¥ See ee - : 34 gf! “COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille) ~— gyya Fy. SUOTMING Assy Sia Near Ville D’Avray 28 x(23 From the collection of M. Edwards, banker, of Paris 35 , DECAMPS (Alexandre-Gabriel) VY “Turkish Butcher Shop 19 X 234% i> : Etched by Desbrosses for the Oppenheim Catalogue, April, 1877; has also been in the Meyer and Secretan Collections 36 DIAZ (N. de la Pena) LANDS Ape ae Shadow Acydt.. Garb 12% x9 From the Petit Collection, Paris Gt i i 26 eerat > DUPRE (Jules) SO DC _, Cottage at L’Fsle Adam « 21%, x 17% 38 FROMENTIN (Eugéne) The Fire lg SF 16 x 12 fF Fes Purchased at the sale of M. Lepel-Cointet, Paris, 1881 39 DIAZ (N. de la Pena) _ ayyz.- Fn the Woods 7 *-27 ~we 1854 x 234 oy 200 Painted for and purchased from M. Le oyf, Paris 40 MILLET (Jean Francois) 0 een tenees, 9 1 Etched in the Galerie de Durand- Ruel, from the collection of M. Balensi, banker of Paris 27 rf J ol a AL Ly W fhe ROUSSEAU (Théodore) st a¢@%> Sunset tit a Mood es yy Tim m pp? X91 APE a Jla_— From the collection of M. Hermann, violinist of Paris 42 MEISSONIER (J. L. E.) a Standard Bearer of the | op” Flemish Cibtl Guard a 53% X 9% Etched by Greux for the Oppenheim sale, April, 1877 43 DIAZ (N. de la Pena.) % Above the Clouds 2 SY. 10% x 17% adh / JS. A study for one of the figures in a ‘life size composition, called ‘Souls aspiring to Heaven.” This elaborate study was a particular favorite with the artist, he refused to sell it and kept it in his studio during his life, after which it was purchased from his son, who is a composer of music 28 Sek. tty 9°. <5 CME pp rr ly My 44 4 Y ill, ee MILLET ee Francois) ak pi, SnyX, Ge A Shepherdess Well known by the large aes made by Millet pid ae 45 DIAZ (N. de la Pena) © The Assumption of the Dirgtit 9% X 14 From the collection of Leopold de See, a oe of Paris 46 , ROUSSEAU (Théodore) _— L€, An Autumn Evening 5 ee W This picture was one of 109 paintings by this master, which were collected and exhibited by M. Durand-Ruel, at the Arts’ Club, in the Rue Choisel, June 1867, and was thus described: “The mound of John of Paris—Forest of Fon- tainebleau, effect of bare ground and rugged trees, seen against an early winter twilight, tones of faded pink.’ This was an especial favorite with Rousseau; it has figured in the collection of Mess. Marmontel and Rousseau, (an amateur and not a relative of the artist) 29 9% x 14 ae i nets 265? Ba ee ations free ry, f* 3H atoll y py OT a eee ~ ) Grae! | MILLET (Jean Frangois) /)//'~ ' : fyvx_ \ Cleaners JM. 11% x 14% Etched by Courtry for the Hoschedé Catalogue, April, 1875, also in the Perrau collection. This painting is a variation of a larger work exhibited in the Salon of 1857 DIAZ (N. de la Pena) Deus ard Cup 8% x 12% From the Perrau Collection, Paris 49 DOMINGO (G.) Card players , ry i "? Thee 5 x 74 ‘4 4 “a Reteived direct from the artist : KNAUS (Prof. Ludwig) “Le Salut bes Amours as yz, Received ao ont the artist jm bith 9450 ~ AO Ge L Atrnt AUNVR, 51 ay 26 Cm DIAZ (N. de la Pena) et - Scene from the * Mecameron’ 12% x 16 From the Collection Peréire, Paris 52 ae MEISSONIER (J. L. E,) g Cv Y Ut { 4 oe A fHlusictan 8 x 1034 “ , Once in the collection of Baron Goéthals, fd p Belgian Minister of War, and purchased at the | def Le sale of the collection of M. Mylius of wide 2 | Sold at Rome, 1879 4 53 fv id DELACROIX (Eugéne) 4 Giger Muenching Vis Thirst of f fF fi » I5 x 10 A f iy “Y ; ‘ if From the collection of Paul de Laage, Paris “ 54 MILLET (Jean Francois) Sleeping Woman 17% x 11% Painted before the artist went tolive at Bar- / , ff, ft bizon. From the Edwards Collection 4,( 4° 31 Uy ‘hk DIAZ (N. de la Pena) Bod 4 ia) (, aestng Storm By fay Oy By From Sg Petit and Moreau Collections, Paris a 56 A J” TROYON (Constant) rf, H Ay, 5 aes: and Sheep ¢ ne afl * From the Le Roy ae Rousseau Collections 57 KNAUS (Prof. Ludwig) Drove of Swine—Evening wo” yr + Cheek 14%) 18 tay aA ge Received from the artist direct 58 ROUSSEAU (Théodore) Siurnset Near the edge of Fontainebleau forest 17% x II From the collection of M. Tedesco 32 59 ff Ui 70g e COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille) on 2. Vh, a farm at Coubon 28 x 20 itn SF From the collection of M. Edwards, eas ; 60 ts wit \ yi ur DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois) © ¢ “4, § 52 Mioxsummer—Eage of a Pond i Wwryyd. PM.A. 32 x 18 te Syz Slo From the collection of M. Edwards, Paris , yn 2 (oie 61 FROMENTIN (Eugéne) SYYX, w Avab Falconer Yb 28 x 42% Painted for M. Durand-Ruel, etched by Milius for the catalogue of Lepel-Cointet, Paris, and L purchased from that collection, June, 1881 / ( q 62 all ISABEY (L. G. E.) A fete at the Potel Wam- bowillet, paris Time of Louis XIII. p 35 X 25 1, 64? From the Petit Collection, Paris ct A 33 g o - 0 Wis yf YF . 2 b. id 63 tp: . sore és TROYON (Constant) ~ Drove of Cattle and Sheep ASYY%. Ga. 39%26 aavye From the Bonnet Collection, Paris 64 DIAZ (N. de la Pena) e Clearing tr the forest of F | ae IG gee Foutainebleaw CYie Hen Ags 30 eo i i wine Verdier and Faure Collections, Paris 65 FROMENTIN (Eugéne) THloment of the Dirled-PMayls— SHY Gou. 7. Sahara LY LA 28% x 42% Painted for M. Durand-Ruel, in the Salon of 1867. Sold (1870) to the late Mr. Edward Mat- thews, of New York, and purchased from him / g Mt , a t oa a e- Yl) me oe {barre @ “7 etn’ e Eevee a GEROME (Jean Léon) re Go le OO he Serpent Charmer / 47 X 32 Received from the artist direct 67 SCHREYER (Adolphe) — Che Advance Guard be 47 X 33% E ae Received direct from the artist S200" BRETON (Jules) ~ ie “10. aor” 2H J 77 X 46 Received direct from the artist. Salon, 1880, This picture (Evening), now in the Salon, and purchased by Mr.* * * *, was inspired by the stanza which ends my poem—“ Les Sar- cleuses.’’—Jules Breton, June 3, 1880. ‘¢ Still lingering, Below the flaming prisms of the sunset glow, Outflowing from infinity, the pure celestial atoms we SON Ya: ae va j { SOs fF ed N th aw where a ~ (ae *T is the hour of exquisite delight, when, forgettin” The snares of the world and its bitter pains, The soul freely opens its wings to aimless fancy While the globules of gold quiver in the fading. As the blushing horizon returns a tender glance. Rise, silvery mists, From the graceful forms of the weary weeders, Lengthening your opaline shadows in the fields, Where evening drops her sparkling jewels. Oh, maidens, the evening, in rays of fire sublime, Bathes your bodies, and reigns in scarlet glory on your brows, Oh, daughters, prostrate yourselves and adore the sun,” 36 eae os iach RHR ICMR MEHR cin! | » detent ip Pe” & Fit - | 69 <5 ¥¥) aI ‘ ¥ | tty 2 Ke ee SAS% a 4 sn ; a a aah et ya Hie GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE UCI 3 3125 01662 6489 ie ii Psi we owes Caak! hay oy ; sere! Nin + x) us) + 5 ? t . Laat \ om Te ete pe 578 t BIRDS Peers Te Dy iy 4 ao 4? ee + hey hy oT VE, a2 bane ah mtg ated ate *; a iy ; ¢ i ie 14 en a : o- eS . = a we. .