if hE th dt neh dd dnd A SVT KTS LS a es 1G ey French Institute in the United States MUSEUM OF FRENCH ART eth Official Loan Exhibition NAPOLEON and L'AIGLON Pe 26th February Ist to February Sai ee Gogheall Hi seek Ava SHEET CATALOGUE 25 CENTS ; Grsve par Nhe - am and ¥ a seed eee ~-* x The design for the cover of this log was made by Percier and engraved by Malb for the Coronation of Napoleon *) Courtesy of Mi: Sloog, Esq. 3 INSTITUT FRANCAIS AUX ETATS-UNIS REPERTOIRE DE L’ART FRANCAIS AUX ETATS-UNIS 1926-1927 $7 French Institute in the United States MUSEUM OF FRENCH ART SEVENTH OFFICIAL LOAN EXHIBITION OF FRENCH ART Napoléon and l’Aiglon February Ist to February 19th, 1927, Inclusive 22 EAST 60th STREET | ay ‘The Paris Auxiliary of the Friends of the Museum was organized by the Exhibition Committee in the Spring of 1926. It is composed of Americans domiciled in France; the Secretary of the Paris Auxiliary will keep the Advisory Committee informed of objects which are worth while which are to be offered for purchase in France. ‘This service will be carefully organized in its details and should be productive of marked results. OFFICERS OF THE PARIS AUXILIARY Hon. Myron C. Herrick (ex-officio)....Honorary Chairman WAUTERCGAY 2.0.25 aaa Oe ek Chairman SHELDON WHITEHOUSE | Mrs. Ropert Bacon Pig Caer Honorary Vice-Chairmen Joun Riwwcrtey Carter | Miss. MARGARET B. GOULD... .. 2023... eee Secretary 11 rue Masserau. You will be heartily welcomed as one of the Friends of the Museum. Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to the Friends of the Museum of French Art Foundation, and a form for gifts by will will be found on a subsequent page. NAPOLEON’S DEATH MASK C-38 Courtesy of Dr. A. S, W. Rosenbach > > >r & SP > el Seem a GATALOGUE L’ABBE VIGNALI’S COLLECTION OF NAPOLEON RELICS Loaned by Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach. Nos. A-1 to C-40 Brought from Saint-Helena by Napoleon’s Chaplain, Abbe Ange Paul Vignali. (a) Retics or NAPOLEON. Napoleon’s knife, fork and spoon in silver, engraved in deep re- lief with the Imperial Coat of Arms of Napoleon, and forming part of the famous great dinner service, most of which was broken up at St. Helena and sold as silver in order to supplement Na- poleon’s funds. Napoleon’s silver cup, engraved with the Imperial Coat of Arms, forming part of one of Napoleon’s travelling dressing-cases. A packet containing three kinds of hair of Napoleon (hair of the head, of the body, and of the beard). ‘The packet is in- scribed in Vignali’s handwriting and there is a letter by Vignali referring to the origin of this hair. A shirt of Napoleon’s in very fine holland marked with the Im- perial cipher, and according to tradition worn by him during the last days of his illness. A handkerchief of Napoleon’s marked with his cipher. The famous white breeches worn by Napoleon. A white piqué waistcoat worn by Napoleon. A colored handkerchief (so-called bandana) habitually worn by Napoleon at St. Helena. A mummified tendon taken from Napoleon’s body during the post-mortem. (The authenticity of this remarkable relic has lately been confirmed by the publication in the Revue des Deux Mondes of a posthumous memoir by St. Denis, in which he ex- pressly states that he and Vignali took away small pieces of Na- poleon’s corpse during the autopsy. ) 9 > Fr > > Sr SP 10 tas 28 The church register of the chapel at Longwood of St. Helena, registering one marriage and two deaths, written and signed by Vignali’s predecessor, Bonavita. | An altar cloth trimmed with lace from the chapel at Longwood. ‘Two small altar cloths marked with Napoleon’s cipher. Another altar cloth trimmed with lace. Three chalice cloths marked with Napoleon’s cipher. A surplice trimmed with lace. Vignali’s church vestments of green silk trimmed with silver braid. A length of white silk curtain (trimmed with green) used in Napoleon’s study at St. Helena. (b) DocuMENTs. Vignali’s diary, his diploma of Rome University as Doctor of Medicine, his diploma of theology and his passport with British visa. A card of invitation signed by Sir Hudson Lowe, Governor of St. Helena. Six letters of Count de Montholon, Napoleon’s companion at St. Helena. Five letters of Comte de Bertrand, Napoleon’s companion at St. Helena. Three letters of Marchand, Napoleon’s valet and executor. One letter of Cardinal Fesch (Napoleon’s uncle). Two letters of Coursot, Napoleon’s butler at St. Helena. One letter of Las Cases, Napoleon’s companion at St. Helena. One letter of Bonavita, Napoleon’s chaplain (Vignali’s prede- cessor). One letter of Maret Duke of Bassano. One letter signed by the three executors of Napoleon (Bertrand, Montholon and Marchand) and a signed copy of the codicil in favor of Vignali. 10 (On 8h, C 40 Accounts of salary to Vignali signed by Bertrand. Accounts of legacy signed by Montholon. Two accounts of the distribution of the legacies signed by the banker Lafitte. One volume of Las Cases’ memoirs with author’s autograph. A letter of Paoli, a letter of Bertrand, a letter from Madam Mere, signed by Rosa Mellin. A draft of a letter by Vignali referring to the hair of Napoleon. A copy of Napoleon’s will by Vignali made at St. Helena. Most important documents referring to the affair Peraggi (the above refer to the episode with regard to the objects left to the Duke of Reichstadt). A letter from Frederic Masson addressed to Gianettini (Vig- nali’s nephew) constituting a further proof of the authenticity of the collection. (c) Napoveon’s DEATH Mask. Napoleon I. Death Mask from the matrix moulded at St. Helena from the face of the dead hero by Napoleon’s doctor, Antommarchi. ‘This matrix Antommarchi retained till 1833, when he made and issued a few masks from same, each bearing his stamp at base (the matrix was then handed to the French Government, and is now in the Hotel des Invalides, Paris). This mask is of exceptional interest, being the one owned by Napoleon’s chaplain, L’Abbé Vignali, who administered the last Sacrament to Napoleon at St. Helena. See illustration Accompanying the death mask is a highly important autograph letter from Dr. Antommarchi to Abbé Vignali, sending him a printed prospectus of the former’s intention to issue to a few subscribers the ““Platre ou Masque de l|’Empereur Napoléon,”’ and requesting Vignali’s help. : Antommarchi’s printed circular relating to the Death Mask, to which he refers in the above letter. Loaned by the Rosenbach Co. 11 ABBE VIGNALI'S NAPOLEON RELICS. Ange Paul Vignali was one of the two Corsican priests who were sent out by Cardinal Fesch (Napoleon’s uncle) to St. Helena in order to establish a chapel at Longwood and to conduct religious services therein. ‘The eldest of the two priests, Bonavita, only stayed a very short time at St. Helena and returned to Europe, whilst Vignali remained with the Emperor Napoleon up to his death and returned to Europe together with all the other companions of the exile. Vignali was in charge of the chapel at Longwood for over a year, and he it was who administered the last sacrament to Napoleon, and conducted Napo- leon’s funeral ceremony. In his will Napoleon left him a sum of 100,000 francs with the wish that he should utilize this money for building a house in his native village, Bisinchi, near Porto Nuevo, and he also entrusted him with a number of objects belong- ing to the chapel at Longwood, mostly silver and gold church vessels, altar cloths, etc., which Vignali was to remit to Napoleon’s son, the Duke of Reich- stadt, in Vienna. As is well known, none of Napoleon’s companions in exile were ever allowed to communicate with the Duke of Reichstadt, and Vignali was not able to carry out the Emperor’s orders. The fate of the objects en- trusted to him was a very peculiar one, as through the dishonesty of a Corsican lawyer, Peraggi, they finally landed in the State Pawnbroking Office in Paris (Mionte de Pieté) and after long litigation were repurchased from it by the Duke of Padua, who returned them to the Emperor’s family. These objects are now in the possession of Prince Victor Napoleon. Frederic Masson has de- scribed these objects in one of his volumes dealing with the St. Helena period, but rather incompletely, because not all the documents were at his disposal. Apart from those personal objects belonging to Napoleon which were ex- pressly and specifically willed to the various persons of his entourage, a great number of objects remaining and not dealt with under the will were, according to the mutual decision of his companions, divided among them. A share went to Vignali, and it is this share which forms the items constituting the Vignali collection. AUTHENTICITY OF THE COLLECTION Vignali returned to Corsica at the end of 1821 and settled down in his native village, where he reconstructed his house with such funds as he could secure from Napoleon’s executors. Several years afterwards (in 1828) he was killed in a vendetta. His sole heir was his sister, Roxane Vignali Gianettini; she inherited the entire estate of the Abbé Vignali, including the present collec- tion. After her death this collection descended to her only son, Charles-Marie Gianettini, and from this latter the present collection was acquired. Charles Gianettini, who is still alive, is now 96 years old, and has testified in a special notarial act that all the items brought in 1821 by his uncle, Abbé Vignali, have been kept in their integrity at the family house at Bisinchi and that they have been religiously preserved up to the time of their sale. A notarial document was executed in 1916 in favor of the last owner, giving a full list and descrip- tion of all the items in this collection. 12 PAINTINGS 1 Josephine, 1813.—George Rouget. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. 2 Napoleon in His Imperial Robes.—Géerard. Loaned by Alexander A. Kelly, Esq. 3 Grenadier of the Garde Impériale—Charlot. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. 4 Napoleon. —Unknown. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. BRONZES AND METALS 5 Standing figure of Napoleon.—Canova. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. 6 Bust in Bronze, yellow marble pedestal. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. 7 Napoleon on Horseback, marble base. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. 8 Profile Medallion, Napoleon as Emperor.—Life size bronze on marble plaque. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. 9 Figurine of Napoleon, 1820. Loaned by Miss Georgiana W. Sargent. 10 Clock, Marble, cuivre doré mount.—Barancourt.—Presented by the Emperor Napoleon to Marshal Ney. Loaned by Pierre C. Cartier, Esq. 11 Statue of Napoleon in lead. Loaned by Mrs. DeWitt Clinton Cohen 11a Bronze statuette of Napoleon with arms crossed. On base of statuette is a base relief of a winged angel lying on a wheel (the wheel of time probably) and inscribed “Isla d’Elba. Loaned by Dr. Reginald H. Sayre. 13 2 13 14 Ne) 16 Me) 18 19 20 21 aa PORCELAINS AND GLASS Epérgne from Malmaison.—Sevres. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Bust of Josephine as Empress.—Bisquit de Sevres.—Pierre Chinard. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Statue of Napoleon.—Worcester. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Bust of Napoleon, colored.—Terra cotta. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Tiéte-a-téte set—Belonged to the Marquise de la Place, lady-in- waiting to Marie Louise. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Medallion of L’Aiglon, bisque. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. Toby-jug, portrait of Napoleon.—English. Loaned by Mrs. Harvey Chatfield. Three finger bowls, rinse bouches——From the Palace of the ‘Tuileries. Loaned by Miss Georgiana Sargent. Two champagne glasses—Marked N and J.—From Malmaison. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Porcelain pipe, portrait medallion. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. Brandy tumbler, glass, marked Napoleon. Loaned by Miss Irene Bigelow. 22a Pair of figurines. Napoleon and one of his soldiers, Faience of Niderviller. Loaned by Mrs. Roswell Eldridge. 14 23. 24 23 26 ot 28 fs 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WAX PORTRAITS Medallion, Napoleon and Marie-Louise, colored, profiles.—Andrieu. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Medallion, Napoleon and Marie-Louise, 1810. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Head in profile, 1810—Chapau.—Laurel wreath.—From collec- tion of Col. Manning. Loaned by Jane H. Swords. ENGRAVINGS AND PRINTS Le Générale Buonaparte by Appiani.—Alix.—In color. Museum of French Art. Napoléon, Premier Consul de la République Francaise Base, con- taining Revue du Quintidii—Aquatint printed in colors.—Levachez. Loaned by MacDougall Hawkes, Esq. Miniature bust portrait Napoleon.—Grateloupe. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Napoleon by Macon, after Isabey, and Josephine with letter signed by both. Loaned by Miss Louise Munroe. Nos. 30 to 38 from the collection of Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlin. Bonaparte le Général. Bonaparte 1st Consul, after Boilly. Madame Mere, after portrait by Gerard. The wedding of Napoleon and Josephine. La Revue du Quintidi, in color, English.—C. Turner. Josephine in Court Costume. Napoléon le Grand, plate destroyed by his order.—Desnoyers. 15 37 38 a 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ou 52 23 Marie-Louise, in color.—Pigeot. Napoléon, sa famille, son Empire, ses Institutions. Nos. 39 to 50, Collection of the Fridenberg Gallery. N. Bonaparte, I’ Consul de la République Francaise——Alexis Chatagnier.—Stipple engraving printed in brown. | Bonaparte, Premier Consul. Dessiné d’aprés Nature.—Alexis Cha- tagnier.—Line and stipple engraving printed in colors. First state, circa 1800. Bonaparte a la bataille d’Arcole, le 27 Brumaire, An V., from paint- ing by Le-Gros., 1798.—J. Longhi. Bonaparte, I°*" Consul, from painting by Appiani—J. B. Moret.— Aquatint printed in colors. Bonaparte, 1798.—Rafaello AlbertolliimJ quatint. Bonaparte, Premier Consul; Cambacérés, Second Consul; Le Brun, Trois’ cons'.—Alexis Chataignier-Bovinet.—Etching and line in colors. | A la Gloire Immortelle de Bonaparte.—Proof before address of publisher.—J. B. Louvion. Napoleon I°*", Empereur des Francais et Roy D’Italie, from draw- ing by Carlo Vernet.—Levachez.—Colored aquatint. N. Vignen pinxt.—Henry.—Stipple engraving printed in colors. Napoleon I*, Empereur des Francais, Roi D’Italie, from painting by Garneray.—P. M. Alix.—d quatint printed in colors. Adieu, Malmaison.—Drawn by Isabey at Malmaison, engraved by C, I. Linges, and completed by R. Cooper.—Stipple engraving. Napoleon Gallorum Primus Imperator, Atque Rex Italiae-——Henry Buquet. : Nos. 51 to 140 from collection of William R. Powell, Esq. Birth of L’Aiglon.—Benoist. Vue du Berceau.—Colored Print. Glorification of the Child.—Hyacinthe Maisa. 16 Caleche du Roi de Rome.—Villain.—Lithograph. Medallion portrait, N below.—Stippled engraving. S. M. le Roi de Rome.—Alex Chaponnier. Napoleon Francois Joseph Charles, Roi de Rome.—Rare. Napoleon Francois Charles, Prince of Parma. Proof before letters, without sword.—England. Same: completed. From painting by Isabey. Portrait, with curls. Proof before letters. Aux Armes !—Rare. Napoleon, Prince Impérial. Dedié a tous les braves—Very rare. Portrait, with curls. Proof before letters. Group, with Eagle. S. M. le Roi de Rome. Medallion with flag and pedestal. The _ center printed in color.—Very rare. Same: without color. Bonaparte’s Son, the ci-devant, King of Rome, From a painting by Gérard. —English. 5. M. le Roi de Rome, with letter N.—Desnoyers.—Rare. L’Aiglon, seated. Proof before letters. Napoléon Francois Charles Joseph, Prince Impérial. English. Napoléon Francois Charles Joseph. | Napoléon II, Prince Impérial. At the age of six or seven. Proof before letters. Head. Proof before letters. Francois Joseph Charles, Duc de Reichstadt.—Machelt.—d quatint. Napoleon II, Herzog von Reichstadt.—Lithograph. Napoléon Francis Charles Joseph, Duke of Reichstadt, formerly King of Rome.—Cruikshank.—d quatint. | SOE 17 78 79 80 §1 §2 §3 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 oi 92 93 94 95 96 Me 98 99 100 101 102 Reichstadt.—Lithograph. L’Aiglon with bust of de Marmont.—Colored print. Famille Impériale-—Charon. Duc de Reichstadt.—Lithograph. Le Duc de Reichstadt. Proof before letters.—Steinmuller. Same: with letters. Duc de Reichstadt, with sword. Le Duc de Reichstadt.—Rare. Francois Joseph Charles Napoléon.—Jean Windle. Napoléon, Duc de Reichestadt, on Terrace. After death.—Lithograph. Napoléon recoit son fils au Temple de la Gloire——Colored print. Ah! mon fils; devrais-je te voir sitot—Mezzotint. The Reunion.—Lithograph. Bouquet Impérial— (Currier & Ives). Le Roi de Rome. Drawing. Never engraved.—Vallot. (Four portraits) First Italian engraving. First Swiss engraving. First American engraving. First German engraving. Bonaparte, Premier Consul. Bonaparte, Ist Consul. Bonaparte, Ist Consul, Général en Chef des Armées. Portrait from painting by Virgen said by Gabrielli, a relative of the Emperor, to be the only portrait that resembled him.—Henry. Vir. Napoleon as 1st Consul.—Sophie Janinet.—4 quatint in sepia. 18 103 104. 105 106 107 108 109 111 re 13 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 i222 Medallions from gems, Napoleon and Josephine. Head from five franc piece.—In color. Design for top of snuff box. Vive Empereur!!! Lutzen 1913. Sketch similar. Interchangeable portraits of Napoleon and L’Aiglon.—Beequet. Colored Lithograph. Two girls decorating bust of Napoleon.—F. L. Goeury.—_Mezzo- tint. Printed in color. Portrait with the Iron Crown. N below in star.—Open letter proof. Head as Emperor. Proof before title—De Longhi.—Very rare. PROPAGANDA PRINTS Le Passé, le Présent, |’ Avenir. Le Songe.—Stipple engraving. Printed in color. Je le jure avec mon pere et la France. Je prie Dieu pour mon Pere. Dieu veille sur mon Pere. Le Petit Jeu de Société, No. 1—G. Engelman.—Lithograpk. Very rare. Je prie Dieu pour le salut de la France.—In color. Les regrets d’une épouse et d’un fils. Son ombre me guide.—Lithograph. Rare. Le sommeille du Lion.—Mezzotint. 19 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ibe 132 133 134 1532) 136 137 138 139 140 141 VIOLETS Corporal Violette—English. Violets with Profile Portraits.—English. Violets, 1816, Napoleon, Wife and Son.—English. Companion piece, Rose. La violette du printemps.—Stipple engraving. Printed in color. Les Violettes with profile portraits—Lithograph. Bouquet Chéri with profile portraits. Napoleon Violets with profile portraits.—English. CARICATURES Bonaparte au Mont St-Jean. C’est la cravate a papa! Autant en emporte le vent. Ah! Papa, le beau Globe. Nursing the spawn.—Rare. The Oath of Allegiance. The Crown Candidates. Quelle Chute ! Bloody Boney.—Rowlandson. A Grand Manoeuvre.—Cruikshank.—Rare. Reproduction of Drawing of Napoleon by°Baron D. V. Denon who was officially attached to the Egyptian pares collection of Lord Ribblesdale. Museum of French Art. ef In the SILHOUETTES A collection of six original silhouettes drawn by Baron Francois Pascal Simon Gérard (1770-1837) for Caroline Bonaparte, Princess Murat, and presented by her to Mme. Récamier. Each silhouette in- scribed with the name of the sitter and presentation by Princess Murat. Loaned by the Fridenberg Gallery. 142 1 Napoléon Bonaparte—lInscribed:—‘“Mon frére Napoleon Bonaparte, lorsque 1° Consul de la République—a ma chere Madame Récamier, C. Princesse Murat, née Bonaparte.” 143 2 Létitia Bonaparte.—lInscription :—“La Mere de mais(on) Lé- titia Bonaparte, 4 ma chére Madame de Récamier, C. Princesse Murat, née Bonaparte. Petit souvenir de mon salon.” 144 3 Charles Bonaparte——lInscription:—‘“Mon cher pére Carlo Bonaparte, a2 ima chére Madame de Récamier, C. Princesse Murat, née Bonaparte.” | 145 4 Joséphine.—Inscription:—‘‘Madame de Beauharnais devant leur mariage avec mon frére Napoléon, a ma chere Récamier, C. Princesse Murat, née Bonaparte.” 146 5 Princess Fiuirstenberg.—Inscription :—‘‘La Princesse de Fursten- berg, 4 ma chere Madame de Récamier, C. Princesse Murat, née Bonaparte.” 147. 6 Prince Murat.—Inscription:—‘‘Mon cher mari, Prince Murat, 4 ma chere Madame de Récamier, C. Princesse Murat, née Bonaparte.” 148 Napoleon bust portrait—woven in velvet—black on pink. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. 149 Napoleon, 1809—Caspar Grégoire—woven in velvet. Loaned by Richard C. Greenleaf, Esq. 150 Napoleon.—Original silhouette cut from life at St. Helena, Sep- tember, 1819. Mme. Bertrand. Loaned by Robert Fridenberg, Esq. 21 151 LZ 153 154 154 BOOKS Marengo, ou Campagne d’Italie—Imperial coat-of-arms in center. Bound in contemporary calf. From Napoleon’s Library at the Chateau de Rambonillet. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Les Quatre Concordats.—L ’Abbé Pradt. Imperial Arms. From the Library at St. Helena with cachet stamp and “L’Empereur Napoleon” in the autograph of St. Denis. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Révolutions de l’Empire Ottoman.—M. de Chenier. Bound in Paris, 1796. From Napoleon’s library at Malmaison. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Miniature books for children, printed in the time of Napoleon. Loaned by Wilbur Macey Stone, Esq. 1 Petit Alphabet. Paris: Illustrations hand colored. 2 Bibliotheque en miniature pour la jeunesse, Paris: Gide Fils. 4 Vols. Illustrated. 234x2'% inches. 3 Chansons Joyeuses de Piron, Collé, Gallet, etc. Paris: Philippe. 234x2™% inches. 4 Le Petit Fabuliste. Paris: Lefue, 1815. Engraved throughout, pictures and text. 1x34 inch, in solander case. 5 Bibliotheque des Enfants. London: Marshall, 1805. 4 Vols. 214x134 inches. 6 Journée du Chrétien. Rouen: Besongne, 1806. 134x7% inches. Bound in red morocco, gold tooled. 7 Le Triomphe de l’Esprit. Paris: Janet, 1804. Engraved plates. 214x15% inches. Bound in red morocco, gold tooled. 22 155 156 ey) 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 COINS, MEDALS AND DECORATIONS Loaned by the American Numismatic Society DECORATIONS Napoleon Legion of Honor.—Embroidered breast plaque. Napoleon Legion of Honor.—Badge of Chevalier; first type with- out crown and balls on tips of cross. Napoleon Legion of Honor.—Badge of Officer; second type with crown and ball tips. Rosette on ribbon. Maria Louise.—Small oval gold medallion, with heads of Napo- leon and Maria Louise. A house decoration by the Empress. Napoleon Order of Reunion.—Breast plaque. 1812-1815. Napoleon Order of Reunion.—Chevalier’s badge. Napoleon Italy Order of Iron Crown.—Breast plaque, partly metal, partly embroidered. Napoleon Italy Order of Iron Crown.—Commander’s badge. COINS Napoleon France—Gold 40 Francs.—Bonaparte, Premier Consul, year 12, (1803). France.—Gold 20 Francs.—Napoléon Empereur, 1814. France.—Silver 5 Francs.—Bonaparte Premier Consul, year 12, (1803). France.—Silver 5 Francs.—Napoleon Emperor 1806, bare head. France.—Silver 5 Francs.—Napoleon Emperor 1812, Laureated head. France.—Silver 5 Francs.—Showing reverse, 1815. 23 169 170 Ll Wes 173 174 175 176 We 178 179 180 181 182, 183 184 185 France.—Silver 2 Francs.—1815. France.—1 Franc.—1809. Italy—Gold 40 Lire—Napoleon Imperatore E Re 1814 Milan Mint. Italy—Gold 20 Lire.—Napoleon Imperatore E Re 1808 Milan Mint. Italy—Silver 5 Lire-——Napoleon Imperatore E Re 1814 Milan Mint. Italy —Copper Soldo.—Portrait by Canova, 1813: Italy—Copper Pattern for a 100 Franc piece, 1807, Facing head. Zara.—Crude silver piece for 9 Francs 29 centimes struck from Church silver by General Rouarze in 1813, who held Zara while besieged by the Austrians. Zara.—Same: Piece of 4 francs 60 centimes. Cattaro.—Crude 5 franc piece cast by Commandant Goutier in 1813 when beseiged by the Montenegrins and English. Mantua. Cast copper soldo made during siege. Napoleon II Pattern 5 Franc piece in silver, 1816. Pattern 10 centime piecé in copper, 1816. MEDALS ' Napoleon 1796—Battle. of Montenotte.-—Head to right, reverse flying vic- tory by Gayrarp. Bronze, 40 mm. 1797—The Cisalpine Republic.—Head to right, reverse seated figure, by MANFREDINI. Bronze, 62 mm. 1797—Crude bust to left, reverse blank. Lead, 47 mm. 1797—“All Italico medal.’”—Head to left, reverse four figures by VASSALLO. Bronze, 47 mm. 24 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 as 196 197 198 1797—Peace of Campo Formio.—Head to left. Reverse seated figure. Struck at Lyons, by J. M. CHavANNEPERE. Bell metal. 43 mm. 1797—General Bonaparte. Head to left. Brass repoussé badge. 48 mm. All above show Bonaparte with long hair. 1798—Conquest of lower Egypt.—Facing head, crowned with lotus wreath, reverse Napoleon in Egyptian triumphal car, by DENON, JOUANNIN and BRENET. Bronze, 40 mm. 1800—Napoleon First Consul, Battle of Marengo. Head to left. ~ Reverse allegory, by Lavy. Silver, 52 mm. 1800—Passage of St. Bernard. Head to right, reverse Napoleon shattering a mountain, by MontTaNcny. Bronze, 60 mm. 1800—Battle of Marengo and the passage of St. Bernard. Head over picture of battle scene, reverse Napoleon on horseback, by ANpRIEU. Bronze, 60 mm. 1800—Attempt at the life of Napoleon. Head to right, reverse four seated figures, by MANFrepINI. Bronze, 60 mm. 1800—Column erected to the soldiers of the Revolution. Busts of the Three Consuls, reverse inscription, by GATTEAUX. Silver, 60 mm. 1800—Bonaparte, the Greatest of Warriors. Bust to left, reverse blank. Cast in bronze, 55 mm. 1801—The Paris Exchange. Head to left, reverse river scene, by Aucuste. Silver, Octagonal, 38 mm. 1802—Constitution at Lyons of the Italian Republics. Head to left, reverse inscription, by Mercié. Silver, 49 mm. 1802—-Peace of Amiens. Head to left, reverse figure of Justice, by Droz. Gilt, 40 mm. 1802—Peace of Amiens. English medal issued by Daniel Eccles- ton, Lancaster. Head to left, reverse the Globe, by Han- cock. Gilt, 58 mm. 25 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 tie 213 1802—Promulgation of the Treaty of Amiens. Busts of the Three Consuls, reverse inscription, by JEUFFROY, 68 mm. 1804—Josephine. Copper shell, by BRENET. 68 mm. 1804—Napoleon as Emperor. Portrait medal by ANDRIEU. 68 mm. 1804—Coronation festivities at Hotel de Ville. Heads of Napo- leon and Josephine to right, reverse Eagle by BreENEeET. Silver, 35 mm. 1804—Coronation. Head to left, reverse allegory, by GALLE, JEUFFROY and PrupHON. Bronze, 68 mm. 1804—Repoussé plaque of Napoleon as Emperor. ‘Three-quarters facing to left, brass 77 mm. 1805—The mother of Napoleon. Bust of Marie Laetitia to right. Copper cliché for inserting in box cover, 48 mm. 1805—Arrival of Napoleon at Genoa. Bust to right. Reverse, Janus Column, by VAssaLito. Bronze, 50 mm. 1805—Coronation at Milan. Head to left wearing the iron crown, reverse five shields, by MANrrepini. Silver, 42 mm. 1805—Prize medal, Venice. Napoleon in antique helmet, reverse Minerva, by SCHNABEL. Silver, 62 mm. 1806—Cliché of the Emperor for box cover. Gilt, 45 mm. 1806—Campaigns of 1806. The Emperor as Alexander in lion scalp, reverse inscription, by Monracny. Bronze, 51 mm. 1806—Louis Napoleon, King of Holland. Head to right, reverse arms, by GrorGcE. Bronze, 50 mm. 1808—Queen Hortense. Head to right, reverse attributes of painting and music. Bronze, 23 mm. 1808—Princess Pauline. Head to left, reverse, The “Three Graces. Bronze, 23 mm. 26 214 Jats 216 AY] 218 219 220 221 224 225 226 1808—Princess Eliza. Head to right, reverse, reclining figure. Bronze, 23 mm. 1808—Queen Caroline. Head to right, reverse, Neapolitan bull. Bronze, 23 mm. 1809—Napoleon and Josephine. Repoussé Medallion, busts with ornate head dressings, by PAroy. Gilt, 86 mm. 1810—Maarriage ceremonies at Paris. Heads to right of the Em- peror and Empress. Reverse, allegory by MANFREDINI. Silver, 43 mm. | 1810—Marriage Ceremonies at Paris. Busts facing, reverse the marriage ceremony. “Tin, 42 mm. 1810—Napoleon and Marie-Louise. Repoussé by GAyRARD and GARREAU, for box cover. Gilt, 48 mm. 1810—Marie-Louise. Repoussé by Moret in gilt frame. Gilt, 60 mm. 1811—Birth of the King of Rome. Head of infant to left, reverse heads of the Emperor and Empress, by ANDRIEU. Silver, 41 mm. 1811—-Same as above. Gold, 5mm. Made to wear in ring. 1811—Baptism of the King of Rome. Emperor holding the in- fant, reverse inscription, by ANDRIEU. Gilt, 68 mm. Portrait plaque. Emperor in great coat and chapeau to right. Cast bronze, 78 mm. 1812—Entrance into Moscow. Repoussé plaque showing Napo- leon on horseback. Brass, 79 mm. 1815—The Field of May. Constitution of 1815. Mlilitary bust to right, reverse, figures swearing allegiance, by DENON and DrepauLtis Pewter, 41 mm. 1816—Napoleon at St. Helena. Head to right, reverse Prome- theus Bound. Bronze, 76 mm. 27 227 1821—Death of Napoleon. Head to right within wreath, reverse the island of St. Helena, by ANprrEU. Bronze, 69 mm. 228 1840—The Body of Napoleon at Rouen. Head lying on pillow, reverse, the funeral vessel passing under drawbridge, by DeEpAuLIs. Bronze, 63 mm. 229 1840—Placing of the body in the Invalides. Head to right, re- verse the funeral procession, by Montacny. Gilt, 52 mm. 230 1807—Box Medal showing 18 pictures in colors of Napoleon’s victories between 1796 and 1807, by SreTrner. Silver, 51 mm. 231 1805—Box Medal showing Nelson’s victories on 12 colored pic- tures. “The tenth picture shows Napoleon on the North- umberland. Bronze, 74 mm. 232 1814—Brass cylinder containing 20 medals of Wellington’s vic- tories. 233 1815—The Waterloo medal by Pistrucci. Both sides shown. Nos. 234-247 from the collection of the Museum of French Art. 234 1798—Bonaparte en Egypte. Buste a téte nue, a droite, en uni- forme de général, revers, Bonaparte a cheval, etc., par Bovy. Cuivre, mm, 40. 235 ‘An VII (1799)—Conquest of Upper Egypt. Head of Egypt left, verse, Crocodile chained to a palm tree. Silver, by CALLE, 40 mm. 236 1803—La Fortune Conservatrice. Téte a gauche, revers, La For- tune, assise sur un vaisseau, dirige, en prenant pour guide, l’étoile de Napoléon, par BRENET. Cuivre, 34 mm. 237 An XI (1803)—5 francs, Téte a droite, revers, 5 francs, etc., Tiorts. Argent, 40 mm. 28 239 240 241 242 244 1804—Camp de Boulogne. Téte laurée, a droite, revers En Ian XII 2,000 barques sont construites. Hercule tenant entre ses jambes le lépoard anglais, qu’il se dispose a enchainer, par Denoir. Cuivre, 40 mm. An XI (1809)—5 francs. Bonaparte, Premier Consul. Tete a droite, revers, République Francaise, par T1oLers. Argent, mm. 40. 1809—Ouverture du Canal de |’Ourcq. Téte laurée, a droite, revers, La Ville de Paris assise et deux jeunes nymphes, by ANDRIEU. Cuivre, 40 mm. 1809—Bataille de Wagram, Téte a droite, avec la couronne de fer, revers, La Victoire tenant le foudre avec une palme, par MANFREDINI, Cuivre, 42 mm. 1810—Mariage a Vienne avec Marie-Louise. Bustes, en regard, de Napoléon et de Marie-Louise, revers, L’Hymen por- tant une torche allumée, par STUCKHART et A. GUILLE- MARD,. Argent, 46 mm. 1810—Mariage a Paris avec Marie-Louise. Tetes accolées, a droite, Napoléon avec la couronne de fer, Marie-Louise avec le diadéme, revers, Hymen, armée d’une torche, chasse devant lui Mars, by MAuFUDINI. Cuivre, 43 mm. 1811—Naissance du roi de Rome. Buste a gauche, du roi de Rome, revers, Marie-Louise debout, avec le costume d’un matronne romaine, tenant son fils dans ses bras, par AN- DRIEU et JOUANNIN. Cuivre, 44 mm. 1813—5 francs. Téte laurée a droite, revers, 5 francs, par T10- ers, Argent, 40 mm. - 1816—(Essays* of coins). Napolen II (Le duc de Reichstadt), head left, reverse, wreath and value. 10 centimes in copper. 4 franc in silver. The St. Helena badge. Given in 1854 to Napoleon’s Veterans, with an original commission and box. 29 SCULPTURE 249 Bust of Napoleon I. Plaster by Houpon. Loaned by George Gray Barnard. MINIATURES—SNUFF BOXES AND ENAMELS 250 Le Général Bonaparte. A. D. 1793. Enamel on iron. With long hair. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. 251 Small enamel bust. Napoleon as 1st Consul. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. 252 Snuff-box. Miniature of Napoleon. Ivory. Joseph Bordes. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. 253 Snuff-box. Head of Napoleon. Wood. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G. Quinlan. 254 Miniature, Napoleon as Emperor. Ivory. Bianchi. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. 255 Napoleon, Murat and Ney. Miniatures in period frame. Loaned by Miss Lever. 256 Cigarette case. Battle of Moscow.—Russian. Loaned by Mrs. Harvey Chatfield. DOCUMENTS Nos. 257 to 260 from the Collection of the Museum of French Art. 257 A Contract of Marriage signed by Napoleon as Ist Consul, Josephine, Hortense and Eugéne de Beauharnais, Cambacérés 3rd Consul, and Berthier before he was Marshal. 258 Brevet of Ist Lieutenant Faltaux signed by Bonaparte as Ist Consul. 259 Brevet de Chef d’Escadron pour le Cen Schneider (Jean Thié- bauld, donné a Paris le 10 Floréal de l’an onze de la République. Signed by Bonaparte. 30 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 Document signed by Napoleon after his return from Elba and during the “Hundred Days” with portrait. Broadside Political Proclamation printed at Bologna, Italy, prais- ing Napoleon’s achievements as General in Chief. On silk. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. Original Musical Manuscript. Choeurs de Guerriers 2 la Gloire de sa Majesté l’Empéreur Napoléon. Contemporary red morocco. Talleyrand’s Copy, with his bookplate. ‘“Bibliothéque du Chateau de Valencay.” J.B. Metoyen. Parsis circa, 1809. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Marriage Contract between the Hereditary Prince of Hohen- zollern-Sigmaringen and Princess Antoinette Murat (niece of Murat King of Naples) signed by Napoléon, Josephine, Hortense, Madame Mere, Cardinal Fesch and other notables. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Manuscript: made especially for the birthday of Napoleon and dedicated to Marie Louise. Bound in morocco with her arms. Choice example from her library. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Josephine, Empress of France: Document signed in full, ‘““Tascher Lapagerie Bonaparte.’ Relating to the property of Malmaison. Interesting item, contemporary binding, with coat of arms. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. Parchment signed by Napoleon, the grant of an estate to S. De Mercy-Argenteau, 1810, to which is attached a large red wax seal elaborately embossed on either side with Napoleonic insignia. Loaned by the Brooklyn Museum. AUTOGRAPHS AND LETTERS Three Signatures of Napoleon I. Museum of French Art. 1796, 1302S 12! Letter signed by Napoléon 1* Bonaparte. Museum of French Art. ot SILVER 270 Large and small spoon, knife and fork engraved with the Imperial arms of Napoleon. Silver gilt. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. 271 16 pieces from a service of 900, ordered by Napoleon after his return from Elba, having found most of his silver gone. Because of Waterloo he never returned to Paris, so when the Bourbons came back to power Louis XVIII had his Royal Coat of Arms put on the silver ordered by Napoleon. Dinner plate Serving spoon Dessert spoon Service tray Skimming spoon Dessert knife Fish server Preserve spoon Dessert fork Tea spoon Table fork Fruit knife Table spoon ‘Table knife Sugar tongs After dinner coffee pot Loaned by Pierre C. Cartier, Esq. MISCELLANEOUS 273 The war chest of NapoleonFrom the Jumel Mansion. Loaned by Mrs. Frederick MacMonnies. 274 The Conference at Tilsit—Carved ivory. Loaned by Wm. R. Powell, Esq. 275 ‘Tablecloth and two specimen napkins used by Napoleon. Loaned by Mrs. Henry G. Bartol. 276 Damask Linen Serviette with Imperial Eagle and Arms. Used by Napoleon at St. Helena. Loaned by E. C. Bonaventure, Esq. 277 Petit point embroidery worked in the class of Mme. Campin, who taught etiquette to the ladies of Napoleon’s Court. Loaned by Mrs. Leonard G, Quinlin. 32 278 2/9 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Wallpaper from the bedroom in “Longwood,” St. Helena, in which Napoleon died. Loaned by Mrs. Henry F. Boardman. Muff of red Flamingo feathers belonging to Hortense de Beau- harnais.—Brooklyn Museum. Circular piece of Lille lace. Arms of Napoleon. Loaned by Richard C. Greenleaf, Esq. Lancet case belonging to Dr. Antommarchi, the physician of Na- poleon. Loaned by Dr. Reginald H. Sayre. Pipe presented by Napoleon to Murat. Loaned by Mrs. Charles Horace Platt. Nos. 283 to 285 Loaned by the Brooklyn Museum. Part of Point d’Alencon flounce worn by the Empress Marie Louise and made for her by order of Napoleon I. Muff of red flamingo feathers, once the property of Queen Hor- tense Beauharnais. Large damask napkin of Napoleonic design. Nos. 286 to 295 Loaned by Mrs. DeWitt Clinton Cohen. Baby dress originally belonging to |’Aiglon. Beautifully em- broidered with eagles. Red silk printed handkerchief known as the “Memorial Handker- chief.’ Printed at Napoleon’s death. In the center the famous “cocked hat,’’ with crossed swords and rays of the sun. Large black and white eagle in each corner.—Very rare. White silk handkerchief. “Death of Il’Aiglon’ (son of Napoleon) in center, surrounded by a maroon colored watered ribbon. In one corner N (in circle) with laurel wreath. In another corner a bunch of violets (the favorite flower of Napoleon). In another corner Napoleon’s cocked hat. In another corner the Légion d’Honneur.—V ery rare. 33 289 290 291 202 293 294 295 296 eo) 298 Brown silk handkerchief. ‘Souvenir of Napoleon.” In the center Napoleon on horseback. Border composed of 20 dated battle pic- tures.—V ery rare. Colored silk engraved and printed handkerchief. Large size and wonderfully printed, in colors, of the Napoleonic War against Russia. Border composed of encounters (repeated) between French and Russian soldiers. Dated 1812.—Rare. Engraved cotton handkerchief. Portrait of Napoleon I on horse- back, on pedestal, with four soldiers, cannon and flags. Curious striped border. Woven gold band with arms of Cardinal Fesch, uncle of Napoleon. Vue Optique. Entitled Moscow, 1812. Napoleon’s service set. One of the original sets (authentic) actu- ally used by Napoleon in planning his campaigns. ‘Ten pieces. Silver étui. Figure of Napoleon. Images d’Epinal. Thirty-two prints in color of the principal events in Napoleon’s life, printed and circulated from Epinal (as the Broadsides were in England) for the populace. Loaned by E. Weyhe, Esq. Images d’Epinal, a book describing this phase of French feeling. Loaned by E. Weyhe, Esq. Fashion plate. Loaned by Miss Georgiana W. Sargent. 34 i b 4 : x f b 4 j » i ; b 4 i ne i b4 t b4 i x ; 4 j b4 i i } b 4 i S ¥ i j b4 S x 0) DD > 0 D> S-DSRS 0 GEE 0 ED) SS 0 ES 0 == SD SD (SD 0 SD (SD 0 SD (SD 0) SD (SD () SD () RD () AD (SD () CD ()