Mar .11 ie (NS 77% Chwit eS o | CHICAGO | \ oe ¢ / “Public Sal Annual Public Sale of American and Foreign Paintings By Modern and Old Masters from The Thurber Art Galleries 324 North Michigan Ave. Chicago 1926 To Be Sold at PUBLIC AUCTION Thursday and Friday, March 11th and 12th Sale Beginning Daily at 2 P. M. | On Exhibition Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday, 8th, 9th & 10th at WILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN CO. MARVIN A. BARLOW, Auctioneer 624 to 630 South Wabash Ave. These Paintings Are Sold Under Our Absolute Guarantee Conditions of Sale FIRST. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. SECOND. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. THIRD. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the. lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this sale, and not to any one particular lot. FOURTH. Bills payable in cash before delivery. FIFTH. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser's risk, and neither the consignor nor the Corporation is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occa- sioned, or any other cause whatsoever. SIXTH. Bills must be sent for delivery of goods. SEVENTH. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, 7 and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid. EIGHTH. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. NINTH. No goods delivered during the sale. TENTH. Our record of sales in all cases final. ELEVENTH. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. TWELFTH. The undersigned are in no way liable for charges, breakage or loss incurred by the cartage contractor moving your purchases. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such re-sale if he thinks fit. WILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN CO., Auctioneers. GEORGE INNESS This picture is reproduced in Inness, Wyant, Blakelock Book—Plate 3. - Purchased from Vose Galleries, Boston; from S. C. Scotten Collection; L. A. Clubb Collection. This painting was purchased by the Thurber Art Galleries for $17,000. Catalogue ALESSI, ANTHONY Italian 1 Tue Bouporr Oil 3516x411 ALLAN, WM. R. American Well known New York figure painter. Has exhibited in all the | prominent exhibitions. 2 Heap Oil 1514x20 2A Girt With A VEIL APPEL, CHARLES American Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., July 11, 1857. Pupil of Chase and Mora in New York. Member, Salamagundi Club, 1906. 3 Boars Oil 11x18 ARNOLD, AXEL American Annual Exhibitor Chicago Art Institute. 4 LANDSCAPE Oil . 18x24 4A LANDSCAPE _ Oil 18x24 AZNER, J. French 5 Jonny ‘TROOPERS Oil 7 13x10 BACHMAN, ADOLPHE ’ French Landscapist of the 20th Century, born at Lausanne. Exhibited with the Independents in 1909. 6 VENICE Oil 2Q4x2814, BALESTRIERI, LIONELLO Kuropean « Frost Oil 14x20 BALINK, HENDRICUS CORNELIUS American P., E—Born Amsterdam, Holland, June 10, 1882. Pupil of National State Academy of Amsterdam, C. L. Dake, V. der Waay, Derkinderen; etching under du Pont and Arst. Member: Chi- cago SA. 8 Porrrait or PEE-A-WA-HE-A Oil 1514x191, (Seventy-two years old. One of the most prominent members of the Taos Tribe. He has been invited to the White House three times, and. received five certificates from Washington, for his excel- lent diplomacy between the Government and the Indians.) (Signed) Henry C. Balink. | June 28, 1924. BALLUE, PIERRE-ERNEST French Landscape painter of the 19th Century. Born at La Haye- Descartes (Indre-et-Loire). PRINTEMPS (SPRINGTIME) Oil 15x22 9 Paysacre (LANDscAPE) Oil 211x281, BARTALOZZI, MILO Italian 10 VENICE Oil 26x37 BASKA, J. Japanese 11 Lanpscapr Oil 18x28 BAUERNFEIND, GUSTAVE Painter of history and architecture. Born Sept. 4th, 1848, at Sulz (Neckar) ; died ‘at Jerusalem Dec. 24th, 1904. Studied in the Polytechnique at Stuttgart with (under) Loefftz at Munich. He journeyed through Switzerland; he worked up pictures of memo- rials and the rivers, buildings and Inns, and, incorporated therein the life of the people. Searching for new material he journeyed through all of Italy, after he had studied color with Loefftz in Munch. Thus, were founded the illustrations for the big work “Italy” and large oil paintings including his Epoch making “Piazza d’ Erbi,’ Verona, 1876, a symphony of color drawing and life. Further works in Venice Pavia, Naples and Cicly combine the Architecture with the modern culture and customs of the people. After he had been in Egypt, Palestine and Syria, 1880-82, in widening his circle, he changed in “Strasenausicht aus Kairo”™ (Street scene in Cairo) 1881.° A powerful ““Tempelruine in Boalbec,” (Temple Ruin in Boalbeck) 1882. (Moue Pimakothekin Muncher) a mosaic of world history, lovely water colors Aus Jerusalem; graphic showing, labarynth of streets and mobs of people followed by ‘““Neeschu Basaliskes of Damascus” as well as other architectural and street scenes. “The Market of Jaffa” in Munich International show, 1888, “The Shipping of Turkish Troops,” “Landscape of New Raliroad from Jaffa to Jerusalem,” “Main Street in Haifa,” “The Arrival of the First Locomotive in Jerusalem,” etc. New overwhelming things took him out of Damas- cus, 1888, and into Jerusalem. In these years there were two great panoramas of oe city, landscape of the Dead Sea, “The Jordan Shores,” Jericho, etc. After doing the “Complaints of the Believers at the Temple Walls of Jerusalem” (5016x389) his many sided activities were ended when he died of heart failure. Ger- many knew too little about him, but outside of the Munisk collec- tion, the National Gallery possesses four drawings of his with scenes of Rome and Florence. 12 ComMPpLAINTs OF THE BELIEVERS AT THE TEMPLE WALLS oF JERUSALEM Oil 5015x382 (Illustrated. ) BEAR eH American Born in Painesville, Ohio, April 13, 1825. Studied and sketched in Europe. Elected National Academy in 1862. 13. Ovp Man or THE Mountain — Oil 36x46 FRANCESCO, BEDA French Benre, painter, born at ‘Trieste, the 29th of November, 1840; died in the same city the 21st of June, 1900. (Ecole Hallandaise. ) He perfected himself at the Academy of Venice under the teach- ing of Chevalier Karl Von Blaas. In the course of his travels in Austria, in Hungary and in Crotia he did many portraits, among others that of the Prince of Rohan, Bishop of Strosmayer. Whilst in Austria he also painted a screen for the Empress Elizabeth. Ree |e GEORGE INNESS Wasu Day 54x72 BROM- TH E*S. Ce SECOTTEN COLLECEION After leaving there in 1876 one notices from his painting, that Meissonier is his inspiration, He died with palette in hand in front of his easel. In the Revoltella Museum at Trieste two of his canvases are preserved, “Charles VI Giving Audience to the Venetian. Ambassadors,” and “The Model.” 14 Tue Artist’s RECEPTION Oil 31x47 BEECHEY, SIR WILLIAM _ English Born Burford, in Oxfordshire, 1753; D. Hampstead, 1839; studied at Royal Academy; P. portraits. This artist was articled to a solicitor at Stowe, in Gloucestershire, aad transferred to the office of another lawyer in London. There having made the acquaintance of some artists, he prevailed upon his master to release him, and was admitted a student of the Academy in 1772. In 1775 he exhibited some small portraits, and went to Norwich, where he painted portraits in conversation pieces, after the man- ner of Hogarth. About 1783 he began to paint whole-length por- traits, and on returning to London he soon gained celebrity. He repeatedly painted members of the Royal Family, and on the death of Sir Joshua Reynolds, in 1792, became the most fashionable portrait-painter of his time. He was elected an A. R. A. in 1798, and the same year, having painted a portrait of Queen Charlotte, was appointed Her Majesty’s portrait-painter. In 1798 he was elected R. A. and painted the “Review in Hyde Park,’ which is now at Hampton Court.. Beechey excelled in producing a striking likeness. Considered, however, as pictures, they have not the solidity of Reynold’s, but—perhaps from their being painted with less body of colour—they have stood better than this; otherwise they are executed very much in the manner of his great predecessor. Some of Sir William’s most interesting portraits are: George III, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of York, in “The Review of the Horse Guards’—Hampton Court. Sir P. F. Bourgeois, R. A.; John Philip Kemble—Dulwich Gallery. Joseph Nollekens, the sculptor—National Gallery, London. 15 Porrrarr or BARONNE D’ OULLENBOURG (Illustrated. ) Oil : 1014,x8 16 Portrait or Mrs. Rosperr WALPOLE Oil 1014x8 BELIMBAU, A. 17 Ficurss Oil 13x18 BIERSTADT, ALBERT (N. A.) American Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Born in Diisseldorf, 1829. Taken to America when an infant. He displayed, as a lad, a decided taste for art. He made many clever sketches in crayon as a young man, and his first essay in oil in 1851, when he was twenty- two years of age. In 1853 he went to Dusseldorf and studied in the Academy there. He spent a winter in Rome, and during the summer months sketched in Switzerland and Germany, returning to America in 1857. In 1860 he was made a member of the National Academy of Design. In 1867 he was sent to Europe upon a government commission to make studies for a painting of the “Discovery of the North River by Hendrick Hudson.” Among Bierstadt’s most famous works are the “Rocky Mountains, Lander’s Peak” sold for $25,000, “Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mount Rosalie” valued at $35,000; “Estes Park, Colorado,” belonging to the Earl of Dunraven was sold by Bierstadt for $15,000 and was exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, in 1878. 18 Mountain ScENE Oil 26x18 19 River ScENE Oil 19x2734 21 Woop INTERIOR Oil 19x26 22 GOLDEN GATE Oil 38154x60 23 Mountain Peaks Oil 14x1914 BIRNEY, WILLIAM VERPLANCK French Born at Cincinnati, June 5, 1858. Studied at the Massachusetts Normal, Art School at Boston, and Royal Academy Munich. Medal at Buffalo, 1901; and at St. Louis in 1904. He received honorable mention at the International Exposition of Munich in these late years. Associate of the National Academy in 1900. Member of Salmagundi, Lotos, N. Y. Water-Colour Club, etc. 24 ‘Tur Writine LEsson Oil 1016x1214 BLACK, LAVERNE NELSON American 25 Cow Boy on Horse ~ Oil 16x20 BLAKELOCK, RALPH (N. A.) American Blakelock was born in New York, October 15, 1847. He was the son of a physician, and educated in medicine, which he renounced to take up painting, without instruction. He settled in New York and opened a studio, and succeeded in making a precarious living by his art. A western trip resulted in some very remarkable Indian and Forest studies, which are highly prized. At the Paris Exhibi- tion in 1900 he received a medal. An exhibition of his works in 1902 first aroused general public appreciation, and since that time they have advanced steadily in value. He was elected an associate of the National Academy of Design upon the nomination of Harry W. Watrous and made a full member. Watrous has made the statement, “There are three great landscape painters today in America, Inness, Wyant and Blakelock.’ This was twenty-eight years before the latter artist had achieved recognition. 26 INpian Horseman Oil 1114x1934 Photograph endorsed by Elliott Daingerfield. 27 INDIAN AND CANOE Oil 9x12 (Illustrated. ) 28 SuNset GLow Oil 5x7 (Illustrated. ) 20 Sunset GLow—INpbIAN TeEpeEss Oil 6x9 GUSTAVE BAUERNFEIND CoMPLAINTS OF THE FAITHFUL AT THE [TEMPLE WALLS OF JERUSALEM 5014x39 BLASHFIELD, EDWIN HOWLAND ) American Mural P., W. L.—Born in New York, Dec. 15, 1848. Pupil of Bonnat in Paris. Member: ANA 1882; NA 1888; painter faeines ber (National) Commission of Fine Arts; Mural P.; N. Y. Arch. Lg. 1886; N. Y. Municipal AS; NSS (lay); FAS; Century Assoe.; AIA (hon.); Nat. Inst: A. L.; Acad. AL; So. of Ameri- can Artists, New York Fed. of Fine Arts; Fellowship PAFA; SI. Awards: Bronze medal, Paris Exp., 1900; gold medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; medal of honor, N. Y. Arch. Lg. 1911; Carnegie prize, NAD 1911; gold medal, Nat. Inst. of Arts and Letters, 1923. Work: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Court House, Baltimore; Cleveland Federal Building, Citizens Bank, Cleveland, Ohio; Hudson County Court House, Jersey City; State Capitol, Madison; Essex County Court House, Newark; Appellate Court, New York; College of the City of New York; Waldorf-Astoria; Church of the Saviour, Philadelphia, Pa.; State Capitol, Pierre, S. Dak.; Bank of Pittsburgh; Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul; Library of Congress, Washington; Luzerne County Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Mahoning County Court House, Youngstown, Ohio; Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison; St. Mathews Church, Washington, D. C.; First Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Public Library, Detroit; Walker Memorial Massachusetts ° Institute of Technology, Boston; Altar piece in the Episcopal Church, Chappaqua, N. Y.; Author, with Mrs. Blashfield, of “Italian Cities”; Editor, with Mrs. Blashfield and A. A. Hopkins, of Vasari’s “Lives of the Painters’; Author, “Mural Painting in America,” 1914. $0 Mura Oil 39x80 This picture was painted to order by Blashfield for George Gould’s residence, New York City, where it hung for many years. A letter from Blashfield is given to the purchaser of the painting stating that every stroke has been done by himself. Many critics consider it one of his most important works. BLOMMERS, B. J. | Dutch Born at the Hague, Holland, 1845. Studied at The Hague Academy. Awarded Gold Medals at The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Paris, Munich, Brussels and Antwerp. Medal at the Chicago World’s Fair, 1893. Gold Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1900. Chevalier of the Orders of Saint Michael of Bavaria, of Leopold of Belgium, and the Lion of the Netherlands. | 31 CHILDREN ON THE BEACH Oil 271x42 (Illustrated. ) BOGERT, GEORGE H. American Landscapes. Born in New York, 1864. Studied under Collin, Morot, and Puvis de Chavannes. Appears in most of the important exhibitions of the United States. Received Honorable Mention at the Pennsylvania Academy, 1890; Webb Prize Society of American Artists, 1898; Medal Paris Exposition, 1900. First Hallgarten Prize, Academy of Design, New York Medal, Pan American Exposition; Medal St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Represented in permanent collections at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, St. Louis Art Museum and Brooklyn Museum. Member of the Society of American Artists, Associate of the Academy of Design; Society of Landscape Painters. Clubs: Lotos, Colonial, Barnard, and Salamagundi, all of New York. 32 LANDSCAPE Oil 24x30 338 DutrcH MILL Oil 11x14, BOGGS, FRANK M. Born at Springfield, Ohio, in 1855, I’. M. Boggs became first known as the painter of some of the most effective scenery ever set on the New York stage. From the paint gallery of the theatre, ‘Mr. Boggs passed to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and became a pupil of Géréme. His natural drift was to out-of-door effects, however, and while he prosecuted his studies of the figure he steadily developed his talent as a marine painter and as a painter of the grandiose subjects afforded by the picturesque and splendid architecture of the older cities of Europe. In 1880 he made his first appearance at the Salon. ‘he French Government, always alert in its appreciation of new abilities, became one of his -ear- liest patrons, acquiring, in 1881 and 1882, two of his paintings for the State collections. When he commenced exhibiting in America his success was immediate, and at the first prize exhibition at the American Art Galleries in New York in 1885, his dashing marine, “A Rough Day at Honfleur,” was one of the four pictures selected for purchase by the committee upon awards. It now forms part of the collection of the Museum of [ine Arts at Boston. Mr. Boggs maintains his studio in Paris, with occasional visits to, and sojourns in, the United States. He has received medals and indorsements from many European exhibitions. 34 LANDSCAPE Oil 2515x8614 La FEINE A Paris, Quart Des AuGustTINE BOLDINI, G. Italian Born at Ferrara, 1844. Paints in the style of Fortuny. At the Johnston sale in New York, in 1876, “A Scene in an Orchard,” sold for $2,150. At the Walters Gallery, Baltimore, is a picture by him of a “Lady Sitting Under a Tree Feeding Poultry,’ of which the Sunday Bulletin, February 12, 1876, speaks in high praise, and says, “the handling is bold and simple, and the result extremely pleasing.” His effects of light and his glorious sunshine make his pictures most pleasing. 85 Girt RECLINING Oil 16x20 BOSTON, JOSEPH H. American Born in Bridgeport, Conn. Member: ANA, 1901; SAA, 1896; Salma. C., 1898; Allied AA; Brooklyn AC. Award: Bronze Medal Pan-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901. Work: “The Devil’s Glen” and “Portrait of Franklin W. Hooper,’ Brooklyn Institute Museum. 3G LANDSCAPE Oil 18x24 WILLIAM BOUGUEREAU Cupip AND Psyciuk 64x40 BOUDOT, LEON French a7 ~ Landscape painter, born at Besancon (Doubs). French School. — Pupil of Francais. Exhibited in Salon of 1900, 1903, 1904, “Harvest Time at Port-Lesney” (Jura) ; ““End of a Winter Day in Antibes”; “Sunshine Chasing Away the Fog’’; “Pine Trees on the Cope of Antibes.” sem LANDSCAPE Oil 18x24 BOUGUEREAU, WILLIAM ADOLPHE - French Born at La Rochelle, France, 1825; died there August 19, 1905. History and genre painter. Pupil of Picot, and from 1843 of Ecole des Beaux Arts, where, in 1850, he won the Prix de Rome. Mem- ber of the Institute. Medals: Paris, Antwerp, and elsewhere. Commander of the Legion of Honor and Knight of the Order of Leopold. Represented in all the large museums of the world. His painting, “The Sisters,’ in Art Institute, Chicago. 388 “L’Armour ET PsyCHE’”’ Oil 64x40 (From Samuel Scotten Collection.) (Illustrated. ) 39 Girt WitH WatTErR JvuG Oil 27x37 (Illustrated. ) BRADFORD, WILLIAM, A. N. A. | American Born at New Bedroed, Mass., about 1830. Marine painter, self- taught, but influenced by Van Beest, whose studio at Fairhaven he shared for two years. Painted Coast of Labrador and Nova Scotia; afterwards made several expeditions into the Arctic with Dr. Hays, the explorer and others to study ice-bergs and ice-floes. From the sketches made, he painted pictures which were exhibited in London and bought by Queen Victoria, Baroness Burdette- Coutts and the Marchioness of Lorne. Elected Associate of the National Academy in 1874. 40 Coast or LABRADOR Oil 1 8x30 BRIGANTI Italian 41 VENICE Oil 14x20 BRISSOT, FRANK English Landscapist and painter of figures. Exhibited at The Royal Academy of London in 1879. (English School.) The Museum of Glasgow has one of his landscapes with sheep and figures. 42 Gone ro Pasture Oil 11x14 BROWN, J. G. (N. A.) British-A merican Born at Durham, England, 1831. Studied at New Castle-on- Tyne, then at Edinburg Academy and National Academy, New York. Elected A. N. A. in 1862 and N. A. in 1863. He was an _ original member of the Water-Color Society in 1866, and its presi- dent later. Exhibited at the National Academy 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878. Exhibited Water-Color Exhibition of 1871, 1874, 1876, 1877 and 1878. Received many medals and is represented in important collections all over the world. 43 SALUTING THE FLAG Oil 42x32 44 Tur First Smoke Oil 24x16 BRUESTLE, GEO. M. Ainerican Born at New York, December 22, 1872. Pupil of ASL of N. Y., under Mowbray; Colarossi Academy under Courtois and of Aman- Jean in Paris. Member: Artists’ Club of Lyme; Salma. C.; Allied AA. Work: “Afternoon Landscape,’ Gibbes Memorial Museum, Charleston, S. C.; “Brown Hillside,’ Reading, (Pa.), Museum. 45 New ENGLAND Pastures Oil 14x20 BUNCE, W. GEDNEY American National Academician. Born in Hartford, Conn., in 1842. Land- scape painter, studied in America and Europe, but was compara- tively self-taught. Exhibitor in Paris Salon. Paintings in Metro- politan and other important museums. 46 VENICE Oil 1416x25 47 VENICE Oil 13x20 CALIFANO, J. (PROF.) Italian 48 LANDSCAPE Oil 9x15 CABUL OM: American 49 FLOWERS Oil 22x15 CARLSEN, EMIL American 50 Born Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 19, 1853; came to United States in 1872. Studied architecture at Danish Royal Academy. Member: SAA, 1902; ANA, 1904; NA, 1906; Nat. Inst. AL; NAC; Lotos C.; Fellowship, PAFA (assoc.); Salma, C., 19038; Century Asso. Awards: Second Inness Prize, Salma. C., 1904; Shaw Purchase, SAA, 1904; gold medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Webb prize, SAA, 1905; Inness medal NAD, 1907; Hurd third medal, CI., Pittsburgh, 1908; medal, Buenos Aires, 1910; Temple gold medal, PAFA, 1912; Lippincott prize ($300), PAFA, 1913; Silver medal, NAC, 1915; medal of honor, P.-P. Exp., 1915; Sesnan gold medal, PAFA, 1916; Saltus gold medal, NAD, 1916; Carnegie prize, NAD, 1919. Works in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo; Rhode Island School of Design, Providence; National Gallery, Washington; Brooklyn In- stitute Museum; Art Institute, Chicago; Minneapolis Institute ; Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis; Art Museum, Worcester, Mass.; City Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo.; Engineers’ Club, New York; in permanent collection of Lotos Club, New York; Inst. .of. Art, San Francisco, Calif.; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. MILu AND Race Oil Sis 80x40 (From C. W. Dilworth Collection. ) af Stitu LIre Oil 30x30 WILLIAM BOUGUEREAU GirRL witH WATER JuG 2415x3614 CASILHARS JOHNe Wi NA American A native of New York. At the age of fifteen he began the study of engraving under Peter Maverick, at whose death, in 1831, he became a bank-note engraver. In 1840 Casilear went to Europe to study, turning his attention to painting in oils. He opened a studio in New York in 1854, going abroad a second time in 1857. He was elected an Associate of the National Academy in 1835, and Academician in 1851. He sent his work to the National Academy in 1868, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1888. His “Lake Luzerne,’ belonging to John Taylor Johnston, was.sold in 1876 for $1,000. 52 OcroBEeR Oil 18x14 CAVE 53 Heap Oil CHARLET, FRANZ Dutch Born at Brussels; genre painter, pupil of Gerome, J. Lefebvre and Portaels. Medal, 1885; honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1897. 54 ‘Tue Visrror Oil 22x26 CHARNAY, ARMAND French Born at Charlieu. Medal in 1876. Pupil of Pils and Feyen- Perrin. At the Salon of 1877 he exhibited “The Last Fine Days, Park of Chiteau Morand”; in 1876, “Waterfalls of Lignon,” in 1875, two scenes on the shore at Yport. 55 FisHine Oil 111x141, CHATEIGNON, ERN. French Figure and landscape painter, Paris, 19th Century. Member of Artistes Francais since 1905. : 56 GOING To THE FIELDS Oil | 18x24. " Rerurnine WirH THE GRAIN-AT. EVENING a Oil 18x24 CHASE, HENRY, A. N. A. American A native of Vermont. He studied art in Paris under Soyer, sending to the Paris Salon in 1878, ‘““Pecheurs Anglais.” Also exhibited in 1878 at the National Academy, New York, and at the Mechanics’ Fair Boston. MaRINE Oil 8x14 cr TL CHASE, WILLIAM M(ERRITT) P., T'.—Born Franklin, Ind., Nov. 1, 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes in Indianapolis; J. O. Eaton in New York; A. Wagner and Piloty in Munich. Member: ANA, 1888; NA, 1890; SAA, 1879; AWCS; Munich Secession; Ten Am.P.; Nat. Inst., A.L.; Am. Acad. A.L.; Port. P.; NAC; Lotos C. Awards: Medal Centennial Exp., Phila. 1876; hon. mention, Paris Salon, 1881; honors, Munich, 1883; silver medal, Paris Salon, 1889; first prize, Cleveland Art Assoc., 1894; Shaw prize, SAA, 1895; gold medal of honor, PAFA, 1895; gold medal, Paris Exp., 1900; Temple gold medal, PAF A, 1901; gold medal, Pan-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901; gold medal, Charleston Exp., 1902; first Corcoran prize, S. Wash. A., 1904; Proctor prize NAD, 1912; hors’ concours (jury awards), P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915. Work: “A Lady in Black,” “Seventeenth Century Lady,’ “Still Life” and “Carmencita,’ Metropolitan Museum, New York, N. Y.; “An English Cod” and “The Model,’ Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D. C.; “Still Life,” Wilstach Gallery, Philadelphia, Pa.; “The Mirror,’ two “Still Life’ and “Woman with Basket,’ Cincinnati Museum, Cincinnati, O.; “Still Life,’ “Woman in Pink,” “Landscape,” “In Venice” and ‘A Child,’ Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R. I.; “Still Life—Fish,” Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.; ‘““Shinnecock Hills,’ National Gallery, Wash- ington, D. C.; “Lady with White Shawl’ and “Still Life—Fish,” Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa.; “After the Shower,” “Dorothy” and “Still Life,’ Art Association, Indian- apolis, Ind.; “Alice,” and ‘North River Shad,’ Art Institute, Chi- cago, Ill.; “Head” and ‘Fish,’ Herron Art Institute, Indianapolis ; “Fish,’ “The Antiquary’s Shop,” “In the Studio” and “L. F. Emmet,” Brooklyn Institute Museum; “Robert Blum,” Cincinnati Museum. GirRL IN BLUE Oil ee 5b. oh Cr CS (Illustrated. ) GO INNOCENCE Oil — 24x191/4 61 Head Oil | 19x21 CHURCH, FREDERIC EDWIN American Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1876. Pupil of Columbia School of Architecture, painting under 'Twachtman, F. V. DuMond and others. Member: Salma. C.; MacDowell C.; Allied AA.; N. Y. Arch. Lg. (Asso.); Lyme AA. Award: Clark prize, NAD, 1916. 62 'TRopicaL Oil 6x10 CHURCHILL, WILLIAM W. American Born in Boston. Pupil of Bonnat in Paris. Member: Boston AC; Boston GA. Award: Honorable mention Pan-American Expo- sition; Buffalo, 1901; honorable mention, P.-P. Exp., San F. 1915: 68 Summer AFTERNOON Oil Nan 32x42 CONROY, GEORGE -f. American Has exhibited extensively in the United States. 64 AutumMN AFTERNOON Oil 12x16 CONSTANT; BENJAMIN French Born at Paris, 1845. Medals, 1875 and 1876. Pupil of Cabanel. At the Salon of 1877 he exhibited portraits; ane in 1876, three portraits in 1875. Before these works, Constant had frequently exhibited at the Salons, and his “Hamlet,” of 1869, was bought by the government. But it is evident that his real dramatic career . WILLIAM M. CHASE (N. A.) GiRL IN BLUE 83x27 only commenced when, leaving ’Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and all hope of the prix de Rome, he visited the countries which have inspired his later works—Spain, Morocco, etc. At the Salon of 1878 he exhibited, ““Thirst,—Prisoners of Morocco” and “The Harem, Morocco,” The first has been purchased by Mr. Schaus of New York. His paintings are found in all the great museums of the world. G5 Sutran’s Favorire Oil 441/,x83 (From: Ed. V. ;Price Collection. ) 66 -Copy or TITIAN Oil 20x24 CORTES, (A.) French This artist has made himself very popular in America by send- ing his best efforts to this country. His works are now very scarce and valuable. mee NS 67 Paris In WINTER Oil 13x19 68 A Paris EVENING Oil » = 18x19 COSTA & CONTI - Italian G9 Copy or Trrran Masterpigce Oil . 37x45 COSTRAS, E. Fronds, Modern Frenchman. 70. Girt SEWING Oil 11x9 CRIPPS 2G. ss English Important modern painter of English School. 7i INTERIOR Oil 12x10 CROPSEY, JASPER F. (N. A.) : American Born at Staten Island, 1828. Was in an architect’s office for five years, when he turned his attention to the study of landscape- painting. In 1847 he went to Europe, spending three years in Italy. In 1851 he was made a full member of the New York Academy of Design. In 1857 he went again to Europe, living in London in the practice of his profession until 1863, sending to the Royal Academy there, in 1857, his “Backwoods of America,’ and others in following seasons. After his return to America he devoted himself particularly to the painting of autumn scenery, exhibiting at the National Academy in 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1874, 1875, ct 1876, 1877 and 1878. To the exhibitions of the American Society of Painters in Water-Colors, of which he was one of the original members, he exhibited in 1868, 1869, 1877 and 1878. 72 LANpDscaPE Oil 24x44 CURRAN, CHARLES COURTNEY American P.—Born at Hartford, Ky., Feb. 13, 1861. Pupil of Cincinnati School of Design; ASL and NAD in New York; Julian Academy under Constant, Lefebvre and Doucet in Paris. Member: ANA, 1881; NA, 1904; NYWCC; AWCS; SAA, 1888; Salma, C.; Lotos (life) ; NAC (life); Allied A.A.; Mac D.C. Awards: Third Hall- garten prize NAD, 1888; hon. mention, Paris Salon, 1890; Clark prize, NAD, 1893; medal, Columbian Exp., Chicago, 1898; second - Hallgarten prize, NAD, 1895; silver medal, Atlanta Exp., 1895; hon. mention, Paris Exp., 1900; silver medal, Pan-Am. Exp., Buf- falo, 1901; Carnegie prize, SAA, 1904; silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; first corcoran prize, S. Wah. A., 1905; Altman prize, ($1,000), NAD, 1919. Works: National Gallery, Washington; Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia; Museum of Art, Columbus; Art Ass’n, Rent Ind.; Toledo, Ohio, Museum of Art; Buffalo, N. Y., Fine Arts Academy; Art Museum, Montclair, N. J. 73 Mountain Top Oil 22x18 CUVILLON (LOUIS-ROBERT DE) : French Painter and water colorist, born in Paris the 29th of February, 1848. Pupil of L. Leloir. He participated especially in the Salons of Aquarellistes with landscape and portraits. 74 Figure Water Color 1014x16 (From Chauncey J. Blair collection. Purchased from Arthur Tooth and Son.) DAINGERELE ED e410 ESN ea. American Born at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, March 26, 1859. Member: Associate National Academy, 1902; National Academy, 1906; New York Water Color Club; Society of American Artists, 1903; Lotos Club. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Toledo Museum; National Gallery, Washington, D. C.; Brooklyn Institute Museum; City Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri; Art Institute of Chicago. 75 MoorLaNnp MoonriskE Oil 14x18 DAUBIGNY, CHARLES FRANCOIS French Born at Paris (1817-1878). Officer of the Legion of Honor. Pupil of Delaroche. This painter spent three years in Italy, and hee sent his pictures to nearly every Salon since 1838. Four paint- ings were purchased by the Ministry of the Interior, One painting (1852) was placed in the Tuileries, one (1852) at the Museum of Nantes, one painting (1853) was purchased by the Emperor for the Palace of St. Cloud. At the Louvre, in the apartment of the Ministers of State, are two panels, stags oe herons ; on the stair- case of the same apartment are two paintings. In the Luxembourg are two of his works. Two works by this artist are in the collection ~ of Mrs. H. E. Maynard, of Boston. In 1877 he exhibited two paint- ings, one in 1876, two in 1874. He has also executed more than one hundred etchings. In 18638, ‘““La Calcographie” of the Louvre purchased a plate of his “A Wooded Landscape.” 76 LANDSCAPE Oil 6x1514 O&X6Z AAAIY AHL AC ONINAAY CV N) “4 ‘SANNI ADUOAD (From John Levy Galleries.) DAVIS, STARK American Prize American Show, Art Institute, 1924. 77 Macaw Oil 22x24 DAVIS, WARREN B. American Member: Salma. C.; Allied A. A. Awards: Inness prize, 1905; Evans prize, 1906 and 1916, and Isidor prize, 1911, at Salma. C. 78 Nupe Oil 8x10 DAY, FRANCIS Atiioen P.—Born at LeRoy, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1863. Pupil of ASL of N. Y.; Escole des Beaux-Arts, Hebert and Merson in Paris. Member: SAA, 1891; ANA, 1906; Salma. C., 1888. Awards: Third Hallgarten prize, NAD, 1895. Work: “Fairyland,” Art Museum, Montclair, N. J. 79 Girew Wit LILizs Oil 30x20 DE GESNE, ALBERT French Modern Frenchman. SQ. WatriNG ror THE Hunr Oil 18x15 DE: HAVEN, FRANK American Landscape Painter—Born at Bluffton, Ind., Dec. 26, 1856. Pupil of George H. Smillie in New York. Member: ANA, 1902; Salma. C., 1900; Shaw prize, Salma. C., 1901; hon. mention, Pan- Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904. Work: “The Gloaming” and “Indian Camp near Custer,’ Brooklyn In- stitute Museum; “Castle Creek Canyon, South Dakota,” National Gallery, Washington, D. C. Si LANDSCAPE Oil 24x30 CEXYLS HOvag aL NOLLOUTION NULLOOS ‘0S WOU SUANNOTEA f *€ NO NaYdTIHD DE HAAS, M. F. H., N. A. Dutch-American Born at Rotterdam, 1852. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts of his native city. In 1851 he went to London, where he remained a year, painting in watercolor. Later he sketched on the English and Dutch coasts, and studied under Louis Meyer at the Hague for two years. In 1857 he received the appointment of Artist to the Dutch Navy. In 1859 he settled in New York, was elected Associate of the National Academy in 1863, and Academician in 1867, and was one of the original members of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors in 1866. He sent his works to the National Academy in 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1878. He was commended by the judges at the Centennial in 1876. His “Rapids Above Niagara” was at the Paris Exposition of 1878. $2 MooNnuicuT Oil 14x22 85 Marine Oil 14x22 84 Marine Oil 14x24 DELPY, CAMILLE: HIPPOLYTE French Born at Joigny, France. Contemporary. Landscape painter; pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Medal, 1884. 85 “ON THE SEINE” Oil 1514x27l, 86 Moonrise Oil 12x24 DEWEY, CHARLES MELVILLE American Landscape painter. Born Lowville, N. Y., July 16, 1849. Pupil of Carolus-Duran in Paris. Member: ANA, 1903; NA, 1907; Nat. Inst. A. L.; Lotos. C. Awards: Silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904. Represented in Corcoran Gallery, Washington; Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo; National Gallery, Washington; Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia; Brooklyn Institute Museum; Art Museum, Montclair, N. J.; Minneapolis Institute of Arts; Metropolitan Museum of Art. 87 BERCHEsS Oil 25x30 DREW, GEORGE English 85 LANDSCAPE Oil 16x24 89 LANDSCAPE Oil 16x24 90 LANDSCAPE Oil 16x24 DRISCO, J. B. American 91 MarIne Oil 16x30 DUESSEL American 92 FiGuREs Oil DUPRE, JULIEN French Born, 1851. Medals: Paris, 1880 and 1881. Silver medal, 1889, EK. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. HORS CON- COURS. Member of the Society of French Artists. 938 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Oil 18x15 DUVERGER, THEOPHILE EMMANUEL French Born at Bordeaux. Medals in 1861, 1863 and 1865. Exhibited at the Paris Salon 1877, 1876, 1875. At the Walters Gallery in Baltimore is “A Visit From Charity,’ by this artist, which is delicately finished; three paintings are in the collection of Mrs. H. E. Maynard of Boston. “The Laborer and His Children” (1865), is in the Luxembourg. 94 CHILDREN Oil 1014x138 EANOUX French 95 RECLINING Oil 32x21 BATON, WYATT American Born at Philipsburg, Canada, May 6, 1849. Portrait and figure painter, pupil of the National Academy, New York, and of J. O. Eaton in New York; later of Gerome in Paris. Exhibitor in — Salon. 96 Woman aNp CHILD Oil ees eed GX ELKINS, HENRY A. American 97 SuNsET ON RIVER 12x20 Well known Chicago painter, deceased. EMERSON, W.. C. English Born in London, Oct. 27, 1865. He has no connection with any school but has produced more than five hundred pictures that hang in some of the best private and public collections of America, and have appeared in exhibits at all the principal cities where they were hung in places of honor. About his work has grown up the Emersonians, each of whom owns one or more products of his brush. Mr. Emerson has exhibited in the National Academy of Design, N. Y., National Gallery, Toronto, Canada, and almost yearly at the Chicago Art Institute. He has taken many honors and ranks among the greatest American Landscape painters. 95 LANDSCAPE Oil , 28x36 EVANS, GEO. H._ - American 99 Ar SUNDOWN Oil 20x24 EVANS, DE SCOTT American Born in Boston, Indiana, 1847. He opened a studio in Cléselgud in 1874, and turned his attention to portrait-painting. In 1877 and 1878 he studied under Bouguereau in Paris. Among his portraits are those of a young son of Alfred Cowles (formerly of the Chicago Tribune, which now belongs to Edwin Cowles. of the Cleveland Leader), of the children of Wilber Hinman, Miss Effie Ellsler, and others. His “Mother’s Treasure,’ belonging to T. D. Crocker of Cleveland, was painted in France; “In the Studio,’ genre pic- ture, since his return to the United States. He was especially skill- ful in the painting of draperies, and his productions have received much comment the country over. 3 100 Girt Witn FLoweErs Oil é 26x14 101 WartInG For Dap Oil | 16x20 CAGXY{8 slog SAOS dsIssy ANWA,T WAOLWT-NIINVA American Born in New York, 1864. Painter of portraits and figure sub- LAGAN. 2 AG jects. 102 Girw’s Fieure | Oil VFANACEY 103 An AraBiaAN PAsTORAL Oil FANTIN-LATOUR, HENRI 26x18 French 1714x24 French Born at Grenoble, 1836. Medals in 1870 and 1875. Pupil of his father and Lecoq de Boisbaudran. At the Salon of 1877 he - exhibited a picture called ‘Reading,’ which was much praised by Duranty in the “Gazette des Beaux-Arts,’ and a portrait, also two pastels of landscapes and two lithographs; in 1876, paintings of “Flowers” and “The Anniversary”; in 1875, three portraits, and in 1874; “Flowers and Objects of Still-Life’; at the Salon of 1878, “La Famille D.,’ which last was much admired and well written by Roger Ballu in the “Gazette des Beaux-Arts” of July, 1878. 104 Femme Assese Sous Bors Oil (Illustrated. ) From Howard Young Galleries. 105 Fish Scene—Artist Unknown Oil FLECK, JOSEPH 106 INpIAN CHURCH Oil 107 Nupr Ficure Oil Ir'ORMAN 108 Cup or TEA Oil 844x5M% 22x33 Austrian 27x24 27x24 French 18x26 FRISCH, J. C. American 109 Tue Harr Oil 1116x231, GARDEAU French Modern Frenchman. 110 FrRENcuH So.pirr Oil 16x13 GAUL, GILBERT American S.M. historical subjects in oils, and illustrations; born in Jersey City, N. J., March 31, 1855; son of George and Cornelia (Gilbert) G.; studied in Nat. Academy of Design, N. Y., and A.S.L., N. Y.; married to Maria Halsted (1898). Has exhibited extensively throughout the U.S. Received Medal at Amer. Art Ass’n (1886) ; Medal for Oils and Illustrations at Chicago World’s Fair (1893) ; Medal at Pan-American Exp. (1901); Medal at the Paris Exp. (1900). Has illustrated extensively for the Century, Harpers, Scribner's, and current publications. Was elected Assoc. of Nat. Acad. (1879), elected N.A. (1882); member of Soc. of American Artists :(N. Y.). 111 CHums Oil 20x14 GEOFROY, JEAN French Born at Marennes, 1865. Medal, Paris Salon, 1881. Medal, 1883; medal, 1886; Legion of Honor, 1886; gold medal, 1897; Universal Exposition, 1900. Officer of the Societe des Artiste Francais. The city of Paris has his famous painting, “The Hos- pital Ward,’ now hanging in the Luxembourg Museum. His paint- ings are to be seen in many permanent museums throughout France a other European countries and he is well represented through- out America. 112 Speak, Docearr! Oil 39x24 GEROME, JEAN LEON French One of the most eminent French painters of the 19th Century. After considerable study with Delaroche, he created a stir with his “Greek Cockfight,’ exhibited in 1847, and now in the Luxem- bourg. He produced a number of very successful Eastern subjects following a trip to Egypt and Turkey. But Gerome’s most splendid qualities are seen in those works which reveal his minute knowl-_ edge of historical detail intensity and dramatic power. Gerome was a sculpture as well as painter. Awards: Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855; medals of honor, 1867, 1874, 1878; for sculpture, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1855; Officer, 1867; Commander, 1878; Member of Institute, 1863; Professor Ecole des Beaux Arts, 1863. 118 Woman or Syria Oil 16x12 From John Levy Galleries. GLEICH, JOHN ~ Spanish 114 MooNLiGHT oN THE RoorF or AN ORIENTAL PALACE Oil 16x30 115 Tur WarTter Carriers Oil 20x28 GOUPIL;, JULES , French Died, 1883. Medals in 1873, 1874 “and 1875. Pupior Scheffer. At the Salon of 1878 he exhibited, “A Village Woman,” and “‘Le Rendez-vous Manque’’; in 1877, “The Visit of Condol- ence, and a portrait of Pierre Veron; ‘The Espousals’; in 1872, 3: “News in the Province,—an Episode of the War,” of which Jules Claretie says in his ‘“‘Peintres et Sculpteurs” :— 116 Heap Oil 13x16 GRUPPE, CHARLES P. American Born Picton, Canada, Sept. 3, 1860. Studied in Halse chiefly self-taught. Member: NYWCC; AWCS; AC Phila.; Salma. C., 1893; NAC; Rochester AC; Pulchre Studio, The Hague. Awards: Gold medal, Ronen; good medal, AAS, 1902; two gold medals, D2O0UD) hg SxIAOT DSUNOINATITAG ‘[ ANNOUVG AO LivuLucg AHHOWAH WVITIIM UIS - Paris; medals for oils and for water color, St. Louis Exp., 1904; medal, Appalachian Exp., Knoxville, 1910; Tuthill prize, AIC, 1917. Works in Brooklyn Institute Museum; Inst. of Arts, Detroit ; National Arts Club, New York; Art Club of Philadelphia; Na- tional Gallery, Washington, D. C.; Reading, (Pa.), Museum; Butler Art Institute, Youngstown, O. 117 Dunes Country, INDIANA Oil ! 18x24 HALOW, ESAU J. American Studied in Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Art Institute, Chicago; Pan-American Mx posiion ‘Los Angeles, and many other exhibi- tions. Spoken of highly by the critics. His works are owned in many of the finest American collections. 118 Stitt Lire, FLrowers Oil 25x30 119 Stitt Lire, Flowers Oil 25x30 120 LANDSCAPE Oil | : 25x30 121 LANpDscAPE Oil 7x9 122 Earty Mornine Oil 25x30 123 FLowers Oil | 25x30 124 Smauti FLiowers Oil 11x14 125 LaNpscarrE Oil 8x10 HAMILTON, HAMILTON American Born 1847. Member: ANA, 1886; NA, 1889; AWCS. Work: “The Valley of Fountains,’ “Sunset After a Storm,” and “Summer in the North Woods,” Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo, N. Y. 126 ‘THe Otp Farmuouse ana 24x36 HARPIGNIES, HENRI French Born at Valenciennes, 1819. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Medal at Philadelphia. Pupil of Achard. He visited Italy, and made his début at the Salon of 1853. The first picture which really showed his talent was that of 1861, “The Edge of a Wood on the Banks of the Allier.” In 1866 his “Evening in the Roman Campagna” received a medal; this picture is at the Luxembourg. Among his works is, “The Little Village of Chasteloy” (1877), which has been much praised. Louis Gonse, in the “Gazette des Beaux-Arts,” speaks in high terms of his water colors of 1877. He exhibited in 1876 and 1875; and, at the Salon of 1878. 127 LANDscaPE Water Color 64x94 HARRISON, BIRGE American Born Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 28, 1854. Known widely as a painter of snow. Received an academic education. Went to Paris in 1876; entered the atelier of Carolus-Duran; two years later entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and studied under Cabanel for four years. At Pont-Aveu, Brittany, he painted his first important picture, ““November,’ which was exhibited in the Salon of 1882 and purchased by the French government. Associate member of the National Academy of Design, 1902. Full member, 1910. His paintings are hors de concours in the Paris Salon. 128 Tur Frozen Poor Oil 24x30 HART, WILLIAM (N. A.) American Born at Paisley, Scotland, 1823. Died June 17, 1894, Land- scape and animal painter. Brother of James M. Hart, and self- taught. Was brought to America when a boy. In 1844 he visited Scotland where he studied ‘and painted for three years. Elected Associate of National Academy, 1857. National Academician, 1858. 129 LANDSCAPE Oil 14x24 130 Tue Passaic River Oil 6x12 HART, JAMES M. | American Born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, May 10, 1828. Brought ‘to America when he was six years of age. Went to Europe in 1852 and studied. under Prof. Schirmer in Munich and Dusseldorf. A. N. A., 1857; N. A., 1859. Member of the Council and after- wards vice-president of the National Academy of Design, Medal at the Centennial, 1876; silver and gold medals at the Mechanics’ Institute, Boston: Bronze medal, Paris, 1889. Represented in Metropolitan Museum of Art, N. Y.; Albright Gallery, Buffalo; Art Institute of Chicago and other important collections throughout the United States. 181 LanpscapE Olive 28x41 1382 CatTTLe Oil 20x28 HERPFERS, CARL 133 Girt Wirn Vioxtn Oil 2316x115 HEYLIGER, H. 134 INTERIOR ean SS 22x26 HILL, THOMAS 3 | American - Born in Birmingham, England, 1829. Taken by his family to America in 1841, he lived in Taunton, Mass. He went to Boston in 1844, and for some years was a member of painting and decorat-. ing firms of that city and Philadelphia. In 1854 he entered the _ life class of Philadelphia Fine Art Academy, but with the excep- tion of a few months spent in the studio of Paul Meyerheim of Paris, he is self-taught as an artist. In 1861 he went to San Francisco, remaining some years. He was a resident of Cam- bridge, Mass., from 1867 to 1871, and was a member of the Boston Art Club, exhibiting there his first picture, “The Yose- mite Valley,” which was chromoed by Prang, and subsequently purchased by Charles Crocker of San Francisco. Since 1873” he had been an active member of the San Francisco Art Assdelations being its Vice-President in 1874. To the Centennial. Exhibition he sent three paintings for which he received a medal and diploma. He also received medals from various societies for his decorative painting. 135. Granp Canyon Oil 3 - 16x24 RALPH A. BLAKELOCK Sunset GLow 5x7 HOCKER, F. English 136 INTERIOR Oil 19x17 INNESS, GEORGE (N. A.) American Born at Newburgh, N. Y., 1825. Pupil of Regis Gignoux, but otherwise self-educated. Became a steel engraver, traveled and studied abroad. Elected National Academician, 1868. Exhibitor at Paris Salon and other foreign exhibitions. Represented in all American Museums. Ranks as one of the greatest American artists. 187 THe GREENsWAaRD DuriAM Oil 10x14 139 Marine, From S, C. Scorren CoLLEection - (Illustrated. ) Oil 20x30 140 Wasi Day, From S. C. Scorren CoL_Lection (Illustrated. ) . Oil 54x72 141 Brur River Mountains, 1883 Oil 14x20 (Presentation picture from Mrs. Inness and authographed on back by her. Authenticated by Elliott Daingerfield.) 142 GrorGia Woop.anps, 1885 Oil 10x12 (Authenticated by Elliott Daingerfield. ) 143 SumMMER—Monrvr CLAIR Oil 42x32 143 ‘This Picture is reproduced in Inness, Wyant, Blackelock Book—Plate 3. (This artist's home was in a country with fine trees, giving upright lines and luxuriant foliage. Not disturbed by complicated composition, the artist could give attention to that which he did best; to refined color, to looseness of touch and mystery in form, to poetical treatment, hardly equaled by any painter.) Purchased from Vose Galleries, Boston; from S. C, Scotten Col- lection; L. A. Clubb Collection. This painting was purchased by the Thurber Art Galleries for $17,000. (Illustrated. ) INNESS, GEORGE, JR. (N. A.) American Son of George Inness, occupying a studio with his father in New York. Well known as an animal painter, and among his pictures exhibited in the National Gallery since 1877 are, “The Ford” and “Patience,” “At the Brook’ and “Pride of the Dairy.” Born in Paris, 1854. Studied with his father in Rome and Paris. Has exhibited annually at the Paris Salon. Associate of the Na- tional Academy of Design, New York. Elected National Acade- mician, 1899. EVENING BY THE River Oil 29x36 (Illustrated.) Photo endorsed by George Inness, Jr. 144 THe Lovers Oil 8x12 INDONI Italian 145 ITALIAN PEASANTS Oil 14x21 INNOCEMTI, C. 146 Nupr Fieure Oil 11x14 JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE ~French Born at Paris, 1813. Died, 1894. Animal and landscape painter, engraver and etcher. When seventeen years old, studied as a geographical engraver. Medals for designs, 1851, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, 1867, Universal Ex- position. Medals for paintings, 1861, 1863, 1864. First President of the Society for Animal Painters. Hors Concours. 147 SHEPHERD AND SHEEP Oil 8x10 From John Levy Galleries. JACQUET, MAURICE French Born at Paris. Pupil of Bonnat. Exhibitor at Paris Salon. 148 Woman’s Heap Oil 614x814 JONJEK, J. 149 Soar BuBB ks Oil 16x21 JOHNSON, DAVID (N. A.) American Born in New York, 1827. At the commencement of his career he received a few lessons from J. F. Cropsey, but has been a close student of Nature, looking upon her as his teacher and master. His professional life has been spent in New York. He has never JONES, FRANCIS COATES 4 been abroad. In 1859 Mr. Johnson was one of the founders of the Artists’ Fund Society. He was elected an Associate of the — National Academy in 1860, and Academician in 1862. He exhibited in 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1874, 1876, 1877 and 1878. He ex- hibited at the Paris Salon in 1877. To the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 he sent three paintings, receiving one of the first awards. 150 Wrest Point, N. Y. Oil 18x30 JOTGNA TDF: French 151 Carrur Oil 24x86 JONAS, LEROY American LANDSCAPE Oil 25x30 152 Tue BatueErs Oil 20x24 153 MarRINE Oil 20x30 154 MarRINE Oil 20x30 155 FrrReweEeEps Oil 20x24 MarRINE Oil 20x24 Purchased direct from artist. JONES, H. BOLTON, NA, American Born in Baltimore, receiving his art education and spending the greater part of his professional life in his native city. In 1877 he made a sketching tour in Brittany and Spain, sending the results of his labors to Baltimore, where several of his pictures were exhibited in 1878. He has been a regular contributor to the Na- tional Academy since 1874, where he sent paintings each season, exhibited at Centennial Exhibition of 1876, at the Paris Exposi- tion of 1878, and at the Paris Salon of the same year. 157 WINTER SUNSET Oil cae 1 so Ba Born Baltimore, Md., July 25, 1857. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre at Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Member: ANA, 1885; NA, 18945 SAA, 1882; AWCS:; N:; Y.. Arch, Lge iesaee ae P.; Nat. Inst: A. L.; NAC; A. Aid S.; Century Assom 505 ato C.; Salma. C. Awards: Clarke prize, NAD, 1885; silver medal, Pan-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901; Shaw purchase, SAA, 1904; silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Isidor medal, NAD, 1913; silver medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915. 158 Girt AND LANDSCAPE Oil 19x26 American SSSI Ul poured ; UOTPI[[OD UI}}OOS “9 “GS WOLT O€X06G ANIYV IN SSHNNI HOUOUO KAEMMERER, F. H. Austrian Contemporary Austrian known for delightful color. 159 SPRINGTIME Oil 18x2214 KAULA, WILLIAM J. American Born Boston, 1871. Pupil of Normal Art School and Cowles Art School in Boston; Collin in Paris. Member: Boston AC; NYWCC; Paris AAA; Boston SWCP. Awards: Medal, P.-P. Exp., San F., 1915; hon. mention, Buffalo SA, 1924; hon. mention, Conn. AFA, 1924. 160 BeLetan CuurcH Oil 9x11 161 EvEeNING Oil 9x12 KEITH, O, American 162 LANDSCAPE Water Color 15x23 KEITH, WILLIAM (N. A.) American Born in 18389, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Died, 1911. Repre- sented by canvases in museums in Washington, Chicago and San Francisco. Greatest painter of California landscapes. 163 Evenina REFLECTIONS Oil 22x32 164 Woop INTERIOR Oil 22x26 KELLOGG, M. K. American 165 Heap Oil 16x13 KENSETT, J. F., N. A. American Born in Cheshire, Ct. (1818-1873). As a youth he studied bank- note engraving, and practiced art in his leisure hours. He finally went to England, where he worked for some time, sending to the Royal Academy, in 1850, ““A View of Windsor Castle,” which was highly praised by the London art critics. He remained in Europe seven years, spending two years in Rome, making excursions to Naples, Switzerland, the Rhine, and the Italian Lakes, and send- ing home many cleverly executed paintings and sketches, some of which, exhibited in the Art Union Gallery, New York, established his reputation in America as a landscape-painter of no common merit. His views of American scenery have become justly popular. He exhibited in Philadelphia in 1876. At the Johnston in 1876 his “Secluded Brook” brought $600.00 and “Afternoon on the Con- necticut Shore” sold for $1,500. His ‘White Mountains,’ at the Wright Sales some years before was sold at $1,300. He exhibited in Paris in 1867 and at the Sanitary Fair, New York, in 1864. Kensett was made a member of the National Academy in 1849. 166 LANDscAPE Oil 14x24 REVER; J/uS. H: Dutch Bronze Medal, Paris Salon, Universal Exposition, 1889. Me- daille d’Argent, Universal Exposition, 1900. An important repre- sentative of the modern Dutch school. 167 Moruer anp CHILp Oil 17x25 KIMBER, R. American 168 LANDSCAPE Oil 12x16 KOOL, L. Hollander 169 INTERIOR Oil 1314x18 KROMER, B. American 170 Girt Reapine LETTERS Oil 18x14 LAMBINET, EMILE French Born at Versailles (1810-1878). Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Pupil of Drolling. Made his début at the Salon of 1833. He exhibited in Luxembourg in 1855. His views are those of his own country. He exhibited in 1876 and at the salon of 1877. Mrs. H. KE. Maynard of Boston has three landscapes by this artist in her collection. T'wo of his works were exhibited at the Salon of 1878. 171 LANDSCAPE Oil 15x22 LEADER, BENJAMIN WILLIAM, A. R. A. British Born in 1831. Entered the schools of the Royal Academy in 1854, exhibiting “Cottage Children Blowing Bubbles,” his first picture, the same year. He also exhibited in 1855, 1857, 1860, 1863, 1867, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877 and 1878. (A. R. A., in 1883.) 172 LANDSCAPE Oil 18x31 LEJOLE French 173 AUTUMN Oil 1414x23 (EV Y, H.-A. American 174 Batter DANCER Oil 32x26 it i LOIGNARD, L. French 175 CaTtTLe Oil 28x4114 LYNCH, ALBERT American 176 IpkaL Heap Oil 10x7 MAILLARD American 177 Marine Oil 1914x251, MANNUCCI, CIPRIANO Italian 1:78 LANpDscAaPE Water Color 16x11 MARCHETTI, GUSTAVE-HENRI French Genre painter, engraver and etcher. Born at Paris in 19th Cen- MARTIN, HOMER tury. Pupil of J. Blanc, Bouguereau, Gabriel Ferrier. Member of Artists Francais since 1901. He exhibited in the salon of this society where he obtained honorable mention in 1900. As an en- graver, he obtained honorable mention in 1905. 179 Girt WirH STATUE Oil 2314x1614 He was born in Albany in 1836. He studied painting under William Hart, became an Associate of the National Academy in 1868 and an Academician in 1875, and was one of the founders of the Society of American Artists in 1877. Represented in all American Museums. Ranks as one of the greatest American artists. 180 LANpDscaPE “YOSEMITE VALLEY” Oil 36x52 (Attributed. ) MAUVE, ANTON Dutch Born at Zaandam. Medal at Philadelphia, where he exhibited, “Hauling Up the Fishing-Boat,’ which was especially noted as praiseworthy by Mr. Weir in his report. Mauve is the pupil of P. F. Van Os. At Paris in 1877 he exhibited and two pictures in 1876. At the Cottier sale, New York, 1878, “Pastures in Holland” sold for $1,500. Two of his pictures were exhibited at the Me-. chanics’ Fair in Boston in 1878. He also exhibited in the same year at the Paris Exposition. p81 CaTTLe Oil American MERTZ, H. | 7 SS ae French 182 Lapy’s Portrait Oil 2114x161, 182 Wuy Don’r Her Come MILLAR, CLYDE American 183 Marine Oil a 22x28 MILLER, RALPH L. American 184 CaxiForNia LANDSCAPE Oil 30x40 MOELLER, LOUIS, N. A. American Exhibited first at the National Academy, 1883. Exhibited again in 1884, creating a sensation with his picture, “Puzzled.” He studied drawing at the National Academy and afterward spent six years in Munich painting under the American artist Duveneck and the German professor Dietz. Mr. Moeller was in 1884 the recipient of the First Hallgarten Prize of $300.00, and was elected an Associate of the National Academy. He was made an Academi- cian in 1895. 3 4 74 185 Oxup Cronigs Oil 18x24 MORAN, JOHN LEON American Born at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 4, 1864. Pupil of his father, Edward Moran, and of NAD; and in France and England. Mem- - ber: AWCS; AAS. Awards: Gold medal, AC Phila., 1893; gold . medal, AAS, 1902. ee 186 Figure or. Grr Oil 30x20 MORGAN, J. : American Studied in Boston. 187 LaNnpscapE Oil 32x48 MORLAND, GEORGE HENRY | Bnglich Born, probably 1712; died after 1789; p. genre. This George was descended from Sir Samuel Morland, author of, “A Perpetual Almanac,” in the time of Charles II, and was the grandfather of - the celebrated George Morland. He lived on the South Side of St. James’s Square. Although he was in good repute as a painter, in 1760 he received an advance in money from the Society of Artists. | Many of his works were engraved, some of them simply as being by G. Morland. | | 188 Seur Portrait Oil 7x9 From Charles Allis Collection. NEUVILLE, BRANT French Modern Frenchman. 189 Stitt Lire Oil 15x18 OCHTMAN, LEONARD (N. A.) American Represented in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Corcoran Gallery, Washington; City Art Museum and many other gallaries. Has won numerous prizes in New York, Washington, Brooklyn, Chicago, Charleston, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Knoxville and San Francisco. 190 LAaNpscaPE Oil 12x16 OSTHAUS, EDMUND HENRY American Born at Hildesheim, Germany, Aug. 5, 1858. Pupil of Royal Academy in Dusseldorf. Came to U. S. in 1883. Member: Toledo Tile €. Specialty, dogs. Work: “Afield,’ “A Good One.” Museum of Art, Toledo, O. 191 Fox Docs on tHE TRAIL Oil 28x54 PAXTON, FRANK American 192 Tue Love LerrrerR Oil Q2xO7 PENFOLD, F. C. 193 Oil 25x30 PEREZ, ALONZO French Born at Valence, Spain. Pupil of the Academy of France and l’Kcole des Beaux Arts. Member of the Academy of Rome. 194 Frcure Oil 29x24 PEYROL, RENE Frenen Painter, born 1900. Member of Artistes Franeais. He exhibited in the Salon of this Society. 195 Derr Oil 9x13 PICAULI, -C. Ee French Modern Frenchman. Exhibitor, Paris Salon. 196 LANDSCAPE Oil 14x11 BICARDE T2313: Italian 197 Srro.tuinc MusIcIANS Oil 16x13 PIETERS Dutch 198 Dutcn INTERIOR Oil 18x24 PICKNELL, W. L. American Born in the State of Vermont, about 1852. Went to Europe in 1874, studying with Inness in Rome two years, and, later for a few months, under Gérome in Paris. He has lived and painted in Brittany, working under Robert Wylie until the time of that artist's death. To the Royal Academy, Lindon, in 1877, he sent, “Breton Peasant-Girl Feeding Ducks’; in 1875, “On the Lande, Brittany.” ‘To the Paris Salon in 1878, he contributed, “The Fields of Kerren.” (Honorable mention, Salon, 1880.) 199 LANpDscaPE Oil 28x36 PLANQUETTE, F. 7 French Annual Exhibitor Paris Salon. 200 CATTLE Oil 10x23 201 SuNsET Oil 2515x3614 202 SuNSET Oil 15x22 PRUN, MAX. French 203 Jotty Monk. Oil 10x8 QUITTON, EDOUARD Belgium Pupil of Van Lerius. Member of the Cercle Artistique of Antwerp, and of the League of Belgian Artists. 204 Oil 1414x104 RAWITCH, M. Russian 205 Stritu Lire Oil 17x13 REHN, FRANK KNOX MORTON American P.—Born at Philadelphia, Pa., April 12, 1848. Pupil of PAPA. Member: ANA, 1899; NA, 1908; SAA, 1903; AWCS; NYWCC, Salma. C., 1883; Lotos C. Awards: First Prize, St. Louis, 1882; prize ($250), Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885; gold medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; hon. mention, Paris Exp., 1900; bronze medal, Pan-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, Charleston Exp., 1902; silver medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Inness prize, Salma. C., 1905; Shaw prize, Salma. C., 1906; gold medal, AAS, 1907. Work: “The Close of a Summer Day,” Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo; “The Missing Vessel,” Detroit Museum. 206 MariINE Oil 22x36 RIX; LULIAN American Represented in number of the Eastern galleries and in private collections throughout the United States. 207 Marine Oil 20x26 ROCHL, FREDERICK 208 HouuANp SCENE Oil 80x40 ROCKWELL, A. 209 On Lake HENDERSON Oil 27x42 SALENTI French Modern Frenchman. Annual exhibitor Paris Salon. 210 Fieurss Oil 10x1414 SARRI, EGISTO Italian Historical painter. Born at Figline (Valdarna) in 1836 or 1887, died at Florence, 1901. (Italian School.) He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence with Professors Pollastrini and Bezzsoli, during the course of his education. He took many prizes and his success was crowned under great competition with a pen- sion from Rome where he also rose to the dignity of Competor of the illustrious artist, Raphael Sorbe. His painting, ““Apotheosis of the Madonna” was accepted in competition at the Exposition of Alinari in 1900. The Gallery of Antique and Modern Works at Prato owns one of his works. 211 Ar tHe Fountain Oil 14x10 SATTERLEE, WALTER, A. N. A. American Born in Brooklyn, 1844. A graduate of Columbia College. He studied art in the schools of the Academy of Design, spent some time in the studio of Edwin White in New York, and, going abroad, was a pupil of Léon Bonnat in Paris. He began to exhibit at the National Academy about 1868 and sent works in 1870, 1871, 1878, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1878. He was elected a member of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors in 1873 or 1874, exhibiting, in 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, etc. To the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, in 1876, he sent one oil and two water colors. | 212 Gir Water Color 3 28x30 SCHERES, -H. French 213 INTERIOR Oil 2314x29 SCHROEDTER, ADOLF German Born at Schwedt (1805-1875). Member of the Academy of Ber- lin. Professor of the Polytechnic School at Carlsruhe. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy. His pictures were genre subjects, with a comic element, such as scenes from “Don Quixote,” Falstaff,” etc. At the Wolfe sale, New York, 1863, “Falstaff thrown into the Thames” sold for $975.00. 214 Tyro.t Giri Oil 11x9 SEMENOWSKY, E. EISMAN French Pupill of Van Beers: Medals: Antwerp, 1870; Liege, 1871; third-class medal, Salon 1881. 215 Girt REeLInina Oil 1614x231, SIMONS, MARCIUS French 216 GIRL witn STATUE Oil 2315x131, SIMONETTI, ETTORE Italian Pupil of the Academy of San Luca, at Rome; also studied under Professor Podesti and his brother, A. Simonetti. Received all the prizes at San Luca. Gold medal, Exposition at Rome, 1890; first class medal, Exposition of Palermo, 1891. 217 Tur SNAkr CHARMER Water Color 24x291/, SITZMAN, EDWARD R. American P., L., T—Born at Cincinnati, M., March 1, 18738. Pupil of Duveneck; H. Tarney; Cincinnati Art Academy. Member: In- diana AC; Indianapolis AA. 218 INDIANA AUTUMN Oil 22x30 HENRY P. SMITH American Born in Waterford, Conn., in 1854. Mr. Smith began to paint at an early age. He was self-taught and his first exhibit was made in the American Water Color Society, of which he was a member. Mr. Smith confined his work almost entirely to landscapes, which show a strong affiliation with the members of the Barbizon School, although in no sense an imitation. He has always enjoyed much public favor and his pictures have been eagerly sought for. Ex- hibited in Munich and London and extensively in the United States. VENICE Oil 830x393), 219 Oup Homestrap Oil 12x16 220 LANDSCAPE Oil 20x28 SONNTAG, WILLIAM LOUIS (N. A.) American Born at East Liberty, near Pittsburgh, Pa., March 2, 1822. Landscape painter, self-taught. After painting for several years near Cincinnati, he removed to New York, where he lived many years. Visited Europe in 1853, 56, 60 and 62. Elected National Academy in 1861. Works: “Spirit of the Alleghenies’’ owned by Duke of Buckingham; “Recollections of Italy’; “Study of Trees”; “Hill-side-New Hampshire,” (1885). 091. Tre PLAINS Oil 30x55 SORKAU French Modern Frenchman. Annual exhibitor Paris Salon. 222 Festiva, Evr Oil 15x18 SMITH, F. HOPKINSON American Born in Baltimore, 1838. Member of the Water Color Society (treas., 1873-78); AC Phila.; Nat. Inst. A. L.; SI (Hon.), 1906; Cincinnati A. C.; Century Association. Awards: Bronze Medal, Pan.-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901; silver medal for water color, Charleston Exp., 1902; gold medal, AC Phila., 1902; gold medal, AAS, 1902. Commander Order of the Mejidieh, 1898; Order of Osmanieh, 1900. Works: -““Surennes on the Seine” and “Fading Day,’ Corcoran Gallery, Washington, “Highway of the Doges,’ “The Bridges—Pan-American Electric Tower,’ Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N. Y. Also naval engineer; author of “Col. Carter of Cartersville,’ “Fortunes of Oliver Horn,’ “American Illustrators,” ete. 223 Tue Ovp MILL Water Color 19x28 2924 INN or WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR Water Color 15x24 225 A Race ror THE MARKET Water Color 21x36 The above were all purchased from M. Knoedler & Company. 226 Marxet-St. Pau ’s VENICE Water Color 1914x29 STIEPEVITCH, VINCENSO Italian Born at Venice, Italy, 1841. Pupil of Royal Academy at Venice. Came to America in 1872, and for fifteen years exhibited at National Academy of Design, New York, Philadelphia and Boston Exhibitions; the latter gave him a medal. 227 GirL RECLINING Oil 20x30 © 228 Figures Oil 20x30 SLOJANOW .C. Russian 229 Homer Comine or WEDDING Party Oil 25x37 STULL, HENRY American 230 THREE Pets Oil 14x18 STATUARY CANOVA This statue was purchased in Europe some fifty years ago by an eminent Chicago connoisseur. The marble is beautifully white, almost transparent, and unmistakably is hand sculptured and in no sense to be confused with the modern inartistic, machine tooled examples and copies; in fact, it was purchased abroad long before modern counterfeiting was known or attempted. (Illustrated ) 231 'TERPISCORE 36 inches high From General Smith’s collection. RANCHI, P. SC. (Original) Showing the beautiful carved figure of the mythological goddess sitting lonely and discouraged with one arm resting on a lyre sup- porting her drooping chin while the other hand listless by strums the strings. 282 26 inches high Two young women very much interested in a letter which one “peruses while the other interestingly looks on. The lace-like carvings on the draperies of this sculpture are very beautiful, indeed, the whole combining to make an important example of this artist’s skill. 233 Tur LETTER 32 inches high fANOUX, HENRI ADRIEN French Genre painter, born at Marseille in the 19th Century. (Irench School). Member of Artistes Francais since 1905. He exhibited in the salon of this society with Honorable Mention in 1888. Honorable mention in 1889. Medal 1894 and 1895. 034 Girv’s Heap Oil 26x22 TERMOHLEN, KARL E. Born in Copenhagen, 1863. 235 Lake MENporTaA | Oil 24x36 THOM, JAMES CRAWFORD (Brit.-Amer. ) A native of America, of Scottish descent. He was a pupil of Edward Frere in Paris. He has lived and practiced his profession in England and in the United States. He first exhibited in London, at the Royal Academy, in 1864. In the French Gallery, London, he has exhibited at different seasons. He sent to the National Academy, New York, in 1878, a winter landscape with figures. “Going to Church, Christmas Eve,’ the property of J. M. Burt, was at Philadelphia in 1876. A number of his landscapes were at the Mechanics’ Fair, Boston, in 1878. 236 Girt FrErpING PIGEONS Ou 42x24 THOMPSON, HARRY English Painter of Landscapes and animals. Born in London; died 1910. Studied in Paris with Maréchal and Charles Busson. He exhibited at the Paris Expositions. Honorable mention 1882. Medal 1884, medal 1889. Pictures in the Montreal Museum, “Young Girl with her Favorite Calf.” 237 SHEEP Oil 24x191/, EO. . English Modern Englishman.’ 238 LANDSCAPE Oil 17x24 TOMANEK, JOSEPH 3 American 239 Diana Oil | 14x20 TORTEZ, VICTOR French Figure and flower painter, born at Paris where he died in 1890. (French School). Pupil of Gerome, Gleyce and Henner. He exhibited in the Salon 1868. 240 Tue Goatuerpn’s Daucutrer Oil 2516x1714, TUFURY, R. | Italian 241 GRAND CaNaL—Venice Oil | 88x22 TYLER, JAMES G. American Was born February 15, 1855, at Oswego, N. Y. He first exhibited at the National Academy of Design in 1880, the first picture he ever offered for sale was bought by William Astor. The pictures he is best known by, are: “‘Abandoning the Jeanette,’ painted to order for James Gordon Bennett, Esq., ‘The New World” and “Do Not Abandon Me,’ owned by A. K. Bolan, Esgq., “The Fortunes of War,’ owned by the Narragansett Hotel. Others are the “Flying Dutchman,’ “New England on the Lee,’ and “Heaving Over the Deck Load.” His “First American Shipwreck’”’ and “Cloud Burst’’ were in the celebrated Clarke sale. 242 MARINE Oil 20x26 VEARST 243 BLowine BuBBLEs Oil 19x24 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE JOSEPH, Belgian Born at Warneton 1799. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, of the Orders of Leopold of Belgium and Michael of Bavaria and Christ of Portugal, and decorated with the Iron Cross. Member of the Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. This artist devoted himself to the painting of animals, and his works are so well known in America as well as Europe that they need no description or praise. They are in many private galleries. At the Johnston sale, New York, 1876, “Flemish Landscape and Cattle” sold for $875. ‘This artist has made some portraits worthy of mention, and has also essayed sculpture. His statue of “Medita- tion” was far above most first attempts, and possessed a good Gegree of merit. A fine picture of “Sheep,—lInterior’ is im the col- lection of Mrs. H. E. Maynard of Boston. To the Paris Exposi- “ton in 1878 he contributed seven characteristic works. Died 1880. 244 MINDING THE FLocK Oil 18x21 This work was painted jointly by Verboeckhoven and Calame. (See biography on Calame). CALAME, ALEXANDRE Swiss Born at Vevay (1810-1864). Member of the Academies of St. Petersburg and Brussels. Chevalier of Legion of Honor. Pupil of Diday. He traveled in Germany, the Netherlands, Eng- land, and Italy. His pictures of wild mountain scenery are remarkable both in drawing and color. Some writers have likened the poetic vein in his works to that of Corot, saying that in Calame the same feeling took on a more robust expression. Some of his work was exhibited at the National Gallery, Berlin. At the Leipsic Museum are several works of his, and in the Walters Gallery at Baltimore there is a large picture of Alpine scenery by him. ‘The etchings and lithographs of Calame are famous; the latter are very numerous; the eighteen views of Lauterbrunnen and Meyringen, and twenty-four views of Alpine scenery, are well known and much admired. ‘The works of Calame are rare in this country, and indeed, they are not numerous in any case. When offered for sale they are quietly bought by connoisseurs at large prices. Few, if any, painters have represented the scenery of the Alps with the true spirit we feel in the pictures of this Swiss artist; he was born, reared, lived, and died in their midst. They spoke to him a lan- guage which he has translated with his brush; he loved and he knew how to tell his love of these glorious heights, those on his canvases bear one up above low and depressing things, just as the Alps themselves do. WATERLIN Important modern painter of English School. 245 LANpDSCAPE AND CATTLE Oil 13x18 WEISS, JOSE Born in Holland and became a naturalized Englishman. He died at an early age in 1920. Weiss, who painted English landscape, was recognized as one of the foremost landscape painters of his time. His work is bold and rugged in character, though not lack- ing in subtle quality. Exhibitor at Paris Salon. Royal Academy, 1908, and Glascow Institute of Fine Arts. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1899. 246 ON THE BANKs oF THE River Oil WIGGINS, CARLETON WIGGINS, J. C. 248 AuTUMN Days Oil 18x24. Born at Turner’s, Orange Co., N. Y., March 4, 1848. Pupil of NAD and George Inness of New York. Member: ANA 1890, NA 1906; SAA 1887; AWCS; Salma. C. 1898; Lotos C.; Brooklyn ,AC;-A. Fund S.; A. Aid S.; Am. Soc. Animal P. and S.; Conn. AFA; Lyme AA. Awards: Gold medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1894; medal, Pan-Am. Exp., Buffalo, 1901. Repre- sented in Metropolitan Museum, New York, Lotos Club, New York; Hamilton Club, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Corcoran Gallery, Washington; National Gallery, Washington; Brooklyn Institute Museum; Art Institute of Chicago; Newark Museum. 247 CATTLE Oil - 10x14 English English Txid American American . WILLIAMS, FREDERICK BALLARD American Born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1871. Pupil of Cooper Union and NAD in New York. Member: ANA 1907, NA 1909 : NYWCC; Lotos C.; Salma. C. 1898; NAC; Montclair A. A. Awards: Medal, Pan-Amer. Exp., Butfalo, 1901; Inness prize, Salma. C., 1907; Isidor gold medal, NAD 1909. Works in National Gallery, Washington, Metropolitan Museum, New York; Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo; Brooklyn Institute Museum; Art Museum, Montclair, N. J.; Hackley Art Gallery, Muskegon, Mich., Brooklyn Institute Museum; City Art Museum, St. Louis; Harri- son Gallery, Los Angeles Museum. Represented in collections of Dallas Art Association; Lotos Club, New York; National Arts Club, New York; Quinnipiack Club, New Haven; Milwaukee Art Institute; Chicago Art Institute; Grand Rapids AA; Los Angeles Museum; New Britain, Conn., Art Association; Engineers Club, New York 249 LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Oil 16x24. WILLIAMS, W. H. American 250 SUMMER Water Color 25x30 251 WINTER Water Color 25x30 WYANT, ALEXANDER H. (N. A.) American Born in Ohio, 1886. Died in New York, 1892. He devoted himself in early life to painting photograph and portraits in Cin- cinnati. At the age of twenty-one he made a visit to George Innes in New York. ‘The impression made upon Wyant at this meeting was lasting and the influence of that masterful artist may be traced in many of his important works. He spent some years at Dusseldorf subsequently at London. Settled in New York after 1864. He was one of the founders of the Water Color Society and a member of the National Academy of design. 252 Woop.LaNnp Poo, Oil | 1434x19 (Authenticated by Leonard Ochtman and John Levy Galleries). YATES, CULLEN American Landscape painter. Born Bryan, O., raat 24, 1866. Pupil of NAD, Chase and Ochtman in New York; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Colarossi and Julian academies under Laurens and Constant in Paris. Member: ANA, 1908; NA, 1919; AWCS; NYWCC; Lotos C.; Salma. C. 1899; NAC (life); Allied AA.; SPNY: Awards: Medal, St. Louis Exp., 1904; Inness prize, Salma. C. 1907; Isidor prize, Salma. C. 1921. Works in National Gallery, Washington; City Art Museum, St. Louis; Seattle (Wash.) Gallery; Art Club, Philadelphia; Montclair, N. J.; Butler Art Institute, Youngstown, O.; Harrison Gallery, Los Angeles Museum. 258 LANDSCAPE Oil 12x16 ZWAAN, CORNELIS CHRISTIAN Dutch Born at Amsterdam, Holland, May, 1882. Studied at Ryks Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten under patronage of Queen Wilhelmina. His Dutch interiors have won generous newspaper comment and praise. His works are to be seen in England, France, Holland, as well as in the United States. 254 Happy Famity Oil 29x98 255 FEEDING THE BaBy Oil 22x28 GEORGE INNESS American 256 LANDSCAPE Oil 10x8 or f ; . | GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE | , 3 3125010325112