SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. INVITES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF THE PRIVATE COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE EMILY LELAND HARRISON OF PHILADELPHIA MRS. HARRISON WAS WIDELY KNOWN AS A CONSTANT AND DISCRIMINATING COLLECTOR. THE OLD FRENCH, ITALIAN AND DUTCH FURNITURE, ORIENTAL AND EU- ROPEAN CERAMICS, BRONZES AND MINIATURES ARE MOST INTERESTING. THERE IS ALSO SOME NOTE- WORTHY IVORY CARVINGS, ECCLESIASTICAL FURNISHINGS, ILLUMINATED PANELS AND WOOD CARVINGS. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD IN OUR ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15rTu, 16TH, 1/tH AND 181TH, AT 2.30, O’ CLOCK. ALSO Y oy Se hee On Friday, December 19th, the Tapestries, ‘Embroideries and Textiles will be sold, for which a supplemental catalogue will be issued. ON EXHIBITION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1ilrxH, UNTIL DAY OF SALE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES MAILED TO APPLICANTS. BY ae SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. PHILADELPHIA —ss—iw PREFACE. We have been instructed by the Executors to sell the furnishings — and collection of the late Emily L. Harrison, and in obedience to these instructions, we have removed the contents of her residence, No. 1628 Locust Street, to our Art Galleries. The collection will be on exhibition on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 11,12, 13, and will be sold on Monday, Decem- ber 15th and following days at 2 P. M. each day. Mrs. Harrison was for many years one of the best known collectors in Philadelphia. She presented a number of items of interest to the Pennsylvania Museum, among others an unusual collection of stained glass. She also presented a very fine Egyptian collection to the University of Pennsylvania. She was a member of a number of societies and spent many years abroad, during which time she filled her home with rare curios. Her collections of laces, ecclesiastical paintings, Florentine and Italian. furniture of the earlier periods, fine old tapestries and rare aneicnt embroideries are all of intense interest and are seldom purchaseable evcept in the settlement of an estate of this character. The collection of Tapestries, old Embroideries and Textiles will be sold Friday afternoon, for which sale a supplementary Catalogue will be issued. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SI) 34 30 36 my 38 39 40 4] 42 43 8 Tumblers and Nappies, 10 Pieces. Large Caraffes, to Match, 5 Pieces. Diamond Cut Finger Bowls, 8 Pieces, and 11 Trays, 19 Pieces. Antique Diamond Cut Pitcher. Large Diamond and Fan Finger Bowls, 5 Pieces. Diamond and Fan Finger Bowls, 4 Pieces. Large Antique Diamond Cut Pitcher. Pair Large Hobnail Decanters and Pitcher, 3 Tienes Large Cut Ice Cream Tray. Large Old Star Cut French Glass Punch Bowl. Large Nail Head Pattern Fruit Bowl. — Set Colored Bohemian Place Flower Bowls, Raised Enamel Decorations, 12 Pieces. OLD VENETIAN AND ENAMEL GLASS. Set Colored Venetian Champagnes. Spun Dolphin Stems, Gold and Jeweled Bands, etc., Seventeen Preces. Set Tall Venetian Champagnes. Conical Bowls, Gold and Jeweled Bands, En- twined Serpents on Steins, Fourteen Pieces. Large Venetian Glass Ruby Pitchers. Amber Dragon Handles, Pair. Venetian Glass Candelabra. Blue and Floral Relief, etc., Pair. Antique Wine Set. , Glasses on Tall Cut Stems, Gold Bands, Arms of a Cardinal in Colored Enamels, Three Preces Swiss Enamel Glass. Beautiful. Colored Figures and Rococo Work, Comprising Five Wines and Two Tumblers, Seven Preces. Antique Swiss Tumblers. Quaintly Enameled in Bright Colors, Pair. eae 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 » 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66, 9 Large Fluted Antique Tumblers, Pair. Antique Gold Band Cordials and Tray, 6 Pieces. Set Antique Austrian Tumblers. Enameled with Coats of Arms and Dates, Twenty- five Pieces. Venetian Pitcher Vases. Blue Enamel Mottling, Serpent Entwined About Bird for Handles, Paar. Large Antique Opal Chalice and Saucer. SILVER AND PLATED TABLE WARE. Large Plated Chafing Dish, with Tray. Large Sheffield Roast Cover, Heavily Chased. Plated Ice Tub, Funnel and Tray, 3 Pieces. Large Plated Compote and Butter Dish. Gorham Low Tea Pot and Spoon Holder. Old Gorham Caster. Small Caster, Mug and Pair Owl Pepper Boxes. Ferris Wheel Bottle Caster. Cut Bottles, with Sterling Pierced Mounting, Pair. Sterling Mounted Bottle and Stopper. Sterling Cigar Lamp and Mounted Bottle. Large Plated Ice Pitcher and Tray. Set Large Table Mirrors, Metal Rims and Crystal Ball Borders, 3 Pieces. Tall Glass Tankard, Old Silver Handle and Repousse Mountings. Tall Cut Tankard, Gold Gilt Mounting. Punch or Salad Bowl, Oak Base, Plated Rim and Handles, with Serving Set. DECORATIVE CHINA SERVICE. Old French China Dinnerware, Greek Decorations, 43 Pieces. | Ivory and Metallic Gold Terrapin Plates, 18 Pieces. 67 68 69 70 ipl 72 73 74 795 76 UW 78 f) 80 81 82 83 84 85 10 Limoges Breakfast China, 10 Pieces. Majolica Plates and Salad Bowls, 8 Pieces. Saxon Dinner Plates, Figure Decorations, 4 Pieces. Saxe Deep Plates, Game Birds, 6 Pieces. Large Dresden Tea Pot. Large Dresden Sauce Boat, Tray and Small Plates, 7 Pieces. Large Copenhagen Openwork Deep Plate. Old Meissen Openwork Plate, Landscape and Figures Set Old Meissen Plates. Scalloped and Basket Pattern Borders, Floral Panels and Bird Decorations, Nine Pvreces. Set Large Cake and Fruit Dishes. Meissen Ware, to Match, Three Preces. Meissen Plate. Beautiful Figure Painting, Border to Match. Pair Meissen Compotes. To Match Set. Antique Meissen Blue and Gold Dish and Dresden Sauce Boat, 2 Pieces. Large Antique Leeds Basket Pattern Fruit Dish, Grape Vine Handles, Scalloped Edges, &c., Raré Specimen. Pair Deep Antique English Porcelain Fruit Baskets, Scroll Footed Bases, Raised Ornaments, &c. Set Custard Cups, Carved Heads for Handles, 5 Pieces. French Basket Compote Ae Ginori Peasant Plates, 4 Pieces. Fine Old French China Tea Set. Apple Green and Gold, Flattened Shape, White Panal Reserves Painted with Floral Bouquets, with ‘Tray. Set Fine Old Schoelcher Plates. Deep Border of Cupids and Swans in Lotus Scroll Border on Black Ground, Gold Bands and Centre, Eleven Pieces. 86 93 94 95 96 97 98 11 Set Old Japanese Deep Plates. Red and Gold Border, with Reserves, Birds in Floral Landscape and Various Mandarin and Herowe Figures, Twelve Preces. Old Japanese Red and Panel Teaware, 11 Pieces. Large Japanese and Medallion Dishes, 3 Pieces. Old Japanese Bowls and Oblong Dishes, 6 Pieces. Old Japanese Chalices, assorted, 5 Pieces. Jeweled Border Dessert Plates. Groups of Cupids in Clouds, Exquisite Coloring, Twelve Pieces. Sevres Cabinet Plate. Deep Blue Border, with Floral Panels, Cupids Reveling in Clouds. Antique Cabinet Plates. Royal Crest and Floral Designs, Two Preces. Set Rich Minton Fish Piates. Openwork Key Border of Matted Gold, with Silver Rosettes Intersecting, Emboldened Metal- tc Gold and Silver Floral Foreground, with Fish and Flying Insects Simulating Chinese Lacquer, Over a Faint Aerial BlueLandscape. (One Plate Broken and Another: Mended. ) Twelve in the Set. Minton Cabinet Plate. Lake of St. Albans, Painted by J. Birbeck in Rose Madder, with Most Delicate Aerial Distances. - Old Vieux Saxe Dish. Gold “‘Pie Crust’ Edge, Orange Lambrequin Border, with Pheasants in Brilliant Enamels. Minton Cabinet Plates. Beautiful Fans on Imperial Yellow and Pink | Ground, Two Pieces. Minton Cabinet Plate. Minute Birds on Panel of Drapery in Laid Gold and Ribbon Border. 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 12 Royal Worcester Cabinet Plates. Pink and Canary Ground, Bird and Blossom Decorations, Two Pieces. Minton Cabinet Plates. | Beautiful Bird and Wild Fowl, Two Pveces. Old Haviland Plates. Bird Subjects, in Besteee ek and Panels, Three Preces. Old Haviland and Minton Plates. Scalloped Edges, Cuckoo on Tree and Branch of. Grapes, Two Preces. Old Minton Plates, 3 Pieces. Round Glass and Bullion Lace Tray, will Peacock Feathers. Antique Japanned Tea Tray, Gold Grape Vine Bor- der and Animated Scene Representing a Card Game. Pair Small Coasters, Rare Early Sheffield, Japanned Plate, with Classic Cupid Subjects. ELEGANT CARVED FLORENTINE AND SPANISH DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, METAL WORK, ETC. 107 108 Large Sideboard. Coffer Shaped, Dark Walnut of the Italian Renaissance, Elaborate Relief Carvings, Front ‘Representing Neptune, Accompanied by Mer- maids, Marine Monsters, etc., Lion Muzzles at Hither End, Decorated Rim and Heavy Scroll Patterns Below, with Satyrs Head in Centre and Massive Winged Griffin Columns. Extension Table. African Walnut, with Polished Mahogany Top, Deep Carved Rim and Edges, Stem Supported — by Four Massive Figures, with Crossed Arms, Terminating in Scrolls and Claw Feet, and Four Lion Ornaments. 13 109 Set High Back Chairs. Old German. Each Piece Different in Detail, Rectangular Shapes, Openwork Scroll Borders, Enriched with Carvings and Carved Tips, Twelve Pieces. 110 Large Arm Chair. Very High Antique Frame, Has Embossed Leather Back and Seat, Brass Ornaments and Nails. 110a Large Carved Arm Chair. Carved Frame, with Winged Cherubs in High Relief, Plush. Upholstery. 111 Serving Table. Oblong Top, with Carved Rim, Supported by Figure of Kneeling Slave, Spreading Scroll Feet. 112 Pair Large Cabinets. African Walnut, Carved After Old Florentine Models, Richly Carved Entablature, Sup- ported by Caryatids Terminating in Dolphin Tails and Scrolls, Ornamental Panel Sides, French Plate Mirror Backs, Plate Glass Doors, Large Drawer in Base, Carved with Mytho- logical Subject, Claw Feet, etc. 113 Large Settle. 3 Coffer Shaped, Lid Forming Seat, Massive Carv- angs of Masks, Griffins, etc., on Back, Arms— Monsters with Lion Heads and Dolphin Tazls, Escutcheon, Scroll Feet, with Masks. 114 Large Mantel Mirror. Massive Renaissance Relief Carvings, Large French Plate Mirror. 115._ Large Walnut Refreshment Table. Large Square Drop Leaves, Cathedral Ends, Heavy Rail Underbrace. } 116 14 Large Arm Chair. Heavy Carved Walnut Frame, Green Plush ae holstery. 116a Pair Round Cut Toilet Bottles. 117 Small Drop-leaf Refreshment Table. 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Carved Walnut, with Rounded Corners. Elevating Foot Stool, Green Plush. French Liqueur Cabinet. Serpentine Folding Front and Sides, with Finely Inlaid Borders, etc., of Pearl, Buhl and Colored Woods, Removal Container, with Four Decanters and Set of Glasses. Oriental Carved Wood Receiver. Ethiopian Figure Holding Small Tray. Pair Large Floor Candelabra. Carved Wood Ethiopian Figure, Lacquered and Draped in Figured Gold Oriental Cloths and Turbans, Holding Aloft Cut Gilt Bronze Candelabra, with Crystal Trimmings, Octagon- al Bases, with Carved Ornaments. Height 71/2 Feet. Pair Large Old Genori Vases. Bold Ovoid Bodies, with Narrow Bases and Necks, Scalloped, and Double Coiling Snake Handles Supported by Masks, Painted with Large Classical Subjects, Cupids on Necks; etc., Beautiful Old Lead Glaze. Height 27 Inches. Pair Old Bronze Coiled Snake Candlesticks. Black Marble Mantel Clock. Gold Gilt Figures, Bronze Ornaments and Sur- mounted by a Green Bronze Bust of Female Wearing a Crown. Pair Carved Empire Wall Brackets. Cornucopias, with Scroll Stems, and Filled with Natural Colored Fruit, Rococo Wall Plates. 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 15 Old Carved Oak Spanish Sideboard. Canopy Top, with Light Wood Band, Supported by Two Figures, Panels in Back, the Large Central One Having a Goat Horned Head of a Satyr, the Sides Shell Designs, the Whole Enclosed in a Carved Scroll Border and Resting Upon a Narrow Section of Drawers. The Base has Three Large Caryatid Columns, with Lion Claw Feet, Arched and Inlaid Panels, Small Drawers Removed, the Carved Fronts Remaining, Fine Old Lock, Handles, Strap Hinges, etc. Black Oak Round Table. Antique Dutch, Broad Circular Borders, with Central Figure of a Blacksmith, in Relief. On Three Turned Legs, with Carved Stretcher. Old Carved Oak Dutch Side Chairs. ; Variety of Carvings in Relief, from Italian and Spanish Designs, Three Pieces. Old Carved Dutch Chairs. Pierced Relief Backs, with Dolphins, Birds and Mask. Old Carved Dutch Chair. Ingenious Mask Effects. Old Carved Dutch Chair. Relief Carving of Shield, with Crowned Head. Old Dutch Carved Chair. With Designs of Horses. Old Dutch Carved Chair. Low Seat, Rococo Scroll Back. Old Carved Dutch Chair. French Scroll Back, High Seat. Old Dutch Arm Chair. Carved with Numerous Masks and Figures, Column and Scroll Effects. ‘Miniature Carved Oak Cabinet, Figures in Circles on Top and Sides, Representing Justice, &e. 16 137 Large Oak Corner Cabinet. Italian Renaissance, Three Vertical Sections, Massive Figure and Caryatid Columns, Heavy Frieze, Flattened Corners, etc., Lower Section a Greek Arch with Old Marquetry Panel, has Large Drawer and Massive Claw Feet. 138 Hexagonal Centre Table. ; Massive Stem and Triangular Base, with Large Florentine Carved Cupid Stem, ete. 139 Pair Large Brass Twist Column Candlesticks. 140 Old Dutch Brass Pierced and Punched Sconce. 140a Old Dutch Brass Pierced Sconce, with Repousse Bust and Floral Scrolls. 141 Large Repousse Oval Placque—Scene After Teniers. 142 Large Dutch Bronze Clock Set. Figure of a Clown, with Friar’s Hood, Reclining ona Roman Chair and Holding on His Stom- ach a Large Tankard, with Clock Set in the Side, Two Side Figures of Men Standing and Holding Beer Mugs, All Enameled in Natural Colors. 143 Pair Old Dutch Pewter Coffee Pots. Ovoid, with Long Straight Spouts and Supports Representing a Long Arm, Slightly Different an Decoration, One has an Engraved Crest, with Boar and Crown. 144 Large Oak Dutch Cupboard. Double Door Chest, with Table Base and ieee Paneled Shelf, Large Semi-relief Columns and Panels of Biblical Subjects—Adam, Eve, etc., and Six Heads Set in Deep Frieze and Base, Massive Turned and Carved Legs. 145 Cup Rack. Double Old French Panel, with Cupid Head, Brass Hooks and Repousse Mountings. a RAR CR CR SH RH NE HO TD BR TH & a, x 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 uy, Old Etched Pewter Mug, Brass Ram’s Head and Beaded Collar, Silver Coin in Base. ‘Old Swiss Wall Bracket,—Bust of Woman. Large Swiss Chandelier. Carved Wood Flying Figure of a Woman, with Half Dolphin Body, and Large Stag Antlers for Wings. | 7 Old Venetian Lantern, Ornate Metal and Round Colored Glass Leaded Prisms. Old Carved Wood Figure of a Saint. Pair Tall Old Delft Octagonal Cylinder Vases, with Flaring Tops. - | Old Chinese Porcelain Broad Jar, Landscape and Leaf Point Decorations. Pair Large Old Japanese Porcelain Bottle Vases, Pine and Plum Tree Raised Decorations in Blue, Ser- pent Handles, Celadon Glaze. Old Delft Faience Placques and Pitcher, 3 Pieces. Pair Antique Blue and Decalcomania Hyacinth Vases. Antique Spanish Brass Repousse Vase, Tall Ewer Shape, with Scroll Handles, Grape Vine, Scroll and Fluted Designs. Antique Copper Ewer Vase, Large Bow Handle. Antique Spanish Brass Fire Board Set. Repousse Coat of Arms of the City of Antwerp. Also Two Small Side Panels. Antique Spanish Brass Fender. Fluted Repousse Work, Rounded Corners. Antique Enameled Bellows, with Painting of Dutch Sailor. Large Old Brass Spanish Brazier. . Round Basin, with Turned Edge, Pierced Rounded Bell Shaped Dome Top on Three Massive Ball-Claw Feet. Height and Diameter 25 Inches. 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Aft 172 173 18 Old Hammered Brass Repousse Jardiniere, Panels of Saints, Deer, &c. Large Antique Gate Bell. Bronze Vine Handle, with Gilt Leaves and Flowers, Hanging from a Cartouche of Same Concealing the Bell. Large Old Brass’ Fluted Urn, with Spigot and Copper Basin. Large Carved Wood Console Bracket, with Cherub. Japanese Bronze Incense Burner—Bird. Another. Pair Large Dutch Brass Repousse Candlesticks, with Applied Drip Trays. Large Brass Student’s Lamp. Old Spanish Brass Table Brazier. HALL FURNISHINGS. Large Dark Oak Chest. Bold Carvings, Caryatid Column Ends, Panels on Front and Sides, with Shields and Crests, Massive Carved Base, with Dutch Scroll Feet. Pair Large Hall Chairs. Italian Oak, High Arch Tops, Hinged Seats and Rope Twist Legs, Openwork Relief Carv- ings, Central Design of a Fool's Sceptre, with Massive Mask and Serpent, Nondescript Caryatids Rising from Elaborate Scrolls, and Two Snarling Griffins Capping the Arch. Large Carved Hallstand. | Shield Back, Broad Base, with Satyrs, Elaborate- ly Carved in Relief, with Massive Figures of Dragons, Storks, Monkeys, Figures of “Punch,” — etc., Grouped in Running Scroll Work. : 19 174 Octagonal-top Table. Massive Carved Cupid Stem, on Triangular Scroll Base. . 175 Large Japanese Porcelain Hall Jar. Bottle Shape, Decorated in Blue, wath ae in Waves. 176 Small Carved Teakwood Tabouret. 177 Large Italian Faience Vase, Band, with Goat Heads, Supporting 3 Figures of Young Satyrs, Cupid on Lid. 178 Large Hall Lantern. | Ornate Metal Frame, with Colored Glass, Round Discs, Leaded in. 179 Japanese Bronze Temple Candlestick. Lion on Chased Base, Holding a Tall Stem of Lotus, Heightened with Gold. 180 Elegant Teakwood Table. | Round Form, with Marble-top Set in, Rounded Deep Rim, with Scalloped Edge, Elegantly Carved with Fine Lace-like Running Flower and Foliage Scroll Work, with Figures of Birds, Broad Border on Top Edge, Massive Base, with Lair of Serpents Entwining the Stem, Four Birds and Terminating with Claw- ed Monsters, with Heads Turned Backward. Height 32 Inches, Diameter 52 Inches. 181 Pair Large Old Japanese Jars. Storks Among Lotus, Blue Decorations, Tall Dome Covers. 182 Large Porcelain Rose Jar. Early Dresden, Blue Decorations. 183 Large Dutch Musical Wall Clock. Round Case of Carved Wood, with Gilt Scrolls and Emblems, on Top a Proscenium of a Theatre, with Revolving Stage and Several Figures, Musical Attachments. 184 185 186 187 188 189 20 ° Hipplewhite Chair-back Soia. Shield Backs, Scroll Arms, Serpentine Front, , with Tapering Front Legs, Ribbon Carving and Fine Inlay of Ebony and Maple, Basket Figured Striped Tapestry Seat. Large Folding Floor Screen. Beautifully Painted Cordova Leather Panels, Two of Ancient Grecian Landscapes, and Two of a Youth and Maiden. Large Marquetry Cawinet. Beautiful Panels of Floral and Musical Instru- ment Designs, Carved and Metal Ornamenta- tions. Large Japanese Temple Porcelain. A Hideous Monster, with Bulging Eyes and Serpents Exuding from His Broad Mouth, Conventional Coloring, Ancient Lead Glaze. Large vapanese Bronze. Lamp Holder in Form of a Stork on Bed of . Lotus. . Armor Bronze Figure—Cat. FIRE-PLACE AND ORNAMENTAL BRASSES, ETC. 190 191 192 192a 193 194 195 196 197 198 Pair Large Brass Andirons. Colonial Urn Tops, Japanese Scrall Base. Brass English Repousse Fender, with Claw Feet, etc. Repousse Brass Coal Basket. Nickeled Steel Fire Set and Stand. Tall Brass Elevating Roman Lamp. Pair Brass Dragon Candlesticks. Large Bronze Desk Rack—Fagot Gatherer. Pair Venetian Bronze Candlesticks, Stork Stems, Goat Feet. | Pair Old Bronze Tall Candlesticks, Form of a Lily. Brass Dragon Candlestick and ‘Shell’ Snuffers, with Copper Tray. 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224. 225 21 Alsatian Cow Bells, 2 Pieces. Brass Candlestick, Snuffers and Placque. Brass Nut Cracker and Toilet Bottles. Persian Table Brazier and Pair Copper Flower Buckets. Small Antique Hanging Lamp, Nut Cracker, «ec. Japanese Bronze Sacred Bull Brazier. Pair Heavy Chased Sheffield Wine Coasters. Plated Ice Tub and Openwork Basket. Japanese Silver Repousse Cigarette Box. Old Bronze Flat Tazza Vases, 3 Pieces. Curious Bronze Stand, with Founts. Small Gold Florentine Frame. Antique Papier-mache Tea Caddy, Black and Gold Lacquer and Pearl Inlay. Damascus Pearl Inlaid Tabouret. Stamped Leather Scrap Box. | Pair Decorated Porcelain Figures, Japanese Subjects. Antique Japanese Porcelain Figures, 2 Pieces. Faience Festoon Flower Pot. Antique Pottery Flower Pots, 2 Pieces. Painted Majolica Portrait Pitcher and Plate. Large Painted Placques, 3 Pieces. Large Majolica Jardiniere and Cheese Dish. Large Majolica Melon Fluted Urn, with Lion Heads. Pair Old Royal Worcester Bottle Vases. Pair Old Dresden Figure Candlesticks. Slippers and Tall Antique Vases, 2 Pair. Majolica and Fancy China Bric-a-brac, 6 Pieces. SECOND SESSION. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1919, AT 2 P.M. ENGLISH CHINA AND RARE CABINET PORCELAINS 226 Copper Lustre Cream Jug, Pink Bands and Land- scapes. | 227 Large Copper Lustre Cream Pitcher, Penciled Blue Bands. 228 Large Parian Wine Pitcher, Bacchanalian Subjects in Bold Relief, Made by Chas. Meigh. 229 Old Blue Wedgwood Jug, with Masks, «ce. 230 Old Blue Wedgwood Saucer Candlestick. 231 Pair Stoke Square 8-inch Tile, by Minton, Hollins, &c. 232 Pair Old Royal Worcester Vases, Fluted Tumbler Shape, Mounted, Broad Bases Attached, with Feet. 233 Ornate Old Royal Worcester Square Tea Pot, Lizard : Handle 234 Pair Tall Copeland Cupid Vases. 235 'Toddy Bowl, Deep Red, with Shell and Coral Design. 236 Old Crown Derby Jar, Ovoid, Figures of Cat and Mouse. 237 ‘Tall Conical Copeland Vase, Saxon Roses and Blue Borders. 238 Old Copeland Ovoid Vase, Flaring Neck, with Turn- ed Edge, Flowers on Blue Lacework. 239 Old Copeland Cream Jug, Flaxman Designs on Blue. 240 Old Davenport Sauce Tureen and Tray, Chinese - Decorations and Ornaments, Decorations Inside. 241 Large Spode Tea Pot. 242 Old Leeds Oval Platter. 243 China Bowl, Persian Decorations. 244 Royal Worcester Jeweled Vase and Bowl. 245 246 247 248 24 Wedgwoood Cabinet Urn. Kxquisitely Decorated, with Grecian Cameo Sub- jects Over Black Band Around Body, Pink Neck, with Upright Scroll Handles, Bottle Neck, with Stopper, Most Unusual Specimens of This Fabric. Wedgwood Cabinet Urn. Same Size as Above, but Different in Form. The* Body of Light Blue, Shoulders Rounded, with Gold Satyr Handles, Raised Figures of Grecian Nymphs in Dancing Evolutions Around Body in White Cameo, Pink Neck and Base. Dusenbury Figures—Flower Girl and Lamb. ‘Antique Mottled Flambeau Vases, 3 Pieces. Large Chelsea Figure. Royal Lady, with Flowing Robe, Found in the Marryatt Collection, Very Rare and Choice Piece. Old Chelsea Figure. Diana. Smali Royal Worcester Jardiniere and Vase. Beautiful Chelsea Twin Vase. Boy and Girl Swinging Between Large Cornu- copia, Pink Decorations. Old Chelsea Cabinet Piece, Youth with Dog, Flowers in Background. Old Chelsea Cabinet pibece: Girl Playing Mandolin. Cup and Saucer, Old Chelsea (Odd). Cup and Saucer, Royal Worcester, Orange and White, with Pheasants in Reserves. _ Salt Shakers, Royal Worcester, Figures of Boy and Girl. Old Faience Statuette—Neptune and Dolphin, Base a Mossy Bank, with Shells, &e. , Staffordshire Figure—Girl with Basket of Flowers. “. aan 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 25 Statuette Group, Very Fine Old “Plymouth” Faience —Two Children Feeding a Goat, From the Glad- stone Collection. Pair Statuettes—Man and Woman, Sitting. Statuette Group, Staffordshire—Girl Seated on a Mule. Small Barrel Shape Vase, Rockingham, Floral Dec- orations. Miniature Bottle Vase, Dusenbury, Pink and Gold. Bisque Group—Children Playing. Staffordshire Figures—Ram and Deer. Large Staffordshire Figure—Man Carrying a Lamb. Large Chelsea Candelabra. Youth and Marden at “ Hide and Seek.” Ex- quisitely Painted, Large Vase and Column Designs, Pair. Old Faience Lion and Birds, 3 Pieces. Porcelain Cabinet Figures, assorted, 5 Pieces. 271-280 Cabinet of Early China Specimens. Particulars Before Time of Sale. OLD FRENCH CHINA VASES, CLOCKS, BRONZES (281 282 283 284 285 286 287 AND LAMPS. Pair Large French China Vases, Broad Openwork Shell Tops, Gold and Pink Stripes, Floral Centre. Pair Large French China Ovoid Vases, Narrow Necks Apple Green, with Large Painted Landscape Panels. Pair Beaker-shape Flower Pots, Apple Green, with Border, Heads and Medallions. Pair Small Antique Vases. Large Inkstand, Cupids and Shell Bowls. Empire Cup and Saucer—The Lord’s Supper, Paint- ed on Panel. Pair Tall Vases, Floral Festoons. 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 26 Canteen Vase, &ec., 2 Pieces, Pair Large Candelabra, with F igures of Flower Girl and Youth. Large Mug, Chinese Decorations. Pair Small Royal Blue Pitcher Vases. - Pair Empire Vases, Musical Emblems on Pale Pink Ground. Empire Vase, Swan Handles. Pair Tall Pink Vases, Painted Ovals. Porcelain Mantel Clock, Blue and Gold, Rococo Scroll Designs, Group of Knights, Fitting Top. Old French Ormolu Mantel Clock, Figure of Virgin Setting Free Cupids from Barrel, Oval Plinth, with Lions’ Heads and Claw Feet. French Clock Set. By Lepine, Paris. Dial Set Amongst Spreading Tendrils of a Vine Decked with Flowers, Two Porcelain Figures on Base, Elaborately Wrought Ormolu and Porcelain, Including Pair of Beautiful Side Figures, Three Pieces. Antique Hanging Lamp. Form of a Censor, Silver Plated, Leaf Orna- ments, with Heads, Elaborate Repousse and — Chasing. Large Antique Brass Hanging Lamp. Pendant Form, with Five Designs, the Top a Crown. Large Bronze. Figure of a Lion, by G. M. Johnson, 1918. Length 21 Inches, Finely Executed. Mahogany Oblong Table, for Same. Old Bronze Group—Cupid and Swan. | Cut Gilt Bronze Inkstand, Three Lions and “Garry- mede and the Eagle,’ Rose Antique and Black Marble Base. Pair Old Bronze Candlesticks, Apes as Pages. 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 27 Egyptian Clock Set. Pyramid of Black and Red Sienna Marble, Tall Green Bronze Egyptian Figure by Pickart, and Pair Sphinzes. Large Bronze. Sitting Figure of Hamlet, by J. Laurent. Large Bronze Figure. Van Dyck. By De Trier. Large Antique Hanging Lamp. Pierced and Chased Brass Designs of Cupids in Crests, Masks, etc., and Three Caryatids on Sides, Large Triple Hanging. Large Japanese Bronze. Figure of a Tiger, on Teakwood Tablet. Length 48 Inches. Large Japanese Bronze Temple Incense Burner. Rampant Lion, with Foot on Ball, Length and Height 19 Inches. Bronze Stork, Vases and Candlestick, 5 Pieces. Gilt Bronze Tray, Candlestick, &c. Bronze Compote and Tall Vase. Ram’s Horn Inkstand, Bronze Mounting. . JAPANESE SOAPSTONE CARVINGS. Red Stone Group—The Senses, Represented by Group of Monkeys, Bird, &e. Red Coupe, with Monkey and Pheasant. Large Triple Vase and Fount, Thick Foliage and Birds, Grey Mottled, with Black and Red. Grey Coupe, with 2 Monkeys. Curious Stone Shrine and Figure of a Monk, 2 Pieces. Pair Bronze Statuettes,—Marcus Aurelius and Nerva on Tall Rosa Antique Marble Columns, Engraved with Spirally Ascending Armies. Old Italian Group and Bracket, 2 Pieces. 28 322 Miniature Swiss Figures, Curious Fork and Spoon, 5 Pieces. 323 Spiral Stem Ladles, with Carved Figures, 4 Pieces. 324 Pair Curious Pottery Pheasant Bottles. 325 Japanese Wood Carving—Lion and Cub. 326 Japanese Wood Carving—Fickurukojieu. ART FURNITURE, ANTIQUE CABINETS, RELIQU= ARIES, MIRRORS, ETC. 327 Old Gold Spanish Court Cabinet. Nine Drawers and Small Cabinet in Centre, Richly Ornamented with Spiral Colonettes, Thirty-six Miniature Panels Painted with, Landscapes, Central Door in Form of an Altar with Painted Porcelain of the Holy Virgin, After Murillo. Height 54 Inches, Depth 47 Inches. 3828 Curio Table. Kidney Shape, Covered with Velvet Antique and Gold Embroidery, Glass Lid. 329 Gold Corner Table. Narrow Oblong Top, Tripod Base, with Goat | J Hoofs and Entwined Serpent. 330 Cabinet Mantel Mirror. High Carved Vase and Scroll Top, Shelves with Slender Column Supports, Deep Pierced Borders, etc., Four Plates Combined as One. 331 Gold Antique Reliquary. Slanting Sides, with Three Arched Top, Capped with Rococo Carvings and Vases, Insignia I. H. 8. in Centre, Columns, with Capittols at Each Corner, Resting on Knobs, Frieze a Series of Various Mouldings Conforming to Top, with Delicate Chisel Designs Between, Inside has Three Assimilated Gold Arches, Filled in 302 33d 304 330 336 307 338 339 340 \ 29 with Lacquer Work, and a Semi-relief Star in the Dome. Height 45 Inches, Width 35 Inches. Rare Period Example. Corner Console Table. Serpentine Shape, with Deep Rococo Rim and Lambrequin, Three Curved Legs, with Carved Knees and Ball-claw Feet, White and Gold. Large White and Gold Parlor Cabinet. Period of Lowis' XVI, Upright, with Glass En- closure, Eaquisitely Carved, Dome Top, on Console Stand of Serpentine Scrolls and Brac- ing. Height 68 Inches, Width 28 Inches. Circular Tripod Table. Gold Vernis-Marten, with Chased Bronze Plac- que. Medieval Arm Chair. Square Shape, Wine Colered Upholstery, with Rich Embroidery in White and Yellow Silk, Grooves and Ornamental Stretcher, Gilded. Medieval Arm Chair. Twist Legs and Stretcher Base, Carved Masks at Top, Velvet Applique Covering and Engraved Brass Nails. Medieval Arm Chair. Red Plush and Bullion Embroidery and Braid, Fine Old Carved Gilt Nail Heads, Over All Posts. Pair Venetian Pendant Mirrors. Highly Ornamented Crystal Frames, Shield Shape, Plates Engraved with Figures in Early Costumes. Large French Plate Pier Mirror. Gold Column Frame, Arched Top. Large Dresden China Lamp. 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 300 351 30 Gold Upright Corner Cabinet. Flamboyant Openwork Scrolls on Four Sides, with Arched Top, Rounded Back and Dome, Glass Shelves, etc. Height 62 Inches. Gold Music Stand. Italian Renaissance, Carved on Both Sides, Tripod Base, with Masks, Angel Head Sup- ports, etc., Unusually Fine. Gold Wall Mirror. Spreading Scrolls, with Shell Brackets and Large Shell at Top, Fine Trelliswork Filling. Small Italian Mirror. Boldly Carved Oval Gold Frame. Gold Colonial Mantel Mirror. Three-part Ornate Column Frame. Clock Set. Minton Faience Figure M ountings and Side Pieces. Silver Plated Oriental Lamp. Large Brass Scroll Handles and Brass Inlaid Bowl, Vase Shape, with Ornate Repousse De- signs and Hung by Three Scroll Link Chains. Pair Carved Gold Book Ends—Cherubims. Large Empire Mantel Clock. | Green and White Marble Case, with Heavily Chased Gilt Bronze M ountings and Large Figure of a Stag. Small Pierced Metal Hanging Lamp. Pair Large Rococo Candle Brackets. Gilt Ormolu, Old French Style, Bold Chasing, Five Lights Each. 351a Large Old Dutch Brass Hanging Candelabrum, Heavy Turned Stem and Ball, Ornamental Seroll Branches, with Large Bobosches, 12 Lights. 351b Brass Fire Set and Stand. 31 35le Bronze Buddha. On Gold Lacquer, Octagonal Temple Base. 351d Large Carved Florentine Rococo Pedestal. 35le Large Venetian Gate Lantern, with Large Bracket. 352 353 354 300 306 357 358 359 300 ool 362 Pair Italian Porcelain Covered Jars. Land, Sea and Air Allegories, Beautifully Painted. Pair Large Majolica Brackets. Bold Griffins Crouching in Shells, Conventional Green and Yellow Coloring. Antique Mirror. Gold Colonial Column Frame. Quaint Walnut Embroidery Stand. Pair Large Andirons. Heavy Colonial Turned Shafts, Japanese Fret- work Scroll Bases, Right and Left. Large Brass Handle Fire Set. Antique Painted Bellows, &c. Large Fender, Square Fluted Rails. Large Repousse Brass Coal Basket, with Lids. Large Old Spanish Brass Repousse Placque, Grape Gatherers. Old Spanish Cabinet. In Form of a Temple, Central Cabinet and Series of Drawers, Ornamented with Panels of Ivory and Inlaid with Tortoise Shell, Representing Hunting Scenes, Framed in Ivory and Ebony, Painting of “Still life” an Upper Panel and “St. John” in the Larger One, with Ormolu Caryatids, Sides Mahogany Inlaid, with Ebony, Cut Bronze Gallery Top, Elaborately Carved Ebony Oblong Table, with Six Twist Legs and Twist Bracing. Height 60 Inches, Depth 43 Inches. 32 363 Florentine Centre Table. Octagonal Top, Life Size Figure of Kneeling Cupid on Triangular Scroll Base. 364 Miniature Antique Italian Painted Chest, with Drop Front. 365 Bronze Lamp, Round Bowl, with Enameled Open- work, Gilt Bronze Base. 366 EPISCOPAL THRONE. From an Old Cathedral, Roman Gothic Style, with Canopy Top, Upholstered in Red Velvet, — Richly Embroidered in Gold in Silver Thread, with Heraldic and Religious Emblems, etc., and Date “Anno 1488.” Height 9 Feet. 367 ABBOTT’S CHAIR. Massive Chair, Richly Carved in Old Oak. On the Back are Groups and Single Figures Per- forming on Musical Instruments, on the Sides Recumbent Robed Figures with Cherubs at Their Feet. On the Towering Straight Arms are the Figures of Christ and the Holy Virgin ‘and Child, etc. Every Part Covered with Rich Carving, and Studded at Intervals with Brass Headed Nails, Dark Red Plush Upholstery. Height 69 Inches. 368 Large Carved Italian Cabinet. Two Large Doors in Semi-relief of Passion Scenes and a Small Central Panel Represent- ing a Priest in a Pulpit, and Under These Two Drawers, with Cupid and Scroll Designs, and on the Sides Large Carved Panels, Large Table Base, with Carved Back, Mounted with Finely Cut Metal Ornaments, Snap Locks, etc. 369 Antique Spanish Cabinet and Escritoire. Oak, in the Shape of a Coffer, with Drop Front, Forming the Desk, and Disclosing the Inner Cabinet, Which has a Large Central Compart- 370 371 372 313 374 375 376 33 ment, with Three Drawers and a Series of Ten Shallow and Two Deep Drawers, Each Relieved by Colonettes, and Curiously Painted with Hunting Scenes, Landscape, etc., Gold Mouldings Heighten to a Rich Degree, Metal Corners, Bolts, Massive Hinges, Locks, Handles, etc., of High Quality, Heavy Table Base of Carved and Twist Columns, Mask Capitols, High Moorish Stretcher, etc., on Broad Carved Feet. Large Oriental Hanging Lamp. Ornate Vase Shape, Rich Repousse, Silver Plated on Hard Metal. Royal Child’s Sleigh. Formed into a Settle, Elaborate Rococo Carvings, High Shield Front, with Crest and Boldly Carved Defending Lion, Round Back and Scroll Feet, Maroon Velvet Upholstery, Box Seat, Excellent Early Example. Royal Child’s Trunk and Bench. Covered with Silk Plush, with Silk and Bullion Thread Embroidery and Lace, Elaborate Gilt Bronze Handles and Mountings. Carved Wood Gold Fire Screen. Form of a Large Wreath, with Palm Branch Scrolls, Ribbons :and Bow, on Broad Scroll Base, Glass in Oval, Early Ornate Specimen. Large Upholstered Ottoman. Antique Figured Damask, with Silk Embroidery and Applique. RUGS, HANGINGS, ETC. Large Bengal Tiger Rug. Superbly Mounted, Length 11 Feet. Large Feraghan Carpet. Bie La201 7. 377 378 o4 Large African Lion Rug, Complete Head and Hide, Monster Size, About 12 Feet. White Polar Bear Rug. 378a Oriental Rug. 378b Oriental Rug. 378¢c Oriental Rug. 378d Oriental Rug. 378e Oriental Saddle Bag Rug. 379 380 381 382 383 380 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 Antique Embroidered Bagdad Curtains, 4 Strips. Handsome Champagne Satin Long Curtains, with Gold and Silver Thread Floral Patterns and Wide Borders, 8 Strips. Large Turkish Gold Silk Hinbraidened Portiere, Velour Reverse. Brussels Lace Curtains, 6 Strips. Heavy Ecru Irish Point Lace Curtains, 4 Strips. Swiss Lace Sash Curtains, 4 Strips. Brussels Net Long and Casement Curtains, 8 Strips. Lace Bed Set and Canopy, 4 Pieces. Long Damascus Striped Curtains, Pair. Large Double Face French Velour Curtains, 4 Strips. Light Blue and Maroon Velour Portiere. Old French Flowered Satine Draperies, 5 Strips. Yellow and Gold Thread Curtains, 2 Strips. Silk Drapery, assorted, 3 Pieces. Yellow Mottled Silk Table Cover. Fancy Tapestry Table Tops, 4 Pieces. CHAMBER FURNITURE. Mahogany Eastlake Chamber Suit. Finely Carved and Paneled, Deep Friezes, Carved Foot Board, Comprising Large Bed- stead, Dressing Bureau, with Large Bevel French Plate Mirror and Mahogany Top, Large Open Centre Washstand, Dark Marble Top, Three Preces. 397 398 399 400 »401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 30 Large Carved Mahogany Dressing Bureau. To Match. Carved Mahogany High=-back Side Chairs. Deep Scroll Pierced Backs, Velour Brocade Seats, Pair. Large Sofa. Velour Brocade Upholstery, High Back. and Scroll Arms. Carved Ebony Library Table. Octagonal, with Revolving Bookrack Below. Mahogany Flexible Commode. Decorated China Toilet Set. Large Carved Walnut Wardrobe. Single French Plate Mirror Door. Antique Mahogany Round Table. Octagonal Stem, with Flaring Stem on English Scroll Base, Dark Marble Top. Large French Plate Mantel Mirror. Walnut and Fabric Covered Frame. Antique Mahogany Clock. Three-part Front, Gold Columns and Lacquered Half Columns, Bristol, Conn. Old Swiss Cuckoo Clock, with Painted Front. Dresden Princess Lamp and Candlestick. Natural Quartered Oak Chamber Suit. English Design, with Open Arbor Tops, Com- prising Bedstead, Large Dressing Bureau, with French Plate Mirror, Large Open End Washstand, with Closet in Centre. Square Table, with Large Shelf and Drawer. Set Chairs, to Match, Damask Seats, 5 Pieces. Feather Bolster and Pillows, 2 Sets. Mahogany Round Library Table, with Revolving Bookracks Underneath. Mantel Mirror, Large Carved Scroll Top and Corner Ornaments. | 415 416 A417 418 419 420 420a 421 422 423 424 425 36 Large Blue Velour Tufted Couch, Heavy Walnut Frame. Small Walnut Centre Table, Marble Top. Large French Plate Mantel Mirror, Carved Walnut and Ebony Frame. Large French Plate Mantel Mirror, Ebony Frame. Carved Walnut 3-part Bookcase, with Drawers. Ebony 2-door Bookcase, Drawers and Gallery Top. Large Ebony Corner Cabinet, Plate Glass Door. Large Walnut 3-part Bookcase. Large Minton Faience Jardiniere. Pair Large Minton Ovoid Vases, Raised Bird and Floral Decorations on Blue Ground. Pair Japanese Porcelain Yellow Pilgrim Bottle Vases. Porcelain Umbrella Jars, 2 Pieces. THIRD SESSION. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1919, AT 2 P.M. Sale comprises the Elegant Old Dutch Marquetry Fur- 426 427 428 A429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 niture and Clocks, Fine Cabinet Ornaments and Curios, Collection of Ivory Carvings and Snufi Boxes. ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN CERAMICS. Large Old Spanish Faience Jar, Blue Decorations on White and Large Portrait. Large Spanish Pitcher Vase, Painted and Slip Dec- orations, Tall Twist Handle. Pair Large Spanish Faience Placques—Soldiers Fencing and Equestrian Group. | Large Minton Vase, Ewer Shape, Satyr on Base. Delft and Japanese Cylinder Vases, 2 Pieces. Large Japanese Porcelain Twin Bottle Vase. Parian Classic Figure—Youth Playing Flute. Large Japanese Porcelain Jar, Massive Ornaments and Feet, Brilliantly Colored. Large Chinese White Porhelain—Monster Lion on Pedestal. Old Chinese Quarion and Square Box. Pair Large Porcelain Urns, Old Berlin Fabric, Ovoid Shape, Large Gold Goat Heads, Turquoise Body, with Painted Medallions, etc. 437 Pair Large Porcelain Figures, —Valentine and Mar- 438 guerite, Finely Decorated in Colored Enamels. Large Chinese Plum Bloom Vase, Gourd Shape, Unusually Fine Tone. 38 439 Large Vieux Saxe Vase. Tall Scroll Handles, and Drapery Falling from a Sleeping Monster on Cover, Beautifully Painted Panel of Landscape, with Parrots. 440 Old French Delft Figure—Cow, Finely Decorated in Gold and Colors. 441 Old Dresden Gondola Vase, On the Prow a Cupid Driving a Dragon, with Figure of Venus and At- tendants Astern, Raised Panels, Masks, &e. 442 Large Old Dresden Group—Youth and Maiden Dancing Arm in Arm, Brilliantly Colored. 443 Vieux Saxe Urn, Reticulated and Top, with Crown. Finely Painted Hunting Scenes on Body, on Triangle Base. ) 444 Dresden Royal Blue Vase, Large Painted Medallion. 445 Handsome Old Dresden Vase. Pear Shape, with Narrow Festooned Bases, Large Goat Head Handles, Reticulated Crown Tops, -with Roses, Raised Ornaments, with Scroll Harp and Drapery Over Shoulders, Large Paintings on Each Side Representing Dancing and Musical Scenes, etc. Height 25 Inches. CAPO-DE-MONTE. - 446 Large Jewel Box. Amazonian and Bacchanalian Scenes on Four Sides and Lid, Cupid Border, Metal Edges, Choice Coloring. Length 61/2 Inches. 447 Covered Stein. Linon on Cover, Elephant Handle, Men on Horses Fighting Lions, Bold Figures, Highly Colored: 448 449 450 | 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 39 Pair Rare Capo-de=-Monte Placques. Venus Riding on a Shell Drawn by Dolphins, and Hebe Riding on Pegassus. Figures in Bold and High Relief, in Broad Ebony Octag- onal Frame, Mounted with Richly Chased Gilt Metals, Having Oval Medallions of An- tique Marbles. Diameters 11x12:/2 Inches. Old Dresden Capo-de-Monte Lamp Vase, Scroll Handles, witn Masks and Festoons of Flowers. Large Japanese Blue Porcelain Floor Vase, Large Slender Neck, with Entwined Dragon. MINIATURE CABINET PORCELAINS. Old Dresden Statuettes—Seasons, 3 Pieces. Decorated Delft Cow. Small Dresden Statuette, with Mirror Under Base. Pair Old Dresden Statuettes—Bagpipe and Hurdy Girdy. Pair Old Dresden Statuettes—Vulcan and Neptune. Old Dresden Figure—Lady in Plumed Hat. Old Royal Vienna Square Dish, Openwork Gallery, with Painting—Love Asleep, Bordered with Royal Blue and Gold. Porcelain Cow, Bull and Goat, 3 Pieces. Old Dresden Statuettes, 3 Pieces. Old Dresden Statuettes, 2 Pieces. Old Chelsea Figure and Tea Bell, 2 Pieces. Old Chinese Octagonal Bowl, Figure Decorations. Chinese Hexagonal Fall Tea Pot. Old Majolica Tortoise Vase—Shape of a Tea Pot. Old French Delft Tea Pot—Dragon. Old Chinese Tea Bowl, Mandarin Marks, Raised Enamel. Chinese Tea Bowl, Etched Orange Peel and Sprig of Flowers. 468 469 470 A71 472 473 A474 475 476 A477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 49] 492 493 494 495 496 497 40 Old Chinese Cups and Saucers, 2 Pair. Old Chinese Cups and Saucers, 5 Odd Specimens. Arnstell Saucer—1782. Fauberg Saucer—1784. Vieux Saxe Flat Sided Tea Caddy, From the Bohn Collection. Saxe Sugar Bowl. Pair White Porcelain Statuettes—Virgin and Monk Reading. White Faience Bust—Bernice. Large White Porcelain Berlin Group—Cupid and Angel. Large Chinese Porcelain 6-armed Buddha. White Porcelain Capo-de-Monte Statuette—Vestal Virgin. White Porcelain Capo- daMonts Statuette—Classic. Large White Porcelain Capo-de-Monte Statuette— Diana. Pair Miniature White Porcelain Draped Urns. Double Bust on Pedestal—The Kiss. White Porcelain Capo-de-Monte Statuette. Pair Miniature Berlin White and Gold Covered Urns. Zsolnay Cabinet Vase. Chinese Kwanon and Dog Foo, 2 Pieces. Dresden Statuette and Tea Pot, 2 Pieces. Antique Enameled Glass Flip Cups, 2 Pieces. Venetian Spun Glass Vases, 2 Pieces. Berlin Porcelain Figure—Minerva. Berlin Porcelain Figure—Falcon. Old Dresden Chocolate Pots, 2 Pieces. Japanese Pottery Groupeaney on Sacred Bull. Large Delft Cat. Canti Galli Sauce Beane Large Dresden Loving Cup Vase. Old Nankin Bowls, &c., 4 Pieces. 41 498 Antique French ChinaCup and Saucer and Fruit Dish. 499 Chinese Medallion Sauce Tureen. OLD MARQUETRY INLAID FURNITURE, CLOCKS,. ETC. 500 High Case Hall Clock. Rococo Arch Top, with High Ornamented Dome,. Truncated Scroll Top, with Round Arch, Broad Truncated Base, with Massive Claw: Feet, Finely Carved Ornaments and Inlaid Designs of Angels, Floral Panels, etc., Large Metal Face, with Moon, Calendar, etc., Under Which is a Large Painting of Classical Sub- ject, with Several Figures. Made by John. Van Daalen, Amsterdam. 501 Dutch Kettle Front Secretary. Bookcase Top, Serpentine Arch Top, with. Carved Shell and Carved Over Edges of Glass, Drop Front, with Slide Rests and Elegant Niched Interior, Kettle Front Base, Heavy Carved Ball-Claw Feet, Lower Edges Carved, Elegant Inlay of Flower Basket and Vase Designs, Birds, etc., in Variously Colored Woods, Fine Bronze Handles, etc. 502 Spanish Cabinet. Series of Nine Drawers, and Central Compart- ment of Rich Architectural Design, Each ‘Drawer Inlaid with Hunting Scenes, etc., in - Ivory and Key Patterns, Heavy Metal Hand- | les. 503 Large Plate Glass Cabinet. For Display of Curios, etc., Mahogany Inlaid, with Light Walnut Panel and Marquetry, Large Cabinet Base, with Shallow Top, Column Corners, Splendidly Mounted Brass Edges and Ormolu Ornaments. »04 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 42 Prie Dieux. Old Dutch Marquetry, Drawer in Top and Base, Twist Columns. Marquetry Roman Seat. Turned Stretcher Base, Velour Seat. Round Carved Pedestal, Old Sevres Porcelain Top, Marquetry Inlay. Antique Marquetry Wardrobe. Massive and Elaborately Carved Ebony Shield and Scroll Arched Top, Corners Widely Beveled, with Inlay work Assimilating Col- umns, Large Panels in Doors, Inlaid with Floral Vases, Birds and Circular Designs, Beautiful Colored Woods of Various Species, Brass Locks, etc., of Unusual Character. Dutch Marquetry High Case Clock. Broad Scroll Arched Top, High Dome Orna- mented with Gilt Figures, Gilt Bronze Orna- ments and Peep Holes, Elegantly Inlaid on Front and Sides. Made by Hendrick Van Voorst. Ornamental Gilt and Silver Inal, with Calendar, Moon, etc. Mahogany Marqueiy Wardrone: Serpentine Shape, with Glass Sides and Front (Can Be Used as a Cabinet), Finely Carved Top of Flaming Urns and Drapery, Deep Inlaid Frieze, Massive Cut Bronze Feet, with Drapery Designs, Deep Swell Drawer in Base, Elegantly Made Throughout. Gold Over=-Mantel Fiorentine Mirror. Ornate Carved Frame, Set in with Many Small Mirrors Surrounding the Large One, Rich Gold Arched Frame, with Large Shell and Scrolls Extending Down Sides and Over Base. Pair Small Gold Decorative Mirrors, Pendants to the Above. with Large Vases of Floral Relief. 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 43 Sofa (Vis-a-vis), Tufted Silk Plush Upholstery. Antique Lamp Screen, Elegant Persian Embroidery Panel. Large Gold Reliquary, Square Top, with Niched Corners, Supported by 12 Corinthian Columns of Carved Wood. Carved Gold Wall Bracket, Acanthus Lepf and Fluted. Venetian Mirror, Brass Mounted Frame, with Glass Panels. Antique Embroidered Lamp Screen, on Tall Gilt Tripod. Pair Massive Carved Lion Head Wall Brackets, Gilt. Mounted Deer Head. Alsatian Steer Horns, 2 Pieces. IVORY CARVINGS, PLACQUES, CASKETS, ETC. 521 522 523 524 525 526 5027 528 529 530 531 532 533 Antique Carving—Virgin, Head and Hand Ivory. Tablets—Figures of Women, 3 Pieces. ; Large Oblong Panel—Nymph Feeding Dolphin with Tiger Head, Landscape Background. Small Panel—Virgin and Child, Colored Branches and Flowers. Statuette—Christ Persecuted. Round Tortoise and Ivory Box, Raised Carving of Skull, &e., on Lid. Small Carvings—Boy on Keg and Woman Holding Infant. Small Carvings—4-headed Mask and a 2-piece Group. Small Carvings—Sleeping Figure and Small Tablet. Figure of Infant Christ, pees Seventeenth Cen- tury, Hair Gilt. Small Panel—The Crucifixion, Metal Frame. Pair Small Oval Tablets, —Cupid, &c., in Frames. Casket in Ivory, Bound with Brass, Length 7 Inches. 534 5395 536 537 538 539 540 BAI 542 543 544 045 546 547 548 549 500 ool 552 509 554 550 Act Casket of Gesso Work, Length 7 Inches. Tall Narrow Stein, Ivory and Silver, Very Curious, Height 6:/2 Inches. Large Ivory Carving—Spanish Saint on Grotto, with Fountain and Figures of Animals, Sleeping Woman in Lower Niche. Group of Japanese Warriors and Horse, Old Piece, Colored, Height 5 Inches. Small Box, or Purse, Form of Pear, Fine Lacework Carving. Ivory Panel—Roman Soldiers Throwing Christian Martyrs from a Bridge, Delicate Carving. Small Chalice or Urn, Ivory, Silver and Gilt Mount- ings, Carving of St. George and the Dragon. Carved Wood Figure, Ivory Mask and Feet. Composition Panel, Italian, Fourteenth Century, Hair Gold Gilt. Large Ivory Panel—The Adoration, Carved Wood Frame. Old Japanese Stone Carving—Deity. Curious Tusk Bottle—Lion and Engraved Emblem. Wood and Ivory Figure of a Beggar, with Tattered Clothing. Carved Horn Bottle, with Hound Head, Carved with Wild Beasts in Combat, with Dragons, Fine Specimen. Ancient Carved Ivory—Madonna and Child, Twelfth Century, Height 7 Inches. Antique Knife and Fork, Carved Ivory Cupid Handles Similar Set Antique Knife and Fork—Group—Adam and Eve. Antique Knife, Carved Figure of Saint. Carved Paper Knife, Carved Horned Mask. Antique Fork, &c.—Queen and Soldier, 2 Pieces. Ivory Carving—Nude Female 556 557 558 5509 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 45 Ivory Handles, Pair. Ivory Handles—Fame and Justice, Pair. Ivory Set, Knife and Fork, Classic Large Groups. Large Ivory Handles, Groups—Adam and Eve, Ke. Ivory Handles, 3 Pieces Large Carved Tusk Paper Knife, with Tiger Head, Jeweled and Mounted. Large Tusk Paper Knife. Antique Dagger, Ivory Handle and Scabbard, Carv- ed with Military Emblems, Mask and Bust. Ancient Carved Panel—Saint with Mitre and Cross, Gilt and Colored, Size 8:/2x6 Inches. ‘Ivory Group—The Crucifixion, with the Three Marys, Height 4:/2 Inches. Curious Old Ivory Snuff Box, Rounded Oblong Shape, Carved on All Sides with arbi and Domestic Scenes, Animals, &e. Old Spanish Figure of a Boy, Gilt and Colored, on Pedestal. Large Ivory Figure of a Virgin, on Round Dome and Crescent Moon and 3 Cherub Heads and a Serpent, Height 9:/2 Inches. Large Ivory Carving,—A Virgin, French, Sixteenth Century, Height 10:/2 Inches. Large Ivory Carving—Kneeling Venus, on Pedestal, Height 8:/2 Inches. Pair: Ivory Carvings—Tyrolean Men, on Wood Pedestals. Ivory Toilet Articles, 5 Pieces. Massive Japanese Ivory Carving—Man, Wife and 2 Children, Carrying the Various Emblems of Life, &ec., Finely Engraved, Height 11 Inches. Casket, Decorated with Carved Bone and Colored. Ivory Inlaid Panel, Figure of a Boy’Playing a Violin, &e. Basket, of Fine Lacework Carving. 577 578 579 580 O81 582 583 584 585 586 587 46 Ivory Dressing Comb, Beautifully Incrusted with Gold, Silver and Pearl. Small Ivory Tablet and Panel, 2 Pieces. Ivory Figure—Japanese Mask Maker. Tortoise Shell Toothpick. Set Ivory Chessmen, Beautifully Carved Chinese Figures, 32 in All, the Largest Being 7 Inches High. Large Carved Ivory Tusk, Wound with Engraved Ribbon Between the Spirals of Which Numerous Grotesque Figures of Men, Animals, Reptiles, Birds, &c., March Upward in a Long Procession, Carved in High Relief, a Very Interesting Speci- men, Length 32 Inches. Antique Coffer, Surrounded by a Frieze of Draped Figures, Elevated Lid Inlaid with Various Woods and Tortoise Shell, Size 5:/2x63/4x103/2. Large Ivory Mug, Ovoid Cylindrical Shape, Carved in High Relief, with Bacchanalian Subject, Handle a Graceful Figure of a Nymph Terminating in a Scroll and Connected at the Top by a Dragon’s Head, Repousse Silver Base and Lid, Surmounted by Figure of Amour, Height 14 Inches. Pair Ivory Statuettes—Nude Nympth Holding a Dove, Another a Mirror, Height with Bases, 7:/2 Inches. Ivory Triptich, Square Form, of 2 Panels Each, Con- taining Archaic Figures of Christ, Angels and Saints, Size 7:/2x7-/s Inches. Large Ivory Panel—‘‘Calvary,” with the Mother of Christ, Apostles and Mary Magdalen Kneeling at, the Foot of the Cross, Roman Soldiers, &c., Excel- lently Carved in Full and Semi-relief, Height and. Diameter 12:/2x9 Inches, in Gold Frame. AT . 688-590 Bas=reliefs. 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 “Christ Bearing the Cross,” “Christian Martyr,” “St. Peter Denying Our Lord.” Bought Through Mr. Charles Eyre in Florence. From the Collection of a Noted Church Dignitary: Size 10./s261/2. Large Ivory Group—Madonna and Child, Height 21 Inches. Ivory Triptich, Gothic, Cherubs’ Heads in Upper Compartments in Centre, Descent from the Cross, &c., and in Lower Panels—The Entombment, Between Two Busts of Women, Height 12 Inches. Coffer, Hexagonal Shape, Covered by a Frieze of Draped Figures on Body, Cover with High Top, Surrounded by 6 Angels, Inlaid Borders and Panels, Height and Diameter 11x9 Inches. Large Ivory Vase, or Jar, Representing the Birth of Christ, and the Adoration of the Magi, Many Figures in High Relief, Repousse Silver Top and Band, Height and Diameter 8:/2x5:/2 Inches. Large Ivory Mug, or Stein, Hunting Subject—Death of the Stag, with Horsemen, Dogs, Landscape Surroundings, &c., Very Spirited, Scroll Handle, with Turbaned Figure and Huntsmen and Hound on the Lid, Height 11 Inches. Crucifix, Ivory Figure on Carved Wood Cross. Carved Pearl Shell. Carved Cow’s Horn. Pair Pearl Inlaid Sandals. PAINTED MINIATURES, SNUFF BOXES, ENAMELS 600 601 AND CURIOS. Painted Miniatures—Man and Woman of Sixteenth Century, Dutch, 2 Pieces. Miniature Round Enamel—St. Peter. 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 48 Old Enamel Brooch Miniature—Portrait of Child, . by Dietrich. Round Ivory Box and Tortoise Shell, with Painted Portrait in Cover. Miniature Portrait on Ivory, Small Oval. Painted Miniature Portrait on Panel of Jane Sey- mour, Contemporary. Miniature Portrait—Prelate of Fifteenth Century, Painted on Copper, Antique Oval Frame. Large Oval Ivory Box, with Silver Mounting, Etched Inside and Out, with 4 Classical Nude and Other Subjects, Fine Old Specimen. Silver Mounted Snuff Box, Carving of the Last Supper in Mother-of-pearl. Antique Dresden Oval Snuff Box, Blue and White, Rex. Silver Rim. Polished Wood Snuff Box, Cupid Carvings in Relief. Round Horn Box, Gold Rim, Caricature of Royal French Personages in a Barnyard Scene, Painted on ‘Ivory. Antique Portrait of a Bishop—St. Gregorius, Carved Gold Spanish Frame. Antique Sevres Jeweled Placques—Henry III and Mad. de Lavelliere, 2 Pieces. Antique tvory Miniature—Portrait of a Young Lady, Oval Folder, with Mirror. Antique Enamel Salt Vases, with Feet, 1 Pink and 1 White, 2 Pieces. | Flat Glass Bottle—Painted Figure of Saint. - Enamel Oval Miniature Scent Bottle and Wood Figures, 3 Pieces. Ruby Pocket Glass—Church of Praag, and Large Tumbler Vase. Enameled Tankard and 2 Glasses, 3 Pieces. Tall Enameled Tumbler and Small Blue Vase, 2 Pieces. 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 49 | Glass Vase, Mounted in Gilt Filigree, &c., 2 Pieces. Antique Glass Bird Bottles, 2 Pieces. Ash Receiver, Vienna Porcelain and Jewel Box. Snuff Bottle, Blue Decorated Old Chinese Porcelain. Snuff Bottle, Grey Jade, with Carvings of Bats, &c., in Blue. Chinese Enamel Box—Butterfly. Oblong Brass Box, Dutch, Engraved Subjects— Adam and Eve, and Inscriptions, Length 6 Inches. Antique Chinese Enamel Pouring Pot. Spanish Gold Damascened Umbrella Knob. Old Spanish Silver Damascened Snuff Box, Gold Lined. Antique Silver Repousse Round Dish—Portrait of Prinz Evgen. Antique Silver Repousse Tall Vase. Old Spanish Silver Coin Bank, Form of Trunk. Antique Dutch Enamel Box. Cornelian Agate Box, Gold Mounting. Beautiful Old French Enamel Miniature Clock, Square Form, with Dome Top and Spread Base, Mounted by 4 Eagles and Herald, Watch Dial, Top Sides and Base Covered with Beautiful Amorous Subjects in Brilliant Colored Enamels. Height 51/2 Inches. : Pair Antique Enamel Portraits of Roman Emperors. Triptich, Tall Gothic Form, Brilliant Enamels— The Crucifixion, Christ and the Three Marys.. In Frame 12x12 Inches. Antique Cloisonne Enamel Placque—The Ascension,, As/sx33/4. Cloisonne on Copper, Religious Subject, 61/2x33/s. Madonna and Child, Enameled on Copper, 3:1/sx37/s.. Old Cloisonne Enamel on Copper—Christ Before Pilate, Brilliant Colors and Bold Drawing, 9x6s/s.. 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 50 Oval Dutch Cloisonne Placque, ‘“Cubistic,” with Dancing Figures, Birds, &e. Large Antique Cloisonne Placque, Cranes and Wild Fowl in Landscape. Diameter 18 Inches. Small Reliquary, Antique Blue Enamel, Triangular Top, Door at One End, with Archaic Figure, with Twelve Others on the Sides, and a Wood Panel on the Closed End, Etched and Enameled. Length 10 Inches, Height 8 Inches. Antique Majolica Panel—Burial of a Prelate, Raised and Colored Figures, 61/4x91:/2 Inches. Repousse Brass Panel and Tray, 2 Pieces. Antique Egyptian Vestal Lamps, 2 Pieces. Miniature Dutch High Case Clock. Miniature Bronze High Case Clock. FOURTH SESSION. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919, AT 2 P. M. ANTIQUE WOOD CARVINGS, GESSO EARLY EC= CLESIASTICAL PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED PANELS, OIL PAINTINGS, ETC. 651 Pair Busts—Pope and a Patriarch, Florentine Gesso. 652 Carved Florentine and Venetian Pear] Inlaid Crucifix, 2 Pieces. 653 and 654 ‘Tall Carved Wood Figures of Saints, 2 Pieces. | 7 655 Pair Carved Wood Statuettes on Brackets. 656 Carved Wood Statuette, Gilt. 657 Carved Wood Statuette—Knights Holding Shields and Madonna, 3 Pieces. 658 Carved and Pierced Florentine T riplich Frame. 659 Gilt Lion’s Head and Griffin, 2 Pieces. 660 Gold and Colored Coats-of-Arms, 2 Pieces. 661 Large Antique Panel, Colored, Coat-of-Arms in High Relief. 662 Antique Spanish Carved Gold Frame, with Colored Figures of Saints and Rococo Work. 663 Set Carved Panels—Apostles Standing in Niches, Gold Background, 4 Pieces. 664 Pair Gesso Relief Panels, Spanish—The Flagellation of Christ, and the Descent from the Cross, 17x13 Inches, Made by Berruguete Vallodoloid, Most Famous Carver of the Eleventh Century. 665 Apotheosis of the Madonna, Beautifully Modeled, in Antique Gilt Frame, 24x30 Inches. 666 Oval Relief Carvings—Madonna and Shinasion, Gold Florentine Decorations, Pair. 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 52 Carved Relief Panel—Saint in Clouds Holding a Cross, 11x6 Inches. Prayer on Parchment, in an Antique Spanish Carved Frame, Dating Back to 1560. (See Note on Piece. ) Spanish Panel, Painted with Seven Religious Sub-: jects and Illuminated, 91/2x7:/2 Inches. Antique Painted and Illuminated Panel, with Gothic Carvings, Pair. Bas-Relief—Alto Relievo, Two Crowned Female Figures Against an Engraved Background, with Carved Reticulated Frame Work. Antique Carved Panel, Winged Saints, with Griffins, and Crest. | Large Carved Panel—Death Bed Scene, Curious Relief Group of 18 Persons, Colored and Gilded, 20x16. Inches. Large Carved Panel—Adoration of the Magi, Colored, Size 29x20 Inches. Carved Wood Escutcheon, Colored. Carved Wood Escutcheon, Colored. Large Carved Wood Figure, Serpentine Form, Length 9 Feet. Large Painted Double Panel. InGold Two-part Gothic Frame. “The Trinity,” Highly Colored and Illuminated, Three Small Panels of Saints in Bas-relief, hs dae Inches. Large Painted Panel. “St. Michael.”’ Painted on Wood and Illuminat- ed, Nearly Life Size, with Gold Frame and Fine Old Gothic Canopy. Panel 64x24 Inches. Large Painted Panel. Saint in Bishop’s Robes, with Staff and Ring, Enthroned, to His Right and Left Figures of Angels Chanting, Highly Colored and II- luminated, with Raised Outlines, etc. Size 702371/2 Inches. - * 681 682 683 684 685 — 686 687 688 689 690 53 Large Painted Panel. Religious Subject, with Many Figures, Saint with Halo, Carved Triangular Arch Above Over Blue, Finely Illuminated. German, About 1450, 32x24 Inches. Large Painted Panel. Grace Before Meat, Illuminated, Ornamental Antique Gold Frame, with Bold Ornaments, and Raised Arch Inside. German, About 1450, 41x30 Inches. Large Painted Panel. The Trinity. Illuminated,German, About 1450. Size 80x28 Inches. Large Panel. “Salve Regina.” Italian, Fourteenth Century, Illuminated with Gold. An Ancient Altar Piece, in Beautiful Gold Spired Gothic Frame. Height About 55 Inches, Width 21 Inches. ~ Large Panel. | Christ and St. Peter. Beautifully Painted and Illuminated., Ancient Altar Piece, Arched Top, Crowned with Beautiful Gold Ornamenta- tion. Height 58 Inches, Width 23 Inches. Panel, in 2 Parts, Figures of 2 Saints, Painted and Uluminated, Old Spanish Gold Frame, Size 19x32 Inches. Panel—Adoration of the Magi. Great Technique, in Antique Gold Frame, Panel 17x14 Inches. Oil Painting, ‘“‘Interior—Monk at His Table.” By Scerbo, Rome. Oil Painting, ‘‘Goddess of Night,’ Copy of the Celebrated Picture in Rome. Painted in Part by Lucas Cranach. Large Oil Painting. “Joseph and His Brethren.” Life Size Figures. Early Italian School. Ornamental Gold Frame. Canvas 3.8x4.4. 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698° 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 rpc 712 713 54 Large Oi! Painting. “Lake in the Alps.” By Prof. C. Morgenstern, Munich, 1841. Gold Ornamented Frame. Large Oil Painting. _ Old Dutch School. “Interior of a Kitchen— Woman Tiussing a Fowl.” Large Painting, “Man Playing a Violin.” Antique Oil Painting, ‘Woman Crowned Bearing a Cup,” Dark Stenciled Frame. Antique Painting, ““A Shepherd,” Gold Frame, with Sunburst. Oil Painting, After Gerard Dow, Gold Florentine Frame. — Small Painting on Panel. Small Painting on Panel, “Adoration.” Oil Portrait. Water Color, by Geo. A. Newmann. Small Paintings, “Still Life.” Pair. “Madonna and Child.” Fourteenth Century II- luminated Panel, Gilt Frame. Pendant to the ee Oil Portrait, “Grecian Subject,” re Anna Merritt Lea. “Mary Magdalene,” Gilt Frame. Small Panel, “Madonna and Child,” Illuminated. Painted About 1500. | Italian Classical Subjects. After Corregio. Painted on Black Background, Framed as 2 Pair. Pastel Drawing, “Study of Heads, Man and Woman” Large Painting, ‘“Mary,” Gilt Frame. Small Antique Illuminated Panel, ‘“Madonna,”’ Fourteenth Century. Small Painted Panel, “The Wine Taster, &c.,”’ 2 Pieces. “Landscape—Italian Lake.” By C. Morgenstern. Small Painted Oval Panel, “Neapolitan.” 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 55 Small Antique Illuminated Panel, ‘“Madonna.”’ Old Italian Landscape, with Chateau. Large American Landscape. Large Swedish Landscape. Brown, H. K.—Landscape. Brown, H. K.—Landscape. ENGRAVINGS, PRINTS, ETC. Picart. Romanus Engraving—St. Cecile. Raphael’s Cartoons, After Michael Angelo, Jacob Conca, del., Aloys Fabri, Aculpt. In Oak Frames, from 4to to Elphant Folio Size, 9 Pieces. Religious Subjects—Ecce Homo, Madonnaand Child, &c., After Vonder Geez, by Stroener, 3 Pieces. Original Sketches, by C. L. H., 3 Pieces. Original Sketch—The Ghost’ Story, by Chas. G. Leland. Engraved Proof—Jupiter and Venus, A saree Harmon, J. L. Automne. Wagner, Jacob, After Coypie. Large Ancient Roman Subject. Folio. Ballin, J., After L. Knaus—The Christening. Folio. Gerard, F., After Landella—Beatitudes, Gold Frame, 2 Pieces. Engraved Proofs Before Letter—Cupids, and Bas- relief, Pair. Ballin, J., After Harmon—Love’s Visit and Com- Penion: 2 Pieces. French Colored Lithograph—The Immaculate Con- ception. Varin, A. and E., After Dieffenbach—The Wedding Eve. Varin, A. and E., After Dieffenbach—The Christmas Tree. English Merry Making. Cut Margin, Folio. 736 730 738 739 740 VAl 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 7155 756 VEYs 758 759 56 Glendoni, H. G. Proof Etching—Diamond Cut Diamond. Annedouche, —.—Cindrillon. Engraving, Folio. Barlow, T. Oldham—Mercy’s Dream. Proof (1864). Folio. 7 French Colored Lithograph—Entertaining the Friar. Large Photograph, with Signature of Count Pappen- heim, 1890. Engraving—The Queen Sketching at Lake Laggau. After Landseer. | Danza di Angioli. Photo by Arundel Society. French Colored Lithographs—Foreign Landscapes, 5 Pieces. Photogravures—Der Kermesse, &c., 2 Pieces. Large Braun Print—Rembrandt. Cherubs. After Raphael. Gilt F rame, Pair. Illuminated Set—Madonna and Saints. MISCELLANEOUS. Large Old German Stein, Pewter Lid, Dated 1756, Decorations in Blue—A King and a Friar. Antique Spanish Biberon, Blue and White. Antique Italian and Japanese Porcelain Placques, 3 Pieces. . Pair Antique Fancy Leather Riding Boots. Antique Riding Whip, Heavily Chased Silver Handle Antique Ornamental Silver Carriage Whip, with Bells. Pair Large Old Ginori Faience Vases, Snake Handles and Masks, Large Classic Painting. Large Antique Dutch Tea Pot. Old Berlin China Group. Ancient Spanish Pilgrim Bottle. Ancient Spanish Inkstand, Compote, &c., 3 Pieces. Italian Pitcher Vase, Delft Candlestick. 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 Wi74 775 776 (eee 778 sya. 780 781 782 783 784. 785 786 787 788 789 o7 Tall Cut Glass Tinted Vase. Lacquered Boxes, Vases, &c., 5 Pieces. Choicy le Roi Majolica Tobacco Box—Hippo and Dog Foo. Large Majolica Wine Pitcher—Bearded Mask, Satyr Handle. Large Faience Jardiniere and Japanese Vase, 2 Pieces. Set Antique Dresden Candelabra and Cupid Mirror,. 3 Pieces. Large Old Indian Potter Water Jug. Large Grotesque Majolica Frog. Majolica Caricature Pitcher—Elephant and Monkey.. Chinese and Decorated Porcelain Bowls, 5 Pieces. Large Chinese Porcelain Vases (Damaged ), 2 Pieces.. Doulton Jugs, Majolica Vase, &c., 5 Pieces. Large Doulton and Other Placques, 5 Pieces. Sedan Chair, Miniature Cabinet. Large Bisque Grecian Figure. Antique Japanese Porcelain Monsters, 3 Pieces. Antique Japanese Porcelain Elephant Candlestick. and Bowl, 2 Pieces. Japanese Vases and Ornaments, 10 Pieces. Antique Cut Bronze Roman Medallions, 8 Pieces. Antique Bronze Triptich, Crucifix, &c., 3 Pieces. Bronze. Candlestick, Bear, &c. Set Boxwood Chessmen. Rosary Beads, Antique Bellows. Call Bell, Pig, Pocketbook and Fan. Old Spanish Covered Box and 2 Pitchers. Old Spanish Bottle, Vase, &c., 4 Pieces. Antique Water Jugs, 3 Pieces. Black Carved.Jar, Metlach Vase and Old Majolica. Boxes, 4 Pieces. Antique German Colored Group and Figure. Pair Parian Brackets and Cupid Vase, 3 Pieces. 58 790 Large Genori Bowl, Dolphin Salt Vase and Candle- sticks, 6 Pieces. 791 Porcelain Barrel Hall Seat. 792 Antique Terra Cotta Figure—Monk. 793 Majolica Bamboo Hall Jar. 794 Antique Japanned Tray and Ornaments, 10 Pieces. 795 Old Majolica Trays and Blue Cup, 5 Pieces. 796 Porcelain Figures—Frogs and Boy, 3 Pieces. 797 China Pocket Vase, &c., 6 Pieces. 798-800 Gold Frames of Various Sizes. SPECIAL NOTE—The sale of the Rare Tapestries, Embroideries and Textiles will be held Friday afternoon, at 2.30 P. M., in the Art Galleries. This collection is ex- ceedingly interesting and includes many fine examples of seventeenth and eighteenth century Textiles. Supplementary Catalogues may be obtained upon application to the Auction- eers.