shes caaihaas ayia Tying} Snake ¢ . of Mas Hay foe Fa EE OE par a Bb gh sro VL I tg Nag at MS opt a'b Beh a sats toae wie ah fet ow, Wal feet bad SP 38 Hof 03 tab Aral atest Pree Pei GPx ain Puyo ye oalt a « aes Wevoa sd re Bana ae ae tet pe Dae pay Fett ety ius Chiat oy Td eae E ah stingy UN Moule fi coey tne Beyres a aenT| Pty hyn ae bey Maer ty ay? ede sy be pet yt ay = i ea aap SR sigeriars ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1913 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE LATE M. C. D. BORDEN, Esa. iN TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17th, 1913 AT 8.15 O’CLOCK, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 2.30 anp 8.15 O’CLOCK P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK Crh Be EP CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE LIBRARY FORMED BY THE LATE M. C. D. BORDEN, Eso. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 4 TO 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1913 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless other- wise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold them: selves responsibie if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is rep- resented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary ; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the de- faulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the. Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the bust- ness of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. a “ss THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ORDER OF SALE MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 171TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE Nos. 1 To 179 INCLUSIVE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 18TH. BEGINNING AT 2.80 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE Nos. 180 ro 367 INCLUSIVE TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE Nos. 368 to 522 INCLUSIVE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 19TH BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE Nos. 5283 ro 690 INCLUSIVE WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19TH. BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE Nos. 691 To 888 INCLUSIVE * NOTE: These books are all in splendid condition, such minor defects as exist being due to the general effects of time; such as the dulling of the gilding or the slight discoloration of delicate shades of leather. As the extraordinary number of beautiful bindings is a special feature of this collection, it has been thought desirable to describe them with greater elaboration than is usual, following the privately printed catalogue as closely as practicable. In every volume will be found one of the two sizes of the book-plate engraved by E. D. French for Mr. Borden. The Daly-Borden collection of views of New York City and the plates in the extra-illustrated Life of Washington have been catalogued by Mr. Robert Fridenberg. i f & 7 . x . sly FS ‘ ‘ ‘ wate ia Es i i : ¥ 4 F ‘ * my a t “ ae et ' ‘ 1 . wt Soar Bis fr UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17th, 1913 AT 8.15 O’CLOCK, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 2.30 AND 8.15 O’CLOCK P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ‘‘ ORDER OF SALE’’ PAGE 1A BECKETT, Gitpert ABportt. Tue Comic History or Eneianp. With ten colored etchings, and one hundred and twenty wood-cuts, by John Leech. 8vo. Published at the Punch Office, 85, Fleet Street. 1847. Two Volumes. THe Comic History or Rome. Illustrated by John Leech. 8vo. Published by Bradbury and Evans, 11, Bouverie Street, Whitefriars. [London.| [1851.] Together, 3 volumes. Bound from the original parts, with the green pictorial paper wrappers preserved. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of gold-tooling, panels of inlaid blue levant in the corners, gold- tooled, and in the center of both covers a figure from the book inlaid in blue, white, pink, yellow, red and brown levant, doublure of blue levant with a heavily gold-tooléd diaper, flies of red watered- silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. 2 ACKERMANN, R. THE Microcosm oF Lonpon; or, London in Miniature. 4to. R. Ackermann’s Repository of Arts. No. 101, Strand. [1808.] Three Volumes. With the plates by Rowlandson and Pugin, engraved by Har- raden, Bluck, Stadler, Hill, Sunderland, and Sutherland; all being splendid impressions, colored by hand. Full red crushed levant morocco, with simple fillets on the edges of covers, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviére. 3 ACKERMANN, R. TuHeE History oF THE ABBEY CHURCH OF ST. PETER’s, WESTMINSTER, Its Antiquities and Monuments. 4to. London: Printed for R. Ackermann. 1812. Two Volumes. With the plates by Pugin, Mackenzie, White, Villiers, Thompson, Unwins, and Shepherd; and engraved by Bluck, Mitan, Sutherland, Hamble, Lewis, and others; all being splendid im- pressions, colored by hand. Full red crushed levant morc.¢co, with simple fillets on the edges of covers, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviere. 4 ACKERMANN, R. A History oF THE UNIVERSITY OF OxrorD, Its Col- leges, Halls, and Public Buildings. 4to. London: Printed for R. Ackermann. 1814. Two Volumes. With the plates by Pugin, Nash, Mackenzie, and Westall; and engraved by Bluck, Lewis, Havell, Reeve, Sutherland, Hill, Stad- ler, and Bennett; also a series of costume plates drawn by Unwins and engraved by Agar; all being splendid impressions, colored by hand. | Full red crushed levant morocco, with simple fillets on the edges of covers, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviere. 5 ACKERMANN, R. A History oF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Its Col- leges, Halls, and Public Buildings. 4to. London: Printed for R. Ackermann. 1815. Two Volumes. With the plates by Westall, Pugin, and Mackenzie; and en- graved by Stadler, Havell, and Bluck; also a series of costume plates drawn by Unwins and engraved by Agar; all being colored by hand. Full red crushed levant morocco, with simple fillets on the edges of covers, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviére. 6 ACKERMANN, R. THe History oF THE COLLEGES OF WINCHESTER, ETON AND WESTMINSTER; with the Charter-House, the Schools of St. Paul’s, Merchant Taylors, Harrow and Rugby, and the Free-School of Christ’s Hospital. 4to. London: Printed for and published by R. Ackermann. 1816. With the plates drawn by Westall, Mackenzie, Pugin, and Gendall; and engraved by Havell, Stadler, and Bennett; also a series of costume plates drawn by Unwins and engraved by Agar; all being splendid impressions, colored by hand. Full red crushed levant morocco, with simple fillets on the edges of covers, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt edges, by Riviére. 7 ACKERMANN, R. A History oF THE UNIVERSITY OF OxrForD, Its Col- leges, Halls, and Public Buildings. 4to. London: Printed for R. Ackermann, 1814. Two Volumes. This work contains 81 colored plates by Westall, Mackenzie, Pugin, Nash, etc., and portraits from the Bodleian Library. A very fine, clean copy in a contemporary binding. Bound in full russia, marbled edges. gs AEKRONAUTICA. A REMARKABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF 808 Prints, ArticLes, Portraits, Views, ADVERTISEMENTS, Brits, Posters, Music, CARicaTuRES, etc., all relating to BALLOONS AND BALLOONING, comprising illustrations of the Flying Ship, the Chavalant or Kite Carriage, the Aérial Ship, Globe Aérostatique, Ascent of MM. Charles et Ro- bert, Départ de MM. Charles et Robert, Jardin des Tuileries, Machine Aérostatique de Messrs. L. Abbé Midan et Janninet, Mr. Lunardi ascending from the Artillery Ground, Moorfields, Ascent of Mr. Blanchard from Chel- sea, The Perilous Situation of Major Money, Ascent of Mr. Sadler at Oxford, The Fortress in the Green Park with Balloon Ascent, The Pagoda and Bridge in St. J ames’ Park with Balloon Ascent, The First Balloon within the Arctic Circle, Descent of Mr. Livingstone on the Coast of the County Dublin, Opening of New London Bridge with Balloon Ascent, The Vauxhall Royal Balloon, The Great Montgolfier Balloon, Mr. Graham’s Ascent at the Opening of New Hungerford Market, The Flying Steamship (Pocket Handkerchief), The Century of Invention (Pocket Handkerchief); BILLS AND POSTERS of Mr. Green’s Ascents from various places throughout the Country, of Ascents at Vauxhall Gardens, of Balloon Races, and of Ascents from the Surrey Zodlogical Gardens; PORTRAITS of V. Lunardi, J. P. Blanchard, F'. Pilatre de Rozier, Mr. Sadler, J. M. Hobart, Monsieur Garnerin, John Hampton, &c.; PRINTS of Balloons, VIEWS, Part of Mr. Green’s Balloon, AUTOGRAPH LET- TERS of Montgolfier (4), etc., all neatly mounted, or inlaid where necessary, with specially designed title-pages, and indices. Foho. Two Volumes. Full black crushed levant morocco, sides and back tooled in gold, doublure of red crushed levant, tooled in dentelle, gilt edges. 9 AINSWORTH, Wiu14am Harrison. Works. A COLLECTED SET OF THE First ILLUSTRATED Enirions; as follows: Rooxwoop: A Romance. The Fourth Edition. Complete in one volume, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank. Crown 8vo. London. 1838. Etched extra-title, with original cover preserved. Portrait. JACK SHEPPARD: A RomANcE. With Illustra- tions by George Cruikshank. 8vo. London. 1839. Three Volumes. With portrait. Original covers preserved. THE Tower oF Lonpon: A Histroricat Ro- MANCE. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. Crown 8vo. London. 1840. Guy FawkEs: or, THE GUNPOWDER TREASON. An Historical Romance. With Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo. London. 1841. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. THE Miser’s Daucuter: A Tate. With Iillus- trations by George Cruikshank. 8vo. London. 1842. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Winpsor CasTLE. AN HisToricAL ROMANCE. New Edition. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. With designs on wood, by W. Alfred- Delamotte. Crown 8vo. London. 1842. _ With portrait and engraved extra-title. Original covers pre- served. [9 Continued | SAIntT JAMEs’s: oR, THE Court OF QUEEN ANNE. An Historical Romance. With Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo. London. 1844. Three Volumes. AURIOL: oR, THE Exrxir oF Lire. Being “Rev- elations of London; First Series.” Illustrations by “Phiz.” Crown 8vo. London. 1845. Portrait inserted, and original wrappers preserved. Oxvp Sarnt Pauw’s: A TALE OF THE PLAGUE AND THE Fire. New Edition. With Illustrations by John Franklin and H. K. Browne. Crown 8vo. Lon- don. 1847. Etched extra-title, and original covers preserved. Cricuoton. Third Edition, Revised. With Il- lustrations by Hablot K. Browne. Crown 8vo. London. 1849. Etched extra-title, and original covers preserved. — JAMES THE SECOND: oR, THE REVOLUTION OF 1688. An Historical Romance. 12mo. London. 1849. Three Volumes. Illustration by S. W. Buss. THE F.itcH oF Bacon: or, THE Custom or Dunmow. A Tale of English Home. With Illustrations by John Gilbert. 12mo. London. 1854. Original covers preserved. THe LANCASHIRE WircHEs: A ROMANCE OF PENDLE Forest. Third Edition. Illustrated by John Gil- bert. Crown 8vo. London. 1854. Original covers preserved. [9 Continued | Bawuuaps: RomMANTIC, FANTASTICAL, AND Hvu- morous. Illustrated by John Gilbert. 12mo. London. 1855. Original covers preserved. Tue SrenpTHRiFT: A Tare. With Illustra- tions by Hablot K. Browne. Crown 8vo. London. 1857. Original covers preserved. THe StTar-CHAMBER: AN Historica Ro- MANCE. Illustrated by “Phiz.” Crown 8vo. London. 1857. Original covers preserved. Mervyn CuirHeror. Illustrated by Hablot K. Browne. Crown 8vo. London. 1858. Original covers preserved. OvINGDEAN GRANGE: A TALE OF THE SOUTH Downs. Illustrated by Hablot K. Browne. Crown 8vo. London. 1860. Original covers preserved. THE CONSTABLE OF THE TowER: AN HistTor- 1cAL Romance. Illustrated by John Gilbert. 12mo. London. 1861. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Tue Lorp Mayor or Lonpon: or, City LIFE IN THE Last CentTURY. 12mo. London. 1862. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. [9 Continued] CARDINAL PoLe: or, THE Days oF PHILIP AND Mary. An Historical Romance. 12mo. London. 1868. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. JOHN Law: THE PROJECTOR. 12mo. Lon- don. 1864. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. THE SPANISH MatTcH: oR, CHARLES STUART AT Mapripv. 12mo. London. 1865. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. THE CONSTABLE DE BouRBON. 12mo. London. 1866. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. . Oxp Court. A Nove. 12mo. London. 1867. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. MyppLETON PomFret. A NovEut. 12mo0. Lon- don. 1868. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Hiuary St. Ives. A Novet. 12mo. London. 1870. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. BoscoBE.: or, THE Royau Oak. A Tale of the . Year 1651. Lllustrated by I. H. Rimbault. 12mo. Lon- : don. 1872. Three Volumes. | Original covers preserved. [9 Continued | Tur Goop OLp Times: THE Story OF THE MANCHESTER REBELS OF *45. 12mo. London. 1873. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Merry ENGLAND: oR, NOBLES AND SERFS. 12mo. London. 1874. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Preston Ficut: or, THE INSURRECTION OF 1715. A Tale. 12mo. London. 1875. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. THe GowupsmitH’s Wire. A Tale. 12mo. London. 1875. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Tuer LEAGUER OF LAatHOM: A TALE OF THE Crvit WAR IN LANCASHIRE. 12mo. London. 1876. Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Tue Fatt or SomMeERSET. 12mo. London. 1877. Three volumes. Original covers preserved. BEATRICE TYLDESLEY. 12mo. London. 1878. Three Volumes. Breau Nasu: or, Bato IN THE EIGHTEENTH CrenTurRY. 12mo. London. [1879.] Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. [9 Continued | 10 STANLEY BrerRETON. 12mo. London. [1881.] Three Volumes. Original covers preserved. Together, 85 volumes. London: v. d., v. s. Full red crushed levant morocco, with a floriated design gold-tooled on backs, inside edges in dentelle, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. ALBUM. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS FROM THE EMPRESS JOSEPHINE AND QUEEN HorTENSE, ali addressed to MONSIEUR LE CoMTE DE LAVALETTE. With numerous rare Portraits, and other interesting historical matter. Folio. This Unique collection contains 11 autograph letters, 6 portraits, etc., etc. Enclosed is a certificate vouching for the authenticity of the autographs and writings from the French ex- pert on autographs, Noel Charavay, dated May 31, 1900. In- cluded are the following: Portrait of Bonaparte, in color. A. L. S. of Napoleon I to tke “Ministre de la Guerre,” dated Paris, le 21 frimaire an XII de la République Frangaise. Signed “Bonaparte.” A. L. S. of Napoleon I to Monsieur le Duc de Cavour [ Mon- sieur Méneval, his secretary}, dated April 20, 1812. ‘Signed AIPA SEG Portraits of the Empress Josephine, in color; one by Isa- bey. (2) A. L. S. from the Empress Josephine to le Comte de Lavalette, with an addressed envelope and seal. Signed “Josephine.” ‘(5) Original Bills of Josephine, dated 1809. (4) An engraved portrait of “‘la Reine Hortense.” A. L. S. of Queen Hortense, to le Comte de Lavalette, dated 1821, 1824, 1827, 1829. Signed “Hortense.” (4) A. L. S. of Eugéne Beauharnais, dated Dec. 18, 1815. Signed “Pr. Eugene.” An Engraving of a Seal, bearing the Imperial arms and like- nesses of Napoleon and Josephine. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled borders, doublure of wine-colored leather, richly decorated in gold . | ; [10 Continued | 11 in the Empire style, with wreaths bearing the initial J, the Napoleonic bee, etc., flies of green brocaded-silk, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. ALBUM. Berry, DucHEss DE. ALBUM; ONCE BELONGING TO THE DucuHess DE Berry; containing 36 Autograph Letters, Signed Documents, Official Communications, etc., etc., of the Kings and Queens of France from Francis I to Henry, Comte de Chambord, the heir to the throne after the estab- lishment of the Republic. Also, 7 rare prints illustrating events during the period, and 42 beautiful folio engraved portraits, exceedingly rare and choice, of French royal personages. All mounted on heavy paper with protecting flies. Oblong folio. This unique volume contains letters and prints in absolutely perfect condition. The authenticity of these writings 1s vouched for by Noel Charavay, the French expert in autographs, who ex- amined them in 1899, and gives his certificate, which is enclosed, dated May 31, 1900, of their genuineness. A list of the documents, autographs, and prints follows: A. L. S. of Francois I** a Leo X, dated April, 1518, with seal. Signed “Francois.” A. L. S. of Alienor d’Autriche, femme de Francois I**, dated March 28, 1530. Vellum. Signed with a monogram. A. L. S. of Henry II, dated July 22, 1551, with seal. Signed “Henry.” A. L. S. of Catherine de Medicis, dated August, 1587. Signed “Catherine.” A. L. S. of Francois II, dated 1559, on parchment. Signed “Francois.” A. L. S. of Charles IX, dated January, 1568, to the Duc d’Anjou, with seal. Signed “Charles.” A. L. S. of Isabelle, femme de Charles IX, dated February, 1582. Signed “Jsabelle.” A. L. S. of Henri ITI, dated Paris, March 10, 1585. Signed “Henri.” A. L. S. of Louise de Piedmont, femme de Henri III, with seal, dated September, 1594. Signed with a monogram. [11 Continued | A. L. S. of Henry IV, dated July, 1577. Signed “Henry.” A. L. S. of Marguerite de Valois, I*** femme de Henry IV. Signed “Marguerite.” ; A. L. S. of Marie de Medicis. Signed “Marie.” A. L. S. of Gabrielle d’Estrees, Duchesse de Beaufort. Signed “Gabrielle d’Estrees.” A. L. S. of Louis XIII & M. de Montbazon, dated August, 1627, signed “Louis”; and another D. S. dated 1606, signed “Louis.” An official document. A. L. S. of Anne of Austria, femme de Louis XIII, dated December 6, 1657. Signed “Anne.” A. L. 8. of Cardinal Richelieu, with seal. Signed “Ecard de Richelieu.” A. L. S. of Louis XIV & son cousin Prince Rogolzi, dated June, 1707, with seal. Signed “Louis.” A. L. S. of Marie Thérése d’Autriche, a “Nostre Tressainct Pere le Pape,” dated April, 1661, with seals. Signed “Marie Zevege.” A. L. S. of Marquise de Maintenon. Signed “Maintenon.” A. L. S. of Olimpe de Mancini, Comtesse de Soissons, dated January 31, 1676. . Signed “‘Olimpe de Mancini, Comtesse de Sotssons.”’ : A. L. 8. of Cardinal Mazarin, dated July 3, 1649. With seal. Signed “Ecard Mazarini.” A. L. S. of Messire Nicholas Foucquet. Signed “Foucquet.” A. L. S. of Marie, Princesse de Pologne, Reine de France et de Navarre, on parchment, dated April, 1766. Signed “Marie.” A. L. S. of Marquise de Pompadour a le Duc Daiguillon, with seal. A. L. S. of la Comtesse du Barry, dated 1779. Signed “La Comtesse du Barry.” ; | D. S. of Louis XVI, dated April, 1788. An official document. | Signed “Louis.” A. L. 8. of Marie Antoinette, dated 1783. Signed “Marie Antoinette.” A. L. S. of Louis XVIII 4 son Frére, dated February 16, 1820. Signed “Louis.” A. L. S. of Marie Josephine Louise de Savoie, femme de Louis XVIII, dated June 24, 1780. Signed “Marie Josephine Louise.”’ [11 Continued | D. S. of Charles X, dated Feb. 10, 1792. An official printed document on parchment. Signed “Charles Philippe.” D. S. of Marie Therese, Princess de Savoie, Comtesse d’Artois, dated 1786, with seal. An official document, on parch- ment. Signed “Marie Louise.” A. L. S. of Louis Philippe 4 le Comte Davous, dated Nov. 20, 1836. Signed “Louis Philippe.” A. L. S. of Marie Amélie, reine de Louis Philippe, dated April, 1835. A. L. S. of Marie Caroline, Duchesse de Berri, dated April 25, 1843. Signed “Marie Caroline.” A. L. S. of Henry, Comte de Chambord, and heir to the French throne. Dated June 28, 1844. Portraits; Rare Engravings, Lithographs, and Colored Prints, mostly in folio, of Francois I, Alienor, Henry II, Catherine de Medicis, Francois II, Charles IX, Henry III, Queen Louise, Henry IV, Marguerite de Valois, Marie de Medicis, d’Estrees, Louis XIII, Queen Anne, Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin, Louis XIV, Marie Therese, Maintenon, Olimpe de Mancini, Foucquet, Queen Marie, Marquise de Pompadour, Comtesse du Barry, Ludwig XV, Caroline Ferdinande Louise, Diane de Poitiers, Mary Queen of Scots, Frederick of Denmark and Norway, Louise de Lorraine, Christophile de Thou, Ludwig XIII, Nell Gwynne, Frederic, Louis XVII, Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, Marie Jose- phine, Charles X, Marie Therese, Louis Philippe, Marie Amélie, Marie Caroline, and Henry :—all being rare engraved portraits by Lefevre, Lignon, Dupin, Cathelin, Legrand, Louvion, Bartolozzi, Morin, Falck, Petit, Wille, Tardieu, Baudemont, Gudin, Chasteau, Edelinck, Montague, De Leu, l’Armessin, Porbus, Halbeeck, L. Gaultier, Mafne, Lubin, Moncornet, Littret, Le Beau, Giffart, and Nanteuil; after paintings by Marilly, Schénan, Van Loo, Francois, Van Mot, Janet, Gosse, Hesse, Bonet, Dumont, Parrocel, Lely, Zuccheri, Drouais, Holl, Gerard, and Winterhalter. Among the rarer prints are: “The Procession of the League against Henry IV,” 1593; “Massacre de Henry le Grand,” 1610; “La Joye de la France,” 1638; “Les Trésors de la Paix’; “Repré- sentation exacte du Grand Collier en Brillants des S’S Boohmer et Bassenge’ (Diamond Necklace) ; “T'u Réves en Lua,” etc., by Janet, Gasp, Falck, etc., etc. Full purple crushed morocco, with borders of inlaid panels in yellow, red, and green leathers, center panel of cream-colored [11 Continued] 12 13 leather with the portico of the Pantheon inlaid in green, red, and brown, and gold-tooled, doublure and flies of green watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by Simier. ALBUM. ALBUM ARTISTIQUE DE LA REINE HortTeENsE [ Kugénie de Beauharnais]. Livre d’Art de la Reine Hortense. Une Visite 4 Augsburg, Esquisse Biographique, Lettres, Des- sins et Musique. Paris: Hengel & Cie, Editeurs. Ob- long 4to. Uniaue. Exrri-Intustrratep by the insertion of numerous choice and beautiful plates; chromolithographs, etchings, litho- graphs, and engravings, many in color; of Hortense, Napoleon I, Josephine, Louis Napoleon, Alexander I, etc., by Adam, Bazin, Morinet, Lignon, Thibault, Giroux, Ruet; after Meissonier, Lemer- cier, Zimermann, Gérard, Scheffer, Vigneron, Lethiére, and others ; two Autograph Letters of Louis Napoleon, one of Hortense; the Hopwood colored plates of the court dress of the period, etc., etc., each mounted on a hinge, with borders of gold and black. Full light green crushed levant morocco, panels tooled with the Napoleonic bee; and the H and Crown, doublure of levant, with purple borders and cream-colored panels, with the bee, the H and Crown, and violets tooled in gold, flies of brocaded-silk, gilt edges, by Ritter. ALBUM. Marie-Louise [or Austria], IMPERATRICE DES FRAN- CAIS, 2 FEMME DE NApoLrEon [®8, Précieuse Correspon- dance de Marie-Louise 4 Marie-Amélie, alors duchesse d’Orléans; Colorno, Parme, 1816-1821. 20 pages in 8vo. Mounted on heavy paper. With 6 exceedingly rare por- traits (1 in color) ; of Napoleon I, Marie Louise (8) and Le Duc de Reichstadt (2), by Mécon, Martinet, Auber, Schiavoni, and Isabey. This uniqvE collection also contains an A. L. S. of Napoleon I to Monsieur Perregaux, signed “Napoleon,” dated at “Milan le 20 floréal an 13,” with the envelope and seal. Full red morocco, with clusters of roses in center, and borders of flowers and scroll designs, doublure and flies of green watered- silk, with the Napoleonic arms, gilt edges, by Oliviert. - ate 14 ALBUM. Napo.rEon I“ Et Son Temps. Autographes et Gravures. Containing 63 Autograph Letters, 205 portraits (mostly colored), 13 plates illustrative of Napoleon’s Life, etc., ete. Oblong Ato. These unique and original historical documents are vouched for by the autograph expert, Noel Charavay, of Paris, to whom they were submitted for examination. His certificate is enclosed. Included in this collection are the following: A. L. S. of Cardinal Fesch, dated Rome, 26 Germinal an 12, to General Hédonville. Signed “Le Cardinal Fesch.” A. L. S$. of Joseph Bonaparte, dated Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1818. Signed “Joseph.” A. L. S$. of Lucien Bonaparte 4 Le Ministre de ]’Intérieur, dated Paris, le 29 Thermidor an 8. Signed “L. Bonaparte.” A. L. S. of Louis Napoleon a Monsieur Gaudin, dated Sept. 17, 1807. Signed “Louts.” A. L. S. of Queen Hortense, dated May, 1832. Signed “Hor- tense.” A. L. S. of Caroline Murat, dated March 28, 1820. Also a 2-page sheet in the boyish handwriting of Frang¢ois, the Duc de Reichstadt; the autographs in letters and official docu- ments of Louis Napoleon, Marie Julie, la femme de Lucien Bona- parte, Jérdme Bonaparte, Marie Anne Elisa, Pauline Bonaparte, Murat, Eugéne, Auguste Amélie, Ney, Beurnonville, Macdonald, Lefebre, Suchet, Junot, Soult, Talleyrand, Bessiéres, Rapp, Kel- lermann, Bertrand, Les Cases, Bourrienne, Gourgaud, Montholon, Marchand, and twenty-nine others. Also rare portraits, some proof impressions, and many in color: of Napoleon I, Charles and Laetitia Bonaparte, Cardinal Fesch, Josephine, Hortense, Joseph Napoleon, Fran¢ois, Duc de Reichstadt, Marie Julie, Lucien and Jéréme Bonaparte, Catherine, Louis Napoleon, Pauline Bonaparte, Caroline Murat, Murat, Les Cases, Talleyrand, Bertrand, Marie Louise, EKugéne de Beau- harnais, all of Napoleon’s Marshals and Generals, etc., etc. En- graved by Hopwood, Sevius, Pigeot, Gottschik, Bosselman, Bovinet, Mecon, Steinmiiller, Pound, Benoist, Lunt, Wolffe, Chollet, Huot, Giroux, Delpech, Charlet, Manduison, Menul, Geoffroy, Doherty, Portman, Pedretti, Fromentin, Desjardins, Goutiére, Fournier, Bulland, etc., etc., after paintings by Girodet, Gérard, Isabey, [14 Continued] 15 Sandoz, Lefevre, Desnoyers, Girard, Marcke, Boudon, Rittner, Waltner, Gihant, Vautier, Bordes, Ender, Delorme, Elmérich, Gouband, Millet, Philippoteaux, etc., etc. Also 18 plates illustrative of Napoleon’s Life; including “Entrée des Francais dans Milan, Moskow, Vienne, Berlin,” etc., by Vernet, Compte, Couché, and Swebach; “Predilection de la Famille Bonaparte,” by Raffet; “Le Couronnement,” by Marchais; etc., etc., by David, Gérard, Couché, and others. Also a printed Original Proclamation from Napoleon to his Army (4 pp.) dated March, 1815. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with the Napoleonic arms in gold in center of covers, with Grecian borders, doublure of cream-colored crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled bees and inlaid violets in mosaic, wide bands of lilac morocco, gold- tooled flies of pink silk, gilt edges, by David. ALDINE POETS. Tue ALDINE EpITION oF THE BritisH Poets. A col- lected set of First Editions, viz.: —— AKENSIDE. London. 1835. BEatTtTiz. London. 1881. Burns. London. 1839. Three Volumes. Butter. London. 1835. Two Volumes. CuHaucer. London. 1845. Six Volumes. CuHurcHILL. London. 1844. | Three Volumes. Coutuins. London. 1830. Cowrer. London. 1830. Three Volumes. Drypen. London. 1832. Four Volumes. [15 Continued] Fatconer. London. 1836. GoutpsmitH. London. 1881. Gray. London. 1847. — Mitton. London. 18382. Three Volumes. ParRNELL. London. 18383. Port. London. 1831. Three Volumes. Prior. London. 1835. Two Volumes. SHAKESPEARE. London. 18382. SPENSER. London. 1839. Five Volumes. SurREY. London. 1831. — _ Swirt. London. 1833. Three Volumes. TuHomson. London. 18380. Two Volumes. —— Wuiter. London. 1830. —— Wratt. London. 1881. Younc. London. 1884. Two Volumes. Together, 58 volumes. 16mo. With the vignette. London: William Pickering. v. d. Full polished calf, with the Aldine device gold-tooled on the sides, titles on inlaid blue morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 16 17 ALEXANDER, Witiiam. [Earu or STreuine. | A PAR2NESIS TO THE Prince. By William Alexander of Menstrie. 4to. London: Printed by Richard Field for Edward Blount. 1604. First Epirion of a very rare book. Full crimson crushed levant morocco, with a wide border on sides in square compartments of inlaid orange and brown morocco upon which are tooled delicate scroll and geometrical figures with background in pointillé, title in center panel, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviere. AMERICAN SPORTSMAN’S LIBRARY, THE. Tur AMERICAN SporTsMAN’S Lisrary. Edited by Cas- par Whitney. Tue Deer Famity. By Theodore Roosevelt, T. S. Van Dyke, D. G. Elliott, and A. J. Stone. Lllus- trated by Carl Rungius and others. New York. 1902. ——-— Upianp Game Birps. By Edwin Sandys and T. S. Van Dyke. Illustrated. New York. 1902. SALMON AND Trout. By Dean Sage, C. H. Townsend, H. M. Smith, and William C. Harris. Illus- trated. New York. 1902. THE WATERFOWL Famizty. By L. C. Sanford, L. B. Bishop, and T. S. Van Dyke. New York. 1903. Bass, P1xkrE, PERcH AND OTHERS. By James A. Henshall, M.D., author of “Book of the Black-Bass,” New York. 19038. With many illustrations by Martin Justice and others. Tue Bic GAME FIsHEs OF THE UNITED STATES. By Charles Frederick Holder. New York. 1908. With many illustrations by C. F. W. Mielatz. THE Sportinc Doc. By Joseph A. Graham. With many illustrations. New York. 1904. ey, a a [17 Continued | Musxk-ox, Bison, SHEEP AND Goat. By Caspar Whitney, George Bird Grinnell, and Owen Wister. New York. 1904. With many illustrations by Carl Rungius. AMERICAN YACHTING. By W. P. Stephens. New York. 1904. With many illustrations by E. A. Schell and Carlton T. Chapman. Tuer TROTTING AND THE PaAcinG HorsE IN AmeERICA. By Hamilton Busbey. New York. 1904. With many illustrations from photographs. Guns, AMMUNITION, AND TackLE. By Cap- tain R. W. Money, Horace Kephart, W. KE. Carlin, A. L. A. Himmelwright, and John Harrington Keene. With many illustrations. New York. 1904. Lawn Tennis. Its Past, Present and Future. By J. Parmly Paret. To which is added a chapter on La- crosse by William Harvey Maddren. With many illus- trations. New York. 1904. PHOTOGRAPHY FOR THE SPORTSMAN NATURAL- Ist. By L. W. Brownell. New York. 1904. With numerous illustrations from photographs. THe AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. By Charles EK. Trevathan. New York. 1905. With many illustrations from photographs. Rmw1ine AND Drivine. Rivine. By Edward L. Anderson. Dkrivine. Hints on the History, Housing, Harnessing and Handling of the Horse. By Price Col- lier. New York. 1905. With 138 illustrations. [17 Continued | 18 19 20 Rowine and TrAcK ATHLETICS. Rowine by Samuel Crowther. Track ATHLETICS by Arthur Ruhl. New York. 1905. Together, 16 volumes, v. d. 8vo. EDITION-DE-LUXE, limited to 100 copies on hand-made paper, of which this is No. 20. _ Full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. AMHERST, Tue Hon. Atictia. A History oF GARDENING IN ENGLAND. By the Hon. Alicia Amherst. Second edition. 8vo. London. 1896. With 68 illustrations. ; Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with the front cover gold-tooled with flowing flower-sprays and leaves, a similar scroll on the back cover, doublure and flies of light green silk, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. ANDERSEN, Hans CuristTIAn. Fairy Tates. By Hans Christian Andersen. Newly translated by H. L. Brekstad, with an Introduction by Edmund Gosse. Illustrated by Hans Tegner. Large 8vo. London. 1900. Two Volumes. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with an open panel on the front cover containing conventionalized flowers, inlaid in white levant in the top and bottom borders, doublure and flies of blue silk, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. | ANDERSEN, Hans CHuristTIAn. Farry Tares. Illustrated by Hans Tegner. Another copy. Large 8vo. London. 1900. Two Volumes. Full blue crushed levant morocco, gold-tooled, doublure and flies of blue silk, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. e 41 — 22 23 ANDERSON, Mary. A Few Memories. By Mary Anderson (Mme. de Navarro). With Portraits. 8vo. New York. 1896. Three Volumes. ExtTra-ILLusTraTED, and extended to 3 volumes by the inser- tion of 250 plates, with extra titles, and index to the plates, includ- ing: portraits of Mary Anderson in all her character réles, numer- ous photographs, some in color; portaits of celebrities and persons mentioned in the “Memories,” among whom are Kean, Mrs. Bovers, Pator Anton, Booth, Macklin, Charlotte Cushman, Vandenhoff, de Bar, M’Cullough, Salvini, Terriss, Ellen Terry, Irving, Garrick, Mme. Ristori, Sarah Bernhardt, Fanny Kemble, Lerick, Macready, etc., etc.; numerous play bilis; Spy’s caricatures in color of Glad- stone and the Prince of Wales; engravings by Finden, Tardieu, Roffe, Fournier, and others; newspaper clippings; pictures of places and scenes visited by Mary Anderson; also, an Autograph Letter; Clarke’s Sonnets to Mary Anderson, 1884; the “Cincin- nati Festival Souvenir, 1883,” in color, etc., etc. Half dark blue crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. ANDREWS, Wituiam Lorine. JEAN GROLIER DE SERVIER, VISCOUNT D’ AGUISY. Some Account of His Life and of His Famous Library. With 14 plates in color. 8vo. New York: The De Vinne Press. 1892. One of 140 copies printed on hand-made paper. Full crimson crushed levant morocco, decorated in a Grolier design of intertwining ribbons of inlaid black, red, and green. leathers, with gold lines and segments, doublure and flies of the same colored morocco, with borders of rose leaves, with the original covers preserved, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. ANDREWS, Wiu1Am Lorine. Rocer Payne AnD His Art. A Short Account of His Life and Work as a Binder. Illustrated with 11 colored plates. 8vo. New York: Printed at the De Vinne Press. 1892. JAPAN-PAPER Copy. One of 10 copies on Japan paper; a presentation copy to William Matthews, to whom the book is dedi- [23 Continued] 24 25 cated, with an autograph letter of W. L. Andrews dated Feb. 7, 1892, inserted. Full green crushed levant morocco, tooled in gold in a Roger Payne design, inside borders gold-tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Stike- man. ANDREWS, Wiu114mM Lorine. THE Braprorp Mar. The City of New York at the Time of the Granting of the Montgomerie Charter. A description thereof compiled by William Loring Andrews. To accompany a facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne, and printed by William Bradford in 1781. Small 4to. New York: Printed at the De Vinne Press. 1893. One of 142 copies printed on plate paper. With 51 illustra- tions taken from rare prints of old New York. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with borders of fil- Jeted, mitered, and dotted lines, broken on the sides by a design of acanthus leaves, doublure of red crushed levant morocco, with den- telle borders, flies of red watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, with the original cloth covers preserved, by the Club Bindery. ANDREWS, Wurm Lorine. “Amonea My Books.” [Verses by Samuel Minturn Peck.] 8vo. Printed for William Loring Andrews at the De Vinne Press. New York. 1894. The illustrations consist of 4 colored reproductions of bind- ings, 9 artotype illustrations, and 14 black-and-white engravings. There is also added a proof on vellum of the author’s book-plate engraved (and signed) by E. D. French. Vetium Copy, No. 1 of 2 copies so printed. The entire edi- tion consisted of two copies on vellum, ten copies on Japan paper, and thirty-eight copies on Holland paper. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate Oriental design on the covers, consisting of an outside border of inlaid red levant gold-tooled, corner-pieces of inlaid yellow levant, and a large center-piece of inlaid red levant, with small flowers in- laid in yellow, red, and green morocco, the whole decorated with Le Gascon gold-tooling, doublure and flies of white vellum, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. ao 26 ANDREWS, Wuu14m Lorna. 27 28 A STRAY LEAF FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF WAsH- INGTON IRVING AND CuHarLEs Dickens. By William Lor- ing Andrews. Square 12mo. Printed at the De Vinne Press, New York. 1894. [Vignettes on title.] And em- bellished with engravings on copper and zinc. With seven illustrations, two of which are engravings by E. D. French. No. 59 of an edition of 77 copies, all on Japan paper. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with an open panel inlaid in olive green levant and gold-tooled, doublure of olive green levant with a diaper of small gold-tooled flowers, flies of olive green ribbed-silk, edges gilt on the rough, with the original cloth covers preserved, by the Club Bindery. ANDREWS, Witiiam Lorine. THE Op BooxsEtLers or NEw York AND OTHER Pa- PERS. By William Loring Andrews. [WDevice.] 8vo. 1895. JAPAN-PAPER copy. One of ten copies printed on Imperial Japan paper, with an additional proof of each plate before letters. Full dark blue crushed levant, with beautifully decorated backs and sides after the style of Le Gascon, inside edges in dentelle, doublure and flies of red watered-silk, with the original cloth covers preserved, by the Club Bindery. ANDREWS, Witu14Am Lorine. A SuHort Historica, SKETCH OF THE ART OF BooK- BINDING by William L. Andrews. With a Description of the Prominent Styles by William Matthews. Square 12mo. New York. 1895. With 6 illustrations of bindings. The edition consisted of 50 copies on Japan paper. : Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with a wide border of inlaid bands of yellow levant decorated with gold-tooling, doub- lure of dark red crushed levant with a simple gold-tooled border, flies of dark red ribbed-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. 34 35 36 37 ANDREWS, Wiut11AmM Lorine. FRAGMENTS OF AMERICAN History, Etc. A Holland paper copy. 12mo. Privately printed for William Loring Andrews. New York. 1898. One of 80 copies printed on hand-made paper. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with border of filleted and pointillé lines, doublure of dark blue levant morocco, tooled cor- ners and edges, brocaded-silk flies, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. ANDREWS, Witu1am Lorine. A Trio or KIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ENGRAVERS oF Portraits IN Miniature. Ficquet—Savart—Grate- loup. William Loring Andrews. 8vo. New York. 1898. One of 161 copies on Imperial Japan paper. Illustrated with 28 plates. Engraved title by E. D. French. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with richly tooled bor- ders of scrolls, roses, doves, flaming torches, etc., 4 la Déréme, doublure and flies of red watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, with the original covers preserved, by Lortic. ANDREWS, Wuiuu1Am Lorine. SEXTODECIMos ET INFRA. William Loring Andrews. 8vo. New York. 1899. No. 114 of 140 copies printed on English hand-made plate paper. Illustrated with 25 full-page plates in color. Full red crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, doublure of red crushed levant morocco, with an Aldine border, flies of red watered- silk, edges gilt on the rough, with the original covers preserved, by Meunier. ANDREWS, Wiu1Am Lorine. Gossip ABouT Boox-CotLEctTine. By William Loring Andrews. 12mo. New York. 1900. Two Volumes. JAPAN-PAPER COPY, one of thirty-two copies on Imperial Japan paper; the entire edition consisting of 125 copies on Holland paper and 32 copies on Imperial Japan paper. a a a [387 Continued | 38 39 40 The illustrations consist of 3 engravings on copper, by Sidney L. Smith, 6 reproductions in color by the Bierstadt process of old bindings and manuscripts, and 3 facsimiles of title-pages. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with an inlaid border of a band of dark blue levant morocco with Aldine tooling, backs deco- rated with inlaid ornaments and gold-tooling, doublure of blue crushed levant morocco, with a paneled border tooled with straight lines and Aldine ornaments, flies of light brown watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, with the original paper covers preserved, by Taffin. ANDREWS, Wiu11Am Lorine. JAMES LyNE’s SuRvEy; or, As it is more commonly known, The Bradford Map. A Plan of the City of New York at the Time of the Granting of the Montgomery Charter in 1731. 8vo. New York. 1900. One of 170 copies printed on Holland paper. With three fold- ing plates, being reproductions of the map in reduced size. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with borders of filleted, mitered, and dotted lines, broken on sides by a design of acanthus leaves, doublure of red crushed levant morocco, with dentelle bor-. ders, with acanthus flowers in the corners, flies of red watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, with the original cloth covers preserved, by the Club Bindery. ANDREWS, Wiutui1Am Lorine. THE ICONOGRAPHY OF THE BATTERY AND CASTLE GAR- DEN. By William Loring Andrews. [Vignette.] 8vo. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1901. JAPAN-PAPER copy. One of 32 copies printed on Imperial Japan paper. Illustrated by 20 plates, including a frontispiece in color, of plans and views of the Battery and Castle Garden. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with border of com- partments of lines and dots, enclosing sprays of leaves, with shields bearing the arms of New Amsterdam in the corners, doublure of red crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled borders, flies of green watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. ANDREWS, Wiutu1Am LorineG. Pav REVERE AND His ENGRAVING. By William Loring Andrews. 8vo. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1901. [45 Continued ] 46 AT levant, and decorated with delicate gold-tooling, doublure of red crushed levant, flies of dark red watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, with the original covers preserved, by the Club Bindery. ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW, Tue. THE ANGLO-Saxon Review. A Quarterly Miscellany. Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill (Mrs. George Cornwallis-West). Volumes I - LX, inclusive. June, 1899- September, 1901, being all the numbers published. 4to. Volume I- Vol. VI. John Lane, London and New York. 1899-1900. Vol. VII- Vol. TX. London: Mrs. George Cornwallis-W est. 1900-1901. Together, 10 volumes. 4to. v. d. A complete set of this magazine. Each part is in the original cover as issued, each number hay- ing been bound in facsimile of some beautiful example of a famous binder’s work. ANTHOLOGY. Tue Universat ANtTHoLocy. A Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Medizval, and Modern. With Bio- graphical and Explanatory Notes. Edited by Richard Garnett, Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum, London, 1851-1899; Léon Vallée, Librarian at the Biblio- théque Nationale, Paris, since 1871; Alois Brandl, Pro- fessor of Literature in the Imperial University of Berlin. Large 8vo. London and New York. [1899.] Thirty-three Volumes. Author’s autograph edition in English, limited to 100 sets, of which this is No. 51. Inscribed on the fly-leaf: “M. C. D. Borden, Esq., New York. With the compliments of Richard Garnett. Aug. 6, 1901.” With 197 illustrations, including 27 frontispieces and plates in color, and a duplicate set of the photogravure plates. Full dark green morocco, gilt top, uncut. 48 49 APPERLEY, CuHartes JAMES. MeEmorrs oF THE LIFE oF THE LATE Joun Myton, Ksq., of Halston, Shropshire, formerly M.P. for Shrews- bury. With Notices of His Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits. By Nimrod. With 20 illustrations by Henry Alken. New Edition. With a Memoir of Nimrod. By R. S. Surtees. 4to. Lon- don. 1899. No. 27 of 50 copies printed on Large Paper. Full red crushed levant morocco, with filleted borders on sides, and backs decorated with a horse-head, fox-head, horse-shoe and whip, and bit, gilt top, uncut, with the original covers preserved. ARABIAN NIGHTS. THE ARABIAN Nicuts. In Five Volumes. Translated by The Reverend Edward Forster. With engravings from Pictures by Robert Smirke, R.A. 4to. London: Printed for William Miller, Old Bond-Street. 1802. Five Volumes extended to Twelve. Extra-InuustraTeD, and extended from 5 to 12 volumes, by the insertion of 842 plates, being illustrations to the “Nights,” por- traits, vignettes, views, head-and-tail pieces, etc.; Etchings, Photo- gravures, Lithographs, Engravings, etc. Among the rarer illustrations are: “The Supper,” “Jewish Physician,” “The Hunchback,” “Christian Merchant,” ‘The Pur- veyor,” “Merchant’s Story,” “Officious Barber,” ‘“Taylor’s Story,” “Physician’s Story,” “Purveyor’s Story,” “Bacbouc,” ‘‘Bacbarah,” “Backbac,” ‘“Alcouz,” ‘“Alnaschar,” ‘Recovery of Hunchback,” “‘Schacabac,” all by Smirke, and engraved in stipple by Daniel; a Lithograph Portrait of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton, with proof of same; Portrait of Galland, by Rigaud, engraved by Morel; another Portrait of Galland, by Cazon; Illustrations to the “Arabian Nights” in series: by Ford, in the Burton Edition; by Wattier, proof impressions; by Stothard, proof impressions; by Courtin, proof impressions; by Westall, with a duplicate set of proof impressions; by Lalauze, artists’ proofs; by Letchford, in photogravure, with an enlarged set in duplicate of artists’ proofs, [49 Continued | 50 51 in tint; and the woodcut titles, vignettes, and illustrations to the Knight Edition of the “Arabian Nights.” Also: Views, by Thomas, after Callow; the illustrations con- tained in the Lane Edition; and a series of modern illustrations, signed “A. R.,”? proofs on Japan paper. Also: Illustrations, in series, to the “Arabian Nights,” by or after Brangwyn, Dalziel, Ford, Gavarni, Harvey, Houghton, La- lauze, Millais, Pinwell, Smirke, Tenniel, Watson, Westall, Wattier, Wood, Corbould, Gavarni, Burney, Chastelat, David, Heath, Parker, Landells, Outhewaite, Finden, Neagle, Nargeot, Fittler, Angus, Williams, Warren, Delannoy, Colin, Green, Raimbach, Walker, Geoffroy, Armstrong, Watt, Taylor, Robinson, Fauchery, Sortier, Smith, and Pigeot. Full light blue crushed levant morocco, with filleted borders on sides, inside edges in dentelle, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. ARIOSTO, Lupovico, | OrLANDO Furioso. In English Heroical Verse, by Sr. John Harington of Bathe, Knight. Now thirdly revised and amended, with the Addition of the Author’s Epigrams. 8vo. London: Printed by G. Miller for J. Parker. 1684. First English version, with finely engraved title, containing a portrait of Harington, and with 46 copper-plate engravings. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with two large leaves en- closing an oval panel with the title on a dotted background inlaid in green morocco, each corner containing large flowering sprays with blossoms in red and leaves in green morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. ARIOSTO, Lupovico. OrtANvo Furioso. By Ludovico Ariosto. In Italian and English. [Vignette portrait of Ariosto. Quotation. ] 4to. London: Printed for the Editor, in Rupert-Street. 1775. Two Volumes. Illustrated with numerous choice and beautiful engravings, by Bartolozzi, De Launay, Ponce, Ghendt, Simonet, Massard, Hen- riquez, Prevost, Lingée, Figuet, Martini, Morceau, and Duclos; [51 Continued] 52 53 after designs by Eisen, Cipriani, Cochin, Monnet, Moreau, and Greuze. Full red crushed levant morocco, with floriated designs on backs and corners, inside edges in dentelle, gilt edges, by Riviére. ARMSTRONG, Sm Wa tter. Sir Henry Rarsurn. By Sir Walter Armstrong, Di- rector of the National Gallery, Ireland. With an Intro- duction by R. A. M. Stevenson and a Biographical and Descriptive Catalogue by J. L. Caw. 4to. London. 1901. Three Volumes. Epitrion-pE-Granp-Lvuxe, of which only 30 copies were printed, with duplicate sets of the 61 full-page plates on Japanese vellum and on India paper, the Japanese vellum and India proof illustra- tions each being bound in separate volumes; making three volumes in all. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with border of filleted lines, with interlaced and mitered corners, and with an interior panel of elaborately interlaced bands in gold, with a background of scroll tooling and conventionalized flowers, doublure of crimson levant morocco, tooled in the style of Derome, flies of crimson watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. ARMSTRONG, Sir WALTER. Turner. By Sir Walter Armstrong, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland. 4to. London. 1902. Two Volumes. EpiTion-pE-Luxe in two volumes. No. 275 of 350 copies printed on Japan paper. With a duplicate set of the illustrations. Full red crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate decoration on covers of conventionalized jonquils with curving stems, doublure of light green crushed levant with a border of geometrical tooling, inside border of red levant, gold-tooled, flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. ARNOLD, Matruew, Poems. Vol. I. Early Poems, Narrative Poems, and Sonnets. Vol. II. Lyric and Elegiac Poems. Vol III. [54 Continued] 35 56 Dramatic and Later Poems. 12mo. London. 1888-1890. Three Volumes. Full red crushed levant morocco, gold-tooled with a design of clover leaves and roses, gilt edges, by the Doves Bindery. ART. MuskeE DE PEINTURE ET DE SCULPTURE; ou, Recueil des Principaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs des Collec- tions Publiques et Particuliéres de ?Europe. Dessiné et Gravé & l’eau forte par Réveil; avec des Notices Descrip- tives, Critiques et Historiques, par Duchesne Ainé. Paris: Audot, Editeur; and London. 1829. Seventeen Volumes. GALERIE DES ARTISTES ANGLAIS; depuis Hogarth jusqu’a Nos Jours: ou, Suite de 288 Gravures de leurs Pro- ductions les plus estimées, soigneusement gravées au trait sur acier. Choisie, mise en ordre et accompagnée de Notes, descriptions et explicatives en Anglais et en Francais. Par G. Hamilton. Paris: Baudry, Librairie Européenne. 1837. Four Volumes. Together, 21 volumes. 12mo. Text in French and Eng- lish. Paris and London. 1829-1837. Half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Worsfold. ART. : L’Art. Revue Hebdomadaire Illustrée. Folio. Paris: Librairie de L’ Art. 1875. | Three Volumes. This work covers the whole range of Art, and is profusely illustrated with lithographs, chromo-lithographs, etchings, engrav- _ ings, and woodcuts, with many proofs on India paper. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with a border of wide bands of inlaid light brown levant with entwined clusters of flowers, leaves and buds in red and orange leathers; on center panel, the title on a ribbon of inlaid leather, all inlaid in colored leathers, inside borders blind-tooled, doublure and flies of brocaded-silk, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. Se 57 58 ART. FRENCH ArT FROM WaTTEAU TO PRuD’HON. Together with an Introduction and Some Studies in the Social His- tory of the Period by Various Authors. Edited by J. J. Foster, F.S.A. Illustrated by a great number of Fine Photogravure Plates from Pictures in the Collections of His Majesty the King, H. I. M. The German Emperor, and others. Representing the Finest Work of the Principal Painters of the Eighteenth Century in France. Folio. Dickinsons. London. 1905-1907. | Three Volumes. Eprrion Royatz, No. 1 of 35 copies on Japanese paper. Full red crushed levant morocco, with a border gold-tooled in outline with conventionalized fleurs-de-lis in the corners, and a large fleur-de-lis gold-tooled in outline in the center of the covers, dou- blure and flies of dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. ART. THE RoyaL CoLLECTION oF PAINTINGS AT BUCKING- HAM PaLACE AND Winpsor CastTLE. Vol. I. Bucking- ham Palace. One hundred Photogravures. With an In- troduction and Descriptive Text by Lionel Cust, M.V.O., Surveyor of the King’s Pictures and Works of Art. Pub- lished by Command of His Majesty King Edward VII. By the Fine Arts Publishing Company. London. 1905. THE Royat CoLLEcTION oF PAINTINGS AT BucKINGHAM PaLacE AND Winpsor CastieE. Vol. II. Windsor Castle. Eighty Photogravures. With an Intro- duction and Descriptive Text by Lionel Cust. Folio. By the Fine Arts Publishing Company. London. 1906. Two Volumes. Full red crushed levant morocco, with a design gold-tooled on the covers of panels of reticulated lines, ornamented with gold- tooled roses and rose-leaves and curving lines, inside edges gold- tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. 59 60 ART. GRANDS PEINTRES FRANCAIS ET EXTRANGERS, OUVRAGE DART. Publié avec le concours artistique de Maitres. Texte par les principaux critiques d’Art. Folio. Paris. 1884, Two Volumes in One. JAPAN-PAPER Copy, only 25 so made, with plates in two states. The artists mentioned in Vol. I are: W. Bouguereau, Josef Israels, Jules Breton, J. P. Laurens, E. Van Marcke, F. A. Bridgman, Jules Lefebvre, Joseph de Nittis, H. W. Mesdag, J. L. Géréme, M. Munkacsy, Charles Jacque. In Vol. II, Paul Baudry, J. J. Henner, Hubert Herkomer, Louis Knaus, Léon Bonnat, Alma-Tadema, E. Meissonier, G. Boulanger, Puvis de Chavannes, Rosa Bonheur, R. de Madrazo, J. E. Millais. Among the writers and critics may be mentioned Jules Claretie, E. Montrosier, Ph. Zicken, Helen Zim- mern, and others. Full green crushed levant morocco, with a border of filleted lines, and gold-tooled decorations in the panel, doublure and flies of red watered-silk, gilt top, uncut. ART. : ENGLIsH ART IN THE PUBLIC GALLERIES OF LONDON. Folio. London: Boussod, Valadon and Co. 1888. One of 25 copies, the plates printed on satin, text on Japan paper. English Art in the Public Galleries of London: The Na- tional Gallery, The South Kensington Museum, The National Por- trait Gallery. Illustrated with more than 100 Photogravures [131] by Goupil & Co. Published under the direction of Thomas Humphry Ward, M.A., with the assistance of Walter Armstrong, G. H. Boughton, A.R.A., Austin Dobson, A. W. Hunt, W. B. Rich- mond, F. Mabel Robinson, Frances Sitwell, and T. Woolner, R.A. Among the 43 English artists represented are: Hogarth, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Romney, Hoppner, Raeburn, Lawrence, Stothard, Blake, Morland, Turner, Wilson, Nasmyth, Caldecott, Constable, Wilkie, Mulready, Maclise, Landseer, Rossetti, Barry, Beechey, Jackson, Etty, Ward, Ibbetson, Loutherbourg, Crome, Cotman, Stark, Good, Collins, Leslie, Lance, Newton, Linnell, de Wint, Miiller, Chalon, Stanfield, Cooke, Bonington, and Walker. [60 Continued | 61 62 63 Full red crushed levant morocco, with a gold-tooled design on the covers of conventionalized flowers and leaves, and curving lines, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. ART. NOTEWORTHY PAINTINGS IN AMERICAN PRIVATE COL- LECTIONS. Edited by John La Farge and August F. Jac- caci. Folio. New York. 1907. Volume I. With 51 photogravure illustrations. Copy No. 16 of 125 copies on Rives paper. This sumptuous volume contains descriptive and critical essays on the pictures in the collections of Mrs. John Lowell Gardner, Mr. Alfred Atmore Pope, Hon. John Hay, Mr. Albert A. Sprague, and Mr. Herbert L. Terrell. Full white vellum, with a fifteenth century French design stamped in relief on the covers, gilt edges. ART. PORTFOLIO OF THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND. With a Preface by His Grace the Duke of Argyll. Folio. London: Edward Arnold. 1903. With 40 full-page photogravure plates on Japanese vellum after paintings by Gainsborough, Hals, Greuze, Watteau, Raeburn, Crome, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Ruisdael, Nasmyth, Ramsay, and others. Edition limited to 350 copies. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with a large ornament of delicate gold-tooling in the center of covers, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. ASHTON, Joun. THE Dawn oF THE XI XTH CENTURY IN ENGLAND. A Social Sketch of the Times. By John Ashton. With 116 Illustrations drawn by the Author from Contemporary Engravings. 8vo. London. 1886. Four Volumes. Exrra-Iniustratep by the insertion of 267 rare plates; in- cluding many colored caricatures by Starck, Rowlandson, Gillray, [63 Continued | 64 65 Cruikshank, Pugin, Woodward, Malcolm, Brocas, and others; rare play-bills, street scenes, costumes, etc., rare portraits after engray- ings by Scriven, Condi, Finden, Hopwood, Ridley, and others; pictures of cities, Old London buildings, streets, and gatherings; scenes after paintings, etc., etc. Also A. L. S. of Hadfield, Wind- ham, Wilberforce, Lawrence, Wilkie, Bentham, Godwin, Banks, and Faraday. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, borders of filleted lines, gold-tooled inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE. TuHis 1s oF AuUCASSIN AND NicoLtEetTe. Translated by M. S. Henry and versified by Edward W. Thomson. [Colophon.] Of this edition of Aucassin and Nicolette, an Old-French Song-Tale, 25 copies are printed on Japan- ese Vellum in the Month of June, 1902, by Turnbull and Spears, for Otto Schulze and Company, Edinburgh. This is No. 10. Ato. Full citron crushed levant morocco, with the sides completely covered with many inlays (350 in all) of red, brown, blue, olive, and yellow morocco, elaborately tooled with (3,500 impressions of) a small leaf in gold, arranged in concentric circles, the leaves radiat- ing from the center in every direction, doublure of blue crushed levant, with a large diamond-shaped panel filled with small blind- tooled circles, flies of white vellum, gilt top, uncut, by the Hamp- stead Bindery (signed E. de R.). AUDSLEY, G. A. THE ORNAMENTAL ARTS OF JAPAN. By George Ash- down Audsley. Folio. New York. 1888. | Two Volumes. Copy No. 325 of 500 copies printed for American subscribers. Most sumptuously illustrated with woodcuts and beautifully colored lithographs by MM. Lemercier, of Paris. Full black crushed morocco, with a Japanese decoration of bands, bamboos, cranes, and rosettes, inlaid in red and white mo- rocco, doublure and flies of dark blue watered-silk, gilt edges. 66 67 AUDUBON, Joun JAmeEs. THE Birps oF America, from Drawings made in the United States and their Territories. By John James Au- dubon, F.R. S.S. L. & E., ete. 8vo. New York: Pub- lished by J. J. Audubon. Philadelphia: J. B. Chevalier. 1840-1844. Seven Volumes. THE QuUADRUPEDS OF NortH America. By John James Audubon, F.R.S., etc., etc., and the Rev. John Bachman, D.D., etc. 8vo. New York: Published by V.G. Audubon. 1849-1854. Three Volumes. Together, 10 volumes, 8vo. Tue First Ocravo Epition. This set has been bound from the original parts, and has all the paper wrappers preserved. The “Birds” was issued in 100 parts; the “Quadrupeds” in 81 parts. The illustrations, which are without the tinted backgrounds added in the later editions, consist of 500 full-page plates in the “Birds,” and 155 full-page plates in the “Quadrupeds.” The il- lustrations are all from colored drawings by John James Audubon, and are lithographs with the high colors put in by hand. Full light brown crushed levant morocco, with a central panel framed by inlaid bands of blue and dark red levant with inlaid and gold-tooled ornaments in the corners, and in the center of the panel on the front cover an inlaid cartouche containing the figure of a bird inlaid in the proper colors (each volume containing a different bird taken in each case from the volume on which it appears), doublure of reddish-brown crushed levant, flies of light-brown ribbed-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. The binding on the “Quadrupeds” is similar in design, but with transposed colors; the broad border on the covers being of light blue in the place of red; and with a doublure of light blue levant ; the figures on the front covers being of animals taken from each volume. AUDUBON, Joun JAMEs. Tue Birps oF America, from Drawings made in the United States and their Territories. By John James Au- [67 Continued] 68 dubon, F.R.S., ete. 8vo. New York: V. G. Audubon. 1856. Seven Volumes. THE QuaDRUPEDS OF NortH AMERICA. By John James Audubon and the Rev. John Bachman, D.D. 8vo. New York: V.G. Audubon. 1856. Three Volumes. Together, 19 volumes, 8vo. Full brown stamped morocco, gilt edges. AYMON. THE RIGHT PLEASAUNT AND GOODLY HIsTORIE OF THE FOURE SONNES OF AIMON, the which for the excellent endy- tyng of it, and for the notable Prowes and great vertues that were in them: is no les pleasaunt to rede, then worthy to be knowen of all estates bothe hyghe and lowe. [Wood- cut of the four sons riding on one horse.] [Colophon. | Here finissheth the hystory of the noble & valiaunt knyght Reynawde of Mountawban, and his three brethren. Folio. Imprinted at London, by Wynkyn de Worde, the vin. daye of Maye, and ye yere of our lorde MCCCCCiiii, at the request and commaundement of the noble and puissaunt erle, the Erle of Oxenforde, And now Emprinted in the yere of our Lorde M. CCCCC. L iii. the vt. daye of Maye By Wylliam Copland, for Thomas Petet. [1554.] An excellent copy of an exceedingly rare edition, printed in . Black Letter, two columns of 42 lines, with woodcut title and 37 woodcuts. This is the Jersey copy, afterward owned by William Morris, and is the only perfect one offered for sale for nearly a century: This is the most popular French romance. From these legends, which date back to Charlemagne, the brothers appear in Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered,” and Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso.” Written in a chanson de geste of the thirteenth century and first published in 1493. : Full brown crushed levant morocco, with an antique border and oval panel upon which is tooled the four sons of Aymon, in armor, [68 Continued | 69 70 71 riding upon the steel Bayard, the gift of Charlemagne, inlaid with brown, blue, green, red, and white moroccos, titles on sides, with decorations and filleted borders in gold, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviere. AYMON. HIsTOIRE DES QuaATRE Fits AymMon: Trés Nobles et trés Vaillans Chevaliers. Dlustrée de compositions en couleurs par Eugene Grasset. Gravure et Impression par Charles Gillot. Introduction et Notes par Charles Marcilly. Ato. Paris. 1883. No. 157 de 200 sur papier de Chine. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with an antique border and panels on the sides in blind-tooling, gilt edges, original covers preserved, by Chambolle-Duru. AYRES, PHILIP. Lyric Pores, made in Imitation of the Italians, Of which many are Translations from other Languages. [Latin Quotation.| By Philip Ayres, Esq.: Licensed R. L. S. With frontispiece. 12mo. London: Printed by J. M. for Jos. Knight and F.. Saunders at the Blue Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New-Eachange. 1687. First Epirion. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with bands of inlaid white morocco, and elaborate designs and borders in an antique style, gilt edges, by Riviere. AYTOUN, Wir114AmM EDMONDSTOUNE. LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS: and Other Poems. By William Edmondstoune Aytoun. With Llustrations by Joseph Noel Paton, R.S.A., and Waller H. Paton. Ato. Edinburgh and London. 1865. Full red crushed levant morocco, with the royal arms of Scot- land in center and the arms of “Douglas,” “Angus,” “Montrose,” and “Grahame” at each corner, inlaid in red, white, blue, and yellow morocco, and gold, borders of blue stars, and powdered with [71 Continued] 12 73 74 golden thistles, doublure and flies of blue watered-silk, gilt edges, by Ramage. This book was exhibited as a specimen of fine binding at the Paris exhibition in 1867. [AYTOUN, Wurm E., and MARTIN, THeEopokre. | THE Book or Bawwaps: Edited by Bon Gaultier and Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. 16mo. London. 1845. First Epirion. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled roses, leaves. and scrolls, doublure and flies of blue silk, gilt edges, by Zaehns- dorf. BADMINTON LIBRARY, THE. THE Bapminton Liprary oF SPoRTSs AND PASTIMES. Edited by His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, assisted by Alfred E. T. Watson. Together, 31 volumes. 8vo. Profusely illustrated. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, and Co. v. d. Half blue crushed levant morocco, with emblematic gold- - tooling on backs, gilt edges. BADMINTON LIBRARY, Tue. Drivinc. By His Grace the (Eighth) Duke of Beau- fort, K.G. With contributions by other authorities. II- lustrated by G. D. Giles and John Sturgess. Square 8vo. London. 1889. LarcE-PaPer copy, No. 242 of 250 copies. With the original drawings by Sturgess for 15 illustrations (2 of which are unpublished) inserted, neatly mounted and inlaid. Huntine. By His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K.G., and Mowbray Morris. With contributions by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Rev. E. W. L. Davies, Digby Collins, Alfred E. T. Watson, Sir Marteine Lloyd, George H. Longman, and J. T. Gibbons. With illustra- [74 Continued | 75 76 tions by J. Sturgess, J. Charlton, G. D. Giles, and R. C. Sealy. Square 8vo. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. 1885. LarGE-PAPER copy, No. 60 of 250 copies. With the original drawings by Sturgess for 28 of the illus- trations inserted. RACING AND STEEPLE-CHASING. By the (Eigh- teenth) Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire and W. G. Craven. With a contribution by the Hon. F. Lawley. STEepie- Cuasine. By Arthur Coventry and Alfred E. T. Watson. Numerous illustrations by J. Sturgess. Square 8vo. Long- mans, Green, and Co. 1886. LarGE-PAPER copy, No. 25 of 250 copies. With the original drawings by Sturgess for 53 illustrations inserted, neatly mounted and inlaid. Together, 3 volumes. Square 8vo. London, v. d. The rare Larce-PaPer edition, limited to 250 numbered copies. The 96 original drawings by J. Sturgess are finely finished and neatly inlaid. Full red crushed levant morocco, with an mite border of heavily gold-tooled horseshoes, with the arms of the Duke of Beaufort tooled in gold in the center of the covers, back with em- blematic gold-tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. [BARHAM, Ricuarp Harris. ] THE INGOoLDsBy LEGENDs: or, MirtH AND Marvets. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. 8vo. London: Richard Bentley. 1840, 1842, 1847. Three Volumes. First Epitions. With 19 engraved illustrations and engraved extra-titles and frontispieces, by John Leech. Full light blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers preserved, by Bedford. BARRINGTON, Mrs. RvussE tu. Tue Lire, LETTERS, AND WorK OF FREDERIC LEIGHTON. By Mrs. Russell Barrington. 4to. London. 1906. Two Volumes. [76 Continued | 17 78 79 LarcE-PAPER copy, No. 60 of 60 copies on hand-made paper. Full red crushed levant morocco, gold-tooled outside border inlaid with narrow bands of dark green levant, in the center of the covers a wreath of leaves inlaid in dark green levant with the title lettered in gold in the center of the wreath, and the masks of comedy and tragedy inlaid in white levant and gold-tooled, doublure of green levant with a wide conventionalized border inlaid in red, dark green, and gold-tooled, flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére.| ‘BARTON, Ross. Faminiak Lonpon. Painted by Rose Barton. Square 8vo. London. 1904. EpITION-DE-LUXE, limited to 300 copies, of which this is No. 74. Signed by the artist. With 61 full-page illustrations in colors. Full green crushed levant morocco, with a wide architectural border on the covers inlaid in purple, yellow, pink, green, and light brown morocco, and gold-tooled; in the central panel the arms of London inlaid in brown, green, yellow, and red levant, doublure of an elaborate formal design inlaid in a mosaic of brown, light blue, pink, yellow, green, and light brown levant, with a border with acorns inlaid in dark red, flies of brown crushed levant, gilt» top, uncut, by Morrell. BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre pe. BEauMARCHAIs AND His Times. Sketches of French Society in the EHighteenth Century from Unpublished Documents. By Louis de Loménie. Translated by Henry S. Edwards. 8vo. London. 1856. Four Volumes. First Epition. Exrra-Iuuustratep with 75 portraits, by Vanloo, Duplessis, and others, engraved by St. Aubin, Renouard, Langlois, and others, many being in scarce states. Full red crushed levant morocco, with filleted border, gilt top, uncut, by Affolter. BEAUMONT, Francis. Poems, by Francis Beaumont, Gent. Viz.: The Her- maphrodite——The Remedy of Love.—Elegies.—Sonnets, [79 Continued | 80 81 82 with other Poems. 12mo. London: Printed for William Hope, at the signe of the blew Anchor on the North-side of the Old Exchange. 1653. First CoLttectep Epirion. Full light brown crushed levant morocco, decorated with panels of antique design inlaid in red and green morocco, with Le Gascon tooling, each panel surrounded with festoons of flowers in gold, gilt edges, by Riviére. BEAUMONT, Francis, and FLETCHER, Joun. CoMEDIES AND TraGepies. Written by Francis Beau- mont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. Never printed be- fore, and now published by the Authours Originall Copies. [Latin Quotation.] Folio. London: Printed for Hum- phrey Robinson, at the three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1647. | First Eprition, containing the frontispiece portrait of John Fletcher, by Marshall. Full olive green crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled center-pieces, and ornaments in gold, with blind-tooling, gilt edges, by Riviere. BEAUTY. Tue Boox or Beauty. (Late Victorian Era.) A Col- lection of Beautiful Portraits, with Literary, Artistic, and Musical Contributions by Men and Women of the Day. Edited and arranged by Mrs. F. Harcourt Williamson. Folio. London. 1896. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with wide dentelle borders, gold-tooled roses in mosaic in center, vase with flowers in corners, flies of pink watered-silk, gilt edges, with the original covers pre- served as doublures, by Zaehnsdorf. BEAUX AND BELLES OF ENGLAND. A Set oF Famous MEmorrs OF THE BEAUX AND BELLES oF ENGLAND; as follows: [82 Continued | . Count DE Grammont. Written by Anthony Hamilton. London. n. d. THE SHERIDANS. Written by Percy Fitzgerald. London. n. d. | Two Volumes. Lorp CHESTERFIELD. Written by W. Ernst. London. n. d. Two Volumes. Lapy BuiEsstneton. Written by J. Fitzgerald Molloy. London. n. d. Mrs. Mary Rosinson. Written by Herself. With the Lives of the Duchesses of Gordon and Devon- shire, by Grace and Philip Wharton. London. n. d. Mrs. SaraH Sippons. Written by James Boa- den. London. n. d. Two Volumes. Lapy HamILTon AND Lorp NEtson. Written by John Cordy Jeaffreson. London. n. d. ’ Two Volumes. NELL Gwyn. Written by Peter Cunningham. Together with Mrs. Jameson’s Lives of the Duchesses of Portsmouth and Cleveland. London. n. d. Breau BruMMEL. Written by Captain Jesse. London. n, d, Two Volumes. Together, 14 volumes. 8vo. London. v. d. Epition Maeniriauz, on Japan paper, limited to twenty-six copies, for England and America. Illustrated by B. Wesley Rand, and with reproductions of old engravings, portraits, etc., each plate being in three states: Japan-paper impression, proof on India-paper, and hand-colored on water-color paper. Full blue crushed Jevant morocco, with roses inlaid in the corners of covers, doublure of white morocco, gilt top, uncut. 83 84 85 BERALDI, Henk. EsTAMPES ET Livres, 1871-1872. Par Henri Beraldi. 4to. Paris: Conquet. 1892. No. 197 de 390 exemplaires numérotés. With illustrations in heliogravure and color. Full red crushed levant morocco, with borders of filleted lines, a book with flowers in each corner, gold-tooled inside edges, edges gilt on the rough, by David. BERALDI, Henz1. Les Graveurs pu XIX* Srzciz. Guide de |) Amateur d’Estampes Modernes. Par Henri Beraldi. 8vo. Paris: Conquet. 1885-1892, Twelve Volumes. Unieve Copy. Exrra-Iniustratep by the insertion of over 175 original etchings, by Appian, Bénaissit, Bollini, Bartolozzi, Bracquemond, Champollion, Chollet, Caron, Coindre, Daumont, Daubigny, Detaille, De Launoy, Devéria, Edwards, Feyen-Perin, Goeneuble, de Goncourt, Flameng, Gaillard, Guérard, Gravesandé, Hedonin, Jacque, Jacquemart, Lalauze, Lefort, Legros, Le Rat, Los-Rios, Morin, Méryon, Meissonier, Millet, Monjies, Rajon, Robida, Somm, Unger, etc., etc. Half dark brown crushed levant morocco, uncut, by Bretault. BERRY, Miss Mary. EXTRACTS OF THE JOURNALS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF Miss Berry. From the year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. 8vo. London. 1865. Six Volumes. First Epirion. Exrra-ILLusTraTED, and extended to 6 volumes, by the in- sertion of 154 plates; including etchings, rare portraits of celebri- ties, prints, lithographic portraits of famous English statesmen, many colored plates, scarce engravings, Cruikshank caricatures, Nash’s illustrative scenes, all proof impressions; engravings by Bromley, Eisen, Scriven, Finden, Audinet, Picart, Goodall, Chap- man, Dupuis, Van den Bergh, Mackenzie, Cooper, Barlow, etc. Full calf, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. 86 87 88 89 BINDING. | Tue WHOLE Duty or Man. Necessary for all Families. 8vo. London. 1677. With engraved title and armorial frontispiece. Full black morocco, with a design in the style of Samuel Mearne on the covers, gold-tooled and painted. A fine example of seventeenth century English binding. In a morocco solander case. BINDING. NEU-ENTSPRUNGENE WaAssER. Quelle vor Gotteserge- bene und Geistlich-durstige Seelen. 18mo. Niéirnberg. 1686. With copper-plate engravings. In a beautifully. carved silver binding of contemporary Ger- man workmanship, with large flowers and leaves in relief, gilt and gauffered edges, with old silver clasps. BINGHAM, Captain. THE MaRRIAGE OF THE Bourpons. By Captain the Hon. D. Bingham. Illustrated with 8 photogravures. 8vo. -Lon- don. 1890. Four Volumes. Extra-ILLustraTED, and extended to 4 volumes, by the inser- tion of 130 fine portraits, some proofs on India paper, including Frederick II by Mayer, Charles V and Charles de Lorraine by Mon- cornet, Cardinal Guido by Pyr, after Vandyke;—also engravings by Delpech, Scriven, Flameng, Basan, Vivien, Groizier, Desrochers, Hopwood, Chapman, etc. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with a border of fillets, in the corners the fleur-de-lis, center panel with Bourbon arms, gilt top, uncut, by Ritter. BLAKE, Wiru14M. DEsiens To A SERIES OF BAuuaps, written by William Hayley, Esq.: and founded on Anecdotes Relating to Animals, Drawn, Engraved, and Published by William Blake. With the Ballads annexed, by the Author’s Per- mission. 4to. Chichester: Printed by J. Seagrave, and [89 Continued | 90 91 sold by him and P. Humphrey; and by R. H. Evans, Pall- Mall, London, for W. Blake, Felpham. 1802. First Epirion. Extremely rare, only a few copies being known. A perfect copy. This book contains 6 large and 8 small plates on copper. The intimate but erratic friendship of Blake for Hayley was Dee about through aid given to him by Hayley at Felpham. Full red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. BLAKE, WiuraM. Tue Book oF THEL. SONGS OF INNOCENCE, AND SONGS OF ExprrieNce. [Colophon.] Here ends the Book of Thel, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. By William Blake. With Decorations designed and cut on the wood by Charles Rickets. London. 1897. Poetical SKETCHES. [Colophon.| Here ends this edition of Poetical Sketches by William Blake, with Decorations designed and cut on the wood by Charles Ricketts. London. 1899. Together, 2 volumes. 12mo. London. v. d. ‘Vale Press” publications. The edition consisted of 210 copies. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, sides and backs elab- orately tooled with branches, with background of pointillé, gold- tooled inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. BLAKE, Wit. Tue Works oF WILLIAM B1iAkE: Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. Edited, with lithographs of the illustrated “Pro- phetic Books,” and a Memoir and Interpretation. By Ed- win John Ellis and William Butler Yeats. Portraits and reproductions. Large 8vo. London. 1898. Three Volumes. Half mottled calf, with figures taken from Blake’s drawings in relief on the backs, gilt top, uncut, by Cedric Chivers. 92 93 94 [BLUNT, Wirrm Scawen.] : THE Love Sonnets oF Prorevus. With frontispiece by the Author. 16mo. London. 1881. First Epirion. Full yellow crushed levant morocco, with a diaper of hearts in gold and stars in blind-tooling, gilt edges, by Miss Prideaux. BODE, WILHELM. 3 | Tue CompLeTe WorkK OF REMBRANDT. History, De- ‘scription, and MHeliographic Reproduction of all the Master’s Pictures. With a Study of his Life and his Art. The Text by Wilhelm Bode, Director of the Royal Gallery, Berlin. Assisted by C. Hofstede de Groot, Director of the Print Room, Amsterdam Museum. From the German by Florence Simmonds. Folio. Paris: Charles Sedelmeyer. 1897-1906. _ Eight Volumes. EDITION-DE-LUXE. No. 17 of an edition of 75 copies on Japan paper. With 595 photogravure reproductions of all of Rembrandt’s known paintings, and 21 reproductions of engravings after pictures of Rembrandt no longer existing, or unknown. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, with a panel of filleted lines, with corner-pieces gold-tooled on the covers, gilt edges, by Ruban. [BODENHAM, Joxn.] THE GARDEN OF THE MusEs. Quem referent Mus a vivet dum robor a tellus, Dum coelum stellas, dum vehet amnis aquas. 82mo. [Ornament.] Printed at London by _E. A. for John Tap, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Magnus corner. 1610. SEeconp EpiTiIon: very rare. The earliest anthology of English poetry known. This volume was first issued in 1600 with the title ““Belvedére, or the Garden of the Muses,” and in the next issue of 1610 the word “Belvedére” was omitted. There are eleven poets included, who are not found in ““England’s Parnassus.” [94 Continued | 95 - 96 97 Full brown crushed levant morocco, with roses and other flowers inlaid in colored morocco, borders of green levant morocco, in a seventeenth century design, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviere. | BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, Nicto as. Tue Works or Monsieur BortEau. Made English from the Last Paris Edition, by Several Hands. To which is prefixed His Life, Written to Joseph Addison, Esq. By Mr. Des Maizeaux. Adorn’d with cuts. 12mo. London: Printed for E.. Sanger at the Post-House, and E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, both in Fleet Street. 1712. Two Volumes. First Eprrion in English. Extra-InLustraTep by the addition of many rare proofs and plates designed by Moreau, Desenne, St. Aubin, and others. Full green crushed levant morocco, with a gold-tooled panel on the sides, gilt top, uncut, by Thierry. BOOK OF GEMS, Tue. THE PoEts AND ARTISTS OF GREAT Britain. Edited by S. C. Hall. Illustrated with 150 exquisite engravings on steel after Turner, Stanfield, Eastlake, Mulready, Law- rence, Reynolds, Stothard, and others; by Finden, Great- bach, Simmons, and others. 8vo. London. 1836-1837. Three Volumes. First Eptrion. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with a border on sides, gold- tooled, doublure of red levant morocco covered with lilies, silk flies, gilt top, uncut, by Ritter. BORROW, GEorcE. A CoLLECTED SET IN THE First EDITIONS OF THE Works oF GEORGE Borrow, as follows: THE Zincaut; or, An Account of the Gypsies of Spain. With an Original Collection of their Songs and [97 Continued] Poetry, and a Copious Dictionary of their Language. 12mo. London. 1841. | Two Volumes. Tue Bris_E In Spain; or, The Journeys, Ad- ventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. 12mo. London. 1848. Three Volumes. Lavenero; The Scholar—The Gypsy—The Priest. 12mo. London. 1851. Three Volumes. With an engraved portrait of George Borrow. THe Romany Rye; A sequel to “Tavengro.” 12mo. London. 1857. Two Volumes. THE SLEEPING Barp; or, Visions of the World, Death, and Hell, by Elis Wyn. Translated from the Cambrian British. 12mo. London. 1860. ( Wiup Wats; Its People, Language, and Scen- ery. 12mo. London. 1862. Three Volumes. Faustus; His Life, Death, and Doom. A Romance in Prose. Translated from the German. 12mo. London. 1864. Romano Lavo-Lit: Word-Book of the Ro- many; or, English Gypsy Language. 12mo. London. 1874. THE TuRKIsH JESTER; or, The Pleasantries of Gogia Nasr Eddin Effendi. Translated from the Turk- ish by George Borrow. 12mo. Ipswich. 1884. One of 150 copies. : [97 Continued | 98 THE DEATH OF BaLvER. From the Danish of Johannes Ewald. (1778.) Translated by George Borrow. 12mo. London. 1889. GEORGE Borrow IN East Anocuia. By William A. Dutt. 12mo. London. 1896. LIFE, WRITINGS, AND CORRESPONDENCE OF GEORGE Borrow. Derived from Official and Other Au- thentic Sources. By William I. Knapp, Ph.D., LL.D., etc. With Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo. London. 1899. Two Volumes. Together 21 volumes, v.d., v.p. Half maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. BOSWELL, James. THE Lire oF SAMUEL JoHNsSON, LL.D. Comprehend- ing an Account of His Studies, and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order; a Series of His Epistolary Corre- spondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces:of His Composition, never before Published. The Whole Exhibiting a View of Liter- ature and Literary Men in Great-Britain, for near Half a Century, During which he Flourished. By James Bos- well, Esq. 4to. London: Printed by Henry Baldwin, for Charles Dilly, in the Poultry. 1791. Two Volumes. First Enpirion, large, clean, uncut copies of both volumes. With an autograph letter of Dr. Johnson, and a copy of a letter from Dr. Sam Johnson to Charles O’Conor, Esq.; also a 4-page 4to A. L. S. of James Boswell; also a 3-page 4to A. L. S. of Mrs. Thrale (Piozzi). With a frontispiece portrait of Samuel Johnson by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. 99 BOURGEOIS, Emu. 100 101 FRANCE UNDER Lovis XIV (Lz Granp Sricrz). Its Arts—Its Ideas. From the French of Emile Bourgeois, by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Folio. New York. 1897. Illustrated with 22 portraits engraved on copper, 35 full-page photogravure plates, and 472 text illustrations. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with a gold-tooled Derome border, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. BOURRIENNHE, Louis ANTOINE DE. . Memoirs oF NAPOLEON Bonaparte. By Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, his Private Secretary. To which are added, An Account of the Important Events of the Hundred Days, of Napoleon’s Surrender to the English, and of his Residence and Death at St. Helena. Edited by R. W. Phipps. New and Revised edition. With numer- ous illustrations on steel. 8vo. London. 1885. : Three Volumes. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with an oval miniature inset in both front and back covers of each volume, and surrounded by a gold-tooled laurel wreath, and with the crowned N, bees and violets tooled in gold, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. The miniatures on volume 1 are of Napoleon and Josephine; on volume 2, of Napoleon and Marie Louise; on volume 3, of Napoleon and the King of Rome. BOYDELL, JoHN anp JosiIAH. A COLLECTION OF PRINTs, FROM PiIcTURES PAINTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ILLUSTRATING THE DRAMATIC WoRKS OF SHAKSPEARE, by the Artists of Great-Britain. Atlas folio. London: Published by John and Josiah Boydell, Shak- speare Gallery. 1808. Two Volumes. A VERY FINE copy, the plates all being in proof state, with the titles in open letters and before the descriptive quotations were en- graved on the plates. This set includes 87 etchings (an unusually [101 Continued] 102 103 large number) and has two plates by Bartolozzi (proofs before letters) added. This magnificent copy formerly belonged to Mr. Wynne Ellis, the picture collector, who left 402 pictures to the English Nation, of which 44 were placed in the National Gallery. Full olive straight-grained morocco, with panels of gold-tooled and blind-tooled borders on the covers, inside edges gold-tooled, gilt edges. [BOYLE, Hon. Mrs. ] Ros Rosarum Ex HoRTO PoETAaRuM. Dew of the Ever- Living Rose Gathered from The Poets’ Gardens of Many Lands. By E. V. B. Second Edition. 12mo. London. 1896. Full green crushed levant morocco, with borders of filleted lines with gold-tooled roses, doublure of red crushed levant morocco, with filleted lines and a border of a rose vine in gold, edges gilt on the rough, by Mercier. [BRADLEY, Rev. Epwarp.] BEDE, Curusert. THe ADVENTURES OF Mr. VERDANT GREEN, an Oxford Freshman. By Cuthbert Bede, B.A. With numerous II- lustrations, designed and drawn on the wood by the author. London. 1853.—THE FurTHER ADVENTURES OF MR. VERDANT GREEN, An Oxford Under-Graduate. By Cuthbert Bede, B.A. With numerous Illustrations, de- signed and drawn on the wood by the author. London. 1854.—Mr. VERDANT GREEN MarriepD AND DONE For: Being the Third and Concluding Part of the Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman. By Cuth- bert Bede, B.A. 8vo. London. 1857. Together, 3 volumes. First Enittons of all three volumes. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with simple ornamen- tation of blind tooling and gold-tooled stright lines, in a Gothic pattern, gilt edges, with the original covers and advertisements pre- served, by the Club Bindery. 104 105 106 [BRADLEY, Rev. Epwaprp. | THE ADVENTURES OF Mr. VERDANT GREEN, an Oxford Freshman. By Cuthbert Bede, B.A. With numerous Illustrations, designed and drawn on the wood by the author. London. 18538. Vol. Il. THe FurtTHER ADVENTURES OF Mr. VERDANT GREEN, etc. London. 1854. Vol. III. Mr. Verpant GREEN MARRIED AND Done For, etc. London. 1857. Together, 3 volumes bound in one. 12mo. London. v. d. First Enpitions of each volume, with an A. L. S. (3 pp.) of the author to Mr. Tinsley, dated Nov. 5th, 1873, inserted. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with all the original picture covers, and advertisements bound in, by Zaehns- dorf. [BRATHWAITE, RicuHarp. | NATURE’S EMBASSIE: OR, THE WILDE-MANs MEASURES: Danced naked by twelve Satyres, with sundry others con- tinued in the next Section. ‘“Wilde men may dance wise measures ; Come thou ho, Though I be wilde, my measures are not so.” [London:]| Printed for Richard Whitaker. 16mo. 1621. First Enpition of a very rare work. With an illustrated wood- cut border on title. At page 73 is another title ‘““The Second Section of Divine and Morall Satyres’”; at page 173 “The Shepheard’s Tales”; at page 215 “Omphale, or, the Inconstant Shepheardesse”; at page 237 ““His Odes: or, Philomels Teares.” Full orange crushed levant morocco, with three line fillets on sides, gold-tooled back and inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Brad- street’s. BRETON, JwLgEs. JULES BRETON. Par Marius Vachon. 4to. Paris. 1899. Exemplaire No. 33, avee 20 planches et 72 gravures hors texte, et 18 gravures dans le texte. Extra-ILLustratTeD, by the insertion of an A. L. S. of Jules Breton; a portrait, having beneath it an original pencil sketch of a [106 Continued | 107 108 boy with wheat, signed “Jules Breton, 2-8th, 1898,” and with 70 reproductions of drawings by Jules Breton. Full wine-colored crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, inside edges gold-tooled, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. BRISTOL, Franx Mitton. THe Ministry or Art. By Frank Milton Bristol. With half-tone illustrations. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1897. Extra-ILLustTrATeED by the insertion of over 50 plates, includ- ing etchings, engraved portraits and pictures, after Ipse, Meis- sonier, Hogarth, Reynolds, and others; by Miiller, Maroni, and others, some being proofs on India paper. Half yellow morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Blackwell. BRITISH CLASSICS. A Untirorm SET OF THE BritisH C.iassics in Sharpe’s Elegant Edition, as follows: THE Spectator. London: Printed by C. Whit- tingham, Dean Str. Published by John Sharpe, Piccadilly. 1803-1812. Eight Volumes. Tue Tatier. London: Printed by C. Whit- tingham, Dean Street. Published by John Sharpe, Picca- dilly. 1804. Four Volumes. THE GuarDIAN. London: Printed by C. Whit- tingham, Dean Str. Published by John Sharpe, Piccadilly. 1804. Two Volumes. THE ADVENTURER. London: Printed by C. Whittingham, Dean Street. Published by John Sharpe, Piccadilly. 1806-1809. Four Volumes. [108 Continued] 109 Tue Ramsier. London: Published by W. Suttaby, Stationers Court. 1809. Whittingham, Printer. Four Volumes. THE Inter. London: Published by W. Suttaby, Stationers Court. 1810. Whittingham, Printer. Two Volumes. Together, 24 volumes. 8vo. London. v. d. Larce-Parer EpiTion. With frontispiece portraits, engraved title-pages, and many illustrations by Westall, Smirke, Stothard, Singleton, Thomson, Fuseli, Opie, Tresham, de Loutherbourg, Thurston, and others, and engraved by Fittler, Schiavonetti, Anker Smith, Neagle, Landseer, Tomkins, Cromek, Bromley, Arm- strong, Heath, Raimbach, and others. Full crimson straight-grained morocco, with a panel of gold- tooled lines on the covers, doublure and flies of red silk, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. BRONTE, ANNE, CHARLOTTE, and EmILy. A COLLECTED SET oF First EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF THE BRONTE SIsTERS; as follows: Poems. By Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Small 8vo. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill. 1846. Only two copies of this book were sold in the first year of publication. JANE Eyre. An AvtTosrocRaPHy. Edited by Currer Bell. 12mo. London. 1847. Three Volumes. With the Preface and Note to the third edition, April 13, 1848, inserted. The dedication to W. M. Thackeray appeared in the second edition. WUuTHERING Heicuts: A Novel. By Ellis Bell. 12mo. London. 1847. Three Volumes. [109 Continued] AGnrEs Grey: A NovEL. By Acton Bell. Vol. III [of Wuthering Heights, 2 volumes.] 12mo. London: 1847. THE TENANT oF WiLDFELL Hatt. By Acton Bell. 12mo. London. 1848. Three Volumes. SHIRLEY. A Tate. By Currer Bell, Author of “Jane Eyre.” 12mo. London. 1849. Three Volumes. VILLETTE. By Currer Bell, Author of “Jane Eyre,” “Shirley,” ete. 12mo. London. 1858. Three Volumes. THE Proressor, A Tate. By Currer Bell, Au- thor of “Jane Eyre,” “Shirley,” “Villette,” etc. 12mo. London. 1857. Two Volumes. THe Lire oF CHARLOTTE BrontéE. By E. C. Gaskell. [Portraits.] 8vo. London. 1857. Two Volumes. A NoTE oN CHARLOTTE BrontéE, By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 12mo. London. 1877. THE ADVENTURES OF ERNEST ALEMBERT,. A Fairy Tale. By Charlotte Bronté. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Small 4to. London: Printed for Private Circulation Only. 1896. Of this book only thirty copies were printed. Together, 22 volumes. London. v. d., v. 8. Full green crushed levant morocco, with a gold-tooled border, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. 110 BROWNE, Hastot Knicnt. 1il 112 113 Home Pictures, SIXTEEN Domestic SCENES OF CHILD- HOOD. Drawn and Etched by Hablot Knight Browne. (Phiz.) 4to. London. 1851. | With etched title-page in color, and each drawing in color. Full calf, gilt top, uncut, with the original blue cloth covers preserved, by Riviere. [BROWNE, Sir THomas. | Reuicio Mepici. Printed for Andrew Crooke. 1642. (190 pp.) Re.icio Mepici. Another Copy. 1642. (159 PP-) Together, 2 volumes. 12mo. [London. | The First Two issues of the unauthorized First Eprtion. Engraved titles by William Marshall. The first mentioned is sup- posed, by Dr. Greenhill, to be the first issue. ‘They were both issued the same year. They have variations, and each has been claimed by bibliographers to be the true first edition. Full brown crushed levant morocco, the design being taken from an enameled Elizabethan binding, the enamel being re- produced with colored leathers inlaid in a graceful design, titles on center panels, and background of fine gold-tooled lines, gilt edges, by Riviére. BROWNE, Sir THomas. Siz THomas Browne’s Works: Including His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S. 8vo. London: Wilham Pickering. 1885-1836. Four Volumes. Full red crushed levant morocco, inside edges in dentelle, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. BROWNELL, WitiiaM Crary. FReNcH ArT. Classic and Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. New and Enlarged Edition. With forty-eight illustrations. 8vo. New York. 1901. [113 Continued | 114 115 116 117 Full dark blue crushed Ievant morocco, with two interlacing bands of red levant morocco inlaid in a Grolier pattern on front and back covers, gilt top, uncut, by Bretault. BROWNING, EuizasetH BaRReETT. Casa GuipI Winpows. A Poem. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 16mo. London: Chapman & Hall, 1938, Picca- dilly. 1851. First Epirion. Full red crushed levant morocco, with back and corners of sides gold-tooled with tulips and leaves, gilt edges, by the Doves Bindery. BROWNING, Rosert. Poems By Rosert Browninc. With Introduction by Richard Garnett, LL.D., and Illustrations by Byam Shaw. 8vo. London. 1897. No. 73 of 125 copies on Japanese vellum. Full green crushed levant morocco, with the poppy, full blown, in half bloom and in bud, all in inlaid leathers, doublure and flies of brocaded-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by Meunier. BRYCH, James. THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH. By James Bryce. 8vo. London. 1888. Three Volumes. The First Enition, containing the chapter afterward sup- pressed. Half blue crushed morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Roach. BULLEN, ArtHur HEnry. A CoLLECTED SET OF THE ANTHOLOGIES AND ELIza- BETHAN PoEMs EDITED By A. H. BULLEN, as follows: A Curistmas GARLAND. Carols and Poems from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Time. Edited by A. H. Bullen. With Seven Illustrations newly de- ‘signed by Henry G. Wells. 8vo. London. 1885. Edition limited to 150 copies, of which this is No. 1. [117 Continued] ENcGLAND’s Heticon. A Collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems: Published in 1600. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. London. 1887. Edition limited to 250 copies on Large Paper. Lyrics From THE SonG-Booxks oF THE Eiza- BETHAN AGE: Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. London. 1887. : Edition limited to 250 copies on Large Paper. More Lyrics FROM THE SONG-BOOKS OF THE ELIZABETHAN AGE: Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. Lon- don. 1888. Edition limited to 250 copies on Large Paper. Lyrics FROM THE DRAMATISTS OF THE ELIZA- BETHAN AGE: Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. London. 1889. Edition limited to 260 copies on Large Paper. THE Works oF Dr. THomas CAMPION, Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. London: Privately Printed at the Chiswick Press. 1889. Edition limited to 120 copies on Large Paper. Musa Proterva: Love-Poems of the Restora- tion. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Square 8vo. London: Privately Printed. 1889. Edition limited to 780 copies for England and America. SPECULUM AMANTIS: Love-Poems from Rare Song-Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth Century. Edited by A. H, Bullen. Square 8vo. London: Privately Printed. 1889. Edition limited to 500 copies. [117 Continued | 118 119 PoEMS, CHIEFLY LyRiIcAL, FRomM RoMANCES AND ProsE-TRACTS OF THE ELIZABETHAN AGE: with Chosen Poems of Nicholas Breton. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo. London. 1890. | Edition limited to 260 copies on Large Paper. Together, 9 volumes. London. v. d., v. p. EDITION-DE-LUXE of each volume, each copy being No. 1. Full crushed levant morocco, each volume being bound in a dif- ferent color, sides with a border of fillets, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. 7 BULLEN, ArtHuur HEnry. SPECULUM AMANTIS: Love-Poems from Rare Song- Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth Century. Edited by A. H. Bullen. London: Privately Printed. Musa Prorerva: Love-Poems of the Restora- tion. Edited by A. H. Bullen. London: Privately Printed. Together, 2 volumes. Square 8vo. London. 1889. No. 448 of 780 copies printed. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, gold-tooled in mosaic with turtle-doves and wine cups, dark green silk flies and doublure, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. BUNYAN, Joun. THE Pinerim’s PRoGREss FROM THIS WORLD TO THAT WHICH Is TO ComE. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out; His Dangerous Journey; and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country. Illustrated by William Strang. 8vo. London. 1895. | Two Volumes. Exrra-ILLustraTEeD, and extended to two volumes, with spe- cially printed title-pages, and containing, in addition to the 14 etched illustrations by W. Strang, 97 extra plates inserted, being the series of illustrations to The Pilgrim’s Progress drawn by T. Stothard, C. H. Bennett, and J. Martin; and engraved by Strutt, Mitchell, Goodall, Stocks, Wilson, Smith, Sangster, Engleheart, [119 Continued | 120 121 122 Graves, Watt, and Grundy, many being proofs before letters ; Abe portraits of Bunyan, engraved by Strutt and Woodman after Stothard, by Watt after Sadler, and an etched frontispiece portrait by W. Strang. Full blue crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, with a doublure of red crushed levant morocco, with a large cross tooled in outline, surrounded by a golden halo, and encircled by a design of a con- ventionalized rose-vine, flies of red watered-silk, gilt top, uncut. BURNEY, Fanny. EVELINA; oR, THE History oF A YounGc Lapy’s En- TRANCE INTO THE WorxLD. By Fanny Burney. With an Introduction by Austin Dobson and Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. 12mo. London. 1908. Full blue crushed levant morocco, the cover divided into com- partments by gold-tooled lines, with a miniature portrait inset in the front cover, doublure and flies of red silk, gilt edges, by Riviére. BURNS, Rosert. POEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH D1ALEcT, by Robert Burns. [Quotation.] 8vo. Kilmarnock: Printed by John Wilson. 1786. First Epirion. A fine clean copy. One of the rarest of Eng- lish books, there being only 60 in the original issue, and very few now in existence. The Huth copy in the original tree calf binding fetched £730 at Sotheby’s in Nov., 1911, while the Hoe copy, bound by Bedford and with 2 A. L. S. of Burns inserted, brought $5,800 and was held at $7,000 by a New York bookseller. Full black morocco, with gold-tooling on sides in dentelle, gilt edges. BURNS, Rosert. THE Works OF RosBert Burns. Illustrated with numer- ous portraits, scenes connected with the life of Burns, and illustrations to his works, vignettes, facsimiles of letters and ¥ WR e ; eee at ane oe Oe nO ee heh EO Gh GEE EMM M&M LM EFM AA Go % Bes Me Oho ore ee Oo 8 M Ss.) CHIEFLY IN THE : PSCOTTISH DIALECT, iy" Beo2D EOR 7 BUR NS. i hl Oi | i Oi Bi 1 iO bo Gi Gee THE Simple Bard, unbroke by rules of Art, He pours the wild effufions of the heart : And if infpit’d, "tis Nafire’s pow’rs infpire ;. Her’s all the melting thrill, and her’s the kindling fire. O44 6G GOO E OOO 4 OGG OEE EGG C26 OO OOO 1G G8 6 20H 710 OO OG 4G G4 PEG ANONYMOUS, G1 hh i hi i i i BG 1 Oi Ge | 0 BQ Eng PY ay am arr ee ay cy te te KILMARNOCK: PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON. ——————————————————— M,DCC,LXXXVI. 5 EONS: a th agi ts aie te a i lt ih ASTI SO ®® du Sommerard: Paris: 4 Hétel de Cluny. 1836-1846. 11 volumes imperial folio, bound in 6, of plates; and 5 volumes royal 8vo of text—together, 16 vols. bound in 11. An unusually choice copy. The folio volumes contain 511 large and finely executed plates, most of which are beautifully il- luminated in gold, silver and colors after the originals. A great many of the plates have been colored by hand. This is undoubtedly one of the most interesting as well as splendid works of art ever published in any country at a period when it was possible to find subscribers large-minded enough to enable their production. It is a perfect Encyclopedia of the Arts of the Middle Age, taken from existing authorities, end exhibits choice specimens of Architecture (views of churches and castles as actually existing), Sculpture, Paintings, Furniture, Stained Glass, [208 Continued] 209 Arms and Armor, Illuminated Manuscripts, Missals, etc., Enamels, Tapestry, Costumes, Gold and Silver Work, and articles of vertu. Full green crushed levant morocco, with a gold-tooled border around the edges of the covers, gilt edges. EGAN, PIERceE. A. COLLECTED SET OF THE SPORTING Works OF PIERCE Kean, in First Editions, with Autograph Letters, etc., as follows: Lire 1n Lonpon; or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his elegant friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. Em- bellished with 36 Scenes from real life, Designed and Etched by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, and enriched also with numerous original Designs on Wood, by the same Artists. Large 8vo. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row. 1821. This book took London by storm and provoked innumerable imitations. Inserted is a series of A. L. S. [10] of George and Mrs. Cruikshank in reference to his etchings and _ pecuniary troubles; also'an A. L. S. of Crawford J. Pocock to Cruikshank; an A. L. S. of Pierce Egan; and a check indorsed by Cruikshank. ReEau Lire 1n Lonpon; or, The Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his cousin The Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis; exhibiting a Liv- ing Picture of Fashionable Characters, Manners, and Amusements in High and Low Life. By An Amateur. Embellished and Illustrated with a Series of Colored Prints, designed and engraved by Messrs. Alken, Dighton, Brooke, Rowlandson, ete. 8vo. London: Printed for Jones & Co., Oxford Arms Passage, Warwick Lane. 1821- 1822. Two Volumes. With A. L. S. from Pierce Egan to Mrs. R. Barnett, and another to the editor of “The Town” [Leigh Hunt] inserted. Bound from the original 14 parts as issued, with engraved extra [209 Continued | 210 titles, 19 colored plates in Vol. I, and 13 colored plates in Vol. IL. It is very doubtful whether this work, which is clearly an imitation of the “Life in London,” was written by Egan, but it is attributed to him. Pierce EcGAn’s FINISH TO THE ADVENTURES OF Tom, JERRY, AND Loaic, in their pursuits through Life in and out of London. Illustrated by the Pencil of Mr. Rob- ert Cruikshank, in 86 Scenes from Real Life, and enriched with several Designs on Wood by the same Artist. 8vo. London: Printed by C. Baynes, For G. Virtue, 26, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. 1830. This is a sequel to “Life in London.” Bound from the original wrappers, with etched extra titles. Together, 4 volumes. A Unique Set. London. v. p., v. d. To this day Pierce Egan has not been equalled in his racy descriptions of prize-fights, cock-fights, and the career of men about town. His reputation became established with the publication of ‘““Boxiana” in 1812, and all his books are extremely scarce. Full green crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled backs and inside edges, gilt top, uncut, with all the original covers, wrappers, descriptions, and advertisements preserved, by Riviére. EGAN, PIERCE. PrercE Eean’s ANECDOTES (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED) OF THE TURF, THE CHASE, THE RING, AND THE STAGE; the whole forming a Complete Panorama of the Sporting World. Embellished with thirteen colored plates, designed from Nature, and etched by Theodore Lane. 8vo. Lon- don: Printed for Knight & Lacey, Paternoster-row, and Pierce Egan, 113, Strand. 1827. | First Eprrion. A very tall copy, in splendid condition. With the thirteen full-page etched plates depicting various sporting scenes, colored by hand, and all in fine condition, and with many smaller wood-engravings in the text. Full yellow straight-grained morocco, with symbols of various sports tooled in the corners of the covers and on the back, edges gilt on the rough, by Lloyd. ps 5 i : 211 212 EGAN, PIERCE. ~Reat Lire 1n Lonpon; or, The Rambles and Adven- tures of Bob Tallyho, Eisq., and his cousin, The Hon. Tom. Dashall, through the Metropolis; Exhibiting a Living Pic- ture of Fashionable Characters, Manners, and Amuse- ments in High and Low Life. By an Amateur. [Pierce Egan.| Embellished and Illustrated with a Series of Col- ored Prints, Designed and Engraved by Messrs. Heath, Alken, Dighton, Rowlandson, etc. 8vo. London: Printed for Jones and Co., Warwick Square, Newgate Street. 1827. : Two Volumes. With extra engraved and colored titles, and 30 full-page il- lustrations in color. Half dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by All6. ELIOT, Georce. A ComMPLETE COLLECTED SET OF THE WorKS OF GEORGE EiotT In THE First EncuisH Epitions, as follows: oY THE Lire or JEsus, Critically Examined by Dr. David: Friedrich Strauss. Translated from the Fourth German Edition. 8vo. London. 1846. Three Volumes. Tue EssENcE oF CHRISTIANITY. By Ludwig Feuerbach. Translated from the Second German Edition, by Marian Evans, translator of “Strauss’s Life of Jesus.” 8vo. London. 1854. The only book published by Miss Evans under her own name. Scengs or CrericaL Lire. By George Eliot. 12mo. Edinburgh and London. 1858. Two Volumes. [212 Continued | Apam Berpre. By George Eliot, author of “Scenes of Clerical Life.” 12mo. Edinburgh and Lon- don. 1859. Three Volumes. THE Mitt on THE Foss. By George Eliot, au- thor of “Scenes of Clerical Life” and “Adam Bede.” 12mo. Edinburgh and London. 1860. Smas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe. By George Eliot, author of ““Adam Bede,” ete. 12mo. Edin- burgh and London. 1861. Romo.ia. By George Eliot, author of “Adam Bede,” ete. 12mo. London. 1863. Three Volumes. Frvix Hout, tHe Rapicat. By George Eliot, author of “Adam Bede,” ete. 12mo. Hdinburgh and Lon- don. 1866. Three Volumes. Tue SpanisH Gypsy. A Poem. By George Eliot. 8vo. Edinburgh and London. 1868. MippremarcH. A Study of Provincial Life. By George Eliot. 12mo. Edinburgh and London. 1861- 1862. | Four Volumes. THE LEGEND or JUBAL, and Other Poems. By George Eliot. 16mo. Edinburgh and London. 1864. DaniEL DrEronps. By George Eliot. 12mo. Edinburgh and London. 1866. Four Volumes. IMPRESSIONS OF THEOPHRASTUS SucH. By George Eliot. 8vo. Edinburgh and London. 1879. [212 Continued] 213 214 215 Essays AND LEAvEs From A Note-Boox. By George Eliot. 8vo. Hdinburgh and London. 1884. GerorcE Ex.iot’s Lire as RELATED in Her LeEt- TERS AND JOURNALS. Arranged and Edited by her hus- band, J. W. Cross. 8vo. Edinburgh and London. 1885. Three Volumes. With etched and engraved portraits, and wood-engraved illus- trations. GEORGE Exi0oT. ENGLISH MEN or LETTERS. By Leslie Stephen. 12mo. London. 1902. Together, 35 volumes. v. p., v. d., 0. 8. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with filleted lines around edges of covers, decorated inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. ENGLEHEART, Georce. GrorcE ENGLEHEART, 1750-1829. Miniature Painter to George III. By George C. Williamson, Litt.D., and Henry L. D. Engleheart, M.A. 4to. London. 1902. Edition limited to 112 copies, of which 100 only are for sale. This copy is No. 44. With numerous illustrations, mostly collo- type, from photographs taken especially for this volume. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with five beautiful miniatures (reproductions of famous miniatures by Engleheart) inset in the front cover, and five similar miniatures inset in the back cover, the intervening space filled with gold-tooled roses and leaf- sprays, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. ENGLISH LYRICS From Spenser to Minton. ILLUSTRATIONS BY ROBERT ANNING BELL, and Introduc- tion by John Dennis. 8vo. London. 1898. Full brown crushed levant morocco, covered with gold-tooled conventionalized flowers, decorated inside edges, doublure and flies of light-brown silk, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. ESQUEMELING, Jonn. BUCANIERS OF AMERICA: or, a true Account of the Moft Remarkable Affaults Committed of late years upon the [215 Continued | 216 Coafts of the Weft-Indies. By the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga Both English and French. Wherein are con- tained more efpecially, The unparallel’d Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our Englifh Jamaican Hero, who fack’d Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, Etc. Written originally in Dutch, by John Efquemeling, one of the Bucaniers, who was prefent at thofe Tragedies; and thence tranflated into Spanifh, by Alonfo de Bonne-maifon, Doctor of Phyfick, and Practitioner at Amfterdam. Now faithfully rendred into Englifh. London: Printed for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon with-out Temple-bar. 1684. Bucaniers OF AmeEricA. The Second Volume. Containing The Dangerous Voyage and Bold Attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp, and others; performed upon the Coafts of the South Sea, for the {pace of two years, etc. From the Original Journal of the faid Voyage. Written By Mr. Basil Ringrose, Gent. Who was all along prefent at thofe Transactions. London: Printed for William Crooke, at the Sign of the Green Dragon without Temple- bar. 1685. Together, 2 volumes bound in one. 4to. Tue First Enpirion, very rare. In excellent condition. Inserted is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING by G. H. Boughton, illustrating a passage on page 29, Part II: “Pirates came on shore to rob, and these carried away the Images, the Pic- tures, the Bells of the great church, on board the Fleet.” Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, with blind and gold- tooling, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. EVANGILES. Les EvANGILEs DEs DiMANCHEs ET Fires DE L’ ANNEE. Suivis de Priéres 4 la Sainte Vierge et aux Saints. ‘Texte revu par M. Abbé Delaunay. Désigné par Monseigneur l Archevéque de Paris. Volume I:—Sumptuously illus- trated, and decorated with colored borders, plates, initials ie [216 Continued] 217 and titles, reproductions in color of MSS., missals, ete.; with copies of numerous illustrations of biblical scenes in color. Vol. I1:—With platinotype reproduction of paint- ings, engraved title-pages, reproductions of ancient wood- cuts, including Holbein’s Dance of Death; borders, and decorative pieces. 4to. Paris. [1864.] Two Volumes. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, blind-tooled, inside edges tooled with filleted lines, doublure and flies of dark red watered-silk, gilt edges, by Rousselle. EX-LIBRIS SERIES. EpirEep By GLEESON WuitTE. A Complete Collected Set of the Edition-de-luxe on Japanese vellum, as follows: FreNcH Boox-Puates: A Handbook for Ex- Libris Collectors. By Walter Hamilton, Hon. Treas. of the Ex-Libris Society. 8vo. London. 1892. No. 15 of 36 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. * ENcGuisH Boox-Puates: An Illustrated Hand- book for Students of Ex-Libris. By Egerton Castle. 8vo. London. 1892. No. 43 of 65 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. THe Dance oF DeEatH, BY Hans HOovseEIn. With an introductory note by Austin Dobson. 8vo. Lon- don. 1892. No. 36 of 100 copies on Japanese vellum. Printers’ Marks: A Chapter in the History of Typography. By W. Roberts. 8vo. London. 1898. No. 59 of '75 copies. With a frontispiece in color. American Boox-Puiates: A Guide to their — Study. By Charles Dexter Allen. With a Bibliography by E. N. Hewins. 8vo. London. 1895. No. 3 of 78 copies. With a frontispiece in color. [217 Continued | Laviss’ Boox-Puates: An Illustrated Hand- book for Collectors and Book-lovers. By Norna Labou- chere. 8vo. London. 1895. No. 35 of 75 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. BooxkBINDINGS, OLD AND NEw: Notes of a Book-lover. With an Account of the Grolier Club of New York. By Brander Matthews. Illustrated. 8vo. New York. 1895. No. 58 of 75 copies. ALPHABETS: A, Handbook of Lettering with Historical, Critical, and Practical Descriptions. By kd- ward F.. Strange. 8vo. London. 1895. No. 39 of '75 copies. With a frontispiece in color. Mopern Ixvuustration. By Joseph Pennell. 8vo. London. 1895. No. 47 of 125 copies. Or THE DECORATIVE ILLUSTRATION OF Books: Old and New. By Walter Crane. 8vo. London. 1896. No. 37 of 130 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. FReNcH Boox-Puates. By Walter Hamilton. 8vo. London. 1896. No. 12 of 35 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. DecorATIvE Heraupry: A Practical Handbook of its Artistic Treatment. By G. W. Eve. 8vo. Lon- don. 1897. No. 25 of 130 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. THE Bayeux Tapestry: A History and De- scription. By Frank Rede Fowke. 8vo. London. 1898. No. 6. With a frontispiece in color. [217 Continued] 218 219 : GERMAN Boox-PuatEs: An Illustrated Hand- book of German and Austrian Ex-Libris. By Karl Kmich Count zu Leiningen-Westerburg. Translated by G. Ravenscroft Dennis. 8vo. London. 1901. No. 66 of 5 copies. With a frontispiece and some of the plates in color. | Together, 14 volumes. London: George Bell & Sons. Gels 0, 8. All limited and numbered copies on Japanese paper, sumptu- ously illustrated, with hundreds of text illustrations, and many colored plates. Full red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. FABLES. THE F'ABLEs oF Alsop. Witha Life of the Author; and Embellished with 112 Plates. [Vignette.] London. 4th June, 1793. ” Two Volumes. Fasies: By John Gay. With a Life of the Au- thor; and Embellished with 70 Plates. [Vignette.] Lon- don. 1798. Two Volumes. Together, 4 volumes. 4to. London: Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. 1793. Stockdale’s Fine Editions, with 182 beautiful engravings by Blake, Stothard, Wilson, Audinet, Skelton, Landseer, Bromley, Smith, Chapman, and others. Full calf, edges gilt on the rough, by Zaehnsdorf. FENELON, M. pr. Les AVENTURES DE T&LEMAQUE, Fils d’Ulysse. Par M. de Fénelon. Avec Figures en Taille-Douce, dessinées par MM. Cochin et Moreau le Jeune. Deux Tomes. 8vo. A Paris, de L’Imprimerie de Monsieur. 1790. | Two Volumes. [219 Continued ] 220 This beautiful set contains a frontispiece and 6 plates, 3 by Moreau. The plates by Cochin had already been used in the edition of 1781. Extra-ILtustratep, by the insertion of a set of 24 illustrative engravings by Marillier, and an engraved portrait of Fénelon by Vivien. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with filleted borders, doub- lure of blue levant, with a gold-tooled border, light brown watered- silk flies, gilt edges, by Rousselle. FERGUSSON, JAmEs. A CoLLECTED SET OF THE ARCHITECTURAL WORKS OF JAMES F’ERGUsson, as follows: History oF THE MopERN STYLES OF ARCHITEC- TURE. By James Fergusson. Third Edition, Revised. By Robert Kerr, Architect. With illustrations. London. 1891. Two Volumes. History oF INDIAN AND EASTERN ARCHITEC- TURE. By James Fergusson. Forming the third volume of the new edition of the “History of Architecture.” London. 1891. Illustrated with maps, plans, and numerous woodcuts. - A History or ARCHITECTURE IN ALL CouNn- TRIES: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By James Fergusson. Third Edition. Edited by R. Phené Spiers, F.S.A. London. 18938. Two Volumes. Together, 5 volumes. Profusely illustrated with maps, plans, woodcuts, and text illustrations. 8vo. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. v. d. Full maroon straight-grained morocco, gold-tooled inside edges, gilt top, uncut. 221 222 FIELD, MicHaet. | Farr Rosamunp. By Michael Field. [Colophon. ] Here ends Fair Rosamund, by Michael Field. The deco- rations are designed and cut on the wood by Charles Rick- etts. 8vo. London. 1897. “Vale Press” publication. One of 210 copies printed. Tue Wort at Auction. [Colophon.] Here ends the World at Auction, A Play, by Michael Field. The decorations are designed and cut on the wood by Charles Ricketts. 8vo. London. 1898. “Vale Press” publication. One of 210 copies printed. Tue Race or Leaves. [Colophon.] Here ends The Race of Leaves, A Play, by Michael Field. The decorations are designed and cut on the wood by Charles Ricketts. 8vo. London. 1901. “Vale Press” publication. One of 210 copies printed. Together, 3 volumes. 8vo. London and New York, v. d. Full crushed levant morocco (the first two in red, the last in green), decorated with filleted and mitred lines, which enclose a design of poppies, tooled in gold, the flowers in the last volume being inlaid in red crushed levant morocco, edges gilt on the rough, by Miss Prideaux. FITZGERALD, Sysit. Napies. Painted by Augustine Fitzgerald. Described by Sybil Fitzgerald. Square 8vo. London. [1904.] EpITION-DE-LUXE, limited to 250 copies, of which this is No. 66. Signed by the artist, and with 80 full-page illustrations re- produced in colors. Full green crushed levant morocco, with a wide border of in- terlacing bands inlaid in purple levant, and with small ornaments inlaid in pink, brown, and red levant, and with a picture in the central panel of Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples inlaid in brown, green, blue, red, and light brown levant, doublure of red crushed levant with a wide border of interlacing bands of inlaid purple levant and conventional ornaments inlaid in green and brown levant and gold-tooled, flies of red crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. 223 224 225 FLETCHER, W. Y. EINGLIsH BooKBINDINGs IN THE British Museum. I1- lustrations of 63 Examples, Selected on Account of their Beauty or Historical Interest, with Introduction and De- scriptions by William Younger Fletcher. London. 1895. ForEIGN BooKBINDINGS IN THE British Mv- sEUM. Illustrations of 63 Examples, Selected on Account of their Beauty or Historical Interest, with Introduction and Descriptions by William Younger Fletcher. London. 1896. Together, 2 volumes. Folio. The plates printed in fac- simile by W. Griggs. The edition consisted of only 500 copies. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with borders of filleted lines, tooled in gold, doublure and flies of green silk, gilt top, un- cut, by Zaehnsdorf. FLORY, M. A. A Boox asout Fans. The History of Fans and Fan Painting. By M. A. Flory. With a Chapter on Fan- Collecting by Mary Cadwalader Jones. 29 Illustrations. 8vo. New York. 1895. Extra-ILtustratep, by the insertion of 24 folding and other plates of fans, and portraits, many on India paper and some in color. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with ornamental fans in green, yellow, blue, and red levant, inlaid at each angle of the fil- leted borders, gold-tooled inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Canapé. [FORD, EmanvubEt. | Tue Most Famous, DELECTABLE, AND PLEASANT His- TORY OF Parismus, the Most Renowned Prince of Bo- hemia. The First Part. Containing his most noble Atchievements, and triumphant Battles Fought against the Persians. . . . His Love to the beautiful Princess Laurana, the King’s daughter of Thessaly; the Great 5 ee [225 Continued] 226 227 Dangers he passed in the island of Rocks; and of his Strange Adventures in the Desolate Island, etc., ete. Lon- don. 1671.—The Second Part. Containing the Adventur- ous Travels, and Noble Chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame, with his love to the beautiful and fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower, etc., ete. Small 4to. London. 1672. Two Volumes bound in One. With four woodcuts and two titles, and a frontispiece repre- senting Parismus and Laurana. Buack Lerrer. This is a splendid copy of a rare book. The volume is a beautiful prose romance of chivalry. Full red crushed levant morocco, with a border of three-line fillets, edges gilt on the rough, by Bedford. [FORD, EmaAnuvueEt. | Tue Famous History or MonTELION, KNIGHT OF THE ORACLE, Son to the true Mirrour of Princes, The Most Re- nowned Persicles, King of Assyria: shewing His Strange Birth, Unfortunate Love, Perilous Adventures in Arms; and how he came to the knowledge of his Royal Parents. Interlaced with Variety of Pleasant and Delitful Discourse. Small 4to. London: Printed by W. O. for E. Tracy, at the Three Bibles, on London-bridge, and C. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner. n. d. With a woodcut frontispiece and a border around title. An excellent copy in fine condition. Full red crushed levant morocco, with double three-line border on sides, edges gilt on the rough, by Bedford. FOSTER, J. J. MINIATURE PAINTERS, BRITISH AND ForEIGN. With some Account of "Those who Practised in America in the Kighteenth Century. By J. J. Foster, author of “British Miniature Painters and their Works.” Illustrated by [227 Continued | 228 229 Numerous Examples selected from Celebrated Collections. 4to. London: Dickinsons. 1908. Two Volumes. EpiTion-pE-LuxE. No. 117 of an edition limited to 175 copies. With the frontispieces colored by hand, and with the plates on Japan paper. Full red crushed levant morocco, with an oval miniature set in the center of the front cover of each volume and surrounded by eight slightly smaller oval miniatures, and with the enclosing levant gold-tooled with ivy-leaves, doublure and flies of dark green watered- silk, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. The miniatures on the cover of Volume I are reproductions of the following subjects taken from pictures in the book:—The Countess of Aldeburgh, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Miss Sutherland, “A Lady” (by Plimer), Madame Cail (as a Bacchante), “A Lady” (by. Mansion), “A Girl with Garland,” “A Young Lady” (by Hall), and Mrs. Damer. The following subjects are pictured in the miniatures on the cover of the second volume:—“A Lady” (by Isabey), Lady Man- ners, “A Lady” (by Mansion), Mrs. Johnstone, “A Lady” (by Collins), “A Lady” (by Fiiger), Mrs. Montague, Lady Carlisle, and “A Young Lady” (by Hall). FOURNEL, Victor. Les ARTISTES FRANCAIS CONTEMPORAINS. Peintres, © Sculpteurs. [llustré de 10 Kaux-fortes et de 176 gravures dans le texte. 8vo. Tours. 1884. Extra-ILLustraTeD, by the insertion of 50 etchings and portraits, illustrative of the works of French painters, including some after paintings by Scheffer, Ingres, Vernet, Diaz, Gleyre, Delacroix, Troyon, Delaroche, Couture, Rousseau, Regnault, Gavarni, Decamps, etc. Full red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rousselle. FRANKAU, Jutta. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CoLouR Prints: an Essay on certain Stipple Engravers and their Work in Colour. Com- piled, arranged and written, by Julia Frankau. Illustrated with Fifty-two Characteristic Pictures printed in Mono- chrome, and one in Colours. Folio. London. 1900. [229 Continued | 230 Firry InpIA Parer Proors oF PLATES To ILLus- TRATE HIGHTEENTH CENTURY CoLouR Prints: An Essay on certain Stipple Engravers and their Work in Colour. Compiled, arranged, and written, by Julia Frankau. Folio. London. 1900. Together, 2 volumes. This edition is limited to sixty copies, with each of which is issued a portfolio containing fifty proof impressions of the plates printed in colors on India paper. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate design containing roses, lilies, hearts, with scrolls and traceries, gold-tooled inside borders, doublure and flies of lavender watered- silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. FRANKAU, Juia. AN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ARTIST AND ENGRAVER, JOHN RAPHAEL SmiTH. His Life and Works. By Julia Frankau, author of “Eighteenth Century Colour Prints.” With thirty photogravures. 8vo. London. 1902. — AN EHIcHTEENTH CENTURY ARTIST AND EN- GRAVER. JOHN RapHaAEL SmiTH. His Life and Works. Compiled, Arranged, and Written by Julia Frankau. A Portfolio containing Fifty Examples of Stipple, Mezzo- tints, Paintings, and Drawings. Printed in Colours and Monochrome. Folio. London. 1902. Together, 2 volumes; one of text, and one of plates by J. R. Smith reproduced in photogravure, and in colored facsimile. Full red crushed levant morocco, with the most elaborate and beautiful inlaid decoration, the designs for front and back covers and for both doublures being different; the front cover with a central panel containing conventionalized flowers inlaid in brown morocco, with leaves in green, and elaborate gold-tooling, with a broad border of oak leaves and acorns inlaid in green and brown levant on a dotted ground; the back cover with a central panel containing bunches of grapes inlaid in purple morocco and with grape-leaves in green, with a broad outside border containing con- [230 Continued] 231 232 ventionalized iris inlaid in white morocco, with gold-tooled sprays on a dotted ground; the doublure of light brown crushed levant, with a flowing design of lilies inlaid in white morocco, with curving leaves inlaid in green morocco, the back doublure being a similar design inlaid in the same colored leathers, flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. FRANKAU, Jutta. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ARTISTS AND ENGRAVERS. WIL- LIAM Warp, A.R.A., James Warp, R.A. Their Lives and Works. By Julia Frankau, author of “Eighteenth Century Colour-Prints.” With thirty photogravures. 8vo. London. 1904. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ARTISTS AND EINGRAV- ERS. WuataAm Warp, A.R.A., James Warp, R.A. Their Lives and Works. By Julia Frankau. A Portfolio containing Forty Engravings in Mezzotint and Stipple; Printed in Monochrome and Colours. Folio. London. 1904. Together, two volumes; one of text and one of plates, by James and William Ward, reproduced in mezzotint and stipple, and printed in monochrome and colors. Full red crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate conven- tional design of interlacing arabesques inlaid in green, blue, purple, -and orange levant on the covers, doublure of olive green levant with a decoration of curving bands of inlaid red levant, with a center panel of inlaid blue levant, flies of green crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. FRANKLIN, Brensamin. Lire AND TIMES OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. By James Parton. 4to. New York. 1865. Four Volumes. One of 100 copies on LarcE-PAPeR, printed for E. French, 126 Nassau Street. Extra-ILLustTRATED, and extended to 4 nee by the in- sertion of over 150 prints, many of them rare, being views and portraits of all the revolutionary celebrities, French and English [232 Continued | 233 234 statesmen and court personages, etc., who were connected with Franklin’s life; engraved after West, Sauvage, Vanderburgh, Chappel, Copley, Reynolds, Longacre, Lawrence, Peale, Stuart, Trumbull, and others; by Varin, Halpin, Heath, Robinson, Possel- white, Finden, Baudrain, Woodman, Holl, Rahn, Scriven, St. Aubin, Julien, Picart, Edwiiu, Worthington, Colin, Geoffroy, Bollinger, etc. etc. Also a series of portraits of Franklin, engraved by Hall, Levy, Ferdinand, Weber, Gross, Dekenino, Bertonnier, Bisi, Bonneville, and Longacre. Full red crushed levant morocco, decorated back and borders on sides, inside edges tooled in gold, gilt top, uncut, by Ritter. FROISSART, Sir Jown. CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, AND THE ADJOINING CountTriEs, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV. By Sir John Froissart. Translated from the French Editions, with Variations and Additions from many celebrated MSS., by Thomas Johnes, Esq. With 116 woodcuts, and 72 col- ored plates, being Illuminations from the Froissart MS. in the Bibliothéque Royale, Paris, the British Museum, and other sources, also a colored extra title. 4to. London. 1839. Two Volumes. Full green crushed levant morocco, decorated on corners and backs with clusters of roses, leaves, and morning-glories inlaid with red and white leathers, doublure and flies of vellum, gilt edges. FULLEYLOVE, Joun Tue Hoty Lanp. Painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. Described by John Kelman, M.A. Square 8vo. London. 1902. LarcE-paPer Cory. No. 244 of 500 copies, and signed by the publishers. With 92 colored illustrations. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate de- sign on the covers of curving rose-sprays, with roses tooled in gold, and a large cluster of lilies inlaid in white morocco on a dotted background, doublure of red crushed levant, with a border of fil- leted lines, flies of red watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. 235 FUR, FEATHER, ann FIN SERIES. EpiTtED By ALFRED E. T. Watson. - Fe a en a nee a ae ee ee re ee en ene ee eh Ba te 316 317 318 319 HAMERTON, Puuire Guert. ETCHING AND Ercuers. A New Edition. Illustrated. Ato. London. 1876. Exrra-ILtustratep, by the insertion of 68 etchings, by Meissonier, Seymour Haden, Jongkind, Veyrasset, Appian, Unger, Israel, Meryon, Lalauze, and others. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, with inside borders of filleted lines, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. HAMERTON, Pup GitBerr. E:TCHING AND Etcuers. ‘Another Copy. Third Edition. 4to. London. 1880. | Three Volumes. Extra-ILLusTRATED, and extended to 3 volumes, with extra- titles, by the insertion of 130 rare prints, by and after Diirer, Rembrandt, Vandervelde, Ostade, Waterlo, Claude, Lalauze, Meyron, Millet, Corot, Meissonier, Jacquemart, Jongkind, Sey- mour Haden, Gravesande, Legros, Hamerton, Potter, Detaille, Chiffart, Appian, Jacque, Callot, Gilli, Ruysdael, Cruikshank, Turner, Palmer, and Van S’Gravesande. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, gold- tooled inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. HAMERTON, Puivir GitBeErt. LanpscaPe. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. With Orig- inal Etchings and many Illustrations from Pictures and Drawings. Folio. London. 1885. No. 295 of 500 copies on LARGE-PAPER. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled sides and back after the manner of Déréme, gold-tooled inside eo gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. HAMERTON, Pxuuiuip GiBERT. Man in Arr. Studies in Religious and Historical Art, Portrait, and Genre. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. With 46 Plates in Line-Engraving, Mezzotint, Photogravure, [819 Continued | - 820 Hyalography, Etching, and Wood- Engraving. Folio. London. 1892. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with borders and panels of filleted lines, and rose clusters, gold-tooled inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. | HARDY, THOMAS. A CoLLECTED SET, IN First EDITIONS, OF THE Works OF Tuomas Harpy, as follows: DESPERATE RemeEpies. A Novel. 12mo. Lon- don. 1871. Three Volumes. UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE. A Rural Paint- ing of the Dutch School. By the Author of “Desperate Remedies.” 12mo. London. 1872. Two Volumes. A Parr or Buus Eves. A Novel. By Thomas Hardy, Author of “Under the Greenwood Tree,” “Des- perate Remedies,” etc. 12mo. London. 1873. Three Volumes. Far FRoM THE Mappine Crowp. By Thomas Hardy, Author of “A Pair of Blue Eyes.” With 12 il- lustrations. 8vo. London. 1874. i Two Volumes. Tur Hanp oF Erueiperta. A Comedy in Chapters. By Thomas Hardy, Author of “Far from the Madding Crowd,” etc. With 11 illustrations. 8vo. Lon- don. 1876. Two Volumes. Tur Rerurn oF THE Native. By Thomas Hardy, Author of “Far from the Madding Crowd.” 8vo. London. 1878. Three Volumes. [3820 Continued | THe TRrumPet-Masor. A Tale. By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. London. 1880. Three Volumes. A. LAODICEAN; or, THE CASTLE OF THE DE Stancys. A Story of To-day. By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. London. 1881. Three Volumes. Two on A Tower: A Romance. By Thomas Hardy, Author of “Far from the Madding Crowd,” “The Trumpet-Major,” etc. 12mo.' London. 1882. Three Volumes. Tue Mayor or CASTERBRIDGE: The Life and Death of a Man of Character. By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. London. 1886. Two Volumes. THE Woop.anvers, By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. London. 1887. Three Volumes. WEssEX TALEs: Strange, Lively, and Common- place. By Thomas Hardy, Author of “The Woodlanders,” etc. 12mo. London. 1888. Two Volumes. — A Grour or Nosiet Dames. By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. London. 1891. | Tress oF THE D’UrpErvitiEs: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented. By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. Lon- don. 1891. Three Volumes. Lirre’s Lirrtze Ironirs: A Set of Tales with Some Colloquial Sketches, Entitled A Few Crusted Char- acters. By Thomas Hardy. 12mo. London. 1894. [820 Continued | 321 JUDE THE OxrscurE. By Thomas Hardy. With an Etching by H. Macbeth-Raeburn, and a Map of Wes- sex. 12mo. London. 1896. WeEssEx Porms; and Other Verses. By Thomas Hardy. With 380 illustrations by the Author. 8vo. Lon- don. 1898. Together, 38 volumes. London. v. d., v. 8. Half light green calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. HARE, Aveustus J. C. A CouLEcTED SET OF THE Works or Avucustus J. C. Hake, as follows: Two Volumes. SKETCHES IN HOLLAND AND SCANDINAVIA. London. [1884.] — Days Near Rome. London. [1884.] Two Volumes. —— SouTH-WEsTERN France. London. 1890. —— NorrtrH-EAsTERN FRANCE. London. 1890. — SouTH-EAsTeErRN FrANcE. London. 1890. — Mewmoriats oF A Quiet Lire. London. 1890. Two Volumes. With a supplementary volume added, containing 57 photo- graphs, including family portraits, and scenes connected with Hare’s life, mostly after drawings and paintings by the author. THe Story or Two Nosie Lives: being Memorials of Charlotte, Countess Canning, and Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford. London. 1893. Three Volumes. Crries or NorTHERN Itaty. London. [1883.] Cre, a ope hee = re aie ae ee Re ee Re ee ene ee [821 Continued | THe Lirk AnD LETTERS oF FRANCES, BARONESS Bunsen. London. 1894. Two Volumes. — Watrxks IN Lonpon. London. 1894. Two Volumes. THE GURNEYS OF EARLHAM. London. 1895. Two Volumes. BioGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: being Memorials of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster; Henry Alford, Dean of Canterbury; Mrs. Duncan Stewart, etc. London. 1895. NortH-WEsTERN FRANCE. (Normandy and Brittany.) London. 1895. THe Story oF My Lire. London. 1896-1900. Six Volumes. Sussex. London. 1896. Venice. With map and 23 woodcuts. Lon- don. 1896. FiLorENcE. With map and 22 woodcuts. Lon- don. 1896. WaANDERINGS IN SPAIN. London. 1896. Tue Riviera. With 67 woodcuts. London. 1897. WaLxks IN Rome. London. 1897. Two Volumes. Crrres oF SOUTHERN ITALY AND Sicity. Lon- don. n. d. Crrigs oF CENTRAL Iraty. London. n. d. Two Volumes. [321 Continued | 322 DAYS NEAR Paris. London. n. d. STUDIES IN Russia. London. n. d. Paris. London. n. d. Together, 41 volumes. Profusely Illustrated. Some of the volumes 16mo, but all bound in 12mo. London: George Allen. v. d. Half red crushed levant morocco, with decorations of roses, leaves and filleted lines, gilt edges, by Worsfold. HAYWARD, ABRAHAM. A CoLLEcTeD SET OF THE Works oF ABRAHAM Hay- WARD, as follows: —__—— BrocGrarHicaL AND CriticaL Essays. Reprinted from Reviews, with Additions and Corrections. 8vo. Lon- don. 1858. Two Volumes. AUTOBIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, AND LiTERARY RE- MAINS OF Mrs. Prozzi (THrALE). Edited with Notes and an Introductory Account of her Life and Writings by A. Hayward, Esq., Q. C. Portrait. 12mo. Second Edition. London. 1861. Two Volumes. BIoGRAPHICAL AND Critica Essays. Re- printed from Reviews, with Additions and Corrections. A New Series. 8vo. Second Edition. London. 1873. Two Volumes. BIOGRAPHICAL AND CriticaL Essays. Reprinted from Reviews, with Additions and Corrections. Third Series. 8vo. London. 1874. SKETCHES OF EMINENT STATESMEN AND WRIT- ERS; With Other Essays. 8vo. London. 1880. Two Volumes. Se ae ee a [3822 Continued | 323 324 325 A SELECTION FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF ABRAHAM Haywarp, Q.C. From 1834 to 1884. With an Account of his Karly Life. Edited by Henry E. Car- lisle. 12mo. London. 1886. ? Two Volumes. Together, 11 volumes. London. v. d., v. s. Full polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. HENRY IV. Tue History or Henry IV.,(Surnamed “The Great’), King of France and Navarre. Translated from the French. 8vo. London. 1896. One of 5 extra copies printed on Japanese vellum, and not offered for sale. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with sprays of laurel and fleur-de-lis in gold, doublure and flies of red silk, gilt top, uncut. “HERRICK, Rosert. POEMS CHOSEN OUT OF THE Works OF ROBERT HERRICK. [Colophon.] Edited by F. S. Ellis from the text of the edition put forth by the Author in 1648. 8vo. Printed by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, London, W., and finished on the 21st day of November, 1895. Sold by William Morris at the Kelm- scott Press. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with an exquisite Tudor rose and leaf design tooled in gold on sides, back, and inside corners, doublure and flies of vellum, edges gilt on the rough, by the Doves Bindery. HERRICK, Rosert. Tue HesPermes AND NosteE Numsers. Edited by Al- fred Pollard, with a Preface by A. C. Swinburne. 16mo. London. 1897. Two Volumes. Full green crushed levant morocco, with borders of filleted lines, tooled in gold, gilt edges, by Mercier. 826 [HEYWOOD, Tuomas.] 327 THe Lire or Meriin, SrrNAMED Amprosius. His Prophesies and Predictions Interpreted; and their truth made good by our English Annalls. Being a Chrono- graphicall History of all the Kings, and memorable pass- ages of this Kingdome, from Brute to the Reigne of our Royall Soveraigne, King Charles. A Subject never pub- lished in this kind before, and deserves to be knowne and observed by all men. [Latin quotation.] Small 4to. London: Printed by J. Okes, and are to be sold by Jasper Emery in Paul’s Church-yard, at the signe of the Eagle and Child, neare St. Austins Gate. 1641. First Epition, with a frontispiece engraved by Hollar, con- taining a portrait, with verses below. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, the sides and back covered with inlaid leather and gold-tooling, on the extreme edges is a narrow border of inlaid black leather, and another of inlaid white morocco; the center consists of elaborate scrolls inlaid in black morocco, issuing from demon heads inlaid in brown morocco, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviére. HOGARTH, Wim. THE Works oF Witu1AmM HocartH. An Extraordinary Assemblage of the Graphic Works of this famous Painter and Satirist, showing him in different Artistic Phases. In all over 850 Plates, a large portion being proofs in the earlier impressions, and in the many different states. All either mounted or inlaid on heavy hand-made paper. Together, 10 volumes. Folio, and atlas folio. A UNIQUE COLLECTION, and, without doubt, the most complete Hogarth collection m America. . The more prominent engravings include: Numerous portraits of Hogarth: Hogarth with a dog, profile to left; the same, by A. Smith, profile to right, in 2 states; Hogarth painting Comedy, first and fifth states, with a fine mezzotint of the same in folio size, by Townley; Hogarth, by himself, etched by Ireland; and a large collection of curious portraits of Hogarth; [827 Continued | portraits of John Wilkes, Esq.; Daniel Locke, Esq., etched by McArdell; Capt. Coram; John Broughton; Mr. Pine, 4 states ; Mar- tin Folkes; H. Fielding, 2 states; Lady Byron; Samuel Butler; Dr. Thomas Herring; Jacobus Gibbs, 2 states; etc.; Hogarth’s book-plate, invitation cards, etc. ; Five Orders of Periwigs, 2 states ; A Series of 19 Illustrations, after the manner of Callot; A Series of 12 Illustrations to Hudibras, 2 states; The Apostate Parson; Beggar’s Opera; The Bruiser, 3 states; Undertaker’s ; The Lottery; Puggs Graces; France, 2 plates ; Shrimps, Whey, and Pies; The Weighing House; Lovat’s Ghost ;——Illustrations to “Don Juan” and “Don Quixote” ;—Analysis of Beauty,’3 states;——The Political Clyster, the Gulliver suppressed plates in 2 states; Mystery of Masonry, 2 states; Harlot’s Progress, 6 plates in 2 states, with the rare-series of the same, engraved by Cooper; The Rake’s Progress, 2 states, plate I in 3 states, and another set of the same with the design reversed, published by Bakewell; Marriage a-la- ; Mode, Ist and 2d states, with a series of very large etchings of the same ;——Industry and Idleness, 12 plates in 2 states;——Four _ Stages of Cruelty, with a duplicate set engraved on wood; Beer Street, 4 states; Gin Lane, 2 states; Woman Swear- ing Her Child on a Grave Citizen, a mezzotint in 2 states ; Taste in High Life, 3 states;——-Midnight Modern Conversation, 4 states ; Distressed Poet, 3. states; Enraged Musician, 2 states ; Four Times of the Day, 2 states; Election Enter- tainment, etc., 2d and 3d states; Paul Before Felix, 5 states; Moses Before Pharoah’s Daughter, 4 states ; Good Samari- _ tan, 2 states; Pool of Bethesda, 2 states; Henry VIII, 2 states ;——Royal Masquerade, 2 states; Garrick in the Green Room, a very rare mezzotint; Sigismonda, 4 different plate etchings ; No Old Baby, 2 states ; Sarah Malcolm, 5 states; and includes the proof before “etc., sculpsit” was introduced, which is very fine and excessively rare; The Indian Emperor, 2 states ; March of the Guards, 2 states ; Roast Beef of Old England, 3 states; The Politician ; A Medley, a copy of a unique print ; The Lady’s Last Stake;——-Garrick as Richard III; ——Sancho, an original print; The Bench; Sleepy Con- gregation, one of the plates being very rare; Satan, Sin, and Death; etched by Rowlandson, with proof of the same; The Discovery of a Black Woman in Bed, a very rare and fine print ; Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn; Letter-press [3827 Continued | 328 of “Five Days’ Peregrination,” 1782; “Sketches from Hogarth, by Mr. Livesay,” 23 reproductions, 1788; “Hogarth’s Tour,” en- gravings by Livesay; and the titles for “Analysis of Beauty,” 1753; etc., etc. ;———Also, many caricatures, views, sketches, etc., etc. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled corners, decorated back and inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. HOGARTH, Wi1u1aM. Wiui1AmM HocartH. By Austin Dobson. With an In- troduction on Hogarth’s Workmanship by Sir Walter Armstrong. With plates in photogravure and facsimile. 4to. London. 1902. Three Volumes. Epirion-pE-LUxE, with a duplicate set of the plates in photo- gravure on India paper, limited to 110 sets, and with a triplicate set of plates in photogravure on Japanese paper, limited to 30 sets, each bound in a separate volume. The illustrations number 70 in all; sixty in photogravure and ten in lithographic facsimile. Full red crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate flowing pat- tern tooled in gold on the covers, with flowers and buds inlaid in purple morocco, doublure of green crushed levant morocco, with a border of conventionalized lilies tooled in gold, flies of green watered- silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. . 328A HOLE, S. Rreynoxps. 329 Our Garpvens. By S. Reynolds Hole, Author of “A Book about Roses.” 8vo. London. 1899. Larce-PaPer Copy, No. 27 of 150 copies on hand-made paper, and signed by the author. With 10 illustrations in photogravure and half-tone, and a frontispiece in colors. Full olive green crushed levant morocco, with a lily inlaid in white levant, and gold-tooled lily leaves in the lower part of the front cover, and with roses inlaid in red levant and gold-tooled leaves in the upper corners of the front cover, doublure and flies of green silk, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. HOLINSHED [or, HoiurmesHean], RAPHAELL. THE CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, SCOTLANDE, AND IRE- LANDE. Conteyning:—The Description and Chronicles of [3829 Continued | 330 331 England, from the First Inhabiting unto the Conquest.— The Description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the First Originall of the Scottes Nation, till the yeare of our Lord 1571.—The Description and Chronicles of Yrelande, like- wise from the First Originall of that Nation, untill the yeare 1547. Faithfully gathered and set forth, by Raphaell Holinshed. Folio. At London: Imprinted for George Bishop [and John Hartson]. 1577. God Save the Queene. Two Volumes. First Epirion, and a remarkably fine copy. Llustrated with many fine woodcut engravings; portraits of the various monarchs; and containing a large foldmg map of Edinburgh, which is very rarely found, on pp. 1868-1869; also 4 separate titles, with wood- cut borders. This volume, although bearing the date 1577, was not licensed till July 1, 1578, and then printed.. Some copies bear the imprint of John Harison, others, Luke or Lucas Harison, or John Hunne, or George Bishop. But all the copies were printed by Henry Bynneman. This is sometimes called the “Shakespeare” edition, because it was used by the poet. Full olive crushed levant morocco, with gold and blind tooling, edges gilt on the rough, by Riviere. HOLMES, C. J. CoNSTABLE AND His INFLUENCE on LANDSCAPE PAINT- inc. By C. J. Holmes. With Seventy-seven Photograv- ure Plates. 4to. Westminster. 1902. JAPAN-PAPER Copy. No. XV of 50 copies, with a duplicate set of the photogravure plates. Full red crushed levant morocco, with the covers elaborately gold-tooled in the Eve style with an open central panel, doublure of green crushed levant, inside borders of red crushed levant with simple gold-tooled lines, flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. HOMER. Homeri OprrA, GR«&cE. Editio Princeps. Florentie: sumptibus Bernardi et Neru Nerliorum. 1488. Folio. Two Volumes. [331 Continued | 332 333 First Epirion or THe I11ap anp Opyssey. From the Peel library. A remarkably large, sound, and clean copy, with a few blank margins repaired, the paper and presswork being of the most beautiful description. ‘This work contains two prefaces, one in Latin by Bernardus Nerlius, the other by Chalcondyles, in Greek, the biography of Homer by Herodotus, and the prefix of Plutarch’s Life of the poet. The Iliad begins on the recto of the 43d leaf, ending on the verso of the 206th ledf. The second volume contains the Odyssey, without a preface, in 161 leaves, and is followed by the Batrachomyomachia, occupying four leaves, the Hymns fol- lowing, and then the colophon. Full russia, extra, gold-tooled back, edges gilt on the rough. HOMER. THE Iviapds oF Homer, Prince of Poets. Neuer before in any language truely translated. With a Coment uppon some of his chiefe places; Donne according to the Greeke. By Geo. Chapman. At London, printed for Nathaniell Butter. n.d. [1611, or early in 1612.] Folio. First CompLete Encuisn Epirion or tor 24 Books or THE In1aps, printed by Richard Field. This copy is in perfect condition, with the engraved title by William Hole, the “Errata,” and the six leaves of additional poems at the end. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, decorated with a border of fuchsia buds inlaid in red morocco, corners of water-lilies and lily-pads in white and green leathers, with a dotted back- ground; in the center panel a tree with a large laurel wreath inlaid in brown, blue, and green moroccos, enclosing a wreath of red fuchsias, all surrounding a bust of Homer inlaid in white on a light blue ground, below a ribbon with the title on green morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. HOMER. THE WuHo.e Works oF Homer; Prince of Poetts, In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke, by Geo. Chapman. [Quotation in Latin.] Folio. At London, printed for Nathaniell Butter. [1616.] First CoMpLeTEe EpITIon oF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF Homer; a clean, sound, and beautiful copy. Two parts bound in one volume. With fine impressions of the engraved title-pages to both [383 Continued | 334 parts, that to the Iliad bearing the portrait of Chapman, etat. 57, on the reverse, also the engraved plate in memory of Prince Henry. The engraved title-page to the Odyssey found in this copy is of excessive rarity, for when the two parts were issued together in this form it was usually suppressed, the first title serving for the whole book. Full dark red crushed levant morocco, gold-tooled sides and back, gilt edges, by Lleyd and Wallis. HOOD, Tuomas. A CoLLECTED SET OF THE Works oF THOMAS Hoop In THE First Epirions, as follows: ° OpEsS AND ADDRESSES TO GREAT PEOPLE. 16mo. London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, & Joy. 1825. WHuHIMs AND OppiTiIEs, In Prose and Verse, with Forty Original Designs. By Thomas Hood, one of the Authors of Addresses to Great People, and the Designer of the Progress of Cant. 12mo. London: Lupton Relfe, 13, Cornhill. 1826. With woodcuts. The Same. Second Series. 12mo. London: Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street. With woodcuts. 1827. Nationa Tartes. By Thomas Hood, Author of “Whims and Oddities.” 8vo. London: William H. Ainsworth, Old Bond Street. 1827. Two Volumes. With illustrations by T. Dighton. THe PLEA oF THE MipsuMMER FarniEs, Hero and Leander, Lycus the Centaur, and Other Poems. By Thomas Hood. 12mo. London. 1827. Tue Comic ANNUAL. By Thomas Hood, Esq. 16mo. London. 1830-1842. Together, 11 volumes. With the original covers preserved. These volumes contain illustrations and vignettes by Cruikshank, Branston, Harvey, Hood, Hewitt, Scott, Gilbert, Leech, and others. [334 Continued | THe Dream oF EUGENE ARAM, THE Mur- DERER. By Thomas Hood, Esq. With designs by W. Harvey. 12mo. London. 1831. With the original covers preserved, and with 5 full-page wood- cut illustrations. Tuer Comic Scrap Boox. With 5 full-page woodcut illustrations. 32mo. London. 1834, Tytnrty Harti. By Thomas Hood. 8vo. Lon- don. 1834. Three Volumes. Ur tHE RuINE. By Thomas Hood. 12mo. London. 1840. With illustrations, and the original covers preserved. WuimsiIcauitTies: A PERIODICAL GATHERING. By Thomas Hood, Author of “The Comic Annual,” “Whims and Oddities,” etc. With Numerous Illustra- tions, from Designs by Leech. 12mo. London. 1844. | Two Volumes. With the original covers preserved. Porms. By Thomas Hood. 16mo. London: Edward Mowon, Dover Street. 1846. ; Two Volumes. ; With the original cover titles preserved. Poems oF Wit AND Humor. By Thomas Hood. 16mo. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street. 1847. With the original covers preserved. MermoriAts oF THomas Hoop. Collected, Ar- ranged, and Edited by his Daughter. With a Preface and Notes by his Son. Llustrated with Copies from his own sketches. 12mo. London, 1860. | Two Volumes. With the original covers preserved. [334 Continued] 335 336 337 Together, 80 volumes. London. v. p., v. d., v. 8. Hood was an editor of the “London Magazine,” the “New Monthly Magazine,” the “Gem,” and a frequent contributor to “Punch.” He possessed more wit, fun, and humor than any man of his time. Full red crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled backs, gilt top, uncut, with the original covers preserved, by Riviere. HOOD, Tuomas. Miss KinMANsEGG AND. HER Precious Lec; A Golden Legend. By Thomas Hood. With 60 Illustrations by Thomas S. Seccombe, R.A. Engraved by F. Joubert. 4to. London. 1870. Full blue crushed levant morocco, with decorative panels, borders, and inside edges gold-tooled, gilt edges, with the original blue picture covers preserved, by Riviére. HORACE. THe Works oF Quintus. Horatius Fuaccus. Lllus- trated chiefly from the remains of Ancient Art. With a Life. By the Rev. Henry Hart Milman. 8vo. London. 1849. | First Eprrion, illustrated by 300 beautiful woodcuts of coins, gems, bas-reliefs, statues, views, etc., taken from the antique, and drawn on wood by George Scharf, Jr., with the ornaments and borders designed by Owen Jones, in color. Full yellow crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled borders on sides of lilies and leaves, gilt edges, by Riviere. HORA BEATA Mari# Vircinis, cum CALENDARIO. A Fifteenth-Century Manuscript on Vellum; the “Hours” in Latin, with the Calendar in Old French, and of Flemish workmanship. Finely written on 170 leaves comprising 340 pages, in large Gothic characters, in black. Containing 6 Full-page Miniatures, 20 Smaller Miniatures, 258 Large Initials, and 1264 Small Initials, besides nu- [337 Continued | 338 merous borders, bands, and finials; all in colors with the backgrounds in burnished and heavy gold. 8vo. UnigvE fifteenth century MS. of “Heures” on vellum, the text beautifully executed by a Flemish scribe in Latin and French. This fine Gothic MS. contains, besides the numerous minia- tures, many pages surrounded by broad illuminated borders with birds, fruit, flowers, scrolls, grotesque animals, and conventional Gothic foliage, some of which is worked into geometrical orna- mentations, squares, triangles, etc. This copy is in a splendid state of preservation. Among the miniatures, which have delicately-painted land- scapes for their backgrounds, may be mentioned: “St. Mark Read- ing the Gospel’; ““Madonna and Child with Angels”; “Virgin and Christ”; ““The Annunciation”; “The Visitation”; “The Nativity” ; ‘Adoration of the Wise Men’’; ‘‘Presentation in the Temple”; “The Flight into Egypt”; “The Crucifixion,” and “The Trinity.” Full brown crushed levant morocco, on the covers of which are ~ inlaid the panels of a fine old Italian calf binding, with well-pre- served borders and center-pieces of scrolls in gold, a beautiful ex- ample of Venetian sixteenth century binding, edges gilt on the rough, with golden clasps of a Venetian design. HOURS. UFFIzI0 DELLA B. V. Maria. Secondo la Volgata Edi- zione. Glossa Latina. Parafrasi Italiana, e Dissertazione Liturgica di Saverio Mattei. 12mo. Siena. [1777.] Presso Pazzim Carli. Con Approvazione. With an engraved title-page, and 8 beautifully engraved illus- trations. | Elaborately bound in a contemporary Italian mosaic binding, with inlays of colored mica, held in place by bands of black leather, on a ground of white morocco with gold pointillé, with an oval miniature in the center of each cover, that on the front cover con- taining a representation of a fortress and a ship riding at anchor with motto; on the back. cover, a picture of a ship lying alongside a wharf, gilt edges. oad eS ee ee ee, ee ee nT SS en ee ae ee. ee ee ee ee Oe PO ee Sl ee ee 338A—HOUSMAN, Laurence. 339 340 ALL-FELLOWs. Seven Legends of Lower Redemption, with insets in verse. By Laurence Housman. With 8 illustrations. 8vo. London. 1896. | Full red crushed levant morocco, with back and sides covered with a graceful design of bellflowers, gilt edges, by Miss Le Lacheur. HUGHES, Wiu1aM. THE AMERICAN PuysiITIAN; or, A Treatise of the Roots, Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Fruit, Herbs, etc., Growing in the English Plantations in America. Describing the Place, Time, Names, Kindes, Temperature, Vertues, and Uses of them, either for Diet, Physick, etc. Whereunto is added A. Discourse of the Cacao-Nut-Tree, and the Use of its Fruit; with all the ways of making Chocolate. The like never extant before. By W. Hughes. 12mo. London: Printed by J. C. for William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar. 1672. First Enpirion, and exceedingly rare, the volume not being mentioned in Stevens’ Nuggets. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with wide inlaid borders of green morocco, and with flowers in yellow and red inlaid leathers with gold pointillé, title on side, gilt edges, by Riviére. HUNT, Leicu. A CoLLEcCTED SET OF THE Works oF JAMES HENRY LricgH HUNT, IN THE First Enitions, as follows: JUVENILIA: or, a Collection of Poems. Writ- ten between the ages of twelve and sixteen, by J. H. L. Hunt, Late of the Grammar School of Christ’s Hospital. And dedicated, by permission, to the Hon. J. H. Leigh. Containing Miscellanies, Translations, Sonnets, Pastorals, Elegies, Odes, Hymns, and Anthems. 8vo. London: Printed by J. Whiting, Finsbury Place. 1801. - With an engraved frontispiece by Bartolozzi. This book of verse, collected by his father, was published when the author was but sixteen years of age. [840 Continued | Cuassic Tates: Serious and Lively. With Critical Essays on the Merits and Reputation of the Au- thors. 16mo. London. 1806-7. Five Volumes. CriticaL Essays ON THE PERFORMERS OF THE Lonpon THEATRES; including General Observations on the Practice and Genius of the Stage. By the Author of the Theatrical Criticisms in the weekly paper called the News. 12mo. London. 1807. THE REFORMIST’s ANSWER TO THE ARTICLE EN- TITLED “STATE OF Parties,” in the last Edinburgh Review. (No. 30.) By the Editor of The Examiner, in which paper it first appeared. 8vo. London. 1810. PRESENTATION Copy. With “Mr Barron Field, with the Au- thor’s Regards,” written on title. THE PRINCE on St. Patricx’s Day. Re- printed from The Examiner Weekly Newspaper, of Sun-— day, March 22, 1812. 8vo. London. [1812.] “The Examiner” was a Sunday paper edited by Hunt for 13 years, and to which he contributed largely. This article, and the | previous attack on the Prince, resulted in the Hunt brothers im- | prisonment. Tue Kine v. JOHN AND LEicH Hunt. A Re- port of the Trial, “The King v. John and Leigh Hunt,” for a Libel on the Prince Regent, before Lord Ellenbor- ough and a Special Jury, at the Sittings in the Court of King’s Bench, Westminster, on Wednesday, December 9, 1812. ‘Taken in Short Hand by an eminent Barrister. 8vo. London: Printed and Sold by M. Jones, No. 5, New- gate Street. 1812. [340 Continued | THE FrEAst oF THE PoETs; with Notes, and Other Pieces in Verse. By the Editor of The Examiner. 16mo. London. Prinied for James Cawthorn, Cockspur Street. 1814. With the original wrappers and advertisements preserved. The Same. Another copy. 16mo. London. 1814. THe Descent or Liserty, A Mask. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London: Printed for Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, Paternoster Row. 1815. THE Story oF Rimini, A Poem. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. London: Printed by T. Davison, White- friars. 1816. AN ADDRESS TO THAT QUARTERLY REVIEWER who touched upon Mr. Leigh Hunt's “Srory or RI- MINI.” 8vo. London: Published by R. Jennings, No. 2, Poultry. 1816. FouiacGE; or, Poems Original and Translated. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. London: Printed for C. and J. Ollier, Welbeck Street. 1818. AMYNTAS, a Tale of the Woods; from the L[tal- ian of Torquato Tasso. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. Lon- don: Printed for T. and J. Allman, Prince’s Street, Han- over-Square. 1820. With a frontispiece portrait. Tur Montus: Descriptive of the Successive Beauties of the Year. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. London. 1821. With the original wrappers preserved. [840 Continued | | Tue Inpicator. By Leigh Hunt. 8vo. Lon- don. 1822. This volume contains Vol. 1, Nos. 1-51, October 13, 1819-Sep- tember 27, 1820. Vol. II, Nos. 1-76, October 11, 1820-March 21, a 1821, which is complete as far as Leigh Hunt’s connection with it | went. Tue LIBERAL. Verse and Prose from the South. ) 8vo. London. 1822-38. Two Volumes. With the original brown wrappers preserved. Uxtra-CrEPIDARIUS: a Satire on William Gif- ford. By Leigh Hunt. 8vo. London. 1823. Tur Lirerary Examiner: Consisting of The Indicator, a Review of Books, and Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse. 8vo. London. 18238. This volume contains Vol. I, Nos. 1-26, July 5, 1823-Decem- ber 27, 1823. Baccuus In Tuscany. A Dithyrambic Poem, from the Italian of Francesco Redi, with Notes Original and Select. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. London. 1825. Ture Companion. By Leigh Hunt. 8vo. Lon- don. 1828. This volume contains Vol. I, Nos. 1-29, January 9, 1828-July 23, 1828. Lorp Byron AND SoME OF His CONTEMPOR- ARIES: With Recollections of the Author’s Life, and of his Visit to Italy. By Leigh Hunt. Second Edition. 8vo. London. 1828. Two Volumes. With portraits, and with the original covers preserved. CHRISTIANISM; OR, BELIEF AND UNBELIEF REc- ONCILED; being Exercises and Meditations. 8vo. Not for sale: Only 75 Copies Printed. (London. 1882.] [340 Continued] Sir RaupH EsHer: or, Adventures of a Gen- tleman of the Court of Charles II. 12mo. London. 18382.” Three Volumes. Tue Porrican Works or LEIGH Hunt. 12mo. London: Edward Moxon. 1882. THE INpicatorn; AND THE CompPaANIonN. A Miscellany for the Fields and the Fire-side. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London. .1834. > Two Volumes. Leigh Hunt’s Lonnon Journat. To assist the inquiring, animate the struggling, and sympathize with all. Vol. I. Wednesday, April 2, to Tuesday, December 30, 1834. Vol. II. LoNpon JOURNAL AND THE PRINTING MacuHine. From Wednesday, January 7, to Thursday, December 31, 1835. Folio. London. 1884-1835. Two Volumes. CAPTAIN SwoORD AND CAPTAIN PEN. A. Poem. By Leigh Hunt. With some remarks on War and Muili- tary Statesmen. Square 12mo. London. 1835. Illustrated with 7 plates, and with the original covers pre- served. Tue Montuiy Repostrory for 1837. Edited by Leigh Hunt. Enlarged Series. 8vo. London. 1887. Two Volumes. THe SEER; oR, CoMMON-PLACES REFRESHED. By Leigh Hunt. In 2 parts. 8vo. London. 1840. With the original wrappers preserved. Tuer Dramatic Works oF RicHarD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. With a Biographical and Critical Sketch. By Leigh Hunt. Large 8vo. London. 1840. With the original wrappers preserved. [840 Continued | A LrEGEND oF FLorENcE: A Play. In Five Acts. By Leigh Hunt. 8vo. London. 1840. With the original wrappers preserved. Tue Porems oF GEOFFREY CHAUCER, MopERN- IZED. 12mo. London. 1841. Tue Pautrrey: A Love-Story of Old Times. By Leigh Hunt. 8vo. London. 1842. With 6 illustrations, and with the original wrappers preserved. OnE Hunprep Romances oF Rest LiFe. Se- jean and Annotated by Leigh Hunt. Comprising Re- markable Historical and Domestic Facts, Illustrative of Human Nature. Large 8vo. London. 1843. Illustrated with 7 woodcuts, and with the original covers pre- served. IMAGINATION AND Fancy; or, Selections from the English Poets, Illustrative of those First Requisites of their Art. With Markings of the Best Passages, Critical Notices of the Writers, and an Essay in answer to the ques- tion, ‘““What is Poetry?” By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. Lon- don. 1844. With the original wrappers preserved. TALES FRom Boccaccio, with Modern Illustra- tions; and Other Poems. 12mo. London. 1846. STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN Poets: With the Lives of the Writers. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London. 1846. . Two Volumes. Wit anv Humour, Selected from the English Poets. With an Illustrative Essay, and Critical Com- ments. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London. 1846. [340 Continued | Men, Women, AND Booxs; A Selection of Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs, from his Uncol- lected Prose Writings. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. Lon- don. 1847. Two Volumes. With a frontispiece portrait, engraved by Armytage after a miniature by Severn, and with the advertisements preserved. Tue Town; Its MemorastE CHARACTERS AND Events. By Leigh Hunt. St. Paul’s to St. James’s. With 45 Illustrations. 12mo. London. 1848. Two Volumes. With the original advertisements preserved. Reapines For Raiways; or, Anecdotes and Other Short Stories, Reflections, Maxims, Characteristics, Passages of Wit, Humour, and Poetry, etc. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. London. [1849. | With the original covers preserved. A Book For A CorNER; or, Selections in Prose and Verse from Authors the Best Suited to that Mode of Enjoyment. By Leigh Hunt. Illustrated with 80 wood- engravings. Square 16mo. London. 1849. Two Volumes. Tuer AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LEIGH Hunt; with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries. 12mo. London. 1850. Three Volumes. TABLE-TALK. ‘To which are added, Imaginary Conversations of Pope and Swift. By Leigh Hunt. Square 12mo. London. 1851. THE RELIGION OF THE Heart: A Manual of Faith and Duty. By Leigh Hunt. 16mo. London. 18538. [340 Continued | STORIES IN Verse. By Leigh Hunt. Now First Collected. With Illustrations. 16mo. London. 1855. THE Oxtp Court Suspurs: or, Memorials of Kensington, Regal, Critical, and Anecdotical. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London. 1855. Two Volumes. A SAUNTER THROUGH THE West Env. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London. 1861. THE CORRESPONDENCE OF LEIGH Hunt. Edited by his Eldest Son. With a Portrait. 12mo. London. 1862. Two Volumes. THE Book oF THE SONNET. Edited by Leigh Hunt and S. Adams Lee. 12mo. London. 1867. Two Volumes. A. Day By THE FIRE; and Other Papers, Hith- erto Uncollected. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. London. . 1870. CHARACTERISTICS OF LEIGH Hunt, as Exhibited in that Typical Literary Periodical, “Leigh Hunt’s Lon- don Journal” (1834-35). With Illustrative Notes. By Launcelot Cross. 12mo. London. 1878. Essays spy Leigh Hunt. Edited with Intro- duction and Notes, by Arthur Symons. 16mo. London. 1887. A TALE For A CHIMNEY CorNER, and Other Kssays. By Leigh Hunt. From the “Indicator,” 1819- 1821. Edited (With Introduction and Notes), by Ed- mund Ollier. With a frontispiece. 16mo. London. n. d. Together, 73 volumes. London. v. d., v. s. Full red crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. 341 342 HUNT, LeicuH. Tue Town; its Memorable Characters and Events. By Leigh Hunt. St. Paul’s to St. James’s. . With 45 Illustra- tions. Folio. London. 1848. Two Volumes. First Epition. Inlaid to folio size. These volumes contain an account of London, but chiefly a history of remarkable charac- ters and events associated with its streets, between St. Paul’s and St. James’s. . ExtTra-ILLustTraTED, by the insertion of 200 plates, of which 53 are proofs on India paper; including portraits, after Kneller, Skelton, Walker, Oliver, Lely, Reynolds, Van Dyck, etc. ; 3 original drawings; views, by Mackenzie, Boydell, Smirke, and Smith; 15 plates, printed in color, by Sutherland, Geo. Cruikshank, Macken- zie, Pugin, Bowles, and Rowlandson; choice and rare portraits of the English Sovereigns and nobility; also portraits of Holbein, Fischer, Bacon, Van Dyck, Dudley, Newton, Mrs. Piozzi, Catherine Hastings, Lady Jane Grey, Marie Stuart, Mozart, Cranmer, Cook, Gower, Inigo Jones, Milton, Hannah More, etc., etc., engraved after paintings by famous artists by Cecchi, Valck, Vertue, Harding, Trotter, Picart, Lombart, Englehart, 4 Gunst, Cooper, Vermeulen, Freeman, Gucht, Bartolozzi, Cathelin, etc., etc. Also, folding plates, rare prints, and text illustrations. Full red crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled inside edges, gilt edges, by Riviere. HUNT, Leicu. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LEIGH Hunt; with Reminis- cences of Friends and Contemporaries. 12mo. London. 1850. Three Volumes. First Epirion. With a frontispiece in each volume. Inserted in Volume I is an A. L. S. (3 pages) of Leigh Hunt to William Tait, Esq., 78, Prince’s Street, Edinburgh, dated “March 17, 1832,” which mentions his gratification for a certain Scotch gentleman’s appreciation of “my fictitious bit of biog- raphy,’ and makes arrangements to contribute a series of “Indi- cator” articles to an Edinburgh magazine. Full red calf, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 343 344 345 ICONOPHILES SOCIETY. WASHINGTON’s RECEPTION BY THE LADIES OF TRENTON. Together with the Chorus sung as he passed under the Tri- umphal Arch raised on the bridge over the Assunpink, April 21st, 1789. 4to. Published by the Society of Icono- philes, New York. 1908. Edition limited to 104 copies. With 4 illustrations. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with a wide gold-tooled border on the covers, doublure of dark blue crushed levant with a gold-tooled border, flies of dark blue silk, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. IRELAND, ALEXANDER. | THE Boox-Lovers’ ENcuirmion: A Treasury of Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books. Gathered from the writings of the greatest thinkers, from Cicero, Petrarch, and Montaigne, to Carlyle, Emerson, and Ruskin. Square 8vo. London. 1888. Two Volumes. LarcEr-PAPER Copy. Extra-ILiustraTED, and extended to two volumes, by the insertion of over 70 portraits of authors, book- lovers, and famous collectors, some being proof impressions; en- gravd by Vertu, Flameng, Leroux, Pannier, Colin, Sorbonne, Scriven, Delpech, Posselwhite, Wagstaff, Holl, Woolnoth, and others. Full wine-colored crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. [IRVING, WasHINcTON. | A. History or New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty. Containing Among many Surprising and Curious Matters, the Un- utterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disas- trous Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Headstrong, the three Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam; being the only Authentic [3845 Continued] 346 347 History of the Times that ever hath been, or ever will be Published. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 16mo. Published by Inskeep & Bradford, New York. 1809. Two Volumes. Tue First Epirion, a fine, clean copy. With the folding frontispiece’ (View of New Amsterdam, 1640) which is seldom found, slightly torn, but neatly mended and mounted. Full orange crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, with the seal of the City of New York in the center of the covers, doublure of bright green crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by Canapé. IRVING, WaAsHINGTON. VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF THE COMPANIONS OF Co- LumMBus. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1881. First Epirion. Exrra-Iniustratep, by the insertion of 20 plates; including an engraved portrait of Irving by Leslie; an original portrait of Columbus by Deveria; portraits of Columbus by Perine, Maudlinson, Scriven, Mercuri, Mauvin, Fontaine, and others. Full cherry crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, inside border of filleted lines, gilt top, uncut, by Canapé. IRVING, WaAsHINGTON. LirE oF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Illustrated with por- traits and maps. 4to. New York. 1855-1856. Six Volumes. First Enpirion. No. 12 of 110 copies. Unteave. Exrra-Ittustratep, and extended to 6 volumes, by the insertion of over 250 rare prints, engraved title-pages, engrav- ings, etchings, lithographs, etc.; Portraits of famous statesmen, generals, soldiers, and others connected with the American Revolu- tion; battle scenes, views, etc., etc., among which are 'Thomson’s engraving of “Franklin” after Duplessis; Halpin’s “Washington Irving”; Gimbrede’s engraving of “Bunker Hill,” after Trumbull; the Chappel portraits; “Washington” by Stuart, Trumbull, Hou- don, Peale, and many others; an engraving of Washington at the age of 25 years, after an ivory miniature; a rare print of General St. Clair; a contemporary perpetual Calendar containing a repro- duction of the original American flag in colors, and an engraving [347 Continued | 348 of Washington; Kearny’s engraving of “John Marshall” after Wood; Smirke’s “Cornwallis Surrendering to Washington”; a rare French engraving of “Franklin”; Sharp’s engraving of “Thomas Paine” after Romney; Desnoyers “Jefferson”; and an artist’s proof drawing in color of “Napoleon I’ with the royal eagle stamped on the corner. VOLUME 6: AN ALBUM, containing: A. L. S. of Wash- ington Irving; of Washington to Arthur Lee; of Thos. Jefferson, Franklin, Samuel Adams, Hamilton, Nathaniel Green, Robert Morris, Charles Carroll, Howe, Burr, and Carleton. Also a cir- cular letter of Robert Livingston and A. L. S. of Knox, John Jay, Vergennes, Comte de Rochambeau, Lee, de Lavalette, Schuyler, Comte d’Estaing, Monroe; a letter of Lafayette in English dated “Malvern Hill, July 27th, 1781,” a letter of Lafayette in French, and many others. Also Tur Oritcinan Document or a Councin or War held by Washington, and signed by George Washington, Gates, Morgan, Kosciusko, and others. Also WasuineTon Irvine’s Ornicinat MS. for Chapter 32 of the “Life of Washington,” with the corrections and marginal notes. Also a rare emblematical plate (August, 11778) issued in commemo- ration of the naval battle of Brest, with a contemporary news- paper clipping giving an explanation. Also, rare prints of Wash- ington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Hancock, Lafayette, Louis XVI, d’Estaing, Green, Lee, Cornwallis, etc., etc., forming a unique, and extremely valuable collection. Full red crushed levant morocco, with filleted lines on pe gold-tooled back, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. IRVING, WaAsHINGTON. A. NoTE-Book BELONGING TO AND IN THE HANDWRITING OF WaAsHINGTON Irvine. It contains Extracts and Notes from numerous books, in prose and verse, but deals prin- cipally with the Arthurian and Charlemagne Romances, Legends, and Folk-lore. Original half-leather binding with blue-paper sides. With a protecting cover. In a brown morocco solander case. meee nT En Re eee Oe ae ee eee | 349 IRVING, WaAsHINGTON. Rip VAN WINKLE AND THE LEGEND oF SLEEPY HOL- Low. With 53 Illustrations by George Boughton, A.R.A. 8vo. London. 1893. LarcE-PAPER Copy, one of 250 copies. With proofs of all the 53 illustrations by George H. Boughton on India paper, and with a large OriciInan Water-Cotor Drawine of Katrina Van Tassel, by G. H. Boughton, inserted. Full red crushed levant morocco, with a rococo panel tooled in gold on the sides, doublure and flies of scarlet silk, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. 850 IRVING, WaAsHINGTON. THe Works oF WasHINGTON IRVING, in the Joseph Jefferson Edition, as follows: Tue SxKetcH-Book oF GEOFFREY CRAYON, GENT. Two Volumes. KNICKERBOCKER’S History oF NEw YorK. Two Volumes. THE ALHAMBRA. Two Volumes. CHRONICLE OF THE CONQUEST OF GRANADA. Two Volumes. LIFE AND VOYAGES OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS; and the Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Co- lumbus. Five Volumes. SPANISH PAPERS. Astoria, or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Two Volumes. [350 Continued | THE Crayon MISCELLANY. OE Two Volumes. THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN BONNEVILLE, and Wolfert’s Roost. Two Volumes. LiFrE oF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Eight Volumes. MAHOMET AND His SUCCESSORS. Three Volumes. REVIEWS AND MISCELLANIES. SALMAGUNDI, or, The Whimwhams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and Others. By William Irving, James Kirke Paulding, and Washington Irving. Two Volumes. TALES OF A TRAVELER. Two Volumes. -—— BRrRAcEBRIDGE Hatt, or, The Humourists. OLIvER GoutpsmitH. A Biography. Two Volumes. Together, 40 volumes. 8vo. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York and London. n. d. JOSEPH JEFFERSON Epition. No. 144 of 250 numbered sets, autographed by Joseph Jefferson. Each volume has an illuminated title-page, a frontispiece in , water-colors and photogravure and etched illustrations (about 800 i illustrations in all). ach page is surrounded by an emblematic | border. Full wine-colored crushed levant morocco, with roses inlaid in blue and white morocco, tooled in gold, on the front cover, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. 351 352 ITALIAN NOVELISTS. THE ITatian Nove ists In ENGLISH TRANSLATION, as follows: Master FRANcis RApetais. Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds, and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel. Translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Anthony Motteux. With an Introduction by Anatole de Montaiglon. Illustra- tions by Louis Chalon. London. 1892. Two Volumes. THE NIGHTS OF STRAPAROLA. Now first trans- lated into English by W. G. Waiters. Illustrated by E. R. Hughes, A.R.W.S. London. 1894. Two Volumes. No. 109 of an edition limited to 1000 copies. THE NOVELLINO OF Masuccio. Now first trans- lated into English by W. G. Waters. Illustrated by E. R. Hughes, R.W.S. London. 1895. Two Volumes. No. 275 of an edition limited to 1000 copies. THE PECORONE OF SER GiovANNI. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Illustrated by E. R. Hughes, R.W.S. London. 1897. No. 81 of an edition limited to 600 copies. Together, 7 volumes, v. d. Large 8vo. Half dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. JACKSON, CaTHERINE CHARLOTTE, Lapy. A CoMPLETE COLLECTED SET OF HER WORKS IN THE ENGLISH EDITIONS, as follows: [352 Continued | Oxp Paris; Irs Court AND LITERARY SALONS. By Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson. 12mo. London. 1878. Six Volumes. Exrra-Intustratep Copy, two volumes extended to six, by the addition of 360 extra-illustrations including old views and rare engraved portraits of Anne of Austria, Louis XIV, Louis XII, Marie Stuart, Jacques Amyot, Marie de Medicis, Marguerite de France, Duke of Sully, Louis XIII, Racine, Moliére, Lully, Boileau, La Fontaine, Gaston d’Orléans, Poussin, Rubens, Henry II, Duc de Montmorency, Richelieu, Marie de Hautefort, La Rochefoucauld, de Scudery, St. Evremond, Scarron, Corneille, Prince de Condé, Cinq Mars, De Thou, Count Grammont, Marshal de Turenne, Bossuet, Ninon de |’Enclos, Christine de Sweden, Mlle. de Mont- pensier, Duc de St. Simon, Princesse de Condé, St. Vincent de Paul, Henrietta, Duchess of Orléans, Charles de Lorraine, Duc d’Orléans, Mme. de Montespan, Duchess de Montausier, Mme. de Sévigné, Nicholas Foucquet, Jean Petitot, Rabelais, Duchesse de la Valliére, Colbert, Christopher Wren, Moliére, Fénelon, Fléchier, Bourdaloue, Victoire de Baviére, La Bruyére, Rousseau, de la Mothe. Full light blue crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Paris inlaid in red on the front and back covers, and surrounded by oak leaves gold-tooled in outline and arabesques with lettering, doublure of light blue levant, inlaid with oak leaves in dark green and acorns in brown, flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Kelly. THE Op REGIME. Court, SALONS, AND THEA- TRES. By Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson. 12mo. London. 1880. Six Volumes. Exrra-IttustraTep Copy, 2 volumes extended to 6 by the addition of 269 extra-illustrations including old engraved views, and rare engraved portraits including Louis XIV, Louis XV, Madame de Maintenon, Cardinal Dubois, Louis XVI, Maréchal de Villars, Racine, Bossuet, Mazarin, Richelieu, Le Sage, Montesquieu, Mme. de Sévigné, John Law, Peter the Great, Cardinal de Fleury, Philip V, Stanislas, King of Poland, Rousseau, Marie Leczinska, D’Alembert, Mirabeau, Diderot, Mme. de Montespan, Henault, -Mme. de Pompadour, Marie Antoinette, Marmontel, Marshal de [852 Continued | Saxe, Count Grammont, Prince Charles Edward, Charles, Duc de Lorraine, Lord Chesterfield, Beaumarchais, Michelangelo, Goldoni, Benedict XIV, Clement XIII, Sophie Arnould, Buffon, Mme. du Barry, Catherine II, Voltaire. Full light green crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Madame de Pompadour and Madame de Rambouillet inlaid on the covers in blue, black, red, and white levant, and surrounded by arabesques and leaves gold-tooled in outline, with lettering, doublure of bright green crushed levant with leaves inlaid in dark green, flies of light blue watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Kelly. Tue Frencu Court anp Society. Reign of Louis XVI and First Empire. By Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson, Author of “Old Paris,” “The Old Régime.” 12mo. London. 1881. Six Volumes. Extra-InLustratep Copy, 2 volumes extended to 6 by the addition of 329 extra-illustrations, including old views and rare engraved portraits of Louis XVI, Necker, Fléchier, Louis XV, Madame du Barry, Marie Antoinette, Henry IV, Marie Theresa, Madame de Pompadour, Marie Leczinska, Madame Campan, Boucher, Gluck, Rousseau, Duc de Lauzan, Madame Elisabeth, Robespierre, Desmoulins, Madame de Staél, Pascal, Joseph Bona- parte, Lucien Bonaparte, Laetitia Bonaparte, Junot, Napoleon, Carnot, Josephine, Madame Royal, Talleyrand, Louis Bonaparte, Fouché, Louis XVIII, Admiral Keppel, Duke de Chartres, Louis XVII, Madame de Genlis, Beaumarchais, Washington, Vanloo, Charlotte Corday, Madame Adelaide, Princess de Lamballe, Mira- beau, Duc de Angouléme, Malesherbes, Franklin, Madame Victoire, Madame Récamier, Cardinal Fesch, Pius VII, Moreau, Lord Nelson, Eugénie Beauharnais, Louis Bonaparte, Le Roi de Rome. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Marie Antoinette, Marie Louise, Napoleon, Josephine, and Louis XVI, inlaid in red, blue, white, and yellow on the covers and surrounded by gold-tooling and arabesques of leaves and berries, doublure of dark brown crushed levant with leaves inlaid in light green and berries inlaid in dark blue, flies of orange watered-silk, gilt top, un- cut, by Kelly. [852 Continued | THE CouRT OF THE TUILERIES from the Restora- tion to the Flight of Louis Philippe. By Catherine Char- lotte, Lady Jackson. 12mo. London. 1883. Six Volumes. Extra-InLustratep Copy, 2 volumes extended to 6, by the addition of 268 extra-illustrations including old engraved views and rare engraved portraits including Louis XVIII, Duchesse d’Angou- léme, Talleyrand, Napoleon, Joseph Napoleon, Marie Louise, Mar- mont, Alexander I, Bernadotte, Chateaubriand, Metternich, Ney, Duc d’Angouléme, Henry IV, Murat, Marie Thérése, Wellington, Marie de Savoie, Duchess d’Abrantes, Eugene, Pius VIII, Madame de Staél, Benjamin Constant, Madame Récamier, Mdlle. Mars, Duchess de Berri, Fouché, Marshal von Blucher, Madame Lavalette, Byron, Vernet, Mdlle. Rachel, Foy, Mirabeau, Duc de Bordeaux, Voltaire, Ferdinand VII, Lafayette, Charles X, Louis Napoleon, Condé, Victor Hugo, Moliére, Alexander I, Laplace, Marshal Saxe, Gluck, Auber, Marmont, Grétry, Cuvier, Duchesse d’Orléans. Full dark red crushed levant morocco, with the arms of the Duchesse d’Angouléme, Madame Royal, Louise Adelaide de Bour- bon, and the Duchesse d’Orléans inlaid in blue, yellow, and red levant and surrounded by maple leaves gold-tooled in outline, and arabesques, doublure of red crushed levant with maple leaves inlaid in light green and berries in brown, doublure of bright green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Kelly. THE Court oF FRANCE IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. 1514-1559. By Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson. 12mo. London. 1886. Six Volumes. Exrra-Intustratep Copy, 2 volumes extended to 6, by the addition of 258 extra-illustrations including many old engraved views and rare engraved portraits of Francis I, Anne of Brittany, Charles VIII, Bossuet, Louis XI, Louis XII, Clement Marot, Cardinal d’Amboise, Gaston de Foix, Bayard, Anne Bullen, Cardinal Wolsey, Cardinal Ximenes, Diana de Poitiers, John Hus, Duc d’Alencon, Henry VIII, Charles V, Queen Eleanor, Leonardo da Vinci, Queen Mary, Duke of Somerset, Henri II, Henry d’Albret, Coligny, Edward VI, Henry VIII, Jeanne d’Albret, Jacques Amyot, ee ee es gan a lh Saeed cng). Tm [3852 Continued | Paul III, Melancthon, Loyola, Duc de Montmorency, Raffaello, Erasmus, Voltaire, Luther, Palissy, Lady Jane Grey, Mary Stuart. Full reddish brown crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Louise of Savoy and Charles de Bourbon on the front and back covers, inlaid in blue, red, and white, with gold-tooled arabesques and lettering, doublure of brown crushed levant with ivy leaves inlaid in light green with dark green berries, flies of pale yellow watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Kelly. TuHeE Last oF THE VALoIs, and Accession of Henry of Navarre. 1559-1589. By Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson. 12mo. London. 1888. Six Volumes. Extra-ItLtustratepD Copy, 2 volumes extended to 6, by the addition of 248 extra-illustrations, including old engraved views and rare engraved portraits of Duc de Montmorency, Francois II, Mary Queen of Scots, Fran¢ois I, Coligny, Philippe II, Charles IX, Charles V, Queen Mary, Louis XI, Nostradamus, Charlemagne, Calvin, Catherine de Medicis, Théodore de Béze, Henry III, Am- broise Paré, Jeanne d’Albret, Queen Elizabeth, Cardinal d’Amboise, Michel de l’Hopital, Henry IV, Gregory XIII, Henry III, Henri de Lorraine, Catherine de Bourbon, Diana de Poitiers, Louise de Lor- raine, Prince of Orange, Sixtus V, Charles de Bourbon, Drake, Marie de Bourbon, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Pius V, Gregory XIV, Marguerite de Valois, Duc de Biron, Duc de Guise, Catherine de Lorraine, Duc de Brissac. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Mary Queen of Scots, Catherine de Medicis, and the arms of France inlaid with blue, yellow, and red levant and gold-tooled with laurel leaves in outline and arabesques, doublure of dark blue crushed levant, with leaves inlaid in light green levant, flies of red watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Kelly. — THE First or THE Boursons, 1589-1595. By Catherine Charlotte, Lady Jackson. 12mo. London. 1890. | Six Volumes. Exrra-Intustratep Copy, 2 volumes extended to 6, by the addition of 240 extra-illustrations, including old engraved por- traits, maps, and views, including portraits of Louise de Lorraine, [852 Continued ] 358 Henry IV, Henri de Lorraine, Philippe le Bel, Louis de Lorraine, Charles de Bourbon, Philip the Second, Gaspard de Coligny, Cath- erine de Medicis, Duke d’Alva, Henry IV, Duc de Savoy, Louis de Bourbon, Henry V, Charles de Lorraine, Henry d’Orléans, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Urbain VII, Marguerite de Valois, Madame de Sully, Charles de Lorraine, Earl of Essex, Innocent IX, Cardinal de Bourbon, Henry de Bourbon, Duc de Sully, Théodore de Béze, Clement VIII, Charlemagne, Duchesse de Montpensier, Mary de Medicis, Francois de Bonne, Charles de Valois, Queen Elizabeth, Duc de Nevers, Charles IX, Duc de Vendome, Jacques I, Jeanne d’Albret, Leo XI, Paul V, Madame Royale, Princess de Condé, Prince de Condé. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Henry of Navarre, First of the Bourbons, Marie de Medicis, the Dukes of Bourbon, and Marguerite de Valois, inlaid in blue, red, and yellow levant, and surrounded by arabesques of gold-tooling, doublure of dark green levant with leaves and berries inlaid in light green, flies of light green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Kelly. Together, 14 volumes extended to 42, by the addition of nearly 2000 extra plates, etc. Superbly bound in varying designs but in the same general style, and with each work (of 6 volumes) in a different color. 3 JACKSON, CatTHERINE CHARLOTTE, Lapy. A SET oF THE HistoricaAL Works or Lapy JACKSON. Another set, titles as above, but in American Editions. Together, 14 volumes. 8vo. Illustrated with 56 etched portraits on Japan paper. Boston. 1895, 1896, 1897. LarcE-PaPeR Epition. No. 64 of 250 copies. Extra-ItLustratep, by the insertion of 305 plates, litho- graphs, etchings, engravings, and some rare old prints; including numerous Delpech lithographic portraits, engravings by St. Aubin, Scriven, Moncornet, Walker, Ceroni, Schmidt, Leclere, Woolnoth, Boucher, etc., etc. Full red, green, blue, and brown crushed levant morocco, with inside edges of filleted lines, and the arms of Louis XVI, of Marie Antoinette, and of Napoleon I, gold-tooled on the sides, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. EE ee ne Se ne eat a ee re a ee ee ae 354 355 356 JACKSON, Rev. WituraM. THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE SEVERAL INDEPENDENT STATES OF AMERICA; THE DECLARATION OF INDEPEN- DENCE; AND THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION BETWEEN THE SAID STATES. To which are now added, the Declara- tion of Rights; the Non-Importation Agreement; and the - Petition of Congress to the King delivered by Mr. Penn. With An Appendix, containing treaties, etc., etc. The whole arranged with a Preface and Dedication, by the Rev. William Jackson. :Second Edition. 8vo. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, in Piccadilly. 1783. With an etched frontispiece portrait of Washington, by Sharp, surrounded by a border of the original American flag and laurel crowns, etc. Full cherry crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, gold-tooled inside edges, by David. JACQUEMART, ALBErr. History oF THE Ceramic Art. A Descriptive and Philosophical Study of the Pottery of All Ages and All Nations. By Albert Jacquemart. Containing 200 Wood- cuts by H. Catenacci and Jules Jacquemart, 12 engravings in aquafortis by Jules Jacquemart, and 1000 Marks and Monograms. ‘Translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser. Ato. London. 1877. Full tree calf, gilt edges. JAMESON, Mrs. Anna. A CoLLEcTED SET, IN First EDITIONS, OF THE WORKS oF Mrs. Jameson, as follows: SACRED AND LEGENDARY ART. London. 1848. Two Volumes. LEGENDS OF THE Monastic ORDERS, as Repre- sented in the Fine Arts. London. 1850. [856 Continued] 357 LEGENDS oF THE Maponna, as Represented in the Fine Arts. Illustrated by Drawings and Woodcuts. London, 1852. Tue History or Our Lorp: as Exemplified in Works of Art. With that of his Types; St. John the Baptist; and other persons of the Old and New Testament. London. 1864. Two Volumes. Together, 6 volumes. 8vo. Profusely illustrated with engravings and woodcuts. London. v. d. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with covers, back and inside edges gold-tooled with bands of filleted lines, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. JAMESON, Mrs. ANNA. SHAKESPEARE’S HEROINES. With 26 Portraits of Fa- mous Players in Character. Square 8vo. London. 1897. Two Volumes. Extra-ILLustrATED, and extended to 2 volumes, by the inser- tion of 82 plates; including engravings by Scriven, Swaine, and “W. M.,” of the 5 authentic portraits of Shakespeare, taken, as follows, from the originals by (1) Cornelius Jansen, (2) Martin Droeshout in the First Folio, (3) engraved portrait in the Poems, 1640, from Marshall’s copy of Droeshout’s engraving, (4) Duke of Chandos, (5) Stratford Bust, by Gerard Johnson; and four rare engravings by Harding and Gardiner, in brown stipple, of La Pucelle d’Orléans, Margaret, Queen Katharine, and Anne Bullen; the “Shakespeare Gallery” of portraits, by Corbould, Wright, Meadows, Johnston, Frith, Hayter, Egg, and others; portraits of numerous Shakespearian actors and actresses; also illustrations to the Shakespeare plays and proof impressions by Thurston, Harding, and Singleton. Full green crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooling on back and inside edges, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. ee ao, ae fin tt ai 358 359 360 JEFFERSON, Joseru. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JOSEPH JEFFERSON. With 77 Illustrations; mostly portraits. 8vo. New York. [1890.] Two Volumes. Extra-ILtLustratTep, and extended to two volumes, by the in- sertion of 140 plates; including: a signed etched portrait of Jeffer- son by Hollyer; portraits of Fanny Kemble, Laura Keene, John Payne, Charles Keene, John J. (Lester) Wallack, John Gilbert, J. B. Booth, Augustin Daly, Anna Ritchie, John Brougham, Paul Bedford, W. E. Burton, William Warren, Colley Cibber, E. A. Sothern, Henry Compton, James H. Hackett, James E. Murdock, Edwin Forrest, Charlotte Cushman, John McCullough, John Drew, etc., etc. Also numerous views of places and theaters connected with Jefferson’s life, and portraits of Ben Jonson, Cooper, Poe, Shake- speare, and many other literary celebrities; besides 6 fine portraits of Joseph Jefferson. Half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. JEKYLL, GErtrrupe. Woop AND GARDEN. Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Amateur. With Illustrations from Photographs by the Author. 8vo. London. 1899. First Epirion. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, decorated with roses inlaid in red morocco, with a gold-tooled center panel of leaves, hearts, and pointillé, gilt edges, by Riviére. JESSE, Captain. Tue Lire or GeorcE BrRuMMELL, Esa. Commonly called Beau Brummell. By Captain Jesse, Unattached. Revised and Annotated Edition from the Author’s own Interleaved Copy. With 40 Portraits in Color of Brum- mell and his Contemporaries. Large 8vo. London. 1886. Two Volumes. No. 21 of 150 copies printed on LarcE-PAPER. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with filleted borders, gold- tooled inside edges, silk flies, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. 861 JESSE, Jonn HENEAGE. A COLLECTED SET IN First EDITIONS OF THE HISTORICAL Memoirs oF JOHN HENEAGE JEssE, as follows: Memoirs OF THE CourRT OF ENGLAND DURING THE REIGN OF THE STUARTS, including the Protectorate. London. 1840. Four Volumes. MEMOIRS OF THE CouRT OF ENGLAND FROM THE REVOLUTION IN 1688 TO THE DEATH OF GEORGE THE SEC- oND. London. 1843. Three Volumes. GEORGE SELWYN AND His CONTEMPORARIES; with Memoirs and Notes. London. 1848. Four Volumes. MEMOIRS OF THE PRETENDERS AND THEIR AD- HERENTS. London. 1845. Two Volumes. LITERARY AND HistortcAL MEMORIALS OF LON- DON. London. 1847. Two Volumes. LONDON AND ITs CELEBRITIES. A Second Series of Literary and Historical Memorials of London. London. 1850. Two Volumes. Memoirs oF Kine Ricuarp THE Turrp; and some of His Contemporaries. With an Historical Drama on the Battle of Bosworth. London. 1862. Memoirs oF THE LIFE AND REIGN or KING GEORGE THE THIRD. London. 1867. Three Volumes. [361 Continued | 362 363 Memoirs oF CELEBRATED Evronrans; including Henry Fielding, the Earl of Chatham, Henry Tooke, Horace Walpole, George Grenville, Thomas Gray, George Selwyn, Lord North, Earl of Bute, Karl Temple, etc., ete. London. 1875. ~ Two Volumes. Together, 23 volumes. 8vo. Illustrated with numerous and valuable historical portraits. London: Richard Bent- ley. v.d. | Full calf, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. JOHNSON, Cart. CHARLES. A GENERAL History oF THE LivEs AND ADVENTURES oF THE Most Famous HiGHwAYMEN, MURDERERS, STREET- Rossers, ETc. ‘To which is added, A Genuine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the Most Notorious Pyrates. Interspersed with several diverting Tales, and pleasant Songs. And Adorned with the Heads of the most Re- markable Villains, Curiously Engraven on Copper. By Capt. Charles Johnson. Folio. London: Printed for and Sold by J. Janeway, in White-Fryers; and by the Book- sellers of London and Westminster. 1784. First Epirion. This work, which contains 100 biographies of notorious characters, is seldom found in as good condition as this copy. It is illustrated with 26 engraved full-page plates. Full paneled calf, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. JOHNSON, R. U.; and BUEL, C. C. BATTLES AND LEADERS OF THE Civi Wark. Being for the most part, Contributions by Union and Confederate Officers. Based upon the “Century War Series.” Ed- ited by Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough [363 Continued] Buel. 4to. Profusely Illustrated. New York: The Century Co. [1887.] Twenty-five Volumes. Unievr. Extra-Iniustratep for Augustin Daly, and extended from 4 to 25 volumes (including Index), by the insertion of 2500 portraits and 420 Aurocraru Lerrers Sienep, including A. L. S. of General Winfield Scott, Abraham Lincoln (3), James Buchanan, Caleb Cushing, General David E. Twiggs (5), Samuel Houston, Lewis Cass, Robert Anderson, Stephen A. Douglas, General U. S. Grant (6), General George B. McClellan, Alexander H. Stevens (4), General Robert E. Lee (5), Reverdy Johnson, Colonel E. E. Ellsworth, General B. F. Butler, Jefferson Davis (3), General James Longstreet, General Pierre G. T. Beauregard (4), General Joseph KE. Johnston (2), James K. Polk, Albert Pike, General John C. Frémont, Judah P. Benjamin, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, General Henry W. Halleck, General Richard S. Ewell, General George H. Thomas, General Braxton Bragg, James A. Garfield, Admiral Andrew H. Foote, General John C. Breckenridge, Charles A. Dana, Edwin McM. Stanton, Gideon Welles, George Bancroft (2), Admiral George H. Preble, Admiral David D. Porter, General Joseph Hooker, George W. Childs, John Ericsson, Horace Greeley, William Henry Seward, Le Comte de Paris, General John A. Dix, Salmon P. Chase, Commodore M. C. Perry, John Slidell, James M. Mason, Charles Sumner, John C. Calhoun, Joshua R. Giddings, General Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, Colonel Robert G. Inger- soll, General William T. Sherman, William M. Evarts, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Pierce, John Tyler, etc., etc., in fact, A. L. S. of nearly every civil, military, or naval leader who became prominent during the Civil War. Also numerous rare and choice portraits of American historical personages active during the Civil War; engraved by Hall, Hicks, Perine, Buttré, Sartin, Ritchie, O’Neil, Stuart, Hollyer, Wood, Brady, Doney, Gimbrede, Longacre, Butler, Desnoyers, Jackman, Wagstaff, Girardet, etc., etc., many being proofs on India paper. Also photographs, original drawn portraits, woodcuts, newspaper clippings, and portraits; views by Darley and others of all the battles of the war, photogravures, etc. Also the Bonnieu “Wash- ington,” engraved by Chevillet from a picture furnished by Lafay- [363 Continued | 364 ette; a Confederate Muster Roll; a Quartermaster’s Commission, signed by Lincoln and Stanton; a Confederate dollar-bill, etc., etc. Also portraits of nearly every civil, military, or naval leader who became prominent during the Civil War; all the war Governors, Senators, Congressmen, Secretaries, etc.; views of historic places, scenes of naval and military actions, etc., etc., in great number. A Mosr VauvaBsLe anp Unieve Coutection. A great many of the inserted plates are proof impressions, and where no engrav- ing was procurable, an original portrait drawing has been in- serted. Half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Smith. ROHNSON. Dr. Sauce. THE LIFE oF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D., and The Jour- nal of his Tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell. II- lustrated with fine steel Portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Edited by Henry Morley. 8vo. London. 1885. Ten Volumes. No. 30 of 500 copies printed on LarcE-PAPER. Unievre. Exrra-ILLustraten, and extended to 10 volumes by the insertion of 816 plates, 111 of which are India proofs. This is a most beautiful set of books, and makes a comprehensive gallery of Johnsoniana, the majority of the portraits being scarce, and the views and prints of places rare. Among the rarer portraits may be mentioned those of Boswell, J. W. Croker, Catherine II, Bossuet, La Bruyére, Rousseau, Hogarth, D’Israeli, Smollett, Burns, George III, Grey, Boydell, a beautiful etching of Reynolds, Dryden, Vol- taire, Temple, Elizabeth, Walpole, Montague, and Mme. de Sévigné. The portraits are after paintings by Van Dyke, Jervais, Lawrence, Reynolds, Vertue, Deveria, Nasmyth, Browne, Kneller, Dance, Stuart, Eckhard, Lely, Ramsay, Marckl, Gainsborough, Hoppner, Northcote, Trotter, etc., etc.; and engraved by Finden, Harding, Graves, de Gucht, Evans, Chapman, Hall, Dean, Fry, Raffet, Jar- dien, Scriven, Adlard, Heath, Mote, Collyer, Freeman, Ridley, Holl, St. Aubin, Ravenet, Goldar, Audinet, Eckardt, Pailthorpe, Barto- lozzi, Bertsonnier, Prévost, Stodart, Pass, etc., etc. Also: Illustra- tions by Cruikshank, Sharpe, Smirke, Stothard, and others; and Views, after paintings by Marshall, Schnebbelie, Vernet, Allon, Nash, Bartlett, Shepherd, Harvey, Mackenzie, Chambers, Turner, [364 Continued | 365 366 Neale, Winkles, Storer, Westall, Prout, Hawkins, Metz, Daniell, etc. eas Also, numerous rare prints, and mezzotints, engravings, scenes of literary and contemporary interest, actors and actresses, carica- tures, etc., etc. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with gold-tooled designs on back and sides, with a bust of Johnson, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. JONES, Mrs. HERBERT. Tue Princess CHARLOTTE OF WateEs. An Illustrated Monograph. 4to. London. 1885. Two Volumes. First Eprrion. No. 161 of 250 copies printed for subscribers only. With extra-titles. . Unique. Extra-ILiustraTep, and extended to 2 volumes, by the insertion of 120 plates, being rare portraits of the Lady Char- lotte, Duke of Kent, Canning, Princess Amelia, the Four Georges, Pitt, Fox, Wellington, Napoleon, Victoria, Princess Mary, Sophia, etc., etc.; engraved by Beechery, Fry, Hicks, Jones, Collyer, Scriven, Delpech, Heath, Adlard, Mackenzie, Chapman, and Finden ; after paintings by Hopwood, Lawrence, Cosway, Russell, Hoppner, Girardet, etc. Also many drawings and views in color, by Alken, Wild, Pugin, Sutherland, Heath, Craig, Cruikshank, Nash, etc., many being proof impressions of the plates, Ackermann’s plates in color, and two A. L. S. of the Princess Charlotte inserted. Also the letter-press of “The Princess. The Death of Our Lady, in Child-bed. A Ballad Effusion. London: 1817.” (6 pp.) ; and 16 contemporary letter-press odes, monodies, elegies, stanzas, and tributes, to the Princess Charlotte, on her death, inlaid. Full lilac crushed levant morocco, decorated with the Tudor rose in clusters and in mosaic, inlaid in red levant morocco, with wreaths and clusters of rose-leaves in gold, a crown in the center in mosaic inlaid in maroon morocco, the same motive on the inside borders, doublure and flies of red watered-silk, gilt top, uncut. JOURNAL JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONGRESS, HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, September 5, 1774. [Vignette.] 8vo. [866 Continued | 367 New York: Printed by Hugh Gaine, Bookseller and Sta- tioner, in Hanover-Square. 1774. Full red crushed levant morocco, with filleted borders, edges gilt on the rough, by Chambolle-Duru. JUNGMAN, Nico. Hoiiann. By Nico Jungman. Text by Beatrix Jung- man. Square 8vo. London. 1904. EDIrion-DE-LUXE, limited to 300 copies, of which this is No. 122. Signed by the artist. With 75 full-page illustrations re- produced in colors. Full orange crushed cae morocco, with a wide border in a conventional pattern inlaid in green, brown, light blue, and red levant, with a doublure of green levant with a frame inlaid in red levant and gold-tooled, flies of green crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. Se ee, ee ee ee THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY ~ 1913 Feb. 17 NeAmB c.1 American /Valuable library of the ae , 89-P4173 eee eS TTT 3 3125 01175 5757 rrrspeeey ost we i Tenn ; i Sy war aed : : Sah : NEE A5\y gern Hae Pag F ies yet heey oe Duseh . z ‘ > . i Gale 1 : atte ‘ oe © i BSG sy pt hy , a 1 ooh ‘ stay , 5 :