PIPL USE NR AG a ae & we a ss c Z PS et Wz 2 or + ras a a ~ e +\ . = 5 y ee 3 — eS ag sit ce iS phe ots SS = oe + Ral: A ee . oa ee ; 2 XE eo 5 s5 S Wee eia5 er +, * - ae rad ie ESraitee Rete” &x Sry Wes pe waa. 3 in . De oy ey Sate: / : : . ; = ‘ 7% 2a aK oY a % % & x 16 C Ne # «< % SE NA v pod AVE ooh i if PORTRAIT OF A BURGOMASTER By JAN A. VAN RAVESTEYN [NUMBER 202] A COLLECTION OF ANCIENT: AND MODERN PAIN TINGS . CONSIGNED FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY Dr. RussELL W. Moore, Mrs. Harriet Fay Potts, Mr. Georce W. STETSON, THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH F. DALY, ALL OF NEw YORK Clrty, THE ESTATE OF HENRY B. PETTES, OF MILFORD, CONN., AND OTHER OWNERS, AND A SELECTION FROM THE WELL-KNOWN COLLECTION OF THE LATE MRS. ELIZABETH U. COLES OF NEW YORK WHICH WAS ON PROMINENT EXHIBITION FOR MANY YEARS AT THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART “A0- BE SOLD ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY MARcH 7, 8 and 9, 1917 AT 8:15 O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. ; — 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default | of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Gal- leries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in. writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such . declaration. 7. TERMS CASH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. 8. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buyir., at the lowest price permitted by other bids. g. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility: for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.50. The Anderson Galleries INCORPORATED Mapison AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE, Murray Hitt, 7680 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN. ARTISTS REPRESENTED (oa ae See OS Artz, David Adolphe..;...... 213 0 oS or 230 Battista. . : eer eee ene | Beals, Gertrude. . 52 Becker, Carl Ludwig Friedrich. 209 Beers, Julie ch eee s 163, 164 Bellows, A: Fo-N.A.. 0.0. eun 43 Berry, Percival Vincent....... y Bicknell, E. M.. Blakelock, Ralph Albert, A.N.A. ee Biasiheld, Edwin A». =... . 193 PRIMA S oe. a. wn ce ee 2 pea ND). Ocha nie 179 Bogert, George H., A.N.A. ~ WP eiseais sass eres FA4;. 223,226 Srarcrards Gr Hie cae eho I51 Leet OR IE oer Ga oe 194 Bonheur, Marie Rosa... 216 Boctow, prederick |........53, 114 Boughton, George H., N.A., rc ers hes 793-83 Boyman, H. C.. dais 720 Brissot, Felix Saturni De War- Pe, A rr 185 brown, W.i|Watten:.......... ..95 Browne, George Elmer........ 89 Diueecess)OlNi. ©. oui... . = 4 30 Cabanal, Alexandre, .3....... 231 Carey, Henry... Ee eine 16 Carpentier, E.. are Yo Casillear, John W., N. Ne _.167, 183 Cauchois, Eugene Henry. ee 157 Paamoney, |. Wells........... 117 Chaumont, Antoine Bernard.. 205 (uelmoncki, Josel .....:....: IQI Church, Frederick Stuart, N.A. 139 tea ac eee ee 177 8 oreverpeyert..........2.-- 5 Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille... 219 erate vi. ee 94 Wormers nmromie............. 197 ok sr 148 eGo yg. est es 42 Davis, Charles Henry, N.A... 61 Dearth, Henry Golden, N.A... 229 De Bock, Theophile.......... 182 Wet uvion hobpert......... II5 De Paux, Alexandre....:-.-. 210 eee eccia ss... 0.6. 18 ettieas, MM. F.H...N.A ..... 181 Re eyser, AUS... 26... 0. ee 70 Derrick, William Rowell...... 22 Desgoffe, Blaise Alexander.... 212 MC GATC. owes. sc. ss we ye s av, Diaz, De La Pena, Narcisse- a Ch 214. 2209232 Didier-Pouget, William....... 221 Memreiaes, Walter: : 2. 6...5% 92 DT WiCeercrh tha uk Tea ook 234 Duc School, Early. 20. =... 84 Eggleston, Benjamin........ 71, 78 BAetSOns W eUl., ae un tus 130, 136 PSACCIOLI; SU VIO wi. soho has wre 166 LC tale) Ea On oe a en ar 8 Pattin-latour, bent... <>. -235 | (STS EAT Ti eee ae 6 bield; i. Loyal ..°.64,.127, 175, 192 SS a = Ca ere ee II MERIC O see. alg haus pcsce « & 68 Fitler, Willan OES artes 100, I16 Fitz, deo aie cle e 169 Fox, H. G., R.W.A.. 23 French School, Seventeenth (CENA 9 ice, ae eee A 204. (OAS TR ae Sera i ane ne eae 13 Garner. Daniel. ots rad... 2s 149 feraye award, NeAe x ses ce 176 ers George. sigs yo 4 87 Griffin, Thomas B..74, 140, 178, 189 Croenewegen, A.J °. 5... 62.4. 32 Grothe, Janson ...:.2.3..°..: 20 Gruppé, Charles P..... 36, 108, 150 Gagks Rudolph i: 2. he neon 14 Hagborg, August. -...2...2..., 158 Pee OOK, WU) Bb ns kon e .p ak7O Be cer Ll CRPICH wa. en ae ex ee 107 ics, Lhomas, N.A....3. 02. I01 Prereerer hee os ot esd ac’ 46 ‘Ciel ta ae Ii nr eee ee 69 PAA Tl ae areas iene eg es wh, 155 Peer tbe 2 ess le os 152 Hoeber, PAPC gee a No ae recs 102 Hohenberg, ie Rone ae nee eee 195 rera reel iewssie. Ge sao 99 Huntington, Daniel, N.A...... 174 UIPG COT. VG eee ae oe wx gO Taness, George........... 144, 22 RSLCY 5 NDR Mee eons 4. cate « 105 Italian School, Seventeenth Cen- OUTER s Longe sc. sc 56, 88, I10, III Heisony |OSephs. Lc. tat oo a St 327 Jefferson, Joseph. . ae E20 Jimenez Aranda, Jose... Sh et a 184 Kaemmerer, Fredric Henri ... 41 Kensett, John Frederick, N.A. . eR ee eae 58, 120, 161 Kever, Johann Simon Hendrick 38 Folpourne, (re Ga ten sg. sa 59 Potear, opert.s,.9.0. 05.2 ce 153 ROIS LUO WIE a ses SS 236 Knight, William Henry.-..... 40 erates SECS re gia 5 Wey Oe ae ieee areca te 54 Lanman, Charles, A.N.A..... 47 Lawson, Ernest, A.N-A...... 82 Martinetti, Maria.. Saree Mazzolino...... ae fee WAN, Mazzonovich, Lawrence...... 124 NEAR STOCKBRIDGE. McCord, George H., A-N.A..2 129 Salmon, Charlese. =) =o eae 160 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest . 233 Schlessinger, F...- 2.) yee 72 Meissonier, Jean Charles..... 142 Schwartze, Theresa...... 156 Werle; Hugiesegc. a. ae ees 211 .. Scott, Jeanettes: ee 33 Metst, Gabriely. ser eee 49~ Shattuck, A.D.) cy ee Willer, Qscatic ce. came tees 50 « Schou, Sigards 233.0 a7 Mogford, John.{.:......5..5. 17 Simonetti, Ettores een 96 Montéemezz0, 4.4. eee 190 Smith, Henry Pember2a eae Morgan, William, A.N.A..... 146 65, 118, 125, 171, 180 Morland, George, R.A..... 207, 208> Sorn, W.4.e e 109 Morrelliv cq acs. anes, ee ee 3 Stanfield, Clarkson, R.A. 15 Morse, Samuel B..F., N.Alw.. ; 196 Steelink, Wiln.. J 34 Mottram, Charles S: ae. 5 Stetson, Charles Walter....... QI Muller, Charles. ta: =a ne 86 Stuart, Gilbert Charles fae 198 Murphy, }, Francis, NvAy ae Suker, Arthur ee eee 103 SCREENS ee ae, ap 225; ee Sully; Thomas. 3) eee een Musin, Auguste.. 12 Ten Kate, Herman Carel... 31 Olivetti, [Pia el VO Paranhos Tt : Terburg, Gerard; 2 ee 48 Onderdonk,: Juliane 7a eae 165 - Thom, J. Crawiord.3aee 60, 97, 122 Perrine? Va <2 ee ee 62 Thompson, A. Wordsworth .. . 187 Petit, Ge 119 Trouillebert, Paul Desire . 222 Phelan, Chas. T Gil ao Pte ee 104° - Troyon, Constant... eee 8I Pietersz, WB aot ake ee 55 Twachtman, John Henry ..... 137 Post; “Wo Merritt; ASN Aw Tyler, James Geen eee 35, 113 Oe RUMEN age aie 26, 98, 128, 168, 172. -Valkenhirg, Ba atx a Prosdocini Ns eee. eee 7 Van Beest, A227. eee Ryne; Lhomasy.7q..0 0s Tae 19 VanBoskerk, Robert Ward, N.A. aye Rau, Emil... 123 Van Neck, Johan 3. ao eae Rn 162 Rehn, Frank Knox “Morton, Van der Velde (The Younger) 199 IN GAS Rete ooo acie ac ae ea , 186 . Van der Weeles his eee 12 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, R.A.. 206 Van Ravensteyn, Jan A....... 202 RiccisoPignie ee eee 66 Veronese, Schoolof........... bie ie Richter, E ter ee te 188 VerveerElchanon.. eee 10 Rip, William On wei. ee. 45. Victoors Janae ee en 201 Rea julian ase 3 .2+--07,159 Vollmar 75 Robie, Jean Baptiste. Pere See 215 . Voltz, Friedrich 2). eee Robinson, Theodore...:..44.. -76 — Wankseaye ee 138 Rosa, Salvator, School of ae 154 Western, Gi. ee ee Rosas Salvatore. yar ae eee 203. Wheaton, Francis, 52) eee 93 Rouzee, hens : pages 173-00 Wide i Carleton, N.A..... 57 Roybet, F erdinand............ 218 Willet) [202 ee 13253032 - Saint Bonvin, Francois......... 80 Wolff, Gustav..— 3 yee 131, 135 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS NO PORTRAIT OF A BURGOMASTER. Jan A. Van Ravesteyn............. 202 A KENTISH.SHEPHERD. George Morland,-R:As) 2s eee 207 Pics: George Morland, R:A..:....... 02. . se) 208 EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN RECEIVING THE VENETIAN EMBASSY. Carl Ludwig Friedrich Becker........ 20, 4.242. sn Se 209 THE YOUNG CAVALIER. Ferdinand Roybet.. 5... >920...0) eee 218 THE Moat. Jean Baptiste Camille. Corot. .../i5. 9 ee 219 ON THE DELAWARE. George Inneéss, N:A. «>... tea 224 J. Francis Murphy, N-A........> aes 225 PAINTINGS ANCIENT AND MODERN FIRST SESSION Wednesday Evening, March 7, 1917 at 8:15 o'clock Lots 1 to 83 L. OLIVETTI Contemporary Italian vi THE GRAPE GATHERER The gay costumed Italian peasant girl with basket of grapes on her head is crossing a rustic bridge. Water Color. Signed lower right, L. Olivetti (Roma). Height, 21% inches; width, 14% inches. BLONDAMI Contemporary Italian 2 THE AFTER DINNER TOAST A gay naval officer is toasting his companion. Signed lower right, Blondami after Henry Tenre. Height, 13 inches; width, 19 inches. 7 MORELLI Contemporary Italian 3 YOUNG ITALIAN PEASANT WOMAN A typical Neapolitan beauty. Water Color. Height, 1034 inches; width, 7 inches. BATTISTA Contemporary Italian 4 BAY OF BAIE From an imminence in the foreground two travellers are surveying the bay with its panorama of villas and moun- tains in the distance. Water Color. Height, 18 inches; width, 27 inches. CHARLES S. MOTTRAM Contemporary English 5 OFF THE ENGLISH COAST A low, rolling, lazy tide is breaking slightly over the shelving sandy beach; in the offing is a fleet of brown fishing vessels with a flight of gulls hovering near. Water Color. Signed lower right, Chas. $. Mottram. Height, 1034 inches; width, 25 inches. FERRANTI Contemporary Italian 6 SHEPHERD RETURNING HOME The young Italian shepherd carries his favorite lamb over his shoulder and is accompanied by a peasant girl carry- — ing a water jug on her head. Water Color. Signed lower right, Ferranti, Roma. Height, 20% inches; width, 13% inches. 8 A. PROSDOCIMI Contemporary Italian 7 ON THE GRAND CANAL Over the blue water two boats are lazily sailing, beyond are the famous palaces. Water Color. Signed lower left, A. Prosdocimi. Height, 1134 inches; width, 6% inches. C. FANDOLA , Contemporary Spanish 8 ALCAZAR The sun is streaming into this many arched and pillared palace lighting up its rich coloring. Water Color. Signed lower left, C. Fandola. Height, 1134 inches; width, 6% inches. MARIA MARTINETTI Contemporary Italian 9 A GAME OF CHECKERS In the forecourt of a Turkish palace sit two men on a bench playing an interesting game; a rare Oriental rug is at their feet. Through the open portal is seen a garden and further buildings. Water Color. Signed lower left, Maria Martinetti, Roma, 1902. Height, 19% inches; width, 27 ches. ELCHANON VERVEER Contemporary Dutch 10 OFF KATWYCK The tide is low; in the foreground wading is a mother and her little daughter; ia dog is splashing nearby. Beyond are groups of figures paddling, with fishing boats in the offing. Water Color. Signed lower right, Elchanon Verveer. Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches 9 G. FILOSA Contemporary Italian 1. THE BIRD'S: NESe On a red velvet sofa sits a young woman and her admirer examining a bird’s nest which holds several fledglings. Water Color. Signed lower right, G. Filosa. Height, 20% inches; width, 28 inches. H. T. VAN DER WEELE Contemporary Dutch 12 RETURNING TO THE FOLD A shepherd is just unbarring the gate of a thatched barn for his sheep to enter. The atmosphere of Holland is well depicted. Water Color. Signed lower right, H. T. v’d Weele. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. P. GABRINI Contemporary Italian 13 A MODERN BACCHANTE A charming Italian peasant girl, with a grape vine branch in her uplifted hand, dances down the country road. Water Color. Signed lower right, P. Gabrini, Roma. Height, 1614 inches; width, 11 inches. RUDOLPH HAAK Contemporary Dutch 14 ON THE RIVER SCHELDT The river has overflowed its banks; from a flat bottom boat a passenger is landing near a tall and feathery tree; on the flat horizon is a village with its wind mill. Water Color. Signed lower right, Rudolph Haak. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 imches. Io CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A. English, 1793-1867 feo UNSET AT SEA In a heavy rolling sea several vessels are approaching. Over head is an angry red sky. Water Color. Signed lower left, C. Stanfield, 1845. | Height, 914 inches; width, 21 inches. HENRY CAREY Contemporary American 16 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE In a marshy pool, cattle are wading; trees to the right and low hills in the distance. Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. JOHN MOGFORD Contemporary English 17 POWDERHAM CASTLE In the foreground are some fisher folk and boats stranded by the outgoing tide; beyond is the famous castle. Water Color. Signed lower leit, J. M., 1872. Height, 614 inches; width, 11 inches. DE FRANCESCHI Contemporary Italian fo NtERIOR OF ST. PETERS At a side chapel with its elaborate entablatures are two red surpliced choir boys entertaining a young companion. Water Color. Signed lower right, De Franceschi. Height, 19 inches; width, 14% inches. if dh THOMAS PYNE Contemporary English 19 NEAR CHESTER A shepherd with his flock of sheep approaches on a rough country road; fields and wooded hills beyond; a sunny day. Water Color. Signed lower right, Thos. Pyne. Height, 9 inches; width, 13 inches. JANSON GROTHE Contemporary Dutch 20 PREPARING DINNER. A young peasant woman in her quaint costume sits facing a window in the old kitchen peeling potatoes, a bucket of water at her side; on the table a coffee pot. Water Color. Signed lower right, Janson Grothe. Height, 24 inches; width, 17% inches. G. WESTERN Contemporary English 21 OFF EAST COAST OF ENGLAND Perched above the sea is the village and its church, in the foreground runs a road through a pasturage on which sheep are grazing. Water Color. Signed lower left, G. Western. . Height, 12% inches; width, 20% inches. WILLIAM ROWELL DERRICK Contemporary American 22 AT THE HAY STACK The moon is up before the parting of day; a flock of sheep are regaling themselves at a stack that occupies the middle ground. Water Color. Signed lower right, W. R. Der- rick. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 imches. I2 H. G. FOX, R.W.A. Contemporary English 23 ROAD IN HENDON The breath of Autumn pervades the scene; a teamster and his cart with two cows approach on a well wooded country lane. Water Color. Signed lower left, H. G. Fox, R.W.A., 1902. Height, 20% inches; width, 29 inches. B. VALKENBURG Contemporary Dutch 24 DUTCH INTERIOR Two peasants in their quaint costume are seated and sew- ing near a large tiled open fireplace; the light streams in from a broad window. Water Color. Height, 13 inches; width, 19 inches. H. C. BOYMAN Contemporary Dutch 2, LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Through the sedgy grass several cattle are approaching a small pool in which the blue sky is admirably reflected. Water Color. Signed lower right, H. C. Boyman. Height, 12 inches; width, 19 inches. W. MERRITT POST, A.N.A. American, 1856— 26 LATE AUTUMN ON THE BRONX RIVER The trees have almost lost their last leaves, the grass is turning to a mellow brown but leaving traces of green. Water Color. Signed lower right, W. Merritt Post, A.N.A. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 mches. eS) B. VALKENBURG Contemporary Dutch 27 A DUTCH HOME Before a red bricked cottage with green shutters sits a mother knitting; her little daughter is at her right; near the open door is the baby in a strange old-fashioned wheel chair. Height, 13 inches; width, 18 inches. H. C. BOYMAN Contemporary Dutch 28 CATTLE AT THE POOL The pool stretches across the foreground; a herd of cattle have come down to water from the low lying field. Be- yond are more cattle; grey trees in the distance. Water Color. Signed lower right, H. C. Boyman. Height, 11% inches; width, 18% inches. E. M. BICKNELL Contemporary American 29 OFF NEW LONDON A typical New England scene with its shelving shore and grey sky. Water Color. Signed lower right, E. M. Bicknell. Height, 934 inches; width, 18 inches. JOHN BURGESS Contemporary English 30 A KENTISH INN At the edge of the village several country wagons have drawn up; the teamsters are taking their morning liba- tion; one of them is talking to the genial inn keeper’s wife. A pleasant summer scene. Water Color. Signed lower right, John Burgess. Height, 11 inches; width, 17 inches. 14 HERMAN CAREL, TEN KATE Dutch, 1822-1892 31 SORTING POTATOES In an old Dutch barnyard is seated a mother with her in- fant beside her; she is sorting a pile of potatoes into a pail. Water Color. Signed lower right, Ten Kate. Height, 1414 inches; width, 18 inches. A. J. GROENEWEGEN Contemporary Dutch 32 CATTLE WATERING Pool in the foreground; trees to the right; at a long trough in the flat green field are cattle drinking; beyond is a windmill. Water Color. Signed lower right, A. J. Groenewegen. Height, 10% inches; width, 153% inches. JEANETTE SCOTT American, 1864— 33 AT THE WINDOW A charming young girl is seated in an old-fashioned chair with her left hand resting on an old carved chest and in her right hand is a book. A convex mirror reflects her lover who stands at the opposite window. Water Color. Signed lower right, J. Scott. Height, 11 inches; width, 14% inches. WILM STEELINK Contemporary Dutch 34 SHEEP GRAZING A flock of sheep with their shepherd approach a sunlit pool as night falls. Water Color. Signed lower leit, Wilm Steelink. Height, 1334 inches; width, 24% inches. eT 15 JAMES G. TYLER Contemporary American 35 THE PILOT BOAT The old-fashioned sailing sloop plows its way staunchly in the stiff breeze over the sunlit sea; other ships in the distance. Signed lower right, James G. Tyler. Height, 15 inches; width, 24 inches. CHARLES P. GRUPPE American, 1860— 36 LOW TIDE A heavy Dutch lugger is stranded, and is discharging its cargo of fish into a cart; beside it two women are watch- ing. Beyond is a fishing fleet. Water Color. Signed lower right, Chas. P. Gruppé. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 imches. B. VALKENBURG Contemporary Dutch 37 DUTCH INTERIOR In a sunny kitchen a peasant woman with an infant in her arms is seated, on a table is a loaf of bread and some flow- ers, nearby stands her young son. Water Color. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. JOHANN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER Dutch, 1854- 38 RAKING LEAVES The autumn leaves are being gathered into a wheelbarrow by a young Dutch peasant boy. Bare trees are in the background. Water Color. Signed lower right, Kever. Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. # aioe 16 FRANK KNOX MORTON REBHN, N.A. American, 1848-1914 39 OFF MOHEGAN The sea is breaking against the mighty rock; in the dis- tance the sailing vessels are answering to the breeze. Water Color. Signed lower right, F. K. M. Rehn, 1882. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. WILLIAM HENRY KNIGHT English, 1823-1863 40 TWO WATER COLORS The Plains of Marathon from the North. The Tumulus on the Plain of Marathon. Signed, W. K., 1820. Heights, 3% inches; widths, 9% inches. FREDERIC HENRI KAEMMERER Dutch, 1839-1892 41 THE MILLINER’S APPRENTICE The chic Parisien with her bandbox. Academy board. Signed lower right, F. K. Height, 171% inches; width, 10% inches. LEON DABO Contemporary American 42 EARLY SPRING Through the saplings lightly clothed with verdure are seen mountains and a small lake. Pastel. Signed lower left, Leon Dabo, ’13. Height, 1434 inches; width, 18 inches. 17 A. F. BELLOWS, N.A. American, 1829-1883 43. EYES TO THE BLIND The young blind musician is seated resting on a veranda overlooking the bay. His charming sister leans on his chair expatiating on the beauties of the summer afternoon. Water Color. Signed lower left, A. F. Bellows, N.A. Height, 24 wmches; width, 18 inches. S. MAZZOLINO Contemporary Italian 44 THE CONTANTINDA Signed on the back of canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 1334 inches. WILLIAM C. RIP Contemporary Dutch AS -lHE INLEF A fisherman pulls his boat to shore; in the distance a vil- lage. Water Color. Signed lower right, W. C. Rip, ’85. Height, 6% inches; width, 10% inches. J. L. HEIMER Contemporary American 46 A FRESH BREEZE Two sloops, off shore, are racing in a fresh breeze. Signed lower left, J. L. Heimer. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. 18 | p | CHARLES LANMAN, A.N.A. American, 1816-1895 47 THE TROUT STREAM, WHITE MOUNTAINS The old log bridge crosses the rocky stream. Academy board. Signed lower left, C. Lanman, 1884. Height, 10 wmches; width, 13 imches. GERARD TERBURG Dutch, 1613-1681 48 THE POTATION Seated at a table a young woman helps herself to the drink that has overcome her companion. Height, 13 inches; width, 1114 inches. GABRIEL METSU , Dutch, 1630-1667 49 THE PET DOG On a table is a dog begging for a piece of sugar which a lad holds in his hand; seated near is a young woman play- ing a mandolin. Height, 121% inches; width, 1034 inches. OSCAR MILLER Contemporary American 50 LATE AFTERNOON Feathery trees skirt the pleasant roadway. Signed lower right, Oscar Miller. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches. IQ PERCIVAL VINCENT BERRY American, 1845-1914 51 LANDSCAPE A wooded landscape showing Autumn’s first touch; the falling leaves cover the ground. A hunter is entering the woods. In the distance is a pool on which is reflected the floating clouds and blue sky. Signed lower right, P. V. Berry. Height, 5% inches; width. 9% tches. GERTRUDE BEALS — Contemporary American 52a eh LOWERS A bowl of pink and tea roses in a green bowl are set on a table. Water Color. Signed lower right, Gertrude Beals. Height, 16% inches; width, 25% inches. FREDERICK J. BOSTON Contemporary American 53 A FRUGAL MAIDEN A young girl in gay dress sits at a window intent on her knitting. Canvas. Signed lower right, F. J. Boston. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. P. R. KOEHLER Contemporary American 54 EARLY EVENING Sedgy stream in the foreground; village and trees on left horizon. Pastel. Signed lower left, P. R. Koehler, N. Y. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 20 W. B. PIETERSZ Contemporary American 55 THE STONE BRIDGE The sluggish stream flows under the old bridge; a huge tree on the left. Academy board. Signed lower left, B. Pietersz. Height, 74% inches; width, 11 inches. SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 56 ST. MICHAEL The Angel in classic armor with sword to slay in uplifted right hand, his left foot on the Prince of Darkness. Fine decorative quality. Signed lower left, Sixteenth Century Italian School. Height, 5414 inches; width, 39 inches. J. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. ; American, 1848 57 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Cattle drawing near a small stream, beyond are broad fields flanked by trees, rich in theirautumnal colors. Signed lower left, J. Carleton Wiggins. £ Pa Height, 9% inches; width, 151% inches. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. American, 1816-1872 he ROCKY POOL IN THE CATSKILLS Rocks and a fallen tree on the edge of a pool; a range of blue misty hills in the distance. Height, 17% inches; width, 23% inches. Pia G. G. KILBURNE, JR. Contemporary English s9 THE MORNING RIDE The mounted squire meets a pretty village girl at the edge of a pine forest. Panel. Signed lower right, G. G. Kil- burme,- rss So: | Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. JAMES CRAWFORD THOM American, 1835-1898 60 WINTER In the snow-clad woods are two boys hunting rabbits. To the left and in the distance are tall trees. Signed lower right, Jas. C. Thom. 7 Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. CHARLES HENRY DAVIS, N.A. American, 1845-— 61 THE PASTURAGE Rolling country with a stream and cattle in the fore- ground; wooded hills in the distance. Panel. Signed lower right, Ch. Davis. § q Height, 12% inches; width, 1434 inches. ‘ 6 . VAN D. PERRINE Contemporary American 62 THE FLOWER MARKET IN WINTER, NEW YORK Snow has mantled the neighboring buildings and fore- ground. Signed and inscribed to W. M. Chase, from Van D. Perrine. Bought at the William M. Chase sale, No. IQ. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. 22 M. ARNOUX Contemporary French Sees tiie EI TTLE. SOLDIERS Two tired children are being drilled by their elder brother; a drum is in the foreground. Panel. Signed at left, M. Arnoux. Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches. E. LOYAL FIELD American, 1856-1914 64 THE HILLY ROAD A road ascends from the foreground to a cottage which is flanked by trees. Beyond isa range of blue hills. Signed lower right, E. Loyal Field. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. HENRY PEMBER SMITH American, 1854-1907 65 A CONNECTICUT FARM In the foreground a mill pond, beyond is a farm house nestling amongst fine trees. Autumn is gently touching the scene. Signed lower right, Henry P. Smith. 4 Height, 20 inches; width, 28 inches. > ee ; PIO RICCI Contemporary Italian 66 THE BILLET DOUX A handsome young woman in old fashioned costume holds a letter in her hand, fearful of discovery. Signed lower left, Pio Ricci. Height, 15 inches; width, 10% inches. | 23 JULIAN V. RIX American, 1851-1903 67 THE WOODLAND STREAM A late October day with its lovely greys and att browns. Signed lower right, Julian Rix. 4-90: Height, 27 inches; width, 14 iches. HUGO FISHER Bohemian, 1850-— 68 MARINE Over a bold headland on the left the breakers are tumbling and throwing up their feathery spray. The cool blue sky illuminates the water. Signed, Hugo Fisher. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. J. F. HERRING English, 1795-1865 60h DERG HED A hunter on a black horse is ditched and another in a red coat is jumping a wattle fence. The master of the hounds is following closely behind; the forward hounds are in full cry. Signed lower center, J. F. Herring: 4 ie Height, 11% inches; width, 15¥% inches. YAO: AUG. DE KEYSER Contemporary Belgian 70 THE LITTLE POACHER The village constable has brought a little boy before the justice of the peace. The boy stands bowing his head in shame and his little sister is at his side crying. Panel. Signed lower right, Aug. De Keyser. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 Inches. 24 tt ne i i BENJAMIN EGGLESTON American, 1867— 471 LANDSCAPE Rolling country in the Berkshires, touched by Autumn’s colors. Canvas. Signed lower left, Benj. Eggleston. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. F. SCHLESINGER Contemporary German 72 THE CURE’S PET At Christmas in an old-fashioned German kitchen, the family surreptitiously look at their various gifts while the Curé gives a Ponchinello to the small daughter. Signed lower left, F. Schlesinger. cs / Vy Height, 19% inches; width, 28 inches. FRIEDRICH VOLTZ German, 1817-1886 473 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE AND FIGURES Several cows and a calf are seen at a shaded pool; to the right, on rising ground, three peasants and a corn field with a cloudy blue sky above. Panel. Signed lower left, Bre Voltz: Height, 9% inches; width, 2334 inches. ps (70° THOMAS B. GRIFFEN Contemporary American pave CATSKILLS From the distant mountains, a stream tumbles over its rocky bed; both banks are thickly wooded. Fleecy clouds are in the sky. Signed lower right, T. B. Griffen. Height, 30 inches; width, 25% inches. 25 L. VOLLMAR Contemporary German 75 THE TEASE _ One of two little girls who have been sewing has had her thread taken away by her roguish brother; her mother comforts her. Signed lower left, L. Vollmar, Munchen, ’73. re "4 Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches » (ie 59. THEODORE ROBINSON American, 1852-1896 76 THE OLD SWIMMING POOL A straggling path approaches the pool which is just seen through the tracery of green leaves. Signed lower right, Theo. Robinson. Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. SIGARD SCHOU Contemporary American 77 THE MORNING CUP OF TEA A young woman is seated at a table reading the morning news. (Pupil of Zorn.) Signed lower right, Sigard Schou. Height, 22 tmches; width, 16 inches. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON American, 1867— 78 EARLY MORNING A fresh plowed field; to the right two farmers at the foot of large trees. In the distance clumps of trees vary the scene. The rising sun foretells the coming of a clear day in late Spring. Signed lower left, Benjamin Eggleston, IQI5. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 tmches. Exhibited at Salmagundi Club, ror5. 26 s a ‘ : ee en oe ae a. ree GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. American, 1834-1905 79 GOODSPEED At twilight a horseman is drinking at the tavern door; two women wish him godspeed; the lights of the snowy village are twinkling. Bought at the William M. Chase Sale, No. 52. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. $e 50° FRANCOIS SAINT BONVIN French, 1817-1887 80 LA BRODUISE Costumed in black; the industrious subject works at her embroidery frame. Signed upper right, F. Bonvin, 1857. Bought at the William M. Chase Sale, No. 106. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. $. 13, O- CONSTANT TROYON French, 1810-1865 THE EDGE OF THE BROOK The mellow light of departing day touches the woodland Signed lower left, C. T. Height, 8% inches; width, 13% inches. 8I scene. ERNEST LAWSON, A.N.A. Contemporary American $2 THE BATHERS Near a wooded camp, two boys are ready to enter the pleasant stream. Panel. Signed lower right, E. Lawson. Bought from the artist. Height, 18 inches; $717: bo. f width, 25 inches. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A, ‘ American, 1834-1905 fee 83 THE MOORLAND ROAD The road runs through weedy and rock ground; of trees and rising ground in the distance. Signe right, G. H. B. Bought at the William M. Cc No. Ok ei. eight, 13 inches; ee 9 inc 28 SECOND SESSION Thursday Evening, March 8, 1917 at 8:15 o'clock Lots 84-162 EARLY DUTCH SCHOOL 64, 1 WO OVAL PORTRAITS | A cavalier, and his lady in costumes of the Seventeenth Century. | Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. EVERT COLEYER Dutch, about 1640-1691 oe oli LIE : On a table with a green velvet cover is a crown, two books, a monstrance and an open jewel box with its jewels. Bought at La Haye. Panel. g ? Height, 17 mches; width, 21 inches. rays: CHARLES MULLER Contemporary American 86 PETRUCHIO The fantastic figure stands with his hand outstretched and resting on the hilt of his sword. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. 29 GEORGE GEYER . German, 1823-— 87 IN THE CATSKILLS 7 A stormy day. A shepherd and his flock are in the fore- ground. Signed lower left, Geyer. Height, 7 inches; width, 13 mches. ITALIAN SCHOOL 88 ST.-JOSEPH AND INFANT CH? St. Joseph seated with the infant Saviour in his arms, the child holds a branch of flowers in his right hand and his left hand rests in that of St. Joseph. Oval. Height, 7% inches; width, 5% inches. GEORGE ELMER BROWNE Contemporary American, 1871— 89 AVENUE BOIS DE BOULOGNE, PARIS Gay throngs and vehicles wind their way to the Arc de Triomphe. Signed lower left, Geo. Elmer Browne. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 mches. WILLIAM HUSTON Contemporary American 90 AFTERNOON IN GREAT SOUTH BAY A fishing sloop is idly waiting for a breeze; a summer after- noon. Signed lower right, Wm. Huston, 188o. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 imches. 30 CHARLES WALTER STETSON Contemporary American or TWILIGHT, PASADENA, CAL. Two huge palms o’ershadow a pleasant pool, at which three young women are bathing. Signed lower right. Ch. Walter Stetson. Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. WALTER DOUGLASS Contemporary American 92 CHICKENS A man in a barnyard is feeding his chickens. In the dis- tance are two large trees. Panel. Signed lower right, Walter Douglass. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. FRANCIS WHEATON Contemporary American 93 SHEEP AND SHEPHERDESS A shepherdess is leading her flock at eventide to their fold. A strong reflection of the October setting sun per- vades the scene. Signed lower right, Francis Wheaton. Height, 18% inches; width, 24 inches. COSTANTIN Contemporary Italian 94 A BIT OF OLD ROME Houses of modern times have been incorporated into a grand old building. A market scene appears in the fore- ground. Water Color. Signed lower right, Costantin. Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. 31 W. WARREN BROWN Contemporary American 95 SUMMER SUNSET Fertile fields with trees to right and left, a pathway loses itself in the distant woodland; the torrid July sun casts its red reflection in the sky. Signed lower left, W. War- ren Brown. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 ches. ETTORE SIMONETTI — Contemporary Italian ~ 96 INTERIOR In an XVIIIth Century French cabinet, an old gentle- man and his daughter are seated. The daughter is reading aloud. Water Color. Signed, Ettore Simonetti. Height, 151% inches; width, 21% inches. JAMES CRAWFORD THOM American, 1835-1898 97 ON THE HUDSON Autumn’s brilliant colors have touched the wooded path which overhangs the mighty river with its craft in the dis- tance. Panel. Signed lower right, J. C. Thom. Height, 14% inches; width, 10% inches. W. MERRITT POST, A.N.A. American, 1856- 98 THE FIRST TOUCH OF SPRING The sear yellow rushes begin to respond to the touch of Spring. To the left and right are feathery trees just show- ing their green leaves; blue hills in the distance. Water Color. Signed lower left, W. Merritt Post. Height, 13 inches; width, 1534 inches. 32 ETHEL HORE American, 1876— 99 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY Seated in a chair with hands clasped in lap is a sweetly smiling old woman. At her side is a small table on which rests a book and a vase filled with roses.. Water Color. Signed lower left, Ethel Hore. Height, 16 inches; width, 13% inches. WILLIAM C. FITLER Contemporary American too ON THE CONNECTICUT. RIVER A river winds its way to the wooded distance; on the right bank is a fisherman in his punt. rising and wooded ground beyond. In the heavily clouded sky birds are flying to their winter home. Water‘Color. Signed lower right, We ty Fitler;.N: Y. Height, 10% inches; width, 14% inches. THOMAS HICKS, N.A. American, 1823-1890 ror THE JEW Aiter Rembrandt. Original in the National Gallery, London. Signed on back of canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 tches. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. American, 1854-1915 102 EARLY SPRING In the foreground is a marshy pool with low lying fields; ~ to the left and right slightly rising ground; a small clump of feathery trees to the left. Signed lower left, Arthur Hoeber. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. 35 ARTHUR SUKER Contemporary English 103 MOONLIGHT ON THE LAKE A high wooded bank rises on the right and is silhouetted against a background of lofty and heavily wooded moun- tains; the pale silvery moon throws her light on the rip- pling water. Water Color. Signed lower left, Arthur Suker. Height, 2514 inches; width, 32 inches. CHARLES T. PHELAN American, 1840— 1o4 A CONNECTICUT VALLEY A herd of cattle is seen grazing and drinking at the river. The low wooded bank gradually rises to wooded hills in the distance. Signed lower left, Phelan. Height, 22 inches; width, 36 inches. ALBERT INSLEY Contemporary American 105 TOWARDS SUNDOWN The slowly setting sun casts its beams on an expansive bay; two fishermen in their boats are seen in the fore- ground, hazy hills in the distance. Signed lower right, Albert Insley. ) Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. A. D. SHATTUCK Contemporary American 106 A SUMMER AFTERNOON The luminous sun is reflected in an expansive lake; a boat is drawn up to the wooded left bank; low hills are faintly seen in the distance. Signed lower right, A. D. Shattuck. Height, 12% inches; width, 2014 inches. 34 HEINRICH HEGER Contemporary German 107 SCHLOSS GOTTARP This beautiful interior shows the state bedroom with all its medizval trappings. Autograph letter on back, Panel. Signed lower right, H. Heger. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches. CHARLES P. GRUPPE American, 1860-— 108 NOVEMBER PASTURE A few cattle are grazing in a pasture skirted by woodland, a grey sky overhead. Exhibited at New York Water Color Club, 1915. Water Color. Signed lower left, Chas. P. Gruppé. Height, 131% inches; width, 18 inches. W. SORN Contemporary German 1o9 THE KITCHEN A young girl is cooking the evening meal in a dark, old- fashioned kitchen. Her young brother and some chick- ens occupy the stone floor. Signed lower right, W. Sorn, 1860, Munich. | 3 Height, 32% inches; width, 19 inches. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 110 PANORAMIC LANDSCAPE Ruins of an old chateau and a wooded stream are on the right, rocky hills fill the left; in the distance is an old town and mountains beyond. Height, 46 inches; width, 57 inches. ® yy = SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 111 LANDSCAPE Companion to preceding. On the right woods, and a precipitous hill from which winds a roadway to a village in the distance. # Jo: SCHOOL OF PAOLO VERONESE Italian, 1528-1588 112 LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS | A decorative variant of the famous painting. Height, 48 inches; width, 41% inches. ~£ K 4 ° Height, 46 inches; width, 57 imches. JAMES G. TYLER Contemporary American 113. OFF THE COAST A sailing vessel is being swept to her doom by ie strong hurricane that is lashing the sea over ioe rocks. Signed lower left, James G. Tyler. Height, 30 inches; width, 40 imches. $0 FREDERICK J. BOSTON Contemporary American TAS ONS EE CONNECTICUT RIVER A cloudy day; in the foreground is a punt; on the one a country road winds to the distant village, wooded hills are seen across the river. Signed lower right, F. J. Boston. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. 36 ROBERT DE CUVILLON French, 1848-— m1z15 THE PERSIAN BEAUTY The dainty subject stands in pink brocaded dress and flowing draperies, a fan in her hand. Background green foliage. Water Color. Signed lower left, R. de Cuvillon. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. WILLIAM C. FITLER Contemporary American 116 SUNSET IN NEW ENGLAND On the right bank of a small stream is an old grist mill, surrounded by tall hemlocks, and on the left is a path with trees in the distance. A restful tone is given by a mellow setting sun. Water Color. Signed lower right, W. C. Fitler. . Height, 1334 inches; width, 1034 inches. J. WELLS CHAMPNEY American, 1843-— 117 THE DOMINO The charming subject in early eighteenth century cos- tume holds a black domino in her hand. Pastel. Signed upper right, J. Wells Champney, 18094. R.> . ; Height, 27 inches; width, 23 ches. HENRY PEMBER SMITH American, 1854—1907 118 SEASCAPE: A NORTH-EASTER Lowering clouds overhead in which a few gulls are flying to escape the storm. Row after row of billows break on a rocky ridge. Signed lower left, H. P. Smith. Height, 40 inches; width, 54 iches. $ oa 37 C. PETIT Contemporary Belgian 119 THE PET PIGEON A peasant is seated in a farmyard, her little daughter nearby is feeding her favorite pigeon. Panel. Signed lower left, C. Petit, 1878, Bruxelles. Height, 141% inches; width, 10% inches. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. American, 1816-1872 120 NEAR SLOKEN, ULSTER COUNTY Noble wooded hills rise from a fertile valley. Early summer with all its freshness. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. AUGUSTE MUSIN Contemporary Dutch 121 ON THE RIVER SCHELDT A fleet of fishing boats is seen idly drifting on the lazy waters. Signed lower right, Auguste Musin. Height, 32% inches; width, 25% inches. J. CRAWFORD THOM American, 1835-1898 122 THE LITTLE SHEPHERDESS The evening sun is setting over the hillside. A little girl with her flock of lambs is on her homeward way. Panel. Signed lower right, J. C. Thom. Height, 10 inches; width, 8% inches. 38 EMIL RAU German, 1858— 123 INTERIOR IN THE TYROL Two peasant women are seated; one plays the zither and the other has just regaled a young man who stands near by. Signed lower right, E. Rau, Munich. g. vo ‘ Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. LAWRENCE MAZZONVICH Contemporary American : 24 IN PIKE COUNTY A rich fresh green field occupies the foreground; in the middle distance is a village with its red roofed houses beyond a mountain ridge. Fleecy clouds are in a clear blue sky. Signed lower left, Mazzonvich. £ V0 Height, 21 inches; width, 25 inches. HENRY PEMBER SMITH American, 1854-1907 Pees te COTIAGE BY THE. STREAM On the right rising directly from the water is an old wooden cottage with its red brick chimney; beyond are fine old trees. Rising ground to the right. Bridge over stream in the distance. Signed lower right, H. P. Smith. Heys Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches; JOSEPH JEFFERSON American, 1829-1905 126 THE COAST OF MAINE Under a rainy sky the sea roughly tumbles on the sandy beach, to the right dashing over the low rocky coast. Signed lower left, J. Jefferson. g. {00° Height, 29% inches; width, 44 inches. 39 E. LOYAL FIELD American, 1856-1914 127 SUMMER DAY A marshy pool occupies the foreground; to the left woods shelter a farm house. A glowing sky gives a golden tone. Signed lower left, E. Loyal Field. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. W. MERRITT POST, A.N.A. — American, 1856— 128 APPROACH OF WINTER Feathery trees with their last dress of leaves border a stream; on the right a green field stretches to a distant woodland. Signed lower right, W. Merritt Post. £ iy Height, 19 inches; width, 24 inches. GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A. American, 1840—1909 129 GENESEE VALLEY A river lazily winds its way to a village. On the left is a man fishing from the bank and trees are behind him; wooded right bank with distant hills. The clouded blue sky casts its reflection upon the water. Signed lower left, G. H. McCord, A.N.A. ; ¢ Height, 20 inches;~ width, 30 inches. ‘100° W. C. EMERSON Contemporary American 130 AWAKENING OF DAY Amongst fantastic trees, young women in a classic dance are welcoming the glowing morn. Panel. Signed lower right, Emerson. : | i Height, 40 inches; width, 50 mches. f. oo" 40 GUSTAV WOLFF American, 1863-— 131 A WOODLAND PATHWAY The sun glints through the trees brightening the pathway for the occasional traveler. Signed lower left, Gustav Wolff. Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. J. WILLET Contemporary American 132 NOVEMBER HILLSIDE A roadway winds around the foot of a hillside which is crowned with a group of large trees; a brilliant blue sky mantles the hills. Signed lower left, J. Willet. Height, 28 inches; width, 30 inches. A. VAN BEEST American 133 ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTION AND THE GUERRIERE The combat is nearly over; the Guerriere is almost sink- ing. Signed lower right, Van Beest. Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. J. WILLET Contemporary American 134 A HAZY MORNING A tug boat puffing through the limpid waters, its tow swinging behind; the blue tone of the opal sky throws its glow on the water. Signed lower left, J. Willet. Height, 28 inches; width, 36 inches. AI GUSTAV WOLFF American, 1863-— 135 A SLOW MOVING STREAM On the left bank is a red-tiled cottage nestling amongst trees; to the right is flat pasturage with a village beyond; a pale sky illuminates the river. Signed lower left, Gus- tav Wolff. Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. W. C. EMERSON Contemporary American 136 AUTUMNAL GLOW Large poetic trees overhang a small pool, pastel like in coloring. Panel. Signed lower right, Emerson. Height, 23% inches; width, 27% inches. JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN American, 1853-1902 137 SAND DUNES OF CONEY ISLAND The ever moving sands are held in place by tufts of rough grass; beyond are the shacks and show men’s booths of the early days of Coney; the.sea stretches out — to the right. Inscribed on back. This picture is pre- sented to A. W. Drake, by the Century Company, etc. dp. 94.0 + Height, 14 inches; width, 18% inches. W. T. WANKIE Contemporary Russian 138 THE WATERING PLACE A young Cossack has just dismounted; he stands on the edge of a river watching a group in which a woman is bringing some water for his horse. Signed lower left, W. T. Wankie. | Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. 42 FREDERICK STUART CHURCH, N.A. American, 1842— 139 THE BIRD’S NEST A sweet young girl with wavy auburn tresses and light flowing gown is seen looking at a little oriole sitting on its nest. Signed lower right, F. S. Church, N.A., rors. Height, 20 inches; width, 27% inches. B- [00 - THOMAS B. GRIFFEN Contemporary American 140 PLEASANT VALLEY, ULSTER COUNTY The middle distance and foreground occupied by a slug- gish river. On left bank are trees that Autumn has tinted; the distance is occupied by low, sloping hills. Signed lower left, T. B. Griffen. Height, 18 inches; width, 30 inches. E. CARPENTIER French (40 tee, LITTLE CULPRIT In an old-fashioned northern French kitchen a little boy is being scolded for having broken his sister’s dolly. The little girl is resting her tear-stained face on her mother’s shoulder. Signed lower right, E. Carpentier, 1825. Height, 18 inches; width, 25 inches. JEAN CHARLES MEISSONIER Contemporary French 142 A CAVALIER A cavalier in medizval costume with red robe around him stands before the portal of his palace. Panel. Signed lower right, Chas. Meissonier, 188r. Height, 9% inches; width, 5% inches. $70 43 GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. American, 1864— 143. VENICE BY MOONLIGHT On right is a bank with trees; a gondola is lazily floating on the lagoon; beyond the palaces of Venice twinkle with their yellow light. The silvery moon casts its beams on the water. Signed lower right, Geo. H. Bogert. ¢ ga. Ko. Height, 13 inches; width, 16 ches. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. American, 1825-1894 144 HARLEM, 1879 At a pool two boys are fishing; trees and the Hudson River beyond. Executed in monochrome. At Ninth Avenue and One Hundred and Fiftieth Street. Signed lower left, in monogram, G. I. g yo Height, 13 inches; width, 10% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. American, 1853-— 145 AN AUTUMN SUNSET The sun is setting through a stormy sky; on the hillside to the right are large trees and a cottage. Signed lower left ss]e he Murpiiy.= 70: Height, 914 inches; width, 15 inches. $-9.6 0° | WILLIAM MORGAN, A.N.A. American, 1826-1900 146 MOTHER AND CHILDREN The happy mother is seated with her infant in her arms while an elder sister looks over her shoulder. Signed lower right, W. Morgan. $146 Height, 34 tmches; width, 28 inches. © 44 ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERK, A.N.A. American, 1855-— 147 THE BRONX RIVER A sultry summer day. The lazy river slowly winds its way to the distance. On either bank are green trees which are reflected in the water. Signed lower right, R. W. Van Boskerk. fp Ilo Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. BRUCE CRANE American, 1857— 148 AUTUMN From the fertile sod in the foreground rises a lonely tree partly robbed of its foliage; woodland beyond. The misty overhanging sky gives a sombre hue. Signed lower leit, Bruce Crane. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 imches. ai DANIEL GARBER American, 1880— 149 A SUMMER STORM The woodland in all the richness of its August color is bending with a heavy wind. A dark angry sky is over- head. Signed lower center, Daniel Garber. £. K0- Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. CHARLES P. GRUPPE American, 1860-— 150 NOVEMBER AFTERNOON, WESTCHESTER COUNTY A sluggish stream approaches the foreground; on its sloping green banks are some cattle; beyond are trees robbed of their foliage. Signed lower left, Chas. P. Gruppé. From the Gill Collection. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. g. qo: 45 G. E. BOICHARD Contemporary French 151 THE ARTIST’S MODEL The fair subject is crowned with nut brown hair and is enshrined in a filmy blue drapery. Signed lower left, G. E. Boichard. Height, 33% inches; width, 21 inches. ARTHUR T. HILL Contemporary American, 1868-— 152, CONWAY INTERVALES, NEW HAMPSHIRE Hay field skirted by trees and a village; blue hills on the left. . Signed lower left, A. T. Hill, 1911. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. ROBERT KLEUTH Contemporary American 153 SUMMER MOONRISE, NORWAY A flock of sheep homeward bound, wheat field on the right, the moon rises over the hillside. Signed lower right, R. Kleuth, ’88. Height, 22 inches; width, 36 inches. SCHOOL OF SALVATOR ROSA Italian, 1615-1673 154. BATTLE SCENE A cavalry engagement in full action, nearby a feudal fort- ress is being stormed by foot soldiers. Castle and ruins in the distance. Finely carved gilded wood frame. $. Ko. Height, 42 inches; width, 57 inches. 46 H. HERZOG German, 1832- foe PoE TYROL A Spring freshet is madly carrying down the rocky stream branches of trees. On the right are two cottages with pine clad mountains, beyond on the left bank is a mill with miller and girl and two donkeys. Signed lower left, H. Herzog. g. Gy. 50 THERESA SCHWARTZE Dutch, 1852- 156 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Three quarter length of young woman, costumed in rich medizval robes, adorned with lace, and on her head a large feathered hat. Signed upper right, Theresa Schwartze. q. : ke Height, 53 inches; width, 34% inches. Height, 38 inches; width, 52 inches. EUGENE HENRY CAUCHOIS : Contemporary French 157 FLOWERS A large bouquet of peonies in white, red and pink rest on astone. Signed lower right, E. H. Cauchois. Height, 21 inches; width, 251% inches. AUGUST HAGBORG Swedish, 1852— 158 RETURNING HOME The evening sun is setting over the quiet sea. On a flat sandy beach a young woman carries her shrimp net over her shoulder homeward bound; other fishers in the dis- tance are preparing to return from their toil. Signed lower left, Hagborg. ( Height, 34 inches; width, 23 inches. & bs 47 JULIAN V. RIX American 159 SUNSET IN CALIFORNIA Noble trees skirt a small rocky brook which approaches from the horizon. The sun has set, but spreads its fiery light on the lower clouds of the sky. Signed lower right ipasatke Height, 29 inches; width, 49% inches. CHARLES SALMON Contemporary French 160 THE REBUKE A mother in picturesque northern French costume is seated; she rebukes her little daughter who has failed in her lessons. Panel. Signed lower right. Ch. Salmon. Height, 161% inches; width, 12% inches. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. American, 1816-1872 161 ON THE GENESEE RIVER A placid stream wanders through its wooded banks from the distant mountains. $. ee Height, 1534 inches; width, 24 inches. — JOHAN VAN NECK Dutch, 1636-1714 162 CHRIST AT THE TEMPLE He stands expounding, clothed in a warm grey tunic, with an over drapery of red. The temple and trees form the background. Signed, J. V. Neck, 1693. n Height, 414% inches; width, 33% inches. be (0b 48 THIRD SESSION Friday Evening, March 9, 1917 at 8:15 o'clock Lots 163-237 JULIE H. BEERS Contemporary American 163 A WOODLAND WATER FALL A small stream tumbles over its rocky bed; a fallen tree amongst the bracken completes the background. | Signed lower right, Julie Beers. Height, 15 inches; width, 19 inches. JULIE H. BEERS Contemporary American 164 A WOODLAND STREAM Over its rocky bed, overshadowed by woods, winds a lazy crawling stream in all its coolness. To the left is large rank growing foliage. Signed lower left, Julie H. Beers. Height, 16 inches; width, 18 imches. JULIAN ONDERDONK American, 1882—, 165 SAN ANTONIO RIVER, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS The foreground is a river with its water lilies in bloom; on the left trees overhang the water; on the right a wooded embankment. The sky with its clouds are reflected on the water. Panel. Signed lower right, Julian Onder- donk. Height, 8 inches; width, 11 inches. 49 SILVIO FACCIOTI Contemporary Italian 166 INTERIOR OF MUSIC ROOM — A maid has just taken up a clarionet to playfully try it when an excited professor appears. “Panel. Signed, Silvio i Faccioti. . . Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. American, 1811-1893 © 167 SUMMER QUIETUDE At a pool cows are watering; large trees in full foliage- overhang a small farm house; a village and mountains : in the background. Panel. Signed lower left, J. W. C. 4 a Ko Height, 6% inches; width, 9 Wy inches. W. MERRITT POST, A.N.A. ? American 1856— 168 THE STREAM On the right bank is a mass of wooded rocks. The left bank is flat lands. The cold grey sky is reflected upon the water. Water Color. Signed lower left, W. Merritt Sf 0St- . Height, 15 inches; width, 21% inches. | W. FITZ Contemporary German 169 THE DEVOUT MONK The grey-bearded old monk is seated contemplating the cross which he clasps in his hands. Signed lower left, W. Fitz, 1874. Height, 36 inches; width, 29% inches. 50 A KENTISH SHEPHERD By GEORGE MORLAND, R.A. [NUMBER 207] D. F. HASBROUCK Contemporary American 170 IN THE WOODS Large silver birches overshadow a pool. Water Color. , 7 Signed lower right, D. F. Hasbrouck. x Height, 137% inches; width, 10% inches. 7 \ HENRY PEMBER SMITH American, 1854—1907 171 CONNECTICUT HOMESTEAD The vine hung cottage among trees is the key to the com- position. On the left is seen a little stream with ducks; a red brick bridge gives approach to the cottage. Signed — lower right, Henry P. Smith. | EN “0 ; Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. W. MERRITT POST, A.N.A. American, 1856— 172 A BLEAK DECEMBER DAY The earth is covered by a mantle of snow. To the left is a frozen brook crossed by an old bridge. A farm house surrounded by bare trees looms up in the background. Water Color. Signed lower right, W. Merritt Post. Height, 20 inches; width, 26 inches. M. ROUZEE Contemporary French 173 .ON THE.BEACH AT DIEPPE Two fisher girls in their quaint costumes are walking on the beach; shipping is in distance. Panel. Signed lower right, M. Rouzée. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. 52 PIGS By GEORGE MORLAND, R.A. [NUMBER™ 208] DANIEL HUNTINGTON, N.A. American, 1816-1906 174 PORTRAIT OF MRS. ELIZABETH U. COLES “Standing, with the figure turned to the left, and the face to the front. The fingers of the right hand touch lightly the back of a chair, the left clasps the folds of her white silk gown. The background is cool grey.’”—From the catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Signed lower left, D. Huntington, 1872. Height, 55 inches; width, 38 ches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. B.)n0 - ) E. LOYAL FIELD American, 1856-1914 — 175 A SOFT OCTOBER MORN Russet trees on the left are swept by a roadway; rising wooded hills are in the distance. Water Color. Signed lower left, E. Loyal Field. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. EDWARD GAY, N.A. American, 1838-— 176 EDGE OF THE LANE : Silver beeches occupy the middle distance and border a lane; in the foreground is a rocky pasturage and beyond re wooded hills. Panel. Signed lower right, Edward ay. : Height, 12 inches; width, 18 mches. JULES CLAIRE Contemporary French 177. THE ANXIOUS ONES Two women, one with a babe in her arms, and the other with a bundle containing their earthly belongings are walking down a road. The sad expression on their faces is a reminder of the days of ’71. A cottage in the distance. The sky is heavily laden with clouds. Signed lower right, Jules Claire. Height, 2734 inches; width, 22 inches. 54 [60z aaaWaAN] MAMOAT HOIMGAIMA DIMGNT Tavo “¢ ASSVENA NVILANAA AHL DNIATAOUN NVITINEXVW YONAd Na THOMAS B. GRIFFEN Contemporary American — 178 IN THE CATSKILLS a In the foothills; a stream to the left and fine old wes ab to the right. Beyond are wooded hills rising to peaks, Signed lower right, T. B. Griffen. : Height, 18 inches; width, = inches A. D. BOEHM Contemporary German 179 THE WILLING GUIDE Sia a A warrior seated on his white horse. Tohisleftisapeas- — ant with a brace of fowl over his shoulder leading a cali 2 ae with his right hand; with his left hand he points out the __ road for the warrior. Panel. Signed lower right, A. D. Boehm. Sie ae Height, 61% inches; width, 534 inches. == HENRY PEMBER SMITH American, 1854-1907 180 CANAL IN VENICE Clear sunny day, the reflections of the palaces and their colored awnings are on the lazy water which carries many gondoliers. Water Color. Signed lower left, Henry P. Smith. | 4 as Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches. — M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. American, 1832-1895 : 78r. SUNSET The sun is gleaming on the rippling sea, two fishing smacks are anchored near the shore on which stands an interested group watching the smacks. Signed lower right, M. F. H. de Haas, 1877. | Height, 25 inches; width, 42 inches. Q. 5. SO 56 THE YOUNG CAVALIER By FERDINAND ROYBET [NUMBER 218] THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutch, 1850-1904 182 THE WOODED POOL Lacey trees and the setting sun are gently reflected in the rippling water. Signed lower right, Th. de Bock. Height, 15¥2 inches; width, og inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Blo: JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. American, 1811-1893 183 A SUMMER AFTERNOON A large flat green field in the foreground occupied by a hay wagon and farm hands, to the left is a farm house shaded by tall fresh green trees, hills are in the distance. The dying sun shows itself through the hot hazy atmos- phere. Signed lower right, J. W. C., ’78. ¢ %o Height, 9 inches; width, 13% inches. JOSE JIMENEZ Y ARANDA Spanish, 1837-1903 184 THE VETERAN’S TALE Four old soldiers are seated on a marble bench below a balustraded terrace; a fifth on crutches listens to the dis- cussion; at the right is an avenue with figures in the dis- tance. Panel. Signed lower left, Jimenez y Aranda. QD. Xo. Height, 21 inches; width, 26% inches. a FELIX SATURNI DE WARVILLE BRISSOT French, 1818-1892 185 SHEEP AT EVENTIDE Over a country road a shepherd leads his flock to their fold; on the left is a corn field with a scarecrow and trees in the background. On the right is rolling pasturage, in the distance a village looms in view. Signed lower right, Brissot. Height, 2534 inches; width, 36 inches. 58 THE MOAT By JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT [NUMBER 219] FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. American, 1848-1914 186 PULPIT ROCK, COAST OF MAINE The majestic and famous rock rises on the left. The set- ting sun casts its rays on the breakers of the incoming tide; sailing vessels drift in the horizon. Signed lower right, F. K. M. Rehn. Height, 224% inches; width, 36 inches. A. WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. American, 1840—1896 187 THE ROAD TO THE SAWMILL The wagon rests on a road which has just emerged from a heavy wood; to the right is a pasturage with cattle grazing; a sunny day. Signed, A Wordsworth Thomp- son, ’77. | Height, 20 inches; width, 17 mches. E. RICHTER Contemporary German 188 THE MOORISH MINSTREL Before an arched balcony looking over the doomed city stands a gay costumed girl with her inlaid lyre in her hand. Signed lower left, E. Richter. g Ido Height, 36 inches; width, 22% inches. THOMAS B. GRIFFEN Contemporary American 189 VALLEY STREAM Aglow with warm Autumn browns; the stream wanders over its rocky bed to the right foreground. Wooded hills rise from the right bank and noble trees are on the left bank. Signed lower left, T. B. Griffen. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. 60 [vez aaaNWON] ‘VN ‘SSHNNI ADUOAD AYVMVIAG AHL NO A. MONTEMEZZO Contemporary Italian 190 PEASANT GIRL WITH GEESE Low lying village with stream. Waddling flock of geese in foreground and nearby a peasant girl with two cows. Signed lower right, A. Montemezzo. $$ Height, 30 inches, width, 53 mches. JOZEF CHELMONSKI Contemporary Russian 19t THE WEDDING DANCE At the door of an old log cabin the old fiddler is seen play- ing in the lowering evening light, while the merry quaint costumed couples dance on the rough ground. Signed lower left, Jozef Chelmonski, 1878, Paris. Obersk (un danze pologne). 4 (0 Height, 28 inches; width, 51 imches. E. LOYAL FIELD American, 1856-1914 192 HARVEST MOON A warm reflection glints in the small pool in the fore- ground; to the left and right are groups of old oak trees and in the distance nestles a village. Signed lower left, E. Loyal Field. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. EDWIN H. BLASHFIELD American, 1848— 193 PANDORA’S BOX The charming pink-robed subject holds the magic box before her. Signed lower left, Edwin Howland Blashfield. P Height, 48 inches; width, 29 inches. 4 (~ QO é ve \ 62 NEAR STOCKBRIDGE By J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. [NUMBER 225] M. BOKS Contemporary Dutch 194 EVENTIDE IN HOLLAND Through the flat fields a peasant and his dog een an old farm house on the left, a gleam of the dying sun shows itself across the middle distance; fleeting white clouds drift across the sky. Signed lower right, M. Boks. Height, 161% inches; width, 3334 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ( ma TD & J cys 2 & } i % R. HOHENBERG Contemporary German 195 MOTHERLY HAPPINESS The young mother in rich costume of the middle ages holds her baby in her arm. Signed lower center, R, Ho- henberg, Munchen, 1888, P Height, 49 inches; width, 3514 inches, SAMUEL B. F. MORSE, N.A, (Attributed) American, 1791-1872 196 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Seated with arms folded, turning to the left, facing three- quarters front, wearing a white cravat, yellow waistcoat and dark blue coat. Panel. Height, 30 inches; width, 24% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum OLA iD ANTOINE COYPEL French, 1661-1722 197 NYMPHS AND SATYRS In a woodland glade, a bacchanalian scene is interestingly depicted. Height, 18 inches; width, 2134 inches. From the Peoli Collection. 64 CHARLES GILBERT STUART American, 1756-1828 198 GEORGE WASHINGTON A replica of the well-known subject. Executed especially for Isaac McKim of Boston, 1819. On oval panel. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. B.3jo0- VAN DER VELDE THE YOUNGER Dutch, 1633-1707 199 THE STORM On a heavy surging sea is an old galley fast sinking; two others are in the offing. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. From the collection of Sir Geo. Dashwood, Bart., Kerling- ton Park, England. 4.9.66 » THOMAS SULLY American, 1783-1872 200 PORTRAIT OF GEORGE COLES Half length, turning to the left; almost facing the spec- tator. A vigorous, fresh-complexioned young man. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. $. gso: 4s KnoeAlur. JAN VICTOORS Dutch, 1620-1672 201 LANDSCAPE WITH MARKET CART A simple Dutch scene of peasant life. Two horses har- nessed to a market wagon and feeding at a trough are out- side a tavern door, while peasants are regaling themselves ae Height, 31 inch idth, 40% inch eight, 31 inches; width, 40% iches. R$ ee : 05 JAN A. VAN RAVESTEYN ~ Dutch, 1572-1657 202 PORTRAIT OF A BURGOMASTER A handsome middle-aged man looks slightly to the righe fresh, vigorous complexion and wears a large ruff around Pxhis neck, three-quarter length. Panel. a Height, 40% inches; width, 30 inches. From the collection of Marchioness of Cunningham. » See wlustration. %- H95: SALVATOR ROSA Italian, 1616-1673 203 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND CASTLE A river and bridge in the foreground; mountains in the distance and:large trees with rich foliage to the right. . i 4 Twa S.. $. 94K: Height, 25 inches; width, 37 inches. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL ~ 204. PORTRAIT OF THE EARL OF KINSELLA The noble subject looks slightly to the right, half length, in full armor with lace cravat and a large curly wig down to his shoulders. Height, 31% inches; width, 23 inches. ANTOINE BERNARD CHAUMONT French, 1755-1828 205 -PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST Costumed in a fichu over blue brocaded dress and a quaint closely fitting cap, she holds in her hand a drawing of a few sheep. . g. eta Height, 321% inches; width, 26% inches. Po OS | 66 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, R.A. English, 1732-1792 206 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF Half length figure of the artist in dark red cloak, white stock and three cornered hat. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. _ This picture was in the possession of Benjamin Haydon, the great historical painter, at the time of his death and was brought to the country by one of his pupils. GEORGE MORLAND, R.A. English, 1763-1804 207 A KENTISH SHEPHERD Under a beautiful spreading oak tree, the rustic figure stands, his faithful dog at his heels and his flock nearby; pasturage and hill in the distance. Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches. See note to No. 208, See tlustration. $ Oak: GEORGE MORLAND, R.A. English, 1763-1804 208 PIGS Two huge pigs are contentedly lying in a sty after acopious feeding; a young boy gazes intently at them. Height, 17 inches; width, 21 tches. This painting together with No. 207 was brought to New York from London by Peter Mackie, who was buried in Trinity Churchyard, 1834. These two paintings were recently acquired from a descendant of that prominent merchant by the present owner. See illustration. Q. 0. 67 CARL LUDWIG FRIEDRICH BECKER qi German, 1820-1900 209 EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN RECEIVING THE VENE- TIAN EMBASSY d The exalted potentate in blue velvet costume sits at a table covered with an Oriental rug on which are several maps; on the marble floor is a large tiger skin; to the rear stand officers of the household. In various attitudes of supplication the four venerable Venetians present their cause to the Emperor. Signed lower left, C. Becker, 1877. Historic Note. After the capture of Verona, Senator Antonio Giustiniani, at the head of the Embassy, threw himself at the feet of the Emperor in order to make his address. Immediately a blank sheet of paper was handed to him to be filled up with the conditions of peace. (See Schlosser’s History of the World.) —From the Catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Height, 61% inches; width, 94 inches. Mentioned in Scribner’s Cyclopedia of Painters and Paint- ings. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See illustration. | DE Rep ss : \ g. boo: HOG ‘ ALEXANDRE DEFAUX French, 1826— 210 SPRINGTIME Two clumps of old apple trees in blossom edge a field through which runs a brook overgrown with rushes; a large flock of ducks is watering and disporting itself in the water: two grand trees partially hide the quaint old Normandy village and its church. Signed lower left, 1878, A. Defaux. Height, 4934 inches; width, 78 inches. — Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum OlnATis g. Ao. 68 HUGUES MERLE French, 1823-1881 fir Loe SPINNER “A French peasant girl is seated by a spinning-wheel with her left hand resting lightly over the wheel; with the right hand she holds a distaff. The figure is turned slightly to the right of the spectator; the face squarely to the front. Her long black hair falls about her shoulders, and her dark full eyes look intently out of the picture. An old bronze lamp is suspended from the light grey wall which forms the background. Three-quarter length, life-size.””—From the catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Signed right top, Hugues Merle, 1874. Height, 52 inches; width, 35 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum g. a0! Art. BLAISE ALEXANDER DESGOFFE French, 1830-1887 272° STILL LIFE A standing crystal coupe, beautifully engraved, is reflected in a small Renaissance mirror. The coupe is supported by a gilded stand which rests on a console table bestrewn with flowers and a green satin embroidered coat, charming in color and exquisite in detail. (See Catalogue of Metro- politan Museum of Art.) Signed lower left, Blaise Desgoffe. Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum Oi Art. ‘ 4 00 DAVID ADOLPHE ARTZ Dutch, 1837-1890 213, (HE FIRST STEP Seated in an old-time Dutch kitchen, with its quaint atmosphere, is a grandmother supporting her little grandson who is attempting to take his first ‘steps over to his mother, who sits on a small stool with hands out- stretched ready to receive him. Signed lower right, Artz, 1872. Height, at inches; width, 581% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan -Muesum of Art. $. | § 69 NARCISSE-VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA French, 1807-1876 214 THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU From the foreground stretches a path flanked on vel side by tall trees. In the distance the sun throws its brilliant rays upon the autumnal colors. Traces of a deep blue sky are seen through the a foliage. Panel. - Signed lower left, Diaz ’69. 4. oo Height, 13 inches; save 17 inches. Ko JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE E Belgian, 1821-1910 215 FLOWERS ‘‘A group of roses and pansies topped out with daisies Pr | wild grasses lie on the border of pool of water where they are reflected among the petals which float on the sur- face.” —From the Catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Panel. Signed lower left, J. Robie. Height, 25 inches; width, 18% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. B43 Ko MARIE ROSA BONHEUR.: French, 1822-1899 216 DEER IN THE FOREST; AT TWILIGHT “The twilight gleams iene: a forest of trees from whose intertwining branches the Autumn leaves have fallen, scattering their purple tints over the moss-grown rocks and uneven soil. In the center of the wood are three deer at rest; two are lying down, the other stands on the alert; a feeling of silence pervades the scene.””—From the Cata- logue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Signed lower left, Rosa Bonheur. Height, 2534 inches; width, 32% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. §.92150 : Rent CESARE DETTI Italian, 1848- 217 THE LANDING AT THE CHATEAU A gay eighteenth century costumed party has just rowed up to the landing; two personages are approaching. The mild air of Southern France is finely depicted. Signed lower right, Cesare Detti ’81. g «(10 FERDINAND ROYBET French, 1840— Height, 13% inches; width, 22 inches. 218 THE YOUNG CAVALIER Half length, in court costume with white ruffled collar and large velvet hat. He looks at the spectator. Panel. Signed upper right, F. Roybet. Height, 24 inches; width, 19% inches. See ulustration. $4 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT French, 1796-1875 19, Lay MOAT A small boat with its occupant lazily rests on the water; the grey outer walls of the castle with their turrets and the graceful poplars beyond are reflected in the waters of the moat. The sun is setting in a luminous sky. Signed lower left, Corot. Height, 28% inches; width, 24 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See tlustration. Nie ty a e $: {2-4 / é 71 NARCISSE-VERGILE DE LA PENA DIAZ French, 1807-1876 220 THE LOVERS The lovers descend a garden stairway and are met by a beggar boy who receives alms from the fair damsel. The background is of lovely feathery trees through which the blue sky shimmers. Signed lower corner, N. Diaz, ’48. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 mches. WILLIAM DIDIER-POUGET French 221 HEATHER IN BLOOM . A slight eminence in the foreground through which runs a winding path; a peasant with a flock of sheep is ascend- ing through the blooming heather. In the middle distance is a placid lake and a vast panorama, showing a wooded country to the left, and precipitous hills to the right. | The sun is setting on the horizon, the distant hills and trees are in shadow. Signed lower right, Didier-Pouget. Bs %§ d {i,m kh ’ - -) Height, 36 inches; width, 29 ches. PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT French, 1829-1900 222 SUMMER In the foreground is a lake with two figures on the bank. Hills occupy the middle distance with large trees on the right and left. Beyond a small cottage looms in view. The morning sun is just crawling up behind the hills. Signed lower right, Trouillebert. Height, 21% inches; width, 28% inches. a a §. |bo | 72 GEORGE H. BOGERT, N.A. American, 1864— 223 COMING STORM A marshy pool with expansive fields and woodland; beyond are two women homeward bound. A heavily clouded sky through which the evening sun shoots its parting rays. Signed lower left, Geo. H. Bogert. i Height, 18% inches; width, 2534 inches. $104. ¥0 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. American, 1825-1894 224 ON THE DELAWARE At the left is a path running to a woodland; an old man is seen wandering along the bank of the lazy river; to the right, partly hidden by the wooded hills, rests the village; hazy blue mountains in the distance; slowly moving fleecy clouds on the clear blue sky complete the composi- tion. Signed lower right, G. Inness, 1871. Height, 26 inches; width, 36 inches. See ilustration. $ 5 (cihal KA My oA J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. American, 1853-— 225 NEAR STOCKBRIDGE Marshy pool in the foreground; rising ground with a mass of fine trees to the left. A lofty luminous sky fills the canvas. Signed lower left, J. F. Murphy ’7o. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. See illustration. pe) i” w/ ~ GEORGE H. BOGERT, N.A. American, 1864— 226 SUNRISE ON THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE A halo of glory throws its effulgence on the placid waters, Signed lower left, Geo. H. Bogert. Height, 121% inches; width, 16 inches. G35 73 Ll pala } ae . ae Ba > > bee . : a! oe RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. American, 1847— 227 THE MEETING Two Indians in confab stand in the shadow of dark teen and rocks; overhead to the left a heavy luminous cloudy sky. Panel. Indistinct signature on lower left, R. A. Blakelock. ) Height, 8 inches; width, 94 inches. Bought at Ortgies, April, 1891. £. |{o- e . J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. American, 1853-— 228 AFTER THE STORM, DELAWARE RIVER A slow moving winding stream on which is a fisherman in his punt; to the left a rising well-wooded bank; in the distance hills. The trees on the lower right bank throw — a heavy reflection in the river. Signed lower right, J. F. Murphy ’78. iS Height, 16, inches; width, 24 inches. $ oo YU ie HENRY GOLDEN DEARTH, N.A. American, 1864— 229 A HOT SUMMER EVENING Open country with few trees and a farm house; overhead is a heavy blue sky with the red sun just disappearing over the distant ridge. Signed lower right, H. Dearth. g Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. | (60 : LEON BAKST Contemporary Russian 230 DECOR CARNIVAL Plate 6r L’Art Decoratif de Leon Bakst, Paris 1913. Bought from the Artist. Water color. ‘Signed lower right, Bakst. Height, 1734 inches; width, 27 inches. £. Lo ¢ 74 ALEXANDRE CABANEL French, 1823-1889 231 QUEEN VASHTI REFUSES TO COME AT THE COM- MAND OF KING AHASUERUS. “She is seated a little to the left, looking sadly but firmly at the spectator. In her raised right hand is a feather fan, | and her left hand rests by her side on the blue cushioned seat of the chair. She wears a blue and gold headdress set with pearls. Heavy gold ornaments are in her ears, and her coal-black hair hangs loosely about the shoulders which are covered with diaphanous drapery. About her waist is a jeweled blue girdle with heavy bands rising over the shoulders, while delicate light drapery covers the figure below the waist. The head and hand of the slave who brings the message from the King, projects into the picture at her left. The background is a deep purple red.”—From the Catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Signed lower right, Alex. Cabanel, 1880. Height, 5134 inches; width, 38% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. B bos NARCISSE-VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA French, 1807-1876 232 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU “There is a deep, rich brown wood with light tree trunks at the right. In the foreground are pools of water and an opening to a denser forest, and above is a patch of blue sky.”—From the Catalogue of the Metropolitan - Museum of Art. Panel. Signed lower left, N. Diaz, 1872. Height, 18 inches; width, 14% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. W/O Bie re . \boo wpe ¢ Crohn, JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER French, 1815-1891 233 MAN READING “A man habited in black is sitting in a large armchair with his right foot across the left knee. He is reading from an open book which he holds in both hands. A low latticed window is at his left from which the light enters the room crossing the figure which is turned slightly towards the window. A dark, warm brown tone pervades the room.”’ —From the Catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Panel. Signed lower right, Meissonier, 1870. Height, 9% inches; width, 63% inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. LY; 75 Vi g. Yoo iY We - cre j - JULES DUPRE French, 1811-1889 234 SUMMER “‘In the foreground a group of cattle are standing in the water; at the left is an old oak tree with its sturdy branches stretching out over a sky that is filled with brilliant clouds.”—From the Catalogue of the Metro- politan Museum of Art. Signed lower left, J. Dupré. Height, 614 inches; width, 1134 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum Qfor “nv Kenoebler ihe. HENRI FANTIN-LATOUR French, 1836— 235 A SUMMER DREAM A poetic composition; a young woman garbed in white gown, sitting at the edge of a lake watching the swans idly floating on the lazy water. To the left rise tall poplars and through the hazy atmosphere are faintly seen distant mountains. Signed lower right, Fantin-Latour. d K Height, 21% inches; width, 17% inches. LUDWIG KNAUS German, 1829-1910 236 HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL The dimpled damsel mischievously looks directly at the spectator. Panel. Signed upper left, L. Knaus, 1872. Height, 9% inches; width, 7 inches. Exhibited for many years at the ri A Museum of Art. $b Te i: JOSEPH JANSEN German, 1829-— 237 GLACIERS IN THE ALPS “A rocky foreground with mountain pines are at the left of a glacier which reaches up the mountain gorge. Bare verdureless ledges on the mountain side rise into a cloudy sky.’’—From the Catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Signed lower left, Jos. Jansen. Height, 52 inches; width, 85 inches. Exhibited for many years at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. H. ~~ = , =. 7 a oe an 7 > 1 ' . } . ta eS “Es, * os 2 rn od ! i; te : “ Ki ~ k ea ae x aig ae ‘: ¥S ats . Le ee { 7 ote eke ae ey ae a iy “ ae } ~ hs