oy PF CATALOGUE Apel OF THE Valuable W Eextensibe Libra OF THE LATE REV. WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKLEY, M.A. Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford, Late Rector of Middleton-Cheney, Banbury, Rural Dean of Brackley, and Member (Vice-President since 1884) of the Foxburghe Club. SECOND AND CONCLUDIN Clad Ao 2 COMPRISING IMPORTANT WORKS IN THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, Many on Large Paper and in Fine Condition ,; HISTORICAL AND OTHER MAN USCRIPTS ; WoRKS BY OXFORD WRITERS, OR RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY AND Cry : Rare and Early Printed Books: PUBLICATIONS OF THE ROXBURGHE (a Compiere Sur), BANNATYNE AND OTHER CLUBS AND SOCIETIES ; FIRST EDITIONS OF STANDARD AUTHORS; GALLERIES AND Books or Prints, County HISToRIES AND VALUABLE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS ; Collections on Penmanship ; Early Latin and English Plays ; Americana ; Songs, Poetry, ke. ; ENGRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS, FRAMED AND IN THE PoRTFOLIO; A Set of the Arundel Society's Publications, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Auctioneers of Literary Property & Works illustrative of the Fine Arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 16th day of APRIL, 1894, and Eleven following Days, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 137; LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C. ana ae a PO 35 “ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any see arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. | II. No person to advance less than 1s.; above five pounds, 2s. 6d.; and so on in proportion. 2 III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller.. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer’s expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale; in default of which Messrs. SorHmBY, Wixxinson & Hopes will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of On Wxxx after the conclusion of the sale the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. SorHEBy, WILKINSON & Hopgaz will have the option of reselling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. All the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Werk after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm-holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or blank leaves, or on account of the publication of any — subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manu- scripts, autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections ~ and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or error of description. VIII. No Imperrect Boox will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot on any account can be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and of any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or pard for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, ; SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London, D6 tina alee * i ae, . . — : hia aoe » Fie ee i peer ki se, a ia — INDEX OF DAYS OF SALE, First Day’s Sale Second Day’s Sale Third Day’s Sale Fourth Day’s Sale Fifth Day’s Sale Sixth Day’s Sale Seventh Day’s Sale ... Eighth Day’s Sale Ninth Day’s Sale Tenth Day’s Sale Eleventh Day’s Sale ... Twelfth Day’s Sale Monday, April 16 Tuesday, ,, 17 Wednesday, ,, 18 eaee Lnursday,*:',, 19 Friday, eee aU Saturday, ,, 21 Monday, ,, 23 Tuesday, ,, 24 Wednesday, ,, 25 DTharaday, 9%,;.°26 Friday, natin 4 Saturday, , 28 LOTS 1— 370 371— 742 743—1104 . 1105—1475 . 1476—1839 . 1840—2998 . 2999—2544 . 2545—2920 . 2921—3301 . 3302—3632 . 3633—3995 . 3996—4358 « : i J ade ns 7 , NOB » Vs Lil Sat r 7 “a RN in) 7 & As wy - 4 ry yl Ba WZ NC Bi oS fae “NERY f MB NaS P) = . < = , 14° \' aus EE. ‘CATALOGUE OF THE Valuable and Extensive Library OF THE LATE i REV. WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKLEY, Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford ; late Rector of Middleton-Cheney, Banbury ; Rural Dean of Brackley, and Member (Vice- President since 1884) of the Roxburghe Club. SECOND AND CONCLUDING PORTION. HIRST DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot, CADEMIA, or the Humours of Oxford, in Burlesque Verse, 1730—Batt upon Batt, 1706—Ward (Ned) Delights of the | Bottle (no frontispiece), 1720—Trip on Ten Toes from Moor- | a ] | fields to Bromley, both parts, 1722-24—Parish Guttlers, or Humours of a Vestry, 1722—Northern Cuckold, or Garden- | ‘ house Intrigue, 1721 ; and other Poetical pieces im 3 vol. Ackermann (F.) Archeologia Biblica, calf gilt, m. e. Vienne, 1826 Ackermann’s Juvenile Forget me not, edited by F. Shoberl, 1830{. and 1831—Juvenile Forget me not, edited by Mrs. S. C. Hall, 1830, 31, 33, 34 and 35; and another, engravings 8 vol. Acta Martyrum, morocco, g. e@. Geneve, J. Crispini, 1556 Addison (J.) Miscellaneous Works, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, wncut, 1830 Adelardi Bathonienses, Questiones Naturales Perdifficiles, gothic letter, FIRST EDITION, British Musewm duplicate, half calf, rare s. L. et a. (Lovanit), circa 1474 Adventurer, 2 vol.—Thomson’s Poetical Works, 3 vol. (Cooke’s edition), all with autograph of G. Cruikshank on title—Butler (S.) Hudibras, portrait, and plates by Hogarth, 1710; and other small books a parcel B ST WET ARES NTR SRA TS. EO SEES Be creer te Ea ee pee en te ee ee Bic ys eh AED REE OED ea Rg aa a aa limes eee —— seminar mcmama aa ssn rN 19 25 26 = ee Adventures and further Adventures of Verdant Green (2)— Spenser and his Poetry by Craik (3)—Humboldt’s Cosmos (3); and others a parcel ZAischinis Socratici Dialogi III, Gr. et Lat. adjecit J. F. Fischerus, Lips. 1786—Simonis Socratici Dialogi IV, recens. A. Boeck- hius, Heidelberge, 1810; and another, russia extra, 9. 4 by | J. Clarke in 1 vol. ; 4 Zischyli Agamemnon, Septem contra Thebas, etc. Gr. ed. ©. J. Neotber | Blomfield, 2 vol. calf gilt, Cantab. 1822-38—Juvenalis Satire XVI, aG. A. Ruperti, 2 vol. uncut, Lips. 1801; &e. 9 vol. Aischylus Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Grecis et Comment. Stanleti, /lec00 edidit S. Butler, 8 vol. calf gilt Cantab. 1809-16 Aisop. Fables of A’sop in English, with his Life, black letter, jadlur 3 copies imperfect A. Hebb, 1647 | sop and others, Fables, with an Application, &c. by 8. Croxall i be (FIRST EDITION), woodcuts 1722 Zisop and other Fabulists, Select Fables, plates, Birm. Baskerville, 1761—ARsop, &c. another edition, plates, Dodsley, 1761 2 vol. AXsop, another copy of both editions | 2 vol. Esop, another copy of each, also another issue by Baskerville, 1764 | 3 vol. ZEsop, other copies of the two first-—Another edition, with Life by Richardson, plates, uncut, n. d.—Another edition by aa | woodcuts, 1731 ; and another 5 vol. a ZEsop and others, Fables, by 8. Croxall, mwmerous cuts, 1787— Denham Select Fables of A’sop, &c. by R. Dodsley, plates, 1776— — | Fables of Pilpay, plates, 1747—Gay (J.) Fables, 2 parts in 1, cuts, Glasgow, 1752—Gay, another edition, 70 engravings, Whittingham, n. d. 5 vol. ZEsopi Fabule, Gr. et Lat. cura ac studio F. De Furia, 2 vol. calf, Florent. 1809 — Photius, Gr. e Codice Galeano, descripsit R. Porsonus, 2 vol. portrait, calf gilt, Cantab. 1822—Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, ex recens. J. G. Grevii, cum Notis eS Var. bound in 2 vol. russia, Traj. 1680; and others _11 vol. Rater Aisop, Fables, numerous plates, calf gilt n. a. Agricola (J.) Tragedia Johannis Huss, portrait of Huss, Wittenberg, Ret: 4 1538—Chryseum (J.) Hoffteuffel, ib. 1546 — Das Barbeli, woodcut, n. p. or d.; and another, MS. Notes by J. P. Collier and Mr, Buckley, calf in 1 vol. Aikin (Dr.) Select Works of the British Poets, calf gilt, 1829— (Euvres complétes de Sterne, Guvres choisies de Goldsmith, trad. par F. Michel, plates, calf extra, g. e. Paris, 1838 2 vol. Ainsworth (W. H.) Rookwood, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1834— Lancashire Witches, 3 vol. 1849 6 vol. . Ainsworth (W. H.) John Law: the Projector, 3 vol. 1864—Bos- Ce cobel; or, the Royal Oak, 3 vol. 1872, FIRST EDITIONS, Eo uncut 6 vol ats : Ainsworth (W. H.) Spanish Match, 2 vol. 1865—Goldsmith’s _ Wife, 3 vol. 1875, FIRST EDITIONS, uncut 6 vol. Ainsworth’s Magazine, vol. I to X, plates by G. Cruikshank, he. 1842-46 3 TE OOS eT SY AA I ITA cS Alabastri (G.) Roxana Trageedia, frontispiece by Gaywood, 1632— 4 Hansted (P.) Senile odium, Cantab. 1633, fine copies, in one vol. —|[Fanshawe (Sir R.)] A Fida Pastora, Comeedia Pastoralis, frontispiece by Vaughan, 1658—Ravisii (J.) Textoris Dialogi, — etc. Paris. 1536; and 2 others 5 vol. We dher 28 Alberti (L. B.) Hecatomphila, Deiphira, Parlamento Ingenioso de | / F. uno Inamorato (cut close), calf Venet. 1545 — : | Nut 9 Alciati (A.) Emblemata, cuts, Paris. 1583—Claudiani(C.) Opuscula, = 7 6 calf, with arms of N. Lambert de Thorigny on sides, Paris, 1530 | — Organi Philosophie Rudimenta, old red morocco eatra, g.e. Lut. Par. 1651 ; and others 12 vol. | jour Q Alciphroni Rhet. Epistole Gr. et Lat. LARGE PAPER, olive morocco v4 gut, Traj. ad Rhen. 1791—Ant. Liberali Transformationum | Congeries, cum Notis Xylandri, &e. red morocco gilt, Lips. 1791 —Julii Obsequentis ex libro de Prodigiis quesupersuntcurante Fr. Oudendorpio, red morocco gilt (ex libris of H. Walpole L inserted), Lugd. Bat. 1720 (3)— | alury Alcoran des Cordeliers en Latin et en Francois, 2 vol. plates by | Picart, calf, Amst. 1734—-Montaltii (L.) Litterze Provinciales, | 2 vol. old red morocco extra, gold figured end papers, g. e. Colon. 1700 ; and another 6 vol. | Roaler 32 Aldrich (H.) Elements of Civil Architecture translated by the Rev. P. Smyth, LARGE AND THICK PAPER, portrait and plate, boards, uncut, Oxford, 1789—Artis Logice Compendium, two editions, Oxon. 1691-2, in 1 vol.—Elementorum Architecture Pars prima (an unfinished work of which only 10 copies were printed), I. Reed’s copy (3) a as 33 Aldus. Aulus Gellius, pigskin, Venet. Aldus, 1515—Folengii Com- A ment. in primam Joannis Epistolam, vellum, ib. 1546—Flaminii | 7 Lie (A.) In lib. Psalmorum explanatio, vellum, ib. 1564 (3) a \34 Aleman (M.) Life of Guzman d’Alfarache, or, the Spanish Rogue, — | 2 vol. plates 1708 et dt Por 35 Aleman (M.) Vida y Hechos del Picaro Guzman de Alfarache, 2 parts in 1, plates, Amberes, 1736—Fénélon (M.) Avantures de Télémaque, 2 vol. portrait, and plates by Picart, dc. 1738— Agrippa d’Aubigne (T.) Avantures du Baron de Foeneste, 2 vol. frontispiece, Cologne, 1729 ; and another 6 vol. Alford (Lady M.) Needlework as Art, numerous plates and cuts, 1886 Alfredus Magnus. Annales Rerum Gestarum auctore Asserio Menevensi recensuit Fr. Wise, LARGE PAPER, portrait and vignette in red (Dr. Henry Cotton’s copy with MS. note on fly-leaf), calf, Oxon. 1722—The same, small paper, port. calf gilt, ib. (2) | Be Alison (A.) Military Life of J. Duke of Marlborough, 1848— — | Townend (W.) Descendants of the Stuarts, portrait, 1858— — Swift (E. L.) Life and Acts of Saint Patrick, frontispiece, — uncut, Dublin, 1809 ; and others 7 vol. Almanach des Muses, from its commencement in 1765 to 1806 (wanting 1791, 1796), bound in 34 vol. to 1788, calf gilt and — morocco gilt, others in paper Paris, 1765-1806 | Almanach des Muses, 18 vol. various, 15 in morocco gilt, 3 in paper 2 Ly ib, 1766-1805 | B 2 | =i ORT ES SENS SS SESE SS SRST SCE ARSE = = ere Rae PS T_T RS A CUS ES oye 5 ey ~~ Alphonse (Pierre) Discipline de Clergie, avec Glossaire, 2 parts in 1, half morocco, uncut, t. é g. Paris, 1824 Altenglische Legenden, herausgegeben von C. Horstmann, vellum, Paderborn, 1875—Tatian Lateinisch und Altdeutsch, von E. Sievers, 1b. 1872 ; and others a parcel Amari (M.) History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers, edited by the Earl of Ellesmere, 1850—Kirwan (A. V.) Host and Guest, | 1864 ; and others 10 vol, America. A Display of God’s special Graces, in a Familiar Dia- logue, &c. to which is prefixed an Attestation, by several Ministers of Boston, one leaf torn Boston, N. E. 1742 America. Charlevoix (P. F. X. de) History of Paraguay, 2 vol. 1769 America. Colden (Hon. C.) History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, 2 vol. map, 1755—Exquemelin (A. O.) Histoire des Avantures de Boucaniers et de la Chambre des Comptes, établie dans les Indes, 2 vol. maps, &c. calf, Paris, 1699 4 vol. Demhane ; a America. Cotton (John, of Boston, N. HL.) The Covenant of God’s Ca Free Grace most sweetly unfolded, 1645—Davenport (John, | of New Haven, N. E.) The Knowledge of Christ indispensably a required of all Men that would be saved, 2 copies (1 imperfect), | 1653—Jay (Sir Jas.) Letter to the Governors of the College q of New York respecting the Collection to be made in this Kingdom for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New York, 1771—The Plain Question upon the present dispute with our) — American Colonies, 1776 ; and others (9)). America. Dampier (W.) Voyages and Descriptions, 2 vol. maps, calf 1697-99 America. Esquemeling (J.) History of the Bucaniers of America, 2 vol. maps and plates 1699 America. Frezier (M.) Voyage de la Mer du Sud, aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, 2 vol. in 1, maps, dc. (no title to vol. IT), calf extra, q. @. Amst. 1717 America. Godwyn (M.) Negros’ and Indians’ Advocate, with an Account of Religion in Virginia, calf 1680 America. Lahontan (Baron de) Nouveaux Voyages dans |’Amé- rique Septentrionale, 2 vol. in 1, maps and plates, calf la Haye, 1703 America. Neal (D.) History of New-England, 2 vol. map 1720 America. Norton (J. Teacher of the Church at Ipswich in New- England) A Discussion on the Sufferings of Christ, calf 1653) America. Venegas (M.) Natural and Civil History of California,| — 2 vol. map and frontispieces, calf 7 1759 America. Voyages and Discoveries in South America, by C. d’Acugna, M. Acaret, M. Grillet and Bechamel, maps, calf, 1698 Ammonii Hermie in Aristotelis, &c. 2 vol. in the original skiver, ~ UNCUT Ven. Aldus, 1546 Amours de Théogene et Chariclée, Histoire Ethiopique d’Heliodore, bright old red morocco extra, g. é. Paris, 1553 SD ae NES tS RR npr em a ay A A A Ty 5 OR aie a Oe me Amulet (The) from 1826 to 1836, original morocco and silk bindings, numerous engravings 11 vol. } Anacreon, Odes, translated, with Notes, by T. Moore, 2 vol. por- trait, red morocco, 9g. €. 1802 | Anacreon, Odes, traduction d’A. F. Didot, illustrations by Girodet, green morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford Paris, 1864 Anacreontis Odaria, Gr. calf extra, g. ¢. in case, Parme, Bodoni, 1791 | —Ciofani (H.) in Ovidii Metamorph. XVII, russia extra, g. e. by Hering, Ven. Aldus, 1575—Phedri Fabule, front. Paris. Bar- bou, 1754 ; and others 7 vol. Analecta Veterum Poetarum Greecorum, editore R. F. P, Brunck, | 3 vol. old blue morocco extra, g. e. Argent. s. a. | Anderson (J.) The Bee, or, Literary Weekly Intelligencer, 18 vol. | in 9, FINE PAPER, illustrations, half calf Edinb. 1791-94 — Anderson (J. C.) Shropshire: its Early History and Antiquities, | numerous plates and cuts, uncut 1864 | [Anderdon (J. L.)] The River Dove, uncut, W. Pickering, 1847— | Taylor (Jer.) Rule and Exercises of Holy Living and Dying, | 2 vol. 2b. 1852-50 — Coleridge (S. T.) Osorio, 1873; and _ others 8 vol. | Anderson (J. P:) Book of British Topography 1881. Anecdota Literaria, Collection of Short Poems, edited by Thos. | Wright (250 printed), 1844—Specimens of Macaronic Poetry, | 1831—Wyclyffe’s Wycket, reprint of Norenburch 1546, Oxford, 1838—Wycliffe’s Last Age of the Church, edited by Todd, Dubl. 1840 — Béehme (J.) True Resignation, 1622, reprint ; and others (7) | Anglo-Saxon. An English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of 8. Gregory, by Eliz. Elstob, front. W. Bowyer, 1709—Boethi eae) ets = solatione Philosophie Ang.-Sax. redditi Alfredo Rege, edit. | C. Rawlinson, large and small paper copies, Oxon. 1698 — Hep- l tateuchus, Liber Job et Evangelium Nicodemi Anglo-Saxonice, edidit E. Thwaites, front. ib. 1698 (4) _ Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Original Authori- i ties, edited, with a Translation, by B. Thorpe, 2 vol. facsimiles, half Roxburghe 1861. } Annales du Musée, Galerie Giustiniani, plates in outline, wnceut, Paris, 1812—Promenade ou Itinéraire des Jardins d’Ermenon- . ville, 1b. 1788—Jardins de Chantilly, ib. 1791, plates — Laby- rinte de Versailles, plates, ib. 1679 ; and 2 others 5 vol. Annual Anthology, with contributions by R. Southey, C. Lamb, S. T. Coleridge, &c. 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Bristol, 1799- | 1800 —White (H. Kirke) Clifton Grove, with other Poems, FIRST EDITION, calf gilt, 1803—Stevens (G. A.) Songs, Comic | and Satyrical, Oxford, 1772 ; and others 11 vol. Annual Biography and Obituary, 1817 to 1835, wanting 1831 | 18 vol. | _ Annual Register, vol. I to LXXX, and Index, 1758-1819, 71 vol. _ im calf, remainder in boards 1758-1838 82 vol. _ Annuals, various, engravings 12 vol. | scat eae aieens - | 7 a ee sae SO — aieptemeenneee se AL PRS STs GOED E oom SE SE TO SS ST ST RR // ee eee ae |. |G | . | | | gi /0 ‘al /O| vu ie at. 77 78 19 80 81 82 | 83 | 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Anselmi (G.) Epigrammata, vellum, Venet. 1528 — Stephani (H.) Parodie Morales, calf, Paris. 1575—De Solre (A.) Sancta Familia seu Chronicum, 1690—Anagrammatum, calf, Antv. 1686 ; and others (12) Anthologize Greece, a Constantino Cephala conditee libri III, edidit J. J. Reiske, THICK PAPER, Oxon. 1766—Poetarum Scotorum Muse Sacre, Edinb. 1739; and others 6 vol. Apicius Colius De Opsoniis et Condimentis, Lond. 1705—Theo- criti Bionis et Moschi Carmina cum Comment. 2 vol. Berol. 1810; and other Classics (some odd) (23) Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica, cum Scholiis Greece, calf gilt Venet. Aldus, 1521 Apollonius de Constructione, Gr. red morocco, g. € by Bozerian 7 Florent. Junta, 1515 Apollonius de Rhodes, Jason et Médée, ilustrations by Méaulle, blue morocco extra, g. Paris, Quantin, 1882 Apostolii Bisantii Parcemie, Gr. morocco, g. ¢. Basil. 1538—Miran- dule (O.) Ilustrium Poetarum Flores, half morocco, Paris. 1561; and others 5 vol. [Apperley (C. J.)] The Chace, the Turf, and the Road, by Nimrod, FIRST EDITION, illustrations by H. Alken, portrait by Maclise, uncut, in the original cloth 1837 Jatt Appianus, Gr. et Lat. ed J. Schweighzuser, 3 vol. calf gilt, Lips. | 1785—Opuscula Grecorum Vet. Sententiosa et Moralia, Gr. et Lat. collegit, etc. J. C. Orellius, 2 vol. half calf gilt,ib.1819, 9 vol. ph. Treg say De ern Cee Nis ony’ Sealed gamle ede ie Apuleii Metamorphosis et alia Opuscula, Accedit Alcinoi ad Pla- tonis Dogmata Introd. Gr. old green morocco extra, g. &. Ven Aldus, 1521—Plinii Epistole et Panegyricus, vellum gilt, gaufred edges, ib. 1508—Manutii (P.) in Orationem Ciceronis pro P. Sextio Comment. 1b. 1556 3 vol. 3 Apuleii Memamorphoseos libri XI, cum Notis et amplissimo Indice Ia : J. Pricei, the Wodhull copy, russia gilt, with arms on sides _ Goude, 1650 ob Apuleius cum Annotat. J. Pricwi, engraved title, russia gilt, g. @ im 2 vol. Goude, 1650—Persius, I. Casaubonus recens. &c. old red morocco extra, g. e. Paris, 1605—Ciceronis Vita, ad Consulum Seriem digessit J. H. L. Meierotto, old red morocco extra, g. e. Berolini, 1783 ; and others 7 vol. Apuleius, New Metamorphosis, or pleasant Transformation of the Golden Ass, also the Golden Spy, written in Italian by C. M. Socio, 2 vol. plates by Hogarth, calf gilt 172 Apuleius, 3 vol. calf, Paris, Reuoward, 1796—Horatius cum Notis, D. Heinsii, 3 vol. in 1, Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1629; &c. 11 vol. Arabian Nights Entertainments, 4 vol. calf, 1783— Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) Wandering of Persiles and Sigismunda, 1854 ; and others 13 Arabian Nights Entertainments, translated, with Notes, by E. W. Lane, 3 vol. many hundred engravings on wood from designs by W. Harvey, original cloth, uncut C. Knight & Co. 1841 Aratoris de Actibus Apostolorum, &c. recens. H. J. Arntzenius, old red morocco extra, gold tooled sides, g. Zutphanie, 1769 eso a a a eH CE NT A A A : 4 * eu ze = j i 5 ; e, > bi a i PA ‘a a a a A e, Atl, 4 ‘ cts e , 3 Dutt |% NMowell | 97 Ire gashes 102 feecler \03 Dicken 104 ae ee hor . Vnrotd 108 a ) 7 Hargrove (K.) Anecdotes of Archery, plates, York, 1792, | morocco gilt im 1 vol. | Arenz (A. de) Provencalis, de Brogardissima Villa de Soleriis, s. 1. | 1670—Folengii (T.) Opus Merlini Cocaii Macaronicorum, cuts, | Venet. 1613—Alciati (A.) Emblemata, cuts, Antverp. 1573— Barlei (C.) Poemata, Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1631; &c. 9 vol. Aristeas. Historia LXII, Interpretum, frontispiece, LARGE PAPER, calf, Oxon. 1692—Westermann (Ant.) Vitarum Scriptores | Graece Minores, half bownd, Brunsvige, 1845—Burton’s Pen- | talogia, 2 vol. calf, Oxon. 1779 ; and others (12) | Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, translated with Notes, by J. Hoole, | 5 vol. frontispieces by J. Blake, &c. 1783 —Tasso (T.) Jerusalem | Delivered, translated by J. Hoole, 2 vol. frontispieces, 1783, calf | gilt 7 vol. Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, translated with Notes by W.S. Rose, | 8 vol. interleaved with a quantity of MS. alterations and notes by | the editor, 1823-31—Berni (F.) Orlando Innamorato, translated | by W. S. Rose, 1823 9 vol. | i Aristotle. Extracts from and abstracts of, various treatises of a Aristotle in Latin; MANuscriptT on vellum, liber loci Bene- | dicti de Whalley dimissus communi armario de Whalley per dominum Gregorium quondam abbatem SC. XUI Aristotelis Opera, Gr. ex recens. J. Bekkeri, 11 vol. interleaved, half russia, uncut, t. e. 9. Oxonit, 1837 Aristotelis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. edidit Buble, 5 vol. Biponti, 1791-1800-—Stobei (J.) Florilegium, Gr. et Lat. ed. T. Gais- ford, 4 vol. Oxzonii, 1822—Lucretii de Rerum Natura, libri VI, ad exemp. G. Wakefield, 4 vol. Glasgue, 1813; all in calf gult 13 vol. Aristotelis Poetica, Gr. et Lat. per A. Paccium conversa, Venet. i PIT NA OER ED Aldus, 1536—Vairus (L.) De Fascino, uncut, ib. 1589 2 vol. Aristotelis Politica, Rhetorica Ethica, 5 vol. calf, Oxon. 1810— Creuzeri (Frid.) Initia Philosophiae ac Theologiae, 4 vol. in 2, Francof. 1820—Selecta Poetariarum Graecarum Carmina et Fragmenta, edid. A. Schneider, Giessw, 1802; &c. (16) Aristotle's Poetry, by Twining, 2 vol. 1812—Wodhull’s Euri- pides, 4 vol. 1782—Beloe’s Aulus Gellius, 3 vol. 1795— Thornton’s Plautus, 5 vol. 1767—Patsall’s Quintillian, 2 vol. — 1774 (16) - Aristologia Pindarica Grecolatina, opera ac studio M. Neandri, | H. Drury’s copy, Basil. 1556—Ex Ctesia, Agatharchide, Mem- ) ; a a none excerpte Historie, &c. Gr. cum H. Stephani castiga- tionibus, Paris. 1557 ; both in old red morocco extra 2 vol. | Arms. A Collection of Arms of German Nobles, also a few . Portraits, engraved by Sackler and others, in « vol. calf Arrian on Coursing, with an Appendix, &c. by a Graduate of © Medicine, india proof plate 1831 | Arrianus Gr. et Lat. recens. N. Blancardi, old red morocco extra, g. @. Amst. 1683—Florus cum Notis Variorum et Ampelius, — calf gilt, m. e Amst. Elz. 1674 2 vol. 4 6 7 v ; : ae Archery. Oldfield (H. E.) Anecdotes of Archery, plates, 1791— : AAAS OE LIE POE IOUT AEE IG DTN AE SERRE NTA EE OST IEE RTE REI RE ATE SO PR BRD CF GRA IRETITS F AS SET 6S PEA EE 5 RO IE LS ee a cing an panne gf NS NOK * 110 iat 118 | 119 os. a Arundines Cami collegit atque, edidit H. Drury, wneut, Cantab 4 alecg : 1841—Shakespeare (W.) Works, Globe edition, morocco extra, .e, 1864 2 vol. a fs Jag ches Asconii Pediani Expositio in 1111 Orationes Ciceronis contre Verrem, &c. original Venetian red morocco Ven. Aldus, 1522 Asgill. The Pretender’s Declaration, abstracted from two anony- der mous Pamphlets, 1713—A Poem on the late Rebellion, from the Young Pretender’s first Landing in the Isle of Skie, Man- chester, n. d.—Chattaway (Jo.) Historical Sketch of the Danmonii, calf, 1830—-Prince (John) Self-Murder a very heinous Crime, frontispiece inserted, 1709—Account of the Abolishing of Duels in France, 1713—Life and Miracles o 3 ay - St. Wenefrede, 1713 ; and others (5) Assheton (Dr.) of Brasenose College, Oxford, Lux Lilio, on educa- prog Pe tion, autograph, MANUSCRIPT, calf Sac. XVII 4 Assheton (Dr. W.) Apology for the Honours and Revenues of : the Clergy, LARGE PAPER, fine portrait of the Duke of Ormond by Loggan, calf, 1676—Burnet (Thos.) State of the Dead, by M. Earbery, frontispiece, 2 vol. H. Curll, 1728 ; &e. (34), bi Associated Architectural Society’s Reports and Papers from the Commencement in 1850 to 1888 (wanting 1852-3, 1856, and j 1859), with 3 Indexes, numerous plates, 1850-89 - : Astii (D. F.) Lexicon Platonicum, 3 vol. in 1, half russia Nutt . Lips. 1835-38 a Astii (D. F.) Lexicon Platonicum, calf, Lips. 1835—Porsoni (R.) oo Note in Aristophanem, russia, g. e. Cantab. 1820—Porti (M. } A.) Pindaricum Lexicum, russia, Hanovie, 1606 3 vol. | Athenzus 4 Natalis de Comitibus, a prize copy, 1626, in the ori- ginal bright old smooth morocco, covered with gold tooling, g. ¢. SO a ee ee Ingdum, 1556 Atheneus, Gr. et Lat. cum animadversionibus Casauboni, illust tt J. Schweighaeuser, 14 vol. half morocco, wneut, t. @. 9. Argent. 1801-11 Atterbury (F.) Rights, &c. of an English Convocation, old blue Puck morocco eatra, g. e. 1701—[Gibson (Bp.)] Synodus Anglicana, 1702—Hody (H.) History of English Councils and Convoca- tions, 1701—Puller (T.) Moderation of the Church of Eng- land, THICK PAPER, old red morocco, frontispiece, 1679; and another 5 vol. | Atterbury (Bp. F.) Sermons and Discourses, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, A portrait, 1723—Jenkin (R.) Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion, 2 vol. 1721; and others 15 vol. Q ce Aubrey (J.) Miscellanies (Day-fatality, Dreams, Apparitions, &c. obebe “s uncut, in original wrappers N. Castle, 169 , $ Avuctores Cxassici Latini, Typis Barbou, plates by Cochin, Piller 4 Gravelot, &c. bright old red morocco extra, g. e Paris. 1573, : 4 and others 60 vol. Auctores Classici Latini, edente Maittaire, LARGE PAPER, 1713, oe .. and others 18 vol. Seterhetiesie ieieiadiemineemes eetieterieenaee aceon ee a i i "3 fealer |124 Treg ashi 125 Be baml 26 Mecoetl 127 Se cluravelsi 28 a Auctores Classici, Editiones Delphini e et Variorum edid. 4, Valpy; | LARGE PAPER, 37 vol. various (some damaged by damp, with all Jaults) 1822, de. Augustine (S.) A Pretious Booke of Heavenlie Meditations, trans- lated, &c. by T. Rogers, original calf, with Tudor rose and crown and S. O. stamped on sides 1597 Austin (W.) Hee Homo, wherein the Excellency of the Creation of Woman is described, portrait and engraved title by Glover, calf (1634) Autograph Letters. Sir R. Peel, Archbp. Howley, Henry Addington, Everett (American Minister), Members of Sir R. Peel’s Government, Lord Stanley, G. Ormerod, &c. a parcel AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. Correspondence with Sir Joseph Banks, chiefly by Members of the Ministry, and Officials of the Crown, including Duke of Montrose, Earl of Clancarty, Lord Sheffield, Earl Spencer, Lord Glenbervie, Lord Valentia, Letters of Sir Jos. Banks, and his Notes on a History of Iceland, &c. an interesting collection a parcel Aviti (S.) Arch. Viennensis, Opera, Paris. 1643—Casaubonus (I.) de Satyrica, 1b. 1605—Oppianus de Venatione et de Piscatu, Gr. et Lat. opera C. Rittershusii, Lugd. Bat. 1597 ; and others 12 vol. Ayres (P.) Emblems of Love, engravings, title and frontispiece slightly cut, 1683—-Oxford Sausage, FIRST EDITION, cuts, 1764 —Oxford Sausage, Another edition, portrait and cuts, Oxford, NETL eC, in 3 vol. Bachmani (C.) Melancholicus Comeedia, Lips. 1611—Another edition, 1b. 1619 — Micylle (J.) Apelles Agyptus, fabula scenica, Norib. 1583; all half morocco (3) Bachoti (J.) Fasti ae the Lamoignon copy, old citron morocco, covered with a gold tooled fleur-de-lys Lut. Paris. 1624 Bacon (Lord) Proficience and Advancement of Learning, morocco, g. ¢. Pickering, 1838—| Beckford (W.)| Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, frontispiece, uncut, 1824—Johnson (S.) Prince of Abissinia (Rasselas) 2 vol. 1759; ‘and others 15 vol. Bacon (Lord) Essays, 2 vol. 1742—Porny (M.) Elements of Heraldry, plates, 1771—Ostervald (M.) Arguments in the Old and New Testaments, 3 vol. old blue morocco extra, g. ¢. 1716; and others 11 vol. Bacon (Lord F.) Works, 10 vol. portrait, calf gilt 1819 Baily (L.) Practice of Piety, 1661—Featley (D.) Hand-Maid to Private Devotion, frontispiece slightly defective, 1647—A Course of Catechizing, portrait and numerous plates, 1674—[King (J.)] The Divine Bouquet, plates, some leaves defective, 1724; and others 10 vol. Baily (L.) Practice of Piety, 1689—Capel (A. Lord) Excellent Contemplations, Divine and Moral, portrait, 1683 — New Systeme of the Apocalyse, 1688—History of the Bohemian Persecution, 1650; and others 10 vol. Bailey (M.) Bie loreal English Dictionary, 2 vol. 1726-27— Household Dictionary, frontispiece, 1736 ; and others 13 vol. a ‘ J 2 The . 0 | 139 | ,| 140 : a | ka 141 15 | 142 . E. | 143 6 144 a nad age F216 | 145 | our | | }o | | 148 ee ) oa 4 re 149 ae Bey | | boy O} | 150 | 2 | 151 eine i} 152 i |e) 153 | ) | : /O 154 g 155 ie ee [Bailey (P.)] Sketches from St. George’s Fields, by G. di Castel Magar Chiuso, both series, 2 vol. cuts, morocco, t. @& 9. 1820-21 ft ed Balde (J.) Sylvee Lyrics, Colon. 1646—Houdemii (J.) Christiados prget@ Rhythmice, libri VI, Luaemburgi, 1603—De la Rue (C.) Idyllia 4 Rothomagi, 1669 ; and others 12 vol. | Balde (J.) Jepthias Tragcedia, engraved title by Kilian, russia extra, g. @ Amberge, 1654 Balde (J.) Urania Victrix, ete. engravings, old red morocco, covered Ke with gold tooling, 9. é. Monachii, 1663 Baldwin (E.) Fables Ancient and Modern, plates attributed to W. back i Blake, 1824—Another copy in French, same set of plates, 1806 | : 2 vol. = Ball Room Votaries, or Canterbury and its Vicinity, names filled DoteLl Fe in with ink, 1810—Gay (J.) Polly, an Opera, FIRST EDITION, ES 1729—Hibernia Freed, a Tragedy, 1722—Buck (Stephen) Poems, frontispiece, 1733; and other Plays, &e. in 5 vol. hy, Ballad Society’s Publications, Nos. 1-32 (wanting No. 11) (and Love Poems, and Iyl of Brentford’s Testament) 1868-91- Ballads. A Collection of Old Ballads, with Introductions, 3 vol. | plates (including that of the “ Swimming Lady”) panelled calf | : eatra, g. e. 1723-25 — Ballard (C.) Nouvelles Parodies Bachiques, Mélées de Vaudevilles, bs ou Rondes de Table, 3 vol. frontispieces. and music, calf Paris, 1700 . Bancel (F. D.) Histoire des Révolutions de ]’Esprit Frangais au Nutt Moyen Age, portrait, LARGE PAPER, Paris, 1878—Duplessis (M. G.) Bibliographie Parémiologique, 1b. 1847; &¢. 5 vol. Bannatyne (G.) Ancient Scottish Poems, published by Sir D. Dal- iy aroun rymple, Edinb. 1770—Malcolm (D.) Genealogical Memoir of a the House of Drummond, calf, ib. 1808—Lodbrokar-Quida, “| and Haco’s Expedition against Scotland, edited by J. John- g stone, 2 vol. in 1, 1782; and others 13 vol. Barbier (M.) Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, : : 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, half bound, uncut Paris, 1822-27 ee Barclaii (J.) Argenis, vellum, Paris, 1621—Richerii (E.) Historia te ler 4 Conciliorum, 3 vol. calf, Colon. 1683—Celsus, de Re Medica, - calf extra, g. e. Paris, 1772 ; and others (12) iy . ; Barenger (A. T.) Guide fidele de la vraie Gloire, engraved through- ay ee : out, plates by Ertinger, calf gilt 1688 ef half morocco, m. e. 1846; and others 12 vol. - Barham (Rev. R. H.) Life and Letters, 2 vol. portrait, 1870— Mota 4 Baring-Gould (S.) Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, BoTH Maggs : Warburton (E.) Crescent and the Cross, 2 vol. frontispieces, J % SERIES, 2 vol. illustrations, 1866-68—Busk (R. H.) Folk-Lore of a Rome, 1874 3 vol. fl ] f ‘ Barksdale (C.) Memorials of Worthy Persons, 2 vol. Lond. & Oaf. “< 1661-62—A Remembrancer of Excellent Men, 1670, calf, Some scarce 3 vol. ~ a 7 ¢: iy by ; ny ve Y . ie sneering teeth aA ite ari eae ee 11 os 1b ee Behlamhse. - Barksdale © (Ch) Apanthismata, Memorials of “Worthy Persons, | 17 (Lights and Ornaments of the Church of England), Two | New Decades, red morocco etna, from Gutch’s Inbrary | Oxford, 1664 | | Barnes (W.) English Roots and Stems, 1862—Blackley (W. L.) 5 Word Gossip, 1869—Hoare (E. N. ) English Roots, Dublin, | 1856—Trench (R. C.) Study of Words, 1853; &c. 10 vol. | Barrett (A.) Physical Metempiric, 1883-—-Goschen (G. J.) Theory | ¥ | of the Foreign Exchanges, 1863—Redding (C.) History and — ) Description of Modern Wines, vignettes, 1833; and others, 7 vol. | Barrett (Rev. R. A. F.) Synopsis of Criticisms, 5 vol. 1847—_ 3 1 | Eusebii Hist. Ecclesiasticee edid. Burton, 2 vol. Oxon. 1838— | Giraldus Cambrensis, Chronicon de Bello, et Liber Eliensis, | vol. I, Eng. Hist. Soc. 1846 ; and others (12 | Barrow (Isaac) Theological Works, 8 vol. portrait, Hulme Prize ys copy, calf gilt Oxford, 1830} |‘ | Bartholanis (T.) De Cruce Christi, plates, calf gilt, Amst. 1670— | + Niqueti (H. de) Titulus Sanctes Crucis, calf gilt, Antv. 1670—-) Curtius (C.) De Clavis Dominicis, plates, calf, 1b. 1670; &e. (10) pe [Basnage (M.)] Histoire des Ouvrages des Scavans, Sept. 1687-}) Be ae Mars. 1708, calf, Rotterdam, 1687-1708 23 vol. V4. | | Batines (Vis. C. de) Bibliografia Dantesca, 2 vol. in 3, half vellum awa: Prato, 1845-4 rea tert Baudoin (I.) Recueil d’Emblemes divers, 2 vol. in 1, emblematical ~ engravings, calf Paris, 1646-47 | Bavarii (Egidn) Musa Catholica Maronis, vellum, Aniv. 1622— 2 Scaligeri (J.) Poemata omnia, vellum, ex Off. Plantin. 1615— | ao Richardson (E.) Netherdutch Academy, vellum, Amst. 1677;} | | | and others (7 ) | Baxter (R.) Dying Thoughts upon Phil. i, 23, portrait, morocco, | ee g. é. 1683—Directions and Persuasions to a Sound Conversion, | ) old red morocco extra, g. €. 1673—Tilly (W.) The Acceptable | Sacrifice, calf antique, Oxford, 1719 Bvt | | Bayard (Chev.) Histoire du, Annotationes de T. Godefroy, | y. ) Grenoble, 1651—Avila (R. P.) Ciuvres, Spirituelles en Fran- Det gois par G. Chappuis, Paris, 1589 —Le Clerc, Divers Des-j| | | | seins de Figures, 79 plates, ib. s. d. —|[ Vaux (M. de)]’Jeux de — oN VInconnu, frontispiece, Rowen, 1645 ; and others 7 vol. pease Bayerus (T. 8S.) Museum Sinicum, 2 vol. morocco, Petropoli, 1730 ee he's —J. L. Lydi de Magistratibus Reip. Rom. Paris, 1812— — © Anacharsis Travels, 5 vol. 1796 ; and others (19) | i | Becket (S. Thomas a) Life; or, Historical History of, vellum, 1.3 | 3 | 7 | AICS ee Colloniw, 1639—Walton (I.) Life of Bishop Sanderson, FIRST = EDITION, portrait by White, a few MS. corrections bythe AUTHOR, calf, 1678 i Beckford (W.) Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, — fa a 1780—Vathek, Lausanne, 1787—Story of Al Raoni (with © Se verses), 1799 3 vol. 171 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 aero Tenet ee: 3 as Beckford (W.) Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, 2 vol. Dewham 1834—Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaga and Batalha, portrait, 1835—Irving (W.) Chronicle of the Conquest of @anada, 2 vol. 1829—The Alhambra, 2 vol. 1832 ; and others 9 vol.) ,,. | Beckford (W.) Vathek, also HERES, by 8. J dundee Loree and ** etchings, half morocco extra, wncut, i. €, g. 1883 Beckmann (J.) History of Inventions and Discoveries, 4 vol. eotlor 1814—Blount (T.) Fragmenta Antiquitatis, with Notes, &c. by J. Beckwith, York, 1784; and others 12 vol. Becon (T.) Reliques of Rome, black letter, vellum, 1563—B. (C.) Sicke Man’s Salve, black letter, calf, 1562—Conway (J.) Poesie of Flowered payee) black letter, cele 1611; and others, ¥ -nchiieiitgnaleians rie Tienes 2 2 a all imperfect (5) / Bedford (A.) Serious Remonstrance in behalf of the Ohrie|/¥6 tA tian Religion against Blasphemies and Impieties used in % the English Play-Houses, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1719— [Blackburne (F.)] View of the Controversy concerning the Intermediate State, &. of the Soul, calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere, ; 1765—Outram (W.) Two Dissertations on Sacrifices, trans a lated, with Notes, by J. Allen, calf gilt, 1817; and others . 8 vol. Bedford (W. K. R.) Blazon of Episcopacy, litle 1858— Hope Panda (A. J. B. Beresford) English Cathedral of the XI Xth Century, ulustrations, 1861 — Arnold (M.) on the Study of Celtic Literature, 1867 3 vol. Beesley (A.) History of Banbury, plates ~ 1841 Det Bell (T.) History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea,! Zox nearly 200 woodcuts, uncut Van Voorst, 18372 74 Beloe (W.) Sexagenarian ; or, the Recollections of a ihiveeaiest Life, 2 vol. 1817—Savage (J.) The Librarian, 3 vol. 1808— Bryant (J.) Observations on the Poems of T. Rowley, 2 parts, 1781 ; and others b - 10 vol. [Benard] Eloge de l’Enfer, 2 vol. plates by Sibelius, Haye, 1759— we Erasme, L’Eloge de la Folie, trad. par M. Barrett, plates, | Paris, 1789—Emblemes ou Devises Chretiennes, engravings, — Lyon, 1701 ; and others . + Beal, | | Bencii (F.) ed a: libri IV, ejusdem Ergastus et Philotinus, Hol Dramata, red morocco super extra Ingolstadu, 1592 Bengelii (J. A.) Gnomon Novi Testamenti, morocco, g. @. 1855 Benoist (F.) Le Chevalier Christien, engraved title and woodcuts, Rouen, 1609—Baudin (C.) Cronique des Rois de France portraits, Lyon, 1570 ; and others Bentley’s Miscellanies, or I to X, plates by G. Cruikshank, ph a, in 4 1837-41 fh. Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon Poems, with Translation, &c. by B. Thorpe, fers ate Oxford, 1855—Thorpe (B.) Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, 1846 ; and others 5 vol. SAE Seta a perenne GS a a Nate Reagent Rt EO a nt A ARN ASR Rn ek ae ee Béranger (P. J. Ae) (Euvres completes avec Derniéres Ohtaske | / / Z 4 vol. plates by Grandville and Raffet, uncut Paris, 1837- BT | | | Bernard (N.) Life and Death of Archbp. J. Usher, portrait added, | b ) 1656—Life of Bp. E. Rainbow, 1688, both in calf extra 2 vol. Berry (Miss) Extracts from her Journals and Correspondence, 7 1783-1852, edited by Lady T. Lewis, 3 vol. portraits 1865) | ° | Bertin (M.) China: its Costume, &c. 4 vol. plates, uncut 1812 | Betuleii (Xysti) De Vera Nobilitate Orationes due, Aug. Vind. 1540—Judith Drama-comico-tragicum, Colon. 1544—Judith, another edition, Aug. Vind. s. a.—Susanna Comeedia Tragica, Viteberge, 1564, morocco extra, Lc. 4 vol. Beverland (H.) De Peccato Originali, 1679—Peccatum Originali sic nuncupatum, Lleutheropoli, 1678—De stolate Virginitatis Jure, Lugd. Bat. 1680—De Fornicatione, &c. 1698, MS. notes, Morocco in 2 vol. Beverland (H.) De stolate Virginitatis Jure, Lugd. Bat. 1680— De Peccato originali, Eleuwtheropoli, 1678—De Fornicatione cavenda Admonitio, 1698, red morocco, g. @. by Padeloup im 1 vol. | BEwick (T.) GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS, FIRST EDITION, fine impressions of the woodcuts, clean uncut copy, in the original boards Newcastle, 1790 | BEWICK. Quadrupeds, FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, portrait and large plates of elephant and tiger inserted, half russia ib, 1790 Bewick. Quadrupeds, second edition, one leaf slightly torn, clean uncut copy, in the original boards ib. 1791 | *,* The Bats and other additions were made to this edition. Bewick. Quadrupeds, second edition, presentation copy from T. Bewick, with autograph inscription, calf ib. 1791 | Bewick. Quadrupeds, second edition, calf we lTS4 Bewick. Quadrupeds, second edition, LARGE PAPER, calf ib. 1791 Bewick. Quadrupeds, third edition, uncut ib. 1792, *,* With many variations of the woodcuts to what appeared in the former editions. Bewick. Quadrupeds, fourth edition, LARGE PAPER, calf ib. 1800 | Bewick. Quadrupeds. fourth edition, two leaves stained ib. 1800 | BEWICK. GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS, fifth edition, 3 | umperial paper, Newcastle, 1807—HIsToRY oF BRITISH BIRDs, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, 1b. 1805, uniform calf 3 vol. Bewick. A Natural History of British Quadrupeds, dc. 247 en-— gravings on wood by T. Bewick, half morocco, t. e. g. Alnwick, 1809 Bewick. History or British Brrps, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, 2 /5_ early state of the woodcuts, uncut, some leaves foxed eee > Gy PT LE EN IE ED SEI TT TA PI SEI A IIT BA EE MBO ETRE PIECE SORES DO: HOTT = SS St A RGA Sr roe @) 6s & BN On ~ t ib. 1797- 1804. ES *,* The Sea Eagle before “ Wycliffe, 1791” the Magpye von Lee two stumps. | OS See STS I 3 a aie » = es b Side ME MTC TBO a FROGS 0 lS aa en amssneaneneenneenennemmmmnnaas ae as ae os eeconacrsresmy iAoneNensbtet SARA AE SCE IT TELE TOTO TEAL NLL IED TI Ba oS a eamnnemmnememeneeemaaamdas ¢9 Gs ~O cd AR AIP SLES AUR PLA ERB BEM IT : ae ees anne 905 Berwick. Hzstory oF BritisH BiRDSs, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, OF. Ltavem ‘ees Meee i F a 14 ¥ : 7 LARGE PAPER, uncut, in the original boards, Newcastle, 1794 1804—Supplement to both Parts, wncut, 1b. 1821 (3) . *,* Earliest issue of the “Birds,” the Sea-Eagle before “ Wycliffe, te 1791,” Magpye with two stumps, the cancelled cut in original | state. rf 206 Bewick. History of British Birds, vol. I, FIRST EDITION, LARGE % PAPER, woodcuts in the earliest state,“ Sea-Eagle” before the in- scription, ‘‘ Magpye” with two stumps, cancelled cut not inked, uncut ib. 1797 207 Berwick. History of British Birds, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, fine impressions of the numerous woodcuts, calf — ib. 1797-1804 *,* Sea Eagle before ‘‘ Wycliffe, 1791,” Magpye with two stumps, cancelled cut. in original state, and advertisement of Third Edition of the Quadrupeds. 208 Bewick. History of British Birds, vol. Il, with the two Supple- ments, LARGE AND THICK PAPER, woodcuts, half morocco ib, 1805 209 Bewick. History of British Birds, 2 vol. uncut ib. 1832 210 Bewick. Figures of British Land Birds, to which are added a | few Foreign Birds, woodcuts, red morocco extra, g. é. 4 Newcastle upon Tyne, 1800 é 211 Bewick. Supplement to the History of British Birds, LARGE [Browne PAPER, woodcuts, uncut Newcastle, 1821 3 212 Bewick. Supplement to British Birds, both parts, imperial paper, _ obo uncut | ike ek | QUARTO. 213 A.C. Mery Talys. A Hundred Merry Tales; the earliest Eng- Qe are lish Jest-Book, now first reproduced in photo-lithography from i the unique copy of 1556, with Introduction, &c. by W. C. i Hazlitt (only 137 copies printed), cloth Jarvis and Son, 1887 214 Ape Club. Ancient Mysteries from the vey, MSS. fe 3 clot Edinb. 1835 “sa 215 Abbotsford Club. The Presentation in the Temple, cloth, 1b. 1838 te obebe 216 Abbotsford Club. Mind, Will and Understanding; a Morality, ol ; ; ; paper covers ib. 1837 | 217 Abbotsford Club. Arthour and Merlin, cloth ib. 1838 27/4 bles 218 Abbotsford Club. Legend of St. Katherine of Alexandria, cloth Denwhe | Lond. 1841 7 219 Abbotsford Club. Le Roman des Aventures de Fregus, cloth (e.ote” dinb. 1841 2 220 Abbotsford Club. A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers, &c. : cloth ib. 1845 ‘3 221 Abbotsford Club. The Buke of the Orders of Enighthas cloth litle ab. 1847 2 222 Abbotsford Club, Sir Degarre, a Metrical Romance of the end of the Thirteenth Century, cloth ib, 1849 ee ae OTE Sc emaimimeaeneminennns ‘ “t - ? 15 Abbotsford ¢ Club, A Penni Worth of Witte ; Florice $e | Blauncheflour, and other Pieces of Ancient English Poetry, from the Auchinleck Manuscript, cloth Edinb. 1857 Acedemiz Oxoniensis Gratulatio pro exoptato Sereniss. Regis Gulielmi ex Hibernia reditu, sm. folio, Oxon. 1690—Discours de Triumphe du Marriage de Francois de Valois et Marie~ Stewart Royne d’Escosse, Rowen, 1558, MS. transcript — The King of Denmarke’s Welcome, EF. Allde, 1606, MS. tran- script—Arber’s List of London Publishers between 1553- 1640; &c. (6) Abel Redivivus, by Dr. Thos. Fuller, portraits (frontispiece, title and next leaf mended), 1651—Charron on Wisdom, 1630— Divine Right of Church Government, 1654; and others (8) ares 2a RA RSRERIE OST EO Account (An) of the Visit of H. R. H. the Prince Regent, and the © Emperor of Russia, and King of Prussia to the University of Oxford in June 1814, FINE LARGE COPY, bound in brown morocco extra, broad gilt fooled inside borders and g. @. prwately printed, 1814 Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, &. to Oxford Uni- versity, 1815—Twelve Antiquarian Sketches of an Amateur —Illustrations of Northamptonshire, on india paper ; &c. a parcel Actiones et Monimenta Martyrum, forum qui a Wicleffo et Husso ad nostram hance aetatem in Germania, Gallia, Britannia, Flandria, Italia et ipsa demum Hispania, Veritatem Evangeli- ELE Sea ANOINTI E8s TE GEE ertowtias er mew cam Sanguine suo constanter obsignaverunt, mottled calf extra, g. @. by F. Bedford, FINE COPY Geneve, J. Crispin. 1560 — Adlianus. Varis Historie lib. XIIII ex Heraclide de Rebus Publicis Commentariarum, &c. Grace, EDITIO PRINCEPS, calf Rome, 1545 Aflianus Gr. et. Lat. curante A. Gronovio, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1731—Lycophronis Cassandra cum Com- ment. Jo. Tzetze, Gr. et Lat. LARGE PAPER, vellum, Rome, 1803—Valerius Flaccus, LARGE PAPER, Leidw, 1724—Quintus Curtius, LARGE PAPER, Delphis, 1724 ; and another (6) Aisopus. Vita et Fabule e Greco latina per Rimicium facta, lit. goth. half bound, Mediol. P. Lavagnia, 1479—Fabule Esopi cum Commento, lit. goth. device on title (signatures I to N, showing it to have formed part of a Collection), calf, Absque nota (Paris.) —Aisopi Vita et Fabule Gr. et Lat. ab Aldo Manutio, woodcut title, and device at end, calf, Lovanu, T. Martin. 1517 (3) Ausop’s Fables, paraphrased in Verse and adorned with Sculpture by John Ogilby, 81 copper-plate engravings, portrait and last leaf defective, title mended, some leaves torn, old red morocco, 1651 —The same, another copy (wants portr ait, some leaves torn and loose), calf, 1651 (the lot with all faults) (2) Aglionby (Wm.) Painting Illustrated in three Dialogues, with the Lives of the most eminent Painters from Cimabue to the Time of Michael Angelo, FINE PAPER, old English blue morocco, g. €. FINE COPY printed for the Author, 1685 een eranes cette: Matron wea DIRE A RBIS STRRS recente: PSOE a ne ma I nen en ee ae eT ' t | 4 Zc Th 70 oN eee ee LOT GO EO I PI OIE EOI ET EI LIONS ION EE TRIO SD FE DOLE ROP I EIN TOT TET BENNIE GE Oe Te a a es a ee 2 PDE RECLINE EE AN ARETE PIG OTTO BER TSE NET i i ¢ Ais 235 238 240 241 242 243 244 16 Aikin (J.) Manchester and its Environs, map and 73 plates, boards, 4 uncut, 1795—Kennedy (Jas.) Description of the Antiquities and Curiosities in Wilton House, plates, calf, 1769—Great Britain Illustrated from Drawings by Wm. Westall, 1830 ; and another (4) a Alciatus. Emblemata cum Comment. Cl. Minois, numerous wood- Mi cuts, calf, Patavit, 1621 — Jac. Catzii Silenus Alcibiadis sive Proteus, copperplates of emblems, Amst. 1620 — Juxti Lipsi de Cruce, lib. ili, copperplate engravings, Antv. 1594 (3) Alexander (Wm.) Aurora, FIRST EDITION (wants 4 last leaves), wn- Luo bound, R. Field, 1604—Davies (Sir John) Nosce Teipsum, FIRST EDITION (wants title and dedication), interleaved (1599)—Agrippa (H. C.) Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy by R. Turner (im- perfect), 1655—Twyne (Th.) The Schoolemaster or Teacher of Table Philosophy, R. Johnes, 1583 ; and 2 others (6)} Alexis. The Thyrd Parte of the Secretes, translated by W.| 7/0 Warde, black tetter, calf, R. Hall, 1562—The Honour of Chi- 3 valry, or the famous History of Don Bellianis of Greece, trans-) ° lated out of Italian, 3 parts, Hben Tracy, Three Bibles on London Bridge, 1703—Parismus, First and Second Parts ( portions : | each eos ¢:: Altilio (Gub.) Epitalamio in Occasione delle faustissime Nozze di D. Eleonora Serra con le Principi Barberini Colonna, old red morocco gilt, g. e. Napoli, 1803 — Senilia, sive Poetica aliquot in Argumentis varii Generis Tentamina (Auctore Mich. Mait- taire), morocco, Lond. 1742 (2) | a Amaryllis, Consisting of such Songs as are Sung at the Public) 4 “7 Theatres or Gardens, adapted for the Voice, Violin, Hautboy,| ~ : Flute, German-Flute and Harpsichord, second edition, engraved ao throughout, with vignette head-pieces, 2 vol. in 1, calf “ \ ime | J. Lewer, n. d. h rf ’ America, &c. Allin (John) and Tho. Shepard, of Dedham and | Cambridge, New England; A Defence of the Answer made os unto the Nine Questions of Positions Sent from New ENc- | LAND, against the Reply thereto made by the Rev. John Ball, Lond. for A. Crooke, 1648—Mather (Rich.) of Dorchester, New England, Reply to Mr. Rutherford (On the Power of Synods and Appeals), J. Rothwell, 1647 — Cotton (John) of New Hng- land, Singing of Psalmes a Gospel Ordinance, for H. Allen,| 1647; and 2 others, in 1 vol. half bound America. Ferdinandina Mexicana Insula Mariae Dei Parentis) auxilio ad fidem Conversa, Exhibita a Collegio Soc. Jesu, half| — morocco, very scarce sm. 4to. Monachit (S. n. ump.) 1652 ee tO ¥ Analecta Veterum Poetarum Graecorum, editore R. F. Ph, Brunck, Ye | LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. half calf Argent. J. H. Heitz, 1772 b ar Ancient Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy, edited by Jos. HasLEwoop (Arte of English Poesie), 2 vol. (only 200 copies printed), calf extra, g. €. BY F. BEDFORD, FINE COPY _ 1811-15 Ancient Metrical Tales; printed chiefly from Original Sources, frevay edited by the Rev. C. H. Hartshorne, LARGE PAPER (only 12| copies printed, no. 9, signed W. Pickering), cloth boards, wneut sm. 4to. W. Pickering, 1829 wae Re ee Te Leer ee ee ee ee >, x ae fis mos ee eee Ge falter 245 Anderson. History of Commerce, 4 vol. russia (broken), 1787— eid Hanway (Jonas) Virtue in Humble Life, 2 vol. calf, 1777— pir The Defects of Police the Cause of Immorality, 1775 ; &c. (9) | A 246 Andreino (G. Battista) L’Adamo Sacra Rapresentatione, 40 fine / Gj} | copper-plate engravings by C. Ant. Procaccioni, vellum, with Wod- wae hull arms on sides Milano, G. Berdoni, 1613 | *,* This book is supposed to have furnished some ideas to Milton . for use in his Paradise Lost. ' 247 Angus (W.) Seats of the Nobility and the Gentry inGreat Britain = ® and Wales, 63 fine views, half morocco oblong. 1787 Le foe 248 Annales Chersonesi Cimbrice que hodié Holsatia appellatur, Oo | woodcut portraits and coats of arms, Basil. Froben. 1606—Jo. Burchardi Historia Arcana, sive de Vita Alexandri VI Pap» ed. a G. G. Leibnizio, Hann. 1697 —Jo. Diecmanni Specimen : Glossarii Mscti. Latino-Theotisci quod Rabano Mauro inscri- | bitur, Breme, 1721 (3), | 249 Annatus (Pet.) Apparatus ad Positivam Theologiam Methodicus, 2 vol. in 1, old red morocco gilt, g. e. with the arms of the Bishop | of Wurizburg (to whom the work is dedicated) on sides Herbipoli Sumpt. P. W. Fuggart, s. a. (1715) | . 250 Anthologia Epigrammatorum Grecorum (Planudis rhet.) Gr. | f / | Cura Jo. Lascaris, EDITIO PRINCEPS (wants the 7 leaves at end with the imprint), vellum Florent. F. de Alopa, 1494 251 Antoniana Margarita, per Cometium Pereiram Medicum, nunc primum in lucem editum, woodcut title (top margins of 15 leaves at end mended) old French olive morocco extra, g. ¢. FINE COPY, in Methyna Camp® in Off. Guil. de Millis, 1554 (at end 1555) — ~ — Haaren eee nee eer I II isaac Heil ee a aeaatied LEN SRE ELE CLT RRS IE es at — represen a - Se ne vereqnemiers 252 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonauticon lib. IIII, cum Scholiis et // annotationibus H. Stephani, old olive morocco gilt, g. e. ‘ (Paris.) excud. H. Stephanus, 1574 253 Apollonius Sophista. Lexicon Greecum Iliadis et Odyssew, 2 vol. calf, Lut. Par. 1773—Virgilius Masvicii, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. | calf, Leovardie, 1717—Poetz Latini Minores curante P. Bur- | manno, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, Leide, 1731 (7) 4 é i 254 Appianus. Romanorum liber traductio P. Candidi, woodcut border / % to first page, vol. I, half bound ae Venet. B. Pictores et E. Ratdolt, 1477 255 ARBER'S REPRINTS ON LARGE PapER, including Addison on 4 /2 Paradise Lost, Lyly’s Euphues, The Paston Letters, new edition, edited by Jas. Gairdner ; Revelation to Monk of Eves- | ham, James I, Counter Blast to Tobacco, Naunton’s Frag- | menta Regalia, Watson’s Passionate Centurie, Habington’s Castara, Rede me and be not Roth, Fight of the Revenge, Googe’s Eclogues, &¢. ; Ascham’s Scholemaster, Wyatt, Songs and Sonnets, Thos. Lever’s Sermons, Webb, English Poesie, Villiers’ Rehearsal, Gascoigne’s Steele Glas, Earle’s Microcos- mographie, Latmer’s Seven Sermons, and others, LARGE PAPER, bound in 11 vol. half morocco 1869, dc. 256 Archaica, containing a Reprint of Scarce old English Prose Tracts, with Prefaces by Sir E. Brydges, 2 vol. boards, uncut (only 200 copies printed) Longman’s Private Press, 1815 C eae, | be] | | encepcnatinien epee jennie — « = a eT TE _—— SRR NTN CERN RTET TES a ae /O PA IEEE I, SAS, fecler : (ice aaeaideune ee | 207. 19 eat 18 eee rib et ht OO ALLOA Arevalus (J.) Hymnodia Hispanica, vellum, Rome, 1786—Span- Viti | hemii (Fr.) Dubia Evangelicorum, 3 parts in 2 vol. calf, 3 Geneve, 1639— Pet. Angelii Hierosolyma, Florent. 1616 ; and others (7 - CD | ; / 260 Ariosto. Papers connected with the Life of Ariosto, by W. S. U obeth £ Rose, translations of Ariosto, &c. MANUSCRIPT, @ bundle, 1832 261 Aristophanes. Comoedize Gracé (cum amplissimis P. Leopardi Tree Scholiis Manuscriptis), interleaved throughout, and bound im 2 vol. calf gilt, m. ¢. with arms on sides Paris. C. Wechel. 1540 . 262 Aristophanes, curante P. Burmanno Secundo, LARGE PAPER, lye Zo. LAAN 2 vol. morocco, Lugd. Bat. 1760—Poete Latini Rei Venaticz - Scriptores Autiqui, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, ib. 1728 —Julius Cesar Oudendorpii, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, ib. 1737 ; and | 7 1 other /¥2 | 263 Aristotle. Latin Commentary on Aristotle De Generatione et Jeg a . Corruptione, De Anima, De Physica, De Coelo, De Organo | and De Metaphysica, MANUSCRIPT, 3 vol. bound in red morocco, | with gold tooling and the name IVLIANVS MAINGARTA stamped on sides Smo. XVI 4 =, 264 Aristoteles. Les Ethiques, nouvellement traduites en Francois, 2.07 4 par Le Plessis (dedicated to James Hamilton, Lord Arran, Cap- tain of the Scottish Guard), vellum gilt, with monogram of double C on sides, Paris, Vascosan, 1553—Locke (John) Essai sur )En- tendement Humain traduit par Coste, portrait, red morocco (dedication copy to Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, with MS. note : by the Duke in margin), Amst. P. Mortier, 17 29 SS: , V3 265 Aristoteles. Poetica d’Aristotele Vulgarizzata et Sposta per L. clo . i Castelvetro, old red morocco gilt, with arms and monogram of ¥y | Prince Eugene of Savoy | | sm. 4to. Vienna d’ Austria, G. Stainhofer, 1570 | ee 266 Aristoteles. Organum, Gr. et Lat. J ulius Pacius recensuit, wood- cut diagrams, calf gilt, r. @. Francof. 1597 *,* With inscription on fly-leaf, “I. Newton ex dono Revdi Dris. Snape 1714.” : by ; / 267 Art Journal Various Nos. The Book-Binder, Nos. 1-12—Pala-|// 4 f}" “J tine Note Book, Nos. 25-36, 1883 ; &c. -a parcel = 78 ae @ 268 Articles of a Treatie of Truce made and concluded in the Towne Larter and Citie of Antwerp, 9 April, 1609, autograph of (Sir) Robert : Gordoune on title, 1609—Two Letters or Embassies, the one from the States of Bohemia to the Elector of Saxony, the other from the Pope to the Emperour, printed at Amsterdam, 1620—A Plain Demonstration of the Unlawful Succession of the now Emperour Ferdinand II because of the incestuous Marriage of his Parents, printed at the Hage, 1620—A Briefe Information of the Affaires of the Palatinate, 1624—The King of Bohemia’s Welcome to Count Mansfield and into the Palatinate, 1622 —An Answere to the Question whether the Emperour that now is Can bee judge in the Bohemian Controversie or no ? 1620—-Weekley News out of the Low Countries, Bohemia, &c. Nos. 2, 3, 4, Lond. NV. Butler, 1622 ; a collection of scarce tracts, in 1 vol. half bound sm. 4to aio ctl iy ace General, Charles XII, of Sweden, Frederick of Denmark, &c. 1667, &c.—Stratford (Dr.) A Discourse concerning the Ne- cessity of Reformat on, both parts, presentation copies to Dean Kettlewell, 1685-6—Bibliotheca Literaria, 1722; &e. (7) Asher (A.) Bibliographical Essay on Hulsius’ Collection of Voy- ages and Travels (only 120 printed) 1839—Davidson (Jas.) Bibliotheca Devoniensis, Exeter, 1852 — Strawberry Hill, Blandford, and other Catalogues Asher (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Scriptores Rerum Ger- manicarum, boards, wncut Lond. and Berlin, 1843 Articles of Peace and Alliance between Charles IT and the States a parcel | Ashmole (Elias) Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, containing | Severall Poetical Pieces of our famous English Philosophers, who have written the Hermetique Mysteries in their own Ancient Languages, copper-plate engravings, title mounted, some leaves stained, wants folding plate at p. 117, and plate before the annotations (with all faults) calf sm. 4to. 1652 Ashmole. Theatrum Chemicum. Another copy, 2 plates, fac- simile drawings in sepia; has the folding plate wanting in the previous copy, but wants plate before the annotations (with all faults), old calf | 1652 Ashmole. Theatrum Chemicum. Another copy, plates (1 wanting, some leaves torn and soiled, inner margins wormed, with all faults), calf 1652 Ashmole. Theatrum Chemicum. Another copy, with the folding plate at p. 116; some inner margins damaged by damp, . ve calf 1652 Attitudes faithfully Copied from Nature, 12 plates on blue paper, wrapper H. Humphrey, 1807 | AUCHINLECK PRESS REPRINTS, BY ALEX. BOSWELL. Frondes Caduce ; comprising Whetstone’s Remembrances, Lander’s Scottish Souldier, Churchyard’s Poems, A Fig for Momus, John Knox and the Abbot of Crossraguel, The Buke of the Chess, and Ane Tractat of a Part of ye Inglis Cronikle ; together 7 vol. half Roaburghe (one boards), very scarce 1816-18 Auctores Rei Agrariz, Cura W. Goesii una cum Nic. Rigaltii Notis, LARGE PAPER, numerous plates, vellum, Amst. 1674— | | BY Demetrii Pepani Opera, Gr. et Lat. edid. B. Stephanopolus, — 2 vol. vellum, Rome, 1781—Chariton D’Orvilli, vellum, Amst. 1750; and others (6) Bacon (Lord) Essayes or Counsels Civill and Morall, newly en- larged, old calf sm. 4to. J. Beale, 1639 Bacon (Lord) Letters, written during the Reign of James I, now collected and augmented with Several Letters and Memoirs (by Rob. Stephens), LARGE PAPER, presentation copy with author's inscription on fly-leaf, calf 1702 C 2 ee een er RN NTR EO " " f - 7 EG ELITE LE AIO LOL LD AOL ANI EIEN LI, IE IES IAPS IELTS oO NC EE a TO Sy aes 20 renee vn sent mcrae “Bacon (Lord) Original. Letters and Memoirs published by R. Stephens, portrait, calf, 1736—Hall (Bp. Jos.) The Shaking of the Olive-Tree, fine portrait, calf gilt by J. Clarke, 1660— Twisden (Sir R.) Historical Vindication of the Church of England in Point of Schism, 1675—Jackson (Dr. Thos.) Treatise of the Divine Essence, 1628; and others (6) BADMINTON LisraRy. Hunrtine by the Duke of Beaufort and Mowbray Morris, LARGE PAPER, numerous illustrations, hal roxburghe Longmans, 1885 Badminton Library. Drivine, by the Duke of Beaufort, LARGE PAPER, half roxburghe ib. 1889 Badminton Library. CricKET, by A. G. Steel and the Hon. R. H. Lyttleton, LARGE PAPER, half roxburghe ib. 1888 Badminton Library. Boatine, by W. B. Woodgate, LARGE) PAPER, half roxburghe ib. 1888 Bannatyne Club. Papers relating to the Regalia of Scotland, boards Edinb. 1829 Qian a oe» 2, f \ Bannatyne Club. The Buik of the most Noble and Vailzeand Conquerour Alexander the Great, half morocco ib. 1831 Bannatyne Club. Hume (A.) Hymns and Sacred Songs, reprinted from the edition of Waldegrave, 1599, half roxburghe — ib. 1832 — Bannatyne Club. Collection of Ancient Scottish Prophecies in Alliterative Verse, reprinted from Waldegrave’s edition, 1603, boards ib. 1833 Bannatyne Club. Phliotus, a Comedy, reprinted from the edition of Rob. Charteris, boards ab. 1835 Bannatyne Club. Liber Sancte Marie de Melros. Munimenta Vetustiora Monasterii Cisterciensis de Melros, 2 vol. boards, uncut ib. 1837 fp oe Bannatyne Club. The Seven Sages, in Scotish Metre by J. Rol- ¥?™ land, of Dalkeith, 1578, boards ib, 1837 aa Bannatyne Club. Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford, half Reoller morocco ib. 1838 eis. Bannatyne Club. Syr Gawayne, a Collection of Ancient Ro- fothiere ' mance Poems, half morocco ~ Lond. 1839 Bannatyne Club. Liber Cartarum Sanctae Crucis. Munimenta, ke Ecclesiae Sanctae Crucis de Edwinesburg, cloth. Edinb. 1840 — ee Bannatyne Club. Roman de la Manekine, par Philippe de Reims, half morocco Paris, 1840 ms Bannatyne Club. Horn et Rimenhild, Receuil de ce qui reste des Poémes relatifs 4 leurs Aventures, composés en frangois, en Anglois, et en Ecossois, publié par Fr. Michel, cloth, uncut Paris, pour le Bannatyne Club, 1845 Bannatyne Club. Horn et Rimenhild, half morocco Paris, 1845) Bannatyne Club. Original Letters relating to the Ecclesiastical) 7) ¢f,, yx 7 Affairs of Scotland, written by or addressed to K. James VI, ~ @ 1603-14 (edited by B. Botfield), 2 vol. cloth Edinb. 1851 Bannatyne Club. Adversaria. Notices illustrative of some of the Earlier Works, printed for the Bannatyne Club, cloth 1. 1867 Sorenilieeeeaenaniademenienenenaeiaedneeniemtinanentaaaetaieendeamameerae erate tee EEE EDO! = 7 Neotel 303 foros be y wi $ 308 310 311 312 he Se oy 302 *,*" Only a few copies printed. Sir M. Sykes’s copy sold for 0 a A A TA ASS ER RR ST ae wt . wees 173 GG ‘i 21 A I tt eee een — LR PES A ry SPE Barclay (Alex.) The Ship of Fools, edited by Jamieson, numerous. woodcuts, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. cloth, wncut Edinb. and Lond. 1874. Baringii (D. E.) Clavis Diplomatica, Specimina Veterum Scrip- | turarum tradens, plates of old handwriting, Hanov. 1754—_ Gerard (Jo.) Siglarium Romanum Explicatio, boards, 1792— Poesia Italiana dopo il Petrarcha, Lond. 1813; and others (8). : ; \ FOLIO. Adams (J.) Index Villaris, LARGE PAPER, old English red morocco, | gilt edges 1680 © *,* Scarce. Heath’s copy sold for £1 11s. 6d. Adams. Another edition 1700\ Addison (Jos.) The Campaign, a Poem, second edition, 1705— ] Epistolary Poem to John Dryden on the Death of the Earl of Abingdon, 1699—MS. Poems by A. Alsop—The Judg ment of Paris a Masque, finely written MS. 1710—Oxford, al Poem, 1707—Poprr (A.) First Epistle of the Second Book, ) and Sixth Epistle of the First Book of Horace, rrrst EDI-[ TION, 1737—One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-eight Dialogues, I-II, by A. Pope, FIRST EDITION, 1738—Epicedia } Universitatis Oxon. in Obitum Henriettz Mariz, Oxon. 1669 ; ete. in 3 vol. ( Adventurer (The) by John Hawkesworth, ORIGINAL EDITION, 140 nos. complete in 2 vol. calf, J. Payne, 1753—The Con- noisseur, ORIGINAL EDITION, 2 vol. calf, R. Baldwin, 1755 (4) AMSCHYLI TRAGEDIZ GRACE, curante R. Porson, LARGE PAPER, ILLUSTRATED with a set of Flaxman’s designs, russia eatra, gold tooling, leather joints, g. e. Glasgue, A. Foulis, 1795 ) 09 Aisop’s Fables in Verse, with Annotations by John Ogilby, | 4} £14 10s. LARGE PAPER, portrait of Ogilby by Lombart, and plates by HOuuar, first impressions, old English red morocco, gold tooling, Git. *,* Rare, nearly the entire impression burnt in the Great Fire of London. . 4Esop’s FABLES, with his Life in English, French and Latin, in English by T. Philipott, and in French and Latin by | R. Codrington, fine impressions of the 110 sculptures by | F. Barlow, F. Slade’s copy in red morocco extra, g.e. 1665-66 — *,* This copy sold in F. Slade’s sale for £8. 4isop. Fables, paraphrased in Verse, and annotated by J. Ogilby, portrait and fine plates by Hollar, rough calf (broken) 1668 LKisop. Fables, paraphrased in Verse by John Ogilby, portrait and plates by Hollar (some wanting), calf, 1668—AXsopics, © a Second Collection of Fables, by John Ogilby, plates (some — wanting), 1668—Lucan’s Pharsalia, translated by Nic. Rowe, © LARGE PAPER, frontispiece and vignettes, calf, 1718; (the lot with all faults) 9 RETOLD EET DER EL 7 | f ae { | , H i ' : 9 i / i | t SO EON UE ep me ee 269 2S 5216 | 2715 5-6 Ga Vd BOS. i 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 325 — 22 peut Zisop. Fables, with his Life, in English, French and Latin, Keke ap newly translated, illustrated with 112 sculptures, and 31 new ‘ figures representing his life, by Francis Barlow (slightly wormed, with all faults), calf 1687 A ZEsop. Fables, Barlow's plates —Another edition (wants Frontis- *<- eT ee ee ee et eee piece with portrait, engraved title mounted ; with all faults) 1708 A’Kewpis (THomAs) Lrsrt DE Curisti ImrraTione IV, Eprrio ff PRINCEPS, printed in a fine large gothic type, without marks, capitals rubricated, half bownd, FINE COPY 4: 3 [Aug. Vind.] Gunther Zainer, s. a. (circa 1471) A ee Aucurnus (B. Flaccus Albinus seu) OPERA, post primam ve editionem, de nova collecta, cura ac Studio Frobenii, 2 vol. , g bound in 3, portrait, vellum ey : i Monasterii. S. Emmerami Typographi, J. M. Englerth, 1777 l is Aleman (M.) The Rogue, or the Life of Guzman de Alfarache, a. both parts, FIRST EDITION, calf, H. Blount, 1662—Another i copy (much larger, but wants both titles), 1622—A Tragi- . Comicall History of Our Times under the borrowed names of 2 Lisander and Callista (title and three other leaves mended), ae ; fe: i id and another 4 aa America. Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Du ont Philadelphia, with Collection of all the Laws, 2 vol. in 1, “et old calf, very scarce Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1741-42) 3 *,.* Specimens of works printed by B. Franklin seldom occur) _§ for sale. | KA, ee AmeERIcCA. Cotom (CrIsTopHORUS) de prima insularum in Atoens Mori Indico sitarum lustratione, Roberti Monachi Bellum| q Christianorum Principum contra Saracenos. C. Verardus de) — as Expugnatione Regni Granate, De Legatione Regis Aithiopie . ad Clementem VII ac Regem Portugallie, J. B. Egnatius de oe origine Turcarum; et Pomponius Letus de Exortu Mao- ee methis, fine copy in calf eatra, g.e. by W. Pratt, extremely | ; rare Basilew, 1533 Dr 2 AMERICA. Gottfried (J. L.) Historia Antipodum oder Newe “15 Welt, black letter, maps and plates in the style of De Bry’s, by Og Merian - Franckfurt, 1655) wv pe America. Hooge (Romein de) Les Indes Orientales et Occiden- Jreg ask tales et autres Lieux, engraved title, maps and 41 plates, old\ — oe calf, with arms of L. F. Le Fevre de Cormartin Marquis de Saint) — ee Ange in gold on sides Leide, s. d. a America. Mather (Cotton) Ecclesiastical History of New (Cole : England, jine copy in brown morocco eatra, g. e. by Leighton 1702 Notsettl America. Solis (A. de) History of the Conquest of Mexico, * translated by T. Townsend, portrait of Cortes, russia eatra, ae tooled leather joints, g. e. by C. Hering eg) UR See ar i Ammiani Marcellini Res geste Cura H. Valerii, LARGE PAPER, a é russia, g. e. by Baumgarten. Paris, 1681 : i *,* Autograph of M. Wodhull, who gave £2 5s. for this copy. | oe Ammirato (S.) del Famiglie nobili Fiorentine Parte prima, f? olor genealogical trees, with views and coats of arms, old red morocco,, = g. & Firenze, 1615 23 Pea oe Notwett 326 Anacreontis Convivialia Samiambia, Greece et Latine Cure J. | Spalotti, portrait and plates, half bound Rome, 1781 Nett 327 Anglia Sacra sive Collectio Historiarum partim antiquitus partim ‘ recenter scriptarum de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Anglize . edente H. Wharton, 2 vol. arms of Archbp. W. Sancroft, 1691 Auth 328 ANGLICARUM RERUM SCRIPTORES VETERES Opera T. Gale et J. Fell, 3 vol. vellum Oxonie, 1684-87-91 *,* Scarce. Dr. Heath’s copy sold for £9 9s. and Willett’s for. Ie. tlor £8 18s. 6d. , 329 Anthologia Greeca cum Versione H. Grotii, edita ab H. de Bosch f cum Notis, 5 vol. LARGEST PAPER, portrait of Bosch, half red morocco, uncut . Ultrajecti, 1795-1822 ol» 30 ANTICHITA DI ERCOLANO esporte con qualche Spiegazione da O. A. Bayardi (Catalogo degli antichi Monumenti; Pitture, ~ 5 vol.; Bronzi, 2 vol.; Lucerne, Lanterne e Candelabri), 9 vol. portraits and numerous plates, very fine dedication copy to Carlo III, King of Spain, splendidly bound in red morocco, richly ornamented with gold tooling, g. e. the first 8 vol. : stamped with the Spanish arms in gold on sides Napoli, 1755-92 *,* The Duke of Hamilton’s copy sold for £22 10s. f orAman'|331 Antiquities of Coventre, illustrated by Sir W. Dugdale, view of Coventry by Hollar (mounted) and other plates, Coventry, J. Jones, : 1765—Templeman (Thos.) A New Survey of the Globe, 4 Z engraved throughout by Cole, n. d. (2) Key as 332 Appianus (Alex.) De Bellis Civilibus in Latinum ex P. Candidi : “A 7 Interpretatione, Roman letter, woodcut border on first leaf, and ; ornamental initials, oaken boards covered with stamped leather, with leather clasps Venet. B. Pictores et Erhardus Ratdolt, 1477 Py, *,* The Second Edition in Latin of Appian, finely printed. 333 Archimedis Opera omnia cum Eutocii commentariis Gr. et Lat. _ ex Recensione J. Torelli, LARGE PAPER, frontispiece, portrait and numerous diagrams, russia extra, best edition Oxonii, 1752 *,* Scarce. Drury’s copy sold for £2 19s. 334 Aretaeus Cappad. de Causis et Signis Morborum Gr. LARGE PAPER, Oxon. calf, 1723—Sexti Empirici Opera Gr. et Lat. Notis J. A. Fabricii, calf, Lips. 1718—Pausanius Notis Jo. ) Kuhnii, vellum gilt, arms on sides, Lips. 1696—Ammianus | Marcellinus recog. J. Gronovius, calf, Lugd. Bat. 1693 (4) * R John Harington, with Epigrams by Sir J. Harington, engraved © title with portrait, old blue morocco, g. eé. 1634 336 Aristophanis Comcediz cum Scholiis Grecis, FINE PAPER, red morocco, g. é. with the earliest arms and monogram of J. A. Thuanus in gold on sides Basilew, 1547 *,/* This copy sold for £3 5s. in Sir J. Thorold’s sale. 37 Aristophanis Comeediz, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Greecis, Notisque Variorum I. Casauboni, E. Spanhemii, R. Bentleii et L. Kusteri, LARGE PAPER, fine copy in russia, g. €. Amst. 1710 sod ahi on Large Paper. M. de Cotte’s copy sold for 400 rancs, ~~ - > eee ee ee a ee yh 335 Ariosto (S.) Orlando Furioso, in English heroical Verse, by Sir / PSD SOT OT Te ERE << Gy ~O EX ~O EERSTE PE SLE LEI LIL LOL OED PIERROT Q 33G-F eid en > a seureeeietarnAEECN EEEENE O LOELLINDLLLNTOODLLLNLED EDN LDL LO IT AID LEON BAERGA ME ETSI AE SARA TEER CAE IGA EO ISIE OI: AENEID LEE ALLELE ALE NN ALIS AIOE A RD IRIS : fom | Bhs U- b 339 340 24 CAusIS PLANTARUM, &c. Greece, 5 vol. in 7, FIRST EDITION, very fine copy, many of the initial letters and borders richly illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, 9. ¢. by C!. Lewis, with Aldine anchor in gold on sides, from the library of Lord Gosford, with his crest-bookplate Venetiis, Aldus, 1495-98 *,* Extremely rare. Sir J. Thorold’s copy sold for £51. Aristotelis Opera omnia Grace Cura D. Erasmi, fine copy im red morocco extra, g. @. Basilee, 1539 Arriani Expeditio Alexandri et Historia Indica, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Jacobi Gronovii, LARGE PAPER, portrait of Gronovius, fine copy in prize vellum, with arms of Amsterdam im gold on sides Lugd. Bat. 1704 341 Ars Morrenpi. “Tabula dispositorii artis Moriendi ;” (head of teat) “ Nobilissimus liber de Arte Moriendi,” gothic (etter, with rubricated capitals (21 Ul. without marks), unbound (Absque ulla nota) *,* A rare edition, attributed to the Press of Gunther Zainer, about 1470. The Libri copy sold for £5. 342 AsHMOLE (Exias, Windesor Herald) INstiTUTION, LAWS AND CEREMONIES OF THE ORDER OF THE GARTER, LARGE PAPER, portrait of Charles II by Sherwin, and plate of arms inlaid, with plates by Hollar, also pages 233-34 mended, else fine copy im old gilt calf, sold with all faults 1672 *,.* Rare. Beckford’s copy sold for £20; Nassau’s for £24 38, ; Sir M. Sykes’s for £25 14s. 6d. and Edwards's for £42. 343 Ashmole. Another copy on small paper, portrait of Ashmole adde d, russia extra 1672 344 AssERI (J.) ASLFREDI Reais Res Gust#, printed in old Anglo- Saaon letters, with preface in Anglo-Saxon, English and Latin, 1574—THoM& WALSINGHAM HISTORIA BREVIS ab Edwardo I ad Henricum V et YpopigMA Neustria, 2 vol. 1574 ;| QUEEN ELIzABETH’s Copy, with titles and Arms of England in the initial letters illuminated in gold and colowrs, ruled, a beautiful specimen of binding by the binder of Archbishop Parker (who printed this work at his own expense) in red morocco, covered with rich gold tooling, gilt gaufré edges, having in centre of cover, (obverse and reverse) the Tudor Rose and E. R. in gold %m 1 vol. See Strype’s Life of Archbp. Parker (p, 471 of folio edition, and vol. II, p. 381 of the Oxford octavo) of the Archbishop presenting this work to the Queen at Hampton Court. Probably the only specimen of Archbp. Parker's binder’s skill in existence. : 345 Astle (T.) On the Origin and Progress of Writing and Pri nting, neg os LARGE PAPER, portrait and facsimiles, uncut 1803 *,* Scarce on Large Paper. Sir M. Sykes’s copy sold for £4 4s. 346 ATHANASII (S.) OPERA OmntA, Gr. et Lat. Editio Benedictina, ee 3 vol. portrait, old calf, very scarce Paris, 1698 hn #: x yi sy = 6 ARISTOTELIS OPERA ET THEOPHRASTUS DE Histor1A ET DE “Aco ‘ e = x 3 & se ‘: 4 A a 2 : & 2 % ce ee a oe Saher 347 Aubert (Ba) ) Trésor de Abbaye de Saint-Maurice Pinas 45 | Jine plates, some illuminated, half morocco Paris, Mirel, 187 2 AuGusTIniI (8S. AuR.) OPERA OMNIA, Opera ac Studio Mona- chorum Ord. 8. Benedicti, editio nova, 12 vol. in 10, vellum Antwerp. 1700-1703 _ Augustini (S.) Sermones inediti cura et studio D. A. B. Caillau, — vellum Paris. P. Meller, 1842 — Austin (W.) Devout Meditations, dluminated frontispiece, old | English morocco, covered with gold tooling, diamond-wise over — Amherst Arms, g. ¢. 1637 Ayres (John) Penman’s daily Practise, a Cyfering Book, specimens of writing numbers, half morocco n.d. | Bacon (Lord) Instauratio Magna (Sive Novum Organum) et Parasceve ad Historiam Naturalem, FIRST EDITION, fine en- graved title by Pass, vellum John Bill, 1620 | plates, fine copy in orange morocco, g. ¢. by C. Lewis 1733 | : | Baconi (Rogeri) Opus Majus edidit S. Jebb, LARGE PAPER, BAKER (GEORGE) HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY OF — NORTHAMPTON, 2 vol. complete in the 5 original parts, boards, | maps and plates 1822-41 Baker. History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton, — vol. I, fine plates, russia (cracked) J.B. Nichols, 1822-30 e [ Baker. History of Northampton, LARGE PAPER, ine proof & plates, vol. I (containing, Spelhoe, Newbotile, Grove, Fawsley, & Warden and Sutton Hundreds), half russia imp. fol. 1822-30 | Baker. Northampton, parts 4 and 5, boards 1836-41 | Baker. Northampton, vol. II (part 4, Norton and Clealey — Hundreds), plates, boards, uncut imp. fol. 1836 | Baxter (Rev. R.) Practical Works, 4 vol. rough calf, 1707—Pocock | (Dr.) Theological Works by if Twells, port. 2 vol. calf, 1740 ; and others (9 )| | Bartholinus (T.) de Ordine Danebroge, portrait of P. Count of | Griffenfeld and woodcuts, Hafnic, 1676 — De equestri Ordine | Elephantino, ports. and ‘plates, scarce, 1b. 1704, vellum in 1 vol. | Bartoli (P. Santi) Le Pitture Antiche del Sepolchro de Nasonii nella Via Flaminia, plates, vellum, Roma, 1680 — Orbis Lite- ratus Germanico-Europaeus, in Synopsi repraesentatus, nwme-_ rous plates of medals, dc. s. a. et 1. — Vita di Michelagnolo Buonarroti, dal suo Scolare Ascanio Condivi, port. and plates, — Firenze, 17 46 ; and others (6) Spe SNE plates, red morocco extra, g. e. with Arms of Pope Clement XI in | gold on sides ftoma, 1704 Basilii Magni (S.) Opera Greeca, LARGE PAPER, fine copy in blue mo- — rocco, g. €. with first arms and monogram of J. A. Thuanus in gold on sides and back Basilew, 1551 — *,* This copy sold for £2 4s. in Sir John Thorold’s sale. , Ee ee PR LS SO a pe ere a nanenaient Yes | ra ee o 2 /0 /O fag PPS Ay 2Y/ Ls 3/0 fy fj if i 7] 15 creme a. remeet saomoratios at ve soe | FRITS FRE DRE ELE RL ET TIE ITN ENRON PSE te! Bartoli (P. S.) hi antichi Sepoleri, fine impressions of the 110 a / | ee = Tg oe = ag ars 2 ES SENSOR TE EL ems: oe sere wre: OO UY SERRE ETS ee BER ne LET GI SEES PRS TIS EIS LLG IED SIE BEET RIED OPO LE ERA LOE SIDE EEE ELE WER NAG IBLE APA PI RGIORES LEO NIE DOR OPCS NE TER LIE IRR AOI ANE OOP GRP EE ODE SE a a a = 4, OO ODA ANE ALN POTS ER TOS EES I NR I NICE ELON CLO NTN LE! ITEC III SRE 20 Af OTITIS: Meee ee ee ee 370 26 Basnage (J.) Annales des Provinces-Unies, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, cuts of medals, the Lamoignon copy in red morocco, g. e. by Pade loup La Haye, 1726 Bayeux Tapestry, 17 colowred plates, half bound Soc. Ant..1822 Bayle (P.) Dictionary, Historical and Critical. Second Edition (with both Lives of David), with Life by Des Marzeaua, 5 vol. half calf, uncut Beaumont (A.) Travels through the Rhaetian Alps in 1786, 10 1734 fine large plates in aqua-tinta, boards, uncut ump. fol. 1792 Beaumont (Jos.) Psyche, or Loves Mystery, second edition, portrait (corners of first 9 leaves mended), calf, Camb. 170 copy, FIRST EDITION, calf, 1648 9— Another (2) Beilby (R.) Specimens of his Engraving, &c. (5)—Twelve Stories of the Life of Christ engraved by T. Piroli, from the designs of W. G. Ottley, 1796—Old Maps of France, 1669-1704 (3) Bellorii (J. P.) Veterum illustrium Philosophorum Poetarum, |/ Rhetorum et Oratorum Imagines, 3 parts, frontispiece and 61 plates, Rome, 1685— Holstenius (L.) de Fuleris Dianze Ephe- sie Sepulchro appositis, 10 plates, ib. 1688—Bellorii (J. P.) Notz in Numismata Apibus insignita, ib. 1688, fine copy in old French red morocco, g. ¢. with arms of England in 1 vol. a) eS i “ ea St a ee aa: Pe hg ee Se ae ke a pee \S & rhs Z 380 1 381 Prete Ta Arncv 382 C. . 383 . £0 384 y B Nas Up Ry Ww) CAEN S SECOND DAY’S SALE. Coe ner RN i RR TEN RS RSE ETE PR EEE OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot 371. EWICK. Blossoms of Morality, 1806—Another edition, 1789 ambulation of a Mouse, 1828; and another, cuts by Bewick 5 vol, —Trimmer (Mrs.) Fabulous Histories, 1818—Life and Per- f | | i h j | ‘ 372 Bewick. Bunyan (J.) Divine Emblems, half morocco, t.e. g.Coventry, 1806—Tansillo (L.) The Nurse, Liverpool, 1800 ; and another, | culs by Bewick 3 vol. Bewick. Characters of the Kings and Queens of England, 1795 —The Happy Family, York, 1809—On the Conduct of Man to inferior Animals, Manchester, 1797; and 2 others, cuts by Bewick 5 vol. ] t i | 4 | Bewick. Children’s Miscellany, top margin of title torn, 1797— Trusler (Rev. J.) Proverbs Exemplified, 1790, cuts by Bewick 2 vol. Bewick. Emblems of Mortahty, woodcuts by Bewick, fine copy, uncut unt 1789 Bewick. Eighteen original Wood Blocks, engraved by Bewick ; from fev. T. Hugo’s collection Bewick. Fox (G. T.) Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, New- castle, 1827—-Memoir of T. Bewick, written by Himself, wood- cuts, ib. 1862 ; and another (3) Bewick. Gay (J.) Fables, wants title, 1779—Fables, another | edition, 1796, woodcuts by Bewick, both in calf gilt 2 vol. Bewick. Gay (J.) Fables, cuts by Bewick, tree-marbled calf extra, g. @. by Riviere Edinb. 1792 Bewick. Gay (J.) Fables, cuts by Bewick, sprinkled calf extra, 1796 Bewick. Gay (J.) Fables, 1801—F ables, another edition, morocco, g. €. 1806, cuts by Bewick 2 vol. Bewick. Gay (J.) Fables, woodcuts by Bewick, calf extra 1801 Bewick. Gay (J.) Fables, York, 1806—Melmoth (S.) Beauties of British Poetry, Huddersfield, 1801—Paternal Present, 1802— Beauties of Saint Pierre, 1799, cuts by Bewick 4 vol. i | | 4 So ES EE TSE AT NECTEES. Bewick. Kendal (E. A.) Crested Wren, woodcuts by T. Bewick, half calf, 1799—Beauties of Creation, 2 vol. woodcuts by Bewick, — calf, 1790; and other Children’s Books by Mrs. Trimmer, &c. © with illustrations a RI EO NE RS oe a ES — a parcel — Oss RRP AD RESET RE EE RITE SEE IT Ne ANSTO Ss os MO Yeo WN A SO ATO EM RS PLOTS when go : mies ieee 5A NE ORES UR NP AAT TEL II LT LEAN TEE EET aS = er rN TNS AEST BA SELON TS A TSE ee es ——- t- eee uae cosine trea nee sonceeaensesiattathecaant ttl LD AA 5 : ESE IRN EEE ETT TEE Sa CC Ne ee 28 385 Bewick. New Robinson Crusoe, 3 vol. in 2, 32 ae woodcuts b Bewick J. Stockdale, 17 88 386 Bewick. New Robinson Crusoe, 2 vol. full-page woodcuts by ares corner of one leaf wanting, scarce 387 Bewick. Percy (Bp. T.) Hermit of Warkwoene a oe berland Ballad, LARGE PAPER, woodcuts by Bewick, calf Alnwick, 180 *,.* With Descriptions of Warkworth Castle, Alnwick Castle, and Abbey, &c. with several views at end of vol. 388 Bewick. Pilkington (Mrs.) Historical Beauties for Young Ladies, front. and woodcuts by Bewick, red morocco extra, g. é. 1798 389 Bewick. Select Fables, in Three Parts, woodcuts by Bewick, calf extra, g. é. Newcastle, 1784 390 Bewick. Select Fables, with a Memoir, and a descriptive Cata- logue of the Works of Messrs. Bewick, LARGE PAPER, india proof portrait and numerous woodcuts, uncut ib. 1820 391 Bewick. Trimmer (Mrs.) Fabulous Histories, 2 vol. 1807 Blossoms of Morality, 1796—Pity’s Gift, 1801, cuts by Bewick 4 vol. 392 Bewick. Trusler (Rev. J.) Proverbs = woodcuts by [Ce Bewich, fime-uncrt—cop Hre—oreqenet Bore 1790 393 Bewick. Trusler ties J. ) Progress of re and Society, n. d.— Proverbs in Verse, n. d. woodcuts by Bewick, fine copies, wncut » » Bol, 394 Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of T. & J. Bewick, by T. Hugo, with Supplement, LARGE PAPER, PRINTED ON DRAWING PAPER, with the duplicate half sheets,| numerous woodcuts, half Roxburghe, 1866-68 - 40 3 vol 395 Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of T. & J. Bewick, by T. Hugo, with Supplement, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, portrait and cuts 1866-68 396 Biarnez (M. P.) Grands Vins de Bordeaux, illustrations, half morocco, t. @ g. Paris, 1849 397 Biblia Hebraica, recens. E. van der Hoogtt, 2 vol. russia Amst, 17 081 og 398 Bible. A Latin paraphrase of the Old and New Testament in elegiac verse, belonged to the monastery of St. John at * Wi sent in Heat sey,’ ’ MANUSCRIPT on vellum Sac. XII 399 Biblia Sacra, 4 vol. old red morocco eatra, g. ¢ Paris, 1670— Martialis Epigrammata, old red morocco gilt, g. e. 1b. 1533—_ Barhusii (B.) et B. Cabillaudi Epigrammata, old red morocco ; extra, g. e. Antv. 1634 ; and others . (21) 400 Bible (Holy), old red morocco eatra, g.e. Edinb. 1766—Book of - Common Prayer, old red morocco extra, g. e. Camb. J. Basker- ville, 1762—Andrews (L.) Preces Privates Quotidianez, Gr. et. Lat. russia extra, g. e. Pickering, 1848; and another 4 vol. 401 Bible (Holy), Pasham’s rare edition, iene title, morocco, g. @. Two Copies J. W. Pasham, 1776 402 Bible (Holy), 3 vol. engravings by J. Fittler from Pictures by Old Masters, morocco, g. ¢. T. Bensley, 1795 | heal — o ee eS ae 4, =, . eee Pica : : F. > rages ae oe Pers a oe ’ : 29 Bible (Holy) Authorised Version, 3 vol. numerous alustrations, morocco extra, g. C. Knight, 1838 Bibliographical Miscellanies (by Dr. Bliss), only 104 copies printed, Oxford, 1813—Berjeau (J. Ph.) Catalogue illustré des Livres Xylographiques, 1865—Bragge’s Biblioteca Nicotiana, 1874— Valentine Books, coloured fronts. (5) ; and others (16) Bibliographie des Ouvrages relatifs 4 Amour, aux Femmes, au Mariage et des Livres Facetieux, &c., par M. le C. D’Ixxx, 6 vol. in 3, half russia, t. e 9. Turi, 1871-73 Bibliophile Francais (Le) vol. I-VII (wanting No. 3 in wol. V) unbound, numerous illustrations imp. 8vo. Paris, 1868-73 Bibliophile (Le) Illustré, texte et Gravures par J. Ph. Berjeau, 25 nos. 1863-5—Le Bibliomane, nos. 1-2, 1861—Guide du Libraire-Antiquaire, vol. I in nos., nwmerous plates, Rouveyre 1882 a parcel Bibliophile Fantaisiste, complete in 12 parts, one of 175 copies Turin, 1869 Bibliotheca Critica Nova, edentibus I. Bake, I. Geal, etc. 5 vol. in 4, half calf BIBLIOTHEQUE ELZEVIRIENNE, a Collection of Ancient French Writers, Edited by P. Jannet and P. Datffis, some duplicates, Paris, v. d. 74 vol. Bibliothéque Orientale, vol. I, II and 1V, half morocco, wneut, Lie @. Paris, 1872-78 Bibliotheca Regia, portrait and front. 1658—The Phenix, or, a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces, 2 vol. 1707-8; and others 9 vol. Bickham (G.) Description of all the Cities and Borough Towns in England and Wales, engraved throughout, with the arms of the towns, &c. n. a Bickham (J.) Fables, and other Short Poems, 3 vol. in 1, illustrations, with the four preliminary leaves, 1731—Bickham, another copy, without the four leaves, 1731 2 vol. Bickham (J.) Fables and other Short Poems, 3 vol. in 1, engraved throughout with illustrations 1737 Bicknoll (E.) A Swoorde against Swearyng, black letter, half calf, W. Towreolde and Rk. Watkins, n. d. Billington (Mrs.) Memoirs from her Birth, 1792—The Miracu- lous Host tortured by the Jew, woodcuts, Hone, 1822—Duck (S.) Poems, front. 1733—The Royal Academicians, a farce, 1786—Strephon’s Revenge, a Satire on the Oxford Toasts, 1720—The Fool’s Opera, by Mat Medley, performed at Oxford, front. n. d.—Oxford Polls for 1829 and 1847; and others (23) [Bilson] Select History of the Lives and Sufferings of the principal English Protestant Martyrs, plates, 1746—Tyler (J. E.) Primitive Christian Worship, 1840—Platon, Present State of the Greek Church in Russia, thick paper, Edinb. 1814; and others 7 vol. Bingley (W.) Memoirs of British Quadrupeds, plates by W. Howitt, &c. calf gilt, m. e. 1809 ePTFE CCC LOO CT BEE OO SOLE AT LLL LOAD Ingd. Bat. 1825-30 | | | ASTIN SSNS nS I Sinha ghS ita LEIS TOTS ANE ERT IEIA EL TO EI GI OE A IERIE TEENS LIE LLL AEE ATO FL RE I IB DIE IE OEE IE NDE! OO TEI RELI set AN Ay REE ED TIO EEE ESR LEPESANT | AIR Sach REET PRC UB AT ‘ DRL ACNE EER a tm a FOE ITT EM: S&S REST ree 2 ra aa me NaN ‘ i ET EE AREER ath NE 2 a IT Oo mR Bay V1 420 422 423 30 Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne, 52 vol. bindings 0 fi [kh , some vol. broken Paris, 1811-28 : Birch (W. de Gray) History, Art, and Paleography of the % Utrecht Psalter, Bagster, 1876— Lathbury (T.) History of the a Book of C. Prayer, Oxford, 1859—Harrison (B.) Historical — Inquiry into the Rubric, 1845 ; and others 6 vol. yo 4 Bisse (T.) Beauty of Holiness, meee paper, 1728—Vida (M.H.) ads The Silkworm, a Poem, Dublin, 1750—Jodrell (R. P.) Carmina 4 Selecta, 1810; all in old red morocco extra, ld tooled sides, | J. 6: 3 vol. . Blackburn. The Confessional in Protestant Churches, old red morocco, with gilt emblems on sides (Wodhull copy), 1770— Jo. Wallisii Grammatica Lingue Anglicane, portrait privately) =~ printed, old red morocco with gilt emblems on sides, 1765 (2) | Blades (W.) List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, &c. in connection be Store with Printers and the Art of Printing, numerous plates 1869 & *,.* Only 100 copies privately printed. 9 Bland (R.). &c. Collections from the Greek Anthology, with / bu bk additions by J. H. Merivale, 1833—Tomlinson | The Sonnet, its origin, &c. 1874 ; and others 0 vol. : Blane (Sir G.) Elements of Medical Logick, dedication met to jn ee IV, red morocco super extra, with royal arms on sides, * g. @ | 1825 ee | Blount (T.) Boscobel, portrait of Charles II, view of Boscobel, and J Hie arms of “Carlis,” the Beckford copy, russia, g. e. by C. Lewis 1660 % Blount (T.) Boscobel, portrait of Charles IT (only), 1660—| Basilicon Doron, title backed, Edinb. 1603—Boscobel, another .. copy of the FIRST EDITION, iémperfect—Boscobel, both parts third edition, portrait and plan, 1680—Boscobel, both parts, fourth edition, 1725—Boscobel, rae of first edition, 1822, with all faults | 5 vol. > Blundell (W.) Crosby Records, a Cavalier’s Note Book, edited cro by Rev. T. E. Gibson, uncut 1880 Blunt (J. H.) Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology [helt 1871 ; Blunt (J. J.) Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs dis- Hechler pipet hE in Modern Italy and Sicily, 1928 “) i Process of Historical Proof, 1828 ; and others Bocace (G.) Contes, augmentée de derata Contes et a : ole etc. par A. Sabatier de Castres, 11 vol. calf Paris, 1801 a Boccaccio (G.) Opera, trad. di Lat. in Volgare da N. Liburnio, Gabe Fiorenza, 1598—Scortia (J. B.) De Natura et Incremento 3 ¢ Nili, Lugduni, 1617—Teixeira (P.) Relaciones, Amberes, 1610, a old Spanish red morocco, with arms on sides, g. e. in 2 vol. Boccaccio (G.) Opera tradotta da N. Liburnio, vellum, Fiorenza P. Rade Giunti, 1602—Settano (Q.) Satire, large and thick paper, Amst. 1788—|[Hawtrey (Dr.)] Scherzi Metrici di un Inglese, half morocco, 1835 ; and others (7) ‘ Boccaccio (G.) Decameron, wants title and por trait, half calf gilt— Ao Grammont (Count) Memoirs of the Court of Charles I], © portrait, 1846 Bohn’s extra vols. (2) mt Boccace (J.) Dix Journées, traduction de Le Macon, avec Notice, | Notes et Glossaire par P. Lacroix, 4 vol. in 10 parts, etchings — by Flameng Jouaust, Paris, 1873 | Boeckh (A.) Public Economy of Athens, 2 vol. 1828—Randolph (Bp. J.) Enchiridion Theologicum, 2 vol. Oxford, 1825— Ireland (J.) Paganism and Christianity Compared, 1825 ; all in calf gilt, m. @. 5 vol. | Bogue (D.) and J. Bennett, History of Dissenters, 4 vol. 1808-— __ British Plutarch, with additional Lives by F.Wrangham, 6 vol. calf, 1816 ; and others ' 13 vol. Bohn’s Libraries, various 9 vol. ? Bold (H.) Latine Songs, with their English, and Poems, 1685— More (J.) a Table from the beginning of the World, 1593— Choice Emblems for Youth, cuts, 1793 ; and others 6 vol. Bombelli (P.) Raccolta delle Immagini della B. Marie Vergine, 4 vol. plates Roma, 1792 Bonney (H. K.) Historic Notices in reference to Fotheringhay, LARGE PAPER, plates, uncut Oundle, 1821 Book of Common Prayer, with Psalter, diamond type, red morocco | extra, UNCUT C. Bill, 1697 | | Book of Common Prayer, long lines within borders, Camb. Basker- J ville, 1760—Another edition, 2b. 1761—Another, double columns ier without borders, ib. 1761, all in old blue morocco extra, g. @. 3 vol. SPS IRE RBS ROLE PALE I FTE EE ELE NES ere Src ES: Book of Common Prayer, double columns with borders, old red ia morocco eatra, g. é. ib. 1760—Another copy, without borders, old blue morocco extra, g. e. 1b. 1760 2 vol. Book of Common Prayer, long lines without borders, morocco, g. e. Camb. Baskerville, 1760 Book of Common Prayer, long lines within borders, old red morocco | extra, g. e. ib. 1760—Another edition, long lines without borders, old smooth blue morocco extra, g. e. 1b. 1762 2 vol. Book of Common Prayer, double columns within borders, a series of coloured plates added, old red morocco extra, 9. vb. 1761 Book of Common Prayer, long lines, red ruled throughout, 59 plates by Ravenett, Scotin, dc., old red morocco extra, 9. @. ab. 1762 Book of Common Prayer, single column, without borders, old morocco extra, g. e. ib. 1762 ar ee se Fe he. eS! es at a Convention held in Philadelphia, 1785, calf Pluladelphia Printed, London Reprinted, 1789 Book of Gems. The Poets and Artists of Great Britain, edited by S. C. Hall, Three Series, 3 vol. ORIGINAL EDITION, nu- merous engravings, some leaves foxed 1836-38 Book Plates (ex libris) One hundred and eighty eight, /oose Book of Common Prayer, morocco extra, g. e. Camb. J. Baskerville, | \/3 1762—Book of Psalms, morocco extra, g. ¢. Birmingham, ib. 1762—Book of Psalms, by Sternhold and Hopkins, morocco extra, g. €. 1707 (3) . Book of Common Prayer, for the Protestant Episcopal Church, | V2 & Se rt Rte TERPS EMI SER ROE Pw ROL TI SS OEE IE SILA A SEPT LES [NBA TNE LEA BE ot OR Ee z 6 455 | [4] | ao 1/1751 | ase ae aes | ) a 458 ara ) G| 459 ee j ; ae (2 460 Bes 42 | : 461 oe 4 Goes vA _ 462 ie 16 | | 463 Pe et ane ie ok Se | | 2 | | 464 j : i ft ine | | 2 | 465 ake | vol | 466 4 Se ee | 91 467 ey | Pa 7S) 1-468 te ae | {| &| | 469 eS pe Pee | 7 es Gee | tos Gia Rak | | G | 471 ee a 32 Ae RA ee WFO tt AB VNR A Book-Worm m (The) I Edited and Illustrated by J. Ph. pian] ae vol. I-V, numerous plates, unbound imp. 8vo. 1866-70 Borel d’Hauterive (A.) Revue Historique de la Noblesse, 2 vol. Kailas plates, uncut Paris, 1841-42 ‘ Borrow (G.) Romantic Ballads, translated from the Danish, and C1 Miscellaneous Pieces, 1826—Byron (Lord) Sardanapalus, &e. _ FIRST EDITION, 1821—-Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Canto Iv, Fi FIRST EDITION, 1818 ; and others 12 vol. | Bossuet (M.) Discours sur l’Histoire Universelle, 2 vol. red Ne cote morocco extra, g. e. | Paris, 1786 Boswell (J.) Letters to Rev. W. J. Temple, calf extra, g. ¢. by be lose J. Clarke, 1857—Tracts, by Warburton, and a Warburtonian, calf gilt, by Kalthoeber, with ticket, 1789—{Wiszniewski (Prince)| Sketches and ‘Characters, by J. W. Whitecross, russia, 1853 | 3 vol. £ Bosworth (J.) Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language, map, calf gilt, m. @. 1838 Botfield (B.) Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England, wncut acta kN La ie Privately printed, 1849 Bouchet (G.) Les Serees, calf, s. p. 1598—Voltaire (M.) Candide / Vookhe ou L’Optimisme, both parts, s. p. 1759-61—Rome Sauvée, Berlin, 1752; &c. in 3 vol. Boufflers (Chev. de) Céuvres, 2 vol. morocco, g . @. Lond. (Paris) ee 1789— [Graffigny (Mme. de)] Lettres d’une Porgdern FIRST EDITION, & Peruwe, s. d.—Mémoires de la Régence de Marie t de Medicis, 2 vol. in 1, with the rare shop-plate of Groenewegen and Vander Hoeck, the booksellers of the Strand, Haye, 1720— [Gacon] Poéte sans Fard, ou, Discours Satiriques en Vers, Frontispiece mended, Cologne, 1697 ; and others 8 vol. : Boulanger (N. A.) Recherches sur l’Origine du Despotisme ohelk Oriental (Printed at the private press of the celebrated John i e Wilkes), old French red morocco extra, g. e. from the Duke of Sussex’s library 1763 7 Bourne (V.) Poematia, FIRST EDITION, 1734—Musarum Angli- WC.c. ole canarum Analecta, 3 vol. calf, 1721; and others 13 vol. ; Bourne (V.) Poematia, autograph of W. Cowper, 1779, on ~~ Adhawd calf 176 a Bourghesii (J.) In quindecim Mysteria S. Rosarii deipare Vinginis| | lle i Marie exercitationes, beautiful plates by C. de Mallery, vellum 4 Antwerp, 1622 ' Bourghesii (J.) Vitee, Passionis et Mortis Jesu Christi, &c. fine Bute : plates by Boetius a Bolswaert, calf Antwerpice, 1622 Bourghesii Vite, Passionis et Mortis Jesu Christi, calf, Antwerp, ob : 1622—Meditations pour les Dimanches, &c. Brusselles, 1675 ; both with plates by Boetius a Bolswaert 2 vol. “2 Bourgoys (P. J.) Mystéres de la Vie, Passion et Mort de Jésus ibis 4 Christ, fine plates by Boetius a Bolswaert, calf Anwers, 1622 | 3 Boutell (C.) Christian Monuments in England and Wales, nwme- - rous ulustrations : 1854 kan Balin 173 47 4 ae 6.4. lire Bot 477 2 hinerece® RE EIEEK 25 ae Bouterwek (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature, — translated by T. Ross, 2 vol. half calf, m. e. 1823— Andrews | | (J. P.) Anecdotes, &e., with the Addenda, frontispiece, calf | extra, m. é, 1790— ‘Jones (P.) Essay on the ‘Distribution of . Wealth, &e. calf gilt, 1831 ; and another 5 vol. | Bowditch (N. J.) Suffolk Surnames, portrait 1861 ) | / Bowles a L.) and J. G. Nichols, Annals and Antiquities of | | 5 | Lacock Abbey, plates, uncut 1835 | Bowring (Sir J.) Specimens of the Russian Poets, 1821—Another, | J second edition, 1821—Matins and Vespers, 1823—Batavian Anthology, 1824 ; uncut copies 4 vol. | SIF as 5 FEE PETE ES Bowring (Sir J.) Minict Morals for Young People, 3 Parts, en- fo] gravings by G. Crukshank and W. Heath, wncut 1834-39 Pe Brachelii (A.) Historiarum Nostri Temporis, 2 vol. fine impres- S| sions of the 70 portraits, calf Amst. 1655 ff Bradshaw’s Railway Companion, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1846, maps, SD original cloth, rare (4) | Bragge (Wm.) Catalogue of Books on Tobacco, privately printed, © /O — 1880—Sale Catalogues, Perkins (with prices), Hamilton, Libri | Beck (5 vol.) Smith, Daniel, Roscoe ; and others (30) | Po [Braithwait (R.)] Regicidium, ane -Comedia; Bedlamum) // | Novum, Scena Britannia, title mended, Ouvry’s copy, russia extra,) g. ¢. by F. Bedford, scarce 1665 Brand (J.) Observations on Popular Antiquities, enlarged by Sir) ) H. Ellis, 3 vol. in 1, plates, calf gilt, 1841—Bland (Rev. R.) oa Collections from the Greek Anthology, blue morocco extra, g. e. Peay 1813 2 vol. ae Brant (S.) Stultifera Navis, woodcuts, title slightly defective, Basil. 1572— Obsopei (V.) de Arte Bibendi libri i iii, Francof. 1582, | F im 1 vol.—Hyde (T.) Mandragorias, seu Historia Shahiludii 2 vol. in 1, Oxonii, 1694-—Tempelli (G.) Pro Mildapetti | | Unica Methodo Defensione contra Diplodophilinm, Francof. 1584 ; and others 6 vol. O Breatewe (Seig. de) Giuvres, 15 vol. frontispieces, calf gilt La Haye, 1740 | i Braithwait (R.) Mercurieux Britannicus, Tragi- Comedia Lutetiz, morocco extra, g. é. 8.1. eb a. | = i Brathwait (R.) Drunken Barnaby’s Four Journeys to the North ae of England, plates, calf, 1723—Childrey (J.) Natural Rarities of England, cal/, 1661—Blunt (C.) Vindication of the Liberty of the Press, calf, 1695; and others (8)} | Brathwait (R.) Barnabee Tecan: or, Barnabee’s Journal, edited . ZA} Wa by J. fede wccd 2 vol. por trait, green morocco extra, g.e by) C. Lewis 1820. Brechti (F. L.) Euripus, Tragoedia Christiana nova, title repaired, Ly morocco extra ‘Lovanit, 1549 ) i Bree (C. R.) History of the Birds of Europe, not observed in the ‘2/2. are. Isles, 4 vol. numerous coloured plates, half morocco, uncut, — t. e. 1859-63 | | h: Brett (T.) Collection of Liturgies, 1720—[Pascal (B.)] Mystery of Jesuitism , front. and portraits, 1679 ; and others Tvl. | | D = Ye: 1 ae 1S /% 34 3 = 5, 490 Breviarium incliti Monasterii Sancte Crucis beati Leuftedi / ‘ Ebroicek, morocco, covered with gold tooling, g. ¢. by Nicholas 4 Eve, binding rubbed 8.1. ed. jf 491 Breviarium Romanum, pars Aistiva, black morocco, arms of the Abbé (te D’ Aguesseau on sides, g. ¢. Paris. 1680—Devotion de dix Ven- dredis & ’Honneur de S. Francois Xavier, red morocco, dedi- cation copy to the Electress of Bavaria, with her arms on sides, ‘oom Bruzelles, 1699 (2) e a 492 Breviarium Monasticum juxta regulam 8. Patris Benedicti ad /* _ usum Cong. SS. Vitoni et Hydulphi, 4 vol. old red morocco r extra, gold tooled borders, g. ¢. Nanceii, 1777 a 493 British Critic, and Quarterly Theological Review, vol. I to 4 XXXIV, half calf _ 1827-43] 5 @ 194 Britih Librarian (by W. Oldys), portradh@half qorvcea) amie | #eaeaa™ co i) eA EOE ao anne t. @. 9. 1738 h : 2 495 British Magazine, vol. I to XX (wanting vol. XIX) half calf, 1832-41 x ) 496 British Public Characters [edited by A. Stevens], 10 vol. portraits, Waaclt . | calf 1798-1810 ;, 24 4 | ) 497 British Theatre (Bell’s), 70 vol. character portraits and other tllustra- Ke ctLeor tions, no general titles, calf gilt Boe 1792-96, : JO 498 British Theatre (Bell’s), character ports. ke, with all faults 39 vol. ke : By | | 499 Brogden (J.) Catholic Safeguards, 3 vol. - 1846-51 _ Ae & . 5 | 500 Brome (A.) Songs, and other Poems, portrait (reprint), 1661— A) obell Bowring (Sir J.) Matins and Vespers, 1823—[Trusler (J.)] Synonymous Words in the English Language, 2 vol. 1766— Harington (Sir J.) Nuge Antique, 2 vol. 1769; and others — j . ; 7 12 vol. A a 501 Brooke (Miss) Reliques of Irish Poetry, calf, scarce Dublin, 1816) al x wormed, 1659—Vaughan (W.) Church Militant (in verse), Pe ; if . 502 Brooks (T.) Apples of Gold for Young Men and Women, slightly | 1640 — Wilkins (Bp. J.) Discourse on another Habitable World in the Moon, plate, 1638 ; and others 10 vol. 503 Brougham (H. Lord) Historical Sketches of Statesmen who t othar flourished in the Time of George III, Three Series, 3 vol. ° 1839-43—Lives of Men of Letters and Science of the Times of George III, 2 vol. 1845-46, portraits, presentation copies, with autograph inscriptions from the author, also threé autograph letters of Lord Brougham inserted, uncut 5 vol. | | g | 504 Broughton (H.) de Descensu ad_Inferos, Moguntie, 1601— [rube | | { Bereoe toes . Smythei (R.) Diatriba de Hominis justificatione sedita Oxoniee, contemporary MS. Notes on the margins, Lovanit, 1550 —De Celibatu Sacerdotum et de Votis Monasticis, 7b. 1550 ; and others 13 vol. a ) 505 Brown (Sir Thos.) Posthumous Works, plates, H. Curll, 1712— he p Old Johnson (Dr. 8.) Journey to the Western Islands, 1775— 7 | Political Tracts, 1776 ; and others (10) 4 506 Browne (H.) Ordo Seclorum, 1844—Keble (J.) On Eucharistical [use ) Adoration, 1867—Lathbury (T.) History of the English = : Episcopacy, 1836—Donaldson (J. W.) Christian Orthodoxy, 1857 ; and others 10 vol. en ee ar RI 35 Se a eine Rr a ee of Angling, cuts, 1740 2 vol. Browne (Sir T.) Religio Medici, FIRST EDITION, wants title and Browne (Sir T.) Christian Morals, portrait, morocco extra, q. e. Lytton, half morocco, 1852 2 vol. Browning (E. Barrett) Letters addressed to R. H. Horne, edited by 8S. R. T. Mayer, 2 vol. 1877—Bewick’s Select Fables of “Esop and others, woodcuts, half roxburghe, n. d.; &e. 5 vol. Browning (W.S.) History of the Huguenots, 3 vol. half calf gilt, m. @. : Pickering, 1829-39 atlas, Edinb. 1804—Murray (H.) Discoveries and Travels in Asia, 3 vol. maps, morocco gilt, ib. 1820 10 vol. Brulorii (C.) Chariclea, Tragico Comeedia, ex Heliodoro, old red morocco extra, g. e. Argent. 1614—Naogeorgi (T.) Incendia, calf, Viteb. 1541—Brechti (L.) Euripus Trageedie, half calf, Colon. 1555 ; and others (6 Brunet (G.) Curiosités Bibliographiques, Gendve, Gay, 1867— Theobrome, privately printed, 1849—Ris-Paquot, Marques et Monogrammes, Paris, 1873—Franklin (A.) La Bibliothéque du Roi, ib. 1875 ; and others (7) BRUNET (J. C.) MANUEL DU LiBRAIRE et de l’Amateur de Bruyére (De la) Works, 2 vol. sizth edition by N. Rowe, portrait and frontispiece, boards, uncut, E. Curll, 1713—Erskine (Lord) Armata, 2 vol. calf, 1817-18—Davy (Rev. Ch.) Letters upon Subjects of Literature, 2 vol. calf, Bury St. Edmunds, 1787 ; and others - (13) Brypcrs (Str EGERTON) The Whim, a Periodical Paper by a Society of Gentlemen, 12 nos. all published (pages 1-2 of no. 1 Brydges. Sonnets and other Poems, 1795—-Mary De Clifford b] author, 1819—Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron, 1825— Brydges. Arthur Fitz-Albini, 2 vol. 1798—Mary De Clifford, plates, 1792—Bertram, a Poetical Tale, 1816—Coningsby, FIRST EDITION, 1819—Sir Ralph Willoughby, Florence, 1820 —Tragic Tales, 2 vol. 1820—Hall of Hellingsley, 3 vol. 1821 — A Note on the Suppression of Memoirs, Paris, 1825 12 vol. D2 Browne (M.) Compleat Angler, plates, 1750—Brookes (R.)-Art | [70 frontispiece mounted, 1642—Religio Medici, two other editions— Digby (Sir K.) Observations upon Religio Medici, fine copy, — 1643 4 vol. | 1863—Schiller’s Poems and Ballads, translated by Lord Bruce (J.) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, 7 vol. no. Delepierre (O.) Description Bibliographique et Analyse d’un | Livre Unique au Musée Britannique par Tridace-Nafé- | Livres, avec Dictionnaire de Géographie et Supplément, 8 vol. | half morocco, t. €. 9. Paris, 1860-80 Brunneri (A.) Annalium Virtutis et Fortune Boiorum, 3 vol. | the Sunderland copy, vellum Monachii, 1626-37 | missing), presentation copy from Sir E. Brydges to Jos. Haslewood, — boards, uncut 1811 | 1800—Poems, calf gilt, 1807—The Ruminator, 2 vol. 1813— Desultoria, 1815—Note on the Suppression of Memoirs, | Paris, 1825—Coningsby, a Tragic Tale, MS. Notes by the Moral Axioms, 1837 9 vol... / | 4 = Sevens Ters er oo ee 1) RAPT SCTE Te os — SRIELES // VO Sn Ree ee eee sCeiegi carrey =: os TREIESRE RNS BS a BOI Ss Ser Seas 28 f } i 4 x ieee, ese " f } ( | eee 5 4 => ARR . = - = = = — — PAE ETE AE SIE LIT EOE IOI ELIE OO TT IG EG PCL TIES RO SESE ERE EIT I LG OLE LE NEE OS I NEG AC AR AE A A RT RE IE a SE I NE ES : wae a ed | GC) | 521 a \/O} | 522 as ee ) | 523 ge Pe ee at Bi | 524 | | aN 525 | 526 | 6 | 527 | E 528 3 529 Sp oO ee ee ee ~~ 36 Brydges. Memoirs of the Peers of England, vol. I (all published) portrait, &c. 1802—Who was Ita, Countess of Hapsburg, por trait, Paris, 1826 —Pierius Valerianus de Litteratorum Infelicitate, Geneve, 1821 3 vol. g i Brydges. Wither (G.) Hymns and Songs of the Church, 1815— Lhe Shepherd’s Hunting, portrait, 1814—Stanley (T.) Poems, 1814) — 7 —Collins (W.) Poems, Geneva, 1832; and others, edited by Sir 8S. E. Brydges 6 vol., / Brydges. Poems, portrait added, 1807—Populations and Riches)?” ; of Nations, Geneva, 1819 —Tragic Tales, 2 vol. in 1, 1820— Sir Ralph Willoughby, Florence, 1820—Letters on Lord Byron, 1824—-Recollections of Foreign Travel, &c. 2 vol. 1825—Anglo-Genevan Critical Journal for 1831, 2 parts, Gen. 1831 9 vol. Brydges. Biographical Peerage of the Empire of Great Britain|./Y¥oue4 and Ireland, 4 vol. coats of arms 1808-17 ‘ *,* Called the “Scandalous Chronicle.” hy a Brydges, T. Park, &c. Poetical Register, and Repository of Zotel Fugitive Poetry, 8 vol. wncut 1815, &e.icy k Brydges. Res Literari, 3 vol. Naples, 1821; Rome, 1821; U 6 Geneva, 1822—Polyanthea, 2 parts in 1, Geneve, 1821-22—| Cimelia : seu Examen Criticum Librorum ex Diariis Literariis, ib. 1823 ; half bound, uncut | 5 vol. *,* Only 75 copies of each work privately printed. Brydges. Pierius Valerianus (J.) de Litteratorum Infelicitate“1o curante E, Brydges, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford Geneve, 1821 *,* Only 87 copies printed. Brydges. Anti-Critie for Aug. 1821, and March, 1822, Geneva, 1822-—Gnomica: Detached Thoughts, &c. 7b. 1824, wneut) 2 vol. a *,* Only 75 copies of each work privately printed. eo, Brydges. Cimelia, 1 of 75 copies, wncut Geneve, 1823 04 Brydges. Gnomica, 1 of 75 copies, uncut ib, 1824) Aroe Brydges. Modern Aristocracy, ib. 1831, various additional matter, in the vol.—Population and Riches of Nations, Paris, 1819— Odo, Count of Lingen, 1 of 50 copies, Geneva, 1824; &e. (6)| | Brydges. Lex Terre, a Discussion on the Law of England, re- garding Claims of Inheritable Rights of Peerage, plates, the author’s copy, with MS. notes, uncut, rare ib. 1831 Brydges. Epistola Franc. Petrarche Posteritati Edente Sa. Eg. Brydges, only 25 copies printed, half morocco, Neapoli, 1820— Wither (Geo.) Select Lyrical Poems ( printed on one side only), Lee Priory Press, 1815—Percy (W.) Coelia containing Twenty Sonnets, ib. 1818 (3 Brydges. Family Anecdotes (Egerton) only 50 printed, Paris, — va Didot, n. d. — Pictures at Lee Priory, view (60 printed), Lee Priory, 1817 — Note C indicated in the third part of the “Letter on Inland Navigation to the Parisians,” by F. H. Egerton, Paris, Didot, n. d.—Sonnets and other Poems by Sir BE. Brydges, 1785—Character of Lord Rokeby (never com- pleted), Lee Priory, 1817 — Human Fate, a Poem by Sir E. Brydges, Clark's Totham Press, 1850 stat (6) | 37 MG: 3 hom 535 Brydges. Imaginative Biography, 2 vol. boards, uncut, 1834—_ b ae | Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, by G. F. Beltz, 1834 | eo —Brydges’ Letters from the Continent, Lee Priory Press| | | | acl 536 Brydges. Phillips (E.) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, edited a ) “A by Sir E. Brydges, only 100 copies printed Geneva, 1824 | L4 ls 37 Brydges. Polyanthea Librorum Vetustiorum, Italicorum, Galli, . corum, Hispanicorum, Anglicanorum et Latinorum, part 1 ae | (all printed), only 75 copies taken, boards, uncut eters ) Geneve, G. Fick, 1822) |.) | ae am)38 Brydges. Population and Riches of Nations, 1819 -— What are 5 ) i Riches ? Geneva, 1821 — The Brother-in-Law, a Comedy, Lee ae) ‘ Priory, 1817—Lord Brokenhurst, 1819—Sonnets and other Lae | ~ Poems, 1785—Livres des Anglois 4 Genéve, 1831 (6) | | Nobetl 39 Brydges. Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum by E. Phillips, oo . third edition, with Notes of Sir E. Brydges, LARGE PAPER, ang - 100 copies printed, unbound, uncut Geneva, 1824 a mung '540 Buchanani (G.) Poemata, calf, g. «. Paris. R. Stephanus, 1567 a atz41 Buchanani (G.) Baptistes sive Calumnia, Tragcedia, half morocco Francof. 1578 ) 2. hor 542 Buchanani (G.) Baptistes, brown morocco extra, Gz, wb, 1578 ep 543 Buchanani (G.) Baptistes, red morocco extra wb, 1579 | pan 544 Buchanani (G.) Baptistes, 2b. 1579—Sccepperi (J.) Voluptatis ac Virtutis Pugna, Noriberge, 1590—Curtii (C. F. A.) Christus Judex Tragedia, Neap. 1654; and others 6 vol. / 2 ober 645 Buchanani (G.) Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica, cum : Notis T. Ruddimanni, P. Burmanni, &c. LARGE PAPER, Morocco, J. €. Edinb. 1737 VOD, 546 Buckingham (Duke of) and others, Works, 2 vol. portrait, 1729 3 : —Scott (Sir W.) Rokeby, plates by Stothard, morocco extra, with 4 the arms and book-plate of the Duchesse de Berri, g. e. Edinb. a 1815 ; and others 8 vol. ie 47 Buckingham (Duke of) Works, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1775 — Montolieu (Mrs.) Enchanted Plants, &c. frontispiece and vignettes by Bar- tolozet, red morocco extra, g. €. 1812— Kenyon (J.) A Day at Tivoli, with other Verses, morocco, g. e. 1849; and others 10 vol. Biechlin (Das) genant der Gilgengart ainer hettichen Cristeliche sel, lit. goth. red and black, woodcuts coloured, Augspurg, 1521— Wekels (J. C.) Analecta Hymnica, Gotha, 1752—Fielding (H.) Geschichte des Thomas Jones, 6 vol. portrait, Wien, 1788; and others (10) fo. Buffon (M.) Histoire Naturelle, 67 vol. plates, calf Paris, 1799 4. Bullen (A. H.) Lyrics from the Song-books of the Elizabethan Age, uncut 1887 Bunyan (J.) Divine Emblems, engraved throughout, portrait and cuts in the original sheep n. d. Bunyan (J.) Pharisee and Publican, frontispiece, calf, n. d.—Fuller (T.) Infant’s Advocate, calf, 1653—Rosaei (A.) Virgilii ee ser. Evangelisantis Christiados, calf, 1638; and others (8) a Seer ee BES BITES SRE ioe PSE SITE ON SEEPS RET SEE EL, — ™~ © a OLDE TE RIE TTP TIO cs om Se Sete TRE —stncch ANE A ACO ge NENT 5 ‘ee ; ~N& ~ hs facta ANCOR I OA ARE EME ee - Pes a iceuLaaicaidenciainiegnaiaronenhacaaee on on on Or eS) rs 561 ee St ee 562 yes wa SS 563 a nent VI | | | 564 | | | ) | | | 565 an ic | 566 Li 3 |} 567 JO. | 568 ‘Burnet (Bp. G.) Vindication of the Church and State of Scotland, © % 38 a a NE — - = = —— ——™ 4 | 7 ; Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim’s Progress, second part, woodcuts 1690 eat. Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim’s Progress, portrait and plates by J. Sturt, (Ae Lev ORIGINAL EDITION, corner of 1 plate mended, red morocco extra, gold tooled sides, g. @. . 1728 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim’s Progress, portratt and plates by Sturt, calf, 1757 U g. @. 3 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim’s Progress, with an Introduction by G. Offor, Akh LARGE PAPER, portrait added, half morocco, 9. @. 1847 4 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim’s Progress, facsimile reproduction of the first O Laon edition, cuts, 1875 — Quarles (F.) Manual of Devotion, or, 4 Judgment and Mercy for Afflicted Souls, with an Introduction by T. F. Dibdin, portrait, 1809 ; and others 9 vol, q Bunyan (J.) Works, edited by G. Offor, 3 vol. plates 1854V1a1T AY Burbidge (T.) and A. H. Clough, Ambarvalia Poems, FIRST) 70 EDITION, original cloth 18497 4 Bure (Ci. de) Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. le ht {eve Duc de la Valliére, 3 vol. portrait, old French red morocco extra, vo | Paris, 1783 Burke (J. B.) Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, with Index, 3 ~2€7 vol. 1853 Burke (A. J.) History of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland, 1186- 1874, portraits, Dublin, 1879—Barratt (A.) Physical Ethics, 1869 7 2 vol. Pate Burkitt (W.) Poor Man’s Help, and Young Man’s Guide, calf, -_ 1749—Cressy (E.) Captivity Improved to Spiritual Purposes, 1675—B(addeley) (R.) Life of Dr. Thomas Morton, late Bishop of Duresme, portrait, calf, York, 1669—Assheton (W.) Method of Devotion for Sick and Dying Persons, morocco, g. e. 1706 —Smalwood (A.) Sermon at Carlisle, Aug. 17, 1664, title mended, morocco, York, 1665 5 vol. FIRST EDITION, Glasgow, 1673— Observations on the First and Second of the Canons, commonly ascribed to the Holy Apostles, — ib. 1673—Crashaw (R.) Steps to the Temple, frontispiece, 1670 Farewell Sermons of the late London Ministers (Calamy, B Manton, &c.) portraits, backed, 1662 ; and others 13 vol. % ) Burnet (Bp. G.) History of the Reign of James II, with Notes by the Earl of Dartmouth, &e. Ozford, 1852—Fleury (Abbé)| ~ Ecclesiastical History, 381-400, ib. 1842—Pauli (Dr. R.) Life of King Alfred, 1852; and others 10 vol. jh Burnett (G.) Specimens of English Prose-Writers, 3 vol. 1807— Southey (R.) Lives of Uneducated Poets, &e. 1831—Lays o the Minnesingers, or, German Troubadours, 1825; and others 11 vol.) 4 Burney (Miss) Evelina, 3 vol. 1778—Cecilia, 5 vol. 1782— ArA Camilla, 5 vol. 1796, FIRST EDITIONS 13 vol. | Burney (Miss) Traits of Nature, 5 vol. rirsT EDITION, 1812—|/t¢ Z Gomez (Mme. de) La Belle Assemblée, 4 vol. plates, 1733-35 —-Euphrosyne: or, Amusements on the Road of Life, 2 vol. frontispiece, 1780; and others ) 33 vol ? : 39 eke : /3¢ Be on 569 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, second or first 24/5 Edinburgh edition, portrait by Beugo, with a copy of the original — Proposals for Printing, containing several interesting autograph signatures, calf extra Edinb. 1787 | : *,* With six verses in the handwriting of Burns inserted. ; y 570 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, second or first -, Edinburgh edition, portrait by Beugo 1b. 1787 | a 1571 Burns (R.) Poems, first London edition, port. by Beugo, calf 1787 | Dole 572 Burns (R.) Poems, 2 vol. in 1, portrait, uncut, Edinb. 1797— Beloe (W.) Miscellanies, 3 vol. 1795—Chamberlaine (J.) A Sacred Poem, engraved title, dc. 1680; and others 14 vol. Fa 73 Burton (E.) Theological Works, 5 vol. Hulme prize copy, calf gilt, | : mM. Oxford, 1837 : QUARTO. | lor 574 Barrois (J.) Eléments Carlovingiens, Linguistiques et Littéraires, | - unbound, uncut Paris, Crapelet, 1846 _o4 |575 Barrough (Philip) The Method of Physick, containing the Causes, Signes and Cures of Inward Diseases in man’s body, seventh edition, old calf G. Miller, 1634 A 576 Bartholini (Thom.) Antiquitatum Danicarum lib. iii, Hafnia, 1689—Torfaeana, sive Th. Torfaei Notae Posteriores in Seriem Regum Daniae, portrait, ib. 1777—Boxhornii (M. Z.) Origi- num Gallicarum liber, cui accedit Antique Lingue Britannic Lexicon Britannico-Latinum, &c. Amst. 1654—Olai Wormij Literatura Runica (wants title), Hafnice, 1636 ; and others (8) Bartolozzi and his Works, by A. W. Tuer, numerous plates, 2 vol | t i boards, uncut 1881 | Beauchasteau. La Lyre du Jeune Apollon, ou la Muse Naissante | du Petit de Beauchasteau (F. Matthieu Chastelet), 26 fine por- traits by J. Frosne (1 wanting and 1 damaged), calf, RARE | Paris, C. de Sercy, 1657 Beauchasteau. La Lyre du Jeune Apollon. Another copy, 25 ; portraits only, vellum ; 1b. 1657 | Beauchasteau. La Lyre du Jeune Apollon, 27 portraits, half calf ib. 1657 Beauchasteau. La Lyre, another copy (18 portraits only, some | leaves loose ; with all faults), calf 1b. 1657 © Becker (J.) Etchings after Nature, 77 fine etchings of landscapes, | half bound sup. imp. 8vo. 1821 — Beckii (M. F.) Martyrologium Ecclesiz Germanice pervetus- tum, calf (with Sunderland arms), Aug. Vind. 1687—Jo. Braunii Vestitus Sacerdotum Hebraeorum, plates, Amst. 1701 —Papaver ex Omni Antiquitate erutum, Norib. 1718 ; and others (6) Bedford. True and Impartial Narrative of Some Illegal and Arbitrary Proceedings by Certaine Justices of the Peace © against Nonconformists in and near the Town of Bedford, — half bound, VERY RARE Printed in the year 1670 | es TOO AY en I RAE SR aol OR RES RE Ee A A oA : a 7 eee Deters Mra sie eg RSP OPO CAE LEG CED OILED TCS AED ELL OEE LTO LN ILL LLL LDL LIL LIE LTD CALE LDL ODIO ROTTER RR RET SE GET PN TY RE I ES | 0 2 AO RL LE LEE ENOL BU BERET OD EL LIES DO AE ERODE LOLI TOE LOL IA OS 40 586 Bell. New Pantheon or Historical Dictionary of the Gods, ete. 9, vol. in 1, numerous fine plates, calf 1790 587 Benedictines. Calendarium Annale Benedictinum per Menses et dies Sanctis Ejusdem Ordinis inscriptum a R. P. Aigidio . Ranbeck, etc. 6 vol. numerous fine copperplate engravings, by Jo. Umbach, vellum gilt Aug. Vind. 1675 VG a /3 588 Berganus (Georgius J.) Benacus, Veronw, A, Puteolus, 1546— ie Geo. Sibuti de Divi Maximiliani Cesaris Adventu in Coloniam, Colon, Quentell. 1500—Barini (Jac.) Dialogus recommendationis exprobationisque Poetices, lit. goth. 8 Lyptzk, 1494 ; and others ) tf ey 7 589 Beroaldus (Ph.) de Tribus Fratribus ebrioso, Argent. s. a. eb Nom. \¥ pur . . imp.—Bebelii (H.) de Institutione Puerorum (et alia Opus- | { ip . ; cula), Argent. in aed. Schurertanus, 1513—Lucii (Cyriaci) De Considerando Praesenti Christiane Reipubl. Statu, et Academiarum Officio, Jngolst. 1589—Satyra Manneiana, con- scripta a M. V. M. Legum Stud. in Acad. Oxon. 1650} (4) | | | ( 590 Bewick. Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell, fine full-page wood- he i: cuts and vignettes by John and Thos. Bewick, boards, uncut a — W. Bulmer, 1795) ee 591 Bewick. Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell. Another copy, | - 1795 boards, uncut 4 / 599 Bewick. Somerville (Wm.) The Chase, fine impressions of the How - woodcuts by Bewick, half russia, uncut ~ Bulmer, 1796) fp | 2 593 Bewick. Consett (Matthew) Tour through Sweden, Swedish-| /¢ Lapland, Finland and Denmark, copperplate engravings by AX Thos. Bewick, boards, uncut J. Johnson, 1789 7 | 594 Bewick. Poems of Goldsmith and Parnell, full-page engravings vO and woodcuts by T. and J. Bewick imp. 8vo. Bulmer, 1804, ,. 4 /O 595 Bewick. Illustrations to Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress, from Hac cher Mr. Buckley’s Wood-blocks, 6 plates on india paper (50 sets) | & 596 Bewick (Thos.) Wood Engravings of Land and Water Birds, ,°~ never before published, 112 subjects on 56 plates (with title), | unbound Newcastle-upon-Tyne, J. J. Lynch, 1860 hi 4 J2 597 Bewick (Thos.) Life and Works, with notice of the Works ot ALAY John Bewick, by D.C. Thomson, LARGE PAPER, 100 illus-|} i trations, proofs on China paper, cloth, PRESENTATION COPY 14 gale Virtue, 1882) 49 a 598 Billet (Petrus) Rector of the College of the Sorbonne. Institutiones l | Oratoriz, finely written MS. on 149 pp. with engraved title, and } heads of Cicero, Virgil, Seneca and Homer, by H. Bonnart, old’ s red morocco gilt, g. 1698 AY fp ; 599 Biverus (R. P. Petrus) Sacrorum Oratorium piarum Imaginum Immaculate Marie et Anime Create, Emblematis figurata / et illustrata, 57 fine copperplate engravings, boards, uncut Antv. B. Moretus, 1634 600 Biverus. Sacrum Sanctuarium Crucis et Patientie Crucifixorum et Cruciferoram Emblematicis imaginibus Ornatum, 70 fine) copperplate engravings by Collaert, boards, uncut — v0. 601 Biverus. Sacrum Sanctuarium Crucis et Patientie Crucifixorum, “ et Cruciferorum, 70 fine copperplate engravings, calf 1b.1634) ire AG % a A ee i. 602 haga: 603 do 604 Brun 605 A 607 A, 608 613 615 614 41 a ar Biverus. Blake (Wm. ) Burger (G. A.) Leonora, a Tale, translated by J. T. Stanley, frontispiece fae 2 vignettes, designed by Wm. Blake, W. Miller, 1796; Lenore, ein Gedicht, frontispiece by Chodowiecki, and two vignettes, Gedruct bei S. Gosnell, 1796 ; in 1 vol. boards Blake, ete. from the German of Biirger by H. Jas. Rye, 1796 ; Poetical Tracts, in 1 vol. half bound Blake (Wm.) DESIGNS To A SERIES OF BALLADS written by Wm. Hayley, Esq. drawn, engraved and published by Wm. Blake, with the Ballads annexed, ORIGINAL EDITION, 11 fine full-page engravings and vignettes, half calf, VERY RARE Chichester, J. Seagrave, 1802 BLAKE (WM.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF BLAIR’S GRAVE, engraved by | Schiavonetti, portrait, engraved title and 12 etchings (portrait and front. stained), boards, uncut 1808 Bliss (Dr. Philip) editor of Wood’s Athene Oxonienses, Extracts chiefly from Ashmolean MSS. consisting of Ballads, English Historical Pieces and Poetry, made by Dr. Bliss and J. Cony- beare, MANUSCRIPT, «@ bundle SAC. XIX Block-Book. Acta Apostolorum circa 1400, facsimile reproduction on 42 plates (only 50 copies printed) 1840 Bloemart. Sylva Anachoretica Algypti et Palestine figuris eneis et Brevibus Vitarum Elogiis expressa, 27 copper-plate en- gravings by B. a Bolswert, fine original impressions, calf extra, FINE COPY Antv. H. A:risius, 1619 Blomfield (J. C.) History of the Present Deanery of Bicester, maps and plates, 5 parts 1882, de. Blomfield. History of Bicester, part II Bicester, 1884 Blore (Edm.) Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Per- sons, fine india proof plates, boards, uncut Harding, 1826 Boccaccio. Il Decamerone Nuovamente Corretto et con dili- gentia stampato, the facsimile reprint of the Giunta edition of 1527, half vellum, uncut (Venetia, 1729) Boccalini (Traj.) De’ Ragguagli di Parnaso, old morocco, Venet. 1624—Ringhieri (I.) Cento Giuochi Liberali et d’ Ingegno, calf, Bologna, A. Giaccarelli, 1551—Bembo (P.) Della Historia Vinitiana lib. xii. calf, Vinegia, 1552 (3) Bodleiomnema, Oxon. J. Barnes, 1613—Ultima Linea Savilii sive in Obitum Dom. H. Savilii, 1b. J. Lichfield, 1622—Carolus Redux, ib. 1623—Epistcla Thomae Mori ad Acad. Oxon. 10. 1633—Irendodia Cantabrigiensis, ob Paciferum Caroli Regis é Scotia reditum Mense Nov. 1641, Camb. R. Daniel, 1641— Oliva Pacis adillustriss. Oliverum Reipub. Angliae etc. Dom. Protect. Cant. Acad. Typog. 1654 — Threni Cantab. in Exe- quiis Henriette Marie, ib. 1669 —Epithalamia Cant. in nuptias | auspic. Caroli II et Catharine, ib. 1662 — Musarum Cant. Threnodia in Obitum Georgii Ducis Albemarle, Cant. J. Haynes, 1670, in 1 vol. calf sm. 4to Sacrum Sanctuarium Crucis et Patientis Crucifixorum © is eines um, 70 fine plates (3 leaves wanting), blue morocco, | Antv. 1634 ( Biirger’s Leonora, translated by J. T. Stanley, large . plate and two vignettes designed by Wm. Blake, 1796—Lenore, — and other : | 7 Se &™ =n PR STR fee rane a | (/O ) 9S RTT ET PEELE FRET LINE EI RES Fae iit « a 3p tac EU nies RE aR CSIRO ¥ EN ee a } Ue, Sie ae dtr e bike Say. ee On ae =. 42 pene RN es sa Dam pe et Er cm ot ce nA S RAE ON ONLI OA — “ 616 Bodley. Justa Funebria Ptolomezi Oxoniensis Thome Bodlei / ~ae 617 618 619 620 621 622 Equitis Aurati Celebrata in Academia Oxoniensi Mensis Martii 29, 1613 (wants end after p. 130), vellum, very scarce Oxon. J. Barnesius, 1613 Beethius, de Consolatione Philosophie, written in Italy, MANU- trate SCRIPT, imperfect, from the Libri Sale Sac. XV Boencourt (Le Chev. de) Voyage des Troupes Frangoises en Dobell Pologne (en 1734), edited with Prefatory Notice by A. Sake Henderson, only 58 copies privately printed, boards, uncut a Edinb. 1831 kb tf Boileau Despréaux. (Kuvres, avec des eclaircissements his- Lew : toriques par lui-méme, portrait and plates, signature of, — “ Martiniere” on titles, 2 vol. red morocco, with device on sides Geneve, 1716 BoIssaRDI (J. J.) IcoNES VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM doctrina et Dero Cc eruditione praestantium ad Vivum effectee cum eorum Vitis 4 descriptis, FIRST EDITIONS, engraved titles and 197 fine, — a portraits by TH. Dr Bry, 4 vol. old red morocco gilt, g. e. with ° the arms and monogram of PRINCE EUGENE OF SAVOY on sides, a and his initials on backs (vol. I-II have the larger shield, and vol. ILI-IV the smaller) Francof. A. M. 1597-99 Bolton (Rob.) Some Generall Directions for a Comfortable AuLl a Walking with God, LARGE PAPER, numerous contemporary Medios de prepararse para morir, 42 fine copperplate engravings, Mi brown morocco, gilt edges Amberes, J. Gallet, 1700 : 659 Burn (R.) Rome and the Campagna, numerous illustrations, cloth ; | Aly \660 Burns (Land of) Landscapes and Portraits, with descriptions by | i ; Prof. Wilson, numerous fine plates, 2 vol. in 1, morocco gilt, ' : g. &. Blackie, 1840) _ | a 661 Burton (Robert), author of the Anatomy of Melancholy, Philo- S | sophaster, comcedia nova, scripta 1606, revisa 1615, et publice exhibita in Aula Atdis Christi Oxon. 1617, Feb. 16, ) MANUSCRIPT, calf 1617} | *,* This interesting academical play was edited from this MS. by Mr. Buckley, for the Roxburghe Club, and bears several | notes relating to the author, added by his editor, with armorial bookplate of Jeremiah Milles, D.D. With it is a | collation by Mr. Buckley of Lord Mostyn’s MS. | | / i wants after p. 762) Oxford, 1621 Burton (R.) ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY, FIRST EDITION (wants C title and leaf of dedication ; a specially printed title inserted), old « calf ib. 1621 Pgs Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, FIRST EDITION (wants sd ss, ib, 1621 Burtoni (R.) Philosophaster, Comcedia, nunc primum in lucem 5 producta, Poemata, etc. half Roxburghe Hertford, typis S. Austin, 1862 *,* Edited and presented to the Roxburghe Club, by the Rev. — i 44 . 662 Burton (R.) Anatomy of Melancholy, FIRST EDITION (title soiled ; 3 | of : q W. E. Buckley. Ee To i m7“ (666 Burton. Philosophaster. Another copy, half Roxburghe 1862 mM Motticre 667 Burton. Philosophaster, 2 copies, half Roxburghe 1862 . q | ve being an effectuall suasory to peace, etc. uncut, 1647—Taylor (Bp. J.) Funerall Sermon on the Countess of Carbery, 1650 — Wild (Dr. R.) Letter upon his Majesty’s Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, 1672—Conciones ad Clerum; and others (18) fr. 00 668 Burton (Wm.) Clement, his first Epistle to the Corinthians, © | i { Ww 2: ij ay RRR 80 ENR an 674 675 676 669 670 671 672 672* 673 | 677 678 679 680 b a ca he vt oe 71 G6 OSS CS ae ee ee ‘ i 46 wee a Butler (Chas.) The Feminin Monarchie, or the History of Bees (printed in Phonetic words), woodcuts, half calf Oxford, W. Turner, 1634 Butler (Bp. Jos.) Analogy of Religion, first edition, 1736— Wesley (Rev. John) Notes on the New Testament, portrait, 1755— Hales (John) Golden Remains, front. 1673 ; and others (7) Butler (Bp. Jo.) Analogy of Religion, FIRST EDITION, 1736— Wollaston, Religion of Nature delineated, portrait, 1731— Graeves (G.) History of the Church of Gt. Britain to 1667, 1674—Calmet, Fragments illustrative of the Holy Scriptures, plates, 1798; and others (6) qos Pain Byron (Lord) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Cantos 1-2, FIRST EDITION (‘‘a present from the author”), boards, wuneut, 1812 ; Don Juan, Cantos I-II, FIRST EDITION, boards, wncut, 1819 (2) Byron (Lord) Autograph Letter, 1 p. 4to, 1814—Moore (T.) A. L. s. to Rev. F. Hodgson, 1831—Bewick (T.) A. L. s. 1791; and another 7 (4) Cabinet de Poullain. Collection de Cent-Vingt Estampes, eravées d’aprés les Tableaux et Dessins du Cabinet de Poullain par Fr. Basan, fine early impressions of the 120 plates, calf Paris, 1781 Dar Prt | 7. FOLIO. Benedictional of St. Ethelwold Bp. of Winchester, an illumi nated Anglo-Saxon MS. of the tenth century, prefatory dissertation, etc. by John Gaze, LARGE PAPER, plates, boards royal 4to. J. B. Nichols, 1832 Bergomensis (Jac. Philippus) De Claris Sceletisque Mulieribus novissime congestum fit. goth. nwmerous woodcuts (wants title, leaf with account of Pope Joan mended), vellum Ferrariae, 1497 Bessariones (Card.) In Calumniatorem Platonis, Ejusdem correctio librorum Platonis de legibus G. Trapezuntio interp. (et ali opuscula) (title mended), russia, with arms of Doge Foscarini on side Venet. Aldus, 1516} ; + % Biblia Sacra in trium linguis, Gr. Lat. et Germ. (wants title, some te. clor q leaves water-stained), 3 vol. vellum, Hamb. J. Lucius, 1596—Psal- — a terium Graecum e cod. MS. Alexandrino, edid. H. Baber, 1812—Theophylacti in Quatuor Evangelia et in D. Pauli — Epistolas Commentarii, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. 1635-6 (6) Biblia Greece. Vetus Testamentum Septuaginta Interpretum ex Ao Codice Alexandrino descriptum edidit J. E. Grabe, 4 vol. in2, oe LARGE PAPER, porirait of Queen Anne, old calf Oxonii, 1707-2C ee Biblia Latina, old russia, by Roger Payne, with arms of M. Wodhull Oo in gold on sides Lutetie, R. Stephanus, 1546 - BIBLIA, das ist Die gantsche heilige Schrifture, teutsch, fit. goth. with numerous spirited woodcuts and ornamental capitals parnted in red, vol I. (Genesis to Psalms) contemporary binding, oaken boards covered with stamped pigskin, with clasps [ Niirnberg, Koburger, 1483] som ear Da ath 681 Bo 685 a, 686 aC 687 “ 688 3 689 47 26h 16 Shieh ee -— es durch D. ae Ecken auf Hochdeutsch verdolmetscht, / 9 | black letter, woodcuts, wants title, oak boards covered in stamped. pigskin, sold with all faults Ingoldstadt, 1537 | | *,* First Edition of Eck’s Version for Roman Catholics and so excessively rare that the only copy Goez was able to discover | | APT RENAE A A EE LEENA SN ct RO NS EY was in the Brunswick Library. Zeltner confesses he could — never catch even the sight of a copy, and Lorck, the famous — Bible Collector, sought for a copy in vain. BIBLE (HOLY), dlustrated with maps and 300 Histories engraven by| 7 |e | J. Sturt Jrom designs by the greatest Masters, a fine specimen of ) binding in old English red morocco, richly decorated with dentelle borders and centre ornament worked in gold, having on green | leather the initials F. J. g. e. T. Baskett, 1759 | Bible (Holy), Baskerville’s splendid edition, 3 vol. in 1, fine copy | ruled, in old English green morocco, rich gold tooling, ‘gilt gaufré edges Cambridge, J. Baskerville, 1761-63 Bible, another copy, 3 vol. in 1, fine copy, ruled, in old red morocco,| / | 2 borders of gold, with inscr iption stating it to have been given to Kimbolton Church by Colonel Steele ib. 1761-63 Be Bickham (Geo.) The Musical Entertainer, vol. I, fine engraved lac] head-pieces, engraved on 100 plates ( plate 54 wanting, title and a : 1 plate mended, leaf of subscribers defective, sold with all cli calf Bickham. Another copy, (ttle mended and loose), and 100 plat 7 | 2 boards d. | Bickham. Another copy, 57 plates only (no title) n. de / Bickham. Penmanship in its utmost Beauty and Extent, frontis- ; /O piece and 61 engraved specimens of caligraphy 1731 | Bickham. Universal Penman, numerous specimens of writing with | 7 vignette headings, half bound LTA C Bickham. Another edition, portrait and specimens, with vignettes | 1743 . Bickham. Another copy 1743}, | Bickham. United Penmen, numerous specimens of writing and | / printing, with vignettes, half morocco 1743 | Bickham. Another edition, wanting three plates, sold with all | Saults 1733 | Bickham (G. and J.) Universal Penmanship, decorated with / 4 pictures in each plate, specimens of caligraphy and plates, salt x are Son ww O&O Cah ay a cianatumemnnhtiememametenneniemmammennits fa TELE DN AL I AAT I UES GENE LIS ECT SII OED IO AEE bound Bickham (G.) Universal Penmanship, another edition, as piece and specimens of writing with plates, half calf n. d. Bickham. Another copy, wanting frontispiece, sold with all faults 1, AOE Bickham. British Monarchy, including the American Colonies, © engraved text, maps and plates, half bound, uncut Li4S 9: vahewats Bickham. Another edition, maps and plates, old calf 1749 . BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA, 7 vol. fine copy in old gilt Ai | 1747-66 © *,* “Indispensable,” says Lowndes, “in every English Library.” Edwards’s copy in old russia sold for £17. a un 302:/0 48 =e 3 700 Blut: J.) Chronological Tables, maps and 56 engraved tables, dnepe VY i . dedication copy ta Augusta Dowager Princess of Wales (Mother o George III), with book-plates of William Henry and William Frederic Dukes of Gloucester, fine specimen of contemporary English red morocco, borders of gold, with a cross of green leather ornamented with gold tooling including Rose and Thistle, g. e. 176 8 aa 701 Buaxke (W.). Youne (E.) Nicut TuHouents, beautiful border aun illustrations by W. Blake, with the rare leaf of fab. hal 179 bound, uncut, very rare in this state 7 In sae OLE 702 Blake (W.). Blair(R.) The Grave, LARGE PAPER, portrait of Blake and 12 etchings of Blake’s original designs by L. Schiavonetti, original edition, uncut 1808 : 703 Boccaccio. Cento Novella. Das Buch der hundert Niwen His- fe. aber 1 torien, lit. goth. nwmerous spirited woodcuts, half bound Strasb. Jo. Griininger, 1509 704 Boccaccio. Cento Novella. Hundert Newer historien im teutsch gebracht, Itt. goth. sperited woodcuts, half bound ‘A ugspurg, H. Stayner, 1543 705 Boccaccio. The Tragedies gathered by John Bochas of all such Princes as fell from their Estates throughe the mutability of Fortune, translated into Englysh by John Lidgate, black letter (title and several leaves defective and mended, wants folios 146-152, with all faults), calf John Wayland (1558) 706 Bodleiane Bibliothecee Codicum MSS. Arabicorum Catalogus ab A. Nichols, wncut : Oxonti, 1821) 707 Bodleianz Bibliothece Librorum impressorum Catalogus, 3 vol. half russia, uncut, Oxonii, 1843-—Catalogus librorum impres- sorum quibus aucta est Bibliothecx Bodleiana Annis 1835-47 (i, e. vol. IV), cloth, uncut, ib. 1851 4 vol.) 708 Boissardi (J. J.) Tractatus Posthumus de Divinatione et Magicis Praestigiis, nwmerous fine copper-plate engravings by 709 Bonanni (P.) Numismata Pontificum Romanorum a Tempore Martini V usque ad Annum 1699, 2 vol. frontispiece and LODE ARE PRIETO A IOI COLE IEAM PON OSC 710 Book oF CoMMON PRAYER, viz. Reprints of the first and second Book of Edward VI, first Book of Queen Elizabeth, King James’ Book as settled at Hampton Court, Scotch Book of Charles I, Book of Charles II and Queen Victoria, 7 vol. black letter, beautifully printed by C. Whittingham, vellum, uncut W. Pickering, 1844 711 Book of Common Prayer. Facsimile of the Black Letter Prayer Book, containing MS. Additions and Alterations made in 1661, subscribed by the Convocations of Canterbury and York and annexed to the Act of Uniformity, 1662, black letter, photo-zincographed, cloth, uncut 1871 712 Bordone (B.) Isolario, nel qual si ragiona di tutte |’ Isole del Mondo, woodcut maps and views, boards, Vinegia, 1547—Pompe Funebri di tutte le Nationi del Mondo, engraved title (mounted) and copper-plate engravings, Verona, 1639 (2) ne * F. Th. Debry, half bound Oppenheimi, 8. a. a See plates, fine copy in old red morocco, gilt tooling, g. e. Rome, 1699 h, 49 Pe A NY SE AEA NTS adaiieinaaaimssae alain - a agree 2 302) oe 713 Bosii (Ant.) Roma Sotteranea, numerous illustrations, calf if imp. folio. Roma, 1632 | Brasenose College. Miscellaneous Note-books and Papers, in- | le | cluding Analysis of Herodotus by Dr. Gilbert—Trigonometry | Lectures—-two Papers by Ralph Churton—two Catalogues of © Yarborough’s books—Journal of James Boswell—-Matricula- © tion Lists ; MANUSCRIPTS, a bundle, interesting to the College . SAC. XVIU-XIX | 715 Breval (J.) Remarks on Several Parts of Europe, maps and plates, — ) 2 vol. calf, 1726 — Wheler and Spon’s Journey into Greece, | plates, calf, 1682; and others (6) | | 716 Bridges (John) History of Northamptonshire (Portion of vol. I, | Rat containing pp. 1-160 and 2 plates), half bound, uncut (1791) 717 Brigitta. Memoriale Effigiatum Librorum Prophetiarum seu 2 4 | A } cee ee ee Se ~™~ Visionum B. Brigide, seu Birgitte, nwmerous large and small woodcuts, vellum Rome, 1556 18 Britannica Monumenta Historica from the earliest Period to the / Death of Henry VII, with Notes by H. Petrie and Rev. J. | Sharpe, edited by Sir T. D. Hardy, vol. I (all published), half . russia, uncut 1848 19 British Apollo (The), Or Curious Amusements for the Ingenious, = =‘ perform’d by a Society of Gentlemen, 3 vol. (and the 20 nos. of — = vol. IV, which are very rarely found with copies), bound in 3 vol. | ) calf | Printed for the Authors by J. Mayo, March 13, 1708—May 11, 1711 | 1 | 720 Broadsides (11) relating to the Civil War, etc. some in Verse, | b mostly printed at York by Stephen Bukley, etc. 1642-3 | 721 Brockedon (Wm.) Italy, Classical, Historical and Picturesque, 60 ae fine engravings, half morocco gilt roy. 4t0. md.) | | 722 Brooke (Raphe) Catalogue and Succession of Kings, Princes, /2 | Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, etc. since the Norman Conquest to — > S 1619, coats and shields of arms, old calf with arms of Wm. Baynton on sides, and his signature on title W. Jaggard, 1619 — 4 | 723 Bruni (C.) Opera tria (de Legationibus, de Cxremoniis et de 5 | i are Imaginibus), old red morocco, g. ¢. Moguntie, 1548 724 Brusonii (L. D.) Facetiz et Exempla, FIRST AND BEST EDITION, uncastrated, old calf Rome, 1518 *.* Rare. Heber’s copy sold for £5 19s. 725 Brypass (Sir Egerton). A bundle of Memoranda, Sonnets, Notes and Papers, by or addressed to Sir Egerton Brydges, including his Memoir of Lord Tenterden and a Mass of Correspondence, | MANUSCRIPT, four packages or volumes SAC. XVIII and XIX | 726 Brydges (Sir E.) Various Privately Printed Papers. Chandos of © Sudeley, Decapentaca (2 nos.), Veridica (2 nos.), The Green Book, ete. in a portfolio | 727 BuLuET. MEMOIRES SUR LA LANGUE CELTIQUE, AVEC UN DIc-) TIONNAIRE CELTIQUE, ETC. 3 vol. half bound Besancon, C. J. Daclin, 1754-60 Langue Celtique, another copy, 3 vol. calf 24 Besancon, 1754-60 — ~ Oo EET i eS ALERTS SEE ESE LOTTO GOO es AS ee os rd > és eh oe eo wa, — Pe ae) SO 4 PS elie ees: | b. ‘ Wry ee one i oe Sob eis Af a a ears \ ry a ‘ : . eS, os S Bullet. BRB — 735 anh Blo TB Rol 23/2 ‘% 27 ee er | L7| 51 | 130 aa | 731 | 16] | 730 agg 9] | 733 ¢ | 734 naa} } . | | ey 736 3} 4. 738 4 / 739 3| : G | 740 3 5 | 741 3 7 | ae Burton (Wm.) Description of Leicestershire, containing matters 50 ee ee ne of Antiquity, History, Armory and Genealogy, fine impression of the portrait and engraved title by Delaram, map, and coats of arms, old calf J. White (1622) Burton. Description of Leicestershire, portrait, engraved title, map and coats of arms, old calf (‘ex Libri Jacobi Chetham”) ib. (1622) ,, Burton (R.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, second edition, old calf Yi 0 L Oxford, Lichfield & Short, 1624 (J Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, second edition (frontispiece of (LAO Ler sixth edition inserted (mended) ; stained, several leaves mended, with all faults) half bound ib. 1624 _ Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, third edition, corrected and aug My are mented, engraved title, old calf Oxf. J. Lichfield, 1628 fp. i Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, third edition, engraved title (-A**9 (mounted), several leaves defective, wants end of table and leaf of Imprint, and 2 leaves of verses, calf, 1628; and another Imper fect Copy of the same edition, having the 2 leaves of verses ano Imprint at end, ib. 1628 ; (the lot with all faults) (2) Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, fourth edition, title to second edition (mended) inserted, leaf of English verses wanting, cal J, Lichfield, 1632 | Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, jifth edition, engraved title 02+ (“ Argument” mended, corner of p. 1 torn), signature of ‘“ Geo. Burton, Trin. Coll. Camb.” on fly-leaf Oxford, H. Cripps, 1638 Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, eighth edition, corrected and Fo augmented, engraved title, calf 1676 Butler (S.) Illustrations of Hudibras, a series of 60 portraits by ? R. Cooper, INDIA PROOFS ON LARGE PAPER, half calf extra 1819 Ceremoniale Episcoporum, plates, MS. notes, old black morocco, gold (+ALL tooling, gilt edges Rome, 1600 Cesarii Cisterciensis Monachi in Heisterbacho Dialogus Miracu- lorum, fine copy in calf aan s. l. et a. sed Colonie Ulricus Zell, circa 1476) fp ~ Q Cesaris Historien vom Gallier und der Rémer Burgerische Krieg, Aecg fA &c. black letter, woodcuts, oak boards, covered in stamped leather, (GF Meyntz, J. Schéffer, 1530 a Calasii (F. M. de) Concordantie SS. Bibliorum Hebraicoram 7747 edente G. Romaine, 4 vol. old calf 1747-49 | te” & ¢ harong 745 Ao 746 " 3 ea MN a oe i a ik) ia at ee ; ; MZ ae i a pea Pen D DAY?S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot 743. uRY (Bp. Richard de) Philobiblon, edited and translated by E. C. Thomas, 1888—Stevens (H.) Recollections of James Lomax, of New York, portrait, 1886—Miller (J.) Our Hymns: their Authors and Origin, 1866; and others 8 vol. Butler (A. J.) Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt, 2 vol. ilustra- tions, uncut Oxford, 1884 But er (S.) HuprBRAs, 3 vol. first uniform edition in sm. 8vo, title of part 2 slightly cut into, tree-marbled calf extra 1663-64-78 Butler (S.) Hudibras, Part 1, Printed in the year 1663—Another issue, J. G. for Richard Marriot, 1663—Hudibras, Second Part, Printed in the year 1663— Another, 7. F. for John Martyn, éc. 1664, FIRST EDITIONS 4 vol, Butler (S.) Hudibras, Part 1, J. G. for R. Marriot, 1663—Hudi- bras, Second Part, 7. Rf. for J. Martyn, &ce. 1664, FIRST EDITIONS, with all faults im 1 vol. BUTLER (S.) Hudibras, the First Part, Written in the time of the late Wars, a crowned rose and thistle on title, Imprimatur on back of title, Lond. printed in the year 1663—Another issue of the First Part, same as preceding, with 3 lines of Errata at end—_ Another, with 7 rows of an ornamental figure in place of the rose and thistle, and no Errata—Another, Printed by J. G. for ftichard Marriot, 1663—Another, with the Imprimatur on a separate leaf, otherurse similar to the last—Hudibras, the Second 1.3 | i | Part, 7. R. for John Martyn and James Allestry, 1664, calf extra 6 vol. *,* A valuable collection of the various earliest, or pirated editions, in 16mo. ay 749 Butler (S.) Hudibras, First and Second Parts, in 1 vol. FIRST AUTHOR'S EDITION, sm. 8vo, 1663-64—Third and Last Part, , t a i FIRST EDITION, 1678—Butler’s Ghost: or, Hudibras, the — Fourth Part, 1682 3 vol. | 750 Butler (S.) Hudibras, First and Second Parts, in 1 vol. FIRST AUTHOR’S EDITION, sm. 8vo, 1663-64—Third and Last Part, | f i second issue of the first edition, 1678 2 vol. | third part cut, 1674-79—Hudibras, Second Part, FIRST EDITION, tler (S.) Hudibras, Three Parts in 2 vol. second edition, title of . 1664 ; and 3 others, early parts 6 vol. hoe Jb | oe SN ee ee 4 ROE + serge 7 52 yr 752 Butler (S.) Hudibras, Three parts in 1 vol. second edition of the complete Poem, 1678-79—Hudibras, Three parts in 1 vol. 1694 2 vol. pe n AL 753 Butler (S.) Hudibras, 1700—Another edition, 1704—Anothe edition, 1709 3 vol. Me es 754 Butler (S.) Hudibras, portrait and plates, 1709—Butler, another olo edition, portrait and woodcuts, uncut, 1800; and 3 other = editions 5 vol. a 755 Butler (S.) Hudibras, in Three Parts, portrait and plates, 1710—| ~ Oo 4 Another edition, portrait, and plates by Hogarth, 1726; and F other editions 10 vol. SS 756 Butler (S.) Hudibras, with Notes by Grey, 2 vol. plates (not ol uniform), 1744—The British Drama, vol. I, part 2 and vol. II, in 2 vol. Miller, 1804; and others (13) 757 Butler (S.) Hudibras, with Annotations by Z. Grey, 2 vol. por- Auth trait, and plates by Hogarth, calf Camb. de. 1744 Pe 758 Butler (S.) Hudibras, with Annotations by Z. Grey, 2 vol. por- Denham trait, and plates by Hogarth, calf Dublin, 1744 759 Butler (S.) Hudibras, with a Translation into French Verse (by yet Col. J. Towneley), 3 vol. portrait and plates by Hogarth, cal a gilt Lond, (Paris), 1757 760 Butler, Another copy, 1757—Montaigne (M. de) Essais, 4 vol. (2 dbey | calf, Paris, 1802 T v0. E ‘ 761 Butler (S.) Hudibras, traduit en Vers Frangois, 3 vol. portraits, Cho | and plates after Hogarth’s designs, blue morocco extra, g. €. 1757 762 Butler (S.) Hudibras, frey ubersetzt von D. W. Soltau, portrait HN and plates, half morocco, uncut, t. €. g. Konigsberg, 1797 763 Butler (S.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. uncut, Pickering, 1835—| Keble ie (J.)| Lyra Innocentium, FIRST EDITION, Ozford, 1846—Lowell (J. R.) Poetical Works, portrait, 1880; and others _— 11 vol. 764 Butler (W. A.) Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy,| /# tf 2 vol. . Camb. 18560, 765 Byns (A.) Cantica varie, original calf with medallion portrait, badges and motto of the Emperor Charles V stamped on sides : : Antverp. 1529 *,* Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition, 1891.) “T take this to be an exceptionally rare specimen.” —MS, note es by Mr. Buckley. | : 766 Byrom (John) Miscellaneous Poems, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf, WB. clber Manchester, 1773—Wodhull (M.) Poems, FIRST EDITION, a: | : LARGE PAPER, engravings, russia extra, 1772 3 vol. D p : 18 767 Byron (Lord) Hours of Idleness, FIRST EDITION, Newark, 1807 —Poems, Original and Translated, frontispiece, wncut, ib. 1808 7 ! 2 vol. 7 o 768 Byron (Lord) Poems, Original and Translated, frontispiece, bP. alec Newark, 1808-—Lara, a Tale, Jacqueline, a Tale, FIRST EDI- 4 TION, 1814—English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1810; wn- cut copies 3 vol, : * ; oe *y : wae “) / y DQ = gle oy mes a4 @ - ee ae ean 769 Byron (Lord) The Giaour, 1813—-Prisoner of Chillon, 1816— | / |/© Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Cantos 3 and 4, 1816-18—Marino | Faliero, &c. 1821—Sardanapalus, &. 1821—The Island, 1823; ) - and another, al/ FIRST EDITIONS, wncut (7) bell 770 Byron (Lord) Lara, a Tale, Jacqueline, a Tale, FIRST EDITION, | 1814—Genuine Rejected Addresses, preceded by that written by Lord Byron, 1812—Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of - Lord Byron, by I. Nathan, 1829 3 vol. | a 771 Byron (Lord) Don Juan, Cantos I-XVI, in 6 vol. FIRST EDITIONS 13 ; wy, of Cantos III-X VI, uncut 1819-24 | A 772 Byron (Lord) Don Juan (Complete in 16 Cantos) in 6 vol. boards | uncut, Davison & Hunt, 1823-4 ; and others (9) D obete 73 Byron (Lord) The Island, J. Hunt, 1823—Operas, Plays, Poems, | { ; &c. bound in 10 vol. v. d. ein 774 Byron. Horatius, ed. W. Baxter, LARGE PAPER, portrait, russia, f 3 V a qe @. 1725 | | *,* With the following interesting inscription on fly-leaf, in Lord Byron’s handwriting: Byron. A gift from Charles S._ Matthews. Poor Mat! I would have risked my paltry life to have preserved yours. You were among those few who ren- dered my existence tolerable. Newstead Abbey, Aug. 11, 1811. C. S. Matthews, the most intimate of Ld. Byron’s friends, was drowned while bathing in the Cam, Aug. 7, 1811. d ee 775 Byron. Lucretius de Rerum Natura, autograph of Lord Byron on 2 l/ oe te title and long note in his handwriting on fly-leaf, vellum sO Sy I, SRS ne Ps : A niverp. 1566 t tt 776 Cabilliavi (B.) Magdalena, vellum, Antv. 1625—Bonciarii (A.) | 2 ; Pedagogomachia, vellum, Perus. 1611—-Feithii (E.) Antiqui- 4] tates Homericarum, calf gilt, Argent. 1743 ; and others (14) moyauayiT7 Cabinet des Fées, ou, Collection choisie des Contes des Fées, et | / i/ / 3 autres Contes Merveilleux, 41 vol. fine plates by Marillier and . others, wncut Geneve, 1785-89 Cesar cum Notis Variorum, 2 vol. H. Walpole’s (with book-plates), /b , and the Beckford copy, old French red morocco extra, g. ¢. Lugd. Bat. 1713 Cesaris Opera omnia (edente H. Homer), 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Re portrait and maps, old blue morocco extra, g. e. 1790 ) Callaway (Rev. Canon) Nursery Tales, Traditions, and Histories | / C1 ) of the Zulus, with a Translation and Notes, vol. I, Natal, 1868—Religious System of the Amazulu, id. 1868, half morocco, t. é. g. 2 vol. | Fas Calverley) (C. 8.) Verses and Translations, Camb. 187 1_Fly | we eae Leaves, ib. 1889; and others Tool} ft neem ee ee SSE EAT AE IEA SLE RS PIE A ES Re. | | ) | | : | | i | | | | f | | | | Calvini (J.) Ratio et Forma publice orandi Deum, atque adminis- / 2, trandi Sacramento et cet. in Anglorum Ecclesiam, ete. morocco Geneve, 1556 Calvini (J.) in Novum Testamentum Commentarii, ed. A. Tholuck, | . Vi 12 ROE SE SE 7 vol. in 4, calf gilt, Hulme prize copy Berolini, 1838-34 | Camus (I. P.) Divertissement Historique, Paris, 1632—Histoire - facecieuse de l’Adventurier Buscon, wants title, morocco, with the arms of the Countess de Verrue on sides : i aD | | | in 1 vol. rey B24. _/ | | 4) | 785 eS ee fat | iil | 36 Bee bere eee OT es ee cs oe ae // | | 788 | ee ek 'g| | 790 Yo| | 791 OS ek | 792 | ) | 793 . | 794 . Bash | ) | | 795 : 796 | ) | | | | | 797 : | | 798 . | | | 799 | | aaa 54 Canova (A.) Opere di Scultura e di Plastica, descritte da I. Al brizzi, 4 vol. plates, Pisa, 1821-24—Biographia di Canova, dal L. Cicognara, portrait, Venez. 1823 —Vita di Canova da M. Missirini, portrait, Prato, 1824, calf 6 vol. : Capelle (M.) Satyricon, portraits, vellum, Plantim, 1599—Des- Oho = pauterii (J.) Grammatica, old morocco, Charles IT’s copy, when f Prince of Wales, with feathers on covers, Rothomagi, 1634 ; and others 11 vol. | | | Carew (Bampfylde-Moore) Life and Adventures, FIRST EDITION, : and first issue, portrait added, calf Exon. 1745 4 Carew. Another copy, LARGE PAPER, wncut ib. 1745 I Live Carew. Another copy, second issue, morocco, 9g. é. ib. 1745 leecher Carew, Life, Voyages and Adventures, portrait, J. Barker, n. d.—| Cash Life and Adventures, portrait, 1788—Apology for the Life, portrait, 1768—Surprising Adventures, portrait and plates, uncut, 1812; and 2 others 6 vol. Carew, Life and Adventures, portrait, 1788—Another edition, TeALe front. 1789—Another, portrait, J. Barker, n. d.—Another edition, portrait, n. d. 4 vol. ae Carew, Apology for the Life, second edition, FR. Goadby, n. d.— Another edition, ib. n. d.—Another edition, folding portrait, ib. n. d.—Another, fifth edition, portrait, n. d.—Another, siath, portrait, n. d.—Another, seventh, portrait, 17 63—Another, eighth, portrait, 1768—Another, ninth, portrait, 1775 8 vol. Carew, Apology for the Life, FIRST EDITION, &. Goadby, n. d.— _ ol Adventures of Melinda, 1749—Barnes (J.) New Discovery of ‘ Pygmies, 1750; and several others in 1 vol.| Carew (T.) Poems, with a Maske, 1651—Baron (R.) Mirza, a 4, deve Tragedie (1647)—Cleaveland (J.) Clievelandi Vindiciz ; or, | Genuine Poems, &c. portrait, 1677—Anderson (R.) Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, frontispiece, Wigton, 1808; and others . 14 vol.) 4, Carleton (W.) Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, BOTH Hot SERIES, 5 vol. etchings, &c. byW. H. Brooke, uncut, Dublin, 1835-34 e Carlisle (F. Earl of) Tragedies and Poems, russia, 1801—Turner lech (S.) Vindication of the Genuineness of the Ancient British Poems of Aneurin, &c. interesting MS. note by J. Ritson, half calf, 1803—Shirrefs (A.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, portrait, calf, Edinb. 1790—Byron (Lord) Marino Faliero, &c. FIRST EDITION, calf gilt, 1821 4 vol. Carlisle (N.) Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales, 2 vol. ewts, calf gilt 1818 Carmina Illustrium Poetarum Italorum, 8 vol. calf, Florent. 1719 — -—Hugenii (L.) Momenta Desultoria, Poemata, frontispiece, half . morocco, Hage, 1655—Carmina ex Poetis collectorum, Wc. | calf, Taw’. 1590 ; and others (12) Q J Casti (G.) Opera Scelte, portrait, Parigi, 1829—Della Patria di | ©. Colombo Dissertazione, LARGE PAPER, portrait, Firenze, a 1808—Liquori (S. A. Maria de) Istoria dell’ Eresie, Koma, 1839 ; and others 8 vol. wi ictmieis sna? Aime 28 + 0 Ohare an a iets, 1 Senn eam a ie Oe. et en 55 i Oat gL OO OCR INS Tor “ Te Ee a ORT A OT nn EA LR RE STEELS IT EMS A tea s8o < ween Rome Seger) ~ mene 4 ‘ Bcd 800 ‘Oui oucs. pi Bandinel’s Library, names and prices, 1861— | Baron Bolland, names and prices, half vellum, 1840—Lang (R.) | : 7 names and prices, half morocco, 1828; and others, priced (5) | 801 Catalogues. Beckett-Denison, Works of Art, 1885—Rogers (L.) a Works of Art, names and prices, half morocco, 1856—Bernal - Collection of Works of Art, plates, 1855; and others (6) ) Ee ther 802 Catalogues. Butler (Bp.) Library, fine paper, one of 40 copies, 6 half morocco, 1841—Bibliotheca Monastica Fletewodiana, half calf, 1744—Bliss (P.) Library, half calf, 1858 ; and other 4) useful catalogues (24) ds OL 803 Catalogues. Drury (H.) Library, 1827—Bibliotheca Parisiana, 4% : , half russia, 1791—North (J.) Books and Prints, 1819 ; and others, all named and priced (6); | e 3 Baril 804 Catalogues. Bibliotheca Fayana, prices, portrait, calf, Paris, 17 25 | —Crevenna, prices, Amst. 1793—Comte de Hoymn, prices, calf, (9) Se ES Te a ao ees we a Paris, 1738; and others onk wm 805 Catalogues. Treating (Sir F.), 1838--Drury (Rev. H.) plate z inserted, half morocco, 1827—Penn Library from Stoke Pogis, | half calf, 1851; and others, all named and priced (7) abel 806 Catalogues. Gordonstoun, prices, 1816—J. M. Gutch, 1858, names and prices, 1858—W. B. D. Turnbull, names and prices, . 1863; and others, named and priced (8) lonharmn 807 Catalogue of R. Heber’s Library, 13 parts complete, PRICES 1834-37 Der 808 Catalogues. Marlborough Gems, described by N. Story- a Maskelyne, privately printed, vellum, 1870—And a Collec- tion of Coin Catalogues, from 1755 to 1857, prices, bound in 11 vol. (12) 809 Catalogue. T. Osborne, 4 vol. in 2, half calf, 1753-66—Bridges (J.) Library, prices, calf, 1725—Mead (R.) Books, Coins, Gems, &c. half calf, 1754-55 ; and others (6) 810 Catalogues. Isaac Reed’s ineacy. portrait, 1807 —Malone (E.) Library, half morocco, 1818—Spencer (Earl) Duplicates, half calf, 1821; all priced (3 811 Catalogues. cee Reed, 1807—Drury (Rev. H.) half morocco, 1827—Earl of Gosford, 1884—Catalogue of Catalogues, calf, 1831; and others, all priced, some with names “(10) 812 Catalogues. Sanam (J. C.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Malcolm Collection of Old Masters, privately printed, 1869— Evans’ Engraved Portraits, half calf gilt, n. d.—Dr. Wellesley’s Cabinet of Old Masters, prices, 1866; and others (12) Catalogues. Utterson (E. V.) Library, prices and names, portrait inserted, green morocco eatra, g. ¢ 1852—Haslewood (Jos.) © | Library, half morocco, prices and names, 1833 Catalogues. White Knights, names and prices, half calf, 1819— 3 Sir M. M. Sykes, two portraits inser ted, half calf, 1824—Sir A, H. Inglis, names and prices, half morocco, 1826—Sir F. Freeling, names and prices, half calf, 1836 ; and another ee Catalogues. Wrangham (Archd.) English Portion of his Library, only 70 copies privately printed, Malton, 1826—Sir F. Freeling’s Library, 1836 ; and others (4) Wen RELI AT PPTL SOE SIRES TE OEE TE EPS LE EI OLE LINE LL CE EASE So SEs OT 5 ES EO CL ON LILO SO ET AOL SIREN SPS ETE wreuss _ et v1; ae 816 817 818 819 820 | 821 822 ra S25 PRETENSE A BSA 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 56 . — oe a a ear Catalogues. Wrangham (Archd.) English Portion of his Library, only 70 copies privately printed, Malton, 1826—Parr “a3 Library, portrait, 1827 ; and others (4)\ Catalogues. A collection of the Catalogues issued by T. Osborne, 1742-64 in 24 vol. Catalogues. A number of recent Sale Catalogues of Rare Books, many priced a parcel Catalogus Bibliothecee Thuanez, a W. P. and J. Puteanis, TUSSI extra, g. @ Paris. 1679 Catechism (The), or Christian Doctrine by Way of Question and , Answer, in English and Irish, old calf ib. J. Guerin, 1742 | , Catenee Greecorum Patrum in Novum Testamentum, edidit J. A. 3 Cranmer, 8 vol. calf gilt : Oxonu, 1844 3 Catonis Disticha, Gr. Lat. Angl. Germ. Gall. et Belgice cum Vt : Floscutis Poeticis, Hist. Crit. Catoniana, et Notis Variorum, (edente Koenig von Koenigsfeld), 2 vol. gilt pigskin, g. ¢. Amst. 1759—Manilii Astronomicon, libri V, cum Notis Var. opera et studio E. Burton, front. old red morocco eutra, g. ¢. 1783—Longi Pastoralia Gr. edidit P. L. Coureir, curavit G. R. L. de Sinner, morocco gilt, Paris, Didot, 1829—Callimachus, i edidit C. J. Blomefield, blue morocco, 1815; and others 8 vol. - Catullus et in eum Comment. M. A. Mureti, Ven. Aldus, 1554— te Aho ) Voelli (J.) et J. Lipsii de Ratione Conscribendi Epistole, | 2 vol. in 1, Aldine anchor on titles, Briaie, 1601—Theocriti 3 Idyllia, ete. Gr. Ven. ex off. Farrea, 1543 3 vol. a ist Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii Opera, edidit M. Maittaire, LARGE PAPER, the Lamoignon copy, with C. M. Cracherode’s cypher, red morocco, g. ¢. by Padeloup 1715 | Catulli, Tibulli, et Propertii Opers, Birm Beste ag sana | Lucretius, ib. 1773; and others 13 vol. ‘ Catulli, Poésies, traduction complete avec Notes, &c. par F. Noel, (len 2vol. papier vélin, plates by Girodet, red morocco extra, watered silk linings, g. e. by Bozerian Paris, 1803 Caulfield (J.) Calcographiana, portrait, 1814—Pegge (S.) Anec- dotes of the English Language, 1803—Cotton (H.) Typo- | graphical Gazetteer, Ozford, 1825—Coleridge (N.) Glossarial Index to the Printed English Literature of the XIIth Cen- tury, 1859 ; and others 8 vol. Cave (W.) Primitive Christianity, book-plate of W. Penn of Pen- sylvania, 1703, calf gilt, 1682—Sparke (E.) Pious Reflection on Primitive Devotion, portrait and plates, old black morocco eatra, g. e. 1660—Wilkins (Bp. J.) Principles and Duties of Natural Religion, portrait by White, calf, 1675—(King) On the Primitive Church, calf gilt, g. e. 1712; and others 8 vol. Cavendish (G.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey, with Notes, &. by | S. W. Singer, portraits, uncut | 1827 + 2 @ Cellarii (A.) Regni Poloniz, map and plates, old red morocco extra, cller g. M. @. Amst. 1659 23 Cellini (B.) Vie, Ecrite par Lui-méme, traduction L. Leclanché, Ine gon etchings by F. Laguillermie, uncut Paris, 1881 | | 4 » 1 ee 57 ae Fee Sn oa eng cree nen ne eT stv1v |832 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, avec Notice, Notes, et Glossaire par q ash1s833 enham 834 cnn 835 p ats 836 a 837 838 P. Lacroix, complete in 10 parts, plates by J. Garmer Jouaust, Paris, 1874 Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, avec Notice, Notes et Glossaire par P. Lacroix, 4 vol. papier de Hollande, plates by Garnier in three states, half red morocco extra, wncut, t. €. g. Cérémonies des Gages de Bataille, pub. d’apres le MS. par G. A. Crapelet, plates, Paris, 1830—Notice sur sa Vie et les Kcrits de R. Wace, par F. Pluquet, frontispiece, Rowen, 1824; and another 3 vol. Certain Elegies, done by Sundrie Excellent Wits, &c. 1620, reprint of only a few copies by E. V. Utterson 1843 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, Milan, 1610—Segunda Parte, Bruselas, 1616, gilt vellum, g. e. 2 vol. Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) Suite nouvelle et véritable de lHistoire, etc. de Don Quichotte, 6 vol. numerous plates by Antoine, calf Paris, 1741 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) Don Quixote, translated by Jarvis, 2 vol. plates, 1749—Don Quixote, translated by Wilmot, 2 vol. plates, Cooke, n. d.—Wodhull (M.) Poems, portrait, presentation copy, 1804 ; and others (12) Cervantes Saavedra (M.de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote, 4 vol. Madrid, 1782—Vida y Hechos del Don Quixote, 4 vol. portrait and plates by Folkema, Amst. 1755 8 vol. Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote, con Notas, &c. por J. A. Pellicer, 5 vol. plates, some leaves stained, wneut Madrid, 1797-98 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) Life and Adventures of Don Quixote, 4 vol. plates by Westall, india proofs, uncut 3 1820 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) Don Quichotte, traduit et annoté par L. Viardot, 2 vol. «lustrations by Tony Johannot, half morocco gilt Paris, 1836 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de) Los Seis Libros de Galatea, 2 vol. Madrid, 1784—Viage al Parnaso, 7b. 1784, plates 3 vol. Chaffers (W.) Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain, 2,200 Potters’ marks and illustrations [Challoner (Bp. R.)] Memoirs of Missionary Priests, 2 vol. 1741 —Playford (J.) Whole Book of Psalms, front. 1697—Knapp (W.) New Church Melody, portrait added, n. d. ; &c. 11 vol. Chalmers (G.) Poetic Remains of some of the Scottish Kings, portrait, 1824—Peacham (H.) The Period, together with Nuptiall Hymnes, &c. 1789—Lamb (Sir J. B.) Birth and Triumph of Love, plates, uncut, 1823 3 vol. Chambers (R.) Popular Rhymes of Scotland, Edinb. 1826— Warner (R.) Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, 1823 ; and others a parcel Chambers (R.) History of the Rebellions in Scotland, 5 vol. frontispieces, uncut Edinb. 1829 cen STC ib. 1874 1872 | GO: // Me ( 2 2 | | a ee ~~ een i ESN Yn A a A SR EME RI IN OS APNE PENROSE SOO a rT roe i) acheter ti eB TNE A OREN VE AEA NEN EN LE ARCO OOOO ECA ALT Nr et CT id Css in se wa en a A i A CLIENT OT ATTN CORTE CIEE I DTCC — ~ S ~ Pa Sas 0 NNN 0 cD AAS, SAORI EH G> ee ees I< lr ar ST Ba Ye Ge a hie 5 Pe ee Mg rere, 855 856 | 857 858 859 — 860 861 862 pS AEE CNEL AEA LOE LO OTE 863 864 re a RR A ce teens 58 Champfleury, Ess Cutz ddition He ies silouiel plates and etchings, Go Liye half red morocco, uncut, ts 29g. Paris, 1870 7, Chandler (R.) Life of Bp. W. Waynflete, LARGE PAPER, portrait, N. , dc. uncut, 1811—-Churton (R.) Lives of the Founders of | Brasen-nose College, portraits, Oxford, 1800, uncut 2 vol. Gal Chansons choisies (Nouveau Recueil de), 8 vol. in 4, calf | | ia, 1731-43 J. Chants et Chansons Populaires de la France, H. L. Delloye, Ge " éditeur, THREE SERIES, 3 vol. music and numerous engravings, : morocco extra, gold tooled borders on sides, g. @. Paris, s. d. 2 Charles I Workes, portraits by Marshall, Hague, n. d.—Lloyd (D.) nag 9 States-men and Favourites of England since the Reformation, y portraits added, autograph of Charles Cotton, 1665—Wotton (Sir H.) Reliquiz Wottoniane, no portraits, presentation c Bie From I. Walton, 1672 ; and others Wake Charles J, Eikon Baahike: 2 portraits of Charles I (one inlaid) and portr ait of Charles II at the age of 19, Queen Charlotte's copy, old black morocco extra, g. e. 17 49 —Eikon Basilike, another copy, ruled, 1749—W ordsworth (W.) “Who wrote Eikon Basilike?” with Documentary Supplement, 2 vol. in 1, e 1824-25 3 vol. Chatterton (T.) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, frontispiece, 1778 —Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol, by T. Rowley and others, wncwt, 1777—Thomson (J.) The Seasons, woodcuts by Bewick, 1805 ; and others 11 vol. Chatterton (T.) The Revenge, a Barletee acted at Marybone *Z2eorgk Gardens, with Additional Songs (not mentioned by Lowndes), G- red morocco extra, g. e. 1795 ) Chatterton (T.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. Camb. mare iY ng worth (W.) Earlier Poems, 1857 ; uncut copies Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales, Pablislied by Ogle, 3 vol. on Iota —Pope (A.) Dunciad, with Notes beste. second. edition, frontispiece, 1729 ; and others 7 vol. 4 Chaucer (G.) Poote modernized, morocco, g. ¢ 1841—Herrick (R.) Hesperides, 2 vol. half morocco eatra, t. ¢. g. 1844 3 vol. CHAUCER SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 75 parts 8vo, and 19 So = oblong 4to [Chaussard (M.)] Fétes et Courtisanes a la Gréce, 3 vol. Mele é Dobel half russia Paris, 1801; - ~ Cheilead (The), or University Coterie, oui Edinb, 1827— ole [Wrangham (Archdn.)] A Few Epigrams, &c. &e. privately printed, n. d.—Popular Ballads and Songs, from Tradition, MSS. and Scarce Editions, Paris, Renoward, 1825; and others 10 vol, Chesterfield (Earl of) Letters to his Son, 4 vol. portrait, calf, atin 1774—Burneti (T.) Archeologiz Philosophice, LARGE PAPER, portrait, calf, 1728—Baxteri (W.) Glossarium Antiquitatum Romanarum, portrait, 1731 ; and others 17 vol Chevigné (M. de) et*M. de Limiers, Science des Personnes de Cour, revue, &c. par P. Massuet, 9 vol. in 18, plates Amst. 17 52-57 Sdindiiahininaintade ena 4 865 tecerdeh. 810 876 877 878 pe NE A AAO ION E : as : eo Chovi (G.) Castrametatione et Bagni antichi de i Greci et Ex Romani, woodcuts, dark green morocco, g. &. (Lyone), 1559 Christian Sodality; or, Catholick Hive of Bees, 1652—Hall | (Bp. J.) Resolutions and Decisions, portrait, 1654—Nature and Practice of the Holy Rosary, plates, n. p. 01 %.—Crowder (A.) &c. Jesus, Marie, Joseph, frontispiece and .ngraved title, . stained, 1663—A Guide to Eternal Glory, frontispiece, 1685 5 and others, many scarce 12 vol. | Christie (R. C.) Etienne Dolet le Martyr dela Renaissance, trad. | 7 . par C. Stryienski, half morocco extra, wneut, t. & 9. Paris, 1886 Chrysostome (S. Jean) Homelies, ou Sermons, sur l’Epistre de ! a4 S, Paul aux Romains, bright old French red morocco extra, 9. ¢. | ; | ib. 1675 | ee Chronique d’Arras et de Cambrai par Balderic revue par le} | ) Dr. Le Glay, Paris, 1834—Leben des R. Thomas von Canter- Py Pa bury, Altfranzosisch herausg. von I. Bekker, Berl. 1838 — Gesta Caroli Magni ad Carcassonam et Narbonam, edita Seb. Ciampi, Florent. 1823 ; and others (5) Chroniques Anglo-Normandes par Fr. Michel, 3 vol. Rouen, 1836 — _—LLes Oracles de Michel de Nostredame, édition de Varietur par Anat. le Pelletier, 2 vol. Paris, 1867 —F ables Inédites des XIIe, XIII*, XIV Siécles et Fables de La Fontaine, par ' A. C. M. Robert, 2 vol. plates, ib. 1825 ; and others (11) | ; } i . Chrysostomi (S. J.) Homiliz in Mattheum, ed. F. Field, 2 vol. Cantab. 1839—Keble (J.) Prelectiones Academic Oxonil habit, 1832-1841, 2 vol. Oxonii, 1844—Ctesize Coridii Operum : ' | Reliquie, ed. J. OC. F. Baehr, russia, Francof. 1824; and | i ) / 1s | bd a others 8 vol. Church Builder (The), an illustrated Quarterly J ournal of Church Extension in England and Wales, nos. 1-72, numerous | plates 1862-79 Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, plates, Camb. Camd. Soc. 1845—Storer and Greig, Views Illustrative of the Works of R. Burns, 1805 ; and others (6) Churton (E.) Early English Church, frontispiece, morocco, g. é. 1840—Crosthwaite (J. G.) Modern Hagiology, 2 vol. 1846 ; and others 21 vol. Churton (R.) Lives of the Founders of Brasen-nose College, portraits, Oxford, 1800—Supplement, 1803—Life of A. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul’s, plates, Oxford, 1809— Warton (T.), Life, of]: a Sir 1. Pope, 1772—Life and Literary Remains of R. Bathurst, — portrait, 1761 ; uncut copies 4 vol. RTT TALEND EE LED Churton (R.) Life of A. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul’s, LARGE PAPER, — VO | portraits on india paper, morocco eatra, g. ¢. by Hayday Oaford, 1809} 4 | Giceron Pensées, trad. par Abbé d’Olivet, dedication copy to the S| Dauphin, son of Lowis XV, from the Y emeniz collection, old red morocco extra, gilt marbled edges Paris, W747) s . Ciceronis ad Q. Fratrem dialogi III de Oratore, illust. Z. Pearce, gee old French red morocco extra, g. é. Cantab. 1732 — ee BaP 775 ae a nen nmmmeenianinemmamaans 880 881 | 882 pewerate morose! o AT AEN EASES II ERR tN ID at Pie Same 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 eRe iwi SEIT 6 Ne Ciceronis de Amicitia Dialogus, red morocco in a case, diminutive size, Paris. 1781—Horatius, red morocco, ib. 1828—Rider’s British Merlin, red morocco, elegantly tooled, 1732; and others, all in morocco (5) Ciofani (H.) in Ovidii Opera observationes, LARGE PAPER, ruled, Anitverp, Plantin, 1583—Juris Orientalis libri III, Gr. et Lat. ab E. Bonefidio digestis, &c. H. Stephanus, 1573—Berosii Antiquitates, one leaf slightly damaged, Antverp. 1545; and others 6 vol. Circle of Sciences, 8 vol. calf gilt *,* A series of small educational works. Dublin, 1770 Cistercians. Libellus statutorum Cisterciensis Ordinis, written in A.D. 1289 with later additions, and the first 8 leaves supplied by a transcript, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM 12mo. 1289, éc. Cistercian Saints of England, J. Toovey, 1844-45 17 nos. Clareani (H.) Geographia, vellum, Venet. 1549—De Ritibus et In- stitutis Eccles. Tigurine, morocco, Tiguri, 1559—Naogeorgi (T.) Agricultura Sacra, red morocco extra, Basil, 1550; and others 2 (9) Clarendon’s Rebellion. Collection of 84 Portraits and 7 folding plates and maps, title mounted, with all faults 1717 Clarendon (E. Earl of) Religion and Policy, 2 vol. in 1, portrait, calf, Oxford, 1811—Smith (J. P.) Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, 3 vol. calf, 1829 ; and others 8 vol. Clark (R.) Account of the National Anthem, music, 1822—Words of the most favourite Pieces performed at the Glee Club, &c. 1814; uniform russia gilt 2 vol. Clarke (Mrs. Cowden) Complete Concordance to Shakspeare 1878 Clarke (E. D.) Greek Marbles in Cambridge University, plates, Camb. 1809--La Batrachomyomachia traduit de la Version Latine d’E. Berglere par Fr. Cohen de Kentish-Town (after- wards Sir F. Palgrave) agé de huit ans, Lond. 1797—Weston (S.) The Conquest of the Miao-tse, translated from the Chinese, 1810; in 1 vol. half bound Clarke (E. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Africa, 11 vol. maps, &c. russia 1816-24 Classical Journal, 40 vol. in 20, half vellum Valpy, 1810-29 Classical Museum, a Journal of Philology, &c. 7 vol. half calf | 1844-50 Classicorum Auctorum e Vaticanis Codicibus Editorum, curante A. Maio, 10 vol. half bound Lome, 1828-38 Claude (J.) Essay on the Composition of a Sermon, 2 vol. por- trait, 1788—Kypke (G. D.) Observationes Sacre, 2 vol. Wratislavie, 1755 ; the Rev. T. Williams’ copies, calf eatra, g. e. with his arms, &e. on sides 4 vol. Clementi Romani ad Corinthios Epistole dus, edid. H. Wotton, LARGE PAPER, old calf, Cant. 1718—Jashar, Fragmenta Archetypa Carminum Hebraicorum, edid. J. G. Donaldson, half morocco, 1854—Patrees Apostolici Opera Genuina cura R. Russell, 2 vol. 1746; and others (10) Asia and é, Y Marte _ ret B. b, Co Treg Baker as ~~. : : | ! SAP EIA Ab NAR eI SSAEE ESI GE LIE M ODLO O GE I IE ONSS Ee E R CEE ALEEAINEN EB OE AEEBAR I NOM bE 916 917 918 919 920 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 62 Collection des Moralistes Anciens, old French red morocco extra, Teed ZB g. @ Paris, Didot, 1782 9 vol. te Collection des Romans Grecs, avec des Notes par MM. Courier, J v Larcher, &c. précédée d’un Essai sur les Romans Grecs par M. Villemain, plates, half red morocco, uncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1822 ; &c. vol. p Collier (J.) View of the Lancashire Dialect, with a Glossary, foray Manchester, n. d.—-Another edition, 1797—Specimens of the a Yorkshire Dialect, Knaresbrough, 1810; and 2 others, calf im 1 vol. - [Collier (J.)] Tim Bobbin’s Toy-shop open’d, plates, some mended,» % Manchester, 1763—Johnson (S.) Prince of Abissinia (Rasselas) 2 vol. 1759—[Thomson (W.)] Man in the Moon, 2 vol. 1783 ; and others 13 vol. Collier (J.) View of the Lancashire Dialect, by Tim Bobbin, with A Glossary, portrait and plates, uncut, Manchester, 1775—Plebian q Politics, portrait, &c. ib, n. d. ; and 2 others (4) a Collier (Jer.) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, with life [Leth &c. by F. Barham, 9 vol. Hulme prize copy, calf eatra, m. e- 1840-41 , Collins (W.) Memoirs of a Picture, including a Biographical /v? Sketch of George Morland, 3 vol. wneut Columbus (C.) Select Letters &c. relating to his Four Voyages to ly alt oyt the New World, translated &. by R. H. Major, Hakluyt Soe. _ 1847—Scoresby (W.) Account of the Arctic Regions, 2 vol. 24 engravings, Edinb. 1820—Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, map and plates, ib. 1823 4 vol. Combat de Trente Bretons contre Trente Anglois, publié d’aprés (44 Ls le MS. par G. A. Crapelet, plates, Paris, 1827—Mélange publiés par la Soc. des Bibliophiles Frangais, half bound, 1b. 1825; and 2 others 4 vol. Comber (T.) Companion to the Temple, 7 vol. Hulme prize copy, Pret : calf extra, m. e. , Oxford, 1841 oe Comenii (J. A.) Diogenes Cynicus redivivus, FIRST EDITION, @ few headlines slightly cut into, morocco extra Amst. 1658 Comic Offering, 1831-1835, numerous illustrations by R. Seymour, M, &c. morocco, g. é. 5 vol. . q Commonplace Books, three, one in Latin, one in English, temp. yne r Queen Anne; the third by Henry Holden, Fellow of Mag: | dalen College, Oxford (died 1710) MANUSCRIPTS, 2 vol. a | 4 Comyn (Sir R.) History of the Western Empire, 2 vol. LARGE ler j SAC. XVII PAPER, M0roccd, g. @. 1841; ,— Conceptione Beatae Mariae Virginis (Tres Propositiones de) cum revocationibus earundem, lit. goth. 2 curious woodcuts (rudeli coloured) s.a.etl.— Panegyrici F. B. Egnatii in Francisei I Frane Reg. de Helvetiis Victoriam, cut of press on title Paris. 1515 —Foenix Mag. Petri Memorize Ravennatis, Venet. B. de se Choris, 1491 ; (3 ne 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 Litt 940 : 941 942 943 944 931 63 Conduct of the Stage Considered (The) LE. Matthews, 1721—The - Occasional Paper, vol. III, No. 9 (of Plays and Masquerades) ib. 1719—Whiston (W.) Account of a surprising Meteor seen in the Air, March 16, 1738, J. Senex, 1716—The True Life © of Betty Ireland, 1753 —Narrative of the Riots (Lord Gordon — and Popery) 1780; and other Pamphlets Congreve (W.) Works, 2 vol. 1719—Colman (G.) Broad Grins, 1815—Poetical Vagaries, 1818, illustrations, 2 vol. in 1, calf— Percy (Bp. T.) Hermit of Warkworth, cuts by Bewick, Alnwick, 1806 ; and others Conybeare (John), of Exeter College, Oxford, Oxford Sermons, 1715-53, 4 vol. Manuscripts, half calf S40. XVII Conybeare (J. J.) Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, wncut, 1826 Conzatti (Z.) Practica de Spetiali, old olive morocco extra, gilt paper linings, g. e. Ven. 1674—Familiares Colloquendi Formule in usum Scholarum, calf, 1708; and others 6 vol. [Coombe (W.)] Devil upon Two Sticks in England, 6 vol. calf, 1791—Edgeworth (Maria) Helen, 3 vol. 1834—Dodd (J. W.) Ballads of Archery, 1818 ; and others . 18 vol. Cooper (E.) Muse’s Library, vol. I (all published) calf, with the arms of the Earl of Rockingham on sides, 1737—Thomson (J.) Four Seasons and other Poems, plates, first edition of “ Winter” — Pope (A.) Dunciad, second edition, 1729 ; and others 9 vol. Cornaro (L.) On Long and Healthful Life, cal/, 1702—Stevens (A.) Lecture on Heads, woodcuts, calf gilt, 1806—Spirit of Election Wit at Exeter, red morocco eatra, g. ¢ Exeter, 1812 ; and others (5) Cornarius (J.) de Peste, calf, with the arms of Mme. de Pompadour — in gold on sides, Basil. 1551—Baudii (D.) Poematum, half morocco, t. e. g. Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1616—Prodromi (T.) Rho- | danthes et Dosiclis Amorum, Gr. et Lat. Paris. 1625; and — 6 vol. Cornazano (A.) Prouerbii in Facetie, the Beckford copy, morocco extra, g. & by C. Lewis Parigt, 1812 others Cornelius Nepos, cum Animadversionibus J. A. Bosii, varias — (11) 14 vol. Coniberti (A.) Patelinus, Comeedia, dark blue morocco extra, 9. @. Paris. 8. Colineus, 1543 — pal AGEL A TENG EIT LE I, ESI NIE ELIE OED eH saan S™ emer iatenn nde cea LP LG LN LOE A OE IRE OLE LLL VELOIOT! VES OE PP os ~9 , = eh pes ee Sell Lectiones &c. addidit J. F. Fischerus, fine paper, portrait, red — morocco extra, g. @. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, edidit G. E. Weber, calf, m. ¢. Francof. 1833 | Cory (T. P.) Ancient Fragments, FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, boards, uncut, W. Pickering, 1828—Nala and Damayanti, &c. by Dean Milman, Oxf. 1835—Hore (Ph. H.) Explanation of Ancient Terms and Measures of Land, B. M. Pickering, 1874 ; and others (6) Tips. 1806 | “= io) ee eS SAT AEA ERICA TS PEELE FLY OTL BAIT ec a AN ES PO TAT ALE LE TLE LEED TEI IANO TALI log. wage : el pian te ano tS ee 22 ae 2 VO 12 6 ae ay Pare G a A ae aa YY] 6 i/ 1% :/0°G a RTE AIS IIE PE ET IOE IE PCE OCONEE O I ORIEL IDO TSI OMENS GON TIP BG ete DE RB = aeesre ons ~ 5 = % On NEV a PR ERIN SMR PY ARABI FOE SY EIT SRSA TE WS EE RSE RENNER IN SEMEN CNL IRI CEN APNE Pt fC Ste NES pT _ 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 re) bs, Te ae i 64 ten Et A LEI CE ELLOS A COLE IRA AEC QUARTO. Cabinet of Genius (The) Containing Frontispieces and Characters Me Wy adapted to the most popular Poems, &c. fancy portraits in ; red after Shelley by C. Taylor, landscapes, &c. 2 vol. in 1, half calf C. Taylor, 1787 Calendar of Scripture (The) Whearin the Hebru, Challdian, Ree 2) Arabian, Phenician, Syrian, Persian, Greek and Latin Names a and Places in the Holly Bible mentioned, by Order of Letters are set and turned into our English Tongue (title mounted, top margins of two leaves of preface mended, wants leaf of ‘* Fauts to aa be amended”), calf (Rh. Jugge), 1575 L oie Cambridge. [Illustriss. Principis Ducis Cornubie et Comitis ee Palatini Genethliacon, Caut. Jo. Hayes, 1688 —- Lacryme Cantab. in Ob. Regine Mariz (title mounted), 1b. 1692— R. Grovii Carmen de Sanguinis Circuitu a G. Harveio Anglo primum invento, Lond. 1685 — Auctio Davisiana Oxonii habita, 1689—Conciones Varii ad Clerum, Cant. 1688, &¢.— Hymenzus Cantabrigiensis, Cant. Jo. Hayes, 1683 — Moestis- simi ac Laestissimz Academiz Cant. ere Se a Carolo II succedente Jac. II, ib. 1684; and others » (5) | q Cambridge Portfolio (The) edited by the Rev. J. J. Smith, 2 vol. , numerous illustrations, cloth J. W. Parker, 1840 k at Camden (W.) Camdeni Insignia (Oxford Poems written on the i death of the Learned Antiquary), vellum, scarce Oxon. Jo. Lichfield, 1624 ; Camden Society Publications, First Series; Poems of Mapes, obo Letters of Eminent Literary Men, Promptorium Paryulorum, _ 3 vol.; Thornton Romances, Foreigners Resident in England, and first Portion of Gen. Index ; together 8 vol. 1841-65 Camden Society Publications, SECOND SERIES, vol. XXI-L, cloth // 4 | 1878-92 Cannegieterus (Henr.) De Mutata Romanorum Nominum, red morocco gilt, Traj. ad Rhen. 1758—R. Bentleii et Aliorum Epistole, two portraits, boards, Lond. 1807 — Osiandri Strate- gicus Gr. et Lat. presentation copy, vellum, Lut. Par, 1598; and others (7) b Cardim (P. Ant. Fr.) Fasciculus e Japponicis Floribus, suo adhuc YL Madentibus Sanguine (cum Catalogo Martyrium Japponiz), map and 87 copperplate engravings of Martyrdoms, blue morocco, g. @, FINE COPY Rome, 1646 , Cardim (P. Ant. Fr.) Fasciculus e Japponicus Floribus suo adhue A u Madentibus Sanguine, 87 plates, calf ib. 1646 a Cardonnel (A. de) Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, both parts, kis Lew 50 small tinted views, in 1 vol. old red morocco gilt 1788 | 4 Cardonel (A. de) Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, 73 small Je re) tinted views, boards Edwards, 1793 7 oe Carew (R.) Survey of Cornwall, with Notes by T. Tonkin, now Rctler first published from the Originals by Francis Lord de Duns- tanville, portrait, boards, uncut 1811 I, tai cller \959 CChr€4960 oaler 961 Ol 962 p i’ 4963 964 965 966 967 968 969 --., [70 65 distor siiado (Nic.) Ricciardetto, 2 vol. in 1,EDITIO PRIMA, portrait | and vignettes, russia, wncut Parigi, F. Pitteri, 1738 | Casi (Joannis, Oxoniensi) Sphra Ciuitatis, old calf | Oxon. Jo. Barnes, 1588 | Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Sam. Butler, privately printed, | no date or place — Catalogus Librorum MSS. M. Parkeri i Archiep. edid. J. Nasmith, portrait, Cant. 1777—Catalogue of | Sir M. M. Sykes’s Prints, 41 days’ sale, 1824 — Strawberry — Hill Catalogue, 1842 ; and 1 other (5) | Catalogue of the Pihuey of John Byrom, privately printed, 1848 —Stowe Collection Catalogue — Catalogue of National Por- traits, 1867 ; and others (10) | Cathonem Glosatum et Moralisatum, lit. goth. MS. notes in mar- | gins, s. a. et l.—De Ordine Obliquorum Regimen, lit. goth. ib. —De Constructione Substantivorum, &c. (Dyasinthetica per — Matheum Herben), lit. goth. 2b. — Lilium Gramatice Mag. | Wilhelmi Wert, lit. goth. (half of title cut off), Colonie, H. Quentell, s. a.—Latinum Ydeoma Magistri Pauli Miavis, lit. | goth. s. a. al. he. (all apparently printed with the same types by Quentell of Cologne), i in 1 vol. oaken boards Catullus. Bakii Scholia in Catulli Carmina, &c.— Preccolined | Dictata in Aristophanis Comeediam concionatrices—Anonymi . Observationes in Theocritum, MANUSCRIPTS, 3 vol. ) SAC. XVIII - Catullus, et in eum Is. Vossii Observationes, old French red mo- | rocco extra, g. @. (Derome), FINE COPY Lond. I. LInttlebury, 1684 Caxton. anewe, by Wm. Morris, and F. 8. Ellis, 3 vol. boards, uncut printed by W. Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1892. Cellini (Benvenuto) Orfévre, Medailleur, Sculpteur, Recherches | sur sa Vie, sur son Euvre, &c. par E. Plon (avec le Nouvel | Appendice), Kaux-fortes par Paul le Rat, 82 fine plates, 2 vol. | unbound Paris, Plon, 1883-4 Centlivre (Mrs. Susanna) Plays, ORIGINAL EDITIONS, viz.: Per- jurd Husband, 1700; The Beau’s Duel, 1702 ; ‘Love's Con- trivances, 17 03; Stolen Heiress (1704) ; The Man’s bewitched | (n. a.) ; The Basset- Table, 1706; Love at a Venture, 1706; | The Platonick Lady, 17 07 ; "The Gamester, 1705 ; The | Busiebody, n. d. ; Marplot (second Part of Busybody), 17 Lie The Perplexed Lovers, 1712; A. Bickerstaff’s Burying, n. d. | unbound (13) E Cervantes. History of Don Quixote, translated by T. Shelton, FIRST EDITION, both parts (vol. I wants sheet A, frontispiece loose and mended, vol. IT wants Frontispiece, with all faults), in 1 vol. | old calf EL. Blount, 1612-20 — Cervantes. Don Quixote, translated by T. Shelton (Part 1), FIRST EDITION (wants title), calf L. Blount, 1612 THE GOLDEN LEGEND of Master William Caxton done | co 10 as ft (o b sea ; / /o | f Ve.| - Cervantes. Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda, FIRST EDITION. 2 | 1/0 | of the English Translation, old calf Ee Lafor M, Lo 16ie4 'F "on Ce 66 971 +Chalmers (Alex.) History of Colleges, Halls, Public Buildings, . &c. of Oxford, AUTHOR’S OWN COPY, 8vo interleaved in 4to paper, with numerous MS. notes and additions, 2 vol. Oxf. 1810 K 7 | | A _ | 972 Chaloner (Thos.) De Rep. Anglorum instauranda lib. X, huic Pat accessit in Laudem Henrici VIII, Carmen Panegyricum, woodcut head on reverse of title, half russia, Lond. T. Vautrollerwus, . 1579—G. Haddoni Lucubrationes (Orationes, Epistole et 4 Poemata), calf, ib. G. Seresius, 1567 (2) R. P je OMAN 973 Chappe d’Auteroche (Abbé) Voyage en Sibérie en 1761, con- tenant les moeurs et Usages des Russes, la Description de tt Kamtchatka par Kracheninnikow, 3 vol. in 4, numerous maps in] and plates, olive morocco extra, g. e. (Derome), FINE COPY ) pay roy. 4to. Paris, Debure, 1768 /O 974 Chappell (W.) Collection of National English Airs, consisting of 7 Ancient Song, Ballad and Dance Tunes, with Essay on . Ancient Minstrelsey, 2 vol. cloth 1840. . | 975 Charron (P.) of Wisdom, three Books, translated by Samson /\© d Lennard, engraved title by G. Hole, calf, antique style, g. e. 1614 i 976 Charron. Of Wisdome, translated by S. Lennard, calf, 1670— | Mather (S.) Figures or Types of the O. T. 1683 — Paget | (Ephr.) Christianographie, 2 maps (wants frontispiece), 1635 ; and others roe | 977 Cheke (Sir John) De Obitu doctissimi et sanctissimi Theologi doct. Mart. Buceri, Regii in Celeberrima Cant. Academia apud Anglos publice Sacrarum literarum Prelectoris Epistole due, &e. half russia, uncut, VERY RARE Lond. R, Wuolfius, 1551 978 CHERTSEY WorTHIES LIBRARY, edited by the Rev. A. B. : Grosart, COMPLETE SET comprising the Works of N. Breton J. Davies, Jos. Sylvester, Fr. Quarles, Dr. Jos. Beaumont, Dr, H. More, and Abraham Cowley (only 100 copies printed) 14 vol. parts in cloth covers 1879, &c. | / 979 Chester. Dispute about Owen Jones’s Charity, MANUSCRIPT : : Sc, XVIII / 1% 980 Chesterfield (Earl of) Letters to his Godson and Successor, now ' | | | | first edited, with Memoir, by the Earl of Carnarvon, with Appendix, portraits and illustrations, half vellum, uncut Oxford, 1890 | eS eRe ES RT SER RE TE ETT NT NL RE Ie ARTS OL AERIS ARETE MEI EC RET RTS A RAL ON ee OE Ee eT ae 981 CuHeTHam Society (PUBLICATIONS OF THE) vol. I-CXIV, and New Series, vol. I-X XV ; General Index to vol. I-XXX, and — | toc er the Manchester School Register, 3 vol. together 143 vol. cloth 1844-91 _ 982 Chetham Society. Vol. II, X, XI, XVI, XX and XXIV, 6 vol. cloth 1844-51 983 Chidley (Jas.) Most Miraculous and Happy Victory obtained against Sir Ralph Hopton, half morocco, 1643—Testimonie of Antiquity touching the Sacrament, 1687—Remonstrance o the General Assemby of the Kirk of Scotland to their Brethren in England, 1652— Morbus Epidemus, 1643 — Wharton (Geo.) Astrological Judgement upon his Majesties Present March from Oxford, 1645 ; and other Pamphlets (15) 3 I RG i 29): & oe Christie (J.) Essay on the Worship of the Elements, half calf gilt, /2 © 1814 — Willis (Rob.) Architectural Nomenclature of the | Middle Ages, 3 plates, half calf, Camb. 1844—Cole (E. 8.) Architectural Beauties of Wells and Glastonbury, 16 plates, n. d.—Britton (John) Bowood (only 25 copies printed, presen- OCR ET TERIOR, TSR ted to S. Rogers, Esq.), 1854 ; and others (7) Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, by R. Southey, map, boards, uncut Longmans, 1808 Chroniques de Normandie (Les) publiées pour la Premier fois © d’aprés deux MSS. de la Bibl. du Roi 4 Paris, par Francisque © Michel, illuminated title, only 200 copies printed, boards Rouen, pour LE. Frére, 1839 © Church-Government and Church-Covenant discussed, in an An- 2 | swer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New ENGLAND | to two and thirty Questions ; together with an APOLOGIE of | the SAID ELDERS in NEw ENGLAND for Church Government, | 1643—Bastwick (John) Independency not God’s Ordinance, 1645—Flagellum Flagelli, or Dr. Bastwick’s Quarters beaten © up, &c. by J. S. M. A. 1645—Short View of the Prelaticall | Church of England, 1641—Brooke (Lord) Discourse on Epis- — copacie in England, 1641; all wncut, in 1 vol. vellum ee a ewe Cibber (Colley) Apology for his Life, with an historical View of the Stage, written by himself, FIRST EDITION, portrait after Vanloo J. Watts, 1740 | | Claudiani Carmina (cura R. Heber et H. Drury), 2 vol (@ & limited no. printed) unbound, Lond. typ. Bulmer, s. a. (1836)— Terentius ad fidem Optimarum Editionum recensite, boards, uncut, Basil. Sumpt. J. Decker, 1797—Petronius Burmanni, 2 vol. uncut, Amst. 1743; and others (6) Claudianus Heinsii, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf gilt, Amst. 1760— Diogenes Laertius Meibomii, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, Amst. 1692—Suetonius Pitisci, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, Leovardie, 1714 (6) Cleasby (R.) Icelandic-English Dictionary, enlarged and com- pleted by G. Vigfusson (with the Appendix by W. W. Skeat), cloth Oxford, 1869-76 Clement (Nic.) Les Rois et Ducs d’Austrasie de N. Clement, tra- duits en Francois par Fr. Guibaudet Dyonnois, 63 jine circular portraits by Pierre Woeiriot, headline of title shaved, pp. 31-2 slightly mended, calf gilt, r. e. Coulongne, 1591 *,* An interesting copy, having numerous MS. corrections and continuation to 1704, by ‘‘GEORGET,” whose signature is on the title ; as well as that of PRosPER MARCHAND. Inserted is a letter of CALMET relating to the work. ios DT a a ra REI ES TI I ELI FEL a a ore a 22M ae 4 Clementis a Lybeo monte (Wenceslaus) Gustavidos lib. 1X ; Mis- /ae.% cellaneorum et Adoptivorum, lib. 1V, Lugd. Bat, 1632—Oratio Panegyrica Magni Gustavi Adolphi (ZS. 28 leaves)—Leonis Septentrionalis Notitia (arms of Gustavus on title) A. C. 1632 —J. B. Unefridi de Imperiali Constitutione, Tubing. 1630— Holofernes Carmine Heroico a Jo. P. Lotichio, woodcuts (im- perfect), Basil. 1616—Canticum Canticorum Salomonis Jam- bicio ligatum a G. E. Schreinero, T'ubingae, s. a. ; and other Latin Tracts, chiefly Poetical, of the Same Period, in 1 vol. vellum 4 ley’ Fides —~z + V2.1 1 ne EU RPO RE ERIS MEE Te a a ne nr AN PS — es at eon " — = ; lor 1004 eqackes 1005 | eld 1006 | 007 . 2c 1008 ol 009 f z arcling |1010 Yee 1011 oa 1012 69 ate A EE AS TT TO CA A EE EN: Contareno (Card. G. 1 The Commonwealth and Government of © Venice, translated into English by L. Lewkenor (large book — plate of the Earl of Gainsborough, dated 1700, inside the cover), calf sm. 4to.. J. Windet for Edm. Mattes, 1599 Contemplations Moral and Divine, with the Applause of Virtue, to which is added Meditations on Death, written by a person - of Honour, jine copperplate engravings by i Drapentier, old calf. T. Tebb, 1711 Corneille. L’Imitation de Jésus-Christ traduite et paraphrasé | en Vers Francois par P. Corneille, ORIGINAL EDITION, frontis- | prece, old calf sm. Ato. Rouen, Rh. Ballard, 1656 | Corner (Sidney) Rural Churches, their Histories, Architecture and Antiquities, 18 colowred plates, cloth Gr oombridge, n. dd Coronation Ceremonies (The) of K. Charles II and Queen Mary,\ Consort to James II, as published by Ashmole and Sandford, } frontispiece and large ‘folding plate, boards, uncut 1761( Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum Veterum Collegit Fr. Linde- mannus, 3 vol. half calf, Lips. 1831—Anecdota Grea, edidit } J. B. C. d’Ansse de Villoison, 2 vol. calf, Venet. 1781 (5)/ Corpus Statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis, Oxon. 1768—Cata- | logue of the Signet Library, 4 parts and index, Edinb. 1833-7 —Black (W. H.) Catalogue of the Ashmolean MSS. in Oxford | University, Oxf. 1845; and others (11) | Cosin (Bp. J.) Scholastical History of the Canon, fine engraved | ) title, calf, 1672—Hale’s Golden Remains, frontispiece, 1673— | Heylyn (Peter) History of the Sabbath and Episcopacie, _ 2 vol. vellum, 1636-42 ; and others (6) | Cosin (Bp. R.) An Prsoloris for Sundrie Proceedings by Juris” ) diction Ecclesiasticall, vellum, C. Barker, 1593—Viret (P.) A | faithfull and familiar Exposition upon the Prayer of Our | Lord, translated by John Brooke (title defective, slightly wormed) — —Stileman (John) A Peace Offering for Peace, Unity and > Obedience, 1662 ; and 1 other (4) Cosmo III, Duke of Tuscany. Travels in England during the — reign of K. Charles II (1669), with Memoir, portrait, and 39 — tinted views, boards, uncut 1821 | EE ELITR hee re 14, | i f yo | ber 1013 Cotman (J. S.) SEPULCHRAL BRASSES OF More 116 fine 2 Ve | Laan 1014 Vietd 1015 plates, russia gilt, g. é. VOY. dto. 1819 *,* DAWSON TURNER'S CoPy, with private etched portrait of Cotman, portrait of Dawson Turner, and 6 etchings by Mrs. and Miss Turner ; Drawings of a Brass at Arras, and of a | Stone Coffin at St. Nicholas, Lynn; Autograph Letters of Cotman, Sir R. Colt Hoare, and others, relating to the Work. Coussemaker (EK. de) Drames Liturgiques du Moyen Age (texte et musique), half morocco, t. e. g. Paris, V. Didron, 1861 | Cruikshank (George), a Critico-Bibliographical Essay by Wm. | Bates, second edition, numerous illustrations, some on india paper, — half Roxburghe, 187 9 Stephens (F. G.) Notes on a Collection ; of Drawings and Woodcuts by Thos. Bewick, 32 illustrations — from eee eer prs ah 2s 1881 (2) — ee ae ma Pre NLA. raceme dine ~taeae espa neprenebaa RAI TDA aT AEE pene Fase oe na ee ere nnn ed AL ann: 1025 1026 1027 : ce eos cenericaehrevstoansursen eee recs sree datetime sis neem ieeieaaecistcnas atari ae 70 Dagley (R.) Gems from the Antique, with Illustrations, fine C2, proof plates, half morocco, Murray, 1804—J ohnston’s Physical f | Atlas, half morocco, 1850 (2) Dance of Death. La Danse des Morts, Gravée d’aprés les Men Tableaux de l’Eglise St. Jean & Bale, Publiée par Birmann et fils, 43 fine copperplate engravings by Chorin, brilliant impres- p, with introduction and notes by the Rev. A. B, Grosart, 4 vol.| A portrait, cloth, wncut (only 100 copies printed) = 1878 Danorum Rebus Gestis (De) Saec. III et IV. Poema Danicum Akh dialecto Anglosaxonica, edidit, Versione lat. et indicibus auxit! Gr. Johnson Thorkelin, half calf Havniae, Th. E. Rangel, 1815 sions, half morocco nm. a. Daniel (Geo.) 1616-57. Poems from the Originall MSS. edited 4 Like : Dansey (Wm.) Hore Decanice Rurales, 2 vol. blue morocco has extra, g. 18351 | &- Dansey (Rev. W.) Hore Decanice Rurales, 2 vol. cloth, 1844— Pp Blunt (Rev. J. H.) Annotated Book of Common Prayer, cloth, — imp. 8vo, 1809—Stroud (Wm.) New Greek Harmony of th Four Gospels, cloth, Bagster, 1853 | (4) Dante. La Divina Commedia con brevi e chiare Note, plates, /L~¢ half morocco, t. é. g. Bologna tipi Gamberini, 1826. Dante. Divine Comedy, translated by H. W. Longfellow, 3 vol. 77 (only 250 copies printed), half Roaburghe Routledge, 1867 a Dory Do &, Dantis Alighieri Legatio pro Francischino Malaspina, A.D. 1306, j denuo Recognita Consilio et Sumptibus G. J. Bar. Verno half morocco, Pisis, 1847—Napoleonis Magni Laudes, par F. J. De la Touche, Paris, 1810; and other Latin Poetical Trac in 1 vol. half bound ; and several unbound a par p ae D’Anville (J. B. B.) Notice de PAncienne Gaulle, tirée de Monumens Romains, portrait and map, with MS. translation o the Latin names of places into their modern equivalents (pages 740-52) said to be in the handwriting of THos. GRAY, the poet, calf gilt, red edges, by Clarke and Bedford Paris, Dessaint, 176 Darwin (Erasmus) The Botanic Garden, plates by Blake and others, 7V the Portland Vase, &c. 2 vol. 1791—Temple of Nature, plates by Fuseli, 1803—Zoologia, 2 vol. 1796—Phytologia, 1800 (8) David. Histoire de France, representée par Figures Accom pagnées de Discours par !Abbé Guizot, mwmerous copperplate Yo — engravings by David, 5 vol. old French calf gilt | -g Paris, chez 1 Auteur, 1787-96 é | De Bry. Boissardi Theatrum Vite Humane, copperplate 0 VY engravings by Th. De Bry, calf Francof. 1596 g De Bry. Boissardi Icones Virorum Illustrium, the 4 parts COM ® bein: PLETE, fine impressions of the numerous portraits, 4 vol. russia — gilt (vol. I-II stilted) Francof. A.M. 1597-8 De Bry. Boissardus. Icones, part I, 50 jine portraits by T. De. Bry, title and neat leaf cut down, one mounted, that of Marot, oval pen and ink drawing, mounted, vellum Francof. 1597 14 le _ 1031 De Bry. MHulsius (L. rafell “ss 2 ey aches 1038 Cassiodorus. Historia tripartita Ecclesiastica ex Socrate, Sozo- y ¥ vy i Zwercken Cabinet, 50 humorous figures within borders (the last mounted), boards s. 0. el. 1037 CARTE (T.) GENERAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, Jine copy in old gilt russia 1747-55 Th —— sites hhahaateneaiabapisainalie ipsorum Uxorum et Parentum ex Antiquis Numismatibus | effigies, fine engraved title and copperplates by Th. De Bry, Francof. A.M. Jo. Collitius, 1597—Iconns ut Virz SULTA- | NORUM TURCICORUM, Principum Persanum, &c. ab Osmane usque ad Mahometem II, aJ. J. Boissardo descripte, engraved title and fine copperplate portraits within ornamental borders by | Tu. De Bry, ib. 1596; in 1 vol. brown morocco gilt, g. e. with | arms of K. James I on sides (rebacked) FOLIO. rs 7 i I j e ceux qui veulent se perfectionner dans cette Science, engraved 1032 Calligraphy. Roland. Le Grand Art d’Ecrive, necessaire 7 throughout on 30 leaves by Parmentier “ graveur du Roy” (some | leaves stained), boards, VERY RARE atlas folio. Paris, 1758 11033 Cameron (C.) Baths of the Romans, with the Restorations of russia, by Baumgarten 1772 1034 Campbell (Hon. Arch.) Doctrines of a Middle State, &c. 1721— Hale (Sir M.) Primitive Origination of Mankind, portrait, 1677—Taylor (Bp. Jer.) Ductor Dubitantium, portrait and ». frontispiece, 1660 ; and others (9) 1035 Caracci (Annibale) Arti Pervia, 67 etchings of the cries of Bologna, by S. Giulino and G. M. Mittelli, neatly mounted on cartridge paper, sold with all faults, half bound Roma, 1646-60 1036 Caricatures. Il Callotto resuscitato, oder New eigerichtes Palladio, in English and French, 77 plates, fine copy in old | * * Rare on large paper. This copy sold for £15 4s. 6d. in Sir M. Sykes’s sale. AFSL EOE OE ETM | LIN LER IIT EG OI ABO meno et Theodorico de Greco in Latinum translate, lit. goth. double columns, without marks, oaken boards with metal bosses A bsque ulla nota (Colon. U. Zell) Castell (R.) Villas of the Ancients, illustrated, 13 plates, 35 page edition in double columns, old calf 1728 1040 Castell (R.) Villas of the Ancients, illustrated, the 128 page edition in large type and single pages, 13 plates, half red morocco, — uncut, t.e. g. printed for the Author, 1728 © Catalogue of Books printed in England since the dreadful Fire of London, in 1666, to the end of Michaelmas Term, 1698, with Bills of Mortality since 1660, in 1 vol. calf eatra, with | arms of Tennant in gold on sides 1696-98 1042 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Viri Clarissimi Ant. a — Wood; a Minute Catalogue of each particular contained in — the .MS. Collections in the Ashmolean Museum by Wm. Huddesford, boards i privately printed at Sir Thos. Phillipps’ press at Middle Hill, 1824 — SOS Le ame ag EEE Ie Sn ee cS ONE NC ES OCCT sta c. | ae ) XII Primorum Caesarum et LXIIII 3) 17 6 . : 9 5 ‘i i i | : ) SETTER a ial se 2 1043 Cave (G.) RRS Techouinatisuien Historia Literaria, 2 vol. et ee BEST EDITION, old calf Oxonii, 1740-43 z Lp 1044 Ceremoniale Romane Ecclesix, woodcuts, old brown morocco, rich Rul gold tooling (including double-headed spread eagle), gilt gaufré / 1045 Chalcondylus. Histoire de la décadence de Empire Gree et oa établissement de Celuy des Turcs. Illustrations de Blaise de Vigenere, &c. imperfect but containing numerous curious plates of Eastern costume and customs, old red morocco gilt, with device of the Royal College of Rowen on sides s. a. ol, 1046 Chandler, Revett, and Pars. Ionian Antiquities published by ¢ the Society of Dilettanti, 2 vol.in 1, numerous fine plates, half russia imp. fol. W. Bulmer, 1769-97 1047 Chandos Case. Pedigrees, extracts, certificates and letters con- | nected with Sir Egerton Brydges’ claim to the Chandos peerage, 1835, &c. Also a printed “ Proofs of the Pedigree of John Bridges, of Harbledown,” and Papers and Documents printed by Sir E. Brydges (1822 ? ) Sao. XIx 1048 Charters, &c. Copies of municipal charters of London, Water- ford, Wokingham, Limerick, Cork, &c.—Charters of the Cardmakers and Clothworkers of London—Almshouse at Chatham—School at Adderbury, &c. MANUSCRIPT SO. XVI 1049 Chaucer (Geoff.) Workes, black letter (wants all before Bi, fol. M cxavi, claxat, and 12 leaves at end, several leaves defective ; some wit. MS. marginal notes in an old hand, sold with all faults), old calf (1542 1%), 1050 Chaucer (Geoff.) Woorkes, newly printed, with divers addicions | whiche were never in printe before, with the siege and de- struccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, (edited by John Stow), black {etter (wormed in the latter half of the vol.) oaken boards, covered with stamped leather John Kyngston, 1561 1051 Chaucer. Works, black letter (wants title and 4 prelimina & 4 | leaves and 8 leaves of teat, with all faults), half bound oe J. Kyngston, 156 1052 Chaucer. Works, black letter (begins on A jj and wants 19 leaves of OH ' teat, with all faults), oaken boards, covered with leather (ib. 1561 oz -— 1053 Chaucer Society. Autotypes of Chaucer MSS. 28 facsimiles, i hth. § | biog atlas portfolio 1054 Chillingworth (Wm.) Religion of Protestants a Safe Way 0 ie Lon j q : \ ) eae edges Rome, . 5 § ee ee eee ee ale aera... ———— —s Salvation, LARGE PAPER, old morocco, g. ¢. Oxf. L. Lichfield, 1638—Another copy, small paper, calf, ib. (2 1055 Chrysostomi (S.) Opera Omnia Grace (edidit H. Saville), fine engraved title to vol. I, 8 vol. old calf tone, Jo. Norton, 1613 1056 Cicognara (Comte L.) Memorie Spettanti alla Storia delle | Calcografia, 18 fine proof plates on india paper, boards | | | imp. fol. Prato, 1831 . ¢ 1057 Clarke (8.) Mirrour for Saints and Sinners, 2 vol. frontispiece / j and portrait, W. Penn’s copy with his book-plates, calf gilt 1671 - ss ae 73 aes ey Claude Lorraine. LiperR VERITATIS. Collection of 200 Prints 2 /5 | ) after the Original Designs of Claude Lorraine by R. Earlom, . . 2 vol. original impressions, portrait, blue morocco gilt, g. é.— (Rh. Payne) J. Boydell, 1777 CLAUDE. LIBER VERITATIS, a Collection of 300 Prints after the Designs of Claude de Lorraine, engraved by Rich. Earlom, — 3 vol. calf Boydell & Hurst, Robinson & Co. 1777-1819 © ) i La Clementis Alexandrini Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis D. Heinsii ) // | a 6 cura F. Sylburgii, LARGE PAPER, old French red morocco, with — . arms of Passart in gold on sides Lutetic, 1629 . 16 | Clementis Alexandrini Opera Omnia Gr. et Lat. illustrata per J. Potterum Episcopum Oxoniensem, 2 vol. BEST EDITION, old panelled calf Oxon, 17154 Cluverii (P.) Germania Antiqua, Adjectze sunt Vindelicia et /| Novicum ejusdem Auctoris, maps and plates, Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, — 1631—Ejusdem Italia Antiqua, Sicilia, Sardinia et Corsica, 3 vol. portrait and maps, ib. 1624 et 1619, fine copy in old russia, — by Roger Payne, with M. Wodhull’s arms in gold on sides 4 vol. Collaert (Ab.) Vita B. Virginis Teresiz a Jesu, brilliant im- / pressions of engraved title, portrait and 18 plates, calf extra, g. ¢. Antverpie, 1613 Collier (J.) Tim Bobbin’s Human Passions delineated, portrait, ik and above 120 figures, droll, satirical and humourous, designed in the Hogarthian style, cloth 1772 | | i *,* Rare. The White Knights copy sold for £3 17s. CoLuMNA (FR.) LA HYPNEROTOMACHIA DI POLIPHILO, cioe 16 Yo | Pugne d’Amore in Sogno, &c. numerous spirited woodcuts (the | Priapus unsoiled), vellum Venet. Aldo, 1545 | | Commines (Philip de) Historie (with Life), by Thos. Danett yd (margin of last leaf mended) signature of “ EK. BOLLIFANT de- . London Impressor ” on title, calf gilt for I. Norton, 1601 : Colston (Marianne) Plates illustrative of a Journal of a Tour in | we France, Switzerland, &c. (wants 8vo vol. of text), boards 1823 . Common Prayer (The “ Sealed Book” of Charles IT) (engraved yf title defective and otherwise very imperfect), 1662 —M. Luther’s | Table Discourses, translated by Capt. H. Bell, full-length por- trait, calf, 1651—Oldmixon’s History, 1739—L. A. Seckendorf, de Lutheranismo, vellum, Inps. 1694 (4) | Connoisseur (The) by Mr. Town, Critic and Censor-General, ORIGINAL EDITION, 2 vol. calf, RF. Baldwin, 1755 —- The Looker-On, by the Rey. Simon Olivebranch, ORIGINAL EDI- | TION, half bound, Egerton, 1792 — The Olla Podrida, a Perio- — dical Work, complete in 44 nos. Oxford, C. S. Rann, 1788 (4) Constantini (R.) Lexicon Greeco-Latinum, very fine copy in russia © i extra, leather joints, g. e. by C. Lewis Geneve, 1592 — | Cook’s Voyages. Folio Atlas of Maps and Plates, boards 1790 [5 Cooper (T.) Thesaurus Lingue Romane et Britannice, autograph /t | of Sir Philip Cotton, fine copy in oak boards, covered in stamped © leather 1573 > me ee A EEO A ON - a — 6 a a to ce ome - - nae 50119-6 SS eS ae . BE pad es i 74 1073 Copernici (N.) de Revolutionibus Orbium Ceelestium Libri VI, Yrrard woodcut diagrams, oak boards, covered in stamped leather | Norimberge, 1543 *,* First Edition, rare. Labay’s copy sold for 60 francs, and the Crevenna for 28 florins. 4 . | : ; .: 1074 Copyright Act. Bills, Papers, MS. and Printed, Returns, (4207 Evidence before Commissioners, Petitions, &e. relating to aa | Copyright from 1735 to 1818, in 1 vol. half bound ae | a a i > 1075 Corpus Poetarum Latinorum Veterum, profanorum et Kcclesias- ticorum (edidit M. Maittaire), 2 vol. calf (exlibris of Horace Walpole in covers) Lond. 1713 1076 Cotgrave (R.) French and English Dictionary by Jas. Howell, 1673—Octavii Ferrarii Origines Linguee Italics, Patavii, 1676 —E. J. Bioerner Introductio in Antiquitates hyperboreo Gothicas, Stockholm, 1738 ; and others (5) ; ; ; d pe yO . ) 1077 Courses de Testes et de Bague faitte par le Roy et par les J is heme me ot OER ORT TIEN MeN ea Princes et Seigneurs de sa Cour en |’Année 1662, redigé par C. Perrauld, engraved title with portrait of Louis XIV, and — 96 plates by Chaweau, Isr. Silvestre, &e. old calf, with arms of 4 Peet J Le Camus in gold on sides ? Paris, 1670 i | Pl 1078 Cowley (A.) Works, jine portrait by Faithorne, with another colowred ca Fa face | 2 ao portrait of Cowley added, half morocco, wncut 1668 @ /2. ‘1079 Crabbe (Rev. G.) Natural History of the Vale of Belvoir (from Mc LQ Nichols’ Leicester)—Holmes’ Academy of Armoury (Index of Ug | Names) — Alphabetical Tables (2) to Hollinshed’s Chronicle (description of Britaine and England) by A. Fleming, black letter—Domesday Book (titles to vol. LI1), &c. —_ in portfolio pf y/ | _ 1080 Crescentiis (Petrus de) Libri Ruralium Commodorum XII, lit. / gre. 2 goth. capitals rubricated, calf Lovanit, Jo. de Westphalia, 1474 ) _ 1081 Cronica de summis Pontificibus & Imperatoribus per fratrem q Martinum Domini Pape Capellanum compilata; et Ystoria J de casibus Decretorum, a fine manuscript, on vellum, rubricated, E with coloured capitals, bearing on the first page an illuminated ea border with three figures, the Chronicle extends to 1346, red | . morocco S20. XIV! | 2/2. 1082 Cronrke van BRABANT, von Vlaenderen, Hollant, Zeelant, &.| (He | ore | ende van die nieuwe gesten gheschiet bi orsen Prince Karolo totten Jare 1530, lit. goth. nwmerous spirited woodcuts, calf gilt, one FINE COPY Anitverp. Jan Van Doesborch, 1530 1083 Davenant (Sir W.) Works, portrait by Faithorne, old calf 1673 ¢ - 1084 Davies (John) Antique Lingue Britannice nunc vulgo dictz lecdk ‘ Cambro-Britannice et Lingue Latine Dictionarium duplex, a calf Lond. R. Young, 1632 1085 De Bry’s Voyages. Pigafetta (Ph.) Regnum Congo hoe est Vera © << n Descriptio Regni Africani quod tam abincolisquam Lusitanis =» # Vo J es er ee ee Ce ~O NX ~ »w Congus Appellatur, FIRST EDITION, map and plates by De Bry, a calf Francof. W. Richter, 1598 ae 1086 Delamotte (W. A.) Views of the Colleges, Chapels and Gardens Inre€. a of Oxford, 25 fine lithographs, half bound imp. folio. T. Boys, 1823 ~O OA AIO A OMENS OARS P PE OE SPELL LIGONIER IAF 373° 7 -C eR TN SN RE AE ES EE NT eo ng ‘ scan encarta tN ARTO UEP I AP CN LI PAE i CLT LEAL EE OI TN NOELIA COOLS. VOCE LIE AOS LELOG IEE SA ALN re ven ahs 21087 DELLA BELLA (STEFANO) ORIGINAL DRAWINGS (14) i tints and \36 ) colow's, of the Entry of the Polish Ambassador into Rome in cs 1633 ; and 6 original impressions of the Engravings representing x the same Entry, engraved by Della Bella, inserted in a vol. ae imp. folro ~olLeyv- 1088 Devonshire. A View of Devonshire by Thomas Wescot gent. 4 1630, MANUSCRIPT 1696 a Vell 1089 Dionis Cassii Historia Romana Gr. et Lat. cum Notis H. Valesii, J. A. Fabricii et H. 8. Reimari, 2 vol. portraits of Fabricius and Reimar, old russia Hamburgi, 1750 Disney (Rev. J.) View of Ancient Laws against Immorality and Profaneness, calf Cambridge, 1729 the Rev. W. Bawdwen, and Dissertation by the Rev. J. Hutchins, paper covers, uncut, Nichols, 1815 —,Translation of Cooke and Son, n. d. (2) Domesday Book with Introduction by Sir H. Ellis, and Addita- menta, 4 vol. 1783-1816 Domesday Book, facsimiles of the Berkshire, Cheshire and Lancashire Portions, and Translations of the Cheshire and Warwickshire Portions, 4 vol. cloth 1863, dc. Dornavii (Casp.) Amphitheatrum Sapientiz Joco-Serie, 2 vol. in 1, scarce and curious, vellum Hanovie typ. Wechel. 1619 D’Ostervald (J. F.) Voyage Pittoresque en Sicile, numerous fine plates, 2 vol. in 1, green morocco exira, g. e. | atlas folio. Paris, Didot ?Ainé, 1822 Drag of 1848, 4 finely coloured plates with keys in outline, im a port- folio 1848 DRAKE (FR.) Eporacum, or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, map and plates, bound in 2 vol. old calf Drawings of Old Masters, neatly mounted, half calf gilt (64) Drayton (Mich.) Poems, portrait by Hole and title (soiled), old calf W. Stansby, for Jo. Smethwicke, n. d. DRAYTON (M.) Poty-OLBIon (in Verse), 2 vol. in 1, frontispiece, portrait of Prince Henry and maps, fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by Leighton & Sons 1622 *,* Rare. Major Gaisford’s copy sold for £15 5s. Drayton. Polyolbion, a Chorographical Description of Great Britain, both parts, portrait of Prince Henry and all the maps (disfigured by colours, wants title to part LT), calf 1613-22 Drayton. The Bataile of Agincourt, fought by K. Henry V ; The Miseries of Q. Marguerite, Nimphidia, etc. LARGE cng eI TOCA TOL ALL LLL LEE I ey 75 375. Drayton. Polyolbion, part I, engraved title and explanation mounted, wants portrait of Prince Henry and all the maps, vellum 1613 PAPER (1), calf W. Lee, 1627 | Domesday Book for the County of Dorset, with a Translation by | Domesday Book for the Country of Warwick, cloth, Warwick, — oe i W. Bowyer, 1736 | / 2 O 2 | ae ee > — rs a AS SR IE ENE EET ICS TE TO BIT TT Ses ae fe | Ae | VG | 15 ee BIAS 95 lA = a STMT at, 63 Tre r RON RL Sec eee 2 does oO = 1104 Dryden, ete. Tears of the British Muses for the Death of John ¢/ : . | 76 Dryden, Esq. 1700—Judgment and Decree of the University of Oxford against certain pernicious Books and Damnable Doctrines, 1683—Particulars of the Action at Dettingen, 1743—Tryal of George, Earl of Wintoun for High Treason, == 1716—Tryal of Francis Francia for High Treason, 1717— — “ag Letters which passed between Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Gortz, Sparre and others relating to the design of raising a Re- bellion in his Majesty’s Dominion, 1717—Hutcheson (Arch.) Some Calculations and Remarks relating to the Present State of the Public Debts and Funds, 1718—Report by the Com- missioners and Trustees of Scotland (on Traitors and Popish Recusants), 1719—Special Report from the Committee on Fisheries, Insurances, Annuities, etc. 1720—Some Calculations' — relating to the Proposals made by the South Sea Company and the Bank of England to the House of Commons by a M.P. 1720; ete. in 2 vol. (2) i NN) ‘ aX rhe Nea Ny me Bal We Ze GN \ les \ a F\ | OCTAVO ET INFRA. — | Lot 1105. ory (I. P.) Ancient Fragments, calf gilt, Pickering, 1832— | 12. Hartshorne (C. H.) Domestic Manners during the Reign of | ) Edward I, privately printed, n. d. ; and others by the same, — . in 1 vol.—Bosworth (J.) Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary, — | 1849; and another 4 vol. | 1106 Coryat (T.) Coryats Crudities, with his Letters from India, &c. | fAATS 3 vol. plates, calf 1776 | 1107 [Cossait (Abbé) T.) Miroir du Clergé, 2 vol. old red morocco eatra, / g. @. 8. p. 1797—[Beze (T. de)] Reveille-Matin des Frangois et | de leurs Voisins par Eusebe Philadelphe, 2 vol. in 1, title of vol. I mounted, Edinb. 1574—La Herissaye (Sr. de) Contes et Discours d’Eutrapel, Rennes, 1603-—Valérie, ou, Lettres de — Gustave de Linar, 2 vol. in 1, Empress Josephine’s copy with | arms and Malmaison on sides, Paris, 1804; and others, 12 vol. | Yl > anham cartel 1108 Costalii (P.) Pegma, woodcuts, old olive morocco Lugd. 1555 ) [/ 4 1109 Costello (L. 8.) Memoirs of Eminent English Women, 4 vol. 1% :. f° portraits, wncut 1844 A 1110 Costello (L. S.) Rose Garden of Persia, red morocco extra, g. e. ee 1845—Hugo (V.) Notre Dame de Paris, india proof plates, = green morocco extra, g. &. Paris, 1836 2 vol. | ~ | erham ill Cottle (A. 8.) Icelandic Poetry, Bristol, 1797—Shelley (P.B.)| /O : Queen Mab, no title (1829)—Marriott (W.) Collection of ie English Miracle Plays, Basil. 1838—Somervile (W.) The = Chase, Birm. (Baskerville’s types),'1767—Carrington (N. T.)_ HM Dartmoor, a Descriptive Poem, plates, 1826; and others, 14 vol. ef 112 Cotton (Clement) Mirrour of Martyrs, woodcut mounted, russia extra, g. e. 1631. Cotton (C.) Wonders of the Peake, calf, Nottingham, 1725—_ a Carter (J.) Weaver’s Pocket Book, or Weaving Spiritualized, calf, 1765—Flecknoe (R.) Enigmatical Characters, calf, 1665; and others (6)} 4 Cotton, (Rev. H.) Editions of the Bible from MDV to MDCCCL, — / $ Oxford, 1852—Rhemes and Doway, THICK PAPER, 1b. 1855— Typographical Gazetteer, 1b. 1831 ; and others 6 vol. sen en 2 me een se en eee cisienentieetineesnennenmnentenemedmimnemisesmeteatontetemememniimnenes iD /O t | eR eee /5 | POR SER SO MIE. ee Geet ee TR rte RRR LA SRS ON REE [ett eS te st : | 1115 —~+1116 | 1117 1118 1119 —:1120 1121 1122 — 1123 1124 1125 1126 | 1127 1128 1129 : Precise cre rere atesn caine tute : 1130 1131 Couch (J.) History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 4 vol. Vo f Cranmer (Archbp. T.) Remains, collected by Rev. H. Jenkyns, D2 ee ee ee SS ee Z numerous coloured plates, half morocco, uncut, t. @. 9. 1862-65 Course of Catechizing, 48 plates, 1674—Lupton (D.) History of Pn the Moderne Protestant Divines, numerous portraits, 1637— Sparrow (Bp. A.) Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer, frontispiece, engraved title and 3 portraits by Hollar, 1684—Hickes (G.) Devotions, frontispiece, 1706 ; &e. 7 vol.\— 9 Courtenay (Rt. Hon. T. P.) Life, Works and Correspondence of en Sir W. Temple, 2 vol. portrait, calf extra, g. @. 1836 < Cousin (V.) Cauvres, 3 vol. vellum, uncut Bruzelles, 1840-41 eh Cowley (A.) Works, 3 vol. portraits and plates, calf, 1710-11— Devh Mason (W.) Poems, 2 vol. russia, York, 1796; &e. 12 vol. | Cowley (A.) Works, 3 vol. portrait, old red morocco extra, g. @. I 0 vol. I1I rebacked, 1721—Guarini (Cay.) The Faithful Shep- | herd, plates, n.d. ; and others 27 vol. Cowper (W.) Life and Works, by R. Southey, 15 vol. fronts. Px and vignette titles, wncut | 1836-37 f 4 | Cox (J. ©.) Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, 4 vol. YO numerous illustrations _ Chesterfield, 1875-79, _p ; | Cox (N.) Gentleman’s Recreation, plates, that of blowing the horn| Accav@ slightly torn, calf, 9. @. 1721 ig SS Crameri (D.) Plagium, Comeedia, Witteb. 1594—Streufiii (T.) “ | th edhe ek ae eRe atcar aa oe ae. 1132 [Croker (J. W.)] Memoirs of the Embassy of the Marshal de rit 1133 Croker (T. C.) Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Bassompierre to the Court of England in 1626, translated, © with Notes [by the Rt. Hon. J. W. Croker], two autograph letters of the translator inserted, and a MS. note on fly-leaf by Ed. Jesse, half calf Murray, 1819 ae Ireland, 3 vol. ) | 1741 6 vol. acller 1164 Defoe (D.) Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton, half bound, 1743; | The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, FIRST EDITION, | 4 5 map (soiled copy), W. Taylor, 1719 (2). | @ader |1165 Detoe (D.) Religious Courtship, front. 1743—Glanvil (J.)_ / - Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, front. calf & 1726—Smith (R.) Harmonics, 1759 ; and others 14 vol. Bet Ler 1166 Dela Motte (M.) Fables Nouvelles, 2 vol. plates, calf gilt, | ae | q Amst. 1727-—Pilpay, Fables de, green morocco extra, 9. ¢. | wi Paris, 1698 3 vol. | | | UA CYW'1167 Delany (P.) Sense and Use of the several Revelations, 2 vol. SAvera | 1732—Goodman (J.) Penitent Pardon’d, front. 1700— ew Oldfield (J.) Improvement of Reason, portrait added, 1707 ; and 2 others, all in bright old morocco bindings 6 vol. Delepierre (O.) Macaronéana, ou Mélanges de Littérature Macaronique des différents Peuples de l'Europe, papier vélin, — calf gilt, g. Brighton et Paris, 1852 Delepierre (O.) Macaronéana, ou Mélanges de Littérature 3 Macaronique, Brighton, 1852—Essai Biographique sur 1|’His- ed toire Littéraire des Fous, half russia, privately printed, n. d. 2 vol. 1 $ Delepierre (O.) Macaronéana Andra, 1862—Analyse des Tra-_ vaux de la Société des Philobiblon de Londres, 1862, half | Roxburghe 2 vol. Delitize Poetarum Germanorun, 6 vol. Francof. 1612—Gallorum, © 3 vol. 1609—Italorum, 2 vol. 1608—Belgicorum, 4 vol. | Francof. 1614—Danorum, 2 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1693—Hungari- | corum, f’rancof. 1619—Scotorum, 2 vol. Amst. 1637, uniform, vellum 20 vol. | De Lolme (J. L.) Constitution of England, LARGE PAPER, bright | old blue morocco extra, gold tooled borders, g. e. 1775—Peckard (P.) Life of Nicholas Ferrar, portrait, half morocco, uncut,t.eg. \ 9 | Camb. 1798 2 vol. | hye Delort (J.) Histoire de la Détention des Philosophes, &¢. 3 vol. | Sey ka half calf, Paris, 1829—Traité des Chiens de Chasse, 16 plates, Paris, 1827—Histoire de Bertholde, Haye, 1750—Arnaud (M. d’) Adelson et Salvini, Paris, 1772; and others 11 vol. | et Demosthene, Cinque Orationi, et una di Eschine, calf, g. e. Ven. aa Aldus, 1557—Virgilius, calf, g. e. Birm. Baskerville, 1766— — Plautus, 3 vol. calf, Paris. Barbou, 1759; and others 14 vol. | Demosthenis Orationes de Republica XII, Gr. et Lat. edidit. | G. Allen, 2 vol. frontispiece and map, old red morocco extra, g.e. ee 1755 ae G A a So a RR OS Sea Dees Se ~O ~9 ~O re BRIO => ee <— plies Fee PA Sf IS OFT RAP EG A i q 1181 Boe ie 13) | 1182 maha it Rt i NE RA TOIL AIOE LEAL LEN DLL EDL LLL EDN ALE A pe MS SE Ss tee Bezom | Gg 1183 1a}. | 1384 /2.\ | 1186 at ane AS MMR ONIN, A DOI LO q 15 | 1186 ee LS RE RE I '/O\ | 1187 es | 2.4 1176 Dempsteri (T.) Scoti. Tragcoedia Decemviratus Abrogatus, rare,| / Ales s by Topham, poor co 1854 ; Ee Pp » PP py 82 Paris. 1613—Micylli (J.) Sylvarum libri V, &. 1564— Drurei (G.) Dramatica Poemata, Duact, 1628—Bezze (E) Poemata varia, woodcuts, 1599; and others 10 vol. Ir | Demandes faites par le Roi Charles VI, touchant son Etat et le} 4444-4 Gouvernement de sa Persone, avec les Réponses de P. Salmon, J plates, Paris, 1833—Lettres de Henri VIII a Anne Boleyn, portraits, ib. s. d. pub. par G. A. Crapelet, uncut copies 2 vol. A E Dennistoun (J.) Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, 3 vol. plates, Vell 1851 uncut 5 Poy p 2 Dent (J.) Catalogues of his Library, both Parts, prices and names, AAA and Collection of Coins, half morocco, t. @ 9. 1827 ; De Quincey (T.) Confessions of an English Opium-Fater, half Rec - calf, 1823—Croker (T. C.) Killarney Legends, frontispiece, 1831—Colville (Miss) Dorothy, De Cressy, Uncle Ralph, &e. 4 vol. calf gilt, 1856-58 ; and others (12) Des Escuteaux (Sr.) Ravissement de Clarinde, Histoire tres Ho véritable, cut, Rouen, 1627—Alexis Piemontois (S.) Empirie et Secrets, 3 Parts in 1 vol. Lyon, 1564—-Saint-Amant (S. de) CEuvres, Rouen, 1668—Nantilly (Sr. de) Conversion du R. P.| Benoist de Canfeld, s. p. e¢. d. ; and others 13 vol. YW) Deutsches Babladenbuch mit Holzschnitten nach Zeichnungen ‘ von A. Ehrhardt, T. Van Oer, L. Richter, &c. ilustrations, morocco extra, g. é. : Leipzig, 1856 Dialect. Rusk (Eras.) Grammar of Anglo-Saxon, by Thorpe, Copenh. -1830—Bosworth’s Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 1826— Gwilt’s Anglo-Saxon Rudiments—An Exmoor Scolding, 1802 4 —Cornish Tales (3) ; and others (15) p72 Dialogo della bella creanza delle Donne, calf, Venet. 1574— d " Razzi (G.) La Zecca, Comedia, calf, Vineg. 1602—Tassoni, Secchia Rapita, old red morocco extra, g. ¢. 1b. 1625; &e. (8)| bp ,@ Dibdin (T. F.) The Director ; a Weekly Literary Journal, 2 vol, | /LCace4 half russia, 1807—Sale Catalogues of Dibdin’s Library, and of the Original Drawings for Dibdin’s Tour, priced (2) 1817-22 | —The British Librarian (by W. Oldys), 1728 (5) DiepDiN (T. F.) BrBLIoGRAPHICAL DECAMERON ; Or, Ten Days’ € Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, &e. 3 vol. numerous illustrations olive green morocco, g. ¢. by C. Lewis 1817 | Dibdin. Decameron, vol. III (no plates), 1817—Brougham (Lord) 76° ~*~ Memoirs, by Himself, vol. I, 1871—Nimrod (by the Hon. A. ; Herbert), 1826; and others, odd (12) hy Dispin (T. F.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN AND PIc- alter TURESQUE TOUR IN FRANCE AND GERMANY, 3 vol. nwmerous an illustrations, morocco, g. @. 1821 ~ i Dibdin (T. F.) Descriptive Catalogue of Early Printed Books in : the Cassano Library, uncut 1823 1O : Dp Dibdin (T. F.) Voyage Bibliographique, Archéologique et Pit- toresque en France, trad. avec des Notes par T. Licquet, | 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, illustrations, wneut Paris, 1825 a 3 Dickens (C.) Child’s History of England, 3 vol. illustration S Tit ees Z Peet eM) j nl? ae a 2 > a Behm 1192 ) Alter 1193 WA 1194 eaeler 1195 83 Dickens (C.) Mystery of Edwin Drood, FIRST EDITION, portrait Ly and illustrations, original wrappers bound up, half morocco extra, t. & g. by Zaehnsdorf 1870 Dickson (David) Short Explanation of the Epistle of Paul to / the Hebrewes, poor copy, rare, A berdene,1635—Bradford (John) A Sermon of Repentance, 1623—The Call of the Son of God, frontispiece, 1720 ; and 2 others 5 vol. Dinaux (A.) Trouvéres, &c. du Nord de la France, &c. 3 vol. (6. half calf, t. e. 9. Paris et Bruxelles, 1839-63 Dinneri (C.) Epithetorum Greco-Latinorum farrago, old gilt cals lo (Prize copy), Geneve, 1614—Operum Clementis Alexandrini Supplementum, new calf, Lips. 1700 — Nuovo Testamento tradotto da Diodati, ruled, calf (Genev.) 1608 (3) Pe Diodorus Siculus, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Var. et Wesselingi, = “4 cum Comment. Heynii, 11 vol. calf Biponti, 1793-1807 Diodorus Siculus, Gr. et Lat. ed. C. G. Heyne, 11 vol. uncut 1b. 1793-1807 | Dionysii Halicarnassensis Selecti de priscis Scriptoribus Trac- | 5 tatus, Gr. et Lat. ed. G. Holwell, LARGE PAPER, Renouard’s | copy, red morocco extra, silk linings, g. e. by Walther 1766 — Dionysius, Gr. et Lat. edidit G. H. Schaefer, vellum paper, half 4p bound, uncut, Lips. 1808-—Horatius, edidit Hawkey, LARGE | PAPER, Dub. 1745—Dionis Chrysostomi Orationes, Gr. ex. recens. J. J. Reiske, 2 vol. calf, Lips. 1784—Menandri et Philemonis Reliquiz, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis H. Grotii et. J. Clerici, russia, Amst. 1709; and others 8 vol. Discours Fantastiques de Justin Tonnelier, old olive morocco extra, Ps g. @ Paris, 1597 | Disraeli (B. Lord Beaconsfield) Young Duke, 3 vol. FIRST | P EDITION 133 pe ees Disraeli (B.) Vivian Grey, 5 vol. in 4, FIRST EDITION, uncut ag 1833 | Disraeli (B.) Wondrous Tale of Alroy, 3 vol. 1833—Henrietta — / Temple, 3 vol. 1837; FIRST EDITIONS © G vol} | | Disraeli (B.) Sybil; or, the Two Nations, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, ; [ean uncut 1845 Disraeli (B.) Tancred ; or, the New Crusade, 3 vol. FIRST | / | EDITION, wncut 1847 Disraeli (B.) Contarini Fleming, 4 vol. in 2, 1834—Coningsby, | Ve 3 vol. 1844 5 vol. | Disraeli (B.) Lothair, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, wncut 1870 | 6 Disraeli (B.) Endymion, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, wncut isso} | GC M AOI Disraeli (B.) Voyage of Captain Popanilla, illustrations by D. | Macelise, 1829—Letters of Runnymede, 1836— Count Alarcos, a Tragedy, 1 of 25 copies, 1847 3 vol. . Disraeli (I.) Dissertation on Anecdotes, 1793—Manners and | 3 Genius of the Literary Character, 1795—Romances, 1799, nL ower FIRST EDITIONS m2vols. | | Disraeli (I.) Manners and Genius of the Literary Character, i 3 FIRST EDITION, 1795—Romances, FIRST EDITION, 1799— , | Romances, second edition, 1801 3 vol. G2 ee a ew | 4 om ee a ee ee er Se ee a ee a a een Se ee eee eee ae 1215 Dodsley (R.) Gconomy of Human Life, FIRST EDITION, frontis- ! 175 | 1 1216 Dodsley (R.) (Economy of Human Life, both parts in 1 vol. y li f 1217 Dodsley (R.) L’Giconomie sur la Régle de la Vie Humaine, Ae 1212 Disraeli (I.) Flim-Flams, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, plates by Dagley, sr Yn uncut 1805 E 1213 Disraeli (I.) Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I, Kean 5 vol. in 4, portrait, half russia, m. @. 1828-31 yo% Pi 1214 Dodonei (R.) De Stirpium Historia Comment. 2 vol. nwmerous a woodcuts, Antver'p. 1559—Dickinsoni (E.)Delphi Phoenicizantes, Oxonie, 1655—Smith (T.) Syntagma de Druidum, 1664; and others 11 vol. A 1223 Doni (A. F.) Mondes Celestes, Terrestres et Infernaux, par 1224 Donne (Dr. J.) Paradoxes, Problems, Hssayes, Characters, 1225 Dorlandi (P.) Chronicon Cartusiense, Colon. Agrip. 1608—Inno- 1227 [Drage] Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage, / patel nen eget nf re ee erate 84 eee piece, calf extra, g. é. FIRST EDITION, frontispiece, calf 175 trad. par Sr. M. Despréfays, old red morocco eatra, gold tooled borders, g. €. 1751—Histoire de France, woodcut portraits, Rouen, | 1604-— Marottes & Vendre ou Triboulet Tabletier, uncut, 1812; and others 7 vol. A 0 12 Dodsley (R.) Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. calf 1780 | 1219 Dodsley (R.) CEconomy of Human Life, illustrations, morocco, cade g. &. 1798—Dodd (J. W.) Ballads of Archery, &c. cuts, half morocco, g. ¢. 1818; and others 5 vol. . 1220 Dolce (L.) Tyeste, Tragedia, FIRST EDITION, Venet. 1543—Car- * retto (C.) La Sophonisba, Tragedia, ib. 1546—Cesari (C. de) Romilda, Tragedia, 1b. 1551—Cesari (C. de) Scilla, Tragedia, ib. 1552, in 1 vol. morocco, g. @. ee 1221 Domenichi(L.) La Nobilta delle Donne, old black morocco, Venetia, Ae 4 ad 1549—Wimmeri (M.) Trageedix, calf, with arms on sides, Lg Norimberge, 1764; and others 6 vol. We 1222 Domenichi (L.) Detti e Fatti di diversi Signori et Persone ‘/“® Private, vellum, Venet. 1564—Septem Ilustrium Virorum Poemata, calf, Elzevir, 1672—Martini (M.) Historia Sinica, calf gilt, Amst. 1659 ; and others (12) poe oo be och G. Chappuis, vellum Lyon, 1580 L y f translated by J. Maine, wormed 1652 ae *,.* Charles Lamb’s copy, with his autograph inscription “To = dear Isola, 1834.” is R. a cencia et Constantiavictrix, ed. M. Chanceeo, engravings, a 1608; &c. calf, rare im 1 vol.) ti 1226 Dover. Letters to Dr. T. F. Dibdin in connexion with his intended History of Dover, MANUSCRIPT, @ parcel SAO. XIX &c. map and plates, 1748 —Shelvocke (Capt. G.) Voyage round the World by the way of the Great South Sea, map and plates, 1726—Froger (Sr.) Voyage to the Straits of Magellan, &c. plates, 1698 ; and 2 others 5 vol. . 1228 Dramata Sacra, Comcedie atque Trageedie aliquot é Veteri Ao Testamento desumpte, &c. 2 vol. calf, Basil. s. a.—Gnaphei (oF Acolastus de Filio Prodigo Comeedia, &¢. Colon. 1540 ; and others 5 vol. 2 = 231 Lith 232 emilhanl233 239 240 241 242 243 244 ee eR A NR AE RE 85 ne tN EM A A RT ER ARES ee VE PE RSPR 3 er DRAMATISTS of the Restoration, LARGE PAPER; D’Avenant, 5 vol. Crowne, 4 vol. Cokain, Wilson, Marmion, Lacy, | Tatham, 1872-79 DRAWINGS. sepia, colours, &c. by C. Maratti, G. F. Venturini, P. A. 14 vol. A collection of clever Original Drawings in | Barbieri, J. P. Rossini, G. G. di Sandrart, and others, in a vol. old red morocco, g. é. Drudonis (H.) Practica Artis Amandi et alia ejusdem materiz, pVel at ees a 12 | frontispiece, old red morocco extra, g. é. Amst. 1651 — Drummond (W.) Origines; or, Remarks on the Origin of © several Empires, &c. 4 vol. calf extra, m. e. 1824-29 | Drury (H.) Arundines Cami sive Musarum Cantab. Lusus — Canori, Cantab. 1841—Murray (J. C.) Ballads and Songs of Scotland, 1874 ; and others 8 vol. Du Bos (Abbé) Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting and : Music, translated by T. Nugent, 3 vol. calf gilt, 1748—_ Okely (W. S.) Development of Christian Architecture in Italy, plates, 1860; and another des Catholiques du XVIII* Siécle, et de Poésies Erotico- Philosophiques, calf, g. ¢. rare 235 illustrations Holbein, Leide, 1713; and others 10 vol. Du Méril (E.) Histoire de la Poésie Scandinave, Paris, 1839— Oihenart (A.) Proverbes Basques, half morocco, Bordeaua, 1847 ; and another | recentioris edidit A. Passow, Lips. Teubner, 1860— Canones et Decreta et Catechismus Concilii Trident. 2 vol. Rome, 1845 ; and others —Dodsley (R.) GEconomy of Human Life, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece, 1751—Walton (I.) Lives, portraits, 1675; and — 6 vol. | others [Dunbar (M. J. M.)] Art and Nature under an. Italian sky, LARGE PAPER, Edinb. 1852—Stokes (H. 8.) Vale of Lanherne, and other Poems, plates, 1853 ; and others Dunlop (J.) History of Roman Literature, 3 vol. half calf : 1824-28 Dunton (J.) Athenian Oracle, 4 vol. 1728—Athenian Sport, 1707 3 «45 vol. 3 vol. | Du Méril (E.) Poesies Populaires Latin, 2 vol. et Poesies inédites . du Moyen Age, Paris, 1843-54—Popularia Carmina Greciz (10) — Du Moulin (P.) Anatomy of the Mass, Dublin, 1750—Wilson — (Bp. T.) Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians, 1776 — 7 vol. 5 vol. [Du Busca (Chev.)] Contes Théologiques, suivis des Litanies . Paris, 1783 © Du Chaillu (P. B.) Land of the Midnight Sun, 2 vol. map and 1881 — Du Gard (S.) Marriages of Cousins German Vindicated, calf, — Oxford, 1673—Latitudinarius Orthodoxus, calf extra, g. ¢ 1697—Lynde (Sir H.) Via Devia, calf, 1632; and others (8) [Dulaurens (Abbé)] Porte-Feuille d’un Philosophe, 6 vol. — Cologne, 1770—Erasme (D.) Eloge de la Folie, plates by on TESS a , we Zeer ss sate So er te) eee ee oe ee (fom Zi/> | | a. i / | i ; } t ; i ; 7 : ) & sac iisedintahebescitiriiiine aes cose hibiatiiertaye circle silica nesibepaaaiditiadeatibaales ae oa Se 135 3+ & V216\ 1 i i 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1256 1257 1258 1259 ence 245 Du Plessis (J.) Emblema Anime, engraved title by Marshall, 1635) 7 86 —Greenwood (J.) London Vocabulary, woodcuts, 1763— Milton (J.) Accedence, 1669—Grotius (H.) His most choice Discourses, translated by C. Barksdale, portrait by Cross, 1658 ;) and others 12 vol. Du Refuge (M.) Traicté de la Cour, ou Instruction des Cour- tisans, russia, g.e. Amst. Elz.1656—Dufresnoy (R.) Amusemens Sérieux et Comiques, calf, g. e. Paris, 1751 ; &c. 3 vol. Dyce (A.) Specimens of British Poetesses, calf gilt, 1825—Dante Alighieri, Canzoniere, and the Poems of the Vita Nuova and Convito, translated by C. Lyell, 1840—Jones (E.) Studies of Sensation and Event, Poems, portraits, half morocco, 1. @. 9. 1879 ; and another 3 A vol. Earle (J.) Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel, with Notes, Wc. Oxford, 1865—Soames (H.) Doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon Church, Ozford, 1830— Anglo-Saxon Church, its History, Revenues, &c. 1844 — Latin Church during Anglo-Saxon Times, 1848 . . 4 vol. EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY, first series, Nos. 1-97, 1864-91 ; EXTRA SERIES, Nos. 1-59 | 1867-91 Easton. (J.) Human Longevity, uncut, in the original boards, Salis- bury, 1799—Todd (H. J.) Account of the Deans of Canter- bury, uncut, Canterbury, 1793—Turner (S.) History of the Anglo-Saxons, 3 vols. uncut, Paris, 1840 5 vol. Ecclesize Anglicane Vindex Catholicus, cura G. W. Harvey, | ¢ 3 vol. Cantab. 1841-43 Ecclesiastical History Society, 1847-52 17 vol. Ecclesiologist, published by the Cambridge Camden Society, &c. vol. I to XXIX, in 12 vol. plates, calf Camb. 1842-68 Ecclesiologist, New Series, vol. I to XXVI ib. 1845-68 Ecclesiologist (The) from the Commencement in 1842 to 1850 (vol. I with the suppressed article on the New Church im Cam- bridge), Nos. 101-53, 1854-62, and vol. XXV and XXVI,_ numerous plates 1842-66 Echoes from the Oxford Magazine, Oaford, 1890—The Casket, a Miscellany, consisting of Unpublished Poems, contains Poems by W. M. Praed and others, 1829—Wellesley (Lord) Primitz et Reliquiz, with eatra leaves inserted, autograph inscription of the Author, 1840; and others 11 vol. Edda (The. Prose or Younger) commonly ascribed to Snorri Sturleson, translated from the Old Norse by G. W. Dasent, Stockholm, 1842—Theophilus, in Icelandic, Low German and other tongues, from MSS. in the Royal Library, Stockholm, by G. W. Dasent, WV. Pickering, 1845—Die Gedichte Walthers von der Vogelweide, von K. Lachmann, Berl. 1843—Die Nibelunge Noth und die Klage von K. Lachmann, 7. 1841 | in 2 vol. Edgeworth (Maria) Tales and Novels, 18 vol. frontispieces and vignette titles, calf gilt, m. e. 1832-33 Edgeworth (Maria) Novels, vol. VII to XII, XV, XVI, XVIII, 1832 ; and others a parcel ee e Peete te Sao Sy 4 Alex (1260 Edwardes (Maj.-Gen. Sir H. B.) Memorials of his Life and | ge Letters, 2 vol. portrait, 1886 —Polwhele (Rev. R.) Traditions | ee. | and Recollections, 2 vol. portrait, 1826—Todd (H. J.) Illus- | trations of the Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer, — plates, 1810; and others 7 vol. Bee clov- 1261 Egerton’s Theatrical Remembrancer, half calf, 1788—LEssay to- ) wards an History of Dancing, 1712 —Durfey (T.) Collins’ Walk through London and Westminster, 1690; &c. 8 vol. ; Ltt 1262 Eggeri (A. E.) Latini Sermonis Vetustioris Reliquiz Selectz, — Ee a Paris. 1843—Swedenborg (Em.) De Amore Conjugiali, Tubing. — ea | 1841 —Petrarca, Poesie Minori, 3 vol. 1829; &c. (17) | fe Bader 1263 Elizabeth. Fine impression of the Great Seal of Queen ee - Bee Elizabeth, waa | Mitt 1264 LHlldin (N.) CEuvres Poetiques Francoises, Paris, 1861—Rimes — /O sa Inédites en Patois Percheron, ib. 1861—La Fontaine des | . Amoureux de Science, ib. 1861-—L’Art Poetique de J. Vav- quelin, portrait, 1b. 1862—(éuvres Poétiques en Patois Per- | cheron de P. Genty, ib. 1863; 5 vol. pub.jpar A. Genty, half 4) morocco, t. €. g. ae OV1265 Ellis (G.) Specimens of the Early English Poets, 3 vol. 1801— ie Quarles (F.) Judgment and Mercy for Afflicted Souls, edited by T. F. Dibdin, portrait, 1807 ; and others 14 vol. | Tease — Be gr 1266 Ellis (Sir H.) Original Letters, illustrative of English History, . Bia Series 1 and 2, 7 vol. frontispieces, uncut 1824-27 | Bal oh 1267 Ellis (Sir H.) Original Letters, illustrative of English History, / /O— Series 1, 2, and 3, 11 vol. frontispieces, uncut 1825-27-46] | ©} | Elton (C. I.) Origins of English History, plates 1809} =O Tg Elzevir. Senecee Opera, 4 vol. calf, Elzevir, 1649—Ciceronis / S| Orationes, 3 vol. calf, ib. 1642 ; and other Elzevirs (17) | | Emblemata Amatoria, Emblemes d’Amour en Quatre Langue, — engraved throughout with full-page illustrations, calf extra Londe, s. d. Emblems. Cats (J.) Elogium in Amoris Virgienei monita, cuts | of emblems, calf (and an imperfect copy), s. a. et —Hugonis (H.) - Pia Desideria, cuts, uncut, in the original wrapper, Lugd. 1679 —Picta Poesis, woodcuts, imperfect, ib. 1564; and another (5) Emblems (Choice) for Youth, woodcuts, calf extra 1784 ) ¢ ‘Emblemes d’Amour Divin et Humain ensemble. Expliquez par / // des Vers Francois par un Pére Capucin, engraved title and 118 | finely engraved plates by Messager, interleaved with descriptive | verse in MS. veau fauve, g. é. Paris, s. d. | Emblems for the Entertainment and Improvement of Youth, Le 62 plates, J. Cole, n. d.—Fénélon (M.) Tales and Fables, en-_ graved plates, some leaves slightly defective, 1736—Series of — Plates to Lambert’s History of London, 1805 ; &c. 5 vol} | Emblems. Stengelii (G.) Ova Paschalia, emblems, Monachii, 1635 —Junii (A.) Emblemata, woodcuts, vellum, Lug. Bat. 1596— | Flitneri (J.) Nebulo Nebulonum hoc est Joco-Seria Verna- ict culze, plates in the text, calf, Leov. 1634 ; and others (5) or [Sa Tat ROP ee Coa ——— A az 88 | Sst. LE, AA ONAL ROLE UE LS LE Ee EES — 1276 Enfield (W.) The Speaker, plates by Stothard and Blake, &c. 1781) A/¢ a —Exercises in Elocution, Warrington, 1780—W ollstonecraft 2G Fae (Mary) Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792—Byrom (J.) | eae Universal English Short-hand, Manchester, 1767 ; &e. 10 vol. 7 71 1277 EnGuisH DIALECT SocreTy (PUBLICATIONS of the) from 1873 to a : 1891 (64 nos.) ; with Parish’s Dictionary of the Sussex Dia- lect, Reports, &c. a parcel i i Je 1278 English Historical Society’s Publications, a complete set, 29 ies £3 z u ql 1838, de. 4 /3| | 1979 English (H. 8.) Crowland and Burgh, 3 vol. wneué is71] Ay ~ fd 1280 English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St. Gregory, by E. tec Cor Elstob, frontispiece, calf, WV. Bowyer, 1709—Barnabae Epistula integram Graece iterum edidit a A. Hilgenfeld, calf gilt, Lips. 1877—H. Dodwelli de Parma Equestri Woodwardiana Dis- sertatio recens. T. Hearne, views of Oxford Colleges, Oxon. 1713 6 ENGRAVINGS. A Series of about 400 Illustrations to LIvEs of the SAINTs, arranged in 4 vol. half calf — - : . Ens (J.) Delicie Germaniz, Gallie, Italie, &c. vellum, Colonie, J on 1609—Bartholinus (A.) de Scriptis Danorum, Hamburgi, 1699 2 —-Flitneri (J.) Nebulo Nebulonum, engravings, title mounted, Francof. 1620; and others 8 vol. Epicteti Opera, Gr. et Lat. ed. J. Schweighauser, 5 vol. in 6, Nutt 3 THICK PAPER, calf gilt, m. ¢. Lips. 1799-1800 i 1284 Epictetus. LEnchiridium Gr. et Lat. ex recens. A. Berkelii (ea ’ : libris of H. Walpole in cover), Imgd. Bat. 1670 —Selecta Gre- corum exempla in usum Scholarum Belgice, Brux. 1781— Ovidii Heroides ex ed. P. Burmanni (stained), Payne, 1789— Polyznus Gr. et Lat. &4 P. Maasvicii, Lugd. Bat. 1690; and ie another ; all bound in old morocco (5) // SEB pe CRATE EAE ROE DEE: IEE ARISE IIE a 1285 Epulum Parasiticum, plates, Norimb. 1665—Von Furwitzhausen (G.) Antidotum Melancholiz, plate, Francof. 1670; &e. 12 vol. - / | 1286 Erasmus. Morie Encomium una cum Listrii Comment. et o g Re. 4 aliis complusculis libellis, calf, Basil. Froben. 1521—-Histoire a are bead de ce qui est arrivé au Tombeau de Sainte Genevieve depuis sa mort, portrait, calf, with a bishop's arms, Paris, 1697—La_ | Fontaine, Fables, LARGE PAPER, numerous plates by Fessard, vol. I-III, half bound, Paris, 1765-8 ; and others (10) SB: _ 1287 Erasmi (D.) Apophthegmatum, old red morocco, g. e. Paris, 1532 Ke tof i ale eee —Balduini (B.) Calceus Antiquus et Mysticus, &c. plates, ; Lugd. Bat. 1711 ; and others 6 vol.) 5 1288 Erasmi (D.) Christiani Matrimonii Institutio, vellum, Basil. 1526. —Gazei (A.) Pia Hilaria, Antverp. 1629—Sauteli (P. J.) Divee Magdalene, Ignes Sacri et Pie Lacryme, Tutelle, 1663 ; and others 11 vol. 2. ey Erasmi (D.) Funus, Dialogus Lepidissimus, blue morocco extra, 4, bes ™~™ Ww QW oO focal — ee bo b> bo CO oa) rors) oo bb — POA PREIS CeO Te g. ¢ by Lortic Basilew, 1540 Mo3-G 6 ; oe sae bars. x sea .% 11301 : 7 1303 Ftonian (The), 2 89 weet ee ora Erasmus’ Proverbes gathered out of his Chiliades,by R. Taverner, black {etter, title slightly imperfect, half morccco, 1569—Bacon (Fr.) Essaies, 1598 ; Cornwallis (Sir W.) Essayes, both parts, 1601-3—Jewell (B.) Apologie for the Church of England, half calf, 1600 ; and others (9 Erasmi (D.) Stultitizs Laus, portraits and engravings by Holbein, calf, gold figured paper linings, g. e. Basil. 1676—Erasmus, another edition, 1b. 1780 2 vol. Erasmi (D.) Stultitie Laus, cum Com. G. Listrii, ed. G. G. Beckerus, THICK PAPER, portrait and cuts by Holbein, uncut, Basil. 1780—Havercampi (S8.) Sylloge Scriptorum, 2 vol. Ingd. Bat. 1736—Aschami (R.) Epistolarum libri IV, front. with portraits, Oxonie, 1703; and another 5 vol. Erasme (D.) L’Eloge de la Folie, trad. par M. Guéudeville, plates, portrait mounted, calf extra, g. é. Leide, 1715 | Erasmus (D.) Praise of Folly, portrait and plates by Holbein, title | slightly torn, 1722—Daniel (S.) Poetical Works, 1718; and others 16 vol. Erasmi (D.) Encomium Morie, front. old French red morocco extra, g. @. Barbou, 1765 Erlestoke, Catalogue of the Erlestoke Library, MANUSCRIPT, neatly written, morocco quantity of portraits, views, &c. half morocco, t. @ 9. Brighton, 1862 Erskine (R.) Gospel Sonnets, or, Spiritual Songs, Edinb. 1732—_ Fellows (J.) Hymns on Believers Baptism, Bim. 1773— Description and History of York Cathedral, 2 vol. plates, York, 1768 ; and others 12 vol. Essay on the Law of Celibacy imposed on the Romish Clergy, Worcester, n. d.—The Whim, a Periodical Paper, by a Soc. of Gentlemen, No. 1 to 12, 1810-11, in 1 vol.—Thicknesse (P.) Valetudinarian’s Bath Guide, front. 1780; &c. 15 vol. Essex Harmony (The) a Choice Collection of the most Cele- brated Songs and Catches by John Arnold, 2 vol. &. Brown, 1769-74—-Another Collection, 2 vol. Goulding & Co. n. d. and others (6) Estienne (H.) Traicté de la Conformité du Language Francois, avec le Grec, Borluut’s copy, red morocco extra, g. e. by Capé 5 Estienne, s. d. *,* First edition containing passages subsequently suppressed. 1302 Eton Miscellany, 2 vol. in 1, numerous contributions by Mr. Gladstone, Eton, 1827—Etonian, 2 vol. calf, Windsor, 1821— The Miniature, a Periodical Paper by Solomon Grildrig, 1. mad of an Etonian, edited by R. Nolands, morocco, 5 vol. 2 vol. uncut, Windsor, 1821—Muse Etonenses, ee 55—Miniature, a Periodical Paper by Solomon Grildrig, of the College of Eton, 1805—Eton College Magazine, June, Nov. 1832—The Kaleidoscope, a Periodical, conducted by Eton boys, Jan.-June, 1833—The Trifler, by Timothy Touchstone, No. 1-43, in 1 vol. 1788-89 7 vol. rn rn I SL TN SNS 1828 © Erredge (J. A.) History of Brightelmston, ILLUSTRATED with a _ SONS i a ta NR a a a 2 Ae NS SE ae paateie Te Beery 2 ae 10 Se See ise i) Se 7 Ee iC Ni ea an , Pee At is a : eee 90 a i 1304 Etonian (The) [Containing Contributions by Lord Macaulay,|/ . W. M. Praed, &c.] second edition, 2 vol. calf, Colburn, 1822 —Chatterton (Thos.) Rowley Poems, Camb. 1794—Gregory’s Life of Chatterton, 1789—Hobhouse (J. C.) Imitations and Translations, presentation copy, calf, 1809; and others (12) 1305 Euripidis Opera omnia, Gr. et. Lat. cum Notis Variorum, |’ | 9 vol. portrait Glasguee, 1821 y 1306 Eustace (J, ©.) Classical Tour through Italy, 4 vol. map, de. |\“4 Le 1815—Evans (J.) Letters written during a Tour through N. .- and S. Wales, 3 vol. 1804; and others 13 vol.) py 1307 Eustathii de Ismenize et Ismenes Amoribus libellus, Gr. et Lat. leads curavit L. H. Teucherus, Lips. 1792—Schola Salernitana a — R. Moreau, Paris. 1625; and others 14 vol.| 4 1308 Evagatorium Benemii qui continentur Predicandi modus, We clee Sermones Michelis Bulgariz, missale itinerantium, litt. goth. | | . | rubricated, oak boards, covered with stamped leather, clasp Colon. 1499 1309 Evans (A. J.) Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina, map and ° ) illustrations 1877 a Y 1310 Evans (T.) Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, enlarged by) ae R. H. Evans, 4 vol. uncut 1810 P. | le 1311 Evelyn (J.) Kalendarium Hortense, front. half calf, 1699— ae | | i 7 | | . : . i ) ) 3 | nS ke PN a te RE TEI I PONE MS SE II REO Pe % Evelyn’s Acetaria, half calf, 1699—Museum Tradescantianum, . ss ae ee no plates, calf, 1656 ; and others (15) A 4. yy ~~: 1812 ~Exchequer, Five small wooden Exchequer Tallies, notched and os inscribed, connected by a strip of parchment about 1300 aa g 1313 Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers Company, edited vs CG ah ee by J. P. Collier, 2 vol. in 1, Shak. Soc. 1844—Gent (T.)) (7 © Printer of York, Life, THICK PAPER, india proof portrait, 1832) —Cardwell (E.) Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and) gan Romans, Ozford, 1832 ; and others 7 vol. Ged . oe 1314 Eyton (T. C.) History of the Rarer British Birds (intended as a : supplement to Bewick), LARGE PAPER, woodcuts, 3 parts com- plete roy. 8vo. 1836 QUARTO. re, | . 1315 De Bry. Bibliotheca Chalcographica, hoc est Virtute et eruditione 4 q a Clarorum Virorum Imagines, Collectore J. J. Boissardo, 438 GG oe I IE: ee tort, fine portraits by Th. De Bry, calf Heidelb. C. Ammon, 1669|_/ > , /—--* 1816 ~De Bry (Th.) A New Artistic Alphabet, Franckfort, 1595,\0#~7* es, wrapper Edinb. Waterston, 1880 pe gy / | 1317 Declaration of the Lords and Commons for appeasing and | | quieting of Tumults, &c. also an Ordinance of Both Houses § for the Suppressing of Stage Plays, Sept. 3, 1642 [reprint], — 69 copies folded as Pee 1318 Defoe (D.) Hymn to the Pillory, FIRST EDITION, wncut, 1703— ht tA Collection of Several Curious Pieces lately inserted in the = “Daily Journal,” 1728— Dryden (John) of Dramatick Poesie, an essay, FIRST EDITION, wncut, 1684—The Weesils, a satirical fable, 1691—Greenwich Park and other Poems, 1728; and 1 other : (6). ee a ee eA mt pe 91 calf Delvau (A.) Collection des Romans de Chevalerie, numerous | 6 illustrations, 4 vol. wnbound Paris, 1869 D’Hancarville, Recherches sur l’Origine, Esprit et les Progrés | iy des Arts de la Gréce, LARGE PAPER, plates, 3 vol. boards, © Lond. 1785 — D’Herbelot. Bibliotheque Orientale, par Visdelou et Galand, | / C the BEST EDITION, 4 vol. half calf La Haye, 1777-9 | Dialogues of Creatures Moralized (The), edited by Jos. Hazle 2 2 wood, facsimile reprint, with numerous woodcuts (only 98 copies — printed), brown morocco extra, 9. e. Rh. Triphook, 1816 — Diatessaron, edidit J. White, 8v0, interleaved in 4to paper, and / having numerous MS. annotations by the Rev. Dr, Edw. Greswell, — half russia Oxon. 1800 Digbie (Everard) His Dissuasive from taking away the lyvings — - and goods of the Church (dedicated to Sir Christ. Hatton, with his arms on reverse of title), title within woodcut border, half russia, R. Robinson, n. d.—Digby (Kenelme) Two Treatises on — the Nature of Bodies and Mans Soule, old calf, J. Williams, — 1665 (2) | Dodwell (Edw.) Classical and Topographical Tour through a Greece, 1801-6, map and INDIA PROOF plates (one of 12 copies printed for presents), 2 vol. russia gilt, g. e. 18195 . Dollman (F. T.) Antient Pulpits in England, 30, plates, cloth, | he 1849—Fisher (Major Payne) Catalogue of the Tombs in the © Churches of the City of London, revised by G. B. Morgan, | privately reprinted, 1885--Gatty (Mrs.) Book of Sun Dials, — plates, cloth, 1872 (3) | 5 Domesday. Bawdwen (Rev. W.) Translation of the Record — ) called Domesday, boards, wncut, Doncaster, 1812—Recherches sur le Domesday par MM. Léchaudé-d’Anisy et de Ste. Marie, vol. I (all published), unbound, Caen, 1842 (2) | Dryden (J.) Religio Laici, FIRST EDITION, Tonson, 1682; | Threnodia Augustalis: A Funeral-Pindarique Poem sacred — to the Happy Memory of K. Charles II, id. 1685—The Hind | and The Panther transvers’d to the Story of the Country- — Mouse and the City-Mouse (by Prior and Montagu), 1687— _ Lawyerus Bootatus and Spuratus, or the Long Vacation, by — a Student of Lincoln’s Inn, 1691—Nash (Thos.) Have with you to Saffron Walden (very imperfect), 1596 ; and 1 other (6) Dryden. Plays, viz.: The Wild Gallant, 1684; The Rival Ladies, 5 1675; The Indian Emperour (second edition), 1668 ; Secret- Love or the Maiden Queen, 1691; Sir Martin Marr-all, 1691; The Tempest, 1670 ; An Evening’s Love, or the Mock Astrologer, 1691; Conquest of Granada (fourth edition), 1687 ; Marriage a-la-Mode, 1684; The Assignation, or Love in a Nunnery (title defective, imperfect at end), 1678; (all first editions except otherwise mentioned), in 1 vol. old calf B a aenmmneneneannena 797 Ta Spenser 92 _ — Du Bartas, His Divine Weekes and Workes translated by J. h : Lc | Sylvester, engraved title (globe with America on it) (mounted), = . old calf H. Lownes, 1611 § f . 1332 Du Bos (Abbé) Reflexions Critiques sur la Poésie et sur Peinture, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. calf, Paris, 1755—Description des Pierres Gravées du feu Baron de Stosch par l’Abbé Tae ees Winckelmann, Florence, 1760; and others (7) J (72) G 1333 Du Cance (Du Fresnz Dom) GLossartum MEDIAE ET : INFIMIAE LATINITATIS, Editio Nova, aucta a L. Favre,| 10 vol. sewed, uncut Niort, 1883-7) 1334 Dufour de Longverve (L.) Annales Arsacidarum, Argent. 1732 . —Antonii Panormite De Regibus Sicilize et Apuliz, Hanov. 1611—Descriptio Brevis Gemmarum que in Museo G. Baronis de Crassier asservantur, plates, Leodii, 1740—J. G. Altmannus de Tesseris Bade Helvetiorum erutis, Berne, 1750 —Jac. Rhenferdii Periculum Palmyrenum, Franeg. 1704— E. S. Cyprianus de Philosophia Thome Campanella, Helmest. 1700—De Arabum Epocha Vetustissima Sail ol Arem, ed. | J. J. Reiske, Lips. 1748—Krantz (Gottl.) Memorabilia Bibliothecee Publicee Elizabetanae Wratislaviensis, Wratisl. 1699—Osci et Volsci Dialogus Ludis Romanis Actus (title | within fine woodcut border), s.a.—Jo.Caus Anglius, De Pronuncia- tione Graece et Latine Lingue, Lond. J. Day, 1574; and others in 1 vol. calf . 1335 Dufresnoy (C. A.) Art of Painting by Dryden, with an Account . of Eminent Painters by another hand (R. Graham), cal (presentation copy), 1695—Hesiod’s Works by Cooke, 1728— Bloomfield (R.) The Farmer’s Boy, cuts by Bewick and pupils, 1800—Glover’s Leonidas, calf, with arms, 1737—Fielding (Miss 8.) Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia, 1757 (5) 1336 Dufresnoy (C. A.) Art of Painting, translated into English Verse by Wm. Mason, with Annotations by Sir Joshua Rey- Tn A a NE ERI RE OT RENN LEME OTS ETO TNT PS AE ATTR ET CNC AT GE a OLE AR TEE a ELS AS EE AO nolds, green morocco gilt, with Horace Walpole’s arms on sides, g. &. (Roger Payne) : York, A. Ward, 1783 *,* HorACE WALPOLE’S OWN Copy, WITH MS. NoTE AND SIGNATURE ON FLY-LEAF, and a few notes in the book. A small View of Strawberry Hill, Walpole’s Ex libris, and por- traits of Mason, Reynolds and Gray, inserted. ; | 2p . 1337 Dunesii (Jo.) Paralipomena Orthographie, Etymologie, a Prosodie, una cum Scholiis ad Canones, &¢. ex optimis) authoribus, brilliant impression of the frontispiece by John Droeshout, old English blue morocco gilt, g. e. (large and fine copy, but 6 leaves of index inlaid from a smaller one) at Lond. impensis Ph. Stephani et Ch. Meredith, 1638 1338 Dunsford (M.) Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of > PRTG, ONE Tiverton, portrait, maps and plates, boards, uncut, Exeter, 1790 : —Virtue’s Picturesque Beauties of Kent, fine views, boards, uncut, 1838—Wright (A.) Court-Hand Restored, plates, Bohn, 1846 sey 1339 Durer (Alb.) La Vie dela Sainte Vierge Marie en Mig ey ake | sur bois par Alb. Durer, 1511, reproduction de P. W. Van de Weijer, uncut | Utrecht, s. a. ; ie ae eee eo ee ee ent 1340 Dureri (A.) Figure Passionis Domini Jesu Nostri, 38 plates, fine / G impressions, mounted in a vol. bound in brown morocco extra, 9. ¢. by Riviere | * * Mr. Buckley gave £15 15s. for this volume, which is said to have belonged originally to Mr. Ruskin. adler 1341 Earwaker (J. P.) History of the Ancient Parish of Sandbach,Co. “4 . Chester, plates, cloth (250 copies printed for private circulation) — 1890 | ymiblanl342 Edlin (Rich.) Pree-Nuncius Sydereus: An Astrological Treatise g ‘ of the Effects of the Great Conjunction of the two Superior — | Planets, Saturn and Jupiter, Oct. X, 1663 (dedicated to Elias | Ashmole), half russia, scarce for N. Brook, 1664 Hare 1343 Edwards (Geo.) NATURAL History oF UNCOMMON Birps, &e. 4 / / leo 5 (text in French and English), 210 finely coloured plates of Birds, © Quadrupeds, Reptiles, Insects, &c. 7 vol. old French green morocco — | extra, g. e. (Derome), FINE COPY 1743-58 © tell 11344 Egerton. Life of Thos. Egerton Lord Chancellor of England oy ‘ (from the Biographia Britannica)—Comus, Masque de Milton, — : representé au Chateau de Ludlow devant John Egerton Comte de Bridgewater (French and Italian), printed at the expense of the Hon. F. H. Egerton, boards, Paris, Didot, 1812— Numbers IX-XIII of Addenda and Corrigenda to Egerton’s Edition of the Hippolytus Stephanephorus of Euripides, n. d. | (4). ——— most Sacred Majesty truly Suffering, though not solely (against the Eikon Basilike), fine impression of the frontispiece, — T. Paine, 1649—Eikon Episté, or the faithfull portraicture of © a Loyall Subject, in Vindication of Eikon Basilike, in answer — to an insolent Book intituled Hikén Alethiné, fine impression of the curious frontispiece containing a portrait of Charles I, printed, 1649 ; in 1 vol. old calf 1346 Eikon Basilike. Long (Dr. Thos.) Dr. Walker’s True, modest — /3 . and faithful Account of the Author of Eikon Basilike, strictly | Examined and demonstrated to be false, impudent and deceit- | ful, calf, 1693—An Answer to a Printed Book intituled Ob- — servations upon some of his Majestie’s late Answers and ol Expresses, Oxford, L. Lichfield, 1642 (2) lacey 1347 Ellesmere Papers. Copies of historical and political papers — connected with Lord Ellesmere, the Earl of Bridgewater, Viscount Brackley, &c. 1597-1620, MANUSCRIPT, in cloth CASE SAc. XIX 1348 Emblems. Paulus Jovius. Dialogo de las Empresas Militares y Nh. amorosas, &c. traduzido en Romance Castellano por A. de | Ulloa, fine woodcuts of emblems within ornamental cartouches, calf Leon, G. Roville, 1561 1349 Emblems. Recht Ghebruyck ende Missbruyck Van tydlicke / Have, Van D. V. Coornhert, black letter, 25 fine copper-plate | engravings, vellum, Amst. 8. a. -— Rollenhagius (G.) Nucleus Emblematum, 72 circular plates of Emblems, mounted in a vol. (2) | earng 1340 Eikon Basilike. Eikon Alethiné: The Portraiture of Truths P74 % pres ig oa fe Fans eee eR ed A ky ee ses ay ID fs aN TER SS meen a 23k GG ee oe | 1350 @a | ui |b 185k 5 f 2 eS ee P11 | 1362 Pe Leb bisa pot ae kt Ge Rees | ‘if | | 1364 ge Ot: Baa es ; : : ae we Gee | {44 | 1365 t ‘ (1356 = a RO LY te to &\ LIL NORE RTI A REI SS me ANRC RN aoa — oS) | OO on © — 1st) oO — 94 England’s Helicon, a Collection of Pastoral and Lyric Poems, third edition, by Brydges and Hazlewood, boards, Unctit mem Triphook, 1812 Engravings. Amori Sdegni et Gielosie di Giunone JULIO BoNASONE Inventor, 22 plates, fine early impressions, neatly inlaid—The Seven Sciences, 7 emblematic female figures (globe with “ America” on it at the feet of “Astrologia”) neatly inlaid ; in 1 vol. morocco gilt Ephemeris Archaiologiké, Aphordsa tas entos tes Ellados Aneuris Komenas Archaiotétas (modern Greek), numerous plates of inscriptions, 2 vol. half bound Athenewi, 1837-42 Erasmus. Silva Carminum antehac nunquam impressa Gouda, 1513, réproduction Photo-lithographique avec une notice par Ch. Rueleus, map, grand papier d Hollande, only 15 copes so taken, ruled with red and blue lines, new calf eatra Bruz. Arnold, 1864 Erasmus. Opuscula aliquot Erasmi Rot. Castigatore et inter-| / prete, Colon. H. Quentell, 1521—Sim. Portus De Puella Germanica que fere biennium Vixerat sine Libo, potuque, s. a. et 1.—Catonis Disticha cum Scholiis Erasmi Rot. Antw. M. Hillenius, 1520; and others (6) Esopus Moralisatus cum bono Comento et Glosa interlineari, boards, s. a. et l.—Jo. M. Albertus de Omnibus Ingeniis augende Memorize, Bonon. Plato de Benedictis, 1491—Fabule per latinissimum Virum Laurentium Abstemium nuper Composite, &c. Venet. Jo. de Cereto, 1499 —- Epaminunde Clarissimi Thebanorum Ducis Vita per Laurentium Abstemium, Fani, 1502 (the last 3 pieces in 1 vol.) (2) Esquemeling (John) Piratas de la America, y luz a la defensa de las Costas de Indias Occidentales, traducido de la lengua Flamenca en Espafiola por el Dr. Alonso de Buena-Mason (first edition of the Spanish translation), plates inserted from the English edition, calf Col. Agr. L. Struickmann, 1681 Esquemeling. Bucaniers of America, LARGE PAPER, parts 1-3, map of Panama, 4 portraits and 2 plates only (title and 3 other leaves defective, sold with all faults), calf W. Crooke, 1684 Esquemeling. Bucaniers of America, LARGE PAPER, parts 1-3 (wants all the plates except the Battle of Panama in Part IIL, with all faults), calf ib. 1684. Esquemeling. Bucaniers of America, parts 1-3, map and plates, large copy, calf ib. 1684 Esquemeling. Bucaniers of America, 4 portraits, 5 maps and 6 plates belonging to the Work, bownd in a vol. Etchings, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by 8S. W. Reynolds, 128 very small etchings, proofs, with and without names of subjects, on Ato paper with spaces left for the names of the Proprietors, hal morocco | 1823. Euripides Fabule quatuor annott. instruxit J. H. Monk, LARGE PAPER, only 14 copies printed, cloth, Cantab. 1857—Anthologia Polyglotta, by Dr. Henry Wellesley, LARGE PAPER, cloth, 1849 —Photii Sophiste Epistole cum Notis Jo. N. Balettz Grace, cloth, Lond. D. Nutt, 1864 “See 95 we ee — PA I NI IE I A et ee Evangelia. Quatuor D. N. Jesu Christi Evangeliorum Versiones perantique duze Gothica Scil. et Anglo-Saxonica, edid. Fr. Junius et Thos. Mareschallus, frontispiece (some leaves stained), 2 vol. calf Dordrechti, 1665 Evangelia. Quatuor D. N. Jesu Christi Evangeliorum Versiones | perantique duz Gothica Scil. et Anglo-Saxonica edid. F. Junius et T. Mareschallus, cum Observationibus et Gloss: 2 vol. bound in 3 (with specially printed title to vol. II), and MS. notes by J. M. Kemble, new russia, 1. e. ib. 1665 Evelyn (John) Miscellaneous Writings, now first collected with Notes by Wm. Upcott, facsimile and plates, russia gilt, g. arms on sides (cracked) Colburn, 1825 Everitt (Graham) English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists | of the Nineteenth Century, nwmerous illustrations, cloth gilt Swan, Sonnenschein, 1886 part 1, boards Eyton (Rev. R. W.) Domesday Studies, Key to Domesday ] Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, New Series, vol. III, Exeter, 1853 (Dorset) and Itinerary of K. Henry II, together 4 vol. cloth 1878-80 FAser (Dr. G. S.) ORIGIN OF PAGAN IDOLATRY, numerous plates, — 3 vol. boards, uncut 1816. Fabricii (J. A.) Bibliotheca Greeca Scriptorum, editio secunda aucta, portrait, 14 vol. vellum Hamburg, 1708-28 Felippe (Dr. Bart.) Tractado del Conseio y de los Conseieros de los Principes (Autograph of Str HENRY SAVILE, editor of St. Chrysostom, &c. on fly-leaf ) Turmo, y t G. Vincenzo del Pernetto, 1589 | Filicaia (Vincenzio da) Poesie Toscane, portrait, blue morocco, | g. & LHt 2s Firenze, 1707 | Firdusi. The Epic of Kings, stories retold from Firdusi by Helen Zimmern, with Prefatory Poem by E. W. Gosse, and | 2 etchings by Alma Tadema, LARGE PAPER, cloth gilt Fisher Unwin, 1872 | Firmiani (Pet.) Gyges Gallus, accessere Somnia Sapientis, old ved morocco Paris. D. Thierry, 1658 — ! Fischer (Gotth.) Essai sur les Monumens Typographique de Jean — Gutenberg, Mayence, 1800—De Luynes (H. D.) Commentaire — Historique et Chronologique sur les Ephémérides intitulées — Diurnali di Messer Matteo, Paris, 1839—Vedute della Citta di Venezia Per Tosini, s. a.—Collection Générale des Docu- ments Francais qui se trouvent en Angleterre, par Jules Delpit, vol. I, Paris, 1847; and others (7) Fisher (Col. Payne) Marston-Moor ; sive de Obsidione Preelioque Eboracensi Carmen, cum quibusdam Miscellanéis, opera — studioque Pagani Piscatoris (i.e. Payne Fisher) Elucubratis ; et Irenodia Cromwelli (no portraits), old calf ( presentation copy from the Author) Th. Newcomb, 1650-2 Eas /O ly o.\ ie Ly Bagong es 7 _ 1378 Fishwick (Henry) History of the Parochial Chapelry of Goos- i : } : . ‘ - ; it} | 1379 | | | |4{ | 1880 | | | ve} | 1381 a | | | fo) | 1382 / Mo 1383 | ) (/0 | 1384 | V21 | ises | 11S] | 1386 Jb | 1387 4] | 1388 t Jia | {1389 Ee ¥+ | 1390 i | ve Bile} | 0 . ae ECR ae 96 nargh, Co. Lane. plates and pedigree, cloth, 1871—Fisher (Maj. Payne) Tombs, Monuments, &c. in St. Paul’s Cathedral previous to the Fire, A.D. 1666, edited by ©. B. Morgan, Privately reprinted, 1885 (2) Fitzherbert (A.) L’Office et Aucthoritie de Justices de Peace, ore enlarge per Rich. Crompton, black tetter, vellum sm. 4to. Rh. Tottill, 1583 Flagellum Muliebre, or a Satyr on Women (title mended), 1695— Sylvia’s Revenge, or a Satyr against Man, 1701—The Search after Claret, or a Visitation of the Vintners (mended through- out),1691—A Pastoral Letter from the Archbp. of Canterbury (Tenison) to the Bp. of Ely (Patrick), C. Bill, 1699; &c. (8) Fletcher (Giles) Christ’s Victorie and Triumph in Heaven and Earth, second edition, unbound, Camb. F. Green, 1632—Fletcher (Phineas) The Purple Island, with Piscatorie Eclogues, &c. ORIGINAL EDITION (wants title to Piscatorie Eclogues, and all after p. 95 of the same), Camb. 1633—Another copy (wants title and 5 prelim. leaves) ; (Copy of the second edition of G. Fletcher's Christ's Victorie, wanting pp. 71 to end, bound in the vol. ; with all faults Hee mm) Florio (John) A Worlde of Wordes, or most copious and exact Dictionarie in Italian and English, FIRST EDITION, old calf sm. folio. A. Hatfield for E. Blount, 1598 Florian. Galatée, Roman Pastoral imité de Cervantes, 4 fine coloured plates from the designs of Monsiau, boards, uncut : Paris, 1793 Fludd (Rob.) Hoplocrisma Spongus, or a Sponge to Wipe away the Weapon-Salve, by W. Foster, Parson of Hedgley, wnbownd, sm. 4to. 1631—Doctor Fludd’s Answer unto M. Foster, or the | Squeesing of Parson Foster’s Sponge (2 leaves slightly mended q 1631 2) A yy | Fortescue. History of the Family of Fortescue in all its “. branches, by Thomas (Fortescue), Lord Clermont, second _ edition, portraits, views, pedigrees, &c. half Roxburghe 4 Ellis & White, 1880 Foster (Jos.) Pedigrees of Lancashire Families, cloth 1873 /udte Fox (John) De Christo Crucifixo Concio, EDITIO PRIMA, stamped Butt ‘ morocco, g. €. FINE COPY Lond. Jo. Dayus, 1571 Fox (John) De Christo Crucifixo Concio, FIRST EDITION, half TUSSI Lond. Jo. Dayus, 1571 Franciscus de Platea Ord. Fratrum Minorum Bonon. Tractatus| 4 de Usuris de Restitutionibus, de Excommunicatione, semigothic letter without marks, rubricated initials, calf Parisiis in Sole aureo per Martinum Udalricum) et Michaelem, 14765 é Francisque-Michel. Critical Inquiry into the Scottish Lan- @ ~ guage, illustrating the Rise and Progress of Civilisationin. = Scotland (only 500 copies printed), half Roxburghe 7 4 Blackwood, 1882 iA i. Freemasonry. Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of free Ses and accepted Masons, by Jas. Anderson, new edition by J. Noorthouck, frontispiece, calf J. Rozea, 1784 ara eyelet errr fh pA ns Reo tet meg 97 inter Deum et Evam et Salomonis et Marcolphi, Argent, s. a. reprinted at the Auchinleck Press, by A. Boswell, 1816—Armin (R.) The Italian Taylor and his Boy, Trzphook’s Reprint, 1810 —Anstey (C.) ad C. W. Bampfylde Epistola Poetica familiaris, satirical plates, by Bamfylde, Bathonie 1776—Pygmalion, a Poem from the French of Rousseau, frontispiece, 1779— Homer’s Hymn to Venus, translated from the Greek, with | Notes by I. Rittson, 1788; in 1 vol. half calf Fulgentius Placiadis. Enarrationes Allegorice fabularum, calf, printer’s device on title, Paris. J. Lalyseau, s. a.—Febris: Dialogus Huttenicus, &c. fine full-page woodcut, Auguste in| Off. Millerana, 1519—Viri Clarissimi A. Melvini Musze et P. | Adamsoni Vita et Palinodia, s. J. anno 1620 (3) Fuller (Dr. T.) Abel Redevivus, or the Dead yet Speaking, jine portrait of Fuller (margins cut into) and engraved title by Vaughan, | and other portraits, russia, g. e. J. Stafford, 1652 | Fuller (Dr. Thos.) Abel Redivivus, portrait of Fuller (mounted), engraved title and heads, half bound, n. d.—Featley (Dr. D.) — The Dippers Dipt, or the Anabaptists duck’d and plunged | head over ears, 2 plates by Marshall, calf, 1660—Feltham | (Owen) Resolves, engraved title by Marshall, 1636; &c. (6) | { , ! i i FULLER WorTHIES LIBRARY, edited with Notes and Memorial — Introductions by the Rev. A. B. GROSART, 4TO ISSUE, Com- | 4 prising the Works of R. Vaughan, R. Crashaw, Dr. Donne, | A. Marvell, R. Southwell, Sir Ph. Sidney, Geo. Herbert, and — Christ. Harvey, 19 vol. half Roxburghe 1871, dec. Fuller Worthies Library. Christopher Harvey’s Complete | | Poems, half Roxburghe 1874 Gage (John) Dissertation on St. Ethelwold’s Benedictional (Ar- cheeologia), facsimiles, 1832—Heraldic Miscellanies with an exact Copy of the Third Part of the Book of St. Albans, | printed 1486—Ingram (Rev. Jas.) Inaugural Lecture on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature, 1807 — Figure Quedam Antique ex Cedmonis Paraphraseos in Genesin, 16 plates, 1854—Ellis’s Account of Cedmon (Archeeologia), 1832 ; and other Antiquarian Tracts (14) Gage (John) History and Antiquities of Suffolk, Thingoe Hun- dred, map and plates, boards, wncut 1838 TES Se Se Gaguini (R.) Ars Versificatoria, ltt. goth. [Paris. s. a. |—Crameri ! (D.) Arbor Haereticee Consanguinitatis, folding plate, Argent. 1623—-Elegia Henrici de Adversitate Fortunae et Philoso- phie Consolatione cum Comment. Guilhelmi Ramesei, lit. goth. Lugd. S. Vincent, 1509— Montani (Jac.) Divi Pauli — Apostoli Vita, Carmine Heroico, Colon. £. Cervicornus (4) Gale (Theoph.) The Court of the Gentiles, 4 vol. complete, with the scarce part V, or part IV book II1 bound at the end of vol. LI, calf Oxon, &c. 1672-8 H aes AWD RS a a a LA I I EE I A REN TE OR SIE IT SE OAR RSI eo re 1393 Frondes Caduce. Dialogi duo Rerum Verborumque Lepore ; 6 " ee 98 See 26s. -- Mie So eee | all | 1403 Galeottus. De Homine Exteriore et interiore ; G. Merula in Galeothum ; Galeotti Refutatio G. Merulae, calf, Tawrint, Jo. jes . Angelus, 1517—Hieron. Osorii de Gloria, lib. V, Florent. L. Coes 2a Torrentinus, 1552—Thom. Leodii Vita et Rebus Gestis Fri- aoe derici II. Elect. Palat. portraits and plates, Francof. Jo. a 1624 ‘ 4 ~~ 1404 Galilei (Galilei) Sidereus Nuncius Magna, plates, Venet. T. Bag- iy lionus, 1610—Jo. Kepleri Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo nuper ad mortales misso Galileo Galileo, Florent. J. z Canaeus, a wee 1610—KHjusdem Kepleri Narratio de Observatis a se quatuor oes Jovis Satellitibus erronibus quos Galilaeus Galilaeus jure inven- tionis Medicaea Sidera Nuncupavit, Florent. ap.Cosmum Junctam, 1611—De Phoenomenis in Orbe Lunae Novi Telescopii usu a ae Galileo Galileo nunc iterum Suscitatis Physica disputatio ‘oe Venet. 1612 ; in 1 vol. vellum, VERY RARE FOLIO. 4 1405 Drummonp (H.) Histortes or NosLe British FaMILiEs, with biographical Notices of the most Distinguished Individuals in each, numerous portraits, arms, monuments, seals, &c. complete im the 9 original parts imp. folio. W. Pickering, 1842-6 | 2% 1406 Du Cange (C. Dufresne Domini) Glossarium ad Scriptores medize ec et infime Latinitatis, Editio Benedictina, 6 vol. plates of coins, . ins! Paris. 1733-86—Carpentier (D. P.) Glossarium Novum seu Jee oa Supplementum ad Glossarium Cangianum, 4 vol. plates, Paris. ei hee ee 1766, old calf 10 vol. 3 | / /5 1407 ‘Duepatm (Sir W.) BARoNAGE oF ENGLAND, 3 vol. in 2, pedi-/j/00™™ ee grees : “16-716, 3 3. 1408 DucpaLe (Sir W.) ANTIQUITIES OF WARWICKSHIRE, maps, / 214 | ed . and plates by HOLLAR, half morocco, uncut, t.e. g. Coventry, 1765 L 4 2+ 1409 Dugdale (Sir W.) A Set of the Maps and Plates to his ay at Wak ie of Warwickshire, maps and proof engravings by Hollar, A. “a eae . Ducarel’s copy, with autograph and bookplate, half bound, uncut s / e155 . 1410 DuepaLe (Str Wm.) MoNASTICON ANGLICANUM, new edition tA K ee ie tae by Caley, Ellis and Bandinel, 8 vol. numerous plates, calf gilt. Bo | 1411 Dugdale. History of St. Paul’s Cathedral, with Continuation ae site i | . Pied and Additions, and Life of Dugdale by Henry Ellis, portrait “AG a Cae, and plates, half morocco ~ 1818 _ SS 1412 Du Halde (J. B.) Description de ’Empire de la Chine et de ¢ . | . la Tartarie Chinoise, 4 vol. maps and numerous plates and | J vignettes, old veau marbré, g. ¢. with arms of Le Gendre in gold on : | Be sides Paris, 1735 | sh 1413 Diirer (A.) Christlich-Mythologische Randzeichnungen, portrait, . oe title and 43 plates in tints, calf extra, g. e. by C. Lewis | | 8 ae | | Miinchen, 1808 _¢7/2- 1414 Edmondson (J.) Complete Body of Heraldry, 2 vol. portrait and coats of arms, old calf, rebacked | 1780 - Og. hk é , 99 | a oe ee __ $002 Cries obell 1415 Egerton. Compilation of Various Peete Wetdohees and / % Historical Authorities tending to Illustrate the Life and + Character of Thos. Egerton, Lord High Chancellor, &. by ¥ F. H. Egerton, boards privately printed, Paris, Didot, 1812 be _ 1416 Egerton. Another copy, wnbownd, uncut, Paris, Didot, 1812—The | / © same (in French), 4to, unbound, uncut, no place or date—Life of e Thos. Egerton, Lord Chancellor (from the Biographia Britan- nica), portrait, n. d. (3) Low 417 Emmius (Ubbo) Rerum Frisicarum Historia, vellum, Lugd. Bat. | / L. Elzevir, 1616—De Wicquefort, L’Histoire des Provinces- | . Unies des Pais-Bas, LARGE ‘PAPER, vol. I, calf, La Haye, 1719 | 2 —Crusius (M.) Turcogreecie, lib. VIII, vellum, Basil. 1584 (3) ols 418 Engravings. Landscapes after G. Poussin, Salvator Rosa, Claude Vly Va Lorraine, Rembrandt, &c. 44 jine plates engraved by Vivares, — z | Wood, &c. in a vol. half bound oblong. Knapton, 1741 — 2 ole 419 Engravings after Claude, Poussin, Lauri, S. Rosa, Bourgognone, | Be y Rembrandt, and Rubens, 64 beautiful landscapes engraved by — i | Vivares, Chatelain, Granville, Wood, Mason, Cannot, Hendria, — and Bolswaert, half calf oblong royal folio — deel 420 Epuraim Syri Opera OMNIA, Greece, Syriace et Latine cura 6 kg S. Assemani, 6 vol. portrait, fine copy in vellum Rome, 1732-47 — param «=|'1421 ESPERNON, Les Armes triumphantes de Son Altesse M. le Duc | £: d’Espernon pour le Sujet de son heureuse Entrée dans le ville © | de Dijon, 8 May, 1656, frontispiece, with equestrian portrait | and plates, including the long folding military column, half bound — Dijon, 1656 * * An extremely rare pageant, unknown to Brunet, Cicognara, — a Grasse and Vinet. Ue dloy 1422 Eusebii Pamphili Commentarii in Psalmos Gr. et Lat. Studio B. — 15 sides Paris. 1706 eth 1423 Eusebii Pamphilii Ecclesiastica Historia et Vita Constan- tini Socratis Scholastici, Hermie Sozomeni, Theodoreti, Evagrii, Philostorgii et Theodori Lectoris, Historize Ecclesias- G. Reading, 3 vol. old gilt veau fauve by Derome, BEST EDITION seu Veteris Italic curante J. Blanchino, 2 vol. in 4, vellum, scarce Rome, 1749 1425 Evetyn. Freart (R.) Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern made English by John Evelyn, portrait and — plates, calf 1664 *,* PRESENTATION Copy “for my honor’d friend Mr. Beale from his humble Servant J. EVELYN, to Kaxov KaAnkyre Britain, 1633-50, translated from the French by J. Ogilvie, calf, 1739—Tull (J. ) The Horse-Hoing Husbandry, 1732; and others (6) fe Ra a ee i SS NM RIT ES a Df 1426 Evelyn (John) Silva, a Discourse of Forest-Trees, portrait, calf, 1706— Monteth (Rob.) History of the Troubles of Great de Montfaucon, LARGE PAPER, the dedication copy to Pope Clement XI in red mor occo, g. e. with the Pope’s arms in gold on ry NDIA AIAN tice Gr. et Lat. cum Notis H. Valesii et Variorum illustrante © = Cantabrigic, 1720 © 1424 EVANGELIARIUM QUADRUPLEX LATINZ VERSIONIS ANTIQUA | 3 2.7.10 oe lols : | : ( 4 ' i \ f : <2 eae a eipei eee _ 1427 | : 1428 1429 1430 | 1431 1432 (1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 «1439 100 EXAMINER (THE) [by Dean Swift, Mrs. Manley and others], the 268 ORIGINAL NOS. COMPLETE, UNCUT (some nos. with t halfpenny stamp), Aug. 3, 1710—July 26, 1714, John Mor- phew—-The True Briton [by Philip Duke of Wharton], 74 nos. complete, June 23, 1723—Feb. 17, 1723-4, T. Payne, in 1 vol. boards Eybe (Albrecht von). Spiegel der Sitten im latein genant Speculum Morum, vom latein im teiitch gewendt, lit. goth. large woodcut of the author on reverse of title, boards | Augspurg durch Jo. Rynman von Origen, 1511 Falda (G. B.) Nuova Pianta et Algata della Citta di Roma con tutte le Strade, Piazze ed Edificii, the large plan, fine impres- sion, mounted on cloth, folded, half morocco, leather joints Roma, 1730 Farington (J.) Views of the Lakes in Cumberland and West- morland, 2 vol. 20 views, half bound 1789¢-, Feltham (Owen) Resolves, Divine, Moral, Political, ninth im- pression, with several new additions, engraved title, with inserip- tion “* Ex Libris Thomas Pope Blount Pret 7s. Jul. 8, 1676,” calf | 1670 Ferrario (Dott. G.) Monumenti Sacri e Profani dell’ Imp. e Reale Basilica di Sant’ Ambrogio in Milano, 31 chromolitho- graphs and coloured plates, boards Milano, 1824 Ferrerio (Pietro) Palazza di Roma de piu celebri Architetti, 50 plates (stained), Roma, s. a.—Nuova Raccolta di Fontane nella Roma, 34 plates (some torn) ib. (2) Fiddes (R.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey, LARGE PAPER, portraits and plates 1724 Fisher (Thos.) Series of Antient Allegorical, Historical and Legendary Paintings, discovered on the Walls of the Chapel of the Trinity at Stratford on Avon, 1808, coloured plates, Jacsimiles of Indulgences, Register of the Gild, ete. half bound imp. folio, 1808 Fools. Wol-geschliffener Narren-Spiegel, worinnen hundert und Vierzehn Arten allerley Narren erschen ist, 115 fine copperplate engravings by M: Merian, boards —- Freystadt, K. J. Fox (George) A Battle-Door for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural ; You to Many, and Thou to One; Singular One, Thou, Plural Many You, very scarce, old calf R. Wilson, 1660 Fox (George) A Battle-Door for Teachers, etc. two copies (both imperfect ; wanting title and next leaf ; with all faults) 1660 Foxe (John) the Martyrologist. Sermons of Barnardine Ochine of Sena, translated owt of Italian into Englishe, 1548. Also A Sarmon of Ihon (Kcolampadius, translated owt of Lattin by John Foxe, 1548, with several large grotesque initials in pen- and-ink, MANUSCRIPT, calf gilt SAC. XVI Foxe (John) Actes and Monuments of the Church, black letter, FIRST EDITION (wants all before C. 7 and after QQQQ wii at end ; the folding woodcuts and some other leaves ; some defective ; sold with all faults) 3 J. Day, 1562-3 ee ie oe 7," Nae i [) hele fate | / * Y i} 1442 443 44 445 446 447 448 452 Foxe. Actes and Monuments, second edition, black letter, with | folding woodcut of the poisoning of King John, and other cuts, | 2 vol. (vol. I wants title, several leaves defective and some stained ; | vol. II begins on folio 193 and ends with TTTT 2 of table, some other leaves wanting, as well as the other folding woodcuts ; with all faults) J. Day, 1570 | Foxe. Actes and Monuments, second edition, 2 vol. black letter, folding woodcut of poisoning of King John, etc. (vol. I, a good © copy, but having date on title altered to 1641, and some margins — mended ; vol. ITI, title mounted, two or three leaves defective, wants — greater part of index, etc.; with all faults), not uniform 4b. 1570 | Foxe. Second Edition, vol. I (preliminary leaves loose, several leaves at end stained, no folding cuts, with all faults), old oaken | binding ib. 1570 | Foxe. Another copy (six leaves of index and colophon to the second edition, dated 1570, body of teat another edition, very im-— perfect, poor copy ; with all faults), calf (1583?) Foxe. Second Edition, vol. I (wants all before A j and twelve | leaves at end), calf 1570 Foxe. Fourth Edition (very imperfect, with all faults) J. Day, 1583 | Foxe (John) Actes and Monuments of Matters happening in _ the Church, fifth edition, black tetter, woodcuts and the Windsor | Castle plate (title mounted ; several leaves wanting, folding plate of Burning Bucer’s Books, etc. missing ; sold with all faults), old | calf P. Short for Assigns of John Day, 1596 FRANCIA. Breve Cronica de’ Re di Francia da Faramondo a Henrico III, 62 fine portraits, with portraits of Franciscus Vallegius and two others added, fine impressions, vellum *,* Rare. Mr. Beckford’s copy sold for £7 10s. Fra Angelico. La Vita di Jesu Cristo, dipinta da Fra Giovanni — da Fiesole, detto il Beato Angelico, 36 fine large plates, cloth Imp. atlas fol. Firenze, 1843 FREEHOLDER (THE) [by ADDISON], the 55 ORIGINAL Nos. Com- - PLETE (nos. 1-12 reprints), UNCUT (with halfpenny stamp on each — no.), Dec. 23, 1715-June 29, 1716, S. Gray, in 1 vol. boards 4. 13 /O VD | FRANCISCANS. Den Wiingaert van Sinte Franciscus vol — io NS Schoonre historien legenden ende leeringen allen menschen — seer profijtelijck, lit. goth. (title, next leaf, and last 2 leaves — mended) oaken boards covered with stamped leather Antw. Hendrich Eckert, 1518 Fuller (Dr. Thos.) Pisgah-Sight of Palestine, frontispiece and maps (one torn), sold with all faults, old calf, with arms of Wright im gold on sides 1650 | Fuller (Dr. Thos.) Historie of the Holy Warre, second edition, — map (wants engraved title, pages 131-2 defective), autograph of “J, Trelawny” on title, Camb. 1640 — The Holy and Profane State (FIRST EDITION), engraved title, Prince of Wales's Feathers — and portraits by Marshall, ib. 1642; in 1 vol. old blue morocco 5h 3° ee cS A tt A TNA NS ne 53513 oy am NES a calicae Seu — oN oe ae 1454 Fuller. / Historie of the Holy Warre, second edition, engraved / 4g 102 title and map, Camb. 1640—The Holy State, FIRST EDITION, engraved title, plate of Prince’s feathers, and portraits, ib. 1642 ; in 1 vol. old calf 1455 Fuller. Holy Warre (wants titles, neat leaf and map), 1640— Holy State, engraved title, plate of feathers and portraits, 1642, in 1 vol. old calf 1456 Fuller. Holy Warre, FIRST EDITION (wants 2 leaves of dedication)» Camb. T. Buck, 1639—Holy State, FIRST EDITION, plate of feathers and portraits (wants engraved title), 1b. 1642 (2) Holy Warre, second edition, engraved title (map defective), calf, Camb. 1640 — The Holy State, FIRST EDITION, engraved title and plates (wants plate of feathers), 1b. 1642 (2) Holy Warre, second edition, engraved title mounted (no map), calf, .b. 1640—The Holy State, engraved title rae 1457 Fuller. 1458 Fuller. plate of feathers and portraits, calf, 1b. 1642 1459 Fuller. Holy Warre, third edition, engraved title (wants map), calf, ib. 1647—The Holy State, engraved tille, and portraits, calf, ib. 1642 1460 GALERIE ELECTORALE DE DussELDORFF, par N. de Pigage; fine impressions of the 30 plates containing representations of 365 | paintings, by C. de Mechel, red morocco e«tra, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford 1461 Gallery of Portraits, 56 nos. LARGE PAPER, 168 india proof por- traits 1462 Garter (Order of the) Warrants, Pedigrees, Orders, &c. some original, but chiefly copies, connected with the Order of the Garter, including a fine signature of George II, and a few *.* Only 125 copies printed. printed papers, MANUSORIPTS, in portfolio AMHERST ARMS, g. @. 1464 Gayton (Edm.) Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixot, 1654— Juvenal and Persius translated by B. Holyday, Oaf. 1673— Blondel (D.) Treatise of the Sibyls, Englished by J. aay (3 1661 1466 Gerarde (J.) Herball, title with portrait, and the numerous wood- cuts coloured, half calf gilt 1467 Gesneri (C.) Bibliotheca Universalis, oak boards, covered in stamped pigskin, with clasps 1468 Gesta Romanorum cum Applicationibus Moralisatis ac misticis, lit. goth. double columns, with signatures and pagination folios I-XCIII, scarce edition, old oaken binding _ s. 1. et nom. ump. 1499 *,* At the end of the vol. is bound a contemporary MS. Treatise on Theology on 18 leaves. Fn e-em rN AE 1463 Gataker (T.) Sermons, autograph of “ W. Amherst, Dec. 3, 74,” old English calf, covered with gold tooling, diamondwise, over 1465 Geographical Tables of the Divisions of the World by Sanson, 66 sheets (two damaged), bound in oaken boards, split wm three’ pieces and joined together with leathern straps imp. fol. plate of feathers (2) Basle, 1778 ” 1834-37 Sc. XVIII, &e. 1637 W. Berry, 1680 1636 Tiguri, 1545 Ee 436 mea: Gibson (Bp. E.) Codex Juris Ecclesiastici pe 2 vol. old calf, rebacked Oxford, 1761 Gilbertus (Guilelmus) Colcestrensis M.D. Dr Macnete Mag- ¥ /2 neticisque Corporibus, et de Magno magnete tellure, Physio- | logia Nova,plurimis et argumenta et experimentis demonstrata, — Lea woodcut diagrams, vellum, VERY RARE Lond. P. Short, 1600 — | | 1471 Glanvil. Bartholomei Anglici de Ordine fratrum minorum, De 2 /3 . : Proprietatibus Rerum, lit. goth. initials rubricaied, large illwmi- . nated initial on first page, oaken boards covered with pigskin, with clasps Nuremb. A. Koburger, 1483 1472 Glanvil. Bartholomeus Vanden Proprieteyten der Dinghen 10 . im deutsch gebracht, lit. goth. capitals painted in blue and red, — | large woodcuts (coloured), vellum Haarlem Jac. Beiiaert, 1485 | 1473 Goethe. Reineke Fuchs, von Goethe, illustrirte von W. Kaul- ve | bach, 36 fine plates (no teat), half morocco imp. 4to. mn. d. 474 Goru (Ant. Fr.) DactytiorHecaA SmITHIANA, cum Enar- / 6 — | rationibus, LARGE PAPER, 200 jine proof plates, 2 vol. red mo- rocco gilt, g. é. roy. 4to. Venet. 1767 475 Gorius. Monumentum sive Columbarium Libertorum et Ser- vorum Livie Auguste et Cesarum, plates, calf Florent. 1727 d | cab nearer SP PN NE Ep IEE SP TNA NE EE TELS Se A EE CIES EY TN ET I CE TSE SE STS ape jb a <= ee ee FIFTH DAY'S SA OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot 1476. ~IACECIEUX Reveille-matin des Esprits Melancholiques, cal/, ve O Rouen, 1658—Crebillon fils, Ecumoire, Histoire Japonoise, a 2 vol. in 1, frontispieces, calf, 1735—Vanden Velde (J.) Bou- quet Printanier, vellum, Rotterd. 1613 ; and others (11) 1477. Faérne, Fables, trad. par M. Perrault, woodcuts Amst. 1718 u f ' 3 1478 Faerno(G.) Fables in English and French Verse, 100 copper-\/teaa ”) plates, calf, 1741—Fenelon (M.) Tales and Fables in English a and French, by N. Gifford, 29 plates by G. Bickham, 1736 ; and) another 3 vol. | | 1479 Fail (Noel du) Contes et Discours d’Eutrapel, avec Notes, “ y 4 Glossaire, &c. par C. Hippeau, 2 vol. PAPIER WHATMAN, U uncut Jouaust, Paris, 1875 y, ye . 1480 Fairbairn (J.) Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ire ‘ | | land, revised by L. Butters, 2 vol. nwmerous plates 1860 = i ape etammmeesataatt Onan a NEON DEE ON EDN LLL ELSI ED LED EN i : : 1481 Falle (Ph.) Casarea, or an Account of Jersey, second edition, map and plate, calf, 1734—Guy, Earl of Warwick by J. Merridew, LARGE PAPER, plates, Chiswick, 1821—Wrighte (W.) Grotesque Architecture, plates, 1767 ; and others (9) 1482 Fathers of the English Church (edited by Rev. L. Richmond), 8 vol. wncut | 1807-12 1483 Faublas. Six Semaines de Sa Vie pour Servir de Suite a sa premiére année, 2 vol. wncut, Lond. et Paris, 1790 — Factum pour Marie Catherine Cadiere contre le P. J. B. Girard, dia, 1731—Le Livre de quatre Couleurs, aux quatre éléments, 4444 —Margot la Ravadeuse, Hamb. 1800 ; and others (8) | | 1484 [Fazakerly (J.)] Poemata varia, tree-marbled calf extra ——- 1781 | | ee Oe ee ee ae ** Privately printed. Scarce, having been suppressed. 1485 Feasts and Fasts of the Church of England, plates, morocco gilt, 1732—The New Testament, old red morocco gilt ( for the Hon. Justice Hyde), 1787—Hartcliffe (John) Treatise of Moral and Intellectual Virtue, blue morocco, 1691—Bisse (The) Beauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer, blue morocco, 1716; and others (6) 1486 Feldborg (A. A.) Denmark Delineated, engravings, half morocco, uncut, t. @ 9. Edinb. 1824 1487 adr |1488 ae Ll 1489 do 1490 4 Sroun 1491 Beha 1492 iN 105 te ne ree os a Fenelon (M.) Avantures de Telemaque, 2 vol. plates by Poudrimer, 1738—St. Evremond (M. de) Ciuvres, avec la Vie de l’auteur, par M. des Maizeaux, 7 vol. plates, calf, Amst. 1739; and another 11 vol. | a MRE tee Fenelon (M.) Dissertation on Pure Love, 1750 — Pascal (B.) — Life, with his Letters relating to the Jesuits, 2 vol. portraits, 1744 ; and others 8 vol. | Fenelon (M.) CEuvres, 3 vol.—Massillon (M.) Ciuvres, 2 vol.— Bossuet (M.) CEuvres, 4 vol.—Bourdaloue (M.) Ciuvres, 3 vol. together 12 vol. portraits, half red morocco extra, q. ¢. roy. 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1856 Fennor (W.) Spirituall Man’s Directory, 1649— Wilfull Im- penitency the grossest Self-Murder, 1650 — Beattie (J.) Evidences of the Christian Religion, 2 vol. in 1, FIRST EDI- TION, Edinb. 1786 ; and others 15 vol. Fergusson (Jas.) History of Architecture in all Countries, wood- cuts, vol. II, half Roxburghe 1867 SCRA EEE ERTS EE tn te Ferrand (J.) On the symptoms, causes and cure of Love, calf, © Oxford, 1640—Female Falsehood or Adventures of a French Nobleman, Dublin, 1739—Illustrious French Lovers, ib. 1764, in 1 vol. half calf—Wharton (Sir Geo.) Works, portrait, calf, 1683 ; and others (8 Fétes et Courtisanes de la Gréce, Supplément aux Voyages d’Anacharsis et d’Antenon, 4 vol. plates, half calf Paris, 1803 [Field (W.)] Historical and Descriptive Account of the Town and Castle of Warwick, and Leamington Spa, plates, uncut W arwick,1815 Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION 1749 Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, 4 vol. 1749 —Tom Jones the Foundling in his Married State, Dublin, 1749; uncut copies 5 vol. Fielding (H.) Histoire de Tom Jones, 4 vol. plates by Gravelot, 1750 — Quinault (M.) Théatre, 5 vol. Paris, 1715 — La Fon- taine (J. de) Fables Choisies, 3 vol. Copenhague, 1761; and others 18 vol. Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, 4 vol. printed on thick paper, old green morocco extra, g. é. Paris, Didot, 1780 | re hae si s pe pee es Fielding (H.) Amelia, 4 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1752 — Joseph | / Andrews, 2 vol. second edition, 1742—Joseph Andrews, 2 vol. third edition, 1743—Tom Jones, 3 vol. Edinb. 1767 j 11 vol. | Fielding (H.) Ciuvres, old red morocco, g. e. Revms, 1784, &e. , 14 vol.—Gessner (M.) Giuvres, 4 vol. in 2, plates, Paris, 1797 —-Montaigne (M. de) Voyage en Italie, &e. 3 vol. uncut, Rome, 1774 ; and others Fine Arts Quarterly Review (The) nos. I-VI and vol. I and II, N. S. illustrations 1863-67 Fleckno (R.) Miscellanea, or, Poems of all sorts, with divers other Pieces 1653 scocneasmmmmst tft REO TOLLE ELD EIDE a parcel ot )2 // Ia - 9 1b {35a vay | Bt sh | Best | “of a ae . i/o} | ; | ) ge ee ee ae | : aD ea ® » A PA A EOC OL TN OTL BOYLE SES LEN IT OE A ROOTES iT deo wo APTN ae SINE ee TNO SPP es & moe . 2 ES TOS 5 RTI AAT AINSI 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 2 ae Et ARE Seesmic Anat Nb 106 Fleury (M.) Histoire Ecclesiastique, et Opuscules, 30 vol. in 29, | / gi calf gilt Nismes, 1779-81 ie - Flitneri (J.) Nebulo Nebulonum, plates, Francof. 1620—Flitner, LG another edition, plates, 1634 2volivcp = § neg y Floia Cortum Versicale de flois Swartibus, etc. autore Gripholdo Knichknackio (scarce and curious Macaronie poem), 16mo. s. l. 1635—Jo. Pollii Opuscula (Poetica), Tiguri, Froschower, s. a. —Bern. Tomitani Clonicus Sive de Reginaldi Poli Card. ampliss. Laudibus, Venet. Aldus, 1556 — Hilarii Cantiuncule Hendecasyllaborum liber, Venet. 1555 —Cella (A. et C.) Europe descriptio, &c. Antw. 1536 ; and others (12) PE Floral World and Garden Guide, vol. I to VIII, in 4 vol. colowred HAL plates and woodcuts, half morocco, m. é. 1858-65 J, +p Foire de Francfort (La) et La Conférence entre Luther et le,/*4 Diable (2), Paris, Liseux, 1875—Konigsfeld (Dr. G. A.) Lateinische Hymnen und Gesinge aus dem Mittelalter, 2 vol. Bonn, 1847-65—Hugo (V.) Les Feuilles d’Automne et Odes et | Ballades, 2 vol. Paris, 1842-4; and others (8)| p > & Folengii (J. B. C.) Pomiliones et T. Folengii Varium Poema et 22g Janus, jine copy, morocco eatra, gilt marbled edges, by Lortic, very j rare In Promentorio Minerve ardente Siro, 1533 Folengio (T.) Histoire Maccaronique de Merlin Coccaie, 2 vol. Paris, 1606—Beroalde de Verville (F.) Moyen de Parvenir, 2 vol. in 1, Nulle Part, 1000, 700, 50, 4 (1754)—Des Periers (B.) Cymbalum Mundi, plates by Picart, Amst. 1732—(Du- laurens (H. J.)] Le Compére Matthieu, 4 vol. plates, Malthe, 1787 8 vol. Folengii (T.) Opus Merlini Cocaii Macaronicorum, portrait and cuts, vellum, Amst. 1692—Stopini (Magistri) Capriccia Maca- g ronica, engraved title, Padue, 1636 2 vol. a | Folk-Lore Espafiol. Biblioteca de las Tradiciones Populares Ren. S| Espafiolas, vol. I-IX, uneut Madrid, 1884-86 S ae Foote (S. Junr.) Reform, a Farce, 1792—The Tell-Tale, No. 1, Y 7" all published, 1786—Wrangham Gee. Poems, thick paper, 1795, and other pieces by Archd. Wrangham, in a vol. half Tussi Fordwick (John Finch, Lord) Calendarial and Mathematical ss do Notes, in the hand of the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, temp. Charles I, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM Sac xvi! _/) Foreign Books, various a large parcel 4 Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. I to XX XVII, half calf 1827-46 | Forget-Me-Not, from 1823 to 1847, numerous engravings, original Wee : morocco and other bindings , 25 vol J Forster (J.) Life and Times of O. Goldsmith, 40 illustrations, Dent 1855—Warburton (E.) Crescent and the Cross, 2 vol. ilustra- 7 tions, 1845—Lowell (J. R.) Political Essays, 1888 ; &c. 11 vol. Foster (J.) Peerage and Baronetage for 1882, 2 vol.—Foster, “(© Peerage, &c. for 1883, 2 vol. coats of arms 4 vol. 9) ? Foundling Hospital for Wit (New), 6 vol. uncut, 1786—Beres-- “) “7 ford (J.) Miseries of Human Life, colowred frontispiece, uncut, 1807 ; and others 19 vol. Anam y me aemecepnei a ne OA BEERS. gala ie 267) oes Fournier (E.) L’Art de la Reliure en France aux Derniers /$ | Siécles, Paris, 1864 — Bonnardot (A.) Restauration des — i Estampes et des Livres, 1b. 1858; and others (5) wrton 522 Fournier (P. 8S.) Manuel Typographique, 2 vol. plates, red morocco, — - g. ¢. by Kaltheber, with his ticket Paris, Barbou, 1764 | ull 523 Foxi (J.) Ad Inclytos Anglize proceres Supplicatio, &c. jine copy, - morocco extra Basil. 1557 © bo 524 Foxi (J.) Christus Triumphans, Comedia Apocalyptica, half E ‘ morocco gilt Norib. 1590 © Qelelh 525 Fragmenta Comicorum Grecorum collegit et disposuit A. — “ Meineke, vol. V, in 2 vol. (Comice Dictionis Indicem et Sup- — = plenta Continentis) Berolini,1857—Lasseu (Christien) Indische — mn Alterthumskunde, vol. III-IV (and Supplement to ditto) in 5 — e parts, Lipz. 1857-62 (7) | // Bfacne 526 France. Sommaire Discours des Causes de tous les Troubles de ce Royaume, Paris, 1573—Lettres du Roy de Navarre, © t Cardinal de Bourbon, et Prince de Condé envoyées au Pape, — ¢ ib. 1573—Masle (J. le) Discours sur les Troubles du Royaume — € de France, ib. 1573—Marques de la Vraye Kglise, 1b. 1568— _ =” Odde (C.) Bannissement et Adieu des Ministres des Hugue-— nots sur le départ du pays de France, ib.1573—Charpentier (P.) Lettre & Francoys Portes Candiois sur les Persecutions des f Eglises de France, s. p. 1572, and other tracts, in 1 vol. half z calf all 1527 Francisci (S.) Vite et Miraculorum Epitome Emblematis et Car- bd mine expressa, beautiful engravings by M. Snyders, vellum © Aniverp. 1632 ole 1528 Franco (N.) Dialogi, calf, Venet. 1542—Summa Aurea de Virtu- AP tibus, lit. goth. calf, Venet. 1497—Lutheri, Catechesis, Gr. et Lat. vellum, Basil. 1567 ; and others (9) Franco (N.) Dialogi Piacevoli, fine copy, brown morocco eatra, gilt marbled edges, by Lortic Vinegia, 1545 Francqueville (Sr. de) Miroir de l’Art et de la Nature, descrip- tions in French, German and Latin, engravings, half morocco, Paris, 1691—Montgolfier (M. de) Expériences de la Machine Aérostatique, par M. Faujas de Saint-Fond, 2 vol. plates, 10. 1784—-Quilliet (F.) Dictionnaire des Peintres Espagnols, 20. 1816 4 vol. Franklin (Dr. B.) Works, 2 vol. calf, 1793—Brown (J. W.) Life of L. da Vinci, portrait, uncut, Pickering, 1828—King (Dr. W.) Political and Literary Anecdotes, calf, 1819; &c. 16 vol. (E.) Poemata, frontispiece, calf, 1779—Musarum Anglicanarum PAPER, 1715—Jockey Club, 3 Parts in 1, 1792—True Briton, contains Gray’s Elegy, 1751—The Microcosm, by Gregory Griffin, red morocco, g. &. 1786-87 5 vol. York, Hereford) imprimés & Rouen dans les XV° et XVI° : ' Frascalorii (H.) Poemata, portrait, calf, Patav. 1718—Popham | Analecta, 2 vol. calf, 1721; and others Poetical a parcel — Free-holder, LARGE PAPER, 1716—Lover and Reader, LARGE — 1534 Frere (E.) Livres de Liturgie des Eglises d’Angleterre (Salisbury, — Siécles, half morocco, wncut Rouen, 1867 — 32° VO |} fo ; iat | : ba | V7 ay ; ce ee Re eee ee ee ee = PMT TT ede oa a eee ee a ce acnnenmeiey bs cial ~ UNG NO. PR AEE PAO LATE TD F f - - pater SIR YE OSI APIO ARS ee LPR NIA aoe 2 oa : : : { : 1566 Gentleman’s Calling, front. and engraved title, half calf, 1660— (ec af 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 wt ren tent ee er NE Ret I TR es ea ae ee eee 1705 Guevara (Ant. de) The Mount of Calvarie (stained), A. Islip for ax E. White, 1595—Ingmethorp (Thos.) Sermon on St. John’s — Epistle, Chap. II (4 leaves mended), T. Creede, 1609—Mason (H.) The Epicures fast, on the Licenciousness of the Romane Church, 1626—A Short View of the Prelatical Church of England, 1661 (4). 1706 Guileville. Le Pelerinage de Homme, compared with the The Pilgrim’s Progress, portrait and plates, B. M. Pickering, 1858 — : —History of the Holy Cross, facsimile reprint by J. Ph. Berjeau, | of the edition of 1483, C. J. Stewart, 1863—Translations by _ Lyttleton and Gladstone, 1863 ; and others (10) } | 707 Gyraldi (C. J. B.) De Obitu divi Alfonsi Estensis Epicedion, © oO | Sylvarum, lib. i, Elegiarum, lib. i, Epigrammaton, lib. u, ete. | calf gilt, g. é. Ferrari, 1537 *.* Presentation copy from the Author to his friend Albert — Lollius, with an autograph Latin Epigram addressed to him on title. . | 708 Haddon (Walter) Against Jerome Osorius, Bishop of Silvane in / 2 Portugal, and against his slanderous Invectives, continued by John Foxe, and Englished by J. Bell, black letter, (title mended and mounted, some leaves scribbled on) calf, J. Daye, 1581; and Another Copy (wanting 8 leaves) (2) | . Hamilton (Comte A.) Mémoires du Comte de Grammont, 7 2 , i ports. fine impressions, red morocco gilt, g. e. Lond. Edwards, s. d. | Hamilton Palace Collection, Illustrated Priced Catalogue, plates, | /O cloth Remington, 1882 | Hamilton Palace Collection, Illustrated Priced Catalogue, plates, | /f cloth | 1882 Harveii (Guil.) Opera Omnia a Collegio Medicorum Londinensi é& edita, fine portrait, calf, presentation copy to Dr. Walter Landor : (father of Walter Savage Landor), 1766—Lettsom (Dr.J.C.) | Natural History of the Tea-Tree, coloured plate, half calf, 1799 —De Moivre, Doctrine of Chances, 1718 ; and others (7) . Harveii (Gabriel) Ciceronianus, vel Oratio post reditum, habita ae Cantabrigiz ad suos Auditores, original edition, half bound ; Lond. H. Binnemann, 1577 Harvey (Gab.) Rhetor, vel duorum dierum Oratio, de Natura, V2 | Arte, et Exercitatione Rhetorica, ORIGINAL EDITION, half | bound, scarce ib. 1577 Die Harvey (Gab.) The Trimming of Thomas Nashe, Gentleman — I (J. P. Collier’s Reprint with Introduction), finely bound in brown morocco extra, with floreate corners and back, g. & by ZAEHNSDORF ) 1597 (reprinted n. d.) | ems oe 6., 1716 Haymo Halberstatensis. Liber Haymo de Christianarum rerum 24 Memoria, lit. goth. (signatures in this copy very irregular,and it will therefore be sold with all faults), old red morocco ; absque ulla nota | HEBER (Reginald) Bp. of Calcutta. The Whippiad, a poem on | / 7 an incident in Brasenose College quadrangle, written by Heber — ) when an undergraduate ; with notes. This copy belonged to Dr. Cardwell, RARE Manuscript, half calf SAC, XIX | 2 EMD 2S SO ED AE: a a ee eee 120 eS 1718 MHegendorffinus (Christ.) Encomium Ebrietatis, curious woodcut Loe LY ; title with musical notes on it, Lipsie, V. Schumann, 1519— Theobaldi Episcopi Physiologus de Natura duodecim Anima- lium, ltt. goth. woodcut on title, boards, s, 1. et nom. Imp. 1502— Interpretationes seu Somnia Danielis Prophets, roman letter, ae (10 leaves without marks ; 2 mended) absque ulla nota—G. A. ee | Francke, De Statu Ecclesiarum Apostolicarum, vellum, hah iw PEE SE BOE ICED op RE CCAIR ST MR DR SA PIE NC ED A LL NELLIE RADA TLIO LILA ILE L TILED ELL LOLS ALES SLES DLT DI = ed Ate ~~ es . ow. Wo sace SPC TT IBS S % et | J. Wykes, 1566 i Lae D4 ‘d _ 1729 [Heywood (Thos.)] Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius, his|/¢oCer . | | Prophecies and Predictions interpreted, &c. frontispiece (having | as small hole in it), half russia J. Okes, 1641 | . / _ 1730 Hibbert-Ware. Foundations of Manchester, vol. IV (The Ao | a Ancient Parish Church of Manchester), cloth, Manchester, 1848) , | i// | 1731 Hilpert (Dr. J. L.) English-German and German-English Dic- Buve 3 et | tionary, 2 vol. half morocco Carlsruhe, 1857 9) p Aa 2 1732 Hogarth (Wm.) Analysis of Beauty, 2 folding plates ( plate of a | . ; | Columbus breaking the Egg and 3 others inserted at end), calf et 1753 ty : GE $$$ $$ 1735 1736 1737 1739 121 V Hogarth. Analysis of Beauty, 2 folding plates and the receypt — plate of Columbus breaking the Egg (Edw. Montagu, Esq.), calf 1753 Hogarth Moralized, being a Complete Edition of Hogarth’s Works, containing near fourscore Copper-plates most elegantly engraved, with an explanation, original impressions, calf S. Hooper, 1768 | Hogarth’s Works, 156 plates (no text), boards, uncut | Longmans, 1807 © Holbein (Hans) CEuvre ; ou Recueil de Gravures d’aprés ses | plus beaux Ouvrages (part I containing the Dance of Death en- graved by Ch. de Mechel on 12 plates ; and part IT containing the Passion on 12 plates by the same) ; curious engraved invitation card to a funeral, 1723, mounted on fly-leaf, half morocco | Basle chez ? Auteur, 1780 Holcroft’s Travels, 2 vol. 1804—Joseph Hanway’s Journal, &c. 1756—Quintilianus Burmanni, vol. [-II, Lugd. Bat. 1720; and | others, mostly odd (19) Homerus. Homeri interpres pervetustus (seu Scholia Greeca in Iliadem, in integrum restituta, edita jussu Leonis X), vellum Rome, Ang. Collotius, 1517 *,* The first edition of these Scholia. Homerus. Batrachomyomachia, &c. Gr. et Lat. woodcut titles and devices, Basil. Froben. 1518—Hippolyti Capilupi Carmina, vellum, Antw. Plantin. 1574—Pre-Existence, a Poem, English | and Latin, Bath, n.d. ; anda MS. transcript of the same in > English (by D. Mountfort), in 1 vol. ; and others (5) | Homerus. Ilias et Odysseus Greece, 4 vol. boards, wneut, Oxon. | Typ. Acad. 1800 — Homeri Ilias Gracé, 2 vol. in 1, LARGE PAPER, red morocco (broken), Glasg. Foulis, 1747 — Quintus a — PII REE ae ERAS: i i eS ees ST Horatius Flaccus, LARGE PAPER, calf, ib. 1760 (6) : Hooker (Rich.) Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie sixth and eighth Bookes, FIRST EDITION, vellum, R. Bishop, 1648 — Wright (Tho.) The Passions of the Mind in General, vellum, V. Simmes, — 1604—Bulkeley (Dr. E.) Apologie for the Religion established | in the Church of England, 4. Johnson, 1608 (3) Horatius, edidit C. Combe, 2 vol. portrait, russia, Lond. 1792— Lucanus cum Comment. P. Burmanni, 2 vol. calf, Leidw, 1740 —Senece Tragoediz cum Notis Gronovii, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf, Delphis, 1728—Quintus Curtius curavit H. Snakenburg, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. russia, 1b. 1724 (8) } | / H Hora& BEATtT& MAria& VIRGINIS. Heures de nostre Dame en _ G ld Latin et en Francois avec Calendrier, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, within woodcut borders representing the lives of Chwrist, the Apostles, Saints, dc. the large and small initials painted and — dluminated (wants title, 5 leaves in sheet EL, sheet F, 6 leaves in G; second alphabet complete ; third alphabet wants sheet A, 2 leaves in B, 2 leaves in C ; small alphabet follows, wants a, 3 leaves in b, 1 leaf in c, 4 leaves in d, 4 leaves in e, d (repeated) wants 1 leaf, c (repeated) wants | leaf, f has 10 leaves, p 11 leaves, — first leaf mounted, wants end, sold with all faults), calf | Paris, A. Verard, s. a. (Calendar 1488-1508) | nny AOI Eg men Ce eS eee klein DE Se 122 9 6 Rae "2, 4 } 1744 Hore Subsecive, sive’ Additamenta, quedam ad F. Junii ge . Etymologicum Anglicanum, 1777; and two Common Place, =f = | Books, MANUSCRIPTS So. XVUI-XIX} ,5 1745 Hospital of Incurable Fooles (The) erected in English, as nee (AF the first Italian Modell and Platforme as the Unskilfull hand of an ignorant Architect could devise (title and several other leaves mended, some head-lines cut into, with all faults), calf, very scarce E. Bollifant for Edw. Blount, 1600 *,* Attributed to Ed. Blount by Watt. Gordonstoun copy Re ty RAE ee ee a ET ~— nah PEP PE EN, 2 £3 6s. 1746 Howard, Earl of Surrey (Henry) and Sir Thos. Wyatt, Works, $a ; | edited by C. F. Nott, portraits, 2 vol. green morocco, g. @ _ a Longmans, 1815 4 1747 Hughes (T. 8.) Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania, maps and Ae | plates, 2 vol. 1820—F. M. Pratilli, Della Via Appia, plates, calf, 1745 — Dufresnoy’s Geography, maps, 1742; and ™ ; gnaticees, 0 a RR IEDC ae A att pg a nae se te ip VA PRES ) others (7) } 1748 HunrTERIAN CLUB PUBLICATIONS, complete from nos, 1-64 | the . ! 1872-88 3 1749 Hur Lisrary (THE) Comprising the WHoLE Workzs of / . DEKKER, GREENE, Harvey and Nasu, edited by the Rev.) A. B. Grosart (only 50 copies printed) ; together 29 vol. boards, a : uncut 1883-6 yy n 1750 Icones Christi et Apostolorum, 14 fine copper-plate engravings by) 7 *% H. Goltzius, brilliant original impressions, bownd im a vol. cal, gilt ’ (1589) 1751 Icones Ottomanorum Principum, 30 plates mounted, ome D. de Rubeis, 1699—Ducum Regumque Polonorum Series, 50 jine plates, ib. 1702 ; in 1 vol. calf 1752 Ignatii (S.) Epistole Genuine Annot. Jo. Pearsoni, LARGE ao PAPER, autograph of P. Burmann on title, calf, Oxon. 1709— a Proverbia Salomonis Vers. Integ. Heb. et Lat. cum Comment. A. Schultens, Lugd. Bat. 1748 —R. Mosis Maiemonide de Sacrificiis liber, Lond. 1683 ; and others | (6) 1753 Illustrations of Northern Antiquities from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances (by Weber, Jamieson and Scott), boards, wncut Edinb. 1814 1754 Isidorus Hisp. (S.) Opera Omnia, recensente Faustino Arevallo, | / 7 vol. portrait, calf, Rome, 1797—Lampe (F. A.) Comment. in Evangelium sec. Joannem, 3 vol. vellum, Amst. 1724— Ejusdem Autoris Dissertationes Theologice, 2 vol. vellum, 4 ib. 1737 ; (12) 77 A 1755 Jacopone da Todi (Frate) Laude, PRIMA EDIZIONE, several leaves \/ oe and the woodcut in facsimile, vellum Firenze. Fr. Bonaccorsi, 1490 aa 1756 Jacquelin (J. A.) Le Sang des Bourbons; Galerie Historique Zi, des Rois de Cette Maison, depuis Henri lV jusqu’a nosJours,,; 2 vol. portraits, boards, uncut Paris, Egron, 1819 g ) 1757 JamesI. Gretserus (Jac. Soc. Jes.) Basilikon Doron sive Com- mentarius exegeticus in Sereniss. Mag. Brit. Regis Jacobi Preefationem Monitoriam, et in Apologiam pro Juramento| — fidelitatis, calf gilt Ingolst. A. Sartorius, 1610) — 6X ita oS Bk he SOE ARR MG IE NE iy IER fs STD ODN ESE CELE OI Tn EI OT LPC AOE RINE OA SE AN GA ENE IORI te ISTP eit ae mata tae namaiaheettiness eS A ener S PON et RS AR a pa RTE ctr ~ YW sa ETON NE TT NLS oS ME LR RE ERITREA sharps eet Sen ese RRR RED ECON ON ESTEE NLL A ELE NELLIE ALOR PEPE DELL LIL CLI E LOLI ELLA LLL AAD LONI E LAAN ALAA set. = A Ct ICON? cuit OR a ONE teh one aes L Amt srs CEB | eugene Sp AT ET TE III IONE CLE LIE COTE Le ores ae mi te CR Re Pe ee ten ett a ee A mf PN . Wy a XQ { DO, Oe ee ad 1758 wy Lt \1759 tdler |1760 athecy- 1761 Kaufmann. 123 ae ren naan James VI of Scotland. erence Set wee ee His Maiestes Poetical Exercises at Vacant Houres, Hdinb. Rk. Waldegrave, n. d. — Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poetry, with Memoir by R. P. Gillies, 1b. 7. Vautrollier, 1584 ; both reprinted, ib. Ballantyne, 1814, half bound (2) | James (Rich. B. D. [1592-1638]) Poems, etc. now first collected | and edited, with Notes, &c. by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, | Frontispiece (only y 100 copies printed), cloth 1880 Jephson (Rob.) Roman Portraits, a Poem, in Heroick Verse, with Historical Remarks, portr aits, MS. daelitions and anntota- | tions by the author, which arrived too late for the London Press (see MS. note), calf, presentation copy 1794 Joannes. Auslegung des Evangelii Joannis in Gothischer | Sprache, aus rOmischen und maylindischen Handschriften | nebst lateinischer Uebersetzung, etc. von H. F. Maszmann, © half russia Miinchen, 1834 ) Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Plan of a Dictionary of the English — Language, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Philip Dormer, Earl | of Chesterfield, ORIGINAL EDITION, unbound, 1747— Sy iala | (H.) Historic Doubts on the Reign of Richard III, sEcOND > EDITION, 2 plates, uncut, 1768—An Answer to Mr. Horace © Walpole’ s late Work (on Richard III) by F. W. G(iudickius) | boards, 1768 (3). Johnstone (Jacobus) Antiquitates Celto-Scandice, Hannia, | 1786—Schulze (Ernst.) Gothisches Glossar, boards, Magdeburg, | K, J.—Olafsen (Jo.) Om Nordens Gamle Digtekonst, | Kiobenhavn, 1786 (3) Jones, Metropolitan Improvements, Nos. 1-41 [wanting Nos. 30. and 35|—Cooke’s Richmond and its Surrounding Scenery, 24 fine views (mounted), cloth, 1832—Virtue’s Picturesque Beauties of Great Britain, fine views, 1831 a parcel Juvenal. Paradoxa in Juvenali per Angelum Sabinum poetam | laureatum. MANUSCRIPT written in Italy SAC. XV | Juelli (Joannis) Angli, Episcop. Sarisburiensis, Vita et Mors, | eiusq. Vere doctrine defensio cum refutatione quorundam Objectorum, 8. Humfredo autore (Verses by Bodley, John Fox, A, Nowell and others at end) vellum, large copy J. Dayus, 1573 . Angelica’s Ladies’ Library, with 8 elegant plates by | A. Kauffmann ‘and H. Bunbun ‘y, half morocco 1794 FER SPEER ES LT, | FOLIO. ) ae DLO es /o | GouaH (R.) Poems and Memorials of Richard Gough, Esq. the 20 well-known Topographer, in two thick volumes, comprising many poems, occasional essays, letters, transcripts, drawings, etchings, &c. and some rare privately printed pieces, of much — interest and value for the biography of the writer from 1750 — till his death: the whole arranged and bound in half calf. — MANUSCRIPTS SC. XVHI - Grandorge (John) of Oxford, Common Place Book, chiefly — theological, with the writer’s bookplate (?) printed at Oxford, | Sept. 6, 1690, w thick volume, MANUSCRIPT, rough calf 1690 — SA NP AP Sa ETERS RIT SE SE OIE TRI UNM I A I DW OS IED POR TONLE 9 RAST Phe UG ee Sn er DhO ; ae enemys BLOND arene! nsencontinemtent iirterincamasstresitndilee basen te TCR CSCC CNN aL aC ELLE COTE TC OC CCN: 1770 Grecorm NAztANzENI (SANCTI) Ormns OMNIA, Gr. et Lat. Pht a Ee Sos ) | A SOA LN SIAR AO LINO A NOES TLE 2 AECL NCES N AI ETE SCLIN REL OLE ELOY LL OOE DELLA APE TET LL NTE TE LADIES EE DEE IGE A LL OC IDOE NAEP IOI LIES ELI D TE LOL DD LOLI DLL LED ELISE LS SLOG LIA 1771 124 Editio Benedictina, 2 vol. fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, with arms of H. N. Evans in gold on sides Paris. 1778-1840 ha i Gregson (M.) Portfolio of Fragments relative to the shee E "4 Palatine and County Duchy, of Lancaster, numerous woo of arms, &c. half calf extra Lwerpool, 1817 Grotii (H.) Annales et Historie de Rebus Belgicis, LARGE Jeg PAPER, fine portrait by W. Delff, fine copy in russia, gilt edges, by Baumgar ten Amst. 1657 | Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldrie, FIRST EDITION, numerous coats of arms, old calf with initials, autograph M. A. (Myles Armiger of Holkham), and initials I. C. (James Calthorp) stamped on sides 1611 Guillim (John) Display of Heraldrie, FIRST EDITION, engraved title mended, W. Hall, 1611; SECOND EDITION, (title mended) 1632 ; THIRD EDITION, 1638 ; FOURTH EDITION (wants aoe 1660. Guillim, Display of Heraldrie, FIRST EDITION (title slightly Be some Ul. stained), Signature of Ro. Burton (Author of Anatomy of Melancholy ?) on title, 1611; SECOND EDITION, MS. index, arms coloured, 1632 (2) Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry, BEST EDITION, portraits and numerous coats of arms, old calf, rebacked Guillim, Another copy, old gilt calf 1724 Gunton (S.) History of the Church of Peterburgh, LARGE PAPER, plates, old calf 1686 Guyse (Jacques de) Croniques et Annales de Haynnau, 3 vol. in 1, black letter, woodcuts, fine copy in green morocco extra, blind tooling, leather joints, gilt edges, with arms of Sir M. Sykes in gold on sides Paris, Galliot DuPré, 1531 *,* Rare. This copy sold for £4 15s. in Sir M. Sykes's sale. |” Vol. IV was never printed. Hachtenburg (J.) Batailles gagnées par le Prince Fr. Haaeus de Savoye avec des Explications par J. du Mont, LARGE PAPER, maps and views, old calf La Haye, 1725 i Harding (J. D.) Sketches at Home and Abroad, 50 views, (/ Harding's own copy with his autograph, half morocco 1836 f Herbarius. Den Groten Herbarius met alden figueren der Letn Me eruyden, lit. goth. title in red and black, numerous woodcuts, linyp vellum, with flap, clean copy Utrecht, Jan Berntz, 1538 Herbert (Thos.) Some Yeares Travels into Africa and Asia the / Great, etc. maps and plates, old calf, with arms on sides, ARCH- 4 BISHOP. SANCROFT’S Copy, with his autograph on fly-leaf ; ve a wards Dr. Bliss’s 1638 doug : y 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 ‘ ; ; ees Fat Ds ear ca 11) ae ; é : % 4 a : ’ ee ae aS exes as ae o«& fe oC eS See Ds Sele ee Pere melee, \ i ; ee eS eR, a SNe aE Pe eee TN, Oe ee IT ow I EN a Nn ae ne a ee ca —s " 1782 1783 Hesychii Lexicon, Greece cum Notis Variorum et nf Alberti, 2 vol. portrait of Alberti, vellum LIugd. Bat. 1746-66 Heywood (T.) Hierarchie of the blessed Angels (in prose and) verse), engraved title and plates, old calf 1635 ic ae jo os! gh ea ae _26 y: Yee pores Hickesii (G.) Antique Literature Septentrionalis Thesaurus / | 3 | grammatico-criticus et archeologicus, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, portrait and plates, russia extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by 0. Lewis Oxonie, 1703-5 — Hill (A.) Account of the Ottoman Empire, 7 curious full-page yi plates, old calf, with Bibliothec Bignon stamped in gold on sides 1709 Hippocrates, Opera Omnia, Gr. et. Lat. studio et opera Steph. | 7 Macki, 2 vol. in 1, Vi ienne, Aust. 1743—lIsaacson (H.) | Saturni Ephemerides, fine engr aved title by Marshall, calf, 1833 | —L’Art de Vérifier les Dates, calf, Paris, 1770 ; and 1 other (4) | Historical MSS. Commission Reports, baa Fu. ain 5, in 6 vol. ; Lp unbound 1870-76 | Historical MSS. Commission Reports, I-IX funnies the 7th), ie ees 7 vol. half vellum, and 1 unbound 1874-84 | Hoare’s Modern Wiltshire. Old and New Sarum, or Seay | / a by Benson and Hatcher, portrait and plates, bourds J. B. Nichols, 1843 Hodges (Wm.) Select Views in India, 48, fine tinted views, proofs / ¢ (presentation copy), russia gilt atlas fol. Lond. 1783 | Hofland (Mrs.) Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of White-Knights, LARGE PAPER, 23 india proof engravings, | half vellum, uncut n. a. | Hogarth (W.) Marriage A la Mode, 6 plates, original impressions, / half bound oblong royal folio. 1745 | Ho.iANp (H.) Herootocra ANGLICA, hoc est clarissimorum et | 4- doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno : Cristi MD. ad Ann. M.D.CXX. Vive Effigies Vite et) Elogia, (title mounted, wants leaf of verses signed J. Gruterus, | leaf of index (supplied in MS.) and portrait of John Haringion, | jun. ; the portrait of M. Frobisher mounted), fine impressions of — the portraits by C. de Pas, &c. vellum Arnhem, 1620 Holland. Herodlogia. Another copy (wants monument of Q. 1a] 4 Elizabeth, the verses signed Gruterus, and list of plates), calf 0b. Ib te | zs 620 | Holland. Herodlogia. Another copy, 67 portraits and list of 3 / g plates at end (title and margins of several leaves mended), portratt | of Q. Elizabeth defective and mended ,; leaf of text to Lady Jane | Grey defective and supplied with a loose leaf (sold with all faults), | calf ib. 1620 © Homerus. Evustataius Homert Iuras Er Opyssea, 3 GRACE, EDITIO PRINCEPS, 4 vol. in 3 (the index bound in front | of vol. II ), ruled thr oughout with red lines, old French red morocco gilt, with gilt tooled backs and gilt edges (DEROME), FINE COPY Rome, A. Bladus, 1542-50 re Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey, engraved from the Composi- tions of John Flaxman, by T. Piroli (and W. Blake), 2 vol. oblong folio. 1793-1805 ee Homeri Iliadis Fragmenta et Picturze Accedunt Scholia Vetera /O | . ad Odysseam Grece: item Didimi Alexandrini Marmorum et Lignorum Mensure edente A. Maio, LARGE PAPER, plates, — uncut M ediolani, 1819 } | ae EN NE ET LT A 24 Ae aan Na A PNAS SEND NBN NT aoe san eee oh ~~ OY acta a bine Siete te we ee Roe -. ws oe “~~D PRT SILO I TEL NOT EO LIL IOI OLD IED LLL LEAS LDL ED LAD ILENE LT ELL EDI V ED ALLELE LEE ALOE AANA LE SET OP AT ROSAS AOA A LO PRE INRIA 8 2 AE NS AmB BS _ — S> | | | | | et BL SOE A SPOOR A CCEA A OO ICTS RIE I SIRE EE MERITS SERED IEEE a i i ra ne tN a ht CERNE FOLIO SIA HELE SI LRP NCI SDE DHE DOSE NE SCT POLLEN LINE EADIE ELAN EAN SE TE 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 126 Hooker (Richard) Of the. Lawes, of / Heclesiasticall Politiel Aaa eight bookes, calf, Jo. Windet, 1604; Another edition, 1617; Certaine Divine Tractates, 1618; and another (3) a Hoépingk (T.) de Insignium sive Armorum prisco et novo Jure, : frontispiece and scheme for 16 quarterings, old red morocco, g. e. as Noriberge, 1642 : Houbraken and Vertue. THr Heaps oF THE KINGS oF ENG LAND proper for RAPIN and TINDAL’s History, collected, drawn, and engraven with ornaments and decorations by G. Virtue, and plates of Monuments, 139 plates, brilliant proof impressions, 02 LARGE PAPER, half russia, g. é. . imp. fol. Knapton, 1736 HovUBRAKEN AND VERTUE. THE HEADS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PER- SONS OF GREAT BRITAIN, with their Lives and Characters, by T. Birch, LARGE PAPER, fine original impressions of the 80 por- traits (8 portraits from vol. II without letterpress inserted at end of vol.) margin of text to portrait of Wyndham mended, russia aa gilt, g. é. imp. fol. ib. 1743 = Houbraken and Vertue. Heads, with Lives by G. Birch, vol, II, My UL 28 fine portraits (title and teat inlaid throughout), half calf = : ib, 1752 L 4a Howard (Henry) Earle of Northampton. A Defensative against (Ad) the Poyson of Supposed Prophecies not hitherto Confuted by; the Pen of Man, now newly revised (on Astrologie, Spirits, Dreams, &c.) old calf, with arms on sides, curious and scarce J. Charlewood, 1583; reprinted, W. Jaggard, 1620 ‘Hrosvit& Opera illustris. Virginis et Monialis Germane gente Saxonica Orte nupera C. Conrado Celte inventa, 8 fine full-- — page woodcuts by ALBERT DuRER, capitals painted in blue and) red, brown morocco extra, g. e. by Leighton, FINE COPY, RARE Norunbergae, 1501 Hucher (Eug.) Vitraux Peints de la Cathédrale du Mans, 20 jine large plates, boards imp. atlas fol. Paris, 1865 Hudson (F.) Brasses of Northamptonshire, 100 plates in tinted lithography and bronze, cloth, wncut amp. fol. 1853 Hudson (Franklin) The Brasses of Northamptonshire, 62 brasses, / on 34 sheets, and 34 pp. of letterpress, unbound imp. fol. 1853 Hugo (Thos.) Bewick Woodcuts, Text only, on LARGE PAPER, with india proof portrait of Thos. Bewick, cloth, only 4 copies taken, ) imp. fol. L. Reeve, 1870 HvuLsen (E. VON) WARHAFFTE RELATION UND DISCOURS UBER DESS FUrsten J. F. HERZOGEN ZU WURTEMBERG & KIND- TAUFF DER PRINZEN FREDERICKEN, und Ritterspiel, 2 vol. in 1, 3 engraved titles and 70 engravings of the Pageant by M. Merian, red morocco extra, g. e. with arms of Prince Eugene m gold on sides ; | Stuttgart, 1616 *.* Excessively rare. Mr. Beckford’s copy sold for £21. — Humourous Calendar. A Series of 12 Humourous Grotesque Plates, emblematic of the months, within borders, engraved by Sutton Nicholls, wnbownd, very scarce veers | eta printed and sold by Dicey & Co. Aldermary Church Yard, 1728 _ . | y * 2 , 12 LEME ROE eR, OTS a odbc; 1814 Hitatae aw.) Pigeon of the Human gravid Uterus; 34 plates, y di i uncut Birmingham, J. Baskerville, 177 4 | *,* Willett’s copy sold for £3 15s. | | Hyett (W. A ) Northamptonshire Sepulchral Memorials, 3 parts | ! [oe in 1, proof plates, half morocco 1817 | * Icones Apostolorum. A Series of 14 full-length engravings of | tare the Apostles, chiefly after P. P. Rubens by C. Galle, 8. A. . Bolswert, &c. mounted in a vol. and bound in calf Illustrations of the Pilgrims of the Rhine, 27 fine india pr oof oD plates after D. Roberts, in portfolio 1834 : Inchofer (Melch.) De Epistola B. V. Mariae ad Messanenses | ea) Conjectatio, engraved title, Viterbu, 1632—Francus (R. P. Ant.) : Synopsis Annalium Soc. Jesu in Lusitania, 1540-1725, Aug. ‘og a Vind. 1726 ; and another (3) | ) Atheran|1819 INDIAN DRAWINGS of Portraits of Native Princes, Princesses, 9 15{ | Chiefs, &c. with many of the names in Hindoo, beautifully | executed in gold, silver and colours by native artists, neatly mounted — . on cardboard, old red morocco, borders of gold, g. @. (42)'1 ene s 1820 Ionian Antiquities, published with permission of the Society of — / / | ) Dilettanti, by R. Chandler, N. Revett, and W. Pars, plates, | i 4 i Fe half russia 1769 | or } * wd aahel821 Ishak Aboal Parafrasis comentado sobre el Pentateuco, jine copy 4- : : in oak boards, covered in stamped leather Amst, 5441 Ceetelt 1822 Jackson (Dr. Thos.) Works, 3 vol. calf, 1673—Warner (F.) | / L e Kcclesiastical History of England, 2 vol. calf, 1757—Howell | Fa ; (L.) Synopsis Canonum Ecclesize Latina, 1710; &. (9) toler 1823 Jacquémart (J.) Histoire de la Bibliophilie, 10 nos. 47 plates of | 13 3] i beautiful bindings in a portfolio Paris, 1861-64 | 1824 JamesI. Declaration as to the Titles of Prince Charles to the V Ly] Duchy of Cornwall, in French and English, vellum, g. ¢. with — arms of Charles I as Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall in | gold on sides 1613 | *,* For a long time the Grenville copy was considered unique, but at present 4 copies are known. H } / 4.1825 JAMES IT AND MAGDALEN COLLEGE, Oxford. Papers, original and | #2 /2 Lie f IFA aa copied, connected with King James’s attempt to force a Pre- sident on Magdalen College, a valuable collection formed by Dr. Hedges, a Fellow of the College, 1687, &c. MANUSCRIPT, half calf SAC. XVII ) James II. Processus factus ad Coronationem Jacobi II, Regis | Abe Angliz, MANUSCRIPT, with autograph of “ Peter Le Neve Norroy,” | ee eee eegneres

REDO TAR CO TTNS aS Sa ole i 1916 1917 — -:1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 —-:1928 | 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Hore Beatz Marie Virginis cum Calendario et Almanach Longll 134 (1567-1606), printed within woodcut borders, with several large J woodcut illustrations, wanting title, with all faults, morocco eatra gilt, carmine edges (1572) Hori Appollinis Hieroglyphica Gr. et Lat. woodeuts, Syston, oes Park copy, red morocco, g. e. by Roger Payne Rome, 1597 hy a Horatii Opera, portrait, Paris. e Typog. Regia, 17 33—Pheedri|! * or Fabule, &c. front. ib. 1729, “ Lowvre” editions, LARGE PAPER, a # agit “y a 5 old French red morocco extra, g. é. 2 vol. Horatu Opera, eneis Tabulis incidit J. Pins, 2 vol. engraved 4°" throughout, with plates, Post-est edition, calf 1733-37); _ Horatit Opera, 4 J. Pine, Post-est edition, calf 1733-37 Horatii Opera, cura J. Hunter, 2 vol. in 1, Cupri Fifanorum, oh yw 1813—Virgilii Opera, cura J. Hunter, 2 vol. in 1. ib. 1810, ‘ uniform calf extra 2 vol. Horatii Opera, edidit G. Sandby, 2 vol. plates, calf, 1749—} Juvenales et Persii Satyre, ed. G. Sandby, plates, calf, Cantab. 1763 3 vol. Horatii Opera, edidit G. Sandby, 2 vol. plates, red morocco extra, 1749 Horatii Opera, illust. ©. G. Mitscherlich, 2 vol. THICK PAPER, vignettes, uncut, Lips. 1800—Callimachi Hymni, Epi- grammata et Fragmenta, ex recens. J. A. Ernesti, 2 vol. calf gilt, g. e. Lugd. Bat. 1761—Orazio Opere, 2 vol. plates, old red morocco, Siena, 1776 ; and others 21 vol. Horatii Opera, recens. et illustrat. F. G. Doering, LARGE PAPER, uncut, Ozonit, 1831—Virgilii Opera, illust. G. Wakefield, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, wneut, 17 96—Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, edidit G. E. Weber, Francof. 1835 ; and another 5 vol. Horatius, LARGE PAPER, “Immaculate” edition, citron morocco aed extra, g. e. by Hammond Glasgue Foulis, 1744 an Horatius, Virgilius et Terentius, ed. G. Sandby, 6 vol. old red morocco gilt, 1750, &. ; and others 11 vol. Horatius, 4 J. Bond, old French red morocco extra, g.@ eve Aurelianis, 1767 Horatius cum Notis Variorum et Scholiis J. Bond, accurante ° C. Schrevelio, bound in 3 vol. old red morocco eatra, book-plate of Dr. C. Chauncy — _Lugd. Bat. 1670 Horatius, recens. F. G. Doering, ed. G.’ Regel, 2 vol. calf, Lips. 1839—Horace, translated by D. Watson, 2 vol. 1742; and others 7 vol. Hornani (J. M.) De Oculo, seu De Natura Visus Libellus, fine / portrait, Dordrechti, 1645—Hessius (E.) de Tuenda bona Valetudine, Francof. 1551; and others 6 vol. Horne (Bp. G.) Works, with Memoirs of his Life by W. Jones, ° 6 vol. portrait . 1818 Houbraken (A.) De Groote Schonburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen, 3 vol. portraits, half morocco, uncut, t. @& 9g. _ In’s Gravenhage, 1753. l as L }i 135 Houghton (Lord) &. M. Milnes, Memorials of a Tour in some parts of Greece, 1834—--Memorials of a Residence on the > Continent, &c. stained, autograph letter of the author inserted, 1838 2 vol. Houghton (Lord) Poems, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, uncut 1838 | Houghton (Lord) Palm Leaves, presentation copy from the author to C. Dickens, with book-plate of the latter 1844 Houghton (Lord) Poetry for the People, and other Poems, — 1840—Palm Leaves, 1844 ; and another 3 vol. Houghton (Lord) Monographs Personal and Social, portraits, — 1873—Life, Letters, &c. by T. W. Reid, 2 vol. portraits, 1890 — : 3 vol. Howel (J.) Dodona’s Grove, plates, calf, n. d.—Wastel (S.) True — Christians Daily Delight, calf, imperfect, 1620—Petty (Dr.) | Reflections on Persons and Things in Ireland, half calf, 1660 ; and others (12) Howell (J.) Discourse between the Soul and the Body, presenta- / tion copy from the author, with his inscription, calf 1657 | Howell (Dr. L.) Medulla Historie Anglican, plates, 1766— Jebb’s Life and Reign of Mary Queen of Scots, portrait, 1725— Kelsall (Ch.) Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino, plates, privately printed, Geneva, 1820; and others (12) Hueffer (F.) The Troubadours, 1878—Letters of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, translated with Notes by W. Turnbull, Frontispiece, 1845 2-vol. | Hugonis (H.) Pia Desideria, engravings, some leaves mended, Antverp. 1624—Poli (R.) De Summo Pontifici Christi, &c. calf, Lovanu, 1569—Gregorii Arch. Turonensis de Gloria Martyrum, libri II, Colon. 1583—Reusneri (N.) Symbola Heroica, 1650; and others 9 vol. | Hugonis (H.) Pia Desideria, woodcuts by C. Van Sichem, Syston Park copy, red morocco, g. e. by Roger Payne Antverp. 1628 Hunnii (E.) Josephus, Comeedia, Francof. 1586—Josephus, © Comeedia, Colon. 1537—Fabricii (A.) Samson, Tragcedia, id. 1569—Bencii (F.) Philotimus, Drama, Rome, 1591; and — others, all half morocco (4) ; Hunt (J. H. Leigh) Juvenilia, portrait, uncut 1802 Hunter (H.) Sacred Biography, 5 vol. 1815—Southey (R.) Book of the Church, 2 vol. 1824—Vindiciz Ecclesiz Anglicane, 1826; and others 18 vol. Hunter (Jos.) Critical and Historical Tracts. Agincourt, First Colonists of New England, Milton and Robin Hood, wrappers, 1849-52 4 Hurd (Bp. R.) Works, portrait, calf gilt 1811 _Hurdis (Rev. J.) Village Curate and other Poems, portrait, 1810—Favourite Village, &c. 1810, uniform, bright old blue morocco extra, gold tooled borders, q. é. 2 vol. NEES EO! ae ae mes SR eS Ieee ae Junius, 2 vol. portraits and woodcuts, Bensley, 1801—Mills (C.) History of the Crusades, 2 vol. frontispiece, 1822—Noble (M.) Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, 2 vol. in 1, portrait and plates, half calf, Birm. 1787 ; &c. 10 vol. Justinus cum Notis J. Vossii, old red morocco extra, silk linings, 3 g. ¢. Iugd. Bat. 1640—Sulpitii Severi Opera omnia, old red morocco extra, g. @. 1b. 1635; and 2 other Elzevirs 4 vol. ) Juvenalis et Persii Satyr, ed. G. Sandby, plates, calf, Cantab. 1763—Horatii Opera (edidit J. Jones), LARGE PAPER, 1736; and others 5 vol. | Juvenalis et Persius, cum Notis Ruperti et Koenigii, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, frontispiece, wncut, Glasgue, 1825—-Terentius, | ex recens. I’. Lindenbrogii, ed. J. C. Zeunius, 2 vol. LARGE © PAPER, 1820 ; uncut copies 4 vol. Juvenal’s Satyrs, translated by Sir R. Stapylton, frontispiece, calf, 1647—Drayton (M.) England’s Heroical Epistles, frontis- piece, calf, n. d.—Present for the Ladies, an historical vindi- cation of the Female Sex, calf, 1690 ; and others (5) Keble (J.) Christian Year, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, wncut Oxford, 1827 Keble (J.) Christian Year, facsimile reprint of the first edition, 2 vol. uncut 1868 Keble (J.) Sermons, Academical and Occasional, Oxford, 1848— . Sermon on Primitive Tradition, 1839—Goode (W.) On the Eucharist, 2 vol. 1856; and others 10 vol. gt ornate errr ei ee eR ee eee et ee a re st AIEEE ET ai et CREM Dg Sy NEY NA RL / $f - / 2, . /O } i ty Ent RM RTI =: ARE AAPL AINE IE A LLOYD SOD sO AB EID PLL 0 EE SOE ALTA A ALN EE READ LEIS ON TN IT me ee ee eS eee ~S oS) 2018 | 2019 i ae en ee ee EES VE A Te PARE TENE LIS UNA PSL yO A Nh BRE te SEA RAT NPN RT SOE NNR TS GO ay 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 140 Keble (J.) Miscellaneous Poems, Oxford, 1869—Lyra Innocen-| 7) pf¢. tium, FIRST EDITION, ib. 1846—Herbert (G.) The Temple, fac-|) simile reprint of the first edition, edited by Rev. A. B. Grosart,, 1876; and others 17 vol.| , . Keepsake, for 1828, ’29, 30, ’31, 45, LARGE PAPER, &c. india Merck proof plates, red silk : roy. 8v0. 5 vol.) a | Keepsake, 1828 to 1835, engravings, red silk, g. e. 8 vol. oe | Keepsake, from 1830 to 1852, some large papers, uniform in Re ctl ; size, india proof and other engravings, half morocco, g.@ a roy. 8vo. 23 vol. | Keightley (T.) Fairy Mythology, 2 vol. plates 1833 | Ye Aa Kelham (R.) Norman Dictionary, uNcUT 1779 ah iy Kelham (R.) Domesday Book, Illustrated, UNCUT 1788 | Jean! Kelham (R.) Norman Dictionary, 1779—Domesday Book, Illus- (ead trated, 1788 2 vol. | Kemble (J. P.) Fugitive Pieces, ORIGINAL EDITION, MS. addi- hoo Ls tions, calf, rare - York, 1780| , 3am Ken (Bp. t) Works, 4 vol. portrait by Vertue, calf, 1721—Office of the Holy Week according to the Missal and Roman Bre-| viary, plates, calf, Paris, 1670—Compleat Office of the Holy Week, plates by Hollar, 1687 8 vol. Kennet (Bp. W.) Funeral Sermon on W. Duke of Devonshire, with Memoirs of the Cavendish Family, portrait and rare plate) of Whitechapel Altar Piece, also account of Bp. Kennet, by) Archd. Wrangham, written on fly-leaves, 1708—Burroughes (J.)) > Excellency of a Gracious Spirit, title backed, 1640; &e. 9 vol. Kennicott (B.) State of the Printed Hebrew Text of the Old) //€ Testament, 2 vol. morocco eatra, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford | Ker (J. B.) Archeology of our Popular Phrases and Nursery Rhymes, with the Supplement, 3 vol. 1837-40 Keysleri (J. G.) Antiquitates Selects Septentrionales et Celtice, A2 ta Ah AE EDT CET LOI rap tn PE A RENE meen plates, old calf, rebacked | Paris, 1707 | *,* Highly esteemed and valued for curious matter relative to| — ees eee English history. 7m ‘a 2164 Locke (J.) on the Humane Understanding, FIRST EDITION 1690 |4@“7™ _—) 2165 Lodge (Edm.) Portraits and Memoirs of Illustrious Personages, the teat only, with AUTHORS’ MANUSCRIPT REVISIONS, Ped 2 vol. (1 vol. boards, and 1 unbound) ¥814 - ee atime 8 _ a 151 39¢. Kk 5166 : _ 166 London Gazette, and Loyal Protestant, 222 various numbers edhr 4 between 1681 and 1684-—Votes of the House of Commons, / /¢ . 1680—Speeches in Parliament—Manuscript Political Ballads, The Royalists’ Litany, contemporary MS.—A Congratulation on the Happy Discovery of the Hellish Fanatick Plot, single sheet, set to music, 1683—Loyal Caution to all the King’ Friends, song, set to music, single sheet (corner torn), dc. some with signature of Edmund Bohun, Esq.) in 1 vol. calf oo 2167 Louis XIV. Ludovico Magno, Theses ex universa philosophia 7 | dicat et consecrat Lud. a Turre-Arvernie princeps Turennius, . engraved throughout, the teat within fine borders, illustrating Scenes m the Life of Louis XIV by Sevin, in aula Coll. Claromont, 1679 ? wi q 2168 Lucani Pharsalia curante Angelo Illycino (D’Elci), PRINTED on 4 6 VELLUM (limited to 4 copies), 10 proof engravings from designs by Wachter, uncut Vindobone, 1811 C aller |2169 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura lib. VI, cum animadv. R. / Z| 4 Bentleii edid. G. Wakefield, LARGE PAPER, portrait, 3 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. by Staggemeier and Wilcher, FINE COPY roy. 4to. Typis A. Hamilton, 1796-7 © Ludolf Religieux de l’Ordre des Chartreux de grant Vita Christi 4 translate en Francoys par Guillaume Lemenand, Parts I and | | II in 1 vol. black letter, nwmerous woodcuts, old calf | Paris, A. Verard, s. d. circa 1500 | SR RT ST TT EE De BAERS FG ME TR AAS TL NN HE NO IRE TO PEE ce 2 be Macaronica. Miscellanea Macaronica inedita, Venetia, 1509, a Ly} transcript of Latin metrical satires, MANuscRIPT, half red bona Morocco SAC. XIX . MACLISE (DANIEL) Seven Original Drawings of Designs for / 8 | Moore’s Irish Melodies, and 7 Engraver’s Proofs of the same, . | in a portfolio Madox (Thos.) Firma Burgi, an Historical Essay on the Cities, | Towns and Boroughs of England, LARGE PAPER, half bound, uncut W. Bowyer, 1726 Maffeii (Jo. P.) Historiarum Indicarum lib. XVI, accessit | & ie —— SO i ET TS RT EN OL IT AR yy LS trea Ignatii Loiole Vita, map, vellum Col. Agr. 1593 | i i Magni (Joannis, Archiepiscopi Upsalenisis) Historia Gothorum J ) Sueonumque, title inlaid, numerous woodcuts, vellum Rome, 1554 . Maitland (W.) History and Survey of London, 2 vol. plates, with 4 | duplicate engravings of London Bridge, and of St. Mary's, Ber- mondsey, and St. Mary's, Newington, part of key at foot of Westminster Bridge (p. 1348) shaved off by binder, old calf, sold not subject to return L756.) pee Malcolm (Sir John) History of Persia, from the most early. / . Period to the Present Time, LARGE PAPER, maps and plates, | 2 vol. russia extra, g. e. imp. 4to. J. Murray, 1815 — 4 ae Mallory (Sir T.) Story of Elaine, idlustrations by G. Doré,orna- =~ mented cloth, uncut 1871 | Maness de Maneck (Chevalier Rudger) Album des Minnesanger GI (Trouvéres des XII-XVI Siécles), 10 plates (first coloured), and text in facsimile by C. Matthieu, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt Paris, 1850 EC Pee ber heels «a a “3 on A ARN Zr A OI AN MAORI AI AMEN A | . | | : . . | . | 2185 Masaccio. 26 fine Engravings after Paintings by Masaccio, | a 2187 Merpius. THoma Mepi Partricit VEN. FABELLA, EPIROTA, 1. tle 2180 Mangey (Thomas), editor of Philo. Notes on the Doctrine and 152 x en er eer NET to er on a Discipline of the Early Church, in Latin, AUTOGRAPH MANusorIPT, half calf S20. XVIII 2181 Maps of Ireland, The West Indies, &c. a large number in portfolio 2182 Marianz (J.) Scholia in Vetus et Novum Testamentum, old gilt 4 : Me russia, autograph of Siw W. Godolphin Matriti, 1619 4 | fi 2183 Mariette (P. J.) Traité et Recueil des Pierres Gravées, dans le bs AA Cabinet du Roy, 256 fine plates of gems, 2 vol. yellow morocco a gilt, g. e. (Derome), FINE COPY Paris, Imp. del Autheur, 1750 ‘a 2184 Marlborough (Duke of) Life, Death and Burial of Cock Robin set to Music, for 4 voices, LARGE PAPER, UNIQUE, coloured frontispiece, red morocco extra, gilt edges, the Duke's own copy, with is arms in gold on side n. d. *,* The small paper copies were printed for presents only. engraved by T. Patch, with Short Life of the Painter in Italian and English, privately printed without title, unbound, uncut Firenze, 1770 2186 Maximus (Valerius) Factorum et dictorum Memorabilium Libri IX, in double columns, with illuminated capitals and border, with arms and grotesque figure, written in 1463, MANUSCRIPT, | a fine volume Sac. XV *,* This volume was exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition of Binding in 1891, as a specimen of English _ binding of the eighteenth century, red morocco, tooled and gilt with black bands inlaid, of about 1720-35 . | printed in red and black, red morocco extra, g. é. by F. BEDFORD, FINE COPY, VERY RARE . impressum per Bernardinum d’Celeris de Luere An Chr. 1483 (Venet.) 2188 Menochuis (J. S.) de Republica Hebreorum, fine copy in old red 2306 BI | | v2 2307 | ) /| | 2308 5. 9309 é i ee a/9 a ee eee F 160 2296 Longus Gr. one of 52 copies, fine copy, red morocco super extra, J *,* “Edition précieuse du texte de Longus, publiée par P. L. 2297 Longfellow (H. W.) Poets and Poetry of Europe, portrait, an // autograph letter of the author inserted Philadelphia, 1845 Longi Pastoralia de Daphnide et Chloe, recens. J. B. ©. de Vil- / loison, old French green morocco eatra, g. e. Paris, 1778—_ Zosimi Historie Gr. et. Lat. cura Heyne, russia, Lips. 1784 — —Plinii Epistole et Panegyricus, cura Schaefer, calf ib. tat i vol. Longinus on the Sublime, translated, with Notes, LARGE PAPER, boards, 1836—Euripides cum Notis 8. Musgravii, Oxon. 1809) — —Homeri Opera, edidit J. A. Wolfius, 2 vol. fine paper (PRE- SENTATION Copy from the editor to R. Porson), Lips. 1804; and — others | ee Rome, 1810| fa Courier.”— Brunet. Lossii (L.) Historia Passionis Christi, woodcuts, vellum | Luneburge, 1551] Loudon (J. C.) Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum ; or the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, 8 vol. in 6, numerous illustrations, half russia, m. @. 1838 Loveday (R.) Hymen’s Preludia, calf, 1652—Mason (H.) New A/mm Art of Lying, vellum, 1634—Mathews (Bp.) Meditations, FIRST _ EDITION, calf, 1637 ; and others | (12)) - Lowell (J. R.) Biglow Papers, first English Edition, frontispiece by G. Cruikshank, 1859—Under the Willows and other Poems, = 1869—My Study Windows, 1871—Heartsease and Rue, port- rait, 1888 _ 4 v0l.| 5 Lower (M. A.) English Surnames, 2 vol. 1875 4a Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer’s Manual of English Literature, ; 6 vol. in 11 parts 1857-64; ,, @ Lowth (R.) De Sacra Poesi Hebrsorum, portrait, Oxonii, 1821 (a4 —Gray (R.) Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha, 1822, —Burnet (Bp. G.) Exposition of the XXXIX Articles, Ozford, = 1831; all in calf extra, m. e. 4 B00) Ty Liibke (Dr. W.) Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages, 184 engravings Edinb. 1870 | Lucanus, Argent. Knoblouch, 1520—Virgilii Maronis Poemata, / Novis Scholiis illust. que H. Stephani, MS. Notes by J. Lyn-_ dius, vellum, s. l. 1583; and others ey 7 vol. Lucianus Samos. Excerpta quedam Operibus per N. Kent, LARGE PAPER, Cant. 1730—Aristotelis de Poetica liber, Oxon. 1760—Herodiani Historiarum libri, LARGE PAPER, Oxon. 1699 ; and others (12), Lucrece, traduction nouvelle, avec des Notes par M. de Lev Grange, 2 vol. plates by Gravelot, calf gilt Paris, 1768 — Lucrezio della Natura delle Cosse libri VI, tradotti de A. Marchetti, 2 vol. plates by Eisen, &c. uncut Amst. 1754 | Luiken (J.) Jezus en de Ziel, engravings, old red morocco extra, “ Daye ib. 1722 I A a Ee A RMR oe NR IR 161 ier tentpeehieniemeeenian igeniiecenenanitet eater Lukis (W. C.) Account of Church Bells, plates, 1857—Lindsay and others 11 vol. Lummenxo a Marca, Abimelechus, Trageedia Sacra, morocco extra, g. é. Duaci, 1622 | Lunardi (V.) Account of the First Xrial Voyage in England, © portrait and plate, 1784—Knight (Dr. 8.) Life of Dean Colet, | portrait and plates, calf, 1724—Bunyan (John) Pilgrim’s Pro- gress, with Notes by Mason, portrait and plates, 177 8—Povey, | The Virgin in Eden, 1741 ; and other (7) | Lupton (D.) History of the Moderne Protestant Divines, por- | traits, a small hole in last leaf, Mitford’s copy 1637 Lupton. Another copy, book-plate of P. Bliss, morocco, g. e. by CO. Lewis 1637 Lupton. Another copy, thick paper 1637 Luther (M.) Ein einfeltiye Weise zu Beten, Leipzig, 1551; and | others by M. Luther, black letter, printed within borders, | slightly wormed, old cream calf, covered with a blind Grolier pattern, gilt gauffred edges m 1 vol. Luther (M.) Methodicall Preface prefixed before the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes, black letter, three leaves mended, calf (1565) Luther. Passional Christi und Antichristi, facsimile woodcuts, Leipz. 1874—Hymnarium Sarisburiense pars I, 1851— Dickenson (F. H.) List of Printed Service Books according to the Ancient Usages of the Anglican Church, 1850—Theolo- gical Tracts and Pamphlets a parcel Lycophronis Alexandra, sive Cassandra, Gr. et Lat. cum Com- ment. G. Canteri—Tzetze Scholia Gr. Comment. ete. G. C. Miiller, 4 vol. in 3, smooth morocco, Lips. 1788-1811—Vegetii et al Scriptores Antiqui de Re Militari, cum Notis Var. 2 vol. plates, calf, Vesaliw, 1670—Pomponius Mela, trad. par C. P. Fradin, 3 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1804 8 vol. Lynch (W. F.) United States Expedition to the River Jordan, &e. maps and numerous illustrations, 1849—Spratt (Lt. T. A. B.) i and Profr. E. Forbes, Travels in Lycia, 2 vol. illustrations, | Van Voorst, 1847 ; and others 8 vol. Lyndsay (Sir D.) Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, | half calf, uncut Privately printed, Edinb. 1802 Lyre of Love, 2 vol. fronts. calf gilt, 1806—Meredith (Owen, 2. €. Lord Lytton) National Songs of Servia, 1861—Yorick’s | Budget of Wit, Humour and Sentiment, half calf, Newcastle, 1810 ; and others 2 parcels Lytton (Lord) Siamese Twins, plates, uncut, 1831—| Russell (Lord J.)] Essays and Sketches of Life and Character, — by a Gentleman who has Left his Lodgings, 1820; and | ~ others 8 vol. | [Lytton (Lord)] Serbski Pesme; or, National Songs of Servia, by Owen Meredith, 1861—Trench (R. C.) Story of Justin Martyr, and other Poems, 1844—Beauties of W. Irving, etchings by W. Heath, Glasgow, 1825; and others 11 vol. (Lord) Progression by Antagonism, 1846— Hartshorne (C. H.) | Sepulchral Remains in Northamptonshire, plates, Camb. 1840 ; i ae See ees tore iB: 1/2 7 DY Sates o SSR EER Ra ITT SS BOEST TES oo: ee 9 STMT OS 28) EE TR RE CT ) | encanta tenes tte OO AAR AAT AE LOC AO A A meee li lO RNC TO A 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 en EE AN eR 162 Macgillivray (W.) History of British Birds, Indigenous and // Migratory, 5 vol. nwmerous engravings s 1837-52 Macgregor (J.) Rob Roy on the Jordan, maps and plates, } morocco, g. €. 1870—Walton and Cotton, Complete Angler,/ with Lives of the Authors, &c. plates, half calf, 1760—Zouch (T.) Life of I. Walton, proof portrait and plates, half calf, T. Gosden, 1826 ; and others HE 5 5 vol. Machiavel’s Discourses on the First Decade of Livius, translated / by E. Dacres, new calf gilt 1636 — Mackeldii (F.) Systema Juris Romani Lodie Usitati, a E. E.. Hindenburg, calf extra, m. @. _. Laps, 1847 Mackenzie (Sir G.) Moral Essay preferring Solitude to Publick 4 Employment, Edinb. 1666—Barnard (N.) Penitent Death of a Woefull Sinner, 1642—Smith (R.) Munition against Man’‘s Miserie and Mortalite, Oxford, 1634 ; and others 11 vol. Mackenzie (Sir G.) Defence of the Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland, 1685—Wharton (Sir G.) Works, by J. Gadbury portrait, 1683—Apology for the Conduct of Mrs. tba ES Phillips, 3 vol. mezzotint portrait by Faber, 1761; &c. 11 vol. M’Kie (J.) Title Pages (and Imprints) in his Private Library, “~~ Kilmarnock, 1867—Shepherd (R. H.) Waltoniana, 1878; and others (7)| pf M’Clintock (Captn.) Fate of Sir J. Franklin and his Companions, / " maps and illustrations, 1859—Wyse (Sir T.) Impressions of _ Greece, 1871; and others 6 vol. Macrini (S.) Hymni, LARGE PaPER, calf, Paris. 1537—Buchanani (UG. (G.) Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica, Glasguw, 1750 —Julii (A.) Ecphrasis Paraphraseos G. Buchanani in Psalmos Davidis, 1620—Rossei (A.) Virgilius Evangelisans, 1634 ;) and another : 1 5 vol.| Macropedii (P. G.) Fabule, in 1 vol. Antv. 1537-41—Brockhagi ““ (C.) Nymphocomus, half vellum, Rostochii, 1595—Croci (C.) _ Joseph Comeedia, calf, Antv. 1548 ; and others peat Macropedii Hecastus, Colon. 1540—Comice Fabule, 1b. 1540 _ —Andrisca, with music, ib. 1540—Papei (P.) Samarites, ib. 1540—Zovitii (J.) Ovis Perdita, ib. 1540—Didascalus, ib. 1541; calf gilt, g. ¢. in lool.) 7 Macropedii (G.) Fabule Comics, 2 vol. in 1, portrait added, old Cae reds morocco, g. &. Ultrajecti, 1552 p> ~ Madan (M.) Poemata, privately printed, 1784—[Cleaver kel bai De Rhythmo Grecorum, Ozonii, 1789; and others a parcel [Madden (Sam.)j Boulter’s Monument, a Panegyrical Poem to (2% the Memory of Archbp. Boulter, Primate of all Ireland, red — morocco with broad ornamental borders, Lond. S. Richardson, | 1745 —[Murphy (A.)] The Orphan of China and th Siege of Aquileia, 2 vol. red morocco with gilt tooled borders 1759-60 | 3 pale Mahn (C. A. F.) Werke der Troubadours in Provenzalischer Sprache, 31 parts Berlin, 1835, &c. | p Mahon (Lord) History of England, 1713-1783, 7 vol. 1853-54 ~~ POLO PICT A OE TY a ts CN nN Mahony (F.) Final Reliques of Father Prout, edited by B. Jerrold, portrait, 1876—Wordsworth (C.) Social Life at the | English Universities in the XVIIIth Century, Camb. 1874; and others 8 vol. Maidment (J.) Catalogue of his Library, priced Edinb. 1880. Maillard (O.) Histoire de la Passion de Jésus-Christ, avec Notes, &c, par G. Peignot, LARGE PAPER, front. Paris, 1835—Mystére | de Saint-Crespin et Saint Crespinien, 1 of 100 copies, ib. 1836 | —Miracles de Saint Eloi Poeme du XIII° Siécle, annoté par | Peigné-Delacourt, plates, Beauvais, s. d. 3 vol. a eS My q Mainwaring (Sir Thos.) Reply to an Answer to the defence of Amicia, daughter of the Earl of Chester, 1673—Catalogue of Wedgwood and Bentley’s Cameos, &c. (in French) Lond. 1774 —Gladstone’s Address on Wedgwood, 1863 — Armstrong (Dr. W.) The Cconomy of Love, 1736 —Dickens (Ch.) Speeches on Literary and Social Questions, Hotten— Hoyle on Whist, 1746 ; and others (14) Maitland (S. R.) Essays on the Reformation in England 1849 [Maittaire] Stephanorum Historia, Vitas ipsorum ac libros com- plectens, cum Appendice, 2 vol. in 1, portrait and plates, red Morocco, J. e. 1709 Maji (J. H.) Vita J. Reuchlini Phorcensis, portrait, presentation copy, calf, g. é. Durlact, 1687—Scholirii (P.) Diogenes Cynicus sive Sermonum Familiarium liber II], Antverp. 1635; and aw | \ others 7 vol. Mallet (M.) Northern Antiquities, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1770; and others 8 vol. Manchester Literary Club Papers, vol. I, II, III, V, VI, VII, and vol. I N. 8. Manchester, 1875-82—Sutton (C. W.) List of Lancashire Authors, Manchester, 1876 (8) Mantuani (B.) Ecloge, 1598—Leochei [Leach] (D.) Parerga, 1657—Musz Priores, 1620; 3 scarce pieces 3 V0 Marchmont Papers, 3 vol. 1831—Stockdale (P.) Lectures on the Truly Eminent English Poets, 2 vol. portrait, 1807; and others 15 vol. Marcropedii (G.) Fabulee Comicz, music, vellum, Ultray. 1552— Historia Flagellantium, calf, Paris. 1700—Mureti (M. A.) Juvenilia, half calf, Paris. 1555 ; and others (12) | [Margat (M.)] Histoire de Tamerlan, 2 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1739 Marguerite de Valois, Histoire de, 2 vol. in 1, scarce Amst. 1696 Marguerite de Valois, Les Sept Journées de Navarre (l’'Hep- | tameron), Notice et Notes par P. Lacroix, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, — etchings by Flameng in duplicate states, half red morocco extra, — uncut, t. @ g. Jouaust, Paris, 1872 | *,* Papier de Hollande, 1 of 100 copies. Marguerites de la Marguerite de Princesses, publié avec Intro- duction, Notes et Glossaire par F. Frank, 4 vol. papier vergé, portrait of Marguerite in 3 states, half red morocco extra, uncut, — heck: G: Jouaust, Paris, 1873 | M 2 A AES TC A CS TLC ~~ e OEE EEE: PGE RE ES et SE RNR SATTRAE IY: BIE, SET > Sl REBAR pel. = ‘7 RO tan ae DeRmRERER WaETE crOrre PUL ETT EP DS RCN RI ST URE, Ca 20 RE gs > Ee ne Er a ES TENT PTE SIE Ne AES SE A ERT I NT. ES aed Magn (Ss a en) oN ES SPOR RO eT Ge Ee RI OS mee |e >? S Sx aie eee } 21 | : ee t ied a Sy | | | : | | / ——— Sa! coro <3 eX ee S 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 | 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 164 Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses, avec Introduction, .A- Notes et Glossaire par F. Frank, 4 vol. portrait Jowaust, Paris, 1873 _ Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of) Account of her Conduct (by 0b N. Hooke), large and small paper copies, 1742—True Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Sarah, Duchess of Marl- borough, 1744—The Other Side of the Question, 1742— Swift (Dean) History of the four last Years of the Queen, 1758 ; and others (7) : Marlow (J.) Book of Cyphers, engraved plates, 1683—Sandys (E.) 5 o Collection of Cyphers, plates, poor copy (1690), with all faults (2) aa Marlow (J.) Book of Cyphers, wants 2 leaves, 1683—Marlow, ~ another copy, badly stained, 1683—Sympson (S.) Book of Cyphers, wants 2 plates and printed title, 1726 3 vol. Marlowe (C.) Lusts Dominion ; or, the Lascivious Queen, FIRST EDITION, 1657—Brathwait (R.) Drunken Barnaby’s Four Journeys, plates, 1716 ; and others ie Bevo.) = 4 Marmontel (J. F.) Contes Moraux, 4 vol. plates, s. p. ef d— (1 Cae Esope, Fables, avec celles de Philelphe, par M. de Bellegarde, " plates, Copenhague, 1784; and others 13 vol. Marmontel (M.) Poetique Francoise, 2 vol. vignettes by Cochin, / veau marbré, g. e. Paris, 1763—[Batteux (Abbé)] Beaux Arts, réduits 4 un méme principe, LARGE PAPER, front. and vignettes by Eisen, uncut, Paris, 1746 ; and another 5 vol. Marie Stuart Reine d’Escosse, Lettres, Instructions et Mémoires, avec un Résumé Chronologique par le Prince Labanoff, 7 vol. — a Dolman, 1844-5—Marie-Antoinette, Correspondence Secréte, par D’Arneth et Geoffroy, 3 vol. Paris, 1875 ; and 2 others | (12 Marriage. A Collection of 33 Pamphlets and Sermons or Jn Marriage, some scarce oR Martialis Epigrammata, cum Notis T. Farnabii, engraved title; /(Ao4™ bound in 2 vol. blue morocco, g. e. Amst. 1644—Josephus (F.)s de Machabeis, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J. Luidi, Oxon. 1590—| Beard (T.) Pedantius, portraits, 1631; and others —- 12 wl. be e DO Martialis Epigrammata, cum Notis T. Farnabii, old red morocco » with arms and cypher of Wignerot de Richelieu, on sides, Amst, 1645—Savilius (H.) in Tacitum, Syston Park copy, old red morocco extra, g. e. Amst. Elz. 1649—Virgilius ex recens. — A. Cuningamii, old red morocco, g. e. Edinb. 1743—Virgilius & 3 other “ Regent classics,” in old red morocco, g. e€. 7 Vol. Martinengo-Cesareseo (Countess E.) Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs, 1886—Sakoontala ; or the Lost Ring, translated by Sir M. Monier-Williams, front. 1887—Fall of the Nibel- — ungers, translated by W. N. Lettsom, 1850; and others 5 vol, , Martyn (T.) Flora Rustica, 4 vol. colowred plates 1792-9 1, 13 nic Martyrani (C.) Tragcedie et Comedie, Neap. 1537—Christiane (ica Poeseos Opuscula, Basil. s. a.—Quattro Libri de Dubbi, half morocco, Venez. 1552 ; and others a (13). 165 a fence a onints = 7 nett Rr HN RN on Enole 2371 Martyrani (C.) Trageedize et Comedix, vellum, Neap. 1556— Sette Libri di Sattire, calf, Venet. 1563—Stephani (H.) -, Princippm Monatrix Musarum, Basi/, 1590 ; and others (9) h duke 2372 Martyr (P.) de Sacramento Eucharistia, &c. calf, Tiguri, “" 1552—Posselii (J.) Evangelia et Epistole, Gr. woodcuts, Witeberge, 1572; and others 5 vol. Mary Queen of Scots. De Maria Scotorum Regina, auctore | / 19 Georgio Buchanano; also Notes of Arms in church windows at Banbury, Workworth, &c. Manuscript, half calf | SAC. XVII Mary, Qeeen of Scots, Letters and Documents connected with // her Personal History, with an Introduction by A. Strickland, | 3 vol. portrait, wncut 1842-43 | Marzials (F. T.) Life of C. Dickens, LARGE PAPER, 1887— \/ ya Pater (W.) The Renaissance, Studies in Art and Poetry, 1877 ; : and others 5 vol. \ Marziale, Tutti gli Epigrammi, trasportati in Italiano da . 2. 6 ase - ee i : G. Graglia, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, plate inserted, half morocco extra, uncut, t. @. g. 1782 | Maskell (W.) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England / according to the Uses of Sarum, &c. Pickering, 1844—Holy Baptism, 7). 1848—Keeling (W.) Liturgiz Britannice, 1. 1842—-Beaven (J.) Life and Writings of S. Irenzus, 1841 4 vol. Maskell (W.) History of the Martin Marprelate Controversy, Mh _ Pickering, 1845—Langbaine (G.) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, Oxford, 1691 ; and others 6 vol. Mastin (J.) History and Antiquities of Naseby, map, Camb. 1792 a s SSE EN PSR SE cS TEE EG PEE NY —Lockinge (H.) Historical Gleanings on the Field of Naseby, plates, 1830 ; uncut copies 2 vol. Maundevile (Sir J.) Voiage and Travaile, 1725—Mills (C.) History of Muhammedanism, calf gilt, 1818—Arnaud (H.) Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys, map and plates, half calf, 1827 ; and others 6 vol. Mavor (W.) British Tourists, 5 vol. 1798—Brydges (Sir E.) Biographical Peerage of Great Britain, 4 vol. arms, the “ Scandalous Chronicle,” 1808 ; and others a parcel Maynard (J.) The XII Wonders of the World (in verse), 1611, a reprint of 16 copies only, by EH. V. Utterson 1842 | Méditations et Exercices, bound in brown morocco, with fine gold U a tooling (18th cent ?) corners injured, MANUSCRIPT S&C. XVII / Melanchthon (Ph.) Epistole Scripts annis XX XVIII, ad Joach. | aon Camerarium, 2 vol. in 1, old stamped pigskin, Lips. 1566— ) Sixti III, Pont. Max. De Divitiis, &c. Rome, 1573---Flori- legium diversorum Epigrammatum Veterum, vellum, Paris. Stephanus, 1566 ; and others (5) Melandri (O. et H. D.) Joci et Servia, vellum, Smalicaldie, 1612— ? Domenichi (L.) Historia varia, vellum, Vineg. 1564—F rischlini (U.) Facetize, vellum, Argent. 1615 ; and others Ch) aad Y -Melissander (C.) Ehebiichlein fur Christliche Ehelente, old — I stamped calf, figures in gold and silver on sides, g. ¢. wes a Niirnberg, 1597 | 19. Lotion ete a Gs | 2387 2388 2389 2390 6.2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 166 Memoirs of Literature, 8 vol. calf ? 1722, A Ze Menasseh Ben-Israel, de Resurrectione mortuorum, calf gilt ac lew Amst. 1636 yo Mendham (J.) Literary Policy of the Church of Rome ex- ?@4*\— " hibited, 1830—Bennett (J.) History of Dissenters, 1808-1838, i 1839 ; and others a parcel St 7 Menken(Adah Isaacs) Infelicia (Poems) portrait, original cloth 1868 fence Méray (Ant.) La Vie au Temps des Trouvéres, Paris, 1873 — Ly a Les Voyages Merveilleux de S. Brandan. par Fr. Michel, Z- Paris, 1878—La Hollande Pittoresque par H. Havard, 1d. 1875 —La Tariffa delle Puttane di Venegia, ib. 1883; and others (12) Mercerius (N.) De Conscribendo Epigrammate, portrait, prize 0©C7©~ book to J. B. Sevin de Gometz; 1657, red morocco, covered with ie gold tooling, with his name on sides, g. e. Paris, 1653 p . Merivale (H.) Lectures on Colonization and Colonies, 2 vol. ““4@“\ uncut | 1841 = a Merivale (H.) Historical Studies, a few leaves slightly scorched, —_ 1865 —Jones (Rev. R.) On Political Economy, edited by W. = Whewell, portrait, 1859—Brightwell (D. B.) Concordance to the Works of A. Tennyson, portrait, 1869 ; and others 6 vol. Metastasio (P.) Dramas and other Poems, translated by J. : Hoole, 3 vol. plates by Stothard, calf gilt 1800 p Metastasio (P.) Opere, 14 vol. in 7, portraits, vellum Mantova, 1816 ’~* Z, a4 Meteyard (E.) Wedgwood Handbook, 1875—Arnold (W. T.)|\/eacle Roman System of Provincial Administration, 1879; and on others 5 vol. Ke. J Michel (F.) Etudes de Philologie comparée sur l’Argot, &e. half “* ©°"" bound, wncut, t. e. g. Paris, 1856 Re is Micro-Cynicon Sixe Snarling Satyres, 1599, a reprint of 12)°*@@% copies only by E. V. Utterson 1842 i Middleton (C.) Miscellaneous Works, 5 vol. portrait, 1755— (it Norris (J.) Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World, 2 vol. Don a 1701; and others 18 vol. Middleton (E.) Biographia Evangelica, 4 vol. numerous portraits, 1779, &e. QUARTO. ; | i Milton (John) Commonplace Book, reproduced by the autotype L LL process from the Original MS. with introduction by A. J. a Horwood, cloth (only 100 copies printed, the first copy issued, see é note) : 1876 / MINNESINGER. Deutsche Liederdichter des 12, 13, and 14. Jahrhunderts, aus allen bekannten Handschriften and friiheren Drucken, gesammelt und berichtigt von Fr. Heinr,, Von der Hagen, 3 vol. boards, uncut, Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1838) /) - { Miracle de Nostre Dame de Robert le Dyable, fils du Due de Normandie, publié pour la Premiére fois d’aprés un MS, du XIVe Siécle par plusieurs Membres de la Société des Anti- quaires de Normandie, illuminated facsimile on vellum, LARGE PAPER, 40 copies printed, half morocco, uncut | og ee sup. imp. 8vo. Rowen, 1836, tcoller |2409 Bach |oui0 al 2), FJ Liven 2411 2417 eee 2405 Mirour for Magistrates (A) being a true Chronicle Historie of © eS £2415 Murner (Thomas) Chartiludium Institute Sumarie Memorante 2416 Murner (Th.) De Augustiniana Hieronymianaque Reformatione Re the untimely falles of unfortunate Princes and Men of Note, | newly enlarged, with the Winter Nights Vision (containing — the dedication to the Earle of Nottingham), title and last leaf cut | down and mounted, wants Il. 771-82, and all after 875 (with all faults), old calf F., Kingston, 1610 — MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES, edited by Jos. Haslewood (only 150. {ee | copies printed for sale), 3 vol. half calf extra, t. e. g. uncut fore — . and lower edges 1816 | | Mistral (Frédéric) Mirelle, Poeme Provengal, 25 etchings by BE. o Burnand, and 53 woodcuts, unbound Paris, Hachette, 1884 ! Montanus (B. A.) Antiquitatum Judaicarum lib. IX. calf, Lugd. ey ) Bat. 1592—Bopp (Fr.) Glossarium Sanscritum, Berol. 1830— Pignorii (L.) Characteres Algyptii, plates, Francof. 1608— Tabula Cebetis, &c. Arabice et Lat. calf, Lugd. Bat. 1640; | i and others (6) | Monumenta Peloponnesia Commentariis explicata a P. M. a Paciaudio, plates, 2 vol. vellum ome, LTT [aie i ? Moore (Thos.) Legendary Ballads, with Symphonies and ac- companiments by H. R. Bishop, vignettes on india paper, green morocco gilt, g. e. by Mackenzie J. Power, n. d. | Morland (George) Memoirs of his Life, with Critical Observa- | tions on the Whole of his Works, portrait and fine plates, boards, uncut 4 1806 — Motherwell (Wm.) Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern, with © “ historical introduction and Notes, front. engraved title and — plates of music, boards, uncut Glasgow, J. Wylie, 1827) Moule (Thos.) Bibliotheca Heraldica Magne Britannia, — | Me LARGE PAPER, portrait of Camden, boards, uncut | Printed for the Author, 1822 Murner (THomAsS) Logica Memorartiva Chartiludium Logice sive totius dialectics Memoria, fine cwriows woodcuts of Playing Cards, half calf Argent. Jo. Griininger, 1509 *,* A very rare book, one of the most ancient in which a Card Game is utilized for scientific instruction. wr ai & or a: a aE == aed POSTE IT SE ESET TS ORES, et ludente, lit. goth. many curious cuts, boards Argent. per Jo. Prus, 1518 *,* Very Rare, the cuts representing Cards, by means of which are taught the Institutes of Justinian. = 7 — ee ae SO Ee Oe RE ERE OF 7 ERTS ETT RIO Se pee ny Poetarum, lit. goth. Argent. 1509—Canticum Canticorum Salomonis nuper et Hebreo in Latinum per A. Guidacerium versum, calf, Paris. G. Morrhius, 1531—Martini Lutheri Poemata dispersa Collegit, etc. Jo. Justus, Magdeburgi, 1729 ; and others (5 Murphy (J. C.) History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain, — half bound, 1816—Klaproth’s Travels in the Caucasus, 1814 —Bell (John) Travels in Russia, 2 vol. Foulis, 1763 ; and others (7) — a= i SE Oe a a ee SS PSS XY SPE IE RR SN eR ES BE nn a tide pas ae = seers cree — cet 167 2 ee Ge Gs ee eee 2418 | 2419 2420 2421 | 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 Murray (Dr. J. A. H.) New English ine parts I-VI in Ae Musaeus. Hero et Leander, Graecé, cum Versione Italiané per Music. Arie, con Accompagnamento, composte dal Marchese 168 ee — 7 parts (A—Consigner), and vol. III, part | (E—Every) 1884-91 Gir. Pompei, finely printed by Bodoni of Parma, yellow morocco extra, g. ¢. by H. Walther, with his ticket Parma, 1793 di Blandford, pretty coloured vignette after Cosway, half morocco, Privately printed, s. a. Music. Twelve Glees, ten for three Voices and two for four Voices, composed by the Marquis of Blandford (two clever sepia drawings of country mansions inserted), red morocco extra, with Marlborough arms on sides oblong. 1798 Musice Antique Auctores Septem, Gr. et Lat. M. Meibomius restituit et Notis Explicavit, 2 vol. (2 or 3 leaves in vol. I slightly wormed), half calf Amst. L. Elzevir, 1652 Nasmyth (J < and Jas. Carpenter. The Moon, considered as a Planet, a World and a Satellite, nwmerous s illustrations, co 8 Neal (Daniel) History of the Puritans, 2 vol. portrait, calf, 1754—-Robinson (R.) Ecclesiastical Researches and History of Baptism, 2 vol. boards, Cambridge, 1790-2—Jortin’s Life of Erasmus, 2 vol. portrait, 1758; and 1 other (Thveeks Nederlandt (Het ontroerde) door de Wapenen des Konings Van — Vankryk, etc. 15 portraits and 8 fine plates by Romain de Hooghe, a vellum Amst. M. Doornik, 1674, J/> ,. Nelson (Lord) Life, from his Lordship’s MSS. by Clarke and /*<@* M’Arthur, 2 vol. portrait, plates and facsimiles, russia gilt — royal 4to. 1809) — Nevillus (Alex.) Academie Cantabrigiensis Lachryme tumulo ; Nob. Eq. D. Philippi Sidnei Sacratee (title in facsimile ; some margins slightly wormed; hole in last leaf), Lond. J. Windet, 1587—-Lelandus (Jo.) Principum, ac illustrium aliquot et eruditorum in Anglia Virorum Encomia, Trophza, Genethliaca et Epithalamia, nunc primum in lucem edita (title mended ; first four leaves slightly defective ; some leaves sotled), T’. Orwin, 1589, in 1 vol. half bound (sold with all faults) Newmayr (P. Fr.) Theatrum Asceticum, Jngolst. 1747—Jo. “ j | Frickii Commentatio de Druidis, plates, Ulme, 1744—Mich. Apostolii Cent. XXI Proverbiorum ex Auctoribus Grecis, LIugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1644; and others (6) Nibelungenlied (Das) Usbersatar von Gotthard Oswald Mar- bach, mit holzschnitten nach Originalzeichnungen von E. Bende- mann und Julius Hubner, half morocco “Leipz. 1840 NICHOLS (JOHN) PROGRESSES AND PUBLIC PROCESSIONS OF 7 QUEEN ELIZABETH AND JAMES I, New Edition, nwmerous’ plates and portraits, 7 vol. crimson morocco extra, with broad orna-| — mental borders, g. e. by Mackenzie, FINE COPY 1823-28) , Nichols. Progresses. Thirty-two Plates published (separately) d to Illustrate the Progresses of King James I, boards, wu i n. d. Nicolai del Delfinato (Nicolo) Le Navigationi et Viaggi nella | Turchia, novamente tradotta in volgare, 60 plates of Turkish Habits, ascribed to Titian, calf Anversa, G. Silvio, 1576 Nicolai. Navigations, Peregrinations and Voyages, translated out of the French by T. Washington, plates of habits, calf T. Dawson, 1585 Norden (John) The Mirror of Honor, wherein everie Professor — of Armes....may see the necessitie of the Feare and Ser- vice of God, etc. old calf Printed by the Widow Orwin for T. Man, 1597 North (Hon. Roger) Life of Lord Keeper Guildford, Sir Dudley North and Dr. John North, FIRST EDITIONS, 2 vol. two por- traits, russia gilt, y. @. J. Whiston, 1742-44 North (Hon. R.) Memoirs of Musick, edited with Notes by E. F. Rimbault, portrait, half roxburghe, 1846—Axon (W. E. A.) Publick Libraries of Manchester and Salford, Manchester, 1877—The Rilands of Sutton Coldfield, Birm. 1889; and others (6) Northampton Polls. Copies of the Polls taken at the several Elections for Members to represent the County of Northamp- ton, for 1702, 1705, 1730, 1745, 1806 and 1831, boards Northampton, T. EL. Dicey, 1832 NoTES AND QUERIES, Series I-VII, and INDEXEs to Series I-VI, 90 vol. cloth 1849-92 Nowell (Alexander), Dean of St. Paul’s. Four Theological Treatises, &c. by Nowell and others, imperfect, MANUSCRIPT, half calf SAC. XVI Nowell (Alex.) A Reproufe of a Booke entitled A Proufe of Certayne Articles in Religion denied by M. Juell, set furth by Thomas Dorman, Bachiler of Divinitie, title mended ; slightly wormed, vellum H. Wykes, 1565 Noweut (Auex.) A CaATECHISME, or First Instruction and - Learning of Christian Religion, translated out of Latine into Englishe (by Thos. Norton), FIRST EDITION, black letter, ved/um, FINE COPY John Day, 1570 Nowell. Catechisme (translated by Norton), second edition, black letter, J. Day, 1571—The same, original Latin edition (wants sheet A), R. Wolfius, 1570 ; i 1 vol. calf Nowell (Alex.) CATECHISMUS, sive Prima Institutio, disciplina que Pietatis Christiane Latine explicata, FIRST EDITION, | blue morocco (signatures of W. Dodington and Jo. Herbert on title) R. Wolfius, 1570 Nowell. Catechismus Latiné, FIRST EDITION. Another (larger) copy (inner margin of title and corners of some leaves mended), blue morocco, g. @. 1b. 1570 Nowell. Catechismus Latiné, FIRST EDITION (wants tile), autograph of Bp. WHITE KENNET on first leaf, half bound ib. 1570 Nowell. Catechismus Latiné, second edition (wants all after V.iiig) unbound ‘ ib. 1571 ec LS A I ET ROT ree ee ee nea en Pe PE i IRR EA OTE (9 5 Gg a = wn wens casemate SY oY s ae ee beret eine he as 5 | 2447 Nowell (Alex.) Catechisme of First Instruction and Learning of Christian Religion, written in Latine and translated into Englishe (by T. Norton), black letter (ttle mended ; some lower margins cut into), half morocco John Daye, 1571 | by ) 2448 Nowell. Catechisme, translated by Norton. Another edition, | : black letter, interleaved throughout, with numerous contemporary q 4 : MS. notes in a neat hand, dated 1579 (wants title and all but 2 leaves of Preface), unbound J. Daye, 1576 2449 Olafsen (Eggert) Reise igiennem Island, map and 51 plates, 2 vol. calf, Soroe, 1772 —De Danorum Rebus Gestis Secul. III et IV, Poema Danicum dialecto Anglo-Saxonica, edid. vers. lat. et indic. auxit G. J. Thorkelin, boards, wneut, Havmie, 1815 (3) / 2450 Oliva Pacis, ad illustr. Celsiss. Oliverum Dom. Protectorem De Pace cum federatis Belgis feliciter sancita Carmen Cantab. vellum, Cant. 1654 — Musarum Oxoniensium LElaiophoria ; Sive Ob Faedera, Auspiciis Sereniss. Oliveri Dom. Prot. inter | Rempub. Brit. et Ordines Federatos Belgii feeliciter stabilita Gentis Togate ad Vada Isidis Celeusma Metricum, Oxon. L. Lichfield, 1654 (2). | 2451 Omnibonus Leonicenus. Libellus de Octo Partibus Orationis, ji CH La vellum Patavii, 1483 J : /O 2452 Oxinden (Hen.) Religionis Funus et Hypocritee Finis, fine impres- sion of the portrait, wncut, T. Whitaker, 1747--Gwinne (Matth.) Nero Trageedia Nova, half bound, EL, Blounte, 1603—Aure- lius (Abr.) Jobus Liber Poetica Metaphrasi Explicatus, calf, ‘a ib. R. Junius, 1632 ; and others | (6) 2 y aa . | | | | : | . | | ; | b 2453 Oxoniensis Academiz Funebre Officium in Memoriam Beatis- . sime Elizabeth nuper Anglie Francie et Hibernize Regine, . calf gilt ' Oxon. J. Barnes, 1603 | 5 2454 Oppianus. Cynegetica, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis J. N. Belin de | Ballu, half vellum, Argent. 1786—Porsoni Adversaria, LARGE | PAPER, portrait, russia gilt, Cant. 1812—Q, Ennii Fragmenta | F. Heeselii, calf, Amst. 1707 ; and others (8)) | | H 6, 2455 Opus Aureum et Scholasticum in quo Continentur Pythagore Carmina Aurea, etc. Gr. et Lat. edita omnia studio Mich. Neandri, LARGE PAPER, contemporary stamped ornamental pig- skin binding, g. e. in good preservation Lips. J. Steinman, 1557 ¢ 2456 Opus Aureum et Scholasticum in quo Continentur Pythagore ; Carmina aurea, Phocylidis, Theognidis, et aliorum Poemata, ' Gr. et Lat. edita omnia studio et cura Mich. Neandri, LARGE PAPER, brown morocco extra, broad inside gilt borders, g. ¢. FINE COPY | ib. 1577 2457 Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium Linguas Versa, editore Jo. Chamberlayne, vellum ( presentation copy from D. Wilkins to H. Reland), Amst. 1715—Elstob (E.) Rudiments of Grammar for the English Saxon Tongue, boards, uncut, 1715—Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, folding portrait 1770 | (3) — eerie et oe te men enn ne NN RE A tN wt a ml a et ee RN APTA ME = aD - egies 1 Origines. Dialogus Contra Marcionitas, Exhortatio ad Marty-) aay rium, etc. Gr. et Lat. nune primum e MSS. Codd. prodeunt, opera et studio J. R. Wetstenii, old red morocco, with the arms and monogram of J. B. Colbert Basilee, 1674 Ormerod (Geo.) Memoir on British and Roman Remains ( private /3 reimpression), 2 copies, 1 with 10 eatra lithograph views inserted, PESO Oe VE EV RES ME TEE A ER cloth G. Bell, 1852 | Osorius (Hieron.) De Gloria lib. V (top margin of title mended), old hee red morocco gilt, g. é. Florent. L. Torrentinus, 1552 ; Ostend. Ludus Epibaticus, quo sub Allegoria Poetica Civitas ) van Susteren, Bishop of Bruges (to whom the tract is dedicated) and 3 fine plates of emblems, half morocco gilt, very scarce ; Brugis, 1716 Ottley (Wm. Y.) On a MS. of Cicero’s Aratus, Supposed to be of the Second Century, facsimile (from the Archeologia), 1834 —Screadunga Anglo-Saxonica Maximam Partem inedita pub- licavit C. G. Bouterwek, Elberfeldw, 1858—Remarks on the Glossary to Havelok the Dane, by S. W. Singer, and Exami- | nation of the Remarks by the Editor of Havelok (Ch. Harts- horne), 1829; and others (12) (ep. 2463 Ouvry (Fred.) Howleglas, Petitions and Answers, Letters | Addressed to Thos, Hearne, the Passionate Shepherd, Cata- logue of Old Ballads, all edited by F. Ouvry and privately printed (and 4 Antiquarian Tracts by the same) 10) 2464 Overall (Bp.) Convocation Book, 2 portraits, calf, 1690—Bul- oa linger (H.) Fiftie Sermons, translated by H. I. (imperfect) : R. Newberrie, 1587—White (Bp. Fr.) Treatise of the Sabbath Day, 1635—Owen (John) On the Death of Christ, 1650 ; and others (8) ASO weer es et Portus Ostendanus Archithassum, etc. arms of H. Joseph oa a a a a . 1744, MANUSCRIPT Sc. XVIII : 2466 Ovidius Burmanni, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. calf, Amst. 1727—Theo- | an critus Wartoni, 2 vol. russia gilt, Oxon. 1770—Plutarchi Vite ; recens. A. Bryanus, 5 vol. Tonson, 1729 (11) | 2467 Oxford. Academiz Oxoniensis Pietas ErgaSereniss. et Potent. ) do | Jacobum Angliz, Scotiz, etc. Regem B. Elizabethe nuper se Regine legitimé et auspicatiss. succedentem, vellum, gilt, 9. ¢. Oxon. J. Barnes, 1603 *,* Presentation copy to Sir Thos. Egerton, Keeper of the Seals, from Jo. Howson, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University. ! ! 2468 Oxford. Academie Oxoniensis Pietas Erga Sereniss. Pot. eRe ( : | - J “ : - 2 Jacobum Anglie ... Regem, B. Elizabethe nuper Regine legitimé succedentem, calf, Oxon. Jo. Barnes, 1603—Hpitha- lamia Oxoniensia in Caroli Regis cum Henrietta Maria Con- nubium, Oxon. Jo. Lichfield, 1625 (2) 2469 Oxford. Academiz Oxoniensis Funebria Sacra eterne Memorie 2 /5— Sereniss. Regine Anne Jac. Mag. Brit. Reg. Sponse, dicata, ed Oxon. Jo. Lichfield, 1619—Oxoniensis Acad. Parentalia Sacr. ee Memorize Jacobi Mag. Brit. Reg. dicata, 1b. 1625 (2) | ay t a hoe i ee. 2465 Ovidius. Latin Commentary on the Ibis of Ovid, written in| = 2 a1 5 2470 Oxford. Auctio Davisiana Oxonii habita, Lond, 1689—/ sa-| ms sara see seen: demia, or the Humours of the University of Oxford in Bur- lesque Verse, by Alicia d’Anvers, 1691—Poll for Members of Parliament for Oxford University, 1768—-Alsop at Oxford, a few Select Fables in Verse, Lond. 1709—Decree of Oxfore University against the Book entitled “The Naked Gospel,” Oxon. 1690; and others (14) 2471 Oxford, Bayning of Sudbury. Death Repeal’d by a Thankfull 7 & Memorial sent from Christ Church, Oxford, celebrating the Noble Deserts of Paul, late Lord Viscount Bayning (Poems in English and Latin), Oxford, L, Lichfield, 1638—Corone = Caroline quadratura, with the scarce Plate of Charles I's — 4 children supporting the Crown (inserted at beginning of — vol.) ib. 1636— Flos Britaunicus Veris Novissimi FiliolaCarolo et Maria nata XVII Martii Anno 1636, ib—Musaram Oxo- niensium Charisteria pro Sereniss, Regina Maria recens @ nixus Laboriosi discrimine receptd, ib, 1638—Vitis Caroline, = = Gemma altera, ib. 1633—Musarum Oxoniensium Epibateria sereniss. Reginarum Marie ex Batavia feliciter reduci, tb. 1643; in 1 vol. calf; A VERY SCARCE COLLECTION ee Oxford. Bodley. Justa Funebria Ptolomai Oxoniensis Thome “ Bodleii Equites Aurati celebrata in Acad. Oxon. Mensis— Martii 29, 1613 (title soiled), vellum, wneul vat) “dee oe Oxon, Jo. Barnes, 1618) , Oxford. Brase Nose Garland, 1811 (printed on one side only, the only one so printed)—The Epigrammatique Garlande, 1818, printed on one side only, 1819—Brase Nose Garlands for 1880, * 1881, 1886, inserted loosely in the vol. green morocco gilt Oxford. Brase Nose Garland (The) for 1811—The Epigram- / matique Garlande, 1818, in 1 vol. half bownd saprigh 4c Oxford. Brase Nose Garland (only 20 copies printed), 1811—| Translation, Acme and Septimius, single sheet, 1820; ina vol. — half bound : Side a Oxford. Britannia Natalis, vellum, Oxon. Jo. Lichfield, 1630—) g aa Britannia Rediviva, vellum, ib. 1660 - Fe Se io | Oxford. Britannia Rediviva (Poems in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic, and English on the Restoration of K. Charles IL), old) — blue morocco gilt, g. é. Oxon. Litchfield, 1660 — Oxford. Epithalamia sive Lusus Palatini in Nuptias Frederici Com. Pal. et Elisabeth Jac. Reg. Brit. Filize primogenitee (title mended), Oxon. 1613—Proteleia Anglo-Batava ee plus. Nei Virgineo Guilielmo Arausii et Marie Brit. Academia xon. procurante, vellum, ib, L. Lichfield, 1641—Britannie = Natalis (title mended), half bound, 1630 AS) 2 Oxford. Justa Oxoniensium. Lachryme Oxon. Stillantes in Tumulum illustriss. Principis Henrici, Jo. Bill, 1612—Luctus Posthumus, sive Erga defunctum illust. Principem Henricem, Oxon, J. Barnes, 1612—Kidyllia in Obitum Fulgentissimi Henrici Wallia Principis, ib.—Epicedium Cantabrigiense in Obitum immaturum Henrici Principis Wallie, Cant. C. Legge, 1612, in 1 vol. (slightly wormed throughout) vellum oF 173 Oxford. Luctus Posthumus, sive Erga defunctum illustriss. Henricum Walliz Principem, Magdalenen suum officiosa Pietas, uncut, Oxon. Jo. Barnes, 1612—Beate Marie Magda- lene Lachryme in Obitum Nob. Juvenis Gul. Grey, %. 1606 —Acad. Oxon. Funebria Sacra Aiterne Memorize Sereniss. Regine Annz dicata, ib. Jo. Lichfield, 1619—Oxoniensis Acad. Parentalia S. Memoriz Jac. Reg. (margins cut into) tb. 1625 (4) Oxford. Musarum Oxoniensium pro Rege suo Soteria, vellum, SCARCE Oxm. J. L. W. T. 1633 Oxford. Musarum Oxon. pro Rege Suo Soteria (autograph of “Henry BrapsHawe” on title), vellum gilt Oxm. 1633 Oxford. Musarum Oxoniensium Epibateria Sereniss. Reginarum 15 Marie ex Batavia feliciter reduci publico Voto D. D. D. Ozon. L. Lichfield, 1643—Horti Carolina Rosa altera (tile mended), ib. 1640—Musarum Oxoniens. Charisteria pro Sereniss. Reg. Maria recens ¢ nixus Laboriosi discrimine recepta (title wile, ib. 1638—Jacobi Ara, seu in Jacobi Mag. Brit. Reg. auspica- tissimum reditum e Scotia in Angliam Acad. Oxon. Gratu- latoria, uncut (title siled), ib. 1617 (4) Oxford. Notitia Oxoniensis Academie, Lond. 1675—Oxonium in Poema authore F. V. ex Aide Christi (2 copies), Oxon. 1667— Carmen Pindaricum in Theatrum Sheldonianum in Solennibus magnifici operis enceniis recitatum Julii die 9° Anno 1669— QQ a Corbetto Owen (4 copies), ib. ¢. typ. Sheldon. 1669 (8) Oxford Poems. Poems Latin and English, about 1795—Lips- / combe on Inoculation, 1772—On Popularity, 1793; and 5 | others, MANUSCRIPT, 2 bundle Szc. XVIII Oxford. Sermons preached in Oxford, by Eminent Divines, in 3 the 17th century (29) Oxford. Solis Britannici Perigeum, sive Itinerantis Caroli aus- i) icatissima Periodus, Oxon. Jo. Lichfield, 1633—Horti Carolini Altera, ib. L. Lichfield, 1640—Vitis Caroline Gemma altera, sive auspicatissima Ducis Eborac. Genethliaca dicuntata ad Vada Isidis, ib. 1633—Musarum Oxoniensium Charisteria Sereniss. Reg. Maria, recens e nixus Laboriosi discrimine ta, ib. 1638 (4) Oxfo Visit of the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Russia and /3 the King of Prussia to Oxford University, June 1814, illus trated with 39 large and small views of Ozford, mostly on india paper, half bound 1815 Painter (Wm.) THe PaLace oF PLEASURE, edited from the b Edition printed by Thos. Marsh, 1575, by Jos. Haslewood, 2 vol. in 3, boards, uncut BR. Triphook, 1813 2490 Palgrave (Sir F.) Rise and Progress of the English Common- ID wealth, 2 vol. cloth J. Murray, 1832 FOLIO. 2491 Miscellaneous. Index to Dugdale’s Baronage — Anglo-Saxon 7 Glossary—-Miscellaneous French historical documents—Ville- preux accounts, 1769-1844, &. MANUSCRIPTS, 4 vol. : : Sac. XVII-xIx tcet~ 2492 Miscellaneous. Transcripts of Old French and English poetical | and prose pieces, MANUSCRIPTS, 2 bundles Szc. xix, &e. 237. /3: AVES, aaa { pe tt a AL AN ARN ATEN EEE me NER b i = oes ugh 4 2. & 2493 MiscHNA sive totius Hebreorum Juris, Rituum, Antiquitatum | / 2494 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 174 ac Legum oralium Systema cum Rabbinorum Maimonidis et _Bartenoree Commentariis integris, Hebraice et Latine cum | Notis G. Surenhusii, 6 vol. in 3, frontispieces and plates, calf gilt Amst. 1698-1703 _ Monstrelet (E. de) Chroniques avec les continuations jusqu’en 1516, édition revue par D. Sauvage, 3 vol. in 2, LARGE PAPER, ruled, slightly stained, title to vol. I and folio 219 in vol. IIT inlaid, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, sold with all faults Paris, 1572 | Monumens Anciens répandus en plusieurs endroits de Italie, dessinés par feu M. Barbault, 166 jine plates and explanations, — calf gilt, with arms on sides Rome, 1770 Monumens inédits publiés par l'Institut de Correspondance Archéologique pour l’année 1829, 36 plates (no title), boards ~ atlas fol. } Moore (Thos.) Irish Melodies, with Symphonies and Accom- paniments by Sir John Stevenson, 6 parts complete, boards Jd. Power Moralité des Blasphémateurs de Dieu & XVII Personnages, / REPRINTED ON VELLUM in black letter, woodcuts, red morocco extra, covered with gold tooling, leather joints, gilt edges, by Niedrée, with Turner’s bookplate, only 4 copies printed Paris, 1831 Moralité de la Vendition de Joseph 4 XLIX Personnages, wood- cuts, REPRINTED ON VELLUM (No. 2 of the only 4 copies struck off) red morocco extra, covered with gold tooling, leather joints, gilt edges by Niedrée, with Turner’s bookplate — ib. 1835 Moralité de Mundus, Caro, Demonia a cing Personnages, des ~~ Deux Savatiers 4 trois Personnages, REPRINTED ON VELLUM, scarce (No. 4 of the only 4 copies printed), red morocco extra, covered with gold tooling, leather jovnts, gilt edges, by Niedrée 7 2b. 1838 9 Morcetui (S. A.) OPERA EPIGRAPHICA, 5 vol. in 4, portrait, cal | extra, by Clark and Bedford — Patavii, 1818-23) Moreri (L.) Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, 8 vol. hal, bound, Amst. 1740 — Vocabolaria degli Accademici della Cruscea, 6 vol. calf, Firenze, 1729 | batt) Mornayi (P.) Mysterium Iniquitatis seu Historia Papatus, wood-> cut of the Tower of Babel on title and folding plate with portrait of Pope Paul V in centre, citron morocco, borders of gold, gilt edges, by Wier ; Salmurii, 1611 — Museo Borbonico. Inscriptiones Veteres que in Regio Museo /L¢4 Borbonico adservantur; Inscriptionum Latinarum classis prima Sacre, red morocco extra, with Royal Arms of Naples on _ sides Neapoli ea Regia Typographia, 1857, , MustEe FrANgAIS ET Muste RoyaAt, Collection de Tableaux, Statutes et Bas-reliefs qui composaient la Collection Nationale publiées par Robillard-Peronville et Laurent, fine early impres- sions of the 506 plates, 6 vol. brown morocco gilt, g.@ | Paris, Herhan, 1803—Didot, 1816. | 175 do 506 Naples. Napoli la gentile e odorifera, in which are described — Oo] z the rarities of that delightful cittie by P. B.(?) (in English) - | : MANUSCRIPT, vellum gilt Sac. XVII lew Ol, 507 Napoléon III. Histoire de Jules César, maps, 2 vol. boards |f0 7 imp. 4to. Paris, 1865 Akal Natter (L.) Traité de la Méthode Antique de Graver en Pierres,| fines, comparée avec la Méthode Moderne, 37 jine plates, calf | 1754 | Nichols (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Lei- | cester, vol. I, part 2 (containing Continuation of the History of the Town of Leicester, with General Indexes and an Appendix with Additions and Corrections), boards, uncut ) Nichols, 1815 Nicolai (Nic. de’) Le Navigationi et Viaggi fatta nella Turchia, tradotto in Italiano da Fr. Flori, 192 full-length figures by Titian, vellum Venet. F. Ziletti, 1580) | Nicouas (Str N. H.) History oF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHT- HOOD OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE, ETC. numerous coloured plates, 4 vol. cloth roy. 4to. 1842 Nicolaus Cisterc. Ord. Monast. Sanctee Crucis in Austria. | Tractatus qui Ymago Beate Virginis intitulatur, lit. goth. | (without marks), rubricated initials, boards | ‘ ig =e & ite WS Absque nota (Augsburg A. Sorg) Nizolius sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus dimidia fere parte auctior, | red morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges by C. Lewis, with — Aldine Anchor in gold on sides Venetiis, Aldus, 1576 *,* This copy sold for £1 14s. in Sir J. Thorold’s sale. North Briton (The) [by John Wilkes and others], 218 nos. in 2 vol. W. Bingley, 1762-71 Northamptonshire. Act for dividing and enclosing the Open Ss, and Common Fields, &c. in the Parish of Aynho, with the original plan drawn on vellum, 1793—Views and Descriptions of Althorp—MS. Bibliographical Notes by R. Heber, &c. ; in a vol. rough calf Nostradamus. ‘True Prophecies, or Prognostications translated and Commented by Th. de Garenciéres, fine portrait (signature of Wm. BULSTRODE on title), half calf 1672 Nowell (Alexander), Dean of St. Paul’s. An account of his : first Conference with Campian in 1581, MANUSCRIPT, half calf Sc. XVI} | (EcuMENII OPERA (COMMENTARIA IN Novum TESTAMENTUM), ; Accesserunt Arethe Explanationes in Apocalypsin, omnia Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, ruled, in old French | | | red morocco, gilt edges, very scarce Int. Paris. 1630-31 0 Olaus Magnus. Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalis, numerous ) /\/ ae woodcuts, old calf ; Rome, 1555 pee Oliver (G.) Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis, map, letters ilwmi- /$ nated in gold and colours, and plates of seals, uncut Exeter, 1846 | : Ordinum Sacrorum in Ecclesia Anglicana defensio . . . et | oat Registro Consecrationis Archiep. Parkeri in Bibl. Lambethe ae photozincographice expresso, edid. T. J. Bailey, cloth Lond. et Oxon, 1870 9 RIT IRE ig MTS ES a ~~ el ~ a ~O = Se aeamiaenaaii ees a i EE eee = A ES SO = = ad Sane | 242° GG 4 sa a ———— nn 176 2522 Origenis Hexapla Gr. et Lat. Editio Benedictina cum Notis / L Lf B. de Montfaucon, 2 vol. portrait, half bound, wncut Paris. 1713 — y 2523 ORIGENIS OPERA OMNIA Gr. et Lat. Editio Benedictina cum Notis curante C. Delarue, 4 vol. half calf, uncut Paris. 1733-59 2524 OTro von Passow, Bucn genant die vier und zwentzig Alten, black Ietter, 26 large coloured woodcuts, fine copy in oak boards, covered in leather stamped with Tudor Rose and spread double headed Eagle, with brass corners, centres and clasps, s. 1. & a. *.* Very rare. Decker’s copy sold for 240 francs. 2525 Oxoniensis Universitatis Pietas in Obitum Georgii II et Gratu- latio in Georgii III Inaugurationem, Ozonii, 1761— Epithalamia Oxoniensia in Georgii III et Sophiz Charlotte Nuptias, 20. 1761 ; green morocco, gold tooling, gilt edges 2 vol. 2526 Oxoniensia Epithalamia in Gulielmi C. H. Arausiensis Anneque | Britannic Nuptias, old English red morocco, gold tooling, gilt : edges Oxonii, 1734 2527 Oxrorp Atmanacs. A SERIES OF THE ENGRAVED PLATES: TO THE OxForD ALMANACS for 1696-7, 1700 to 1703, 1707, 1710, 1713, 1715, 1716; 1717, 71S 20 ie ee (except 1796) ; (WITH DUPLICATE PLATES TO THE FOLLOWING YEARS 1731, 1733, 1734, 1735, 1786, Item 10eoe tee, 1742, 1744, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1763 [wnfinished proof|, 1773, 1798, 1804, and 1802), together 224 engravings, some on, india paper, and some with calendars cut off, chiefly mounted in an elephant folio volume, and bound in whole russia gilt 1696-1891 *,* Such a splendid series of these interesting Almanaes rarely ae occurs for sale. ae /2 y 2528 Oxford Almanacs for 1809, 1812, 1814, 1816, 1821, 1823, 1824,,/ “"” 1836, 1842, 1847, 1858 (2 impressions), 1859 (3 impressions), =—=§-— 1860, 1864, 1865, 1867, 1869, 1872, 1873, 1874 (some with calendars cut off ) | a (28), 9529 Oxford Almanacs, The Engraved Views of Colleses; Ger oh/loaam Oxford, published with the Oxford Almanacs from 1811 to — 1837 (cacept 1833), cut off and bownd in a vol. and folding coloured plate of University costumes, half morocco - 2530 Oxrorp ALMmANacs. A Series of 146 fine Engravings of Views|/ z ns in Oxford, issued with the Oxford Almanacs between 1723 and 1867, neatly mounted in a volume (7 loose), and bound im half morocco atlas fol. 2531 Oxford. Plausus Musarum Oxoniensium, Sive Gratulatio ” Academiz ob res prospere Terra Marique Gestas, front. 1704—, Exequie Clariss. Viro Jo. Radcliffe in Oxon. Acad. Solute, fine portrait by Burghers, 1715—Pietas Universit. Oxon. in) Obitum Georgii I, 1727—Gratulatio Acad. Oxon. in Nuptias Frederici Principum Wallie, 1736—Epithalamia Oxon. in Georgii III et Sophiz Charlottes Nuptias Auspicatiss. 1761—_ Gratulatio Acad. Cantab. Georgii III et Charlotte Nuptias celebrantis, Cant. 1761; and other Oxford Latin and English Poems on Public Occasions, in 7 vol. v, d, an tine Dee nen cae eee eee ee 177 Oxford, &c. Theatri Oxoniensis Encenia Anno 1677 celebrata | —Epicedia Univers. Oxon. in Obitum Georgii Ducis Albe- marliz, 1670—Epicedia Univ. Oxon. in Ob. Henriette Marie Reg. Mat. Oxon. 1669—Eadem in Ob. Henriettze Marie Ducisse | Aurelianensis, 1670—Carmen Cant. Funebria et Triumphalia _ in mortem Reg. Annz 1714—Savage (R.) The Bastard, | 1728 (7 Pachymeres (Geo.) Andronicus Palxologus Gr. et Lat. LARGE PAPER, calf Rome typis Barberinis, 1669 \ Palestine Exploration Fund. Map of Western Palestine, on 26 sheets, loose in imp. atlas portfolio 1880 Palsgrave (John) L’esclarcissement de la Langue Francoyse, | composé par Maistre Jhan Palsgrave Angloys, Natyf de. Londres et Gradue de Paris, black {etter (wants all before C, fol. 178, and after fol. 468 ; sold with all faults), VERY RARE J. Hawkins, 1530 Parker (Matth. Archiep. Cant.) De Antiquitate Britannice Keclesize et Privilegiis Ecclesize Cantuariensis, accurante Sam. — Drake, portrait, interleaved throughout, and bound in 2 vol. boards, uncut G. Bowyer, 1729 Pasini (J.) Codices Manuscripti Bibliothecee Regii Taurinensis | Athenzi, 2 vol. frontispiece and facsimiles, old calf, backs broken | Taurini, 1749 | PassIonaL. ‘ Hre Hesr SIcH AN DAS SUMMER (UND WINTER- TEYL) DER HEYLIGEN LEBEN,” lit. goth. many hundred spirited woodcuts, rudely coloured, old oaken binding, covered with stamped | pigskin, with brass clasps and bosses Nuremberg, Ant. Koburger, 1488 PASSIONZL MITTEN MaArtTiroLoGIo (Winter und Sommer Stiicke), lit. goth. numerous fine woodcuts, capitals painted in red, | 2 vol. boards Zwolle, Peter Van Os, 1490 PASSIONZL TWINTER (ENDE TSOMER) STUCKE, dat men hiet die gulden Legende, lit. goth, numerous fine woodcuts, capitals painted in red ( first 2 leaves of the winter part and last leaf of | summer loose), 2 vol. in 1, oaken boards covered in stamped leather | Antw. Henrich Eckert, 1505 | Patres Apostolici Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J. B. Cotelerii, variorum — et J. Clerici, 2 vol. BEST EDITION, fine copy in old gilt russia, by Roger Payne Amst, 1724 | Patres. Collectio Nova Patrum et Scriptorum Grecorum, Gr. | et Lat. Edid. B. de Montfaucon, 2 vol. calf, Paris. C. Rigaud, 1706—Guil. Estii in Epistolas B. Pauli Omnes Libri, calf, Col. - Agr. 1631 (3) | Patrick, Arnald, Lowth and Whitby’s Commentary on the Bible, 7 vol. calf, 1832, &c.—Kippis’ Biographia Britannica, second edition, vol. I-V half bound, 1778 (12) | Peck (Fr.) Desiderata Curiosa, portrait and plates, 2 vol. calf 1732 | ahi sag 338-19 zy er concer tnsnint nn aT a eae : Eero rer eee | ———— cel a cian aia: i nmceimamiine: iain oa S NS NY RA Ay ge : -/-— wa) | encoun 2552 Bland (John) An Essay in Writing exemplified in several Hands < mW AE P RCA AY ret EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. WORKS ON PENMANSHIP. To be Sold with all faults, though none are known but those mentioned. SIZES MIXED. Lor 2545. AV} |HELLEY (Geo.) The Penman’s Magazine, or a New Copy Book / | of the English, French, and Italian Hands, adorn’d with ‘| about an hundred new and open figures and fancies, 4 prel. Il. and 16 engraved plates, original cover folio. T. Read, 1705 2546 Paton (William) Flowers of Penmanship, 14 plates, half bound oblong folio. 18407 2547 Boisenius (Corn.) Gramato-graphices in quo varia Scriptore Emblemata Belgiscis, Germanicis, Italicis, Hispanicis, Gallicis et Latinis Characteribus exarata, engraved throughout on 48 plates, vellum oblong folio. Amst. 1608 2548 Shelley (Geo.) Natural Writing in all the Hands, with Variety of Ornament (with the Second Part), portraits, engraved titles, and 60 plates, Part I, old calf, with name, “ Mr. Secretary Inch’ on sides, Part II half bound oblong folio. G. Bickham (1709-14 2549 Champion (Jos.) The Penman’s Employment, a New Copy Book, engraved throughout on 44 plates, half morocco i oblong folio. Bowles, 1762 }) | 9550 Bland (John) An Essay in Writing Exemplified in the Several “oo Hands and Forms of Business, 21 engraved plates (wants title — and plate 7), half morocco ; oblong folio. 1729-30 9551 Butterworth (E.) Universal Penman, or the Beauties of Writing delineated in all the various Hands now practised, 27 plates only (1 defective), half morocco oblong folio, Edinb. 1785 engraved on 33 plates, half morocco 3 . oblong folio. Bowles and Carver, n. d 2553 Tomkins (Thos.) Beauties of Writing, exemplified in a Variety of Plain and Ornamental Penmanship, engraved on 40 plates, half morocco ; oblong folio. 177 2554 Bland, Essay in Writing, 21 plates, half morocco, oblong folio. 1740 4" 2555 Snell (Chas.) The Penman’s Treasury opened, a New Essay for 7 Za the Improvement of Free and Natural Writing, portrait, dg plates, verses by Dr. Joshua Barnes, and postscript by Snell, a. vellum oblong folio. 1694 . dler ‘y . ve 7 yaa . “ i _. .S ~< a or” va = oF otell H20rc eg 557 2561 DE: cemeteries eater — — WORKS ON PENMANSHIP—continued. Roelands (Dan.) Ot’? Magazin der Lofelycke Penn-Const, vol subtyle ende Lustighe Trecken, Percken, Beelden ende Figuren Van Menschen, &c. 45 fine plates (and MS. leaf of presentation to J.Van Campen from A. Ph. Eckhardt, date 17 55), old red morocco, with elaborate gilt ornamental tooling, g. €. VERY SCARCE oblong folio. Antw. 1606 Snell (Ch.) The Standard Rules of the Running and Round-Text Hands, 1728—Bickham (G.) Penmanship in its utmost Beauty, 61 plates (wants title and frontispiece), 1730—Clark (John) Introduction to the Art of Writing (wants title), 1714, and Parts of several other Treatises (all imperfect); in 1 vol. old calf oblong folio. Snell (Ch.) Art of Writing in its Theory and Practice, portrait, 27 plates, and 5 leaves of letterpress, unbound, oblong folio. 1711 Alais de Beaulieu (J. B.) L’Art d’Kcrire, engraved on 24 plates, ed SS ETE SRS SEE AE ILE AR == vellum Paris, Mariette, 1698 Tomkins. Beauties of Writing, Another copy, 40 plates, half | bound 7 oblong folio. 1777 — Ayres (John) A Tutor to Penmanship, or the Writing Master, fine portrait and 49 plates (both parts), half morocco oblong folio. n. d. Morante (P. Diaz) Arte Nueva de Escribir, illustrada con muestras nuevas por D. Fr. Xavier de Santiago Palomares, 40 plates, old calf folio. Madrid, 1776 Angstwiirm (Chr. Jos.) Zum Unterricht elgenhindig geschrie- bene Vorschriften aller Arten, MS. examples of penmanship on 22 leaves, boards oblong 4to. ss. a. et I. Shelley. Natural Writing, part I, portrait and 27 plates (two mended) oblong folio. n. d. Ayres (John) The Accomplisht Clerk, or Accurate Penman, a New Copy Book, fine portrait, and 27 engraved plates by Sturt, half bound oblong 4to. n. d. Wigan (Hleazar) Practical Arithmetic, an Introduction to the Whole Art, adorned with a Great Variety of flourishes by command of Hand, portrait and 30 engraved plates by Sturt, half russia folio. (1695) Perlingh (Amb.) Exemplaar Boek, inhoudende Verschende Nodige geschristen, engraved on 51 plates, boards oblong 4to. Amst. W. de Broen, n. d. Snell (Chas.) The Art of Writing in its Theory and Practice, with the Standard Rules of the Round-Text Hands, 33 en- | graved plates by Bickham (some lower margins cut into), half bound oblong folio. 1723. Clark (Rich.) Practical and Ornamental Penmanship, a New Copy Book, engraved on 30 plates (corner of 2 plates mended), | half bound oblong folio. 1758 ) Ayres. The Tutor to Penmanship, or the Writing Master, in 2 parts, portrait (mounted) and 48 engraved plates by Sturt, half bound oblong folio. n. d. Milns (Wm.) The Penman’s Repository, containing 70 correct | Alphabets, boards oblong folio. Manchester, Heywood, n. d. | N 2 | i oe a arc Soe NS aR TET MEA A a RE 9577 Sealey (John) New Running Hand Copies, 8 plates, 1. eis 180 WoRKS ON PENMANSHIP—continued. 9572 Finlason (J.) Specimens of Penmanship, engraved on 14 plates, wrapper oblong folio. mn. d. 2573 Milns (Wm.) The Penman’s Repository, containing 7 0 Correct Alphabets, 36 engraved plates, half bound oblong folio. 1794 9574 Gething (R.) Chiro-Graphia, or a Booke of Copies containing sundry examples, engraved on 37 plates by Jo. Goddard (corners of some plates ink-stained), half morocco oblong 4to. 1645) 9575 CockER (EDW.) PENNA VOLANS, or the Young Man’s Accom- plishment, being the quintessence of those Curious Arts, Writing and Arithmetic, engraved title and 23 plates (1 a folding one), half calf, VERY RARE | 2576 Newton (Dr. JouN) THE COUNTRY ScHoot-MAsTER, or the) | Art of Teaching Fair-Writing, and all the Useful Parts of Practical Arithmetic, engraved on 28 plates, half calf, VERY RARE sm. 4to. R. Walton, 1673 Bland (John) Running Hand Copies, 6 plates, n. d.—Roberts (P.) A New Set of Copies for Ladies, 7 plates, 1772 ca gm. 4to. (3) 2578 Champion (Jos.) New and Complete Alphabets in all the Various hands of Great Britain, with the Greek, Hebrew and; — German Characters, engraved on 21 plates, half bound . oblong 4to. R. Sayer, n. d. 2579 Champion (Jos.) The Parallel, or Comparative Penmanship ’/ exemplified in four, the Greatest Original Foreign Masters, portrait and 23 engraved plates, half bound oblong 4to. 1749) 7p 2580 Dantew’s Copy-Booxk, or a Compendium of the Most Useful//«#@ Hands of England, Netherland, France, Spain and Italy, with the Hebrew and other Characters, written and invented; | by R. Daniel, and ingraven by Edw. Cocker, aved on, | 67 plates, half bownd, RARE oblong 4to. M. Collins, 1664) 4 9581 Hodder (Jas.) Penman’s Recreations, or a Copy-Booke newly ~ published, engraved on 33 plates (some soiled, 2 leaves of letter-- press mended), half calf oblong 4to. 1659) a 2582 Pulman (Rob.) Writing Illustrated in ® New Set of Elegant / Copies (4) and Round Hand Copies, all unbound ©.) - | ~ oblong 4to. n.d. (5)) 15 J 2583 Veldius (Jo.) Delicie Variarum insigniumq. Scripturarum, en-\: bee graved title and vignette at end, and 50 finely engraved plates, unbound, VERY RARE sm. oblong 4to. (Harlemi), 1604-5, | 2584 CocKER (Epw.) THE PENn’s TRANSCENDANCY, or Fair Writings 7\*°™ Labyrinthe, fine portrait and 29 engraved plates, including, — folding advertisement at end, unbound, fine copy, very rare, — 3 oblong 4to. S. Ayres, 1657 2585 Cocker (Edw.) England’s Pen-Man, or Cocker’s New Copy-Book, 29 engraved plates (one mounted), J. Overton, 1703—More| — (Rob.) The Writing Master’s Assistant, a New Copy Book, _ engraved on 20 plates ; in 1 vol. half bound oblong 410) fp - 2586 Cocker. England’s Pen-Man, or Cocker’s New Copy-Book, : 21 plates only, cloth oblong 4to. 1703) wae ; hn 181 ee eh ee WorRKS ON PENMANSHIP—continued. | | Gething (R.) Calligraphotechnia, or the Art of Faire Writing, pe engraved on 35 plates (wants front. and 1 plate), cloth ieee Boe oblong 4to. 1642 : Tronte. Essemplare de Caratteri di Gennaro Tronte, engraved on 19 plates, unbound sm. oblong 4to. s. a. et I. Palatino (G. B.) Libro nel qual s’insegna a scriver ogni sorte lettera antica e moderna di qualunque natione (3 leaves de- | Jective, stained), boards, scarce 8vo. Loma, 1561) | Gething (R.) Calligraphotechnia, or the Art of Faire Writing, | ' front. (containing portrait), and 36 plates, half morocco | oblong 4to. 1642 Schirmir (Jo. Mich.) Beofnete Schreib-Schule, oder deutsche, lateinische und franzosische Vorschriften, 54 engraved plates, boards oblong 4to. Mogunt. K. J. Hatton (E.) The Merchant’s Magazine, or Tradesman’s Treasury, portrait and plates (several containing specimens of penmanship), — calf sm. 4to.. 1699 | Tomkins (Th.) New Alphabets written for the Improvement. of Youth in Round, Text and Small Hands, engraved on 27 plates, half bound oblong 4to. 1779 De Blegny (Est.) Nouveaux Exemplaires d’Ecriture d’une Beauté Singulaire, engraved on 40 leaves par C. A. Beroy, half calf 8voe. 5. a. etl. Torio (Torg.) Arte de Escribir, segun la doctrina de los mejores autores antiguos y modernos, 58 engraved plates, vellum sm. 4to. Madrid, 1802 Bickham (Jo.) Fables and other Short Poems, the whole curiously engraved for the practice of Young Gentlemen and Ladies in the Art of Writing, 32 plates, half morocco 8vo. 7. Coble, 1731 Bonetti. Specimens of Penmanship, with Drawings in Ink of Animals, Figures, Birds, Grottesques, &c. ORIGINAL MS. im Italian on 60 leaves by G. B. BONETTI sm. folio. 1689 Stent (P.) A Coppie-Booke of the usuall hands written with easie Rules by which one may learne to write of himselfe that can but reade, portrait and 19 engraved plates, half calf sm. oblong 4to. 1648 Ayres (John) The New a-la-Mode Secretaire, or Practical Pen- man, a New Copy-Booke, 26 engraved plates (title and a plate mended), half calf sm. oblong 4to. H. Hatley, n. d. Cocker (Edw.) The Young Lawyer’s Writing Master, being a Book of Copies onely of Court and Chancery Hands, 4 plates, half calf, sm. oblong 4to, R. Walton, n. d.—Twenty Engraved Specimens of Writing, bownd in a vol. oblong 4to. 1652 (2) Cocker (Edw.) Magnum in Parvo, or the Pen’s Perfection, in- vented and engraven in Silver by E. Cocker, 4 leaves of letter- press, inner margins mended, and 26 engraved plates, calf, very scarce sm. oblong 4to. n.d. Pisani (G. B.) Il Primo Libro di lettere corsive moderne, 2: 27 engraved plates, half morocco oblong 4to. Genoa, 1641 ee ae a ge Se ee a ee a . i a ' ? PO SEARLS IS TEER I EE: SEE TP AED LTE CLP TROIS MDE FRSC I SET rae ae Q ~ L NO ny fe) Sp & TN AERIS NEED SES CIE SS ET PT EI IT SP IIE CS TE TE TS FES IIE CGT EN I BIR LOD EO I PLE IEF AO IE SEE TS REDE OE Ts RO EE EY SIRES CIID I BERD A IRS at EIR TT EE Re aan 182 Works ON PENMANSHIP— continued. Cocker (Edw.) The Pen’s Triumph, 30 plates (imperfect at begin- ning and end), sm. oblong 4to, n. d.—Russell (John) Complete and Useful Book of Cyphers, 24 engraved plates oblong 4to. R. Sayer, n.d. (2) Tagliente (G. A.) Lo Presente libro insegna la vera arte de lo excellente scrivere de diverse varie de litere (3 imperfect copies) sm. 4to. Venegia, S. A. de Nicolini, 1540, &e. Vicentinus (L.) La Operina da imparare a Scrivere lettera can- celleresca, 25 leaves only beginning on A 12, Venetia, 1535— Vespasiano, Novo modo d’insegner a Scrivere, 40 plates only, ib. 1548—Tagliente, Opera del Scrivere (16 leaves only), 8. a. | sm. 4to. (3) ~ OCTAVO ET INFRA. Midendorpii (J.) Academiarum Orbis Christiani, Colon. 1572 ; (3 Rerum a Soc. Jesu in Oriente gestarum, Dilinge, 1571 ; in 1 vol. pigskin—Heigl (J. E.) Opus Dramata, pigskin, Pedeponti, 1729; and another 3 vol. /) Miller’s (Joe) Jests, reprint of first edition ~~ 1739 "7 a Milman (H. H.) History of Christianity, 3 vol. uncut 1840 207 Milman (H. H.) History of Latin Christianity, 9 vol. calf eatra, | a m. @. ony L867 4 Milton (J.) Paradise Regain’d, and Samson Agonistes, FIRST 0 EDITION, with the scarce leaf of errata a Milton (J.) Paradise Regain’d, and Samson Agonistes, jine copy, | lhes a blue morocco extra, g. ¢. by F. Bedford 1680, y Milton (J.) Paradise Regain’d, 1680—Defence of the People of Vv 7™* England, 1692—History of Britain, 1695 —- 3 vol. 1A a Milton (J.) Paradise Regained, calf, 1680—Senault (J. F.) Use “© s of the Passions, portrait and front. calf, 1649—Pocket Com- . a panion for Gentlemen and Ladies, music, imperfect at end, old) red morocco, g. &. n. d.; and others (14) , - a Milton (J.) Paradise Regained, revised by J. Hawkey, morocco, °~~~ a. uncut, t. € g. Dublin, 1752 S oe a e Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, second edition, portrait by Dolle, slightly o cut in headlines, and wormed, with all faults, calf 1674 4 a Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, second edition, portrait by Dolle, red Lhes ruled throughout, red morocco extra, g. ¢. 1674 * Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, third edition, portrait by Dolle, red 4 ” a morocco extra, g. é. 1: GH6 Se Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, third edition, portrait by Dolle, a few VU OBL headlines slightly cut into | “ ETS y) gi Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, third edition, portrait by Dolle, 1678, *°~~~™ —Paradise Regain’d to which is added Samson Agonistes, FIRST EDITION, wants leaf of errata, 1671 im 1 ol. ve tel Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, third edition, portrait by Dolle, 1678 — Be Paradise Regain’d, 1680 2 vol. fdr a Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, eighth edition, portrait and plates, nd Se 183 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, revised by J. Hawkey, old red morocco extra, gold tooled sides, g. e. Dublin, 1747 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, &c. from the Text of T. Newton, 2 vol. mottled calf gilt, m. e. Bum. Baskerville, 1760 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, portrait and plates by Burney, &e. ‘morocco gilt, g. é. T. Heptinstall, 1799 Milton (J.) Poetical Works, with Life by E. Fenton, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, front. uncut, 1727—Poems upon Several Occasions, with Notes by T. Warton, 1785—Todd (H. J.) Life and Writings of J. Milton, portrait, 1809—-Young (E.) Night Thoughts, with Notes by C. E. de Coetlogon, portrait and plates by Corbould, n. d. ; and others 10 vol. Milton (J.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. plates, 1741—Paradise Lost, plates by Bartolozzi, &c. 1808; and other editions of the same 7 vol. Milton (J.) Poetical Works, edited by Sir E. Brydges, 6 vol. ulustrations by J. M. W. Turner, half morocco, t. e. g. 1835 Milton (J.) Prose Works, with Life, &c. by C. Symmons, 7 vol. uncut 1806 Milton (John). Delectus Auctorum Sacrorum Miltono facem praelucentium, curante G. Laudero, 2 vol. red morocco gilt, 1752-3—The Works of John Milton, bownd in 8 vol. 1741; and others (13) Miltoni (J.) Literze Pseudo-Senattiis Anglicani Cromwellii, &c. FIRST EDITION, half morocco gilt, uncut s. l. 1676 _ Mirabeau. Enquiries concerning Lettres de Cachet, the Conse- quences of Arbitrary Imprisonment, etc. translated from the French, 2 vol. front. of Bastille, calf, 1788—Literary Memoirs of Living Authors, 2 vol. in 1, half bound, 1798—Moore (Edw.) Zeluco, France and Italy, 6 vol. ; and others (12) Miracles. Nova de Miraculis disputatio, auctore Petro Hedo sacerdote Portunaensi, MANUSCRIPT 1493 Miscellaneous. Botanical Index—Notes on the Fleet and other Registers by Rh. H. Barham—Medical Recipes (17th Cent.)— Maxims in Conveyancing; and 5 others, MANUSCRIPTS, 9 vol. SC. XVII-XIX Missale ad usum Percelebris Ecclesize Herfordensis, wncut Privately printed, 1874 Mizaldus (A.) de Mundi Sphera, etc. cuts, Lut. 1553—Fabricii (J. A.) Centuria Fabriciorum, Hamburgi, 1709—Cleaver, de Rhythmo Grecorum, Ozonit, 1789—Claus (P. A.) Tragoedize Ludis Autumnalibus date, August. Vind. 1753; &c. 13 vol. Moehler (J. A.) L’Unité de lEglise, calf gilt, Brumelles, 1839 —Histoire de lEglise d’Autun, Autun, 1774 ; &e. 6 vol. Moir (D. M.) Sketches of the Poetical Literature of the Past Half-Century, tree-marbled calf extra, m. e. by Riwiere 1851 Moliere (M.) Works, in French and English, 10 vol. portrait and plates, 1755—Crébillon (M. de) Ciuvres completes, — 21 vol. 11 vol. portrait, some leaves stained, & Maestricht, 1779 Zora tT: a pe iis nit A OOO NN LEA LD AA LLL AO sc th A AOL EEA LLL ELLIE IO ~ eQy in A 3g -79 ~ ~~ o™ 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 184 Moliére (M.) CBuvres complétes, avec les Notes de tous les A)otett Commentateurs, édition publiée par L. Aimé-Martin, 8 vol. ae LARGE PAPER, portrait, some leaves stained, half morocco, t. €. 9. Paris, 1824-26, ; Monboddo (Lord) Origin and Progress of Language, 6 vol. por-/ < _ trait, russia gilt Edinb. 1774-92 Mone (F. J.) Hymni Latini Medii A®vi, et Codd. MSS. edidit et adnott. illustravit F. Jos. Mone, 3 vol. paper covers Frib. Brisgovie, 1853-55 Moxon (Edw.) Sonnets, second edition, vignettes by Stothard, | / boards, 1837—Poems by A. J. Beresford Hope, presentation, copy, privately printed, W. Nicol, 1841—Kendall (Wm.) Poems,, calf gilt, Exeter, 1793 (3), Montagu (Lady M. W.) Letters and Works, edited by Wharncliffe, 3 vol. portraits, uncut : Montaigne (M. de) Essais, engraved title, Rouen, s. d.—Pasquier (Estienne) La Jeunesse, calf, Paris, 1610—Goulart (8. Thrésor d’Histoires Admirables, etc. title defective, mal raph) of R. Southey, and autograph and book-plate of Charlotte Vicountess Howe, Geneve, 1620 ; and others BH wl. Montaigne (M. de) Essays, translated, &e. by P. Coste, 3 vol. 1759—Henderson (E.) Iceland, 2 vol. map and engravings, = half calf, Edinb. 1818—Irish Pursuits of Literature, in 1798-) 99, Dublin, 1799; and others | 10 vl Montague (J.) Old Bailey Chronicle, 4 vol. plates, with all i i ee ‘ 1786 [Montolien (I. de)] Caroline de Lichtfield, 3 vol. 6 original drawings in sepia inserted, morocco extra, g. ¢. Paris, 1789 ¢ Montesquieu (M.) Temple de Gnide. [Watelet] Silvie, engrav-\V@* ings, calf, Lond. (Paris),1743—Scaliger (J.) Scaligerana,Cologne,, 1695 ; and others, two with rare and early book-plates 4 vol.) Montgomery (A.) Poems, with Biographical Notices by D. | Irving (edited by D. Laing), calf gilt, m.e. Edinb. 1821—) [Macpherson (J.)] Fragments of Ancient Poetry, collected in the Highlands of Scotland, ib. 1760—Robinson (Mrs. *) te Poems, portrait after Reynolds, calf, 1791; and others 7 vol. | | Montreuil (G. de) Roman de Violette, publié pour la premiére /™ fois, par F. Michel, plates, uncut Paris, 1834) , More (C.) Life of Sir T. More, with Notes, &c. b Rev. J. |//" 47" Hunter, portrait, uncut, 1828—Lewis (J.) Life of Dr. J.) — Fisher, 2 vol. 1855—Ken (Bp. T.) Life, 2 vol. portrait, 1854; and others | T vol. Mori (H.) Enchiridion Ethicum, Amst. 1695—Ravisii (J.)\/™ Textoris Dialogi et Epigrammata, Roterod. 1651; &c. 11 vol. |, , Mori (T.) Epigrammata, engraved title with portrait by Marshall, (?~ calf, J. Evelyn’s copy, with his monogram on sides 1638 - Mori (T.) Epigrammata, engraved title, a leaf wanting, calf, 1638 }O4 —N. (E.) Cesar’s Dialogue on allegiance to the Soveraigne, | — woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth, calf, 1601—Miltoni (J.)) Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, 1651—Hakewill (G.) Vanitie | of the Eye, half russia, Oxford, 1615; and others (10) | A ‘ eS ae ook Ss 1 lag na ie ett aa 185 3-1 Mori (T.) Utopia, plates, calf, 1717—Guarini, il Pastor Fido, ; / | plates, green morocco extra, g. ¢. Glasg. 1763—Homeri Ilias, Gr. 2 vol. old red morocco, ib. 1747 ; and others 3 ee | More (Sir T.) Utopia, edited by T. F. Dibdin, 2 vol. portrait, calf, $ | 1868—[Nares (R.)] Heraldic Anomalies, 2 vol. half calf, 1823 ; and others 10 vol. Moore (T.) Epicurean and Alciphron, dJlustrations by J. M. W. i. Turner, 1839—Arnold (M.) Poems, first series, 1857—Poetry — contained in the Waverley Novels, Edinb. 1822; &c. 8 vol. | Moore (T.) Nature-Printed British Ferns, 2 vol. numerous plates (OSE AIRE FEE EEA SS aera im colours 1859 - Morale Chretienne tirée des Ouvrages des Péres de |’Kglise, | 2 vol. fine copy, old red morocco extra, g. é. Paris, 1682 Morbetus (Sanctus) in se et suis vario Carmina cellebratus Petro de Wachenare, 2 vol. in 1, brown morocco extra Duaci, 1650-51 Moreau (P.) Les Saincus Priéres de lame Chrestienne, finely | 3 engraved plates, old red morocco, covered with gold tooling, g. &. Paris, 1644 Morland (Sir 8.) Urim of Conscience, portrait by Faithorne, 1695 —Greenwood (H.) Jayler’s Jayle-Delivery, 1624— Joyfull RE 9 EIS IE a Ee. Cy eet ee, FLT RT UCS TI x DSSS Fa EBS ASE 2 EI eS SS ar ee ES EE a a ~~ ~~ ~ SAT ASDA, peer eRL® iy UES Tractate of Baptisme, 1624 3 vol. Morley (H.) Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair, FIRST EDITION; illustrated, wncut 1859 | Morris (F. O.) History of British Birds, 6 vol. Groombridge, 7 10 1851-57—Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds, 3 vol. ib. 1853-56 ; numerous coloured plates, half morocco, t. @.9. 9 vol. Morris (F. 0.) History of British Butterflies, 71 colowred plates, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1853 Morris (W.) Earthly Paradise, vol. I, III, and IV, uncut, 1868-70 / | Morris (W.) News from Nowhere, LARGE PAPER, 1891—Ralston (W. R. S.) Krilof and his Fables, 1869; and others 10 vol. Morris (W.) News from Nowhere, 1891—Mill (J. 8.) Subjection of Women, 1870 ; and others 10 vol. | Moule (T.) Bibliotheca Heraldica, ilustrations, uncut 1822 Montague (Jas.) The Old Bailey Chronicle, vol. I, III, IV, plates, 1783—Tracts, &c. in 6 vol. 9 . Miiller (K. 0.) and J. W. Donaldson, History of the Literature / | of Ancient Greece, 3 vol. portrait, uncut 1858 | Munchausen at Walcheren, plates by Cruickshank, 1811—Travels | / | and Adventures of Baron Munchausen, 40 plates, 1816—Gul- | liver Revived, by Baron Munchausen, with Sequel, 2 vol. plates, 1799-1801— Munchausen (in German), plates, 17 88— Baron Munchausen’s Travels and Campaigns in Russia, Oxford, | 1786 (6) Munk (W.) Roll of the Royal College of Physicians, of London, we, vol. I to III, 1861-78—Catalogue of Graduates of Dublin University, 1591-1868, Dublin, 1869 ; and others 8 vol. ~ Mureti (M. A.) Juvenilia, portrait added, red morocco extra, g. Mm. @. | | Le by Padeloup Paris, 1553 ; : 7 A OS Ww aE Nee serie COTTE AT NTI 4 * ee eS ees j 5 yy » | scene sel crenin.2 enti NLR AEN A I TO ONO 186. 2675 Mureti (Ant.) Opera Omnia, ex MSS. aucta et emendata cum) / Jet brevi annotatione D. Ruhnkenii, yortrait, 4 vol. russia gilt, g.@ = by C. Lewis — Lugd. Bat. 1789 2676 Murray (H.) Discoveries and Travels in Africa, 2 vol. maps, calf gilt, Edinb. 1818—Egede (H.) Description of Greenland, map and plates, 1745—Relation of the Earthquake at Lima, map — and plates, 1748—Leake (Lt.-Col. W. M.) Topography of ' Athens, illustrations, 1821; and others 8 vol. | ’ 2677 [Murray (Rev. J.)] History of Religion, by an Impartial Hand, V 4 vol. calf, 1764—Jenks (B.) Meditations, 2 vol. old smooth — blue morocco eatra, g. €. 1757 ; and others 16 vol. 2678 Muse Etonenses, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, 1795—Fletcher (P.) A le Purple Island, a Poem, 1816—Historical and Poetical Medley; or Muses Library, 1738 ; and others | 13 vol. | | 2679 Musei, Leander et Herts, half calf, Paris, 1538—Clark (R.) D D4 Christiados, calf, Brugis, 1670—Douse (T.) Lusus Imaginis/ Jocose sive Echus, vellum, Ultraj. 1638—Douze (J.) Epigram- mata, calf, Antv. 1569; and others (8) 4 2680 Muse in a Moral Humour, 2 vol. in 1, 1757—Vocal Enchantress, /\“@ frontispiece and music, 1783—Collier (J.) Miscellaneous Works) of Tim Bobbin, portrait and plates, 1775—[Hill (B. E.)] AU Pinch of Snuff, plates, morocco gilt, 1840; and another 5 vol. 4 hp 2681 Muse Pariétaire et la Muse Foraine, avec appendice, par O.N. Va a Paris, J. Gay, 1862-63 | (2) O) Y 2682 Musarti (C.) Adolescens Academicus sub Institutione Salomonis, 1/7 plates, calf, Vienne, 1744—Binet (E.) Méditations sur la Vie = de la Viérge, plates, calf, Anvers, 1632—De la Serre, Délices) de la Mort, plates, vellum, Brusselles, 1631 ; and others (5). 5 2683 Museum Criticum ; or, Cambridge Classical Researches, 2 vol. //~ | calf gilt, m. e. Camb. 1826 ,, | 2684 Musgrave (Guil.) Antiquitates Britanno-Belgice pracipue Ro-/“@ mane, 3 vol. portrait, calf, Isc Dunmoniorum, 1719— Chr, G. Heynii Opuscula Academica Collecta, 3 vol. Gotting. 1785— Horatius Catullus, &c. (edid. Maittaire), LARGE PAPER, 1715 ; and others (20)| 4 2685 Musgrave (Sam.) Two Dissertations on the Grecian Mythology “~~ and Sir I. Newton’s Chronology, LARGE PAPER, boards, wncut, — Nichols, 1782—Mainwaring (Rev. E.) Account of the Classic Authors, morocco, 1737—Batteux, Les Quatre Poétiques d’Aris- _ = tote, d’Horace, de Vida, et Despreaux, frontispiece, calf, Paris, == 1771 — Carmina Quadrigesimalia ab Aldis Christi Oxon, Alumnis Composita, calf, Oxon. 1723 ; and others (12) ja 2686 Musical Miscellany ; being a Collection of Choice Songs, set toA?4 4: the Violin and Flute, 6 vol. frontispieces, calf 1729-31 L¢,, 2687 Mythographi Latini cum Notis Variorum et Munckeri, 2 vo Pbk in 1, portrait and plates, russia, g. e. Amst. 1681—Statius cum Notis Variorum, russia gilt, Lugd. Bat. 1671; &c. 6 vo Dob 2688 N. (J.) Hae et Hic, or the Feminine Gender more worthy tha: poem Mrs. Sarah Eldridge in the author's handwriting, calf 1683 <3 “ai ¢ a U the Masculine, top corner of title in facsimile ; ded 187 SO 1 7. ae Naogeorgi (T. i. e. T. Kirchmayeri) Trageedia nova Pammachius, q Auguste, 1539—Ziegleri (H.) Tragcedia nova que inscriptur Pedonethia, 1b. 1543; the Solar and Potier’s copy, red morocco ' extra, vellum fly-leaves, g. é. im 1 vol. 1 *) Naogeorgi. Incendia seu Pyrgopolinices Tragcedia, red morocco 1% extra, Witeb. 1541—Pammachius, Trageedia, calf, 1b. 1838— | Pisandri (A.) Dialogus Jocularis, half vellum, Antv. 1546 ; and others (7) Naogeorgi. Incendia seu Pyrgopolinices Tragcedia, Witte, 1542 —Pammachius Trageedia, wants title and five leaves of dedication, tb. 1538, old red morocco, 4g. @. im 1 vol. Naogeorgi. Hamanus Trageedia, Lips. 1543—Judas Iscariotes, Trageedia, &c. Hanrott’s copy, morocco extra, g. e. by C. Smith im 1 vol. ) Naogeorgi. Hieremias, Tragcedia nova, red morocco extra, gilt | marbled edges, by Riviere Basil. (1551) Naogeorgi. Judas Iscariotes, Tragcedia nova et sacra, title inlaid, red morocco extra, g. @. (Lips. 1552) Naogeorgi. Judas Iscariotes, Tragcedia nova, Lenouard’s and Potier’s copy, morocco extra, g.e. by Bauzonnet-Trautz (ib. 1552) Naogeorgi. Mercator, Trageedia, vellum, s. 1. 1590—Hieremias, Trageedia, half morocco, Argent. 1603-—Zovitii (J.) Ovis Perdita, half morocco, Colon. 1540—Buchanani (G.) Bap- tistes, Tragoedia, half morocco, Wiieb. 1604; and another 5 Neal (Dan.) History of New England, vol. II, calf, 17 aN History of the Bucaniers of America (2 imperfect copies), 1704 —Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, vol. I, Quebec, 1829—Vareni (B.) Descriptio Regni Japonie et Siam, Cant. 1673 (5) Neal (D.) History of the Puritans, 4 vol. 1732-38—Grey (Z.) Examination of Neal’s History, 4 vol. 1733-39, uniform calf 8 vol. Neal (D.) History of New England to the Year 1700, 2 vol. map, calf 1747 Nelson (R.) Companion for the Festivals and Fasts, FIRST EDITION, 1704—Second Edition, 1704—Fourth Edition, 1707 —Fifth Edition, 1708 4. vol. Nemesius de Natura Hominis, Gr. et Lat. the Beckford copy, red morocco, g. & by Padeloup Oxon. 1671 Nennius, Historia Britonum, with an English Version, an Notes by Rev. W. Gunn, 1819—Leo (H.) On Anglo-Saxon Names, 1852; and others relating to the Anglo-Saxons ST NT CONC AIAG LOTSA EY LI AT I oe ae a parcel Newcastle Fisher’s Garlands, edited by J. Crawhall, woodcuts, G half Roxburghe Newcastle, 1864 Newman (F. W.) Phases of Faith, 1850—Regal Rome, 1852 2 2 vol. oe. Newman (F. W.) Odes of Horace, translated, 1853—Book of |o Psalms in Hebrew, by J. Rogers, 2 vol. Oxford, 1833— Discipline practised in the Churches of New England, Whit- church, n.d. ; and others a parcel Foy | Bare rae te ee Se RS es 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 | 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 188 Newman (J. H. Card.) Arians of the Fourth Century, uncut, 183 ‘) Newman (J. H.) On Romanism and Popular Protestantism, / 1838—Lectures on Justification, 1840 ; wneut copies 2 vol. [Newman (J. H.)] Church of the Fathers, wneut, 1840—Bysshe — (E.) Art of English Poetry, 2 vol. old red morocco, 9. ¢. 1714—| Cibber (T.) Lives of the Poets, 5 vol. uncut, 1753 ; and others : 12 vol.. Newman (J. H.) Parochial Sermons, 6 vol. wncwt — 1840-45) “7 Newman (J. H.) Development of Christian Doctrine, 1845/9 A Discourses addressed to Mixed Congregations, 1849; uncut copies 2 vol. Newman (J. H.) Sermons, bearing on Subjects of the Day, 1843—Sermons before the University of Oxford, 1843 ; — | 2 vol. copies ree Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in)/ England, complete in 9 parts Burns, 1851) Newman. Apologia pro Vita Sua, complete im the 8 original parts . 1864 Newman, Pusey and Tract XC. Tracts relating to the/ Tractarian Controversy by Card. Newman, E. B. Pusey and) others 60 Nicandri Alexipharmaca, J. Gorreo interp. old red morocco eatra, g.¢. Paris. 1549—Burtoni (G.) Grace Linguee Historia,1657—; = Erlandus (J.) de Vita et Miraculis 8. Erici, edidit J. Schefferus, Holmie, 1675—Thesauri (E.) Patriarch, 1657 ; &e. 11 vol. , | Nichol (J. P.) Architecture of the Heavens, idlustrations %. d. Nicii (J.) Pinacotheca, 3 vol. port. calf gilt Colon. Agrip. 1645 Nicolas (Sir N. H.) History of the Royal Navy, 2 vol. idlustra~)/W7 tions, uncut — 1847p Nicolson (Bp. W.) Letters on various Subjects, edited by J. his Nichols, 2 vol. 1809—Smith (Sir J. E.) Selection of the) Correspondence of Linneus, and other Naturalists, 2 vol} 1821; and others ha 12 vol.i Niebuhr (Bp. G.) Lectures on the History of Rome, 1848--" ~~~ History of Rome, 3 vol. portrait, 1844—An_ Epitome, by} T. Twiss, 2 vol. 1836-37—Lectures on Ancient History, 3 vol. 1852—Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography, 2 vol. 1853—Life and Letters, by the Chev. Bunsen, 2 volt 8 1852; and another 4 e0b) py Nizolii (Marius) Lexicon Ciceronianum, 3 vol. 1820—Lexicon 14 Xenophonteum, 4 vol. russia, Lips. 1801—Lexicon Aischyleum, composuit Aug. Wellauer, 2 vol. in 1, i. 1830 = (8) ” Nonni Dionysiaca, Gr. edidit D. F. Graefe, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt, SUA Lips. 1819-26—Tibulli Carmina aucta Notis, etc. E. Ou EF. Wunderlichii, 2 vol. fine paper, ib. 1817; and others 6vol. [/ North (Dudley, Lord) Light in the Way to Paradise, calf, 1682¥ — —Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fermented Liquors, by) a Water Drinker, plates (soiled), 1818—Maillet, Telliamed, or ‘ Discourses between an Indian Philosopher and a French Missionary, 1750—Jennings (Rev. D.) Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals, Baskerville, 1764—Life and Death of Capt. Bedloe, portrait, 1681; and others SS (7) 189 Northamptonshire Notes and Queries, parts I-XXXII (wanting part X, has duplicate of part IX), and Indexes to vol. I-III 1884, &c. Northcote (J.) Life of Titian, 2 vol. portrait, calf gilt 1830 Northumberland, History and Antiquities of, 2 vol. maps and plates Archeol. Inst. Proc. 1858 Notitia Oxoniensis Academiz, wncwt, 1675—Epicedia Academic Oxoniensis in ob. Marie principis Aransionensis, Oxon. 1661 ; Old Latin Poetical Tracts a parcel Nouveau Testament (Fr. et Hollandois), shagreen, Amst. 1643— Recueil de Pidces contenant les Articles de lAssemblée générale du Clergé de France, red morocco extra, 9. ¢. Paris, 1753—Ad Regis Galliz Conciliaros Exhortatio, calf, s. 1. 1561; and others 9 Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, various vol. Amst. 1684- 1710 : (40) Nouvelles Francoises du XIII* Siécle, avec Notes, &c. par MM. L. Moland et C. D’Héricault, citron morocco extra, g. @. Paris, 1856 | Novelle Italiane. Luigi da Porto Novella, reprint of Venet. 1540—Sippotopo, reprint of Lond. 1591—Lo Panciccio Novel- letta, mauve paper, Venez. 1848-—Due Brevi Racconti di Galeno tradotti in Volgare per L. Dolce, ib. 1848-—I] Tesoro Scoperto, Storia Vera di Em. A. Cicogna, id.—Novella di Jacopo Cariceo, Lucca, 1855--Due Novelle di Girol. Rosasco, ib.— Novelle d’un Barone di Farona, di Giov. Sercambi, etc. 1d. (a very small number of each printed), in 1 vol. calf gilt Novelle Italiane. Novella di Matteo Bandello, Venez. Merlo, 1848—Novelle di L. A. Girardi, ib.—Dodici Novelle di sei Celebri antichi autori, i—La Sumetta Novella di L. A. Girardi, id. 1844—Le Tre Femene dal Dolo, 2d. 1848—Quattro Novelle di Bern. Tomitano, reprint of Vinegia, 1566—Novella Originale Contemporanea di L. Girardi, Dresd. 1844 ; and others (a very small number of each printed), in 2 vol. calf gult Novelle Italiane. Novella di Marabottino Manetti, Lucca, 1858 —Novelle di Fr. Vettori, ib. 1857—Alcune Novelle di P. Aretino, ib. 1856—Boceaccio, La Ruffianella, reprint of 1564 —Novelle Inedite di Autore Anonimo del Secolo XIX, Lucca, 1856—Le Cento Novelle Antiche, Secondo l’Edizione de 1525, Milano, 1825—Novella della Pulzella di Francia di J. di Poggio, Lucca, 1850—Novella q@’ Incerto Autore del Sec. XVI, ib. 1863 (a small number of each printed), in 3 vol. (3) Novelle celte rarissime, wncut 1814 *,* Edited by S. W. Singer. Only 50 copies printed. Nowelli (A.) Catechismus, Gr. et Lat. morocco, 9. @. 1573 Nowelli Catechismus (Gr. et Lat.), calf gilt, 1575—Another edition, morocco, 1578 (2) Nowelli (A.) Catechismus (Gr. et Lat.), calf, 1577 —Another edition, half calf, 1578 (2) Nugze Venales, sive Thesaurus ridendi et jocandi, plate, 1648 —Parthenii (N.) Halieutica, engraved tile, s. I. 1603; and others 13 vol. 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 *,* Many of the hymns were written by Cowper the poet. 190 Nugee venales, plates, calf, with curious coat of arms on sides [Nugent (G. Grenvile, Lord)] Legends of the Library at Lilies, by the Lord and Lady there, 2 vol. 1832—Churton (E.) Gongora, 2 vol. portrait, 1862—Hunt (L.) Correspondence, 2 vol. portrait, 1862 ; and others 10 vol. Odd volumes of old editions of Moliére, La Fontaine, and other /“@ French authors ; (41) Odd volumes of Sterne, Swift, Rabelais, and other authors — 79) 3 parcels (), (Ehlenschleger (A.) Gods of the North, translated by W. E. 7' Frye, 1845—Baecker (L. de) Chants Historiques de la Flandre, 400-1650, Lille, 1855 ; and another 3 vol. 1 Officio della B. Vergine Maria, plates, old black pigskin, Roma, \¢~ 1707—Matutinale Qfficium in Cena Domini, &c. morocco, — Bruz. 1764—Vies des Prophetes avec des Reflexions tirées des SS. Péres, old red morocco, Paris, 1685; and another (4) Officio della B. Vergine Maria, plates, stained, old red morocco (\X extra, g. e. Roma, 1714—Officium B. Marie Virg. half calf — Antverp. 1677, 2 vol. Ogerii (C.) Ephemerides, sive iter Danicum, Suecicum, Polonicum, NN calf gilt, g. @. Int. Paris. 1656 Oe Ogilvie (John) Poems on several subjects, 2 vol. engravings, pre-/. ae LO sentation copy from the author with autograph inscription to Lord A. Gordon, old red morocco extra, broad gold tooled borderson| sides, g. €. 1769) Ogilvie (J.) Imperial Dictionary of the English Language, Yacw revised, &c. by C. Annandale, 4 vol. above 3000 engravings, sg half russia, m. e. 18851 A> Old Book Collector’s Miscellany (The), a Collection of Readable Zea Reprints, LARGE PAPER, completein 16 Parts Reeves, 1871-3, | Old English Poets, 4 vol. half bownd, 1820—Fouqué (M.)|\ Minstrel Lore, translated by G. Soane, 2 vol. morocco, g.¢ | 1821; and others 15 vol. j2 - Oldys (W.) British Librarian, with all the separate titles, book-plate “~~? of the Duke of Grafton, calf extra by F. Bedford 1737-381 ) 4 Oliveti (J.) Delectus Commentariorum in Ciceronis Opera omnia, LA 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, Syston Park copy, morocco, g.e. 1819| 9p Olney Hymns, in Three Books (by J. Newton), FIRST EDITION, |) 7@“™ blue morocco extra, g. e. by Cecil | me LY of Olney Hymns, second edition, 1781—Rippon (J.) Selection of /**4Y Ae Hymns, FIRST EDITION, portrait, old morocco extra, g. e. 1787 ; a and another 3 vol. Zz Opere Burlesche di F. Berni, G. della Casa Varchi, &c. 3 vol, 4/2 thick paper, Beckford copy, calf gilt Usecht al Reno, 1726) yp Oppianus, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Schneideri, LARGE PAPER, 0 09C- Beckford’s copy, calf by Baumgarten, Argent. 1776—Velleius|) Paterculus, cum Notis Var. et Burmanni, half morocoo gilt, uncut, Lugd. Bat. 1719—Terentius a F. C. G. Perlat, calf gilt, Lips. 1827—Philostratus Gr. ed. F. T. Welcker, vellum, ib. 1825; and others 7 vol. 758 Opus Aureum Ac Novum a doctis Viris dit Expectatum dai 191 SNORE Bye at UMS BS a a nn oO | csp EE SEC EE SDE LITRE DIL E LIED LLIN LED eT | Victoris de Carbon, fit. goth. 2 large woodcuts of Virgin oa Child, Colon. H. de Nassia, 1509—Eusebii, Polychronii Pselli in © Canticum Canticorum Expositiones Greece Jo. Méursius publi- ) cavit, Lugd. Bat. 1617—Bouilli (C.) Comment. in Primordiale | Evangelium divi Joannis, &c. Paris. Ascensianus, 1511—_ Ringhieri Cento Guiochi liberali, Bologna, 1551 sm. 4to. (4) | Opuscula Mythologica Physica et Ethica Gr. et Lat. autograph 2 of “RicHD. BAXTER” on title, Amst. 1688 — Cicero de | Oratore, recens. Th. Cochman, LARGE PAPER, Ozon. 1696— | Statii Sylvarum lib. V. edid. T. Stephens, wneut, Cant. T. Buck, 1651 ; and others (12) Oratores Attici ex recens. I. Bekkeri, 7 vol. in 5, Oxonit, 1822 | ) / —Pindari Carmina et Fragmenta, a ©. G. Heyne, 3 vol. i.) 1807, prize copies, uniform russia gilt 8 vol. | Orellii (J. C.) Opuscula Grecorum Veterum Sententiosa et | V2 Moralia, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. Lips. 1819—Rutilii Numatiani (C.) Itinerarium, curante J. S. Gruber, calf gilt, g. e. Norimb. 1804; | and others 15 vol. i Orsini (Abbé) Histoire de 8S. Vincent de Paul, plates, imp. 8v0, Le Paris, 1852—Histoire de Jules Cesar, 2 vol. (no ailas), 1b. ietcict 1865—L'Intermediare, various nos. ; Le. a parcel ' Orkneyinga Saga, translated from the Icelandic, edited, with /| Tempsky (G. F.) Mitla, Travels in Mexico and Guatemala, illustrations, 1858—Halley (R.) Lancashire: its Puritanism and Nonconformity, plates, Manchester, 1872; and others Notes by J. Anderson, illustrations, Hdinb. 1873—Von | 9 vol. | Orphei Argonautica, a J. G. Schneider, VELLUM PAPER, front. ee Lord Gosford’s copy, russia gilt Jene, 1803 Otway (T.) Works, 2 vol. portrait, uncut, 1812—Bland (Rev. R.) D | 5 a anaiinnnailael Collections from the Greek Anthology, calf, 1813—Miscellany | of Poems by several Hands, published by J. Husbands, contains the first printed composition by Dr. Johnson, Oxford, | | 1731 ; and others 13 vol. Overbury (Sir T.) Miscellaneous Works, edited by E. F. 12. Rimbault, portrait, 1856—Willmott (R. A.) Lives of Sacred Poets, portraits, 1834 ; and others 9 vol. Ovidii Opera cum Notis N. Heinsii, 3 vol. half calf Amst, kiz. 1661 — Ovidii Opera omni, ex recens. Heinsii, cum Notis Var. et Schrevelii, 3 vol. old olive morocco eatra, g. e. Lugd. Bat. 1662 Ovidius, 2 vol. old French red morocco eatra, with the arms of ae Lowis XV in gold on sides, and crowned monogram on back Paris. Barbou, 1725 | Ovidio, Vita et Metamorfoseo in forma d’Epigrammi da Gabriello / | ae Symeoni, woodcuts, and borders to each page, vellum Lione, 1584 | Ovide, Fastes, traduction de M. de Marolles, old red morocco extra, 9. €. Paris, 1660 | - oe jaa w stem A 1 PE OR SERA EISEN SORELLE EY EN ITO TOILE A I sae ge hn samt Rahn IN IS OS DOE ABT TIEE ELEELEL LEDIE LY TELL LL DEALT EE oe AS h> se NTT IONIE PA OE S AB LORE AILS LANE ELEN SETI /0¢-G 2771 2772 2773 2774 | 2775 2776 | 2777 | 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 192 Owen (Rev. J.) History of the British and Foreign Bible) Society, 2 vol. russia gilt, roy. 8vo, 1816—Lingard (Dr. J.) Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 2 vol. Newcastle, 1806, —Paley’s Natural Theology with Brougham’s Discourse, 2 vol. russia extra, 1835-9 ; and others (13) Oxford. Aubrey (J.) Letters written by Eminent Persons, /Uaa from the Originals in the Bodleian Library, &c. 2 vol. in3, calf, 1813—Catalogue of the Library of T. Hearne, portrait, 1736—Wake (I.) Rex Platonicus, Oxoniw, 1635—Norton (J. B.) Memories of Merton, 1861 ; and another 7 vol, Oxford and Cambridge Magazine for 1856 (all published), half russia gilt, 1856—Oxford University Magazine, No. 1 to 4, in 1 vol. half calf, Oxford, 1834; and another 3 vol,| Oxford and Cambridge Prize Poems, by Frere, Praed, Kennedy, R Bulwer, and others, in 1 vol. half calf 1797-1826; ——& Oxford. Barnard (T.) An Historical Character, Life of Lady E. Hastings, Leedes, 1742—Amhurst (N.) Terra-Filius, 1754 —Oxford Spy, Ozford, 1819; and others relating to Oxford - a parcel Oxford Calendars, v. y. va a large bundle ae Oxford. Catalogue of Oxford Graduates, 1659-1850, Ozford, | Lo 1851—-Bloxam (J. R.) Register of the Choristers, Chaplains, e. &c. of Magdalen Coll. Oxford, 2 vol. ib. 1857—Report and Evidence on the State of the University, ib. 1853—Oxfore English Prize Essays, 2 vol. ib. 1830; and others a parcel Oxford. Church (R. W.) The Oxford Movement, 1833-45, 1891 —Bloxam (J. R.) Magdalen College and King James II, 1686-1688, Oxford, 1886 —Tyerman (Rev. L.) Oxford Metho a dists, portraits, 1873 3 vol, 9 9m Oxford. Churton (R.) Lives of Bp. W. Smyth and Sir RR. Sutton, founder of Brase-nose Coll. portraits, de. calf gilt, — Oxford, 1800—Lowth (R.) Life of William of Wykeham, Bp, of Winchester, plates, calf, 1758; and 2 others hel |O, a Oxford. College Rhymes, contributed by Members of the Uni VO versities of Oxford and Cambridge, vol. I-XIII —- 1860-72 pp & Oxford. Copleston (E.) Prelectiones Academicee Oxonii habite. Oxonti, 1828—Vaughan (T.) Legality of the present Academi; cal System at Oxford, Ozford, 1831 — Oxford Entertaining) Miscellany, pp. 1 to 284, half calf, n. d.—Oxford Quarterly, Magazine, vol. I, Oxford, 1825; and others = = = m4 W0l.| Oxford. [Davison (Rev. J.)] Certain Notable Discoveries in His- : tory, &¢. Oxford, 1803—Some Account of a Recent Work, &e.) ib. 1804—[Copleston (Rev. E.)] Advice to a Young Reviewer, ib. 1807—Reply to the Calumnies of the Edinburgh Review against Oxford, ib. 1810; and others, from the library of Dr. P. Bliss, with his autograph and book-plate, half calf im 1 vol. a. Oxford English Prize Essays, 5 vol. half calf gilt Oxford, 1836)’!4°" Oxford English Prize Essays, 1853-57, Oxford, 1857—Brasenose Oe Ale, a Collection of Poems, ib. privately printed, 1857; and others relating to Oxford a parcel 608 & = a ; 193 —) Me as. feo 2785 Oxford. Hill (Sir R.) Pietas Oxoniensis, 1768, with a 1 tollecttots ; = - of 10 Replies, &c. relating to the same, ME S. Index in the a re autograph of I. Reed in 1 vol. i UU LK 786 Oxford. Hutchins (E.) Sermon at S. Maries En the Feast of | - | | Epiphany, Jan. 6, 1589, calf evtra Oxford, J. Barnes (1589) | | 2787 OxForp. Ilium in Italiam: Oxonia ad protectionem Regis sui IR filia pedisequa, Oxonic, 1608, with numerous manuscript ad- ditions, consisting of political and facetious poems and pieces, such as an Elegie of Prince Charles, by Mr. Thomas Washin- ton, Milton’s poem on Hobson the Cambridge Carrier, &c. &c. The rare printed work contains the earliest engravings of the arms of the Oxford Colleges, MANUSORIPT, calf SAC. XVII Oxford. [Lockhart (J. G.)] Reginald Dalton, 3 vol. FIRST § EDITION, 1823—Remarks on Reginald Dalton, 5 india proof | plates by N. Whittock, Oxford, 1824—-Montgomery (R.) Oxford, illustrated by J. Skelton, &c. india proofs, ib. 1831; &c. 6 vol. ; Oxford. Macray (W. D.) Annals of the Bodleian Library, 1868 = —Moberly (G. H.) Life of William of Wykeham, plans, de. Winchester, 1887—Boase (C. W.) Historic Towns, Oxford, ) Pe ee I ere tee Ne a SR ee nA EA TEMES OA RQ RRS YE REA OEE 1 OEM NO NEI OY ILI NEE MN SE NI RR TOES EET AEN OS plans, 1887 1887 | Oxford. Maxwell Lyte (H. C.) History of the University of | Oxford, to the year 1530, frontispiece, uncut 1886 Oxford. Oxford Sausage, portrait and woodcuts, calf, Oxford, n. d. —Allibond (J.) Seasonable Sketch of an Oxford Reformation, MS. additions by Mr. Buckley, 1717—[ Warton (T.)] A Com- panion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion, cuts, scarce, n. d.; and another Oxford Sausage, cuts, 1764—New Oxford Guide, Oxford, 1759, FIRST EDITIONS of both works, calf, in 1 vol.—Oxford Sausage, portrait and cuts, uncut, in the original wrappers, 1777 2 vol. Oxford Sausage, FIRST EDITION, cuts, 1764—Another edition, Dublin, 1766 —Another edition portrait and cuts, wncut, Oxford, ny) 72— Another, portrait and cuts, half calf, ib. 1777 4 vol. ian CS SETI FP EE NV TESA oe = Oxford Prize Essays, Poems, Orations, Theological and His- / [ torical Theses, &c. a large number 2 parcels Oxford Spy (by J. 8. Boone), wneud Oxford, 1818 he Oxford. Selections from the Records of the City of Oxford, illustrating the Municipal History, 1509-1583, edited by W. H. Turner, half Roxburghe ib. 188 Oxford. Singer (S. W.) Some Account of “ Exposicio Sancti / Jeronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum,” printed at Oxford, 1468, plates, long and interesting MS. notes by Mr. Buckley, morocco super extra, g. ¢. by Hayday Privately printed, 1812 Oxford. Smith (W.) Annals of University College, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1728—The Oxford Miscellany, 1720—Oxford Spy, Oxford, 1819 ; and others 6 vol. Oxford. Warton (T.) Life of Sir T. Pope, Founder of Trinity Coll. portrait and views inserted, russia gilt, 1780— Churton (R.) Lives of the Founders of Brasenose Coll. por- trait, uncut, Oxford, 1800 2 vol, ® aR RTE IRE IO SESE ITT = LON ITTY LOE SI NRIOL GAOL AO PEGE ABE TN TO I RE - | | | Lu 0S TELE i NONE OE LE TE SEBS LISLE OLED. AE EAE . a . 2801 . if 2802 4 2803 | 9804 | 2805 \/ 2806 | | O 2807 a os 2808 > 2809 2810 2811 mT is N NGA SCONCE SETAE A RE NEERING EERIE 2812 2813 Parry (Henry), Bp. of Worcester. 194 oe 7 [Packington (Lady)] Whole Duty of Man, 1716—Causes of the’ /(e, - Decay of Christian Piety, 1704—Gentleman’s Calling, 1705 Ladies Calling, Ozford, 1713—Government of the Tongue, ib. 1713—-Art of Contentment, ib. 1705—Lively Oracles, 1. 1713, uniform old red morocco extra, g. @. 7 vol. [Packington (Lady)] Works (various) by the Author of the “ Whole Duty of Man,” old black morocco extra, 9. é. 6 vol. Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statements from the Commencement in 1869 to April, 1892 (wanting Jan. to March and Oct. to Dec. 1870, April, 1885, and Oct. 1890) 1869-92 Palestine Pilgrim’s Text Society’s Publications, all yet published (eacept the Pilgrimage of the Abbot Daniel), 1887-92 (19) Palgrave (Sir F.) Merchant and the Friar, frontispiece, 1837— Addisoniana, 2 vol. in 1, half calf,n. d.; and others 18 vol. Palgrave (Sir F.) History of Normandy and of England, vol. I, 4 cloth 1851 Palmer (W.) Origines Liturgice, with Supplement (separate), 2 vol. Oxford, 1839—Treatise on the Church of Christ, 2 vol. 1839, Hulme prize copies, calf extra, m. @ (5) QUARTO. Panofka (Theod.) Manners and Customs of the Greeks, illustra- tions by G. Scharf, boards, 1849—David, Grammaire Turke, | 1836—Christie (Jas.) Inquiry into the Early History of Greek Sculpture, portrait, 1833 ; and others es |S, Paradise of Dainty Devices, reprinted from G. Stevens’ transcript / 0+” of the first edition, 1576, edited by Sir E. Brydges (only120; copies printed), red morocco extra, broad gilt ornamental borders,) = g. @ R. Triphook, 1810G) 9p | Paradise Transplanted and Restored in Shooe Lane, by T. H. A Ot View of London on title and head of Charles II on reverse, Pear-) son’s reprint on vellum, unbound 1871) Pardoe (Miss) Beauties of the Bosphorous, idlustrations from’ drawings by W. H. Bartlett, cloth, 1840—Moore (Rev. T.) His-| tory of Devonshire, vol. I, india proof plates, 1829 Fegeae Parkhurst (Joan. Episc. Norwic.) Ludiecra, sive gene Juvenilia, vellum (fine large and clean copy) Jo. Dayus, 1571) Parkyns (Sir Thos.) Progymnasmata ; THE INN-PLAY, OR Cor- / NISH-Huaa WRESTLER, third edition, corrected with lar additions, woodcuts, calf —T. Weekes, 1727 De furoribus Gallicis et horrenda Parisina cede Amiralii Castilionei et Regis perfidia narratio, a Poem . | *,* This work by an Oxford author was not known to Wood, | | ; 2814 Parsons (Col.) A Book of Cyphers, engraved on 56 , copper-plates, °~ calf, oblong, 1703—Bowles’s New and Complete Book of} Cyphers, engraved on 24 copper-plates, oblong, LISkss iy} Ba ty 195 OE oi fei chs hoe a ie LP Partenope of Blois, edited by the Rev. W. E. Buckley, cloth | 3 » Roxburghe Club, 1862 Passionis Christi unum ex quattuor Evangelistis textum, per Rigmannum Philesium, 25 fine full-page woodcuts, marked with initials V. G. said to represent Urse Graf, first leaf and several margins mended, new vellum, VERY SCARCE Argent. Jo. Knoblouch, s. a. Passionis Dominice doctissimorum quorundam aurea Carmina Cipriani, P. Beroaldi, Lactantii, Ainez Silvii, Gulielmi Gan- davensis, Guilielmi Goudani, fine emblematic woodcut title, cut of Crucifixion on reverse, woodcut initials, green morocco eatra, 9g. €. Antwerp. M. Hillenius, 1527 PATROLOGILZ CURSUS COMPLETUS, accurante J. P. Migne (Opera Hieronymi, Ambrosii, Tertulliani, Hilarii, Cypriani, Lac- tantii, Leonis Magni et aliorum), 51 vol. sewed Paris, 1847, dc. Peacham (H.) The Compleat Gentleman, engraved title (inlaid) 1622—Bacon (Lord) Two Books of the Advancement of Learning, Ozf. 1633—Lord Bacon’s Relation of the Sweating Sickness examined by Dr. H. Stubbe, &c. 1671—Blundeville (M.) Art of Logic, 1617 (4) Peacock (Lucy) The Adventures of the Six Princesses of Babylon, an Allegory, panelled calf extra, g. e. printed for the author, 1786 Pegge (Sam) Dissertations on some Anglo-Saxon Remains (Coins), plate, 1756—[Bryant (Jac.)] Vindication of the Apamean Medal, plate, 1775—King (Edw.) Observations on Ancient Castles, plates, presentation copy, 1777—Ayloffe (Sir Jos.) Description of an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, 1773—Stukeley (Wm.) Account of Richard of Cirencester, map, 1757, in 1 vol. calf Peintres Primitifs, Collection de Tableaux rapportée d’Italie et publiée par Artaud de Montor, 60 india proof plates and wood- cut vignettes, Paris, 1843—The Bayeux Tapestry elucidated by J. Collingwood Bruce, plates, fancy boards, J. R. Smith, 1856 (2) Peregrinus (Lelius) Oratio in Obitum Torquati Tassi, Rome, 1597, reprinted, Aurel. Allob. 1832—Carmina Quadrigesimalia, &c. auctore Rey. G. Markham edente Rev. F. Wrangham (only 50 copies printed), 1820—Nuge Canore quas in Amicorum Gratiam imprimi fecit Etonensis, Oxon. J. Ham, 1826; and others (5) Petit (Prof.) History of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots translated from the unpublished MS. by Ch. de Flandre, portraits, 2 vol. cloth Longmans, 1874 Petrarcha (Il) con |’ Espositione d’ Aless. Vellutello, woodcuts (margins shaved), russia, Venetia, 1544—-Le Rime del‘Petrarca brevemente sposte per L. Castelvetro, Basil. 1582—Machia- velli, Tutte Le Opere divise in V Parti edizione della Testa, calf, 1550—Petrarchus Redivivus J. P. Tomasini, plates, Patavii, 1650 (4) O 2 i a POE EE Ae A AE, PN rr tn re 2.) 2. | 10 V5 eee Sy erate te a NERO Co ee a act Se NER / / 20: // SO | a 2826 Petrarch’s Triumph translated by Henry Parker, Lord Morley, 2 2832 2833 2834 2835 196 arte nee 7 J. P. Collier’s transcript from the Unique Original in the B, M.— Dr. Bentley’s Proposals for printing a New Edition of the Greek Testament, 1721—Beneficial Effects of Inoculation, (4 leaves) 1772—The Parson’s Prayer upon the Inoculation of his four children, single leaf, 1723—An Extract from the Case of the Obligation on the Electors of Eton College to supply all Vacancies in that Society with Fellows of te College, Cambridge (privately printed), 1771 Halloran (Dr. L.) Lachryme Hibernicw, 1801 ; and others (14) Phedrus. Fabularum A®sopiarum lib. V. Notis in Usum Sereniss. Principis Nassauii D. Hoogstratanus, fine portrait, copper-plate engravings and vignettes by Vianen, vellum Amst. F. Halma, 1701 Phalaris. Epistole comment. illustr. Jo. D. a Lennep, 2 vol. in 1, calf, Groninge, 1777—Horatius ex recens. R. Bentleii, 2 vol. Cant. 1711—Vergilius in Bibl. Mediceo-Laurentiana adser- vatur, 1741 ; and others (8) Philelphus (Fr.) Conviviorum libri duo eruditi, Paris. H. Fabrus, s. a.—J. B. Pinelli Carmina, calf, Florent. P. Junta, 1594— Hieron. Cingulatorini Elegantiarum Opusculum, fit. goth. (stained) s. a. et. .—Zach. Lilii Breviarium, s. a. et 1. — (4) Phillips (Edw.) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum now enlarged _ by additions, by Sir E. Brydges, LARGE PAPER, boards, uncut (1 cover missing) Canterbury, 1800 Philosophical Dialogue Concerning Decency and Places of ’v © Retirement, 1751—Cooper (Myles) of New York, Sermon oni the American Rebellion, 1777—Cases of the Appellants and - Respondents in the Cause of Literary Property ‘ponabtaat Vi es Becket, &c.) 1774—Smart (Chr.) Ode for Musicon§. Cecilia’ss Day, n. d.—Riou (Capt. Edw.) Journal of a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope in Search of the Grosvenor, map, 1792— Sheridan (R. B.) A Comparative Statement of the two Bills for the Better Government of India, 1788—Court Martialon the Mutineers of the “ Bounty,” held at Portsmouth, Aug. 12, 1792, 1794 ; and others in 3 vol. aes Phcenix Britannicus, a Miscellaneous Collection of Scarce and a Curious Tracts edited by J. Morgan, vol. I, calf,1732—The = Visions of Sir Heister Ryley, vol. I oe published), 1710— Walpole (Sir H.) Historic Doubts on Richard III (with an '- Answer to the same by J. W. G.) 2 plates, calf, 1768 (3) » Pierze the Ploughman’s Crede ( facsimile reprint forming supple-4~U* ment to Whitaker's Edition of the Vision, 1813), red morocco gil = a Plato’s Republic, by H. Spens, D.D. Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 1763—Pliny’s Letters by Boyle, 2 vol. 1751—Persius Satyrs by Burton, 1752; &c. i (8)) — o& 9887 197 NSN ts Ns hens fs rhein PuAys. Richardus Tertius, tragoedia, 16~- —Tobias, tragoedia and Sanctus Edwardus Confessor, tragcedia, two religious plays, — with other poems, partly injured by damp, old calf—Damon & | Pythias, 1765—Pollucis et Castoris fabula, 1737—Manlii_ Interitus, tragoedia, 17 —King Arthur, an Opera, half calf, 18—. Also Notes on the Latin Poets since the Renaissance, ) by Mr. Buckley, with valuable bibliography, &c. MANUSCRIPT, 7 vol. SAC, XVII-XIX | Plays. Jonson (Ben) Volpone, or the Foxe, FIRST EDITION (title and last 6 leaves defective, margins cut down), T. Thorppe, 1607— Shirley (H.) The Martyr’d Souldier, FIRST EDITION, J. Okes, 1638—Strode (Wm.) The Floating Island (stained, top margins — cut into), 1655—Dekker (Thomas) The Wonder of a Kingdom, © FIRST EDITION (poor copy), 1636—May (T.) The Heire, FIRST EDITION (wants end), 1633 (5) | a ae Plays, ORIGINAL EDITIONS, viz. DRYDEN, Sir Martin Mar-all, — 1691; The State of Innocence, 1684; The Spanish Fryer, 1690 (third edition) ; The Hind and the Panther (second edition) — 1687. Durrey, Love for Money, 1691. SHADWELL, The Virtuoso, 1691; Epsom Wells, 1693; The Squire of Alsatia, ) 1688 ; Barg Fair, 1689, in 1 vol. calf Plinii Epistolae (several leaves damaged), Florent. Ant. Franciscus, 1487—Celii Sedulii Opera Omnia recogn. F. Arevalus, calf, tome, 1794—Palladii de Vita S. Jo. Chrysostomi Dialogus Gr. et Lat. cura Em. Bigotii, Lut. Par. 1680; and others (6). Plotinus. Opera Omnia edidit F. Creuzer, 3 vol. cloth, Oxon. 1835 | —Aischylus edid. G. Butler, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. Cant. 1809— Photius Porsoni, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. boards, wncut, ib. 1822 (9) ) Plutarchus. Problemata latine redditta a Jo. Pet. Lucensi ex recognitione Calphurnii, purple morocco gilt, g. e. ) Venet. Dom. Siliprandus (1477 1) Plutarchus. Vite Parallele Gr. et Lat. recens. A. Bryanus, | 5 vol. calf, Tonson, 1729—Cicero Oliveti portrait by Sherwin, | 10 vol. (wanting vol. II) calf, Oxon. 1783 (14) Pocockius (Edw.) Historie Arabum, etc. edidit Jo. White, por- trait, boards, uncut, Oxon. 1806—Hoffmanni (A. T.) Gramma- tice Syriace, lib. III, Hale, 1827—-Chambers, Traité des Hdifices, etc. des Chinois, plates, Paris, 1776—Quatremére de Quincy, De l’Architecture Egyptienne, i). 1803 (4) Q minum Fragmentorum Latinorum, 6 vol. calf Pisawri, 1766 Poetical Tracts. Cosens (Dr.) Economy of Beauty, plates, calf, 1777—Avon, a Poem, Birm. Baskerville, 1758—Hlegia Gray- lana, Gr. interp. E. Tew, 1795—The same, Graecé (J. Norbury) Eton. 1793—The same, Gracé (B. E. Sparke), 1794—Poetical | Excursions in the Isle of Wight, view on title, 1777—Jago (R.) | Edge-Hill, 1767—Latin and English Poems, by a Gentleman Poet Latin. Collectio Pisaurensis Omnium Poematum, Car- of Trinity College, Oxford, 1738 ; and others a parcel | : ARNE RO SE ES RRR EE RT Re ee 4 4 t 6 i t ? ¥ % : | | fae e ye | : | | 2 2. ) 9846 Poetical Tracts. Crabbe (Rev. G.) The Village, FIRST EDITION, G | 5| | 2848 P | : | // | 9849 Poetical Tracts. Poems by Mr, Gray, Glasgow, Foulis, 1768—| ae Z| Ly | 9847 Poetical Tracts. Goldsmith’s Traveller, ninth edition, 1774; (£40 . 2850 Poetical Tracts. Hoccleve (Th.) Poems never before printed, 198 1783—Bishop Bonner’s Ghost, view on title, Strawberry Hill, 1789—Account of the Church and Windows of St. Neot’s, Cornwall, plate, 1786—Courtenay (John) Poetical Review of eo the Character of Dr. Sam. Johnson, 1786—Collins (Wm.) | am Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Scot-); land, 1788—Crabbe, The Newspaper, FIRST EDITION, 1785 — Mason (Wm.) Secular Ode in Commemoration of the Glorious Revolution 1688, 1788—Akenside (M.) Pleasures of Imagina- tion, FIRST EDITION, 1744 ; Odes upon Several Subjects, 1745 __The Kentish Cricketers (wants title) Surry Triumphant, or the Kentish-Mens Defeat (wants end)—Anstey (C.) New Bath Guide, 1766 ; Familiar Epistle to C. W. Bampfylde; and an Election Ball, caricutwre plates, 1776—Churchill’s Poems, various, __Welcombe Hills, by John Jordan of Stratford, Wheel- wright, view on title, 177 7—Woodhouse (Jas.) (Journeyman Shoemaker) Poems, 1764; and others, in 12 vol. ¢, 4.) +> The Haunch of Venison, etched portrait after Bunbury by Bretherton, 1776—Colman (G.) Crazy Tales, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece, 1762—Sheridan (R. B.) Verses to the Memory of, | Garrick, frontispiece, 1779—Singleton’s Description of the, — West Indies, 1776—Knight (R. P.) The Landscape, 2 etchings) by Hearne, 1795—Thomson (R.) Liberty, FIRST EDITION, both parts, 1735—Verses on the late Memorable Action in the West Indies, 1782—Crabbe (Rev. G.) The Village, FIRST EDITION, 1783 ; The Newspaper, FIRST EDITION, 1785—Cum- berland (Rich.) Odes, 1776—Leslie (Jo.) Killarney, W72—| Edwin and Emma, Birmingham, Baskerville, 1760; andothers,, 4 in 12 vol. 0, 0. ae oetical Tracts. Gray (Thos.) Odes, FIRST EDITION, (“ the| 7 Authors gift to N. Bonfoy”) Strawberry Hill, 1757 — Love a Elegies, by Mr. Hammond, 1752—Verses to the Memory of Garrick, spoken as a Monody at Drury Lane Theatre (ag eee R. B. Sheridan), 1779—Handel’s Ghost, an Ode. by Pollin- grove Robinson, 1784—Britannicus to Buonaparte, by H.) Tresham, colowred frontispiece by Gillray, 1803 — Gray (Tye Elegia Scripta in Coemeterio Rustico Latine et Anglice, Cant.; 1762—Goldsmith’s Deserted Village, sixth edition, 1770 ; and} others, bound in 12 vol. Le res guage Seward (Anna) Monody on Major André, Lichfield, 1781—| History and Amours of Rhodope, 17 80—Avon, a Poem,j; Birm. Baskerville, 1758—Anstey (C.) ad ©. W. Bampfylde, = Epistola, caricature vignettes, Bath, 1776 ; and others = (9) hs ¥ ‘% with preface, notes and glossary, 1796 — White (S.) The) Shamrock, or Hibernian Cresses (title mounted), Dublin, 1772) —Duelling, by 8S. Hayes, Camb. 1775—Bran (J.) On Illicit} Love, view on title, 1775—Anstey (C.) An_ Election Ball, b 353 frontispiece, 1776—Melnoth (Courtney) The Tears of Genius occasioned by the Death of Dr. Goldsmith, 1774; and — 7 in 11 vol. Sie age ieee 199 ON ne re aa one , ee YL 2851 Poetical Tracts. Leigh (H. of Middlewich) Miscellaneous Poems, eee ee, Manchester, 1788—-The Fanatic Saints, or Bedlamites inspired, | 1778—The Love Feast, satirical frontispiece, 1778—Sketches for Tabernacle Frames, frontispiece, 1778 — Peter Pindar’s Poems, various—Goldsmith’s Traveller, ninth edition, 1774— Address to the Public on the frequent and enormous Crime | of Suicide, by J. Herries, 1774—Blair (R.) The Grave, FIRST EDITION, 1743—Account of Coronation Ceremonies, folding Srontisprece (torn), 1760; and others, in 12 vol. v. Y. 2852 Poggius. Facetiarum liber, Venet. 1487—Cavalcha da Vico, Pungi Lingua, cut on title (title and some other leaves mended, stained), Firenze, 1494 —Loredano (G. F.) La Dianea, red morocco, Venetia, 1635 (3) 2853 Polus (Card. Reg.) De Concilio liber, half bound Rome ap. Paulum Manutium Aldi F. 1562 *,* The second issue without the Errata. The first book printed at Rome by Paul Manuce. vY& 9854 Polwhele (Rev. R.) History of Cornwall, part 1, vol. III, bk. 2, vol. V and VII, 4 parts, 1806 ; History of Devonshire, vol. I, Exeter, 1793 (5) 2855 Polycarpus et Ignatius. Epistole, Gr. et Lat. cum Ignatiana- rum KEpistolis, etc. edidit Jac. Usserius, LARGE PAPER, with — numerous MS. notes and additions, and signatures of ‘‘ SAMUEL Bouton, of Patteshal,” and ‘ Ros. DAVIES,” old calf Oxon. L. Lichfield, 1644 ** “Puit hic Liber JOANNIS PEARSONII Episcopi Cestriensis qui nonnulla in Margine sua manu notavit que autem insuper adduntur a me sunt ex autographo ejusdem Viri eruditissimi é Chartis in quibus notas in Ignatium adornabat.” See MS. note at head of second fly-leaf. -ole/2856 Pomanus (Jo. Maggius) Illustrium Urbis Rome Atdificorum et Ruinarum Monumenta, 50 plates (including engraved tile), Rome, J. de Rubers, 1618—Fondamenten der Teecken-Konst aerdigh geinventeert door Ab. Bloemaert, 24 plates, n. d. in 1 vol. old calf, with arms and name of M. Bonnier de la Mosson on sides Pope (A.) Essai sur Homme, traduction Francoise, en prose, nouvelle édition, jine plates and vignettes, brown morocco gilt, with broad gilt borders and back, inside gilt tooled borders, g. e. FINE COPY Lausanne et Geneve, 1745 2858 Pope (A.) Excerpta Quedam, latine reddidit, Jac. Kirkpatrick, | M.D. (with the English in neatly written MS. interleaved), old red . morocco gilt, with device of Cat on sides (Privately printed) Lond. typis J. Purser, 1749 Poole and Hugall. History of York Cathedral, plates, York, B. Sunter, 1850—Hassell’s Views of Seats, 28 jine views, in a 3 vol. boards, wncut (2) Joell |2860 Porro (Fr. Gio. Battista) Il Primo Libro degli Emblemi del ay i Sole, woodcut portrait, calf Milano, P. G. Pontio, 1589 *,* PRESENTATION Copy from the Author to Cardinal Pietro- chini, with inscription and Sonnet on fly-leaf. ec i i ’ N - ae - ° ( Va, eee eT ST ava 2S AS SER SS, SI RE I IE I EE I SIDI I EERIE OL IO CLI LODE IE LET RE RIE EGE LE FOI DOTA, DASE pS BEE LS COTES. RDA EE 2 : seme — SOIT SOT EIT REE OO - a ee ee eo. eee See ee eee = aed <2 ee er ee ee ee RE Ay NR nk Aa EET SN Sr TEED TAR RE ES NET PIT a ee ed 156: a y ret a i 200 2861 Portraits. Tlustris Academia Lugd-Batava ed est Virorum o f Clarissimorum Icones, Elogia, ac Vite, 36 fine portraits and 4 folding plates, vellum Lugd. Bat. A. Cloucquius, 1613 9862 Portraits. Ritratti di Aleuni Celebri Pittori del Secolo XVI, disegnati da Ottavio Lioni, con le Vite, 12 fine portraits, mottled calf extra, g. e. by Wright Roma, A. de Rossi, 1731, 2863 Portraits of the Sovereigns of England, engraved from the best a 46 authorities by W. H. Worthington, 36 fineindia proof portraits, boards W. Pickering, 1824, _ 2864 Postellus (G.) De Nativitate Mediatoris Ultima, nune futura et, 7% Ls toti Orbi terrarum in Singulis ratione Preeditis Manifestanda) = Opus, calf, 9g. @. s. a. el, ? a 2865 Postellus (G.) De Etruria Regionis Originibus, Institutis, ete. autograph of ““L. ANDREWES” (Bp. Andrewes), on title, calf Florent, 1551 L 2866 Prayer. A Brieff Discours off the troubles begonne at Franck- ©- ford in Germany, A.D. 1554, abowte the Booke off Common Prayer, and continued by the Englishemen theyre to thende of Q. Maries reign, black letter (some leaves stained and slightly wormed), boards (Printed abroad) 1575 a 2867 Prayer. La Liturgie Angloise, ou Livre des Priéres publiques, Ae nouvellement traduit en Francois, woodcut title and initials, old calf, with arms of James I. on sides : J. Bill, 1616, 2868 Prévost (Abbé) History of Manon Lescaut, Preface by Guy de 0 Ve Maupassant, illustrated by Maurice Leloir, cloth gilt a Swan Sonnenschein, 1889 ,, 2869 Printing. [Marchand (Prosper)] Histoire de lOrigine et des ie Oh Premiers Progrés de l’Imprimerie, calf gilt, La Haye, 1740— Palmer (S.) General History of Printing, calf, 1733 — (2) e a 2870 Priseus (Joannes) Historie Brytannice defensio, calf a : H. Bynneman, 1573 *,* At the end of the Table is the Epistle to Sir Humphry > Lloyd, entitled “De Mona Druidum Insula,” ten leaves — unpaged. $5 0 2871 Pritt (T. E.) Book of the Grayling, 3 colowred plates, cloth, Leeds, # * ~~ 1888—Dennys (John) The Secrets of Angling, Reprint with TA introduction by T. Westwood, half bound, 1883 “aE ae 2872 Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum a Seculo hominum, Partes /™ Hk | duo, numerous medallic heads, old stamped calf, Lugduni, G. Rovillius, 1553—Choul (G.) Discorso Sopra la Castra- metatione et disciplina Militare de’ Romani, fine woodcuts, vellum, ib. 1556 Peas, 631 ee na 3 2873 Propheceien und Weissagungen. Vergagne Gegenwertige und A247 Kiinfftigeding, Geschichten und Zufall aller Stende Doct. Paracelsi, Jo. Lichtenbergers, &c. Itt. goth. numerous spirited — woodcuts, calf gilt, FINE COPY, VERY RARE —K.. 0. und J. 201 Prudentius. In Sichomachia, sive de Conflictu Virtutum et | 175° ) Viciorum, diligentissime emendatus, lit. goth. Paris. Jehan Mesnage (device on title), s. a.—Beroaldi (Ph.) De Dominicz Passionis die, Paris. Jehan Petit (device on title and one at end ) representing shoemakers at work), 1509—J. Bapt. Mantuani de | Contemnenda Morte Carmen elegiacum (device on title), s. a. et 1. —Marci de Grand Val, Ecclesize Catholic non tres Magdalenas, sed unicam Colentis, Apologia, cut of Magdalen on title, s. 1. 1518 | —Seneca de Quattuor Virtutibus Cardinalibus, Paris. D. Roce (device on title), s. a. all scarce pieces, in 1 vol. half morocco Prynne (Wm.) Hisrrio-Mastrx, the Players Scourge or Actors Tragedie, calf M. Sparke, 1633 Prynne (Wm.) The Popish Royall Favourite, calf, M. Sparke, 1643—Saint Austin’s Summes by Wm. Crompton, calf, 1625 —Dalechamp (C.) Christian Hospitalitie, handled common- place-wise in the Chappel of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, T. Buck, 1632—Gouge (Wm.) The Whole Armour of God, 1616 ; and others (6) Prynne (Wm.) Mount-Orgueil, or Divine and Profitable Medi- tations, LARGE PAPER (small paper copy of portrait inserted), VERY RARE, half calf _ IT. Cotes for M. Sparke, 1641 Prynne. Mount Orgueil, portrait ( first and last 3 leaves imperfect), unbound, 1641; and 2 other imperfect copies (both having portrait) 3 Psalms. The original MS. of the Anthologia Davidica, or metrical translation of the Psalms, by Presbyter Cicestrensis [Henry Latham], published in 18—, with some letters and papers connected with it, MANUSCRIPT, a bundle SC. XIx Psalmodia, hoc est Cantica Sacra Veteris Ecclesiz Selecta, quo Ordine et Melodiis per totius Anni Curriculum Cantari usitate solent in Templis de Deo, &c. curious musical notes and woodcuts (some leaves slightly wormed), calf, SCARCE Z. Lehman, 159 Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum Vetus a Jo. Spelmanno editum (top margins of 2 or 3 leaves mended, few leaves slightly wormed), boards, uncut Lond. R. Badger sereniss. Principis Wallie typographus, 1640 Psalterium Davidis Aithiopicé et Latiné, cum Var. Lect. &c. cura Jo. Ludolfi, calf Francof. A. M. 1701 Ptolomaeus (Cl.) De Geographia lib. VIII, Summa cum Vigilantia excusa, Graece, EDITIO PRIMA, autographs of FED. MORELLUS (the famous Parisian Scholar and Printer) and D’ANSSE DE VILLOISON, on title (some leaves stained), calf gilt Basil. Froben. 1533 Pugin (A. Welby) Floreated Ornament, 31 chromolithographs, half morocco Bohn, 1849 [Pyne (W. H.)] Somerset House Gazette and Literary Museum, edited by Ephraim Hardcastle, 2 vol. half calf W. Welton, 1824 Liber Theodoli cum Commento Noviter Londoniis impressus, lit. goth. woodcut on title (a portion of the work, consisting of title and 38 leaves), vellum gilt fi. Pynson, n. d. Quadrio (Fr. Saverio) Della Storia e della Ragione d’ Ogni Poesia, portrait, 5 vol. in 7, boards, uncut Bologna, dc. 1739-52 meer re Th haa Pant oS a erent SEN A IS SOTO IIS ~ ae : sO OREO A NDE OLENA DELO ELE ETO TE i Nes & ‘ af 2. | 8 (2 183) 2888 2889 — 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 *.* Scarce on large paper. Scherer’s copy sold for 55 francs, 202 Quintilianus Burmanni, LARGE PAPER, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1620 7 —P. Lotichii Secundi Poemata Omnia edid. P. Burmannus, — 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Amst. 1754—Mulierum Greecorum Frag- — menta curante Jo. C. Wolfio, Gottinge, 1739; and others (5) / Rademaker (Abraham) Kabinet Van Nederlandsche Ontheden /(< en Gezichten, 300 fine copperplate views, 2 vol. old calf } ae Amst. W. Barents, 1725) Remond (Florimond de) l’Histoire de la Naissance, Progrez et decadence de l’Heresie de ce Siécle, portrait of Henry I ) T. de Leu, 4 vol. calf, Rowen, 1688-99-—Personio (Rob.) Le Tre Conversioni dell’ Inghilterra, portrait, 3 vol. vellum, Roma, 1752 Sete Raviglio (Giulio) Historia d’ Inghilterra dopo la Morte H 7 Odoardo VI, Ferrara, 1591—Ubaldino (P.) Le Vite delle Donne Illustri del Regno d’ Inghilterra, J. Wolfio, 1591—| Borromeo (A. M.) Notizia de’ Novellieri Italiani, half morocco, Bassano, 1794—Poliziano, Le Stanze, calf gilt, Parma Bodoni, 1792; and others rages tbs Raynald (Thos.) The Byrth of Mankynd, otherwyse named the — a Woman’s Boke, black letter, (2 of the plates cut up into sectionsand mounted on 2 leaves ; wants after fol. 148), 1552—Braithwait ) a Caf.) a @) =, The English Gentleman, second edition (wants frontispiece), 1633 FOLIO. arise) Pedigrees of the Catesby, Fairfax, Vaughan, Rivers, and other. families, MANUSCRIPTS, a bundle - $c. XVII-XVIIT) Perboni Marchionis (H.) Oviliarum Opus et Epistole, woodcut Agcy title, fine copy in French red morocco, gilt edges Mediolani, 1533, *,* This extremely rare work contains 5857 proverbs. § ff | PERELLE (G.) Pure er N. eT A. PERELLE SES Fins. PAaysacus, 7 a collection of 178 large and small landscapes, neatly mounted, in) _ old calf, sold with all faults prs Petrarche (F.) Zwei Trostbiicher, black tetter, numerous woodcuts, A stamped pigskin, with clasps Franckfurt, 1559 Petrarcha (Fr.) Opera Omnia Latina, oaken boards covered with / stamped pigskin Basil. H, Petrus, s. a. (1554) Petty (Gul.) Hiberniz delineatio, 36 maps, boards = Ae obl. imp. folio. nd. Philipot (Tho.) Villare Cantianum, or Kent Surveyed and illustrated, with Catalogue of the High-Sheriffs of Kent by Jo. Philipot, receipt for Levys in Kent to carry on the Dutch\ War inserted, and autograph of Jo. PHILIPOT, SOMERSET, on| Jiy-leaf, half bound Se ee Philipot. Villare Cantianum, Another edition (with 2 ie | old calf | | ee Philostratorum Opera Omnia, Accessere Apollonii Tyanensis | /24( Epistole, Eusebii Liber adversus Hieroclem, et Callistrati) Descriptio Statuarum. Omnia Gr. et Lat. cum NotisG.) Olearii, THICK LARGE PAPER, with book-plates of R. Willett and) N. Vansittart (Lord Bewley), fine copy in Dutch prize vellum, with arms of Amsterdam in gold on sides Lipsie, 1709 2905 2906 907 2913 203 Photius. Myriobiblon sive Bibliotheca ed. And. Schottus, calf, | Rothomagi, 1653—Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum lib. VII, &c. calf, Oxon. 1710—Pii II. Papze Opera Omnia, Basil. s. a. ; and others (6) Pietas Victrix, sive Constantinus Magnus de Maxentio Tyranno Victor a Studiosa Juventute Coll. Soc. Jes. folding plates, Vienne, 1659—Laborde (L. de) Commentaire Geographique sur ’Exode et les Nombres, Paris, 1841—Report of Com- missioners on Ecclesiastical Revenues, 1835; and others (6) Pindarus. Opera Gr. et Lat. edidit R. West, russia gilt, Oxon. 1697—Juvenalis et Persii Satirse, finely printed in large type by Mussi of Milan, only 70 copies printed, cloth, imp. fol. 1807 —Philomathi Muse Juveniles (per Alexand. VII, Papam) calf, Paris. 1656 (3) Piroli (Tom) Li Bassirilievi Antichi di Roma, 113 plates, 2 vol. half bound Roma, 1808 Pistouesi (E.) In VATICANO DESCRITTO ED ILLUSTRATO, 8 vol. ORIGINAL EDITION, with fine impressions of the 800 plates, half vellum, uncut, top edges gult Roma, 1829-38 *,* The published price was 768 francs unbound. It cost Mr. Buckley £18. Puays, Latin. Roxana, by Alabaster—Frans Honesta, by Stubbe—Pseudomagia, by Mewe—Scyros, fabula pastoralis, by Brooke—a fragment of another, al/ academical Plays acted at Cambridge and by Cambridge Authors. MANUSCRIPTS, 5 vol. SAC. XVII Plenarium oder Ewangely Buoch, black letter, plain and colowred woodcuts by Hans Scheufelein, fine copy in stamped pigskin, with clasps Basil. A. Petri, 1514 Pioos vaN AmstTEL. A Collection of 46 Plates, imitations in Colours from the Designs of the Principal Dutch Masters by Ploos Van Amstel, ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, with 2 portraits and autograph of the Artost loose in portfolio Plot (Dr. R.) Naturall History of Oxfordshire, map and plates (wants 2 leaves, “ Publisher to Reader ”) calf Oaford, 1677 Plot (Dr. R.) Natural History of Oxfordshire, second edition, map and plates, calf ib. 1705 Plutarch’s Lives translated by T. North (Shakespeare’s Store- house of History), woodcuts of medals, wants title, old green velvet, gilt edges, with C. S. and ornament in gold on sides, 1579 ; Morals translated by P. Holland, 1603, sold with all faults 2 vol. | Poetical Tracts. The Art of Acting, Part I, 1746 ; Bacchanalia, a Description of a Drunken Club, 17 46-—Somerville (Wm.) Field Sports, FIRST EDITION, 1742—A Canto of the Fairy Queen written by Spenser, never before published, 1739— Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift, written by himself, FIRST EDITION, 1739—The Leaky Vessel, a Tale (curious) 1721—-The Projector’s Looking Glass,1733 —Philips (Mrs. K.) Poems, portrait, 1667 ; and others, bound in 4 vol. v. d. a nnemend’ Tin SST Se OIE x. meas Ab: Ee hel 5 eS ; ; ie D 10 | | by VI ide ie siete tn TICES PORTO LIE DING A: BEA h- | 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 _ 2919 2920 204 ae an ie ie “i 7 pe CTs _ 2 Poetry. Progress of Honesty, or a View of the Court and City, by T. D. 1681—An Elegy on his Grace John (Tillotson) Archbishop of Canterbury, 1695—Dryden (John) Threnodia — Augustalis, a Funeral Pindarique to the Memory of K. Chas. — II, FIRST EDITION (4to), J. Jonson, 1685—Arwaker (Edm.) Pindarick Ode on the Death of K. Charles II, 1685—Behn ~ (A.) Poem on the Death of Charles II, 1685, and Pindarick — on the death of our late Sovereign, ib.—Tate (N.) on the Sacred Memory of our late Sovereign, 1685—Phillips (J.) — Humble Offering to the Memory of Charles I, 1685-—Otway Tho.) Windsor Castle in a Monument to our late Sovereign - Charles II, uncut (4to), 1685—a Satyr against Wit, 1700— Pittis (Wm.) Nereo, a Funeral Poem to the Memory of Sir — Geo. Rooke, Vice-Admiral of England, &c. 1709 ; and others, — in 1 vol. calf . Poetry. Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, written by himself, Nov. 1731 (imprint cut into)—Pharmacopola Cireumforaneus, or the Horse Doctor’s Harangue to ye Oredulous Mob, engraved broadside by T. Slater—Love Elegies, written ‘in| 1732, 1745—The Progress of Love, 1732—On Rural Felicity, engraved vignette, 1733—The Bastard, a Poem to the Countess) of Macclesfield by Richard Savage, 1728—The Modern fine) Lady, 1751 ; in 1 vol. calf 3 =e Polluces (Julius) Onomasticum Grecé et Latiné, Opera T. Hemsterhuis, 2 vol. calf Amst. ex Off. Wetstemana, 1706) Pope (Alex.) Works, first collected edition, large portrait by Vertue 0 inserted, 2 vol. calf 1717-35, Pope (A.) Works, old calf, W. Bowyer, 1717—-Guicciardine (Fr.) Aphorismes Civil and Militarie, calf, 1629—Aristotle’s © Politiques translated by Louis Le Roy, portrait, mounted on fly-leaf, A. Islip, 1598 ; and others (5)} Porter (Mrs. Elizabeth) Kindly Admonition or Friendly Advice, a present to Mrs. E. Porter on the Day she was confirmed, July 21, 1731, from a friend and cousin, a finely written volume, handsomely bound in red morocco gilt, MANUSCRIPT Sac. XVII Portraits des Hommes illustres Francois qui sont peints dans la Galérie du Palais Cardinal de Richelieu avec leurs vies par, M. de Vulson de la Colombiere, frontispiece and 26 portraits designed and engraved by Heince and Bignon, autograph of Ottho L. B. a Schwerin, old calf Paris, 1664 — es NINTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. | 4 Lor 2921. | ANCIROLLUS (G.) History of many Memorable Things lost, | /b | 9 vol. in 1, 1715—Sea-man’s Companion, or Vade-Mecun, ~ ) 4 bookplates inside cover, 1729-—True Way of Preserving and | Candying, &c. 1695 ; and others 6 vol. ) 2922 [Panckoucke (J.)] Dictionnaire des Proverbes Francois, Paris, 6 1749—Parrhase (T.) Parrhasiana, 2 vol. Amst. 1701—Scaliger (J.) Scaligerana, ou Bons Mots, front. Cologne, 1695; and Cae others 7 vol. | | Paoletti (Erm.) Il Fiore di Venezia, 4 vol. plates, half bound, Venez. 1837—Nibby, Viaggio Antiquario e Foro Romano, 3 vol. plates, Roma, 1819—Discorsi di Vince. Borghini, 4 vol. oor Milano, 1808 ; and others (16) Papei (P.) Samarites Comcedia, maroon morocco extra, 9. ¢. ten Anty, 1539 Pardies (J. G.) Connoissance des Bestes, calf extra, g. e. Paris, Le 1672—D’Alquie (Sr.) Defence du cceur contre les ataques | d’Amour, calf, Amst. 1681—Diversitez Galantes, front. calf, — Paris, 1665; and others (6) Paris (Paulin) Les Manuscrits Frangois de la Bibliotheque de . Roi, 7 vol. wnbownd, uncut imp. 8v0. Paris, Techener, 1836-48 Parival (J. N. de) Histoires facetieuses et moralles, blue morocco extra, g. & scarce Leiden, 1669 | . Park (M.) Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, 1795-97, 2 vol. map, russia, m. &. 1816—Wakefield (G.) Life, 2 vol. por- trait, russia, g. €. 1804; and others 10vol.} | Parker Society Publications, various | 14 vol. . i Parnasse Occitanien, ou, Choix de Poésies originales des Trouba- Sh dours, Toulouse, 1819—Essai d’un Glossaire Occitanien, 10 | 1819—Le Roux de Lincy, Livre des Proverbes Frangais, 2 vol. Paris, 1842 4 vol.) | 3 f Parny (E.) CEuvres, 5 vol. half morocco, Bruaelles, 1827 —Poesie di eccellenti Autori Toscani, 3 vol. calf, wneut, Leida, 1823; and others 10 vol, | | Parr (S.) Works, with Memoirs of his Life, &c. by J. Johnstone, 8 vol. portrait, calf gilt, m. e. 1828 } fea A CL AE SS Porn ec es ve af a | . 1/2 | f | 2.) 2 i) 2 M7 | | an . | sa hf 2933 2934 2935 2936 | 2937 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 206 Parrot (J. L. von) Versuch einer Entwicklung der Sprache, ete. _ der Liwen, Litten, Eesten, half morocco (with folio atlas), Berlin, 1839—Campmartin de Chaupy, Découverte de la — Maison de Campagne d’Horace, 3 vol. (with folio atlas), Rome, 1767 (6) [Parsons @)] Discours de la Vie Abominable, Ruses, Trahisons, ~ Meurtres, Impostures, &c. le my Lorde de Lecestre, woodcut, scarce s. p. 1585 [Parsons (R.)] Defence of the Censure given upon Two Bookes of W. Clarke and M. Hanmer, whiche they wrote against. E. Campian, n. p. 1582—[Stratford (E.)] A Disputation of the Church, Doway, 1629—Reading (W.) History of Jesus) Christ, engravings, 1716 ; and others d 8 vol. ]/ [Parsons (R.)] Treatise of Three Conversions of England from¥*® " Paganisme to Christian Religion, by N. D. 5 ratte (eal (W.) Compleat Christian, one leaf torn, 1643—Latham (P. Christ Crucified, &c. 1666—Amydenus (T.) and T. Carre,, Pietas Romana et Parisiensis, 1687 ; and others 11 vol.| Parsons (R.) Examination of Foxe’s Calendar, calf, n. p. 1604— — ee Lynde (Sir H.) Via Devia, calf, 1780—Skippon (P.) A Salve) — : for every Sore, morocco, 1643—Quarles (F.) Boanerges and) Barnabas, calf, 1674 ; and others | (8)) 5 Partheneia Sacra; or, the Mysterious and Delicious Garden of yA Met the Sacred Parthenes, engravings, some leaves stained oo: See (Paris), J. Cousturier, 1633 Pasquillorum Tomi duo, 2 vol. in 1, fine copy, brown morocco //\ae extra, g. m. e. by Trautz-Bauzonnet Eleutheropoli, 1544 4, Pasquillorum Tomi duo, 2 vol. in 1, red morocco extra, 9. e.. ib. 1544 4 Pasquillus Merus. Gravissima Protestationis Querela, &c. 7/' s. 1. 1561—Triumphus Caroli Quinti, 1561—Chronicon Du- catis Geldria, 1562—Defensio umbre Lutheri contra Syco- phantum, &c. 1561—De Spurco Feedoque ac Turpi Amore, — 1552—Fallacia Mulierum, 1562; and others, old French red morocco extra, g. mM. é. in 1 vol. Pasquillus Ecstaticus, edente Coelio Secundo Curione, s. J. ef .—"2 Leonini (A.) Comedia Moralis, de Reducenda Pace, Basil.\ 1589, calf gilt, g. e ot) Sager Pater (W.) Marius the Epicurean, 2 vol. | 1885 Patres Apostolici, Indicibus instruxit G. Jacobson, 2 vol.) L Oxonii, 1847—Bennett (J.) History of Dissenters, 1808-38, 1839 ; and others 9 vol. Pauli Silentiarii in Thermas Pythias carmine, Venet. 1586- Reusneri et Sabini Imp. Romanorum a Julio Cesare ad Maxi- milianum II descriptiones, Lips. 1572, in 1 vol. calf, crest of the Wizard Earl of Northumberland on sides, and the Longepierre Fleece on back i Pauw (M. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, “V° © 3 vol. Berlin, 1771—Recherches Philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois, 2 vol. ib. 1773, calf gilt 9 Gol.) aa 2962 2963 207 2 nN Pearson (Bp. J.) Exposition of the Creed, revised by Rev. E. Burton, 2 vol. Hulme prize copy, calf extra, m. e. Oxford, 1833 | Pearson (Bp. J.) Minor Theological Works, with Memoir, &c. by E. Churton, 2 vol. portrait, calf extra, g. e. ib. 1844 Pecke (T.) Parnassi Puerperium, 1659—Owen’s (J.) Latine Epigrams, Englished by T. Harvey, 1677—[Oldys| A Collec- tion of Epigrams, 1735 ; and another 4 vol. Pedler (EK. H.) Anglo-Saxon Episcopate of Cornwall, 1856— Bjornstjerna (Count M.) Theogony of the Hindoos, 1844 ; and others 10 vol. Penn (R.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler, &c. plates, 1839— [Boosey (J.)] Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings, front. 1835—Merry, Droll, or Pleasing Companion, 1769; and others 10 vol. | Percy (Bp. T.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 3 vol. en- 176 gravings, Tussia Percy (Bp. T.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 3 vol. 1867 —Irish Hudibras, 1689—Gray (T.) Poems, jirst collected | edition, 1768 —Minot (L.) Poems, 1795—Flatman (T.) Poems, portrait by White, 1682—Hamilton (W.) of Bangour, Poems on several Occasions, portrait, Edinb. 1760; &c. 10 vol. Percy SocieTy’s PUBLICATIONS, complete, with the two Sup- pressed Pieces, in 96 nos. 1840, &e. Perefixe (Hardouin de) Histoire du Roi Henry le Grand, eques- trian portraits, morocco extra, g. é. Amst. D. Elsevier, 1664 Perez de Montalvan (J.) Successos y Prodigios de Amor, Enocho Novelas exemplares, old red morocco, with arms in gold on sides, g. @. Sevilla, 1648 Perier (J. A. N.) Fragments Ethnologiques, Etudes sur les Vestiges des Peuples Gaélique et Cymrique ; &c. Paris, 1857 Persius. Satyre, edid. G. F. Sebaldus, tabulis aeneis incidit — J. M. Schmidius, finely engraved vignettes, half bound Norimb. 1765 Periandri (4.) Floribus Illustrium Germanorum Poetarum Conspectus, 3 vol. old red morocco extra, g.e.- Francof. 1567 Pervigilium Veneris et Ausonii Cupido Cruci adfixus cum Notis Variorum, red morocco extra, g. e. by Bozerian ainé Hage Com. 1712 Peters (J. G.) Treatise on Equitation ; or, the Art of Horse- manship, 27 plates, 1835—Moseley (W. M.) Essay on Archery, — plates, Worcester, 1792—Roberts (T.) English Bowman, 1801 —Hargrove (A. E.) Anecdotes of Archery, plates, York, 1845 4 vol. Petii (L.) Vinea Domini cum brevi Descriptione Sacramentorum et Paradisi, Limbi, Purgatorii atque Inferni, portrait and plates, Venet. 1588—Stengelii (C.) Parthenium Decus Maria, fine | plates by Sadeler, Aug. Vind. 1619 2 vol. Petronius Arbiter, Wodhull copy, russia, by Roger Payne Lutetie, 1587 Ee | Ts i i = 1@) a) eR SRR tS SSS EE SP SES OCS SRS OS a & RR POET = TOE : ; { . as 2964 Pez (B.) Ven. Agnetis Blannbekin Vita et Revelationes, &ec. t “/ bbl 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 Philobiblon Society, Miscellanies, vol. I, H, Ill and PAE | o 2975 Philodemus. Rhetorica ex Herculanensi Papyro restituit Latine / B. | 208 a | Gi Ae ; | mie. patch tN EN TC RIS Beckford copy Vienne, 173. Phedri Fabulea Alsopix, nunc primum in lucem editi (cura A)o AeA P. Pitheei) cum vetustiss. Codicis Scriptura, FIRST EDITION, _ morocco extra, vellum fly-leaves, g. ¢. by C. Lewis, with his ticket, RARE Augustobone Tricassium, 1596 Pheedri Fabule, cum Notis Variorum, curante P. Burmanno, in‘ 2 vol. Hage-Com. 1718—Valerius Maximus, recens. A. Thysii, 2 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1670; both in bright old red morocco bindings 4 vol. Pheedrus cum Notis Variorum, edidit J. Laurentius, engravings, 77-7 ¢ Amst. 1667—-Phedrus Fables, in Latin, French and English, by D. Bellamy, engravings, 1734 2 voli, —& Phedrus. Fifty Entertaining and Instructive Fables in Latin, VU og French and English, by D. Bellamy, copper-plate engravings by e B. Cole, 1734—Carmina Comitialia Cantabrigiensia, edidit V. Bourne, 1721—Bedford (A.) Great Abuse of Music, 1711— Tom Brown’s Works, vol. II, II], 1707-8 ; and others (15) Phalaris Epistres, par C. Gruget, red morocco extra, gilt marbledv G edges, by Padeloup | m4 Paris, 1550) , 14 Philicini (P.) Magdalena Evangelica, Comedia Tragica, Antv. Daa 1543—Another edition, 1546—Betulii (X.) Susanna, Come-- dia Tragica, Colon. 1539; and others, all new half morocco (5) ae Phillips (Mrs. T. C.) Apology for her Conduct, 3 vol. mezzo. | portrait, by Faber, autograph signatures of the authoress (1748-49) - Phillpotts (H.) Letter to an English Layman on the Coronation A ote Oath, 1828—Letters and Supplementary Letters to C. Butler, 2 vol. 1825-26—White (J. B.) Evidence against Catholicism, 1826 ; and others ; ~ 10 vol. Philobiblon Society’s Miscellanies. Anecdote of George III and+ Mrs. A. Stanhope—Botfield on the Prefaces to the First Edi- tions of the Classics—Notices of Early Books printed upon — Vellum—Account of the First English Bible—The Crewe Papers (Windham Letters)—Doute Historique—Two Child’s) Songs, by Lord Houghton—Expenses of Dinner Provided for Card. Wolsey, 1519—Walpole’s Marginal Notes to Lord Chesterfield—Importance of MSS. with Miniatures— Hermes 4 and Lycaon—Lettre de Mr. Marat, 1783—Description of a Copy of Rationes decem Campiani—Secret Letters from the Comte de Provence and Marie Antoinette—Notice of Lord Zouche—Greville’s Visit to Paris, 1855—Sydney Smith’s' — Letters — Trial and Execution of the Cenci—Speech of — Louis XVI to the Etats Généraux—Delepierre, La Littérature Macaronique—Inedited Poems of Daniel—Lettres of Madame de Maintenon—Rules of the Society 2 EQ 1854-84—-Expedition to the Isle of Rhe, 1860 «8 dl. 7 Vertet E. Gros, half morocco, Paris. 1840—Dionysii Geo- graphia edid. Edw. Wells, LARGE PAPER, maps, red morocco = gilt, Oxon. 1704—Ovidii Nasonis Heroides ex ed. P. Burmanni, == red morocco, T'. Payne, 1789; and others (6) 209 Philological Museum, 2 vol. sprinkled calf extra, m. ¢. Camb. 1832-33 Lips. 1828-30 2976 Philonis Judeei Opera omnia, 8 vol. in 4, calf Pickering’s Diamond Classics. Virgilius—Walton’s Angler and Lives, 2 vol.—Dante, 2 vol.—Tasso, 2 vol.—Petrarch, 1821, &e. ; Virgil in calf, remainder in cloth, wneut 8 vol. Pickering’s Diamond Classics. LARGE PAPER, uncut, 1826—Homer, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Virgilius, morocco, g. e. 5 vol. Picture of Quakerism, 1719—Aminadab, or the Quaker’s Vision, 1710—Learned Dissertation on Dumpling, 1727— Swan Tripe Club, 1710—Story of a Cock and a Bull, curious . half russia - Egerton Brydges, LARGE AND VELLUM PAPER, one of 12 copies, editor’s own copy, who has added at end various Prospectuses of his Publications, portrait and arms of Sir E. Brydges, calf gilt, uncut, lettered on sides “ Library of Lee Priory, 1821” Geneve, 1821 Piers Ploughman, Vision and Creed, with Notes and a Glossary by T. Wright, 2 vol. uncut Pickering, 1832 Pigne (J. B.) Carmina, vellum, Venet. 1553—Conviviales Ser- mones, 3 vol. in 1, half calf, Basil. 1566—Orationes Claro- rum Hominum, vellum, Paris. 1577 ; and others (9) Pignotti (L.) Storia della Toscana, 6 vol. portrait, Firenze, 1824 —Poesie, 2 vol. portrait, ib. 1823, half green morocco, uncut, t. €. g. 8 vol. Pigot (H.) Hadleigh, the Town, &c. plates, Lowestoft, 1860— Parish (W. D.) Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect, Lewes, 1875 —Glennie (J. 8. 8.) Arthurian Localities, Edinb. 1869 ; and another 4 vol. Pigott (G.) Manual of Scandinavian Mythology, Pickering, 1839 —[Knapp] Journal of a Naturalist, plates, 1829—Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 1846; and others 12 vol. Pilkington (Mrs. L.) Memoirs, 3 vol. 1751—Gray (J.) and J. J. B. Maidment, Banquet of Wit, uncut, Pickering, 1882— Mathews (W.) Miscellaneous Companions, 3 vol. Bath, 1786 ; and others Pilpai, the Basiliade, 2 vol. calf, 1761—The Skimmer, or His- 1735—Neoporti (M.) Vivat Rex, calf, 1676; &c. Piozzi (H. L.) Anecdotes of Dr. S. Johnson, calf, 17 86—Collins (W.) Memoirs of a Painter, mezzotint portrait of G. Morland, uncut, 1805 ; and others 10 vol. Physiophili (J.) Opuscula, edidit P. A. Martius, plates, scarce — August. Vindel. 1784 © Walton and Cotton’s Angler, — uncut, 1831—Novum Testamentum Grecum, wneut, 1828— _ Picture of Quakerism drawn to Life, 1714—-New Frame for the woodcut, 1732—Charing Cross Medley, 1732, &e. in 1 vol. Pierius Valerianus (J.) de Litteratorum Infelicitate curante Sir — 13 vol. tory of Tangai and Neadarne, 2 vol. in 1, frontispieces, rah | BES 137 | |2] eu i 2 | . | '/¢ | ] ; : ESSE PRES PORES OTE oP RTE RSE ie a a Poi 53/1 nn OG | 2991 Pipe of Tobacco, a Poem in imitation of several Authors, 1744 2992 2993 2994 2995 AR PAN SBE TN DELETES TD 2996 bo ee Pie oS i $7 ae - Hoar a4 144-1 / 2:6 ei ee ee iar OFS Bote = ee Pr te De 3126 Reineke de Vos, mit dem Koker, frontispiece, wncut, Wulf De wh biittel, 1711—Schweiszerischer Ehrentempel, Lebensbeschrei - bungen von D. Herliberger, 24 fine portraits, boards, Basil; 1748 2) yo René (Roi) (Euvres Completes, avec une biographie et des notices / par le Comte de Quatrebarbes, numerous plates, 2 vol. uli so uncut Angers, 1845 D a 3128 Repertoire of Records (The), old calf, RoBERT HARLEY, Earl of ~e" Oxford's copy, with his name stamped in gold on fly-leaf, and arms and name on sides B. Alsop, de. 1631 3129 Reprints. An Account of the Christmas Prince, as exhibited at Oxford in 1607, now first published from the Original MS. half bound, R. Triphook, 1816—Battel of Flodden Field, Hazle- wood’s Reprint (interleaved), 1809—Singer (John) Quips upon , Questions, edited by J. Ouvry, 1875 (3) 3130 Reprints. Ralph Royster Doyster, a Comedy, half morocco, J. Compton, 1816—Armin (R.) Italian Taylor and his Boy, hal bound, Harding, n. d.—Peele (G.) Merry Conceited Jests, £. Triphook, 1809—England’s Hollydayes, 1595, Ipswich, Root, n. d.—Polyhymnia (1590), Griffith and Farran, n.d. (5) 3131 Retszch’s Illustrations to Goethe’s Faust, 40 outline plates loose in portfolico—Baby’s Bouquet, idlustrated by W. Crane—Warton — (T.) The Hamlet, illustrated with etchings by B. Foster, 1859— Hon. Mrs. Norton’s Last of the Garayes, Druan, 1868 (6) 3132 Reuchlin (Jo.) Scenica Progymnasmata, hoc est Ludicra pre- exercitamenta, fit. goth. (IZS. notes in margins) wormed, hal bownd (Lips. 1503)—Idem Opus, cum Explanatione Jac. Spiegel, fine woodcut title and printer's device at end (some leaves stained), half morocco, Hagenow, T. Anshelmus Badensis, 1519 (2): Reuchlin (Jo.) De Arte Cabalistica lib. III Leoni X dicati, woodcut on title, calf Hagenoe, T. Anshelmus, 1517 3134 Revolution, 1688. Justification of the Whole Proceedings of King William and Queen Mary, ete. in this Great Revolu- tion, 1689—K. William’s Answer to Two Memorials of King James, 1705—Johnson (Sam.) Argument on the Abrogation : . i ; : oo p—_ bo “I | é ae 6 eae | | PO eS HS a a oe — Be AA RRL 8 A Phe Oi Ts hs ee — oa Le OS RAN NA RRC TOO NEN EI ALE AD ERG AAD Wh DOO TCE AT OGRE RRO AS OEE A EEOC A ATED Dh 0 (ow) — is) (s) SR eM SEE TRS VIR PE LIRIAS RRNA NS RE DIE ABLE SC IO ANC AENEAN LEELA ELE EOL DLALIRIL | EMERG NE ELIE BEE ADEN ATI a SET: SI Essex, 1689 ; all uncut 3135 Reynard the Fox. The most delectable History of Reynard ° the Fox, newly corrected and purged, with a Second Part, and the Shifts of Reynardine, black letter, woodcuts, the three parts in 1 vol. red morocco, g. e. R. FARMER'S COPY, with auto; graph on fly-leaf for E. Brewster, 1701-1681-1684| /( 3136 Rhymes and Roundelays in Praise of a Country Life, adorned with many Pictures, green morocco gilt, g.e. D. Bogue, 1857 3137 Rights of the Church of England asserted and proved, LARGE “ PAPER, 1705—Sawle (W.) Relation of the Battle of Fleury, — 1691—Manner of the Deposing of K. Edw. II, 1689— Treatise upon inrolling and pes all Conveyances of | Lands, 1694—Herbert (Sir E.) On Sir E. Hale’s Case, eh ; ee ee canes : we a nF IRM A SEI EE fe OPO tr GE REN NG LEE NEIL AS CCE LOC IRN ILE EEO EEL Shae S EY ET OO es IE Te EON RE TI INE I I hE RES TT NE SH and others ene eee Sj ~ ¢ ma e a ON 219 Rigoley de Juvigny. De la Décadence des Lettres et des — Moeurs depuis les Grecs et les Romaines jusqu’a nos Jours, — LARGE PAPER, old French green morocco gilt, g. e. (Derome) Paris, Merigot, 1787 | | Robertson (Wm.) Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scot- | ge land from Jan. 16, 1707 to April 29, 1788, boards, uncut, Edinb. 1790—Bell (H. N.) The Huntingdon Peerage, portraits (including one of Jane Shore), boards, uncut, 1821 (2) ASN AORERLST Rogers (Sam.) Italy, a Poem, fine impressions of the plates after (6 J. M. W. Turner and T. Stothard, on separate leaves, green moroccn, g. e. E. Moxon, 1838 Rome. Raccolta di Vedute antiche e moderne della Citta di “9 Roma, 320 small views of Rome, some taken on vellum, mounted in a vol. (with title and index in Italian), half morocco n. a. Romney (George) Life, by Wm. Hayley, 12 jine portraits and plates (that of the Shipwreck engraved by WM. BLAKE), half calf Chichester, 1809 Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici, 2 vol. 1797—-Barrington (Daines) Miscellanies, 1781—Political Life of Viscount Bar- rington, portrait, 1814 ; and others (8) Rose (W. Stewart) Amadis de Gaul, translated with Notes, sm. 8vo interleaved in 4to paper, 1803—The Crusade of St. Lewis and King Edward the Martyr, by W. S. Rose, inter- leaved, with numerous MS. alterations by the author, 1810 (2) | Rose. Le Grand. Partenopex de Blois, a Romance, freely 4 translated from the French, with Notes, by W. S. Rose, | translator’s own copy, interleaved and containing numerous MS. additions and alterations, bound in 2 vol. 1807 Ross (Sir John) Second Voyage to the Arctic Regions, with |G Appendix, 2 vol. cloth, 1835—Marsden (W.) History of Suma- tra, calf, 1784; and others (8) Rossetus (Pet.) Opusculum de Puero Judzo et Miraculo Eucha- ristiz cum N. Bonespei Comment. (some leaves stained), device on title, Paris. Eng. et Jo. de Marnef, 1517—Gul. Budei de Contemptu rerum fortuitarum lib. III, calf, Paris. in Of. A scen- Ps = Ba. I A TE RENO SERS IE OTST. RRS TESTES ITI : ciana, 1520 (2) - Rottiers (Col.) Description des Monuments de Rhodes (teat only), Pd half bound : Brux. 1830 ] Roxburghe Library. Romance of Paris and Vienne, Inedited th WA er Tracts, Works of Wm. Browne, English Drama and Stage, Be a Poems of Geo. Gascoigne, Poems of Thos. Carew ; together i 8 vol. half Roxburghe 1868-70 £1 | ra aE RG cS ities Air ee A 2 ESE oe TE Le i : 160°+/4.. i h 5 Ea seairahe penance etna ahsh nina Ae TATE ND OT ANN TN NI AT TT TN TT NI TT a a aS ESS RE NE OR ORS IT AEST ST IOSD ee : - SSO RTT LT z 1 RE FN SET 2 2 - sexsacd - /6 0° ho te b | i Z : be 3151 ae 3152 32 | 3153 . 22. (3154 210 3155 rs, 7 | ¢ 3156 Z\/8| | 3157 2\0| | 3168 24/0 3159 3/0) | 3160 BA 2A sb ote 22) | 8162 912. 3163 | 3 | g 3164 i 36 3165 2090/4. The Books are all printed in 4to, and are in the Club he eacepi *,* Presented to the members by W. Bolland, 60 copies cee 220 ROXBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS. — where otherwise described. Certain Bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis turned into English Meter a yi / Henry Earle of Surrey 1814" Cutwode (T.) Cultha Poetarum, or the Bumble Bee 1815 4 : mM *.* Presented by R. Heber, 32 copies printed. _ an Ovid de Tristibus. First Three Books, translated by T. Church- / : / J yarde 1816, *,* Presented by Earl Snanten 36 copies printed. Barnfield (R.) Poems Auchinleck Press, 1816 d ai *,* Presented by J. Boswell, 34 copies printed. “4 Dolarny’ s Primerose; or, the First Part of the Passionate Hermit OS LATE *,* Presented by Sir F. Freeling, 33 copies 3 heehee RE g a La Ponies de la Table : 18mo. 1816 °~ *,* Presented by G. H. Freeling, 35 copies printed. — eee from Scotland declaring the damnable Life of Doctor Fian, a notable Sorcerer Co ABE *.* Presented by G. H. Freeling, 36 copies printed. — Reset New Interlude of the World and the Child, otherwise’ called Mundus et Infans fe beh aay *,* Presented by Viscount Althorp, 34 copies printed. = ha ae New Interlude, &c. another copy, red morocco, hammpel D in blind and gilt ornaments, with broad inside gilt tooled orna-- mental borders, presented by Lord A lthorp to Rob. Evans, Novem- ber 28, 1820, bound by Dawson and Lewis BoMed 2. vf Eee Hagthorpe Revised ; or, Select Specimens of a lige Poet, : printed on india paper, with woodcuts 1817) — | *,* Presented by Sir 8. E. Brydges. Nas ; Porto (L.) rates di Romeo e Giulietta Pity 1817 4 *,.* Presented by Rev. W. H. Carr. sath Funeralles of King Edward the Sixt, by W. Baldwin 1817 Ch *,* Presented by the Rev. J. W. Dodd, 40 copies printed. Roxburghe Garland, presented by J. Boswell, 18mo, 1817— Lu l Zuléima, par C, Pichler, presented by H. de Chateaugiron, Paris, — 1825—Booke of Demeanor ; &c. one of 86 copies, n, d. morocco q. @. in 1 vol. Cock Lorell’s Boat, black letter, woodcuts es — 18L ys *,* Presented by the Rev. H. Drury, 33 Bi printed. Livre du Faulcon | ne 1817 *.* Presented by R. Lang. sa wa 7 ee PC MT Fir te 8, ee a Re 8 ee oe ee Coran 3167 [3168 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3176 3177 221 A Se ROXBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS—continued. Bancroft (T.) The Glutton’s Feaver *,* Presented by J. D. Phelps. 1817 Chorle and the Birde, 35 copies printed, 1818—The Hors, the | .3 _ Shepe and the Ghoos, 36 copies printed, 1822 *,* Presented by Sir M. M. Sykes. Scoloker (A. ) Daiphantus ; or, the Passions of Love *,* Presented by R. Wilbraham. Complaint of a Lover’s Life. and a Jay, black letter, woodcuts *,* Presented by Rey. T. F. Dibdin, 31 copies printed. Gower (J.) Balades and Other Poems, black letter *,* Presented by Earl Gower. Constable (H.) Diana ; or, Excellent Conceitful Sonnets *,* Presented by E. Litterdale, 50 copies printed. Chester Mysteries, frontispiece, half morocco eatra, uncut *,* Presented by J. H. Markland, 50 copies printed. Ceremonial at the Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots with the Dauphin of France *,* Presented by W. Bentham, 40 copies printed. Seisinition at the Marriage of the Ladye Marye to the Prynce of Castile *,* Presented by J. Dent. 3175 Life of St. Ursula, Guiscard and Sigismund (from the editions printed by Wynken de Worde), black tetter, woodcuts *,* Presented by the Duke of Devonshire, 31 copies printed. Adventures of Sir Launcelot du Lake, with Le Morte Arthur. a Glossary, black letter, facsimile, ete. *,* Presented by T. Ponton, 31 copies printed. Ovid, six Bookes of Metamorphoseos, translated by W. Caxton, black letter, woodcuts | *,* Presented by G. Hibbert, 43 copies printed. *,* Presented by EK. V. Utterson, 50 copies printed. Two Interludes: Jack Jugler and Thestyes , *,* Presented by J. Haslewood. Two feictlndes another copy, boards, g. e. New Notborune Mayd. The Boke of Mayd Emlyn *,* Presented by G. Isted, 38 copies printed. Skelton (J.) Magnyfycence an Interlude, black letter *,* Presented by J. Littledale, 50 copies printed. Judicium, a Pageant, black letter ** Presented by P. E. Townley, 50 copies printed. Controversy between a Lover Chevelere assigne, with Glossary, black letter, woodcut, uncut, 1820 Lee Priory, 1820 2 vol. 1818 e/a 2 \/b 1818 1818 | 4/2 1818 / B 1s18 | 3 | OM PEG 1818 eB a 1818 Be hat 1818 ec 1819 : - ee 1819 > re a) 1820 1820 Q j 2 1821 Ls . 1822 | 7 VG ee a ee eek eS Qa & ROR A TE RI RRP NE FA SAE OSA eR EET. AE ANA BLN e AEN ONCE NT KAO, suet, ummaniamnapatienammiias: wv — m7 7m weanaur Ata! han ALN SGPT AES AGES LE POONA SETLIST A TRIE Te Sa ora) Csr Sy OD om > Pd Ss © ee ae ne ee | 7 i cag RR NORA RE TREE Fi BML AL NN AES LA RR PCIE ES SLE EI A I EE TUTE TA 222 era aman RoxBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS—continued. 3184 Marston (R.) Elegiacal Poem on the Death of Thomas Lord - Grey of Wilton 1822 *,* Presented by Viscount Morpeth, 36 copies printed. il 3185 Ravenscroft (T.) Selection of Old English Songs and _— 3 ‘ *,* Presented by the Duke of Marlborough. 3186 Peregrini Oratio in obitum Torquati Tassi Geneva, 1822 ke | *,* Presented by Sir 8S. E. Brydges. . a 3187 Metrical Life of Saint Robert of Knaresborough, edited by y//# U F. Douce q *,* Presented by Rev. H. Drury, 35 copies printed. f, 4 1824 3188 Metrical Life, &c. another copy 3189 Informacon for Pylgrimes unto the Holy Londe, black letter, 4 os 18244 *,.* Presented by G. H. Freeling, 35 copies printed. | aa 3190 Cuck- Queanes and Cuckolds Errants, a Comadye. The gbrets Mh Pastorall, by W[illiam] P[ercy] *,* Presented by J. A. Lloyd, 35 copies printed. 3 be 1825 3191 Goldingham (H.) Garden Plot, a Poem, Frontispiece *,* Presented by Rev. F. Wiaeaae 39 copies printed. 3192 Goldner another copy 1826 3193 Rotta de Francciosi a Terroana. La Rotta de Scocesi, woodcuts 1825 *,* Presented by Earl Spencer, who printed 40 copies. 3194 Pavtyaslit of Deuylles. Emprynted_ by Wynken de Worde, 1509. Reprint in facsimile by Mr. R. Weber (1825) *,* Only 33 copies printed, and never distributed to the Club. 3195 Poeme sur la Journée de Guinegate, with an autograph letter o a4 AA | Lord Spencer, morocco eatra, gold tooled borders, g. é. 1825 ee *,* Presented by the Marg. de Fortia. . | 3196 Orleans «. Duke of) Poems written in English : 1821) hae *,* Edited and presented by G. Watson Taylor. on = 3197 Rois ee in the Court Martial held upon John, Master of p ot UW Sinclair Edin’. 1828 *,* Presented by Sir Walter Scott, 52 copies printed. , 3198 Havelol the Dane, an Ancient English Romance, with gs es] and Glossary by Sir F. Madden *,* Sixty-one copies printed at the expense of the Club, 3199 Ganfridi Arthurii Monemuthensis Archidiaconi, postea Episcopi Vi Asaphensis, de Vita et Vaticiniis Merlini Carmen heroicum (edente W. H. Black) | ake * * Presented by Hon, and Rev. G. Neville Grenville, 42 copies printed. i ten 32 : Nae ek Bats, ) | , erie eras ein seta licen | ; 3200 William and the Werwolf, an Ancient Romance, black letter, 2 V4 | with Glossary by Sir F. Madden 1832 *,* Presented by Earl Cawdor, 53 copies printed. ; se (W. Earl) Lord Chancellor, Private Diary Eton, 1833 *,* Presented by Rev. E. Hawtrey, 50 copies printed. 3202 Lyvys of Seyntys, translated by Osbern Bokenam, black letter, | . *,* Presented by Viscount Clive. see 4 tA. 3203 > 35-5 oe PERL RETR SEED HOE LOE! 2 BSS ETE ATT RICE BO PEP EP PIL ME SOE IIE LEI SLED OSI FEE ERE Ty ae aie IS er EE __224 RoOXBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS—continued. : Vox Populi vox Dei, a Complaynt of the Comons against Taxes, % / | A 3216 Ra ea 2 3218 2 3219 ZIZ) | 3220 iS} | 3221 { (7) | $222 (6) | 3993 | / 39224 V7 | ; 1 J4e| | 3295 as Lat : ta 3227 | . | 3298 i ‘ . |/ 8 3229 Bi | | hie | 3230 : q i in verse 1843 *,* Presented by direction of Sir J. Littledale. Sat of the Earl of Powis in the H. of L. onthe Billfor @ preventing the Union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor,| 3 autograph letters from the Earl of Powis to Rev. P. Bliss, = inserted | 1843) ., om Household Books of John Duke of Norfolk, and Thomas Earl of Surrey, 1481-1490, edited by J. P. Collier — 1844 *,* Printed for the Club. : Three Collections of English Poetry, of the latter part of the XVIth Century (edited by Sir H. Ellis), black letter 1845 *,* Presented by the Duke of Northumberland. | Three Collections, &c. Another copy | 1845 Historical Papers, part I (Castra Regia by R. Edwards, and Novissima Straffordii, in Latin, by A. Weets and in English 7 by J. Wright) 1847, *,* Presented by Rev. P. Bliss and Hae B. Bandinel. | Rosbarilie Club, Chronological List of Members, Catalogue of : Books, Rules and Regulations 1845] Unton (Sir H.) Correspondence (1591-92), edited by Rev. J. Vis _ Stevenson 18474 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Vraie Cronicque d’Escoce, Pretensions des Anglois 4 la Couronne de France. Diplome de Jacques VI. Drawn from the Bur- — accnitnteerctyteienneteceilta ta ie aaa gundian Library by Major R. Anstruther coef) ehORG ‘ , 4 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. hr lie . Vrai eetete d’Escoce. Another copy, half bound 1847 ‘. ‘ Aa Sherley Brothers, an historical Memoir of the Lives of Si Al Thomas, Sir Anthony and Sir Robert mais | oneof the 4 & same House (E. P. Shirley) Cees 1848 a *,* Presented by K. P. Shirley. fs . Alliterative Romance of Alexander, edited by Rev. J. Sievettiea 0/014 saith. 18497 . oa ** Printed at the expense of the Club. | ‘ 4 Gower (J. ) Vox Clamantis necnon Chronica tripartite, Nung “= primum edidit H. O. Coxe 1850, oe *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. ae ae Wotton (Sir H.) Letters — Dispatches to James I and his | : Ministers (1617-20) 1850 i *,* Presented ey G. Tomline. if ¥ Five old Plays illustrating the early Progress of the En Drama, edited from unique or excessively rare bY: by - Collier 1851 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club, | 225 Fe Ee hoedirn CLUB PUBLICATIONS—continued. { Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferambras his —/ / Sone 1854 *,* Presented by the Duke of Buccleuch. | awe of Inwyt, written in the dialect of Kent by Dan Michel — // | of Northgate in 1340, edited by Rev. J. Stevenson 1855 Pont *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. | | Johannes ae Garlandia de Triumphis Ecclesize Libri VIII, edited — by T. Wright 1856 | | * Presented by the Earl of Powis. Be Drayton (M.) Poems, edited by J. P. Collier 1856 | / {70 | *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. ! | Drayton. Poems, Another copy 1856 y 7} Edward VI, Literary Remains, with Notes and Memoir by J. G. Nichols, 2 vol. 1857 | eae *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Poe Wey (W.) Itineraries to Jerusalem, 1458-62, and to St. Jamesof | 2 — Compostella in 1456, with coloured Map of the Holy Land, 2 vol. 1857-67 ** Printed at the expense of the Club. Boke of Noblesse addressed to Edward IV on his Invasion of | 2 VG France in 1475, with Introduction by J. G. Nichols 1860 ** Printed at the expense of the Club. Occleve (T.) de Regimine Principum, edited by T. Wright 1860 /8 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. | Songs and Ballads, with other short Poems, chiefly of the Reign | / | o of Philip and Mary, edited by T. Wright 1860 *,* Presented by R. S. Holford. | Seynt Graal, or the Sank Ryal. The History of the Holy Graal, LL | & partly in English Verse by Henry Lonelich, Skynner (1422-61), and wholly in French Prose by Sires Robiers de Borron, edited by F. J. Furnivall, 2 vol. 1861-63 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. | Roberd of Brunnes Handlyng Synne (written 1303), with the ‘V8 French Treatise on which it is founded, Le Manuel des Pechiez, by William of Wadington, edited by F. J. Furnivall 1862 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Burtoni (R. ) Philosophaster, Comcedia et Poemata / Hertfordie, 1862 *,* Presented by Rev. W. E. Buckley. Burton. Another copy ib. 1862 | / Burton. Another copy ib. 1862 | / Partenope of Blois. The old English Version, edited by Rev. TAS W. E. Buckley, with the Fragment from Lord Delamere’s . Manuscript, 2 vol. 1862-73 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Pr teed Partenope of Blois. Another copy 1862-73 / / O Partenope of Blois. ak copy 1862-73) /) 8 i RR er NN A Seimeae aes EG SABE hOB AGG e ‘ 226 Bs RoxBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS —continued. 3249 Queste del Saint Graal in the French Prose, as is anus wy Qua Walter Map, edited by F. J. Furnivall Bee *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. ny ae 1865 | Royal Historie of the excellent Knight Generides, edited by F. J. Furnivall *,* Presented by H. H. Gibbs. Poulet (Sir Amias) Letters during his Embassy to France in 1866 3 q 3250 3251 1577, edited by O. Ogle *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. 1867 i ‘ | «0 inn 3252 Boke of Nurture, by J. Russell, about 1460-70. Boke of Kervynge, by Wynky n de Worde, 1513; Boke of Nurture, by H. Rhodes, 1577, edited by F. J. Furnivall, plates *,* Presented by Hon. R. Curzon. 1868 — * Ruthven Correspondence, edited by Rev. W. D. Macray *,* Presented by the Duke of Buccleuch. Herdi (J.) Historia quatuor Regum Anglie, edente T. Purnell 1868 *,* Presented by S. Watson Pastor Guillaum de Deguileville, Pilgrimage of the iy of the Manhodsy edited by W. A. Wright *,* Printed at the expense of the Club 1869) 1870) at Wa | 7 3255° 3256 Guillaum * Deguileville. Another copy 3257 Liber Regalis, facsimile *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Hooke (Colonel N.) Correspondence (1703-8), edited by Rey. 1870- 71 3258 W. D. Macray, 2 vol. *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Mystére de Saint Louis Roi de France, publiée par Franeisque- 3259 Michel, facsimiles *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Floriant and Florete, a French metrical Romance of the XIV thi e. Edinb. 1873, ae hes 3260 Century, edited by Francisque-Michel, facsimile — *,* Presented by the Marquess of Lothian. 3261 Hystorie of the moste noble Knight Plasidas, and other | rare Pieces, collected by S. Pepys, with Preface by H. H. Gibbs, coloured facsimiles | 1873 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. 5 dogs 3262 Legend of Sir N. Throckmorton, edited by J. G. Nichols 1874 *,* Presented by P. Butler. — Forrest (W.) History of Grisild the Second, a Narrative in yo Verse of the Divorce of Queen Katharine of ee Bs i 1 3263 by Rev. W. D. Macray *,* Presented by Baron J. B. Heath. ne ey. a i 227 aR DE, sa — pe eee ee ROXBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS---continued, L283 Milena oc Lit = Correspondence of Sir R. Kerr, First Earl of Ancram, and his) 4 /2 6 Son W. Third Earl of Lothian, 2 vol. plates 1875 *,* Presented by the Marquess of Lothian. Barnfield (R.) Complete Poems, edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Rev. A. B. Grosart 1876 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Barnfield. Another copy 1876 Apocalypse of S. John the Divine, represented by coloured figures reproduced in facsimile, edited by the Rev. H. O. Coxe, 1876 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Apocalypse of 8. John the Divine, PRINTED ON VELLUM, in drop case 1876 Poems from Sir K. Digby’s Papers in the possession of H. A. Bright, portrait of Lady Venetia Digby and facsimile 1877 *,* Presented by H. A. Bright. Harington (Sir J.) Tract on the Succession to the Crown (1602), edited, with Notes and Introduction, by C. R. Markham, portrait 1880 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Harington. Another copy 1880 Harington. Another copy, Mr. Ouvry’s, with autograph letters from the Earl of Carnarvon, Earl Cawdor, Earl Powis, Lord Houghton, J. Payne Collier, and others, thanking him for the portrait of Sir J. Harington 1880 Lamport Garland, from the Library of Sir C. E. Isham, Bart. comprising four unique works hitherto unknown 1881 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Lamport Garland. Another copy 1881 Lamport Garland. Another copy 1881 Hall (J.) King’s Prophecie, edited by Rev. W. E. Buckley, view of Halstead Rectory 1882 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Hall. Another copy 1882 Hall. Another copy 1882 Edwards (T.) Cephalus and Procris. Narcissus, edited by Rev. W. E. Buckley, with Appendix, from divers sources 1882 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Edwards. Another copy 1882 Edwards. Another copy 1882 Inquisition of the Manors of Glastonbury Abbey, of the year M.C.LXXXIX, edited with Glossarial Notes, &. by J. E. Jackson : 1882 *,* Presented by the Marquis of Bath. Quatuor Sermones, reprinted from Caxton’s First Edition, fac- simile 1883 ** Printed at the expense of the Club. Quatuor Sermones. cae copy 1883 2 4) | z1 5 | | /0 | | t/ oe : | E jie /\¢ | HK a 5 / ae Ls Viz SREP TE AEGIS ERENT oe *; ee Ps wo ee 15) Pa i ; oe 210 | ; % : ™~ & ee eee eee g i ‘ Me ARP LIE PO TE BEE ARE TE ER TT OL AOE! : i : | +. | | | ) | | ae ee | 3288 | 3289 3290 3291 3299 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 2 i ae mi a 228 — RoXxBURGHE CLUB PUBLICATIONS—continued. \ Beaumont Papers, edited by Rev. W. D. Macray, pedigree and /¥00? Facsimile ; 1884; = vag *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Beaumont Papers. Another copy | 1 (S84 ee Life and Martyrdom of Saint Katherine of Alexandria, with a Preface, Notes, Glossary, &c. by H. H. Gibbs 1884 ee a a 1 *,* Presented by A. G. H. Gibbs. ve 9) ) Miracles de Nostre Dame, Collected by Jean Mielot, Secretary) \/97™@™ to Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, reproduced in fac- — simile from Douce MS. for John Malcolm, of Poltalloch, with | text, introduction, etc. by G. F. Warner roy. 4to. 1885 Triumphes of Petrarch, translated by H. Parker, Lord Morley,, /0 1554 1887{ / *,* Presented by S. Henry, Earl of Iddesleigh. ee hn Herberti (G.) Croftus sive de Hibernia Liber 268714 oY" _ *,* Presented by the Earl of Powis. ae sa . James I. Basilicon Doron, reprinted from the excessively rare ha privately printed edition of Edinburgh, 1599 (edited by C. Edmonds), PRINTED ON VELLUM, red velvet, doublé of dark green morocco, with the arms of James I, g. €. in a box *.* Presented by Charles Butler. Miroure of Mans Saluacionne ; a Fifteenth Century Translation AW) into English of the Speculum Humane Salvationis, with Pre- =a face and Glossary 1888 *.* Presented by A. H. Huth. Stuart Papers, relating chiefly to Queen Mary of Modena and the exiled Court of James II, printed under the Superinten- __ dence of Falconer Madan, 2 vol. facsimiles | 1889 Stuart Papers. Another copy +> 888 MANDEVILLE (SiR JOHN) TRAVELS, 1322-56, a hitherto unpub- lished English Version from the Unique Copy in the British’ Museum (Egerton MS. 1982), edited with the French text, _ ) notes and introduction by G. F. Warner, 28 fine miniatureson, india paper | atlas 4to. 1889 / if Mandeville. Another copy (back of binding damaged) —«- 1889 , i Ailesbury (T. Earl of) Memoirs, written by Himself, 2 vol..Jo(Avey coloured mew 1890). t Ae ae AEE GN a SL eee - 233 7 Se LDS b= Renee edie ie eee RNY Le LA 7S 6 é Ruskin (John) Salsette and Elephanta (Oxford Prize Poem), lb original wrapper, Oxf. 1839—-Notes on the Principal Pictures in the Royal Academy, No. 2 (second edition), 1856—Smart ee (Wm.) Critical Study of John Ruskin, 1883—John Ruskin . Economist (Round Table Series), 1884 — Bibliography of Ruskin, by Axon and Shepherd (2) (5) Ruskin (J.) Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds, FIRST but EDITION, 1851 — Pre-Raphaelitism, 1862 —Shepherds and . Sheep, a Letter to J. Ruskin, by W. Dyce, 1851; and others by Ruskin a parcel . Ruskin (J.) Political Economy of Art, 1867—Notes on Pictures | 3 at the Royal Academy, No. 2 to 5, and 1875—Turner Gallery — | at Marlborough House, 1857 (7) Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera, Letter 1 to 84, New Series 1 to 5, | LS Index to 1-2, 3-4 1871-80 © Ruskin (J.) Notes on Pictures at the Royal Academy, Nos. 1 to | (/ 5, and 1875 — Turner Collection at Marlborough House, 1857 (7) Ruskin (J.) Frondes Agrestes, Readings in ‘“‘ Modern Painters,” Foe MOTOCCO, g. &. Orpington, 1875 | Ruskin (J.) Proserpina, Studies of Wayside Flowers, plates, Orpington, 1875—Deucalion, plates, ib. 1875—Ariadne Floren- — tina, plates, 1b. 1876, half morocco 3 vol. Ruskin (J.) Mornings at Florence, 6 Parts, 1875-77—St. Mark’s Rest, Parts 1 & 2 and First Supplement, 1877—On the Nature of Gothic Architecture, 1854—-Edinburgh Review, containing Reviews of “Seven Lamps,” and ‘“‘ Stones of Venice,” 1851 (11) | Ruskin (J.) Lord’s Prayer and the Church, n. d.—Browne (Sir T.) Religio Medici, facsimile reprint of the first edition, 1883 ; and others 9 vol. Ruskin (J.) Preeterita, Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts, Nos. 1-12 (vol. I complete) 1885-6 Russell (J.) Letters from a Young Painter Abroad, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, the Beckford copy in old gilt calf, marbled edges, by Montagu | 1750 Rutebeuf. C£uvres Completes de Rutebeuf Trouvere du XIIT* Siécle, recueillies et mises en Jour pour la premiére fois par Achille Jubinal, PRINTED ENTIRELY ON INDIA PAPER (only 2 or 3 Copies so printed), paper covers Paris, P. Daffio, 1874 Ryan (R.) Poetry and Poets, 3 vol. portraits, uncut, 1826— Verbal Index to Milton’s Paradise Lost, 1741; &c. 12 vol. — [Ryves (B.)] Mercurius Rusticus, front. russia eatra, g.e. 1646 Sabini (G.) Poemata, calf, Argent. 1544—Hugone (P.) B. Nicolai de Rupe Vita, &c. Rome, 1671—Neuhusii (R.) - Poemata Juvenilia, Amst. 1644; and others 12 vol. Sabini (G.) Poemata, calf, Lips. 1558; Wright (A.) Delitiz Delitiarum, Oxoniw, 1637—Rosacini (C.) Poesis Lyrica, Francof. 1675—Caldenbachii (C.) Lyricorum lib. III, Rhythmorum lib. I alterque Miscellaneorum, Brunsberge, 1651 ; and others 7 vol. ea eta See ASI ee &™ es pA EEE PEEL ET ISITE ESOT INL IED ELE IE CLL GE TOES LIS. eco SS SE BERIT EEE RS IE ETE a KAAS BESET RSD FERS | ) ) : { 9 . OR AAR NS RE NE RA _ ta ; ; Lt SS eee © es sy cinatignmaetengenecatte CET Onl Mint! erpegrem ~eme =: ps - 6 357 Sabini (G.) Elegie, with a quantity of interesting MS. Sede a 3358 | 3359 | 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 234 P. Melancthon, the author's father-in-law, Lips” 1880; | ag *.* From the library of J. Maidment. ae Sacchetti (F. ) Noyelle, 2 vol. the Beckford copy, red morocco, g. €. by Boyet Pgeste pie Bi. Sadler (M. T.) Law of Population, 2 vol. (all published), 18 | Andrews (J.) Remarks on the French and O8,) 1783—Hey (J.) Discourses on the Malevolent Seutiments Newport-Pagnel, 1801 ; and others 14 vol.) Saiz (N. M.) Paraphoia in Psalmos, Paris. 1558—Holonii G)| Laurentias, Aniverp. 1556—Catharina, i$. 1556—Dilanthi) (A. G.) Dido, Trageedia nova, 18. 1559, morocco extra, ef an 1 Sainte-Croix (Baron de) Récherches sur les Mystéres du Pagan-| isme, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt Paris, 1817 Saint-Foix (M. de) CEuvres completiek 5 vol. portrait elf bai | 1778— “{Berious (Abbé)] Anecdotes tugal 2 vol. ié. 1773—Anecdotes ee tb. 1774 —Anecd Angloises, ib. 1769 ; and others i ‘15 Saint-Graal, ou le J ciaaale d’Arimathie, branche d Romans de la Table ronde, publiée par Hacker, 3 vol. ha morocco, uncut, t. €. g. Salli Mans, 1875-7) Saint-Graal (Le Roman du) Publié pour la premiére fois p: Fr. Michel, Bordeauz, 1841—Alphabet de PImperfeetion. . Malice des Femmes par Jacques Olivier, ee | —Contes et Nouvelles de Jérome Morlini, N St. Leger (B.) Stories from Froissart, 3. vol. ur nou, 18 Evenings at Haddon Hall, illustrations by G. Cattermole, 1 extra, g. e. 1860—Knight (H. G.) Normans in y, 18 Architectural Tour in Normandy, 1841 ; and others Saint-Pierre (J. H. B. de) Studies of ature! transla’ H. Hunter, 3 vol. plates, calf gilt, 1799—Home (Lord) § of the History of Man, 4 vol. calf, Edinb. 1778; al Saint-Pierre (J. H. B. de) Paul et Virginie, numerous i and other illustrations, uncut, Paris, L. Curmer, It 858—F Suisse, revue, &c. par P. Blanchard, i Sale Catalogues of Important and Valuable Lines priced and named a Sales (F. de) Introduction a la Vie Devens, ruled, oa me covered with gold tooling, 9. ¢. — Lyon. Sallustius Philosophus de Diis et Mundo Gr. et faa Ee interp. FIRST EDITION, Lugd. Bat. 1639 ; me — morocco extra, g. é. Salustii (G.) Hebdomados, Paris. 1584 Peniipnst _Seanderbegus, Poema, Colon. 1700—Neuhusii @& Alemarianz, Amst. 1678 ; and others Peek Salzmann (C. G.) Elements of Morality, 3 ee half calf, imperfect, with all faults 2 235 Salzmann (C. G.) Elements of Morality, 3 vol. in 2, plates by — Blake, vol. III wants title, half calf 1805-1799 Salzmann (C. G.) Elements of Morality, plates by Blake, uncut, Edinb. 1821—Elements of Morality, vol. II, 1791 2 vol. Salzmann (C. G.) Gymnastics for Youth, plates by W. BLAKE, calf 1800 © Sanchez (T. A.) Coleccion de Poesias Castellanas anteriores al — Siglo XV, con Notas, 4 vol. green morocco, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford Madrid, 1779-90 Sandrart (J. J. von) Passio D. N. Jesus Christi, Neo-ccelatis inconibus expressa, finely engraved plates, old red morocco extra, g. Augspurg, 1693 Sandys (W.) Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern, calf extra, g. °@. 1833 ; Sanlecque (Pere) Poesies, old French olive morocco, gilt marbled — edges, gold figured end papers, with the arms of the family of De Neufville, in gold on sides Harlem, 1726 Sannazarii (A. 8.) Opera Latine Scripta, red morocco, Amst. 1728—Carrare (Ub.) Columbus Carmen Epicum, Rome, 1715 —Ouddietsche Fragmenten Van den Parthenopeus Van Bloys, in Orde Geschikt door J. H. Bormans, Brussels, 1871; and others (14) Sapidi (J.) Lazarus Redivivus, Colon. 1539— Lazarus Redivivus, Another edition, 7b. 1541—Schonei (C.) Tobeus Comeedia sacra, Antverp. 1569—Saulus Conversus, 2b. 1571-—Terentius Christianus, Colon. 1591, half vellum — 4 vol. Satirist, or, Monthly Meteor, BOTH SERIES, 13 vol. coloured caricatures 1808-13 Satirist, or, Monthly Meteor, vol. I to X, coloured caricatures, uncut 1808-12 {Sautreau de Marsy]| Petit Chansonnier Frangois, 3 vol. bright old French red morocco eutra, g. e. with book-plate of A. B. L. Grimod de la Reymere Généve, 1780 Savage (J.) The Librarian, 2 vol. in 1, calf 1808-9 Saxii (C.) Onomasticon Literarium, 8 vol. half calf Traj. ad Rhenum, 1775-1803 Saxon Chronicle, Literal Translation of (by Miss Gurney), russia gilt, Norwich, 1819—Wesley (J.) Concise Ecclesiastical His- tory, 4 vol. in 2, 1781—Baskerville (J.) Vocabulary, or Pocket Dictionary, uncut, Birm. 1763 ; and others 14 vol. Schiller (Fr.) Wallenstein a Drama in two Parts, translated by S. T. Coleridge, FIRST EDITION, calf, 1800—Gray (T.) Various Poems, with Notes by G. Wakefield (numerous MS. and printed matter by Isaac Reed and Jos. Haslewood — inserted), 1786 (2). ) | SOR 2 SSE CPST ES eens eT a ee Re ae ea a ea SE Schlegel (F.) Lectures on the History of Literature, 2 vol. Edinb. 1818—Heetopades of Veshnoo-Sarma, translated, with — Notes, by C. Wilkins, Bath, 1787—Bromley (Sir G.) Collec- . tion of Original Royal Letters, portraits, 1787 ; and ge : | v0 SER RO 9 --6 7 £ ga 18 | 13 oe 2 Se 1-14] E 3390 : “een ee eae 75} | 3391 171 3] . b ag9e (71 | | 3393 | q 3394 | | . ) | | // | | 3896 Pe | ea 3396 o| | 3397 | (6) | 3398 “Sai eee ae | 7 | | 3899 Pept 1/4 | 3400 7121 | 3401 mae 73\ | 3402 ek s4 : on 3403 ; : | eae ie | 2 | 3404 | ae Bi 236 nan Schmit (J. P.) Les Deux Miroirs, Contes pour Tous, ilustra- ian tions by Gavarni and others, half morocco extra, wneut, t. €. g. = Paris, 1844 Schmitth (N.) Moyses Trageedia, half morocco, Tyrnaviw, 1749— Betulii (X.) Susanna Comeedia-tragica, Colonie, 1539—Croei (C.) Comeedia. Sacra, Joseph, Aniverp. 1538; and another, all in half morocco 4 vol. Shoepperi (J.) Tentatus Abrahamus, dntverp. 1552—-Tentatus Abrahamus, another edition, Colon. 1561—Voluptatis ac Virtutis Pugna, title mended, 1b. 1546—Voluptatis &c. another edition, Hale Saxon. 1602—Euphemus, item Ovis Perdita, Antverp. 1553—Monomachia Davidis et oe Noviberga, 1603, half morocco, &c. 6 vol. Shoepperi (J.) Comcedie et Tragoediz, vellum, Colon. 1562— Mauricii (G.) Grisoldii, Comedia, half morocco gilt, g. e. Altdorp. 1621—Nakateni (W.) Coeleste Palmetum, dark blue morocco eatra, g. €. Colon. Agrip. 1782; and others (10) Scholar Armed against the Errors of the Time (edited by W. Jones), 2 vol. calf gilt, m. e. 1795—Stewart (D.) Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, 2 vol. calf, Edinb. 1828—Psalmanazar (G.) Memoirs of, portrait, 1764; and others "9 vol. Schoneei (C.) Terentuis Christianus, 4ntv. 1598—Comeediarum altera Pars, Amst. 1599, in 1 vol.—Weitenaueri (I.) Trencstes Autumnales, August. Vind. 17 58; and others Schopperi (H.) Vulpes Reinike, woodcuts, old stamped suse a y Jigures on sides Francof. 1567 Schopperi (H.) Vulpecule Reinikes, woodcuts, vellum, Francof. 1584—Chytreus (D.) De Morte et Vita AXterna, woodcuts of the Dance of Death, Witeberge, 1590 ; and another 3 vol. Schopperi (H.) Speculum vitee aulice de Vulpecule Reinikes, woodcuts by Jost Ammon, half vellum, Francof. 1595—Bidpai,} das Buch der Weissheit, der Alten Weisen, tec 1b, 1565 and another i Scotch Haggis, front. uncut, Paisley, 1829—Walton (I. df R. Hooker, FIRST EDITION, 1665—Evelyn (J.) Publi i ie ployment and an Active Life, 1667 ; and others 8 vol. Scott (T.) Theological Works, 5 vol. 1805—Psalms in Hebrew, / with a Commentary by Rev. G. Pate 2 vol. 1846 ; and others 14 vol.| Scott (Sir W.) Guy Mannering, 3 vol. Edinb. pesealii he 3 vol. ib. 1820—Monastery, 3 vol. ib. 1820—Pirate, 3 vol. ib, 1822 ; all FIRST EDITIONS g 12 vol Scott (Sir W.) The Visionary, nos. I, II, IIL, first separate edition unbound, wneut, very scarce Edinb.- W. Blackwood, 181 } Scott (Sir W.) Ivanhoe, 3 vol. calf, Edinb. 1820—Peveril of the Peak, 4 vol. uncut, ib. 1822—St. Ronan’s Well, 3 vol.) uncut, ib. 1824; FIRST EDITIONS 10 vol. Scott (Sir W.) aiivorth, 3 vol. ib. 1821—Redgauntlet, 3 vol. “ ib. 1824—Chronicles of the Canongate, BOTH SERIES, 5 vol. ib, 1827-28 ; FIRST EDITIONS - 11 vl.) SNL mt ne AR tee ty a YEA ep er ys SER ee 237 a nr eR RR eR LES Su RAY — Scott (Sir W.) Peveril of the Pane 4 vol. Edinb. 182 2—Quentin Durward, 3 vol. 1b. 1823; FIRST EDITIONS, wncut copies, in the original boards 7 vol. 64 LG b Scott (Sir W.) Quentin Durward, 3 vol. ib. 1823—-St. Ronan’s | Well, 3 vol. 1b. 1824; FIRST EDITIONS, uncut 6 vol. Scott (Sir W.) Tales of the Crusades, 4 vol. ib. 1825—Wood- stock, 3 vol. 2b. 1826—Tales of my Landlord, 4 vol. fourth series, 1b. 1832—Chronicles of the Canongate, 2 vol. first series, tb. 1827 ; FIRST EDITIONS, wncut copies 13 vol. Scott (Sir W.) Tales of a Grandfather, 12 vol. four series, fronts. &e. half bound Edinb. 1828-31 — Scott (Sir W.) Miscellaneous Prose Works, 30 vol. fronts. and vignette titles, calf extra, m. e. by Clarke and Bedford ib. 1834-71 Scott. Waverley Anecdotes, 2 vol. fronts. uncut 1833 Scott (J.) Poetical Works, front. by Bartolozzi after peat and plates by Blake, &c. russia 1782 | Scottus, Joannes, Soc. Jesu. Latin Prayers and Meditations, neatly bound in 7 vol, panelled calf gilt, MANUSCRIPTS Sc. XVII | Scriptores de re Militari (Vegetius, Frontinus, &c.) cum Notis Variorum, 2 vol. plates, book-plate of H. Walpole, old red morocco extra, g. €. Vesalic, 1670 Scriptores Erotici Greeci, Gr. et Lat. curavit C. G. Mitscherlich, | 4 vol. calf gilt Buponti, 1792-94 [Sealy (T. H.)] Porcelain Tower; or, Nine Stories of China, © plates by J. Leech, calf gilt 1841 Secker (Archbp. T.) Works, with a Review of his Life by Bp. Porteus, 6 vol. portrait, calf 1811 _ Secundi (J. N.) Opera Omnia, edidit Burmanni, 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Lug. Bat. 1821—Sannazarii (A. 8.) Opera, front. calf, Amst. 1728—Peerlkamp (H.) De Vita Doctrina et Facultate Nederlandorum qui Carmina Latina composuerunt, Lug. Bat. 1843 ; and others (13) Segethus (T.) de Principatibus Italie, original morocco binding, <= = SR roca se a covered with minute gold tooling, g. e. Lug. Bat. Elzevir, 1631 — Seiz (Jo. Chr.) Annus tertius Secularis Inventze Artes Typo- . graphice, plates (portrait of Coster, mounted), vellum, 1742— __ Jouber (F. E.) Manuel de l’Amateur d’Estampes, 3 vol. en- graver’s marks, half bound, Paris, 1821; and others (7) Selby (P. J.) History of British Forest Trees, nearly 200 engrav- ings, 1842—Bell (T.) History of British Reptiles, woodcuts, 1839 ; wncut copies Van Voorst, 2 vol. Selden (J.) God made Man, jfine copy of the rare portrait by — Chantry, Bliss and Parr’s copy, binding broken 1661 — Senecee Opera omnia cum Notis J. F. Gronovii, 4 vol. in 16, calf gilt Amst. Elzevir, 1659 © Senecee Opera cum Notis Variorum et Fromondi, 3 vol. Amst. Elz. 1672—Virgilii Opera, cum Notis Variorum, 3 vol. book- plate of Lord C. Somerset, 1703, se Bat. 1680; and others 8 vol. he Mee hs oh ge ee eS Pee Senece Tragoedie, recens. T. Baden, 2 vol. in 1, Exeter School Nth 238 — prize copy, calf extra, m.e. Lips. 1821—Ecloges Historicee Gr. ed. D. Wyttenbach, calf gilt, Ait 1794—Arriani fea, ae i tio Alexandri, Gr. et Lat. cum Annot. G. Raphelii, = gilt, ib. 1757 ; ‘and others 6 vol. = ie Seneca’s Morals, by L’Estrange, 1756—Merrick (J.) Destruction A)”“ha@ of Troy, translated by Tryphioderus, Ozf. n. d.—Anacreon - | done into English from the original Greek, ib. 1683; and other Translations (4 4 Sentimental Magazine, 3 vol. plates, 1773-4-5—British Associa- v) Ot ‘ tion Report for 1847; and other Magazines (11) ) n : SEVIGNE (MME. DE) Lettres, accompagnées de Notes Géo Ur graphiques et Historiques, par M. Gault de Saint-Germain, | 12 vol. FINE PAPER, half morocco, uncut Paris, 1823 ia | [Seward (W.)] Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 4 vol. i//us 4 trated with the engravings from the various editions, besides a collection of 96 PORTRAITS cleverly drawn with pencil, calf 1804 Shaftesbury (Lord) The Moralists, FIRST EDITION, old blue morocco, g. &. 1709—Assheton (W.) Honours and Revenues of the Clergy, portrait by Loggan, 1676; and others = 13 vol. Qo) Shakespear Illustrated (by Mrs. C. Lennox), 3 vol. 1753, 7% oe Shakespeare (W.) Works, from Mr. Pope’s edition, 9 vol. calf, (dhe Birm. 1768—Cleveland (Mr.) Life and Entertaining Adven-- ~~ tures of, 3 vol. 1741 ; and others a parce hy 7 Shakespeare. Works, Knight’s Pictorial Edition, 55 parts (wantsit/ 24447 part 56 to compleat) 1843 J : Shakespeare (W.) Works, Variorum Edition, edited by H. H.) Furniss, vol. I and II Philadelphia, 1874 Shakspere (W.) Works, 12 vol. Parchment Library, parchment 1882-83 ck Shakspeare (W.) Dramatic Works, with Notes and Index by /“AC® S. Ayscough, 3 vol. portrait, calf 1790, ae Shakespeare (W.) Dramatic Works, diamond type, portrait, morocco, g. & W. Pickering, 1826—-Bloomfield (R.) Farmer’s Boy, 1803—Rural Tales, 1802—Wild Flowers, 1806, plates, in 1 vol. morocco, g. é. 2 vol. Shakespeare (W.) Dramatic Works, Pickering’s diamond 1 ey) portrait, 1826—Keats (J.) Poetical Works, with a Memoir by Lord Houghton, portrait, 1865 ; and others ., 18 vols Shakspeare (W.) Plays, 8 vol. calf, 1811—Plutarch’s Lives, ‘~~~ with Table, 9 vol. calf, 1749—Ward (S.) Modern System off — Natural History, 12 vol. in 6, plates, 1775 ; &c. @ parcel| | Shakespeare (W.) Plays, Pickering’s insti edition, 9 vol. ou f . portrait, and plates by Stothard, uncut, leaves not cut up 1825) , Shakespeare (W.) Poems, portrait, morocco, g. e. Pickering, 1832, ©“ —Thomson (J.) The Seasons, woodeuts by Bewick, uncut, 1805, —Lavater (J. C.) Aphorisms on Man, front. by Blake, uncut, — | 1788—Holbein (W.) Dance of Death, edited by Dr. F. Lipp- mann, 58 plates, 1886 4 vol) 239 Shakespeare. Venus and Adonis; The Passionate Pilgrime ; Epigrammes by Sir John Davies; and Certaine of Ovid’s Elegies, edited by Charles Edmonds (from the rare Isham copies), PRINTED ON VELLUM (large copy, only three printed, No. 3), in sheets H. Sotheran, 1870 Shakespeare. Venus and Adonis, from the Edition of 1599, The Passionate Pilgrime, from the edition of 1599, &c. edited © by Chas. Edmonds, LARGE PAPER, only 25 copies printed, — parchment covers, uncut Shakespeare Jest-Books,. edited, with Notes, &c. by W. C. . Hazlitt, 3 vol. half Roxburghe 1864 | SHAKESPEARE Society (THE New) PUBLICATIONS, viz. :— Series I, Nos. 1-13; Series II, Nos. 1-11 and 15; Series III, No.1; Series IV, Nos. 1-3; Series VI, Nos. 1-8, 12 and 14; Series VII, No. 1; Series VIII, Nos. 1-4; in all 44 Nos. 1874-90 | Shakespeare Soc. Publications, various vol. 1841, &c. 8 vol. Sharpe (G.) Second Argument in Defence of Christianity, THICK | PAPER, 1762—Whole Duty of Man, front. by Dolle, n. d.— Smith (M.) The Vision, front. 1702 ; and others, all in old morocco bindings 7 vol. Shaw (H.) Hand Book of Medizval Alphabets and Devices, — plates W. Pickering, 1853. sre Shelley (P. B.) “ We Pity the Plumage, but forget the Dying Bird,” by the Hermit of Marlow, Rodd’s Reprint, unbound n. d. Shelley’s (P. B.) Early Life, by D. F. MacCarthy, portrait, n. d. —Lamb (C.) Complete Works in Prose and Verse, portraits, a a ET SE OTIAS &c. 1875 ; and others 10 vol, Shelley (P. B.) Adonais, presentation copy from A. Hallam, with autograph inscriptions to S. Rogers, half morocco Camb. 1829 a a | Shelley (P. B.) Queen Mab, no title, half morocco, wncut | Rk. Brooks (1829) Shelley Papers, scarce 1833 Shelley (P. B.) Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley, 4 vol. portrait, uncut 1839 Shelvocke (Capt. G.) Voyage Round the World, by the way of the Great South Sea, FIRST EDITION, 1726—Shelvocke, another, second edition, 1757, maps and plates 2 vol. Shenstone (W.) Works in Verse and Prose, 3 vol. fronts. 1764— | Churchill (C.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. portrait, calf, 1804 ; and — others 9 vol. Sherburne (E.) Poems and Translations, front. calf, 1651— — Selden (J.) Table Talk, calf gilt, 1716—Weldon (Sir A.) | Court and Character of James I, portrait added, calf, 1650— __ Hawkins (Sir T.) Downfall of Sejanus, front. calf, 1639 ; and | others (10) Ss ™™ [Sheridan (F.)] Memoirs of Miss Sydney Bidulph, 5 vol. 1761 ) —Wilkie (W.) Fables, plates, 1768 ; and others 14 vol. Sheridan (R. B.) The Critic, FIRST EDITION, 1781; and other plays by the same, some first editions m 3 vol. er eer eee ennai LTO Ae $e 6: b be he | F | = Gs en cae nD = semunae NAS TE RTA TASTE PH OY PLE I I OBES sieve (ans Hane Fe LOD Lae es b Conc: 5 : 3459 a pe | G | 3461 4 | sis | 19) 3463 3464 3466 3467 if 3} | 3465 é. 6 4 3.468 1S} | 3469 Pe “3470 3471 8472 wo 4 6. 3473 / 3474 3475 PA AR TEN TSAI a aS Site ONAN 3476 Sherley, The Three Brothers, &c. portraits, uncut, 1825 Q aan yen ke ee a nee St nae arr ema 240 pe rene nt on ee er Cunningham (Allan) Songs, chiefly in the rural language of” Scotland, 1813-—Trusler (J.) Principles of Politeness, 1782 a and others | 15 vol. 7 Short (T. V.) History of the Church of England, 1838Threel/12 Primers put forth in the Reign of Henry VIII, Ozford, 1834 —Formularies of Faith during the Reign of Henry VIII, 20. 1825; and others, al in calf gilt 7 vol. yr . Sibyllina Oracula, notis illustrata, &. a J. Opsopeo, engravings, / OVAL vellum, Paris. 1607—Bagel (F. G.) Parva Retorica Mariana,| engravings, Madrid, 1773—Galilei (G.) Sidereus Nunchus, plates, 1653 ; and others 7 vol. Sidmouth (H. Addington, Visct.) Life and Correspondence, by the Hon. G. Pellew, 3 vol. portrait, 1847—Whalley (T. 8.) Journals and Correspondence, 2 vol. portrait, 1863; and others 7 vol. Sidney (Sir P.) Works in Prose and Verse, 3 vol. in 1, portrait, a 1725—Gordon (J.) History of the Irish Rebellion, 1798, &c. : 1803 — Windus (J.) Journey to Meqinez, LARGE PAPER, ei plates, 1725—Maundrell (H.) Journey from Aleppo to) Jerusalem, 1697, plates, Oxf. 1703 4 vol. Simon (Father) Religions and Customs of the Eastern Nations ve 1685—Colbatch (Sir J.) Dissertation concerning Mistletod, 1720 ; and others 15 vol. , 4 Simonis (J. Angli. S. J.) Zeno, Tragcedia, new calf extra, Rome, |4\€*C™ 1648—Another edition, half morocco gilt, Antv. 1649 (iy. & Simpson (F.) Series of Ancient Baptismal Fonts, plates 1828 [Singlin (S. G. de)] Instructions Christiennes sur les Mysteres de N. S. Jésus Christ, et sur les principales Festes de l’Année, 5 vol. old French red morocco extra, g. é. Paris, 1673-71 Sinistrari (Father) Demoniality, or, Incubi and Succubi, uncut) 4 Paris, 1879 |. — Sismondi (J. C. L. Sismonde de) Histoire des Républiques //-@'4= Italiennes du Moyen Age, 16 vol. . 1826, g Six old Plays on which Shakespeare founded his Measure for) ) 04 Measure, &c. 2 vol. in 1, calf, 1779—Collier (Rev. W.) Poems) on various Occasions, 2 vol. half calf, 1800; and others 11 vol.) |) } 7 Smiles (S.) Life of George Stephenson, portrait 1857|9*° “ae Smiles (S.) Lives of the Engineers, 3 vol. portraits and numerous [Valor illustrations, wneut ' 1862) y g Smiles (S.) Lives of Boulton and Watt, illustrations, uncut 1865) 7 0Ce¥ Smith (C.) Elegiac Sonnets, 2 vol. portrait and plates by Corbould, 7. Ahern dc. morocco, g. ¢. 1795-97—Green (M.) The Spleen, and other)” Poems, plates by Stothard, red morocco extra, g. @. 1796; and others 14 vole Smith (H.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. portrait, 1846—“ The Gude V ODL and Godlie Ballates,” 1578, Edinb. 1868—Blunt (W. S%.) “4 Esther, Love Lyrics, &c. 1892 ; and others 6 vol. a Smith (H. and J.) Rejected Addresses, FIRST EDITION, 1812— Av“@@=— Genuine Rejected Addresses, preceded by that written by GU Lord Byron, FIRST EDITION, 1812, calf. ml wv JUL. ae ee a oe, wa g 6 en ae ee a 7 ge 7 . T Smith (T. C.) & J. Shortt, History of the Parish of Ribchester, _ tf 4 map, &c. 1890—Cooper (W. D.) History of Winchelsea, map | and ilustrations, 1850 2 vol. Smith (Dr. W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, com- | plete in 17 parts, 1852-7—Museum of Classical Antiquities, plates, vol. I-II in 8 parts, 1851-3 Smith (W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and / 3 b Mythology, 3 vol. numerous engravings on wood 1844-49 } Smith (W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, — ) numerous engravings on wood 1859 — Smith (W.) Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vol. nwmerous illustrations | / I863-{ Pa Smith (W.) & H. Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, — gS eS Literature, Sects and Doctrines, vol. I-III 1877-82 Smollett (T.) Adventures of Roderick Random, 2 vol. 1748— 3 4 Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, 2 vol. 1762; FIRST EDITIONS 4 vol. Smollett (T.) History of England, 16 vol. portraits and plates, — Vie calf 1758-65 © Snape (A.) Forty-five Sermons on Several Subjects, 3 vol. bright old blue morocco extra, g. e. 1745—Le Bas (Cae) Sermons, 2 vol. blue morocco extra, g. e. 1822 5 vol. | | | : ) ! I Soames (H.) History of the Reformation, 4 vol. half calf, 1826— | | / | Cooke’s Preacher’s Assistant, interleaved, 2 vol. Oxf. 1783— Hole (M.) on the Liturgy and Catechism, 7 vol. 1714; and | _ others (30)) | ) Socratis Ecclesiastica Historia, edidit R. Hussey, 3 vol. THICK be PAPER, wncut Oxon, 1853 | Soldinus (P. Fr. M.) De Anima Brutorum Commentaria, litle / | and 8 plates in blue, half morocco, Florent. 1776—Cope (H.) | Demonstratio Medico—Practica Prognosticorum Hippocratis, — portrait, red morocco, with elaborate gilt tooling, 1736—Harrison (G.) Dissertatio de Lue Veneria, red morocco, Edinb. 1781; and others (5) Soleil (Chev. du) L’Admirable Histoire du, trad. par F. de Rosset, 8 vol. Crozat’s copy, calf gilt Paris, 1620-26 | | i . ; | | Solis (A. de) Historia de la Conquista de México, 5 vol. portrait and plates, Madrid, 1798—FPoesias selectas Castellanas, recogidas, &c. por D. M. J. Quintana, 4 vol. calf gilt, ib. 1817 ; and others 13 vol. Somervile (W.) The Chase, woodcuts by Bewick, Bulmer, 1802— Thomson (J.) The Seasons, plates by Metz, 1794; and eee 5 vol. Somneri (G.) Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, opera T. Benson, front. wormed, Oxoniew, 1701—Baxteri (W.) Glossarium Anti- quitatum Britannicarum, portrait, 1733 ; and others 6 vol. Sones. British Musical Miscellany, or, the Delightful Grove, being a Collection of Celebrated English and Scotch Songs, by the best Masters, set for the Violin, German Flute, Common Flute, and Harpsicord, 6 vol. in 3, engraved throughout, calf extra, carmine edges n.d ENS SIO. &~ e SE RA BORA IT ES SEI EE TREES oom oo SS ee Se ee ee a ee ee i a a io ge re Pb fh 3 th 3494 if) $3495 7 3496 h 3497 | 221 | 3498 iL 3499 | 4 3500 VS | | 3501 PS q 3502 NR POS a CRE mC I I A NS ye =} Aa Ne URE Ham Z| | 3504 . / | 3505 6) | 3506 AON ROBO OP AIT IEC IE DC ATi NT rt Pw SILA KMRL AGO DANGLE ONAL EA REE EIA APE PAT BDNLLI BN AT ER HOE ~ = Pe OO EIR ee LY j a ioe ee ge Se 242 rs Vey a <_ be 4 ‘+ Songs. Clio and Euterpe, « or, vr, British tau Beck: aera illustrations to each page, vol. I imperfect and nat ‘anlform, with — all faults n. d. Songs. Clio and Euterpe, vol. I, If and III, vol. I and II sl ghtlr imperfect ; and a duplicate of vol. II, imperfect, park ) Songs. Calliope: or, the Musical Miscellany, English, ep ot and Irish Songs set to Music . ASS. Songs of Greece, from the Romaic Text, edited by M. C. Fauriel, translated by C. B. Sheridan, half morocco, t. ¢. g- 1828 Songs. Merry Musician, or, a Cure for the cleat 2 vol music and fronts. n. d. —Songs i in ye Opera of Flora, front. n. d calf | in 1 vol “7 oe - FOLIO. = Portraits of Painters. Pictorum aliquot Celebrium Germaniae 4 bbi Inferioris Effigies, una cum Doct. Dom. Lampsonii er 7 a Artis Elogiis, 23 portraits, brilliant impressions (1 wanting), cal Aniw. ap. Vidwam H. Cock, 1572 Potel (J. J.) La Bretagne, 50 fine lithographs on india paper, half Rl : morocco roy. fol. Nantes, s. ¢ a Jeg ya Prenner (G. G.) Illustri Fatti Farnesiani coloriti nel Reale Palazzo di Caprarola dai Fratelli T. F. e O. Zuccari, 36 engravings by Prenner, old calf, borders of gold, gilt edges Roma, 1748 -§ Prints. King Charles I, and the Heads of the Loyalists, 28 hohe: | heads engraved on 11 leaves by G. Vertue, boards, uncut 1746 Protestant Mercury (The True) or Occurrences foreign and ‘ Domestic, Nos. 1-188, 1680-82—The True Protestant § Mercury afterwards altered to The Impartial Protestant — : Mercury, 115 nos. 1681-2—The London Mercury, 56 nos 1682 ; in 1 vol. calf Prout ieee ) Illustrations of the Continental Annual for 1832, 12 fine india proof plates, in portfolio Smith, Elder & Co. Pryce (Wm.) Mineralogia Cornubiensis, a Treatise on Minerals» Mines and Mining, portrait and plates, half bownd hea Psalter after the Translation of the Great Bible, pointed to be sung in Churches: with Godly Prayers, black letter, calf gilt R. Barker, 1613, at end 1614 Purchas (S.) his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World, third edition, much enlarged, calf i 1617 ; Purey-Cust (Very Rev. A. P.) Heraldry of York Minster ¢ v KO Ae, numerous illustrations, cloth, only 300 copies printed a roy. 4to. Leeds, R. Jackson, 1890 ,, + © Rabanus Maurus. De Laudibus Sanctee Crucis, printed im red Ut — and black, with curious arrangement of letters in crosses, and woodcuts, calf Aug. Vind. 1605 eeaanienettnateetnenienaiammnimstiemennneeere nese ~ = ee em re adler 3510 Raccolta delle Cose piu notabili dal Caval. Wild Scul a de la Hire nel loi famos Ad i. v3 ws < ; ), eri , * eed meteeteieninii odes =e cee ~ 2 . ring 3519 R 3520 engraved title and 9 very unbound 243 oe RE: curious plates by Filippo Morghen, OE ba ian RAMBLER (THE) by Dr. Johnson, OrtcinaL Nos. 1-89 and wy 105-208 (3 defective), in 2 vol. Ramusio (G. Barr.) DELLE NaAvIGATIo 1749-52 NI ET ViaccI, 3 vol. / 3 (vol. I 1563, vol. If 1574, vol. III 1565), old English calf (rebacked) Raphael. Analysis of the Picture of J. Gabaud, 17 fine heads, half bound 4 Suite d’Etudes cal Tableaux de Raphael, 23 jin Raphael. Rastel (J.) Liver des Assises de Edwarde III, black lett ev notes of “John Cuthwell,” leather, sold with all faults Venet. Giunta the Transfiguration by 5 mp. atlas fol. Bowyer, 1817 quées et dessinées d’aprés cing é large plates, half bound imp. atlas fol. Ca Paris, Didot, 1818 et Plees del Corone come en Tempz 7 , contemporary autograph and MS. stained, wooden boards covered in R. Tottel, 1561 Richebourcq (Jac. de) Ultima Verba Factaque et Ultime & Voluntates Morientium Philosophorum, &c. 2 vol. calf Amst. 1721 del Espajia, | 7 fine copy in) ' | tooling, gilt Madrid, 1627 3518 Reineccius (Reinerus) De Familiis quae in Monarchiis Tribus 4 Pe prioribus Rerum Potite sunt, 2 and marbled edges, FINE COPY *,* PRINCE EUGENE oF Savoy’s Copy, with sides, monogram and arms on back. eports of the Commissioners for inspecting Public Records | ca of England and Ireland, 4 vol. numerous Jacsimiles, 1819-20 — — General Report of the Commissioners, 1837, uncut Reports (1-4) of the Commissioners on Church of England, 1867-70 (4) 1885—Catalogus Codicum M Cathed. Dunelmensis a T, Rud, b0 Regla y Establecimento de la Cavalleria de Santiago con la Historia della, plates slightly wormed, else contemporary red morocco, covered with rich gold gaufré edges Music; &c. Reynerus (R. P. Clem.) Apostolatus calf, scarce vol. old red morocco gilt, gilt Basil. H. Petrus, 1574. his large Arms on 5 vol. the Rubrics, &. of the | Bes —Boundary Commission Reports anuscriptorum LEcclesiz ards, Dunelmie, 1825~ a parcel Benedictinorum in Anglia, [2 Duaci, L. Kellam, 1626 Reynerus. Apostolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia. Another = /d, copy (corner of leaf in appendia damaged), boards, uncut | 1b. 1626 Ribadeneira (Petri) Flos Sanctorum, 2 vol. in 1, oak boards ty m stamped pigskin, with clasps Riemer (Jac. de) Beschryving Van ’S Gravenhage, numerous folding and other views, dc. 2 vol. Dutch calf gilt ji Rivii (G. H.) Architectur fiir mathematischen und mechanischen | Kiinst, und von Wag und Gewicht, 2 vol. in 1, numerous woodcuts, small hole in dedication, sold with all faults, stamped pigskin 2 Colonie, 1630 Delft, 1730 Niiremberg, 1558 L5G, ak le dal Sig, 3 o Viaggio dalla Terra alla Luna, / lo nee bee ae 3526—Rivius (GL) Architectur tir rerspe } : i Dttttt4 tet; PALHEOFOMS-AEC OCHS 5 HOOHe OO os, tetir % ; / NEE OCPS 7 carefully corrected, old calf, H. L. for M. Lownes, 1611-1 21) | Stephani Byzantini de Urbibus, varie lectiones et note addite:, | / per Jac. Gronovium, 2 vol. calf, Lugd. Bat. F. Haaring, 1694 —Gesneri Thesaurus Romane Lingue, 2 vol. portrait, calf, — Lips. 1749—L. Caelii Lectiones Antique, old stamped oaken | binding, with clasps, Basil. 1566 (5) | Stephani (H.) Thesaurus Grace Lingus cum-Glossariis Greeco- ) / 74 Latinis, 8 vol. calf eatra A, J. Valpy, 1816-26 | Stephanus (Rob.) Thesaurus Lingue Latine editio Nova, multo | i auctior, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. calf S. Harding, 1734 — ) Stephen (Henry) A World of Wonders, or an Introduction | ae: to a Treatise touching the Conformity of Ancient and — Moderne Wonders (title soiled), calf ; Edenburgh, A. Hart, 1608 — Stosch (P. de) Pierres antiques gravées par B. Picart, LARGE — di A es PAPER, 70 beautiful engravings, with descriptions im Latin and French, fine copy in old red morocco, with arms of Louis XVin gold on sides, and crest of Gulston on back Amst. 1724 — es wees *,* From the library of Lord Selsey, with his autograph “John | Peachey Westdean, 1772,” and his MS. note on plate LVI : relating to the purchase of the Gem Phocion by G. Grenville | for £400. Stosch (P. Baron de) Choix des principales Pierres gravées | 4 | maintenant dans le Cabinet du Roi de Prusse avec de Notes et Explicationes par F. Schlichtegroll, vol. I (all published), 40 engravings by Klauber, Guttenberg, Schlotterbeck, Kessler, = Ketterlinus, Miller, Hiiber and Guerin, fine copy in old gilt tree- a marbled calf, from Lord Selsey’s Library Nuremberg, 1798 newreccomes a ra er aap: aeennnmsnnaneanmnnenemenanenerseniemeneenmnnnsee maim aie | | aa REEMA 3/3 - 4 0en 3597 3598 3599 — 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 — 3606 PERONEAL NEE CN BRE APNE pate CR ela Sco LN Ne a 3607 *,* Each of the copies of Pugin, Mitford and Bliss sol 3608 *,* Very scarce. The greater part of this edition having been 3609 saan eaeenieeienen ne eee oo BBO Stothard (Thos.) Illustrations of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, /-~7<4 17 india proof plates in portfoli “2 Strabonis Geographia Gr. et Lat. cum Notis L Casaubonie hic Ce aliorum curante T. Jansonio ab Almeloveen, frontispiece Amsterdam Prize to Ab. Buis, with autograph signature o i gf J. T. Schalbruch, Rector of the School, fine copy in Dutch prize, vellum, with Amsterdam arms in gold as centre ornaments . | ‘+ Amst. 1707). *,* This copy sold for 71 florins in the Meerman sale. Strada (F.) De Bello Belgico, translated by Sir R. Stapylton, portraits by Marshall, Vaughan, &c. calf, 1650—Sandys (Geo. ) Relation of a Journey begun 1610, plates, 1615—Herbert (T.) Relation of Some Yeares Travaile begun 1626, frontispiece (mounted), plates, 1634—Davis (Sir J.) Reports des Cases en Ley, 1674 (4) Strutt (Eliz.) The Story of Psyche, with a Classical Inquiry into the Signification and Origin of the Fable, designs in outline by John Gibson (foxed), cloth imp. fol. n.d. Strutt (J. G.) Sytva Brirannica, or Portraits of Forest Trees, 12 nos. 54 beautiful etchings (including the additiona plate of Norton Oak) 1822-25 Stukeley (Dr. Wm.) Itinerarium Curiosum, numerous plates, old) 7 calf For the Author, 1724 Sturmy (Capt. S.) The Mariners’ Magazine, or Sturmy’s Mathe- maticall and Practical Arts, portrait, engraved title, and nume- rous diagrams, etc. some with moveable slips, calf 1669 Symbola Divina et Humana Pontificum, Imperatorum, Re gum, accessit brevis et facilis Isagoge Jac. Typotii, 3 vol. in 1, numerous illustrations by Aigid. Sadeler, calf Prague, 1601-3 Symbolarum in Matthaeum, tom I exhibens Catenam Greecorum Patrum XXI nunc primum editum, Gr. et Lat. P. Possinus S. J. interprete, etc. old red morocco, sides covered with fleur-de- lis, prize copy from the College of the Sorbonne in Plessy (damaged) Tolose, J. Bonde, 1646 Tableaux du Temple des Muses, avec les Descriptions, ete. pa M. de Marottes, portrait and 58 fine plates (one torn; sever leaves stained ; with all faults), calf Paris, 165 TANNER (Bp. T.) BIBLIOTHECA BRITANNICO-HIBERNICA, cu D. Wilkinsii Preefatione, portrait, old gilt calf, rare 174 for £6. TANNER (Bp. T.) Norirta Monastica, with Additions b J. Nasmith, BEST EDITION, portrait of Bp. Tanner, uncut Cambridge, 178 destroyed in Nicholls’ fire. Dent’s copy sold for £10 5s. Tasso (T.) Gerusalemme liberata, frontispiece, portrait of t Empress Maria Teresa, and plates by G. B. Piazetta, fine copy in red morocco, g. m. ¢ by Derome Venezia, 1745 rR rt er er Per 251 Tate (Rev. James) Letters from, to Archdeacon Wrangham, or 1809-34, with additional matter, manuscript and printed, re- lating to Mr. Tate, Manuscript, half calf SAC. XIX TaTLeR (THE) [by Sir Richard Steele], oRIGINAL Nos. 1-270 / be (wanting no. 271 to complete) April 12, 1709-Dec. 30, 1710, in a vol. calf - Taylor (J.) Hebrew Concordance adapted to the English Bible, ge 2 vol. half calf, uncut 1754-57 : Taylor (Bp. J.) Life of Christ, FIRST FOLIO EDITION, brilliant 2 . impressions of the portrait by Lombart and plates by Faithorne, — with the additional folding plate issued in second edition, 1864, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by W. Pratt 1653 *,* Very rare. Bindley’s copy sold for £4 10s. Taylor (Bp. J.) Life of Christ, second folio edition, portrait and / /% plates by Faithorne, fine copy, ruled, blue morocco, g. e. by W. Pratt, i ee eee W. Penn’s copy with his book-plate 1657 © Taylor (Bp. J.) Life of Christ, portrait by Lombart, frontispiece — b . and plates by Faithorne, old English morocco, g. e. 1657 | Taylor (Bp. J.) The Great Exemplar, 12 copies, various editions, | / plates (some copies imperfect, with all faults) 1653-67 © TENNYSON (LorD) Enid, Elaine, Vivien, and Guinevere, with if Dore's dlustrations on india paper, Moxon’s ORIGINAL IssuE, | 4 vol. paper covers, uncut, in cloth portfolio 1867-8 | Test (The) 27 Nos. Nov. 6, 1756-May 21, 1757—The Contest, _ Pee (in continuation of “The Test”) Nos. 28-35, May 28, 1757- | . July 16, 1757—The Monitor, or British Freeholder, Nos. 66- | 102, Oct. 30, 1756-July 2, 1757, calf in 1 vol. | TESTAMENTUM Novum GRra&cuM, cum lectionibus variantibus | fo8 & nec non Commentario pleniore opera et studio J. J. WEr- | STENII, 2 vol. half bound Amst. ex Off. Dommeriana, 1751 THEocRITI EcLoc# XXX, Sententiz septem Sapientum, Theog-| 3 / g nidis Sententiz Pythagorz Aurea Carmina, Hesiodi Opuscula | et alia Omnia Grece, FIRST EDITION of most of the Authors, Jine copy in antique binding, leather joints, by C. Meyer, with the old centres dated 1542 inserted as part of binding ) : Venetiis, Aldus, 1495 *,* Very scarce. Sir J. Thorold’s copy sold for £8 10s. Theophanes Cerameus Archiep. Tauromenitani Homilize in V5" Evangelia Dominicalia, etc. Gr. et Lat. nunc primum edite, old French red morocco, the sides covered with fleur-de-lis and device | im centre, School Prize copy to D. Le Virloys Lut. Par. 1644 : Theophanis (S.) Chronographia et Leonis Grammatici Vite | recentiorum Imperatorum, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J. Goar et F. Combefis, LARGE PAPER, old calf, with arms Paris. 1655 Theophylactus Bulg. Archiep. Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. 4 vol. 2 Ly half calf | Venet. 1754 | Thevenot. Travels into the Levant, portrait, 1687 — Jobi ee Ludolphi Historia Ethiopica cum Commentario, 2 vol. portrait and plates, vellum, Francof. A. M. 1681-91—Rycaut (P.) Present State of the Ottoman Empire, plates, 1668; &c. (6) =. 20) Sein aaron ae Shae oe Pain 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 eh a me ae 3625 ‘Thorvaldsen (B.) Alexanders des Grossen Einz 3632. Thomas Aquinas. Tertia Pars Summe Th double columns, Capitals painted in blue and _ Venet. 21 fine plates, loose in imp. obl. portfolio Thuanus. History of his Own Time, translated by B. vol. I and II (all published), boards, uncut — Thuani (J. A.) Historie Sui Temporis, 7 voc sue ruled with red lines, fine portrait, we! gilt, g. €. FINE ©! Kae Ss. Buc yu pit Si ein’ Thuanus. Historie sui temporis, 7 vol. portrait, calf (ex Horace Walpole in vol. I, II and III) S. Buckle Torfei (T.) Historia Rerum Norvegicarum, 5 vol. i in calf Hawnie, 16 True Briton (The) iby Philip Duke of Whartoglie Nos. complete, June 3, 1733. Feb. 17, 1723-4, ec Uf Turnbull (Geo.) Curious Collection of Ancient Pai calf, 1744—Designs for the Radcliffe Library, Oxford, pc of Gibbs and Radcliffe and 21 plates, n. d. ss It’s of Architecture, by James, plates, calf, 1 ] | Oxoniensia, plates, 1732; and another == nnn a OCTAVO ET INFRA. ‘Lot 3633. ¢ ; 3-2. 3634 Songs. Roberts (H.) Calliope, or English Harmony, a Collec- tion of English and Scots Songs, 2 vol. engraved throughout, and Songs relating to the Late Times, 2 parts in 1, Srontispiece and engraved title, calf 1662 from Parnassus, a Collection of English and Scots Songs, Cathedral, 2 vol. plates, stained, York, 1768; &c. 17 vol. Southey (R.) Life of Nelson, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, portrait, uncut, 1813—Pyne (W. H.) Twenty-ninth of May, 2 vol. 1825— Sewell (E. M.) Ivors, 2 vol. 1856 ; and others 14 vol. France and Part of Spain, 2 vol. 1789 — Niebuhr (B. G.) History of Rome, 2 vol. Camb. 1831 ; and others 10 vol. with an illustration on each page, calf 1739 | (3635 Songs. Rump, or an Exact Collection of the choycest Poems — 3636 Songs. Scots Vocal Miscellany, a Choice Collection of Songs, | half bound, t. ¢. g. Edinb. 1780—Muses Banquet, or, a Present — 2 vol. calf, Reading, 1752 3 vol. Songs. The Syren, frontispiece, Edinb. n. d.—London Minstrel, frontispiece, wncut, 1821; and 2 others 4 vol. Songs. Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius ; or, a Collections of Scots Songs set to Musick, 2 vol. 1733 } Southey (Capt. T.) Chronological History of the West Indies, | 3 vol. 1827—La Pérouse (J. F. G. de) Voyage round the ~ World, 1785-88, 3 vol. 1807—Sadler (M. T.) Ireland; its Evils and their Remedies, 1828 ; and others 11 vol. | Southey (R.) Amadis of Gaul, 4 vol. 1803—Palmerin of Eng- land, 4 vol. 1807—Erasmus, Praise of Folly, portraits and — plates, 1735 — Accurate Description and History of York — Southey (R.) Sir T. More; or, Colloquies on Society, 2 vol. | plates, 1829—Thicknesse (P.) A Year's Journey through © // 8 io\ weer aE eae ea ren RETOOL SOD AE LLORES FE RS POE a + siemmneieheie riadtiateedean an cieeeee LG oY, Pew Eth Su ean ee : 6 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 —-3648 | 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 8654 3655 | : | i || _ Sk Ee ea See 3656 3657 3658 3659 a re to teen a te one Southey. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea Greece, 4 vol. interleaved and. Ay, vr bound in 8, Ros. SourHey’s Copy, with numerous MS. notes by | him, and signature on fly-leaf of vol. I of the Iliad, “ EB Libris Roberti Southey, Coll. Ball. alumni, 1793” Oxon. 1772 x Spangebergii (J.) Dialogus Christiani et Mortis, s. J. 1540— AX Laurimani (C.) Miles Christianus, Comeedia sacra, Antverp. 1565—Junii (S.) Lucretia ; Tragcedia nova, Noriberge, 1608 —Horsmanni (R.) Sionis Certamina et Triumphus, s. J. 1651 ne and others | ‘ 6 vol. a Spectator, 8 vol. frontispieces, calf gilt, Edinb. 1776—Tatler “42 4 vol. frontispieces, 1764—World, 3 vol. old red morocco extra, g. €. 1784—Mirror, 3 vol. 1790; and others a parcel Speculative Society of Edinburgh, History of, wncut Edinb. 1845.7 Speculum Anabaptistici Furoris, portraits, title slightly cut, cal ‘1G ole Lugd. Bat. 1608 > ae Speed (J.) England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland described,, maps, title backed, 1627—Seller (J.) Atlas Coolestis, portraits and plans, n. d.—Colloquia et Dictionariolum octo Ling, — engraved title, Amst. 1631 ne 3 vol.n, Speed (S.) Prison Pietie, portrait, cut in headlines, with all faults, M2 1676—Taylor (J.) Beauty of the Lord, in his Temple, &.) 1705 2 vol. , Spelman (Sir H.) History and Fate of Sacrilege, FIRST EDITION, 1698 — De non temerandis Ecclesiis, Churches not to be Violated, 1704 2 vol, Spenser (E.) Shepherd’s Calendar (Eng. and Lat.) 17 32— Alsop and others, Fables, with Morals, &. by Sir R. L’Estrange, portrait, 1708—Collier (Jer.) Essays upon several Moral Subj jects, 3 vol. 1722; and others 9 vol. Spenser (E.) Works, with the principal Illustrations of various Commentators, Life, Notes, &. by Rey. H. J. Todd, 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, portrait, calf gilt, m. e. 1805 Spenser (E.) Poetical Works, Aldine edition, 5 vol. portrait, uncut W. Pickering, 1839 Spirit of the Public Journals, 1797-1814, 18 vol. uncut | 1802-15 Spirit of the Public Journals for 1823, portrait and cuts by Cruikshank, boards, wncut, 1824—Apuleius, Metamorphoses by Head, 1851—Lessing’s Laocoon, by W. Ross, 1838; &c. ay Stanhope (Earl) Miscellanies, both series, 1863-72 —Cobbold. (It. H.) Pictures of the Chinese, illustrations, 1860—Murray (Hon. R. D.) Cities and Wilds of Andalusia, 2 vol. 1849 and others 12 vol Stanley (A. P.) Sermons and Essays on the Apostolical Age, A< Oxford, 1847—Smith (Sydney) Two Volumes of Sermons 1809 ; and others 14 vol Stanley (A. P.) Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, with Notes, &c. 2 vol. 1855 > Stanley (A. P.) Lectures on the History of the Eastern ChurchAece a 3660 3668 3669 y 3670 3671 3673 3674 Pe EEN GRD NOTRE SE ee eee 3672 255 Stanley (A. P.) Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, © Three Series, 3 vol. maps and plans 1863-65-76 | Stanley (Dean W.) Faith and Practice of a Church of England © Man, Pickering, 1848—Terry (C.) Scenes and Thoughts in | Foreign Lands, 2b. 1848 ; and others 6 vol. Starkey (Rev. John) Nine Sermons preached at Newington © Green, 1693, bownd in dark morocco with elegant gold tooling ; | with two other Theological Volumes, in somewhat similar bindings, MANUSCRIPTS, 3 vol. fine bindings Sc. XVU-XVIII Statii Opera (curante J. Aikin), 2 vol. old red morocco eatra, g.e. Warringtonie, 1778 Staveley (T.) History of Churches in England, plate, 1712— Burnet (Dr.) State of the Dead, and of Those that are to Rise, 2 vol. in 1, calf, £. Cowell, 1728—Brett (T.) Account of | Church Government, 1710—Brightman (T.) Revelation of | S. John, illustrated with an Analysis and Scholions, engraved | title, Leyden, 1616—[Asplin (W.)] Disquisition upon Wor- | shiping towards the East, 1728 5 vol. | nM Stephanius (Bernardinus) Soc. Jesu. Flavia, Tragcedia, MANU- SCRIPT, finely written, with coloured title, bound in brown morocco, — TEATS. ALO SOC RE SP REPRE TOE IF ENT ATION covered with spiral patterns and ornaments, with “F. Cc.” SAC. XVII | « a Stephani (H.) Francofordiense Emporium, red morocco, g. e. by Koger Payne H, Stephanus, 1574 | Stephani (H.) ad Senece Lectionem Proodopeia, red morocco, | g. @. by Roger Payne Anno 1586 Sterne. Life and Memoirs of Mr. Ephraim Tristram Bates, | commonly called Corporal Bates, calf extra 1756 | *,* The novel from which Sterne took his first idea of Tristram | Shandy. Sterne (L.) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, 9 vol. calf 1760-67 | *,.* Second edition of vol. I and II, FIRST EDITION of vol. III to IX | Sterne (L.) Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1768 © Sterne (L.) Letters, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, portrait, 1775—Senti- | mental Journey, 2 vol. second edition, calf gilt, 1768 ; &c. 9 vol. | Sterne (L.) Sentimental Journey, 2 vol. 1780—Sermons, 7 vol. portrait, n. d.— Letters, 4 vol. in 3, portrait, 1775; &c. 18 vol. Stesichorus Himereuses. Fragmenta collegit O. F. Kleine, blue morocco extra, g. é. Berolini, 1828 —Cesaris Commentarii © Oberlini, red morocco gilt, Lips. 1805—Ejusdem editio alia, ex — Museo G. Greevii, russia extra, Lugd. Bat. 1713; &c. (6) [Stevens (G. A.)] Dramatic History of Master Edward (Shuter) | Miss Ann (Catley), and others, FIRST EDITION, plates, calf extra 1743 (1763) | i i i 4 q *,* With the rare cancelled leaf. ) Stevens (H.) Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana, 2 vol. | and part 1 and 2 of vol. III 1862, dc. art NE A AI RC RE A OI RE ETS FR ET / : | | | | eee : 1S % : ee mal ayrere SB UE oD: See YS | 6) 3683 nymamow 2s per ctr — ‘ 3684 —— 8685 3686 3687 3688 ~ Stevenson (J. Hall) Crazy Tales and Fables for Grown Gentle Pregae | CT RN A A ere ttn attire ttt 256 ae ee ot een en ee name men, frontispiece, 1780—Oldham (J.) Compositions in Prose (¢ — and Verse, 3 vol. portrait added, 1770—Graunt (Capt. J.) — Observations upon the Bills of Mortality, autograph of N. ES L’Estrange, 1665; and others 13 vol. Stillingfleet (Bp. E.) Origines Britannice, with Notes by Rev. T. P. Pantin, 2 vol. tree-marbled calf extra, m. e. Oxford, 1842, Stillingfleet (E.) Rational Account of the Grounds of Protestant Ve Religion, 2 vol. calf extra, g. ¢. ib. 1844, Stimmer (Tobias) Bibel, illustrated throughout, Munchen, 1881 Jost Amman’s Karten-Spielbuch, id. 1880—Discorsi Acca-_ demici del Conte Castone, plates, Parma, 1771 — Santarem Recherches sur Americ Vespuce, Paris, 1842—Bossi (L.) Vita di Colombo, 1818; and others (26); q Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Don John of Austria, 2 vol. nwmerou [uth illustrations . 1883) . Stoz (F. C.) Tragedia de Passione Domini Jesu Christi, lit. goth. / woodcuts, top lines of two pages slightly cut into, calf op q Gandavi, P. C. Candadus, 1518 a ; Stobaeus (Jo.) Eclogarum Physicarum et Ethicarum lib. II. recens. Th. Gaisford, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. uncut, Oxon. 1850 Homeri Odyssea cum Scholiis Veteribus, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. uncut, ib. 1827—Velleii Paterculi Opera ex recens. Di 8 ~— Ruhnkenii, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. Aug. Tawr. 1821 (6) “EE Stonard (Rev.) A bundle of Sermons, with 13 other Theo y ha logical Volumes, including a Commentary on the Romans, / . Dr. Hartley’s Sermons, 1742, Recueil de Maximes, &e.) ~ MANUSCRIPTS, 14 vol. SAC. XVIII-XIXx hook Strabo. Rerum Geographicarum lib. XVII, 6 vol. russia gilt!’ tb (Porson prize copy), Lips. 1796—Silius Italicus, Plautus, “= Horatius (Leipzig editions) ; and others, all in russia (18) Strabonis Geographica, Gr. recens. Comment. critico instruxitW G. Kramer, 3 vol. calf gilt, Berolini, 1844-52—Sophoclis Tragcedie# septem, Gr. cura Hermanni, 2 vol. calf, 1827; anc others | ~ Tvol.| Strada (F.) De Bello Belgico, portraits, calf, Rome, 1648—/¢ Rupellani (L.) Symbola seu breves et argutze Sententiz, cal/, Colon. 1560—Historia B. Johannis Nepomuceni, calf, Herbipoli, 1705 ; and others (9 (Stratford (E.)] A Disputation of the Church, by E. 8. F.’° Doway, 1640—Treatise of the Nature of Catholick Faith anc Heresie, by N. N. Rowen, 1657—Locke (J.) Reasonableness of Christianity, several MS. notes, and autograph by Bp. Wi Warburton, 1696—A(lleine) (R.) Vindicie Pietatis, 1669; and) others by the same, in the vol. i 4 vol. Strephonii (B.) Flavia Tragcedia, calf extra, Mussi Ponti, 1622— “deem Strephonti, Crispus Tragcedia, vellum, Lugd. 1609—Caussini (N.) Tragoedize Sacre, morocco, Paris. 1629; and others (8)) = Strictures on the Lives and Characters of the most eminent __ Lawyers of the present day, morocco gilt, 1790—Ruggle (Geo.) | Ignoramus Comeedia, front. 1787—Taylor (Thos.) Law Glossary of the Latin, Greek, Norman, French, &c. 1819; | and others (12) 3690 Strozii Poete Pater et Filius, original Venetian morocco, gilt . gauffered edges Ven. Aldus, 1513 | . 3691 Strutt (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, with > . 1 index, &c. by W. Hone, 140 engravings, uncut 1845 | | th 3692 Srrype (J.) Works, with Index, 27 vol. in 24, Hulme prize copy, Oxford, 1822, &e.—Lewis (J.) Life and Sufferings of J. — eae. Wiclif, 1820—Life of Bp. R. Pecock, 1b. 1820, in 1 vol. | — . uniform calf gilt 25 vol. | ortAc 3693 Stummelii (C.) Studentes, Comeedia, imperfect at end, Antv. = / 6 1551—Another edition, half morocco, Colon. Agrip. 1574—_ Another edition, fine copy, brown morocco extra, Erphordie, — 1597 (3) 10 hee 3694 Stummelii (C.) Studentes Comeedia, morocco extra, gold figured — af linings, g.¢@ Colon. Agrip. 1588 — 93695 Sturt (J.) Treatise of Architecture, portrait and 181 plates, n. d.— [8 {\ Sympson (S.) New Book of Cyphers, 99 plates only—Bickham, ‘young Clerk’s Assistant, wants front. and second title, n. d. 3 vol. | NM , 3696 Sturt (J.) Passion of our Saviour, with a Pindaric Ode by F. ! vie Bragge, 52 plates, calf n. a A 3697 Sturt (J.) Orthodox Communicant, engraved throughout, with | VL. sa borders and illustrations, black morocco, gq. €. 1721 Y 3698 Suckling (Sir J.) Fragmenta Aurea, portrait by Marshall, and | an 6 | title backed, calf extra 1648; | *,* With an interesting catalogue of books issued by the ) publisher, bound up at end. jen ees | 3699 Suckling (Sir J.) Fragmenta Aurea, portrait by Marshall backed, ei and some headlines slightly cut into, calf eatra 1648; | | 10 A TRS SPS USIP Paes Ue 3700 Sucquet (A.) Via Vite Alterna, engravings by Bolswert, vellum, 3 Antverp. 1630-—Prelectiones Academicz in Schola Historices ) Camdeniana cum Appendice, calf gilt, Oxonii, 1692; and others Qvol. | | idler (3701 Sunderland Library Sale Catalogue, LARGE PAPER, with printed ee if: prices and purchasers’ names, complete in 6 parts i sup. ump. 8vo. 1881-3 J L é SuRTEES SocIETY PUBLICATIONS, vol. 1 to 88 1835-90 2 Le Surtees Society, vol. 1, 48, 63 1835-74, 3 vol. /| € Lk Sutton (C.) Learne to Die, front. half calf, n. d.—De Scudery, G the Female Orators, calf, 1715—Confessio Fidei, half calf, oe Glasg. 1660; and others (10) | ) oder 3705 Sutton (C.) Learn to Die, front. morocco, 1662-—Nowelli (A.) | V2, | | Catechismus, Gr. et Lat. part of preface in MS. calf, 1573— _ Mason (H.) Hearing and Doing, cal/, 1635 ; and others (7) S ——— ————— G5 ae ey ty ee neo EEE EENIENEIEEREIEEEEEEEEEEEtinEnEeEnEte: Ae ne ee rma renters ed | 3706 Sutton (T.) Learne to Live, and Learne to Dye, 2 parts in 1, (2 o 1o l (| 6 3707 SwEDENBORG (E.) Summaria Expositio sensus interni Librorum)/ 4 3708 || | 3709 .’ = scenpetpaee setae eb PETA I TT TE EE LOE LLL LL AED EAL LLL = Te cana entnemeentniatineemeetinamiat Soa orto oe re pon cca ss = eo “I — I ; 258 | ; } j { half calf, 1626—Bede (Ven.) England’s Old Religion, title 8 slightly cut into, Antwerp. 1658—Lives of English Divines zealous in promoting the Reformation, front. with portratts,| — Eton, 1746; and another 4 vol.| {) ‘ i : Propheticorum verbi Vet. Test. sm. folio, 1784—Diarium Spirituale, 4 vol. Tubingw, 1844-43—Spiritual Diary, vol. I, 1846—Apocalypse Explained, 6 vol. 1854-71—New Transla- tion of some Part of Theological Works, 12 vol. 1857-60— Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence, 1862— Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church, 1863, &c. in 1 vol.—Account of the Last Judgment, and of Baby- lon Destroyed, 1875—Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom, 1875 —Earths in the Universe, 1875—Heaven and Hell, 1875—-Apocalypse Revealed, 1876 —Conjugal Love, 1876—Four Primary Doctrines, 1876, uniform, ved morocco extra, covered with a gold tooled star, 9. : 33 vol.\/) Swedenborg (E.) Doctrine of New Jerusalem respecting the) Lord, smooth blue morocco extra, gold tooled sides, g. e. 1812 Swedenborg (E.) Sapientia Angelica de Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia, Stuttgardie, 1843—Sapientia Angelica de Divina, Providentia, Tubingw, 1855—Continuatio de Ultimo) = Judicio, &c. ib. 1846, edidit J. F. I. Tafel, red morocco extra,, g. @. in 1 vol.t fy | Swedenborg, another copy of the same, red morocco extra, 9. ¢. Swedenborg, another copy, red morocco extra, 9. é. l che 3 Swedenborgii (E.) Adversaria in Libros Veteris Testamenti, Auth | X 9 vol. in 6, red morocco, g. e. Tubinge et Stuttgardie, 1847, &e. | Swedenborg (E.) Heaven and its Wonders, the World of Spirits, fe | and Hell, translated by the Rev. 8. Noble, red morocco ewtra,); with inscriptions to Swedenborg lettered on side, g. @. 1851 A rs P | Swedenborg (E.) Heaven and its Wonders, and Hell described, \"" “ én &c. red morocco extra, g. ¢. by F. Bedford 1851 p Swiftiana, 2 vol. 1804—Pott’s (R.) Liber Cantabrigiensis, 2 vol. or Camb. 1855—Sarratt (Lt.) Life of Buonaparte, portrait, n. d. ; . and others : 24 vol. 1D ,9- Swift (Dean) Travels into Several Remote Nations of the)/““ World, by Lemuel Gulliver, FIRST EDITION (second issue) (wants portrait, 2 plates, wanting in vol. IT, inserted im vol. I) B. Motte, 1726—Ditto the Spurious 3rd vol. (wanting title and 3 leaves, plate torn, the lot with all faults) together 3 vol. calf Swift (J.) Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver, 2 vol. portrait and maps, FIRST EDITION 0 vol. I, second of vol. II, calf ES si Swift (J.) Gulliver’s Travels, 2 vol. portrait and maps, the map im\o4-o"** vol. I supplied from another copy, calf galt - 1727) Swift (J.) Gulliver’s Travels (with the additional vol.) 3 vol. portrait and maps, FIRST EDITION of vol. I, second of vol. LI,)- 1726-7—Parts 3 and 4 (vol. I) ; FIRST EDITION, 1726, the last not uniform, but would bund with the others ~ 4 v0l.) be 3723 259 . Swift (J.) Gulliver’s Travels, 2 vol. in 1, FIRST EDITION, imper-_ fect, with all faults, 1726—Gulliver’s Travels 2 vol. 1727—Me- | moirs of the Court of Lilliput, published by Lucas Bennet, 1727—Gulliver Decyphered (1730) ; and others 7 vol. Swift (Dean) Gulliver’s Travels, FIRST EDITION, port. and 2 maps, vol. I, calf, Benjy. Motte, 1726 — The same, ‘‘ SECOND EDITION,” port. and maps, 2 vol. ib. 1727-26 (3) | Swinburne (A. C.) Poems and Ballads, FIRST EDITION, rare, E. if Moxon & Co. 1866 —Swinburne’s Poems and Ballads, a Critj- | cism by W. M. Rossetti, 1866, wniform calf extra, g. e by — Riviere , 2 vol. | Swinburne (A. C.) Notes on Poems and Reviews, FIRST EDITION, | Hotien, 1866—Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1868, | by Rossetti and Swinburne, ib.—Symonds (J. A.) The Renais- | sance, an Essay, Oxf. 1863—Legend of the Bryer Rose, by E. — Burne Jones, 1890 (4) | i Sylburgii (F.) Saracenica, sive Moamethica, s. J. 1592 — Taub- | mani (F.) Melodesia sive Epulum Museum, Lips. 1604—Bar- © tholinus (T.) de Luce Hominum et Brutorum, Hafnie, 1669; and others 10 vol. Sylloge nova Epistolarum varii Argumenti, 5 vol. calf, Norim- berge, 1760; and others 12 vol. Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy, The Age of the Despots, cloth 1875 Sympson (S.) New Book of Cyphers, 102 plates, cut short in binding, calf extra by Riviere 1726 Synge (Archbp. E.) Works, 4 vol. calf gilt, g. ¢. 1740 Tableau de la Croix représenté dans les Cérémonies de la Sainte Messe, &c. engravings by Collin and others, without the additional plates, old red morocco, covered with gold tooling 1 Paris, F. Mazot, 1651 | Tableau, &c. Another copy, LARGE PAPER, with the 6 additional | leaves from second issue loosely added, old red morocco ib. 1651 © Tableau, &c. Another, second issue, with the additional leaves 1b. 1651, at end 1653 | Taciti Opera, ex recens. et cum animadvers. T. Ryckii, 3 vol. | LARGE PAPER, calf, g. ¢. Dublinii, 1730—Ovidii Opera, ex recens. Heinsii, cum Notis var. et Schrevelii, 3 vol. calf gilt, Inugd. Bat. 1662 6 vol. Taciti Opera ex recens. Th. Ryckii, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. calf, Dubl. 1730—Cicero de Oratore recens. Th. Cochman, LARGE PAPER, Oxon. 1696—Oppianus, Gr. et Lat. Curavit Jo. G. Schneider, Argent. 1776—Terentius, illustrated, LARGE PAPER, / ET EEE E PML EE AST PO ha PERE TS peepee ae 2 SEEN AI 2 vol. in 1, Knapton, 1751; and others (10) — Taciti Opera omnia, sumptibus editoris (H. Homer) excudebant, 4 vol. portrait, russia, g. é. 1790-94 | Taciti Opera, edidit F. Ritter, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut Cantab. 1838 — Tacitus ex I. Lipsii editione, Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1634—Suite des / Mémoires du Sr. Bernier, etc. Haye, 1671 2 vol. | *,* Both vols. contain the autograph of John Locke. | S 2 a FR EP CR I A AE RN aren 11G - irc tee 110 Shy a ae se ee V4 a SRA FO Pa aie ee cee eee Samer // as 1 3t SQ My / 12 1 5] | 3737 3738 | 3739 —63740 3741 3742 | 3743 8744 3745 3746 | 3747 3748 3749 3750 | 3751 3752 t ms A SIA ts ssn ners ese 260 — en ee a aemmeaiaeaneemeenemetinn Tacitus de Moribus Germanorum et de Vita Agricole, ex!/lia editione G. Brotier (edente H. Homer), THICK PAPER, portrait, old red morocco extra, silk linings, g. e. 1788— Aischyli Tragoedie, Gr. et Lat. adjecit A. Wellauer, 2 vol. in 1, russia extra, Lips. 1823—Claudianus, cum Notis Var. 3 et. Heinsius, russia, Amst. Elz. 1665 ; and 2 others 5 vol. Q 1% Tales of the Genii, translated, &c. 8 Sir C. Morell, 2 vol. Ve plates, calf, 1764-—La Fontaine (J. de) Loves of Cupid and Psyche, 1744 ; and others 10 vol. Tales of the Sihstls. by a Lady, 3 vol. 1830—{Gore (Mrs C. J.)| Cecil: or the Adventures of a Coxcomb, 3 vol. 1841— Ainsworth (W. H.) Sir John Chiverton, 1826 ; and others - = 10 vol. a ae Tarif des droits de Sceau, 1704--Voyage sur le Seine (Havre, idler 1826) with a manuscript Diary— Remembrances for Order in the House of Lords (red morocco), and one other, MANUSCRIPTS 4 vol. | Sa. XVIII-XIx _/) - Tasso. Godfrey of Bulloigne, in English Heroical Verse, by Zé As KE. Fairfax, 1687—Whincop’s Scanderberg, with a List off / Dramatic Authors to 17 47, plates, and medallion portraits, calf, 3 1747—Gulliveriana: or Fourth Volume of Miscellanies, front. 1728 ; and others (12) iQ Tasso (T.) Crerdeel ene Liberata, 2 vol. plates by Gravelot, calf, (Ud Le g. @ Parigi, 1771 a Tassoni (A.) Secchia Rapita, Poema Eroicomico, 2 vol. plates b Jnegs - Gravelot, marbled calf gilt, g. e. ib. 1766 | Tatianus. Oratio ad Grecos edidit W. Worth, Ozon. 1700 Med Ler Dion Catonis de Moribus, Amst. 1754—Opuscula Mythologice edid. Gale, ib. 1688 ; and others (14) Taurelli (N. ) KOSMOAOTIA, Thuanus’ copy, with his arms and those of G. de la Chasire, morocco Amberge, 1603) 1, ; Taylor (A.) Glory of Regality, wneut, 1820—History and/ 2 6 4 Defence of Magna Charta, &c. uncut, 1769—Wiltshire, pe extracted from Domesday Book, with Translation, &e. by H. ~ P. Wyndham, uncut, Salisbury, 1788 ; and others 6 vol., / Taylor (Bp. Jer.) New and Easy Institution of Grammar, Adi g7e engraved title, morocco extra, extremely rare pe at Taylor (Bp. Jer.) Rule and Exercises of Holy Livin 1650—Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying, front. a ine folding plate, and list of Taylor's .Works, 1651; FIRST EDITIONS,) calf extra, g. @. 2 vol. Taylor (Bp. Jer.) Golden Grove, front. and folding plates by Hollar, calf, 1659—Opuscula, portrait, 1684 2 ve Taylor (Bp. Jer.) Worthy Communicant, front. 168% Doctrine and Practice of Repentance, front. by Lombart, 1655 —Valdesso (J.) Divine Considerations, Camb. 1646 ; and others 10 vol. , Taylor (Bp. Jer.) Whole Works, with Life, &. by Bp. R. eee 15 vol. portrait, calf extra, m. e. with the arms of an Archbishe in gold on sides 1839 Y Taylor, Holy Living, FIRST EDITION, front. 1650—Holy Dying,? second edition, front. (backed) and folding ps. 165%, blue morocco extra, g. e. by Cecil and Larkins 2 oe aN a 261 Wa ae eee a = _ eee Et —— Oe Re = Taylor Holy Living, FIRST EDITION, front. calf FIRST EDITION, front. 5 | Taylor, Holy Living, FIRST EDITION, front. 1650—Holy Dying, a S and folding plate, 1651 2-vol. | Taylor, Holy Living, second edition, front. 1651—Holy Living, fourth edition, front. and folding plate, 1654—Holy Dying, — FIRST EDITION, wants front. 1651—Holy Dying, second edition, imperfect, 1652 Taylor, Holy Living, second edition, front. some leaves torn, 1651 4 vol. — —Holy Living, fourth edition, front. and folding plate, 1654—__ Holy Dying, FIRST EDITION, wants folding plate, 1651—Holy — Dying, third edition, front. and folding plate, 1655 Taylor, Holy Living, wants front. 1651—Holy Dying, plate damaged, 1652, in 1 vol.—Holy Living, front. and folding 4 vol. ARG, URS WEN EE plates, 1654—Holy Dying, front. and plates, 1652, in 1 vol.; — and another 3 vol. Taylor (I.) Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, — 5 | 1827—O Brien (P.) Practical Grammar of the Irish Language, | . Dublin, 1809 ; and others : Taylor (Rev. R.) The Diegesis : a Discovery of the Origin, &c. of = 6 Christianity, 1829—Wirgman (T.) Divarication of the New — Testament, 1834 ; uncut copies Teatro Comico Fiorentino, 6 vol. calf, Firenze, 1750—Corneille 7 : (P.) Chef-d’CEuvres de, old red morocco eatra, g. e. Ouford, 1746 ; 12 vo and others Teatro Espandl anterior a Lope de Vega, half calf gilt, Hamb. r.) Delle Novelle, 2 vol. half bound, Firenze, 1724—Tassoni (A.) La Secchia Rapita, LARGE 1832—Sacchetti (J 10 vol. 2 vol. | ig : ee PHT PAR CRORE PAPER, Oxford, 1737—Novelle di Alcuni Autori Fiorentini, © Lond. 1795 ; and others 2 vol. Paris, 1877-79 ; and others Tennyson (A.) Prolusiones Academic (containing the first edition of “ Timbuctoo ” orig. wrapp. Camb. 1829; Ode on the (9) | - Techener (L.) Repertoire Universel de Bibliographie, vol. I, i Paris, 1869; Catalogue de ses Livres brulés a Messrs. Sotheby’s, 1865; Déscription Bibliographique des Livres Choisies, 2 vol. 1858—Catalogue du Libraire A. Fontaine, a parcel Se ie ee eae Death of the Duke of Wellington, original wrapp. EL. Moxon, — 1852; The Last Tournament (in Contemporary Review for Dec. 1871; its first appearance) s Tennyson. Friendship’s Offering, 1832, 3 and 4, engravings, | (3) cr contains first editions of poems by Lord Tennyson, S. TL. Coleridge, kc. Tennyson (A. Lord) In Memoriam, wacut, 1851—Lowell (J. R.) Heartsease and Rue, Tennyson (A. Lord) Poems, dlustrations by Millais, Mulready, — / / b Pe portrait, 1888 ; and others Rossetti, &c. original cloth Tennyson (A. Lord) Lyrical Poems, selected and annotated by 1 F. T. Palgrave, LARGE PAPER, uncut ER ERR A SF ETS a emmmmmmmeasennneesnemmcme aan eases 3 vol. 7 vol. 1857 885 = ele oe ~ » eo i ; es JUO: 2 nS ‘ie S— ] ANY DEAS DE et OIA PRON OO OOS steer j : 3769 Terentius cum Notis Variorum, 2 vol. morocco, g. e. Durdrechti, 3770 Terentius et Sallustius, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. calf. Dubl. 1745-7) 262 | $$$ a 3768 Terentii Comeedize a G. Faerno, title mended, russia gilt, g. ¢@. A i Florent. Juntas, 1565 — Apollonii Rhodii, Argonauticorum i libri IV, ab J. Heelzlino in Latinum conversi, russia, g.¢@by Roger Payne, Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1641—Aristotelis Politicorum) libri XIII, Gr. et Lat. a D. Heinsii, ib. 1621 Sanne 1619—Terentius cum Notis Variorum, engraved tile, red morocco, g. &. by J. Clarke, Amst. 1623 3 vol. —Juvenal et Persius (par G. Sandby), plates, Cant. 1763— Euripides edid. Jo. King, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. ib. 1726—- Plutarchus de Iside et Osiride ed. Squire, 2d. s. a. rs A 3771 Terracon (Abbé) Critical Dissertation upon Homer's Iliad, /““ 3776 Testamentum (Novum) Grace, ed. D. J. J. Griesbach, 2 vol. 3777 ~=Testamentum (Novum) Grecum, editio Hellenistica, ed. Grinfield, 3778 Testament (Nouveau), wants title and preliminary leaves, calf gilt, At 9 U 3780 Testament (Nouveau) avec des Reflexions Morales sur chaque LARGE PAPER, plate inserted, 1722—Northampton Infirmary Sermons (17) 1744-60, in 1 vol.—Savage (J.) Rome’s Conviction, portrait by White, 1683—Kpictetus, his Morals, made English by G. Stanhope, 1700; all in old red morocco extra, g. €. | 4 vol. 3772 Testamentum Novum Gr. old red morocco, g. e. Sedani, 1628) / 3773 Testamentum Novum Graecum, calf, Cant. 7. Buck, 1632 Another edition, Glasgue, R. Urie, 1750—Fittler’s Bible, plates, 2 vol. imp. 8vo, 1795—Welsh Bible, 1746 ; and others ae 3 (6) 7 3774 'Testamentum (Novum) Gr. typis J. Baskerville, uncut $= re Oxonii, 1763 3775 Testamentum Novum Graecum, Baskerville’s large type edition, (C calf gilt, Oxon. 1763—New Testament, Greek and English, by . E. Cardwell, 2 vol. in 1, russia, Oxf. 18837—Novum Testa-| - mentum Gr. edidit J. J. Griesbach, 2 vol. calf, P. Elmsley, — 1796 ye T. F. Dibdin’s copy, russia, g. é. 1809 2 vol. Pickering, 1843—Scholia in Nov. Test. instruxit atque) ornavit Grinfield, 2 vol. ib. 1848, wncut 4 vol. [) g. @ (Geneve, 1536) *,* Considered by Mr. Buckley to be this rare edition, see MS. . note. a 3779 Testament (Nouveau) Amst. 1683—Pseaumes de David, par C. Marot et T. de Beze, ib. 1683, fishskin, with silver clasps and corners im 1 vol (] a 4 . ~~ ’ a 4 v = A- Verset (par P. Quesnel), 4 vol. Paris, 1692) 3781 Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Sons of Jacob, black 4 letter, woodcuts, blue morocco, g. e. by C. Lewis, with arms, &e. of the kev. T. Williams —— 1699) fg 3782 Thackeray (W. M.) THE SNos, nos. 4, 5, 6, printed on tinted /' paper, April 30-May 14, 1829, unbound Ve q 3783 Thackeray. The Fatal Boots and Cox’s Diary, shilling edition, //@“4 original wrapper, 1856 ; The Newcomes, nos. 1-3, 1863 {AR / 263 ao SP, at ge eS NE [Ho 3784 Thelwall (J.) Appeal to Popular Opinion against Kidnapping | and Murder, Norwich, 1796—Price (Dr.) View of the Funds_ of England, 1795—Paine (T.) Decline and Fall of the English | System of Finance, Paris, 1796—Palmer (T. F.) Narrative of — the Sufferings of T. F. Palmer and W. Skirving during a_ Voyage to New South Wales, 1794, Camb. 1797—O’Bryen (D.) | Utrum Horum? the Government; or the Country ? 1796— _ Coleridge (S. T.) The Watchman, 10 nos. original edition, 1796; © and many others, calf gilt in 5 vol. | Theodoreti Ecclesiasticee Historie, recens. T. Gaisford, THICK PAPER, Oxonii, 1854—Dobrei (P. P.) Adversaria, edente | J. Scholefield, 2 vol. in 3, Cantab. 1831—Parcemiographi Greeci, edidit T. Gaisford, Ozonii, 1836; and others 15 vol. — Theologia Moralis jussu, et authoritate Episcopi Petrocorensis, — ad usum sui Seminarii Edita, 4 vol. bright red morocco extra, — with the arms of Card. Noailles, in gold on sides, gilt marbled — edges Paris. 1695 | Theophrasti Characteres Ethici, Gr. et Lat. edidit P. Needham, | LARGE PAPER, calf, Cantab. 1712—Juvenalis et Persii Satyree, — LARGE PAPER, calf, Dublinii, 1746—Pachymeris (G.) Decla-_ mationes XIII, Gr. curante J. F. Boissonade, calf extra, g. ¢. Paris. 1848 ; and others 9 vol. Thibaldus sive Vindictee Ingenium, Tragcedia, brown morocco extra, g. €. Oxon. 1640 Thicknesse (Ann) Lives and Writings of the Ladies of France, 3 vol. portraits, 1778—School for Fashion, 2 vol. in 1, 2 portraits (original drawings) inserted, 1800 ; and others «7 vol. Corry (J.) A Satirical View of London, 1815; and others 12 vol. 791 ([Thicknesse (P.)] Sketches and Characters of the most Eminent and most Singular Persons now Living, vol. I, all published Bristol, 1770 *,* Rare. See MS. Notes by Mr. Crossley and the Rev. W. E. Buckley. 3792 Thicknesse (P.) Treatise on the Art of Decyphering, autograph &c. 2 vol. Dublin, 1777—Memoirs and Anecdotes, 2 vol. 1788 ; and others, by, or relating to him 13 vol. 3793 Thicknesse (P.) Year’s Journey through France and Part of Spain, 2 vol. plates, 1777—Year'’s Journey through the Paix Bas, &c. 1784—Memoirs and Anecdotes of P. Thicknesse, 3790 Thicknesse (Mrs.) School for Fashion, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, © uncut, 1800—The Loiterer, a Periodical Work, 2 vol. 1790— SS i oe SPST SES SS ES a ee a a Tepes 2 vol. portrait added, half morocco, 1788 ; and others, by the - same 9 vol. 3794 Thicknesse (P.) Valetudinarians, Bath Guide, front. uncut, 1780 _ —Second edition, wncut, 17830—A Trip to Paris, 1793—Sketch — of the Life and Paintings of T. Gainsborough, 1788—Pere — Pascal, 1783 (5) nae a re ma inscription of the author, 1772—Year’s Journey through France, — fee er. Jee 130°/d (50:16 /O /5q. 7é a 3795 |—~3796 ee Se So PUT ES Soa a 264 neers @. ) Sketch of the Life and Paintings of T. Gains borough, portrait and plate added, with MS. notes, morocco, g. e. 1788—Curious Facts and Anecdotes, portrait, 1790—Remarks on Two Courts Martial, n. d.—Letter to P. Thicknesse by C. Bonnor, with Answer, 1792; &e. im 3 vol. Thomas a Kempis, Christian’s Pattern, front. old black morocco, g. e. 1677—[Newman (F. W.)] Church of the Fathers, calf, 1840—Watts (I.) Reliquiz Juveniles, FIRST EDITION, 1734 and others : 6 vol Thomas a Kempis, Works translated by Hicks, 2 vol. 1707-15 —Norris (John) of Bemerton, 4 vol. in 2, 1713—Brady and Tate’s Psalms, with musical notes, 1703; and others (23) Thomas a Kempis, De Imitatione Christi, recens. J. Valart,/ front. Potier’s copy, green morocco extra, g. e. Paris. Barbou, 1764) . Thomas a Kempis, Imitation de Jésus-Christ, plates, Paris, Barbou, 1773—de Imitatione Christi, plates, ib. 1789—L’Officic Maria Vergine, plates, calf, g. ¢. Vienna, 1672; and others 13 vol. [) Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, Facsimile of the Original 4 Manuscript, with an Introduction by C. Ruelens, PRINTED ON VELLUM, morocco extra, g. ¢. 1879 ID) f s Thompson (C.) Travels, 3 vol. maps and plates, book-plate o Weale de Warwick, calf gilt, Reading, 1744—Boswell (J.)) - Account of Corsica, portrait, 1769—Athenian Letters, 4 vol.) a 5 4 1741 ; and others 21 vol. Thoms (Ww. J.) Collections of Early Prose Romances, 3 vol. half : morocco, uncut, t. @ g. W. Pickering, 1828 1,5 Q Thomson (J.) Seasons and the Castle of Indolence, with anj/ Introduction by A. Cunningham, printed on india paper, LARGE PAPER, proofs of the 48 vignette illustrations by S. Williams tree-marbled calf extra, g. é. 1841, Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius: or, a Collection of Scots Songs, set to Musick, 2 vol. = 1733 Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius: or, a Collection of io Songs, with Music, 2 vol. some leaves stained Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius, 2 vol. stained, uncut + “ - Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius, 2 vol. in 1, calf 1733 a? Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius, without the music, 2 vol. in 1/2 uncut 1733 Thoresby (R.) History of the Church of Leedes in Woveeh ces map, &c. 1724—Izacke (S.) Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter, no map and 4 leaves slightly wormed, 1724 2 vol eal do a Thucydides Gr. et Lat. ex recens. I. Bekkeri, 4 vol. Oxonii. 1821 —Lexicon Thucydideum, 1824, uniform, russia extra, g. @ b J. Clarke Thunberg (C. P.) Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, 4 var plates, 1796, d&c.—Antiquities of Palmyra, plan, de. ee and others Tibulle, Elégies de, suivies des Baisers de Jean Second, : vol. portrait and plates by Borel, Towrs, 1795—Capmartin de Chaup (Abbé) Découverte de la Maison de Campagne d’Horace, 3 vol. Rome, 1767 6 vol. ent ns ah sterner pamnagpasce sta i RN SE A AE RS eet NRROER ORIOA A AH Oa 265 ae / 3814 Tibulle Elégies, suivies des Baisers de Jean Second, traduc- tion nouvelle par Mirabeau l’ainé, portrait and 14 fine plates by Borel, 3 vol. half calf, uncut Tours (1795) 3815 Ticknor (G.) Life, Letters, and Journals, 2 vol. 1876—Lamb > (C.) Correspondence, 1870—Helps (Sir A.) Life of Las Casas, © 1868 ; and others 9 vol. {3816 Tiraboschi (G.) Storia della Letteratura Italiana, 9 vol. in 20 | Firenze, 1805-13 wm 3817 Tocqueville (A. de) State of Society in France before the Revo- — lution of 1789, translated by H. Reeve, 1856—Doyle (Sir F. - H.) Reminiscences and Opinions, 1813-85, 1886 ; &c. 5 vol. 3818 Tomitani (B.) Coridon sive de Venetorum Laudibus, Venel. — Aldus, 1556—Clonicus sive de R. Poli, Card. Laudibus, 10. — 1556, red morocco gilt, m. e. by Trautz-Buuzonnet in 1 vol. 3819 Tom Thumb. Famous History of Tom Thumb (in Verse). The three parts complete, numerous woodcuts, original ilus- trated wrappers printed for the booksellers, n. d. 3820 Tooke (J. H.) Diversions of Purley, revised by R. Taylor, 2 vol. 1829—Brydges (Sir E.) Autobiography, &c. 2 vol. portrait, — 1834—Russell (Lord J.) Life of W. Lord Russell, 2 vol. portrait, 1820; and others 11 vol. | 3821 Tourneur (Cyril) Plays and Poems, edited by J. C. Collins, © | 2 vol. 1878—Chapman (G.) Poems and Minor Translations, 1875 ; and another 4 vol. 3822 Towneley Mysteries, half morocco, m. ¢. Surtees Soc. n. d. 3823 Tozer (H. F.) Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, 2 vol. map and illustrations, 1869—Ward (Mrs. H.) Robert Elsmere, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1888 ; and others 9 vol. 3824 Tracts of the Anglican Fathers, 4 vol. half calf, 1839-42—|Bar- rington (Lord)] Miscellanea Sacra, 3 vol. 1770; &c. 13 vol. 3825 Tracts. SEE ALT SES. ace we SOE TARTS ARE TE areas sane benieEa Theological, Controversial, Historical, Sermons, &c. 3 parcels 3826 Tragicum Theatrum, Actorum et Casuum tragicorum Londini publici celebratorum, fine impressions of the portraits, calf, with the arms of N. Lambert de Thorigny in gold on sides Amst. 1649 3827 Tragicum Theatrum, Actorum et Casuum tragicorum Londini publici celebratorum, fine impressions of the portraits, vellum ib. 1649 3828 Tragicum Theatrum, another copy, with portrait of A. Lord Capel added, morocco extra, g. e. by C. Smith | ib. 1649 3829 ‘Transcripts. Barnefield’s Cynthia—Herbert’s Croftus sive de _ Hibernia—French History of the Black Prince, by Chandos Herald ; and three others; MANUSCRIPTS, 6 vol. SC. XIX — 3830 ‘Trench (R. C.) Select Glossary, 1859—English Past and Present, — 1855—Study of Words, 1853 ; and others, by the same 7 vol. 20 vol. / 3831 TRESOR DES PIECES rares ou inédites, Paris, 1856, &e. ea anEE En eneenneenneenes ei SN NRT AIO I ENTS 295 yi / 09 Re SEE ST OS EE Ve | ——————— Ra RE OL AO EA PRINS OST SO LT TC LET RE OR VO | Tr ee Sic LIED Me SA NOOO 5 A A NR A AR TED OT TNE He oe ™—= nae a ne : iets ee ae 3832 Tribute. (The) ‘a Collection of Miscellaneous Unpublished ws. 3833 3834 3835 — 3836 | 3837 — 3838 —-3839 3840 — 3841 3842 — 3843 3844 3845 *,* Contains poems by Tennyson, Praed, Byron, De Vere, &c. 266 ae ae ON A SAC SEL LCE Poems, by various authors, edited by Lord Northampton, contains poems by Lord Tennyson and others, 1837—The Casket, a Miscellany, consisting of Unpublished Poems, contains Poems by W. M. Praed, &c. 1829; uncut copies. 2 vol. Tribute : a Collection of Miscellaneous Unpublished Poems, edited by Lord Northampton, 1837—The Casket, a Miscel- lany consisting of Unpublished Poems, 1829 ; wneut copies 2 vol. Tribute, &c. Another copy of each vol. (2)) Trimmer (Mrs.) Concise History of England, 2 vol. plates, J. Harris, 1800—Lessons on Roman History, cuts, 1812—Riley’s Historical Pocket Library, 6 vol. cuts by Bewick, de. 1793— Circle of the Sciences, 6 vol. Newberry, 1748 15 vol. Triveti (Nic.) Annales Sex Regum Anglie, edidit A. Hall, LARGE PAPER, frontispiece, calf, royal 8v0, Oxon. 1719—Jo. Caii Britanni Opuscula, recog. a8. Jebb, LARGE PAPER, boards, uncut, 1729—S. Parkeri Epise. Oxon. De Rebus sui temporis Commentariorum, lib. 1V, LARGE PAPER, 1726; &c. Trollope (A.) Orley Farm, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, illustrations by\/Let-a4 J. E. Millais, half calf Trollope (A.) Phineas Finn, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, 20 illustrations /' by J. E. Millais, uncut 1869} Hy Tionhaton® (Le) Poésies Occitaniques du XIII° Siécle traduites| K2aa par Fabre d’Olivet, 2 vol. half bound, Paris, 1804--Grimm, Les Veillées Allemandes, Chroniques Contes, &c. traduction) par l’Héritier, 2 vol. plates, ib. 1838—De Chateaubriand Lit- térature Anglaise, 2 vol. ib. 1836—Diderot, Essai sur Claude! et Néron, 2 vol. russia, 1782 (8) Tucker (A.) Light of Nature Pursued, with Life by Sir H. P. St. J. Mildmay, 2 vol. tree-marbled calf extra, m. e. by Riviere, 184 Tuningii (G.) Apophthegmata Greca, Latina, &c. autographs of| Jé A. and G. C. Tennyson, Somersby, Lin. 1609—Oweni (J.) Epigrammata, half russia, t. e. g. Basiliw, 1766 ; &e. 9 vol. j Turner (J. M. W.) Annual Tour, 1833, 34 and 35, Sine engrav ings, Morocco, g. é. 3 vol. Turner’s Annual Tours, 1833; 34, and 35, LARGE PAPER, engrav- ings, interleaved with blank paper, half red morocco cutra, t. & g. Turner (S.) History of the Anglo-Saxons, 1805—Gesta Reg " Britanniz, edited by F. Michel, 1862—G. Le Baker de Swin broke Chronicon Anglie, edidit J. A. Giles, 1847; &c. 6 vol. Turner (S.) History of England: Anglo-Saxons, 3 vor 1828— / England during the Middle Ages, 5 vol. 18830—Henry the Kighth, Edward the Sixth, Mary and Elizabeth, 4 vol. 1828-29 12 vol Turneri (R.) Devonii, Oratio et Epistola de Vita et Morte Mar tini a CaF ete &c. Ingoldstadii, 1590—Tevii (J.) oe cula, Paris. 1762; and others Turner (T. H.) arhesg Architecture in England ‘esha he Middle Ages, 2 vol. numerous illustrations, wncut Oxford, 1851-52 267 i Aa AM QUARTO. oe Ruding (Rev. R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and | / W773 | its Dependencies, FIRST EDITION, map and several hundred speci- Lal mens of coins on 108 plates, 4 vol. boards, uncut, and Supplement | fee unbound 1817-19 Ruskin (John) Notes on the Turner Drawings, ILLUSTRATED | DNS . with 35 plates on india paper, and a map, half morocco, uncut, oe | t. @. 9. Fine Art Society, 1878 een Ruskin (John) Notes on Samuel Prout and Wm. Hunt, 20 auto- / / ees types, half roxburghe : 1b. 1880 Ruskin (John) The Art of England. Lectures given in Oxford, if ) 6 parts Allen, 1883 Ruskin. The Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Century, Two — ) ) Lectures, 2 parts complete 1b. 1884 | Ruskin. Storm Cloud. Another copy, 2 parts 1884 of Sabellicus (M. A.) Breviores Epistole pro rudibus latini Ser- Q | monis Adulescentibus, fit. goth. Lyptzk, J. Thanner, 1513— Secta Monopolii, seu Congregationis bonorum sociorum, lit. goth. s. /. 1505—P. Valeriani de Honoribus Epistola, Argent. M. Schurerus, 1513 ; and others (6) Sacchus (Bapt.) Vulgo appellati Platine. Historia inclyte Urbis Mantue, russia, with Wodhull arms, Vind. 1675—H. Frascatorii Opera Omnia, Venet. ap Juntas, 1574 — Vavassor (Fr.) De Ludicra dictione, calf, Lut. Par. 1658—Jani Douse Echo sive -Lusus Imaginis Jocose, Hag. Com. 1603; and others (6) Sagan af Gunnlangi Ormstungu ok Skalld-Rafni, sive Gunn- _ langi Vermilinguis et Rafnis Poetz Vita, boards, uncut Hafnie, 1775 Saints. Lives of Saints, collected from Authentick Records of Church History, with Suitable Reflections, 4 vol. boards, wncut T. Osborne, 1750 Sanctorum Septem Dormientium Historia ex Ectypis Musei Victorii expressa, calf, Rome, 1741—Sceevole Sammarthani Poemata, dug. Pict. 1596—A. Tritonii Mythologia, Bonon. 1560—Poetica Jac. Gaddii, ib. 1637; and others (6) Sapphus Poetriz Lesbie, fragmenta et Elogia, cura J. C. Wolfii, - LARGE PAPER, calf, 1733—Suetonius, Notis et numismatibus C. Patini, calf, Traj. ad Rhenwm, 1708—Auctores Mythographi Latini, curante Aug. Van Staveren, LARGE PAPER, calf, Lugd. Bat. 1742; and others (6) Sarpi (Paolo) Histoire du Concile de Trente avec des Notes par — ee | ) P. Courayer, portrait, LARGE PAPER, 3 vol. calf gilt, Amst.1751 —L’Enfant, Conciles de Basle de Constance et de Pise, 5 vol. RR NED TCI COT SCO LT LLG ELLIE BET OL LEVEE DLL ELLE LEIDER CLE ELLA A NOD 7 EGS Ea peck . le (SENT T DEIR ae calf, Amst. 1724-31—L’Enfant, Council of Constance, trans- — lated into English, plates, 2 vol. in 1, calf, 1728 (9) | ) ie Sartorius (R. P. Eucharius Soc. Jes.) Sancti Fundatores Religio. 5 : | . . sorum Ordinum, calamo lapidario descripti, old red morocco, — with device of Sacred Heart on sides sm. Ato. Fryburgi, F. Werlinus, 1662 — nee EEEnUnmnie ammeamamemamenmamenamemmmmeimeenens i 7 | | 3863 im 3864 . g | 3865 /} 2) | 3866 FS ARETE ED IE ERE EN INTE ASE CS RARER IT ME Oe lS - me 1] | 3867 | 3868 4 | ) | 3) | 3869 | | /6\ | 3870 Chee Fe 4 | iS} | se7t ee I) 1 | | sg79 3873 | D/o| | 3874 3875 (PA ASR NEED IT OIL SR TA AA A IN NT I TOE EE OE RR 0 Pl AL = ns aA ew 3876 periments a se . 3862, Bes oe eee 268 Savile (Sir Henry) Ultima Linea Savilii sive in Obitum Clariss. fe Abe Dom. Henrici Savilii, boards, very scarce z Oxon. Jo. Lichfield, 1622 Saxon Chronicle (The) with English Translation and Notes by / the Rev. J. Ingram, map, boards, uncut, Longmans, 1823— E. R. Moresi de A#lfrico Dorobernensi Archiep. Commen- tarius ex Autographo, edidit et Preefatus est G. J. Thorkelin, 1789 (2) Deb Schultens (Alb.) Origines Hebreee, “Weare uncut, 1761—Chr. Scholtzii Grammatica Aigyptiaca utriusque dialecti, calf, | Oxon. 1778—L. Pignorii Mensa Isiaca, plates, Amst. 1669 — ue Scriptores Rei Accipitrariee nunc primum editi, Gr. et Lat. old \& stamped oaken boards, with clasps, Lut. 1612—Polibio tradotta) a in Italiano da L. Domenichi, calf, Vineg. 1564—Antoninus) Gatakeri, 1652; and others (7) Scriptores Historia Byzantine, Memorize Populorum, olim ad Danubium, Pontum Euxinum . . . et Inde Magis ad Septem-| — triones incolentium erute et digeste, Jo. G. Strittero, 4 vol. - vellum veh Petropolis, 1771-9 a a Scrope and Grosvenor Controversy, vol. I, board, uncub sup. imp. 8vo. 1832 Selva (Joannes de) Tractatus de Beneficio, lit. goth. cut on title, calf, Lugd. J. Moylin, 1521 — Pree-adamite sive exercitacio super Versibus XII, XIII, XIV, Cap. V, Epist. D. Pauli ad Romanas, etc. Systema Theologicum ex Pre-adamitarum Hypothesi, calf, with Wodhull arms on sides, Anno Salutis, 1655, —Theses Theologice (Latinz), 85 Theses in 1 vol. 1595, ete. (3), Senault (J. F.) L’Homme Criminel, ou la Corruption de la Nature par le Peché selon les sentimens de 8. Augustin, LARGE! PAPER, old red morocco, g. e. Paris, Veuve Jean Cumusat, 1644) Senault (R. P. Jean Francois) L’Homme Chrestien ou la Répa (Aca ration de la Nature par la Grace, LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt, g. e with arms of Chancellor Seguier on sides and back | — ib. dan | Sermons. Account of the Progress of Reformation of Manners in England, Europe and America, 1705—Sermons, Chios, &e. by Divines chiefly of the 18th century, in 7 vol. V. Y Sermons. On Anniversaries, Coronations, Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Gunpowder Plot, &c. (mostly unbound — @ parcel Sermons. Church Communion Tracts, Sermons before the King, House of Commons, and other Special Occasions, im 8 vol. | v.Y Sermons on Special Occasions by Eminent Divines (mostly) puritan) of the 17th century, some scarce, in 10 vol. v. Y. Sermons preached before the House of Commons, and on seve occasions by Eminent Divines of the 17th century, bownd im — 14 vol. v% Y. Sermons preached by Eminent Divines of the 17th cen chiefly on Special Occasions, cach in separate boards (61) | 269 . Sharp (Thos.) Dieseheation on dite Banat or “Deninate oe teries anciently performed at Coventry, fine plates, boards, — uncut Coventry, Merridew, 1825 | Sharp (Thos.) Dissertation on the Pageants or Dramatic Mys- . teries anciently performed at Coventry, plates and musical notes, cloth Coventry, 1825 — Shirley (E. P.) The Noblemen and Gentlemen of England, — cloth, 1860—Montagu (B.) Study of Heraldry, W. Pickering, 1840— Controversy between Lord Grey of Ruthyn and Sir Edward Hastings, 1841 — Pedigrees of Knightley, Sir P. | Sidney, Ward of Middleton Cheney, &c. (7) Sidney (Sir Philip) Peplus, illustrissimi Viri Philippi Sidnei . supremis honoribus dicatus (ab Alumnis Novi Collegii, Oxon.) | title mended, half morocco sm. 4to. Oxon. J. Barnes, 1587 © Silius Italicus. Punica edid. C. Dausqueius, old red morocco, elaborately tooled (worn) Paris. D. Douceur, 1618—Porphyrii de abstinentia ab Esu Animalium ed J. de Rhoer, T7raj. ad Ethenum, 1767—Manilii Astronomicon R. Bentleii, portrait, LARGE PAPER, 1739 ; and others (6) Silius Italicus eR lsiehi. LARGE PAPER, calf, Taj. ad Rhen. 1717 — Aristoteles de Poetica, recens. T. Tyrwhitt, LARGE | PAPER, presentation copy from Dr. F. Hodson to Lord Grenville, — with autograph Letter of Vice-Chancellor Richards to Dr. Hodson | inserted, russia gilt, Oxon. 1794—Diogenes Laertius Meibomii, 2 vol. calf, Amst. 1692; and others (6) | | — ee - — PRESTR IO SF ES Pes Skeat (Rev. W. W.) A Moeso-Gothic Glossary, 1868—English Metrical Homilies from MSS. of the 14th century, by J. Small, 1862—The Print Collector (by Maberly), half morocco, | 1844; and others (5) Sleigh (John) History of the Ancient Parish of Leek, Stafford- | shire, second edition, views, portraits, pedigrees, uluminated arms, de. cloth, uncut Bemrose, n. d. (1883). Smith (Heraldry of) by H. Sydney Grazebrook (with Supple- ment, Heraldry of Smith in Scotland), 1870-73—Robinson | (Jo. B.) Derbyshire Gatherings, portraits and plates, cloth, J. f. Smith, 1866 (2 Smith (T. C.) Records of the Parish Church of Preston in Be tectoss plans, facsimiles, dc. half morocco printed and published for the author, 1892 | Somerville (Wm.) Hobbinol, Field Sports and the Bowling — Green, uBeodcuts by Nesbit and Thurston, boards, uncut | W. Bulmer for R. Ackermann, 1813 Somner (Wm.) Treatise of Gavelkind, name and thing, second — edition, with life of the author (by Bp. White Kennett), LARGE | PAPER, “front, of monumental slab, old red morocco gilt, g. &. 1726 | Sonnets of this Century, adited and arranged with a critical ) introduction by W. Sharp, cloth gilt W. Scott, 1886 ) Soranzo (Lazaro) L’Ottomanno, old red morocco gilt, with arms of | the Doge Foscarint Ferrara V. Baldini, 1598 © miners rsp eee A EE CC SO LLL OLN ELD LALO EO /5 | Sa Ly ae | 2 ys | | | | 357. Tine se NN a SE EE IOS RNG TO ST IIIT TE FOTOLIA SILT SOP SEO RETA ; 3 ade AE RN PRE pT EE ETO Ae APIO OT ANTELOPE TNE UREN TF AEE A TE ME a pC SANDRO AINE hs SY NES) A EN LL NOME I MO I BB IT GEE EGIL ION OLE ET I ETI LEE TOE AES IE arrest eee peas ean | “|| | 3801 Peet: 2) | 3899 | 6) | 3893 . } 1?) | sa94 /5\ | 3895 2/0| | 3896 eR NSE ON PENNY Ne ea 3897 RE! - - ‘a alli aera emma meena emeenieeeie e eenrteeiminsiaeiemien mente adie seine ante eee et ER SE RR tte omen a oe COMI? ANE a 2 A RR A NES RONEN 2 ETSI EST a 0 Mass ee a rn *,* The first article in this lot contains some of the earliest) / | _ 3898 Spenser (Edm.) Prosopopoia, or Mother Hubbard’s Tale ( from! 3899 Spenser Society (Publications of the) ComPLETE SET to 1890)! f _ 3900 Spirits. Narrative of Thomas Perks concerning Pe: in Bau) r * yp fe ee Ce a 7 . *< » eae « Me ee" a ae Cs * Pa . ee ea yes + r Mac a é: memes. 4 _ — rT * ~ Pi . n ‘ . 270 Souterius (D.) Belgidos sive Magni illius Belli quod in Belgio a > OL, Belgis, anno 1629, gestum est, front. vellum, Harlemi, 1631 Wernerus Martyr (teat in MS.) Ingoldst, 1630—Maurisperg (P. Ant.) Dramata IV, half bownd, Styrae, 1730 — Carmins Antonii Gigantis, Bonon. 1595 ; and others (6 South (Rob.) Musica Incantans, Oxon. 1667—Belsham (Jac.) / At Canadia, Ode (with English translation in MS.) 1760—Ockleius (S.) Oratio inauguralis habita Cantabrigiz in Scholiis Publicis, “a | Cant. 1712—Perkins (Jos.) Poematum Miscellaneorum, 1707 ; South (Rob.) Musica Incantans, sive Poema exprimens Musice Vires, Oxon. 1667—Drummond (G.) Scotus-Britannus, Poleme Middinia, Carmen Macaronicum recens. E. G(ibson) ib. 1691 — Gordon (Jo.) Scotus- Britannus, Antitortobellarminus, 1610—Thomasius (L.) Oratio in funus Marie II, Reg. Brit. 1695—Berniera (Jo. A.) Oratio de Utilitate Unionis Britannice, 1707 ; and others ee) Spalding Club. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, a a “en 272 | 7 Tansillo (S.) The Nurse, translated from the Italian by Wm. 1 Roscoe, LARGE PAPER, Bewick’s cits, Liverpool, 1804 McCreery (John) The Press, a Poem, both parts, woodcuts boards, ib. 1803-27—Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne (Mrs. Hemans), FIRST EDITION, boards, uncut, ib. 1808—Fleurs, a Poem, boards, Newcastle, 1821; and others (10) Tarleton (Lieut.-Col.) History of the Campaigns of 1780 andl, aN 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America, maps, half calf | | 1787! p Tassin. Les Plans et Profils de toutes les Principales Villes et lieux considérables de France, 2 vol. 210 old views and plans (some leaves of text stained), old red morocco, 9. e. oblong. Paris, M. Vanlochom, 1636) Tassin. Les Plans et Profils de toutes les Principalles Villes et lieux considérables de France, 3 vol. nwmerous views and plans, calf, oblong, Paris, 1644—Robert, Atlas Portatif Universel et Militaire, numerous old maps, calf, oblong, 1b. 1748 (4) Tassin. Carte Generales de la Haute et Basse Allemagne, et Seconde Partie des Plans et Profilz, 2 vol. 1b. 1633—Deserip tion de tous les Cantons, etc. du Pays des Suisses, 1b. 1635 (3) [Taylor (G. Watson)] The Profligate, a Comedy, wneut : Privately printed, 1820 Taylor (G. Sedwell) Auto-Biography of an Octogenarian Archi-) tect, 2 vol. numerous plates, cloth 1870-2 Tempesta. Metamorphoseon, sive Transformationum Ovidia-| narum lib. XV, eneis formis ab ANT. TEMPESTA, 150 jine Tennyson (Lord A.) The Window, or the Songs of the Wrens, A4 the Music by (Sir) Arthur Sullivan, ORIGINAL EDITION (title foxed), cloth Strahan, 1871) Terentius. Guidonis Juvenalis in Terentium familiarissima/ interpretatio cum figuris unicuiq. Scene preepositis, numerous spirited woodcuts, MS. notes in an old English handwriting on margins (some leaves stained and wormed), calf, morocco back Lugduni, Jo. Trechsel, 1493 Terentius a Westerhovio, LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. calf. Hag. Com. 1726—Lucianus Hemsterhusii, 4 vol. calf, Amst. 1743— Aurelius Prudentius, 2 vol. calf, Rome, 1788 ~ ©(19) Terentius, Phedrus et Publius Syrus edid. R. Bentleius, LARGE PAPER, vellum, Amst. 1727—Insignium Auctorum tam Gre corum quam Latinorum tomus Sing. edid. P. Stewartius, vellum, Ingolst. 1616—Agathaize de Imperio et Rebus Gestis Justiniani Imp. ed. princip. vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1594; and others . (6) Terentius, Sallustius, and Virgilius (2 copies), Baskerville’s finely) “~~ printed editions, Birm, 1757-72 (4A, 7 Terre Filius (by Geo. Colman), nos. I-IV (all published), half 4 TOL bound, 1763—The Censor, Saturday, May 15, 1813 to June ¥ 19, 1813, and other papers relating to the same—The Anti- Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner, 36 nos. and prospectus, 1797-8 ; and others ae t} ¥ 273 ae AE Sipe Mic aera eee OM PS ou 3932 Testamentum Novum Grecum, vellum, s. 1. 1638—Vetus Disci- 2 plina Monastica, vellum, Paris. 1726 — Schotti Proverbia ; Grecorum et Sacrorum, calf, Antw. 1612; and others (7) j i" | ee 3933 Testamentum Novum Grecé, textum ad fidem testium Criti- corum recens. curavit Dr. I. M. Aug. Scholz, 2 vol. boards, © uncut Lipsie, 1830 © 3934 Testament (The New) faithfully translated into English out of © Ly the authentical Latin by the English CoLLEGE or RHEMES, with annotations (hole in first leaf of preface, some leaves stained), calf Rhemes, John Fogny, 1582 Textus Dominice Passionis ex IV Evangelistis per Jacobum — /6 Gaudensem, lit. goth. Colon. in Aidibus pie Memorie H.Quentell, ) s. a.—Murner (Th.) de Phitonico Contractu, lit. goth. Priburgi, 1499—Defensio Germanie Jac. Wympfelingii quam frater Th. Murner impugnavit, woodcut on title, ib. 1502—Erasmi Varia Epigrammata, s. a. et J, ; and others (6) | 3936 Thomas de Aquino (S.) Summa totius Theologis, 5 vol. half calf — Venet. ap. Juntas, 1588 © 3937 Thorkelin (G. J.) Fragments of English and Irish History in the © 9th and 10th Century, half bound (presentation copy to Dr. Jamieson), 1788—Weld (I.) Illustrations of the Scenery of © Killarney, plates, half bound, 1806—Macpherson (D.) Pee graphical Illustrations of Scottish History, map, 1796 (3) 3938 Thorwaldsen’s Museum. Recueil de tous les Ouvrages de Thor- b waldsen, avec une esquisse biographique par H. P. Holst, 120 plates, comprising several hundred suljects, boards Kiobenhavn, 1851 3939 Tixall Poetry, with Notes and Illustrations by A. Clifford, front. half calf, Edinb. 1813—Adventures of Telemachus, by — Hawkesworth, vignettes, 1768—Camoens Lusiad, by W. J. — Mickle, 1776—Milton’s Paradise Lost, by Bentley, 1732 (4) FS te Ba TERRORS % ~O } ] ) FOLIO. f 3940 Turnebus (Adr.) Adversariorum lib. XXX, 3 vol. in 1, vellum, © / Paris. M. Juvenis, 1580—Bapt. Fulgosi de Dictis, Factisq. — - Memorabilibus C. Gilino latina facta, vellum, Mediol. 1509 (2) 3941 Universal History from the Earliest Account of Time to the — | Present, 8 vol. half calf, 1736-45—Kippis’s Biographia Bri-— tannica, 6 vol. in 7, boards, 1747-66 (15) 3942 Uptonus (N.) De Studio Militari. Jo. de Bado Aureo, de Armis. H. Spelmanni Aspilogia, E. Bissaeus notis illustravit, olding plate, engravings of seals, etc. old calf, with arms ‘ ‘ R. Norton, 1654 — *,* Inscription on fly-leaf “Ex dono Preclarissimi Juvenis Caroli Spelmanni.” i 3943 Uptonus, etc. Edid. E. Bissaeus (wants folding plate), calf, 1654 © /O —Browne (Sir Thos.) Pseudoxia Epidemica, FIRST EDITION, calf, 1646—Bacon (Lord) Raigne of K. Henry VII, calf, . 1622 | ‘ (3) 7 | We NP pol ie OSes UL ak a OE Ra re A ue RANE L4G: J: 6 te aT OE a emeeO | of 2 | 3944 /2) | 3945 | |/3) | 8946 ; 21/5) | 8947 > 8948 /\ i) | 3949 pf 8) 3950 | | L515] | 3961 | A | 3959 OM ee ae bP 4 #14 8968 | 31G| | 3904 Couey et | 1/16] 3955 ad Lee Vee ae foe 40 /o | | 3956 i : ; ite ae td] Bett | fo] 3957 English by John Ogilby, jine plates by Hollar (wants port. and) | maps), calf, T. Warren, 1654 OSS 274 Valer.tyn (F.) Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. A very valuablaZ. ru collection of Voyages to the East Indies, in Dutch, 5 vol, portrait, maps and plates, fine copy in old gilt Dutch calf a Dordrecht, 1724-26 *.* Scarce. Merigot’s copy sold for 130 francs. 4 Valentia (George Visc.) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, etc. 1802-6, LARGE PAPER, india proof plates before letters, 3 vol. blue morocco extra, g. €. FINE COPY roy. 4to. Miller, 1809 , — Valentiniani (G.) Hymnodia Sanctorum Patrum, vellum, with y ies clasps | Geneve, 1660 py) ~- sf Valerii Maximi Facta et Dicta memorabilia a Dionysio deAe u Burgo declarata, fine large copy in oak boards, calf back s. 1. & a. sed Argentorati, circa 1471 Vaticano (Il) Descritto ed Illustrato da E. Pistolesi, numerous ( plates, vol. I-III, wnbound Roma, 1829 Vere (Sir Francis) Commentaries, being diverse pieces 0 Service, wherein he had Command, written by himself by way of Commentary, published by Dr. Dillingham, 3 portraits, plate of Monument, plans of Battles, etc. calf Camb. 1657, Viaggio Pittorico della Toscana (dell’ Ab. F. Fontani), 3 vol. map, and 309 views in bistre, maroon morocco extra, gold tooling, bordered leather joints, g. e. with arms im gold on sides Firenze, 1801-8 Vick. Summa de VII Viciis capitalibus, &c. MANUSCRIPT o vellum, in double columns with wide margins, with coloure¢ capitals, written early in the XI1Vth Cent. blue morocco S20. XIV Vice... Tractatus de Viciis, written in 1427 (%) in Germany, MANUSCRIPT, calf Sac, X Vine. Histoire naturelle de la Vigne et du Vin, MANUSCRIPT, [7° from the Burton Constable sale S20. XVIII Vigerius (Marcus) Saonensis. Decachordum Christianum Julio I, Pont. Max. dicatum, woodcut title, 10 fine full-page woodcuts) within borders, and woodcut initials (slightly wormed), vellum Fan H. Soncinus, 1507 Virgilii Opera cum Mauri Servii Honorati Commentariis, Paris. R. Stephanus, 1532—Castigationes per J. Pierium Valerianum, ib. 1529, fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, by Roger Payne in 1 vol. *,* This copy sold in Sir J. Thorold’s sale for £2 14s. 3 VirGILII OPERA, per J. Ogilvium- edita, LARGE PAPER, brilliant~0°™ portrait of J. Ogilby by Faithorne, map and plates by Hollar,, Lombart, Faithorne, de. A matchless copy ruled, in red morocco, gilt gaufré edges, by Roger Payne | 1658) *,* This copy sold for £7 10s. in Sir J. Thorold’s sale. lo Virgilius. Opera per Jo. Ogilby edita, port. and fine plates by U6 la Hollar, &c. old calf, Roycroft, 1658—Virgil Translated into) __ a3 275 —, | 3 me oR Lae 27g ae ee lenham 3958 Virgil’s Works in English Verse by J. Dryden, LARGE PAPER, /0. E. ) plates by Hollar, Lombart, &c. old calf, rebacked 1697 | f of 3959 Virgil’s Works translated by J. Ogilby, brilliant portrait of 2 /3 | Ogilby by Faithorne, and plates by Hollar, fine copy in old English ae 6 | | red morocco, gilt edges 1654 | 3960 Virgil. Another copy, old calf 1654) / 72 3961 Virgil. Another copy, old calf 1654 | / j/2] 3962 Virgil’s Aineis in Scottish Verse by Bp. G. Douglas, with q Glossary, autograph and MS. notes by T. Rattray Edinb. 1710 3963 Virorum illustrium arctioris Discalceatorum Instituti in Eremi- — Jo | tano D. Augustini Ordine Athletarum Exegesis summaria, — aad jine impressions of the engraved title and 81 portraits, by G. De a Groos and G. Damperveil, vellum Vetero-Prage, 1674 . ae. 3964 Visconti (P. Q.) Series of Engravings of Egyptian Antiquities, tL aa 16 plates, boards atlas fol. 1837 — eS 3965 Volpato (G.) e Raffaelle Morghen. Principj del Disegno, 36 — 6 | fine large plates, vellum : atlas fol. Roma, 1786 3966 Voragine (Jacobus de) Legenda Sanctorum, fit. goth. double oS columns, rubricated initials, calf : Paris. per M. Chrancz, U. Gering et Mich. Friburger, s. a. 3967 Voragine (Jacobi de) Legenda Sanctorum, wormed, oak boards, — /| covered in stamped pigskin, sold with all faults sy Basilew, N. Kesler, 1486 — 3968 Vossius (G. J.) Etymologicon Lingue Latine editio novissima, = % LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. vellum, Neap. 1762—Virgilii Operacum Comment. L. de la Cerda, 3 vol. vellum, Col. Agr. 1647—_ Isaacson (H.) Saturni Ephemerides (engraved title and explana- , ee tion mounted), vellum, 1633 (6). 3969 Ward (John) Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, port. — b of Gresham and view of the Royal Exchange, uncut 1740 . to the Work, and Son of Sir Christoper the Architect). 3970 Ward (J.) Lives of the Professors of Gresham College with Life of the Founder Sir T. Gresham, LARGE PAPER, portrait of | Gresham by Vertue and view 1740 3971 Ware (Sir Jas.) Antiquities and History of Ireland, now first published in One Volume in English and the Life of Sir Jas. — Ware prefixed, calligraphic portrait of Q. Anne, and plates, calf 1704 3972 Wake (Archbp. W.) State of the Church and Clergy of England, — / O | calf, 1703—Hacket’s Life of Bp. Williams, portrait, 1693—_ Hooker’s Ecclesiastical Polity, n. d.; and others (6)) >| 3973 Watson (Rev. John), died 1816. Common Place Book, tran- ( scripts of Oxford Prize Essays and Poems, &. MANUSCRIPT folio. SMC. XVII} } | WEIROTTER (F. E.) CHuvRE, portrait and nearly 200 etchings of 1 / Oo ha ¥ landscapes and ruins, red morocco, gilt edges Paris, Basan, s.d. Wesley (Sam.) Life of Christ, a Heroic Poem, copperplate engrave / ee ings, 4 copies (all imperfect) (4) | | T 2 *,* “KE. Libris Chresti. Wren” (One of the Original Subscribers © ) PORT UD ET te: a ae at a PO at AS RES EP YT RO ty eo EE eS ene RE a A I EERE MRE LO. AD: TSE Si ae Oe ean ioe: ‘ ft | 3976 Wesley (S.) The Life of Christ, 60 fine copperplate engravings by |Z mAb /0 9 | 3077 *,* Bound in dark morocco, covered on both sides with very Ririfo} | 3978 1 j . | | 6 3979 per | ts Oar ; . £10 3980 i ey 18 | 3981 | 4 3982 . ) } : ; a b | 3983 | |2] | soe | S| | 3986 7 aoe ee 12) | | 3986 vel | ua oe /VQ\ |.3987 oun | 131 | 3088 | ‘ i 2 cg pn et a es eg 276 Faithorne (frontispiece and title mended), calf, 1697—Taylor and Cave’s Antiquitates Christianae, plates, calf, 1703— ag Parson’s Treatise of Three Conversions of England, calf, 1688; == and others tS} j 4 Westenrieder (L. de) Glossarium Germanico-Latinum Vocum°’*” Obsoletarum primi et Medii Aivi, tom. prior (all published), half bound Monachii, 1816 WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. Solitudo Regia, a Musis Westmonas-//4 ne teriensibus adumbrata anno 1732, a beautifully writte (/ MANUSCRIPT 1732 delicate gold tooling with sprays springing from a vase at each corner, with border of flowing pattern. In the centre of each side is a large lozenge-shaped ornament with rich bordering, and in the centre a shield bearing the Royal Arms, and the arms of Westminster School, with supporters and motto. A fine specimen of binding, from the Karl o Chichester’s collection. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club in 1891. Westwood (J. O.) Manuscrits Anglo-Saxons et Irlandais, Fac- similes de Miniatures et Ornements du VII® au X® Siecle, with descriptions in English, title illuminated in gold and silver, ] and 54 superb chromo-lithographs, cloth, uncut 1868 - Westwood. Another copy, cloth, uncut 1868, Winxins (D.) ConcrtiA Macn& BRITANNI& ET HIBERNIZ,} 4 vol. wneut, very scarce 1737 Williams (Gr.) The Right Way to the Best Religion in Certaine Sermons and Treatises (3 leaves mended), calf,1636—A Relation of the Conference between Lawd and Fisher, calf, 1639—| Sandys (G.) Paraphrase Upon the Divine Poems (with musical) @ notes), 1638; and others Soeiner ('3)1". Williams (Guil.) Oxonra Deptcta, sive Collegiorum et Aularum/ in Academia Oxon. delineatio, 65 fine large plates (including 3 engraved leaves of title, dedication and index) atlas fol. (1732-3) Winckelmann (G.) Monumenti antichi inediti con aleuni erudite / Addizioni, 3 vol. in 1, numerous plates, russia, gilt edges, requires rebacking Roma, 1767-79 Wismes (Le Baron de) La Vendée, 40 lithograph views, hal morocco : roy. fol. Nantes, s. d. Wood (Ant. a) Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis, LARGE PAPER, portrait of Hearne inserted, bound in Old English red morocco, inlaid in black, and elaborately tooled, g. e. } roy. fol. Oxon. 1674 Woop (R.) Ruins oF PatmyRa, 57 plates and 59 engravings, i 1753—RvINS OF BALBEC, 46 plates, 1757, 2 vol. in 1, fine copy) in russia extra, leather joints, marbled edges 1753-57) [5 * ») World (The) by Adam Fitzadam, ORIGINAL EDITION, complete in / 209 Nos. with “A World Extraordinary,” by H. Walpole and) Index, Names of Writers in MS. 4 vol. half bound Dodsley, 1753-6 ty a ¢ , ‘ Ps 4 . 7 ¢ “lz 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 NET SPRITE oa ' > | World (The) by Adam Fitz-Adam, ORIGINAL EDITION (wants No. 157) in 4 vol. calf 1753-56 World (The) by Adam Fitzadam, ORIGINAL EDITION, 4 vol. — 1753-6 Wycherley (W.) Miscellany Poems, mezzotint portrait by I. Smith — added 1704 Wytfiliet (Cornelius) Descriptionis Ptolemaicee Argumentum sive Occidentis Notitia brevi commentario illustrata, etc. 19 maps and engraved title, calf Lovaniu, G. Rivius, 1598 — XHROUUET (MATHIEU, Peintre de Spa), Charles Denis de Beu- rieux et Renier Roidkin, Desinateur de Cologne, Receuil de — divers Veues du Rhin, 104 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN INDIAN — INK OF VIEWS ON THE RHINE, &c. neatly mounted, red morocco, g. @. 1738 *,* From the collection of Jean Rousseau. Yorke (Jas.) The Union of Honour, containing the Armes, : Matches, and Issues of the Kings, Dukes, &c. from the Con- © quest to 1640, engraved title (cut down and mounted) and nume- rous coats of arms, calf 1640 Zonare (Joannis) Annales, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis C. Du Fresne Dom. Du Cange, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER Paris. 1686-87 z, ‘| | od BYL18 6 PRISER SEE AREY one SAO ANN ae SRE i” A . oe earn La AEN A AEE OTE 9 A EOE IE! OS cp TENN ERNE Qh tye RR Se a va = Be ee ee ve a” ae 3997 3998 3999 — 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 82)ussER (T.) Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, with Mag ys A EE ER te ee 5 ae ear career tee OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot 3996. Notes by W. Mavor, 1812—Johnson (S.) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 1775—Walker (R.) Flora of Oxfordshire, plates, Oxford, 1833—Essays by a Society of a Gentlemen at Exeter, Exeter, 1796; and others iS Tutschek (Ch.) Grammar and Dictionary of the Galla Language Q,. ue (Central Africa) 3 parts, scarce, Munich, 1844-5 ; and 1 other (4) 1 2 Tutti i Triomfi, Carri, Mascherate, Canti Carnascialeschi, 2 vol. portraits, calf gilt Cosmopolt (Lucca), 1750) ). [T(uvill) (D.)] Essaies Politicke and Morall, 1608—Ascham (A.)/ Of the Confusions and Revolutions of Governments, 1649— g Verstegan (R.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Anti- _ quities, plates, 1673—Drayton (M.) Poems, wants engraved title a (1630) ; and another 5 vol. <\ Twining (H.) Philosophy of Painting, plates (1849 Tymms (S.) Family Topographer, 7 vol. maps, 1832—Bulkeley / i clear (J.) Hougue bie de Hambie, a Tradition of Jersey, 2 vol. 1837 ; and others 17 vol. [Tyrwhitt (T.)] Dissertatio de Babrio, etc. 1776—De Lapidibus,/Y OA Gr. et Lat. 1781 ; &c. old red morocco eatra, 9. é. wm 1 vol. 9) 4a Universal Songster; or, Museum of Mirth, 3 vol. ORIGINAL EDITION, illustrations by G. and R. Cruikshank, half calf 1825-26 Urbane Regius (D.) Christ’s Sermon on his way to Emaus Muth black letter, 1578— Manning (R.) Reform’d Churches proved “a destitute of a Lawful Ministry, Rouen, 1722—Humfrey (J. A Rejoynder to Mr. Drake, 1654 ; and others 8 vol. Ussieux (M. d’) Le Décameron Francois, 2 vol. Paris, 1783—JU-¢ Lo Les Nouvelles Frangaises, 3 vol. ib. 1783, fine plates by Martin ; de. 5 vol Utterson (E. V.) Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, 2 vol. De 1817 i } ey 0 tt : ‘ ‘. Uzanne (O.) La Reliure Moderne artistique et fantaisiste, plates ie uncut Paris, 1887) 279 4008 Vadé (J. J.) Giuvres Poissardes, portrait and plates, calf, Paris, 1796—Nouvelle Histoire du Temps, ou, la Relation véritable du Royaume de la Coqueterie, russia, vellum end papers, 1b. 1655—Panthot (J. B.) Traité des Dragons et des Escarboucles, _ calf extra, g.e. Lyon, 1691 3 vol. rn 4009 Valerius Flaccus cum Notis P. Burmanni et Variorum, recens. T. C. Harles, FINE PAPER, Fev. T. Williams’ copy, green morocco — extra, inside borders, joints, g. e. by J. Clarke, with arms, &c. in CTS E LS ATES | | gold on sides Altenburgi, 1781 | HiaAcnK 4010 Valerius Flaccus, edidit T. C. Harles, bound in 2 vol. FINE PAPER, . | bright red morocco extra, g. e. by Simuer 1b. 1781 | 4011 Valla (Laurentius) In Libros de Voluptate et de Vero Bono > | (imperfect), Kinc Henry VIIIrH’s Copy, bound in old calf, . with Royal Arms and Tudor Rose on sides (much worn) q sm. 4to, (Paris, 1512) Jotell 4012 Van der Velde (C. F.) Romans Historiques, Hanrott’s copy, blue q morocco extra, g. e. Paris, 1826, &c. in 5 vol. | VookeLl BOs Van Heusde (P. G.) Initia Philosophie Platonic, 3 vol. in 1, ea calf extra, mM. @. Traj. ad Rhen. 1827-36 | 4014 Vanini (J. C.) de Admirandis Nature Reginze Dezque Morta- lium Arcanis libri IV, Lutetiw, 1616—Bencii (F.) Orationes et — Carmina, 2 vol. in 1, Ingolstadii, 1595—Scaligeri (J.) Epistole, — Lugd. Bat. 1627 ; and others 6 vol. i 4015 Varillas (M.) Histoire de Henri Second, 2 vol. morocco eatra, g. €. & | Amst. 1693 | ees 4016 Vaughan (H.) Sitix Scintillans, wants frontispiece, calf, 1655—_ g 4 Cotton (C.) Poems on Several Occasions, 1689 —Juvenal, © Satyrs, with Notes, &. by Sir R. Stapylton, portrait by | ) Marshall, and engraved frontispiece, 1647 ; and another 4 vol. — 4017 Vasari (G.) Opere, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, portraits, half morocco, : a uncut Firenze, 1822-23 | )otell 4018 Vavasseur (F. 8. J.) Theurgicon sive de Miraculis Christi, dark % blue morocco extra, g. e. by Simier, from Lord Stuart de Rothesay’s ) hbrary Paris, 1645 | ) | 4019 Venegas (M.) Natural and Civil History of California, 2 vol. map, ke. calf gilt , 1759 ell 4020 Venuti (M. di) Discoveries of the Ancient City of Heraclea, a translated by W. Skurray, 1750—Anglo-Saxon Version from the Historian Orosius, by Alfred the Great, 177 3—Mackenzie | a (J.) History of Health, Edinb. 1760; and others 13 vol. VY atee 4021 Verderii (C.) Peripetasis Epigrammatum, with autograph and BS motto of BEN JONSON, on title Paris. 1581 4022 Vernulei (N.) Gorcomienses Trageedia, Colon. 1610 — Com- radinus et Crispus Trageedix, Lovanit, 1628, calf, with arms of — J. Gomez de la Cortina on sides, g. e. by Petit 2 vol. 4023 [Vicars (J.)] England’s Worthies, portraits, 1647, reprint of 40 copies, 1817—Loveday (R.) Loveday’s Letters, portrait, 1659 ; and another 3 vol. | PR BS eR ST ; . i : } : RET aE RE . Sere annem 13 ka | 4 | 118 13 Lv | de wf ae RPTL LE ASE NEIL LLL POL AL, ELLE TCL OPP TUBS BNR SEE RE TET I OO EIT ELIE FOLGE ION GA NEB EIGENIO AE ASTON TIE CE SRE AE RIES TIE SERRE BO AEE SOI AMEND LS NE VS eh AAD ON Rae i 2 A AE PENROSE Se EE A Si PE OREO | 0 | ” — 4024 — 4026 4027 — 4028 — 4029 4030 4031 — 4032 4033 — 4034 4035 — 4036 4037 4038 (fencers metho eS FURST oN 4039 280 2 Vice Puni (Le) Ou Cartouche, Poeme, plates, Paris, 1726—Mira- Kec ¢ Ye beau, Lettres écrites du Doujon de Vincennes, 1777-80, 2 vol. s Paris, 1792—Telliamed, ou Entretiens d’un Philosophe Indien _ avec un Missionnaire Francois, Amst. 1748; &c. (12) p ‘an [Victor (M.)] Widow of the Wood, calf, 1755—Petrus Hys- Zhen panus, Treasury of Healthe, black letter, 7. Coplande, n. d.— a 3 Wotton (Sir H.) Reliquie Wottoniane, portrait by Lombart, a 1651; and others 10 vol. , Vide (M. H.) Poematum, ed. T. Tristram, LARGE PAPER, por- A/ 0 trait, Oxonti, 1722—Hospitalii (M.) Carmina, LARGE PAPER, frontispiece, Amst. 1732—Epistole Clarorum Virorum, cal gut, Rome, 1754; and others 7 vol. Villanova (A. de) L’Eschole de Salerne en Vers Burlesques, ete. half morocco, g. e. Paris, avec sphere, 1651 Villemarque (Th. de la) Barzas-Breiz. Chants Populaires de la Bretagne, 2 vol. Paris, 1840—Gonidec, Grammaire Celto-Bre- tonne, ib. 1837—-De Courron, Essai sur la Bretagne Ameri- caine, ib. 1840—Fr. Michel, Le Pays Basque, 7b. 1857; and others ae (10) Vilvain (R.) Enchiridium Epigrammatum, Latino-Anglicum, pre-| 0 sentation copy to William Morris, Esq. with Distich, in Latin and _ English, signed by the author, calf } og AOE s a Virgilii Opera, edidit M. Maittaire, LaRGE PAPER, calf gilt, g. e, (ix cller by Padeloup, 1715 —Cornelii Nepotis Vite, edidit M. Maittaire,| q LARGE PAPER, ruled, morocco, g. e. by Padeloup, 1715 2 vol. | Virgilii Opera, autograph of H. Kirke White, morocco, g. e. | Ultrajecti, 1724 Virgilii Opera, edidit, zerique tabulas incidit J. Pine, 2 vol. in 1, engraved with plates, old red morocco, gold tooled borders, g. e. 1755 Virgilii Opera, ed, C. G. Heyne, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf,1821-— Homeri Ilias Gr, et Excursus in Homerum, ed. 0. G. Heyne, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, Oxonii, 1821-22 ; and others 10 vol. Virgilii Maroni’s dreyzehen Bucher von dem tewren Helden Enea, &c. (T. Murner’s rhyming translation) woodeuts, Franc. 1562—Seconda parte delle Vite di Plutarcho, woodcuts, Vineg. Nem ie ‘ a; Bf 4 Me eo A a 1529 ; and others 9 voli |) 2 Virgilius (Polydorus) de Rerum Inventoribus et de Prodigiis, Xecg U red morocco, g. ¢. by Roger Payne Amst. D. Elzevir, 1671 ( Virgilii Bucolica, Georgica, et Aineis, 2 vol. red morocco extra g. @. by Bradel, with his ticket Edinb. 1755 9 7 Virgilii Bucolica, Georgica, et Aineis, ed. G. Sandby, 2 vol, //1aed plates, old red morocco extra —_—- 1750 | a Virgilius, calf, Birm. Baskerville, 1766—Smithi (T.) Collectane: ( de Cyrillo Lucario Patriarcha Constantinop. portrait, 1707— Phedrus ex recens. A. Cuningamii, old red morocco, g. e. Edinb. 1757—Sallustius, book-plate of T. Walpole, russia, ib. 1755 ; and others 6 vol. y; Virgilius, frontispiece, old green morocco extra, Birm. Baskerville, +0 1766—Auctores Classici Latini, edente J. Hawkey, 5 vol. calf - gilt, g. e. Dublinii, 1745; &c. 6 vol 4 | -_ dler 4041 4042 . Hh) 4043 Virgilius tabulis eneis olim a J. Pine, plates, uncut, 281 SY Ro ey aE A A TNS a ow 1774— — Plotini Liber de Pulcritudine, Gr. et Lat. adjecit F. Creizer, LARGE PAPER, Heidelberge, 1814— Tatham (H.) Lexicon AXgyptiaco-Latinum, Oxonti, 1835; and others 10 vol. Virgilius a C. G. Heyne, curavit G. P. E. Wagner, 5 vol. in 9, VELLUM PAPER, engravings, morocco, g. e. by Hayday Lips. 1830-31 Virgil, Works, Englished by R. A. Andrews, wncut Birm. Baskerville, 1766 © Visions of Tundale ; together with Metrical Moralizations, &c. — (edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull) one of 80 copies, frontispiece, Edinb. 1843—Roye’s Satire against Wolsey, black letter, reprint —Roberte the Deuyll, a Metrical Romance, plates, 1798 ; and others 6 vol. Vitruvius de Architectura, a G. Schneider, 3 vol. calf Lips. 1807-8 Vitruvius, Architecture, translated by J. Gwilt, plates, russia | extra, g. &. 1826 | Vives (J. L.) Dialogues, Lat. et Fr. autograph on fly-leaf of Cromp- ton, probably R. Crompton, of Brasenose College, author of Mansion of Magnanimitie, 1599, red morocco Anvers, 1571 | VOLTAIRE (M.) La Zayre, FIRST EDITION, ine copy, some leaves with rough edges, half calf Paris, 1733 | Voltaire (M.) Zadig, ou, la Destinée, s. p. 1749—[Poellnitz — (Baron de)| La Saxe Galante, title in red, Amst. 1734—Alciat | (A.) Emblemes, en Rime Francoyse, s. p. ef d.; &e. 4 vol. [ Voltaire (M.)] Candide, ou lOptimisme, traduit de Allemand | de Mr. Le Docteur Ralph, FIRST EDITION s. p. 1759 | “Se Jo. ee ae i / 7 2. | /2. Gs Voltaire (M.) Candide, ou l’Optimisme, FIRST EDITION, half 9 2 morocco, uncut, t. & g. s. p. 1759 Voltaire (M.) Candide, ou l’Optimisme, both parts, FIRST EDI- TION s. p. 1759 Voltaire (M.) CEuvres, vol. XI, La Pucelle d’Orleans, portraits. and plates by Moreau, wncut 1784 | Voltaire (M.) Théatre, 12 vol. calf Paris, 1801 © Voyageur Francais, 33 vol. calf, 9. e. ib. 1765-90 © Voyages d’Antenor en Gréce et en Asie, trad. par E. F. Lantier, © 3 vol. Paris, 1798—Poésies de Marie de France, publiées — d’aprés les MSS. par B. de Roquefort, 2 vol. frontispiece, 1b. 1832 ; and others 8 vol. Vulteii (J.) Inscriptionum libri II, calf extra, g. e. by Simier : Paris. 1538 Vulteii (J.) Epigrammata, morocco, Lug. 1537—Marulli (M. T.) Epigrammata et Hymni, calf, Paris. 1529—Symphosii Veteris Poet, ib. 1533—Anticlaudiani, Basil. 1536—Willeii (R.) Poe- mata, 1573, in 1 vol. calf ; and others (7) Wackernagel (W.) Deutsches Lesebuch, 4 vol. (Poetry to 1500, Prose to 1842), calf, g. e. Basil. 1839-43 — Wake (Lady) Simple Commentary on the New Testament, 4 vol. _ 1849—Kennedy (B. H.) Hymnologia Christiana, 1863 ; and others 16 vol. te RE NN a LT A EN A ETRE ARNT TE A ON a a ER oe ae a doo ae V5 Bax 4 | 2] OO ROCA SERCO CEE NA RETS Bree eee} a ARTE ea ER LT SS Ay A TTR Rit RT IEE PTET I EE ee ‘ - : 5 DY (reer ne et secant EE ee ee ee ere 4060 4061 4062 POR SLOTS I MRS et — 4063 —«-4064 — 4065 —- 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 282 pater cere I tN EN A TY SRY Waldron (Fr.). Literary Museum, half calf gilt, 1792—The Newark Bee, 1838-39, calf, Newark Ridge (Deo, Walford’s Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, 35 nos. A) ¢ between Jan. 1884 and Nov. 1887—The Haileybury Observer, 23 nos. various, Hertford, 1850-7 ; and others a parcel Walker (Mrs. A.) Female Beauty, colowred plates, morocco, g. oe 183 Walker (Obadiah) Of Education, especially of Young Gentle- q men, calf extra, g.¢. - Oxon. 1673 Wallace (J.) Account of the Islands of Orkney, 1700—History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge, 1721— Spelman (Sir J.) Life of Allfred the Great, with additions by T. Hearne, portrait, Oxford, 1709—Berkley (Sir J.) Memoirs of, 1699 ; and others 11 vol. D Waller (E.) Poems, &c. portrait, calf, g. e. 1705—Price (H.) % ~ Poems on Several Subjects, plate inserted, calf extra, g. e. by W.. s Pratt, 1741—[Gompertz (J.)] Modern Antique ; or, the Muse in the Costume of Queen Anne, LARGE PAPER, russia extra, 1813—Probationary Odes for the Laureateship, with a Dis- ~ course by Sir J. Hawkins, 1785 ; and others 8 vol. Y a Waller (Edmond) Poems, upon Several Occasions, 7th edition, portrait, blue morocco, 1705—Scott (Thos.) Lyric Poems, mo-| rocco, 1773-—Stirling (Sir Wm.) Proverbial Philosophy of Scotland, an Address, on blue paper, 1855—Traditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare, 1838 ; and another — (5) A , Walpole (H.) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors of Eng- land, 2 vol. 1759—Trench (R. C.) Sacred Latin Poetry, calf gilt, 1849—Addisoniana, 2 vol. in 1, portrait, n. d. ; &e. 17 vol. Walpole (H.) Castle of Otranto, FIRST EDITION, 1765—Second/ edition, portrait added, 1765 2 vol. - Walton (Bp. B.) Life and Writings by the Rev. H. J. Todd,//@?4& 2 vol. portrait, 1821—Bp. Hall, his Life and Times, by Rey. = J. Jones, portrait, 1826 ; and others 6 wea Pics — Walton (B.) in Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena Specialia recog novit, Fr. Wrangham, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. (autograph letter of the editor inserted), boards, uncut Cant. 1827-4 gy Walton (Isaac). Manuscript Notes and Proof Sheets connected N) 6 a with an edition of Walton’s Lives of Sanderson and Hooker. “? MANUSCRIPT, @ bundle Sc. XIX 0. - WALTON (I.) CoMPLEAT ANGLER, fourth edition, plates, morocca ~*°7™ extra, g. €. slightly wormed 1668X. ff Walton and Cotton, Complete Angler, with Life of the Author yi te ; plates, 1760—|Johnson] Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces 3 vol. calf, 1774—The Observer, 5 vol. calf, 1788; and others 12 vol, Walton and Cotton, Complete Angler, with Lives, &c. by Si J. Hawkins, plates, S. Bagster, 1808—Lives of Dr. J. Donne Sir H. Wotton, &c. with Notes, &c. by T. Zouch, portraits, = York, 1807, uniform, calf gilt 2 vol. fey , } (LAX ya tee Walton and Cotton, Complete Angler, with Lives and Notes by Sir J. Hawkins, engravings, russia S. Bagster, 1808 — 2 ann a Ste EN A RD oO RA SR ee 4081 (YA |4082 4083 4084 283 oe «cir Cee Dae a a ae eB fof —— Walton (I.) Life, including Notices of his Contemporaries, by _ T. Zouch, portraits and plates, calf gilt, q. e. 1823 EDITION, portrait by White 1678 | Walton (I.) Life of Bp. Sanderson, FIRST EDITION, portrait by | White, 1678—Boyle (C.) On Dr. Bentley’s Dissertations, calf, 1699—Wallin (B.) Scripture Doctrine of Christ’s Sonship, — old blue morocco extra, g. @. 1771; and others 8 vol. Walton (I.) Life of Dr. Sanderson, Bp. of Lincoln, FIRST — 7 | Walton (I.) Life of John Donne, Dr. in Divinity, portrait, / / | panelled calf extra, g. e. by Riviere 1658 | Walton (I.) Lives of Dr. J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, &c. with — Notes, &c. by T. Zouch, 2 vol. portraits, uncut, York, 1817— — Prior (J.) Life of O. Goldsmith, 2 vol. fronts. half calf, 1837 4 vol. | Walton (I.) Lives of Dr. J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, /0 10 and G. Herbert, FIRST EDITION, portraits 1670; | *,* Presentation copy, with autograph inscription of the author. Warburton (E.) Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers, 1/5 3 vol. portraits, half calf extra, m. e. 1849 © ) 0 bend [Warburton (J.)] Some Account of the Alien Priories, 2 vol. | 13 map and plates, 1779—Bourget (Dioz. J.) History of the =~ Royal Abbey of Bec, plates, 1779 3vol.| | Ward (Ned) History of the Grand Rebellion, 3 vol. portraits | / yi (some wanting), additional portraits inserted, calf rebacked, g. ¢. ape oe Ward (8.) A Coal from the Altar to Kindle the Holy Fire of —// Zeale, 1622—Camus (Peter) Bp. of Belley, A Draught of | . Eternitie, Doway, 1632--Smythe (R.) Assertion and Defence | of the Sacramente of the Aulter, black letter, poor copy, with § all faults, 1546; &c. 5 vol. Warner (Rev. R.) Literary Recollections, 2 vol. 1830—Sharpe ) (S.) History of Egypt, 1846 ; and others 10 vol. Warton (J.) Death-bed Scenes, 4 vol. morocco, g. ¢. 1830-41— | 3 Selections from the Works of Taylor, Hooker, &. by B. ” Montague, calf, 1805 ; and another 6 vol. Warton (T.) Genius and Writings of Pope, 2 vol. 1772—_ Warton, another edition, 2 vol. portrait, 1806 ; and others | 7 vol. | Warton (T.) Poetical Works, with Notes by R. Mant, 2 vol. 70 Oxford, 1802—Wodhull (M.) Poems, portrait, 1804 ; and others a parcel Warton Club Publications, Nos. 1 to 4 (all published) 1855-56 Watson (R.) Historicall Collections of Ecclesiastick Affairs in’ Je | Scotland, the Murder of the Cardinal of St. Andrew’s, and the Beheading of Queen Mary, morocco extra, g. @. 1657 © *.* Scarce. Dr. Laing’s copy sold for £3 12s. 6d. Waterland (Rev. A.) Works, with a Review of the Author’s — 10. Life, &c. by Bp. W. Van Mildert, 10 vol. portrait, Hulme prize — | copy, calf eatra, m. é. Oxford, 1823 a OYE ONION Oa Oe es TS a Sc ar a Pv PDP ON 5 a Siucoraiadl ARENSON OC RRS EE VEE NPR IE SERIE Sm 2 eee SERRE: et ee ee ee ee ee oo a eee | 4093 Waterton (C.) Essays on Natural History, 3 vol. fronts, 1858, Vobe 4094 Watts (Alaric) a Narrative of his Life, by his Son, 2 vol.|A/4 4095 Watts (Isaac) eee fourth edition, old calf 1731 | *,* Presentation Copy, ‘To Mrs. Mary Abney” (daughter of 4096 Watts (I.) Reliquiz Juveniles, Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 2 Lia EIN OS, 9 A, 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 emer ai 284 etree 1 OLE AO ANN d&c.—Tiffin (W. F.) Gossip about Portraits, 1866—Jones (W. ) and others, Key tothe Art of Ringing, n. d.; and others 12 vol... ee portrait, 1884—Pollock (Sir F.) Personal Remembrances of,| . 2 vol. 1887—-Memorials of Caleorton, edited by W. Knight, 2 vol. Edinb. 1887 ; and others 8 vol. Sir Thos. Abney, of Stoke Newington) “J. w.” and Verse, FIRST EDITION, 1734—Reliquize Juveniles, fourth edition, 1752—Hore Lyrice, portrait, 1789; and others, by Dr. Watts 11 vol. Weber (H.) Metrical Romances of the XIII, XIV, and XV Centuries, 3 vol. uncut Edinb. 1810 Weber (J.) Mémoires concernant Marie Antoinette, Reine de Tec France, 3 vol. portraits, bright old red morocco extra, g. ¢. 1804-7 7) Webster (J.) Works, with Life and Notes by the Rey. A. Dyce, autograph letter of the editor inserted, 1857—Bidpai, Fables, with a Translation, &c. by J. G. M. Keith-Falconer, Camb. | 1885—Sakoontala: or the Lost Ring, translated, &c. by = Monier Williams, Hertford, 1856 ; and others 7 vol. a Veet Wedgwood (J.) Life, with a Sketch of the Art of Pottery in} England, by E. Meteyard, 2 vol. numerous illustrations 1865 he Wellbeloved (C.) Eboracum : or York under the Romans, plates, York, 1842—Curtis (J.) Topographical History of Leicester- U shire, map, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1831; and 2 others 4 vol. so Wellesley (Marq. of) Primitize et Reliquiz, privately printed, Jopel (2 copies) 1840—Lytton (Lord) The New Timon, First EDITION, complete 1 in 4 parts,1846— Macaulay (Lord) ‘ Pompeii ” and ‘‘ Evening” (Chancellor's Medal Poems), original editions,| 1819-21 ; and others (21) pe Wellington (Duke of) Dispatches, 1799-1815, by Lt, Col.//2«lX Gurwood, with general Index, 13 vol. half russia, m. e. — 1837-39, , @ Wells (N. A.) Picturesque Antiquities of Spain, plates and cuts, do s uncut 1846 io" 7 Welsh MSS. Society: Liber Landavensis, Llandovery, 1840—/¢@C@ Lives of the Cambro British Saints, ib. 1853, by the Rev. W. = J. Rees—Bardas, with Translations and Notes by the per J. Williams ab Ithel, 2 vol. 7b. 1862-74 Wesley (C.) Hymns and Sacred Poems, 2 vol. ane bla = $ morocco extra, g. é. Bristol, 1746 pla Wesley (J. & C.) Hymns and Sacred Poems, FIRST EDITION? Kaye whe _* o Wesley (S.) History of the Old and New Testament attempte 11a 3 in Verse, 2 vol. engravings by J. Sturt, calf 1704 Wesley (S.) History of the Old and New Testament, 3 vol. / 2 ok FIRST EDITION, 330 engravings by J. Sturt, calf 1704 -- ae ee - er ee 285 a ee sin ieaneeieaimesiinmatasemeenntiaemeniedl oe = & Se Wesley (S.) History of the Old and New Testament, 3 vol. 330 ) engravings by J. Sturt, calf 1716 Wesley. Another copy, old red morocco extra, g. e. 1716 Wesley (S.) Pious Communicant rightly prepared, 1700—Wes- ley (C.) Hymns and Sacred Poems, 2 vol. Bristol, 1755-49 — Wesley (J.) Memoirs of, by J. Hampson, 3 vol. portrait, Sun- derland, 1791 6 vol. Westmacott (C.) Points of Misery, LARGE PAPER, 20 designs by R. Cruikshank, uncut 1883 Westminster Abbey Registers, edited and annotated by J. L. Chester 1876 Westwood(T.) and T. Satchell, Bibliotheca Piscatoria, wncui, 1883 [ Whatley (G.)] Principles of Trade, 1774—Andro: a New Game © of Cards, 1752—[Heckford (R.)| Discourse on the Bookland and Folkland of the Saxons, Camb. 1775; &c. im 1 vol. Wheatly (C.) On the Common Prayer, Ozford, 1839 — Nelson (R.) Companion for the Festivals and Fasts, 1837 — Davison © (J.) Discourses on Prophecy, Oxford, 1839 — Homilies in the time of Queen Elizabeth, ib. 1832, Hulme prize copies, calf extra, m. "4 vol. | Wheeler (W. A.) Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction, — 1866—Lang (A.) The Library, 1881 — Tennysoniana, 1879 ; — and others (6) | Wheler (Sir G.) Account of the Churches, or, Places of As-— sembly of the Primitive Christians, calf, 1689 — Smith (H.) | Thirteene Sermons upon severall Textes of Scripture, vellum, | 1592—Willett (A.) A Catholicon, vellum, 1602 3 vol. | Whewell (W.) History of the Inductive Sciences, with Supple- ment, 4 vol. 1837-57 — Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, — 2 vol. 1840, calf, m. e. 6 vol. Whiston (W.) Primitive Christianity Reviv’d, 5 vol. apparently the author’s copy, with alterations and corrections in his hand-— writing 1711-12 © Whiston (W.) Letter to the Earl of Nottingham concerning the Eternity, 1719, with the Answer and Reply, the Earl of - Nottingham’s copies, with MS. Notes, in 1 vol.—Six Dissertations | by W. Whiston, 1734—Wesley (J.) Doctrine of Original Sin, ) Bristol, 1757 ; and others 8 vol. Whitaker (J.) Origin of Arianism disclosed, 1791—Field (Rev.J.) Life of John Howard, portrait, 1850; and others 12 vol. | White (A.) Schismatis Anglicani Redargutio, Lovanii, 1661— — Smythei (R.) Refutatio Locorum Communium Theologicorum © P. Melanchthonis, Duaci, 1563 — Mavenii (J.) Meditata Con- cordia Protestantium cum Catholicis, front. Colon. Agrip. 1661; | and another vol. White (G.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, edited by T. Bell, 2 vol. iustrations, wncut Van Voorst, 1877 —— | eye ah eee see ee ay 15 | a eee Lies BH ~O KM be Ly | 21 4. | ia 4128 | 4129 ‘ 4130 4131 — 4132 | 4133 —- 41384 | 4135 | 4136 | 4137 | 4138 4139 4140 Sen ee on Ree NN 4127 Whitlock (R.) Zootomia, front. 1654—Langley (B. & T.) Thel, 286 ne DE ee ee RR Ry Oa Im Ste a ar RE Builder’s Jewel, plates, 1757 ; and others 8 vol. | Whole Duty of Man, FIRST EDITION, engraved title as 1659—Taylor (Bp. J.) Real Presence and’Spirituall of Christ ug in the Blessed Sacrament, FIRST EDITION, 1654—-Maxwell (J.) Divine Miscellanies ; or, Sacred Poems, Paisley, 1787— Pattisson (S.) Original Poems, chiefly on Divine Subjects, Manchester, n. d. ; and others 10 vol. | By, Wiehcrevi (A.) Cornelius Relegatus, Comeedia, Rostochi, 1650 V b —Beel, Comico Trageedia Sacra, Ulme, 1615 — Betuleii (X.) Judith, Drama, Lavingw, 1611; and others, all hal morocco (5) Ps i Widdowes Mite cast into the Treasure-house of the Prerogatives, &e. (by A. G.) calf gilt, 9. e. n. p. 1619 Wilberforce (W.) Life, by his Sons, 5 vol. portrait, 1838— Burke (J. & J. B.) Extinct Peerages of Great Britain and Ireland, 1846 ; and others 14 vol. Wildvogel (Christ.) De Venerabili Signo Crucis, Jenw, 1690— Titz (H. G.) Disquisitio de inclito Libro Poetico Theuor danck, ij Dy 2 . ve - 288 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates by W. Daniell, red morocco joints, l] rE Gish 1807 Woolton (J.) Treatise of the Immortalitie of the Soule, calf/ ZG ‘ 6 j Worcester (Marquis of) Century of Inventions, FIRST EDITION, 4 hha z calf, 1663—Owen (J.) Epigrammata, vellum, 1612—Fielding & (H.) Examples of the Detection and Punishment of Murder, calf, 1752; and others (7) Worcester (Marq. of) Century of Inventions, calf extra 1746 Wordsworth (C.) Ecclesiastical Biography, 4 vol. Hulme prize¢ copy, calf extra, m. e. with arms on sides 1839 Wordsworth (Dr. Chr.) Greece pictorial, descriptive and histori cal, numerous illustrations, complete in the original parts imp. 8vo. Orr, 1839 Wordsworth (D.) Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland, / A.D. 1803, Hdinb. 1874—[Russell (Lord J.)] Essays and Sketches of Life and Character, by a Gentleman who has left his Lodgings, 1820-—Digby (K. N.) Broad Stone of Honour, Godefridus, 1829; and others 9 vok>> Wordsworth (W.) Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems, 2 vol. V half morocco, 9. é. 1800 Wordsworth (W.) The River Duddon, FIRST EDITION, 1820—/ The Excursion, and other Poems, 2 vol. 1820, &c. in 3 vol. Byrom (J.) Poems, 2 vol. portrait, calf extra, g. e. Leeds, 1814 —-Ossian, Poems, translated by J. Macpherson, 2 vol. hal “ calf, 1807 ; and others 9 vol 9 ae Wordsworth (W.) The Prelude, 1850—Milton (J.) Paradise U abel Lost, wncut, Longman and others, 1795 ; &e. a large parcel a= Wordsworth (W.) Thanksgiving Ode, Jan. 18, 1816, with othe OG yA Short Pieces, 1816—Letter to a Friend of R. Burns, 1816 J The Waggoner, a Poem, 1819 ; FIRST EDITIONS, uncut (3 /) WorpswortH (W.) Poetical Works, edited by W. Knight, ll vol. LARGE PAPER, plates in duplicate states, uncut Edinb. 1882-8§ PR World Displayed; or, a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels, 20 vol. maps and plates, calf 1774-78 7 World in Miniature, edited by F. Shoberl; Turkey, 6 vol. Russia, 4 vol. ; Persia, 3 vol.; Africa, 4 vol. ; Austria, 2 vol. Asiatic Islands, 2 vol.; Spain and Portugal, 2 vol. ; Illyria and Dalmatia, 2 vol.; South Sea Islands, 2 vol.; Nether lands, 1 vol. ; Tibet and India, 1 vol. nwmerous coloured plates; _ uncut, in the original boards, Ackermann, v. d. 29 vol 5 2 Wrangham (Rev. F.) Works, 3 vol. portrait, calf, 1816 ti Scraps, only 50 copies privately printed, wncut, 1816—Sertum an Cantabrigiense ; or, the Cambridge Garland, Malton, 1824 —Epithalamiatria Mariana, privately printed, Cestrie, 183 j a H} CALL, ne Wrangham (Archd. Fr.) Lyrics of Horace, 440 and 8vo, YorkA4+4*07 1821—Sermons, Charges and other Pamphlets by the same (only a few copies of each printed) a parcel 289 I yaa A A on — Wraxall (N. W.) Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, &c. 1777-79, 2 vol. calf 1806 © Wright (T.) Coup-d’Oeil de la Littérature Anglo-Saxonne en _ Angleterre, Paris, 1836 — Michel (F.) Bibliothéque Anglo- Saxonne, MS. notes by Mr. Buckley, calf in 1 vol. Wright (T.) and J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Reliquiz Antique, 2 vol. uncut, 1845-——Wright (T.) Early Mysteries, and other Poems, 1838 3 vol. Wright (T.) Wanderings of an Antiquary, plates, 1854—Lower — (M. A.) Contributions to Literature, 1854—Essays on English | Surnames, 1843; and others 6 vol. Wright (T.) Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of : the XIIth Century, 2 vol. half Roxburghe 1872 | Wright (T.) Vocabularies Illustrative of the Xth to the XVth — privately printed, 1882-73 | Wyttenbachii (D.) Opuscula varii Argumenti, Oratoria, His-— torica, Critica, 2 vol. Lugd. Bat. 1821—Vanini (J. C.) Amphi- | theatrum Altern Providentie Divino-Magicum, Lugduni, | - 1615 ; and others 9 vol. Wyttenbachii (Dan.) Opuscula varii Argumenti Oratoria, &c. 2 vol. THICK PAPER, paper covers, Lugd. Bat. 1821 — Eunapii — Sardiani Vitz Sophistarum recens. Jo. Fr. Boissonade annot. | D. Wyttenbachii, FINE PAPER, 2 vol. Amst. 1822 (4) Xavier (S. Fr.) Life of the Apostle of the Indies and Japan, by | Bohours, frontispiece and map, calf, 1688—Compleat Collection © of Devotions both Public and Private (by Deacon), 1734— Centuries, 2 vol. Clowes (Rev. J.) Tracts on Swedenborg, Manchester, 1819 ; and others (3) | Xenophon. Opera Gracé edid. E. Wells, cum Chronologia Cl. | Dodwelli, LARGE PAPER, vol. I and III, in 4 vol. red morocco. extra (Harleian style) Oxon. 1703-1700 Xenophontis Opera, una cum Chronologia Xenophontea C. Dodwelli (edidit E. Wells), 5 vol. plates, calf extra, m. ¢. Oxonii, 1703 Ximenés (Card.) Histoire du, par M. Esprit Fléchier, 2 vol. in 1, portrait, morocco, gilt marbled edges, with the arms of the Countess de Verrue on sides Amst. 1700 Yarrell (W.) History of British Fishes, with Supplement, 3 vol. FIRST EDITION, numerous woodcuts, uncut Van Voorst, 1836-39 Yarrell (W.) History of British Fishes, 2 vol. second edition, 500 wood engravings, uncut ib. 1841 Yarrell (W.) British Fishes, second Supplement to the First Edition, portrait and woodcuts, green cloth, ib. 1860 — Dircks (H.) Worcesteriana, 1866 — Sibly (E.) Magazine of Natural History, vol. I, coloured plates, n. d. ; and others (13) Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds, 3 vol. 535 wood engrav- ings, uncut Van Voorst, 1845 Young (A.) Example of France, a Warning to Britain, Bury St. Edmunds, 1793 — Paine (T.) Rights of Man, 1791 — Trial, 1793—\Huddesford (G.)| Salmagundi, 1793—Topsy Turvy, 1793—Bubble and Squeak, 1799; and other scarce Pieces, half calf im 4 vol. se NE PEE NE OID TILED TDA STRSTR LE ; Ht My : / 30> = . ee oe 6 6 4191 2 4192 Ihe 4193 Si | 4194 St | 4196 ig 4196 1g 4197 h lo 4198 4 | (41 | 4199 ‘6 1 | 4200 Petey | 4204 13] 4202 | 4. 4203 pila tr A ee peer nn ee Young (E.) Works, 3 vol. calf, 1792 — Gray (T.) Poems, with Memoirs by W. Mason, 4 vol. portrait, calf, York, 1778 ; and others ; 11 vol. Young (Rev. G.) History of Whitby, and Streoneshalh Abbey, / | 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, map and illustrations and a few extra x plates, uncut Whitby, 1817 : Ziegleri (H.) Comeedia sacra, Immolatio Isaac, August. Vind. 1543 — Protoplastus, ib, 1545 — Cyrus Major, ib. 1547— i Ophiletes, Ingoldstadii, 1549—Christi Vinea, &c. Basil. 1551 — — Regalis Nuptie, August. Rhet. 1553 — Infanticidium 3 inscribitur, Ingolstadii, 1555, half red morocco 7 vol, 4 a Zovitii (J.) Didascalus, fine copy, red morocco extra, Antv. 1540— me Another edition, half morocco, Colon. 1541 —Ovis Perdita, a half morocco, ib. 1540— Another edition, half morocco, ib. 1541 | (4) QUARTO. sy Towneley Hall MSS. The Spending of the Money of Robert. Nowell of Reade Hall, Lancashire, 1568-80, edited by the Rev. A. Nowell, cloth privately printed, 1877 The same, LARGE PAPER (only 100 copies printed), fac- simile, cloth 1877. | English Jacobite Ballads, Songs and Satires, edited by A. B. Grosart (100 copies only printed), cloth 1877 Tracts. Milton (John) Character of the Long Parliament in 1641, never before printed, 1681 ; Areopagitica, 1644—Mer- curius Publicus, nos. 20 and 25, 1660 — Perfect Occurrences of Every Daie Journall in Parliament, no. 141, 1649 — Mer. curius Hlenticus, no. 5, 1649; and other Tracts of the same period (17 Trattato Sopra l’ Arte Comica, cavato dall’ Opere di S. Tomaso, ed’ Altri Santi, d’un M. R. P. Teologo degli Andreini, rec morocco, gilt inside borders, by Delanoe Pere Fiorenza Volemar Timan Germano, 1604 Treasury of Sacred Song (The) selected from the Englisk Lyrical Poetry of four Centuries, with notes by F. T. Palgrave (no. 140), half vellum Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889 Trithemius (Jo.) Steganographia, Mogunt. 1676—Gulielmi/ Budaei Epistole, woodcut title, Basil. 1521—A. Mori Poemata, Paris. 1669—R. Streinii de Gentib. et Familiis Romanorum, Venet. Aldus, 1571 — Val. Paschalii Currus, cum notis, Bracciani, 1637 (5 Trittenhem (Joannes 4) Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum, sive illustrium Virorum, vellum, Colon. P. Quentell, 1531— Jo. Reiskii Exercitationes Historicee de Imaginibus Jesu Christi, plate, vellum, Jene, 1685—Jo. Ad. Scherzeri Trifolium — Orientale (Heb. et Lat.) half calf, Lips. J. Bauerus, 1663 (3) h 0 Turrinus (J. M.) Directorium Sacrificantium, vellum, Rome, 1681 va —D. Bartoli Dell’ Istoria della Compagna di Giesu d’ Inghil- terra, Bologna, 1676—-La Bibbia, in Lingua Italiana da G. Diodati, 1607 ; and others (7) telco aan erry nem een den easy nissan yeasts | ee ae | A |4910 po PA 4211 Oe en I A A De 4204 Tyldesley (Thomas) Transcript of his Diary 1712-14, with (OORT EOE NSB 8 291 ne letters, pedigrees, &c. MANUSCRIPT SAC. XVIII Universal Harmony, or the Gentleman and Ladies Social Com- panion, consisting of a Great Variety of Songs Set to Music, engraved throughout on 130 leaves, with headpieces to each leaf by LT. Kitchin, calf J. Newbery, 1745 Ulfilas. Veteris et Novi Testamenti Versionis Gothic frag- menta que supersunt cum Glossario et Grammatica Ling. Goth. edid. H. C. de Gabelentz et Dr. J. Loebe, 2 vol. in 3, unbound, uncut Altenburgi, &c. 1836-46 Ulfilas. Gothische Bibeliibersetzung die ilteste Germanische Urkunde, von F. K. Fulda, herausgegeben von J. C. Zahn, boards, Weissenfels, friesischen Sprache, half calf, Kopenhagen, 1837 Valerius Flaccus. 1805—Ontzen (N.) Glossarium der — (2) | Argonauticon P. Burmanni, LARGE PAPER, | russia, Lede, 1724—Ovidius P. Burmanni, 4 vol. calf, Amst. | 1727—Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius cum Comment. Jo. A. Vulpii, 4 vol. calf, Patavii, 1737 (9) | Vallae (Georgii) De Expedita Argumentandi Ratione libellus, | /0 title within woodcut border, printer’s device at end, calf, Basil. Froben. 1519—Aurelii Albucii Christianarum Institut. lib. IIT. | Hymnorum lib. I, &c. fine woodcut title (wormed), Mediol. G. Pontius, 1540—Roderici de Sancta Ella Oratio habita coram Sixto IV, lit. goth. s. 2. e¢ nom. imp. (1477) (3) | 1 Varchi (Benedetto) l’Hercolano, dialogo, nuovamente stampato, | crumson morocco, plain, with inside dentelle borders, g. and m.e. bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet, FINE COPY Fiorenza, F’. Giunti,1570 © Varillas. La Pratique de |’Education des Princes, LARGE PAPER, old calf, with arms of Leclerc de Lessville, Paris, 1684— Simon (R.) Histoire Critique du Texte du Nouveau Testa- ment, fotterd. 1689—Vivant (Fr.) La Vraie Maniére de Contribuer & la Réunion de |’Eglise Anglicane a |’Kglise — (3). Fama Posthuma a la Vida y Muerte del Dr. | Catholique, calf, with arms, Paris, 1728 Vega Carpio. — PENSE SRT LT OS Frey Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, y Elogios Panegiricos, © escritos por los mas esclarecidos Ingenios, calf Madrid, 1636 — Venantius Honorius. Episc. Pictaviensis. Opera Omnia, 2 vol. | half vellum, Rome, 1786—Novum Testamentum ex Talmude et antiquitatibus Hebreorum illustratum a J. G. Meuschen, — Historize — LARGE PAPER, Lips. 1736—C. Vetti Aquilini Evangelice lib. IV, Rome, 1792 (4) Verstegan (R.) Theatrum Crudelitatum Hereticorum Nostri temporis, editio altera emendatior, 28 copperplate engravings, fine impressions, vellum Antw. H. Hubert, 1604 Verstegan (R.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, FIRST EDITION, copperplate engravings, half russia Antwerpe, R. Bruney, 1605 Verstegan (R.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, FIRST EDITION, fine copperplate engravings, with the plate of Verstegan’s arms, Antwerp, R. Bruney, 1605—Camden (W.) Remaines Concerning Britaine, fourth impression, S. Waterson, 1619; in 1 vol. old calf VG | M47 i ee ae ee ne a ee ree 4219 4220 4221 4222 *,* Presentation copy to the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, 4223 4224 4225 292 Verstegan. Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities (autograph of Elizabeth Overbury on title), plates, calf J. Norton, 1634 Vertue (G.) Description of the Historical Paintings in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries, 34 leaves printed on one side only (except the last two), russia gilt, 1740—Sale Cata- logues of the Harley Collection (2), Cock, 1741-2—Catalogues of the Special Exhibition of National Portraits at South Kensington, 3 vol. half russia, 1866-8 (5) Vesputius. Von der new Gefundé Region die Wol ein Welt genennt mag werden, facsimile reprint of the edition printed at Nuremberg byW. Hueber (1505), half red morocco gilt—Amerigo Vespucci son Caractére, ses Ecrits, sa Vie, et ses Navigations, par J. A. de Varnhagen, map, boards, sm. fol. Lima, 1865 (2) Virgilius. Opera, Baskerville’s finely printed edition, presented to Edward Thurlow by Henry Phillpotts, vellum gilt Birminghamie, 1757 Virgilius. Catullus, Terentius, Juvenal and Lucretius, Basker-| ville’s Large Type Editions, 5 vol. ib, 1757-72 Virgilius. Le Georgiche di Virgilio tradotte in Versi Italiani da Clemente Biondi, finely bound in red morocco.gilt, g. é. Vienna, 1800 with inscription on fly-leaf. Virgilius. The first Four Books of the Aineid, in English Heroic Verse, with other Translations and Poems, by R. Stanyhurst (edited by J. Maidment), only 50 copies printed, boards, uncut Edinb. 1836}. j Virgil. The Eclogues, an English Version, with fine etchings, aw green cloth, uncut Seeley, 1883 a Vitruvius. Architectura cum notis Jo. Poleni et Commentariis <4 2 studiis Simonis Stratico, numerous plates, 4 vol. in 8, wnbownd Utini, 1825-30 oo Wace. Conquest of England from Wace’s Poem of the Roman Ath de Rou, translated into English Rhyme by Sir A. Malet, with : Notes, photographs from the Bayeux Tapestry, half Roxburghe Bell and Daldy, 1860 Walker (Cl.) Relations and Observations upon the Parliament begun 1640, with the History of Independency, plate of Royal Oake (margins cut into), 2 vol. 1648-60—Pemble (Wm.) Vin dicie Gratie, calf, 1627—Whately (Wm.) Banbury Sermons, calf, 1635 ; and others _ (7) WALPOLE (Horatio, Earl of Orford), Works, first collected edition, LARGE PAPER, numerous fine proof portraits, &c. 5 vol. russia gilt, g. @. Robinson, 1798 Walpole (H.) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of K. Richard III, 2 plates, calf (presentation copy, having an ex libris in fly-leaf with the following written on the shield, Wo. P. D. D. H. W.) R. Dodsley, 1768 wae fed be 4236 Dobell an Ht Aer 4238 ex | Yactford “a 4240 4241 4242 Walton and Cotton. 293 a Tae ne gt ne tee ee Walpole (H.) Memoires of the last Ten Years of the Reign of © George II, frontispiece, 2 vol. boards, uncut, 1822—Life of © James II, published from the original Stuart MSS. by the Rev. J. S. Clarke, 2 vol. calf, 1816—Andrews (J. P.) History of Great Britain, 2 vol. in 1, russia, 1794 (5) Walpole. Catalogue of Engravers born or resident in England, © digested from the MSS. of G. Vertue (forming vol. V of the Catalogue of Painters), portraits, fine original impressions (with inscription on title “FROM THE AUTHOR”) old red morocco gult, gJ. @ Strawberry Hill, 1763 Walpole. A Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill, with an Inventory of the Furniture, Pictures, Curiosities, &c. half morocco gilt | Strawberry Hill, T. Kirgate, 1774 — Walsh (Walter) of Brasenose College, Oxford, The Christian Man Instructed, AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, 1719, followed by Sermons SC. XVIII Complete Angler, 53 Illustrations to_ Pickering’s fine edition, INDIA PROOFS | Wandering Jew (The) telling Fortunes to Englishmen, cué on | title (margins cut close, inner margins inlaid throughout) for N. Butler, 1640—[Scot (Thos.)] Newes from Pernassus, The © Politicall Touchstone, signature of “ Rich. Gardiner, Oxon.” on title, printed at Helicon, 1622 —Answeres and Replies of Thomas, Earl of Strafford to the Articles exhibited against him by the House of Commons, 1647—Episcopall Inherit- ance (on the Votes of Bishops in Parliament), Oa. 1641 (4) Warburton (Bp. William) Copies of Letters from Warburton, many to Dr. Robert Taylor, MANUSCRIPT, @ bundle SAO. XIX Ward (Edw.) Hudibras Redivivus ; Times, portrait, old calf Wardrobe Book of K. Edw. I, 1787—Perlin (E.) Description des | Royaulmes d’Angleterre et d’Escosse, &c. folding plate, 1775— ) Bacon (John) Liber Regis, calf, J. Nichols, 17 86—Blackstone | (Wm.) The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, Oxf. 1759 | (3) Warton (Rev. Thos.) History and Antiquities of Kiddington, Co. Oxford, 1815; Specimen of a History of Oxfordshire, © 1783—History of the Parish of Bitton, Second Part, Ezeter, 1883—Lower Ettington ; its Manor House and Church (100 — copies privately printed), 1880 ; and others (11) | Watteau (A.) Piéces Choisies gravees par W. Marks, 44 fine plates, half morocco Paris, 1830 Watts (Dr. I.) Divine Songs set to Music by Geo. Jackson, n. d. | —Blandford (Marq. of) Twelve Glees, half morocco, 1798— British Musical Miscellany, vol. I, III, IV, V («mperfect) (5) Watts (W.) Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, 84 jie views, rough calf oblong, 1779 © 3 U 2 ES EN SSS aa a or a Burlesque Poem on the J. Wilford, n.d. Memeo ATS eT 5 | 10 a Li hag ae | —— _ 1605-13 ee —-4243 4244 4245 4246 «4947 4248 — «4249 4250 4951 | 4252 | 4253 — 4254 294 eat cn atc NA MP te er te ann Wedgwood (Josiah) Potter to Her Majesty. An Attempt to Com- pare and Connect the Thermometer for Strong Fire described in vol. LXXII of the Philosophical Transactions with the Common Mercurial Ones, read at the Royal Society, May 13, 1784, 2 plates, PRESENTATION Copy to ‘Saml. Galton, Esq. from the author with his respectful compliments.” 1784 Wellesley (Dr. Henry) Anthologia Polyglotta, 8vo, interleaved in 4to with numerous MS. additions by the author and a pamphlet intitled ‘ Stray Notes on the Text of Shakespeare,” 1865, peer: | 184 Wenlock (John) The Humble Declaration to the Majesty o King Charles II of John Wenlock, of Langham Co. Essex, showing the Great and Dangerous Troubles and intollerable Oppressions of himself and Family, &c. hereunto are annexed Certaine Poems, &c. old calf printed for the author, 1662 Wey (Fr.) Rome, Description et Souvenirs, plan and 346 wood-/ cuts, blue morocco gilt, g. ¢. by Riviere Paris, Hachette, 1872 Wickenden (J. F.) Seven Days in Attica in the Summer of 1852, india proof plates on linen, privately printed, in case, 1853 Gladstone from Judy—Bewick Memento—Ch. Dickens’ Cata- logue; and others (6) Wiclefus (Jo.) Dialogorum lib. IV, portrait, Francof. 1753— Guil. Budei Epistole, Gr. et Lat. Paris. J. Badius, 1520— Kjusdem Epistole, woodcut title, Basil. 1521—Jo. Cochlei Vita Theodorici Regis Ostrogothorum, cum additam. &c. opera Jo. Peringskiold, Stockholmie, 1699 ; and others (6) Wicquefort. Advis Fidelle aux Véritables Hollandois, touchant ce qui c’est passé dans les Villages de Bodegrave et Swam- merdam, et les Cruautés inoiiies que les Francois y ont exer- ia pane aaa pe ee pigene: Siege un rea : cées, 8 fine folding plates by ROMAIN de Hooghe, crimson morocco s gut, with gilt tooled back and borders, g. e. by BOZERIAN, FINE ie ; COPY, RARE (a la Sphere) s. 1. 1673 {ith 4 Wilson (H. H.) Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms used 7 a in India, cloth, 1855—Marsden (Wm.) History of Sumatra, — 1811—Maurice (T.) History of Hindostan, plates, 2 vol. 1820 ; ss and others (8), he . Winkelmann (Giovanni) Storia delle Arti del Disegno presso 7 gli Antichi, tradotta da Carlo Fea, plates, 3 vol. vellum, Roma, 4 1783—Histoire de Art de l’Antiquité traduit par Huber, ¥ 3 vol. half bound, Leipz. 1781 (6 Wodhull (Michael) Poems, a. revised edition, eri Hainan mat iimnaannn tions and alterations, AUTOGRAPH Manuscript, half calf — Thenford, 1804 ati * Woop (ANT, 4) ATHENA OXONIENSES, to which are added The one Fasti, NEW EDITION, with additions by Pxtuip Buss, 5 vol. a brown morocco, t. e. g. fore and lower edges uncut, by Maltby, FINE / COPY . 1813-20) Wood. Colleges and Halls in Oxford University by Gutch,|! 2 vol. 1786-90, Antient and Present State of the City o Oxford, by Peshall, map, 1773—Pennant’s Tour in Scotland, Warrington, 1774—Topographical Tracts, in a vol. ; and others AY } f “| y ae “4256 = I iY 4957 facdley 4258 : 4259 oor i we 4955 W h 295 composed by his Gentleman Usher (Geo. Cavendish), fine impression of the portrait, half russia W. Sheares, 1641 Wordsworth (Wm.) White Doe of Rylstone, FIRST EDITION, | Longmans, 1815 © “boards, uncut Wordsworth. Goodwin (Harry) and Prof. Knight, Through oolsey (Cardinal) Negotiations, containing his Life and Death, — / VO the Wordsworth Country, LARGE PAPER, Japanese proof plates, cloth gilt Wotton. sup. ump. 8vo. 1887 — Short View of Geo. Hickes’s Treasury of the Ancient — Northern Languages, with Notes, &c. by M. Shelton, LARGE PAPER, calf, 1737—Viga—Glums Saga sive Vita Viga— | Glumi (Icelandice et Lat.) vellum, Hawnie, 1786—Elstob (Eliz.) — Rudiments of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 1715 WYNKYN DE WORDE. (3) CARTA FEODI SIMPLICIS CUM LITTERA > ATTURNATORIA, lit. goth. FIRST EDITION (30 leaves), unbound, — VERY RARE (device of Caaton and W. de Worde on reverse of last leaf) Impressa London. per Winandum de Worde in Vico the Fletestrete Comorante in Signo Solis, s. a. Xenophon. La Cyropedie, de la Vie and Institution de Cyrus, Roy des Perses, traduite de Grec par Jaques des Comtes de. Vintemille Rhodien, title within fine ornamental border, calf | extra, g. e. by Simier, FINE COPY Lion, J. de Towrnes, 1555 : Xenophon. de Cyri Institutione lib. VIII, Etone, 1613—_ Catullus recens. Jo. Wilkes Anglus, (2 copies) (limited no. privately printed) Lond. 1788—Coluthus de Raptu Helene, Gr. et Lat. Matr. 1770 ; and others (7) XHROUUET (JOSEPH) A COLLECTION OF 40 CLEVER INDIAN INK DRAWINGS oF VIEWS IN SPA, ON VELLUM, mounted in a vol. and bound in olive morocco extra volume. Joseph Xhrouuet is mentioned in Nagler’s Kunstler- Lexicon as an engraver of Spa, and the Artist of a Work entitled ‘‘ Delices du Pais de Lieges.” Yorke (Ph.) Royal Tribes of Wales, 12 jine portraits, boards, uncut Wrexham, John Painter, 1799 Young (Dr. Edw.) Night Thoughts, complete in 9 parts, FIRST EDITIONS (except Night 1), 1743-5—Milton’s Paradise Re- gained, by C. Dunster, 1795—Loves of Hero and Leander, Gr. and Eng. 1797 ; and others Zecchus (Laelius) Tractatus Theologici et Canonici, old red morocco gilt, Brix. 1591—Notizie Storiche della Vita e del Martirio di 8. Apollinarus, plates, old red morocco gilt, Forl, 1781 (2) Zerola (D. Thoma) Praxis Episcopalis, 2 vol. old calf, with a cardinal’s arms on sides Col. Agr. 1680 Ly 10 f i i] *,* The late Mr. Buckley gave a bookseller £6 15s. for this ig i Se 4 i k 1g isi 2 ae ia ee et ae 8 SEE may SR ns» GAO RN EK TRIES a A IIIA OIE BEVEL > a TED : Soi SOSA LP LRA ELON NII AT Ni NAY! OCI AEA A ORNL LOBE SE SS ~ PO a PS Nes Peet Sr DARE sa eI ET A A OES I SEs TROL A! LEM ELIOT AEE! SIRE A ES IF: PT EG , aM ea A TILED OI EOIN LEY EEC HOLLIE LIL AION AME ATOM ee eet eee ed ,* The Annual Publications of the Society have been collated by ENGRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. Miscellaneous Engravings, Lithographs, &c. a parcel in a portfolio Engravings after Old Masters, &c. 19 Northamptonshire. A Collection of small Engravings of Views,} &c. formed to Illustrate the History of the County a parcel G. Cruikshank. Thomas Ingoldsby ; Poems by the Knight of i oll Morar ; &c. india paper 8 Sir J. Reynolds. The Window in the Antechapel in New/ College, Oxford, engraved by Facius, incomplete 10 The Gleaners, and another, by Bartolozzi, after West, large ovals ;>C0oAh4Y and Illustrations to Hudibras, after Hogarth 9). . Large modern Portraits of Bishops and others, some proofs 11 AG G Ya Portraits of Tennyson, Carlyle, and others, some proofs 10 LL dra Mezzotints. Sir J. Trenchard, by J. Watson ; and two others 3 Sir William Petty, by Smith, after Closterman, print, and proo Wang- before any letters : 2 R; . f i R. Porson, by Sharp, proof ; George III, and other Portraits 7)? ee James Howell, by C. Mellan, scarce; others by Houbraken ; Dar Le &e. 11 ‘2 The Empress Ann of Russia; and other Foreign Portraits 9 Mtn The Good Shepherd, after Murillo; and other modern En-(/2 ole gravings, mostly proofs 9 ia Large Foreign Lithographs, principally after Old Masters 16 ee se A similar lot 12|//4ncevs A similar lot 14 nally E. Burne Jones. THE BRIAR Ross, set of four, artist's proofs Stock on japan paper 4 a Two large Portfolios 2 "4 A very large Portfolio with leaves La ARUNDEL SOCIETY. A NEARLY COMPLETE SET OF THE 60 ‘‘First” AND “SECOND” ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE Socrery, from the commencement to the year 1892, with nearly all of the more important and interesting ‘OcoA SIONAL” PUBLICATIONS, the whole comprising about 140 sheets of Chromolithographs, Essays by Ruskin, and othe printed Volumes, and a number of Engravings, Outlines, &c. chronologically arranged in 2 large portfolios on stands the printed list, and it is believed that the only imperfections are the following : “St. Catharine pleading before her Judges,’ a chromolithograph (1886) ; the “First Annual” publication for 1888; and the “ Second Annual” publication for 1891. j / oheleg 4296 Ut 4297 Lin cont 1298 Dies (4299 beak 4300 Py too, |4301 j Ee Lecns 4302 j y 4303 arm |4304 Q /). Y 4305 297 en es ne eS ee ee — —_ — MODERN LINE ENGRAVINGS, &c. St. Catharine, after Raffaele ; Mater Amabilis, after the same ; others after Guido and Correggio, some proofs 7 Portrait of Raffaele when a youth, proof before letters ; Antonio Raimondi, by Leisnier, india proof ; &c. 6 Virgin and Child with St. John, after Raffaele ; others after — various Masters, mostly proofs 7] Mater Dolorosa, after Guercino ; Beatrice Cenci, after Guido ;_ &e., some proofs 6 Creation of Eve, after M. Angelo ; St. Sebastian ; &c. mostly — proofs 5 Scene from Dante’s Inferno, by Calamatta ; The | and another, all artists’ proofs 3 | Ary Scheffer. dead Saviour ; Ary Scheffer. Scenes from Faust; &c., artists’ proofs ; Lithograph 5 | The dead Saviour, by Rosapina, after Correggio ; The Annuncia- | tion, by Travalloni ; before letters Sir R. Strange. letters 1 F. Muller. St. John, after Domenichino, very fine, with the date 1808 ; and Adam and Eve 2 The Marriage of the Virgin, after Raffaelle, by P. Folo ; Guido’s Aurora, by Fontana ; and others, mostly proofs before letters 6 The last Sacra- I. Pavon. The Transfiguration, after Raffaelle ; ment of St. Jerome ; after Domenichino ; &c. all proofs 5 I. Pavon. The Last Supper, after L. da Vinci; The Bath of Leda, after Correggio ; others, after Raffaele, all proofs before letters 5 I. Pavon. and proof before letters of the sume; La Madonna di San Sisto, proof before letters ; &c. 4 R. Morghen. Tasso; Boccaccio, proof before letters ; Petrarch ; Ariosto ; and Dante R. Morghen. Michael Angelo; Poetry, after C. Dolce ; Lo Agar and Ishmael, by Garavaglia, after Baroccio ; La Madonn del Sedia, by F. Fontana ; &c., some proofs La Vierge du Musée de Parma, by Leroux, after Correggio, print ; and open-letter proof of the same ; 3 5 t and his Daughters, after Guercino ; &c. 5 a 5 engraved by S. Amsler 5 | | cas ae setae aN EEL LANL AEA LAINE Marc © and a and The Tribute Money ; all proofs 3 t The reading Magdalene, proof before any | The Assumption of the Virgin, after Titian, proof; and three others, © i Le | 313 | H| 7 / 1/2) IF ¢ | | Hi ae Boe | Th i fi Be / | adem Pics koa 5, Es (5 | V5 ne. t oe a to EeeEEeoorerererereeaea_arr SS he I a ee en Ne Ee a te 4306 4307 4308 -— 4309 4310 | 4311 | 4312 4313 4314 4315 | 4316 | 4317 OI AELI A IES eT IE , 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 -P. TOSCHI THE FRESCOES BY CORREGGIO AND 298 Re SRE ee emery PARMIGIANO AT PARMA. REMARK PROOFS OF THESE MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVINGS (only 30 sets published in this state) in the. most nerfect condition in the original wrappers, with the exception of one of the larger engravings, which is slightly torn 41 FRAMED ENGRAVINGS. P. TOSCHI. Christ Sinking under the Weight of the Cross, Mrs after Raffaelle, brilliant proof before letters, with the artis?s names) only at? P. TOSCHI. The Descent from the Cross, after Daniel de Volterra, a most brilliant proof before any letters, on india V paper 1 R. MORGHEN. THE LAST SUPPER, arrer LEONARDO DA VINCI, a brilliant proof with only one line of dedication, which is in etched letters 1 A. DESNOYERS. La Viérge aux Rochers, after Leonardo da// Vinci, very fine proof, with the inscription in open letters ] F. MULLER. LA MADONNA DI SAN SISTO, arrer RAFFAELLE, @ most beautiful proof, with but one line of inscription, which is in etched letters J. Volpato. Night, after Guercino, open letters proof A. DESNOYERS. La Viérge au Donataire, after Hate’ a proof with the title in open letters A hie EK. MANDEL. Madonna colle stelle, after Carlo Dolce, pro ¥, : before any letters on india paper Ve Me & S. Jest. Leo X and his Cardinals, after Raffaelle, proof se letters ; G. GARAVAGLIA. La Madonna del Sedia, after Raffaelle, ae before letters, with the arms u G. Lonent. The reading Magdalene, after Correggio, early impression Ei ee: A. Bripoux. La Vierge au candelabra, after Raffaelle, ve jine proof before letters, on india paper 1 A. BEAUGRAND. St. Augustin and his Mother, after Ary 2 Scheffer, proof before letters (no glass) | H p Greenwich Pensioners, after Burnet; and Trial of Lord Russell, after Hayter 2 Lecture on the Orrery, by Pether, after J. Wright; Sibylla! do Cumaea, by Perfetti, after Domenichino, &c. 3 Queen Mary IJ, by Houbraken, proof before letters ; and another 2 Life size portrait of W. Pitt, by Gaugain ; and another 2) After various Old Masters $e Al fe TSI Rest yr std pie hatin bienstlacedniP mmc 4325 J iG ook 4326 Paco 4397 B oe § 6} 4328 (are 4329 . [grim 4330 7 | brow 4331 ‘ — € 4 g ~ 4332 Crllard 4333 Jlare 4334 p | | ™m 4335 ’ ( | olurarcls4336 hist H : t Jarem +4338 Gore 4339 (340 De, 4341 4342 Gro. 4343 [Sour 4344 | Con lag ae ed ‘chased at the sale of Dr. Cramer’s Collection at Oxford in the year 1847. | Many of the Drawings have been in the possession of Charles I, R. Udny, Sir P. Lely, J. Barnard and other celebrated Collectors. : 250 4H 6 WATERCOLOUR AND OTHER DRAWINGS. W. Turner. ‘The Waters are out,” Scene near Oxford, +1823, (OVO a very large drawing in water-colours S. B. Lusier. The Pontine Marshes; and another, 1785, a /O pair 2 J. Bird. Views of Scarborough and its Vicinity, water-colours 4 [O J. Bird. St. Paul’s, from Southwark ; views in Yorkshire, &c, ae water-colours 5 J. Flaxman. Three Studies of Figure Subjects ; and another, Pe by Fuseli 4 W. Turner. Mounts Bay, Plymouth ; and three others, water- % /O colours 4 Fountains Abbey, by E. Dayes; Jarvaux Abbey, by N. Dall; / /O and other Topographical Views, water-colowrs ie ae On the River Lea, by J. Varley ; others by E. Dayes, &c., water- /2. colours 5 Whitby Abbey from the Sea, water-colowrs 1/313 J. Flaxman. Illustrations to Rogers’ “Human Life,” pur. @ /2 chased by Mr. Buckley in the Rogers sale | Miscellaneous Drawings and Sketches 6 / G. Cruikshank. An Illustration to the Ingoldsby Legends, pen / // and sepia 1 G. Cruikshank. The Glass of Fashion, a number of figure Pe im pencil | aad << ay DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS. By or ascribed to Velasquez, F. Zucchero, A. Caracci, &c. 9 Head of the Virgin, by L. da Vinci ; others by Baroccio, &. 6 _ By F. Lauri, L. Giordano, Luini, and others 6 | By Lanfranco, L. Giordano, Correggio, and others 7} By Titian, Correggio, and others 9 | SExy ESS) B. Cellini. Design for a Cradle ; and an Ornamental Arch, &. / / both from the collection of King Charles I 2 Raffaelle. Head of a Female; and Boy at Play 2} 7 By C. Testa, J. B. Tiepolo. Tintoretto, L. Caracci, and others; a and two Engravings LOe 3:44 By Raffaelle, Domenichino, Correggio, Parmigiano, &c. 8 b By N. Poussin, Grimaldi, and others cE Bees eer By N. Berghem, Van Goyen, Cisne 3 Oo > XO ~ x Say EN ES —~& A AA De OIE LI SIND ADIT LE ACR at NE A a 2 pO am es ieee ah 300 By Parmigiano, A. Caracci, Crespi, and others By G. Romano, Guercino, &c. . By P. Veronese, Vasati, Guido, and others By Rembrandt and G. Van Eckhout By Raffaelle, A. Caracci, &c. By P. del Vaga, G. Romano, B. Franco, and others M. Angelo. Grotesque Heads, Anatomical Studies, &c. By N. Poussin, P. del Vaga, and others os By various French and other Masters Miniature of General Moreau, in oils END OF SALE, Srtak #4751» 3,6 DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY & SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, W.C. 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