Bod fee dy Tyle ow Ya ee By bibs era eye NUON nat eat aa biesroneti/} Ae —Faee Fe 70+ Sm —s grog. & At oe eae Bet % . vy a oy tet sebeprtmg vi ea 9) eh, As . 4 Sra A q — aka ae — & 3 - ¥ alia, os Pek Li ge 2, “ a i. y 2 ‘ne wee ; Ps 4 a = raid . > " 4 + ~ ats ‘4 A opi v7 a arts m ir bred a ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY SIXTEENTH - [WEEK DAYS 96 PM—SUNDAY 25 PM] THE ART COLLECTIONS OP he La Ls VISCOUNT LEVERHULME [PART FOUR] THE ART LIBRARY ; aes TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS See AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE MONDAY, TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND, TWENTY-THIRD AT TWO’THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES ae MITCHELL KENNERLEY [PresipentT] A$ PARK. AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK Me 1926 AN I ae exe - reat bod t ie T¥wn * filliarn He woe, yet i thor 1767-88: W er, or Jack &$ ewiefeseie qs don, 1780 Judge é: tro) THAR, SEs eww acre Ges $.00 ai, 224—-Pgter Cunningham’s New Venegiz W Book, or Modern High Lite y liam Helburn, Inc. Dey ang Mean IO) low Stairs. London, 1781. Mrs, 304—Parliament. A collection of all . Sy HP Yishervisss. cs 56% ~2 ese 4.00 | publicke Orders, Ordint 225—The Festival of Mirth for 1802; | Declarations of Both Houses consisting of Interesting. Moral } Parliament, from the Ninth of and Amusing Stories, London, March, 1642, ntil December, 1802. Maude F. Pickard........ 8.00} London 1946. | OR = 226— ~— The Wit of the Day, Lon- / POSSMAN soecacseersr: §.00 don, 1784; The Fntertaining j (Joseph Pen Drawing Medley. London, 1767; Life of { and Pen Draughtsmen. B. L. fig Richard Morris, Dick Spot, the was NMADIS ie ace veune an tas om weed panns SONU ~ _-Oonjurop,. A. #..Goldamith.... 11.00 | 30@-Modern Mjustration: tis Old Bn- &:7—Johnson (Samuel). Parliamentary | gravers of Engl (Salaman) ; Logick, By William Gerard | French Prints of the Highteenth Hamilton, With Appendix, con- Century (Nevill), and others. ef taining Considerations on the __ _ Dauber & Pine,.-.++ pibaeg ar ter Corn Laws, by Samuel Johnson, | 8307—Pepys (Samuel). Me! never before printed.” London, 1g His Diary 1808. Judge M. H. Grossman... 8,00] And a Selection from 228—Keats (John). The Keats Letters, } Private Correspondence, Lon¢ j t 1828 Fal te eee 5,00 | Papers and other Relics forming a oa me | 308—Perciva} / Furniture and the Dilke Bequest in the Hamp- = ee gg eee: One of | f : : o | 820 copies. Waurence Gomme.. 12.00 | ‘rom the Restoration to the Re- | 229—Kendrick (A. F.}. English Em- | gency, G. F.. McKinney.......-- 8.00 | broidery. London, n. d.: The | 308—Peterloo Massacre, Manchester, os Timepiece of Shadows: A His- | 1819. G. F, McKinney. 11.00 1} tory of the Sun Dial (Spacke- | 310—Phillips (R. Randall), i : man), N. Y.; Interior Decora- | rich: -(iien). Fur the | tion (Parsons), N. Y., n. d.; / House. Mrs. T. G. Bergen...... 4.00} and others. Mrs. T. G. Bergen, 8.00 |< lanat (P.) Le Style Louis XVI: j 230—Kidson (Joseph R. and Frank). ~*~ | Recueil de motifs chisis d’archi- | Historical Notices of the Leeds | tecture au XVIIle, Sicele, B. | Old Pottery. One of 250 on phe, Cainenain|. sk cicscagisenns's sere 18,00 Dutch hand-made paper. New | 312—Another copy. Daubner & Pine... 10.00 | Hampshire Historical Society... 12.50 |: 3—Another copy, Daubner '& Pine... 18.00 | 881—Konody (Paul G.) and Brockwell 1314—Pountney (W. J.). Old Bristol (Maurice W.). The Louvre. 50 peut, Potteries. Mrs. H. M. Williams. 8.00 | colored reproductions, 6. WwW. 1313—Prentice (Andrew). Renaissance: PSUGD siceus iawss raed ss AN ee Oe MY, Architecture and ornament in 232—Konody (Paul G. and Others). y Spain. 1500-1560. A. Bratsford 30.00 | The National Gallery. Edited {816—Prior (Edward S.). A History of | by T. Leman Hare. PR. WwW. | Gothic Art in England, Academy } RBCONON! C0504 004 ences pi te nee SOOO Book Shop ..sccecccergecceseres 9.00 | 2323-ILa Fontaine (Jean. De). Paris, i31%—Privy Purse Expenses The Regu- } 1755-9. Academy Book Shop.... 20,00 | lations and Establishment of the | 234—Laking (Guy Francis). The Fur- | Household of Henry Algernon j niture of Windsor Castle. P. W. Perey. London, 1770; The Privy Peach: & Co. csccckscnesesosve 17.50 |} Pu Expenses) of King Henry 233—Larwood (Jacob) and Hotten | the Eighth, “London, 1827; Privy- : (John Camden), The History of -urse Expenses of Elizabeth of Signboards, from the THarliest | ¥ London, 1830; Privy Purse Times to the Present Day. Lon- | Expenses of Princess Mary. 1 ¥ { Eandan 1004 a ss : 6.00 Aaian 1RRk7 Tt Ex Rarnetair 29 AL ovtg wiqsepurA snusay aosipeyy o5¢ ‘UT “OD LNAINADYNVAN HONAYS ‘A dads gursys rnoqe Nod j[23 OM ABN das cccie hy eelndad eyeak & CONTE WOsy SUDO f puv t ‘1 yo syuaUaIeAYy 9 easas [RaW PUL so[ea ‘Diedu squleay quawasede nae MOA, jo inser] aiqiduea Asan ays Yate {4JO UBD 59204 preys saotud samo] 32) 21As08 [9304 JO syeluasse aya s2uig WOOD 31 '2dUSIUIAUOD 93¥199 dde oym asoy) 93 poydepé Ajaoyu sy ‘onusay yivg 61 ‘Surpyinq Y Quasq mou WY f “Leas p aure ssourye :A3tt) aya = Na Ne C 0 3 soy null M2j ¥ 3nq $I UOIZBUIISS A Q. 4 O17 | 14 East 57th St. .CC. LIBRARY M.Knoedler& Co. New York Luu weep er" 3 | a Gas fa ied oe ete — aA what could be more sensible, in these days of the very short skirt, than bloomets in the same smart shades as your stockings? MAUVE BOIS DE ROSE eh 50 © the pair Mail and telephone orders filled. W1Sconsin 5000 CHANEL BEIGE BERMUDA SUNSET : re Re ee arene MO i |. | LIVE ON MURRAY HILL Malcole Stewart whose’ biack pacers were the véry devil for’speed In te calm seventies they were known throughout Manhattan. For they could whirl him to his dry goods establishment on Prince Street in less than forty min- utes; and this was not a record to be treated lightly, ~ Such speeding ts not necessary nowadays, for New York has grown around (but never Aa ed lie: Hill. - BOOKS BRING $6,265 Final Sale of the Art Library |p Raises Total for Volumes to } $16,211.50. - MANY BARGAINS OBTAINED | Gh a Furniture, Tapestries and Objects of {+ _ Art to Be Offered at Today’s Session. ! The sale of the second section of the | art library of the late Viscount Lever- hulme at the Anderson Galleries yes- | terday realized $6,265. This terminates : the book sale. The total sumyreceived during the two days was $16,211.50. Today the furniture, tapestries and various art objects of the famous col- lection will be sold, The aggregate receipts of the sale so far are $1,048,- 496.50. high price es, $1,800, : praiokt Ht Se 31 g, a New York book dealer, paid for a collection of about 1,200 engraved trade cards and Yheads of the and nine- centuries, ~with some examples seventeenth century. These in three thick folio eight rare pieces “Many Bargains Obtained. - It was a day of bargains. First edi- - tions of Thackeray sold as low as $6. Mrs. B. L. Wells paid the highest prise, $32.50, for a first edition of ‘‘Our b eet,’’ 1848, Gabriel Wells paid $20 for “The Kickleburys on the Rhine,” ' and Charles W. Luke paid $30 for ‘“‘The _ Neweomes,”’ two volumes of the first . edition bound up from the issue in ' parts, with the original wrappers pre- & served, bs the United Netherlands,” ‘umes; ‘‘The Rise of the Dutch Repub- lic,” three volumes; went to Maurice Sloog for $105, and “The Story of the WN * in sixty-two volumes, went to Myer Linker for $100. Engravings from the works — -nolds, three volumes, went to Dr. F. J. . Swanson for $140. Mrs. Re de Koven paid $20 for ndro Botticello,” by A. P. Oppé, twenty-five plates in color, one = ui Pi LVN ay was. John Lothrop Motley’s ‘‘History of four vol- of Sir Joshua Rey-| O] SYO1IOD NI d-London, printed ti-Carbon, Henry Dixon. Albert Stetrn. ongman( E. D.) and Loch (8.). Pins and Pincushions, Charles : Scribner’s Sond ..secccsserssone 260—Lyon (Irving Whita jonial Furniture of New England. 4 Ges MU Re Vie 3.4) Oe a 261—MacGibbon (David). and Ross (Thomas). The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scot- land from the twelfth to the eighteenth century. A. Batsford. 262—Mackenzie,. (Sir James D.). The Castles of England, Their Story and Strusture. W. W. Wood 3d: 263—MacQuoid (Perce). A History of English Furniture. W, Helbirn, of Children’s Costumes, from the Great Mas- ters, 1400-1800, New Hampshire 5 Historieal Society ..... P 263—Malet (Captain). Annals of the Road, or Notes on M@il and Stage Coaching in Great Britain, Charles Seribners’ Sons . 266—Mallet (CW. B.). An Introduction to Old English Furniture, New Hampshire Historical Society... 267—Another copy, B. Callingham...... 268—Malten (James). A_ Picturesque and Deseriptive View of the City of Dublin. London, 1797, HK. Wegher ...... eee haat amine can 269—Manuscript Office of the Church. French, circa. 1475, A, B. Ash- POPE Die ec ace re oto wok 270—Martin (Camille). L’Art Roman en Frence L’Arctitecture et/la Decoration. E. Shoen Ivories. eoneee cere ° wea teve 16.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 50.00 ‘RY (Abbott), and Eberlein (Harold Donald). The Practical Book of- Early American Arts and Crafts, B. Callingham..... 278—Mel‘ay (William), and Roberts (W). John Hoppner. P. : Prench € Co. iiccis doceesevnece 27.50 274—MePherson (Duncan). ef Kertch ard Researches in the - Cimmerizn Bosphorus. London, 16.00 8.00 7.00 JSn7.~. WS TROMPS. fics dnea snes oe 4.00 275-—-Michel (Fmile). Great Masters of Landscape Painting. I. E, Han- NAR Re Paes peer: Nee cmto7 tna 20.00 276—Miceon (Gaston). L’ Pxposition Retrospective de VArt Decoratif Franeais. Introduetion par Emile Molinier. B, Callingham ...... 20.00 277—Millais (John G.). Game Birds and Shooting-sketches. Mrs. Wm. C. / ATWATED .cceacnereeratseenrercce 25.00 278—Miscellaneous Books. About 400 ag and pieces. Dauber & PES ein ia Gicts waves 3 “ 279—Modern art. Allies in_ Art and other publications of Colour. B. ~ Emmett SA rer ee 280—Monknouse (Cosmo). A History and Descriptive of Chinese Porce- lain, T. BH. HManlev.-....--2es0s 281—Mentholon (Vount). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. london, 1946-7. Charles W. Luke ccc cccacsetesctsepesces 282—Moore (Thomas). Irish Melodies: London, 1881. J. B. Rankin... . 16.00 2838—More (Sir ‘tnomas). Utopia: Writ- 24.00 75.00 ten in atin. Judge M. H. GroSsInan ..sco-crresee Mae ca GOO 284--Morley (John). Oritical Miscel- lanies. London, 1871-8. Judge M. H. Grossman ..-ceoveseess-> 16.00 285—Morris (Beverley. R.). | British Game Birds and Wildfowls. Lon- don, 1855. J. H. Bornstein..... 286—Motiey (yonn Lothrop). History ; of the United Netherlands. Maurice Siloog Seria Misi icv aks << «dates 287—Mulliner (H. H.). The Decorative Arts in Enzland, 1660-1780, P. W. French & Co. sennenrevrercsre 288—Mumford (John Kimberly), _ The Yerkes Collection of Oriental Carpets. Charles Scribner’s Sons 22.00 230-—-Nanee (R, Morton). -Sailing Ship Models. C. ea” oe 40.00 The ; tied LOA . 9,00 17.50 alate Cabos dest eaenOeOUd 17.00 a mmiaaioaaaarraty es Bi Cal «2 edna See ware 341—Simon (Constance). English Fur- niture Designers of the Eigh- - teenth Century, White......+.. 842—Singleton (Esther), Dutch and Fiemish Furniture. New Hamp- shire Historical Society..,+.+.«+ 348—The Furniture of our Forefathers. Mrs, S. H. Fisher......+.-- p pina 844—Skelton (Sir John), Charles I. Charles W. Luke,..c.see-eees “s 345—Sluyterman (K). Interieurs An- ciens en Belgique. Albert Stern. 346—Smith (Albert). The Wassail- Bowl. London, 1843. J. B. RAN KI so cipiec at ns Sins oes by oo heen 847—The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. M. Rothkrug’ ..c++-++. + ip lstale aigie $48—Smollett (Tobias). The History of England. London, 1841; The History of England. By s. Hughes, London, 1836. iteeture and Furniture, Helburn, Tne. eccccesseees spies satare 350—Someren (J. Van). Uyt-Spanning der YVernuften, Bestaende + Geestelijcke en Wereltlijcke Poesy. Tot Gorinchem: Cornelis Lever, 1686. Sidney Satenstein. 351—South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks, Academy Book Shop 852—st, Louis International Exhibition, Catalogue of The British Section. B. Callingham......-+.++ is a kj omiele 853—Story ef the Nations. Myer 354—Stratton (Arthur), The inglish In- terior: A Review of the Decora- tion of English Homes from Tudor Times to the XIX Cen- tury. W. S. Sullivan....-see.ees 355—Studio (The). The Studio Year- Book of Decgrative Art, from 1906 to 1923. 856—Surtees (Robert S.). “‘Ask Mam- ma,’” or The Richest Commoner in England. London, 1858 Mrs. B. Ya. WellS..- eae ecnea=-taceese 357—Tadema (Sir Alma). A sketch of His Life and Work. A, ®. Parfitt 358—Tanner (Henry). English Interior Woodwork . of the Sixteenth. Seventeenth and Highteenth Cen- turies, B, Callingham... +.+s..+¢ 359~—Tatler (The). A Corrected Edition; London, 1806. Mrs. S. H. Fisher 360—Tennyson (Alfred, Charles and : Frederick). Poems By Brothers. J eM. H. Grossman Able Sheekeres cW. M.). “Our Street.” . T W: eoeeeeeo rr eee eeereee 862—The History of Pendennis, London, 1849-50, FEF. HH. Hoge. ..cacss-ces 368—The Kickleburys on the_ Rhina By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. London: _ Smith, Elder & Co., 1850, Gabriel Wells ....-.. Bro rea 864—Another Cepy. Leygon & Morant.. 365—Rebecca and Rowena, A Ro- mance Upon Romance. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. London: Chap- man & Hall, -1850. Gabriel 3 WeellS aise. 00s suakias gers ae siyibies 366—The Newcomes: Memoires of & Most Respectable Family. Lon- don, 1853-5. Charles W. Luke.. @7—Another copy. A. B. Ashforth Jr, 868-Thibaudeau (A. C.). Bonaparte and the Consulate. Maud F-. Pickard w..¢e:cnsencans Chis acalyie's 369—Thomas (P. P.). A Disertation of the Ancient Chin Vases of the Shang Dynasty. ndon, 1851, Maud F, Pickard......-.+++ iy ee 870—Thomson (James). The Seasons. pecndons 1807. Charles A, Les- ee Rs Cnet hr $T71—Tipping (H. Avray). Grinling Gib- bons and the Woodwork of His Age. (1618-1720). B. Calling- BAM be vis ss ‘ SPE) 271A—English Homes. P. W. French & 2 oF Se oe ) izac (H,. a wR eo eae "See a ne Chist Grounds « ; ® Grounds » 7% Architect Ue. speed 4.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 17.50 4.00" ; 11.00 20.00 9.00 20.00 4.90 22.50 uber & Pine..... 130.00 20.00 7.00 21.00 7.00 3.00 17.50 80.00 i Tse | $ 9914} IO “301M “Oz i FR LEVERHULME BOOKS Youn te Old Glass, English and Ww. Harden fe sewed 9:0 mraieate Igish (Yoxall); Old Irish Glass Gentl 74—Chap Books. The (Stannus), 8 vols., cloth and Valentine Cabinet wrappers. London, n, d. R, D. Valentine Writers. 12 PRPESGY Oye ale o.0 90. Ulery Fe vedie'vic'e LOMO 1 vol. be 1 28—Béardsley (Aubrey). Bon Mots of roceo, ‘U: ) SELL FOR $9 946.50 Sydney Smith, R. B, Sheridan, Broa in, itt the M ub &e. 8 vols, 16mo, cloth, uncut. roadley Kplate. London, With the A. M. Broadley book- D, BE. W. Harden 2. .+.ssuseay pines. London, 1893-4. L. Outh- $0.05 ama A e., 11000 Sobte. : 9 H Waite .ivees Posen ebeeeeereeececes é odels., One + Day's Highest Price, $3,200, | 5 necner Geum) and Macartney London, 1923.7.’ B. Hanley, :” : (M. E.). Later Renaissance 76—Chauney ye Henry). Pe Paid for a Group of 5,000 Architecture in England. Loose torical Antiquit Je Ey ° ° in 6 portfolios, folio, boards, as le ace "sH00. wrerere, English Caricatures. dee nba Se ee t—Chinese Arts am tattoauethey ai doh, 1897+1901 William Hel Z burn, Inc a ev ne ola othu ieee eevee view of 2. Reg Med ¥ VY Oe b Ts Oho ew we vise Textiles, &e, er 30—Beli (Malcolm)... Edward Burns- Laurence Binyon Joens: A Record and Review. linge Folio, cloth, loose. London, 1893. graphs. fagaging G@, FP MoKintieys.,.s20a5- +. see: 7.00 >} peakaenee * 3 are 31—Bemrose (William). Longton Hall been dal stg "Rodin: ts he Mad Porcélain, being further informa- and N. ¥., 1918 Dae i and Eile Vaicaela Cavers) ae SALE TOTAL NOW $1,042,231 tion relating to this interesting Second Section of Late Viscount’s Fabrique. Royal S8vo, cloth, wn- don, 1912; Emil cut. London, 1906. Miss Edith nier) Bruxelles Re gr Art Library WII] Be Auctloned Wetmore ...e..ssssevesseerees »- 13, 7 vols. Mrs. F, Mohren 32—Benson (Robert and Hvelyn). Cata- Idgue of Italian Pictures at 16 South Street, Park Lane, Lon-, 79—Claret-Fleurien (C. P. [ eries of the French in 17 1769, to_the Southeast of ondon, This Afternoon. don, and Buckhurst in Sussex. : London, privately printed at the Guinea: 12 maps; Las eevee, 20,00 } 45 Chiswick Press, ata CME & 80—Clayton (John). A Collection The sale of the first section of the 48 eae! be Site oleh ae the Ancient Timber ah 7 em. Th ey’s sceiian ols, a art library of the late Viscount Lever- London, 1837-52, ve i. M. Buche- pete isan foli hulme, held yesterday afternoon at the hers, (Daine: Subenay. iientoe ae peg a Anderson Galleries, brought $9,946.50, re Fawiee Hunting, Coat- foxed). E. W rmour; Fishing; and Blasing of a lela? making the total so far realized from ‘Aras. ‘da printed’ at Wesrmdiacs® 82 Cs ee Baer, ster by Wynken de Worde. One volume fn two, 4to, green moroc- co, gilt edges. "London: Reprinted by Harding & Wright, 1918. A. the collection of paintings, furniture, tapestries, porcelains and other art ob- with the Edwards Hvans plate, London, dus, 1899-1907." Gaba | Wel jects, $1,042,231.50. The second session 83—Clouston (K. Watren) PH Goldamith.. 7 .oseaickis cc oe ae 25.00 pendale Period in Jenettah of the book sale will be held this af- big sie conga: the Musical niture. 4to. London, 1897. ntertainer., ignettes, 2 vols. ternoon, in one. Vol. I: London, Printed 84 Pi hae 3 (Robert). The "3 es for and sold by George Bickham, 1787. Vols Il: London, Printed for’ C. Corbett, 1738. Rare first edition, with scarce list of sub- sctibers and contents. Engraved on 200 plates with fine copper- plate vignettes by Bickham. NLEUTICO SLOOP: ssa Vouk awaken qT The high price yesterday was’ $3,200, which Laurence Gomme, Inc., New 4ork book dealers, paid for a collec- tion of about 5,000 caricatures in twen- ty-five folio volumes, including original tory and Antiquities of a 2 of Hertford, 3 vols. folio, n rocco, finely gilt ¢t nt edges, by. Clarke and Bed with the K. D. Hodgson late. London, 1815-27. Fy { wanson 85—Collier RES A}. Phe Pas pen and ink, pencil and water color s0—Billings (Robert William). ieee morously D ni ak Firs drawings, by Rowlandson, Cruikshank tiquities of Scotland. 4 vols. peyt London, 8 i andi Alken and Leech. Fee (Edinburgh, -n, d.). ’ The collection was’ entered among | 37_pirch (George HD. onda ae the 212 articles sold yesterday as Churches of aia XVII arr ee “64 Caricatures.” They are of a hu- whe Centuries, London, 1896. Paes . = * morous and satirical character, and] 5 sary Tobattney as CL 15.00 liam wait 0 are arranged in chronological order Magnvm Vrbivm Belgicae Re- Rational Cure 4 from 1736 to 1848. The political and so- giae. Engraved frontispiece Np ses a ea cia} life of Great Britain is humorously and 214 maps, plans and views, 87— Adiposity: ots By 3. Swe illustrated. Many of the prints and 3 Pore ily ig es and Its Caric. Ae drawings are unknown to bibliogra- London, 1896, J. A, Martin... 87.50 lied fn roadley — 39—Blomfield - (Reginald), A Collection: ey History phers, many are in series and full sets, of Renaissance Architecture ro F about and the majority are brilliantly col- 1 zzotin : ored by hand. ataage oe eg 1800. t Pb , a pelo to corpalencs 3 William Helburn, Ine. ublishers y; Sauber “A: bine” chee in two folio Re a i P ’ 1897. Dauber & Pine, Inc...... 15.00 Hard sey paid $210 for a book on fresco decora- Behe CReeaaNay, in vince pereeat 88—A Hlistory of Whe te Lie n r rifty hographie reproductions, and stuccoes of churches and From the Collection presented Cambridge, palaces in Italy, by Lewis Gruner. and Public Buitdin 2 : a : Ms the British Museum by His atlas, 4to. half cru 4 $105 for Mark Twain’s Works. cpa ti Aled be terberagite By Sep po vant ‘morocco, Eft tooled, } original wrappers, enclosed ine % , portfolio, boards, cloth back. London: i. Ackerman, Maurice Sloog paid $110 for a book Edition ‘de luxe, London, 19i7- William Haburn, ine ak ich FF vy . 89—Six colored views on the Old wter (Bell). ae n. ds Cruik- ~ Sooras Circa’ 34, sae we ut = Ttalian | t4 oO. London, 1824. J. B. Ye f rea lates in board case, (London oS. vojume, 9 OBse er. Boupil, 19 1906). J. M. Geddes. on, 22.50 J. Swanson 5 awe ae ab 00 175—Gotch (J, Alfred). Architecture of C eka Papers’ of the the Renaissance in Bngland, ene 1887; With Historical and _ Critical tzzle- . Text, 145 photographic plates, 180 illustrations in the text. 2 vols, (London, 1894). vs Thilsen TREE Ree Ree ee 52.50 16.00} 176—Gower (Lord Ronald §S.). Sir Bhasin OCIS v. b otis tional Bi ; Thomas Lawrence. With a cata- ie. tae cm, logue of the artist’s exhibited - ‘vo. a including First and engraved works, compiled by ~ rnon Graves, (Baris, Goupil, ). Charles W. Luke. Vics, DT 17 as Grandidler (Brnest). La Ceramique Chinoise. Numerous heliograv- ure plates by Dujardin. (Paris, men York: ac- and ., “Yoos-9. W. Nu ene eee stb eaee ee ine tow Andtews).. n 1894), CG. Freeman......+ wie $tx00 ness tame! et cireulat 178—Great Britain. Nouveau Theatre toa Bro ri de la Grand Bretagne: ou De Nieves tame kiB'S 6-000 Bee tara as FS $.00 seription exacte des Palais du pel et des Maisons les plus penppae tat des Seigneurs and rtel (0). La Porcelaine de ; = Gentilshomme de la Grand folio, Paris, "the Att “at: eee Bretaene, 5 vols. hhee folio, in O11 mottled calf, with serics c meee a W. Ha in moroceo backed Laas To- ics i teak 6.00 gether 6 vols. Londres David Mortier, 1715-28; William TATA a 6h seta ea Be | ton ee anders Ue Kk“Gocndp Me« ou? Q Bretagne. th 358 engraved Extracts. ( “Ae ah AD 5.00 - patti peak iy 4 Vols. in 2, it, Roi royal folio. Also ‘“‘Supplement’’ issued In 1728. Wondon, 1724-8; William Helburn, Inc. .......... 60,00 "en, 40:00 180—Greenaway (Kate). i800k of Games. Small 4to, origiiml cloth. Lon- ‘ don: pepres cutiedge & Son, 1889; B. Rant! | Tie tice nacis yes 7.00 im “1eobet0;, Charles 90.00 181—Grose ibe The Antiquities 5 (c. ny Enetish h uri ss of Ireland, 2 vols , 1791; The An- Bnd 18 eesti, tiquities of Engh nd and Wales, ; ge gy Po oe ts 8 vols. ineludin the supplemen- i ‘cla uae tal volume, n. d.; The Antigui- 65.00 aoe of Scotland, 2 vols., 1797; os of Dover Castle, b History of we * Davall (included in his babe is: A provincial Glossary, Francis Grosse, 1707-1811, an tary - Cee ald respecting a History of the English Army ; From the Conquest to the Pres- a2? ent Time, 2 vos., 1801; 15 vol- umes, 4to. London, v. es. os SWSusOR 4. 3420500600 ee ar Bo 182—Gruner (Lewis). Fresco Detora- tions and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces in Italy During the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centu- ries. Colored title and- Woe plates, of which 48 are eolored by hand. N. p. “4 te William Helburn Inc. °.,.+.....210.00 | 1es—cutenara (@.) and Darcel (A.). Les Tapisseries Decoratives du 2 Garde-Meuble. 100 repfoduc- 10.00 » tions, 2 vols., large folio, tree hy ealf, with fine rie ornament on ae Paris, 4H.) A. By b Nak whorewaeicKien 70.00 | f flea 10.00 feet (Gornelius). Die | Bau- kunst Spaniens da 25,00 | tellt itt a fa Series of wh ihren Hervorragendsten Werken, hg # reproductions by Max Junghanh- del, 2 vols., royal folio, half -- morocco. (Dresden. n. a5 Wil- ; Wam-Helburn, Inc. st 185—Haghe (.). oBortfolio. of sketches; la ag el aap 22.50 Belgium-Germany. London, 1850; " ; ‘Story, the 190s R, Gra ey. Rar akan es t War 8-181). 4 “vols., pronskles ML Rhy sll nie ith the tonton, LJ the ag Aaemawort g th Ww. i, i : ee NC AIT PEt yeqsend Jung uereacH—W * vie il 8} Sd{AIEs sUIOH—'] "WV 00°01 _ Ofh’E—-oouepscrg ‘NVAEM~O18 é re) Tl {jounog SogeS—"N _ “UsIpT}yo Joy sIsnW—W ‘'d “HIBY ..M9OM YINIL,,—"W od *y40de1 JeuIvAaM—W ‘d 0 ‘ nt . “exjeouo1y ih eduon soca aye a ‘ "086—90UOPTADIG “MV ELA—908 aisnur eouep touelq—"W ’d 08:0) ? C 330 DOr TAT. * 20; 0) a y - y Ms 4 RO om aS WAOTS-G At 18 Dacunoune euler ; MY oe YORK TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY. 93, 1926. OUTSTANDING EVENTS — ON THE RADIO TODAY || 7:30 P. M.—U. S. Marine Band— 88 WIZ. eyes ce f 8:00 P. M.—New York Athletic Club games, New Madison Square’ _ Garden—WNYC. 8:00 P. M.—Old-time fiddlers’ ‘con- test—WGY. B:30 PP! M.—New York Philharmonic Orchestra—WJZ, wey. b:00 P. M.—_Musical comedies, imes of Normandy” ° and. “The Bohemian ,Girl’—WEAF and thirteen stations. age 42-WLW, 508—WOO0—590. |} 40:00 P.M. . M.—Organ recital; weather. —Time signals; orchestra. -—Police reports; organ, _—Sesquicentennial concert, M.—Time signals; weather forecasts -M. 3: 00 cae — 395—WFI—160. ce [ 298 7 hb eet pie A) .—Market report.’ .—Tea Room Ensemble, -—Market reports, s -—Women’s Symphony ‘Orchestra, i .—Bellevue-Stratford Orchestra. Poet talk, W. F. Ritter. i{00 P. . M,—Same as WEAF, < 395—WLIT—760. | Organ recital. . .—Daily almanac; organ, © .—Church service. .—Arcadia Orchestra. .—Orchestra, »—Household hints. Artists’ recital; —Dream. Daddy. :M. —Theatrical review. ‘HER EASTERN ‘STATIONS . 405—WOR, Newark—740. ie A.M. —Setting-up exercises. . M.—Margaret Bovard, soprano. . M—J ack Nothson, readings. . M.—Margaret Bovard, soprano, . . M.—King’s Orchestra. . M.—Sports, Bill Wathey, ‘—Evening news, M.—Copenhagen Quartet. ee JI, N ewark—1,190. 9:00 P. gt ape show, Es 00-9. 15 S M.—Talks on Florida. - : M.—Minstrels.. er) —Beaver Trio, ; 15 P, M.—Bob Schaefer, songs. ‘ ‘315-10: 80 P. M.—Beaver Trio. ) 30-11 :30 P. M,—Robert Treat Orchestra. 224--WODA, Paterson, N. J.—1,340. 5:00 P. M.—Music; news, 76:00 P. M. —Orchestra; songs. 8:30 P. M, —Harmonica Orchestra, 9 :00-10:15 P. M.—Talks; music, 0:15 P. M.—Venetian Orchestra. 273—WRW, Tarrytown—1,100. P. M.—Auto Show music. . M.—Duff Entertainers. ; : . M.—M. Powers, harmonica, |». . M.—Brunswick Orchestra. ~ . M.—Duff Entertainers. . M.—A. Tassio, harmonica. P.M, —Brunswick: Oe ont tet 20! 15 0 33 < 00- arts hd hl v4 7 8: SASOSCon Nrpwnnne WSoweESS ASAANS Oh > to o aa 3 e i irs oc ches] 0 3 Byes BP, M.—Lienten: talice wo im . M.—Seaside Trio, “ , 83 Mt. —Social - srelenes :30 P. M. —Play review. ‘© % ih 00 ‘M.—Cornt 00 P. M.—Seaside Trio. ¢ , 300-WPG, Atlantic City—1,000 6:30 P. M.—News; organ recital, » a ae * Porte, a ies s Comic. History of Vteae, - London: Bradbury & Ryans, > 7$51. E. J. Bates......- — ‘Adam (Robert and James). ‘The pom the Mughals, A De J 2. vs D. 1750. 4to, cioth. Ox. Mareen : | Be ee CPN ac oasnn 18.00] Manehen, Collected by Mf. M ir te ay , from. Oral Tradition, 1 Ry at a TT) o gator ot Tse sand Abise of... ree Jaenagpvenn dire 5 3 asonfy.. By Capt.. George =~ “Medes : ‘aate ie ’ | 52—Browne, H, 0, * Architecture, Decoration and are _ Furniture of Robert & James Staunton o by H, Browne With 22° etching ‘Adam. With 26 full-page re- ounted on cardboard and bound Cruikshank. or by George mith. .&vo. contemporary. tree- 1980. A. productions. London, 1880. : lasers: ae half maroon 101. 1834. F, J. siotene hs eon dom) ) galf. London. Printed for the | Road. Petry ys eens 1889. by : Bo Henry Blank Bane lst a 1001 eeBegagre: nies Martin ae: saad 53.00 | —Minor Morals for Young Deco: 37.50 of author, 1785. F. J. Swanson. . 11.00 in a Engl ad in a Dog Cart. ’ Agnel (G. Arnaud D’.). La Faience aid. Bheravere ce ey enters By John Bowring, Mlustrated | 152-himan*Rezon: or, a Help to all ATOR Berane ers Bvb.,, Cloth ‘tla Porcelaine de Marseille, ais nh hgh Toa 5 vols. Imp. by Cruikshank and Hoathir te ai hat are, or would be Free and Londen, 1801s oe a ¥ ane ara es. G. Taran. Paris, 190k5: ma atk London; Be wih London: 1834-5-9 ge Pid | Accepted ibe A egy ener 1884-91, FF. ¥. - 9.00 .d, Academy Book snop....,, 11.00 » av. D. DIIXCY. 0... eee 40.00 : MNOre \. 4.5 j | \mott. 8vo.. London: Printed for by seagag ss ses gaan AGS SR SN Catia 50. ii ‘ inti : . 102—Songs, N: Vas eee canbe? 15,00] >|) f = 201—Hobson (R. L.). Worcester Porce : Atkin (J.). fe Description of the Bs te a 1 and National, of the ithe Benefit of the General Char ene nt th Se renee ead ult Country from Thirty to Forty ra’ uae ite Charles Didbin. With 12 Mty, 1787. F.. J. Swanson...--; 0 J iithograph Royal 4to Ib Miles round Manchester. Nu.- J ios. Enclosed {n-two port- etchings by Cruikshank. 12mo 138-J) Browne’s Mssonic Master Key ©. chrom lithograph A. Nin wien: ¥ merous maps and views. (Lon. ae 108. Large folio, cloth. Lon- © 103 London, 1841. S. M. Crocker... 20.0 ‘throug ithe ‘Three Degreds, by Roth, See ids ia 55.00 0. don, 1795). A, G. Goodbody... 4.00| 53—B jon: 1905-6; Julian Hart....... 25.00: 3—History of the Irish Rebellion in 00] | (Way of Polyglot. Svo. old calf; son Company ....+« nay GRR Sir Sas Aare F—Another~ copy. 4to,, half brown — ests acid Fine Arts Club. Exhi- — 1708; with Memoirs of the - | interleaved, London, 1802. F. 202—Chinese | Pottery and Silat leather (covers ' loose), HE, ition of a Collection of Silver- Union and Emmet’s Insurrec- \ J, GwWANSON ‘ev, cs ee cee ener eceee 10.00 2 vols. Small Ato. vr . 1D 5 Od ‘3 SMV GH Ki. «eos uae aay iqited MAS OO smith’s Work of European Ori- tion in 1803. With etched plates lidachin & Boaz;sor, an Authentic ; don, 1915. T. E. Se old : }g-ainsworth’s Magazine. (Vols 1 to ~" in. Introduction by J, Starkie by Cruikshank and © portraits | “Key to ther Door of . Free 203—Hodgson (Mrs. bor soe y)« 1913 - 8). dited by William Harrison Sa Houle London: Printed See, aie wa, green levant moroc- | Masonry. London, agoars A ede: SE ewe cides insworth. ondon, 1842-5. a. a j ; 1°) e Genius of Ge ; ondon, | i aud.F. Pickard. ki the secon N&- ‘f van 4 cya Si siiot es adele el eehener ess) 6 dene’ 11.00 ton Fine ie nek the Burling Cruikshank, by William orge 158Pritech. (K. EE, 0.) Denkmaeler tional Loan Exhibition, 1913- Dpie (The), The Ap ] hi . ub, 1920. R. D. Thack P 1 M. ; 4 1914 Ch a A iy i) and Discord) vai. We Beauty 9 Pcie nae SS eed Ge £6.00 a ackeray; Two Essays on the | Deutscher Renaissance. 800 re- ae vanes and il me ° CEO 4.. London, 1920. A.” Nos. 1- 59—Catalogue of a Collection of Draw- | Hesse by John Wilson: »An productions. Berlin, 1891. A.B. | Teface Sigel obert Ross. on- eu amith » toad. . F. Gold- ings by. John Robert Cozens ssay on the Genius by Jonn NS BPR rfitt. cea 6 ely eee ose ees 16.00 208 don, 1914. -Academy Book Shop 4.00 . Me Net Repo ict atten ees 5.00 |: 40. fine gravures. 4to, cloth. Wilson, Illustrated by 1,035 etch= - 159-Durniss (Harry). Harry Furniss’s a Howard (F. E.), and Crossley i London, 1922-3. One of a limited ings and woodcuts, many in “Royal Academy. | “An Artistic (F, H.). English Church _Wood- number of copies privately print- “| colors, extracted from his most ‘Joke.’ Folio, cloth, uncut, One work. London, 1914. A, H. Par- : ed. E. Weyhe....... 9.00 Ae dace works. . 4 vols. royal - f 1,000 copies sizned by the ar-- 800 LIEGE Ae he eth we AG's bb ksase vive ds 13.00 60—Burton (William). Josiah Wedg- | { 108—Th to. N. P. n. d. Gabriel. Wells. .210 London, 1888. J. B. Rankin 13.00 —Howard (Montague). Old Lon- wood and his Pottery Limited Pied volumes of reproductions of - iture. -Household Furniture in don Silver, Its History, Its edition. ‘Thick royal 8vo., cloth Toelana, “Lond Oe aE eo a epee de i te st mrt | fustrations, : feo, sacsianiiies ‘ Lor : ed ice Wed end, L on, 1837; The Pen- ‘a Society o pholsterers, 33 AE cca, ea te Sa aaa 17.50 tamerone, London, 1850; Aa oe» inet Makers, &c. With 120 makers and hail marks. New Corsthic net . Tw rated menta other volumes illustrated by him. perplate engravings. London, fy - York, \1903. HH. R. Mallinson... 40.00 ose wake amples from the e nae ed pict i FJ. Swansea, ..ccceeceucnted ‘Pcnarles, Scribner’s Sons. 35.00 | 210—Hueffer (Ford M.). Ford Madox eee om Bn | collection of 109—Cruikshank (Isaac Robert), Les-— ete Set of 29 fine engraved Brown: A Record of His Life : T. Walters. _ plates in sons in Thrift. 8vo. Qondon: T. s of furniture by Shearer, a ie and Work, London, 1896. F. J pict ig B 1820 I i lwhite and others, from ~ i PwaAhnsol ptes se evind nc ae aha a ak 2.00 : Ge , 211—Humphries (Sydney). Oriental \ pei and i t ~ +. ay Carpets, Runners and Rugs and -. Some Jacquard Reproductions. » Imp. 8vo., cloth. London, 1910. miter ‘oe elandy. Lan Furniture and. Interiors. _ 200 ‘Pinte. to Eee S herd Ge 6 cae | sine (peg ey O85 er, oe m D. : ranslated of ae rid hein ; oe ptates, 2 eee al Ne EP oes ju ae ie bade a etme POUU, x See ee AG Old. § 3 Yora nd. TF. B, Femley- «+ >< : i Renn ee ~ (London, 87.50." Sod BIOTOCO, getter by Mor- {\. q cogs a - fe Na a gn pia TES ' ~ 4900. R. D. Brixly....+.------+ of f a ell. London, 1870-81. Academy | | . ae ers he 9.000 Di rin Honor of Dr. Harris sburn. Numerous re- iS. Wii Me HU. eos ee vewsse 120) Book: Stop) ysa.s bias Ue ees \ A gee Cer ieye. 2 mne ‘ z gtr Pent y Hah ontion, 1000). ‘R. ee 56 sams 8 eat pe A Oe ' Haass ‘Gionel). Anthony Van Dyck. q ai ls . ae eae ont We A dinner in honor of Dr. Louis pi Bs Tr rj Sa I Ee St . ian ‘ : S- . } 0 a: ther Perle, r ‘ Ee acs —_ ~ j 5 j on eee merous yepraductions,. 2 of the T’ao Shuo.» 8vo, cloth. aivia: at Grest Mantete One | jee Century to, the chee fo Harris, Health Commissioner, will be a1 ina One of, 350 copies on Ja- paeeciies ct “Charles Scrib- on Saleen! 7 autos se DEye by ie ae aoe joes M. Wwil- 39.50 given on March 5 at the Commodore raps im, with a uplicate se ) eee eeeoeseee cocseeesen “E00 | publishers. ondon and We ae * ‘TES BT Se . : Hee re plates. (London, 1902). ye ements asta ie See cae aortas 9 hie ne Seg n.d. EH. W.-Harden...... 14.0 = (Thomas) and | Strattqn Hotel by a committee of men and wo- ig a pee. Bgeintomn aye: Aa ‘doen ine caricatures in twenty-five folio it Se aS eae a ree r). Me Domestic orcihe men prominent in medical and public Be alerts: ®Ycontemporary Oe ae Pee Se tn ee eee tA “uondon, 1793. F. J. ane “with 192 plates. health activities. Dr. Lindsly R. Wil- ¥ Qxr ‘ J . id : : , f{ \ °. SBWaANSOT 2.2 02e200% Wie) 9 00 le is ooh a } ; : ‘ao. Ne EL” C So ee eo. sieve, 9.00 cre ead ONC ATOSEN a SN: 114—Darly (l.) Comic-Prints of Char- | nan, pares a eee ae liams, director of the Academy of Med- nee Ea. Gs lie a Reiamaclad = ere nene Yat ik, en an a T- Rae sm Riad 2) ie CS ie yanged, In chronological order ie haties Seribrer's, 4, 49|icine, is Executive Chairman of tne Z : pep ae to 1848.- Resor ab Regs London, 1793. Maurice ae rnier ‘Gadouard). ‘The Soft cor is ae in charge. Mayor Walker S Biot wiles aut wie Aes pre ease pinceieie: sien 5M oie eh Lo OIE POE f Soran cae NE Rie Simiarels name ~ celain of Sevres. ifty colore will speak. 65—Cart wright (Julia). |The Life and 115—Dawe (G.). The Life of George t -yepresenting 250 water- P 5 aie annie ihe ala o70e 00? jects after aie abated New Hampshire ( ett 00 AN osore ose one | Roe (Hh. 8.2 A History an dae ee St French. Porcelain, cloth. — (London, )) « shire Historical So- Pr ee ed Ol Morland, with Remarks on His Works. Portraits and two ? plates. ae nole red morocco. Bh. » London, 4 , J. Swanson...- 22.50 | ; 116—Day (Lewis F.). Windows. A _ a - Book About Stained and Pa Glass. 8vo, London, 1909 Art. of Sandro .Botticelli. Lon- don, 1904. R. D. Brixey....... 14.00 66—Carver (Thomas Johnson). One hundred and fifty new designs. Four parts in one volume, Ato. * rough calf. London, Robert Say- Errand er, 1761. \F. J. Swanson........ 32.50 |. To Lecture Before Women Voters. ut / | A course of discourses on “Our For- Sun-Dials. Imp. 8vo. cloth. | eign Relations,” under the auspices of ‘London, 1900). P. W. French & yee Tne, eee Hf Dre erase «0: 0e.s.0 6's). & 13.00 | the New York League of Women Pipa: t ee ’ g7—Castell (Robert). The, Villas of — acc = Hanley... ‘ pune 5 4 W. French Go... i ; . Hanley’ °” “the Ancients Tilustrated.. Royal . |117—Della Berd” taiesea: Pa ee aenaeee _ | Voters, will be opened on March 5 at Se Z the Cosmopolitan Club by Mrs. Jack- ), Lely and ait Painters. | 3, 2 vols. imp. 2). J- M. Geddes. - Sates | » Hubert von Herko- Bf 5 Large paper. om C ¥ | folio old calf. Loxidon, printed | anes for the author, 1728. E. W. , Harden ...ccecsecesenscemssowss 7.00 og-Cesinsky (Herbert). “Chinese fur- _oniture: A, Series of. Examples | i fF erory 2, collection in France. 4to, = | © ae eloth. London, 1922. if Pea So ; /Hanley ...-. and Art. Royal § th. Lon- . < | sier Wee symour). | I Board che 18°): 98.00| son Fleming, who will returnj just be- | : _ | fore from & European tour. | Tickets for the lecture are obtainable’ from Mrs. Thomas B. Wells, 5,017 Grand (Central Terminal Building. yer parts. in_one volume, 16n _ . Guondon, 1664-5). F. J.-Swan- SB hi sh 1: e Dijon A tecture et Decoration aux Septieme et Dix-Huitieme Siecles. (69—The Old World “House, Tts ‘Furni- 120 plates. Folio, loose in half — ea n i calf and board portfolio. Paris, at ‘stone (W. E.), Speeches on Lal SEN ee ana a 2 een London, : . Yrs. J. M. ood- nm. d. E. W. 1 Great Questions of the: Day eA Mts lasting a. eg 0 Resi as elo; wi Wide beler bunts . 25.00 | 120--Dickens (Charles). The Libraryoot (London. Puch se Pete , 3 Fee ee eee. Tabb}... inishman) Radios to Agettete, ched ha -mai “a9 the plates by eto ii er. i c Tpdie, Pe eR don, 1901). H. c. “) am te oe, coctare aot we Hele fas oe Fars ee eae RN NER PB Century. 3 vols, 400. vols. 8vo. crushed olive levan . hard), Hi ic Textile ' _pN} ts qe York, N. D. R. D. Brixey..... 77.50 morocco, Jansen Style, inside ~ Fabrics. rcLeiabay aries ety BELFAST, Heb. 22 (FP). Direct wire- Meee sepeeed ee Oa eiten = ate pen uen elit edges, by ete Pep F F aHaib ck dew bebe caer 100 Leeee telephonic communication with |. tie Dibeks. to; London, 3013. ondon: Chapman «and “Hats x Daca eaeeon Australia, a distance of 12,000 miles,” — Bes) UB eh lel eg eae ier velin. (Paris, 1883)... was established last night by Frank R.| — Tee s (William), Marks and ester Milius........ aia vo OCOD | ily . LiPgmesal GpuMery: nud Porckicin, acaey and. ‘Biscker Ges) (Cy am, BanoneUe oF Whitehead, near | i ( 4 my an r a n, é \ Ae : ee - ‘with Historical Notices of each ese caporare’ nna ee Ais this city. The test lasted fifteen min- | (London, 1911). utes, and the voice of a, Melbourne citi- manufactory, Royal 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1886. New — _ Hampshire Historical Society... 15.00 73—Chancellor (Alfred Ernest), Ex- amples of Old Furniture, English | _ and Foreign, 165.00 | wD i ae eee » Pe eae ME 123—Ch stma m. London, 1808 BE. J Meat Bowba o ans tee ser erent 5 #00 lass» i Sopa aie yi TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE MONDAY, TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND, TWENTY-THIRD AT TWO-THIRTY ORDER OF SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 1-212 TUESDAY AFTERNOON NUMBERS 213-398 CARDS OF ADMISSION TO THE SALE, EACH OF WHICH WILL ADMIT ONE PERSON ONLY, MAY BE OBTAINED UPON WRITTEN APPLICATION WHICH MUST SPECIFY THE DAY OF THE SALE AS@ ibe = SIONS ON EACH DAY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE CAPACITY OF THE SALES-ROOM ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY SIXTEENTH [WEEK DAYS 9-6 P.M—SUNDAY 2-5 P.M.] tk ART COLLECTIONS ORC Tiel A bE VISCOUNT LEVERHULME [PART FOUR ide Rt LIBRARY TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM HULME, VISCOUNT LEVERHULME HAROLD ROBERT GREENHALGH FRANCIS D’ARCY COOPER JOHN McDOWELL THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MITCHELL KENNERLEY [President] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be im- mediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Terms cas. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condi- tion is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale con- tract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unset- tled accounts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good sECOND-HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. | Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate and correctly de- scribe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bios. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Tele- phone bids accepted at the sender’s risk. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for Three Dollars THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-212 1 A’BECKETT (GILBERT A.). The Comic History of England. Wirth 20 colored plates and many woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols. London: Punch Office, 1846-8; The Comic History of Rome. With 10 colored plates and many woodcuts by John Leech. London: Bradbury & Evans, [1851]. Together, 3 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt tooled, uncut, original wrappers bound in (rubbed, upper corners of pp. 77-80 of the “Comic History of Rome” torn away). London, 1846-[51] FIRST EDITIONS BOUND UP FROM THE ISSUE IN PARTS, WITH THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS PRESERVED. Inserted at the commencement of Book VIII, Chapter III of the “Comic History of England,” is the scarce slip announcing the publication of Forster’s biography of Goldsmith. There has, apparently, been some confusion about the date of issue of the “Comic History of Rome,” the dates given varying all the way from de Ricci’s “1848” to catalogue descriptions of the First Edition as 1852. The wrappers of the present copy appear to settle this point very definitely, as they announce the publication of the first volume of the eight- volume Collected Edition of Jerrold’s works, 1851, Albert Smith’s “The Month,” 1851, and Bradbury and Evans’ announcement, dated Nov., 1851, of the prepara- tion of Dickens’ “Bleak House.” 2 ADAM (ROBERT AND JAMES). The Architecture, Decoration, and Furniture of Robert & James Adam. With 26 full-page reproduc- tions. Folio, boards, cloth back (loose). London, 1880 38 AGNEL (G. ARNAUD D’). La Faience et la Porcelaine de Marseille. Préface de G. Papillon. Numerous plates, some in color. Ato, half brown morocco (slightly rubbed). Paris, n.d. One of 500 copies. 4 AIKIN (J.). A Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles round Manchester. Numerous maps and views (few margins slightly stained). Thick 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut (worn). London, 1795 5 —— Another copy. 4to, half brown leather (covers loose). 6 AINSWORTH’S MAGAZINE. Vols. 1 to 8. Edited by William Har- rison Ainsworth. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Hablot K. Browne (few plates slightly fowed). 8 vols., 8vo, half morocco (some joints cracked). London, 1842-5 1 7 AMERICAN MAPS. The Theatre of the Empire of Great-Britain ... 10 11 12 together with the most Famous Parts of the World, viz. Asia, Africa, Europe, America. New Edition, with many additions never before extant. By John Speed. Engraved title, frontispiece, and numer- ous maps of the various counties of England, Ireland, and Scotland, also maps of the various states of Europe and America (three Euro- pean maps defective, some margins slightly stained, and a few mar- gins repaired). Folio, old calf (neatly rebacked). London: Thomas Basset, 1676 Contains maps of America, Virginia and Maryland, New York and New England, Bermuda, Jamaica, Carolina, etc. AMHERST (ALICIA). A History of Gardening in England. JIllus- trated. 8vo, crushed dark green levant morocco, back panelled and richly gilt tooled, sides with all-over designs of roses and wreaths, lettered in centre, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf (corner bruised). London, 1896 With the Edward Penton bookplate. ANDERSON (WILLIAM). Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of a Collection of Japanese and Chinese Paintings in the British Mu- seum. 31 plates. Royal 8vo, cloth (hinge torn). London, 1886 A RARE AND IMPORTANT WORK. APPLE (THE). The Apple (Of Beauty and Discord). A Quarterly devoted to Art and Letters. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4. Numerous reproduc- tions. Folio, cloth. [London, 1920] Containing numerous reproductions of the work of Frank Brangwyn, Laurence Housman, Augustus John, and other artists; literary contributions by Laurence Housman, T. Sturge Moore, and others. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Lady Burton’s Edition of her Husband’s Arabian Nights. Prepared for Household Reading, by Justin McCarthy. 2 photographic portraits. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut (covers soiled). London, 1886-7-8 One of 1000 copies. Volume 6, is dated 1886, which is, in all probability, a mistake for 1888. Z ARCHITECTURE. L Architecture 4 la Mode ou sont les Nouveaux Dessins pour la Décoration des Batimens et Iardins. A series of 184 fine engraved plates, of which 49 are double. Folio, contemporary calf, gilt tooled back (rubbed). [Circa 1700] A RARE AND CHOICE COLLECTION OF XVIITH CENTURY DESIGNS, including designs for internal and external architectural ornament, fountains, grottos, garden orna- ments of every kind, by Mansard, Bullet, le Pautre, Le Koux, Fanelli, Loire, and many other artists. With the de Boulogne bookplate. A Series of about 300 views and Plans of Modern Domestic Architecture, extracted from ‘The Architect”? and ‘“‘The Builder.” Bound in 1 vol., folio, half brown morocco (rubbed). London, [1889-91] 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ARMSTRONG (SIR WALTER). Gainsborough & his Place in English Art. With 62 photogravures and 10 lithographic facsimiles in color. Royal 4to, buckram, uncut. London, 1898 Sir Joshua Reynolds. With 78 photogravures and 6 lithographic facsimiles in color. Royal 4to, buckram, uncut (slight stain on front cover). London, 1900 Sir Henry Raeburn. With an Introduction by R. A. M. Steven- son, and a Biographical and Descriptive Catalogue by J. L. Caw. Numerous reproductions. Royal 4to, buckram, uncut. London, 1901 Turner. Numerous splendid reproductions. 2 vols., folio, cloth, uncut, with duplicate set of plates in cloth portfolio (torn). London, 1902 One of 350 copies on Japan Vellum, with a duplicate set of the plates. ARTIST’S LONDON (THE). As Seen in Eighty Contemporary Pic- tures. 80 plates by Brangwyn, Muirhead Bone, McBey, and others. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1924 With Essays by John Drinkwater, Wilfrid Whitten, James Laver, and W. P. Robins. AUDSLEY (W. AND G.). Cottage, Lodge and Villa Architecture. Numerous plates. Ato, half morocco (slightly rubbed). London, n.d. AUSCHER (E. S.). A History and Description of French Porcelain. Translated and Edited by William Burton. With 24 colored plates and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1905 BAHR (A. W.). Old Chinese Porcelain and Works of Art in China. Being Descriptions and Illustrations of Articles selected from an Ex- hibition held in Shanghai, November, 1908. Numerous plates, 12 in color. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1911 BAKER (C. H. COLLINS). Lely & the Stuart Portrait Painters. A Study of English Portraits before and after Van Dyck. With 240 reproductions after the original pictures, some in color. 2 vols., imp. buckram, uncut. London, 1912 One of 375 copies. BALDRY (A. L.). Hubert von Herkomer, R.A. A Study and a Biography. Numerous plates, and other illustrations. Folio, half vellum, uncut. London, 1901 LARGE PAPER. One of 85 copies on Arnold’s unbleached hand-made paper, with the plates in two states, one on India paper. [BANNANTINE (James).] New Joe Miller; or, The Tickler. Second Edition, with additions. Frontispieces (one slightly damaged at inner margin). 2 vols., 16mo, half crimson morocco, gilt edges. London, 1800-1 VERY SCARCE. With the A. M. Broadley bookplate. 3 20 26 BARBOT (JOHN). A Description of the Coasts of North and South- Guinea; and of Ethiopia Interior, vulgarly Angola: being A New and Accurate Account of the Western Maritime Countries of Africa... And a New Relation of the Province of Guiana, and of the Great Rivers of Amazon and Oronoque in South-America. With 48 fine copperplate maps, views, and other illustrations. Folio, panelled calf (rebacked). [London], 1732 FINE COPY, with the plates and text in spotless condition. With an Appendix; being a General Account of the First Discoveries of America, in the XIVth Century. BARRINGTON (MRS. RUSSELL). G. F. Watts’ Reminiscences. Illustrations, some in color. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1905 27 BATE (PERCY). English Table Glass; Collecting Old Glass, English and Irish (Yoxall); Old Irish Glass (Stannus). All dllustrated. 3 vols., 8vo and 12mo, cloth and wrappers. London, n.d. 28 BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). Bon-Mots of Sydney Smith; R. B. Sheri- 29 30 o2 oo dan; Charles Lamb; Douglas Jerrold; Samuel Foote; Theodore Foote. With numerous grotesque vignettes by Aubrey Beardsley. 3 vols., 16mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1893-4 FIRST EDITIONS. PRESENTATION COPIES FROM THE EDITOR, WALTER JERROLD, to A. M. Broadley. The last volume is inscribed on the half-title: “Mary Jerrold with love from her affectionate nephew the Editor.” The second volume bears another inscription on the half-title: “Aunt Polly, with Walter’s love, 19: Mar:- 94”; and there has been inserted an A. L. s. by the editor, 4 pp., 8vo, presenting these books, and mentioning the “Bon Mots of Sydney Smith and R. B. Sheridan,” as, to his knowledge, the first book Beardsley illustrated. 4 CHOICE SET OF THESE SCARCE LITTLE BOOKS. With the A. M. Broadley book- plate. BELCHER (JOHN) AND MACARTNEY (M. E.). Later Renaissance Architecture in England. A Series of Examples of the Domestic Buildings erected subsequent to the Elizabethan Period. Edited, with Introduction and Descriptive Text. Numerous photographic plates, and other illustrations. Loose in 6 portfolios, folio, boards, cloth backs and corners. London, 1897-1901 BELL (MALCOLM). Edward Burne-Jones: A Record and Review. Numerous fine plates. Folio, cloth (loose). London, 1893 BEMROSE (WILLIAM). Longton Hall Porcelain, being Further In- formation relating to this interesting Fabrique. Numerous fine full- page colored plates, and other illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut (writing on fly-leaf). Londen, 1906 BENSON (ROBERT AND EVELYN). Catalogue of Italian Pictures at 16, South Street, Park Lane, London, and Buckhurst in Sussex. Frontispiece. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London: Privately Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1914 BENTLEY’S MISCELLANY. Vols. 1—31. Numerous portraits and illustrations, by George Cruikshank, Leech, Crowquill, and others (few plates wanting, a number of illustrations stained). 31 vols., 8vo, half morocco (slightly rubbed, some labels missing). London, 1837-52 4 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 [LBERNERS (DAME JULIANA).] The Book containing the Treatises of Hawking; Hunting, Coat-Armour; Fishing; and Blasing of Arms. As printed at Westminster, by Wynken de Worde; the Year of the Incarnation of our Lord MCCCCIxxxxvi. Black letter, printed in red and black on thick paper, with woodcuts, heraldic arms, etc. With Introduction, Biographical, and Bibliographical Notices, by Joseph Haslewood. One volume in two, 4to, green morocco, gilt edges (slight- ly rubbed). London: Reprinted by Harding and Wright, 1918 One of 150 copies. Joseph Haslewood’s rare reprint of the First English Book on Field Sports; the First English Book of Heraldry; the First Printed Book containing the English popular rhymes, and the First Book with engravings printed in colors. BICKHAM (GEORGE). The Musical Entertainer. Vignettes. 2 vols. in one, folio, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt panelled sides, gilt edges, by Walis. In cloth case. [Vol. I]: London, Printed for & Sold by Geo. Bickham, [1737] [Vol. II]: London, Printed for C. Corbett, [1738] SUPERB COPY OF THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST EDITION, with the scarce list of subscribers and contents. The work is engraved on 200 plates, all with fine copperplate vignettes by Bickham, after such noted artists as Gravelot, Watteau, and others. The Songs set to Music; Words and Music by Handel, Haydn, Purcell, Luckman, Arne, etc. Collation: Title, Table of Songs, and Subscribers, a Se Ap Text, 100ff; Title to Vol. 2, and Table of Songs, 2ff; Engraved ext, 100ff. BILLINGS (ROBERT WILLIAM). The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. Numerous plates (several slightly foxed). 4 vols., 4to, cloth (shaken). Edinburgh, n.d. BIRCH (GEORGE H.). London Churches of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries. 64 plates and other illustrations. Fotio, half morocco (slightly rubbed). London, 1896 BLAEV (JOHANNUS). Novvm ac Magnvm Vrbivm Belgicae Regiae. Engraved frontispieces and 214 maps, plans, and views, many fold- ing, a few being half-page vignettes. 2 vols., folio, contemporary red morocco, richly gilt tooled. Amsterdam, n.d. The printed titles are, apparently, wanting, and a portion of those from a later edition have been laid down on the frontispieces. BLOMFIELD (REGINALD). A History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 1500-1800. With drawings by the author, and other il- lustrations. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1897 BONE (MUIRHEAD). War Drawings. From the Collection presented to the British Museum by His Majesty’s Government. 50 lithographic reproductions. Folio, in original wrappers, enclosed in portfolio, boards, cloth back. London, 1917-8 EDITION DE LUXE. BORUWLAWSKI (JOSEPH). Memoirs of the Celebrated Dwarf, Joseph Boruwlaski. London, 1788; Another edition, Birmingham, 1792; Another edition, London, 1820. 38 vols., 8vo, various bindings. INSERTED IS AN A. L. S. BY THE DWARF, 1 p., 4to. Kingsland Crescent, Augu. 18, 1824. 5 42 43 44 45 46 47 BRACKETT (OLIVER). Thomas Chippendale. A Study of his Life, Work, and Influence. With numerous illustrations selected to show the development of his style. Ato, cloth. BRADBURY (FREDERICK). History of Old Sheffield Plate: being an Account of the Origin, Growth, and Decay of the Industry and of the Antique Silver and White or Britannia Metal Trade. Numerous illustrations. Ato, cloth. London, 1912 Contains a chronological list of maker’s marks. BRANGWYN (FRANK). Etched Work. A Catalogue by Frank New- bolt. With Appreciations by Henry Marcel and Hans. W. Singer. 47 reproductions on thick paper. Royal folio, boards, linen back, in cloth protecting covers. London: Fine Art Society, 1908 One of 100 copies. With four original signed etchings by Brangwyn, laid in pocket on back of protecting cover. BRITISH POETS. The Works of the British Poets, Collated with the Best Editions, by Thomas Park. Engraved titles after Westall and others. 44 vols., 12mo, dark purple straight-grain morocco, gilt edges (some volumes rubbed). London, 1808 BRITISH PRIMITIVE PAINTINGS. Exhibition of British Primitive Paintings, from the Twelfth to the early Sixteenth Century. With some related Illuminated Manuscripts, Figure Embroidery, and Ala- baster Carvings. Numerous full-page plates. Ato, cloth. Oxford, 1924 One of 150 copies. BRITISH WATERWAYS. A Designe for bringing a Navigable River from Rickmansworth in Hartfordshire, to St. Gyles in the Fields; the Benefits of it declared, and the Objections against it answered. Woodcut maps on titles and last leaf. London: Printed for John Clarke, 1641; Sir Walter Roberts His Ansvver to Mr. Fords Book, entitvled a Designe for Bringing a Navigable River from Rickmans- worth... Folding woodcut map. London: Printed by R. H., 1641. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, calf. London, 1641 SCARCE. = pe 2 APPARENTLY AN UNPUBLISHED ILLUSTRATION FOR DICKENS’ “OLD CURIOSITY SHOP”’ [NUMBER 52] 48 49 50 51 52 dd 54 BRITTEN (F. J.). over 800 illustrations. Third Edition, much enlarged. BRITTON (JOHN). Numerous fine copperplates (a number slightly foxved). half calf (covers loose, rubbed). FIRST EDITION. Large Paper copy. BROADLEY (A. M.). nearly 250 illustrations, 24 in color. BROWN (PERCY). to A. D. 1750. Colored frontispiece, and numerous plates. (few nail holes in back). Old Clocks and Watches & their Makers. Thick 8vo, cloth. Napoleon in Caricature, 1795-1821. With London, 1911 The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 5 vols., 4to, London, 1807 With 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1911 Indian Painting under the Mughals: A. D. 1550 Ato, cloth Oxford, 1924 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY “PHIZ” BROWNE (H. K.). Twelve Original Drawings, by H. K. Browne. Sizes: From 5 inches by 4 inches, to 5 inches by 10 inches. in one volume, on cardboard and bound (rubbed). Comprising the following subjects: The Impatient Patient, I The Patient Patient, II The Invasion The Lych Gate—‘Walk in, Sir, Pray walk in.’ APPARENTLY AN UNPUB- ’ LISHED DRAWING FOR “THE OLD CURI- OSITY SHOP” Wondrous Yarns! Mounted half maroon morocco The Man who Quarrelled with the Town Pump Home, Sweet Home! Giving Each Other a Bit of Their Minds! The Valentine! Three Mediaeval Hunting-Scenes (without captions, one in oval) A CHARACTERISTIC SERIES OF DRAWINGS BY THE GREAT DICKENS ILLUSTRATOR. THE LARGER PART ARE MORE HIGHLY FINISHED THAN IS USUAL WITH THIS ARTIST’S WORK, AND DELICATELY COLORED. [SEE ILLUSTRATION PAGE 7] BRYAN’S DICTIONARY OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. New Edition, revised and enlarged under the supervision of George C. Williamson. Numerous illustrations. 5 vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco (slightly rubbed). London, 1903-5 BUCKINGHAM PALACE AND WINDSOR CASTLE COLLECTIONS. The Royal Collection of Paintings. Introduction and Descriptive Text by Lionel Cust. 100 fine gravures. Enclosed in two portfolios, large folio, cloth. London, 1905-6 8 5d 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Exhibition of a Collection of Silversmith’s Work of European Origin. Nwmerous plates. Folio, buckram, uncut (shaken, slightly rubbed). London: Printed for the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1901 With an Introduction by J. Starkie Gardner. Catalogue of a Collection of Objects of British Heraldic Art to the end of the Tudor Period. 26 plates. Ato, buckram, uncut. London: Printed for the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1916 Catalogue of a Collection of Early Drawings and Pictures of London. With some Contemporary Furniture. 48 reproductions. Ato, buckram, uncut. London: Privately Printed for the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1920 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Florentine Paintings before 1500. 39 plates. Ato, buckram, uncut. London: Printed for the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1920 —— Catalogue of a Collection of Drawings by John Robert Cozens. 40 fine gravures. Ato, cloth. London, 1922-3 One of a limited number of copies privately printed. BURTON (WILLIAM). Josiah Wedgwood and his Pottery. With 32 color and 72 black and white plates. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1922 Limited Edition. THE WALTERS COLLECTION BUSHELL (STEPHEN W.). Oriental Ceramic Art. Illustrated by Exampies from the Collection of W. T. Walters. With 116 plates in colors and hundreds of illustrations in monochrome. 10 parts, in 5 portfolios, large folio, cloth (corners rubbed). New York, 1897 One of 500 copies with the colored plates on Japan Vellum. The octavo volume of text is wanting, as usual. THE MOST ELABORATE WORK ON THE SUBJECT. VERY RARE. [ ] Chinese Porcelain. Sixteenth-Century Coloured Illustrations with Chinese MS. Text. By Hsiang Yuan-P’Ien. Translated and An- notated by Stephen W. Bushell. 83 colored plates. Ato, limp cloth, sewn, Chinese style. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908 VERY RARE. Printed on Oxford India paper. Description of Chinese Pottery and Porcelain. Being a Trans- lation of the T’ao Shuo. With Introduction, Notes, and a Biblio- graphy. 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1910 9 ron pea 2 I en nRGS WG EEE Tee | | i REDUCED FACSIMILES OF TWO COLORED CARICATURES BY ROWLANDSON [NUMBER 64] AN EXTENSIVE AND MOST EXTRAORDINARY COLLECTION OF ABOUT 5000 CARICATURES IN TWENTY-FIVE FOLIO VOLUMES INCLUDING ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK, PENCIL AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGS BY ROWLANDSON, CRUIKSHANK, ALKEN AND LEECH 64 CARICATURES. A collection of about 5,000 caricatures of a humorous and satirical character. Arranged in chronological order from 1736 to 1848. All mounted and bound in 25 folio albums, half olive green morocco. 1736-1848 This unique collection, humorously illustrating the history of the political and social life in Great Britain and the Continent of this eventful period, is made up of the greatest examples of the Old English Caricaturists. The following artists may be particularly mentioned: Rowlandson, Bunbury, Woodward, Gill- ray, Isaac and George Cruikshank, Newton, Alken, Deighton, Heath, Egerton, John Leech, Lane, and anonymous works published by the. Messrs. Fores, Humphreys, Doughty, Tegg, Holland, Ackermann, ete. Aside from the etched, engraved and lithograph examples (all finely colored and in excellent condition), there are numerous ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK, PENCIL AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGS by the above mentioned masters of this popular form of art. The following brief list must serve to call attention to some of the outstanding features of this extraordinary collection: DRAWINGS DRAWINGS Grace and Sentiment Would be Juvenile Doing the Amiable The Old Man’s Folly Agility and Elegance The Conclusion 10 DRAWINGS Ardour and Dignity Precision and Ease Two Ladies (Woodward) The Chelsea Pensioner (Woodward) A Question and Answer (Woodward) The Gentle Rebuke (Woodward) The Effects of Parting (Woodward) A Physical Progress of a Bank Note (Probably by Gillray) New Clothed Poets (Gillray) A Lilliputian Opera Dance Jack in Office The Army and Navy Forever (Could- ing) Political Impatience (Woodward) The Rat Catcher (Woodward) A series in pencil by R. Newton Story of the Little Parson and the Sailor (Newton) The Sailor and the Long-Backed Horse (Newton) Union Between England and Ireland (Probably by Gillray) Six Different Methods of Carrying a Stick. Pen-and-Ink Extravaganza Parties at Margate (Woodward) AMONG THE ETCHED AND OTHER ENGRAVED WORKS THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS ARE COVERED Political History: Satires on George III, Queen Charlotte, the Prince Regent, The Duke of York, Duke of Cumberland, William IV, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, Prince Edward (as an infant) and all the principal political leaders The Church: The Repeal of the Test Acts, The Protestant Association Catholic Emancipation, and_ the Faults and Foibles of the Clergy Ireland and the Act of the Union The French Revolution and _ other Political and Social Nuisances Napoleon and his campaigns in Italy, Egypt, Russia and his plans for the Invasion of England, the European and Peninsula campaigns Army, Navy and Volunteers Sport, including some fine examples of Alken in his humorous moods Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Eccentric Fashions Social Scandals and Customs All Alive at Lilliput (Woodward) An Advertisement for a Husband (Woodward) Go Along you Coaxing Rogue (G. ~ Cruikshank) The Boxer’s Coat of Arms, and the Dandie’s Coat of Arms (G. Cruik: shank DRAWINGS A Visit to My Uncle, and a Visit to my Aunt (G. Cruikshank) A Tailor in a High Wind (G. Cruik- shank) A Wonderful Deighton) A fine series of pen-and-ink character sketches (Presumably by Count )D’- Orsay) French Giant TR. RARE OLD MEZZOTINTS (Many finely colored) Keep within Compass (Bowles and Carver, 1765) Quack Doctor, (R. Purcell, 1766) The Pretty Maid (Dawe after H. Morland) Air and Water (Houston after Pyle) Modern Refinement The Blooming Peach The Cribbage Player The Power of Music and Beauty The Feathered Fair in a Fright The Fond Doves The True Hearted Englishman The Enraged Maccaroni The Invitation The Monastic Drone The Dutch Chymist The New Fashioned Phaeton The Fond Parent The Proposal A Lesson Westward, or a Morning Visit to Betsy Cole The Studious Fair (After H. Mor- land) The Fair Nun Unmasked (After H. Morland) The Amorous Buck (Gaugain) Beauty in Search of Knowledge The Toilet Corporal Cartouch Teaching Miss Camp-Love A Man of War Towing a Frigate inta Harbour The Farmer comes to Town The Wife of Bath (Gaugain, printed in colors) January and May (Gaugain, printed in colors) Paddy O’Blarney The Flowing Can Tippy Bob Favorite Chickens Going to Market The Miser Appointment and Dissappointment The Sailor The Knowing One Taken In The Old Man’s Wish Humming the Parson Beauty and Fashion She Will be a Soldier and He Won’t be a Soldier (Rowlandson) Air and Water (A pair by Houston) The Young Archer America, and Asia (McArdle) Many of the prints and drawings are unknown to bibliographers and many are in series and full sets, and the majority are brilliantly colored by hand. [SEE ILLUSTRATIONS] 11 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 CARTWRIGHT (JULIA). The Life and Art of Sandro Botticelli. Numerous illustrations. Ato, cloth, uncut. ,, London, 1904 CARVER (THOMAS JOHNSON). One Hundred & Fifty New De- signs. Consisting of Ceilings, Chimney Pieces, Slab, Glass & Picture Frames, Stands for China, &c. 56 engraved copperplates (some slight- ly foxed). Four parts in one vol., 4to, rough calf. London: Robert Sayer, 1761 VERY SCARCE. CASTELL (ROBERT). The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated. 13 plates, and vignettes. Royal folio, old calf (worn). London: Printed for the Author, 1728 LARGE PAPER. CESCINSKY (HERBERT). Chinese Furniture: A Series of Ex- amples from a Collection in France. With an Introduction. With 54 collotypes and 10 half-tones. 4to, cloth. London, 1922 The Old World House, its Furniture & Decoration. Numerous reproductions. 2 vols., small 4to, cloth, morocco backs. London, 1924 English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century. Illustrated from drawings by the author and from photographs. 3 vols., 4to, half blue morocco. New York, n.d. FINE COPY OF THIS VALUABLE OK. CESCINSKY (HERBERT) AND WEBSTER (MALCOLM R.). English Domestic Clecks. Illustrated from drawings and photographs by the authors. 4to, half morocco. London, 1913 CHAFFERS (WILLIAM). M:~ and Monograms on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelai. with Historical Notices of each Manu- factory. Seventh Edition, revised and considerably augmented. With upwards of 3000 potter’s marks and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut (shaken). London, 1886 CHANCELLOR (ALFRED ERNEST). Examples of Old Furniture, English and Foreign. Numerous reproductions. Folio, cloth. London, 1898 CHAP BOOKS. The Gentleman’s Valentine Cabinet; The Lady’s Valentine Museum; The Ladies’ New Valentine Writer: and other Valentine Writers. Each with a colored frontispiece. 7 pieces, in 1 vol., 8vo, half maroon morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in. London, n.d. AN ATTRACTIVE COLLECTION. The second chapbook is noteworthy since, on p.5, the verses in Hamlet’s letter to Ophelia are pressed into the service of lovelorn XVIIIth Century maidens. With the A. M. Broadley bookplate. CHATTERTON (E. KEBLE). Ship-Models. Nwmerous reproduc- tions, some in color. Ato, cloth. - London, 1923 One of 1000 copies. One of the most important works on the subject. 12 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 CHAUN CY (SIR HENRY). The Historical Antiquities of Hertford- shire. With ortrait, map and views. Folio, calf, blind tooled on back and side. (hinges cracked, title and portrait mounted, and a few leaves time discolored) . London, 1700 FIRST EDITION of this scarce work. Contains the three plates and the page of directions for placing the cuts, which are often lacking. One of 500 copies. CHINESE ART: an Introductory Review of Painting, Ceramics, Tex- tiles, Bronzes, Sculpture, Jade, etc. By Roger Fry, Laurence Binyon, Bernard Rackham, and others. Numerous reproductions, many in colors. Ato, cloth. London, [1925] Burlington Magazine Monographs. CLADEL (JUDITH). Rodin: The Man and his Art. N. Y., 1918; Greuze and his Models (Rivers). London, 1912; Emile Claus (Lemon- nier). Bruxelles, 1908; and others. Numerous illustrations. 7 vols., various sizes and bindings. [CLARET-FLEURIEN (C. P.).] Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769, to the South-East of New Guinea. 12 maps (slightly stained). Ato, calf (covers loose). London, 1791 CLAYTON (JOHN). A Collection of the Ancient Timber Edifices of England. 26 tinted lithographic views and plans. Imp. folio, half roan (slightly rubbed). . London, 1846 CLEAN COPY INTERNALLY. —— Another copy (rebacked and rubbed, few plates slightly foxed). CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). Writings. Portraits and illustrations on Japan vellum. 25 vols., 2 buckram, uncut. ‘uondon: Chatto & Windus, 1899-1907 AUTHOR’S EDITION DE LUXE, one of 620 copies, inscribed by the author in volume one: “S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain).” With the Edward Evans bookplate. CLOUSTON (K. WARREN). The Chippendale Period in English Furniture. With illustrations by the author. Ato, cloth, uncut. London, 1897 CLUTTERBUCK (ROBERT). The History and Antiquities of the City of Hertford. Illustrated with a folding map and 53 fine engraved plates of views and antiquities, including two in colors. 3 vols., folio, morocco, finely gilt tooled, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford. London, 1815-27 A SUPERB COPY, HANDSOMELY BOUND. The work is seldom found in such immacu- late condition, with wide margins, and the whole complement of plates. With the K. D. Hodgson bookplate. [COLLIER (JOHN).] The Passions, Humourously Delineated. Fvron- tispiece, portrait, and 25 plates (slightly foxed). Small 4to, boards and cloth, label on side, uncut (binding frayed, name on title). London, 1810 First EDITION. 13 WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY CRUIKSHANK AND ROWLANDSON 86 COLORED PLATES. Comments of Corpulency, Lineaments of Lean- 8 l are ness, Diet and Dietetics, by William Wadd. London, 1829; Letter on Corpulence, by William Banting. N.p., 1863; The Rational Cure of Obesity, by William Banting. London, 1902; and others. 8vo, inlaid to folio, and bound in four volumes, maroon morocco, gilt tooled. RICHLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED TO FOUR VOLUMES BY THE INSERTION OF OVER THREE HUNDRED RARE COLORED PLATES BY ROWLANDSON, HEATH, GILLRAY, WOODWARD, CRUIKSHANK, AND OTHERS; RARE MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS, HAND-BILLS, AND CLIPPINGS RELATING TO THE NOTORIOUSLY FAT AND LEAN, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF NOTED DIETICIANS, ETC., AND THE RARE AUTOGRAPH OF DANIEL LAMBERT, WHOSE WEIGHT, 739 LBS. IS THE GREATEST OF WHICH THERE IS AUTHENTIC RECORD, RECIPES, DIET LISTS, ETC., ETC. compiled by A. M. Broadley. AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY ROWLANDSON IS INSERTED AS A FRONTIS- PIECE. The drawing, 10% inches by 8 inches, shows Dr. Syntax -languidly extending a single finger to salute a diseased and corpulent gourmand, whose buxom serving-maid stands beside his chair, an admirable foil to the two cari- catured men. ALSO INSERTED IS AN ORIGINAL DRAWING BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, “THE UMBRELLA” (1820). 10% inches by 8 inches. From the Grego Collection. Among the colored plates and mezzotints are a great number of engraved por- traits of the fat and the lean, and their delineators, from Shakespeare, who disliked the latter, to Julius Caesar, who echoed his creator’s opinion; an original drawing by Lester Ward, A. L. s. by John Abernethy, Wm. Kitchener, Anthony Carlisle, William Banting, and others. Passing over many fine mezzotints, by McArdle, Miller, Turner, Bockman, Roth, and others, the following colored pilates are singled out for mention, as represent- ative of the others: GILLRAY: Charon’s Boat WoopwaArD: The Compliments of the Lullaby! Season Farmer Giles and his Wife shew- CRUIKSHANK: The Inconveniences of ing off their daughter Betty a Crowded Drawing Room : : ROWLANDSON: A Sleepy Congregation ane ae We in a Band-box Fast Day H mre oR la M The Last Drop EATH: 1812, or, Regency a la Mode . Pe i : . The Back Way English Exhibitions in Paris Nat i Contener A Bonnet Shop Wa pee the re t & The Comforts of Bath, 4 plates What a ‘Trent tia. Rise se BUNBURY: The Compliments of the Damn it, Sir, I wish you would Season blow your Nose [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Adiposity: Its Cures, Its Curiosities & Its Caricatures. Com- piled and Classified by F. J. Broadley & A. M. Broadley. A collection of about 500 colored plates, mezzotints, engravings, clippings, excerpts from magazines, handbills, etc. relating to corpulence. Inlaid to size, where necessary, and bound in two folio volumes, half red morocco. A VAST COLLECTION OF MATERIAL, HUMOROUS AND HISTORICAL, RESPECTING CORPU- LENCE, including many CURIOUS OLD MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS of Edward. Bright, Malden, Paul Butterbroat, Daniel Lambert, Miss Smith, and others. Among the colored plates, of which there are about 50, are THREE FINE PLATES BY ROWLANDSON: The Glutton, The Chairman’s Terror and the Pavior’s Joy, A Little Bigger; THREE FINE PLATES BY HEATH: The Deepot, Just Looking out for somthing (sic) to stay my stomach till dinner time, National Contrast; Two FINE PLATES BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK: France (The Great Nation) Driven by the North—into the South! !!, Bonnie Willie; together with a number of French colored caricatures, and other illustrative material. 14 y ee he perenne centre asenn tem Y! a st ical coreelaieneteie ore — \ BaP E 2 Ri { ss r i ; : : see a's, chk bee \ ii Fa “ 2: i Colt ee oy ] ‘ 6% “ * ~ a : are MS $ a; ; 25 pA4 em, ‘a ie: ff ea 9 REDUCED FACSIMILE OF AN ORIGINAL WATER COLOR DRAWING BY ROWLANDSON [NUMBER 86] 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 A History of the University of Cambridge, Its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. With 80 fine colored plates by Stadler, Havell, and others, after Westall, Mackenzie, Pugin, and other artists. 2 vols., atlas 4to, half crushed blue levant morocco, gilt tooled, uncut. London: R. Ackermann, 1815 A SUPERB LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, WITH CLEAN AND BRILLIANT IMRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. The Portraits of the Founders are wanting, as is often the case, a large part of the edition having been issued without them. Six Coloured Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. With 18 fine colored plates by Pyall after T. T. Bury. Ato, original wrappers (slight tears repaired), uncut, enclosed in cloth slip-case. London: R. Ackermann, 1831 THE RARE FIRST EDITION, with the full number of plates, and the first issue of the title. The work, as originally projected, was to contain seven plates. Later a second part, containing six additional plates, was issued, and a cancel-title substituted for the original. The publisher’s imprint on each of the plates in the present copy is dated 1831. The Songsters Jewel for the Year 1821; Mother Bunch’s En- tertaining Fairy Tales; The Dreamer’s Sure Guide; The Lover’s Com- panion, or, Valentines for Trades; and others. Hach volume embel- lished with a colored folding frontispiece. 8 pieces, wrappers, uncut. London, n.d. A SCARCE AND INTERESTING COLLECTION of these ephemeral works. COLVIN (SIDNEY). Early Engraving & Engravers in England (1545-1695). A Critical and Historical Essay, by Sidney Colvin. With 41 facsimiles in photogravure and many illustrations in the text. Royal folio, half morocco, uncut (slightly rubbed). London, 1905 A magnificent work, printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. CONWAY (SIR MARTIN). The Van Eycks and their Followers. Numerous illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1921 COX (DAVID). A Treatise on Landscape Painting in Water Colours. With a Foreword by A. L. Baldry. Numerous plates in colors and monochrome. Imp. 8vo, vellum, uncut. London, 1922 One of 250 copies. COXE (PETER). The Social Day: A Poem. With 32 fine plates engraved after Stothard and others. Royal 8vo, brown morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges (rubbed). London, 1823 First EDITION. LARGE PAPER COPY, WITH THE PLATES ON INDIA PAPER. Warren’s engraving, known as “The Broken Jar,” facing p. 288, is the first engraving on steel. CRIPPS (WILFRED JOSEPH). Old English Plate (back torn), London, 1902; Sheffield Plate (Wyllie), London, n.d.; Old Pewter (Bell), London, n.d. All illustrated. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. — 16 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ORIGINAL SKETCH-BOOK OF CRUIKSHANK’S CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). A Sketch-Book with 106 pages filled with pencil drawings by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half leather (worn). [Circa 1827-35] A CHOICE AND VERY DESIRABLE BOOK, CONTAINING SKETCHES OF LANDSCAPES, HOUSES, STUDIES OF HUMAN FIGURES, HEADS, ARMS, AND HANDS, SKETCHES OF IMPS AND FAIRIES, AND BEINGS WHICH ARE NEITHER—BUT PURE CREATURES OF THEIR CREATOR’S RIOTOUS FANCY. THERE ARE THREE SKETCHES FOR HIS ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE “PENTAMERONE,” FULL-PAGE STUDIES, WITH PENCILLED INDICATIONS OF THE STORIES TO WHICH THEY BELONG. T’'WO PAGES OF SKETCHES ARE CAPTIONED “EH, SIRS!—ScoTtT’s WAVERLY,” AND APPEAR TO INDICATE THAT AT THIS TIME CRUIKSHANK INTENDED TO ILLUSTRATE THAT NOVEL. Two of the more finished studies of women’s heads are delicately colored, and tints have been washed in on several of the landscapes. MARGINAL NOTES, CAP- TIONS, AND EXPLANATIONS ARE FREQUENT THROUGHOUT THE VOLUME, AND SEVERAL PAGES BEAR THE ARTIST’S WELL-KNOWN SIGNATURE. THE BACK END-PAPER CARRIES AN EXCELLENT SELF-PORTRAIT. One drawing is a study for ‘The Suicide of the Drunkard’s Daughter.” CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. Italian Tales. With 16 woodcuts by George Cruikshank. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut (rub- bed), uncut. London, 1824 FIRST EDITION. —— Mornings in Bow Street; [and] More Mornings in Bow Street. By J. Wight. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2 vols., 12mo, boards, cloth backs (Vol. I worn), uncut. London, 1825-7 First EpItion of Volume I. Sunday in London. London, 1833; The Greatest Plague in Life. Edited by the Brothers Mayhew. London, n.d. With illustra- tions by George Cruikshank. 2 vols., 12mo, boards and cloth (in rather poor condition). London, 1833; n.d. First EDITIONS. German Popular Stories, Translated from the Kinder und Hans Marchen, Collected by M. M. Grimm, from Oral Tradition. With 22 etchings by George Cruikshank. 2 vols., 12mo, polished calf, backs panelled and gilt tooled and inlaid with strips of red calf, sides with fillet borders, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, 1834 Minor Morals for Young People. By John Bowring. I[llus- trated by George Cruikshank and Heath. 3 vols., 12 mo, cloth. London: 1834-5-9 First EDITION. Songs, Naval and National, of the late Charles Dibdin. With 12 etchings by George Cruikshank. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1841 First EDITION. 17 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798: with Memoirs of the Union, and Emmett’s Insurrection in 1803. With etched plates by George Cruikshank, and portraits. 8vo, crushed green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1845 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. The World’s Show. 1851: or, The Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family. With woodcut and ten etchings by George Cruikshank. 8vo, calf, gilt tooled, uncut. Original wrappers bound in. London: David Bogue, [1851] The Life of Sir John Falstaff. By Robert B. Brough. 20 etched plates by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1858 First EDITION. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of George Cruikshank. With a List of Books illustrated by him. By George W. Reid. 3 vols., including the two volumes of plates. 3 vols., 4to, half morocco (loose in covers, name on titles, and other minor defects). London, 1871 One of 185 copies. ELABORATELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank, by Wm. M. Thackeray; Two Essays on the Genius of George Cruikshank, by John Wilson; An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank, by John Wilson. TJilustrated by 1035 etchings and woodcuts, many in colors, extracted from his most popular works. 4 vols., royal 4to, half brown morocco (rubbed). Nepsend: A SPLENDID WORK, comprising Thackeray’s Essay and the three by Wilson ex- tracted from Blackwood’s and the Westminster Review, the periodicals in which they appeared, and inlaid to size, WITH OVER A THOUSAND EXTRA-ILLUSTRATIONS, being Cruikshank’s designs for Bentley’s Miscellany, and Ainsworth’s Magazine, COMPLETE, together with over 800 Cruikshank plates extracted from others of his works, inlaid to size, REPRESENTING ALMOST EVERY IMPORTANT DESIGN DRAWN BY THE GREAT CARICATURIST. A LARGE NUMBER OF THE PLATES ARE IN COLORS, AND MANY ARE PROOFS IN VARIOUS STATES. Inlaid in one volume is a photograph of the artist and an autograph signature. ONE OF THE MOST EXTENSIVELY EXTRA- ILLUSTRATED WORKS RELATING TO CRUIKSHANK, THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED FOR SALE. Three Volumes of Reproductions of his Sketches; Hans of Ice- land, London, 1837; The Pentamerone, London, 1850; and 7 other volumes illustrated by him; and about 100 engravings by Cruikshank and others. An interesting collection. Some of the engravings are Proofs in various states. CRUIKSHANK (ISAAC ROBERT). Lessons of Thrift. Hngraved title and 12 colored plates by I. R. Cruikshank. 8vo, half calf, gilt tooled, uncut. London: T. Boys, 1820 FIRST EDITION. A CHOICE UNCUT COPY. 18 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Le 118 119 CURRENCY. Two Printed and Manuscript Documents. One signed by Thomas Clarke, Master of the Mint. London, Feb. and Oct., 1696. Dealing with the Confiscation of Plate to remedy the shortage caused by the widespread clipping of Money. Glazed and framed. CUSSANS (JOHN EDWIN). History of Hertfordshire. Profusely illustrated with portraits, colored and plain lithographs, and numerous text illustrations. 3 vols., folio, half red morocco, gilt backs, by Morrell. London, 1870-81 FINE COPY. CUST (LIONEL). Anthony Van Dyck. A Further Study. With 25 illustrations in color executed under the supervision of The Medici Society. Ato, vellum, uncut, with ties. London and New York, n.d. THE ARUNDEL LIBRARY OF GREAT MASTERS. One of 100 coppies, autographed by the publishers. DALZEL (ARCHIBALD). The History of Dahomy, an Inland King- dom of Africa. With folding map and numerous engraved plates. Ato, old calf (rubbed). London, 1793 First EDITION. Scarce. A fine copy internally. DARLY (M.). Comic-Prints of Characters, Caricatures, Macaronies, ete. 2 engraved titles and numerous caricatures on 225 plates, original impressions. (some margins slightly stained, two plates torn in folds). 2 vols., folio, old calf (worn). [London], 1776-9 Dedicated to David Garrick. DAWE (G.). The Life of George Morland, with Remarks on his Works. Portraits and two plates. 8vo, half red morocco (rubbed). London, 1807 SCARCE. DAY (LEWIS F.). Windows. A Book about Stained & Painted Glass. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1909 DELLA SETA (ALESSANDRO). Religion & Art. A Study in the Evolution of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture. 200 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n.d. DE RICCI (SEYMOUR). Louis XVI Furniture. Nwmerous reproduc- tions. 4to, buckram. London, n.d. DESHAIRS (LEON). Dijon: Architecture et Décoration aux Dix- Septiéme et Dix-Huitiéme Siécles. 120 plates, Folio, loose in half calf and board portfolio. Paris, n.d. 19 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 [DICKENS (CHARLES).] The Library of Fiction, or Family Story- Teller; consisting of Original Tales, Essays, and Sketches of Char- acter. With 14 full-page woodcuts. 2 vols., 8vo, crushed olive levant morocco, Jansen style, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Riviere (backs faded, sides slightly scraped). London: Chapman and Hall, 1836-7 First EDITION. Contains two early efforts of Dickens, ‘‘The Tuggses at Rams- gate,” with two illustrations by Robert Seymour, and “A Little Talk about Spring and the Sweeps,” with an illustration by R. W. Buss. Both sketches are signed “Boz.” SCARCE. — The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Portrait by Finden after Maclise, and 89 plates by H. K. Browne. 8vo, old calf (scraped). London, 1839 FIRST EDITION. American Notes for General Circulation. 2 vols., 12mo, half maroon morocco (rubbed). London, 1842 FIRST EDITION. FIRST ISSUE, with the faulty pagination in the preliminary pages of Vol. I. Christmas Numbers of ‘All the Year Round.” 9 numbers, bound in one volume, 8vo, half red morocco (slightly rubbed) . [London], 1859-67 FIRST EDITION of each work of Dickens’ contained in the 9 numbers as follows: “The Haunted House”; “A Message from the Sea”; “Somebody’s Luggage”; “Mrs. Lirriper’s Lodgings”; “Mrs. Lirriper’s Legacy”; “Dr. Marigold’s Prescription”; “Mugby Junction”; “No Thoroughfare’; “Tom Tiddler’s Garland.” The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. London, 1837; Another Copy; Martin Chuzzlewit. London, 1844; Bleak House. Lon- don, 1853; and others. Illustrations by H. K. Browne and others. 9 vols., 8vo and 12 mo, various bindings. FIRST EDITIONS. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney. 22 vols., including First Supplement, thick 8vo, cloth. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1908-9 FINE COPY OF THIS INDISPENSABLE WORK. The re-issue printed on thin paper. DOWNMAN (EDWARD ANDREWS). Blue Dash Chargers, and other early English Tin Enamel Circular Dishes. Numerous Illustra- tions. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1919 DU SARTEL (0.). La Porcelaine de Chine. 32 reproductions, mainly in color. Loose in portfolio (hinges torn, few leaves of text slightly foxed). Paris, 1881 EAST (SIR ALFRED). The Art of Landscape Painting in Oil Colour. With illustrations in color and monochrome. Ato, cloth. London, 1907 Presentation Copy from the author, inscribed: “To my friends Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hesketh Lever from Alfred East. The Bungalow, Augst. 21, 1910.” INSERTED IS AN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING, SIGNED, “A Souvenir of our Walk on Sun- day, Aug. 21st, 1910.” 20 a, me = 129 —— Brush and Pencil Notes in Landscape. With an Introduction 130 131 132 133 134 135 by Edwin Bale. 30 reproductions from water color sketches, and 29 from sketches in pencil. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1914 ELEGANT EXTRACTS. Vignette on titles, engraved by Heath, Romney, Smith and others. 18 vols., 18mo, red _ straight-grain morocco, richly gilt backs and sides, gilt edges. London, n.d. Comprising: Prose, 6 vols.; Poetry, 6 vols.; Epistles, 6 vols. ELIOT (GEORGE). A Collection of First EDITIONS of her Writings. 15 vols., 12 mo, half blue morocco (somewhat rubbed, a number of leaves slightly foxed). Edinburgh: Blackwood and Sons, 1859-76 Comprising: Adam Bede, 3 vols., 1859; The Mill on the Floss, 3 vols., 1860; Silas Marner, 1861; Middlemarch, 4 vols., 1871-2; Daniel Deronda, 4 vols., 1876. ELLWOOD (G. M.). English Furniture & Decoration, 1680-1800. Numerous reproductions. 4to, cloth. London, n.d. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. 382 vols., square 8vo, cloth. London, 1910-22 HANDY VOLUME ISSUE, on thin paper. Eleventh Edition; with volumes 30-32 of the Twelfth Edition. WITH SPLENDID EXAMPLES OF BARTOLOZZI ENGRAVED TICKETS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS of Musical and Dramatic Entertainments, Masquerade Balls, etc. About 175 pieces, mounted and bound in one volume, 4to, half vellum. [X VIIIth-XiXth Centuries] A FINE COLLECTION. OVER 30 OF THE CARDS, OR ABOUT ONE SIXTH OF THE WHOLE, WERE ENGRAVED BY BARTOLOZZI, AFTER CIPRIANI, SMIRKE, AND OTHERS. Bartolozzi’s large invitation to the Regatta Ball at Ranelagh in 1775, is present in three states, ONE BEING A PROOF OF THE ENGRAVING IN AN UNFINISHED STATE (i. e. before the completion of the mermaid’s hand), SAID TO BE UNIQUE. Many of the cards are representative of the engraving of Heath, Bunbury, Fittler, Sharp, and others. There is some fine autographic material inserted. INCLUDED IS AN ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING, SIGNED, BY SMIRKE, of a young’ girl and a cherub, designed as a ticket for the Ranelagh Ball, 1803. Size: 7% inches by 5% inches. With an engraving of the same by Raimbach. WITH AN ORIGINAL SKETCH BY BARTOLOZZI ENGRAVED TICKETS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS of National and Local Festivities, Social and Civic Events, etc. About 150 pieces, mounted and bound in one volume, 4to, half red morocco. [XVIIIth-XIXth Centuries] WITH AN ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING BY BARTOLOZZI, showing a woman of classic mien, seated and holding a shield inscribed: “‘Fracis Bartolozzt Esquire, Londini, 1774.” THIS FINE COLLECTION CONTAINS EIGHT OR TEN EXAMPLES OF BARTOLOZZI’S WORK, A SPLENDID SELF-PORTRAIT BY ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, and many cards designed or engraved by Skelton and other engravers, including A CARD DESIGNED BY GEORGE MoRLAND FOR AN EXHIBITION OF HIS OWN WORKS; A TICKET TO STRAWBERRY HILL, SIGNED BY HoRACE WALPOLE; ANOTHER TICKET, WITH A FINE IMPRESSION OF HIS SEAL; numerous tickets and invitations to Guild meetings; tickets to political meetings at the time of the Corn Law Agitation, etc., etc. 21 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ERSKINE (JOHN ELPHINSTONE). Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific. Map, tinted plates, and other illustra- tions. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut (corners chipped). London, 1853 EVANS (MARIA M.). Lustre Pottery. With 24 plates: 4to, cloth, uncut. London, n.d. EVERITT (GRAHAM). English Caricaturists and Graphic Hu- mourists of the Nineteenth Century. Numerous illustrations. Small Ato, half morocco, uncut (slightly rubbed). London, 1886 FISHER (JONATHAN). Scenery of Ireland Illustrated in a Series of Prints of Select Views, Castles and Abbies. 60 aquatints by Jonathan Fisher. With description of each view. Oblong folio, half mottled calf. London: J. Debrett for the Author, 1795 FIRST EDITION. RARE. FITCHETT (W. H.). How England saved Europe: the Story of the Great War (17938-1815). Illustrated. 4 vols., 12mo, half red calf, uncut. London, 1899 With the A. Harmsworth bookplate. FOLK LORE. Lean’s Collectanea. Collections of Vincent Stuckley Lean, of Proverbs (English and Foreign), Folk-Lore, and Supersti- tions, also Compilations towards Dictionaries of Proverbial Phrases and Words, old and disused. Illustrated. 4 vols. in five, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bristol, 1902-4 WITH FORE-EDGE PAINTING FORE-EDGE PAINTING. London. By Walter Besant. Jllustrated. 8vo, crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges (cover slightly scratched). London, 1892 FIRST EDITION. ON THE FORE-EDGE, UNDER THE GOLD, IS AN EXQUISITE WATER- COLOR PAINTING VIEW OF LONDON FROM WESTMINSTER BRIDGE, SIGNED IN THE CORNER WITH THE ARTIST’S CIPHER. A choice example of this work. FOSTER (J. E.) AND ATKINSON (T. D.). An Illustrated Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Plate, exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum, May 1895. Plates. 4to, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1896 One of 260 copies. FOSTER (J. J.).. French Art from Watteau to Prud’hon. Illustrated by a great number of fine photogravure plates, some in color, from pictures in the collections of His Majesty the King, and others. 3 vols., folio, half vellum, uncut (covers slightly soiled). London, 1905 EDITION DE LUXE, one of 175 copies, autographed by the author. A magnificent work, representing the finest achievements of the principal painters of the Eighteenth Century in France, with an introduction and some studies in the social history of the period by various authors. FOUQUIER (MARCEL). Del’Art des Jardins du XVe au XXe Siécle. Numerous plates. Royal 4to, wrappers, uncut (torn at joint). Paris, 1901 22 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 155 FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. Souvenir and Illustrated Review. Numerous reproductions. 2 vols., large 4to, cloth, not uniform, as issued. [London, 1908] FRANKAU (JULIA). John Raphael Smith: His Life and Works. With 30 gravures and 50 examples of stipple, mezzotints, paintings and drawings, printed in monochrome and colors. 2 vols., imp. folio and 8vo, white buckram. London, 1902 William Ward, James Ward: Their Lives and Works. With gravures and 40 engravings printed in monochrome and colors. 2 vols., imp. folio and 8vo, cloth. London, 1904 FRANTZ (HENRI). French Pottery and Porcelain, London, n.d.; Dutch Pottery and Porcelain (Knowles), London, n.d.; Old Pottery and Porcelain (Burgess), London, 1916; and others. All illustrated. 6 vols., 8vo and 12mo, cloth. FREE-MASONRY. Antiqvitatvm Ivdaicarvm, Libri IX. In quis, praeter Iudaeae, Hierosolymorum, & Templi Salomonis accuratam delineationem, praecipui sacri ac profani gentis ritus describuntur. Auctore Benedicto Aria Montano. With 13 (should be 16) folding engraved plates, including the map of the two hemispheres, the plans of Solomon’s temple, etc. 4to, vellum. Lvedvni Batavorvm: Plantiniana, 1593 RARE. — The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry. By Capt. George Smith. Symbolic vignette on title. &vo, contemporary tree-calf (hinges worn, two leaves preceding title wanting). London: Printed for the Author, 1785 SCARCE. Ahiman Rezon; or, a Help to all that are, or would be Free and Accepted Masons. By Lau. Dermott. Frontispiece. 8vo, half mot- tled calf. London: Printed for the Benefit of the General Charity, 1787 SCARCE. [J.] Browne’s Masonic Master-Key through the Three Degrees, by Way of Polyglot. 8vo, old calf, interleaved (worn). London, 1802 SCARCE. Jachin & Boaz; or, An Authentic Key to the Door of Free- Masonry. London, 1804; Another edition, London, 1822; Another edition, N.p., 1830. Symbolic frontispieces. 3 vols., 8vo and 16mo, various bindings. London, 1804-30 ScaRcE. Each with the A. M. Broadley bookplate. | A History of the Demolition and Rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple. By T. Thomas. 8vo, boards, calf back, uncut. London, 1815 ScARCE. A FINE UNCUT COPY. 23 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 The Antiquities of Free-Masonry. By George Oliver. folding maps. S8vo, half blue calf (scraped). London, 1823 FRENCH ENGRAVINGS. French Line Engravings of the late XVIII Century. 81 full-page plates. Ato, cloth, uncut. London, 1910 One of 1050 copies. FRITSCH (K. E. O.). Denkmaeler Deutscher Renaissance. 300 reproductions. 4 vols., royal folio, cloth, red straight-grain morocco back (slightly rubbed). Berlin, 1891 FURNISS (HARRY). Harry Furniss’s Royal Academy. “An Artistic Joke.” Numerous reproductions in gravure. Folio, cloth, uncut (stueco, loose as usual). London, 1888 First EDITION. One of 1000 copies signed by the artist. FURNITURE. Household Furniture in Genteel Taste for the Year 1763, by a Society of Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, &c. With 120 fine copperplate engravings. 8vo, ooze calf, blind tooled (title some- what soiled). London, [1763] FIRST EDITION, WITH THE 20 ADDITIONAL PLATES OF THE SECOND EDITION BOUND IN AT END, WITH THE SECOND TITLE-PAGE, MAKING 120 PLATES IN ALL. These fine engravings depict about 350 specimens of furniture in Chippendale and con- temporary styles. Complete Set of 29 fine engraved plates of furniture by Shearer, Hepplewhite, and others, from the London Cabinet Makers’ Book of Prices. Ato, half ooze calf. [London,] 1788-93 RARE. Little books about old furniture. By A. E. Reveirs-Hopkins and J. P. Blake. Colored and other reproductions. 4 vols., 12 mo, cloth. London, 1912-3 Comprising: Tudor to Stuart; Queen Anne; Chippendale; Sheraton. GAMLIN (HILDA). Emma, Lady Hamilton: An Old Story Retold. With numerous illustrations. Ato, cloth, uncut (shaken). Liverpool, 1891 GARDNER (J. STARKIE). Old Silver-Work, chiefly English, from the XVth to the XVIIIth Centuries. A Catalogue of the Unique Loan Collection exhibited in 1902 at St. James’s Court, London, in aid of the Children’s Hospital, Gt. Ormond Street. Numerous full-page plates. Folio, buckram, uncut (shaken). London, 1903 Supplemented by some further fine specimens from the collections of the Dukes of Devonshire and Rutland, Earl Cowper, and others. GARNER (THOMAS) AND STRATTON (ARTHUR). The Domestic Architecture in England during the Tudor Period. With 192 fine plates, delineating hundreds of examples. In three folio portfolios, large folio, boards reinforced in cloth. London, 1911 A splendid series of photographs and measured drawings accompanied by histor- ical and descriptive text. 24 166 167 168 169 170 ijl 172 173 174 175 GARNIER (EDOUARD). The Soft Porcelain of Sévres. With an Historical Introduction by Edouard Garnier. 50 colored plates rep- resenting 250 water-color subjects after the originals (few slightly scratched). Folio, half cloth and brocade, gilt edges (one side slightly torn, binding rubbed). London, 1892 GATTY (MRS. ALFRED). The Book of Sun-Dials. Now enlarged and re-edited by H. K. F. Eden and Eleanor Lloyd. Numerous il- lustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1900 GEORGE (ERNEST). Etchings of Old London. 20 etchings, each signed by the artist. In original board portfolio, folio (poor condi- tion). London: The Fine Art Society, 1884 Presentation inscription from Mr. George on title-page: “To Francis W. Bed- ford, wishing him a happy and prosperous career, March, 1890, from Ernest George.” Each of the above etchings are neatly matted and ready for framing. GERBIER (BALTHAZAR). The First and Second Part of Counsel and Advice to all Builders. 2 parts in one volume, 16mo, calf, with arms in gilt on sides (name on general title). London, 1664-5 With separate title to each part, dated 1665 and 1664, also a general title which is dated 1664. GLADSTONE (W. E.). Speeches on Great Questions of the Day. 12mo, cloth. London, 1870 First EDITION. Scarce, unmentioned by Sharp. GLAZIER (RICHARD). Historic Textile Fabrics. Numerous illustra- tions, 4 plates in color. 8vo, cloth. London, n.d. GONSE (LOUIS). L’Art Japonais. Profusely illustrated in color and black and white. 2 vols., 4to, silk cloth, uncut. Paris, 1883 Scarce. One of a limited edition on papier vélin. Fine copy. GORER (EDGAR) AND BLACKER (J. F.). Chinese Porcelain and Hard Stones. With 254 plates in color. 2 vols., thick 4to, white buckram, uncut (covers slightly soiled as usual). London, 1911 One of 1000 copies. A RARE AND VALUABLE WORK. GOSSE (EDMUND). British Portrait Painters and Engravers of the Eighteenth Century: Kneller to Reynolds. With an Introductory Essay and Biographical Notes. Frontispiece in colors, and numerous fine plates in monochrome. Royal 4to, wrappers, uncut. With extra series of plates in board case. London: Goupil, 1906 One of 100 copies on Japan Vellum, with a duplicate set of the plates. GOTCH (J. ALFRED). Architecture of the Renaissance in England; With Historical and Critical Text. 145 photographic plates, and 180 illustrations in the text. 2 vols., royal folio, half morocco (slightly rubbed). London, 1894 A valuable architectural work. 25 176 177 178 UWS) 180 181 182 GOWER (LORD RONALD §&.). Sir Thomas Lawrence. With a Cata- logue of the Artist’s Exhibited and Engraved Works, compiled by Algernon Graves. Numerous reproductions and a frontispiece in colors. Ato, half brown levant morocco, uncut. Paris: Goupil, 1900 GRANDIDIER (ERNEST). La Céramique Chinoise. Numerous helio- gravure plates by Dujardin. Ato, wrappers, uncut (back torn, loose in wrappers). Paris, 1894 GREAT BRITAIN. Nouveau Theatre de la Grand Bretagne: ou De- scription exacte des Palais du Roy, et des Maisons les plus conside- rables des Seigneurs & des Gentilshommes de la Grande Bretagne. With about 475 fine engraved plates, views, plans, maps, etc. 5 vols., royal folio, mottled calf, with series of maps in morocco backed port- folio. Together 6 vols. Londres: David Mortier, 1715-28 A SUPERB LARGE PAPER COPY OF THIS GREAT WORK, WITH BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE LONG SERIES OF PLATES, UNUSUALLY COMPLETE. Many extra plates have been inserted, and the rare series of views of the Royal Palace of Andlyene, by Winstanley, and the series of 38 County Maps, known as the “Atlas Anglois” (often wanting), are present. The fine plates are by John Kip, Badeslade, Bowles, and other artists. Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bretagne. With 358 fine en- graved maps, views and plans, many of which are large folding plates. 4 vols. in two, royal folio. London, 1724-8 A FINE COPY, with the scarce “Supplement” issued in 1728. GREENAWAY (KATE). Book of Games. With 24 full-page plates engraved and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. Small 4to, original cloth. London: George Routledge & Son, [1889] First EDITION. Fine copy. GROSE (FRANCIS). The Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols., 1791; The Antiquities of England and Wales, 8 vols., including the Supplemental volume, n.d.; The Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols., 1797; The History of Dover Castle, by W. Darell, included in this work is; A Provincial Glossary, by Francis Grose, 1797-1811; Military Antiquities respect- ing a History of the English Army from the Conquest to the Present Time, 2 vols., 1801. Profusely illustrated with fine engraved plates (some slightly foxed). 15 vols., 4to, russia. London, v.d. The Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons is included in the last work. GRUNER (LEWIS). Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches & Palaces in Italy during the Fifteenth & Sixteenth Centuries. With Descriptions. Colored title, and 54 fine plates, of which 48 are finely colored by hand. Enclosed in 8 cloth portfolios, imp. folio. N.p., n.d. ONE OF A VERY FEW COPIES COLORED IN THIS HIGHLY FINISHED MANNER, THE ORDINARY EDITION HAVING BUT NINE COLORED PLATES, AND THE DE LUXE COPIES, OF WHICH NOT MORE THAN TWENTY WERE ISSUED, HAVING BUT THIRTY-FIVE PLATES COLORED. The last two plates “Keys for Colouring the Plates,” are not present, having, presumably, been removed as superfluous by the colorist, since the six remaining plates are repugnant to further embellishment. 26 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 GUICHARD (E.) AND DARCEL (A.). Les Tapisseries Décoratives du Garde-Meuble (Mobilier National) : Choix des plus beaux Motifs par Ed. Guichard. Texte par Alfred Darcel. 100 superb reproduc- tions. 2 vols., large folio, tree calf, with fine gilt ornament on sides. Paris, n.d. A RARE AND VALUABLE WORK. GURLITT (CORNELIUS). Die Baukunst Spaniens dargestellt in ihren Hervorragendsten Werken. Numerous reproductions by Max Junghandel. 2 vols., royal folio, half morocco (slightly rubbed). Dresden, n.d. HAGHE (L.). Portfolio of Sketches; Belgium-Germany. 27 colored reproductions (some foxed), mounted on cardboard, enclosed in port- folio, imp. folio, cloth, roan back (slightly torn). London, 1850 HAMERTON (PHILIP G.). Man in Art: Studies in Religious and Historical Art, Portrait, and Genre. With numerous etched and en- graved plates, mezzotints, etc. Folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 First EDITION. HARDY (W. J.). The Handwriting of the Kings & Queens of England. Numerous facsimiles. Ato, cloth, gilt edges. [London], 1893 HARTSHORNE (ALBERT). Old English Glasses. An Account of Glass Drinking Vessels in England from early times to the end of the Highteenth Century. Numerous illustrations, some in color. Folio, half vellum, uncut (slightly rubbed, shaken). London, 1897 A magniucent work on the art of glass-making in Egypt, Greece, Holland, Germany, etc. HASLEM (JOHN). The Old Derby China Factory: with Workmen and their Productions. Colored reproductions. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 HAVELL COLORED PLATES. A Series of Picturesque Views of Noblemen’s & Gentlemen’s Seats. Engraved title in colors, with views in compartments, and 20 colored aquatints by Havell. Folio, half red morocco (rubbed). London: R. Havell, 1814-23 First EDITION. Fine copy with brilliant impressions of the plates. HAYDEN (ARTHUR). Royal Copenhagen Porcelain, its History and Development from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Time. Numerous plates, few in color. 4to, cloth (writing on fly-leaf). London, 1911 Spode & his Successors. A History of the Pottery Stoke-on- Trent, 1765-1865. With 24 colored plates, and 64 pages of illustra- tions in black and white. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. London, n.d. HEATH ILLUSTRATIONS. Glasgow [Northern] Looking Glass. Vol. I, Nos. 1-17. New Series, Vol. I, Nos. 1-2. Hundreds of carica- tures by William Heath. Folio, half leather (worn). [Glasgow, 1825-6] 27 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 HEATON (JOHN ALDAM). Furniture and Decoration in England during the Eighteenth Century. Edited by John Aldam Heaton. 200 full-page plates, containing numerous examples. 4 vols., imp. folio, cloth. London, 1890-2 Fine copy of one of the most important modern works on English furniture, consists of reproductions of the choicest examples from the works of Chippendale, Adam, Richardson, Heppelwhite, Sheraton, Pergolesi, and other celebrated artists and craftsmen. HELM (W. H.). Vigée-Lebrun, 1755-1842. Her Life, Works, and Friendships. Numerous reproductions. Ato, cloth. London, n.d. With a Catalogue Raisonné of the artist’s pictures at end of work. HERDMAN (WILLIAM). Views of Modern Liverpool. 37 full-page plates in chromo-lithography by James Orr Marples and the artist (some margins somewhat foxed). With an Introduction and De- scriptive letter-press, by J. A. Picton. Folio, half morocco (rubbed, some margins of text foxed). Liverpool, 1864 HERKOMER (SIR HUBERT VON). The Herkomers. Illustrations. 4to, cloth, uncut (covers slightly soiled). London, 1910 HETHERINGTON (A. L.). The Early Ceramic Wares of China. With 100 illustrations, of which 12 are in color. 4to, buckram, uncut. London, 1922 SCARCE. HIND (C. LEWIS). Turner’s Golden Visions. With 50 of the paint- ings and drawings of Turner reproduced in color. Small 4to, vellum, uncut. London, n.d. HISSEY (JAMES J.). An Old-Fashioned Journey through England and Wales. London, 1884; A Drive through England. London, 1885; A Holiday on the Road. London, 1887; A Tour in a Phaeton. Lon- don, 1889; Across England in a Dog-Cart. London, 1891. Illustrated. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, one vol. half leather (worn). London, 1884-91 FIRST EDITIONS. HOBSON (R. L.). Worcester Porcelain. Jllustrated by 92 collotypes and 17 chromo-lithographs. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1910 A description of the ware from the Wall Period to the present day. Chinese Pottery and Porcelain. An Account of the Potter’s Art in China from Primitive Times to the Present Day. With 40 colored plates and 96 in black and white. 2 vols., small 4to, cloth. London, 1915 LONG OUT OF PRINT AND VERY RARE. HODGSON (MRS. WILLOUGHBY). Old English China. With 16 colored plates by Mrs. Dudley Forsyth, Miss Janet Leveson-Gower, and the Arts Co., Derby, and 64 illustrations from photographs. Ato, cloth, uncut. London, 1913 28 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 HOLBEIN (HANS). Ocuvre de Jean Holbein, or, Recueil de Gravures . accompagnés d’Explications Historiques et Critiques et de la Vie de ce Fameux Peintre, par Chrétien de Mechel. Parts I-IV, complete. A series of 46 engraved plates. Folio, boards, leather back (rubbed). Basle, 1780-94 RARE. The two plates in outline and aquatint of the family of Thomas More are wanting as usual. HOLLAND (JAMES). A Collection of 26 Original Water-color Draw- ings. Size: 914 inches by 1314 inches, to 7 inches by 4 inches. Mounted and enclosed in portfolio, oblong folio, half green morocco. - [Circa, 1860-70} A FINE COLLECTION of landscape and figure subjects; eleven are finished in detail. HOOD (THOMAS). Humorous Poems. With a Preface by Alfred Ainger. 130 illustrations by Charles E. Brock. Royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1893 First EDITION with these illustrations. One of 250 copies on Large Paper. HOWARD (FRANCIS). An Illustrated Catalogue of the Second National Loan Exhibition: 1913-1914. Woman and Child in Art. With Preface by Robert Ross. Many fine plates. 4to, white buckram, uncut. London, 1914 HOWARD (F. E.) AND CROSSLEY (F. H.). English Church Wood- work. A Study in Craftsmanship during the Mediaeval Period, A.D. 1250-1550. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n.d. HOWARD (MONTAGUE). Old London Silver, its History, its Makers and its Marks. With 200 illustrations, and over 4000 facsimiles of maker’s and hall-marks. 4to, morocco, uncut (rubbed, back partly loose) . New York, 1903 HUEFFER (FORD M.). Ford Madox Brown: A Record of his Life and Work. Numerous reproductions. 8vo, cloth. London, 1896 HUMPHRIES (SYDNEY). Oriental Carpets, Runners and Rugs, and some Jacquard Reproductions. Numerous plates, some in color. Imp. 8vo, cloth (covers slightly soiled). London, 1910 HUNTER (GEORGE LELAND). Italian Furniture and Interiors. 200 plates. 2 vols. in one, Thick 4to, buckram, uncut. New York, n.d. 29 gQ SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY TWENTY-THIRD, AT 2:30 213 214 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 213-398 ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. A Collection of Books illustrated by Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, John Leech, and others. 24 vols., various sizes and bindings. JACKSON (CHARLES JAMES). English Goldsmiths and their Marks. With over 11,000 marks. Thick imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1905 215 —— Another copy (shaken). 216 217 218 219 220 221 An Illustrated History of English Plate, Ecclesiastical and Secular, in which the Development of Form and Decoration in the Silver and Gold Work of the British Isles, from the earliest known examples to the latest of the Georgian period, is delineated and described. 77 fine full-page plates and 1,500 other illustrations. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco (outer edge of one cover slightly damaged by nail. London, 1911 The most comprehensive and masterly treatise on Antique Silver which has yet appeared. Owing to the unusually large number of illustrations and the very full descriptions of the pieces noted, down to the most minute details of form and decoration, the work is indispensable to students and advanced collectors of American as well as English Silver. JACKSON (MRS. F. NEVILL). Toys of Other Days. Numerous illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1908 JAPANESE DRAWINGS. A Collection of about 70 Colored Repro- ductions of Japanese Drawings. Bound in two volumes, oblong 8vo, silk, Japanese Style. [Circa 1900] JEKYLL (GERTRUDE). Garden Ornament. Numerous plates. Folio, Cloth. London, 1918 JERROLD (DOUGLAS). A Man Made of Money. With 12 illustra- tions on steel, by John Leech (few plates slightly foxed). 12mo, half green calf (slightly rubbed). London, 1849 FIRST EDITION. JESSEN (DR. PETER). Rococo Engravings. Two hundred plates of the Eighteenth Century selected by Dr. Peter Jessen, and reproduced in collotype. Ato, cloth. London, 1922 One of 250 copies. 51 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 JEST BOOK. Polly Peachum’s Jests. London: J. Roberts, 1728; The Life of Lavinia Beswick, alias Fenton, alias Polly Peachum. London: A. Moore, 1728. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, sprinkled calf, gilt tooled (some marginal repairs). London, 1728 RaRE. Lavinia Fenton, afterwards the Duchess of Bolton, one of the most famous of XVIIIth Century ‘actresses, created the role of Polly Peachum in Gay’s “Beggar’s Opera,” at which time the present pamphlets were published. With the A. M. Broadley bookplate. The Town and Country Nut-Cracker, or Jack Sharp’s Jests. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, half red morocco (piece torn from lower margin of title, effacing part of imprint and the date). London, [1780] Peter Cunningham’s New Jest Book; or, Modern High Life Below Stairs. Frontispiece. 16mo, half red morocco. London, [1781] —- The Festival of Mirth for 1802; consisting of Interesting, Moral, and Amusing Stories. 12mo, half olive morocco, gilt edges, by Tout. London, 1802 The Wit of the Day. London, 1784; The Entertaining Medley. London, 1767; Life of Richard Morris, Dick Spot the Conjuror. London, n.d.; and others. Illustrated, some in colors. 14 vols., various sizes and bindings. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] Parliamentary Logick. By William Gerard Hamilton. With an Appendix, containing Considerations on the Corn Laws, by Samuel Johnson, never before printed. Portrait. 8vo, boards, roan back, uncut (corners worn). London, 1808 KEATS (JOHN). The Keats Letters, Papers, and other Relics form- ing the Dilke Bequest in the Hampstead Public Library, reproduced in fifty-eight collotype facsimiles. Edited with full transcriptions and Notes and an account of the portraits of Keats with fourteen reproductions, by George C. Williamson. With Foreword by Theodore Watts-Dunton and an Introduction by H. Buxton Forman. Folio, boards, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1914 One of 320 copies. KENDRICK (A. F.). English Embroidery, London, n.d.; The Time- piece of Shadows: A History of the Sun Dial (Spackman), N. Y., 1895; Interior Decoration (Parsons), N. Y., n.d.; and others. All illustrated. 5 vols., 8vo and 12mo, cloth. KIDSON (JOSEPH R. AND FRANK). Historical Notices of the Leeds Old Pottery, with a description of its Wares. Portrait (slightly foxed), and plates. Ato, cloth, uncut. Leeds, 1892 One of 250 copies on Dutch hand-made paper. KONODY (PAUL G.) AND BROCKWELL (MAURICE W.). The Louvre. 50 colored reproductions. Thick imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1910 32 232 234 235 236 237 238 KONODY (PAUL G., AND OTHERS). The National Gallery. Edited by T. Leman Hare. 100 plates in color. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1909 [LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE).] A Complete Set of the 276 En- gravings by Le Mire, Moitté, Lempereur, and others, after Oudry, for La Fontaine’s “Fables.’’ Bound in one volume, folio, half brown morocco, uncut (rubbed). [Paris, 1755-9] A cca SET OF THESE FAMOUS ILLUSTRATIONS, EXECUTED FOR THE PARIS EDITION OF oes LAKING (GUY FRANCIS). The Furniture of Windsor Castle. With numerous fine reproductions on India paper. Thick 4to, cloth, pigskin back, uncut. London, 1905 A FINE WORK treating upon English and Continental furniture, tapestry hangings of the English, French and Flemish looming, ete. pin J eh LARWOOD (JACOB) AND HOTTEN (JOHN CAMDEN). The His- tory of Signboards, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Colored frontispiece (torn at plate mark), and numerous illustrations by J. Larwood. Small 4to, half roan, uncut (worn at edges, shaken). London, 1867 LAWRENCE (H. W. L.) AND DIGHTON (B. L.) French Line Engravings of the late XVIII Century. 81 full-page plates. Ato, vellum, uncut. London, 1910 One of 151 copies. LE CLERC (SEBASTIEN). A Treatise of Architecture. With 180 fine copper-plate engravings and portrait by John Sturt. 8vo, old calf (rebacked). [London]; Richard Ware, [circa 1730] Rare. A note on the fly-leaf states that to complete this copy it was necessary to break up six copies, and that Plate No. 79 was never issued. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY LEECH LEECH (JOHN). A Collection of 28 Original Drawings, one in colors, the remainder in pencil. Neatly laid down on cardboard, and bound in one volume, oblong 8vo, green morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, with brass clasp. A COLLECTION OF VERY SPIRITED AND CHARACTERISTIC SKETCHES, formed by the sisters of John Leech and presented by them to their kinsman, George Evans. THE FINISHED LITTLE WATER-COLOR represents a horseman in mid-air, taking a ditch. Size: 1% inches by 3 inches. On the back is pasted a slip with the following information: “These rough sketches on address cards were given to me by... John Leech... when he was 15 years of age ... George Maciwain.” The other drawings which have been identified are: An Initial E for “Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour,” p. 37 Mr. Sponge’s Turnout in Damp Weather, for “Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour”, p. 26 . What’s the matter with Tommy, for “Life and Character,” 1st Series, p. 63 Every Little Helps, for “Life and Character,” 1st Series, p. 19 IN ADDITION TO THESE, THERE ARE TWENTY-THREE SPIRITED LITTLE SKETCHES, UNIDENTIFIED. None of the drawings are more than 38 inches by 6 inches in size, and all are executed on thin tracing paper. THE COLLECTION IS SPLENDIDLY TYPICAL OF THE ARTIST’S SWIFT SKILL, AND HIS DELICATE RAILLERY. 33 239 240 241 242 245 246 247 248 249 LEECH ILLUSTRATIONS. The Comic English Grammar. [By P. Leigh.] With nearly 50 illustrations by John Leech. 8vo, original cloth (shaken, name on title). London, 1840 First EDITION. Portraits of Children of the Nobility. With Memoirs and Characteristic Sketches by the author of “The Comic English Gram- mar” ete. [Percival Leigh.] 8 plates, drawn from nature by J. Leech. Ato, cloth (back and corners worn). London, 1841 FIRST EDITION. Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. [By Robert 8. Surtees.] With 18 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by John Leech. 8vo, calf, gilt tooled, uncut, with the original wrappers bound in (slightly rubbed). London: Bradbury and Evans, 18538 FirsT EDITION, bound up from the original parts with the wrappers preserved. A Little Tour in Ireland. By an Oxonian [Richard S. Hole]. With illustrations and a folding frontispiece in colors by John Leech. Square 12mo, half calf, uncut (rubbed, fold in frontispiece reinforced) . London, 1859 FIRST EDITION. Scarce. LENYGON (FRANCIS). The Decoration and Furniture of English Mansions during the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Centuries. Numerous reproductions. Royal 4to, cloth. London, 1909 Decoration in England, from 1660 to 1770. Numerous plates. Ato, cloth, uncut. London, n.d. Furniture in England, from 1660 to 1760. Colored frontispiece, and numerous reproductions. Folio, cloth. London, n.d. LEVER (CHARLES). Our Mess. 38 vols., Dublin, 1843; The Daltons. 2 vols., London, 1852; both FIRST EDITIONS; and other editions of Lever’s Novels. Illustrated by H. K. Browne. 17 vols., 8vo and 12mo, cloth and half leather (some bindings in poor condition). London and Dublin, v.d. LEWIS (G. GRIFFIN). The Practical Book of Oriental Rugs. Numerous plates, some in color. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia and London, 1911 LEWIS (J. SYDNEY). Old Glass and how to Collect It. Illustrated. Small 4to, half vellum and boards, uncut. London, n.d. LIBRARY OF ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE. Numerous por- traits and other illustrations. 58 vols., 16mo, green calf (some bind- ings slightly rubbed). London, v.d. Comprising: British Artists (Cunningham), 6 vols., 1830; Napoleon’s Expedition to Russia (Segur), 2 vols., 1836; Sketch- Book (Irving), 2 vols., 1834; History of the Jews, 3 vols., 1830; Life and Times of Washington (Edmonds), 2 vols., 1838; and others. 34 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 LIECHTENSTEIN (PRINCESS MARIE). Holland House. With numerous illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco. London, 1874 FIRST EDITION. LISTER (REGINALD). Jean Goujon, his Life and Work. With an Introduction by S. Arthur Strong. Reproductions. 4Ato, boards, cloth back, uncut. London, 1903 One of 250 copies on antique paper. LITCHFIELD (FREDERICK). Illustrated History of Furniture: From the Earliest to the Present Time. With numerous illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1892 [LOCKHART (J. G.).] Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Engraved titles and frontispieces (foxed). 10 vols., 16mo, calf (rubbed). London, 1839 LOCKWOOD (LUKE VINCENT). Colonial Furniture in America. Numerous reproductions. Ato, buckram, uncut. New York, 1901 First EDITION. — Another and enlarged edition, in 2 volumes. London, n.d. LOFTIE (W. J.). The Inns of Court and Chancery. With many illus- trations by Herbert Railton, some on China paper. Folio, cloth, vellum back, uncut (labels defective). London, 1893 One of 100 copies on Large Paper. LOMAX (CHARLES J.). Quaint Old English Pottery. With a Preface by M. L. Solon. Numerous plates, and illustrations, few in color. Imp. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1909 LONDON. Photographic Relics of Old London, printed in Carbon, by Henry Dixon. 120 plates, mounted on cardboard, with letter-press, in 3 vols., folio, half red morocco, gilt edges (rubbed, hinges weak). [London, 1875-86 ] LONGMAN (E. D.) AND LOCH (S.). Pins and Pincushions. 43 plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1911 LYON (IRVING WHITALL). The Colonial Furniture of New Eng- land, a Study of the Domestic Furniture in use in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Numerous reproductions. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston and New York, 1892 SCARCE. MACGIBBON (DAVID) AND ROSS (THOMAS). The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland, from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century. Numerous illustrations. 5 vols., royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. Edinburgh, 1887-92 35 262 263 264 265 266 MACKENZIE (SIR JAMES D.). The Castles of England, their Story and Structure. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1897 MACQUOID (PERCY). A History of English Furniture. Numerous reproductions, many in color. 20 parts, folio, wrappers, uncut (some wrappers damaged, several leaves of the last two parts defective). London, 1904-8 Four Hundred Years of Children’s Costumes, from the Great Masters, 1400-1800. Numerous colored plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. London: The Medici Society, n.d. MALET (CAPTAIN). Annals of the Road; or, Notes on Mail and Stage Coaching in Great Britain. 10. colored plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1876 FIRST EDITION. MALLET (W. E.). An Introduction to Old English Furniture. IJllus- trations by H. M. Brock. Imp. 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, n.d. 267 —— Another copy. 268 269 270 271 272 2738 MALTON (JAMES). A Picturesque and Descriptive View of the City of Dublin. Large folding map of Dublin, dated 1797, and 25 fine en- graved views, etc. (few slightly foxed). Oblong folio, half morocco. London, [1797] Scarce. The list of plates call for the date, 1791 on the map of Dublin, but evidently this is a mistake, as in all probability this list was published in all editions subsequently to the first edition of 1791. With the slip of Errata. MANUSCRIPT. Manuscript Offices of the Church. Beautifully written in black and red upon 205 sheets of uterine vellum, with hun- dreds of very fine initials engrossed and delicately ornamented in red, blue and lavender, and about a dozen initials exquisitely illuminated in colors and gold. 12mo, red morocco, richly blind-tooled, gilt edges (hinge cracked, f.188 wanting). [French, circa 1475] A CHOICE MANUSCRIPT OF VERY EXQUISITE WORKMANSHIP. MARTIN (CAMILLE). L’Art Roman en France |’Architecture et la Decoration. 80 photographic reproductions. 5 parts, folio, wrappers (backs torn), enclosed in portfolio, boards, cloth back. Paris, n.d. MASKEL (ALFRED). Ivories. Numerous reproductions. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n.d. McCLURE (ABBOT) AND EBERLEIN (HAROLD DONALD). The Practical Book of Early American Arts and Crafts. Numerous illus- trations. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1916 McKAY (WILLIAM) AND ROBERTS (W.). John Hoppner. Colored frontispiece, and numerous fine reproductions. Royal 4to, buckram, uncut. London, 1909 Fine copy of this standard account of the great English painter. 36 274 275 276 rags 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 McPHERSON (DUNCAN). Antiquities of Kertch, and Researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus. Maps, colored lithographs, etc. 4to, cloth, gilt edges (slightly rubbed). London, 1857 MICHEL (EMILE). Great Masters of Landscape Painting. With 40 plates in gravure and many other illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1910 MIGEON (GASTON). L’Exposition Retrospective de l’Art Décoratif Francais. Introduction par Emile Molinier. Numerous fine plates in monochrome and colors. 2 copies. 10 parts, folio, wrappers, in two portfolios, (sold as is). Paris: Goupil, n.d. MILLAIS (JOHN G.). Game Birds and Shooting-Sketches; Illus- trating the Habits, Modes of Capture, Stages of Plumage, and the Hybrids and Varieties which occur amongst them. Numerous plates in color and monochrome, with text-illustrations. Folio, half red morocco (corners rubbed). London, 1892 First EDITION. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. About 400 volumes and pieces. An unusually fine lot. MODERN ART. 4 vols., London, n.d.; Allies in Art, 2 vols., London, 1917; and other publications of Colour, Ltd. Numerous colored re- productions. 8 vols., 4to, cloth and boards. London, v.d. MONKHOUSE (COSMO). A History and Description of Chinese Porcelain. With 24 plates in colors and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1901 VERY SCARCE. MONTHOLON (COUNT). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. Facsimile. 4 vols., 8vo, dark blue morocco, backs panelled and gilt tooled with Napoleonic emblems, gilt edges. | London, 1846-7 With the Alfred Harmsworth bookplate. MOORE (THOMAS). Irish Melodies. Illustrated by Daniel Maclise. 4to, cream calf, gilt tooled, gilt and gauffered edges (rubbed). London, 1851 MORE (SIR THOMAS). Utopia: Written in Latine...and Translated into Englyshe by Ralph Robynson. With copious Notes and a Bio- graphical and Literary Introduction by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Por- trait and illustrations. Thick imp. 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut (covers slightly soiled, worn at edges, label wanting). Boston, 1878 LARGE PAPER. One of 10 copies on Whatman paper. MORLEY (JOHN). Critical Miscellanies. Both Series, 1871-7; Vol- taire, 1872; Rousseau, 2 vols., 1873; Diderot and the Encyclopaedists, 2 vols., 1878. 7 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1871-8 First EDITIONS. 37 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 5 MORRIS (BEVERLEY R.). British Game Birds and Wildfowl. 60 colored plates (slight tear in one margin, few small stains). Ato, half red morocco, gilt edges (slightly rubbed, writing on fly-leaf). London, 1855 MOTLEY (JOHN LOTHROP). History of the United Netherlands. 4 vols., London, 1867; The Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols., Lon- don, 1869. Maps and illustrations. 7 vols., 8vo, autumn-leaf calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges. London, 1867-9 FINE SET. The latter work is a Presentation Copy from the author, inscribed on fly-leaf: “Benjamin Moran, Esq., Sec. of the U. S. Legation, with the sincere regard of the author. 1 March/T3.” MULLINER (H. H.). The Decorative Arts in England, 1660-1780. Numerous reproductions. Ato, boards, vellum back. London, n.d. MUMFORD (JOHN KIMBERLY). The Yerkes Collection of Oriental Carpets. With critical text by John Kimberley Mumford. 27 re- productions in color. Unbound, in silk portfolio, folio. London, 1910 LIMITED DE LUXE EDITION. NANCE (R. MORTON). Sailing-Ship Models: a Selection from European and American Collections, with Introductory Text. 4to, cloth. London, 1924 LIMITED EDITION. A valuable and important work for the collector. NASH (JOSEPH). The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. Series I-IV. Numerous lithographic plates. 4 vols., large folio, half brown morocco. [London, 1839-49] Views of the Interior and Exterior of Windsor Castle. 26 litho- graphic plates. Large folio, cloth, leather back (stucco, loose as usual, back scraped). London, 1852 NEVILL (RALPH). Old Sporting Prints. 1908; British Military Prints. 1909. Both illustrated with numerous reproductions, many in color. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1908-9 Old English Sporting Prints and their History. Numerous plates, some in color. 4to, buckram. London, 1923 LIMITED EDITION. NICHOLS (JOHN). The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. London, 1823; The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent Festivities of King James the First. 4 vols. London, 1828. With numerous fine engravings. 7 vols., 4to, blue morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. London: John Nichols, 1823-8 FINE COPIES. Comprising numerous Masques, pageants, etc. collected from Court Records, Manuscripts, scarce and obscure pamphlets, and other sources, with critical, historical, biographical, and bibliographical notes. 38 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 502 303 NOBILI (RICCARDO). The Gentle Art of Faking. A History of the methods of producing Imitations & Spurious works of art from the earliest times up to the Present Day. 31 illustrations. Square 8vo, boards, linen back. London, 1922 N.[ORDEN] (J.[OHN]). The Surueyors Dialogue. Diuided into fiue Bookes: Very profitable for all men to peruse, that haue to do with the reuenues of Land, or the manurance, use, or occupation thereof, etc. Partly black letter. Small 4to, limp vellum (covers soiled, slight stains to margin of title-page and a few following leaves). London: Printed for Hugh Astley, 1607 FIRST EDITION. O’MEARA (BARRY EDWARD). Napoleon at St. Helena. Colored and other illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1888 OPPE (ADOLF PAUL). The Water-Colours of Turner, Cox & De Wint. With an Introduction by A. P. Oppé. 34 colored reproductions. Ato, cloth. London, 1925 m Sandro Botticelli. With 25 plates in color selected and executed under the supervision of The Medici Society. 4to, vellum, uncut, with ties. London, n.d. ARUNDEL LIBRARY OF GREAT MASTERS. One of 100 copies, autographed by the publishers. ORIENTAL RUGS. The Practical Book of Oriental Rugs. By G. Griffin Lewis. Numerous plates, some in color. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia and London, n.d. NEw EDITION, revised and enlarged. [ORROCK (JAMES).] James Orrock, R.I.: Painter, Connoisseur, Collector. By Byron Webber. Numerous fine plates. 2 vols., thick Ato, cloth, uncut. London, 1903 One of 500 copies. PAINE (JAMES). Plans, Elevations and Sections of Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Houses, and also of Stabling, Bridges, Public and Private, Temples, and other Garden Buildings: executed in the counties of Derby, Durham, Middlesex, Northumberland, Nottingham, and York. Illustrated with 175 fine copperplates (few margins slightly foxed). 2 vols., folio, half mottled calf. London: Printed for the Author, 1767-83 FINE COPY. PAOLETTI DI OSVALDO (PIETRO). L’Architetturs e la Sculptura del Rinascimento in Venezia. Numerous photographic plates, and text illustrations. 2 vols. in three, imp. folio, half brown morocco. Venezia, 1893 One of 500 copies. 39 304 305 306 507 308 309 310 S11 312 313 O14 315 PARLIAMENT. A Collection of all the publicke Orders, Ordinances, and Declarations of Both Houses of Parliament, from the Ninth of March, 1642, until December, 1646. Folio, old calf (worn). London, 1646 Inserted is an engraved portrait of Charles I by Vertue. PENNELL (JOSEPH). Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen. Numer- ous illustrations. Imp. 8vo, buckram, uncut (shaken). London, 1894 — Modern Illustration. London, 1895; The Old Engravers of Eng- land (Salaman). London, 1906; French Prints of the Eighteenth Century (Nevill). London, 1908; and others. Numerous illustrations. 6 vols., various sizes and bindings. PEPYS (SAMUEL). Memoirs, Comprising His Diary from 1659 to 1669. And a Selection from His Private Correspondence. Edited by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Portraits and other illustrations (some- what foxed). 5 vols., tree calf (covers loose). London, 1828 PERCIVAL (MACIVER). Old English Furniture and its Surround- ings, from the Restoration to the Regency. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1920 PETERLOO MASSACRE, Containing a Faithful Narrative of the Events ... including the Proceedings which took place at the Inquest at Oldham, etc. Edited by an Observer. 8vo, half maroon calf. Manchester, 1819 Scarce. The Peterloo “Massacre,” over questions of Parliamentary reform, was one of first battles of modern Radicalism. PHILLIPS (R. RANDALL) AND WOOLRICH (ELLEN). Furnish- ing the House. Numerous plates. 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 1921 PLANAT (P.). Le Style Louis XVI: Recueil de motifs choisis d’ar- chitecture au XVIIIe Siécle. Numerous reproductions. Folio, half red morocco. Paris, n.d. —— Another copy. Loose in board portfolio. — Another copy. Half brown morocco. POUNTNEY (W. J.). Old Bristol Potteries. Being an Account of the Old Potters and Potteries of Bristol and Brislington, between 1650 and 1850. With Forewords by R. L. Hobson and Bernard Rackham. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bristol, 1920 PRENTICE (ANDREW). Renaissance: Architecture and Ornament in Spain. A Series of Examples from the purest works executed between the years 1500-1560. Numerous plates. Folio, cloth (hinge and one corner slightly torn). London, n.d. 40 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 PRIOR (EDWARD S.). A History of Gothic Art in England. With illustrations by Gerald C. Horsley, and many plans and diagrams. Imp. 8vo, cloth (small hole in back). London, 1900 PRIVY PURSE EXPENSES. The Regulations and Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy. London, 1770; The Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth. London, 1827; Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York. London, 1830; Privy Purse Expenses of Princess Mary. London, 1831. 4 vols., 8vo, half red morocco. London, 1770-1831 RACINET (AUGUSTE). Polychromatic Ornament. With 100 plates in gold, silver, and colors, comprising upwards of 2,000 specimens. Folio, red morocco, gilt edges (several leaves of text slightly foxed). London, 1873 A particularly valuable book of designs. REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). Engravings from the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Three engraved titles, plate-lists, and 300 fine mezzotints. 3 vols., folio, half red morocco (worn, several plates foxed). London: Hodgson and Graves, [1834-8] A COMPLETE SET OF THE 300 PLATES ENGRAVED BY S. W. REYNOLDS, IN FINE CONDI- TION, EACH WITH THE PUBLISHER’S IMPRINT, AND THE DATE. RHYS (ERNEST). Sir Frederic Leighton. An Illustrated Chronicle. With Prefatory Essay by F. G. Stephens. Numerous reproductions. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut (loose in binding, covers soiled). London, 1895 — Frederic, Lord Leighton: An Illustrated Record of his Life and Work. Numerous fine plates. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1898 RICCARDI PRESS. The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Chil- dren. By Charles Kingsley. With 12 full-page colored plates, after drawings by W. Russell Flint. Royal 8vo, boards, linen back, uncut. London, 1912 One of 500 copies on hand-made Riccardi Paper. RICHARDSON (CHARLES JAMES). Studies from Old English Man- sions, their Furniture, Gold & Silver Plate, &. With numerous full- page lithographs, tinted and in color (few foxed). 4 vols., folio, cloth, roan backs (rubbed, stucco binding, loose as usual). London, 1841-8 Scarce. This work is a companion to Nash’s Mansions, and is a collection of the finest examples of old English domestic architecture and its attendant arts. As in a great many copies of this work, the four pages containing the descriptions of the plates to the first series are wanting. ROBERTS (W.). Memorials of Christie’s: A Record of Art Sales from 1766 to 1896. Frontispiece in colors and many illustrations. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1897 F. Wheatley, R. A.: His Life and Works. With a Catalogue of his Engraved Pictures. Numerous reproductions in colors and monochrome. Ato, boards, uncut. London, 1910 Al 326 327 329 590 302 B04 ROBINSON (CHARLES N.). Old Naval Prints, their Artists and Engravers. Numerous reproductions, some in color. 4to, cloth. London, 1924 One of 1000 copies. ROBINSON (VINCENT J.). Ancient Furniture and other Works of Art. Illustrative of a Collection formed by Vincent J. Robinson. Numerous photographic reproductions by Hustace Calland. Ato, cloth, vellum back, uncut. London, 1902 A comprehensive work on Ancient Furniture. ROGERS (JOHN C.). English Furniture, 1923; Style in Furniture (Benn), 1904. Both illustrated with numerous reproductions. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1904-23 ROUNDELL (MRS. CHARLES). Ham House, its History and Art Treasures. With Chapters on the Library by William Younger Fletcher & the Miniature Room by C. G. Williamson. Numerous re- productions, a number on India paper. 2 vols., folio, half vellum, uncut. London, 1904 ROWLANDSON COLORED PLATES. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France. [By William Combe.] With 17 colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo, polished calf, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with fillets and corner ornaments, with arms in centre, by Henry Young. London: R. Ackermann, 1821 FIRST EDITION. A FINE COPY. — Thomas Rowlandson: His Drawings and Water-Colours. By A. P. Oppé. Numerous reproductions including 16 mounted plates in color. Folio, vellum, uncut. London, 1923 LARGE PAPER. One of 200 copies on hand-made paper. ROYAL ACADEMY PICTURES, 1904 to 1915. A series of reproduc- tions in half-tone and gravure. 12 vols., 4to, cloth. London, [1904-15] RUSKIN (JOHN). The Seven Lamps of Architecture, London, 1849; The Poetry of Architecture. Orpington, 1893. Both illustrated by the author. 2 vols., imp. and royal 8vo, cloth (one back torn). London and Orpington, 1849-93 FIRST EDITIONS. SALAMAN (MALCOLM C.). The Great Painter-Etchers from Rem- brandt to Whistler. Edited by Charles Holme. Numerous illustra- tions. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1914 42 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 SCHYNVOETS (S.). Voorbeelden der Lusthof-Cieraaden, Zynde Vaasen, Pedestallen, Orangiebakken, Blompotten, en andere By- werken &c. 24 fine engraved designs for vases, pedestals, etc. by Schynvoets. Folio, boards, leather back (worn). N.p., [circa 1700] A CHOICE COLLECTION of designs in the Louis XIVth style. SEE (R. R. M.). English Pastels, 1750-1830. Numerous reproduc- tions, some in color. Thick small 4to, vellum (slightly soiled), uncut. London, 1911 One of 750 copies. Masquerier and his Circle. With an Introduction and a Chapter on the Engravings after Masquerier by C. Reginald Grundy. Numer- ous reproductions, some in color. 4to, buckram. London, 1922 SEYMOUR COLORED PLATES. The Looking-Glass; or, Caricature Annual. 1830. Vol. I, Nos. 1-12, complete. With colored title-page and hundreds of lithographic caricatures in colors, by Robert Sey- mour and William Heath. Folio, half leather (slightly rubbed). London: Thomas McLean, 1831 [1830] FINE COPY, with the prefatory leaf. Brilliant and characteristic political cari- catures of the period. SHAW-SPARROW (WALTER). John Lavery and his Work. With a Preface by R. B. Cunninghame-Graham. JIilustrated. Royal 8vo., cloth, uncut. London, n.d. SHUTE (JOHN). The First & Chief Grounds of Architecture. With an Introduction by Lawrence Weaver. Reproductions. Folio, boards, vellum back. London, 1912 One of 1000 copies. A facsimile of the First Edition, 15638. SIMON (CONSTANCE). English Furniture Designers of the Eighteenth Century. Numerous reproductions. Imp. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1907 SINGLETON (ESTHER). Dutch and Flemish Furniture. Numerous reproductions. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1907 — The Furniture of our Forefathers. With Critical Descriptions of Plates, by Russell Sturgis. Numerous reproductions. 8vo, cloth. Garden City, 1913 SKELTON (SIR JOHN). Charles I. Colored frontispiece and numer- ous photogravure reproductions. Ato, three-quarter crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt back, uncut, original front wrapper bound in. London: Goupil & Co., 1898 43 345 346 347 348 349 350 ool 352 SLUYTERMAN (K.). Intérieurs Anciens en Belgique. 100 heliotype plates. Folio, loose in cloth portfolio. La Haye, 1912 Out of print and SCARCE. SMITH (ALBERT). The Wassail-Bowl. Etched frontispieces and woodcut illustrations, by John Leech. 2 vols., 12mo, half calf (slightly rubbed). London, 18438 First EDITION. Presentation copy from the author to Douglas Jerrold, with pita on title: “Douglas Jerrold, Esq., with best regards of the author. une, 1842.” — The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. 21 full-page etchings by John Leech. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1886 SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). The History of England. 4 vols., London, 1841; The History of England. By T. S. Hughes. 7 vols., London, 1836. Portraits. 11 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt tooled (slightly rubbed, hinges weak). London, 1836-41 SODERHOLTZ (E. E.). Colonial Architecture and Furniture. Title and 60 photographic reproductions, enclosed in portfolio, folio, half cloth. Boston, n.d. SOMEREN (J. VAN). Uyt-Spanning der Vernuften, Bestaende in Geestelijcke en Wereltlijcke Poésy. Engraved title. 4to, brown calf, back panelled and gilt tooled with floral sprays, sides with fillet bor- ders and floral corner ornaments, floral centre ornaments, uncut. Tot Gorinchem: Cornelis Lever, 1686 FINE UNCUT COPY. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM ART HANDBOOKS. Numerous illustrations. 16 vols., 12mo, cloth. London, v.d. Comprising: Japanese Pottery (Franks); Textile Fabrics (Rock); Glass (Nes- bitt) ; Gold and Silver (Pollen) ; Tapestry (De Champeaux) ; Ivories (Maskell) ; and others. ST. LOUIS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. [Catalogue of] The British Section. With hundreds of illustrations. Folio, cloth. [London,] 1906 44 353 STORY OF THE NATIONS. Hundreds of illustrations. 62 vols., 354 350 356 357 308 359 360 12mo, half red morocco, gilt edges (some bindings slightly rubbed). London, n.d. SUBSCRIPTION EDITION. An unusually long series of these historical works. Comprising: Buddhist India (Rhys Davids); Ancient Egypt (Rawlinson) ; The Byzantine Empire (Oman); Phoenicia (Rawlinson); Mexico (Hale); Japan Story (Murray); Canada (Bourinot); Mediaeval India (I.ane-Poole) ; Modern England (McCarthy), 2 vols.; Chaldea (Ragozin); and others. STRATTON (ARTHUR). The English Interior: A Review of the Decoration of English Homes from Tudor Times to the XIX Century. Numerous plates. Folio, cloth, vellum back, uncut. London, n.d. STUDIO (THE). The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art, from 1906 to 1923; together with 28 Special Numbers of the Studio. Numerous ulustrations in monochrome and colors. Together, 45 vols., 4to, cloth, with the exception of 4 vols., wrappers, as issued. [London, 1902-23] A SPLENDID RUN OF THESE BOOKS. The Special Numbers, each a complete and authoritative monograph, well illustrated, cover almost every field_of artistic endeavor, painting, engraving, sculpture, book-designing, etc., etc. One volume, “The Norwich School,” is accompanied by a portfolio containing a duplicate set of the plates. [SURTEES (ROBERT S.).] “Ask Mamma”; or, The Richest Com- moner in England. With 13 colored plates and numerous wood-en- gravings by John Leech. 8vo, half leather (back wanting). London, 1858 FIRST EDITION. [TADEMA (SIR ALMA).] A Sketch of his Life and Work. With portrait, facsimile autograph, and 22 illustrations. Royal folio, cloth, gilt edges (stucco binding, loose as usual, covers slightly soiled). London, n.d. TANNER (HENRY). English Interior Woodwork of the XVIth, XVIIth & XVIIIth Centuries. Numerous plates. Folio, cloth. London, n.d. TATLER (THE). A Corrected Edition; with Prefaces Historical and Biographical, by Alexander Chalmers. Vignette on titles (slightly foxed). 4 vols., 8vo., half calf (rubbed). London, 1806 [TENNYSON (ALFRED, CHARLES AND FREDERICK).] Poems. By Two Brothers. Facsimile. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut (covers slightly soiled). London, 1893 One of 300 copies on Large Paper. 45 361 362 363 364 365 566 367 569 370 371 372 [THACKERAY (W. M.).] “Our Street. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Small 4to, original glazed boards (back missing). London: Chapman and Hall, 1848 First EDITION. There were two issues of the First Edition; only in the First Issue were the plates colored. The History of Pendennis. Illustrations by the author. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. London, 1849-50 FIRST EDITION. [ ] The Kickleburys on the Rhine. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Colored illustrations by the author. Small 4to, cloth. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1850 First EDITION. Another copy, with the plates uncolored. Original glazed boards (back missing). [——] Rebecca and Rowena. A Romance upon Romance. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Illustrations by Richard Doyle. Small 4to, original glazed boards (back missing). London: Chapman and Hall, 1850 First EDITION, with the plates uncolored. [ ]The Newcomes: Memoires of a Most Respectable Family. Jilus- trations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, un- cut, original wrappers bound in (hinges worn). London, 1853-5 FIRST EDITION BOUND UP FROM THH ISSUE IN PARTS WITH THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS PRESERVED. [——] Another copy. Cloth. FIRST EDITION in book form. THIBAUDEAU (A. C.). Bonaparte and the Consulate. Translated and edited by G. K. Fortescue. Illustrated. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt emblematic tooling on back. London, n.d. THOMS (P. P.). A Dissertation of the Ancient Chinese Vases of the Shang Dynasty. With 42 Chinese wood-engravings. 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. Illustrated with engravings by F. Bartolozzi and P. W. Tomkins, from original pictures by William Hamilton. Ato, half morocco (rubbed). London, 1807 TIPPING (H. AVRAY). Grinling Gibbons and the Woodwork of his Age (1648-1720). Numerous reproductions. Folio, cloth. London, 1914 TIZAC (H. DARDENNE DE). Animals in Chinese Art. A Collec- tion of Examples. With a Preface by Roger Fry. Numerous fine plates, some in color. Folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1923 One of 250 copies on hand-made paper. 46 REC ethenhyettey! Pam ye ac oi Sed bs Fe goed th / SG weals PRINTED UPON THE ICE WHEN THE RIVER THAMES WAS FROZEN OVER JANUARY INCLUDED IN “TRADESMEN’S CARDS” [NUMBER 373] 1739 greyec rion oftine PICTURE ae aa a" a Brought from. ABROAD by’ = freer near poi ae calaedly the 19th af chit Inft. ys 1725-6. Te Pigtutes may be view on Wednefday the 16th, and every Day- after till che Hour of SAL E, which will begin ata 14 oClock Fo recile € ar aL g 6 UES ie jad at the Place “s eae ag ot oe Hae sin m Monmouth-Court near calla REDUCED FACSIMILE OF BROADSIDE CATALOGUE OF AUCTION SALE OF PICTURES 1725 INCLUDED IN COLLECTION OF ‘‘TRADESMEN’S CARDS” [NUMBER 373] AN UNSURPASSED COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL TRADESMEN’S CARDS OF THE UTMOST RARITY MANY OF THEM UNIQUE 3738 TRADESMEN’S CARDS. A Collection of about 1200 Engraved Trade Cards and Bill Heads of the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries, with some examples of the XVIIth Century. Finely mounted, tipped in, or in- laid to size, and bound in three thick folio volumes, half crushed dark green levant morocco. Arranged alphabetically, by Trades, as follows: Architects & Surveyors Artist Colourmen Artists in Profiles Asses Milk Vendors Astrologers Bakers Banknotes, Real and Fictitious Bird and Animal Stuffers Blacking and Blue Manufacturers Bookbinders Booksellers and Stationers (A splendid collection of over 80 pieces) Bow, Arrow, & Target Makers Breechers Makers Brush Makers Butchers Card Makers Carriers by Land & Sea Carvers & Sign-makers Chemists & Druggists (A large collec- tion of nearly 50 pieces) China & Glass Wares (including the very RARE card of Sarah White) Chimney Sweepers Clock Makers (25 fine examples) Clubs & Societies (Odd _ Fellows, Druids, etc.) Coachmakers Coach, Sign, & House Painters Coal & Corn Dealers Comb Makers Confectioners Curriers & Leather Cutters Cutlers Cyder Merchants Dairymen Distillers Drawing Masters Dyers Farriers Fishmongers Furriers Gardeners & Nurserymen Gas Manufacturers Glove Makers Gretna Green Grocers & Tea Dealers Gun Makers Gunpowder Manufacturers Harness Makers Hat Makers Horse Slaughterers Uk Hotel Keepers (A very fine collection of about 125 pieces) Invitations : Insurance (Scarce and _ interesting collection of early pieces) Instrument Makers: Mathematical & Optical Invalid Furniture Iron-mongers & Metal-workers AQ Jewellers (A large and representative collection, including many French cards ) Lacemakers Lamp Makers Leather Breeches Makers Linen Drapers Livery Stables & Horse Dealers Lunatic Asylums Masons: Monumental & Otherwise Mercers: Silk & Velvet Military Costumers Millers Milliners Millwrights Miniature Painters Mineral Water Purveyors Mining & Smelting Companies Musical Instrument Makers Needle & Fish-hook Makers Oil & Colourmen Opticians Paper Hangers Paper Mills Pawnbrokers Pencil Makers Perfumers Pewterers Pin Makers Plumbers Poulterers Potters Printers & Engravers (A_ superb collection of about 100 pieces) Printsellers Sadlers Sawyers Scavengers Schoolmasters Ship-Brokers Shoemakers Statuary Stay-makers Surgical Instrument Makers Sword Makers Tailors Tobacconists (A fine collection of 118 examples) Trunk Makers Turners Undertakers Upholsterers & Cabinet Makers Veternaries Watermen Wax Makers Whalebone Makers Wig Makers & Hairdressers Wine and Spirit Dealers Wire Workers Woolen Drapers be fad wb gus int Watercolours ‘Bg ph be peo * ras me ee be Fr ie : : the Vi eSay: Sree SRE arn gel pres) te = * | “a pon 08 5 POP a itadona with a fleepin ido, bs os :/ a. a Se ot A Landskip wich Figures, by Gio. ne Pelee S : 2 -& Nias oi ae ts le, es 2 pO oe Ts Com: penion, Bes ; Ba, ; bo ° nee 43 1 Gomera of boc by sig Mol Oe 46 The Genius of Poetry, introducing Montr. Molter co Mani: % is ee 27 Diaes and Caltie a a 3 La. 8 The Offering of che three Kings, by Canes 19 Pao and iaad by Francifgae being sari and. Proaris,. ar Hiroe | 25 A Mafical Converfation * : pe tatads of EA ae § oa olla and Dapbue The Flight i a5 rahe wi dint Cecilia, by drevi s Companion, being 4. exes throwing away 1 Sasi t Herodias, &.'0n Coppet 2 Saint Catharine, io ‘Mokalion. > Ag A latge Landskip with Figa 3; | : 4 Irs Companion. eR oe i : “ay Apiese of ArchiteSture: with ies, by : 7 “Its Companion. ne oly Le eet ogre ree tad Medora, by Rami S81 b & 4 - Ld pas eles ben vey pe 4 ndskip with Figares, : 16-6 : Our Saviour with ya and Mer, oy Cormlite es} — Os § GZ a cen fe? oo ee A final. Round Landskip on Copper by eee ‘ ZI -10-- ga Its Companion. ‘ ws 2 73-43-¢ $3 A Battle by Giz Cortef Borergnione, ee S oe 2, @ wh awe ame as §4 The Flight into Egypt aye ‘orntlias Porlenburch. . AL i Greritt. 2 & ye es the Trumphal-Arch of Conftansiae, by io Fade Panini. : o- te af Irs Companion, being a. View of sche € i . B. eekae. oe: ' ay A Landsiup with Figures, by Galpar Poul me 63-— OO ok Its Com niga by Nicole Poaffin. * : ‘ i f 5 : i 5 faa ay A nay seen eS “49 The virgin with our Saviour, St. Catharint, &c. by ties Puffin edi. a ny Y pee: SAS 2 = es Go A Baffo-Relicvo with the pg Adedea, by Fergufon and Vandercable, ny i Fie ee, Percale ane Oph is Nymphs, te, by Rowencl oe Se oe 2 Hercules an fe Wi THs, onan “ : es : i Lh Mie 44 44-220 The Virgin Mary, by Francejco Trevefani. t a : . ? Ae o; pane 9 REL 5 ree DS ARNG? © %G 64 The Adoration of the Shepherds, by Gia, Jordans, 2 ete CA 1 ie A Landskip with Figures, by Francefco Miele. “# (ate o eer The four Elements, by Gio. Benedetto Catiglionr, oS bee 67 Alatge Landskip with Figures, by Ge/par Poafia. eer The. ‘Spring, § ae Summer m Philippe Liiva, 19.5-19~ 6 ftaBdefen | ; Zee — % ne 45-5 eer je The Vigis with aor Saviour, and St. Sfp , by Basha Schident. bes her £2 - ag A large iGhure reptefeatiag Abraham, Hazes, and Sarah, by et ee da Cortous, r) pis ie ‘Ankatire GolleGion of chg lave. King of France his Matal inCoppere 2 e ca ni » - he . We (eos Lait ain a ee - Ai Oe os a oe 6 f—16-C co ee a BROADSIDE LIST OF PICTURES WITH PRICES AND BUYERS INCLUDED IN “‘TRADESMEN’S CARDS” [NUMBER 373] My Sa : : te ed =) fh 44 Eiubian > Mpbol er fF aird | U ‘wDERTAKER, ¢ bi f Dg aes c Comer ey, bdo % echo WB. $e) ¢ Zz ae a es a ee Wilton. sr, then’ f le Cabinet # Chain Birk repgerieeal, hi newest Sates om i Mande 6 i of be. bon ng Gapsesin ich ened igell-or Maho, hogany: either Eteme f a 8) ‘Aliforts of f Brajiery & Tron Work’ (OO ee” i Alec. toves,§ Fon “Wl, Bad und é Senge i Bad. ‘ lok and CY Vege ha Hittles, Sew and Sauwe NN Dns, a Data Moho’ Gras, tad | eh | ' ene des face ik TWO CABINET MAKERS’ “TRADESMEN’S CARDS” [NUMBER 373] THIS ALMOST MATCHLESS COLLECTION OF TRADESMEN’S CARDS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING EIGHT RARE PIECES DESIGNED BY HOGARTH: J. Chapman [Surveyor], unsigned Mrs. Hoit [Linen Draper], signed: Ellis Gamble [Goldsmith], signed: Hogarth, del., A.M.I.fet. [Heal, A. M. Ireland, Sculp. [Heal, Plate Plate XLIX] XXxXV]* W. Hogarth [Engraver], signed: W. Ellis Gamble [Goldsmith], signed: Hogarth, delt., S.I. ft. [Heal, Plate W. Hogarth, delt., S.I. ft. XXX] Mary & Ann Hogarth [Milliners and Richard Lee [Tobacconist], signed: Linen Drapers], signed: W. Ho- W. Hogarth, invt. garth, delt., J.I.fc. [Heal, Plate XXXIV] 2 copies [*Ambrose Heal, London Tradesmen’s Cards of the XVIII Century: An Account of Their Origin and Use. N. Y.: Scribner’s, 1925. The Plate Numbers given above refer to reproductions of the cards indicated. | A LARGE NUMBER OF THE CARDS REPRESENT THE WORK OF A FAMOUS ENGRAVERS, Silvester, Cheesman, Darling, Sherborn, Heath, Cruikshank, and many others; a few are in aquatint; and there are about a dozen ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, PROOFS, etc. included. The cards themselves and their subject-matter hold a vast store of interest and instruction. An item of representative interest is the priced Sale Catalogue, printed on two sides of a large quarto sheet, of the Collection of Pictures belonging to Mr. Andrew Hay, and sold by auction at Mr. Cock’s New Auction Room in Poland Street, Feb. 19, 1725-6. Seventy-five lots are recorded, bringing a total of over £1800. A Christus and a Virgin by Maratti fell to the Duke of Bridgewater, for £11 each, Velasquez’s Innocent X, to Sir Robert Walpole for another £11, and paintings by Poussin, Lancret, Rubens, and Maratti, passed under the hammer of the auctioneer, at astonishing prices, into the hands of Walpole, the Dukes of Devonshire and Bridgewater, and other buyers. A very large proportion of the Cards are exquisitely designed and engraved, the message of the Craftsman, or the Tradesman, as the case may be, skilfully illustrated by symbolic or allegorical designs, or visualized only by the honest instruments of his skill, mute witnesses to his craftsmanship and his conscious- ness of its dignity; the whole design surrounded, in a large number of cases by fine mantlings of great delicacy and beauty, usually in the graceful free style of Chippendale. Tradesmen’s Cards, which are the Incunabula of the Science and Art of Advertising, took their rise in London towards the close of the XVIIth Century. Although frequently they did service in the humbler capacity of Invoices, their primary purpose was undoubtedly that of advertisement. They have about them, as Mr. Heal has written, in a book that has done much to stimulate their study and acquisition, ‘a touch of romance. Not perhaps the Romance of Commerce as we have it . but the plain tale of the shop-keeper, proud enough of his trade and his distinctive device to have his advertisement sheets well designed, beautifully lettered, and finely engraved.” THE PRESENT COLLECTION IS BELIEVED TO BE THE FINEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE IN EXISTENCE. [SEE ILLUSTRATIONS ] 52 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 [TURNER (J. M. W.).J Turner’s Water-Colours at Farnley Hall. Text by Alex. J. Finberg. 30 colored reproductions. 6 parts, royal oblong 4to, wrappers. London, n.d. UHDE (CONSTAN TIN). Baudenkmaeler in Grossbritannien. Numer- ous reproductions. 2 vols., royal folio, half brown morocco. Berlin, 1894 USHER (JAMES WARD). An Art Collector’s Treasures: Illustrated and Described by Himself. Being a Record Historical and Descriptive of the Art Collection formed by James Ward Usher (of Lincoln), 1886-1914. Containing 80 illustrations in color, reproduced from the author's own watercolor drawings. Folio, cloth, uncut. London: Chiswick Press, 1916 One of 300 copies privately printed at the Chiswick Press. UZANNE (OCTAVE). L’Ombrelle: Le Gant; Le Manchon. Vignettes and illustrations by Paul Avril. Royal 8vo, crushed blue levant mo- rocco, back panelled and gilt tooled with floral design, sides with ornate Derome borders, wide inside gilt borders, doublures and fly- leaves of red watered silk, uncut, original wrappers and back-strip bound in, by Riviere. Paris, 1883 [1882] FIRST EDITION, HANDSOMELY BOUND. VEITCH (HENRY NEWTON). Sheffield Plate, its History, Manufac- ture and Art. With Maker’s Names and Marks, also a Note on Foreign Sheffield Plate, with illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1908 VITRUVIUS. Den Danske Vitruvius; Le Vitruve Danois: Der Danische Vitruvius. With numerous copperplate views, plans, etc. 2 vols., folio, old calf, with the arms of George Granville Leveson- Gower, Duke of Sutherland, in gilt on front covers (worn in places). Kiobenhavn, 1746-9 [WALKER (GEORGE).] The Costume of Yorkshire. 40 colored engravings by E. Kaufmann, after drawings by George Walker. Folio, morocco (rubbed). London, 1885 One of 500 copies, with proofs on plate paper. With the text in English and French. WALPOLE SOCIETY. Annual Volumes for 1920 to 1925. Numerous fine reproductions. 5 vols., 4to, boards, cloth backs. Oxford, 1921-5 Issued to Members only. WARD (HUMPHRY) AND ROBERTS (W.). Romney: A_Biog- graphical and Critical Essay, with a Catalogue Raisonné of his Works. Numerous reproductions. 2 vols., 4to, buckram, blue morocco backs, uncut. London, 1904 One of 350 copies on Japan Vellum. 53 383 O84 385 386 587 391 392 WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY. The Old Water-Colour Society’s Club: 1923-1924; 1924-1925. First and Second Annual Volumes. Edited by A. J. Finberg and Randall Davies. Frontispieces in color and many reproductions. 2 vols., 4to, boards, cloth backs. London, 1924-5 Each is one of a limited number issued only to members. WATTS (W.). The Seats of the Nobility and Gentry. 84 fine en- gravings. With descriptions of each view. Thick oblong 8vo, brown straight-grain morocco, back panelled and gilt tooled, sides with elaborate flower, leaf, and scroll border, with fine repeated ornaments of red and blue morocco inlaid, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Mackensie. Chelsea, 1779 FINE COPY, with good impressions of the plates, and handsomely bound. With the Edward Cheney bookplate. WEBBER (BYRON). James Orrock, R.I.; Painter, Connoisseur, Col- lector. Numerous plates. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1903 One of 500 copies. WEDGWOOD. A Catalogue of Cameos, Intaglios, Medals, Busts, Small Statues, and Bas-Reliefs; with a General Account of Vases and other Ornaments after the Antique, Made by Wedgwood and Bentley; and Sold at their Rooms. 8vo, half red morocco, by Root. London, 1777 SCARCE. Staffordshire Pottery and its History. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1913 An Address to the Young Inhabitants of the Pottery. 16mo, half calf. Printed at Newcastle: by J. Smith, n.d. VERY RARE. WESTROPP (M. 8. DUDLEY). Irish Glass. An Account of Glass- Making in Ireland from the XVIth Century to the Present Day. Numerous reproductions. 4to, cloth. London, n.d. [WHISTLER (JAMES McNEILL).] Whistler as I Knew Him. By Mortimer Menpes. With an original etching by Whistler as frontis- ptece and 125 other illustrations after Whistler’s pen-and-ink and pencil drawings, water-colors, etc. 4to, cloth, uncut (shaken). London: A. and C. Black, 1904 EDITION DE LUXE, one of 500 copies, autographed by the author. i ] Life. By E. R. and J. Pennell. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut. London, 1908 FirSsT EDITION. With the copyright notice on verso of title, which should have been omitted. WHITMAN (ALFRED). The Masters of Mezzotint, the Men and their Work. Numerous reproductions. Folio, cloth, vellum back, uncut (slightly rubbed, covers somewhat soiled). London, 1898 LARGE PAPER EDITION. One of 50 copies on hand-made paper. 54 393 394 395 396 397 598 WILLIAMSON (GEORGE C.). The History of Portrait Miniatures. Numerous fine plates. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, uncut (slightly rubbed). London, 1904 One of 50 copies, with 35 hand-colored plates, and 104 full-page reproductions in collotype. One of the most important works ever issued on the subject. The Imperial Russian Dinner Service. A Story of a Famous Work by Josiah Wedgwood. Colored frontispiece, and numerous fine plates. Ato, half vellum. London, 1909 One of 300 copies. How to Identify Portrait Miniatures, London, 1904; Antiques, Genuine and Spurious (Litchfield), London, 1921; Chats on Old Clocks (Hayden), London, n.d.; and others. 7 vols., various sizes, cloth. YAPP (G. W.). Art Industry. Furniture, Upholstery, and House- Decoration, illustrative of the Arts of the Carpenter, Joiner, Cabinet- Maker, Painter, Decorator, and Upholsterer. With about 1200 en- gravings and diagrams. Royal 4to, cloth (stucco binding, loose as usual). London, n.d. YOUNG CLERK’S ASSISTANT; or Penmanship made easy. Being a complete Pocket-Copy-Book, Curiously Engrav’d. Plates and text en- graved throughout. 8vo, half calf. London, n.d. YSENDYCK (J. J. VAN). Documents Classes de |’Art dans les Pays- Bas du Xiéme au XVIIliéme Siécle. Hundreds of plates. 5 vols., folio, half pigskin (slightly rubbed). N.p., 1880-9 55 Pu ithahanve Pointe w TT rss ip v iy t ANE