LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York fr . CATALOGUE drool f- é u OF THE COLLECTION OF oa Y, - ovr PAINTINGS | dg AEBS FORMED BY THE LATE _MR. GEORGE WHITNEY OF PHILADELPHIA, AND TO BE SOLD, BY THE ORDER OF HIS EXECUTORS, On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16TH, 17TH AND 18TH, At Dot posh seven o'clock, P.M., AT CHICKERING HALL, 5TH AVENUE, CORNER 18TH STREET. eat THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, 6 East 23D STREET (Mapison SQUARE SouTH), FROM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, UNTIL DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). *,* THE SALE WILL BE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ASSISTED BY Mr, S. P, Avery (AT THE REQUEST OF THE EXECUTORS), WHO WILL CHEERFULLY FURNISH FURTHER = : INFORMATION, AND ALSO ATTEND TO ORDERS TO “ PURCHASE FREE OF CHARGE. Mr. TuHos. E. Krirpy OF THE ABOVE ASSOCIATION WILL CONDUCT THE SALE. “NEW YORK. 1885. aR aE ISD ra , rc re *Z Aubert. Bridges, F. Bishop. Brown, J. G. Boughton. | ~ Brun. Becker, Q. Bosch. Belli. Buhler. Boser. - Breton. Blanc. __ Bouguereau. Bockelman, N. Castres. Church, F. E. Col. Calverley. Douw. Dargelas. 7 Duverger. Delort. Detaille. De Boucherville. Dieffenbach. Durand. Frere, E. Guy. Gifford, S. R. _ Geselschapp. Gilardi. Girard. Goubie. Holyoake. Hunziger. Hasenclever. Hays. Hart, Wm. Hetzel. Henry. Hebert. Jazet. Johnson, E. Jacque. Kensett. Kuwasseg. Karger. Knaus. Lambdin, G. C. Lemmens. L’Enfant de Metz. Lobrichon. Leloir, L. Landelle. Meyer von Bremen. Mole. Moran, Thos. Mosler. - Moreau. Merle. McEntee. _ LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Orfei. Paulsen. Paliner, E. D. Pascutti. Rust. Rivoire. — Richards, W. T. Robinet. Rudaux. Smillie, Jas. Smith, M. Sorbi. Salentin. Seigert. Spencer. Schreyer. Sanchez-Perrier. Sully. Seignac. Suydam. Tait. Ten Kate. Unknown. Vibert. Viry. Vautier. Wood, G. B. Wilcox. Ward, C. C. Weber. Whittredge. SPECIAL NOTICE. Admission to Chickering Hall on nights of Sale will be by Card only. (No Reserved Seats.) These cards will be ready for distribu- tion Thursday, December roth. Application for them, by mail or otherwise, should be made to Miss Katharine Timpson, Secretary American Art Association, 6 East 23d Street (Madison Square, South). CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money 7/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk on the morning following each session of the Sale between 9 and 2 o’clock, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely _ paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or de- stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All are exposed for Public Exhibition - one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re- sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he think fit. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ’ ee POG are ht inks ye Parise 25 oe Ey Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1844. ‘Medals, 1857- fe, ae tet t eect crete eestor tere eeeee New Russia. ee iNO s—Girl King. eccevss veces seeeees Pa 22 = SOM, pt ECKER (Q.).. Rr ie slots oipattine saad Se ee - | 0. 86 with Candle... Ck Ae .... Page 40 5, ‘BLANC aes eee .. Berlin. yale 58 sete cae (cans en > v7 a BOCKELMAN (ea ae ees hee Medal, ieee cat | | = Broken Bank Bea vos Neil hats AE ae ere OO 4 = ei Cay wm he Oe ere ee + sg A a LAD . ¥ 6 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. BOSCH. osc o ay cee oe os slew nies ear ae tn Dusseldorf. . No. 69—Far from Home. .a< J... 25 oes see Page 35 BOSER (FREDERIC).. 4.0.4 008eas eee ee Dusseldorf. Pupil of Schadow & Sohn. No. 97—Zhe Broom Girl. cise esee Soot o« Dave eae BOUGUEREAU (W. A.).......... Nei ts0 5s baleen Paris. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medals, 1855 (E. U.), 1857-67 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor (E. U.), 1878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Medal of Honor, Paris, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. No. 216—Before the Bath... .++50s (ieish se Done BOUGHTON (Gro. H)..:....0... eee Louder Member of the National Academy, N. Y., 1871. Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1879. No, 223—TZhe March of Miles Standish ....... Page 68 No. 150—Going to Seek his Fortune.....00s.. 52 No;>\70-— Lhe Dusty. Road. iss cele eee 36 No.138-—A4 Winter: Twiltcht 09... sa ee 50 No. 18—Jzuconsolable....... + o's oes es oe 25 BROWN (J.G.)..... vin nb: Sate sales Slee ye aah New York. Pupil of Thomas Cummings. Member of the National Acad- emy; N-°Y.;/5863. No.7 117 AMISH Oss 2 eae re Page 58 NO. 19 -— AL the W 27d ia woh. s ee ea ee 25 No. 85-—-Gaihterine Towers. <2), en eee eee 39 INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED. 5 BRET 00 ES UNE Ge Sc ee eee Paris. | Pupil of Drolling. Medals at ie Vienna and Brussels. Medals at Paris, 1855-57-59-61. Legion of Honor, 1861. Medal, Exposition Universal, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal of Honor, 1872. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Ribbon of St. Stanislas of Russia. Cor- responding Member of the Academies of Vienna, Stockholm : and Madrid. No. 151—Departure for the Fields.....+++.... ‘Page 53 alg tig og bs chk wee esos once Sa i Pao -¢ Paris. Pupil of Cabanel. Medal, 1868. tel Ae CHL ONICT . on. cco te vee cec eves Page 34 EMEC OR) ois chao e acces vclnb sacs se cevcctsenseesc Paris. , Pupil of Picot. No. 90— The Pet Kitten ....11.eeeeveeeeee+-Page 40 PEPE S (PIDELIA). . «2.6. cee cr sens tsceeces cece: New York. Pupil of W. T. Richards. Associate of the National Academy, N: Y., 3874. No. 84—TZhe Twelve Months....... WW Ras odes Page 39 No. 159—Morming ......0++- Ae oer Veen 55 DVO OO——LVCHING . i wwe teases steer sone 56 No. 1—Datstes and Clover. ..eeccececcceeeees 21 No. 15a—Birds, Grasses, €l6...0.eseveeevceee 24 No. 153—Birds, Grasses, ele.....++. yeetaiae as 25 CVS LEY (CHAS,)......c0s.ceee Pe dgina none '.New York. Pupil of E. D. Palmer. Associate of the National Academy, 1872. Member of the same, 1875. 8 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. © No. 185—Lily of the Valley. Bas-Relief......Page 61 No. -186— Dawn, Bas-Reltéf i. > ns on oe 61 CASTRES (BE) 0.000, 25. ca tae 2st en Paris. Pupil of Zamacois. Medals, 1872-74. No. 26—An Ambulance Corps, 1871 ...+..000%. Page. 27 CHURCH A(E.7E.) cee PE We Fy ec New York. Pupil of Cole. Member of the National Academy, Nave 1849. Medal, Paris (E. U.), 1867. No. 73—Suurise—Catskill Mountains ..........Page 36 COL (DAVID) 0.524 sie voces ence eee eee ee Antwerp. Pupil of Antwerp Academy. No. 143—-7%e Hunter's Boast. issn. seer oc Cea DARGELAS (Hi) ...53 3 2.4. discus oc clea ee eee Paris. Pupil of Picot. Medal, 1864. No. 27—/eeding Chickens ©, .. oo.) oe Page 27 DELORT: (Cais). 5 os Pe i cs we. Paris, Pupil of Géréme. Medals, 1875-82. _ No. 63—The forse J 0CRhey....-~ sain create eee Page 34 No. 161—LRecrutitng.....escceveseveeee i eta 56 DETAILLE '(E.). 000.2 set seers cq +: eetgs ee Paris. Pupil of Meissonier. Medals, 1869-70-72. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. No. 106—Zhe Guard Mobile 1.0.10 ccc ee veee Page 44 No. 169—Prusstan Soldter .....0sceeceees pigs 57 INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED. 9 Berea (TK) sooo. Se ecss cee meee scereee Berlin. Pupil of Jordan. Medal at Wiesbaden. N 0. 181—Gathering Wild Flowers ......+++.. Page -60 | DOUW aes OT RE SOAP a 9 St hla eae a iar area Leyden Born, 1613.. Died, 1674. No. 0. 6—Old Woman Reading i vevervevveceess Page: 722 DURAND (4. B.).. Ba eat New York. | Member of the National Academy, 1826. No. Jee in the White Mountains ....... Page 67 EMEP ES Yo oa geese ese vin ees Ses tele oes oe Paris, } Medals, 1861-63-65. Noeaii—— 1/2 Punished Scholar. cies Page 45 No. 28—Guess my Name ?.....0.0- Boe eee ; 27 MU GHERVILILE- (Ac) ic fii hile tose sec eee’ sale Paris. DEGAS CHAS LIZA ous occ ese c vere ass Page 54 MEME EF. 6 dag hes'cs lev hechecesscetelcconces Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1851-52-55. Legion of Honor, 1855. RC LL SENTINEL 6 0. 6 wis ods o vie 'eie. 5 «cin o's eie,8 Page 44 No. 64—Child Singing.........- REN RE rete Bie 34 BELO! CCQUIE SUSLET oo oso one ee ness nies 25 EE ale Se A) oe wins 8 Oak cons bis «0,08 gieindin shh ioue Turin, No. 163—Connoisseurs of Engravings .........Page 56 10 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. GIFFORD (S. R.), deceased ...+-+-+...,.... ...+New York. Pupil of J. R. Smith, Member of the National eee IN. W:., decks Born, 1822.. Died, 1880. No. 147—Dana’ $s Beach, Cape Anis. sa Page 52 No. 71—Morning on the. Hludson . 12s. vawenn 36 GIRARD (FIrRMIn) ... <.5 02.000 acetals =e Paris Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1863-74. No. 213—Autumn FIOWEers ...ceeesees Pens Se Page 66 GESELSCHAPP (29)... .0 3.40. Diisseldorf. No. 104-—-Christmas Morning “1B ee Page 43 GOUBIE (Jean)..04.....5522 10 eee Paris. Pupil of Géréme. Medal, 1874. No. 221—Af the Farm oo. 2s: on Page 68 GU NStS 7) esc eaee see Loe nus) cauhee ws ae a ...New York. Associate of the National Academy, N. Y., 1861. Member of same, 1865. Member of Society of Painters in Water-colors, 1866. No. 180—Making a Train ...... os sewere trite Page 60 No. 65—TZhe Young Jehu ........ PRET : 35 No. 170o—Preparing for &@ Roast ...6.e.ece0e- 58 NO. 103—-LSpty HON. 2 6s ees 2. ante 43 No. *16— Whai's OClOCR Piss ans 6 8 ee on HART (WM)! 6 525. fe sehaae es atte generals seam New York. Associate of the National Academy, N. Y., 1857. Member of same, 1859. No. 77—Autumn Landscape. sc. ceeereeveceees Page 38 INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Il - HAYS (W. NCCES CUM oes bets this Ga choses cece New York. Born, 1830. Died, 1875. No. 34—American Elk, Moonrise .....1.0. »Page 28 CE \clcioe cicceei ah tedi cass et deen dancanees New York. Member of the National Academy, N. Y., 1870. No. 108— Ze Old Westover Mansion, Va...... Page 44 HEBERT Heian MP tn cies Wiatels y ngiers SRE eT oe London. UNGrt52— sunshine tthe Forest .0.0ceceescers Page 54 31 aS ne Philadelphia. No. 219—View on Courtney's Run... Sige ae fans Page 67 Ne CAINE no ci oe we cece ce cee ues 42 POLY OAKE (W:)......... oe NE Re EO ee eer London. NO, 153—Sirawber ries... -.eeseerscececeoecs Page 54 DZ IASPUCTIICS 6 oko da cole oeleln aa ies s 21 UNA CeEEe (We) i ss ors ok ce Vc ees coe esos ee cene Philadelphia, No. 81—Grapes— Three clusters. .ssvcvecevees Page 39 No. 7—Grapes—One clusters. scecrcceccceees 22 BASE NCLEVER:(F.P.), dec’dis. ccc. ec cee eve vin Dusseldorf. Born, 1810. Died, 1853. No. 23— Wine Testers .vcsccccccsvesesecsess Page 26 PETES (CHAS. Joos. scence acne nc cnsesepescceccnge Paris. Medals, 1860-63-64-67. Legion of Honor, 1867. No. 142— Shepherd and Flock. ....scevcvvenes Page 51 12 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. JAZE TEP.) 3 vile s ¢ ogee se wiee s omnes Nine aris, Pupil of Barrias. No. 66—TZhe Rehearsal...... veteeeeeeeeess Page 35 JOHNSON (E.) 00. oF ov id ve diate cian New York. . Member of the National Academy, N. Y., 1860. No. 226——The Old Stage Coach .... os. 9 ounce) Apeeeee No, a10-—- 7/2 Culp aes ele ae eee vat 45. KARGER (CarL).....-« lee Vienna. Pupil of the Academies at Vienna and Munich. No. 145—-Zhe Post LT 0use\. os canoe ee Page 51 KENSETT (J.£.),: deed... 05.0. 2e eee New York. Born, 1818. Died, 1873. No. 139—LVewport. Harbor. Av... cveneeeey al ae No. 29—Conesus Lake ...+...+... Sais 6 eee 27 No. 173—Lily Pond, Newport ...... ove eee 58 BNAUS (Lt eee ili. sd be Berlin, Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy. Medals, 1853-57-59. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, E. U., 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Vienna, 1882. Munich, 1883. Ant- werp, Medal of Honor, 1885. Professor in the Academy of Berlin. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Christiana. Knight of the Order of Merit. Medals at Berlin, Weimar, Munich, etc. No. 212— The City Girl... ..eeeee. vies tp ies a ee oo tM SS Ca aRe Sa eel a or ee INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED. 13 | KUWASSEG MO) SOCC ee ic cis aay «O's Sear sare ae Paris. Medals, 1845-61-63. Born, Died, 1876. _ No. 67—Landscape in Holland—Morning..... Page 35 ey ayo. 107— “ —Evening ..... 44 L’ENFANT DE METZ (Lovis)...... .ceeeseeee sees nae ‘No. 165—Singing Ki ite-Flyers.. Sree hk stad sPage 157 MISE (G00. C.) oo. es ih. e ee eee Philadelphia. Pupil of his Father. Member of the National Academy, 1868. No. 167—Comsecration, 1861......+.eeeceeeees Page 57 BOS COLAC. SUTNINET 5 vin ee cho es ccc 4I OTHE CP CCH-LIGUSE os oo iw cin ce eens 56 DVO FO LOSES. ss ne ee pi side dels. bb alet es 38 Pe SOS es oe ses ee tet ee eens t sees 55 Pe = OEP SHIA) ss ecu tect ce ne tes 28 I , CEAS:), oo os. ce cs poles eh a nek vdeceeeseds Paris. Pupil of Delaroche, Medals, 1842-45-48-55 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1855. | ING, 214 —Going to the Sepulchre.......e sees Page 66 BEEPS ELOUIS), CEC Ciccs co csc voscecstececicccsameescs Paris. Pupil of His Father. Medals, 1864-68-70. Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1843. Died, 1883. Od re NATIT. oc ie cere ee het veces Page 60 Be CI NCCE MA) eo ive eee c's hed dds testes Paris. ; Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1868-82. Legion of Honor, 1883. oma 5-—A Letter for Papa. «vive vives conc a'e Page 59 14 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. — LEMMENS (E-), dec’d.. 2055.55 vee orice ees Se Paris. Pupil of Lassalle. No. -14—CAICRENS, 80.0.2 2 Ae ee Page 24 No. 838-—4 Bariyard sn. ieee a ee ee 40 MEYER VON BREMEN (j..G.). o0..:ccus ues Berlin. Pupil of Sohn. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin, Philadelphia, etc. No. 168-—Gvrandmother'S Feb - wos utters +» see ae ee] No. 24—Morning P7Q)EF «v0 cee eee ee 26 No. 83—Sleeping Childrett...severcovacesacon 39 MERLE (H.);dec'd-..... 2.0...» cerca ene ivi a ee Paris. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861-63. Legion of Honor, 1866. Born, 1822. Died, 188r. No. 218— The. Good Sister. +s .-+s +s «ee eae Page 66 McENTEE {J.) wv. .ce. css cetevucks ohne New Vork. Pupil of F. E. Church. Member of the National Academy, N. Y., 1869. No. 222—“ The Melancholy Days Have Come” .Page 68 MOLE (J. BE!) cin iin on neue Ss abe Rees See London. No. 30—TZhe Gleaners’ Rest. . 0.0 cece es AS Pape 225 MORAN (THOS.) ....... Gewloas watts kore tae New York. Member of the Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Society of Painters in Water-colors, and Society of American Artists. No. 31—Autumn on the Wissahickon ....+++++- Page 28 0 a ad el pe a vn > =. = mee 2 A ae ee 5 Sy ae es eee ee INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED. 16 “MOREAU CRERIGNY hoy ee hc tes ¢ os gece ln ana ee Paris. Pupil of Pils. Medal, 1876. No. 146—A Féle in the Middle Ages......++.. Page 251 MOSLER (IIENRY)...).. 00.2 ee sees eee eee ee eee cere s Paris. ‘Pupil of Hébert. No. 32—TZhe Young Navigators .....ceceseees Page 28 ek calc eocncceve oo Italy No. 140—TZhe Amateurs of Coins ..+++++e00- ~Page 51 ee LE CANTONIO),. oo cas + ie cen cpa eve e ce cee cneets Paris Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Venice. No. 75—The Maeno oan chs dss ove EARS Sie TIF) cs sine a foc n eRe basen ece te ences Berlin. No. 33—TZhe Breakfasts... cecvvcccveseceees Page 28 PALMER (E. Ds)... 00-0055 Soy ewer y Sparen 5 Albany. No. 136—Bust of JUne ...esccescccecccccecs Page 49 No. 61—‘“ Good-Morning.” (Bas-relicf)...... 34 OAL EF CY «ww eet ewes cee evanees : 61 RUST a ee AGE eee care seeeeees Holland. No. 9—Marine—Calm.....eeeceeceees Yio Pager s2s “ No. 91— — Breeze vveeues hve we hee abel 4I 16 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. RICHARDS (WM.°T.) -. 2..c ea ose eee Philadelphia. Medal Centennial Exhibition, Phil., 1876. Prize Medal at Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, 1885. Honorary Member of the National Academy, N. Y. No, 149—TZhe Lorest ..... ..« « «sine wee ehe o Pagel 52 No.) 76— The Wissahickon... :.s:sss epee “434 No. 224—Lana’s End, Cornwall, Eng. ......0+. 69 No. 220— Zhe Bouguet Valley, Adirondacks .... 76 No. = 98—Spving oo 0's to ee 42 No. 99—Summer .a..5 ou sk os se ee eee 42 NO; 100—A LI 5 ev one ae ee eee 42 Nol To1— Winter occ os). sm wins tee oe 43 No. 35—A Summer Afternoon ....+.-.+s.00s 29 No. 166— Breakers, Atlantic City .........+05. ohne ye NO." 20--Log-0n: the COdSt sins ow «co sis see 26 No. 183—Sand Hills, Atlantic City, N. J....... 61 No. 74—Paradise, Newport, Re Levees seees 36 No. 36, 37, 38, 39, 49, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,56, 57; 58, 59, 60, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,:122) 124) Tebe 126; 127, 128, 1209, 130, 130 slogan see 134, 135, 187, 188, 189, I90, IgI, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 200, 210;-20h RIVOIRE (Fo). isso cee hn ec doe ele es ¥en 5 atele sath eee Paris. _ Pupil of Reignier. No. 10—Slowers and Autumn Leaves ....++++ Page 23 No. 87—Flowers and Poppies voveveccccceveee 40 Re a Poe ee el ee et “ ’ ey amare, rs : ak ee - tS yi aaa. 3 &: PAS tee e Niet dere ee riers sees a 7 4 Mink > a eo = a >» ; - INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED. i RE AU 8 ce tcc eaieie Sac Hep i cosa sey heved e's Paris. | Pupil of Meissonier. Medal, 1869. No. 72—A Rocky Dell... eos. bitacur eres Mtoe ce. Page. 36 ee A eco SEARS Rte rarer ean ae A eine Paris. : Pupil of Boulanger, INO, 92—“S7721160 ooo ce cece ewes tenes oe pees Sages al Oe ES 2 i New York. Pupil of his Father. Associate of the National Academy, N. Y., 1868. Member of the same, 1876. Member of the Society of Painters in Water-colors. No. 94—Causeway at Marblehead Neck........ Page 41 No. 5—Landscape ...+..eeceeees aie vat ae shale tae Sisley LEN, (TE)... ce. AC thee AGRA RE en re Diisseldorf. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy. Medals at Vienna and Besancon. No. 144—The Christening....... Bee le witce'e sisial uN SX sy acl elasing esses as 5.cscseteee en’ Diisseldorf. No. 148—A? the Convent Door ....++..e0.005- Page 52 AUT) 24. lec ei cence ovis ee tvie be ne vile Ecouen. No. 177—TZhe Washing Pool, Ecouen, France ..Page 59 MENS EDN, tec pitais ac a.'0 0 60's vii oto Opie vie 2 oo 0 4.0 vig oe Paris. Medals, 1864-65-67 (E. U.). Medal, Brussels Exposition, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Medal, Vienna Exposition, 1873. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift. 18 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. Painter to the Court of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin. No. 164-—A ‘Wallachian Ride ssa esos sees Page 56 SORBI (R. A.) 0.602%. 000s 2 wasn ones elels eee Florence. No. 89—Street Scene tn Florence, [taly.....+.. Page 40 SUYDAM (jas. ‘A.), dec’d 2 7.05. oa es, ee New York. Pupil of M. C. Kellogg. Member of the National Academy, N.Y.; 1856.” Borns 18572- Died; 1505. No. 182—TZhe Mew London Light-housé........ Page 60 No. 102—fog at Narragansett. ....cseerecees 43 SPENCER. (Lity M.)...c.2../2. .2ae ee New York. No. 156—Oranges, Nuts and FUGS vis op beeint ee SMITH. MARY) 6.95. sos eee eee aes ee Philadelphia. No. °, 79—GRiCKEMS vas o's eee Page 38 NO,°159——GHICRENS |. 0. sas 3 3 os eget ee . 55 SULLY ((THOS,) oo. o5.. ccs cs sbiea ele eee Philadelphia. Born, 1783. Died, 1872. No. 7a—Curl Papers... sain a= see “oles Page 23 SANCHEZ-PERRIER (Emirio)~.. sc...) No. 137—4 Theological Dispute... .sevrcess Page 50 I i oe cine ee ees 55 No, 21—TZhe Grasshopper and the Ant........ 26 ea! BE NI ISCF. o's. ww tala oe ws cine nee Wace ey. Ee SS ee a Paris. Pupil of Picot. No. 105—A Cavalier of the 16th Century ...... Page 43 URC rcig esac c ct cece es aslo en comedeee cues New York. No, 82—The Trained Monkey .s.osevevecseees Page 39 ICE SUE i ee Cece teste iccecsteeeevas Munich. No. 141— Sunset on the Susquehanna .....++05. Page 50 Det LON KAUN, ono kins cones ease | 67 — 20 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. — WHIT TREDGE. (W.) ... 3... sce ee a New York. Member of the National Academy, 1860. No. 176-—-A Tyout Brook 1... 00% ape Page 59 WILCOX (W..1L).0 2... eee Le Philadelphia. No. 178—Larly SUMMEr «> seals coe oe Page 59 No... 93—TLhe Trysting Place 06-5 awe as Al No. 22— Boats on the Alleghany ........ Retat seeks 26 WOOD (G. B., JR). 8 ina oe comes pee eee Philadelphia. No. 4—TZhé Barn-yard ows ove ene eee Page 22 No. 80—Az Old Philadelphian Library........ 38 CATALOGUE. FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. Wednesday, December 16, 1885—beginning at 7.30 P.M. *,.* Measurements given are in inches, the first figures indicating the width of the canvas. I BRIDGES (Fripetia) Daisies and Clover (Water-color) 6x9 2 HOLYOAKE (W.) Raspberries 1x8 22 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. 3 BISHOP (Amy) Girl Knitting 5x6 4 WOOD (G. B., JR.) The Barn-yard 12 X 1o—Dated 1868 5 SMILLIE (J. D.) Landscape 8 x 5—Dated 1877 6 DOUW (GERARD) attributed to Old Woman Reading Io X13 7 HUNZIGER (W.) Grapes—One Cluster 14x 16—Dated 1862 i ee 7a te. = --- SULLY (Tuos.), dec’d Curl Papers 15x 18—Dated 1867 f Poa See 88 ___ LAMBDIN (Gro. C.) __. A Summer Study 24 X 18 Os site, RUST (J. H.) _ -Marine—Calm 13x8 I0 RIVOIRE (F.) ES Flowers and Autumn Leaves (Water-color) bee cae . 15 x 20—Dated 1869 II UNKNOWN Old Dutch Landscape 22x16 a 12 h | TAIT (A. F.) v Quail and Young j 22X14 —.. 13 a & VIBERT (J. G.) ry ) & “The Miser (Drawing) j ‘ 5x6 14 \ LEMMENS (E.), dec’d et ‘Be Chickens, etc. 10x 8 15 TEN-KATE (H. F. CG.) ey... Playing Gypsies (Water-color) | I4 X 10 I5a BRIDGES (FIDELIA) Birds, Grasses, etc. 6 drawings in one frame = 26 X4% eae Lao Crine 5 ee : i se > —e = — oe 4 Z _ “2-156 te BRIDGES (Fett) ~ a 0. _ Birds, Grasses, etc. ne 6 drawings in one frame 2g X4% f = 16. y) ov GUY (8. J.) _ What’s o’clock ? ‘ QxXI2 - 17 BROWN (J. G.) At the Window 14 x 18—Dated 1870 nes BOUGHTON (Gero. H.) | Inconsolable | 63g X 83g © 19 FRERE (E.) _ Feeding Sister (Water-color) 7.x 9—Dated 1865 . y 26 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. / 20 aH) My / s / /© RICHARDS (W. T.) ey Fog on the Coast (Oil) aN ~~ 3 : 24 x 12—Dated 1865 21 VIBERT (J. G.) | The Grasshopper and the Ant (Water-color) © 16 x r2—Dated 1875 22 WILCOX (W. H.) a Boats on the Alleghany 30 x18 nS 23. /“) _-HASENCLEVER (F. P.), dec’d a : Wine Testers—Copy | 21X15 : 24 MEYER VON BREMEN (J. G.) AC) Morning Prayer (Water-color) = I 5X 6% AUBERT (Jean) i Brittany Peasant Girl a Le 14x 17—Dated 1880 es - er ie i 126 40 -CASTRES (E.) _ An Ambulance Corps, 1871 ox Datatsrs f a | 27 | DARGELAS (H.) Feeding Chickens 7x8 V i 28 0) _ _ DUVERGER (T. E.) : - Guess my Name? — ae ; : i ae +e 29 KENSETT (J. F.), dec’d ~Conesus Lake—Geneseo . | & 24K 14 oe ‘ 30 | ‘MOLE (J. H.)~ 0 The Gleaner’s Rest (Watercolor) 20 X 14—Dated 1857 31 5 i MORAN (Tuos.) | Autumn on the Wissahickon ; 20 x 24—Dated 1864 32 MOSLER (H. ‘ The Young Navigators Bie color) I5 X20 PAULSEN (F.) The Breakfast 18 X 22 34 HAYS (W. J.), dec’d American Elk—Moonrise 26X17 oo a ace | i RICHARDS (W. T.) _ ye A Summer Afternoon ((il) | e 20 x 24—Dated 1869 Lots fori No. 36 to No. Killze water-colors, by Wm. T. Richards, and were ainted to the order of or ae by Mr. Whitney. Beeewct Point, Newport, R. I. 131g x 81¢—Dated 1875 3 . ok This rocky point is three or four miles to the east of Newport. In stormy _ weather the great rollers from the Atlantic breaking on the ledges make a surf = wilder than elsewhere on the neighboring shore. oh » 4 37 a Oo. Third Beach, Newport, R. I. ie 13 x 84g¢—Dated 1874 : a ‘ Ag Off the har Buoy, Atlantic City, N. J. 13% x 9—Dated 1873 A series of buoys marks the channel between the beach at Atlantic Cityand ~ a _ Brigantine Shoals. This is a favorite cruising-ground for pleasure boats. ary — 39 __ Easton’s Pond and First Beach, Newport, R. I. 13 x 84¢—Dated 1874 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. Se t 40 hated sa /Wharf at Inlet, Atlantic City, N. J. 13} x 836 —Dated 1873 AI Kettle Bottom Rock, Narragansett Bay | 1316 x 8{—Dated 2875 A solitary rock, not far from the shores of Conanicut Island, the haunt of sea-fowl. 42 : Old Orchard, Newport, R. I. 13 x 8—Dated 1874 | i The -old apple orchards in the neighhorhood of Newport are very pictu- : resque. The long buffeting of sea winds has made trees gnarled and rugged. » 43 Thunder-Storm, Atlantic City, N. J. 1314 x 8—Dated 1873 ‘ 44 37 \ Boat-House Point, Newport, R. I. “A ) 0 1336 x 84¢—Dated 1875 : 13)¢ x 8144 —Dated 1873 ( % Oe : | ‘46 *p : . aay A Showery Afternoon . 13% x 7144—Dated 1873 ea ; es Hine Ps bee, Pee ane arene: S ae | Si tes RA te ON ~ , 4 ee me Aap Tennyson’ s Lane, F arringford Park, Isle of ig 136 x 93g—Dated 1880 Nee s ; Me The farm etaiags and the farm lands are very picturesque, ae the form ine ats which is called by the poms name is a very characteristic bit of English rural . South-east Storm, Sachuset Point, Newport,R.I. 7 | 136 x 83¢—Dated 1875 oe 4 , 49 \ Near Lily Pond, Newport, R. I. 1% | 1346 x 81¢—Dated 1875 tae ca 4 % yy, ¥ 32 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. ~ ae “<, . The Inlet, Atlantic City, N. J. ok .. a 13} x 8—Dated 1873 ee Abescon and Brigantine beaches are separated by an arm of thesea. Itisa | safe anchorage and a harbor of refuge. This inlet runs through the wide salt meadows which lie between the beaches and the main land, and joining other ' water ways makes the thoroughfare a devious inland channel reaching from Barnegat Bay to Cape May. 5I Marshes by the Sea 13}¢ x 8—Dated 1873 52 as Early Spring ee 13x g—Dated 1875 53 a a Morning, Atlantic City, N. J. , 133g x 8}¢—Dated 1873 wd s 4 | Trees on the Sea-shore |Z pene 6 x 7—Dated 187x 6 x 7—Dated sites . 56 ees ae ane Village of Ammagansett, L. I. Be 138 x 7%—Dated 1873 | The village of Ammagansett, with its windmills and grass-grown streets, a quaintness and charm which makes it unique among the sea-side villages _ ‘Long Island. — 57 2Or BERNE. Water Lilies. 14 X 9—Dated 1877 : ae es . ‘ Fay coats 58 eas 2 ry / BA: A Sheltered Cove : fS 14 x 9—Dated 1881 . ae e's a See a et 59 : { }y- Gull Rock, Newport, R. I. | | 14 x 8%—Dated 1876 Though “ The Cliff,” at Newport, has been civilized to its very edge, the breaks as of old at its base and its surges are as wild as ever on the outly-— _ ing ledges. 3 . ; ie a 4 % i, 4 +2 9 r cS yt) tae) } 4 i? =A | cme es > a Fry aa : THE WHITNEY COLLECTION Twilight, New Jersey Coast 134 x 844—Dated 1873 61 PALMER (E. D.) “Good Morning” Bas-relief in marble, mounted in a carved frame. : 62 : a ~ #) () BRUN (C) f ‘4 \ The Chiffonier - “go x 14—Dated 1869 63 DELORT (C.) The Horse J ockey 22 x 15—Dated 1874 64 FRERE (E.) Child Singing (Water-color) 7 x 9—Dated 1869 ‘ FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. @ ES’ pS eeGLiv i J.) The Young Jehu iz2xX9Q 66 JAZET (P.) The Rehearsal 13 x 1o—Dated 1873 67 ‘4 a) KUWASSEG (C.), dec’d ; Landscape in Holland—Morning 8x6 63 / Me BECKER (Q.) A Rabbi 16 x 21—Dated 1880 69 BOSCH /-| 4 \) Far From Home | 25 x 20—Dated 1864 35 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. 79 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.) The Dusty Road 13 x 16—Dated 1868 12> GIFFORD (S. R.), dec’d Morning on the Hudson 30 X 14—Dated 1866 $92 ROBINET (P.) A Rocky Dell (Source of the Vitznanerbac, Switzerland.) 25 x 20—Dated 1869 In the Paris Salon Exhibition, 1869 73 a.) CHURCH (F. E.) 4 * “Sunrise, Catskill Mountains 40 x 27—Dated 1849 74 RICHARDS (W. T.) Paradise, Newport (Water-color) ff FOS " _ ee 4 f 6 x 22—Dated 1876 din f f j 3 2 i In Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876 31 x 24—Dated 1874 bo eae (A.) 1g The Rialto, Venice From Paris Salon of 1875 76 J nf é RICHARDS (W. T.) 54 x 40—Dated 1872 FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. The Wissahickon (Oil) ay SECOND NIGHT? Ss SALE. SPs December 17,—beginning at e ‘0 ae i] =e Se Autumn Landscape i etes 4x 5—Dated 1874 — 78 oats LAMBDIN (Gzo.C.) Roses | 8x10 79° ees SMITH (Mary) Chickens | 10x 8 . 20a 80 ioe 7 WOOD (G. B., Jr.) Pe An Old Phat Cie ve 15X10 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. SI HUNZIGER (W.) Grapes (3 clusters) 14 x 16—Dated 1862 82 WARD (C. C.) The Trained Monkey 4X 5—Dated 1868 83 MEYER VON BREMEN (J. G.) Sleeping Children (Water-color) 3% X34 84 BRIDGES (FIpDELIA4) The Twelve Months (Water-colors) 6 x 8—Dated 1875 In twelve separate frames. 85 BROWN (J. G.) Gathering Flowers 8x 1:—Dated 1867 39 4o THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. 86 | BELLI (A.) . Boy with Candle (Water-color) gx 12 87 RIVOIRE (F.) Flowers and Poppies (Water-colory 15 X 20—Dated 1869 88 ee LEMMENS (E.), dec’d . A Barn-yard 10 x8 89 SORBI (R. A.) Street Scene in Florence rz x 14—Dated 1875 90 BUHLER (ZuBeEr) The Pet Kitten (Water-color) 16 X 20 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. 4I OI RUST (J. H.) Marine—Breeze 13x 8 g2 RUDAUX (E. A.) Smitten 12 x 16—Dated 1871 93 WILCOX (W. H.) The Trysting Place 20 x 24—Dated 1869 04 SMILLIE (J. D.) Causeway at Marblehead Neck (Water-color) 25X13 95 LAMBDIN (Gro. C.) Golden Summer 15 X 20—Dated 1864 HETZEL (Gro)... ae +: Dead Game 77] ae 28 X 20 : ee ks. ‘(BOSER (F) | The Broom Girl ay a et 17x 24—Dated 1865 eer G3 . RICHARDS (W. Tj.) ee Spring (Oil) | 14% 18—Dated 1867 “ We on eri’ . ee RICHARDS (W. T.) : Summer (Oil) te i 14x 18—Dated 1866 7 B | 100 | hae RICHARDS (W.T.) _ Bret sie es eA ein ea i e ‘ . 14 X 18—Dated 1865 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. IOI RICHARDS (W. T.) Winter (Oil) 14 x 18—Dated 1867 102 SUYDAM (J. A.), dec’d Fog at Narragansett 24 x 12—Dated 1859 103 GUY (S. J.) Inspiration ro x 8—Dated 1866 104. GESELSCHAPP (E.) Christmas Morning 12 x 15—Dated 1864 105 VIRY (P.) | ‘) 2. A Cavalier of the 16th Century 14 X 12—Dated 1873 43 44 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. — 106 Sas, DETAILLE (E,) e The Guard Mobile 54 x 444{—Dated 1874 (Extract from a letter by the artist) : ‘** Paris, June 26, 1874. “Mr. S. P. Avery :—My small picture which you own is a souvenir of the war, and represents my own portrait in the uniform of a‘ Mobile’ during the siege of Paris. (Signed) Edouard Detaille.”’ 107 ‘ 4) < KUWASSEG (C.), dec’d ~ ~ Landscape in Holland—Evening 8 x 6 108 Ge HENRY (E. L.) ')") s/ The Old Westover Mansion, Va. wf " 14 x 11—Dated 1869 109 _ FRERE (E.) The Sentinel 8 x 1o—Dated 1859 lo A) 3 ee fal ey -3ut SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. 45 ke IIo / /} /@. JOHNSON (E.) The Culprit ro X 12—Dated 1861 III 4 7 e. — DUVERGER (T. E.) The Punished Scholar 18 X 14 Lots from No. 112 to 136 are water-colors by Wm. T. Richards, and were painted to order of or selected by Mr. Whitney. s OU 112 From the Old Fort, Conanicut, R. I. 14 X 9—Dated 1881 : 113 ) 0 - A Gray Day 13) x 84—Dated 1873 II4 J () Cedars on the Beach, New Jersey / 136 x 8—Dated 1873 The sea, in its inroads on the beaches of New Jersey, has destroyed the woods of cedar and holly, which formerly grew to high-water mark in the vicinity of Atlantic City. 46 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. : II5 aft P _.@ Near Farringford Park, Freshwater, Isle of i Wight H ; 1314 x 914—Dated 1880 The neighborhood of Tennyson’s house is everywhere beautiful. Noble downs shut it from the sea, and all the charm of English pastoral landscape can be found in its valleys and by its streams. = 116 a : \ lL - Yachts in Narragansett Bay e, 13 xX 8%—Dated 1875 , 117 Aol: 4 High Hill, Conanicut Island, R. I. 133¢ x 83—Dated 1875 118 \ () rm © Islands in Narragansett Bay e f j { # 14x 9%—Dated 1876 il The foreground is a number of little islands called the “‘ Dumplings,” on the west side of the outer harbor of Newport. In the distance is Mt. Hope, the last stronghold of King Philip. ; IIQ fi . < Sun and Cloud > Lf / 836 x s—Dated 1872 ; 814 x 5—Dated 1872 ‘eee iat ( South-easter at Atlantic City, N. j. if 3131 x 8—Dated 1873. Lins 13x ¢ 814—Dated 1874 123 _ Sunset, ee Point, Newpor 7 " 1334 x 8¢—Dated 1875 124 ue Fort Cove, Conanicut Island 14 X 9—Dated 1881 One of the te oreahet charms of the landscape of Conanicut is the number o 5s Little coves, which give great variety and unexpected beauty to the coast. 2s 125 : - a es The Road by the Sea 4 & 14 X 9—Dated 1882 48 THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. 70 | 126 ) ~—_p Rough Point, Newport, R. I. 14 X 9—Dated 1875 127 va > Harvesting Sea-weed al 14 x 9—Dated 1883 After every storm, great masses of sea-weed are left along the shores of New England. It is collected by the farmers as a valuable fertilizer. On the bright days succeeding a storm, picturesque ox teams with carts filled with the rich brown weed, may be found on every beach, or be seen slowly moving to the inland fields. : 128 ~ Mackerel Cove, Conanicut Island, R. I. S| 13)8 x 814—Dated 1875 The shores of this cove, or bay, are very varied, and perhaps nowhere else on the coast can so much wildness and beauty be found in so small a space. 129 " \ J Outside Ochre Point, Newport, R, I. 13 Xx 814g—Dated 1874 a) 130 i \ a. Windmill at Middleton, R. I. 13 x 73—Dated 1874 - Sunrise on the Beach 13}¢ x 8—Dated 1873 _ Woods and Meadows 11 x 13—Dated 1876 ; 133 ey he South BHGEE: Newport, R. I. rng x i Se rae 1874 | 134 , e farm belonging to Farringford Park has all the characteristics of an nglish farm. The quaint thatched cottages, the wheat and barley fields, and Bess elm s oa make pictures of themselves. © Bare ors’, 7 nee Gray Rock, Conanicut, R. I. 1334 x 93—Dated 1882 136 © PALMER (E. D.) 7 3 : ; . yen a June” At. A life-size bust in marble, with pedestal, in B. W. carved and gilt. i ee , Ae ht _VIBERT J. G. ye | A Theological Dispute 17X12 138 2 (,0° \ = BOUGHTON (Gro. HS. A Winter Twilight | 22 X 14 : - 139 5 x ' a f % 9 a by ” KENSETT (FD, decd Newport Harbor 24xX14—Dated 1862 A, 140 Sy aes ORFEI a ee M cy 20 x 27—Dated 1866-7 | | 172 25) See BLANC (Louts)_ : “oe Youth — wep 9 x 12—Dated 1865 ae 720 bo |) BEANG (Louis) > 7a e Old Age : 9 x 12—Dated 1865 173 ie se : KENSETT (J. F.), dec’d fais ; _ Lily Pond, Neweort : 18 X 10 - : x J ‘ ‘ } tr: i THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. 174, SANCHEZ-PERRIER (E.) Woods of Fontainebleau 14 X 21—Dated 1880 175 LOBRICHON (T. M.) A Letter for Papa 13 X 20 176 WHITTREDGE (W.) A Trout Brook 15 X 23 SN, SEIGNAC (P.) The Washing Pool, Ecouen 18X13 178 WILCOX (W. H.) Early Summer 30 x 22—Dated 1871 59 . 7Ae ay < £ a ve / THE WHITNEY COLLE ae EES a ae yd LELOIR (L.), dec’d a | SS oe The Matte 20 X 14—Dated 1877 180-7 te fis GUY (S.)) nn Making a Train oa 23 x 17—Dated 1867" . 181 ) DIEFFENBACH (H.K.) _ * Gathering Wild-Flowers 14 x 18—Dated 1867 | | 182 OF aioe : _ SUYDAM (J.A.),dec’d ae = | _ The New London Light-house — ‘é i } t 30 x 183—Dated 1863 7 THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. 61 183 RICHARDS (W. T.) Sand Hills, Atlantic City (Water-color) 36 x 22—Dated 1876 The sand-hills, built of blown sand from the beach, on many parts of the New Jersey coast, are covered by patches of grass, bushes, stunted trees, and wild vines; with ribbed sand, like the ripples of water, drifted among them. It seems ‘‘a waste land where no one comes or hath come since the making of the world.” 184 PALMER (E. D.) Mercy (Bas-relief in Marble) (Mounted upon a carved B. W. easel-pedestal) 185 CALVERLEY (C.) Lily of the Valley (Bas-relief in Marble, framed) 186 CALVERLEY (C,) Dawn (Bas-relief in Marble, framed) Lots from No. 188 to No, 212 are water-colors, by Wm. T. Richards, and were painted to order of or selected by Mr. Whitney. ee 187.00 ea Roos off Rough Point, Newport, R. T - 13x ey6—Dated 1875 4 C7 eat ~ 188 “ 13 x 8—Dated ars 189 € ae i 1334 x 8—Dated 1873 ; 190 2p as Coffin’s Beach, Cape Ann, Mass. 14 x 9—Dated 1873 I9l | Appledore, Isle of Shoals, N. H. 134 x 744—Dated 1873 | 192 xs AnAprilDay ~ | 13 x 84%—Dated 1875 THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. 63 193 A Picnic—Second Beach, Newport, R. I. 14 X 9}3¢—Dated 1876 194 Sand Dunes—A Coming Storm 1354 x 8—Dated 1873 195 High Water—Gull Rock, Newport, R. I. 13 x 73¢—Dated 1874 196 Passing Clouds 84g x 434—Dated 1873 197 , Twilight on the Beach 83 x 4%—Dated 1870 198 Ochre Point, Newport, R. I. 13% x 934—Dated 1876 Ochre Point has been much changed, but nowhere on the coast at Newport is the sea view finer or in rougn weather the breakers more impressive. St : = _Kreishem Creek, Germantown, Pa beep 4 pag eoet ore 200 Gooseberry Island, South Shore, Newport, R Ae 138 x 84¢—Dated 1875 reat 201 4 4 The Shores of Narragansett Bay | I4X g—Dated 1882 202 A Study of Cedar Trees 133f x 7$—Dated 1873 ~ 203 es. Purgatory, Newport, R. I. to X 13}—Dated 1876 204 | “The Beached Margent of the Sea” 13 x 844—Dated 1876 THIRD NIGHT'S SALE. 2 65 205 The End of the Cliff, Newport, R. I. 134 x 8%—Dated 1874 206 An Autumn Day on the New England Coast 14 X 834—Dated 1876 | 207 The Light-house, Atlantic City, N. J. 13 x 8—Dated 1873 208 Spouting Rock, Newport, R. I. _oX 13)4—Dated 1877 209 A Breezy Day—Atlantic City, N. J. 1436 x 83¢—Dated 1873 210 The Cliffs of Conanicut Island, R. I. 134 x 844—Dated 1882 21T Bateman’s Point, Newport, L 33 x 83¢—Dated 1874 212 ; : ss | KNAUS (Lo) eee Rs ipo The City Girl 8 x 1o—Dated 1877 (Painted to order for S. P. Avery.) 213 y “GIRARD (Firmin) a> Autumn Flowers _ 8 x 11:—Dated 1875 OTA at _ LANDELLE (C,) Going to the Sepulchre 14 X 24 215 6 : MERLE (H.), dec’'d A: The Good Sister — : 18 x 14 _ BOUGUEREAU (W. A.) Before the Bath eae 80% 24 _ WEBER (P.) Loch Katrine 30X 19> 218 DURAND (A. B.) ‘4 Scene in the White Mountains 36x 23—Dated 1858 “x9 ? ‘oo HETZEL (Geo.) ~ a View on Courtney’s Run j a 40 X 30—Dated 1867 : F a 220 RICHARDS (W.T.) aS The Bouquet Valley, Adirondacks coin 4 X 25—Dated 1866 68 - THE WHITNEY COLLECTION. 221 GOUBIE (J. R.) yd) At the Farm Ds 39 x 25—Dated 1875 222 McENTEE (J.) “The Melancholy Days have Come” 54 X 30—Dated 1865 In the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867, and Philadelphia Centennial Exhi- bition, 1876. Ts aS i , 223 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.) | The March of Miles Standish 48 x 24—Dated 1869 In Royal Academy Exhibition, 1869. (Painted to order for S. P. Avery.) (From the London Times, Fune 11, 1869.) ‘*Mr. Boughton, with other advantages of French study, has brought away this of painting subjects unstagily and unaffectedly, with a right and refined sense of pictorial effect. No.-223—‘ The March of Miles Standish ’—shows the knot of Puritan immigrants cautiously marching up the unknown country at the heels of their Indian guide. The soft, stealthy, moccasin-shod tread of the red skin is well contrasted with the heavier, more resolute pace of the white man— “* « Standish the stalwart it was—with eight of his valorous army, Led by their guide, by Hobomok, friend of the white men, Northward marching to quell the sudden revolt of the savage, Giants they seemed in the mist, or the mighty men of King David.’” —(LONGFELLOW.) Se ST ee Oe ee ane a, THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. 224 RICHARDS (W. T.) Land’s End, Cornwall, England (Oil) 60 x 4o—Dated 1880 225 BOCKELMANN (CuristTiAn L.) The Broken Bank 52 x 38—Dated 1877 In Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878. 226 JOHNSON (E.) The Old Stage Coach 60 x 35—Dated 1871 (Painted to order for S. P. Avery.) . 227 VAUTIER (B.) The Annual Dinner 54 X 31—Dated 1871 In Paris Universal Exhibition, first class medal, and was decorated. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, 1878, and for which the artist was awarded a MANAGERS, Tuos. E. Kirsy, AUCTIONEER. ¥ ¥ * : ue GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE UNAM 3 3125 01662 3163 ene ee welt raid F @.r it 2? + Cy LSC rsib eis acs he, ENCE LDL £ A a sl “I ifs aes f if Poe OY, ren ' ratte Cat, is Seb 3h! ite ee ue Pee RS. fas Ng a aH. . \! 2 Pat hs v4 ‘ t! o el ett haat * us + Atal Roe dir 4) uh) i Bey it i i tet elite af ; ‘ ae * ar a does ee eR ee : Past a rae es “ae, t ge aD Wa ith & ee ‘ ‘ 43 iy ; ' ‘i i YP en ae 40) hy es Sa ATE rae aah Se z ee ee eS ee eee — = 3 fea 4 J : t 4 +8 4 { V7 Ly 5 i iM it 4 2 1) wile a ey ia ae ‘ Hite ‘ «its ‘ = > ~~ pe ae ee — i Oe i i R= at — Se ae Fe z i ne en ne : ‘ Pte 3 este ere i} i * } P , rertas mf { : 4 ‘ i ase j + 9 i . ‘ ei 5 * Md 4 < fi # * + * 2 # & t § & ¢ wi iit u i a z u hey Nt i ane) a Mi Ste ti ali 2 4 t te é ¢ : ¢ - ma et ee ee ee oe ete te vide — Ss ee ee ae a ae oa wie Ge pel teed eel eained e eee Oe ee oe a eee a a Ra =a ort Tr et Se Bie eS ie at ae aa e. es ee Se ar hi “ie at ee ae —