¢ 4 ; ‘ , , t ry % 4 : Sere v : ; ‘ : ‘ ‘ : , = ’ 5 x ty i 2 . % . ‘ % ‘ ‘. “ } ‘ r - 4 abe is p ‘s é : ’ ; : P } ‘ a c : : f Fi a : ‘ § 7 ‘ y x ‘ ’ y s t » + 2 3 3) 5 ci * y ; ‘ aie = ‘ = } ’ ¢ t ’ os ‘ i I ; i Ps 5 : Ze os i ‘ j ; F i ail 3 . 4 - § : 2 4 7 ay " f ! : . eee , : & i 2 h % ‘ : 5 ! ¢ te . r . ! bi, ! * v re ; a ¥ ¥ F “ Pay . : 2 ' ‘ “ , i ‘ i ‘ ‘ ' - E > ; ; 2 4 . ” - i , ¥ Bas j i ‘ . a '- . re - i ~ J 7 iy ‘ ? & se , ‘ 4 - 7 t 1 ‘ ; : ‘ te ) « ¢ + vay , 5 : A; 1 o PA Fe 3 F @ r ' 3 : ; , ts ‘ } - ‘ ; Z P “a a & a Ww 8 ai! tt - “ Fy / 4 ; if iy jal Pe ln / od SALE NUMBER 1739 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-FIRST ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS COLOR-PRINTS, LITHOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE JOHN NADAY OF NEW YORK AND-THE LATE JOHN W. TILTON OF BRADFORD, MASS. WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 LE 85 15% & heh My af weit ae : eat PRUE a ‘ SALE NUMBER 1739 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-FIRST ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS COLOR-PRINTS, LITHOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE JOHN NADAY OF NEW YORK AND THE LATE _ JOHN W. TILTON OF BRADFORD, MASS. WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 ADELINE BAG, F. BARIG, J. - BARKER, T. (ATT, TO) BEITEN, A. BEJOT, E. BENSON, F. W. BERTHON, P. BLAKE, W. BLAKE, W. (ATT. TO) BOND, W. BOUCHER, F. BOWYER, BOYLE, G. M. BRESDIN, R. BROWNE, L. BUCHLER BUHOT, F. BUNBURY, H. W. BURGESS, H. CHANT COCHIN CORBUTT, C. COUSINS, S. COX, D. CROSSMAN, M. DAUBIGNY, C. F. DAUMIER, H. DE BERENGER DEBUCOURT, P. L. DECHAMPS DESCAVES, A. DETAILLE, E. DICKSEE, H. DORE, G. DOWNMAN, J. DUNKARTON EARLOUR EISEN EVANS, J. FANTIN LATOUR, H. FIELDING, C. FISHER, E. FITTON, H. FITZGERALD, F. R. FORRESTER, A. H. FOWLER, H. GABRIELI GAILLARD, F. GAUTIER, L. GILPIN GOODALL, E. A. GOTTLOB, F. GRAVELOT GREENE, N. E. GRIMM, 8. H. 2 LIST OF ARTISTS NUMBER 119 74 25 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 54 HAAG, C. HADEN, SIR F. 8. HANKEY, W. L. HARDING, G. P. HARLOW, G. H. HAYTER, SIR ©. HEILBUTH, R. HOPPNER, J. HOUSTON, R. HUNT, G. & ©. IBBETSON, J. ©. JACQUEMART, J. JONGKIND, J. B. KAULBACH, W. KEMPLEY, C. H. KNIGHT, ©. LABARDIE LALAUZE LAWRENCE, SIR T. (ATT. TO) LEGRAND, L. LEGROS, A. LEIGHTON, LORD (ATT. TO) LEITCH, W. L. LEPERE, A. LEVY, W. A. LEWIS, J. F. LINNEL, J. MACKRELL, J. R. MACLAUGHLAN, D. 8. McLAREN, W. MAPLESTONE, H. MARILLIER MARIS, J. MEYER MILLAIS, J. E. MISCELLANEOUS MONNET MOORPACK, W. MOREAU LE JEUNE MORLAND, G. (AFTER) MUNKACSY, M. NIEMAN PALMER, 8. PENNELL, J. PERRIN PETHER, W. ‘‘PHIZ?? (ATT. TO) PRADIER PREJELAN, R. PRICE, E. RASSENFOSE, A. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN REMINGTON, F. RENARD, J. REYNOLDS, SIR J. (AFTER) REYNOLDS, 8. W. RICHARDSON, T. M. RIPLEY, J. T. RODIN, A. ROEBOTHAM ROPS, F. ROTH, E. D. ROTHENSTEIN ROWLANDSON, T. 120, 121, 122, 128, 131, 14, 26, 65, 69, 73, 115, 119, 137, 138, 156, 157, 190, 214, 215, 216, 147, 148, 149, 150, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, NUMBER 103, 106, 110, 118, 123, 125, 129, 132, 141, 217, 145, 151, 178, 162, 171, 84 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 98, 94, 95, 96, 97 SADELER, J. 177 SHARP, W. 154 ‘SMITH, J. A. 182, 183 SMITH, J. R. (ATT. TO) 184, 185, 186 SPILLIAERT, L. 187, 188, 189 STAAL, G. 191 STOTHARD, T. 192 SWANN, N. 136 TANJE, P. 193 THACKERAY, W. M. (ATT. TO) 67 TURNER, C. 62 TURNER, J. M. W. (ATT. TO) 194 UNKNOWN 66, 67, 70, 195 VAN HAANEN 64 VIBERT, J. G. 197 VISSCHER, C. 199 WATSON, J. 200 WESTALL, R. 201 WHISTLER, J. A. McN. 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211 WILKINSON, ©. A. 212 WILLE, J. G. 213 WILLETTE, A. 220, 221 WRIGHT, J. M. (ATT. TO) 196 ZADORISTEIN 219 ZORN, A. 222, 293, 224, 295, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 . “SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-FIFTH, AT 8:15 o—_ NUMBERS 1-230 AMERICAN CARICATURE PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS 1837 Original American lithographs colored by hand, published by H. R. Robinson, New York. FERDINAND BAC MODERN PAINTER-ILLUSTRATOR PASSAGE INTERDIT Original colored pencil drawing retouched in water-colors. Signed in the upper right corner. Size, 16 x 11 inches J. BARIC CARICATURES Four pen and ink caricatures of military subjects on French blue mount. Size of each not over 8 x 6 inches EUGENE BEJOT PLACE DES VICTOIRES, PARIS Original etching. Rich proof. RUE DU FAUBOURG-MONTMARTRE, PARIS Original etching. Proof. JARDIN DES TUILERIES, PARIS Original aquatint etching. Signed artist’s proof. FRANK W. BENSON DEAD GOOSE Original drypoint. Signed artist’s proof. Beautiful early impression with drypoint burr, the fifteenth impression from the plate. 8 10 11 12 13 PAUL BERTHON (a) SYMBOLIC PORTRAIT Process plate, colored by hand, full margins, signed by the artist. (6b) BALZAC Original pencil drawing retouched in water-color, showing the portrait of the master in a symbolic design. : Size, 9 x 6% inches (c) FAIRY TALE Original water-color by André des Gachons, signed with the artist’s initials in the lower right corner. (3) Size, 1434 x 1034 inches. WILLIAM BLAKE CANTERBURY PILGRIMS Original engraving. Russell, No. 24. Beautiful proof on India paper. “THEN A SPIRIT PASSED BEFORE MY FACE”’ Original engraving. Russell, No. 33 (X). Fine proof of the first state of two. WILLIAM BLAKE | ATTRIBUTED | THE EVIL KNIGHT AND THE VISION Pen and ink and wash drawing. A note on the mat by A. Macmillan described this as an original drawing by Blake and as having been identified by D. G. Rossetti. Size, 1834 x 1114 inches. WILLIAM BOND THE SPINNING WHEEL Stipple after Henry Singleton. Colored by hand. Margin eut to plate-mark. Slight crease. FRANCOIS BOUCHER LES FACHEUX (MOLIERE) Line engraving by L. Cars. Brilliant impression with large margins. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BOX TOPS ENGRAVINGS Of the 1830 period used for the top of bonbons boxes or snuffboxes, representing Paul and Virginie, Prise du Troca- dero, Combat de Navarin, Les hommes en miniatures, ete. Line engravings colored by hand. (5) GEORGE M. BOYLE TWO VIEWS OF THE ARUN NEAR ARUNDEL Water-colors. Signed. (2) Size of each, 18 x 1114 inches RODOLPHE BRESDIN ALLEGORICAL INDIAN DRAWING Pen and ink drawing representing a sitting Indian, looking at a ladder on which are standing some Indian vases. This drawing was probably executed at the time when Bresdin, a great admirer of Jas. F. Cooper, was living in a hut and used the name of ‘‘Chingachgook’’. Signed in the lower centre of the drawing and dated in one of the flower orna- ments, ‘‘Ier Nov. 1878’’. On French blue mount. Size, 65£ x 53% inches Bresdin drawings and lithographs are very rare. FELIX BUHOT SEQUEL TO COUNTRY NEIGHBORS Original etching. Fine impression, one of 20 proofs. With the artist’s stamp in red on the margin. THE CAB STAND Original etching. Boureard, No. 123. ROUTE DE GREVILLE Original etching. Beautiful proof signed in pencil and with the red stamp. PORTRAIT OF HIS SON JEAN BUHOT Original lithograph. Signed artist’s proof. Very scarce, only 30 proofs printed and stone destroyed. 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 (a) UN GRAIN A TROUVILLE Original etching. Bourcard, No. 122. (b) PALAIS DES CHAMPS ELYSEES Original etching. (2) (a) LES GARDIENS DU LOGIS Original etching. Bourecard, No. 76. Proof on Japan paper. (6) VILLAGE CHURCH Original etching. (2) H. W. BUNBURY COMFORTS OF AN ALEHOUSE Printed in colors. Depicts Dr. Johnson and cronies enjoying the comforts of an alehouse. Early state before inscription. Mounted on stretcher. (Small tear). In old Hogarth frame, no glass. | CHARLES CORBUTT SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER Mezzotints after R. Pyle. Nice impressions. Cut down and mounted. (4) M. CROSSMAN LA MARCHANDE DE COCO Brilliant water-color of one of the famous Parisian trene. signed in the lower left corner, on French blue mount. Size, 10 x 714 inches DANSES ~DANSES Advertisements, souvenir cards, valentines of the French Second Empire period in line and wood engravings, chromo- lithograph, ete., colored by hand. (36) 4 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 9) CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY LA COURONNE DE FLEURS DES CHAMPS (F. H. 60- L. D. 66) Original painter etching. This etching and the following ones are all in the most brilliant condition, printed on India paper and with large margins. Proof before the address of Delatre was erased from the plate. LE LEVER DU SOLEIL (F. H. 61-L. D. 67) Original painter etching. Proof with the ase of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. LES CHEVAUX DE HALAGE (F. H. 62-L. D. 68) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. LES BORDS DU COUSIN (F. H. 63-L. D. 69) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Delatre,. but before the ‘‘3’’ in the upper right corner. LES PETITS OISEAUX (F. H. 65-L. D. 70) Original painter etching. Proof before the address of Delatre was erased from the plate. L’AUTOMNE (F. H. 66-L. D. 71) | Original painter etching. Proof before the address of Del-. atre was erased from the plate. L’ANE A L’ABREUVOIR (F. H. 64-L. D. 72) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. LE SATYRE (F. H. 67-L. D. 73) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. LE BAC. SOUVENIR DES ILES BEZONS (F. H. 68-L. D. 74) Original painter etching. Proof with the name of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. 5 36 oT 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 LES ILES VIERGES A BEZONS—LA PECHERIE (F. H. 69-L. D. 75) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. LES CHARRETTES DE ROULAGE (F. H. 70-L. D. 76) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre. LES RUINES DU CHATEAU DE CREMIEUX (F. H. 71- L. D. 77) Original painter etching. Proof with Delatre’s address. LES CERFS AU BORD DE L’EAU (F. H. 72-L. D. 78) Original painter etching. Proof with the address of Beillet replaced by that of Delatre.: LE BAC DE BEZONS (F. H. 74-L. D. 81) Original painter etching. Proof with Beillet’s address. LES CERFS SOUS BOIS (F. H. 75-L. D. 82) Original painter etching. Proof with Beillet’s address. LES VACHES AU MARAIS (F. H. 76-L. D. 83) Original painter etching. Proof with Beillet’s address. LE MARAIS AUX CIGOGNES (F. H. 77-L. D. 84) Original painter etching. Proof with the words ‘‘ Gazette des Beaux Arts’’ erased from the plate. L’ONDEE (F. H. 78-L. D. 85) Original painter etching. Proof with the name of Quantin erased from the plate. LA PLACE DE VILLERVILLE (F. H. 80-L. D. 88) Original painter etching. Proof with the words ‘‘Gazette des Beaux Arts’’ erased from the plate. LE GUET DU CHIEN (F. H. 82-L. D. 90) Original painter etching. Proof with the word ‘‘L’Artiste’’ erased from the plate. 47 48 49 50 LE GRAND PARC A MOUTON (F. H. 86-L. D. 95) Original painter etching. Proof between the 3d and the 4th state. LE COCHON DANS UN VERGER (F. H. 87-L. D. 96) Original painter etching. Proof before Beillet’s address. LA POULE ET SES POUSSINS (F. H. 88-L. D. 97) Original painter etching. Proof with Beillet’s address re- placed by that of Delatre. LE VOYAGE EN BATEAU (F. H. 90 to 105-L. D. 99 to 115) Original painter etchings. TITRE FRONTISPICE de l’album du voyage en bateau 99—3rd state. DEJEUNER du Départ 4 Asniéres 100—3rd state. L’EMMENAGEMENT du Botin 101—3rd state. L’HERITAGE de la voiture 102—3rd state. LE MOUSSE tirant le cordeau 103—3rd state. AVALLANT 104—3rd state. LE MOT de Cambronne 105—8rd state. LA RECHERCHE d’une auberge 106—7th state. INTERIEUR d’une auberge 107—8rd state. VOYAGE de nuit 109—3rd state. LE MOUSSE 4 la péche 110—3rd state. LE BATEAU Atelier 111—2d state. LES BATEAUX 4 vapeur 112—3rd state. COUCHER a bord du Botin 1138—8rd state. REJOUISSANCHES des poissons du départ du mousse 114—3rd state. LE DEPART 115—3rd state. With four pages of text by Henriet. (16) 7 ol o2 03 o4 5D 56 A. DESCAVES (a) GIRL CRYING (b) GIRL IN A ““DEBARDEUR”’ COSTUME Two very clever drawings in Gavarni’s manner executed in lithographic pencil. The first one signed in the lower right corner, the second signed with the initials in the lower left corner. On French blue mount. (2) Size of each, 714 x 5 inches SCENE AT THE TIME OF CARNIVAL Brilliant drawing in Gavarni’s manner treated in litho- graphic pencil, a medium very seldom used by artists. Signed in the lower left corner with the initial of the artist. On French blue mount. On the back of the mount ‘‘Dessin au erayon lithographique par Descaves, donné par 1’auteur’’. Size, 7144 x 534 inches EDOUARD DETAILLE Original etchings by Detaille, Lalauze, Chapelin, Brunet Des- baines, Chauvel, ete. after Meissonier, Leloir, Corot, Alma Tadema, ete. Mostly proof on Japan or Holland paper. (51) HONORE DAUMIER SIX SHEETS OF OIL SKETCHES Caricatures, character studies, ete. Done in oil. Six sheets on two mounts. DE BERENGER MIDSHIPMAN’S BERTH; SCENE ON THE MAIN DECK Aquatints in color. A scarce pair. (2) P. L. DEBUCOURT LES PLAISIRS PATERNELS Aquatint in colors after the engraver’s own design. Trimmed to the engraved surface, inscription partly cut away. 8 o7 58 59 60 61 62 63 DECHAMPS RIVER LANDSCAPE Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Black frame. HERBERT DICKSEE LION DRINKING . Painter etching. Signed artist’s proof on Japan paper. Gilt frame. J. DOWNMAN LORD BARHAM Pen and ink portrait. Bust length, turned slightly to right. Signed with initials. GUSTAVE DORE THE BULL FIGHT Five colored lithograph plates. (5) ENGLISH MEZZOTINTS (a) CAROLINE By H. Fowler after Reynolds. Fine impression. (6) SIMPLICITY By S. W. Reynolds after Joshua Reynolds. And two others. (4) PORTRAITS A series of 60 portraits of English nobles, statesmen, and divines, engraved by C. Turner, Earlom and Dunkarton. Published by Woodburn, 1811-15. (60) ENGLISH SCHOOL WATER-COLORS Old Farm Buildings, signed Isabey; Tintern Abbey by J. T. Ripley; Landscape with Ruins by A. Beiten. Various sizes. (3) 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 LANDSCAPES — View on the Devonshire, water-color by C. H. Kemplay; Farm- house, sepia by Van Haanen; Landscape, sepia, unknown. Various sizes. (3) LANDSCAPES Water-color Landscape in India, by Bakar; The Returning Flock, sepia wash. (2) PENCIL, INK, AND WATHR-COLOR Country Fair, pencil by H. Maplestone; Courtship in the Olden Time, pen-and-ink by J. E. Millais, signed; Coaching Scene, water-color, unknown. PENCIL AND INK SKETCHES Two sheets of Cattle Studies by E. Price; Two pencil draw- | ings of Cows by Gilpin; Barnyard Scene, unknown. Vari- ous sizes. (5) WATER-COLORS Stepping Stones, by E. A. Goodall; Woman Writing, attrib- uted to W. M. Thackeray ; Landscape signed David Cox. Vari- ous sizes. (3) LANDSCAPES Water-color and ink. One attributed to Copley Fielding, an- other to Thomas Barker. Various sizes. (5) ENGRAVER UNKNOWN CHARLES LEE, ESQR. Mezzotint portrait, three-quarter length. After Thomlinson. Brilliant impression, second state. Margins trimmed almost to plate mark. Inlaid. J. EVANS PORTRAIT OF A MAN Crayon and water-color. Signed and dated, Eton, 1796. Size, 914 x 13 inches 10 72 73 74 79 76 717 78 H. FANTIN LATOUR VISION (H. 122-MME F. L. 1609) Original lithograph printed on India paper mounted. Bril- liant impression before the lettering was erased from the stone. FEMINISM (a) THE AGE OF IRON Man as he expects to be. (6b) THE AGE OF BRASS Or the triumphs of Woman’s rights. Original lithographs published by Currier and Ives in 1869. Rare; original impressions. (2) FIGURE STUDIES RETURNING SPORTSMAN; STUDY OF A MAN Unfinished water-color by Buchler; and red and black chalk drawing by Rothenstein. (2) EEISHER THE HONOURABLE AUGUSTUS KEPPEL Mezzotint portrait, three-quarter-length. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Cut down and inlaid. HEDLEY FITLTON LONDON BRIDGE Painter etching. Signed proof. Fine rich impression. Gilt frame. F. R. FITZGERALD NORUNGFIORD, NORWAY Water-color. Signed. Size, 1934 x 13 inches A. H. FORRESTER ‘ALFRED CROWQUILL’”’ HASTINGS Pen and ink drawing. Size, 6 x 414 inches a1 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 FERDINAND GAILLARD, ETC. Original etchings by Gaillard, Boissieu, Jacquemart, Chauvel, ete., after Meissonier, J. P. Laurens, Chapelin, Millet, ete. Mostly proof before letter on Japan, vellum or Holland paper. (50d) LUCIEN GAUTIER SHEEP IN THE FOLD Etching after the painting by Charles Jacque. Remarque proof signed by both artists. Guilt frame. F. GOTTLOB MODERN PAINTER ILLUSTRATOR LES BONS AMIS Very fine original water-color signed in the upper right corner. Size, 1514 x 1134 inches N. E. GREENE NEUCHATEL Water-color. Signed lower left. Size; 2114 x 13 inches SAMUEL H. GRIMM FURNESS ABBEY Water-color and ink drawing. Size, 1714 x 111% inches CARL HAAG THE ENTRANCE TO ANCIENT SAMARIA | Water-color. Signed and dated 1870. Gilt frame. Size, 24 x 12 inches SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN KENSINGTON GARDENS (The Smaller Plate) Original etching. Third state. Signed proof on thin paper. Rich impression. Harrington, No. 12. Gilt frame. EGHAM LOCK Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Early impression of the second state. Harrington, No. 16. 12 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 FULHAM Original etching. Signed proof, second state. Rich impres- sion. Harrington, No. 19. Guilt frame. ON THE TEST Original etching. Signed proof of the first and published state. Harrington, No. 20. Gilt frame. A brilliant impression of this beautiful drypoint. BATTERSEA REACH Original etching. Harrington, No. 52. Beautiful impression of the first state. NEWCASTLE IN EMLYN Original etching. Signed proof. First state, fine impression. Harrington, No. 62. THAMES DITTON—WITH SAIL Original etching. Second state (without inscription). Har- rington, No. 73. KEW RAILWAY ENCROACHMENT Original etching. First state. Harrington, No. 74. HORSLEY’S ROOF Original etching. Signed proof. First and Ses state. Harrington, No. 100. CHALLOW FARM Original etching. Signed proof of the first state on old paper. A beautiful impression. Harrington No. 175. Gilt frame. Inscribed on the margin by the printer: ‘‘ This is curious old paper. Gives good proofs. F. Goulding.’’ WAREHAM BRIDGE Original etching. Signed proof, first state. Harrington, No. 176. Gilt frame. GRIM SPAIN Original etching. Harrington, No. 186. Brilliant impression. A SALMON RIVER Original mezzotint. First state. Signed proof. Harrington, No. 226. 13 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 W. LEE HANKEY THE CAVE Original etching. Signed artist’s proof, limited to 25 copies. Framed. G. P. HARDING MRS. W. SAVAGE LANDOR WHEN A GIRL Water-color. The face executed in beautiful miniature style. Framed. Size, 634 x 834 inches GEORGE H. HARLOW THE SISTERS Water-color wash drawing. Unsigned. Size, 10 x 12 inches SIR CHARLES HAYTER PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE VICTORIAN PERIOD Water-color. Three-quarter length, turned slightly to the right. Oval. | Height, 7 inches R. HEILBUTH CAVALRY CHARGE | Water-color drawing of a spirited charge of mounted troops of the Cromwellian period. Signed. Size, 14 x 10 inches JOHN HOPPNER [ ATTRIBUTED | PORTRAIT OF A LADY Pencil drawing. Subject seen full length, reading a book and holding a closed parasol. Trees and foliage in the back- ground. From the Fairfax-Murray Collection. Size, 5144 x 81% inches A FAMILY GROUP Unfinished water-color. Size, 17 x 1214 inches 14 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 RICHARD HOUSTON GEORGE III; and CHARLOTTE Mezzotint portraits after J. Meyer. Partly tinted by hand. A pair in gilt frame. (2) G. & C. HUNT THE SPORTSMAN PREPARING; THE SPORTSMAN’S VISIT Aquatints, colored after E. F. Lambert. Margins foxed. (2) J. C. IBBETSON [ ATTRIBUTED | PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN Crayon drawing. Bust length in profile to right with sun- shade hat. Size, 111% x 161% inches JULES JACQUEMART Original etchings by Jacquemart, Jeanniot, Gravesand, Chap- elin, Falguiére, ete., after Detaille, Millet, Courbet, Watteau, Chardin, ete. Mostly proof before letter on Japan, vellum or Holland paper. (55) J. B. JONGKIND SOLEIL COUCHANT, PORT D’ANVERS Original etching. Rich proof printed in brownish ink. From the F. Goulding collection. W. KAULBACH WILHELM AND BISMARCK Very fine caricature in pen and ink showing the King and Bismarck dancing together after the battle of Sadowa. On French blue mount. Size, 65g x 534 inches (a2) DER OBER-LIEUTENANT (6b) KAISER FRANZ-JOSEPH OF AUSTRIA Two clever pen and ink caricatures. On French blue mount. (2) Size, 7 x 4144 and 514 x 4% inches 15 112 113 114 115 116 117 C. KNIGHT LOVE IN A MILL; THE RETURN FROM MARKET Stipples after Wheatley. Colored by hand. Margins trimmed to engraved border. (2) LABADIE [CALLED PILOTELL | NINE ETCHINGS Printed on India paper representing caricatures of the of- ficers of the sanitary corps, from his set of ‘‘ Avant, pendant et aprés la Commune’’, mounted on bristol boards. (9) SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE [ATTRIBUTED TO] LADY MELBOURNE Pencil drawing, touched with color. After Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. Gilt frame. Size, 834 x 11 inches SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE | AFTER | CHILDREN’S HEADS Charming pencil drawing from one of Lawrence’s most fa- mous pictures. Size, 1114 x 9 inches LOUIS LEGRAND 1864. MODERN FRENCH PAINTER ETCHER FIN (E. R. 35.) Original painter etching and aquatint. Printed on hand- made paper and signed by the artist in the lower margin. SIR FREDERIC (LORD) LEIGHTON [| ATTRIBUTED | AN INDIAN PRINCE Sepia wash drawing. Size, 9 x 13 inches 16 118 119 120 » 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 ALPHONSE LEGROS MONKS CHANTING Original etching. Signed proof. Gilt frame. ORIGINAL ETCHINGS By Legros, Feyen Perrin, Adeline, Lalauze, ete., after Frag- onard, Barye, Watteau, Regnault, Roybet, ete. Mostly proof before letter, on Japan or Holland paper. (53) AUGUSTE LEPERE LA ROUTE DE BILLANCOURT Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Scarce, only 30 proofs printed. LA PETITE MARE Original etching. Fine impression. Framed. A PROVINS Original etching. Beautiful proof on Japan paper. QUARTIER DES GOBELINS Original etching. Beautiful proof on Japan paper. FIN DE JOURNEE Original chiaroscuro woodcut in 2 colors. Framed. Scarce. WILLIAM AUERBACH LEVY THE VIOLONCELLIST Original soft-ground etching. Signed artist’s proof. Framed. POLISH YOUTH Original soft-ground etching. Signed artist’s proof. J. F. LEWIS LIONS AND TIGERS A series of six mezzotints from the engraver’s own designs. (6) 17 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 JOHN LINNEL MISS ISABEL COCHRAN Water-color. Bust portrait to right. Signed. Oval. Height, 9 inches PORTRAITS Water-color portraits of John Cochran, Mary Imray, Eliza Imray, and Mary Imray Jun. All signed and dated 1817. (4) Size of each, 814 x 11 inches PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Water-color. Signed and dated 1821. Size, 10 x 12 inches DONALD SHAW MACLAUGHLAN VENETIAN NOONTIDE Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Nice impression. Gilt frame. ROAD SONG NO. I Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Fine impression in brown ink. Guilt frame. TUSCAN LANDSCAPE Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Very scarce early trial proof, only 2 impressions printed. WALTER McLAREN MOTHER AND CHILD Red chalk drawing. Signed. Size, 914 x 914 inches JACOB MARIS DUTCH SKATING SCENE Water-color. Signed. Size, 1114 x 71% inches MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPES AND VIEW African Landscape, in oil, by N. Swann; A French River Town, water-color by Nieman; Alnwick Castle, sepia by T. M. Richardson. Various sizes. (3) 18 137 138 — 139 140 141 142 143 MORNING, NOON, EVENING, NIGHT Engraved by Gabrieli after Hamilton. And two others. (6) THE VESPER BELL Fine pen-and-ink drawing after Haig’s famous etching; Land- scape, large finished pencil drawing by H. W. Burgess. (2) W. MOORPACK MODERN ENGLISH LITHOGRAPHER MARECHAL FOCH Original lithograph, printed on hand-made paper and signed by the artist. Only 100 copies printed. MOREAU LE JEUNE CELEBRATED FRENCH PAINTER-ENGRAVER CEREMONY OF THE TE DEUM BY THE ALLIED ARMIES ON THE SQUARE OF LOUIS XV, AT PARIS THE 10TH APRIL 1814 Aquatint by Bowyer after a drawing of Moreau. Brilliant impression carefnlly colored by hand, with large margin trimmed to the plate mark. XVITIth CENTURY FRENCH VIGNETTES Engraved by or after Moreau le Jeune, Monnet, Marillier, Cochin, Gravelot, Eisen, ete. Line engravings, some proof in pure etching and some proof before letter. (10) GEORGE MORLAND [IN THE MANNER OF | GYPSIES RESTING Water-color and ink drawing. Size, 15 x 18 inches M. MUNKACSY CELEBRATED HUNGARIAN PAINTER WOMAN READING Very fine pencil drawing signed in the upper left corner, ‘‘M. Munkaesy-1872.’’ Size, 12144 x 91% inches 19 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 NAPOLEON Portraits of Napoleon, the Roi de Rome and others, mostly from Gavard, ‘‘Galerie de Versailles’’; also a view of New York. (14) SAMUEL PALMER FIVE ETCHINGS The Skylark; Sunset; The Early Ploughman; The Herdsman; The Morning of Life. Original etchings. All fine early im- pressions. (5) THREE ETCHINGS The Skylark; and The Early Ploughman. Two impressions of the latter. (3) JOSEPH PENNELL ST. MARY LE STRAND Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Printed in brown on Japan paper. ST. MARTIN’S BRIDGE, TOLEDO, SPAIN Original etching. Fine impression on laid paper. PONTE VECCHIO, FLORENCE Original etching. Fine impression on Holland paper. NIAGARA FALLS Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Fine impression. ART AND SCIENCE MUSEUM, CHICAGO Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. FLAGS FLYING, WASHINGTON Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Fine impression. WILLIAM PETHER AN ALCHYMIST Mezzotint after the painting of J. Wright. Brilliant impres- sion with the inscription and large margins at top and sides, trimmed to plate mark at the bottom. 20 154 155 156 157 158 159 PORTRAITS (a) GEORGIANA, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Stipple by Meyer after Gainsborough. (b) JOHN HUNTER Line by W. Sharp after Reynolds. Both framed. (2) (a) ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Mezzotint by Chant after Reynolds. (6) MISS MACDONALD Mezzotint by Samuel Cousins after Lawrence. Both in gilt frames. (2) (a) NAPOLEON PREMIER Engraved by Pradier. (b) MARIE-ELISABETH DE BOURBON Aquatint portrait. (2) (a) LADIES OF THE ELIZABETHAN PERIOD A pair. Oil paintings on academy board. Size of each, 7 x 9 inches (b) GENERAL BOLIVAR Oil painting on academy board. (3) Size, 734 x 934 inches R. PREJELAN MODERN PAINTER ILLUSTRATOR LES BONNES AMIES Original pen and ink drawing signed in the lower part. Size, 1214 x 9 inches A. RASSENFOSE MODERN BELGIAN ETCHER COQUETTERIE Original etching, on Japan paper. Signed by the artist and with his remarque, ‘‘Ier Etat. Unique’’. 24 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 JULES RENARD [CALLED DRANER | SKETCHES Six pencil sketches on one sheet retouched with China white; 10: A walk in the Bois; 20: Citoyen candidat; 30: Mobile immobile; 40: Baigneur surpris; 50: Cupidon; 60: Trav- ailleurs sans travail travaillant. On French blue mount. Size, 11144 x 168% inches SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS [ AFTER | THE CAPTIVE BIRD; MUSCIPULA Water-colors after the famous pictures by Reynolds. (2) Size of each, 814 x 634 inches AUGUSTE RODIN LE PRINTEMPS Original drypoint. Delteil, No. 4. Fine impression of the only state. Framed. AMES DU PURGATOIRE Original drypoint. Delteil, No. 11. Second state with the signature, ‘‘Rodin’’. Framed. FELICIEN ROPS L’AFFUTEUR (0. M. 593-R. 57-D. 13) Original painter etching, on hand-made paper before the signature of Rops appears on the plate. Delteil, No. 13. LE BONHEUR DANS LE CRIME (0. M. 856-R. 507-D. 72) Soft-ground etching printed on Japan paper. MORS SYPHILITICA (O. M. 568-R. 167-D. 148) Original etching on thin Japan paper. LA MORT AU BAL MASQUE (0. M. 983) Heliogravure by A. Bertrand, printed in colors on Japan paper. No. 22 of 100 copies printed. 22 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 L’OLIVERADE-AMONACO (0. M. 592-R. 55-D. 459) Original painter etching, printed on hand-made paper, before the name of Cadart was erased from the plate. LES SATANIQUES—SATAN SEMANT L’IVRAIE (0. M. 657-R. 223-D. 577) Original etching with heliographic background. On Japan paper. WILLIAM LESLY (0. M. 527-R. 72-D. 701) Original etching, printed on fine old Japan paper. LE GANDIN IVRE, OU UN CAFE AU RIDYCK (OQ. M. 1025) Original engraving by A. Bertrand after the design of F. Rops. Printed in colors and limited to 150 copies. LA GARDE CIVIQUE (0. M. 177-R. LITH. 126-D. 1100) One of the most amusing original lithographs of the great Belgian artist, printed on mounted India paper. ERNEST D. ROTH PONT NEUF, PARIS Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Beautiful impression on Japan paper. THOMAS ROWLANDSON A LITTLE GIRL Water-color and ink drawing. Size, 4 x 8 inches ROEBOTHAM TWO LANDSCAPES Water-colors. (2) Sizes, 814 x 1314 and 614 x 91% inches REMBRANDT VAN RIJN REMBRANDT AND SASKIA Original etching. B.19. From the Lord Lansdowne Collec- tion, with his stamp in upper corner. Framed. Formerly in the Lord Northington and famous ‘‘Bruhl’’ col- lections. 23 177 178 179 180 181 182 J. SADELER GENESIS, Ch. 6: God finds the earth corrupt, and says to Noah: ‘‘I will destroy the Earth.’’ Original engraving. Nagler, 19. Brilliant impression with large margin. FREDERIC REMINGTON IN TOW—FAST TO A WHALE Monotone in oil on canvas. Signed in full. A spirited illus- tration of an incident in whale-fishing. The whaleboat is. seen being towed at terrific speed after the whale has been harpooned. Framed. Size, 1714 by 11 inches AN INCIDENT IN FRONTIER SURVEYING Monotone in oil. An Indian seen peering through the sur- veyor’s instrument. Framed. Size, 18 by 1014 inches: SPORTING PRINTS ST. ALBANS GRAND STEEPLECHASE. MARCH 8th, 1832 A set of six colored aquatint plates. Engraved by G. and C. Hunt, after the paintings by J. Pollard. Original impressions. and colorings. Spotted and three repaired. In old mahogany frames. This rare set comprises the following titles: Plate 1, ‘‘Pre- paring to Start’’; Plate 2, ‘‘ First Leap’’; Plate 3, ‘‘Turning an Angle’’; Plate 4, ‘‘Struggle at the Bank’’; Plate 5, ‘‘Within View’’; Plate 6, ‘‘The Winning Post’’; and the Key plate naming the horses, riders, and colors. (7) THE MEET Colored engraving by J. R. Mackrell after F. C. Turner. Published 1839 by Ackerman. Gilt frame, showing margins. and inscription. J. AUDRE SMITH COURT OF THE KING’S ARMS, OXFORD Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Rich impression. Gilt frame. 24 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 THE MILL, ABBEVILLE Original etching. Signed artist’s proof. Gilt frame. J. R. SMITH [ATTRIBUTED TO] THE STORM In colors. London, W. Humphrey. With inscription from Thomson’s ‘‘Seasons.’’ Fine impression with small margin. In old Hogarth frame, no glass. THE CROSSING SWEEPER In colors. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1781. With in- scription. Fine impression with small margin. In old Ho- garth frame, no glass. LOVE IN A BOAT In colors. London, R. Sayer & J. Bennett, 1783. Fine im- pression with small margin. In old Hogarth frame, no glass. LEON SPILLIAERT [YOUNG BELGIAN ARTIST BORN IN OSTEND IN 1889. KILLED IN 1914 AT THE DEFENCE OF LIEGE | CREATURES OPPRESSEES Original pen and ink drawing finished with brush shading. Size, 1314 x 1034 inches LA SOUFFRANCE | Original water-color. Signed at the bottom ‘‘L. Sp.’’ Size, 1134 x 714 inches MISERY Original water-color, cut and mounted on white background. Signed on the lower margin. Size, 11 x 814 inches SPORTING PRINT OTTER HUNTING In colors. Brilliant impression. Rare proof before all letters. Circa 1820. Mounted. 25 191 192 193 194 195 196 GUSTAVE STAAL BERANGER One page of pencil sketches used afterwards in the illustra- tions of ‘‘The Chansons de Beranger’’. The head of the poet appears in the lower part of the page. On French blue mount. Size, 11144 x 834 inches THOMAS STOTHARD SHEPHERD PIPING TO MAIDENS Pen and wash drawing. Although unsigned a characteristic specimen. Oval. Size, 1014 x 71% inches PETER TANJE DUTCH ENGRAVER CHAMBRE D’ACCOUCHEE HOLLANDAISE (A. 10) Etching finished with the graver after a painting by C. Troost. Brilliant impression with the inscription trimmed to the plate mark. J. M. W. TURNER [ATTRIBUTED TO | SHIPYARD Original pencil drawing attributed to J. M. W. Turner. Size, 1114 x 8 inches UNKNOWN WOODED LANDSCAPES Three charcoal studies of trees and foliage. (3) Size of each, 914 x 71% inches UNSIGNED DRAWINGS OBERON AND TITANIA Sepia wash drawing attributed to J. M. Wright; Lady in Garden with Two Children, pencil and ink drawing, attributed to **Phiz’?) (2) 26 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 J. G. VIBERT UNE CAUSE CELEBRE Etching by Vibert after his own painting. Signed proof, with inscription by the artist. Framed. VIEWS WATER-COLOR LANDSCAPES Campagna de Roma, by W. L. Leitch; St. Moritz, by Lennox Browne, signed, dated and inscribed ; Mexico, signed J. H. (3) CORNELIS VISSCHER THE PANCAKE WOMAN Proof before all letters. Guilt frame. JAMES WATSON SIR JEFFREY AMHERST Mezzotint portrait, three-quarter length in armor, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Proof before all letters, with full margin. Margin foxed. | Very rare. RICHARD WESTALL [ATTRIBUTED TO | (a) SCENE FROM MACBETH Water-color, unsigned. Size, 7 x 1014 inches (ob) AN ITALIAN LEGEND Sketch in oils, unknown. (2) Size, 1014 x 14 inches JAMES A. McNEILL WHISTLER THE WINEGLASS Original etching. Second state, on Japan paper. The only still life ever done by Whistler. BLACK LION WHARF Original etching. Third state. Brilliant impression. Mans- field, No. 41. Gilt frame. 27 204 205 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 BILLINGSGATE Original etching. Sixth state, proof on Japanese paper. Mans- field, No. 46. Gilt frame. VAUXHALL BRIDGE Original etching. Second state. Brilliant impression on old paper. Mansfield, No. 70. SKETCHING Original etching. Kennedy, No. 86. Framed. CHELSEA BRIDGE AND CHURCH Original etching. Fifth state. LA ROBE ROUGE Original lithograph. Kennedy, No. 68. Fine impression. SAVOY PIGEONS Original lithograph. Kennedy, No. 118. Fine impression. LITTLE EVELYN Original lithograph. Kennedy, No. 110. Fine impression. Framed. COUNT ROBERT DE MONTESQUIEU Original lithograph. Kennedy, No. 139. Rare proof on China paper. C. A. WILKINSON MODERN ENGLISH WOOD ENGRAVER THE REVENGE (Flag Ship of Admiral Grenville) Original wood engraving colored by hand, printed to 100 copies signed and numbered by the artist. J. G. WILLE ELIZABETH DE GOUY; MARQUIS DE MARIGNY Line engravings after Tocque and Rigaud. Gilt frames. (2) INSTRUCTION PATERNELLE After Terburg; Sarah Giving Hagar to Abraham. Proof before all letters. Both framed. (2) 28 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 MUSICIENS AMBULANS After Dietricy ; Le Concert de Famille, after Schalken. Both framed. (2) TRICOTEUSE HOLLANDOISE After Mieris; Repos de la Vierge, after Dietricy; Jeune Joueur d’Instrument, after Schalken. All framed. (3) GAZETTIERE HOLLANDOISE After Terburg; Portrait of an Old Woman, after Dow; Bonne Femme de Normandie, after P. A. Wille. All framed. (8) LE MENAGERE HOLLANDOISE After Dow; Le Petit Physicien, after Netscher; Petite Eco- liére, after Schenau; L’Observateur Distrait, after Mieris. All framed. (4) ZADORISTEIN (a) VENISE, 1911 Original painter etching, printed in sepia, signed by the artist. One of 50 copies printed. | (b) FLORENCE, 1911 Original painter etching, printed in sepia, signed by the ar- tist. Creased in the centre. One of 50 copies printed. (2) A. WILLETTE MODERN FRENCH PAINTER-LITHOGRAPHER ADDRESS OF A. BLAIZOT Original lithograph, one of 100 copies printed, signed, and numbered by the artist. Brilliant impression on Japan paper, with an impression with the letter printed on mounted India paper. LA MUSE DU DESSIN Original lithograph printed on mounted India paper. Bril- liant impression, with untrimmed margins, 29 222 223 224 220 226 227 228 229 230 ANDERS ZORN ROSITA MAURI Original painter etching. Asplund, No. 34. Brilliant im- pression of the fourth state, before the lettering was erased and new work added to the background. 3 MADAME SIMON Original etching. Asplund, No. 67. Fine impression on Holland paper. Framed. PORTRAIT OF VERLAINE Original etching. Asplund, No. 94. Fine impression on Hol- land paper. EMMA, A GIRL FROM MORA Original etching. Asplund, No. 117. Framed. SENATOR BILLY MASON Original etching. Asplund, No. 159. Fine impression on Arches paper. ANNA. PEASANT GIRL OF MORA Original etching. Asplund, No. 170. Fine impression on Holland paper. DAGMAR Original etching. Signed proof. Subsequent to Delteil, No. 245. Gilt frame. SHALLOW Original etching. Asplund, No. 259. Signed artist’s proof. Beautiful impression. THE PILOT Original etching. Signed proof. Only state. Asplund, No. 285. —. ® > er a 4 * bd ' bad * *