SALE. No. 1203 FIFTH AVENUE AUCTION ROOMS INCORPORATED 333-341 FOURTH AVENUE, N. Y. S. E. Corner 25th Street COLLECTION OF OIL. PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF ALFRED CARR, Deceased TO BE SOLD ON FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER Ist, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York Si CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS BY EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS SOLD TO CLOSE THE ESTATE OF ALFRED CARR, (Deceased) ON Friday Evening, December | st, | i i! : AT EIGHT for ‘CLOCK HENRY A. HARTMAN, AUCTIONEER Se a ee eee eee CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. 2. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the dot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this sale, and not to any one particular lot. 3. Bills payable in cash before delivery. 4. Receipted bills must be presented before goods can be removed. 5. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid before removal. 6. Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale, between eight and twelve o’clock, remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. 7 No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. 9. Our record of sales in all cases final. 10. The highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for loss or damage shall lie. 11. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions the money deposited in part payment shall be- long to the Auctioneer as liquidated damages for pur- chaser’s failure to complete the sale. Ali lots un- claimed within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold at public or private sale, without further notice and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such re-sale if he thinks fit, and the Auctioneer further reserves his right to reduce the percentum of deposit to be collected or to waive same entirely if he so desires. HENRY A. HARTMAN, Auctioneer. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Artist. No.. AR © OU TRZ =) Bae oy et ne ne a eee een oa 40 Bab RIS PAD A Ac re ee eee Se eee 24 BAN Ke ©) ee eee see eta gg eee oe 8 CALIFANO, S65 Tee 10 SS: 30, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, ol, 52, 361 COROT, sje Baia tact tos iss ea eee 34 IDEAL SNE oes tere eens phe Snses See ee 39 GENTS AR OME Fo aceite ee mee) ee 30 CON NU BRIN os er eee ee eae 45 PUA US Wo, ee tec ee ere eee eens re ey 31 ERB SS ye Gees be ee cone oe oo ee Geer ee 4 HUGUET. Veoh 6 23 pO RAB) Se Ee eee ee eke ee ee a 20 KONIG EY | Aves sates an ee ee ee 15 RUA Nee see nena. fue Ben ene eee een ae ee 36 EPERODLE, Hen ee ee 16 gO a ie aD eet inet eee gcc Ses eee Seo ee 54 MANCELS, se g MERU TENS PEGRes | acres ores on eee 21 MOELLER, i Deere ee Mae Nien ay A ese eG ee Ke MEOH Ro Ce Se ee ore a 27 MEU NCCE, hci cers serene erm 32 OD DT We NE ec acce ce ee ee 55 COIS Fe ae a ee Ae ee 3 PEDNESSIS A. 0 4] PEE CEP AGRI oni’ Fs. o: oeie oae te eee e 17 PLESANCH (Gi 2 bp Ol RADE LNG VA Se ee eg eee ee rigs 5 REEIUN 7 Pee Ie Ma ee er ee 14 RIX, i re ne Ae ea Cen ee SS ee 26 FROIN UAE SE ieee nee ee eg ie tse peepee sia po dig SARE ae OS Byes eee ice enn Cay Gd ioe iS loyecS SET OURING WW ion nua he ncaa een ener San 12 EEE ORIEN - VAIN Oe ee ee ee 29 ONIN 2 DEEN BE Oe at i ee ee ere ere 6 WS ETN QUIN Gears ees Gee tea KYA AWG so) cores ten ee sre CA ae ee eee Hie ZA Mii es cei estore cana Gene icra 19, 39 i ( THE ALEXANDER PRESS F 114-116 West 27th Street =) New York i | { CATALOGUE FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER Ist, 1911 AT EIGHT O’CLOCK CALIFANO (J.) American Swiss Scene Size, 1514 = 12% CALIFANO (J.) American Mountain Lake Size, 24 x 15% OOMS (K.) European Born at Desschel, Antwerp, 1845. History and Genre painter, pupil of Antwerp Acad- emy under N. de Keyser. Spanish Order of Charles III. Coast Scene Size, 31 x 18%4 tex pO ee se ionias z cnc se ee Oa ae 6 = = ga " ee SS PER a HESS:.(G.) American Pussy’s Breakfast Size, 13% x 10% 5 OUARTLEY (43) American VAN DEN BOS (G. P. M.) Born of English parents in Paris, France, 1839. Died in New York, 1886. Marine painter, self-taught. Taken to America as a child. Elected an A.N.A. in 1878, N.A. in 1886. Member of Society of American Art- ists, Marine Size, 13%4 x 9 6 Mention Honorable, 1888. Repose Size, 12 x 9 European MOELLER (Louis) American Born in New York in 1855. Genre painter, pupil of the National Academy. Studied un- der Duveneck and Professor Dietz at Mu- nich. pent six years abroad. First exhibit- ed at the National Academy in 1883. Curio Shop Size, 8 x 6 8 BLACK: (©. Bs) American Summer Landscape Size, 2312 = 159s 9 MANGELS (1.) American The Deserted Inn, Cold Comfort Size, 19 x13 10 CALIFANO (J.) American Sheep in Cave Size, 25144 x 17% 11 CALIFANO (J.) American ‘ Italian Boy and Girl Size, 00 x25 12 THORNE CW. A.) American New York, A.N.A. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1891. 1 Marine Size, 11% x7% 13 SMITH (Henry P.) American Born in Waterford, Conn., in 1854. Died in 1907. Self-taught. Professional life passed in New York. Exhibited at the National Academy and at the American Water Color Society. Venetian Scene Size, 1914 x 14% 14 REHN (F. K. M.) > AMerican Born in Philadelphia, Pa., April, 1848. Ma- rine painter. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Acad- emy. Exhibited first at National Academy, New York, in 1879. First Prize for marine at St. Louis Exhibition, 1882; prize for water color, New York, 1885; Gold Medal, Second Prize, Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886. Coast Scene, Atlantic City Size, 36-x 33 15 KNIGHT (Aston) American Born in ‘Paris in 1873. Pupil of his father, Ridgway Knight. Bronze Medal at Paris Ex- position, Peasants Washing Size, 31 x 25 16 LEROLLE *“(H.) European Born in Paris. Contemporary History and Genre painter. Pupil of Lamothe. Medal, Third ‘Class, 1879; First Class, 1880. Boys Fishing, French Village Sizé, 3F4'x 27% 17 PINCHART (E. A.) European Born at Cambrai. Contemporary History, Genre and Portrait painter. Pupil of Gerome. Medal, Third Class, 1884. The Old Story Size, 3114 x 23 18 SMITH (Henry P.) American Born in Waterford, Conn., in 1854. Died in 1907. Self-taught. Professional life passed in New York. Exhibited at the National Academy and at the American Water Color Society. Summer, New England Size, 28 x 19 19 Zi MCE) European Born.,at Beaune (Cote d’Or), 1821. Archi- tecture and Marine painter. Pupil of Art School at Dijon. His pictures, particularly his views of Venice, have won him a world- wide reputation; Medals: Third Class, 1851, 1855" First-Class, 18525. “Legion .of Honor, 1857; Officer, 1878. Size, 17% x 24 20 pe PEPE Cetigen) European Born at Johnsdorf, Moravia, 1845. Died, 1901. Landscape painter. Pupil in Vienna of Albert Zimmermann. Traveled in France, Italy and Hungary, and has for some years worked in Paris under the influence of the modern French school. Gold Medal in Mu- nich, 1869. Une Ferme a Sallenelles (Somme) Size, 25% x 17% ZL MEULEN (Ter) European ef Born in Amsterdam in 1843. Animal paint- i aa er. Several Medals, i Size, 38 x29 Me WORMS (Jules) European Medals: Paris, 1867, 1868 and 1869; Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876; Medal, 1878. Exposition Universelle, Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. Preparing for a Journey Size, 2314 x 1914 Sa SL EN AER E SLL LE ea: a HUGUET (V.P.) European Born in Lude (Sarthe). Contemporary, Genre and Landscape painter. Pupil of Emile Loubon. Medals: Third Class, 1873; Second Class, 1882. Brigands ‘ Size, 3314 x 25% 24 BIERSTADT (A.) American . Born in Dusseldorf, Germany, January 7, 1830. Died, 1902. Landscape painter. Brought by his parents in 1831 to New Bed- ford, Mass., where his youth was spent. Be- gan to paint in oils in 1851. Went to Dus- seldorf in 1853, studied four years there and in Rome. On his return to the United States, in 1857, he made a sketching tour in the Rocky Mountains, and from this and other vis- its to the West gathered materials for his most important pictures. Again visited Eu- rope in 1867, 1878 and 1883. Elected N.A. in 1860; Medals in Austria, Germany, Bavaria and Belgium; Legion of Honor, 1867; Order of St. Stanislaus, 1869; Second Class, 1872, Summer Landscape and Deer Size, 271%4 x 20 25 PLESANCE (G.) European Ready for the Dance Size, 39 x 21 26 RIX (Julien) American Born in California in 1851. Died in New York in 1903. The Trout Stream Size, 3214 x 17% a7 MULLER. (C. 15) European Born at Paris, 1815. Died, 1892. Pupil of Geos and Cogniet. He painted the famous canvas, “The Roll Call of the Last Victims of the Reign of Terror’; also the famous painting of Charlotte Corday in Prison, at the Corcoran Gallery at Washington. A Happy Famliy Size, 49 x 39% REE IGS = ws a/R a aig rao ACC. 28 SMITH (Henry P.) American Born in Waterford, Conn., in 1854. Died in 1907. Self-taught. Professional life passed in New York. Exhibited at the National Academy and at the American Water Color Society. Homestead, New England Size, 1914 x 13% 29 VON THOREN (O.) European Born in’ Vienna in 1828. Animal and Land- scape painter. Studied in Brussels and Paris, taking up painting in 1857, after having served in the Austrian Army in the campaign of 1848-1849. Returned to Vienna in 1865 and afterwards settled in Paris. One of the best animal painters. Medals: Paris, 1865; Mu- nich, 1869; Vienna, 1882. Order of Francis Jaseph; Russian Order of Vladimir. Barnyard Size, 49 x 25% 30 GAISSER (Max) European Born in Munich. Pupil of his father, J. E. iGaisser. Old Friends Size, 24 x 20 ot HART (James M.) American Born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, May 10, 1828. Died, 1901, Landscape painter. Taken to America in 1831. Pupil of his brother, Will- jam Hart, and im 1851 of Schirmer in Dussel- dorf. Elected an A.N.A. in 1857 and N.A. - Seas in 1859. Landscape and Cattle Size, 64 x 40 ; | / i 2 | ' MUNIER (E.) European i Born in Paris. Pupil of Bougereau. Sev- eral Medals. Member of the Society of French Artists. Mention Honorable 1882, The Cascade mize, /2 x 339% i '] 33 ZIEM (F.) European Borne at Beaune (Cote d’Or), 1821. Archi- tecture and_ Marine painter. Pupil of Art School at Dijon. His pictures, particularly his views of Venice, have won him a world- wide reputation; Medals: Third Class, 1851, 18552 First Class, 1852; Legion of Honor, 1857; Officer, 1878. Venetian Scene Size; 28 x 20Y% — > as Si a ae SS ae neneneneniniiissiasncuae aaa —_— COROT (J. B. €,) European Born in Paris, 1796. Died there in 1875. Landscape painter. Pupil of Michallon, and ; after his death of Victor Bertin. Went to Italy in 1826, and in studying nature, as he continued to do on returning to France, in Provence Normandy, and Fontainbleu, learned | to couple breadth of treatment with careful, though not obtrusive detail. An eminently suggestive and refined painter, gifted with a highly poetical and tender feeling, he has from ; his peculiar excellence in treating still water, the sleeping woods, the broad, pale horizon and the veiled sky, been called the Theocritus F of landscape painting. Medals: Second Class, 1833; First Class, 1848 and 1855; Second ) Class, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1846; Officer, ig ‘ 1867. x oy The Weird Dance Size, 471%4 x 23% i 35 : | DIAZ (N) European Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Genre and Land- scape painter. Began as porcelain painter. Soon famed as a landscape painter. Medals: Third Class, 1844; Second Class, 1846; First Class, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Forest of Fontainbleu Size, 23% x 19 is 35a DIAZ (N.) European Forest Size, 24 x 16 36 KRAY (W.) European Born in Berlin. Contemporary, Landscape and Genre painter. Spent some time in Rome and Venice, and then settled in Vienna. The Fisherman’s Dream Size, 614% x 34% 37 WASHINGTON (Georges) European Born in Paris. Mention Honorable. Medal Third Class, 1893. Arabs Size, 16 x 12% 38 CALIFANO (J.) American Picnic in the Woods Size, 33% x 22% 39 CALIFANO (J.) American Sheep and Cabbage Size, 29% x 21% 40 AROUETZ (B.) The Young Mariner Size, 21 x 17% 41 PEDNESSIS (A.) Turkish Girl Size, 12 x 6% RONAY Ge 1) Violin Player Size, 30 x 24 43 BROWN (Walter F.) Venice Size, 21% x 12 NS European European European American 44. CALIFANO (J.) American Rocky Shore Size, 202 = 134 45 GAMBRAY European French Soldiers Size, 15 x 9% Water Color 46 CALIFANO (J.) American Swiss Alps Size, 23 x 17 47 CALIFANO (J.) American Turk Smoking Size, 27 x A, ee 48 CALIFANO (J.) Alpine Scene Size, 1314 x 8% 49 CALIFANO (J.) Scene in Holland size, 1314 x 7% 50 CALIFANO (J.) Sheep in Storm Size, 42% x 29 51 CALIFANO: (fF) Mountain Lake, Switzerland Size, 34 x 22 American American American American 52 CALIFANO (J.) American Italian Coast Scene Size, 9% x 5% 53 CALIFANO (jJ.) American Fisher Girl Size, 28 x 19 54 LOTT (&.) American Coast Scene Size, 20%% x 17 55 ODDIE (W. M.) European Landscape Size, 23%4 Diameter 56 UNKNOWN Roses 87 UNKNOWN Mythological i Size, 634 Diameter (On Porcelain) | 58 UNKNOWN Italian Size, 2334 x 1914 59 GOLD PICTURE FRAME : A rg eR TR ge nan