—-- SALE No. 1351 FIETH AVENUE AUCTION ROOMS INCORPORATED 333-341 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK .S. E. Corner Twenty-fifth Street OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BY EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS TO BE SOLD ON : Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings April 7th, 8th and 9th, 1915 Commencing at 8.15 o’clock LIBRARY NO. M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK FIFTH AVENUE AUCTION ROOMS INCORPORAED 333-341 FOURTH AVENUE, N. Y. S. E. Corner 25th Street CATALOGUE OF Oil Paintings and Water Colors By European and American Artists THE PROPERTY OF THE Estate of the late F rank V. Whitney iv a ROTI ARAN EN IIIS AT SELAH AIA HEM Estate of the late Colendl H. M. Cronin Edward D. Cronin, Esq., Administrator Mrs. Eugene . Arnstein, Wilham e ‘Bradley, ie. Chester ie Cutter, E'sq. *"AND OTHER OWNERS THE SALE BY AUCTION WILL BE HELD ON Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings April 7th, 8th and 9th, 1915 At 8.15 o'clock HENRY A. HARTMAN, AUCTIONEER CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. 2. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this sale, and not to any one particular lot. 3. Bills payable in cash before delivery. 4. Receipted bills must be presented before goods can be removed. 5. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid before removal, Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale, between eight and twelve o’clock, remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. 7. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. 9. Our record of sales in all cases final. 10. The highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for loss or damage shall lie. 11. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions the money deposited in part payment shall be- long to the Auctioneer as liquidated damages for pur- chaser’s failure to complete the sale. All lots un- claimed within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold at public or private sale, without further notice and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such re-sale if he thinks fit, and the Auctioneer further reserves his right to reduce the percentum of deposit to be collected or to waive same entirely if he so desires. HENRY A. HARTMAN, Auctioneer. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Adan, E., 46 Adam, B., 208 Amida, G., 104 Arnold, F. M., 113 Balmer, De F., 199 Bargehlini, G., 130 Beckwith, C. J., 230 _Bercham, N., 242 Bierstadt, A., 144, 244, 76 Birch, 1., 213 Black, O.-P.; 163 Blakelock, R. A., 145, 159, 211 Boldini, G., 198 Boudin, E., 148, 154, 168, 209, 249 Boudry, P., 117 Boughton, G. H., 12 Bohn, P., 178 Bonheur, A., 225 Bricher, A. T., 49, 212 Briggs, W. C., 167 Brock, R. H., 108 Brown, W. M., 93, 109 Brush, N., 174 Burleigh, J. R., 3 Califano, J., 181 Casilier, J. W., 70, 95 Coates, J. C., 193 Cole, T., 123 Constable, J., 82 Coridini, C. A., 197 Corot, J. B. C., 229, 253 Cox, D., 184 Couchoud, F., 58 Cristall, J., 16 Cropsey, J. F., 74 Daubigny, C. F., 202 De Bock, Th., 237 De Haas, M. F. H., 172 De Haven, F., 152 De Neuville, A., 54 Delacroix, E., 223 Delort, C., 158 Desgrave, 147 Diaz, N., 182, 238 Douzel, E. H., 17 Doughty, T., 114 Dutch School, 190 Dupre, J., 234 Duvieux, H., 94 Dykeman, T. H., 185 Early American, 216 Eggleston, B., 207 Eisele, C., 77 Erggelet, P. P.. 65, 102 Falconer, J. L., 180 Fowler, H. W., 6, 64 Flindt, F., 88 Frobinnk, 140 Fromentin, E., 227 Gerard, G., 19 Gerome, J. L., 62, 141 Giota, B., 60 Goebel, C., 99 Goubie, R. J., 18, 215 LIST OF ARTISTS—Continued Greatorx, K. H., 34 Gregger, C., 255 Grison, A. F., 20, 122 Guardi, F., 252 Guy, S. J., 47 Guzzardi, G., 116 Handel, H., 162 Hart, W., 81, 175, 210 Hasendt, A. V., 2,8 Hilda, E., 83 Homborg, A., 111, 112 Hugtenburg, 106 Inness, G., 165, 251 Isabey, E., 133, 156, 231, 253 Israels, J., 37 Jacque, C., 171 Johnson, D., 189 Keammerer, F., 221 Kensett, J. F., 218, 220 Knapp, C. W., 204 Knight, R. D., 44 Lawson, E., 232 Laux, A., 71 Leigh, W. R., 55 L’Hermitte, L., 38 Lotz, M., 240 Loveridge, C., 67 Madrazo, R., 52, 243 Maesturi, G., 90 Mahler, P., 84 Makart, H., 191 Martin, oD, 51.120, 217 Markham, C., 78 Mauve, A., 43, 169, 219 Mesdag, H. W., 42 Minor, R. C., 29, 153, 179 Moran, E., 35, 164 Moran, P. E., 27 Mouton, A., 173 McCord, G. H., 39, 143, 239 McEntee, J., 96 McPherson, J., 1, 22 Muller, Ury, 120 Mardi, F., 40 Micol, E., 23 Moerr, J., 66 Moelsmith, J. M., 30 Offeroy, B., 124 Otterstedt, A. C. V., 87 Palisso, 91 Parlade, A., 89 Parton, A., 79, 119 Prasini, A., 134 Peale, R., 246, 247 Pearsons ©. 90,097) Perraie. ele Zoo Phelan, C. T., 100, 161 Piatkowski, J. H., 135 Polidori, C., 192 Polumbo, L., 1% Pryer, J. W., 69 Raffelli, J. F., 150 Ransom, F. C., 127, 200, 203 EIST OF ARTISTS Conmnucd — Renard, E., 72 Trouillbert, P. D., 10, 56, 139 Richards, W. T., 33 Turner, J. M. W., 25 Richet, L., 155 Twachtman, J. H., 186 Riecke, G., 176 Tyler, J. G., 107 Rivas 7, Robinson, T., 45 Verheyden, F., 146 Rowbottom, C., 14 Vernier, E., 110 : Rousseau, T., 248 Vernon, E., 188 Rudell, P. E., 105 Verschuren, W., 101 Rudisuha, E., 85, 86 Veyressat, J., 15 Satterlee, W., 137 Van Dieghem, J., 103 Stheate 1 116 Van Huysam, J., 201, 256 Van Marcke, E., 170, 233 Schmitgen, G., 118 illi chmitgen Van Willis, A., 80 Seignac, G., 142 Seignac, P., 132 Siegert, A. C., 61 Silva,-F. A; 187 Simonsen, E. V., 166 Simonidy, M., 241 Smith, Fl. P35, -26,"00, 20, 59, 73, 129, 182, 196 Wadsworth, W., 7 Waugh, I., 126 Weber, T., 59a Whistler, J. A. MecN., 31 | Whittredge, W., 236 ij Wiggins, J. C., 97 Smith, J. R., 68 a TR i Smith, R. F,, 98 ilson, R., 41, 222 Sonntag, W. L., 75, 214 Worms, J., 48 i Woutermachens, E., 224 q Spring, J. A., 195 Wyant, A. H., 138, 149, 157, Steenks, Gi 250 183, 228, 245 Stiepevich, G., 24, 206 Wonercrde A Ee 4 Svendsen, C. E., 28 Wust, T., 13, 32 Syer, J., 21 4 Thaulow, F., 125 Ziem, F., 160, 226 ; Thom, J. C., 136, 205 Zimmerman, R. S., 131 ee f i bf ke if iY THE ALEXANDER PRESS 114-116 W. 27th Street New York CATALOGUE | FIRST EVENING’S SESSION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1915 At 8.15 o’clock WATER COLORS if . | J MacPHERSON (J.) American Landscape and Cattle 10 x 16 )7 2 | HASENET (A. V.) American Summer F 9x 12 eee * BURLEIGH (J. R.) American Feeding Geese 10-13 4 WYNGAERDT (A. F.) European After Lunch Ox SMITH (Henry P.) American A Clear Day i x9 FOWLER (H. W.) European oer 7 V WADSWORTH (Wedworth) Keterieah The Hunter’s Moon 6 x 27 fi | HASENET (A. V.) American Spring Ox 12 ff ies 9 \ UNKNOWN Belgium Landscape 6x 8Y% 4 hs ny i rs i | ip id q iit if f 10 4 \ J TROUILLBERT (Paul Désiré) European A Brittany Landscape 15 21 11 | Vs PALUMBO (L.) European i Ideal Head 10 x 6 ae 12 9 BOUGHTON (George H.) American In the Fields 9x12 13 WUST (Theodore) European The Serto, Venice 12% x 7 14 ROWBOTTOM (Charles) European Ipswich 12 x 24 \ f 15 \) VEYRESSAT (J.) Ficonese The Big Sister 114%x8y% f 4 ¢ 16 ~ CRISTALL (Joseph) European The Land of Promise is 7 ‘A 17 \ DONZEL (A. H.) European Landscape on the Seine 8x ll f a ¢ 18 GOUBIE (Richard) European The Halting Place (India Ink) 6x8 | Ps 19 i v GERARD (Gaston) i Ideal i 10% x 8 20 “, ¥ GRISON (A. F.) European / Rue de la Paix ll x 14 ak y DYER -Cloln, Sr.) European The River Trent, Near Derby, England 11% x 15 22 MacPHERSON (J. B.) European Sheep at Pasture 7x10 European fR, NICOL (Erskine) European Cavalier in Doublet and Hose 9x6 1 0 24 -STIEPEVICH (V. G.) American PE LOGS MLE SOE OE ARISES PON ee OMA ARE SL ee eA Ae ee Se Se = Saree On the Terrace i ? pO 25 - TURNER (J. M. W.) European | South Wales S xaAZ 8% x 15 J Pl j f Se nee ke Bete i, oh ‘ay V 26 : SME c(ieary 2). American New England Homestead H 9x lly ae a en a \ "y MORAN (Percy E.) American ay Marguerite i 12 x7 | : 28 \. SVENDSEN (Charles E.) European Scene in Algiers 11% x 17% 29 MINOR (Robert) American The Pool Pix 1 30 ,¥ NOELSMITH (J. M.) European Homestead in Surrey, England 7x lly a 31 WHISTLER (James A. McNeil) American Sunrise in a Mist 7x10 D 32 WUST (Theodore) European De Serto, Venice 12% x/7 { f seg 33 \0° RICHARDS (W. T.) American Off the Spar Buoy, Atlantic City, N. J. 10 x 14 34 GREATOREX (K. H.) European Ready for the Opera 17 x 10% a AN RI RL re ee ll P TG epee es ST feng eT ty AS RAE Sy Po CRE MOT a Se eri SERS REE EE EY | if i a 4 hs! ‘ig ig fe aati nee eee Sern Stee BNE OREN S Yi gaa i fn 35 Hi { “ MORAN (Edward) American li Wild Night on the Jersey Coast (Crayon) li 24 x 30 ec : 36 "4 SMITH (Henry P.) American ' Old Mill Near Waterford, Conn. 9344 x 12% 37 tv ISRAELS (Josef) European Leaving Home ott ; 38 ‘. \ UVHERMITTE (L.) European On the Seine (Charcoal Drawing) 9x18 lh : wt vy ¥ 39 McCORD (George H.) Upper Harlem River (Black and White) 10 x20 o _ ‘NARDI (F.) The Love Song 2444 x 18% 3 41 WILES (IRVING (R.) The Millinery Bill 19% x 11% \MESDAG (Hendrik Willem) Fishing Boats 20 x 24 American European American European ee se Se NT enc EERO EEE SP CERIN EL eSNG E SE ee Tate Mn eee a a uae eee Mind wee fi i Pe Al 4 4 if ra NTT ber cane PRT RRs EN Hast i 0 MAUME Can) European ~ Landscape and Cattle ya 12 x 18 ee = 4) 3 KNIGHT (Ridgway D.) European Thoughts Afar 14314 x 10 45 ROBINSON (Theodore) American Pilgrims to St. Anthony (Black and White) 20 x 14 46 ADAN (Emile) European Morning Walk on the Seine 13% x 19% 4 47 GUY (Seymour J.), N.A. American Moving of the Century Club (Black and White) In the foreground are Bishop Potter and C. P. Huntington 30 x 40 Ria eas Vie Ba Bat a é ¢ hi 48 AM “~ WORMS (Jules) European Cupid’s Dart 1434 x 10% So a ee ms ed eae oe Fi PEE een nn oe a \ 49 { BRICHER (A. T.) American Autumn 29% x 18 ST 50 ¥ SMITH (Henry P.) American After the Rain, Landscape 1px 1 a Rae TET I aia A SESE rn nce a i as TT 51 MARTIN (HOMER D.) American Adirondacks (Charcoal Drawing) 9x12 BA MADRAZO (R.) European Ready for the Ball Masque 1 x 7 35 PEARSON .(G) European Lime Kill, Lake Killarney 13 x 20 34 : DE NEUVILLE (Alfonse) European French Cavalry Officer 18 x 14 ( | | 4 J ihe a __» \y 4 55 LEIGH (W. R.) American Raiding the Moonshiners (Black and White) 32 x 20 | 56 |“ TROUILLEBERT (P. D.) European Road to the Village 1214 x 24% I : 57 PEARSON (C.) European River Shannon Near Athlone 13 x 20 NaS a SC EESEEEEDaee teeta i naga ide b WwW ‘yt ¥ eT re ee =8 ‘CACHOUD (F.) European Twilight (Pastel) 14% x 21 ae TE RTA ROT S PERE LIS den a A ERT Sint ee aiacettniaatenistni eo 59 SMITH (Henry P.) American Venice 9x11 59a WEBER (Theo.) European Marine—Off Calais, France 14 x 10 ? GIOTA (B.) European An Interesting Moment 14 x 19 | t, b 61 i 6 SIEGERT (A. C) European Hl An Enthusiastic Musician 9% x7¥y% \\ oe GEROME (J. L.) European An Arab Chief 14 x 10 ‘as 63 ~ UNKNOWN Belgium Landscape 6% x 8Y% ' FOWLER (H. W.) European Landscape, County Clare, Ireland 7x 13% on, © wy Uy 65 ” ERGGELET (P. P.) European The Challenge 21 x 2By a Saat Ap a enn SRE ST tae tren a ee aR mere el natalia hal er eS Bs ae RET ARNT RCT AST e HO Pa aeap enous paras OIL PAINTINGS 66 NOERR (J.) European The Hunt 18 x 24 67 Hi LOVERIDGE (Clinton) American | Landscape and Cattle 68 SMITH (J. Rollin) American Moonlight Marine 20 x 36 <4 69 i | PREYER (J. W.) American ul Wild Flowers 12 x 14 u 70 F CASILEAR (WwW) American On the Lakes eee, ara ii a & mp 4 | 71 / LAUX (A) eee The Barnyard £0 x13 a? 72 ) RENARD (Emile) European Suzanne 19 x 15 % = & 73 SMITH (Henry P.) American Sunlight and Shadow {2 x18 74 CROPSEY (James F.) American On the Hudson Ox 15 75 SONN PAG (W. Lj. NA. American On Clements Brook i220 76 BIERSTADYT. €A,) American Kern’s River, California 14 x 24 77 Pipitle (C.) European Swiss Landscape 15 x 18 ae 78 “ MARKHAM (Charles) Old Memories 26 x 14 iy of 79 |’ PARTON (Arthur) Delaware Water Gap 60 x 40 r Ww \VAN WILLIS (A.) ¥ Landscape and Cattle 36 x 48 81 HART (William) ity Landscape and Cattle Bae (Early Example) 14 x 24 American American American American v fe oe aaa COROT OTN a so ahs CONSTABLE (John) : HILDA (E.) MAHLER (P.) RUDISUHA (E.) Beech Trees 82 Game Keeper’s Cottage : ZO x 22 83 Kittens in Library 9144 x 8 84 Dog and Cats 29 X28 85 15 x 20 a7 86 RUDISUHA= (E.) Beech Frees 15° x 20 ey, ny * 87 ‘ OTTERSTED TE GA Cy.) Pastoral 27 x 34 ie 88 " ELINDT (F.) Sunset 20x 27, r ee ue 89 PARLADE (A.) Her Pets 3214 x 2414 European American American American f ¢ 90 MAESTURI (G.) European The Art Gallery 26 x 40 91 PALUSO European Flirtation 1534 x 10% 92 : | In the Blacksmith Shop (Colored Engraving) SECOND EVENING’S SESSION THURSDAY, APRIL 8th, 1915 At 8.15 o’clock ————————eeeeeeeeee ooo LO 93 BROWN (Wm. M.) American Landscape 6x8 i) ¥) . O4 Aj * DUVIEUX GE European Venetian Ox 12 1 |” CASILEAR (J. W.) On the Lakes 79 American 1 44 | ra Vy a ff | iF iH Ho) Bie (aes om 4 Va pe Be 4 pia 4 ca 4 ig 4 es ay a 24 i: 4 | ae seca TET aU TR PY 96 McENTEE (Jervis) American a Winter Landscape 12x20 97 Se WIGGINS (jC) American Winter Landscape Sx -lZ 98 SMITH (Rollin F.) American The Philosopher 20 x 16 ‘we Fs 99 Ve GOEBEL (Carl) European Feeding the Pet Bird 914x7% ey Ex 100 { PHELAN (Charles T.) Landscape 12. 3°22 i 101 VERSCHUREN (W.) Horses 8 x 12 3 F 102 ERGGELET (PY; 1.) Landscape and Deer 18 x 14 | 103 VAN DIEGHEM (J.) Sheep in a Blow 6% x 9% rs ee png are 7 7. = ee American European European European Eee a FMT A TENET abe Saba ACA. NTR GARETT Oe. Te a Ra Me reer hse Pm . ' viata 1 Sea SS NO I ie EUSP ARS SRSA 8 ISN RUE CRE ae CEL. UE RN ee eM oa oe eS ee a a Bho dq : | i t ee TE ict 104 e ADA (G) de Old Man Smoking 30 x 20 a 105 1 RUDEIL (P &,) Landscape 16 x 24 ae 106 HUGTENBURG The Halt 8x 12 au 107 See Gan On the Fishing Banks 18 x 30 European American European American 108 108 “BROCK (RH) European To the Rescue Ll ce 15 109 BROWN (W. L.) American Apples 15% x 23 ay 110 VERNIER (Emile) European Mussel Gatherer 25x 17 | 111 HOMBORG (H.) European Contentment 12 x 10 \ HUMBERG (A.) 112 | European \ Taking a Pinch 9% x 8% 113 @ "he ARNOLD (F. M.) American Watching Her Pets 30 x 18 ff 114 DOUGHTY (Thos,) American Summer Landscape 29 x 42 , 115 A SeHEUTZ (7) European A May Outing 10 x 13% if Ve 116 41 -GUZZARDI (G.) European The First Lesson 20 x 16 i 117 BOUDRY (Paul) European Ideal 30 x 2) ian J to lL 118 SCHMITGEN (Geo.) European Winter Morning in Woods 39 x 33% J 119 PARTON (Arthur) American Coast Scene 34 x 42 oes a es 120 MULLER (Ury) European Head 22% 16 121 MARTIN (H. D.) American Landscape 14 x 20 122 GRISON Kuropean The Three Friends ll x 14% ft 125 COLE (Thos.) American Woodland 16 x 20 a ae OFFEROY ( B.) European On the Mediterranean 33 x 58 at? | 125 THAULOW (Fritz) Rushing Stream, Belgium 16 x 20 rail si y 126 WAUGH (Ida) In the Park 17 ee (. » 127 RANSOM (Fletcher C.) Welcome Home 30 x 34 European American American 128 ‘> = CBIAZ European Landscape in Barbizon 8% x 10% Si 129 Vs suite (H. P.) American Bailey’s Island dix 17 130 BARGEHLINI (G.) European Madonna and Child 33 x 20 3 131 y- ZIMMERMAN (R. S.) European In the Wine Vaults 1S 324 , 132 ri SEIGNAC (Paul) European The -Pet- Bird ll x 8% ieee 133 ISABEY (Eugene) European Barbizon Landscape tix AD | 134 PASIN? CA.) European Guards of the Palace 9x7 Qy” 135 | PIATKOW SEKI (i> Ee) European Landscape with Figures RY Hyg pros 136 THOM (J. Crawford) American Knitting 66 x 20 137 SATTERLEE (Walter) American Never Too Old To Dance 24 x 36 138 WYANT (A. H.) Deccan Early Morning Landscape 10 x 14 139 TROUILLEBERT (Paul D.) European Ville d’Avray 18 x 26 } : 140 ed Landscape . 141 Prowling Tiger f 4 " SEIGNAC (G.) The Reprimand 15 x 11 McCORD (George H.) Sunset, Long Island Sound 12 x 16 European American 144 BIERSTADT (Albert) American Scene at Hesse-Cassel, Bierstadt’s Birthplace 31% x 45% Wf 145 | BLAKELOCK (R. A.) American Moonlight 12 16 6 146 4 VERHEYDEN (F.) European The School Festival 35%4 x 43% 147 DEGRAVE European Young Scholars 4x Wy er ge fer A tf | Me = f m Bhatt # w/ A fy Be { g ae at a i’ 148 European Coe 24d / BOUDIN (Eugene) The Port. of Havre 20 x 30 CE.V. Whine y ) 149 i f ‘aa ‘b PF WYANT (A, Hy) The Turbulent Stream 12 x15 Sf 150 } V wf RAFFAELLI (Jean Francois) The Rag Picker 7x9 Ree, 151 rin ie RIX (Julian) Sunset 15 x 25 American European American 152 DE HAVEN (Frank) American In the Gloaming Zo 35 £53 MINOR (Robert) American Ausable River, Adirondacks t2 x 15 154 BOUDIN (Eugene) European On the Oise 18 x 24 155 RICHET (Leon) European Karly Morning 16 & 20 ‘ — 156 | iv ISABEY (Eugene) European Sunset, French Coast 9x 12% hd ¢ 157 nd WYANT (A. H.) American Landscape 14 x 22 id 158 / ’ DELORT (C) European The Herald 12x 9 (/ 159 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) American Sunset 10 x 14 160 ZIEM (Felix) European Market Place at Constantinople 22 x 37 161 PHELAN (Charles T.) American Landscape and Sheep i 1G \ 162 HANDEL (Hugo) European Interior and Figure 20 1D 163 BEACK (0: P.) American On the Housatonic 14 x 20 ff f f & t \ | wt 164 MORAN (Edward) American Moonlight Marine 20° x30 gf fi \ 165 ™ INNESS (George) American A Lowry Day 8 x 10 f _ @ ny ( 166 * SIMONSEN (E. V.) European Man in Armor 25 22 4 ff 4é , \ 1d 167 BRIGGS (Warren C.) American Chickens 10 x 13 168 BOUDIN (Eugene) European Trouville Meadows 12 x 20 ff 169 MAUVE (Anton) European The Old Barn 10 x 14 170 VAN MARCKE (Eug.) European Landscape and Cattle LLex 15 171 ,q2% = JACQUE (Chas.) European | Sheep 101%4 x 8% vd ( ~ DE HAAS (M. F, H.) American Marine 38 x 60 4 173 ‘y MOUTON (A.) European In the Wine Cellar O20: 2/7 f' ¢ 174 #, Vv : y BUSH CN American Landscape and River 12 19 Ae. 175 | HART (Wm) American Mountain Landscape 15 x 12 THIRD EVENING’S SESSION FRIDAY, APRIL 9th, 1915 At 8.15 o’clock 176 RIECKE (George) American Landscape and Cattle Ora 13 177 RIX (Julian) American Sunset 12% x 16 178 BOHN (Paul) European The Strollers 6x9 C ‘ 179 [» MINOR (R. CG) American Landscape 14 x 22 4 180 x FALCONER (John M.) American House at 121 South Second St., Philadelphia, in which Robert Fulton Served His Appren- ticeship to an Optician 16-x11 Painted for New York Artists Fund Society, 1863 Qf : f 181 \ CALIFANO (J.) American The Shore 16 x16 a 182 VP SMITH (Henry P.) American Moonlight Marine 14x 12 Sa Se SS eis fo a nN Ge a is il f 183 WYANT (A. H.) American Landscape 20 x 24 : 184 COX (David), Attributed to Scene in Wales 16 x 20 be 185 ), DVYKEMAN (CT HD European The Maid 8x7 186 TWACHTMAN (J. H.) American Summer Landscape | 16 x 20 i i i y" 187 SILVA (Frank A.) American New York Harbor 14 x 24 é ff f f f & ho 183 VERNON (E.) European On Board the Yacht 34 x 25 of (/ 40 189 JOHNSON (David) American Landscape | 7x9 DUTCEE SCHOOL Sixteenth Century Interior with Figures 40 x 52 a NI iain ae ra 191 MAKART (Hans) European Woodland with Figure 28 x 21 192 POE TDORT. ¢C)) European The Rendazvous 844 x 5% 193 COATES (].€.) American The Constitution (With the Flag Still Flying) 13: 17 194 UNKNOWN Portrait of a Royal Personage OU) x 25 of FY & a 3 195 SPRING (]. A.) European The Student Ox7% i 4} i 196 ‘SMITH (Henry P.) American Midsummer (From the Smith Sale) 10 x 14 Ke ud 197 CORIDINI (C. A.) European Homage to the First Born 21 16 - 198 BOLDINI (G.) European In the Fields Los 199 BALMER (De Forest) Americart Evening Landscape 25 X38 200 " RANSOM (Fletcher C.) Atnerican A Smart Brush 30 x 34 201 VAN HUYSEN (Jan) European Flowers 9Y%4 x 12Y% 202 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) European On the Seine Ox 17 y! 203 RANSOM (Fletcher C.) American A Summer Landscape 30 x 34 An 204 “KNAPP (C. W.) American Landscape 24 x 42 yr 205 | THOM (J. Crawford) American The Smugglers of Laborador ESS: se 206 STEPPE WIECH CG.) American The Belle 20 x 30 207 EGGLESTON (Benjamin) American Autumn in Westchester 16 x 24 ff 208 Xo ADAM (Benno) European 4 Russian Wolf Hounds 2a 27, fi 209 4,0 BOUDIN (Eugene) European( | Trouville | Tex 13 0 | aed 210 | 6: | HART (Wm.) American Landscape and Cattle | 24 x 34 | y | - 211 BEAK EEOCK. €R. A.) American Sunset 1216 fo 212 0 | BRICHER GCA. LT.) American Tide Coming in, Grand Manan Ese ces aw 213 / af BIRCH (Thos. ) American Marine 20 x 28 40 214 SONNTAG (W. L.) American Landscape 20 x 30 215 GOUBIE (Richard J.) European Halt by the Wayside fle 215 216 EARLY AMERICAN Portrait of a Lady 34 x 29 217 MARTIN CH. D.) American Landscape, Westchester, N. Y. 14 x 20 218 KENSE ET @. f) American Hudson River Scene 14 x 24 ne Oo 219 MAUVE (Anton) European Feeding Time 7x 10 # | KENSETT (J. F.) American [ Autumn Landscape } 20 x 16 n~ 221 KEAMMERER (F.) European At the Beach at Trouville ie 18 x 13 ®, fo e WILSON, (Richard) European | : Northumberland ioe 15 x 13 Nn ae nn x 223 DELACROIX (Eugene) European The Death of Hyppoltus 131% x 22 224 WOUTERMACHENS CE} European Landscape and Sheep 15% x 20 225 BONHEUR (Auguste) European : Landscape and Cattle 9x 12% ff ak 226 2) ZEN (Felix) European Kiosque d’Amurat le Bosphore, C 2 q 5% Constantinople ‘ Zio oe CE V. Whitne y) a 227 FROMENTIN (Eugene) European i In the Ravine C 39k Fo de le (FV. While ’ ) — “ a = q ig {| | i 14] Yl | Fg i} o (i, fu @ j { % a \ | Pp Wee | | ee 228 19” WYANT (A. HL) American if Woodland Interior, Adirondacks ! | 12 x 16 | 229 COROT (Jean Baptiste) European Morning on the Road 16: 20 EE a qf 4 230 V BECKWORTH (Carroll J.) American } A Tapestry Background | q 26 x 32 a Fy 231 ISABEY (Eugene) European On the French Coast (From M. Knoedler & Co.) 10 x 14 232 LAWSON (Ernest) American Regatta Day 20 x 24 233 VAN MARCKE (Emile) European A French Farm Yard 13 x 16 234 DUPRE (Julian) European Cattle and Landscape ZE xi:26 239 PERRAULT (Henri) European A Morning Stroll 2/7 x 38 CA 236 “ \WHITTRIDGE (Worthington) American Trout Fishing, Adirondacks 19-75 237 DE BOCK (Theo.) European On the River Seine 14 x 26 238 DIAZ (N.) European Scene at Fontainebleau 10 x 13% di Wy i ii q hil it Ves it fl i] a | | | | i 239 McCORD (George H.) American On the Scheldt (From the Artist) 12 x 16 240 LOTZ (Mathilda) American Sheepfold and Landscape 13°28 241 SIMONIDY (Michael) European Ideal ZlEx2/ 242 BERCHAM (Nicolas) European Landscape and Cattle 9% x 11% = pe 243 MADRAZO European Shani Bea oe reg 244 : BIERSTADT (Albert) American View in Westphalia ee 245 \ W 2ANEL CAs eri) American Pe Landscape 79 r { 246 f PEALE (Rembrandt) Attributed to Portrait Se 247 PEALE (Rembrandt) Attrituted to Portrait of Saml. Bower 26 x 20 248 ROUSSEAU (Theodore) European Sunset 8% x 10% 249 BOUDIN (Eugene) European Landscape 10 x 14 250 F ST BENKS (Gi 1.) American Still Life 9x ll ; 251 12 ' INNESS (George) Landscape, New Jersey (Early Example) 24 x 32 ,0 252 ‘ Fy? ee San Gorgio ge ra G.B. CC) Morning Landscape fee 4 3 * ISABEY (Eugene) Port of Antwerp oe American European European Eivopean os 255 1 GREGGER (C.) European Titian’s Daughter 36 x 42 256 VAN HUYSAN (Jan) European Still Life, Etc. 20 x OF | = 257 : SIGNED W. H. | Marine | } i 12 x 17 Sa f § f f } | + f | i | | |