as ay i Fete a orase ite + Sires Bittats E Gr oeesss mites pastes yutstiee ee Rests eee - ira be 3s SGI eres pets ad BeEe, ACC. LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK | | . n = - wake % er ’ i 29 — a a alg. og < “se . HOARY a - ee a het Sa ear bs re ee ad one i Fieeo } lr é 3 em) 4 - cy ‘ i ra ON FREE VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5rn, 19138 ; AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE PAINTINGS BY THE AMERICAN ARTIST THE LATE JULIAN RIX UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS Monpbay AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, MARCH 10TH AND 11TH AT 8.15 O’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CATALOGUE OF THE FINISHED PICTURES SKETCHES AND STUDIES LEFT BY THE LATE JULIAN RIX TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE SILK CITY SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY OF PATERSON, NEW JERSEY, EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM RYLE alii ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MaAnacers MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1913 aA ; 4 He eae TS ‘ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not’ what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcrionEeEr. 2 - CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK FINISHED PICTURES, SKETCHES AND STUDIES I—LANDSCAPE: A SKETCH eee (Panel) 7} ee “Lap VL. ie et Aft ae Height, 934 inches; length, 14 inches (/ if Y A SKETCH of green meadow land crossed by the line of a brook or ditch, with trees and a group of country build- ings. 2—LANDSCAPE: TREES (Panel) ie ce - re OAM ret ms Ngee Height, 1134 inches; length, 16 inches SEVERAL trees of full foliage appear in the center and at the right of a level grass-plot, their shadows darkening the sunny turf. At the left two trees almost bare of leaves, their trunks patched in white and brown as those of the buttonwood tree, lean toward the left but thrust their branches back across the picture toward the right. 3—ROCKY POOL (Panel) Sige Height, 20 inches; width, 143; BEFORE a mass of dense trees tifree wispy ones/\grow at the side of a rock-bordered pool, in a grassy glen, whose water takes gray, white and blue reflections from the sky. 4—THE HOUSE OF THE RED GABLE (Panel) aoe | eae. WW, inches; length, aie inches 36 = 8 g ) A. ROAD climbing diagonally up a green and sandy fore- ground reaches on the next plane a group of humble build- ings dominated by a modest old house with a high red gable—all in bright sunlight against an unfinished moun- tain background. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 5—THE HILL ROAD ve P ] 4 re é oe (Panel) ] ’ Height, 1934 inches; length, 26 inches A SANDY road runs in a gentle curve up a hill and passes from sight to descend the farther slope. In the fore- ground is a grassy cleft on the right and a green mound on the left, and on the crest of the hill at either side of the road are farmhouses and barns. 6—CLOUD MISTS k N guests Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches Croup mists, like traveling banks of fog which move in-- land near the seashore, are drifting above a green, sunny and inhabited valley that lies at the foot of a dark moun- tain range. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. - {LANDSCAPE Vrreyenr herd frre io fp $e. Height, 2534, inches; length, $194 (ache i) A ROAD, passing about a kite-shaped grass patch, leads through open hillside fields and loses itself beyond a line of trees which crosses the landscape in the middle distance, well below distant hilltops. 8—_SUNSET COLORS yer) }Visrere lA 6t «Height, 28 inches; length, 3534 wee f As sky is alight with many tones of red ‘and yellow, which form a brilliant mixture of reflections in a body of water that fills the foreground between a shaded bank with trees, on the right, and a lower bank at the left where two buildings catch the late rays of the sun. 9—MOUNTAIN HOMES ) ST Height, 82 inches; length, 42 inches - SUNLIGHT illumines a valley and broad hillsides among high mountains. Situated on a winding road, near some trees, a group of buildings tells of human habitation. _ Beyond the hills clouds come down over the mountain tops. lo—d NEW YORK SKYLINE i* (« 6 0 — Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches Tue North River is the foreground, and the skyline of a section of the lower city is shown, on a showery day, at a time when skyscrapers were few. A smoking ferryboat is seen near shore. 11-4 GATHERING STORM, , L eee a O <— = - Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches THE lower sky is a mass of black storm-clouds, which, thinning out near the center, allow the reflected light of higher, white clouds, to gleam upon an edge of some darkened land on the border of the sea or of a river, and to lighten a patch of the water. Signed at the lower right, Jurtan Rix. 12—COASTAL LIGHTS AND SHADOWS ee Height, 61 inches; ee 36 Ep es Gane THE sea occupies all of the freoronene ee indigo- blue toward the shore and mottled by cloud-shadows and land reflections elsewhere. The coast, with scattered trees growing to the water’s edge, rises in steep and sunny slopes to dark mountains. Signed at the lower right, JuLIAN Rix. FINISHED PICTURES 13_THREE SMALL PAINTINGS IN ONE FRAME pats, oe | (All signed by the Artist) ie ( (A) Two points of land, both wooded, project {rom rjght and left into a body of water which, narrow between them, expands in the foreground in partial shadow and beyond the points in full sunlight. The trunks of the point trees are reflected forward, and overhead their branches meet in a leafy arch. (B) Two big trees growing side by side mount against a yellow-white sky full of light, their trunk-shadows fall- ing toward the spectator across the end of a pond. (C) A rn of slender trees beginning at the left unites at the right with a dense grove or wood, while the light of a brilliant sunset which colors all the heavens comes through between the trunks of the slender trees and gives crimson and yellow reflections to a brook in the fore- ground. 14—APPROACH OF EVENING J> = Height, 1014 inches; ey pe EVENING is settling down over a quiet Pe eae under a gray sky, the green of the grass in shadow and the trees rising in dusky silhouette against the clouds. 15—THE PATH OF THE SUNLIGHT y Cs Height, 12 inches; length, 16 {inches [i eee It is a morning of mists, eae sun, not yet high, struggling through the dissipating clouds. ‘Thé orb ap- pears above a mass of trees crossing the middle distance— the mists still lingering on their hither side—and the rays fall in the foreground upon a blue brook that passes between moist, green banks, and bring a pathway of re- flections to the eye. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix. 16—A CALIFORNIA VALLEY 7 ea (Panel) ———s- Height, 8 inches; length, 10 wches TH THE deep green of dense woods forms a dark ahd solid background, under a bright blue sky and rose-tinted masses of gray and white clouds, to a valley clearing on the borders of a lake or winding stream. ‘The sunlight falls full upon a red-roofed building on an island in the farther water, reflections lightening the surface before it while elsewhere the water is in the transparent but deep shadow of the surrounding woodland. , pees an Height, 20 inches; length, 24 infhes A uHiGH hill at the left throws its shadow over a large part of a green vale, the flank of the hill and a group of trees growing on it being seen in deep shadow. To the right and in the distance the landscape—including a village—is in a flood of sunshine, which also lights in brilliant hues the plentiful clouds in a blue sky. THE MILL LEO of y, ogg ee ech de / 3 s Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches A BROAD river appears out of a level and open country, and passes here between thickly wooded banks, on one of which stand the buildings of a mill. The thick trees are in autumn colors, which with the notes of the sky are reflected in the liquid mirror. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 44—THE DEEP GREEN RIVER Lao Height, 20 ne eee dd ws. A RIVER makes its appearance in the middle distance, — coming about a bend in the gorge it has cut through a forest of evergreens and broadening until it occupies all of the foreground. In places making slight rapids it is broken into foam; elsewhere the surface is a rich, deep and pervading green, below the masses of tall conifers that rise on either bank. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rrx. 45—SUNSET (Panel) tee Height, 20 inches; lengtly £6 jc (rgd ad fe A BRoAD road winds up a hill ilies the foréground, and passing over disappears among ate Beyond, in the distance, higher hills rise dark against a sky brilliant in sunset splendor. On the left of the road is a long, low, gable building, a door and window in the end of which reflect brightly the sunset glow. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. 46—THE OLD OAK BY THE BROOK Sad 1¢ - Height, 26 inches; width, inches A sroap and limpid brook issuing from the left turns and comes forward, its clear water carrying reflections of sky and cloud, of trees and bordering rocks. At its edge, on the left, a huge and sturdy oak, inclining slightly toward the brook, lifts its massive trunk in the sunshine, its upper branches passing out of the picture. The sky is a brilliant blue, with white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix, 47—_THE RED WOODS iPopy Cael Height, 20 inches ; len A BROOK comes down from an gpen Lee at the right, along the edge of a dense wood on the left whose most conspicuous feature is a terminal group of some variety of birches, their silvery trunks accentuated by the brilliant sunshine which illumines strongly their reddened leafage. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. 48—LANDSCAPE Ga 6 0 ‘= Height, 20 inches; length, 26 yen A BROAD river in an open wood comes out of the middle distance in a bend and overspreads the foreground. Its waters are partly in shadow, and flecked with light reflec- tions where their courses are hastened. On either side and across the background are tall and varied trees. Signed at the lower right, JuLian Rix. 49—CLOUDS AND GRAY PEAKS ee Height, 20 inches; length, 2 oof inet th, Loup billows roll over the tops ‘x mountains, up in a turquoise sky, the scarred and rugged summits showing irregular masses of gray rock where the slopes are too steep for trees. A crooked road crosses the lower fore- ground, which is in bright sunshine. 50—ON THE SANTA BARBARA COAST, CALI- FORNIA a, G = Height, 28 inches; wid h, 22 Anches A BOLD coast rises abruptly on the right, its tall cli purplish-brown, and falls away in the foreground to ives rocky and grassy stretches of a rugged land. Below is the sea—here blue, there green—now tinged with pink, yellow or lavender. It is morning, a haze hangs over the water and makes it opalescent, as the sun—not yet high— sends a line of reflections shoreward into the spectator’s eye. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rrx. 5I—PASSAIC RIVER, NEW JERSEY 27 yt Height, 2134 inches; length, 2 p ipeher a7 ny) brs river—then a clear and handsome pastoral stneane flows across the picture, occupying all of the foreground, only the farther shore being shown. ‘There the high, grass- grown and wooded banks at right and left of the middle distance slope gently toward a central cleared plain where fields are indicated, and low farm buildings with red roofs appear in a somewhat obscure distance. Coming from the field, behind detached trees at the left, a reddish sandy or Clay farm road curves sharply down the bank and ends in the river—as though at a ford. Just here the sunlight falls full upon road, bank and stream, bringing out the color in all, while the accentuating shadow is on and under the bank at the left. A light robin’s-egg blue sky is suffused with gray-white clouds, occasionally tinged with mauve. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. - 52-FARMHOUSE BY A RIVED HE Dy h ae Height, 21% inches; length, 291 AO e uss a5 = d ® : g Y A SLUGGISH river passing across the foreground makes a broad turn around a point on which is seen a white Amer- ican farmhouse and a reddish-brown barn. Fine old trees grow at intervals along the bank, some now green and some wearing their fall hue of red, and the surface of the river is filled with reflections. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 58—A RAINY DAY ey hh a Toes Height, 21 inches; length, 29 inches A city plaza with asphalt pavement, between high build- ings and a green park, is shown on a rainy day. The tall architectural piles, themselves seen dimly in the descending mist, cast their shadows from the right; the park trees make wet green pictures at the left; and in a lighter streak down the center, vehicles and pedestrians with um- brellas are defined in the grayness—their reflections, also, coloring the pave. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. ‘54-LANDSCAPE aieaa (Cet Nie Sie eee Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches AT the left is a wooded escarpment. At its base a brook- let winds its way, from its descent over a moderate cas- cade in the middle distance, along the edge of low land at the right, where large trees of dense foliage cast deep shadows on the green bank. _ Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 55—SANTA BARBARA CLIFFS: LATE AFTER- NOON fh re Height, 2134 inches; lemgth, 2934 inc ie q A BROAD, flat sandy beach we RHE Es ground mt of it in the shadow of tall, purplish-brown eliffs whith rise at the right, their upper slopes covered with verdure. At the left is the sea, with waves rolling up the sands or breaking on outlying rocks, under a blue sky with low- massed clouds. Rays of the sinking sun touch the top of the cliffs and flash on the beach. Signed at the lower right, Juyian Rix. 56-—THE RAPIDS fee (hee q sa Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches SWEEPING around a long, wooded point, into a fair, green environment, a broad river comes into the foreground and passes to the left again out of the picture, its blue waters darkened by tree-shadows. Its course in the foreground is a turbulent rapids, the dancing waters flashing white reflections where the light of the sky strikes them. | 37-THE LAPIS RIVER L.49-Y. pe dS Curd Height, 20 inches; length, 30 imches A PASTORAL stream as it approaches broadens into a basin occupying most of the foreground, its waters here becom- ing mildly turbulent in unaccustomed eddies, and reflect- ing in curious modulations the green of the banks and trees, the blue of the sky and the tones of various clouds and shadows, until the surface suggests an immensity of lapis-lazuli, with high lights whitening the center. - 58 LANDSCAPE DO At ¢ ee Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches A woop thick at the beginning tapers and gives way to an open country with farm buildings in the distance. In the foreground short trees throw shadows toward a pond in the center, and a large tree with a light trunk stands - outside the wood. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix, ’97. 59—THE RIVER On {Ce fee / os Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches A. RIVER placid when first seen is hurried into rapids as it turns between rocky points to hasten to the foreground. Above a yellow-green bank which crosses the picture‘white and red gabled houses and red barns nestle amid trees and luxuriant herbage. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 60—EV ENING (Paste aet velit Valen $7 /d ~—Height, 2334 inches; width, 3134 inchéy Two large birches, their silver-gray bark still bright in the gathering dusk, rise on the left of a large pool which is turned to crimson by reflections of a fiery sunset sky. At their base a figure is seen in a path that skirts the water, and in the middle distance at either side are many trees. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 61—RUSHING BROOK (/? Mo / 5) 0) a Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches Tue foliage of three low-branching trees forms a varying horizontal line of green across the picture, connecting at the right with a group of similar trees. From the middle distance, beneath this leafy projection, which casts a line of shadows on the ground, a lively brook comes rushing forward, its green-blue waters broken into gleaming white ripples as they are shunted by the irregular banks while descending to a pond in the foreground. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 62—LANDSCAPE: SUNSET | , (Sree. BL / 0 ~ Height, 26 inches; length, 52 incher? Drirtine cloud patches high up in a greenish-turquoise sky are white and yellow and mauve, their yellow-white -- warmed to a reddish tinge, in an after-sunset glow. Below, the distant landscape is darkening under a violet haze; in the middle distance farmhouses are discernible in the gloaming; in the foreground a brook, seen between trees on either hand, catches cloud reflections at a bend in its course. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rrx. 68—THE BROOK ee iA Ls j Lh 3 . ; : my) 0 Height, 241% inches; length, 39 inches . is A BROAD brook issues from behind a low point at the left, in the middle distance, and sweeping forward and leftward again fills most of the foreground and passes out of the picture. At its emergence into view it breaks into white ripples which catch the sunlight that falls from the right in a slant across the point and the bend in the stream. The broader part of the brook in the foreground is in a cool shadow, as is its low rocky bank at the right—the darkened water however showing reflections of the lighter bank at the left. The previous course of the brook has been through a grove of large trees, which continues across the picture—thick and deep at left and right, but sufficiently open through the center so that distant sunlit fields are seen between the trunks, beneath the thick upper foliage, and the eye is carried on to a blue sky at the low horizon. A sturdy and inviting landscape of sunlight and shadow, coolness and seclusion. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix, 64—IN THE MOUNTAINS y,, ei IS &: ae Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches CRO 4 A sTEEP mountain road climbs in a winding course— strong shadows falling across it from trees on the left— to an intermediate plateau of the middle distance where the white walls of cottages gleam in the sunshine. Back of them the green sides of the mountains rise across the vision, leading back to greater mountains that lie blue in the distance, their summits often obscured by floating gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 65—THE THATCHED ROO /oL 47° — Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches THE creamy-white, sun-kissed walls of an Old World cottage rise out of the green turf above a brook, which appears deep in the shadow of tall trees. Other trees project their branches over the steep thatched roof of the — cottage, putting part of it in shadow and mottling one wall. The thatch has a peculiarly rich brown and velvety quality. ‘ Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rrx. 66—LANDSCAPE Hh to AO eae Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches THE spectator stands above a valley in a hilly country near the coast. The valley is in sunlight and is crossed by a road serving some neighboring houses at the right, above which rise tall poplar trees. The eye roams over an obscure middle distance where buildings of a town show - through a thin mist, to a blue sea whitening as the breakers _ come shoreward, and on to a far-off headland. 67—THE BROOK IN THE MEADOW SZ eee Height, 28 eee i Pde hens ge Brown and yellow trees, eres; and in irregular groups growing close together, border a broad meadow which spreads over the distance. A brook comes straight for- ward through the meadow, its waters glistening in silvery vibrations as they rush downward among rocks, before turning about a low and tree-covered point of the fore- ground. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix. _ 68—SUNSET a O%- Height, 28 inches; Aare ca ae Hicu trees with rounded tops rise on the right, screening from view the setting sun, whose light, falling across the landscape beyond them, illuminates low fields and farm buildmgs. A narrow river comes forward around the point of the trees, a road along its bank. The sunset sky is a marvelous complexity of brilliant coloring, pecupy us the larger part of the picture. 69—EDGE OF THE WOODS: SUNSET Vs / Ss — Height, 24 inches; nn ele &) %, Man THE woods rise brown and dark on*the left, mounting t higher land from a low central plain through which rivulet runs, with a lighter group of trees at the right. The water takes the glint of the sky, which—while blue, filled with rosy clouds, aloft—shows at the horizon the dull red glow of after-sunset, beyond the central plain. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. -%0—GOLDEN GLOW ay. nk ie eee 3 Dore) ‘<” —s- Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches THE foreground—green, with gray rocks—of an extensive landscape is in the shadow of a heavy cloud, the shadow continuing over an edge of the great plain beyond, whose mingled trees and dwellings shimmer indistinguishably in the golden-yellow glow of an effulgent sunset, which also illumines the ragged edges of the dark cloud overhead. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 71_SLOW-FADING DAY ge Oe Height, 40 inchess width, 39 in | THE scene is within the edge Gea where it is almost dusk. From somewhere behind the spectator come slant- ing rays of sunshine illuminating the autumn foliage— high up—of a large tree at the right. At its foot, in semi- obscurity, is a dull blue pool across which one looks through an opening in the woods to the pale yellow moon, rising out of a mist that lies low over the land. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 72—_SWIRLING WATERS oS vo ee Height, 32 inches; lengt ) 4 inc Rounbep cliffs rise at the left (with outstanding boulders: at their base and a lower extension of the ro¢ky shore appearing from the right. Between, the waters of the ocean are tumbling, swirling, and tossing spray high over the rocks. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 73—THE STORM 1 hegnee Height, 32 ee ee sth, AQ apes A uicuH bluff above the ocean eupies AMR foreground, descending toward the right and crossed by a sinuous roadway. On a patch of it and upon some cottages the direct rays of the sun high aloft play through an opening in some blackest of thunder-clouds, which overcast all the rest of the sky—save that the silver linings appear in the same opening, a reflection from which makes the one light spot in an otherwise black expanse of surrounding sea. ‘Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. a co 74—_A MOUNTAIN VALLEY ie eee OUNTAIN MDG (bb Se Gg Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches i (/ OUNDED summits of mountains rise toward a blue sky, across which light clouds are driven by the aerial currents. The sun plays oddly on the upper ridges and fissures, the lower flanks are in deep shadow, and thence begin gentle sunlit slopes that lead down to a habited valley—which itself is really a plateau of the great range. Adobe build- ings with red roofs are here, and trees and some rambling roads. 75—_THE MILL IN Pee, 6 a re Vis 4) — Height, 42 inches; width, 32 inc ek PA Aig Se besser THE full moon is rising out of a horizon haze and cloud- bank, and her light strikes upon a narrow river flowing forward from dimness. On the left, at the edge of a dark, thick clump of trees, the moonlight falls upon an old mill building on the bank. Signed at the lower right, Juvtan Rix. 76—THE MENDOCINO COAST, CALIFORNIA Ji 0 % Height, 82 inches; length, inch¢s Loeb Lune Ly. A sEA of deep, opaque blue comes up from the right and out of the distance, moving slowly and majestically in _billows low but of mighty weight, which break in a blue- white smother at the foot of massive cliffs—broken and rugged in outline—at the left. The cliffs are a purplish- brown on their face, patches of verdure showing toward their crests which are tipped with sunshine. Somber clouds that already encompass most of the picture, throw- ing the greater part of the sea into shadow, have not yet. closed over the rocky point, across which is still visible some blue sky, framed in clouds whose edges the sun has whitened. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rrx. 7i_A VALLEY STREAM Aes ZL y Wis ot inc : Deg ot Height, 32 inches; len - A GREEN and sunlit valley between green mountain slopes is threaded by a narrow blue brooklet, whose waters are turned to white as they hasten down a Lilliputian and serpentine rapids. The mountains are largely obscured in shadow and mist. | Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rrx. 783—_MOUNTAIN TREES is 63 —- Height, 32 inches; len pie 748 "(Anan THE green, broad and rugged backs of mountains are seen in a ridge or chain which crosses the background, before gray clouds spun out against the aerial blue. On the sunny slopes below them trees of marked individuality have been intimately studied and sympathetically por- trayed. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. "79—A PLAIN AMONG THE gf ae f SrECe Height, 32 inches; len inchegy yl ne THE whole foreground is given at, level green plain, which extends to the base of niajestic mountains whose lower sides are grass-grown, the upper slopes thickly covered with timber. At the left a broad sandy wagon road leads to the foot of the range and turns there to the left among trees. 80—IN AGE STURDY t, LA et Re a3 é) ““. Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches AN ancient oak, badly scarred by time and tempest, grows on a hillside at the right, detached from other trees, maimed of some of its limbs, but raising its still green foliage out of the picture and extending a huge branch to the left until it, too, goes beyond the canvas’ bounds. The sunlight falls upon the seamed trunk. In the back- ground are mountains. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 81—GIANT BIRCHES Lay ae / UL ot / QO , Height, 46 inches; width, 263/, inches ats A woop of cone-shaped trees in shadow extends on either side of a brook that comes straight forward from a distant field. Im the foreground on the right, where the sun strikes, two big birch trees, one with a particularly large trunk, rise out of the picture—their silvery bark peeling in places below. 82-LANDSCAPE LOC cool oe 4 ore Height, 35° inches; mi ay Y. Heavy clouds hang low under a blue sky—white, gray ee dark ones—with the bright sunlight, coming down between them, striking shadows of a line of trees upon the green grass of a meadow, along the border of a brook. 838—_MONARCH OF THE FOREST / / "J aes Height, 50 inches; width, inches A TREE of marked character and dignity rises in thé fore- ground at the left of the center, its substantial trunk almost straight for many feet overhead and its full luxuri- ant upper branches mounting out of the picture. Such of the foliage as is visible reveals some broad surfaces of red and brown against the summer green, and merges at either side with that of other trees at right and left. The trees grow on the banks of a rushing river that comes out of obscurity in the middle distance, swirls about the base of the “Monarch,” and overspreads the foreground with its dark blue waters, their tumbling courses marked by white reflections. Beneath the arch of leaves the sky is clear blue, with small, scattering patches of cloud floating in the lower ether. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 84— LANDSCAPE | /O 6 %- Height, 30 inches; ee Pe Llane ‘S One of the broad California valléys and its encompassing hillsides are marked by the shadows of clouds—an effect which constantly appealed to this artist. Trees grow in various groups, and a winding road leads to some houses. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix ’98. 85—MOONRISE OVER THE OCEAN / a, oe Height, 30 inches; mee inches Win pie THE night is dark and cloudy, and the horizon/js in a dfer fall haze, through which the full moon is rising—a dull red ball—her light hardly affecting the gloom. At the left is the low point of a rocky shore. The sea is still, save for slight ripples which reflect the dim red light. Ve ree te 86—THE WATERFALL PG | a Height, 54 inches; width, Sea) She A BROOK of considerable size makes a swift descent in the center of a broad ravine, small rocks interrupting its course and sunlight glinting upon its falling waters, which, more tranquilly, spread over the foreground. The slopes of the ravine are grass-covered, their tops wooded. From back of a dark cloud the sun is “drawing water,” through mists at the head of the hollow. Signed at the lower right, Juytan Rix. 87_MARINE: CLIFFS AND SURF Z Canin) (VAY te ee ae Height, 60 inches; width, 30 inches A Massive cliffs rise to a great height on the left tha tend into the perspective nearly across the picture, their tones blending in the distance into those of gray and mauve clouds along the horizon, under a blue sky aloft. At the base of the rocky coast the seas break white and green as they are churned among the outlying boulders. SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1913 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK FINISHED PICTURES, SKETCHES AND STUDIES 88—TREES AND THEIR SHADOWS md 9 0k te ol 5 Height, 934 inches; length, 14 inches TREES, tall and graceful—growing in groups of two and three, and singly—extending in a line down a level field toward a wood, are sketched in sunshine as they cast their shadows toward the spectator, on the green turf. (Panel) 89—_LANDSCAPE: A RIVER WA) fb, vod Ld 6, ab Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A RIVER, passing forward along a bank with dense, round- topped trees on the right, reflects their deep green shadows and the white clouds of a summer day. 90—A BRILLIANT WINTER SKY eye's : : (Panel) //1 nto (@) . renee Height, 171 inches; length, 24 inches Tne sun has set, and lights are appearing in two houses on the bank of a river, among trees all but bare of leaves. A variegated sky, still brilliant, finds equally bright reflec- tions in the river, which occupies the foreground. 91_UP THE MOUNTAINS (Panel) YQ) - &, Lo) a Height, 28 inches; width, 171% inches jj A RUGGED mountain mass forms the background, white clouds below the peaks in a blue sky—and a sinuous road up the inclines of the lower slopes is suggested. 92—A VILLAGE (Panel) OG aha ae gt en ia Height, 1934 inches; length, 26 inches A ROAD over a sandy plain with grass seen in patches runs back to the foothills of mountains, on either side of it in the middle distance appearing fenced-in dwellings and outbuildings of a village. 93 LANDSCAPE yy. Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches aus red roofs and white and gray walls of a village or settlement appear in the middle distance, approached by a road running between green banks of the foreground to the foot of a sunny hillside beyond the houses, back of which low mountains lie in the shadow of clouds. aad Ee “94-4 LONE CABIN, “y,.j/-- ae SSO Height, 2534 inches; length, 3134 inche A. STRAGGLING footpath leads up a gentle incline to a lonely-looking adobe house, banked up against high hills or low mountains, over whose tops rose-tinted white clouds are drooping. Path and foreground are marked by deco- rative shadows of unseen trees at the left. 95—_TWILIGHT IN THE MOUN /) LIN rd. ee ®. ? : uf 6 re H eight, 32 inches; length, 42 inches A roap leads back across a plain to bordering woods, on whose edge humble dwellings are showing their evening lights. Beyond are foothills; and back of them the rugged peaks of towering mountains, which are still gleaming in the strong light of day. 96—A GIANT OAK J 5 Vy Umar DAD % Height, 82 inches; length, 42 inches A - A. GREAT oak tree, short of trunk but seamed ‘and sturd ; having survived its generation, stands alone by the side of a lively brook—its distant neighbors younger trees. _ Its gnarled branches are rugged, and its still ample foliage is reddened by the approach of autumn. 97—_LANDSCAPE . ‘i Abd oa Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches A PEACEFUL river is bordered on the right by a green meadow. On the left, rounded trees come down its sloping bank, and mingle their deep greenish shadows in the water with those of the colorful clouds which fill much of the sky. 98—_AN ARCH OF THE Fone 3 .) S ‘= Height, 4534 inches; width, 3314 inches From the distance, under a fair sky, a blue and silvery river comes straight forward, between wooded banks, and tumbling over occasional rocky shelves passes under a green arch formed by the foliage of foreground trees standing at either side, which unites overhead. 99—_LANDSCAPE of atpae / Ward °*. —s- Height, 40 inches; length, 68 inches ye A LAKE is pictured in a hilly and mountainous wooded country, its placid bosom darkened by the deep shadows of land and clouds, except where at one border the sun comes through, lighting a bit of the water and a part of the wooded shore. | Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. FINISHED PICTURES 100—E LEVEN SMALL PAINTINGS ON ACAD- ee j EMY BOARD IN ONE FRAME ey ( ey signed by the Artist) Tf (4) Two slender trees with the contour of birches rise out of a tangled mass of underbrush at the left, on the bank of a lake whose distant shore is hilly. (B) A crovr of three trees, red in autumn, live on a yellow-green bank at the edge of a blue river, under a pale sky with light yellow clouds. (C) A TREE, or it may be a small clump of trees, balloon- shape, stands at the left of a river which bears yellowish white and green reflections of the sky and shores—larger trees rising against the sky in a mass to the right of the water. _ (D) A Great tree stands out from a forest at the right, on the bank of a rippling brook, a slant of sunlight accenting its broad trunk and enlivening the moving water. (#) A Narrow stream, blue, with reflections of billowing cream-white clouds, comes forward through a wooded country ; in the distance are blue hills, and on a green bank of the foreground there is a touch of red. (7) A BALLOON-SHAPED tree on a short trunk stands at the head of a line or grove of trees on the left of a brook, which in the middle distance shows white as it comes over a miniature fall, and broadens in the foreground with a surface of gray and blue. (G) Sunuicut glistens on the bark of two slender trees at the left, and three at the right, and on the water of a miniature falls in a brook which drops into the foreground beneath an opening amongst the trees of the grove to which those mentioned belong. (H) Tau trees grow in a bunch on a hillside at the left, and shorter ones on lower land at the right, of a stream which emerges from a hilly country and appears gray- white between green, yellow and brown banks. (I) THe sun, partly obscured by light clouds, is climbing over mountains in a distant purple haze, and filling with white and mottled reflections a broad body of water which extends across the foreground before a line of green foot- hills. (J) THE sky is a blaze of red and yellow splendor, after sunset, over a low and level landscape in deep shadow, or the gloaming, with trees at the right silhouetted against the brilliant clouds. (K) Wirx the sun struggling through reddish-golden mists over the sea, the waves are breaking against tall, reddish-brown cliffs at the right, the spray tossing high and white as the sun-rays strike it. 101—BALD MOUNTAIN % 3 ot ee Height, 12 inches; le A GREEN mountain range crosses the picture, beyond a flat" foreground. A road leads straight to its base, where homes appear at the left, the peak above the end of the road raising an almost barren poll among its verdure-clad neighbors. ACA es | Sod A VERDANT meadow is bordered at the left by a alate of trees and in the distance by low hills, while on the right are other trees. The blue sky is heavily burdened with many clouds, and the dark-gray lower ones cast their shadows on the sunny meadow and hillsides. ee 102—THE SHADOWS OF ‘i pritg iene Height, 14 inches; lengthy 1 arom Signed at the lower right, Juytan Rix. 103—BIRCHES W)ynr-: Yhechcref ee Me /04 * Height, 18 inches; width, 12{ inches A crouP of slender birches at the border of a wood rise from the high bank of a narrow river at the left, the river which comes out of the shadows of a wooded distance sweeping before them in a sharp turn. The sunshine accentuates their light bark, and makes the water glisten in front of them. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. (Panel) | . a : 4 Lark, ie} ne ae ae -104-THE POOL AT THE BIRBCHES’ ~~ Od Lal Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches A NARROW stream coursing across the picture expands just here, indenting the nearer bank in a broad V among gray rocks. Opposite, a group of three birch trees seg- regate themselves, though part of a wood, and beyond them a cleared lane opens the way to a blue sky dappled with white fleece. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 105—TWO TREES BY A ‘agree ae | (Panel) : oo. age: Height, 14 inches; length, 17 aay akin: git, eve tePits Hap not the common carriers pre-empted the phrase this picture might be entitled “Trunk Lines,” for it was the interesting contortions of the sturdy limbs of two bushy trees on the left of a narrow blue brook, in a generally open landscape, which attracted the painter’s brush, and make the picture. 106—MOONLIGHT AMONG THE ag INS a ee: (Panel) koppbirg Height, 1334 inches; length, 20 ee THE full moon, taking its course across a clear blue sky revealing only scattering patches of thin cloud, has just risen above the crests of a mountain chain, and facing the spectator looks down upon a foreground valley, or seamed plateau, where bunches of trees make odd shadows and a narrow road wanders about. Signed at the lower right, JuLian Rix. a % ey REAR ae 2 Bar beds: | a © Ks i te 107M ARINE YY: Lathe ut A pie Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches A SIMPLE presentation of the ocean—without a ship or a sea bird visible—under a light gray sky with heavy, dull gray clouds overhead, the blue waves rolling leisurely up — a broad, flat, sandy beach, broken by a single dark rock. Signed at the lower left, JuLtan Rix. es SETTING SUNY, Ne q) 3. Me i Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches A country landscape is in the gloom of fading day—at the left a few trees, and near them a winding brooklet along whose border a footpath leads to some cottages at the right, beyond a single wispy tree. The sun, a full red orb, is sinking amid deep, misty clouds near the horizon, its failing brilliance finding a reflection in the brook. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 109-THE DIKE ROAD © WL Ue hh / y Sites Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches A DIKE or causeway extends from the foreground straight through the center of the picture to a wooded distance, traversed by a single wagon road between grassy borders, at either side of which are ditches of blue water skirting the adjacent fields. In the middle distance are trees at either side, those at the right on rising land. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 1W0—THE MYSTIC HOUR Gee. Y a O a Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches (/ I GHT has fallen, yet from some last reflection of the sun- set behind the spectator comes a slant of light illumi- ning the reddened tops of a group of trees of the left middle distance, and enabling a pale reflection of them in the water foreground. They seem to stand on a point of land, and beyond them at the right, far over distant water, the top of the full moon is just rising into view. 111—GUIDE’S CABIN NEAR INDIAN POND, MAINE WY. 7 rs i 0 oo Height, 18 inches; length, 20 inches A 106 cabin with walls well boarded—a leaning black chimney projecting above its broadly slanting roof— stands in the left middle distance at the edge of a thick wood of second growth whose foliage is a light, fresh green. From the open foreground a crude road leads up to the cabin from a broad clearing which at the right extends back to a dense wood of deeper green. Beyond this wood the rounded tops of distant mountains rise in a dull and far-away blue haze against a sober. gray sky. Amid the verdure of the clearing are some reddish- brown surface growths, and the atmospheric quality of this eastern retreat is accentuated by the effect of the light bark of young birches which intervene between the fore- ground and the cabin. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. Sao | oi NE ay Sy ina 8 a a \ 112—LANDSCAPE (Ny pide ns 5 : mo /| ‘ ah Teac: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches (] f Tue foreground carries the shadows of unseen trees. Beyond them, in the sunshine, two detached trees grow in a field on the border of a turquoise stream, on the other side of which are thick, dark woods. Signed at the lower right, JuLiIAN Rix. 1183—HILLSIDE re te 4 salen se Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches q A GREEN hill surmounted by dwellings descends from the right to a meadow with some trees and a pool. In the middle distance its slope is broken by a broad excavation, where its material has been taken away for use else- where. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 114—THE FIRST RAIN, MIDWINTER: SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA oe / Oy *% Height, 18 inches; lepgth,,24 inch Vy A ROAD between green banks curves from the foreground into the midst of town buildings among many trees, which occupy the middle distance across the picture at the base of a broad hillside. Grass, roofs and road are dark, and the dark rain-clouds come in masses low down the hillside. . Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. Oe la 115—THE COAST OF MANY COLORS rou Height, 1734 inches; length, 26 inches AT the left is the sea, coming up in wavelets to the sandy beach of the foreground, the breaking waters whitened by the sun which is seen struggling through cloud strata and a pearly mist. At the right the bold cliffs of a rocky headland reflect a remarkable variety of brilliant color. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 16—AUTUMN L Oy: ie: =, 2 ae /9 nee Height, 18 inches; length, 26 baralee A LONE tree at the left of the center rises out of the “E picture, its trunk and lower foliage in shadow. Beyond, the sunlight is strong upon light clouds in a blue sky, and upon a tall tree that grows above an old house in a green meadow which is almost surrounded by woods in their autumn colors. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. ~117—WOODS IN AUTUMN ee. yee eu is Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches 4, THE foreground is a green clearing, with two detached trees at the right at whose base blue and brown rocks are seen. Beyond the clearing, oaks, maples and other trees present their autumnal tints, and cast curious shadows on the grass. A ara URE: Nob, iy Aen a an er eb be sib 118—LANDSCAPE ey (0 f je he os Z ace Height, 19 inches; ak 26 inches A NaARROw road leads up a hill from the foreground, in the center of the picture, passing over to buildings on the farther slope. At the right, on the crest, is a small adobe cottage, over it rising a broad and bushy tree which is the main feature of the composition. Signed at the lower right, JuLian Rix. 119—LANDSCAPE Pn. thee / c ai Ree Pa Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches A RIVER flowing around a bend from the left descends in | a slight rapids as it expands in the foreground, between banks lined with tall pines, firs and other trees. The light, green-blue sky is laden with masses of gray and some heavy black clouds. The river takes a complexity of reflections and reveals a variety of color, from white to a rich, dark blue. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 1200—IN THE MOUNTAINS ve A. Vy. int lon ay ies Height, 1934 inchani Loe , 26 inches Mountains with irregular tops rise against a robin’s-ege sky. Small masses of gray and white cloud appear to be coming over them, and there are mists among their lofty shadows. In the middle distance in the sunlight white houses with red roofs are seen, a road leading to them passing some slender trees that contribute interesting lines and color patches to the composition. 121—M ARINE ey 0 ye Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches THE green sea comes up from the right, breaking in short, choppy waves against reddish-brown rocks and cliffs on the left, where the water is white in the strong sunlight. A mist or shower, coming in, already obscures part of the ocean and the upper cliffs. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rrx. 122-BY THE SEA (/ ee fae, L.(; adler i fe 0 <— Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches _ THE green-blue sea spreads across the picture, an arm Ne the land projecting from the right in the middle distance, at its end being a small town or summer colony. A dull gray cloud hanging low beneath a bright blue sky casts a shadow on the water, while the sunlight turns the sur- face of the choppy waves white before and beyond it. 1283—POMPTON RIVER, NEW JERSEY ce = =—- Height, 18 inches; j a ome eig inches; length, eee Wy Ven an Ir is a fair day of autumn; the sky is a clear light/blue, /~ with a few fleecy clouds. The river, curving gently’about V a low point in a green and level country, mirrors the sky-: blue and the red-brown foliage of solid old trees that cover the point. 21th 124d WOODLAND STREAM OR wi yee ot Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches THROUGH an opening in a woods a shallow brook or small - river winds an irregular course and reflects blue and gray tones of the sky. In the distance a cottage is seen, and nearer by a figure on the stream’s bank. At the left the foremost tree rises out of the picture. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. 125—IN THE MARSH GRASS 13 re (Water Cae me (ee { Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches A MEADOW pool is shown, bordered by tall marsh grasses, with groups of trees of varying size near its edges, and its surface reflecting the white of the clouds in a strong sky. 126—IN THE GREEN WOODS oo] Oe Height, 20 inches; len eee inches 4 Dove-cray and creamy clouds billow in a “Bie sky above forest trees where a sluggish river wanders. At the right, near the river, slender trees with silvery bark are notice- able in the greenery of the surrounding woods and herbage. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 127—A BROOK OY DAI oy ed) Height, 26 inches; oo aoe Comine out of the middle distance a brook makes its way between rocks to the foreground, several times in its brief course making quick descents over short falls which glint in the sunlight. ‘There are trees in the distance, and nearer at hand on the right is one with a scraggly trunk and bushy top. ual j tr Myc. F, Tay 428-THE MOTTLED SEA ; ee Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches A MOTTLED sea fills the foreground, the rippling wavelets flecking it with white as the sunlight touches them break- ing. In the middle distance is the low and level shore line, with here and there a house or two, the land soon rising to rolling hills and then to steep mountains with summits in the clouds. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 129-THE ZIGZAG TREE ~<\ MY, ty Vipame vA Os Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches ff Mn A SCATTERED group of homely buildings are spread across a bit of level land, at the base of a partly wooded ridge that bounds the picture. In the foreground at the right two trees rise, the farther one straight, the nearer with a trunk that, bent from its birth, has taken many directions in its zigzag and tortuous way upward. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 130M ARINE ee Se | b ices Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches Unper a dark blue sky partly filled with dull clouds the ocean appears dark in the distance, but is churned to foam in the foreground where the waves break against huge rocks on the left. Over these reddish-brown rocks the white spray mounts high, | i—moonticut =. Urrterdoane i Ces dette Height; 20 inches; length, 26 inches Tue full moon is appearing over the tops of tall trees. growing in the middle distance on the bank of a river. Below the trees, distant dwellings at the right are indicated — only by their evening lights, which are reflected in the water. On the left of the stream, and nearer by, before the trees, high buildings with many lighted windows are seen in the moonlight, their lights adding to the interesting reflections in the river. Signed at the lower right, Juutan 1x. 132-THE FALLS ~, he (ee oo Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches Out of a forest of pines and firs comes a river, which in the middle distance plunges down a rocky gorge and sweeps into the foreground and to the right. Its waters, dark in the distant shadow of the woods, are whitened in foam by the quick descent, and take various reflections — from the surroundings and the bright sky. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 1383—_LOW-HANGING CLOUDS j Ae ees $v Height, 21 inches; lengthy 28 igbes banda A’ BLEax hill slopes from the right to a far-extending moorland. ‘The sky aloft is a clear blue, but enormous cloud-masses, whitened at the edges toward the sun, and somber and ominous below, drift down the hillside, so low that in parts they blot it out. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. “184-OLD HAY RICK, NEW AERSEY, / LG gt — Height, 22 inches; length, 88 inches THE hay rick, built on four posts above a shed and care- fully roofed over with thatch, stands on the edge of a grove, the foreground being cleared. A line of the trees continues across the picture, with an opening through which a farm road passes. Below the rick, which is partly filled with stacked straw, chickens peck in the sunshine. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 13835—_THE CLOSE OF DAY /3 6 e*. _Height, 211% inches; length, 239 wches A HUMBLE farmhouse with a long, /jgw, slanting re roof, stands with a gray barn in the shelter of a broa spreading oak in the mellow foliage of early autumn. Tall straw stacks near by suggest the harvest gathered. The whole foreground group is in shadow. Beyond, the light falling from the right throws broad fields into a yellow radiance of late afternoon, under a green-turquoise sky overborne by mottled clouds. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 136—THE ROAD BY THE WOOD 6 U0 _ _Height, 211% inches; length, 201 yfches a ONE of the informal but freely used/foads in a a where men have not yet fenced out their neighbors. It leads through a verdant land, in slow curves along the edge of a thick wood that mounts a slope at the right. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. 1387—CLOUDS AND TREES com an ‘<= Height, 211, inches; length, 294% inches AGAINST a background of mountains in shadow and a light turquoise sky are seen picturesque trees, in sunlight, and bulbous masses of cloud-vapor coming down below the mountain-tops and reflected in a stream. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 1388—LANDSCAPE Oli Vee Lita Height, 2114 inches; length, 29% inches A DULL emerald-green sky is all but covered by creamy white clouds, its notes being repeated in reflections in the sapphire-blue water of a marshland pool, on the edge of a wood whose foliage is browned by the fall frosts. Signed at the lower right, Juytan Rix, 97. 139 MOONRISE vhs. / we QO “<— Height, 2114 inches; length, 30 inches From a low, wooded point at the right the land slopes to the left, revealing at the center a broad body of water. Behind irregular masses of cloud the full moon, not yet high, struggling through the lighter fleecy edges, casts her pale light over the water and the land. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 140—BORDER OF THE LAKE / 36 %- Height, 30 inches; aces phi ee ye OnE corner of a shallow lake projects into a low and we landscape, the shores tree-bordered around the left apd open in the distance to a light but cloud-burdened horizon. The trees tell that autumn has begun, and the reflections of the mixed sky give the water a dove-gray tone. we “\s1_IN THE Woops U. Lae & ff if (le aan Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches SLENDER young poplars or birches are seen grouped above a pool in the interior of a wood, the sunlight emphasizing spots of their light bark, their foliage, thickening over- head, giving notes of deep green against a bright blue sky. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 142—BLUE ROLLS THE peer ee ’ “be Ss | on/p Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Cantlaath OnE is looking up a narrow valley threaded by a brook, sunshine and tree-shadows mottling either bank. Nut trees are on the hillsides, and cloud billows in the clear azure sky under which the brook takes a deeper blue. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. us—apoBe HousE >f,. ~ehckiLes Ey, FT 5 — Height, 26 inches; length, 3134 inches “A Low adobe building stands at the right of the picture, its red-tile roof overhung by sheltering branches of a short and crooked tree which stands at a corner of the house. A road before the door winds over purple hills toward _ blue mountains under a robin’s-egg sky. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. n iy! oe | 144—LANDSCAPE 5 c Me eee / 0 ca Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches A BROOK, its water a lapis-blue, passes among trees, ail with heavy foliage and rounded tops, those at the right in sunlight. The background is a dense blue haze, appar- ently obscuring mountains which rise there, over whose crests clouds are coming into the valley, while high above and beyond them a pale turquoise sky is seen. a oe ve 145-LANDSCAPE 1%. LL 4 /6G “ — Height, 26 inches; length, 82 inches A RIVER comes out of the distance moving toward the right, and curving, overspreads the foreground. On the left is a low foreshore with grasses, and back of it a low, brown wood, overtopped by tall pines. The right-hand — shore is covered by a wood of high trees whose tops are a mass of red. Buillowing clouds are turned to pink by an unseen sun, and their notes are reflected in the eddying water. 146—OLD ADOBE, SANTA BARBARA, CALI- FORNIA Sr, M4 ies [25% — Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches Unober a brilliant blue sky charged with rolling masses of white and pinkish-gray clouds a small valley settlement of California is shown in bright sunlight, under the shelter of a chain of mountains which close at hand closes in the view. ‘The adobe walls of houses in the middle distance gleam white under red-tiled roofs among scattered trees. These are full in the sunshine, as is the lower flank of the mountain beyond them, whose top, however, is darkened by dense woods. Beside a dark brown building at the left near the foreground a scrawny but picturesque tree, sparsely leaved, raises its straggling branches against the sky. At its base irregular footpaths wind amid luxuriant herbage to the door of the building, which appears a store- house or possible granary. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 147—-ENTRANCE OF ASHBURTON VILLAGE, DEVONSHIRE, ENGLAND () \. or be ae Aa Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches ay Ct A tTypicaL Devon village is seen at its beginning, about Y the bend of a quiet road which in the middle distance curves to the left between lines of humble buildings with | white walls and brown roofs. At the left in the fore- ground the most conspicuous -dwelling, with modest thatched roof and gray-white walls, rises behind a low garden wall that is overtopped by the greenery of an arbor and bushes within, above which mounts the rounded green mass of a small tree. The day is still and sunny. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 148—Ad ROAD IN THE ae cny ike Q ae 1 ee Height, 82 inches; width, 26 inches “4 UV Ak TERE is the sense of height everywhere. One is already high up, the tree-tops are below on the left; and the narrow, winding road at the right, yellow in the sun, leads on to dark shadows out of which higher summits rise, rocky and precipitous, toward a solid blue sky. Beside the road, on the right in the middle distance, three trees in a group in sunlight and shadow, holding the composi- tion together, have been carefully studied. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 149—COTTAGES 0 On " a re Height, 26 inche. Pye 32 inches AN irregular farm road leads from the foreground to a low, brownish-white cottage with a brown-tile roof, which extends across the middle distance in full sunlight. Other farm buildings are seen at the left in the distance, across green fields and under gray clouds that hang low in a fair blue sky. At the right of the road is another cottage, in a deep shadow in which the nearer foreground shares. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rr. 150—IN THE MOUNTAIN'S tbh eee an ae Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches A MOUNTAIN’S massive flank slopes to the left, seen against a strong morning light. From the dimness at its base a river courses forward. The light from beyond strikes down in the middle distance, illumining a scraggly tree, a point, and the bosom of the moving stream among — abounding rocks in the foreground. 151—THE OLD OAK Ce A gee Height, 28 inches; length, 36 cohen A micuHty trunk this, of tortuous growth but great obirdi- ness of character. The oak stands apart from neighboring trees, on the low bank of a blue brook which just here passes down a slight fall. The huge limbs of the tree twist picturesquely, and support an abundant foliage, yellow, brown and red, while some of the near-by trees are still green. 3 7 a 152—MISTY MORNING 2%. Ss > 7 aie ag Serve |e: me, 154-THE LOG CABIN )/- ; BY 2 on Height, 40 inches; width,'80 Lo Across the background green woods are deep and dark, save where in the center overhead a clear blue sky is seen and a billowing white cloud. Through the opening in the trees the sunlight falls upon a low log cabin at the right, opposite a larger building at the left only a part of which is in the picture. ad 7 i cae hel + he Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 155—ON THE DEEP (f,.4.% LYM Bu g % Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches AT the left the high starboard bow of a sailing ship moy- ing from the spectator cuts into the picture, a man visible well forward on her deck. To right of her, high-tossing waves lift their foaming crests irregularly above the horizon line, and beyond them the ocean spreads.far under a light, greenish-blue sky strewn with gray and mauve clouds. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix. 156—THEH SILVER LAKE\)\ Olathe bs Height, 32 inches; length, hes sygt A NARROW foreground, brown with low surface growths at the end of summer, rises at the right to dense woods, which continue to the distance as the border of a woodland lake whose opposite shore is equally wooded. Majestic clouds move slowly across a pale turquoise sky, and the placid bosom of the lake takes on a mixture of silvery and dull reflections. 3 Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. _ 187—“A WHITE NIGHT” oy air aaa Ss aly Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches OnE of the nights when the full moon, its radiance dif- fused by white, fleecy clouds, makes the landscape almost as clear as day. On the right are woods, in which one sees deep shadows; on the left cottages with dim lights. are seen beyond a scattering group of trees; and through the central green fields comes a narrow, winding river, by turns bright in the moonlight and deep in shadow. Signed at the lower right, Juutan Rix. cf 158—A BLACK STORM Ve. 6 AIA. v4 i ae H eight, 82 inches; length, 42 inches AT the left the sun, through the last opening in clouds all but obscuring the entire heavens, shines upon a small patch of land where there are humble farm dwellings. Before this plot, through the center of the landscape, courses a river which is now dark save where it reflects the one opening of light—beyond the river at the right and in the distance being dense, dark, wooded hills, over which an aggressive black thunderstorm is gradually spreading, turning the land to gloom. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. ~ 159_SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW UY f Pie. Cae. | OY — Height, 42 inches; width, 32 inches A BROOK issuing from a cavernous ravine curves into the foreground about a steep point which is flooded with sun- light. The farther wall of the ravine, in deepest shadow, supports a line of trees between whose trunks a malachite sky is visible. 160—TREES AGAINST THE LIGHT bs 6 gS Height, 42 inches; width, 92 inches (S AN indefinite distance is in the ees light/of the sun, which is near the horizon among white clouds. In the central foreground two vigorous trees rise against the light, which percolates here and there amongst their leaves, partially defining the interior branches. Their foliage connects at the right with other trees on a higher level, while across a brook at the left are other trees on which the. light partly falls. Signed at the lower right, JuLian Rix. 161—LANDSCAPE OHI Go ee Height, 32 inches; length, Lae inches A DEEP California valley in bright sunlight, with many trees and threaded by a narrow, winding road, is shown all but surrounded by craggy mountains upon some of whose tops the mists have descended. 162—THE CAMP FIRE Leg. aU, 3 j wu Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches Ir is in the gloaming, along the wooded border of a moun- tain lake. A camp or lodge of three buildings is near the water at the edge of a green wood, and a bright fire has been lighted before it, whose reflection with those of the tall tree-trunks appears in the dark lake. Mountains aloft are purple in the distance, the highest peak touched by the last rays of a sun gone below the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. eR : : | V/V. aby 1683—_SEPTEMBER AFTERNOON t 7 Yd igh 4 ae Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches A BROAD river sweeping in majestic tranquillity through a low and level countryside passes here between a flat, marshy foreground bordered by tall trees at the right, and a modest settlement on the farther shore whose roof-tops glisten in the light of the afternoon sun. The sun is still high, its direct rays being screened from the spectator by a dense cloud, beneath which they spread a broad path- way of white reflections on the light blue water. An atmospheric landscape of spaciousness and light. _ Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 4 ) 164-4 MaINE FoREST 9 )9- O. eh LL Sr / 2d << Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches / i, THE spectator is in the midst of a forest so green that the atmosphere itself seems almost to partake of the hue. A water-course visible from the foreground to the middle distance, between green and stony banks, is spanned by the trunk of a large tree that has fallen across it and become moss-covered in the moist and sheltered recess of the woods. In the middle distance the green and living trees rise on either side out of the picture, the underbrush beneath them as green as their own tops. Through an open space along the brook’s course in the center, one sees beyond distant woods a patch of pale blue sky and white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix. ee ee a ne C19.G. Oe. 165—MARINE: SWIFT-MOVING STORM J 357% Height, 42 inches; width, 82 inches A. SCATTERED settlement of red-roofed cottages occupying a headland of the middle distance on the left is in the full sunlight of a summer day, the light also striking the choppy water of the sea before it and in the foreground. The sky is blue overhead but from the right moves rapidly — up a heavy, rolling storm-cloud which already darkens much of the sea. | Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix. 166-—THUNDER HEADS: LATE AFTERNOON —PENOBSCOT RIVER, MAINE POG Stee Height, 32 inches; length, 1ffinches THE course of the great river is across the picture, between a low hither shore which leaves the stream open to view and a higher and wooded shore where the houses of a town are seen and a white church steeple rises out of a mass of autumn woodland foliage. In the left foreground a line of trees extends up a green sloping bank at the water’s edge. Across the river in the distance, mountains are Just discernible in the mists of a gathering afternoon storm which is raising its gray ramparts over the peaceful town, their ominous thunder-heads turned to a fiery red in the late afternoon light. Elsewhere the sky is a pale greenish-blue, strewn with fleeting strands of fleecy cloud, and the river shimmers and glows with a mixture of the celestial reflections. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix. i) y I@f=CLOUD REFLECTIONS (> ¥.(¥% Ly —/G 0 — Height, 38 inches; length, 46 inches // Curious cloud forms abound in a pale turquoise sky, tinged in various tones by approaching sunset. Their chromatic reflections in a broad river below so color its surface that little of the water-green is left. The stream comes around a wooded point on the right, whose trees cast shadows toward the spectator, and all but fills the foreground, its farther shore at the left displaying a few - trees and the buildings of a settlement. 168—OLD OAK, POMPTON, NEW JERSEY i 2 i — Height, 37 imches; length, 4414 yer QDddithe A STREAM coming out of the distance at the left rushes forward, blue and silvery in the sunlight, and tumbling in a low cascade in the middle distance spreads out in a broad body of water that occupies all of the foreground and extends in either direction beyond the picture. The bosom of this corner of a pond or lake is a mirror of varied reflections of sky and surrounding landscape. The oak which gives its title to the painting looms in detached and exclusive dignity in the right middle distance, apart from the border of a neighboring green grove of lesser trees. Its short but massive trunk is accentuated by sunlight which falls from the right and also illuminates aloft the sturdy limbs and abundant leafage, while beyond, the radiance floods broad plains of the distance and lightens the nearer sides of brownish-gray billows of cloud which roll across a turquoise sky. Signed at the lower left, Jutian Rix. y 169—AT THE END OF THE LAKE f oa poet — Height, 37 inches; length, 44 inches M5 -. an spp — a 2 dH, : f: * AN end or arm of a lake fills the foreground and indents the landscape irregularly, its shore varying from earth banks to grass and stones. About it on both sides are thick trees—some green, some yellowed over—whose re- flections appear in the water. In the central distance, houses of the countryside are seen through an opening in the tree line. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. 170—EDGE OF THE BLUE SEA ke g + Height, 30 inches; ener pes ‘mine ne OnE looks along the flat, sandy shore of a bay, where woods approach on the right and marsh grass grows along the water’s edge. The water, blue at the shore line or white where kissed by the sun, offshore is overhung by a morning haze. The green woods are touched with brown. Signed at the lower right, Jutian Rix, 798. 171—_THE WOODLAND GRAY, CALDWELL VALLEY, NEW JERSEY a ie Uj — Height, 50 inches; width 30 Bigg ieee A Broad brook or narrow river emerges from a hazy distance at the right of the center, between banks thickly grown with tall trees which are just beginning to show their autumn colors. The trees rise out of view, their branches meeting overhead. The stream’s course is inter- rupted by rocks and in the middle distance it descends in a narrow cascade between rocks, and then spreads out into the beginning of a lake or pond whose waters fill the fore- ground. The slightest of autumn hazes pervades the whole. Signed at the lower left, Juttan Rix. 172—_SUNSET GLOW va ere Height, 30 inches; length, ee WV A GRACEFUL trees which seem to mark the end of € wood + project from the left along a point extending into‘'a broad river or large body of water, their several trunks just separable in the dusk against the sky. Some appear in shadow in the water, which is crimsoned over by the glow _ from the red horizon. On the opposite shore far at the right are other dim trees. Signed at the lower left, 97, Jutian Rix. 173—A CALIFORNIA VALLEY ia Height, 42 inches; length, 42 incheyg/ A pe y eee ; Co. Ve. Vrascthaae A TREE, magnificent in its sturdiness and proportions, prolific in branches and abundant of foliage, is growing at the left of the center in a broad and level sunny grass plot occupying the entire foreground, which is marked by shadows from the leafy reaches high above. This valley clearing, flooded with sunlight, is bordered by other sturdy, luxuriant trees of ancient growth and rugged trunks, and is bounded in the distance by high mountains, dark in their dense forest covering, which raise rounded caps toward a deep turquoise sky. At their base, in the middle distance, the white walls of adobe houses with red roofs are seen beyond some low trees. Signed at the lower right, Juuian Rix. 174-THE GREEN V Bok /3 rh, wie Height, 44 imches; Cength, 1% oh eet A BROAD valley of gentle lop eFis es is spr ead forth in brennan sun- shine, between rolling hills, t yeh sa carpeted with luxu- riant verdure and cut by ccniplienea and interesting lines and clumps of trees. Dwellings are seen among the trees and the bright sky has moving and varied clouds. Signed at the lower right, Juyian Rix. 175—CAVES AMONG THE CLIFFS q Bo VaR Satce: Height, 4434 nh ee 65 fophel cod, 4 i S q Huck cliffs whose colorful sides a eights lighted in 7 sunshine project from the left to the edge of a blue me | It is low tide and the wet beach carries reflections of their varied tones. Here are the openings of two caves which have been hollowed out by the water. Signed at the lower right, Juttan Rix. 176-—A ROAD UP THE MOUNTAINS /3 Oe Height, 65 inches; ee inher MovunrtaIns rise to dizzy heights arhong the clouds, their gray rocky structure protruding on timbered slopes. A steep road climbs the stubborn flanks, winding to the middle distance and vanishing among trees and shadows. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ic + ef oe sstirdegetr Fea atts Ree