As at nas i Oak, i PN ee Pupil of M. F. Barrias. Medals, 1864, 67, ’68, ’78. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 187 Taking his Ease. 10x 7 Lie. 88 DIAZ, (N.), dec’, . : : : Paris » Medals, 1844, *46, *48. oS OG Legion of Honor, 1851. yp Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, _Exposition Universelle, 1878. A \P \ Born, 1807. Died, 1876. VV Landscape. ee. 16x 12 39 EDELFELT, (A.), : : Paris Weary. | 284 x 36 40 JOHNSON (DAVID), N. A.,. ; : New, York Springtime on the Bronx. 41 VERBOECKHOVEN (EUGENE JOSEPH), dec’d Brussels. (1799-1880). Medals, 1824, 41,°55. / (, ieee Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross, Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Cow’s Head. 37 x 28 1] 42 HUMBORG (AD.), Fresh Supplies for the Larder. os | 212 x 344 43 BROWN, (J. G.),N. A, . Re Sk. | The Musician. 297 x 24} ree 44 GOUBIE, (J, B.),, 2c Pupil of Gerome. Medal, 1874. The Morning Ride. 125 x 16 ¥ 45 ROUSSEAU, (THEO.),dec’d, Pupil of Lethiere. Medals, 1834, 749, ’55.- Legion of Honor, 1867. One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. U.), 18 ‘Diploma to the memory of deceased artists _ Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1812. Died, 1867. _ Evening. 12 x9 12 ‘ 46 DUPRE, (JULES), Paris SFO Medals, 1833 (E. U.), ’67. Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape. 12x 4; 27 DE HAAS, (M. F. H.), N. A., New York Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Rotterdam and Louis Meyer at . the Hague. In 1857 received the appointment of Artist to the Dutch Navy. TS oO One of the original members of the American Society of Painters in Water Color. Under Full Sail—Moonlight. 50 x 40 48 KAEMERRER, (F. H.), ; ; ; Paris Pupil of Gerome. : 4 Medal, 1874. Two is Company. 18 x 123 ‘13 49.GRUTZNER, (A), © - in The Quiet Lunohesm 25} x 173 ) 50 DITAZ,(N.), decid, soe. : Medals, 1844, ’46, *48. Legion of Honor, 1851. : Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. — /, Exposition Universelle, 1878. a AR Born, 1807. Died. 1876. 5 oo _ Cupids at Play. 10 10 x 14 51 TROYON, (CONSTANT), dec’d, . “Pupil of Rivereux. ay 4 Medals, 1838, ’40, ’46, ’48, 55. {\V Legion of Honor, 1849. y Y Born, 1810. Died, 1865. J Jn the Fields. 5x 8 52 MOREAU, (ADRIEN), Pupilof Pils, ia ee Medals, 1876, 779. Hors Concours. The Game of Chess. oe 24 x 313 14 wie Sa-niCO,(M.D.), . : ‘ Paris oe Pupil of Madrazo. Medal Exposition Universelle, 1878. Grand Canal, Venice. 81 x 184 54 DAUBIGNY, (C. F.), dec’d, . ; . Paris Pupil of P. Delaroche. faae ey, Medals, 1848, ’53, 755, 757, ’59, 67. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1817. Died, 1878. Landscape. 1G-= 10 55 COROT, (J. B. C.), dec’d, : Paris Pupil of V. Bertin. ZAae oO Medals, 1838, *48, 55, ’67 (E. U.). Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1796. Died, 1875. View at Barbizon. 164 x 19 15 56 LINDINSCHMIDT, (W.), The New Comer, 304 x 52 57. GISBERT, (ANT.).. aan | Birthday Congratulations. ‘No | mee? A) 231 x 313 ~~, 58 MAX, (GABRIEL), a5) eee Sisal Raising of Jairus’ Daughter. 48 x 70 Water Colors. 59. RIGO, (M. D3, 3a ae ae fa! : Pupil of Madrazo. : Medal Exposition Universelle, 1878, _ Italian Landscapes. 124 x 19. 60 LELOIR, (MAURICE), Medal, 1878. The Last Capture. os 44x 91, 16 & % S ‘ing on Porcelain—Head of Girl. F J ia luck and Red Marble Pedestal. BE SF sod dings me a a Oa ee Pa er - ack Marble and Brass Pedestal. y 1d ~ Mercury. -s tr . . 2 17 ae PE,” ae ’ . . ees Dying Gladiator. 70 Stork. 71 ; Pair of Ewers. Decorated with Bacchanalian scenes. air te Alto Relievo, ‘‘ Industry.” a 73 The Snake Charmer. _ Etchings. : "44 3 Waltner after Millet. The Angelus. Oa Kuppling after Clairin. me ~ Frou Frou. 76 Tissot. The Emigrants. Nef pias at Tissot. i Lady with Fan. Tissot. In the Park. ' Tissot. In the Woods. : i. Ragon after Tadema. A Roman Emperor. : - Hardy. er Dog and Child. ___Engravings. ~The Huguenot. After Millais. | x Birthday Presents. i After Knaus. ce = 19 : fe Sa 86 8 88 89 90 After Czachorski. Vintage Festival. After Tadema. Jerseys. After Edwin Douglas. Moretta. After Leighton. Little Swan san After Story. Mother and Child. Unfinished Plate. Dogs. Unfinished Plate, P I Photogravures, Photographs, Etc. Avant le Grain. ‘After Courant. Cattle. After Van Marcke. Le Barbier Distrait. Chacque age a ses plaisirs, (a pair). The Wine Tasters. The Return to the Convent. 4 The Good Story. The Hunter’s Daughter. i Italian Boys, (a pair). flige ed Magdalen. 21 > PU Pe | ‘Holy Family. 101 Fisher Girl. | 102 | | J ally Time. 103 : Ce | Cought, | 105 _ Allegorical. ef | Aiea Bhs Harvest and the Hunt, (a pain), 107 | Springtime. 108 French oi Mente 109 Dragoon Charge at Grarelottas | ee 110 Le Bourges. SER: Autumn and Suma tines (a es r : 22 oe 104... _Bvil be to Him who Byil tae 112 113 114 115 The First Tooth. Christmas, (a pair). The Christening. Fruit and Flowers, (a pair). Fish, (a pair). ORTGIES & CO., AUCTIONEERS. 23