GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3125 01023 8570 fee. AI Oma Up OF CHOICE MODERN ENGRAVINGS and ETCHINGS Including a Yaluable Series of the EARLY WORKS OF SAMUEL COUSINS, R.A. The Property of a Gentleman ; FINE ENGRAVINGS after J. W. M. TURNER, B.A, The Property SN vet. SHAW, Esq. ; A Series of Proofs from CONSTABLE’S ENGLISH LANDSCAPE ; AND CHOICE MODERN ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS 3 After J. L. E. Meissonier, | F. Walker, A.R.A., G. Mason, A.R.A,, A. H. Haig, © Sir E. Landseer, Rosa Bonheur, &c., Z The Property of the late AUGUSTUS MORDAN, Esq., OF RHIGATE ; AND FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES: fe wee: + ' = WHICH Till be Sold by Fuction by fi OFLA e Messrs. ‘CHRISTIN, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, : 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On THURSDAY,. MAY 16, 1901, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. —— FOS May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. CHristiz, MANson and Woops’ Offices, 8 King Sérest, St. James's Square, SW. CONDITIONS OF SALE. ——=0 I, THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than ls.; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. ITI. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense aud risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. CoRistiz, Manson and Woops not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. Y VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money daposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sule, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. ee On THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1901, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. yee Property of AUGUSTUS MORDAN, £Esq., deceased, late of Stone House, Reigate. MS L 1 Hwmony, after F. Dicksee, R.A., by Waltner—artist’s proof eigen 42: 6 2 Romeo and Juliet, after ditto, by ditto—artist’s proof 7: 6 8 Marlow Ferry, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by Macbeth—proof 5 ae : 4 The Vagrants, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by C. Waltner—artist’s L proof ; Co : 5 Tus Harsour or Rerves, after ditto, by Macbeth—artist’s proof Ag~onr Vive wv Emprrzvr! after F. Flameng, by A. Boulard—remarque Veo, - proof, signed — ck SS 7 “1807,” after J. L. E. Meissonier, by J. Jacquet—remarque Pre “J proof, on vellum, signed by the painter and engraner =472%.Q 8 Tue Harvest Mooy, after J. Mason, A.R.A., by Macbeth—proof Fiyla 4 fe . 9 Christmas Eve, after Sir J. Millais, by Macbeth—remarque proof : -7@- 10 The Young Duke, after Orchardson, by Laguillermie—proof - dain . A a 11 A Fen Lode, after G. Mason, A.R.A., by Macheth—proof Wteorha : « ) 7, sk aad ~ 4 - 42 On the Banks of the Ivy O! after B, W. Leader, R.A., by Chauvel > of —artist’s proof, on at ae : Foeter : ; 13 At Evening Time, after ditto, by Debaines —proof before letters: 37 and A River Scene, after Gravier—remarque proof 14 Tur Vintace Fesrivat, after Sir L. Alma-Tadema, by Blanchard 77 —artist’s proof — 7 1B Thisbe, after E. Long, R.A.—arlist’s proof; and A Sybil, after Z ' Lord Leighton—artisi’s proof 2 , 7 '(6- 16 School Revisited, after Leslie, by Stacpoole—artist’s prof PE co Slat ee 6 ENGLISH LANDSCAPE, Arter J. CONSTABLE, R.A., BY D. LUCAS. thy , Autumnal Sunset — trial proof ? East Bergholt—trial proof Summer Noon—irial proof Summer Morning—early trial proof, touched upon for alteration Wane VE g-LLI ts before birds and A Dell, Helmingham—trial proof Hampstead Heath, Sandpits—early trial proof, dogs The Samo—trial proof, with birds and dog Stoke Church, near Neyland—trial proof, before the posjtion of the church was altered he The Same A The Same—trial proof, with the church altered and many additrons Ward 1, cee 4 . | \ Old Sarum—irial proof of the second plate Ww A Water-MOll, Dedham—early trial proof Weymouth Bay—trial proof WW, ; O7*-ah ole lark Sea Beach, Brighton—irial proof Salisbury—trial proof Opening of Waterloo Bridge—irial proof Totnes, after Turner, by C. Turner—engraver’s proof - L Dartmouth, after Turner, by S. W. Reynolds—engraver's proof Grundy Bolton Abbey, after Turner, by J. Bromley—engraver’s proof Vilewta. —— aa i pe 7 i - 63 Tur Look, after J. Constable, R.A. by David Lucas—engraver’s Zio - proof before any letters | yo °/ 6 - 64 Depuam Vats, after ditto, by ditto—first published state VA fat 20 - 7 . 65 Lapy Castiernacs, after Sir T. Lawrence, by H. Greenhead— al: artist’s proof 92 - ¢ - 66 Tue Deer Pass, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. —artist’s proof, signed by the painter and engraver Lp tet os $8 yiphee 67 Tue Monarce or tae Guen, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Land- ? seer, A.R.A.—artist’s proof Mea db - 68 Tue Horse Farr, after Rosa Bonheur, b T. Landseer, A.R.A. 3 { - y artist's proof % . - 69 The Lion at Home, after Rosa Bonheur, by T. L. Atkinson— ‘rs artist’s proof, signed xg . 70 The Happy Moment, after Lawrence, by 8. Cousins, R.A. St _ 71 Tur Love Lerrsr, after J. Raoux, by 8. Cousins, R.A.—jirst é f- = state Vik Mavi cll | vy LS « 6 72 The Disaster, after Wheatley, by W. Ward THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. ENGRAVINGS, BY SAMUEL COUSINS, B.A. 32 Dt 73 Tue Countess or Biessinero, after Sir. T. Lawrence — proof Cartan > / : 74 Lapy Lynpuourst, after ditto—proof ae ST : q - 75 Miss Croxer, after Sir T. Lawrence—/first state canes 7 mao | 76 Evizapeta, Countess Grosvenor, after ditto—proof Agues- ; 77 Navone (The Calmady Children), after Sir T. Lawrence—preof, 2 ? 78 Masrer Hops, after Sir T. Lawrence—proof , see ee Sy \ \ \ x ae «a SD Sie ind 79 Miss Pren, after Sir T. Lawrence—first siate ¢ {> / -/ b . . 80 Mastzr Lampton, after Sir T. Lawrence—one of the first proofs, A, when Lawrence published the plate 1-6 Na fae 81 Countess Gower anyp Cutxp, after Sir T. Lawrence—second We Lie 3 - 3 * 82 Miss Rich, after Hogarth—artist's proof BA ; / Z| / bo a ok OBS Willian Shakespeare (The Chandos Portrait )—engraver's pr oof 24: ‘2 Wan 84 Prr Rassirs, after Miss F. Corbaux—proof before letters PD) ce :6 85 Moretta, after Lord Leighton—artist’s proof, signed oh 0 ae < ey / 3 ‘te 36 Benedicta, after F. Dicksee, RA ““artiets proof Ge 87 The Infant Samuel, after J. Sant, R.A.—artist’s proof 2+ fS$~ +88 Rev. Mr. Hallam, after G. F. Watts, R.A.; and A. H. Ballnae after Chantrey—proofs 2 3 STA , 89.The Abercorn Children, after Sir E. Landseer—first publishea 72. state Y {2 Saby 4 ‘s 90 Connoisseurs, after Sir E. Landseer —artist’s proof, signed by the ; painter oct (SS ° C 91 The Age of Innocence, after Sir J. Reynolds—engraver’s proof S Countess Spencer and Lord Althorp, after Sir J. Reynolds—artist’s Q 92 So Aeobi wee | 3 The Holy Family; The Death of Dido; and Another, after ; | vf : 7 Sir J. Reynolds—smali plates a 3 C Fi = “The ‘Property ‘of W. J. SHAW, Esq. - Arter J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. RS 9 Oazeices, : cere a | 7 Oberwesel, by J. T. Willmore; and The Bay of Baiae—first Ag nek i siatcs 2 7 a 99 Oxford, by E. Goodall —jiret nist state ip tee 100 Dido Building Carthage, by T. A. Prior—artist’s pier } - 73 - 4101 Grand Canal, Venice, by W. Miller—jirst published state - - 102 Modern Italy, by W. Miller | | 19° .€ 108 Ancient Italy, by J. T. Willmore—proof before any letters ~/8 - 104 Venice (removing the picture by Giovanni Bellini)—proof before or Mae \. any letters p - f2 «© 105 Mercury and Argus, by J. T. Willmore—first state. a a ia % ~~ L9- 74 106 Mercury and Herse, by J. Cousins—first state leo Le fs al eae .107 Crosstna THE Broor, by R. Brandard—first state . Ae pe pg - fO * °408 CaricuLa’s Patace anp Bripes, by EF. Goodall—first state L, —.$ ° 109 Divo anp Ainzas, by Ww. R. Smith—first state Tob. LAN | . fZe - 110 Sr. Mann's, Venez, by G. Hollis—first state : OS ee i ™ Ww me. LO.” me ma. 7-6 7. /o * 120 Westminster Abbey—the set of seven plates—with illustrated 7 10 VARIOUS PROPERTIES. iI Vive ?Empereur! after F. Flameng, by A. Boulard—remarque Ripe proof 112 Corner of Seville Cathedral, by A. H. Haig ay 113 Interior of Toledo Cathedral, by AT Haig To 7pm ; 114 The Vagrants, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by Waltner—artist's ge a oes proof 115 The Plough, after ditto, by R. W. Macbeth—artist’s proof 116 Fingal’s Cave, after C. E. Johnson, by B. Debaines—artist’s proof. 117 Stratford-on-Avon, after B. W. Leader, RA., ey, Chauvel—~Q artist's proof Y Ao (7 , 118 Sabrina’s Stream, after ditto, by ditto—artist’s aoe Po, 7 119 Bloodhounds, after J. 8. Noble, by Lhuillicr—ditto Y ee A.vH. HAIG? text 7 121 Stockholm 122 L’Eglise des Dominicains 123 St. George’s Cross 124 A Cathedral Corner; and Regent’s Canal a9 125 Intertor or Totepo CATHEDRAL — 126 Limburg on the Lahn FINIS. London: Printed by W11rt1am Clowes anp Sows, Limited, Stamford £ treet and Charing Cross. ae so aad Meas a qt er yd - - ee Ri ‘ ip 28 oe Fy yt eins 7 ee» eae o AM ‘’. me thee “.- > a