CAST NOS. PLATE NOS. 1500-1584 92-102 1587-1598 103-104 1700-1804 133-145 1814-2053 146-153 2101-2284 51 62 2249-2258 65 2301-2333 110-111 2350-2372 66 2373-2384 127 2401-2503 _ 112-119 By 2504-2563 120-126 2601-2665 128-132 2801-2821 63 3001-3163 167-175 3206-3263 176-177 Me 3402-3409 67 3410-3535 68—<79 a) 3584-3638 160-162 3639-3723 154-159 3800-3864 163-166 4001—4036 76— 78 4037-4047 . 121 4048-4055 79 4448-5489 a 1—, 29 3001-5533 80- 82 5534-5562 83— 85 5563-5586 82-A 5701-5732 180-182 5733-5765 178-179 5765-5781 183 5801-5883 wt ei RY ic 6001-6071 105-109 6300-6393 fe 86— 89 6394-6416 64 a sees, wpe ee 90— 91 f Adams and English Ceilings, 33-— 50 Old English (Parge) 65— 66 Copyright, 1915 Jacobson & Co., New York THE GENERAL CATALOGUE OF JACOBSON & CO: WY, Z L4 MEG MexexeInVin = NEW YORK USA. QAI EAST 44TH STREET Foreword ©O= gathering of this remarkable collection of models has taken a quarter of a Century. For years, Architects and Decorators from all over the United States, who have had the oppor- tunity of viewing them, have urged us to put them in such shape that the Public could have the use of them. The Catalog itself is the result of three years of incessant labor, and we now feel a pardonable pride in its publication. It must not be understood, how- ever, that our work ends with the selling of orna- ments selected from this catalog. It shall be our pleasure to place our designing staff at your service, to be at all times helpful to the architect, to advise. and assist with our knowledge and experience, gained from twenty-five years of daily contact with the foremost men in the architectural profession. The service we here offer, will, we confidently be- lieve, be equally as valuable as the book. It is our hope that this catalog will eventually bind us to you as a very necessary adjunct to your business. JACOBSON & ComPANY Executive Offices : 241 East 44th Street, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Cable Address: * JAGEWIN ~ All Codes Terms, Conditions and Notes The prices given are subject to Discount, depending upon quantities, and are F.O.B., N. Y. The prices are for reasonable (Room) quantities, not for single ornaments, except where single orna- ments only can be used. For large quantities inquiries are invited. All prices herein are based upon the various objects being made in plaster in the customary way. For exterior add 20%—for Cement Stucco apply for prices. Our terms are 30 days net or 2% discount for cash in ten days from date of bill. Firms unknown to us will please send New York references or remit with order. All remittances should be made with draft on New York; cost of collection should be added to checks. Architects’ plans will be estimated on and work exe- cuted with care, particularly as to the sculptural detail. We contract for plain and ornamental plastering everywhere. Examples of our work can be referred to in almost every section of the United States. We are specialists in the manufacture of all decorative artificial Stones for interior and Stucco for exterior. Scale Models. Models for wood and stone carving and sculpture. DWE Soe? ONT INS | ST OSS ge gale Bhs Stee i= ea) H < | Ay on & Comp BAN acobs y bidet Ho Old Italian Ceiling reproduced by J JACOBSON & Co. J Mouldings PLATE 1 JACOBSON & Co. ey rE ~ @ EEE ONGOING 4480 Os OMOMOMETET “Ce WRUTRETAY POOPIE 1 ONOINBINE Qe PIPING ING CU: (IRENE ING PE MEMe MN PONOLOTEN il aN O: NGINOIING 447, a DAW ND \ A {yo R881 ke PIRI WCE? 8 KWAWAUIAL COENEN GN ROMBINEIEIG 59 p f O : 2 pe oot 0 per: -£00t. fin aie ee 2 4460 pe 24 LTS Meret OO sou hoeee EG 4486 per 2 4499 per fo0th chiccirecec ane A JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 2 Mouldings SRE Ae Te 4550 Pe @ Mouldings PINGINGING ES ey oer foot foot Bi DER TOOE Ws i5 «csi crataca staisiviaielere aise crete PLATE 3 107 BOE Bb a BO foot foc 4589 4590 4591 4592 JACOBSON & Co. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 4 Mouldings SN DN jean Teeny id Se 4 “4 Par Ur ded ' ‘3 ry 7 Ss q 4606 4603 per foo : per foot rhe ; ‘ ae) gd per foot 605 pe Cid oe 4606 ; i ee 4607 ee 4608 0 x: per 4609 f a Fi 5 46 per 4610 f alters ; é - per 4611 per f no ae per 4612 i 4 per Mouldings PLATE 5 JACOBSON & Co. tea PARRY ES TEN?¢ wh Sed Sched 4647 1 @ Sin el on kaw Bude i VE Pe (het Ae eh ae, A648 Louis XVI per foot : Louis XVI . : Italian per foot Louis XVI per foot : Louis XVI é Italian per FOO. iscsi tacrelssieletera teeters . Italian per foot 4 Italian per - - Italian per fOOU.. c:c\c sls '-lelstalsirietererels Ps Italian per foot -50 5 Italian per ° : Italian. per: £00t i122 ciesres cies pears . Italian per foot -6 Italian per ; : Italian, per’ LOObs soc cristae toler olatetere ‘ Etalian per “foot. accu ccnccsoniele eure 5 Italian per 4 Italian per foot...2ic os ccc omiesicals 5 Italian per foot Sj Italian per A - Italian per foot Louis XVI per foot ; Ltalian: Deri Toots cnyeteuicssicite slareere . Italian per foot Louis XVI per foot : Italian per A Italian per LOO s. . siento) asi ete . Louis XIV per foot i Italian per foot r i Ttalianm: persfOOt seis vc celelnve sia ccoteveun lel . JACOBSON & PLATE 6 Mouldings ? eh ahs} BSASELILL ( DPA ash SA Louis XVI per foot.. sGleie ek Saas 4665 Italian per foot. Italian per foot.. fe aa 4666 Italian per foot.. Su 4679 Louis XVI per foot Italian per foot.... ents 4667 Louis XVI per foot. Say nee 4680 Louis XVI per foot Italian per foot.... cay 4668 Georgian per foot.... Salers 4681 Louis XVI per foot. Italian per foot.... eso 4669 Louis XVI per foot... Sere 4682 Louis XVI per foot. Italian per foot.... ee 4670 Louis XVI per foot... eo ae 4683 Italian per foot.... Italian per foot....... Est 95 4671 Louis XVI per foot... Shae tere 4684 Italian per foot... Italian per f Ses 4672 Louis XVI per foot... eal ei 4685 Italian per foot... Italian per Sous 4673 Louis XVI per foot... sia oats 4686 Italian per foot... Italian per «ste 4674 Louis XVI per foot... nea 4687 Italian per foot... Italian per oat 4675 Louis XVI per foot.... Set 4688 Italian per foot Italian per ae 4676 Italian per foot Act PAC Li 4689 Louis XVI per foot.. Italian per f ; 4677 Italian per foot 4690 Louis XVI per foot French Mouldings PLATE 7 JACOBSON & Co. raw Al@) Ce eee ae ee “ | PIE es AZII i 4691 per foot 6 4699 per foot 3D 4707 per f 4692 per foot .80 4700 per foot -40 Per LOOC Ts. reeuete epee 4693 per f .60 4701 per foot a 709 per foot 4694 per foo .6 4702 per foot a5 7 per f 4695 per f 50 4703 per foot -50 7 per f 4696 per f wa 4704 per foot 6 712 per f 4697 per foc ag 4705 per foot , 3. per f 4698 per fo m3) 4706 per foot ‘ vi per foo Note: The measure given at top of section is always the greatest width of moulding. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 8 French and Italian Mouldings ya Abts TRS HVA LENIN re rd init AAAS ACASAESAAASAN S04 11) 4715 per f 5 per foc ao 4539 “Wer Lots sass sci eeae clam va ance $ .60 oe oe q .50 é 5 Lee foo esis os A740 “per Lot. ca.nve pesnveleaeies es kelese as eshte er 40 . er eee “+ 40 L] ay 4718 per 40 30 per f : ey A Bee 4719 per 30 : per 4742 per 4720 per 30 per fo : 4743 per 4721 per -40 per 24 4744 per 4722 per : 4 per f AL 4745 per 4723 per f .40 per fo 2 4746 per f 4724 per f .30 per f a2 4747 per f 4725 per f Sets). acae 37 per fo Pe A STY: 4748 per 4726 per f ah 38 per foot. , 4749 per Note: The measure given at top of section is always the greatest width of moulding. it ‘ French and Italian Mouldings PLATE 9 JACOBSON & Co. Hi 5 z \ Le 4% ali VS % iM) i ii or4 Me CE GRE CP Rem HE Poe mY NV) 10 dane BUDO BV Rom” 6 POM “ay 1% \ P vs ‘I x ust N 19f 4/73 iM il ny { } Z 4760 BY LOO ty. ce atchels| tae oe iaters?s Naren Pe BOOG, cacaraidods oper skoraeqaeretsaorenel tae eae -40 4761 sr foot r foot 23 4762 per foot PLO O tiara. wperserel sce teroiarecenrieneamonstermesere te . 4763 PaLOOE «cio es. osfosereyn cueveroteteyei a orsirntae's F 4764 y foot... ; 4765 r £00t.... .16 4766 r foot .18 4767 foot .18 4768 4769 ~ S a2 a2 a2 oF QD aB ad ad ad ad a2 a2 oF oF 08 Senrstaour wwe a2 a8 22 22 2 Mouldings = f) H per foot. per foot. foot.. per foot. Note: The measure given at top of section ts always the greatest width of moulding. JACOBSON & C PLATE 14 Mouldings, Friezes and Soffits foot LO Oi creece Nedineracs uasystey alata ails tae tel ste cater aks foot >} foot sa ees tee horse en cae -8 foot foot - 60 foot Mouldings PLATE 15 JACOBSON & Co. Mer as us id had ti ea BRBRBEN ES GGG GG@ar LOOE ce caterede cre taate ts. $ .60 foot.. foot foot foot.. foot foot foot.. foot.. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 16 Soffits and Borders CF. RES. EM ALN NN ENS V¥: Pa) \, (Se: td f aN if Ur PR VS PR Val PR oy PIAS JTS Whe * ONE ENE obi . fetter PGS HE hi bie hte st fet (EZ ‘ZB AOOGEDEK LOO =. sicisi os tle e were a $ .70 5006 per LOOtL 0.6 osjscerccciee $ .36 5OLG per fOOE serie, ciere ssvsveee Sine 5026s per LOOT. Secs ccc ocia.e $ .20 AOODTOEDET LIOOE «cin siau ears a eG. < -60 5007 per> LOOC. crc > Ppp ppp bpp) DEP sLOOt crerepssereisl deters 6 ao Per LOOE.\atewe setenv susie 2 5103 per foot... 5096 per 5098 per 5099 per 100 "Dera OOt sie ei ciateye man stele 5101 10 5104 per 5 5 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDS) J) 3) ))))) \ NARA A yy -18 30 40 -20 20 foot foot.. foot POC PUOOL Ts ser eke Sd POOL sr 55.6 clay coe ate 509T permtootaince: .cets oe BOSS" per Loot sic.a9 wena c te DOOR Here foot. nck tee 5094 5090 per 5095 per 5088 per 5089 per 18 -18 18 .20 18 .18 .30 = i) Ss < 4 Ay 5 le foot.. foot foot.. DET, LOOP cay ieial tanehetale 5080 per foot.. 5081 per foot.. POSS “per Loot. dasa. cu. see 5084 per 5085 5076 per 5079 per -20 ee wee Na Yo, Nes : sea aaa & Co. ON Per -LOOE HS ehacje wie ero wie exe BOGE per foots... cc cccisss ss 5067 per foot BOGS) Per’ LOOT oars cfc iccacene vars BOGS per fOOb. wag). «geese ons 6030" per .foaks os 5-0. ene cles SOM TMer: TOO tires < vase 5072 O075: Der” FOO » o,civ gs (on eth eee 5074 per foot.. SOT. Der) LOO tuen aca electe ent ] ACOBS ~ Mouldings PLATE 19 JACOBSON & Co. per foot -70 5123 per per foot 6 5124 per per foot esta As 5125 per per f ab 5126 per 40 5127 per , 5128 per foot : 5129 per foot .30 5130 per foot JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 20 <2 eRSVeQVeryv ]* SAAS NAAR en o/ CO? (a aT aT I A AT MA Si4e SS AE TAI AT AT A AT ee et kk | OC KASS a, ora, ay, hh, Sh, A Sa RRS, BA BBA, AR \° QIVeVeVIVEVs | 66 aE € 6 6 ETE C: TLELEDEDEDLDID IVE, at a) Ishi) C CS SC GT ATS Ste! ds Bd am tee (GS 5162 Che © Git ot et ot at | Gel 5165 . EOObererestene $. LOO Uenaters ter foot LOO sero foot foot foot. foot. ECCT EEE = (Gt | | ot Gt Se | ae yy ee ee re (es 1 a 4-8 com) Planes CE GRRE G1 t G4 | at aa GP GE | G1 ( Puan BG GEM Ge tt i 1 RE Cae: ¢ | GRRE ¢ | Et et | Dt | Gd | Get aa AE REG POS | ORG | GS FB < (GRE C¢ OC GP 1 CP OCG ECE ECG Ot Ett GP Gt GH Gt Eat ara S FECES SESE 2 ER EE EPA IE 4 a4 a CEP | RR: (| GRRE +1 t Et | Gee REN TT SREY SRNL TaN YY I | I TY CCU VEE SC Cee Ue Gas St eas ee LOO serene eke foot foot foot foot foot.. foot foot foot foot foot foot foot (j. (Same eS we w 5191 Cs BO€€ emiesy € € 5192 Cs PPP Sem eter: HOS Ye (- GO Ge eeres 5194 a) C+ rw ; =a) % q bs =~ 7 = a bi 5196 We Cx SCECESECESSEGI SID7 Cr epeceececceres 5198 i Ox @eeeeeeecerescee 5199 ae Oe @0088eeeeeeesceecese SIO8A We OY SSCSECESTESECEE SIS9A “Ne (2° SURETY ESE ReeeeeeeeeeteceEsece € VSO 0 6 ERD UO SED CY EMRY Rae Yee VERE GRE | Soh 1 Sere 1 ss 1 EE OS € CHGFH*B FO CLHHIE EEE 3 OS 8s € OTE RD 6 TEMS CUR 5208 7) POSEY EE ek ERE ESE per footec....« tre 5198 per foot per foot... 18 5198A per foot.... per .18 5199 per foot per .18 5199A per foot..,. per foot. aoe foot.. * per foot. -18 E foot per per per per per per per per Greek Keys and Frets PLATE 21 JACOBSON & Co. O! pers LOOtin. 6c cer aeiewe s $ .80 B22 Der. LOO? .% cis averers eloeicce $ .36 DE LOO Cx «era erates a} alot el tee $ .20 L Per [LOO bic ieisis, sere ceeben .60 S223 Sper HOO. cone nemesis eas .36 Per MLOOta cies: -ierate in eats -20 2 DELO. olafeme iets oxein ete ke .60 5224 per Loot. 2 the wets wtacs .24 PEDEL- LOO. ora ate, sieneeialousiete .20 SGD OME OOU sche erst ct us crete aia -55 5225 per footis.. cence ie st .24 Per -TootieGiere aetecs, Sates .24 AS Per TOO’. scan o sep .36 B2TS POL LOO. seiaysinisia oa isiatens .36 5285- pereiGoOt. ..cs © sees .24 5298 DLOOY WOK e LOOt sci sieis c sidla eevee .36 5273 peri fOOty. cies s ejerelets .30 5286 per’ WOO. sacs. saat a eve .24 5299 DOL SDOL LOO EC oricis ia tare! preraisVales .36 B24! Wel. LOOT. pnacencileisicheushavers .30 DOT AOO ss crete tits io Fabs .24 5300 BLESS DET LOO. 6 sais) + e-cisicronmie.c .36 OSU DE DEI LOO. rarcetatsest easel aceteye .30 Der POOts fascesie evens .24 5301 SEGRE) F0Te Tie A Aeiooondnone .30 D246 DOL” LOO herelmisiehsle Acvelecs .30 DOI CROOL Ei iiers sien ueleeicrs .24 5302 DeGE DET —TOOUs wraje.c «ie ale ie oe. .30 BIT OEP LOOCL a onelenenaucls aleveiscs .20 MEM yTOObens vec caeteesaronls 24 5303 ED ATIOL WLOOL. 6. 6.5°5 ove'e eve iczelnlic .30 DVTSU Der, LOOP eae oieietete as .20 DEL, LOO srapeteensvatanate ahe.s lo e306 5304 EGO DOF CTOOU sic cise, stow p.ctereres .30 5279) DEL" LOGE sc capo icceiwloserees .20 DOR TOOE sa ltte vse cise sts jae .30 5305 TO sO LOOB S660 ainitie nislere -30 Heo Eper. LOOt a -reyxate cumisreiaasets .20 DORA DOO. aissiaercisuatdle ohsv .20 5306 BLOGS sper sOOt. cc oo easiecieeie.c .24 S2SL) per tfoot amenities «s .20 Pers Loot: | seitwees sce .20 5307 LON DOF eLOOls Wiese sessate unt. 2 .30 5282" per eens .20 DOI. LOU freie-s tetas aie cess .24 5308 DetO {PEL LOOEs ets cine cl cle ater at 5283 per Loot cies ores .20 S29G64 per LLOOt sas. siecedeale e's seat .20 5309 5310 Note: Dentils made in any size. Bands and Borders PLATE 23 JACOBSON & Co. im 5312: per Lo0t..oe vs ete nee) OOO) S302 Per Phoots rw. 20 5332. -per foots rua t2.2 3G cent 30 5342. per. foot:.....\26.. oer eer SUS EDEL | LOOtme ai iste sieeee cee O DOSS VEN: MOG byaatares terete eile heise HSad! WEY HOO crs istovscuvereuecne 24 D343). per! foot. ieee eeaner eee 0 514 Per, LOOts. dctecacc sic slosia he 36 BD24) Per! FOOt see cers ccieen nee 0 5334) per sfook. a2: core 0 5344 per footis.<...0.seeeaeee 0 S315" Der etooll chee eee 24 RPh jee planes LOOC LT aradrais feds suena aaciseea tee ech -56 Samy = ; DOIG UDO eS LOOM. ab. <) Ales witusovotalssalelatel scone) sate .26 5365 per foot et eee el 36 B33 “PSL LOO (5. « soa sree erect ee eee 60 5357 per foot... 2... eee eee e eee eens -26 5366 sperwfoott aaton ener ae ae 48 S374 per foot..........- 2... sees eee eee 60 PI OGED EE. LOOta crest creel eeeaner tecel nate die sjeieiats 18 S36R. Per LOGE saarsnteees al vue Herstare eye aoe .60 BA1T SPeEr WLOO tS ae svancreeh ouarsuerie oreteastcaslelevaharete 42 BISO. NERA LOOLE 5 octet stone ei ewe sls ene o oe .16 5368: per — LOOT a cicrarcie veusyelee dete, Sanscavere wialocn +42 5376 per foot .50 Mouldings PLATE 25 JACOBSON & Co. 6377) sper LOOt wiactensistandisieiclcreieanieuntene tener tenons $1.00 5384. per foots . cess cacemisiesslaiiouee eine $ .70 5391 per fOOb sc orcs capevene ene siete eneieueean ene $ .65 5568 DCL. LOO Caress chereixcesednuacenetepeion nel sais iemeaete .60 5386. per LOO ts aps ies pore rates oedennpel eeumeetcl sas eae .65 BS92 . per LOO th Kaghie.e w. ora bseyerene TeUatener een ie mera .60 3790 Perv Loot nesracyleve sen al Sienna .70 BS88SG6i DOP | LOO oF crate aeteevele(ereespenad cheb enone .65 5393 per LOOC.a..sierscie sais ole euch pemeee eee -60 5380: Wer SLOGE. ceyeveranete erento R er cetetetatay av eleds .80 Lt Wim Ole) ae KOLONGrrEG Pag actom.culuice Gd od o.omtxnd toe .65 D394 Per POOCK < asceiacs misc stshorniclclegeie ene -60 BSS LP Per LOO pers arse caatenelsteteis a skvwen sence eaten we 90 B388: Per POO)... csisahesys chem ehareteceerateietens hoe 55 5395 per Loot sie eiive jens ece me sicnoliste terete eee 60 B382) Per” LOO ccc sjetecstace rie oye, a mtn evans) wy eens .90 5389 per foot can dias cvs ptend astute toe tancenate t ALES S396. per LOO .iice sia). ofegrais ene eles einer ene .60 SBA Ry) ore) Mb FR nego Oboes Code Ben te o .80 5390: Perc LOO bias: csc aoo.dince-ateemeber tiene ate ee ea aa fll 539% Per? Loot s6.5 iste dfeurs eee selene -60 Note: These mouldings are also furnished with bed moulds and are bent to any shape desired. Prices on application. JACOBSON & Co. Mouldings Fa CLIO ELE AISI FSA ke- > St CECH KCCRERCEC REECE RCEEE Ret, DOT LOO E ests als ities ue a areete airaiey eb ravavers tego) 5409 per foot per foot. - 60 5410 per foot 5400 per foot. .6 5411 5401 per foot. 60 5412 5402 per foot. .50 5413 5403 per foot. 60 5414 5404 per foot. -50 5415 5405 per foot. P 5416 5406 per foot. .f 5417 5407 per foot. .40 5418 5408 per foot -40 5419 Note: These mouldings are also furnished with bed moulds and are bent to any shape desired. Prices on application. Mouldings PLATE 27 JACOBSON & Co. 5430 Der LOO. wes srateke ce ace ORs $1.50 G43 Der” LOOES sc conc eie.s so eyeraccrecimeleletiaterela $ .80 5444 per fOOt. . oq s0.c alc orekereteresetelsbekenpienaetene $ .60 SASL Per FOO «sya ecevsrevsyels oemela ceanag webs ec oete 1.10 5438 “pers TOOt i. acs vie ers chales cibietelavelerstars are te 1.00 $445. per’ LOO e.ccsn.0.8 cers Vee eee nOD BAS2 Per LOOC sso scs hee eset eee ee eee .90 S439 Per “LOO Naar austere Hee aU oie 1,00 §446 per f£00t 6.00. wre nies. cs ee -55 6433 - per foots lice \,cupeeeeene ehele Om ener ene .90 5440 per LOOt Ts cic ceare wissen e eveieas Shelateekere -90 6449 per’ foot... 255.6. sie sie oie Snore eee oO 5434) per foot. pnsvace sens ent eae eiateteaet ones teehee .90 6441 per. LOOtA shy siecetcuta rennet atierctons er neee .80 5448 per - FOO 6 sce. wee aie tee ete -70 5435. POPALOO tripe mavens hrs = co arele aucteNer sions .80 S442 Upper) LOO ve..ceviv wis seeusletalete etehaeyerereie ets -90 §449° ‘per LOO aiecicicsenciesalere piorethererean een .70 BASEP PEL PLGOM Merete eae: lel cw iis sere cceuevaye .90 5443 “per LOO. x ayo che mrapeieve olehetmioleteauetore ree .60 G450: DOL LOO Ck tecepere sc aore wisi « vejerolentetetaieneanen 70 Note: These mouldings are also furnished with bed moulds and are bent to any shape desired. Prices on application. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 28 Mouldings 5467 per f 5468 per 5469 per per 5 per 60 5463 per ‘ 5470 per per -40 er fi 5471 per per 36 é ) i i 5472 per per 4 § y 50 5473 per Note: These mouldings are also furnished with bed moulds and are bent to any shape desired. Prices on application. Cornice Mouldings PLATE 29 JACOBSON & Co. = pera RAE TRET! Fe EFNE TNO TET bes be e kes Tt) ONG V5) ‘) VG ven VV VA nea Ae ak OrULAnrLQanrUOnii wa WEAN A WAR fl we > foot .10 b4a79 pers foot <5. cccaceicieas alowed aoe $ .80 5480 Daan hole Seer ccd alo Oo Canomyc cichorph rosa + .60 5481 Bre) LO OU sale cyeiecslelsieiehtietetehat=arertabenMereusae .70 5482 ar foot HO “70 5483 foot Pl LOOTED ccrsvehe © ,0chsesi ores erent cletel aumeerteie .70 5484 or foot te) POOE Soden, 4) arate lerehontes selena ievenranene ate r foot oot oo oH JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 30 Ceiling and Wall Mouldings Cet 8) ROME DCT RLOOL OS: Hi cc ee te cote ee $1.10 5811 per foot op etaiclivaadeualfojivnede el ovehetn Aletaleie teeta $ .20 BS22 POLS LOO Kale cist © aceite ceil enlace tree $ .70 BROS OI LOOT. core hae nna nate 60 5812 per foot Ronen SRO RC NCE CRD Gio erotic 80 5823 - per foot = ase ee eee .90 SVOsepere foots denn ceca eee .90 5813 per foot........... ss sere sere eee 1.10 5824 per foot sans mea ee ne ee .90 PE ROAM Or etoG ls; cc. oe hike we ee tt ee 60 OSLAe VSTe OO U maretaneisarsiolkeaaistevorsmy-4en Pee welche -70 5825 per foot 70 EROR@ ore took: hho ene, ee eee 48 BSIG) per LoOts wars. staeew cpa thie eet emer 50 5826 ES STe ey ak MPR ney DARE a, Bh ce BOOS. NOT MTOOE.. cia sreis os ss sale ogislere apelaictelsnate .40 5817 per foot. ....- +. seers eres eee 45 3 sh DT ee. Ae eas Oe Ee Ae a BEROy per Ton t ssi ia ci sic.n tense ge nets 124 BBLS “per Moot Uaioe ane crt ote merase 50 pee Sake baat ee ge ae ONIN os RENOS) DOT LODE occ ati daemon sons 24 DOLD DOL VPOOE LF ccesvslarolesatalats dhe tietelevcleis ereleis .50 5828 per foot......---.. 2s ee ee eee needs -50 BS09 sper {foo bse sc Wencls ho cie seers Dervis 124 S820 per sfootnanca a sea sine Sane etme .48 5829 per foot. ...... eee cece ee eee eee ees -60 BSL Pers LOO scce ctac a cle-wiosuiatel Meretrelnveten 24 OSL EDEL MEOOCS Coe rersite cuctens) a ois ys axchemmenne ecive .40 sf. 811 hes ols) dmniveyohtoMmermicares shor CLOG DO POI CRO ciconc .36 *Flange for upholstery may be omitted. Panel Mouldings and Architraves PLATE 31 JACOBSON & Co. a5) 13e [fe Vi oe a ey. “ELUTE TATE eoratanarionaiaoeornema ae il Wea : ( | = Ee PHYA tT F PINGING IN CIN © IN & IN © ce th ll anit OE DE oe 5831. pert foo beers acs cielecautadaen haeeeLeenteerers $1.00 5840 per foot AEA ONOa in aoe omte $ .60 5849 per LOOG. oa cres cevesec euapelolene ererend eee en BSSeePEr LOO. Sores -terare) cere etevsesataisrelatereetre .60 5841> per. LOOts -. erase ateneeteusael a caleceeats toner eaiote -50 5850 per” LOOt. « .-cje sro cw cic eietam arenelene nena ene 30 PSSA OSL a LOO Tear ste nshare laters | mVenels terials tenenen aialteialrs -50 D842 - PET LOOU i cia stops) sus aabey ede Cleiayedere atest e .40 S85L per LOO. ve specn's a iose sous o elon ene ee ene .30 OSSE DEL! LOGE a irere vel veneteie e austen oiedsts talsustons -50 5843. per Looe. ci. icccresenaterahessvevalacetatarehevers eae .40 BBSZ PEL TOOK ccs acies sarsie-ecenstepeneneteueretaeee rene -30 S835 Sper LOO. esses orsca ons leceueienelonsienstars rove .50 5844 per PLodtag ic do carcsonsaeterdireatatermionsis -40 5853) per: LOO 6... hac aisalee ordi allereeare eee .24 5836 per. Toot). Aeicctesae eieteusiets evenerene everest .50 5845. per Tootccs sois s. vtedateue sadvePocevedsueterereianers .36 GS54 per’ LOOC. wcicish Diere cys s)he ele .20 BS37 = per’ LOOtiaa trates sracsnsleraseneea yous talker tic eiacs .50 3846, POV LO Oteraay sce «lake ther ccatevel creer iolebebyenen eens .40 5855. per’ LOO. yes c. cae wpe ossqeha nus op eerie eat eee 20 B838 sper: LOO eis cielo erate ra wlers Chenenssoraerer case .60 BB47" PELE TLOOL 6 ateetshare recetate/s afore eremetetale tend 40 5856. Wer POEs 65. s.6cie 002 20s spose ee ee .20 5839 per LOO bra ire ere elec cate eyendln cnencuslatcitaleh= Git .50 B84" Per POO. cr, sateanctuestets, acsieitoy cevaeelen Raines 40 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 32 Panel Mouldings and Architraves hae ANA JI o Eeieirvamneernts ia see | MAM ), ee a ESC SINGIN ASN) Gy iP Sao poe aA pie 4 Oe Ee ee Oe Ea te onion inion (asin ANd RCE D LOO Ueraie aieraier sisi aterbieta.avahs:s'e\-al'a tas ieva $ .50 DSGCE. DEL TOOE, rae enicitn crete leis sh sietereteteravenecy $ .70 581d DEL LOOWsnatou asecielscalsce step areicre ame weer, OO OOS MPS lae LOO Cerise ctecsseusant sravene ve ate euetonedetlereve tice .40 DSGCE DEV LOO ris. ce arhech akele Go eee tet tmaetees 48 BSTC. pers LOG i hevis se ahous tere cae caceven hateteneatecarss 60 DR SOMTICL LOO Coreierercicisle cicrehe s) scieioleqe) aivisieherets -36 DSGES MEL LOO a os adore cete sien cocelet alia le caret arenats -48 BSS) “DORs FOGU ic srcagiusrsts tite echo tsisiars eecislanst rate 50 POCO ADELE TOG tscic a isun oe lelecreie ie pclae wlele. speieier’ .30 5869" Mer LOO Aioieis, scuctene st cue ckereiera ale susie) evs) ens 30 BSIS per Loot ies eracctersiaveteierwiace aietete ue erate 50 SOL SHOT. GS OO tee mlsieucia vie%e ole, ciesereteieuske eleielatele ce .24 5870 Derg fOO bro ce ce ieee hehe ce el atetatst testes .50 SSID Pere LOO Gah sralsn syoraselsl eeearbuatevetel erevatats 60 Bee DOT LOO ace xn ote leretalbtinlenede canilisisieiet cet .24 SST (par COOL! <1 certs tials ate serouernieint wae yeas -40 BSSO TWO. TOOT a5 ctaicvactacecmsle eitieretelelevetorarsuers te 70 PSO se DEE e LOO tia erate ccane + cisiee(o. 0 rasteanaiensietatet ea .20 HS Ie DOs LOO «ate wle cuore alisileleiereensiaurce 1 anche mice .36 SSS Te Ver LOO. a hod sderatac ie erteueistatetaene atest 50 CAS ashe has Marti oo OO Oe an DeCmr ooo .20 5873)" per: Toot. oapn sees ctelee whe a) tives iesiele scien .24 S882 per «LOO bi reisere selaue ernie eke aro Sreusitvetn erst 50 24 DSSd er LOOCsmanstete emneieie cele piteieneveretenais vere 48 BEES per LOO... eceeeererescncccuenns 24 BSt4 per =fo0Ot. cin. cktwncas decid races ou following Adam Ceilings are care- fully reproduced from well known works and authentic models. Correct modeling and clean and sharp-cut casting is the requisite and all these are faithfully adhered to by us. e 8 The Old English Ceilings following are reproduced in their primitive and quaint way and have all the charm of crudity. They are preferably cast with one inch thickness of ground, in which case they may be screwed to furring strips on the ceiling beams. This makes the lathing and plain plastering of ceiling unnecessary. They may also be made with one-eighth inch thickness of ground, in which case they should be applied to the finished plaster surface of ceiling. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 33 Ceilings Cilag et é ee Su ois SG A GREE DE ICS ee ew ee ee hig he (in Sag har ag Authentic Adam Ceiling Prices on application Always give size of room Jacosson & Co. PLATE 34 Ceilings Pe CSB Rese oH Sede, - ace ceacage ae | 4 = wit a “S25 5qn555? ‘ “se 3 ° i} 2 Jeale litilni Adam Ceiling from Countess of Derby’s Dressing Room. Send size and shape of room for price. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 35 Ceilings 4] Ss a uw tS Jcale Adam Ceiling from Lady Wynn’s Library. Send shape and size of room for prices. Ceilings (AKAN AAAAAAAAAAA A LADARADADA DD TRA MANA AAA JACOBSON & Co. Z. —<— E x JEE Ne1720 Litt JCALE Adam Ceiling G Send shape and size of room for prices. JACOBSON & Co. » 2S S SS D5OS »S PLATE 37 > Serer nares oo quran: A oval figure g placgues, sec #1550q Y : pene FIGURE PLACQUES SFE # {581 SO eee r t Sey Or ENGNG, Wy WoW 9 W NANA L\ ASS AS AS S Adam Ceiling H Send shape and size of room for prices. Ceilings JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 38 Ceilings Adam Ceiling Q < z 1 e 408 Vs tae i ee — \ z —— 2 21S # Y Seas >: Sy a l———) , = . . ———— ] lo] —> — — = ——— — =< => <=) = — = SS == Ss — = — S= == = => —> | MU aqvar WN Adam Ceiling K Ceilings | | \ 729 SS SS XK oS ce We Us e }| Jee Nel } | — >= NY AS 3 — Pe = te ee Jeale PLATE 39 Ke } SS SSS ttt SD PEt D TE AlsT Zr W74 YW JACOBSON & Co. Adam Ceiling L JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 40 Ceilings $70.00. B) ian, price, each ing Panel N Itali il Ce ian, price, each, $70.00. anel M Ital ling P i Ce JAcoBsON & Co. PLATE 41 Ceilings Old English Ceiling O Old English Ceiling P Prices on application. Give size and shape of room. ib Ceilings PLATE 42 JACOBSON & Co. : a LIA Alt i (| A —— 53" larce size __§ a —-= 3-26 smace size ’ a - = Pama ” \k ( at foc Old English Ceiling from Residence of Sir Paul Pindar. Send shape and size of room for prices. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 43 Ceilings JECTION OF CoRKICE. Old English Ceiling and Cornice from “Chastleton.” This ceiling may be made vaulted as is the original. Send size and shape of room for price. (Correct Size 5714”). JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 44 Ceilings Scale drawing of above photo. S te Looe /4———» JECTION OF RIB Send shape and size of room for prices. Old English Ceiling from Reindeer Inn. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 45 Ceilings © Ace Rate SS” Large svze Yb. Sa AY ~ 3354" sma size a9 : meee ea nae ak J VEY” 7 SECTION OF LARGE AND SMALL RIB Old English Ceiling from Bromley’s Palace. Send shape and size of rooms for prices. Ceilings PLATE 46 JACOBSON & Co. cn Fr // \\ SECTION OF LARGE AND SMALL RIB. Old English Ceiling. Send shape and size of room for prices. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 47 Ceilings CYMSs un - — a ee SECTION OF LARGE AND SMALL RIB Re og Old English Ceiling from ‘“Wilderhope.” Send shape and size of rooms for prices. Ceilings PLATE 48 JACOBSON & Co. Old English Ceiling from Bromley Palace, Modified. Send shape and size of rooms for prices. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 49 Ceilings oy JECTION OF RUB ps ergs © , N es) | . 7 ira 2 f= THis DISTANCE MAY Be WCREASED As SHown ABovE in Photo 224 Old English Ceiling from Haddon Hall. Send shape and size of rooms for prices. JACOBSON & Co. ”? . “Burton Agnes PLATE 50 rom Old English Ceiling f ou? Ceilings %, h this ceiling in connection wit Plate 127, may be used Note: Beam No. 2373, JACOBSON & Co. BIOL AM am PEM LEGOEs,. cis. ca wea deena ce OL 00 as02 Adam per Toot... 6... .6c.0 os .60 PLOSVA Gam Per OO. .:c se eas vee .80 MUSE AGEM Per foot. 2s. .0 00sec -60 PALOMA Gam DET LOGE. vc tes «cis skstels -60 VLOG -AGam per footsis.2 css ccets « .60 PLATE 51 SLOSS Ada) DEM) LOO. camysaiersce eta otere alretatakenens $ 50 RLOOVAC amy DEPAGOb.) iets lcceietaiekoreicie seit atets .50 2109-A. Adam per foot... sae cwe eee ee -50 2110 Adam, per foOotw.h wa tiene hee esate 50 2111 Adam per 2112 Adam per 2113 Adam 2114 Adam 2115 Adam 2116 Adam 2117 Adam 2118 Adam per per per per per per Friezes LOOM. cavers sohicshohogerebecol ire aceite $ .50 POOE «aca -vainis nistalkt ee eevee 40 ROO GS ayn sta racakstanstevelen oyeateuaised 50 POOts iserteaegeiueceeras eters 50 POOLE criricbatararctelt eteia: treneia.s 50 LOO teeta sews, ve oudietecsisierscscs ate 40 Friezes RAIO PMN Ush! Cachis ove cratered) stair 2120) Wouis SoVal per LOOE sy. siete ciara 2121 English per fo0t.2.csc0.sesa0n+' pep bey pn ay alt=) DRS SN ofa Hoan eo CHAO DRO UCDO eizs Mnelish sper oot. secs cis cement 2124 English Antique per foot......... 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 PLATE 52 Gothienper) fooltpeaccmrcsceie cee $ .60 Gothic: per -POGt. sisi alee aes -40 Gothie per foot sy. ey. ieneeteletaiet .60 English’ pers LOO. cereieeveicl remit eret -30 Moorish “per: £oote. cs. arash reat .35 Hnglish: per’ Oot, iierseuste weiner tener 3.00 Bngilish! per LOO. 5 s\n wescho store sieeemele .60 JACOBSON & Co. 2132 English per f00t.).\. 5. . «eee eee $ .60 2133 Gothic: per foots. /.7-1.0 .ne eres -70 2134 English per’ £00... «ae -icletelelsisteieneete «00 2135 English per Loot. ] t AI, ip e pe Ch > Naas ay Pi ee NI x. y BAY, nid ON sige Uy a PY Ml oS le So ha SN sd 2164 Italian per foot.... 2165 Italian per foot.... 2166 Italian per foot.... 2167 Italian 2168 Italian 2169 Italian 2170 Italian Italian Friezes Aberin cece plies wees pence On0.O a vaya\er eteiiere oivivca araren) Osi. ain st efosaseh ahetnreya Se ER Soa oe Pr oss tO me Friezes 2171 Italian 2172 Italian 2173 Italian 2174 Italian Renaissance per foot. Renaissance per foot. Renaissance Renaissance per foot. per foot, PLATE 56 2175, Lous Xx Vile per Loot hed tere $1.00 2176 Italian Renaissance per foot...... 1.00 217% Italian Renaissance, each........ 6.00 2178 Italian Renaissance per foot...... -40 JACOBSON & Co. 2179 Italian Renaissance per foot...... $ .40 2180 Italian Renaissance per foot...... .50 2181 Italian Renaissance per foot...... 40 2182 Italian Renaissance, each........ 8.00 JACOBSON & Co. PAT 257. Friezes 2183 - Louis XVI per foot. .2.5....2.1..$8 60 VSS Mousa Nk Va Oe DOO miter owe ce 5 .80 PAOS Louis, VL Dera rOO tac qeestele) elsteres $ .50 2is4 Louis’ Viv per foot. .e% -.. selec 80 D189) Wouis OV) DET PLOO a ee rte ete miotn 80 2194 sotis) ey Say noms Nn Sint. € 7 2 AX e4oe a" H “w. 6396 6 6399 eac 6400 e: M PLATE 65 Old English Pargetting Ornaments for Walls and Ceilings we NEY 0 Soy Wet Asis, Cs DP eachios oc anaes cosas ome 2s00 #2262 per shéet.......:..6 SEC REA Se Oe TOA! ReOOA yg IS ACW A, snus cstonrndn de gisele oot 00) AeOURCAC Mier. Gia le cvwie sess is LO R23) CAC: smnencspusrrch senor ae oe eco SeoGA;: BGA, csi miata seis erme ae LO EOL As Esc OLCAGiaasasea on atececie eee Tb) 2254A, B, C, D each..... Jeter a a yn are 4.00 Reid CACHES syste si ccicislcns ects eet eee Tohohee te crate OO #2258" GACH. tse. cee Jarre Melekipl tees aiereeaiay OC *Sheets 2252 and 2258 should be separated and spaced as desired. Old English Pargetting Orna- ments for Walls and Ceilings each. each. each. each.. each. each. each. each. PLATE 66 2358 each...... 2359 each...... 2360 each...... 2361 each...... 2362 each...... 2363 each...... 2364A, B each. 2365A, B each. $2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2366A, B each........ 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 ENG 0G 5 ooraciong a0) S03 OBWeCHE.. wake secrete frieze per foot... each. etarelaiauaian: each sere shane each. aeaitets Seleteioen . . - $1.00 7 _ JACOBSON & Co. PRO PMC ACH Ara fs cccelstaleheleisdeleisielalereiecs Hers aierekan pO USOU. SRO Sig COC Woe cy stots uct Werstortniaisis an iede\eielécetaanes oy OOO! BIOL CAONS he aise need ae leat .. 20.00 PLATE 67 S405 GACH srocisciwis wielaislerasisnistereroet cern tan S ean BEIGE Ka Vino oon dG SOO Gu Goo Onna oa aA 16.00 ey Ur tet: Wot o Weare aie cin creueh eve cite wate nae 2OA00 Heraldic Cartouches BANS GBC ye piecece scsi sles oti atee sae Tae SLO9" GACH Merv cae ieee evotele isi telaeseeteienetenaieiersl iene ac Ob Heraldic Cartouches S410 GACH. 05). amici, de eae EE eRe $12.00 SELL CAEN, se Pinder ea de acte eke Rieke PReoPe eehehogs BELA MG aChitys Fev ders oonuciape eto ect atetem ere aS B4LS GA CU 06c55 aoe actrees eaeke he ene IL Gos cD RE Ne) ey hone aro n amine cues OBC dia-a PLATE 68 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 JACOBSON & Co. Elohim ce Poo eo oS GA DID fico cee ae $5.00 TKO led noo Oa fw nce eno Ose 6 OOO 4.00 [e72No) Weer chy Gap tins Cc Sonor The GONG NO 4.00 OREO moos Goto lou oo tage oval 6.00 Creed «PEP Sohn RED Paco nL eget CoC De et Caxctic o 4.00 (oka ed o Weare wee NED TRON Clg ol cic, Doren mace areal) 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 OQ CH 2 opi resceye-aseiarieselloelld cola seas eed eee $14.00 a6) 6 ER eCR PITA Anim decorate eb 4.00 @MOD 0 os) 5 aioe enets (or ores eget Ree 4.00 (ihe) s aor ireS Sree iid. COC boo. 5.00 (21: Ney s Prue RMRPAPIEIIA GAT HC, Ora Goel yen. 5.00 _ JACOBSON & Co. Be geMOUISs OVALS CHCDin. cor. eee ses rp lenue 3428 Italian Renaissance each......... 12.00 BA PONE OWS 5X VL ORCI ig ar ere) avert svoielorn ster 50.00 URS sO WER GL VCR class araleneine, cane acs 40.00 PLATE 69 Ce Oe yoy eh Kepo. OMUKO O An Saicics oan Bo ack $24.00 34325 Louis Pav ET eaGhic.. om se ce aiete atone 10.00 * 3433 Italian Renaissance each......... 12.00 3434 Louis Se Viseach) ate. skeen 20.00 3435 3436 3437 Cartouches PsOUUS) “KOVe (GACH ae vcgenis rays eotetaiaielatelince For cornice 2618; also mitre piece each Ceiling and Wall Cartouches JACOBSON & Co. 3438 Louis XV each $12.00 3441 Louis 3444 Louis XV each.. 3439 Louis XV each... piskitatse, tasters 12.00 3442 Louis " 3445 Louis XV each 3440 Louis XV each 3443 Louis X ac : 3446 Louis XV each... JACOBSON & Co, PLATE 71 Cartouches 3447 French Renaissance each........$10.00 e402 Ttalian eae. oa poate s parses cpites go) BL OU 3455 Louis (XV each og ha eee ea ou S44SeLouis XV i each), cela. . «seo en L600) 3468 Gomis! SIV each nak esas aki 8 0D S458 (LOUIS NOVEL Caches sess see SHOU S449 Louis XVieCaAGh oa. cee wes teens L600 3454 Louis eV) eachia a. picts anaes eae 00 3459 Louis’ XVI eaGh. ee icin ern eee SOO $ 3450 Italian each........ LFeijetets 6 OnOG 3455 Louis XIV each. Be tah crocrcscweton ee SOU) 3460 Louls XVI each... 22.0. eye anes 16:00 S451 Touis XTV each... sei neces ae es 2560 3456 Louis: X Vii eden. comwsr sis em, LOLO0 SAGL Ttaliam eaehivn diacetate on niet Os! Cartouches PLATE 72 JACOBSON & Co. 3462 3466 Louis XIV each 5 3471 Louis XIV each 3463 SEIU SNPS I) : 3472 Louis XIV each 3468 Italian each 3464 : 3469 Georgian each Georgian each 4 3474 Louis XV each 3473 Louis XIV each 3465 , 3470 JACOBSON & Co. PUATE 73 Cartouches 3475 Italian 3476 Italian a 3483 Louis XVI 3477 Italian 4 s 3484 Louis XVI 3478 Italian 2 MY 3485 Louis XVI i 7 eerie 3486 Louis XVI : Ttalian ‘each’. 3480 Elizabethan each i 3487 Italian each. Italian each. 3481 Elizabethan each 6 3488 Italian each..... ‘ Italian each. Ltalian each.. Italian each.... Louis XVI each Ceiling and Wall Ornaments PLATE 74 JACOBSON & Co. 3503 Louis eac K 3508 Louis 3499 Louis XVI each 3. Louis eac 4 3509 Louis 3500 Empire each 00 3505 Louis eac ; 3510 Louis 3501 Louis XVI each .0 3506 Louis eac - 3511 Louis 3507 Louis eac -0 3512 Louis 3513 Louis JACOBSON & Co. SOLA Louie CO VIL CaChiicess 3 estas taverns s)sieiac $8.00 Sob Louls XUV each. apes www cece s 4.00 BOLG TOUS ADV CA CH oe 5.30 ov nl orace eparee sie 2.50 3517 Louis XIV each.........-...0eeees 2.50 SOLSP Et alta OA CHG a oisye'atersterxsteroy mare geval eke 2.50 3519 Louis. XIV each. . cies. cas se see vine 2,50 3521 Louis 3522 Louis 3523 Louis 3524 Louis 3525 Louis 3526 Louis 3527 Louis PLATE 75 RT Vine aiGliis ae tens nanan tactotencue techs Jame $2.00 DANE EME NG mo qc tice aun 2.00 BG Gat stele) abe chic rete Gaeh CANAD. ude) 4.00 XLV: GAaGhisnmitacire cies tyectanake 1.50 el Mi GORCHA « ntolemaiene star ereimianswere a 4.00 SSDI O BCI oo ec caes teens a ira ienaionaiele 4.00 D8 CKO RS yj ae oo Ie Mo CD cc 4.00 Wall Panel Tops and Ceiling Moulding Clasps 1H/2W- 72H, SOLS) LOUIS XO Vile CA Chiictec satel cleitiresstecney euetsvere $5.00 3528A, Louis’ SVL ach Wy cvastele ais eles visie sie 3.00 SD29 wuOWiIs) DOVE SACI reratsre @iedataralelalae) stees 3.00 3529A Louise SVE Gach. cise cle ere ecevsiers 1.50 36530) Touts: SoU Vi jeaiclinneri ter altelaersierte caterers 4.00 SHdR Woulsyeel Vv Gaeieis cs wieieacle st ciel ... 400 3532) Louis SelV) eaehit cy.esr eis che efalcpeawletecl 4.00 3533) Louls XIV each. cic ecsesicscace ses 1.50 8534 Louig XVi each i). ..6 dacs eecnm en ans 1.50 3536 Louis XVI GRO 5 aiheachia, se siete Siavres/ehecevaene eee 5562 Georgian each! 2 .2\). a: oecesiee el eren JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 86 weil saa ee f 6308 each 6309 each G3LO sede. Sew ore cate a nttene eetecee 6311 each 6312 each 6313 each 6314 each 6315 Each of these Culos ornaments may be made of equal size and continuous. la) Culos and Extension Ornaments PLATE 87 JACOBSON @& | a . ele 6345 6328 each.. 6329 each.. 6330 per foc 2 ay. 6331 each 6 6340 eac JACOBSON & PLATE 88 Culos and Extension Ornaments sa OD. ee =F - PIDs. 33323333333 * xO i % PEEEEEEEY ——— =. 6369 6570 637! 6358! "DSL TOOU sain «1 osuelaue woelere er eeenstens-a te eet Sao O 6306 “per LOOt.N. ce ia oe an eee ee eee $ .40 6359 per foot oo 6367 per foot 30 6360 per foot ae} 6368 per foot 6361 “per foots. Fae crcisie oe Beles wioisitercie. eee =) 6369 per foot 6362 per foot ; 6370 per foot 6363 per foot 2 6371 per foot 6364 per foot 3 6372 per foot 6365 per foot Culos and Extension Ornaments PLATE 89 JACOBSON & Co. ee 3 ¢ ¢ w-3 adit ee ate ae $ ox v Gi 7 ' * wy pene Ne i ee ¢ ? Ts ¥ > s ‘ ce 13" t 2 , o... .& 2 CBG e 7 iY & & C Ce EEK Cs (ae Je >. . & {« Ce) > Y *) e A ON Oo @9) POP LOO ts edo. < leila nee cloheteseienclaie toateneat $ .60 6380 per: LOOT s< carerenelecsreteutece eteitece ated $ .60 DOE LOO Ge cj che crarcvovsreis ye apateinvatatara eyecare GS8L. per LOOC aa. sic vere cre sisi wielale ew calsieie tet ciets -40 per 5 6382 per per ‘i 6383 per per ) 3 6384 per per foo ‘ 6385 per f Per OO. ocak eae on OO eee 4 6386 per f JACOBSON & Co. : PLATE 90 Wall Fountains Made of waterproofed Cement Stone in any color. GOLD GASH sors ere tse-s o wranalel Yoh, eiatatate ness 6 ONOO *6512 each. soe or ie hntelslataiereleletst) slekerat etal lp 00100 G5IA each... . 6... eee eee eee eee ee ee $50.00 GHULT SACI acres ete nen seetola Maca ees OURO: C9 GEG WW inca ch toro. o aio Aomocmcr so SAR) (Size of top 24% in. wide by 36 in. high) *Note: Above fountains are photographed in different scales. Niches and Shells 6500 each 6501 each.. (Correct size 3 6502 each (Correct size *Cement Stone. PLATE 91 J ACOBSON $12.00 ges oO) , 25in. P.) 20.00 15 Mee DUP N 6 ee eae} 6503 6504 each each each $24.00 24.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 92 Sculptured Panels 378 x 678" See. Cyan ry RS COC) Bree NE rep evctiie ans cxarissiories an otis,/oust eeadiseivosaniras hoyle $ 4.00 15024, 258,04 DD eaehah ee ee eee $ 2.00 1GOS Leach Soha c cot ait Oe he are ert ee OG BOO As Cac ties mits hao) sites agelist a cies ects eterey salar 4.00 LDOS (GGehis A oPicivere sia ctv iaie ene weal. Geno hee 6.00 LSOSA. \eRchawict on: doek en On Ree 4.00 SE SORA. Be Co each ny caevsis siete ences 10.00 D047 GACH Be vreoec An ueusree en cee hn melons 6.00 1506. each ora sact th kere ap hers es cae ees 4.00 A50GA. eaehy iets eeyntle Nealoreel a eee errs 4.00 *1501A, B and C have frames. JACOBSON & Co. 1510 THE DANCE each qicm sire 1509 HARVEST ‘each.. 2)... «see seeieieirte - $32.00 Be) ron) ea H < oY 1508B COMEDY each................ - $12.00 ag PBs 1507A-D THE SEASONS each........ 1508A MUSIC ea 0)i ics scien ei diciie tn oleinis Sculptured Panels JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 94 Sculptured Panels The Dance after Franz Stuc 1511C The Dance after Franz Stuck 1514 each 1514A each 1511A The Dance after Franz 1511D The Dance after Franz Stuck 1514B each 1514C each 1511B The Dance after Franz 1512 each 5 1515 each 1513 each 4 1516 each 1517 each Sculptured Panels PLATE 95 1518A, B, C, D each Mle PL OLOO 1521 each.... : P 1524 each....... 1519 each suet ereigie 00 1522 each. ‘ 1525A, B each... 1520A, B : 2.00 1523A, B each | tna a ee eee ee 1," nae t vary JACOBSON & Co. 1526-1531 After Wedgwood each........ $3.00 1532 After Wedgwood each............. 4.00 1533 After Wedgwood each............. 3.00 Poe AO) 1 OB.CR aepse co oi Suet enoisis seid eres cee 4.00 PLATE 96 ASSHAS Sa CCl ac. atpeys deneies ete oases $1.00 1S} JerereNe) ae ime cinooanetoco dab. eae Aero 5 2.50 LOSTAS Bi COChiawy mn vareie ts pra meres puaceuaeneratete 1.00 SST ee ing Ono eo OOO SoG 0 1.00 1539A, B each....... 1540A, B each...... 1541 Louis XVI each Sculptured Panels Sculptured Panels PLATE 97 JACOBSON & Co. VH4A2 (GACd)y syeuccs,cusrs etass otanel sl aleberele eV ereusreeeveeeteee $3.00 1547 A, Beeachi. sia. el-cchsnacete clevanenteoretreioe tens $1.00 UBSL CCH ediece ieee.» wcseiete tuyere Cletatelatetere ets tame $1.00 Pe RS rie Pr oii ae eat 3.00 gt errno Wem nico oor on GOno oom os aloo. 1.00 Dats yy eWcraiay A Ooo ogo hetavahel ohavatatetetarals 1.00 BGAL OACH goss 5 acm ensicinpesinuetn eietiatctotarre cote 3.00 1549. Oe R iis oie « eiaie storsieneoin te aie eet oeeeaatete 1.00 1553A, BeGé€hc xs ccs eas «dere eee wae) 2.00. ISAS. GAGE sis oisin sities «phe sieivis eine bneiptelelete irae 3.00 LSS50A, B eachis. sais setacisls atic ec eeraierys 2.00 LSS4A, “BR GGG B yo ois oes us aieje ens ele sees Dears lela) BGAG CACHE. cra crctale oi sichele a. sucreletetarelstetetorotl ats 3.00 1550C,..D each sis cout ew weg sia caldenese 2.00 LG55: BCH ie,. ayn cle clswishayh teaialeynistater eens iatele sien) aa00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 98 Sculptured Panels LNGT) {SRNe ore ogomied Scr coo ODO omocio ocr nok Sa!) LSGOQA. “CCH ee ioe. oc nese dia siedcis cence 3 GO500 1561A US) SCEN@n, 5p fame Spl po.dineen ooo ado eit 0.0) RSGORS CRC oie crereeietore «fepetaleunt- sia auettoiere aeren G5 00) 1561B Poot GACT orerctoraiss«) slene(etorslelnautials cla ibemicttalesee es OO TECOC Gaeta crore crete tanarel craralersieler yar aiviers- age O00 1561C EGO ROACH taveherstejo.late o. cinjslels)ersieleisicrertats pisipe KY) THCOD each se ety nco ciyarcrale cise si stnicrete sete. tat CLO 1562A 1562B Sculptured Panels PLATE 99 JACOBSON & Co. 1567A each 1567B each... 1568A each... 1568B each... 1570B each. 1571A each. 1571B each. 1572 each... Also Squared same price. PLATE 100 Sculptured Friezes : eee ideas tut eae eee: 1573 each.. eustia $18.00 1576 each....... Sats etn . 2. 15T7C: eseh. on... 1574 each.... “ Ad 16.00 1577A each..... ae . a : 1578 each... 1575 each........ 8.00 1577B each Oe bg a 1579 each.... Sculptured Friezes PLATE 101 JACOBSON & Co. 1580A,. 1B; Cj Deaeh sy 52m avers ace stereeen $12.00 1582 Harvest Processions each........ $16.00 1583 Frieze from ‘The Parthenon” 1581A, B, C, D (The Seasons) each.... 6.00 GACHe aris erocraters wide ayaval sensuseaee ~.-. $14.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 102 Sculptured Friezes 1584 After Wedgwood per foot........ $ 8.00 1585 After Wedgwood per foot........ $ 8.00 1586 After Wedgwood compleute........ $80.00 JACOBSON & Co. each 1590 -00 $8 ach PLATE 103 88A and Be BBO" CAH arsine vevoievepate eer oratat ake hein ate 5 1 1 00 -$12. h 1587 eac Sculptured Panels 2.00 ac 1591 e 00 h fa A, C ea 7 1548 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 104 Sculptured Panels fl Hi! YES) SMCs 8) 9 CORO REG uN Cay ACEC CCEA EERERGIER CRUD 1594 each.... $4.00 1597A, B each....... Dad h east ont SOC OO 1593 each..... Bie Ga okayiiey slau Mevermiccanstei as GO. 1595A-D each 3.00 1598A, B each.. Ganirivaveaotd WANE 1596A, B each.... 4 6.00 ~* All 1592 have Wreath. Wall Panel Corners PLATE 105 JACOBSON & Co. it" ee ee es Sn nn oe oe ea RS 5 A, A og RO, See tie aa ee Clas i s NAN = is ets AAAS 6001 English Cornerpiece each........ $ 4.00 Mouldings per foot..... $. 96 6007 Louis XVI Cornerpiece each...... $2.00 Mouldings per foot..... $1. 6002 English Cornerpiece each........ -96 Mouldings per foot..... -.48 6008 Adam Cornerpiece each........... 3.00 Mouldings per foot..... 6003 Italian Cornerpiece each...... -. 1.00 Mouldings per foot..... .48 6009 Italian Cornerpiece each.......... 2.00 Mouldings per foot..... 6004 Louis XVI Cornerpiece each...... 1.00 Mouldings per foot..... -48 6010 Italian Cornerpiece each.......... 2.00 Mouldings per foot..... 6005 Italian Cornerpiece each......... 1.00 Mouldings per foot..... -80 6011 Louis XVI Cornerpiece each...... 2.00 Mouldings per foot..... 6006 Louis XVI Cornerpiece each...... 1.00 Mouldings per foot..... .80 6012 Louis XVI Cornerpiece each....... 2.50 Mouldings per foot..... JACOBSCN & Co. PLATE 106 Wall Panel Corners 6013 Corner Louis XIV each........... $2.00 6016 Corner Louis XIV each........... $1.50 6020 Corner Louis XIV each............ $1.00 Contoer’ éach sicc atcptoosiccie ) see oe 3.00 Moulding per’ foot << 5 acinicciee cies .60 Mouldine pers tOou vam aiseciyectarctls 30 Moulding “per foot .<.cmes0s eccee cn 50 6017 Corner Louis XIV each............ 1.00 6021 Corner Louis XIV each........... 1.00 6014 Corner Louis XIV each............ 1.00 Moulding per foot. a oaecisencneoaces .60 Moulding perttootiire tis ieee aeiemerte -30 Center CRON sacyayevs siete oo) eibye uss e cate 1.50 6018 Corner Louis XVI each............ 2.00 6022 Corner Louis XIV each............ 1.00 Moulding per footie weve eecwicteite cok 30 Moulding per foote. 62% «0. ok cae eee. .60 Mouldin py per footw ariaaaevieislalerei oe 30 6015 Corner Louis XIV each............ 1.50 6019 Corner Louis XIV each............ 1.00 6023 Corner Louis XIV each............ 3.00 Moulding per,toote oes csuresomise ek 1.20 Wall Panel Corners PLATE 107 JACOBSON & Co. TBS Pore SR yeas strip S for Cee 1g al may be omitied ror ow 4 wy a x= t= “ 3 P= = he eS 3 = = i a SS ol be) cs itted, € orn; n Yas eet Upholstery f b tid Sele eee be bbe Moprawreenscompe toner et 6024 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each....... $6.00 Moulding per foot....$ .60 6031 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... $1.50 Moulding per foot....$ .80 6025 Cornerpiece Adam each........... .80 Moulding per foot.... .36 6032 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .60 6026 Cornerpiece Italian each.......... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .60 6033 Cornerpiece Louis XV] each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .60 6027 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each....... 1.50 Moulding per foot.... .30 6034 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .40 6028 Cornerpiece Italian each.......... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .40 6035 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .60 6029 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.50 Moulding per foot.... .70 6036 Cornerpiece Italian each.......... 1.50 Moulding per foot.... .60 6030 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot.... .70 6037 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 2.50 Moulding per foot.... 1.00 PLATE 108 Wall Panel Corners ¥ . nin ey res a CaS Ke ee 2S_F uy (s) & 3 rip S { + i MY Oe , ro tery o) nojs material 4 U0} 6038 Cornerpiece Louis XIV eac z Cornerpiece Louis XIV each F Cornerpiece Louis XIV Moulding per foot : Moulding per foot... 3 Moulding per foot Center ornament . Cornerpiece Louis XVI eac FE Cornerpiece Louis XIV 6039 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... 1. Moulding per foot....... wc aveisra oe Moulding per foot Moulding per foot ; Cornerpiece Louis iB ‘ Cornerpiece Louis XIV 6039 Clasp over moulding each 5 Moulding per foot 3 Moulding per foot 6040 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each 3 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each. ates Cornerpiece Louis XIV Moulding per foot ‘ Moulding per foot é Moulding per foot Cornerpiece Louis XIV Note: Flanges for upholstery may be omitted. Moulding per foot Wall Panel Corners PLATE 109 JACOBSON & Co. Pe beens id Sa Upholsiery strip J fastening material F 6050 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... $1.00 Moulding per foot...$ .40 6061 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... $1.20 Moulding per foot...$ .24 6051 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... -60 Moulding per foot... .20 6062 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .30 6052 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .40 6063 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .40 6053 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .40 6064 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .30 6054 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... .60 Moulding per foot... .20 6065 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .40 6055 Cornerpiece Louis XIV each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .24 6066 Cornerpiece Louis XVI edch...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .40 6056 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .24 6067 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot.. 40 6057 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... -80 Moulding per foot... .24 6068 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .60 6058 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .40 6069 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.00 Moulding per foot... .60 6059 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... .80 Moulding per foot... .40 6070 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.20 Moulding per foot... .60 6060 Cornerpiece Louis XV each....... 1.00 Moulding per foot:.. .40 6071 Cornerpiece Louis XVI each...... 1.20 Moulding per foot... .50 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 110 Wall Panels a cies ats ° GOSZ (Se eas is: Se pip Egy poe Sa ge A ts, - NS te 3 Vag0¢Z Bx eo" i Spaistemaral ts 2301 Italian Renaissance each.......... $6.00 2307 Louis XVI each aieNahataveiehstets: ct sereho tianets $4.00 zol4 Louis XVI each. 32 2)5. ccnnseestecies $2000 2302 Italian Renaissance each.......... 4.00 2308 uouis OVE evel steeies accuse bier a as 4.00 2315 Lowls VE eachi 1-11. ciscnie eee 4.00 2303 Italian Renaissance each.......... 3.00 2309 Lowis. XVI @Aeb «cc «.sintiaalerncaa's oe 3.00 2316) Louis) XViE_ eaehinys cee ocr scsiecg gece 1.00 2304 Louis SVE Cacho ccc sicsiec cpeuscis vin’e os 4.00 2310 Louis) XVI c€aGhis jac ceca en wed wha 2.00 BORG TOwis, SEV (GACT s rete eactare toa wrenhevomers 1.00 2300 WuGuis; 2 V LeCAOii. cicleiclaverojeastane cnalelaies 3.00 2all Louls AVE Gach. viasvsmes cance ne eth 2.00 S318 Wtalian teach) 2s. aleiecesiuets tage tiecier 5 00 S305A Louis K VI CaChlieels 6 ccccicias cle ces 3.00 2312 Lewis: VE GAch tii. nee astn sas oa vier 2.00 2aL9 Ttaliast, eaenysn.c.c tlasrsem ereesres . 400 2306, Liawis SOVI each gids ne oleic OKO 2313 Lowis XVI eaeGh. sakes civ cc ac sen se 1.50 Wall Panels 2320 Georgian each 2ael itallan (eaeh sh tos cis.cccc: sale anhereiene ae PLATE 111 2324 Italian Renaissance each.......... $6.00 2325 Italian Renaissance each.......... 6.00 2326 Georgian: Gachie. pss cccieree eieraierdele 8.00 goe8 Utalian) CAch) cnc picrstsiain sists oteneterrsieetels 4.00 2328 \Ltaltany Gaon ole 5 cg. cise cies siete miele 4.00 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian JACOBSON & Co. Renaissance each.......... $4.00 Renaissance each per foot... 2.00 Renaissance each.......-.., 3.00 Renaissance each.......... 2.50 Renaissance cach.......... 5.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 112 Wail Panels O02 K,.O1 i 8 202 S0bz LOVZ 2401 Italian Renaissance each......... $12.00 2404 Italian Renaissance each......... $10.00 2407 Italian Renaissance each.......... $8.00 2402 Italian Renaissance each......... 12.00 %4au5 Llaliam Kenaissance each......... 10.00 2408 Italian Renaissance each.......... 8.00 2403 Italian Renaissance each......... 12.00 2406 Italian Renaissance each......... 8.00 Wall Panels PLATE 113 JACOBSON & Co. < 7x G10" PAL SlvZ R rs GIitZ Liv] J\v2 Ae 5x5-5" 2409 Italian Renaissance each..........$8.00 2413 Italian Renaissance each.......... $7.00 2417 Lowvis XVI each:...a weenie $7.00 2410 Italian Renaissance each.......... 8.00 2414 Italian Renaissance each.......... 7.00 2418 Italian Renaissance each.......... 8.00 2411 Italian Renaissance each.......... 8.00 2415 Italian Renaissance each.......... 7.00 2419 Italian Renaissance each.......... S.00 2412 Italian Renaissance each.......... 8.00 2416 Italian Renaissance each.......... 7.00 Wall Panels PLATE 114 cr Co! J ACOBSON % ', a y ea = hs sats Fad ter uA ach $40.00 ssance Art Stone e ian Renai laissance each........ te an R 4.00 4.00 issance Complete each 12.00 (SEW oy eWay acne h oat issance issance each......... 2.00 2429 Ita 2430 It 16.00 ENG Ue Son once e naissance each......... e naissane te an I 5.00 5.00 24.00 an Re 2431 Ita naissance each......... an Re 2432 Ita naissance Plaster each. . 2424 Ita . $12.00 VCR aretar aval enage 2420 Italian Renaissance a ims, Das) 8y & ft (Correct size 10.00 aissance each......... 2422A, B Italian Renaissance 2421 Italian Ren: 427 Ita 2 3.00 12.00 CPF sEon 2428 Ita E@SCVh smemcia le 2423 Italian Renaissance An additional charge will be made for changing length of panels. Wall Panels PLATE 115 JACOBSON & Co. S85 84 Se ERS SRE CEE SRS LS ace TERE SS ty Get ey Tow.4 7-1 rap I2"a 5-10" 2433 LiouiseX VI Gach ereucrccecersetete ciate «eats $20.00 2438. Louis XVI each. cin cuencesie pene $ 8.00 Extension per foot... Geter $ .90 2434 Louis XViE each se sccmtap evs vis -rs eh 12.00 2439 Louis’ XVI seach je.chtciaeaie eee 12.00 2443 Louis: XVI each)... cco selene 8.00 2435 Touts XV eaichi... 2... score ean 12.00 2440 Louis XVI each (see No. 2446)... 8.00 Extension, per’ foot... emai eee 1.20 2436 Louis! SL Vi eachiin. 2 ye tesa ea siorelet-s = 14.00 2441 Louis XVI each...\..52). ox anereeree at 14.00 2444 Louis XVI each..)...-ce. eee 2.00 2437 «Louis XIV each). . tuicauks ade was 8.00 2442 Louis XV each. ssuioeun dem omciee 3.00 2445 Louis: XIV each... wee ier 2.00 An additional charge will be made for changing length of panels. Wall Panels PLATE 116 Co. &F ] ACOBSON $2.50 2.50 - 2.00 6.00 2.50 2459 Wouis SVL each. ciecreie's oePele aiais) otters ao- i) XZ G WWouls: ASVeL (ae la cere siete ieeete tas seals aatiarc Louis XVI each 2460 Louis XVI ornament only each.... 2458) Louisi eX VE eaebyrc.c cei aiclerele-eishanercie or 9 10 ~~ + 2 nv -00 2.00 aa $ 8.00 2. 12-00) 00 2463 Louis XVE each in. ajc stesso «stale wholes Sance each.......25- cee ree ie alian Renais am each 2455 Louls 28 Vi Cachienijnmish ices cies 2454 Louis’ eV 1 evel. cence os svete vierete oO sOC UE cae A Do a e m= 2 1» 8 + 2m eooodc om 6 oS ASN A od aoad SAE en ey ea PR sees CH eens s Ziiig me ey ose Nott ela eave ie ah dae So a Sa 98 00 wu Soa a 4 ®vOdO & ae: a ot | Anan s tah feitep tel ten 20 6 0 8 HAHAH creas st HH tat tt NNNNN 3.00 246)- A.diatn- CaCl oc cpemic:cpaiessteus ste Peataaterebe y's An additional charge will be made for changing length of panels. Wall Panels PLATE 117 JACOBSON & Co. “ 2 NY iY x = a cy BY2"X 3-0" if 2472 2462 Italian Renaissance each......... 12.00 2466 Italian Renaissance each......... $ 6.00 2471 Louis XVI each s.-.) oa-e eee $2.50 2463 Adam), Gach's a.) s seats shale, oreo ote raral eee 12.00 ZAG EH (Adar CaChiviens -tercnsusteres eels Maar 6.00 2472. Louis XVI Cac sic: each ieachan veten cio creel $24.00 2510 Louis XIV top and bottom each..$ 4.00 Moulding per foot ame <1) sterne et 60 2508: Louls OV ea@eli. 5 sett cies she tee eiclels 18.00 Moulding: per Loot ye... s2- - ac e .30 2508: Louis sclv eae. soma nea sels 4.00 Moulding: (per £00 te). os GACH cits atone einen he austere 2.00 2549 Adan per LOO ters aa asceeleretercrersis .80 PACER) INES na WW eee Nel a Wemgerricts Hcbonteg Troar ica Cech hee) 6.00 2538 Adam, DEL LOO tere encacctioieldiseiereisietens .60 2543, Adanmiusper £oots je tees ersrerstnie etetens ls -60 2H34 24 Cam -eaiGhicy 21.10 eeu hens e eee eee 5.00 20o9 A:Giakmy WEI LOOUsms cit: te chsmererdre aie ens .80 O544 Adany per LOOP cma eee ska iepe eet -40 POS AGATE CEBU etch en laters skeen cnenstarers 6.00 2540 Adam!’ per LOO i.e syer cycts eye rpace eseiene. © -80 bast. ey OMe hog eet) 0 path Gino cin cls ok tle ni cies 8.00 PLATE 125 JACOBSON & Co. Panels 2546-2548 Louis XVI each.............$16.00 2551 Lowis: XVI each. 2.00. a —— | Fert itthh SRESDORREPARGEIREESAASS BOB PeAQAO OE 2625: Classi¢™ per £G0t cons selec sat ccasielens $1.60 2630, Louis Vii per footeueaaseeus cee $2.00 2635 Louis) Xvi per foot...+eesesneees $1.60 2626: Colonial per foot... oc... : cance vas 1.40 e6aL7Adarm por Sloot es aeemarlis ies ee 1.20 2636 Colonial per POOLE...» << «levels oar sistetate. 4 1.60 ROrs Adam Per. LOO'tcr em cemituswe eer trotre ene & 1.20 2632) Classic? per foQtaerei este araleielele ele te 1.80 263%. Adam, Wer Loot. «obtains aeneleleierertalet 1.00 ZOrorktalian, Her LOOt+. eres «hoses ede ee 1.60 2633 Italian Der FO0b Ties. 2 alec ee oe gerne 1.40 2638 Louis XVI per foot............... 2.00 G20 italian?’ per LOO Esai. 0 cis aclete «rsicasteeee 1.20, 2634, Golonial per MooOtia cits) .cclaeieiecs apelin 1.40 Cornices PLATE 131 JACOBSON & Co. rN Fo ~— ~ DD Rt Dh a ce a Be 8 RELEFEPF ER RO ETORDERERHTOEP PP TITY D Tere eo Sen eee eee rere ON 2639 Louis XVI per foot $2.00 2643 Louis XVI per foot 2647 Louis XVI per foot 2640 Louis XVI per foot 2644 Louis XV per foot 2648 Italian per foot 2641 Louis: XVI per foot. jeciu- cw. se es 2.00 2645 Italian per foot -0 2649 Louis XVI per foot 2642 Louis XVI per foot 2646 Italian per foot 0 2650 Louis XVI per foot JACOBSON & Co. PGGLTAGHEUANDEY WLOOb 2. toe esa sie cis tis aes $1.20 woos Adam “per f£o0t 5 iss 2-..clus a cere nes 1.00 Rhos AGAaAm: Per LOOE a2. 5 tiene tevin e ais lelvene 1.20 2604 Gouls, XVI per f00t. «< oso. sa eee : -1.60 2650. Louis’ XVI. per’ foot... ..50..5 56 008 1.00 *Ornament only. PLATE 132 Cornices 2656- Louis <:Vir per foatececce. sic «ten $1.20 "2657 Italian: per foots.3.0.- a wee ee -90 7658"Colonial) pers foob scum cence: 1.20 2659 Old English (per foot lo. cians 2 3.00 2660 Colonial per foot)... cghis sce gaan ¢ 1.60 (Correct size 7% in. P. x 7% in. D.) GGL Classie: per FOGt na ace cites ere oan $1.00 2662 Louis, XVI per: foot... 2h ses one - 1,50 2663: Old English per foot..........«.- met sk O) 2664, Classic per TOO) .<.1.« seme ereehierie oy 1.00 2665 Louis’ XVI per foot. ..55 5. -80 Centerpieces PLATE 133 Jacosson & Co. hc VeVi ey ‘ 2 ? % 1700 Italian Renaissance each seg Oo00 1702 Italian Renaissance each $5.00 1704 Italian Renaissance each.........$16.00 1701 Italian Renaissance each 6.00 1703 Italian Renaissance each........ 8.00 1705 Italian Renaissance each......... 24.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 134 Centerpieces R7OG6 Ttalian eachig,c).\5 npineciaenige te o.view $24.00 1709 italian eeachis cists -ielecnberclons testers $ 8.00 VOLS sataliar peach: weer tole reeneteretatetieiete $ 8.00 L7G Ttallan) eaehy. sis ccc. vineteetineivic.° 12.00 LUO Wtaliam, eae; sinaisjeip deiehelerstereree cea 16.00 LUIS Ptalian “eagion:..)5.o. ws oe cease 8.00 BGOK Ttaliean OBC dha cs ciclele pres eisieienen « 8.00 PULLS Ltalianea. chiviaetle petra dteteekereretntets 24.00 Centerpieces 1714 Adam each 1715 Adam each 1716 Adam each 2 eee os 00 8.00 12.00 117 1718 1719 PLATE 135 a \ a ’ AA See dd ft Vj AMA (CAC se,,.t5-sva sete eemeae eRe OL 0 A@am (GaGi ie icicios tse te nts eee ECO Adams each eyrae sre sop ooc Bicharscrm aL) JACOBSON & Co. 1720 Ltaliam each. i... oi. + se ee eeee 1721 Adam! €achi.2 v0 ..e shi, 1722 ItaHan’ each. 2 .).c).. «cee O! JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 136 Centerpieces ESTA COM MCACH ecg sciclerereiclaresetatateletelsiaiery $8.00 MGS E CA Game CA CH rata aie slelea/ weir isrelel ate eters) oye $ 8.00 VSL AmMem egehona.cicoe cera ee om aly $8.00 M24 PAGO IT “ORCI fos ies sheer oteleielie eh easiaienetr ete 4.00 M28) Alia Nach Sec sare oye sel eneienerersia)eis Ribas WRX!) EiS2) Adam) (eachihs ... + sae eee neOe 1774 German Gothic each........--... 8.00 1775 Louis XVI each.....20--n08 Pha ar Le OO JACOBSON & Co. 1776 Elizabethan each 1777 Flemish each.... 12.00 PLATE 142 UWS) Louls! KIEV TeOae ws wards esaereehate ree $8.00 D7 Wiizabethvam Ochs ca sider s «1s ese oleh 8.00 1780 French Gothic each 1781 Francis I each..... 1782 Tudor Gothic each. Centerpieces 6.00 10.00 JACOBSON & Co. ~ .$ 6.00 8 XIV eachiicina cist. semen 1788 Louis XLV eachia scien 1790 Louis =| ° =) ir) cc) re = Ss — So oO os oo OF wa eV, SORCMI, et. tien rains eV CaCl tora. umetonc memati XIV e PLATE 143 nn Gee 3 8 Oo .°9° HH no ax ears <= oso so oS bo oe | we L82A, Louis: XIV eel. cn. oce sae ee 1783 Louis XIV each Centerpieces LV Gachs istics. stereos x 8.00 BG Mice otousieuonenareMemcaereicreiass 7 Louis VW 8.00 LiS2 Lowis KcLV each Sync clei Centerpieces 1791 Louis XVI each... S Seo cern 7: 1793 Louis XVI each...... 5 .. -$20.00 1795 Louis XIV eacho... seeiesielon ee Seer OU: 1792 Louis XVI each... nies vee 30500! 1794 Louis XVI each..... on ... 20,00 1796 Old English each. ae . 24.00 1797 Moorish each..... 12,00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 145 Centerpieces een ae A. ie } — PRo.14" 3588 3584 French Renaissance each........ $12.00 3590. tone: ach. ok .meccm ce kia wie AEE 3596 Tonic €3.0h). 1. .ca. sc n each cnachessberetersrenscratetenetatede 4.00 3593 Tonic each sa sina vss akan d eae ete MeO 3599) Tomiie: (eae. 2 i's cox aca: th pns ete eee 4.00 BOSS AGAM VEAEH icc «101s cone cicvathaeiaiee he 6.00 3594, Tonle: each.» tte. bt ee are tee 2.50 3600 Tonle each: scm te cr ansielserieietoieretstienate 4,00 3589 French Renaissance each........ 2.00 3595 Tonic Gace. jac vase dhcclerien pee ese JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 161 Ionic Ionic Ionic Tonic 5 Tonic > Ionic Ionic PILASTER CAPS rf ae oe aan 4602 54olO Pro. 2” spies fy Seares AE S5E)5 Pro. 474 GACT ors, palabey cb atabecn miter eet ce $14.00 3G08. Tonic: Ca Ohix Sow exysiccsescletererererass euemeieracs $6.00 @EUCHR os cota al etelons hac ots reteusre tare nae 14.00 3609: Tonite’ Cache is tesla se cee meme? one ACI eleva sue css Vernon aeeochor choc 14.00 SGIO™ Lomie eaGhie) i cinetsie ersretehoussyn etevaiessieeue’ 5.00 GENTS R.agere cen G cenahrd os) Gctig Soa 10.00 SOLD Tonite each sr: quiere ais stereteisacia Sete: ea iene a 6.00 CASH Teisiare aha stele isitcotarches eet eis 8.00 SEUZ) TONIC GACT fotegeie: sieseieis ove farts ofan enslstervts 6.00 GACH a iedere cosas bretetaletenarens ore rererea 10.00 SGLS TONIC Cael arene selec ci eleier eset lars shevaterale 4.00 BAGH, Males mca Wiere hier eters 3.00 S614 Gronle peach focsie cease sis eisiotieke we eee 8.00 Pilaster - WA" ~ Pros.2" SELG “Loni CaiG Bs jc cue ous ores, ore cerane ee eo eialiay ee $8.00 3616 Tonic each. (5 cn tain aro ee =, oon 0 SELT sonic: CACHe acre midoy aeeaenc tate rers 6.00 SEIS: Lonic) Caen circ ewilele oti snciciy ereue/a ele eles 6.50 (Correct size 11% in. wide, 3% in. P.) SGE19: Tonle s Gacy, 5 «ate een reiernretsyate tiers inicio skeen 6.00 3620 Lonmle, Gach tian ce eieela es crite a aiclote 4.00 Caps Pilaster Caps PLATE 162 JACOBSON & Co. lo t | w Shes Prov.134 36358 3621 French Tonle each. .).0...0... occ. $9.00 362%. Tonic: €achaae casio a eee ener $8.00 3633 Ionie eaeb « 5 on eee 12.00 3863, Tonic: Gach s 5). <5 se 6 sinl-rsc te eee tee 12.00 3864 Tonie ‘eaeh'y,, j< Aan stesecetsle chester eens 12.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 167 Brackets 3001 each... .. veces: +. 6 $24.00 3004 each.......... SOOT BACs kiss asics thane : sme 2: 00, 3005 each........ SOO CAC Ss i ice aia acets Gee eeecoe meCRdyN 3006 each........ Brackets PLATE 168 JACOBSON & Co. SOLE HOW 5 ocho wis ozalaln ds lage a tebe averted LOMOG 3015" metre ne eee Lon O Ome BOLD Sach ices a Fis srs ace aw bs a ee ee SOLZ: GaChing-ntevaisten RS tale oie Meare ee LOE OO) 3016 each... doh Rkeraaie’s ate ie Cine ee ee 3020 each. «ica (ay pita) faha tote (alee taza OGEED SOLS CRC aati mcnalee sp ckee learn Ane BOLT “Gach. riccaiteG ee oe eee ae erehieas OCOD SORL CACM ais cczic shane sels e.diereke 5) MRONONEME aA Le eRe) BOLE OAC 5.5 caro: relieve teteetole eae erate Lec 0 3018 ‘each... c.cicicse alent enere nels mL e00 3022 Cah. oicisa s sis o amisrec civ + letersi ee amen Oo JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 169 Brackets Brackets PLATE 170 JACOBSON & Co. 3038 each $ 8.00 3043 each.... $10.00 3048 3039 each... e acate ; wckueta F « 12500 (Correct size 14 in. H., 15% in. Proj.) 3049 3040 each 8.00 3044 e 3050 (Correct size 10 in. H., 12 in. W., 3045 3051 3041 each 3046 eac : 3052 3042 each 3047 eac i 3053 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 171 Brackets and Key Blocks ORL EOACH «cis w ier iad at eles Coe OO 3060 teaclice: Mere oc oan oe eee . $6.00 $066: each. ))./..:abi Miao aie che OE gO SOD oe GHG rota th sw mann sie, nie Meevyaetosmia more SOO) SO06L eaehias hee doe bo PRR a ae Seer erm 0 (Also in 9% in. H., 7 in. W., 11% in. P.) SOSGCORCN sto raee et 2 hss Cir teen onde ae Las OU. 3062 eachis-o4-4, AES ARR Sis Ae oO) 3067 Gach... 6... cece e ee esse ee sews cece 200 3057 Pe eet eee ac00 3063 each........ Peace ces AAI (Also in 7% in. H., 7% in. W., 10% in. P.) SOKS coach A ation anomie 206L ea chee IRR ea 3068. each cisco ce a oe eee eee BO5O aaChinie omrict iceland fetes ae an GSO! S065, poacher ward tcs,teereruan eure eee OU 3069 each..... 1.62.22 52s eee reese eee eee 7.00 ; 2070 jeacheseun eee . 6.00 SOUL CACHe i cure seein: . 8.00 Brackets PLATE 172 JACOBSON & a , eee ad wo $4500 yee or08 8.00 4.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 173 Brackets PAI SE OR Brackets PLATE 174 JACOBSON & Co. oR Ra x % TEE = i i cea * each. . each. each. 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 175 Brackets 3143 each. 3150 each. 3157 3144 each. 5.00 3151 3145 each. 4.00 3152 3146 each. 4.00 3153 each. each. 3158 each. each, 3159 each. each. 3160 each. each. 3162 each. each. 3163 each. each. 3147 each. : 3.00 3154 3148 each... 3.00 3155 3149 each... 4.00 3156 (Correct size 6 i 11 % in. P.) Brackets and Corbels PLATE 176 JACOBSON & Co. 3206 B 5 - $8. each. 3207 aside @ ; each. 3208 mlere nha tate enatentten 40: & - es, each. 3209 Feet, Oe each arate silecssaiets each. 3210 : 4 5 cies a arNeta ee aan O's each. ai aie , each. 3211 eac 5 ‘ each. . : each. 3212 eac SyeePecetaes : each.. JACOBSON & Co. per per per per per per @ per per per per per per per PLATE 177 UO Oiarn lane ssauarstevits 'slesrisiaienaiscdusseloeere a Oe OO Cornice Brackets *, 3 : OZID {24 WwW. 314" oe te 1) Oicrarcrevette edaslerytatietretnuatarelassactixtess) ee $ 100 100 100 Corbels and Grotesque Brackets PLATE 178 JACOBSON & Co. A Grotesque each. 3 4 A 5737 Grotesque each...... ‘ 5742 Grotesque each. $ 6.00 5733B Grotesque each, ‘i 3 5738A, B. Grotesque each. 2 5743A, B Grotesque each... ~...- 10.00 5734A, B, C Grotesque each A 5739 Grotesque each...... 4 5744A, B Grotesque each... Cans ot S20 5735A, B Grotesque each..... 5740A, B Grotesque each. a astate , 5745A, B Grotesque each... Sina OLDS 5736A, B Grotesque each..... F 5741A, B Grotesque each. JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 179 Brackets, Supports, Grotesques 5746A, 5 5760 each... 5761 each... 5748A, B, C, D each i F 5762 each... B, C, D each. ; f 5763 each... B each 5764 each... 5765A, B each Standards, Hermae, Supports JIA each.. )1B each 2 each PLATE 180 JACOBSON & Co. | Reptig = 20%; > 2 A rit i PE Ee ea aac ediieie. as, 7° 8° HIGH PROS. oO; ABACYS to" MPO OR Tie eat one nae USN) 60.00 70.00 BIOS Gad. j5:<5: aerators we cae Se ee $24.00 é CACH ss... 5s sie%e10a7s a5: he eae re $12.00 ¢ 04 cach. fats 12.00 5706B each... »« 12.00 05A each : 5706C each 5B each o | my 57 57 , rl JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 181 Standards, Hermae, Supports ARACUS 1@” WIDE GANG AS OBIEIT Sha sere: oia 5 cic. eerste sence eee O00, FOS SOB CU i saone snus lepicea avenet anulerakeu Nereanp aise $150.00 SVLOA, By each: cap Maseeimianctete mete! ote uicvate. ove $16.00 S70%B complete each! .iu..25 5 006+ accces 40.00 SOD WR GU aC Gee av cucuetei evar cuescucrsuelceaieve 90.00 SULD OBC, age lets icalee sisheuste ateneeel ee warren acend 24.00 Caryatides hea ne -1k | ees IB Fihs: Groves wer CHCl wcrc) roinatie ete veers 5714 Grotesque each LD GACH lata enone css 5716 each... 3. BREE) OPTI S Creche crtie hit BOL CRCD Rates ateletie BULLS: GACH yises te: ees PLATE 182 Woon tte 5724 HAF 5730A 57508 wh Ra Che ret etrmryrntc .C AAO cnGAO ice SS acts oc $ 6.00 5720 Art Nouveau each................ 12.00 5721A and B Grotesque each.......... 8.00 BUPe CAC ene cie aio lesaisieeeleie selenetenemeuenrue terete 6.00 EPICS) ose oenic tres Latatists /onevenohe rele torent Rete ave 6.00 yet Scr he) AeA CAA ea Ofte ta oticc.cice nasil Be Bi COLT. sivas. nse .a.e1 eats, hsteey ena sete eae 4.00 2o*°— — — —»> a ne PROJ.2" 5725 ee 5726 each.... 5727 Raed ach... a BU28A. and, B Cachet it. Sic scrcperedeete ent enenens 5729 each.... 5730A, B eachts.a.0)4. 6 poeaee eee 5731 each.... 5732A and. Bo Cael; iis smls iia crisis pavereewiennns JACOBSON & Co. y es a ‘Tt | ‘ \ | | i Pros. 134° 5727 <3 + B/ScAo ms oee ea a. al eoulva any fa128 fe SRR ea aia 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 JACOBSON & Co. PLATE 183 Eagles, Etc. BUTS sats Yo cays ya i enc c cate Reo ha MhaearotausUruel nein > ava $16.00 { 2ALC $ 6.00 OG Cl itemeycaat bien, oceuwiatelay et ecths tl ansutes harrars, eee 20.00 5772 12.00 16.00 F M ‘ = ' : 3 , é f t ‘ F a : iit ‘ ; . +3 - z= ' a 3 ; @ * jf *) as WAY ‘ ¥ . = rs ; *, ‘ = . z ‘ ‘ ee, OT Se ee | ‘e ait Ws ye ES ah j 4 : “sap GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE rua 3312 esate Pr opad jscetet apeestene