Ney Ve hy 5 i BIN SPR ARL Hate serait oy A etitaty hans Hie an i tees & Sond nae Se ence SS Sle ieee Stuer sree ay Sate emo : ir Searcaeae Banca a Saree setter ole Sey sane, Sea pee ee a RTS Sd nso, is Seat non siet Sa eenalt awe So soe iawrsese oer roots Sse Sate deat, eee eee a ea Pap ee aa eas = Sera Se ese, Sree tS eee Sy : pte Ae antins tet oe, ea S ! i sh 3 aN hy He Fy eth i : A : H pak Hy) Hayat a An ee + if ; SORES ne His Hf ts 5 is ‘s ter gla eee eee a Series ‘ : SS ry Sean pes agra SE: Sree aeant ro eee —- Parashar eae onaaeect Soares ms = ~ ‘ “3 ig at te Soeeee Drase ese a ier BEM To ah LUT ia ith i ; i iv a Rataige ee Senge Arn OW Blue China, With American Views. Hine Chinese Porrelains and Carved Juories Sine Mahogany Hurniture Peuter and Sheffield Plate Mil Paintings CG. #. Libbie & Cn. Bonk and Art Auctioneers Nem Book Salesrnnm 597 Washington Street, Boston Opposite Gayward Place Please preserve this Catalogue for use at the Sale. : Articles on Exhibition for three days before the Sale. Please Mail Your Orders Early. A Deposit required from Strangers. SPECIAL NOTICE All Goods are sold so much per piece, and Bids must be made accordingly. 97 No 104 Oo N CATALOGUE EN NE ca OLD BLUE CHINA, HISTORICAL PLATES, PLATTERS, PITCHERS AND JUGS cna tat 5 7 SOS LIVERPOOL, STAFFORDSHIRE AND LUSTRE WARE. FINE CHINESE PORCELAINS AND CARVED IVORIES, FINE MAHOGANY FURNITURE, PEWTER AND SHEFFIELD PLATE. OIL PAINTINGS By George Inness, David Johnson, G. A. Hays, of Providence, Ames, of Boston, etc. BEING THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE Li WILLIAM CLARENCE BURRAGE First Secretary of the Bostonian Society, AND OF A CELEBRATED NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLECTOR. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, February 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, 1911 Each day at 2 P. M. IN THE GALLERY, 597 WASHINGTON STREET, Opposite Hayward Place. TERMS CASH. C. F. LIBBIE & CO. BOOK AND ART AUCTIONEERS BOSTON, MASS | hw ’ CONDITIONS OF SALE. Qi ERMS CASH. Bills must be paid before delivery of goods. A deposit required from strangers of part or whole of the purchase money. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and resold. To buyers present at the sale, articles are sold without re- course for imperfections or errors in description. 40 =6 cg 5 CENTENNIAL AND HISTORICAL CHINA, WITH AMERICAN VIEWS. 1 Jones, McDuffee & Stratton’s Porcelain Calendars, 1889-1910 (irregular). Views of Faneuil Hall;—Old State House;— Adams Houses;—Mt. Vernon;—Mass. State House ;—Trinity Church ;—Federal Street Theatre ;—King’s Chapel;—Old North Church ; — Elmwood ; — Mayflower; — Hannah Dustin’s Monu- ment. (12) 2 Souvenir Tiles, printed in brown. Old Hancock House ;—Minot’s Ledge Lighthouse ;—First Church, Quincy ;—Birthplace of O. W. Holmes;—New Bedford, Mass., 1787;—Old Meeting House, Hingham ;—First Written Constitution, N. H., Jan. 5, 1776. (7) 3 SOUVENIR Tiles, printed in blue. Old State House, with Cows on Common ;—Landing of Pilgrims, 1620;—Crawford House, N. H.;—The Profile, Franconia, N. H.;—Whittier’s Birthplace, Haverhill, Mass. (5) 4 Boston Plates, with views. Washington Monument (2) ;—Boston Common Views ;—Trinity Church;—New Old South Church ;— Museum of Fine Arts;—Soldiers’ Monument ;—Commonwealth Ave.;—Bunker Hill Monument. 8 in. plates printed in brown. (9) 5 Souvenir Plates. Niagara Falls;—Mount Vernon ;—Capitol, Washington ;—Old Feather Store, Boston;—Frog Pond, Boston Common ;—Faneuil Hall. 8, 9 and 9% in. plates in brown. (6) 6 Souvenir Plates of Boston, printed in dark blue. Old South Church ;—Old North Church;—Lamb Tavern, 1746;—Old Bos- ton Theatre, 1749;—State Street and Old State House, 1888 ;— Trinity Church;—Public Library. 9% in. plates. (7) 41o * ij ee # oe g 4 C. Fe Libbie oe Ce CENTENNIAL AND HISTORICAL CHINA, WITH AMERICAN VIEWS—C ontinued. 7 ANOTHER Lot. Boston Common and State House;—State House from Park Street;—Beacon Hill;—Nantasket House, Nantasket Beach. 10 in. plates. (4) 8 Waite Mountain Plates, octagonal, dark blue views. Old Flume with boulder and without. (2) 9 Portrait Plates, Presidents and Candidates, etc. Grover Cleve- land, 2 different portraits;—Mrs. Cleveland;—Garfield and Arthur ;—James G. Blaine (2) ;—Levi Morton. 8 in. plates with gold bands. Trenton Pottery. (7) 10 WasHINGTON Souvenir Plates. Inauguration of Washington;— Washington taking leave of his Officers, Washington, 1776;— A Memorial of the Centennial ;—Washington Elm, Cambridge ;— Evacuation of New York by the British. Gold band plates, 8% in. (5) 11 CENTENNIAL Plate. C Years Ago, 1876, hand painted plate in colors ;—Centennial Art Gallery;—American Eagle and Shield, made in Gien;—American Eagle and Flag, with initials L. V. K. (General Kilpatrick) ;—Brooklyn Bridge ;—Columbus Pasty 9 in. plates, various colors. (6) 12 Souvenir Plates, etc. First Parish Church, Portland ;—Exeter Public Library ;—First Centennial, 1876, Cincinnati;—All Saint’s Cathedral, Albany ;—also a small tray and a McKinley tile. (5) 13 SouveNIR Cups and Saucers. Women’s Centennial, 1876;—Boston Tea Party Anniversary, Dec. 16, 1873;—Centennial Cup, 1776, with American flag in colors ;—Worcester Centennial, April 19, 1775;—First National Centennial Anniversary “ Gaspee, June 10, 1882;”—American and Confederate Flags, in St 1885. Together 12 pieces. 14 WasHincTon Cups and Saucers. Washington Elm, Cambridge Pe different views) ;—Martha Washington, Baltimore, 1875;—Lady _ Washington’s Reception, Jersey City, Jan. 28, 1876 (saucer mended) ;—George Washington facsimile signature ;—Washing- ton’s Headquarters ;—Longfellow House, large cup and saucer. 12 pieces. 14a MartHa Washington Cup and Saucer, Maine celebration of Cen- 2 ae tennial;—Martha Washington cup and saucer, saucer with — American flag in colors;—Cup and saucer, Cunard Line, first — Cunarder “ Britannia” and latest Cunarder “Etruria; ”—Wash- ington Statue, Boston Common, saucer only. 9 pieces. 15 New Hampshire Souvenir China. First Written Constitution, Jan. ey 5, 1776. 2 cups and saucers and small plate. § pieces. ¥ ¥ en ee a ae eo — Book Auctioneers. 5 TENNIAL AND HISTORICAL CHINA, WITH AMERICAN VIEWS—Continued. 16 Souvenir Mugs. Chauncy Hall School;—Summit House, Mt. Washington, in colors;—Crawford House, in colors ;—lInstitute 20 of Technology ;—Arlington Street, Boston ;—Portrait of General Moultrie ;—Two other small mugs. 8 pieces. 17 Souvenir Pitchers. Birthplace of Daniel Webster ;—Whittier’s Birthplace, Haverhill, Mass.;—Residence of Whittier, Amesbury, Mass. ;—Town Hall, Marblehead ;—Birthplace Stephen A. Doug- ? las, Brandon, Vt.;—New England Hospital;—Profile Rock, Weirs ;—Queen Victoria Memorial Pitcher, ornament in colors ;— English Servant’s Portrait ;—Napoleon Creamer. 10 pieces. VASES, TRAYS, ETC. 18 DutcH Porcelain Bell;—Blue porcelain vase;—Worcester cup;— 2 small Chinese cups (one wicker covered) ;—2 butter chips. i2 Together 7 pieces. _~ 19 Wepcwoop Double Match Holder ;—Leeds pitcher, fluted sides, and /, ys 3 other small pitchers. 5 pieces. jj 2 Gren Ware. 3 small vases and child’s mug in colors. 4 pieces. (, le 21 Parr of Leeds Cups, fluted sides and beaded edge. (2) » 22 Trays. 2 black lacquer Japanese trays ;—One decorated porcelain i Ww tray in raised ornament;—Yellow ash tray;—Wooden tray. 5 pieces. / os SmaLi Vases. Royal Worcester, gold glass and decorated pottery. : 5 pieces. 50 24 MEXICAN Pottery. 2 small pitchers, colored;—Small Greek vase; , —Gayhead clay vase and 2 other pieces. 6 pieces. Y _~ 25 ANTIQUE Mound Pottery, frog shaped. Very old. 26 Copper Lustre Two Handled Vase, with cover ;—Lustre vase with to raised ornaments in blue;—Small pottery vase, dark red, Chinese eS: -: ornamentation. 3 pieces. 27 Majotica Pitcher, small size, in colors;—Small decorated vase in oy colors;—East India vase (Yrinea) ;—Corinthian Capitol and 4 Bristol figure of man. 5 pieces. 28 Majouica Vase, standing on 4 claw feet, decorated with head and fo horns and flowers;—Terra cotta tea pot;—Terra cotta lizard. a 3 pieces. 29 JAcKFIELD Duck Pitcher;—Leeds Duck boat;—Cow Creamer sie Ww (Bennington). 3 pieces. Ta Ww * « i 6 C. F. Libbie & Co. VASES, TRAYS, ETC.—Continued. 30 Parr of Moorish Vases, blue, white and red decoration. 9 in. high. 31 Bronze Pottery Vase with Wedgwood style medallions (base mended) ;—Yellow Chinese vase. 2 pieces. 32 Parr of Wedgwood Flower Pots, blue and white decoration. 33 WEDGWoop Queen’s Ware open work Basket and tray. 2 pieces. 34 WEDGWwoop Queen’s Ware open work Oval Dish, cover and tray. 3 pieces. 35 WeEpGwoop Queen’s Ware open work Tray;—Octagonal Leeds plate ;—Patent iron-stone china tray and plate. 4 pieces. 36 Bow Pickle Trays, leaf shaped. (3) 37 JAPANESE lacquer boxes. (4) 38 Parr of silver mounted Cocoanut Shell Vases. Very quaint. 39 PorcELAIN Medallions;—Pair of hand-painted medallions, deer and hunter;—Shakespeare medallion;—Wedgwood rosette;— Hand-painted view of Chilon. 5 small pieces. 40 Wepcwoop Medallions, blue and white. 4 small pieces. 41 Parr of Ivory and gold-mounted small Pin Boxes. 42 Gotp pendant Seal. 43 Two early American Enamels, brass mounts (one damaged). 44 Tortoise Shell Tray, stork design in gold;—Pair of brass library shears;—Pocket Compass, made by D. Adams, London, in leather case ;—Small patch box ;—Piece of glass from Pompeii ;— Small blue glass vase. 6 pieces. 45 Limoce Enamel Patch Box, “ The gift of a friend,” oval shape;— Another, oblong shape. 2 pieces. 46 Bue Spanish Pottery Water Bottle. With designs of bull fighter, hunting scene, birds and castles, etc. Fine piece. 47 Movunp Pottery. Two curious Vases, one with double handles and figures in relief, the other with figures in relief. Fire baked. Both 4 in. high. (2) 48 Mounp Pottery. Circular earthenware Plate of the Sun. The features of a man, with diverging rays, back with scratched design, with face in the centre. 8% in. in diameter, fire baked. Rare museum piece. 49 Mounp Pottery. Vase with six heads in relief, shows crude knife cutting, fire baked. Height 6% in. Book Auctioneers. 7 VASES, TRAYS, ETC.—Continued. 50 Majottca Tile Ornament. Polychrome decoration. Four tiles, + _ octagonal shape, laid in plaster frame. Beautiful ornamental piece. 51 Parr Large Delft Jars, dated, 1760. Decoration of blue with rocco / > JY framework in yellow and other colors. Height 10 in. width 7 in. oe (Rims carefully restored). Dated pieces of old Delft are not commonly found. 52 Larce Terra Cotta Jardiniere. Signed by “ R. E. Brooks, May, ab 1882” “B. S. S.” Large ornamental jardiniere with figure of +,“ large grasshopper in relief. Height 17 inches. Richard Edwin Brooks, of Paris and Quincy, Mass. Gold medal, Paris, 1900, and Buffalo, 1901. eed & Larce Pottery Jardiniere. Modern art pottery specimen, with 2,79 splash glaze in brown. 54 WEBsTER, Daniel. Large, full length Parian Ware Statue. T. Ball, sculp., Boston, Mass., 1813. Pattern assigned to G. W. Nichols, / 8, io Boston. Height 26 in. : Fine piece. 55 CHINESE Pottery Statue. Chinese figure of Man and Frog. pee / | 27 inches. 56 Larce Chinese Wooden Jardiniere, or Umbrella Stand. Red, gold Pees and black decoration. 57 MarBLE Bust in Relief. Mounted on black marble slab. Sculptor / ; 7 t and subject unknown. CUPS AND SAUCERS. 58 Wepcwoop Medallion Smelling Salts. White, green and gold / , ype cameo glass Smelling Salts. 2 small pieces. ,. 59 Crown Derby Cup and Saucer, 1782 mark, blue and gold decora- y oP tion. 2 pieces. _~ 60 Crown Derby Cup and Saucer, 1782 mark, blue and gold decora- / 17s tion, fluted borders (saucer time-cracked). 2 pieces. «~ 61 WorcesTER Cup and Saucer, mark of crossed swords, beautifully wi decorated. 2 pieces. 7 3g 62 WORCESTER Cup and Saucer. Nosegay decoration in colors (edges of cup nicked) 2 pieces. 63 Cup and Saucer. Capo di Monti style. With mark of gold “N.” a and crown. 40 64 Monocram Cup and Saucer. Monogram of A. A. 2 pieces. 65 Worcester Cup and Saucer. Blue and white, with the mark of the open crescent. 2 pieces. WW 66 BLUE and white Cups and Saucers, Chinese decorations. 6 pieces. ao Sa Bae 8 ‘C. F, Libbie & Ca. CUPS AND SAUCERS—C ontinued. 67 Cups and Saucers, different patterns, blue and gold, Chinese, Worcester, Souvenir, etc. 10 pieces. 68 Parr of small Chelsea Cups, red, purple and gold decoration, marked pieces. (2) 69 SHAKESPEARE Portrait Cup. Incised mark “J.” Gold band china, portrait beautifully executed (slight nick in rim). 70 WorcEsTER Bowl, blue and white, small size, crescent mark;— Salt glaze bowl, Chinese decoration in blue, red and gold, large stamp ;—Small blue and white bowl. 3 pieces. 71 Four odd Saucers. Chelsea, Worcester, one marked A and saucer with under surface in relief. 4 fine pieces. 72 Ten odd Cups. English and Chinese. 10 pieces. 73 CuiLy’s Tea Set. Lowestoft pattern, with American spread eagle with ornament of gilt stars in bands. Comprising: 9 tea cups and saucers, 6 after dinner coffees, tea pot, creamer, tea caddy and tray, large and small bowl. In unusually fine condition. Sold as 30 pieces. 74 Lowestort style Cup and Saucer. - Spread eagle with monogram A. 2 pieces. 75 Lowestorr style Cups in blue and gold, with spread eagle, one with monogram F. B.;—Lowestoft style plate, monogram S. F., - with coat of arms and ship with American flag (mended) ;— Small Lowestoft saucer. 4 pieces. 76 Lowestorr style Tea Caddy and Tray. Decoration in black and gold. 2 pieces. 77 BLUE Worcester Mug. Decorations of birds and insects in colors. Royal blue background ornamented with gold, with the Chinese mark under glaze. Fine old piece. 78 Coprer Lustre Cups and Saucers. 4 pieces. 79 Bristo. Glass Mug. “ Forget Me Not” in gold. 80 CHELSEA Mustard Pot, with cover. Blue and white decoration. Fine piece. 81 SMALL Bow Vase, flower festoon ornamentation in colors. 82 CLoIsSONNE Cup on Porcelain. Old piece marked, and another Chinese cup. 2 pieces. 83 BorrcHER Ware. Cup and saucer, black body with gold figures and ornamentation, made at Meissen about 1706 and antedates the discovery. of Kaolin and the manufacture of white porcelain. 2 cups and One saucer (saucer mended). 3 pieces. 86 No — ae Itt No. a ws. yA as L% Book Auctioneers. 9 CUPS AND SAUCERS—C ontinued. 2 —— 84 Guaparayara Vase, tumbler shape, black and gold and silver decoration. 2 -— 85 STAFFoRDSHIRE Gravy Boat, blue decoration. OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES. 8 City Hotel, N. Y., 814 in. medium blue, proof. Attributed to R. Vt —“~ Stevenson and Williams. See illustration. 87 Union Line (Steamboat, Troy Line). Enoch Wood & Sons. 8 a. 9 in. dark blue, proof. ws CuieF Justice Marshall, Troy. (Steamboat, Troy Line). Enoch Wood & Sons. 8 in. dark blue, almost proof. eo See illustration. 89 WINTER View of Pittsfield, Mass. Clews. 8% in. dark blue [o~ (slightly scratched). Erie Canal. View of the Aqueduct mee at Little Falls. 8 in. dark blue (slightly worn). pb a NauantT Hotel, near Boston (without the tree). (R. S. & W.) Egat 9 in. medium blue, proof. b See illustration. 92 Arms of Rhode Island. Impressed mark of T. Mayer, Stoke. sgt 8% in. dark blue, proof. fs BALTIMORE and Ohio Railroad. E. Wood & Sons. (The Inclined Pa Plane.) 9 in. dark blue (slightly worn). Lv 94 QueBEc (View of). Large flower border. 9 in. medium blue, 3 soup plate, proof. — 95 CHATHAM Street, Boston. 9 in. dark blue (surface worn). it — ‘Mitchell & Freeman. 96 Lisrary, Philadelphia. Beauties of America series. By I. and W. Oo a Ridgeway. 8% in. medium blue, proof. - See illustration. Dam and Water Works (Stern wheel), Philadelphia. 10 in. me- » dium blue, almost proof. See illustration. co CommoporE Macdonough’s Victory. Wood. 10 in. dark blue, » by almost proof. 99 Fair Mount, near Philadelphia. (Stubbs.) 10 in. medium blue, tag proof. C. F. Libbie & Co. BALTIMORE and Ohio Railroad. E. Wood & Son. (Train on the _ BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—C. ont’d. level.) 10 in. dark blue, proof. arate House, Boston (with Chaise). (Rogers.) 934 in. medium 2,9 blue, proof. See illustration. 102 City of Albany, State of New York. E. Wood & Sons. 10 in. i. ww dark blue, Boot ; 103 STATES Plate. (Barber No. 83.) Three Story Building and Two Fishermen. With medallion portrait of Washington held by figure of Justice, containing the Square and Compass on Apron. 10% in. dark blue, proof. One of the rare Masonic plates. / 304 Bank of the United States, Philadelphia. (Stubbs.) 10 in. dark blue, proof. See illustration. 105 LA GRANGE, the residence of Marquis Lafayette. Wood. 10 in. dark blue (slight blemish on front and back). 106 State House (with Cows on the Common. Rogers. 10 in. me- Paar oO a“ “2 \ Pa y 4 & ‘ei | a i SJ j pee 2 dium blue, almost proof. See illustration. 107 TABLE Rock, Niagara. Wood. 10 in. dark blue (slightly worn). | £4 oe 108 Caprtot, Washington. R. S. & W. 10 in. dark blue, proof sur- face, but 2 in. time crack. 7409 LANDING of the Fathers at Plymouth. Wood. 10 in. medium blue, proof. oy el TO PARK Theatre, N. Y. RS. W. Io in. dark blue, proof. See illustration. 111 Ocracon Church, Boston. Beauties of America Series. I. & W. ) } “ce fi si wt \ Ridgeway. 10 in. dark blue, soup plate, proof. See illustration. 3 _312 Waren Works, Philadelphia. (R. S. W.)_ 10 in. dark blue, almost proof. Capmus” (at Anchor). (Wood.) 10 in. dark blue, almost — 2 proof. ANDING of General LaFayette at Castle Garden, N. Y., 16th of A August, 1824. Clews. 10 in. dark blue, almost proof. 115 Dam and Water Works, Philadelphia. (With side wheel steamer). 10 in. dark blue, almost proof. See illustration. 116 MARINE Hospital, Louisville, Ky. Wood. 9 in. dark blue (badly ? worn). Book Auctioneers. II OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—C ont’d, ) 0 _eal7 Nracara. Sheep Shearing Scene, with portrait medallions of Washington, Jefferson, LaFayette and Clinton. Entrance of : Erie Canal. (A. Stevenson.) 10 in. dark blue (riveted). — 118 Erte Canal. DeWitt Clinton Eulogy. 10 in. dark blue (3 time |o cracks). J H9 Fatts of Montmorency, near Quebec. 8% in. dark blue (time crack nearly across the plate, worn). 3 | "120 Scupper’s Museum. 7% in. dark blue, almost proof. ri sia Tue Capitol, Washington. Wood. 7Y% in. dark blue (worn). ye oe Upper Ferry Bridge over the River Schuylkill. 9 in. medium blue, 1 proof. . Besge.. ATHENAEUM, Boston. Beauties of America Series. I. and W. Assad Ridgeway. 614 in. medium blue, almost proof. | See illustration. 0 124 La Fayette at cen: Tomb. 6% in. dark blue (slightly worn). j e135 CuHurcH in the City of New York. 6 in. dark blue (slightly S ] marked). 126 La Fayette Portrait Plate. “ Welcome LaFayette the Nation’s }0 “ Guest and our Country’s Glory.” Clews. Blue medallion in centre on white background with blue edge. 8% in. 127 LANpING of the Pilgrims. 534 in. medium blue (mended). ro CastLe Garden, Battery, N. Y. Dark blue cup plate, 334 in. '# 129 Cup and Saucer. State House, with Cows on the Common. > Medium blue (slight nick in saucer, otherwise fine). 2 pieces. 130 WASHINGTON Cup and Saucer. Full length Portrait of Washing- ton Standing at Tomb, scroll in hand. Dark blue. 2 pieces. fk ae 131 WapswortH Tower. Dark blue cup and saucer. Wood. Proof. 2 pieces, ai ig ie calle 132 “Mount Vernon, Seat of the late General Washington. With por- . F 4) trait of Washington and horse on the lawn. Dark blue cup and “Ys ut _ Saucer. 2 pieces. es 133 East View of La Grange, the residence of the Marquis La Fayette. & 10 in. platter, dark blue (slightly worn). 134 YALE College, New Haven. (Charles Meigh). Impressed stamp, Improved Stone China, etc. 9% in. light blue. Proof. 135 Don Quixote. Mambrino’s Helmet. 10 in. dark blue. Surface repaired and painted. + / id # 12 C. F. Libbie & Co. / OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—Cont’d. Ln FA 136 Lanpinc of the Pilgrims. 10 in. medium blue. Proof. 137 Harvarp College. R. S. W. One building. 8% in. dark blue, with ibd oak border i : See illustration. 138 Harvarp College. Four buildings, oak border. 10 in. dark blue. p{[9 Ly ty Almost proof. See illustration. 139 State House Platter. Cows on the Common. 18 in. platter. / ee Impressed Rogers mark. Very slightly knife marked, otherwise (oD in beautiful condition. . , See illustration on cover. 140 Bue Platter. Quadrupeds. I. Hall. Centre figure of moose, [ , tit also panels containing figures of beaver, bear, Canadian lynx and wild goat. 14 in. dark blue. Knife marked. —) 141 Dark Blue Plate with English View. 8% in. dark blue. Knife \) marked. Pies Race Street Bridge, Philadelphia. Jackson. 9 in. printed in black. 143 GENTLEMAN’s Cabin, Boston Mails. 9 in. brown (time cracked). _—? j NS . 144 View of the Catskill Mountain House, N. Y. 10% in. mulberry, nek proof. t I “wJ ; ‘ ae 145 PresipeNnt’s House, Washington. 10% in. pink, proof. 5 0 146 WEBSTER Vase. 7 in. light brown (time cracked). | S147 Near Troy, N. Y. Catskill moss border. 6 in. saucer, light blue. Le Ss 148 St. Perer’s, Rome. 19% in. medium blue platter. —_ Fine color, almost proof surface. Io 149 Boston Mails, or, Gentlemen’s Cabin. Teapot light blue deco- ration. 150 StaTE House Pitcher, with two views. State House, Boston, with cows on the Common, and view of the City Hall, N.Y; % f > a te en Dark blue, 5% in. high. J / By Stubbs; see illustration in “ Old China,” vol. 2, pD. 224. i 151 WASHINGTON and LaFayette Pitcher, in Commemoration of visit, 1824. Richard Hall & Sons. Light blue pitcher. 4 in. high. 152 Erie Canal Pitcher. DeWitt Clinton Eulogy (badly broken and poorly mended). Dark blue, 5% in, high. 153 Narrows, Fort Hamilton. Catskill moss border. 7 in. light blue, proof. 154 W. Penn’s Treaty. 7 in. light blue, almost proof. Liter yovas Book Auctioneers. 13 OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—C ont’d. Harvarp College. (E. W. & S.) Border of fruits and berries. 9 in. light blue, almost proof. 156 Natura Bridge, le, (E. W. & S.) 9% in. light blue, almost iy PA proof. 157 Ruins of Merchants’ Exchange, Great Fire, City of New York. 9" 9 in. light blue (edges chipped). 158 MerepirH, N. H. With Catskill moss border. 9 in, light blue, 5 =— proof. 159 City Hall, N. Y. Jackson’s Warranted. 10% in. scalloped edge, light blue, proof. 160 CONSTITUTION of the United States, First Amendment. Central uy PP ask inscription, eagle and motto border (Barber 420). 9 in. light blue an. yh G Tex1tan Campaign. J. B. 8% in. light green, proof. : ji BattLe Monument, Baltimore. Jackson. 9 in. printed in mulberry, ), ev proof. a 163 “Utica” Cup and Saucer. “ American Cities and Scenery.” ' Light blue. 2 pieces. as 164 “ VitLacE of Little Falls.” “ American Cities and Scenery.” 8 in. light blue plate. Two marks, one impressed. 165 Escape of the Mouse, from Wilkie’s Designs. Clews mark. 10 in. 7 (Vv dark blue plate (riveted). | a 166 LreEps Plate. With design in colors. Figure of woman seated, - 8 with anchor at her side, ship with furled sails at anchor. 167 Muzerry Plate. Design of flowers with perforated edge. 10% in. Extremely rare pattern. i. yA Tortoise Shell Plate. 9% in. Scroll edge. 69 PENNSYLVANIA Dutch Pie Plate. Earthenware with Tortoise Shell } 4 A glaze. Slightly nicked and time cracked. : Dark Blue Cup and Saucer. With a rose border and centre “ \ ornaments of dark horse and white horse. Large coffee cup and deep saucer. 2 pieces. 171 DarKx Blue Soup Tureen and Tray, with Cover. “ Hall’s Quadru- a peds.” Very large soup tureen and tray, all beautiful dark blue color. Sold as 2 pieces. 172 Dark Blue Staffordshire Open Work Fruit Basket and Tray, <0 with double handles. English Castle sceme. (Tray mended.) 4 2 pieces. 14 C. F. Libbie & Co. OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—Cont’d. 173 Furton’s Steam Ship and Cadmus Bowl. Cream colored ware with lustre edge and bands. With historical designs printed : ar: in red on sides and inside. View on inside is a steamer flying § American Flag with Mountains and Fort in the distance. View on the outside of War vessel flying American Flag over the British Flag in three places, bowsprit, foremast and stern; on the shore American Eagle and laurel branch with stars, anchor in the foreground. Other view same as inside only larger print. A very rare historical piece. See ‘Old China,’”’ vol. 1, p. 88. 174 FuLtoN-CapMus Sugar Bowl. Designs of Fulton’s Steamboat and is the Ship Cadmus on sides, designs printed in red with pink ; ad lustre bands. o Y ol 2 = ORT Cup and Saucer. With the same two outside designs on A cup and inside design on saucer. Printed in red, lustre bands. 2 pieces. 176-WasuHincTon Bowl. Portrait on the inside printed in black, with 4 a supporters of two female figures, one holding Liberty Cap, the other a Sword. With the Motto “ Deafness to the Ear that * ase will Patiently hear,” etc. “ My Favorite Son, Long Live the President of the United States.” With three rustic scenes printed in black on the outside. Diameter 7% in. Fine, historical piece of Leeds Ware. _- 177, Wasuincton Monument Plate. Liverpool ware. Centre orna- ment with band of stars and fluted ribbon border. Centre figure, female holding American shield, with stars and stripes at her feet, American eagle standing on cannon with American shield and motto. In the background, monument sacred to the memory of Washington. Figure of ship in the distance. 10 in. printed in brown. Very uncommon design. See ‘Old China,” Dec., 1901. 178 WASHINGTON and Constitution Bowl. Portraits of Washington, Franklin and two other printed designs on the outside. Printed iw Vv view inside, of the Frigate “ Constitution” under full sail, also (\ ~~ military ornaments. (View of “ Constitution” somewhat worn.) 9% in. deep bowl (time cracked). s .~ 179 Napoteon and Josephine Plates. Impressed mark Creil. Designs Hye , printed in black on white. 8% in. (2) 4 180 Bive Cup Plates, 5 in. “Mother and Boy” medium blue. (6) : mos (one slightly cracked). +“ cy 181 Biue Plate. “ British Scenery.” Oblong, 7 in. or 182 STAFFORDSHIRE Gravy Dish, with cover. “ Batalha, Portugal.” — eg Dark blue color. Book Auctioneers. 15 Ee ox PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—C ont’d. yy \ 183 Bue Staffordshire Gravy Ladle. Medium blue, design of water wheel mill. 184 CasTLEForD Creamer. Decoration in relief. One side panel con- ¥ yo taining the Arms of the United States. A cream white ware. ‘ Rare historical piece. —— Glaze Tea Pot. Entirely covered with flower designs. é Dated about 1750. With rustic handle and nose (nose and cover 4 mended). Fine colored pieces of salt glaze are extremely rare. Seo illustration. 86 Sart Glaze Tea Pot. With decorations in color. A beautiful ng piece; (has been badly broken, but very neatly mended). 187 Rare old Crouch Ware Tea Pot in white salt glaze, with fine fo incised relief decoration, on tripod legs. Period of about 1730. ay Ornament on cover mended. See illustration. color in mottled effect. Period of about 1740. Fine specimen. See illustration. 2» hae an Old Wheildon Tea Pot. Solid Tortoise Shell decoration. Fine old piece. Ls 8 Earty English Agate Tea Pot. Beautiful brown, blue and cream 190 ELrers Ware Tea Pot of Terra Cotta. Square form with incised +7 Cd Chinese decoration. Dog Foo ornament on cover, with solid } silver nose and handle. With the English hall mark. Corner of cover mended. This ware was made by the Elers Brothers about 1700, in imita- tion of the red wares of Japan; very interesting and rare specimens. See illustration. 191 Wepcwoop Terra Cotta Tea Pot. Raised decoration of flowers, g jaan silver bands and chain attached to cover. Fine, marked piece. See illustration. 192 Eters Ware Tea Pot of Terra Cotta. Square form with open wv” work sides in imitation of carved bamboo, the sides formed in o 0 imitation bamboo cane which is pierced and carved with flowers and leaves. Fine old piece of this ware. See illustration. 193 TERRA Cotta Teapot. Raised decoration. In style of Elers ware. ' Gold chain and ornaments on handles with two pearls and ~ enamel decoration. Fine piece. ' 04 Earty Meissen Teapot. Octagon shape. Vine pattern in relief, \M silver nose and chain. With the early Dresden mark. 195 Lowestorr Style Plate. Pink decoration with Coat of Arms and Motto “ Per Ardua Bonum” in centre. (Cracked.) 10% in. Ag a 16 C. F. Libbie & Co. OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—Cont'd. 196 JAPANESE Butterfly Plate. Design in centre and on edge of hun- dreds of butterflies in colors. 197 CHINESE Medallion Plate. Central design of man riding on Sea Serpent, rising sun in the distance ;—Japanese Plate, wild flower design, with designer’s name in characters under glaze. 2 pieces. 198 JAPANESE Plates. Design of Nude Japanese Women in colors and gold. Colors and paste similar to Lowestoft. — s 199 Spove Plate. Stone China, Rose Pattern in colors and gold. 9% in. Pernt Tortoise Shell Plate. Green glaze and lustre, with brown tortoise shell back. 934 in. riveted. 201 CHINESE Plates in Colors. With Coat of Arms in centre. With designs in blue and gold. 8% in. (2) 202 CHINESE Lustre Plate. Design of Five Chinese Women in colors and lustre. 7% in. 203 Open Work Cake Plate. Flower design in colors, gold band edge ;—Worcester “ Nabob” Plate, deep blue border, flower de- sign in colors. (2) 204 Muc and Saucer and Tea Cup and Saucer. Printed design in mulberry, with mulberry band printed at the top. 4 pieces. 205 Tortoise Shell Plate, dark brown and yellow. 9 in. (riveted). 206 Op Salt Glaze Basket and Tray. Basket finely pierced with festooned border and terminal heads. About 1750. (2) 207 Parr of fine old Salt Glaze Plates. Basket work rims. (2) 208 Pair of Agate Ware Beakers. Blue, pink and black mottled deco- rations on side. Fine coloring. (2) 209 TorToIsE Shell Teapot. Slip decoration. Grape vine decoration in relief, tripod feet. (Cover missing.) . . 210 Fine Old Worcester Teapot. Rich scroll and flower decoration on royal blue ground. 211 WHEILDON Tortoise Shell sar entwined imam brown, green and yellow shade. 212 WHEILDON Gravy Boat. Curious bird shape. 213 FursTENBURG Creamer. Decoration of nosegay of flowers in color. 214 QuEEN’s Ware Helmet Shaped Creamer, entwined handles. Early piece. An odd shape. 215 Bertin Tea Pot in Colors and Gold. Octagonal shape. Very old piece (cover slightly nicked). Please insert this leaf with corrected numbers in place of plate opposite page 16. No. 198 992 No. 922 170 wT ee a2 a. .- 2) et y No. 188 © No. 191 re eo No. 298 No. 299 No. 304 No. 307 Book Auctioneers. 17 OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—Cont'd. 216 WorcesTER Tea Pot. With the mark of crossed swords and star. Design of nosegays on sides, gold bands and sprigs of flowers. Empire style. Beautiful piece. 217 Bristot Creamer. With reeded sides, nosegays in colors on each side. Beautiful piece. 218 CuerseA Figure. About 1770. Little boy holding basket of flowers. 219 Satt Glaze Stone Ware Flask. 220 DutcH Vase with cover. Polychrome decoration. Fine old piece. 221 Parr of Glass Decanters. 222 Pair of Terra Cotta Vases of Greek Pattern. Double handles and raised ornamentation in black (one handle mended). 223 Parr Canton Hot Water Plates. (2) 224 “ SpopE Stone China” Bowl. Wide blue border, Chinese view in bowl. Diam. 9 in. height 4% in. Fine piece, good mark. 225 Licut Blue Tea Set. (Spode.) 2 Teapots, 6 Cups and Saucers, Sugar Bowl, Creamer, Large Bowl and 2 Cake Plates. 19 pieces (one saucer cracked). 226 QUEEN’s Ware Teapot. Decorated with pink flowers, entwined handles (handle and cover mended). . 227 STONEWARE Ale Jug (probably by W. Adams of Greengates), with silver rim and cover, with English Hall Marks. Raised medal- lions on sides of English Tavern scenes, horseman deer-hunting with dogs. 228 SMALL green glaze Lustre Pitcher;—Small stoneware Pitcher. Early American pottery. (2) 229 Capt. Paul Jones Creamer, small size, moulded head and Conti- nental cap. 230 Sevres Napoleon Statuette. Bust figure in uniform as Emperor. Sevres mark of the Louis XVIII period. Height 5 in. 231 Cuinese Buddha. Figure of Woman seated, holding a Crystal ball in both hands. White porcelain, crackle glaze, height 8 in. 232 Torr Ware Dish. Round deep dish 13% in. in yellow earthenware, decorated with crude figures in red and brown slip. 233 Earty Worcester deep Plate. 714 in. Design of Peacock in colors. 18 C. F. Libbie & Co. OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—C ont’d. 234 SpopE Plate. Green background with flower design in pink and gold (2 slight nicks). Impressed mark. 8 in. 235 BLue Delft Plates. gin. (2) 236 Detrr Polychrome Plate. Decoration of orange tree and with initials on ribbon V. V. O. R. 237 Detrr Plates, two in colors (both cracked) and two in blue (one cracked in halves). 4 pieces. 238 Pinx Lustre Plate. Green and gold decoration. 10 in. (slight time crack). 239 Pink Lustre Bowl. With flower decoration on the outside and inside. 240 DELFT Shaving Bowl. Deep dish with circular piece cut out for neck, with finger hold. Decorated in blue, with mirror, razors, etc. With curious reflected face in mirror. 241 ANOTHER. Blue Delft. Decorated with shears, razor, comb, brush, etc. 242 Deer Bowl. Decorated with flowers (broken and riveted) ;—Her- culaneum Plate, with monogram J. T. H. and American Eagle (mended). 2 pieces. 243 Minton Tiles for Tea Stands. First Written Constitution of New Hampshire, Jan. 5, 1776, with black walnut stands. 2 pieces. 244 Licut Blue Cup ;—Chinese Cup and a Chinese Cup and Saucer (3 pieces mended). (4) 245 TEA Set. White Porcelain with raised medallions in blue. Style of Wedgwood. 8 cups and saucers and large bowl, tea pot and sugar bowl. Ig pieces. 246 Lustre Tea Set. With pink lustre edges and bands of flowers. Tea pot, creamer and sugar bow! of Colonial pattern. r1e small cups without saucers (handle of creamer mended). 13 pieces. 247 Pink Mottled Lustre Creamer. 248 SiLver Lustre Candlestick, 6 in. high. Very dark glaze on black pottery body. 249 ORIENTAL green glaze Pottery Ginger Jar. 250 PENNSYLVANIA Dutch Teapot. Light green lustre glaze. 251 PENNSYLVANIA Dutch Pottery. Cup, Small Bowl and Covered Dish. 3 pieces. 252 BENNINGTON Tortoise Shell Tobacco Box. Raised decoration. Figure of a dog in relief on cover. Book Auctioneers. 19 OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—Cont’d. 253 Derr Toby. Blue and white decoration. Very old piece. 254 STAFFORDSHIRE Spaniel Dog. With tomato splash color. 10 in. 255 STAFFORDSHIRE Spaniel Dogs, lustre decoration. (2) 250 STAFFORDSHIRE Figure. Scotch Lad and Lassie, with clock face between them. 257 Copper Lustre Teapot, blue band, medallion decoration in colors (cover and nose nicked). 258 QuEEN’s Ware Bon Bon Dish. Square shape, pierced sides. 4 259 QUEEN’s Ware Plate, with pierced edge. Impressed mark. A i 1 “aa © 260 QUEEN’s Ware Round Dishes. Pierced sides. (2) 261 Lowestorr Style Helmet Creamer. Large size. Decorations in colors and gold. With Coat of Arms. Twig handle. 262 WeEDGEWoop Teapot. Dark blue figures in relief (time cracked). 263 QuEEN’s Ware Basket and Tray. Open work edge. 2 pieces. 264 JACKFIELD Teapot and Creamer. Raised decoration in gold. 2 pieces. 265 STAFFORDSHIRE Soup Ladle. Inside of bowl with pattern printed in lilac and Chinese ornaments. Perfect condition. 266 STAFFORDSHIRE Teapot. Brown printed decoration, blue edge (cover mended). 1? 267 Brack Basalte Creamer. Wedgwood pattern. Figures in relief. 268 Brack Basalte Teapot. Figures in relief. Cover with figure of woman seated. Fine piece. Brack Basalte Dish. With figures in relief. Impressed mark Birch. 7% in. in diameter. 270 EnciisuH Tea Set. Cottage ware, with li ~medallion deco- rations. ~Gonsisting=6f-teapot, sugar bowl; "treamer-~and..2..plates. 5 pieces. 271 DRESDEN Iron Stone China, “E. Wood, Burslem.” Blue medallions impressed on white grounds. 7% in. plates, each marked. (7) 272 CoTTAGE Tea Set. Comprising: Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer, Large Bowl, 12 Cups, 9 Saucers, 2 Large Plates, 9 Small Plates and 9 Butter Chips. 45 pieces. 273 STAFFORDSHIRE Lustre Saucers. Cream white ware, with edges and band of pink lustre and tomato colored decoration. Io pieces, all perfect. 20 C. F. Libbie & Co. OLD BLUE PLATES AND CHINA, WITH AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES—C on?’ d. 274 Parr of Bennington Candlesticks, 8% in. Light brown mottled — glaze. Fine pair. a \ 275 SMALL Lowestoft Vase, with sprigs of flowers (mended) ;—Warola | } ‘4 Candlestick, green and brown glaze decoration. (2) A 276 WiLLow Pattern open work Fruit Dish (one handle missing and \ uf cracked on sides). \ 277 STAFFORDSHIRE Tea Pot (side mended). } 278 PENNSYLVANIA Dutch Plates. 9 in. and 10% in. (2) 279 PENNSYLVANIA Dutch Oblong Dishes. 14 and 15% in. (2) f LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND JUGS. 5,4 280 Tortoise Shell Cream Pitcher (mended). 281 SILver Resist Lustre Mugs, one with Greek key pattern and yellow " — decoration. 2 pieces (one slightly mended). 282 SALOPIAN Tea Pot, with printed decorations, ornaments in colors; oo —Green Caughley Tea Pot;—Béottcher ware Pitcher, Chinese ( ce | design in yellow. All 3 pieces cracked. b J 283 FuLHAM Jug. Blue and gray stone ware, with raised decoration. Qa With initials G. R. and crown. ) + if _@ 284 DovuLtTon Victoria Jug, 1837-87. With decoration in relief. Small — size. 285 ANOTHER. Larger size. < 1 286 CroucH ware Pitcher, lustre decoration im relief. American eagle on one side and rose on the other. Decorations in relief. Fine old piece. * Pca 287 ApaMs House, Quincy, Mass. Large size souvenir jug. Blue and Ly white. J. M. S. & Co., Boston. 288 Keene, N. H., Souvenir Jug. View of Main Street and old house, 1754. 289 Rocer Williams Jug. Made by J. Wedgwood & Sons, Etruria, England. 290 GARFIELD Portrait Jug. Made by J. Wedgwood & Sons, Etruria, England. 4 a it 291 SiLveR Lustre Tea Pot, with cover. 292 ApostLe Jug. Parian ware. Figures of the Apostles in relief. 84 in. 1D ee Attributed to J. & W. Ridgway. a Book Aucttoneers. 21 LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND yucs—Continued. ise 293 Tony Jug. Fine old piece. Ya afta hy oat Tea Pot, cream colored ware with double entwined * an handles and gilt decoration. 7s Sitver Lustre Pitcher. Fine piece. 6% in. | ee 296 Bristot Glass Mug, with cover. Decorated in colors. Quart size, _2-* fine piece, in absolutely perfect condition. 9 in. |r 297 CotumBus Jug. Made by Copeland and Sons, Stoke upon Trent. p Wedgwood blue body with white medallions and ornamentation. “ff 8 in. 298 Liverpool Mug with patriotic design “ Union to the People of America, Civil and Religious Liberty to All Mankind.” Figures Vv ‘of three men standing holding liberty cap on pole. Quart size, V 6% in. Fine piece. See illustration. 299 WasHINcTON Mug. “George Washington, Esq., General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America.” )» 0 With the rare portrait of Washington on horseback. Entwined handle, quart size (time crack on side). See illustration. 300 LiverPoo. Pitcher. Success to the Trade. With picture of ship with the American flag and on the reverse, the U. S. Shield and 4 -~ American eagle, with 15 stars. (Time crack on the side.) 6% in. 301 STAFFORDSHIRE Constitution Pitcher. “Constitution’s” escape from the British Squadron after a chase of 60 hours. On the A > reverse “ Constitution ” taking the “Cyane” and “ Levant.” Cream colored pitcher with lustre bands and edge. (Top edge nicked, handle cracked and a few small time cracks.) 6% in. 302 STAFFORDSHIRE Pitcher. Second View of Commodore Perry’s Vic- y Pa tory. The “Wasp” and “ Reindeer.” Lustre edge and bands. (Bottom and side badly cracked.) 7% in. See illustration in ‘‘ Old China,’’ vol. 3, p. 211. 303 Liverpoot Pitcher. First Rate Ship of War with rigging, etc., at is anchor. On reverse Pastoral scene, Milkmaid and Cows, with ly monogram on the front T. K. Fine condition. 8 in. 304 WAsHincTon Pitcher. General Washington Departed this life Dec. 14, 1799, aged 67. “And the Tears of a Nation Watered Y= Grave.” With the fine portrait of Washington and military accessories. On the reverse “Captain Jones of the ‘ Mace- bi A donian, ” with portrait and military accessories. With lustre bands and edge. Fine old piece. The glaze entirely covered with a beautiful fine crackle. See illustration. 22 C. F. Libbie & Co. LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND JUGS—Continued. 305 Mapison Pitcher. “James Maddison,” President of the United States of America. With portrait of Madison in oval with the u ae names within wreaths. The eagle and shield and 13 stars and motto beneath the nose. On reverse portrait of Madison and verse of song, “ Hail Columbia Happy Land.” (Side cracked and mended.) 7% in. 306 Liverroot Pitcher. With view of the ship “Alligator” under full yo sail, On the reverse the “states pattern,’ American eagle and shield and 15 stars with the names of the States within inter- laced circles, black and gold ornamentation. Initial “P” under the nose. 7% in. (Nose neatly mended.) 307 WasuHiNcToNn Pitcher, “He in Glory, America in Tears.’ Por- o _“ trait of Washington in uniform in oval, Beneath the nose ; a Putt “A Man without Example, A Patriot without Reproach.” On Wy, L the reverse a Funeral urn with the initials “G. W.” with inscriptions in oval. Liverpool pitcher, gallon size. In fine condition. See illustration. 308 STAFFORDSHIRE Jones and Hull Pitcher. Captain Jones of the 3 “Macedonian.” Portrait with flags, guns, etc. With the Arms é) | NE of America beneath the nose. 15 stars. On the reverse, por- 7 trait of Captain Hull of the “Constitution.” With lustre bands and decoration. 6% in. Fine old piece. 309 WasHINGTON Pitcher. “ First in War, First in Peace, and First a) in the Hearts of his Fellow Citizens.” “Washington his & ny ~ Country’s Father,” with Arms of the United States and Stars. v “Republicans are not always Ungrateful,” signed Richard Hall & Son. On the reverse “In Commemoration of the Visit of General La Fayette to the United States of America in the year 1824.” “Fayette the Nation’s Guest.” 734 in. high. (Bottom broken and mended.) 310 Liverpoo. Pitcher. The Farmers’ Arms. With the American so shield and eagle beneath the nose. On the reverse a rustic a, scene, The Country Dance, Windmill, etc. 9 in. (Small nick - in nose, otherwise in fine condition.) Attributed to Richard Abbey, 1790. 311 WasHINGTON Pitcher. Allegorical scene. Portrait of Washing- ton and Liberty and Fame, with a map of the 13 States, Ameri- ae can flag, Liberty cap, Washington Securing Liberty to America, ~S Wisdom and Justice Dictating to Franklin. On the reverse alle- j' gorical scene “ By Virtue and Valor we have freed our Country,” etc, I0 in. pitcher. (Broken and riveted.) . 312 Liverpoot Pitcher. The Coopers’ Arms. With the initial F unde en nose. (Slight time crack in the bottom.) Designs printed in black. 7% in. ‘% Attributed to Richard Abbey, 1790. BK vd ad Ve un, f vw Book Auctioneers. Zo LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND JUGS—Continued. 313 Liverpoot Pitcher. Admiral, Lord Nelson “England expects every 3 ae Man to do his Duty.” Portrait of Nelson on both sides. (Time crack extending nearly the whole length.) 7 in. high. sail. American eagle and shield with stars beneath the nose. American family drinking toasts. (Bottom time cracked.) 8 in. high. 315 Liverroot Pitcher. The “ Constitution” taking the “ Cyane” and the “Levant.” On reverse the “ Wasp” boarding the “ Frolic.” WD a, With lustre bands and edge (nose slightly cracked). 6% in. Ci Liverroo. Pitcher. View of Frigate “Constitution” under full UY, 3 high. sid 316 Liverpoot Pitcher. Apotheosis of Washington. On the reverse 0 a plan of the City of Washington. 9) in. high. Fine condition. 317 LiverPooL Pitcher. “ Constitution” under sail with the American _ flag in colors. On the reverse “Washington in Glory, America ) in Tears.” Large size pitcher. 11 in. high. “yy 318 Liverpoot Pitcher. English river and farm scenes on each side. Large size pitcher. 13 in. high. (Cracked on one side.) 319 Liverpoot Pitcher. Italian Ruins on one side, English farm and river scene on the other. (With nose replaced.) 12% in. high. ~~ 320 Liverpoot Pitcher. Shepherds making love and Fishing boats on reverse. (Time crack on side.) 8 in. high. 321 WASHINGTON Pitcher. Portraits of Washington and Franklin and map of the 13 States in colors. American eagle and shield and date 1804 beneath the nose. On the reverse American War Ship and flag in colors.. (Side broken and mended.) Pitchers in colors are very scarce. 322 LiverPooL Pitcher. Second View of Commander Perry’s Victory. ot On the reverse “ Wasp” and “ Reindeer.” (Nose mended.) 8 in. high. 323 Liverroo: Pitcher. American War Ship “Bellona” under full sail. American flag in colors. On the reverse English Farm Scene, Driving Cows. With the American eagle and shield beneath the nose. (Badly broken and mended.) 9 in. 324 Liverroot Pitcher. English and French Political View. “Oh! this Cursed Ministry,” etc. Showing Roast Beef of Old Eng- y ~ land and Barrel of October Ale. On the reverse French Butcher. (Bottom badly broken.) 7 in. high. 325 Liverpoot Pitcher. The Farmers’ Arms with mottoes. On the Pa reverse is a verse surrounded by implements of agriculture, V with motto “In God is our Trust,” “Industry Produceth Wealth.” Designs printed in mulberry. (Nose cracked and mended.) 6% in. high. Attributed to Richard Abbey, 1790. 24 C. F. Libbie & Co. LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND JUGS—Continued. 326 WasHINcToN and LaFayette Pitcher. Printed in dark blue. Por- traits of Washington and LaFayette with the American eagle 2 UV and stars and motto “Republicans are not always Ungrateful.” ~/ S Richard Hall & Son. (Nose entirely remade.) 6 in. high. 327 Liverpoo. Mug. Quart size. Three female figures, Faith, Hope oY and Charity, with figure of Cupid and pair of Turtle meet Per- aX fect condition. 328 INDEPENDENCE Mug. With verse containing the names of Warren, Montgomery and Washington, American flag, Liberty cap and 5 oa. other emblems. Printed in red. Quart size. Perfect condition ) except for slight nick. 329 WASHINGTON and LaFayette Pitcher. Made by Richard Hall & | () Son. Small size, 4% in. high. Perfect condition, with the _ portraits and inscriptions in black. 7 330 Boston Pitcher. Success to the Crooked but Interesting Bese: a of Boston. (Handle missing and body badly cracked.) 5% in. { 331 SILVER Resist Lustre Pitcher. Middle band a scroll of flowers. rl vy 5% in. high. | 96 332 SporTIvVE Innocents Pitcher. (Burslem.) Raised decoration in > a colors. 8 in. high. In fine condition. ss Joun Gilpin Pitcher. Six sided pitcher with a view of John Gil- + pin’s ride in colors. (With nose and base mended.) 8% in. e~ high. | _334 Lorp Wellington Pitcher. With bust portrait raised in colors, i also portrait of General Hill. (Bottom mended.) 6 in. high. 35 Copper Lustre Pitcher. Wedgwood blue band around the body. 5%4 in. high. ies O 336 Coprer Lustre Pitcher. With flower decoration in band around iD the body, and neck band in pink and green. 5 in. high. Perfect 2, condition. At rf 337 SUNDERLAND Lustre Pitcher. With designs in relief on a cream og Pa colored ware, pink lustre. (Nose remade.) 5 in. high. ; 338 Woop & Caldwell Pitcher. With raised decoration of children, on . gray background. (Handle remade.) 4% in. high. 339 _Wepcwoop Style Pitcher. (Ridgway?) Blue band with fox hunt- ing scene in relief, grape vine border around neck. (Bottom time cracked.) 340 Wepcwoop Style Pitcher. (Ridgway?) Light blue band with two allegorical pictures of chariots and tree. (New handle riveted on.) 5 in. high. Book Auctwoneers. 25 LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND JUGS—Continued. 341 Lustre Pitcher. Deer Hunting Scene, with figures in relief in Y ie colors, with band of leaves around neck, in pink and green lustre. 5% in. high. Fine piece. 342 Fox Hunting Pitcher. Blue background with hunting scene in 7 i relief. (Nose mended and handle cracked.) 6% in. high. 343 Tosy Jug in colors. (Toes mended.) 344 Tosy Jug. Style of Dr. Sam Johnson. Bennington ware. (Lip AC and cover broken.) ? 345 SILveR Lustre Tea Pot, fluted sides and cover. Of beautiful \5 Ss Colonial pattern. In perfect condition. 346 WHEILDON Jug. Mottled body of tortoise shell pattern, in colors. ) 0 — ‘Blue band at top. 7% in. high. Perfect condition. 34% ANOTHER. With mottled scroll band in colors. (Handle restored.) WW 6% in. high. ; ? 348 Lowestort Style Helmet Creamer. Pattern of blue band and gold wwe" stars. (Handle cracked.) 349 Lustre Decorated Pitcher, with mulberry leaves and fruit in colors. (Nose mended.) 5 in. high. $50 Biue Staffordshire Mug. (Handle restored.) STAFFORDSHIRE Mug. Decorated in colors. 2 ! a LiverPoot Creamer, with printed English designs on side ;—Bacchus r 4 Pitcher, with curious face beneath the nose. (2) ‘ 353 Tosy Jug. White ware. With designs in colors. 354 ENncLisH Stoneware Pitcher. With designs in high relief, rustic pattern. Figure of man holding a Bumper. On reverse Pastoral Scene, man and woman. With motto “Fair Hebe.” Curious piece. 9 in. 355 WHEILDON Jug, with fan shaped tortoise shell decoration. (Time crack around the body.) 5 in. high. 356 THREE Old Jugs. Bacchus;—Hound lustre;—Old Leeds. Raised decorations. (All more or less damaged, handles missing or restored and nose mended.) 3 pieces. 357 Lustre Pitcher with blue neck band. Landscape designs printed in pink (handle missing) ;—Liverpool pitcher (badly cracked and mended). 2 pieces. 358 STAFFORDSHIRE Soup Tureen. (Badly cracked and mended.) 359 WeEDGWoop Queen’s ware open work Fruit Dish. Blue and white bands (“Twigs and twisted”). i. % 26 C. F. Libbie & Co. LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND yucs—Continued. _».\ 360 Wencwoop style Fruit Basket.and Tray. 2 pieces. CT) Bes & ; - _361 Netson Jug. Liverpool ware. Gallon size. With portrait of ue Nelson and view of Britannia rewarding the gallant Nelson. fF | _362 NortincHam Bear Hot Water Tankard. Curious sanded piece , U brown lustre, with pottery chain and pewter faucet. _863 DARK Blue Staffordshire Teapot. Sleighing scene. Large size. => 2) Thistle and pine tree decoration. Sif “i £364 Darx Blue Staffordshire Teapot. Italian Lake scene, shell border , VU (handle restored). a \)} : i 365 Dark Blue Staffordshire Teapot. Birds flying. (Time crack in —v bottom, cover nicked). 7)“ ; , 366 Pritcrim Pitcher. Landing of the Fathers at Plymouth. View on yf both sides, with the names Carver, Bradford, Winslow, Standish, hi a Brewster, Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1621. Medium blue color. 367 Napoteon Jug, S. Green, Lambeth. Impressed mark. Cream col- ee at ored stone ware. Eagle handle with Military decorations. 368 Baccuus Pitcher, large size. With figures in high relief. Grape Oe vine pattern, twisted grape vine handle, etc. Gray stone ware. ee Impressed mark initial “M. No. 16.” | 6 Wepewoop Pattern Pitcher. Large size, blue bands. Figures of J 7 children and Bacchus in relief. Stone ware (bottom cracked). J 4g7o Stone Ware Pitcher and Vase. Figures in relief. With silver an lustre decoration. 2 pieces. 371 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Pitcher, with portrait of the Dauphin between them. Raised medallion in colors. On reverse , pth medallion portrait of soldier in relief, in military costume, with iA French star on breast. Old Leeds Pitcher with moulded deco- ad ration, with leaf and bands in brown, green and yellow. Quart size. Long time crack on both sides. _ 372 Avcock Jug. Mark of “ English Arms, Patent.” Gray body with i ‘Bea figures in white, rustic handle. a ! ¥ Attributed to 8. Alcock & Co., Burslem, about 1830. A fine deco- rative piece. 373 STAFFORDSHIRE Jug. Blue and yellow decorative bands. 5% in. “~ ) ‘i ; . | is igh (badly time cracked). ; 374 STAFFORDSHIRE Jug. Decorated in colors, with medallions of } f, 2 swans, houses, flowers, etc. Red, blue and yellow decoration of LA a” Delft influence. (Nose restored.) 7% in. high. yy 375 STAFFORDSHIRE Jug. Flower vases and roses in colors. 5 in. high. \7 7 Colors applied over blue under glaze. } VY Book Auctioneers. 27 LIVERPOOL PITCHERS AND JUGS—Continued. yr STONEWARE Tankard, with motto in German. Silver cover, Hall 0 marked. y po” STAFFORDSHIRE Creamer. Dark blue decoration. Two views of A country life, rose border. a "378 BENNINGTON Ware Toby. (One hand missing.) 7 iK 79) BENNINGTON Ware, Hound handle, Cider Jug. With deer hunt- Yy ing scene in relief. Fine old piece. Dark brown color. 380 BENNINGTON Ware, Hound handle, Cider Pitcher. Hanging game pattern. 381 BENNINGTON Ware, Hound handle, Cider Pitcher. Hunting scene in relief. Curious nose. 382 Orv Toby, brown glaze. 383 STONEWARE Bottle. German Coat of Arms and Inscription. EARLY AMERICAN GLASS. 384 Fire Glass, 5% in. 385 ANOTHER, 5% in. 386 ANOTHER, 6% in. 387 Two heavy Flip Glasses. 388 Toppy Glasses, octagonal shape, with heavy bases. 4 in. high. 3 pieces. 389 Toppy Glasses, 4% in. high (6) (one edge nicked). 300 ANOTHER lot, 4% in. high. 4 pieces. 391 ANOTHER lot, 4 in. high, twisted ornamental stem. (7) (All nicked). 392 WINE Glasses, long heavy stems, 534 and 5% in. high. 2 pieces. 393 CHAMPAGNE Glasses, deep stems, grape vine cutting. Beautiful shape and perfect. (8) 304 Opp Wine Glasses, Hot Toddy Glasses, Goblets. (8) 3905 Pair of early American cut glass Wine Glasses (both corners nicked). 396 Gass Stein, with pewter top;—Silver topped cologne bottle and cold cream jar. 3 pieces. 307 Set of Bottles for cruet stand, three silver tops. Early American cut glass. 6 pieces. . 28 C. F. Libbie & Co. EARLY AMERICAN GLASS—C ontinued. 398 Giass Cake Stand. 5 in. 399 Cur glass Smelling Salts. 3 pieces. 400 Earty American Bull’s Eye Window Glass. Size 9x7. (2) 401 Rusy Glass Wine Set. Decanter, Glass Tray, and six wine glasses, all with engraved designs. 8 pieces. Beautiful set. 402 Rupy Glass Cracker or Tobacco Jar, with Cover. Decoration same as above. 403 Rusy Glass Goblet shaped Vase, with Cover. Decoration same as above. 404 Liguor Set in Stand. Three Blue Glass Bottles with stoppers, with the decoration and names of the various liquors in gold. Stand being leather covered metal work. 405 Masonic Decanter. Early American Cut Glass, with engraved Masonic design and festoon. 406 Parr of Cut Glass Decanters. 407 Rusy Glass Mug. Engraved ornamentation of deer. 408 Rusy Glass Wine set. Consisting of 2 tall decanters and 12 wine glasses. Ruby glass decoration and grape vine engraving. With 12 heavy glass goblets, engraved decoration of festoons, very heavy bases. Together 14 pieces. 409 GLass Mugs. Decorations of flowers, etc., in colors. “ Remember Me.” 3 different shapes. COLLECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN GLASS POCKET FLASKS AND BOTTLES. (References given are: American Glass Ware, by Edwin A. Barber, Phila., 1900, where various types and descriptions are catalogued.) 410 Pair of Green Glass Bottles, Type [V. With sheaf of Wheat on one side and 8 pointed star on reverse. (2) 411 ANOTHER Pair. (2) 412 AMERICAN Eagle Flask. “Granite Glass Co. Stoddard, N. H.” Quart flask, brown glass. Not mentioned in Barber. 413 AMERICAN Eagle Flasks, with circular panel below. Exactly same design as preceding title, but without maker’s name. (3) 414 Pint Flasks. Same design as above. (6) To be sold in pairs. aks Le | {, Se b> Book Auctioneers. 29 COLLECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN GLASS POCKET FLASKS AND BOTTLES—Con’d. 415 Har Pint Size Flasks. Six pieces. To be sold in pairs. 416 Quart Flask, “ Granite Glass Co., Stoddard, N. H.” Plain shape, no design. 417 Parr of Quart Flasks. “ Willington Glass Co., West Willington, Conn.” American Eagle, with motto “Liberty.” (2) 418 Same Design and Maker’s Name. Half pint size. (3) 419 Pint Flask. Same Design. 420 Pint Flask. “Keene” (N. H.) American Eagle on one side, Masonic Emblems on the reverse. Brown glass. Six pieces. ‘ To be sold in pairs. 421 Pint Flasks. American Eagle on one side and Cornucopia of fruit on the reverse. (5) 422 Pint Flask. Cornucopia of Fruit on one side, basket of Fruit on the reverse. 423 “ WestFIELD Glass Co., Westfield, Conn.” Two Half Pint Flasks. One with American Eagle and Liberty, the other with Sheaf of Wheat on reverse. 2 pieces. 424 “ WeEsTFIELD Glass Co., Westfield, Conn.” Two Pint Flasks. On reverse Sheaf of Wheat with crossed Rake and Pitchfork. (2) 425 Har Pint Flasks, Oval Shape. No maker’s name. With Cornu- copia of Fruit on one side and large Basket of Fruit on the reverse. (5) 426 “ GRANITE Glass Co., Stoddard, N. H.” Pint Flask. 427 Har Pint Flask. Masonic Design and American Eagle ;—An- other, small American Eagle, impressed;—Another, without maker’s name. 3 pieces. 428 “ BININGER’S Traveler’s Guide. A. M. Bininger & Co., 19 Broad Street, New York.” Flat Oval Pocket Flask, half pint ;—Pint Flask, curious ribbed design, brown glass;—Another, same de- sign in green glass. (3) 429 WASHINGTON-TAyYLor Flask. Light Green Quart Flask, with me- dallion portraits. 430 “ WASHINGTON” “General Z. Taylor.” Similar Design as above, but with names of the Presidents. Pint size. 431 AMERICAN Eagle Flask. Quart size. American Eagle and oval tablet impressed on both sides. 4/ - s 30 C. F. Libbie & Co. COLLECTION OF EARLY AMERICAN GLASS POCKET FLASKS AND BOTTLES—C on’d. 432 Pint Flask. Tippecanoe Campaign. With a mounted cannon and American flag on one side, on the reverse 13 Stars, the Shield containing clasped hands and the motto “ Union; ”—Another, Man on Horseback, on the reverse a Dog;—Half Pint Flask with ornamentation of Sun’s Rays, with ribbed sides. All light green glass. 3 pieces. 433 Pair Half Pint Light Green Flasks, one marked “ Whitney Glass Works.” (2) 434 Pair Early Green Glass Bottles. Decanter shape. Half pint. (2) 435 Pair of Brown Glass Medicine Bottles. Small neck and thin lip (both lips nicked). (2) 436 Two of same style, smaller. (2) 437 Jar Shaped Bottle, short neck, brown glass. Early piece. 438 Square Sided Jar, Amber Glass, round neck, with turned over lip. (Lip nicked.) Good early piece. 439 Larce Green Decanter Shaped Flask. 2 quart size. 440 Two Dutch Gin Bottles. One of brown and the other of green glass. Quart size. (2) 441 Quart Bottle. “Old Sachem Bitters and Wigwam Tonic.” Round ribbed shape, the style that has often served for a rolling pin. _ 442 Two Small Violet Glass Cologne Bottles. Long narrow shapes. 2 pieces. 443 Licut Green Glass Medicine Bottles. Various designs and shapes. II pieces. 444 Parr of White Glass Bottles. Shape of Pig lying down. Quart size. (2) 445 Low Glass Decanter. The glass stopper used as a drinking glass. 446 Parr of Glass Decanters with glass stoppers. Square shape, odd 3 design. (2) 447 LarGE Lead Glass Flip Tumbler. PEWTER, BRASS AND SHEFFIELD PLATE. 448 Four Pewter Spoons. ri y\~ 449 PewTer Porridge Spoon, round bowl. r¢ Fe na 450 Cuity’s Pewter Porringers. Very small, 234 in. in diameter. (5) Book Auctioneers. 31 _~ PEWTER, BRASS AND SHEFFIELD PLATE—Continued. 3 451 SMALL Pewter Porringer and Pewter Fluid Lamp. 2 pieces. 3 ~~~ 452 PewTer Salt and Pepper. 2 pieces. uy a4 453 PewTer Porringers. 5 in. and 5% in. (2) of 4.5454 PEWTER Porringers. 514 in. (mended) and 3% in. (2) _~— 455 Pewter Platter. 11 inches. _- 456 Pewter Platter. 14 inches. Marked A. A. 457 Pewter Platter. 14 inches. Marked with the Tudor rose and Yj? BH. B. Le 458 PEWTER Platter. 15 inches. Mark of Tudor rose. Initials N. I. vor 459 PewTer Platter. 11 inches. Mark E. D. H. ~~ 460 PewTer Platter. 15 inches. Mark I. Huising. Deep platter. ).5e 461 Pewter Platter. 18 inches. Very old. ry 462 Pewter Hot Water Plate. Marked, Compton, London. (Sides 2.7 dented. ) _ 3 463 Pewter Two Handled Dish. Mark J. O. H.—Simon. 9 inch. 464 PEwtER Tankard. With portraits of King William and Queen Mary, with monogram “ W. M. R.,” with crown above and with yi L—- tooled designs of British Lion and Unicorn and the Thistle and the Rose. Fine, rare old piece. te 465 Pewter Tankard. Wooden sides and base, carved pewter orna- : a ° eqe . mentation of lilies. Very old piece. _ 466 Pewrer and Pottery Tankard. Made from Dutch mug. Wild g- boar hunting scene. Mark of C. F. Figure holding scales and palm leaf. —— 467 Pewter Two Handled Dish. 11 inch. (Bottom repaired.) 3- 468 Pewter Pie Plates. 4 different patterns. 469 Pewter Tankard. With engraved initials G. G. R., 1790. The three Hall Marks on cover. 2 YA Aye lh if 0 0470 Pewttx-Ate~Tankard——Latgensize. of (prece Cover wtes , © 471 Pewter Ale Mug. Quart size. 472 PEwTeR Measure, with cover. With stamp “Imperial half pint 7 loe and Hall Mark on sides. Fine old piece. 0. 95 473 Pewter Shaker and Pewter Funnel. 2 pieces. 2,7 474 PEWTER Flask and Pewter Shaving Mug. 2 pieces. ! we Pewrer Cup and Pewter Mug Strainer. 2 pieces. f Jo- 32 C. F. Libbie & Co. PEWTER, BRASS AND SHEFFIELD PLATE—Continued. 476 PEWTER Tea Set. “ Jas. Dixon.” Tieapot, Water pot, Sugar Bowl and Creamer. Ornamented sides in relief. 4 pieces. 477 Pair of Tall Pewter Altar Candlesticks. Height 24 inches. One stem needs repairs. (2) Pair of fine old ornaments. 478 Ova Pewter Platter. Marked W. B. 14% in. Marked W. B. 480 Pewter Tankard, tripod feet, with the Arms of Great Britain, with the engraved legend “Most Unique Costume, Bohemian High Jinks.” With inlaid medal of Gustavus Adolphus, pine- apple knob. 481 Parr of Double Handle Flagons. 2 pieces. 482 Very Old Pewter Pitcher. Marks of F. Porter. 483 PEWTER Teapot, wooden handle. 124 in. 479 OvaL Pewter Platter. Burnished. Roswell Gleason, maker. 484 Pewrer Tea Set. English Pattern. Llewellyn & Ryland, makers. 3 pieces. Early 10th Century. 485 Larce Pewter Teapot. Fine, large piece. 486 Larce Pewter Water Pitcher. roses. Jas. Dixon & Sons. Octagonal sides. Engraved ornamentation, spray of 487 Pewter Fruit Stand. 5% in. high. 488 Pewter Creamer. Dixon & Sons. English shape. Burnished. 489 SMALL Pewter Creamer ;—Small Pewter Dial ;—Pewter Benitier. 3 pieces. 490 Pewter Platter. Stamped German Coat of Arms in centre. 491 PEwrer Tea Urn. Double handle, with two strainers. 492 Parr of Pewter Salts, with blue glass bowls. 493 Pewter Powder Box. With portrait of Mary Queen of Scots and Pewter Snuff Box. 2 pieces. Gallon size. P. White, Salem, 1777. 496 Pewter Cup;—Lustre Blue Band Mug ;—Pressed Glass Card Tray, with American Eagle on the reverse;—Deep red Chinese Card Tray. 4 pieces. 7 494 Pewter Cider Pitcher. 495 Pewter Sun Dial. Octagonal shape. 498 Pewrer Teapot. James Dixon & Sons. Square shape, fluted - corners, resting on four feet. 497 PEwTEerR Teapot. James Dixon & Sons. Book Auctioneers. 33 PEWTER, BRASS AND SHEFFIELD PLATE—Continued. / ; ye 499 SHEFFIELD Plate Tea Urn, with stand and lamp. y - 500 SILvErR Plated Tea Set. 4 pieces. Taunton Silver Plate Co. Triple plate. Lf _~ 501 SHEFFIELD Pepper Grinder. 2.7" 502 Pair of Brass Candlesticks. 11 inches high. 7 sv 503 Brass Candlestick with swinging bell. Fine piece, for use in sick j room. } ,; 504 Brass Candlestick. 8 in. burnished. 1,7 505 Pair Ormulu and Onyx Two Light Candlesticks. (2) 506 GEORGE Washington Lamp. Tall Ormulu and Onyx stand, with }0- bust portrait of Washington in relief on both sides. With origi- nal bell shaped ground glass globe. 2,75 507 Heavy Brass Candlestick. 9 in. burnished. 4,4 508 Brass Spoon Mould. i. 44° 509 Brass Door Knocker. Colonial shape. 4,726 510 Brass Door Knocker. Oval shape, beaded design. qf yo 511 Brass Door Knocker. Handle shape. Large size, with both : escutcheons. ic x 512 Larce Iron Door Knocker. With chiseled scroll design. Long inside staple. Yn 513 Brass Betty Lamp. Y, vy 514 Brass Betty Lamp, with hanger. a; y@ 515 Brass Betty Lamp, with hanger. Long nose. jI- 516 Brass Betty Lamp. Frying pan shape. y, 14° 517 Brass Betty Lamp. Diamond shape. Curious ornamentation. 3,50 518 SMALL Brass Tobacco Pipe Tongs. ~~ 519 Iron Tobacco Pipe Tongs, with knob. Early piece of American Iron Work. 2,7) 520 Pau Revere Style Tin Lantern. 3, 2521 Frum Lantern. Light House shape. iy 0°”? Haneinc Hall Lantern. Ground glass sides and ornamental f metal work. With chimney and lamp complete. A? 523 Parr of Leather Fire Buckets, with handles. 524 WaSHINGTON and Franklin Bronze Medallions. Height 2% in. in ) jo Oval ebonized frame. 2 pieces. Fine pair. 34 C. F. Libbie & Co. PEWTER, BRASS AND SHEFFIELD PLATE—Continued. 525 Bronze Mantel Ornaments. Pair of Spaniel Dogs, Rabbits and Birds. Pair of fine old bronzes. Height 9 inches, on black marble bases. 526 Brass Open Work Card Receiver. 527 JAPANESE Bronze Vase. Open rustic work, with birds in relief. Inside cylinder base and elaborate cover, with large Dogfoo ornament. ~ 528 Bronze Ink Stand. Greek design, with three compartments for ink, sand and wafers. 529 Bronze Ink Stand. Two Glass bottles and small candlestick. COLONIAL FIRE PLACE AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. 530 Coprer Hot Water Kettle. For fire place use. Fine old specimen of American workmanship. Burnished. 531 ANOTHER. For stove use. Later period. 532 Copper Tea Urn, with Stand and Lamp. Burnished. 533 BELLOWS, painted red with design in gold and colors, brass ends. 534 ANoTHER. Green and gold design. 535 ANOTHER, modern. Blue leather, oak sides, brass tip. 536 LarcE Copper Stewing Kettle. For fire place. 537 Parr of Brass Andirons. Colonial Urn Shape. 26 in. 538 Brass Warming Pan. | 539 ANOTHER. 540 Iron Fire Set. 4 pieces. 541 Fire Set. Shovel and Tongs. Colonial, brass tops. 2 pieces. 542 Iron Cooking Set. Long handled basting spoon, long turning fork and small fork. 3 pieces. 343 Iron Fire Shovel, twisted black iron handle. 544 Set of Brass ornamented Curtain Holders. 6 pieces. 545 CANDLE Mould. 4 candles. 546 Par of Old Brass Candle Sticks. 2 pieces. s47 SMALL Brass Door Knocker, head of Minerva. 548 SMALL Brass Door Knocker, with two heads. 549 RoMAN Brass Lamp, 4 burners. Book Auctioneers. 35 COLONIAL FIRE PLACE AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS—Continued. e, 2550 OrMULU Crystal Lamp. Ground glass globe, with hanging crystals. ‘ a ¥ 551 American Hand Painted small lacquer Tray. % ~~» 552 Pat of Sheffield Plate Coasters. Uw 553 SHEFFIELD Plate Candlestick, with Snuffer. 554 Larce Copper two handled Vase. 9 § 555 Copper Jardiniere, Tripod Feet. 4, gr 556 Larce Brass Jardiniere, two handles, Tripod Feet. 1, 42 557 Larce Cream Colored Pottery Foot Warmer, for Hot Water. te 558 Tortoise Shell Comb. Fluted shell top. Fine piece. 2° 559 Tortoise Shell Comb. Curved back, one corner broken ;—Another, é dark Tortoise Shell, straight back comb (few teeth missing). - 2 pieces. wie ‘560 Parr of Candle Snuffers and Tray. 2 pieces. er 561 Pair of Brass Door Handles and Latches. 2 pieces. a7 7 562 Brass Door Handle, without the Latch. pe 563 Four Brass Fire Set Holders. - 564 Otp Fashioned Powder Horn. 3,32 565 Op Brass Door Handle and Thumb Piece. - 566 Otp Brass Roasting Jack for Fireplace use, to wind with lock b- and key. 567 Earty American L Shaped Hinge from the door of the house of 7 7 iS Thomas Melvill, one of the Boston Tea Party. , Ly, °° 568 Two Japanned Bread Trays, Empire style. 569 Brass Florentine Escutcheon. Very ornate, with designs of birds Ss" -_ and flowers. Fine old piece. 14 inches by 9 inches. 570 Brass Handles for High Boys or Desks. Drop handles (8) ;— Four Key Hole Escutcheons ;—Five Brass Mirror Knobs, 2 dif- Ag we ferent patterns. Sold as a lot. 571 Lot of Brass Escutcheons and Handles for Colonial furniture. 23 brass plates, old Colonial design;—8 of stamped design of B. ee American Eagle ;—6 of stamped rosette design, with other key hole escutcheons and handles ;—also 4 small brass claw feet for Jewel Casket. (72). Sold as a lot. I- 572 Iron Fireplace Crane. i@ ~ 573 Otp Toddy Iron. oad Ly 574 Mexican Baskets. Various sizes. (3) + ag 36 C. F. Libbie & Co. COLONIAL FIRE PLACE AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS—Continued. 2.9 575 Mexican Baskets, with woven patterns in red. (2) “), WS 576 Warcuman’s Wooden Rattle. 577 Horn Book. Child’s Horn Book of Ivory. With the alphabet and figures on both sides. Wooden fastenings at top and bot- u om tom. Ivory, 5%4x4 inches. This Horn Book made with a : string at the top to carry in the hand instead of the handle as was sometimes used. 578 PLayinc Cards. Pack of Early American playing cards. Made ie: -by Thomas Crehore,. Milton, Mass. 50 cards. Specimens of early printing. U, 54° 579 OLp Fashioned Wooden Spool Winder. _— 580 Boston Fusileer’s Hat. Leather and metal trimmings. SHIP’S FURNISHINGS. €: ah 581 Suip’s Barometer. Formerly the property of Captain Harding of the Bark “ Sterling,” 1860. ~~ 582 Suir’s Quadrant. With the name of C. Taber & Co., New Bed- | A ford. In wooden box. —_— 583 Suip’s Quadrant. With the name Jones, London. In wooden case. / . 584 Sea Captain’s Chest and Desk. A Folding Ship’s Desk, brass v i handles on the side, 2 large and 2 small size drawers and 3 small desk drawers. With old style brass flush handles. A “585 Suip’s Telescope. Made by Spencer, Browning & Co., London. 4 586 Surr’s Barometer. Rosewood case, with the thermometer at- 4 | o~ tached. With original brass wall bracket and universal swinging movement. 587 Lone Black Walnut Wall Barometer and Thermometer. (Barom- 2 yee : eter glass damaged). >. xv 588 Pair Field Glasses. Made by P. Chancellor, London. In leather carrying case. C+ 589 Rounp Brass Barometer and Thermometer. 4, tt 590 Suir’s Quadrant. G. Adams, London. In wooden box. SNUFF BOXES, BEAD BAGS, SWORDS AND GUNS. x 7 sor Curnese Opium Pipe in Case, with embroidered pocket holding extra pipe bowl made of Ivory. 592 TuRNED Ivory. Picture Knobs. Modern set from an old de- sign. (17) Book Auctioneers. 37 SNUFF BOXES, BEAD BAGS, SWORDS AND GUNS—Continued. 593 LeaTHER Covered Traveling Medicine Case ;—Fine Grained Razor 3 Py) Hone, chamois skin;—Small Pewter Tray for Snuffers ;—Crib- bage Board. 4 pieces. 3 »4” ~=2594 STRING of Old Sleigh Bells. 34 bells, small size. Y- 505 ANOTHER String. 15 bells. Larger size. i 596 ANoTHER String, graduated sizes, bronze bells. (22) : (gl 507 Hancock House. Old Carved Newel Post from the Hancock House, Beacon Street. Curious old piece. Never been restored. 5908 OLp Dutch Brass Tobacco Box. With two engraved covers. Con- 3 5S ‘taining crudely designed engravings in relief, being the Return of the Prodigal Son, Judith and Holofernes, The Lord’s Supper, etc. Fine old piece. 599 Dutcu Snuff Box of Brass and Copper. With Dutch scenes and legends stamped on each side. With portrait of the Prince of G = Orange on the reverse, various scenes, including one scene men smoking long clay pipes. Representation of American Indian holding a bow and arrow. Fine old piece. a 2, 600 SnurF Box. Black lacquer, with curious English face painted on cover. he 601 Brass Snuff Boxes. With glazed tile tops. Various sizes. (3) - 602 OxrivE Wood Snuff Box. With brass medallion of George Wash- d= ington inserted in cover. 603 SNuFF Box. Black lacquer. Cover painted with a most beautiful eg painting of a very old man with white hair and whiskers, fur ail coat collar. Painted in the style of Rembrandt. Very large snuff box, size 434 inches, in a chintz bag. Wes 604 Tortotse Shell Snuff Box. White enamel over red lacquer. With portrait of Louis XIV in the top. ¥ sv 605 Gotp Stone Lacquer Snuff Box. - 606 Brack Lacquer Snuff Box. With colored painting, hunter and dogs. 607 Brad Bag. Dark blue and light blue bead design, green silk 6- trimmings. In perfect condition. 608 Brap Bag. Very ornate floral pattern. Fine old piece in good Gy iD condition. yo 609 Beap Bag. Turquoise blue color with rose pattern decoration. 610 BEap Bag. Memorial design of funeral monument and urn and a % the letter S. Figure of Indian maiden standing under pine nd trees. Finely colored. - 634 TurxisH Rug. Persian pattern. 38 C. F. Libbie & Co. SNUFF BOXES, BEAD BAGS, SWORDS AND GUNS—Continued. 611 SteEL Bead Bag on brown and green knitted silk. 612 Breap Work Cap. Elaborate design of conventionalized flower patterns in gorgeous colors. 613 SILHOUETTE of Young Woman. Gold frame, painted glass (broken). 614 SILHOUETTES. Old Black Paper. 615 SILHOUETTES. Man and Woman. frames over wood. 2 pieces. In small wooden frames, gilded. Square and oval moulded brass 616 THREE Small Framed Pictures, colored. 617 Poxer Sketch. Night on the Mississippi. Burnt on wooden panel by W. Eisen, Artist, Chicago. Size 8x11, in oak frame. 618 THREE Small Framed Pictures. dre Farnese ;—Robert Devereux. 619 SMALL Curved Sabre. Brass Handle. 620 Op Iron Handled Straight Sword, with Scabbard. 621 Frrnt Lock Holster Pistol. W. Ketland & Co., London. 622 Fuint Lock Pistol. 623 Oxtp Flint Lock Blunderbuss. 624 Parr of Very Ornate Flint Lock Pistols. Heavy brass mounts entirely covered with engraved silver work. Beautiful orna- mental pair. Marguerite de Parme;—Alexan- Narrow black frames. (3) Brass trimmings. Handle covered with old brass ornaments and tacks. 626 DousBLe Barreled Shot Gun. Lane & Reed, Boston. 627 Fuint Lock Gun. Brass trimmings. 628 Sworp Cane. 625 Iron Pike. Ivory handle. 629 Dress Sword. Brass and Ivory Handle. Head of American Eagle. Relic of the War of 1812. RUGS AND QUILTS. 630 DAGHESTAN Rug, small size, 45 x 20 inches. 631 BoxHarA Rug, dark red. 5 feet by 2 feet 9 in. 632 TurKIsH Rug. 4 ft. 10x 2 ft. Io, 633 TurkisH Rug. 5 ft. 6 x 4 ft. 5 ft. 11 x 3 ft, 10. Book Auctioneers. 39 RUGS AND QUILTS—Continued. é ~ 035 CASHMERE Shawl, Persian Pattern, blue centre. 134 yards square. 636 Dark blue and white Cotton Bed Spread, white fringe. Size 8 ft. 2° 4 inches by 7 feet. : | ,. 637 ANOTHER, without fringe, size 5 ft. 8 in. by 7 ft. 8 in. ; _~ 0638 GREEN and White Cotton Bed Spread. Conventional flower de- sign in green in squares. 6 ft. Io in. square. 639 Copper plate Chintz Bed Spread, birds, leaves and leaded glass fe window design, size 10 ft. by 9 ft. IVORY CARVINGS. 2° 640 Ivory Netsuke. Figure of woman kneeling, with one hand at the back of her head. 37 641 Ivory Carving. Wildcat. » 642 Ivory Carving. Man seated, with two parasols. 7 ne 643 Ivory Carving. Man seated, holding mask. 7 644 Ivory Carving. Figure of man stooping, with large Japanese }o,se Radish strapped to his back. Finely carved piece. 645 Ivory Carving. Figure of a man standing, bitten on the foot by a fo- snake. Height 4 in. 646 Ivory Carving. Figure of a cow lying down, with man seated upon 1) ,.g7@ her back, with bundle of fagots on the ground. Height 3 in. 647 Ivory Carving of Group. Figure of warrior standing, holding long bow in right hand, and bunch of flowers in left hand, over ef Sept head of woman who is seated at his side. 3 » 648 Ivory Carving. Small figure of man standing, with fan. je 649 Carvep Ivory Netsuke. Curious Animal. CHINESE PORCELAINS. From the Fitzwagram Collection sold at Christie’s Auction Rooms, London, several years ago. All are in fine condition and beautiful specimens. 650 Pair Chinese Porcelain Vases, with covers. “Keen Lung ” period, ) a Sim with the DuBarry color, birds and flower decorations. Height 114 inches. (2) Most beautiful color and decoration. 651 Set of Chinese Porcelains. 3 Vases and 2 Beakers of the “ Kea King” period, Mazarin blue and gold decoration of festoons of flowers, bands of blue with stars. Height 1114 inches. (5) “LI— A magnificent set of the Mazarin blue and white. ON 40 C. F. Libbie & Co. CHINESE PORCELAINS—C ontinued. 652 Pair Chinese Porcelain Vases of the “Kea King” period. With coat of arms, motto “Ung je Serviray,” coronet and crest, and floral designs in colors and gold, with the gold “ dogfoo” orna- ment on covers. Height 15 inches. (2) Museum specimens. 653 Larce Chinese Porcelain Princess Vase. “Chang He” period. With the decoration of peacocks, trees, flowers and butterflies. Height 21 inches, with silver rim and teak wood stand. 654 CHINESE Porcelain Vase. 11 figures in gold and colors. Height IO in. 655 Two Chinese Bronze Vases. Ornaments and handles in relief. 656 CLorsonNE Teapot. Old Chinese Cloisonné on metal, rectangular shape, blue enamel body color, ornamented with birds and flowers. Fine piece of the old Cloisonné. PORTLAND VASE. 657 PorTLAND Vase. Wedgwood Copy of the Portland or Barbarina Vase. One of those made for the Crystal Palace Exhibition at Hyde Park, London, 1849, all of which were more or less cracked in the baking, but otherwise so good as to be passed by Mr. Wedgwood. (Open crack across the bottom and part way up the sides.) Impressed name “ Wedgwood” on bottom rim. Dark blue body, raised decoration in white. Exactly 10% inches high, which is the exact measurement of the first issue. Perfect copies of the first issue have sold from £200 to £399, modern reproductions are sold at the Wedgwood works at Etruria from 8 to 40 guineas. 658 Rare Old Wedgwood Vase. In black basalte; classic form; with relief panel of Cupid’s car, designed by LeBrun; marked “Wedgwood and Bentley.” Period 1770. 659 WeEDGwoop Bust of Sir Walter Scott. Black Basalte, 1314 inches high. Fine piece, with the Wedgwood mark twice. 660 Wepcwoop Medallion Placque. Portrait of George Washington after Houdon’s Bust. White jasper on black basalte background. Impressed mark “ Wedgwood.” Height 734 inches. 661 RARE Cameo Medallion. Blue and white Jasper; “ Apollo;” mark “Wedgwood and Bentley;” date, 1773; in original black frame. 662 Wepcwoop Medallion. Black Basalte Mythological Subject. Man holding a double headed wolf. Height 734 inches, in old gold frame. Impressed mark “ Wedgwood.” Book Auctioneers. 4l EARLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SILVER. 663 S1x Solid Silver Table Spoons. Hall marks on 4 pieces “F. R. Crown and Sterling.” Two pieces are marked “R. F.” Old o ; : ; be English Letter “T” and the Irish Harp Crowned. Rat tail od shanks, handles with engraved initials “L. T. T.” e Interesting set, in fine condition; the old English letter T would hae the date to be about 1739, according to the law of George II., 664 Patr Early American Solid Silver Forks. Large size, crudely fashioned and shaped. Maker unknown; engraved initial “L” Ds -~ on the back. (2) ae 665 Pair Silver Wine Bottle Labels, with silver chains. One marked 2 . “Lasbon.” .€2) — 666 SILtverR Box, ornamental cover. Not marked. 3 667 Sirver Paper Cutter, engraved open work handle. Maker’s mark 6é F. F.” 668 THREE Solid Silver Table Spoons. Marked “J. Sargeant, Hart- eo ford.” With engraved initials of “M. H.” (3) Jacob Sargeant was well known in Hartford. His book-plate, engraved by himself, is reproduced in Allen’s American Book-Plates. It contains a crest, a clock-face, and it is supposed he was also a clock maker, besides being an engraver and silversmith. 669 SttveR Table Spoon. Maker’s mark “Morgan.” Engraved 3— initial “ L.” PAUL REVERE SPOON. ~ 670 SiLver Table Spoon, maker’s mark “ Revere” stamped in rectangle. 3 4 — Engraved initial “C.” Genuine pieces of Paul Revere silver, in such good condition as this piece, are now exceedingly scarce. 671 SILvER Teaspoon. Maker’s mark “ Motts, 235.” On the front is a eB view in relief of the Exchange Coffee House, which stood on ; ST State street. With engraved initials “ M. H.” _- 672 Strver Sugar Tongs. Maker’s mark “N. Munroe,” stamped twice. Engraved initial “ B.”’ Small spoon shaped tips. 673 Sttver Sugar Tongs. Maker’s mark “W. L.” and figure of Brit- $7 annia. Small shell tips. Engraved monogram “R. H. B.” J -— 674 SitveR Sugar Tongs. Maker’s mark “Cargill.” Large shell tips. 675 Four Silver Teaspoons. Maker’s mark “J. S.” Probably Jacob I, Sargeant of Hartford, Conn. Engraved initials “L. W.” 676 Strver Teaspoons. Maker’s mark “Terry.” Probably of Con- necticut ;—Another, Maker’s mark “ E. B.” Both with engraved ) ed initials “M. B.” and “E. D.” (2) . i es f REE ee + a yA ~. ae »™ f adie “4 rs ’ \ 2) w _ Pes ee a : et Ww ame REE Lf = 42 C7.Pakisbhe 5 Cn EARLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SILVER—Continued. 677 Four Silver Table Spoons. Maker’s mark on one “N. and T. Foster,” others have marks worn. (Bowls worn). (4) 678 THREE Silver Dessert Spoons. Maker’s marks “L. T. Welles,” “A. 'S. Fain” and “7 Xs. Hall, o(4) 679 Four Silver Teaspoons. Maker’s mark “N. Harding.” Engraved initials “M. S.” (4) 680 Set of Silver handled steel Knives. Handles of thin moulded sil- ver, with maker’s mark “ A. D.” and other Hall marks. (10) 681 ComMUNION Wine Service. Gold lined cups on white metal. 6 pieces. 682 Pair of Silver Mugs. Maker’s mark “P. J. S.” “A. C.” 683 SirveER Mug. Lincoln & Reed. 684 SILvER Vase, goblet shape ;—Another, fluted sides. 2 pieces. 685 SILveER Wine Cup. With five English Hall marks. Gold lined. _ 686 Sriver Salt and Pepper. With Hall marks. 687 SILVER Punch Ladle with wooden handle. Hall marked. 688 Pair of Open Work Silver Salts. Light blue glasses. 2 pieces. 689 SiLveR Port Wine Decanter and Funnel. Gold lined. 600 SILVER Bottle Labels. Brandy and Gin, with Silver Chains. 2 pieces. 691 SILveR Bead Bag Tops. 2 pieces. 692 Parr of Sheffield Plate Coasters. Raised ornamental edge. 693 SHEFFIELD Plate Snuffers and Tray. With the Hall Marks. Very ornamental tray, raised decoratiom 604 SHEFFIELD Plate Snuffers and T ray. Snuffers with the Hall Marks, plain tray, Colonial pattern. 695 Parr of Candlesticks. 8 inch, white metal, beaded ornamentation. 696 ANOTHER Pair. 10 inch. White metal, same pattern. 697 StLveR Teaspoons. Marks “W. P.” and other marks. (2) 698 SiLtver Forks. Various marks. (5) © 609 Pair of Silver Table Spoons. Marked “B. M. and Elephant.” Also “Galn. N. Prague.” (2) 700 THREE Silver Table Spoons. Various Hall marks. H. & Co, etc. (3) 701 Pair of Silver Table Spoons. Marked “L. Ives.” Engraved initials “T. K.” (2) . SS ee Book Auctioneers. 43 EARLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SILVER—C ontinued. rg @ 702 Boatswain’s Silver Whistle. 703 Soup Silver Antique German Vase, with portrait of Washington in relief and American eagle and shield on reverse, with legend fo,3? in German. Very curious German piece, with American emblems. 704 SEt of 6 small Solid Silver Casters. Each piece with Hall mark. ) “ Raised border, engraved design. Diameter 4% inches. 705 MINIATURE on Ivory. Portrait of Young Man, bust facing to right, costume of the fashion of 1820-30. Blue coat, high white stock and collar. Beautifully painted on ivory and in leather I= i: i : covered case. Oval, 1% inches in height. ; Fine, interesting miniature, not signed, but found in New Hampshire. 706 MINIATURE on Ivory. Portrait evidently of a Clergyman, with high collared coat, white stock and collar. A well painted \< “~ ’ miniature on Ivory, but not signed. Height, 3 inches, in leather covered case. Found in New Hampshire. 707 MINIATURE on Ivory. By “H. Williams, N. L.” Portrait of Commodore Stephen Decatur (?). Half length portrait of Naval Officer in uniform of the period of about 1800-1830. _~ _ Large blue coat with brass buttons, gold epaulet, high collar, Lal black stock and white ruffled shirt with pearl pin. Signed H. Williams, N. L. Oval, height 3 in., in leather covered case. A magnificently painted miniature, and probably a portrait of Com- modore Decatur painted by H. Williams, of New London, at the height of Commodore Decatur’s popularity. On December 4, 1812, Commodore Decatur in the frigate ‘‘ United States’ sailed into New London harbor with his prize, the “‘ Mace donian,” which he had captured October 25th in latitude 30, longitude 26, after an action lasting only seventeen minutes. PAUL REVERE’S BOSTON MASSACRE. 708 THE Bloody Massacre, Perpetrated in King Street, Boston, on March s, 1770, by a Party of the 29th Regiment. Engraved, Printed & Sold by Paul Revere, Boston. An original colored j engraving in contemporary black frame, with autograph in- Jol iption i hand “F : scription in a contemporary han or Capt. Samuel Barker. The upper left-hand corner slightly eaten by bugs. The damage is almost entirely confined to the sky in the background, slightly injuring the spire and the top line of engraving. Except for this slight damage, which is not a serious objection and could be easily repaired, it is an exceedingly good original copper plate. 709 SMALL Green Linen Sampler. With name Elizabeth R. Burleigh, aged 10 years, 1800. Fine small sampler, perfect. — b 710 SAMPLER. Morgiana Scott, aged 10, 1841. Linen sampler, with pati the alphabets. Framed. Wo 44 C. F. Libbie & Co. 711 SAMPLER. Betsy M. Ware, born Sept. 22, 1792. Embroidered linen with the usual alphabets. Framed. 712 SILK Embroidered Memorial. Sacred to the Memory of Josiah Skinner. Obit. Oct. 15, 1803, aged 21. Oval embroidery in various colored silks. Containing the funeral urn and monu- ment in the centre, with female figure putting festoon of flowers on the funeral urn. With the original black and gold glass, in gilt frame. Size 1614 x 11% inches, in perfect condition. ) 713 S1tK Embroidered Memorial. “Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Joseph Brown. Obt. April 16, 1808, aged 53 years.” A large, embroidered silk memorial, embroidered in various colored silks, with water-color background and figures. The centre contains the usual monument with the funeral urn, with two female figures, one on each side, one elbow resting on anchor and flag. Contains the orig- inal black and gold painted glass in gilt frame. Size, 25x21. A very large and elaBorately embroidered memorial and in perfect condition. OIL PAINTINGS. 714 Porrrair. Old Man Filling Pipe, by Stucher. Painted on panel. Heavy gold frame. 715 Frigates “Constitution” and “Congress” in the Bay of Naples. Painted by Conti, of Naples, 1857. Gold frame. ‘= A prize presented by the Artist for “ Great Gunnery ’’ among the fleet which was sent to open the Ports of China and Japan, while laying in the Bay of Naples on the return home. This was won by C. Dugan, | an apprentice on the Frigate ‘‘ Congress,” which was afterwards sunk by the ‘‘ Merrimac ’”’ at Hampton Roads during the Civil War. 716 Custom House, Venice, 1874. Moonlight Scene, by G. Whitaker. In gilt frame. Painted on pine panel taken from an old church organ in New Bedford. 717 TurxisH Lady. Water color, by Ronoy, Florence. In gilt frame. 718 Hays, G. A., of Providence, R. I., 1901. Cattle Standing in Pool. Gilt frame. 719 INNEss, George. Landscape. Mountain and Lake. Gilt frame. 720 Hays, G. A. Cattle Piece. Heavy gold frame. 721 JoHNson, David, 1865. Young.Elms, West Campton, New Hamp- shire. Gold frame. 722 Dutcu Garden Party and Landscape. Artist unknown. Fine old painting. Gilt frame. 723 Water Color. Sheep Picture, Winter Scene, after A. Mauve. Gilt frame. 724 Portrait of a Young Woman, of Boston family. Painted by Ames, of Boston, who painted the portrait of Pope Pius IX, for the Vatican, Rome. | ; Book Auctwoneers. 45 OIL PAINTINGS—C ontinued. y P yd 725 Huntinc Dogs. Facsimile of water color. Gilt frame. ehh 726 GraF, F. 1830. View from a Hill Top. River and German Villages in the Distance. Gold frame. 727 CATHEDRAL Interiors, Spain. Artist unknown. Pair of fine old Cathedral interiors, in old gilt frames. (2) 728 ENNEKING, J. J. 1871. View at North Conway. Diana’s Bath. Gold frame. 729 ALKEN Sporting Print. Fox Hunting. S. Alken, del. T. Suth- erland, sculpt. London, 1841 (reprint). Oblong folio, oak frame. 730 ALKEN Sporting Print. The Death of the Roebuck, with a view of the Whatcombe House. Drawn by W. P. Hodges, engraved . by H. Alken and R. G. Reeve. Published by Thomas MacLean, London, 1834. ' (Reprint.) Folio, copper plate, colored oak frame. COLONIAL FURNITURE. 731 Brack Lacquer Set, inlaid with Mother of Pearl and gold orna- mentation. Child’s writing desk, red‘ silk plush lined ;—Jewel Casket, red silk plush lined;—Writing Portfolio, with pocket for stationery, early American, colored stamped paper lining. 3 pieces, all in good condition. 732 INLAID Satin Wood. Work Box or Jewel Case, Curved top. In- laid with bird and flower design of various colored wood on top and sides, lined with blue silk plush. A fine specimen of Early American inlaid work. 733 OtivE Wood Work Box. With 1 small and 4 large compartments. 734 LARGE Wooden Mortar and Pestle. 735 SMALL Cherry Dressing Glass and Stand. Oblong swinging glass. 736 MAHOGANY Dressing Stand, with two small drawers, Mahogany veneer on pine. Upright swinging glass. 737 SMALL Oak Spinning Wheel for winding thread, turns with handle for use on chest or low boy. Turned wood work, with tension screws at front and back. Unusual specimen. 738 Harvarp College View on small wooden Box. Early woodcut view on top. 739 MINIATURE Mahogany Bureau for child’s use. Empire style. 2 small drawers at top. 46 C. F. Libbie & Co. COLONIAL FURNITURE—C ontinued. 740 CHILD’s Miniature Bureau, black walnut, 3 drawers. 741 Ros—Ewoop Mantel Clock, Seth Thomas, of Connecticut, spring alarm, transfer painting on glass. 742 SMALL Colonial Shaving Mirror. Dark oak frame, period 1750- 1780. 743 COLONIAL Mirror, gilt frame, painted glass top, Italian ruins of Aqueduct. Genuine old mirror, original glasses. 744 CHIPPENDALE Corner Cupboard. 40 inches high, double doors, lacquered with gold figures and decoration showing the Chinese Influence. 745 Carvep Mahogany Cabinet and Poker Set. With celluloid chips, counters and 2 packs of cards. Handsome set for home use or for a gift. 746 CoLontaL Mirror, Period 1810-25. Cornice top with gold acorns and shell ornaments, turned side pieces, rosette corners. Painted glass at top, Rustic scene in colors and gold. Size 38 x 23. 747 Otp Chintz covered Wing Chair. 748 CAMPHOR Wood Chest, leather covered and studded with brass nails. From an old family in New Bedford, Mass. . 749 Winpsor Chair, Mahogany, modern. 750 Fine Old Liqueur Set. 6 large and 6 small bottles in compart- ments. With small tray containing 5 wine glasses, various shapes, with engraved and gold decoration. Early American rectangular bottles with round shoulders and glass stoppers. All enclosed in heavy oaken case with cover, brass bound and lock. 751 SwELL Front Antique Bureau (in the rough). 752 SMALL Colonial Mirror, cornice top and side posts. Painted panel at the top in black, gold and white. Size 11% x 21. 753 CoLonIAL Drop Leaf Desk. 8 inside drawers, brass handles and escutcheons, Colonial pattern. 754 MartHa Washington Arm Chair, ball and claw feet, turkey red covering. 755 Carvep Connecticut Chest. Ball and claw feet. Style of the old carved wedding chest made in Connecticut. 756 MAHOGANY Low Boy. Ball and claw feet, bandy legs. Colonial pattern, brass handles. “— a Book Auctioneers. 47 COLONIAL FURNITURE—C ontinued. 757 Manocany Hall Clock, Colonial pattern, inlaid designs, corner pillars finished with brass, brass globe ornaments at the top. Old painted dial of birds and flowers, brass works with bell. 758 Otp Oak, Gate legged, round Dining Table, turned work, baluster legs, 2 drop leaves. 759 CotoniaL Corner Chair, painted black and gold with rush seat. 760 MaHocany Muffin Stand, 3 shelves. 761 CoLoNIAL Style Secretary Desk, inlaid mahogany, scroll top with flame, glass doors, ball and claw feet, brass pulls. 762 Manocany Corner Chair, bandy legs, ball and claw feet, green upholstered seat. 763 Dressinc Glass, with one drawer. Greek Temple Design top. 764 Gitt Mirror, newly burnished. With musical implements at the _ top. Fine old piece. 765 MaAnocaAny Windsor Chair (Modern). 766 Soin Mahogany drop leaf Table. Colonial Empire period, twist turned legs. 767 Op Rosewood Secretary Book Case. Colonial Pattern. Pillars on the side, wooden handles, small glass ornamental doors, 3 large and 3 small drawers. 768 Manocany Drop Leaf Table, fluted legs, carved ornaments. 769 CHERRY Inlaid Highboy. Fine old piece, with inlaid design. 6 large drawers and 6 smaller drawers. Shell design at the lower part with Cabriole legs and Dutch feet. 770 MAHOGANY Inlaid Round Centre Table, square post, claw feet. 771 CotonraL Gilt Frame Mirror, with columns burnished, rosette corners. Picture of “Wasp” and “ Frolic,” 1812. Size 41 x 20. 772 MAHoGANy Corner Cupboard. 4 glass doors, scroll top. 773 Maunocany Round Centre Table, late Empire rolled pattern. 774 WincG Chair, ball and claw feet, turkey red covering. 775 Manocany Secretary Desk, Colonial pattern, bonnet top -with carved flames, shell ornament over door. 6 compartments in the book case, desk with 8 various sized drawers. Colonial style brass handles and escutcheons, bracket feet. A finely finished modern piece of a Colonial pattern. 48 Cif Libbte, & Eo. COLONIAL FURNITURE—Continued. 776 Heavy Rosewood Arm Chair, bandy legged, ball and claw jeu curious heads on the shoulders, escutcheon back. Griffin’s feet ornamentation, arms ornamented with birds’ heads in relief, red tapestry seat. 777 Mauocany Drop Leaf Card Table, inlaid Sheraton design. 778 MAHOGANY Empire : Sofa, upholstered in green plush, carved wooden fronts and back, with claw feet. Fine piece in perfect a ae ee condition. 779 MaHocany Foot Stool, green plush top. 780 Manocany Folding Top Sheraton Card Table. Slender fluted legs (new top). ‘\en ££ § 781 _Mauocany Secretary, Colonial Empire Period, handsome branch cS m veening. 3 large drawers below. 782 Carisou Horns, mounted on oak shield. 3 Larce Medallion of Madonna and Child. By Caproni, Boston. Large plaster of Paris cast, diam. 33 inches. REMOVAL C. F. LIBBIE & CO. Book and Art Auctioneers BOSTON, MASS. Announce their | Removal October Ist TO 597 Washington Street Their new Art Gallery and Book Salesroom is one of the finest in the country, being brilliantly lighted and especially fitted for Exhibitions and Auction Sales of Books, Autographs, Engrav- ings, Oil Paintings, Water Colors or Private Collections of any kind. Arrangements can be made for Special Auction Sales of Antique Furniture or Fine Household Furnish- ings for the Settlement of Valuable Estates by Executors and Administrators. - Goods sold only by Auction on Commission. Correspondence solicited. Telephone Oxford 202/ “4911 Feb.7 BoLiB. c.1 CF. Libb/Old blue china. “TNA ¥ 3 Bi Ag ith | ae i Hi H eda i {ip HI . ,] i ih al Hie af] UE eee a ria 4 iy Sp apiea a aT ret SS SS : Kiger auton = ~ ae nat o — = —t i. ae > oe ~ BS SS 3S : = » Sea a SS See Seer ree BEnee Ss = eS > : 2 ees Sv mnnaatige or men ne ne Tae ae? eee z ae he FE ne eee =F a cea ee ee = Tb} ees eee Sera ao SSeS = Se Kenai i —