=~ Cata Toque F MODERN BOOKS ARCHIT ECTURE, THEORETICAL, PRACTICAL, AND ORNAMENTAL; CONSISTING OF BOOKS OF PLANS AND ELEVATIONS FOR COTTAGES, FARM-HOUSES, MANSIONS, TEMPLES, BRIDGES, &c. OF ORNAMENTS FOR INTERNAL DECORATIONS, FOLIAGE FOR CARVERS, &c. ON PERSPECTIVE; ALSO PRACTICAL BOOKS FOR CARPENTERS, BRICKLAYERS, AND WORKMEN IN GENERAL, WHICH, WITH THE BEST ANCIENT AUTHORS, ARE CONSTANTLY ON SALE AT Je TAYLOR’S'* ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, No. 59, HIGH.HOLBORN, LONDON. WHERE MAY BE HAD THE WORKS OF THE MOST CELEBRATED FRENCH ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. a Antiquities of Athens; measured and delineated, by Yames Stuart, F.R.S. and F. §. A. and Nicholas Revett, Painters and Architects, in three large Volumes Folio, Price 17/. 175. in boards. 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