GRAND COLLECTION. — ae Ancient and Modern PAINTINGS ee BELONGING | YO THE ESTATE oF | JOHN B. MULLoY, | (Deceased) 6) and from the private collections : F i : OF. e i ae UW. S. MACY, : - ‘AND OTHERS _ [FO Be SovpD | '- Wednesday and Friday - January 29th @ 3ist, AG. Hight @’cicex. LIBRARY eae M. KNOEDLER & CO. | 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK Sale No. 666. CATALOGUE. EXHIBITION AND SALE WITHOUT RESERVE OF AN EXTRAORDINARY COLLECTION Opes ANCIENT PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF JOHN B. MULLOY (DECEASED) Formed by him during his 25 years residence in Peru, where he was associated with the most prominent people and had access to both pub c and private Galler es, containing choice examples of the best Masters. Also a collection of Modern Paintings by American and Foreign Artists from the collections of W. S. MAGY, and other art connoisseurs. A SUPERB EXAMPLE BY ROBE RTE DPS EROME, REPRESENTING MARTIN LUTHER, IN HIS srupy. a beautiful Carrara Marble Group representing Cupids, TO BE SOLD Wednesday and Friday Evenings, JANuARY 29th and 31st, 1902 AT EIGHT O’CLOCK WM. B. NORMAN, - - Auctioneer. art ; ‘he Alexander Press nee 14 & 16 Astor Place. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Antolenz, J., 6 Albans, F., 8 Breughel, J., 9, 10 Blackman, W., 47, 121 Bristol, J. B., 50, 156 Blackton, S., 59, 60, 66 Baldini, A., 67 Bronner, G. H., 83 Jexeraay~, IPS Wea cho Beauduin, J., 98 Berne-Bellecour, E.P. 150 Bernhardt, S., 152 Bonheur, R., 153 Cornelisz, J., 26 Clouet, F., 46 Cotes, F., 52, 70 Curtis, F., 82 Calderon, 89 Chapman, C. T., 125, 126 Contort, L., 160 Chase, W. M., 169 (Crevalllsjoyay, JEN AO) ape DeJuanes, J., 15 IDYeWatiakesl, Ii, We, alte} Del Sarto, A., 20 IDe IGinwelit, 12, 2H), By) De Vos, P., 82 De Arellano, Y., 35 De Heem, C,, 54 Dimock, F., 84 Dobson, W., 137 IDealyoyy, (Cs 18, us), 140) De Buckelser, A., 142 Edstrome, R., 58 de hai s ol 102, Fabritius, K., 58 Fuessli, H,, 61 Felix, K. E., 74, 119. 120 Fisher, H., 172, 178, 174 (Creuzen peat Guillon, A , 100 Glyndon, F., 175 Hennie, J. B., 45 Holyoake, W., 57 islosmere,, 1D, (2 Howland, A., 96 Herberi, B., 106 Heinrich, H., 124 Irving, B., 147 Jonnart, L., 78 Jorgensen, F., 159 Kaemusmerer, F. H., 149 ely, Pi, 43 Lebrun, C., 64 Le Grand, 97 NVicttirgallil orate Seem ae 132, 133 Morland, G., 42 Mignard, P., 44 Martinez, 85, 109 Marcotti, L., 87, 176 Macy, W.S., 88, 99, 122, 161, 166, 168 Marshall, T., 111 Merlot, E. J., 141 Nerment, O., 104 Olbrith, V., 105 Oudrey, 143 Philippoteaux, P,, 63, 68, 115, 116, 164 exwiaKe, Ia IB, fehl Panchinger, P., 94 Page, W., 135 Paulson, H., 148 Parton, A., 157 Rosa, S., 21 Raffaello, S., 25 Roux, F., 49, 118, 145 Roseuthal, T., 55 Reynolds, J.. 69 Richet, L., 101, 165 Rembrandt, 129, 130 Spiers, 38 Simit hype 2260 Suuithy bes, 10,065 Schulz, A., 80, 103, 113 Schnitzberger, T., 90, 98, 162 Semenowsky, 92 Sell PEO Os Salterlee, W., 151 Sword, J. B., 163 ARTISTS—CONTINUED. bs Teniers, 22 Teniers, D,, 73 Trouillebert, 79 Thornley, 95, 114 Ra eAS SEG) Twachtman, J. H.. 128 Titian, 131 Tintoretto, 134 Torres, A., 188 Urlaub, G., 112 Vaccaro, A. 27, 28 Van Dyck, 33 Van Mieris, W., 51 Vat Mieris; F., 62 Verboeckhoven, E., 146 Van Delft,, H., 158 Velton, M., 167 Wyss, M., 48, 117, 144 Williams, F., 56 Wagner, F., 128 Waite, Tia ZB 2G Wilson, J., 186 Ziem, F., 154 —S CON DIT (ONS (OR SAE. r, Ifthere should bea dispute in regard to the bid be- tween two’or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. 2. Purchasers to give their names and places of resi- dence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made atithis sale, and not to any one particular lot, Bills payable in cash before delivery. w 4. Bills must be sent for delivery of goods. 5. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser on the morning following each day’s sale be- tween nine and twelve o’clock and the remainder of the purchase mcrey to be absolutely paid. 6. Goods not removed on the morning following each da y’s sale Fetween nine aud twelve o’clock remain at the sole risk of the pnrchaser. =. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. 9. Our record of sales in all cases final. 10, Upon feilvrecfccn ylyirg with the aLcve ccnditions t he money deposited in part payinent shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shail be made. good by the defaulter at this sale tcgether with all charges attending the same, ‘his condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such re-sale if be thinks fit. WM, B. NORMAN, Auctioneer. A brief summary of the Paintings belonging to the estate of John ‘B. Mulloy, Deceased. HE collection of old paintings is part of the estate of the late John B. Mulloy, of Springfield, Mass., who was a Civil engineer by profession, au edu- cated and travelled man, and much interested in art matters. He resided at Lima, Peru., for about 25 years, where he was engaged in building the railroad from Lima to Callao. His connection with the railroad and his interests inthe go!d and silver mines brought him into local prominence; he acquired considerable wealth and became quite one with the Peruvians, which gave him unusual access to the public and private galleries and libraries. He also made frequent visits to Spain and Portugal. Knowing that Peru contaied many valuable works of art, the gifts of the earlier Spanish kings to the cathedrals, monastries and convents and the household effects of the Viceroys, he began to indulge in his favorite hobby, the purchase of old paintings s and books. However, he was very careful to trace the history of each purchase before making it and to satisfy himself of its genuineness. He wasmany yearsin acquiring this collectios 1 of paintings which alone cost about $100.000. He returned to the United States about 1893 and died rather unexpectedly in 1898 So far we have been un- able to find among his effects a record of ali the steps which he took to “trace their histories, nor of all the evidentiary facts on which he based his satisfaction of their genuineness; and his most intimate friend, the late Addison C. Rand, who was also fairly familiar with all the facts, shortly afterwards died quite suddenly. But, placed on exhibition with the paintings are some papers and certificates and a catalogue prepared by Mr. Mulloy, which shows that he had ‘satisfied himself on this point. The coliection is worthy of the closest attention of art connoisseurs, as many examples by the best artists re- presented can be found in the most important collect- ions in Mexico and South America. We invite special attention to a full length portrait of Coiumbus, by Murillo, ‘‘The Centurian,’’ by the same artist and ee SIE Geronimo, aly Tintoretto, which have been hang- ing in the engineer’s club for the past two years where they have received the commendatiou of con- noisseurs and art experts. CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE, Wednesday, January 29th, 1902, at 8 o'clock. The following Ancient Paintings, Nos. 1 to 41 inclusive, belong to the estateof John B. Mulloy, deceased. I Our Lady of Mercy On copper Bas relief, painted and gilded. From Monastery of La Merced, Lima : 9X7 2 St. Hntbonp of Padua holding the Infant Saviour in his arms, with an angel in the art of crowning the Saint, and other angels in the corners of plate at the bottom and at the feet of the Infant On copper Bas relief, painted and gilt. From the collection of the Marquis of Zarata 9% X7% 3 Martyrdom of St. Mattbeus On copper From the Conveut of the Conception, Lima, founded in 1573 94X71 i The Dead Christ On copper From the Criado collection 9% x74 § Che Disputes of Saints Thomas and Bonaventure on the Eucharist On copper Was in the collection of the Marquis of Boza 12% xg ANTOLINEZ (Jose) 1636-1676 Che Sleeping Magdalen On copper Was obtained from the Santa Clara Conv founded in 1566 9% x7 ent in Lima, 7 Che jHerodina On panel Belonged to the Spanish Viceroy Amot, and was in the palace of Lima until 1823 9%X7 ALBANO (Francisco) 1678-1660 The Crucitixion On copper From the collection of the Marquis of Santa Maria 9% X 7% BREUGHEL (Jan) 1560-1625 Bacchus On copper Four figures and landscape, painted ‘except the fig- ures) by Brenghel. Obtained from the descendants of the Marquis of Monti Mira 24% x II IO BREUGHEL (Jan). Attributed to Mythological Subject On copper Seven figures and landscape. Was in the possession of the Valle family, Lima, until 1858 _ 20% x 10 JEAe Santa Clara On copper From the Convent of Santa Clara, Lima. I4 x 104% 12 MURILLO. (Bartolme Esteban). Attrbuted to 1618-1682 The Wisitation iy On copper From the Convent of the Prado, Lima, founded 1640 V 8 x 6 Che Hodoration of the Magi On copper From the Convent of the Conception, Lima VY 13% x11 14 Princess On copper Painted on both sides of plate by different hands One side 1s entitled the Princess (three figures), and is claimed to be the portrait of Wiliam of Orange (after- \ wards William III. of Kngland), and that the signature is that of William Wissing (1636-1687), court painter to Charles II and James II. ‘and ‘pupil of Sir Peter Lely. ‘The obverse is Herod’s Daughter, painted by some other hand. at a different period and unsigned, The painting was formerly in the palace in Lima, and was taken from there when the monarchy was ov erthrow nin 1825, since which time it has been an heirloom of the vice-royal family of the Marquis of Va!leumbrozo 254% x 20% zy 15 if DE JUANES (Juan) 1523-1579 madonna On copper From the Marquis of Santa Maria collection x7 16 / , Valencian School . flight Into Egypt On copper F:om the Convent of Santa Clara, Lima, founded in 1596, by royal edict, for children of the nobility of Spain in Peru @ x 7 17 a DEINE (Leonarda) 1445-1520 The Virgin and Child On copper Obtained from the Saco collection 9%x7% / 18 ae DE VINCI (Leonardo) ‘ 1445-1520 Saint Bartholomew On copper From the Saco collection 9% x7 19 ie The Baptism in the Fordan y } On copper From the Macedo collection 1334 x 12 20 DEL SARTO (Andrea). Attributed to “sip 1488-1530 Che Wisitation On copper From Monastery of San Lazaro, {ima 10% x8 2I ROSA (Salvator) 1614-1673 re Che Surprise (La escaramu3za) Canvas on panel Battle piece, evidently a careful sketch werk Was inthe Pai secured from the Marqut 1882. for a larger ace in Lima juntil 1823 and was lis of Sancho Davilla collection in 2744x14% 22 TENIERS (Attributed to) 1610-1404 Toper On panel Purchased as being a Tenier’s, but close exanlination Teveals a signature that looks like Breugel. Was. secured from the Macedo eollection. 474X4 23 Martyrdom of Sf. Lawrence On Copper This painting was in astone frame built into the wall of the main hall of the monastery of St. Augustine in Lima, Peru, and had been there from time immemorial The monastery was built in 1573 and during repairs in 1860, the picture was removed and came into ‘he pos- session of Colonel Miguel Criado, the great collector of Peru, and was obtained from him in 1886, Although unsigned itis evidently the work of Rubens 1577-1640 2034 XY 24 MURILLO jHead On canvas From a large painting that was stolen during vice royalty of Peru, from the cathedral of Lima The thieves were canght |and hung on the cathedral plaza. he missing head formed part of the celebrated Macedo collection, 12% x 10 25 RAFFAELLO (Sanzio). Attributed to 1483-1520 adadonna On copper Claimed to be by Raffaello, and from the Convent Santa Clara, Lima, founded in 1596 54x 5 CORNELISZ (J.) 1471-1567 Bacchus On copper Five figures with tiger and landscape. Was, until 1882, in collection of Don Jose Gregorio Paz Soldan, one of the Supreme Court judges of Peru and afterwards in the Criado collection 21% x 16 / 27 VACCARO (Andrea) ah 1598-1673. king David (Full Length Portrait) On Canvas From the Marquis of Santa Maria Collectiou. 74 X 43 VACCARO (Andrea) 4 i 1598-1670. Man in Hrmor (Full Length Portrait) On Canvas. Former owner Grand Marshall Necochea Bolivars, Chief of Staff. This painting as well as the proceeding number were purchased as being the work of Andrea Voccaro, 1598-1670, but as high an authority as Don Lorenzo Paje of the Royal Gallery of Madrid is certain that they are by Zurbaran, 1596-1662 78 X 43 ~N ay 29 DE TIVOLI (Rosa) 1655-1705 Shepherd with Sbeep and Goats On canvas Purchased in 1886 as a Rosa de Tivoli. Former owner General Juan de Buendin of Peru. 24 x 16 30 DE TIVOLI (Rosa) 1655-1705 Sheep and Goats On canvas Same history as proceeding lot DS se iA 31 Preparing Treasure for the Golden Calf On canvas From the Cathedral of Lima, to which it was pre- sented by the Queen of Spain; obtained from there in exchange by the Chancellor of the French Legation in 1868, and claimed to be a Rubens 70 x 66 32 DE VOS (Paul) 1600-1634 Pantry—Interior On canvas From Marquis de Santa Maria collection 57}4 X 52% 33 VAN DYCK 1598-1641 The Supper at eEmans On cativas From Monastery of San Francisco, Lima In 1873 the Peruvian government had a copy made of this painting, and then attempted to force an exchange with the mouks, who braved the displeasure of the government by cutting the orizinal out of the frame and disposing of it to Colonel Criado, of Lima 63 x 45 34 Che Hngels Visiting Hbrabam On canvas Claimed by Don Engami I time Secretary of State of P 1649 ~atrabure y Unanue. at the eru, to be by Teniers—r1ss2- €4x 45% ; 35 DE ARELLANO (Yuan) attributed to Slowers On canvas From the Marquis de Santa Maria collection 55/2 Xx 45 36 Che Crucifixion cv On panel Procured from the heirs of the Marquis of Sierra Billa, who held it as a Rubens—1577 to 1640 SPIERS Lanodscape—ZLima, Peru On canvass Elevation in the mountains where Mulloy worked and was a favorite sport of his — 23x 18 38 king David On canvas 42 X 33% 39 Inquisition in Spain On canvas 314% x 214% A 40 . Head of Christ ¥) +y On tapestry e, 17 x 13 41 ao” Hllegorical On copper \ 6% x5 42 MORLAND (George) ; 2 Hurope 1763-1804 Royal Academy, 1779 Selling Fish 43 LELY (Sir Peter) : Europe 1618-1680 Portrait painter to Charles I, and Charles II., and was the fashionable artist of his time in London, Madame de Sevigne Q JS 4 “l? 44 MIGNARD (Pierre) : : Europe 1610-1695 Court painted to Louis XIV. Director of the Academy Mademoiselle de la Sablitere 1, 45 A\S/ HEENIE (Jean B.) : : Europe 4 a 1621-1660 Lae Still Lite 46 Af CLOUERT (Francois) : Europe 1510-1572 Court painter to Francois I Bregitta Coignet / 47 BLACKMAN (Walter) ; America Hdeal Head F : 48 f ) \ WYSS (M.) , : Europe Lake of Brien3, Switzerland 49 ROUX (F.) : ; : Europe Bernese Oberland, Switzerland OT 50 (7. BRISTOL G,.B No A America f° Mount Dafayette, White Mounz tains, from Jefferson, 1. tb. / 51 Oe VAN Mimi qvitiem), © 92 = ahurope \ Che Quack 52 f/ COTES (Francis) ; Europe ' 1726-1770 oc One of the founders of the Royal Academy. Ladp Cathcart 7 53 ° FABRITIUS (Karel) Europe '®) 7} 1€ 24-1654 ri Y Pupil of Rembrandt Hl Dutch Doctor 54. = - é DE HEEM (Corneille) 3 : Europe 1630-1704 Still Lite Y 55 . ROSENTHAL (Toby) é : Europe Be A ie fiffection’s DZast Offering 56 WILLEMS (Florent) ; ; Europe Lady with fan 57 HOLYOAKE (W.) F. R. A. ‘ Hurope The Moor From the Lamoniere collection 58 - EDSTROME (Robert) ; : America Martin Luther in bis Study 4 - 59 . BLACK TON (Stuart) i : America H Glimpse of White Dake, Sullivan County 60 BLACKTON (Stuart) 5 America | H Venetian iHome 61 PURSS LECH} ; Europe 1741-1825 Pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Royal Academy, 1790 Portrait of Miss Fobngon From the collection of Humphrey Ward, London 62 VAN MIERIS (F.) j ; Europe 1635-1685 Da Toilette / 63 PHILIPPOTEAUX (Paul) Europe Pupil of Leon Coignet and of his father. Peasant Girl in Brittany 64 ‘ — LEBRUN (Charles) ; Hurope 1619-1690 Court painter to Louis XIV , Director of the Academy Madamoiselle de la Valliere 65 SMITH (Henry P.) ; ; America Connecticut Landscape 66 BLACKTON (Stuart) ; ; America H Quiet Waterway, Venice 67 BALDINI (A.) : America Venetian fishing Boats 68 PHTLIPPOL Ee WUex (rant) ; Hurope Pupil of eon Coignet and of Felix Philippoteaux Cattle — 69 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) : Europe 1723-1792 First President of the Royal Academy, 1768. Knighted by George III., 1769 Portrait of Miss Crew Who eee Was COTES (Francis) : : Europe 1726-1770 One of the founders of the Royal Academy Countess Wilton Fa 71 GREUZE (Jean Baptiste) : Europe 1725-1805 tbead of a Girl 72 HORNE (D.) : : : Europe 1620-1680 Still Life 73 - TENIERS (David) (The younger) . Europe Born at Antwerpin 1610, died at Brussels in 1690. The greatest genre painter of Flanders. Founder of the Antwerp Academy Dutch Peasants 74 j 5) 8 CNSR chal ete ee ; {> Atiened Sunset, Dake Superior \ 75 r\/ SMITH (E. L.) b ; - America The. Echo — 76 / SMITH (38. L.) America vo The Baron’s Hall at Christmas . Time 77 | EDE (Frederick) F : : Europe The Stone Bridge 78 JONNART (L.) B 5 Europe Pupil of Fromentin tRocks of £1 antara 79 TROUILLEBERT : : Europe Pupil of Corot Landscape Z 80 SCHULZ (Admen ji 8 Europe Paris Salon, 18096 Che Plain of Barbizon yA 81 PYNE(:-B:) : Europe Pupil of Turner Eincient faly 82 ~ CURTIS (F.) : : America Pupil of Geo. Inness Landscape 83 BRONNER (G. H.) : America Pupil of Martin Rico Wenice a 84 DIMOCK (F.) : : 3 America Venetian fishing Boats 85 MARTINEZ : ; Europe Pupil of Troyon Landscape and Cattle 86 ' BERRY (P. V.) ; America Landscape 87 MARCOTTE (L.) : America Doung Fisherman SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, Friday, January 31st, 1902, at 8 o'clock. 88 MACY (W. 8.) : : America Winter Scene 89 CALDERON] =; ; : Europe Wenice (CO) SCHNITZBERGER (T.) .« ; Europe Dog's Head gli EDE (Frederick) : : : Europe iRiver Ergues g2 SEMENOWSKY : : : Europe Rustic Beauty 93 7 SCHNITZBERGER (T.) Europe a Stag iHunt 94 PANCHINGER (P.) Europe Vc) , \ Deer in the Vyrol / OGNee s THOR NTE. : ; : Europe (Cos Pupil of Zangkind and of Josef Toraels Paris Salon, 1897, 1898 Suburbs of Amsterdam 06 \O HOWLAND (A.) America Quiet Stream gy 97 \ Y LE GRAND : Europe The Courtyard / 98 BEAUDUIN (Jean) 2 ; Furope Honorable mention Paris Salon M@Meloov at Sunset a 22 MACY (W. S.) : America os Early Spring Day fo 100 a GUILLON (Alfred) ; F Hurope : Peasant Girl IOI RICHET (Leon) . : Europe Ves Pupil of Diaz; Medal Paris Salon, 1858 DLanoscape ry ~ 102 EDE (Frederick) : : Europe Old Farm on River Loing / 103 SCHULZ (Adrien) : ; Europe Paris Salon, 1896 Elfter the Storm A A 104 NERMENT (O.) : ; America Politicians 105 OLB RADE?) : America Elntwerp jAarbor 106 HERBERT (B.) America Marine Sunset ae f ye “y ; STULL (Henry) : : America fFirensi 108 STULL (Henry) : America Tournament 109 MARTINEZ E . ; Europe Pupil of Troyon Sheep / se) f« TAIT (A, F.) : : America Stag II! i / MARSHALL (T.) : Furope View of Coblent3 II2 URLAUB(G.) : : ; Europe Elsleep 113 ~ SCHULZ (Adrien) : ; Furop, Paris Salon, 1896 Forest of Fontainebleau 114 THORNLEY : : : Europe Fupil of Yongkind and of Josef Tsraels Paris Salon, 1897, 1898 Scene in Holland de 115 PHILIPPOTEAUX (Paul) ‘ Europe Pupil of I.. Coignet and of Felix Philippoteaux Cattle . 116 PHILIPPOTEAUX (Paul) ‘ Europe Pupil of L. Coignet and of Felix Philippoteaux Cattle WYSS (M.) : : Europe Swiss Cottage 118 ROUX (F.) : ; : Hurope Mountain Scenery tn Switzerland FELIX (K. E.) : : America Elutunin Hfternoon 120 FELIX (K. E.) 2 5 America Sunny Day in Venice \ / 121 ' BLACKMAN (Walter) ; ; America deal fiead A\ \ CHAPMAN (Carleton T.) : America 122 MACY (W.S.) : ; America Landscape and Sbeep 123 WAGNER (Fritz) : Europe fdeal thead 124 HEINRICH (H.) ; : Europe Grandpa’s Darling 125 CHAPMAN (Carleton T.) A America Grey Day—Bosham Water Coolr, 126 Battle Scene 127 WITT (J. H.) ; ; America Ein Evening Glow Bought at the Witt sale 128 TWACHTMAN (J. H.) : America Landscape 128a CARARA MARBLE GROUP \ Cupids The following Ancient Paintings, No. 129 to 134, inclusive, belong to the Estate of John B. Mulloy, deceased. 78 129 . REMBRANDT 7) - 1606-1688 l/ P : Portrait (Said to be Maria Teresa, of Austria). On canvas Was obtained in 188, from Den Manuel A. Fuentes, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pert 274 Xx 23 130 REMBRANDT 1606-1688 The Road to Calvary On canvas From the Macedo collection 30% x21 131 TPS n Ay 1477-1576 “El Wacimiento CMWMativity) On panel From Convent of Santa Catalina, Lima, where it was placed in 1624. ‘Ihe tradition of the convent is that the work is that of Corregio with the exception of the head of the Madonna 48 x 36% 132 a MURILLO 1613-1682 Full Dength Portrait of Columbus On canvas Purchased in 1886. Former owner the Marquis of Santa Maria 72 X 40 a aR A ES an RCS eo EO a eae / vb AG MURILLO 33 1613 1682 Che Centurion On caivas Same history as preceding lot 76 x 48 fC : 134 TINTORETTO \ 1512-1594 St. Geronimo On canvas From the Sancho Davila collection. Bust as cut out of large picture during Napoleonic war in Spain 261% x 22 v8 . 135 ‘) PO PACE (Wm. ) : Europe hy . Shakespeare 136 WILSON (J.) : ; : Europe v Landscape and Cattle 137 DOBSON (Wm.) : : Europe Portrait of Sir Pbillip Sidney \Y 138 TORRES (Antonio) : ~. \ ~ Hurope Ophelia 139 DELPY (Camille Hippolyte) : Europe Pupil of Corot and of Daubigny Medals Paris Salon, 1884-1889 Landscape } 140 DELPY (Camille Hippolyte) : Europe | Pupil of Corot and of Daubigny ‘ Medals Paris Salon, 1884, 1889 Che Seine near Montes A 141 3 MERLOT (E. J.) ‘ ; : Paris Medal Paris Salon, 1892, Hors Concours Cattle i U 142 DE BUCKELEER (Adrien) . Brussels i Several medals Interior and Figures 143 OUDREY (attributed to) : Europe Portrait of Rousseau 144 WYSS (M.) Europe View of the Glaziers, Switzerland 145 A) ~ ROUX (F.) : : Europe View in the Swiss Alps | 7 : 146 | ; VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene) . #urope \" Sheep in Pasture 147 A \~ IRVING (Beaufain) : : America ae The Unpleasant Disclosure 148 PAULSON (E.) ‘ : America Still Lite 149 KAEMMERER (F. H.) : : Europe Medals Paris Salon, 1874, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1859 Unoder the “ Directoire’’ 150 BERNE-BELLECOUR (E. P.) E Europe Medals Paris Salon, 1869, 1872, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878 french Dragoon ISI SATTERLEE (Walter) N. A. : America Old Time Secrets From exhibition of National Academy, 1901 152 BERNHARDT (Sarah) ; : Europe Parrots With autograph letter from the artist. This picture was presented to Mrs. Villa, art critic of New York Herald during her first visit to the United States in 1817 aS e153 a BONHEUR (Rosa) : : Europe \\ 1822-1895 Medals Paris Salon 1845, 1848, 1£55, 1867 Legion of Honor, 1865. Officer, 1894 fHorse in Pasture 7 154 / ZIEM (Felix) : : : Europe \ First medal Paris Salon, 1851. Legion of Honor, 1857 ee: Officer, 1878 cA Venice pie 155 | DEM Bie (Cesan) a, iy: ; . Europe \ \ " Medal Paris Salon, 1389... Hor Concours V Recreation of the Cardinal oe, 156 i BRISTOL (28.), Ne A. America Lake Dunmore, wt. e 157 IN) PARTON (Arthur), N. A. America Scotch Wigblands \ 158 “y VAN DE EE T(E) , : Europe Pupil of Mesdag Dutch SFishing Boats 159 \JORGENSEN (F.) ; ; Europe Pupil of Hagborg The Land of the Midnight Sun \ 160°; “7 CONTORT (Louis) ; : Europe y Dogs and Chickens ( 4 161 = MACY (W. S.) : : ‘ America The Bridge 2 162 \ SCHNITZBERGER (F.) ; Europe Pointer st 163 Aq SWORD (J. B.) : : America Bird Shooting 164 PHILIPPOTEUX (Paul) : Paris Pupil of L. Cogniet and of his father Sbeperdess in Brittany / 165 RICHET (Leon) : : Europe oN : Pupil of Diaz. Medal Paris Salon, 1888 MN Dandscape J \ 166 x y MACY (W. §.) : : : America Scene in Tyrol / 167 ’ VELTON (M.) _ . Europe The Playmates 168 MACY (W. S.) 5 : : America Scene in Bermuda 169 \V CHASE (William M.) . America \ Slower Girl ; Te 170 \ CUDLIPP (P)). : America Dutch Interior Wi 171 | ¢ | Conner oe om Niece Coast Scene 172 \\ FISHER (Hugo) America Sbeep _ FISHER (Hugo) : America Highland Cattle 174 FISHER (Hugo) : ; America Scotch Landscape and Sbeep 175 GLYNDON (F.) ; ; Atmerica A The Culprit j \ : Water. Color 176 7 ; MARCOTTE (L,.) : ; America Cow and Landscape