ROSELAND AMERICAN: 1866— 1s—“MAMMY GOING TO TOWN” Ja Harfeed y Height, 141% wmches; width, 10 mches gees Aw aged negro woman with white hair and knotted fingers, and large 4 spectacles, sits facing the spectator and the left, holding a blue umbrella a and a bandbox; on the rag carpet at her feet other boxes tied up for a journey. She wears a pale green dress and white apron, and a ban- danna about her shoulders. Signed at the upper right, Harry Rosexianp, 1902. Property of the Estate of the late Witu1am A. SLEICHER. ISIDORE PATROIS Frencu: 1815— 19—THE DRAWING LESSON (Panel) (ttt, CLAS Height, 114 imches; length, 1334 inches Ye In the corner of a studio with a classical painting on the wall and various objects on shelves lending a variety of color, a young girl is seated at a drawing-board sketching from the antique. She wears a gray skirt and plum-colored waist, and a younger sister similarly dressed stands behind her. Signed at the lower left, I. Parrots, 89. Property of the Estate of the late Witutam A. SLEICHER. UNKNOWN 7 . 20—STILL LIFE: FRUIT (To Companion Pictures) . oO Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches (a) On a black table which projects from the left before a brown wall, a basket laden with currants, grapes and pears, and beside it berries, a melon and other fruit, and a Delft plate. (s) In this companion picture the table extends from the right, a different basket is filled with varied fruits, and in place of the blue and white plate are a wine glass, a golden cup and a pewter plate. Property of the Estate of the late Witutam A. SLEICHER. yy UNKNOWN Le 21—STILL LIFE: FLOWERS << Leng 4tet Se, pene Height, 141% inches; width, 12% inches Iw a glass vase on the end of a stand, flowers of rich oaks roses, car- nations and others, are grouped in a glowing display, with a white bloom at the centre in the high light, against a dark background. Property of the Estate of the late Wittiam A. SLEICHER. HUGO KOTSCHMEISTER GERMAN: 1854—1908 22 THE CONNOISSEUR y Lf Noth eS wae Lo Height, 1434 inches; width, 10 inches SraTep in the caves of a monastery, a stout and venerable monk in brown habit smiles reflectively, as with critical air he holds up a glass of golden wine, holding the bottle in his other hand. Signed at the upper left, H. KorscuMetster, *87. To be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED 'TO FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—191 23DUCAL PALACE, uniliaea | Lallerite } bs pyc Height, 16 inches; width, 1184 inches ; On the left the Molo corner of the Doge’s palace is surrounded by a throng in medieval costumes, and a few persons are crossing the white bridge whose light mass stands out against the Prigioni beyond. The rose of the palace is deep and soft before a light golden sky. Signed at the lower left, Zire. T'o be sold to close an Estate. A. BOON 24—AT THE SIGN OF THE SWAN — | : (Panel) pe A ted Jo ao Height, 1214 mches; length, 161% inches Tue gable of an inn enters the picture from the left, before a sunset sky, and over the door swings a sign painted with a white swan, A woman appears in the doorway, and outside are two equestrians, one of them feeding his horse at a trough. At right, cows and a sheep in a meadow. Signed at the lower left, A. Boon, ¥Fxcrr. Property of the Estate of the late Wit1i1amM A. SLEICcHER. UNKNOWN Clliy hat Balliren 25—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES ( Panel) 2 ee Height, 17%4 wmches; width, 147, inches A rAncE of hills partly wooded swings from the right around into the distance, and beside a brown bank in the foreground are a number of equestrians, a man and a woman on their mounts and two men who have dismounted, while toiling up a hill in the middle distance, over the turf, comes a farmer afoot, urging his team with their laden cart. Property of the Estate of the late Witttam A. SLEICHER. UNKNOWN ARTIST 26—PORTRAIT OF A MAN i ee (Panel) 49.—— — Height, 197% inches; width, 1554 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a middle-aged man of warm com- plexion, with blue eyes and blond hair, his hair thinning and brushed forward in effective economy. He faces the right, three-quarters front, with gaze directed slightly to the spectator’s left. He wears a coat of deep green hue with shawl collar, a waistcoat of old-gold, a choker collar and a white stock. Background dark. To be sold to close an Estate. G. A. SCHMIDT GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY o7INTERIOR WITH FIGURES WA JA Lowen (Panel) aL Ze A 0 Height, 1534 inches; length, 1914 inches Ix a cottage room-of-all-work, with a tile and brick floor, a farmer — stands with his back to the spectator, in front of a fireplace, facing his rubicund wife and small son who are seated in the light from an open door which swings in from the left. Around them farm and household utensils. Signed at the lower left, G. A. ScHMIpDT. Property of the Estate of the late Wrui1am A. SLEICHER. SAUERFELT IG: GERMAN: NINETEENTH CENTURY aoe ; ! 4 283THE MARKET PLACE "EZ Det1en cs a Height, 1814 mches; width, 15 inches Oxp-worxp town buildings of varied architecture fill the background, converging down a narrowing street, their facades creamy, gray or brown, while in the foreground a place before a church or public hall is thickly peopled by vegetable vendors and their bargaining customers, the women in colorful costumes and white caps.. Signed at the lower left, SavERFELT, ee : Property of Eywarp H. Drew. REZNICEK ee 29 TETE DE FEMME 7 ee AY oe ee (Academy Board) | Height, 181% inches; width, 15 inches Factne the spectator, with a high light from the left striking upon her face and exposed breast, a young woman is observed at half-length standing, her blond hair parted and brought down in masses before her shoulders. She is in a red house robe, and a dark brown coat held by a golden chain of brilliant jewels. Signed at the lower right, Reznicrex, ’94. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11am A. SiEIcHeEr. STUDEMAN DutcH: ConTEMPORARY , if RSKTING IN-HOLLAND 4rciicer Phen (Panel) f 4 4-0. oon Height, 131% inches; length, 19%4 inches Tue red sun is low over the gables of a Dutch village, above which rises : a lone windmill. Snow covers roofs and the land, and ice-locked sail- boats lie at the right. Before them a number of skaters are on the ice, in the sunset glow. Signed at the lower left, SruDEMAN. Property of the Estate of the late Wiitiam A. SLEICHER. WILLIAM STANLEY HASELTINE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1835—1900 31—FISHING-BOATS AND FISHERS fibed Medes J (Gouache) ES oe: Height, 1434 inches; length, 214% inches A numBER of Mediterranean fishing boats with highly colored lateen sails appear at anchor or slowly sailing—one made fast to a group of gray spiles—in quiet water disturbed only by gentlest ruffles, the craft diminishing in perspective in a line leading toward the distant right. The men aboard appear in colors, and colored reflections streak the waters. Signed at the lower left, W. S. H. Property of a Private Owner. EK. CASALS a a) CONTEMPORARY yo are q thicea 4: A. oe a 32—THE APOTHECARY’S SHOP ve OD Height, 161% inches; length, 24 inches In the brightness of strong daylight a corner of a spacious and bril- liantly equipped dispensary, presided over by a bewigged man in black small clothes and a white waistcoat embroidered with flowers, is de- picted with minute attention to the color and details of the surround- ings, including a religious triptych. Two Spanish women in gay colors are seated on a bench, and a venerable gentleman feels the pulse of one, who is languid, with solicitous care. Signed at the lower right, EK. Casas, 82. Property of the Estate of the late Wiu.u1am A. SLEIcHER. DUTCH SCHOOL or 2 33—_MARINE: WHALING Nevrvre beg *¢ Aor- Height, 17 inches; length, 244/, inches eik O- Numerous bulky square-riggers of the late seventeenth or early eigh- teenth century are bunched within a comparatively small area of the northern ocean, their boats out with full crews whaling. Two of the captured cetaceans are seen in the foreground, and on an ice-floe at the right two bears. (A companion to the succeeding number.) DUTCH SCHOOL Site ve fe 34—THE FISHING FLEET ~ BOE a Height, 1634 inches; length, 24 inches 6 §.— Iw a tossing sea and a fresh breeze a number of heavy working-vessels, square-riggers and fore-and-afters, are seen under a blue sky billowed with white and gray clouds. Many men are visible aboard them, and others are observed in two small boats near by. (A companion to the preceding number.) Property of the Estate of the late WitiiaM A. SLEICHER. WILLIAM STANLEY HASELTINE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1835—1900 35—AN OLD WORLD COURTYA R (Water Color) tt, eT ea O Height, 14°4 mches; length, 22 inches A PICTURE suggesting an interior scene of Venice, with plastered build- ings with projecting roofs, one on the right and one a little back on the left, giving upon a yard filled with rubbish and utensils and fire- wood, and showing a few trees. On the building at the right a religious painting, and above a doorway to which leads a flight of ramshackle outside stairs a design with the letters A W and 1757. At left an old man, working. ; Signed at the lower left, W. 5S. H. 783. Propertyof a Private Owner. COLIN HUNTER, R.S.A. a ScorcH: 1842—1904 Kibo Hg rrcard 36—_LANDSCAPE AT HARVEST TIME Height, 1614 inches; length, 2614 inches Ih. $0 THe eye roams far over a rolling English landscape of green, yellow and brown fields and plentifully wooded, the distance hazy under a sky of white and grayish clouds with a hint of blue. In the clear fore- ground an undulating field stacked with rich ripe grain, and a man and a woman continuing its reaping. Signed at the lower left, Corrs Hunter, 1867. Property of the Estate of the late Witt1am A. SLEICHER. A. CECCHI ITALIAN: ConNTEMPORARY a Nig Sd pete 37—_THE MUSIC LESSON Height, 17 mches; length, 23 inches do. Two young ladies in silken gowns of white and gold and purple-rose are seated in a salon, one in profile to right and one three-quarters front, both smiling and the latter playing a guitar in accompaniment to the formally clad professor, who has seized the music to show how the song goes himself. Signed at the lower right, A. Ceccut, FIreNzeE. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11aAM A. SLEICHER. KARL EMIL RAU GERMAN: 1858— 38_-THE PEASANT GIRL Ye Wi ta ee Lif. Height, 2214, inches; width, 181% inches AES Haur-Lenctu portrait of a plump, smiling and rosy-cheeked peasant, to right with face nearly full to the front, a slant of sunlight striking across her left cheek and shoulder, and her right cheek shaded by the broad green-lined brim of her yellow hat. Costume of varied colors. Signed at the lower right, E. Rav, ’87. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1am A. SLEICHER. ANTONIO TORRES SpanisH: 1874— a | 39 _TETE DE JEUNE FEMME J, Vy, oo Height, 2414, inches; width, 1814 imches Bust portrait of a handsome young woman with ready smile, pensive blue eyes, and warm Titian hair which holds her features in curling embrace. Figure slightly to left, face to the front; in décolleté array of fluffy white, within a cloak of scarlet velvet heavily embroidered in gold. Light golden head-kerchief and pale green background. Signed at the upper left, Axroxto Torres; on back o canvas: “Opus 135.” | Property of the Estate of the late Witt1am A. SLEICHER. EK. ACCARD Frencu: 1824—1888 40—THE LETTER Wa Y- a 3 : , Es ey Me ( Panel) b 4.—— Height, 2314, inches; width, 1914 inches Wirurn an interior of elaborate decoration and furnishings a man clad wholly in crimson, with white lace collar and cuffs, is seated facing the spectator, studiously perusing a manuscript which gives him evi- dent pleasure. A fair lady in a brilliant blue satin gown, décolleté, stands with an arm about his shoulder, sharing his interest in the document. Signed at the lower left, EK. Accarp. Manuscript paster on back signed Fr. Devauaye, declaring the work to be by Accard. Property of the Estate of the late Witttam A. SLEICHER. THEODORE COQUELIN FRENCH: ConTEMPORARY 41—STILL LIFE: FLOWERS AND FRUIT (Water Color) 2 areca Height, 201% inches; length, 2234 inches In a broadly flaring brass vase of squat beaker form a variety of roses are massed, full-blown and in bud,—yellow and pink, white and red— in a diffused light before a drapery of soft olive. Below them, peaches and white and purple grapes. Signed at the lower right, Tu. Coauetiy. Property of the Esthte of the late S. S. Rosenstammn. RENE AVIGDOR FrencH: CONTEMPORARY ie ve O DAs». 42 —“BLENDE CAV ONENCIT A” (Panel) Jo ss Height, 24 inches; width, 191% inches Bust portrait of a smiling beauty with greenish-gray eyes and a mass of red-blond hair, which falls loosely down, trained back of her right shouder and on her left side and brought forward in front of her breast, its rich color further emphasized by purplish-red and white blossoms. She faces the spectator, bust slightly to right, and wears a pearl necklace and a décolleté waist of blue with heavy embroideries, and a lace drapery. Signed at the upper right, Rent Avicpor. Property of Enwarp H. Drew. T. ROSIERSE Dutcu: CoNTEMPORARY 483—MARKET AT NIGHT La gtrmnarend ee Height, 1984 inches; length, 261 inches | eG. One In the shelter of a porch a market table laden with luscious fruits and prime vegetables is illumined by a single lamp, and about it are stand- ing an elderly woman, two young women and a young girl, their faces in the glow of the light. At right, within the building, are more goods of the market, under another lamp, and in an inner room other figures are discerned in candle-light. Signed at the lower left, T. Rosterss. Property of Kywarp H. Drew. HARRY ROSELAND AMERICAN: ee LJ jx, a —“FOR WHAT WH ARE Yee TO RECEIVE” Height, 14 inches; length, 22 inches AS. Aw aged negro in profile to the left sits with bowed head and clasped hands at a deal table, saying grace, a stout “mammy” in shawl and bandanna joining in his devout return. She faces the observer. On the table the materials of an humble repast. Signed at the wpper left, Harry Roseianp. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Pater. MARY STEWART DUNLAP AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ms 45—BAY OF NAPLES OA) Height, 161% inches; length, 23 inches No land in sight, the smooth but moving water of the bay extends to a gray foggy horizon, its surface greenish-blue and pale gray and mauve, and lighted down the centre by a broad path of radiance from the sun which is trying to pierce the haze or vaporous mist. Signed at the lower le M. 8. Dunuap; at lower left the title. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Paice. ANTONIO TORRES SPANISH: 18'74— oe 46—THE AUBURN HAIR oA ye itl. Aj Height, 2414, inches; width, 1814, inches / Oo. Bust portrait of a young woman of classic beauty, with creamy skin and gray-blue limpid eyes, facing the spectator, her face enwreathed in her wavy and rich auburn hair, a mass of whose strands are gathered at the back of her head and brought forward over her left shoulder. She is in a rose-pink waist with low corsage edged with white lace, embroid- ered in gold with acanthus scrolls, and her hair is decked with blue flowers. Signed at the lower right, ANTONIO 'TorREs. Property of the Estate of the late Witu1amM A. SLEICHER. HENRI ADRIEN TANOUX Frencu: 1865— 47—_IDEAL PORTRAIT te Afr Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches Sy ae _ Busr portrait of a fair young lady, seated, to right, with face turned full to the front; shoulders and breast nude, enfolded by robin’s-egg gauze and a red mantle; brown hair falling in undulant masses to her shoulders. Signed at the upper right, 'Tanovux, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late S. S. Rosenstamm. HERMAN RUDISUHLI GERMAN: NINETEENTH CENTURY 48—_SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW (Millboard) ££. LL SS 0.—— Haight, 2214, inches; length, 26 inches On the right of a brook in the foreground a steep bank, and on the left a meadow, both deep with grasses and wild flowers and partly in the shadow of a dense tree. In the middle distance yellow fields in sun- shine, centred by a huge old tree and bordered by distant low hills and woods. Signed at the lower right, Herm. Rivisiuir, MincHen. Property of the Estate of the late Wiit1am A. SLEICHER. CHARLES FERDINAND CERAMANO Berean: 1829( ?)—1909 49 SHEPHERD AND FLOCK // oe A Je Height, 29 inches; width, 2334 inches O ——— Comine along open, rolling hills, a flock of sheep is passing towards the left, their shepherd accompanying them with easy stride and his dog overseeing their order. In the background the edge of a dense wood of venerable and partly blasted trees. Signed at the lower right, CERAMANO. Property of the Estate of the late Wit1iam A. SLEICHER. GERKE HENKES Dutcu: 1844— y, sae A need A < ‘om Jf | Height, 31 inches; width, 19 inches A / Go In a corner of a cathedral aisle an old man stands before a pillar and beneath the statue of a saint, his cap held low and his bead bowed in prayer. His clothes are the worn clothes of a working man, their hues sombre, and above his gray head sunlight struggles through a window of dense and richly chromatic glass. Signed at the lower left, G. Henkes. Note: The original sketch in black and white for this picture was in the collec- tion of the Dutch artist, H. W. Mesdag, recently sold in New York. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11aAM A. SLEICHER. OLD MASTERS ATTRIBUTED TO JAN STEEN Dutcu: 1626(?)—1679 sar THE DENTIST'S LD oa. ey (Wood) Ors Ze Height, 8 inches; width, 634 inches Turee small figures. The dentist draws the tooth of a man seated in the foreground; a basket is on the ground by his side. In the distance a third man enters the door. Various vessels and a violin hang on the end wall. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO ADRIAEN BROUWER. Dutcu: 1605—16388 52—A TAVERN SCENE f Ly Jaen (Wood) yi Height, 114% mches; width, 10 inches Two men are seated at a table. One, in a brown coat and white apron, lights his pipe from a charcoal burner. More to the right, but further away, the other man who wears a blue coat and a red cap holds a gis and a pitcher. T'o be sold to close an Estate. CHRISTIAN DIETRICH GERMAN: 1712—1774 583PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN “| letdy, het atle rex Height, 121% inches; width, 9 inches OO. Busr length, three-quarters to the left. In a brown dress and ample cloak. Neutral background. Imported from Dresden. Apparently inspired by Rembrandt. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE : Durcu: 1610—1685 54—A WOMAN CLEANING FISH Mherbe a COZ “a aa Height, 11% inches; width, 9 inches | SMmatL, full-length figure, in a blue dress and white apron, cleaning fish on a board in a courtyard. A vine grows up the wall at the back. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE MORLAND Encusnu: 1763—1804 5—A FARMYARD SCENE “— A SA Stes a Height, 10 inches; length, 114% wmches ee O J g i A sow, with her little pigs, in a farmyard eating greens. A woman with a milkpail is coming through the gate. The farmer is in the barn on the right. Summer sky. T'o be sold to close an Estate. CHRISTIAN DIETRICH German: 1712—1774 Ly yy A hy 56—A MONK IN CONTEMPLATION (Wood) Dats Height, 12 inches; width, 914 inches Seer THREE-QUARTER length, three-quarters to the left. In brown monastic robe, he examines a skull as he leans his left arm on a book on the table by his side. : Signed in the right lower corner with the monogram D'T. Possibly the work of Christian Dietrich working in the manner of Gerard Dou. T'o be sold to close an Estate. MANNER OF NICHOLAS POUSSIN Frencu: 1594—1665 57—_NYMPHS BATHING J op Vg. (Wood) vi, ie Height, 12 inches; length, 15 wmches es FO In various stages of undress, six women are in the foreground on the bank of a river. ‘Two others enter the water. Classical buildings in the distance. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO PEETER NEEFS DutcH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY the L 58-CATHEDRAL INTERIOR (CCC. Zececiecee “Fe (Panel) Height, 614% inches; length, 9 inches Wiruin a great cathedral brilliant in daylight illumination a consider- able number of people appear, the greater number of them in apparel of bright and varied color. At the right two monks in black, and at the foot of a pillar beside them a seated beggar. Property of the Estate of the late Witiiam A. SLEICHER. ATTRIBUTED TO ADAM ELSHEIMER GERMAN: 1574-—1620 59-ADAM AND EVE Yf. /1. Yior-decar (On Copper: oval) A 50 Height, 7 inches; length, 9 imches Avam and Eve stand at the foot of the apple tree, coiled about which is the serpent, bringing a second apple to Eve as she proffers a first one to the reluctant Adam, who directs attention to sheep and a cow at his side. Property of the Estate of the late S. S. RosEnsTAMM. ATTRIBUTED TO JAN STEEN Dutrcu: 1626—1679 60—TAVERN INTERIOR pee igs _-——- Height, 13 inches; length 1614 wches In an ancient and hospitable room with leaded-glass windows several Dutch men and women in velvets and brocades are seated at covered tables, two of the men are smoking and a maid is serving wine ine. At left a child. Signature on a jug at lower left, STEEN. Property of the Estate of the late Witu1am A. SLEICHER THOMAS BARKER OF BATH Encusu: 1769— oy 61—_THE YOUNG COTTAG ea ‘Meas Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches Smauu full-length figure of a child seated on a rock head, on which is a brown earthenware pitcher. Attired as a peasant, she holds ears of © corn in blue cloth placed on her lap Said to have been in the Shaw Sale, Oct. 17, 1839, No. 143 and in the collections of James H. Anderdon and W. P. Anderdon. To be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO A. VAN DER NEER Durcx: 1603—1677 WA Wi We abo 62—CANAL SCENE BY MOONLIGHT (Wood) oe 4 5 O Height, 111% inches; length, 17 inches Ficures on a boat near a promontory on which, on the right, is an inn. Beyond on the left is a sailing vessel near a water mill. Cloudy sky with the moon peeping through. T'o be sold to close an Estate. KAREL DU JARDIN Dutcu: 1625—1678 Ceres Yd 7 z. : 68—MILKING TIME Avbicth Dicuteceng a) (On Copper) EP be ie Height, 131% inches; length, 1914 inches In the corner of a pasture, between a clay-bank on the left and a tall rock-cliff on the right, cows and sheep are lying down in the late afternoon sunshine; one cow which is standing is being milked by a maid in blue who turns to look over her shoulder at the spectator. In the distance a man and woman and asses following a field road. Signed at the lower centre, K. pu JaRvin, Fc. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1aAM A. SLEICHER. AUGUSTUS DE STEENHOULT Fruemisu: 1758— Rossrs, a carnation, polyanthus, forget-me-not, and other flowers in a figured brown vase placed, with nuts near it, in the recess of a wall. Signed at the lower right, A. DE STEENHOULT. Apparently the only signed work of a man who is thought to have been active about May 22, 1758. T'o be sold to close an Estate. SCHOOL OF SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK FLenisu: 15991641 // Ly 65—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN “LO. Lees Height, 224% inches; width, 18 inches Heap and shoulders, the shoulders to right and face front; a man with sandy imperial and upcurling moustache, florid cheeks and dark flow- ing locks. Fluted white ruff-collar of numerous folds, over a dark coat with vertical cording. Property of the Estate of the late Wit1u1am A. SLEICHER. ATTRIBUTED TO CORNELIS DECKER Dutcu: D. 1678 fff | SeeeeeteBOR SCENE OF -/ Zoreeesier” - Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches A MAN and a woman approach the end of a jetty, where are men and boats. Further back are sailing vessels moored near boathouses. A town, with a church tower on the left, in the distance. Cloudy sky. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO DAVID TENIERS FLEMISH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 67—SCENE OF MERRIMENT YW prterareeaes u/ Ie 4 Height, 32 inches; length, 46 inches In a courtyard upon which houses open on the right, with a high stockade and another house in the background, and at left a distant church and windmill, there is a festive gathering of old and young, dancing and drinking, eating and love-making, altogether nearly fifty figures appearing in greater or less detail, in warm colors and a soft and mellow light. On the stretcher a manuscript paster in German, declaring the picture an original by David Teniers, from the Gallery of Count Herberstewn. Property of the Estate of the late WittiamM A. SLEICHER. ATTRIBUTED TO JAN HACKAERT Dutcu: 1629—1699 7) : ; 68d LANDSCAPE of yes. , : Height, 23 inches; width, 20 inches Swans on the river in the right foreground. A man, with his dog, dis- appears round a bend in the road on the left. Birds in the blue sky. To be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO JOHN OPIE, R.A. ENGLISH : Seaee o/ 69—Ad BOY AND GIRL IN A LANDSCAP 3 ee Height, 23 inches; width, 191% inches A country lad in knee_breeches and red vest, and wearing a hat, is seated against a rock playing on a flute. A girl in a red dress kneels by his side, a dog on the ground in front of her. Wide-spreading land- scape on the right. T'o be sold to- ote an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO JOHN OPIE, R.A. _ L EncuisH: 1'761—1807 iA we A, ta 70—PORTRAIT OF MRS. R. N. ROBERTSON AS. a Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Busr length, turned three-quarters to the left. She wears a yellow- brown dress; auburn hair. Neutral background. Said to have been purchased from the French Galleries, London, in 1895. To close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO SALVATOR ROSA NEOPOLITAN: ee 71—SHIPWRECK SCENE abet beg oes. oS . Height, 17 inches; length, Me inches / a o A suip in distress is in rough sea on the left. High cliffs on the right and a tower above. Rain swept sky. From the collection of Sir Harvey Bruce, Bart. To be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO PETER PAUL RUBENS FLEMISH: (1577—1640 72—SAINT PAUL HOLDING Mcatin Maltaion THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT ( Panel) Height, 25 inches; width, 1914 inches vi - a <2. — Tue Saint is portrayed as a man of well matured life, vigorous of features, his florid countenance seamed and warm, his eyes glowing with the vigor of righteousness, as he faces the beholder but looks slightly downward in earnest and concentrated thought. He has a full but short gray beard, over which a large moustache curls, and his thick hair of grayish-sandy hue is worn loosely free and shaggy, stand- ing out from his temples and fringing his brow. He is depicted nearly at half-length, his left hand held before his breast, clasping the hilt of the “Sword of the Spirit,” whose blade is pressed against his massive shoulder and passes out of the picture limits above it. The warmth of the flesh of the hand is only less than that of the richly swarthy face, though the hand is in a slightly higher light, all the light of the picture concentrated on the face and hand excepting for gleams upon the hilt and blade of the sword. Olive background which at right merges into dark shadow. Property of a Private Owner. oS DUTCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 1 / if 2 73—THE FIVE SENSES (Five companion ‘canvases ) Each: Height, 28% inches; width, 2314 inches (a) Touch: Half-length figure of a boy in yellow-brown dress, with blue sleeves and blue cap. He touches a wound in his neck. Neutral background. (x) Hearing: A boy in blue coat, white sleeves and blue cap. He is playing on a pipe. (c) Taste: A boy in red coat, slashed with white, and a blue scarf. He holds up a flask of wine out of which he is drinking. (») Sight: A boy m brown costume, white sleeves and collar. He holds in his right hand an open book and points with his left to its open pages. (2) Smell: A boy in blue coat, red sleeves and cap. He holds fruit in his hands. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE Frencu: 1658—1717 (7 a pets BEM, 74—LA MARQUISE DE LOUVOIS (Oval) Va ite ——— Height, 29 inches; width, 28 inches Haxr-Lencru, to the front; seated. A young lady of gracious mien, smiling, with hair puffed, curled and powdered, and decked with jewels and flowers. Crimson gown with low corsage lace-edged, and cloak of golden-brown. Conventional background. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11amM A. SLEICHER. ety oe, l- [pavitimace Y ye OVICOEN DUTCH SCHOOL 75—PORTRAIT OF A SOLDIER Jp Lie Ad Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches Op THREE-QUARTER length, three-quarters to the left. A man of stern expression in a wide brimmed hat. In a dark red coat edged with fur. T'o be sold to close an Estate. SCHOOL OF GABRIEL METSU Dutrcu: 1630—1667 : 76—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Nebeok Lleudweceny (Panel) ig ia 4 Height, 32 inches; width, 27 inches FuLt-LeENncTH, seated, facing the observer, with head inclined over her right shoulder as she glances at some cut fruit on a table. A young woman in a white gown, her head bound in a loose white kerchief, work- ing on some white material and wearing a scarlet cloak trimmed with white fur. Property of the Estate of the late Witt1am A. SLEICHER. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. Encusu: 1769— ee / ai GY jigs Adit 2272017 414 inches 77—PORTRAIT OF A LADY 7 70. Bec, Height, 30 inches; width, | TuHreeE-quarTer length, three-quarters to the left. In a low-cut white dress; she gathers up a red mantle in her right hand. Brown eyes, curly hair and a healthy complexion. Sky background. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO AGWUBERT CUYP Dutrcu: 1620—1691 78—PASTORAL SCENE ate tee ee i Ae Height, 311% inches; width, 2614 7 en On the right the trunk of a leaning tree which soon leaves the picture; in front of it a boy holding a staff over a red cow which looks toward the spectator, and before the cow a ram and two sheep, one of them lying down. At left a recumbent goat, and in the distance low hills. Signature at lower left, A. Curr. In ink on back of canvas: “C. EK. Detmold, July 16/66.” Property of the Estate of the late WittiaM A. SLEICHER. ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI Iranian: 1702—1788 Ws ial 79—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES /¢ Aanean Sony a ae. Height, 271% inches; length, 35% inches Rock cliffs with persistent trees and brush, on the right, recede to dis- — tant blue hills under a blue and white sky; from among the cliffs a stream descends between huge boulders and passes out to right. On its nearer bank, to left, are four figures, two of them women seated on the ground, one of whom holds a falcon. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11aM A. SLEICHER. RUDOLF SWOBODA CONTEMPORARY 80—THE CONSPIRATORS We J if, Zo Height, 3214 inches; width, 23% inches In an irregular angle of a Moorish courtyard, embraced within high walls in sunshine and shadow, four turbaned figures are standing, their heads close and faces intent. One about to open a door is detained by an aged member of the group for a last whispered cautionary word. Signed at the lower right, Rupot¥ Swoxsopa, Lonvon, 1886. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11am A. SLEICHER. CARL HUBNER GERMAN: 1814—1 879 aff Y, hey: $I -REMEMBRANCES /“/. //f CLL 22a yh ° ‘ ° A ° iy e J Be Height, 36 inches; width, 301% inches ALONE in a large room whose wall is hung with portraits a woman still young, gowned in black, is seated before a table, looking in pensive recollection toward the likenesses in an opened album standing upon it. She faces the left, and is seen a little more than in profile. Signed at the lower right, Cart Hizner, 1870. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1aM A. SLEICHER. LEON FRANCOIS COMERRE Frencu: 1850— 4, ff * 82 SEEN THROUGH THE WINDOW Lo, WA ye ' Li172 231 4L 3 Height, 361% inches; width, 27 inches O. Tue spectator looks at the exterior of a French balcony window with elaborate lace curtains, one of which is pushed aside by a trim French maid who looks out with bright brown eyes and a light smile, her dress an admixture of delicate colors. Signed at the upper right, Lton ComMERRE. Property of the Estate of the late Wiu11aM A. SLEICHER. H. MORISSET FRENCH: Signy | ; GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Pierce ish 1s9a Ve Vbnes ie 117—-NEAR MEDFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS (Panel) Height, 1014 inches; length, 141% iches SO. a Mravows green and yellowish slope gently forward and toward the right from a low crest, and in the foreground skirt a green pool with browned weeds and yellow grasses at its edges. In the middle distance a few trees rise against a gray-blue sky, and the fields finish on the right at a distant green wood. Signed at the lower right, G. INNEss. Property of Evwarp H. Drew. IN THE STYLE OF. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1847—1919 118-—THE CASTLE AT ee } : (Panel hveuel Daterefr 37 50 Height, 131% wmches; width, 85% mches Ar right a tree of low bifurcation and at left a slender and sinuous — tree, their trunks and leafage dark against a golden sunset sky which illumines beyond them a middleground stream. In the distance a dark mass which suggests a looming castle-tower on a hill, against the light of the sky. : Signed at the lower left, R. A. Buaxerock. Property of a Prvvoate Collector. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—-1904 119—BETWEEN SHOWERS i, 5 ge Height, 9 inches; length, 1 inches AFTER a showery day a declining sun is turning cloud-banks to pale gold and mauve in a turquoise sky, over distant blue hills. In the foreground moist green banks supporting both bushy and cylindrical trées flank a brook reflecting the sunset light, and overhead the dis- persing nimbus masses are tinged by the sunrays a dull purple-gray. Signed at the lower left, Minor. Property of a Private Collector. FRANCIS DAVID MILLET, N.A. American: 1846—1912 _ 1200—THE OLD COPPER JAR oye HH ee foe b ¢ 0. Height, 14 mches; width, 10 inches HatF-LencTH figure of a young woman with delicate features finely modeled, and reddish-chestnut hair, holding before her a copper jar of rich brilliancy, with ring handle and an elaborated dome cover. She faces the right, and wears a dark mahogany waist caught at the shoulder with a button, and a white gauze underwaist. Signed at the upper right, F. D. Miuier. Property of a Private Owner. A. BONNEMAISON ee ON EMPORARY Cee PEG eT. 4, f 121—_LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES “oe O _ Height, 1034 inches; length, 14 inches GREEN meadows are dark and moist on a showery day, a line of low trees runs down the centre of them toward woods and a hill, and at the end of a plowed field in the middle distance a number of peasant women are at work, their white caps and a pool in the foreground brightened by the light from white clouds along the horizon. Signed at the lower right, A. BoNNEMAISON. Property of the Estate of the late Wr.1iamM A. SLEICHER. E. IRVING COUSE, NZAG AMERICAN: 1866 lee 125—-INDIAN HEAD: sam ane st OS: (Bee Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Heap and shoulders of an American Indian of the Southwest, to lef three-quarters front, with large earrings, a brilliant headdress of textiles and feathers, dressed in scarlet and golden-yellow and with a patterned and varicolored blanket over his nearer shoulder. a Signed at the lower right, EH. I. Covsr. | 3 Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Paice. ‘i a ' He ~ CLARA McCHESNEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 126—OLD AGE AND ITS JOYS 27 tf Ay Sa nae Height, 13 inches; length, 16 hoes Sratep at a table, poring over the pages of an open book and facing the spectator, an old woman in brown with a white cap; seated at right, with back toward spectator and observed profil perdu to left, an old man in a dark green coat, smoking his pipe. Each with a smile of con- _ tentment. /} Signed at the lower right, C. McCursnry. Property of the Estate of the late E. W. Pater. JAN VAN BEERS Beician: 1852—- Le ye. 127—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN Sty Ae ( Panel) Jo. ae Height, 1314, inches; width, 93% inches Heap and shoulders of a young woman of olive complexion and large hazel eyes, shoulders to left and face to the front, head inclined lightly toward her left shoulder. Her curly chestnut hair is brought loosely over the shoulder, and bound over the crown with a pink scarf. Signed at the lower right, Jan Van BEERs. Property of the Estate of the late Wrta1am A. SLEICHER. HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY | Frencu: 1841—1910 eer) : 1283-THE BOATMAN (%r72..¢ ge ( Panel) i Height, 9° inches; length, 16 inches Farty evening, with reflected after-sunset hues lingering dimly among the upper clouds, and a deep golden moon above a low horizon shore on the farther side of a winding river. In the foreground an old boatman is just poling ashore at the right his long boat in the stern of which an old woman is seated. Signed at the lower right, H. C. Detpy (with a date, which appears to be 775). Property of the Estate of the late Wi111aAM A. SLEICHER. DOMINGO MUNOZ SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY y 129—OF FICERS PARTING lr 1 f, (Panel) ! 0. Height, 1234 inches; length, 15% inches | a Various officers in brilliant military uniforms are standing about a group of trees at the edge of a green field bordering a sandy shore, one of them shaking hands with a brother mounted on a gray horse, who is about to depart. Some of their horses are back in the field, an army train is moving forward along the beach, and in the distance are _ purplish cliffs and blue hills. 7 | Signed at the lower right, Domtnco-MuNoz, Paris. ‘Property of the Estate of the late WitutaAM A. SLEICHER. FRIEDRICH JOHANN VOLTZ GerMAN: 1817—1886 130—STUDY OF A COW Uy Lge a Ee Height, 124% inches; length, 181% inches CareFrut study of a black and white cow, standing on a patch of green — grass and herbage in the sunshine, facing the spectator and toward the right, her day’s labor accomplished. The play of light on the coat, not less than the bovine anatomy, has held the artist’s interested attention. Signed at the lower right, F. V. Stamped on the back: “Aus p—eM NacuuassE pes F. Vourz.” Property of Evwarp H. Drew. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 y, 131—_THE SHOOTING LESSON yy Aiefhe Ovary as ae Height, 1614 inches ; width, 12 mches In a green landscape a white-bearded nobleman in black mediaeval costume is giving a lesson in shooting to a boy in red, who already wears a sword and has on a steel helmet. Beside them a blond young lady in pearl-gray satin looks on with interest, and ready to close her ear at report of the gun. Signed at the lower right, G. Jacquet, 1872. Property of the Estate of the late Wittt1am A. SLEICHER. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 132—THE GOLDEN WEST Se Gee ee, Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Nor the ripe fields of the grain States but the tones of the western sky give the picture its title, a sunset sky greenish-golden and deep- ening to chrome tones, above a wild landscape of green grass and brush, and in the foreground warm brownish herbage about a small pool. Signed at the lower right, Bruck Crane. Property of the Estate of the late Wiiu1aM A. SLEICHER. In THE STYLE OF ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847—1917 1383—THE MOON AT SEA (“ZG ie if ’ Ins ch Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches THE sea is a dark greenish-blue and in easy motion, and the sky is-a mass of dull dark clouds, through which well above the horizon there is a burst of moonlight, Luna herself invisible, which throws into prominence a sailboat crossing the foreground to right, on a beam wind, with two men aboard. Property of a Private Collector. WALTER LAUNT PALMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1854— 134-SNOW AT SUNSET CO4, 224. a Ee fp Height, 1614 inches; width, 124, inches ae ik ee HixusipEes slope from left and eit to a ravine running diagonally between them. Snow covers the inclines, interrupted by brush and tufts of dead herbage. On the slope from the left, in the foreground, leaf- less bushes and two young cedars stand forth against the golden and purple lights of a sun just setting. Signed at the lower left WLP (in diamond monogram). Property of a Private Collector. W. H. BEARD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1900 le as—“4 TOUGH JoB” (tl b3er21e0 4 £ Height, 1414 inches; length, 16 inches : mead = One of the artist’s animalistic satires, picturing a bear, a fox, a hound and a monkey, in men’s clothes, at a table, the monkey with a tail- grip on his chair, struggling to carve a turkey. On the floor an unforbidden demijohn. Signed at the lower left, W. H. Brearn, 1881. Property of Eywarp H. Drew. PLATT POWELL RYDER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1821—1896 136—LOADING HAY UL lo- 1. By, 211thl of y 4 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A x). a= g g In a mown field a wagon already piled high with hay is being still further loaded, its brown team standing patiently in the sunshine. Three men are at the work, one in a red flannel shirt. Signed at the lower left, P. PP; Rypes. 778: Property of the Estate of the late Wivuiam A. SLEICHER. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 137—MONTE LUCLA, ITALY Chrys a leo. n : q (Millboard) PX 50 ee ee Aap ae Height, 114% mcehes; length, 1714 wches On the right in the foreground the corner of a classical building pro- jects from a mountainside, with garden walls continued down the slope and curving into the middle distance valley, and enclosing low trees and tall cypresses. In the background the mountains are misty under a fair blue sky, and in the foreground at the left figures are noted in the lowlands. . Signed at the lower right, G. Inness. On a paster on the back, the title, and date 1872. Property of the Estate of the late K. W. Paice. FLORENT WILLEMS DutcH: 1823—1905 138—_GATHERING WILD ae” S SF a, Panel Dee bets We (Panel) ‘ IA fy VLC D2. Height, 1534 mches; width, 1244 whes Two young girls in colorful costumes with low neck and short sleeves, one of them standing and one kneeling, are gathering wild flowers at the edge of a stream. At their back a huge tree, veteran monarch of a background wood. Signed at the lower left, Wit LEMs. Property of the Estate of the late Witu1aM A. SLEICHER. EDWARD PORTIELJE Beueian: 1859— // Gy 139—THE LOVERS OW C7 aes ( Panel) J Se ape Height, 1814 inches; width, 1434 inches A BROAD embrasured window of a neat cottage room looks out upon green trees and a light summer sky. Leaning upon the window ledge a young man in a blue jacket, his blue tam-o’shanter tossed aside, makes love to a damsel in a low-cut white waist and lilac-skirt, embracing and smiling at her as she in turn smiles at a photograph just taken from an envelope. Signed at the lower left, Kpwarp PorTIELJE. Property of the Estate of the late Witt1am A. SLFICHER. ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT FrENCH: CONTEMPORARY f a / / , jo fe ye 4 y, Y~ ay Height, 181% inches; width, 1514 mches Y Heap and shoulders portrait of a young woman with ashen-blond hair, facing the spectator, looking down with pensive but pleased smile at a bunch of pink and white roses which she hugs within her left elbow, her hands clasped above them. She is in a gauzy grayish-white waist, against a dark crimson background. Signed at left below centre, A. Prov. Property of Enwarp H. Drew. BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Dutcu: 1845—1914 141—-CHILDREN PLAYING AT THE SEASHORE Height, 14 inches; length, 1934, inches Fas One of the painter’s favorite subjects, depicting a small boy and a girl 4 wading in the shallows of a sandy beach where “baby waves” roll in, : happy in watching a toy boat and a sabot floating in front of them, the boy giving a smaller infant a ride pick-a-back. In the distance, sail and gulls. Signed at the lower right, BLoMMERs. Property of Enywarp H. Drew. WALTER BLACKMAN AMERICAN: 184'7— ye ae” 142—VENICE fro re 2 7; (Poe | Gee ae Heights 16 inches; length, 191% inches 3 0. In the water, which occupies all of the foreground, sailboats whose highly colored canvas gives to its ruffled surface chromatic reflections, and to right a red-funneled steamer. In the background, near the steamer, the Dogana, and above some neighboring roofs. the domes of the Salute. | 3 Signed at the lower right, WALTER BLACKMAN. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11am A. SLEICHER. ELIHU VEDDER, N.A. AMERICAN pee he Se ie eae Ors } JOS Height, 19 inches; width, 16 inches Turovenu a high window comes the morning light, with a glimpse of trees and a bird, and of morning glories on the window-ledge, and be- tween parted portiéres of mingled neutral tones the soft light brushes the features of a young woman looking upward, with head thrown back, her face seen a little more than in profile, to the left. She is seated, partly reclining, among cushions, and her classical garment of delicate bluish note partly reveals her bust. Signed at the lower left, Exim VeppER, 1890. Awarded a medal at the World’s Columbian Eahibition, Chicago, 1898. Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS AMERICAN: 1833—1905 © 144—M A RINE i ew: ps ae : (Millboard) us VES — Height, 924 inches; length, 19° inches Hixt1s barren save for hardy grass project in a low headland from the right, and red-brown rocks jut out in the foreground, a lonely coast against which a green sea beats and tosses up billows of white spray. The morning sun white in a pale golden mist above the horizon illumines the mounting waves with a delicate emerald translucence. Signed at the lower left, W. T. Ricuarps. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1am A. SLEICHER. GEORGE A. ZABRISKIE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 145—WINTER Li ee oon spies Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches L/S 0 ri Snow covers the ground and is so thick in the air in its heavy fall that vision is obscured; the spectator sees only in the whiteness the gray trunks of three trees of goodly proportions, and beyond them a green hedge. Signed at the lower left, Gro. A. Zapriskte, 1909. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Paice. FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 146—ROCKS AND A WRECK Z iE (Water Color) Height, 1314 inches; length, 211% inches EL TAL Se On the left the sea under a stormy sky, with a single sailing craft in the distance. In the foreground the waves break and swirl in a white smother, against sandy rocks which project from the right, and amid them is the last relic of a grounded wreck. Signed at the lower right, F. K. M. Reun, N. Y., 189— (last figure covered by the mat). Property of a Private Owner. WALTER BLACKMAN AMERICAN: 1847— 147—IDE AL HEAD ve es ae eng bao Height, 1814 inches; width, 1514 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a young woman whose dark red hair hes lightly about her brows, and is bound in a crimson kerchief cover- ing the back of her head, facing the right, three-quarters front. Her face is seen a little more than in profile, and she looks slightly upward with a far off gaze. She wears a flower figured waist of dark blue, with rose facing at the low neck. Signed at the upper left, W. Buackman. Property of a Private Owner. SANFORD ROBINSON GIFFORD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1880 148—AFTERNOON ON THE HUDSON Height, 10 inches; length, ways Tue broad and tranquil river flowing in from the right shows in the distance a few white sail standing upright in the calm. Its mountainous shore, the peaks hazy in the background but sun-illuminated on the left, rounds into a low foreground where a road follows the shoreline, and figures are observed in it in the sunshine. At centre, five cows have wandered into the shallows to drink. The Hudson on a quiet summer day. Signed at the lower left, S. R. Girrorp, 1869. From the Aaron Healy Sale, New York, 1891; No. 12. Property of a Private Owner. FRANCIS HOPKINSON SMITH AMERICAN: 1838—1915 7 ps 149—IN VENICE s i G i (Water Color) f — Height, 12% inches; length, 23% imches A canat which fills the foreground leads straight away, narrowing in perspective, to a vague horizon, its water reflecting the azure zenith and ~ the varied colors of buildings and a garden. A bridge crosses in the middle distance and figures are seen on it, and on either side of the stream, in which are several boats. Property of a Private Owner. FRANZ VON LENBACH GERMAN: 1836—1904 150-THE FLOWER GIRL /ZZo~ } Ves LOO a Height, 19 inches; width, 1514, inches A sMALL German girl with a serious face turns her gray eves upon the spectator with a question and almost a challenge, as she rests her arms on a small basket of garden flowers. She is in three-quarters view, seated with shoulders to right and head turned to the front, and her blond hair is brought before her shoulders in braids. Dark back- ground. Signed at the lower right, F. L. Property of the Estate of the late Wii.iiamM A. SLEICHER. LUDWIG MUNTHE Norwecian: 1841—1896 Ty \ 151-WINTER LANDSCAPE AY : Height, 15 inches; length, 2034 inches ci) 02 ee Snow covers a sloping bank on the left, and fields marked by rail fences on the right, and ice and snow lie on a stream not wholly frozen which cuts the foreground diagonally. In the middle distance is a group of " farm houses on the outskirts of a village, and golden lights break - through the gray clouds of an early evening sky. Signed at the lower left, 1. Munrue. Property of Eywarp H. Drew. EMILE CHARLES LAMBINET. Frencu: 1815—1878 ff 132—ON THE SEINE Gf yy iy Lava Height, 15 inches; length, 211% inches ype Tue river flowing placidly athwart the view mirrors the masses of cumuli in a light sky, and the silvery-black shadows of dense green trees standing at the edge of its farther bank, where sunshine strikes the trees from the left and limns them in shadow again on a mound of the bank itself. In the distance are hills and a town, and on the river is a punt with two persons in it. Signed at the lower left, Kmite LAMBINET. Property of Enywarp H. Drew. VICTOR BANFFE Durcu: 1849— /y 1583—_CANAL IN HOLLAND Ve hike reo et i (Water Color) 3 Se : Height, 15 mches; length, 21 inches From foreground back to the middle distance, where it loses itself in the flat landscape, a canal is blue and white with reflections of the sky, and in a path along the bank at the left two white-capped young women are walking, the path leading past houses and a sluice-way. Signed at the lower right, V. Banrre. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Paice. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 154—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE Se Vi ee Vhanglent 3 (5 Height, 14 mches; length, 20 mches Meapows of rolling, easy surface, fill the middle distance, the grass a yellowish-green of late summer; at their far border a bare hill and a wood, and at the left a grove. In front of the grove coarse herbage shows a hardier surface green, as it nears the edge of a stream that curls into the picture and out again. Within the bend of the watery elbow a solitary tree displays leafage yellowing at the turn of autumn, and on the opposite bank, in the central foreground, a man in red and white and blue sits contentedly fishing, with line and pole, basket at his side. Note: The above example, together with No. 163 in this catalogue, was presented many years ago by the artist, George Inness, to his friend and benefactor, the late Dr. Ferdinand L. Wiley, who lived at No. 588 Houston Street, New York. The two pictures are to be sold by direction of a nephew of the late Dr. Wiley, and both works have been accepted by Mr. Elliott Daingerfield as examples of Mr. Inness’s early work. Property of a Private Owner. JOHN BUNYAN BRISTOL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1826—1909 155—-LAKEH GEORGE: J. #3 a6 hare NEAR ROGERS SLIDE, TICONDEROGA Ph ree Height, 1414 inches; length, 23 inches SitveR-GRAy the Horicon winds through the middle distance, between wooded and mountainous shores which dip in the foreground and rise in blunted-cone peaks in the background, beneath a blue sky nearly filled by white and soft grayish clouds. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Brisrot. Property of the Estate of the late Witu1am A. SLEICHER. DAVID BLES Dutcu: 1821—1899 <4 | 156—A DIFFICULT ANSWER ©&creicl Yhicwa y 0 Height, 21 inches; width, 15%4 inches . Porrrair of a young woman, observed at full length seated at a writing desk, to the right, three-quarters front, with face in profile. She holds a quill in her hand and is in a deep quandary as to the answer to | a letter. She has light hair, and wears a gown of pale golden hue, | décolleté. Signed at the lower left, Davin Buxs, F. Property of Exwarp H. Drew. J. S. SHAUGHNESSY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 157—A MOUNTAIN LAKE Pr pla: I ee 4g fom Height, 1614 inches; length, 26 inches On the right, from foreground to central distance, the head of a lake, which is embraced by wooded shores whose “timber” is dense and green ; in the background the woods clothe a low and rounded mountain, and in the left foreground sunshine illumines a birch sapling, beyond which figures are seen on the shore. Signed at bottom, to right of centre, J. S. SHaucHNEssy. Property of a Private Collector. DOUGLAS VOLK, N.A. AMERICAN: Ne 158—SUMMER STORY \ poe Sa Ibn k-w fie LZ IE Height, 21 inches; width, 1714 mches Bel? o). A srour and dark-haired woman still young, clad in a white lawn dress with a bunch of daisies tucked within her black belt, is seated on the bent and twisted trunk of a blossom-laden tree beside a rail fence, read- ing a book. She is hatless, her face in profile to the left. Signed at the lower right, Doucias VouK. Property of the Estate of the late Wru1iamM A. SLEICHER. MAURITZ FREDERICK HENDRICK DE HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN: 18382—1895 159—MARINE: A MISTY MORNING ME hog / +O. _—— Height, 14 inches; length, 23 mches Wiruin a harbor at low tide, with a few rocks or hummocks protruding in the right foreground, and a point of land with a small pier at left in the middle distance, a number of sailboats mainly with sails up are seen dimly in the gray of a morning mist, which outside deepens to a fog. The sun, some way up, but partially pierces the dense vapor, the light which breaks through whitening a pathway across the centre of the waters. Signed at the lower right, M. F. H. pk Haas, N.A. Property of Enywarp H. Drew. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 160—MILTON ON HUDSON Un Jp ee VA ae (Millboard) Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches In the dim and fading light of a gray day, with a glimpse of deep cerulean along the far horizon, a landscape in all the full greenness of summer 1s depicted ; on the right a hill with outcroppings of purplish rock, in the distance lower land with a few trees, and in the foreground a meadow of soft green grass with a dull blue pool. Signed at the lower right, G. Innxzss. On the back a label with the title and the date 1880. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Patcr. ot a \ | i | RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 184'7—1919 wo, 161-WOODLAND LANDSCAPE Luty Aol lfo Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches _ Far off the horizon is banked with golden sunset clouds, below greenish and blue celestial depths, the light even of the deep and brilliant gold barely penetrating to the foreground, through the intricate screen of leaves which a thick wood throws up in silhouette across the middle distance. In the dim light on the hither side of the screen the wood interior reveals under scrutiny a rich and delicate harmony of color, in brush and bank and herbage, softened by glimpses of a stream and accented by light-touches at the edges of branches and leaves. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BuaKxEetock. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Paice. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— Or 162—COW-AND LANDSCAPE © OVO afed of vA ee Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches In sunshine, before a tree whose arching branches bend almost to the green turf which they throw into shadow beyond her, a red and white cow stands facing the left, with head turned forward. Wild flowers dot the meadow grass at her feet and a stream courses through the meadows at the left. Signed at the lower left, CARLETON WicGINS. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11amM A. SLEICHER. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 163—ROMAN RUINS Wigley Ltt uy bo. Height, 20% inches; width, 17 inches A GREEN and brown landscape, bleak but not barren, appears under a brilliant azure sky in which grayish and rose-white cumuli mount from horizon masses. On a mound and in a vale of the middle distance are isolated masonry ruins, in two detached groups and imposing architec- tural proportions, the former in the reddish and brown hues of sand- stone, warm in sunlight, the latter a cool gray-brown in shadow. Green vegetation tops their jagged summits and ledges. Within the shadowed foreground, below the sunlit mound, are three goats, one of them recumbent. On the back, in dull red paint, apparently as a signature ; and record by the artist, “No. 1Guel= = gi 4 Note: The above example, together with No. 154 in this catalogue, was presented many years ago by the artist, George Inness, to his friend and benefactor, the late Dr. Ferdinand L. Wiley, a prominent Homeopathic physician who lived at 588 Hous- — ton Street, New York. The two pictures are to be sold by direction of a nephew of 4 Dr. Wiley, and both works have been accepted by Mr. Elliott Daingerfield as early examples of the late George Inness. Property of a Prwate Owner. FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 164—MOONLIGHT MARINE LF. LK. JU. GEE y (Water Color) fa. — Height, 15% wches; length, 2734 inches On the right a low neck of grayish shore and iron-gray rocks. Off them the sea in moderate motion, the waves occasionally breaking in the foreground and spraying the rough beach. In the distance sailboats whose canvas is blue under a full moon of pale gold. Signed at the lower left, F. K. M. Renn, N. Y. Property of a Private Owner. RUFUS FAIRCHILD ZOGBAUM AMERICAN: 1849 ya ee y wee Cr Or 165—UNITED STATES CAVALRY COLUMN ON THE PLAINS: A MOMENT’S HALT b O.— _._._ Height, 161% inches; length, 2414 inches CavaLRyYMEN of the nineteenth century American army, the army of the once Far West, appear in considerable force on a green and sandy plain which for a portion of the way on the left 1s bounded by a bare plateau. They have halted for a brief rest, one is starting a smoke, and all have dismounted except the commander on a gray, whom a subordinate is saluting, and a sergeant on a bay, who is portrayed close to the observer. On the grass in the foreground lies a whitened bovine skull. : _ Signed at the lower left, Rurus F. Zocnaum, 1885. Property of a Private Owner. PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT Frencu: 1829—1900 ZA aan L 4) 166—SPRING LANDSCAPE o/-% ae So Jb60- A tusH meadow on the right and an early vegetable garden on the left are rich and fresh with the moisture of a passing spring shower, which is leaving the sky to white clouds and clear blue depths. Between meadow and garden runs a brook bordered by pollards, saplings and flags, beyond the garden are clustered brown and gray cottages with thatched roofs, and the meadow is bounded in the distance by trees and a hill. Height, 181% inches; length, 26 inches Signed at the lower left, 'TROUILLEBERT. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11aM A. SLEICHER. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 1838—1910 167—-RECONNOITERING 40 y ~Fo. = Height, 2734 inches; width, 191% inches Aw officer and three infantrymen in blue uniform appear, the officer kneeling on the grass and bandaging his wounded wrist, a man next him handing up a musket to a comrade astride a high stone wall, creamy and gray, which crosses the picture, and the third man on the farther side of the wall, looking over its top. The bright sunshine casts strong shadows, and beyond the wall is a clear blue sky. Signed at the lower left, EK. BERNE-BELLECoUR, 1892. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1am A. SLEICHER. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830— 168—THE MUSICIANS wimeeg EIFS ge ha (Panel) 3/O0O.— Height, 23 inches; width, 1834 inches THREE noblemen in costumes of splendor, crimson and rose-gray with gold embroideries, are beheld in the corner of a tapestried room, play- ing the violin, mandolin and lute. ‘T'wo are seated and the third stands, beside a table covered with green velvet on which are ornate cups and a flagon. Signed at the lower right, A. A. Lesrex, 1909. Note: Accompanied by an autograph letter from the artist to the recent owner, dated “Paris, April 30, 1909,” in which the writer says: “I am delighted that you have acquired my painting, No. 765, ‘Les Musiciens, exhibited at the Salon of 1909, of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. This painting is one of the best and most carefully finished of my career. I consider it superior to the one his Highness the Prince of Wales admired last year at the Salon of 1908.” (See succeeding num- ber.) ' Property of the Estate of the late Wit1i1am A. SLEICHER. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830— 169—ADMIRERS OF BEAUTYY LILA Le (Panel) 2 /0.— Height, 2214 inches; length, 2614 inches In a palace hall with tapestried walls, six beruffed gentlemen in re- splendent costumes of velvets and embroideries are grouped at a bro- cade-covered table, four of them standing and two seated, very much interested in engravings which are passed among them, which arouse amusement and pleasure. All are hatted. Through a window is seen another wing of the palace. Signed at the lower right, A. A. Lesrex, 1909. Note: Accompanied by a second manuscript letter from the painter to the recent owner, dated “Paris, April 30, 1909,” in which the artist says: “I am happy that you acquired at the engraver’s my picture No. 764, exhibited at the Salon of 1909 of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. I consider this picture one of my best works, and even superior to that one which was so favorably noticed last year, at the Salon of 1908, by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.” (See preceding number.) Property of the Estate of the late Witt1am A. SLEICHER. WILLIAM C. FITLER AMERICAN: eer 170—AUTUMN ON THE HOUS S, O Height, 171% inches; length, 30 inches THE river winds placidly into the picture and in the foreground whitens in a miniature rapids. At left the canoe “Hiawatha” is drawn up under a leaning cedar, and on a flat at the right is a farmhouse, and barns. In the right background, a high and wooded shore, the foliage in autumn coloring. Signed at the lower left, Wm. C. Firier, N. Y. ’85. Property of a Private Owner. EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY Frencu: 1804—1886 titttain 171—_LOW TIDE ON THE FRENCH COAST Height, 19 inches; length, 28 inches SH Oe a Treetess cliffs projecting from the left diminish to a low point in the distance, bordering a gray-blue sea whose waves roll up in a white wash along a foreground sandy shore of gentle slope. The cliffs are a warm red-brown and are partly in their own shadow, while in subdued sunlight striking the beach are seen three fishing-boats, run up when the tide was in, and four figures. Storm clouds are dispersing. Signed at the lower right, E. Isanny, 1854. Exhibited at the Pennsyloania Academy of the Fine Arts. Property of a Private Owner. FELIX ZIEM | Frencu: 1821—1911 172—_FISHERMEN AT NIGHT eat yey ( Millboard) or ———_ Height, 27 mches; width, 21 inches Croups are dark overhead, and though less dense below conceal the moon, whose light over the sea glints from a long white-capped roller forging in in the middle distance. In the foreground where lesser waves roll up in foam three fishermen are seen in silhouette, dragging in a net through the shallows. Signed at the lower left, ZreM. Property of the Estate of the late Wit11am A. SLEICHER. WILLIAM SARTAIN, A.N.A. aw. 1843—, 173—V ENICE 0). ee aff. POO: (Water Color) JS. ——— Height, 21 inches; length, 29 inches Buitprne roofs are in sharp outline against a clear gray-blue sky, the roofs and walls reddish and rose and brown, creamy and gray, above canals to which they lend their hues. In the distance a bridge, and in the foreground two fishing-boats with sails, and men aboard. Signed at the lower right, W. SARTAIN. Property of a Private Owner. EK. MERK CoNTEMPORARY | $ 174—THE PRISONER ee be a 150 ee ee TO: ae Height, 24 inches; length, 28°4 inches In a great room of a noble house an aged man in black velvet, with a broad white collar, has risen from a side table where are wine and fruit, and throws back his head in haughty anger and offended dig- nity, in his resentment unwilling even to look upon a young cavalier he has turned to see, who is brought in under guard of two halberdiers. The young man’s wounded head is bandaged, and a fair and anxious young woman in a décolleté rose gown embraces the elder man and places a placating and restraining hand on his arm. Signed at the lower left, E. Merk, ’88. Property of the Estate of the late Witttam A. SLEICHER. 4 P. GEORGES DIETERLE FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 175—FARMYARD AND CATTLE Yt eck le ay oe Height, 24 inches; length, 2934, inches Lytve on the grass of the foreground are two red and white cows, and a white and a black hen are picking up food between them. Behind them are two trees all but leafless, and a vine and moss clad farm building with creamy walls and brown thatched gable roof, which enters the picture from the right. Signed at the lower right, P. Grorcrs DieTerte. Property of the Estate of the late WitiiaM A. SLEICHER. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, N.A. AMERICAN: ee 9 176—_MARINE Y- 4: a ip ob & 0. _____ Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches Unver a high horizon, with buff, rose and grayish clouds in a pale robin’s-egg sky, a green-blue sea, all but level in the distance, in the foreground broken and tossed into heaving spray as its rolling waves smash upon rock ledges purple and orange, greenish and gray. Signed at the lower right, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Property of the Estate of the late K. W. Paice. EDWIN LORD WEEKS AMERICAN: 49—1 903, 13- {Bs thine 177--ORIENTAL see SCENE F WITH FIGURES jae Height, 2014 inches; length, 2924 imches Vivip sunshine under a brilliant blue sky illumines a broad street of yellowish-sandy surface, smooth and clean, running along a monu- mental building of Moorish architecture and intricate ornamentation, its walls a warm red-sandy hue. In the roadway and on the sidewalk are numerous turbaned figures of Semitic features, men, women and children, costumed in colors soft and rich, and near the wall is a pas- senger cart drawn by white oxen, one of which has lain down to rest. Signed at the lower right, EK LW (monogram). On back the stamp of the Edwin Lord Weeks Sale, New York, 1905. Property of the Estate of the late Wiiuiam A. SLEICHER. a | : 7 y = a> m ps 7? snleees ae GEORGES H. DILLY FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 178—A VILLAGE STREET — U- ee er ee a Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches A narrow street of a French country town leads away from the specta- tor and takes an angle toward the left, both sides faced by solid lines of adjoining houses. The houses are low, with gable roofs of red tile, and those on the right are a creamy yellow in bright sunshine, while those opposite are gray in shadow, and within the shadow several women pedestrians are seen. — Signed at the lower left, Gkorcrs H. Ditty. Property of the Estate of the late 5S. 5. Rosenstamo. AIME PERRET Frencuo: 1847— 4 yi 1799 _-FILEUSE ET MENAGERE //220 ©O/9_ Cha f- 0 ae i Height, 32 inches; width, 25°%4 inches In a peasant’s cottage, two women at work, one at a window pouring something from a jug into a bowl, the other seated at a spinning-wheel. Both are in coarse garb, red, white and black, with yellow aprons, and wear heavy sabots. Behind them brasses glow softly in the diffused light which illumines the room, and in a corner is a tall clock. Signed at the lower left, Amt PERRET. Property of the Estate of the late Witt1aM A, SLEICHER., PAUL LOUIS NARCISSE GROLLERON Frencu: 1848—1901 180—WARFARE I. We [ica 2/a. _ eight, 3214 inches; width, 24 mches In an open angle of a French town French infantrymen are coming forward in action, peering around a house wall on the right and firing to left, one of their number just felled in the foreground. Smoke of their rifles obscures some in the distance, and an eager officer among those moving forward raises his sword. Houses creamy-buff with red and gray roofs. Signed at the lower right, P. GRoLLERON. Property of the Estate of the late Witt1am A. SLEICHER. JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—1910 181I—MILKING TIME ob OFS co ea a Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches In the foreground in the cool shade are three cows, two recumbent in the deep grass and its tufts of field flowers, and in the hazy sunlight _ of the middle distance pastures are more of the herd. Coming through a winding path which has passed some fresh green pollards and crossed a brook, a milkmaid burdened with two full pails is abreast of the fore- ground group. 3 Signed at the lower left, JuttreN Dupre. Property of the Estate of the late Witu1am A. SLEICHER. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Bewcian: 1799—1 88l7 | Y 182—MAN AND HIS FELLOW CREATURES Height, 25 inches; length, 34°24 inches SOO. In a bleak and hilly landscape by lake or sea a shepherd or cowherd in a conical hat is observed in the foreground, seated and leaning on his elbow, in sociable proximity to a sheep which cuddles at his side and an affectionate lamb, and a huge ox with high-curving horns, re- cumbent at his elbow. At the man’s feet lies his bagpipe, and a little way off are two goats. The whole in soft grayish note, almost mono- tone, touched with white. —— Signed at the lower left, Euc. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1840. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1am A. SLEICHER. JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—1910 Hirlestme 1883—HARVEST GATHERERS Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches ey | In a foreground field two sturdy peasants, a man and a young woman, are at work with the mown hay, the girl raking, the man pitching the hay into piles, while three other men are carrying on the work in the background, near a boundary-wood at the left. On the right are dis- tant fields brown and yellow, under a sky filled with moving gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower right, JutieN Dupre, 1880. Property of the Estate of the late Witutam A. SLEICHER. AIME PERRET FrencH: 1847— _ 184_LES BERGERES DE CHAILLY / Jo re Height, 25%4 inches; length, 32 inches Two French shepherdesses, their dresses, cloaks and caps in soft and warm coloring, stand face to face in the foreground, a dog lying at the feet of one of them and looking up. Coming up toward them is a flock of sheep, some grazing as they move slowly forward, and in the back- ground are cultivated fields, green and brown and yellow, with hay- stacks and cottages in the distance, all in the soft and variegated warmth of a delicate sunset glow. Signed at the lower right, Aimé PERRET. Property of the Estate of the late Witi1am A. SLEICHER. FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMER ae aaa 185 MARINE er Va be Le Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches 755 eee 4 THE ocean under a grayish and creamy sky, and in the misty distance a sailing ship in silhouette against the horizon. In the foreground, waves rolling up the shallows off a sandy beach, and breaking in white crests and smother. Signed at the lower right, F. K. M. Renn. Property of a Private Owner. BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK Dutcu: 1803—1862 186—HALT IN THE 008 lala Crateaond OT Height, 36 inches; width, 32 Anghes In a broad and winding open way through a dense and ancient wood, a company of farmers with cattle and sheep, a dog and asses, have come to a halt where a brook crosses, and are seen in a slant of sunlight between two monarch trees that stand out from and above their fellows. Signed at bottom centre, B. C. Korexxorx, 1857. Property of Evwarp H. Drew. FRANCOIS PIETER TER MEULEN Detcu: 1843— lg ay ; 187—RETURN OF THE FLOCK Height, 3334 mches; width, 3114 inches ee O - Ar left in the middle distance a copse, and a line of trees extending towards the right, the foliage sparse and turned to autumn browns, and the trees meeting on the right a clump of brush which remains green. In the foreground a flock of gray sheep, following their blue- coated shepherd in a farm road leading back through an opening be- tween the trees, to a low white building with brown thatch roof. Signed at lower right, Ter MEULEN. Property of Evwarp H. Drew. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: ees, 2 4 A Dat etree — 188—AUTUMN IN THE ADIRONDACKS ~ alent ; | ah Cae Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches Mountains of rounding crests and rolling sides, beneath a greenish sky laden with vapor, extend from the left and at the right round for- ward, encircling a vast middle-distance valley of varied vegetation, ~ lying in sunlight and transparent shadow. ‘The forward incline is a mass of variegated leafage and rich verdure, farmhouses appear in the foreground, and trees warm in their autumn reds. Signed at the lower right, JosrrH H. Boston. Property of a Private Owner. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY -189—ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS eT, sib. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 anehes THE mountains range along the background under a brilliant sky whose light clouds of delicate coloring all but crowd out its depths of rich blue. From a dominant peak the crests fall away irregularly and the flanks flourishing with vegetation are softly rich in vague color under a summer haze. In a middle distance valley the red roofs of farmhouses. 4 4 j. alt * Signed at the lower left, JoserpuH H. Boston. Property of a Private Owner. ELLEN KENDALL BAKER (Mrs. Harry Thompson) 1913 190—UN NOURRISSON 2érnffottl Jc. Height, 46°24 inchesy width, 361 inches AMERICAN: 183 A WELL-NOURISHED baby has fallen asleep on the lap of an aged peasant woman, who is seated in a low wooden chair in an humble Old World cottage room. ‘The infant is in pale blue with a white cap, the worn woman in gray and brown, white and black, and a ragged buff-colored apron. Beside her a head of cabbage, and on a table a child’s apparel. Signed at the lower right, EK. K. Baker. Chicago Exposition: Sixteenth Annual Exposition, 1888; No. 384. Property of a Private Owner. SIR BENJAMIN WILLIAMS LEADER, R.A. en ee Ly . 191—_WORCESTERSHIRE COTTAGE HOMES: EVENING Ob 6 O. ——— Height, 30 inches; length, 48 inches Cuoups of the early evening sky are rose-edged from the departed sun, and the rose hues are reflected in a stream of sluggish current which in the right foreground is bordered by rushes and straggling grasses. On its farther low bank beam-and-plaster cottages with brown thatch roofs stand among trees whose foliage is not thick, and in the twilight chil- dren are at play and women are taking in linen from the hedgerows. In the stream a boy in a boat. Signed at the lower left, B. W. Leaver, 1886. Property of a Private Owner. ee ROBERT V. V. SEWELL, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1860— 192-THE BATHERS /3 Opsrie J Oo.—— Height, 30 inches; length, 51 inches Dunes on the left edge a broad Long Island beach on whose warm sand are four small boys as nature made them, three interested in a toy boat and the fourth returning to the habiliments of civilization. ; Another toy boat les neglected in a rivulet of the tides, and the sand is scattered with clam shells. 7 Signed at the lower left, Ropert V. V. S—ewEiux, 1888. Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM THOMAS TREGO American: 1859—1909 = | 193—THE PURSUIT eS 5 pile Aaughles ee Height, 30 inches; length, 54 inches A scENE from the War of the Rebellion by one of America’s greatest military painters. Coming forward at a gallop down a road bordered by rail and stone fences is a cavalry force of considerable numbers, the men armed with carbines and an officer raising his sword, one man aiming a pistol. Those in the rear are obscured by the yellow dust which rises almost to the height of the telegraph poles. In the dis- tance a church spire. Signed at the lower left, Wm. T. Treco, 1885. Property of a Private Owner. | JOSEPH WOPFNER TyroLean: 1843— ‘ fe / / of y) 194—“AVE MARIA” oy, (9 a OY nh cer/ yy Height, 3334 inches; length, 551 mches Ar nightfall and in lingering daylight the crescent moon over distant peaks adds its light to a mountain lake with a gray institutional build- ing at the shoreline. A heavy boat propelled by a peasant man and woman halts in midstream, at religious sounds from shore, and two sisters of the Church who are in it arise and clasp their hands rever- ently, a little girl joining in their devout tribute. Signed at the lower right, Jos. Woprner, MUNcHEN; at lower left the title. Property of a Private Collector. VASSILI VERESTCHAGIN Russian: 1842—1904 a {3 es q 195—_THE SENTINEL ON THE DANUBE Height, 40 inches; length, 67 inches a One | Ar left, in the immediate foreground, a mound of sandy earth has been thrown up on the green bank of a broad stream; but little of the bank appears in the picture, which is given mainly and extensively to the river. The water surface is placid, and silvery-blue and creamy-gray in reflection of the sky and its horizon banks of billowing cumuli. On the mound stands a Russian soldier looking across the water, and at either side the mound is a tall pole rigged with its rush-flare ready for ighting at night, to disclose the approach of lawless and unwel- _ come visitors. From the Verestchagin Collection sale, American Art Galleries, New York, 1891. Stamp of the collection on back of canvas. Property of a Private Owner. MAURICE BOMPARD FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 196 VENICE 4 tr clu tae - Height, 37 inches; length, 56 inches 270 xe g g Cotorrut Venetian houses, gray, rose and cream-hued, recede on the left, the balconies supported on spiles in front of them vine-clad, and on one of these several persons at refreshment. In the blue water at right are richly colored sails and a gondola with passengers, and the full moon has come above the horizon. — Signed at the lower right, Maurice Bomparp. Property of the Estate of the late S. S. Rosrnstamm. H. EVERDINGEN Sole Aoartieg | 197—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES? — meee vA 0. Height, 43 inches; length, 60 inches Iy the centre of a broad valley a sinuous stream of silvery surface, with an open wood to right, in a road through which are seen a man with his dogs and a man on horseback, and beside the road a couple seated on the grass. A man accompanied by a woman is fishing in the stream, and on the left bank are other figures, and a flock of sheep, near a house with a stepped and parapetted gable. Other houses lie beyond, and mountains loom before a golden sky. Property of the Estate of the late EK. W. Pater. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ay AT ep Ate Beep Pad ensen ens ANAL I oy | | = ll, > a . ly i € re > w < eg a > es ; it on) 1 Peery y ¥ of - o 7 : 4 et c _ ay - ; aS “af % ‘ 7 y ‘ ~ % - Ss REPRESENTED THEIR WORKS © LISTS OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ACCARD, E. The Letter 40 AVIGDOR, RENE “Blénde Cavonencita”’ 42 BAKER, ELLEN KENDALL Un Nourrisson 190 BANFEFE, Vicror Canal in Holland 153 BARKER OF BATH, THomas The Young Cottager 61 BEARD, W. H., N.A. “A Tough Job” 135 BELLI, A. In Candle Light 2 BERNE-BELLECOUR, ETIreENNE PROSPER Reconnoitering 167 BLACKMAN, Wa ter Venice 142 Ideal Head 147 BLAKELOCK, Ratrpu Apert, N.A. Woodland Landscape 161 BLAKELOCK, Ra.pu ALBERT, N.A. The Castle at Sunset BLES, Davin A. Difficult Answer BLOMMERS, Bernarpus JOHANNES Children Playing at the Seashore BOMPARD, Maurice Venice BONHEUR, Francors AUGUSTE Cattle BONNEMAISON, A. Landscape with Figures — BOON, A. At the Sign of the Swan BOSTON, Jossrx H., A.N.A. Autumn in the Adirondacks Adirondack Mountains BOUDIN, Louis Euctnr Marine BRISTOL, JoHN Bunyan, N.A. Lake George: Near Rogers Slide, BROUWER, AnpriaEn’ (Attributed to) A ‘Tavern Scene CASALS, E. The Apothecary’s Shop Ticonderoga 155 _ 52 32 CATALOGUE NUMBER CASTRES, Epovarp The Hospital Train 13 CAUWER, Emu pr Interior of Cathedral 15 CECCHI, A. The Music Lesson ave CERAMANO, CuarLes FERDINAND Shepherd and Flock 49 COMERRE, Lron Francols Seen through the Window 82 COQUELIN, THtopore Still Life: Flowers and Fruit 41 COURTENS, Hermann Old Age 88 COUSKE, E. Irvine, N.A. Indian Head: “Heart of Squaw” 125 CRANH, Bruce, N.A. The Golden West 182 CRIULIANO, T. Mother and Child 84 CUYP, Artsert (Attributed to) Pastoral Scene | 78 DECKER, Corneuis (Attributed to) A Harbor Scene 66 DE HAAS, Mauvrirz Freperick Henprick, N.A. Marine: A Misty Morning DELPY, Htirrotyte CamMiILie The Boatmen DIETERLE, P. Gerorces Farmyard and Cattle DIETRICH, Curistian Portrait of a Woman A Monk in Contemplation DILLY, Gerorces H. A Village Street DU JARDIN, Karen Milking Time DUNLAP, Mary STEwart Bay of Naples DUPRE, Juin Milking Time Harvest Gatherers DUTCH SCHOOL Marine: Whaling The Fishing Fleet The Five Senses Portrait of a Soldier ELSHEIMER, Apvam_ (Attributed to) Adam and Eve ESCOSURA, Leon (7?) The Art Critic 5 aa ; 2 CATALOGUE ‘NUMBER | (128 159% a nee 59 EVERDINGEN, H. Landscape with Figures FERNANDEZ Y GONZALEZ, Dominco The Quintette FITLER, Witu1aM C. Autumn on the Housatonic FRANKFORT, Envuarp The Cottage Housewife FRERE, "THEODORE Caravan Resting GIFFORD, Sanrorp Rosinson, N.A. Afternoon on the Hudson GILSOUL, Victor — In a Dutch City GRISON, JuLres ADOLPHE At Ease in His Inn GROLLERON, Pavut Louis NarcissE Warfare GUINIER, H. Port of Vannes, Brittany HACKAERT, Jan (Attributed to) A Landscape HASELTINE, Wuu1am Srantey, N.2A. Fishing-boats and Fishers An Old World Courtyard CATALOGUE NUMBER 197 170 148 OE 101 180 86 68 HENKES, GERKE The Prayer HERRMANN, L«ro A Hot Day HORENBANT, J OSEPH At the Window HUBNER, Car. Remembrances HUNTER, Coun, R.S.A. Landscape at Harvest Time INNESS, Georce, N.A. Near Medfield, Massachusetts Monte Lucia, Italy Landscape with Figure Milton on Hudson Roman Ruins ISABEY, Eucrtnt Louis GABRIEL Low Tide on the French Coast JACQUET, JEAN GUSTAVE The Shooting Lesson JAZET, P. Professional Ethics JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. Landscape KOEKKKOEK, Barenp CorneE tis Halt in the Woods CATALOGUE NUMBER KOTSCHMEISTER, Hvco The Connoisseur hy LAMBINET, Entire Cuares On the Seine 152 LAWRENCE, Sir THomas, P.R.A. (Attributed to) Portrait of a Lady real LEADER, Str Bensamin Wituiams, R.A. Worcestershire Cottage Homes: Evening 191 LENBACH, Franz von The Flower Girl 150 LESREL, ApnotpHrt ALEXANDRE The Musicians 168 Admirers of Beauty , 169 LIONNE, E. Figure and Flowers 87 MAZZONI, D. Shepherd and Flock 90 McCHESNEY, Ciara Old Age and Its Joys 126 McCORD, Gerorcre Herpert, N.A. In Glorious Autumn 110 Marine 176 McENTEH, Jervis, N.A. (Attributed to) Woodland Interior 16 MEISSONIER, Jean Louis ERNEST The Smoker 106 - CATALOGUE | ; : NUMBER © MERK, E. ae | ig : “a The Prisoner . : 1748 METSU, GaprieE. (School of ) Portrait of a Lady | | a 6 MILLET, FRANCIS Davin, N.A. | ‘ The Old Copper Jar : | 120 MINOR, Rosert Crannett, N.A. : a Between Showers | 119° = MITIZANETTI, I. : Landscape in Moonlight 92 | MONTICELLI, ApotpHe. et Wood Nymph 1075 MORAN, Joun LrEron aa In Winter 102) am MORBELLI, Ance1o | In the Ricefields («98 MORISSET, H. Mother’s Boy 83 MORLAND, Gerorct (Attributed to) A Farmyard Scene 55 MUNOZ, Domrneo Officers Parting 129 MUNTHE, LupwiG Winter Landscape 151 NEEFS, Preeter (Attributed to) Cathedral Interior 58 OPIE, Joun, R.A. (Attributed to) A. Boy and Girl in a Landscape Portrait of Mrs. R. N. Robertson OUVRIE, PIERRE JUSTIN Mountain Village PALMER, Watrter Lavunt, N.A. Snow at Sunset PATROIS, Ismorr The Drawing Lesson PERRET, AiméE Fileuse et Ménagere Les Bergeres de Chailly PIOT, ETIeENNE ADOLPHE Ideal Head PORTIELJE, Epwarp The Lovers POUSSIN, Nicuoias (Manner of) Nymphs Bathing RAU, Karu’ Emin The Peasant Girl REHN, Frank Knox Morton, N.A. Rocks and a Wreck Moonlight Marine Marine REZNICEK Téte de Femme CATALOGUE NUMBER 69 70 134 19 179 184 140 139 57 38 146 164 185 29 CATALOGUE NUMBER RICHARDS, Wuiuiam Trost Marine 144 * = > ROSA, Satvaror (Attributed to) | Shipwreck Scene 3 : 71 ROSELAND, Harry “Mammy Going to Town” Be: 7 “For What We Are about to Receive” .° © 44 ~ oe ROSIERSHE, T. Market at Night 3 43 RUBENS, Perrer Pavut (Attributed to ) te Saint Paul Holding the Sword of the Spirit 72— 3 RUDISUHLI, Herman Sunlight and Shadow Bae 48 : a RYDER, Axrzpert Pinxuam, N.A. (In the Style. of) The Moon at Sea : - 183 RYDER, Prarr Powr1, 4.N.4. | Loading Hay | | 136 SANTERRE, Jean Baptiste (Attributed to) La Marquise de Louvois 74 SARTAIN, WituraM, A.N.A. Venice 7 , 173 SAUERFELT The Market Place 28 SCHMIDT, G. A. Interior with Figures 27 CATALOGUE NUMBER SEIFERT, Arrep Ideal Head 97 SELL, Curistran An Alarm 108 SEWELL, Ropert V. V., A.N.A. The Bathers 192 SHAUGHNESSY, J. S. A. Mountain Lake 157 SMITH, Francis Hopkinson In Venice 149 SMITH, Henry PEMBER Farmhouse at Sunset 116 Venice 124 STEEN, Jan (Attributed to) At the Dentist’s 51 Tavern Interior 60 STEENHOULT, Avcustus bE A Flower Piece 64 STUDEMAN Skating in Holland 30 SWOBODA, Rupo.r The Conspirators 80 TAMBURINI, AntTonrIo The Monk 123 TANOUX, Henri Aprien Ideal Portrait 47 TENIERS, Davin (Attributed to) Scene of Merriment TEN KATE, Herman Freperix Cari Interior with Figures “The Sitting” TER MEULEN, Francois PIrrer Return of the Flock TORRES, AnrtTonio Téte de Jeune Femme The Auburn Hair TOULMOUCHE, AvucusTE Well Pleased TREGO, WitiiAm THomAS The Pursuit TROUILLEBERT, Pavut Désir&é Spring Landscape UNKNOWN Gray Day Three Musicians Animal Head Landscape and Figures Landscape with Figures Sunshine and Shade Vanity Inquisitive Still Life: Fruit (Zo companion pictures) Still Life: Flowers Landscape and Figures Portrait of a Man CATALOGUE NUMBER VAN BEERS, Jan Portrait of a Young Woman 127 VAN DER NEER, A. (Attributed to) Canal Scene by Moonlight 62 VAN DYCK, Sir AntHony (School of) Portrait of a Gentleman 65 VAN OSTADE, AnpriaEn (Attributed to) | A Woman Cleaning Fish 54 , VAN SEVERDONCK, Joseru The Game Cock 9 | Landscape with Sheep | 104 VEDDER, Exinu, N.A. Morning | 143 VERBOECKHOVEN, EucEnNE Joseru The Old White Mare 10 Corner of the Farmyard, with Sheep 122 Man and His Fellow Creatures 182 VERESTCHAGIN, Vassix1 The Sentinel on the Danube 195 VEYRASSAT, JuLes JAcQueEs The Luncheon Hour 112 VOLK, Dovctas, N.A. Summer Story 158 VOLTZ, Friepricu JOHANN Cows Drinking 111 Study of a Cow 130 CATALOGUE NUMBER WEEKS, Epwin Lorp Oriental Street Scene with igure WIGGINS, JoHn CaRrLETON, ND, Cow and Landscape WILLEMS, FLorenr ~ Gathering Wild Flowers WOPENER, Joseryu “Ave Maria!” WORMS, JuLeEs Lady with Book ZABRISKIE, Gerorce A. — Winter ZIEM, FErvix Fishermen at Night ZIEM, Frurx (Attributed to) Ducal Palace, Venice ZOGBAUM, Rurus FatrcHintp United States Cavalry Column on the Plains: A Moment’s Halt ZUCCARELLI, Francesco (Attributed to) Landscape with Figures INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS Pox te PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY Pepa tone pm. ese. EE SD NLT CT LT I I i ETTY RESEARCH INS UTE ra x }a , 1 AI RAL \) At yA ah ‘ 3 we 25 o 663 ates PASS Nil ep ep ee, oF. be ee f Seay sitters Tatas cS wate ts Tye vee? Shi Tite. i teeta tees Halil aS $etfs * B43, Caines Niie Pe mer gee Se Ale sas So he tay qt, SP beans se 4 18. = pO RG PA. iy otisg * Ayes ny Sah Bits tee 7a. cos nt ae w ee Y aarhveyite ie f i a kntea Fats et ost te Z Rete AER as paced yapietres vei Rreeee wesw et eee ae, Potedialieed ate oe a ay sean ciee bad See Fs ts iets ear! pepeeg = “ant poeirnee My RICA nee Beare fs tb ae sae ales neared wages aus ovate